HomeMy WebLinkAbout091719 CC Min CIP WorkshopThe City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Higley, Mayor David J. Beach, City Manager Kevin Trautner, Mayor Pro Tem Alan Petrov, City Attorney John P. Barnes, Councilmember Thelma Gilliam, City Secretary Lauri Lankford, Councilmember Ed Sobash, Councilmember CITY COUNCIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WORKSHOP MINUTES The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a workshop on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place. Call to Order. Mayor Higley called the workshop to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Bill Watson Conference Room. Council and Staff in attendance were: Mayor Pro Tem Trautner, Councilmembers Barnes, Lankford and Sobash, City Manager Beach, City Secretary Gilliam, Finance Director Kalka, Police Captain Niko, Interim Public Works Director Barrera, Interim IT Director Dang, and Treasurer Harrison. 1. Community Improvement Program Matters related to a workshop to discuss the City’s Community Improvement Program. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager City Manager Beach presented to Council the 5-Year Community Improvement Program Plan, which is a planning document that identifies community improvement projects, funding, and the impact on annual operations and maintenance budgets. A copy of the presentation and summary sheet are attached. 2. Adjourn With no further discussion, at 6:56 p.m., Councilmember Barnes moved to adjourn the workshop. Councilmember Lankford seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None Prepared by: Thelma A. Gilliam, TRMC, City Secretary Council Approved: September 25, 2019 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 What is a Community Improvement Program (CIP)? A 5 -year Plan that: •Is a planning document •Identifies community improvement projects •Identifies options for funding •Identifies impact on annual operations and maintenance budgets The 2020-2024 Community Improvement Plan will address two broad areas of expenditures: Protection of previous investment in physical assets (infrastructure) through maintenance and renovation Planning and construction of new infrastructure to improve public safety, service delivery and quality of life for residents Project Types (Categories) •Drainage •Water •Wastewater •Streets and Sidewalks •Parks and Open Spaces •Facilities •Other Improvements (i.e. Land Acquisition, Traffic, Security, etc.) Funding methods to implement CIP•Pay As You Go (PAYG) Pay for CIP projects with existing resources (i.e. general fund, enterprise fund, Metro, etc.) PAYG projects do not require issuance of debt •Issue Debt Certificates of Obligation (CO’s) General Obligation (GO’s) Revenue Bonds (water/sewer bonds) •Other –Donations, Local, State & Federal Grants •Combination of all 2020-2024 PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE City of West University Place, Texas 5-YEAR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN BY PROJECT TYPE BY PROJECT TYPE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Drainage 29,650,000 2,869,000 24,842,200 13,461,000 0 70,822,200 Water 805,000 300,000 309,000 368,000 756,000 2,538,000 Wastewater 535,000 0 0 12,843,000 0 13,378,000 Streets and Sidewalks 33,240,000 842,000 910,000 1,128,000 1,147,000 37,267,000 Parks 595,500 293,000 175,000 0 0 1,063,500 Facilities 75,000 0 106,000 200,000 0 381,000 Other Improvements 2,570,000 460,000 0 0 0 3,030,000 Totals 67,470,500 4,764,000 26,342,200 28,000,000 1,903,000 128,479,700 *See handout for complete list of 2020-2024 projects Drainage 55% Water 2% Wastewater 11% Streets and Sidewalks 29% Parks 1% Facilities 0.3%Other Improvements 2% 2020-2024 Project By Type FY 2020 PAYG PROJECT SUMMARY BY TYPE City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 –PAYG PROJECTS BY PROJECT TYPE 2020 Drainage 1,650,000 Water 805,000 Wastewater 535,000 Streets and Sidewalks 640,000 Parks 595,500 Facilities 75,000 Other Improvements 2,570,000 TOTALS 6,870,500 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP DRAINAGE 2020 Alternative Stormwater Detention Options Feasibility Study 50,000 College Ave/Shared System (pending grant funding)1,600,000 DRAINAGE TOTALS 1,650,000 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP WATER 2020 SCADA Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Replacement 95,000 Flow Meter Replacement and Installation Project 110,000 Drinking Water Distribution Efficiency Study 150,000 Booster Pump Replacement 200,000 Water Line Replacement Program 250,000 WATER TOTALS 805,000 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP WASTEWATER 2020 Feasibility study for water reclamation to potable