HomeMy WebLinkAbout062419 CC Min The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City CITY COUNCIL STAFF Bob Higley , Mayor David J. Beach , City Manager John P. Barnes, Councilmember Alan Petrov, City Attorney Lauri Lankford , Councilmember Thelma Gilliam, City Secretary Ed Sobash , Councilmember Kevin Trautner , Councilmember CITY COUNCIL ACTION MINUTES The City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in a workshop and regular session on Monday , June 24 , 2019 , in the Municipal Building, 3800 University, West University Place . WORKSHOP Call to Order. Mayor Higley called the meeting to order at approximately 5:3 0 p .m . in the Municipal Building Bill Watson Conference Room . Counci l and Staff in attendance were: Co uncilmembers Barnes, Lankford, Sobash, and Trautner , City Manager Beach , City Secretary Gilliam, Interim Public Works Director Barrera, and City Attorney Petrov . Consultant Ron Bavarian with Freese and Nichols was also p resent. 1. Beekeepers/Beehives Matters related to beekeepers/beehives in the City of West University Place. Recommended Action: Discuss and take any desired action. Mr. Alan Petrov, City Attorney No action taken. 2. Buffalo Speedway Overview Matters related to an overview relating to the Buffalo Speedway project. Recommended Action: For d iscussion only. Consultant Ron Bavarian, Freese and Nichols and Gerardo Barrera, Interim Public Works Director No action taken. 3. Adjourn Workshop Mayor Higley adjourned the workshop at 6:22 p.m. REGULAR MEETING Call to Order. Mayor Higley called the meetin g to order at approximately 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building Council Chambers . Counci l and Staff in attendance were: Co uncilmembers Barnes, Lankford, Sobash, and Trautner, City Manager Beach, City Secretary Gilliam, City Attorney Petrov, Finance Director Kalka, Police Chief Walker, and Interim Public Works Director Barrera Sarah Roberts with Weaver and Tidwell Consultan ts was also present. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, June 24 , 2019 2 of 5 City Secretary Gilliam confirmed that the Notice of the meeting was posted as required by law. Members of Girl Scout Troop 14604 and Boy Scout Troop 211 led the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Public Comments Comments were made from the f ollowing: • Nicole Buergeers, 1615 Branard, spoke to say that she is a professional urban beekeeper and manages 4 hives in West University Place. She spoke against the proposed ordinances and asked that Council take action on a case -by -case basis. • Cyrus Nasr, 878 Sera Rosa, spoke to say he is not a resident but is a beekeeper with over 150 hives around Houston. He said he wanted to speak to say that bees are everywhere whether people are keeping them or not. • Harrison Rogers, 5402 Greenhill Road, spoke a s a Texas Certified Master Beekeeper and the area Director for Texas Beekeeper’s Association . He said that bees don’t usually sting unless provoked and that they are important because they pollinate about 1/3 of the food source. He asked that Council not approve the proposed ordinance s due to the strict regulations and said he would be happy to assist in writing and ordinance that would benefit everyone. • Bahadir Ozus, 2828 W. Holcombe, #B, spoke to say that bees are good in keeping the City green and sa id the proposed ordinances are too restrictive. • Cathryn Vera, 3836 Rice Boulevard; along with Eileen, Arabella, and Missy, spoke to say they begin working with bees as Girl Scouts and wanted to provide information on the importance of bees and the health benefits from local honey. They asked that Council leave the bees alone. • Kelsey Whitebay, 1814 Edwards Street, said she i s not a resident but is a beekeeper and the proposed ordinances are too restrictive. She suggested that Council work with the local beekeeping associations to create a more reasonable ordinance. • Melanie Bell, 3123 Plumb St., spoke to say though sh e is slightly terrified of bees she is speaking in support of them and against the restrictive ordinances. • Susie Hairsten, 2620 Pittsburg, spoke to say that she is against the proposed ordinances. She suggested having guidelines based on recommendations from the experts that are voluntary and progress to an ordinance if the guidelines d on’t work out. 5. Beekeepers and Beehives Matters relate d to beekeepers/beehives in the City of West University Place. Recommended Action: Discu ss and take any desired action. Mr. Alan Petrov, City Attorney and Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager City Manager Beach said that staff will review other options and bring them before Council at the July 22, 2019 meeting. Comments from the public: • Sonny Lyles, 4143 Southwestern, spoke to say that he is in favor of an ordinance to regulate beehives because he thinks there needs to be a way that this issue can be add ressed that will help Council and the residents going forward . • Roy Vera, 3836 Rice, spoke to say that he wants to do the right thing but wants to approach it correctly. He said there are people that believe that in 9 years bees will be gone, which is why organizations are working hard to make sure that bees have a place in our society. He said City Council Meeting Action Minutes, June 24 , 2019 3 of 5 bees are dying in the fields due to pesticides, but are thriving in urban areas. Mr. Vera said he supports the option for no changes to the ordinance or the third option if it is reworked. 6. Poor Farm Ditch Update Matters related to an update regarding Poor Farm Ditch. Recommended Action: Discuss and take any desired action. Mayor Bob Higley City Manager Beach provided an update to Council and said staff is actively working to meet with the City of Southsid e Place and Harris County . He said he has also arranged with the Harris County Flood Control District to hold monthly meetings, as well as in -between meeting s as necessary. In addition, Mr. Beach said he has contacted a third -party engineering firm to do a review of the project. No action taken. 7. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Matters related to City Council’s acceptance of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Recommended Action: Accept the CAFR. Ms. Marie Kalka, Finance Director Sara h Roberts, Audit Partner with Weaver and Tidwell, presented the City’s annual financial statement audit and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Councilmember Sobash moved to accept the 20 18 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Councilmember Lankford seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 8. Sludge Hauling Contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant Matters related to awarding a contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant sludge hauling. Recommended Action: Award a 5 -year contract to K3BMIfor sludge hauling services at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract . Mr. Gerardo Barrera, Interim Public Works Director Mayor Pro Tem Trautner moved to approve the sludge hauling contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant substantially as presented to Council. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 9. Noise Ordinance – Limiting Hours for Use of Yard Maintenance Equipment Matters related to an ordinance amending Section 54 -40 of Chapter 54 of the Code of Ordinanc es by adopting new restrictions related to the use of third party lawn care and landscaping equipment. Recommended Action: Approve ordinance adopting new restrictions related to the use of third party lawn care and landscaping equipment on the first of t wo readings. Mr. Dave Beach, City Manager Before discussion, there were comments from the public : City Council Meeting Action Minutes, June 24 , 2019 4 of 5 • Perry Nolen, 4203 Milton, spoke a gainst the proposed ordinance. He said whatever applies to a third party yard worker should also apply to home builders and homeowners . He said noise is part of city dwelling and suggests that Council either leave the ordinance the way it is or com e up with a good compromise. • Eddie Matthews, 5906 Fordham, spoke to say the BSC recently examine d the use of noisy landscapin g equipment and submitted a report to the previous Council in April 2019 recommending no changes. He said he is not in favor of changes, but suggested there could be compromise. • Dick Yehle, 6401 Rutgers, spoke to say he thinks the proposed ordi nance is well intended , but thi nk it is ill -advised and overly strict. He said he thinks it adds confusion to the idea of “quiet h ours ” because th ere would now be two sets of hours. He said he prefers that the ordinance not be adopted, but if it is adopted Counc il should contemplate some form of enforcement. After public comments, Mayor Pro Tem Trautner moved to approve the noise ordinance as drafted with the exception that paragraph B be added for clarification that quiet hours apply to the residents and that power washers and cha insaws be excluded . Mayor Higley seconded the motion (after discussion). MOTION FAILED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner Noes: None Absent: Barnes, Lankford, Sobash 10. Update on E -Statements Matters related to receiv ing an update on voluntary participation E -statements for utility bills. Recommended Action: Discuss and take any desired action. Ms. Marie Kalka, Finance Director Councilmember Sobash moved to approve staff’s request to extend the voluntary sign -up period through the end of the year. Councilmember Lankford seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 11. Consent Agenda All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member requests in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on t he agenda. A. City Council Minutes Approve City Council Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2019. B. Suspension in City Council’s Compensation Matters related to the second reading of an ordinance suspending City Council’s compensation. Recommended Action: Adopt or dinance on the second and final reading. Mayor Bob Higley Councilmember Sobash moved to remove the Minutes from the Consent Agenda for discussion and approve item 12B as presented. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. City Council Meeting Action Minutes, June 24 , 2019 5 of 5 Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None Council member Sobash said he wanted the record to correctly show that Councilmember Trautner made the motion on Item 9 of the June 10, 2019 Minutes and also requested that it be reflected that it was the first reading of the ordinance. Mayor Higley moved to approve the Minutes with the correction s . Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: N one Absent: None 12. Executive Session Notice is hereby given that the City Council will convene into Executive Session in accordance with the following provision of Chapter 551 of the Texas Code: Section 551.071 (Consultation with legal counsel to seek or receive legal advice). At 8:30 p.m., Mayor Higley recessed the regular meeting to convene executive session per Section 551.071 of the Texas Code. 13. Close Executive Session and Reconvene Regular Meeting Matters related to any action resulting from the Executive Session. At 9:20 p.m., Councilmember Sobash moved to close the executive session and reconvene the regular meeting. Councilmember Barnes seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes : Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None 14. Adjourn With no other business before the Council, Councilmember Sobash moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 9:20 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Trautner seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Higley, Trautner, Barnes, Lankford, Sobash Noes: None Absent: None Prepared by: Thelma A. Gilliam, TRMC, City Secretary Council Approved: