HomeMy WebLinkAbout04112019 ZPC Agenda Item 3 Amend Section 7-4b, Buildings, as follows: General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table.("N/A" means the rule Table 7-4b: Buildings does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1)See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. Item Regulation SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C TCC Maximum One, plus one 17.5 per See Uses number per 24 per Dwelling units accessory acre.See Two table and N/A building site acre. quarters (AQ) Note 9 Art. 9 Maximum area Framed area, all as a buildings on a percentage of 80% 100%See Note 4. N/A building site building site area Length or Maximum width, any horizontal N/A 130 feet.See Note 3. N/A building dimension Exterior materials, any Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides.See building. Type N/A Section 8-104. A four-hour fire wall,or its equivalent, Separation of Fire-rated wall N/A must separate adjoining dwelling units. N/A DUs See Notes 3 and 5. SF privacy See Note 8. N/A Applies. N/A protection Accessory Maximum buildings number per Three N/A See Article 10 building site regarding garage space. 35 ft.See Height, 35 ft.See 25 ft. Notes 12 maximum Note 2. and 13. Stories, Two and one- Three. See Note 6. N/A Two maximum half. Height, 35 ft.See 35 feet; 25 feet in rear yard.See Note 1 and 35 ft.See maximum Notes 12 Note 14. Note 2. and 13. Principal buildings 1,400 square See Article 10 Minimum gross 1,200 sq. feet, if used for 750 sq.ft, regarding floor area ft., each 1,400 sq.ft. residential each DU garage space. DU. purposes Width, N/A But see minimum N/A 16 ft., each QMDS N/A DU. Schedule. Height and screening of rooftop See Note 11 N/A Applies- mechanical equipment Note 1. Antennas and Chimneys. Roof-mounted radio or television antennas on a principal building in a residential district may project up to four feet above the roof. The maximum height of chimneys attached to a principal building is the greater of 35 feet or four feet above the roof. Note 2. Height In C District. In the C District, no part of any structure (except a fence) may be higher than the horizontal distance from that part to the nearest part of an SF District. Note 3. Building Detail, TH, PDD-TH and GR Districts. To separate buildings, there must be open area at least five feet wide maintained so that firefighters with hoses could pass through. Note 4. Framed Area In QMDS. Allowed square footage for a given building site is calculated by multiplying the allowable percentage by(a)the building site's area plus (b)an allocated part of any common use areas in the same QMDS (e.g., access easements, private streets, alleys, reserves, etc. that are not part of a building site). The allocated part is proportional to the building site's area divided by the area of all building sites in the same QMDS. Note 5. Building Code. Separation requirements are in addition to other requirements of building codes and other ordinances. See Code of Ordinances. General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table.("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Table 7-4b,cont. Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- Item Regulation PDD-TH2 PDD-C1 SF1 SF2 TH1 TH4 TH5 TH7 Maximum One plus Dwelling units number per One, plus 17.5 per acre.See Note 9. p one AQ one AQ building site Maximum 100%for all Framed area, area as a 100%. dwelling types all buildings percentage of 80% See other than TH; 100%.See Note 4. N/A on a building 125%building site Note 4. 125%for TH. site area See Note 4. Length or Maximum width, any horizontal N/A 130 feet.See Note 3. N/A building dimension Exterior Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides.See Section materials, any Type N/A 8-104. building. A four-hour firewall, or its equivalent, must separate Separation of Fire-rated N/A adjoining dwelling units.See Notes 3 and 5. See also Note DU's wall 10(PDD-TH7 only) SF privacy Applies.See Note 8. See also Note 10(PDD-TH7 N/A See Note 8. N/A protection only) Accessory Maximum buildings number per N/A 3 N/A See Article 10 building site regarding garage space. 25 ft. 35 ft. Height, See Note maximum 2. Stories, 2 and one- 3 N/A maximum half 35, 25 in rear Height, yard.See maximum, in 35.See Notes 1, 7 and 14. 35 Principal Note 1 and feet . buildings 14. Minimum 1,600 gross floor 1,400 each 1,200 each DU each 1,300 area, square DU DU feet Width, feet (min,), N/A 16, each DU N/A outside to outside Height and screening of rooftop See Note 11. N/A Applies mechanical equipment Note 6. Height in GR-1, GR-2. Principal buildings in GR-1 or GR-2 Districts may be three stories high, but subject to the lower height limits prescribed for projecting spaces. See Table 7-2, Note 7. Note 7. Certain Projecting Buildings . Special height rules apply to buildings projecting into yards. See Tables 7-2 and 7-6. Note 8. SF privacy protection . On a building site where this applies, there may not be a direct sight line from any"third-floor viewpoint" to any point in an "SF privacy zone."A"third-floor viewpoint" is any viewpoint on a "third-floor area"at eye level (six feet)or lower. A"third-floor area" is any floored area (indoors or outdoors)where the floor is 18 feet or higher. The "SF privacy zone" includes every point: (i)within 100 feet of the third floor viewpoint in question, (ii) on a building site in an SF District, and (iii)below 20 feet in height. See Figure SFP. Note 9. Calculation of DU's Per Acre . In a QMDS only, the total number of DU's is divided by the total acreage of the QMDS to calculate the number of DU's per acre. Note 10. Spacing of Dwelling Units in PDD-TH7. Except where dwelling units are separated by common walls, the minimum distance between dwelling units shall be as follows: (i) No part of any dwelling unit may be closer than five feet to another dwelling unit. (ii) No window may be closer than 50 feet to a facing window to living space in another dwelling unit. (iii) Neither eaves nor balconies may be closer than 40 feet to a facing window to living space in another dwelling unit. (iv) Neither windows to living space nor balconies may be closer than 20 feet to any facing wall of another dwelling unit. Note 11. Rooftop Mechanical Equipment. In the C, TCC and PDD-C1 districts, any rooftop mechanical equipment, whether new or replacement equipment, shall be accommodated within the maximum building height limit and shall be fully screened from off-site and street area views through design and materials consistent with the overall design and colors of the principal building. This may include use of sloped roofs, a low parapet wall or other architectural elements that conceal flat roof areas where mechanical equipment is mounted, provided that all such building features comply with and do not project above the maximum building height limit. Note 12. Building Placement and Maximum Height in TCC. In TCC, the following height restriction shall apply: (i) Principal buildings shall be located in the front 60 feet of the building site and shall be limited to 2 stories and 35 feet in height, including any rooftop mechanical equipment. (ii)Accessory structures shall be located in the rear 70 feet of the building site and shall be limited to 35 feet in height, including any rooftop mechanical equipment. (iii)Any rooftop mechanical equipment, whether new or replacement, shall be fully screened from off-site and street area views through design and materials consistent with the overall design and colors of the principal building. This may include use of sloped roofs, a low parapet wall or other architectural elements that conceal flat roof areas where mechanical equipment is mounted, provided that all such building features comply with and do not project above the maximum building height limit. Note 13. Street Level Orientation in TCC. In TCC, the first floor of all buildings shall be at grade level. Elevated structures with open areas or parking below the second floor are not permitted. Note 14. Height of Flood Loss Structures. The roof height of existing flood loss structures that are being raised to meet floodplain regulations may exceed the existing roof height by an amount equal to the distance the structure is elevated. In no case may the maximum roof height exceed 39'. Amend Section 2, Certain Terms, by adding the following definitions: porch is a roofed structure, usually open at the sides,projecting from the face of a building and used to protect the entrance of the structure. balcony is a platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, with access from an upper-floor window or door. Amend Section 7,Table 7-1,Note 1.2 by adding: Note 1.2. Porch In Front Yard. On a building site in a residential district with a front yard depth of 20 feet or more,a porch may project up to 120 inches into the front yard if it meets all of the following criteria: (i) It is neither designed nor usable for motor vehicles; (ii) The volume of the projecting part of the porch does not exceed 50 cubic feet per foot of front street line(Example: the maximum projecting volume on a 521/2-foot wide site would be 50 cubic feet x 52.5,or 2,625 cubic feet). (iii) The porch's outside perimeter is open and unobstructed,except for the following features: (a) Ordinary window screens. (b)A solid or partially open safety rail not higher than 3.5 feet above the porch floor,and a partially open decorative railing or balustrade not higher than 3.5 feet above the porch roof/ceiling, Solid half-walls are prohibited above the roof/ceiling of the porch. (c) Supporting vertical columns, if the total width of the outer faces of the columns does not exceed cither 259%of the outside perimeter of the porch. or 25%of the theoretical outside perimeter of a maximum sized porch. The width of a column is measured at its thickest point above 3.5 feet above the porch floor. The"maximum sized porch" is 120 inches deep and _... _ _ . :.The "outside perimeter" of a porch is the portion of the perimeter out in the front yard; it does not include the portion of the perimeter adjacent to a building or lying along the front setback line. (iv) At no point in the front yard does the porch have a height greater than the depth of the front yard(Example: if the depth of the front yard is 20 feet,the maximum height in the front yard is also 20 feet). (v) No projecting balcony or other habitable space shall be constructed or placed above the ceiling of a projecting porch. Amend Fence-like Hedges—Section 7, Table 7-6, Notes 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.as follows: Note 8.1 Fences. Fences may project into front and side yards to the extent expressly required or authorized by city ordinance (e.g., provisions in Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances; provisions in PDD schedules for front fences). Also in the Code of Ordinances, there are: (i) requirements for emergency portals in fences (Chapter 18) and (ii) restrictions on fences, certain "fence-like hedges" and other things in visibility areas (Chapter 82). In a QMDS low fences (3.5 feet or lower) may be located anywhere, if made of ornamental metal or pickets. Note 8.2. Fence-like hedges. Fence-like hedges within the front yard (setback) of a building site containing no principal building are prohibited. This provision applies to all adjacent side yard building sites and rear through building sites. Visibility triangles and visibility areas, as defined by this ordinance, are subject to further restrictions as contained in Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances. Exception: Along major thoroughfares, a fence-like hedge may be placed to screen and buffer light and noise from adjoining residential properties. Add to Section 12-103, Losing PNC Status through passage of time. Section 12-1.03. -Losing PNC Status. (i) Passage of Time . The following PNC items lose PNC status upon the expiration of the time periods indicated: PNC Item Time Period Special Conditions Ten years from the Use of a building site in an SF District for business 1987 effective activities date PNC status for space which Ten years from the Presence of more dwelling units than allowed in qualifies as conforming 1987 effective an SF District. accessory quarters is not date necessarily lost. Ten years from the Use of a building site by more than one family in 1987 effective violation of SF District use regulations date Time period Outdoor lighting in violation of Article 8 ending on August 31, 2004 160 months Lack of special screens in violation of Article 8 following the 1987 (waste storage or loading) effective date Ten years Non-compliance with pervious area requirement following the 1987 in the C District. effective date Non-conformance with building regulations by a Time period canopy or similar object designed or used to ending on October shelter a motor vehicle, a boat or similarly-sized 1, 2008 items. Use of a building site, or any portion thereof, as a Time period school without a special exception as granted by ending on May 31, the ZBA. 2022 Time period Non-conformance with regulations for fence-like ending on October hedges on building sites. 1, 2021 . � M i , 4 , , ,.. t ,,‘ ,. .:., g,•• • c, t ., . :a'7,. . , r r t w .:le 46 rc ,,...,... .- •e 9 ,„ its Yk fif ? -tL: f v+f' t t Y ,ts ,FJV i- ,_. t , . le sr =Yx Sf 'cE 'A .Yl �,.` fh , ..,v' .'ice . : 4 :i ,t i, - .- R� -4' K''. ,q� . e ti r„ a, ww d ii . , , .A , w �pp . x rjl, e Ittlt � *.r 4 11 r' t P t " +MIS IY i #D. *a, m,' N ., 't,..i„...,4,„,"4: le a }^ .} # k ay 'L�E,ak*r. �S�` ran Wd �' 1---,44. b ."sx , kY t r; �Q `ry nay,° ♦ � rw' 0. u & s'` a mgr w �� iw °ae. 3rr w ry s • V 'y e 4 hK4 k n p,,,,,4„fx,:i;,:,, , r . „. . d itd , ..±y i .. ,� a r a a*.. a B . . " • " ;x. N.. 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