HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2071 Canvassing the Results of the May 4 2019 General and Special ElectionsCity of West University Place Harris County, Texas Ordinance No. 2071 AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS GENERAL ELECTION AND SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNN PLACE, TEXAS, ON MAY 4, 2019; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS R TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, on February 11, 2019, the City Council of the City of West Universi Texas, (the "City ") adopted Ordinance 2060, which ordered that a general election be hE City on May 4, 2019, for the purpose of electing one Mayor and four Council Members fl year term; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by the adoption of said Ordinance No. 2060 and N also called a special election — to be conducted jointly and concurrently with the May general election — for the purpose of submitting proposed City Charter amendment qualified voters of the City, as authorized by Section 9.004 of the Texas Local Gov Code, which amendments were submitted, on the Council's own motion, to amend Charter as follows: (In the text of the proposed amendments, words striGkep out-would be deleted from the All other words would be in the Charter if the amendments are adopted. Words to be a( typically shown by underlining.) PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS Amend Section 2.03 of the Charter as follows: Section 2.03 — Limit on Successive Terms. No person shall serve as Mayor for more than taw G three successive term; person shall serve as Council Member for more than twe three successiv Amend Section 2.05 of the Charter as follows: Section 2.05 — Vacancies. If at any time a vacancy exists on the Council, Council shall fill the vaca an appointment by a majority vote of the remaining Council members, '0 appointee to serve until the next regularly scheduled election edj Council shall fill the vacancy within I Any person appointed or elected to the Council under this provision, sr all qualifications to serve as a Council member under Section 2.02 as of of such appointment or election. the Mayor Pro Tern shall be at the Council's first meeting or, in the e\ vacancy, within 60 days. Amend Section 10.13 of the Charter as follows: Section 10.13 —Charter Review. a. In 1988, and every six years thereafter, the Council shall appoint, z regular meeting in June, a Charter Review Committee of sevar+ nine res. the City. The term of office of the Charter Review Committee shall be si) unless extended by the Council. b. Powers and Duties of Charter Review Committee. The Charter Committee shall: (1) Inquire into the operations of the City government and reN Charter to determine whether the Charter needs revision hearings may be held and the Committee shall have the t compel the attendance of City officers or employees and tc the submission of City records necessary to the inquiry and re (2) Propose to Council recommendations if necessary to insure City government and its operations comply with this Charter. (3) Propose to Council recommendations if necessary to imp effectiveness of this Charter. (4) Make a written report of its findings and recommendations to I (5) Present to Council proposed Charter amendments if considered necessary. (6) Meet at least once every two months during its term. WHEREAS, said elections were called and notices were given in accordance and the elections were held in all material respects in conformity with the law; and WHEREAS, the returns of such elections have been duly and legally m� submitted to the City Council, and the City Council has examined such returns, inclu tabulation attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof for all purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OI UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. All of the recitals contained in the preamble to this Ordinance are fogy true and are adopted as findings of fact by this City Council and as part of its jL particularly the tabulation of returns of the elections set out in Exhibit A. Section 2. (3) 330 qualified voters of the City have voted for and approved the I: amendment to Section 2.03 of the Charter set out in the preamblE Ordinance; such proposed amendment has been adopted; and the Chart City is amended as provided in such amendment. (4) 330 qualified voters of the City have voted for and approved the Ir amendment to Section 2.05 of the Charter set out in the preamblE Ordinance; such proposed amendment has been adopted; and the Chart City is amended as provided in such amendment. (5) 329 qualified voters of the City have voted for and approved the I: amendment to Section 2.07 of the Charter set out in the preamblE Ordinance; such proposed amendment has been adopted; and the Chart City is amended as provided in such amendment. (6) 325 qualified voters of the City have voted for and approved the P amendment to Section 10.13 of the Charter set out in the preamblf Ordinance; such proposed amendment has been adopted; and the Chart City is amended as provided in such amendment. (b) This Ordinance shall constitute the official act of the City Council in examir declaring the results of the charter election of May 4, 2019, and it shall further const order of the City Council required by Section 9.005 of the TEXAS LOCAL GOVEF CODE. This Ordinance shall be signed and immediately entered into the records of whereupon the proposed amendments to the City Charter takes effect as provided Section 9.005. The City Secretary shall endorse this Ordinance to indicate when this O is entered into the records of the City and takes effect. The Mayor, chief executive offic City, shall certify the amendment to the secretary of state as provided in Section 9.0( TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE. (c) The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to make the appropriat{ of information in the election register maintained by the City in accordance with prov Section 67.006 of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE. Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstanc ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdici remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, SE paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circum shall not be affected thereby. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the required by the Open Meetings Law, as amended, and that each such meet been open to the public as required by law at all times during such disc declared. This ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure take effect immediately upon adoption and signature. APPROVED AND ADOPTED on first and final reading on the 15th May , 2019. �• r ♦- sr Thelma A. Gill Recommended: Beach, , City Secretary Manager Signed: (-�/Cv'o oe� &:�� usan V. Sample, Mayor Reviewed: Alan Petrov, City Attorney City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 44, 2019 Page I of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts R Number of District Voters 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% District Precin, City of W. University Place, PROPOSITION A Precinct Early Election Total Registered Percent 41 0087 19 58 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 14 65 79 2 761 Cast Cast Cast 7 71 78 F 2.95'. 4 36 7 0906 0 0 0 27 rc z 2 � o 4 0015 is 85 100 3.021 3 31 ' . 5' 41 0087 19 58 77 2.887 267•. 3 2.1 0133 14 65 79 2 761 2861. 43 36 0183 7 71 78 2.643 2.95'. 4 36 7 0906 0 0 0 27 0.001. rotals; 55 279 334 11,339 192 138 330 City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 2 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts Ri Number of District Voters: 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% District Precirx City of W. University Place, PROPOSITION B Pnclnct Early Election Total Re9isl*rod P*rc *nt 69 29 98 0087 Ballots Ballots Ballots VOWS Tumout 62 15 77 0133 Cast Cast Cast 2,761 286% 46 33 79 0183 7 74 78 2.643 2.959E 57 19 76 0906 0 0 0 27 000% ti R 0 outs: SS 334 11,319 234 p8 33Q - - a 0015 15 85 100 3,021 3.31% 69 29 98 0087 19 s8 77 2,887 267% 62 15 77 0133 14 65 79 2,761 286% 46 33 79 0183 7 74 78 2.643 2.959E 57 19 76 0906 0 0 0 27 000% 0 0 0 outs: SS 334 11,319 234 p8 33Q - - City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 3 of 9 Total Number of Voters 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts Ri Number of District Voters: 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% District Precinl City of W. University Place, PROPOSITION C Precinct Early Election Total Registered Percent 8 :? 0087 19 58 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 14 65 79 2 761 Cast Cast Cast 7 71 78 2.643 295 64 +3 090,6 0 0 0 27 � N Z p a u v a 0015 15 85 100 3.021 331 8 :? 0087 19 58 77 2,887 2.67. 72 4 `r 0`133 14 65 79 2 761 2.86" 6 18 7 0183 7 71 78 2.643 295 64 +3 090,6 0 0 0 27 0.00 Q touts: 55 279 331 11,335 276 53 1" City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 4 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3 98% Precincts R Number of District Voters 334 of 11,339 = 2 95% District Precln City of W. University Place, PROPOSITION D precinct Early Election Total Registered percent 3.31% 73 24 97 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 2 887 267% 59 14 Cast Cast Cast 65 79 F 286% 53 26 79 0183 7 oc O z a 2 643 295% 51 25 76 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00` C 0 0 a 0015 15 85 100 3 021 3.31% 73 24 97 0087 19 58 77 2 887 267% 59 14 73 0133 14 65 79 2 761 286% 53 26 79 0183 7 71 78 2 643 295% 51 25 76 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00` C 0 0 otals: 55 279 334 11,339 236 89 3'�S City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election --- May 04, 2019 Page 5 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts R Number of District Voters• 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% District Precln City of W. University Place, Mayor (two year term) Precinct Early Election Total Registered Percent 79 79 0087 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 48 48 0133 Cast Cast Cast 2 761 2.86% 58 58 0183 7 71 78 2,643 2.95% q z M � 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00% 0 0 to 0015 15 as 100 3.021 131% 79 79 0087 19 58 77 2.887 2.67% 48 48 0133 14 65 79 2 761 2.86% 58 58 0183 7 71 78 2,643 2.95% 55 55 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00% 0 0 Totals: S3 279 334 - 11.339 - - — — 2t0 240 City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 44, 2019 Page 6 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28 188 of 708,971 = 3.98 Precincts R Number of District Voters 334 of 11 339 = 2.95-, District Precin City of W. University Place, Council Member (two year term) Preclnct Early Election Tow Registered Percent 0087 •9 tt Ballots Ballots OR ols Voters Turnout r. 79 2.761 Cast Cost Cast 7' 78 £ 2.951. F 0906 0 p 27 0.00% m a c t a o t' 0015 g 65 .. 1.021 331 '4 Ta 0087 •9 tt 77 .,887 267*. 42 4,' 0133 -4 r. 79 2.761 286-, 0163 7 7' 78 2 643 2.951. F 0906 0 p 27 0.00% Totals.- 55 279 334 11,339 721 227 City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 7 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28.188 of 708.971 = 3.98% Precincts Ri Number of District Voters: 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% D strict Precnt City of W. University Place, Council Member (two year term) Prrclnct Early Election Total Registered Percent 79 79 0087 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout s8 58 0133 Cast Cast Cast 2 761 266% 58 58 0183 7 71 78 2.643 2.95% s4 s 0906 0 0 0 27 000% 0 r olale: '� - - -- - -- -- �- -- - -- -�- - -- - -W— _ -TI.-339 --- _ _ 249 - - 249 Y 0015 Is 85 100 3.021 3.31% 79 79 0087 19 58 77 2.887 2.67% s8 58 0133 14 65 79 2 761 266% 58 58 0183 7 71 78 2.643 2.95% s4 54 0906 0 0 0 27 000% 0 0 olale: '� - - -- - -- -- �- -- - -- -�- - -- - -W— _ -TI.-339 --- _ _ 249 - - 249 City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 8 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts Re Number of District Voters 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% District Precinct City of W. University Place, Council Member (two year term) Precinct Early Election Total Registered Percent 78 78 0087 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 45 45 0133 Cast Cast Cast 2.761 2.86% p 3 51 0183 7 71 78 2,643 2.95% c 54 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00% 0 � J � p F y� J 0015 15 85 100 3,021 3 31 % 78 78 0087 19 58 77 2.887 2.671E 45 45 0133 14 65 79 2.761 2.86% 51 51 0183 7 71 78 2,643 2.95% 54 54 0906 0 0 0 27 0.00% 0 0 • -- . - .,.. _ . - - was ^. —� -- - -- -� - � ' TI'1�$ _- - -� - - --- -- �'r- �-^+,� City of West University Place Canvass — Total Voters — Official Harris County, Texas — Joint Election — May 04, 2019 Page 9 of 9 Total Number of Voters: 28,188 of 708,971 = 3.98% Precincts R Number of District Voters 334 of 11,339 = 2.95% nistrict Prec n City of W. University Place, Council Member (two year term) Precinct Early Election Total Registered Percent 78 78 0087 19 Ballots Ballots Ballots Voters Turnout 0133 14 65 Cast Cast Cast 0183 r 71 78 2.643 2.95`. 54 54 0906 0 M �0 0 27 0.001. N W 1O 0015 15 85 100 3.021 3.31'. 78 78 0087 19 58 77 2,887 267'. 44 44 0133 14 65 79 2 761 286-. 0183 7 71 78 2.643 2.95`. 54 54 0906 0 0 0 27 0.001. Totals: 55 279 334 11,339 226 226