HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1947 ~ i_..J ~J;\ r ~; '-' 0:: <t' ~7. Minutes of Special Meeting January 2, 1947 The Council-Elect convened in a body at the City Hall at 6 P. M., January 2, 1947 and were given the oath of office before Judge Ewing Boyd for tpeir respective positions as follows: Mayor - Ralph B. Lee Commissio'ners: C. P. Lanmon, W. A. Hamlett, L~ M. Armer andM.A. Douglass Mayor Lee recommended that the first order of business be that of appointing personnel to fill the various appointive positions and boards. f Commissioner Lanmon made a motion seconded by Commissioner Armer that James L. Williams be appointed City Secretary without compensation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlet.t, that Mrs. Louise L. Lucas be appointecl Assistant Ci ty Secret'~ at her present salary. Voting Aye:, Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None T:b..e City Secretary submitted an ordinance establishing and prescribing the du- ties o:f the City Engineer. Mot.ion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the ordinance be approved as read. / Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None Tl~e caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF, SliD ENGINEER. , *** See below :for correction authorized 2-17-47 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that Mr. C. E. Gammill be appoint.ed City Treasurer at his present salary. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Hamlet.t, Armer and Douglass, None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that Mr. C. ~. Gammill be appointed Tax Collector...A.ssessor without compensation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None A letter was read from the committee appointed to recommend a City Attorney and Corporation Court Judge. This committee recommended Mr. Chilton Bryan for City Attorney and Mr. Thomas M. Ryan as Corporation Court Judge. r'" I ' iriiT1T:i'!'mnln,,:Ji1111 wC".. .. --~-,~C~~i~r\ (-- -1 Ie -- 58. Motion by Commissioner Lanm.on, seconded by Gommissions r Douglass, that the recommendation of the committee be approved and Mr. Chilton Bryan be appointed 'II,;",',J.-. City Attorney for the term ending January 2; 1949, at a salary of $125.00 per month. Voting Aye: M~or Lee, Commissioners L~on, Hamlett, Anner and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that Mr. Thomas M. Ryan be appointed Corporation Judge at a salary of $50.00 per month. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and 'Douglass None , >...~' Upon recommendation of the ME%r that J. D. Alstott be appointed Corporation "\ Court Clerk with G. E. King as Dt:;puty Corporation Clerk motion was made by Commis- sioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Mr..--'J. D. Alstott be appointed' Corporation Court Clerk and Mr. G. E. King, Deputy Clerk, at no salary. Voting Aye: Mcwor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Commissioner Armer made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that James L. Williams be appointed Water and Sewer Superintendent without compensation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None J Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Comm..i..ssioner Lanmon, that James L. Williams be appointed Director of Personnel without compensation. Voting Aye: ME%r Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None .. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, thatC. Grady Smith be appointed Chief of Police. *, Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe; None A letter was read from the Fire Department recommending that Mr. Jam.es A. ' Metcalf be appointed Fire Marshall. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded bY Commissioner Hamlett, that Mr. James A. Metcalf be appointed Fire Marshall, compensation to be established at a later meeting. Voting Aye:" M~or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noet None J: '"~ 'O_""~~l' ".: :':":':~"l __~.:...__~r~ .. :'-"-';-.:~C.=:_=OO"":~:~::-'-"'~L.1__ , .r~-"'- .' ; '~!~ :T'I::~I~:"'t r!lm:1J:n~~ ~TIIII 7'1 -, '-" ,'(,,\ "_.1>" C!J ~r:.) < 59' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Mr. A. F. Barnes and Dr. Wm. Frank Cole be appointed on the Health Board, the third member to be appointed at a later date. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Comnrl.ssioner Lamnon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the followin.g personnel be appointed on the Zoning and Planning Commission: Charles D. Mehr, Harold E. Terry O. C. King -\1'V. Roy Letbetter Mrs. W. E. Eberling Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner"Dop.glass that the following members be appointed on the Board of Adjustment and Appeals: Charles 1. Cartwright Search Bracewell L. B. Ryon Cecil Henson Edwin E. Teal Voting Aye: Mayor Lee,CoIllillissioners Armer, Hamlett Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the fol- lowing personnel be appointed on the Electric Board: Joe V. Ellis James S. Waters Clifford C. ~Vhite W. A. Blakely Al Halla Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, COIllIl'issioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmonand Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Com.llissioner Douglass, that the following personnel be appointed on the Plumbing Board: 'M. J . Whitehead James L. Williams Merrill Whitehead Clifford C. White P. T. McClain Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the following personnel be appointed on the Personnel Board: ~T;'rr;F.--- ""__~._1::'C:::="'l--;"'_.;~1 r' .C_P ,-P=::~O"~~l__ -:-:r---. -- .--, .. - .--. --'~[:IIT:'I:['"nnnm:lT:r::rm-- -':!'T-j; . 1"1 6@-' James L. Williams Roy E. Maley C. A. Nees J.D. Hollingsworth u Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners .firmer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the following personnel be appointed on the Finance Committee: L. B. Bricker H. F. Lindley Alex Litherland Mrs. L. C. Gill W. D. Herb W. F. Ghiselin J. C. Faris Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the follow.irig personnel be appointed to make a stuqy- of our present Charter, and make recommendations for amendments and revisions: John H. Bringhurst, Harvey T. Fleming James L. Williams E. Maurice Faubian Mrs. D. 's. Parker Howard Kiatta Sam If{. Levy Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, 'Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None o Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Southwestern Times be designated as the official newspaper. Motion by Commissioner Douglass that this time be designated not to exceed 90 days. Upon this motion failing to receive a second, vote was called on the orig- inal motion. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Dop.glass Voting Noe: None The Mayor recommended that the following ordinance repealing,;f:~voking and cancelling Ordinance No. 300, captioned as follows, be adopted: !tAN ORDINANCE REPEALING, REVOKING, l\.ND CANCELLING ORDINANCE NO . ' 300 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, WHICH EXTENDS THE CITY. LIMITS OF THE CITY OF YfEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEXING TO' THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND AND TERRITORY, INCLUDING IN SUCH LAND AND TERRITORY THE CITY OF BELLAIRE, TEXAS; ])ESC~IBING THE LAND AND TERRI- TORY WHICH INCLUDES THEREIN, THE CITY OR BELLAIRE, TEXAS, SOl Am:EXED; A1\TD PRO)VIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE.!t [ Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that this ordinance be approved as read. 1 '.tCTE!~ [:1:1:1[1 !Il1l'lUiljil1l!l ':iJ':n 6J' Voting Aye: :Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and H~~ett Voting Noe: None The Mayor recommended that the following ordinance repealing, revoking anc;i cancellin.g Ordinarice No. 301, captioned as follows be adopted: "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING, REVOKING, AND CANCELLING ORDINANCE NO. 3Gl OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, WHICH EXTENDS THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF liVES'r UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEXING TO THE, CITY CER- TAIN ADDITIONAL LAi.'i!D AND TERRITORY, INCLUDING IN SUCH LAND AND TERRITO;RY THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE, TEXAS: DESCRIBING THE LAND AND TERRITORY liVHICH INCLUDES THEREIN THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE, SO) ANNEXED; AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. II Motion by Conm1issioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, t..."lat this ordinance be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and H~-nlett None Motion by COIlunissioner Larunon, seconded by COITh'11issioner Hamlett, that the City Attorney be instructed to take no further action in connection with the an- nexation suit before the Court of Criminal Appeals at Galveston. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, COITh'11issioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass a.l'ld H~i1lett None Mayor Lee recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to dismiss the d8.t'1lage suit against citizens filed by the previous Commission in connection with the annexation. Motion by Commissioner lIamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the City Attorney be instructed to dismiss the above suit. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Larunon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None Commissioner Douglass made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Engineer be instructed to take such action as necessary to have the con- tractor on the storm sewer job complete his clean-up in accordance with the plans a...'1.d specifications. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Larunon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None :Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Com- missioner C. P . Lamnonbe appointed Mayor Pro-Tem during his term of office. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lamnon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer None A 1etter from seven colored employees of the water department was read demand- ing $1.00 per day increase in salary, no change in working conditions or foreman. Othenvise they would riot serve the City after January 1, 1947. No action was taken except the City Engineer was instructed to take such action as necessary to continue our operation. , .-;.'o.........,.,............'!--"'"~-,.,.,. t::''':.~'__ .' .' ~M=I.~_ .:.. ~-~_~: 1 .~~,< .__'"C~"... r C" "'----,--.-------.---- -" -'!'f!"'1' P.'" n=I'lllllfll'l'f''-~!r.'J'll- --- -__~,..__~:-:'_"~I:::L _ 6'2' Upon recommendation of the Mayor the meeting was recessed to 7: Je P. M., January 6~ 1947. --------------- The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Monday, January 6, 1947, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett and the City Engineer-Secretary. The City Engineer submitted the following resolution: IIA RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES TO) BE CHARGED FOR BUILDING PERMITS, PLUMBING PERMITS, WATER METER AND TApPING CHARGES, TAX CERTIFICATES AND USE OF ADDRESSOGRAPH MACHINE 'WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CO'LI.EGTIO)N THEREOF." o ",. , -,:.. WHEREAS the revenue charged for various permits and services within the City of West University Place are not sufficient to cover the cost, of this serviee, and 'WHEREAS the City is now in process of preparing amendments to ordi..,~~..,.,.,~, es which cover these fees which will take considerable time and delay; ., Naw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, I . (() // v That the charge for building permits shall be as follows: Residential - Minimum $8.00 on new construction for first 800 square feet and all in excess of 800 square feet 1/2 cent per square foot. New Gommercial Construction - A minimum of $25,.00 for first 900 square feet. 'All in excess of 900 square feet atone cent per square rdi:)'l~. Repairs and Additions - vMiniIllum of $3.00 which shall include 300 square feet. Arryjob in excess of 300 square feet to .beconsidered as new, constrg.ction. II j\,\ !n} \- ~ .0,_-'" That the charge for plumbing permits shall be as follQWs: Minimum permit fee $3.00 which shall include inspection of service line.' $1.20 each for all fixtures including water closeirs, . lavatories, >u:nnaJ.s, sinks, wash sinks , catch basins, grease traps, acid traps, shoWexs,' rtoor- ' drains, refrigerator drains, drinking fountains or arry fixture wherein . waste is connected to sanitary sewer, and also all gas fired };lot{water -__ heaters. All gas outlets 25 cents each. Minimum charge of $2.50 will be made for each reinspection' ifnot.r.eady on' building is locked or any other reason of no fault. of the City. III . SEWER SYSTEM -.A. Mains shall be exteudedat the expen~~f thellrW1l~r; with the city furnishing all engineeting withouteost e' fo~:!e0m;" ,.,." n:~T'_ ~:_ L._._.~':-F.._:,-l _~~ ---1,,'-"',; r :-__ ,-~.,::::-:::~!::I____u . s:" - _.-. --'~~f~~~~r'<n!nlfjnl~~~TIllr----- , . J.~ 'IJ'--- I ' , I ] ;. - .~ -- -- --_.~cr---- ~ :~~, (:;:. c::: ,..,..., ........, 'c1: 63~ plete sub-divisions which shall be subject to approval and inspection of the City Engineer. B. Sewer tans to be made by plumbing contractor and inspection fee of $1.50 each: IV WAr:EER - Mains. No charge 'Will be made for water mains, where extensions are necessary the city will make extensions without charge for 100 feet; in excess of 100 feet per residence a charge of 80 cents per foo*, for 2" Cast Iron mains will be made. Service line charges are as follows: 3/4" lit 1 1/21l 211 Meter charges to be as follows: 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" $15.00 18.00 30.00 40.00 $18.00 45.00 75.00 125.00 v TAX CERTIFICATES - $1.00 charge for each tax certificate. VI ADDRESSOGRAPH - The rental for use of the addressograph will be one cent (l~) per name for plates used by aQy person, firm or corporation other than the City of West University Place, Texas. The City Secretary and City Treasurer be and are hereby authorized and directed to put the above rates into effect upon approval and passage of this resolution. PASSED and APPROVED this the 6 day of Janp.ary, 1947. ATTEST: (Signed) Jamew L. Williams City Secretary (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor Commissioner Lanmon made a motion, seconded by Commissioner H&~ett that the reso- lution be approved as read. Voting Aye: V,oting Noe: MCli}TorLee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None . Jrf:~:=:::~T:. :r,':d_~..~L' ,--. '",.::' n.. .. ..f. .'~;rTIT:m:rnrlllli:rr:CITlI~~----~~:L':~-- 1:;,,",'4' . ~.'.' The City Engineer submitted the following ordinance amending €lrdinance No. 169 as pertaining to certain sections~ The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINA.1\'fCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 169 (196) AS PERTAINED TO SECTIONS SIX (6); SECTION NINE (9); SECTIO'N TWELVE (12); SECTION FOURTEEN (14); SECTION SIXTEEN (16Q; SECTION TWENTY ONE (21); SECTION TWENTY SIX (26.); SECTION TWENTY SEVEN (27); AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. j]r ' , Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the ordinance be approved as read. " Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None A letter was read from Mr. Ira A. Harris andattorn~ys representing him, filing a claim against theCi ty in the amount of $35,00'0 but stating that they were willing to compromise a cash settlement of $25,00'0' if paid without contest. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that this letter be referred to the City Attorney for necessary action and written opinion. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Oommissioners Lanmon, 1mner, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Mr. Edgar Townes, Jr., appeared before the Council, together with the City Attorney, in connection w.ith the street paving and submitted the necessary ord- inances reinitiating the paving program. The following captioned ordinance was read repealing Ordinance No; 321. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO). 321, HERETOFORE PASSED AND, APPROVED ON THE 1st DAY OF JULY, 1946, AS FOLLOWS: "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT, UNIVERSITY BOULEV ARDFROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND WESLAYAN STREET FROM ,THE., SOOTH LINE OF RILEY STREET (EAST 0'1" WESLAYAN STREET) TOt THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMaN!) RQAD; AND' . " RICE OOULEV ARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO) THE ,NORTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,. SHALL BE IMPROOED:. ADOPTING AND APPRONING PLANS 'AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS. EACH OF WHICH SECTIOJNS SHALL BE TREATED' AS, A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE GARRETT ;"f';;,'~:-~",,'C r <;------;~nTi"'''';'llf~~lfnml'l'I:l'~''''I---,------ li':r------. .---~..-I .- -_.".-.:~1 r --~ ~.."'" i:~-l :] iJ .. '- .' ".-,".",-,-,----- - . 11,11 65' ~ ENGINEERING COMPAi1Y, ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE N.A1\iIES OF THE Q'iVNERS OF THE PROPERTIES .ABUTTING ON EACH POlRTIOiN OF EACH STREET TO' BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTIO!N OF THE RESPECTIVE PRO)PERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST OF THE SAID IMPRONEMENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOlR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO SUCH I1v1PRO''\TEMEl\ITS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105 (b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS: DIRECTING THE CITY SECRE- TARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE 'iiJITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRJ..S COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO, ADVERTISE FOiR BIDS TO! BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY - ~~ ""("". """~'J../ " '""' ;..;../ Xi <t AND REPEALING AND RESCINDING ALL ACTS AND TIITNGS HERETOFORE DONE PURSUANT TO SAID ORDINA1\fCE NO. 321, AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN ORDERED, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissio,ner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the ordinance be approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by COlIh-nissioner Armer, that the fol- lowing ordinance be approved as read determining the, necessity for and ordering pagement of certain .streets. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: 'AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THA.T UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD from the west line of KIRBY DRIVE to the east line of COMIvlliNITY DRIVE; and 'WESLAYf-\.N STREET from the north line of BELLAIRE BOULEVARD to the south line of RICHl~())ND RO'.AD; and RICE BOULEVARD from .the west line of KIRBY DRIVE to the west line of BELMONT STREET; and AUDEN STREET froll the north lihe of UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD to the north line of RICE BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED: ADOPTING AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIO'NS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ;PRONIDING FO\li SEGRE- GATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO' SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY, ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEIVIENTS AND A 'WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OVvNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER "v"IITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES; PROVIDING THAT A PART OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMENTSSHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST OF THE SAID DIPROVEN1ENTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING 1"1:""-"=-"=1='-;==--=1 .~ r"'"--:'-'-o...-,,-.=-=~--':~'~~""'''~r.-:~ "___"_ 1 c -- ";mJ1::I~:~i:l":wrrrrTI:n:~~TUIr - - - - -;:~:"r':;1: 6'6: PROPERTY ANR :THE OWNERS THEREOF, MID FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECLARING ''',_l ' THAT THIS ORDINA...i\fCE Arm ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELATING TO) SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE: l10,5(b) OF THE RE\r'ISED STATUTES OF TEns; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE: A NOTICE OF THIS OJRDIN.A.11"CE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OiF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PRO- VIDED BY LAW AND TOl ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye: Ma.y-or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: Nane A letter was read from the Secretary of the Fire Department requesting the $100 award which had previausly been awarded the Fire Department in prizes. This request was approved. The Mayor presented an ordinance repealing and re:voking Ordinances Nos. 302, 303, 304, 30,5, 306, and 307. Motian by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by yommissioner Hamlett that the ordinance be approved as read. .':".;... ....... ... '.~,.,. ;> Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer" Dauglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINAL"JCE REPEALING, REVOKING, AND CANCELLING €)lRDINANCES NUMBERS 302, 303, 304, 305, 306 and 307 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY,:iPLACE, WHICH EXTENDS THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY 'f;~CE., TEnS, BY ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND AND TERfti!!~Y;, DESCRIBING THE LAND AND TERRITORY sa, ANNEXED, AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS QRDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. II I -J t , The C1kty Secretary recommended that a previaus bid of the American La France Fire Apparatus Company be accepted in accardance with a previous letter to the Council from the then Fire Commissioner, Fire Chief and City Engineer, and t.hat the additianal funds needed to purchase this over and above the bond issue be financed through warrants priar to delivery of equipment. Commissioner L~onmade a motion, seconded by Cammissioner Hamlett, that the Mayor and 'City Secretary be authori~ed to' execute the contract on behalf of the City for the above fire truck. ' Vpting Aye: Voting Nae; Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Dauglass and Hamlett None Upon recommendation of the City Engineer that the City advertise far the p~_ chase of 2100 feet of' hose, 900 feet to be delivered immediately, 1200 feet to be delivered approximately the same time as delivery of new fire truck. ' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seccnde,dby Commissioner Armer, that the City Secretary be instructed to take necessary action to advertise for bi~ on hose as 'I ';, J~ recommended by the City Secretary. ,". Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None n '~" "~=~"';' :~::r r' ~~ "~:r l.- ~1 IT "':' 11lIlIl:1 rr::TIIn ..+1 '" -,. '--' ::0 " "'" ~~l CO < \ 67 Motipn by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Connnissioner Hamlett, that Fire Marshall's allowance for' car be set at the same rate previously paid of $10.00 per month. Voting Aye: Mqvor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, H~~ett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Cornmissioner Armer, seconded by Connnissioner Douglass, that the City National Bank and the University State Bank be designated as depositories for the City of West University Place funds for the coming year and that necessary ac- tion be taken to procure the proper securities on deposits at the above banks. Voting Aye: Mqvor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None The question of whether the City of liVest University Place could collect garbage in Ayrshire Addition was discussed and the City Engineer recommended that the City not a9sume this responsibility with its pre:;lent equipment. He was so instructed to no- tify Mr. David Hah:hah,Jr. The Mayor' instructed the City Secretary to notify the Chief of Police that the Council desired a daily report together with a monthly consolidated report showing total mileage on police cars, number of hours worked by each officer, number of arrests by each officer, that the dog ordinance be enforced and that the Chief es- tablish hours from 8 A. M. to ;) P. M. The Mayor further instructed the City Engineer to instruct all departments and boards that their recommendations should be submitted to the Council in writing as far in advance of council meetings as practicable. The City Engineer was instructed to call Mr. John H. Bright and request that, he 'return to this city for an interview relative to the City Engineer's position. The Mayor submitted a proposed contract with the firm of Hensley, Hopson & Green which is as follows: December 6, 1940' 'Honorable Ralph B. Lee, Mayor Elect City of West University Place, Texas Dear Sir: We propose to make an examination of the records of the City of West University :place, Texas, for the year ending August 31, 1947 and to render an original and five copies of our report thereon. The scope and stan,!iards of our examination shall not be less than those customarily understood wi. th respect to a general audit in com- mercial auditing, and we shall adhere to the standards prescribed by the National Connnittee on Municipal Accounting in its bulletin nUt"llber eight "Municipal Audit Pro- cedure", as revised and published in August 1941 by the Municipal Finance Officers Association. 'C"'--f' . non . - il i IIT,,],i Tlirnnn'l':'TIII1 W',,~~c~T~rc~~.;~-;-l' ' "'TO: r"'~~-~,\1 r~--- ~.O",; W()l If in the course of our examination circumstances should be encountered in respect dto any fund, department, account or transaction that would seem to warrant special investigation of such items for the whole year or prior period :,..,.J,'..,.,-. beyond the scope of the generalexBmination referred to above, the sa.lleshall ' . be taken up with the City Officials and, in case it should be decided that a special investigation should be made, the same shall be done as extra service, aside from the general audit examination contemplated by this proposal. Such extra services shall be authoriz.ed in writing by the City Officials at which time the consideration to be paid therefor shall be determined. We will make a review of the accounting records as of December 31, 1946 and the transactions for the four-months then ended for the purpose of infonnation you as to the financial condition and the status of the budget as of that date. Ai similar report will be furnished as of April 30, 1947. We will also make recommendations regarding the manner of installing pro- perty and material controls, and during subsequent examinations, test the ac- curacy thereof. ':.;. ~ We will confer with the City Officials and Accounting Department personnel from time to time regarding financial and accounting matters, and will devise a form of monthly report to be followed by the City Accounting Department in fur- nishing monthly statements for use in the managerial -control of the City's fi- nances. We believe, that the best accounting services can be rendered on a retainer basis which would grant representatives of the city the right to call upon US for consultation and assistance whenever necessary. We are willing to undertake ':,]. , the work for one year on the basis of $100.00 per month. The first payment' of $400~00 will cover work performed for tp.e four-month period ending December 31, 1946, and the remaining fee to be paid $100.00 monthly beginning January 1947 and continuing' through August 1947. 0 ' This proposal is submitted in triplicate. Two copies are for your' !d;les while the third copy should be signed and returned to us. HENSLEE, HOlPSON& G~N" By (Signed) Everett P. Green Partner ~~ ~~: Approved this 6th day of January, A. D. 1947. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE By (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor Attest: (Signed) James L. Williams City Secretary C-f -----.r ---.1T"T'C"..cc.'.-.I...."..,~"-.~t r"""'" '''~-'':''1 r- - :rlil,,!,"i'iTllrnflnH "11111 ~~- .......... ,--...,. ::.!:) f~l:.; CC: .<t 69 Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City Secretary and Mayor be authorized to execute thiw contract on behalf of the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Vd.ting Noe: Mayor Lee, Co~~ssioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None Commissioner Douglass requested information relative to the ~~ount of office equipment now on order and that the City Secretary check the guarantee on the roof to the extension of the City Hall. There being no further business, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the metting was adjourned. ~~ ' - -MAYOR' .. ATTEST: *** Correction to Minutes of 1-2-47 approved 2-17-47 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that a correction to the Minutes of January 2, 1947, be made showing the appointment of James L. Williams as City Engineer. Voting Aye: M83'or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett. and Douglass ~t;Z.-u?<l2-d -?fr~ ~~~ ~ /-~;;i-- ~;i;"/T~Y!,... -. 1T~t..-- '-'-l~~~~ r --'~~-'~~""':-~""'--- ,---- ,"'[: i r 1~',~:'"lrIIIllTiI'lrr :11llr'------- 10' ( MIW'l'ES {)F REGlfLAR MEETING JANUARY 13, 1947 l The City Commission convened in rece E! sed session on Wednesdq, January 13, 1947, at the City Hal1~ Members present were Mayor Lee, presi<iing, CoDlIllissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Engineer-Becretary. Mrs. W. C. Morris appeared before the Council and requested that some shell be put tin Simmons Street between Richmond and Judson. The City: Council instructed the City Engineer to take some action. Mr. W. C. Morris presented a petition to the Council requesting that the name of Syracuse Street be changed te South. Judson due to the confusion outlined iil pe_ tition. The Conimi.ssion requested that an ordinance be drawn to this effect. .~ :'. .- . .~.., . Mr. Buschardt presented a sample sign to the City Commission for inst.allatian at University and Buffalo Speedway and stated that prices would be approximately $7.00 each in lots of 800 or mare and $8.00 under 800. Mr. Harvey Richards, as spokesman for a group of citizens, prateste,d the permission of the City to let Dr. Tucker construct a clinic at 3311 Unive.rsit.y . Boulevard. :Mr. John Mathis, Attorney for Dr. Tucker, spoke in Dr. Tu,cker's .behalf. Mation by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that rio.' additional work be permitted on the existing building at its prese~t. locat.ion. J Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hainlett None Voting Noe: -'\ The City Engineer discussed the requestor. the Shell Oil Company"for the. pwr;-,. chase of the City's right-of-wq south of- Bellaire to the water tank"oG. the COUll... ail instructed the City Engineer to investigate thisancl make' a report a't a late~';' date. A letter was read from Mr. Moehlman, Engineer with thai Harris County Health . Unit, with reference to Mr. McClaints dual function, that of Sanitari.anand Chief Sewer Plant OPerator. Since .the agreemeIltlfith the Harris Caunty He.alth .Unt had expired, Commissioner Lci.ruoonwas appomed by the Mayor to meet with'~~ur,>Hea+th De- partment and the Harris County Health Department and submit recammendations for a new agreement, if desired. Mr. C. .E. Gammil1'submitted a claim for $10 for shortages occuringDeceuber 30, 1946, whichha.d been paid by hi~ to the City. U'ponmot.ion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Dcuglasstllat Mr. Gammill be refunded this I amount in view of the f act that thiS. was the first case that any shortages had appeared. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Comnissianers LaJ:'UDOn, Armer, Douglass' and Hamlett Voting Nee: None i 'ii1nTi'i'i'lilililnrm~l1~1 ~ - '...._J :~~o r~!:j" ~ ~ 71 Mr. L. S. Simms, 4227 Lehigh, appeared before the Councilvdth reference to the general conditions in Callege Court. A delegation frOm the 4000 block of Tennyson requested information when they might expect their street to be paved in accordance with petition recently sub- mitted. A committee appeared before the Council with request to present routing of busses. Commissioner Lanmon was requested to submit his recommendation for a ,bus committee. A request from Mr. Russell Nix, Developers of Montc!l;,air Addition, for the change of names of Albans and Bissonnet in College Court Addition. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that this be referred to the City Plan~ng and Zoning Board and that the residents of this area be noti- fiedby' the Board to attend the meeting at which this was discussed. Voting Aye: Ma;yor Lee, Commissioners Lani110n, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett . None Voting Noe: The Mayor recommended that the two' firemen be paid $12.50 each per month due to' the fact that they had assummed the additional duty of Corporation Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that this increase in salary be allowed. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None .. The Ma;yor reported that the rehearing had been refused by the BoarEiof Civil Appeals at Galveston in connection "With the annexation. The City Engineer informed the Council that a new zoning map was being pre- pared and that since there was a considerable demand for this map that a price should be established for it. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that a price of $25.00 each be set for the sale of this map and that it be copyrighted. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None . Motion by .CommissionerDouglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Mr. John H. Bright be employed as City Engineer-Secretary and such other duties as are now handled by J. L. Williams, at a salary of $6,000 per year. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None !,,~,-,~'t"-;--,-,y, r'~~-- r"rr,iF"IiTllrfilllTn~11IIrT------U-'--TiI' Tn ",.. 1-' ,':\ r' ~Ou'~O~=,~ ..... ". 1 12' Mr. Bright infoImed the Council that he would be able to report for work the 10th of February, 1947. . The City Engineer informed the City Commission that the City of Hou!3ten. would no longer permit our dumping. of garbage at their dumps and that it would be necessary that either a new location be secured or that the roadtg our pre:- sent dump be made all-weather in order to give the proper garbage service. .. , There being no further business the meeting was recessed. The Ci:ty Commission convened in called sessien on, Monday, January 20', 1947, in the office of the City Engineer. Members present were Mayor Lee, pre- siding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Engineer. The matter of Who would pay 'the $30 for repairs to underground elec'trie conduit on Swarthmore was discussed. J. 1. Williams, City Engineer:,reeommended that 'the City not approve or pay this bill. After nmch discussion the Ceu,ncil decided that this $30 'should be deducted from Gerald Mora's centraet, !iho br'0ke the line whil~ digging ditch for storm sewers. !l ~ It was further decided that Gerald Mora should be shut do'WIl. until clean... up was in shape and that no further payment be made, untiJ, 'this ele~up .;naq 'Deen .,:...]. accomplished. ',. With reference to finals on buildings that the cont,ractors be instructed that no more deposits for sidewalk will be a.ccepted and.th:at tb,e si~waJ.l~s".,t0- gether with general cleanup of sites must be accomplished before, fifta:I...-u:l:(t be. approved. This meet.ing was held in the office of the City Engineer, however, the entire Ceuneil was present. There being no further business the meeting recessed. ---~----------- . , The City Commission convened in recessed meeting Clot 7:30 P. M., January 24, 1941, at the. Cit.y Ha1~. Members pre~ent'WeI'e Mayor Lee, presiding, Commis- sioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett andDouglass and the Cit.y Engineer-Beeretary. Bids on Paving Cont.ract No. 1 were opened and read as fo11o,~: Russ Mitchell L. VerIl9n Miller Gulf Bit.u1ithic $351,609.95 362,445.29 379,032,.42 F' ) Motion by Commissioner Hamlet.t, seconded by Commissi.oner Armer, that. bids be referred to James L. Williams, City Engineer and the Garrett Engi;neerin~ Com- pany for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye': Mqor Lee, Com. Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass V0ting brae: None ""-_,.,,o.._,,_~~_'__, - -. -.---. .. -r'-'~r~rr~~~~~~~mrrr!JEI~I~~~~llI 1t=r ~ = r-:__. - -q.. _. :~~:,O!~-L_______ _ _J: o ~ -. ~_........... :C} r.~, \O{~&.I .:.cl ..,~ 7.3 The City Engineer recommended that Mr. McClain be sent to A.. & M. College . to attend the water works and sewage school and that t~ City pay his expenses .for this. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the recommendation as outlined above be adopted. Voting Aye: MBiVor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting' Noe: None A. letter from the City Attorney, City of Sonthside, requesting the City of West University Place furnish them water on a standby status was read. Motion by Commissioner Lamnon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the City Engineer and City Attorney prepare a contract at the rate of 13-1/2 cents per thousand gallons on water, and that the City of Southside pay all expenses in connection with this matter and submit it to the Council for action. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None A letter from the Seagraves Corporation w.i..th reference to Type 22 Continen- tal Motor was read in which the Seagraves Corporation agreed to cancel this order. A letter from Mr.L. B.Bricker, Chairman of the Finance COlTh11ittee, was read and Commissioner Douglass was appointed to work with this committee and advise them of any duties and responsibilities on which the Commission desired their recommenda- tion. A letter from Mr. R. S. Daunoy with reference to stop sign was read. No ac- tion was taken. The matter of the City assuming responsibility for employees when hurt was discussed at length and Commissioner Hamlett was assigned the responsibility of con- tacting insurance agencies and submitting a workable plan to the Commission. The City Secretary was instructed that pending adoption of a definite policy in connection ,with sick leave the following would govern: Monthly salaried employees would receive sick leave Hourly employees would receive no sick leave The City Attorney was instructed to prepare releases on the Henry Fulce and Matthew Evans cases and the City Engineer was instructed to obtain signatures im- mediately and prior to Matthew Evans returning to work. The Council instructed the City Secretary to notify the Chief of Police that no auxiliary police would be commissioned without authority of the Council and that no auxiliary police or individuals riding with the police would, at any time, take part in conversation in making arrests. J::::=r=::'~_h_:'::::T__.~~_::::._:.::-'-=l_ r~-':~~,-.~- _. .--J.1. ----Tc:mE~~:r':nlrlllm[n:TIIII .- ----- ----..-------,-,----..n"'",,-.'1,---------,---,------- ClJ_l..1i _L 7..'11." " '~. Commissioner Anner was designated as the Commissioner to handle all de~ linquent accounts and the City Secretary w~ instructed to. prepare a letter to all delinquent accounts and that the resolution previously adopted be put into f1:1ll force a.nd effect "With reference to collections. . The City Engineer requested that a definite palicy be established with ref- erence to the charge to churches for' permits stating that in the past some had . been charged and some not. It was decided that no exceptions would be made to pre- vious ordinances and resolutions. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon mo.tion duly made, secanded and carried, it was adjourned. grd~~/ I . YOR . . ...... ATTEST: ~--'.r-;e:~,"';""t~f'~-'- <-, . 1i1TiT'i'iTlfrrJml'nJiTIIII li"1' ,. . - r -, ;-; ,I : r-- -. - -----[1,1 r~-- [] .'."11.. ~ ! I I ~-Ji '..'