HomeMy WebLinkAbout02262015 ZBA Minutes The City of \Vest Uri iVCrsitVT Place ....) `."" ,1 Neigh Citi BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 26,2015 6:30 pm Samantha Brantley(voting), Sandy Hellums (voting), Ed Sobash I. MEMBERS (voting), Donald Yurewicz(voting), and Don Culbert(voting). PRESENT: II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Priya Coffey and Katherine Brem III. STAFF PRESENT: Alan Petrov, Legal Counsel; James Dougherty, Special Counsel for the ZBA; Chris Peifer, Assistant City Manager and Public Works Director; and Debbie Scarcella, City Planner. CITY COUNCIL: Ed Heathcott IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:39 pm. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Samantha Brantley called the meeting Sandy Hellums moved to accept that all notices Notices,Rules,Etc. to order at 6:39 p.m. Samantha Brantley were properly posted and distributed for this asked each member to briefly introduce meeting. Second by Don Culbert. Ayes: themselves. Debbie Scarcella, City Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Planner stated all notices were posted Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion as required by city and state law. carried. Samantha Brantley described the Samantha Brantley administered the oath to all procedure of the hearings. witnesses. Swearing in of witnesses. 2 Public comments Samantha Brantley asked if there were No speakers present. addressing items not on any speakers wishing to address items the agenda. not on the agenda. 3 Public comments Samantha Brantley announced that No other speakers present. addressing items on the speakers would be allowed during the 1 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov The City cif'«'est U1 1\ ersits Place 1 tei hbOrhuxxl( irl \ agenda. public hearings and comments could be made then. 4 Docket No. 2015-01, Mr. Andrew Ashcroft,property owner, Sandy Hellums moved to close the evidentiary Property at 6434 Mercer made the presentation to ZBA. They portion of the meeting. Second by Ed Sobash. Street, West University have plans to demolish a projecting Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Place, Texas 77005 portion of the second story and front Sobash, Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. (Special Exception). porch and reconstruct the front Motion carried. elevation at the line already established. a. Public hearing regarding The existing front line was at 27.8' After deliberation, Don Culbert moved to grant a Special Exception as instead of 30' as required by the current the special exception to reinstate PNC status for authorized by Section 12- regulations. the front yard projection and allow modest 105 of Appendix A of the renovation and reconstruction provided the Code of Ordinances, to Ken Chine,next door neighbor, asked a project was constructed substantially similar to reinstate PNC status for a question and then voiced no objection the elevation drawing attached to the front yard encroachment of to the request. No one spoke against application. Second by Don Yurewicz. Ayes: 2.6' (approximately 2'8"). the request. Staff did not receive Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, correspondence in favor of or against Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion b. Deliberation, decisions, the request. carried. other action, etc. regarding Background Information the preceding matters. The building site at 6434 Mercer is 50' wide x 162.40' deep. The original structure was built in the 1930's and likely was built behind a thirty foot setback line. It appears that at some point before 1961, a front porch was added to the structure causing an encroachment into the front yard. This encroachment appears to have been in compliance with ordinance 111, enacted in 1937 which allowed a 10' encroachment for front porches. In 1961 (permit attached) a permit to add on to and enclose the front porch was issued. The applicant believes that the structure was built in compliance with regulations at that time since a building permit was issued. When the ordinances were integrated and changed in 1987,the front yard setback requirements changed based on the depth of a building site. The minimum setback for a lot over 125' deep is 30'. The front wall of this structure is 27.4' (a little over 27'4"). The applicant would like to remove the front entry both on the first and second floor, repair and renovate the area removed, 2 3800 University Boulevard ( West University Place, TX 77005 www.westutx.gov The City of West University Place A N.'eighborhood( in, and add a compliant front porch. Staff Response. The structure likely has acquired PNC status. When the applicant removes the front entry way and the structure above the front entry way,the structure will become more conforming in relation to the setback, and therefore lose its PNC status. Section 12-105 of the zoning regulations allows the ZBA to reinstate and continue the PNC status if it finds: (i)a substantial investment was reasonably made in the PNC item, or in reliance upon it, and(ii) extension of PNC status is necessary to allow a reasonable period in which to amortize the investment, or to avoid unreasonable waste of any remaining value of the item with PNC status.The special exception may also allow the rebuilding, remodeling or modest enlargement of a structure. The applicant's intent is to add a front porch that is in compliance with front porch regulations contained in Table 7-6, Note 1.2 of the zoning regulations. In order to authorize the exception,the ZBA must also find that: (i)the request is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and, (ii)that the request will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking, traffic congestion, or an unreasonable burden upon public utilities or services. The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the Board to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of this special exception. 5. Docket No. 2015-02, Drew Morris,with Savills Studley, Don Culbert moved to close the evidentiary Property at 6723 Stella acting on behalf of the owner,David portion of the meeting. Second by Ed Sobash. Link Road, West Gibbs(DKG), gave the presentation. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed University Place, Texas Garrett Wager,Headmaster St. Mark's Sobash, Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. 77005 (Special School,was also present. Mr.Morris Motion carried. Exception). stated that the owner of the shopping center at Stella Link and Bellaire Blvd After deliberation, Sandy Hellums moved to a. Public hearing regarding a had offered neighboring St.Mark's grant the special exception to school use, other 3 TOP WORK 0 P �r 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov rl�hc Cityr of\Vest University Place 1 I \eig 11borh od C in request for a Special Episcopal campus a large building than public, in a Commercial (C) zoning district Exception as authorized by along the rear of the property. St provided the structure complies with parking Article 7-1, Note 9 of Mark's is contemplating renovation to requirements and building codes; and, Stella Appendix A of the Code of the space to create four new classrooms Link is not used as a student drop off/pick up Ordinances, to allow for a and a multi-purpose room,with access point. Second by Don Yurewicz. Ayes: school use (other than associated restroom areas, faculty Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, public) in a Commercial (C) rooms, and offices. DKG provided a Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion zoning district. traffic study regarding the circulation carried. and congestion and the architect b. Deliberation, provided a parking analysis based on decisions, other action, etc. current zoning regulations. The current regarding the preceding drop off/pick up access would remain matters. on Bellaire and parking on the Stella Link site would be for staff only,with only electronic controlled access to the building from Stella Link. St. Marks' is doing this to reduce the student teacher ratio and is not looking to increase enrollment. Nina Mega spoke to ask questions regarding spaces at the rear of the structure. Mary Ann Pace spoke regarding the parking availability and customer access. David Cole spoke to ask that the ZBA consider conditions to specifically limit the entry/exits of vehicles from Stella Link. There were no other speakers or correspondence received in favor of or against the application. Background Information. The property at 6723 Stella Link Road is part of a shopping center containing three separate buildings and containing approximately 26,295 square feet of mostly retail and personal service space. There is a large 9600 building at the rear of the property along the eastern property line abutting St. Mark's Episcopal Church and school campus. The property owner is proposing to lease this structure to St. Mark's for use of additional classrooms 4 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov fl C it T of«jest University Place for its school. St.Mark's plans to remodel the interior and exterior(see plans and photos)creating a multi- purpose room,technology lab, four classrooms and other incidental school areas, including restrooms,janitorial and staff offices. This will all be on the first floor of the structure. Any second floor areas will not be habitable and will be used for mechanical equipment and storage. The applicant indicates that a portion of parking spaces(15)will be accessible from Stella Link, and 13 other parking spaces will be gated and entry access limited to Bellaire from an existing driveway along the eastern property line. This is to help alleviate vehicular access impacts in the morning and afternoon hours. The release time of the students is also staggered in the afternoon. A pre-application briefing as required by zoning ordinance was held on January 31,2015 at 9:00 a.m. at St.Mark's Church campus. (Copies of the required submittals are attached under Tab 4.) Most of the commentary heard was centered on possible increase in traffic,traffic congestion and additional parking versus the current parking situation at the center. A secondary issue of parking during the construction process was discussed as well. Staff Response. The center is required, based on current square footage and occupancy, to have 106 parking spaces at a ratio of 4 spaces per 1000 square feet (26,295 / 1000 x 4=105.18). The center currently has at most 93 spaces. If St. Mark's goes forward with this project, the parking requirements will be reduced by three spaces. This is based on 16,695 square feet of shopping center at 4 spaces per 1000 square feet and St. Mark's 9600 square 5 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov • The City of \jest University Place l .\c.ei,1ibo -hoc.cl feet at 10 spaces for the first 2000 square feet and 3.33 spaces per 1000 square feet after that. (16.695 x 4 = 66.78 plus 10 spaces plus 7.6 x 3.33 =25.308. Total =102.088). Based on the proposed drawings, St Mark's proposes to add 6 spaces along the front of the building and 6 spaces at the side of the building for a total of 12 spaces. Add this to 93, and there will be 105 total spaces provided. The property owner engaged Walter P Moore and Associates, a traffic engineering firm,to perform a traffic analysis based upon the proposed project(Attached under Tab 12). The city then sent the report to the city's traffic engineer for review. The city's traffic engineer's report is attached. Both engineers stated that based upon the number of trips(standard numbers per national standard), staggered hours of pick up, and the recent traffic count performed at that intersection for Houston Metro,neither the amount of traffic nor the traffic congestion will be substantially impacted. Attached also are letters from a civil engineer and MEP's stating no adverse impacts on drainage or utilities will result from this project. Table 7-1 authorizes the ZBA to grant a special exception for a school other than a public school to locate in a Commercial(C)zoning district. In order to authorize the exception,the ZBA must find that: (i)the request is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and, (ii) that the request will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking, traffic congestion, or an unreasonable burden upon public utilities or services. The burden is on the applicant to present evidence to the Board to support each finding and determination required for the issuance of this special 6 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 TheCity of «jest Lniversity Place ,1 \ '1ghborhood l ]Th exception. 6. Docket No. 2015-03(1), Samantha Brantley introduced James After presentation by David Kuykendall and Property at 3826 Milton Dougherty, special counsel to the ZBA brief discussion, Samantha Brantley moved to Street, West University for docket numbers 15-03(1)and 15- designate David Kuykendall as a party to the Place, Texas 77005 03(2). Prior to the announcement of the application in Docket 15-03(1). Second by (Special Exception). remaining applications,Mr.Dougherty Sandy Hellums. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, went through the ordinance provisions Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Don Culbert and a. Public hearing and requirements for Special Don Yurewicz.Motion carried. regarding a request for a Exceptions regarding high density Special Exception as occupancies and accessory uses in a After a partial presentation by the applicant, authorized by Table 7-1, single-family(detached)zoning district. Samantha Brantley moved to suspend the rules Notes 1 and 3 of Appendix Mr. Dougherty then explained the of procedure and suspend the remainder of the A, to authorize the use of a requirements of being designated as a hearing to be continued on March 26, 2015 at building site for high party to an application based on the 6:30 pm from the point of the applicant's density occupancy and ZBA rules of procedure. presentation of the TIA information. She accessory use in a single further motioned to suspend the rules and allow family (detached) zoning The ZBA had two written requests for those members of the public who would be district. designation as a party to the application unable to attend and speak at the March 26 from David Kuykendall and Brennan meeting to speak at this meeting. Second by Ed b. Deliberation, decisions, Reilly. Mr. Dougherty advised the Sobash. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy other action, etc. regarding chair that a short presentation regarding Hellums, Ed Sobash, Don Culbert and Don the preceding matters. why the requestor believed they should Yurewicz. Motion carried. receive the designation was in order. The chair called on Brennan Reilly who Samantha Brantley motioned to request the deferred his time to David Kuykendall. applicant have available additional information Mr.Kuykendall, 3912 Milton Street, at the March 26 meeting. The request was for a believes he should be designated a third party traffic review arranged by City staff; party to this application because he impact statement regarding utilities and resides within close physical proximity facilities; and TEI traffic engineer present at the of the intersection where the subject of hearing. Second by Sandy Hellums. Ayes: the application is located. He has first- Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, hand knowledge of the traffic,traffic Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion congestion and parking issues,whereas carried. others in the city may not. The applicant(WUBC),was represented by Roger Patterson, Senior Pastor, and by George Tracy, architect for the project. Dr.Patterson deferred the presentation to Mr. Tracy. WUBC is requesting a special exception to authorize high density occupancy in a single family(detached)zoning district in order to construct a Youth Ministry Facility. The applicant is also requesting authorization for accessory uses for the abutting parking area, if 7 0 3800 University Boulevard ( West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 1111e City of West University Place A .V'ei lhborIl x)d(;iti necessary. Mr. Tracy made a slide show presentation which focused on the reasons that the proposed facility met the requirements of the ordinance as found in Table 7-1 and Article 11 regarding special exceptions. The reasons stated were: 1. Attractive Residential-style Facility 2. Sustainable—"Green"— Facility 3. Minimal Impact on City Infrastructure 4. Positive rather than Negative Traffic Impact 5. Meets the Requirements for an Exception A Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA)was required with the application. The chair asked if the traffic engineer was present or if staff had reviewed or been able to have the report reviewed by a third party. Staff had received the full report this afternoon and it had not been reviewed. Mr.Tracy indicated that the traffic engineer was not present. The chair then stated that since the board had only received the report just prior to the meeting and there had been no other review of the report, she was inclined to suspend the hearing and reconvene it the following month. A motion was then made to suspend the hearing and continue it to March 26, 2015 at which time the applicant could begin at this point with his presentation. The board also requested the applicant submit or have available the following at the next meeting: a. A third party review of the traffic impact analysis (to be arranged through staff,not the applicant). b. Impact statement regarding impact of the proposed construction on utilities. c. Want the traffic engineer g WORK 0 PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 0 C.., The City of Nest University Place .....) present at the next meeting(to be arranged by the applicant). The board then voted to suspend their rules and allow those residents who may not be able to speak at the next meeting to speak this night. 9 residents spoke. The following residents spoke: Sharon Graf, 2617 Sunset Blvd Barbara Murray,Buffalo& Georgetown Katherine Sweeney,University Blvd David Dutch, 3109 Rice Blvd Stan McCandless,Rice Blvd Carl Graves, 3915 Milton Chuck Marshall, David Kuykendall,Milton Michelle Moore, 3908 Rice Blvd 7. Docket No. 2015-03(2), The applicant was unable to present Samantha Brantley motioned to continue this Property at 3821 and regarding this application because the public hearing to a meeting to be held on March 3831 Amherst Street, Traffic Impact Analysis(TIA) also 26, 2015 at 6:30 pm. Second by Ed Sobash. West University Place, directly affects this request. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Texas 77005 (Special Sobash, Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Exception). Motion carried. a. Public hearing regarding a request for a Special Exception as authorized by Table 7-1, Note 3 of Appendix A, to authorize the use of a building site for accessory use in a single family (detached) zoning district. A special exception authorizing church use exists for this site. b. Deliberation, ecisions, other action, etc. I. 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 ( www.westutx.gov 0 Ci. The City of West University Place ....) 11 Neighbortiood Cin regarding the preceding matters. 8 Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes of Don Culbert moved to approve the minutes of January 22, 2015. January 22, 2015 as written. Second by Ed Sobash. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion carried. Adjournment. Sandy Hellums moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Don Yurewicz. Ayes: Samantha Brantley, Sandy Hellums, Ed Sobash, Don Culbert and Don Yurewicz. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Apri I 2015. Samantha Brantley, Presiding Officer ATTEST:1C . Debbie Scarcella,City Planner 10 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov