HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1949 CO .,-i ~ < ~ -, ~ <t ;i /'\>~-q1:t\-};'f~;o:.."j'- 1 A,5 ...it. __l' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEE'rING JANUARY 10, 194L- The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday January 10, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanman, presiding; Co~~issioners Busehardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary, City Attorney and City Paving Attorney. The minutes of the first meeting of the newly appointed Finance Committee were submitted to the Council. The Minutes stated the Committee had met on Tuesday December 7, 1948, and Mr. L. B. Bricker was nominated and elected to serve as Chairman for the ensuing term with Mr. W. F. Ghiselin as Vice Chair- man and Mr. W. D. Herb as Secretary. Duties and responsibilites of the Com- mittee were discuss~d for benefit of the new members. Treasurer's Certificate No. 27, certifying the availability of $748.79 to cover additional cost to the City for paving of side lot property on Academy Street was submitted to the Council. Ordinance No. 443, captioned as follows, was presented by Mr. E. E. Tovvnes, Paving Attorney for the City and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 443 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $748.79 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROV~fENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY rREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S ADDITIONAL AGREED CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF STREET IlvIPROVEMENTS ON ACADERIT STREET BEYiffEEN THE NORTH LINE OF SOUTHw~TERN STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY OWNERS AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS , CONTRACTOR, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Ha~lett, that Ordinance No. 443, appropriating the sum of $748.79 out of the Street Improve- ment Bonds Series 1948 toward the cost of street improvements on Academy Street be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The following Resolution was submitted and read in full: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION TO RETURN TO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY 01" WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE THE SUM OF $6,436.89 BOn..TWWED FROM SUCH GENERAL F{llIJD. BY THE RECREATIONAL AND PARK FUND TO MAKE POSSIBLE THE A- WARDING OF A CONTRACT FOR THE SWIMMING POOL AND ALL BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION THERJ~WITH, UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COlffiaSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'WHICH FUNDS WERE TO BE RETURNED TO THE GENERAL }'UND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE SWIMMING POOL PROJECT, AND WHICH FUND OF $6,436.89 IS PRESENTLY COMPRE- HENDED IN 'rHE BUDGET }i'OR 1948-49 OF THE CI TY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, WHICH REQUIRES THE PROMPT RETURN OF SUCH FUNDS TO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF1.iVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE r.' 1:1:~=="=i~'-'Z~=l="--"'""M I '----J';": :ry:n-m~~ f , , , r '''o'=rr=~l , 'II 'I [' - ---, -~1"im" l'r:I"~'1TI'i11milir~ -'m:!"'" ,--, - --- 14-6 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, at the time of awarding the contract for the construction of the swimming pool, buildings, andappurte- nances in connection therewith, a~l of w,hich were to ,be paid for out of the Recreational and Park Fund, it became necessary to borrow the sum of$6,4J6.89 from the General Fund of the City of West University Place; and, whereas, , under the authority of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, by a Resolution duly passed on the 29th day of April, 1948, the sum of $6,436.89 was borrowed from the General Fund of the City of West University Place, and allocated to the Recreational a.nd .Park Fund; and, , WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place on April 29, 1948, by proper Resolution duly passed provided f0:r' the borroWing of $13,000.00 from the General,Fund of the City of West University Place for use of and/or allocation to the 'Public Park Fund, with thg understariding that after the sale of a like amount of swimming pool revenue bonds, the amount of $13,000.00 would be returned to the General Fund of the City of West University Place from the proceeds of the sale of such revenue bonds, and further pro- viding that re-payment should be made not later than May 1, ,1948;. and, WHEREAS, on the 29th day of April, 1948, by proper Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 372, and providing in 'its captj,onas follows: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY Ira PURCHASE $40,000'.00 OF SWIMMING POOL BONDS, OUT OF UN- APPROPRIATED SINTING FUNDS; NAMELY THE TAX REVENUE SINKING' FUND Al'D WATER AND SEW-m RE- PLACEtIl1ENT FUND; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE.1t the City Commission of the City of West University Place provided for the purchase of ,$40,000.00, of swi.mmng pool bonds out of the una,ppropriated sinking funds as hereinbefore described in the caption of Ordinance No. 372; and, WHEREAS, on April 29, 1948, the City Commission of the City of West University Place by motion duly passed and seconded provided that the sum of $6,563.11 borrowed from the Recreationa~ Fund in 1946 be removed from the General Fund and transferred to the Recreational and Park Fund; and, WHEREAS, on the 29th day Q.(Apri,l, 1948, the City Commission of the City of West University Place provided that funds be appropriated from the Park and Recreational Fund for use in connection with the contracts necessary for the completion of the construction of the swimming pool and bath house and appurtenances or improvements to the grounds; and, , WHEREAS, on the 29th day of April, 1948, the said C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer of the 'City of Wes't University Place, submitted to the City Commission of the City of West University Place Treasurer's Certificate No.5 of avail- ability of funds in the amount of $46,436.89 for the construction and com- pletion 'of a swimming pool, bathhouse, and appurtenances or improvements to the grounds; and, WHEREAS, under the purchase of $40,000.00 of swimming pool bonds by funds in the tax revenue sinking fund and the water and sewer replacement funds, ',' 'f"I'"'''''' r<<='.".;-m- ""'--'i,~"'<="--=>rr. ...- ., "",i''':': "'c\::Pt,f\.clli r _C"'1_7"'-=_-==-""=~"'1""'- 1: "";11.' I r' -- ----------------- ----. !'Tli'l 'r rr"::rr:rrn!T~i"~I,":rn- r-) ! ~l i '...J ( --l i -m~.';' 11 : "''l 14~ there became available in the Recreational and Park Funds a sufficient sum of money to return to the General l<'und of the City of West Univ8rsi ty Place, the sum of $13,000.00 authorized to be borrowed from the General Fund of the City of West University Place by the City Commission of the City 9f West University Place on December 16, 1947; and, 'VVHEREAS, under the aut:.ority and requirement of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, it is now necessary to return to the General Fund of the City of West University Place out of the Recreational and Park Funds the sum of $6,436.89 of the total funds borrowed from the General Fund of the City of West University Place, which funds in the amount of $6,436.89 have been comprehended in the budget of the City of West University Place for the years 1948-49, and hence the necessity for the prompt return of 00 such moneys to the General Fund of the 'City of West University Place. ,~ .~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of \1est University Place that the Treasurer of the City of West University Place is instructed and empowered, upon the passage of this Resoluti8n, to promptly 'Withdraw from the Recreational and Park Funds the SQill of $6,436.89, and to promptly transfer and place in the General Fund of the City of West University Place such sum of $6,436.89 to become and be a part for all purposes and uses of the General F~~d of the City of West University Place. '- < '"-" < PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth day of JanuarJ.; 1949, by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 noes. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Resolution instructing the City Treasurer to withdraw from the Recreational and Park funds the sum of $6,436.89 and to transfer an~ place in the General Fund the sum of $6,436.89, be passed and approved as read. Votin.g Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None In compliance '!nth Council action on December 27, 1948, Ordinance No. 444, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 444 AN ORDINANCE SETTING 'rHE SCHEDULE OF RA'rES TO BE CHA,ltGED FOR WATER DELIVE"ltED TO USERS BY THE CITY OF WEST mUVERSITY PLACE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AND SETUNG UP PROVISIONS FOR THE .cOLLECTION OF ALL DELINQUENT WATER ACCOUNTS AND THE FURNISHING m' SERVICE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt~ seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordi- nance No. 1+44, setting forth the schedule of rates to be be charged for water delivered by the City of West University Place to users inside and outside the Corpora'te limits, and setting up provisions for the collection of all delinquent water accounts be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. J. L. Williams of Brogan & Williams, Contractors, advised the Council that property OlJmers in the 2800 & 2900 Blocks of Lafayette had signed contracts 1-: r-_""="_-_"r""O~eCI-\O,"",~c'=r..::=:;-=~= I , '-;f~:.;r, r"-~-~- ,-o"""oc-r"'-'-""="''''F '.1 ------r"--- '-- ~'m:' "l',:,-"~ln~'!'f)'I'!:"x:'1m':'l '":'1'"" --,- - t 4:t1 for paving the street with Sit concrete and requested a work order to proceed with these- improvements and also improvements to the intersecti0n at Belmont and Lafayette which will connect the two newly paved 3000 and,3.1,OQ blocks .vith the 2800 and 2900 blocks. ,---, I ! i After considering the advisability of paving the intersection at Belmont a':1d Lafayette with S" co:oorete to correspond with the adjoining blocks of Lafayette or with asphaltto correspond with Belmont Street as it now exists, the following action was~aken: .--J, Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the Council go on record approving paving of the intersection of Lafayette.and Belmont with . 5" concrete to correspond with 5" concrete paving on adjoining blocks o! Lafayette, the cost of this~ntersection to be paid from funds set aside for paving intersections under a contract awarded to Brogan & Williams dated May 3, 1948, that this intersection be substituted in lieu of the inter- section of College and Marquette as it has been determined at this date that property owners on the,blocks on each side of College and MarquetteInter~ section would not sign paving contracts after a diligent effort had been made over a period of 6 months; that the City Paving Attorney be instructed to institute necessary legal proceedings' and Consulting Engineer H. J. J:ohnson be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for "the intersection at Lafayette and Belmont; and that a work order be issued authorizing contractor to proceed with construction of intersection of Lafayette and Belmont and the 2800 and 2900 blocks Lafayette based on plans arid.specifications prepared by H. J. Johnson. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holma.n -find Terry. None The following Resolution was submitted and read in full: RF.c:;m.Tf'l'TON A RESOLUTION SETTING ASI:DE $1,000.00 OUT OF THE:STORM SEWER BOND FUND SERIES 1948 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST. OF ADJUSTMENT AND REALIGNMENT OF STORM SEWER CATCH BASINS AND INLETS OR STORM SEvVERAPPURTENANCES M..t\DE NECESSARY BY THE PAVEMENT OF STREETS IN WES T UNIVERSI TY PLACE TO MATCH THE PRESENT PAVED WIDTHS OF SUCH STREETS ,\ WHEREAS, in connection with the construction of storm sewer across and under the paved streets of West Uhiversity Place, it has become necessary, in order to adjust such catch basins, to the present paved widths of the streets of 'the City of West University Place, intersection such storm sewers;, ,to re- alilSll and adjust storm sewer catchb,\sins, inlets, orstonn.sewer 'appurtenances; \~EREAS, the cost of such adjustment and realignment ot catch basins and inlets is estimated to be $1,000.00, and it is the~de8:ire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place to set aside out of the Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 1948 the sum of $1,000.00 for the purpos:e of defraying the cost of the adjustment and realignment of such storm sewer catch basins and inlets or storm sewer appurtenances wherever it is necessary to make ad- justments or realignments in the conporate limits of the City of West Univ~rsity Place; ---I i ,~~ 'h -"""''''''''''''''~..'~ r"'.::--.=,,,,,,",="!=,~~=-:~:-' ~-_.--=~=::=~ '_~_,,__,'':_'.LJ........__L"--- _____ ___ __ __ _t -- --,- -f!'!,!:!': '! '1~~'~n'! !I:'l!: 'J'! ~~~lrnll'lf ----lIJrEn, l.& 9 _i:.!_" x. . WIiEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commissi on of the City of West University Place that the City Treasurer allocate out of the Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 1948 the sum of $1,000.00 for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the adjustment and realignment of such storm sewer catch basins and inlets and/or storm sewer appurtenances, and that the City Treasurer prepare and submit to the City Commission of the City of West University Place a Treasurer's Certificate and affidavit certifying to the allocation and a~ vaila.bility of such funds to the extent of the SlUll of $1,000.00 for the pur- pose of paying for the adjustment and realignment of such storm sewer catch basins and inlets and/or storm sewer appurtenances. < BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place that the Treasurer of the City of West University Place set aside $1,000.00 out of the Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 1948 to pay for the adjust- ment and realignment of storm sewer catch basins and inlets and/or storm sewer appurtenances made necessary to match the present paved widths of the streets intersecting such storm sewer lines in the City of West University Place, and that in connection therewith, the City Treasurer submit to the City Commission of the City of West University Place a certificate or affidavit certifying to the allocation and setting up of such $1,000.00 and the availability of such funds for the work of adjustment and realignment of storm sewer catch basins and inlets and/or storm sewer appurtenances. oc ~ ~ .~' < PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of January, 1949, by a vote of 5 Ayes and 0 Noes. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Resolution setting aside $1,000.00 out of the Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 1948 for the purpose of paying the cost of adjustmEn t and realignment of Storm Sewer catch basins and inlets or storm sewer appurtenances made necessary by the pavement of streets in West University Place to match the present paved ~ddths of such streets, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Vfuitt Johnson recommended that action be taken to advertise for bids for installation of sidewalks in various sections of the city where de- posits had been made by' contractors and property omJers who did not install the sidewalks at the time the houses were completed. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded'by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids for installation of sidewalks at the following locations: 2735 Sunset, 3784 Tangley Street, 2740 Centenary, 3783 Tangley, 2803 Sunset, 5804 West Point and 3711 Tangley. F Voting Aye: Voting No: MayDr Lanmon; Non~ Cow~issioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. A statement in the amount of $12.50 from the B & R Liquor Store, 2709 Bissonnet, representing repairs to a neon sign damaged by a city garbage truck was pre- sented to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the statement in the amount of $12.50 from B & R Liquor Store be paid by the city -1-"'".<f" I' r"'"'ccm:":~e: ~:: :'~~~=::'l: ,.. L- i-..~'~;'''iFr"''~'= =-"~,_." -.'T=c.c~e'- .=.1 lL_.:_L___ - __C" - -"1:11"1'1' I:I:;[I:m:lrj]'J~nirn ~ m'!"'" 150 due to the fact that this damage was a repetition and brought about by care- lessness of the driver of the 'garbage truck. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Larunon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman anq Terry. None j' J. L. Williams advised the Council that'the firm of Brogan & Willia,ms would install sidewalks at the addresses mentioned for $.30 per sq. ft. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the previous action instructing the City Secretary to advertise for bids for side- walk installation be rescinded. Voting Aye: Mayor Lartmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman anQ Terry. Voting No: None Motion' by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the city proceed with necessary steps to have sidewalks installed at the above mentioned locations by Brogan & Williams on their offer of $.30 per sq. ft.,with each peice of property considered as,a,separate unit; the connect:ing links be- tween sidewalk and existing curb on corner properties also to be installed,at a cost of $.30 per sq. ft. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; COlT'.Jllissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The minutes of December 27, 1948 and JanuCU'y" 4, 1949, were read and approved, as corrected. --l '_J With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting recessed. The City Council convened in recessed session at the Qity Hall on Wednesday JanuaryJ2, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners BU$chardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary, City Attorney and City Paving Attorney. A letter from the Zoning Board was submitted to the Council recommending that the request of-Mr. C. w.! Burkhardt, for construction of servants quarters at the newly erected house at 6616 Buffalo Speedway be approved. The proposed servants quarters to be one room 13 ft. 10 inches.x 20. ft. 10 inches with bath facilities but no kitchen facilities. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the recommend,ation of the Zoning Board be approved and authority granted fOIl permit to be issued subject to execution of an affidaVit stating that this structure would never be used for commercial purposes, with instructipns that the instrument be recorded. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the, Ci ty, in compliance with - I I'" 3!o'imW~_1~~': r:_~_--'_::-:--.~~"='~~""""~:="'3: '--"-r-" <I \~l~-,gl't'-ii; r "1" .'=---""'~'._'-"""""'===~r :'-L~--.L.'J~lL_~_J_~_ - _I' , '-rTllT'l'r:'lCTITII:mLlIir:r - 'm:l:"'- 1St Council instructions of January 10, submitted Ordinance No. 445 substituting paving of the intersection of College and M._irquette provided for in the inter- section contract with Brogan & Williams, for paving intersection at Lafayette Street and Belmont Street. Ordinance No. 445 captioned as follows, was read in full: ORDTNANCF: NO. ld,~ <:'"'i-i -~ <"" ..,J.~ AN ORDINANCE FIND~NG AND DETERMINING CERTJLN FACTS IUTH REFERENCE TO THE INTERSECTION OF COLLEGE STREET AND MARQUETTE STREET, THE PAVEi.\fENT OF WHICH WAS PROVIDED FOR IN THE MAY 3, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN' THE CITY AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, AND WII'!i REFEREi~CE TO THE INTERSECTIOl'J OF BELMONT AVENUE AND LAFAYETTE STREET; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT) IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PAVE A.ND IMPROVE SAID COLLEGE AND l1ARQUETTE STREET INTtERSECTION; FINDING AND DETERI\CNING THAT IT IS MORE URGENT A..~D TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY TO PAVE AND IMPROVE THE INTERSECTION OF BELMONT AVENUE AND LAFAYETTE STREET; APPROVING Pk\NS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAID INTr1tSECTION; AMENDING SAID CON- TRACT, WITH 'fHE CONSENT OF SAID CONTRACTOR, AND SUBSTITUTING SAID BELMONT - LAFAYETTE INTERSECTION THER.~IN IN LIEU OF SAID COLLEGE -. MARQUETTE INTERSECTION, AND DECUm NO AN EMERGENCY. 00 ~~ < Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 445, be passed and approved as read. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ','\lith no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seco~ded and carried, the meeting recesseQ. The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday, January 18, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the City for the construction of 5" concrete paving 13~' wide abutting College Court Park. on Judson, South Judson and Simmons Streets, south ! of the intersection of Judson and Simmons, South Judson and Simmons and inter- section of Judson and South Judson Streets, according to plans and specifications approved by the City, the following and only bids received were opened and re- sults alli~o~~ced as follows: A. S. Koehler, Houston, Texas Brogan & Williams, Houston Texas $9,549.79 9,496.43 Mot:Lon by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that bids re- ceived for construction of paving and intersections abutting College Court Park be referred to Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlet, Holman and Terry. None 152 Consulting Engineer" H. J. Johnson submitted final estimate in the amount of Jll,272.94 for Howard T. Barry"Gontractor on Storm Sewer extensions of the city together with a letter stating that the project had been completed in accordance with plans and specificatipns and recommepded the Council's ap- proval and final acceptance. A letter stated that all lines were installed according to plans with exception of line No.8, on Coieridge Street from West Point to Community Drive. Omissi0n of this line being for reason that a thorough investigation determined that Co~nunity will drain into the existing County Ditch. ij ! I _t It was brought to the Council's attention that $500 had been deducted from the final estimate for backfill and that the 'city could better maintain ~he back- fills and ditch lines with the $500 than if the Contractor replaced fills with shell at this time. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that final estimate in the amount of $11,272.94 for Howard T. Barry, Contractor for in- stallation of Storm Sewer extensions be accepted and paid and that the $500 credit be accepted and placed to credit of the Street an(j Bridge Department of the General Fund for maintenance of ditch lines ~rr' connection with the project in lieu of the Contractor reshelling ditch lines at this time. t Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Larunon; Commissione,rs Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Ter:ry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ;-) t l i I I '-.--J ~"..~ ,," ,'MAYOR ' , . ATTES T: -~~ '--I I i '-----.J '1,"'t-:~"Wf,!~~H;" . t:::::.:..::~::-:~,.::t:'~~.::-~::-~_::"_:_ _ .:_--=:1 ,_.~,-,- ,. -:1 "T1'r<T"'i'.ilm;- r "1~:::-:-;:'C'C:" """="..:n'~ "W''''':~ e' ,__ " "Ii II -- _.~.{ . :mn:fTr~m~t1:njf)r~:J~mrn-'-'--------------- - - ;m:e~'--~ 1 5' <'), 1 \) MINUT&S OF REGULAR uffiETING JAN UARY 24, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday January 24, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary, City Attorney and City Paving Attorney. Treasurer's Certificate No. 28, certifying the availability of $11,500.00 to pay for cost of paving and improving JUdson, South Judson and Simmons Streets abutting College Court Park, and intersections of Judson and South Judson Streets, south t of intersection of Judson and Simmons and intersection of 00 South Judson and Simmons Streets. --' ~ Ordinance No. 446, captioned as follows, was presented by Mr. E. E. Townes, ~ Paving Attorney for the City and read in full: v <t ORDINANCE NO. 446 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $11,500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: 'SECTION NO. 1. SOUTH ONE-HALF OF' JUDSON STREET, ABUTTING COLLEGE COURT PARK IN THE 4200 BLOCK ON SAID STREET; SECTION NO.2. EAST ONE-HALF OF SIMMONS STREET ABUTTING COLLEGE COURT PARK IN THE 5700 BLOCK ON SAID STREET; SECTION NO.3. NORTH ONE-HALF OF SOUTH JUDSON STREET, ABUTTING COLLEGE COURT PARK IN THE 4200 BLOCK ON SAID STREET; --" SECTION No.4. INTERSECTION OF JUDSON AND SOUTH JUDSON STREETS; SOUTH ONE-HALF OF INTERSECTION OF JUDSON AND SIMMONS STREETS j SECTION NO.5. SECTION NO.6. INTERSECTION OF SOUTH JUDSON AND SIM110NS ST?EETS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. " Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Orrlinance No. 446 appropriating the sum of $11,500.00 to pay cost of paving and improving south ~ of Judson Street, east ~ of Simmons Street, north t of South Judson Street, abutting College Court Park and intersection of Judson and South Judson, south t of intersection of Judson and Simmons Street and intersection of South Judson and Simmons Streets. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ,.tt~o;;::t~,,_M' r ""~"""i .. -- - :::1 'Fe"'1> r ' :-------"" ''''"'''''''' em: !' ,~eL.... c----'''_J.L.L_L~_ ~ J~---~~'---r-:~mT'''r;JiI"nIiT::rr;;ll[jJ mi:"- - ~ 15,4 Ordinance No. 441, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. Uti7 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS H.A V~ H:ERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND, IMPROVING OF: SECTION NO. 1. , SECTION NO.2. SECTION NO.3. SECTION NO.4. SECTION No.5. SECTION No.6. SOUTH ONE-HALF OF JUPSOW STREEr, ABUTTINt& COLLEGE COURT PARK IN THE 4200 BLOCK ON SAID STREET; EAST ONE-HALF OF SIMMONS STREET ABUTTING COLLEGE COURT PARK IN THE, 5700 BLOCK ON SAID STREET; NORTH ONE-HALF OF SOUTH JUDSON STREET, ABUTTING COLLEGE COURT PARKIN THE 4200 BLOCK ON ~AID STREET; INTERSECTION OF JUDSON AND SOUTH JUDSON STREETS; SOUTtLONE-HALF OF INTERSECTION OF JUDSON ANn SI~ONS STREETS; INTERSECTION OF SOUTH JUDSON AND SIMMONS STREETS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDD:ER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE" CONTRACT fOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPl'ING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT ; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS-ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND D1RECTING THEEXECUTIQN THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETA.'R.Y ON BEHALF,OF THE CITY OFWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN E1'vIERGENCY. , ' Motion by CommissiGne~ Hamlett seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Ordi. nance No. 447 approving and adopting recommendation" of the Engineer and awarding contract for paving and improving portions of Judson, Simmons and South Judson Streets abutting College Court Park, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt"Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Contracts signed by property owners and Brogan & Williams, Contraptors,for paving of the 4100 Block Judson Street, south ~ of South Juds,on Street and north ~ of Judson Street in the 4200 block were submitted for Council's approval. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Control Contracts executed by ~ogan & Williams as Contractors and the re- spective property owners on Judson Street in the 4100 Block and Judson from west line of Fairmount to east line of Community and similar contracts on i'T~r' 'f~~im'm'l"rrmllifi[ ;:~':a""\'t~~~t,.", I'" <~~~'~"r~"~T"~ 1 "c"i '''''i'F!!mj"f',~'''';"''''"''''''"<~~-J-' -----,,,U 11 ' ! ,----I i i LJ /--\ i I I i l-..J ,r----.~. i I ! I l~ TIir'" oc: ....-;, ~. <""" -.~... ,. "- ~~/ ,,<t . ,- ':'" ""r-;_~~'''_~~.__';' 155 South Judson Street from Judson to Community be approved and the work permitted as provided in plans and specifications; such work being on ~ of Judson and South Judson Streets in the !~200 Block to be const.ructed contemporaneou.sly on Section No. 1 and No. 3 as described in Ordinance No. 447 ~n1ich covers the other ~ 01' said streets; and that Mr. C. E. Ga;clmi Ll, City Treasurer be permitted to act as escrow agent to hold payment of said improvements to be re- leased upon acceptance by the City and property owners. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holnla~ and Ter~r. None In compliance with Charter requirements the Council took the following action designating an official newspaper for the City: Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Southwestern Times be designated as the Official Newspaper of the City for the year 1949 as it is the only newspaper in this area qualified under the law. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that an error haJ been made in an address given the contractor for installation of a sidewalk as autho- rized on January 10, 1949. The address given was 3783 Tangley instead of 3783 Arnold. As a result of this error excavation was made by the contractor and the property owner had consented to pay for half of the cost of this in- stallation if the city would pay the balance, but he did not feel that he should pay all the cost as the work was started yd. thout his consent or knowledge. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Contractor be instructed to proceed with the installation of this sidewalk at 3783 Tangley, and the city pay one~half of the cost which'~mounts to $62.5.0 due to the fact that the error was made by a city employee. Voting Aye: , Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Vfuitt Johnson requested authority from the Council to sell a 1941 Ford Pickup, Motor No. 6266275, 0:] which he had received the following bids: Zeplin Brothers, 2514 Times Boulevard, $350; Luman Kelley, Houston, Texas, $375; and Mr. Paul C. Bartlett, 141 Woodvale, $400. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissio~~r Terry that the City Secretary be authorized to sell the 1941 Ford Pickup, Motor No. 6266275 to !fr. Paul C. Bartlett, 141 Woodvale on his high bid of $400. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, H~nlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by C,_;mmissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that' the City Secretary be authorized to sell an old Adams Grader and an International Far- mall Tractor which are beyond repair and no longer in use by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None r'~... ""=o-:Jo=~=:.'"",_ -_ _:1 --'m!!~:''''- __.,_r' ~.. .'--'-"""'-:""""~"""-. .::-1..~--,-~_I.L_;'___.__ _ _I' ]"rI~'f :,' t~ ~:m l1:f.f ~r'f~:~~~ ':if"ju:-ii':? JOu With reference to a request from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp on December 13, 1948 for a car allowance of $25 per mouth for use ,of his personal car on police duties, a recommendation was given by City Secretary Whitt Johnson that the 1948-49 budget be amended.to allocate sufficient funds for this purpose~ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terrythat.in view of t~e fact that tax colledionswill be above those antiqipated the budget be amended to provide allocation of $25.00 per morithcar allowance for Chief of Police H. E. Shipp while he is using his personal car ~n police duties; to be retroactive to December IS, 1948 and the City Treasurer be instructed accordingly. II i j 1 i U V oting Aye: Voting No Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt,Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Authority was given Mayor Lanman to make recommendations for new and additional members to serve on the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, since certain members" now-on the Board are unable to serve~ Aorecommendation from the Chief of Police and Commissioner Holman for erection of Stop Signs and Truck Prohibited signs in various sections of the City was submitted for Councills consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that 'the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance prescribing designations of Stop Signs and Truck Prohibited Signs as designated on a map approyed by Council. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon;Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry~ None :-1 , I i-1 The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board held on January 20, 1949 weere submitted to the Council and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the request of Mr. L. P. Gwin, representing Mr. A. J.'Penick, 2931 Amhe;rst, for permission to construct a new garage with play room above to replace the present garage and play room which is in need of repairs, be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board, subject to execution of affidavit." Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, H~lett, Holman and Terry. l~one Application of Mrs. S. T. Sikes ,Jr., 6436 Br,ompton, for subdivisi0u of Lot 1, Block 14, West University Place 1st. Addition into 'three lots was held in a- beyance because a request for a S' utility easement by the city had not been complied with. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. J. L. Smith, 6537 Mercer Street for permission to erect a stqrage room 15' X 18' onto his present garage, be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None 1\ I \---, nIli "-l&!~rrCjJTIrlT)jlilllllf m,r'~ 0(, ......., ~ ~-:r. (..;) -< 1 ,r:: 7 ,.j, Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the recormnendation for subdivision of Lot 102, Fairhaven Addition as requested by Mr. J. D. Allstott, 4125 Marquette be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Larunon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Ho~nan and Terry. None Minutes of the meeting of January 10, 12 and 18 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made se?onded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A T'r~~ST: ~~J , - City S- ---- -a ... . . .- . :Ti1'j"li',"c,ITiT,'rrWITif n:r" T'="~o.::~!-""='j==:.~""-'-'~ro-...:~'~- I ~ 'i ."nI!T ~==C==~====:J '.j r' 1". , 00 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1949 The City Council convened, in regula~ session at the City Hall. on MOQ.day, February 14, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terr,r. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Holman was absent. Mr. W. E. Eberling, Chairman of the CommUnity Hall Committee, appeared before the Council advising that the Committee had met on February 10, 1949." Mr. Eberling submitted a list of recommendations from the group for improvements to the Community Hall and a, list of rules governing the use of the bu~lding for the Council's study and consideration. i \ I ! , l I i 1--1, City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the electric traffic..' signal control at University and Edloe Street ~s out of operating commisSion and had been removed for repairs. Mr. Johnson recommended' that inasmuch as the signal light was in need of repairs and the the council had heretofore con- sidered installing various traffic controls and that funds in the amount of $2500 had been allocated in the 1948-1949 budget for this purpose that the Council consider installation of new traffic controls at this time. The following quotation received from Crouse-Hinds for controls, materials and estimated labor for installation of traffic controls at4 intersections was submitted: Section I, Intersection Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street-$lOO, by using the electric signal presently located at University and Edloeafter repairs have been made;' Section I~, Intersection of University and Edloe, ~ $439.40; Section III, University and Auden - $616.20; Section IV, Intersection of Universit,y and Buffalo Speedway -$829.36. ,'-I ! I 1-1 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt,'that the recommendation,of the City Secretary be accepted for purchase of-signal con- troIs for Sections 1,2 & 3 and that labor be contracted for separately on these sections and that the City Secretary be authorized to advertise ,for bids for furnishing of labor, materials and controls for Section No. .IV, being intersection of University ,and Buffalo Speedway. VotingAye: Mayor Lanmon; CommiSSioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No : None Ordinance No. 448, captioned as f'Ollows was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 448 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT lMPROVEMENT OF THAT .t'ORTION OF BYRON STREET IN -THE CITY OF WFST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, CONSTITUTING SEGRE- GATED SECTION No.4, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE OCTOBER 25, 1948 CONTRACT WITH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, OONTRACTOR, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVE- MENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTION; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETrLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES ANDDECLABING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance i I~ !':Hj;~~~~'1Jf:c"l;:rFC"'- r' -, '--=l'---="'O--'-i=' I>'~" ""T~:W1Irf ~~._._-'----'i-' --71--.. . 1 .-\ I. . i'T!1T"li1ilIT~iiT::J1;:J11IiI mire>< . -\! r"9 l~) No. h48 determining that improvement of Section No.4 of Byron Street of the October 25, 1948 contract with Brogan & Williams has been completed and autho- rizing and directing settlement be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Terry. None Ordinance No. 449, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: .~ <'( i..~ <t ORDINANCE NO. hh9 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MARQUETTE, VILLANOVA AND SOUTHWESTERN STREETS, IN THE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1948, CONTRACT WITH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, AND OOMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS. 1, 9 AND 10, AS THEREIN SET FORTH, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (;() Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordi- nance No. 449, determining that improvements to portions of Marquette, Villa- nova and Southwestern Streets provided for in the September 20, 1948 con- tract with Brogan & Williams have been canpleted and authorizing and directing settlement, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None Mayor C. P. Lanmon stated that the Council had considered at length the ad- visability of refunding all outstanding water and sewer revenue bonds of the city and had decided that $58,000 City of West University Place Sani- tary Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1938, 4t%, should be called and refunded into a new issue at a lower rate of interest. Mr. O. U. Wymer, representing Moroney, Beissner & Company, Houston, Texas, submitted a proposal whereb,y $58,000 Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 1938, could be called and re- fundi~g bonds of a like amount issued at a substantially lower interest rate. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the City' proceed with refunding of the $58,000 'Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 1938, into a new issue at a lower rate of interest and that ~~e Mayor be authorized to issue a call for these outstanding bonds in accordance with provisions of Ordinance No. 149. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the pro- posal of Moroney Beissner & Company be accepted and that the ~yor be autho- ri0ed to execute a contract bet';1ieen the city and Moroney Beissner & Company for handling the refunding of the $58,000 Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds outstanding at this time based on a fee of $15.00 per $1,000 Sanitary. Sewer Revenue Bond, said fee to become due and payable as outlined in the contract f-'~~:;:--'....,,--"-'!:~'~' '-'~'~':'!=--- ?-'c..:r. ~~'!'l~'! ': T!:~:[J~!'I'r'i'l'i~:~,,~~.J1ef 1:: :I~ ~ " 160 and that the proposal and contract be made apar.t o.Lthe"minutes. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmotl;,Commi.ssioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Terry. None 1- \ i I ! I I , _i Honorable Mayor and City Commission, City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: We understand that you propose to issue Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds in an amount of $58,000.00 for the purpose of refunding the now out- standing sewer Revenue Bonds at a lower rate of interest~ In connection therewitb" we wish to submit you the following proposal: We agree and you authorize us to handle all details in connection ,with the calling of the now outstanding Sewer Reven~e Bonds and with the legal issuance and sale of the Sewer 'Revenue Refunding Bonds. We agree to advise and counsel with you relative to maturity schedules and other details which we believe to be in your best interest. We agree to payor reimburse you for the services of a recognized firm of bond attorneys acceptable to the undersigned, who will prepa1;'e all necessary legal papers. We further agree to arrange for the pt"intingof the, bonds at our expet;lse and to bear the cost of obtaining an approving opinion of a finn of recognized bond attorneys, if sUGh an opinion is'required by the purchaser. For and in consideration of the services to be rendered, any expenses to be incurred as hereinabove outlined, you agree to pay and we agree to accept as full compensation therefor, a fee in cash equal to Fifteen Dollars (15.00) per One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) Sewer Revenue Eond, said fee to b~come due and payable to th.e undersi.gned at the time the above described Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds are, delivered against payment. ' 1 I , I '-.J Respectfully submitted, Morone~, Beissner & Co. By ~ n T wY'l'~'" Authorized Representative A resolution authorizing redemption of $58,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds was sub- mitted. Motion by Commissioner,Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the following resolution be passed and approved as read: . RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the CitY' of West University Place, Texas: 1. That the City of West University Place does hereby elect to exercise its option to redeem the hereinafter described Sewer Revenue Bonds of said city, upon the terms and at the time specified in the notice hereina.fter 1 I i.J ) lr-J"'dJ'''"'''''''~' , ... ::::! ~"tll!\;!li r -: ~ ,:r~"~~l"" _"-------~"_ [' ;TI~r Ir:mrl"r:mnrn mr'" Ot.:) .