HomeMy WebLinkAbout022420 CC MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Higley, Mayor David J. Beach, City Manager Kevin Trautner, Mayor Pro Tem Alan Petrov, City Attorney John P. Barnes, Councilmember Thelma Gilliam, City Secretary Lauri Lankford, Councilmember Ed Sobash, Councilmember CITY COUNCIL ACTION MINUTES The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met on Monday, February 24, 2020, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place. 1. Call Workshop to Order Mayor Higley called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. All Council present. City Manager Beach, City Secretary Gilliam, Public Works Director Barrera, and City Attorney Petrov (arrived at 5:10 pm) were also present. Ron Bavarian, Freese and Nichols, Inc., was also present. 2. Buffalo Speedway Replacement Project Enhancement Options Matters related to an update to City Council regarding possible enhancements (trees, lighting, architectural treatments, etc.) to be completed during the replacement of the road surface and drainage improvements along Buffalo Speedway. Recommended Action: Discuss and provide staff direction if desired. Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director Ron Bavarian, Freese and Nichols, Inc., presented five enhancement options to City Council: • Option 1 – Decorative Traffic Signals • Option 2 – Removal/Reinstall of Street Lights – LED upgrade • Option 3 – Intersection Enhancements • Option 4 – Gateway Signage • Option 5 – Underground Power Line Crossings Council indicated interest in Options 1 and 2 only. City Manager Beach stated that staff would research information specifically for those options and bring forth their findings to City Council at a future workshop. 3. Adjourn Workshop With no further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Trautner moved to adjourn the Workshop at 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None City Council Meeting Action Minutes, February 24, 2020 2 of 4 Regular Meeting (6:30 PM in the Council Chambers) 4. Regular Meeting Called to Order Mayor Higley called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Council and Staff in attendance: Mayor Pro Tem Trautner, Councilmembers Barnes, Lankford and Sobash, City Manager Beach, City Attorney Petrov, City Secretary Gilliam, Public Works Director Barrera, Urban Forester Koehl, and Police Chief Walker Also present were Chair of the Zoning and Planning Commission Richard Wilson, David Beard with Kendig Keast Collaborative, and Bruce Beneke, Chair of the Building and Standards Commission. 5. Pledge of Allegiance Resident and former Councilmember Dick Yehle led the Pledge. 6. Public Comments This was an opportunity for citizens to speak to Council relating to agenda and non-agenda items. • Kevin Pandya, 3915 Case, spoke to ask Council to adopt an ordinance to keep West U green. • Alida Drewes, 6112 Fordham, spoke regarding high weeds, trash, curbs, and seniors • Dick Yehle, 6401 Rutgers, spoke to commend the Police Department in its transparency, interagency cooperation, and handling of a recent incident. • David Cole, 4104 Cason, spoke regarding the second reading of the bee ordinance and urged council not to apply a registration fee, especially to those currently with beehives. He also spoke about sidewalks (ROW Ordinance) and noted some corrections as well as made some suggestions. • Sharon Graff, 2617 Sunset, spoke to ask Council to reconsider terminating monetary support to the West U Little League. 7. National Arbor Day Proclamation Matters related to Arbor Day. Recommended Action: Proclaim April 4, 2020 as Arbor Day in West University Place. Mr. Craig Koehl, Urban Forester. After Mayor Higley read the Proclamation, Councilmember Sobash moved to proclaim April 4, 2020 as Arbor Day in West University Place. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 8. Right-of-Way Standards Matters related to an ordinance amending Section 18-62, part of Chapter 70, of the Code of Ordinances relating to right-of-way design and mobility. Recommended Action: Approve ordinance related to right-of-way design and mobility on the first of two readings. Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director and Mr. Bruce Beneke, BSC Chair Chair of the Building and Standard Commission Bruce Beneke presented. He said the proposed ordinance is a realignment of the current ordinance to be incompliance with the Texas Accessibility Standards, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and City Code requirements. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, February 24, 2020 3 of 4 Councilmember Lankford stated that in Section 18-62-(a)(1) the reference should be 1-3 instead of 1- 13. Councilmember Lankford also noted that Appendix B, Section 70-60, Section (c) states “the garage door must be a minimum of 18 feet from the closest property line,” and after a brief discussion, City Attorney Petrov suggested changing it to state “a minimum of 18 feet facing the garage door from the street side.” Councilmember Lankford moved to approve the ordinance amending Section 18-62, part of Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinance relating to the ROW design and mobility be adopted with the amendments discussed (on the first of two readings). Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 9. Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. City Council Minutes Approve the City Council Workshop Minutes of February 10, 2020. [see Action Minutes] B. Bee Ordinance Matters related to an ordinance amending Chapter 14, Animals, of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new Article IV relating to bees and adopting the ordinance on the second and final reading. Recommended Action: Adopt ordinance adding Article IV to Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances ordinance on the second and final reading. Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director C. Subdivisions Update Ordinance Matters related to an ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Code of Ordinances relating to subdivisions. Recommended Action: Adopt ordinance on the second and final reading. Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director and Mr. Richard Wilson, ZPC Chair. Councilmember Lankford moved to remove Item C for discussion. Councilmember Barnes moved to approve Items A and B of the Consent Agenda as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None Regarding Item C, Councilmember Lankford had a concern about the definition of “Street.” She said it “Street” is capitalized within its own definition and does not need to be. Councilmember Lankford moved to approve the ordinance amending Chapter 74 of the Code of Ordinances relating to subdivisions with the minor revisions from today. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, February 24, 2020 4 of 4 Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 10. Adjourn Regular Meeting With no other matter before council, the meeting will adjourn. With no other business before Council, Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the meeting 7:00 p.m. Councilmember Lankford seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None A complete audio of this City Council meeting is available on the City’s website or contact the City Secretary’s office for a copy. Prepared by: City Secretary Thelma A. Gilliam Approved by City Council on: March 9, 2020