HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1948 ~ -, -.-I "'f"'\ '- -;-, '''od../ 00 ~ 2/21 Mr. John D. Kelley stated that he had reconsidered resignation as City Attor- ney and would like to withdraw' his letter of resignation and would accept the position and continue as City Attorney under present conditions for one year. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. J.D. Kelley be permitted to withdraw hi~ letter of resignation as City Attorney and that he' be eo~ttnll,dd in that capacity ata salary of $175,.,00 per month. . Voting Aye:' Mayor lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hanlett, Armer and DOuglass Voting Noe.:' None With no further business to come before the' Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Jan. 6, 1948. The City Council met in. recessed session on Tuesday Januar,- 6, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the follomng memberf! II'esent: Mayor Pro-Tem C.P. Lanmon, presiding; CorniDissioners Douglass, Armer and the City Secretar,-. Mayor Lee and Commissioner Hamlett were absent. Mr. CbB.fl'. L. C~wright, Chairman of the Swimming Pool & Park Committee, presented completed p~ans and specifications prepared by Woestemeyer & Gaffney, Architects ,for constI"Uction. of a bath house to be used in conjunction with the swimming pool.' Mr. Cartwright stated the Committee had approved the plans and specifications and recommend.sthat they be advertised for bids. . After carefully reviewing the plans and specification~ of the proposed bath house, mo1;.ionwB,t3 made by Commissioner Armer, seconded by ';Oommissioner Douglass that the plans.and specificatioIls prepared by Architects Woestemeyer & ,Gaffney for construction ofa bath 40use to be used in conjunction 'With the. swi....mming pool be approved and accepted as recommended by the s:winuning pool Committee, and the City Secretary-be instructed to advertise for bids on Januar,y 15, 1948 to be opened in public meeting Januar,y 29, 1948. Vot.ing Aye: llqor Pro7'Tem _ " ' Voting Noe: None : ,.... LalI!mn, }l~I'Ilp"U, Armer and Douglass The Swimming Pool Comm:tttee having recommended that the firm of Woestemeyer & Gaffney, Architect, be employed to supervise the construction of the bathhouse for an additional fee of 3%. " , Motion by Cqmmissioner Anner, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the firm of Woestemeyer & Gaffney be employed to supervise construction of the bath- , house on the,b'asis of 3% of the contract price making a total of 6% for the prepa- ration' of plans and specifications and supervision of construction., Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro.,.Tem None .,_...J Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and ~ IW~;' :'Hi'[llEtxmm'm~ml~~t%n:~~'-.ii -' );<-"'1< r~'-~- ---;. il'~m~tnrttWUfli~r;'~- -----.-.- ..-._.... -"'I";-n::I-l ""'-'1 I, I r -, :"n'll:I1'i1l'T1Im"n'-~rJrr~--- ~_~_u ,-, -n.,-- ,~~'~ Mr. J. L. Williams, Engineer, presented plans and specifications and contract form for paving of 3800 & 3900 block of Riley Street stating they were the same plans and specifications for residential street paving as those used on Tennyson and Coleridge Streets. ' Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that plans and specifications and contract form for paving 3800 ,& 3900 block Riley Street be accepted provided they Were the same as those used on Tennyson & Coleridge Streets as 'identified by 'Williams & Johnson, Consulting Engineers, Symbo~ P-95, for resi- dential street .paving and further providing that any exceptions and deletions be approved by the City Attorney and City Secretar.y. Voting Aye: Voting 'Noe: Jla:ror Pro,:!"Tem .i" ':,";l LamnoR, i6mn'twt1r:, Douglass and Armer None It was brought to the attention of the Council that all property owners whose property face the 3800 & 3900 bloclts on Riley street had agreed to pave with ex- ception of the owners of Lot 17 & 18, Block 5, Collegeview 1st Addition and Lot 15, Block 6, Collegeview 1st Addition. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by CommissionerArmer that the matter of paving in front of lots not signed by contract in 3800 and 3900 block of Riley be turned over to the City Attomey to be paved by assessment if necessary. VotingP;ye: Voting Nee: Mayor BaroTTem.:,-,_ "".~,1j T. Lanman, ~, Douglass and Azmer None The City Secretary advised that plans and specifications for drilling a new water well were now being prepared and requested Mayor Pro-tem Lanmon to appoint one member of theOouncil to assist him in selecting a location for a well site. Mayor Pro-temLanmon appointed Cominissioner W. A. Hamlett to assist the City Secretary in selection of a new location for a well site. The City Secretary advised that the sewer Dept. was experiencing considerable difficulty in cleaning out main line sewer stopages because of inadequate tools and equipment and recommended that the City purchase 321 Ft. of new sewer cleaning rods and cleaning tools. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass authorizing the City Secretary to purchase 321 Ft. of flexible sewer cleaning rods and necessary sewer cleaning tools. Voting Aye: Mayor ~-Tem Lanmon, CommissionarsADouglass and Armer Voting Noe: ,None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: J?~ ;j~/ ~ /~ 7l'~<I. . o~ I,. '.H >I'F"-,+h!:!;!''!l~~.~jt t"r"'F-'''I>==o.=..-----.-.--- !"'''''~rt:l'_I_~~~r '"'!, .-'1'_ ~H."_"_~~ ,." ..",.. I . ( I ! j ',,-----, ~ - ',..; ~' 1"'1 ........ , ... ''''~.'J,J ,,",,,", .--. <t MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JAN. 12, 1948 223' The City Council met in regular session on Jan. 12, 198:8, 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall "With the following members present: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lmmon, Hamlett, Ariner and Douglass. Also present were the City Secretary and the City , Attorney. ' Mayor Lee requested Mayor Pro Tem Lanmon to preside. Minutes. of the meetings of Dec. 22, Jan. 6, were read and approved as corrected. , , Thefolloirlng persons rep;resenting vehicle wrecker service companies of Houston appeared before the Council 'and protested action of the Police Dept. in granting certain Wrecker companies permission to remove wrecked or damaged automobi],es from - West University Place and denying other wrecker companies the same privileiJe: Millard Bates, Dow Motor Company; W.H. Moore, Pollard Chevrolet Company; E. T. Elmore, Almeda Motors; J. C.Niles, South Main Chevrolet Company; H. E. Herrin, Hargis Mot,or Compa.l'\Y. " Mr~ Millard Bates, spokesman for the gI'Qupstated that the various wrecker companies had a system whereby they drew lots to determine which compaI\Y would remove a damaged or wrec~ed vehicle, and that the system worked satisfactorily. Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, stated the Police Department had not granted special privileges in this lllattE;r and it was the policy of the Police Department to allow the owner or-the damage'd vehicle to determine which wrecker Co.berde- r--1 sired to remove his vehicle. The Council assured those protesting action of the I i Police Department that no d.escrimination would be permitted and where lIrecker L.: service companies have agreed between themselves to remove wrecked or damaged v$icles,,~heywould be allowed to operate in "fest University Place provided they c<;>nformwithregulations af) prescribed Dy the 'Uhier of Police. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Messina, RFD#4, Houston, Texas advised they lived 'Within one mile of the City garbage dump and complained of the unsanitan-condition of the' dump stating they eou1~no +onger endure thefiies, smoke andQdor and asked the Counc11to take necessary COrrective measures. After considerabledis~ussion it was decided that all refu~e ~t. the dump grounds should be.burnedduririg'early morning hours and that the C:\;ty Sanitarian be instructed to spray the' grounds with an approv~d insecticide at, f~quent intervals', to eliminate flies, and, that in gener- al, the gro;-bage dump be kept in,bett.er condition. Mr... Walter Rapp,ag. appeared before the Council in relation' to his request for permiSSion to erect a garage apartment on property ownedby' his .Mot-her at ' 6612 West.chester. Mr.. Rapp was advised that the Zoning Board would be contacted and requested to reconsider hisapp11cation. ;;,,_,,";;"<o.~.. A i,"inancial statement of the Radi,o Alarm System of the Fire Dept. was pre- sented to' the Councll. 'The statemeIl:\i showing a balance d\te Gulf Ooast Electronics in the aJIlount of $274.90. C It was requested by the Volunteer Fire Dept. that t.he City allow payment from Ftre Dept. funds the balance of $274.90 due, Gulf Coast' Electronics. MotioIl by Commissione:r Hamlett, seconded by Commi~sioner Armer that the .balance of $274.90 due Gulf Coast Electronics, for radio equipment. be paid from Fire Dept. funds . ".,--" :Fn: .~__.~__!~c==~-=.~~, =.. ~.~ r' -'--I-~'------------"m, ." __ ~~~, __~'k~ .rf"'-c-- "" -'-Li:...... J r---------,-- -- - - --- --------....",,'Tc-;-rp"'!"r:r:l=!lTr.;~~lrr 1"-"" 224. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: .... Ma,yor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass '. None The Council discussed p~ent of Fire Department accounts which had not been Ireviously authorized and not included in the annual.budget, and instructed the City Secretary to investigate request for purchase of materials with the thought in view of complying with budget appropriation. Motion by Connn1ssioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that no further purchase for the Fire Department be madEi outside of the regular budget appropriations without authorization of,the City Council a.r by authority of the City Secre-aary backed by the City Council. ~ ,.'~ Voting Aye: Mayor lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None . In connection 'With paving of the 3800 & 3900 blocks of Riley Street by property owner participation, it was deemed necessary on the City's part to pave one half of the intersection at Riley & College, a firm price of $475.00 for paving one half of this intersection was quoted by Williams & Brogan, Cont. Motion by l.iommissioner, Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Williams & Brogan, Contractors, be employed to pave one half of tM intersection of Riley and College at a BOSt of $475 in accordance with previously approved plans and specifications for 51t residential type concrete paving. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Larnnon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None .,):., Mayor Lee advised that Mr. R. W. Peckham had verbally requested the Council to reconsider his application to handle sewage from a subdivision which Mr. Peckham proposed to develop on a29 Acre tract immediately north of the SAAP Railroad tracks. In view of the fact that Mr. Peckham's request had been rejected for justifi- able reasons on two other ocassions, the C01IDCil was not favorable toward the ' request. Motion by Mayor Lee, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the application of Mr. R. W. Peckham for permission to dispose of sewage from a subdivision to be developed north of the SUP tracks through~,the City Sewage disposal system be rejected. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None - City Secretary Whitt Johnson' advised that Mr. V. M. Ehlers, Chief Enginee'r of the State Health Department had approved for R. W. Peckham theconstru.ction of a submerged contact airation se\'i~e treatment plant' to be located in Weslayan Place, nor.th of the SUP tracks. The City Secretary stated if the plant was constructed at the proposed location, treated sewage from the plant would be discharged into the Poor Farm Ditch which transversed the City of West University Place, and that the discharge of final effluent into the Poor Ea~ Ditch would rrr:.:..----..~-;".... ~ '.. .. ~_.-]~I:'~.~r' I .-.----.-------~l~-.' 1.'~~i""i,~;,'>.!~'~.wtlIIlW~t:!L'~~'i".,I-.c.-;~.-i ir'-LL.;::I~' - - - u_---------- - '~:!r'~~';:T~"':;_~':i:~'"'''",-~neT '''~.-~,., ccc '.'T;;.::",-.'.-_.,rc;"'=~'--]ITC;"--- r- I , , , ~ - '..-i I'~. " ... "\u.:o",.J- :c .<r,; ,'I' i II I i I I ' I l!....- Iii i I I L-- !ilr't"'jl~''''''>:" 2~'5. in all probability cause pollution and offensive odor. Dr. L. D. Farragut, Oounty Health Officer comm~nted on the construction of the Sewage Plant proposed by R. W. Peckham and stated that the City could not legally prohibit Mr. Peckham from discharging domestic sewage into the Poor Farm Ditch, but that the City Ordinance and state Law prohibited disposal of industrial sewage into any open drainage and that in the future, if .Mr. Peckham proposed to handle industrial sewage, he could be prohibited from so doing by injunction. .Motion by Mayor Lee, seconded by Comm. Douglass instructing the City Attorney to protest to the State Dept. of Health by letter the proposed action of R. W. Peckham to discharge sewage inta the Poor Farm Ditch and disapproving action of the State Health Dept. in approving construction and location ef the , proposed sewage treatment plant for the reason the City feared the results of operation of sewage ttfeatment plant above Poor Farm Ditch. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mcwor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass None Mr. J. F. Jolly submitted the following letteT making application for em- pleyment as building, plumbing and electrical Inspector for the City: -', 811 Sledge Street Houston 9, TexillS January 12, ,1948 Mr. Whitt Johnson City Secretary West University Place Houston 5, Texas Dear Sir: This let~r is in application for re-employment as Building Inspector, etc. for the City of West Univers,ity Place. It is 'With.deep regret that I previously teIjUlinated employment "With the City. The new venture upon which I embarked did not succeed as well as expected. To the best of my knowledge, the vacancy created by my leaving has as yet, to be permanently filled. I give my word as assurance, that my tenure will be permanent as long as expedient to the City of West University Place.. It is not my desire to skip around, but definitely to the contrary. You and the City Council are aware as to my experience and capabilities. I sincerely, be~eve that I,can render the needed service in a sati'sfactory , manner, ,as,.has been demonstrated. Thanking you for your understanding and consideration; I remain, Respectfully yours, (6) James F. Jolly, ~r. 1 .. + ..~. =--==--='k~_... ~1I 'f"~"i'rpY"fflWt1MlT . "=I~'. I I '''111 ""~lfnlm"""~"TI1I1 I' '1 226 The Council discussed with Mr. Joihiliy the future of such position and additional work that might be requested of him and instructed the City Secretary if he desired employ Mr. Jolly as Building, Pl'Wllbing and Electrical Inspector and. outline other duties for him to perform in connection with his inspection work asdSemed expedient _ and advisable. The question of employing someone to handle future inspection work particularly , for construction of the sw.i.mming pool and to supervise reconstructionandresurfac- ing of paved streets was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oommissioner Armer that Mr. C. A. Durham be employed for future inspection work and supervision of street construction work at a salary of $375 per month subject to investigation of character, and repu- ," tation being satisfactory. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None Mayor Lee advised that the Texas Medical Center, Rice Institute and other local interests planned to submit an application to War Dept. Engineers fOIl re- quest to reconsider survey of Brays Ba"vou to determine flood control Reeds and stated that a representative cf the Cijy' of West University Place had been in-' vited to attend the conference in Washington before War Dept. Engineers and assist in presenting the application. At the request of Mayor Pro ,Tem C. P. Lanmon, Mayor Lee took the chair and presided. r '-, Mayor Lee advised that the City of Bellaire, and the City of Southside had requested that they be represented by him during conference with War Dept. Engin- eers at Washington. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mayor Lee be authorized to represent the City of West University Place at a conference in Wa.shington with War Dept. Engineers on January 19, 1948 to request a resurvey 6~ Brays Bayou to determine flood control needs. Voting Aye: Mew-or Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None It was advised that a prior salary agreement with the City Secretary for $50.00 per month increase effective Jan. 1, 19t18, had not been recorded in the minutes. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the salary of City Secretary Whitt Johnson be increased $50.00 per month in accordance with agreement at the time of his employment. Voting Ay~: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass Voting 'Noe: None Commissioner Douglass questioned the City Secretary concerning operation of the City Grader on West University Baptist Church property and requested that the church be billed for grading of their parking lot. I'.'}~~~"~"< 'i"'r'""~'~ ".:" T' ,,~.., I r ,'-.-- - - ---- ----- '=mrl'l""'I'I':lrTmW'r"""rIn -'-T''j'" n"'~I';ft~t~:1':fi,'!1;p!wm'tifffr'- . ~ ~ "'-""j. - ~:c- ,.~ .~-s.C!; ;:::Q <:( I 1 \ ' I I l_1 2,2,.7~ , No official action was taken concerning Commis,sionerDouglass t request. COmmiSSiOner' Do~lass then' o.ffered formal protest agains~ use of City grader on Church property. All other members of the Council expressed approval of opera- tion of City grader on church property without charge. I ' I With no further busilless to come >>afore the Council at tili.s time, the meeting was recessed. " . I I I I I I I I I The City Commission met in recessed session on Tuesday JJ.n. 20, 1948, at the City Hall with the following members present: Ma;yor Lee, prediding; Commissioner Douglass, Halnlett, Armer and Lanman. Also present was the Ci~y Secretary. City Attorney J. D. Kelley was absent. 1\ Upo~ recommendation of Corporation Judge Chas. r.. Cartwr~ght and City A:t:.torney J. D.. Kelley,'J:the Council discussed appointment of a qualified person to assist, the Court in prosecution of cases during the absen~e or disqualifi!cation of the City Attorney ~' , ' , ! I , . I Motion by Commissioner L~on, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. Chilton Bryan: be appointed as special assist'ant to the City A~torney to represent the City inCorporation Court in absence or disqualification qf the City Attorney. V otipg Aye.: All I Voting N.Qe : None i . , I ConfereI;\ce was held nth Mr. HollanQ. Page in effort tow~d final completion of his pavi,ng contract and acceptance of fin81 estimate by t~I' City. It was deter- mined that f,inal work had not beencomplet.~d and that acceptan~e Ordinance had not been prepar,ed, therefore, the final estimate prepared by Howe 1& Wise, Eng:i.neerlng Company was, not su,!>mitted to the tfouncil. There being no further business to come before the Counci!l at this time, the meeting was adjourned. 'I. ATTEST: CTIT~~ .".", .-~ , r---~!~: 4tW"-'jlY:J~[:-- - -'='-FF 1:1___._ _~~,_ 1 { ~1II1~""II"flml"~:~"'111!1 "l':'T 228 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JAN. 26, 1948 The City Council met in regular session on Jan. 26, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall wi. th the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Oommissioners Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass, and also the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. Minutes of the meetings of' Jan. 12, and Jan. 20, were read and approved as corrected. Mrs. M. V. Kelly, 2707 Wroxton Rd. appeared before the COllIlcil protesting construction of a 16 unit apartment building by the Atlas Corporation in the 2700 block of Wroxton Rd. due to the fact Wroxton is not a through street which causes inadequate drainage, and only 22' "Wide which constitUJbes a problem to traffic congestion. Mrs. Kelly stated that on several occasions the garbage trucks were prevented from entering the street to pick up garbage due to cars and trucks be- ing parked on the street. ..,,'"0:" -' . .~... Mayor Lee advised Mrs. Kelly that efforts would be made to work out a method which would alleviate inadequate'drainage conditions and traffic congestion, but the Council had no authority to rescind or cancel the building permit for construc- tion of the 16 unit apartment building in the 2700 block on Wroxt'onRd. as the Zoning Ordinance provides for construction of apartment houses and duplexes in the 4th single family dwelling district on lots facing south on Wroxton Rd. bet-ween Kirby Drive and'v'Yakeforest St. and that the builder of the apartment house had complied with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Frank M. Mainous, $3420 Albans, and a committee of Citizens presented some facts to the City Council relative to the sewage system of West University PlaCe and the contemplated installation of a sewage disposal plant north of West University Place by R. W. Peckham, the location and construction having been approved by the State Health Dept. with knowledge that the final effluent would be discharged into the Poor Fann Ditch. Mr. Mainous stated that the Sewage Disposal Plant of West University Place was built on an area basis to serve all of the City limits and the area directly north of the City limits and his committee was soliciting the Council to reconsider the application of R. W. Peckham for sewage disposal through West University Place sewage system. Mr. Mainous submitted the following letter dated Jan. 20, 1948 from the State Health Dept: Jan. 20, 1948 Mr. F. M. Mainous 3420 Auburn Road Houston, Texas Dear Mr. Mainous: In response to your telephone request of even date, please be advised that our files fail to reveal the approval of a sewage project for the Peckham Improvement Company. According to your message, this is "the District that adjoins ,Univessity Park. We are of the opinion that if you will go through the City Hall files at the date you were identified with the Administration, y~u will find that our recommen- dations for the improvements of your West University Sewage Project was' contingent on serving the adjoining areas. We are still under the impression that, the West UniverSity facilities are adequate to take care of all of the subdivisfon that you make reference to, all of which would be to ti!lB interest of the City of West Uni- versi ty Place. r:cr ~ - '~ ~~ ::' ~~ ..~; ::0 <t tl~2 9. We trust that the City of West University Place will investigate this matt~r most fully. Our Mr. Henry L. Dabney, 8150 Glenbrook Ave., Teleehone W 9-3977" Will be available for the consultation, or in his absence Mr. Roger Moehlman, Engineer with the County Health Department. . Very truly yours, VME:egh cc: Mr. Roger Moehlman Mr. H. L. Dabney Mr. G. R. Herzik, Jr Mr. D. F. Smallhorst (s) Ge~. W. Cox, M.D State Health Officer' Mayor lee' adyised that Engineers had checked t,he sewage system of West University Place andrecoImnended that no additional SUBdivisions be permitted to connect onto the system for reason that the plant would be overloaded in a relatively short. period of time if developments continued at the pr'esent. rate. Mayor Lee suggested that th6 City Secretazy arrange with the County and State Health Department to make an additio~al survey of the City Sewage System and facili- ties and the potential ar~a to be served outside of Corporate limli:ts of West Uni- versity Place and at the same time take into consideration possibilities of action on the part of the City of Houston to place a sewer line just north of the SAAP tracks which could service this area. Mr. RaY Polk, 3817 University Blvd. and Mr. E. E. Dalton, 3821 University Blvd. advised members of the Council that paving contracto rs had found it necessazy that a sUIIlIlliit, to obtain proper grade, be placed in the street at this location which pre- vented proper drainage from their 'prope~y. The Councilinstruct~d the City Secretazy to work out a plan for proper drainage which lJOuld be . satisfactory to Mr. Poll.c a~d Mr. Dalton. Mr. B. L. Henderson of 4002 University Boulevard reported to the Council that he had contacted property owners in this block regarding the p3. ving of the street and that all we~ willing to sign contract. Mr. Henderson was advised by the Council -that the paving of 4000 block University Blvd. had been discussed with Contractor Holland Page and that they wOuld be glad to take this into consideration a s soon as present contract has been closed.' v Mr. VI. B. Bartlett, 4040 Marl~we Street submitted signed contracts between Day P. McNeel and property o-wners for the, paving of Acada.my Street from Richmond Road to University Blvd. with 4u stabilized shell asphalt according to plans and specifi- dations heretofore approved by the City Council. Mr. Bartlett advised that the street was signed 100% with exception of two pieces of vacant property. The con- tracts were referred to City A ttomey J. D. Kelley for approval. Motion w?s made by Commissioner Douglass, Seconded by Comm.. Armer that Mr. Bartlett be congratulated for his work and efforts in gett:i,ng propertyownere on A:cadaII\V street to sign contracts for the .:i,mproving of that street. . Voting Aye.: ~or Lee, Commissioner Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None : ...'T":f-<if~ '" -,-----.-~'r~i'.,~:_i. _ r"~~ 1~' "'--~n . r 1tl"'~1 t ~:ml m:nnn:u ':' "lnn n I (' 230 Mr. Ben Judd, 4220 Judson, appeared before the Council in the interest of securing playground equipment for the City park located in College Court Addition. Mr. Judd was advised by the Council that the Park Committee had plans for a City wide playground improvement program and if he would contact Chairman Chas. L. Cartwright, any suggestions would be taken into consideration. City Secretary Whitt Jolmson, advised that University Blvd. could be opened for bus trai'fic my time after the fifth of February and recommended that notice be given in the newspapers on February fifth and sixth that the 'bus would resume its regular route east and west on University Boulevard on Monday February 9. This recommendation was approved by the Council. The City Secretary requested authority for }Jr.r. L. E. Lyle:::;, Supt. of Disposal Plant and Mr. Morris Lucario, an employee of the Water Department to attend the Annual Short School for Sewage and Water operators to be held at A & M College during the dates of February 9 through 12. .,,~.. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. Jolmson, City Secretary, be authorized to send Mr. Lyles and Mr. Lucario to the Annual Short School at A & M College from February 9th through 12th. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Uouglass and Lanmon None Mr. Paul Strong submitted for approval by the Council a detailed statement in the anount of $200.00 for services performed in connection with the D. Gullo, et al case, the statement having been approved by City Attorney J. D. Kelley. Motion by Commissioner 'Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that state- ment of the $200.00 fee as submitted by'Mr. Paul Strong and approved by City Attorney J. D. Kelley be approved for pqyment. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Douglass and Lanmon None Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, asked authority to sell a 1946 Ford Coach formerly used by the Police Department to Mr. James E. Niday for cash consideration of $1100. ' Motion by Commissioner Larmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the City Secretary be authorized to sell and transfer title of a 1946 Ford Coach, Motor No. 99A-6660l3, to Mr. James E. Niday for cash consideration of $1100. Voting Aye: Voting ,Nee : Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Douglass and 1anmon None The City Secretary presented a report from Engineers Testing Laboratory, Inc. which revealed an average depth of 7.52811 on nine cores taken from concrete pave- ment on University Blvd. and Auden Street. The following resolution was read by Mayor Lee regarding the City's partici- pation in replacing driveways in the 3700 block of University Blvd.: ~ ~ '-" 'f" ',...... r.... '~l -.-, ...... <.:t -~1f~'~.SlE,h 231' RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in bringing University Bouleva,rd to proper-:,grade in constructing the improvements on sidd street as provided in the April" 3,1947 contract with Holland Page, Contractor, it has been necessary to lower tihe grade of said street in the 3700 Block thereon; and the existing driveway entrances therefrom to properties abutting thereon are substantially above the new proper street level; and WHEREAS, the property owners affected, each of whom have heretofore cooper- ated with the City paving program and have executed IlJ3 chanic t s .lien ,contracts to permit and to provide' for the iinprovement of said street in front of their , respective properties, have requested that the City give them some assistance in the reconstruction or partial reconstruction of their respective driveways entering off of University Boulevard, if the City could do so: NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The Engineer for the City is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the contractor, authorization for the reconstruction of driveways entering off the south side of University'Boulevard and in the 3700 Block thereof, under the following terms and provisions: (a) Such driveways shall be reconstructed of gravel aggregate concrete four and one-half (4i) inches thick on specifications approved by the Engineer; (b) Such driveways to be of the same width as' the existing driveways, unless the property owners request and pay' in cash for an additionaii. width; , , (c) . TllIe City will pay to the contractor the cost of reconstw.cting such dri veW'd.Ys to the extent of a distance of six (6) feet from the baek side of the 'curb; the cost'to be on the basis of Seventy (70) cents persqua~ foot. (d) In the event the prQperty owners desire their driveways constructed for a distance of more than six (6) feet from the backside of the CU~b, the 'WOrk may be done, but if done, shall be at the sole cost and expense of property own- ers who shall make their own arrangements with the contractor therefor. 2. That as the exi,sting driveways referred to ;ire of only four-inch thick- ness and shell aggregate 'concrete, and areiri. bad condition, the authorization herein granted and the payment by the City as hereinabove provided, shall be conditioned on the property owners releasing the City, from aI\V and all possible claims for damages in conne'ction with, arising out of, or by virtue' of, the im- provement of said University Boulevard and the construction of said driveways. '3. That the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to advise the respective property owners of this offer by tlie City and" thS conditions thereof; and to issue the above authdrizationto the contractor only after acceptance of this offer by the property owners. PASSED THIS 26th DAY CF JANUARY, 1948. APProVED THIS 26thnDAY OF JANUARY, 1948. A? tWI'YOR ' r"~"'~~"'I~~'<:'.='~~"n 1::'1 ""nil'; '"'i."II'1n:ii''':~:''1I1f1 j "Tnf~c~f!r"-' .'=':-~7-:_-'--'C""~"'''''~I''T'I- , I" I r'" 231 Motion by COITh'll. Lanmon, seconded by Comm. Douglass that a resolution authorizing certain replacements of driveways in 3700 block University Blvd. be approved. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Arm,er, Hamlett, Douglass and Lanmon None Cr' A letter was read from Mr. Kelley, City Attorney approving an Ordinance relative to the imponnding of automobiles. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the following captioned Ordinance, approved by J. D. Kelley, City Attorney, be adopted: t : ~ If AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SEIZING .AND IMPOUNDING OF AUTOMOBILES OR arHER MOTOR VEHICLES BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE OR OTHER POLICE OFFICER WHEN SUCH VEHICLE IS OPERATED BY A PERSON FAILING TO HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE OR WHEN SUCH VEHICLE IS OPERATED IN A RECKLESS MANNER, OR WHEN SUCH VEHICLE IS IN A DEI!'ECTIVE CONDITION; AND PROVIDING FORA $10.00 IMP01Ifr.IDING FEE: n Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Cormnissioner Armer, Hamlett, Douglass and Lanmon None City Treasurer C. E. liammill presented a request for approval of payment of a note in the amount of $5,000.00 to the City National Bank for payment of a loan which will be due December 1, 1948. The Council issued instructions fhat payment of this note be 'Withheld until after closing of the fiscal year August 31, 1948 and to void Check No. 5853 G dated December 18, 1947 in the amount of $5,006.67 being the amount of principal and interest due as of Dec. 18th, 1947. Council members discussed the street marker progra..il and Commissioner Lan- mon and Armarand the City Secretary were appointed to go into the program thoroughly and submit a report to the Council. Wi th no further business to come before the Council at this time the meeting was recessed until Thursday Jan. 29, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in recessed sessThn:at~. the 'C'i tY' HaU' on Thurs: ..j~i':[i:-29. 1948 at7 :30 P.M. with the following members present: Ma;vor Lee, presiding;., G'o:rittJ:J.i'ssiotler Douglass, Armer, Hamlett and Lanman. Also present 'Were the City Secretary-and the City Attorney. The following bids, received in compliance 'With Notice to Bidders for the construction of bathhouse and pumphouse were opened and the following results announced: ~<ml'i ":nnmli"':::"TIlrl 1":'[ 233 ~ \ i '----- ! R. P.Farns"WOrth & Co., Inc. P.o. Box 74, Houston, Texas - - - $71,434.00 J. o. Jones Cons. Co., 111 Evans Street, Houston, Texas 72,700.00 Albert Meyerson Co., ana Cha;rles,~ Adte..Houston,. Texas - - - 56,500.00 Williams Construction Co. P.O. Box 9162 Houston, Texas 61,783.00 Walter M. Rainey, 6731 Harrisburg Blvd. Houston, Texas 50,732.51 Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that bids be refe'rred to the City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass ~ Voting Noe: None - '~ ~, City Attorney J.D. Kelley, reconnnended approval of contract form -with ~ Day P. MCNeel' Company as submitted by property o"WIlers on Acade1'l\Y' street from CO .. University BoUlevard to Richmond Road for paving of' same with ~ asphalt stabi- <t lization base. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Comnussioner Hamlett that the Mayor be authorized to execute contract -with Day P. McNeel, the legal phases having bee'n approved by the City Attorney J. D. Kelley, for the paving of Acade~ Street from University Boulevard to Richmo~d Road in accordance -with plans and specifications approved by the Council. i 1 ,I ,~, V!<btfung Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, L~on and Douglass . Voting Noe: None With no further business to come 'before' the CoUncil at this time, the meet- ing was recessed until 7:30 P.M. Tues. Feb. 3, 1948. . The City Council met in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. -with the following members present: Mayor Lee, preSiding; Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. Mr. Frank M. Mainous, 3420 Albans, and a Committee of Citizens of West University Place again appeared before the Council protesting action of Mr. R. W. Peckham to construct a sewage treatment plant in Weslayan Place, located north of the SliP tracks, and discharge the final effluent into the Poor Farm Ditch. ' i- i i Mr. Chas. H. Draper, ,and Mr. P. F. Eller, reprE%senting Mr. Peckham assured the Council Mr. Peckham would be -willing to submit aD. offer and agree to satis- factory arrangements for the privilege of cOillleGting onto the Sewage Disposal system of West University: Pl,ace. Council advised they would be -willing to arrange for conferE'mce with Mr. Peckham to discuss plans for connecting onto the City disposal system. ~. .,-,.;. T=-~~='~~CH .. j, ! ''''''?1f r n-~","~.. . " r' '~ml "T'II"III'II;""1IlIT {'''1 234. The C01ll1cil and1Uembers of the Swimmtng Pool Committee discussed bids sub- mitted for construction of the Bathhouse and Pumphouse. The City Secretary and Architect, Kelley E. Gaffney, submitted tabulation of bids and alternates which indicated Walter M. Rainey Construction Company was low bidder. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City enter into a contract 'With Walter M. Rainey construction Company, low bidder on proposed bathhouse and pumphouse after alternates are agreed upon by the City and Contractor and aftersale of bonds have been eonsumatedand funds are available. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None The Council and Swim.-ning Pool Committee discussed the advisability of in- '. cluding or omitting various alternates and tentatively agreed on certain alter- nates wh:i.ch lowered the cost for construction of the bathhouse and facilities m a sum approximating $34,000. It was decided that the inclusion or omission of various alternates would ' be agreed upon' after funds became available and before contract was signed w;tth Rainey Construction Compaqy. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meet- ing was adj ourned. ATTEST: ,.,..,,~~,.... ,_....,... i --""'-- 1\ ".. ":'l":'lfF~" ~""T'i 1 ;j .. "'illr 'T'lnlllli"';"'-iIln' -- I'~r 10-1 I .~ C) c.o ~ ';:0 <t ~.-, i ! : I , , l. t f I '- f)", ,3 "S" ' ~: . . ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING , FEB. 9, 1948 oThe City Council met in regular session on Feb. 9, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Pro tem C. P. Lanmon, presiding; Com- missioners Armer, Hai1l1ett and Douglass. Also present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Mayor Ralph B. Lee was absent. Minutes. of the meetings of Jan. 26, 29 and Feb. 3, were read and approved as corrected. Dr. Robert Kokernot, 6510 Wakeforest, Veterinarian, and student of Baylor Medical School requested permission from the Council to vaccinate dogs in West University Place as an aid in rabies contral and stated he would furnish the necessary equipment and vaccine and perform the vaccinations for a fee of $2.001- The Council referred Dr. Koken].ot to the Health Board for their recommendation. Mr. Wm. Buschardt, Jr. 4144 Ruskin, representing the Street Marllter Committee of the Civic Club requested the City to act as collecting agent to receive funds for construction of the proposed street markers by p1bacing a $2.00 item as a vol- unteer contribution on the water bill. The Council agreed to act ascolJe cting agent by permitting the West University Civie Club to stamp a notation or staple a written statement on the monthly water bill explaining the volunteer assessment for funds to construct the proposed Street Markers provided the assessment was sent out for one mo~th only and thatuIipaid balance would not be carried forward to 'next months billing. Mr. Bill Fullick, 3927 Coleridge Street and Mr. W. R. Starke, 4023 Tennyson appe-ared before the Council in regard to the paving of intersections of Ten.nYson' and Wes1ayan and. Coleridge and Wes1ayan.TheCouncil advised Mr. Fullick and Mr. Starke that it may be possible to get the CountyH to pave Weslayan and it was not adi:isable to proceed with paving of intersections on Wes1ayan at this time. The question of setting aside funds O'Ut of the Street Improvement Bond money for pav- ing these intersections in event the County did not pave the entire street was . discusBed. Commissioner 'Douglass asked the opinion of City Attorney Kelley as to whether or not such funds could be set aside at this time for the purpOse of pro- tecting property owners on Wesla:yan for future pavLl'lg of intersections. . " Mr. Kelley stated that in his opinion funds could not beset aside in this manner, but if the Council desired, he would check into the matter more thoroughly and render a decision at a later date. Mr. Holland Page, Paving Contractor, advise,g.the Council that Howe & Wise, Enginesrs, needed a letter from the City authorizing the inclusion in the final estimate an item of shell amounting to $1300.00 purchas&d~py the City from the Contractor. The City Secretary advised the Council that the'I!ehad been a misun- derstanding on the purchase of this shell and some agreement should be reached with Mr. Page; that he as purchasing agent of the City had agreed to purchase a certain number yards of shell base ;'mmved from the 3800 block University Blvd. for the purpose of patching streets and that the contractors Superintendent had delivered more shell than was agreed upon. It was his recommendation that the City pay for $250.00 worth of shell which was the amount verbally 'agreed upon. This recommendation was accepted by members of the 60uncil and Mr. Holland Page. 'The Council authorized- the inclus,ion in the final estimate to be prepared by Howe & Wise, Engineers, the $250.00 as a separate item. "lIllFT"'lI"lmr:;;;"lrm - 1';'1 236 The Council discussed progress being made to sell $40,000.00 ofSwiilnning Pool Revenue Bonds to obtain funds for construction of a bathhouse and a pump- house to be used in conjunction with the s'Wimming pool. Mr. Ernest Brown, Jr. of Houston, submitted the following proposal for purchase of the $40.000 Swim- ming pool Revenue Bonds: TO THE HONQ)RABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE Gentlemen: For your $40,000.00 SwL1IIlling Pool Revenue Bonds, I will pay you par and accrued interest to date of delivery, for Bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4t% per annum, payable semi-annually and maturing as follows: $1,000 each year 1951 through 1953, 2,000 each year 1954 through 1961, 3,000 each year 1962 through 1968, OPI'IONAL 15 years from date The City agrees that these Bonds shall constitute a first morl:igage upon all of the iIllprovements and upon lots Nos. One through Six and Twenty-one through twenty six, Block 27 of Colonial Terrace, an addition in West University Place, and shall also be a first lien upon the net revenues from the operations of these facilities. The City also agrees that it will contract to deliver water to the swimming pool, whether owned by the City. or in the event of a foreclosure by the bond- holders, at a price of not to exceed , fif teen cents per thousand gallons, this arrangement to extend over the life of these bonds. The City agrees to furnish upon delivery, and at it's own expense, the un- qualified approving opinion of Chapman and Cutler, Bond Attomeys, Chicago, Illin- ois, and further agrees to pay all expenses incident to the issuance and delivery of these bonds. The Cit~r agrees to make delivery within thirty (30) days from the date of this contract, and if the City is UllIlable to make delive:ry within this time, then I shall have the right of refusal of these Bonds at the above named price "When the Bonds are ready for delive:ry. Atta.ched hereto is cashier's check made payable to the City of West University Place, Texas, in the amount of $800.00 which is to be held by you uncashed as good faith deposit to be used as full liquidate.d damages in the event I do not fulfill the terms of this contract. Respectfully submitted, (s) Ernest L. Brown, Jr. ACCEPl'ED by vote of the City Council, City of West University Place, Texas, this the 9:th day of February, 1948. ATTEST: (s)' Ralph B. Lee Mayor, City 'of West University Place. (8) Whitt Johnson, City Secretary I "f ~~-:;-,,~~~!f,:<-"?'? /" "i ' a -"t'~';<,-~'''}'fn:Y'~'(f'~'f =...- - ,- ", ill I r' --"-~------""mri"T"ll'Tmr'r':"1i1iT- 1";T1' ~ o ,,- '~.. t""" '-, c:o <1': , , ~ '" 2:37 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Mayor be authorized to a ecept the bid and sign contract with Ernest L. Brown, Jr.; on the $40,000.00 Swimm:img Pool Revenue Bonds at 4~ interest 'With 15 year opti0n, and that Mr. Brown deposit a 2% good faith Check with the City; Mr. Kelley, City Attorney, to draw up contract and Ordinance for approval. ' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem tanmon, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None The Council discussed the need for paving the driveway on the H0uston Inde- pendent School District property in the 3700 block of University Boulevard. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the (If, "'", G ~,'.,"~ 'I"'W.!<L' H" ~,' 'i',~'~~J..:1,.;k.l:' B'U- "'!tr"T\.t', ' J;; :,. ~'"", ,i,' 1 1;." &iI:lY~lIleereua.it!'Y;:;.req:ue'o Url:iX~:Y 011$ llI5fi .Ifm~'~.aW:s!i"()i:;JCllOo.i:(:i1.isvt:Leli':t7QVpa.ve t":ie drive- way on school property in the 3700 block of University Boulevard. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Anner, Hamlett and Douglass None The Council discussed advisability of assessing vacant property owners for cost of street " i.-nprovements on Acadamy Street from University BouJ.evardto Rich- mond Road. Mr. Kelley was instrueted to write a letter to p:roperty ovmers asking , them to pay for this cost without nee~ssity of assessment. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the follo-wiilg captioned Ordinance amending Ordinance No., 220 and changing th€} date for filing reports from Januar.v 15 to March 15, be approved and that said caption be published in t he official newspaper pf the City: !tAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 220, REGULATING THE USE OF THE STREETS, HIGHVfAYS, EASEMENTS, ETC. BY PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR THE .DIS....' TR...TBUTION OF NATURAL GAS, BY .AMENDING SECTION n OF SAID ORDINANCE, CHANGING THE DATE OF TEE FILING OF REPORTS BY SUCH UTILITIES. fI, Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, ColIlllIiissioners Armer, Hamlett and ~uglass None ,With no further business to come before the C01UlCil at this time, the meeting - , was adjourned. ~~~ :lOR ' ' , ATTEST: -~'~ CitY"'"'Secretary 238 MINUTES OlF REGUIAR MEETDm FEB. 23, 1948 i The CitJf Council met in regular session on Mon. Feb. 2~, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor!. Pro tem. 9:l;'eP:~dLanmon presiding; Commissioner IDouglass"Armer, Hamlett and the Cijt,y Secretary. Mayor Lee and City Attorney J. ID. Kelley were absent. I i i The minutes of the meeting of Feb. 9, 1948, were read ~nd approved as 00 r- rected. I I ! Mr. Howard Williams, 4029 Tennyson Street advised thatl he had requested the Zoning Board to lower the square foot building restrictionsl on Lot 1" Bleck 1, College Court Place for reason that the Humble Company had fl- 40 Ft. Pipe Line Right of Way off of the west end of sai.d lot and that Harri~ County had a 5 Ft. reserve easement for Right of Way purposes off of the seuth/ side of the lot and ," when consideti.ng the footage absorbed for Right of Way purppses and set back lines " that the remaining square footage would not permit the consjtructien of a home ( C ontaimng 1300 Sq. Ft., that lots immediately north of thi~ site are zoned for 800 Sq.Ft. single family dwellings. Mr. Williams stated t~e Zoning Beard had taken official actien to. approve Ius request therefore he ~as asking the Council to. approve recommendation of the Zoning Board. Upon arrivap. of the City Attorney it was deterrnined that of necessity the Zaning Ordinance wopld have to be amended to permit lawering of the required 1300 Sq. Ft. building reftrictions. i Motian by Commissioner Armer, seconded by CarnmissioneriDauglass that the Zaning Baard's reco~~endatian be upheld and that the City t~e necessary action to ~ld a ~ublic hearing. on March 22~ 1948 fer cans~derati?r. of amending the Zanlng Ordinance to. permlt constructlon af a hame 1V1th am:plmum af 1000 Sq. Ft. instead af 1300 Sq. Ft. as now required an Lot 1, Blk. 1; Cpllege Court Place far reasan af the facts presented by Mr. Howard Williams. ! i Voting Aye: Mayar Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Dougl~s, Armer and Hamlett Voting Noe: None ! i City Attorney J. D. Kelley and Mayor 1~e arrived at t~s time. At the request of Mayor Pro tem Larunon" Mayor Lee took the chair apd presided. i Mr. Chas. L. Cartwright, Chairman of the Swimllling Pooll Cormnittee advised that Scaut Gifficials were not agreeable to moving the Scoutl Hause fram Colonial Park and that it naw appeared to be a matter af official ac~ion. by the Council. Mayar Lee appointed Commissioner Anner as an official reprefentative af the City to meet with the Scout leaders in an effort to work ou~ an agreeable solu- tian to. this problem. i I ! The City Secretary submitted the following letter freml Mr. J. D. Kelley, City Attorney with reference to a bhsiness operating in the I 3700 block of George- town by an EJe ctrical Contractor: I I I "Mr. 1JIlbitt Johnson 3800 University Blvd. Hauston 5, Texas Dear Mr. Jahnson: This letter is in accordance Wlth our telephone , I I i I converj3ation af sew-eral I 1 i ! ..w_,_.__'_,. 'F.n,,,o-::.=~o.::!~.:;c=~-.:oc:Tl~''''=1t L L-r--- "7_ III'!"! -~",,!! '!' !lI"llHr. n~~"r.c,,! 1'11'1 ---'l":fr ~ o '>1""\ ......, r~ ';~, ::0 ~ r~,::;"w'~01:;.t;:'.T~ ,,2"3'9 days ago regarding an electrician who is reported to be operating his business in the 37QO block of Georgetown. My understanding of the facts is as follows: This man has his name listed in the telephone directory with the designation "Electrical Cont:ractor". All calls for service or other electrical work are made to !lis home, and his employees report there each morning for instructions. He also stores a large C!Jllountof equipment in his garage. It is 1l\V opinion that a business operated as outlined above is in violation of our Zoning Orrdinance. If the man h~d another office or shop in, a business area and only received calls in his home when the shop was closed, this would not .be considered a violation, but where his home is his principal place of business, there is no question but that he' is violating the ,Zoning Ordinance. Souths ide Place had a similar situation with a building contractor who operated from his home and stored materials on his premises. They had to file an injunction to ~e him discontinue his bus~ess activities but were successful in'doing so. Yours very truiy, (s) John D. Kelley Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commiss~oner Armer that the City Attorney be instructed to write a letter to the Contractor advising him he is in violat~on.of the Zoning Ordinance of the City ~f West University Place. Voting J\ye: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Douglass, Lanmon, Hamlett and Armer Voting Noe:' None . The City Attorney presented the following contract between the City and Mr. R. W. Peckham with respect to sewage disposal through the disposal system of West University Place: r! (1l N T" RAe T STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS THIS CONTRACT AND AGREE:MENT is entered'into by and between the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, Harris County, Texas, a muni<?ipal cOfPoration, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Mayor and attested by its duly authorized secre- 'tary, unde,r its official seal, hereinafter styled CITY, , and SOUTHWESTERN PROPERTIES, a Texas Corporation, of Harris County, Texas, hereinafter called DEVELOPER, as follows: WHEREAS, DEVEIDPER is the owner of ,the follow.i.ng desc,ribed tracts of land: TRACT 1 29..41 acres of land out of Lots Nos. 2 and 3, of the Morse Subdivision of the A. C. 'Reynolds Survey, in Harris County, Texas, more fully described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: \ !'" r.'''''-'''''='r~=j='T=''~''O'-''':;:=-~!l '" "--'n'l' . F},;:~1%' [-:. -.-._'_.co=:-"'-=~""===~~-r~'j:. ~.__ '- .._ -":ml" !':j":'1I'lmlr"~;:" j nn I":~I L I' 240 BEGINNING at a 3/4 '~ steel rod located 30 feet North of the center line of Alief Road, and 30 feet East of the center line of Weslay8.I1. Road, the center line of Weslcwan Road also being the West line of Lot No. 3 of the Morse Subdivision according to the plat of said Morse Subdivision recorded in Vol. 9A, Page 498. Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and said beginning point also being the Southwest corner ofa tract conveyed by H.B. Miller to Katherine H. Moers, et al by deed dated September 22, 1924, recorded in Vol. 587, Page 390 Deed Records of Harris County, Texas; THENCE North 85 deg. 38' East along the North line of Alief Road, 1632.3 feet to a 3/4n steel road, which rod is located on the North line of Alief Road and the West line of a public road; , THENCE North 2 deg. 5 min. West along the West line of said public road, 743.5 feet to a 3/4" steel rod in fence corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 7.5' West along an old fence, 1601.9 feet to a 3/4" steel rod at fence comer said 3/411 steel rod being located on the East line of Weslayan Road 30 feet East of the center line' of said Road, which rod is also 30 feet East of the West line of said Lot No.3, of said Morse Subdivision; THENCE South 0 deg. 5' East along the East line of Weslayan Road, and 30 feet from the center thereof, 842.6 feet to a 3/4" steel rod and the place of beginning, and being the aame property conveyed to H. B. Miller by Q. P. Keffer by deed dated August 6, 1924, filed under County Clerk's file No. 158934, and the same property conveyed by H. B. Miller, et ux, to Katherine H. Moers, et aI, by deed dated September 22, 1924, recorded in Vol. 587 , Page 390 Deed records of Harris County, Texas, and the same prop- erty conveyed to George W. Moers by deed dated December 30, 1939, recorded in Vol. 1143, Page 616 of the Deed Records of Harris County, 'Texas reference to ymich deeds is here made for all purposes. ' TRACT 2 Beginning at an iron pipe in the north line of Bissonett Street located south 89 deg. 40 min. west a distance of 200.0 feet from the intersection of the north line of Bissonett Street with the west line of Buffalo Speedway; THENCE South 89 deg. 40 min. west along the north line of Bissonnett Street a distance of 1319.42 feet to an iron pipe for corner located north 89 deg. 40 min. east a distance of 150 feet from the original southwest comer of the Haden & Austin 85 acre tract; THENCE North 0 deg. 04 min. 30 sec. west a distance of 125.0 feet to an iron pipe for comer; THENCE south 89 deg. 40 min.,west a distance of 150.0 feet to an iron pipe in the east line of the Old rtichmond or Poor Farm Road located north 0 deg. 04 min. 30 sec. west a distance of 125.0 feet from the southwest corner of the Haden & Austin 85 acre tract; :~mri':1~1I"1mn"m;"irm 1';:1 !41 ~ .~ ~' ("", '"""'" "~ '-' ;.0 -ct THENCE north 0 d,eg. 04 min. 30 sec. west along the east line, of the Old RicbmondR6ad a distance .of 786.71, feet to an iron pipe for corner, the northwest comer of the Haden & Austin 85 acre tract; , , THENCE north 85 deg. 15 min. 30 sec. east along the south line of the Old Richmond Road a distance of 1672.38 feet to an iran pipe in the -west line of Buffalo Speedway; THENCE south 0' deg. 14 min. east along the west Ifne .of Buffalo Speedway a distance .of 840 feet to an iron 'Pilpe lacated north 0 deg. 14 min. west a distance of 200.0 feet from the intersection of 'the west line of Buffalo Speedway with the north line .of Bissonett Street; THENCE south 89 deg. 40 min. west a distance .of 200 feet to an iron pipe for corner; THENCE south 0 deg. 14 min. east a distance of 200 "feet to the place of beginning, containing 36.023 acres of land, and WHEREAS, DEVEIDPER is desirous of securing the use of the sewage disposal facilities of the CITY for the properties above mentioned; NOW THEREFOlRE, for and inconsiderat:i-on of t~ rights, powers and benefits aclrnUingand to accrue mutually' to the parties to this agreement , their fl1icCess9rs and assigns, they do hereby agree as follows: ' 'i \ \ I i LJ 1. DEVELOPER 'will construct with its own forces and at its own eXpense the necessary- sanitary sewer lines to serve its p:ropertiesabove described, and Will connect sane with the sewage facilities of the Crn at a 1fint desig- nated by the City Engineer oj.'theCm OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE on Rutgers Street, appro:xiin.atelY,"250 fe~t south ,of tp.e south line QfBissonett Street. DEVEIDPER 'will repair' any damage to the property of the' City in making the above described connection. 2. For the duration of this contract, DEVELoPER w.LU IIlaintain all seweJ;'} l~nes and connections within the 'properties above described. 3. For the 'duration of this contract, DEVELOPER agrees not to a,l.lowarry factories or frozen food locker plants to be built: on either of its tracts and will not allow'lndustrial waste of an injurious nature to enter the sewage system of the City. - 4. For the duration oftbis agreement, DEVELOPER will allow no more than three filling stations to be built on the. properties above descr;i.bed, al}~ will reqUire'that all water for washing cars, etc., Will be di~ei,rte<:l~-> where than through the CITY'S sa::riitary sewage system. '" " 5 . DEVELOPER will notify CITY when homes are completeEi and connections ma'<if,e:, but prior to occup~cy,and will make no connections, other tharlthose above setout without permission of ,the 'CITY, nor permit sewage fram any other pz!bp""- erty to go through the said l1nes. ," , '''''III'I-'"!-."'''I=II''fllm ",..,,'''"'n'IFl .242 6. DEVElOPER agrees to payor satisfactorily "arrange for payment to the CITY .of a service charge of ONE AND 25/100 ($1.25) DOLLARS per month per family dwelling unit or TWO AND 50/100 ($2.50) OOLLARS per business unit from the properties covered hereby, lying both within and outside of the City of Houston and to handle the collection .of the same from the property O"WIlers. Payments of the service charge shall be made to the 'CITY on or before the lOth of the month for the preceding month, and on all payments not so made, a pe~alj;,y of ten (10%) per cent will be added. 7. DEVELOPER agrees to pay the CITY the sum of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IOO ($5,000.00) DOLLARS prior to making any entry on the CITY'S property for the pur- pose of making cannections into the CITY'S sewage system, and will pay to the CITY an additianal sum of SIX THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 ($6,000.00). DOLLARS on .or before six (6) months thereafter. The said SIX THOUSAND AND N@/lOO ($6,000.00) DOiLLARS is to be secured 'oJr a nate executed by DEVELOPER and endorsed by R. W~ Peckham, individually. 8. THE CITY will, if necessary, install' an additianal pump at existing pump station, and DEVELOPER agrees to contribute the sum of not in excess of THREE ' HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE AN]) NOjlOO ($335.00) DOLLARS to the purchase and installation of such pump station. 9. The CITY agrees to accept and transport sewage through the lines canstructed by DEVELOPER and its own lines to the sewage disposal plant and to treat such sewage at the said plant and dispose of it in the s~e manner as the CITY'S own sewage. 10. This contract shall remain in full force and effect for a period of five years from date hereof, provided however, that in the event any' payments to be made to the CITY under the terms hereof are not made as they become due, the CITY may at its option terminate this contract upon the following terms and, conditions: When any pa~7JlJ.ents due hereunder became delinq-q.ent the CITY may notify DE- VELOPER in writing of the delinquency, and if such delinquency is not en- tirely corrected within 30 days from the date such notification is given, then the CITY may at its option terminate this contract. Such notification shall be given by the CITY in writing by sending such hotice in a 'registered letter ta DEVELOPER, 3900 Yale St., Hauston., Texas. If the default is 'nat corrected and the CITY elects to terminate the contract, the CITY agrees to continue service hereunder on connections made in the sewer system prior to termination. After such terillination, however, the DEVELOPER shall not have the right to make any new or additional connections which would result in any additional sewage flo'wing through the lines 'of the QITY. Such termination shall not prejudice the right of the City to collect payments due hereunder in a suit brought for that purpose against the Developer, its successors and assigns . It is further agreed that upon terminat,ion hereof, whether un-, del' the pravisians of this paragraph or because of the expiration .of the five year term of this contract, the UEVELOPER, its successors and assigns, shall continue to be liable for the lI!Qnthly service charges at the rate herein provided, sa long as the sewage from't.he land and improvements cavered hereby flows through the CITY'S sewage lines. i I:, I', I' '"'iY.t_u'~lH-~l*l'k,<;). :, . r=T==':=r.--=:~~-",,"~~~n ,-,,,,.,:t~.,,;.",~;,.;_~_~'=><..;rn l~:~"---' ';-.- -'''--~'~=-'''-o_=='~';~r~C~,:-"1. . ":0:111' :-',,:~-~"II,,! llil!"~ ~"''''!'Ifl I' :~r [I i~ 243 o ll~ If within Nine (9) months after this date, the DEVELOPER is able to induce the City of Houston to undertake his obligation to the CITY OF lNEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. stated in (6) above in the matter- of payment of service charge for sewage from all areas covered by this agreement, this will be satisfactory to the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, subjElct to, the two cities entering into a cantract to that effect, an,d it will thereby become bound ta the City of Houston for the use and benefit of its inhabitants living within such area or areas to the same ex- tent as it, the said CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,is hereby bound to, the DEVEL- OlPER,to-"wit; to take and dispose of the sewage from the area or areas in question fora. period of five (5) years from the date hereof upon a service charge of ONE AND 25/100 ($1.25) DOLlARS per month per family dwelling unit or TWOl AND 50/100 ($2.50) DOLLARS per month per business unit. It is expressly understood that the DEVELOPER does not intend and has no expectation of inducing the City-of Houston ta undertake either or any of the lump sum pa~l1n.ents undertaken by him to be paid to the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE unu.er (7) above. 12. At any time during the teIm of this contract an agreement may be entered into between the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE and the City of Houston for the purpose of Il).odifying this agreement as to maintenance of facilities and payment of service charges. 13. This contract shall be b:i,nding on the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. This contract entered into by the parties hereto this the 23rd day of Febru- ary, A.D., 1948. (s) Ralph B. Lee, MayaI', City of West University Place, Texas ATTE;,8T: (8) Whitt Johnson, City Secretary SOUTHWESTERN PROPERTIES -($ ) R. W. Peckham, President. " ATTEST: (S,) C. H. Draper, Secretary APPROlVED AS TO FORM: (S) John D. Kelley, City Attorney Motion by Co,mmissioner Ha.mJ,..ett, se"Conded by Commissi6nerArmer that the MayaI' be authorized to sign the above contract with Mr. R. W. Peckham. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Lanmon, Armer and Hamlett Voting Noe: Nane City Secreta:ry Whitt John~on submitted a list of budget itelllS to be appro- "priated by the Council. ' rn_~'i Motion by, Commissioner Larnnan, seconded by Co:mrnissioner Hamletttha.t the L-J City A ttomey ,')(1 . 'D~!' KelJ:ey, t.be::tnst\t'Ucted 'to:,.,prepa.re- and: su'bin1t!, anordihahce" ,,'-;:c amel1ditJir- \he-:1.947-1948'huaget appropriation to include additional appropriations as follows,: ' 'fV6 r-=<=- -- :. - - '"-~ '''-''''''>~F~,::';~'f'l:.,~:-~tl f'-;==:'-- -.- .---" --,...,....,.":_ L. i:...l_ .. ,,~i1I1'i:J""ll"IlIm"::~:,,1IJ1J [';;r 244 f:fZ St.reet 'Department (1948 Chevrolet Truck with dump body) Garbage Department (1948 Chevrolet Chassis and appurten- ances) ~;1,276.55 $2,610.45 ~~ ~,_ trt..:-.1,f ~~ SL-3y', I 7- and Ha."lllett. Addition to City Hall ~.. ~---~~- "'~'" >r_.~__,:.,>{"_,.......__~? Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Lanmon, Armer None The Council discussed advisability of placing sidewalks and driveways on certain property owned by the City. It was recommended that only the necessary sidewalk and driveway in front of the Police and Fire Station be constructed at this time. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City Secretary be authorized to proceed with canstructian of sidewalk and necessaI"J drive in front ^of the Police Statian and Fire Station find that this item, amounting to approximately $500., be included in th~ Ordinance amending the 1947-1948 budget. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass,Lanmon, AnneI' and Hamlett. None I ! ~ A progress estimate from Paddock Engineering Co. for the month of January, - 1948, in connection with the constructian of the municipal swimming pool for the Cit.y in the amount of $11,013.40 was submitted to the Council for approval. Motion-- by COlmnissioner Lanmon~ seconded by Commission~r Hamle"bt thatPragress il',--] Estimate No. I from Paddock Engineering Co., in the, amount of $11,013.40,for the month .of January, be approved for payment. V oting Aye: Voting Nae: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Lanmon, Armer and Hamlett. None. A letter from Mr. Fred R. Ellridge, regarding canditiC?ns at the business site of Curtis D. Kelly on Kir.by Drive, was read and referreldto City Attorney J. D. Kelley, for his study and recommendation. The City Secretary asked advice of the Council in regard to paying Doctor bills for various persormel of the City who had received injuries while on duty. Mayor Lee instructed the City Secretary to have employees sign a release form before a Notary at the time the injured employee is disGhargedby the Doctor, and before bill for medical services is paid. The Council discussed advisability of increasing the charge for installation of water meters. Motion by Call1i-nissioner Ha."Dlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City At.torney be instructed to prepare necessary Ordinance ta effect a charge for installation of water meters, and fittings based on a minimUJ.ll of $50.00 for a 5/811 X 3/4" &'1.d cl'1.arge for all larger meters to be based on a graduated scale. Voting Aye:I'IfBor Iee), Commissioners Armer, Lanman, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissianer Armer, that the City advertise for l?ids for improvement of intersections on Academy S-~.'from University Blvd. to Richmond Rd. in connectian with contracts signed by prop~rty "'r"",-}~T(+ , , r ,1 r- .~~- -- i==-=;::- - IT 'l'~~I;f"-"~r'{-'p--,i'lCtttwT- -. . "<lIIrrT:mlmi''f"~'lnrr. .--'--TiT I r-'--" ;t> ,~ r~- .... ,J t"\~, ......,." C' ~ 'I ~ ~ l~ ~, .oj..., .........", c:Q <t owners with Day P., McNeel for paving of Academy with asphalt. 245 Voting Aye: Voting ~oe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners AnneI', Lanman" Hamlett and Douglass. None , 0 0 The Cauncil discussed the possibility of a City wide improvement program. Cpmmissioners Douglass, Armer and Hamlett were appointed to work on this program and report to Council. The Mayor appointed Connnissioner lliuglass as Chairman. Council approved expenditure of incidental funds necessary for investigation of project. Mayor Lee and ;Commissioner Lanmon agree,d to work on a program., whereby iplpr:ove- ments could be made to University, Rice and Weslayan St. ~ The City Secretary was instructed to write to Mrs. Sumner Harris, 4002 Byron St., and infonn her that the operation of a kindergarten in the single family-dwelling area must cease June 1st, 1948. 0 Conunissioner Douglass agB.in registered a fonnal protest as ta use .of City equipment an Church property. With no further business to come before the Cauncil at this time" the meeting was . adjourned. ii?~d~~" JQ , ATTEST: ~~ . '., .' . ~~':"::i~~ CITY SEGRE . , --------T---,----~~ 246 MINUl'ES OF REGu:LA.R MEETING March 8, 1948 The City Council met in regular session on Mon. March 8, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall vdth the following members present: Mayor Pro tem C. P. Lanman, presiding: Commissioner Douglass, AnneI' and the City Secretary. Mayor Lee, Cormnissioner Hall11ett and the City Attorney, J. D. Kelley were absent. :Minutes of the meeting .of Feb. 23, 1948, were read and approved as corrected. Mayor JBe arrived at this time and upon request of :Mayor Pro Tern Lanmon took the chair and presided. Mr. W. D.Deakins, Jr. representing 1\4:r. 'lictor Bolding of Vincent, Elkins, Weems and Francis, presented: for the Councilts consideration an Ordinance, autharizing the issuance of $ho,ooo Si'vimming Pool First liiortgage Revenue Bonds and an Ordinance prescribing the rates to be cl1arged for the use of the muricipal swim..ming pool. The Council to .ok acception to the bond maturity schedule, the incorrect address of the City pr West Universit,y Place and provision of a trust agreement between t.he City e..nd the City National BaI'.k. City' Attorney J. D. Kelley arrived at this time. 'After further considerihng the two proposed ordinances, the Council referred them to the City Attorney- for study and suggested changes. Mr. E. E. Tovmes, Jr., City Paving Attorney, presented an Ordinance cancelling certain sections of the April 3, 1947 Contract between the City of WUP and lfulland Page, Contractor. Motion bJT Corrunissioner Lanmon, seconded b;y COIlunissionerAnner, that the following captioned Ordinance, cancelling certain sections of the April 31'd, 1947 Cantract between the City and Holland Page, Contractor, be approved as read: "AN ORDINANCE FINDING ANTI DETEPJvlINING THAT IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO PROCEED WITH THE D~PR.oVE:MENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BLVD., COMPRISING SECTION NOl. 6-A AND SECTION NOi. 6-B, N:J)R OF '1:"JESLA.YAN STREET, CaMPRISING SECTION NO. 7 AND SECTION No.8, AS HERETOFORE PROVIDED FOR, DrRECTING THE ABA1WNMENT OF THE DllPROVEME1TT OF SAID SEGP.EGATED SECTIONS ViJITH THE CONSENT OF THE CONTRACTOR AND CANCELLING THE APRIL 3, 19h7 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND HOlI,LA.~1) PAGE, CONTRJI.CTOR, AS TO THE IMPROVEME:NTS ORIGINALLY ORDERED 011 SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS j PROVIDING TI1l\ TALL PRO- CEEIDINGS HEP.ETOFOHE H.4-!l) AND SAID CONTRACT 'WITH REFERENCE TO ALL OTF..ER ~mGnEG,ATED SECTIONS OF THE STREETS EARLIER ORDERSD IMPROVED AND AS TO VfHICH TiLE IMPROVEMENTS HAVE NO:T BEEN HERETOFOEE ABANDONED AND CONTR~CT VITTH FEFEP..ENCE THEEETQ: CANCELLED, REMA,IN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; DIRECTING THE CITY SECHETARY TO FILE 'WITH THE COlJNTY CLERK OF H.l';,RRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, A CERTIFICATE AND NOO'ICE CONCERNING THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING UPON THE SECTIONS 11EREHT AND HERETOFORE ABANDONED Al-ID RECITING THE TERlil[[NATION OF THE ASSESSMENT LIBNS THEREON: AND DECLARING AN EN[ERGENCY . II Voting Aye": Voting Noe: Mayor I,ee, and Commissioners Armer, Lanman, and Dougla.ss. None As provided in section 6, of the above Orcinance, a Natice cancelling all assessments C'l.11d liens on the unimproved sections as set forth in paving sections No. 6A, 6B" 7 and 8 was presented for the C01L'Ylcil's approval. After having heard the notice read~ the Council approved same and ordered it recorded in the office of the County (jlerk of Harris County. ' t-;',::!:;;W5"~_.;-;";' r- 1 . 11'-.':<"""-' ""~l.mw~c: =. -. -.- -. .---.._:,,:r.;:'-L____~_~_._~___ L___I~----'----- o:-nI1T~:J~Tnllm"'::':"lllIT-T--- - , '---TiT ~ - i ; -' ::.r;, ",,",, ~, . :.c' <r; 2,47 Mr. TOWIlessubmitted an Ordinance with reference to the final estimate in connection with sectians having been paved under the H9l1and Page April 3, 1947 Contract a..'1d amep.dments thereto. ' , , Mr. Tawnes also submitted a certificate f,rom Howe & Wise Engineers for the City on thE;lUniversity Blvd. Auden S'j:.reet Paving project, shawj,.ng that certain sections have been completed in accardance with plans and specifications. ~ ~ During the discus sian of the completi,on of contract work with Holland Page, Contractor, and the final estimate submitted by Howe & Wise, Engineers, Cammissioner Douglass asked tl1.e following questions for record purposes: Commis?ioI}er Dou~lass to Mr...';t'oWI,les - Would it not be custOElllary for a represent- ative of:the Engineering Firm to be present, Mr. Tawnes - Yes, it would. Comm. Do-y:g. - Would it be necessary for the City Council to ask for representa- tiveto: be ~present at. this meeting? ' Mr. Townes - I do not think it would be nece~sary as we have letter,fro;m the Engineers and certificate of completion. Comrp.. Doug. ta Mr. Johnson -Has the firm of Howe & Wise been advised of the meeting tonight? Mr. Johnson - Yes, they have. Comm. Douglass. - Were they requested to have representative present at this meeting? Mr. Johnson - No. Comm. .Douglass - Da you think it necessary t hat we ask that engineers be present at meeting for closing of estimate? Mr. Jahnsan - I da nat think so, since we do have letter and certificate. Mr. Townes - Howe & Wise were aware of the meeting on this date. / Mr. Johnson - I did not personally invite representatives of "Hoyve & Wise',to this meeting tonight, but they were aware of the meeting. , (Na member .of the firm of Howe & Wise was present at this mii'feting.) Motion by Cmmnissioner Douglass"seconded by CQmm1ssioner Armer that the following captioned Ord. be aq.optedas read: ' ;- - . - . - ItAN ORDINANCE VITTH" REFERENCE TO TEE FINAL ESTIMATE AND FINAL ESTIMATE ANn ANALYSIS CONq:ffiIllilNg ,THE ,.COMPLETIOl{OF THE WORK.BY CONTRACTOR, HOIiLA1ID PAGE, ON PORTIONSqF AUDEN STREET AND UNIVERSITY BOutEVARP, COMPR.ISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS .1, 2, 3 and 6, UNDER THE APRIL 3, l?47 CONTRACT, ANDA~ND~NTS'1'HE.~TO, AND PRIOR ORDINANQESj,MAKING CE~TAINFINDINGS WIAH H;E;FERENGETO SAID ESTIMATES.(l.ND ANALYSIS FIlED BY . THE ENGINEERS jREAFFIRMINGCERTAIN DECISIO"tJS .AND ACTIONS HEBETOW@BE MADE AND TAKENWITIl REFERENCE TO ADDITIQNAL PARTICIPATION, BY THE CITY IN THE CQST OF TIIEI]A:PROVEMENTS AND OEDERING CERTAlN CREDITS AND PAYMENTS AS HEREIN STATED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye: Voting Noe~ Mayor Lee, and. Gommi~sioI?-ers Armer, Lanmon, and DouglaSS. None . A letter dated March 8, was, submitted from Holland Page, Cantraq,tGr, signed by .Mr. G. R. Johrison, certifying that all bills incurred in cohnectian w.i.thpaving of University Blvd. and Auden Street have' been paid. Motian by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the following Captioned Ordinance, accepting work ,performed by Holland Page, Contractor, under the April 3, 1947 Contract, be'apPl"Oved as read: .. .------"'iIIrrT'II"lmn~;;:lrm IT! 248 "AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEmaNING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF Section No.1: Auden Street from the north line of University Blvd. to the nort.h line of Rice Blvd. Section No. 2:Univers1ty Bl.vd. from the 'West line of Auden Street to the east line of Mercer Street; Section No.3: University Blvd. from the east line of Mercer Street to the east line of Sewanee Street; Section No.6: University Blvd. from the west line of Auden Street to the east line of Weslqan Street ~ " IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE APRIL 3~ 1947 CONTRACT WITH HOIUND PAGE, CONTRACTOR~ AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH . SAID CONTRACT, ORDINANCES AND ,AMENDMENTS THERETO; ACCEPrING. THE 'WORK AND 'IMPROVEMENTS OF SAID SEGREGATED SECTION; AUTHORIZING AND 'DIRECTING SETTLEMENT 'WITH SAID CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "FINAL ESTDfATE AND ANALYSIS" BY THE ENGINEERS AND ORDINANCE NO. 363 HERETOFORE PASSES; and AU'.rHOlttZ:om AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND1IJELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTCERrIFICATES AND DECLARING ANEMERGENCYtr. "I ',:;r Voti.ng Aye: MaYor Lee and Commi.ssionersArmer~ Lanmon; and Douglass. Voting Hoe: None': ' The following letter from the University State Bank was read to the City" Council: Febma17 27, 1948 Honorable City Council City of West University Place Houston, Tex. Gentlemen: 'We have currentq pledged to secure deposits of 'the Ci'ty of West University Place, $20,000.00 fflaited States Ti'easu17 Bonds dated March 15" 1941, which have been called for redemption on March 15, 1948. ' We 'WOuld like to secure your permission to pledge in lieu of these ma'turing bonds" the following: $10,000.00 City of BI)"an, Texas", Electric Light & FOwer Waterworks & SeVIer System joint. revenue 2l% bonds dated 12-1-46, due 12-1-58" optional.12-l-56 $ll,OOO.OO City: of Nederland" Texas" Waterworks System Revenue Bonds 3-1/4%, dated 8-1-47, due 6Jl 8-1-60 and 5)( 8-1-61. This vd.ll give you a total. of $161,000.00 bonds pledged against City deposits which have been averaging $130,000.00 to $135~ooo.oo per month. We have more bonds VIe will be glad to pledge when deposits warrant. Assuring you of our sincere appreciation of the business y-ouare favoring us wit.h, 'We are Yours veI)" truly, L. Goldston signed Executive Vice-President LG:wd Ene. P. S. We are enclosing financial statement of municipalities offered tor ___......_ ___.___'-t n '''tIITT"''j'11''lmli'',,'''''1Im.' 1'i1 2(49' r -~I I~ Motion by Commissianer Lanman, Seconded by Commissioner Armer that, the University State Bank be permitted to substitute $10,000 City at Bryan, Texas,' Electrlc Light & Power Waterworks & Sewer System bonds, ~d $11,000 City of Nederland, Texas, Waterworks System Revenue Bonds in lieu of $20,000 U. S. Treasury Bonds" dated Mr. 15, 1941, whieh)1ave been called tor redemptian on Mar. 15, 1948, which bonds are now pledged to secure the City depositoIY with the University Sta1i.e Bank. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Armer, Lanman, <and Douglass. Voting 'Noe: None. .' ~ , - City Attorney J. D. Kelley submitted an Ordinance with res~ct to ~harge,s f'or installation ot water' meters. " , .-, \~J ~1:' r... ",d 00 <t ' Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Co,1l!llrl.ssioner Armer that the . '~owing captioned Oi-d1n~ee be, approved and adopted as ':read: , "AN ORDIN.ANCE, ESTABLISHING CHARGES TO BE PAm FOR WATER :METERs IN. THE CITY (Ii' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, HERE:W:[TH: Voting ~e: Mqor Lee and Commissioners Armer,Lanmon, andlbuglass. Voting Noe: None The following resolution was read by the City 'Secretary: c: RESOLUTION 3/8/48 WHEREAS, varlous employees of the City have illdicated their desire to participate in a bospi talization plan kJioe as the Blue Cross -Hospital 'Plan, and : ." , , WHEREAS, tm.der the Blue Cross Hospital Plan a certain amount is deducted trom each, ~ployee't'sweelcq or' semi...:moiit~ 'pay cbeck. ," , , , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commi~sion .of the City of West Urdversity 'Place 'that the'City Treas~r be, and he is authorized to' deduct from the salary of' each employee who so desires, and make requesttheref'or in writing". the- necessary: amount'- prOVided 'by: the Blue Cross Hospital Plan, and transmit the amounts collected to the insUrance company'. ( Si f1l~t1) 'RAT.fR 'R. fa , ' - ' 1vtAYOR, Cl.l'I (F WEST UNIVEl1BITY PLACE TEXAS ( Signed) WmT JOHNSoN' City Secreta17 I ! ! i Motion by Camissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner, Armer that the resolution be accepted. Voting Aie: illq'or Lee and Commissioners Armer, Lanman, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None The tollowing Contract agreement between the Oi ty and Auditors H~er & Dossey for the tisOaJ. year 1947-48 was read by the City , SecretaIy: ' ' r- . _u ~ L_ "-l~'__.,-,-._ ",--p~ II '''I'm I' t "~~"'ll"lllm"~ ~ ~ "~!'Iff 1'''1 250 March 5, 1948 Hanor & Dossey 807 Southern Standard Building Houston, Texas il Gentlemen: The follow.i.ng is a MemoraIidum Agreement which is intended to set out all conditions under which you will serve the City as auditors for the fiscal . year beginning September 1, 1947, and ending August Jl" 1948: 1. You will conduct a comprehensive review of the City's accounting system with the object of ascertaining the necessity for all records maintained and their relation to the desired results. 2. You will hold conferences with the Mayor, Commission, and other interested Ci ty Officials to determine the information considered' of particular impclll1'tance to each, which they desire to be incorporated in a simplified mont~ financial report. 3. You will design and install a simplified montnq financial report as mentioned in the foregoing paragraph. . 4. You will undertake to audit the City's books monthly. 5. You will submit to the Council annually a report of your examination, such annual report to be a complete municipal audit of the City'S books and records. 6. Any work undertaken by you 1d.ll be performed by or under the iDmediate supervision of Mr. T. E. Dossey, a partner of your rime 7. For the services hereinbefore mentioned, you will be paid a montblj' retainer of $7,.00. This audit service would include all of the items above mentioned, and, any additional. accounting services authorized py the Commission mil be paid for at your usual .per diem rates. 1~1 If the foregoing provisions are in line with your understanding" 1d.ll you kindly indicate your acceptance onths attached caw of this letter and ~tum it to us. Yours very t~, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: (Sign~d)WInT'f JeIlNDaN CITY SECRETARY ACCEPrED: HANER&lXllSSEY (Signed) RALPH B. TFoR Mayor , -1 , I BYT. E. 1n'3SEY. JR. TSigned) "'1nr!~'~'Ir'nIIT,',::""1\'\n ' n:l , , ~-' ~ -, '--' ~'/~ ",.,j,.' :---i-t: ~ cc -<t , 1 \ ; i \, 251 Motio~ by Commissione.r Dougla.S~" seconded by Commiss'ioner Armer that ~o:r Lee be a~thOr:tzed to sign contra~ with Haner & Dossey: as Auditors of the Oi ty ,of vrnst University Plaoe. .' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Oolllllissioners Armer, Lanman and Douglass. 'Voting Noe: Hmne Thfi' rollo.~~ letter from Hollamd ConiJtract1on Company' was presented:by the City Secretary: . $epraary' 26, 1948 City of, West University 3800 University Houston, Texas Attention: Mr. Whitt Johnson, CiV Engineer Dear ,Sirs t We aa;V'e completed the installation of the boiler in the boiler house at the w~st University Sewage Disposal Plant. Payment for t.his oo1ler'1J8S,0DQ.tted frQmthe final settlement in December, 1946 on the contract. for cOnStrllction of iihe West University Sewage Disposal Plant. This omission was du~ to the evident unavoidable delq 11:1 obtaining 'the boiler. ' ' "., ,', ' " , , Five Hundred Dollars ($SOO.OO) was de.dueted fl'Q~' the or.Lgd.n~ calltl'aqt to take care of this installation. The installation now beiag complete, we are handing you berewith:i.nvoi.ee, to, cover s.ame~ Yours, t~, WLLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANt '(signed) JOHN G. HOLIAlID JGHtlcd Inc. Motion, by Commissioner Douglass , seconded by Commissioner Armer that the $500 pqment be made to Mr. ~olland in,ace~~e,1Ii.th the above let:ter. V:oting Aye: 'Mayor Lee' ~d Cominissi~ners Armer, LamD.anand Douglass. Vot:f.fig Noe: None . " ",.., .,' ' , A progres~ estiJQ,ate from P~~gk Engt~e.ring Co. for the month of Febru.a.1"1'~ 1948 >i.B-ce~nnect1o~ wi:t~_""constJ:Uc~ion of' the 1l1unie~ ~ng, pool for the Oi ty ia t~ amo~~t '3.~t~~;~921i'aS sUbridtted to the Co~il for approval. Motion by' Commissioner .I&DJl~~~ ~,eco~de..Q;,by Commis,sio~r l~ ~l1at~gress: Estimate No.2 from PaddoCk ED€$~~J.i.ng'Co. in the amount of $8.734.92 for the month of Feo1"l1aIY be a.mYed;tor,ll~.A1;.~, Voting, Aye: Mayor Lee an<i ColDlllissioners Lanmon.A:rm.er, and Dou:g1ass. Voting ~oe: None ,"~,~_,=,_r.=.1I .',',' '"tGni! I "._,~, L"~,,,..~O~-I'1 I f' '"i11I''' '111i1i"'"11m \,"1 252 A letter from Mr. J. F. Jol:Q", City Building Inspector, requesting a special police commission to be used in conjunction with his duties as City Electrical Inspector was presented to the Counci1~ After discussion by the Council, the matter was referred to' the City SecretaTY fot' investigatian and a report at next meeting. Letter from Mr. Paul Strong with a statement of $750 balance due on the Kirby Drive Zoning Case was presented. The statement 'Was referred to the City Secretary for a check on past action of the City Council, with reference to employment of Mr. Strong to assist City Attomey Kelley in this case. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission or the City of West University Place, Texas, met in recess session at the City Hall within said city on the 17th day of March, 1948, with the following members present, to-wit: Ralph B. Lee, Mayar, Commissioners C. P. Lamuon, W. A. Hamlett,L. M. Amer, M. A. Douglass, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, and John D. Kelley, constituting a quorum, when the following business was transacted: Mayor Lee introduced an ordinance 'which was read in full. .Commissioner Lamuon made a motion that it be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hamlett and carried by the following vote: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lamon, Hamlett, Arme~, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None The Ordinance thus adopted follows: ORDINANCE NO. 366 AN @RDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCEOF' $40,000.00 SWIMMING Pai>>L FIBST MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS;. PRESCRIBING THE DE'i'AIIB AND PROJVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND SECURITY OF SUCH BONDS; AUTHORIZING AND PROlVIDINGFOR THE EXECUTION OF A MORrGAGE ON THE PROlPERTIES OF SAID. SWIMMING POOL AND THE PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES THEREOF; AND PRESCRIBING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS. Mayor Lee"introduced an ())rdinance prescribing the rates to be charged for the use of the Municipal Swimming Pool, which was read in full. CoDnnissioner Ham1.ett made a motion that it be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lamon and carried by the follOwing vote: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. ' Voting Noe: None The caption of the Ordinance t/lS adopted follows: AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE OF THE MUNICIPALSWIMMIID rooL .- ::~,.;r,~W1}:rC'''-':~> Wi th no further business to come before the Co meeting was adjourned. ~~~~/ 1-,'~~'~ico'n~'"'~'.~~.I1 "- .. ..:C "T~W r~~-~='-"..".""I"'i'L _,_ ________'' , I' --- :']IIi';T'IJ:'lIiill'li:;"1i'1l1 ' rili ~' :-. \~ .' ("", --- ~. ~ '-' co ~ 25.3' REGUlAR COUNCIL MEETING l4ARCH 22, 1948 The City Council met in regular sessi.on on Monday March 22~ 1948~ 7:.30 P.l1. at the City HaJ.lwith the follo'Wing members present: Mayor Pro tem LBImlon, pre- siding; CoPltllissioner Hamlett~ AJ:!!il~,and the, City Sec~taX7. M~er Lee., . Commissioner, Douglass ,~d City Att()1;"lley J~ D. Kelley were absent. ' ~nutes oft~ meetings of March 8 and 1:1 were read and approved ascprrected. Mr. L. T: Will, Jr. ~ ovmer of Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd. ~ddition, advised that he had met 'With the Zoning Board on, )[arch 18, 1948, and ,requested restrlctions lowered ;tq peImit the constru.etion;of ~ house cont~ngllOO Sq.Ft. instead,(ilf one containing 1300 69. Ft. as now required by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Will stated ' that .due tojiheS1ze ~d sba.p~ of the lot it was almost impossible to co:nstru.~t a home containing 1300 SJf. Ft. aad that directly across the~streetto the, sOllth~are three home of frame constru.ction, containing lCl)O Sq.Ft. and across the street to the nonh, is' unrestricted proper.tYin the.- City: pi Houston,and further st.ated that the Zoni~, Board had J.'!Jcopunen~q tl1at, 'the: Gi,tiCouncil amend the Zoning Ordinance to pe1'Jl1it:constmetion o.f a.houseof;1~Sq.Ft. area. Mo'tion by Commissioner Armer~ seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the recommend- ation of the Zoning Board to pe~~' eo~tru.ctio,nof a hoae cOJltaining 1100 Sq. Ft. instead of 1300 Sq. Ft. on Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition be approved and that a,hearing for ccmsiderati()D, ,for ~~I'ld:tng the Zoning erdinance be held Aprll12, 1948,7:30 P., M. and that proper notice o~ public hearing be published in the official newspaper of the City. Voti.~ Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Lamn,<;>n, Co~~sionelSHamlett and A~"t. Voting, Noe: None, ' Commissioner Armer calle.4the.- Co~cUts attention to-- the fact that a public hear- ing had,beEm set for March 22, 1948, fQr consideration of amending the. Zaning Ordinance ~,perpli:t cqnst~qt~O!!,.or ~ homewi:lih'aminimum of ,1 GOO Sq. F,t. instead of 1300 Sq. Ft. on Lot 1, Block 1, College Co-prt, Place,' but Notice of Hearing had not been properly published in the newspaper and suggested that a hearing ta amend the Z~ntngOrdinance,be, set 'for April 12, 1948, ~d that -proper notice be inserted in the pfficia1'newsp~"r of ,t:tleCity.:., , . Moti.on by o'o.l\1Illissi.oner Anne,~" ~econded~yCommi.ssioner Hamlett, that 'Publi-e Hear- ing be ~1d'on AprU12" to,-CQ~i~~)iDlel1ding tl1e.' Zoning Ordinance, to permit construction alahome cont~tni,pg lClf;l() Sq. Ft. instead of l300.Sq. Ft. as now requi~d, ,OJ). Lot 1, Block 1, CoUege.Cou~. n~ce. , I';, _ ~-( '.- . . . '- ~ . - - . Voting Aye: May-or Pro Tem Lanmon, Commissionem Hamlett and Armer. Voting Noe: None Mr. Ben B~~r~ MB1'or 'of City G..~ ,~uthsi., '~P.la.c,e, 'appeare,d before the Council and extended members an official il;witation to tbe Mayor's & Councilman's Association meeting ta be held in the .s~n Oil Co.' Laboratory building on Bellaire Blvd. at 7:00 P.M. April 11, 19,48. Mr.. B.relver eJtRressed appzoeci-ation to the Council fer - their coQperat.ion 'Wi. th officials of the City, of . Soutbsi:.de ' Place. Messrs. R. A. Kerr and Howard Ponzezo".J$erf! of the Nest Unitversity Place School Conmission, presented the Council with a copy of .a report. 'Wbi,eh ,l:1a.d been submitted to the Board of Education of the Houston Independent School:tH.strict. The Comtnittf!e ~q~sted the CQU1le~~,toe0Jl51~,:",tld..s, rePOrt. ,and'-.isa, if they . ' concurre~d in' their thougJ1t$ ~,d~,si;zoe4 ~ to proce~d w;i;t4, the 'progr. ~as:'out- lined. :Uembers. of ;:.tbe Co~cil enen'ded' Cfpreciation or the find work dOne by this ''-''1111 t !~'lI"lmI! l~" HIrI I' ~l 1-"'-'-"'" -r ---,-;r .-r;.~-"IO' "-=-=~I~ 254' Committee and advised that they would study the report 'With the thought in view of 1ending any assistance the School Committee might need. Commissioner Douglass arrived at this time. Mr. C. E. Byrne, 1300 South Shepard, came before the Council and protested a $2.50 reinspeetion charge made by the Electrical Inspector on some 'Work he had perfonned in West University P1aee and also comp1~ned he had. been unable to, secure from. the City a copy of the E1ectrical Ordinance 'With all amendments. The Council instructed the City SecretaIy to present the protest of Mr. Byrne's reference the $2.50 reinspection charge to the Electrical Board for recommenda- tion and issue instructions for the Building Inspector to furnish all Electrical Contracto-rs with a copy of the Electrical Ordinance 'With all amendments. Mqor Lee arrived at this time and at the request of Mqar Pro tem Lanmon, took the chair and presided. Mr. H. I. Cogswell, 4123 Case St., advised the Council he was negotiating purchase of w-t 10, Blk. 17, Wes-t Universi-ty Place, NO.1, and a pIi.vate sewer line exLsted on this properly and he desired the line removed before. his purchase of the lot was consumnated. City Attomey J. D. Kelley arrived at this time. The Council did not take action on Mr. CogS1iellts request for reason that the' sewer line in qu.estian was a pIi.vate line and did not belong to the City or was no-t in a city easement. Mr. H. J.. Chavanne, 2915 Rice Blvd., p1'esented a petition requesti.ng that Rice Blvd. be paved 'With 7" reintorcedconcrete from west property line of Kirby Drive ta the west property line of Belmont St, providing the assessment was not more than $6.00 per front foot for houses facing an Rice Blvd. and $4.50 per front foot for houses siding on Rice Blvd. The petition was signed byaJ.l but three property owners on this street and Mr. Chavanne advised that their signatures might be obtained later. Ma,yor Lee advised that the City Paving Attorney had. been instructed to proceed 'With the necessary legal work to pave Rice Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Belmont' Street and unpaved porlion of University Blvd. Mayor Lee stated that he planned to do eve 17thing possib1e to pave University Blvd. and that he was recommending that the City advertise for bids for a he Foet Street fromSewane.e Street to Kirby Drive as "previously proposed-by the City and that a 24 Foot strip dolm the center be paved at City cost ana the remainder at a pIi.ce the ,same as other property owners paid on University Blvd. The City Hall was crowded 'With people interested in paving of Rice and Univer- sity Blvd. and accepted Mayor Lee's report with enthusiasm. Mqor Lee asked or those present if there was any objection of paving University from Kirby to Sewanee, as outlined in his program. Mr. Elmer E. Cazy, 2815 University Blvd., protested the paving of University Blvd. on the basis of 40 Foot 'Width and the high cost per front foot which the property owners would bear. Mr. Cary contended that the City should make an allowance for reason that University Blvd. was a thoroughfare and the most heavily traveled street in. West University Place. Mr. T. H. Riggs, 3819 Amold, advised that property owners had signed petitions in the 3800, 3900 &4000 Block on Arnold St., and requested the Council to t:;ft~{'~":~~t~ r~'~'~..'--- r=""" "".":.n _ . ClliT"':'! i6i-.:rr -'-',-',__1.,1:_"1:___ 1 c'---- - n ----....mn '~1~.lI:'llIm..I:..:"1111'.f-T-- -'--T~r----- 2~5:5 ~l o. i"~ ',,,,," .~. ~~ \'~9'1 advertise for bids for the paving of these three blecks on Arnold with 511 resi- dential type concrete. and alternate asphalt speci:fications. Motion by Commissioner Lamon:, 'seconded by Commissioner Amer,. that the City Secretary request Mr., H. J. Johnson, Consulting.Eilgineer, in writing to prepare plans and specifications for, 5n. residential. concrete and an alternate asphalt paving for the 3800,3900 & 4000 Block on Arnold Street., . VotingAye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, /lrmer &.Doug].ass.. ,Voting Hoe: None Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, submitted a comprehensive and well ' prepared repOrt, covering .improvements to ,all streets throughout the Oity and recommended all unp~ved s'tire.etsbe pave.d wi:t.h 5 Ft'i concrete 'vti:th curb 'and gutter, \'f.i.th exception of those streets'designated as thoroughfares as set :forth on a map submitted with the report. co <t The Council received this report 'Wi,th further action to be taken at a later date. I '----" Mr. J. A. K~lley & Mr. L. W~ Prokop had requested the Zoning Board to recommend an amendment to the Zoning @rdinance' pel1Ditting construction of faur uriit apa~ent b-qil-dings on the north and south:'si,des of Sunset Blvd. west ofnrey Drive, w~ch is zoned for business and requires a 20 Foot fire zo:ne between st~cture, on Qusiness property and adjacentpI!Pperty., It was' the desire, of Mr. Kelley-and Mr. Pn>kop to erect the apartment building w:Ltbin 12 Ft. of the adjacent property line. The Council deferred action on these particular lots until the Zoning"Board could investigate other similar conditions along Ki~by Drive and offer recoimnendation~ The City Secretary advi~ed t~ Council that an Insurance Policy 'With the West Coast" Life Insurance C(l~ o~gi~al.~. taken out for the ,fire DepartmeBt carried names of other per-sonnel outside of this depa~eht. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by ,eonmD.ssioJler Hamlett, that the City Secretary be granted authority to,enable him to carry out the plan on the policy as originally scheduled. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Dau.glass. Voting Noe: None ChieJ' of Police, H. E.Shipp, recommended that the same arrangements be made for the 'Pol-+c~Department nth the Wes1i, Coast Life Insurance Oompany as those of t~ Fire Department. Motion bi~~mmissioner Ha.ml:ett, seconded by Commissioner Lanman, that the Police Dep~nt be~rantedprivilege of being carried o~ a policy asherewfore, but the cost be paid out of Po1,i:~ce Department budget. ' Voti.ng Aye : "MayqrLee, ~d 001llllissioners Lanmon, Hamlet.tj Armer and Douglass. , T Voting None: No~e '1".& '.. . The Oity Secretary advised that the fill on 'Which the disposal. plant proper was construct.ed was beginning. ' to-, el'O de. in anot.her location than the one corrected some 60 days ago and that it needed immediate attention and that the' erosion could be corrected by. use of a drag linevat an estimated cost of $50Q. ",,~~~<--...... r "--'---1- -, , '1'1' ' , , i1 r" '~mT'~~'ll'Tlllli 1'"'lrm I' 'I' 256 The Council authorized City Secretary Whitt Jolmson to rent a drag line to correct the soil erosion condition at the disposal plant. City Attomey J. D. Kelley submitted three inVoices in connection 'With the recent Kirby Drive Zoni~g suit, D. Gullo vs. City of West. University Place. One invoice from Texas Abstract Co., in the amount of $5.00' and one from Carl M. Knapp, in the amount of $150 and another from Blake-Pounds Agency in the amount of $250 for personal service as witness. The Council approved iJ;lv0ice from Texas Abstract Co. for $5.00 and Carl M. Knapp for $150.00 for payment, but w.i.thheld approiri.ng the $250 fee submitted by Blake - Pounds until City Attorney J. D. Kelley advisedw.ith Mr. Horace E. Pounds, concerning the amount of the invoice rendered. Commissioner Douglass submitted the follolling invoices 'which were incurred during an investigation on an assignment to him by the City Council on Feb. 24, and requested payment. MaaJ.s, $2.80; Pa:rid.ng ticket, .35; Gasoline, $2.401; Car Service, $4.40; Telephone bi11, il.30. Commissioner Douglass advised that legal, engineering and financing service had been obtaiIlBd for the investigation without charge to the City. Tbe above invoices submitted by Commissioner Douglass were approved for ~ent out of General Fund budget item No. 150, which had been specificalq set u.p tor this accounti,ng purpose. City Attorney J. D. Kelley;submitted an Ordinance amending No. 310, assessing and 1evying a sewer charge for each connection of private property within the City. Motion by Commissioner Amer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the follow- ing captioned Ordinance be approved and accepted as read: AN ORDINANCE !)(ENDING ORDINANCE},IID';:)310, WHICH ASSESSES AND LEVIS A CHARGE FOR EACH CONNECTION OF PRIVATE POOPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITH THE SANITARY SEWERS OF SAID CITY, BY PROVIDING THAT A SEWER CHARGE SHALL APPLY TO ALL INDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNl'fS RATHER THAN EACH BUILDING. Voting Aye: Maybr Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None City Attorney J. D. Kelley advised that he was unable to give the required amount of time toward collection of delinquent taxes and recommeBdecl. Thomas Ryan be appointed Special Tax Attorney to collect delinqu.ent taxes for the City. Motion by CoIlllli.ssioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Mr. Thomas Euan be appointed special tax attorney to collect delinquent taxes,owing to the City ot WesttUniversity Place for the years 1946 and prior and that a contract be prepared and submitted for the CouncUts approval. Voting Aye: l[~or Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, .Armer and Douglass. With no further b31siness to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. --...-----------....---------... "111n~1~'lnllii"e:"1I11rT " . T ... r"]U ~ ...-.../ '- co r f-olII: .....U'lU.J i"'..... 1..1"", <C tL-...J ~ I i ,: '-- -; '( !~ lj ::' .l}~"."';,~. ""~-..- 21.57 The City Council met in ~eessed Session on Tuesd.a.Y April 6~ 194.8.. at the City Hall", at 7,ao P.M.. With the following members present: Mayor Lee~ Commissioner Amer" Commissioner Lamaon" City Attomey,Kelley and City Sec,retaI7" Whitt Johnson. County.; Commissioner Jack ,Townsend, was', a1.so present. Mayor Lee announced that the meeting; ,bad, been called for reason that a writ.ten stateJa,ent <;iated June 25, 1941,. had been received from R. J. TG'imSend, Comission Precinct No. L, .advising of his intentic;m ,to pave Weslayan from Ricbnond Road to Bellaire Boulevard and that the paving of this street by the eQ'Wlty would enable the City, to :usa, its bond ,funds for improvemnt of streets which.are not designated county:: ,roads. Aeopy of Mr. R.J. Townsends written statement" dated June 25, 1947, is as follows: ' June 25, 1947 Honorab~ Ralph B. Lee., Mqo~ City ot West Univers,itY Place, Texas 38.00U'aiversity Bou1.evard HOlUJto.n 5~ Texas .',(' . ,Re: ,~nngt:o~~.$lay;an St.re.et',a.n,d. Buftalo Speedway Dear Sir: , .Gom'Iid.~si'Oners' Co~a" its meeting yesterdq" ordered an election on the, ,Q.u,est1on of issld.Jlg;,.i~SDo,ooo, - 9,006)000 .Gounty bonds tor improving County mads; which sum iricluded $2,,0'16,000 allocated toPree~t. Bo. 1. I am pleClSed to con;ti:rm what I have,a:j..ready' wld you veNally: that the two above, st~ets ,running t~ugh-,.our, City and 'Which have' heretofore been designated &s ~y roads, are in irJy program,. and wUlbe paved ldth funds allocated to Preei~ct N(). 1, if the bondS are voted. It is, rq intention to pave Weslqan Street from Ricbmond Road to Bellaire Boulevard as soon as pos,sible afte~tbe bon~: ,flUl. ,,~. available. This will enable you to use your City. lunda for the improvement of streets" which are not designate~"Oountyroads,,' and the immediate -ptlrpose of thi.s le1;,ter is t~, so advl,se you so; that 'your City paVing program mq proceed without 'tbe inclusion of Wesl~an Street. ' Yours ver:r trtiQr" , ' (Sl,gned) lt~ ,J. T01lBSend ' ,,' .Jack Townsend, Comissioner Precinct No.1., Mayor ~e aJ.s,0 stated tbatthe, meeting.. had ~en ~a1led to determine whether or note tJ!.e p;r;-opeJ."t,y 01qlers on We~1cwan "Stree'tidesiredto signRight-of4'f~ deedS, covering a strip ot land 21- Feet 'Wide on either side of Weslayan Street from Ilicbnond to BeUaire Boulnard. Appro:ximate];y 60 propert.y owners residing on Weslqan met w;ith the Council in response to an invitation byd,Mayor Lee in a letter, dated April. J, 1948. T01l11Send explained w the ' Citizens present that prior to the Bond election August 23, 1947, be had f'" '~iIIJ'''''lnlllir lm'l n - ~i- - a ''''''I''''."t~d'i''~'\T ' , 1'''1 2 r' (J' .J 0 promised t.he paving of Weslqan St.reet. from Richmond Road to Bellaire BOulevard, thinking it was in the County Road system. Later it. was detennined that this portion of Weslayan Street had never been taken into the system and to take this action, it would be necessazy to have a 60 Foot RaN., At. present~ there is a 55 Foot ROW and if tbe property owners are 'Willing to deed 21- Feet on either side of Weslayan~ it would then be presented to the County Conmissioners Court with recommendation that it be taken into the County Roa~ System. COl1llllissioner Townsend told the Citizens that he talked to other members of the Commissioner's Court and had assurance of their cooperation to pave Weslayan Street from Richmond Road to Bellaire Boulevard. Property owners reqUested that a reservation clause be added to the RCJH deed whereby the property would revert back to the owner~ if the street was not paved in a certain length ot time. 'Mayor Lee suggested that. the 'tollowing be typed on the ROW deEid before t.hey were presented to the Commissioners Court: "The sole consideration for this conveyance is the agreement by the County of Harris on or before April 15~ 1949, to commence the paving of Weslayan Road bet.ween Old Richmond Road on t.he north and t.he horthem tenninus of Stella Link Road on the south, such paving to be reinforced concrete of thirty feet in width and to be pursued' diligent.ly t.o completion atter ~t has begun. If this conSideration shall fail, this easement will automat.ically become null and void and the rights granted herein will, ipso facto~ revert to grantors~ t.heir heim and assigns." A group of citizens from the 4200 Block Rice Boulevard, requested the ' Council to pave the intersection of Rice :Boulevard at Westpo~nt Street in order, to have proper drainage. Motion by Conmissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Armer~ that City advertise for paving of intersection nth S';Ft. concrete at Rice and West- point in order to tie up with paving on 4200 Block of Rice BoUlevard and also due to the peculiar drainage situation involved. Voting Aye: Mqor Lee, .Commissioners Lamon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None Citizens residing on Wakeforest Street requested the Council tod:!signate Wake fa rest from Plumb to Ri.ce Boulevard as a tho:roughfare and have plans and specifications prepared for the paving of this street in accordance nth the ' same type as specified for Rice Boulevard from Belmont to Kirby. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Wakeforest from Bissonnet to University Boulevaw, be designated as a thoroughfare and that consulting Engineer H. J. JOhnson, be inst1'llcted to prepare plans and specifications cov.ering that portion of Wakeforest from Plumbc'on the north and Rice Boulevard on the south, that plans and specificat.ions being same in general as those prepared for Rice Boulevard and if plans' and speCificationS have been prepared by Engineers previously and are now available, Jlr. H. J. Johnson secure these plans and complete same for these blocks based on those plans . ."'-'f.","t<~ r'~ "C~'i "~r~"~"rr 'r ,-~- ~T"rl I ~'lil"l Il'ilrli """lml n ( ~ \ ! I ~i ~ o :0 -"'" ........v..J co ~ ~i 259 Voting Aye: Mayor Le'e, and Commissioners Armeri Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass. . Voting Noel' None '. . The Council was advised that all but three properly 01ll1ers on. the 3800 block of Rice Boul~ard were w.tlling to sign a cGntract for concrete paving. . Motion by ColllDissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the Council instruct Oonsulting .Engineer H. ' J. Johnson ,to prepare Plans and Specifications of thoroughfare type, same as east section of Rice from Belmont .to Kirby Drive. Voting. Aye: Mayor. Ise.,. and Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr.'City Paving Attorney, presented petition from properly owners o~ Lots 5 & 7 ot Block 3;, StmsetTerrace )rd Seetion and also an Ordinaace for comreyance of t.his pat'ti:cula.r lot for street. purposes. Motion by Commissioner .Lanmon., seconded by Commissioner Armer, that in view of the: taot tbatthe .Cii;i~nas':Oeen petitioned:by cert;ain~propertY' owners' abutting on Coleridge tor eOllVeyance ot lot ~Block 3, Sunset Terrace 3rd Section, subject to condition stipulated in said peti'tion, the following captioned Ordinance be passed and approved as read and the J4q0r be authori$ed to sign and deliver j;:he deed as provided in said Ordinance. ORDINANOE NO. 369 AN ORDI~NOE At1rHOBIZING AND DIREC'!'D1G T-HE CONVEYANCE OF A CERTAIN w.r HERETtWOIfE' ACQUIRED BY THE CITY IN CONNECTION i/jI WITH THE OPENING OF COIERIroE STREET, TO THE ABUl'TING PROPERTY €1WNERS UPON CONDITIONS AS HEREINAFTER S!.rATED. Voting .Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Oommissioner Anner., that. Oonsulting Engineer H. J. Johnson, be instrocted to proceed 'With revision of plans and specifications tor construction of a ~k Ft. strip, as an,~dbemate,of 7" reinforced concrete on University Blvd. frem Sewanee Street to Kirby Drive, and Cit.y Secre'ta17 Whitt Jolmson be authorized to make arrangements 'With Mr. H. J. Johnson on a fee to be charged tor revision ot plans and specifications. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Conmdssioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Mr.- E. E. Townes was instructed by the Council to proceed 'With necessary legal proceedings on University Blvd. The City.Attorney was instructed to include the three skips in. front of the Methodist Church in the .3600 Block on uDiversity Boulevard for paving. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Conmissioner Armer, that the Consulting Engineer by instructed to revise plans and specifications on 4OlOO, "i1iITll'lIli1il"'111r1 T"T I. l1;-~~"~' i~~~r"=~'~"'~~"n "j'1""""'lr';I<"'\lf(' .,. ~.~... "~r'l f' 260 4100, and 4200 Blocks of University Boulevard tor a 20 Foot strip :,~as Bnc,alternate, C!3f' '1 r:Lnch~:reinfo'rCed concrete. Voting Aye: Mqor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting loe: None Mr. J. L. Williams, Contractor of Brogan & Williams, advised that the following streets would be signed tor paving in the very near future: 4200 Ri~e ,3800 Marlowe, 3800 Villanova, 3800 & 39€Xl Southwestern, 3900 Villanova and 4100 Rice. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, .seconded by Oommissi~ner Armer, that it and when the property O'WDElrs oil each of the several above mentioned streets, have entered into contract to the extent at 9G% per block that City Secretary mrl.tt Johnson be authorized. to instruqt Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson to prepare plans and specifications ot 5" residential type concrete, as hereto- fore approved by the Council on said streets. .' , Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lamnon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None With no turther business to come betore the Council at this time" the meeting was adjourned. ~d~/ ~ MAYOR, C . 'WEST . UNIVl I PLACE, TEXAS ! ATTEST: ~ -t SECBE 2.6) t MINUrES OF REGULAR MEE'fDlG APRIL 12, 1948 ! i The ot ty CoUncil met in regular, ~essi()n 'on Mon~" April 12, 1948, 7: 30 P. M. at : \' the City HaU. lIith the followi,ng meDibers present: Mayor, Lee, presiding; and : I CGDDnissionelSAnner, Hamlett, Larmon aridDo~ass. Uso pres,ent were theOit.y Attorney, John D. Kelley, City Secretary, lIhitt Jobnson, and Oit,y Paving Attorney, E. E. Townes, Jr. ~ o !"("'o, ',- c..~ CCl <=t r i \ :' -I..'~<<'" Minutes otmeetings of March 22, and April 6, were read and approved as corrected. Commissio.~ Douglass took. exception to the, fact ''that off.ieial. council 'action had not. been tuen to' instruct the City Paving Attomey to prepare' necel!s~:w Or.dinance and other legal work to pave Rice. Blvd. from Belmont to Kirby Drive and certain upimproved seetione of University Blvd.. Motion by C.Qmmissioner nougl~s, seconded by (fo_s,sioner L~()n,. that E,. E. Townes, Jr.J! C~tj PaVing Attorney, be instn1Cted.to proceed: With the necess817 legal W9rk ~. pave Rice Blvd. from 'Belmont, to Kirby" Drive and the unimpr~ved , section of University Blvd. . . . Voting Aye: Mqor Lee aJ)d Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass. Voting Noe: None' '" Mayor Leea.nno1Ulced that a heamg was ~wj.D, order in compliance with Notice having~beenpUblished in the ~fticial newspaperot theOity for applicants 'Who hadrequeste~ :that the Zening Orc:11D.ance be 8m~~d 't9 penldt coristrtictio,n of a houSe contaihing noo, Sq. 'Fee'\;lristead of i300 Sq. Feet on 1o,\; 1, Bloc~l.~ Collegeview, 3~ Addition, .and for a house, con'\;aining lOOO_Sq. .Feet instead of 1300 Sq. Feet on wt 1, alock ,1, Col~ge Co~ Place. . . . Mr. L. T. Will, Jr., o~r of Lot 1, B~ock-l,. CollegeVie. 'rei Addition, advi,sed that the Zoning Board had. approved his 'requestfcir pemission t~ 11V,i1da house, containing 1100 Sq. Feet instead of 1300 Sq. Feet, as now required by' the Zoning Ordinanee, :..due to. the size andsbape ot t_ lot an~ he :was ~kill~, t~. co,~~il. to amend the. Zoning Ordinance 1;Q approve SU9h const,mction. No ~bjec,\;ion was voiced by ani citi.~n. present on the request presented by Mr..'Will. , ;' ..:" 4 Motion by' Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Ha1nlett, tpat t,he Zoning Ordinance be amended to permit construction of a house, containing.llOO Sq. Ft. instead of one containing l3CO Sq. Ft. on ~t 1, Block 1, Collegeview,' 3rd : AdditiQ~, due to the size and shaPe of the lot and that it liOuJ.dbe' aJ.most impossible to construct a house, cont~"ning.l)QO Sq. Ft. on the lot in question. VotiI1g Aye: Mqor Lee and Collllllissioners Armer, aamlett, Lanmon ~d Douglass. V otin:g Noe: None _ ' Mr. W. H()ward Wil1iA1ll~, OWller of Lot 1, Block 1, College Courl Place, ~sed<that the Zonii1g'~9arei.bad ~pproved his request for permission to build a house, containing 1000 Sq.Ft~"instead ot '1.300 Sq. Ft'. as ~11' required by the Zoning QJ"dinaI$ee, due to the size and shape of the lot and, he was asking the council to amend the Zoning Ordinance tc! apl'rove such cons~ru.cti.on.. Mr.. A~'L~. Z~~elmeyer, ownerof'Lot 2, Blo~k 1, College Court Place, 'represented by 'hi:s ~0'~".'1Ir. A. L." ZiegeJ.meter., Jr.,. submi:tteda letter, protesting amendment to the ZoiiingOrdinance pemitting constrliction of a home of less' than 1300 Sq. Ft. After the facts .re presented and it was determined that Right-of-'fay easements. make impracticable the construction of a house, containing 1300 Sq. Ft. and that one containing 1000 Sq. Ft. would be lar~r ii1 area than dwellings on adjacent lots which contain oDl1' 800 Sq,.Ft., Mr. Ziegelmeyer withdrew his objection. __~_ r". .~. =n '-'+-<<"'''ll>!'f~'~'t'!1"''-r --- ".0.. ,.~~__ ~~- ,. f~ ":!IIi" '''~"'II:TIIIU"~:-''lIlrI r ~~l 262 Mo'tion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended to pemit const1'l1ction of a home on Lot 1.. Block 1, College Court Place, to contain 1000 Sq. Ft. instead of 1300 .Sq.F't.as now required for the reasons outlined in letter, dated Jan'\1a17 13, 1948, and presented to the Council January 23, 1948, with recommendation from the Zoning Board that 'the Zoning Ordinance be so amended. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Hoe: None Mr. W. R. Stark, 4023 Tennyson, appeared before the Council' and again requested that action on the paving of intersection of Tennyson and Weslayan be lIaken immediately. MaYor Lee advised Mr. Stark that Right-ot4lV'q deeds for Weslayan Street were now being prepared and if the Commissioners Courl accepted Weslayan into the County Road system, there would be a possibility t.hat the County would pave Weslayan from Richmond Road to Bellaire Blvd. within a period ot one year, according to a sta-tement made by County CoDlDissiGmtt" Jack TOl'lDSend at the Council meeting of April 6, 1948. A committee trom 11100 Block: of Coleridge, headed by' Mr. B. V. Crawford, 4149 Colerdige, requested the Council to pave the intersection at Coleridge and Westpoint, due to the drainage situation involved. The City SecretaI7 was instructed to have the drainage checked at Coleridge and Westpoint. and report his findings at next regular meeting, and if in 'the Council's opinion, it was necessary to pave the intersection to provide proper dra.inage,action 'WOuld then be taken. . Citizens trom the 4200 Block Amherst and 4100 Block Rice, advised the CoUncil that their blocks were signed for paving and that the Citizens were ready to enter into aconbract 'With Brogan & Williams. The Council approved paving of" these two blocks. t I . I I , Mr. Ed. Kleiwer, 3832 Jiarlovre,- advised that 90% ot the Citilens residing in the 3800 Block Marlowe, had signed paving petition and requested the Council to consider paving the intersection at College and Marlowe. Yr. Kleiwer stated that the J900Block would enter into the paving program, provided theintersec- tion was paved. Motionby' Coninissioner Armer, seconded by Hamlett, that the City advertise f~r bids for paving of the intersection at 60Uege and Marlowe provided. both-the 3800 and 3900 blocks sign for paving. Voting .Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and. Douglass. Voting Woe: None Mr. Bill Sumicek, representing the V. F. Vi., advised that the V. F. W. 'Were giving a dance at the CoDlllUDi. ty Building on the 14th of May and requested pemission to sene beer during the dance. . . , Motion by' Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by ColJlDissioDer Armer, that the request of the V. F. W. for permission to sene beer in the Community House be denied for reasontba't the Con:munity House is in a residential area and tllattne policy of not serving intoxicating drinks in the building had never. been C deviated from. .. -! I i I f;':;~'''''>-"'''~"'~'-'''"'''!='-='"--=~''~.=-- "1I W'of"": r"'''.:.::r-4it:m-:j; r' -'~~-~-''''=-'''.L-:=~~~I~~T~'_l__~_____._._.~~__ ____ : ['-- n__ -"~liIr ',,::ell:'IIIIUTt:::. 'I 1m Ie:)' ~ - '--' :-("'\ ""... ~ CCl <. i . 26;,3' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and CQmm1ssioners Lanmon, Hamief,t~ 4rmer & Dc:>uglass. Voting Noe: None . . Mr. C. L. Thomson, General M;mage.r of t~ .cOCEL Cola Bott~~1.1g Co., adv~~ that his concern planned to const~~~ a ~.rge Cq~ Cola ~ot~,liJJ.gPl.ant at ,Bisso~t and 'fake fores'ton 'teITitory owned bY :t~ City ot Houstqn _&IJ.drequested use of the City's sewerage, water and .stQI'JIi. sewe~ faciJ,ities. . Mr. ThoIilSon presented the following letter for the Council's consideration: . April 5 ~ 1948' . The HQIJp.r~}.e Mqor and the . City Commission of West Universi1;y Place . Houston, Texas. Gentlemenf , AttehtionMr. Whi.'tt F. Johnso~ . . I.1o' is respectfullyrequestedt1).at. the Mqor and C110y Comm:ission ot Wes't University Place give consideration to the fumishing of the utUity. services, as outlined below, for a proposed Coca~Gla Bottling plan~ to be constru.ctedon a fiftee1.1-acre. tract Norlh of Bissonett ~d West .of,Wakeforest. utilities requested are: 1. Sanitary sewer ~onnection1lith the ten inch sanitary .sewer located at Bissonett and Be1m011t Avenue. - .. , .' 2 ~ .WateT serrl:ce.' trom the 'twelve inch main in Wakeforest. 'The following data relative to water reqt1i;r:ements and seWage now . is submitted: .... . . 1~' Average number"o~"persoi1S.il:y employed in plant ~ ~50~ 2. Numberot .\'Rl'ter' c1&sets:H td. bE!inatalled in plant '-29 ~ 3. Total plumbing fixtures:'with water connections - 76. h. Type 'of sewage is nOnaal sanita).'y waste wit_ut' :8DY:process waste. 5. Estimated daily Sewage 'flow - 1680 cubic feet. . 6.. Total future estimated. .~q; sewage flD-w: b~ed On minimum plant expansion - ~4.35 cubic feet. . . . 7 · Estimated quantity-of wa'te.r required - 4~(XX),ooo gallons per month. 8. Total future estimated quantity of wa'ter required 7,775,000 gallons , per month. . It, is understood that _ t~ <::i.t,.~! ~~ton ~.giv~ ;.f~v:o,rable considera- t1.on ~. the pa7IfleB't to West umV'er~i tT o,~; c:b,ar~ . . for. t~s~ sanitilry _ sewage facilit3.es for the above. pr&j.ect. Therefote, 3.t l.S further requested that the C~ca-Cola Bottling OompaDY:: be ad.vis~d the charge . and/~~ rates for furniShing e1.ther w,ater: or sewage .as outliDed abOve. . . . CLT"':H CC - S'tones & Pitts 951 M t;. II Bldg.. lln11a+.^" 11I_ . cf!'<'.....u-"W='. ~- T n !II' , :'I-'~rr'~ '-'-=-~~Il '~m I" ""lI'rmn '''~Trm 264 Mr. Thomson was infom.ed it was the policy of the Council to make a charge to developements outside of West University Place for connections to the . Sanitar.y sewer system based on the amount of sewage to be disposed of, and funds received were placed in a trust tund to provide for future expansion of the disposal plant in order to accomodate adDitional loads from outside of the corporate limits. The City Secreta17 was instructed to investigate the request made by"the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Comp~. Mr. R. A.Kerr and Mr. Howard Ponzer of the School CoIllllittee appeared before the Oouncil~ requesting that they be orficia.1ly requested by letter, stating that it is the desire otthe Council that they proceed with their program for the bettem.ent of the school system as outlined in a reporl previously submitted to the Oouncil for study . ~ rl' ,.~. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the West Universi ty ~a.ee ~,School Commi ttee b~pcommended!:!of!fieullyr,ua pul:?licli"'1~or their accomplishments done in the program so far and that. an official letter be written to this committeeencourlLging them to proceed wi.th work and recommendations to the Houston Independent School Board, as outlined in t~ir report. Voting Aye: MsyorLee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass Voting Noe: None City paving Attomey E. E. Townes, Jr., presented an ordinance determining the necessity for and ordering the 'paving of Wakeforest from Plumb Street to Rice Blvd. and Rice Blvd. from Belmont to Kirby Drive. The Ordiriance was not adopted at this time because members of the Oouncil had not revievred plans and specifications for proposed improvements to these stre~ts. Mavor Ralph B. Lee advised that H. E. Terry,Ohairman of theZoni:ng Board, had requested that the Council take official action on nurser.r schools who have been found to be operating in violation of Zoning Ordinance.o Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon'othat Oity SecretaI7 WJdlt Johnson~ be instracted to write letters to the various parlies found to be operating nursery schools in violation of tl1a Zoning ~rdinance and advise the violators that they must cease operation by June 1, 1948, and more particularly the case or Mr. & Mrs. P. B. Welbom of 3036 Geprgeto'WIl, in which case the violation had previously been, cited to the Zoning Board and the City Council. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlet't, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None A Progress Estimate from Paddock Engineering Co. for the month ot March, 1948, in connection 'With the co~tI'l1ction ot the municipal swiDmingpool for the City in the amount of $4,802,~87 was s~tted to the Council for approval. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon,thatProgress Estimate No.3, from Paddock Engineering Co. in the amount of $4,80287 for the month or March, 1948, be approved for p~ent. Voting Aye: Mqor Lee and Comissioners Lanmon,Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None ------------- ---"'"!-"I1I;r:rn'r"'1"'ll"I]!ln-"l'~",r'-'II'f!!l ....". ,..,_ _~.,w" I-..~ ~!~-.- .,..,,!~- ~ -, '--' ':t:> r "'< ~I C-C1 ~ ! '------' -~",. 26~5. The City Secretary was instructed to submit at frequent interV'als, a cash balance of the street paving bond fund and a statemen'tsho1d.ng funds which have been ear-marked and otficially approved by the Council for proposed street improvements and the paving of intersections. CitY'. A.ttorney- J.. D.. KelleY', was instru.cted to prepare an ordinance providing for the sale of $40,000 SwimmdIigPool. first, mortigage revenue bonds' and also an ordinance providing fol' the bonds to be purchased bY the. City out of' Tax revenue Sinking funds. and Sewer sinking' fund and. water and sewer replacement funds . - . . . Commissioner Armer,. having bee~ appointed as a represent.ativeof the Council to meet wi'th boy scout. leaders irian effort to work out an 'agreeable solution to the problem of moving the scout houSe tl'OmColenial. Park, reconmended that the boy scout organizat1{;)nbe pe.rmi.tted ; tie. leave the scout house on the park 'groui1:ds' 'for a period of' c:>neyeu,; -provided; an effort De made 'on the part ot the boy scout organization to beautify the house and grounds. . . Motion by Comissioner Douglass, secondedby-' Commissioner Hamlett, that the boy scout organization be granted permission to leave the scout. building at its present location tor the ~remaiRder at the term: of' .this anmiuistration unless some unforeseen emergency arises. Voting Aye:Mqor Lee, and Co.ssionen Hamlett, Douglass and Armer. _ Voting Noe: ColDIld.ssioner Lanmon. - , Oo_ssionell" Lanmon qualitied his: vote by'. stating be: had nO objection tor the continued use. of the building:.- by. the boy scouts:a.t this location., but he was o-pposed""to giving a specitied'time'1i:id.t, inasmuch as it had not beenaaked fo,r by'::the boy scou't organization. . The Council discussed auditing work being performed by Haner and DosseY' and the . possi~ility of ha'rl,.ng.a s_ary ot the City;'s financial conditi<lll prepared tor- ~~entation to 1;he Council and for. publication in. the liew&paper. . Motion,)by C<lmm.issiGner Lanman, seconded; byCom:D1issioner Armer) thatei t:her Mr.,Whitt Johrison, or Mr. Johnson world.Bg in conjunction wit.b, the Finance Commi'ttee prepare a general SmDma.l7 or'-the CitY'" s financial cond1tionand relati;v.e condition of the City based'11pon the budget and expenditures for the yearabd after the s1'Jmma.rj'hasbeenn.bmitted to:tne .Council, same be made available to the public in keeping 1d. th pre-election' pl'Oms~fbybeing published in the official newspaper of the CitY'. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee aDd.Commissioners Lanmon,Douglass, __ett & Armer. Voting Noe: None TherebeiIlgftO furlher pUSiness to cOme befQre the CouneU at this time, the meeting was recessed. r-~ ,~ I -~=--.- ""o'-~.~'I' .-j""'!~f --'. _ Ll_ l. ";TIll" "''"II:IIWW '"11m r~~' 266 RECESSED MEETING April 14, 1948 The City Council met in recessed session on Wednesday, April 14" 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall 'Wit.h the following members present: Mqor Lee, presiding, Commi.ssionemArmer, Lanmon, and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, City Attomey, John D. Kelley, and Oity Treasurer, C. E. Gammill. Oommissioner Douglass was absent. Mr. Paul Strong, Attorney, who had been employed by the City to assist tr,yi.ng the D. Gullo et al Kirby Drive Zoning Suit, met 'With the Council at their request to explain the. basis tor the $750 balance due' statement presented to Council on March 8. Mr. Strong said i't was his understanding that a retainer fee would be paid for his services, and he did not recall any arrangements being made setting forth a $750 fee as entered in the Minutes of October 27, 1947.,' , Motion by CommLssi.oner Hamlett, seconded "by Commi.ssioner Lanman, that balance of $750 be paid Mr. Strong in accordance with s1iatement rendered. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Anner, Lanmon and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None Appreciation was extended Mr. Strong on behalf of the Council for the excellent services rendered in the Zoning Case. Mr. Strong advised he would be willing to handle the D. Gullo, et al, case in the Courl of Civil Appeals for $750, plus $250 it either party fUes applica- tion for Writ of Error and an' addition8.l $150 if Supreme Court grants Writ of error for balance of services in Supreme Court or the entire bill on basis of $7.00 per hour for entire amount of work done, whichever is lesser. ORDINANCE NO. 370 AN ORDINANOE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AD ORDERING THAT RICE BOULEVARD from. the 'West line of KIRBY DRIVE to the west line of BEImm STREET: and WAKEFOREST STREET from the north line of RICE BOULEVARD to the north line of PLUMB STREEt; .. - "'-=j~~~-- '.}"~r r ".".~,~" ,-"..:' '''~'':'-''''""'''='"''~:r:~L 1______ , [,. n ~:nll:' "'J:lnlITll'lGII]jJT cr ! , ~ o c.c' c~ Cl:l <t( (- I I ! -..J I '----' 2,67. IN THE crrr-'OF WEST UNIVEm;;:tTY PLACE, TEXAS ,SHALt. BE IMPROVED; AlJ.)Pl'ING AND' APPBmINGPLANS_ AND. SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING Fm SEGREGATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE ~ COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQtJIRING THE ENGINEERS FOJa'THE CITY TO PREPARE AN :~ST:oaTE OF'THE COOT OlFSl1CH IMPROVEMENTS AND) A WRITTElJ'S'1;A'f'EIIENT QF , THE NABS 'OF _ ~;tF :THE ~PERTIES' ~UTTING;ON EACH PORTION OFEAOH S'l'REETTO BE IiIPRoVE>>; TOGETHER' WItH A : DESCRIPl'ION OF THE.. RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES;' PROVIDING THAT'! PARr OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST' OF THE SAmnIPROVEnNTS SHALL BE. PAID BY AND ASSEssED AGAINST THE ~l1rTING PROPERTf AND THE ElWNEas '-'HEREOF; AIm' FOR INCIDEIffJre DTTERS: 'DECLARING' THAlf THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDIN<E RELATING TO SUCH DlPROVEMEN1'S ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY vmrUB OF ARTIClE 110S (b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES' OF TEXAS:"DIREe1INGTHEtCITYS$CRETAltt 'rO FILE A ~ No.r:tCE' 0lF :TH!S' oRmNANCE mH THE' COUNTY CLERK 'EJ! .HAlmIS COUN'l'Y, TEXAS, AS PROV~ BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE. FOR BID) TO BE RECEIVED AND':FIIEll mIttN THE TIME PROVIDED: AND DECLARING AN EJ.fERGENCY. Voting .Aye: Mayor tee aJid'CoimDissioners Anner, Lanmon" and Hamlett. yoting Noe: None , " The Cduncil dtscussedtlie- po~sil;>ili't1.'ofproceed:i,.ng 'With the contract for the constru.ction of the bathhouse andpwliphouse. City SecretaTyWhitt Johnson adviseq that the $40,~ P:inst Mort~ag~~enu.e Bonds had been approved by the At'to~i General 81?-dregi~tered;by' the State:-Com.pt~Ue1" and were now ready for 'sale. The City' Secreta"l"$'fu~her ~dVi8edthat Walter M.' Rainey Constru.ction Co. hhad'increasedttheir Did for . conat1'llctioniof the proposed, bathhous,e and pumphouse to a fig~ of $.38,138,; in accordance with a letter, dated February 20~1948, he had" ~tteti' in1;J:P.fJ <>>nneQtione_ The letter in part stating: "In order to protect ourselve.s f1'C>m fu~her unpredictable.increase in priees of labor and materia1fJi as o~Fet>ruar.r2i1d, 1948, at 11:'S9 P.M. we reserV'e the right to ~l).crease our prices, as maype found necessary. Prices used, will be these in effect at~thetiD!.e ~he contract is signed, as our bid waS submitted for prompt~acceptanQ.e. . This shall become a parl of our originaJ. proposal, dated January 29, '1948, due to the' fact ,that. this was to be aCcepted within five ($) days.1t ';ItJ'lasadVised tl1att-ne co~ ot construc- tion o~ the bathhouse and pwi1phouse~d other planned>impr&>vements' baSed on WaI~erM.. Rainey Cons:trUct~on. q~~pany 'fJ,.inQreased price. or $36,148, exceeded by :app~ximat.ely $lO,OOO..the a'V'aU;~J.e'funds .011' hand and hnds to be de'riveEl'by the sale of 'the $40~000-;Ffrs1; Mortgage Reve~ue Bond Issue. It was the decision of .the Oounc~l that the SlIiming Pool CQmmission should be advitsedof this con<H..tion and tbat.'funds were, not avail,~~~~fo.". construc- tion of the bathhouse and primpPouse as'origi,~ly designed'~~rthat the swimming pool Commission' req~st Ar.chfte~t$ Woes:temeyer and 'Gaffney to dete~~ if the planso,ould be . re~se~,,~ci ~he bat)1hquse and. pumpbouse constructed for the sum or funds' avaH.abi"e for that purpose and. the Swimming Pool' Commis~on make 'a study o~ n.ej;hod' ~ti means to c,omtru,ct the pool within the J.iDli:t ot funds availabJ.e ~d :s.nbmi ta.recommendation. . With no turlher business to come~ before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. **~,*".r Voting ~ye: Mayor Lee and Oommissioners Armer, Lanman and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None ,....)~~.. "1Ii1" 'Tlnl~1i ""'[lm r~hT"" ..- II.' ... :r h .~o,. 1 11 1""''' r" 268' RECESSED SESSION APRIL 20, 1948 The City Council met in recessed session on Tuesday April 20,1948, 7:30 P.M. a.t the City HaJ.l 'With tbefollowing members present: Mayor Lee~ preSiding, Commissioners Hamlett and Lanmou. Also present were the City Attorney, JohnD. Kelley, and City Secretary, Whitt Johnson. Commissioners Douglass and Almer were . absent. An Ordinance was presented detenning the necessity for and ordering the paving of the unpaved porlion of University Blvd. between Kirby Drive and Community Drive and Rice Blvd. from West Line of Auden Street to the East Line of College Street. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Conmissioner Lanmon, that the following captioned Ordinance be passed and approved as read; ORDINANCE NO. 371 AN ORDINANCE DETER.MIBmG THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the -west line of Kfit.Bl DRIVE to the east line of SEWANEE STREET; and UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the east line of WESLAYAN STREET; to the east line o~.COlMMUNITY DRIVE; and The north one-half (1/2) of UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD'from t~ east line of IDt 5 to the west line of lot 413, ~ in . Block 44, West University Place, Second. Additi<?n; and RICE BOULEVARD from the west line of AUDEN STREET to the east line of COLLEGE STREET, IN THE CITY OF "A'EST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED; APPROVING AND AID PrING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF RlRTmNS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGImERS FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN' ESTDIATE OF THE. COST OF smB IMPROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABt1rTING ON EACH PORTION OF EAOH. STREET TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A msCRIPi'ION OF THE RESPECTIVE. PRO- PERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COOT OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABurTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNEBS THEREOF, AN\I) FOR INCDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT T~ ORDINANOE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IllPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE llo5 (b) OF THE REVISED STATurES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A Nm'ICE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS CQUNTY J TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR Brm TO BE RECEIVED. AND FILED WITHIN . THE TIME PROVtmDj AND llECLA.RING AN EJ4ERGENCY. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Voting AYe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Hamlett and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None _.,'_='-';"_'-.'-.~'=~~"".".1L_._.___. . ,,.._,.-----_______.::-___ -------------"<'RH'" '10","" ,"'-llIR ""."""T"-'l nm i , ' ~ .C) ::.0 l.~ Cl.:l <t LJ - ~.'1 t 'j'6Q 4J . \). Commissioner Armer arrived at this time. City Secretary Whitt Johnson requested authority toadvertise for the paving of intersections on Ac.a~,frODl Richmond to Umversity Blvd. The Council 'discussed ad\fisability of dec.laring AcademY St. a thOrOughfare and using specific.ations requiring 7" . co"c~t8 il1Ste~(:l' ot .s~.' . It" .aa' . dec.ided t~'. .. " ... . , . ., .~."' .. "', . .' ; "\ . . . matter would. be taken up 'With the property' owne,rs on Aca.myStreet bef()re further action was taken. .. . .' . .. With oo'-furlher business' to come before the Council at this time, the mee.ting was adjourned. . . A~. - ~/ :',". . /, OIn EGRET .- 'I -ceo -~rr f, ,-1r' - --.--, "~:'=l'L. , l' "~lln"''':::!''''lrTmI: ~'''''11lL1 I' .. ,) ""'0'.' ilJ , MItrorES. OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 26, 1948 The City Council met<in regular session on Monday April 26, 1948, 7:30 P. M. at the City HaJ.l with the follovO.ng members present: Mayor Lee,. presiding; andComm1ssioners Lamnon" and Douglass. CoBlIDllssioners Armer and Hamle'tt were absent. Also absent were the City' Attorney and the City Secretary. Reading of the minutes of the meetings of April 12, 14, and 20th was waived until the next meeting. A final bill from Howe & Wise Engineering Co., in the amount of $2500, was presented to 'the Council for approval. Mption by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Oonmissioner Douglass, that the final bill trom Howe & Wise Engineering Co., in the amount of $2500, be approved for paj'Dlent. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lamnonand Douglass.. Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee stated that Commissioner Armer and Hamlett had previously stated their approval ot the billing. A financial reporl of the City was presented to the Council by Auditors Haner &Dossey.. DL1e to the absence of the Oity Secretazy, whovas attending a conference of the Texas League of Municipalities at Temple, Texas, motion was duly made and seconded that the meeting be recessed until Thursday night, April 29, 1948, at 7:.30 P. M. ' -~~----------"".,.-r------ p._ n. AA. ~~y V" LJ jJ O-~ .~ (/ (2() 7~~ ':;mr:'.:"J:,'II:Tllm", C;;:' TiEl.' .1;1:~T i : , ' I ' ~ -~. '---' ~!""'; ........ rr.... -~> :.:0 <t r \ [ ! , ----I ! ' 271. MIPil11'iS OF' RECESSED :MEETIID APRIL 29 ~ 1948 The City Council met in recessed session on Thursday, AprU 29, 1948~ 7:30 P. M. at the. City Hall wi:bh the following members present: ~r Pro Tam Lamon, and. Commissioners Hamlett and Douglass.' Also. present were the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson and 'the City Att"o:rneY, John D. Kelley: Minutes' of the meetings otApril 12~ 14, 20 an4, 26 were read and approved as corrected. , The following bids, received in compliance 'With Notice to Bidders for the paving of Rice Blvd. l'rom Belmont to Kirby Drive and Wakeforest.Street.from PlUmb Street to Rice Blvd, the 3800, 3900 and 4000 blocks ot Arnold street and intersections at Rice and Westpoint, College, and Coleridge, College and Villanova, College and Marquette,;, College and Sou'thwestem, and College and Marlowe, were operledand the following results. announced:' . Bids. for' paVing of Rice Blvd,. from Belmont to Kirby Drive and 'Wakeforest. from Pluilh~'S:treet to Rice Blvd. . . Russ Mitchell~.53e4 0.5. T., HoUston, Tex.-a.- - .----- . (llesh Reinforcement) $51,438.,0 (Bar n. ) "8,967.94 (Mesh It ) ~$,693.S2 (Bar" ) 52,561.18 . Holland Page, Austin, 'rex.- . Bids tor paving of 3800, 3900 and 4000 blocks of Arnold S'treet: Proposal No.1. Concrete Pavement: . .' Southwest Paving Co., 3262 Wheeler, Houston, Tex. --or $20,208.,0' ,Brogan & Williams'" 5n7Kirby >>riMe,. U "--- .18,9,8~08 Pl1'O}lOsa1 No.2. ~lexible base with rock asphalt topping Southwest Pav1ng Co., - - - ... - ..;;.. - - - - - - - - - - - ... l7~3B3.l6 Proposal No.3, Cementstfilbalized shell base with asphaJ.t sbell . topPiug '. -<~':.~:.:..:~'~~"-;.'~"~ -::t' ~ .'.. - - .. .. - - - .. - - -. - - -" .'" .~" Southwest Paving Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -18,6a$..20 Brogan Ie Williams - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -- 18,011.78 George Ie Stewart, 3120 Dixie Drive - - - - - - ~- - - -- 16,683.20 Bids .:for pav:ingof Intersecti.ons vdth 5" reinio.reed residential type concrete: . :Brogan. Ie Williams, 5n7 .Kirby"Drive ... - - - - - - - - - - 8,283.82 Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the bids receiveaon street" paving be:re1f.e'1"1'ed to Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson for tabulation and recommendation. . Voting Aye: 'Mayor Era Tam Lanmon, and Commissioners Hamlet-t and Douglass. ,Voting Noe: None' . Col. o. W.' Noel, of Austin, Texas, and owner of wi of Lot.' 5, Block 4,. West University Place Firat Adi:ti.tion,appeuea before the Council and advised that he had protested to the Zoning Board the se't back lines on Lot 5, Block 4, West Unive~ity Place First A4dition, as set . out by the Oity Oouncil on September 22" 1947, which required a 30- set back line an Buffalo Speedwq,o a 20 F!jot set ba.ck line on Cason and a minimum of)O' for the garage set back on Cason. Co1.. Noel 1 IT' . "'IT '1 Inl'li wlrm r" t::,,: ""'t. t ':: ~ " '"IT I" ,r'" '''~T~n'rr,l r' 272 advised that he had plans and specifications designed for a large home that would not fit on the lot if' the .30 Foot and 20 Foo't set back lines are adherred to, and it was his desire to set back 20 Feet on Buffalo and 20 Feet on Cason. The Zoning Board had made the folloYdng recommendation on April 15" 1948: ' - ! i "Motion by Mr. Mehr, seconded by Mrs. Eberling, that recommendation. be made to the Oity Council that 00. O. W. Noel's request be granted to effect that the improvements will be bull't upon the. Nt of Lot 5, Block 4, West University Place First Addition in accordance 'With plans and specifica.tions submitted and set back lines be 20> Feet on Buffalo J 20 Feet on Cason for both house and garage. This recommendation based entirely upon information given Col. Noel by both Mr. Jolly and Mr. Terry at the time the lot was subdivided. Voting Aye: All Voting Noe. None." The Council advised Col. Noel that they desired to make a personal inspection of the property before a decision was made and that they would inspect the 'property and then render a decision at the next meeting of the Council. Mrs. Marie M. Gates, 3219 University Blvd., requested the Council to consider the recommendation of the Zoning Board pennitting her. to construct a home of asbestos siding on the N 40 Foot of Lot il, and S 25 Foot of Lot 10, Block 21, West University Place First Addition, containing ljOO Sq. Feet. . , Mrs. Gates advised the COUDcilthat the S 25 Ft. of Lot 10 is located in the area zoned fox- 1600 Sq. Ft., no frame construction, . single family dwellings while the 4o;,"],'t. of Lot 11, is located in the area zoned for 1200 Sq. Ft. frame construction, single family dwellings. . The following recommendation was made by the Zoning Board: }lotion by Mr. King, seconded by Mrs. Eberling" recommending that. Mrs. Ga'tes reC'Nest be gran'ted, providing her home is built according to specifications' and arranged on properly as per plat, for reason that property directly'across the . street is'non-confonning to restrictions and more than 50% of the lot is zoned for the type of. construction which she intends to ,build. This recommendation is given to the City Council inc.oroer tor the City Attorney to study, it any further action is necessary.tI , Voting Aye: All _ Voting Noe: None.t. Motion by Commission Hamlett" seconded by Commissioner lbuglass, that the rec;omendation of the Zoning Board be referred to the City At.torney for a written o~nion. ' Voting Ay,e: _Mayor Pro Tam Lanmon, and Commissioners Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None .... 14r. Ed. Kleiwer, 3832 Marlowe, "inquired of the Council, the status of paving the 3800 & 3900 blocks of Marlow. The Gounciladvised that it would require installa- tion of a storm sewer in the 3800 block of Marlowe before the street could be paved and that, if passed, action would be taken in the near future to. expedite installation of a storm sewer in the 3Booblock of Marlowe. Mayor Lee arrived at this time and at. the request of Mayor Pro Tem Lanmon, took the chair and presided. r>;="=""T-=<~;="""""''''' _ :.n' _, ""'''''~'~'''''''C_ _._,.....c:;-..::;-:c"'.,;"'-'''_.''''...~,.~='..!.'T~'''._ '1___________ "~;il! ;f"'" ~''''P'''l1''niIII'' f.~...";.'1 !'T!'I '---' ~ o -:.0 ~ CO <t I -\ ! ~ i .r I :1 '---' 213. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissi9ner Hamlett that paving contract'be approved between Brogan &: Williams, Contractors. and the Citizens of the 3800 and 3900 block of Mar19W'e for paving of this stree't with 5" residential I . ... type 'Conere"te in accordance with pl~. and specifications heretofore approved"by tbe Council,., Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Coninissione.rs La,nmon, Hamlett and Douglass. . V otiilg Noe :'None ' . Mr. J. L. Wi;lliams,of Brogan & Willi~ Construction Co.,. advised that. his company was' now in process' of paviJ1g. tIle hloo' & 4200 blocks. of Rice Blvd. and that. it Would . be adva.ntageousif the intersectililn at Rice and Westpoint could be paved along with the paving of these two blocks and requested the Council' to award the bid for the paving'or,~ the intersection at Rice and Westpoint which he ha{,i submitted earlier in ~~~~. - . Motion by Commissioner Hamle~t, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon,that the low bid submitted by Brogan & Williams Constmction Co. for the paving of the intersecti9n of Rice and westpoint, bEt awarded to Bro"gan&'Williams ConstrUction Co. Voting A-ye; llaJor Lee, and Commlssioners Lanman, lI~ett and Douglass~ Voting:N0e: None . Mr. Walter)l1. Rainey, of Walter M. Rainey Cons'truc'bfon Co., low bi~r on constrl1C- tion of the proposed \)athhouse and pump house for ,the, Oity, appe:arEid before the Council-and subinitteda bid of $28;687' for C01U$tra.cti9I1 of .tbebathllouse and pumphousein accordance with revised plans and' speeificatio~ p~pared by , Ar-ClUtect's':Woestemeyer and Gaffney.' 'i'Ii~ plans ~d'specificationS tor the constru:ct'ion of thebathliouse and pmapoouSe "h8:rl.:ng been revised upon aUthority of CityC6imcil" and S-w5nmrtl'ig<POol Commtttee. . . Members of. the Sw.i1mDing Pool CoBDDit.tee and Chairman Chas. 1.. CaJ:'t1l'11ght appeared before the:Goun~l and submitted thefoU~vdng letter for coDSi4erliLtion: April 27 J 1948. Chas. L. Oartwright Attorney At Law 2414 Gulf Bldg.Box 3092 , Houston 1, Texas. . City Oouncil, West. University Place, Texas. Honorable Sirs: Your Sw.i.mming Pool Committee vdsPes ~ submit the following matters to you for . your' consideration. We submit herew:i.th changes in the propose4 construction of the bathhouse. We regret :Iiili: is necessary't9 submit these,changes~ but upon being advised that "We -will be tuiableto secure'a. bathhoUse as planned, due to exc.e$ sive costs.. we submit these' changes 'in order'to come ..,.t-hin '\;he funds whiCh '~ 'avaUa.ble for this pu~se. As ehanged,'tbe' bid is now $28~887.00.: . .. We reeonmend.'tha.t cards be prap&-red as~ soon as possible arid fu~bed each fami.1y who is a .:resident of West; Ui1ive:~~$~Y 1't!iCe, TeJC;as ~ shoWing, l;lUC];l :tami.1.~' i~' a res~dent ot our"city;we'lurt-nerrecemmend that such'ca.rdmustbe" presented to the attendant in charge of the s'WiDuning pool before being able to gain admission , ,n- .1-n~_J 'T.... ~ f'[ .. ~ ~ r'~r" . - -~. ""1 1 f'" -- "-.o1H1 ' ~"l--:'II'lmll'p.~ "TI'fF1 :' ~! 27"4 """"~1~~"-4:'~,,,' .- . to the pool. It occurs to us that possibly the list of water meters would be the most practical listing showing who are residents of the city. Persons nOt so shown could secure cards by submitting evidence of being a resident ot. the city. ~ i We suggest that a charge be made for additional cards or to replace ;lost cards. We suggest that the pool be opened at 10:00 A. M. and closed promptly at 10:00 P. M. during weekdays, and that Sunday hours be trom 1:00 P. M. to 10:00 P.M. Attached hereto is a list of rules which we recommend that you adopt. We suggest that such rules be printed and posted and, if the cost is not prohibitive, that the tules be printed and mailed to each :resident with the card show.i.ng residence. We suggest that the manager and all other necftssary attendants be employed as soon as ~ssible, in order to have the organ! ation :reaqy by the t~ethe pool is ready. ~ .- 0- Chief of Police Shipp has been contacted, and he will make a recommendation regarding the parking ot automobiles around the parle. We believe that towels should be purchased for use in the bathhouse and a limited number of bathing suits should be purchased for rental purposes; and a .... charge be made for the use of towels and bathing suits, and a deposit be re- quired commensurate "With the costs of the item rented. We recommend that the concession rights be leased to a third party. A flat charge may not be feasible, and instead a percentage of the receipts will probably be more practieable, since we recommend that you retain control over the prices that can be charged for all items~ We think it would be better to secure less revenue than to penni. t the concession OTmer to charge unreasonable prices. . .. i \-----) We further recommend that the lessee of the concessn.on rights .be required to' secure and maintain adequate public liability insurance, including products liability, and that the lease contain a thirty-day cancellation clause. We recommend that the City secure and ma.;ntain liability insurance, covering the operation of the pool, bathhouse and park. We recommend that envelopes similar to the at.tached specimen be used for checking valuables. . We recommend that simgle admission charges be mad~ as follo'WS: Childres 15 years and younger, Persons over 15 years of age, 20f plus Federal tax: 40~ plus Federal tax The charge for the use of the wading pac1 should be the same as for. the use of the sw.i.mming pool. .... Your Committee has discussed season tickets at great length, and it has been \. finally decided that it is desirable to issue season tickets, but with some disadvantages. We recommend that season tickets be sold on an individual basis" and not on a family-basis; that such tickets be solG to persons 15 years of age and younger for $6.00 plus FederaJ. tax, and to persons over 15. years or age, the charge should be $10.00 plus Federa1'tax; provided that such season tickets will provide tor the signature ot the ownerj as well as have a mmiberj that a register be maintained, and each time a person us~ a season ticket enters the pool, r ,~- - i ~ "~~~ll '''''n'F''''I:~:;'-:~mw r ._-~, --._,~._, a;"C:C-.-=t'''''T==-r='I' 1 i r ---------~c.mr'..liTl'1l1m..r";;'lrm- . -r<T ~ ,:::; :0 (jj CCl ~ ! l ~ ~ '\ r-\ '--,~9"'1'~ ~,15 such person be requ1J;ed to sign 'the register and the signatures' compared. We recommend that no complimentary tic~ets be issued to any person" and 'tibat no exception be made to this recoIDllendation. (Signed) Respectru1~ submitted, Ohas. L. Carlwrigllt Chainna.n Swi.mming Pool &. Park ..committee West Univers5.ty Place, Texas. "'-...-.. J- . In order to properly .alJ,.ocate funds and to authorize inter fund transfers to provide funds for the con.struction of a bathhouse and pumphouse on the low bid or$28,,~87, submitted by Walter M.. Rainey Construction Co. and in keeping 'With a previous motion 'Whereby cerlain funds were borrowed from the general fund to supplement tunds in the sw:imming pool fund" the tollowing action was taken by the Council~ The following captioned oI;dinance, authorizing the Oity to purchase $40,000 Swimming Pool Fix'st Mortg~ge Revenue Bonds, .was read: ORDINANCE NO. 372 .AN ORDINANCE ATJrHORIZING THE CITY TO PURCHASE $4o,ooo.oq OF S'WIMMING POOL BOmB, our OF UNAPPROPRIATED SINKING FUNm; NAMELY THE TAX . REVENUE SINKIN:G FUND AImlVATER AND SEWER REPLACEMENT FUND; AND PRO- . "VInING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE . Motion byComm.ssioner Lanmon, secondEid by Comissj"oner Hamlett, that the . Ord.inSnce authorizing the City to ,purchase $40,000 Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue ~onds, be paSsed and approved. as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commi.ssioners Lamnon, Hamle14,t and l)ouglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Oommissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that a sum in the amount of $6563.ll,which represents a sum borrowed from the recreation fund in 1946, be removed f1"9JIl. the general fund anq.transf.erred to the Rec~tion and Park!6Jnd. . , . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett &. Douglass. Voting Noe: None . ' Motion by,'Commissioner La!:mon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that funds be appropriated from the Park and Recreation Fund for- use in connection 'With contracts necessary for thecempletion of the cons;t;,1."Ueti0~ of . the s"Wimming pool and bathhouse and appurtenances or ~pl'Ovements to' the grounds. Voting Aye: Mayor ~e and Commissi.oners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None . . Mayor Lee called upon C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer for a Oertificate of availability ot funds for construction of the bathhouse and pumpho'lise. City Treasurer, C. E. QAmm;11, being presen't submitted the following Treasure1's CertUicate in connection there'With: '--T~m~ <, '~n ""~"'r' ."~ "n r' ":nw'Till'1l11n T'I1li1 1"'" 276 TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE NO.5 Honorable ~or and City Conunissioners City of West University Place, Texas i "1. i i I ! I L I do certity in accordance with the provisions of the Charterof the Oity of West University Place, Texas, that as provided in said charter, there is in the Treasury $46,436.89 for paying cost of 'batbl1ouse and which fund has not been appropriated for any other purpose; said sum of $46,436.89 is now available tor appropriation by the City Commission for the purpose stated. Dated this 29th day of April, 1948. (Signed) C. E. Ganmill City TreaSurer, City of West University Place, Texas Source of Funds Sale of Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds. Series 1946 - $40,0100.00 General Fund 6,436.89 40, 436.t59 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that ~ $13,000 be removed from the Swimming Pool and Bathhouse fund and repaid to the General fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and COllllllissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Connnissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Walter M. Rainey COnSt-ruction Cp. be awarded contract for erection and constmction of a bathhouse and pumphouse, based on their low bid of $28,887 in accordance 'With revised plans and specifications prepared by Woestemeyer and Gaffney, Architects, and that the Mayor be author1zedto execute a contract with Walter M. . Rainey Construction Co. on behalf of the City. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that use of swimming pool and bath house be restricted to residents of West' University Place and their guests when the guests are accompanied by the resident. V'oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon and Hamlett and Douglass. None Other recommendations of the Swimming f,ool Committee were referred to City Secretary Wh.i.. tt Johnson for study and recommendation to the Council as desired. The following letter. of resignation was presented to the Council by Charles L. Cartwright, Judge of Corporation Courta !.-- ) i j l__.:i_.";ti!_""<.....;,,-_.~ .~,,---_r~" _ ---~~:~c::1=::~'"~-. . . ".-"..-'-';""""("~'~~""''''''--C.'' -.- -_...~ !.~~~:'-:1__~.~.____ - -----------.---',-"H!T~-~!"!I~'n91ml "l~!"" ~ rrr.l----r--- ~ o "''''''' ''-<10-' W ~ ~ I '\ , I I i l~\ 27'{ ..." . ' ., ,,_: ;,. -~ili Chas.L. Cartwright Attorney At Law 2b1h. Gulf Bldg. P.O. 3092 Houston l" Texas! . April 14, 1948 City Council City of' West University' Place, Texas. ' Honorable Sirs: , I regret that it is necessary for me to ask you to accept my resignation as Corpora,tion Court Judge of the City or West University Plac~."I should like to bere:1.ieved of these duties on or before May1st. Recently it Us been necessary-for me '00 make trips out of the City, and in the future it appears that I will be making more and more trips. I have attempted to, ~e tl1es~ trips so that I' could ho~d court, on 'Wednesday'nights,but'. tlUsis nota satisfactory solution to the conflict in dates. , lam glad to have been able to' be of som.e service to my community" and my resignation is not a result of a lack of interest in my community, and I shall be glad. to assist in other -ways, if possible for me to,doso. Res.pectful~ yours, (S,i,gned) Cha~. L. Cartwright C:W :N' , Motion bY' CollDDissioner Lanmon, se.contie'd by GoI!llli.ssioner Hamlett" that Mr. Cartwright's resignationasCorpOraiion Court Judge be accepted" efrective this date, with:regrets and the mat.ter of a ~c()nunenda"tiioll ror his successC,')r be refeiTeQ.;io the Judiciary Co~ttee for't.heir action. Vot~g Aye: Mayor Leean<iCommJ.ssionersLa.nm.on, Hamle'tt and Douglass. Vi'~~~gNoe; NODe . ,- The.~()~iiing' captio~d'Or~~et\i'8ll,len~ 'OJ:'dinance No. 165, ~ch amended Zonfitg ~~noe' 'No_. Ul. of the, Citro! 'West, Ui1ivers:i;~ . Place, wq.sreadtd,',' oRllTNANCENO. 373 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 165 WHICH AMENDED ORDINANCE . NO.' III OFTm.?Crf,i;';;~'WESTnili,v!';RSITY PLACE,. itmmG SEOTIONl2A CONCERNING SQUAREFOOJr DmENSIONS'OFlJRELLING8IN SINGLE FAMItI _LLING D.ISTRIC'l'NO._14,:BY PRQVIlJIIDTHA'l' A SINGLE FAMItI ". . 0 '\':ms~NCE MAYB,E. ,.C~;'QN' LOT ONE" BrroK ONE,COIa.PEVIEW: , "'.THIRD 'AmITION; CONTAINING:A MINIMUM OF. 1100 SQtJK1lE' FEE! AND PRO- vmnm THAT A RESID.ENCE ,CONi'A:tNING A MINOOJM OF J.OOOSQlIAREFEET MAY 13E ERECTED ONWr ONE~ ':ar.oCK ONE,~ Cd~GJ!: COuRT PLACE ~ THE CITY OF UST UNIVE'HSITY PLACE. Motion "bY.Commissiotter lIa}!flett,. seconded by Conm4~sione~ Douglass, that the above cap\;'ioned ~meNo~ .37J bePfJ.5s~<i and,approved as read. ~~. ". , . - . 1& yoting Aye: Mayor Lee ;md. Oommi~sioners Laninon, HaInlettand Douglass~ -yoting Noe: None . r'''. .. n-_-C'-""'1.':ft;,'>,m(I"4~r;-"" ---.-:.. '-~'--'.-',:-i.',:_1.._"__~~._- (' --'~~mrr'~~~~ll~! llfW'T r~'" lnIl--r--- e':J 2'18 Invoice Numbers 237, 310 and 312 in the amount of $3,,68.16 for services performed by H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, were presented by the Oity Secreta:ry and recommended for payment. . Motion by Comm1ssionerDoug1ass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Secretary be instructed to pq invoice Nos. 237, 310l and 312 in the amount of $3,,68.16 submitted by H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer for services rendered. < I ------' Voting Aye: Ma:yor Lee and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded. by Commi.ssioner Douglass ,that Council ra'tifythe action of the City Secretary in advertising for bids for paving of intersections on Academy Street from University BouleVard to Riclmond Road tor the night of May 3, 1948. Voting Aye; Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Hoe: None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lamnon, that the meeting recess until Monday, May 3, 1948. Voting Aye: . Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Larimon, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None -~------------------- The City Council met in recessed session on Monday May 3, 1948, 7:30 P. M. at I the City Hall with the to110wing members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; and l I Conmissioners Anner, L~on and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secretary and City Att.orney. Commissioner Douglass 'Was absent. An opinion from City Attorney John D. Kelley, regarding the N 40'of Lot 11, and the S 2,' of lot 10' in Block 21, West University Place First Addition was read, stating in part: tiThe Zoning Ordinance contains the authoritytopennit the extension of a building or use .into a more restricted district immediate~ adjacent thereto, but not more than fitty feet beyond a boundar.y line of the district in which such building or use is authorized. This authority, however, must be exercised after public notice, as provided in the Ordinance. The Commission may authorize Mrs. Gates to build a home as sne desires, but, first, it vdll be necessazy that a public hearing be held in the usual mamler and that an amendment then be voted, if desired.1t . Motion by Commissioner Lanaon,seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City Secretary be instructed to insert Notice of Public Hearing in the official newspaper of the City, setting the date for MC\V 17, 1948, for consideration of amending Zoning Ordinance No. ill to pennit construction of al.300:~Sqlteet single-family dwelling on N 40' of lot 11, and 52,1 of Lot 10, Block 21. Voting Aye: M~or Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Armer and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None An opinion from the City Attorney in regard to 001. W. W. Noel's request for a. 20' set back line on Cason and Buffalo Speedway, in connection with 10he construction of a homa on the south 1001 X 1001 of Lot 5, '''Block 4, West University Place No.1, was read, stating in part: "Itappeal'S to me .that it was the intention of the Council in both eases to require that a building constructed on the comer lot should conform in front to the setback lines of Buffalo Speedway and an the side to the set back lines of Cason Street. ':iTIiI~'"mll::rllln":rinl]'J . ~ (-, .--, ,'--. \.~.. ffn-( ~" c:c .<t , -1 I ' t . i I r- ! L......1 ~ ;l:;l" 279. .....:.., ..' 1- ,. ) ~:~f.<. .........,~~-..~-< ~ . Tl'le' 'fae:t t-l1a~ o~builtii.ng code provides that. a lot of the size mentioned sh9J11d.:~~~setback lines of not less than '20', has noL,bearing" as tHe 20:fool~~~i:'emEmt' is a minimum requirement and is not intended to establish 20' f'eet'.as:"'theexact setback on :i.Ir3' particular lot.. I think, hoVlever" that the 6ommiSs1on, should take into consideration the. fact that the Zoning Commission" after lo;oking into the matter" has twice recormnended a set back of 20' on Cason Street~it. ,_.. Motf~i 1>y..QOmmissioner Hamlett, seconded byCommissioner Armer, that a set back line:'"e>f'20 feet for the main dwelling unit on Buffalo Speedway and 20 feet on 6~oii !-:or :.th.e_ ma;i.n dwelling unit, and 30 teet on Cason for the garage building be establisheCl. ' 'Yot.?-ng Aye: Mayor. Lee and Commissioners. HaiDlett and Amer. V'c;ltirig Noe: Commissioner Lamnon. . Commissioner Lanmon qualified his vote by stating that rega~ess of wbatthe m1nutesshowas being his motion on September 22" 1947, it was his intent. then as now that the set back line o~ Oason and Buffalo Speedway, be adherred to insofar. as 'relationship to'exi,sting PrQperty on these streets. . . Moi:,ion.'px Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by crommissioner Armer, that all bUildi ng liRes on Buffalo Speedway,' between Cason and Bellaire Blvd. be set back a miBimum of 20 feet, whether facing on Oason, Bellaire br Buffalo / Speedway. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Conmissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Armer. Voting Noe: None The following recommendation regarding set back lines in business district. at Weslayan and Bellaire Blvd. on Lots 1, Block 22, Cambridge Place, from the Zoriin~f & ,Planning Board, :was read to the Council: ttDue to the fact that the setback lines for business 'Were ~bablished primarily to 'keep,the front lines of b'g.siness from being right on the principal streets, and ~i~o to provide for someparIdng space, we find that Henke & Pil10t. have been giveilL~';parking space in. front much in ejccess. of the 30t and also due to the faci . that' they will construct a: '9. concrete a.p~on o~ the east side' of, their building, coupled with the fact that nbbusiness is to the north of them" we recommeii~ waiving the regular .s~t, back line on the e~st of the building." . 1. : 'f;:' ~. ,," ~. ' . . '; . , . ~ 140\1.08 by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that in accordan~e 'With recommendation of Zoning Board that set back lines .be c~ed on~ this ,-Particular pie-ce ot:property" LOt 1,~10cJ.c22, Canibridge. Place" on the fo:J.lo1l#lg coridi tions 1.. (i) . that. exc~ptj.9n 'b~ based 'upon. plans as submitt.e~. to COUnc:El;,1(2} that they apPJ.ytonJ.y to the porlion ofbuUding not front:i.ng on Weslayan, (3) that builders construct a concrete parking' apron to a minimum of 9t west of thenonnal curb line of Weslayan St.. bas~d on Wes,lqan being a 27' street, (4) does not applY" to a.ny further builaing on that 'land, but only as shown. on blue-pri.nts$ndtted to the Oity and with 6tsi4ewalk between p~rld:~ a.p1'Qn {~d buil~ngwith t~ underst~ding that there1dll be para.llel paf'k1ir~aD1y. "':(5) . that. a 'bui.lding peinQ,t ..be issued to applicant'making the" above'eXdeptions to' 30t set back for 'business area arid that builder begtven letter,advising him' that these conditions must be set forlh on his' application. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee' and Commissioners Lanmon. Hamlett and Armer. Voting Noe: None . . Commissioner Douglass arr;J.ved at this time. r~~ ...'[ ~ ", Il .[ T ':' T-T7Tl . ":lIil" '''JTII''IIIlII'iL~ 'jrm !"'j ~T 280 The follO"\dng letter, regarding the purchase ot Street Markers for the City from J. D. Kelley, City Attorney, was presented to the CouncU: May 3, 1948. I I _1 "Honorable Mayor and Oity Commission 3800 University Houston 5, Texas. He: Purchase of street Signs Gentlemen: I have considered the matter of the City entering into a contract for the purchase of s1ireet signs, using money furnished by the West University Civic Club. I have come to the conclusion that no adverlisement tor bids will be necessary so long as the City does not put in an amount. in excess of $500.00 of its own money. The provision in the City Charter covezi,ng advertisement for bids is designed to protect the city in the expendi.ture of money in large amounts;' for example, in excess of $500.00. So long as the city is merely acting as agent and its 0"Wll funds are not involved, I do not believe the .charter pro- vision applies. Yours very truly, (Signed) Jolm D. Kelley " Jl!)K:R Motion by Commissioner Lamnon, seconded by Commis'sioner Armer, that Mayor Lee be authorized to execute the contract bet_en the City and the Traffic and Street Sign Co. of Newark, New Jersey, tor construction and delivery of approximately 400 Street markers and. that the City Secretary be instruc~ed and authorized to place an order for the required number of street markers with the Traffic and Street Sign Co., Newark, New Jersey, with necessary 2-3/Btt 0 ]) Galvanized pipe posts as per sample furnished and now on display at various locations through the Ci ty ~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lamon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Nee: None In response to a Notice to Bidders for one tele-metering system, using leased telephone circuit to transmit recordi.ng of water level in elevated water tank located south of Bellaire Blvd. to pump station, the following and only bid received was opened: The Bristol Company, 1705 West Gray. Ave., Houston 6, Texas :- - $511.50 Motion by Conmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the bid from the Bristol 00., 1705 W. Gray Ave. Houston, Texas, for one tele-metering system to transmit recording of water level in the elevated water storage tank located south of BellaireBlvd. to pump station be accepted. . ~ ! ~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None "Oilir"~Ti'lI"rmll"l;,"1nfl . 1:"'1 2,81 In response tQ a Notice to Bidders for the paving of intersections on Academy Street from Richmond Rd. to University Boulevard, the following and o~ bid received ,was opened: ',. . Brogan & Williams. 5717 Kirby Drive, Houston 5, Texas- ..: - - -$9~390.00 - l_.i Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the bid of Brogan & Williams in the amount of $9,390.00 be accepted and contract entered into subject to Mr. H. J. Johnson, 'Consulting Engineer, giving a wrltten reporl to th6 City Secretaxy that the bid of Brogan & Williams is in line with respect to excavfl.tion,cost per front foot of curb and unit cost per square yard f<?r concrete~: an~ property owners cost on Academy. . . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lamon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None . ~ c:::' c..!:> ...,-, ....... <::C The following letter was submitted with reference to a request from the Braeswood Bldg. CompaIW to connect onto the sewage disposal system of the City of West University Place: April 14, 1948 Honorable Mayor and City Commission 3800 Univ~rsity Houston 5, Texas. I i ~ Re,; Sanitaxy. Sevrer Connections Kirby Drive at Gramercy Gentlemen: A t the ;request of the Oommission, I have Ulvestigated the easement granted \ by the City to William M. Rice Institute on June 16, 1938. Under'the provisi9~' of thiseaSem~nt, tQ.e City agrees .that Rice Institute, its successorS arid as$igns, shall have the right and power., at its or their own cost and expense, to cOIUlect to the saniiari sevier lines ot the City laid in the easement granted by Rice Institutet() theCit.y. The P+operty referred to by Rice Institute is a tract of 69.J.57 acres owned at that time bi Rice Tnsti"'tute"or any contiguoUs property located "north of Brays Bayou thereafter acquired. by Rice Institute. . ~ . You have been requested by Braesliood Building and Developnent Company to allow the connection of certain lots to the sanitary sewer of the City, and since the property they refer.' to is included in the properly referred to by Rice !n:sM..tute, then T'seeno' wa:y that the City can keep from granting this privilege. It will, of course, be necessaxy that the Brees'WOod Company pay all eXpenses necessaI7 to connec1:i. and also . pay the regular monthly fee for each' dwe11ing unit connected to the seWer. . Yours very truly, (Signed) John D. Kelley JDK:DR ,~" C"'"',; , 1 c, ~ "., .. ... "'~"'~rr ..~, r..-,..u_..n ..-'C.. ...r-=': 1 r' "'ilil" "1111"11111I'" '111n r'" ~82 Motion by Commissioner Amer, seconded by COmnD.ssioner Hamlett, that the Broaeswood Bldg. Co., in line 'With ruling of City Attorney, John 'D. Kelley, be pennitted to connect onto the sewage system of the City, provided the Braesvrood Bldg. Co. complies with all requirements and regulations set forlh by the City. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, submitted the following report and tabulation of bids, received ApI"i.l 29, 1948, for the paving of certain streets and intersections: May 3, 1948 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of West University Place 3/300) University Boulevard Houst,on 5, Texas. Gentlemen: On April 29, 1948, bids were taken on cerlain paving projects. After checking all calculations, we find the following bidders to be low on the respective projects: 1. Rice Boulevard from Kirby Drive to Belmont, and Wakeforest from Plumb to Rice - Russ Mitchell, Inc., 'With a low bid ot $48,967.94 for the alternate bid using bar reinforcing. 2. Intersections - Rice and Westpoint, College and Coleridge, College and Villanova, College and Marquette, Oollege and Southwestern, and College and Marlowe - Brogan & Williams with a low bid of $8,283.82. 3. Arnold Street: from Academy to Weslayan, and from Weslayan to Station 15 plus 57.1 including the intersection;-cat, College. ,:, (A) Proposal No. 1 - 5" Gravel Concrete - Brogan & Williams with a low bid of $18,958.08. (B) Proposal No.2 - Gravel Base with Asphalt Surface _ Southwestern Paving Company 'With a low bid of $17,483.16. (Q) Proposal No.3 - Cement Stabilized Base with Asph'alt Surface - Ge0-rge and Stewart., with a low bid of $16,683.20. A tabulation of bids on the above projects is attached hereto tor your reference. The bids on Rice and Wak~forest, and the various intersections, are in line with present day prices for this type of construction and we recommend that contracts be awarded to the respective low bidders in order that con- struction may get started as soon as possible. ~~I==;=' --ll"~~!'!<~~Hr'~'O!,)!ftfi~ljfr~T"CL.~-o..c;::r;~=:='-''ri.'1''l .. '''.iiir: ":Tnnmrr',co:" Iml rr ~T)::,.,j~::!:'t%~~...< ! r' r ! . -:-l .,-H > ~ ...,..... .......... C:Q < n ! , J I": ! I '-.-..J .'t""'1'.'-^:-'t>. 283 The bids on Arnold Street should be referred to the block chai.:rmen for a ' decision from the property owners relative to the type of paving desired. A tabulation of the low bids on the three different types of paying is attached, reflecting the cost. to property owners on a front foot basis. Yours veryotruly, HJ/l HENRY J. JOHNSON Consulting Engineer (Signed) Henry J. Johnson Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the recommendation of Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, that the City enter into a contract with Russ Mitchell on his low bid of $48,967.94 for bar reinforced concrete, for the paving of Rice Blvd. from Belmont to Kirby Drive and 'W'akeforest from PlUmb to Rice Blvd. be accepted and all proceedings be taken care of immediately to expedite starting of construc- tion work. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and-Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Anner and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the low bid of Brogan & Williams for paving of intersections at R:i.6e and West- point, College an4 Coleridge, College and Villanova, College and Marquette, College and Southwestern; and 60llege and Marlowe, be accepted and tliat all 1JIO rk incidental to construction of these intersections be expedited. V'oting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, A:rmer an4 Douglass. Voting Noe: None . It was the Mayorts recommendation that action on the low bids on Proposal No.1, No.2, and No.3, for improvement of Arnold Street, be postponed until a recommendation was received from property owners on Arnold Street. other members of the Council agreed on this recommendation. A letter from the City National Bank, regarding trusteeship of $40,0:00 Swimming Pool First Mortg.ge Revenue Bonds, was presented to the Council and referred to the City Attorney for study and recommendati,on. The follomng letter from k. L. Sweitzer, Fire Chief of the West University -Place Volunteer Fire Department, was read to the Council: Aprll 15, 1948 Mr. Whitt Johnson City Secreta.ry & Engineer Ci ty . Dear Mr. J~hnson: In keeping with telephonic conversation with you on April 14, I wish' to submit the following items for your consideration:- , ""m]"",1I'1~1I1'''111i1 l'CT ='I ... .. 1 . 1 r-~ r"y''''~r ,~ P /~ j;j C1 ....1t 1.. The members of the Volunteer Fire Department wish tom. thdraw their pro- posal that the City compensate them at a rate to be no less than six dollars and no more than eight dollars each per month, for lIservices rendered. ff 2. That the alternate proposal to furnish each volunteer with water and sewerage at no cost, be withdrawn. As committee chairman and chief, I submit for your consideration, that an award of $500.00 pe.r year be granted the Volunteers, this being $400.00 plus the $100.00 that we now receive. The monies received would be used to promote attendance at drills, fires and other-activities of the organization, those benefitting would have to earn the right to share in the award. Since you have met with us and can analyze the opinions of the men on this question, I trust that. I will have a favorable reply from you in the near future . Yours truly, (Signed) A T. ~w"'it'7.er Ohief It was the recommendation of the Council that the amount requested be: included in next years budget and not in the present budget. The matter was ~ferred back to the City SecretaIj1" Whitt Johnson for inclusion in next year's budget with whatever recommendation he might care to give. ! -.--~ The foliowing letter from City Attorney J. D. Kelley vdth reference to the signing of releases from injured employees was read: , i April 26, 1948 Mr.Whi tt Johnson 3800 University HC?uston 5, Texas Dear Mr. JOhpson: I have your letter of the 23rd regarding invoices for medical services rendered to employees of the City. It is my feeling that the City assumes no responsibility in paying these bills, but is . merely doing it as a courtesy. If we ask the various parties involved to sign :releases, we may create in their minds a feeling that the City has some liability to them for their injuries. It is my opinion that it would be very undesirable to request a fonnal release on each accident. Yours very truly (Signed) JohnlDl. Kelley JDK/OB 1 ! .. '-'!'!"~~~~~''?-' f' . r ." Pt';"'lcqrr'-'.' . ,=, 1 r ,~-~-- .. -"':mTJ":~ill"lmnTii~clTIlI~"- --~- TI i~1 ! I i _ '__.1 ~ o CO l.? CO <c: 1-1 '---- II I I I~ ~.~- ....~,.~.".. 2'8:;5 No action was taken by the Council, but Mayor Lee suggested funds be included in next years budget to carry insurance to cover cases of this nature. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: .*p~. CITY'1) CRETAF.Y~ '. . r- '. ,- -~!-_.. - :-'''..:'-'' ~~~,IL . "~"._""'~ c. 'X:._~ ".:;_.~t..-:::-l.._..~ 1~ar44 ~. . :. I -'--"-- .---------- -- ~mTl-~~~']11~11l1nr'l~.~rr1rrrr-- .!:~T (j c:! ~-.. MINl1rES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 10, 1948 I - 1 I 1 i The City Council met in regular session on Monday" May 10, 1948" at the City Hall -with the following members present:. Mayor Lee, presiding; Conunissioners Lanman, Armer" Hamlett" and Douglass. Also present were the City Attorney' and the City Secretar,y. Minutes of the meeting of April 29, and May 3, 1948, were read. Motion by Commissioner :Douglass that the minutes not be approved until a proper statement was received from the City Treasurer that all money borrowed from the Recreation and Park Bond Fund in 1946 had been refunded. The motion died for a lack of a second. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Anner, that the minutes of the meeting of April 29, and May 3, 1947, be approved as read and corrected. Voting Aye':' All Voting Noe: None Mr.. C. V . Tamborello, representing the 4200 block of Rustin Street, advised the Council that property owners in this block desired to sign paving contracts, but felt that a storm sewer was needed on Westpoint between Rustin and Riley streets to insure proper drainage. Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Enf.!,"i.neer, was instructed to make a recheck on this block to determine whether or not a stonn sewer 'was necessa:ry. I 1- Mr. Arthur E. Smith" 4232 :Milton Street, advised the Council that all but two property own'ers were signed for the paving of' the 42Q.o block of Milton and requested that necessa:ry action be taken by the C01.lllcil to expedite paving of the intersection at Westpoint and Milton. Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson advised that a stonn sewer was needed on Westpoint from W1i.lton ta Amherst. The Council discussed advisability of presenting a bond issue in order to derive funds to complete installation of all required storm sewers throughout the City. Mayor Lee reconunended that funds be eannarked by Ordinance for intersection paving in cases where it is known that. streets 'Will be paved until funds for storm sewers can be derived by a bond issue,and in the mean- time, property o-wners should go ahead 'With plans for paving. Treasurer's Certificate No.6, duly executed and received from C. E. G. City Treasurer was presented as follows: TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE No.6 TO THE HONORABLE 11AYOR AND CITY COMMISSIO)liJ OF THE CITY 0lF WEST uNIVERSITY PL.A.CE, TEXAS: In accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Vfest University Place" Texas, I do hereby certify that there is in the Treasury of the City of West University Place. to the credit of the Street Paving and Bridge Bonds" 1946, the sum of $35,000.00 for paying the City's part of the cost of paving and improving: PeICE BOULEVARD from the West Line of KIRBY DRIVE to West Line of BELMONT STREET; and -,0".;:p","!~"~~'f'" '.", '--,,!'~1t"~~r -. . _',n f"'I' r"' r-'--- . .~..'..-"'mIT"',ll"lIil11"m:".II1I:J.-. ~W'T..- 1 - ',__m 287 WAKEFOREST STREET, from the Nor.th Line of RICE BOULEVARD to the North Line of PLUMB STREET, in the City of West University Place, and which fund has not been appropriated for arw other purpose; said sum of $35,000.00 is now available for appropriation by the City Oommission for the purpose stated. DATED'fhis ~ day of May, 1948. ~ .~ -.. '-.i f:..o r~ '--' """"" '-"-i <'C (Signed) C_ E. (};unmill City Treasurer of the Oity of West University Place, Texas Mr. E. E'. TO'W!les, Jr., city paving attorney, presented Ordinance No. 374, appropriating thesUJn(,of $35,000 out of the Street paving and Bridge Bond Fund of 1946 to p~ the city's part of the cost of paving and improving Rice Blvd. from west line of Kirby Drive to 'Yf6st line of Belmont Street and Wakeforest St. from north line of Rice Blvd. to north line of Plumb st~ The Ordinance captioned 8$ follows was read in full: I ! I L-' ORDINANCE NO. 374 ' AN ORDINANCE APPROPtlUTING THE SUM OF $35,000.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STRYr PAVING AND BRIDGE BONm, 1946, IN THE CITY 'l'RE!SURY TO PAY THE OITY'S.PART OF THE COST OF PAVING AIm IMProVm1: RICE BOULEVARD f:rom W~st Line of KIRBY DRIVE to ns't ~e of BELMONT STREET; and. WAKEFOREST STREET from the North Line of RICE BOULEVARD to the Norlh Line of PLUMB STREET, AND 1DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . Motion bY Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that Ordinance No. 374 appropriating the sum of $35,000 out of the Street paving and Bridge Bond Fund,.of 1946 to pay the ,city's part of the cost of paving and improving Rice Blvd. from west line of Kirby Drive to west line of Belmont Street andWakeforest Street from north line of Rice Boulevard to north line of Plumb Street 'Qe passed and a;pproved as read. .~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Mr. TO'W!les presented Ordinance No. 375, captioned as follows, which was read in full: 288' ORDINANCE NO. 375 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERJlA:l]iIING TEAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HA VB HERET01FORE BEEN RAID AND, ALL THINGSroNE PFEREQUIS ITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CQ)NTMCT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROlVING OF: J RICE BOJULEVAJID from West Line of KIRBY. DRIVE to West Line of BELMQ)NT STREET; and WAKEFQREST STREET from the North Line of RICE BOULEVARD to the North Line of PLUMB STREET, A~f?P..OVINGAND ADJiPrTIm TEE P~roRT AnD RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAIDH, POlRl'ICl'NS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPl'ING THE BID 01" RUSS MITCHELL, INC. AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOVIEST RESroNSIBLE BIDDER, AN]) AV'fAIIDING TO IT THE CQ)NTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPl'ING AND AUTH01RIZING . THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPl'ANCE OF THE PERFOlRMA.NCK BOND AND MAINTEN- ANCE BOND IN CONNECTION '\lITTH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FIIIDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERtY E:XECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS OP.IDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DlRE0TING THE EXEcurION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY. ON BEHAIF OF THE CITY OF vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Cormnissioner Douglass, that the above captioned Ordinance, detennining that all proceedings have heretofore been had and all things done, prerequisite to the execution of the contract I for the paving of Rice Blvd. from west line of Kirby Drive to west line of ; Belmont Street; and Wakeforest Street from the north line of Rice Boulevard to the Norlh line of Plumb Stj and authori~ing the Mayor and City Secretary to sign a contract with Russ Mitchell, Inc., be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Ordinance No. 376, approving and adopting estimates of the costs of paving certain sections of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street and ordering a hearing to be held and given to all owni..l1g or claiming abutting properly, was presented by Mr. Townes. The Ordina11ce captioned as follows was read in full: ORDINANCE NOl. 376 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AOOPl'ING ESTIMATES OF THE CaSTS ANn THE VARIOUS POlRTIONS OF TEE COO'] OF THE PAVING AND THE PERl[ANENT nffitOVEMENT OF: RICE BOULEVARD FooM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE 'WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND. 1JIfAKEFOREST STREET FROM THE NOiRTH LINE @Ii' RIOE BO)ULEV ARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF PLUMB STREET; IN TEE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEE,IfJ - ----,".-ntpn!Jg'Fn"fnm"~T!'!''lI'l1!1 m"~r----- ~ -. "-' i-C- (.!:J co ~ \ ~ I I I ~ 289 FOIR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW ,AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER OODINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART mr THE COOT 00 SUCH DAPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIo)NS 0lF SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD MID GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY INTER- EST TBEF.EIN, AS TO SUCH PROroBED ASSESSMENTS ANn POOCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING T€Ji SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIDNG THE TIME AND PUCE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NmICE THEBEOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW ANJI) DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Anner, seconded by Commissioner fuuglass, that Ordinance No. 376, approving and adopting estimates of the costs of paving Rice Boulevard from west line o~ Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and 1,!'fakeforest Street from the north line of Rice Boulevard to the north line of Plumb Street and ordering a. hearing to be held and given to all owning or claiming abutting property be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Larimon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None A Notice of Hearing,as required by Ordinance No. 376, was presented and requested published in the official newspaper of the City on May 13, 20th and 27th, and in some newspaper published in the City of Houston at least three times, with date of the hearing to be set for May 28th, 1948, at 7 :30. P. M. in the City Hall. Commissioner Douglass asked that the. fOllOwing question to the Mayor be made a part .of the minutes: nIs it correct that all houses actually frontind on Rice Boulevard are to be'assessed on a front foot basis and all houses siding on litce Boulevard are to be asses.s.ed on a side lot ,basis," Mayor Lee's answer was quoted from Section 1, of the Engineer's Estimates of Costs included in Ordinance No. 376 as follows: nAs to vacant lots; and .' as to lots whereon the principaJ. dwelling faces Rice Boulevard: $6.00. As to lots whereon the principal dwelling does not face Riee Boulevard : $4.50." Treasurer's Certificate No.7, duly executed and received from C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer, was presented as follows: TREASURER'S CERl'IFICATE NO. 7 TO) THE OONORA.BLE MAYViR AND CITY COMMISSION llF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS: In accordance "With the provisions of the Charter of the City of West Um.versity Place, Texas, I do hereby certify that there is in the Treasury of the City of West University Place to the credit of the Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, 1946, the sum of $10,000.00 for paying the City's part of the cost of paving and improving: Street intersections on ACADEMY STREET from the north ,.,-~"""""=c-n--'-"""Il r' ":ml~'j~ l'Il':IIIIU '!:'''''11llI r":" oj [ ._"-~ -<=T .1 . _ to'} . 2~O> property line of UNIVERSITY B01JIEVARD to the south prope rty lirie of RICHMONDRQAD, in the City of \!'fest University Place, and which fund has not been appro- priated for any other purpose; said sum of $lO,QOO.OO; is now available for appropriation by the City Cormnission for the purpose stated. .DATED this ~. day of May, 1948. (Signed) C.. E.. C'rAMMILL City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. Mr. Townes submitted the following captioned Ordinance, appropriating the sum of $lC>>,Ooo, out of the street paving and bridge bond fund of 1946 to pay the cost of paving and improving intersections on Academy Street from University Boulevard to Richmond Road, which was read in full: ORDINANCE Nt)). ~~ ' AN OlRDINANCE APPROPRIATING THB.; t) UM CJli'" :W.LO, < .0:0 mrr OF THE FUND TO . ;if},' THE CREDIT OF STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS , 1946, IN THE CITY TREASUP.;y TO PAY THE COST OF PAVING ANlD IMPROVING: street intersections on ACADEMY STREET from the North property line of UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD to the South property line of RICHM01ID ROAD, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Conunissioner Anner, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that o.rdinance No. 377, appropriating the sum of $10,000 out of the street paving and bridge bond fund of 1946 to pay the cost of paving and improving intersections on Academy Street from University Boulevard to Richmond Road, be passed and ~pproved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass. Voting Noe: None. Ordinance No. 378, accepting the bid of Brogan & Williams, Contractors, 'and authorizing the execution of a contract for the paving and improving of Street interse'cttons on AcadeIl\V Street from the north property line of University Boulevard to the south property line of Richmond Road, was presented. The Ordinance captioned as follows was read in full: ORDINANCE NO!. 378 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDDJGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN RAID AND ALL THINGSOONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: STREET INTERSECTIONS ON ACADEMY STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OlFUNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD , "II , .. "'."~j: r ~=,~,,---,,,o,,,ocr.== 1.01-1 r ":IIi1:1"'Tlnmn;:i"lnil lin r-\ I I Li ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ",",-", ,...,...,. .-.... < !I I ' , I \ \ \..."..--. [ 1';- , 291 . APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING THE BEPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID. PORTIONS OF SAID . STREETS; ACCEPrING THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS AS THE WNEST SECURE BID . OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPRONTNG OF SAID R>RTIONS OF SAID STREETS: APPROVING AND ACCEPrING .AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPl'ANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPOOVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRA.CT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AurmRIZING AND DIREOTli'lG THE EXECUl'ION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR PJ.j1) ,CITY SECRETARY ON BEHAIF OF THE CITY QF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commission Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No.. 378, accepting the low bid of Brogan & Williams and authorizing . the execution of the contract for the paving and improving of Street inter- sections on Ac~demy Street from the north property line of University Boulevard to the south property line of Richmond Road be passed and approved as read: . Voting' Aye: M8\Vor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer . and Dougl.ass ' None Voting Noe: Treasurer's Certificate No.8, duly executed and received from O. E. Ganmrl.ll, City Treasurer, was presented as follows: TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE #8 May 10th, 1948 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COMmSSIOlN OF THE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, TEXAS: In connection -wi. th the proposed contribution by the City toward the cost of paving Academy Street under contracts between the individual prope~y owners and Brogan & Williams, Contractor, in an amount equal to 25% of the cost of paving the street abutting those lots, the long side of which abuts the street. and where the houses also side, instead of front, on Academy, this is to certify that there is in the treasury of the City of West University Place, Texas, to the credit of the Street Paving and Br.idge Bonds, 1946, the sum of $4500.00, which is the approximate maximum aggregate of the City'S 25% contribution to and for such respective properties, assuming that each of said respective pro- perlies, assuming that each o.f said respective properties is entitled to such City contribution; and which sum has not been appropriated for any other purpose and is now available for appropriation by the Commission for the 'purpose stated. DATED this loth day of May, 1948. (Signed) C. E. GAMMIIJ., CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE ,TEXAS 9 '...."'""",.r~- ,..,. II ":r"~"'~~" II r' '"~ml" "Ti1nmn '\""" IIln r.... (1 q 'J. ;(~i 'L~ l);J Ordinance No. 379, appropriating the sum of $4500 out of the Street paving and Bridge Bond Fund of 1946 to pay the City's agreed contribution toward the cost of street improvements on Academy Street between the north line .'.-... ...1.,... of University Boulevard and the south line of Richmond Road, was submitted to the Council and read in full. The caption of Ordinance No. 379 is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 379 AN OIIDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $4500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT 01" STREET PAVING ANID BRIDGE BONDS, 1946, IN THE CITY TREASURY TO; PAY THE CITY'S AGREED COJNTRIBUTIOJN TOWARD THE COST OF STREET IMPROlVEMENTSON ACADEMY STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OJF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD ANi]) THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD, UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE RESPECTIVE PF.oPERTY OWNERS AIm BROGAN & WILLIAMS, CQiNTRACTOR, AND .DECIARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Connnissioner Anner that Ordinance No. 379, appropriating the sum of $4500 out of the Street paving and bridge bond Fund of 1946 to pay the City's agreed contribution toward the cost of street impI"ovements on Academy Street between the north line of University Boulevard and the south line of Richmond Road be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Connnissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None: 1~1 , I I I I I _J Ordinance No. 380, captioned as follows was submitted and fully read: ORDINANCE. NO. 380 AN ORDINANCE A TJrHORIZING A1TJJ DIRECTING THE MAYlDiR AND CITY TFEASURER, UNDER SPECIFIED CONDITIONS~ TO PAY TOBIDGAN AND WILLIAM..S, CaNTRACTORS, CERTAIN SUMS AS A CONTRIBUTION BY THE CITY TO COOT OF PAVING R1lRTIONS OF ACADEMY STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND .THE SOUTH LI11E OF RICHMOND ROAD, WITH REFERENCE TO 1JiliICH OYfNERS OF POO)PERTY HAVE AND 'WILL MAKE CONTRACTS IDIRECTWITH SAID CONTRACTORS; Al\1]) DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Ordinance No. 380, authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Treasurer, under specified conditions, to pay to Brogan & Williams, Contractors, certain stuns as a contribution by the City to cost of paving portions of Academy Street be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, A:r:mer, Hamlett, an d Douglass. Voting Noe: None City Attorney, J.D. Kelley, advised he had been authorized by the Judicia:ry Committee of the City to give verbal recommendation that Mr. Bernard. Kay be appointed Corporation Court Judge to fill the vacancJT created by the resignation of Mr. Chas. L. Cartwright. I , ~.:--,,,'~,,,=,,~-..,,._c,,.,,,o.,..,,,, co,,~!"'~"'.,~.~ "__. j r-' - ,c!-m'I' ~'l~.'r"l'II"lllm"f~~~';'II1f.l I"'C:' -, I I i I 'l~ ~ o CO 1:-"" CO ~ fi I ! : I :~ I: Ii i ~ Ii I I I , , Ii I, I, I' I: " i: I 1 r-1!; I \1; ! J I: '---. I: ,. ......."""'""""'.~ .- 293; Motion by COIllL'lissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the JUdiciary Committie~'s recommendation and City Attorney's recommendation that Mr. Bernard Kay be employed by the City to serve as Corporation Court Judge of the City of West University Place be accepted and that the salary be set at $50.00 per month. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Conmissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee admini~tered the Oath of Office to Mr. Bernard Kay as Corporation Court Judge. Commissioner Douglass asked the following question and reques.ted that both the question and answer be made a part of the minutes: "Is there any reason why the 3900 block of Rice Boulevard cannot be included, in the present paving project on University Boulevard and the 3800 block of Rice Boulevard1tl M~o r Lee answered by stating that property owners in the. 3900 Block had not petitioned the Council at the time University Boulevard and the 3800 block of Rice was advertised for bids. Mayor Lee asked Mr. E. E. Townes:, Jr. . to give an opinion as to whether or not this block could be included in the plans and specifications that are now out for bids and a contract be let at the same time. Mr. Townes stated that it was his recommendation that no change order be made on the present plans and specifications bllt. after the bids were received he would give a further recommendation. Commissioner Lanmon recommended that. Dr. Lyman C. Blair, 3406 Georgetown be appointed as a member of the HeaJ.th Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr. VL. Frank Cole. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that. Dr. Lyman C. Blair be appointed as a member of the HeaJ.thBoard. Voting Aye: M~or Lee, and Commissioners Larnnon, Anner,. Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe; None The HeaJ.th Board was in session at this time. Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, administered the Oath of Offiee to Dr. ~an C. Blair as a member of the Heal thBoard. C5.ty Secretary Whitt Johnson, advised that emergency repairs were being made to. a sanitary sewer line connection at the lift station on Weslayan and that YV. A~.McClendon Construction Company had been employed to supervise the work on a basis of 15% of the labor pay roll and that the city was furnishing all materiaJ.s and asked for authority to proceed with repairs to this sanitary sewer line under these conditions. Motion by Commissioner Anner, seconded by. Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Secretary be authorized to proceed "With necessary repair work on sanitary sewer line connection at. the Weslayan lift station On the basis of the City paying the labor cost under supervision of Vf. A. McClendon Construction Co. and the City furnishing I;leeded materials. ./ Voting Aye: Ma'\fo;".:Lee .-' ",... " and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. ,...:n..- _-= _=, r"."'-.o--=-~1'=.", c,--- "~mf"''l~'jlr'fl!m''IIT''''1I1L1 1':-"1' , ~'. =<<--> l . ~.--~- -.""'. - , "l 294' Voting Noe: None The following letter from Commissioner Douglass to the City Secretary, Whi tt Johnson, was read to the Council: i I ' ~ May 6, 1948 Mr. \lli tt Jolmson City Secretary ,City of West University Place Dear Mr. Johnson: You are requested to submit for consideration of the Council the matter of all concerns who are now engaged in construction o~ sidewalks, the advisability of having these concerns placed under performance bond. It is the vvriters I understanding that this matter has been controlled in the City of, Houston through the medium. of a bond and for the protection of all property owners. Yours very truly, (Signed) M. A. Douglass. Commissioner M. A; Douglass, Commissioner I I I ...........- The City Secretary was instructed to advise the City Building inspector J. F. Jolly, to withhold final inspection approval until builders or responsible persons clean premises of all debris and the ditch line restored to nomal grade and cleared of all obstruction created by their actions. City Attorney J. .D. Kelley was instructed to prepare an ordinance amending the original sidewaLl<: ordinance setting forth specifications and inspection and acception of sidewalks. City Secretar.y, Whitt Johnson, advised that by suzvey on several occasions, it had been found that there is more than one dwelling being serviced by one water meter. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Oirdinance req,uiring each dwelling unit to be connected with a separate water meter. The City Secretary recommended that Chief of Police Shipp make a survey to determine where stop signs and truck prohibited signs are necessazy. The Conncil approved this recommendation and asked that a report be given after the survey has been made. The following letter from M. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, was read to the Cou.">lcil:" , '~....; [:'0""" ",::;::.;,~._",.,..~,~!-~,..:_.. ' , r- '~~~=I=~<,~C-:-.a '"<""".I"l_C - . :-::n. L.. '----"::lIil::1JTII:,lIimm;;"1Ilill-T .. ,nT-Urn 295 May 10, 1948 \-\ I ' i l ~ Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Secretary City of West University Place 3"800 University Boulevard Houston 5, Texas Dear Sir: - <....,...i Cf:) ~ CO ~. The bid of Brogan & Williams submitted May 3,1948, for the intersections on Acadenv Street figures at the rate of $6.40 per front foot for a 27 foot street. This rate is hi.gher than the nonnal, per front foot charge on street paving, however it is not excessive con- sidering the extra manipulations that are included in the construction of an intersection such as lowering of catch basins and manholes and the hand work of fine grading and finishing. ~ One contractor figured the bids on the group of intersections opened April 29, 1948, but did not submit them for opening and his price per front foot would have been $9.90., This will indicate how other contractors would bid the" same items. ,I recommend that the cont,ract be awarded Brogan & Williams on their bid of May 3, 1948. . ! U Yours very truly, HJJ/1 HENRY J., JOHNSON Consulting Engineer (Signed) Henry J. Johnson The City Secretary presented 5 different plans for the sale of season tickets to the swimming pool for the Council's study. ' lfiOtion. by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Oommissioner Anner, that a letter of commendation be written to the sWimming pool coJJlIDtttee, extending appreciation for the excellent work done and that they 'Will be notified for any further assistance. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Cormnissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Amer, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None r-~l 1 I i I \...--' The Council instructed City.Attorney J. D. Kelley to prepare contract forms for the lease of the concession at the sw.i.mmingpool and legal notice advertising for bids for the lease of the concession at the swimming pool on a lump sum season p~ent and on a monthly payment plus a percent on gI'Qss income and that bids be received on May 31, 1948, 7 :30 P. M. Commissioner Armer advised the Council that the "Week of May 24th would mark the 20th anniversary of the Volunteer Fire Dept. of the City and that the department had requested the City to proclaim the week of May 24:Ji as Volunteer Firemen's Week and that $200 be appropriated for the Fire Dept. 29.6 too purchase pins for four members completing 20 years of service and to coyer costs of a banquet to be held honoring the volunteer fire department mambe rs. . ) I' , ----.! Motion by Commissioner Anner, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the week of May 24 be proclaimed as Volunteer Firemen's week for the City of West University Place and that an amount not to exceed $200 be appropriated from the general ,fund to purchase 4 pins for the four firemen who have completed 20 years of service and to defray expenses of the banquet for the . occasion$ Voting Aye::Mayor Lee, and Connnissioners Lamnon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglas,s. Voting Noe: None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. "-"G:lI:t==>________________ The City Council met in recessed se,ssipn on Monday May 17, 1948, 1: 30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following, members present: Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Ann.er, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the Cj..ty SecretaIj!'and the City Attorney. Hayor Lee a..-rmounced that a hearing was in order in compliance with Notice having been published in the official newspaper of the City for consideration I,..:" '"",,'1 of amending Zoniilg ())rdinance No. 111 to permit construction of . a home con- taining 1300 Square Feet on N. 40 Ft. of Lot 11, and S 25 Ft. of Lot 10, UJ Block 21, West University Place, First Addition as requested by Mrs. Marie M. Gates and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board on April 29, 1948. Mr. Frank Olmstead, speaking in behalf ot Mrs. Gates, expla:tnedthat the N 40Ft. of Lot 11 was in an area zoned for 12(0) Sq. Ft. single family dwellings of frame or better and the S 25 Ft. of Lot 10 was in an area zoned for 1600 Sq. Ft. single-family dwellings of brick construction. W.lr. C)lmstead stated that the proposed structure would extend only seven feet into the higher restricted area and it was the desire of Mrs. Gates to build a home of asbestos siding, containing 1300 Sq. Ft. Voi~ing approval of the proposed structure were MTs. H. C. Cockburn, 3201 University Blvd., Mr. & Mrs. A. W. McStravick, 6328 Buffalo Speedway, Mrs. Frank Yerkes, 6325 Rutgers; M. L. Heisey, 6350 Rutgers, Mr. Paul O. Bottler, 64014 Westchester, and Mr. B. P. Kerr, Attorney, for the Gates Estate. Mr. Howard POnZer, 6318 Rutgers, and Mr. R. A. Kerr, 6312 Rutgers, voiced disapproval or-the proposed st:ructure of Mrs. Gates, because it was their belief that a building of less than 16001 Sq.. Ft. on the property would decrease the value of their own pro~rty . located directly across the street and that where a lot is subdivided the restriction, covering the larger square foot area should prevail instead of the lesser square foot area o;fl single dwelling . units. ,- ....-,._. ._~ -',--' r - '----- ---.,. --------"~!-m'I'!f""!~~.II!flIm~~~~~..''1TI1:r---- H"~'~- (-, IJ., ~' c; C!:' 'r~ ~..! CC < i-'j! lJ I' I I I' f I \....--J 2'9.1 With no other property owners expressing a desire to be heard, motion was made by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Oommissioner Douglass, that Zoning Ordinance No. III be amended to permit constructi.on of 'a home, containing 1300 Sq. Ft. of asbestos siding or better, in keeping withparagr~ph 3, of Section .30 of Zoning Ordinance No. Ill. . Voting Aye: . Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Dotiglass . Voting Noe: None Mr. R. L. Sveter, 4123 Amherst, advised the Council that the, property owners of the 4100 block of Ari1herst were desirous of having the st~et paved, but there were three owners who could not afford to pay for same at this time. Mr. Sveter asked the Council to approve paving of this block even though there would be three skips because it .was a long block. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, tfiat contract for paving of the 4100 block of Amherst be approved due to the extra lenth of the block. n Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners .Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass Voting Noe: None \ Mr. C ..,{V~ Tamborello, 4230 R,uskin, ag~n appeared before the Oouncil, inquiring about the necessity of a stomsewer at corner of Ruskin arid lilfestpoint. .Mr. Tamborello was advised that the Consulting Engineer Would contact him and give a reporl as to the necessity of a storm sewer at this location. . r Mi~ Edward Kleiwer, Jr., 3832 Marlowe, requefited information as to the status pf a proposed s1tOI'Il!. .sewer to be' laid in the 3800 block of Marlowe. City Sec'retary, Whitt Johnson, adVised that he had consulted with E. E. Townes, Jr.., City Paving Attorney, and ~d bean informed that the city could use funds fro. m the street paving bond funds for the installation of sto.rm sewer leads and appurtenances. . - Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Co~ssioner Hainlett,that plans and specifications be prepared for construction of stom sewer and appurten- ances for the 3800 block of Marlowe and that the City Secretary be instructed to adve,ptise for bids for the construction of the said storm sewer,with bids to be ~ceived Monday, May 31, 1948, a~ 7:30 P. M. Voting Aye: Mavort.ee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Dotiglass . Vo~ing Noe: None _ City Secretary, Whitt' Jolmson, submitted the following reconnnendation to the CounCil, in. response to request made by the Ooca Oola Bottling Comp8I\V on April 12, 1948. T r~_'o:==:--~'~';l=~~_ '-~Il ., ~':-::r:~'L 1...___ - - ---~-~n:1liTTTIl11I:Tnm':m1'1l1i:rn --~---n.u..------- ~c.n",.l(""',N:'i_%H~_-r.'~':'''. - 298 May 17, 1948 Honorable Ralph B.Lee, Mayor & Members of the City Commission Ii 1 I', '.' . , .~ Gentlemen: Tpe Houston Coca~ola Bottling Company, Houston, Texas, has requested utili ty se:rvice for a proposed Coca-Gola bottling plant to be constructed on a 15 Acre tract north of Bissonnet and West of Wakeforest Street outside of the Corporate limits of West University Place. Utilities requested are: 1. Sanitary Sewer connection with the 10" sanitary sewer, located at Bissonnet and Belmont. 2. Water service from the 12" main leading to the Wal{eforest elevated storage water tank, which transverses the 15 Acre tract. In conferences with representatives and engineers of the Houston Coca- eola Bottling Company, I have obtained pertinent infonnation relating to this subject. The Commission has establisr.ed a policy of making a charge to all persons, firms or corporations desiring these services outside the corporate limits. After reviewing the request and certain information I recommend that the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company be permitted to utilize the city's utility facilities, provided the following be accomplished by the applicant: 11.-'-), LJ 1. That cost of all legal and engineering services be borne by the applicant and that a lump sum charge of $5,00.0.00 be made for a connection on the sanitaI7 sewer system and a charge of $50.00 per month be made, the charge to be payable monthly by the CompaJ:W. That all storm water be connected onto the County Storm se'wer on Bissonnet and that no water be permitted to drain from the 15 acres onto Wakeforest Ave. 2. That the City enter into a contract for the furnishing of water provided a rate can be agreed upon,and provided it is detennined that the City wa.ter supply is adequate; however, in event the City fu'1d the Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company is unable to agree on the rate, or if it is determined that the City does not have a safe margin or an adequate water supply that the said Company then make connection with the City of Houston. 3. That contract not exceeding five years be entered into; that the City be furnished with two sets of prints, showing location of all connections. (1 I I ! ~ There are numerous other details which have been considered and should be entered into the contract upon advice and recommendation of the City Attorney. -".._,.,"o:~--,-,-t='"""'-"'.~._' .. _ ~~_.Jl .'''-''.t,,'''r ... Ver:/ truly yours, liVhi.tt Jolmson City Secretary --. ~L LL~ _ _~_~__~nn r~- -,----n-~:1iiT:fJjJTII'TIIII'Tu::i:lllD ~'9~ f'-l LJ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the reconnnendation of Mr. Whitt Jolmson be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Members of the Council discussed various plans for the issu~ce. of season tickets and coupon books for use at the swimming Pool for the 1948 season. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Connnis.sioner Anner, that the City ~ adopt the following schedule. of prices for admission to the ,sw.i.mming pool: o Seasontiakets 'based on $10.00 plus tax for families with one child and c:;:.. $15.00 plus tax for families of two or more children; this to apply to c...i-;} . members of the immediate family; regular prices to be $.21 plus tax for CO children under 15, $.42 plus tax for those 15 or over, in addition to the ~ sale of season tickets and general admission tickets, a coupon book of 20 swims be' sold fo.r the price of 15, based on the regula;r admission plus federal tax. These tickets and coupons for the use of residents of the City of \Vest University Place o~. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Amer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None City Secretaxy,Wbitt Johnson, adrised that Contractor Ylalter M. Rainey was having difficulty in obtaining, Acme Clay tile for construction of the. bathhouSe and asked that brick or different tile be substituted for original masonry material , as set forth in the plans, and specifications. The substi- tution of these materials .would cost the city approximately $1200. Mr. Whitt Johnson was instructed to proceed with specifications, as prepared with the plans rat,her than substitute certain materials, which would increase the cost to the city. 1"fi th no further business to come before the Council at thi'S time, the meeting was recessed. ------------- The City Council met in recessed session on May 20" 1948, aj; ~he City Hall at 7:30 P. M. with the follOwing members present: Mayor Pro~tem Lanmon, presiding, and Commissioners Anner',Douglass' and Hamlett. . 'tJle City Secretary was also present.. Mayor Lee and the City Attorney were absent. The following bidS, received in compliance with Notice to Bidders1f,or the paving of University Blvd., from 'Kirby Drive to Sewanee Street and from lesl~an Street to CommUIl:ity :Q~ve and 3800 block Rice Blvd, and the north 2" of University Boulevard from east line of Lot 5 to west line of Lot 4B, all in Block 44, West University Place Second Addition, were opened and the follOwing resultsanno1.Ulced: , .co'. II :'~~""r :;f' ;':t!::Ji~l!ii' r ~., -- o=,,=,,,,,,,,,=.i,,,,_ '"'1"1 1 r' "~mr:'lTI,ll"llIm"i";i111l1l I;"" ~' 300 Bn:nm & Root, LJOO Calhoun Road, Houston, Tex. - - -(Mesh Reinforcement) $165,357.55 (Bar Reinforc~ment) .159,609.35 Russ Mitchell, 5.304 o. s. T., Houston, ( Mesh Reinforcement) 151,789.75 Tex. , (Bar Reinforcement) 145,466,;73 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass , that the bids received for paving of University Blvd. fmm Kirby Drive t() Sewanee Street andf'rom Weslaian Street to Commnnity Drive' and the 3800 block Rice , Blvd., and the north z of University BlVd., 'from east line of Lot 5 to west line of Lot 48, all in Block Wl., Second Addition, be referred to Consulting Engineer, H. J- Johnson, for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, anq. Commissioners Anner, Douglass, and Hamlett' Voting No~: None Mr. Walter M. Rainey of Walter M. Rainey Construction Compa.rv, contractor for construction of a bath house and pumphouse to be used in conjnnction with the svr.i.rrUlJing pool now 1l..T},der construction, advised the Ca.nncil that Acme Clay Tile, size 5" X 8" X 11 5/8"" as set forth in the specifications, could not be obtained under 90 days, but that an Elgin Butler tile, size 3 5/8" X 41t X 11 5/8", could be obtained immediately and that substitution of the Elgin Butler tile instead of Acme Clay tile would increase the cost of masonry work by an additional $100'0 and that if the Oouncil accepted the Elgin Butler tile as a substitute, he 'WOuld pay $250 of the additional costs provided the city would bear the remaining $750 cost. Mr. E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect on the bathhouse, pumphouse project, upon question by the Council, stated that from a construction standpoint,the Elgin But,ler tile would be far better and recommended its use. JJ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that a change order be authorized to permit use of Elgin Butler tile, size 3 5/8" x4" X 11 5/81t, instead of Acme clay tile, size 51t X 8n XII 5/8" ,as set.forth in the specifications and that some other aJ. ternate be omitted in the construction of the bathhouse to keep the costs of construction within the contract price. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-tem Lanmon, Commissioner Armer and Hamlett Voting Noe: None (Commissioner Douglass had stepped outside the room at the time of tins motion and vote.) With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjou!'!1ea, '-} ;lJ ATTEST: /Q d;r'" .,~/. ~ SECRET ~f ,-------------- --- --'~.!'lll'f"F'!I!'!1'!'le~-IIIII'!l~I'~~Ym - --,- I~Ol~r .0......""0....... . .' 00 ...