HomeMy WebLinkAbout102819 CC MinThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Higley, Mayor David J. Beach, City Manager Kevin Trautner, Mayor Pro Tem Alan Petrov, City Attorney John P. Barnes, Councilmember Thelma Gilliam, City Secretary Lauri Lankford, Councilmember Ed Sobash, Councilmember CITY COUNCIL ACTION MINUTES The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a workshop and regular session on Monday, October 28, 2019, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place. Workshop Bill Watson Conference Room – 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order Mayor Higley called the workshop to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Bill Watson Conference Room. Council and Staff in attendance were: Councilmembers Barnes, Lankford and Sobash, City Manager Beach, City Secretary Gilliam, City Attorney Petrov, and Interim Public Works Director Barrera. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner was absent. Hui-Fong Chang and Howard Chang with HT&J, LLC, and Houston Chevron Marathon Race Director and President of the Board of Directors for the Marathon Committee Brant Kotch, Committee member and West U resident John Stokes, and Course Director Mike Root, and John Peterson with HDR Engineering were also present. 2. Poor Farm Ditch Matters related to Poor Farm Ditch. Recommended Action: Discuss and provide staff direction if desired. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager Mr. Howard Chang with HTJ provided Council with an overview of the Poor Farm Ditch project. Following the presentation, discussion, and questions and answers with Council, City Manager Beach confirmed that it is the consensus of Council to explore one of the recommendations, which is to re- center the channel, maintain the u-shape, have a concrete wall, but no walkway, with a caveat that there is not a geological reason not to move forward. City Manager Beach stated that it is staff’s goal go find a way to minimize the impact on West U, as well as Southside Place, residents. A copy of the presentation is attached. 3. Adjourn Workshop Councilmember Sobash moved to adjourn the workshop at 6:28 p.m. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner Regular Meeting Council Chambers – 6:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, October 28, 2019 2 of 5 4. Call to Order Mayor Higley called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Council and Staff in attendance were: Councilmembers Barnes, Lankford and Sobash, City Manager Beach, City Secretary Gilliam, City Attorney Petrov, Human Resource Director Urban, Finance Director Kalka, Treasurer Nicholson, Executive FWUPF Director LaMond, Fire Chief Taylor, Interim Public Works Director Barrera, Parks and Recreation Director White, and Captain Niko. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner was absent. 5. Fire Chief Taylor led the Pledge Two members of Boy Scout Troop 55 led the Pledge. 6. Reappointment of Members to the Friends of West U Parks Fund Board Matters related to resolution reappointing members to the Friends of West U Parks Fund Board. Recommended Action: Approve resolution reappointing Grace Ebaugh, Christine Parker, Katie Hill, Danny Droubi, and Kelly Beth Hapgood to the Friends of West U Parks Fund Board. Ms. Donna LaMond, Friends of West University Parks Fund Executive Director After Mayor Higley recognized and thanked the appointees for their service to the City, Councilmember Sobash moved to approve the resolution reappointing Grace Ebaugh, Christine Parker, Katie Hill, Danny Droubi, and Kelly Beth Hapgood to the Friends of West U Parks Fund Board. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner 7. Good Neighbor Team Proclamation Matters related to the presentation of a proclamation to the Good Neighbor Team in celebration of its 20-year anniversary and proclaiming November 19, 2019 as “Good Neighbor Team” Day in West University Place. After recognizing and thanking members of the Good Neighbor Team that were present, Mayor Higley read a Proclamation and declared November 19, 2019 as “Good Neighbor Team” Day in West University Place. 8. Houston Chevron Marathon Matters related to the 2020 Chevron Houston Marathon. Recommended Action: Discuss and take any desired action. Ms. Susan White, Parks and Recreation Director Parks and Recreation Director White presented and stated that the race be held on January 19 and that portions of University and Boulevard would be closed to vehicular traffic from about 6:30 am to 11:15 am. Marathon Race Director and President of the Board of Directors for the Marathon Committee Brant Kotch and Committee member and West U resident John Stokes spoke and thanked the City for its continued support. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, October 28, 2019 3 of 5 9. Public Comments This was an opportunity for citizens to speak to Council relating to agenda and non-agenda items. There were no comments from the public. 10. City-Wide Drainage Study Matters related to an ordinance approving the amendment to the 2019 budget in the amount of $78,600 to the Transportation Improvement Fund to update the drainage study. Recommended Action: Adopt ordinance approving the amendment to the 2019 budget in the amount of $78,600, award the contract to HDR Engineering in an amount not to exceed $78,600, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract. Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Interim Public Works Director Following some questions and answers by and between John Peterson with HDR Engineering and Council, Councilmember Barnes moved to adopt an ordinance approving the amendment to the 2019 budget in the amount of $78,600, award the contract to HDR Engineering in an amount not to exceed $78,600, and authorize the city manager to execute the contract. Councilmember Sobash seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner 11. Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. City Council Minutes Approve City Council Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2019 and the Council Workshop of October 14, 2019. [see Action Minutes] B. Adoption of the 2020 Fee Schedule – Second and Final Reading Matters related to an ordinance adopting the City’s 2020 Fee Schedule. Recommended Action: Approve ordinance adopting the City’s 2020 Fee Schedule on the second and final reading. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager and Ms. Marie Kalka, Finance Director C. Quarterly Investment Report Matters related to consideration and acceptance of the City’s September 2019 Quarterly Investment Report. Recommended Action: Consider and accept the City’s September 2019 Quarterly Investment Report. Mr. Harrison Nicholson, Treasurer [see Agenda Memo 11C] D. Cyclone Cycles Lease Agreement Matters related to a lease agreement with Cyclone Cycles. Recommended Action: Approve lease agreement with Cyclone Cycles and authorize the city manager to execute the agreement. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager E. Amendment to the 2019 Budget – Police Department Salary Structure Change Matters related to amending the 2019 Budget to change the Police Department salary structure. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, October 28, 2019 4 of 5 Recommended Action: Approve amending the 2019 Budget. Mr. James Urban, Human Resource Director F. Change in Start Time for December 2, 2019 City Council Meeting Matters related to changing the start time for the meeting of December 2, 2019 from 6:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in order for City Council to attend the activities associated with the Tree Lighting Ceremony. Recommended Action: Approve changing the start time for the December 2, 2019 City Council meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. in order for City Council to attend activities associated with the Tree Lighting ceremony. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager G. Lease Agreement for 3807 Rice Boulevard Matters related to the lease agreement for the City’s property located at 3807 Rice Boulevard. Recommended Action: Approve the lease agreement and authorize the city manager to approve future lease agreements for this property. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager H. Harris County Appraisal District Board of Directors Election Matters related to a resolution casting its ballot for the election of a person to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District. Recommended Action: Adopt resolution casting the City of West University Place’s Ballot for Mike Sullivan to serve on the Harris County Appraisal District’s Board of Directors. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager Mayor Higley removed Items C and H from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Councilmember Sobash moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, with the exception of Items C and H. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner In regards to Item C, Mayor Higley noted that he removed this item in order to abstain from the vote. Councilmember Barnes moved to accept Item C of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Sobash seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner Abstained: Higley In regards to Item H, Mayor Higley asked the City Manager if he had knowledge of Mr. Sullivan. City Manager Beach said all that he has heard about Mr. Sullivan is good. Mayor Higley moved to approve Item H as presented. Councilmember Sobash seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner City Council Meeting Action Minutes, October 28, 2019 5 of 5 Councilmember Barnes moved to approve the Minutes from the Workshop with Tri-Sports on September 30, 2019, as amended. Councilmember Lankford seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner 12. Executive Session Notice is hereby given that the City Council will convene into Executive Session in accordance with the following provision of Chapter 551 of the Texas Code: Section 551.072 (Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property) Mayor Higley recessed the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. to convene a closed session in accordance with Section 551.072 of the Chapter 551 of the Texas Code. 13. Close Executive Session At 7:37 p.m., Councilmember Sobash moved to close the executive session. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner 14. Reconvene Regular Meeting Matters related to any action resulting from the Executive Session. Councilmember Barnes moved to reconvene the regular meeting. Councilmember Sobash seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner No Action Taken. 15. Adjourn Regular Meeting With no other business before the Council, Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m. Councilmember Sobash seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: Trautner Prepared by: Thelma A. Gilliam, TRMC, City Secretary Council Approved: November 4, 2019 City of West University Place Poor Farm Ditch Design Review Prepared for:Prepared by: Project Overview Harris County Flood Control District (District) Project Limits •Project Overview •Design Review Objectives •Channel Section Alternatives •Hydraulic Analysis •Recommendations •Quantities and Cost Estimate Agenda Project Overview Existing Channel Section •Trapezoidal Section •2’ rectangular bottom “notch” •2:1 side slope •No Walkway 28’ Varies 80’ to 50’ ROW VariesExisting BackyardRetaining Walls AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Project Overview District 90% Design •U-Shaped Section •Walkway •Modular BlockRetaining Wall •Channel “Shift”Channel center shifts approx. 5.7’ east towards City 41.6’ 5.7’ Modular BlockRetaining Wall AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Project Overview District 90% Design Cason St.District Alignment Existing Channel Center District ROW Narrows 55’ ROW 80’ ROW CorondoCt.AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison HolcombeN Project Overview District 90% Design Carnegie St.District ROW Narrows 50’ ROW Lift Station 55’ ROW AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison District Alignment Existing Channel Center N Project Overview Modular Block Retaining Walls 5’5’ Isometric View Cross Section View AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Walkway City •Reduce and/or eliminate ROW impacts to City •Evaluate design alternatives Design Review Objectives Balancing Priorities District •Equivalent Hydraulic Capacity •Walkway AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Channel Section Alternatives Concrete Retaining Wall City of Houston Standard Detail •8-inch wall width •4-feet footing(2.33-feet outside) 8” 2.33’ 4.0’ AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Channel Section Alternatives Concrete Retaining Wall 1.67’ 5’ Walkway 4’ Modular BlockRetaining Wall ConcreteRetaining Wall AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Channel Section Alternatives Concrete Retaining Wall Stella Link and Latma Dr.(south of Braeswood near Shipley Donuts) AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Channel Section Alternatives Alternatives Evaluated 1.Maintain District Alignment 2.Re -Center to Existing 3.Trapezoidal Section AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Existing115 SF U-Shape201 SF Trapezoidal230 SF Channel Section Alternatives Maintain District Alignment North of Carnegie Street •Maintain U-Shape •Concrete Retaining WallReplace modular block retaining wall with concrete retaining wall •Walkway ConcreteRetaining Wall AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison ~2’ Channel Section Alternatives Re-Centered North of Carnegie Street •Re -center Channel •Maintain U-Shape •Concrete Retaining Wall •Walkway AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison ~6’ Channel Section Alternatives Trapezoidal North of Carnegie Street •Trapezoidal Section •1:1 side slope •14’ bottom width •10’ depth •Concrete Retaining Wall •Walkway AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison ~2’ Hydraulic Analysis Water Surface Elevation Comparison | 500-year Storm District U-Shape Trapezoidal -0.09’ -0.37’ -0.83’ -0.71’ +0.11’ Bissonnet to Sunset Sunset to Rice Rice to University University to Carnegie Carnegie to Holcombe Project Limits -0.11’ -0.42’ -1.33’ -0.68’ +0.11’ AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison •More Space to ROWAllows planting trees & shrubbery for privacy and aesthetics •Walkway •Most Economical Cost Recommendations Recommended Alternative –Meeting District Criteria AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison ~6’ •No Walkway Recommendations Recommended Alternative –City Preferred AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison ~13’ UNIT QTY UNITPRICE COST Modular Block Retaining Wall SF 1 8,000 $65.00 $520K Quantities and Cost Estimate NOTES1.Square footage measured as face of wall2.Unit price obtained from TxDOT Houston District 12-month average Concrete Retaining Wall Maintain District Alignment SF 1 3,588 $63.00 2 $226K Re -Centered SF 1 3,332 $63.00 2 $210K Trapezoidal SF 1 11,025 $63.00 2 $695K AGENDA Project Overview Design Review Objectives Channel Section Alternatives Hydraulic Analysis Recommendations Cost Estimate Comparison Questions & Answers Thank You 10351 Stella Link Road www.ht-j.com (O)832-767-0090Houston,Texas 77025 hfc@ht-j.com (F)832-767-0141