HomeMy WebLinkAbout04232020 ZBA Agenda Item 2 West University Place To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Clay Chew,Building Official Date: April 23,2020 Re: Staff Report for Docket 2000-0003 Applicant's Request Applicant is requesting a variance to install a second gas meter for a backup generator at 2628 Quenby Background Information The second meter was denied due to the Zoning Ordinance only allowing one on a single family detached building site. Appendix A, Article 2, Section 2-102 Certain Terms, Single-detached use. (2) There is no multiple utility service on the building site. Variance Request Applicant is requesting a variance to install a second gas meter for a backup generator at 2628 Quenby Ave. (1) The IBA has made all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance.A"special condition"or"hardship"that is self-created,personal or based only on financial reasons is not sufficient to support the issuance of a variance.The findings to grant a favorable result for this application are as follows: 1. The ZBA must find that a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in an unnecessary hardship. 2. By granting the variance would the spirit of the ordinance be observed and substantial justice done? 3. Would the variance be contrary to the public interest? (2)The ZBA has made any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this section which relates to the variance. (3)The variance has been reduced to writing and includes any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this section for the variance in question. 1 Section 2-102. - Certain terms. Single-family(detached) use (or "SFD"). A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria: (1) There is no more than one dwelling unit, and one accessory quarters. Other lawful accessory uses are permitted on the building site. (2) There is no multiple utility service on the building site. (3) There is no physical connection between any building on the building site and any other building on another building site. (4) No more than one family, plus no more than two residential workers, reside upon the building site. (5) If the family includes a person not related to each of the others in the family within four degrees of consanguinity or affinity, the unrelated person resides in the principal building with at least one of the others. (6) The entire building site is used exclusively for residential purposes (although, as provided in the definition of "residential purposes," an affirmative defense is available for a home occupation and an incidental sale). Page 2 � st City of West University Place , APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") rexA Address of site: 2628 Quenby Avenue • Legal description of the site: LT 18 Bik 2 Quenby Court Applicant: Gayle and Arthur G. (Randy) Randol III, PhD Address: 2628 Quenby Avenue 77005-2428 Contact: Randy Randol Phone: 202-550-4092 Email: Randy.Randol@comcast.net Decision or Action Requested(check one or more and provide requested data): ( )Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( )Yes: ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note:Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s)involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( )Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: (X )Variance. Appendix A of the Zoning Code.Article 2. Section 2-102 Exact zoningordinance section from which a variance is requested:Sertain Terms • q Single-family(detached)use(or"SFD").A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria • Exact wording of variance requested: (2)There is no multiple utility service on the building site. We need a variance for a second dedicated gas meter to enable us to proceed to purchase and install as soon as possible a standby Permanent Generator with Automatic Transfer Equipment in full compliance with the Building-Electrical Generators Guidelines Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No ( X)Yes(list items here and attach them) 1.Justification narrative 2. Plot plan showing location of the new gas meter and the new 22 kw standby generator 3. Plan for natural gas connection 4 Plan for electrical connection 5 Ownership Deed of Trust excerpt Attached. The applicant has read the State and City regulations attached. Signature of applicants: �iayLe- e.nd ArthtiurG Ran. .oL III Date-479/2020 For Staff Use only Date filed: Date heard: Docket#: Wim ZBA Page 3 To accompany an Application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas. RE: Request for a Variance from the current Code language prohibiting a second gas meter on our property to enable us to proceed to purchase and install as soon as possible a standby Permanent Generator with Automatic Transfer Equipment in full compliance with the Building-Electrical Generators Guidelines. By: Gayle and Arthur G. (Randy) Randol Ill, PhD Address: 2628 Quenby Avenue West University Place, TX 77005-2428 Email addresses: gkrandol@comcast.net ; randy.randol(acomcast.net Cell phones: 202-550-4092 (Randy); 804-399-8773 (Gayle) Specific Zoning Code language: Appendix A of the Zoning Code, Article 2, Section 2-102 Certain Terms Single-family (detached) use (or "SFD"). A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria: (2) There is no multiple utility service on the building site. Page 4 II Explanation: In May, 2017, we moved back to West U after having lived here in the 1980s before Randy was transferred to Washington, D.C. We greatly enjoyed living here, and all these years later, we decided to "come back home" to Houston for our retirement and bought another home here in West U. Most recently we lived in Richmond, VA where we purchased a backup whole house generator, which became necessary for use during a number of weather-related power outages, including hurricanes. We experienced the same issues when we lived in Williamsburg. We realized that having a generator to provide emergency power was not only a convenience, but a human health and safety provision as well. Although we don't like to admit it, we are both seniors now and each of us has one or more medical issues that make being without power a health and safety hazard. We plan to age-in-place so there will be additional issues that require assured electricity including operating a yet-to-be-installed elevator and oxygen supply devices. Add to this reality the totally unprecedented situation we all now find ourselves in — a Stay-At-Home order by Harris County which adds a layer of isolation and threat to all of our lives. We were totally stunned when we tried to purchase a backup whole house generator soon after moving into our home in May, 2017, and were told by the public works department of West U that we could not install the second gas meter we need. Our current meter is on the east side of our house, and the generator needs to be installed on the west side behind our garage with the a/c equipment. Extending the current service is not a viable option. The generator has to be located behind the garage (west side) with the existing a/c equipment (shown on the plot plan). Supplying the gas from the existing gas meter was the preferred option. However, adding the gas supply line for a 22 kw generator required a new high Page 5 pressure line run of over 80 feet. As can be seen on the plot plan, the rear of the lot is covered with a brick surface on a concrete slab rendering the area inaccessible for laying the supply line. We are all dealing to the best of our ability with our current situation due to the coronavirus, but it is frightening to us to realize what could happen if we should also lose electrical power, which is a very real possibility especially during the upcoming hurricane season. In a story in USA Today, dated April 2, 2020, the following prediction is made: After t'et another destructive 111117•ic(alle season in 2019, 10/) hurricane,jOrecasters from Colorado State University on Thursday said we can expect major activity (lg(1111 tills year. I'Ve anticipate that the 2020 Atlantic basin hurricane season will have above-normal acts Itl', the fol"ecast said. In addition, there is (ill "above-average prO1alilitl'.for major hurricanes making landfall along the continental United States. '' If approved, we plan to have the generator operational in time for the June 1 beginning of the hurricane season. We just received a notice from Generators of Houston with the information that on March 19, 2020, the U. S. Dept. of Homeland Security designated Generac, the manufacturer of the generators they use, as a "critical infrastructure company." Generac's president, Kyle Raabe, further stated that since we are all now to stay in our homes, they are truly our sanctuary, and a constant supply of power has never been more important. Page 6 It seems obvious that our city should not be forbidding us to spend our own money to provide the health and safety equipment we need to be safe and secure in our own home. The