HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 12.13.18 (3)SENIORS BOARD MEETING December 13, 2018 Presiding: Selby Clark The meeting was called to order at 2:0 0 p.m. Roll call: Present : John Palmer , Ann Crowley , Joan Johnson, George Baker, Rebecca Dozier, Judy Faulkner, Virginia Lootens, Tom Brombacher , S tan McCandless, Candyce Beneke, Selby Clark Absent :, Susan Davis , Carlos de la Torre , Ruth Becker Guest: Mardi Turner , Kellye Burke (Council), Staff : Toby Brooks and Susan White Visitors: John Barn e s (resident) Minutes of November 8 were approved. Citizen’s Comments : Mr. Barnes informed the Board that he was attending the meeting to better inform himself of West U. governance and advisory bodies, as he is planning to be a c andidate for the city council. Council M eeting R eport: Mardi Turner 1) A search for the re placement for Mr. Peifer city manager is in progress . Three candidates dropped out. 2) Buffalo Speedway drainage improvement a. Pipes are 50 years old; street not to be widened b. Full information on https://www.westutx.gov/ Parks and Recreation Report: Susan White 1) Tree -lighting service on December 3 was well attended . 2) There will be a review of the Park Master Plan a. Review plans for Huffington, Colonia (East), Judson and Whitt Johnson b. West U has 8 parks and 8 playgrounds 3) In reply to a question, Susan informed the Board that the new facilities on the west end of Colonial Park have been utilized by residents and rentals will be availabl e in 2019 to increase usage. 4) A question was asked about plans for a venue for teenagers. Susan observed that West U teenagers are heavily involved in extra -curricular activities; the need for additional facilities for teenagers is not under consideration and not listed as a recommendation in the Master Plan . An additional question was asked about having a skate -boarding park near the old recycling center. Susan observed that a skate -boarding par k would need to be staff ed and have high maintenance and liability cost. She imagined that, if build, it would have a low usage by West U teens and would have much higher non -resident use. Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of December 13 , 2018 2 5) There will be a face -lift, or redesign, for the front -desk area of the Recreation Center. The purpose will be to have a better control of visitor traffic and to add greater convenience for parents whose children are taking swimming classes. (She observed that some residents had criticized the design as excessive spending.) And additional estimates were in process. APAC re port [Aging Programs Advisory Committee, City of Houston 1 ] www.houstontx.gov/health/aging -advisory.html Virginia Lootens reported on the Thanksgiving programs. She reported on the APAC steering committee meeting held on November 15. She noted that Proposition B giving fire fighters a salary raise was approved, but it could result in funding cuts for elderly. Silver -Haired Legislators have been chosen; to lobby state government. Good Neig hbor Team (Dorothy) Dorothy 120 poinsettias delivered to elderly residents Gifts for home -bound seniors Activities and Previews: Toby Brooks 2 December 12 – Christmas sing -along), Dec. 17 Bus trip to Galveston (full), Dec. 18 Christmas meal (sign up in advance). April 16, 2019. Speed Friendship Party. Question was raised about having a West U. Oral History Project to document the memories of elderly and long -time West U residents. University of Houston might have an oral history program. Thanksgiving Day lunch - 50 people signed up; 11:30 November 22 Old Business : There was no old business New business: There was no new business. Toby remembers talk of special event days and parking congestion and safety concerns, brought up by Ann Crowley Adjournment : The meeting was adjourned at 3 :05 p.m. Next meeting: January 1 0 , 201 9 at 2:00 p.m. 1 http://www.h -gac.com/board -of -directors/advisory -committees/aging -programs -advisory - committee/default.aspx 2 George Baker wonders if an app could be made available for West U events. (There is an app: GoRequests for information about city services and administration, but it does not provide a schedule of upcoming events].