-. ~... -'" -- t;: ..:::t. 0" It". o d_'''''''''''''''''''''''"",",' 1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING May 2'4,'1948 The. regular meeting of the City Couticil of the City of West U:pi:versity Place,_ scheduled for Monday, May 24, 1948, was not held for reason that a quorum was not present. N.ayor Protem C. P. Lanmon and City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, were. the only ones present. Mayor Lee, Oommissioners . Armer and Hamlett were, out or the City and Commissioner Douglass was ill. The City Council convened on Friday, May 28, 1948, at 7:30 P. M., at the City Hall, for a Public Hearing on Paving benefits in accordance with previously published official Notice~ Officia1.s present were Mayor Lee, presiding, and Commissioners Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass. Also present were the City Secreta:ry,City Attorney, City Paving Attorney, E. Ee Townes, Jr., Mr. H. J. Jolmson, Consulting Engineer for the City, and Mr. James H. Cain, Real Estate Salesman. Commissioner Armer was absent. Mayor Lee explained to the group present that the Hearing had been called to discuss benefits to be derived from the paving of Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and Wakeforest Street from the north line of Rice Boulevard to the north line of Plumb street. Mayor Lee then requested Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, to present and examine witnesses with reference to the contracted improve- ments and the benefits to properties and the owners thereof by reason of said improvements. Mr. H.J. Johnson" Consulting Engineer, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee, testified, in answer to questions by Mr. Townes" that he was an Engineer and pursuant to request of the Council, had prepared plans and specifications for the paving of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street; that he was familiar with the pavement to be constructed, and gave a general. explanation and statement of the type and nature of the work' to be done. Mr. E. E. Townes asked if any property owner or axv one present would like to question Mr. Jolmson. No further questioning was desired. , Mr. James H. Cain, 1416 Cleburne St., having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee., testified, in answer to questions by Mr. Towne-s, that he was a real. estate salesman with Hodell & Co. and testified concerning his real estate experience and his familiarity with West University Place properties; the .present condi- tion of the streets to be :iJnproved, and gave his opinion as to the enhanc:ement in value to the properties abutting upon the respective streets which would result from the proposed improvenents, as outlined by Mr. He J. Jolmson, and with which he had familiarized h:iJnself. Mr e Gain stated that, in his opinion, each property on each of the streets would be enhanced in value considerably in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments, as reflected upon the engineers t estimates. r- -~-- ":---:-!=-.o=-"-:':-.. __ ..Ii - --'-',,-~-mrT1!1~TI~:ll!rn ::n~nrlITl W'i:----------- "'-'-'--"-l ".;._1 ,=-:1___ 2 Upon invitation to address questions. relating to enhancement in value, Mr. Milton Grego:ry, 5925 Wakeforest, aJ.'ld lii-r" W. J. Beaudoin, 2802 Lafayette stated that they felt they represented all property owners on Wakeforest street and that they were willing to pay their part of the assessment in order to get the street paved and that the City could be assured of their cooperation.. 0'............... ~ 4~ All citizem present having beeJ1 given full opportunity to question the witnesses and to make statements, the Hearing was declared elosed and the following captioned Ordinanace was presented by Mr. Townes and :read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 181 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY .ABUTTING ON: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE 'WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET J AND WAKEFGREST STREET. FROM THE NORTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF PLUMB ST; AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES,. AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO AOCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUEOF' THE IMPROVE- MENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOOED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE . ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY" REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, ANJI) U.l ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING .THE ASSESSMENT .LIJ.iiNS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS ANJI) OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPr AS TO PARTICULAR OASES l~NTIONED; FINDING AOO DETER- MINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND -THE OJ!iNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS, -FllING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE .RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BEIMPIDVEn AND AGAINST THE TRUE rnn1E$ THEREOF Foo THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST CF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN ~ THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE. ISSUANCE. OF ASSESS- MENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLEOTION; AND DECLARING AN E11ERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon" seconded by Cormnissioner Hamlett, that Ordi- nance No. 381, closing the Hearing given to the real an!i true O'Wllers of property abutting on Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and Wakeforest Street from the north line of Rice Boulevard to the north line of Plumb Streetrj fixing and levying assess- ments, finding and detennining benefits and providing for the issuance of assessment certificates and manner of assessment be approved. Voting Aye:. Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Hamlett, Lanmon, and Douglass. ~' o Voting Noe: None There being no further business to come before t Hearing was closed. Clll'Y:SECR r-~'.- ... --.- !.~_r._=~="" -~1I "-'-""rr I 11 - --- '~ml" ;":II'llim'Hnm~ ",'- n. '..l.'.. U. " ,. 00 ..-: -~ < .. -', t. ; -~. <t o G ---'-'ITt~.~p"".,+"" ~ REGULA.R MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAY 31" 1948 The City Council met in regular session on May 31, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lee" presiding; and Commissioners Lanmon" Armer, Hamlett and,the City Secretary. Absent were the City Attorney, J. D. Kelley, and Commissioner Douglass. In compliance with Notice to Bidde:rs having been duly published in the official newspaper of the City for the operation of the concessions for the 1948 Season at the Swimming Pool, located at Colonial Park, in the City of West University Place, the only bid received was opened and , announced as'follows: Bid of Wm. Buschardt, Jr., 4144 Ruskin -- $75.00 per month for period of time Sydmming pool is open and payment of 10% of gross receipts to the,Oit;y. Motion by Conunissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the bid of Mr. Wm. Buschardt be referTed to the City Secretary for ,considera- tion and recommendation. Voting kye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Anner. None Commissioner Douglass arrived at this t,ime. In compliance with Notice to Bidders for installation of Storm Sewer and appurtenances in the 3800 Block of Marlowe Street, the following bids were op~ne d and results announced: Mischer-Harris, 5141 Leeland, Houston, Texas ---------$3,131.60 Texala Construct}.on Co., 2327~ McCarty, Houston, Tex. 4,544.00 W. A. McClendon, 4617 Walker, Houston, Texas ---------- 3,697.60 G~orge Construction Co., 11000 Marl:cet St.,Houston, Tex.,-- 3,553.40 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Connnissione.r Douglass, that bids for the installation of stonn sewer and appurtenances for the 3800 Block of Marlowe Street be referred' to the Consulting Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noel None Mr. Ted Riggs, 3819 Arnold St., submitted a recommendation from property owners on the 3800 & 3900 block~ of Al'IlOld St., in response to request made by the Council on May 3, 1948, recommending that the low bid of Brogan & Williams in the amount of $8,283.82 for 51t residential type reinforced concrete be accepted by the City. Mr. Riggs was assured by the Council. that action on accepting this bid would be taken and in the meantime the property owners could proceed with the signing of the contracts with Brogan i, y/ r"".~ ~r- 'Tf1-"W~'\:?~!ir:===~FI'l "1Ii1T1i1111'Jmrr~mi"11'ffi1 . rr":~ 4 Mr. W. B. Bartlett, 4020 Marlowe, reconnnended to the Council, that assess- ment proceedings be started for the skip on Acadenw Street. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City Paving Attorney be instructed to prepare Notice of Intention to pave the skip on Acad~ .Street. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Anner and Douglass. o & Williams since the City would participate. by paving the intersection only;. , Voting Noe: None Mr. J. D. Ehman, 3725 Robinhood, appeared before the Council,bnnging' their attention to the fact that the intersection on corner of Auden & Richmond Road needed investigation, to determine steps that m~ be taken to prevent traffic accidents. The matter was referred to Chief of Police ,H. E. Shipp for survey and recommendation. Mr. W. R. Starke, 4023 TeIlI\Vson, again appeared before the Council, re- questing that action be taken toward the paving.of intersection at TeIlI\Vson and Weslayan. Motion by Cormnissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that funds be set aside for the paving of all intersections on Weslayan where abutting streets have been paved. f1 U During discussion of this motion, Commissioner Douglass suggested that the people would benefit f;rom the ,lower grade of paved intersections by decreas- ing the speed of traffic and also a better drainage would be provided. Mayor Lee recommended that the Council give 30 days to determine whether or not. the. County would participate in the paving of Weslayan Street and. if they did not,then he would be in favor of the motion. Commissioner Douglass agreed to. withhold his motion until next meeting. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lamon, that action on the previous motion by Commissioner Douglass be postponed until next meeting. Voting Aye 1, Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. I Voting Noe: None A petition was submitted to the Council protesting noise' emanating from the Community Building each\Monday night,l;J.urlng activities of a square dance group. City Secretary, W. JQhnson, was instructed to discuss the matter with the president of the club~.and request that some arrangement be made whereby less noise -would be created. (l U "'"!I!'I"! '~~TI"nm! '!! E~!" 'I !11~1 W'~'~ 5 n.......'. . ." t U Mr. C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer and Tax Collector, requested advice and authority to make certain extenaions .for the 1948 tax records .for the City. The Council authom.zedTax Collector C. E. Gammill to proceed w:i.:th exten- sions. City Secretary, Whitt Jolmson, presented the .following Resolution which was read in full: RESOLUTION cc ..-J, "=!" < '-, -< A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SAlE OF UNITED STATES TREASURY 7/8% CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SERIES E 1948, DATED JUNE 1ST, 1947, DUE JUNE 1ST, 1948, NillmERS 2631 - 263.5 INCLUSIVE, FOR $10,000.00 EACH - TOTAL $.50,000.00; AND FURTHER AUTHOR- IZING THAT THE FUNI:6 BE REINVESTED ,IN UNITED STATES TREASURY CERTIFICATES OJF INDEBTEDNESS 1-1/8%, AND HELD IN ESCROW AGREEMENT BY THE NATIONAL BANK OF C011MERCE OF HOJUSTON, TEXAS, AS A PART OF THE ASSETS. OF THE STREET PAVING-BRIDGE BOND FUND OF THE CITY OF '\l1JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, United States Treasury 7/8% Certificates of Indebtedness, Series E1948, Numbers 2631-263.5 inclusive, for $10,000.00 each, total $.50,000 .00; mature June 1st, 1948, and ("'1) Ll1. 1...'.1 . Ii :j WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of West University Place, Texas, to sell said Certificates and reinvest the funds in United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 1-1/8% to be held in escrow agreement by the National Bank of Commerce of Houston, ,Texas, as a part of the assets of the Street Paving-Bridge Bond Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas NOV{, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:MMISSIOlN OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer be and hereby is authorized and directed to sell United States Treasury 7/8% Certificates of Indebtedness, series E 1948, numbers 2631-2635 inclusive, dated June 1st, 1947, in the amount of $10,000.00 each - - total $.5q,OOO.OO - - which mature on June 1st, 1948 j and to reinvest the funds therefrom in United States Treasury 1-1/8% Certificates of Indebtedness to be held in escro'w' agreement by the National Bank of Connnerce of Hous.ton, Texas, as a part of the assets of the streetPaving-Brigge Bond FlU1d of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPRCmED this the 31st day of May, A.D. 1948. ill I ii LlJ ATm~ ~ .e~~ ~~ r-"-n='"-==<"l="'=;;=-:"-- n ,-,\i\l):.c:,"r-r ,-. '---....,' ",', r "---"T-~-- n' ""mrnnl t"IIITIr'Ir:I'''lmr' li=~"' 6 Motion by Commissioner Anner, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, ,that, the Resolution be passed and approved as read. ;.n. I.' . i U Voting Aye: ,Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett am Douglass. Voting Noe: None Invoices Nos. 322 and 323 in the amount of $1,250.64 from Mr. H. J. ,Johnson, Consulting EIloaineer, were presented for approval. The Council authorized payment of these invoices in the amount of $1,250.64 to Mr. H. J. Jolmson. City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, advised the Council that a new water well was needed at the disposal plant. The Council authorized Mr. Jolmson to proceed 'With work necessary for installation of a new water well at the disposal plant at a cost of approximately $500.00. The following letter from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp )vas presented for the Council's consideration: May 24, 1948 Honorable .Mayor and City Commission West University Place, Texas Gentlemen.l II I ,. . I LJ The annual conference of the Texas Police Association is being held in .Amarillo, Texas, on June 14, 15, 16. . Marw subjects will be discussed to aid all. law enforcement officers, and law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Texas. I would like to represent this city at the conference, if it is agreeable with all members of this council. The expenses of this trip should not exceed fifty dollars. I shall appreciate any consideration given this request. Yours truly, (Signed) HAROJJ) E. SHIPP Chief of Police cc: Whitt Jolmson City Secretary Motion by Cormnissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the request of Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp to attend the annual conference of the Texas Police Association in Amarillo, Texas, on June 14, 15,16, be granted vd.th expenses of $50.00 paid. n, Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Corrnn1ssioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and L~ Douglass Voting Noe: None t-'-;2?:,,,,~!~~Y>;' f""fl=:o:.---'-'''''''''=l=,-=,,==,:'-'~'-'~='nll ' "c'r~. ',-':Y';m.'d1~~f -. -. -"-='==~'''-~=:~''''''''''T'''T''l rr.'--- .. "]linllilr:llilli,TimInIJ I:'" o OCJ ...-; ~ <.~ ..... -..., '-" <t o fl L 7 The follolirlng captioned Ordinance, amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111, "vas presented to "the Councd.l in compliance vv:i.:t.h Council action on May 17 ~ 1948. ORDINANCE NQ. 382 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING QRDINANCE NO>. 111 BY AMENDING SECTION 6 OF SAID ORDINANCE TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RESI- DENCE OJN THE NORTH FORTY FEET OF LOT ELEVEN AND TlIB SOUTH TWENTY -FIVE FEET OF LOT TEN, BrocK TVVENTY - ONE,'VYEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE, FIRST ADDITION, TO CONTAIN A MINnruM OF THIRl'EEN HUNDRED SQUARE FEET; ANiD REPEALING ALL OlRDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CUNFLICT HEREYITTH: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 01F WEST IDHVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 382, amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Anner and Douglass. Voting Noe: None The following release on Lot 9, Block 4, Virginia Court Addition, was read to the C.ouncil: STATE OF TEXAS ~ ~ CO:UNTYOF HARRIS ~ " WHEREAS, on the 1st of May, 1940, the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS, by Ordinance duly passed, determined the neoessity for and ordered the improvement of FORDHAM STREET, and 'VVHEREAS, on the ,1st day of July, 194c>>, the said City did cause a legal notice thereof to be filed in the records of the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas, the SC4lle being duly recorded in Volume 887, Page 368, of the Mortgage Records of said .County; and WHEREAS, EDNA L. HARTLEY is the owner of that certain lot or parcel of land described as follows: . Lot 9, Block 4, of Virginia Court Addition to the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, and WHEREAS, the improvements provided by said Ordinance have been completed and all liens and encumbrances against said improvements hc...nve been discharged in full.; NCYN' THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, has this da;y, and by these presents, does release, discharge, and quitclaim unto the said EDNA L. HARTLEY, her heirs and assigns, any liens created by the above-described Ordinance and declares such liens to be of no further force and effect. I;"'" t ~ '<"fo!'.!';""'">~',o,;:':C;~:< r-' . ~=-=-I1"::f;<';;'~<Ff'r;'i\'b.\'mF(-."''''-~''''''''''-'-"''==I-'---':' rll r~-- "~lIir11ITII'IT nln ni:nnn 8 WITNESS ITS HAND this 31st day of May, A. D. 1948. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE (Signed(RALPH B. LEE MAYOJR ATTEST: City Secretar.v STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRISD BEFORE ME, the ,undersigned' authority, a Notary PuQlic in and for Harris Oounty, Texas, on this the . day of May, 1948, peI:Sonal1y appeared RALPH B. LEE, Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, knO'Wl'l to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, and as Mayor thereof, thereunto duly authorized, and for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Notary Public in and for Harris County, Texas Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the release on Lot 9, Block 4, Virginia Court Addition, be approved. Voting Aye: . Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None The following letter from City Attomey, J. D. Kel1W, was read to the Council: May 21, 1948 Hono rable Mayo I' and City Commission City of West University Place Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: The matter has been referred to me regarding the const1Uction of sidewalk on Lot 1 and North half of Lot 2, Block 1, Pres-ton Place. A residence has recently been completed on this property, which fronts on Charlotte Street and backs up to Wakeforest Street. Our Ordinance No. 313, concerning the construction of sidewalks, provides, in part, as follows:. r=:'T_."","_"",=-=c,_,rOF"''',.==-->=:'o-_-C''""_..:.!1. _N-C - C"_-'.'=:-CC=1=o::'=-:-,.,r-::~~....,~~:~::'1. _._______._~_._ , -r- ~ -~'''lI!l''':~-~.Ir'II:IH ~l:Tl!]1 '1\ .; I 'I ; i-.-J r -1 IJ -I I ' i I : I LJ 1:"::' 9 D "That all persons, firms or corporations, contractors or otherwise are hereafter required, upon. the con- struction of any house or dwelling to also construct sidewalks the distance of all footage on any street or streets to which the properly abuts.'! C() Under a strict interpretation of this ordinance, the owner of the properly would be required to put a sidewalk both in front of his properly and at the rear. I tbi:nk the Conncll should take into consideration the fact that there are no sidewalks in that block on Wakeforest and the fact that the properly would be disfigured by placing a sidewalk in the rear of the residence. --: JDK: R Yours very truly" (Si~n~d) .John D. KAllp.y John D. Kelley ........ "'~t . ..:..~ ..... U <t The Conncil agreed to discuss the letter when J. D. Kelley, City Attorney, was present for the discussion. The following letter to Mr. Hammill,of the City National Bank,was presented to the Council for approval: [1 May 21, 1948 City National Bank 921 Main Street Houston 2, Texas Attention Mr. Fred P. Hamill Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your letter of April 28 regarding your appointment as trustee Under trust instrument securing forty thousand dollars, City of West University Place Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds issued March 1, 1948. You have asked several questions regarding the requirements as set forth in the trust instrument, and we will endeavor to answer them in the order in which they appear in your letter: 1. In connection 'With Arlicle' 2" Section 5, we wish to advise that the indenture has been properly recorded at the office of the County Clerk. n~ LI 2. The City' will furnish the trustee '1tnth semi-annual state- ments as of, Ju.'1e 30 and December 31, showing the earnings and expendi- tures of the Swimming Pool.. With regard to audits covering operations of the Svd.mming Pool, these audits will be furnished you as soon as possible after the close of ,the claendar year. 3. Since the Swimming Pool is not as yet complete" it is not fully covered by insurance. As soon as the pool is completed" you will be . furnished with a complete statement giving full details as to insurance, I' .~.".:.-- 1'~~'~~"~~T~'~~1I . ."'- ':~r "'T'~:,Tl -I' ";l!ir'lnll'llilll'~lli"lI1m r'~ IV and we assure you that all policies will contain the customary mortgage or trustee's clause. o 4. We wish to advise that your bank has been selected as the depositary for the rey~nue fund. 5. Payments as provided under Article 5, Section 4, will start on August 1, 1948, rather than June 20, 1948. 6. Since the City has purehased the bonds itself, there will be no accrued interest, to the date of sale. . 7. Reports under Article 5, Section 5, 'will cowroence on August 1, 1948. 8. The fees as set out in this paragraph are acceptable to the City" and a check for one hundred dollars will be sent to you in the next few days. 9. It is our understanding that you have already authenticated the bonds ~d deliv?re9-them to Mr. Johnson and we hereby ratify your action in doing so. We have tried to cover all of the matt-ere included in your letter, but if there is any further infonnation you desire, please call onus. Yours very truly, o CITYOlF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE (Signed) RALPH B. LEE ~YOR ATTEST: City Secretary JDK/OB Motion by Oommissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the Mayor be authorized to sign and transmit said letter to the City National Bank. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Anner, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, Seconded by Commissioner H&"1llett, that the Council authorize action necessary-to proce~d with work to be done on the 2800 & 2900 blocks of Cason Street and '3000 and 3100 blocks of ~npy st. II as originally set up in t.he 1947-48 p31dget. U .~; ;-!1i;j::;::W!:,~ri:-'IIl;\;t f'-'j--- -,._, ,-.--.. "-~___r" "';1"", " ; '!' ! !i r ""]'1 nmnrnnrnml ~:". 11' o A!:t,er discussion of this motion, Commissioner Douglass agreed to withhold his motion until the next meeting of theCouncll. Minutes of the meetings of May 10, 17, 20 8lld 28, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was re~essed. C/) ~ .~ f~ <t The City Council met in re<eessed session on June 7, 1948" at 7:30 P. M. at the Oity Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Connnissioners Anner, Larnnon, Hamlett and Douglass. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. ,/ o Mayor Lee announced that" the first order of business would be the matter of two motions made by Commissioner Douglass at the previous meeting and action withheld until this meeting~ The first motion made by Conunissioner Douglass pertained to the appropriation of funds for the paving of all intersections on Weslayan, where abutting streets have been paved. Members of the Council were advised that there was still an engineering problem, regarding proper drainage of streets, if intersections on Weslayan were paved. Also the matter of Bond Fund Finances should be further con- sidered. Conunissioner Douglass agreed to wi tbhold his motion until next Monday Night, June 14, 1948. The second motion made by Commissioner Douglass on May 31, and action withhel.<i until this date was one pertaining to work necessary on the 2800 & 2900 blocks of Cason St. and 3000 & 3100 blocks' of Quenby St. Action was again withheld, pending further consideration on the matter of finances. Mr. \V'. E. Adams, 3124 Amherst, President of West University Place Civic \ Club, appea:redbefore the Council 8lld recommended that necessary action be taken to spray, the Poor Fann IDitch which transverses the City -with an approved weed killer as a means of Polio Prevention. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett" seconded by Connnissioner Douglass, that the City purchase sufficient amount of Atlacide Weed Killer, out of the Health Fund, to spray the Poor Farm Ditch and also the ditch on Richmond Road within the city limits of \'Test University, provided approval. was obtained from the Health B0'a~d. o Voting Aye: Mayor Lee" and Conunissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None Mr. Adams also requested the Oouncil to designate the week beginning June lOth as Polio Prevention Week .of West Universit:r Place.. "":!lP--' ;~lI'rl!'I~]~!IlI"!~'!'lrnl : r:"~~--'- l~ Motion by Con:nnission~r Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the week beginning June 10th, and ending June 11, be designated 'as Polio prevention Week of West Upive:r:sity in cooperation vr.i.th the Civic. Club. o Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Con:nnissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. Voting Noe: None Mr. Russell RohJ;l, 4000 Arnold Street, requested the Council to approve the signing of pavi/lg contracts by property owners on the west one-half of this block, since there were property owners on the east one-half of the block , whp did not desire to sign paving contracts. Motion by J ConnnissioI\er Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass., that the request for paving of the west oI\e-ha1f of the 4000 ,block of Arnold Street · be granted upon recommendation of Consulting Engineer H. J.' Jolmson, who advised that a drainage problem did not exist.' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee" and S:;ommissioners Lanmon" Hamlett" Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None An Ordinance, appropriating $2,,261.08 out of the Stonn Sewer BpndFund of II',!.J" 1946, $450 out of the Street paving & Bridge Bond Fund of 1946~ and $420.52 out of the General Fnnd,in the Cit.y Treasury to pay the costpf construc- . tion of Storm Sewers and appurtenances in ;the 3800 block pf M.arlowe Street, 'VIas presented to the Council. by' the. City Attorney and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oomm.;ssioner Anner, tl:1at an Orpinance app;ropriating $3,131.60 to pay t~e Qost of epnstructionof s:tQrm sewers and appurtenances in the 3800 block of Ma;u1.owe Street:, and captioned as follows, be passed and approve <:i- . ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN OIIDINA.1IJCE APPRoPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,261.08 OUT EllF THESIDQJIM SEWER BOND. FUNill OF 1946, $450.00 OUT OF THE ST:REET PAVING AND' BRIDGE BOND FUND OF 1946, and $420.52 OUT OF THE GENERAL FuND, IN THE CITY TREASURY TO. PA!' THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION'OF STQRM SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES. IN THE 3800 BIDJK OF MARLOWE STREET, IN THE CI:ry OF WEST. uNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, Am DECLARING, AN EMERGENCY, , \ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Compti.ssioners Lamon, Hamlet..t, Armer and Lee Voting Noet None An~~~ czlft SI!Clm -~- . OO~ .oorore t~ z:;r ;Be, the meeting ~. u With no further business to was adjourned. ~~~_!~.. ~='--"-""="'=~=""""k~,:,\ ""~":.d,!".,,,-:,,"',,~.;;.',,..,~r'-' - -' ." '.', 1"],"::1.__:":_ - ...,~Il" I 'IlfT1:IThm"I" :11[1 Ii!'::" o 00 --' ~ <.~ U <:::C D o 16 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 1948. the City Council met in regular session at tpe Oity Hall on June 14, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners fiam;Lett, Armer, Lanmon, and Douglass. Also present were the Oity Secretary, City Attorney, and City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. Pursuant to instructions of the Council, Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, presented an addenda and amendment to the contract form of Russ Mitchell for the paving of University Blvd. Mr. Townes advisep. that the form was drawn in line with conference between he; and Mr. Tom Powell of Russ Mitchell, Inc., but it had not been approved by Mr. John Bishop of the same company., The addepdlJ!ll apd amendment provided for the paving of University Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Sswanee 'St. and the..three skips: in the 3600 Block of University Boulevard immedia,telJr and the section of University Blvd. betweeIl Community Drive and Weslayan St. would be delayed until after October l.5, 1948. Mr. Powell advised that he preferred a conference with Mr. Bishop, Mr. Townes and members of the Counci~, befo;l:"e any action was taken on the addendum and amendment to the contract for the paving of University Boulevard. Mayor Lee asked for a report from Mr. H. J. Johnson, Oonsu,ltipgE;ngineer an,d Commissioner Hamlett on survey requested in connection with the motion made by Commissioner Douglass on May 31, and withheld pending a recommendation from ~gineers as.to effect on traffic transgressing Weslayan Street. Commissioner Hamlett reported that the paving of these intersections on Weslayan, Street would definitely create a traffic hazard. Commissioner Douglass withdrew his motion in view of this r eport submitted .by __ Consulting Eng. H. J. Johnson and Commi~sioner Hamlett. Commissioner Douglass had also agreed to withhold a motion made on May,3l~ tq.at the Oouncil authorize action necess,ary to proceed with work to be done on the 2800 & 2900 blocks of Cason Street and the 3000 & 3100 blocks of Quenby Street as originally set up in the l.947 - 48 budget. Consulting Engineer H.J. Johnson, reported that the cost for resurfacing of Ca.son & Quenby should be $3,820.94, based on estimates he had obtained. MayoF Lee stated that in his opinion that the Council. had committed themselves to also appropriate funds to assist in the improving of Sunset Blvd. in the 3000 &: 3100 Blocks. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that $2,000 be appropriated from the general fund to apply on the improvement of 3000 & 3100 blocks of Sunset and also $1,820.94 necessary for the resurfacing of. 3000 &3100 blocks of Quenby and the 2800& 2900 blocks on Cason. Voting Aye: Mayor. Lee, and Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass. Voting Noet None. Mr. Wynn, 4039 Case Street, advised the Council that property owners on Academy St. were desireus.pof paV,ing Academy from University to Bel1aire Blvd. and requested the Council to take~ne~ess~y steps to participate 'in this program. Mayor Lee advised Mr. Wynn that the Council was discussing the advisability of presenting a bond issue to the Citizens in July for participation in the paving of intersections and for ". r~--"~=c'---'~"~~~c'~""1 m, "";II'!'\lITlim:m':r"":lrn1 .l~'" il I' I " ""'ie,{'", . .' " I" n ',I" .:.T 14. Mr. J. D. Allstott" 4125 Ma;rqu.ette St., requested the Couneil to also make a committment and provide funds for paving of intersections of Marquette and Fair- haven .. and Marquette and Academy -where the property owners pave two adjoining. blocks. The Council assured Mr. Allstott that they would make a bona fide commi ttment to the property owners on .Marquette St., provided the paving bond issue is voted. Mr. Howard Kiatta, 3025 Sunset Blvd., asked for more information on the motion made for appropriation of the $2,000 on improvements of the 3000 & 3100 Block of Sunset Blvd. H. J. Johnson~ Comsulting Jijgineer for the City was asked by Mayor Lee to explain what res ul ts would be obtained if the City spent only $2,000 on this street. M:r-. Johnson explained that it would not be worth while to spend only $a,OOO and in order to put the street back in shape it would take at least twice. this amount. The COuneil advised Mr. Kiatta to make a survey to I,:,.U..",--. determine whether or not the property owners would be willing to participate in the cost of improvements to these blocks and instructed Consulting Engineer H.J. Johnson to make a report on improvements to the 3000 & 3100 BlockS of Sunset on basis of $3.00 ,per front foot. Mr. W. B. Bartlett, 4020 Marlowe, appeared before the Couneil inquiring as to the progress made on preparation of the Notice of Intention to pave as instructed by the Council, on May 31, 1948. Mr. Bartlett was, assured that the Notice would be prepared and filed and he would be notified at that time. City Secretary Whitt Johnson, submitted Estimate No.5, from Paddock Engineering Oompany 0f Texas, for themanth of May, 1948, in the amount of $2,799.03, in connection with the construction of the municipal swimming poal, for approval. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Estimate No. S, from Paddock Engineering Co. for the month of May, 1948, in the amount of $2,799.03 be approved for payment. u ':':>~"j~~J5'f<!'Y:~;~ ---r' '-':n;i~lIriilT);'Ii1T-"iml I:~=~~C'~","_"O~~_~~' ~-'f-'-j!"-C-F1"-n";R";_r-c-- .~,_. -, . - """:1";'1 '~-1 ~ 00 ~ -: ~ ..,...... ....~ u is RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF UNITED STATES 7/8% CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS SERIES E, 1947, NUMBER 994, DATED JUNE 1ST, 1947, IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE THOUSAND (5,000.00) DOLLARS,MATURINGJfJNE 1ST, 1948; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THAT THE FUNDS BE REINVESTED IN CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SWIMMING POOL FIRST MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, AND HELD IN ESCROW AGREEMENT BY THE OITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, AS A. PART OF THE ASSETS OF THE SEWER SINKING FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. . . WHEREAS. United States Trea.sm.'Y 8/8% Certificate of Indebtedness, Sertes E, 1947, number 994, dated June 1st, 1947, in the amount of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, matured June 1st, 1948, and <:! WHEREAS, it -is the desire of the City of West University Place Texas, to sell said certificate and reinvest the funds in City of West University Place, Texas, Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds to be held in escrow agreement by the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, as a , part of the assets of the . Sewer Sinking Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, , r '..) .~ f' p- I I '-- NOW- THEREFORE, Be It Resolved By the City Commission of the Oi ty of West University Place, Texas: That the City Treasurer be and hereby is authorized and directed to sell United States Treasury fJ/8% Certificate of Indebtedness, Series E, 1947, number 994, dated June 1st, 1948, which matured June 1st, 1948;. and to reinvest the funds therefrom in the City of West University Place, Texas, Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds to be held in escrow agreement by the City National Bank, of Houston, Texas, as a part of the assets of the Sewer 'Sinking Fund of the Oi ty of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 14th day of June A. D. 1948. (s) RalphB. Lee MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. . ATTEST: (5) Whitt Johnson . CITY SECRETARY 16 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Oommissioner Lanmon, that the resolu- tion authorizing the sale of U. S. 7/8% Certificate of Indebtedness Ser,ies E, n 1947, in the amount of $5,00q.OO and authorizing that the funds be reinvested in I,.....J. the City of West University Place Swimming Pool First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, ald held in escrow agreement by the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, as a part of the assets of the Sewer Sinking Fund of the City of West Uni versi ty Place be ~ad.enretndae.}h#lvevto. May~~~1;t..1948, and be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer & :pouglass. None Voting Noe: Ordinance No. 384-P amending Ordinance No. 357, providing for the appropriation of a total of $7,246.81 of surplus funds from the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947, and captioned, as follows, was submitted for approval: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 357 PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF A TOTAL OF $7 , 2~1 of SURPLUS FUNDS FROM THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUS{1ST 31, 1947. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEllS: Motion by Oommissioner Armer, seconded by Oommissioner Lanmon, that Ordinance No. 384Aamending Ordinance No. 357, providing for, the appropriation of a total of $7,246.81 of surplus funds from the fiscal year ending August 31, 1948, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: M~or Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. None !j Voting Noe: / Commissioner Douglass stated he would like to go on record, stating that he had been a resident of the City of West University Place for 6 years and there had never been found any evidence that any Mayor had served the City any better than Mayor Lee and if there was any way possible he would like for him to be a candidate for re-election. Mayor Lee stated that there was nothing any one could do to get him to run ~Dr re-election. Mr. J. L. Williams, of Brogan & Williams, Contractors, advised that property owners had signed contracts for the paving of 4000 Block of Arnold St. and requested authorization to proceed with the paving of this block. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Contractor Brogan & Williams be authorized to commence paving work on the 4000 block of Arnold Street in accordance with 5~ residential concrete specifications heretofore approved by the Council. Voting Aye:. Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett & Douglass. Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee advised the Oouncil that his attention had been called to the fact 1'-1' that Kelly & Kelly, Builders, 5408 Kirby Drive were erecting a temporary l building in violation o16Ci ty Zoning Ordinance No. Ill. The Council instructed .~. City Attorney J. D. Kelley to take whatever action was necessary in order to stop the violation. r~-:,:"","-'---:"'''-~''CT~'''<l''::.o,,-,~: ~~~Il . ,"'i" I ~'-'""~_,=T7-:r'=_""_-""'-"-'-":'~~L-.l.___ r ~- '~:m'l': 'T!l~~'l !:1mn ::! r::~~~mlll-- I:"':: o ~ ~ -.- ......... .:::0 <t o o 17 The Oouncil was al~o advised of a violation at W~keforest & Charlotte Streets, and at University.& Academy. Minutes of the meeting of May 31, and June 7, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Oouncil at t1,is time,. the meeting was recessed. The City Council met in recessed session June 21, 1948, at 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding: Oommissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Dbuglass. Also present were the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, and the City Attorney, J. D. Kelley. Mr. H. F. McDonald, 4021 Browning, and Mr. P. H. Tidwell, 4033 Browning, requested _ the Council to participate in paving of side lot property and one-hal f of int.ersec- tion and construction of a drainage inlet on the 4100 block of Browning, Mayor Lee " advised that the City had depleted its Bond Furid,.s, whichhaq been used for ,this purpos.e and that the Council was conSidering <theadvi~ability <:,Rf subm,itting a Bond Issue to the citizens, and if same was voted, funds Jor City participation in the paving of intersection and side'lot property would be available, and that the City would pay the cost of paving the side :of Lot Nn. 9 in Block 1, Bissonnet Place, being the northwest corner of the intersection of Weslayan and Browning, to the extent of 25% in keeping with past policy. The following letter from the Health Board recommended that the salar$of Cit,r Sani tariari, Parker DavidSon, be increased from $.250. ,to $275.. per month.. Mr. Davidson has served his probationary period and increase has be.~n.p~ovided for by the Health Budget. .Jl,ll1e 14, 1948. "City Council Ci ty of' Wes t Uni versi ty Place 3800 'University Blvd. Houston, Texas Attention: Mr. Vfuitt Johnson, Secretary Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Board of Health, held at the City Hall, June 8, this bo~rd voted to increase Mr. Parker Davidson's salary as Sa~itarianfrom $250.00 to $275.00 per month, ~ffective as of June 1, 1948. This ,increase brings the Sanitarian's ,~alary to that set up in the . budget and was the'Qasis,upon wh;ic1) Mr. Davidson was hired. His forme'!C_.g~lary:< of $250.00 was agreeQ; upon ~sprobat:l,.on<!-ry csalaI.'Y' to qe raised at a later date t(), the "budget set up allowance~ We feel that Mr.. Davidson has ciemonstrated his ability ancl. is entitled to the full budget salary. VerY.t.rl).ly.yours, AFB/rs cc: Mr. C. P. Lanmon (s) _ A. F. Barnes,: Chairman Board of Health . 1"="'-. ~- '-T -. ~-'--'1 ."'=-~lll .-.-, ....."'-'''"&i1 -1~ ":WI'l]'ilI'lfllll"-r"1I1111 r.... Lr -- 1.8 Motion by CommiSsioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner;:.Armeri,. tha.t the salary of City Sanitarian, Parker DavidSon, be increased from $2:50. to $275. peT lll(l)nth, effective June 1, 1948, as recommended by the Health Boa~d. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Douglass, Lanman, Armer, and Hamlett. None. o Oi ty Secretary, 1[fui t t Johnson, advised. tha-t the -Kr-enz1er estate desire to open Wroxton Road in the 2600 Block to Kirby Drive and that land waild be deeded and dedicated to the- City for street purposes; that the Kren~ler es~~te_had~gree~ ,to pave part of the.' street not, now' open, ;and :provided that'the City would extend the sani taryr. sewer system on the south side of Wroxton east :po, Kirhy.cDri.ve.:' ^ , . . . . , The City Secretary was instructed to request the Krenz1er; estate to submit their proposal in writing and also make an est.iniate of, the cost 'of. ex.:iie.ndinjp.the. s..ewer line. r '. ~l Woest:emeyer & Gaffney, Architect.s) submitted Estimate No~.2 in.i.he amount, of $2.26-4.32 . for Walter M. Rainey'Gonstruction Co., general contractol1'~o:f' the' :E3ath House..' The Estimate was not approved, for reason that the ,RaineyCorrstructionCo. had not furnished the Elgin Butler Tile, in accordance .vith thein' agreement, ,and that the construction work on: the Bath House. had, been stopped, du~ to the lack of this .' material. Mr. E. E. To~mes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, advised that he had prepared an Ordinance , releasing unused funds ,on the Ho11and'Paige contraat as heretofore: appropriat-ed by Ordinance No. 340., and advised that the (j)17dinance':Shou~d:;be- ,passed and made of record. . . . o Motion. by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the following capiiioned .,Ordinance No. 384 be passed. .~) . " ORDINANCE NO. 384 r .~ ( t> ~ , _ . :.C;"," AN ORDINANCE RELEASING AND DISCHARGING CERTAIN UNEXl?ENDED FUNDSHEll1ETOFORE APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 310 FOR PAYING THE CITY'S PART OF THE COST OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOUIfE\lARD;-'W~.L1tY4NrSTInj}ET, .RICE: BOULEVARD AND AUDEN STREET, AND DECLARING SAME AVAIl1ABLE FOR APPROPRIATION OUT OF THE FUND ill THE CREDIT OF THE STREET, PAVING .i\ND BRIDGE BONDS,: 1946, FOR OTHER AUTHOR~ZED WORK~, ~N~.DECLARING AN EMERGEN~Y. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and C_is:!fidrters;lDGuglass, :~Lanmc:>n,...Armer:, and:.Hamlett. Voting Noe: None .,' . ,. ~ ;, '" ~. .; {:..c .' .::..' ,.':.: In connection with paving Gf:Un1versity B;Lvf!. from KirbyiDrive"to:Sewanee;JSt. 'and from Weslayan to Comm:uni.,'tlf Drive, 'and-'three Ul'l'Paved 1ats.ill th'e 3600'B1bck 'of" University Blvd. .and 'the 3800 -Bloclte-:t-Riee Blvd., '::'Mr.,H.J., Johtlson, Cotis'ul'ting ~gineer, submitted the f;611bW'i'tlg ."tabulation and'rebommeI\l.dation:n . " ':'j,> .,- ~:. Honorable Mayor and City Oommissioners Ci ty Gf. West University Place 3800 UniversityB-lvd. HQuston 5, 'l'exl3:~. Gentlemen: '": ~J... $ :1 1.J On May 20, 1948, bids were received for the paving of University Blvd., from ..;.:; f'" ' IT<n~'' - "11 r I '-'-'n r -~1'1 ' 'T III'IIIIII'~~' rnm r~" [i.......-.l. .: 1 j 00 ''--; "-7' <":' ~. ~ ..., ~- <t u r-' , I j I L.-, 1. 9'. .t . Kirby Drive. to Sewanee St. and from WeslayanSt. to Community Drive, and the north half of University Boulevard from the east line of Lot 5 to the west line of Lot W, Block 44, Wrist University Place, S.econd Addition, and the 3800 block of Rice Boulevard, which were referred to this office for tabula- tion and recommendation. After checking all calculations, we find the firm of Russ Mitchell, Inc. to be the low bigder as follows: Mesh reinforcing Bar reinforcing $151,789.75 $145,466.73 A tabulation of all bids is attached hereto. The prices bid are in line with present day construction costs and I recommend that the contract be awarded Russ Mitchell, Inc. on their low bix of $145,466.73 for bar reinforcing. Yours very truly, HENRY J. JOHNSON Consulting Engineer (Signed) Henry J. Johnson HJJ,tgs attached Commissioner Douglass asked that the following question and answer to H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, be recorded in the Minutes: Question - Commissioner Douglass: Mayor Lee has informed us of the low bid in connection wi th your tabulation and recommendation for the paving of certain portions of University Blvd. and the 3800 Block of Rice Blvd., and is it your opinion that the bid submitted by Russ Mitchell Co. be accepted? Answer - H. J. Johnson: My recommendation is that the Russ Mitchell bid is a low bid of a group of bids and I recommend it be accepted .as a low bid. Consulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson, then submitted the following letter, setting up proposed property owners assessment rates, based on Engineers Estimates of cost bf'barreinf6rcing:' Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: . For the convenience of the council and from the estimated quanti- ties, attached hereto is an ,Engineer's Estimate.of Cost by sections on the University Paving Project, based on the bid for bar reinforcing. The ",<,:'propo~ed property owners assessment rates used in this, estimate are the same as used on previous paving projects of similar quality and quantity. Column 5 shows the amounts to be paid by the City if 100% participation is obtained. "~m'l' "'l:'lf'l'Ir'JlIm~':"~":'ml!l I""': 20, In event there is less than 100% property owner participation, I have set out in Column 7 i;.. 20% of the estimated net cost to be paid by the .City to the Contractor, as an additional maximum sum that the City will : obligate itself to pay the Contractor. Column 8 shows the total maximum cost to be paid by the City if the 20% in Column 7 is added to Column 5'~ . the amount to be paid by the City if all Property Owners participa te,.~' ";.-<~~:~ J Yours very truly, HENRY J. JOHNSON Consulting Engineer (Signed) Henry J. Johnson HJJ/gs Attach. Consulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson, then submitted the following letter of the property owner's assessment rate of $8.75 per front foot, Sections 1, 2, and 4 of University Blvd. June 21, 1948 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Oity of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: Pursuant to instruction, attached hereto is Engineer's Cost Estimate of Sections 1, 2, and 4, University Boulevard. The-property ownerM assessment rate of $8.75 per front foot is the same as used on previous paving projects of this type. -I .~ Y ouns very truly, HENRY J. JOHNS OW Consulting Engineer (Henry J. Johnson) HJJ/as Attach. Commissioner Douglass requested that the followi~g question and answer be made a part of the Minutes. Conunissioner Douglass to H. J. Johnson: "Your letter, with reference to the break- down has been.read and it shows the paving of University Blvd. to be done on a section basis. Is there any reason for "this breakdown on a section basis?" Answer - Hi J,t Johnson: II The plans as prepared, show 5 sections as follows, and the contract with Russ Mitchell is based on these 5 sections. Section No.1. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the west line of KIRBY DRIVE to the west line of BELMONT STREET; and Section No~ 2. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the west line of' BELMONm STREET to the east line of SEWANEE STREET; and . . it i 1 . Section No.3. UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the east line of WESLAYAN STREET to the east line of COMMUNITY DRIVE; and Section No.4. The north one-half (1/2) of UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD i i--1 J' "-1 ~,~' ~l- ~-=. Il . "\: [ ;-< ~~-r T' ...,.-,., ""~';T:I'- j 1 . r' ''-~1J'I' :~nl['11'ITln:I"TUrlrnn 21 from ; the east line of Lot 5 to the west line of Lot 4B, all in Block 44, West University Place, ,Second Addition; and .,."___. r lr" Sect.j;,on No. ,5 RICE~OULEVARP from the west line of,:AUDENSTREEl' U; to the east line of COLLEGE STREET. Commi~sibnerDouglass to H. J. Johnson: - What is the reason for the plans and contract being set up in sections? .~ Answer from H. J. Johnson: The plans in, contract are s:et up ,in. .sections so that . any one section can be completed and finalled out. Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the Oity, stated that.a contract and Orciinance were draWn, so-that Sections 1, 2, and 4 could be awarded on a contract immediately and Sections .),an:d 5, >a.warded by October 15, provided funds were avail- able at that. date. . Mr. E. E. Townes.)" Jr. then submit.ted . Ordinance #385., appropriating the 'sum of . $56,000. for the 'cost of paving and improving. Sections/N(l;,'.l" 2,:: ;and:f,l.i:,a~outlined in the contract with Russ Mitchell, Inc. . Commissioner Douglass requested that the following qllesi.ion and .ari,swer be made a part of the }linutes: Oommissioner Dougla:ss to City Secreta:ry;:"Whitt'.Johnson: Last 1JV'eek; you; submitted a breakdoun on a~i+able funds J.,n'the Strl"eet' PavingandiBridge ,:Bond. <fund,; showing $47 ,000 available for paving University Blvd. and we now have a statement showing better than $56,000. How do you aceoUiltfor the differencetl' <' o Answer by Whitt Johnson, City Secretary: The first statement, showing $47,000. included legal fees now due, and cetta::ineng:ineer fees .that~ ar,e nOW due, and an . estimate of those due:: in tp:e,irmtiediate future, and also a listo:t:'coritfngent items, which the Council had not approved, amounting to some $4000. to'50oo. Statement No.2, :in the approximate amoun:tof t56,000did not incltide;,th.es:eCite111.sand shows a cash balance of $56,055.~19~, : '.' ." Oity Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, submitted the following Treasurer's Certificate. No. 11, showin,g $59,OOq. 8;va:ilabJ,;e,to the9.re~~ of the Str~et..:PaV:.ing ,and BridgeJ30nd Fund, 1946, for' t.P:~pl.f:rp9~e:of~:,p~yfi1g~:th~":Ci:ty's estimated part of the cost of paving and :i:mprov.mg"S'~c.ti.Bn 1; '2;:and!tof>Utii versi tyBl-vcLo:pea ving pro:jeet. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR .AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE, TEXAS,: " '. . In accordance with the. pro,vislons, of the Char-te1;, ofthe"C~tY':of. West Univ-<ersity: Place., .'I'exaa,. TDO HEREBYOERTLFY that theTa 'is in the Treasury:o.f theCi:ty of; West Uni;versity.Place, .Texas, to. it'}ae::c.r.edii:r~ b:P~ the Street Paving and Bridg~Bonds, 1946, the sum.o! $56..,000.QO'for,paying the City's estimated part o.fthe !;:"ost:of paving and .improving: inl . I LJ S~ction No, :1: Uni:ve;rsity .Boulevard. from the west .line '" o.fKirby Drive., to. the west line of Belmont Street; and , Section Mo.. 2 t. ;{Jni versi ty Boulevard fr.om> the: west.line.. j ~ "f.jl!:fl.'~~'~f.."?:tH j"': "=T=="'" J[ '.' , '.,9;[ ,.... . . " n' .. ..... i'l [' ':'mr' "I11i:'lnm'T"'lIlill r ,,. 2'2 of;.Belmont.:S.treet,;~o",th'e.east:; line~. of:l$eWEI.Ii'ee Street; and ~. . Section No.4: . The::N(;)rth. Half ofUniv@:I1s:4ty Boulevard from the east line of Lot 5 to the west line Q:t; Lot 413, all in Block 44, ,We$t tJnivers'it? P'lace~'Se:coh4r;:At;l.tl~t,ioq,. . =,.'~ ", ...: ..;",;,", ',7,~:.' ....-.:~_.:..::.. ~,~. u in the City of West University Place and which fund has not been appropriated for any othe~ purpose;- said:sum::ofc:156;OOO.-OO-:.is;now a~ai1.able, .f'or:.:.appr.opria;tion'by the Oity Commission for the purpose stated.. .. " .... . '.. :;'". ." DATED this '2:lst';day,' of June,. 1948.. t. " i. :,"" {" .t , J. ~. " ~." ,; . II- _.. '" . ( ) . f! tl' l!~__": ;J.'. . . , s~.., ".U""''':iCl "~illlia:~..L ", '.'~ ~..," " .' Cit--y,T~;r~~~~r:~~<>:t~:tlti',Gi'l1Y:Of, W~~t Uni versityPlace," ~'fexas. ,. After' the"T:raasuJ;".~r'siaerti:ficatetwC!.s 'su.bmitted,>: Mr.~iID~ .au~';1.'oWllles.".,Jr.;;'! Paring.. . .... , kttbrney,'sllbmit:teg:;a. con~a;c;t.:atlldehda and, amendment~'~~i';ct~~',~US,s~:Mditchell contpaet. . ':';'.i.:"~i'i~::..~.i$J:~. c~c::.;~_:- ~<.,::.' .'-'~~,J".-~~, Motion by Commissioner Armer; seconded byCQInmissioner'Hamlett,thatOrdinance No'.385','cap~tj:Qiled as followS,,; be pas.s,ecl":.<,~:q."'~ ;'..~' .< '.' ~~ (~::. ,~::-, ~ ,.. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $$6,000.00 OUT OF THE FUNl)'XO THE .~.~.~~ .> "--.' SECTION NO. lrYollmI'VW,SITY' ~J30T;J'L:EV~:FROM-THEj~T.fLINEXOF'<:';_ KIRBY DRIVE TO THElNEST LIm.:' OF BELMONT' STREr.r';'..A1W. ~ f.. '.:. <:"-~,_,,,<"',~,':"~'" '_ _-,<~'_'. ~. ;t-~1 i..,(~_..:.';:':"'-" .',' )~~;_<) ~t<:.^'C:;=~~:~::")- ...,--'. .' SECTION, NO.-. 2: Y101Tv:mSIT.YbROU1:JEVARfL 'FRoM. \T$, WEST..,JiIN$ '&JF '; . .:-:a~eNT STREET:T:O.::riRE~e,T~Iil"Er"OF 5num:EB'Ji-EE'.Crr4f.l]i):~'i;:;.:' .' :S~'"~!I~6F 4~~~~~=~~~CF~~j1J=~";; WESTUNlymSITY P~CE, SE90ND ADDITIO~ ~ ... . ,., -~. ~ . ,- u " ~ ,.:. ... : ::~:::::rld~~i:tjl~~,a:~~~ - Voting Noe: None., . . r.. .'--- ;.,.... .. .. . . - -. . . . ' . . Motion by Commissioner Armer, secondedbyComm1ssidner Ham1ett.,:is;'.'~~;f'o1]fo:w:S: I'move the adoption of the tabUlat:46n andr?portof t~ee~g.ineer forth,e.Cit,y of the b.idsrceceived.May' 20,.'1948" :for' ,the: ,paviI1g tin' :f:i,V;e'~"ttene:Q.:r,se:ctionsof porti on~ .0i'Upj.versi ty Bo~)teyard;;a:nd: Riee, B6Ulfrv:~d~,~aI1flt;.the: a;ooro..v:~J,(o~,tn:~' engineer 'a eS.timates of p.Qs:,t .J;.o,;Ql1.eL'Cif.Y< 'of~ sa:~d. ; Sie:g~e'&1ai;;~d;~~.ct1i.Or;L$;" 'tm:a:-h,: .the low bid. Gf' ;Russ . Mi uehell., .Inc ~','fr():n: the!, cph~.tx:~ti:b.qn' by Jtl1"eJ,us!e-'<: Qf:.bar-; ~~fJo'rce.... ment be accepted and contnact 'a.'W:ar,-detlto Rus.s?:'Mit.cheIl; \xn~J' ;f:o:ri;;'bhS;~c'0la~iW:Uction of the work on Sections Nes. 1, 2, and 4, with the tmderstanding and agreement that the contrac taddenda' andamend:lne~t;s:~:bmitte.d' b;r~);thel. P&'1[~~~~.1?~2.~~~ for theCi ty wi th the approval 'of the' ({ontt'ac'tor be~d:l.pptroved" andA~x-acu1jedct'O;'";6ohstitute a part of the contract; and thatcontrac:t be later awarded sa;id co.ntractoron Sections 3 and 5, as provided in the, 4'ont:r$,t. ad<fend;ayanc:l.amendijF~!}~tb!~~.~'~~~ds are available for appropriation therefore; and that the paving attorney for the City be inst.ructed to prepare the necessary ordinances. ,~, fJ- " , o 00 ......-i ~ -< V <t o D ,. j....i,.~'''W'''.~,,'-.., 23 Voting Aye: Voting Noe; Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. None . Commissioner Douglass asked that the following question and answer be made part of the!vIinu tes : Question - Comm. Douglass to E. E. Townes, Jr., City J;>aving Attorney:- "In your opinion, is it necessary that the Ordinance be passed, adopting and accept- ing a report and recommendation of the Engineer and accepting the bid of Russ Mitchell, Inc., before the contract is aWarded?" Answer - E. E. Townes, Jr. "Yes, It is necessary the entire proceedings are drawn that way." E. E. Townes, Jr., then submitted Ordinance No. 386, approving and adopting the report ~d recommendation of the Engineer on bids received and accepting the bid of Russ Mitchell, Inc. Mr. Townes stated that he had examined thecontrapt and that same had been signed in duplicate by the officials of Russ Mitchell, Inc. Oommissioner Douglass asked that the following questions and answers be made a part of the Minutes: Gomm. Douglass to Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr: "What percent of known participation is set up by this contract addendum? Answer by E. E. Townes, Jr. "I do not know, but look at it this way. It will cover a fair percentage, which would, otherwise be Skipped." Question - Commissioner Douglass to Commissioner Hamlett:" In your opinion, would you recommend proposed contract addendum oe accepted?" Answer by Commissioner Hamlett:ltln view of the limitations as provided in the contract, it will be sound." ' Question - Commissioner Douglass to Oonsulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson: "Do you recommend the signing of the contract on its present basis and is the paving of University Blvd. with .skips permitted, a sound engineering practice?tt Answer - by Mr. H. J. Johnson : "No paving is good with skips, but I see no objec- tion if skips are permitted under the present plan. o . Question - Commissioner Douglass to E. E. Townes, Jr. "ls the contract and addenda made in reference to the full contract?" Answer - E. E. Townes, Jr.: "No, the contract is for Sections 1, 2, & 4 only.1t Motion by Oommissioner Douglass and seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 386 (captioned as follows) be passed. AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL 'PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERE- TOFORE BEEN HAD AND .ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF; SECTION NO.1: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND J::-.1Tr~~"'=~'r:~ .-.11 .'''-.~''''''r'''.'-'.'-----.-.'''' ., ,"l - -- - TO::-m'I;-:-''l:!l'pn~'llll1~:!'f!!~''ml!l l~~'~~- -- ,.-.---- 24 SECTION NO.2: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SEWANEE STREET; AND SECTION No.4: THE NORTH HALF OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5 TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 4B, ALL IN' BLOCK 44, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SECOND ADDITION, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF RUSS MITCHELL, INC. AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSI13LE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE 'CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND AOCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERFOR- MANCE BOND. AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID OONTRACTOR RAS. PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT 'FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTnCT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF 'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' o Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None E. E. Townes, Jr. then submitted Ordinance # 387, providing for and authorizing and directing certa,in amendments and changes and the addition of addenda to June 21, 1948, contract between the C~ty and "Russ Mitchell, Inc. Motion by CommissiQner Douglass, seconded by Oommissioner Hamlett, that the Ordinance No. 387, as follows, be passed. 'J ORDINANCE NO. 387 All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZING, AND DIRECTING CERTAIN AMEND- MENTS AND CEmijES IN, AND ,TEE .ADDITION OF ADDENDA TO, THE JUNE 21, 1948, CONTRAOT . BETWEEN THE OITY AND RUSSMITCHELJ;., INC., OONTRACTOR, WITH REFERENOE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSI'lY BOULEVARD AND RICE BOULEVARD; AUTHORIZING AND DIREOTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY AND THE INCORPORATION THEREOF AS PART OF SAID CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC., AND DEOLARING AN EMERGENOY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THEOITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY f:1LACE , TEUS: Voting Aye;:' Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, 'Hamlett and.Doug1ass. Voting Noe: None, In connection with Consulting Engineer, H. a. ;B'olms,o;1tsi~letter on estimates for $8.75 per front foot cost, E.E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney, submitted an Ordinance approving and adopting estimates and costs. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the Ordinance No. 388, captioned as follows, be passed. ORDINANCE NO. J8'6. ;-1 U ">'"K<f:~'jl'--"'-' r~, :~-:.,,' J-_'=_Jl .... ".", .,".",,:~ r '~':~-'";~'~'-"~":eL 1 rr <';:ml"1jI'!I!:1Iiiu11U1ii:-illln J:";:~ u 00 .,...-r .~ "'~ '- w < o o 'r:;~:';~$W:~"""::-- AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTINlATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENT OF:- SECTION NO.1; UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE .WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND SECTION NO.2: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SEWANEE STREET; AND SECTION No.4: THE NORTH HALF OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST' LINE OF LOT 5 TO THE. WEST LINE' OF LOT 4B, ALL IN BLOCK 44,. WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE, SECOND ADDITION; IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLAOE, TEXAS, . PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NEOESSITY FOR AND DEOLARING THE INTENTION OF' ASSESSING PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; . PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUOH ABUTTING PROPERTY OF ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS' AND PROCEED- INGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENOY. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlet.t, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None E. E. Townes, Jr. then submitted an Ordinance de terming the necessity for and ordering the improvement of W. t of Academy Street from the south line of Lot 14, Block 21, Colonial Terrace Addition, to the north line of said Lot 14. ., Motion by Oommissioner Douglass, seconded by Oommissioner Armer, that the Ordinance'~No..389, captioned as follows, be passed: ORDINANCE NO. 389 AN ORDINANOE DETERMINS THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT THE WEST ONE-HALF OF ACADEMY STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 14, BLOCK 21,. COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14 IN THE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED; APPROVING AND ADOPT- ING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUOHIMPROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING UPON SUCH PORTION OF SAID STREET, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF SUCH PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A .PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE OITY AND A PART OF. THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105(b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; 'DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE r=;'O~~="I~-"':1 . Jl ".'c~L"":=i~~~~-::J-:-LT "ifllil'.',]]]]IJffill::J.ii:JITIII I~ 25 . ri:~ ~o OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE OOUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass. None. n LJ City Secreta~, Whitt Johnson, submitted a report, covering various improve- ments needed in connection with the installation of Storm Sewers, Street Paving, Garbage Disposal facilities, and improvements to' the Water System. The report was taken with the view of submitting a Bond Issue to cover the needed improvements. Commissioner Douglass asked to be excused from the meeting, stating that he desired to leave in order to avoid voting on something that he had not studied and knew nothing about. At this time, Oommissioner Douglass left the meeting and did not return. It was determined that the City could issue $250,000 additional tax bonds without increasing tax: valuations or increasing the present tax rate of $1.78. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that a tax bond issue in the amount of $250,000 be submitted for approval and that the City Attorney, J. D. Kelley, be instructed to prepare notice of election and ordinalces and that date of election be set for Saturday, July 24,1948,' on the same day of the Democratic Primary election. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, and"':Armer. ' . None. i~ . J There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~~d~ ATTEST: ~~ crt SO*' .. .-\ I i J "'''''''""'''I"':~'C~''"__'_'II ,.'-'- -~'.r r ,:-~""'.""l..'-.o,=,.,-~,,--,-=-=--,;-;c-'C""I'''''-i 1 r 'Ti!il 'InITllli1I"~""::'lI1m C'" [1..,U1. ' I i 00 .....-i ~ "'-~ U <t L'",.'~I. . : . l i i i 27 "0- . MINUTES OF REGULAR OOUNCIL MEETING JUNE 28, 1948 The Oity Council of the City of West;University Place convened in regular session on Monday, June 28, 1948, at the C~ty Hall with the following members present: M~or Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett, and Lanmon. Also present were t,he City Secretary, City Attorney; and J. D.. Kelley was absent. Mr. W. F. Cawlfi.ld, 3131 Tangley St. appeared before the Council and inquired about the construction of a garage apartment located at 3221 Plumb St., owned by Mr. E. D. Rulon. Mr. Cawlfield' stated that in his opinion the size of the garage apartment or servant quarters exceeded the 2.50 Sq. feet area as permitted by the Zoning Board, C!I1d asked that the Council make investigation of this violation. The Council instructed Oity S~cretary, Whitt Johnson, to investigate the construc- tion of the garage apartment at 3221 Plumb St. &ld report his findings. Mr. Bill Cox and Mr. Henley Davis, Troop Chairman for Boy Scout Troop No. .5, which is using the Boy Scout House ~ocated at Colonial Park, came before the Council in regard to a request by City Sec:betary, Whitt Johnson, for temporary use qf the Scout House to ~tore swimming pool and office equipment during the time the bath- house is under construction. Mr. Cox, and Mr. Davis, advised that they were glad to permit use of the scqut house in Colonial Park for use of operation of the swimming pool during the period the bathhouse was under construction. Mr. W. C. Buschardt, Jr., 4141 Ruskin St., low bidder for operation of the concession at the swimming poo],., requested permission to sell watermelon at the Swimming Pool in connection with the operation of the concession. It was the opinion of the City Oouncil that City Attorney, John D. Kelley, should submit an opinion as to whether or not the selling of watermelon and the operation of a concession at the swimming pool would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. O. U. Wymer, representing Moroney, Beissner Co. and Mr. Geo. A. ~malJh, Jr., represe.;~rying RowleS, W~lIlston~ Co., submitted propositions for handling the sale of $2.50,000 proposed bond'issue to be voted on July 24, 1948. Mr. Geo. A. Small, submitted a proposal to handle complete proceedings of the bond issue for a total sum of $187.5. After Mr. Small had retired from the meeting, Mr. Wymer f?ubmitted a simila:r proposal to handle complete proceedings of the $2.50,000 Bond Issue for $1.500. . Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Armer, that the City enter into the following contract with Moroney, Beissner Co. to handle complete proceedings of the $2.50,000 Bond Issue and that the City reserve the right to sell the $2.50,000 Bonds at Bublic auction or any manner determined by the Council. Honorable Mayor~d City Commission City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: We understand that you propose to issue bonds ~n the approximate par --1 amou~t of $2.50,000 payable from ad valorem tex~s for the purpose of financing I new street improvements and various other purposes, in cqnnection therewith, we I I wish to submit the follovdng proposal: ,--------' "~~mT ,....~~.Il r'1ml1~~l~~''"'11'll1l e:~'~ 28, We agree to handle all details in connection with the legal issuance and sale of the above bonds, and to bear all expeInSes in connection therewith. We agree to advise and counsel with you relative to maturity schedules and other !:,....] details which we believe to be in your best interest. . We agree to payor reimburse you for the services of a recognized firm of bond attorneys acceptable to the undersigned, who will prepare all of the necessary legal papers. We further agree to furnish all election supplies, to arrange for the printing of the bonds at our expense and to bear the cost of obtaining an approving opinion of a firm of nationally recognized bond attorneys. For and in consideration of the services to be rendered and the ,expenses to be incurred as hereinabove outlined, you hereby agree to pay, and we agree to accept as full compensation therefor, a fee in cash equal to $6.00 per $1,000 bond, said fee to become due and payable to the undersigned at the time the bonds are delivered against p~ent. We further agree to waive this fee in the event we negotiate the purchase of these bonds on terms acceptable to you. In the event the Bond Election to authorize the above bonds fails to carry, this contract will automatically terminate and you will be relieved of any liability to us for services rendered or expenses incurred. Respectfully submitted, MORONEY, BEISSNER & CO. HV ( ~:d gY\An) () I TT I W"V1IJrn:R Authorized Representative ! -1 _l ACCEPTED for and on behalf of City of West University Place. by resolution legally adopted this 28th day. of June, 1948. ~Signed)RALPH B. LEE Mayor ATTEST: '.''''-f City Secretary Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None City Secretary, whitt Johnson, advised that he had located 5.72 Acres of land being offered for sale and that the site was a potential location for use as a dump ground and that the land was immediately north of the present garbage dump location. Mr. W. R. Romine, Real Estate agent, then submitted a written listing from Mrs. Clara L. Mather, showing exclusive listing of the 5.72 A. as described by the City Secretary. Mr. Romine advised that the land was for immediate sale and could be purchased for $600, per acre and that his client was ready to enter 1 into a sales contract. The Council discussed means of financing the purchase of i 5~72 Acres and deemed it advisable to proceed with negotiations for purchase of _I this property. F~==f=~--4="'~'=~=<"'~Il __~~(_'--'--"""-=--=:=7""",,,-.'''---'-''~~~.1. -co,- .':~!1ir~-'~~:'"": 1 r~rrrm T:~F""lllm r- I L: 00 .,......;, ~ <: u <::t r I I L I '--- "!~"~'" . 29, Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City process the necessary action toward procuring the 5.72 Acres lying immediately north of the present garbage dump and that payment of same be made from present surplus of the general fund upon receipt of a certificate of availa- bility of Funds from City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, and that the General Fund be reimbursed from proposed Bond Fund being voted for this purpose, and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of said property. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, a~d Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. None The Council directed execution of an earnest money contract in the amount of $350. for negotiation of the purchase of this property. Commissioner Douglass recommended that Auditors, Haner &-Dossey, be called in to review all appropriations, Treasurers' Certificates, and paper transactions in connection with financial matters and advise the Council if all activities in connection with the action of the Council were in proper order. Oommissioner Douglass requested this action in view of the fact that during the past fiscal year the Auditors had made certain similar recommendations after the fiscal year had expired. Mr. E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect for construction of the bathhouse, appeared before the Council in connection with Estimate No.2, submitted for Rainey Construction Co. Mr. Gaffney stated that Rainey Oonstruction Company had made every effort possible to obtain needed critical materials, but was unable to obtain deli1rery, Therefore, the reason of work stoppage on construction of the bathhouse and stated that in his opinion the Council would be within thei~ rights to approve Estimate No. 2 for payment. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oommissioner Lanmon, that in view of the information submitted by Architect Gaffney that Estimate No.2, in the amount of $2,264.32 to Walter Rainey Construction Co. be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. None Oity Secretary, Whitt Johnson, advised that he had consulted Mr. George Hillyer, City Engineer for the City of Bel1aire in connection with the payment of $1200 per year for use of the City garbage dump and Mr. Hillyer had advised that the matter had been discussed by the Be11ai~e Oity Council and one of the City Commissioners had been requested to contact Mayor Ralph B. Lee on this matter. In connection with the $250,000 Bond Issue to be voted upon July 24, 1948, resolution calling the Bond Election and Notice of Bond Election was submitted for consideration of the Council. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the following Notice of Bond Election and Resolution calling Election for the purpose of submitting proposition for the issuing of $165,000 St. Paving and Improvement Bond, $60,000 Storm Sewer ai:1d Drainage Structure Bonds, $25,000 Garbage Disposal Facilities and equipment Bonds by the Oity of West University Place and levying of taxes in payment thereof be passed and cpproved~ r" ~"O~"I-""':"~~~'~'-ll' _~r.'~r-l~-H~TU ";m I ']]1"] [Hill :;Ij "mID r ;'j r i)V .. NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION '] TO THE DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WHO OWN TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY AND WHO HAVE DULY RENDERED THE SAME FOR TAXATION: . Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 24th day of July, 1948, in keeping with a resolution adopted by the City Commission of said City, which is as follows: A RESOLUTION OALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING THE PRO... POSITIONS OF THE ISSUANOE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, t $60,000...00 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BONDS, AND $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT BONDS, BY THE ,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES IN PAYMENT THEREOF.. BEeTT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: . Section 1: That an election shall be held in and throughout the Oityof West University Place, Texas, on the 24th day of July, 1948, at which election the following propositions shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors who own taxable property wi thin said city en dwho have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: PROPOSITION NO. ONE '-1 SHALL THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID 'CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $165,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEAllING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS WITHIN SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. r-WO SHALL THE OITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONnS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT(4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWERS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN AND FOR SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON A:t.L TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUNO TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. THREE SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE '-I, AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,OOO.MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST '.~ AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF j~ .t~~?:'~""P- -, c:~ '1 - i r 'i:riT,'i]'11r11111i:ijiii:'Il]ijU' u, '-i1'''''''''T'''''''lTr'''~'i~~rn r'~l /,..... I.. i ! "---..l .:s1. PURCHASING PROPERTY FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. Section 2: That said election shall be held at the following places within the two regularly established voting precincts within the city, to-wit: At the Community Hall at the corner of Rice Blvd. and Auden Street, in Oounty Vot- ing Precinct No. 133; 00 At 6208 Buffalo Speedwal - in Oounty Voting Precinct No. 87 ....-+ ~ < ~ 5ecv1on ): That the following persons are hereby appointed presiding judges to <t conduct said election, to-wit: r -) i I U r T 1 i II i ! I ~' .-c-' L',;~m-{f~~f1'~['~ At the Community Hall: Harry F. Dawson Presiding Judge At 6208 Buffalo Speedway F. A. Huwieler Presiding Judge Section 4: That the ballot to be used in said election shall read substantially as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION NO. ONE FOR THE ISSUA1'JCE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND 'IMPROVEMENT BONDS PROPOSITION NO. TWO FOR THE,ISSUANCE OF $~~,OOOSTORM')SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANOE OF $60,000 STORM S,EWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BONDS , PROPGSITIGN NO. THREE, FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOS~ FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANOE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT BONDS and each voter shall strike out one of the foregoing expressions on each proposit~o~, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote'on'sueh proposition. Section 5: Tha t only duly qualified resident electors who own taxable property wi thin said. city. and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be permitted to vote, and the manner of holding said election and making returns "thereof shall be gov.erned by the provisions of the City Charter of said city as r' -:-'i~-"I--;- i -11'*'"' """T!lI'f - I ---- -. Fi 1 r '--,---- --iTirm111Iiilln:miinnm - ----T-----,7H~:rl----- \1'~_ modified by the laws of the State of Texas relating to elections. Section 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a substan- tial copy of this resolution at each of the two election precincts, and at the City Hall, within said City, and by publication on the same day in each of two successive weeks. in a newspaper of general circulation published within said city, the date of the first publication and the date of posting ~o be not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. '--I ;_J PASSED AND APPROVED this 28th day of JUNE, 1948. (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor, City of West Uniirersi ty Place, Texas ATTEST: (Signed) Wbi tt Johnson Ci ty Secretary Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Oori'..frj"is"sioners ~,a!1J!I~!'1.J'g@ett, Armer, and Douglass. Voting Noe: None The Notice of Election and Resolution., calling election, were ordered'duly published; :as .,prescribed iIiSebtii)ri';C€i'(:~;o1;, Cthe'~'~eS:blutioh " c:a~ling:!E~~citr:torf: ..'-" , --:';Y-1(": ~...~.:--.~,~: ' '~."l.:-L_:_.. l~.~_,,_~'_:..~..; ~_:.'..:: :'_.; . n ..... ..,>" Mihut~'s'ofthe'm.eEfting:: of Junta 14, and 21st were read and approved as corrected. !J Th b....,.,&! .....1.... 1.... . . . ........" , . b''&!- ',. "t1..'~ .,A'" -. ...;t " .c, "t' h:.' '../0.... ,.' .;tih ,.,. ere eillllg!,no:, <;i<UDliUJ.e:u,' 'LlI~'~S,:; ,,,,O,,CQIlle, t Eb,;uirft."J.'= ;;~ounCll~ ,a,,,,.., ,;rSi~ .:Ili'J1le,' . .e:". mee:t~gwas' ;.r.le'ces.S!edcf ) 'fn/"", '.J,'~.1>~ :>1.; tb :1'17 c: /!') ".t .ll""< ">h. . -,_ -:_,__:_ f ' :. >_,-:'.\..:"d-..,;._. 4.~(~",:!~~ .~~:; ',;~:;rt-_~l-.~.~~ ~~ <~-. .. ,~ "j.:'?~' .:-..'.~3 ~. -.... : - - -~~- - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -~. . The City Council convened on Friday, Jl11y 9, 1948, at 7:)0 P. M. at the City Hall for a Public Hearing on Paving benefits in 'accordance with previously published official Notice. Members present were M~ Lee, presiding; Oommissioners Armer, Douglass, and Lanmon. Also present were the City Secreta~, City Attorney, City Paving Attorney, E. E. Towne~, Jr., Mr. H. J. Johnson, Oonsulting Engineer5 for the City and Mr. Horace E. Pounds, Real Estate Dealer. Mqyor Lee explained to the group present that the Hearing had been called to determine benefits to be derived from the paving of University Blvd. from the west line of Sewanee to the west line of Ki:rby Drive" and the North t of University Blvd. from east line of Lot 5, to west line of Lot 4 B, all in Block 44, West University Place 2nd Addition. Mayor Lee theI;L reques ted Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving At torney,ftir the City to present and examine witnesses with reference to the contracted improvements and the benefits to properties and the owners thereof by reason of said improvements.' ! ">F~:'~f?i'y;g~'., r-, ' i ..,.~ II"'" '"}'''lIT' ,. I," i"'i, --'--"ilir'lJi11 I'l mm:mnrll1m - - n T-I:mr o Q'j ,.......;, .~ < L> <t. ih5 Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee, testified, in answer to questions by Mr. Townes, that he was an Engineer and pursuant to request of the Council, 'had prepared plans and specifications for the paving of University Blvd. and he was familiar with the pavement to be constructed, and gave a general explanation and statement of the type and nature of the work to be done. Mr. Townes asked if any property owner,or anyone present would like to ql).es-pion Mr. Johnson~ Mr. W. F. Cawlfield, 3131 Tangley, owner of vacant lot on Univer- sity Blvd. at Buffalo Speedway, asked an explanation of the front foot cost, proposed for the paving of University Blvd. No further question was desired. Mr. Horace E. .Pounds, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee, testified in answer to questions by Mr. Townes, that he was a licensed Real Estate Dealer and had been for more than 20 years, and testified concerning his real estate experience and his familiarity with West University Place properties; the present condition of the streets to be improved, and gave his opinion as to the enhancement in value to the properties abutting upon the respective streets which would result from the proposed improvements as outlined by Mr. H. J. Johnson and with" which he had familiarized himself. .Mr. Pounds stated that, in his opinion, each property on each of the streets would be enhanced in value considerably in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments as reflected upon the engineers' estimates. .,' Upon invitation to address questions relating to enhancement in value, Mr. .John Butler, 3008 University; and Mr. Geo. G. Williams, 2732 University questioned I\ITr. Pounds. Also questioning Mr. Pounds were Mr. Blissard, of 3320 University-and Mr. Mitchell. After citizens present had been given full opportunity to question the witnesses and to make statements, the Hearing was recessed until July 12, 1948, at 7:30.B.M. ~~d~/ YO.' . ...... ". ATTEST: crn4iL-9~ rC"'~~~T~:~m,..~.,..!\ --r.o. .1!r....'~=T . ........ I" n 'iTlr"il:'lll'Tmril!ii:'II1!n .o. [:;'," vif MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1948 The City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 12, 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Presiding: Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secre- tary, Whitt Johnson, City Attorney John D. Kelley,. and City Paving Attorney, E. E. Townes, Jr. Mayor Lee was absent. . . , Mr. Edwar<.i Kleiwer, 3832 Marlowe, appeared before the Council requesting some assurance that funds would be made available for the Oity's participation in paving of Marlowe Street from W. line of Lot 1, Block 3, and Lot 11, Block 2, Sunset Terrace Addition to the W. line of Auden St. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the Council go on record that contract for the paving of 3800 Block' of Marlowe will be approved and that funds will be made available from a proposed bond issue to be submitted to Citizens of West UniveI'sity Place on July 24, :for City participation in pav- ing from W. line of Lot 1, Block 3, & Lot 11, Block 2" Sunset Terrace Addition to W. line of Auden St., provided bond issue is carried. , Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, and Oommissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None It was suggested that the Oouncil take necessary action ~o guarantee payment of 25% of cost of paving said property on. Marlowe. in event the Bond Issue does not pass. Motion by Oommissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City make appropriation from the General Fund Budget of the fiscal year 1948-49 in event the proposed bond issue to be submitted on July 24, does not carry,. for payment of 25% of cost of paving Marlowe Street from the W. line of Lots 1, Block 3, and Lot 11, Block 2, Sunset Terrace Addition, due to extenuating cir- cums;;;ances caused by the City having to install a Storm Sewer in this block. Voting Aye: ;';~""'''''_'':;''''''-'''''''7-;'''''1'";';;;';;''''T''';'~z-.''; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and' Hamlett. Voting Noe: Mayor Pro Tem Larunon. Mr. Duncan Allen, 4111 Swarthmore St., advised the Council that the property owners in the 4100 BlOck of Swarthmore were preparing to have the street paved and requested a committment from the City Council that the intersection at West Point and Swarthmore would be pavid by the City. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Cammissioner Hamlett, that the Council go on record that the City will pay the cost of paving the intersection of West Point. at Swarthmore, if there are two contiilUous blocks of paving and if the proposed bond issue is passed. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~yor Pro Tem Lanmon, and Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None Mr. J. W. Sherwitz. 6444 Weslayan, asked if the Cit"jT would pay 25% of the cost of paving on Villanov~ St. from the w. line of Lot 10, Block 29, r:w 1st Addi- tion east to Weslayan Street if the Bond Issue is passed. "FIT 'inm mn':I1ii:'1Il1n ('l' I ' . i . J ~ ! -I , I I -.J r'~ (', 'I '! , I i I I , L! 00 ~ ~ <...... "'-., U <:t !,.:.".;,!"-"~;,.-;n4"-,",,,,,,'("'''_'<'1 lll. ;-F" Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City part.icipat.e by paying 25% of the cost of paving of Villanova Street from west line of Lot 10, Block 29, CV 1st Addition, if proposed Bond Issue is passed. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro Tem Lanmon, and Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None In compliance with instructions from the Council on June 28, 1948, Oity Secretary, Whitt Johnson, gave the following report on his investigation of the construction of a servants quarters and play room being erected at 3221 Plumb St. by Mr. E. O. Rulon. "Permit had been granted by the City Building Inspector after approval by the Zoning Board for servants quarters and a play room to be erected over his present three car garage, as recorded in the Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning Board on March 18, 1948." Mayor Lee arrived at this time and at the request of Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, took the chair and presided. Mr. W. T. Roberson, representing Mrs. Lillian N. Crawford, owner of Lot 1, Block 9, Virginia Court, appeard before the Council protesting the $6,00 per front ft. assessment charge levied by Ordinance 381, for the paving of Rice Blvd. Mr. Roberson exPlained that the lot was vacant. at the time of assessment, but Mrs. Crawford had since taken out. a building permit. and was now in the process of having a home erected on this lot which would face Fordham St. It was his opinion that Mrs. Crawford should only be ~sessed the $4.50 per front foot, as other property owners who have homes siding on Rice, Blvd. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Oommissioner Armer, that. the request of Mrs. Crawford be denied, due to the fact that said Lot 1, Blk. 9, Virginia Ct. Addition,~s assessed on basis of assessment Ordinance 381, passed M~ 28, 1948, and was a vacant lot at all pert.inent times and carries the $6.00 rate, as it was so assessed. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners, Lanmon, Douglass, Hamlett and Armer. None Mayor Lee announced that t.he Hearing, which had been recessed on July 9, 194.8, would be continued at' t.his time, and asked, if there were any property owners who would like to be heard. No further questioning or statements were offered. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, t.hat Hearing on University Blvd. be closed and objections overruled, finding that paving benefits on Universit.y Blvd. would be in excess of $8.75 per front foot on each property; that assessments be levied and liens fixed at said rate of $8.75 per front foot and directing the City Paving Attorney to present necessary Ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~or Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass, Hamlett and Armer. None Pursuant to instructions by the City Council, City Paving Attorney, E. E. Townes, Jr., presented Ordinm.ce 390, ordering Hearing on Benefits closed and levying assessments and fixing liens at rate of $8.75 per front foot, which was read in full. 1""''''"'''='1''''_. .,"'. "11 - ',p,....,'''".," r.- '==--~-""~'-----==~T~~-~l._ ----:--r'- "~n;I'-'- "1~'l1 f::I1flll ,,~r:':n"l rIln 36, Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissiqper Douglass, that the following captioned Ordinance, closing the hearing .to owners abutting Sec. No.. 1, 2, & 4 of University Blvd; levying assessments, and fixing liens at rate of $8.75 per front foot, etc., be passed and approved as read: ('-~ : I , I I -' ORDINANCE 390 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE. OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: . SECTION NO.1: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT ST: AND SECTION NO.2: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET TO THE EAST. LINE OF SE'vVANEE STREET; AND SEOTION No.4: THE NORTH HALF OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVJ\RDFROM THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5 TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 4B, ALL IN' BLOCK 44, YvEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SECOND ADDITION, . AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE, OWNERS T:HEJtEOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS., AND AS TO fHE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFfICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIPITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CPNNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR < THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS MID THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVnNGTTRE ~,ASSESSMENT L;rENS AND THE. PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY :'-1 OWNERS; OVERRULING AND :pENYINGALL PROTESTS AND OBJEOTIONS' OFFERED, :. I EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED;' FINDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL --.J BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND TH~ OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THI5 RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE pROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT Of PAR:r OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE Of ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANlifER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting, Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Hamlett, Lanmon, Douglass, .and Armer. Voting Noe: None The'Hearing was declared closed at this time by M~or L~e. Pursuant to instruction of the City Council on June 28, 1948", City Attorney, John D. Kelley, submitted an opin~on that it was not against the City Zoning Ordinance for waj:.ermelon to be sold at the swimming Rool in connection with the oper?-tion of the concess'ion. City' Secretary,W1aii~ Johnson, recommended that the Council refuse permission for the selling of watermelon at the swimming pool, due to the fact that an,excessive amount of garbage would be greated and the City does not have sufficient personnel to take care of this additional work and that generally, unsanitary conditions would result from the sale of water- melon,at, the swimming pool. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, secoI).ded by Conunissioner Armer, that the Council approve City Secretary, Whitt Johnson's recommendation that the sale of water- melons be prohibited at the swimming pool concession. '-1 ~ . - :"" ."J;>: .,.-~. ' r""'-~,--"-! ~~Jl ""'i.r""-~'--...........r='-'''"~''-1'1 ":1':1 clll,] 1'1 mll'~~fl'''lIlm r'~ S'J hi I i LJ Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Oommissioners Lanmon, Douglass, Hamlett and Arm~r. None A contract for operation of the concession at the Swimming Pool between the City of West University Place and Mr. Wm. O. Buschardt, Jr., Low bidder, was presented for approval and acceptance by the City. Motion by Oommissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the contract for operation of the concess,ion by Mr. Win. Buschardt, Jr., be/1.accepted and Mayor Lee be authorized to execute on behalf of the City. 00 , """"'! Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe:. None ~ <....... ~. U' <t A contract f!lem MoroD?J" & Biessner, for handling of the proposed $250,000 Bond Issue was presented for approval and acceptance by the City. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Mayor Lee be authorized to execute contract with Moroney, Beissner & Co. on behalf of the City, "for the handling of the proposed $250,000 Bond Issue. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. None r-li In compliance with instructions from the Council on April 12, 1948, Oity A.ttorney, I '! John D. Kelley, recommended that inix>ice in the amount of ,$250., submitted by U Mr. Horace E. Pounds, in connection with the D. Gullo, et al Kirby Drive Zoning Suit, be paid as it was his opinion that the fee for services rendered was fair and reasonable. , Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that payment of $250 fee for services rendered by Mr. Horace E. Pounds in connection with the Kirby Drive Zoning suit be paid. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Armer. None The following opinion was Feceived from City Attorney Jolm D. Kelley, with reference to clearing of a lot on University Blvd. for.the purpose of allowing children to use same as a baseball diamond:"The property in ques~ion is in a single-family dwelling district, and according to the Zoning Ordinance ( Ord. No. III and amendments), the uses permitted in single-family, dwelling districts include public, parks .and plOW grounds. It is my opinion that the use of the lot. involved is not contrary to the Zoning Ordinance. It is also ,my belief that even if such were not permitted ,by the Zoning Ordinance" such a prohibitioI). would be held to be contrary to public policy~ ^ The zoning Board minutes of June 17, ;1.948, were read to the Council. It was the en opinion of the Council that City Building Inspector should not issue any building Lt... ....: permits on servants quarters, playrooms or any unusual construction until first i! approved by the City Oouncil. : i .H~'*t'n"';~-'-r . I r'^=~~"~'~'T'~'~~'1I i ."'t,,,y r ''':f"'~'I''=-='---- i -i 1 r .,---- "'rll'1i1rI1TTmncTr:m"ll1m 1::':~'i \)", City Secretary Whitt Johnson, submitted an Intermediate final estimate in the amount of $15,727.89, from Paddock Engineering Co. of Texas for approval. Mr. Johnson recommended that inasmuch as there were numerous items which had not been fully completed and needed immediate attention, the city withhold $5,000 until final completion and acceptance. (-, i \ . [ i~ Motion by Commissd.oner Douglass, seconded by C,ommissioner Armer, that payment be made to Paddock Engineering 00., but that $5,000 be retained from the intermediate final estimate of $15,727.89. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass. Voting Noe: None City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, advised the Council that the Fire Chief and Assist- ant Chief had asked that the City advertise for bids for Fire Hose.. The Council granted authority to the City Secretary to advertise for bids for the needed amount of Fire Hose. Mr. l,'\fhitt Johnson, City Secretary advised the Council that the Garbage Dept. of the city was experiencing difficulty in the clearing, of all garbage, due to the extra service being rendlered to business establishments. Mayor Lee appointed Commissioner Douglass, Lanmon and .City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, with Commissioner Lanmon as Chairman, as a committee to investigate the garbage situation at various business establishIqents and make a report to the Council. An invoice from Matheison Chemical Co., dated 1941, in the amount of $20.00 for a lost Chlorine cylinder, was presented to the Council by the City Secretary wi tha recomendation that the invoice be paid. -, , l :~ Motion by Oommissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the invoice from Matheison Chemical Co. in the amount of $20.00 be approveq, for payment. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Armer, and Douglass. None. A contract for the resurfacing of 3000 Block of Pittsburg by Brogan & Williams, was presented to the Council for approval. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that May Lee be authorized to, execute contract with Brogan & Williams for thesmrfaeing of 3000 Block of Pittsburg, subject .to specifications being approved by Whitt Johnson. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanmori,Douglass, Hamlett and Armer. None. The Council discussed advisability of proceeding with resurfacing of 2800 & 2900'b block of Oason St., 3000 & 3100 Blk of Sunset Blvd. and 3000 and 3100 Block of Quenby St. It was the general opinion of: the Council that the city could proceed with work on Oason St. and Sunset Blvd., but should not undertake to do the work on Quenby St., due to more extensive work .being necessary and. different type of construction. C') I I :~ ",.,._l,t-t'",,'~Y. - r'''"'''''';;''f'"';=''=-C;', ....1\ -'" r'-...';."T."..''''''iTl Tn-- 'c;"F1iC'l1lTmn::irTIinI1lll r::;'i - U'.'.-',.:l ' , : ( i ,..".,. IJ..,J --+ "7' <:C. l' -, ----"' ~ (n I( LU rOil il . : I ~ ""-""'<1%~~""''''!o<e-'' 39 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the re-surfacing of 3000 & 3100 Block of Quenby Street. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. None A report was presented from the School Committee on work done in connection with securing additional rooms for the Elementary School. Motion by Oommis~ioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that a letter be written to the School Committee expressing apreciation of work done. Voting ,Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Lanman" Hamlett, Armer & Douglass. None Commissioners Armer and Hamlett were appointed by Mayor Lee to meet with repre- sentatives of Bellaire to discuss a charge for the use of the West University Place Garbage dump grQunds. Minutes of the meetings of June, 28 and July 9 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until 7:30 P.M. Tuesday July 13. - ~ .,. ...,------ The Oity Oouncil met in recessed session on Tuesd~, July 13, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: M~or Pro-tem Lanman pree siding; Commissioners A:mner, Douglass and Hamlett, and the City Secretary. Mayor Lee and City Attorney, J. D. Kelley, were absent. Mayor Pro-tem,C. P. Lanmon, announced that the Council was meeting in recessed session for purpose of discussing salary increases for employees paid by the hour and employed as common laborers or semi-skilled laborers. At'the.request of.the Council, OitySecretary,i.1h:itt Johnson, submitted a pro- posed salary increase for certain types of emplo:yment,and advised that he and Commissioner Hamlett had made a study of prevailing wage scales of adjacent cities.and of other concerns and that the Cityts.common labor wage scale was the lowest of those studied. Motion by. Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City accept the recommendation for a salary increase for common and semi-Skilled labor in accordance with recommendation of Commissioner Hamlett add City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, and that. the salary be increased as set forth in the schedule submitted, which is as follows: r~c'~=~==r=~="'=:-<;'O''''-''':~:~ll "'-:1:1'1'; :-ir::~I1I~~mll ~~I~:~"II!lll 1~ ~'! ~.~ . -.-'_Ma",~,_ r~ -='~='=l'=--=--=='~'=~''l~.::l r-'----.----- 4Q Joseph W. Clarke cLeon Cooper Manville Stewart Walter Vaughan Jeff Smith Robert McGee Mack Miles Arthur Burnley Ernest Guigroy Charlie Porter Joseph W. Clarke Norris Mitchell Jeremiah Andrews Alvin Peters Melvin Minnick Samuel Boney Ike Pittman A. L.Be11 Daniel Lee J. S. West Robert White Louis Steel E. G. West Robert Barnes. Oliver Peters Clovis "Francis Walter Lidge August White Central Lee STREET & BRIDGE DEPU'FMENT Salary Pavro11 Weekly Payroll Present Hour Rate .n! .80 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 080 .75 .75 .75 .75 .80 .75 .75 .80 .75 .75 .80 .75 .75 .80 .75 .80 .82! litQL.I1-E-J& $300.00 ,185.00 !-~l 1-1 Proposed Increase .90 .90 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 Per Mo. Per Yr. 164.70 1976.40 164.70 1976.40 155.55 1866.60 155.55 1866.60 155.55 1866.60 155.55 la66.60 155.55' 1866.60 .155.55 1866.60 $15 , 15.?'"~40 GARBAGE DEFT. Salary Payroll WeeJUy Payroll Total Street & Bridge Dept. ----$15,152.40 Total Garbage & Park Dept ---- .34,477.20 Total All Depts. Paid,from tax l!i.c9,629.60 income .90 .85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .85 .85 .90 .85 .85 .90 .85 .85 .90 .90 .90 .90 Mo. Rate lboo.oo- 164.70 1976.40 155.55 1866.60 (-1 155.55 1866.60' 1 155.55 1866.60 i~ 155.55 1866.60 164.70 1976.40 155.55 1866.60 155.55 '1866.60 164.70 1976.40 155.55 1866.60 155.55 1866.60 164.70 1976.40 155.55 1866.60 155.55 1866.60 164.70 1976.40 164.70 1976.40 164.70 1976.40 164.701976.40 Total $34,477.20 Payroll, inc. per mo. --$475.80 Payroll, inc. permo.~~5;709~90 This request covers men paid on weekly payroll and does not include men paid on monthly basis. Wage scale figured on basis of 183 hours per month. i".:-'1~'~f;i':~~~f.'i'-"-- .< l'~':,,=.;r-_~["".~:~>=~~.~-:-:. _~Jl ~~i' '--';< . Oo!;-;,,'<,,!",;j;" c-: :-. :"~~~""T"=o"'="'-"--~:r"I::1_ __ r--'- r-l , I LJ '-~!Jr-TI:Tlm rnIT~m!rlllm r~;~-J <<1 I ! U 00 .-4 ~ .......... -~ u < (-'I U rl I : L! WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENTS Water Dent. Monthly Salaries E. J. Hood A. P. Robb O. W. Suttle Russell Shores James Townes John H. Hall Jot>.n Price Oliver Jackson J. D. West Weekley P~roll, Hr. Rate Proposed Increase Rubin DaVis Abner Hawkins Edward Hampton Henry Johnson McKinley Smith Kenneth Hargis W. E. Stewart Isaac Whitting Wesley Vi1tz .n! .75 .80 .n! .8d .75 .75 .75 .75 .90 .85 .90 .90 .90 .85 .85 .85 .85 Sewer Dept., Monthly.Salaries L. E. Lyles Rasma Clack W. A. Garrett C. H. Barfield Pedro Ramirez Weelt1y Pa.vro11 Duese Felder Judge Burton Johnny Hubbard .75 .75 .75 .85 .85 .85 Total Water Dept - - ~ $17,238.60 Total Sewer Dept. - - $ 5,929.20 Total 23,167.80 This request eovers men paid on weekly payroll and does not monthly basis. ' Mo. Rate 3;00.00. 185.00 200.00 1'75.00 180.00 185.00 180.00 180.00 175.00 Per Mo. 164.70 155.55 164.70 164.70 164.70 155.55 155.55 155.55 155.55 Mo.Rate 300~00 160.00 170.00 160.00 160.00 155~55 155.55 155.55 ql Per Yr. 1976.)Jo 1866.60 1976.40 1976.40 1976.40 1866.60 1866.60 1866.60 1866.60 17,238.60 19i6.40 1976.40 1976.40 Payroll inc. per mo. - - - $384.30 Payroll inc. per ~. - - - 4,611.60 Wage scale figured on basis of 183 hrs. per month. -':."~~f"ft'1F~.tt; ., J"" "-".~~=r=:'="n...". '11 "-'i'{{~r--'.' -.. "'j'''='-''. .. i -i 1 include men paid on . "~rrr'i;~'11I'lmw'1~:"'lI1m 1"'1'": 42 Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pr o-T em Lanmon, and Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None II u Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the proposed sala~yincrease,as submitted by Commissioner Hamlett, and City Secre- tary, Whitt .rohnson, and as approved by previous motion, by made effective as of July 1, 19'48. Voting Ay.e: Mayor Pro-TemLanmon, and Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None The Council discussed means of financing the salary increase from current funds for the remainder of the 1947-48 fiscal year and decided that an appropriation was not necessary in view of the fact that previous salaries budgeted items had not been absorbed and that sufficient funds were available for the salary increase. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that CitySecre- ta'ry, Whitt Johnson, be instructed to request City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, to aJ:locate funds for the salary increase from the 1947'-48 budget heretofore approved _ for salaries; but not expended for reason that various personnel have not been employed or their services have been 'dis con tinued. ' vetting Aye: 'Mayor Pro-tem Lanmon, ami Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Vesting Noe: 'None Odmmissioner 'Armer left at this time." City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, advised that the garbage department was urgently in need of two new trucks and bodies and that it was impra.cticableto use street department trucks and equipment to remove garbage and trash as the city was .now forced to do. . After considerable discussion, the council decided that street~_ department trucks should not be used in the garbage department and in ofder.to maintain adequate garbage and trash disposal , it would be necessary to purchase additional equipment for the garbage department, but felt that only one truck and bOCly should be purchased atth'is date. I~ : I i~ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the City advertise in the official newspaper for the city for the purchase of one twoton truck and garbage disposal body in accordance with specifications prepared by City Secretary, Whitt Johnson. < Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-tem Lanmon, and Commissioners Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe:' None There being no'further business to come before 'the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ~t' ~,~ .:~ ayor ATTEST: ~~~:J ell tY Secret .n, r-] I :-.-J o 00 -~ ~ .,..-r< -.... U <:t C~-l U (-~l r i U '."'..-:~~~"..",-- 43 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JULY 26, 1948. The City Council met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, !July 26, 1948', at 7:30 P. M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee presiding; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. Also present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Commissioner Armer was absent. Mr. J. D. Allstott, 4125 Marquette, Block Chairman for the paving of the 4100 Block of Marquette requested the Council to file a Notice of intention to pave the skip abutting Lot 118, Fairhaven Addition. Motion by OornmissionerLanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Paving Attorney be instructed to file Notice of intention to pave North t of Marq~tte St. from the West lot line of Lot 118, Fairhaven Add. to West line of Academy Street. Voting Aye:. Voting Noe: M~yor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass; that Notice of intention to pave South side of Tennyson Street from the West line of Lot 7, Block 13, College View, 3rd Addition to the East property line of said lot be filed also. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor L~e; and Commiss&.oners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None. The following names were submitted as members who will serve on the Boardc~of Equalization for the year 1948: Mr. Marvin J. Gibson, 3009 Pittsburg; Clayton J. Clark, 4150 Milton; Mr. R. L'. Smith, 3821 Rice Boulevard. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that prior appointment by the Council of Mr. Gibson, Mr. Clark and Mr. Smith to the Board of Equalization be ratified as the action thereon did not appear on prior minutes and if such appointment had not bee made by the Council that these members be appointed as a Board of Equalization for the year 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None A letter framMr. Woodrow~. Finley requesting acceptance of his resignation as a member of the Zoning Committee was read to the Council. ", ~ Motion by Commiss~oner\Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the resig- nati()ll.-of Mr. Woodrow }'~"(~@.l?Y be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: :, Mayor Lee, and'Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mayor Lee asked that 1~. H. E. Terry, Chairman of the Zoning & Planning Board rm-'~o=-~="O!=>~"'=: - 'Il ---- - --- .n:-i'll"'ii:i~11tTllnr~~l"'l::~"mm I":"': ._k."T""~j: r-""""~-""==-ol',,e~'==~Y"'l::1. 44 be requested.to make a recommendation to the Council of someone to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Mr. Finley. I] Mr. A~ 'B. Smith, 2721 hice Blvd. owner ilif Lot 1, Block 6, Virginia Court Addition made a formal protest against the $6.00 paving assessment filed on his property for the paving of Rice Boulevard. The Council gave con- sideration to Mr. Smith's protest pearing in mind the opinion rendered by City Paving Attorney, E. E. Townes, Jr., in a previous problem of the same nature. Recommendation was made by the Zoning & Planning Board that Mr. Alvin S. Siff, 2916 Nottingham be permitted to build andadditional 10' X 20' room to his present garage as servants quarters to consist of sleeping and bathroom facilities only. . Motion by Commissi~ner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that permission to build and additional 10' X 20' room to his present garage as servants quarters be granted with usual affidavit furnished. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, and Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mr. Wlll.,. Sims, owner of West t of Lot 7, Block 35 Wes;t University' Place 1st Addition advised he had requested the Zoning & Planning Board to approve his erection of a home to face on Pittsburg Street instead of Virg~nia Avenue which is now a drainage ditch. I] Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Zoning Boards recommendation that the proposed home of }Ar. Sims face on Pittsburg Str~et inst~ad of Virginia Avenue be approved with inclusion of a minimum 30 foot set back.. line on Virginia Avenue for the garage building and set back line for residence as shown on platt submitted and approved by Council. V o.ting Aye:: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mr. S. R. Swaller, 3021 Nottingham had appeared before the Zoning Boar~ protesting noise from a professional hemstitching machine operated by Mrs. Robert J. Sveter, 3023 Nottingham, which is located in an area zoned for single family dwelling units. This matter along with a business being operated at 3221 Plumb Street also a servants quarters at 3501 Tangley which is being rented to a colored person was referred to the City Attorney for action. Mr. W. F. Cawlfield, owner of North ~ of Lot 9, Block 17, West University Place 2nd. Addition had applied for permission from the Zoning Board to subdivide this lot into two 50 X 100' lots, one to face Buffalo Speedway and one to face University Boulevard. '--1 LJ r"~ccrc.".! ..i". n~"':'Jl _ __e .-" r --"-cc-rcc.--'-"--::rfTJ [ :- "I':il'Tr:J 1111l11i jiiIjTlllili EUif'f 4.5 rl U Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that in view of the fact that setback lines and building restrictions governing these lots are such that it would be impossible to build a home in keepingwitht.he general surroundings, Mr. Cawlfields re- quest for the subdivision of North ~ of Lot 9, Block 17, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 X 100' lots be denied. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanman. None ~ ~ ~""~ -, .-:" ~\ '......" <t. The Zoning & Planning Board recommended approval of resubdivision of the East ~ of Lot 7, Block 4, West University Place 1st. Addition as requested by Mr.P. Bongio, 6712 Vanderbilt Street. Action by the Council on this recommendation was deferred until further action by the Zoning Board on the balance of the application as submitted by Mr. Bongio. 00 The Council discussed advisability of borrovring enough money to proceed with the paving program until money could be received from the Bond Issue. Mayor Lee appointed Commissioners Lanman and Douglass and City Secretary vVhitt Johnson to discuss the matter with officials of the City National Bank. r ~1 LI City Attorney J. C. Kelley presented a revised contract with South- western Properties, Inc. amending Article 5, for the Council's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Mayor be authorized to execute the revised contract with South- western Properties, Inc. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None H. J. Johnson, Consulting ~gineer for the City advised that he had received an estimate on theco~t of resurfacing the 2800 & 2900 Block of Cason Street 3000 & 3100 Block of Quenby and in his opinion it - wou~d be of less expense to the City to advertise for bids than to try to do the work itself. Motion Oy Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City advertise for bids for resurfacing of th~ 2800 & 2900 Block of Cason Street and the 3000 & 3100 Block of Quenby Street in accordance , with plans and specifications prepared by Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None r~ I I I i i I L-' Mayor Lee advised that he was authorized to make a statement on be- half of Mr. Howard Xiatta of 3025 Sunset Boulevard who had contacted property owners in the 3000 & 3100 Blocks of Sunset Boulevard. Mayor Lee stated that the residents had not reached any conclusion as r'=~~<=~'F=im''''''''-.J1 ,:,,_. -'e' [ ----"=I~"-n..:('L"1 -r~- - ',Til ''T':I1111I1iliIIrr:rllliD [[1'1 4:6 to what they could do toward having the street paved with concrete and they were advised that the $2000 to be expended by the City would not do a thorough job; however the property owners were in favor of repairs being made with knowledge that such repairs would not be of a permanent nature but would be of the best possib~e construction for the amount of expendituries. Ii I , LJ Motion by Coro~issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids for the repairing of the 3000 & 3100 Blocks of Sunset. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Consulting Engineer be instructed to prepare necessary plans and specifications for storm sewers for all areas not now servioed in order to complete the storm sewer system 9f the City. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the city advertise for bids on street intersections where contracts for paving of the street are already let or where contracts are ex- pected to be let within the next 60 days. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None o Minutes of the meetings of July 12, and July 13, were read and approved as corrected. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the City Secretary be instructed to sell the four old pieces of equip- ment consisting of a 1940 Pickup truck, 1941 Pickup truck, 1940 Dump truck and a grader, as soon as possible. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett and L&~on. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in recessed session at the City Hall within said city on 'the 28th day of July, 1948, with the following members present, to-wit: Ralph B. Lee, Mayor; Commissioners C. P. Lanmon, W. A. Hamlett, M. A. Douglass, City Secretary Whitt Johnson, and City Attorney J. D. Kelley. Commissioner Armer was absent. r---\ I I U 4.7 r.---1 I I LJ The Mayer introduced a resolution which was read in full. Commissioner Hamlett, made a motion that the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Douglass and carried by the following vote:- Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, and Douglass. Voting Noe:- None The resolution thus adopted follows: RESOLUTION 00 ~ ~ < U <t RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE BOND ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON JULY 24, 1948. WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas on the 24th day of July, 1948, an election at which was submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said city who m~ taxable property within said city and who had duly rendered the same for taxation the following propositions, to-wit:- PROPOSITION NO. ONE re... I 1 I I U SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION 'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $165,000, MATURING SERIALLY \'VITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, A.:f\rD BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION Al~D IMPROVEtvTENT OF THE STREETS WITHIN SAID CITY AND 'fO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTER&ST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. TWO SHALL THE CITY COMMTSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN .TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STORM S~NERS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN AND FOR SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY 1i1fITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PRQVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. THREE [j SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE MWUNT Of $25,000, MATURING SERIALLY WI'rHIN f7iENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PERCENT (4%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING PROP&~TY FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE 1'" . - - '9"~~'=~-==~Il '" r=~-=-~!~~'.-L""'1. r'- ~~r::'I" '-':~'I~ I~~nllll ':n':::~"TI~1lI 48 PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY; r-l I . , I Li and WHEREAS, there were cast at said election 2871 votes, of which number there were cast: PROPOSITION NO. ONE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND IMPROVDclENT BONDS 2317 votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND IMPROVE1VIENT BONDS 534 votes MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUA..JlJCE OF $165,000 STREET PAVING AND IMPROVEM:ENT BONDS 1783 votes PROPOSITION NO. TNO FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINANGE STRUCTlJ"RE BOllIDS . AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BONDS MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BONDS PROPOSITION NO. THREE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES A}ID EQUIPMENT BONDS MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES A}ID EQUIPMENT BONDS 2389 votes 352 votes 2037 votes as shown in the official election returns heretofore submitted to this City Commission and filed with the City Secretary; Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comm~ssion of the City of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That said election was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance vdth law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; that said election has resulted favorably to the issuance of the bonds described in each of said propositions and that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election have voted in favor of the issuance of the bonds described in each of said propositions. o 0';';0.'0"+':<;-:- r-"-~.---l'O---l h .- - 11 'c""~' L"~"~''''T''"~~'"'~:::T'Tl r :_u____;_____ - - "ti:rr'T:'1J1:TUlIT:1ill:rIllUl Lljj-'j 49 [] Section 2:: That the City Commission is now authorized to',\issue all of said bonds and to do any and all things necessary and convenient in connection therewith. PASSEP and APPROVED this 28th day of July, 1948. Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas 00 ~ ~. ~.::: v ATTEST: <C City Secretary With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Friday July 30, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. - -' - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - [.:.....1. ~ 1 ! ! ! The City Council met in recessed session on Friday July 30, 1948, at 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Comm. Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. Also present was the Clty Secretary. Comm. Armer was absent. The Council discussed advisability of paving an additional portion of the intersection of Plumb and Wakeforest Streets, but decided the extra expense involved was not justifiable. The Council was advised that Mr. A. B. Smith, 2721 Rice Blvd., who owns as a homestead Lot 1, Blk. 6, Virginia Court Add. had refused to sign a mechanics lien contract for the paving of the portion of Rice Blvd. abutting this property. [I Following the discussion of this matter motion was made by Cowm. Hamlett, seconded by Comm. Douglass that the City instruct the contractor to proceed with the paving of the portion of Rice Blvd. abutting on Lot 1, Blk. 6, Virginia Court Add. in accordance with plans and specifications including curb and gutter, with understanding that if the contractor does not secure the paving lien from Mr. A. B. Smith, the City~dll purchase the. certificate from said contractor at the time of acceptance of the job and at the time other certificates are issued; the reason for this action being that the Contractor cannot be required to pave this homestead property since the owner refused to give a contract lien, and the city feels that it is of great importance that all of that section :;f Rice Blv~~ be paved from curb to curb; and with understanding that as soon as the certificate is purchased the city will take necessary steps to collect from Mr. Smith. r:'"'O"~CC"C~T~'~~~'~~'}1 .._--=..:Jl.l-P-I;"-~:-~'-r-n--------r~ -[[ir "~:~JJ nlllll';iiUTIIlIII mli 50 Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee: None Commissioners Douglass, Hamlet.t and Lanmon. u The following stat.ement was made by Mayor Lee for record purposes, ltThe foregoing motion was made after considerable discussion of t.he above inasmuch as the contractor advised he had completed the North t of Rice Blvd. and on numerous times he had contacted the property o~mer and it was the opinion of the contractor, the property owner would not sign a mechanics lien and consequently the said property would h~ve to be skipped.1t Mayor Lee left the meeting at this time and Mayor Pro tern Lanmon took the chair and presided. In absence of the City Treasurer due to illness, and in compliance wi th the city charter, Cj.ty Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted a proposed estimated budget for the year 1948-49. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the proposed estimated budget for the year 1948w49 as submitted by City Secretary Whitt Johnson be adopted for consideration and discussion. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Commissioners Douglass and Hamlett. None Motion by Crunmissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Haml~tt that the City advertise Notice of Hearing on the 1948~49 Budget. 1--1 i~ Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Oommissioners Douglass and Hamlett. None With no further business to come be,fore the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. /~$..~ ATTEST: 4-~/ clty Secret - I] ~....,,,,,,..,........-..~-~.,-.. , I.I'~'=F=-"f..:r.:ol:''''',"''~=.. II fl I , OCJ ~ ~ < r-> ~ r'~l L r~' ! I ! I L' .:.")-.,,,~,,=-:-,-",.-.~ . 51 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING August 9, 1948 The City Council met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday August 9, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. with the follwoing members present: Mayor Lee presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. Also present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. IB compliance with Notice to Bidders for the resurfacing of 2800 & 2900 Blocks of Cason, 3000 &3100 Blocks of Quepby Street and the 3000 & 3100 Blocks of Sunset Street, bids were opened and the following results announced: Section #1 Section #2 Section #3 Totals Duraco Quenby Sunset Cason Gulf Bitulithic Co. 2,654.05 3,484.60 1,516.50 7,655.15 Southwest Paving Co. 2,136.25 . 3,115.00 1,238.15 6,489.40 Russ Mitchell, Inc. 3,960.70 5,106.50 2,292.50 11,359.70 Engineer's Estimate 1,910.50 2,507.75 1,216.75 5,635.00 Hot Mix Asphalt Gulf Bitulithic Co. 2,503.05 3,294.60 1,375.50 7,173.15 Servtex Southwest Paving Co. 2,238.93 3,244.20- 1,334.03 6,817.16 Asphaltic Shell Southwest Paving Co. 2,000.35 2,944.00 1,111.25 6,055.60 Water Used on Base in lieu ~ Asphalt , ~" '! Deduct from All Southwest Paving Company Bids 160.00 201.80 362.Lro Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that bids received for resurfacing the 2800 & 2900 B10~ks of Cason, 3000 & 3100 Blocks of Quenby Street and the 3000 & 3100 Blocks of Sunset Street be referred to Consulting Engineer H. J. J. for tabulation and recommendation. Votin~ Aye: Mayor Lee; and Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None r'::T~;____ _':. j'.___________~:JL -"",-'""'O";Pl r'~ ..- .- --y;r= ..... _'1-....L""l ~-T-- _un _n-"r:TI"~:~~1l11mll~:I]~::~mm linn ''''<:1J {) tC.t In compliance with Notice to Bidders for the paving of residential street intersections the only bid received was opened and results ann01IDced as follows: -1 I ,J Brogan & Williams - ~ ~ - $53,053.75 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the bid received for the paving of residential street intersections be referred to the Consulting Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None A letter from Mr. John D. Kelley requesting acceptance of his resignation as City, Attorney due to his intention vo move into his new home located outside the corporate limits of West University Place, was read by Mayor Lee. o . ,Mot:;1..on by Commissioner ' Armer, seconded by Commissio:Q.er Douglass that Mr. Kelley's resignation as City !ttorney by accepte~ with regrets. .<-'.. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and La~on. None A letter from the Judiyiary Committee was submitted recommending that Mr. Thomas M. Ryan be appointed as City Attorney to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. John D. Kelley. I '--' Motion by COIlllIJ.issioner.Douglass, l?ecorlded by Commissioner Armer, that the Judiciary Committee's recommendation be accepted and Mr. Thomas M. Ryan be appointed as City Attorney at a salary of $175 per month. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Dougla~s, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mayor Lee administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Thomas M. Ryan as City Attorney. An estimate from Walter M. Rainey Construction Company, COntractor for general contract work on the bathhouse, approved by Architect Kelly Gaffney, in the amount of $4,412.+3 was presented by City Secretary Whitt Johnson for'Council's' consideration for payment. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner .Douglass that the Estimate from Walter M. Rainey in the amount of $4,412.13 and app- roved by Architect Kelly Gaffney be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mayor Lee announced that he had another engagement and it wou+d be necessary that he be excused from the meeting and requested Mayor Pro tem Lanmon to preside during his absence. '--'-j'h1~~H~~"m r'c',~',~~"T'CT~.m"~~ll . '., [ '1I'c~'""~".:"rn TirJnll1l1li~iiljii:l1lili Hiii ( I L 00 .........+ '"-'7' ~~ U < r I · Li . 't1?;t-"'V~'::,">i . 53 1tr. Sam Marie, a resident of the 3900 Block of Marquette requested the Council to take necessary steps to file Notice of intention to pave in' front of Lots 7 & 8, Block 4, College View 1st Addition as all other property o~mers on that block had signed a contract for paving. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that a Notice of Intention to Pave be filed on Lots 7 & 8, Block 4, College View 1st Addition and that Mr. E. E. Townes, City Paving Attorney be instructed in writing to proceed in accordance with this motion. Voting Aye: Voting Nbe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None Mr. Lichte, 4130 Villanova, and a group of citizens from the 4100 Block of Villanova advised that contractor Brogan & Williams had paved the 4100 Block of Villanova with exception of Lots 124 & 138 of Fairhaven Addition and that when the Citizens signed contracts for paving they were advised by the Contractors that the entire street would be paved. Mr. Lichte asked if money being held in escrow could be withheld until Brogan & Williams paved the two lots not now paved. It was the opinion of City Attorney J. D. Kelley that the city could probably withhold money from the contractor until such lots were paved. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Lots 124 and 138, Fairhaven Addition be included in the Notice of Intention to Pave and that City Paving Attorney be requested to take necessary legal proceedings and that funds placed in escrow be withheld until the two said lots are paved. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. None City Secretary 1JIlhitt Johnson advised that there was 85' of curb and a portion of the asphalt paving extending west from the west line of Belmont Street on the south side of Rice Blvd. that was in very bad condition and needed replacing. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the street at the South West corner of Rice Boulevard at Belmont Street be compacted with the same material presently on the street and necessary work to replace the curb and gutter be done by Russ Mitchell, Inc. under the present, contract if this is permissable according to Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. City Paving Attorney and if not such work be done as a street maintenance problem to be paid out of the street maintenance fund. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the City advertise for bids for the sale of used equipment consisting of One 1941 Ford Pickup Truck, One 1941 Chevrolet Pickup Truck, One 1941 l~ Ton Ford umnp Truck, and One Adams Grader, owned by the City; bids to be opened on August 23, 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanman, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None 1,"T'~""'- I - '"'7"rr"<""?"""'c%i!,'[ . "'1,":," ~i"ll u TTI'1'i1mmlllill'iTI1lIn mrrn T' 54 Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that, bids for the purchase of 400' 2~", 200' of 1~1I, and 150' of 3/4" Fire Hose as previously authorized be advertised for August 23, 1948. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None City Secretary Whitt Johnson asked authority to advertise for the pur- chase of needed equipment for the City. Motion by Commissioner Dm.;glass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the City Secretary be authorized to advertise for the following equipment: 3 Passenger Cars, 2 door sedans; One l~ T. truck; 2 ~ Ton Pickup Trucks; one 2 Ton ~ump Truck and One Truck, cab and chassis, 17,000 Lb5. Gross. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: .None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner,Ar1!ler that a letter be written to all city employees relative to possibility of certain s~tuations arisihg whereby it would be unwise for an employee of the City to make any statement that would bind or commit the Clity in any way, or make a statement that any particular action was a policy of the city and that all matters be referred directly to their superiors. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanman, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None The minutes of the meetings of July 26, and 28 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday August 12, 1948, at 6:00 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Also ' present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published for the sale of $256,000 City of West University Place various purpose obli- gation bonds, the bids submitted were opened with the following results announced: ,,--- l':;?~-=::r:_--"-t=.!'=-==F''-''''''''.=='''='~ll ) rJ / 1 I ~I , 1 \,~ Hr.Jr'f ;}5 Name of Company Amount Maturity Date Int. Premium Net into Cost r~1 Moroney, Beissner & Co. $ 78,000 1950 - 1962 3~% 117.50 129,991. 87 I I '----' 172,000 1963 - 1968 3 3/LI% Columbian Securities Corp. 132,000 1950 - 1965 31.% 168.00 118,182.63 f 118,000 1966 - 1968 34% Raucher, Pierce & Co. 78,000 19,50 - 1962 3% 128,033.60 172,000 1963 - 1968 3 3/4% Rowles, Winston & Co. 202,000 1950 - 1967 31.% 300.00 120,836.65 f 48,000 1968 3-~ 41 OCI H ~ <::: ~) <t Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City accept the bid of Columbian Securities Corporation of San Antonio, Texas, which is considered most advantageous to the City and that Moroney, Beissner & Co. 1'Iho is handling the bond proceedings be instructed to request their bond attorney to draw up necessary contract for signatures. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. fl . fl ,:,' \_' The City Council reconvened in recessed session on Monday, August 16, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Mayor Lee was absent. Mr. Ben Judd, 4220 Judson, representing the Park Committee of the West University Place Civic Club appeared before the Council requesting that the park on Judson and South Judson Street be equipped with playground equipment. Mr. Judd was advised to contact City Secretary Whitt Johnson and work together with him in connection with securing playground equip- ment. r--1 LI Mr. C. H. Carlisle, 3813 Southwestern, advised the Council that property owners were in the process of signing contracts for the paving of the 3800 & 3900 blocks of Southwestern Street and desired to know if the intersection at Southwestern and College Streets would.be paved by the City . The Council informed Mr. Carlisle that this interseotion had been included in a certain group of intersections which was advertised for bids and a contract for paving these awarded to the low bidder Brogan & Williams on the 3rd day of May, 1948. Mr. Carlisle also advised there were owners of vacant l<;>tson Southwestern who 'had refused to sign the contracts and it was the desire of the residents on Southwestern that the city file Notice of Intention to pave these lots, namely Lot 9, Block 6, Lots 10,& 11, Block 3; Lot 15, Block 3; Lots 15 & lq, Block 4, College View 1st. Addition. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that City Paving Attorney be instructed to file Notice of Inte~tion to Pave '--~-'!j:~,-:~'-" 1~=,"~=:~='"""' 11 ".,. ""'f f" ,", '"T"~""""'~"~""i 1 f' Ti"I"'1:"11I'rmil"1ri111'illln I'm';' ag" Lot 9, Block 6; Lots 10 & 11; Block 3; Lot 15, Block 3, Lots 15 &. 16, Block.h, College View 1st. Addition. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Lanman, CommisSioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None The Council requested an oplnlon from Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson in regard to drainage at the east end of the 3800 Block of Southwestern Street. The Council was advised that a husiness was being conducted in the 3800 Block of Southwestern Street which is in violation of the City Zoning Ordinance. Building Inspector J. F. Jolly was instructed to make investigation and report on this complaint. An Ordinance was introduced authorizing the issuance of $165,000 Street Improvement Bonds, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and levy- ihg taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon, which was read in full. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the following captioned Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $165,000 Street Improvement Bonds, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon, be adopted; AN ORDINANCE AUT~ORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $165,000.STREET . IMPROVEMENT BONDS, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND LEVYING TAXES TO PAY 'fHE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. ~ None An Ordinance was introduced authorizing the issuance of $60yQoO Storm Sewer Bonds, prescribing the terms and. conditions thereof, and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon which was read in full. Motion by Commissioner J.Jouglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the following captioned Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $60,000 Storm Sewer Bonds, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon be adopted. . ANQRDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER BONDS, PRESCRIBING THETER.MS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTER&9T THEREON. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None An Ordinance was introduced authorizing the issuance of $25,000 Garbage Disposal Bonds, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof, and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon, which was read in full. r"""~~~"F"T'''''~"'''" ""'!\ ,. " r"p,,,,,,-~, Ii'"-'"~'--"'~=TI ----r' _r'TI",1:c11I1nlll~iil1:i"ll1In II ! I :~ 1 _J 1 J rrii'i o 00 ~ ~ .~ < U <1:. r~l U r........n............ LJ !'/.''l,,~1;'1' ~l. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the following captioned Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $25,000 Garbage Disposal Bonds, prescribing the terms and conditions thereof and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon, be adopted. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000 GARBAGE DISPOSAL BONDS, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THE.B.EOF, AND LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INT1"'REST THEREON.. V'bting Aye:" Ma,yor Pro tem.Lanman, e9mmissionersArm~r, Douglass. and...Hamlett. Voting Noe: None Mr. T. R.'Rawl~ngs, 3933 Case Street, appeared before the Council re- questing that a statement be obtained from the Commissioners Court stating that the County would not increase the width of the paving'on Weslayan Street to more than 30' unless 2t' of property as a Right-of-Way be purchased by the County from the property owners. . , The City 'Secretary was instructed to write the Commissioners Court re- questing that this statement be made in writing. An estimate from Walter M. Rainey, Contractor for general contract work on the Bathhouse and approved by Architect Kelly Gaff~ey in the amount of $4,533.20 was presented by'City Secretary Whitt Johnson for Council's consideration :for payment. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that estL~ate from Walter M. Rainey in the amount of $4,533.20 and approved by Architect Kelly Gaffney be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson recommended that a time limit be extended Walter Rainey Construction Co. for finishing the construction of the bathhouse until August 27, 1948. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that a time limit be extended to August 27, 1948 for final,construction of the bathhouse. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None The Council was advised that property owners of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block 23 and Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Block 24, Colonial Terrace ~ddition were desirous of having Amherst Street paved in front of these lots which consists of 5 lots on either side of the east end of the 4100 Block of Amherst Street. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the paving of' 4100 block of.Amherst Street abutting Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Block 23; Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Block 24, Colonial Terrace Addition be permitted provided that the Consulting Engineer advises that no drainage problem will be prevalent. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, CommiSSioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. r='''~,'..o'.r'.":~c'''.~-'"R r- Fir'1i"ilmmll"iiiil:Jmn r;'11'1 nn rn...._..;".,.o'-.~-r" 11 \JCI Voting Noe: None H. J. Johnson, Consulting ~gineer presented a tabulation of bids received on August 9, 1948 for the paving of quenby, Sunset, and Cason Streets with the following results and recommendation: !tAfter checking all calculations of bids submitted, we find the Southwest Paving Company to be the low bidder on Duraco Topping Materials, as follows: Section #1 - 3000 and 3100 Blocks Quenby - $2,136.25 Section #2 - 3000 and 3100 Blocks Sunset - 3,115.00 Section #3 - 2800 and 2900 Blocks Cason 1,238.15 The total bid for the project is $6;4.89.40 I feel that the type of street to be constructed under the specifications as bid above will give the City a very satisfactory street for many years, therefore, I recommend tfiat the Southwest Paving Company be awarded the contract on the above projects in the amount of $6,489.40" Motion by Con~issioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the bid of Southwest Paving Co. for paving Section #1, 3000 and 3100 Blocks Quenby, $2,136.25; Section #2, 3000 and 3100 Blecks Sunset, $3,115.00; Section #3, 2800 & 2900 Blocks Cason, $1,238.15; totaling $6,489.40, as shown in recapitulation and recommended by Consulting.Engirieei'H. J.. Johnson, be accepted by the City subject to certification of avail- ability of funds by the City Treasurer of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Cormnissioner Armer and Hamlett. Commissioner Douglass * * ->:- City Attorney T. M. Ryan made a report as requested by the Council on a kindergarten being operated on Byron Street by Mrs. Baty, a hemstitching business operated by Mrs. Sveter on Nottingham Street, and' an electrical business on Plumb Street operated by Mr. Rulon. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. *Commissioner Douglass qualified his vote by stating ih his op~n~on the motion accepting the bid was not in order as by previous action of the Council the monies for all three sections were separate and segregated and no action of the Council had been changed to lump all sums to be dis- tributed wantonly to any sections othe~ th approved previously by the Council. . ATTEST: ~~~ Ci \if Secret ~T.. . TirmlrT]lIr;iili111111ll' 'Af~'?~~'-_"'-":''" ':" - ! I,=<=:-=T-O::-i="--.~ "II . ......j r--'~~.~~~''''i1 J .1 U << I I . \.-,J lirli'l D 00 . ...-i ~ ~ -.... U <t (---i I I L- r"ll Ii I Lu MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 194a ' ()~.. The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall On Monday August 23, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published on Augu:;t 12, 1948, for the purchase of 400' of 2~" Fire Hose, 200' of l~" and 150' of 3/4" Booster Line Fire Hose, bids submitted were opened and the following. results. announced: COMPANY SIZE Wallace Co. Houston 1, Texas 2l.u Ii" 3/4ft American-LaFrance Foamite Houston 2, Texas 2l.n 11" .. 3/4" Eureka Fire Hose Dallas 9, Texas 2l." If" .. 3/4 It BiLateral Fire Hose Chicago, Illinois 2.1" II" .. 3/4" QUOTATION PE.1t,;,.FOOT 1.21 .77 .439 1.53 1.07 .68 1.50 1.02 .62 1.42 1.02 .58. Motion by CommissioXlfi!r Lanmon, seconded.. by Commissioner Douglass that bids be. referred to City Secretary Whitt Johnson and Fire Chief Sweitzer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass ana Lanmon. Voting Noe: None In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published on August 12, 1948, .. for the purchase of new equipment for the City consisting of 3 Tudor Passenger Cars, one It Ton Truck; 2-t Ton Pickup Trucks; One 2 Ton Dump Truck and Body and One 2t Ton Truck 1951' Wheel Base, Gross Weight 17,000 Lbs., Cab and Chassis ~ and One Garbage Body to be mounted on the 2t Ton Truck, bids submitted were opened, with the following results announced: Company Pass. Cars ~ ' 1.. T. Truck Downtown Chev. J .... Company" 137'3.25 (88..) , . 1576.06 (8 Cy1.) 1754__10 (~6lItW . ~h ) 2168.67 (8 Cy1.)2 Ton 2011.26 (161" W.B.) 1872.18 (15'8 "W. Be ) Ivy-Russell Motor Co. General Truck Company Hargis Motor Company 1578.40 (8 Cyl) 1:~~~,~~~O-"TC'C""C"~'11 " r'~"C. ~'-T-"""'~-"'Tl ~ i T9~ckups 2 T.Dump Truck 2874.10 (161"W.B. ) 1300.15 (ea.) 1437.35 (ea)(6 Cyl) 1674.35 (ea~) tt~b:~ ~r~ 2\~tt~~.) r~. TIT' ',;''11 l"ITIiII;iiiiT II1ITI Truck~Cab & Caasis , 2Z96;40 (161'fto195"W.B. ) 329(h~6 (8 Cyl) (19$"W~\B. ) , 2363.00 ' (197" W.B.) 3308.26 (195" W.B.) i;~W! Q\J Sauth Texas Eqpt. Co. Special Garbage Body: 361t, - Special Garbage Body 60" - 3/4 Yd. Heil Dump Body $ 17$,.00 2Q03.00 48$.2$ Whd.te Motor Ca. Truck-Cab & Chasis :,.3201..12 (19611 W. B. ) :'-1 , ; ,~ Burkett Mators Three passenger cars and five trucks - Net 149:L6.00 Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that bids bere- ferred to City Secretary Whitt Johnson for tabulatian and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Dauglass and Lanman. Vating Nae:;J~Qn~" In campliance with Notice to Bidders havipg been duly published for the sale.of used equipment owned by the City consistip.g of One 1941 Ford Pickup. Truck, MotaI" No. 6347289, One. 1941 Chevralet Pickup Truck, Mator No. AD769593, One 1941 l~T Ford Dump Truck, and One Adams Grader, the anly bid submitted was opemed with the following results announced: Bid ofJlr. K. P. (Pat) Glass, 247 West Gray, Houston, Texas 1941 Ford Pickup, Motor No. 6346289 -t 152.