- ~: <:: -; -'. -' < 11 "'1, .lDl set out. 2. That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be executed a notice in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR PAYMENT Notice is hereby given to the owners and holders of the hereinafter described bonds that the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following described bonds: $58,000 City of West University Place Sewer Revenue Bonds, 4-1/2%, dated Januat'y 1, 1938, due serially on January 1st in each of the years 1950 through 1958 and redeemable, on January 1, 1948, or on any interest payment date thereafter, being all remaining bonds outstanding of an original issue in the principal sum of $100,000. All of said bonds have been called for redemption on July 1, 1949, at the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, New York, at which time and place said bonds shall be presented for payment at a price of par and accrued interest. Said bonds shall cease to bear interest from and after July 1,1949. By order of the City Commission. (8) C. B. Gammill City Treasurer, City of West University Place, Texas 3. That the City Treasurer shall cause said notice to be mailed and published in the manner prescribed in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of said bonds. PASSED and APPROVED this 14th day of February, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that a final estimate submitted by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson from Sou.thwest Paving Company in the amount of $681.02 had not been presented to the Council for final approval for reason that sufficient funds in the budget had not been allocated for this purpose; and that there was also a final fee due H. J. Johnson in the amount of $41.40 making a total of $722.42. ' Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the final estimate from Southwest Paving Company in the amount of $681.02 for re- paving the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Sunset and Quenby Street and 2800 and 2900 blocks of Cason Street and Engineering fees in the amount of $41.40 due H. J. Johnson be approved for payment and that the 1948 budget be amended to provide allocation of $722.42 for this purpose. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Ter~. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson recommended that action necessary to the drilling ,[ 1He;"" '," _______ r~"'-"-= 'i ,,' -':'''''''j _~",__':' ':;u ~T-'''C':'''''L'''''''' 'r~'l r -- i'T!1T'iiC1lmn:Jl1:l1Ifil u:r' I' '-,' (,; O~ and equiping of a new water well and appurtenances,. theref.or..be.au.tharize<;i by the Council. Mayor Lanman sugges,ted that,inst.ead of. obtaining .f.unds, from a new bond, issue as had been heretofore contemplated that tbe,city use ~ certain lI~l amount of accrued water and sewer revenue funds and borrow an. additional a- mount to complete the project as is necessary from a bank a.'1d that the loan G, , be repaid from future water and ,sewer revenues. ' Motion 'by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terr,y th~t plans and specifications be prepared for drilling and equiping a new water well and all necessar,y equipment to put the well in operation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terr,y. Voting No: None City Attorney T. M. Ryan presented Ordinance No. 450, captioned as follows, which was read in full: ORDINANCE NO_ 11~o LIQUORREGULATI.ONORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF FEES AND THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE CITY OF' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE VARIOUS PHASES OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO SELL OR TO ENGAGE IN TH:E BUSINESS OF SELLING INTOXICATING LIQUOR WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; WHERE THE PLACE OF BUSINESS OF SUCH PERSON IS WITHIN 300 FEET OF ANY CHUR-CH, SCHOOL, OR OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITU.;.. TION; AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORII NANCE. I-l Mot ion oyA30mfliissioher' BU,f'f cnard.tj",seconde(ii,:ay:. ~o:rm1l:j.s5i.oner tHamlett.'ttla t ' Ordi- nance No~ h50p~oviding for the levy and collection of fees. and the issuance of permits to persons engaged in phases of the liquor traffic be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Counnissi(mers Buschardt, Hamlett, and Terry. V oting No :' None Ordinance No. 451, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full:, ORDINANCE NO. 4~1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY. AND COLLECTION OF FEES AND THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF MALT BEVERAGES; MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY DEALER WHOSE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS IS THE SALE OF :BEER. TO SELL THE SAME WHERE gIS PLACE OF BUSINESS IS ,WITHIN 300 FEET OF ANY CHURCH, SCUQOL, OR OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION; AND FIliNG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION 0;FTHIS ORDINANCE. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner H&rrlett that.Ordi- nance No. 451 providing for the lev-r and collection of fees and the issuance of licenses to persons engaged in the manufacture or sale of malt 'beverages be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No: None IJ ""~:,-",.,:.,":,:" !IJI,m IX! ~ ~i .< .... ._-, "'-, <. ", "~,'---~"tJ':<.',c-,,, 163 A letter from Mr. O. C. King, Chairman of the Zoning BoarJ, was submitted to ,the Council advising that the Board had met in special session on Monday February 1, 1949, and that action was taken recommending approval of the re- quest of Mr. Gus N. Reeves for permission to face a proposed home on Edloe Street instead of Arnold Street on which the lot was originally dedicated to face, and that Mr. Eugene T. Sealey, 3424 University Boulevard be permitted to enclose the front porch of his home as requested. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Crurunissioner Terry that Mr. Reeves be permitted to construct a home to face Edloe Street instead of Arnold Street on Lot 21, Block 1, Section 7, Sunset Terrace Addition, as recommended by the Zoning Board. Vot.i.ngAye: Voting No Mayor Lanmon; Commissionem Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Mr. Sealey be permitted to enclose the front porch of his home as requested and as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None Minutes of the meeting of January 24, were read and approved as correcteu. Wit'"! no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. f1~~~, ~ ATTEST: ~~ ~ '< ~---' t ~~-/ " City Sa .. ary . F-~;'~-=-"r.o~==~~. ~ ( ~~'rr.:'f ~-'f:r~fml'l'I'TI':~:~~:rnlljr-- ~ ~- n::r: "~~-~ - "''''~''''~dL-r. ; - -":'''--'-=-=='=~'~~:"'.:_1..........__:_----'-..:........lL_J__; 164 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session atth~City Hall, on Mond~y February 28, 1949, 7: 30 P.M. with the following memberspresep,t: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, tIolman ,and Terry. Also present:were the City Secretary and City Attorney. A letter was presented from the Bus Committee advising they had met on Thursday February 24, to consider a petition which had been submitted from residents in the vicinity of the 2600 and 2700 blocks of Sunset Boulevard re- questing the rerouting of the Southampton bus. The Committee submitted three methods of solution for the Council's consideration and study. . Mr. R. W. McNier, 6501 Brompton, appeared before the Council requesting per- mission to build an addition to his home 20' x 61' to consist of a breezeway, bedroom, bath, storage room and a two car garage. A letter was submitted from the Zoning Board advising that they had melt in special sessioJ1 on February 28, to consider this request and recommended approval subject to properly exe- cuted affidavit being furnished by Mr. McNie~ stating that this addition will not be converted into a complete living unit and will not be used in a com- mercial way or as a garage apartment. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the recommendation of the Zoning Board for approval of Mr. McNier's requ,est to construct an addition 20' x 61' consisting of a bedroom, bath, storage room, two car garage ,and breezeway, be granted subject to affidavi,t being .furnished by Mr. McNier. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ) I i --.! Mr. W. E. Lee, representing his Mother, Mrs. C. R. Lee, 6616 Sewanee, requested permission to obtain a permit to erect an extension to the garage building 12' x 18t to be used as a greenhouse. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that recom- mendation of the Zoning Board for approval of the request of Mrs. Lee for per- mission to erect an addition to her garage approximately 12 x 18 ft. to be used as a greenhouse be granted subject to execution of affidavit that this building would not be used commercially. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commi_ssioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. N. G., McFadyen, 4117 Teunys on, reques ted pennission fr._om' the Counc'il to place a 10' x 18t prefabricated utility building on the southeast corner of his lot in back of his home as recommended by the Zoning Board. After con- sideration of this request the matter was referred to the City Attorney for a written opinion on an accessory building of this nature being placed on~the premises. Mr. J. L. Williams of Brogan & Williams Construction Co. requested permission to pave the 6200 block of College Street stati~g all property owners have signed contracts and also requested permission to pave College Street abutting city I I i I ----' 't,f' I' ---, ----"I' ' '."."]""\ ----r ,,,., I" "liT' I 'FiJi[;] IT" " 165 owned property at the southeast corner of College and Milton Street. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the. paving of College Street in the 6200 Block be approved in accordance with resi- dential type paving plans and specifications heretofore adopted and approved by the Council and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract with Brogan & Williams covering this work. Voting Aye: Voting.No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The question arose concerning city participation for paving that portion of the street abutting business property located at the sOl:.thwest corner of OC~ Co~lege Street and Milton Street. ~' <~ Motion by Cornmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the city not participate in the paving of property located at the southwest corner of College and Milton Streets as this is business property and the city has not participated in paving of other property of a similar nature. .. "-a~: <: Voting Aye: V oting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance authorizing a field change to increase a contract heretofore awarded to Brogan & Williams for the paving of 3800 Block of Milton Street where city property is involved and that such contract be increased in the sum of $601.80 to cover paving of city mvned property abutting the 6200 Block of College. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissj.onersBuschardt, Hamlett, Holman a'ld Terry. None Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on Monday February 21, 1949, were submitted to the Council. City Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted a recommendation from the S,vimming Pool Committee which had met on February 26, that steps be ttiken to beautify the swimming pool grounds as soon as possible as this was the time of year to ' transplant trees and shrubberies. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Secretary be authorized to proceed with plans for beautifying the grounds around the swimming pool using funds from the Swimining Pool Operation Fund not to exceed $500. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor La1mon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A letter from Dr. Lyman C. Blair, Chairman of the Health Board was read to the Council which recommended an allowance of an add;,tional 20 gallons of gasoline each month to Mr. W. J. Ryals, Humane Officer, since it has become necessary for him to transpor.t dogs which are to be disposed of to the city of Houston pound as the Humane Department of Houston has discontinued the practice of picking up dogs from City of West University Place pound. After discussion and ",,"'~P~~"":"" r"" ~-~r= -'~1 ;:;,,'/"'n!-;-T:jf,l~irt1n r ""T=--'='-"OC:-:~~"""'''-Z:CT''''~'''T''.- ~1 I I r.' . -------- ,iT1T'll"ll:'IFI":ri::n1fil TIll'" 100 consideration of the recommendation from the Board of Health the Council deemed it more equitable to pay Mr. Ryals for this extra service on a mileage basis as there is no way to determine the number of trips which would be required. The City-Secretary was authorized to handle this matter with the Humane Officer. ) ~ In compliance with a request from Mr. J. R. LeMay for permission to lease the south 20. of Lot 6, Block 18, College View 3rd Addition being vacant property owned by the city adjoining his property, City Attorney T. M. Ryan submitted a lease for a term of one year. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the city lease to Mr. J. R. LeMay the south 20. of Lot 6, Block 18, Coll~ge V:iew,}rd Addi tion and the Mayor be authorized to execute lease contract as prepared by the city attorney. Voting Aye.: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Bus,chardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Commissioner Holman recommended that an additional member be appointed on the Personnel Board. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. A. Ross Rommel, 4128 Milton, be appointed to serve on the Personnel Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, HalIllett, Holman and Terry. None . Minutes of the meeting of February 14, 1949, were re,adand approved. . i With no further business to come before the CounciLat this, time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed subject to call by the Mayor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on March 2, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following memberspreeent: Ma;ror Lanmon, pr~iding;Com- missioners Holman and Terry and the City Secretary. Commissioners'Buschardt and Hamlett were absent. Ordinance No. 452, captioned as follows, was introduced ~Q, read. in full: ORDINANCE No.~ '.,2 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING' THE ISSUANCE OF $58,000 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS; PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 'FHEREOF; MilKING PROVISION FOR THE PAYMENT ,OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconde"d by Commissioner Holmantha.t Ordinance No. 452 authorizing the issuance af $,8,000 City afWest .Univer.sity Place Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds be passed and approved as. read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmclll; Commissioners, Holman and Terry. None i I --...J ;" "--C""r' 1 --r I'r~'i ' I r"l~[lrTiTi~i11Ti1 . ni'"' , oc) .,-; ~ ,~~ ~ '.. '~ -< ":nMt'j>~~'0i-\''''-''' 161 With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: /'~" ~~~ Yh~/"~/ Y City r tary , J:-~=~ _.:".:~:.(-".~-"'~;'"'~~:~~::~.J. . -'<L~I' r.-'-'-i""~O='=~-~~-":'-"~"''''-C'~::T~,:_~_:...........:------..:.....:l.1..-.:__L ~f~~4/~ l---r---. -- :~mr: H~lrrTImn:I!:lIIrn . . - .m:r:"' ltr~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 14, 1949 l_ '~\.. The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday March 14, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: May:or,Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Tetry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. commissioner! Buschardtwas absent.' A group of citizens from Sunse~ Terrace and vicinity appeared before the Council protesting the issuance of a building p~rmit by the city to J. M. Huffington, et aI, for erection of a proposed structure to be located on the northeast corner of Rice Boulev~rd at,the inter~ection of Edloe Str~et. Mr. -- , .. ",,'.. " ,.. , , " , I Sam Levy~ Attorney representing the property o~ers of Sunset Terrac~ and vicinity asked that the building permit not be issued by the city uht1l the matter had been thoroughly investigated. The fbllowing previous action of the City Council and the Planning Commission as evidenced by minutes and records of the City was brought out in the discussion: I ' . Excerpts from Planning Commission Meeting on April 25, 19'40 itA request by Mr. D. F. Austin stating that I the land.facing on the corner of Rice and Edloe, to-wit 155 x 150' was unrestricted and that ,he would like to have the rest of the land lying betw11een Edloe and the ditch, Rice to Georgetown be also unrestricted. ' After due consideration a motion was made b~ Mr. Neil Geisenhof'f, and seconded by Mr. Jim Davlin that recommendation be made to the City Council that the extension of present retail busine$s district between Edloe and the drainage ditch from its present North e~d, to-wit 150' north of Rice Boulevard; to extend to the projection of t*e South line of Georgetown as laid out in West University Place, Second A<lidition, and that right of way be dedicated by Mr. Austin to permit the op~ning of Georgeto~~ from the Haden-Austin tract to West University Place~ 2nd Addition, and it is further recommended that the present retaillbusiness district lying between Edloe and Auden and North of Pershing Jr. High be restricted to permit its use for school purposes only on that portiorl of property presently owned by the Houston Independent School District, the balance to be restricted to 1300 Square Feet, 51% Brick Veneer, Single Family Dwellings. i i ,~ , ----J Aye: All No IS: None" **************** Excerpts from Planning Commission Meeting.on September,l2, 1940 "It is recommended to City Council that thejzoning Ordinance be amended to change the area now open for business lying North of the schools and between Auden and Edloeto a residential di~trict requiring 1300 Sq. Ft. 51% Brick Veneer, Single Family residences. Ayes: All No's: None" **************** Excerpts from Special Meeting,on September l7. 1940 of City Council "Commissioner Herschel made a motion which ~as seconded by Commissioner , ~ -----1" - nm~ H'i1J11lii'lT'1nm 169 Jones approving and passing a resolution calling for a public hearing to be held on October 7th, 1940 with reference to amending the Zoning Ordinance restricting certain properties in Sunset Terrace. (Copy of Resolution may be found in file under the heading of "Resolutions".) Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. * ~~ .~~ * * ~~ ...:}. ..* * * of~ * * * * * Voting Noe: None" CfJ I ~ '~ <"'" ~. Excerpts from Regular Council Meetin~ of October 7th. 19ho itA Public Hearing with reference to. placing restrictions on the property fronting on Rice Boulevard, from the drainage ditch to Auden, with the ex- ception to that on the Southwest corner of Edloe and Rice, was held. (De- tails of hearing may be found in files under "Zoning"). After the hearing and discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones instructing the City Attorney to prepare an amendment 'to the Zoning Ordinance #111 placing restrictions on the above property. '-..-i ~ Voting Aye: ,Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: Nonell **********~~****i~** Typewritten notes on Public Hearing before City Council as referred to in Council Minutes on October 7, 1940. II A Public Hearing was held regarding the placing of restrictions on the property fronting on Rice Boulevard from Edloe to Auden, including the northeast corner of Rice and Edloe. Mr. Dave Austin ~ stated that he was in favor of the 124 x 155' on Rice and Edloe to remain as business property and that the property across the street also be desig- nated as business property, since this land would not be sold as residential property. He said that plans had been started,to erect a store building on the 124' x 155' site. Mr. Warren Paine-at 3616 Rice Boulevard stated that he was not in favor of having a store at his back door. Mr. Liddell at 3617 Rice objects very much to the idea of a store. Mr. Niccols at 3701 Rice also objected very much, being that he resides at the northwest corner of Rice and Edloe. Mrs. Haden also objects. Mr. Fred Brown at 3711 Rice Boulevard stated that he objected to this store, or any other store being erected in this area. Mr. H. E. IJeaver at 3722 Georgetov\.TI objects very much to the store. Mr$. Maxwell who hopes to live at. 3712 Plumb stated that she was in favor of putting restrictions on the property, that she would not buy a home there if a store was to be built at the designated site. Icmc~~'TcC'''''''''''=1 'i, r~='-"='="C''''''''''"T' ", II r- c , - u i'TI~': i i .'IIH1T! Ti"lriil1ll1l nil;"'" 170 Mr. Dave Austin stated that he was never consulted on any of the zoning restrictions. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the restrictions be adopted, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. ! ; i I ,---,' V oting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Voting No: None" *'***'.'*************** After the public hearing as referred to in Council Minutes of October 7, 1940, it is noted that a motion was duly made, seconded and carried instructing the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 111 placing re- strictions on the property as described. Prior to this date (March 14, 1949) a thorough investigation of official records_was made to determine if such ordinance was officially passed and approved by the City Council and recorded in the Ordinance Book. The investigation revealed that such ordinance was never passed and approved by the council nor recorded in the Ordinance Books. Mayor Lanmon reviewed minutes of the Planning Commission of April 25, and September 12, 1940, and Council Minutes of September,17,.and Octoper 7, 1940 for the benefit of those present at the Council meeting~ ' Judge Ed Arnold representing Mr. J. M. Huffington et al appeared at the Council meeting at this time and made various statements concerntng the position of his client. The Council decided that for the best interests of all concerned and to reach a decision, it would be wise for Attorney Sam Levy, Judge Ed Arnold and City Attorney T. M. Ryan to make another investigation of official records and ordinances as relates to the.question. The Council agreed to, withhold issuance of the building permit for construction of a store building as requested by application heretofore made by Mr. J. M. Huffington, that the issuance of the permit be withheld until April 11, 1949, that the three attorneys agree to meet during the week of March 28, 1949 for the purpose of making their investigation, to render a legal opinion~s to the zoning status of the tract of land at the northeast. corner of the intersection ,of Rice Boule- vard and Edloe Street, now zoned for business. ' 1"'1 i , i :--.! Mr. N. G. McFadyen, 4117 Tennyson Street had request'ed of the Zoning Board and City Council permission to place a 10' x 18' prefabricated utility.building on his lot on which his home is located, and on February2B, 1949, the City At- torney was asked for a written opinion on an accessory building of this nature being placed on the premises. An opinion was submitted from the City Attorney stating: If A prefabricated house of the nature in'dicated by Mr. McFadyen's application is not an accessory building wi thin the meaning of the" Zoning Ordinance, since such building is not customarily located on residential property. It is accordingly my opinion that both the spirit and the letter of the Zoning Ordinance would be violated if Mr. MsFadyen's application was granted. It ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the request of Mr. McFadyen for placing a prefabricated utility building on his property in addition to his home be denied in view of the fact that it would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance according to the opinion of the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting. No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. None , "~"<~r,"'m~w,~',-~:..~ r:-_:~~_=::..__.:__:~~~~====:l _~,_~'" r.O:~,",,'''O~~':-~~C-'.:'~l!:''~'''L .L.... _.__"__ !~'fT.!'!" !-'! !;~!~~ ~i~':~~~~!~ n:::~ ';~~ .. '- r-I 00 ..--l "'(j"! _<.~ U <t o [1 "...,,;j,,-.!!nt<Hn,J..<"'oc';" 171 " Ordinance No. 453, caption as follows, was submitted to the. Council and read in full: Oraiaance Nu. h5J AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF A CE.R.TAIN PORTION OF ACADEMY STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1948, CONTRACT-WITH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, AND COMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTION NO. 11, AS THEREIN SET FORTH, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND'ORDIlUNCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTION; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND D1RECTING SETTLEMENT IN' ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terr,y, that Ordinance No. 453, finding and determining that the improvement of a certain portion of Academy Street has been completed; accepting the work andimprovements;ap- proving, the Engineer's final estimate and authorizing and directing settlement be passed ar;}d approved as read. Voting~Aye: Mayor Lanmon; COmmissioners Hamlett, Holman and,Terry. Voting No: None A letter from the Zoning & P.lanning Board was suhmitted by Mr. O. C. King, Chairman, advising that the Board had met in special session on Monday March 14, 1949, to consider a request from Mr. F. A. Huweiler, 6642 Rutgers for permiSSion to construct a garage building 24' wide by 20' deep, 14 x 20' of which is to be walled on all four sides for storage of one, car with ahel ring built alongside for general storage space; the other 10_x'~20' to be supported by ,beams along south side with side and ends left open; the open section to. be used for storage of a small trailer, lawn mower, etc. It was recommended by the Zonin6 Board that this request be granted. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that: the re- quest of Mr. Huweiler for permission to erect a 24' x 30' garage stru.cture be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board., Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terr,y. Voting No : None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the Harris County Health Unit and the West University Place Board of Health had recommended that Mr. J. P. Davidson, G.ity Sanitarian, be permitted to attend a' six weeks training course given by the State Department of Health in Austin, with salary and ex- peJises allowed during this period. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. J. P. Davidson be permitted to attend;the)tra.ining course in Austin with salary and expenses of approftimately $150.00 paid', as reCOmmended by-the Board of Health, provided the Harris County Health Unit furnish.the citywith;the services of a Sanitarian in envent of necessity. Voting Aye: .Mayor Lanmon;, Comrnission;ers Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None 1;~~'C-,o,~:,,-=-;=':1c;=~""- ---:-"_::.:1 .nm:,'," ~. """ r.'~'~~-",:~~~-~I~_:- .__'1~_:........L....._--'__L - -[,--- -- - --- "-----:~'n~:r-:-!t~~:Iffl~fTf~~~rnIr:I--- 172 Treasurer's Certificate No. 29, certifying t!;le amount of $1481.14 available for paying Engineer's fees in connection with paving the 3900 block Mar~nette, 3800 block Amherst, 2800, 2900, 3000 and 3100 blocks Lafayette Street was submitted to the Council. Plans and specifications for materials for installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard_were submitted by the City Secretary. ('~ ~~r LL Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City Secretary advertise for bids on traffic signal material for installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard to be received on March 28, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary 'Whitt Johnson advised that Brogan & Williams, Contractors" had, signed a contract with property owners for paving of the 4200 block South Judson but that the owner of Lot 7, Block 4, College Court Addi tion,at the corner of South Judson and Simmons Streets, being non-homestead property had refused to sign paving contract as he was, in process of selling a newlycon- structed ~house and if this property was not paved that other property owners did not desire to pave this street. It was the .opinion of the Council that the city should file notice of intention to pave on both South Judson and Simmons S~reets where contracts were not signed and where non-homestead property was involved. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry, tha.t the City Paving Attorney be'instructed to prepare necessary legal proceedings to file a notice of intention to pave6n South Judson and Simmons Streets where non... homestead property was involved and where contracts had not been signed. r----n I ,-1, Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised. the Council tbat a 1947 Ford Patrol Car was in bad state of repair and repair costs for operation as a patrol car were excessive and recommended, transfer of the 1947 Ford patrol car to the Building Inspection ,Department thereby eliminating a $35.00 per month car allowance and transfer of 1949 Ford passenger car from the Engineering depart- menttopolice department and purchase of a new. passenger~ car for the.'Engi- neering Department and also the need of a' dump truck and body ,for use in .the street department; a new passenger car and new dump truck,and chasis having been approved in the current budget,. The city secretary further advised that a dump truck and passenger " car was available and asked the Council's approval for purchase of these two vehicles on bids having been taken. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett authorizing departmental transfer of automobiles as recommended by the City Secretary and authorizing the purchase of one new passenger car and one, new truck in accordance with low bids submitted by Downtown ChevrDlet Company. Voting Aye: .Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman.and Terry. V oting No: None ; T I I ..--J ~.;Ai!F;l20~rN~-TF[~ r ="=1' ", I ,1"mu~~~7'~'~"""-1 " 1 [. _m_ -- '-TITi'rnr;~:lIim'iil'iriJ:i11lil. - .-----'niir"'-- oc) ~...: ,,"'" --.., t;~ < " 1113 Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson submitted a final estimate for paving of the 3800 block ~lilton, 6200 block College and 3900 block Rice Boulevard and inter- section of Rice Boulevard and College Street and intersection of College and Milton Streets with recommendation that estimate be paid as final payment and acceptance of the contract and work performed on this project by Brogan & Williams, contractors. Ordinance No. 454, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ()yon; n::lnp.~N.... I 1151, AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THA.T THE IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MILTON STREET AND RICE BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCE.C) AND IN THE NOVEMBER 22, 1948, CON- TRACT w.nH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, AND COMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS. 1 and 2, AS THEREIN SET FORTH, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE ~VITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE A}..T]) AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND A1JrHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordi- nance No. 454, finding and determining that the improvement of certain portions of Milton Street and Rice Boulevard has been completed; accepting the work and improvements; approving the Engineer's final estimate and authorizing and directing settlement be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt John~on recommended that the City Council advertise for bids for a front end loader to be used by the street and sewer departments. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Whitt Johnson be authorized to advertise for bids for a front erid loader. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Minutes ,of the meetings of February 28 and March 2, were read by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that minutes of February 28, a~d March 2, be approved as read and corrected. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Co~issioner Holman stated that in his op1n1on there had not been a thorough understanding with the two paid firemen who were performing duties of Cor- poration Court Clerk and Deputy Corporation Clerk concerning compensation for their services and that they should receive an additional $12.50 each per month above their salary of $265 per month and made the following motion: : '-/-'ff\~rvr~)!t~~ ~<! fnn 'Ir:lli'IFr!'!1rIT1ll11 ! ' , r~~~'~'"r""""''''"~''-l mr'; "%('''''' I ""''''''''''1' '1 174 Motion,by Commissioner Holman that during the period the two firemen perform duties of Corporation Court Clerk and Deputy Corporation Clerk~that their salary be increased $12.50 per montb and that Firemen not be permitted to , operate the Coca-Cola!machine, located in the fire station, for personal gain. The motion died for lack of a second. With no further business to came before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~ /~ ~/ .... CitySe e~' " D LJ r-l U oc ~ ~ <~ U <C 1'_", ',.....~.._-t.r;."....!y;,;q".,_;.. 175 rUN UTES OF REGULA,lf MEETING MARCH 20; 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday March 28, 1949, 7: 30 P .~J .wi th the following members present: Mqi or - La'lllon, presiding, COImnissiorlers Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present was the Cit,r Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. In compliance with Nctice to Bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the City on March 17, bids were received for traffic signal material for installation at the i,ltersection of University Boulevard and Buffalo Speedway. The fOllo.ving bids received were opened and results announced as follows: Crouse~Hinds Co. - Houston, Texas - $908.64 f.o.b. Syracuse, N.Y. Warren Electric Co. ~ Houston, Texas - $835.44 f.o.b. West University Place Motion by Co~~issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the bids received for traffic signal material to be installed at intersection of Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard be referred to City Secretary ~bitt Johnson for further analysis and recommendation. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting of March 17, were submitted to the Council for consideration. Mr. George Schuler, Jr. representirlg Mr. S. S. Boles, appeared before the Council in regard to set back lines for proposed construction of a house on Lot 26, Block 19, Colonial Terrace Addition. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Corr~issioner Buschardt that the request of Yrr. George Schuler, Jr., representing Mr. S. S. Boles, owner of Lot 26, Block 19, Colonial Terrace, for a set back of 47' from the front northeast corner of said lot for a proposed home and aFprOY~mately 22' from the northwest corner, due to the odd shape of the lot, be approved as recom- mended by the Zoning Board~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No:, None Mr. P. R. Delgado, 3815 Case Street appeared before the Council regarding his application to the Zoning Board for authority to resubdivide the west 25' of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, Block 11, College View 1st Addition and permission to use a gaI'age apartment built on the rear of these lots as living quarters for his Mother and Brother and also permission to build a 5 room dwelling on the front portion of these lots for his O~~ use. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Mr. P. R. Delgadofs request for authority to resubdivide the west 25' of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12 and 13, Block 11, College View 1st Addition into two building sites as follows: west 25' of Lot 11 and east 40 Ft. of Lot 12, Block '11; west 10' of Lot 12 and all of Lot 13, Block 11, be granted as r':,=cc'mc~:T~~O='3: _I '0--'----- ~'rI':'J-J~I! :C::1!::!~1 ml~=~- ml"" - ~,,'>Pj'C.'~'~-=:=~=>::--::~-: ,:_'.--:~._'~~Ln_ lit) recommended'by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No' :; Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None '-1) I W ! I' .----.--- In regard to building a five room, dwelling on the front of this property it was the opinion of the Council that the Zoni~g Board's recommendation be up- held as two complete living units on one building site on this ar.~9.. would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Lanman made the following statement and asked that it be recorded in the minutes: "The Council was made aw~re of Mr. Delgado's request to the Zoning Board for living units on the west 10' of Lot 12 and all of Lot 13, Block 11, College :View Addition, their decision .and rejection thereof; and the granting of. Mr. Delgado's request for subdivision of lots. The Council in no way presumes to anticipate use of these lots in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and granting of this request is based on request for re- subdivision alone; howev~r, the Council will refer this request to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals and to 'the City Attorney f q' an opinion. It Motion by Commissioner Hamlett seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the, statement of Mayor Lanman be included in the minutes of this meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Lannon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner H~~ett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be upheld concerning the request of Mr. R. H. Britain, 3212 Georgetown.for. permission to co.nstruct a carport, play-- room and a glazed porch in connection with his existing home and two car garage. . ,I,J."'.,'.',',,' 1 ' I V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Action by the Council was delayed on the request of .afros_. D.. H. L.. .Donoho, 0115 Riley Street" .f.or permission to enclose the existing front porch of her home which would extend the front building line of her house appro)\i- mately 6 Ft. into the required setback distance from the front property line,_ which was rec,ominended for approval by the Zoning Board. This delay was due to the fact that Mr~. Donoho was not present and no sketch of the plans submitted. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr.G. J.I,.on,g, 3770 Nottingham for permission to demolish a two car garage with st9rage I'Pom attachedsince,~,it is in a very bad s.ta.te of repair and build a new two.: car garage With attached storage room ~9 be:. used also as. a wood working hobby shop, be approved as recommend~d by the.Ze},O.ing Board. Votirtg Aye: Voting No Mayor Lanman, ,Commissioners Buschardt, Haml'ett, Holman .and, Terry. None .".1",. I ". 1 !: i-.J", Mr. W. E. Brogan, of Brogan & Williams, Contractors, advised that contracts ":!;~'iI-'r(l':~:l;:".;"'"- rC~"~C~"'"l"'~"'C~ 1'" ''} '...'@1' r':""o"'c'c~'c'''C'''''~e ,l__'__~:..cjL_ , {,- ,,,i!j'1 I lii':lll!'lrili'ilCLlnrn niil"" [)JD -l ~ <: '.....; '<! !! i~~1-'!!-J;\mf~1'v.;r-.," 177 had beensL;ned by property ovmers for the paving of Lehigh Street in the 4100 Block with exception of Lot 9, Block 20, and Lot lL & 15, Block 20, College Court Addition and 4100 Block Dartmouth with exception of Lot 7 and 8, Block 19, College Court Addltion and requested the city to file Notice of Intention to pave on these blocks in order that this non-home- stead property might be assessed if contracts were not signed voluntarily. Motion by Cow&issioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Paving Attorney be instructed to file Notice of Intention to pave Lehigh Street in the 4100 Block and Dartmouth Street in the 4100 Block. Voting Aye: Voting No : M~or Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A quitclaim deed was submitted for execution by the Mayor in favor of William B. Whenthoff and '!life, Mary 1fJhenthoff, owners of Lot 6, Block 20, West University Place Addition, located at 2803 University Boulevard. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Mayor be authorized to execute the quitclaim deed in favor of William B. Whenthoff and wife, Mary Whenthoff subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form, and provision that city's rights as to University Boulevard paving not be surrendered. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A letter from Rev. Ray V. Mayfield, Pastor of the West University Baptist Church requesting use of the Community Building when it is vacated by the Church of Christ was submitted to the Councii. City Secretary Whitt Johnson was instructed to acknowledge receipt of said letter and advise that if and when the building becomes available, this request will be c'onsidered at that time. City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that present Police radio equipment was in bad repair and that the F .C. C. was requesting that police radio systems be converted to f'.M. by January, 1950. An estimate for re- placing present police radio equipment ~vith an F.M. system as required by F.C.C. was submitted. The City Secretary was instructed to obtain estimates from manufacturers of various types of police radio equipment and make further investigation and submit his findings at a later meeting. A statement of taxes, delinquent for more than three years, was submitted to the Council by Mr. C. E. Gammill, Tax Collector. Motion by Cow~issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the delinquent tax statement be forwarded to the City Attorney with in- structions to pursue diligently to effect collection of delinquent taxes from 1927 to 1948 inclusive. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Commissioner Holman. A request from the St. Marks Episcopal Church for the remission of taxes r"="'" ' r....." ','"'' 1 ,.. c't11'1Iir"'- . .-- --""'mir"" , "T"~J r"- . ----,,-----,---- ,"lTi',-'rrrI11T'liiTi'iri:illl1l-- 14'~ I i I for the year 1945- on Lot 12',1 Block 2, Pershing Place ,and for 1946 on Lot 30 Cambridge Place was subm~tted to th~ Council. Motion by commissionerHaml~tt, seconded by Commissioner H;olman that the request be consideredandca~ opinion obtained from the City Attorney. i I Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; qommissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None l- ei ty Secretary ~,t,t ,JOhnS~,' I ad:,ised.,th,at the Coca~Co~a Company had made ..a request for the Cl.ty of We~~ Unl.versl.ty Place to furnl.sh water for the' new Coca-Cola _plant located Ion Bissonnet and Wakeforest Streets:. ' I Motion by Commissioner Busc~ardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Secret'ary negotiatE1 with the Coca-Cola Bottling Gompanyand sub..., .lI!it a tentative .proposal su~,ject,to confirmatio~ by theCouncil.., Voting Aye: Mayor ~~c:>n; ~ommissioners Buschardt, Hamlett~ Holman and Terry. Voting No: None" I ' - Co~sulting Engineer H. J. J~hnson.and City Secretary Wh,itt Johnson presented plans and specifications ,fo~ drilling and equipping a new gravEd wall water well and installation of a ~urbine booster pump," small storage tank, chlori- nation system, pump house a~d electrical control system. Specifications for the chlorination system, smar1l stora.ge tank, pump house and ele,ctric, control system were tentative and in,complete. ' , I i I Motion by Commissioner Haml~tt, seconded by Comrni.ssioner Terry that the City Secretary be instructed to ~dvertise,for bids for drilling and equipping a new gravel wall waterwen.~. dinstallation of turbine booster pump on April 14, 1949, 7:30 P.M. d,that-specifications for_there,m,aining po, rti'on of the project be completed and then advertised for bids to be received April 21, 1949. I ' . Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; qommissioners Buschar:dt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None . r - '- ". . i . Motion by Commissioner Xe~~, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the Ci-ty Secretary be instruct:ito advertise for bids fora ,small tract.or and a front end loader; bids t01he received until 7:30 P.M. April 14th. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; qommissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None I I I Commissioner Holman submi tted the following names of ci tizens to serve on I the Board of Adjustment and IAppeals in addition to the members presently on the Board: Mr. A. C. Moss, IMr. J. E. Weatherly, Mr. Phil Peden and Mr. Rush Record. I I I Motion by Commissioner Holm~n, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that these names of citizens submittedlbe appointed to serve on the Board.of Adjustment and Appeals. I T::;'':~',",,",1,,''--'-7_':'1'=r:==:!,"''-:;:,~-,:''''~ ~--:-:rcc------ - :~'!I~'~-:-II !'~!~l~~~i~'~::~~rnmf L__~"'-"C"C.'.'-r'r".'''-'''_-''''''''.''.'''~.I'.''-.~'T.__.___ ______1..:____ _, . u : I i,Lj:,' !i [J".-' I' . , ;, lj m::~~'~' 179 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mayor Lanmon made the follovnng stateme~t 7-nth reference to the purchase of water meters by the City: "From time to time the city has been buying from the Pittsburg Equitable Meter Company, water meters as they were needed. A substantial savings to the water department has been made through our ability to buy meters at a price below that currently quoted; our price being based on an offer by the Pittsburg Equitable Meter.Company under date of April 2, 1949.1t c "-<of Motion by Crnrmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that inas- much as there is only a verbal contract existing between the city and pre- sent supplier of water meters, purchases made since November, 1948 to date are approved and ratified by this Council and additional purchases of meters under present arrangement to supply current needs until a contract can be made are hereby approved. ,-\'1"''\ v'-> ~ ~...l ~ " !~._J ~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~ , -2 ,,' " ~.e~ . - Cit ~tfl;ry I'm",,",,''- .,,~'~~ "Ii f~'-=-;-' -"~=:'==:',"",,"~7"'~1;~-~:_-:1._~_.__.______L___:. c. - - - ~:T~T~I!T~~elTLi1T:~~nIILl nrr'~~' l(5U MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 11, 1949 The City Council met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 11, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City,Secretary and City Attorney. [( 1--.1 Minutes of the meeting of ,March 28, 1949, were, read and approved as con:ected. Mrs. D. H. L. Donoho, 4115 Riley, appeared before the Council with reference to a request she had made of the Zoning Board for permission to enclose a front porch of herhomewhi ch would extend the ' front building line of ber house approximately 6 Ft. into the required setback distance from the front property line. The Zoning Board recommended approval of this request at their meeting of March 17. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the recommendation of the Zoning Board for approval of the request of Mrs. Donoho be gran ted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A letter from the Zoning Board advising they had met in special session on April 2, to consider a request made by Mr. T. L. Dorsett, 3902 Riley Street, for permission to convert a one-story one car attached garage into a 10' x 18' wash room and enlarging the present kitchen by erecting a 10' x 12' addition. jf,.,.,,'J The Zoning Board recommended approval of this request. Mq'j:.i,.on by Commissioner HliUIllett" seconded by Commissioner Terry that the re- quest of :Mr. Dorsett be granted as re~ommended by the Zoning Board subject to the execution of affidavit pertaining to use of the premises. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Zoning Board also advised by letter that they had met in special session on April 1, 1949, and recommended approval of the request qfMr. ~CeciJ. JIilliard, 6416 Westchester for permission to construct a 10' x 18f storage room on the back side of his existing two-car garage subject to execution of affidavit that this room will not be used for commercial purposes. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the re- quest of Mr. Cecil Hilliard be granted subject to execution of affidavit as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Zoning Board also met in special session on Monday, April 11, 1949, and recommended approval of a request from Dr. Windell H. Hamrick, 2815 RiC,e, Boule- vard for permission to erect an addition containing two bedrooms and a half- ::",",J' bath to his present home, provided affidavit is executed containing provisions , that no part of this addition, nor any part of the present structure will here- !t--. r'=~" ..."l=-::::.J:..:=:::t "'.'1' r,,""c.n "."..~cml''':' L_. .l_ . .1- -- --'j'1C'i' IT":l"~I'I'ITi]:rn[r' . mi" 181 after be used as a duplex or two-family dwelling unit, or as an office for carrying on any business. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that the re- quest' of Dr. Windell H. Hamrick, 2815 Rice Boulevard be granted as recommended by the Zo~ing Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ~t ~~ < ,:..;) < Messrs. R. J. Depenbrock and Fran.1{ Austin, residents of the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Amherst advised the Council that property owners of these blocks had signed contracts with the Southwest Paving Company for improvements to Amherst Street and were desirous for the city to make improvements to a portion of the intersection, at Amherst and Buffalo Speedway. i)() County Commissioner Jack Tm'msend, who was present at ,the meeting, advised that the County would furnish the labor on improvements to the intersection of Amherst and Buffalo Speedway which is in the County Road System, if the city would furnish the materials. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that plans and specifications for resurfacing the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Amherst Street with a Duraco asphalt topping be approved and that the portion of the inter- section connecting to the existing asphalt pavement on Buffalo Speedway at Amherst Street be paved based on the offer of County C~mnissioner Jack Town- send to furnish the necessary labor and equipment and the city to furnish materials only; the intersection of Belmont and Amherst notto be paved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Property owners from the vicinity of Edloe'and Bissonnet appeared before the Council and advised they had contacted County Commissioner Jack Townsend con- cerning installation of a caution light over the bridge at the end of the 3600 block of Bissonnet. Commissioner Townsend advised that the County would install the signal light if the city would maintain it. Chief of Police H. E. Shipp recommended ad- ditional signal lights at Academy and Bissonnet and Weslayan and Bissonnet. The Mayor agreed to write a letter to County Commissioner Jack Townsend ad- vising him of the location of desired signal lights and the city's willingness to maintain same. Mr. J. L. Williams of Brogan & Williams Construction Company appeared before the Council and advised that property owners in the 6200 block Mercer Street had signed paving contracts for paving of this block. Mr. Jack Ligon, 3524 University, advised that all the property on the 6200 block of Mercer con- 'siated of side lot property and requested the city to pay 25% of the cost in line with an existing policy for side lot participation. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Co~nissioner Buschardt that the !!"P-'-.- l=,~m~~~J~c"~""'''l::--=::l nwr"":"" """~"""''''''T'~L,_,___ I [' nci:ur;Jlmmm:lJIi1il , nii:": I(-)~ city approve plans a~d specifications for 5 inch residentialcancrete paving . as heretofbre adopted, for the paving of the 6200 bloc~ Mercer, and the city to participate 25% on side lot property. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. Voting No: None J In order to appropriate funds for this purpose the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance releasing a balance of $2285.43 from Treasurer's Certificate No. 15, to be returned to the 1948 Bond Fund. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None A letter from Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson recommending acceptance of th~ Contract between the City and Brogan & Williams, Contractors, for the paving of Sections 1, 3, hand 5 on Judson and South Judson Streets was sub- mitted to the Council for consideration. Ordinance No. 455, captioned as follows, was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO & hC;C; AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMING THAT IMPIWVEMENT OF CERTAIN ~,~- .1 PORTIONS OF JUDSON AND SOUTH JUDSCN STREETS, IN THE CITY OF WEST _ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE JANUARY 24, 1949 CONTRACT WITH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CON- TRACTOR, AND COMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS. 1, 3, 4 AND 5, AS ':t'fl1!iREIN S~FORTH, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACTJaND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN 'A,CCORDANCE THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PAVE AND IMPROVE SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS. 2 AND 6 SET FORTH IN SAID CONTRACT; CANCELING SAID .CONT,RACT AS TO SAID SECT,IONS NOS. 2 AND 6 WITH THE CCNSENT OF CONTRACTOR; RELEASING THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE $11,500 APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 446; TRANSFERRING SAID UNUSED FUNDS TO THE GEN.ERAL CREDIT OF THE STREEr IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948, AND DECLARING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER APPROPRIATION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordi- nance No. 455 finding and determining tllat the improvements to certain portions of Judson and South Judson Streets have been completed; accepting improvements and autllorizing settlement, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None c [ ':"l~"~~=:T--:::;r-,~~=:OT~""C-." :1 '..,__' ro-.-- ". .~~:-.:.-~_,---~.:..-L-____, . l .,-- ::'~T ~'!! r'~~!I~~I~f1'1~~~~ ~-- n - nl:f":' oc ~ ~-~. ~,-r: r~) ~ -I", j-.-if*"1-"!"'i\!''''''?! 1 0 ,-~ Ot) Ordinance No. 456, captioned as follows, was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 456 AN ORDINANCE DETER.Tl.HNING THE NECESSITY FOR AN ORDKltING THAT ,CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: LEHIGH STREEl', IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; DARTMOurH STREET, IN THE 4100 BLOCK 'rHEREOF; AND LYING BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE INTERSECTING STREETS IN EACH IN- STA_WCE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING Pk\NS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH II'..!1PROVEi\ffiNTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF .PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARA.TE SECTIONS, EACH OF YffiICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPAF..ATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPLT{E AN E3TI.MATE OF THE COST 01<' SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND A VvRI'rTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWI'JERS OF THE PROPERrIES ABUT'rING ON EACH PORTION 0:[1' EACH STREET TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIP- TION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PA,,11.T OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST OF THE SAID llvlPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT TFJS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER MID BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105 (b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE i[I;'ITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVRl1TISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner HoL~an, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 456, determining the necessity for and ordering improvements on certain portions of Lehigh Street in the 4100 Block and Dartmouth Street in the 4100 Block be passed and approvei as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The Council approved an estimate of $175 submitted by Mr. J. A. Metcalf for services of an electrician, labor and materials in connection with installation of traffic signal lights at Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard. In compliance vvith COID1Cil's instructions of March 28, reference analysis and recommendation to be made by the City Secretary on bids received for traffic signal ~aterial for installation at the intersection of University and Buffalo Speedway, it was recommended that the low bid of Warren Electric Company, in the amount of $835.44 f.o.b. West University Place, be accepted. Motion by COlrJnissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that a r . - ~.-""F.~:"=;~'-.:I_ - i'Ti1'i'Iii::Ulmrtl'i:il:m mir::' ,-, .';0":~li r::'";==,-c-_T-=-....-='".=""'<=.~'''~l~~.;:::.-l:___~__~~jJ___ : j'el5$;! .tit cJ '~. contract be awarded to Warren Electric Company for the purchase of, traffic signal materials for installation at the intersection of University and Buffalo Speedway on their low bid of $835.44. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson asked the Council to confirm the anployment of Mr. Galvin McDougal as manager of the West University Swimming Pool for the 1949 Season. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the employment of Mr. McDougal as ma.D9ger of the Swimming Pool be confirmed. V otihg Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Council was advised by the City Secretary that a water well at the disposal plant was needed to replace the present well which has sanded down and is be- yond repair. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids on construction of a water well and installation of necessary pressure tank and pumping equipmen1;. at the disposal plant; bids to be received April 28, 1949. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None J In compliance with instructions of the Council on March 28,1949, City Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted specifications recommended by Mr. W. L. Fagley, 6536 Wakeforest,for an.F. M. radio transmitter to replace the present radio equipment used by the, Police Department. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to advertise for bids for two separate F. M. Police Radio units. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Whitt Johnson, City Secretary advised the Council that a 2" water line in Krenzler Courts should be moved as it is now beneath a 4 unit apartment building now being constructed. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the Cit,ySecretary proceed with plans for removal of this water line from its ' present location. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mayor Lanmon stated that in his opinion it would be desirable and practicable for each of the Commissioners to work with the different Boards a,nd Committees and recommended the following appointments: [] n'"'j lil";:!I:'IFlrnilIT' m"'" 185 Commissioner Buschardt - Plumbing Board, Electrical Board and School COlmni t tee Commissioner Hamlett - Personnel Board, Health Board and Insurance Committee Commissioner Holman - Community Hall Committee, Finance Committee, and Bus Committee. Commissioner Terry - Zoning Board, Board of Adjustment & Appeals and Swimming Pool & Recreation Committee. In compliance with request of the Council on March 28, 1949, City Attorney T. M. Ryan stated that in his opinion 1945 taxes on Lot 12, Block 2, Pershing Place and 1946 taxes on Lot 30 Cambridge Place could not be waived as requested by the St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Motion by Conunissioner Bus chardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the St. Mark's Episcopal Church be advised that the City is not permitted to waive the 19h5 and 1946 taxes as requested, based on the opinion of the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Cormnissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed at 12:35 A.M. to reconvene on Thursday The Council convenea~n recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, April 14, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor C. P. Lanman, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present was the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. A request from ~~. Howard Boyles, 3782 Pll~b requesting permission to construct a breezeway 11' x 24' anj a storage room 12' x 18' to be adjoined to his two car garage and located between the garage and dwelling, having been previously submitted to the Zoning Board and approved, was submitted for Council's con- sideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Zoning Board's action in connection with the request of ~~. Howard Boyles, 3782 Plumb be approved and that necessary permit be issued for construction of a breezeway II' x 24' and a storage room 12' x 18' between his garage and main building in accordance ~~th plans furnished. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, HoL~anand Terry. None In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the City on March 24, 1949, bids were received for drilling and equipping a gravel wall water well and turbine booster pump and appurtenances. The follovdng bids received were opened and the results announced as follows: The 1ayne-Texas Co. Ltd~, 5402 Laymdale, Houston, Texas Gravel Wall Water Well & Appurtenances Turbine Booster Pump & Appurtenances $41,776.75 2,6El2.91 1'.--, ;'LU'''~'_'''''''''.~'_'~~_, , r::n:~'::_.T:O:::I::!"T:'-- =.-, lbti Texas Water Wells Inc., 951 McCarty Drive, Houston, Texas Gravel Wall Water Well & Appurtenances .Turbine Boostef'PUinp&'Appurtenances $46,500.00 3,650.00 '-l I .-.J Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt,that.these bids be referred to Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson and City Secr~tar.1 Whitt Johnson for further analysis and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman ani Terry. None In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the City on March 24, 1949, bids were received for an In.dustrial Type Tractor'with front end loader., The following bids received were opened and ,the results announced as follows: " Benson Tractor Co., 6414 Harrisburg, Houston, Texas $3,294.13 McCall Tractor & Equipment. Co;.~,3714 Navigation, Houston,' Tex<;ls 2,950.55 South Texas Equipment Co., Inc.-, 5500 Navigation, Houston, Texas 2,590.05 Lansdowne-Moody Co., 1nc.,2212 Texas, Houston, ,Texas 1,779.16 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded-by Commissioner Terry that these bids be referred to City Secretary, Whitt Johnson for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye:; Mayor Lanmon;. Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett,. H,olman and Terry. Voting No: None, \ ) ; .~ With no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was recessed until April 18, 1949. The City Cguncil reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, , April 18, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Commissioner Holman was: absent. Mayor Lanmon, reciting action of the Council on March 14, 1949, with reference to withholding issuance of a building permit requested by Mr. Stokes Adair, Contractor for Mr. J. M. Huffington, et aI, for construction of a building at the northeast corner of Rice and ~Edloe Street to be used for business , purposes, stated that this meeting was held in compliance with request of counsel for Mr. J. M. Huff'ington, et al, Attorney Sam Levy, representing property Dwners in the vicinity of Edloe Street and Rice aoulevard and City Attorney T. M. Ryan, in order that these attorneys might have ample oppor- tunity to make a thorough investigation of previous records and ordinances of the city and render their respective legal opinion as to the present zoning status of this tract of land. Mayor Lanmon requested City Attorney T. M. Ryan to submit his opinion. '1 i Mr. Ryan submitted the following written op~n~on regarding the present zoning status on the tract of land located on the NortheaSt corner of Rice Boulevard .~ T~'C 'I'" ,',: '~: ~'- -, ,.r -----,---,-,..., To", "~F.."""1.. _ ~.~L..- Irf~~" 'l'l~'~'lejIY T"~~~ m::-'" , OCi rl ..- ~ -. !....) <.:t '''_c;:,-_[~!t;n~':-~',<';-' 187 ar~ Edloe Street. April 11, 1949 Mayor and the City Commission City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard Houston 5, Texas In Re: Application of J. M. Huffington Gentlemen: In cO:':1nection with the captioned. application for a building permit, you have requested that I render an opinion as to the status (whether busine,ss or residential) of the property in the City of West University Place, Texas, upon which Mr. J. M. Huffington desires to erect a store building. The proper determination of this matter necessarily involves a stat,e- ment of what has transpired in the past with respect, to this particular property. STATEMENT OF FACTS The original zoning ordinance of the City of West University Place, Texas, was adopted on June 11th, 1937, and has been in effect since that time. By the terms of the original zoning ordinance, the property in question was in- cluded wi thin the zone containing retail business property. During the year 1940, pursuant to the efforts of certain interested property owners ,there was initiated a plan to change the character of the subject property from business property to residential property. By following the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City of West University Place, the necessary preliminary steps toward the accomplishment of this end were taken. The planning commission recommended the change from business property to residential property; the City Commission passed a resolution calling for a public hearing on the matter; the public hearing was had and resulted in a resolution being passed which directed the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance, which would have the effect of changing the property from business property to residential property. Apparently the City Attorney did prepare an ordinance designed to accomplish the desires of the City Commission, but for some reason this ordi- nance was never passed. It has not been determined by the writer just why the ordinance as drafted was never passed, but a search of the official records of the City shows that the amending ordinance was never passed. Under the above statement of facts the sole and only question, as I see it, is whether or not the performance of all the necessary preliminaries short of the actual passage of the amendatory ordinance has any effect upon the status of this property. MY conclusion is that the property in question remains zoned for business purposes and accordingly the building permit of Mr. Huffington should be granted. I have reached this conclusion by reason of the following authorities: ARTICLE IX, of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, provides for the form and manner of passage of ordinances and Section 4 thereof provides as follows: l'CC~"=~CT"::"O'J"",,:,,,:.1 "":ii' r~~"~"'~""""' C'ITC:c~'-_L_n_n . c c _c IT,":'i 'UL'i'II:'1ni':l:lIlrn nr""" n[--- C .;, (..1 t5 l~ u ItSTILE (Ii' ORDINANCES. --The sty-Ie of all. ordinances . shall be "Be it ordained. by the City. Commission of the City of West University- Place," or I, "l words of like im:pQ~, but,s\l.e~ c,~.tion may be omitted;whensaid, ordinances are published in book form or are revised and digested under the order of:~ the City Commission." SECTION 33 of Ordinance Number Ill, provides for the manner in whi ch the zoning ordinance may be changed or amended. ' Subs~,cti::on '(1) of, said section reads as follows: "(1) The Board of Commissioners may from time 'to time amend, supplement or change by" Ordinance the boundaries of the districts or the regulations herein established." There are a number of cases, both from outside the jurisdiction of Texas, as well as those in Texas, which consider the general problem$ herein involved, i.e. whether the contemplated change of an ordinance can, be of any force and effect in the absence of the actual passage of the ' ordinance. The closest analogy to the case at hand 'Which has been found in the State o-t Texas is the case of Harvey VB. the City of Seymour, '14 S.W. 2d, page 901. In this case two citizens appeared before the City Council of the Oi ty of Seymour with a reques.t that they be permi1ited to erect a cottOn gin in an area prohibited, by ordinance. The council, after a hearing upon tbe matter d:i.r.ected, by" motion, that the ordinance be amended to exclude . the area where the gin was desired to be erected from the ,terms of the ordi- nance. On the strength of the motion the citizens purchased the property in quest.ion and started the erection ot the gin. An injunction suit resulted in their being enjoined from-the con- struction ot the 'cotton gin. ! - ) J The Court of Civil Appeals in holding that the motion passed bY- the City Council of Seymour Was ineffective'to am;endtheJ"est,rictive'ord1- nance, stated . ItAtt-er the passage of the motion of April 25th, and. the sign~g by canaln citizens of their written consent to the erection otthe gin, the appellants 'exercised 'their option to purchase the property, and a@ually paid a va2uable consideration therefor,' and 'moved certain building matierials thereon. "(1) This statement ,of facts discloses that appellants have probably been injured on account of their reliance upon the action of the city council on April 25th in passing the motion above mentioned, but their injury is not one' for whi'ch the law provides any relief. The motion of April 25, 1927, was not an ordinance.' "Article 1012, R. s~ 1925, provides that: "That style of all ordinances, snall be 'Be it ordained by the City COUElcil'of the city.of\:I? This provision of the statute is mandatory, and an ordinance not containing, such enacting clause is void. Castleberry v. Coffee (Tex. Com. App.) 272 s.w. 167; Galveston, H.&S.A.R. Co. v. ,Harr~s (Tex. Civ. App.) 36:S.W. 776. "(2) The motion in the instant case was not intended as an ordinance, i ) .! I Jj . :' ~"-'1"":-71 . r= ~I '~'~'n'---l """1 f'-" "'-~-O~"~I~~'l r- "r"' 'II r ~ IIHli '["'10'M m~' 189 does not appear to have been in writing, or to have been read three times, but was merely an ordina;ry Ip;9tiOn orally made. Such motion did not have the effect of amending or iIianywise affecting Ordinance No.. 92 theretofore enacted. Appellants cannot, therefore, rely upon this motion, but are in the attitude of having undertaken the erection of a cotton gin in a zone in whicp its erection was prohibited by ordinance." There are numerous out. of state cases which hold that. the only way that an ordinance can be amended is by the passage of another ordinance. It is accordingly my opinion that the application of J. M! Huffington should be granted and that he should be issued abuilding permit for the con- r;/.:: struction of the proposed store. .~ ~J Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~) C"...( (s) Thomas M. Ryan City Attorney Mr. James Bobbitt, Counsel forJ. M. Buffington, et aI, present.ed an appeal to the City Commissi,on to grant a building permit to them for the construction of a store building on certain property located at the northeast corner of Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street. Mr. Sam Levy, Counsel for a group of property owners, in the vicinityof' Rice and :&11oe Street was heard in opposition to granting a permit to J. M. Buffington, at ale Mr. Levy stated that in all faimess to adjacent property owners who has purchased their homes in this location with the understanding that it was zoned for single-family residences, it was his opinion that a building per- mit for the construction of a business establishment should be deferred in order to give t.hese citizens an opportunit.y for a public hearing. After all legal counsel had ample opportunity to speak and had been heard in rebuttal the Mayor submitted the question to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that in view of the fact that a preceeding City Commission of 1940 had, after recommendation by the Zoning and Planning Board voted to change the said property at the northeast corner of Rice and Edloe Street from business property to residen- tialproperty, but for some reason the intent of the previous City Commission was not carried out, the present City Commission defer action at this time on the application of Mr. J. M. Buffington, et al, for a building permit. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; CommiSSioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Terry. None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning Board held on April 14, 1949, which 'revealed the following action was submitted to the Council: ltMotion by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Maley that the Zoning Board recommend to the City Council that the portion of land running along Edloe Street 150 Feet of the north line of Rice """""""j' I ",~~C~'T"o~="n'~~~'1 ""I' f' ,.. ~~"~~~,........, I'., 1 r~--- - 1':1'''. "lrr''i'In'lrTi'ilrmrn liT""" 19U Boulevard and from. .-the. eaat ,line- of.Edloe, along the north line of Rice Boulevard to the center line of the' drainage ditch, be rezoned to a. s:ingl~-f'aJ1lily dwelling area anA:;,th'at n~e,essary ordi- nances to change' the zomng accordingly be ins~ituted; this , change recommended for the reason thatsingle-~ly residences would be more in keeping wi th other property iJi: the area and use of the property for any, other purpose woulde~.~ate, a serious traffic hazard and would damage the adjaeen-t arid other residential property in this section. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Q Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that because of the report of the present City Zoning andPlannj.ng Board dated April 14, 1949, which recommends the changing of the property located at Rice Boule- vard and Edloe Street from business property to residential property, a public hearing be held on May 10, 1949, at 7:30 P.M. atuthe City Hall of West University P4c~, Texas, to consider whether or not the Zoning Ordinance of the City of WestT1niversity Place, Texas, shall be amended so as to ' change the, following described praperty from business pr{i)perty to, residential property, and 'that due notice of such hearing as provided by law, be given: Beginning at the intersection of the north property line of Ri ce Boulevard With the east property linenf~ F.d;:LQeStreet;, thence along the east line of Edloe.street a distan~,e of 124Ft. to a point for curve; thence in a northeasterly direction on a curve to the right the radius of which is 200 feet, a distance of 26 Feet to a point for corner; thence in-a eastetly'direction parallel to the north ,line of Rice Boulevard a distan~e of 155 Feet more or less to the'center line. of the, Poor Farm Dt-ainage Ditch to a point for corner.;,. thence in a southerly di,:nec'tion along the center line of said ditch adist-~~e of 150 F~El'l~ to the north line of Rice Boulevard to a point for corner; thence :in a westerly direction along the north line M Rice Boulevar.<i' a distance of , 155 Feet to the place of beg1ntIil1g.. , ' ,- ) ! i I -~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Ccoomni.ssiol'ler.s .Bl1scba.rdt, Hamlett. ...-and Terry. Voting No: None' , City Attorney T. M. Ryan, submitted Ordinance No. 457, 'captioned as follows, which was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. ht;7 Al'I ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DRIVERS OF VEHICLES FRO~ ENTERING CERTAIN DESIGNATED INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITHOUT FIRST BRINGING SAID VEHICLES TO A COMPLETE STOP; DEFINING TERMS; FIliNG A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH REGULAIC~ONS;j;,.Aw PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF THE ORDINANCES OR PARTS OFORDINAWcE$,]N<r;oWLICT H:EREw.ITH. Motion by Comm1ssimer Hamlett,. secQndedby Cormnis,s.iQner.Buschardt that Ordinance No. 457 prohibiting the drivers of vehicles:"tr,om' entering certain designated intersections within the City of West Univers'ity Place, without T"~ ~"l~=n n,. '\ I r ~ nT, "~,~ "'"I" r T"W;'II"lT'fI"l"'i1ir.l TIi"' 191 first bringing said vehicles' to a complete stop, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 458, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and. read in full: ORDTNANCR NO 115A ~ AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF TRUCKS ON CERTAIN DESIGNATED PORTIONS OF STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: DEFINING TERMS: FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH REGU- LATIONS AL'W PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF THE ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. 00 '~~' < ;:...;; <::C Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 458, regulating and prohibiting the driving of trucks on certain designated portions of streets within the City of 'West University Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye:, Mayor Lainnon, Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. ~tmgNo: Nnne , Ordinance ':rro.459, captioned as follows, was submitted and read. in full: ORDINANCE NO_ 1,59 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON, AND OF THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON, CERTAIN DESIGNATED STREEl'S WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; D:EFINING TERMSjFIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VI- OLATION. OF SUCH REGULATIONS AND. PROVIDING FOR THE,REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordi- nance No. 459, providing for the control of vehicular traffic on, and the parking of vehicles on, certain designated streets within the City of West University Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No: None Wi th no further 'business to collie before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed at 9:30 P.M. -- =- - - - - - - - .... - - The Council reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday April 21, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the follovring members present: Mayor C. P. Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and. Holman. Commissioner Terry: was absent. Also present was the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. iT',i'lrr;i1l"1rTi'nTIl11 m:" VJ '(1l ~~ .i-a&Al In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been dulYupublished in the offi- cial newspaper of the City on April 7, 1949, bids were received for appurte- nances to a new water wel1.. as ~pecified in contracts 1 to 4 inclusive. The following bids received were opened and the results armounced as follows: Contract No. 1 - Chlorinator House John Westh, 4147 Erie, Houston, Texas $7,121.00 Contract No. 2 - Unified Pumping Plant Control Panel Lynn Elliott Company, 322 14 & M Building HOllS ton, Texas ' 3,010.00 Contract No. 3 - Storage Tank Dobkins Welding Works, Houston, Texas Bass Boiler & Welding Works, Houston, Texas 3,626.29 3,023.64 c Contract No. 4 - Chlorinator System W~llace &; Tiernan Co., Inc., 2415 San Jacinto HOU3 tQb, Texas 2,410.00 Motion by' Commissioner Hamlett, seconded.by Commissioner,Buschard.t that ~e bids be referred to Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson and City Secretary Whitt JOQnson for further.:.analysis and recamnen,daUon. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No : None With no further business to cane before the Council at this time the meeting was adjourned. \ I I "._---) ~~~ ATTEST: J I) J. .;J - ", , ' i t; i ". . ( A' _~' ' ,~.'L,/.,'- CJ.ty sec,rptary J' 1 . _J i it~; >1~(l '. 1 "'~, "I~~~1 I f' ,~''', ,~ " '~r '1 ';'"" II r " IInlTl "r'111r.1 r..n 1'93. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 25, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 25, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Buschardt was absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on April 22, 1949, were read and action taken by the Council as follows: 00 ......; 7 ~.~ . .~.. ")/0' ~". .~. <.:C Action on the request of Mr. O. S. Hervey, 4235 Oberlin, for permission to build a 20 x 20 Ft. addition to his present garage for storage of an auto- mobile and general storage space which was recommended for approval by the Zoning Board, "was deferred because no sketch was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that request of Mr. Henry J. Haury, 6006 Lake Street for permission to enlarge his present 16 x 16 Ft. garage making it 25'7" x 18'10" be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board provided all the set back requirements are complied with. Voting Aye: May-or Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the request of Mr. Fred L. Trube, 4140 Ruskin, for permission to construct an 8 x 10Ft. dark room in his present garage to be used as a hobby shop, 'be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board subject to execution of usual affidavi t. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Lanmon;Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that action on the request of Mr. J. R. Ellis, 4230 Rice Boulevard for permisSion to build a 7 x 11Ft. playhouse for his grandchildren, be deferred for fur- ther study by members of ,the Council. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the request of Mr. Carl Smith, 3833 Rice Boulevard for permission to erect a 10 x 12 Ft. servants quarters to be attached to his existing 20 x 20 Ft. garage be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the recommendation of the Zoning Board be accepted permitting Mr. C. W. Boone, owner of Lot 6A, Block 9, West University Place 1st Addition to build a two-story home on said lot using Thunderbird Shakes on the first floor and California Cedar siding on the upper floor; this exception being made be- iii1;'!! rTilli'lrT!TIrmn ri~'" 194 cause of the fact that an investigation revealed that a large number of other houses in this area are not in compliance with the 51% brick restrictions. ! ! Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlet.t, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None '-.J Mr. C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer requested permission from the Council t.o destroy'- certain paid and cancelled bonds, coupons and warrant.s. I t was the decision of the Council that these cancelled bonds, coupons and warrants be kept at least one year from date. The Council was advised by City Secr'etary Whitt JohnElon that during the pro- cess of paving the 6200 blook of Mercer, it was .discovered there was a dis- tance of 11.6 Ft., between the paving on Mercer and the existing paving on University Boulevard which had not been paved under the University Paving Contract. and th~t it'was necessar.y to connect these two pieces of paving and the cit.y's responsibilit.y t.o pave this portion of the street which would. amount to a cost. oL$128.45. " Moti~ by CammissionerTerry, ~econded by Commissioner Holman that 11.6Ft. on the south end of the. 6200 ~lock of Mercer adjoining Un1"1ersity Boulevard be paved by the ci ty under contract between the city and Brogan & Williams, that the Contractl'or,',2S%participation on the 6200 Block Mercer Street be amended to includet.he,t128.45-f'or cost of paving 11.6 Ft.. t.o connect onto University Boulevard. Voting Aye: Mayor' Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Ho~n and Terry. Voting No: None Trea~urer's Certificate No. 30, certifying the availabili'ty of $1,028.45 from the Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948; to cover payment of city's cost, for paving the 6200 block of Mercer Street as follows: " l I '--.J City's contribution for 'paving side lot. properties Cost of pavil1gll-.6 Ft. at i.il:tersection of University Blvd. $900.00 1?AT),5 . Total 1,028.45 City Seoretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that Mr. W. O. Cox, 3401 University Boulevard, had made full and final payment of paVing assessment levied..against Lot 7, Block 23, West University Place First Addition and had requested a release from ,said assessment. ' Mot.ion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to execute the release prepared by City PaVing Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr-., releasing Lot 7, Block 23, West University Pla.ceFirst Addition from said assessment and liens. Voting.:;Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett., Holman and Terry. Voti19.g No :. None. The City Secretary and, the Engineer for the citq' gave a report and recem- r:::-::" ~CI .'::' ~'="=::t -Ir" '~:.. ""'T'L'~ _ ~ I ---r" ~ i ~.~ 'Ii L .i~lr.:n:: T'::l::-~mrn r::::' mendation for paving streets, sidewalks and parking areas around the swimming pool located on West Point between Case and Byron Streets. The Council decided that paving of these streets should be postponed until after the swimming season is over, unless contracts were signed by all property owners and in this event the streets be paved so as not to inter- fere with access to the swimming pool. ,C(j Pursuant to instructions by the Council on March 24, 1949, City Secretal'y' Whitt Johnson submitted a tabulation and recommendation of the bids received on that date for delivery of one Industrial type tractor with front end loader for use on city streets and general: utility work at the disposal plant and on water department projects. It was his recommendation that the bid of McCall Tractor and Equipment Company in the amount of $2,950.55 be accepted and this piece of equipment purchased. ---' ~ < ~ <:!:, Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the - 1948-1949 budget be amended by Ordinance to appropriate funds necessary for purchase of this additional piece of equipment and authorization given Mr. Whitt Johnson to purchase the Minneapolis Moline Industrial type trac- tor for the amount of $2,950.55 as submitted in the bid received from McCall Tractor and Equipment Company on March 24, 1949, subject to receipt of a Certificate from the City Treasurer certifying as to the availability of funds. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None In compliance with Council action on April 14, ~949, referring bids received for the drilling of one water well and appurtenances and installing one booster pump, to Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer and City Secretary Whitt Johnson, it was recommended by Mr. H. J. Johnson that the contract be awarded Layne Texas Co. Ltd. on their low bids of $41,776.75 for the water well and $2,682.91 for the booster pump. A tabulation of bids received on April 21, 1949 for Contractbs No.1, 2, 3 and 4 for Chlorinator House, Con- trol Panel, Storage Tank and Chlorinator System was also submitted by the Consulting Engineer. It was his recommendation that Contracts Nos. 1 and 3 be readvertised and Contract No.2, be awarded to Lynn Elliot Company on their low bid of $3,010.00 for Control Panel and Contract No.4 be awarded to Wallace & Tiernan Company, Inc. on their low bid of $2,410.00 for the Chlorinator System. City Secretary Whitt Johnson recOOunended that the contracts be withheld for further study and recommendations pending arrangements for a loan to finance constru ction. The Council referred the matter to Mr. Whitt Johnson for further study and recommendation. It was recommended that the Council take necessary action to adopt rates for use of the West' University Place Swimming Pool for the 1949 season. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, s~conded by Commissioner Holman that the same rates as adopted for the 1948 Season be adopted for the 1949 Season i-(-:~;afft.i~}t; -. r"""C~~"" r"'," ,..~=" I 'i' r"" ""~"'T~'~"'''''"r, 1 r' i'ir~T' lifTIIi"Ini':ici11I1I" 195 ~ ~~ --IT":~ 1,U, b, ':'7, , ; ~" 'f!~~!",!, :~,:'. -,; which are as follows: General Admission: Children - 15 years and younger Adults - persons over 15 years, Families of :3 or less members Families of' 4 or more members -25~ (Inc. of age - 50~ Q 12.00 tI - 18.00 " Tax) It .. n Season Tickets: Voting Aye: Ma;yor Lanmon; Conlmissioners. Hamlett, Holman and Terry V ot.ing No: None The Council discussed other matters pertaining to the'swinuDing pool, namely,_ " the exe lusi on of spectators from swimming p,oj:>l area and construction of a sidewalk from the bathhouse to West Point Street. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that a .fence be erected between the 'Wading pool and the main swimming pool in order to make two separate areas; onete enclo~e the swimming pool and, the 'other rtobe used by spectators and' non~users of'-~he pool. .:f I" 't- o. - 't :: . Voting Aye: Mayor. Lanmon; ,Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' "!,,. , ,!:., ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that a. 'side- walk be constructed from t.he f'ront of' the bathhouse to the proposed sidewalk' line on West. Point Street. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Co~ssioners Hamlet.t, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None'" ,_',.:<,:,t.' i -..J Ordinance No. 460; captione<i as follows was presented. to. the Council and read in full: ORn:rNA'NCE. :rro. 460 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TRE RELliiASE TO THE 1948 8TREEl' IMPROVElVlENTBOND FUND OF THE UNUSED PORTION ,OFTHGSE FmmsF>ESCRIBED INCERTIFICATENmmER 15 ISSUED BY THE CITY OF w.ms~r~$I'TYPIiA.CE, TEXAs, DATED SEPTEImER 20th, 19h8. i Motion by Commissioner Terry', seeondeGl by Oommissioner Hamlet.tthat'Ordinance No. 460, providing f'or the release to the 1948 Street Improvement Bond Fund of the unused portion of' t.hose funds described in Certificate No. 15, issued by the City' of West University Place dated September 20,1948, be passed and ap- pro:ved as read. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmoll; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None';'. , " " Minutes of the meetings of April 11, 14, 18 and 21 were read by the City Secretary. . ,.,~ " Motion by Commissioner Terxy, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the minutes of the meetings of Apri111,'i4, 18 and 21 be approved as corrected. !' .~ t.: " ~!W, ,c. r''''CC"CO~"I~';''''''''''''~''l '''''I,rc, -~""~''''''O=-''-;:'''', I 'T~'l r'u i:r;ilifXIH'ITT][i11iil fi""" )() .--! 7.- ,~~ \-) <f' .... 191 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed at 10:30 P.M. to reconvene on Thursday April 28, 1949. - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - The Council convened in recessed session on Thursday April 28, 1949, 7:30 P.M. at the City H$.ll, with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett and Terry. Also present was the City Secretary. The City Attorney and Commissioners Buschardt and Holman were absent. Mr. O. S. Hervey, 4235 Oberlin, who had requested permission to build a 20 x 20 Ft. addition to his present garage far storage of "an automobile and general storage space which was recommended for approval by the Zoning Board, appeared before the Council and submitted a sketch of the proposed addition for Council's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the re- quest of Mr. O. S. Hervey for permission to build an addition onto his present garage be approved as recQlDlD;ended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett and Terry. None In compliance wi thNotice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City on April 14, 1949, bids were received for delivery of one or two 30 Watt Police Type Radio transmitters and receivers, F. M. equipment. Bids received were opened with results announced as follows: Motorola Inc., Houston, Texas Transmitter Receiver Units Generator 103.00 $540.00 Ea. to 135.00 Ea. Benjamin Sales Company, Houston 6, Texas Transmitters Generators 45 Amp. 80 Amp. 60 Amp. Two for 11 It It 11 It II 1,150.00 206.10 295.40 326.60 Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that bids re- ceived be referred to City Secretary Whitt Johnson for analysis and recam- mendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett and Terr,y. None In compliance 1J'rith Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City-on April 1.4, 1949, bids were received for drilling and developing one 4 inch water well and furnishing and installing necessary pump and motor lHt) at the City Sewage Disposal Plant. Bids received were opened with results announced as follows: The Layne-Texas Co., Ltd. Texas W~ter Wells, Inc. McMasters' & Pomeroy, Pasadena, Texas $1,605.00 1,965~5o 1,8$2.00 Motion by Commissioner, Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett,that bids be referred to City Secretary Whitt JohOson for analysis and recommendation.' Voting Aye: Mayor ~on; Commissioners Hamlett and Terry. Voting No : None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. A "j" ATTEST: ..:~ (hj~i;i Yrl~H1o~'~4j,C\ l"".':'~~'~~"t~':~:~"~=:::! ." - ''11: r:~~'~>'~-~'-:-.~~O-~~'~~-:1:=-:l_~__--11____: __ -r' - :':G~n .-~ ltr':~!I[jm~'t:~1-~rIIlU1 r ~1 , i I ~ I-.-J '.~:- ". ::.-" r-) I I U !I i [ o [1'::::: IH9 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 9, 1949 The City Council met in regular session on Monday May 9, 1949, 1:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary ~~d City Attorney. Mr. T. A. Claiborne, 3816 Marquette, representing property owners in the 3800 Block Marquette, advised the Council that contracts had been executed wi th Brogan & Williams, Contractors, for the paving of the 3800 block, with 'XJ exception of 4 lots on the east end of this block, and on the south side of .-i the street. ~~ <~ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the . --. ;;; contract between property owners and Brogan & Williams for the paving of the 3800 Block Marquette be approved in accordance with plans and specifications for 51t concrete paving heretofore adopted by theCitq. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that skips in the 3800 Block Marquette be excavated at the same time other excavation is made and shell be placed on said skips; cost of this work to be paid from the street maintenance fund. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None After approving the contract for paving the 3800 Block of Marquette the matter of paving the intersection of College and Marquette was discussed. The Council was advised that the contract for this intersection had been cancelled by ordinance on January 12, 1949 and that funds were not available for pav.ing of this intersection.' Commissioner BUschardt advised that a majority of property owners of the 4100 Block of Ruskin had failed to sign contracts ibr paving of this block therefore funds allocated for the paving of intersection of Fair- haven and Ruskin could be used for paving College and Marquette intersection. Motion by Commissioner l3u.schardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that funds heretofore allocated for the paving of intersection of Fairhaven and Ruskin be used for the paving of the intersection of Marquette and College and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance substituting the inter- section of Marquette and College for Fairhaven and Ruskin under contract with Brogan & Williams dated May 3, 1948, and cancelling the Fairhaven and Ruskin intersection under said contract. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon, Commiss'ioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Duncan Allen, 4111 Swarthmore, representing property owners in the 4100 Block Swarthmore, advised the Council that Gontracts had been executed with Brogan & Williams, Contractors, for the pav:ing of the 4100 block, with ex- e'~.:':"CC":e':=:'""=='.:r F r':~ --'''-'-C''"'~:-''-'-;-OC:-""'''''---''''~t~~-::::~_~________j___.__ [-..-------- ~~-~:i-' rrr:iJrr:lr"Tr:lUrnJrn - r:":::" zuu ception of two lots in the block. . Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the contract between property owners and Brogan & Williams for the paving of the 4100 Block Swarthmore be approved in accordance with plans and specifications for ," concrete paving heretofore adopted by the City. Voting Aye: ~or Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None I 1 j ! U Motion by- Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that skips in the 4100 Block Swarthmore be excavated at the same time other excavation is made and ,shell be' placed on said skips; cost of this work to be paid from the street maintenance fund. . ".-,- .~ Voting Aye: Mayor LanrJr0n; Collllllissioners BuschardtJl HamlettJl Holman and Terry. V oting No: None !he Council was advised that property owners on the 4200 Block Dartmou'th had signed paving contracts with Brogan & Williams for :Raving of the 4200 Block Dartmouth Street with exception of , lots, on the east end of the block ad- joining the intersection ot Fairmount and desired the Council to., approve the contracts which would leave this portion of Dartmouth Street unpaved where contracts have not beert signed. .-...... Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Cominissione~ Bus,cbar4t that contracts between property owners and Brogan & Williams for the' paving of the 4200 Block of. Dartmouth be approved in accordance with plans and speci- fications ot ,ftr~~i.dential. ccncreteheretofore adopted by. ttle City. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lamon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. J. L. Williams of Brogan & Williams, Cont'l"actors, advised tha.t contracts had been.sig-ned !for the paving of Academy Street f;rom Be1l$ire Boulevard to. south intersection of Cason Street and. -aSked that'. Jbhei c,ontrao'ts b:Eh,approved:. :---) I~ Motion bY' C,oJDinissioner Buschardt" ,seconded by COlUllli.flnOJier HaAll-ett that eon- _ trapt:f~~ paving Academy S'treep from .B:eJ.l.aire B~a&':dto,o.as~on.,>Street be approved in accordance with plans and specificationshere'tofore adopted by the City, if agreeable with Southwestern Bell, Telephon;e .€Jompan.y whO' owns the, prop,erty abutting the east side of Ac'ademy St.reet;,and<.the ci t,'pay 25% of, the cost of paving on the two side, lot ,pr.eperties'on the wes1\; sideo! Academy Street,. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Gommissi:0l'lers, B.uschardt, Hamlett::;"'.H(i)lman and Terry. Voting No : ,None " The Council discussed advisability of advertising for bi..d:s for, the paving Lot Case, West Point and Byron Streets abutting City owned Colonial Par-k. Motion by ,Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that plans and specifications be approved for the paving of Case,West Point,an:l Byron, Streets abutting City-property and Notice to Bidders be published in the : ) I l~ ; l' ""'Alt~ ,~. rO"-~=r~:"' 1 "r r" -- ~--,; " 'p 11 f' T' riTllil1Tliirllli r~'.:" 5)01 .6d. 1. official newsIJaper for the city for bids to be received until May 26, 1:30 P.M.. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Conunissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. !"one A group of residents adjacent to the Community Building appeared before the Council protesting noise emanating from Square Dances being held in the building three nights each week. After discussing the matter, the residents agreed to meet with the officers of the Square Dance Clubs to try and work out some arrangemelllt whereby some of the noise could be eliminated. ' ..-:;1 < ,.. .... -' < Mr. W. S. Werner, 3614 University Boulevard requested that the north side of University Boulevard in the 3600 Block east of the ditch exclusive of the business establishments be declare~ a no parkL~g zone at all t~es. Of') ...-,,; Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Chief of Police investigate this condition and also all other parking problems in congested areas. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. F. S. Reinhardt, 4230 Rice Boulevard, appeared before the Council with reference to the request submitted to the Council on April 25, 1949 by Mr. J. R. Ellis for permiSSion to erect a 7 x 11 Ft. playhouse for his grand- children. The Council had deferred action on t his request for a further opinion from the City Attorney. Mr. T. M. Ryan, City Attorney advised that it was still his opini'On that a building of this t.'Tpe would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Reinhardt then requested that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to permit erection of playhCllJS*3 for children. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, secor.ded by Commissioner Terry that this matter be referred to the Zoning & Planning Board for study and recommendation. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. J. P. Davidson, City Sanitarian, appeared before the Council expressing appreciation for the privilege of attending the six weeks training course in Austin, conducted by the State Department of Health. Attorneys representing Mr. C. E. Byrne appeared before the Council in con- nection with a hearing on an appeal from a decision of the Electrical Board on April 28, 1949, which decision suspended and refused to reissue a Master Electrician's License to Mr. Byrne for the year 1949. The Council sustained findings and decision of the Electrical Board. Treasurer's Certificate No. 31, certifying that there is in the Treasury of the City .of West University Place to the credit of Water-Sewer Operating Fund the sum of $15,000 to apply on the cost of a new water well, was submitted to the Council. 202 Motion by Commissiener Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Treasurer's Certificate No. 31 be ac,ceptedand.$15,ooo be appropriated to apply on the cost of a new water well. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None A Resolution awarding a contract to Layne Texas Co., LM, for the drilling and equipping of one gravel wall water well and one turbine booster pump was, sub- mi t ted to the Council and read in full. lito Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that. the fOllowing Resolution be adopted as read~ .:0:-- RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AWARDING -A CONTRACT" TO THE LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY FOR THE DRILLING OF A WATER WELIi FOR THE CITY OF WESTUNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS WHEREAS, heretofore a notice to bidders was duly published by the City of Weat University Place respecting the propQsed drilling, developing and producing of a vtater well for said city, and bids were received by, said ci ty in accordance with the provisions of. said notice, and :wHEREAS, the lowest and best bid was tendered' by the Layne Texas ' Company, Ltd. and it is desired by the City Commission of the City of. We$t University Place, Texas to accept such bid, i [ U NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of West University PlaCe, Texas, that the bid of Layne Texas Company, Ltd. in the amount of $1,605-.00 be ~cepted by the City and that the Mayor be and isautliorized to execute a contract with said Layne Texas Company, Ltd. for the drilling of said water well. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of May" 1949. Voting Aye: MaY"'r Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None , Motion by CODllllissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 461, be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ':-F:""'~r~-~tfl-I , [-U':-~~r~~.:o--~L.~=-~..:J.-- ,., -:",! --,' '~-'~'h't;:r~~:~_~' '=~"=C:T''''~~~~ ..-~L ..L.-__:___~~_~_:__.. . r-"---,--------,---'-----.-----~:~~r'-~I1':r:mTlr"TmtlrnJm-.-.--- -- -- - -- - ------.-rr:'"mr--- "'",' '", f. A ~ "I .!b!V't) The Council discussed adVisability of advertising for bids far water meters or continue purchasing meters under the present arrangement. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the City Secretary be authorized to proceed with the purchase of Water Meters in accordance with present arrangements due to the fact that a personal investi- gation by the City Commission revealed that the price being paid is consider- ably less than one which could be obtained by advertising for bids, and is cheaper than prices now being paid under competitive bids by neighboring municipalities Where purchased in much larger quantities of equal quality. oc) Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. ,.......j Voting No: None .~ .~:r: 7" ..... '-' < A letter of recommendation and a tabulation of bids received on April 25, 1949, was submitted by City Secretary Whitt Johnson. It was the recommen- dation of Mr. Johnson and Ohief of Police, H. E. Shipp tha.t the bid of Benjamin Sales & Service Company was the.most advantageous to the Cityal- though the bid was $21.96 higher than that submitted by Motorola, Inc. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Oommissioner Hamlett that,the bid of Benjamin Sales and Service Company in the amount of $1,320.00 for two Police Type F. 14. Radio units be accepted as recommended by Mr. Whitt Johnson and Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, subject to receipt of a letter from the Benjamin Sales & Service Company stating that their equipment will meet F.e.C. requirements. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None In compliance with Council instructions on April 25, 1949, for tabulation and recommendation on the bids received for drilling one 4 inch water well and appurtenances at the disposal plant, City Secretary Whitt Johnson'recom- mended that the low bid subrni tted by Layne Texas Company in the amount of $1605.00 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the bid of Layne Texas 00., Ltd. be accepted as recommended by the City Secre- tary. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 462, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that "l'1:;,.h'","o.--,_.., I "T':~~""""'",-~ 'n I'C' ""''''~,o''~''''lm~'L____,_L "'!:'i'rt:i'lIj'lr'Ii'j,tnll'il [j":'" 2 (1 t~, J _l.. Ordinance No. 462 amending 1948-49 budget be passed and approved as read. , .... , '~ -1 U Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. , Voting No :' None Motion by Commissioner Terry, ~econded by Commissioner Holman that Messrs.. C. J. ,Olark, L.E. Smith and T. Carso be appointed to the Board of Equali- zation for the year 1949. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Co1mllissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Bus.chardt, thatrliles governing the use of the swimming pool used for the 1948 season be adopted for use during the 1949 Season. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Upon motiQnduly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was recessed at 1:10 A.M. to reconvene at 7:30P.M. Tuesday May 10, 1949. -J, _ The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday, 7 :30 P .M.wi th the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding, Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and. Terry. Also present were the City Secretary, and City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. In compliance' with a request from Mr. L. O. Badeaux, Jr., Commander of the VFW Post No. 5619, the City Council granted approval of the'selling of buddy poppies in,the City of West University Place on May 28,1949. iJ A letter from -Mrs. Bernice Snell was submitted to' the Council advising- that County Library CustOdians "had received an increase of pay. from 70~ to 80~ an ' hour effective March 1, 1949. ' 'Motionby Commissioner Terry~ seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the City increase the pay of Mrs. 'Allison Sanders, Librarian, from 70~ to 80~. per hour or a total of $1.20 per week to equal the rate of pay frem the County. . Votirig Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None . - - Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning Board held on May 9, 1949, re- vealed' tha. t a. request, from Dr. F.. M.. Hughes, 3604 University Boulevard, for permission to add a 6 x 18 Ft. combination wash room and storage room to the back of his present 18 x 22 Ft. garage, was recommended for approval. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that the recommendation of the Zoning Board for approval of the request of Dr. F. M. Hughes be accepted. ;- -l~ I ( i -..-J I" ~""I ,d ""'~.l , 'If ~~~ ~"'1""=1_, L 1 i:: 1i 'L1I"lr '[ 'jjrrnrn n:" 205 Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None A list of rules and regulations for use of the Community Hall and a schedule of -reconnnended charges submitted to the Council on February 14, 1949, be the Community Hall Committee were discussed. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Rules and Charges for use of the Community Hall be adopted as recommended by the Com- munity Hall Committee. 00 VotiIig Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. ,,-i Votjng Nei: None ~ <: The following action was taken reference designation of bank depositories for the City: Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the University State Bank be designated as bank depository for the following accounts: General Fund, Swimming Pool Operating, Trust Agency, Health Fund, ,Water-Sewer Fund, Payroll Fund, and Tax Collector. The City National Bank designated as bank depository for Swimming Pool Bond Fund, Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, Water Revenue Sinking Fund, Sewer Revenue Sinking Fund, Street Improvement 1948, Storm Sewer 1948, Garbage Disposal 1948, Sanitary Sewer Improvement 1948 and Street Paving & Bridge 1946; and the National Bank of Commerce be designated as depository for the Street Paving & Bridge Bond Fund, 1946. u < Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 463, captioned as follows was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO_ 1'03 , AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZING, AND DIRECTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES IN THE NOVEMBER 22nd, 1948 CONTRACT BETWE1i'JI THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND BROGAN AND WILLIAMS ,CONTRACTOR, WITH REFERENCE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MILTON STRtET, RICE BOULEVARD AND COLLEGE STREET INTERSECTION; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE INCORPORATION OF SAID CHANGES AS PART OF SAID CONTRACT VvITH BROGAN AND WILLIAMS. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordi- nanceNo. 463, authorizing and directing amendments and changes in the Novem- ber 22, 1948 contract between the City and Brogan & Williams, with reference to paving portions of Milton Street and Rice Boulevard and College Street Intersection, be passed and approved as read, and that the City Treasurer be instructed to prepare certificate of availability of flli~ds. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. V oting No: None ., ..,. ..""~"..,-",,, "." "___ '_,~"~_ I~'" ~_~C"",-~0'~._ .:~ 20' f." " D "tJHVB'~":-"- . Minutes of the meetings of April 2, and April 28, 1949, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:0, P.M. ATTEST: ,~~~ T ""~C~"'~l""'''''",:' "~:r ""I" -""'-"n'n'~!:"'~:L, r"- _~L__ . ::'::::j'-' lii:":~Ulj;rL:T::'jITanrn -) I I I \ ---.J I \ I I I I ' I I ~ ! i LI rlr"" 20'1"l ~: ([ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 23, 1949 The City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 23, 194 , 7:30 P.M. with the fOllowing members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; ommissioners Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. Also present were the City Secre y and City Attorney. Commissioner Buschardt was absent. -- "" Mr. Ligon, 3524 Uni versi ty Boulevard appeared before the Counc'l requesting that steps be taken to eliminate heavy truc~ traffic on the ne ly paved portion of the 6200 Block Mercer Street. The Council instruct d Chief of Police H. E. Shipp to make investigation and recommendation on this request. Zoning Board minutes of the meeting of May 19, 1949, were read and the fol- lowing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlet that Mr. E. B. Thornton, 2829 Sunset be permitted to erect a small greenho e 8'6" x 10' to be attached to his existing garage building, subject to exe ution of affidavit stating'that this structure will not be used for co ercial pur- poses, as recommended by the Zoning Board. co ~ .< '--' <t Voting, Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissicners Hamlett, Holman an~ T None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. Frank Henderson, 3119 Plumb street be permitted to construct a scree ed porch and a hobby shop approximately 33' x 12', attached to the present ga age subject to execution of affidav:it stating that this structure will not be used for com- mercial purposes, as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lamnon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the action of the Zoning Board denying Mr. A. Zwerneman, 2932 Suns t, permission to construct an outside ep.trance in a newly added bedroom and ath, be con- firmed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and T rry. None Zoning minutes pertaining to the application of First Unitari Church for permission to construct a church on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Wes University Place First Addition was submitted to the Council. A letter d ted May 18, 1949, signed by Mr. Joseph L. Adler, President of the Board of Trustees, together with a blueprint showing the proposed building and pa ing facilities was also submitted. After conSidering the application and aft r legal aspects of the request were submitted by City Attorney T .M. Ryan, it as the opinion of the City Council that consideration to amend Ordinance ill, should be given and on the information submitted the following action was take. Motion by CommiSSioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holma , that a Public Hearing be held on June 13, 1949, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall f r the purpose . ~", "j:!1~~Hrrr-.'(1"" l' ''''C'CCC~"CC'''''''' 1 ",,)hr,'~c'''':''=~l r . _C~_T_ I"~ Wj1Ii'1T'1'i:'iCilml ,.". ---un"'m-- , ,~" b 2Q('j, of considering amendment to Ordinance No. lil to permit erection of' a church on Lots 3 and 4, BIQck: 4, West University Place First Ap,qition as recommended by the Zoning Board. ! 1 I ~ I ' '--.J Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. Howard F. Gustafson, representing property owners in the 4200 Block of Swarthmore Street, advised the Council that contracts had been executed With Brogan & Williams, Contractors, for the paving of the 4200 Block and requel;Jt.ed approval of these contracts. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that the contract between property OMlerB and Brogan & Williams for the paving of the 4200 Block Swarthmore Street in accordance With plans and specifications for 51t concrete paving here'tofore adopted by 'the City, be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' A final estimate for cost of paving University Boulevard from east line of Weslayan Street to east line of Community Drive in the amount of $3,424.20, 'was submitted by Consulting Engineer H., J. Johnson, with recommendation that estima te be paid as final payment and acceptance of the contract. City' Paving Attomey, E. E. Townes, Jr., submitted Ordinance No. 464, cap- tioned as follows, which was read in full: i--~\ , I I i~ ORDINANCE NO. 464 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DEfERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF: SECTION NO.3: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the East line of Weslayan Street to the East'line of Community Drive, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCiS AND IN THE OCTOBER il, 1948 CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC., CONTRACTORo,HAS- BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND' IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTION;APmOVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL I!STIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THERE- WITH, ANDAUTHORIZJ;NGAND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVEU OF SPECIAL ASSl!5SMENT CERTIFICATES, AND' DECLARING AN EMERGliNCY. Moti on by Commission.er Terry, seconded by Commissi oner Hamle tt that Ordinance No. 464 determining that the improvement offJniversity Boulevard fromWeslayan ' Street to Community Drive, has been completed, approving Engineer's Final estimate and authorizing and directing s~:ttlement and issuance and delivery of special assessment certificates, be passed and approved as read. . .. Voting A.ye: Mayor, Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Commissioner Buschardt arrived at this time. 1 i~ . ;U-.ii'jj!;_:!f'!t;'~~~-::rf;t; r'="~"1""'="':"'=."l" .,"',jl:[ ..~~'~:"~~~:"CCI"~l r-- '''r':':'j' (Tr:f~ 1~'rliTniii'IIlnr- - -- -rrrmF-- L 00 .-- ~.,.J ~::c: ,~ < . """-"'."H';h"" 209 City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that requests ha~ been made for fans for use in the Community Building and asked approval for purchasing two floor type 42" fans from Community Building Funds. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded byComrnissioner Buschardt, that the City Secretary be authorized to purchase two floor type fans for use in the Community Building. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None, City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that three persons had expressed a desire to lease the swimming pool concession for the 1949 season and he had requested them to submit their proposal in writing, however, one person had submitted a written proposal being Mr. A. B. Miller, Jr., 3829 Villanova. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to execute a contract with Mr. Arthur B. Miller, Jr., for operation of the concession at the SWimming Poo for the 1949 Season on basis of 10% of the gross receipts and subject to m tual agreement of terms. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The Council was advised that several property ownerl in the City had shrubbery planted on the _~ which has created a traffic hazard and should he elimi- nated. Instructions were given the City Secretary to make a survey on such hazards and notifY the !Ialror so he could request propert,lf or I ers to elim, inate these hazards. . ' ' Plans and specifications for Water Works improvements at the Wakeforest Plant for Stor.age Tank, Pump House, Flow Meter, Meta.meterJ and Electrical Switch Gear, were submitted by Engineer Irving L. Peabody:tor Council's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by commissJonerBusChardt" that the City Secretar,y be authorized to advertise for bids tor contracts 1 through 5 for Water Works improvements at Wakeforest Plant to be received until 1:30 P.M. June 9, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ~dinance No. 465, captioned as follows, was submi tfd to the Council and read in full: ORnTNANCF. NO, 1,"5 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE TERMS OF THE MAY 3rd, 1948, CONTRAOT BEl'WEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND BROGAN AND IWILLIAMS RELATIVE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN STREET INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE IJiMITS OF SAID CITY. I . i F':-'::"~_-:~" ''--:,'-C=r,;'-''~'~':r,~ ._". - r .,~" - -'""C=<'~'=:"T."~=""~'1!'""'::,,'1.__.____ 210 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by C01IDD.issioner Holman that Ordi~ nanceNo. 465 changing the terms of the May 3rd, 1948 contract between Brogan & Williams and the City relative to the pa,ving of certain street intersections be passed and approved as read. j 1 u Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None City Attorney T. M. Ryan advised the Council that a nominal expense would be incurred in the collection of delinquent taxes as authorized. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardtthat a nomi- nal expense account be 'approved for expenses incurred in the col:1:ection of ." delinquent taxes. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No : ' Clol'l1lniss10ner Holman. In response to complaints that a great number of dogs were.running loose in the city after 5 P.M. the Council ordered that Mr. W. J. Ryals, Humane Officer, be instructed to work one night each week. The minutes of the meetings of May 9 and 10 were read and approved as' corrected. With no further business to come before the > Councilat this time, the meeting was recessed at 11:25 P.M. to reconvene at 7:30P.M~. on May 26, 1949. !~ 1 LJ The C1 ty Council convened in recessed session on Thursday May 26, 1949, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. Mayor Lanmon was absent and Mayor Pro tem Terry pre- sided. Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman and the City Secretary were also present. The C1ty Attorney was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders .duly published in the official news- paper of the city on May 12, 1949, bids .were re~eived for paving eontJtruction on 4100 block Case Street, 410e Block Byron Street, and the 6hOO Block West Poin't Street 'and the intersections at Case and West Point and Byron and West Point Street. Bids received were opened and results announced as follows: Russ Vi t.p.h A 11 J. L. Williams A.S . Koehler Total All Property Ownerts Share Total Ci ty' s Share Total City Intersections at West Point Total All City Total .14,125.7u 8,439.95 . 2,762.16 11,202.11 2.5,327.85 14,224.68 8,392.22 2,883.60 11,275.82 25,500.40 15,04L24 8,205.56 2,940.20 11,145.76 26,187.00 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt., seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that bids ',,',i.., ,<uul received be referred 'to City Secretary Whitt Johnson and Engineer I. L. PeabodyU for tabulation and recommendation. I l' ,- --"'''\WL:~",',c=~r.~-..__L_ _ _ .__~_L_ _; rOC' ..:~.J.1P'~;'~-",".- . ..r. _f..: - --- -!TC'j':lilr:nm'!1I::'l:i:1LrUmr'----------- 'rm'O~'r--'-- oc M ~ < y .... {____i <:C i' ,> :,:!{{If:'~':'"'~'-' , $}1i<iJ kiJJ..l Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Terry; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Auditors for Harris County requested passage of a resolution in connection with the paving of Weslayan Street within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the following resolution be passed and adopted: aiSOJ.,UTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that,the County of Harris be and is hereby granted authority to expend the necessary County funds to accomplish the paving of Weslayan Road, the first section of which is from Richmond Road to Tennyson Street" within the limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, said proposed paving being approximately 1422 feet in length and 30 feet wide in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of West University Place. Passed and Approved this 26th day of May, 1949 by a vote of 4 Ayes and o Noes. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Terry; Oommissioners Buscha.rdt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until 7:30 P.M. June 9, 1949. ----------------- The Oity Council reconvened in recessed session on Thursday, June 9, 1949, at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lamon, presiding; Commissioner Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present was the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the Oity on May 26, 1949, bids were received for Water Works Improvements at Wakeforest Plant for Storage Tank, Pump House, Flow Meter, Metameter and Electrical Switch Gear. Bids received were opened and results "announced as follows: Item (1) Storage Tank Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Amco Tank & Welding Works General Welding Works, Inc. Dobkins Welding Works Wyatt Metal & Boiler Works Tom Dye Foundation 40 D Tank Painting Tank 390.15 618.00 1,050.00 r"'.""~=rC"C"C'CC" ",", "'I' r'c""c"'c"'~"'..c~r'.'._ r' ";i'~'i' '-rftTl n~li"Ti:'lrrimrn rr '" 21't Item (2) Pwnp House Union Tank & SUPPlY": CQ. ' E.C.Oronin const. Co. Furnish 12 x 18 Prefab. Building Furnish & erect' 12 x 18 Prefab. Building Concrete Foundation Painting 12 x 18 Building 5J7.81 ' 757.81 300.75 701.66 874.61 130.00 40.00 150.00 (Plumbing and Conduits) Item (J) Flow Meter Maintenance Engineer,ing Corp. Item f4} Metameter I tam (5) Electrical Switch Gear The Bristol Company Graybar Electric Company Warren Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Corp. Lynn Elliott Company $ 2,117.02 '1,964.69 1,975.84 1,921.24 TomlJye 282.40 $ 975.00 $ 615.00 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that bids received be referred to City Secretary Wh1tt Johnson and. Engineer Irving L. Peabody for tabulation and recommendation. ATTEST: ! ~.-i-~"}fY.:tf!~'*t'1<'r.' J"'I~"C"""~ "....1 :% r ....H .., ...... ,.. "'~'I'", 1 r" - 'T~T: rr~.1:Hi'1i"1'i~'miim1----- u u - ------.rlrm'---- ?,1~ "'" l l.., MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ~ JUNE 13, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday June 13, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Terry was absent. Pursuant to Public Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City on May 26, 1949, a hearing was held to consider a proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 111, to permit construction of a church building in the First Single Family Dwelling District on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, West University Place First Addition located at the comer of Buffalo Speedway and Bellaire (.'r Boulevard. -~ ~ .".-r' ..... Mr. RoJland Bradley, Attorney, representing the membership of the First Uni- tarian Church who had requested the Zoning Ordinance amended, made a state- ment in regard to the proposed building to be constructed at this location. City Attorney T. M. Ryan presented legal interpretation of the Zoning Ordi- nance with respect to construction of the church building. Mr. L. R. Bynum, Attorney, representing property owners in the immediate vicinity of Lots 3 and 4, West University Place First Addition protested amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit erection of a church on this location. --' < After proponents and opponents were heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordinance No. 111, be amended to permit erection of a church on Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, West University Place First Addition as recommended by the Zoning Board on May 19, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioner Buschardt, Hamlett, and Holman. None Minutes of "a special meeting of the Zoning Board held on June 6, 1949, were submitted to the Council and action was taken as follows: Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Dr. R. F. Herndon, 3323 Rice Boulevard be permitted to construct an 181 x 181 wood working hobby shop to be attached to his present 18 t' x 18 t two car garage as requested and recommended by the Zoning Board; subject to execution of usual affidavit. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. George N. Pos~J, 3007 Nottingham, be permitted to build a one-car garage with storage room and open car port attached to and located in front of the one-car garage as requested and recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Oommissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. C. 1. LaFleur, 4214 Amherst for approval to move a green- " ",,;;,,:,::, e'~o'''~ "To ...c...!..~.,'.~ I' C. ~.~-"~c--~"-=-'--=,,c'm-;r--';;~!~:'-~~::1.___~_._______L__ . '---r~---'---- "~~'l': !tT~!!m:Jr~~'r::'HmIlrn r:',!," ~,14 house from 4234 Amherst to 4214 Amherst to be used in connection with his hobby for growing flowers be approved subject to execution of affidavit that he nor any member of his family nor any other person residing in the same residence, nor any other place will ever sell or offer for sale any flowers, shrubs; vines, ~treea, or plants of any other type. IJ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Davis, 4234 Universi1;.y Boulevard appeared before the Council protesting a bus stop recently placed in front of their home at this address, and the nuisance created by parking of the bus at this location for a period as long as ten minutes at all hours of the day and night. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were assured that officials of the bus company would be contact~d and a more desirable plan for loading and unloading passengers and fO.r;-,:lay~. overs would be worked out. Mr. Ralph Browning, representing property owners in the 3000 and 3100 blocks Georgetownsubmitted.a petition signed by property O}"lners requesting the city to advertise for bids for the paving of these blocks with 5" residential concrete in accordance with specifications heretofore adopted and also that necess~ repairs be made to a storm sewer located in these blocks. The City Secretary advised that property owners in the 2800 and 2900 blocks of Georgetown were also desirous of paving their street but had not signed agreement at this time. The City Secretary requested a decision of the Council in regard to the paving of the intersection of, Georgetown, and jlJ- Belmont in event contracts were signed for paving of the 2800 and 2900 blocks of Georgetown. It was the decision of the. Council that if the 2800 and 2900 blocks of Georgetown were paved that the intersection of Georgetown and Belmont should be paved to provide continuity of the 5a concrete paving. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications ,for paving, of the 2800,2900, 3000 and 3100 blocks of Georgetown and the intersection of Georgetown and Belmont with 5" residential concrete in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved by the city and that the city secretary be instructed to advertise for bids for the paving of these afore- mentioned blocks and intersection, said bids to be received on, June 20, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Holman. None A letter from Mr. BenE. Brewer, Chairman of Committee of Management, South..;. west Branch,'Y.1l.C.A. requesting .use of the West University Place Swimming' Pool,f'orthe pUrpose of a,swimming ins~ruction program. Motion by Conunissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Y.M.C.A.be permitted use of the Swimining Pool without charge between the , hours of 7 and 9 A.M. each Wednesday and Friday fo;r 3 one-half hour instruction classes at each s.ession for a period often weeks to give swimming instructions to children of the southwest area. u Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None :f~'rn't;,-?,'F'--; -- - r~r'~r,cT" "" ,.......'1 'if' ."'."T""'1 'j';'i'ITf'i'W'lrrnmml m" r) A '"' &,I 1 ;Ji The Council also gave authority for the Y.M.C.A. to use the Community Building during the s'WIlIller months at the same rates as other similar organizations. Mr. J. L. W"illiams presented a letter dated June 13, 1949, advising he had recently purchased W. E. Brogan's interest in Brogan & Williams and had organized a corporation under the Iiame of J. L. Williams Construction Company, Inc. Mr. Williams pointed out the following ccntracts now in effect with the City of West University Place for street improvements: August 16, 1948, Intersections; October 25, 1948, various skips contract; April 1948, Inter- section contract, College and Villanova, and requested assigrnnent of the above listed contracts to J. L. Williams Construction Company, Inc., with all terms C~) of the contract remaining in full force and effect including all surety bonds. .........; -..: '''; . -<-.::c C-) <t Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Conmissioner Buschardt that inas- much as it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission that all contracts heretofore held by the firm of Brogan & Williams, a partnership composed of W. E. Brogan, Jr. and J~ L. Williams, have been assigned to J. L. Vfilliams Construction Oom:Qany, Inc., a corporation of which J. L. Williams is President, and the corporation has assumed and undertaken the performance of all such contracts, and the corporation having requested formal approval of such assignments insofar as the City contracts are concerned, with the understanding that the surety company-on the partnership perform,ance bonds will remain as surety for the performance of the contracts by the corporation; that the assignment and transfer to the corporation J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. of all contracts between the City and Brogan & Williams be approved, and said corporation substituted as Contractor in the place and stead of Brogan & Williams; and that the City's Paving Attorney prepare and submit ordinances for more formal record approval with reference to each of said contracts between the City and Brogan & Williams and now assigned to J. L. Williams Construction Company, Inc. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 466, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDTNANCF. NO Ithh AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING CERTAINF ACTS WITH REFERENCE TO THE INTERSECTION OF WEST POINT AND RUSKIN STREET, THE PAVEMENT OF WHICH WAS PROVIDED FOR IN THE OCTOBER 25, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR AND WITH REFERENCE TO THE INTERSECTION OF FAIR- MOUNT AND DARTMOUTH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PAVE AND IMPROVE SAID WEST POINT AND RUSKIN STREET INTERSECTION; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS MORE URGENT AND TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY TO PAVE AND IMPROVE THE INTERSECTION OF FAIRMOUNT AND DARTMOUTH STREET; APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAID INTERSECTION; AMENDING SAID CONTRACT, WITH THE CONSENT OF J. L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ASSIGNEE, SAID CON- TRACTOR, AND SUBSTITUTING SAIDFAIRMOUNT - DARTMOUTH INTERSECTION THEREIN IN" LIEU OF SAID WEST POINT - RUSKIN INTERSECTION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Conmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that "['jT 'u:r:nn,.,Ti:i iiTlmT TF'" ?~,6 6ML Ordinance No. 466, substituting the intersection of Fairmount and Dartmouth Streets in lieu of West Point and Ruskin Street, intersection in' 'l:ihe OctOber 25, 1948 contract between the City and Brogan & Williams be passed and ap- proved as read and correeted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None A written report dated June. 13, 1949, from City Secretary Whitt Johnson in regard to the financing for Water improvements was submitted to the Council together with Treasurer's Certificate No. 32 signed by City Treasurer C. E. Gammill certifying to the availability of $10,000 to apply on cost of con- struction of a new water well and appurtenances. In complaince with instructions from the City Council on Thursday June 9, 1949, a tabulation and recommendation of bids submitted on that date for~- provements to the water system at the Wakeforest Water Plant covered under contract items No. 1- 5 was submitted for the Oounc;,il';~L~nsiderationhj: City Engineer I. L.Peabody, City Secretary Whitt John~~~;and Water 'Super- intendent E. J. Hood. . ' , Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the bid" submitted on Item No. 1, Storage Tank, by General Welding WorkS, Inc. intheamOUrit of" $5800.24 for the construction of a 214,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank be accepted as recommended. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No :. ' None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the recommendation of the' City Engineer and City'Secretary that the painting for this'storage.tankbe performed w.i.th city forces at an "estimated price of $850.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that a contract on Item No. 2, Pump House, be awarded to Union Tank and Supply Co. on their low bid of $537~81and city forces construct a foundation and erect the building with city forces and emp~(j)tment of experienced iron workers, at an estimated cost of $350 as recommended. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commis'sioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Motion by €lommissioner"Hamlett, seconded by CommissioneD Buschardt that a contract on Item No.3, Flow Meter, be awarded to Maintenance Engineering Company on their low bid of $975.00 as recammendedJ Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None ::,'i~;\Wfil~~;-::-". ,',",=or.",n''''''=C''~.i "'Hr="'''' ';" "''''''''''1'''''''1 r"~---- "r~i" r j"i'lInrn'WilTil1l ri'" C/"; 'l"'""" ~ """,":,:, '1<"' --.. ~: <: ~217 Motion by OommissionerBuschardt,"seconded by Commissioner Harnlettthat a contract on Item No.4, Metameter, be awarded to the Bristol Company on their low bid of $615.00 as recommended. Votin"gAye: Ma:ror Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that a contract on Item No.5, Electrical SWitch Gear be awarded to the Lynn Elliott Company on their low bid of $1,921.24 as recommended. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oommissioner Buschardt that a contract be awarded to Wallace & Tiernan Company for furnishing of chlori- nator in accordance wi th plans and specifications on their low bid re- ceived on April 21, 1949, in the amount of $2,410 as recommended. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None The Council was advised that the price of waste oil which has been used on the shell streets of the city as a dust preventative is becoming prohibitive and'city funds for this purpose are not sufficient to meet this increase in price; there remaining only $1200 in this fund. The City Engineer recommended that the city enter into a property owner participation program and purchase a heavy asphalt oil which would last approximately one year. Motion by Commissioner " Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to enter into a property owner partici- pation program and purchase asphalt oil for the streets where requested and funds deposited ,vith the City Treasurer as recommended by the City Englneer. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Minutes of the meetings of May, 23, 26 and June 9 were read and approved. Ordinance No. 467, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. )J67 ANORDINANOE AMENDmG ORDINANCE NO. 330, PASSED AND APPROVED JANUARY 2, 1947, WITH REFERENCE TO THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, BY AMENDING THE CAPTION THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR COMPENSATION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AND BY AMENDING SECTION 2 TO PROVIDE FOR A MONTHLY SALARY, AND Al.ffENDING SECTION 3 TO PBES CRI BE THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICE; CONTINUING SAID ORDINANCE NO. 330 IN EFFECT AS AMENDED AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. , Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that "!tli'l'j!lll~!l""'''''' IT;" r'~="."~""",'='C="l ' '>"'\wr'~~.':-".--~="'T":"l r U'T';f' Wi'lIrlnnmmr ". 210 Ordinance No. 467, amending Ordinance No. 330 to provide compensation of the City Engineer and prescribing duties be passed and approved as read. 1 ! I Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; CommilSsioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None The following Resolution was submitted and read in full: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE EMPLOYMlIDNT OF IRVING L. PEABODY AS CITY ENGINEER, AND PRESCRIBING HIS COMPENSATION AND DUTIES. WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore deemed it to the best interest of the City-to employ a full"';time Engineer to serve as City Engi- neer at a fixed mont.~ly salary in lieu of employing outside Engineers on a part-time or contract basis; and has s ecured the' services of Irving L.Pea- body, a professional Engineer, effective April 1, 1949; at a monthly salary of $400.00; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS: 1 I --.-J PASSED this 13th day of June,.1949. MotionbyComissionerBuschardt,seconded by Commissioner Hamlett,' that the ResoI.iitionratifji.ngthe employment of Irving L. Peabody as City Engineer, be passed and approved as read. - Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None With no further-business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 A.~. AT'l'EST: '~!.'i::~'J1mtmTI~+f:r"! r"'<'..=..T.".":'."~~i , ir~."",;,"'''''.'' '''T '1 r ' "i':r'Tr'i:i1!'1rTi'!immll m:" ill o ill ,; 'T" 219 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 27, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session on Monday, June 27, 1949, 7 :30 P.M. at the City Hall vti.th the following m~mbers present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett, Buschardt, and Holman. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Terry was absent. Zoning Minutes of the meeting of June 16, 1949, were submitted to the . Council and the following action was taken: " Motion by Commissioner HOlman, seconded by Co~missioner Buschardt, that Mr. Sherman J. Glass owner of property at 2709 RobiIihood be permitted to construct a home with only a ma$on.ry front, on this property which is located in an area requiring 51% masonry construction, but the request for waiving the 1400 Sq. Ft. restrictions to permit construction of a 1200 Sq. Ft. hoose be, denied, as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No.: None , MotionbyCommissionBI1i)'; ~uschardt, sec9nded by Commissioner Hamlett, that ~~H.A.'Tenney,?736C.entena.rybe permitted to build a 12'x 20' storage ropm, and hobby_shop on the rear of his pI1emises at this address subject to execution of usual affidavit, as, recommended by the Zoning Board. ' Voting Aye: V otin.g No : Mayor Lamnon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman None MotiQn<by Commissioner Holm~, seconded by CommiSSioner HalJllet~ that Dr. Howard.\L. Evans, owner of the lot at 6428 Belmont be permitted to locate a new home 36'back from the front property line in order to save two ' large pecan trees; this action based on recommendation of the Zoning Board and a letter dated June 18, 1949, signed by John M.Fonts , Jr., 5448 Belmont; ",ArtJlur C. Weber, 6416 Belman t;D ~ D. Hunt, 6434. Belmont; Leo F. Mosler, 6438 Belmont; stating they had 110 objections to Dr. Evans setting his house 6'back of required building line; a,nd that the house located immediately south has a 30' set back line and the house located im..;. mediately-north has a 34' set back line. V otingAye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Holman. None Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals were sub- mitted to the Council and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded b,y CQmmissioner Holman that action of the Board of Adju:stment and Appeals denying Mr. P.R. Delgado's , request to erect a home on the front of his-lot located at 3815 Case Stree1i where there is an existing garagea,partment on the rear of the lot be ap- proved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. V oting No: None T"-'~'~-"T--"'~":C'O, ''';:;1 'l'Iil'II:1'I"lTicimm'" r:'-"'" II '-~'O~--:"-_C""""'T , uc_---,_ 220 A contract between property owners of the 4200 Block Southwestern and J. L. Williams Construction Company for the paving of this block with 5tt residential concrete was submitted for Council's approval. Motion by OommissionerHamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that contract be approved for paving of the 4200 block Southwestern Street with 5t1 residential concrete in accordance with plans and specifications hereto- fore approved by the ,Council. Voting Aye: Mayor LanIJlon; Commissioners B:uschardt, Haml,ett and Holman. Voting No : None In compliance with instructions of the Council a tabulation of bids re- ceived on May 26th for the paving of 4100 Case, 4100 Byron and 6400 West Point was submitted. ' Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the bid of Russ Mitchell in the amount of $25,321.85 be accepted and contract for. the construction of the work as adver~ised be awardedcondit~oned on an amendment thereof deleting from it the intersections of West Point and Byron and West Point and Oase which were included in the May 3, 1949 ccntract with J. L. Williams Construction Co.; and conditioned further that the contract be amended to distinguish the actual money to be paid by,the city itself thereunder and that portion of the total contract p:rice for which the contractor must look exclusively to the abutting property owners. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon, Conmissioners Buschardt and Holman. Commissioner Hamlett. Commissioner Hamlett made the following statement with reference to his vote: tilt is my opinion that the truck and man hours will not be 'used; therefore the cpntract as awarded will be higher than the bid submitted by J. L. Williams Construction Co." . Ordinance No. 468,captioneGl as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDTNANr.Ji: NO J,hR AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 463, PASSED ANI! APPRo.VED MAY 10, 1949, PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZJ;NG AND DIRECTING CERTAIN' AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES IN THE NOVEMBER 22, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS WITH REFERENCE TO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MILTON STREEl', RICE BOULEVARD AND COLLEGE STREET; AND ,DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordi-' nance No. 468, repealing Ordinance No. ,463, authorizing and directing certain amendments and changes in the November 22, 1948 contract between the City and Brogan & Williams with reference to certain portions of Milton Street, Rice Boulevard and College Street be passed and approved as read. Voting' Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; COInmissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Holman. None rnJ I I Ii p, ml'! j,! I ~I ;p- ee -.- - i-" + i-' r~'1 LJ r i U 00 ,.......; <::::r < U < r ) i I 'U .' . ~;- -'l'~~'tIM~"'1':"'_'~" 221 Treasurer's Certificate No. 33, certifying the availability of $1,594.74 to the credit of Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948 was submitted for Council's approval. Ordinance No. 469, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO_ }1~9 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,594. 74 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIFS 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY CERTAIN COSTS AND EXPENSES IN CC1\JNECTION WITH THE PAVING AND IMPROVING . OF PORTIONS OF MILTON STREET, RICE BOULEVARD AND COLLEGE STREET, AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 469 appropriating the sum of $1,594.74 for payment of certain costs and expenses in connection with paving and improving 3800 block Milton Street, 3900 Rice Boulevard and 6200 College Street be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 470, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORTITNANnF. mn 470 AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING CERTAIN FIELD CHANGFS AND EXTRA WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE NOVEMBER 22, 1948 CONTRACT BEfWEEN'lHE CITY AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS COVERING PORTIONS OF MILTON STREEI' AND RICE BOULEVARD; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO SAID FIELD CHANGES AND OF SAID EXTRA WORK; :FIlmING THE COR- RECTNESS OF AND APPROVING CERTAIN UNPAID ITEMS OF COST AND EXPENSE IN CON- NECTION WITH SAID CONTRACT, AND DIRECTING PAYMENT THEREOF OUT OF THE FUNDS HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED THEREFOR, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordinance No. 479 approving and confirming certain field changes and extra work in connection with the performance of the November 22, 1948 ccntract between the city and Brogan & Williams covering 3800 Block Milton Street, 3900 Rice Boulevard and 6200 Block College Street; approving and accepting the construction pursuant to said field changes and of unpaid items of cost and expense in connection wi thsaid contract, and directing payment thereof out of the funds heretofore appropriated therefor, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None Treasurer's Certificate No. 34, certifying the availability of $686.14 out of the fund to the credit of Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948, toward the cost of Street Improvements on Academy Street was submitte9 to the r~~'":'_C"CI C"""C~C, :c:'::I .' -':f-+ r7'. "-0'''', ".-O'"''''-'-=':l~~',:~_1______:_.____L-_ ._.._ c :"l'~'l ':'ltt:::1l1111~:1~);~ :iuum r:::':" ~] q ('l' '" L..I L.J Council for approval. Ordinance No. 471, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: o nRTlTNA Nr.R NO 1,71 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $686.14 OUT OF THE FU~ TO THE. CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIFS 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S AGREED CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON ACADEMY STREET UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY OWNERS AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR, NOT COVERED BY PRIOR APPROPRIATIONS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordi- nance No. 471, appropriating the sum of $686.14 to pay the city's agreed contribution toward the cost of street improvements on Academy Street be passed and approved as read. , Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No : None Ordinance No. 472, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: nRTlTNATlTr.F. Nn I 1,7? AN ORDINANCE CONSENTING TO AND APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT FROM BROGAN & WILLIAMS I,U; TO J. L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. OF THE OCTOBER 25, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, EXECUTED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO.' 417, AS TO THE INTERSECTIONS NOT YET CONSTRUCTED THEREUNDER, ACCEPTING AND SUBSTITurING J~ L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., AS CONTRACTOR; PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF THE BQ~lpS UNDER SAID CONTRACT; AUTHORIZING AND DI- RECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDA TO SAID CONTRACT MAKING SUBSTITUTION OF CONTRACTORS AND PROVIDING FOR CONTINUANCE OF SAID BONDS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 472, consenting to and approving the assignment from Brogan & Williams to J. L. Williams Const~ction Company, Inc; of the October 25, 1948 contract between the city-and Brogan & Williams, executed pursuant to Ordi- nance No. 417 as to the sections not yet constructed theJ:"eunder; accepting and substitu~ing J. L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. as contractor; autho- rizing and directing the Mayor and City Secretary to execlf,te an addenda to said contract, 'making substitution of contractors and providing for con- tinuance of said bonds, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None Ordinance No. 473, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: r \ ! I U ., t:-:-_;~"';tj/!'l""V"--" j'":C"':".[ , .. ..t'"..-::J.____~L...... ,~~c ,L cl._..,.._..,_L (~-'---,.. _ --,. :'T:rU:j!lUIl:ni~liilmrn __[jL"::~_n (,"---\ j i Lj OC; --" ~:: <~ ;- -,. ':'--.- <::t 223 ORDINANCE NO. h71 AN ORDINANCE,: CONSENTING TO AND' APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT FROM BROGAN & WILLIAMS:J~:(J:J. L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. OF THE OCTOBER 25, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BROGAN & WIIJ..IAMS, EXECUTED PURSUANT TO ORDI- NANCE NO. 421, AS TO THE SECTIONS NOT Y:&'"T CONSTRUCTED THEREUNDER; ACCEPTING AND SUBSTITUTING J. L. WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., AS CONTRACTOR; PRO- VIDING FOR THE CONTINUANCE OF THE BONDS UNDER SAID CONTRACT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDA TO SAID CONTRACT MAKING SUBSTITUTI ON OF CONTRACTORS AND PROVIDING FOR CONTINUANCE OF SAID BONDS, AND DFJCLARING AN EMERGEN CY . Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordi- nance No. 473'consenting to and approving the assignment from Brogan & Williams to -J,~' L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. of the October 25, 1948 contract between the cit.y and Brogan & Williams executed pursuant to Ordi- nance No. 421 as to the sections not yet constructed thereunder; accepting and substituting J." L. Williams Construction Co., Inc. a~ contractor; authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Secretary to execute an addenda to said contract, making substitution of contractors and providing for con- tinuance of said bonds, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None A recommendation for parking regulations around various churches and con- gested areas was submitted by Chief of Police H. ~. Shipp in compliance wi th instructions of the Council. The Council recommended that letters be written to the various chur,ches and their cooperation requested before definite action is taken. Fire Chief Claude V. Reynolds discussed with the Council the desirability of replacing the No. ':,2 Fire Truck, a 1939 Diamond T, with a new 500 Gallon Booster truck. Estimate received from the Burke-Simms Fire Truck Equipment Co., San Antonio, Texas, for a custom built truck exclusive of the motor and chassis amounted to $4750. It was the opinion of the Council that funds It was the opinion of the Council that funds were not available for the pur- chase of a new fire truck at this time, but agreed that it would be advisable to set aside $2500 as appropriated in the 1948-49 budget for replacement of the No. 2 Fire Truck in the future. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seco~ded by Commissioner Hamlett, that an ordinance be prepa~ed by the City Attorney setting aside $2500 as appropriated in the 1948-49 budget for future replacement of the No. 2 Fire TrUCk, and that the said $2500 be depositediilthe City National Bank in an account styled City of West University Place, Texas, Fire Truck Replacement. Fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None A letter dated June 7, 1949, signed by Mr. T. H. Stancliff of Southern Oaks, Inc. requesting an amendment to the November 29,1948, contract be- tween Southern Oaks and the City of West University Place for payment of sani tary sewer service on tract No. 2 of this subdivision was submitted to rm~'ccc'ro~c '="""'""1 'OJ';'! 'I nTllmrn:'iiTilml rl'''' 'If' '''"''O~'=''"'''''''''''''T ,1 ~ ~lli, ,;;;,l ". -,. the Council for consideration. Said letter proposing that $6,000 be paid for sanitary sewer service on the 87 lots in Tract No.2, on the basis of $2,000 at the expiration of 90 days from the date of agreement, and $2000 to be paid on the expiration 01'9 months from the date of agreement and the final $2000 to be paid on or before the expiration of 15 months from the date of agreement, in lieu of ,the sum of $100 per lot for each single family dwelling as specified in th.e November 29, 1948 contract. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the Mayor be authorized to exeoute an amendment to the November 29, 1948 contract wi th SoutheI;'n Oaks, Inc. for furnishing s.ani tary sewer facilities, to, tract No.2, on basis of 10% discount for the 81 lots involved in Tract No.2, at $100 per lot aggregating $8700 which sum when discounted would be $7830 payable in 6 months from date of amendment to contr~ct or the full sum of ' $8700 payable witbill aperiod~of one:yeaI"from:."datie,<,of propos,ed contract amendment as connections are made. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None IJ~"'~' r I A letter dated June 23, 1949, from Mr. R. W. Peckham, President, South- western Properties, requesting an amendment to an original contract dated February 23, 1949, with the Citu of West University Place for furnishing sanitary sewer service to Tract No. 1 containing 29.41 Acres of land and Tract No. 2 containing 36.023 Acres of land, was submitted to the Council for consideration. Said letter requesting an amendment to renew and extend the original contract for an additional period of ten years for reason that ! ) the F.H.A. would not make loans on property where a 5 year sanitary sewer i," I, service contract existed. ~ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the February 23, 1948, contract between the City and Southwestern Properties be extended for an additional period of ten years provided that the contract be written to protect the City against an adjustment of the $l.Z'S per month Sanitary Sewer charge for each single family dwelling unit as now exists. in the contract and in no event shall this monthly charge be less than $1.25 per month and that the Mayor be authorized to execute said contract amen~- mente Voting Aye: ' Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners. Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None In compliance with Council's Instructions, City Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted a recommendation of the needs for playground equipment and im- proving of College Court Park, Which included fencing of the park with a 6 Ft. Chain Link Fence, a drinking fountain and three water connections for irrigation of grass and Shrubbery, and various playground equipment. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that steps be taken to secure equipment needed for College Court Park and that the City Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids on materials and labor for erection of a 6' chain link fence around College Court Park as per ' specifications submitted; that the bids be received until 7:30 P.M.. July 25, 1949, that city labor he used on park improvements wherever possible and that Park funds appropriated in the 1948-49 budget be used for improvements to College Court Park and that funds be appropriated in the 1949-50 budget for use on other parks in the city. l",,~ . !:'-- '~,,~-;-~'~'~-~"':":'T r-, , j , ! LJ '1 LJ [1 I I ~ r 1 I I L-J oJ ,.;' "1*,1'--;01',"'+'\"'", . Votmg Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners. BUschardt, Ham1ett and Holman. Voting No:' None " The OityFngineer- s'llbmitted a 'lett-er dated Jti,ne23,1949" recommending aPProval Qfa partia:i est:iJJtate..lri the amount of' $25),OObfor 'l:.aYne Texas Co~~'Ltd."inoonnectionwithdrilling anew well>at,thel'aks;t"orest:Wa;ter Piant. In connection with the approval of the $25,000 estimate, the following a.6t~on ,was taken:~' 'of., Ordinance No. 474, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full;' OlIDlN1'tmE' N(L '111, IN. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DELIVERY ,QF'TIO,WAlmAw.rs Mouonby Coziunissio~erBUschardt, seconded by~Colnmissi:drier' ,Hamlett that Oi-dinance'No. 474, authorizing delivery- of, time warranta:'be'pasS'edand " '," approved. as read., ' V9ting' Aye: ' PlayortanmoniCommissioners Btischara.t;: .:iam1.ett~d:aolman;. VothigN"o":' None Treasur,er',s', Certificate "No.: 35" cer:tif'y:ti!g the aYB:iJ:al>i1.ity:ot ,$850.. 00 ,to theereiU~o:t' lJtreet IniProvemEmt BondS "S'eries 1948 for-:Eii'gineermg,costs iil'connection 'With "Street Il!1provements durmg the'period April 1, .1~4~;,to Sept. 1, 19k9;aS'folloWS':- Concrete ana.lysis', 'lOO,~OOrEngineer ,$75o.bO; wai:fsubmit -bedt':J,~the~CoUJicjJ. ',for cOnsideration,. .' " ".' ,',' , '" ' 'Motion by Commissioner Buscha:rdt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that) c treasurers Gertificat$ No. 3$ be accepted ana" ~ds$~ende:df.o~plfrpQSe:, mentfoned.': . ** See Page 227 ' , " ",,' . ';,' ~ ~ The' 'Goiliicll'd.is~cus$ed'neees:sityo.f .;pw:-cbasing orietransi:t'~and,equi,:pmen~.., .. !or'Engiileering Department for which '650 waS appropriated intne1948;;'49 QU:dgetrQi;'~tnrs"eqUipmerit~'",/ ,;;' ..; ;,,' ",' , Motion by COmmissioner Hamlett, seconded by' Cormnissioner' Blischardt t~t' the City Secx'etari be authG:r1zed ,te adverf;i.sefor: hidsfor atz,aIidit"~or the' ']mgineeririi Department; bids .to 'be received, until 1:10 p':M.llbriday,' July 25. .,' " , . .. .. Vot:l.:n~ lye: Mayor Lanmon; ComInissioners, Buscharat, Hamlett,- .&,!q' Hciliiian. Vottp.g''''No .: Nome" .. . .' . >" ."., fu-ainance-No~475:, caPtioned a's'fo1.1ow8j was 'iSiibmi-tted:t.o' theOoUriciland ,', read in fUll: ' , ',~, " otmTN)\Nctm; ,WC).. '1175 AI'fOllDIW,ANCE AMENDING OlID:tNANCE 'N~h,lll, OF THE" 'GIn-OF WEsTl:H'f:[vEJ1SITY rUeE ,.mrs'C0Wmfty .ID(omr,AfiID't)'EsIGNlTED 'IS 'i'.:HEffZON:tNGOR~I:N'ANO'Eu. " , , , , ,,' , ','," ' " ,,' , BY'lfaNJ,l!WG SFrcTlb'N Ai ~~O!-BI :~J1lG A NEW ,SlJB-pA;RA~PI:r,:~o BE KNOWN AS N0., <; ,"PERMITTING THEEREGTIONAND coNSTRUCTION OF A CHmtc~If.f 1" SPEeIFI~ PART IN, THEFIRS'l'SJ;NGLUm,ty nWEr..LINGDISTRIC'r' AND 'PRonm NG THAT-THIS ORDt1fANCE"SHItL'.Kt'mECT" AND' BE' IN.!ORC1E 'IMMEDIATln.Y FRO}JI \ ~. 1 ~:~~~~"~:. _::l "'ol~l r ~==--~--r=--T""l . 1 [" "r:'[ ITllTlITJ:rI'lClDlIll '225 ,i [j":~ 2~6 - 'AfID AFTER ITS~PAsSAGlt, l'NDAPPRoVlt ~ . , ' MotionbyConmdssioner Hamlett, seconded byCoilmiissioner Buschai'dt, that 0rdinanceN:o .'415" amell~:BifCf.rdin~c,e ,'Noiel11" pei'rirl.-t,ting 'ere~tiQnand ,,~~~~~~t~i:t:i~:, ~:~~:S~d aa:~~~~~~~~~a::_;~a~~e"~ris:t::':~'il1gJ:Ei~jam~lY: voting lye: Mayor "Lanman; CoIllIl1issioners BUschaJi.dt:,Hanrle:;M:.<andHolma'n.., Votfiig No: NO'ne U,'- l , , The Oouncil discussed the advisability of renting or p~rcllasii1gOn:e600' ,,", ' e;al10n ,asphal tdistribtitor arid one Seaman 'PUl Vi-miXer;f or"preparlrik base, 'and applymg' aSphaltic'oil on~h:el1. 's'treats.. " Jl6tlonby 'Commfss1.on.erH8Dl1.et-t,$:eeondedby"CQimiiissioner -Busehardt, 'tha. t a 600 gallon' asphalt distrl:l:)utorbe purchased on rental basiS" for,. applying asphalt' o:t1 ,on' shell'S'br~'et~, aild;, that ,Seaman:j>u1.V1,,;,ml:xer: ,be'.1.eas;ed,t9: p~epa:re ba::3'E:l',on: shell s'treeti:l;. j~h:a.t ::the t1mds'cro~thepurchcl:lse :an.~l'reritaloffthe' ,", equipment be Obtained from stI"eet arid brIdge departnientfUnds. Vot:i.ngAye::Mayor Lamnpn; .ConunissionersBuschardt; Hanq.ettand Holman. VotingE'o -= None Bids were r,eceived from J6:jt,~ cr.:L.Qoitdan" 3512 dason'St~e'~t;and'Mr!.;G.'>P i " T:u11y, 6404 ,SeWciti~eStreet:for ."f~pair.'work <andpaiIitihgdil,: the ;:ih tyJlal:b Bli,i:lding: ' '. , lloti~ri 'by Oommissioner :Buscbard~;:seeQriCi~d ':by eoni~ta:s'i()net, ,"Hamie\f,\h~t ' '.' the low bid of Mr. G.'P: TU~ly 'hi ~b.e amount 0/ '6Zo.be 'aec.t$q~ ' u _ '. " .. r. _ . .', . ,"\1 .~;:.. ". '. v oting.;Aye:' ltayor LaJUnonJ: (JomD1d.ssior1.ers BuscbArdt, Hami~:bta:~<i'Ho1ma.n'. Vot.ing No: None ,.' ie' .' lIfinutes of: themeetirig,6f Jline 13; 1~49;,'we~eread. andap.:Foved.. with' 00 flU-therbusiness" t6 oOlne 'betore 'the Counc:t;;t. at, ~tnis :t:i.1Jle, : :th:e, '" meetingwaa" receS'sedEi'tl:li51:.lC tp' reaoily-ene <on' Tn~t$dat June .30 ;1949. y. '; - .i. - -!,.,~.~ - .- _" _ -:0. _'~ ....__ . . . . . . '. '. :. . . ~ . .": ":.' . . : . . The City Counc:i1 convened ilir~~essed session at the Cr-tyHall on Thursday, June 30,194~, with the .rollo~ngin8li!bers presenti'Mayor Lamnon.~ ,1:)re~idiIi~n ComDdsEfi-ori~' Biis~ha:rQt-, ,I1a.Ddett,and,KHolman.; ~s'o.'pj1~$'en.i .was~theCf:ty ~.. '., Secretaiy. Th:eCity'lt~orney and Coml1ii.ssioner Ter,:ywere cabg-e'ri~. . , ' In compliance Witli ';Notice to <Bidders. dlilypublisl;1eiL in the offici8.1new~r paper of the Oity on JUne 16, bids were reeeivedr.orpa~ng tbe;2600, 2,980, 3000 and 3100 Blqcks GeorgetoWn and the interseption oJ::Georgetow.n at Bel- monte Bids received were opened' aildxesu'lts. announced.. as '-folloWs :' ' ''\ 'f' Russ 'Mitchell Iile., 5304 Old SpariiSh Trail Gulfaitulithic Ce., 2820 Polk Avenue $14.;072..35 13,571.25 lJ', : t .' :it .'t'L'l.J<Jo' .. I o."~r~[ m ", "'''1 , , r '. ,~rrm]"'c'l i::; 'tr:i'IIiJII'j,rm [i' :..' 2.27 A. S. Koehler, Houston 6, Texas r-, LJ . ". J. L~ Williams Const. Co., 2502 Robinhood, Ho., Texas $13,888.45 15,241.50 Holland Page, Bay town, Texas 18,841.00 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the bids be referred to Engineer I. 1. Peabody and City Secretary Whitt Johnson for tabulation and recomni.endation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor LC!lllllon; CommissiOners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. None 00 ~ The matter of purchasing addition~l street equipment for the purpose of preparing shell base aIid applying asphalt oil was discussed~ ~.' < .-r- ~) "'---" < Motion by ComrnissionerHamlett,seconded by Commissioner Buschardt t?:at an option for privilege of -purchasel5esignedWith CochrariEquipment.Co., 200 Portwood street for one 600 gallon asphalt distributor in the amount of $2,375 and one Seaman Pulvi-miXer in thr amount. of $3,750 provided thi~ transaction will niee't. charter'requirements in the opinion of Oity Attorney T. M. Ryran. Voting Aye: Voting ~o : Mayor Laninon; Coinmissioners B schardt~ Hamlett and Holman. None (--1 With no further business to come before t Council at this time, upon I (motion dul$' made, seconded, and carried thmeeting was adjourned. ~I ATTEST: ~~"'I/ . .ai' . ... etarj- ** Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissione s Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman. Voting No: None r---, I I r 1 L) "i"J""cW'5'" ____',_J=;-...,-'r:~"<1' '] m'.:.::".'."..nr:!'.. ,,""~,=, [',I [ - "i':i'i'rrrmn"[1i:IITilIIli! 'fi':""--'- 228 MINUTES OF REGutAR MEETING JULY 11, 1949 The City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 1l,1949, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the foll-Owing members present: Mayor Lal'1lllon, pre- siding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary, City Attorney and Oity Paving Attorney. o Ordinance No. 476, captioned as follows, was submitted by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., City Paving Attorney, and read in full: ORDINANCE NOa 1176 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE $36,000 HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 414 IN CONNECTION WITH THE PAVING AND IM- PROVING OF PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND RICE BOULEVARD FROM SAID APPROPRIATION; TRANSFERRING SAID UNEXPENDED FUNDS TO THE GENERAL CREDIT OFSTREEI' IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1948, ANDDECLARING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER APPROPRIATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance No. 477, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: DRDTNANCENO. Jf77 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $9500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREEl' IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY1S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: 4100 BLOCK OF BYRON STREET, WITH INTERSECTION AT WEST POINT STREET; 4100 BLOCK OF CASE STREET, WITH INTERSECTION AT WEST POINT STREET; WEST POINT STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROP$RTY LINE OF CASE STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BYRON STRm; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. r.,."~'.";!'''''--C'''!'""CO ~ ~-C"i -~C.;C-""'_ _ __.::1 r', ! I I : U 00 ~ -.:j"! < u -< (-I 1 I i i \ Li (-1 I I j I U ',. -"i)'tit-:ti~mli:'i.l!<'rj_:-^" 229 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 477, appropriating the sum of $9500 out of the Fund to the Credit of Street Improvement Bonds, Series 1948 to pay the ci ty' s portion of the cost of paving and improving 4100 Block of Byron Street with intersection at West Point Street from Case to ~ron Street be passed and ap~oved as read. Voting Aye:, Mayor Lanmou; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 478, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDTNANCR NO JI7R AN ORDtNARCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DCNE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: 4100 BLOCK OF BYRON STREET, WITH INTERSECTION AT WEST POINT STREET; 4100 BLOCK OF CASE STREET, WITH INTERSECTION AT WEST POINT STREET; WEST POINT STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CASE STREET TO' THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BYRON STREET; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED 'FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF,RUSS MITCHELL, INC. AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST.,RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTI ONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AIm ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR t,g' BONDS IN OON- NECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID C<ETRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTEO A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED; APPROVI-NG SAID CONTRACT, AND Al1'1'HORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRE1'ARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DE- CLARING AN: EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordinance No. 478, approving and adopting the report and recommendation of the Engineer on bids received for the paving and improving of Byron, Case and West Point Street, and accepting the bid of Russ Mitchell and autho- rizing execution of contract. by the Mayor and City Secretary, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Ha,mlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordin~ce No. 479, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: cmnTNA1\TJ1'F. Nfl 1179 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS IN AND ADDENDA TO. THE JULY 11, 1949 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND RUSS :'~CC~=~I~~C~~"~'~~:! , -- ,.0,,"1' c:=c~,=~~=,..,,,..=r-'''':~r~~_::l...____. I , '''f~T'rrt'::1WIT'T::'l:rl1l1lll -- rj:~"T:--- ['---- ~6U MITCHELL, INC., CONTRACTOR, '\fiTH REFERENCE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF BYRON, CASE AND WEST POINT. SmEETS; ,AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXE- CUTIONOF SUCH AMENDMENTS AND ADDENDA BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY AND ' INCORPORATION THEREOF AS A PART OF SAID CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELl., INC., AND DECLARING AN EMERGENOY. . -"" I I , I LJ Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner BUBchardt, that Ordinance No. 479, authorizing and directing certain amendinents in and addenda to the July 11, 1949, contract between the City and Russ Mitchell, Inc., with reference to paying certain portions of Byron, Case and West Point Streets, and authorizing and directing the execution of such amend- ments and addenda by the Mayor and City Secretary, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor J1anmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Council was advised that Dr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Gayle, Jr. had fUlly paid a paving assessment, nth interest, which had been levied against Lot 26, Block 13, Rice CourtAddi tion in connection with Uhiversi ty Boulevard paving. Motion by Oommissioner Holman, seconded by Oommissioner ,Buschardt, that the, City Secretary, having reported that George S. Gayle, Jr., and wife have fully paid the assessment indebtedness, with interest, levied against their property, Lot 26, Block 13, Rice Court Addition, in connection with Univer- sity Boulevard paving, and which assessment and additional mechanic's lten contract was earlier purchased by the City from Russ MitChell, Inc., Con- tractor, that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized and directed to execute and deliver to George S. Gayle, Jr. and wife a release of said liens; and that {3pecial Assessment Certificate No. 19 evidencing the assessment be marked paid and likewise delivered to the property, owners. r-j U: Voting Aye: Votirlg No : Mayor Lanmol1j Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terr,y. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted a statement in the amount of $25.00 from Townes & Townes for services in ~onnection with the Geor~e S. Gayle, Jr. account and recommended the Council's approval. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that fees in the amount of $25.00 be paid Townes & Townes for legal services in con- nection with the George S. Gayle, Jr. account. Voting Aye: Voting No : City Engineer, Irving L. Peabody, submitted a tabulation and comparison ot' bids reoeived June 30, for the paving of 2800, 2900, 3000 and 3100 blocks of Georgetown. Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terr,r. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt,seconded by Commissioner Terry, that action on the bids be deferr.ed until Monday July 18. Voting Aye:. Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None i I r 1 : I LJ "i.'i+"~Y}~I~i:,.:r\'''' =C-~I >::~=,""c~~"""1 ~ ".',".,.'!'wr==c~"C"""c'=>'=L:'l___c__L__ r ",::j'i'rrt:mmnrmmllll Ii"'::', r~---l : ! I I 'C..