...'j...J.....,... ""1 ;. "~I ! .. -------iTli ~ ,-. '-' \~.c) 1~-~' "-' c:c: <r 7,5 MINUTES OF REGUlAR MEETING JANUARY 27, 1947 The City Commission convened in regular session on Mond<\y", January 27, 1947, at the City Hall. Members present -were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Engineer-Secretary and City Attorney. Minutes of Januar,r 24, 1947 Were read and approved. A letter from Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Lippold of the West University Garden Club in regard to improvements of the Community Building was read and they were advised the Council would take these improvements under advisement and that they would be informed. Mr. Hickman of the Houston Transit Comparw appeared before the Council with reference to the condition of streets in 3000 and 3100 blocks of Sunset, explaining to the Council that the busses were sticking. Mr. Hickman was advised that the Council was going to appoint a bus committee who would contact them. in the next few days. Mr. Gunter, Mr. Sealing, Dr. Ketchbaugh, Mr. Don Hollingsworth and Mr. Stuckey appeared before the Council with reference to the 3000 and 3l00Cblocks of Sunset. The Council informed then that a bus committee would be appointed and that the bus would be removed from this block in the near future. Mr. E. N. Saunders, representative of the Electrician's Local- Union, appeared before the Council in protest to the $10.00 charge for Journeyman Electricians. He was instructed that he, together with the City Engineer, James L. Williams, should meet with the Electric Board and submit his complaint to them fer recommendation to the Council. Mr. J. B. Tucker, Mr. Gregory and several others appeared before the Council in the interest. of future pavement. The following recommendation and tabulation with reference to the paving pro- gram was submitted by M. T. Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Comparw and James L. Williams, City Engineer: Russ Mitchell L. Vernon Miller Gulf Bitulithic $351,609.95 362,445.29 379,032.42 After much discussion Commissioner Lanmon made a motion, seconded by Commis- sioner Armer, that no action be taken until further investigation of contract prices could be determined at a recessed meeting Monday, February 3. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Connnissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None A letter and petition from Attorney Al L. Crystal representing property owners on the west side of Kirby Drive was presented by the City Secretary. Motion by Com- missioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that this matter be referred to the City P1l:B.nni.ng and Zoning Board for action. li""T=-~""'"""r""'"C"'~,-1 -. r-~-="~~"~-'CY~-,:""-"';':~ --T'~--- l'Tli i i""TiTllml'l'I'i :11111 '16 Voting Aye: MC%r Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Application from Mr. L. G. Schaeffer for Special Police Officer's permit was referred to the Chief of Police for recomlIlendation. . IIi line w.i.th request of ladies from the Garden Club, the Cit.y Engineer was authorized to construct sidewalk to the Police Department door, have a sign pre- pared for the front, give the auditorium a good cleaning and investigate hot water heater. Commissioner Armer was appointed to contact Mrs. Meister wi th reference. to the back drop for stage and venetian blinds. The City Secretary was instructed to write the Senators and Representa- tives expressing the desires of the Commission that they support the, follo'Wing bills: P83'illent of ad vaJ.orem taxes on' motor vehicles before obtaining a state license. Bill requiring cities and towns to publish only the caption of penal ordinances, if they so desire. After much discussion it Was decided that a reading file shov.l9. be man';;' tuned for all conce~d bytheCit.y Secretary. . The Director of Personnel submitted the following report l1i.th refer~nee to personnel: January 27, 1947 City Commission Gentlemen: REf POLICY PERTAINING TO CLASSIFICATION, ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE OF EMPWYEES It is the plan of the undersigned as your Personnel Director~ ~9,at a future ~date, prepare a detailed "WOrkable p1an and to discuss it w.t~h .thePer~<imleli~qard for a long range program as it pertains to employees of this city, hoWever, dUe to the urgency for a definite program and pol~cy td' operate in the immedi,.at~. future, the following recommendations are :made and recommend their approval ~t"yPUr. meet- ing, January 21, 1947, to be in force until amended by a long rap.ge p.1~: . 1. Recommend official adoption of the organization chart att~cq.,~d,hereto. 2. Recommend the following positions be 'set.up on a month1Y!=lal~ b~~s. The present and recommended rates are as follows: . '. '.' ," Present SaJ.ary .:S~ar,y Rate Postion No. 22 36 37 38 41 48 $25.00 500.00 275.00 t37t per hr. 822" per hr. 200.00 None $500.;00 3?5~OO l75~OO 175.00 200.00 t 0\ : ______~_.~l!-':! =,:"_'""--:c:,:::-_:_c;='p",,":C~"_'_~':::'!~I n- ~In! l!' !~!'!!.'l:"'I!'Ilrm~il!I!F~,:J9".Jl- - (-I U ."l" ;, ):. ;; ~ 1.:-] t .. '-.) 17 Present Sala.r,w Salary rate .'::tl C; ('Jaj 'c.;3 a:J ~ Postion No& ,9 60 61 62 63 64 68 69 70 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 87t per hr. $175.00 872 per hr. 170.00 17,.00 175.00 87-~~ per hr. 170.00 l85 - if position ever becomes vacant will be $160.00 Vacant 250.00 87!~ per hr. 175.00 Asst. Chief 75j per hr. 160.00 Operator 75~ per hr. l60.00 822~per hr. 170.00 200.00 225.00 150.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 250.00 250.00 275.00 275.00 220.00 220.00 200.00 220.00 227.00 220.00 234.00 220.00 175.00 220.00, 241.50 241.50 if Corporation Court Duties are given, otherwise $229.00 Same as 87 (these two positions also include duties as .l:'olice Dispatcher) Vacant. 165.00 for 2 months l15.oo for 2 months l85.00 for 2 months 200.00 thereafter 90 91 92 Sam~ as 89 10.00 lO.OO 275.00 160.00 for Sanitarian, and if additional duties as Chief Sewer Plant Operator additional $115.00. 275.00 275.00 155.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 145.00 l50.00 125.00 125.00 50.00 50.00 None None None None None None 93 94 95 97 98 99 lOa 101 102 Your attention is called to some of the salaries recommended above as some are pro- motions and others are decreases from present salaries paid. In this connection it is recommended that no reduction be made of salaries now paid personnel in these positions, however, when a vacancy occurs it is felt that the pesitions asoutlined justify the increases or decreases as outlined. J;.'-I"-,~"",~.c""r~n~""'''"'':l ,--, r===="""''''='-==-= - .,.._:._._ _ .:~i.l r-,-,---------------- --- , ':r:ll'::':rn:lllllnI'l'U:JJ1I1 7'8 SICK LEAVE AND ANNUAL LEAVE: It its recommended that all of the above positions ,I":IU-' which require full time be given ~4 da;vs per year annual leave plus 12days for sick leave per year nth a doctor!t s certificate being necessary prior to pcwment being made in excess of 3 days at: one time. The 14 dews annual leave is 1.4 calendar days. That all hounly efnployees not be eligible for either annual or sick leave. That a r.ecord of sicik leave and annual leave be maintained by the Director of Personnel wit.h a copy! on file at all times with the City Secretary. Yours very truly, (Signed) James L. Williams Personnel Director Motion by CommissioneL' Lan~(m, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the report be ..adopted as read. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, COPmD-ssioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and. DouJglass Vot.ing Noe: None I The matter of policy of s~arting salaries for policemen was discussed and it was the understanding .of ~1.1 present that wh:m the basic salary for police- men was 'raised that the starting 5a1ary would be raised also. At ,this time it ' affected Patrolman Scott from $2dO to $220 per month and Patrolman Carrigan from I $175 to $195 per month. .. j The City Attorney rendered, the following opinion 'Wi. th reference to the ,,' -1 claim of Ira A. Harris and recoIDIIiended that it be denied: -.J I , January 27, 1947 Eon. Mayor and City Council City of West Umversity Place West University Place, Texas ~ Re: p1aim of Ira A. Harri s -i Gentlemen: , Supplementing my letter of! January 17' in connection with the above matter, I would advise that I have now h~d an opportunity te take sufficient statements and to get sufficient informatio~ to convince me, from a factual standpoint having in mind the charter provisions 011 West University Place, that the clai.mof Ira A. Harris as . filed with the Council Ion or about January 3 or 4, 1947, is unfounded, and that the City, under the fac~s thus far developed, has no liability 'Whatsoever to Ira A. Harris, an employee ac~ing in the capacity of superintendent of the Water Department, at the time of ibis alleged accident. ! A review of the facts doe~ indicate to me that the o!2ratioE.., by the City of West University Place of its "Njater Department is not a governmentalfunctien, but is a proprietary or corporat~ function. ! u AQ.ditionally the case law iofTexas indicates that when a homei-uled city is operating a Water Department ~ a,proprietary or corporate capacity, it can . v'?-:r~-""~Y " '[T.....Tm~mlr..ll~1 1 -cc' '_m~~'" i "",-,-, ~-., '," "'--~~~~'''I r' 7H be liable for the negligent acts of the City employees while acting 'Within the scope and course of their employment where a third party is injured. It is my belief that no court or jury, under the facts we will be able to present in this case, will give Ira Harris a recovery against the City of West University Place. This I believe particularly for the reason that the facts we now have indicate beyond any que,stion of doubt the following: 1. That Ira Harris, as superintendent of the Water Department, was charged with the duty of inspecting and maintaining in good condition all of the equip- ment of the Water Department. 2. That Ira Harris had been up the ladder and on top of the pump house in question at least three or four times, if not many more times, between the time he took over his duties on or about January 1, 1945 and the date of his ac- cident on March 28, 1945. 3. That by all odds Ira Harris was thoroughly familiar with the condition of the ladder :i.n question and the, guard rails running from the top of the ladder cnto the parapet roof of the pump house. On the contract I believe that Ira Harris is guilty of contributory negli- gence as a matter of law because: 1. He failed to carry out his designated duties and inspect and maintain the equipment as it should have been maintained. 2. He failed tokeep a proper look out for himself and his safety at the time he went up the ladder and thereby assumed all risks and perils by reason of his failure ~o keep such a lookout. 3. He was attempting to carry a box with a transit level weighing from fifteen to twenty pounds on one arm while attempting to climb the ladder with just one hand, whereas he had a negro assistant by the name of Johnny Price working for him who was available there at the 'moment he attempted to mount the ladder in ques- tion who could have helped him get the transit level up on top of the pump house. Hence, it is my belief that Harris was guilty of contributory negligence and assumed all of the risks which included the fall to the ground as a result of his negligence in attempting to mount the ladder in question without the aid of his assistant, who was available at the time. All in all, I think Ira Harris is guilty of contributory negligence as a matter of law, and that this claim should be denied, and I accordingly make such recommendation to th,e Honorable M83'or and Council. Mr. Helm of the law firm of Helm & Jones called me today with regard to this claim. I do not know whether it is his plan to be available at council meet- ing, however, I think that other than the formal denial of this claim, this opinion should not be read out or made available, because I am sure if he knows of the grounds on which I have recommended denial, he will do his best to patch his fences accordingly. I suggest that this opinion be for the use and benefit of the Council , only. W;';'fr{!*f~f"" r~,' '-" 1--'" ,-~ " ,- 'Y"',,-r"~'''''''~-"''-~''Il T~- "TTTT":'WTlllnnlll'i'i'11IIr- Ii;! 80 In cennection with the consideration of the liability of the City in re- II:;J gard to the claim of Ira Harris there arises tpe question o~ whether, the City has tacitly admitted liability by sending Ira .t1arris to the hospital and as- suming te p~ his doctors and hospital bills. ,This phase of the claim, which might be called waiver and estoppel, has not been completdt decided by ine'~ or course before there is a trial upon this matter, I 'Will thresh the law out on this point and will advis e the Council further. Looking at the claim of Ira Harris from a financial. standpoint,. and having in mind the fact that the claim of $25,000 to $35,000 runs between a sixth and a seventh of the total tax revenue of the City, if on no other ground, I think on that ground the claim of Ira Harris should be denied as recommended above. Yours very truly, (Signed~ ChiltonBr,ran Motion by Com. Hamlett, seconded by Com. Douglass that the recommendation of the City Attorney in connection with ths Harris Claim be adopted and that. the claim be denied. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lanmon, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe; None The matter of the building line in retail business districts was dis- cussed and no action was taken. The follovdng committee was appointed to work with the Houston Transit Company in connection with bus routes and otller affairs: Charles E. Kamp, Chairman w. F. Cawlfield Lavan Gunter J. D. Murphree, Jr. R. C. Van Tifflin S. D. Thornberry Com. W. A. Hamlett w. C.Morris, Jr. J. L. Williams The City Engineer was instructed to investigate the del?-very .and prices in connection with street equipment needed by the City. There being no further .business the meeting recessed. , . .... r -' 1<'. ~;," ..".-,. v LJ The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Monday, FebrUary 3, 1947, at the City Hall. Members present were Mqor Lee, presiding, Coniinissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Eng:ineer-Secretary'and the' \,I:"J-' City Attorney. I " , , A ,-~,---",,~_T''''--Z._.-"""_--,.''I c.--=r - .- ,..l:".~=.""!1''1 , ~J~ln""~'1~I'l!f1Jrlll~l ~--"p']IJl ~l C co . r.....:s CC1 <t ~.r~<:?'" 81 A petition for paving of the 4000 block of Byron was presented by Mr. Stubblefield. The City Engineer recommended to the Council that all of the quantities in the storm sewer items in the paving contract be transferred to Gerald Mora's contract at a saving of $1723.75. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner HaJ!llett, that this transfer be made. Voting Aye: M83'or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None The matter of.. the bids from Russ Mitchell, Inc., and Bishop Construction Company was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that action be deferred for another week and tq give the Commission more time to investigate these prices. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None Commissioner Lanmon made a motion, secended by Co~~ssioner Hamlett, that the City Engineer make a report on the present contract for paving, outlining any reconnnended changes 'Which might be made, the estimated amounts in dollars ,together with a statement of all funds available for paving in any of the city accounts and that, if possible, this report be made by Saturday, February 8. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None A letter from the Chief of Police, which is on file with the City Secretary, was read, outlining certain requirements for appointment of special or auxiliary police. ' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City At- torney be instructed to render a written opinion on t.his subject to the Council at the next meeting. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None Commissioner Douglass reported that the auditor t s report would be ready within one week. The City Attorney was requested to furnish a written opinion to the Council with reference to their authority to remit penalty and interest on taxes. There being no further business to ~djourned. come before the Connnission, the meeting ~d~.. .YOR .. ..~ ATTE.~.,.' . .,dl.- "=' L'~':' .____.::1 L ~-------.-r-Jnm::~I:]n]!Jm:lrTIIII. .... .. [- .2n.~__ 82. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 1947 u The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, Febnary lO, 1947, at 7:45 P. M. at, the City Hall. Members,present were Mayor Pro...Tem Lanman, presiding, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Secretary and City Attorney~ Minutes of meetings of January 13, 20, 27 and February 3 were read and approved. The City Engineer-Becret,ary James L. Williams, tendered his resignation as City Engineer, City Secretary, "DiregtClr of Public Works, Superintendent Water and Sewer System" member of Plumbing and ,Electrical Beards. \.-..,... MotioJ? by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that this resignation be accepted with regret. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor :ere:;tem:fiLanm.en,;;:0eIJiiiidssi oners Arner, Hamlett and Douglass . None Mayor Pre-Tem Lanmon administered the oath of office'to Joh$i/:Ih . Bright, 'Who was appointed City Engineer and City Secretary on Janu:ary 13, i:9h7. ' , Motion by Commiss,ioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner lh'titg.1~s; that Mr. Bright be appointed to fill all pesftions formerly hel.d by ;Mr. -Williams. o Voting Aye: M83'or Pro-tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Mr. W. C. Morris, 4227 Purdue, thanked the City Commission fOr having the 'streets in College Court shelled. He also brought te the Commissions 'a.tten~ion the park located in College Court and asked that it be beautified and thetenm.s courts put in good shape and that the drainage ditches be cleaned out. Mr. Atkins of 4223 Purdue also spoke on the same subject.. The Mayor Pro-Tem requested the City Engineer-Becretary to go ipto this mat- ter and to see that the ditches are cleaned out;. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded .by Commissioner .Armer, that an ordinance be passed voiding Ordinance No. 330 which established the, office of City Engineer and prescribed the duties of said City Engineer and that an agree- ment be drawn up with J. L. Williams as advisor to the City Engi.neer 2J:-e -a"sB.lary of $100 per month retainer plus $3.00 per hour for all additional i;oimec;evoted to the office in excess of 32 hours per month, and that this agreemEmt be con- tinued in force for 30 days only tinless extended. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None I] .. "~~~n~t"' r i' 'I 1 ,.- -.....'..." r ,.. ,.. ":i'1 I -rr:rr~;rr IlIlIrml'l i 'Tr~l---- TI1T~T-"-- .. 83 Mayor Pro-Tem Lanmon brought up the matter of bids received for paving and reported that the bids were considerably higher than anticipated, t.hat they were 1ll1der consideration and act.ion would be taken on them on Wednesda.y, February 12, at 7:30. P. M., unless something unforeseen developed. M~or Pro-Tern Lanmon instructed the City Engineer and City Attorney to negotiate 'With the Garrett Eng:ineering Company 'With a view toward termination and final settlement of our engineering contract and report to the Council for their final action at the next meeting. ~ o CD tJ:l CC ~ The City Engineer presented an ordinance changing the name of Syracuse Street to South Judson Street. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that ordinance changing the name of Syracuse to South Judson be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem Lanmon, Connnissioners Armer, Hamle tt and Douglas s Voting Noe: Nonel The caption of this ordinance is as follows: , AN o.RDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME o.F SYRACUSE (PURDUE) STREET TO. So.UTH JUDSo.N, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS o.F THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PRo.VIDING THAT ALL o.RDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANGES IN Co.NFLICT HEREVVITH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. The City Secretary presented a letter from the Texas State Board of Health notifying the City that they were chosen for the honor of lfCompleting the great- est improvements to its sewage treatment plant" and would be awarded a placque at the TeXaS Water Works and Sewerage Short School's annual banquet on Wednesday night, Februa:ry 12. He recommended to the City Commission that a representative be authorized, to receive this placque. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded ~ Commissioner Hamlett, that Mr. P. 'r. McClain, Sanitarian, be authorized to accept this placque on behalf of the City and for the City Secretary to notify Mr. McClain to this effect. Voting Aye: May()r Pro-Tem Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None The City Treasurer requested authority to dispose of $350.,0.0.0. in bonds that were cancelled by reissue of November l6. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City Treasurer be authorized to destroy these bonds in the presence of two 'Witnesses and that proper affidavits be prepared certifying to their destruction. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Pro-Tern Lanmon, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: .None .. 8.'.4" ""',- - -_: The City Secretary presented a Deed Contract, with the Shell Oil Company for the purchase of the North 300 feet of the West 9- and 95/100 feet of Tract No. 51, Cambridge Place Addition, according ta plat recorded in Volume 4, page 55 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas, for a consideration ef $1+50.00. Commissioner Douglass requested oral approv~ by the City Attorney of this con;.. tract, which was given. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by CommissioneriArmer, that this contract be accepted deeding this block of land to the Shell. Oil CompaIW in accordance with the contract documents 'Which are attached and made a part ef this motion. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem Lanman, Commissioners Hamlett" Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None _,~__' -------~._~-------.__..:...---~-- The Deed Contract is as follows: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS PART I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is herebyacknow- 1edged, the City of, West University Place, Harris County, hereinafter C,alled "The Citylt ,acting by and through its du.ly authorized undersigned officials, subject to the exceptions and reservations he,rein contained" has granted, bar- gained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, selland convey, un.to Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, herein called "SHELL"" the here-, inafterdescribed strip of land, said land being situated in Harris. C;~unty, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: The North three hun.dred (N 300) feet of the West nine and 95/100 (w 9.95) feet of Tract'No.51, Cambridge PlB.C'e:Addi~ion, aceo~ding t.o plat recorded in Vol. 1+, page 55 efthe Map Records of Har,rls> County, Texas, and all rights and privileges thereunto in any1ViseappertainiIlg, SAlliE AND EXCEPf the follonng 'Which are hereby specifically reserved and eJtjcepted to The City: (1) Full and complete title to that certain existing water pipe line that runs through and across the above described 'land, the ,course, dist.ance and rop.te of said water pipe line be:i.ng shown on the plat att,ached hereta '. "Exhibit "Au, to which plat reference is hereby made for all purposes:, together with all equipment, piping, and raeilitiesinstalledin and an and used~ in con- nection with said pipe line ; and" (2) An easement and right of WB:3' 9.95 feet wide over, through and across the land conveyed hereby, the course, direction and route of said easement. and right of wB:3' being shown on the plat attached hereto as Exhibit "Au, said ease- ment and right of way being for the maintenance, use and oPeration 'of the above lL~~;__._ 1:-:'1- -----' , ==.1 , '-"-Tr -_-:-~.,._..:.._"",:::.:.].- ----- - ---.----------.., ~,,~~1fY'1~1lrnr!I'f'F.~TJI1l i-I ~" J [] ~ ~ '.~.j U'''\ '--=\;;0-" l~~ :..0 ~ 85 referred to water pipe line, and the construction maintenance, use and oper- ation of any additional water pipe line or lines needed to service the existing water tank located on abutting property. Tn HAVE AND TO HOLD, subject to the reservations and exceptions herein- aboye set out, the above described land, together wi'\ih all and singular the rights and appurtenances to such land in anywise belonging with the exception of those excepted and reserved to The City, unto SHELL, its successors and as- signs, forever. This conveyance is made without warranty of title, express or implied. ^ PART II. For and in consideration of the premises, SHELL hereby authorizes and li- censes The City to use existing and hereafter ,constructed roads and streets lo- cated on SHELL'S abutting property for the purpose of using, servicing and maintaining the water pipe line in and on the above described land and the 'Water tank now located on that portion of Tract 51, above described, owned by The City, said rights to be used in a reasonable and prudent manner and for only so long as the easement and right of ~ reserved in "PART I" hereof is used for the purposes therein set out. In this SaIne regard, SHELL hereby covenants and agrees that it will not build or construct, noT permit others to build or con- struct any building or other edifice on the above described 9.95-foot strip that will in anywi,se interfere with the full use and enjoyment thereof by The City for the purposes recited in "PART I" hereof. EXECUTED this 10 d83' of February, 1947. ATTEST: (Signed) J. H. Bright Secretary CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY (Signed) C. P. Lanmon Mayor Pro Tem SHELL OIL COMPANY, Incorporated By (Signed) W. A. Alexander Attorney in Fact The City Secretary read ,a letter from Mr. Harvey Edwards regarding the streets. The Mayor Pro-Tem instructed the City Secretary to acknowledge receipt of this letter. The report of the Police Department for the month of JanuaIY was presented. The M83'or Pro-Tem complimented the Police Department on the work they are doing at the present ti.l11e. Mr. Williams reported that he had received a letter from the attorneys for Mrs. Lillian Cunningham with reference to right of way through the Cunningham tract, and that the price they are asking for the right of way is based on $2500 per acre. lr~'=c""'b'-'-"'-.-.~I~.~;:C'~"~;~';::i~l .______: . ~_ r -O~-,-="""=-=-:~~~~"'-',.O'""'::~":~~~i L._____ --------:r :-- 1";1 Ii r:":rrlllll]rrll:;':TIII1 Tr':'jl '8..'.'.6.." - - ,., Commissioner DCJUglass brough:t:; up the matter of cleaning up the City Hall and Mr. Bright was instructed to take care of this matter as soon as 'p@ssible. LI Commissioner Douglass read a letter from the auditing rirm or Henslee, Hopson & Green and presented the audit report for the period from September 1, 1946 to December 31, 1946. The City Secretary was instructed to notify the auditing company that copies have been received, and that the City Commission would like for them to meet with the Commission at its next regular meeting, February 24. . Commissioner Douglass reported that he had written a letter to the Finance Committee outlining their duties and what would be expected from them. ;'<':""; Upon motion duly made, s-econded and carried, the meeting was recessed until 7:30 P. M., Wednesd83', February 12, 1947. ----------------- The City Commission-eonvened in recessed session on Wed.nesd~, February 12, 1941~, at 7:30 P. M. at the Ci.ty Hall. Members present were Mauor Lee, pre- siding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass and the City Secretary and City Attor.ney. The Mayor brought up the question or the bids received on the paving of University Boulevard, Rice, Weslayan and Auden Streets and stated that he con- 1,.,U- sidered the bids received too high and that he thought by readvertising that more bidders would submit bids which would be considerably lower. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanman, that all bids on the paving of these streets be rejected. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secretary read a letter from the Garrett Engineering COI!lpany on GECO Project No. 604, Street Paving. Motion by Co_ssioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City terminate its contract and make final settlement with the Garrett Engineer- ing Company on Contract No. 1,- GECO Project No. 604, and all other cG>ntracts held this date by the Garrett Engineering Company. and that the City Attorney and ' City Secretary-Engineer be authorized to contact the Garrett Engineering:Co;iiparw and negotiate the rinal settlement. Voting Aye: 'Mayor Lee , CommiSSioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Arroerand Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secretary brought up recommendations of the Electrical Board il:,J. , to the City Commission and he was instructed to contact, the Electrical Bo.ud ' and have a member of this Board meet with the City Council at itsneJ!rt:, 'regular meeting, February 24,1947. ' f 7r'~----T ,['1,1 , r " ',,1 r ,.., "--'-.;mr-"''IT"lIllllli'rn;,~TIIJr---- ~---------'~TT-'----- 87 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that Mr. G. D. Peyton be appointed Acting Chief of Police during the annual vacation of the Chief of Police, from February 21 through March 6, appointment made upon recommendation of Chief Smith. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mewor. ~ - '--' "1""\ ......t""'. ,"'" ~~;J Cl.~ <.t The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Monday, February 17, 1947, at the City Hall, at 7:45 P. M. Members present were Mayor Lee, pre- siding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett and the City Secretar,y. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that February 22, Washington's Birthd~, be designated as holiday for effice person- nel and such other employees that are entitled to regular holidays excepting those employees as are necessary to the efficient continuance of city operations. Voting Aye: Mewor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that a correction to the Minutes of January 2, 1947, be made showing the appointment of Jai'!leS L. Williams as City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secretary presented a resolution authorizing the banks in which the City has ,deposits to honor signatures of certain City officials and personnel. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that this resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lahmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: WHEm~AS, it is the will and desire of the City Commission of the City that all checks drawn on any and all accounts in any and all banks in which the City has deposits, should be drawn and signed by either the Mewor, Ralph B. Lee, or the Mayor Pro Tem C. P. Lanmon, and countersigned by the City Treasurer C. E. G~ll, and the City Secretary, J .H. Bright or Assistant City Secretary Louise L. Lucas, before any payment shall be made by any such bank on any such check, except checks drawn on payroll accounts which shall be dra'1i'ffi and signed by said ~ City Treasurer and said City Secretary or Assistant City Secretary. 8'8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Wes~ University Place, Texas, that the MC%r, Ralph B. Lee, or Mayor Pro-TeIIl 0:. P. Lanmon, shall have' exc:iusi ve power and a.uthori tyto draw and sign all checks on all bank,,; accounts of the City of West University Place, and that the City Treasurer, :'C.E. Gammill, and the City Secretary, J. H. Bright, or-Assistant CitySecr~t~r;y Louise L. Lucas, shall have exclusive power and authority to countersign such checks; except checks dra'WIl on payroll account, which shall be drawn and signed by said City Treasurer and said City. Secretary, or Assistant City Secretary ; and . t,ha t no check shall be a valid check of the city, unless either the Mayor or the Mayor Pro-Tem signs the same and the City Treasurer ,and the; City Secretary or Assistant City Secretary countersigns it; except as provided herein in regard to" said PBiY- roll checks, which payroll checks shall be valid, ~E:l.n drai!U and signed by said City Treasurer and said C~yySecretary to Assistant City Secretary. '. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha.t 1the. City Secretary be directed to fllI'nish each bank with, which the City transacts any business a' true copy of this reso1u- tion.- PASSED and APPROVED this the 17 day of February A. D.", 1947, by a vote of 5 Ayes and No Nees. (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor ATTEST: (Signed) J. H. Bright Ci ty Secre~ary A proposed resolution cancelling Garpett Engineering Companyts contract was read by M83'or Lee, together "With a proposed release covering both parties to the contract. Motion by COmmissioners Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Mayor be authoriz.ed to act in the manner outlined in the resolution.' Voting Aye; Mayor Lee, Gommissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe; None The resolution is as follews: A RESOLUTION, CANCELLING ALL P)iEVIOUS RESOlLUTI@NS AWARDING AND ENTERING INTO CONTRACT 'WITH GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY QlF MARCH l5, 1~h.5 ,AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, TO CANCEL OUT OONTRACT OF MARCH 15, 1945'"WITH GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY REGARDING ,PRaroSED ENGINEER:rNG WOlRK IN CON- NECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT WORK TO BE DONE BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BETWEEN lWtCH 15, 1945, AND DECEMBER 31, +945, AND ADDITIONALLYAUTHQRIZING.THE MAYQR '1'0 COMPR~EANY CLAIJiASF:OR CHARGES OF ANY KIND GARRETT .ENG~ING COMPANY MIGHT HAVEAG~lN$TTI{E CITY OFWES'i' UNIVERSITY PLACE, AIm TQl EJCE;C"O'l'E A RE~EA~E ON BEID\IJt OlF TEE CITY OF fiST lJNIVERSITY;PLACEDISCHARGING!NI> RELEASING GARBE, .1''1' , ENGINEElU:NG COMPANY FROM ,.ANY LII43ILITl"ORRES~ws:ti3ILIn OF ANY" Kt~' UNDER SUCH CONTRACT RElm~:J.l:TO()!R IN OONNECTIONMTH THE, PREP4RATIQN OF THE ..' PLANS AND DESIGNS ~WYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TO. BE DONE ,EXGltPl' 1r:~_~--':=--::"::~:=:'=:r~-'!'~~~ ';-':-::",":::':-':'-",~-:-'~~-""~-'--':':"~::'~~"L-:l.__~._______~~__~____ _[,_:,c--,"-- :- "'-:'r: :-1:::: ::::~':J:'11rllmTf~~'~nlll J J IJ f 89 THE STORM SEWER PLANS AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND SUPERVISIOJN OF THE SAME UP TO) THE DATE aiF THE EXECUTION OF SUCH RELEASE. WHERE..liS, the City of West University Place is desirous of cancelling out, disposing of and liquidating its contract entered into on March 15, 1945, by the City of West Uni versi ty Place with Garrett Engineering Company, and such contract as supplemented by letter of October 1, 1945 of Garrett Engineering Company to West University Place so as to make possible the orderly and prompt proceding of the construction work, paving and improvement "WOrk proposed to he done by the City of West University Place durin~ the year 1947; and, ~~ WHEREAS, it is considered advantageous to dispose of such contract and to '::::> liquidate the same out by the payment of the compremise settlement figure of ':,0 $3,067.04 to the Garrett Engineering Company. (R .........1 ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION O'F THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY <:C~ PLACE: 1) That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to cancel out, l-lquidate, dispose of, and payoff the contrac'tt of Garrett Engineering Company with the City of West University Place entered into on March 15, 1945 and as supplemented by' letter of October 1, 1945 from Garrett Engineering Company to the City of West, University Place for the compromise settlement figure of $3,067.04, andthe--reoy- discharge Garrett Engineering Company as engineer for the City of West University Place, and in this same connection, to execute a release discharging Garrett En't gineering Company from all liability of every kind or charact.er under such contract, except as to the storm sewer project and to receive and secure from Garrett En- gineering Company a full release of the City of West University Place for the above consideration of all liability of every kind or character of the City of West Uni- versity Place to Garrett Engineering Company under such contract of March 15, 1945, as supplemented by letter of October 1, 1945 by Garrett Engineering Company to West University Place, and a copy of such joint release to be attached to this Resolution for further detail. 2) That the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to issue a check drawn upon the funds of the City of West University Place to Garrett Engineering Company in the amo1ll1t of $3,067.04 covering such compromise settlement figure in connection with the cancellation and liquidation of Garrett Engineering Company contract of March 15, 1945, and as supplemented by letter of October 1, 1945 3) That the City Secretary is hereby instructed to file a copy of su~h joint release from Garrett Engineering Company to the City of West University tlace and the City of West University Place to Garrett Engineering Company in connection with the cancellation and liquidation of contract of Mareh 15, 1945 and letter of October 1, 1945 supplementing the contract in the minutes, immediately following this Resolution. 4) That this Resolution cancels all previous Resolutions authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Garrett Engineering Company on the 15th day of March, 1945, or any Resolutions in connection with such contract made, entered into, or recorded in the minutes of the City of West University Place after the 12th day of March, 1945. l,<;:",':f-'~.'<J. . rr~'~OC"~--''J''l~T'~I:l .----'---~[~~~,"c~1'il,,___ e --,-------- ------,.'jm!''''I','f1111rnrITr:CTIJrr 90~ PASSED AND AFFIRMED this the 17th day of February, A. D. 1947. (Signed) Ralih B. Lee ~ayor ,] ATTEST: J. H. Bright City Secretary ( SEA L) A resolution was read by Mayor Lee regarding the entering into a new contract agreement on certain opera"ttions of municipal improvement with the Gar- rett Engineering Company. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the resolution be adopted as read. ".. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follews: AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH THE GARRETT EN- GINEERING COMPANY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIQN OF THE CITY OF -WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS: ] 1. That the Mayor be and hereby-is authorized to execute a contr~ct with the Garrett Engineering Company, Cons1.1l ting EI?-gineers, Houston, Texas",fQr the performance of certain Engineering services, more fully set forth in said contract, a copy 0.1' which is attached hereto an<imarked Exhibit "A". 2. That the City Secretary be instructed to fi:l:-e a eopyof said cont;aet. in the Minutes immediately following this Resolution. ' ATTEST: J. H. Bright (Signed) City Secretary PASSED AND APProVED this the 17tpr day of February, 1947. (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor (SEAL) CONTRACT EXHIBIT "An I] THIS AGREEMENT, BY THE Ci tyof West University Place, Texas, acting herein by its Mayor, in accorclanee with a resolution passed authorizing the exe- il"'L:~--==t:r:TJll_ r~' "L"",_'~ "'"""-'~"rTL _ , I',' . " :rrrr"r;:,:rIIi][rrJir:mll 91: cution of this contract, h~reinafter called the "CITY" as party of the first part, and Garrett Engineering Company, Consulting Engineers of Houston, Harris County, Texas, acttng herein by its Presid~nt, hereinafter called the "ENGINEERS" as party of the second part. ~! l. The City hereby employs the Engineers and the Engineers agree to per- form all professional services required to complete the construction of Contract No.2, Storm Sewers, Gerald Mora, Contractor, original anount of Contract - $50,707.60, estimated revised am:ount of Contra~t including proceed order da'Jjed January 29, 1947 - $53,000.00. Said services to include all necessary staking, supervision of construction, minor changes in plans, final measurements, final completion reports, checking and approving final estimate and issuance of final certificate of completion. '.......' :b;-\ "-...-:1'" ,'i'-'l .~.: -.~ - --t: 2. The City agrees to pay and the Engineers agree to accept as compen- sation in full for aJ.l of said professionaJ. engineer's sel"Tices, the lu,m,p sum amount of $350.00, payable ulJon completion of all work by the Contractor and final acceptance by the City. 3. All questions and disputes rmder this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the choice of either party. In the event the parties hereto are , rmable to agree on any question arising under this contract, the City and the En- gineers shall, upon IO dalfs' written notice by the opposite party, designate and appoint an arbitrator and the two persons so appointed shall elect a third person and the three persons so appointed shall constitute a Board of Arbitration, and the decision of the majority of said Board shall be binding upon both parties to this contract. The cost of arbitration shall be divided equally between the par- ties of this contract. 4. The said Engineers agree to carry Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on all of its employees and none of said employees shall be deemed as employees of the City. 5. The parties hereto agree to the full performance of this contract. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS at West University Place, Texas, this 17th day of February, A. D., 1947. ATTEST: (Signed) J. H. Bright City Secretary (SEAL) GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY ATTEST: By (Signed) M. T. Garrett President (Signed) Fay Vernaci Ass!stant Secretar,y (SEAL) I, T!"u"'-'Ii'"'r'rrl 'f ",',1 [' r-- -uuu------";nn"'Ti'TTllllInlTii"11IIr'u - --;----'Trr----- 92; Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Connnissioner Hamlett, that the MBlVor be authorized to enter into a contract with Howe & Wise associates and that the City Attorney draw up a resolution to 'this e1'fect. u Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer The. contra.ct is as follows: This contract entered into this the 17th day ,of Februazy, 1947. by City of West University Place, herein called Owner, acting by and through its Mayor and CounCil, and HOWE & 'WISE, Consulting Enginee~s of the City of Houston, State of Texas, herein called Engineer. WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein con- tained, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEER. The Owner hereby employs the Engineer who agrees to per1'orm professional services in cennectien with the following described pro ject : The design revision and construction supervision of plans ,prepared by Garrett Engineering Company for certain street paving in the City of West Univer- sity Place and identified as Garrett Engineering Project No. 604-1. 'J 2. CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF SERVICES. The Engineer shall,. subject to the exceptions hereinafter provided, perfonn all the professional service necess- ary for the development of the above described work which shall include the fol- lowing : (a) Within 14 days after the date of this Contract, the Engineer shall prepare and provide ten (10) sets, of complete plans and specifications, proposal forms and all other necessary forms for the effective coordination and efficient execution of the contract wark. Additional sets of the plans, speci- ficationsand other contract documents wil-1 be paid for by the Owner at a price not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction. . (b) Supervise and review the work of such inspection bureaus and testing laboratories as may be employed by the Owner for work on the Project and report in 'Wi'iting to the Owner the results of such work; correct errors in the drawings, render to the Owner interpretations of the drawings and specifications, and make reasonable modi1'ications in the drawings and specifications to meet un- anticipated conditions, including the making 01' any change order drawings to cover same. (c) The Engineer shall be responsible for the ~eneral administration of the Project and shall furnish, at his own expense, full, complete, adequate and competent supervision of construction and inspection services, with the exception of the Project Inspector, who is to be selected by the Engineer and paid by the lilJ'-' Owner; and endeavor to protect the Owner against defects and de1'iciencies' in the work of the contractors. He shall set construction stakes establishing lines, grades, and other necessary controlling points at such stations and"at such times as will permit the contractor to proceed with the work without delay. 71~- nT' --- ,1 " -',1 IT''T"'l'1Imn'i'lT111Ir -"'''.'1 9-3 (d) The Engineer shall have full responsible charge of the work and shall issue certifi'cates of payment, keep accounts, check and/or approve bills, and estimates and do such other clerical or accounting work as may be necessary and incidental to the prosecution of the work to completion. (e) Upon completion of the construction, prepare and provide one set of record plans. ~ j. PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER. The OV/Iler will pay to the Engineer the re- mainder of six percent (6%) of the contract price less that portion paid to the Garrett Engineering Company for services rendered but this remainder shall, in no event, be less than thirty-five percent ()5%) of the entire engineering fee of six percent (6%). This fee shall be determined by the contract amount on the work proposed and payment shall be made on the basis of six percent (6%) of the total contract price. (a) The OWner recognizes the fact that the engineer will be put to a considerable expense in the revision of the plans under vihich this project is to be constructed and, therefore, agrees that within thirty (30) days from the date of this contract that they will pay to the Engineer the sum of three thou- sand dollars ($3000.00). i~ {"F""j .~~... i:..tJ U..) ~ (b) The balance due the Engineer shall be paid in monthly estimates in direct proportion to the percentage of work completed by the Contractor until the total due has been paid. 4. FACILITIES TO BE FURNISHED BY ENGINEER. The Engineer shall furnish and maintain office space and equipment suitable. and adequate for the prosecution of the work, and telephone, stenographic, clerical, auditing, and other services normal to the functioning of an established Engineering firm. 5. TIME AND O1RDER OF ENGINEER'S SERVICES. The Engineer shall furnish all necessary documents, and provide or render the services required under this Contract in such sequence as may be necessary to insure the prompt and continuous prosecution of the work involved. It is understood that the time within which the plans and s~cifications are to be delivered is of primary importance and is of the essence of this Contract. 6. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT. The Owner may, at any;,time with just cause, terminate this Contract, and the liability hereof to the Engineer shall be governed by the provisions of Section Three ()) of this Agreement. The Engineer shall be entitled, however, to receive compensation for all work done prior to notice of termination of contract from theO\mer. 7. ABANDONMENT OF VIJORK. If the Ulimer shall, at any time during the per- formance of this Contract, deem it inexpedient to have the construction work exe- cuted according to plans and s~cifications prepared and submitted by the Engineer, but shall require the omission of a substantial amount of such construction work, or if at any such time the Owner shall deem it expedient or it shall be come necess- ary for "the Owner to abandon the work under this Contract or any part thereof be- fore completion of the services to be rendered hereunder, the Engineer shall be en- titled to receive compensation for all work satisfactorily performed prior to the date which the Engineer received notice to discontinue the work. Such compensation shall be on the oasis provided in Section Three (3) thereof. lIiil1 'f........~CO"~..~-""' ''','1 :~TI1TT"iTnrmrn:i'11Ir-------- \iTm-n.. 9/f 8. ASSIGNING CONTRACT. The Engineer shall not assign or t.ransfer any , !I-I interest. in this Contract. without the prior written cons,ent of the Q\mer. If the U Engineer is a partnership, this Contract, upon the termination of such partnership, shall inure to the benefit of the surviving or remaining mambers of such partner- . s,hip approved by the Owner. 9. OWNERSHIP OF PLANS: All design sheet.s, plans, specifications, and other cont.ract documents, shall become the property of the O:wnerbut shall remain in the plan vault.s of the Engineer. At. any tine the Q'wner m~ orde,r blue prints, or ot.her reproductions of the plans which will be furnished at the actual cost of print.ing. ~ 'N''';-~J 10. ENGINEER'S, COVENANT. The Engine~r warrants that he has not e,mployed any person to solicit this Contract upon any agreement of commission, percentage" brokerage, or contingent fee, and agrees thct proof of the breach of' this warranty shall give t.he Owner the right. t.o terminate t.he Cont.ract. II. FINAL APPROVAL. It is understood between the Owner and Engineer t.hat the .Owner shall be :pepresented by the Cit.y Engineer of West University Place in all dealings bet.ween the City, Engineer, and the Contractor, and that final approval of all work done shall be given by the City Engineer of West 'University Place. 12. COMPENSATIO'!.\l, INSURANCE, ETC. It. is understood that. the Engineer is to carry Workmen 1 s Compensation, Public Liability,. and Prope'rty Damage Insu- rance on all if it's employees and property used on this project, and t.hat all ;,,1_ -] employees used by t.he Engine~r, including all Project Inspectors, shall be em- ployees of the Engineer and not employed by the City. 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract as, of the d~ and year above written. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Majyor WITNESSES. (Signed) C. P. Lanmon L. M. Armer M. A. Douglass W. A. Hamlett At.test Secretary HOWE & WISE Consulting Engineers By (Signed) W. F. Smith Partner This Cohtract executed in 2 copies; each copy to be regarded as original,~' Mr. Alex Litherland appeared before the Council and submit/ted a le,tter from the Fire Insurance Division of State File Commission which descz.:ibed the I ] '---, n' ~~ r" " '":1 r~ - 'TTT"I~TllflII111';'l1H """T ~~ ~, '--' c.c) .c.!J ~ <t 95 duties of a Fire Marshall as they sho1il.d be performed, and in view of those du- ties requested the Council to approve p~ent to J. A. Metcalf, Fire Marshall, the amount of $50.00 J?er month in cempensation for those services to be performed. Motion by Connnissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that this request be approved and the compensation for the Fire Marshall be established at $50.00 per month, and that the Fire Marshall be instructed to advise the City Sec- retary of his present and anticipated activities in regard to his dutj.es as Fire Marshall and that proper records of those acti'trities be mainta.L"led and copies transmitted periodically to the City Secretary, and that sa5.d increase in compen- sation be retroactive and made effective February 1,1947. Voting Aye: Ma;yor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr., President of the West University Place Civic Club, appeared before the Council and presented a resolution adopted by ,that or- ganization regarding street lighting. Mayor Lee thanked Mr. Buschardt for the interest of the Civic Club in this matter. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. 14d#~ ATTEST: ( ~~ GI~GRETARY rr~~~~'~""'1 ',~,;~' I I~ r""""'~""-"'"-"';"l ';rm"'riTllllrnrrlli;"111I . 9'6~ MINUTES OF -REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 1947 U The Cit.y Commission convened in regular session on Monday, February 24, 1947, at. t.he Cit,y Hall. Members present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Colllill1ssioners Armer, Douglass and Hamlett and the Cit.y Secretary and City Attom.ey. ,. Minutell of meetings of February 10, 12 and 17 were read and approved as corrected. The Mayor requested anyone having any business before the Commission to st.at.e their case. Mr. D. M. Farrell, 3021 Albans Road, thanked t.he Cit.y for t.he fixing of the street at Belmant and Bissonnet.. Mr. Floyd Christ.ian, 6532 Community, request.ed somet.ime ago to be allowed to purchase t.he right of way at the dead end of Marquette Street, and wished to know if any action had been taken. He was informed that no action had :beentaken on this matter and he was referred to the Zoning and Planning Commissionanci in... '1" formed that they would meet at, 7:30 P. M., Thursday, February 27, at the City Hall. Mr. Frank Conklin, 3114 Sunset, representing residents on SUBset Boulevard, presented a petit.ion requesting that. the bus be remaved from Sunset BoUlevard. The Mayor informed Mr. Conklin that a bus committee had been appointed and that they 1,1:,...,'].. were working out a salut.ionont.b.e bus problem. The petition was turned over to . Commissioner Hamlett to present to the bus commit.tee. Mrs. Griffing, 3757 Robinhood, registered a complaint that. there was undue delay by the Fire Department in reaching the fire at 3168 Robinhood. Mr. Griffing indicat.ed that there was na complaint regarding the operations of the department after they had reached the scene of the fire as it was felt that they had done an efficient job. Mrs. Wallace, whose residence is next door to the scene, made a statement that she had called the -Fire Department and receivedabusY'signSJ..' Mr. and Mrs. Caldow then made a statement that it seemed a very long time before the firemen reached the scene but that t.hey put out the fire in an efficient manner and that they were pleased with the manner in 'Which the firemen toak care of the premises. Mr. Karl Woodard, 3801 Browning, gave an account af his actions between the sounding of the siren and the time that he reached the scene. Mr. C. V. Rey- nolds, also a member of t.he Fire Department, read off a list of calls recoJ;'jed by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Comparw on their log and asked that the ,t-iae shown for each call be noted. Mr. L. B. Bricker, employee of the TelephaIle Company, ex- plained that additional calls to the Fire Department made by dial would not have been logged as records were kept only of such calls as were made direct to the Oper- ators. Mr. J. D. Alstott, Fireman, made a statement cancerning his activities for the period between the time that he received the first call ,and the time he re- turned from the scene. others making statements were Mr. Arrington, Junior Captain of the Volunteer Fire Department, Mr. W. C. Buschardt, Jr., 4144 Ruskin, and sev- eral others. Upon the close of these discussions, Mr. A. L. Sweitzer, Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, asked- that the Mayor exonerate the Fire Department ,i!'.U of any lack of efficiency and give them a clean bill and make a statement to the Press ta that effect. Mayor Ralph B. Lee stated that he had heard no facts pre- sented in the discussions wereby he could find the Fire Department guilty of lack ,. 1r:::~:'_::'~~~~~~~~E~:~::":~_~=:~r .:~~r:: _~,--,-"--,,,- - ,::::"n__._ ..:~:~~r_ ~------'-"--- . - - '-- ------- _.._~-. -.. :-'-'~rnr~~-:~':~:T~Tmm:~:nI:~~T:lJ" ----- ~"'I (;) (t') {~!:J ,..ai.o~..r;, ___4 ~ 97 of efficiency but rather that he wanted to commend the Department for their fine work and fine spirit. The Mayor then stated that members of the press were present and his statements were directed to them as well as to the group in the meeting. Mr. A. W. Lindell, 3775 Harper, appeared before the Council regarding the handling of traffic violations in Corporation Cour& and asked that the Council check on the handling of such violations. It was indicated by the Council that such mat- ters were a function of the Corporation Court Judge. Mr. J. L. Williams, Consulting Engineer, appeared before the Council repre- senting Mr. H. R. Houck, owner of certain properties on Weslayan and Bellaire and stated that Mr. Houck desired to dedicate a portion of that property for the pur- pose of street right-of-way providing the Council would extend and promise to pur- chase additional. right-of-way needed and include such street improvements on the new right-of-way in the first paving contract. It was indicated that Mr. Houck de- sired immediate answer due to the fact that Mr. Houck had plans for the use of this land which depend upon whether or not the street would be cut through. Motion by Commissioner Douglass that action be deferred on this until the City Eng~neer has had time to go into this matter. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hamlett. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None ' Mr. A. T.. Beisner, representing Ernest L. Brown, Jr., indicated that there was a possibility, should the Council desire, of obtaining $26,000 worth of City of West University Place 2 3/4%' bonds dated November ll, '1946, offering them to the City at a price of~pl05.oo and accrued interest. Mr. Beisner stated that he Was not firm in his offering as the bonds were not firm or might have been previously sold by his partner, but stated that he would check into the matter, should the City be interested. The City Secretary was instructed to check into the amount of money in sinking funds that might be usefully invested. Commissioner Lanmon arrived at this time. Upon request of Council, Mr. Joe V. Ellis, Chairman of the Electrical Board, appeared to review the recommendations of the Electrical Board concerning Journeyman and Master Electricians licenses. Mr. Ellis stated that the Board had recommended , that Journeyman Licenses be decreased to $3.00 per year and that Master Licenses be raised to $50.00 per year for the first year and $25.00 for renewal. Mr. Blakely, member of the Electrical Board, made the statement that he felt that the Master 1 s License should be $100. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Blakely were advised to have a meeting of the Electrical Board to determine their real desires in the matter, and that at this time the Council would entertain a motion for amending the ordinance reducing Jour- neyman License to $3.00, leaving the fee for Master License blank. Mr. Ellis advised the Council that such a meeting of the Electrical Board could be held very quickly and that they would do that and advise the Council of their recommendation regarding raising of Master Licenses. Upon motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an amending ordinance to the e,ffect that Journeyman Licenses would be $3.00 and the Master License would be such figure as was later determined t<;> be proper. JT"=~~'~=~~COI"i""""';"iI r- '-~"'-~"~~"'--~"TIl -,"-T-' -- ':Tlil"", ,'rr 'IIIIIIlT'l'l1I;"1'11I- 9,8. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None ,J The City Attorney infermed the Council that an amended claim in the Ira A. Harris case had been received and asked the Council's recommendation on this amend- ed claim. Upon inquiry the City Attorney advised that the amendment to the original claim was only in dates of alleged accident, the eriginal being given as March 28, 1945, and the amended claim asserted that the date was April 28, 1945. Motion by Commissioner Anner, seconded by Commissianer Lanman, that the amended claim., of Ira A. Harris against the City be denied. _t.~... Voting Aye: Mcwor Lee, Connnissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None ~" , ); i . .-...~. ?>:... The Mayor stated that he understood that the Houston Lighting &-, Power Com-, p~ has again expressed their willingness to proceed with the erection of addi- tional street lights. The City Secretary was instructed to ascertain the details of the Houston Light & Power Company's agreement 'With the Cit.y and to bring any file on that subject to the next regular mee ti.ng. Mr. Burns, representing the auditing firm of Henslee, Hopson &, Green, Audi- tors for the City, was present at request of the Council to go into the financia.l affairs of the City. Messps. Bricker, Ghiselin and W. D. Herb, members of the Fi-' J nance Committee were also present. In the discussion of the audit, Mr. Bricker " requested that he be provided a copy of an organization chart showing the present positions and authorities of persannel making up the organization under the di- rection of the City Treasurer. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanman, that the City Secretary be authorized to return all bid bonds submitted in connection with the bids received on Garrett Engineering Campany's Project. No. 604-l, 8treet.'Paving. Voting Aye: Mcwor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion was made by commissioner Douglass. that, the Council at this time de- cide to have the first paving contract include Weslayan Street through to Bellaire Boulevard without, paving the proposed second route for which right-of-way has not presently been obtained, ff this procedure be legal. This motion wass,econded by, Commissioner Hamlett. V.oting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed at 12:20 A. M. I J Ii' I'F':T , 1 ---I' , Tl"''''''I'IIITnlr:'l1ll 99 The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Friday, February 28, 1947, at 7:40 P. M. Members present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon and the City Secretary. Mr. W. E. Ladin, Attorney for Bogle & Calloway, requested a decision regard- ing the Zoning Commission's action on the Bogle & Callowa.y case. The City Secretary presented a letter signed ,by the Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission with their recommendations arrived at on the night of February 27 in which they recommend- ed to the City Council that utilities service be granted to Ladin and Leiberman to serve the house in question, subject to the regular final inspection of the Building Inspector. This recommendation was not acted on by the City Council pending check -rl th the Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission regarding 'Whether or not they had taken the fullest possible legal action in arriving at their recommendation. ~ -, '---' ('~ ~;:.-' C.!;J CO <t Mr. J. L. Williams presented the matter regarding change of right-of-way on Wesl83'an Street for new paving and stated that Mr. H. R. Houck had tentative agreed to purchase the additional right-of-way necessar,y to the change of alignment provided the City proceeded immediately to include that change in their new paving program. In the discussing that followed Mr. E. E. Townes stated that the legality of such a change in view of preceding ordinances was a very close point of law. Mr. Townes said that he would feel inclined to advise the Commission to cut the pavement con- tract into sections ending one section on Weslayan at Riley, north of the point of intersection with the new proposed change of alighment and leave it until later when it might be made the subject of another contract. Motion by Conmdssioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that our En- gineers make necessary deletions from our paving plans so that that part of Weslayan south of'the portion of Riley which extends east of Weslayan be not included in our paving contract. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon and Armer Commissioner Douglass Co~~ssioner Douglass stated that his objections to the motion which he wished to be put on record was as follows: If I feel that we are not keeping faith with the people by causing additional delay in the execution of our paving program, such delay being that which would be involved by the adoption of this motion to cut off the paving at Riley Street." Mr. W. E. Ladin was recognized by the Council and stated that the recommendations contained in Mr. Terry's letter were not in conformity with the minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission, and that Mrs. Eberling, 'Who had those minutes, confirJ:!l,ed his understanding by telephone and was willing to confirm the minutes to allY" member of the Commission by telephone. It was the opinion of the Council, subject to ob- taining art opinion from the City Attorney, that the Zoning and Planning Commission would have the authority for final action in this matter. Mr. Chiltoh Bryan addressed the City Commission and tendered his resignation to be effective March 1, 1947, for the reasons stated in Mr.Bryan's letter. The letter is as follows: JT~~.-:::--_--:-: _ __':...:-~l:::'''l-:--:-;=-"",,-:::'~~'"T- .. r -~.. :'~"==,,~---~-~. -~~!;~='~!!-':1__ r ,,-- 1iOO February 28, 1947 - 'I J Hon. Ralph B~ Lee and City Commission City of West University Place Gentlemen: It is with deep regret that I have made a d.ecision I have heldo.if as. long as possible. I waited because I hoped that circumstances would change, so that I might continue in the office of city attorney at West UniversityPlaee and carry on tr..e full' functions af that office as they /should be c.arried on.. However, the circumstances I have tried to evercome have becomeuns.ur- mountable and I have no alternative but to tender my resignation as city at- torney. In tendering my resignation, I do so with the feeling that you. are dOing a marvelous job for .the City of West University Place, and wit.h una feel-,' ing that if circ1X(listances and the press of business were otherwise, I could continue. The business circumstances referred tio deal with the fact that my brother" Austin B:ryan, who had a heart attack in September of 1946, is not fully back at work, and ~th our increase of business, I have had an ad.ditionalload placed upon me in the office 'Which I cannot carzy, and at the sametimecarzy on and do dustice to the office of ~ity Attorney in West University Place. In resigning, I do want to advise you, however, that I expect to keep active in the West University Place Party and to be available as a citizen of West University Place on call at any time I can be af assistance to you. 1 J In view of the press af business in the office and the possibility that I may have to be out of town for some time, I suggest that my resignation be ac- cepted as of March 1, 1947. With best wishes to you for your continued good effo~s in behalf of the City of West University Place and its residents, I remain Sincerely yours, (Signed) Chilton Bzyan Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the Council regretfully, and very regretfully accept the resignation of Mr. . Chilton Bryan, who has worked hard with all the members of'theCouncil. For this reason Mr. Douglass stated that he was very sorzy to have to; offer the motion., Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners La.nroon, Douglass, Hamlett and Armer Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee then stated that it was the recommendation of the committee appoint- ed for: the purpose of recommending a City At~rney, that Mr. Jahn 1}; Kelley 'be appointed to the position of City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner. Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Anner, that the Council accept the recommendation of the committee, all of whom had followed the May-orIs instructions with care in i 1 ,---' ';mT'~' ~1':~'~n ttntTm~~TIll- ~l c ,,,p) \.~~~ ~. a~ l..;,.1 00 '<.; lor arr~v~ng at a decision on the recommendation, aTld because Mr. Johri D. Kelley is very capable. In the discussion Mayor Lee stated that the committee had thoroughly investigated the professional and personal background of their nom- inee, and he personally had checked with other men of the same profession, and wi thout exception, all of the laViYers of whom he inquired had stated that Mr. JohnD. Kelley was competent. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Mr. Smith of Hovve & Wise, Consulting Engineers, then presented for Council perusal the plans for proposed paving of West University Place. Upon discussing various phases, of these plans as they were at that stage, it was decided that the plans should be put in such state of completion to pennit review by the City En- gineer. ' The meeting was recessed subject to call of the Mayor. - - - -.-- - - - - - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Wednesday, March 5, 1947, at 7:50 P. M. Members present were Mayor Lee, presiding;'Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, Douglass, the City Attorney, Mr. E. E. To.mes, and the City Secretary. The proposed paving plans as prepared by Howe & Wise vvere discussed 'With Mr. Spillar, representative of Howe & Wise. Mayor Lee introduced an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 335, the caption of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS NOfr PRACTICAL TO) PROCEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, vVESLAYAN STREET, RICE BOULE.;.. VARD AND AUDEN STREET AS HERETOFORE PROVIDED FOR; AMENDING (jlRDINANCE NO. 335 WHICH DETERMINED THE NECESSITY FOR, AND ORDERED THE IMPROVEMENT OF CER- TAIN PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AND ' OlliER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; APPROVING AND ADOPrING PLANS MID SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, AS AMENDED lU'ID REVISED BY HOilJVE S.C WISE, EN- GINEERS FOR THE CITY; DIRECTING SAID ENGI:NEERS Tel 00, AND PERFORM CERTAIN ACTS AND THINGS EARLIER REQUIRED OF GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY Ta ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED; CONTINUING IN EFFECT SAID ORDINANCE NO. 355, AS HEREIN AMENDED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Anner, that the ord- inance be adopted as read. Voting Jrye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass V oting No~: None Mr. Chilton Bryan appeared before the Council in regard to retainer and fees which would be involved in court proceedings in the pending Ira A. Harris damage suit. Tr~ .."." "'-1' r ".-; i-I ----":i~nl--- 'T ... "=:=]"""'7, 1 - '-TmTT"'rrnTlrrrrlTlii'11I1 ro,~l Motion by Commissioner La;nmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Mr. .,..:,.,..J.--- Chilton Bryan be employed as attorney representing the City in the Ira A. Harris ' damage suit at a $600 fee, with $400 payable at this time, and that an addi- tional $250 fee be allowed in connection with any action in the Court of Civil Appeals, and that fee of $600 be considered earned whether the suit be' settled in or out of court. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Connnissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None to;,," , ~ Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the Commission recess subject to call of the M83'or. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: Nane The Mayor declared the meeting recessed. ATTEST: ~~ n=:='--'- ~!i-,-.,..-tl f ___H'_ hl ~oI~~ !,' -l U' '--../ '. -T':Ti1 !'HIiTJ:llllllTlTii!]ll-'------- -- - i;rr:lI---c---,------- ~ -- ~j ('1;:;':> r. ~o!' '~-:' Xi <!f:', " 103 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH .10, 1947 The City Commission convened in regular session on Mond~, March 10, 1947, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Present were Mcwor Lee presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and City Secretary. Minutes of meetings of February 24, 28 ahd March 5, 1947, were read and ap- proved as corrected. The Ma.yor requested any citizens having business before the Commission to bring it up at this time, stating their name and address. Mr. W. Eo Eberling, 3017 Jarrard, represeriting the Civic Club, asked that the addressograph machine be donated for the use of a bulletin put out by the Civic Club to inform citizens of this City what is being accomplished in the City. The Mayor informed Mr. Eberling that a resolution had been passed on January 6 fixing the price for the use. of the addressograph at one cent per name and that it would take an amendment to this resolution to make a change. Mr. Marvin Cole, 3930 Mar- lowe and Mr. O. C. King, 6620 Belmont, both spoke in behalf of letting the Civic Club use the addressograph. Motion by CommissionerArmer, seconded by Maivor Lee, to amend the resolution setting the price for the use of the addressograph machine, the City furnishihg an operator, at $15.00 for non-profit organizations. Commissioner Lanmon made a motion to amend Commissioner Armer I s motion, to make the charge a fiat rate of 1/2 cent per plate, w.i.th the City furnishing the operator. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Hamlett. . Voting on Amendment to Motion: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Voting on the original motion as amended: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett ' Voting Noe: None Mr. W. ,P. Gay, 3918 Browning, brought up the matter of the bus situation on Auden Street, stating that the busses made riders, particularly children, get off on Bissonnet, instead of bringing them on around the loop. This matter was referred to Commissioner Hamlett, to be brought before the bus committee. The City Secretary presented a request by the Police Department for author- ization to dispose of, by sale, one surplus time clock. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Secretary be authorized to dispose of this clock, by sale, at a fair price. Il.~ 1 :-----------.:=.::. L:~::--~-::-_.._ ~::__~__:1_ .-J::"-- -,- ---- ---- ,~, ~''III1I!!I'I'f'"!'''~J1] 10:4 Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None J Th~ City Secretary brought up the matter of street lights, stating that the Light Company is willing to install the 104 .free lights at this time and then start charging the City for the 85 lights which they are now- operating free as per prior agreement. Motion by Commissioner Douglass that the file on the Light Company be turned over to the City Attorney for investigation with full report to be made on any agreements that we now have with the Houston Power & Light Company.' This motion was seconded by Commissioner Lanmon. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secreta:ry read a letter from the Chainnan of the Electric ,Board with reference to fees to be charged for Journeyman and Master Electricians Licenses. The Mayor stated that he thought thi.s matter should be referred to the City Attorney for an amending ordinance, stating in the ordinance the expiration time of licenses. The Mayor further stated that prospective applicants for li- cense should be given a reasonable length of time to comply with the renewal clause. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that .','..,.J.. this matter be referred to the City Attorney for ordinance along the lines of the Mayor's suggestions. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secretar,y- presented a chart 'Which Mr. Bricker, Chairman of the Finance Committee, had requested, showing personnel working under the direc- tion of the City Treasurer. The City Engineer made a preliminary report on street needs. He stated that the amount of shell needed to put the unpaved streets in first class condi- tion would be between 23 and 24,000 yards, which would run at the presently paid unit price, approximately $40,000. His recommendation that the needs 'to put streets in fair, passable condition would run one-third of this amount, and asked permission of the Council to spend the remaining monies in the street maintenance budget immediately in order to put the streets- in as good shape as possible. Mayor' Lee stated that he thought the streets should be put in a usable cendit1€m as quickly as possible with whatever monies are available. Mr. John H. Bringhurst, 382l Swarthmore, requested that the streets where the stonn sewers have been recently laid be given first consideration in this program as these streets are not passable after a light rain. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the City Engineer be instructed to use whatever monies are left, in the street main- tenance, budget immediately in putting streets in as good a condition as possible; giving the streets where the storm sewers were laid first priority. ,-1 '--...1 n.. " -- ._.-'-~'r;r~'''' -- ---.....,- ~~I-- . .. ..;1_ -,',.,----'--------- --- - - - ---c---~,'-r~nTI':'~~':~j-:i:'Ill]t'T[,C~TIr!----'- - ---- -- -- "~::"T- -, - ,IDS Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None -, ~.. rJ;: t~ ......,. "'Y."'-, ~.. The Oity Engineer presented a report on vehicle needs and on the pre- sent status of budgeted equipment expenditures stating that certain equipment was budgeted with the method of payment to be made from anticipated receipts, the is- suance of tax warrants and the sale of bonds. The City Engineer showed, that ac- cordingto the City Treasurer's outline of the budget and monies encumbered through January .3l, 1947, and if equipment as outlined in the budget were procured it would necessitate the issuance of tax warrants in an amount exceeding the fund:5 which would be available for equipment purchases through anticipated receipts. The City Engineer reconnnended that such equipment as has been provided for through cashre- cei~ts be immediately procured and that steps be taken to arrange the financing of the remaining equipment needs. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to check and see if there was a limit to the amount of warrants that could be issued in any one year. ~'i <(, Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanman, that negotiations be entered into for the purchase of one pickup truck, one 1-1/2 ton truck and one passenger car as budgeted for the water department, and out of funds set aside in the budget for these vehicles. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that negotiations be entered into for the purchase of a motor grader for the street de- partment. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None The Mayor read the resignation of Grady Smith, Chief of Police. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that this resignation be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Consideration by the Council was given to verbal and written applications for the vacancy occurring as a result of the resignation of Mr. Grady Smith. State- ments regarding favorable qualifications of the applicant, H. E. Shipp, were made to the Council by Mr. C. A. Nees, 4025 Swarthmore, Mr. Marvin Cole, 3930 Marlowe, and Mr. H. F. Lindley, 6.321 V~derbilt. Commissioner Lanman made a motion that Mr. H. E. Shipp be employed as Chief of Police at a salary of $275.00 per month. Thi.s motion was seconded by Commissioner Douglass. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None J.,_,,_,,_____,_,_"",'.__ rr=---'~ ~ -T'''--~4"''''''~-1 1 , [", "-O""-"'":~l r C -T----'--- ---- --- --- ''';r:;j'''';'!irr''II'Ilrfir'rrnr;:nJI ii i,11 1.06 Mr. John K. Mooney congratulated the Council on their selection of a Chief of Police. Consideration of the Council was ggain given to a letter written by Mr. Brady Bartlett, 6633 Mercer Street, under date of February 20, 1947, request- ing tha.t repairs be made to his sidewalk anddrivew~ in a.ccordancewith an al- leged agreement that the City had made with him to repair damages caused by past operations. The City Engineer reported that his office had checked, this mat- ter and had been unable to find arIy' agreeme~t in back file s 'Which had been entered into by the City with Mr. Bartlett. The City Engineer further stated that his of- fice, in checking further into the matter, was lead to believe that the, job in question was one that probably had been installed by the WPA, in 'Which event it was doubtful that the City was liable for any alleged damages accruing to' that operation. The Mayor asked the City Attorney's opinion as to whether or not any actual liability by the City could or would be barred under the statute of limi- tations. The City 'Attorney stated, that in his opinion, any claim for damages; incurred at the time alleged would be barred by the statute of limitations. The, City Secretary-Engineer was instructed to advise Mr. Bartlett of his checking into the matter and of the Attorney's opinion that the alleged damages, if oc- curring at the time believed to be in question, would be barred by the statute of limitations. Several members of the Finance Committee were present, namely, Mr. W. F. Ghiselin, Mr. H. F. Lindley and Mr. W. D. Herb. Commissioner Douglass re- ' ported that the Finance COIlllllittee had sul:mitted a I'eplrt. which they would like to have published in its entirety in the official newspaper. Upon consultation with Mr. Brackman, Owner andEditor of our official newspaper, it was decided by Mr. Brackman and concurred in by the Council and Finance Committee, that due to the mechanical difficulties involved in the, setting up of space in type for the entire report that the paper would be asked to carry the report in sto-ry form only. It was further decided that should it be desirable to send out to the peo- ple the report in its entirety~ that other provisions would be made. " Mr. John D. Kelley, City Attorney, appeared before the Council in re- gard to certain opinions rendered by the former City Attorney, Mr. Chilton Bryan, and to r~ceive such instructions as the Council wished to give. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Connnissioner Hamlett, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance~vesting in the Zoning Com- mission authority to set the business line back from the street on Bissonnet and on Edloe Streets a distance of not less than 30 fee,t. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Cammissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Attorney was further instructed to prepare an ordinance which would provide a fee to be paid to the City for the mowing .and cleaning of vacant property 'Within the City Limits. J .;,.....,J' 4',.~ ;..,. -{. N.,. ~ ~ ..t.. ] Mr. Kelley presented an opinion rendered by Mr. Chilton Bryan regarding Of-""",,' a request for waiver of any penalties on delinquent ad valqrem taxes 'and stated I that he concurred in the opinion as rendered by Mr. Bryan. -r"~-------~-';nn'mn';"nlmrrTnr:nlT- II" "'c-~'='-r,~=:'"':-l r-.=~""'~.O-:C-'""'~ '~~, 107, Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that re- quest for waiver of penalties and interest on delinquent taxes ~s outlined in Mr. Bryan's opinion, be denied. V ot;ing Aye: Mayor Lee, Commiss ioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None . Mr. Kelley then presented the opinioh rendered by Mr. Bryan in regard to the issuance of Special Officer I s commissions by the City of West University Place. The City Secretary was instructed to reply to pending applications for special officers commissions advising applicants along the lines reflected by the City At- torney's opinion in this matter. ~ - (-j '::.c' .-ii-. :.~} ,"'v.'"' ........, <r.; Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. ------------- The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Wednesday, March 19, 1947, at 7 :30 P. M., at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Lee presiding, Com- missioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and City Secretary. Mr. Charles E. Kamp, Chairman of the bus committee, came before the Coun- cil and presented that committee t s report and recommendation regarding the routing of busses in West University Place. Mr. Kamp reviewed the duties of the committee and stated that this committee had held t"V'lO meetings and on the last meeting it was voted to approve the report which they wished to present to the Council. Mr. Kamp stated that the committee had taken into consideration the convenience of such a routing to the citizens of West University Place, the types of street surface over which the bus would be routed and the undesirability of frequent changes. Mayor Lee inquired of the Chairman of the bus committee as to whether their de- cision had been unahimous in regard to this report and recommendation and Mr. Kamp replied that their decision had been unanimous. Upon presentation of copies of the report, Mayor Lee expressed his ap- preciation to the committee for their work and asked that they remain as a standing committee. Other members of the Council also expressed to the committee their thanks for their efforts. Mr. Lee stated that after the Council had reviewed the report some decision would be made and that decision probably on the night of their next regular meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the m~eting was recessed to reconvene at 7:30 P. M., March 21, 1947. ------------- The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Friday, March 21, 1947, at 7:30 P. M., at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commis- sioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and City Secretary. It:~o::~~-::::-=-:'=:::::~~r:~_t=~~_:~::l reo' '-,.-=="~"'-=-=='-='"'=::'~--~.1 IO~ -.., The following bid proposals for proposed street paving operations were opened and read by the City Secretary: Holland-Page Construction Company Gulf Bitulithic Company Russ Mitchell, Inc. Gaylord Construction Company Harry E.Cagle Company Brown & Root $325,oh4.73 363,450.03 336,604.18 340,429.85 354,554.88 359,741.28 lJ An additional bid submitted by John A. Wolfe Company was opened but not read due to the fact that no bond accompanied the proposal. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon,. seconded by Commissioner Douglass , that the bids received be referred to our Engineers for tabulation and recomend- ation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Amer, Hamlet~ and ~uglass Voting Noe: None A written proposal received from the Highway Equipment Compa.r.tV for one Austin#Western motor grader was presented by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, to authorize the issuance ofa purchase order for the purchase of said motor grader l;,.,....J.._-. for immediate delivery providing such a purchase could be legalJy arranged. Com- mission Douglass asked that Council action in appropriating and arranging for the procurement of funds for the purchase ofa motor grader be madeLknownto' the City TreasUrer. " Voting kye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, ATTEST: em ~.~ I] iJf-. ~ 1\--" ~:',1 !-c:'~ [' "'''--'~'-- <----'7-~~~'-:-:""r:a____ r:-.- ,- ':ITII"", ,:~~l:'ItI]r:ll::::rlIl - ;~"".",n .i1.L;;l ./109 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 24, 1947 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:40 P. M., March 24, 1947. Present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commis- sioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and CitySecretar,y. M:inutes of meetings of March 10, 19 and 21 were read and approved as corrected. ~: ;._.~ The Mayor stated that the Council was ready to take action on the paving bids received on March 21 and asked the Consulting Engineer and the City Engineer for their recommendation. The City Secretary read a letter from Howe & Wise in regard to the tabulation of bids and their recommenda';" tion to award the contract to Holland Page on their low bid of $325,044:'7). Mr. W. F. Smith of Howe & Wise, consulting Engineers for the City, answered questions by Council and interested citizens concerning paving strength, reinforcing and design. r-c, I....':;;; x: ~!; Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the recommendations of Howe & Wise, engineers for the City of West Uni- versity; Place, Texas, on the bids received March 21, 1947, for the paving and improving of: ' University Boulevard, from the west line of Kirby Drive to the" east line of Community Drive; and Weslayan Street from the south lilllle of Riley Street (east of Weslayan Street) ta the south line of Richmond Road; and Rice Boulevard, from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street jand AudenStreet from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard, be adopted and that an ordinance be prepared awarding the contract for such improvements to HOLLAND PAGE on his low unit price bid and totalling $325,044.73. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee ,Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Dauglass Voting Noe: None The bus committee report was presented recommending' permanent bus, routes to best serve the citizens of West University Place, Commissioner Douglass stated, that in his opinion this report could not be bettered and that he was thoroughly in accord with the bus committee's proposal. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon,seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the recommendations of the bus committee be liCcepted and the necessary "--1'''_0:-':'--':'-_.''''_'' jr-~~::-~_.:-.:-:-'_-~._'-IT"~:~~'-:-::l '[" - ..,..~~-_:,,:'-~--- r, -~-~-------:'"IT:Tr'';i:,1,'II[rrr:m[:[]J1 - ']:1:':1 110. changes as 0utlined in the report be placed in effect and that. the Houston Transit Compaqybe notified of this action. Voti.ng Aye: Mqor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Al'11le'r, that the Mayar, the City Secretal;7, Mr. Chas. lamp, Chairman of the Bus Committee, Mr, W. C. Morris and Mr. J..D. Murphree, Jr., be authorized to contact the Houston Transit. Company and get the rout.es as submitted by the 'bus committee put into effect. ,..~ Voting Aye: Mayor ,Lee, ComD,'lifil~~oners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett ~d DQuglass _Voting Noe: None ' The Cit.y Engineer-5ecrElt~ presented a dedication plat for origbt--of- way of Weslayan Street through theH. R. Houck prapertyand a deed,proposa+ for the Cunningham tract which Mr. Hou.ck desired to purchase and denate "tothe':City for the rerouting of Wesl~an St.petto meet. the Stella Link Road' at. Bellaire. Motion by Commission,~~ ~_oIl' seconded by,Commissioner H:am:J.ett that the dedication be accepted and that .t.he"plat .be referred to the Plan.n1.ng. Board for resubdivision of lots in Cambridge Place." , " '1:. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners La.DllWn, Armer, Hamlett and DOuglass Voting Noe: None I,...J-..i.. -: ! i j The Fire Department, through Mr. J. D. Alstott, submitted a letter to the Cit.y Commissian req~sting the use of the Community Building twice a year, once in February and on~\a in December. . This was refe-.dto the City Secretary wit.h the instructions t.hat the Fire Department. give at. least a mont.h'snot.ice when they 4esire the use of the Community Building. The City Secretary brought up the matter of reimbursing Mrs. LuciS for overtime work in connection with duties at night. meetings of the City , Commission. Motion by Commissioner Armer, secoIld~.<1 by Commissioner Hamlet.t,' that Mrs Louise Lucas be Pai<i, $5.00 per meeting tOJ.}:overtime work in connection with night meetings of thlil.s CoUncil. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett alld Dougl.ass Voting Noe: None The City Secretary presented t~ resignation of Mrs. Louise Lucas as Assistant City Secretary, effectivEfMay 1. Motion by CommissionettArmer, seconded by Commissioner H~ett, that this resignation be 'accepted. " [J ':tii r:'";;:tlIIiJlEU:t::m r ;:rr:-T - '<t' - ,--' c.r> ;~ ~-.? -' CC <t ,11J_ Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, HaIillett and Douglass Voting Noe: None A letter from the Finance Committee was read by Commi.ssioner Douglass. The letter is as follows: Houston, Texas March 24, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Council West University Place Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: The Finance Committee wishes to place before the Council its recom- mendation with regard to the met.hof to be employed for raising the necessary revenue for operation of this City. The Committee recommends that the tax rate be raised from the present maximum of $1.85 to $2.50. Thus providing $2.40 for general revenue and $.10 for the health fund. That the garbage collection fee be abolished. To raise the maximum rate requires a change in the home rule charter by a vote of the ta.xp~ers. You will therefore wish to incorporate this amendment in any ,change to be submit.ted to the voters at the next poll. The committee has carefully explored the various means at hand for increasing the revenue and find that. there are three ways to raise the indicated revenue needs: 1. Cont.inue the gargage collection fee of $1.00, per month. 2. Increase the valuation of property rendered for taxation. 3. Increase the maximum authorized tax rate per $100 valuation., The committee which recommended the collection of a garbage collection fee for raising an estimated $50,000 for financing the city from September 1, 1946, to December 31, 1946, and for the same period of this year, stated at the time t.he fee would be removed after being in effect one year. This should be done. The sentiment of t he taxpayers, as expressed at a recent civic club meeting and indiVidually to members of the committee, is in favor of maintaining the present property valuations at present levels. They have indicated that the raise in maximum tax rate is preferable to a raise in property valuation. In view of this, and other considerations, the committee has reached a studied decision to recommend the tax rate increase and abolishing the garbage collection fee. ' The tax rate to be applied at any year 'Will of course be established -~ __._~~ ._..,,_. -00 _..._~.,_.,,__ 1.'12 by the council as required to produce the necessary needs for revenue. Respectfully (Signed) L. B. Bricker '., Chairman for the Finance Committee The Council thanked the i11embers of the Finance Committee for the work they have done. ..1 [] Motion by Commissioners Lanmon, seconded by Commissioners Armer,that~",., the letter of the Finance Committee be referred t.o the Charter Amendment Com- mittee, with instructians from Council that the Charter Amendment CC)lmo:t,tee consider these recommendations of the Finance Committee in their recemm.endations to be brought' before the peop1e at an early date. Voting Aye: Ma.vor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlet.t and Dauglass Voting Noe: None The Mayor apPointed Cammissioner Lanmon to serve on the Charter Amend- ment Committee, and made the suggestion that this Committee have their meeting at a very 'early date. Commissioner Lanmon informed the Council that --1r.J. D. Alstott, Fireman, had had an emergency operation on March 2h.,and would beawq from work for about. three weeks, and ,that he had acted in his position as F:i,.re ' Commissioner to work out. with the Fire Chief an emergency schedule, using Volunteer Fire ,Department members to work at night. This schedule contemplates having one experienced man and one lesser experienced man on duty to t8ke~~ca.re of this work. Commissioner Lanmon stated that he thought some method ofre...' imbursirig these I1len for their time should be taken up by the Council, although some members of the Department had eXpressed a willingness to~ dona "be their services. The M~or recomniended that these men be compensated for their ser- vices and that t.he total~Unt'paid . for: theseserv1ces be not. ove:p (the $229.00 per month rate as paid to Mr. Alstat~. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett; seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the memberso:r the Volunteer Fire l)e~nt work a night' "sbift with one' ex- perienced man and one Iesser experienced man on duty, . fortll~ period 0+ :tim~( that Mr. Alstottis away on sick leave ':with compensation beiij,g worke'dout:'not, , tCle~ceed a total. rate of $~9~OOc per month. ' , " Voting Aye : Jla.yorLee , CoIll1Di'ssianers Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hantlett Voting Noe: None < Commissioner Lanmon stated that the City is, very anxious ta acquire some equipment for maintaining streets, that a motor grader was available for immediate delivery and offered a resolution that the Mayor be authorized to negotiate a loan for the purchase of this grader. ""',"""-'_'1"-;1.. J:::~:':__'::""":___:"'__::_ __~J:":_j=:_=-----::;_-,---l '.u..,_.'., I : i ., I ; I ! '.,J--'..",'.,. .1 , 1 , .-- 1 i ! , .." -J. _____________ "____. :--,-,~mT;"ir~~nlrITE1TTTII1. - ------------------,-""',-'"',,,,------,-,-------,------ ..;1.L,;i ..--"'.".f__:::-:- .- + .- '-''' :'"J:) ~. ~q '-,/ ce, -<t ~ ,v-,,,,,'--_~j-'t- . ...11t3 The resolution is as follo~; BE IT RESOLVED, that 'the Mai}"or of' the City of West University Place be authorized to negotiate a loan of riot more than Ten Thousand and No/lOO ($10,000.00) DOllars from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, for the purpose of purchasing a motor grader for use on the' streets of the City of West University Place, Texas, and to execute the note or notes of the City of West University Place therefor, said note or notes to provide for interest at the'rate of three (3%) per cent per annum, and shall be p83'ab1e in two install- ments; one pai}T'IRent of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IOO ($5,000.00) being due and Pai}"- able during the month of December, 1947, and a like payment of FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IOO ($5,000.00) Dollars being due and payable during the month of Decem- ber, 1948, aild BE IT FURT.HER RESOLVED, that the Mayor be, and he hereby is, author;" ized and instructed to execute a mortgage upon the motor grader above described, . if such mortgage is required by the bank. The Ci t.y Engineer recommended( that this piece of equipment be pur- chased for the following reasons: I. Street maintenance needs cannot be met, using presently owned equipment. 2. Machine maintenance of open ditches and street surfaces would prove less expensive than the same operations by hand. 3. Cognizance of public demands in regard to better street main~ tenance, require consideration of such. equipment purchases. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, 'seconded by Commissioner Armer that this resolution be adopted authorizing the Mayor to secure a loan from the City National Bank:as an amount necessary to purchase this motor grader from the Hi- Way Equipment CompaI\V. V oting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and DOuglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the City Secretary-Engineer by authorized to issue a purchase order for a motor grader and deliver it to Hi-Way Equipment Company, Inc. That the City Treasurer be'notified of the action of Council to obtain this money through a loan for payment upon delivery, the purchase price of this piece of equipment. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lamon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Attorney presented a resolution regarding' a two year con- tract with Souths ide Place for furnishing them water, during emergencies. The resolution is as fGUows: Ii'.'.r~L:' "LLI , c.....'..- - . c,:,:..'ll1._____m____ r ,:-----'.-;mnTfUI!]ITlIiCiIJI1--.-'----- u--------:ilin~'---- rF.4 WHEREAS, as the City of South Side Place has requested per- mission t.o purchase water from the City of West University Place, BE IT RESOLVED, that. the Mayor be authorized tG execute the " following contract agreement. o Motion by Commissioner Lanmon" s~conded by CoDlIllissioner Haml~t.tthat,t:b.is resolution, be adopted authGrizing the Mayor ta execute the cont.ract 'Wit.h, the, Cit.y ot Southside Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commission,ers Lanmon, Hamlett, 'Douglass and, Armer Voting Noe:, None .~"'. ~Fr CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF HARRIS: :~, . ,>, ..1- . This agreement this da\1 made and~Iltered. ,into by and between the C~ ty of West University Place, Texas, alJ{unicipality, hereinafter called "FIRST ' PARTY", and the City ot Soutllsid~ Place, Texas, also a MunicipalitY, herein- after called "SECOND PARTY". WT'I'NIi1ft~~ . (1) The above parties he;reby enter in.to the follo'Wing agreement and. " .J., --.,' cont.ract governing the furnishing and use of water: a. T.he party oft~tirst.part hereby agrees to furm.s.hto the party of the second, p~ ,t~irrequirement ot water at the me~erin- stalled between the:- two cities .f'or the sum of Thirteen and otie..,.half cent.s ($.13-l/2") ~'r thousand gallons. ' " b. The party ot the seeop,d part agrees to, at their Olm expense, pay~laJ.l connecting charges inclumngthe meter. c. The point of connectioa to the mains of the first party t.o be made by and under the supervision of the first party whennotitied by the party of the second part that they are ready for the cOIUlection to be made. d. . The party of the second part agrees to P83' the p~y,of t.he first part on a m9nthly st~tement b~isnot later than the tenth,,~lotkt.) of each month for the wat~r cO~umed the previous month. e. It is understood and agreed between the parties that all piping, meters and water conneetions andmateri~ls used in excavation and trench- ing and in making t.he connectioll wit.h the water main or mai.ns with the City of West University Place which arelacate.d within the boundaries of the City of Southside Place shall be, become, and remain the property of the City of Southside Place. . f. That all such water'c0nnections and equipment referre4to in this contract arteritis installed will be, m~tained by pa,lfty of the first part, the City of West University Place, but only at the expense of party of the second part, the City of Southside Place; the billing for such expense of maintenance 'Will be paid by party af the second part, the City of Southside Place, on the tenth (loth) of each month after the rendition of a bill to such Party covering expense of such maintenance. [J rr-v,' - . ~ -'.'---"1" r-.~ u_~_.; <j 1 I:. r--- - ',,1 F~---- ----~'''mrc.l1:r11IrnrlTTmll C~'TCl '<II:t1 '--' .'t"^, -" r ~.f. -..:,,,,,. CC: <:r.~, 115 It is further agreed that prior to this connection being made that the party of the second part will obtain an approval from the State Health Department in order that the rating of the water supply o:f the first party wil.l. not be changed. The term of this contract shall run from the date of execution herein- below S$t out by the respective parties, and shall continue to the 31st d~ of December, 1948, unless cancelled or suspended by the agreements hereinafter set out; it is further agreed that this contract between the dates set out m~ be cancelled by either of the parties to such c ntract upon thirty (30) days written notice, except that in case of emergency whereby the supply o~ the first party would be inadequate for the use of ,both cities, the service m~ be discontinued immediately for the duration of such emergency. This contract, not being can- celled or suspended by the above terms, shall continue to the 31st day of December, 1948, subject to renewal only at the option of the incoming City Commission, or the newly elected City Commission taking office on or about January 1st, 1949. EXECUTED in duplicate originals at West University Place, Texas, this the 24th day of March, 1947. (Signed) Ralph B. Lee. Mavor City of West. Uni:itersity Place ATTEST: (Signed) J. H. Bright City Secretary (SEAL) (Sil\med) R. F. Kachtick, M~ol" City of SouthsidePlace ATTEST: (Signed)F. P. Bowen City Secretary (SEAL ) The City Attorney presented an ordinance amending the Electrical Ordinance setting fees for Master and Journeyman Electricians in the City of West Univer- sity Place. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 333, AS PERTAINING TO'SECTION 6; SECTION 9; SECTION 16; AND Rf.;PEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON~ FLICT HEREWITH. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that. this ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: M~or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None l! ::::~~:"""-,_.:::-:'_O:.:I~'~-!,,.=-:'~:!::::-~! !- -"~'[r-n ~~ ~ ~:;1~:~~':inll'II~]'1~~'~ ~ I.~ .0'__.. ""_'--~~ ,.,-.,,'-'._~,.._. ~':~~: :"":~!1__ __ ___ _J:': 1Ft} The mayor asked the Ohief of Police for his opinion reg,arding the en- forcement of the dog ordinance. The Chief of Police stated,: in his opinion,; ,l]' , a full t:ilJle man to enforce the ordinance would be the best s;olution, tlrl.s man to be under the Health Department but with police power to file on olV1lers for violation of this ordinance. ' The Mayor asked the Chief of Police. to 'enforce the ord:iinance as far as could be under the present set up and instructed the City Engineer to see that the dog pound was put in condition to hold these animals. The City Attorney present.ed a release in connection 1dt,h judgment against Susan J. Davidson, stating that the judgment had been recov~d in :t1ull.;, Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded byOommissioner Hamlett, that the Mayor be authorized to execute this release of judgment. ' '~;. " ~~<'". Voting Aye: I Mqor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass The Oity Attorney presented an opinion regarding regulating bicycles and. scooters. The City Secretary was inst.ructed t.o keep copies ,of proposed regula- tions on file in his office. Because of the impractibility iof e~orcing an ordinance to this effect no act.ion '1las taken. The City Attorney presented an opinion regarding the li~bility of t.he City for Stat.e Motor Fuel Tax. stating that the City is required :,topay.the_. ,tax,,', f, ,or_,', vehicles operated or int~nded to be operated in whole or in :partupon 8.'I!IY of the !i,'U " public highways, but does not have to pay the tax on st.ation;ary engines or t.rac- tors or road-repairing equipment. He st.ated that Mr. Kellogg of the State Comp- trollers Office advised him'that he would be glad to send o~e of his auditmrs to West University Place to check with the Oity Engineer or gas:oline records and work out a method of securing refunds on gasoline not subjee~ to tax. i The City Engineer was advised to get in t.ouch with Mr. Kellog€t,and sec;ure the services of their audi'tor to see about gasoline tax refup.~.' ' The Oity Attorney presented an opinion regarding authority of' t.he City to issue warrants for current. expenses and' stated that under Arlticle 2.368a of the Revised Statutes of Texas, Sect.ion 5, that the City may issue warrants' in total amount. not to exceed $lO,q00 per year without notice or refe~ndum.; , The Oity Attorney presented an opinion regarding the ,establishing of lot lines on property used for business ,purposes, stating tha.t i~ will be, necessary , , I to submit any proposed amendment to the Zoning and Planning Commission for I approval, then after approval has been secured, proper noticiEl should' be rUed for a public heating. .After the hearing Council would be f~e to pass the necessar,y ordinance. , Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that this opinion of the Cit.y At.tomey be passed 'on to the Cit.y Pl~g Board,-asking the Planning Board for their recommendation with regard to the setback. ' Voting Aye: Mqor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Do~ass, Hamlett, and Armer J Voting Noe : None 'rhe Cit.y Attorney stated he had 22 tax suits to be filed. 11' ,~~, ~r" ..- -', 1 r" -- ,~~~- ' "1 -.-~ , T'i"'r'l1llll1llnT1111 ~ ,-, ~J ,"r, ......- ...~ '..~j CC; <::C l1!7' Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the City Attorney be authorized to file these suits and to collect the full amount plus the 10% allowed as Ms fee in. these cases. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass Voting Noe: None The Mayor stated that he thought some help could be received from Harris County either in labor or material for the streets. The MBiY'or and Commissioner Lanmon were appointed to contact Mr. Jack Townsend, Commissioner, regarding this matter. The Mayor asked the City Attorney to render an opinion with reference to, forcing the collection of the garbage charge. The meeting was recessed at 11:55 P.M. to reconvene at 7:30 P. M., Monday, March 31. The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on Monday, March 31, 1947 , at 7:30 P. M., at the City Hall. Present were MBiY'or Lee, presiding, Commissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass. Also present were the City Secre'tary, City Attorney and Mr.E. E. Townes, Jr., Attorney representing the City on proposed paving program. The MBiY'or asked Mr. Smith of Howe & Wise, Consulting Engineers for the City, if the breakdown of front foot pavement costs had been completed. Mr. Smith stated that they were not ready with these figures. Mr. Edgar Townes, Jr., Attorney, stated that he had been working with HOlle & Wise, and that it took considerable time to prepare the proper detaiied breakdown on unit costs, but that they would have this information ready wit.hin the next cUw or two ,at which time the Council could adopt the Ordinance approving and adopting or revising the Engineer's est.imated costs. Mr. FloydM. Cosby, 3312 University Boulevard, asked a question regarding what part the citizens will pay and what portion the City will pay. The MBiY'or informed Mr. Cosby that prior to any assessment against any property" public hearings will beheld on benefits, and assessments and all property owners will have an opportunity to be heard, stating that notification would be made through the papers. Mr. H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police, submitted a request for Special Officer's Commission to Mr. J. H. Woodard, Jr., who is serving as a relief officer in the absence of regular officers. Motion by Co:mmissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that in line Wit.h the recommendation of the Chief of Police, a Special Officer's Commission be granted to Mr. J. H. Wooo.ard, Jr., who is serving as a relief officer in the absence of regular officers. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The meeting was recessed until 7:30 P. M., April 3, 1947 r!.=:''-'=-'~- 1 T~i .I~ ---r . . --- : "l,rr"nrr]llrnrm;r'IT1II .. r--.- -.- ~ --"rn tl~8 ':l~ :.'. ----------- ~.. . The City Commission convened in recessed session on Thursd~, April 3, 1947, at 7:40 P. M. Present were M~or Lee, presiding, Commissioners La.Ill'QJlJ' Anner and Hamlett. Also ,present were the City Secretary, the City Attornte'J; and Mr. E. E. Townes, attorney representing the City on paying matters. The Mayor announced that the Commission was read3' to take up m~tters neces- sary to completion or the contract for street paving. .J"':..',..\' '" Mr. Smith, or Howe & Wise, Cop.suIting Engineers for the City, presented the signed contract or Holland Page together with properly executed performanceboDd. The Mayor read an ordinance appropriating runds out of the Street Paving and Bridge Bond Funds. The caption or this ordinance is as follows: '~:';/ . .".:.,' AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $125,000.00 OUT OF THE PA TING AND BRIDGE 0000 FUND OF 1946, IN THE ,CI'rY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S PART OF THE COOT OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND WESLAYAN STREET FROM THE SQUTa LINE OF ,RILEY STREET (EAST .OF . WESLAYAN STREET) TO THE SOUTH LINE .oF RIOHMOND, ROAD; AND .. . RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE :WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD '1'.0 THE NORTH LINE OF RI:CE BOULEVARD, AND DECLARING AN EMEBGENCY. u Motion by Commissioner La.nmen, seconded. by Commissioner Hamlett:, that the ordinance be passed as read. Voting Aye: Mayar Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Armer and Hamlett Voting Noe: None Commissioner Douglass arrived at this time. In the discussion or alternate types af paving reinforcing as contained in the ori,ginal proposal the recommendation was made by the City's Engineers to accept the alternate providing for welded mesh reinforcing. These rec.ommenda- tions were passed upon the Engineer's opinion that such reinforcing being of equivalent. type, was more readily available and therefore should be, the aJ.ter- nate or choice. :Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that acting upon the, recommendation of Howe & Wise, Commissioner Hamlett and the City Engineer, and also because or, the availability or the welded wire mesh, the City Commission accept the 'Wire mesh rein,fo,rcing alternate. Voting Aye': Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett, and Douglass Voting Noe: None I' ) J Ii ...- I .. , " "'; I > "'~ .. ""'--''''1 r T r"" "'Ill IlIr 1T:;'1lI I 119' Commissioner Lanmon read an ordinance, the caption of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO, THE E:xECUTIONOF THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND WESLAYAN STREET FROM THE SCUTH LINE OF RILEY STREET (EAST OF' WESLAYAN STREET) TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROlAD; AND ,- .....) ~'r-, .~ r~ '~~J 0:: ...:::e RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NOlRl'H LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD; 'APPROVING AND AIlQiPTING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGINEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; ACCEPTING THE BID OF HOLLAND PAGE AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, AND AWARDING TO HIM THE CONTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPRO- VING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; APPROVING AND ACCEPl'ING AND AUTHOR- IZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE BOND AND MAINTENANCE BOND IN CONNECTION mTH SAID IMPROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PROPERLY EXECUTED A CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' ~ Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that this ordinance be passed as read. Commissioner Douglass asked the City Attorney if he had re~d the contract. The City Attorney stated that. he had and found the contract in order. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Dauglass Voting Noe: None Commissioner Armer read an ordinance, the caption of which is as follows: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COOTS AND THE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING AND THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE VlEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE Tn THE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE; AND ' WESLAYAN STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF RILEY STREET (EAST OF \mSLAYAN STREET) TO' THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROlAD: AND RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO, THE WEST LINE OF BELMONT STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE O'F UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD; rr~'=~~I"i' ....""1"\ '~"~~~~'"~:1 rc~- n.. . r;n[j'''~:rlrIIT]r1T:r'il1lr- 12'0' IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMIN.... ING THE NECESSITY FOR AND D~Ct.ARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF THE COOT OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREE'.rS AND THE WWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMA.TE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR. ANY ,INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS '1'01 OTHER MATTERS RELATING ,+0 SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH , HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE. NOTICE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND" DECLARING AN EMEBGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the ordinance providing for and ordering a hearing to be held by and before the City Conimission of the City of West University Place, Texas, at 7:30 ,0 I clock P.M. on April 25, ,1947; in the City lIall'be adopted as read. ' Voting Aye : Mayor Lee, Commissioners, Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None The Commission recessed subject to call of the M83'or. ~4~/ ATTEST :, CITY ~~ f' . TiI'" 'I 1IIInrll:;'11I1 II '"'-' 'd-r-" "'~["1 .. ..', ... n ..,.,~ '" "" ] L h"~V ;.... . p~' ..,..::; ': ,. J !J Jl~l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 1947 The Ci:ty Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., April 14, 1947. Those present were M~or Lee, presiding, Connn1ssioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett, and Lanmon. Also present was the City Secretary. 'Minutes of meetings of March 24, 31, April 3, were read and approved as corrected. ~1 {---. -' ... ,.-.. ..~ .,. ~~- ~~.' we ~ Mr. J. A. Metcalf, Fire Marshal, appeared before the Commission and presented a letter regarding revised estimates on fire losses. The letter is as follows: April 7, 1947 State Fire Insurance Department Austin, Texas Att: Miss Mitchell Gentlemen: In checking over the 1946 fire losses charged against the City of West University Place, Houston, we find that the total amount reported by this office should be reduced in the sum of 3,311,00. We also find that the losses charged against the City af Houston should be increased in the sum of 3286.00, which was charged to West University Place in error. Very truly yours, cc: J. A. Metcalf Fire Marshal TEXAS INSURANCE CHECKING OFFICE BY: (s) H. G. Lair Mr. Metcalf also requested that tear gas, presently being kept at the Police Department Offices, be removed, as his inspection had revealed that such storage was contrary to good fire prevention practice. The City Secretary presented a letter from the City Attorney, indi- cating that the present taxi. cab licensing Ordinance is more or less ineffective and suggesting that the Commission discuss the advisability of amending the Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett and seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the City Commission request the City Attorney to draw up a revised Ordinance, making possible the more effective regulation of Taxi. Cabs in the City of West Unj~ersity Place. Voting Aye: M83'or Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass, Hamlett, and Lanmon Voting Noe: None A let.ter was then presented to the City by the City Secretary in which the City Attorney gave an opinion regarding the ,.grass and weed cutting Ordinance. The City Attorney suggest.ed that it IlliLght be desirable to discuss 11' -,,, '~~T'T" ;'-;-1 ru'~~~"~ , ., ,'j I' - rmlr'rITllllmrn:r;i1111--- - -- -c1"Ti"T 12.2 the Ordinance with the Commission inasm~ch as the Ordinance was long and complicated. No action was taken on this matter-, awaiting the actual disctl.Ssion by Mr. J. D. Kelley, City Attorney, upon his next meeting with Council. The City Engineer was requested to obtain from the Houston Light- ing & Power Company a map showing the present location and proposed location, of street lights in the City of West University Place. Upon receipt of this information the City Engineer was asked to report further to the Council in this regard. A letter to trAe Mayor and City Commission from Patrolman G. D. Pey.ton was presented by the City Secretary. Mr. Peyton asked that. an addi- tional sum of $33.45 be allawed him for his service during the t.ime between Feb. 21, and March 10, during which period Mr. Peyton acted as Chief of Police. In view of references to, the service of certain Police Officers in the absence of the appointed Chief of Police, which reference occurs in Article 15, Sec. 1, of the City Charter, the Council refered the letter from Mr. Peyton to the City Attorney with a request that they be advised whether or not, under exist.- ing Charter provisions, the City would be obligated to pay the amoat requested. Mr. Marble of the Houston Master Plumbers Association, came before the Council ill regard to eertain proposed Texas Legislation. Mr . Marble indicated that presently penGing, legislation contained in S. B. 188, andH. B. 370 takes away the powers of municipalities to govern the liscensing of 1'l1umb- ers. Mr. Marble requested that the Council lend their support in an effort to prevent. the inactment of that legislation. Mr. Jim Whitehead, member of the West University Place Plumbing Board stated that he concUrred with the desires of the Houston Master Plumbers Association and requested that the fol- lowing resolution be adopted. The Resolution is as follows t 1fffiEREAS, pending legislation contained in S. B. 1843 and H. B. 370 proposes to create a State Board of Plumbing Examiners ; and, WHEREAS, said Board would take over the powers of municipalities to examine and license master and journeyman plumbers': NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that 'the 'City Commission of the City of West University Place go on record as opposing the passage of pend- ing legislation contained inH. B. .370 and S. B. 188. Motion by Cemmissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City Commissian adopt .the reso1-qt-ran. , r"--", ..1,1 -.ill . ,~;-;: _-t' ....:\, r,..II.. LJ 123 The City Secretary was asked to confer 'With the City Attorney regarding ,the issuance of Tax Certificates, and the provisions of our Ordinance requiring a fee for garbage collection. The City Secretary was asked to obtain from the Zoning Commission awri tiien recommendation regarding building set-back lines in presently zoned business property. The meeting was recessed at 9: 30 P. M. to reconvene upon call of the Ma,vor. ~! ,- ,--' ~.x) ~~ cr.J. < The City Commission reconvened in Recessed Session on Friday, April 25, 1947, at 7:30 P.M., at the City HaIl for the Public Hearing on Paving Benefits in accordance 'With previously published official notice. Officials present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon. Also present were the CitySecretaI"J, City Attorney, Mr. Smith and Mr. Spiller of Ho'We & Wise, Engineers for the City; and Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., City Paving AttorD!3Y. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, Seconded by Commissioner. Armer, that. due to the large attendance, the meeting be moved to the West University School Auditorium where the seating capacity could acconnnodate the crmvd and that a police officer remain on duty at the City Hall to direct late comers to the school auditorium. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: JIayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon. None With the approval of the assembled citizens and with Chief of Police H. E. Shipp having been left on duty and instructed in accordance with the abo'\[e motion, the meeting was continued at the West University School Auditorium with approximately 125 citizens present. Mayor Lee explained the purpose of the hearing and the history and background of the paving proceedings; and the Mayor also made a general ex- planation of the proposed paving assessments and rates. Mayor Lee then requested Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving At,torney for the City, to present and examine witnesses with reference to the contracted improvements and the benefits to properties and the owners thereof by reason of said improvements. . Mr. J. H. Spiller, Jr., having been duly sworn by M83'or Lee testi- fied, in answer to questions by Mr. Townes, that he was an engineer, associated with Howe & Wise, Engineers for the City; that he was familiar with and had worked on the plans and specifications for the pavement to be constructed, and gave a general explanation and statement of the type and nature 'of the work to be done. .E:____..___~~~I~ _~ :.....1 . ----,-~ ,- r-:-~ .._':'.:..:-:J.__~_~_____ _1:: T--.--- ------:-'::fllT::"~':n~II'I1r:n~ITlrur-T- 124 Upon invitation to propound questions of an engineering nature concerning benefits to properties to Mr. Spiller, numerous citizens ques- tioned the witness among "Whom were: Mr. A. R. Dew, 3515 University Mr. Auer, 3316 University Mr. Blissard, 3320 UniveJ;'sity Mr. John M. Dozier, 2628 University Mr. Elmer E. Cazy, 2815 University Mr. Joe Hildebrandt, 2740 University Mr. Alvin Beyer, 2636 University Mr. Roger :McCall, 2637 University Mrs Roberts, 3030 University Mr. Merten, 2804 University Mr. Jim Parker, 2103 University Mr. Bertrand, 3002, University Mr. Gribble, 2907diice Blvd. Mr. Nieberg, 6030 Annapolis Mr~ John Jarvis, 4134 University Mr. Bowser, 4bOl.Te~son Mr. R. C. Chambers, Mr. E. D. Christian, Univ. & Wes- lCW"an :---~ ~.., m ',.1 ;---il Mr. James Cain, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee, in answer to questions by Mr. Towmes, testified; That he was in the real e~tate brokerage business and testified con- cerning his real estate experience and his familiarity 'With West,l:1niversity Place properties; the p~s~nt, condition of the streets to be improved" and gave his opinion as to the enhancement in value to the properties'abutting upon the respective streets which would result from the proposed improvements, as outlined by Mr.SpilleI", and with which he had familiarized himself. , Mr. Cain stated that, in his opinion, each p~perty on each of the streets would be enhanced in value considerably in excess of the respective aIIlO~ts, of the proposed assessments as reflected upon the engineers' estimates.. Upon invitation to address such questions as they had relating to en- hancement in value to Mr. Cain, numerollS of the citizens present did propound questions including: Mr. Bertrand, 3002 University Mrs. Roberts, 3030 University Mr. W. S. Werner, 3614 University Mr. Auer, 3316 University Mr . Carey, Mr. DoZier, 2928 University Mr. Simpson, Barbara Lane Mr Marett, University , Mr.. Henderson, Rice Blvd. 2815 University Several of the citizens, including some who had come into the meet- ing after same hadbeen continued at the school, also addressed ques~&ons and various of the citizens made statements to the Commission. ' A petition, signed byappro.xi.matelYQO residents of U~versity Boulevard, protesting aTdi~ce No,. 3.35, as amended by Ordinance 'No. 3:38) was by Mr. Auer' and presEtl ted to the Council for co~de~ation. All citizens present having bee~ givenfull QPwrtlUlityto question the witnesses and to make statements, ~he hearing was recessed atn}.O:~?5P.M. on motion duly made, se,cond.ecland unanimollSly c,artied, unt~l 7 :3QP:io~. on April 28, 1947 in the Gitj1! Hall. " ," Ir~~~~=+=Y_ L':~.~~.-=!:":_l:l L'.... .. "_,1______ I: ,-- - - ~ ITl1I"'I("llllll1UTIiCillll T '-OJ:n- ~ -, '_.1 '~J::: -~ ~ .~.! 0: -< 125 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 28, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:45 P. M., Mond~, April 28, 1947. Those present were the City Attorney, City Secretary, and Mr. E. E. Tovmes, Jr., Pa.ving Attorney. Commissioner Douglass was absent. 'The recessed hearing on paving benefits was called to order at the City Hall by M~or Lee. Minutes of the meeting of April 14, 1947, were read and approved. Mr. Charles F. Hanson appeared before the Council protesting the proposed methods of financing the construction of paving on University Boul- evard. ' Mr;. Geo. C. Williams also appeared and protested the cost to prop- erty O"WIlers on Univers1tty Blvd. "Mr,. Charles Haas spoke regarding the needs for paving Te~son Street. All citizens present for the hearing having been heard, the Mayor and Commissioners further considered and discussed the benefits to properties and adjustments of 'proposed assessments and to provide additional time for further hearings to the property ovmers on paving benefits, the hearing was, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, re-set for May 7, 1947, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. ' Mr;. Claude Reynolds, of the Fire Department, came before the commission and presented a plan for a West University Place Fire and Po~ice radio communi- cation system. Mr. Reynolds explained that the estimated equipment cost would approximately $1745.90, and that payment could be arranged as follo'WB: $600.00 with order, and the balance payable in monthly installments as equipment is delivered. Motion made by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Council ga on record as favoring the purchase of a communication system for the Fire Department, but due to the budget situation, the Council delay the purchase until such time as a more favorable financial situation exists. Voting Aye : Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon Voting Noe: None The Secretary presented a letter addressed to the Commissioners and signed by Mrs. W. E. Eberling, Secretary of the Zoning and Planning Commission in which was quoted the following action of t he Zoning and Planning Commission at their regular meeting held April 24, 1947: It Motion that the, request by Mr. Al L. Crystal dated April, 19, 1947, for a rehearing of his petition of January 24, 1947, for the rezoning of property located on the west side of Kirby Drive between Plumb Street and Pemberton Drive as commercial property, be, and it is hereby denied". 11 ," "~~"'oT,"'----iI1 -, ':TiiT"'i!:"']lm:Il:i:iI1I1 r "'-~-"""~"'~-~~"':"l r"--~--- f2,6' Mrs. Eberling's letter stated that this motion had been made, seconded and unanimously carried. Following discussion of the letter from the Zoning and Planning Commission there was a motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by. Commissioner Hamlett, that the letter be :referred to the City Attorney for consideration. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon Voting Noe: None The City Secretary presented the following letter from the Zoning and Planning Commission: Honorable Ralph B. Lee, Mayor, And the Board of Commissioners April 26, 1947 Gentlemen: .' c'o \.... Ata regular meeting of the Zoning. & Planning Commission held ' April 24, 1947, the following motion was made, s.econded and unanimously carried, in response to' motion by the City Commission on March 27, regard- ing establishing lot lines on property used for business purposes: ' "Motion by Mr. Mehr: The Zoning & Planning Commission recommends to the City COUIicilthat lot lihes (or set-back lines) for com- mercial property in West University Place, be set at not less than 30 feet. from the property line". 1:) very tl'uly, J Mrs. W. E. Eberling, Secretary Zoning & Planning Commission Motion by Commissione;r, Lanmon and seconded byCoIllIlli:ssioner Hainlett, that the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission berefer,ed to the City Attorney for possible incorporation in the Zoning Ordinance.' , Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer & Lanmon. None 'Fhe City Attorney presented a letter regarding his opinion of grass and weed cutting Ordinance No. 37. The Council asked that Sanitarian, Paul T. McClain, confer with the City Attorney regarding notices to vacant-lot owners relative to the clean up of properties involved. The Police Dept. was ( also asked to aid the Sanitarian in the . location of all vacari:t lots requiring ,attention. The City Attorney 'presented an Ordinance amending Ordinance. No. 298, and Captioned as follows: " "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 298, AS PERTAINING TOl SECTION VII, PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT IN EXCESS OF $lOQ~OO 'FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF." ~ .- , , --- :c' "-ju, ......J ~\ ...... ~'""t \ 1,;2,'7' . .", -, Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded blJ Commissioner Armer that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon None The City Attorney then advised the Council that there had been no auditing of the Houston Lighting & Power Company 1 s . statement of income by which the monies due the City of West University Place could be computed in accordance with the agreement made between the Houston Lighting & Power Company and City of West University Place. The City Secret~ was asked to obtain from the Light CompaI\1 a statement of their gross sales in the City of West University Place for the year 1946. Mr. Kelley then advised the Council that there was some necessary abstract work to be done in connection with pending delinquent tax suits. Mr. Kelley was authorized by Council to have the abstract work in question billed to the City. The City Secretary presented a letter from the Volunteer Fire De- partment in which was outlined the dates and hours worked by various members of the Volunteer Fire Department and which requesterl payment to the Department of the funds authorized at Council meeting of March 24, 1947. The City Secretary was instructed to have a check drawn, payable to the Volunteer Fire Department and express the appreciation of the Council for their excellent handling of the Department during the absence of Mr. J. D. Al- stott. Mayor Lee, presented a report from the Houston Transit Company re- garding changes in routing and revised schedules for busses operating in the City of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the City Council approve the rerouting and schedules on a trial basis as, proposed in Mr. W. A. Robertson's letter of April 26, 1947. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon None The City Secretar,r was instructed to write a letter to the Houston Transit Company advising them of the Council's aa.tionand expressing apprecia- tion for the courteous manner in which the Houston Transit Company cooperated -with the City. The regular meeting of the Council was recessed at 11:20 P.M. to reconvene at 7:)0 P.M., May 7, 1947 The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at 7 :45 p. M., May 7, 1947, for a continuation of the hearing on Paving Benefits. Those present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass, Armer, 11"'"--,,-,--,, _l-':C-c--,--- :UTI" .-':':~:~II'1II]LIIi[~[]1 j----- --~"~='l"l -'"'C.""~~'~~:-"""_~~'~ __ ________ _________ f28 and Hamlett as well as the City Secretary, City Attorney and Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney. No further property ow.i1ers expressed a desire ta be heard on the questions o:f benefits and assessments, and Mr. Townes, on question by the Mayor stated that he had prepared an Ordinance closing the hearing on Paving Benefits inearporating assewsmentsagains.t the abutting propert~ and owners, in amounts as tentatively determined at the earlier hearings. The Mayor and Commissioners then further discussed the question of benefits, assessments and adjustments thereof, and having finally at the hearing, determined the benef~ts to each property, the Olrdinance prepared by Mr. Townes was reviewed and approved by Mr. John D. Kelley, City Attorney, and fully read to the Commissioners. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the hearing be closed and the Olrdinance be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Douglass, Armer. and Lanmon None Voting Noe: hearing The,;fwas closed and the and unanimously carried.. meeting adjourned by motion made, seconded ~J.~ ATTEST: CITY~~ ,. :rTi1"i""'lrrlrnmT;~i1lIl r-"~~~'~==-' ~'~-''''l -r'-~--- - I 11"" _.'~'='"'"f'T"=~"'1'''Fl ] ;.\ . , ,~ 1-3 129 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 12, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City' Hall at 7:30 P.M., Monday, May 12, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee, presiding, Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Minutes of meetings of April 28, & May 7, were read and approved. ~l Mr. Charles E. Ka...llp, Chairman of the Bus Committee, upon request of Mayor Lee, reviewed the past accomplisThllEmts of that Committee. Mr. Kamp explained the work of the co~"'Dittee and the difficulties involved in arriving at workable bus schedules. Mr. Kamp advised that, at the request of the Commission, the Committee would continue to operate as a unit to help with future bus transpor- tation problems. Mr. W. C. Morris, Jr., was asked by the Mayor to express the view point of citizens in his district to the recent change in schedules. Mr. Morris stated that since the institution of the shuttle bus it was evident that such bus routing was wholly unsatisfactory. There being six members of the bus Committee present, it was suggested that they convene at the Community Building together with interested Citizens to formulate a recommendation to the City Council. '_.i" ,'-'F... -l1...... . !"--: ~~~~.l ~"--'" ~ <:C Mr. Charles E. Kamp later reported, as a resULt of the meeting, that the bus Committee had recognized the necessity of requesting the Transit Comparv to remove the Auden Shuttle. The recommendation carried by a vote of 4 to 2 of the Committee was as follows: the Committee and members of the Council take up with the Transit Company the matter of discontinuing the Shuttle and request that the Auden Line, proceed from its present terminus at Auden N. to Richmond and W. to the present terminus of the Shuttle and return by the same route. Mr. Morris, representing the minority, stated that they were opposed to this routing because it was believed that the Auden-Rice loop was the preferred solution. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Council accept the majority recommendation of the Bus Co@mittee, and that. rep- resentatives of the Council and the Committee contact the Houston Transit Co. for the purpose of carrying, out that recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass, & Armer None Mayor Lee expressed the appreciation of the City to all members of the Bus Committee for their efforts in atteml~ing to solve the difficult problem. Mr. Claude Reynolds, Assistant Chief, Volunteer Fire Dept. asked the Council for authority to proceed with the purchase of a Communication system for the Fire De partment . Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that in con- sideration of the activities of the Volunteer Fire Department and the Civic Club in arranging the procuremerrt of a Communication system, the Council authorize the issuance of a purchase order to the Gulf Coast Electronics Co., with the under- standing that no funds would be expended for this purpose until after September 1. 11-0=r-::-'-""--"=::':.="-'-"1=T:=rCO:--"'-"~=i"'i r'~~- ~'O"~"."c,~_oc~~m"'T r' ' -~- "Tin'" ;,'''' IllIInr"IT~:rn 1 130: During discussion of this motion, Commissioner Douglass inquired of the City Attorney regarding the validity of such a commitment by the City. Mr. Kelley advised that the motion was vaJ.idand axr:r purchase order issued would be binding. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Douglass, & Armer None J Mr. Al L. Crystal, Attorney representing certain citizens protested the action of the Zoning Commission in denying the petition to change the Zoning Ordinance to permit a retail business dist.rict to be established on Kirby Drive and including appronmately twenty-eight 50 X 100' Lots. After considerable discussion during which various citizens made statements' for and against the proposal, Commis~ioner Lanmon made a motion that the Cauncil accept the reco:mmen- datian of the Zoning Commission denying the' request as submitted' by Mr. Oirystal. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett,' Armer' Douglass and La.nmon. ':-,Ii Voting Noe: None Because of illness ofa member of his family Commissioner Hamlett depart(;)d at 10:15 P.M. Commissioner Douglass brought. up t.hematter of some excess funds remai.ni:pg over and above the amount. borrawed from the bank for the purchase of the grader ami made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Armer that these excess fuIl.d$ be re- turned to t.hebank to apply on the next payment. " , Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners 1Irmer, Douglass, and Lamnon Voting Noe: None ' :...J.,..... ' . , , On recommendation of the City Attorney, Mr. John D. Kelley, Commissioner Armer submitted a motion, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Corpo:ra.tion Court night be changed to Wednesday nights in order to prevent con.fl~ction 'With Council Meeting. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Vot.ing Noe: None Mayor Lee asked consideration of a request by the Civic Club regarding costs for the use of the addressograph machine. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the CityAtto~ey be instructed to dra~u:p anOrdinance changing the fee to be charged to the Cine Club to $10.00. ' . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, 'Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon None ' Mr. Daniel F. Smith of the Smith Laboratories inquired of the 1a.boratory work to be performed in connection 'Wit.h pending paving o};)erations. Mr. Smithwasa.d- vised that the laboratory work had been considered ,and was to be done by the Engin- eers Testing laboratory. On further discussion it was brought out that the deci- sion had not been made a subject. of official action and Commissioner Dotig:l,9;ss made a m~tion,'seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Engineers Testing laboratory be desi:gnated as the Laboratory to perform testing services on the pending paving work. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Voting N9~: None --":.I_--'~!".:c,_:,,,Oc,,!~:::'Y- "-=--''''C7.C~i_,._,,_-_.-_,_,-__-_-_~-'~!,!'~.',,~~_~__ ____.___~___~___ ..;.-'-"--~-'"' --- - - --.-,' ~]"i ~l'~ ~ 'i':i:";'Wltl]E;!'P.~~~ll ~ -, '.~~ ^'("', '....1'..' i ;..,~, 35 <t 13t The City Secretary presented a letter from the City Treasurer asking that authority be given to destroy paid and cH'Mlled bonds as follows: 1Jescription Series No. Denomination Due No. Bonds Refunding Bonds 1936 101-115 $1000.00 4/10/45 15 Refunding Warrants 1936 27-28-30 1000.00 4/10/45 3 Storm Sewer 1941 11...l6 ,1000.00 1/15/45 6 Sanitary Sevrer 1942 5-7 1000.00 3/1 /45 3 Storm Sewer 1942 5-6 1000.00 3/1 /45 2 Total 29 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the cancelled bonds be ordered burned and that proper witnesses be present and that the City Treasurer execute an affidavit as to their destruction. iT oting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None Mayor Lee read a letter from Mr. Howard Kiatta submitting his resignation from the Charter Ammendment Committee. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Mr. Kiattats resignation be accepted with regret. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None A statement of gross revenues by the Houston Lighting & PovYer Company, in the City of West University Place was referred to Commissioner Douglass for study and recommendations. The City Attorney submitted a letter from the Zoning and Planning Committee regarding their recommendation of set back lines in the areas of retail business establishments. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissinner Douglass that a Public Hearing be set for June 9, for the purpose of hearing interested persons in connection with the proposed ammendment to", the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: MC\Vor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass & Armer None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned. .~$~ ATTEST: CITY ~~ 1l_::!~ _: ._-__-:-_I_::L_.~:~~::L__d - -. ", -:rrrenL'JI'IIIJIITII:Cirlll. ------,jre1 .::_,._~-::':';'1_ _______ __ _ _____"___,__ _L' f3'2: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 26, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. 114. Monday, May 26, 1947. Those present' were Mayor" Lee, presiding, Commissioner Douglass, Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon. Also present were the City Attorney and the City;S~c~ " . . ,- - - - - -.- --:' retary. Minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1947 were read and approved. A. committee representing the interest of the Girl Scouts petitioned the City Council to contribute a site on which to build a meeting house. It was explained by the Council that the present p~aygrounds and parks was the only property o'Wlled;,~" by the City which might be used for tbat purpase, and due to proposed expanf?ion of recreation faciliti~s including a s'Wimming poal, it was doubtful ,that any arrang~':"" ment, other than a temporary-one might be made. Mrs. Robert Pyle, District Chair- man, who acted as spokesman for the Girl Scout Committee, was asked to check, further into the adaptibi1i ty of the playground on Weat point between Case and Byron~ Dr. J. R. Winston of the Kiwanis Club, proposed to the Council the furnishing of attic ventilation in the ColllIllUDj.ty Building'. Dr. Winston explained that' the fund;3available to. the Teen Age Cariteen, sponspred. by the Kiwanis Club, w~ suffi- cient to provide the necessary installation and Eagle Insulators, Inc..,hadpromised to make the installation at cost providing recogniti~n could be given their eff<>rts by a small sign or plaque in the Community Building. ' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon,. seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the City accept with thanks the offer of the Kiwanis Club and the Teen AgeCanteen"to supply attic ventilation for the Community Building and to. extend authorization for the pla.ceffiemt of a small plaque showing the names of firms contributing to. the instal- lation. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Douglass, Hamlett; La.nIllon and. Armer Voting Noe: None Mr. E. A'. Davis, 5920 Lake st., and Mr. L. E. Bracewell of 6004 Lake St., re- quested permission of the City Council to remove existing si,de walks in' front bi' their property and explained that the present side walks were in need, of repair and off grade. The question of authority to permit such removal was referred to Mr. Kelley, ~ity Attorney, far investigation. Mr. Joplin, of the Haustan Lighting & Power Company, at the request of the Commission, confeFred with the Council regarding proposed installation of street lights. During the discussion, it was brought out that the erection of street lights in accordance with existing agreements between the Power Comp~y, and the City 01' West University Place had been planned for a considerable length of time and that farmer activities by the Pawer Company in proceeding with the installation, had been stopped on the request of the City as a result of complaints concerning location. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that bearing in mind the possibility of some objection in locations, but considering overall benefits to. Community as a whale, the Council adopt the schedule of proposed lights as shown on the map prepared for that purpose and instruct the Light Cpmpar>,y to proceed with the erectian and installation of all street lights included in the plan. i.,'J'.,...,. ( :: . ! .: ..,'].'.,.:... ~ -..: !,.]--'.",.,..,'.. ' , Ii.,,'~-=-'==rr=l,.d ..__n~[" .,.,. '''[:1 -____r-'-"---~-----.,-'11TT'J'LII1!rnnlm[lJrT------- "=-;lirr-" ~ .-.. '___i :::.c' """,, ............. "",-, :......-; -< 133', Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett, Lanman and Armer None Mayor Lee, during the discussion of a campaign for contri1i6utions toward a Volunteer Fire Department Communication system, read the following letter from the 'Nest University Place Civic Club: May 22, 1947 rl}.8.r . Ralph B. Lee, Mayor and the City Commission City of West University Place Gentlemen: We msh to take this opportunity to thank you for the fine cooperation and spirit that you have put behind the work being done by our organization. It is with great pleasure that I should like to, advise you at this point that our drive to obtain funds 'With which to purchase the two-way radio equip- ment for the Fire Department has been and is continuing to be one of the greatest successes in our Club's career. With this in mind, we would like to ask your permission to carry on a "house-to-house" campaign for contributions, using what- ever equipment and fire trucks the Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and yourselves feel that you can afford to turn loose on the nights of June 2nd through June 6th from 6: 30 until 9: 00 P. M. If we might have permission to hold this drive during these hours, using the equipment and fire trucks, we believe that we can readily raise the necessary funds to put us over the top and give our city what is so desperately needed for the benefit of the men who give their free time and to help preserve the fine standing in fire insurance rates that .'Va now have. Perhaps if you deem it helpful, as we do, you might even proclaim this week, from June 2nd through June 6th, "Volunteer Firemen Week" in this CitJT. Your' fine cooperation in this regard continues to be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, (signed) Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. Pres. II By consent of the Council, the request contained in the letter from the Civic Club was approved, and the week of June 2nd through June 6th, was pro- claimed "Volunteer Fireman Week. II The City Secretary presented a Certificate from the City Treasurer certify- ing to the availability of funds in the Street Paving and Bridge Bond fund for the purpose of constructing a bridge over the Poor Farm Ditch on University Boulevard. Appropriation Ordinance No. 345, and captioned as follows was read in fuil& I1:--.n'-T,i:~':nl'iJ~~c [, . - -,., ------';nrrTii"";IIIlIlllJ1IiCilJll TIiT] ,--~-c-- ",,I. 134 "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SID\!: OF $29,887.00 OUT 0lF THE FUND TO THE CREDIT OF STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, 1~46)c IN THE CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE COOT OF THE CONSTRUCTIOJN OF A CONCRETE BRIDGE ON UNIVERSITY BLVD. OVER POOR IDARM DITCH IN THE CITY eF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY'I Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Ordinance be approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Voting Noe: None A resolution" captioned as follows was fully read: fI A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPOiVING CONTRACT WITH GERALD MORA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE BRIOO:E OVER POOR FARM DITCH ON UNIVERSITY BLVD. IN THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. I' Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded bJr Commissioner Armer that the Resolu- tion be approved as read. . Voting Aye: M~or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Voting Noe: None A resolution regarding the rates to be charged to West University,PJ.ace Civic Club for the use of t he Addressograph Machine and Captioned as follows was, fully read: "l! RESOlLUTH>>N AMENDING RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES TO BE CHARGED F01R THE . USE elF ~SSOORAPII MACHINE wrrllIN TIlE C~. OF ilEsT illIXVEHSlfi I PLACE-;TEIAS" MotJ.on by COIlIll1J.ssJ.oner Lanmon, seconded by COIDmlssJ.oner Hamlett that ~he resolution be approved as read. ' I Voti.ng Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, DOUglass.akd Lanman Voting Noe: None I (The ~ental for use of the addressogra:ph will be one cent per n*'for plates uSed by any person, firm, or corporation other than the City of' West University Place, one-half cent per name for plates used by non-profit organizat:rons and a flat fee of $10.00 for use by the Civic Club.) , Connnissioner Lanmon brought up the question of the vacancy on the Board of Health and submitted a motion, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Dr. Max Emmert be appointed as a member of that Board. I ... Voting Aye: M~or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Voting Noe: None ,[ Upon question by M~or Lee, Commissioner Douglass reviewed tne p~oceedings of a meeting with County COnnnissioner, Jack Townsend, attended by CoIIll1li.ssitoners Douglass and Hamlett and held at Galena Park on Friday May2J.Coiinnisbioner Douglass explained that the County Commissioner representingdthi.s'predinct was cooperative and proposed a meeting between County Commissioner Townsend and the Council in West University Place on Wednesday May 28. COIlJIl4.ssioner/wab authorized to arrange such a meeting. Douglass! I I ] .--'-'n-~~~1~".';--.' 1t:'::::1__:::-~~~___:::=e c:::_ ~::.~ ::.:=:~'1. r." ..--.. --._.__ -::~:., 1_ .-L-_ r - - -- --T'~rrrr':"~lEII'T~lI~~'-' IJ......'..'j,' ! ' w . (-:.....".1 l.J ,1-35 During discussion of appointments to the Board of Equalization the names of Messrs Carl Smith, W. K. Clark, and M. J. Gibson were proposed by Mayor Lee. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mr. Carl Smith be appointed chairman with Mr. W. K. Clark and Mr. M.J. Gibson to s'erve on the Board of Equalization. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Hamlett, Armer and Lanman None -, ~--) With the concurrence of the City Commission, Commissioner La:nmon was designated by the Mayor to submit for consideration the names of proposed committeemen to serve on committees concerning a swimming pool construction program and a c01lli~ttee to revise rules and regulations governing the usage of the Community Building. ~ ."("'. .~.- " i- ;...;..) =-.~ ~i ~ Following discussion of a proposed rerouting of busses, motion was sub- mitted by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the City Secretary instruct the Houston Transit Company to proceed with the route changes as previously proposed by the majority of the bus Committee. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Douglass, Hamlett, Armer and Lanmon None A letter from Mr. E. J. Hood, Water Superintendent pertaining to over- time work by certain employees of the Street, Bridge, Water and Garbage De- partments was presented by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that overtime by monthly employees be paid for on hourly basis. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Douglas'5, Hamlett, Armer and Lanman None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ~d~/ ATTEST: CITY SEC~~ .,.! :0 ;Co-.__ __:-_,=__c,_ r-_"""c-- "'r~" ~;~ -"-"''''"::~"~;~''-1 ----'__r' -"'"C"-~~r- _ '----y-- --- -- - ----':':[[II"":,::..~III[[]LJJ:C:!lll li~:~':i f36 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 9, 1947~ The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30P.M. Monday, Jun~ 9, 1947. Those present Were Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioners Douglass, Armer, Hamlett, and Lanmon. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Minutes of th-e meeting of May 26, 1947, were read and approved as corrected. Mr. Ernest R. Thomas, 3001 Quenby appeared before the Council regarding the hazard of wyeing the bus at Wakeforest and Sunset. The advisability ~.fiattempting a change was referred to Commissioner Hamlett for d:i.scussion with the Bus Committee. Mr. Hawkins of 3901 Case, proposed to the Council that the property O'WIlers on College Street in the vicinity of Case Street enter into a private contract for sur- facing streets in that section. Commissioner Hamlett was asked to investigate several types of residential paving to obtain estimates of costs and to report. at the next Council mee'Ging. Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr., President of the Civic Club, thanked the Council for use of City eqUipment during lIVolunteer Fireman Weeklt and advised that the campaign for a radio communications system had met with exccel1ent, results. Mayor,Lee ex- pressed the appreciation of the Commission to the Civic Club and to all citizens par,- ticipating in, and con'Gributingto the drive for funds. Mr. A. W. Wagner, Attorney representing Mr. Chas. Ginsburg, requested a clari- fication of the Zoning Ordinance regarding the use of a family dwelling unit for: classes in classical dancing. Mr. Wagner advised that a letter had been mailed in which inquiry was made regarding this clarification and was told that when the letter was received that it would be referred to the Zoning and Planning Commission. Mr. Chas. M. Boyer made inquiry regarding the Commissions approval of a recom- mendation by the Zoning and Planning Commission <With reference to his application for construction of a residence in the 3000 block of Albans Road. In this cormec- tion the City Secretary read the following letter: "Honorable Ralph B. Lee, Mayor and the City Council City of West University Place Gentlemen: Re: Chas .M.Boyer- 3000 Block Albans Lot 28, Blk.3. At a meeting of the Zoning & Planning Commission held Thursday, May 28,1947, Mr. Chas .M.Boyer appeared before the Conunission requesting waiving of certain pro- visions for construction of a house at the above address, which is an area desig- nated as 51% briek construction. Due consideration was given all phases of Mr.Boyer's request, and it is the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Commission that in this particular instance, Mr.Chas.M.Boyer, be permitt.ed to build a house in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to the Conunission, using brick on the face of the house, provided asbestos shingles are substituted for cedar shingles on the balance of the outside construction. Yours very i::!roly, (signed) Mrs W.E.Eber1ing, Secltryto Zoning and Planning Commission I Ti'."--=--~~='=~-~.~-"T'''j'''',<=-"",,~ _~_~r.-- "-=-===~'=-~~-~'~~l_,] ____u___,. :liil":;''':lITIrnCrr;r:;llll [ r- u --i-1~-'~ ,:- ~J J jT'i .. 1:3,71 accept the Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Council! recommendation of the Zoning and Plaming Commission and approve the construction as outlined inLthe letter. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Oommissione rs Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer None Mr. W. A. Buttelman, 4229 Villanova submitted a petition requesting the Council of the City of West University Place to arrange for street paving and construction of curbs and side walks in the 4200 block of Villanova. The Mayor expressed the Council's appreciation to :Mr. Buttelman for his interest and advised that petitions would be used for planning eventual street construction. ~ - ':_1 The following letter from the Zoning and Planning Commission was submitted by , the City Secretary: ;'~: rt-.; .....",..~ ,-,,-. ;,...0., < "Honorable Ralph B. Lee, Mayor and the City Council City of 'West University Place Gentlemen: At the request of Mr. James A. Metcalf, Fire Marshall, and Mr. James F. Jolly, Building Inspector, the follo'Wing motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried at a meeting of tbe Zoning & Planning Commission held Thursday, May 28, 1947 = "The Zoning & Planning Commission of the City of West University Place recommends to the City Council that in the future, builders of apartment houses and duplexes in the City of West University Place be required to use conduit for the electrical wiring instead of the conventional knob and tube or roII'.ex". Y ours very truly, (Signed) Mrs. Vi ..E.Eberling,Secretary to the Zoning & Planning Commission Mr. J. A. Metcalf, Fire Marshal, was asked to check the electric code to determine what action would be necessary with regard to the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission. The City Secretary presented the matter of paying advertising cost in connec- tion with the paving program out of funds appropri~ted'from the Street and Bridge Bond funds. This question was referred to the Cit:r Attorney to determine whether appropriated funds could be used for that purpose or whether additional appropria- tions would be necessary. , The City Secretary presented a letter from Coy P. Stuart, requesting con- sideration for a position as boys recreation director. The City Secretary was in- structed to reply by letter explaining that there were no provisions for such a position at the present time. The follOwing minutes of the Plumbing Board Meeting of May 30, 1947 were pre- sentedto the Council: nc"~cc"""rT~~;~;]~---------,C """"'~'~~-=--',: 1 -r-' nn_, ]l1T"Ii:]IIIE U;[:tllll 1"l,<O .1:0.0, "Members Attending: Merrill "Whitehead, M.J . Whitehead, J.F . Jolly. The meeting was called to order by Merrill Whitehead, Chairman. The first business was the election of a Board Secretary. Mr. J. F. Jolly was nominated as secretary by M.J .Whitehead, seconded try Merrill Whitehead. Motidn carried. Motion made by J.F . Jolly and seconded by Merrill Whitehead that, the City Council consider an appropriation in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to cover initial cost of setting up facilities to give examinations to applicants for Master Plumbers License. Motion carried unanimously. (Note: All present licensed Master Plumbers in West University Place have been examined by the City of Houston and were issued licenses in the City or West University on that strength.) Motion made by M.J .Whitehead for adjournment, seconded by J.F . Jolly . Motion carried. lJ-'. , ..; (signed)J.F . Jolly , secretary of Plumbing Board II Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the sum of ~50. 00 be appropriated jfjor equipment and supplies requested by the Plumbing Boa+d and i..rnmediately needed for the giving of examin~tions to applicants for the Master Plumbers license. (During the discussion of the motion it was brought out that the Plumbing Board heretofore had issued licenses only to applicants who had passed the examination as given by tre City of Houston, ahd that they had had only one applicant for a City of West University Place license who did not desire licensing in the City of Houston. It was further brought out that in view of present State Legislation, the licensing of Master Plumbers would soon be taken over by a State Board.) o Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Hamlett, and Armer Commissioner Douglass The City Engineer explained to the Council that in view of considerable residential construction it would "soon be necessary to purchase additional water meters and recommended that the sum< of $5,000 be appropriated for the purpose of purchasing replacements and repairing meters. A Treasurers Certificate was presented certifying that the said sum of $5,000, was available for appropriation in the Water~ewer Fund. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett and seconded by Commissioner Armer' that the sum of $5,000 be appropriated from the Water~ewer Fund for the purchase and re- pair of water meter,s. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None Upon question by the Mayor, Chief of PoliceH.E.Shipp, reported that he had contacted the City of Southside Place and Bellaire ,with the view towa;rda coopera- tive program to solve the stray dog problem in a humane manner. Mr. Shipp ad- ' vised that both Be 11 aire and Southside Place were amenable toward su.,eh a joint , II:!"J-'. program. Mr. Shipp stated that he felt that a dog catcher furnishing his own vehicle could be secured for the sum of $240.00 per month and that $80.00 per month as the pro-rata share of the City of West University Place would be fair and reasonable. lTC:' -!"o=-;~: ~C,~' :::c'-:o.-:r:'.~~_:~' ;;:-:~~~r ~-,~''=-::~-~''=-==:--=-~~~:''!'.f1~_~_ f'-~"-------'-------- - r:~rrn'~~'T"!~'~II'I'Jl'Il~]T:[~lTII1 ~ ,- ~,) t~.. ..... ~'i '...~J _~a<k,. ...... ~ 139 Motion by Commissioner La.11ID.on and seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Mr. Shipp negotiate 1Juth the City of South Side Place and Bellaire with the view tpward working out a concrete plan whereby the City of West University Place would contribute its pro-rata share. TJ oting Irye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, H&-nlett, Armer and Douglass None The Commission inquired whether or not any one wished to be heard in connec- tion with the hearing on the proposed ammendment to the Zoning Ordinance involv- ing a uniform 30ft. set back line in retail business districts. As no one appeared Mr. J. D. Kelley, City Attorney presented for consideration Ordinance No. 346 and captioned as follows: ' !IAN ORDINANCE ,AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ill OF THE CITY OF VlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, COMMONLY K1JOW'JIJ AND DESIGNATED AS THE "Z0NING ORDINANCE II BY J\.MENDING SECTION 29 THEREOF BY ADDING A NE1:V SUB-PARAGRAPH TO BE KNOWN AS n5!i, ESTAB.... ~ISHING LOT OR SET BACK LINES IN RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICTS; AND PROVIDING 'fRAT THIS ORDINiINCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIA.TELY FROM Al\TD AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL.1t The Oirdinance being fully read, a. motion was made by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the Qirdinance be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Douglass, Lanmonand Armer None ' There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was recessed at II:OO P.M. to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. L~d~ ATTEST: CI'rY~# 11-.::"~:<:'=~=O::"'::-J::,_=-___ ._:::1 - --------------- Ii. 'I '- L_-:: _ ::_- . ...-:l___~____ F"""---- - - ------.---.----:-'~mT"~':"-:~':":II'II:'IlE'II:emj 14Q MINUTES OF REGULAR ]nEETING JUNK-c23, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M, J-" Monday" June 23, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioners Douglass, Armer, Lanmon and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1947 were read and approved. Mr. D. C. Wisinger, of 3801 Tennyson Street appeared in behalf of his request for the prompt enactment of City Olrdinances banning the keeping of rabbits, chickens and other such fowls and animals in the City of West University Place. Mr. Wisinger presented letters in this regard from John J. Bunting, M.D., and D. C. Wisinger. Mr. Wisinger was advised that the problem presented was one for consideration by the Health Board, and it was suggested that he and interested citizens meet with that board. ~;. Voting Aye : . Commissioners Hamlett, Douglass, and Armer Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon The following resolution m.s submitted and read by the Mayor: A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING THE SUM OF $10,000.00 WHICH HAS BEEN APPROlPRIATED FOR THE GEj'ffiRA.L FUND TO THE PURCHASE OF TWO GARBAGE TRUCKS FOR USE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas is badly in need' of two' garbage trucks to properly serve the residents of such City, and WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the General fund in the City Treas- ury to be used for the purpose of purchasing said trucks, and WHEREAS, in an emergency, the City can replace the funds so used by a bank loan: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESO'LVED, that the sum of Ten Thousand and No/lOa C$lO,oooro) Dollars from the General Fund be allocated for the purpose ~f purchasing two garbage trucks for use within the City of West University Place, Texas, and that, if necessary the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to negotiate a loan of a like amount to replace the funds withdrawn from the General Fund. 1-1 '~ Ti"""~"'"'=~~rT"-===;~'i1 r-""==''''''~''-==~~'''' ,1 r"~- ''Ii ir'iii"'lillmfmfillll .~ ~ '-' :,,1"". ......... :~~ .:r: <t 14,1 PASSED and APPROVED this 23rd day of June, 1947. (signed) Ralph B. Lee Mll..YOR . ATTEST: City Secretary Motion by Commissioner H8.t11lett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Resolution be approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and Ham:J,ett None Mr. Robt. F. Harwell, Attorney representing Mr. Chas. R. 01ds in an appeal from the Zoning a.Tld Plarming Commission ruling on an alleged Zoning Ordinance violation by Mr. Olds, explained that in Mr. Old's original appearan.ce before the Zoning and Planning Commission he was frro1k in advising of the proposed usage of an additional building in the rear of his new house constructed on the corner of University and Sewanee Streets. l\l!r. Harwell stated since .the proposed usage was construed as a violation, his client, :Mr. Olds, had agreed that no such usage would be made of the additional building and that he was willing to exe- cute an affidavit to that effect. The action of the Zoning and Plann:i.ng Commis- sion as reflected in the following letter was read by Mayor Lee: "Honorable Ralph B. Lee, and The City Co~~ssion City of West University Mayor Place Gentlemen: Re: Charles R. Olds - Complaint by F.F . Badger on construction corner University Blvd. & Sewanee St. On April 24, 1947, the Zoning & Planning Commission heard a complaint by Mr. F.F. Badger regarding construction at the corner of University and Sewanee Streets, by Mr. Charles R. aIds. After consideration of the complaint by Mr. Badger, the Zoning & Planning Com- mission referll?ed the matter to the City Attorney, :Mr. JOM Kelley. Under date of April 28, 1947, Mr. Kelley gave the Zoning & Planning Commission an opinion in letter form addressed to Mr. H. E. Terry, as Chairman. Mr. Terry inturn forwarded to Mr. J. H. Brir.;ht, City Secretary, a cOp'J of this opinion. :Mr. Olds appeared before the Zoning & Planning Co~~ssion at a regular meeting held Thursday, May 28, to protest the ruling of the City Attorney. Mr. F. F. Badger, Complainant, was also present. The Commission heard both,J[r. aIds and Mr. Badger. In view of the ruling of the City Attorney that there is a violation of the. Zon- ing Ordinance by Mr. Olds, the following motion was made, seconded, and carried: (Motion by Mr. Roy Letbetter, seconded by Nir. o. C. King) nrl'hat the complaint entered by Mr. F. F. Badger to the effect that he objects to the construction of this additional building for the reason that such a building is a violation of the Zoning Ordinance because same constitutes an extra garage or a building wherein Mr. Gilds might con- ii' -" "'I',' '~ii\ T---- ,. --~---":rT1 !,',i!']1IillF1U:iIl11 . "::1":[ --- .. rm~~~~'~~'~_o_o"'" .. ,,1 142 duct business or house building equipment, is sustained." Mr. Ollds and his attorney were advised that they were entitled to appeal the decision of the Zoning & Planning Commission. 1] Yours very truly, cc: r~. H. E. Terr,y Chairman (signed) Mrs W. E. Eberling Secretar,y to the Zoning and Planning Commission Since there appeared to be a change in the situation as originally presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission the entire matter was referred back to that Commission for review. ~ ,..~ Mr. Carroll Bass, of the Yellow and Checker Cab Companies, appeared before the Council in the interest of securing licenses for taxi cabs in the City of West University Place. Mr. Bass explained that in order for his company to serve the City in a manner which would be designed to meet the approval of thB Council it would be necessar,y that his interests be protected by an adequate regulatory Ordin~ce. The City Attorney' was asked to confer 'With Mr. Bass to see if such an Ordinance could be mutually agreed upon. Mr. C. H. Crouch, 4017 Tennyson Street, made inquiry of the Council re- garding plans for residential Street improvements. Upon question by the Mayor, (tommissioner Hamlett and Armer gave a report of the status of plans at that' date. It was explained that several types of proposed construetion 'Was being revie1l/ed, and that the plan would be made public together with cost estimates to determine the types desired in particular areas. ~ J Mayor Lee advised the Council that the resignation of the City Engineer- Secretary had been previously submitted and that Mr. Whitt Johna.on of Childress, Texas had been considered for this po::;.ition. The Mayor explained that the Couneil had made numerous inquiries concerning the various applicants and that Mr. Johnson appeared to be c.',_" excellently qualified~ ''f Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that Mr. Bright's'resignation be accept~d 'With regrets and to be effective July 15,1947. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Larnnon, Douglass, Armer and' Hamlett None Motion by Comm:issioner Lanmon, seconded by CommissionerD~lass that Mr. Whitt Jobnson be employed effective July 15, 1947, in the posi'tion of City Secretary and at a salar,y of $400 per month with $75 per month quarters allow- ance and $25 per month car allowance. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Douglass, Hamlett and'Lanmon None Mr. Sam Beard, 2914 Cason, inquired of the Couneil as to the plans for the City resurfacing the 2800-2900 Blocks of Cason Street. During the d:lscussion it was brought out that the surfacing cost previously paid for by abutting property ovmers had quickly failed and that .the' previous administration adopted a motion as follows: : 1 i-J .. 11mr'i1i"':I1llrnrnr;r;nUT ~--t:;-':.:1-~;'~;'-" . II "-,,, ""r'==;=i' \ ",',' r'-' -..,.- --"," 'iT1 .F: ~)> ~~! '.-" ,'r, ........... '-.~ ..~,., CCi ~ 143. tIOctober 8, 1945 Motion by Commissioner Ma...'Y'tin, seconded by Co~11issioner Dunnington, that the City Commission agrees with the property owners residing in the 3000 &~d 3100 blocks of Quenby Street to resurface the street in these blocks at no cost to the property owners. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock and Martin None Motion by Co~11issioner Inu~ngton, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the City Co~'1lission agrees to resurface portions of Cason Street in the 2800 and 2900 blocks at ,no cost to the property owners. Voting Aye: Voting Noer: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock and Martin None n Mayor Lee explained that insufficient funds were available in the present street and bridge budget but in view of the promise previously made, provisions would be set up in the 1947-48 fiscal year budget. Mr. E. J. Hood of the Water Department explci.ined to the Council the desir- ability of the various employees in that department wearing a uniform which would ma.'ke the employees recognizable as working for the City. Mr. Hood explained that in some instances, negro employees on official work have been mistaken for prowlers or denied access to utility easements. Since most employees had indicated a vd.llingness to pay for the uniforms provided the City would pay for the lettering, Mr. Hood suggested the City authorize the purchase and that employees be permitted to sign a form authorizi.ng the deduction of costs from their salary checks. Motion by Commissioner La.rhilon, seconded by Commissionerl:n:rmer that the City authorize issuance of a purchase order for the purchase of the uniforms and that employees be permitted to reimburse the City over a period not to exceed two months for the costs. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, COillL'1lissioner Armer, Lamnon, Douglass ~~d HB.1~lett None The following let,ter addressed to the Commission and signed by Mr. W. F. Ghislin was read by Ivlayor Lee at which time !VIr; Ghislin verbally protested certain actions by the Electrical Board and certain provisiohs of the Electrical O'rdinance: "Honorable Mayor & City Commissioners West University Place Houston, Texas, June 16, 1947 Gentlemen: During the past few months I have heard a nU1~ber of complaints from the electrical contractors of Houston in regard to our electrical ordinance. These complaints vary from. the $100 fee which is considered discriminatory to the journeymens fee which is higher than the Houston fee. It appears, certain members are using their position on the electric board to benefit themselves. I know this is contrary to your wishes and believe it should be corrected if you find such is the case. (signed) W.F.Ghiselin i-:-:-+_y-'n,,!,".'-." ]Ii" w~~ -T i i-n ~'mTr 'iTmrrnr;'ll1fiillll 'W"_ I u r" fi!4 The City Secretary was instructed to request the presence of the Electrical Board at the next regular Council meeting to discuss the matter further. The City Engineer presented the following proposal by Howe &. Wise for en- gineering supervision of Bridge construction at University and Poor Farm Ditch: June 16, 1947 "Honorable Mayor and City Council City of West University Place Gentlemen: We have been asked by your City SecretarY,' Mr. J. H. Bright, to quote a, price on the engineering supervision of the construction of the bridge on ' University Boulevard now under construction by Gerald Mora Contracto r. We believe that if you were to proceed on a per diem basis as we are now operating that it would be much more economical for the City of West University Place than for us to quote a contract price for this engineering supervision. . Under our present Agreement we charge Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00)' a day for each day a field party is needed at this structure and Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) a day for each day that our Inspector is present. Under this set-up we use an inspector or a field party only when needed on majorporlions of the work and interld to follow this same procedure if we take this project on a flat 'figure. 'If you so desire 'W~r will accept the contract supervision of this bridge for a price of Eight Hundred and Two Dollars and No Cents($802.00). HOWE' & VaSE (signed) W. F. Smith Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the proposal of Howe & Wise be accepted in the amonnt of $802.00. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Lanmon, Douglass and Armer None The City Engineer then presented a request from T. H. Mullen to furnish water to the Link Road Addition being constructed by J. C. Gutherie and T. H. Mullen. The request was referred to the City Attorney with a request that a contract form be dravm up for considerationbby the Council. The City Secretary presented a request by the employees of the, City Hall that Sat. July 5, 19tn be declared a one-half da;v holiday following the ,fuly 4th holiday. During the discussion it was brought out that the City of Houston was taking such action and that Harris County employees had now gone on a 40 hr. work week. u " ;: -.. u Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that inas- ~ much as July 5, falls this year on a Saturday which is normally only a 4 hr. work day, and in view of the similar action taken by the City of Houston that Saturday, July 5, 1947 be declared a holiday for City Hall employees. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, La,nmon, Douglass and Armer None The City Attorney, Mr. John D. Kelley, presented the matter of a claw suit .u-------------,-'1mrc'ir~rmrmiiiilll1' T~-- ,?"'''''ni',r,~-. . Ir'~ --------"y~i'Tl ,,- ~'~~=c~1;1 lJ " --~":rr-n- .-.::r1 {:::; "(""\ .~_.. c...!: cc <t I' 145 1ffi th regard :to the present Zoning along Kirby Drive and suggested that the City Council appoint an Attorney to represent the City in this case. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Co~nissioner Armer that the City 9f West University Place employ Mr. John D. Kelley to represent the City in tMs Suit, and IvIr. Kelley submit for consideration his proposed fee in this matter before the suit goes to trial. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Co~missioner Hamlett, La~~on, Douglass and Armer None An Ordinance a'11ending Ordinance No. 142, was fully read by Mayor Lee. The Ordinance is captioned as follows: "AU ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 142, KNOi\j~1~ AS THE "ELECTRICAL CODE", BY ADDING A SECTION THERETO: TO BE KUmnT AS SECTION 39, PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN $IO.OO, NOR MORE THAN $200.00 FOR VIO'- LATIONS OF A1\TY OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE." Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lan1110n that the 'Ordinance be adopted and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee,CormJ'lJ.ssioner La.n.llon, Douglass, Halulett and Armer None In view of an election made necessary by recent State Legislation, a mo- tion was submitted by Conmissioner Douglass, seconded b:'l COlmnissioner Armer that the City Attorney do what is necessaI'l"p to call an election as required by Senate Bill 36, and at the same election to present to the public the question of the use of an;y enexpended balance in the street paving and bridge bond fund. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanman, Douglass, Hamlett and Armer None Connnissioner Armer presented a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the City put in Treasurers Certificates of Indebtedness, aVc;ilable funds now on deposit in banks. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass None There being no further business to come$efore the Council the meeting was recessed at 11:35 P.M. subject to call by the Mayor. -~~~Hh'{~^qHh'HHHH~HP",M~-)(~Hh~-{~ The 'City Commission convened in recessed session on June 26, 1947 at 7 :45 P.M. at the City Hall. ~hose present ivere :Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioner Lanmon, Ha.'11lett, and Armer, and also the City Secretary. Ordinance No. 348 was presented for consideration 8...l1.d was fully read by Mayor Lee. Said Ordinance being captioned as follows: . ,---!'.-.,-_',"''''kW'----.; [" 11~~~"<~"~I~~iT\ nnr'"i1i"iIIlII]1Tllii1il11I , ro..~'e~_~~"'~"....O"T 1 1\46: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F€))R THE TRANSFER OF Fm.iDS AJ)/[OIDITING TO $47,727.96 IN THE PUBLIC PARK OOND FUNDS FROM THE UNIVERSITY STATE BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS TO THE NATIONAL BANK OF CO:MMERCE OlF HOUSTON, TEXAS AND PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT OF CERTAIN IDRTIQ)NS OF SAID SUM IN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SUBJECT TO REDE1r1PI'ION UPOJN DEMAND." '-1 I I ----! Motion by COIllllliss:ioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Ordinance be adopted as read. ' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer and Lanman None Ordinance No. 349 was presented for consideration and fully read. Ordinance is captioned as follows: The "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS AMOUNTING TO $209,496.25 IN THE STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BOND FUNDS FROlM THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF HOUSTON, TEXAS TO THE NATIONAL BANK OlF COMliJIERCE OF HODSTO'N, TEXAS AND PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTI\1ENT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF SAID Sill,[ IN UNITED STATES GOVERIDllENT CERTIFI-" CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SUBJECT TO' REDEMPTION UPON DEMAND. II Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded qy Commissioner Lanmon that the Ordinance be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Lanmon and Hamlett. None ] There being no further business the meeting was recessed until Monday at 7 :30. *i}7f-****-1~*** The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at 7:30 P.M. Monday, June 30, 1947, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass and-the City Secretary. A discussion was held regarding the method by which increased revenue woulg. be obtained to meet the requirements of a proposed 1947-48 budget. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that in order to meet the needs of the 1947-48 budget which is calculated to put the operations of the City on a basis capable of rendering real services to the City, that the Council approve a straight 50% increase in 1ialuations and that the Board of Equalization be instructed to send notices to all property owners ad- vising them of such increase in valuation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Douglass, Armer, Hamlett andcLanmon None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded qy Commissioner Douglass that in J- keeping with the promises made by the past and present Council and the promise n::~=,===r"1~~'r='r r.'-~-O-.--"",=""-=,",..-"'-_--OC'.-'---"--'-~~~~''''~~ .-. -. -----------'-----:"~nTl:"c~1:'~II]If]m'f~~lf - :~~T:'T--- 147 made by the Finance Committee that steps be taken to make effective the dis- con-tinuance of the $~.OO per month garbage col~ect:ion charge effective Sept. )0, 1947. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Armer, Hamlett and La.nmon None There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. ' ATTEST: ~d~ MAYOR ., CITY SECRETARY r-n':~~"~=::~'~"-,:':"",,,"~I""':]'~~~'=:::::~~~I C~. ____ ,'_'~.: ___.__~--:__ ___ _.~-~~'~_]. _____.______ ______ -~_::E"-~-'-----'----,------~-~----' -:---":rm,,:~ri:',,';lI]li'lII::!I:r:iI]Jl ']:;:::':i 1-1-S JutjU'Il!iS"'OO"~'R lItEE'.rilfG , , '~, 14, 1947 The City Council convened in regular ,se.ssi&llat the City Ha.1J. a.t,Y:t30P.M. Mon~ tTU!Y ,14, 19lt.7. ThGsepl'eSeIit, we~'Mqor Lee presiding,Comndsfliener Douglass, Armer, Laimion ana>H~mte.t~:>';' fl'S'o:"presenti ere>the City A'tillorney and the City Secretary-. Minutes af -the meet.ing ofJun.e '23~ '1'947, ilerei-e'adand' approved as e~rreoted. Mr. Lawrence P. Qwin, A.tterD.~Y for Mr. Chas~ R.OldJ:1j appeared befvethe Council ~d read a letter J:"egarm.m,g a' complaint ~gisteI"ed 011thecenstruetion of Mr. Oldst residence at the cor.r,of tbdversityandSewanee. DuriRg t:ne discussion oftbis-case~ ](~or Laepresented and read to the Council t.he followiJt1g lette,r, frolfl'theZo~ and P1~g CoDllDi~sion; and also a let.ter ill regarEl t.otai>fl._t't~;~~~~by'h~W~ ROy'Leiibetter: .. .,.' , , Honorable Ralph B. Lee, :M~or and the Gii;y Council Cit.y or West Universit.y Plaee 3800 University Blvd. Houst.on 5, Texas June 30,1947 He. ,. Chas. R. Olds - University Blvd. & Sewanee , , Gentlemen: Mr. Chas. R. 01.ds and his att9rIley, Mr. Harwe~l, 'appearedagaiu berere tlle Zoning and' P1amii~ ConmdssiElnati'ts regJll.ar, meeting on JUlle ,26, 1941, in OOB- ne~t.ion 'With complaint registered.;op.,constru~tion. a;t-~ t1l,ee-,~l" of Tlm.versity 131'f.4. anEl Sewanee. They stated.tl1a.tt~~d, ~tl1cl1!awn:t.~ p~~seduseoft}Je building in question, aadaf't,er~aring};)Otli~. O+~',~4.~~~ attG~~, and. the G0mplaiaant, :Mr. Badger,the ,follewiDg-,motion.was ,.4e'Dt.i1r:."Kim,g,S~90nded 'by', Mr. Letbet.ter: ' " IfMotiell "that. bu:Udblg bedaelared:i,ll~-.l ,_~ u.tili.-1:,~uui ~tl1b.e1d.1t Voting: ::i:~~~a:;ir~~w;ei~:t~+t~ie~lIO' , In view of the above tie vot~, the6i.,t:r Attoraey,l4r,.. John D..KelleYj wha was preseIit at. this meetiBg,bas re~oJJUaenQedthat this matt.er,Qe referred -to you. Yours ve17truly', , ' (sigBe.d)IYtrs~ W.E. Eberling, S,eeret.arf to the ZCi>lu.ng 'aBd P1a:aning ColDlD,issioll Mr. Bad.ger, t.he com-P1a.i.nant~ revie..,dtl1e case fOl',the CouncU andsubmit.t.ed ' a petition signed by 17 resideatso.t't:1ie .6300 BlGcks GfSe'Ranee St. On, quel3ti~n by the Mayor, 'Ehe City Attorn.ey., Mr..J. D.Ke:llq~reviejed ,tke e~eand sl.il)mitted as his opfunion, tha.t the buil.diBg~ eenSt~eted 01\ Vniiei-sit.yB1vd. at Se1i:a.n.ee was strict1.y wit.hin the building li&1esestabl:i.$bedby-t~Ordi.Iwlce,and the build- ing as const1'llcted,is not 'in ~olation. 'E>+ that< Ordinance. , ' :MCJtion by CommissiollerDoug];~s,; 'secolldedby' Go~sl3ioner Hamlet.t, that in view of the fact that thebUlQfng,; ,as ~o-nstru.~ted, doescomply:, 'With the Zoning Ordinance and that. iD the opinion.! theCityAtto~&y, the eo-11S,t.raetiondoesnot. -t.~'A'~'J." Ii =~-~-=r"~='~-Il ,..nc,."___, ~'-:'1 "liT' ,""IIIIlir'ITiriTIlI u J .u ~. '1,""[ 149 constitute a violation, that the building Inspector be instructed to issue a Certificat.e of Occupancy. Voting Aye: MaJor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett, and Douglass Voting Noe: None Commissioner Lanmon presented to 1;,12 Council the follonng namest.o be considered for appointment on a Swimming Pool Committee to be charged 'With the handling of planning, site reeamrnenda.tion, md maintenance regulations for the proposed swimming pool: Mr. R. J. Depenbrock; Mr. C. A. Nees;Mrs. Warren A. Buttelmann; Mr. J. D.Ehman, Mr. H. G. Boucher; Mr. Frank W. Jessen; and Mr. Charles L. Cartwright, Chairman. ........ " "if~' .-. i......,) t!--r---, '... Mation by Commissioner Lamon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that aD. per- sons recommended by Commissioner Lanmon be appointed as a Swimming Paol Committ.ee by the Council for the purpose as outlined. :.:~:. Xi ...:::t: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett., ahd Dauglass Voting Noe: None At the request of the Council, member~ of the Electrical Board came before the Council 'With regard to a let.ter previously presented to the Council and as cont.ained in t.he Minutes of June 23, 1947 and signed by Mr. W. F. Ghislin. A general discussion was held by members of the Electrical Board and Mr. Ghislin concerning fees charged to Master and Journeyman lioensees. Mr. Ghislin indi- cat.edthat he had heard complaints from various Electrical contractors charging that the fees were too high and discrimin~tory. The Electrical Board members stated that in their opinion the fees were fair and that 28 licensed Master Electricians were now ent.itled to do business in the City. No action was taken by the Council in view of insufficient evidence to warrant a change in the or- dinance. Mr. Whitt Johnson, newly appointed City Secretary was presented to the Council and the Oath of Office administered by Mayor Ralph B. Lee. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that Mr. Johnson in addition to his duties as City Secretary be appointed to other offices previously occupied by the Engineer-8ecretary, without additional com- pensation, and in connection 'With Counter-signing checks the follo'Wingresolu- tion be passed and approved: ., ,.- ,--.-.__.,,_.--,._.-~,"-~,j> -~_...-_._---~ WHEREAS, it is the will and desire of the Cit.y Commission of the City that. all checks drawn on any and all accounts in any and all banks in which the City has deposits, should be dra1m and signed by either the Mayor, Ralph B. Lee, ar the' M~or Pro-Tem C. P. Lanmon, and countersigned by the City Treasurer C. E. Gammill, and the City Secretary, Whitt. Johnson, before, any payment shall be made by any. such bank on any such check, except checks drawn on payroll accounts which shall be dra"Wn and signed by said City Treasurer and said Cit.y Secretary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the M;qor, Ralph B. Lee, or Mayor Pro-TemC. P. Lanman, shall have ,exclusive power and authority to draw and sign all checks on all bank: accounts of the City of West University Place, and that the City Treas- urer, C. E. Gammill, and the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson, shall have exclusive' power and authority to countersign such checks; except checks dra'WIl on payroll account., which shall be drawn and signed by said City Treasurer and sud City -=_,_,__,-______--,-___,.-,""""',."_,,_"",,n>,nrl.--..-....,.._.. lsn, Secretary; and that no check shall be a valid check of the city, unless either the Mayor or the Mayor Pro-Tem signs the same and the City Treasurer and the City Secretary count.ersigns it; except as provided herein in regard to said payroll checks, 'Which payroll cheeks shall be valid 'When drawn and signed by said Cit.y Treasurer and said Cit.y Secretary. ' ] AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cit.y Secretary be directed to fur- nish each bank with 'Which the City transact.s any business a true ~ oftb:is' resolution. PASSED AND AEPROVED this thelkth;,.day .of ,July A.D., .1947. ( I'd 8-1'Il:"Q ) R al pb. ]3- Lee MAYOR ATTEST: (signed) Whitt Johnson_ City Secretary Voting qe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglas, Hamlett ~d Armer Voting No~: Npne The City Secretary present.ed for consideration the following letter from the Zoning and Planning Commission: Honorable Ralph B. Lee, Mayor and the City Council Ci.ty af West. University Place 3800 University Boulevard, Houston, 5, ~exas He: June 30, 1947 -1 :~ Gentlemen: L.W.Prokop - Waiving of restrict.ions on ;, canstru.cti,on in area requiring 51% brick At a meeting of the Zoning & Planning Commission held June 26, 1947, con- sideration was gi'Wen to petition of Mr. L. W. Prokop, requesting waiving of re- strictions requiring 5l% brack construction, on lot known as 3743 Plumb Street. In view of the fact. that Mr. Prokop had obt.ained tentative approval on the type of building he proposed to erect,approximate1Y 60 ~s aga, and prior to the decision of the Zoning & Planning CQmmission in a meeting on Mq 29 to adhere to the 5=!-% brick requirement., on motion duly made and unanimously, carried, the Zoning & Planning Commission recommends the waiving of the, 51% brick construction in this particular instance. Mr. Prokop's letter dated June 24, 1947 is attached. Yours very truly, , (signed) Mrs. W. E. Eberling, Secretary Zoning & Planning CoDlIllission ] Motion by Commi.ssiQ~er Lanmon, seconded by. Commissioner Armer that the: Council accept the recomme.ndat.ic>n of the Zoning and Planning Commission, and waive the 51% brick const.ruction requirements in the particular case of Mr. Prokop. !l'--~:rr--J~=----=::1:=-EI r .,,'~~=., ~~]. ._~-r- , ~U:I'. ~": )Ifllr]~m(~:nlj ~n o:::r1 o ,..,..., .....d,%<o,. r ~o: '""",W/ ro -<t K1 151 ... Voting Aye: M~or Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Douglass, Hamlett, and Armer Voting Hoe: None ~. Wit.h regard to the Zoning Boards recommendation to Mrs. Winnie Kiibler, the following letter was submit.ted and read by Mayor Lee: June 30, 1947 Mayor Ralph B. Lee and the City Council, City of West University 3800 University Blvd. Houston 5, Texas Gent.lemen: He: (Mrs.) Winnie Kiibler 642.5 Brompton Road At a meeting of the Zoning & Planning Commission held June 26, 1947, motion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried, recommending that per- mission be given Mrs. Winnie Kiibler for construction as out.lined in her letter attached, with the provision that the usual affidavit be signed by Mrs. Kiib1er in connection with the garage quarters, that such quarters will not be used other than for personal use, such affidavit to be filed for record with the County. Clerk. Yours very truly, (signed) Mrs. W. E. Eberling, Secretary Zoning & Planning Commission Motion by Cammissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the recommendation as contained in the letter be accepted and approved by the City Council. Voting Aye: Vot.ing Noe: Mqor Lee, CoDlIllissioners Lanman, Douglass, Hamlett, and Armer None The following letter signed by Mr. H. E. Terry, Chairman of the Zoning Board was present.ed for considerat.ion: Hon. Ralph B. Lee & Board of Commissioners July 14, 1947 Gentlemen: At a special meeting of the Zoning Board the following business was favor- ably voted upon by a majority. Mr. A. E. Koeppel, 391l Swarthmore made application to remove existing garage and rebuild said garage with an artist's studio on the second floor. No objection is held by Mr. Koeppel t s neighbors.- Mr. J. F. Stevens, 643l Belmont made application to erect a l2' X 24' accessory building on his .50' X 200' lot to house his ageing parents, one-of whom is stricken with arthritis. Both parties indicate their willingness to execute the required a.ffadavit in such cases. It is the recommendation of the Board that permission be given in the above instances. ' Yours very truly, (signed) H. E. Terry, Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission 11:':-_ ,,:L,r'-:'_!:n~~r... :--::,::_':: ~'c:'::Ul,_n_ ~-----,'m-="r'-----'-----'----------- ujI L.:l L -T"~[rrr"i1[']llrnr:'II[]IllII--'- -- 15'2: Daring the' discussion of the A. E. Koeppel application it was brought out that the studio referred to might be used in connection nth a business. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner DouglassH that. the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission in regard to Mr. Koeppel t s application be accepted and approval granted providing an affidavit be executed as dra'Wll up by the City Attorney to exclude possible undesirable usage. u Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Cammissioner Lanmon, Hamlett., Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None ' With regard to the application of Mr. J. S. stevens, motion was made by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by eOmmissioner Armer that the Council accept and approve recommendation of the Zoning Board on this installation. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lanman, Dougl~s and Armer Voting Noe: None , ., The City Secretary presented the following request in @ehalf of Mrs. 'frulah B. Everett: July 14, 1947 Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of West University Place Sub: Leave of absence Mrs. Trulah B. Everett Gentlemen: ,J Mrs. Everett 'Whose assignment has been that of Cashier has been absent from her duties a total of seventeen(l7) dqs during period of Feb. 20, 1947, to June 30, 1947 inclusive, because of illness. She requests a leave of absence to- Septeniber 1, 1947, which I recommend be granted. Yours very t~, (signed) C. E. Gammill Cit.y Treasurer Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the leave of absence be granted as requested. ~';", Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lanman, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None Commissioner Lanmon reviewed for the Council a discussion with the Volun- teer Fire Department. Commissioner Lanmon also requested appropriation of $30.00 to defray expenses of Firemen C. V. Reynolds and Pat Kobos to at.tend the annual Firemens Training Scheal being held at College Station and nth the approl1.aJ. of the Council instruct the City Secretary to ,request t.he issuance of two $30.00 checks to Firemen Reynolds and Kobes for that purpose. Commissioner Douglass inquired of the Council as to terms and conditions of employment of Mr. Ryals, who was recently employed as Humane Officer. It ,:J~ was explained that Mr. Ryals was employed on a joint basis with the City of Southside and Bellaire, with .the. City of West. University contributing $87.50 per month, and ten gallons of gasoline per week. iI~C'--"I~1I , --r--- " . Tn"," '1IHlH~'llir~i11Il ~ -, :------. :' !"" .......,... !~ X ..~ ',,,-$ 1.5:3 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the employment arrangement as worked out by the Chief of Police and Mr. Ryals be confirmed and approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting Noe: None Mr. J. D. Kelley, upon question by Mc\yor Lee, proposed that his fee for preparing trial of the pending Zoning suit filed by property owners on Kirby Dti ve would be $591' and an additional $250 fee in case of appeal. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon" seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the City Council approve the legal fees as proposed for this case. Voting ~e: Mayor Lee, Cemm1ssioners Lanmon" Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Voting oe: None , There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was recessed subject'to call by the Mc\yor. ---.------------- The Cit.y Commissien reconvened in recessed session at 7:30 P.M., Wednesday, July 16, 1947, at the City Hall. Members present 'Were Mayor Lee presiding, Connnissioner Armer, Douglass, Hamlett & Lanmon, and the City Secretary. A discussion Was held regarding the advisability of applying the unexpended portion of the 1946 Street Paving and Bridge Bond Fund for hard-surfacing and paving of street intersections and other street improvements throughout the City. It was advised that due notice of the Council's intentions to follow this plan would be advisable. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that a notice of election be advertised and that the follOwing resolution be passed and' approved: A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE' PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING THE PROPOSITION OF APPLYING THE UNEXPENDED PORTION OF THE 1946 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BOND FUND WHICH IS NOT EXPENDED IN FULFILLING CON-- TRACT BETWEEN HOLLAND PAGE AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TO THE HARID SURFACING AND PAVING OF STF.EET INTERSECTIONS AND OTHER STREET IMPROVEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY. BE IT BESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas: S.~cj,io_nT_1LThat an election shall be held in and trhoughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 23rd dc\y of August, 1947, at which election the following proposition shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors who O'WIl taxable property within said city and "Who have duly rendered the same for taxation" for their action thereupon: ' SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS" BE AUTHORIZED TO APPLY THE trnEXPENDED PORTION OF THE 1946 STREET. PAV..- ING AND BRIOOE BOND FUND WHICH IS NO'l' EXPENDED IN FULFILLING CONTRACT BETWEEN H(!))LLAND PAGE AND THE CITY OF v1EST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TO THE HARD SURFACING AND PAVING OF STREET INTERSECTIONS AND OO'HER STREET IMPROVE- MENTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY. . ' 15.A~' Section 2: That said election shall be held at the follonng places within the two regularly established voting precincts within the city, to-nt: Co~ty Voting Precinct No. l33 - At the Community Hall at corner of Rice, Boulevard and Auden Street.. County Vating Precinct No. 87 - Knight Reaity Company at 2808 Sunset Section 3: That the following persons are hereby appointed presiding judges to conduct said election, to-wit: harry F. Dawson - Presidin.g Judge - At the Community Hall. F. A. Huneler - Presiding Judge - Knight Realty Company " " > " Section 4: That the ballots to be, used in said electian shall read s1ibst.antial~ as follows: " , FOR THE USE OF THE BALANCE OF THE 1946 STREET AND PAVING BRIroE BOND FWD REMAINING AFTER FULF:roo.1\ft OF CONTRACT WITH HOLLAND PAGE FOR STREET IMPlWlVEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY. . - -. .. A,GAINSTTHE USE OF THE BALANCE OF THE 1946 STREET AND PAVING BRIOOE BOND,,' " "FUND REMAINING AFTER FULFILMENT OF CONTRACT WITH HOLLAND' PAGE FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS THROOGHOUT THE CITY. Ij to.~ . , I . ~ '. and each voter shall strike out one of the foregoi.ng expressians, 1;.hus leaving the other as indicating his vote on slich proposition.' :-1 Section I): That only duly qualified resident electors who own taxable property iJ within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be permitted to vote, and the manner of holding said election' and maIdngreturns thereof shall be governed by the provisions of the City Charter Qf said City as modified by the laws of theSi?at.e of Texas relating to elections. Sect.ion 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a substantial. copy of this resolution at each of ,the two election p~cincts, and at the City Hall, "Within said city, and by publication on the SaJlie day in ea~Jil';)f two suc- cessive weeks in. a newspaper of general. circulation published within said city, the date of the first publicat.ion and the dat,e of pOl;lting to be nOt):ess than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said e1ectian.' . PASSED.Al\ID APPROVED this l6th day of July, 19h7. (sigI},ed) Ra1ph B. Lee Mayor ~ ATTEST: (signed) 'Whitt Johnson City Secretary -l-'_'\'~_..