Purpose of our city code states "...the City's comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City." [bold added] The requested variance supports the City's commitment to promote the health and safety of its residents. The denial of the variance will place us at an undue health and safety risk. This limited variance for a dedicated gas meter for a standby generator is clearly consistent with the apparent intent of the code to block use of single-family dwellings from becoming rental units. Once the variance is recorded there will be no ambiguity as to its intent in limiting the gas service to supply a backup generator at our home. Page 7 I LOQ0 EON ADDITION 4 157FENND7W7 I CONCRETE I ENCROACHES 1 VOL. 75, PG JO IU7Km'EASEMENT 1.J6' 0.8' '� PERTY 582.59'0 V°3g n'ARO HENCE POST T CORNER f:11-3 .EAST 55.00' 5'UT2T'EASEMENT 5X70'AERIAL EASEMENT ~ _1iiC ---- -.._. —. VOL. 1538, P0. 620 r. _ a6■11 cc/tic, _ 4.5' 4 e - „ w000 .. mire Aft GaC . 161. __ (�}�/{� A'/ 259 ¢ 'r rc�XI ;.Gov . • :� LOT 17 `.OAC' 2-STORY BRICK'&..FRAME ®� 0 !`' • • : C -. RESIDENCE • 1.f'_ r ' _ 6B' C N z r�5T fie ° _• f .,60NC. < L5 O T 20'BUILDING UNE •CRIME' _ 9 20.0' 210.00' 70.00' 7000' 144.00' .We 74.DoT.. 1/2' 1/2'IRON s/a'ooN r .e(D AEI) ROD FOUND R00 MAO OCRlp ROD FOU.AO ROD.M) CAP r\ J '.1. °�P 28 QUENBY AVENUE (PLATTED AS QUEASY ROAD) (50'R.0 W.) 142.00' —. 280.00' S/8'..IRON GAPPED - RW FOUND 4\ IRON ROO (CM) FOUNO (CM.) •. I HEREBY CERTIFY 7}1.4 7'THIS SURVEY WAS MADE ..„„,;.... HIS PROPERTY DOES NOT,jr WTiIN THE ON THE GROUND, THAT THIS PLAT CORRECTLY '00 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN AS PER ARM REPRESENTS THE FACTS FOUND AT THE . OF ~ >ANEL NO. 4820IC 0860 L TIME OF SURVEY AND MAT THERE ARE NO 'S,..•' ''•.,F 84P REV15/0N- 06/18/07 ENCR04CIWENTS APPARENT ON THE GROUND, I Q' G\S T ' S 145ED ONLY ON VISUAL EXAMINATION OF MAPS. CERTiFTED FOR THIS TRANSACTION OONNLY ANRVEY DS I A` vr. +► R�INIACCEA4CIES OF 11144 MPS PREVENT EXACT ABSTRACTING PROV70ED IN THE ABOVE k IETERMRUTION*amour DETAILED OY REFERENCED TTAE COMMITMENT I4$45 RELIED I 0'. UPON IN PREPARATION OF TMS SURVEY. , PATRICK .411, 11 1- --A ZIS BEYOND THE SCOPE OF MIS SURVEY LA PROFESSIONAL ND SURVEYOR , 7•' • 04. 0 ,i NO. 5677 1 ' eSS'1 •• f J08 NO. 17-045010 P• SUR i ' ICL -DIRECTIONAL CONTROL LINE MAY 01, 2017 A► 7ECOR0 REARING`ASSUMED WEST ALONG QUE1IBY STREET DRAWN 81^. VT • # TERRY BACA F- /20X matt � "'ow 713-626-9220 T-B�-LA,LSURVEI PRECISION! 281-496-1586 FAX281-ww6-186nsu .c cm 21O-829-4941 FAX 210-829-1555 surveyors 950 THREADNEEDLE STREET StATE 150 HOUSTLW, TEXAS 77079 1777 NE,00P 410 SUITE 600 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 76217 FIRM NO. 10063700 Page 8 ( generators i � of houston a Genrg Power Solutions, LLC company PROPOSED GAS DIAGRAM MPL#37795 - EDWARD OLGUIN OWNER—RANDY RAN DOL JOB ADDRESS—2628 QUENBY AVE— HOUSTON,TX 77005 i Gas Meter 50 2 psi valve NOTE: Install approx. 15' of 3A" poly gas pipe to new 2 psi meter. f '''h'gas line approx 15' so valve GREG manufactures supplied flex line Sedi Generac 22kW trap NG Generator Max. 310,000 BTU @7" IWC 6106 Milwee Street • Houston, TX 77058 • P (713) 8127285 • F (713) 2909285 generatorsofhouston corn Page 9 I 1 , flIED ' j N a £ ' O w 1 n W r P N A0O S t ° .< A _Cj t 1< C m ° Z i 1\0. "4 a I Et CI. Cl -...0" n .. R 9 > 'm V_ a- 1 I - II D Q m I a � m .._.._.._.._.. .._.._._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.. . S II . # N a k O n N , ao 2 n in C ci nE cr. pp _1 T O o r. C'Di S N 0pNpN Ny 3- 4, ,,, ,-1 ,4, r a A3Of + , v Ai rC N w r O O ,....- 94 o v �� r Gail & Randy Randall -- 1 Paul F.Kloesel rns T.M.E.L.#32635 1234 Park Place Rd. C / A \281-630 4541 J of�°"erato s Houston,TX 77005 pow+ Page 10 GF# LR-6Ct�� y IC ilic,rine 0"thm,e..T D,ru After Recording Mail To: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. 4500 Amon Carter Blvd. , Doc Prow TX2-979-01-19 Ft. Worth,TX 76155 • [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] DEED OF TRUST RANDOL Dae ID 4:xx,ecxxx oc063 ! 4:100015702695960635 MERS Phone:1-888-619-6317 PIN 0731190020018 Escrow/Closing 9:11001794 NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON,YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY O�NgFERS AN LATER SLL OF THE TAIN REAL P NG �p ROPER FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT Tg BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD INT E PUBLIC SE ER ORDS : YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S DEFINITIONS Words used in multiple sections of this document are defind below and other in this document are lsosareprovaded in Section 16efined in S 3,11,13,18, 20 and 21.Certain rules regarding the usageof words used 2017,together with all Riders to this (A) "Security Instrument" means this document,which is dated May 11, g document.