HomeMy WebLinkAbout07152004 ZBA Notice (2)City of ~est University Place • A Neighborhood City ~ Recyeled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, and City of West University Place, Texas at 6:30 p.m. on Julv 15, 2004. The hearing may be recessed and continued to the ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.M. on August 19, 2004 at the same place. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: AddPBSS Of th8 Sit@: 3780 University Blvd., Houston, Texas 77005 Titlo RopoA on a lrect of land being the Soulh Five Hundred end Thirty S~z teet, more Legal description of the slte ~ . or less, of that city block boundad by University Bouleverd, Auden Boulevard, Rlce • Street ard Edloe Avemie, baing a combinallon o( tracts more particularly deseribed herefn below. ~ Tract 7: 7.37 7 acrea ol land, moro or bsn, oul d Ihe A.C. Reynolds Survey, Abslracl 87, wmayed W Mouston Independant School Dblrkt hy W.D. Haden aM D.7. AusUn Uy deetl reeorded in Valume 1108, Page B15 Deatl ReeoNS, Hartls County, Texas. ' Traet 2: 1.468 aeree of Wnd. more w les~, out ol lhe AC. Raynokla Survey, Abslrac161, ~uit Cleknad 6y Ne Clty M Wul Unlvefsity Pleaa. In Imor W Houslon IndepenUanl Schod D1sWct, by ~ult Claim Dced remrtled In Volumo.119B, Pepo 91 Deed Reeord~, HeMa Counly, Texos. 7raet 3: 7.2Yt aaes ol len4 mau w less. oul ol Na AC. Reymltla Survey. ACSVac161. mnveyad W Wpt UnNarsiry Place IMependaM School Dktria Oy W.D. Haden ond D.T. AusUn by deotl recordod In Volume 733, Pege 752 Deetl Records, HarAs County, To~ms. 7rael q; Lo1s 1 t~rough 28, Ineh~.tive, BloCk'B' of Soulh SWb Place, Beaond AddilWn. (e cancellad SuhdlNdon orlBMalty platled In ~lolums 572, PaBe 378 Deatl Raeords, Harria Counly, Texae, end vaeated N Volume 728, Paga 278 Dead Records, Herris Counry, Texe~). See Nde • • Oelow. ' EHoctlve Dato: Juna B. 2004 Apporont Raeord Tltlo Holdar: Traala 1 and 7: Houelan Indepan0enl Sehool DIs1Act Tmcw 7 antl 4: Wesl Univeralry Plxe IndepenCent SehoW District Docket No.: 04-08 Permlttee/Applicant: Houston Independent School District Aetion Requested or Proposed: Request for a special exception at 3780 University Blvd to grant an extension of prior non-conforming (`PNC') status to allow construction of a new structure (to replace existing dugout facility) including: parldng, setbacks, use, quantity of accessory buildings and height of accessory structure {Section 12-105 Special . Exceptions to Extend PNC Status} Applicable regulations include the City~s Zoning Ordlnance, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Covernment Code and the rules of the ZBA. Addltlonal qetalls on such matters. as well as, the applicabte regutattons are available for public inspection In the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested In such matters should attend the hearings. !f you pla~: to attei:d t/ris public n:eeting n~rd you /rave a~Iisubility tlrut requires special arrangements at l/ee meeting, please coi:tucl tlie .P[airning & Developnien! Assistmrt at 713.662.5843 in advmice of t/re meeling. Reasonable uccommodations wil/ be mude to assist your participatioi: in !/ie meetiirg. T/:e Munlcipal Building is wlreel clrair accessiblefrom tlie west e~rtrance anrl speciully n~arked parking spaces are available in !/re soul/iwest parking arer~. • Signed: ~` for the ZBA 06-30-2004. Sallye A. Clark, Planni Assistant. ~ 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org