water 50,000 WWTP Flood water protection feasibility study 75,000 Inflow and infiltration study 90,000 WWTP –basin gate replacement 120,000 WWTP Clarifier automation cleaning system 200,000 DRAINAGE TOTALS 535,000 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 2020 Pedestrian Bridge Management Program 65,000 Storm Water Management Program 100,000 Sidewalk Management Plan (* short driveway/sidewalk replacement)475,000 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS TOTALS 640,000 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP PARKS 2020 Colonial Park Pool Resurface 117,500 Colonial park Water Feature Replacement 215,000 Colonial Park East Redevelopment 263,000 PARKS TOTALS 595,500 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP FACILITIES 2020 City Wide Facilities Condition and Security Assessment 75,000 FACILITIES TOTALS 75,000 City of West University Place, Texas FY 2020 CIP OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 2020 City Hall Council Chambers & Meeting Room Audio Visual Upgrades 110,000 Virtual Gate –Phase I 300,000 Virtual Gate –Phase II 2,160,000 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTALS 2,570,000 CIP BOND OPTIONS Types of Debt Obligations Certificates of Obligation (CO’S) •Not voted, requires public notice of intent to issue and is subject to a petition •Secured by property taxes, revenues or a combination of the two •City is able to levy a tax to pay for the certificates General Obligation (GO’s) •Voted (Bond Election) •Secured by property taxes •City is able to levy a tax rate to pay for the bonds Types of Debt Obligations Revenue Bonds (Water/Sewer) •Not voted •Secured by revenues from collection of water/sewer fees •Not payable with property taxes •Requires additional bond covenants with bondholders since revenues fluctuate Certificate of Obligation Texas Local Government Code Chapter 271 authorizes a home rule city to issue certificates of obligation to pay for obligations incurred for public works construction projects without the need for an election. Prior to issuing CO’s, the city must: Publish a notice once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in newspaper of general circulation The date of the first publication is to be at least forty-six (46) days before the passage of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of certificates Notice must be published on city website for at least 45 days before the passage of the ordinance authorizing the issuance of certificates Certificate of Obligation Notice The notice must state: Time and place set for passage of ordinance Maximum amount and purpose of certificates to be authorized Manner in which certificates will be paid (i.e. taxes, revenues or combination of both) Maximum maturity date/structure Estimated combined principal and interest required to pay Certificates on time and in full Estimated interest rate on the Certificates Certificate of Obligation The City may not proceed with issuance of the Certificates if: City secretary receives petition signed by at least five percent of qualified voters protesting against the issuance of the bonds If no petition is received, the city may proceed with issuance of certificates as described in the notice. General Obligation Bonds Texas Local Government Code Chapter 1331 authorizes the city to issue bonds for construction or purchase of permanent improvements inside municipal boundaries including work for Public buildings Waterworks Sewer Prior to issuance of any GO’s, such bonds must be authorized by a majority of qualified voters of the municipality. Bond elections must be held on uniform election dates as proscribed by the legislature in the Texas Election Code. General Obligation Bonds Election In order to call a bond election on a uniform election date, the city must order the election no later than the seventy-eight (78th) day before the uniform election date. For May 2, 2020 election•City must order election no later than Friday February 14, 2020 For November 3, 2020 election•City must order election no later than Monday August 17, 2020 A bond election must be canvassed between eight and eleven (8-11) days after the election. If no election contest is filed within 30 days following the canvass of the election, the election becomes incontestable and the GO’s may be issued. Revenue Bonds (Water/Wastewater Bonds) A revenue bond is secured by a pledge of revenue from an income- producing facility. For the City to issue new revenue bonds, revenues shall be a minimum of 125% of an average annual debt service and 100% of the debt service for the year in which the debt requirement are scheduled to be the greatest. Bonds that are not payable or secured from property taxes and are not required to be submitted to the voters for approval. Note: revenue bonds have a higher interest rate and will need to provide a reserve fund equal to the average annual debt service. Due to the City’s AAA bond rating, Revenue Bonds would not be recommended Available Debt Service Funding No impact to the current debt service rate General Fund (CO & GO)•30-year bond $110 million CO & GO bonds are recommended at 30-years because they are funding improvements with a life expectancy of 50+ years Water & Sewer Fund (recommending CO) •25-year bond $18 million Revenue bonds are recommended at 25-years because they are funding improvements with a life expectancy of 25 –30 years General Obligation and Certificates of Obligation Bonds The following bond packages are recommended for Council’s consideration for street and drainage improvements Package 1•$42.4 million (w/ approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway)•$56.8 million (w/o approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway) $31 million (Drainage Improvements only, excludes Buffalo Speedway) Package 2•$67.4 million (w/ approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway)•$81.8 million (w/o approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway) $56 million (Drainage Improvements only, excludes Buffalo Speedway) Package 3 •$80.9 million (w/ approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway)•$95.3 million (w/o approval of pending grants for Buffalo Speedway) $69.5 million (Drainage Improvements only), excludes Buffalo Speedway) Bond Package 1: Total Bonds $42.4 million (w/ pending grants for Buffalo Speedway) Total Bonds $56.8 million (w/o grants for Buffalo Speedway) •Drainage Improvements -$31 million Planning Areas 1, 2, 3 & 6 •Buffalo Speedway Road & Drainage Improvements $11.4 million (w/ approval of pending grant applications) $25.8 million (w/o approval of pending grant applications) Note –Planning Areas for drainage improvement are identified in the Final Draft Drainage Report (Citywide Drainage Study) dated April 19, 2019 Bond Package 2: Total Bonds $67.4 million (w/ pending grants for Buffalo Speedway)Total Bonds $81.8 million (w/o grants for Buffalo Speedway) •Drainage Improvements -$56 million Includes Pkg. 1 -Planning Areas 1, 2, 3 & 6 Adds Planning Areas 4, 5, 9, 10 and Academy Trunk Line •Buffalo Speedway Road & Drainage Improvements $11.4 million (w/ approval of pending grant applications) $25.8 million (w/o approval of pending grant applications) Note –Planning Areas for drainage improvement are identified in the Final Draft Drainage Report (Citywide Drainage Study) dated April 19, 2019 Bond Package 3: Total Bonds $80.9 million (w/ pending grants for Buffalo Speedway)Total Bonds $95.3 million (w/o grants for Buffalo Speedway) •Drainage Improvements -$69.5 million Includes Pkg. 1 -Planning Areas 1, 2, 3 & 6 Includes Pkg. 2 -Planning Areas 4, 5, 9, 10 & Academy Trunk Line Adds Planning Areas 7, 8, 11 & 12 •Buffalo Speedway Road & Drainage Improvements $11.4 million (w/ approval of pending grant applications) $25.8 million (w/o approval of pending grant applications) Note –Planning Areas for drainage improvement are identified in the Final Draft Drainage Report (Citywide Drainage Study) dated April 19, 2019 Water & Sewer Improvements The following water & sewer bond packages are for future consideration in 2022 Package 1•$13 million Package 2•$14.5 million This package adds $1.5 million for projects that fall outside of the 5-year CIP This slide is for informational purposes only. Discussion will happen prior to the 2022 Budget process RECOMMENDATIONS & FEEDBACK Recommendations and Feedback NeededGeneral and Enterprise Funds•Continue to use PAYG for annual projects (non-drainage and major street repairs) Recommended CO Bonds for Buffalo Speedway•Worst case -issue CO’s for $25.8 million (w/o grant approval)•Best case –issue CO’s for approx. $11.4 million (w/ grant approval) Pending grant applications: •FEMA-HGMP (approx. $12 million) •HUD CDBG-DR (approx. $2.4 million) Options for GO Debt Service on Drainage Improvements•Package 1 $31 million PA 1, 2, 3 & 6•Package 2 $56 million PA 1 –6, 10 & Academy Trunk Line•Package 3 $70 million PA 1 –12 & Academy Trunk Line QUESTIONS? City of West University Place, Texas 5-YEAR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Presented 9/17/20192020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TotalDRAINAGEAlternative Stormwater Detention Options Feasibility Study 50,000 - - - - 50,000 College Ave/Shared System (grant funding) 1,600,000 - - - - 1,600,000 Planning Area 1 7,861,000 - - - - 7,861,000 Planning Area 2 9,518,000 - - - - 9,518,000 Planning Area 3 10,621,000 - - - - 10,621,000 Planning Area 4 - - 3,750,200 - - 3,750,200 Planning Area 5 - - 5,114,000 - - 5,114,000 Planning Area 6 - 2,869,000 - - - 2,869,000 Planning Area 7 - - - 3,160,000 - 3,160,000 Planning Area 8 - - - 2,341,000 - 2,341,000 Planning Area 9 - - 3,182,000 - - 3,182,000 Planning Area 10 - - 3,182,000 - - 3,182,000 Planning Area 11 - - - 3,629,000 - 3,629,000 Planning Area 12 - - - 4,331,000 - 4,331,000 Academy Trunk Line Improvements - - 7,614,000 - - 7,614,000 Academy Trunk Line Improvements (Land Acq.) - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 DRAINAGE TOTALS 29,650,000 2,869,000 24,842,200 13,461,000 - 70,822,200 WATERSCADA Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Replacement 95,000 - - - - 95,000 Flow Meter Replacement and Installation Project 110,000 - - - - 110,000 Drinking Water Distribution Efficiency Study 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Booster Pump Replacement 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Water Line Replacement Program 250,000 300,000 309,000 318,000 328,000 1,505,000 Water Well No 8 Renovation - - - 50,000 428,000 478,000 WATER TOTALS 805,000 300,000 309,000 368,000 756,000 2,538,000 WASTEWATERFeasibility Study for water reclamation to potable water 50,000 - - - - 50,000 WWTP Flood Protection Feasibility Study 75,000 - - - - 75,000 Inflow and Infiltration Study 90,000 - - - - 90,000 WWTP - Gate Replacement 120,000 - - - - 120,000 WWTP Clarifier Automation Cleaning System 200,000 - - - - 200,000 WWTP Basin Slide Gate Replacement - - - 131,000 - 131,000 WWTP Priority Electrical Improvements - - - 2,048,000 - 2,048,000 WWTP Treatment Process Optimization - - - 2,853,000 - 2,853,000 WWTP Clarifier Rehab - - - 1,180,000 - 1,180,000 WWTP Chlorine Conversion/Dechlor Improvements - - - 517,000 - 517,000 WWTP - New Headwork System - - - 1,330,000 - 1,330,000 City of West University Place, Texas 5-YEAR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Presented 9/17/20192020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TotalWWTP - Mechanical Step Screen - - - 672,000 - 672,000 WWTP - Grit Chamber - - - 1,010,000 - 1,010,000 WWTP - Consolidated Operations and Maintenance Manual - - - 74,000 - 74,000 WWTP - NEW Lab Admin Building - - - 1,839,000 - 1,839,000 WWTP - Site Work - - - 425,000 - 425,000 WWTP - Structural Evaluation - - - 37,000 - 37,000 WWTP - Convert Thickener to Digester - - - 354,000 - 354,000 WWTP - Security Improvements (Cameras) - - - 45,000 - 45,000 WWTP - Relocate Digester Pumps - - - 328,000 - 328,000 WASTEWATER TOTALS 535,000 - - 12,843,000 - 13,378,000 STREETS AND SIDEWALKSPedestrian Bridge Renovations 65,000 - - - - 65,000 Storm Water Mgt Program 100,000 103,000 106,000 109,000 112,000 530,000 Sidewalk Management Plan (short driveway/sidewalk replacement) 475,000 489,000 504,000 519,000 535,000 2,522,000 Buffalo Speedway Road & Draining Improv. - Design & TXDOT 4,617,000 - - - - 4,617,000 Buffalo Speedway Road Construction 11,445,000 - - - - 11,445,000 Buffalo Speedway Drainage Construction 16,538,000 - - - - 16,538,000 ROW Master Plan (complete condition assessment and plan repairs) 250,000 300,000 500,000 500,000 1,550,000 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS TOTALS 33,240,000 842,000 910,000 1,128,000 1,147,000 37,267,000 PARKSColonial Park Pool Resurface 117,500 - - - - 117,500 Colonial Park Water Feature Replacement 175,000 - - - - 175,000 Colonial Park East Redevelopment 263,000 - - - - 263,000 Wier Park Improvements - - 175,000 - - 175,000 Colonial Park Pool Safety Equipment Improvements - 82,000 - - - 82,000 Huffington Park Improvements - 103,000 - - - 103,000 Judson Park Improvements - 108,000 - - - 108,000 PARKS TOTALS 555,500 293,000 175,000 - - 1,023,500 FACILITIESCity Wide Facilities Condition and Security Assessment 75,000 - - - - 75,000 HVAC Equipment Replacement Program - - - 200,000 - 200,000 Replacement of Roof in the Fire Bay Area - - 106,000 - - 106,000 FACILITIES TOTALS 75,000 - 106,000 200,000 - 381,000 City of West University Place, Texas 5-YEAR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Presented 9/17/20192020 2021 2022 2023 2024 TotalOTHER IMPROVEMENTSCity Hall Council Chambers & Meeting Room Audio Visual Upgrades 110,000 - - - - 110,000 Virtual Gate - Phase I300,000 - - - - 300,000 Virtual Gate - Phase II 2,160,000 - - - - 2,160,000 Weslayan - Traffic Signal Improvements - 310,000 - - - 310,000 City Wide Engineering Traffic Study/Implementation - 150,000 - - - 150,000 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTALS 2,570,000 460,000 - - - 3,030,000 CIP GRAND TOTALS 67,430,500 4,764,000 26,342,200 28,000,000 1,903,000 128,439,700