-J OCr ....-! ~, <:: r-=-' <:::: r-i I . "-.-' 231 A letter from Consulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson recommending approval of work performed by Gulf Bitulithic Co. on the 6300 and 6400 blocks of Sewanee Street and intersection of Duke and Sewanee was presented. Treasurer's Certificate No.. 37 certifying the availability of $775.80 in . the treasury of the City of West University Place, Texas to th~ credit of Street Improvement Bonds Series 1948 for paying the city's portion of the cost of paving and improving the 6300 and 6400 blocks Sewanee Street and intersection of Sewanee and Duke and for engineerirlg fees, was submitted. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that im- provements to Sewanee Street be accepted and approved and that cost of paving the intersection and engineering fees totaling $775.80 be approved for pay- ment~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Council was advised that some of the property owners on Fairmount Street between Judson and Law Street were interested in signing contracts to pave Fairmount Street with 5" concrete and desired the Council to allocate funds for city participation in event the contracts were signed. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that money be set aside for a period of 60 days for the purpose of participating in paving of Fairmount Street if property owners sign contracts with contractor . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A lettet\ was presented from the Texas League of Municipalities requesting yearly ~crease'for service rendered, from $80.50 to $143.75 based on in- creased population and a desire to expand League services. Motion by Commissioner Busohardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the city increase its share of the cost of Texas League of Municipalities from $80:50 to $143.75 based on request submitted by the Director of the Texas League of Municipalities. Voting Aye: Voting No ; Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the following Resolution be passed and approved in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University. R:&SOLU'l'TON BE IT RESOLVED by the City CommiSsion of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Pursuant to the proVJ.s~ons of Article XIV, Section 8 of the Charter of the City 'of West University Place, Texas, that a public hearing will be had on August 22nd, 1949, at 7:30 O'clock P.M. at the City Hall of the City r~'TIC"T":'" "'C"~"'l "I'IiT!rrll1'nniillllll W"; 'i r ""';" '''TI''''~'']''';''l r""- "J ',' , ~,jJl~ of West University Place, Texas for the purpose of determining the budget requirements for the City of West University Place, Texas, for the fiscal year beginning September 1st, 1949. Passed and Approved this the 11th day of July, 1949, by a vote of 5 ayes Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 480 captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: ORnrNAN~'R Nfl llHO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 408 OF THE CITY OFWJ!ST ONIVERSITYPLAOE, TEXAS, IN SUCH MANNER AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE AILOCATION OF TiVENTY FIVE HUN- DRED DOLLARS OUT OF THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED IN THE 1948-1949 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WFST UNIVERSITY P~CEAND CREATING A FUND FOR THE DEPOSIT OF SUCH SUM OF TWENTY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS KNOWN AS THE FIRE TRUCK REPLA.CEMEN'l'FUND; DECLARING THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. In compliance with instructions frail the Council on June 30, City Attorney T. M. Ryan submitted his opinion in connection with the signing of an option for' privilege of purchase with Cochran Equipment Co. for one 600 Gallon Asphalt Distributor in the amount of $2,375 and one Seaman Pulvi-mixer in the amount of $3,750. It was the opinion of Mr. Ryan that the City should advertise for bids on this equipment in accordance with provisions of the City Charter. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City Secretary be instructed to adv.ertise for bids on one pulvi-mixer and one 600 gallon asphalt distributor, to be received until Thursday July 28, 1949. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : ,None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 11:30 P.M. to reconvene on Monday July 18, 1949. The City Council convened in recessed session o~Monday, July 18, 1949, 7:30P.M. at the City Hall wi,th the following members pre~ent: Mayor 1aJnmon ],~:,,,- ::~__'~~=-~:_l::::~::~~~-=-;~~____::::l "h;'-r.':~''''''''-==-:'~==''~''':=r.:''~:1.____ l." , --------.---'---,------.---~"!~':--' 1t11;~:~Ir.:'::IT'Tl~'~~nIlm i -'-I I ' ~ I LJ J - - 'fll~~ ~:.,--,- -- f','.,,' ... I .. : 1 I . 'i U OCJ ,,-j ~J'" < , , l...,.J <t 1~1 u r-'\ , I U ",-';,T<:';r--h" ?3"3 ,J,J"" , q", ' presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Mr. Jack McBride and Mr. A. R.Crouch, representing Boy Scout Troop No.5, requested permission to build for storage purposes a sma~l addition approxi- mately 10' x 12' onto east side of the existing Scout House located in Colonial Park. Motion by COli~TIissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buscbardtthat the request from Troop No.5, for permission to build an addition approximately 10' x 12' for storage purposes to the existing Scout House in Colonial Park be granted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschard,t, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Bids received on June 30, 1949, for paving of the 2800, 2900,: 3000 and 3100 blocks of Georgetovvn were considered by the Council and a recommendation sub- mitted by the City Engineer that all bids be rejected since bids were taken at the request of the property owners whohad'been giv~n a previous, commit- ment of $3.85 per front foot. The bids reflected a cost of $4.19 to $5.81 per front foot to be borne by the property owners. Mr. Ralph Browning, 3032 Georgetown" representing property owners in the 3000 and 3100 blocks advised that property owners would not agree to pay more than the $3.85 per frorr\;, foot. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the recommendation of the City Engineer that bids received on June 30, 1949, for paving of the 2800, 2900, 3000, and 3100 blOCkS Georgetown be rejected and that property owners be permitted to negotiate with a reliable, competent contractor of their choosing and that construction of the paving be performed under the superviSion of the Engineering Department in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the City. . Voting Aye:, Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The Council agreed to advertise for bids for paving of the intersection of Belmont and Georgetown if contracts were signed between property owners and a contractor for paving of the 2800, 2900, 3000 and 3100 blocks of George- town. Mr. Harold Nichols, Director of the Southwest Y .M.C.A., requested use of the Community Building for Summer activities. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Southwest Y.M.C.A. be permitted use of the Community Building for summer activities provided their use would not interfere with other reservations and that a reasonable charge be made for janitorial service. , , Voting Aye: Mayor Lan1I1on; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None In accordance with Section 8, Article 14, of the City Charter Vlhich provides )'" T'~"<'.""C.""~'j I. L" ~"'O"-'-="~~i~'''''"''''"''''''.''''''~l:-:'::'l"__ _____________"_. I [' 'u rr:':::'- 'i~':' rrn:llrrn,:lnrllllll f'-: ~ /j ~V'~ for a public hearing on the budget during the period of its consideration, the following action was taken: "J!,. ,! I[ Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by. Oommi~sioner Holman that a, public hearing be called for August 22, 1949, in compliance with the City Charter. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Cormnissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The Council was advised that a cross connection between the Sanitary and Storm Sewer lines had been located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Riley and Fairhaven Streets and that two estimates for making necessary repairs had., been received. One estimate was based on $21 per foot for fur- nishing all labor and materials with insurance coverage and the other on force account basis with insurance also carried by contractor. Mot..ion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded byCormnissioner Hamlett that Oity Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to enter into an agreement with a contractor for repairs to the sewer lines at the southeast corner of inter- section of Riley and Fairhaveu Streets on a force account basis., Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to secure the services of a p,erson who would not ;r_U\. be identified with the City of West University Place for the purpose of li I, hav1f,g such person attempt to negotiate an option for the purchase of ' U certain land on behalf of the City of West University Place to be used for a garbage dwnp area and that the City Attorney be authorized to work with such person and report the terms and conditions of any proposed agreement to the City Oommission. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The City Council instructed the City Attorney to adjust the controversy between the City of West University Place and Mr. J. L. Parker by stating to Mr. Parker the City's position in the matter butYd.th the express under- standing that no representation is to be made to Mr. Parker on behalf of the City of West University Place which'would in any manner impair the City's right to enforce the zoning ordinance of the Gi ty. Minutes of the meetings of June 27 and June 30, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ,-"\ I ! U ATTEST: [":"CT~"""'"""'I__~['-"" ""'-'"[",,1 T "I:;; 'Et'i:lli"lrI!:lUrTIlIlI ri::"'ij'" o 00 ~ ~~ ..... - '" '--' .c:t [.,'~",'. ' , , I i i i [";""" ,. I I 1_...".....;1.-.'''",..'. 235 1vlINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 25, 1949 The Oity Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 25, 1949, 7:30P.M. with the following members present; Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt; Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the City on July 7, 1949, bids were received for materials and labor for erection of a 6 Ft. chain link fence around College Court Park. Bids received were opened and results announced as follows: Cox Fence Company Anchor Post Fence. Co. Allied Fence Company Cyclone Fence Co. Type 12M Hurrican Fence Co. $1,825.'00 2,1:03.99 1,643.00 1,426.00 1,545.00 1,740.00 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that bids be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tabulation and recom- mendation. Voting A.ye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the City on July 7, 1949, bids were received for one transit for the Engineering Department. Bids received were opened and results announced as follows : San Jacinto Blue Print Co. Gurley 52 F.R. Gurley. 52 FRH-30 Gurley 82 R Whi te , 7014 560.00 575.00 550.00 530.00 L. L. Ridgway Company Gurley 52 F.R. Gurley 82 R Gurley 132 R , Gur ley 112 R 560.00 '550.00 515.00 495.00 Southern Blue Print Co. le &E 5085 OF K & E 5130 F K & E 5136 F ' 617.50 532.00 441.75 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that bids be referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: MC%r Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None <~,'" :-,cc~rcc:'''-,~::J. ____~_:jL"'....";.."""'L ,L n [- "i ~'i' [rTlli'['lTiiTIlIrn . - ---li"":~"-- -, --"j r-j rt ~00 Mr. Curtis Brown, 2708 Wroxton Road and Mr. J. W. Burkhart,' 2704 WroxtonRoad appeared before the Oouncil protesting No Parking signs recently placed on the north side of Wroxton Road in the 2700 Block. Mayor Lanman explained that a diligent study had been made of the parking situation on Wroxton Road as well as in other parts of the city where streets were narrow ,and a hazard was .created by the parking of cars on both sides of the street. The Council offered any assistance they might give in order to' obtain off the street parking facilities far residents of the apartment units in the 2700 block on Wroxtcn. It]' ~, Mr. J. T. Rcgers, 4001 Swarthmore, advised the Council that prcperty cwners in the 4000 and 4100 blocks O'f Swarthmore were in the process of signing con- tracts fer paving of these twO' blocks ,and requested the city to' take neces'sary action to pave the intersection at Weslayan. if both blocks are paved. The Council was not in favor af taking such action until an investigation cculd be made to determine whether or not Weslayan would be paved by the County in the near future a,s promised by Commissioner Jack Townsend. Minutes ef the July 21st meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board were sub- mitted to the Council and the following action was taken: . . Motion by Ccmmissioner Holman, seconded by CornmissJ.oner Hamlett that the re- quest of Mrs. C. C.Osenbaugh for resubdivisicn of Lat 2, Block 29, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150Ft. lots, both to face east cn Rutgers Street, be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmonj Conmissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None fl U Motion by Cemmissioner Holman, seconded blf Commissioner Hamlett that the re- quest of Mrs. Osenbaugh for Fesubdivision af Lot 2, Block 42, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 200 Ft. lots to face Bellaire Boulevard be approved as recommended by the Zon,ing Beard. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Cammiss,ioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Helman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that action on the request of Mr. D. H. Feldmap. that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to' permit a 4 unit apartment building cn Lat 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addi- tion and a duplex on Lat 1:, Fairhaven Addition be withheld pending further investigation and recommendation. , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by C01lUl1issioner Holman, seconded by Oommissioner Buschardt, that a study be made of all lots facing Bellaire Baulevard,Kirby Drive and Bissennet street to determine whether or not it wauld be advisable to' revise the Zoning Ordinance to' permit duplexes and apartment units on these lots, and plans initiated for the purpose of calling a public hearing, as recommended by the Zoning Board in a letter dated May 23, 1949. ] \ 1- ':':!:::'!':--- -:' :-y~:~' ~c '--': :'-C'C'::':'::~:1 Il L 00 .......-\ ~ -;::::: :::.;> <::: o LJ'-" i . i. '._"-,I>"''''"-'~' 2B7 Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. Cecil J. Haynes, 6445 Belmont be permitted to build an approximate 6 x 6 Ft. shower room in connection with his woodworking hobby shop, subject to exe- ) cution of affidavit as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett" Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. L. B. Barta be permitted to build a two car garage building with a storage room above, ~1ib:out'pl.umbing, fa'cil;i.tice$L1nsta1.led. a.r,Hi usua.l.,a.f$id.:avitis,~eUljeeu;teQ.; , as rscommeils}ed.' bye. the'Zond;ng,i,J3oard. : ' Voting Aye: Mayor l..anmonj Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. J. B. Drake be permitted to resubdivide Lot 8, Block: 1.4, West University Place First Addition into two 50,x 200 Ft. lots, both to face Belmont Stree't and that the 51% brick restrictions be waived permitting construction of a house on each of the lots with a minimum of 40% stone and remainder of Thunderbird shakes, as recommended by the Zoning Board, subject to request from present owner. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Action on request for construction of Lustron steel homes in \fest University P -Lace was deferred pending a written report from Building Inspector J. F. Jolly, as to whether or not such buildings:;mee:J:. the present' building code and a re- port from Mr. T. M. Ryan as to whether or n9t such buildingfS would meet re- quirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Douglas G. Fulton, Manager, Southam. Schools Transit Company requested a per- mit to inaugurate a door-to-door school bus system in the City of West Uni- versity. Action on this request was deferred pending investigation by City Secretary Whitt Johnson and City Attorney T. M. Ryan. An agreement.., executed by officials of the City of Houston agreeing that the City of Houston take over payment to the City of Wes,t University Place the sewer service charges being made to residents of areas near West University but actually in the City of Houston, was submitted to the Co1ltlcil. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Mayor be authorized to execute agreement with the City of Houston for the payment of charges being made to residents of areas near West University Place for sanitary sewer service furnished by the 'City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor 1anmon~ Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None rn'''~~"'''':F":C~2'',":"'~ ---'--~" -r _,on ~'r~Tr~rTI~:IT'Il:lrrlIllllln'n --- [1::':;':,"-- _1. .::.1_~__ Z^;db Motion by Oommissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the 'I,J Mayor be authorized to select and appoint a corporation court Judge during I the absence of Judge Bernard Kay while on vacation; remuneration to be fixed on same basis as that of Corporation Court Judge. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until Thursday July 28, 1949. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- The Caun.cil convened in recessed session at the Ci ty Hall on Thursday, July 28, 1949, 1:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon; pre- siding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secreiiary and City Attorney. Commissioner Buschardt was absent. IncOJllpliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in,the official newspaper of the city on July 14, 1949, bids were received for one 600 gallon asphalt distributor and one Seaman Pulvi-mixer. Bids received were opened and results announced as follows: Pulverizing Mixer ... Cochran Equipment Co. $3,637.00 - Asphalt Distributor R. B. Everett McCall Machinery Supply Co. Cochran Equipment Company , Boehck Equipment Company Browning-Ferris $1,990.00 2,337.14 1,969.71 2,028.91 2,157.00 u Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded:by Oommissioner Terry that bids be referred to the City Engineer andCit.y Secretary for tabulation, and recom- mendation. Voting Aye: Voting No.: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners BtiBet..ii'~t, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ~;l Minutes of the meetings, of July 11 and 18, were read and approved as corrected. City Engineer Irving L. Peabody submitted a tabulation on fence bids re... ceived on July 25, 1949, with a reccmmenG.ation that the low bid of Cyclone Fence Company in the arnuunt of $1426.00 for furnishing of materials and com- plete erection be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the low bid of Cyclone Fence Company in the amount ~f 11426.00 for furnishing of materials and complete erection of a 6 Ft. chain;Pence around College Court Park be accepted and the Mayor be ~uthorized to execute a contract in accor- dance with proposal submitted by the Cyclone Fence Company. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon;Commissioners Bu_a~, Hamlett, Holmanand Terry. None '-'1 U " e,,'=cT'nc''''''''''''J: ----'-1: ""-"~"''''''l~:''T, ----r-.-- "r:::-r' .tr-:;:I L~ITr'I'11mm - rr:,,::"'---- II .-~ 00 ~ "rt ..-' ----., ~ " ,. l - <:.: Ii U { . I \ U 239 A tabulation was also submitted on bids received Juiy 25, 1949, for one transi t for the Engineering Department with recommendation that the bid of L. L. Ridgeway for one Gurley No. 82R Engineer's Transit in the amount of $550, be accepted. ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that one Gurley No. 82R Engineer's Transit be purchased from L. L. Ridgeway Company in accordance with their bid in the amount of $550 as recommended by City Engineer Irving L. Peabody~ V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners EasGhaFdt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that he would be out of the city on vacation from August 1 to August 15 and it would be necessary for the Council to designate a representative of the City to sign vouchers and checks during his absence. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that during the temporary absence of Wbitt Johnson, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Irving L. Peabody, City Engineer be autho- rized to sign, as the proper representative of the City of W~st tTniversity Place in lieu of vybi tt Johnson, City Secretary, all checks and vouchers to be signed by the City Secretary between August 1st through 15th, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners BtieehaFdt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that he, Commissioners, Buschardt and Hamlett had met with the Health Board on Thursday July 27, 1949, and that the Board had considered and approved the Health Department budget for the fiscal year 1949-1950. The Board also agreed to investigate the possibility of introducing Fluorine in the dcmestic water supply of the city and they also approved a ci t,y wide clean-up campaign. It was stated that the Health Board emphasized a clean-up campaign to promote sanitation rather than a anti-polio campaign. The City Secretary advised that the Health Board recom- mended that the Council approve the clean-up campaign and recommended an appropriation of $575 for DD'!' spraying and publicity matters in this con- nection. . Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that' the Council accept the recommendation of the Health Board and authorize an ex- penditure of $575 for a city-wide clean-up and DDT spraying campaign. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma;y-or Lamon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjo ne ATT.EST: ~~L' ~ Bere ary - ";'iT' l'rm~lrT,~m'l!l1l - ~ir'.-~"'- 24U MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 8, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City :ijall on Monday, August 8, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor ' Lanman, presiding; Commissio.nersBuschardt, Hamlett, Holm~n and Terry. Also present was the City Attorney. The City Secretary w~s absent. Ii: ~l In ccmpliance with a request from Mr. T. H. Stancliff, President, Southern Oaks, Inc. for release of claim in connection wi thwater iines in Southern Oaks Addition, an inventory of water pipe, fittings and ftre hydrants in Southern Oaks Addition, Section 1, was submitted by City lmgineer Irving L.,Peabody. The Council was advised that the City of HOu$ton was reim- bursing Southern OakS, Inc. 50% of the cost of installing the water system and appurtenances. City Attorney, T. M. Ryan was instruci;,ed to prEtpare a release whereby the City of West University Place would receive 50% of tile return received by Southern Oaks, Inc. from the City of Hbuston. Mrs. Rosa Johnson, representing the FBll\ily Service Bureau, appeared before the Council relative to a request submitted by the Bureau: for licensing Foster Day Care Homes in the City of 'West University Place. Mrs. Johnson explained to the Council that one home in the City of West University Place is licensed at this time. City Attorney T. M. Ryan'stat,ed that in his opinion this was not a violation of the Zoning Ordinance as the child- ren are cared for in the homes on a non-profit basis. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner ll:Iolman that the City Secretary be authorized to write the Family Service aureau advising them of the City Attorney's opinion and the Council's approval of licensing Foster Day Care homes in the City of West University withi the city re-' serving the right to limit the number o.f homes to. be lice~sed and asking, that the city be notified of all applications receivedan~ licenses issued. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Oommissioners Buschardt., Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No. : None Ci ty Engineer Irving L. Peabody submitted a standard driveway entrance de- sign for the Council'S consideration. The design was approved by the Council as a standard for driveway construction but notm~ndatory if not desired by the property owners. The City Engineer advised that the Telephone Company and ODe property owner at the corner of Ccason and Academy were desirous of'paving Ac.ademy Street from the existing concrete paving between Bellaire'Boulevard and the South property line of Cason Street to. a point 99 Ft.. from the North property line of CaSon Street. The Council referred this, matter to City Secre'tary Whitt. Johnson' to determine the number of property owners who. would be willing to pl;rticipate in the paving of the street in order to extend the-paving a farther distance. In compliance with a request from property owners in the ~800, 2900, 3000 and )100 Blocks Georgetown, the Council approved repair of the existing gutter line in these blocks by grading with rock asphalt prov;i.ded the street is paved. 'i .-i' )-, lE;"""-"!i;oc" I ", '--~I~~'="-- 1 "'m!',"-- ',~-~~~li'l r ,. "TTrn:run'IFTi:mlllill"'. .... . ..- Ii''';, o 00 ..-, <:::r" e~~ ~ '1 '--.' '<t o lJ 241 A request was submitted from the West University Place Garden Club for per- mission to use the Community Hall on Friday, April 14, 1950, for their Annual Flower Show. The Council granted this request and set the rental charge at $15 for the show and $5 for eaGh regular meeting held in the Communi ty Hal~. City.Attorney T. M. Ryan advised the Oouncil that the J. M. Huffington hearing had been closed and the City was instructed to issue a building permit as requested by Mr. Huffington. Mr. Ryan stated that Counsel for Mr. Huffington had ~dvised that they were willing to accept a permit for a store building without residential characteristics as originally requested if the City will relinquish its right of appeal. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Attorney be authorized to accept Mr. Huffingtonls suggestion as to issuance of amended building permit for a store buildingrwithout residential characteristics. Voting Aye: Mayor LamnoD; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None A letter from City Secretary Whitt Johnson was submitted advising that Layne-Texas Co., Ltd. had canpleted drilling the water well at the Disposal Plant and it was necessary to finish the well at a greater depth than set forth in the specifications. ' Mr. Johnson asked authority to pay an invoioe in the amount of $228 which had been received from the Layne-Texas Co. for additional work performed. Motion by Commissio~er Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the invoice in the amount of $228 from Layne-Texas Co. ~ be approved and payment mad~ fran the, General Operating acco:unt from the Sewer Department. Voting Aye:' Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Minutes of the meetings of July 25th and 28th were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: -~~-~~ ; ~~ '~.' nl~'"'" .. I ;., Ti'II;'I1'riirllrr fr"" I I" , '''''''''''1'' '1 j;;;Li- ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 22, 19u.9 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 22, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Attorney and City Secretary. u In compliance with Notice published in the Official newspaper of the City on July 28, 1949, and Article XIV, Section 8 of the City Charter of the City of West University Place a Public Hearing was held on the Proposed 1949-1950, 16 month period budget. 'After careful consideration of the proposed budget and all citizens present given an opportunit,v to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the' budget for the 16 month period be accepted as presented in corrected form. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None Ordinance No. 481, captioned as follows, was 'presented to the Council f,or consideration: ORDINANCE NO. 481 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGEr FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS II!"U"- FOR A SIXTEEN MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1,1949 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1950; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CIT'! FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seoonded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Ordinance No. 481, approving a budget for the City of West University Place for a sixteen month period beginning September 1, 1949 and ending Dec. 31, 1950, and providing for the appropriation of public funds of the City for use and e~penditure,s be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 482, captioned as follows, was presented to the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 482 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN 'rHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLJ\.aE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1949, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF~. ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordinance No. 482, levying and assessing an Ad Valorem tax for the year 1949 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Bus chardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None f--l U . ~--.-- "T'Ii'i'TlTillmrnrmnrrr', -- lr:r . 00 ~ ~ ~~ u < r~ll ~ 243 A group of residents on Mercer Street north of University Boulevard appeared before the Council asking for information regarding repair and improvement of Mercer Street which was damaged by installation of a gas line by the Houston Natural Gas Company. The residents were advised that the Gas Oompany had placed the street in as good a condition as it was before the line was installed. City Engineer Irving L. Peabody explained that Mercer Street could be improved by adding approximately 4" of sand stabilized base and a two course inverted penetration topping at a cost to the property owners of approximately 75~ per front foot fora 20' road way. Mr. Peabody was instructed to prepare definite cost to be submitted to the property owners. Mr. A. H. Schadel, 4104 Be11aire Blvd., appeared before the Council requesting relief from a poor drainage condition at the corner of Bellaire,Blvd. and Academy Street ,vhich is causing dirt to be washed onto the newly paved portion of Academy Street. The Council advised that an investigation would be made and if it is found possible to construct an additional amount of paving this would be done, otherwise a catch basin will be installed on the west side of Academy Street at Bellaire Boulevard to drain water from this area. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Zoning '& Planning Bqard minutes of the regular meeting of August Itl, 1949 revealed that the Board took action recommending approval of a request sub- mitted by Mr. H. C. Everett, owner of property known as Lot No.1 of the Davis resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 8, West University Place No.1, to construct a residence of frameinste~d of brick and granting permission to omit construction of a sidewalk on the Carnegie Street side of this lot and also recommended ap~oval of the resubdivision of Lot 6, Block tl,West University Place No.1, into six 50 x 100 Ft. lots as shown on deed records. V0tin~ Ayet Votin~ No t Ti~Yor I.:amaonl CO_is8ionsps BQi:eha:J?dt. Hamlett, HolmaR aBtl TOFlY- Nono Motion by Commissioner Terr,y, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the request of Mr. H. C. Everett owner of Lot 1 of the Davis resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 8, West University Place No.1, and to construct a residence of frame instead of bricl( be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board, and also ** Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terr,y. None ** resubdivision of lot be approved. "Tn. rrii:lln1rTiiWillil . Ii"r .-, A' ,,f ~ q, ":t Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the request of Mr. H. C. Everett to eliminate construction of a sidewalk on the Carnegie Street side of Lot 6, Block tl, West Universit,r Place No.1, be denied. ' Voting Aye: Mayor'Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None iJ Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals held on August 16, 1949, revealed that the Board recommended approval of the request of Mr. and Mrs. E. o. Wiesner to complete the garage apartment located at their home at 2620 Talbot Street. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commi:;Jsi,oner Terry that the action of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals on August 16, 1949 relating to. th\9 request of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wiesner, 2620 Talbot, not be followed by the City Commission; pursuant to Section 14 of Article 25 of the City Charter the City Commission declines to change its ruling. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mayor C. P. Lanmon advised that a majority of the property owners residing on the south end of Mercer Street had deposited property owners share of cost of paving the street with various block chairmen and requested authority to proceed with negotiations with Southwest Paving Co. subject to property owners money being r~ceived by Friday August 26, 1949. , ~U Motion ,by .commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to negotiate with Mr. E. F. Horton of the South- west Paving Company and necessary ordinances be prepared provided property, owners pay their share of the paving cost by Friday August 26, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that installation of a 15h Storm Sewer at the intersection of Carnegie and Mercer was needed to remedy poor drainage conditions which have existed for several years. Cost of labor and material for installation of this storm sewer was estimated at $800 to $1,000. Treasurer's C-ertificate No. 38, certifying to the availability of $1000 to apply on construction of Storm Sewer in the 3600 Block of Carnegie Street was submitted. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oommissioner Holman that the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the construction of a 15" storm sewer on Carnegie Street from Mercer to Poor Farm Ditch and that the neces- sary materials be purchased and necessar,r equipment rented for this con- struction. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and'Terry. None : 1 i~ i' !.;-'l~,;-lf;',T.,"'C;"".,~, ["':'o~~'c'e'~:"":~'",~''J. '-',': .r:-'~-=-" -.--'-"'.'.'" '~~r'''-~'1__________ _ ___ _____1-._ ------:~. ,- - :.~': ,- ~ r'~! ~l (~~ IT!' ~~: ~'~ i:: !'Jl!l:ll 245, I I I '--' Estimate No. 2 from Layne Texas Co. Ltd. in the amount of $10,000 for drilling, completing and testing one Layne Gravel wall water well, and furnishing and installing ane Layne close coupled booster pump, was sub- mitted to the Council for consideration, together with a recommendation from the City Engineer that the estimate be approved for payment. Motion by COR@issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that recom- mendation of City Engineer be accepted and Estimate No.2, from Layne Texas Company Ltd. in the amount of $10,000 be approved for payment. 00 ,....j Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ~ Ordinance No. 483, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council: .,;.. ..", r .... ~ - ORDINANCE NO. h83 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DELIVERY OF TIME WARRANTS Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordi- nance -No. 483 authorizing delivery of Tiine Warrants be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ( , I I A tabulation of bids received on July 28, for a pulver mixer and a 600 Gallon ~I asphalt distributor was submitted > together with a recommendation that the bid of Cochran Equipment Company in the total amount of $5,538.47 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the recommendation for the purchase of one Seaman Pulvi-Mixer and one 600 gallon asphalt distributor from Cochran Equipment Company on their low bid of $5,538.47 be accepted and that funds be appropriated ,from the 1948...;49 budget chargeable to the Street and Bridge Department. Voting Aye: Mayor I.anmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the Minutes of the council meeting of May 9, 1949 reflected that property owners contract for the paving of the 4200 block on Dartmouth' and the h100 Block on Lehigh Street was approved and excavation and shelling of certain skipped areas authoriped, but they did not reflect authorization for payment of this work. Mr. Johnson' asked that authority be granted for payment of invoice to Mr. J. L. Williams for excavation of skips on these two streets. i I , ! , , I ' 1 t ~ Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that autho- rization be given to pay for excavation of skipped areas on the 4200 Block - Dartmouth and the 41(;0 Block Lehigh from the street maintenance fund, which was not reflected in the minutes of the meeting of May 9, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Ha.1l1ett, Holman and Terry. None I:::'=:-'"'=:;"~'-'-"''''''!'''-;O>C''''''-~'.- ::I "'I' L.~.,.-",-.r;',~:"~-j=..._ ,'-'~'__:l.. :1..._ c"--._' ~'~~r ~-L'I:'~rH [!~I:L'l.!~]L! mo.- IW:'~:'" - 246 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mr. T. M. Ryan be compensated in the amount of $250 for extra legal services in connection with the J. M. Buffington Zoning Case. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None City Secretary advised that the Houston Lighting & Power Company wished to renew their electrical service contract for water pumping and sewage disposal for a period of 10 years and that the present electrical service contract ex- pires in May, 1951. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the Mayor be authorized to execute an electrical service contract for water pump- ing and sewage disposal with the Houston Lightibg and Power Company as approved by the City Attorney. Vot:ing Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Te;rry. Voting No: None A contract for furnishing sanitary sewage facilities to a new addition known as Braes Oaks located immediately southof St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church and paralleiing the Poor Farm Drainage Ditch, was submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to execute the contract with Braes Oaks developers when changes are made as authorized. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Chief of Police H. E. Shipp appeared before the Council requesting that he be permitted to take only one week of his vacation and receive one weeks pay in lieu of the other week to which he is enti t.led. Mr. Shipp explained that his reason for this request was because of the series of burglaries which has taken place in the city recently and he felt that his services were needed. Motion by Oommissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Chief Shipp be permitted to forego one week of his vacation and receive one weeks pay in lieu thereof, due to the existing emergency at this time; a.Lso that Chief Shipp's vacation be deferred one week or until the emergency ceases to exist. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Busehardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The congestion of traffic at the Corrigan Community Center at the corner of Vfeslayan and Bellaire Boulevard during rush hours was brought to the Council's attention. The Ci tyAttoIney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance re- quiring parallel parking adjacent to the Henke & Pillot Store and No Parking between certain designated areas on Weslayan Street. r~T""C"!' ':" '''C~~'''l i [''' '''j''T~ r ;;'1' ir:rIE"lrTriITmi1 , [""""" ,1,1 r ~~l I I l-.-J 00 ,....., ~ ..< 7'" " ,~ <C r-~1 I I I I '-.-' (~I I I LJ 247 In connection with the review of present Zoning Ordinance and the condition of fringe territory, Mayor Lanrnon appointed Commissioner H. E. Terry as Chairman of an investigating Committee to proceed with investigation of this problem. Minutes of the meeting of August 8, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Counci~ at this time, the meeting was recessed. - - - - - - - - - The City Council convened in recessed session at the Oity Hall on Tuesday August 30, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lan- mon, presiding; Connnissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Paving Attorney, E. E. Townes, Jr. The City Attorney was absent. The Council convened in recessed session for the purpose of completing arrangements for the paving of Mercer Street from the south line of Univer- sity Boulevard to the north line of Be~1aire Boulevard. VariousBlock Chairmen representing the 6300 to 6800 blocks inclusive met with the Council and deposited propertyowoers funds which had been collected for the paving of that portion of Mercer Street. ,Mr. E.E. Townes, Jr. Paving Attorney for the City advised that the city could use street improvement bond funds as its share of the cas tfor paving Mercer street because of the unusual condition created by the Houston Natural Gas Company having to re- lay ODe of their large gas mains on this portion of Mercer Street. Treasurer's Certificate No. 39, certifying to the availability of $.3950.47 for the city participation for the construction of Mercer Street was sub- mitted. Ordinance No. 484,. captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council: ORDTl\TANf!1i: ron ItA1) AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,950.47 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S AGREED CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD 'rHE COSTS OF CERTAIN RESPECTIVE PORTIONS,OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF MERCER STREET BETWEEN THE SOUTH LINE OF uNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND THE NORTH LINE OF BELLAIRE BOULEVARD UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BETWEEN PROPERTY OWNERS AND SOUTHWEST PAVING COMPANY, CONTRACTOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner BusChardt, seconde~ by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 484 appropriating the sum of $3,950.47 out of the 1948 Street Improvement Bond Fund to pay city's agreed contributions toward the costs of certain respective portions of the improvement of Mercer Street be passed and approved as reE&d. Voting ,Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None ,.) /~' ~f'~ b~ ":t -.I ,,, ,. ..I'k_':L.8~tU'="""'-""''''''' ... _, Ordinance No. 485, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council. ! 1 [ ---..