$0 1941 Chev." Jt "AD769593 - '5? 50 Tatal 305~OO Motion by Commisfii.aner Douglass, seconded by Cammissianer Armer that the bid, 'ii"..iJ,.....-- of Mr. Pat Glass. in the amount of $305.00, for purchase of tp,e 1941 Ford Pick-. . up and 1941 Chev. Pickup be accepted upon_recommendation of City Secre;t,a17 Whitt Johnson. Votieg Aye: Mayor Lee; COlJ1B19.issioners Armer .Douglass and~. V otiilg Nee: None \, . Mrs. Hugo Horner, 4109 Byron again appeared before the Council inquiring as to results of -an investigat;., made; by, the Oity, of ,a, rap.opted kinderga1"tenb"e~g " operated at 4113 Byron st'teet by Miss Francis Baty. IIrs. Horner was inf'ormed that investigation had been made by J. F. Jolly, Building ,J;nspectar and Miss- Ba.ty, was not operating a kindergarten at tl1is> 'Gate. Mrs.. Horner advised that Miss- Baty was intheproc-eSS af ,arranging. the:- preDl4:$es for',.emn,gofthe kinder.. gaTten at a future> date-. Mr. Aim Sulik,,3Q2$ Southwe~~~rn,asked if the' Ciw:"~~..ave the'intersection of We slay an and Southwestern Streets if the 3900.& 4eOOBllocksof"Sli>uthwestern ' Street were paved.,,,,.,, l{Qt:lfibyCommissi,oner D~~~~liss,secanded by Commissioner 'Armer that iintersections on>'We.slayan Stree,tbe pave~ by the CitY,providing the inter-$~'ction will conn'&'et" : two blocks of continuous pavement and Wherei t is the EngUieersrecommendation tha~ there will be no drainage problem 0"1" traffic haza.rd; type and width of inter- S~~~~9ns to be decided at a later date. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissianers Armer, Douglass, and Lanmon. VQting Noe: None 1 .~ ,!-;, J~"T~i"--'- i~.'-"'~" 1\ " r' --_0'li~~~~11 [' - _nnoTo__ nn nO-TIT' limmlll;iilJiill1l11 Wi'l [I 00 ...-; ~ ..-"" ~.... :.) -< u r--l L: 61, Mr. Sulik also advised the Council that the owners of Lo.ts 15 8& 16, Block 4, College View 1st Addition, were not willing to sign paving contracts and since it was rent property other resideRtson the block were desi~ous Of having th~se. lots included in Notice of Intention to Pave in order that property owners may be assessed. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Lots 15 & 16, Block 4, College View 1st Addition be included in Notice of Intention to Pave providing that the remainder of the block'is paved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None Mr. Wm. H. Huston, 4150 Amherst Street and a group of residents from the west end of the 4100 Block of Amherst Street appeared before the Council asking that they be permitted to pave the west end of the street since the east portion was being paved in front of five abutting lots. These citizens informed the Council there were residents in the center of the block who did not desire to enter ihto paving contracts but they could see no reason why they should not be permitted 'to pave on the west end of the street the same as the group on the east end. The Council assured residents from the 4100 Block of Amherst that they would go on record in favor of paving the west end of the blo,ck if the. consulting Engineer's report shows there will be no drainage problems or traffic hazards involved. Mr. Geo. B. Meriwether, an Engineer employed by the Krenzler Estate appeared before the City Council and, submitted a plat of a proposed subdivision:fur pro- perty owned by the Krenzler Estate lying between Albans and Wroxton Road in the 2600 Block. Mr. Meriwether was advised/that it was necessary to submit the proposed platt 100 the Zoning Board for their cOils'ideration and rec.ommendation prior to the pUt~ being acted upon. by theCi ty Council. Estimate No. 1, in the amount of $16,804.14 from Russ Mitchell, Inc.,Contractor for paving Rice Blvd. and Wakef-orest Street and approved by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson, was submitted for C011Ileil's consideration for payment. .' Motion by Commissioner Douglass,aeconded by Commissioner Armer that;' Estima.te No. 1, from Russ-Mitchell, Inc.- in the amount of $16,804.14 be approved for payment on basis of recommendation of H. J. Johnson, Consulting'Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commis$ioners Armer, Douglass, and, Lanmon. None '. Estimate No.1, Section No.2, in the amount of $.6,320.64 from Russ Mitchell, and approved by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson, was submitted for Council's consideration for payment. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that estimate No. 1, Section No.2, from Russ Mitch,ell, Inc. in the amount of $6,320.6~ be approyed for payment On basis of re.commendatio.n of H";,,J. ,Johnson, Consulting Engineer. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None The C.onsul ting Engineer was instructed to open Rice Boulevard and.Wakeforest Street any tiMe after the 25th. day of August provided the new construction work has been accepted or a letter has been recelved from 1us5 Mitchell, Inc. stating that the .0.9 '{j,&;l opening of the street will not waive rights to completlil work on the street. E. E. Townes, Jr. City Paving Attorney presente<h;an,;0rdinance determining the :,,1 necessity for and ordering, that ,certain portions of 14a.rQuet:te.Street, Villanova, I! Southwestern, and Tennyson be improved and directing Notice of this Ordinance ~ be filed wi. th the County Clerk, which was read in full. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the fol- lowing captioned Ordinance dete~ing the necessity for and ordering that certain portions of Marquette Street, Villanova, Southwestern, Tennyson Street be im- proved, be passed and appr.oved as read. ORDINANCE NO. 394 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINIDNG THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MARQUETTE STREET in the 3900 and the 4100 blocks thereof; and, VILLANOVA STREET in the 4l00,'block thereo:frand SOUTHWESTERN STREET in'the 3800 and the 3900 and the 4100 ~locks thereof; and TENNYSON STREET in the 3900 block thereof; and LYING BETWEllN THE RESPECTIVE INTERSECTING: STREETS IN EACH. INSTANCE, IN, . THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE" IMPROVED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFlcATIONS, FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROnnING FOR SmREGATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SE~tONS:; 'EACH. ,OF, "h. ' WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS. A SEPARATE AND ,COMPLETE UNI1J.l,;DmEOTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST " " OF SUCH. IMPROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE 'NAM~leF XHE. OWNERS" OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET XO BE IMPROVED, TO- GEl'HER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES;, PROVIDING THAT A, PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY' THE CITY' AND A PART . OF THE COST OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS, SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND 'J.l{E OWNERS ,THEREOF:, AND. FOR INCIDENa'AL 'MA:'l'!'ER5; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FUR:l'HER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO'StICH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105 (b) OF THE REVISED. STATUTES OF TEXAS; n;I1tECTING THEOi'l'Y SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORiuNANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRI;S COUNTY, TEXAS ,AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED' AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME, , PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voti."lg Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None Mr.To'Vll es presented Ordinance No. 395,< Directing the City Secretary to advertise -' for bids for the permanent improvement of certainp0,r'tions of Academy Street,and directing that the advertisement be incorporated with the advertisement for bids for certain por;tions of Marquette Street, Villanova." Southwes.tern, and Tennyson Street, which was read in full. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner 'Armer that the following T=.' . .--"'~ --!"'="- =..-r"'ll r'- . , fr- . .......,..-----::-=-'''~~ot."1 "'T!" I" . ~'!!'J1I':flmrTl'Jf'! .r'n~1lI ) ~ \. i-I !J i-I i I ,~ rrr.T'O '0. OCI ......; ,~. p '1f'I'~ ~'-' '~, <t ~. [1 63 , captioned, Ordinance be passed and approved as read. ,AN ,ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR. THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: The West one-half of ACADEMY STREET from the South line of Lot 14, Block 21, COLONIAL TERRACE ADDITION, to the North line of said Lot 14, IN THE CIn OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN ACCORDANCj: WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE ADOPTED THEREFOR; SAID B-IDS TO. ,BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED: DIRECTING THAT. THE ADVERTISEMENT ~"OR SUCH. BIDS BE INCORPORATED IN AND WITH THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR. THE IMPROVE- MENT OF CERTlIN PORTIONS OF 'THE 3900 AND 4100 BLOCKS.OF MARQUETTE STREET, THE 4100 BLOCK OF VILLANOVA STREET, THE 3800 AND 3900 AND 4100 BLOCKS OF SOUTHWESTERN STREET AND. THE 3900 'BLOCK OF TENNYSON:STREET HERETOFORE ORDERED IMPROVED, AND THAT SAID, PORTION OF ACADEMY STREET BE ;i!mCORPORATED IN THE ' CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH REFERENCE TO SAID, PORTloNS~;ON SAID, MARQUETTE, VILLANOVA, SOUTHWESTERN AND TENNYSON STREETS, AS AN ADDI'PIO~,'SIDRIDATlID SECTION OF WORK TO BE COVERED THEREBY, AND' DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None A contract between the City and the Coca-Cola Bottling Company for connection onto the Sanitary Sewer System of the City was submitted to the Council for consid- eration. After a study of the contract, it was recommended by. Mayor Lee that the contract be rewritten by the City Attorney. City Secretary: Whitt. Johnson advised the Council that the signs, marking the city limits'of West Un<Lversity Place which were donated by the. Civic Club were in Violation of the City Zoning, Ordinance. The City Attorney was.ins.trueted:to render an opinion as to whether or not:bbese signs are a viii)lation of the,City Zoning Ordinance. . , ' City Attorney T. M. Ryan made a report as requested by the Council on a business being operated at 3817 Southwestern Street and also the operation of a kinder- garten at 6309 Mercer and at 4215 Tennysan. An investigation as to the.possi- bili ty of a kindergarten being operated at .these addresses_ revealed no' evidence, , indicating tha,t a kindergarten was. being conducted. at. this time;.. A recommendation was received from the Zonimg Board.-thatpermi~sion ,be granted Mr. J. B.. Blanchard, 2732 Pittsburg, to convert a room on. tlie,secoild floor of his · "garage building into servants quarters, with no kitchen privi1eges,,~ .providing. it ' does not exceed 250 Sq. Ft. and affidavit is ,executed stating.that room will not be used fo~ commercial purposes. r I L-' Moti'on by Commissioner Lanmon,- seconded by. Commis~ioner Armer that. permission be granted Mr. Blanchard to convert a room on the second floor of his garage building into servants quarters not to exceed, 250 Sq. Ft., with no kitchen facilities, and provided affidavit is properly executed. Voting Aye: Mayor :;aee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. V pting Noe: None A statement from 'the Harris C'ounty Mayor's & Councilmen's Association in_the amount of $153.65 for meals at Bill Williams' , July 8, 1948 was presented at"which ]' "-l';-'=--' .11 r~ 'ml ' :~1111llnl"TUl' mID ii,!: ' ~r _c. ,._~!;.~. .=.,- . II t}'l time the City of West University was Host to the Association. Motion by Commissioner Armer, secon4ed by Commissioner Douglas.s that the bill amounting to $243.65 less $90.00 allowed for the Host City, submitted by the Mayor's and Councilmen's Association be paid. I~ i : --1 Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon.. Voting Noe: NQne , City Secretary Whitt Johnson requested that General Fund Check No. 5706, Vo. No. 6314 G, in the amount of $440.00 payable to Treasurer of the United States for Fire Hose be cancelled since no statement from the Treasurer's, Department or the War Assets Administration has been received. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Check No. 570$,., Vo. No. 6314 G in the amount of $440.00 payable to Treasurer or the Uni1>ed 'States for 500' or Fire Hose (l~'t), 1800' of 2i" Fire Hose and 20' of 4"Fire Hose, be voided based on recomm~fidation of the City Secretary and in view of the fact that the Oity has never received a statement on the purchase of. this hose from the Treasurer's Department or the War Assets Administration. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting Noe: None A statement froin the Layne-Texas Co. in the amount of $6,082.12 for repairs to water pumps and wells No.4 and ,..8 submitted for Council's consideration for. pay__. mente Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass tha't. statement. ' in the. amount of $6,082.12 submitted by Layne-'Bexas Co. fot' repairstp, water, pumps and wells No.4 and. 5 be approved for payment 'contingent. upon availability oit funds. I ' , I LJ . Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lamnon. Voting Noe: None In Gonnection with request f.or paving of 4000 block of Browning Street'Mr. J... L. Williams of' Brogan & Williams submitted an itemized, statement setting forth cost to the City for pav1ng 60' of frontage or intersection, 25% for cost of paving of Lot 9 as side lot property, installation of one catch basin and 21' ,of con- ,crete pipe at a figure of $718;.,00. Funds, not being available from the 1948 Bond issue to pay for City'slPortion of paving the 4000 Block of Brown~ng, Street,. City Secretary Whitt Johnson -recommended that'$7:t8..00 be appropriated from the Genera,l fund for thisptWppse with provision that, the General lund. bereimhursed alike. amount when 1948 Street Improvement Bond Fmds become available., Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the 4000 Block of Browning Street be approved ,for paving and that the City Se~retary's recammend- atio~be accepted and monies be -alloca.ted wlaen and if bond monies become available. Voting A;r.# Mayor Lee; Commissioners,Ar.mer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting N~; Wo~e upon recommendatioo, of Commissioner Douglass, the Council instructed the City Treasurer to set up a report system as to bQrltA (nnas. spent. and available. ! -I i I i~ ['''' "'-"'''~-T~.''~''-~''II 'r c_, , --""'j I - H-T T'j .'~'l1I'lml"ii~' 111m iiT' o 00 .-., ~ ..,~-r: ~ " ,~ -< o u U~T City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that the West University Elementary School and the Pershing Jr. High School were paying only $2.00 per month">as a sewer charge and it was his recommendation that a contract be worked out whereby an equitable oharge could be made for sanitary:, sewer, servioe. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the City Attorney be instructed to write a letter' to the Houston Independent School Board that no further checks will be accepted by the City until a cotltract is 'worked out satisfactorily to both the city and the School Board with the City Attorney and the City Secretary working together reference this matte~~ , Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissj.oners Armer, Douglas~. and Lanmon. t Voting Noe: NOne The City Secretary was instructed to ,have a Notice-published in the official newspaper of the City advising that a public hearingwould,be held on Monday August 30, in connection with the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1948';'1949. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner. Armer that the Mayor be authorized to' execute contract with Brogan & Williams'. for the :retopping of '3000' Block Pittsburg Street and authorize the payment of, $293 for city participation when the job is completed and if and when funds become availabl~ from 1948 Paving Bond Issue.. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon. Voting ,Noe: None The Council recommended that Mr. Johnson, City Secratary and Mr. Ryan, City Attorney meet with the Charter Amendment'Committee to work out recommendations for amending the City Oharter to, be submitted for vote; November 2, 1948. . Commissioner Douglass verball.y. submitted his resignation to"become effective September 15, due to the fact his new home which is located outside the corporate limits of West University Place would be ready for occupancy,about that time. Wi tho no further business t.o come before ,the CounoiLa t this time, the' meeting recessed.' . ..------~-------- The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday August 30,' 1948, at7:30P.;M;. withthe:followa,.ng'members present: MayorETo tem Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Douglass: and Hamlett. Alsoopresentwere the City Secretary and the City: Attorney. 'Mayor Lee was absent. ' ; Mr; Geo. Meriwether, Engineer for' the proposed Krenzler sub-divisionlocatedih the vicini;ty'.of Kirby Drive and Wroxton ltoad, again appeared be1lore,the Council requesting approval of plat with reference to sewer line lay-out. 'The Council felt, that no action could be taken until the plat had be'en presented to the Zoning Board for consideration. Mr. Meriwether was advised to contact members and request a special meeting of the Zoning Board; Also to have deed and dedi- cation papers \ prepared and.tihe: ;Couneil: would take neoessary acti:on after" 'receiving recommendation from the Zoning. Board. Mr. V. E. Klossner, 4139 Amherst Street and a group of citizens from the 4100 !~r---~.''''< ,. -m ".i1l1fl1l1mrrr' 111m i:rl' r~-""T'~[~'~ . , : r" -=----=" ~ ~'~ 66 Block Amherst. Street appeared b:ef.ore' the ~CQuneil and ,advise.d:th~~e owners of, property. in the center of the block on Amherstq~treet and other pt'Op:ertYc'0.'WJlers on either end of the block had.received.permission ,to pavethes:e portions, of t.he d Th li,ol- street leaving the center portion, unpave.. es,e citizens,_,desiJ::e~a~surf1nce from the Council that they would not allow both ends of the street to'be closed at ~ the same time. The citizens were assured that a work order would not be gi v.en for excavatioh until materials for. c,ampletion. of the johwereavailable, and both ends of the street would not be. closed- at the same, time. Permission was also granted these property oWners to pave the center portion of the blo,ck at a later date so long as the desired pavement'meets with specifications of the City. Mr. Jim Curlee, representing the builder of the new Community Center being con- structed at Bellaire and Weslayan Street, requested the Council's approval of a 3' radius on the islands in front part of the parking area of the Community Center instead of a 6' radius., Permission was granted Mr. Curlee to proceed with, con- struction of the islands as requested.. . The Council was advised by Building Inspector. J. F. Jolly that Mr. Gene M. Cummings, 3808 Mley,St.Had reqlles_ted, a bui.lding permit for house, with a.n attached garage to extend 20' in front. of the main dwelling. This request was refeBred .to the Zoning Board for their recommendation. A copy of a letter from Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer,.,written to Russ,c Mitchell, Inc. was read to the Council by the City Secretary regarding the c~b returns on Rice & Wakeforest which ha,ci: been left out~ of the:cplans and spe.cifi- ca tions. Ci ty Secretary Whitt Johnson recommended that Russ Mi t.chell be autho- ' rized to replace the driveways on basis of $10.00 each in accordance with. Consulting ~ngine.er' s letter. _ _ , u ~.,., - Motion by. CoDlDlissionerHamle,tt, secon.ded byCommissi,oner Armer that Russ Mitchell, Inc. be authorized to construct proper returns on driveways .on Rice Boule.vard and Wakeforest Str,eet on the~ basis of $10,..,00. ,each and that a chang.e order be written. into original CQ,nt-ract 'and also ;Writllena:c.ceptance ~j!'>om. the contractor be obtained. Voting Aye: ~ Mayor Pro ,tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. Voting Hoe: None Commissioner Hamlett advised-that hi-s attention ,had been-called to the fact that some of the food dispensing establishments in the City of West University Place are in a most unsanitary condition. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, s~c.~ndedbiY ~Jissioner: Dquglass that the Council d,irect the City Bani-tarian to in'Y'-QJk.e what<1a.ws are, neo.e.ssary, to.<h.a~e all food dispen$ing establishments ;in the,Oity ,of, West Uni.v;enij,y Pla.ce. to place their establishment ina sanitary condition which .will pass inspection and notify each th4t mttbin one w~ek from date inSPection will be made,,'and plfices. ~n,t'ound t~ be in an unsanitary condition will be subject to revocation of permits. .... Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; CQJIllD.issioners Armer, .DolJ,giass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None . l(ayor. Lee arrived at this t~e, :~d, upon req~l;lt:of,.!lay:o:r- PPo 'tem Lanman took the chair and presided. fJ' I l-TT.''''---~-=-"''''1'"--"!"''-'=..=.,-= 11 T!!r "!'~'l'll!flllll"r~~'" IUm rrJ:' I I ~ 00 ...--f <::"'i-! ~ '~. U <t I \ ! ' , I I I I L r"l I ! Li " -~",,'C-:'Y!fi),~~~~'fr~':I-';-' 67 " The following letter from Commissioner M. A. Douglass reques~ing acceptance of his resignation as Commissioner was read to the Council: August 24, 1948 Honorable 14ayor & City Commission City of West University Place Gentlemen: In view of the' fact that my new home in Bel1aire,Texas, will be completed and ready for occupancy sometime in the first half of.September, 1948, and in accordance with Charter requirements, the writer respectfully tenders his resignation to become effective September 15, 1948..' , Yours very' truly, (5) Max Douglass Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett tnat resignation of Mr. Douglass as City Commissioner be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Each member of the Council expressed appreciation of the work done by Commassioner Douglass and their regret of his leaving t~~ city. Treasurers Certificate No. 12 was prel;)ented eert1;jly-:trrg:that~there is in the treasury of the City of West University Place, Texasdtne sum of now available for appropriation by the City Commission for the purpose of resurfacing section 1 - 3000 & 3100 block Quenby, section 2 - 3000,& 3100 block Sunset and section 3 - 2800 & 2900 block Cason. .Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded b.1 Commissioner Armer that 'be appropriated out of ,unappropriated fUnds of the City for the resurfacing of Section 1, 3000 & 3100 block Quenby, Section 2, 3000 & 3100 block Sunset and Section 3, 2800 & 2900 block Cason, Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Treasurers CertifJ.cate'No. 13 cer~ifying the availability of $6,082.12 for payment of invoice submitted by Layne Texas Co. for the repair to water wells and pumps as approved on August 23, 1948, was presented. A letter from Haner & Dossey, Auditors for the City of West. University Place dated August 7, 1948, was read to the Council, said letter stating that upon examination, it appeared that total expenditures for the. year by departments will compare approximately,with budgeted amounts with exception of two depart- ments which would be over expended. City TreasurerC. E. Qammill submitted a / statement revealing that the garbage and inspection department would be over expended by $4,qOB.95and adv:l.sing that there was $ in unappropriated /-- surplus which could be transferred to make up the anticipated deficit in the Inspection and Garbage Departments. ' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer directing the City " I:~~L"'-'-..I<'O=>TC(="r=~<O=""=:o::~:!l _~,_:_,_o~,_".-;;;' [~:'-<:O"--:_--.'-'-"!r-'--'-=~:""-~:':':~r1. f" ... 'ml',mmm:iI',l:::Jllln umn 68 Trea~urer to transfer $4,808.95 trom lJIlapproPl':i,.ated ~y.rp:I,:u~ t,o the Garbage and and Inspection Department. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners.~rmer, ppug:I,ass, Hamlett, and Lanmon. None ) _J Mr. J. L. Williams, member of the Charter Amendment Committee advised the Council that this committee had met and discussed various proposed changes in the Home Rule Charter. Motion by CQmmi;:isionerl)o\lg],.ass" seconded by Cozmnissioner. Armer that the following change.a be subm.itted tot-he citizens for vete on the November 2,Cityele,ction,: , 1. Article VII, Section 8, Page 12" - Ins,tallatiol'lQfQfficeps. We recommend that, this section be changed to read "Newly elected Of'ficers at the first election hereunder being November, 1948, shall enter upon their duties on the 3rd Monday in November, and all future 3rd Mondays following tb.eelection. .' \" 2. Article XIV, Section 5, Paragraph 1, Page 19. This should ''bechap.ged from 'September, J,.,to 4:!J;gu.~t ;rt,jio, provid~ for fis;.. cal year beginning January 1, 1956 and ending December 31, 195Q, and each calendar year thereafter. 3. Article XIV, S~c,t;t~n 8" Page.: 20 -' Pre.pa:rationan<;i adoptio:r;l of:, the:l3ud.get.. This should be amended to r~qlJ.ir~ tb,gt, the budget be pr~pc;l.re.d;'"s:ubmitted. and approved as follows:, Prepared by the Department Heads not later than July 15 each year, consolidated and submitted to the City Counci,l not later than August 1 of each year, and consideration and public hearing during the month of'August with adoption and approval nptlater than August 31, of each year. u ~I i I --.J Voting Aye: Voting_Noe: Mayor Lee; Comniissioners Armer, lJougla;:;s, Hamlett ,and Lanmon. NOne Commissioner Hamlett had left the me~ting prior to the vote on this motion. Commiss~oner Douglass reported that a ~uil~ing on the corn~r o~ Tangley, Char- lotte, and Wakeforest was constructed in violation of the building code inas- much as the proposed garage had been enclosed and made a part of the house and now there was more construction work being done without. a buiJ,ding permit. Building Inspector Jolly:was instructed to handle the matter and advise ,the owner that a building permit must be taken out and square footage of house en- tered on the tax roll. Commissioner Douglass made a motion that Contragtor Russ Mitchell, Inc. be in- structed to proceed with the paving of University Blvd. from Sewanee Street to Kirby Drive for a width of 40t andasses~ment proceedings be taken on assessable property in view of the fact that considerable difficulty had been encountered in attempting to get property owners to sign paving contracts and the basis of this action being that University Blvd. is a thoroughfare and considered as an emergency paving need. The motion died for lack of a second. 1 I I I I ----' " T:''To'r~''''''''T'''''''''~-:II____. ,'" ", t~~~~li-"-~""n 'TITrTImi:!lIIflJilliirTlllfl ii1IT1', ( u 00 "I""'"'-? ~ ........ --...... U <C L.. 69 Mayor Lee announced that in compliance with Notice of Hearing having been duly published that anyone wishing to be heard in regard to the budget may do so at this time. No citizen expressing a desire to be heard at this time, Mayor Lee recommended that the Council meet with the :Finance Committee on Wednesday September 1, for further c9nsideration of the budget. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. - - .- - - - - - - - - - ... - The City Council reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on Thursday, September 2, 1948, at 6:30 P~M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, ,Douglass and the City Secretary. Commissioners Hamlett and Lanmon and the City Attorney were absent. The following resolution prepared by. City Attorney T. M. Ryan in connection with proposed amendments to the City Charter was presented for consideration of the Council and read ,in full: BE l'r RESOLVED 'by the City Commission of the City of' West University Place, Texas, that it is the intention of said Commission that the following amendments to the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, shall be submitted to the voters of said city at the next regular municipal election ...vhich will be held on November 2nd, 1948; and that at a.meeting to be held on September 27th, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall of the City of West University Place, Texas, the City Commission intends to pass an<9rdinance providing for tl:1e submission of said Charter amendments to the voters at the next regular municipal election. on November 2nd, 1948. 10 said Charter shall hereafter read as follows: ARTIC~EXIV DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE SECTION 8 - THE PREPARATION AND ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET: -- From and after January 1st, 1950, the following procedure shall govern the preparation and adop- tion of the budget: Not later than July 15th of each year, the departments and agencies of the City G eve rnment shall transmit estimates of their budgetary re- quirements to the department'df'finance, which shall prepare a budget for the Treasurer in the form required by the next preceding Section of this Charter. The Treasurer shall transmitthis'buage-t..te the Commission not later than August 1st, of each year. The Commission shall arrange for and hold at least one public hearing on the budget during the period of its consideration. The Commission may revise, alter, increase, or d~crease the items of the budget, provided that when it shall increase the total proposed expenditures, it shall also increase the .total anticipated income so thatcthe total means offinanci~g the budget shall at least equal in amount the aggregate proposed expenditures~ When the Commission shall make such changes, it shall issue a statement setting forth clearly its action on the budget. Not later than August 31st" of each year, the Commission shall approve the budget plan and shall enact the appropriation ordinance. As soon thereafter as possible the Commission shall pass the tax levy ordinance and such other ordinances as may be required to make the budget effective. ~' Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Resolution proposing amendments to the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, be passed and approved as reaq. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer and.Douglass. Voting Noe: None i ~ With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. The City Council reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on Friday, Sept. 10, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Hamlett and Lanmon and the CitySeeretary and 'City Attorney. Commissioners Armer and Douglass were absent. .' " The Council met in recessed session for the purpose of receiving bids for the paving of skipped areas in the 3900 & 4100 Blks. of-Marquette, 4100 Blk. of Villanova, 3800 & 3900 & 4100 Blks. Southwestern, and Academy Street from University Blvd. to Richmond Road and 390.0 Blk. of Tennyson Street as duly advertised on August 26,1948. The following and only bid received was.opened and results announced: Brogan & Williams, 5717 Kirby Drive Total bid in accordance.with plans and specifications - $8,760.43 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the bid of Brogan & Williams be referred to Consulting Engineer H.J.J. for tabulation and recommendation and that recOGmendation be submitted at next regular meeting on Monday September 13, 1948. . , ';1~_f-I"1=1"'" J ~n"'="r'-~== _ .Jl I" ~n] r- . ''''''---=-[1- -- ~.. _" :1 1. , ' "'!Tn . ~~~I~I~lnm"'1~I""mm mrr~ ' 00 ....-+ ~ <~ (' -) -- <C rdl , ' I ! LJ ,., -~?~-t~!'F0'~!;C-" " - i1 Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Hamlett and Lanmon. None Motion was made and duly seconded that the meeting be adjourned. ~~ / ~ ' ","~ ;. .ayor .. ...... A TTES T ~.~ - City Se. 1"_ -~ r -- <P""1!C11llllill:Hllirllllll lilE"T ~11 ~-,-"'"""'",\i:<ij; r-'-'= "':'-'f" .: , 72 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 1948 J The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday September 13, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor ~ro tem Lanmon, presid:ing; Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Mayor Lee was absent. Mr. Howard Ponzer Chairman of P.T.A. Safety Committee; Miss Alpha Shumate, Principal of the klementarySchool; Mr. Clarence Orman, Principal of Pershing High School and Mr. R. E. Woodard of Southside Place, presented a blue print of a proposed traffic control system which they recommended for West University Schools on University Blvd. The proposed plan will eliminate parking in front of the schools and also on Edloe Street and provide for a traffic light on University Blvd. at a designated cross walk between the Junior high and Elemen- tary Schools. During the discussion of this plan it was brought out that School and P.T.A. Officials would cooperate by sponsoring a,traffic educational program and also furnishing Junior Patrolmen to help direct traffic at the walk areas. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Qrdinance covering regulation of traffic adjacent to West University Schools with no parking on Edloe Street between points designated on blueprint and no parking en 3700 Block University Blvd. as shown on blueprint with 30 minute parking at east and west end of the school property for both north and. south sides of the street, between hours of 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. during the school term with installation of a traffic light at a later date if deemed advisable and funds are available._J Voting 'Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, ~ouglass and Hamlett. NOne Mrs. Hugo Horner, 4109 Byron Street, advised the Council that Mrs. Francis Baty of 4113 B,yron Street was operating a kindergarten at this address. City Attorney T. M. Ryan reported that Mrs. Baty had been operating the kindergarten prior to the passing of the Zoning Ordinance according to her Attorney. Mr. Ryan was instructed to secure proper affidavits reflecting the facts and present them to the Council with his opinion on the matter. Mr. L. G. Schaffer, 3304 University Blvd. appeared before th~ Council inquiring as to why a sjdewalk had not been constructed adjacent to a new house at the corner of Westchester and University Blvd. The Council informed Mt,. Schaffer they would be glad to have the matter checked into and would give him the inform- ation as,ked for. Mrs. Thomas E. Stanley, 6218 Community Drive, advised the Council that a business was being operated at 6222 Community Drive. The Council assured Mrs. Stcnley that an investigation would be made and necessary action taken. Mr. Geo. Merriwether, Engineer for the proposed Krenzler sub-division located in the vicinity of Kirby Drive and Wroxton Road, submitted a plat ~~th recommendation from the Zoning Board that same be approved subject toa600 Block Wroxton being paved and the necessary water and sewer lines being installed in accordance with ,- .-; ,,- '.~''?''',,;:.-,,,,,,,,, l:(i~- r -, ., ,JI__. .. ,",i r~=Oil~--;;~I'C1 [ :-----T .-]TI'flrIJlj]llljiliiirmlll ilNiI I '"1 !' ! L- 00 '<'""""1' ~ '. < U <:C 7,3 the plans and specifications approved by the City of West University Place; and subject to the set-back lines of the residential property facing Wroxton and ,the residential property facing Albans correspond to the required set-back lines of the residential property facing Wroxton and Albans in Evanston Addition and ad"": jacent thereto; and subject to the side building line of Lot 8 and the side building line'of Lot 10, of Krenzler Courts Block 1, set back and be in accord- ance with the residential set-back building lines of Krenzler Courts, Block 1, as so provided on Wroxton and Albans Streets as ,hereinabove set out." Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that recom- mendation of the Zoning Board be accepted and plat be adopted as submitted after signatures of Members of the Zoning Board has been affixed thereto. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~yor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None The following captioned Ordinance authorizing the borrowing of $25,000 for operating expenses was presented by Mr. Tom Gordon, Attorney, which was read in full after being examined and approved by City Attorney T. M. Ryan. ORDTNANCR NO. 39h AN" ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF $25,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING ON THE ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PROMISSORY NOT;ES TO EVIDENCE SUCH INDEBTEDNESS; PLEDGING CERTAIN ANTICIPATED INCOME FOR THE PURPO$E OF PAYING THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SUCH INDEBTEDNESS. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner' Douglass that Ordinance No. 396 authori~ing borrowing of $25,000 for operating expenses be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None " The.follo~ng captioned Ordinance authorizing the borrowing. of $15,000 for Street Paving, being examined and approved by the Ci'ty Attorney was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 397 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ:NG THE BORROWING OF $15,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OFrHE STREETS OF THE CITY OF WEST~ UNIVERSITY PLACE; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PROMISSORY NOTE TO EVIDENCE SUCH INDEBTNESS; PLEDGING CERTAIN ANTICIPATED PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE.. OF $165,000 STREET IMPROVEo:. MENTS BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE PRINCIPAL AND INTERES,T ON SUCH INDEBT- NESS. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Ordinance No. 39'7 authorizing borrowing of $l.5,OOO for Street Paving be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye~ Mayor Pro tem.Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: NOne Mr. Kelly Gaffney, Architect for construction of the Bathhouse and pumphouse presented a certificate to the Council atating that the bathhouse and pump had 74 been completed by Walter M. Rainey Construction Company according to plans and specifications: and that the Contrac,torwas entitled to final and complete payment. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Certificate 1 presented by Architect Kelley Gaffney be accepted and payment be made on basis _J of 'Certificate subject to ver~fication of completion by tqe City Secretary. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro temLanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None Mr. Walter M. Rainey, being present at the meeting stated that even after final payment was made he did not expect his responsibility to end on the bathhouse and pump house. Members of the Council expressed appreciation of the work done by Mr. Rainey. The following recommendation and tabulation in connection with bid received on September 10, 1948, for the paving of certain skipped areas was submitted by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson "Only one bid was submitted for this project, that being by Brogan-& Williams, Contractors. The bid is higher than previous bids of the same type pavement; however, there is much more work involved in paving these smaller areas, and I feel. that the increase in price is justified. I recommend that a contract be awarded Brogan and Williams for paving the skips involved and the necessary ordinances be passed for the assessment proceedings.u Commissioner Douglass asked the following question of Mr. H. J. Johnson; Con- sulting Engineer; "ls it true that considerable amount of excavation will-have to be done by hand labor?'. Answer by Mr.' Johnson: "Yes it is. The higher cost is due to hand labor required arid frequent moving of,equipment.lt. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the bid of Brogan & Williams, in the amount of $8,760.43 be accepted and City Paving Attorney E. E. ToWnes, Jr. be'directed to prepare and submit necessary Ordinances and legal proceedings. ! i I '--..-' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass,c and Hamlett. None City Secretary Whitt Johnson presented a letter from Mr. J. R. LeMay, 3818 Amherst Street requesting permission to pu!chase or lease a portion of Lot,6, Block 16, College View 3rd Addition owned by the ,City. The City Secretary,was instructed to investigate details for the lease of this lot ,and submit a report to the Council. A. statement of $75,00from Mr. B. L. Henderson for work in connection with the securing of signatures on the Weslayan Right-of-Way Deeds, was submitted by City Secretary Whitt Johnson with a recommendation that same be paid. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the statement from Mr.B. L. Henderson amounting to $75.00 be paid by the City out of the General Fund. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None In connection with a request of the Coca-Cola Bottlin~ Company for Sanitary Sewer service outside of the city limits the contract was submitted for the 1. .-'""'">...,.;=-."l<"'''....'-~-Jl .__~r."-r-~T:r-=-~..u.....-:"..F"'l [' '-T~'l :'~1H~~mn-~'J1j'U' ml!r 1:0;' 75 Council' consideration. ri Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Mayor I' be authorized to execute a ,contract between the City and the Coca...,.Cola Bottling l j Company of Houston for connection onto the City Sanitary Sewer System. -----.J 00 ~r ~ ........ .--..... r " '-" <t fl L....! r-j L' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanman, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. None A contract between the City and Broadmoor Apartments Inc. for Sanitary Sewer Service outside the city limits located OIl Lots 12, 13, & 14, Block 4 Ayrshire Addition, Section 3, was presented to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the contract with Broadmoor Apartments ,Inc. . and as approved, by the City Attorney be accepted on basis of a charge of $100 per sewer connection for ,each dwelling unit. Voting Aye: Voting !Joe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. N'one. A letter was submitted from Mr. T. H. Stancliff, 451 Kres s Bldg., Hous ton, Texas, making application for water and Sanitary'Sewer service outside the corp orated limits for a tract of land in'the P. W. Ross survey south of Bel1aire Blvd. at the intersection. of Buffalo Speedway which is being subdivided into approximately 160 lots. The City Secretary and City Attorney were instructed to negotiate with Mr~ Stancliff in connection with the preparation of a contract for water and sewer service to be presented to the City CounciL Commissioner Armer asked the Councils approval to have Mr. Dean Gorham to meet with the Council to discuss the Municipal_Retirement System. The City Secretary was instructed to make arrangements with Mr. Gorham to,meet'with the Council as soon as possible. Commissioner Douglass made a motion that Contractor Russ Mitch~11, Inc. be in- structed to proceed with. the paving of University Blvd. frqm Scewanee Stree,t to Kirby Drive for a width of 40' and assessment proceedings ,be ,taken on assessable property in view of the fact that considerable difficulty had been encountered in attempting to get property: owners to sign paving contracts and the basis of this action being that University Blvd. is a thoroughfare and considered as an emergency paving need. The m.0t19n died for lac~ of a second. Minutes of the meetings of August 23,,)0, September 2, and September 10, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Wednesday at 7:)0 P.M. The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Wednesday September 15, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. with the following memberspre'sent: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Lanmon. The City Secretary and the '-~:~>1~-~~-~ I Jl~-~_~__:r=_ ~ .,_:::JL__ '~-~f [" - 'TIi'ITInmmmHiL'lllm iilIn IF" " 11 ta City Attorney were also present. Mayor Lee announced that the meetingha:.i been called for the purpc;>se of appoint- ing a new Commissioner to fill the unexpired 'term of M. A.DougJ,.ass who had re-' signed to move into his new home in Bellaire. Mayor Lee expressed appreciation on behalf of the Council for the work of Mr. Douglass stating that he had given of his time more than was required to carry out.his duties and was certainly , underpaid for that time. Mayor Lee stated that Mr. Douglass was the first of the officials of the West University Place Party to leave the City and tbis was of his own wish as he hoped would be the case in event any other me~ber, left the Council. ,'-l , i ~---) , . At this time Mayor Lee asked for a nomination of a new' Commissioner. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by,Commissione:rArme;r, thatM1;'. H.E. Terry be ,appointed a member of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas to fill the unexpired term of M. A. Douglass who had resigned. Voting Aye: Voting No.e: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Lanmon. None Mayor Lee administered the Oath of Office to Mr. H. E~.Terry. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Monday Night. The City Council convened in recessed session at the City-Hall on,Monday, September 20,1948, 7:30P.M. with the following, members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. -.) i ~ Mr. E.. M. Cummings., 3808 Riley' Street' app.eared bei'ore the" Council advising he had me,t with the ~oning Board reques'ting permission to erect a home at 3804 Riley Street with an attached garage which wouldext.end 20', in front of the main dwelling and also permission to construct the attached garage building on " a set back line of 15' instead of the.20' as now required by the Z<ming Ordinance for reason that storm sewer had been installed by the City of West University Place on the east side of this 50' x 100' lot which he did not wish to build Qver,and due to the small size of the lot together with set back lines there was less than 38' left on which to build a hQllse and garage. Mr. Cummings ex- plained that thts lot is on the dead end of Riley Street and the building of a house and garage according to plans, as submitted would not bea detriment to any neighboring property oVlmer. The Zoning Board recommended that Mr. Cummings be permitted touse'aset back line of not less than 15' from the front property line for the garage bldg. whicIiis;. attached to thefl-'ont of the main. residence, for reason that the City of West University Place Storm Sew.er.:being installed on the east portion of Lot 10, Block 6, College View 1st. Addition makes it necessary to build a narrow house and.also-bec-ause thi-s is-the' last lot on the dead end of Riley Street where no neighboring property owner will be af~ected. Motion, by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the recom- ( I mendation bf the Zoning. Board be accepted permitting Mr. Cummip.gsto, erect a " ' J house and garage according to plans as submitted using a set back of IS:' from - the front property line instead of 20' as required by the Zon1ng Ordinance due l:",',~'.~~"i"'''''~~, 'I ::JI ("."'~'ii"~~'i1 r' 'rm"'Tr'11 J:1 nm jiii'iirnnn ilITi', rJ , ' \.........) 00 .,.-, ~ ~ -.~ u -< --I f i i , U r-"! ! I I j L-) '-"nl$~r~~~!~t:"'-':-F-' 17 to the peculiar circumstances involved. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Mr. Alvin Sulik, 3925 Southwestern, inquired as to the status of paving the inter- section at Weslayan and Southwestern. Mr. Sulik was advised that the City wmld have to have plans and specifications prepared and advertise for, bids on this intersection. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the city advertise for bids for the paving of the ~ntersection of Southwestern and Wes- layan to be received on October 8, 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer and Mr. Tom Powell of Russ Mitchell, Inc., submitted a revised Engineers estimate showing status of paving on University Blvd. as to the number of paving contracts signed, vacant property and ci~ participation. Mr. Tom Powell advised that his firm was now in position to commence work on University Blvd. and requested a work order on Section 1 for the paving of University Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Belmont Street. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that a work order be issued to Russ Mitchell, Inc., for the paving of Section 1, being that portion .of University Blvd. from Kirby to Belmont Street under contract betwe.en the city and Russ Mitchell. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Meyor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Mr. Dun,can Allen of 4~11 Swar'thnDre submitted a map showing the status of paving of 4100 Block of Swarthmore and requested the CounciLto start assessment pro- ceedings on assessable property in the 4100 Block of Swarthmore on six pieces of property which do not have signed c<;mtracts for paving. The City Paving Attorney was instructed to begin assessment proceedings on Lot 6, Block 10 College View 1st Addition which is vacant property in the 3800 Block of Byron St., Lots 5,,6, 7, 9 & 10 in Block 25, Colonial Terrace Addition and Lot 20, Block 26 in the 4100 Block Swarthmore. Mr.E. E. Townes, City Paving Attorney presented the following captioned Ordinance for the Councils consideration which was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 398 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF: Section No.1. RICE BLVD. from the West Line of Kirby Drive to the West line of Belmont Street; and Section No.2. WAKEFOREST STREET from the North line of Rice Blvd. to the North line of Plumb Street, .. I;TJ-~l'T'."~" ,.JI =_.""'fj L.u....-ilJ~'Ll '1TIriirlll1ll1lr;Hiin:llllll m:n. r--...- iU 7~ IN THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE lfJAY 10, 1948 CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC., CONTRACTOR, HAD BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CON1'RACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK, Al';1) IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING MID DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THERKilVITH AND, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSE5SMENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. o Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 398 determining that the improvement of Section No.1, Rice Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Belmont Street and section No. 2, Wakefor~st_Stree't from; l1.ice,. Blvd:. to Plumb Street has been completed; accepting the work of said' sections'; approving the Engineers estimate and authorizing anddj,recting,settlement in accordance therewith, be passed and approved as read. '. Voting Aye:. Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and,~,erry. Voting Noe: None ' , , , Ordinance No. 399, captioned as follows was, presented and read in full: ORDINANCE, NO. 399 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE $35,000 HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 374 IN CONNECTION WITH THE PAV::NG AND IMPROVING OF PORTIONS OF RI CE BOULEVARD AND WAKEFOREST STREET. FROM SAID APPROPRIATION. TRANSFERRING SAID UNUSED FUNDS TO THE GENEl:UL CREDIT OF STREET PAVING ANP BRIDGE BONDS,. 1946 AND, DECLARING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER APPROPRIATION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Ordinance No. 399 was not passed and approved at this time pending the exact f-;, amount of the unused sum of IIloRey which had been appropriated. for the improve- ' lLJ ment of Rice Blvd. and Wakeforest Street. Treasurers Certificate No~ 14 certifying availability of $1,047 for paying city's portion of paving skips was submitted by the City Treasurer. Ordinance No. 400 appropriating the sum of $1,047.24 for the city's portion of the cost of paving certain skipped areas and captioned as .follows was presented and r.ead in full. ORDIWANCE NO. 400 . ' AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,047.24 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, 1.946, IN THE CITY TREASURY, TO" PAY THE. CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAllING AND IMPROVING CERTAIN POR-TIONS' OF:: ' MARQUETTE STREET, IN THE 3900 AND THE 4100 BLOCKS I'HEREOF; and VILLANOVA STREET, IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; and SOUTHWESTERN STREET, IN THE 3800 AND 3900 AND, THE 4100 BLOCK. THEREOF, and TENNYSON STREET, IN THE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF, and, ACADEMY STREET,' IN THE 6000 BLOCK THEREOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. r1 r ! i i U .~"",~...,.- I 1""--~-:. .~~r=== -]1 1"'1<1'Y.> r---"-""" -~!: ------..--,r=="":'""'l "1 --r.---- 'rl~l ~:~~m~mJU" IUllf mi' 19 Mot~on by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance 400 be passed and approved as read. r\ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanrnon and Terry. L! Voting Noe: NOne Ordinance No. 401 captioned as follows was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 401 00 --i ~ ~.:r: u <t AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO 'rHE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: MARQUETTE STREET, IN THE 3900 AND: THE 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF: AND VILLANOVA STREET, IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF, AND SOUTHWESTb1lli STREEI', IN T.fIE 3800 AND 3900 AND, THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF , AND TENNYSON STREET, IN 'rHE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF, AND ACADEMY STREET, IN THE 6000 BLOCK THEREOF, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THEREPGRT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RE- CEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING Ii THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS AS THE LmVEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE I: BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID \.-' PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING THE ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE BONDS IN CONNECTION WITH S4ID .IMPROVEMl!NTS; FINDING THAT SIAn CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . ' Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 401 accepting the bid of Brogan & Williams authorizing and directing exe- cution .of contract for improvement of certain skips. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None Ordinance NQ. 402 captioned as follows was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 402 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ADDENDA AND AMENDMENTS TO THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1948 CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS, WITH, REFERENCE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MARQUETTE STREET, VILLANOVA STREET, SOUTHWESTERN STREET, TENNYSON STREET AND ACADEMY STREET , AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T'fE' EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CI.TY SECRETARY AND THE INCORPORATION THEREOF AS, A PART OF SAID CON- TRACT, AND DECLARING AND EMERGENCY~ L'CTi"";OO'~T""~-:'j -. .. . ,Jl~; .'''W'h:'"(t [7'T"''''r'''-''''"---~!i~oO;"''':o.'''''=;:;:-=''''~<~''L.l r--' --, 'Tm:":Jjmlll~TI!]::'lllm rrrr;" au Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordin~nce No. 402 authorizing and directing certain addenda and amendments to the September 20, 1948 contract between the City of West University Place and Brogan & Williams, with reference to the paving of certC!,in skips. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: ;None o Ordinance No. 403 captioned as follows waSj presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 403 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: MARQUETTE STREET, IN 'rHE 3900 AND THE 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF; AND VILLANOVA S'fREET, IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF, AND SOUTHWESTERN STREET, IN THE 3800 AND'3900 AND THE 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF, AND TENNYSON STREET, IN THE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF, AND. ACADEMY STREET, IN THE 6000 BLOCK THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSIASTYR- ~~CEED' TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENyINEER FOR THE iT --j CITY, FURSUANT ro LAW, AND, ~UIR BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE- U'\ I NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING rHE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF THE COST OF suca IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PROV'!JJING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELDANP GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATlNG TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING: AID) FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEAR:J:;NC!;DIRECTING THA'f THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN ErvTERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, ~econded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 403 approving and adopting estimates of costs, declaring intention of assessing part of the cost of such improvements, ordering that a hearing be held, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commiss,:i,.oners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None The following Resolution was presented to the Council by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. for consideration: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore retained the services of Edgar E. Townes, Jr., as additional legal Counsel for the City to handle leg~l proceedings in connection with the paving project in which the City was involved, to-wit, the pavement of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street, as heretofore \ I j , L..J r - , r . ii-~TO~~~ i 1 [" Iii I ..'llIiffir iinmn m- r-1, I i Li 00 .,...., ~ < 'C..) <:t (-~, I t . ! i j U ~1 ordered paved; but no formal record was made of such employment; and VffiEREAS, all services required of said special Counsel have been per- formed and said paving project completed; NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 'rHE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ,1. ' That the action of the City Commission in retaining $dgar E. Townes, Jr., as additional legal Counsel for the City in connection with the paving pro- ceedings for the improvement of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed in all things. 2. That said additional legal Counsel be compensated for his servic;:es in connection with said proceedings by payment of a sum equivalent to 3% of the first $25,000 amount of the contract let to Russ Mitchell, Inc., and 2% of. the contractamoun t above said first $25,000. " Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that the action of the City Commission in 'retaining Edgar E. Townes, Jr." as additional Legal Counsel for the City in connection with the paving proceedings for the improve- ment of Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest Street, be 'ratified and that additional Legal Counsel be compensated for his services in connection with said pro.ceedings by payment of a sum equivalEZnt to. 3% of the first $25,000 amount of theoontract let to Russ Mitchell, Inc., 'and 2% o.f the contract amount above said first $25,000, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Voting No.e: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None An invoice in the amo,unt of $1229.35 was submitted by Mr. E. E~ Townes, Jr. for legal services in cohnection with paving proceedings on Rice Boulevard, Wake- forest Street project. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the invoice in, the amount of $1229.35 submitted by Mr. E. E.. Townes" Jr.l'orlegal services in connection with paving proceedings on Rice Bo.ulevard and Wakeforest Street project be paid. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~yor L~e; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. N9ne The Zoning Board submitted a recommendation that Mr. H. J~ Ohavanne, 2915 Rice Boulevard be appointed as a member 'of the Zoning Board to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Mr. W. F.F.1nley. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mr. H. J. Chavanne be, appointed as a member of the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commis.sioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon, and Terry. Voting Noe; None r"l The following lette;r was submitted from the. Zoning Board fore Coun:clVs Approval: \ , '-----' r'r}}_~~~"-2:~i--." ~"1I.~'m~. ~T Hi Iiii'll r; liill ',iilli i"'l11in mr' .. ""''''r r ''''''~'~'I,~~~~~'''~Tl c; ,i;j September 20, 1948 The City Council , City of West University Place Houston, Texas Gentlemen: This is to advise you that the Zoning Board of the City of West University Place held a special meeting as of date, and those present were Mrs. Earl w. Eberling, Mr. O. C. King and the writer, who acted as Chaitman. The meeting was called for the ,purpose, of. considering the location of a structure to be placed on a tract of land designated for business purposes, located at the northwest corner of SUI),set Boulevard and Kirby Drive within the City o,fWest University Place. The improvements to be constructed are to be known as "Midget Markets." The lots, upon, wh;t.ch the improveIllents are'to be cons:tru...ctedactually face Sunset Boule.vard and the question determined by the Zoning Board was whether or not an exception could be made so that the improvements could be faced in a southeasterly direction instead of a southerly. direction or upon Sunset Bouleyard. A motion was made by Mrs. Eberling, seconded by Mr. King, and carried by all present that the request made with respect to the facing of the improvements known as ttMidget Markets" be granted in that same is permitted to face in a southeasterly direction instead of a southerly direction or upon Sunset Boulevard, subject to ,all other terms and provisions of the zoning laws of th~"City~of West University Place being complied with, and subject to the approval of tl;1e City Council. The foregoing: is . submittecLfor. your considerati.on and approval\. Yours very truly, (s) Ch~J.esD..Mehr Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Armer..that the.recom- mendation of the Zoning Board who met in special session OR September 20, 1948, reference the location of'a proposed building at the Northwest corner of Sunset, Boulevard and Kirby Drive, be approved. . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Ter~. None Chief of PQlice H. E. Shipp submitted a recommendation that Mr. Gu~Barkow be commissioned as Police Photographer as he takes all photographs for the Police Dept,. at no cost to the city. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. Gus Barkow be commissioned as Police Photographer. , Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Comrnj;ssioners Amer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None A statement in the amount of $602.70 was submitted from Mr. Paul Strong for professional services rendered in the Zoning Suit of D. Gullo et al vs. City of West University Place whi.ch. was or<iered paid by the Council.. The following tabulation of bids received on August 23 for purchase of city I"~ ;'~:''':1%~;r,~~-:'''''f-'! I:",'"F"T="(""'- 'II ,.'..?r'''m~~--I,--'~'"~..'Il r'- ,. ,. -TIiT'TrllI7mn~iliirmm UUiITlf" r~1 I I U 00 ......; ~ -< U < t'l Li r'-i ! I ''\........--, equipment was presented by the City Secretary. Company Pass. Cars l~ T. Truck t T.Pickups 2 T.Dump Truck Downtown Chev. Company 1373.25 (ea. ) 1576.06 (8 Cy1.) 1754.10 (161"W.B.) 1300.15 (ea. ) 1437.35 (ea)(6 Cyl) 1674.35 (ea.) 1425.00 (6 Cyl) Ivy-Russell Motor Co. 2168.67 (8 Q)a.)2 Ton General Truck, Company 2011. 26 (161"W.B.) 1872.18 (158"w. B.) Hargis Motor Company 1575.06 (8 ,6yl) South Texas Eqpt. Co. Special Garbage Body 36" Special Garbage Body 60" - 3/4 Yd. Heil Dump Body White Motor Co. Truck - Cab & Chasis Burkett Motors Three passenger cars and five trucks - Net 2874.10 (16pw.B. ) 2166.42 (134"w .B.) , $ 1755.00 2003.00 485.25 3201.12 (196"W. B. ) 14,916.00 ~0, Truck-Cab & ,Chasis 2296.40 (161"to195"W.B.) 3290.56 (8 Cyl) (195"W.B.) 2363.00 (l97"W .B.) 3290.56 (195"W.B.) City Secretary, Whitt Johnson explained that the bid of Hargis Motor Company had been adJusted for reason of difference of federal tax and ~adethe following recom- . mendation: !tIt is my recommendation that the bid of Hargis Motor Compapy he accepted and that the, equipment be purchased as needed. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer .tha_~.'the recommendation submitted by City Secretary vVhitt Johnson for the purchase of cityequiprn~nt be accepted. V oting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer , Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None The following captioned Ordinance regulating and prohibiting ~~e parking of vehicles in the school area within specified hours was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 404 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND PROHIBITING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES IJ'J'THE 3700 BLOCK OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AJ:.'D IN THE 6200 BLOCK OF EDLOE STREET IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS WI'rHIN SPECIFIED HOURS: DEFINING TER1\1S; FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SUCH REGULATIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL oi<' THE. ORDI- NANCES OR PAR'rS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH " Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Ordinance 404 regulating and prohibiting the parking of vehicles in certain school areas within specified hours be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanrnon and Terry. Voting Noe: None TiiTI1I':mll"iillirlnm 1m" , Q"'X Treasurers Certificate No. 15 was. submitted by the City Treasurer certifying the availability of $6,000.00 for paying the cost of paving and improving street intersections at West Point and Villanova, Fairhaven and Marquette, a..'1d Fairhaven and Southwestern. Ordinance No. 405 was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 405 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $6,000.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1948 TO THE CITY TREASURY 1'0 PAY THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING CERTAIN STREET INTERSECTIONS INCLUDED IN T$ 34 SEGRE- GATED INTERSECTION SECTIONS ON 'iV::-IICH, BIDS WERE RECEIVED ON AUGUST 9, 1948, AND DECLfu~ING AN EMERGENCY Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Ordinance 405 appropriating the sum of $6,000 to pay the cost of paving and improving three of the 34 intersections on which bids were received, on August 9, 1948, be passed and approved. ' " Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon, and Terry. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that a contract be awarded Brogan & Williams for the paving and improving of intersection of West Point and Villanova; Fairhaven and Marquette; and Fairhaven and South- western. Voting Aye: Voting Noe~ Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this ,time, the meeting was ,adjourned. /:?~/-? ~/ 1/ Mayor' ATTEST: '- ~~--/ - ..... Ci t . tary .'- F--'.-,?%':""",.,.:;>,,,,,,,-.~-, . , "it rq'~~'"''"'r~'''''':~'''''~''''rl 1;""r'T~["~r"~"~11 r' n----,__'. llii'rlinmmliiilmn ''''''I' I ! ; , i ! :, I U r-Tl t . I_ I : : '.-:..J rrni" (--'1 I f \ I '---" 00 ..-;- ~ <.:: C) ~ C-) U. [J "'i':1'_''''''-''i'_o-'-- 85 MINUTES OF' REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 1948 The City Council met in regular meeting at the City Hall on Monday September 27, 1948,7:30 P.M. vrith the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Mr. Chas. Bowden, and other property owners of the 4100 and 4200 Block of Villanova Street appeared before the Council requesting that same provision be made whereby the water would drain from the newly paved street more satisfac- torily. The Council assured Mr. Bowden and other citizens that proper drainage would be provided and requested Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson and City Secretary Whitt Johnson to meet with these property owners and make a recommend- ation at the next Council meeting. A group of citizens from the 6300 and 6400 Blocks of Sewanee Street requested advice as to the proper way of getting Sewanee Street resurfaced. Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson was instructed to prepare plans and specifications for Sewanee Street and meet with the property owners, and contractors to determine, if some satisfactory arrangements could be made whereby the residents might obtain improvements for this street. An amendment to the Contract between the City of West University Place and Broadmoor Apartments, Inc. for sanitary sewer service located outside the city limits on Lots 12, 13, 14, Block 6, Ayrshire Addition Section 3, was submitted for consideration by the Council. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Paragraph X of the Contract with Broadmoor Apartments, Inc. be amended to read: lfIn the event the connection charges as.provided in Paragraph IV hereof are not,paid to the City within twelve months from date hereof, the City may, at its option, declare this contract to be null and void," and the Mayor .be authorized to sign the rontract as amended. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Lanman and Terry. None In accordance with recommendation for construction procedure for the paving of University Blvd. submitted by Consulting EngineerH. J. Johnson, a stipulation to the June 21, 1948 contract between the City and Russ Mitchell, Inc., was pre- sented for the Council's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City Commission, having reviewed the various matters with reference to the paving of Sections 1, 2 and 4, as set out in ,the City contI'act with Russ Mitchell, Inc., on University Boulevard, including the report of the status of paving on University dated Se.ptember 18, 1948, compiled by Tom Powell of Russ Mitchell, Inc., and Henry J. John~on# Consulting Engineer, and including the recommendation of Mr. , Johnson concerning the construction method of the center 24-footsection on the ~ street, I move: 1. That the City Commission find as a fact that the construction method of the center portion of the paving as recommended by Mr. Johnson does -:1 "",,= .._" .::11 '--,_'1" r -~._.:.~-O="C!'''>-=-==~'~':'_1. bb not substantially affect the nature or quality of the work but, to the contrary, that said method of joining tl1e ,.centerp.ortion together will, in fact, strengthen the 24-foot slab to be first constructed under his recommendation; 2. That the City Commission appropriate an additional$12,000.00'to cover the possible additional cost to the City under the contract; . r '! I W 3. That the City Commission approve the draft of construction pro- cedure agreement providing that the center 24-foot slab be first constructed, to be thereafter followed by construction and completion of the remainder of,. the 40-foot width under the terms of said agreement; and that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized and directed to execute the construction procedure a- greement on behalf of the City paving for payment by the City as therein. set forth, ~ame having been executed by the Contractor. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioner Anner, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Treasurer Certificate No. 16 certifying that there is in th~ Treasury of the City of West University Place, Texas, to the credit of Street Improv~ment Bonds Series 1948 the sum of $12,000.00 for paying the City'sestitnated additional part of the cost of paving and improving Section No.1, 2 and 4 on University" Boulevard was submitted by the City Treasurer. Ordinance No. 406, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in full. ORDINANCE NO. 406. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING. THE SUM OF $12,000. 00 .OUT OF' THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS $ERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL PART OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: rr\ Ii" ',." i W SECTION NO.1: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINEOE KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND. , SECTION NO. 2 ~ UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SEWANEE STREET; AND SECTION NO.4: THE NORTH HALF OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5 ,TO .THE WEST LINE OF LOT 4B, ALLIN BLOCK 44, vV$ST , UNIVJlJRSITY PLACE, SECOND ADDITION, AND DECLARING'A"N.EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Ordinance No. 404 appropriating the sum of $12,000 out of the fund to the credit of street improvement bonds series 1948 to pay the city's estimated additional part of the cost of: .paving Section No.1, No.2, and No. 4 on Univ.:ersi ty. Boulevard. " Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Conunissioner Armer, Hanrlett, Larunon and Terry. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Conunissioner Armer that Consulting Engineer H.J. ,Johnson be instructed to issue work order on section No.2 and II. ) , I LJ lW' "~c~~"r~~"'O~~"~"1r " r~- ~I ~I '1' -'~'~'lll~~ mil :::r[~:~.'llnll !';!,:,?,; r.........T~..."'.''''..,''TI o 00 .,......, ~ < (..) -< o ('1 . L) g~ 4 of University Boulevard. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None The Council instructed E. E. Townes, Jr. City Paving Attorney to prepare neces- sary ordinances to award a contract to Russ Mitchell, Inc. on Section 3 and 5 of the original plans' and specifications covering the west end of University Boulevard and the 3800 Block of Rice Boulevard as prepared by Consulting Engi- neer H. J. Johnson and an amendment to; include the 3900 Block of Rice Boulevard and the intersection at Rice and College Street, the contract for the 3900 Block of Brice to be executed if 90% of the property owners in the 3900 Block ' agree to sign paving contracts and to prepare the contract on the basis of $6.00 per front foot cost to the property owners. ' Ordinance No. 407, c~ptioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 407 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY Ii'OR AND ORDERING THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS OF SW1L~THMORE STREET in the 41L~ block thereof; and BYRON STREET in the 3800 Block thereof; and CASE STREET in the 3900 Block thereof; and LYING BETVv'EEN THE RESPECTIVE INTERSECTING STREETS IN EACH INSTANCE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED: APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR S~GATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHiCH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING'rHE ENGI- NEERS FOR THE CITY TO PREEARE AN ESTBiATE OF THE GOST OF SelleR IMPROVEMEl\TTSAND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET 'l'O BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES, PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE, COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND APART OF THE COST OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY A;ND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARI'NG THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PRO- CEEDINGS RELA TUJG TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTrCLE 1105 (b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING. THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF TRIS ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 1~07 determining the necessity for and ordering certain areas on Swarthmore, Byron and Case Streets be paved, approving and adopting plans and specifications, directing the'City Secretary to file a notice of Ordinance with the Co~ty Clerk of Harris Co., Texas, and to advertise forbids; be passed and approved as read.' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None -.Tfl '1" '~~111~Lmn ~ifU1i~"'rrnn rm=-. 8.8 Ci ty Secretary Whitt Johnson submitted the proposed 1948....1949 budgetfot' Council's approval. After careful study and consideration the following captioned Ordinance approv- ing the 1948-1949 Budget was submitted: 0_'"",""', )! . I 'I ' ORDINANCE NO. ,408 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF 'NEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE.X.A.S, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGL"lNING SEPTEMBER 1, 1948; PRQVIDIN.G E'OB, ,THE APpROpRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES; AND PROVIDINO FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES INCm\j'FLICT );IEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that _Ordinance No. 408 approving the 1948-1949 budget and provid:L'1g for the appropriation of pub- lic funds of the city for use and expenditures be pasEled and approyed as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None Ordinance No. 4'09 levying and assessing Ad Valorem Tax on all taxable property wi thin the city and setting a tax rate of $1. 78 per Oile Hundred Dollar valuation for the year of' 1948 and captioned as follows was presented to the Council. ORDINANCE N'O. 409 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSU2NG AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE, PROPER'IT WITHIN 'fHE CITY OF 'NEST UNIVERSI.TY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1948, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE COLLECTI ON THEREOF. W'!..'~.',.,,-- It ;i : Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that. Ordinance No. 409 , be passed and approved' as read. Voting Aye: Mayor tee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry:' Voting Noe: None Ordinance No. 410 captioned as follows was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. luo AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS AT 'fHE NEXT REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS ON NOVEl\1BER 2ND, 1948, OF CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY WITH RESPECT TO THE TIlvIE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NElVLY ELECTED OFFICERS, TO THE TERM :OF THE FISCAL YEAR, AND TO THE TIME l"OR PREPARATION AND ADOPTION OF fHE BUDG1""l' ,AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE FORM AND MANNER TN WIUCH SAID AMENDMENTS M-iE TO BE SUBMITTED. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No~' 410 providing for the submission to the voters at the next :regular muni- cipal, election ,of the city certain amendments to the char~erof' said city be passed and approved as read. '" Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanman and Terry. Nene 'I : I "'--'.-J" T~'~~i==1=~="'. -~ll C." r'~'"='~'I~~""~'~"""ll ----r".----. -~--- ..-- ----"! 'I 'I" "'7']1 !::nm '::II1:nnln 'W!" 89 The following Resolution was submitted for consideration: r--l I' LJ RESOLUTION ~ ..""" ....... u < Motion, by Commissioner Armer, .seconded qy Commiss.ioner Terry that Resolution giving notice of the holding of a regular municipal election in the City on the 2nd day of November, 1948 and appointing judges be pa~sed and approved. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee;- Commissioner Armer, Hamlett, Larnnon and Terry. None A contract between the ,City of Bellaire and the City of West University Place for use of the West University Place Garbage dump grounds by the City of Bellaire at the rate of $100.uO per month was submitted for Council's Approval. (-1 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Mayor Lee U be authorized to sign the contract with Bellaire as_ amended. Voting Aye: Voting Noet Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Larnnon and Terry. None The Council discussed the advisability of awarding a contrac~ to Brogan & Williams low bidders for the paving of various intersections west of Auden Street and College Court, in order to connect streets which ~ave already been paved or imme<iiate consideration te be paved in the future. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Brogan & Williams be awarded a contract on their low bid of $53,053.75 on oids received August 9" 1948, for paving of certain intersections throughout the city and that thecoritract be signed by the Mayor subject to verification by the City Treasurer certifying that funds, are available for this purpose. Voting Aye: Vot:img Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Treasurers Certificate No. 17 certifying the sum of $1500.00 to pay Moroney, Beissner and Co. for services rendered in connection with Street Paving, Storm Sewer and Garbage Disposal Bonds Series 1948 is available, was submitted to the ~ Council by the City Treasurer. r-i Ci ty Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that the League of Texas Municipalities I i annual Meeting would be held in El Paso on Oct. 4, 5, & 6 and requested per- L-I mission to attend. 90.' ", Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that City Secretary ~~itt Johnson and Commissioner W. A. Hamlett be authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the League of Texas Municipalities to be held in El Paso on October 4, 5, and 6 and the city pay expenses. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and TErry. None ,: , 1 UJ With no further business to come before the Council at thts time, the meeting was recessed. The City Council met in recessed session at the City Hall on Friday, October 8, 1948, 7:30 P.M. wi tlJrthe following members present: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon, presiding; Commissioner Armer, Hamlett and Terry. ~ Als_o present'''were"rthe City' Secretary and City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. Mayor Lee and the, City Attorney were absent. In compliance with a Notice having been duly published in the official news- paper of the city, Mayor Pro tem Lanmon announced t':1at a Hearing on Paving benefits to be derived from paving certain skips on Marquette, Villanova, Southwestern, Tennyson and Academy Streets was in order. City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr., was requested to present and examine witnesses with reference to the contracted improvements and the benefits to properties~~d the owners thereof by reason of said improvements. Mayor Lee arrived at this time and upon request of Mayor Pro tem Lanmon took the chair and presided. Mr. Townes presented Mr. Horace E. Pounds as witness who was duly sworn by Mayor Lee. Mr. Pounds testified in answer to questions by Mr. Townes, that he was", a licensed Real Estate Dealer and had been for more than 20 years, and testified concerning his real estate experience and his familiaritY. with West University Place properties and the properties abutting upon the respective streets where the skips exist. Mr. Pounds stated that, in'his opinion., each property on each of the streets would be enha'1ced in value considerable in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments as reflected upon the Engineerts estimates. With no further statements or testimonies Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. presented Ordinance No. 411, closing the Hearing on Benefits, levying.assess~ ments, etc., and captioned as follows, which was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 411 A1~ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: ~JffiQUETTE STREET, IN THE 3900 AND THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; AND VILLANOVA STREET, IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF, AND SOUTH1YESTERN STREET, IN THE 3800 f~D 3900 AND THE 4100 BLOCKS THEREOF, AND i~, '[ I L-.-; l.~~:~-~::::O"r:",='=:':-'_~::~JI , r""'O-''''-''''-''.-T''''--''''''''~'T---Cl''''':::;':~- r;--.-------,- . TJ:"",'~'IH,~nnl~nl:rlllm 'rrIT~' o 00 .,....., ~ < c....::> <t, 91 \: TENlfYSON STREET, IN THE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF, AND ACADEMY STREET, IN THE 6000 BLOCK THEREOF, A1~D TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGU- LA.TtITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AJm DETERMIDNING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND THE PER- S ONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OB- JECTIONS' OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FINDING AND DETERMI- NING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS 'rHEREOF BY REASON OF, SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RE.SPECTIVE ASSESS- MENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMEN TS, FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTiONS OF SAID S'1'REEl'S TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROV~~ENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DE.SCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESS- MENT CE:1TIF ICA TE8 AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLA.?-,UJG AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 411 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None r~l I ' i A Notice to Bidders for t.he paving of the intersection of Southwestern and L-J Weslayan having been duly published in the September 23, 1948 issue of the official newspaper of the city, the following and only bid submitted was opened with results announced: f '-1 f i I. i Li ; ".'" r '""-', """,~,,.,:;'C,,,.~,,,_o><._- _. 'c. -, . , Brogan.&Williams - - - - $8,760.43 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the bid of Brogan & Williams be referred to the Consulting Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Vot:i..ng Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissi.oners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None . Mayor Lee asked to be excused from the meeting at this time as he had a pre- vious engagement. ' City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. al'lnounced that property owners, on Academy Street from University Boulevard to Southwestern'.Street were in the process of signing contracts with Brogan & Williams for the paving of Academy Street. Treasurers Certifiade No. 18, certifying the availability of $5,500 fer the cityts contribution toward the cost of paving Academy Street was submitted from. the City Treasurer. Ordinance No. 412 appropriating $5,500 for the city's contribution toward the rT~,~~~=j'=l~., .Jl_~__~~' .. ,;; l~;"."-~~To..~~".c~'~~"L 1 TI ': " ;T:IlI:: nm ~iiliirlmn ITm'" ["_____ .n_ , _ 92 cost of paving Academy Street and captioned as follows was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 412 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $5,500.00 OUT OF THE' FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948, IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S AGREED CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE COST OF STREET IMPROVEl'JIENTS ON ACADEMY STREEl' BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF SOUTHWESTERN STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY. BOULEVARD, UNDER DIRECT CONTRACTS BETWEEN '!HE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY OWNERS AND BROGAN & WILLIAMS,. CONTRACTOR,. AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. !--n.' IW..I I ' ! : ; Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Anner that Ordinance No. 412 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Terry. None Ordinance No. 413, captioned as follows, was presented to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 413 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY TREASUR~,UNDER . SPECIFIED CONDITIONS, TO PAY TO BROGAN AiIJD WILLIAMS, CCNTRACTORS, CERTAIN SUMS AS A CONTRIBUTION BY THE CITY TO COST OF PAVING PORTIONS OF ACADEMY STREET BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF SCFrHWESTERN STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF: UNIVERSITY BOULEVA..l1.D WITH REFERENCE TO WHICH OWNERS OF PROPERTY HAVE AND ViILL MAKE CON- TRACTS DIRECT WITH SAID OONTRACTORS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY~ r~l I ' j LJ Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commi~sioner Hamlett, that Ordinance No. 413 authorizing the Mayor and City Treasurer to pay to Brogan & Williams Contractors, the usual. 25% city participation to the cost of paving portions of Academy Street be pq.sseq. and approved as read. - Voting Aye: Mayor Pro. tern Lanmon; C0mmtssioner~ Armer, Hamlett and Terry. Voting Noe: .None Residents of Sewanee Street advised the Council that all property owners in the two.blocks of Sewanee,Streetbetween University Boulevard and Pittsburg Street had expressed a desire to sign contracts vnth Gulf Bitulithic 00. for the paving of Sewanee Street with an asphalt topping. Motion by Commissioner Ha~lett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that upon ap- proval of the contract between the citizens of Sewanee Street and the Gulf Bithulithic Co. by the City Attorney and,upoh approval of plans and specifications by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson that the contract,be accepted and that the City Secretary be authorized to issue a work order; and that the City Secretary be instructed to make plans for paving of the intersection at Sewaneeand Duke Street subject to certification of availability of funds for the city's parti- cipa.tion. Voting Aye: Votirlg Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, and Terry. None C~l I. , \ .U ["', '-1'--' r~c"'"'~" ,II n~ .m=--=-r~cn~=rn~_"-'J,,'n [ ,- --T .. ---]l1r::m::mni:mrIlTIn 1ill1~ r~l l~ 00 ........; .~ :< u < r-j , j \ , ~ o 93. A report of examination of the books and accounts of the city for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1948 was submitted by Haner & Dossey, Auditors for the city. Mr. T. E. Dossey, representing the firm commended the city on the good condition of its records and books. With no furth~r business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. 4L5~ ' MAYOR .. :~ ATTEST: ~~._-~ r City; , , ary 9,4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 11, 1948 The City Council met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday Octob~r 11, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee~ pres~ding; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. AlsQ present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. -~I Ii '-'-,,/ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Knox, 6222 Community Drive, appeared before tQe Council inquiring as to the action having been taken against Mr. Taylor who is operating a sign business at 6224 Community Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Knox was advised that criminal complaint had been filed and Mr. Taylor fined; however, appeal had been filed in the County Court. The Council ordered a charge filed against Mr. Taylor every day until the operation of the business had ceased. Mr. Chas. L. Ka'n:ip, 3606 Tangley, requested the Council to take steps to ins tall traffic signs and a walk lane for school children who use the foot bridge across the Poor Farm Ditch at Tangley and Eciloe Street, as the condition is very haz- ardous as is now exists. Ci~ Secretary Whitt Johnson was instructed to have proper signs installed and walk lanes painted in order to eliminate the hazard. City Attorney T. M. Ryan, advised that Dr. Gene Shulze, planned to construct: a 32 unit apartment project in Ayrshire Corp. and requesied~:perm~ss~on to tie onto sanitary sewer lines which service this area, and submitted a contract between the Shulze Corp. and the City of West University Place for the Councils conside- ration, which calls for a connection charge of $.100.00 per unit. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mayor Lee be authorized to execute the contract between the City and Shulze Corp. for connection onto the sanitary sewer lines of the City. In U Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. None City Attorney T. M. Ryan advised that in connection with certain claims having been made by individuals involved in minor automobile accidents with vehicles operated by city employees, he and Chief of Police H. E. Shipp had made investi- gation and it was his opinion and recommendation that the claim of Mr. J. L. Alexander of 2918 Pittsburg Street in the amount of $115.11 be denied and, the claim of Mr. A. D. Hamil, 2732 Westheimer in the amount of $82.84 be' approved for payment. ..~ Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that the recom- mendation of City Attorney T. M. Ryan in connection with claims filed by Mr. Alexander and Mr. Hamil be accepted. Voting A,ye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. None Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson and C~ty Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that they had made an investigation of the drainage at the intersection of Marquette and Westpoint and recommended the paving of this intersection in order to provide adequate drainage for Marquette Street which drained three other blocks in the immediate vicinity. 11 u <T^~~"'~!'l"9"<:' ,,-, I.-_:.~~' _F~=:FC''''l.~''~'''~''~='''~,,:''l "':_,_,,,,' r,,=~,"-,,=c._"~!'=""C'--'''''''''-''''''j:;'Le-:l r~.n "I~I ';" '~~r~n l~~ nm ~:r~'l::::"Il]!n ITa)': [] 95 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that due to the peculiar drainage situation, the recommendation of Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson and Mr. Whitt Johnson be accepted and necessary steps taken to pave the intersection at Westpoint and Marquette after installation of proposed storm sewer has been completed and provided sufficient funds are available. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. None w~. J. L. Williams, Contractor advised that property owners in the 3800 and 3900 blocks of Milton had expressed a desire to enter into a contract for the paving of Milton Street. Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr., suggested that the 3900 block of Rice be included in paving proceedings at the same time proceedings' 00 on 3800 and 3900 blocks of Milton were instituted. ~ ~ Motion by Commissioner Armer, s,econded by Commissioner Lanmon that the City ~ Paving Attorney be instructed to institute paving proceedings on the 3800 and ~ 3900 blocks of Milton and the 3900 block of Rice. rO'1 LI f,"~"-'I , -~ . """'- Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for paving the 3800 and 3900 blocks of Milton and the 3900 block of Rice. . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners' Armer, Lanman an:d Terry~ ' None Treasurers Certificate No. 19, certifying the availability of $36,000 for the paving of Sections 3 and 5 of Uni ver,si ty Boulevard and Rice Boulevard, was submitted to the, Council., I' Ordinance No. 414 appropriating $36,000 for the paving of Section 3 of University Boulevard and Section 5, 3800 Block of Rice aoulevard and capti,oned as follows was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 414 AN ORDINANCE ,APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $36,000 OUT OF THE FUND, TO THE CR.EDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PART OF THE COST, OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: SECTION NO.3: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FRPM THE ~ST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND SECTION No.5: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET, . AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 414 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. None 1"""",1",.",,:, I' _., .___L. I . ,C~~"Y~':"'"'" ,.., "'ij __ ....,....,"1,..,(""..""o'..T'.~..~"--' .i 1 'Tl~."'Tl11':mn "~llir mln" nm" 9t>:, Ordinance No. 415, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO.. 415 ..,.'....J-'."..".." . '. AN ORDINANCE FINDING ALilD DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BE-::;;N HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PR&-qEQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: SECTION NO.3: UNIVErSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY STREET; AND SECTION No.5: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST.LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND REC01lllENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEtVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID POR~IONS OF SAIDSfREETS; AWAFJ)- ING THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMP~OVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO RUSS MITCHELL, INC., WHO HAS BEEN HERETOFORE FOUND AND DETERMINED TO BE TijE L01JllEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ON SAID IMPROVElIiIENTS AND WHOSE BID HAS HERETCFORE BEEN ACCEPTED BUT HELD IN AB:tJ;~ANCE; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING AND AUTtIORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OFf HE PERFORMANCE BOND AND JlJf,AINTENANCE BOND IN CONNEC;.,. TION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTR..o\CT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING, THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 415, awarding the Contract to Russ Mitchell, Inc. for paving of Section 3 andS as heretofore ordered improved and that the contract become effective upon execution by the Mayor. 1.,[1,',...""....'.....,..'.. [:. . i i Voting Aye: Mayor 1ee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None \~ City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. was authorized to inform Russ Mitchell, Inc. Contractor that the contract will be executed as advertised for and as bid. Consulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson submitted plans and specifications for the in- stallation of storm sewers at various locations throughout the city. " " ".-~ ..,",,>,. - ~.~ "..1' """.' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer ,that the plans and specifications be accepted and Notice 'to bidders be published, such bids to be received on November 8, 1948. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: ~one A letter from Mr. H. E. Terr,r requesting acceptance of his resignation as Chairman of the Zoning Board was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the resig_ nation of Mr. H. E. Terry as Chairman of the Zoning Board be accepted as he. had been appointed as Commissioner to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. M. A. Douglass. I-i- ~. EII'mnlll:mnrllill LOJ" !J 00 ,.-..1 '~ -< u ~ [J o <'~'~_'""",",'""".H-'".<"'" Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, and Lanmon. None 97, The Council requested the Zoning Board to make recommendation for a Chairman to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Terry's resignation. Mayor Lee asked to be excused from the meeting at this time and :t;equested Mayor Pro tern Lanmon to preside and continue with the next order of business. In compliance with notice to bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the city for the paving of skipped areas in the paving on Case, ~ron and Swarthmore, the following and only bid submitted was opened and results announced: Brogan & Williams, 5717 Kirby Drive - - - $3,302.80 Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the bid of Brogan & Williams be referred to Consulting Engineer H. J~ Johnson for tabu- lation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmo!1; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None Minutes of the meetings of September 27 and October 8, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. ff ATTEsrr: ~~Id~ CITY S ~TARY. , l"'nT'!'--~:~:-+l~~~~.~[ r', !'""'~"'-~l-"="'=;c:::=r."'~,,, 'r.:-1 ~. ,,------,--!--------- -- --, "T~'!-~'.'~:~~I1J 1,,'-llfIl nfl'll''1l'''T'''on-- 98 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1948 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 25, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Armer and Terry, and the City Secretary and City Attorney. Mawor Lee and Commissioner Hamlett were absent. '-I I \ ,: I '____i City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised the Council that Mr. Dean GQrn~ had 'met with employees of the City on this date and explained the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Mr. Johnson was instructed to submit an estimated cost to the City for participation in the Retirement system for the Council's con- sideration. J. F. Jolly, City Building-,Inspector, submitted a request from the Corrigan Community Center on Bellaire Blvd. for permission to pave a space 21' in width in back of the business establishments which would extend to the center of the easement. This. request was approved by the Council. The Council was also advised that occupants of the business establishments who had been assigned numbers facing vV'eslayan Street had requested Bellaire' Boulevard addresses. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terr,r that the City Secretary be authorized to contact Mr. Jim Curlee of the Corrigan Community Center and other properties involved and advise that the Councll approved assigning of Bellaire Boulevard addresses. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and TerAY. None o The minutes of the Zoning Board which met on October 21, were submitted for the Council's consideration. TheB6ard recommendedthat'tlie request of Mr. F. P. Douglass, 6440 Wakeforest, fora permit to make improvements to existlng ~ervants quarters be granted provided same stays within the specified amount of square footage called for in the building code and used for servants quarters only; application to be supported by properly executed affidavit that these improvements Will not be used for rental purposes. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that pe~it be granted Mr. Douglass as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None It was recommended by the Zoning Board that Mr. J. F. Currie, 5105 Westheimer, be granted pennission to re.-subdivide east 40' of Lot 7, all of Lot 8, and the west 30' of Lot 9, making two building sites 60 ft. in width and 105 ft. in depth to face Arnold Street. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the request iUi,!..,.~,' of 1I[IT. Currie be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board, permitting him to re-subdivide east 40' of Lot 7, all of Lot 8 and the West 30' of Lot 9, l~~-=-~~""T,,",.e'_;'''''=''''''~"=''""""'':'Jl ,~,- r"~<=~~=~I-'~"~;"I_.'l r"- ~nl'~;- -~~, ]1:: nm ::~n:;o'll1In - 1:1'l"f~ II L-J 00 ~ ~ < u ~ 99 making two building sites 60' in width and 105' in depth to face Arrtold Street. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None Recommendation was made by the Zoning Board that 51% brick restrict~ons be waived on Lots 6 Band C, Block 9 West University Place 1st Addition, permitting James L. Sauls, Jr., 6435 Belmont Street to construct houses on these lots fronting on Pittsburg Street of asbestos siding for reason that there are four existing houses in this same block constructed of frame. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mr. Sauls request be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Cowmissioners Armer and Terry. None It was recommended by the Board that Mr. P. M. Bush, 2607 Robinhood ibe per- mitted to construct a 9 X 7 ft. tool shed as a separate accessory b~ilding as requested. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mrt. Bush IS request for permission to construct a 9 X 7 ft. tool shed be granteq as recom- mended. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None r I Mr. P. R. Delgado, 3815 Case Street had requested the Zoning Board 'tIo recommend L-J approval of a permit to complete construction of a screened porch o~ the second floor of his home which was started about three years ago. Since tqat date the ordinance specifying the set back line from the rear property line Has been a- mended to require a 5' setback instead of 3', and Mr. Delgado desi~ed to com- plete his structure 1Jn th the' understanding that nothing be added in ithe 5' ease- ment other than the studdings which are presently located in this anea. The Board recommended that Mr. Delgado's request be granted. . Ii LI 'j"'!"~:r~~."j~~'"?P;-c~:J.: ...! Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the request of Mr. Delgado be granted as recommended by the Zoning Board permitting him to complete the structure underway provided that nothing be added in. the 5:' ease- ment other than the studdings which are presently located in this a~ea. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: 'Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None . J. F. Jolly, City Building Inspector advised the Zoning Board that he had re- fused to issue a permit to Mr. W.' F~_. Cawlfield, 3131 Tangley for imI?rovements ~ ~--,-.., and an addition to a garage apartment at this address for reason that such an addition is contrary to the zoning restrictions. The Zoning Board unanimously sustained Mr. Jolly in his refusal to issue a permit for th~purpose as out- lined. The Council instructed Mr. Cawlfield to desist on any further improve- ments to this building. A letter signed by Mr. Charles D. Mehr, Acting Chairman of the Zoni~g Board and dated October 15, 1948, recommended that the Council approve lo~ering the c :,~~9'~r-'= ." __ ,_',Jl "L,'_' '.'.,q,,'l! r,""'~~I- ":,~~""j'~TI -r~- :EI'i::nli:IIIIII;m,i:11l1D UITi"' JP. :v --- .51% brick restrictions at 3608 Plumb Street permitting Mr. Robert E. King to erect a home with the outer wall to be asbestos siding since there were other non-conforming houses in this block and U1is is one of two r~naining vacant lots within the block. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Zoning Boards recommendation be upheld. Voting A;re: Voting Noe: M~or Pro tem Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. None The Zoning Board recommended approv~l of the request of Mr. P. Bongio, 6712 Vanderbilt to re-subdivide East ~ Lot, 7, Block 4, West University Place 1st Addition to form two separate tracts of land; one tract to be 50 X 100' facing North on Cason Street and the South tract to be 50 X 100' to become a part of the South 100' of Lot 8, Block 4, West University Place 1st Addition. The Council instructed the City Building Inspector to submit a plat in regard to easements for water, light,ow~) gas and sewage lines, with respect to the lots to be s~bdivided. A. group of citizens from the 6300 and 6400 block3of Sewanee Street appeared before the Council requesting that permission be granted for the paving of a part of the 6500 block in connection with the paving of the 6300 and 6400 Block and the intersection at Sewanee and Pittsburg. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the. paving of the intersection of Sewanee and Pittsburg be paved at the same time the 6300 and 6400 Blocks and the intersection at Sewanee and Duke. are paved pro~ vided arrangements are made for the p1ving of at least 100' on the 6500. Block and authorization be given the City Secretary for issuance of a work order. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Co~~issioDers Armer and Terry. None Treasurer's Certificate No. 20, certifying the availability of $.52,353.75 for the paving of a group of intersections in the City was submitted by the City Treasurer. Ordinance No. 416, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 416 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING Tl1E SUM, OF $52,353. 75 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT C1" STREET IMP~OVEIvfENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVINu STREET INTERSECTIONS, to-wit: SECTIONS NOS. 11 TO 13 INCLUSIVE AND NOS. 16 TO 34 INCLUSIVE, ON i,'ffiICH BIDS WERE RECEIVED AUGUST 9, 1948, AN:Q DECLARING AN EMERGENG~. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that. Ordinance No. 416 appropriating the sum of $52,353.75 for paving of Street intersections be passed and approved as rea~. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro tem Lanmon; Commission~rs Armer a:od Terry. None -1:1 i '.;n m ~III iili1!rll1l11 ITm" [ 00 'r'""'"i ~ < u < r 1 I ! '-- 101, Ordinance No. 417, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 417 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCI<~EDINGS HA VB HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREqUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CCNTRACT FOR THE PAVING A~TI IMPROVING OF: ,STREET INTERSECTICNS ON: FAIRMOUNT STREET WEST POINT STREET FAIRHAVEN STREET ACADEl\4Y STREET WE-SLAYAN STREET COLLEGE STREET, AND BROWNING STREET . I ON WHICH BIDS '/VERE RECEIVED AUGUST 9, 1948; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID INTERSECTIONS;; FINDING AND DETERMINHJG THAT THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS HAS BEEN HERETOFORE ACCEPTED AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF T'1E LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDD~~ AND AGAIN ACCEPTING SAID BIS As SUCH; RATIFYING THE EARLIER AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO BROGAN & WILLIA.MS FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF THE INTERSECTIONS, COMPRI$ING SECTIOrYS NO. 10, 14 AND. 15; APpROVINQ- AND ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE. APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERFORb/,!NCE BOND AND I.fAINTENANCEBOND IN COmmCTION WITH THE IMPROVEI.lliNT OF THE RElvIAINING SECTIONS, TO-V\llT, SECTIONSl TO 9, INCLUSIVE, NOS, 11 TO 13, INCLUSIVE, AND NOS. 16 TO 34, INCLUSIVE; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS OR- DERED,ON SAID SECTIONS; APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF 'ff&ST UNIVEISITY PLACE, TEL~S, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 417 approving contract of Brogan & Williams for paving of Street Intersections and authorizing execution be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. Voting Noe: None Treasurers Certificate No. 22, certifying the availability of $2,000 for paving intersection of Weslayan and Southwestern was submitted. Ordinance No. 418, captioned as follcws was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 418 AN ORm NANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,000.00 OUT OF 'rHE l'U I'JD TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE COST FOR PAVING AND IMPROVING,THE INTERSECTION OF WESLAYAN STREET AND SOUTHWESTERN STREET ON WIITCH' BIDS WERE RECEIVED OCTOBER 8, 1948, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. 1'1 Motion by Commissioner Terry, ~econded by Commissioner Armer that Ordinance No. I 418, appropriating the sum of $2,000 for the paving of intersection of Weslayan ~ and Southwestern Street be passed and approved as read. ,',- ;,-'><,"'fu'''''_'_''''''''-',H- ,j , -l~-'~-==:-~=-':F~l"~"""~,:-: . Ii .,~.,~o . r'~'="T,o-_-'-"rc'~~="'=-~'':''~~-,. 'r~1 )~' ":~~~n 1~~1I111 ~!J'['r~"mlll rrm': r -~- '1" OHi J.'~ Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern; Commissioners Armer and Terry. Voting Noe: None ORDINANCE NO. 419 m Ordinance No. 419, captioned as follows was submitted a.Tld read in full': AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: INTERSECTION OF WESLAYAN STREET Ai'JD SOUTHWESTERN STREET; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMbIENDATION OF THE ENGINER~ ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID INTERSECTION Oli' SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAi\fS AS THE ,LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO IT THE CONTRACT FOR THE FA. VING AND IM- PROVING OF SAID INTERSECTION OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A}J1) AUTF-IORIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF' THE PERE'ORMANCE BOND AND MAINTEN-- ANCE BOND IN CONNECTION W"ITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMEN,TS OR14ERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AJlm, DIRECTINGrHE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Cowmis~i~ner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 419, awarding contract to Brogan & Williams for paving of intersection at Weslayan and Southwestern Street be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tan Lanmon; Commissioners Armer and Terry. Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee arrived at this time. Treasurer's Certificate No. 21, certifying the availability of $500 for paving skips on Swarthmore, Byron and Case, was submitted. Ordinance No. ,,420, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ORDTIJANCE NO. 420 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIAT~NG THE SUM OF $500.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN TH~ 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; AND CASE STREET HI THE 39,00 BLOCK THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 420, appropriating $500.00 for the City's portion of the cost of paving certain skipped areas on Swarthmore Street, Byron and Case, be passed and approved as read. '-;-"-'.if~~';::"~"C" !'-. L'~~I-::=~.___ ............ll:'~.,'!<'-:...;c--,~""'w~~'r~--==-";'-'::l"::.="'->"=~'r~~"'L.l r,' ---.'1' . :':m~~ 1:mmnrITrlI1rlllIU ~--.-'- ,ITi::T I'~l I " i ' '------ ' 00 ~ 't""l" .... < '-) < [] '...,[-,.,-1 " I I , " i ; I 1:0:3 Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tern Lanmon; Commissioners Armer a~d Terry. Voting Noe: None Commissioner Armer asked permission to be excused from the meeting at this time as he had a previous engagement. Upon request of Mayor Pro tem C. P. Lanman, Mayor Lee took the chair and presided. Ordinance No. 421, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: ORDINm~CE NO. 421 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET in the 4100 Block thereof; and BYRON STREET in the 3800 Block thereof; and CASE STREET in the 3900 Block thereof; APPROVING ArID ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECO~~ENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE FA VING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS: ACCEPTING THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAr~ AS THE L01VEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST R.FSPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWAHDING TO IT THE CDNTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING THE ACCEPTING AND AUT80RIZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF T8E CONTRACTOR'S BONDS IN CONNECTION V'VITH SAID IM- PROVEJlA:ENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON 3EHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI \TERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS ,AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Lanman, that Ordinance No. 421, awarding contract to Brogan & Williams for paving of skips on Swarth- more, Byron and Case Streets?,~ passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanman and Terry. Voting. Noe: None Ordinance No. 422, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 422 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PER1'VIANENT IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF: SWARTHMORE STREET IN TH:E 4100 BLOCK THEREOF, AND BYRON STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF, AND CASE STREET IN THE 3900 BLOCK THEREOF; IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EA.RLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NEC&SqITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PA...T{T OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEJ:offiNTS AGAINST:t>R.OPERTI:&SABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS A~'D THE OWNERS T:f{EREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIlIifATE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD, AND GIVEN TO' ALL OW1HNG OR CLA.Il'vIING " Ln"r=T=~~r='~n~.11 I _.' T c="rO'"~i""""n] .:EI'I}'[.1JliIlllll'iilmrllllll urr;" [i ,. ~lt? . J.~J ~:i; ANY SUCH ABUTTING PRO'PERTY O'n ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPO'SED AS- SESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO' orUER MATTERS RELATING TO' SUCH IMPRO'VE- MENT; SETTING At"IJD :liTXING THE TIME AND PLACE O'F SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMR.11.GENCY. II I i .,---...-' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that O'rdinance No. 422 approving and adopting estimates on skips and setti.ng hea:r;::ing" be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon and Terry. None Mr. Harry Chavanne, 2915 Rice Boulevard, who had been appointed as a member of the Zoning & Planning Board of the City on September 20 as recommended by the Zoning Board was given the Oath of Office by Mayor Lee. Ordinance No. 423, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 423 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT PlILTO'N STREET FROM THE "NEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF CO'LLEGE STREET; RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE O'F COLLEGE STREET TO THE EAST LINE OFWESLAYAN STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPRO'VED; ADO'PTING AND APPRO'VING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF PORTIONS O'F SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIO'NS, EACH O'F WHICH SECTIO'NS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND CO'MPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AN~ RE~ QUIRING TEl!: ENOINEm fOR IRE CITY TO PREPARE AN..EB/I'IMATEO'F THE COST OF SUCH I:MPROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE ,O'WNERS OF THE PRO- PERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION O'F EACH STREET TO' BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST O'F SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART O'F THE COST OF THE SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREaF, AND FaR INCIDENTAL W~TTERS; DECLARING THAT' THIS ORDI- NANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUEO'F ARTICLE 1105-b OF THE REVISED STATUTES O'F TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NaTICE OF TIllS ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PRaVIDED BY LAW AND TO' ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO' BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITqIN THE TIME PRO'VIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 11 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 423, determining necessity for paving of 3800 Block of Milton and 3900 Block of Rice be passed and approved, as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanman and Terry. Voting Noe: None ",.I~i,'.,,' : I ! I I L Maintenance bond of Russ Mitchell, Inc. in the sum of $9,952.25 for paving (';-"1 I. I i. I LJ IX:,; ~. ~" ....~ ---..- r " --' <!:, l~ I;) University Boulevard - Sections 1, 2, and 4 in compliance vvlth contract of June 21, i948, was a;.proved as presented and executed by Mayor Lee. Ordinance No. 424, captioned as follows, was submitted and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 424 ,AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZING, AND DIRECTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS AND AND CHANGES IN, AND THE ADDITION OF ADDENDA TO, THE OCTOBER 11, 1948 CONTRACT BET1NEEN THE CITY AND RUSe; MITCHELL, INC., CONTRACTOR, WITH REFERENCE TO THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD AND RICE BOULEVARD; AUTHO- RIZING AND.DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY TijE 1mYOR AND CITY SECRETARY AND THE INCORPORATION THEREOF AS PART OF SAID CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC., AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motio!'). by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Corirrnissioner Lanmon that Ordinance No. 424 authorizing addenda and amendments to the October 11, 1948 contract for paving certain portions of University and Rice Boulevard be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None Ordinance No. 425, captioned as follows was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 425 r'-'I AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE CGSTS AND THE VARIOJS I! PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE P&'1Y,ANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: I j L--' [1 ! I II .-.-" SECTION NO. 3. UNIVERSITY BOL~EVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF 'NEBLAYAN STREET TO THE K~ST LINE OF C01~IliNITY DRl VE; AND SECTION NO.5. RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, MID AS REQUIRED BY KlL1:tLIER ORDINaNCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART CF THE COST OF SUCH I~WROVEM~;rTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTJNG ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID S,TREETS .AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; . PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEAR NG BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR .ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPOSED AS- SESSMENTS A.ND P~WCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATINGi'O SUCH n,IPROVE- MENT; SETTING AND EIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF' SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED Hi: LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that Ordinance No. 425 approving a~d adopting estimates of co~t on Sections No. 3 and No.5, and providing for a Hearing be passed and approved as read6 Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon and Terry. None :","f't€1i"'t~'""" r '-----,------',Timimm1iillirll1mn '" -rrmr-m- 1;"T'T-":==I=C~ -"'1\ ~~: I'n '.'!~~frf ..LVV Ordinance No. 426, captioned as follows, was presented and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 426 i~-I ! i ! i I ~ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDIi'JANCE NO. 397 HERETOFmE PASSED BY THE cr TY COIMnSSION OF WEST UNIV&~ITY PLACE,.TEXAS, ON SEPT&~BER 13th, 1948, SAID ORDINANCE NO. 397 HAVING AUTHORIZED THE BORROWNING OF $15,000.00 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS IN SAID CITY AND THE PLEDGING OF THE PROCEEDS SF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO SECURE SAID LOAN. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Terry, that Ordinance No. 426 repealing Ordinance No. 397, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe~ Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon and Terry. None The following Resolution fixing a sewage charge for West University SchoOls was presented for the Council's consideration: RESOLUTION ~VHEREAS, heretofore, the City of West University Place, Texas, has been charging for sewage facilities furnished the Houston Independent School District, for West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High School, a nominal charge which does not reflect the true cost of furnishing such sewage facilities and, VffiEREAS, it is desired to fix a sewage charge more nearly reflect- ing the value and cost of furnishing such facilities, and I I I i i_J WHEREAS, the ordinance prescribing sewage rates for dwellings in the City of \!Vest University Place. is inapplicable to the West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High School, and NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that effective from and after the first day of September, 1948, there is hereby prescribed as a charge for furnishing sewage fac:ilities to the West Universi ty Elementa:ry and Pershing Junior High School, the sum of $50.00 per month, with the proviso, however, that during the months that the, school is not occupied and used, no charge shall be made said District for sewage facilities. Motion by Commissioner T~rry, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that ~he Resolu- tion fixing a charge of *50.00' per month for thei'[est University Elementary and Pershing Junior High'School be passed and approved as read. V cting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Lanmon and Terry. None A contract between the City and Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Go,. < for sewer service was presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mayor Lee be authorized to execute contract with Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Co. for sewer service as set forth in the Contract. ;1 : I I j ,---J 'iT; Tr;l~i:TTIm;ii'ilinl1mu- rrm'; o 00 ..-i ~ ",--r. ':...:> -< '[-11 ~ .......:...J 1ft",'~'"_:"_':)':<'.- -' I lU4- Voting A.Y"e-:-- Mayor Lee; Commissioners Len mon and Terry. Voting Noe: 'None The minutes of the meeting of October 11, 1948 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session on November 4, 1948, 7:00 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Also present was the City Secretary. The City Attorney was absent. The meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the election for city officials and Charter Amendments, held November 2, 1948. The following resolution was submitted: RES OLUTI ON RESOLUTION CA~JVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION HIrLD IN THE CITY OF ifv;&ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON NOVEf.r1BER 2, 1948, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMIVIISSIONERS, AND ADOPTING OF THREE AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER. WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on November 2,1948, a general city election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners, and adoption or rejection of three amendments to the City Charter, ahd at such election the followi~g votes were cast: NA.ME CANDIDATE VOTES CAST IN PRECINCTS TOTAL FOR NO. 87 NO. 133 - Cecil P. Lanmon Mayor 1165 1177 2342 Wayland Hancock Mayor 848 1050 1898 Dupree Holman Commissioner . 1998 1691 3689 V~. A. Hamlett Commissioner 1998 1684 3682 H. E. 'l'erry Commissioner 1)98 1693 3691 Wm.C.Buschardt, Jr. Commissioner 1998 1673 3671 CHARTER AMENDMENTS PROPOSITION NO. lo Yes 1818 1496 3314 No 113 68 181 PROPOSITION NO. 2. Yes 1851 1515 3366 No 98 44 142 PROPOSITION NO. 3. Yes 1846 1466 3312 No 83 67 150 fmR~EAS, as a result of such election, the said Cecil P. Lanman was elected Mayor and W. A. Hamlett, Dupree Holman, H. E. Terry and Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. were elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; and Propositions No.1, 2 and 3, amending the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas were Cl;:;proved '/,"','-, >'~=I'~~'~~' '1\ .", r .c, "r.O"",-",'Tl -,---- .... 'T"r-~'i'miTIiII;irITccmm ' rmrr ..I. \y.e'.~ NOW, Tt-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS that the official results of such election be formally declared, pursuant to canvass of. the returns of such election by the City Commission to be that the said Cecil P. Lanmon was elected. Mayor and the said Dupree Holman, W. A. Hamlett, H. E. Terry and Wm. C. Buschardt,. Jr. were elected Commissioners at the said election and Propositions No.1, 2 and 3 amending the City Charter were approved. i"~f J ~ ~ ~~" PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of November, A.D. 1948, by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the resolution canvassing the returns of the election held in the City of West Univ~rsity Place, Texas, on November 2, 194.8 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmcn a!1d Terry. None There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. / e d'k v-~- .;. ---, ATTEST: ~~ .', 41-rl.- 'ITY T i . _ 'T1: ''i'lil':nlll;Wilirll1l11-U ~ITfT r~l i I Li C() ~ >::t' <:!: . T -.....\ '- <t ~ 'r'--i LI , , 1-' L~ 109 MINUTES OF REGU1AR MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1948 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 8, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. ,In compliance with Notice to Bidders having been duly published in the official newspaper of the city for the installation of storm sewers and appurtenances the following bids were opened and :t'esults annQunced: George Consolidated Gulf Bitulithic Co. A. S. Koehler 1. T. Erwin Howard T. Barry Brogan & Williams Mischer and Harris George Construction Co. Hartwell Construction Russ Mitchell, Inc. Texala Construction Co. Tellespen Construction Co. Industrial Road Equip. Co. J. H. Britt Holland Constructiun Co. W. A. McClendon R. P. Farnsworth Gerald Mora J. D. George Construction Co. 64J194.40 62,871. 70 59,984.82 61,535.92 51,708.70 52,761. 79 60,421.05 59,931. 60 85,929.00 66,807.55 56,632.85 83,948.10 55,410.15 57,955.40 54,159.90 60,838.84 63,395.10 66,653.50 75,371.00 The Council was advised that property ovmers on the 3800 Block of Amherst Street had signed contracts for paving and asked that the City take proper steps for the paving of city owned property in this block. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Brogan & Williams be instructed to proceed with the paving of the 3800 Block Amherst on the basis of $6.00 per front.foot provided the City Paving Attorney approves the legality of performing this work under extension of the intersection contract awarded to Brogan & Williams on date of October 4, 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanman and Terry. None Mr. Chas. Saunders and Mr. Mebane, Attorneys representing the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Houston, advised that certain changes were desired in the contract between the Coca Cola Company and the City of West University Place for use of Sanitary Sewerage facilities. The Council advised Mr. Saunders and Mr. Mebane to work wit,h City Secretary Whitt Johnson and the City Attorney in revising the contract to the satisfaction of both parties I "::":=='~'-=7_~"J"---_.:~'~"===:=lr -~~r--'''----------- -- ---," - --- --- - -~:r~IO~.7 ~:~~11 r.:~III1f~:I'~'f!~"-llllll -~n:'T r--O~7=':-'-O''''"'-C-T"''"=,,,,~=o~-".~r'CL -::1 .l .1 \J and present it to the Council for approval. In compliance with recommendation of the Zoning Board that request of Mr. '.I,.'.i,'..,..j I P. Bongio for subdividing Lot 7, Block 4, West Un~versity .~lace 1st. ~ Addition be granted, and instructions of the Council on October 25, 1948, the City Building Inspect.or submitted a plat in rEi!gard to easements on these lots owned by Mr. P. Bongio. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the, request of Mr. Bongio, 6712 Vanderbilt; to resubdivide East ~- of Lot 7, Block 4, West University Place 1st Addition to form two separate tracts of land; one tract to be 50x 100' facing North on Cason Street and the South tract to be 50 x 100' to become a part of the South 100' of Lot 8, Block 4, West Univer.sity Place 1st Addition be granted subject to the dedication of easements making public utilities available tQ a~l lots in this tract. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Russ Mitchell, Paving Contractor, be instructed to.proceed v~th paving of such property approved by the mayor in writing ,with the city to" purchase paving certificates .:f'rom the Contractor if contractor is unC),ble to obtain valid liens on said. properties if exempt. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Ter~r. None in I , I I L Letters from Mrs. W.. E. Eberling and Mr. Chas. D. lvIehr, s,ubmitting their resignations as members of the Zoning & Planning Board were.read to the Counci 1. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by COlnmissioner Hamlett, that resig- nations of W~s. Eberling and Mr. Mehr as members of the Zoning and Planning Board, effective November 15, 1948, be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Estimate No.1, from Russ Mitchell, Inc. in the,amount of $36,000.00 and approved by Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson was submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Esti- mate No.1, from Russ Mitchell, Inc. for the paving on. University Blvd., Sections 1 and 2, in the amount of $36,000 and approve~ by the Consulting Engineer be approved, for payment.. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Crunmissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None The following Resolution authorizing sale of United States Treasury 1 1/8% Certificates of Indebtedness was submitted: .!U'?"'~t""?::'1':ft~,:""'--1 !'; 1;-;- 1 . ! -r==-l\ . -""~": r~=~,cz'r----"-- 1 i 1 r' 'T1;"'TI~ lIT TIm illl'm: 111m ITITiiT .1- .1- 1. RESOLUTION r~-l I I L A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SALE OF FIVE UNITED STATES TREASURY 1-1/8% CE..1=tTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SERIES 1949 NUMBERED 10332 through 10336, INCLUSIVE, DATED JUNE 1, 1948, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FIFTY-THOUSAND DOLLARS; 1\1\11) FURTHER AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THAT THE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF SAID CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING INTEREST AND PREMIUM BE DEPOSITED TO THE CREDIT OF THE CITY OF ~WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, STREET PAVING BRIDGE BOND, ,SERIES 1946 FUI\iD, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, HOUSTON, TEXAS, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF MAKING PAYMENrS TO RUSS MITCHELL, INC., ON ITS CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVAHD. 00 ~ ~ "':;:: ~ .... '"-, < WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, is the owner of five certain United States Treasury 1-1/8% certificates of indebtedness, series 1949, numbered 10332 through 10336, inclusive, in the total amount of $50,000.00 a~d, vVHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of West University Place, Texas, to effect the sale of said certificates for the purpose of securing funds to make payment upon a legal obligation arising out of a contract here- tofore executed between Russ Mitchell, Inc., and the Ci.ty of ~l\{est University Place, Texas, for the paving ofa portion of University Boulevard in said City, now therefore, r'l Lf BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the City Treasurer of said City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to effect the sale of those certain five United States Treasury 1-1/8% certificates of indebtedness, series 1949, nwnbered 10332 through 10336, inclusive, in the total amount of $50,000.00, and that the City Treasurer be and he is further authorized and directed to effect the deposit of the proceeds from the sale of said securities, in- cluding interest and premium to the credit of the City of West Unlversity Place, Texas, Street Paving Bridge Bond, Series 1946, Fund, at the National Bank of Commerce, Houston, Texas, for the purpose of making payment to Russ Mitchell, Inc., of the amount owing to Russ Mitchell, Inc., under the terms of that contract heretofore executed between the City of West Uni- versity Place, and Russ Mitchell, Inc., for the paving of a portion of University Boulevard in said City. Passed and approved this 8th day of November, 1948, by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 noes. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Resolution be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; COIT@issioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None A request was made by the West University Baptist Church for installation of NO PAHKING signs in front of the Church along walk area. (_.~ U Motion by Crumnissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the request of the Baptist Church for installation of No Parking signs along walk area in front of the Church be approved. 'TT 1Irm;mIl1Iiil:rIllTII linn I<'S/ .." ~ ~, 11 iJ- Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None A statement from Mr. Paul Strong, Attorney, in the amount of $67.20 for professional services rendered iQ connection with the appeal of D. Gullo et al vs. City of West University Place in accordance with agreement as reflected by the Minutes of April 14, 1948, was submitt~d and approved for payment. 1'-1 ! , U Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that City Secretary vfnitt Johnson be instructed to issue a work order for the paving of 6300 and 6400 Blocks of Sewanee Street, since all property owners in these blocks have sizned contracts with Gulf Bitulithic Co., for paving with an asphalt topping. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon anQ Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Mayor be authorized to sign contract with Gulf Bitulithic Co. for paving of West 200 ft. of 2900 Block Pittsburg Street lying,betweenthe east line of Belmont Street and the east line of Lot 7, Block 9 and Lot 12, Block 14, west University Place 1st Addn. since these proper~yowners have signed the contract and issued checks to be held in escrow, and that the city make plans to participate in paying a par~ of the cost of the paving on side lot property. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. Voting Noe: None The following Resolution adopting certain amendments to the City Charter was submitted and read ~n full: lliSQl1lTIC:t'I wEEREAS, there were submitted to the qualified voters of the City of West University Place, Texas, at the general election of November 2nd, 1948, three proposed amendments to the Charter. of the City of West University Place, Texas, a copy of such proposed amendments being attached hereto, and VffiEREAS, each of such proposed amendments was approved by the majority of the qualified voters voting at said election, and WB~EAS, all legal requirements essential to the adoption of said pro- posed amendments to the City Charter of the City of West University Place have been accomplished in accordance with law, now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED by the-City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the said amendments to the City Charter and e~ch of them be and the same are hereby declared to be adopted. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of November, 1948, by a vote of 5 ayes and 0 noes. 113 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Resolution adopting amendments to the City Charter be passed and approved as read. ' r 'I LI Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Cow~issioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Ter~y. None Ordinance No. 427, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORnTl\lANCF NO. 427 C() AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHM&1T OF THE CITY OF WEST UluVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SANITARY SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUN:D; DESIGNATING THE SOURCE FROM l'\lHICH SiIDFUND SHALL DERIVE AND LIIvIITING THE EXPENDITURE OF' MONIES FROM SAID FUND. --i ~ <-r.: (..:) <! Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Crunmissioner Terry that Ordi- nance No. 427, providing for the establishment of the City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund; be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Le~; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Ter~J. None A contract for furnishing sanitary sewer and water service to Southern Oaks, Inc., was submitted to the Council for consideration. 1-'1 I I LJ Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract with Southern Oaks, Inc., for water and sewer service after further revision of the contract. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Mayor Lee be authorized to sign contract between Shulze Corp. and the'City of West University Place for Sanitary Sewer Service. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; CommiSsioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None A recommendation from the Zoning & Planning Board that a request of Mr. Lee R. Chatham, 2920 Tangley, to attach and construct a workshop to his present two-car garage be granted, ')as submitted to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the re- quest of Mr. Lee R. Chatham be granted in accordance with recommendation of the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: L..,..~,'"I, ' , i I Mayor Lee; Commissioners Arm,er , Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None A letter from Consulting Engineer, H. J. JOhnson outlining Engineering work performed sj,nce October 13, 1948 a::ld work anticipated to begin prior to r:"",,~=:=:"T':"'-'~r~=~'~:-~~::Jl . r~'"'='~.'.-l-~CO=<C':='-=---"-l":"e~ ~[Il': ' r' -- "':-~I ': - - - ':~~::1 ] I:: 11I11 ':lIT! !;~' 1Il1ll 1'1'0: November 15, 1948, was sub~itted. .Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that pay-: ment of work performed'be autl,1;Qrized for payment on basis of 6% of cost and also any other work: started prior to November 15, 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee; Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Terry. None Minutes of the meetings of October 25 and November 4, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. q~- ATTEST: .~.~.. ", Ci y c . " , r,''T~~~~'~01~1'''=~:~':'11 .~ ,....:..:=C':"'""'I"""::""TT"l [' , -., Tic ~!l':Jj!:;mlljH'u1!rrllm ~1 II "....--J I . .... rrrrrr [J...', n.,'", :I ; i 00 ,.-l ~ < ,-> < I'...-i...., 1.", !; . ! ~ 'o;-~..';1~'1-'~-;.!~;r.; .llJ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1948 Members of the Council and Council-elect convened at the City Hall Monday No~ember 15, 1948, 7:30 P.M. Af~er invocation by Rev. Malcolm L. Purcell, Pastor of St. Andrews' Pres- byterian Church, Mayor Ralph B. Lee introduced the Council-elect and ad. ministered the Oath of Office to Cecil P. Lahmon as Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, and to Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr., W. !'. ,Hamlett, DuPree Holman and H. E. Terry as Commissioners of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas. Mayor, Lee expressed appreciation to citizens and members of the Council who had,worked with him during his tenure as commissionerand,Mayor'an.d stated that accomplishments made during this period was due to the'~cQo;- operation of the entire citizenship and that he regreted leaving public office but felt it necessar,y-:for personal and business reasons. Mayor C. P. Lanmon then took the chair and presented a statement pledging his wholehearted efforts for an efficient administration during thene~t two years and asked for coopera~ion and,support of all citizens on P~Q- jects and matters undertaken by the city. Mayor Lanmon then stated it necessary, in' compliance wi,th proVisions of the City Charter, to elect a Mayor Pro tem. Motion.by Commissioner Buschardt that Commissioner H. E. Ternybeeleeted Mayor Pro tem during his term of office. ,,}lotion seconded by Conundi.$$-ioner Hamlett. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon;. Commissioners Buschardt, Haml~tt., anCi.''iHn1m:an. ,!' None Mayor~anmon recommended that the first order, of business be that,of appointing personnel to fill the various appointive positions and Boards. In this respect the Council took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Hamlett that Whitt Johnson be appointed: City Secre- tary at his present salary. Motion seconded by Commissioner Terry. Voting-Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmoo; Commissioners Buschardt, "Hamlet"'; H'Q'lman;,amd. TerJ'Y. None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett that Whitt Johnson be appointed:Director of Personnel and Acting Engineer, for the City without compensation. Motion s~conded by Commissioner. Terry. Voting,Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. N:0ne ,', Motion by Commissioner Holman that Mr.C. E. Gammill be appointed City Trea~u-r.er at his pre's'e1il't salary. 'Motion seconded by COJiJi8isSteneP',T~. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None I, '!~:O~"'=I~~~ll i1'1 ~T111i7Umm1':"llTIU lmT' ""'Wf ,: ~"'~i~~~~rn '1'~~- <(1!' "", \;;) Motion by Commissioner Holman that Mr. c. E. Gammill be aPP9inted Tax Collector-Assessor without compensation. Motion seconded QY Commissioner Terry. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; 'Commissi9ners Buschardt,HCijIll_Jlj~lman and Terry. Voting No: None ' Motion by Commissioner Terry that Mr. T. M.. Ryan J:)e'1~;.qit.ed ,City A1i~or~ey at a salary of $175.00 per month. Motion seconde4 1).)': ~m.mis;sioner Ham:lett. Voting Aye: Mayor Lamon; Commissioners Busehar<iot. ;j~lerb't, ;J!oman ,and,Terry. Voting No: None IJ' I" l' Motion, by Commissioner Buschardt, that Mr. Berna;&d Kay be .a'f..l~ted Gor- pOI'ation Judge at a salary of $50.00 perm:o~th. MO.tion sec~;'by Commissioner Holman. Voting 4ye: Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Vot~,ND ,;t .None M~A_ ~issioner Busehardtthat Mr. J. D.Allstott be appointed _~anCourt Clerk and Mr. G. E. King as Deputy Copporation;Glerk withQut compensation.. Motionsec(i)lldedby COlDlIlissioner' Holman~ Voting Aye: Mayor Lamil-on; Commissioners Buschardt,. Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None MQt.i'OJll ;by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. Harold E. Shipp. be appointed., Chie,r- '0-f'fB01j:ce at his present salary. .Motion seconaedr.li>y Commissioner.Buschardt. U:~ I Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. V p-t-j.~g No t, N.one f - Motion by Commissioner Buschardt that Mr. J. A~ Metcalf be appoirl'tfed ~ire Marshall at a salary- of. $$0.00, per month. Mati,on, seconded by Conmdssioner Terry. .,' l ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon~ CornmissionersBusch~.\,rdt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. V'0ting 8,0: None " ;. 'I Motion by Commissioner B:u~chardt tnat Mr. A. L~ Sweitzer be appointed Fire Chief' without,eompensattQ~h, Motion seconded bt.6ontrni.SSiO!ler Ter1'y".: _ . '.' , . . Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Busch~rdt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Vo'tingo,;No.: None' ~ '". 1 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett that. M'r. E. J. ~lotld be'aFJPoinlbed;Water and Sewer Superintendent. Motion seconded by, Comr4ssioner Holman. ' . ';-. ,- . i .' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners. Busc~rdt, Hamlett; Holman and Terry. Voting No: None :; " M9t.~o~by C.~QJ1!4~s;lener T~:rry t.hat the folJ.owd.~ per~1!>.mle~ be a.ppointed on the Zoning and Planning Board: '. iJ (-n U 00 ......; ~of -2 ~ '. t..-.J <! []'.'-""',...,,..,..., ii ;1 ;j ~i D.C. King "H. J~ Chavanne Franklin C. Jones Motion secorid~d by Commissioner Buschardt. 1J7, " Roy Maley' Duncan P. Allen Voting Aye: Mayor Lanman; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No : None Motion by Connnission~J"Terry,that the following personnel be appointed on the Board of,Adjustment and Appe~ls: Searcy Bracewell L. B. Ryon Cecil Hdlnson Motion seconded by Commissioner Buschardt. Edwin Teal R. J. Depenbrock Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None -Motion by Commissioner-Hamlett that the following personnel be appointed on the Plumbing Boa.rdl ", Merr~11Whitehead Frank E. Hang~ Motion seconded: by Commis&~oner Terry. J. F. Jolly, Jr. Voting Aye: Mayor. Lanmon; Comm;issioners Bu~chardt, Hamlett; Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' . . Motion by Commissioner Hamlett that the following personnel be appointed on the El:eetrie<Board: ,'J Joe V. Ellis Al Halla,- Jt. J. F. Jolly, 'Jr. Motion seconded by COImIliJss:ioner.Buschardt. A.F. Fisk James S. Waters Voting Aye: Mayor LaIimon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamletv),Uolman, and Terry. . Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Holman that the follo~ng personnel be appointed,on . the Health Board: A. F. Barnes Dr. Ly'n1an 0 io Blair Motion seconded by Commissioner Terry. Dr. Max Fmmert Dr. Powha tan James, Jr. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanman; Co.nund.ssioners Buschardt:,< Hamle.tt,.1folman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Holman that the following personnel be appointed on ".'~~ ^_....~.^:-:~_. r"""o..........~ ___ __ ----------'-r~-.-.,-o===r=----=O==.,...-"'"..=F_r.._:1. r ^ -"---1-------,------~~~1'~-;' -~f!i"l~ 1!!II11r~1!~!;~''-1T1Il1 ~[w:-' 1 '1 t>, the Personnel Board: Wayne H. Haines W. J. Beaudoin Ed. W. Morris , ' Motion seconded by Commissioner Buschardt. . . J. D. Hollingsworth ,j' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon, Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None. - !. ~) . 1;. Motion by Commissioner Holman that the following perso~nelbe appointed on the Finance Committee: L. B. Bricker W. D. Herb Claude S. Newberry Warren But telmann Motion ,seconded by Commissioner Terry. W. F. Ghiselin Thomas W. Walker John K. Mooney . Voting Aye: MaYOT Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Ham:lett, Holman and Te~. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Holman that the following personnel be appointed on the. Community House Committee: W. E. Eberling Robert H. Lloyd Mrs.. Rose Reese Motion seconded by Commissioner Hamlett. Mrs. Wal"l:"~n Buttelmapn Dr. Russell Winston J.D. .M~hree, Jr. . Voting Aye: Mayor Lamon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, aolmanan~ Terry. V ot:ing No: Bone Motion by Commissioner Terry that the following personnel be,appoin'tedon the Insura,nce Committee: G-q.,s Comisky Sang,y B. Bahm , John Daniels J. PaJtton Hutt' Charles L. Hughes Motion seconded,by Commissioner Hamlett. Voting A~e: Mayor Lan~on; Cornmi~sioners Buschardt, Hamlett, HQ~~n'al1p. ~Terry. V oting No: None Motion by Oommissioner Bus,ehardt that the f olloJfing personn.el be appointed on the Bus CoriImittee: ~ed Riggs t" A. Glaib.orne S. M. Stubbs 1:~<:-~"'-;=:-=-=r"'" ._ :::Il ~ _ .~r~'~~ r--=. ~u I' i 1 Ed Davis C. B.. J"e:ffries ---r~ :T1~'T]ll~nlll" 11:n:'lIlm u !j r , 1 I , I I LJ I Wi ~ ' I I I I L' 00 r-i ~ <: u <t fl Li \ , 119 Motion seconded by Commissioner Terr,y. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmcn, Commissioners Buschardt, ,Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Buschardt that the following personnel be appointed on the Swimming Pool and Recreation Committee: C. L. Cartwright R. J. Depenbrock . J. D. Ehman, J. Spence !flaylor , Wesley Kilensmann Ben Judd .Charles Giraud Motion seconded by Commissioner Holman. j' Voting Aye:' Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners . Buschardt, Hamlett, -.Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The Oa.:th,.of; Ot:t!i.ce was administered by Mayor Lanmon to.'personnel of the var- ious official positions and,the Zoning and Planning Board, Board,o!Adjust- ment and Appeals, Plumbing Board, Electrical Board, Health Board and Person- nel Board as a.ppointed:~by theCounci:}.. '.",^.~,.. Mr. Ervin H. Brackman, Editor. and Publisher of the Southwestern Times , pre- sented:' the Coun'cil, wi th a.. bound- volume of all editions of the Times' during the period September 1947 to;September 1948. In'complianee,wi;th instrucnonsby the;~'Council, Consulting.,Engineer H. . J., , Johnson submitted aHta'bula~on on bids received on November 8, 1948, for the installa;tion or Storm Sewers and Appurtenances. Mr. JO'hns'on reoomme!1decl that Howard T. Barry be awarded a contract on his low bid of $51;708.70. . " Motion by 00mmissioner, Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that a CQIl- traetbe awarded Howard'T. Barry on: his.' 10l'L bid of. $51.,708.70 for the in- stallation: of stonn sewers; and:.: appurt-e~ces" as recommended by' Consul~~ng" Engineer H. J.Johns:on and City-Secretary Whitt Johnson, subject to Certi- ficate of Availability of,'Funds'from the City Tr.easurer., _ .~ i ,_ Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' , With no further business to;.come before; the Counci1a.t ,th1.s '6ime, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried., the meeting was recessed. After the meeting was recessed, Mr. W. E.Eberling presented Mr. Ralph B. Lee with a traveling bag, as a gift of. appreciation on behalf,of friends and citiz.ens for outstanding contributions made to theCity:-'~-of: West University Place by Mr. Lee while serving as a oity official. Mr. Lee ,expressed his appreciation or the gift and stated that he had made many friends during this time for which he was grateful, and it had been a pleasune1to'workwith.thecitiZ'e:ns.'of,..wes:t University Place. ~-.-~--~~~~~----'~- The City Council convened in recessed session: on Frida.y, November 19,,1948, rm~. "~-r' ....,.. 'r'''~'''''''''~''~ "1"';1 ml' "'''m;'mll'liT'mm mi' r'~ ..& ~'-~~~ at the City Hall with the following membera-:.-presentt: ,Mayor tanmom,'-p.res_iding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Holman~ Also present were the City .Secretary and City Paving Attorney. Commissioner 'l'e~I!y and the City Attorney were absent. In comp:liance" wi thNoti'7 t~:~i;44~~s, ',having been "dul;y:pubJ..,ishc;!din the off'i... cial newspaper of the City for the paving of 3800 Block Milton and 3900. Block Rice according to plans and specifications approved by the City, Bids received were opened and, results announced. as follows,:., i] '--_.... .' _' . " i, # Russ Mitchell; ':Ino. Houston, Texas - ~ ...:.-.$ 1.7,915.l4 Brogan & Williams, Houston, Texas:...c- ... ~ - 1.7,857.30 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissione.r Buachardt ttlat bids received for the paving of 3800 Block Milton, and 3900 Block Rice Boulevard . bee!:~eferred to Cons'Q.1ting Engineer, H.' : \1. Jolmsolil:for;~tabulation. anfil, ~recom"', mendatioIi. , Voting Aye :MaY.Qr~~mb9n;Cornmiss:ioners Buschardt,. Ham1e~t~,;a;t'&~'Jlo;)Jn...i'j::.<iVn'. Voting, N~;~,t. None' ~,',. , ',' , , In aocordance with previously published. of:ficiaL,Noti'ce.,'t!4a.y:or Lanmon-; an- nouncedthat a public hearing on benefits to, be derived from the p~:vi~g of Universi tyBoulevard frbin:the, east li;ile.. of Weslaya1il&tr~etto."the.east l'ine ofeorDinutlit,yDri ve and Ri.cef'!oulevard from thel:west . line ; of !:A'llden,;&t~e&.t;: ,j;,o the east line of College Street and ;'c.er'tR.-in;)}i)OC'oper4iy' abutting ,o~ SW::~tbJllQrt:l, Byron and Case Street was in order. Mayor Larmi~ request.ed Mr. E. 'E. Townes, Jr. , . Paving' Attorney .t~)1' the, Ci V t.,&,ppesent. and examine niliinesse~:.:Wi th,l",e-. fere11'ce to the co-nt1"8!c:t'ed .1mprovemeilw" and the benefits, ..to!:. p~pertiesand the ;(i)Wtl,&n ~hereofbe. r'-eas~nof&aid,impr()-vemeaw,..", ' u .., Mr. H.. J. JoWls on, Consulting Engineer" having b~en duly sworn by Mayor Lanm'0fl; test-i.tied, in 'a1l1swer;.;;Loques<tions by-,iMr.. !ll>!IneS" tb:a,t h.~walJ an Engine.er 'and pursuan.t W reqla~t. ot the -CoUDci:l,.had, pr$.lPa:I'\edpl-ans and s:peei- fi~ti-ons for tae paving of Univ~;rs1.;,:byBoule.v:ar,d'!r~ W:~la-yan to" C,G>mml~ll;JJ"y Dri ve'and 'sldpped!;prop,er,tY:GJl ~~rthIJIpre-i'j Byro~: 5..treat aJ.Ilel,~,e;jse. Stl':eetD~d., ' was' t_iliar Wi th'the.'pa'vememt. to be (::f.lnatructl:e:d:j, and, g!,i~l &-'g~neral ~7 planation and stateiilent of th~ type and nature of the, work to be perfqi'med. I" . .,' ~ _. : (.;J~ :..:..' .... .-. '.-..::.:i~,:. ". ". ~ . Mr. Townes aske.d if any property owner 0.1' any elne present WQ~lQ" like to question Mr. ,Jobp~on. Mr. Robt. E. Bussard, 4108 University Boul.evard, questioned Mr~, JohnsonaB 't..o; :th...ej b.us. W9;'f.fic IQn"th~: pnop>',&S;ed pa:ri~g,on l1niversi ty Bo.u1ev.qd. . Mr. , ...J~Gn: ,eJtPJiained,j:,ltart the. ,pa,rY:ing. .wg,~ desi.gnf}ct for bus traffic. 'No further question was desired. " Mr. James H. Cain,.having be.endUly, sworn by Mayor LanmQn,t~s;tj..f;.~d iJl" answer to questi..Qtts by Mr.. Townes, that he was a real',e.ata.:te "$ale~.tnM,;v;kth Hodell & CompanY<oand testifi.eliii :.:con-cern-1ttg ,hi'S, z",eal:es-$at.e: :exp.er;ietttte and ,b;i,~ familiarity with West.University.Place properties,thte present cQn(lition of, the3's.treets eta :.bedJrtpnov:ed, ,.aJ:l<:L,:gavE:f-.-his opini.oa,~s;:t.,o, 1/l,te enhancement in val,l$ ,to the properti.es abut.tin~ upon;the respect'i;.v.e ;&'1i-~-e~ts' 'which 'woUld result from the proposed .jjrtproventents.:as.outli:n811:;by;Mr.ill. J~, John..l5*,'~ and with which he had familiarized himself. Mr . Cain stat.e,~,that in his II' 1 opinion, each property en -each .of ..:the <streets ,would -be. enhanced in value conSiderably in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments !~ asc reflected upon the Engineers' est.imates. ' ='" l~-:"" , r "-=:"\ , "', r '~'~r~' -~'-~nl I~ 11 "nllmnTI"'mln mf" ' r - 1 L 00 r-! ' ~ <( (..;:) <t I [, ' ; 1 U'I , , , L 1.2-1' With no further' st.atements or testimonies, Mr,. Townes- 'presented Ordinance No. 428, captioned as follows which was read in full: OH1)TN4NCW. f1() '1?8 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING' THE HEARING GIVEN, TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF ' PROPERTY' ABUTTING ON: SECTION NO.3. UNIVERSITY BOuLEVARD F-ROM::TftE EAST"LINE. OF WESLAYAN STREET ,TO THE EAS'fLI'NE OF,'COM- MUNITY DRIVE; AND SECTION NO.5. RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE ~T LINE OF COLLEGE STREET, :. . ~/.. . .,,- \; \"'. AND,TO ALL OTHER INTERESTEI)'.PARTIES~ASTO.SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE:'~O, SAID PROPERTY AND THE''l'RUEi GWNIlRS,THEREOF,BY VIRTUE OF 'fHJjLIMPROVEMEN'l'S, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFoR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFIGIEN~, RilGULARlnTY,ANQ, VAIllDITY OF~THE'PROCEEDINGS,'ANDCONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR.-THING" CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PRO- CEEDINGs ~AND THbJ";I~ERF0R1iWTf3E' ~'(;A:T4L:'PREREQUISITES TO tFI1INtLAND,:LEVnNG" THE ASSESSMENT LIENS ANDTHE,PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVER- RULING AND DENYING ALL PROTllS~ AWl) OBJECTIONS OFFERED ~ EXCEPT AS TO PAR- TICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FIND1Ng::,~p'ET~ING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMEmS IN EXCESS OFTHE,AM0UN~I' OF THE"lt~ECT]VE,ASSESSMENTS AGAINST:iSAME; LEVYING ASSESSMEN'L'S;FIXING A CHARGE ANDLIENcAGAINST THE RESPECTIVE' PROPERTIiS', 4BUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS 'OF.SAit! 'STREETS, TO BE. IMPROVED AND :AGAINST 'THE, TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT, OF PART OF TaE,COST OF THE IMPR~V~ MENTS ;WITHIN, THE:LIMITS DESORIiED; PROVIDING FOR THE, ISSUANCE,-OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER. 'OF. tHEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that' Ordinance No. 428, closing the hearing on Section 3 of University Boulevard and Section 5, of Rice Boulevard etc. 'be passecf,and appr01r~'das read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanm0n; Comm!i.$s,ioners Bus chardt , Ha.miett-, and Holmari. , Voting No: None ", ' Ordinance No. 429 eaptioI'led-.~s follows'-was'.presen-t&d,i'anareatI:,in fulle: 1'~. ~ ~ _..c.:- f'. n.----:::-..-,'1I _ _C ,~. 1-..= =--=Y'-, 1. -r' '~~I ~ "~'''l ~ l~ 11I11" I]~'" Illlll r:m" , 1~~ NEeTION ,WITfi SAID IMPROV!MEN,TS AIm ASS.ES5.MENTaj A:IIlDAln-M4-'l':tljRQR ~W:;N(l CON';' HECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AW'DElfERMlNING THE REGULA.Rl;jTY,QF"~~::eRQ,,C;:~IN~ AND THE PERFORMANCE OF AIL PR~EQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVY!NG THE ASSFSS- 1 MENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIA5ILITY OFPRO~.ERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PAR1'ICULAR CASES ~ MENTIONED;.. FINDING AND n];TERMININc;lSPJSCI~ J~>>lEFI'-fSTO >~CHF4RQEL O~ ,P;R~ ' PERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAp) IMPROVEMENTS U{ EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT,OFTHE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMEN'r~; FIXING, A_CHARGE AND LIEN' AGAINST - TaE liESPECTIVE~ PROPERTIES ABUTTING lJ)N THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETs TO BE IMPROVED 'AND AGAINST-THE TRUE OWNmSTHEREOF FOR, '!HE PAYMENT ,OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR, THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGEriCY. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt~ seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 429 closing hearing, en,ce:r:t~in _property~putt.ing Sv-a!";t~o~e, Byron and Case Streets etc.bepassed~nd approved a6' :read. _ .. -, Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt,' Hamlett, and l:Iolm~~ Voting No: None . , . 1 . . Mr. TO'WJ1es presentedOrdinanee No.. 1.1.30, capti~ned as - "~ar_'_ich-was read in full: ' ~, - . OHftTNANP.F.NO. t,30 _; , . .. -.~, ~. . . AN OJ1D;lNANCE WITH REFERENCE, TO THE:OFFER OF..BROGAN &,WI.LLlAMS:" C@~CTOR, TO PAVE, AS ADDITIONAL OR EXTRA WORK UNDER CON:rRAJ;:JI',cHERETbFORE~AW_EP;i'J ,','J-- THAT~;PORTIOl{ OF THE 3800 BLOCK"ON AMllIERST'SImEETON;1iBICH,Clfi.;;;OWNED PRct.;" PERTY ABUTS CONTEMPORAN~OUSLT . WITH . THE REMAINBER^i,QF~SAIDBLOCK: lTNDl!lR7-DmECT . PROPERTY...OWNER CONTRACTS; FINDING AND ~ DETEmllEN!FNO'T1:M:T1'lI'EACGlflPT.MfGE OF ' SUCH' OFFER WOULD BE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS AND WOULD 'B.ESut1f.i)tN'A:~~4W:rN(l~0 1.'HE CITY; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE APPROPRIATIONS, ~EtOFORE MADE BY ORDINANCES N,O. 405 AND.NO.,416.ARE,'SUlFIGIENT 'J.',o...r,;ov~ ~)GinJ~~O$~ QF;~, SAID, .AMHERST STREET PAVING! AP~~QVING,'A#D M>QPTI.NG T~~P~?:'lllON',QF"THE ENG:EmER. THAT SAID OFFER, BE- AC~U$D Am>.ACC~T;rNQ.SA';rD; QFV.,Of BROG,AN.& WILLIAMS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECnNGTHE ENGINEER .FOR THE CITY TO ISSUE A WORK ORDER ON SAID !DDI!I aNAL OR j EXTRA" WQnK ,wow. SAn>. OONTRA9a'; ~OVIDING FOR, PAYMENT T~EFOR~AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' - . *. ~ - ~ ~ Motion by C~SJ.3,~o1ae:t."""JJam4t;t':";:j:?ecan.deg..,by.. C0ll1I14s~j.p;n~F,.lJ9~n !;hat 9rdi~ naIlce No. 430 awarding contract for paving a portion of the 3800 Blocls;,on Amherst be passed arid, approved as., r~~~. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon.; CQ_ss~oners Busch~d1;, Hamlet~" an9- Helmatl~ Voting No: None Wi th no further busi,ness to come before the C~)1~eil at tjl-j.s time, the meeting was adjourn~d:. ATTEST 1 ~~ , Ci Se~ry J ......_.,." .' 1 ~',- :---- 1"'"""" -', ,II _ __....:_.T ,..,. J "'--'~l"T; 1. [r , ' ::m ''i:] Hil mll"ll" mill l1m~ ' << ' Ii I ,I I L 00 ....... ~ < o 4 r ~ L--' i 1 ! i i ' LJ 1.23 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOV:E:MBER 22, 1948 The Cit.y Council convened in, regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 22, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, HoL'Ilan and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. In compliance with instructions by the Council, Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson submitted a tabulation on bids received on November 19, 1948, for the paving of the 3800 Block of Milton Street and the 3900 Block of Rice Boulevard with recommendation that a contract bf;! awarded to Brogan & Williams on their low bid of $17,857.30.' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that. Mayor Lanmon be authorized to execute contract with Brogan & Williams, for the paVing of 3800 Block of Milton Street and the 3900 Block of Rice on their low bid of $17,857.30, contingent upon receipt of, Treasurer's Certificate certifying availability of funds. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Mr. H. H. Davis, 3825 Amherst Street requested the Council to take action to pave the int.ersection at College and Amherst. 1113 the 3800 Block of Amherst was in the process of being paved and the 3900 Block was already paved. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt,'seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City Secretary be instructed to issue a work order for paVing the inter- section of College and Amherst to Brogan & Williams Construction Company under group intersection oontract awarded to them on October 4, 1948. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised that the cit,r owned a 1942 Ford Tudor Sedan, Motor No. 186905579, which was in poor operating condition and which the city had no further need and requested authorization to sell this ve- hicle for an amount of $650. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner,Buschardt that City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to sell a ~942 Tudor Ford Sedan, ,Motor No. 186905579 for $650. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hatnlett, Holman.and.,Terry. Voting No: N,one The minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting of November 18, 1948, were presented to the Council. Treasurer's Certificate No. 24, in the amount of $10,000 was submitted by the City Treasurer for p~y~ the city's part of paving the 3800 Block Rice J30ulevard and 3800 Block Milton Street. Ordinance No. 431, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in full: ~-1~'" ~: I _ ~r-' '--I' "':' ~Tn [ :::r; "'i']Hi:llIllT1:i:i::' 1Il1ll iITr l'G<<,r "" . - - ,0RDDlA~C.E NO. 4)1, AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $10,000.00 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET IMEROVEMENT BONDS SERIES 1948 IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST OFp:AVING AroJ .IMPROVING: MILTON STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE' STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF WES1AYAN STREET; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. LJ MotiQn by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by, CoIllJlli,ssionel": Terry.. that Ord:i,.nance No. 43.1, appropriating th~ sum of: $10,000 for pa.Yi.ng.th~ city's. portiJ~n of the cost of paving and improving 3800 Block, Milton Street and, 3900Block. Rice Boulevard be 'passed and approved,':8.s ,read. , . Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. .Voting No: None .J. (,' Ordinance No. 432, captioned as follows was submitted and read in full: OImINAN,CE NO. 432 . AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING TfiAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERE- TOFO:aE BEEN' HAD ,AND ALL THINGS DONE mEREQUI&ITE TO THE",EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT, FOR THE PAVING ,AND. IMPROVING OF: MILTONSfl'RnT from, We$;t line of, AOOEN STREET. to East Line of COLLEGE STREET; and RICE BOULEVARD from the East Line of COLLEGE STREET to the East Line of WESLAYAN STREET, ('"1 .: j ,~ APffi;OVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENPATIQN OF THE EliGINEER ON , BIDS --RECEIV,ED FOR THE. PA VING AND; IMPaQVIN~ OF $AID'POR'B!ONS OF SAID" STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF BROGAN & WILLIAMS AS THE LOWES.'!' SECURE BID. OF ,THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO THEM THE CONmACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF -SAID0PQRTIONS OF, SAID. STREETS;, APFROVIN.G,ANDACCEPTINGANU AtfTHORIZING THE ,A.PfflQVAL AN1tAC~CE OF TEm 'PERFOR~CE B.OND AND MAINTE- NANCE BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDI: NCi THAT "SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SA-ID' CONTRACT AND ,AUTHi'lUZING'AW DIRE-cTII\1G'I!HE EXECUTIQN'THEREOF BY, THE MAYOR AND CITY SEcRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ; . ....., Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by CQ1IIJIliss:.Qner,-Hamlett that_ Ordinance 432, approving and adopting Engineers Estimates and authorizing execut-ion ,'of. contrac.t ' be .passed and approved as. read. I, Voting Are: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt.,Hamlett, Ilolman and, Terry. '1 ..t N """ ,) ,,,ot:~g No: one _ u 00 ~, ~ <.::t: V <':::( L~1 I I , ) r'l , I I , I I I i '-----' .",...~-....- 12:5, City Attorney T.' M. Ryan advised that Mr. J. L. Alexander, 2918 Pittsburg Street was filing suit for the claim of $115.11 for damages to his automobile which was involved in a minor accident with a vehicle belonging to the city and operated by a city employee. Mr. Ryan recommended that the city negotiate a settlement with Mr. Alexander on basis of 60% or less. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett authorizing the City Attorney to negotiate settlement with Mr.,J~ L~, Alexander, 2918 Pittsburg for alleged damages to his automobile resulting from a ~inora~- cident with a city owned and operated vehicle on basis of 60% of the ,damages or an amount lower, with release from any further claim to, be executed by Mr. Alexander. ~.} , Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett; Holman and Terry. Voting No : None City Attorney 'T. M. Ryan advised the Council that he, had been informed by the Sheriff's Department that they would not receive any prisoners from Corpo- ration Court unless first approved by.the County,Oommissioners Court. The Council authorized City Attorney T. M. Ryan to negotiate with Commissioner's Court of Harris County to arrange for handling prisoners of Corporation Court and report to' the Council the results of negotiations Commissioners Court. A revised draft of the contract between the City of West University Place and Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Houston for the furnishing of Sanitary Sewer facilities was submitted for the Council's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that City Attorney T. M. Ryan be instructed to revise Section XI of: the oontract be- tween the city and Houston Coca Cola Bottling Company on basis that at the end of each five year period all parties will be given right to negotiate for monthly: service charges comparable to similar service rendered subdivisions and others outside the. Corporate limits and that the initial $5,000 contract payment shall be cOlUlid:&red final and the city will not expect further pay- ment for execution of the contract for each 5 year period. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, ,Holman and Terry. None c The City Attorney submitted a retised copy of the contract between th~ City and Shulze Corporation for the furnishing of sanitary sewer facilities. '. ,,', ' "\.; Motion by Commissioner Hamlett,.,secpnded. by Commissioner B~chaI;'dt,that, Mayor Lanmon be authorized to exeout~,with Shulze Corporation as revised. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buscha,rdt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No,: None Treasurer's Certificate.No. 23; in the ClIllOunt of $55,8l1.22 for construction of Storm Sewers, Engineering expense and extra work in connection with a- warding contract to HowaJ!d,T. Barry:,we5-submitted by City..Treasurer C. E. Gammill. The following resolution was submitted and read in full~ L ~~~T ~'j=- __.Jl ,~. t' .~. I"'--"~l==i" i.1. 'r~: :';'j Iii: nm' lIT" mID ~rrr:- ' L 126, , '. : RESOL.UTION A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE AWARD OF STORM SEWER ,CONTRACT BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ TO HOWARD TO' BARRY AND .APFROPRIATING THE SUM OF:, $55,811.22 FROM STORM SEWER 'BOND FUND SERIES 1948 FOR: THE, PURPOSE OF PAXlNG THE COST OF SUCH CONTRACT AND INCIDENTALS THERETO. ' u . WHEREAS, on November 15th, 1948, the City' of West University Place, Texas, awarded to Howard T. Barry, as low bidder, a contract for the construction of storm sewers within the City of West University Place, Texas; WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the ,City of West University Place, to evidence such award by formal resolution and to designate funds from which pa.yments under said contract are to be made as well as to provide for the payment of incidental amounts including :engineering fees and other costs, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, that the award of a' storm sewer contract'heretO':tor.e made on November 15th, 1948, to Howard T. BarrY, be and the .same isherebY,"confirmed~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDtlia:tthere shall be appropriated and there is hereby appropriated, ',' the sum of $55,811.22, out of Storm Sewer Bond F.und Series 1948, for the purpose of paying the said contractor, in accordance with his bid heretofore submitted.. and also such ineidental payments including engineering fees and other fees which may. be properly cha:i!-geable.under,sai<i con tract. ': ' . PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd, day of < NoveIllber, 1948, by; a vote,' of 5 ayes and 0 noes. ;--. ) 'J Motion by Commissioner Holman"seeonded by Commissioner Terry that resolution confiming the award of Storm Sewer 'Contract to low bidder Howard,T. Barry and appropriating the sum of $55,811.22 fram Storm Sewer Bond Fund Series 19h8 for paying the cost of such contract,;' be passed"and. approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Larunon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None The minutes of the meetings of November 8, l5,and19i were read by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry that minutes of November 8, 15, and 19, be approved as read.. Voting Aye: .Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Monday November 29, 1948, 7=30 RO'M. .. - - - - - - - - - ~ -.- - The ,City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Mond~y ) I i ,~ .;~?J":'''''''~ r=:~~'I~ ~ , -----.::.'.[' '1-~'B_'T"''I':1 -r' ,. I ' ::rJ'i "T:JJIi;nlinurwmm mi'~ , f'l !: l I' i, '-----" 00 ...-. ~ <( '! -"j -- <t o i i I i i ! LI November 29, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding; Oommissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Attorney. Commissioner Hamlett was absent. Ordinance No. 433, captioned as follow~ was submitted to the Council by City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr. and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 433 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: SECTION NO.1: MILTON STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREEr; AND SECTION NO.2: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY,' PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS liEQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PQllTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING .~NY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO' SUCH PRO- 'POSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING ,THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' ' Motion by Commissioner Terry~ seconded by Commissioner Holman that Ordinance No. 433 approving and adopting estimates of the costs for paving Sections No.1, Milton Street from Auden to College and No.2, Rice Boulevard from College Street to the east line of Weslayan and calling a hearing for December 17th, 1948, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Ilol:rllan;;aridTerry. Voting No: None A'revised contract between the City of West University Place and Southern Oaks, Inc. for use of water and sewage disposal facilities of the City was sub- mitted by City Attorney T. M. Ryan. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract with Southern Oaks, Inc. as're- vised. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None A revised contract between Coca Cola Bottling Company and the City of West University Place for the use of Sewage disposal facilities of the City was submitted by City Attorney T.M. Ryan pursuant to instructions.of the Council on November 22, 1948. r:""r"~~="I~~' ,1\ .,'" r-"""~17-~TTl ......r-m-c-T "m'iT111~TImliIImiTl1mm_" 1'')'7 ",!,,;J -'inri' , 128 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissione~ Terry that Mayor Lanmon be authorized to execute the contract with the Coca G-olaBottling Company as revised. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman and Te~ry. None With no further business to come befo];'e the Council at this time, upon motion having been duly made and seconded, 'the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~ " CI '~y l~1 ! I LJ .'.,.-. J~l '~ I . j . i.....J !"fire. r---.l I I U 00 ~ ~ , <--r: v <t r-1 L. l lti~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 13, 1948 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday Decemb~r 13, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Holman, Hamlett and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Paving At,torney. City Attorney T. M. Ryan was absen t. Ordinance No. L.34, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council by the City Paving Attorney and read,in full: ORDINANCE NO. h 1h AN ORDINANCE FIND,:NG AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF: SECTION NO.1: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND SECTION NO.2: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE \VEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET rro THE EAST LINE OF SEWANEE STREET; AND SECTION No.4: THE NORTH HALF OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF LOT 5 TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 4B, ALL IN BLOCK 44, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SECOND ADDITION, IN THE CITY Q,li' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE JUNE 21, 1948 CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL,J:NC., G(1IjTRACTOR, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES;"'ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEM'ENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL.ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND AUT ORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commi~sioner Hamlett seconded by Coffimissioner Buschardt that Ordinance No. 434, accepting improvemen'ts on .Sections 1, 2 and 4 of Unversity Boulevard be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 435, captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO_ ,,3$ AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MARQUETTE, VILLANOVA AND SOUTIfi'llESTERN STREETS, IN THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE SER'TEMBER 20, 1948, CONTRACT WITH BROGAN & WILLIAMS, .CONTRACTOR, AND COMPRISING SEGREGATED SECTIONS NOS. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, AND 8, AS THEREIN SET FORTH, HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN AC- CORDANCE WITH SAID CONTRAC~ AND GRDI NANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS; APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHO- RIZING,AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCOltDANCE THEREWITH AND AYTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE J:'C=~~'''~'''~"O'T'''~.~~"''''r ---,T' .. ",'--- T --TIT "!i"I1T7nnr:ii"r'rlnm ,mee , r-'-'-'-'-'''''~''''''-'T''''''''-''"''-~=.'--'~C---=-i'~'''T'~ J, t.} v ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSEqSMENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance ,1 No. 435 accepting improvements to certain skipped sections of Marq~ette, ~, Villaneva and Southwestern Streets be passed and approved as,read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and "Terry. None Messrs. Chas. D. Mehr, 2730 Sunset Boulevard, and R. C. Roebuck, 2803 Sunset Boulevard submitted a petition signed by several residents in the immediate vicinity of 2600 block of Sunset Boulevard and 5200 Block of Wakeforest Street requesting the rerouting of the Southampton bus which turns around at the in- tersection of Sunset Boulevard and Wakeforest Street. After due and careful consideration the Council referred the petition to the bus committee for in- vestigation and recommendation. The Council was advised that property owners in the 2800 and 2900 blocks La- fayette Street had signed paving contracts with Brogan & Williams with exception of four property owners. The City Secretar,y was authorized to issue a work order to Brogan & Williams Construction Co. for paving of 2800 and 2900 Blocks Lafayette Street if signed contracts were presented and provided property owners at the intersection of Wakeforest and Lafayette agreed to pave. A letter from the Health Board signed by Lyman C. Blair was read to the Council. The letter stated the Health Board had considered the request of Mr. W. J. Ryals for an increase in salar,y and they had discussed. the improveme-nt;:' U;":.,.,'......'..,- , of garbage disposal methods. ' A letter from the Houston Independent School District signed by Mr. H. L. Mills, Business Manager, asking that the increased sewer charge for the West University Place Schools be reconsidered. The CitySecretar,y was instructed to write a letter advising the SchoolP~strict that there had been a complete investigation and it was felt that the charge made was just and equitable; also that it was a charge for service rendered anq. not a tax. A letter from City Treasurer C. E.Gammill advising that there were seven de~ posits being held to guarantee installation of sidewalks was submitted for con- sideration. Action on this matter was withheld until next meeting after an investigat~on is made of the property involved. Mr. J. A. Metcalf requested a commission as Fire Marshal in order to assast him in carrying out his duties. The Council felt that Mr. Metcalf should be fur- nished with any credentials necessary and instructed the City Secretary to ob- tain opinion of. the City. Attorney. ,', . " Mr. W. E. Adams and Mr. Jack Plumb of Southside Place appeared before,the Council asking that a request be submitted to the Commissioners Court. for a survey to be made by County Drainage Engineer:to determine the cost and, feasi- bility of concreting the bottom and walls of the Poor Farm Ditch by meag.s of guni te process. Messrs. Adams and Plumb advised that the County had fuocls;f)or this purpose and Engineering survey would be made without cost to the city as the maintenance and control of the Poor Farm Ditch was the responsibility of the County and stated that the City of Souths ide had already made this request -Ul i-3 17"C~~'~I"-' . , 1\ ""., r'--~ro.~'"':;~~'~~rl'l r m___ '--'U'Jli 'inH;iTIm111li:rTm~ mn (-1 i I Ll C() ~ ~ <."'" ,~ U <:t u , 1 II ~ '-, ",,-- '-"'-".';""'i'~~1~~""",'-r~,"'-1 .tal. of the Commissioners Court. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City Secretary be authorized to contact the County Commissioners Court and submit an official request from the City for a survey of the Poor Farm Ditch in cognizance of the fact that the neighboring city of Southside had already made a similar request. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Larmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None. . Building Inspector J. F. Jolly advised that the.Electrical ?oard had approved and was recommending to the Council that the Electrieal Code be amended to permit use of non-metallic sheath cable in apartment houses of 4 units or less provided that a fire wall or walls shall divide said structure into sections containi~g not more than 4,units per section. Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that in view o~ the ~act that there are only a ~ew vacant lot$ zoned ~or multiple family units to be developed, that the Ordinance not be changed. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting' No: None "',. City Treasurer C. E. Gammill requested approval to repay the General Fund from the Swimming Pool fund and Public Park Fund $6,436.89 which had previously been ,borrowed from the General Fund for the purpose of awarding a contracti:.!,or swimming pool and bathhouse. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Holman that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution authorizing,:repayment to the General Fund from the Swimming Pool Fund and Park Improvement Fund the sum of $6,436.89 which had heretofore been borrowed from the General Fund for the purpose of awardi~g contract for swimming pool and bathhouse. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hapllett, Holman and Terry. None ' Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Terry,' that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the City National Bank the sum of $10,053.33 representing an amount borrowed from the City National Bank on October 13; 1948, for the purpose of carrying on necessary operations of the City. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor.Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay a $5,,000 balance of a $10,000 loan borrowed from City National Bank in. December 1947. Voting Aye: \T,oting No: Mayor 1arnnon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None A letter was submitted from Mr. H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police requesting an allowance of $25.00 per month for use of his personal car for police duties as , 1T"'T!- '--'l~~~=;-;I 'J~'i "~11':1lIITTIm1illmnlTIn i~n "'-..1 r"~~"T~~J~~~lll -.-----r - ---,------,-----------,_.._-. I J. /1,; titf the need might arise. The Council referred the matter to City Secretary Whitt Johnson for examination of the budget and expenditures, to determine whether or not money is available and make recommendation. It was suggested by Commissioner Buschardt that the city pass an Ordinance re- quiring the inspection of any heating units, air conditioning units and other electrical and gas appliances installed in homes. The Oity Secretary was in- structed to make a study and submit a report to the Council. Treasurer's Certificate No. 25, in the amount of $1,000.00 for relocating catch basins and pipe inlets on various streets was submitted but action was postponed until a proper resolution is submitted by the City Attorney. Minutes of the meetings of November 22 and 29, were read and approved. !'~l ~ With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until December 17, 1948. ,- - - - - - ~ - - .... - - - ~ - ~.-. - - The City Council convened in recessed session on Friday December 17, 1948, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, presiding, Commissioners Hamlett and Terry, the City Secretary and City Paving Attorney. Commissioner Holman and Buschardt }Vere absent~ " Mayor Lanmon announced that in accordance with previously published official notice a public hearing on benefits to be derived from the paving of the 3800 Block on Milton Street and the 3900 Block on Rice Boulevard was in order. Mayor Lanmon requested Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. Paving Attorney for the City to present and examine witnesses with reference to the contrac,t improvements- and the benefits to properties and the owners thereof by reason of said improve- ments. Mr. H. J. JOhnson, Consulting Engineer, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lanmon, testified in answer to questions by Mr.. Townes;, that he was an Engineer and pursuant to request of the Council, had prepared plans and spe~ifications for the paving of Milton Street from the west line of Auden Street to the east line of College Street and Rice' Boulevard fr~m the. ea~t line 'of College Street to the east 'line of Weslayan Street, and.was familiar with the pavement,to.becon... structed, and gCive a general explanation and, statement of the type and nature of the work to,be performed. Mr. W. C. Walston, 3920 Rice Boulevard, questioned Mr. H. J. Johnson as to bus traffic on the proposed paving on Rice Boulevard. Mr. Johnson explained that the paving as designed would be adequate to handle bus traffic but that he had no authority as to designation of bus routes., ..Mayor Lanmon explained that the reason for constructing the 3900 Block of, Rice in accordance with plans and, specifications for 1" reinforced concrete 31' in width was for reason that Rice Boulevard from Community Drive to Kirby Drive had been designated as a thoroughfare but at this time there were no immediate plans for, routing a bus over the 3900 Block Rice Boulevard. Mr. James H. Cain, having been duly sworn.by,Mayor Lanmon, testified in answer to questions by Mr. Townes, that he was a real estate salesman with Hodell & Company and testified concerning his real estate experience and his familiarity I'<=~I~~':"I " -'I' i-~"~Til '~11 "Tll1ii mll"I'i',~lllm "l I U t i 1 ij m'" , ! II o 00 .....-! ~' < '--, < , o o .r,) ~, with West University Place properties, the present condition of the streets to be improved, and gave his opinion as to the enhancement in value to the pro- perties abutting upon the respective streets which would result from the pro- posed improvements as outlined by Mr. H. J. Johnson and with which he had , familiarized himself. Mr. Cain stated that in his opinion each property on each of the streets would be enhanced in value considerably in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments as reflected upon the Engineers' estimates. Mr. Walston and Mr. John H. Foxworth of 3909 Rice Boulevard both expressed a desire for the streets to be improved as outlined. Commissioner Buschardt arrived at this time. Wi th no further statements or testimonies, motion was made by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the hearing on benefits be closed. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. Voting No: None . Mr. Townes presented Ordinance No. 436, captioned as follows, which was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 416 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TR.UE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: SECTION NO.1: MILTON STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET; AND SECTION NO.2: RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET~ AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE .TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROYEMENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY , SUFFICIENCY, REGU- " LARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORM... ANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND '!HE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FINDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THERE- OF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE IS- SUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE WJANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Ordinance No. 436 closing the Hearing on 3900 Rice Boulevard and 3800 Block Milton Street, be passed and approved as read. r==~--- C-I~"~=':1 -1"--' . ~:CIT~ii"1l1i1]TIl1iiiiii:ll1m mr: ' ",' [","""'T"""""""TT1 J.~J '"'.s; Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion Il duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. LJ ~AAjA/L ATTEST: ~ ~ . "r.W...~~' .,; Cit . ecretary u o ; "'~~B?f-~-"'-"-'" ri,",:"~C~I~'"~~~ . I) . "I r' ,......T'..' ::"~"I'i 1 ---TU- ';r:I'i.'ii''i~ lillmiWii1Vlllilf mn '. [ 00 ......., . ~-!. ..,"" ---1-.; c.;; < I ! L: "",,,,,,>0<,, I Lvu MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 21, 1948 The City Cauncil convened in special session' at the City Hall on Tuesday, December 21, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon presiding; Commissioners Holman and Buschardt and the City Secretary. Mayor,Lanman announced a special meeting of the Cauncil had been called in response to a request from the Electrical Board for the purpose of reconsidering advisability of amending the Electrical Code to' permit use of non-metallic sheath cable in apartment hauses af 4 units ar less provided that a fire wall or walls shall'dividesaid'structures into sections cOntaining not mare than 4 units per section. Members of the Electrical Board present were Mr. Al Halla, Mr. James S. Waters and J.F. Jolly. AlsO' present was Mr.J. A. Metcalf, Fire MarshaL. Mr. Halla explained the reason of the Electrical Board far recommendation of a- mending the Electrical Code to permit the use of nan-metallic sheath cable in apartment houses of 4 units or less. The Mayor. stated that the persons charged with responsibility of preparing\the original Electrical Cade had taken into consideration the hazards and safety fact,ors involved in apartment house units and it was his opinion that the Electrical Code shauld not be amended to' per- mit use of a lesser material that was now provided. Commissioner Buschardt and Commissioner Holman stated that sufficient evidence had not been,:submitted for them to render a decision and requested the Council to' further consider the matter and requested additional information and evidence be braught befare the Cauncil far consideration. There being no further business 'to come before the Council at this ti~e, upan motion being duly made, seconded anq carried the meeting was recessed until Wednesday December 22, 1948~ 7:30 P.M. at which time the Council would reconvene to further consider the question at hand. ********k**x~~**** The City Council reconvened in special session at the City Hall on Wednesday December 22,1948, 7:30 P-.M. with the following members present:. MC3;yar Lanman presiding; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Hobnanand Terry and ~he City Secretary. The following other persons were present: Messrs. Al Halla, Jr., E. Kelly Gaffney, J. A. Metcalf, W. F. Ghiselin. Mr~ E. K~11y Gaffney, Registered Professianal Architect having been asked to appear befare the Cauncil and submit his opinion as to' the advisability af using a non-metallic sheath cable for wiring of apartment units of 4 or less, stated that his firm specifying use of non-metallic sheath cable, trade name Romax and that-his firm specified use of BXL only as a substitute far Romax. Mayor Lanmon and Corrnnissioner Hamlett stated they had made a perro nal investi- gation with reference to the use of Romax wiring and that their investigation revealed that the City of Houston and electrical contractors were using Romax instead of BXL or conduit for wiring of apartment units. It was further brought out that the 1947 revision of the National Electrical Code permitted use of Romax wiring. After a thoraugh discussion af evidence and facts submitted, it was the opinion af the Council that action taken an this subject should be re- cons,idered. , ".., '''~''''r~'' ..~, 11 ..".,) r~'"'~'i~"";~i '11 I r-";r~r";illliimlllilrr:iilllm mrr 136 Motion by Commissioner Buschardt, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that in view of additional information, upon merits of installation of Romax cable that the Council reconsider and rescind its action of December 20, 1948, and that additional consideration'be given the Electrical Boards reoommendation of December 2, 1948. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Corrmissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The Council then took the followin~ action to initiate action for-amendment to the present Electrical Code. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner ~schardt, that due to further investigation and results obtained consisting of additional in- ' formation and evidence it is dsemed advisable that some amendments and addi- tions. be made to the present electrical code motion is hereby made that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and submit such revisions, working with the assistance of the Electrical Board, the City Secretary and such technical assistance as deemed advisable. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mayor Lanmon, having first obtained consent of the Council to pres,ent. another matter_at, this special meeting, advised that due to illness of City Attorney T. M. Ryan, it was necessary to appoint an assistant City Attorney to serve during the time of his illness. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that Mr. Chilton Bryan be appointed Assistant City Attorney and pis compensation be fixed at a later date based on conditions existing. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett,' Holman and Terry. None With no further businsss to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. AT:I'EST: ~~~f , Gi t;y: , C'retary 1 ~:,;-,.:, "_:,:~O""' .".,"~'c:. "l' '_...,.''''''=".",.,~- '''rr r.,,,,"'c-'--:'-",,'.~':I'-- "-~'!" ""''''~''l.:'"'L-,,- o j !rw~ ' 00 -r"""'\ "q'" < ;...) < n 1 I.... "'..,. U ^"'~"'?:')"};;1'~':'''":' I 137, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1948 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday December 27, 1948, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Lanmon, 'pre- siding; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City Secretary and City Paving Attorney. Commissioner Buschardt and th~ City Attorney were absent. i Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, presented a recommendation for the 10c~tion of ' Stop Signs and Truck Prohibited signs in various. sections oi',the'city. The Council desired to study the recommendation before taking official action. A letter of December 16, 1948 from the, Health Board of the City was read to the Council. The following recommendations were made: (1) EmpJ,.oyment of the Humane Officer to be by authori-ty of the Board of Hea:J.,th,an<itheBoard have control over work in safar as policy is concerned. {2) Pplice,De.- partment is entrusted with daily supervision of work and. to receive calls for services of Humane Officer. (3) The City Secretarytohaye jurisdiction where personnel 'or financial matters are concerned. The Health Board,a~so' recommended that the Humane Officer receive a monthly allowance of $15.00 for maintenance of car and an allowance of forty gallons of gaaolineand five quarts of oil per month, with cash salary to remain the same. The hours on du;ty are to average eight per day, six days per week, with-.thiJ,-ty minutes off per day as a lu.'1ch period, and as much as thirty minutes daily for traveling to and from work allowed; thus, at least eight hours are to elapse. between the time of reporting for work in the mornings until.duties in~ide.,the City are to cease. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the recommendation of the Health Board concerning the Hum.ane Officer, with refer- ence to employment, hours and compensation be approved effective January 1, 1949; also due to the close proximity of the two cities, thP,t the HUIfi~ne Officer be permitted to accept employment with the city of Southside Place for the purpose of exercising the duties of Humane Officer within jurisdiction of sa.id city and to accept .compensCiLtion from the City of Southside Place as i ts'i{];1IIlane Officer. Voting Aye: 'May-or Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett,. Holman and Terry.' Voting No: None Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr.-Paving Attorney for the City,s.ubmitted the ,;following Resolu;:tion with reference to payment of legal fees, due for services rendered in connection'with paving projects which was read in full: RF.S or.TT'T'T mr WHEREAS, the City Commission has heretofore retained the, services of Edgar E. Townes, Jr., of the firm of Townes & Townes, as additional Legal Counsel for the City, to handle legal proceedings in connection with various street paving projects in which the Gity was and is involved; but no formal record was made of such employment; arid ,~ WHEREAS, all services required of said Special Counsel have been performed in connection with certain of said projects; and all services re- quired of said Special Counsel to date on the various progressive steps in l;'r;;;i":'.-~_'-: - _r~ _~~~!i ~~. ---'C_"~";t'r~;'---""-=-!=-';"'"-'-"'-~~~-=""'=r~L"1 ~T~r'~r-'111~ nm~lIU~i~lIlm ,rw:- ," ... ..., '-' each of said other projects have been performed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1 I ---' 1. That the action of the City CommissiI>n in retaining< Edgar E.' Townes, Jr., of the firm of Townes & Townes as additional. Legal Counsel for the City in connection with the various paving projects and proceedings set forth and identified on the attached list be, and t.he same is'herehy,in all ~hings ratified and confirmed. 2. That by agreement of said Special Counsel, in a cooperative effort to minimize the cost to ,the City, the contract prices of said various projects shall be considered, for the purpose ~fc~~culat1ng compensatxQn,in theY aggregate , rather than each being trsQ..ted and consi:de~ed,separately"and' independently. That said additional Legal Counsel shall be compensated for his services in connection with said pro jee-ts hy payment of aSllIll equivalent to 3% of the flrs.~$25,000 of the aggregate amount of said :contracts,and 2% of the'aggregate amount of said contracts above said first ,$25,000. 3. That said compensation be paid as follows: a.' On pro~cts inyolving assessmm ts against property oWners, one-half of the compensation based on the amount of the contract. shall be paid. upon passage of the ordinance levying assessment.\?; and: upon complet.ion of the particular project, the total compensation thereon shall be calculated on the final estimate of work actually done and the unpaid balance of said total compensation shall then be paid; provided, however, that in the event of modification or abandonment of,the project, the compensation for said Special Counsel shall not be less than said initial payment thereon. b. On projects not involving assessm~nt against property owners, one-half of the compensation based on the amount of the contract shall be paid upon award of the contr~ct; and upon completiOn of th.e particular contract, the total compensation thereon shall be calculated on the final esti- ma te of work actually done, and the unpaid balance of said .total com:pens~p,i.on shall then be paid; provided, however, that in the event of ~odificationor abandonment. of the project sa,id compensatioh'shall not be'less\cthan:said initial payment thereon. 4. A substantial, part of the se.rvices having been performed on " each of the listed pro jects, the Mayor and City Trea,surera,;re hereby " a'U-thor~ ized to pay to said Special Counsel,; the accruedportion~of the compensat.ion provided for, on computation thereof by the City Secr.etary-Engineer. 5. The foregoing does not cover or include extra services such as litigation or other outsidework not generally incidEnit to assessment pro- ceedings or other proceedings before ''th'e City Commissi,on; but such matters, if any, shall be handled on a per diem or other reasonable,andmut1J,~lly agree... ab1e:fee basis. PASSED this 27th day of Decembe; 1948. APPROVED this 27th day of December, 1948. ':rr"-:i"Illlill1lI1iim:mllf.. mri . Cl I ' ~: 00 ~ ~ -< L) <t [I ":.'".'?_'.r.:""O -, ------------- 1-39 Motion by Commissioner'H~lett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the Resolution submitted by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None 1.< , The Council discussed the advisabilit~ of increasing water rates to consumers outside the Corporate limits. City Secretary Whitt Johnson advised there was no Ordinance on record establishing water rate charges of any nature and in the absence of the City Attorney submitted a proposed Ordinance prepared by Assistant Citu Attorney Chilton Bryan who likeWise was unable to attend the meeting. The City Secretary recommended an increase ofapprox'imately, 30% to water consumers outside the Corporate limits and that the present rate of a. $l.OO Minimum charge be increased to a $1.$0 minimum charge. After considerable discussion motion was made by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that an ordinance be drawn setting the schedule of rates to be charged';for water delivered to users by the City of WesttUniversity Place and outside 'theCorporate limits of the City and setting up provisions for the collection of all delinquent water accounts and the furnishing of service in connection therewith, with no change in the billing. rates f'or local users; increased rates to be effective January 1, 1949, for February 1, 1949 billing. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None The following letter from Henslee & Hopson, Certified Public Accountants was submitted to the CoUncil: December 23, 1948 The Honor-able Mayor and City Commissioners, , City of West University Place, Texas Dear Sirs: In response to your-invitation,' our Mr. Harry D. Hopson: recently con- , ferred with Messrs. Lanm0n, Holman and Johnson with regard to an engagement for an audit of the books and accounts o:.f the City ofjVest Universi tyPlace for the fiscal year to end on-A1l;gust 31, 1949. We understand that an interim report for the six-monthperiod.ending February 28, '1949, and an annual report for the fiscal year ending Augu~t 31, 1949, will be required. If engaged, our examination shall be made J.n accordance with. generally accepted auditing standards and shall include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circunistances. We understand that you require a special report covering the transactions in connection with paving bond issues of 1946 and 1948, and contemplate such work in our fee proposal. We propose to deliver the six-month interim report not later. thanA'pri:l 15, 1949 and to deliver the annual report not later than October 15, 1949:. 1;"""'~"=""'l~""~""l I - :::W"T"HliilllllliilETllIll [ai':' " :--" r~='I~~::"TT1 140 We would be available for consultation or advice regarding o{fice pro- cedures, accounting systems and other matters not strictly necessarW-,in making the audit, but the fee as proposed herein does not contemplate a p,ommitment -. 1 for such consultation servic~s in excess. of the equivalent ,of f:ive days time fora partner or other senior accountant. ' Upon the basis of the understanding set forth in thi-sletter~we,'pro- pose to make the examination for a: fee of $1,200~00, payable in amounts of $500.00 at the time of delivery of the six~month interim reportand,$700.0Q'at the time of delivery of the annual report. If in the course of our examination. cir- cumstances should be encountered' in respecttol any. fund, . 'department, account. or transaction that would seem t.o :warrant special',investig~ti-on.: of .such i,tems for the whole year or prior period beyond the scope of the general examination referred to above, the same:,shal1 be:takenup-withthe::City Oi(ri~ials ,and,' in case it should be decided that a special. investigation should be made, ,'the' same 'shall be done as extra service, 'aside from the general, a,ud_it examination contemplated by this proposal. Such,extra ser.vices shallbe:authorized in writing by the City Officials at which~time the consideration to be ,paid there- for: shall be determined. We hope that you will receive our proposal with favor and that we may fulfill the engagement with mutual satisfaction. Yours very truly, ,. fs) Henslee llGpson Motion by Commissioner Hwett, seconded lby Commissioner Holman that the firm of Henslee and Hopson be engaged as Auditors for the City for the coming year in accordance with proposal submitted in letter. of December 23, 1948,., --1 ,~ Voting Aye: Voti.ng No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None Mr. .Ben Judd, representing proper~ OWller& in the 4200 Block of Juds0n Street appeared before the Council ,and advised that contrC\.ctswere,in~ the process of being ~signedby residents for the paving of this block,and desired assurance' that the Council would proceed ~ith n~cessary action toward the paving of the 4200 Block of this street where there is city'property abutting. The Council assu~d Mr. ., Judd . that necessary action would be taken. by the.; :'Qity if funds were .,available for this purpose. .... Minutes of the meetings of December l}, 17, 21 and 22 were read by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner HQJ,m.an.that the minutes be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon;Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry.' Nolie With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed. ' 1 I '* '* * * -l(- * ~k * ~~ * * * ~l- * * ~!-* ~ l,-~=~=-:;r~-""'~""'l ~ ------:.i.c- r---=_ J- ~,"J,.__~ "'F"l""1. r" ~ ..- --"-'fT""f"H!!lIll! ~'n'[""llnn !l'rr'~ lJ--i , ! ; 00 ...- ~ '-'!..~ C-:) < (- 1 L! , (" i L--- 141 The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday January 4, 1949 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: MaYOI'LLanmon, presiding, Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Also present were the City' Secretary and City Paving Attorney. In compliance with a recommendation from Consulting Engineer, H. J. Johnson, that final acceptance be made on Section 5 of University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard paving project> Ordinance No. 437 captioned as follows was sub- mitted by Mr. E. E. Townes, and read in full: ORDINANCE NOa lIon AN ORDINANCE FIND:l'JG AND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF: Section No.5. RICE BOULEVARD from the West Line of Auden Street to the East Line of College Street, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN EARLIER ORDINANCES AND IN THE OCTOBER 11, 1948 CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC., ,CONTRACTOR, EmS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITI:I SAID CON'l'RACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS, APPROVING THE ENGINEER IS FINAL .ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING, AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THERE- WITH AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE .AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT CERTIFICATES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett" seconded by Commissioner .Buschardt that Ordinance No. 437 finding that Section No. 5 of University Boulevard and Rice Boulevard paving project has been completed and authorizing settlement and delivery of special assessment Certificates be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman-and Terry. None Property owners from the 4100 and.4200 Blocks of Judson Str~et advised the Council that residents on these two blocks' had signed cont~acts' with_Bragan & Williams for paving of the street, ,with exception of two whoowh.ed triangular pieces of property and have an exceptiunallylarge :amount of fr.~~!~uQtage. The Council agreed that when the owners of Lots 12 and 13, Block 3, College ,Court Addition sign the contracts, the'.ci ty will participate by paying 25% of the cost of paving these respective lots. Consulting Engineero H. J.,Johnson presented.a.n estimate 'comparing thecQst of paving the 4100 block of Judson Street and 2400 Ft. on Fairmount Street with 51t concrete and 7ft concrete. The estimate revealed that the cost to the city for paving these streets v'li.th 7ttcon'cretewould be approximately $6,600.00 more than the cost of paving with 5" concrete. After reviewing the financial statement of Street Improvement Bond FUnds which revealed that the, city would not have a sufficient cash balance for participation in the cost of 7ltcon- crete, and the likelihood of same being used as a thoroughfare being remote, the Council agreed that 5" concrete should be used for the paving on Judson Street and on Fairmount. Mr. Townes, submitted Ordinance No. 438, captioned as follows, for the Councils consideration: r~ ~~~~'I" "'-"~,l _ ._r' " --J 1"1 -----r' ':T ";:111::nTIl"111:IIJIn rITi ~ J\. :.!1' AoI ORDINANCE NO. 438 .AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT CER.TA.rN PORTIONS OF THE JUDSON , SIMMONS. ANn SOUTH JUDSON:_ STREETS ABUTTJNP THECI;Tt. PAftI( IN THE 4200 BLOCK OF JUDSON STREET TOGETHER WITH CERTAIN. INTERoSEGTIONS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS;, -SHALL BE I~ROVED;, APPROVING,AND ,ADOPTJ;NG PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ADV'ERTISEFOR BIDS TOBERECEIVEU' AND FILED WITHIN :THE TI,l\.1E PRQVIDED,. AND DECLARING AN EMERG~fCY. ] Motion by Commissioner Terry, sec..ond.ed -by Co.nnnissioner Haml.ett, .th?t Ordina.r;.ce No. 438 determining the necessity for improvements to certain portions of Judson, Simmons and South Judson Str,eets'abutting the city park in the 4200 block of Judson, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 439 captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in' full: ORDINANCE NO. h39 AN- ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $85.88 OUT OF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, 1946 IN THE ' CITY TREASURYTQ PAY THE CITY'S ADDITIONAL PART OF THE COST OF PA.VING AND IMPROVING: SECTION NO. ,1:. RliCE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST; LI,NE OF' KIRl3:Y.DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMON.T'STREET; AND . ;; ... c, SECTION NO.2: WAKEFOREST STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF PLUMB STREET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ] Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Ordi- nanceNo' 439, ~ppropriating the sum of.$85.88 out of the Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, 1946, to pay the city's additional part. of,.thecost of'.'paving , and improving Rice Boulevard and Wakeforest .street be passed and aRpro:ve<;i as .read, sub:ject to Treasurer's Certificate, being executed by the City Treasurer. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners BusGhardt, Hamlett, 'Holman and Terr'J. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 440 captioned,as follows was submitted.by .Mr. Townes and read in full: ORDINANCE, NO. J,l.o AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF CERTAIN MONEYS, HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCES NO. 377 AND 379 IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPRQVE- MENT OF PORTIONS OF ACADEMY STREE;T, FROM SAID APPROPRIATIONS, TRANSFBRRING SAID UNEXPENDED FUNDS 'ro THE GENERAL CREDIT, OF .STREET PAVING AND.. BRIDGE BONDS, 1946, AND DECLARING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER APPROPRIA'lTON:AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ;-) 'J Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner BuschaTdt that . Ordinance 440, releasing the unexpended funds appropriated by Ordinance No. r~c' T~~'~'''l! r-- I -------':-.1. - -, . I 1 --r "T ''''ll1::nrnl", 111m ~m~ 00 .........; '~ ""..... .-.... U <t f,r-l II I i I I W [fl', L:...-c ..\1."7 <01' 377 and 379 and declaring same available for other appropriation be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Voting No: None ' Ordinance No. 441 captioned as follows was submitted' and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. MI] AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE $56,000, HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 385 IN CONNECTION WITH THE PAVING' AND IMPROVING OF PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, FROM SAID APPROPRIATION; TRANSFERRING SAID UNEXPENDED FUNDS TO THE GENERAL CREDIT 01" STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, 1946, AND DECLARING SAME AVAILABLE FOR OTHER 'APPROPRIATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion byColT'lHissionerHamlett, seconded by'Commissioner Buschardtthat Ordinance No. 441 releasing the unexpended portion of the $56,000 appropri- ated by Ordinance No. 385 for paving portions of University Boulevard and declaring same available for other appropriation be 'passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett, Holman and Terry. Votipg No: None '~, Estimate No.1 in the-amount of $37,994.01 for storm sewer work performed by Howard T. Barry was submitted by Consulting Engineer' H. J. Johnson for Councils consideration. Motion by Commissioner Holman, seconded by Commissioner Buschardt, that Estimate No.1 on Storm Sewer work performed by Howard T. Barry, and approved by Consulting EngineerH. J. Johnson and City Secretary Whitt 'Johnson bEL approved for payment. , , Voting Aye: 'Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Buschardt, Hamlett" Holman' and Terry. Voting No: None Commissioner Buschardt asked to be excused from the meeting at this time as he had a previous engagement. Ordinance No. 442 captioned as follows was submitted to the Council and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 4u2 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE $12,000, FnmETOFORE APPRO- PRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 406 IN COIWECTION WI: TH THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, FROM SAID APPROPRIATION; TRANSFERRING SAID UNEXPENDED FUNDS TO THE GENERAL CREDIT OF STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1948, AND DECLARING SAME AVAIL..A,BLE ,FOR OTHER APPROPRIATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Terry, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance No. 442 releasing the unexpended portion of the $12,000 appropriated in con- nection wi th paving portions of University Boulevard and declaring san.e a.vail- " able for other appropria,tion,pe passed and approved as read. ~gil~~ A~~; ~~~~r Lanmon; Commissioners 'Hamlett, Jfo:lmarl ano Terry. l;~'~'=""l""O"'--' ';"'I".'T'!,!i,ffillliilTi:1Il111 iITli" . r'O'"'~" l''''''''.''''''''''''TTT ---rr 14L1 After a discussion of the Street Improvement Bond Fund Financial statement which revealed approximately $35,500.00 available for appropriation, the . following action was taken; Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the follow- ing projects wh~c.h are of major importance-be cared_for,~5~sooIi asdpossible and given priority; same to be paid from the 1946 and 1948 Bond Funds not heretofore appropriated: (a) Paving city property around the College Court Park and intersection cost on Fairmaunt and Judson; Simmons and Judson and Simmons anti South Judson; '(b) Pavirig"Cityproperty around the SwiJriifting Pool; and (0) Rehabilitation of existing'aspha1 t. streets. -, .-, Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lanmon; Commissioners Hamlett, Holman and Terry. None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion being duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was: adjourned. ATTEST: ~. , "~..., ~/ Ci ecretary , .... r- - .'j, --T ---,o~r""'!''''ll ~ . r ~ ..f .,--- ! -. ~..:r--__!n,! -:!. 1 .~ :J'" i ' lJ