HomeMy WebLinkAbout06172004 ZBA Notice (3)City of ~est Uni~ersity Place • A Neighborhood Ciry ~ Reeycled Paper • NOTICE OF 20NING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, and City of West University Place, Texas at 6:30 P.M. on June 17,,2004. The hearing may be recessed and continued to the ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.m. on Julv 15, 2004 at the same place. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 5702 Academy Street, Houston, Texas 77005 Legal des~riptlon of the site: Lot "A" being all of Lot 9, Block 18, Colonial 'fenace, an addition in Harris County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 655, Page 518 of the deed of records of Harris County, Texas, save and except the South 116.00 feet of Lot 9: said Lot "A", save and except the Northerly 5.0 feet thereof as conveyed to Harris County, Texas in Volume 1013, Page 349, of the Deed Records of Hanis County, Texas more particularly described by metes and bounds. (see attached) Docket No.: 04-02 Permlttee/Applicant: Andrew Davis Aetion Requested or Proposed: Request for a variance at 5702 Academy to allow a wood fence that would project into the front five feet of the front yard setback up to the front street line (Table 7-6, Projections Schedule). The request is for 60 inches of fence along Bissonnet and 206 inches of fence along Acadenry. Applicable regulations inctude the City~s Zoning Ord(nance, Chapter 21~ of the Texas ~ocal Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional detalls on such matters. as well as, the applicable regulations are avallable for public inspectton in the Pubtic Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West Universlty Place, 77005. Any person Interesteq in such matters should attend the heartngs. Ifyou plai: tn atte~ed t/zis pa~blic irieeting and you lrave a disribility t/:~et requires special «rrangen:ents at t/ic~ neeeting, p[ense co»trrct t/:e Plaitning & Developnre~:t Assisttutt at 7I3. 662.5843 in advance of t/re meeting. Rensonable arconzn~odatio~:s wi[d be rnade to rrssist yorrr pr~rticipation iie t/re m.eeti~rg. T/ee Municipal Berildiitg is -vlieel c/:air ~iccessiGle frorrr. t/re west e~ttra~ece nnd specinlly markerl parkirtg spaces rrre avai[able in tl:e soutl:west varkinn area. Signed: ' _ • Sa ye . Clark, anning Assistant. for the ZBA 06-03-2004. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668~4441 • www.westu.org . ~ ~ - Exk~abit `~,~,~ ~_ ~ ~ ' DES CRIP~'TON ~ . Lot "A" bcing tt11 of Lot 9, Block I R, Colonial Terrace, an addition iii Haz~ris Caun~,~ T~~ ~s reco ` . Volwne G55, pcbe S l8, of tl~e Docd Records o~' ~Tanis Counl.y, Tcacas, saye ~ rded in ~ feet ~oJ' I,ot 9; aaid Lot "A", saye ~uxd excCpi ~}u Northerly 5.0 feet thereof asae n eyedt lo Harris~Coun~~ Te.~cas, ui 'Volume 1p1.3~ P~.gc 34y, of tlie Deed Records o(' H~irriS Cout~Ly, Texas~ is more p~u~ticul~ !A y '~~described by mclcs aud bounds us foll~wS: .. COMIVIl;NCING at thc priginal .Northeast corner of L4t "A" located at the in[ersection~ of the ori irr 1 Sout)i )ine of Bissonnet Ro~d, and the West line of Acf~demy Street, (60' ~tQ~y~~ ~ ~`~ +' .:.:-:: ~ T1~ENCE South, with thc Wes[ litte of Acidemy S~reet,5.73 !ee[ to the present Soutl~ line af Bissormct ~ R°~d ~+'l~c~'e s%s" iron rod w~~s ~ f~r lt~c P07NT OF BECr1NNTNG of the herein dcscribed tract; T H E N C E Co~ntinuing Soutlt vt+idt tlle West line of Acad,ctn~ SL•eet~ a distance of 57.37 feet to ~i Ittarrk in co~tcxete set for eo'rner; T~7ENCL West, acxoss LoG 9, ~~ dist:~1ce of 60.)7 feet to ;i %," iron roci sc~ tor corner in the South lii~e of Bissonnct Road~ . • '~~ . • . THENC~ l~orGli 6p° 41' 21" East, witlt s~id South line, << diTt~.ncc ~f 69.92 feet to the POINT:OF. I3EGINNIN'G~. • SI-cet 2 of 2 Job # 2204~3 ~ • S.