(B)"Borrower"is ARTHUR G RANDOL III.Borrower is thefor under this Security Instrument. gran "Lender"is BANK OE AMERICA, N.A..Lender is a National Association orn ganized and yotte under NC (C) dress is 101 south the laws55. a THE UNITEDanholder the Note who is entitled to receive payments under the Note. 28255.Lender includes any Simi Valley. (D)"Trustee"is ReoonTrust Company, N.A..Trustees address is 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd, CA 93603. (E)"MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,Inc.MERS is a separate corporation that is acting solely as a NIERS for ani Lender d Lender's u under laws of Delsors and awars.ed has an addressRS is the ;ciary under this and telephone numberUrity Instrument. of P.O.Box 2026' MERS is organized and existing and Flint,MI 48501-2026,tel.(888)679-MERS. it 2017.The Note states that Borrower means the promissory ote sity Borrower and dated Mayeats and to pay the owes Lender One Million Thirty-one hapromisedThousand Four to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments 00/100 Dollars (U.S. $1,031,400.00)plus interest.Bon^o debt in full not later than June 1, 2047. (G)"Property"means the property that is described below under the heading"Transferchfgofs Rianghts in late the Pr due under the (H)"Loan"means the debt evidenced by the Note,plus interest,any prepayment Form 3044 1/01 TEXAS-Single Family--Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENTgpKN{OF AMERICA,N.A. TEXAS DEED OT TRUST (SIDOT.TX ) Page 1 of 16 `I ` 44 352.33(11/16} 111111 , ;4l�'`� IIINNEINORNIN111111 '269596063361404000 Page 11 • Doc ID 0:anowanaot063 Note,and all sums due under this Security Instrument,plus interest. (I)"Riders"means all Riders to this SSecurity Instrument that are executed by Borrower.The following Riders are to be executed by Borrower[check box as pp ) ❑Second Rider ®Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 Second Home RideR►der ❑Balloon Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 01-4 Family Rider ❑Other(s)[specify] "Applicable licable Law" means all controlling applicable fedral,state and local statutes,regulations,onjudiaial and administrative rules and orders(that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final,non-appealable opinions. (K)are "CommunitypAssociationthDues,Fty es,by and associssessments" a on,homeowners association or and organization. are imposed on Borrower or the Property by by check,draft,or (L)"Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds,other than a transaction originateduch or draft, or etic similar paper instrument,which is initiated through an electronic terminal,telephonic instrument,comp utomated teller machine transactions,transfers initiated by telephone,wire transfers, tape so as to order,instruct,or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account.Such term includes,but is not limited to,point-of-sale transfers,a and automated clearinghouse transfers. (M)"Escrow Items"means those items that are described in Section 3. (N)"Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation,settlement,award of damages,or proceeds paid by any third part ofc the Property;i(iii)conveyance an lieu of condemnation; party(other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5)for:(i)damage to,or destruction o y the Property;(ii)condemnation or other taking ode vall orue and/or condition of the property, or(iv)misrepresentations of,or omissions as to, (0)"Mortgage Insurance"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of,or default on,the Loan. (P)"Periodic Payment"means the regularly scheduled amount due for(i)principal and interest under the Note,plus(ii) any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. (Q) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act(12 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.)and its implementing additional or regulation,Regulation X(12 C.F.R.Part 1024), as they might be amended from time to time,or any or regulation that same successor legislation seed this Instrument,an "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictions thatare imposed in regard to a"federallyelated mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a"federally related mortgage loan"under RESPA. (R)"Successor in Interest of Borrower"means any party that has taken title to the Property,whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security Instrument. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY The beneficiarythe repaymentes o the s ) of this Security Instrument is NIERS(solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns of MFRS.This Security Instrument secures(ii)the eottoe Lender:oBorrower r ents andLoan,agreementsd all renewals,extensions and modifications of the Note;and under this Security Instrument and the Note.For this purpose,Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee,in of QUnthe COURT, a subdivision in Harris trust,with power of sale,the following eke Two property located in the COUNTY of Harris: Lot Eighteen (18) , County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in Volume 22, Page 37 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. Forex 30441101 TEXAS-Single Family—Faneie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT BANK OF AMERICA,I/01 TEX.8 DEED Of TRUST (SIDOT.TX ) page 2 of 16 352.33(1:,'16) * ' 0111101011111111111 a , 1}1 , 1111 •2685960633618444000` , , `' �. irk 1 ,s 1 , , Page 12 Doc ID uxxxxxxx063 which currently has the address of 2628 Quenby Ave,Hous ton,Texas 77005-2428("Property Address"): TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances,and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property.All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument.All of the foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the"Property."Borrower understands and agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Security Instrument, but,if necessary to comply with law or custom,MERS(as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns)has the right:to exercise any or all of those interests,including,but not limited to,the right to foreclose and sell the Property; and to take any action required of Lender including,but not limited to,releasing and canceling this Security Instrument BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record.Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1.Payment of Principal,Interest,Escrow Items,Prepayment Charges,and Late Charges.Borrower shall pay when due the principal of,and interest on,the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment charges and late charges due under the Note.Borrower shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuant to Section 3.Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be made in U.S.currency.However,if any check or other instrument received by Lender as payment under the Note or this Security Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid,Lender may require that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or more of the following forms,as selected by Lender:(a)cash;(b)money order;(c)certified check,bank check,treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entity;or(d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated in the Note or at such other location as may be designated by Lender in accordance with the notice provisions in Section 15.Lender may return any payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments are insufficient to bring the Loan current.Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient to bring the Loan current,without waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or partial payments in the future,but Lender is not obligated to apply such payments at the time such payments are accepted.If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date,then Lender need not pay interest on unapplied Hinds.Lender may hold such unapplied funds until Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan current.If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of time,Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to Borrower.If not applied earlier,such funds will be applied to the outstanding principal balance under the Note immediately prior to foreclosure.No offset or claim which Borrower might have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument. 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority:(a)interest due under the Note;(b) principal due under the Note;(c)amounts due under Section 3.Such payments shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it became due.Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to late charges,second to any other TEXAS-Single Family—Fannie Mae/Freddie Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 30441/01 TEXAS DEED Or TRUST (MOT.TX ) 352.33(11/16) Page 3 of t6 BANK OF AMERICA,N A. 'lT �' . 11 lOt11I111111III111111M11 11110 1t PI .j 2695960633816404000 I ,1 . h ..�. Page 13 IrlThe City of\Vest University Place ...) , i ,Ai�i ;lrh�,iiio4,hi C itt NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING 1 i Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustments to be held via teleconference set to begin at 5:30 p.m on Thursday, April 23, 2020. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 5:30 p.m.on May 28,2020. Due to the COVID 19 Disaster and CDC'S recommendation regarding social distancing measures, the public will not be allowed to by physically present at this meeting. Zoning Board of Adjustments will be meeting via teleconference and will be audible to members of the public and allow for two-way communications for those desiring to participate. The information to join the meeting will be posted at a later date online. Address of the site: 2628 Quenby Avenue,Houston,TX 77005 Legal Description: Lot 18 Block 2 Quenby Court,West University Place Docket Number: 2020-0003 Applicant: Gayle and Arthur G.(Randy) Randoll III. PhD) Action Requested: Request a variance to install a second gas meter for a backup generator at 2628 Quenby Avenue Additional Details: The applicant is proposing to install a 22 kw backup generator and is requesting a variance to install a second gas meter. The second meter was denied due to the Zoning Ordinance only allowing one on a single family detached building site. Appendix A, Article 2, Section 2-102 Certain Terms, Single-detached use. A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria; (2)There is no multiple utility service on the building site. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance,Code of Ordinances,Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. The application is available on the city's website at www.westutxov. Additional details on such matters, as well as the applicable regulations are also available for public inspection in the Public Works Center,3826 Amherst,West University Place,77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearing. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting,please contact the Chief Building Official at 713-662-5830 in advance of the meeting.Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting.The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible from the West and Southwest entrances and specially marked parking spaces are available in the Southwest parking area. Signed: Clay Chews for the ZBA posted and mailed on or before April 13,2020. cchew@iwestutx.gov 713-662-5830 o 10 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov Page 14 RANDOL ARTHUR G III & GAYLE K TAN MELINDA CHANG FAN JINPING QUI CUTE 2628 QUENBY AVE 2603 QUENBY AVE 2624 ROBINHOOD ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2428 (C/O 2607 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-2432 HOUSTON TX 77005-2427 CURRENT OWNER REILLY JOHN F&JESSICA M POWERS 1 DENIS&JUDITH 2724 ARBUCKLE ST 2632 ROBINHOOD ST 2704 ROBINHOOD ST (2628 ROBINHOOD ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-2432 HOUSTON TX 77005-2434 HOUSTON TX 77005-3932 FARZIN NASRIN & DELSHAD TAN DANIEL T L MELINDA C NGUYEN THIEN A MOHAMMAD 2607 QUENBY AVE 2809 BISSONNET ST PO BOX 821466 HOUSTON TX 77005-2427 (C/O 2608 QUENBY AVE) (C/O 2708 ROBINHOOD ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-4014 HOUSTON TX 77282-1466 HO THUAN ET UX RUIZ RICHARD S & YVONNE INMAN ZACHARY J 2612 QUENBY AVE 2616 QUENBY AVE 2624 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005 HOUSTON TX 77005-2428 HOUSTON TX 77005-2428 AMANULLAH KARINA& RIZWAN VASQUEZ JORGE E & DEARMOND LIM CHRISTOPHER & CHEN AILEEN 2632 QUENBY AVE MARY MICHELLE 2708 QUENBY ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2428 2702 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-2430 HOUSTON TX 77005-2430 KAPOR REICH CYNTHIA& REICH RUBIN SHARI P KINNEY COOPER L&SHANNON B DENNIS C 2719 NOTTINGHAM ST 2718 NOTTINGHAM ST 2712 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-2421 HOUSTON TX 77005-2421 HOUSTON TX 77005-2430 EATON I L MATTESON JAMES P& NANCY T CHUANG HUBERT H 3807 OLYMPIA DR 5112 BRAEBURN DR 2703 NOTTINGHAM ST (C/O 2711 NOTTINGHAM) (C/O 2707 NOTTINGHAM ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-2421 HOUSTON TX 77019-3031 BELLAIRE TX 77401-4902 DAVIS PHILIP W WALKWITZ JON C & CARINA A RUBIN MARLENE 2635 NOTTINGHAM ST 2631 NOTTINGHAM ST 2627 NOTTINGHAM ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2419 HOUSTON TX 77005-2419 HOUSTON TX 77005-2419 KULKARNI DAVID SHARAD GILDER DEANNA B ROGER JOSEPH P& COURTNEY 2621 NOTTINGHAM ST 2619 NOTTINGHAM ST 2716 NOTTINGHAM ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2419 HOUSTON TX 77005-2419 HOUSTON TX 77005-2422 GARDNER ROYCE JOLEEN SENDOS SENDASAPERUMAL N & MIRZAIETEHRANE JANE H & MADJID 2712 NOTTINGHAM ST LAVANYA N 2704 NOTTINGHAM ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2422 2708 NOTTINGHAM ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2422 HOUSTON TX 77005-2422 Page 15 D AMICO NASH F JR CAMERON SHARON M SALEM JONATHAN & BETTY 2636 NOTTINGHAM ST 2632 NOTTINGHAM ST 5150 HIDALGO CT UNIT 505 HOUSTON TX 77005-2420 HOUSTON TX 77005-2420 (C/O 2626 NOTTINGHAM) HOUSTON TX 77056-6409 MINETOS DIONISSIOS&VALARIE V TAN DANIEL& MELINDA YU DIHUA& PING TIAN 2624 NOTTINGHAM ST 2607 QUENBY AVE 2615 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON 77005-2420 (C/O 2611 QUENBY AVE) HOUSTON TX 77005-2427 1 HOUSTON TX 77005-2427 CHUANG HUBERT H COHAN DENNIS STILL CHARLES JR & MICHELE B 2703 NOTTINGHAM ST 2707 QUENBY AVE 2711 QUENBY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-2421 HOUSTON TX 77005-2429 HOUSTON TX 77005-2429 Page 16 The City of West University Place A 1V eiuhbo h(x)d City Notice of Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustments to be held via teleconference on Thursday,April 23,2020 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building located at 3800 University Blvd.,West University Place,Texas. Due to the COVID-19 Disaster and CDC'S recommendation regarding social distancing measures, the public will not be allowed to be physically present at this meeting.Zoning Board of Adjustments will be meeting via teleconference and will be audible to members of the public and allow for two-way communications for those desiring to participate. To attend the meeting via telephonic means,please use the following toll-free number: 1-844-648-1102. Meeting ID: 372-127-395 or follow link to https://www.j oin.me/westumeeting Any person interested in speaking on any item on the agenda must submit his/her request via email to the Building Official at cchew(a,westutx.2ov.The request must include the speaker's name,address,the phone number that will be for the call (in order to identify you) and the agenda number and must be received prior to the posted time of the meeting. The agenda packet is accessible to the public on the City's website. After the meeting, a recording of this meeting will be made available to the public. Note: The Commission reserves the right to convene in a closed session for any agenda item if the need arises pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The subject(s)of the meeting are as follows: Call to order 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules and meeting procedures, identifying parties, swearing of witnesses, etc. 2. Docket No. 2020-0003, regarding property at 2628 Quenby Ave, West University Place, Texas 77005 (Variance). a. Variance as authorized by Appendix A, Article 2, Section 2-102 of the zoning regulations in order to allow a second gas meter for a back-up generator. b. Deliberation, decisions, other activities, etc. regarding the preceding matters. 3. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from February 27,2020. Anyone with a disability requiring special arrangements to be able to participate in the meeting may contact the person who signs this notice, below, in advance of the meeting, to allow time for arrangements to be made as necessary. The meeting place mentioned above is accessible by wheel chairs by using the sloped ramp located at the west entrance to the municipal building. Specially marked parking spaces are available in the parking lot adjoining University Boulevard. TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov The City of West University. 1'lace I A'eighbo loci City I CERTIFY THAT THIS NOTICE AND AGENDA OF ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ON APRIL 23,2020 WAS POSTED ON THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING BULLETIN BOARD ON OR BEFORE THE 20TH DAY OF APRIL 2020,AT OR BEFORE 5:30 O'CLOCK P.M. Clay Chew, Building Official, cchew(westutx.gov 713.662.5830 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov