HomeMy WebLinkAbout07152004 ZBA NoticeCity of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace i A Neighborhood Ciry ~ Recyeled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, and City of West University Place, Texas at 6:30 P.M. on Julv 15, 2004. The hearing may be recessed and continued to the ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.M. on Au~ust 19, 2004 at the same place. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the slte: 4201 Riley Street, Houston, Texas 77005 Legal descriptlon of the slte: Lot Thirteen (13), in block Three (3), of Colonial Terrace, a subdivision in Hams County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in volume 655, page 293 of the deed records of Harris County, Texas. DoCket No.: Permlttee/Applicant: 04-07 R Wayne and Judy L. Marchand • Actlon Requested or Proposed: Request for a special exception at 4201 Riley to grant prior non- conforming status, Section 12-102 (e) Certain Yard Encroachments, to allow existing 2 story garage structure to encroach on average 3" into rear 5' setback. Appltcable regulattons Include the Clty~s Zoning Ordlnance. Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additlonal details on such matters, as well as, the appltcable regulations are avatlable for publlc Inspection In the Publtc Works Center, 3826 Amherst. West Unlversity Place, 77005. Any person Interested (n such matters should attend the hearings. Ifyou plan to attend t/eispublic meeti~rg andyou /~ave u disability t/tat requires special arrungeme~its at t/ie meeti~ig, please cartact tlie Plai:niitg & Developr~reirt Assistnnt at 713.662.5843 in advunce of tlre mee/in~ Reasoirable accommodativns will be made to assisr your participntiai i~: the meeti~rg. TI:e hlunicipal Bui/rliirg is wlreel c/rair accessih[e from the west entrance a»d specially marked parki~eg spaces are available i~r t/ee sout/~west parking areu. Signed. , for the ZBA 06-28-2004. Sa y A. Clark, lanning Assistant. ~ 3800 University Boulevard ~ West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 ~ 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org