HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 11.08.18 (2)SENIORS BOARD MEETING
November 8 , 2018
Presiding: Selby Clark
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.
Roll call:
Present : John Palmer , Ann Crowley , Carlos de la Torre, Ruth Becker, Joan Johnson, George
Baker, Rebecca Dozi er, Virginia Lootens , Tom Brombacher , S tan McCandless, Selby Clark
Absent : Judy Faulkner , Susan Davis , Candyce Beneke
Guest: Mardi Turner (Council) Staff : Toby Brooks , Susan White Visitors: Alida Drewes, John Barn e s
Citizen’s Comments :
Alida Drewes expressed several topics of concern:
1) Reference in Essentials Magazine (October edition; p. 3) to a “bullying culture”
2) The lack of a park within walking distance of her home.
3) Perception of unfairness in a llocation of public funds in ways that do not benefit seniors
4) Protocol regarding asking questions to visitors.
Council M eeting R eport: Mardi Turner
1) The Jennie Elizabeth Hughes Park (6446 Sewanee) had a successful ribbon -cutting service on
October 30 . The park is open. Gates are not locked.
2) Kevin Boyle was appointed to the vacant City Council seat.
Parks and Recreation Report: Susan White
1) The total project cost for Hughes Park will be just under $500K with Friends of West U Parks
contributing $300,000 , whic h is $25K under the approved amount.
2) Trick or Treat was held in at Hughes park , “Fathers and Flashlights” was a sold -out success.
3) The 5K race in October 27 had 852 participants, raising $32,000 for the Parks.
4) An update to the master pan for the parks (p. 37); readjust priorities.
5) The desk orientation in the Rec Center is recommended for modification ; to create a “choke
point;” a measure to be taken out of safety and security concerns and enhanced customer
6) Judson Park – Needs shade for recreation area for children.
7) A Hike & Bike trail is under consideration with the Houston Parks Board for the CenterPoint
easement on the Bellaire side/west of the railroad tracks (bordering Community Drive), part
of a larger vision of “Beyond the Bayou.”
8) Christmas t ree lighting – December 3rd
Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of November 8 , 2018
APAC report [Aging Programs Advisory Committee, City of Houston 1 ]
www.houstontx.gov/health/aging -advisory.html
Virginia Lootens reported on the planned Tha nksgiving “meal on wheels”
She is scheduled to attend the APAC steering committee meeting on November 15.
Good Neighbor Team
To meet next Thursday for signing of the Thanksgiving ; cards made by vo lunteer Sharon Turner
Activities and Previews: Toby Brooks 2
Fire Department tour held . Highlig ht includ ed learn ing of the Iphone direct link to 911
Volunteer Luncheon November 13
M onster Mash – Ed Cooke d – chef – 80 participants
Thanksgiving Day lunch - 50 people signed up; 11:30 November 22
Old Business : There was no old business
New business: There was no new business.
Adjournment : The meeting was adjourned at 2:47 p.m.
Next meeting: December 13 , 2018 at 2:00 p.m.
1 http://www.h -gac.com/board -of -directors/advisory -committees/aging -programs -advisory -
2 George Baker wonder s if a n app could be made available for West U events. (There is an app: GoRequests for
information about city services and administration, but it does not provide a schedule of upcoming events].