-! ORDINANCE NO. h8C; AN ORDINANCE APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF MERCER STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF BELLAIRE BOULEVARD; PROVIDING FOR UTILIZATION OF THE CONTRIBUTION BY HOUSTON NATURAL GAS CORPORATION; PROVIDING FOR SEPARATE SEVERAL CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE CITY TOWARD THE COST OF CERTAIN SEVERAL PORTIONS OF SUCH IMPROVEMENT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY TREASURER UNDER CERTAIN CON..:.. DITIONS TO PAY SUCH CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOUTHWEST PAVING COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, TOWARD THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS UNDER CONTRACTS BETW'EFN mOPE-fiTY. OWNERS AND SAID CONTRACTOR; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mot.ion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt thatOrdi- nance 485, approving plans and specifications for the improvement of Mercer Street from the south line of Uni versi ty Boulevard to the north line or Bellaire Boulevard; providing for utilization of the contribution by Houston Natural Gas Corp~ ~ providing for separate several contributions by the city toward cost of certain several portions of such improvement; authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Treasurer under certain ccnditions to pay such contributions to Southwest Paving Co. Contractor, toward the cost of the improvements under contracts between property owners and said contractor; be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt,Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Minutes of a special meeting of the zoning and 'planning board held on August 24, 1949, granting authority to Mr. R. J. Lapeyrouse, 6621 Rutgers, to re- subdivide Lots 8 and 9, Block 40, West University Place First Addition into four 50 X 150' lots to face west on Rutgers Street were submitted to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Board approving the request of Mr. R. J. Lapeyrouse, 6621 Rutgers Street to resubdivide Lots 8 and 9, Block 40 West University Place First Addition into four 50 x 150' lots to face west on Rutgers Street be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; ConnnissioYlers Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on August 30, 1949, pertaini~g to certain requests from Mr. R. W. Goff, 3930 South- western and Mr. W. D.. Harlowi, 4201 Ruskin Street, were submitted to the Council. '-I} ~t'; / Mr. R. W. Goff, 3930 Southwestern Street requested permission to enclose an open front porch on his home extending 5' to the front of the main wall of i,-' his home and 18' across the front. The following action was taken by the ,II Zoning Board: ~ ;. '- T~:':~'==ry=:,::"~=-::="'~, . c. ..".;,-"...1-.- 'r..=~,~c.~,~=:-'-r'7.'~'7"'.. - 'I::~'~r"- (~I I ' i I U 249 "Motion by Mr. D1lllcan Allen, that Mr. Goff's request for permission to enclose this front porch be granted. The motion died for want of a second. ,t After considering the effect the extension of the front porch 5' from-the main wall would have on adjacent residents the Council took the following action: Motion by Coinmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. R. W. Goff, be permitted to extend his front p<llrch 5' from the main wall and that this ease be considered on its own merits, and unrelated to any other 00 case that might be presented. -'l ~ ''" ~~ U <::l': .(l U Voting Aye: Voting No :: Mayor LaDmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mr. W. D. Harlow, 4201 RUSkin Street, be permitted to enlarge a storage room on the back of his garage increasing the size of the present storage room from 4' x 18' to 12' x 18' as recommended by the Zoning and PlannL."1g Board, pro- vided no plumbing is to be installed and an affidavit executed stating that the property will not be used for commercial purposes. Voting Aye:: Voting No :: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secreta~ 'Vfhitt Johnson advised that the Fire Department wished to purchase a television set to increase its membership interest. The Cit,y Secretary recommended that the Fire Department be given this authority and that funds for the purchase of the television set be charged to the award appropriation of the Fire Department. Motion by Corr~issioner Buschardt~ seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Fire Department be permitted to purchase a television set in the amount of $200 and that $50 be paid from the 1948-49 budget and the remaining $150 be paid from the award appropriation of the 1949-50 budget. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. t--n~ I: ATTEST: I I LJ '.:r::<,:i"i';:'~y'f.,".:.'. ~ ~, " , retary .. ~"-""'~T"'~~~~c":~ 'VI' rm'--~""~~",,:T=-:....~ . .-'=:-I~._._____._ ______L_ "T' "':':"~r ~-rr~::n 1:'TL~:~lITUllm Ir.~T' 250 MINUTES OF REGUIA-11. MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 12, 1949, 7:.30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Alsopresent were the City Attorney, City Secretary and City Paving Attorney. ,Commissioner Hamlett was absent. , U Specifications for topping Mercer Street north of Amherst with 41t sand stabili~ed base and a double asphalt surface treatment and the city furniSh- ing all labor, supervision and necessary equipment with a property owner cost of $.85 per front foot was submitted to the Council by the City Engineer for approval. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that speci- fications for topping Mercer Street from the north line of Amherst Street to the south line of Bissonnet Street on basis of city furnishing all labor and supervision and necessary equipment and property owners paying $.85 per front foot be approved and adopted as submitted. ' V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Oommissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. appeared before the Council and ad- vised that negotiations had been underway for settlement for cost of street :improvements on I)niversity Boulevard abutting Lot 4, Block 48, West University Place Second Addition and that the owner had agreed to make full payment provided interest and attorneys fee was waived. I , I , I u Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that only interest be waived on paymentfDr street :improvements on University Boulevard abutting Lot 4, Block 48, West University Place Second Addition, provided payment for the full amount of principle and attorney's fee is received within 10 days from this date; otherwise suit bafiled for collection. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; 'Commissioners Bus chardt, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that in connection with the present asphalt street work and futUre asphalt projects a road roller was needed. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids for one self propelled road roller of variable weights, said bids to be received until Monday, September 26, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None City Attorney T. M. Ryan submitted a Bill of Costs incurred in the Jodie F. Haas, et al vs. City of West University Place zoning suit which was rendered by the District Clerk of Harris County, Texas, in the amount of "'.."~=1 '""""'mr - , -, ',..,.._"~'"o,,_' 1 ',1 [ , T----~-~--"TIr'rli'JTIrrrl:rJi:1rrrnliI'--"u - i1"':j'" ( I , I ~ 00 .....-: ~ ...-.:: r 1 -. <C (-i I ! I ' I I "---" r-I LJ 251 $104.60. Mr. Ryan recommended that the City pay one-half of the costs and the other one-half be paid by property owners of Sunset Terrace involved in the case. Mot~on by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City pay one-half of the Bill of Costs which would amount to $52.30 and property owners of Sunset Terrace involved in the case of Jodie F. Haas, et al vs. City of West University Place pay the other one-half. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Voting No : ' None A letter from Miss Zelpha E. Shumate, Principal of the West University Elementary School, requesting a change in the present parking facilities on University and Edloe Street to provide more space for cars belonging to teachers and worlonen, was submitted.. It was the opinion of the Council that the Ordinance prohibiting parking on certain areas of University Boulevard and Edloe Street adjacent to the West University Elementary School should not be amended at this time but felt that the school system. should provide parking facilities on school property for teachers an~ workmen, but did agree to make available the Community Building parking area for teachers automobiles. The City Secretary was authorized by the Council to proceed with the pur- chasing of playground equipment for College Court Parl{ as previously recom- mended. Ordinance No. 486, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration: ORDTNANr.li: 1\10 1,86 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND fR OHIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICL~ IN CJt'RTAIN SPECIFIED PORTIONS OF THE 6700 BLOCK OF WESLAYAN STREET IN THE CITY OF VV'EST , UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR PARALLEL PARKING OF VEHICLES IN CERTAIN PORTIONt> OF THE 6700 BLOCK OF WESLAYAN STREET; FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATIONS OF SUCH REGULATION; AND PROVIDING FOR TffE REPEAL OF THE ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Ordi~ nanceNo. 486 regulating and prohibiting the parking of vehicles in certain portions of the 670U block of Weslayan Street and prov~ding for paralle~ parking of vehicles in the 6700 block of We slay an be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmonj Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None A property owner's contract with J. L. Williams Construction Company for the paving of the 4000 Block of Swarthmore Street was submitted to the Council for approval. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terr,y that paving , ': 7'; , " :i'1,'lrri:lullll1l TiF"T' 252 contract between property owners on the 4000 block Swarthmore and J. L. Williams Construction Company be approved on basis of plans and specifi- cations for 5" residentia.L concrete as heretofore adopted and the City Secreta~ be authori~ed to issue a work order for paving of the 4000 Block Swarthmore Street. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None Mr. J. L. Williams advised the Council that property owners in the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Georgetown had signed contracts for pavlng with exception of one and assured the Council that this party was also willing to sign. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman ~hat property owner control contract between property owners of the 3000 and 3100 blocks of Georgetown and J. L. Williams Construction Company be approved for paving between existing curbs and gutters with Sit concrete as set forth in plans and specifications for residential paving as heretofore adopted and that the City Secretary be authorized to issue a work order for paving of these b1.ocks. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None Minutes of the meetings of August 22 and August 30 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carrjBd, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30P.M. ATTEST: ~. ~ /1 '6.L&~/ H7 . Secret=>, ",., . ",c?<-m-.""'"",,,,--' F-:~'r--_.:'~:-~"'::~ [-0-- - - -~-- ---. '~;:"!~: ~ .~II'~:I ~~I~:T.I~'~ e:nI)[lI---,--,-------~ ~- ",-we: :':.O~~"_"'==~=>Ir.~~:':.'l. . 1_ _._._~~_____L..____.__ --1 I i , I, '--J --- '1 i i ~) n) I I I -~l~:'~r'~~------.- f d, 1 LI '\""""'! ~ o:-i -.-. ........ co <'t r -1 L, u '~'\'-;rh',,"" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEFrING SEPTEMBER 26, 1949 253 The City Council convened in regular session at the City- Hall on Monday, September 26, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro-tem Terry, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett and Holman. Also present were'the City' Secretary and City Attorney. ' Mayor Lanmon and Commissioner Buschardt were absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of the City_on September 15, bids were received for one self-propelled Tandem Road Roller. Bids received were opened and reSults announced as follows: Bidder MaRut'a <;rt:urer Brennan EquipJnent Company Anderson Equipment Company South Texas Equipment Company Boeck Engineering Company eochran Equipment Company Browning-Ferris:tvIchry. Company , R.B. Everett Huber CH&E Galion Essick , Pierce Bear Littleford Buffalo Springfield J - , 1'on $2,875.00 2,654.00 2,703.82 2,795.00 (No Bid) 3,620.00 2,889.00 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by-Commissioner Hamlett that bids received for one Tand~ Road Roller be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tflbulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: 'Mayor Pro-tern Terry, Commissioners Haml,ett a.nd Holman. Voting No : 'None Mr. Chas. L.., Hughes, 6502 Sewa,nee, submitted a property owner's contract with Mr. E. F. Horton of the Southwest Paving Company- for the paving of the 6300 Block Sewanee and the 3.500 Block Pittsburg Street to the Council for approval. The Council was advised by City Secretary Whitt Johnson that the paving of the intersection of Sewanee atPittsburg was involved and the cost was esti- mated at $300. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the paving contract between property owners abutting on the 6300 Block Sewanee and the 3500 Pittsburg Streets in accordance with specifications for asphalt pave- ment as heretofore adopted be approved subject to execution by Contractor and that funds be appropriated from the 1948 Street Improvement Bond Funds for paving of the intersection of Pittsburg andSewanee Street.. Voting Aye:., Mayor Pro-tern Terry, Commissioners Hamlett and Holman. Voting No : , None Mayor Lanmon arrived at this time, and upon request of Mayor Pro-tern Terry, took the chair and presided. Mr. J. L. Williams advised the Council that property owners in the 3900 Block Swarthmore Street had signed contracts for paving with exception of the following described property: Lots 7, 8 & 9, Block 13, Collegeview First Addition. c:'... '~l-"n"'""::':r " c.,o,.~:~~n''''T-':':l 1" "1'1:!' rnJI:::rnr:lITmrn liE..:;" 254 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that property owner's control contract between property owners fronting on the 3900 Block Swarthmore Street 'and J. L. Williams Construction Co. be approved for paving ::"J' on basis of plans and specifications for 5" residential concrete as hereto- fore adopted and the City Secretary be authorized to issue work order; also that any skips in this block be excavated at time of other excav~tion; cost of work to be paid. for from the street maintenance fund. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Commissioner Buschardt arrived at this time. Property Owner's Control Contract with J. L. Williams Construction Company for the paving of the 4200 'Block Case wals also submitted to the Council for approval. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that property owner's control contract between property owners fronting on the 4200 Block Case and J. L. Williams Construction Company be approved, for paving on basis of plans and specifications for 5" residential concrete as heretofore adopted, and the City Secretary be authorized to issue a work order for paving of the 4200 Block Case Street. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. Spurgeon Bell, Attorney representing Southern Schools Transit Company ) appeared before the Council and requested a 60 day permit for the purpose or , J operating a door to door school bus service to pick up children at, their - homes and take them to the various schools and return them to their homes in the afternoon. Mr. Bell stated that the City of Houston haGl granted, such permit to Southern Schools Transit Company. ' Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that a permit for 60 days be issued to the Southern Schools Transit Company to operate school busses in the City of West University Place on basis of li% of gross receipts to be paid to the City and subject to a written statement giving amount of insurance and other necessary information. V oting Aye: Voting No : .Mayor Lanmonj Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Charles D., Mehr, Attorney, representing Ayrshire Addition submit1;.eda. proposal for the Council's consideration whereby Ayrshire Addition will pay to the City of West University Place 25% of a cash consideration to be re- ceived from the City of Houston for water lines and facilities located in Ayrshire Addition if the Cit,y of West University Place would sign a Release of Water lines in this Addition. The Council was of the opinion that the City should receive 50% of any cash consideration received from",the City of Hous ton; therefore they were not willing to execute a release of said water lines at this time. 1 .-.J 1 ' ~, 'T n.. " If ~, '~T'''r- i -~ "f ni"lTT'lirlll1l fi'''' (I i I U 00 .,....., ~ < U -< 255 The Zoning Minutes of the meeting held on September 15, 1949, were submitted to the Council for consideration. Mrs. Chas. Reynaud, Jr. appeared before the Council on behalf of her Mother Mrs. Walter Lauer who had recently purchased Lot 1, of the Davis resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 8, West University Place No.1, located at the corner of Brompton and Carnegie Streets and requested that the 1350 Sq. Ft. building requirements on this lot be waived pennitting Mrs. Lauer to construct a bunga- low with a minimum area of 1050 Sq. Ft. The Council explained to Mrs. Reynaud that the Board of Appeals would have to take action on this request which would require a minimum of three weeks before official action coulg be taken. Mrs . Reynaud withdrew her reques t as Mrs. Lauer did not desire, to wait this length of time for official action. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that action on the request of Mr. J. L. Graham to resubdivide Lot.':) 4 and 5, Block 41, West University Place First Addition be withheld until a plot plan is sub- mitted and also a statement as to the intended use of these lots. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lcnmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Ter~. None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. E. P. Hayes, 2620 Barbara Lane, be granted pennission to remodel his present 18 x 16' two-car garage building with servants quarters above making a (\ building 20 x 24' to be used for two cars, storage room and wash room down !L' I' stairs and servants quarters consisting of living room, bedroom and bath, upstairs, subject to execution of usual" affidavit, as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner,Hamlett that the request of Dr. R. H. Chappell, 4203 Case Street for permission to construct an addition 16 x IS' to the existing garage building for use as a hobby shop be refused until request is amended to coincide with building which is now being constructed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Ter~. None In connection with the request submitted by Mr. D. H. Feldman owner of Lot 2, Block 34, Colonial Terrace Addition and Lot 21, Fairhaven Addition for per- mission to resubdivide these two lots into three smaller lots it was the Councils decision that the request b~ denied for reason the three lots would contain less than 5000 Sq. Ft. each. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Crnmnissioner Buschardt, that the request of JVCr. Drake to resubdivide Lot 4, Block 13, VVest University Place First Addition and the request to build a house on each lot with a minimum of 40% stone and remainder of shakes, be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. i ~5ti Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None !! 1 .: . :: I ',I [ \j~ The release of a paving lien on property owned by Mr. J. R. .Parker was approved by the Oouncil. City Secretary~~itt Johnson submitted a request for Mr. E.O. Cox requesting permission to use two car parking space in the east side of~ieslayan street at the.intersection of Bellaire Boulevard for business parking purposes, as Mr. Cox had recently opened a realestflte agency on the property at this lo- cation. The City Secretary was instructed to advise Mr. Cox that his re- quest was being denied for reason that the City could not grant private parking space. Ordinance No. 487, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council for consideration: 'OR1iThTAN~R lITO ),87 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE, TEXAS, TO TRANS- FER $10,000.00 IN CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FIRST MORTGAGE SWIMMING POOL REVENUE BONDS FROM THE WATER REPLACEMENT FUND IN THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, TO THE TAX REVENUE SINKING FUND AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO TRANSFER FROM THE TAX REVENUE SINKING FUND IN THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, TO THE VvATER WELL NO. 6 ACCOUNT THE SUM OF $10,000.00 CASH AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE. Motion by Commissioner Buscbardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 487 authoriZing the transfer of $10,000 in City of West University Place First Mortgage Swimming Pool Revenue Bonds from the Water Replacement Fund in the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, to the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and further authorizing the City of West University Place to transfer from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund the sum of $10,000 to the \f{ater Well No.6 Account, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1949, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. t~, ATTEST: . " / ~~- r"'r.~,,~:'r"'7~:_~'~=.= I'cl: r:~~'= -=-~' -'~'==""--~;-~""T':-::'I -----r ' '''fT: ~ ErT]I~L1T:'l:::':ljrIIIm ("'\ I 1 ) ! LJ 00 ....., ~ < ':' '\ -- oe:t r "1 \ i U ('I I t l ' U 'ii, :F$;:,lt:Jt'~~'1i[1~'i? 25'1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 1949 The City Oouncil convened in regular session at the Ci i{y Hall on Monday October 10, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. A tabulation of bids received on,September 26, 1949, for Tandem Road Rollers was submitted by the City Secretary and City Engineer vvi.th a recommendation that the bid of R. B. Everett & Company on the Buffalo Springfield, Model KT-7 Road Roller in the amount of $2,889.00 be accepted. Motion by Co:mnissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the bid of R. B. Everett & Company on the Buffalo Springfield, Model KT-7 Road Roller in the amount of' $2,889.00 be accepted as recommended by the City Secreta~ and City Engineer. Vot:ing Aye: Vot:ing No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Zoning Minutes of a special meeting held on October 6, 1949, by the Zoning & Planning Board were submitted to the Council and the following acti.on taken: Motion by Commissioners Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. Stokes Adair, Building Contractor, for approval of plans and specifications for a proposed store building to be constructed for Mr. J. M. Huffington, et al, at the northeast corner of Rice Boulevard at Edloe Street with 121t masonry walls composed of brick and tile be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board and that a building permit be issued. Voting Aye: Voting No : Ma;ror Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Cormnissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the revised plans submitted by Mr. Bob Farley, 6317 Westchester, for construction of a double garage building with attached servants quarters containing'248 Sq. Ft. of living area with no kitchen facilities be approved; for reason that this would comply with the Zoning Ordinance and was recommended for approval by the Zonin~5 Board, provided the usual affidavit is executed. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the request of Dr. R. H.Chappell for permission to construct an addition 16 x 18' to the existing garage building to be used as a hobby shop be approved in ac- cordance with amended application for building permit to 'include a breezeway, as recommended by City Attorney T. 'M. Ryan, and subject to execution of usual affidavit. L':~=O"l~":~'~:=== [ c---'-----c---.--"'1":T"U,t'mtl:L'Ti:mmn'" IE:]''' ;'1 L'" .. ,"~..""~"c.."~e,::L_ I;} t:~~,' hll1..J \;./ Chief of Police H. E. Shipp submi~ted a letter dated October 10, recom- mending the following additional traffic regulations: Stop sign on Amherst Street at W-akeforest Street; No Parking signs on the University Boulevard bridge; One hour park~g from Mercer Street west to the bridge on north side of University Boulevard; No Parking from Auden 150' west on the north side of Milton Street; No Parking from Buffalo Speedway 100 Ft. east on both sides of Wroxton Road on $undayaonly; No Parking from Bissonnet Street to Albans Road on the east side of Westchester Street on Sundays only; No Parking from the bridge toa point 156 Ft. east on the south side of Uni- versity Boulevard. , i I LJ Motion by Commissioner Buschardt"seconded by Corrunissioner Holman that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance to incorporate the above traffic regulations recommended by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that an Insu~ance Policy wri tten by W. B. Ruth, Agents; on the Community Building fOr a term of five years woUld expire October 22, 1949, and recommended the policy be renewed on a three year term and asked the Council's instructions on this matter. The Council discussed the adviSability of referring the matter to the In- surance Committee for study and reco~endation. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the matter be referred to the Insurance Committee for a recommendation prior to October 22, 1949, otherwise the recommendation of the City Secretary shall be followed and the policy renewed for a three year term. i \ W Voting Aye: Voting No : M~yor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A report from the City Engineer on damage due to heavy rains and overflow of Brays Bayou and tributaries was submitted to the Council. A letter from Mr. O. P. Gill, 3524 Amherst, dated October 3, 1949, was sub- mitted for the Councilts consideration. Mr. 'Gill, Blocl,c Chairman for the 6100 Block Mercer Street requested the ci~ to condition the shelrbase to include existing driveways wi thin the street and apply asphaltic courses on this area the same as on the 20 Ft. section, with property owners to bear the additional cost of materials, and erection of Truck Prohibited signs on Mercer Street from Bissonnet south to Uhiversity Boulevard. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City condition shell base to include existing driveways on Mercer Street with proper~ owners paying cost of such materials and that the request for truck prohibited signs on Mercer Street be approved and that the City Attor- ney be instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinance making Mercer a Truck Prohibited street from Bissonnet south to BellaireBoulevard; and to in- clude a provision whereby the Chief of Police ,vill'be empowered to have all other traffic regulation signs erected after his plan has been approved by the Council. . Hi' P~'~f~!~~~Wt"~ rC"CiCOC;=~1~7~""=i -"'] r'-'" "'O'~OO~"C""''''~l'"','T '---r-"-'-- C_ ,n_-'Tl,!'lTl'II,1'lnclITl1Ill' ~rT'" 259 (--I Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Hol.man and Terry. None ; i ' '--' Mayor Lanmon oadvised that pursuant to authority granted to him by the Council, he and Ci~ Attorney T. M. Ryan had negotiated for the purchase of appro xi- mately 20 Acres of ground about 7~ miles from the City on the Aiief Road to be used as a garbage disposai ground for a sanitary fill. The said 20 Acres of ground being situated in Harris County Texas and described as ofollows': (-OJ I ! \ I ~ BEGINNING at a 3/4 inch iron pipe, a corner in fence, 40.6 feet West of the Southwest corner of the Beckman Canfield Survey; THENCE East 529 feet along said fence to another 3/4 inch iron pipe, a corner in said fence, for the Northeast corner of this tract; THENCE ,vith said fence South 0 degrees, 52 minutes East, 1523.92 feet, a 3/4 inch iron pipe, a corner in said fence for the Southeast corner of this tract, being 110 feet atoright angles from center of S. A. & A. P. R.R.; THENCE along said fence South 85 degrees, 12 minutes-West 549.24 feet, to a 1 1/4 inch rod, a corner in fence for the Southwest corner of this tra.ct; THENCE with said fence North 0 degrees, 10 minutes West 1569.93 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 19.185 acres, ac- cording to a survey made on the ground by J. S. Boyles, Surveyor, on June 7th, 1946, and being the same land heretofore conveyed to The En~ire Corporation by George Caridas by a certain Deed dated August 16th, 1948, recorded in Volume 1858, Page 591, of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, SAVE AND EXCEPT an undivided one-half (1/2) of all oil, gas and other minerals which was reserved by peed recorded in Volume 1459, Page 229, of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and LESS a strip of land containing 0.068 acres lying in public road along the South boundary line of the above property, leaving a net acreage of 19.119 acres of land. 00 .--.. ~ <~ :or ~< ........; <:C Commissioner Hamlett made the following statement with reference to the recent flood conditions in vicinities in and around the City of West University Place: "The Fire and Police Departments of the City of West University Place have gone way above their call of duty in this disaster. They have rescued people, protected property and worked unselfishly as a group just because they felt that there was a job to be done. I wish to offer my sincerest personal commendation to the Fire and Police Departments of the Ci ty.1t Other members of the Counci~ also exp~essed sincere appreciation and com- mendation for the Fire and Police Departments and also for the Volunteers as well as paid members of the departments and various citizens who co- operated to the fullest extent. Minutes of the meeting of September 26, 1949, were read and approved as corrected. ATTEST: With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion made seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned. ~ . f~~ .~~ / ~ / .. '/J Cit~ ~ (-'\ i I f \ U j'""""O 'c~~r';~'="'O""'''1 I r"' "'C'C~'~~~C'T70'- -~----r'~----- C cc ---"j'1T'If'T1I7r1r1171ITl1l11l m'T" ~tiU ~NUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1949 {j; The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Octo- ber 24, 1949, with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Zoning Minutes of a regular meeting held on October 20:,1949, by the Zoning and Planning Board were submitted to the Council and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the recom- mendation of approval of plans and specifications by the Zoning Board for en- larging a temporary building now being used as a Sunday School room and for Boy Scout meetings by St. An<irew's PresbYterian Church located at the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Bissonnet~d also that permission be granted for the Church to use the proposed addition and the existing structure for Sunday School rooms and Scout meetings for a period of two years; expiration date to be November 1, 1951, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terr~. None Motion by Oommissioner Buschardt, seconded by Cownissioner Holman that the request of Mrs. Winnie Kiibler of 6425 Brompton to waive the 51% brick re- strictions at this address to permit erection of a house with asbestos siding be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No.: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None No action was taken on the request of Mr. M. R. 'Smith of the Wes-Land Building Company for reason that no easement was provided on his proposed plat. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mr. J. L. Graham's request for resubdivision of Lots 4 &5, Block 41, West University Place No.1, into three lots be granted in accordance with recommendation of the Zoning Board at their meeting on September 15, 1949, and the plot plan submitted by Mr. Graham; provided easements are granted and approved by City , Secretary Whitt Johnson. Voting Aye: Mayor La,nrnon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. E. E. ToWnes, Jr. City Pavihg Attorney, submitted Ordinance No. 488, capti oned as f o:l,.lows : ORDINANCE NO. 488 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED NINETY-'fWO AND 49/100 ($192.49), OUT OF 'mE FUNDS TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TRE;ASURY, TO PAY CERTAIN FEES ACCRUED AND DUE TOWNES & TOWNES, HERErOFORE RETAINED AS AJ)DITIONAL LEGAL COUNSEL ON PAVING PROJECTS, AND DE- CLARING AND EMERGENCY. r'~~'T=~"':"' .,:'::1 , < i r"" _T:"'=C_;"-=":"':"",1~,,:,:::1_____ ------:-?~-'--'- ''':':~T'-~ -~ 1l;~ml~rlT~T:: ~ crmrm-- .--- - (-, i i ; I ' !---.J . -:'\1;. ... : \ I , ! ; i i--.J " ! ----/ I:l~T" (~~\ 1 1 U ,.". . ;:xJ ..........! ~ < ~ " '''''; <t . ---, f i U (~1 I i i \ U ,-. T~'t"; ,.,,,.0;:,,,....., 261 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 488 appropriating the sum of $192.49 to pay fees accrued and due Townes & Townes be passed and approved as read, subject to execution of Treasurer's Certificate by the City Treasurer. Voting Aye: V oting..No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Harry D. Hopson of Henslee & Hopson, Certified Public Accountants, submitted a final audit of the books, records and accounts of the City for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1949. City Secretary Whitt Johnson recommended to the Council that Storm Sewer drainage'on,the 3800 Block Riley Street be improved. An estimated cost of $200 for these improvements was submitted by the City Engineer. Motion by Commissioner Holman, ,seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the necessary improvements be made to provide proper drainage on the 3800 Block Riley Street. Voting Aye: Voting NcT : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. None The City Secretary advised that numerous complaints had been received re- garding inadequate drainage affecting six blocks in the vicinity of Villanova and West Point and the City Engineer had made a survey of this condition and had determined that proper drainage could be provided by installing a 18" storm sewer line from Oberlin to Villanova on West Point Street at an estimated cost of $1,000. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City install the necessary Storm Sewer on West Point from Oberlin to Villa- nova with city forces and rental of necessary equipment and purchase of re- quired materials. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Co~~issioner Buschardt that the City Attorneype authorized to prepare an Ordinance releasing the unexpended portions remaining in Treasurer's Certificates Nos. 23, 25 and 38. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Conmdssioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an Ordinance releasing the unexpended portions remairiing in Treasurer's Certificates Nos. 23, 25 and 38. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Conunissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No :' None City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that the City was in need of an Air Compressor for street repair Vl!ork, and recommended that the Council authorize r'~rcce'~.~"IO.'r~'~~'=~":! "'Y[-"=---="~"~ '~C"l - 'iE' ,1':m::lnr:iTItllD ,r"[OO" [ ,'-C ~ti~ Notice to Bidders to be published in the official newspaper. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Cit,r Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids on one portable gasoline air I~ compressor and tools to be received on November 14, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry~ None The following resolution was submitted to the Council and read in full: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF $1,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE O]TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO THE HEALTH FUND OF S~ID CITY .~.s A TEMPORARY LOAN AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE RETURN OF SAID $1,000.00 FROM THE HEALTH FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND WHEN A SUFFICIENT AMOUNT OF THE 1949 CURRENT, TAXES HAVE BEEN ALLOCATED TO THE HEALTH FUND. . WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, is desirous of making available to the Health Fund of said City on a temporary basis the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, and WHERR~S,there is available in the general fund a sufficient amount of money to insure that purpose NOW, THEREFORE, - BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he is hereby authorized to transfer from the general fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, to the health fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, the sum of $1,000.00 until such time as a sufficient amount of 1949 current taxes have been collected and allocated to the health fund to permit said sum 'of money to be returned to the general fund. The Mayor is further authorized and directed to accomplish the transfer of said funds back to the general fund at such time as the City Treasurer notifies him that there is a sufficient amount of current 1949 taxes allocated to the health fund to permit such re-transfer. " 1 r, i---.J PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of October, 1949 by a vote of 5 AYES and 0 NOES. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded qy Commissioner Holman that the Resolution authorizing transfer of $1,000 from General i!und to the Health Fund as a temporary loan and authorizing return of said $1,000 from He~lth Fund to General Fund when sufficient amount of 1949 current taxes have been allocated to the Health Fund. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A letter was submitted by Mr. W. J. Ryals, Humane Officer, advising that due to the fact that Southside Place was discontinuing his services the first of November he would offer his services to West University Place on a different basis than he is now employed. The letter was referred to the Health Board for consideration and recommendation. 1--\ rn '~~ITC. T', .. 1 'Ir ,~.,. "~~"'r"'l r r" '"j i'I["IT T '1i111111 rn" ( --'1 II U OCJ .,....., 'J' <'<" '~. ~ ~ '--..._i ~ o r-J u 263 The Council discussed advisability of purchasing playground equipment for Colonial Park, Weir Park and repairing the Tennis Courts in the three city parks. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that equip- ment be purchased for Colonial Park and Tennis Courts in all three of' the City Parks. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A request from l~s. Chas. Reynaud to proceed with necessary action to permit a building with a minimum of 1050 Square Feet instead of the required 1350 Square Feet was submitted to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt,seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the following Resolution callip.ga public hearing by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals on the 15th day of November, 1949, at the City Hall of the City of West University Place at 7,:30 P.M. be passed and approved as read: H~m,HTIOllT WHEREAS, heretofore the legal owners of Lot One (1) of the Davis re-stibdivision of Lot Six (6), Block Eight (8), West University Place First Addition, an addition to the City o~ West University Place, Texas, have made application to the City Plp.nning and Zoning Board and SUbsequently to the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the purpose of reducing the minimum sqpare foot area regulations and accomplishing the development of said property, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has declined to act in this regard in any manner other than by resort to the provisions of Section 14 of Article XXV of the City Charter o~ the Ci~ of West University Place, and the pro- visions of Section 30 of Q,rdinance 111 of the City of West University Place, Texas, and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission that the requested action in lowering the square foo,tage requirements is a matter within the purview of the applicable portions! of Section 30, of Ordinance III of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW', THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that a public hearing will be had on the 15th day of November, 1949, at the City Hall of the City of West University Place, Texas, at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of determining whether or not an exception shall be granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 30, sub-section 5 of Ordinance 111 of the City of West University Place, Texas, in order to permit the development of Lot One (1) of the Davis re-subdivision of Lot Six (6), Block Eight (8), Wes~ University Place First Addition, an addition to the Ci ty of West UniversitYPl:ace, Texas, in such manner as to reduce the square foot building requirements' from 1350 square feet to a minimum area of 1050 square feet. It is further resolved that notice of this hearing shall be given to J=:'.~~!'~ -"""""~-"F;=:-'-~ C::"~--!'-~-''''~',O'~ 264 the owners of property lying within 200 feet of any portion of the above described property pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of sub- section 9 of Section 30 of Ordinance III of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of October, 1949 by a vote of ;) Ayes and 0 Noes. Voting Aye: Mayor,Lanm(>nJ 'Comniissi oners'Buschardt~ Hamlet t,Holman. and' Terry . Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of October 10, 1949, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was adjourned. / ATTESTt .~..4J ,,~ tary "i':i'i' rr"i11~'m'T,'iii1111i1 . j--' I ' U J ,U] mrl'" 1] 2S5' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMRF.R IJ, J 19119 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 14, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon; presiding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were ,the City Attorney and City Secretary. Conmissioner Buschardt was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of the City bids received for furnishing one Air Compressor were opened and the following results announced: 105 CFM 105 CFM ~ BIDDER MANUFACTURER 60 CFM 2 WHF.F.T. , JI mlRF-r. ~ ~. F. S. Ray Company Davey $1900.00 $2750.00 $2850.00 '- .....~ Browning-Ferris Co. Jaeger 1561. 50 2547.00 2687.00 CC E. L. Lester & Co. Schramm 1440.00 2660.00 2611. 87 ~ South Texas Equip. Co. Worthington 1503.37 2600.00 R. B. Everett Co. Joy 1588.,00 2611.00 Boehck Eng. Co. LeRoi 1549.00 2419.00 2559.00 Cochran Equipment Co. Gardner-Denver 1650.00 2695.00 2695.00 Less Deductions '5i nn Net $2543.10 o [J Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that bids for one Air Compress,or be referred to the City Secretary and City Engineer for tabulation'and recommendation. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Nooe ' Mr. Sam Marie, 3915 Marquette, appeared before the Council protesting use of a trailer house located at 3914 Southwestern on property owned b;y Mr. Frank Schembera. Mayor Lanmon advised Mr. Marie that he had been presented with a petition requesting that the trailer house remain on their property and be occupied by the present user. Mayor Lanmon stated that he had denied the request subject to confirmation of the Council and had requested City Attorney T. M. Ryan to submit a legal opinion regarding use of the trailer as a dwel- ling and as a storage building. In compliance with Mayor Lanmon's request City Attorney T. M. Ryan submitted the following opinion regarding the use of the said trailer: !tIn my opinion it is a violation of our Zoning Ordinance (a) to permit a trailer to be used as a dwelling on a single family dwelling district lot, and (b) to permit such a trailer to be used as a storage lo- cation or in any other manner located on a single family dwelling lot." Mr. Ryan was instructed to notify Mr. Frank Schembera of his legal opinion and that the trailer should be removed from the premises within 7 days. Commissioner Buschardt arrived at this time. Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, submitted a letter dated November 12, 1949, explaining the present status of a paving assessment against Lots 3 and 4, Block 48, West University Place 2nd Addition owned by Mr. Joe . 1. I,'. ".: $~~_~>r., r i "1 '"mnTTliilllll fir I'" r-~' :' -.I>~'~ 1 'l'I r~-""~~r I 26<,6 Catheriner and Mr. T. H. Rogers. Mr. Catheriner requested an additional extension of time for payment of the assessment and after considerable dis- cussion it was the opinion of the Council that inasmuch as paving funds would not be needed until spring that Mr. Catheriner be given six months to pay the full amount of the assessment. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Mr. Joe Catheriner be given an additional period of 6 months from January 1, 1950 to pay the aforesaid paving assessment with full interest and Attorney's fees subject to execution of an extension contract and that Mr. Catheriner's Cashier's check in the amount of $426.82 be held by the City Secretary until extension contract is redrawn and properly .executed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Ordinance No. 489, ordering improvement of skips on Dartmouth Street and Lehigh Street was submitted by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. and read in full. Commissioner Hamlett suggested that inasmuch as the residents of the 3800 block Swarthmore were awaiting an audience with the Council reference paving of the 3800 Block Swarthmore, that a vote not be taken on Ordinance No. 489 until property.owners of this block could be heard. Mr. J. L. Williams of J. L.Williams Construction Co. advised the Council that the property owners in the 3800 Block Swarthmore had signed contracts for paving of this block with exception of nine, and it was the desire of the I'll property owners that the Council issue a work or.der for paving of the portion i' r where contracts had been signed and begin assessment proceedings on Assessable ~ property. It was brought out in the discussion that contractsdhad not been sign~d by owners of the property at both the northeast and southease corner of the intersection of College and Swarthmore Street. The seven property owners present in the meeting assured the Council that they would d,eposit . money in escrow for the paving of the two corner lots in event propertyowoers would not sign a contract. . Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that authority be given ,for issuance of a work order for paving of the 3800 Block Swarthmore subject to satisfactory evidence that corner lots will be paved, and that the three assessable pieces of property be added to Ordinance No. 489. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Com.missioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 489, captioned as follows, be passed and approved as read. ORDTNANr.F. NO. 11119 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR .AND ORDERING THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS, OF: DARTMOUTH STREET, IN THE 4200 BLOCK THF..REOF; "TTiirnnnrTiilITillll' ; !]['!:" r~l I I I ( U --t ~ ~ ....,....., .....4 =0 <C o 267 LEHIGH STRBEr, IN THE 4100 M.TD 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; SWA..B.THMORE STREET, IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; AND LUNG BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE INTERSECTING STREETS INEA.CH INSTANCE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IIvlPROVED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGRE- GATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND RE- QUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ,AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE, PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESp,ECTlVE PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROV~TS SHALL BE PAIn BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105Cb) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CI TY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE vnTH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ASPROVIDEO BY LAW AND TO 'ADVERTISE F:OR BIDS TO BE RECEJ:VED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING A-N EMERGENCY. Ordinance No. 490, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: O'RTITlITANr.W. N() 1190 AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF PORTIONS OF THE 4100 BLOCK OF LEHIGH STREET AND OF THE 4100 BLOOK OF DARTMOUTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE ADOPTED THEREFOR BY ORDINANCE OF APRIL 11, 1949; SAID BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN 'rHE TIME HEREIN PROVIDED; DIRECTING THAT THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR SUCH BIDS BE INCORPORATED, IN AND WITH THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE IMPROVE- MENT OF CERTAIN POR'fIONS OF THE 4200 BLOCK OF DARTMOUTH STREET, THE 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS OF LEHIGH STREET AND THE 3800 BLOCK OF SWARTHMORE STREET ORDERED BY ORDINANCE OF NOVEMBER 14, 1949; .AND THAT SAID PORTIONS OF THE 4100 BLOCKS OF LEHIGH .AND DARTMOUTH STREET BE INCORPORATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH REFERENCE TO SAI,D PORTIONS OF DARTMOUTH, LEHIGH AND SWARTHMORE STREETS LAST MEN'rrONED, AS ADDITIONAL SEGREGATED SECTIONS OF WORK TO BE COVERED THEREBY, AND DEOLARING AN EMERGENCY . Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 490 authorizing and directing the City Secretary to advertise for bids on certain portions of Dartmouth, Lehigh and Swarthmore Streets, be ,passed and, approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners BuSchardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None (~'1 City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the Auditors report for I i the 1948-49 fiscal year had been submitted to the Council but had not been I I officially accepted. L-J, ifi'lIr:ni'11iHIUlf". nn - -!iI"T' ~S8 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the Auditors report for the fiscal year 1948-49 be accepted as submitted by Henslee & Hopson, .Auditors. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mayor Lanmon suggested that consideration be given for employment of an audi ting firm to audit the city records for the next fiscal year. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Commissioner Holman and City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to negotiate for the employment of an au<liiting firm for the next fiscal year ending December 31, 1950 and submit their recommendation to the Council. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmpn; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The question of services of the Humane Officer was discussed and a recommen- dation from the Health Board was submitted to the Council in a letter dated October 27, 1949. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the services of Mr. W. J. Ryals as Humane Officer be retained on a 44 hour per week basis with no increase in payor allowances, as recoIDmendedby the Health Board in their letter dated October 27, 1949. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None 'f-l f-i 1 U A letter from the Health Board recgmmending that no :fluorine be added to the city water supply at this time was submitted for the Council's information. The City Secretary advised that funds were allocated in the 1949-50 budget for the purchase of a Generator for the Fire Department which was now needed. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that authority be gi venFire Chief C. V. Reynolds and the City Secretary to pur- chase a portable generator for the Fire Department as requested. ' Voting Aye:. Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Ordinance Nq. 491, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full'r . , ORDINANCE NO. h91 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNEXPENDED PORTIONS OF TREASURY CERTIFICATES TWE~JTY THREE, TWENTY FIVE, AND THIRTY EIGHT; TRANSFERRING SAID illJ-mi:PENDED FUNDS TO THE GENERAL CREDIT OF STORM SEWER BOND FUND SERIES 1948, AND DE- CLA.TtING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER APPROPRIATION. ~lh~'t-,.o".-.".' r 'r'~~'~CT"~''''''~',_'::1 ,~,_--=tr""""':"'~C_~~'C"'l'~~l, [.' '-----------' .. 'T~:;'tr:i'II;-:iJ:'n:JumIJr ]ii:T: 26'9 Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance (" No. 491 releasing unexpended portions of Treasury Certificates' 23, 25 and 38; IU ,I transferring said unexpended funds to the general credit of Storm Sewer Bond [ Fund Series 1948, be passed and approved as read. Ordinance No. 492, captioned as follows, was submi1-ted to the Council and read in full: q~DnT UTCE ~JO. 492 -< AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'f0 DESIGNATE CERTAIN TRAFFIC CONTROL LOCATIONS WITH THE CONCURRENCE AND CONSENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS PROVIDING FOR THE A,SSESSMENT OF FINES FOR THE VI- OLATION OF THE REGULATIONS PROMULGATED HEREUNDER AND PROVIDING FOR THE ORDI- NA1\ICE HEREIN PASSED TO BE CUMULATIVE OF THE PROVISIONS OF,ALL OTI1EE?,STATE,AND CITY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS FOR LAliVS NOW IN EFFECT . cc ~ ~ ....... -~''\: U , Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Ordi- r).ance No. 492, authorizing and directing the Chief of Police of the City to designate certain traffic control locations, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None (-1 The Council was requested to execute a release of paving lien against Lot 9, ~ Block 20, College Court Place, which has been paid in full. Motion by Commis,sioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the Mayor be authorized to execute a release of Paving Lien against Lot 9, Block 20, College Court Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of October 24, 1949, were read and approved as cor- rected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion made, seconded and duly carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~2/J ' /(l~ / '::;:'" or --- ATTEST: r\ I ' , ' i ; LJ ~/~~ ty Secret , T~'~~ -T'-""""-'~~~[ '_..------1.L ,'~'~"-"l' :'1 r-"-- 1___1.' L r-'r11::IT'T):~~lTIll[jr. . -----IiirT:-- 270 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 28, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: ,Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Alsopresent were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. Mr. Gus Comiskey, Chairman of the Insurance Committee of the City of West University Place, appeared before the Council and submitted a letter ad- vising that the Committee is working diligently in order to render a com- plete insurance report but since there are two policies on which action should be taken immediately they wished to recommend that the policy on the City Hall be increased to $32,000 and the policy on the Community House increased to $37,600 and written to cover fire, lightning and explosion only with elinlination of extended coverage. ' Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the recoIlnnendation of the Insurance Committee be accepted and the City Secretary instructed to have the policies rewritten to comply with the recommendation of the Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Spurgeon Bell, representing Southern Schools Transit Company requested a 45 day extension to the temporary franchise previously granted and which expired on November/2-6, 19h9, for operat.ing a school bus within the corpo- rate limits of therCity. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that a h5 day extension of time be granted to the Southern Schools,Transit Company to operate a school bus system ih the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor ~nmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Frank Schembera, 3914 Southwestern, and Mr. Lilly who is using a trailer house parked on Mr. Schembera's property as sleeping quarters, appeared be- fore the Council requesting an extension of the 7 day time limit given him in which to remove the trailer from the premises. Mr. Eilly requested that he be given 3 weeks extension of time for reason that he is going to the University of Houston five days each week and did not have an opportunity to find a place-to move the trailer in such a short time. Motion by Conunissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that Mr. Lilly be given an extension of time until 6 P.M. Monday December 5, 19h9, in which to have the trailer removed from the premises at 391h Southwestern. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor JLan.TJlonj Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Ted Riggs; Representing Mr. C. E. Bannister of 2727 Carolina Way appeared 1':',.... 1-"t'-'~~;_r'i\-,'- r ',", =ri'~ -, "'icl'f' '~"~~~~~i 1 r '~~---'--'-''T''j':''Tnll;i1rTniii1l1i11 1-',\ 1 ( U u 1 . 1 U ---li/!'r -- o OCl .,....., ~ ",,-r< -.~ U <:C o o ,.. 271 before the Council requesting a building permit for a garage building with storage room above, which was recommended for approval by the Zoning Board according to the minutes of the meeting of November 17, 1949. It was brought out in the discussion that the building had been constructed with- out a permit and was built two feet from the rear property line according to City Building Inspector, J. F. Jolly. Mr. Jolly also advised that charges had been filed against Mr. Banrdster for building without a permit. Motion by Commissioner Holman, secended by Commissioner Buschardt that a building pernlit be granted Mr. C. E. Barillister for the construction of a garage building at 2727 Carolina Way subject to a written agreement approved by City Attorney T. M. Ryan and Attorney Ted Riggs, reference to actual dis- tance of the building from the rear property line and that the owner agree to assume responsibility for moving or repairing the building in event it is necessary to construct, install or remove utility lines of any nature, and in event the permit is granted after this agreement is reached that charges for violation of the Zoning Ordinance as filed by Mr. J. F. Jolly, City Building Inspector, be dropped. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanman; Co~missioners Buschardt~ Holman and Terr.y. None Commissioner Hamlett arrived at this t:ime. Mr. H. A. Barnett, owner of Lot 1, Block 14, West University Place No.1, sur>mitted a deed granting the City of West University Place the right to con::;truct and reconstruct any and all public utility lines including sewer, . water, electric and gas lines, appurtenances and laterals in upon and across a 10' x 200' strip of land along the north property line of said Lot 1, Block 14, West University Place No.1, and requested the Counc,il f s approval of the resubdivision of this lot into two 60 x 100 Ft. lots to face south on Pittsburg Street and one 80 x 100 Ft. lot to face east on Brompton Road as recommended by the Zoning Board at a meeting held on JanuaI~ 24, 1949. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardtthat the utility easement submitte'd by Mr. H. A. Barnett be accepted and the request for resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 14, West University Place No.1, into three lots be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. John Main and Mr. M. R. Smith of the Wes-Land Real Estate Canpany .sub- mitted a sketch of a proposed building which they desired to construct on tot 1, and north 75 Ft. of tot 2, Block 22, College View 1st Addition and reql~sted the Council to establish. a set back line on Weslayan Street 'and also the Council f s decision as to the width of an easement that wC'llld be required on the north boundary line of this property for an existing sewer line. After studying the proposed building site it was determined that a usuable building could not be constructed if more than 20' were required as a set-back line onWeslayan Street. Motion byCcmmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Cormnissioner Buschardt, that the 1~-.':,",:="C-",!~=_-o""'"l~'C~..I,,!,"'-";~.".!'=O_,!,~,C',:J. _ 21:e1 City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance to amend an ordinance heretofore passed establishing a 30' set-back line 'on business property located on Weslayan Street and to establish a 20' set-back line on the pr operty in question and establish width and location of sidewalks at this particular proposed building site. 1\ i I U V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Corr~issioners Buschardt"Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Action was deferred on the recommendation of the Zoning Board that Mr. Thomas snable, 6336 Buffalo Speedway, be permitted to erect an extension to his present garage to be used as a wash room, hobby shop and for storing a deep freeze unit and hot water heater, pending an inspection and report on existing buildings byJ. F. Jolly, Building Inspector. Action was also deferred on the recommendation of the Zoning Board that Mr. Danny !.an, 3304 Albans be granted permission to build an 8 x 16' shed for his two ponies. In compliance with a recommendation from the Zoning Board that the West University Methodist Church be permitted to erect a sanctuary on the east portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block 25, West University Place No.1, lith a set- back on University Boulevard of 15', and 10' from the property line on Mercer Street the C,:uncil carefully considered the request but did not think it advisable to permit a 10' set-back from the property line on Mercer Street. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the "i-] Methodist Church be permitted to erect a sanctuary on tot 7 and 8, Block LJ 25, West University Place No.1, with a set back line of 20' on Mercer Street and 10' from the property line of University Boulevard; also that the request for permission to pave a 20' portion of the parkway parallel to University Boulevard between the bridge and Mercer Street be granted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals held on November 15, 1949, in compliance with Legal Notice calling a public hearing to de- termine whether or not an exception should be granted permitting Mrs. Walter Lauer to erect a house on Lot 1 of the Davis re-subdivision of Lt 6, Block 8, West University Place 1st Addition containg a minimum of 1050 Sq. Ft. in- stead of the 1350 Sq. Ft. presently required for that lot, were submitted. ' The Board,: of Appeals recommended that the request be approved. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the recom- mendation of the Board of Adjustment and Appeals that the request of Mrs. Walter tauer be granted, be approved by the Council. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor tanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None I,U--- , ' I Mayor Lanman advised the Council that property owners on the 3800 Block of Swarthmore do not wish to'proceed with the paving of this block unless they .. ~:' IJ;C' ~,,:j'r:il!~r:-:<\-0i~'Vl';"'" '=1,-'~=' --1 'f"" "--I'''''~1'1I!r~____~-,--. h c..~5~_:L-:l.____ _ [:r-.----------.,.,---.----'----~;~i f'~l!'~mlItI~r.Tl~mmJ[l(-'-'---- ~:rr. o 00 , -"\ ~ -~ -<: u <J: II [I 279 .0' \tl~ could pave only the east one-half of the block. The Mayor also advised that Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. had stated that in his opinion a front foot price of $8.50 to $9.50 could not be sustained on known homestea.d property which the Council had directed be assessed by Ordinance on November 14, 1949 if only one-half of the street was paved. Under these circumstances the Council was not in favor of proceeding with the paving of this portion of the street as desired by the property owners. In compliance with a request of the City Council on November 11+, 1949, Mr. Tom Powell, of Russ Mitchell, Inc., submitted a plat showing the property ovmers on Case, By-ron and West Point Streets adjacent to the swimming pool property who had signed contracts for paving. After discussing the matter the Council agreed to proceed with paving of city owned property adjacent to the swimming pool and requested Mr. Powell to make another effort to secure contracts from the property o~~ers net signed,up,at this date. A tabulation and recommendation of bids received on November 14, 1949, for one air compressor was submitted by the City Engineer and City Secretary in compliance with Council Action. It was recommended that the bid of Cochran Equipment Company on a Gardner-Denver 105, two-wheel model, for a net amount of $2543.10 be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Secretary be accepted and $800 be appropriated from the Water and Sewer Fund for the purchase of tools and to cover the additional $143.10 above the $2400 appropriated from the General Fund for this purpose. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None City Secretary VYhitt Johnson advised that the minutes of October 10, 1949, did not reflect Council action authorizing the Mayor to execute a Release of Claim in connection with certain wa.ter 'lines in Ayrshire Addition in the City of Houston. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the minutes of a regular council meeting on October 10, 1949, be amended to in- clude the following action: tlMotion by Co"lmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt tha t the Mayor be authorized to execute a Release of Claim. in con- nection with certain water lines in Ayrshire Addition with the addition of a clause satisfactory to the City Attorney that the City of West University Place wC'uld be released from any liability to main- tain said lines in the past and future." Voting Aye: '\loting No Mavor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. No~e' A Release of Claim in connectinn with certain water lines in Southern Oaks Section 1, was submitted to the Council by Southern Oaks, Inc. for c cnsider- ation. I ,'m",-"c, '''!'' ';"" -~" __.n~, r'-~ , '!jT'rrm:lirTl:minVl : lil"!,,- CC"""""lm;"l ,I r'- , ~'i ~ Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner HaIdett that !;,'"C'l Mayor Lanman be authorized to execute a Release of Claim in connecti9n with certain water lines in Southern Oaks, Section I, subject to receipt by the LJ City of West University Place of an agreement setting out the terms and conditions of receipt of money by Southern O?ks, Inc. from the City of Houston. Voting Aye: Voting No : :Mayor I,anmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Treasurer's Certificate No. hI certifying the availability of $1500 from the credit of the Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 1948, to apply on coostruction of storm sewer installation at the~intersection of Academy and Cason Street, installation of catch basins and storm sewer pipes at the dead end of the 3800 Block Riley; installation of main line and appurtenances on West Point Street from the south line of Villanova to the south line of Oberlin Street, was submitted and approved by the Council. The Council discussed the advisability of rezoning the area in Pershing Place Addition to a single-family dwelling district which, according to the original Zoning Map was zoned for business, but it is understood that deed restrictions call for single-family residences. No ordinance has been officially passed by the City rezoning the area for single-family residences. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the Council suggest to the Zoning Board that necessary proceedings be started with respect to re00ning the area known as Pershing Place to a single family If,..,! - -1, dwelling district. ~ V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1949, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recesse~ to r~con~~n~\on Friday, December 2, 1949, 7:30 P.M. I' l. ~~\-~. ~~. 1, . *~*************** The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Friday, December 2, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, and Terry. Also present were the City Attorney and City Secretary. Commissioner:I;Iolman was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of the City for paving of skipped areas on Dartmouth, Lehigh and Swarthmore Streets bids received were opened and results announced as follows: The one and only bid received was that of J. L. Williams Construction Company in the total amount of $5,304.80. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the bid received be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. U",' I ' i 1=T-,-~!';'=4""~'1 , '~.'T'I r'''~~='OT'='=~'=~r.,'l ---r. "i7i'ifTiliilrTliiITll1l11: iir I" IU~1 L 00 ':""""'! ~ -" < C) -< u r L 275 Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. Tom Powell, of Russ Mitchell, Inc., submitted the following list of properties located on Case and Byron Streets where the owners were not willing to sign paving contracts for the paving of these streets in the 4100 blocks. Lot 26, Block 28 E 25' of Lot 24 and W 35' of Lot 23, Block 28 Lot 21, Block 28 , E 35' of Lot 6 and W 15t of Lot 7, Block 26 E 35' of Lot 9, all of Lot 10 and West 10' of Lot 11, Block 26 Lot 14, Block 21 All located in Colonial Terrace Addition. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Paving Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessa~ ordinances to institute paving proceedings on the skip sections listed above~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Ter~. Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meet- ' ing was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ A, City r~, " , l"::_.:.~-~:._~;"~"-:~~~~-_ ._::-:~_ _!~~_~ 2'lo MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1949 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on December 12, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Commissioners Buschardt and Hamlett were absent. D Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City submitted an extension contract executed by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cathriner for full payment of a paving assessment against Lot 4, Block 48, West University Place 2nd Addition totaling $1478.13 for payment of principle amount of $1312.50 and interest of $65.63 and attorneys fees of $100, with recommendation that same be accepted by the City. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the ex- tension contract be approved and that the Mayor and the City Secretary be authorized to execute said extension contract which has heretofore been signed by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cathriner for full payment of a paving assessment, attorneys fees and interest totaling $1478.13 against Lot 4, Block 48, West University Place 2nd Addition. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Holman and Terry. None Commissioner Buschardt arrived during the time the meeting was recessed. The Council reconvened after a ten minute recess. Mayor Lanmon stated that the City was not protesting a rate increase at this time but was protesting for the reason that the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company had not given West University Place an opportunity to study the pro- posed rate increase and that the company had not asked for a hearing on the matter. The Southwestern Bell Telephone Company was represented by Mr. J. B. Patterson, Division Manager and Attorneys C. E. Coolidge and R. B. Cousins, Jr. After numerous citizens had asked quest~ons and representatives of the Telephone Company eXplained their positiorl:as'pertains to the legality of the rate increase, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by ComrnissionerTerry that the City Attorney be instructed within as short time as possible to look into the legal aspects as to the City's postion as a Home Rule City to set telephone rates and report back his findings. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None I i~ >';r.,~;)t'?',1~ -., . r '...~ ," ","" ""1' '" .,'. c,..' ,","'-~ " ,[, ~-'~-'~"''''--~~. ._ -1 ['c", '''l''~':' ~'~r':rlL'fl:L"TI~j~mllll-- nIl;" rr u Q') ~ ~ ~....f'" -"< r ..\ '-" < u re~1 LJ ::. n :):r;-~-'M1t{:'~,:;fJ~' Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Cow~issioner Hamlett that the Mayor be authorized to appoint a committee to consider the data to be sub- mitted to it by the Telephone Company. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. John H. Bringhurst, 3820 Swarthmore, appeared before the Council advising that property owners of the 3800 Block Swarthmore would sign a paving contract with J. L. Williams Construction Company with exception of the following properties; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 14, College View 1st Addition and Lots 12, 16, 17 and 18 in Block 15, College View 1st Addition and would like the' Council's permission to pave the east end of the street where property owners are willing to sign paving contracts. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the 3800 Block of Swarthmore be paved as requested with exception of the fol- lowing properties; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 14, College View 1st , Addition and Lots 12, 16, 17 and 18 in Block 15, College View 1st Addition, and that Lot 12, Block 15, College View 1st Addition be excavated and re- shelled at city expense and that the intersection at College and Swarth- more not be paved under this plan. V oting Aye: Voti;ng No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A'letter was submitted by City Engineer Irving L. Peabody, recommending acceptance of a bid submitted by J. L. Williams Construction Company on December 2, 1949, for paving portions of 4100, 4200 Dartmouth, 4100, 4200 Lehigh Street and 3800 Swarthmore Street. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the bid of J. L. Williams Construction" Company f or paving portions of the above named streets be accepted with exception of those on 3800 Swarthmore Street as it has been deemed inadvisable to assess skips on this block. ' V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The request of Mr. Thomas Snoble, 6336 Buffalo Speedway which was deferred from the meeting of November 28, pending an investigation and report on ex- isting building by J. F. Jolly, City Building Inspector, was considered. A report was made by Mr. Jolly that he had inspected the property and there was only a 2-car 20x20 Ft. one-story garage building existing on the premises to which Mr. Snoble desired to make a 20x20 Ft. extension to be used as a wash room, hobby shop, storing of a deepfreeze unit and hot water heater. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. Thomas Snoble, 6336 Buffalo Speedway for permission to erect a 20x20 Ft. extension to his present 20x20 Ft. one-story garage building for the above mentioned purposes be approved, subject to execution of usual affidavit, as recommended by the Zoning Board~ V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman apd Terry. None r':-"'~'r'~'" __'"} I :'1 L:- ~~":'".,.,..,-:_ LLL__n___ ' r "T~T',[Tlmur'I!:1ITlnn " ~77 ---lILT ~Cl6 Action on the request of Danny Lang, 3304 Albans, was deferred at the meeting of November 28, pending an investigation of ordinances pertaining to the keeping of horses in the City of West University Place. The City Secretary reported that an investigation of ordinances pertaining to this subject re- vealed that it is permissable to keep two horses within the City of West University Place where there is a minimum ground area of 1600 Sq. Ft. 'for each animal. This is in accordance with Ordinance No. 117 and Health Code Ordinance No. 222. u Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Busphardt that the request of Danny Lang for permission to erect an 8 x 16' shed for his two ponies on the premises at 3304 Albans be granted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None In compliance with Council Action on November 14, authorizing Commissioner Holman and City Secretary ~bitt Johnson to negotiate for the employment of an auditing firm for the next fiscal year ending December 31, 1950, a pro- posal was submitted from the firm of Henslee & Hopson, which Commissioner Holman and City Secretary recommended be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by CO:TIlIlissioner Hamlett that the firm of Henslee & Hopson, Certified Public Accountants, be employed as Auditors for the next fiscal year ending December 31, 1950 based on their proposal dated December 1, 1949, to perform auditing services fora fee of $1600. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None u City Attorney T. M. Ryan advised the Council that it would be necessary to refer the request of Mr. John Main and Mr.M. R. Smith of the Wes-Land ' Realty Co., 6723 WeslayanStreet, back to the Zoning Board for a recommendation as specified by Zoning Drdinance No. 111, Section 33, and that the Council, would have to hold a hearing to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit a 20' set-back line for a business establishment on WeslayanStreet as requested. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissic-Pisr Buschardt that the matter relating to the provision of the set-back line on Lot 1, and north 75 Ft. of Lot 2, Block 22, College View 1st Addition be referred to the City Zoning and Planning Board for its recommendation. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. Ryan advised the Council that the following statement had been forwarded to Mr. J. F. Jolly, City Building Inspector to be incorporated on a regular affidavit rorm used in zoning matters to be executed by Mr. C. E. Bannister of 2727 Carolina Way in connection vnth his request for a building permit for a garage building with storage room above which was acted on by the Council on November 28, 1949: 1 LJ ii! f'..!~nt't:::,';'('--- 1- r_e';'I~'';~] ''"- ,=I'c""~"~~~~ e,el ,'1 [' ~r---___e____'---J'jrrr[,:iilmnlilmnlll ,:e ]iITT ( -'\ I I I I \.--' 00 '\"'-( ~ <: ~ ~ 279 "This building for which permit is issued is already constructed, and'! understand that the City of West University Place has taken the position that it extends approximately three feet across the north boundar,y of the easement line which passes over the rear portion of my property; that if this be true, my use of the portion of the easement occupied by my building, if any such portion is so occupied, shall be subservient to the uses for which said easement is created." Commissioner Holman expressed appreciation on behalf of the Council to the Finance Committee for their report in connection with the annual audit. The City Secretary and the City Engineer advised the Council that certain asphalt streets were beyond repair by usual patching methods andrecoIDmended that they be scarified, reshaped and reset by the addition of Me3 asphalt. It was estimated that the cost of this reconstruction work would be less than the cost of patching by the usual methods. Motion by Commissioner H~lett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that Belmont Street and the 2800 and 2900 blocks of Georgetown Street be re- paired by the method outlined by the City Engineer and the City Secretary. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None 11 City Secretar,y Whitt Johnson asked the Councills approval for payment of a IU' statement from Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson in the amount of $500 for work performed in connection with drawing plans and specifications for the Wakeforest Water Plant. r....~ II 'I LJ Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Co~issioner Hamlett that the statement submitted by H. J.Johnson Consulting Engineer in the amount of $500 be approved for payment. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terr,y. None The City Secretary advised that Mr. E. J. Hood, Water Superintendent, had recommended that four booster pumps at the water plant be repaired. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that re- pairs be made to the booster pumps at the Water Plant as recommended by E. J. Hood, Water Superintendent. Voting Aye: V oting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at was adjourned. this time, /: / / / I / the meeting AT'rE.ST: ~~ Cit , ecret-aq:. or :GOO, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1949 1 , , U The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on December 27, 1949, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Commissioner Buschardt was absent. Minutes of a Zoning Board meeting held on December 15, ~949, were submitted to the Council for their consideration and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the re- quest of Mr. and Mrs. Bassinger to resubdivide Lot 10, Block 17, West Uni- versity 1st Addition into two 50x200 Ft. lots to face west on Buffalo Speedway be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Cow~issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the request of Mr. J. D. Hamner, toresubdivide Lot 2, Block 8, West University Place 1st AdditioJ;l into two 50x150 Ft. lots to face west on Brompton Road be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. I Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Holman that a hearing be called for January 24, 1950, as recommended by the Zoning Board to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance for the following purposes: i~ (a) To permit a 20' set-back from the front prop~rty line of Lot 1, and north 75' of Lot 2, Block 21, College View 1st Addition, for a proposed business building in lieu of a 30' set-back as now required. (b) To rezone the area in Pershing Place Addition consisting of Blocks 1 and 2 to a Single Family Dwelling District to con- form with use now being made of this property. (c) To require notices to be mailed to the petitioner and to owners of property lying within 200' of any lot on which a variation is desired, advisingdate.of hearing. (d) To change the vote of the City Commission from a 2/3 as now required to a h/5 vote where protests against amendment, sup- plement or change in the zoning ordinance are filed. ..~--l~ A letter from Miss Zelpha E. Shumate, Principal of the West University Elementary School requesting the City to obtain a bid for paving a distance of 15' north of the present curb line on University Boulevard for off-street ,r,',_ parking in front of the school was submitted to the Council. The City Engi- neer was instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a 7" reinforced 'r~~' ! "",,,.-;:----:::-r--=":l _~_------=.Lr -.~ .-' -~.----. ..'.,- ~. I . ~': '~~T.I~~I~-rl'Hllmrn llF r"' ~~l r~<'1 I ! , I ~ concrete off-street parking area in front of the West University Elementary School. City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the Stewart Title Co. had made inquiry reference pav~ng of the skipped area on University Boule- vard in front of Lot 9, and west 50' of Lot B, Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition owned by Mrs. C. E. Gates. OCI ~ ...-H '< <: C-,) <1:: The Council unanimQusly approved the request to pave the skipped area on University Boulevard in front of Lot 9, and west 50' of LotB, Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition in accordance with plans and specifi- cations approved by the city at the owners expense. The Tax Roll for the year 1950 was submitted to the Council for consider- ation. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the tax roll for the year 1950 be adopted as submitted by City Tax Assessor- Collector c. E. Gammill. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A stat~nent from J, L. Williams Construction Company in the amount of $754.B5 was submitted for the Council's consideration. u Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Secretary be authorized to withhold payment of the $754.B5until J. L. Williams Construction Co. has made repairs to certain streets as requested. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, ~olmah and Terry. None A letter from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp was submitted to the Council with a recommendation that parking of cars be permitted on Weslayan from Bellaire Boulevard to the back property line of the Henke & Pillot store on the east side of the street. It was the opinion of the Council that such action would not be advisable for reason that the property owner on the east side of Weslayan Street proposes to erect a business building which would have an off-street parking space at this location. ri i i I : U City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that considerable trouble had been encountered with operation of various pumps and motors at the sewage disposal plant and that an estimate had been~eceived for complete rewiring which amounted to approximately $7.50. It was the Council's de- cision that estimates for complete rewiring of the disposal plant should be received from three or more electricians and that the work be done on a force account basis, and instructed the City Secretary to proceed according- ly. City Secretary Whitt Johnson also advised the Council that trouble had been encountered in the operation of the water well at the disposal plant e';"~'~C'~l~~~",='O~"",'~ _ _-'-2J.[~"""'''':'''''''~'~'''''"l''Ll r "To'i' rrJ:lI: lI[Ilii[iDll'. liL"1" ~b:6;j due to the lack of a large water storage tank. No ,action was taken on this matter as funds were not appropriated in the present budget for this purpose. i ~'1 The City Secreta~ was instructed to investigate the possibility of financ- ~ ing the installation of a larger water tank out of anticipated sewer revenue. i: Minutes of the meeting of December 12, 1949, were read and approved as cor- rected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ATTEST: ~~ / . · . ~., ~~o<~" " Secretary T_~ J ~fr Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman, and Terry. None [j ; " '\I i' ~!~'t_~'7!'f~f~""'; '" re, '''''r', ..,,~~ . 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