HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 05 PRB MinutesWUP Parks and Recreation Board
MEETING Monthly Meeting
CHAIR Peter Billipp
Members: Brett Bingham , Maryann Grahmann, Spyros Maragos , Scooter
Lerner , Mary McCulloch Mark Prescott, and Nina Pilson
Staff: Susan White and Jeremy Veld
VISITORS A lida D r ew es
I. Call to Order : T he mee ting was called to order at 6:3 3 pm by Peter Billipp .
II. Approval of April 4 th 2018 Meeting Minutes : Motion to approve the m in utes was made
Nina Pilson with a second from Brett Bingham . Motion passed unanimously.
III. Citizen Comments : Comments by Alida Drewes . The charges against Kelly Burke were
dropped – freedom of speech prevails again. There is a public hearing for water rates going
up and she doesn’t feel that seniors should have a raise if they haven’t had exemptions in
10 yrs. Will of people is being igno red esp with ATT situation.
IV. Council Update: Councilmember Mardi not present, no updates .
V. Staff Update: Susan White
1. Staffing Update – We open Colonial Park Pool on May 5th . Tradition a lly we have
staffing issues with school & college schedules but esp with Colonial Park Pool. We have a
lifeguard class and 12 signed up so that’s hopeful. At the West End of CPP, we will be
putting up the panel up soon for safety reasons.
2. JEH Park – On 4/19, we received 7 bids and the lowest bid is a reputable company called
Landscape Art so we are very happy. Total project bids went from low to high: $374 K to
$990 K . They did Mandell Park and staff d id site visits to Landscape Art projects (lowest
bidder) which included Juan Seguin & Spring Valley – grand opening this Sat. All of their
principles had great things to say about them. Scooter called out the spread and making
sure everyone read the bid correctly. Plans included everything and a request for a 10%
construction contingency will be included bc unknown costs may come up. Susan walked
us through the JEH Park Park expenses line by line. Remaining funding needed for total
constructing would be up to $367 K and we go to Friends of WU Parks mtg nex t week and
ask for approval. Will present to Council after with construction options.
To summarize , Susan will go to Friends and ask for full amount and the options will be
decided by Council (5/14 ). If all gets approved, Landscape Art can start as earl y as mid
June. Mark asked if there will be open forum for WEST U Citizens to comment about cost
issues, Susan said yes, that’s correct . Mark reminded everyone to show up who cares about
how certain parts of park will be built (fencing vs masonry).
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2
2. Committee Meetings:
Fee Committee : Jer e my Veld admin mgr present ed membership fee increases . Trying to
eliminate memberships that are not used and look at pricing comparison. In 2017 added
standard $60 to each membership to pay for lifeguards, etc. so looking at proportionate
raises. Spyros said that there is 70% retention for each membership but we need to
remember that we are trying to catch up for past years, and they went down to detailed
level and examined them. We reduced number of categories and simplified the membership
fees. For example, seniors can get half price or free membership if approved. Nanny pass
huge question : i mplemented in 2016 but issues with them bringing their own kids . Is this
the $25 nanny pass too high of an increase? Most people felt ok with it.
Other fee questions: w e are trying to make non -resident fees more in line with resident.
Susan also brought up alcohol fee of $25 and feels that it’s a little low and she feels that it
should be $50. Jer e my state d that we want to propose a 20% increase on rental fees. Since
2015 there haven’t been any increases and 50% over that on the non -resident rentals fees . Is
Colonial Park Pool increases too high? To remind everyone: exclusives include paying for
lifeguards a nd front desk staff, hours are Sat 730 -930 pm , Sunday 930 -1130 am and 730 -
930 pm . All board members felt ok with the increase from $400 to $480 for CPP total rental.
Also the question of renting the West End of Colonial Park – would it be ok? MaryAnn
mentione d Prelude in the Park… and how successful it was. But she and others were asking
question of parameters – bounce house allowed ? Susan feels it should be in line with other
par ks and it will be.
Program Planning subcommittee : Good feedback on the programming events, ask that
we respond to the Doodle for next mtg .
Recycling/Solid Waste subcommittee : Susan reached out to Orville Marlowe the
Recycling and SW Chair will be meeting with him in June .
VI. Friends Updates: Friends Boa rd Chair, Mark Prescott : Mark passed on comments.
VII. P ark Ambassador Reports and Advisory Remarks :
VIII. Order of Business : Chair Peter Billipp
New Business: Approval of proposed f ees (attached). Peter made a motion and Mark
seconded. Pending Senior Board review on May 10, Parks Board May need to meet in June
to discuss.
IX. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm
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