=-,,=;--" --rE::=::".:~::-::.~::-:.~. __::~~::::I ."'---- ~'--... -- ._-~- __ .-__-:::,c!TY:__~._~___.__ r-'_: ..,.--,-----------,-------------:------::--':~nn'~ ~~rr~'~~II;nfll.f!:I'EElf!ll.- T-7--'~----------------~rT:,:r -. : -1 ----.I ~ ,- 1.-/ ::r;.'l '. ....", 'stt.'I<". ....~.. ~" .~: .-'\':!'c'{j1:0---. lSB: Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Nee: None Mayor Lee advised that Senate Bill No. 36 required Cit.ies of 10,000 or more inhabit-ants to call an election to determine if a minimum salary for Firemen and Policemen be set. . Metion by Connnissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that in this respect the following Resolution be passed and adopted: A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE AOOPl'ION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SENATE BILL NO. 36, FmNG A SCHEDULE OF MINIMUM SALARIES FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN IN CITIES OF MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND POPULATION. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place ,Texas: Section 1: That. an election shall be held in and thnoughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 23rd day of August, 1947, at which elect.ion the follonng proposition shall be submitted to the resident qua.l.ified electors, for their action thereupon. SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BE AUTHORIZED TO AIDPI' THE PROVISIONS OF SENATE BILL NO). J6 (ARTICLE l583-2 J REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ), PROVIDING THAT IN ALL CITIES IN THE STATE OF TEXAS WITH lO,OOO OR MORE INHABITANTS AND UP TO 40,001 INHABITANTS, THE SALARIES OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPART:fulENT AND OF THE J?OlLICE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE $150.00 PER MONTH MINIMUM, AND THAT IN ALL CITIES WITH 10,000 OR MORE INHABITANTS AND UP TO 40,001 INHABITANTS, THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT SHALL RECEIVE THE ADDITIONAL SUM OF $5.00 PER MONTH FOR EACH FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE IN SUCH FIRE OR POLICE DEPARTMENT UP TO AND INCLUDING FIFTEEN YEARS OF SERVICE IN SUCH DEPARTMENT AS A MINIMUM WAGE FOR SERVICES SO RENDERED. Section 2: That said election shall be held at the following places within the two regularly eKtablished voting precincts w.i..t.hin the city to-wit: County Voting Precinct No. l33 - At the Community Hall at corner of Rice J3aulevard and Auden Street. County Vot.ing Precinct No. 87 - Knight Realty Cempany, 2808 Sunset Sect.ion3..:, That the following persons are hereby appointed presiding' judges to conduct said election, to-wit: Harry F. Dawson - Presiding Judge - At the Community Hall F. A. Hu'Wieler - Presiding Judge - Knight Realty Company Section h: That the ballots to be used in said election shall read sub- stantially as follows: :~.~'~-~:. __ :~-:~~"c~eL~~~~~L':'Ll "lnr'T,'::;11I ImCn1[j[lJ I C'~" , '0'0,__""" '~-::""T,1_ r:'--,----- il:i II ISH" -< FOR THE AOOPl'I01N OF POOVISIONS OF SENATE BILL NOl 36 (ARTICLE l583-2, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS), FInNGA NEW SCHEDULE OF MINIMUM SALARIES FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN IN CITIES OF MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND PGPULATION AGAINST THE AOOPl'ION OF PROVISIONS OF SENATE BILL Na. 36 (ARTIC1E l583-2, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS), FInNG A NEW SCHEDULE OF MINIMUM SALARIES FOR FIREMEN AND POLICEMEN IN CITIES OF MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND POPULATION ana each voter shallst.rike out one of the f(i)regaing expressions, thus leaving t.he other as indicating his vote an such proposition. Section 5: That only duly qualified resident electors sbaU pe permitt,ed to vot.e, and the manner of halding said election and making returns t.hereof shall be governed by tbeprovisions of the City Charter of said city as modified by the laws of the State of Texas relating t.o elections. Section 6: That, thirty Clc\vs notice of this election be given. by posting in t.hree pu,blic places within the city, one of which shall be at t~e City Hall, and be published in one issutt af 1;he newspaper of this CJ. ty. PASSED .AND APPROVED this 16t.h day of July, 191i7. ATTEST: (sj"gned.) Ralph B.Lee MAYOR . (signed) Whitt Jahnson CITY SECRETARY Voting Aye: Mqor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanmon Voting Noe: None There being no further business::to come before the Council the meeting was adjourned. -Ug.~) ATTEST: C n~~=='="--'L~~!:.:I:I_~~ro-c-"'-="'". N... ~~I ---Fe, - -.-------e-'r~mr";::"Jlr!rnL'II'Cillll I - 1 I i i '---.J ._f;<_. . .,~~- r~ 'If" 1'1 , 1 U IJ ~ ....... t._i ::0 ".';.." .--.... CC ~ 1.5'7: MINUTES (F REGULAR MEETING JULY 28, 19h.7 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. July 28, 1947. Those present were Mcwor Lee presiding, Commissioners Armer, Lanmon, Douglass, and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. Minutes of the meet.ing of July l4th were read and approved as corrected. The follo'Wing letter fram the Zoning & Planning Commission wa.s read: July 28, 1947 Hon. Ralph B. Lee and Boar~.O~10ner. Ge~en: Subj : Southeast corner of Buffalo Spdw. and Cason St. By personal inspection by members King and Terry and by telephone assent of member Eberling, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that Lot 5, B1k. 4, West University Place No.1, being a iool X 200' lot facing on Cason st. be split into t'WO lots each of lOOt X lOOt facing on Buffalo Speedway. It recommends that a.r:w building thereon not only adhere to set back lines on Buffalo SpeedwCW, but also the building lines on Cason St. Very truly yours, (Signed) H. E. Terry, Chairman The Counc:Ll discussed the advisability of establishing a policy to govern future construction and facing of buildings on divided lots. " Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Commission to divide Lot 5, Block 4, West University Place 1st Addition be approved and that buildings to be con- structed thereon adhere ta set back lines on Buffalo' Speedway and Cason Street and provided the house on the corner front on Buffalo Speedway. iJ Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None Ray V. M~fie1d, Pastor of the West University Baptist Church, requested permission to stretch a banner across University Blvd. at Amherst Street during the dates of August 3rd to August loth, to announce a Youth Revival Meeting. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that per- mission be granted as requested by Rev. Ray V.' Mayfield. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None < 't"-,;,_'T,,,-,;,,;1,:;~c'-;- r~' "~-~~~'~"'I~r'<!I1 'I ' . "... r-'""~~'''~'~'''''-~'",;~'~Ti'1 'TiT"i , ']nr"rl....iIIli11ll"::TI:ril11ll 1 1::"8 a, A letter from Mr. W. K. Clark, 4027 Marlowe tendering his resignation as a member of the Equalization Board was read~ Mot.ion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer t.hat. Mr. W. K. ClarkI s resignatian as a member of the Board of Equalizat.ion be accepted and that Mr. C. J. Clark, 4002 Oberlin be appointed as a third member of the Board. , u Voting ;Aye: liI~or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None Commissioner Douglass suggested that the City consider a program to spot check for additional Tax revenue and that in his opinion there was a question if building permits were being acquired on small constru.ctian and further stated that a tax analyst could be employed on a percentage basis to make a tax survey for this purpose. It was the opinion af the Council that due to the fact the City had many projects under way, immediate action on this subject should not be taken and suggested that Commissioner Douglass report later on this matter.' Commissioner Hamlett recammended that the University Bus Line be extended four blocks south on Community Drive. The Council instru.cted the City Secretary to refer this mat.ter to the Bus Committee. ~.t ..,l. A group af Citizens appeared before the Council in the interest of St.reet paving in various parts of the City. other individuals requested oil and shell placed upon certain streets. May'or Lee adv;j.sed the group of Citizens that an elect.ion had been called for August 23, and if the election carried, it wauld expedite the paving program and the Council was making all efforts to clear up Legal details so the paving program, could be instituted at the earliest possible II":.'.U.-' date. The Council, requested, oil placed. on all street.s 'When available and shell placed on streets as required. . The City Secretary read a letter from the Zoning and Planning Commission which granted approval to Mr;. W,. W.. Epps for the constru.ction of a residence at 3711 Arnold of asbestos siding wi. th bri+ck veneer front, and stating that the Commission had waived t.he 51% brick. construetian clause due t.o the fact that 32 out of a total of 37 houses had been constructed of less than 51% brick. '-/' Motion by Commissioner 1anmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission reference the construction of a residence at 3711 Arnold be approved. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett., Armer, Lanmon and Daug~ass None Mr. H. R. Houck and Mr. J. L. Williams appeared be.t'o~e the Council and requested the Zoning Ordinance be amended to allow the erect-ion of multiple family dwelling units ofmasoIlry or brick construction, not more than two stories in height on a tract of land knawn as the Cunningham 12 acres. Mot.ion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanman that upon request of the Zoning Bommission a public hearing be set for August 25,,1947~to consider the advisability of amending the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with the request of Mr. Houck and Mr. Williams. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Ilqor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None tJ Ir:.cc~--c-...=C=:O:F:"""~E:Ll . _~L u._ -. _-'-_:--::.:__.1._______ ~'~--r--- - ,- "~r:n" ");:~~':1I1 n~::Il:e-l!n ~-- ~: <::) ~'I"'...., ....w..... f.R ~.~,,) c:J:i ~ 1.59, " The question of placing all 'Water contracts for meter' installation and service charges on the same basis w~s discussed. The City Secretary was instructed to ad- vise all persons obtaining Water under separate water contracts that the charge for meter connections and installation would be set at $33.00 per':jmstallation in accordance with the figure presently being charged Citizens of Wes't University Place. Mayor Lee appointed Commissioner Lanmon and Hamlett as a Committee to recommend ,a consulting Engineer and instructed them to make their recommendation in two weeks from date. A. L. Sweitzer, Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department appeared before the Council regarding the following matters: (1) Inquired of the Council if the Fire Department budget had been accepted. (2) Suggesting that American La-France Foamite CorpQration be contacted reference delivery date of a newly purchased 750 Gallon Pumper. (3) Requesting extension of the present fire-truck room to house the new Fire Truck and sleeping quarters for Firemen. (4) Requesting that a letter be written to Roy B. Whittlesey, Fire Chief of the City of Houston, to extend the time 01' the contract for the use of a Fire Truck borrowed from the City of Houston, while t.he Cit.y's truck is out of service. The City Secretary was instructed to request by letter a 30 day time extension' for use of City of Houston's Fire Truck and advise Mayor Oscar Holcombe by letter that the request had been made of Fire Chief Whittlesey. Fire Chief SWeitzer was advised that a telegram had been sent requesting delivery date of the new fire truck from the American La-France Foamite Corporation and the extension of the, fire truck room to house a new, fire truck and firemen's sleeping quarters had been referred to Commissioner Hamlett and the City Secretary. The answer to the question of the Fire Department Budget was withheld pending a hearing of the budget scheduled for later in the meeting. Commissioner Douglass requested that all truck and automotive equipment of the City be restencUed with the proper lettering. Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp, requested through the City Secretary permission to wear Civilian clothes during duty hours. It was the decision of the Council the Chief of Police should be permitted to wear civilian clothes duriIig duty hours but that his official uniform be worn as the occasion demands and discretion be used in this matter. 'Mayor Lee annotUlced that in compltance with a Notice, hearing on the 1947-48 budget was in order and asked of any persons present if they desired to present their thoughts reference the proposed budget. No o'tijections were offered. The CotUlcil then reviewed the budget and authorized the general fund increaSed by by $1,000 and the Water & Sewer increased by $5QO for anticipated salary increases of office and clerical personnel and that the budget be increased by $4,000 to cover the cost of a proposed exten.sion to the Fire truck room. Mayor Lee announced that a hearing on the budget would continue until further notice. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was recessed at 12:l5 A.M. n~~. -~- ..-:~~~~~~r.i Ti:rt':~r 1:'-" _u", :mr'T::':lmmr:m:Lilm L::-~_~ :::--'_::'_:~ '--.:_1__________________ 160 THe City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday July 30" 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee presiding" Commissioners J' Armer, Lanmon, Hamlett, and Douglass. Also present were the City Secretary and Mr. E. E. ToYmes, Jr., Paving Attorney :for the City. The City Council convened in recessed session for the purpose of passing a notice and three separate Ordinances reference the pending paving proceedings. A notice advising property owners abutting certain designated sections on University Blvd. to appear August l5, at 7:30 P.M. and be heard on p:'oposed assessments and proceedings was ordered published in an official newspaper. ' . Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that. the following captioned Ordinance be passed and approved: AN ORDINANCE FINDING ANP DETERMINlNG THAT IT IS NOtr PRACTICAL TOPBOCEED \fiTH THE IMPROVEMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEV Am, COMPBISING SECTION NO.3 AND SECTION NO.6; AS HERETOFORE PROVIDED FOR; DIVIDING AND SEGREGATING SAID ORIGINAL SECTIONS NO.3 AND NO.6 INTO SEPARATE, SEGRE- GATED AND UNRELATED SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED SECTIOOS MOl. 3 AND NO. 3-A AND SECTIONS NOS. 6, 6-A and 6-B, AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 335 AND NO. 338, WICH DETERMINED THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERED THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS STREETS AND PORTIONS THEREOF IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ANQ <YrHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; PROVIDING FOR AND APPROVING CHANGES, PLANS, SPECI~ FICATIONS AND PROCEEDINGS FOR SAID IMPROVEMENTS, AND IN THE CONTRACT AWARDED HOLLAND PAGE AND DATED APRIL 3, 1947 TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE CHAliIGES AND AMENDMENTS HEREIN MADE AND AUTHORIZING .AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION, m SAm AMENDMENTS BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs; DIRECTING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO, MAKE AND PREPARE A NEW ESTIMATE oF THE COOT OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITH BEFERENC,E TO SAID SECTIONS AS HEREIN SEPARATED AND SEGREGATED; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. !-1 J Voting Aye: MayorLee, Commis~ioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon, and Douglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Connnisstoner Armer that the following captioned Ordinance be passed and approved: AN ~RDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IT IS Norr PRACTICAL TO PROOEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD COMPRISING SECTION NO. 3-A AND SECTION NO). 4, NOR OF THAT PORTIc)N OF RJ;CE BOULEVARD COMPRISING SECTION No.5, AS HERETOFORE PROVIDED FOR; DIRECTING THE AooNPON- MENT OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS 'WITH THE CONSENT OF THE CONTRACTOR AND CANCELING THE APRIL 3, 1947 CONTRACT BEiIWEEN THE CITY AND HO'1LAND PAGE" CONTRACTOR, AS TO THE IMPROVEMENTS ORIGINALLY ORDERED CON- STRUCTED ON SAID SEGREGATED ,SECTIONS; PROVIDING THAT ALL PROCEED:i:NGSHERE- TOFORE HAD AND SAID CONTRACT WITH REFERENCE TO ALL OO'HER SEGREGATED SECTIONS OF THE STREETS EARLIER ORDERED IMPROVED REM&IN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; AND DECLARING .AN EMERGENCY. . ...~"".... Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and DoUglass Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the follo'Wing captioned Glrdinance be passed and approved: J -~l. --, ....----.----,-----"'. --TT--=-- '."i-t r "::" :T---'----r~ ~['jj ! "::111 mi 11t:1I11i Ii'..' ~ ,-., '-.J ~:.c' ,- l'-; ~_/ cc <t 161 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AOOPrING ESTIMATES 01F THE COSTS AND THE VARIOUS ffiRTIO)NS OF THE COOT OF THE PAVING AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: SECTION NO.3: UNIVERSITY BOiUIEV ARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF MERCER STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SEWANEE STREET SECTION No.6: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE CF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET SECTION NO. 6-A: UNDlERSTIY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF WESLAYAN STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF ACADEMY STREET SECTION NO. 6-B: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF ACADEMY STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF OO~TY DRIVE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, PURSUANT TO LAW, AND AS REQUIRED BY EARJ.JIER lOlRDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF ASSESSING PART OF THE COOT OF SUCH IMPRONEMENTS AGAINST PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOR AND ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HELD AND G r!EN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTINGPBOPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO, SUCH PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO O1l'HER MATTERS RElATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; SETTING AND FInNG THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING; DIRECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOl'rCE THEREOF AS REQUIRED BY LAW AND DECLA.RING AN EM&RGENCY. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None There being no further business to come li)efore the Council the meeting was adjourned. ' ATTEST: ~rd d ~/ ~. ~ -/' " '~/ ;::;U~ . Ctty ecre1;; - (/ 11m'.-_.~._'-'-'.__.=""'l"'::~~B .r-:-'.'.-'--'".~'-~"-~'-------.---_ .~~~_ -.';l"!:!':1 ______ 1'62, MINUTES OlF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 11, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Aug. 11, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioner Armer, Lanmon, Douglass, and Hamlett. Also present 'Were the City Attorney, City' Secretary and Mr. E. E. To'WIles, Hr., City Paving Attorney. ' Minutes of the meeting of July 28, were read and approved as corrected. 1 iJ Mr. O'Brien Stevens, Attorney, and Mrs. Ladelle Ogburn appeared before the Council and stated they "Were appealing a decision rendered by the Zoning and Planning Commission on denial. of application for construction of a home studio for dancing on Lot 6, Black 10, Virginia Court Addition. Mrs. Ogburn contended that the pI'eviaus Council had been advised of her intent to operate ,a dancing studio before purchase of the property and that the matter had been taken up wi. th a previous Zoning Board on July 25, 1946, 'Which had granted approval and submitted a letter dated August 2, 1946 signed by J. L. Williallis, City Engineer, advising that approval had been granted for const.ruction on the property involved. City Attorney, J. D. Kelley was consulted for his opinion and stated that the previous Zoning Board had exceeded thei~ authority in granting such permit. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the decision of the Zoning and Planning Commission under date of July 25, 1947 be upheld in the case of Mrs. Ladelle Ogburn. ~~. 'I Voting Aye: ~o:r Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Douglass, and Lanmon Voting Noe:' None 1 LJ A group of Cit.izens from Tennyson & Coleridge Streets appeared before the Council in the interest of paving their streets. Plans and specificatians for concrete paving were discussed. It was decided that the people living on Tenny- son and eoleridge would meet August 13, at the City Hall -with Contraotors Brogan & Williams, Commissioner Hamlett and the City Secretary to work out final details. Commissioner Lanmon suggested that a CitizenS Committee be appointed to coordinate, expedite and handle the overall paving program and read a list of suggested names. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, secanded ~ Cammissiane:r Douglass the follo'Wing persons be appointed to serve on the C1ti:aens Paving. Committee and that John K. Mooney, 4011 Villanova be appointed temporary Chairman: . L.13. Ry'en, 6546 Rutgers; Robert H. Lloyd, 4215 Sunset; Warren A. But.tlemann, 4229 Villanova; J. D. Hamner, 6639 Brompton; MartinE. Cole, 3930 Coleridge; E. T. Rice, 4236 Rice; Britten L. Henderson, 6522 Weslayan; Chas. A. Haas, 4152 Tennyson; M. J. Conley; 4148 Oberlin. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett, Douglass and Lanman Voting Noe: None, ' The Council gave Commissioner Hamlett and the City Secretary authority to approve paving plans and specifications covering Tennyson & Coleridge Streets. The City Secretary advised that a Messenger and Office Robbery Insurance Policy with coverage of $1,000 Messenger and $2,000 inside robbery had been can- '~1 celled and asked the Council's opiriian if a policy of this nat.ure sho.uld be re- 11'.,J1 instated. ' .;,. Ji:: :::-O:'~IL::__::cu' ~[ , -:"-'~,::::-",,-:~~O":,Il _ _E-,----,------,---- ... -.- -------,---~-:c~[ln,,'.I:~:'}lIrll:nrrII::Em.~ ,16l3 Moti.on by C.ommissi.oner Lanm.on, sec.onded by C.ommissi.oner Hamlett that a Messenger and Office Robbery Policy be .obtained and that the amount be deter- mined upon s1Ll"Vey by the City Secretary and City Treasurer. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissiener Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None ~ Commissioner Lapmon advised that he had met with the Board of Health on August 5, 1947, and. that they had recemmended Dr. L. D. Farragut, Director of the Harris County Health Unit be appointed City Health Officer for West University Place. Commissioner Lanmon read the Minutes .of the meeting of the Health Board of August 5, which outlined the plan the Beard desired to follow~in connection with employing a Sanitarian, his duties and limits of work. The Budget of the Health Board for the ,fiscal year 1947-48 amount,ing to $4400 was alse presented. ..--... \~. C!; r~ X 4 Motion by Commissioner Lanmen, seconded by Cemmissioner Armer that Dr. L. D. Farragut be appointed City Health Oktficer and approval .of the Health Board's em- ployment of a full time Sanit,arian select,ed by 'Dr. Farragut but that, the duties of the Sanitarian be largely confined to the City limits of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlet,t, Armer, Larunon and Douglass None Mr. Chas. A. Haas, 4152 Tennyson suggested that, the City make arrangements to advertise for bids fer paving .of intersections and that standard intersections be placed only en Ce1eridge and Westpoint and that the plans and specificatiens for the paving of Tennysen and Coleridge be approved by the Council. Motien by Cemmissiener Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the plans and specifications prepared by Williams & Johnson, Consulting Engineers, and bear- , ing their identifying symbel No. P-95 for residential street paving andappurten- V'/ ances and incidentals, which have heretefore been examined by the City Engineer, be appreved fer Tennysen and Coleridge Streets and that the Mayor and City Engineer be authorized and directed to enderse the approval .of the City thereen. ' Veting Aye: Voting Nee: Mayer-Lee, Commissiener Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass None The City Council deemed it advisable te pave intersections of Tennyson Street at Westpoint an9. College. Metion by Cemmissianer Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the following order be passed: The City Council having considered the matter, finds and determines the necessity for andord.ers the imprevement .of the intersectiens of Tennyson Street with Westpoint, College and Auden Streets in accordance lnth plans and specifications prepared by Williams and Johnson, consulting Engineers, designated by Symbol No. p-95 and heretofere approved by the City Com- mission, and the City Secretary is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of such improvements. Voting Aye: Voting Noe; Mayer Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the form of contract proposed for execution by Brogan & Williams, contractors ,and the pro- perty owners in the 3800 block .of Tennyson Street heretofore submitted by said contractors and examined and approved by the City Engineer and City Attorney, be ,11 w' I ' ..., 1 T_-------.:...L-'-~'~"""~w'J',,] --:r:---' ' ":mrD:JIII ,rnm:II1:JDJI !----- -rrrrT- 16'4' approved as the' "fbrm ,of contract for use on all blocks of Tennyson and Coleridge Street whereon the prope~y owne~s request said contractor to pave portions of such street at owners expense j' and the City Engineer be authorized to perform the supervisory and other functions as in said contract provided; and that the Mcvor and City Secretary be authorized to endorse the approval of the City on said contract. " i "I i I '---.J Voting Aye: Dj:or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass Voting Noe: ' None The Council instructed the City Secretary to request Howe' &. Wise to issue a work ' order to Holland Page Company for immediate construction of sections 1 and 2 on University Blvd. A general discussion was 'held.'~~J;ererice a proposed budget for the fiscal year 1947-48. 'The following items .re ordered ins~rt.ed:',~n the proposed budget: 1. Disbursement - Police SaJ.aries Patrolman Salary - $230, per month " probationary salary - $205 per month 2. Receipts - Income generaJ. fund - increase garbage collection August billing only - $4200 Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the proposed budget for fiscal year 1947-48 be adopted after certain necessary corrections had been made. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M.q:or Lee, Commissioners Hamlett , Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None " J There peing no further business to ccmebefore the Council, the meeting was recessed at 1:40 A.M. ---------..--.- The City Commission convened in recessed session at 7:30 P.M., Fridq August. l.6, 1947 at the City Hall. Members present were ~or Lee presiding, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass. Also present were the City Secretary, City Attorney, Geo. E. Bean,' representing Howe & Wise, Engineers; C. I. Whitehead, representing Hodell & Co., Real estate dealers. ' Mayor Lee announced the meet.ing was called in compliance 'With previously published official notice announcing a public hearing on paving benefits. Mayor Lee then requested John D. Kelley, City Attorney to present and examine witnesses "With reference to the contracted improvements and the benefits to property and owners thereof by reason of said improvements. Mr. Geo. E. Bean, having been duly' sworn by Mayor Lee, testified in answer to questions by Mr. Kelley that he was an engineer associated 'With Howe & Wise, Engineers for the City that he was familiar with plans and specifications of the type of pavement to be constructed and gave a general explanation of the type and nature of work to be performed~ .J 11'" , , c,r'~~1I r' , TTI" -;""111 flii'ITTlIlIl 'Ti '" 16,,5 Mr. C. I. Whitehead, having been duly sworn by Mayor Lee in answer to question by Mr. Kelley testified: that he was associated with Hodell & Co. dealers in real estate and testified concerning his real estate experience and his familiarity with West University Place property; the present condition of the streets to be improved, and stated in his opinion that the result of proposed improvements would greatly enhance the value of the property abutting upon the respective streets and that each property on each of the streets would be enhanced in value considerably in excess of the respective amounts of the proposed assessments as reflected upon the Engineers estimates. ~ --- '-' ^' "'"' ~........' - ;... ",-' X; < No objection was raised to the proposed assessments on property as defined in sections No. 3,6, 6A, and 6B. An Ordinance closing the hearing on benefits and improvements on Sections No.3, 6, 6A, and 6B was read. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Cammissioner Armer the follo'wing captioned Ordinance be pass- ed and approved: !IAN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE NEW HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON: SECTION NO.3: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF MERCER STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SEVVANEE STREET SECTION NO'. 6: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROJM TEE WEST LINE OF AUm:N STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF \7,JESLAYAN STREET SECTI01N NO. 6...A: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FooM THE WEST LINE OF OF WESLAYAN STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF ACADEMY STREET SECTION NO. 6-B: UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM T~ 1'VEST LINE OF ACADEMY STREET TO! TEE EAST LINE OF COMMUNITY DRIVE AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES, AS TO) SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND TEE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPIIDVE~ MENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED NEW ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED THEREWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REG- ULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY 01F PROlPERTY OWNERS: OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECT IONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED} FINDING AND DETER.. MINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PRO)PERTY AND T~ OWNERS THERE- OF BY REASO!1~ OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN' EXCESS OF THE .AMOUNT OF THE RE- SPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING NEW ASSESSMENTS, FInNG A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE FORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE TRUE OJNNERS THERE... , OF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND, THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. II 1'66: Voting Aye: MB\Y'or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: None (1 i-.J There being no further business to come before the Counoil, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: o~ -City Secre. . .. 11"- ',' ". ." '/'",. -'''Fn , r ,,_.,...._, ~. ~& .~/ OR ,~ , -C'l --,~--- -", flni'" ,T'~lll 'f1irnrr;m" j IJ .. .. -- - n ,1',,-;'1 _ li6,t MTh1TTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 25, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 1:30 P.M., August 25, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee presiding, Commissioner Lanmon, Douglass, and Hamlett, ~so the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Commissioner Armer was absent. ~ Minutes of the meetings of August 11 and 15 were read and approved as corrected. Dr. Russell Winston 'an<l:Mr. J. R. Stevens representing a committee from the Kiwanis Club of southwest Houston appeared before the Council and requested per- mission to erect a cyclone fence 6 ft. in height by "SO X 52' of 9 gage mesh, 'With proper entrance gates, qn the south side of the Community House to, e.nclose the lawn, stating this project would provide better facilities for activities at the Community House. The Council expressed their appreciation to the Committee appo'inted to handle Community House affairs. ~ -, '-..,....' ,.'('""'0. ...,;.:p' :;...;. .......~-~ ,..."..., i;..l.ai '" Mr. J. I. Branan, 3830 Tennyson, appeared before the Council and advised that all property owners in the 3800 block on Tennyson had signed paving petitions with exception of the two corner lots facing Auden and requested the City to participate in the paving of corner lots on the long side of the property facing on Auden St. The Council advised Mr. Branan that an exception could not be made in this partic- ular case but that a policy would be set for City participation for paving of the long side of corner lots of similar cases throughout the City. Mr. Will Perry, appeared before the Council in behalf of South-western Properties, a corporation of which R. W. Peckham of Houston is president and stockholder, requesting permission to connect with the Reed Yancey Sanitary sewer, located in Sunset Terrace Addition and served by the sewage disposal plant of the City. Mr. Perry submitted a plat showing the proposed location, stating that 29 acres were involved in the tract, approximately 150 lots. The request of Sout.hwestern Properties for connection onto the sewage disposal system of the City was referred to the City Secretary and Commissioner Hamlett. M~or Lee announced that those interested in a hearing in connection 'With a proposed ammendment to the Zoning Ordinance involving erection of multiple family dwelling units of masonry or bri_ck construction, two stories in height on a tract of land known as the Cunningham 12 acres would be heard. There being pers ons present interested in both sides of the hearing, the Mayor asked the proponents of the ammendment to present their side of the case. Mr. J. L. Williams, Engineer representing Houck Realty Co. presented a plat and specifications for construction of the multiple family dwelling units and stated that a right-u.f-way had been secured and that a street would be paved st~ing near the intersection of Riley and Weslayan, entering Bellaire Boulevard at the 3900 block. M. H. Gaibold, secretary of Houck Realty Company stated the project would cost one million two hundred thousand dollars and that normally 18 families per acre could be housed in a project of this type and that the construction was of better design and exceeded all requirements of the present Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Fred Hahn and others stated they were also in favor of the application that the construction would improve their property and would add to rather than detract from the comnmnity and that property values would be increased. The opponents of the proposed ammendment were then heard. Mr. Paul Clark and Mr. Jiun O.Davlin and others expressed opposition to the proposedammendment stating lr'-=~~""OT~ "1'1 f.-..,--",$' '1 ----r " . 'lrnrTI',IIT'Im:mTiillli ill ii 15;8, the construction of multiple family units would create an undesirable neighbor- hood and would detract from the appearanee of the Community and that West Univer- IIIJ-'- sity Place was a conununity of private home o-wners 'Whose rights should be protected. . After hearing both sides, the ~or announced the Council would not reach a de- cision until they had an opportunity to meet 'With the Zoning Oommission and after doing so a decision would be reached within two weeks. ' Mr. J. H. Brunt, 2820 Amherst, submitted a proposal prepared by Brogan &. Williams, Contractors, for the repairing and resurfacing of the 2800 block on Amherst and asked the Council to approve the specifications and the work in- volved. The contractors were requested .to .furnish complete specifications before approval of the construction was granted. Mr. H. C. Wendler, 2812 Su.naet and Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Jennings, 2820Not~ing- ham appeared before the Council in the interest of having an ordinance passed to prohibit trespassing and giving authority to the Police Department to arrest so called npeeping-Tomsn. .;... . Motion by Comm. Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, that the follom.ng captioned Ordinance be approved: "AN OlRDINANCE PROHIBITING THE LOITERING OF PERSONS ABOUT THE 'PRlSMISES ,OF OfI'HERS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION HEREOF .AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE .AND FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF .QRDINANCESIN CONFLICT HEREWITH." Voting Aye: Mator ;Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Haml~t Voting Noe: None o The returns of a special election held on August 23, 1947, for the pUI'pQSe of voting on the two follow.i.ng ~positions: (l)considerati"On of the adoption of the proiisions of Senate Bill No. 36, fixing minimum salaries for firemen and policemen, (2) use of the balance of the 1946 street paving and bridge bond fund for street improvements trhoughout the City, were duly carivassed by the City Commission and the following results were found: Precinct 133 Proposition No.2. 150 votes 13 II 145 votes 17 " - for - against -for - against Proposition No.1. Precinct 87 Proposition No. 1. 98 votes 10 ,. 90 I~ 16 If - for - against - for - against Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the results of the special election as canvassed be declared official. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M~or Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Douglass and Hamlett None o lfTnT,:~II1'f1nTlnll11i l1rr''!'i ~! - !~ 'OJ? \_'i Xl ~". ->. ... 1-69 W. J. Ryals, Humane Officer, submitted a letter recommending that the dog ordinance be amended to increase the pick-up fee to $2.00 plus $.50 per day for feeding. The Council approved the recommendation of Mr. Ryals and re- quested the City Att9rney to prepare the necessary amendment to the dog ordinance. A letter was presented from Ray V. Mayfield, Pastor of the West University Baptist Church stating the church desired to pave in front of their property on Milton street, and requesting the City to rave along City owned property abutting Milton Street. The City Secretary was instructed to advise Rev. Mayfield that the City would pave in front of its property abutting Milton Street if the re- mainder of the property owners on the 3800 block of Milton would 8.J.so agree to pave. The minutes of the Electrical Board meeting of August 7, 1947 were read. The minutes in part stating that James F. Jolly, City Building Inspector had been examined and found qualified to hold a Master Electricians license and had been granted a license without fee so long as he is employed by the City of Wes"t University Place in the capacity of Electrical. Inspector. r Motion by Connnissioner Lanman seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the action of the Electrical Board granting City Building Inspector James F. Jolly, a Master Electricians license so long as he is employed by the City of West University Place in the capacity of Electrical Inspector be ratified and that the usual license fee be waived. . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett and Douglass. None The City Commission authorized p~nt of $10.00 to Hodell & Company for personal services rendered in connecj,:ion with August 15th hearing on paving bene- fits. There being no further business to come before the CounCil, the meeting was recessed subject to call by the Mayor. ------------- The City Commission convened in recessed session at 7:30 Friday August 29, 1947 at the City Hal.l. Members present were Mayor Lee preSiding; Commissioner Lanmon and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney, City Secretary and City Paving Attorney E. E.Townes, Jr. C.ommissioner Armer and Douglass were absent. The Council discussed establishing a policy and determining an amount the City would share in paying the cost of paving ~he long side of corner property in connection with the Paving program. . Motion .by Commissioner Lanman, seconded Py Commissioner Hamlett that the following resolution be adopted; T[==C""=F]~"["1 r.c.c...~.nccc~.=c... '1 C___ITn~_n. ----"mn""i'i";IIl'mrI1TT1il1Il. :Ti'~":'l 11"0' RESOLUTION WHEREAS, property owners on various streets in the City have evidenced their "Willingness and desire toma.k:e arrangements for the paving of their respective streets, and to make payment of the full cost thereof (except intersections) ,without cost to the City; 'Which action by the property oYmers will result in a considerable saving to the City, but WHEREAS, certain properties are so platted and located that the longer side thereof abuts the streets to be so improve a so that the paving costs on a strict full per front foot basis would be disproportionate to the benefits to the respective properties; and request has been made that the city make some contribution to the cost of the street paving abutting such lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO'LVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT 1. Insofar as CIty street improvement funds will permit, the City will con- tribute, and pay to the contractor "With whom the owners of such properties contract for street improvements, a sum equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of the street pavement to ovmers of such lots siding on the respective streets so improved, where the house located thereon does not face said street. 2. The contribution by the City provided above will be made only in those instances Where all or ' substantially all of the property O"WIlers in the same block wherein such side lots are located payor make satisfactory arrangements with the contractor to pay their full cost of the street improvements, so that in the judgment of the City the street "Will be sufficiently solidly paved to justify the expense. . 3. The contribution by the City will be paid to the property o"WIlers' contractor upon completion of the w"Crk in such block and certification thereof by the City Engineer as having been cOIi!.pleted in 0 accordance with plans and, specifications earlier approved ~S1r the rv;6rk by the City Commission. Voting ;Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon and Hamlett None M~or Lee announced that the hearing in ,connection with the request to ' amend the Zoning Ordil1a.nce to permit construction of 'multiple family dwelling units of masonry or brick construction, two stories in height on the Cunningham 12 acres, would continue. "" u .:'W~ u Mr. (\)). C. King, member of the Zoning Commission stated the request had been approved by the Commission after taking in consideration the vaJ.ue of the property that a paved street would be built through the tract and that the high vaJ.ue of the land would prohibit construction of 900 SQ.ll" minimum requirements and that the proposed construction would be a great source of revenu.e to theCity and realized that Citizens had the right of appeal to the City Council. A group of Citizens living in the vicinity of the Cunningham 12 acres, opposing the construction of the multiple unit housing project presented a petition 'J bearing U3 signatures. . i . <~~ . . lY ~='U --"~~~J::E~.:ELl L::':"O,"~'~,~~C'::C""':::'! --'-1-'--'--- -, -c, jnU"-'-'l~'~~1l1 IIID:llIlulI1ln 'TiT~:'i - ~l ,-, '--' ':;\ r "". ....~.... ,~ i-\oi <::t ; '" ";'~~~''l'ttctt-~-!1'f-''''-- 17:t The petition cited that the proposed project would concentrate more than 100 falTlilies within the 12 acres and would be detrimental to the Community and infraction of Zoning laws of West University Place would lead to further infrac- tion of a like kind. It was the opinion of those present that the land should be considered as a site for a swimming pool and park project rather than a site for a multiple unit housing project. After the proponents and opponents of the request for anunendment to the Zoning Ordinance had ample opportunity to present their side of the matter the Mayor stated that the Council wouldmcike a decision at a later date. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Public Hearing be closed and due to the absence of Commissioner Armer and Commis- sioner Douglass the C01.Ulcil take the matter under advisement for further discussion. Voting Aye: Voting Hoe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon and Hamlett None Bids received in accordance with Notice to Bidders for construction of intersections on Tennyson Street at Westpoint, College and Auden Streets were opened and tabulated' as follows: Brogan & Williams, General Contractors, 5717 Kirby Drive - Total bid $2,702.95 Russ Mitchell, Inc. 2303 Jefferson, II It 3,000.00 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmonthat.rthli.. 1). *- contract for construction of intersections at College and Tennyson} and ~~e\"'" and Tennyson and a quarter intersection at Auden, be awarded to Brogan & Williams, General Contractors on their low bid of $2,702.95. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon and Hamlett None Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that speci- fications for improving and seal coating the 2800 and 2900 blocks on Amherst as submitted by Williams & Johnson be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanman and Hamlett Voting Noe: None The matter of excavating and filling skips 'With shell in instances where property owners failed ,to agree to pave in front of their property was discussed. Mr. J. L. Williams, representing Brogan & Williams advised that curbs would be constructed on all skips on Tennyson Street at his expense. It was the opinion of the Council that excavation, should be made and then replaced with proper amounts of shell. In this connection, motion was made by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION" VfHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore approved plans and specifications for the pavement and improve- ment of Tennyson Street and Coleridge Street in said City, which improvements are to be made under private contracts between the property owners in each re- spective block on each of said streets, and Brogan & Williams, Contractors; and n- , - '-' 1 -r 11 , r ;,';'1 "illlT'Tii7illl'lllJ:IITT1IllJi iUTiT 172:" said contract, the form of which has heretofore been approved by the City Com- mission, provides among other things; "It is understood that the City mq direct that said portion of 'said street be not now improved unless the ovmers of all,o or substantially all, of said properties ab1i.tting thereon become parties hereto; *"* * " iJ and WHEREAS, there is a possibility that the owners of one or more properties covered by one or more of said separate block contracts might not agree to pay and give security for the payment of the improvements in that portion of the street abutting their particular properties, and some provision should be' ID.a~ for the necessary work to bring the street on which any of such "skipsl1abut, to proper grade and to provide p~per drainage across said properties; Now, Therefore, .1i<.; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: 1. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to examine each of the respective separate block contracts and to determine therefrom whether the owners of all, or substantially all, of the propertie_s abutting upon the street in each respective block, have become parties thereto and therefore whether it is practical to proceed with the pavement and improvement of the particular block; and said City Engineer is hereby fully clothed with discretionary power to issue a work order for the performance of the respective block contracts separately or to refuse an4 ~thhold such work order if such latter action appears to the best interests of the City in the proper control, care and main- tenance of its streets. ;-1 ;J 2. That said City Engineer is hereby authorized and' directed to authorize and direct the contractor to excavate the street in front of such property or properties which otherwise would be Itskipsn, all in accordance with the,Q9:~:tract, plans and specifications heretofo_re approved; but said contract-or shain.. n"O~be required to pave or otherwise improve said nskip" properties, but on completion of such excavation, and upon completion of the pavement on other portions of the street in such respective blOCk, the City shall fill such excavated "skip" with shell or such other material as in the discretion of the City Engineer should be used. Such excavation of any such nskip'shall be done by the contractor at cost, and such cost, without profit to the contractor, shall be invo~cedto and paid by the City. The shell or other fill material shall be suppli,ed,. laid and finished by and at the expense of the City. 3. The City Engineer is hereby autho~ed and directed, to authorize the, contractor to excavate, construct and lay a curb and gutter section across any such "skip" properties on the same line and grade as the curb and gutter section or o.ther portions of the street improved. The contractor ~hall not be required, however, to do such curb and gutter work on any such "skip" property, but may do or refuse to do same at contractor's option. Such curb and gutter work on "skip" properties however, shall be done', if done , without cost, or . expense to the City therefor. ' "-- ;&ASSED-~this 29th d~ of August, 1947. :J ;~.; f1"'-~"'-"1 . ~'C"n "'~'i.";'l , 'iTTiTiTilimrnrri1l11i -. -- ;n'"'1 -r --- ~ o (:0 r .~"<<i. \~~,~ r:o <:C 1.1:3 APPROVED this 29th day of August, 1947. ' APPROVED: CITY -ATTORl\lEY Voting Aye: Voting Noe: (signed) Ralph B. Lee MAYOR Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, and Lanman None There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adj ourned. ATTEST: ~~.~ /) ~ "',, / " "'\. CitY~ ~7L 1J-'-~-'-'''':~ '---r- -.....:1_ ; 1::~-'-------:'~'rflTr~i;r~";ll'l:rnrl:II:ellJl~-C-'----- ~ITT'~~T - 174 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1947 The CJ.8'ty c904unCil convened int regulMar seSSLion at ~hedi Cityc H~l ~t 7:3180 P.M. , .1 September , 1 7. Those presen were ayor ee presJ.. ng, , omnussJ.oner nmon, : I Douglass, Armer and Hamlett. Also present were the City Secretary and the City ~ Attorney. The minutes of the meetings of August 25 and 29 were read and approved as corrected. Mr. Will Perry appeared before the Council in regard to a request on behalf of Southwestern Properties for permission to connect with the Reed Yancey Sani- tary Sewer being served by the disposal plant of City of West University Place. Commissioner Hamlett and the City Secretary presented a letter recommending this request be disapproved for reason of over loading disposal plant facilities md collection system. . 'i,.~~' Motion by Corrnnissioner Lanman, seconded by CommissioneriDouglass that in vie,,. of the recommendation submitted by Commissioner Hamlett and the City Secretar.y that Mr. R. W. Peckham, President of Southwestern Properties be informed with regret of the City's inability to provide the desired servides at this t5,.me, md that the City Secretary so inform Mr. Peckham by letter. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: MCllfor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon,Douglass, Amer and Hamlett. None Mr. W. N. Hubbard, 2804 Georgetovm presented a letter requesting authority to construct a two story garage with club room in the upper stoIj1" and stating that the application had been unofficially approved by the Zoning Commission. It was the decision of the Council that this request should be referred to the Zoning Commission for official action. J Commissioner Lax:unoh presented tothe Council the following names to be con~ sidered for appointment on a Community House Committee; such Committee to be charged with drawing up rules and regulations covering usage, charges, hours, management, maintenance and improvements: Dr. Russell Winston, 3102 Robinhood; Mrs Rose Reese, 3027 Lafayette; Mrs. H. J. Woehrmann, 3126 Quenby; Mr. T. F. Alston, 3402 Tangley; Mr. J. D. (Pat) Murphree, Jr.} 3124 Tangley. Motion by COIllmissioner'Lamnon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that all persons recommended be appointed as a Community House Committee for the purpose as outlined. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and Hamlett None The following Committee was appointed by the Council as an Insurance Commit- tee to make a survey and an investigation of Insurance being carried by the City and to work out a complete insurance 'coverage program and submit their recommen- dation for Council action: Mr. Gus H. Comiskey, 3706 Robinhood; Mr. Sandy" B. Bahm, 5919 Wakeforest; Mr. Harry Stoops, 2009 Driscoll; Mr. J. Paxton Huff; 3406 Albans; Mr. Joe Dannenbaum, 5916 Charlotte.) IJ '!i""_"":'~,~41~.\'i<~"" Ir"'~':'- '~~.~:~ 1 _ I:--tl '--'T>-."'-r'_u_ ---. ~L'l .r_ --.,------~-"TI'}TJ.'TI~!T1~!IUu- --,----------- - -IIrT~;r-'---"-'-""--' ITS Mr. C. V. Reynolds submitted a letter to Council requesting Oirdinance 99 Wiich regulates the altitude airplanes are permitted to fly over the City of West University Place be increased from 200 Ft. to 1000 Ft. in compliance with C.A.A. regulations. Mr. Reynolds' request for amendment to Ordinance No. 99, was referred to City Attorney J. D. Kelley, with instructions to determine C.A.A. requirements in this regard. Mr. M. 0'. Martin, representing Holland Page Construction Co. appeared before the Council and advised of progress of work being performed under their contract and requested permission to proceed with excavation of Sections No. 3 and 6. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner H8mlett that the City Secretary be given authority to request Howe & Wise to issue a work order covering ~ necessary work on Sections No. 3 & 6. o ~:D :~ ,~l-"~ \...oooi Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer Nom ~ The matter of quarters of firemen and housing for Fire Department equipment during the period of paving work in front of the City Hall was discussed. Motion by Corrurnissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon that the City Secretary with assistance of the Fire Chief, make necessar,y arrangements to house fire department equipment and firemen during construction of pavement on University Boulevard in front of City Hall. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer None A letter from Mr. C. D. Mehr, member of the Zoning Board was read requesting the City to appoint a City employee as Secretary of the Zoning Board to relieve Mrs. Eberling of that burden. By action of the Council, the City Secretary was instructed to handle 'this request. Motion by Cormnissioner Lanmon, seconded by Cormnissioner Hamlett, that the follow- ing captioned Ordinance be approved: "AN ORDINANCE 1\llllENDING ORDINANCE NO. 255, KNOYI/N AS THElIIflOiG QiRDINANCE'~, BY AlI,[ENDING ARTICLE 6 TO) PROVIDE FaR A $.50 FEE FOR EACH DAY ANIMALS ARE KEPT AT THE CITY POiU1ID." Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Cormnissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer, None The City ~ecretary advised that it would be, necessary for the Council to set a tax rate for the year 1947-48 in order for the current tax roll to be completed. ~~otion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the follow- ing captioned ordinance be approved: "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ADV ALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1947, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. It Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Conunissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglas~ and Armer None r' ""'OC"""T"" ""n r' ',.~" ".'r-- ----I 'Wii"ii']lmmrmi iTi ':1 17'6 The City Secretary requested approval of the Council in regard to employing a Testing Laboratory to inspect and test concrete on the Holland Page project. The City Secretar,y was instructed to obtain bids for these services. i -1 ~ Mr. Charles L. Cartwright, Chairman, and R. J. Depenbrock, member, of the S'Wimming Pool Committee, came before the Council and submitted a letter recommend- ing the construction of a swimming pool at Colonial Park giving details as ,to size, design, and location and suggesting that the Connnission enter into an Engineering Contract "With Paddock Engineering Compa.ny for plans and specif:Lcationsfor construc- tion of a S"Wimming Pool in accordance with their proposal dated September 5, 1947. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, sedonded by Connnissioner Armer that in re- sponse to the reE\;uest of the Swimming Pool Committee :that t he City Attorney and the City Secretary be authorized to prepare necessary legal instruments for a contract with Paddock Engineering Comparw for preparation of plans and specifications for construction of the swimming pool as outlined in their proposal dated September 5, 1947. .....::.. J,' Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass Voting Noe: NORe Mr. Cartwright advised from estimates received that it appeared that the pool without landscaping, fence, or bath house would require all available cash funds, and for the purpose of landscaping, construction of, bath house and necessary fenCing, the cost would be approximately $15,000 and suggested that the additional $15,000 be raised by issuance of that amount of revenue bonds which had previously been voted but not sold. Mr. Cartwright asked authority of the Council to negotiate with competent Engineers for plans and specifications for construction of a bath house, fence and landscaping. :1 i~ Motion by Commissioner 1anmon, seconded by Connnissione.r Hamlett, empowering the S"Wimming Pool Committee to proceed with negotiations with competent Engineers for preliminary plans and specifications for bath house, necessary fencing and landscaping with the view of paying for these items from revenue bonds "Which have previously been authorized by vote,. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Anner, Hamlett and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass authorizing C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer to destroy the following matured bonds by bUrning same with proper witnesses: Description Series No. Denomination Due No. Bonds Refunding Bonds 1936 116-128 $1,000.00 4/10/46 13 129-142 1,000.00 4/10/47 14 Sanitary Sewe r Bonds 1942 8-14 1,000.00 3/1/46 7 Sewer Revenue Bonds 1938 28-32 1,000.00 1/1/47 5 Water Refunding 1942 15-20 1,000.00 12/15/46 6 Water Revenue 1938 35-39 1,000.00 12/15/46 5 !J storm Sewer 1942 7-10 1,000.00 3/1/47 4 storm Sewer 1941 17-29 1,000.00 1/15/47 13 Refunding Warrants 1936 31-34 1,000.00 4/.10/46 4 35-37 1,000.00 4!10/4? 3 Oivic Center Bonds 1941 3 1,000.00 1/15/46 1 Sanitary Sewer System Time Warrants ,1945 1 1,000.00 12/15/46 1 lIC~"-'''~'''-'Pf''" ',"11 '",,<f'" "-'~'"~-'-~~c~"r:T ----.---'---- ' " ',nTl"T1i:'111F'lIrmT1l1llr - --------------!'i'rl";'i "~.~,<',~.:(<:";7..-" 177 Refunding Bonds 1945 4-6 1,000.00 1/10/47 3 ~ o :,("". ;~ ........ Xl <:C Voting Aye: :Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hai11lett, Armer, 79 Lanmon and Douglass Voting Noe: None The City Secretary presented the following recommendation from C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer: "At the close of f:ii.scal year 1946-47, there is on deposit in University State Bank $858.36 to the credit of the Health Department. As recommended to the Commission for the year 1944-45 which they approved, I again recommend that the $858.36 be left in Health Fund to meet salary require- ments, etc., until.tax collections are made and allocations made to Health, General, Tax Revenue Sinking Funds.1t Motion by Commissioner Lan..-non, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the recommendation of City Treasurer C. E. Ganunill in regard to the balance of the Health fund be approved. V oting Aye: Voting :Hoe: Mayor Lee, Cormnissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that all monies found to be on hand as a cash surplus in the General fund at the end of the fiscal year revert to the General Fund in accordance with Charter require- ments and the City Treasurer to be instructed that these monies be used to de- fray expenses of operation as long as these monies last. Voting Aye: Voting Hoe: :Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, .lmner" Lanmon and Douglass None Plans for construction of &'1. addition to the City Hall to house fire Dept. equipment and the Police Department were presented to the Council for consider- ation. Plan No.1: PrePared by Kelley Gaffney consisted of an addition to be constru.cted of brick and masonry to harmonize with the existing structure; the work to be performed under Mr. Gaffneys' direction and to be supervised by per- sonnel employed by the City. The materials to .be purchased by the City through regular channels. The estimated cost being $4300. Plan No.2: Submitted by Armco Co. consisted of a Steelox building 24' X 48' X 14' to be erectedl~th City labor at a figure of $1954, plus concrete work. Motion by Cmmnissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Plan No. 1 submitted by Kelley Gaffney be approved and that the City Secretary be authorized to employ a Superintendent ,for construction of the addition to the City Hall. Voting Aye: Voting Hoe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lanman and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Hmnlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer authorizing the City Secretary and any member of the City Co:m.11ission who so desired to attend the annual meeting of"i-the Texas League of Municipalities during the dates of Sept. 22-24 inclusive. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Hamlett, Armer, Lalli"'Uon ffild Douglass None TI'~.:~~:~:'~':C::':~=~E:'~~:l:~l L --~_.~""-"""""-='_'_T=-""-". : __.~::..~~:1. ___ --r'----,--- - r-":~J~"'--f-:l:'~IIT:~~I:!ITI!lJI~ :rrr:'i 118 There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ ~ity ~cr ~ " 1F~~~--"'1~=U=1 ,___---'=r"~~~~~'j:~,'1 1 !~ ~,~ ~~ IlAYllli '. . . ~~)r ""'.; u o T~--' iTri::'1 . inr ~:":lirJ:i'ln::[m 1-79~ , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTE~ffiER 22, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., Monday September 22, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee preSiding, Commissioner LarlJ."non, Douglass, Armer, and Hamlett. Also present was the City Attorney. The City Secretary was absent. Commissioner TIouglass was appointed to act as temporary secretary. - ~j Mr. M. A. Lang, 6.542 Westchester presented a petition to the Council request- ing action be taken against R. H. Frieda, 6538 Westchester for violation of Zoning Ordinance Ill. :Mr. Lang stated he had personally investigated the violation and that the garage apartment wh5..ch had been built for a hobby studio was being rented to various families. Mayor Lee informed Mr. Lang that the City Attorney would in- vestigate this complaint and take whatever action was necessary. ~ ,.r;! ~ Xl ,<t Mr. H. 1. Cogswell, 4123 Case street and others, voiced objections to the location of the proposed swimming pool, bath house and concession. Commissioner Lanman explained the reason for selecting Colonial Park for location of the swiJThlling pool and the various steps taken by the S"Wimming Pool Committee, and advised that Colonial Park was the only property owned by the City suitable for the s"Wimming pool, and that funds were not available for additional property for this purpose. Mrs. L. L. Fagan, 3823 Marlowe questioned the COli.l1cil with regard to forcing abutting property climers to improve the streets. Mayor Lee explained that the City cannot assess paving liens against Homestead property. Mr. Park questioned the Council in regard to obtaining the property at Wes- layan and Riley Streets for location of the proposed park and swimming pool. Mayor Lee advised that the City had previously filed condemnation proceedings to purchase this property but after an exorbitant price was set by the Court, the proposed site was abandoned. Mr. McLarty, 41~4 Byron, also voiced objection to location of the proposed svdmrning pool.. Mr. J. H. Patterson, 4135 Byron, questioned the Council regarding the parking strip around the swimming pool area. Commissioner Lanmon advised that a wire fence around certain portions of the park "WOuld set back sufficient to accommodate park- ing around the pool. Mayor Lee advised that he had discussed 'with the City Secretary the matter of the space between the automobile bridge and the foot bridge on University Blvd. across the Poor Farm ditch, and that a temporary rail had been erected on the foot bridge until plans of a permanent nature could be worked out. The Council discussed previous action reference set-back lines for building on corner lot of Buffalo Speedway and Cason Street. x \' Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that there be included ip the minutes that it was the intention of the Council that the definite set back line on the lot at the Southeast corner of Buffalo Speed:w~ and Cason be 30 Ft. on Buffalo and 20 Ft. on Cason and garage on Cason be set back to a 30 Ft. minim-wIl. " ,~j n~~".=~':>=--'."=-=-l"~l"'--'-~--'~'f 1 r ~ ~~'"';:'~71 r ~ -'imnT~IIJ'[lIm:Cilllr - 1m"! 180, Voting Eye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None ' o Commissioner Lanman suggested that a parking strip at the City Hall be con- structed during paving of Univer:;;ity Boulevard. Mayor Lee advised, that he wo.uld discuss this matter with the City Secretary. Commissioner Douglass requested notice to be placed in the newspaper regard- ing trash and garbage pick-up to the following effect: Citizens ,be .requested to leave trash or garbage out on curb until truck gets by when there has been a de- lay in the regular schedule, as these sections mIl be given preference. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, , the meeting was recessed. h~_~; . ."-."." ...... '... ~ .'" The 'City Council convened in recessed session at the Qity Hall at 7:30 P.M., Sept. 29, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioner Lanmon, Armer, and Douglass, and the City Secretary. Commissioner Ha..11lett and the City Attorney were absent. The minutes of the meeting of September 22, 1947 were read and approved as corrected. Mr. J. I. Brannan, 3830 Tennyson, appeared before the Council and requested ,i,-~--l. an Ordinance be passed to prohibit trucks and busses from operating on residen- LJ tial streets which are to be paved in the Dear future. An Olrdinance prepared, byL, the City Attorney, prohibiting trucks and busses from operating on Tellnyson and Coleridge streets was presented. It was the opinion of the Council that a master ordinance covering all residential streets to be paved, not cons,;i.dered as thoroughfares should be passed rather than an Q)rdinance for in,dividual I;ltreets. Therefore, the proposed OJrdinance was not adopted. A Cormnittee represented by Mr. C. G. Albert, 3738 Plumb Str~et' appeared before the Council and submitted a petition- with 38 signers requesting the Council to prohibit use of the 3700 Block Pluillb for operation of City Busses. The, Cormnittee was advised that the bus was routed over the 3700 block of Plumb as a temporary expedient to relieve traffic congestion on Georgetown Street and that it was not, feasible to remove the bus from the 3700 block of Plumb -Street. lvIr. Albert asked the CoUncil to go on record agreeing to make necessary repairs of Plumb street occasioned by operation of busses over this street. The Council agreed, to make the necessary repairs to the 3700 block of Plumb street, after the temporary emergency has been relieved. TI~~~~"'--'=T~'~:-Il' r-'---'~'"-"~"""-"T~T~ r'" "iPiT" n:'11Il 'l]nnrr1ll11 i Im':i 281 The City Secreta!"'J advised that Mr. J~ F. Jolly, City Inspectar had resigned and that a temporary arrangement had been made with Mr. J. A.. Metcalf to serve as Building Inspectar, Jvlr. Joe V. Ellis as Electrical Inspector, and Mr. Merrill Vv'hitehead as Plumbing Inspectar, at a cambined salary af $250.00 per month until such ti.J.'1J.e as a persan could be secured to assume all duties of City Inspectar. Council members differed as to the legality and advisability of increasing salaries nat heretofare set up in the current budget and without a certificate of availability of funds having first been obtained from the City Treasurer. ~ ~~ Matian by Cammissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the recom- mendatian of the City Secretary be approved and that he be authorized to employ Mr. J. A. Metcalf, Mr. Jae V.- Ellis, and Mr. Merrill Vfuitehead as Building, Electri- - cal Plumbing Inspectors at a combined salary of $250.00 per month and that the City Secretary be authorized to employ an individual to assume all duties af City In- spectar at a maximum salaI".f of $275 per manth, subject to. approval by the City Attorney as to procedure. '"-.:;; ~ .. CO < Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor l,ee, Commissioner Lanmon and Armer CormnissionerDouglass (Commissioner Douglass qualified his vote by stating he was not satisfied that funds were available and contending that Certificate of Availability of Funds - from the City Treasurer would be required.) The City Secretary advised that Mr. Eugene Maier, Consulting Engineer, had been contacted reference plans for installation of additional traffic signals and' that Mr. Maier had made a survey and suggested that traffic control signals be installed at Rice Blvd. and Buffalo Speedway; Rice Blvd. and Edloe St.; University Bl1i'd. and Buffalo Speedway; and University Blvd. and Auden Street. Motion by CO~'1J.issioner Lalli'1J.on, seconded by Cormnissioner Armer, that the City Secretary obtain est~'1J.ates for cost of installation of traffic signals at the . locations recommended by Mr. Maier. Voting Aye: ,Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Armer and Douglass None The City Secretary advised that the City of Bellaire had released Mr. W. J. Ryals as Humane Officer and had discontinued their share of a three wa-;l agreement between West University, Soup;hside Place and Bellaire for payment of his salary and that if the City desired to retain Mr. R:{als, it would be necessaI"'I to increase his salary from $87.50 to $175 per month. Cllief of Police Shipp advised the Council Mr. Ryals' services had been entirely satisfactory and that in his opinian the City should employ a full time Humane Officer. Motion by Commissioner L~~on, seconded by Commissioner Armer instructing the CitJr Secretary to consult with the City Treasurer to determine if funds are avail- able to employ a Humane Officer at a salary of $175 per month, a:nd if funds are on hand or could be made available for the purpose of employing a Humane Officer, that - such person be employed on, a full tL'1J.e basis to as8u111e the duties of Humane Officer. Voting Aye: Vbting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, and Armer Cor$Dissioner Douglass 11:::..:..--=--:---.:..:::=--:.' __~_ .Ln_ ':::::r:I L._ ::'~-,_.::-::'~"::l________ r_' -: -''ITflT':C~~I::':lll!:]ff[II~DD1---- ---------- ---------:rr~~::1'----- ~16'J (Corn..ilissioner Douglass qualifying his vote by stating he was not satisfied I that funds were available and contending that a Certificate of Availability of I funds should be obtained from the City Treasurer before such action is taken.) '-J It was advised that Auditors Henslee, Hopson 8: Green had taken exception to the Council's past action reference purchase of a new Fire Truck in that a Certificate of Availability of Funds had not been secured from the City Treas- urer. To substantiate past action of the City Council in regard to the purchase of a Fire Truck and two garbage trucks and bodies, the follo'l'dng Certificate of Availabili ty was presented: T"PA~~""'PY't~ ~~_,...r; f; ~~+~ l\ln'i :3 To T1;>~ I5o];lQrab]~ MOly-or iVQ CHy r.ony"';i~siotl of the City of West University Place, Texas: I do hereby certify in accordance with the prov~s~ons of the charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, that, as provided in sai d charte,r, there is in the Treasury of the City of West University Place to the credit of Fire Fighting Equipment, Bonds series 1946, the sum of $9,956,01, which has not been appropriated for any other purpose; said sum of $9,956.01 is now available for appropriation by the City Commission to be applied on purchase pride $13,433.00 of new fire truck. Dated this 17th day of September 1947. :l I I --.-I (Signed) C. E. Gammill City Treasurer of the City of West University Place Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Lanmon, that the action of the M~or and City Secretary as 'recorde-d in the Minutes of January 6, 1947, in connection with purchase of a new Fire Truck be ratified. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon, Armer, and Douglass None The City Secretary presented the following letter from the City Treasurer recommending that a $20,000 loan be ob:bained to meet- operating expenses until 1947 Tax collections become available: ' flMr. ~'lJhitt Johnson City Secretary Dear Mr. Johnson: We should apprise the Commission it will be necessary to obtain a loan of $10,000 month of October and a like amount month of November to meet operating expenses until such time as receipts from 1947 tax collections would meet our requirements. A resolution authorizing the City Treasurer to negotiate the loans will be, in order. I I I '---' n~'~--I''''''l : T 1 L'----"m- '.."~~Fl r:-r' '''jrnr''iJi':'l~]EIlLl:llm:mi - - -- -------------lIiT~iT- ~ ,~: -' :~.c. , "",,, \"''0''/ ,,"",""1 """"" <:::C 1:83' The money may be obtained from the City National Bank at an interest rate of two (2) per cent per aTlmUll. Yours very truly, (signed) C. E. Gammill City Treasurer Motion by CoI!lt1lissioner Douglass, seconded by CoI!lt11issioner Armer that the City Secretary and the City Treasurer be empowered to negotiate a $20,000 loan in accordance with the request of the City Treasurer and that the following resolution be adopted: F..ESGLU'P ION iHIffiREAS, the present income from taxes in the City of West University Place, Texas, is insufficient to meet the operating requirements of said City; and VJ'HEREAS, the City of VITest Uniyersity Place, Texas, is desirous of obtaining a loan from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas; aTld 'WHEREAS, the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, has indicated its willing- ness to make such lo~~ in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars per month for a period of two months at an interest rate not to exceed two (2%) per cent: NO'{\f, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, ahat the City Treasurer of said City obtain a loan on the part of said City from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas in the aInO.lnt of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of October and Ten Thousa..~d ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of November, at an interest rate not to exceed two (2%) per cent per annum; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this entire loan of Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars be paid to t he City National Bank of Houston, Texas, out of the General Fund' of the City of West University Place, Texas . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 29th day of September, 19l:H, A.D. ATTEST: (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayo r (Signed) Whitt Johnson City Secretary V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee , Commissioners Douglass, Lanmon and Armer None An Engineering Contract between H. J. Johnson and the City was presented for , consideration. The City Secretary was instructed to request the City Attorney upon his return to the City to rewrite a portion of the contract placing a time limit of December 1, 1948 subject to cancellation of either party upon 30 days notice. 11 c.",,~'U__ ..~ T "~i 1 "Wl:i';illlll1i!i11iTI1l11 r---- mr:i1' - _rom r' '~~'~'"'~~"~~i,~'il r 1 ~8At The matter of paving an additional portion of University Blvd. in front of the City Hallbfor parkincg purpoH slels wulasddib. scussed. Itt:was decidedhthsat Eharsk~dg ',',.~. ' space accessi le to the ity a wo ' e more advan ageous on t e ou~ ~ ,8 , of University Blvd. adjacent to the City Hall rather than using a portion of ' the City Hall lawn. Motion by Cormnissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, authoriz- ing the City Secretary to negotiate with Hollamd Page on a unit cost provideu by his contract to pave a small portion of Lot 54, Block 2, Soughside Place, owned by the C:ity of West University Place, for necessary parking purposes. Voting A-;le: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Armer. None ~_.\:::- The Council discussed action to take against Mr. Joe Cathriner for viola- tion of Zoning Ordinance Ill. The City Secretary was instructed to obtain an opinion from City Attorney J. D. Kelley as to whether the City should take Civil rather than Criminal proceedings against Mr. Cathriner for violation of Zoning Qrdinance III as set forth in previous minutes. ..':i-. . A letter was read from the Zoning Board advising that Mr. W. Roy Letbetter , had submitted his resignation as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commissi()n<' and requesting the City Council to appoint some one to fill this vacancy. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the resignation of Mr. W. Roy Letbetter as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission be accepted with regret. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Armer None J There being no fUrther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. ~d~L ATTEST: ~~~ "01 SECRE . . J IF.: .-..::" ::-~::-?-=J~-'^ 1~ 8'5' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 13, 1947 The CitJT Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7 :30 P.M. October 13, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee, presiding; CornmissionersJL.anmon, Ha,111ett, Douglass and Armer. Also present were the City Secretary and the City l-l_ t torney . -. ._.i ::{;'!. i:"'? ~ ~{ ,< Mr. tTohn G. Keller, 3925 Swartlh'TIore, and Mr.C. T. Wilson, 3926 Swarthmore, representing Citiaens on Swartl1..illore, Case and Byron Streets appeared before the Council and requested approval of specifications for asphalt paving of lower standards than specified by H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer. Mr. Robert H. Lloyd, 4215 Sunset, and Wm. H. Huston, 4150 Amherst, members of the raving Com;:nittee also appeared and stated that considerable trouble had been encountered in securing contracts with property OlNIlers who desired a lower type of asphalt paving and stated that u-"Ylless the specifications were lowered, 75% of the people would be unable to pave due to high cost. ~~ Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by ~ommissioner Armer that the City approve rninimul11 specifications for asphalt paving as follows: 411 asphalt stabilized sand shell base with necessary excavation, 18n straight curbs, no gutters, double asphalt surface treatment, provided that the paving be continuous and no skips or leave-outs; provided second course ot asphalt treatment not be applied until spring. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Hamlett and Douglass Commissioner Lffill'TIon (Corrunissioner Lanman qualified his vote by stating he fully appreciated work done by the Citizens paving Co~'TIittee but felt that the Council had a responsibility to the people to protect them against an inferior type pavement as compared perhaps vvith a h:I.gher type ps.vement of longer duration.) Mayor Lee and CO~'TIissioner Douglass voiced objection to lowering specifications for asphalt paving below standards r~commended by H. J. Jolmson, Consulting Engineer, stating maintenance cost would be excessive, and that the property ovmers would be dissatisfied when failures occured and that low type asphalt paving was not in keep- ing -vvi th modern improvements and existing approved standards. Mr. Thomas M. Rya'1, advised by letter that he had been appointed Judge of the Court of Law, No.2, and submitted his resignation as Corporation Judge of the City of 'Test University Place. Motion by COIlli-mssioner Lanmqn, seconded bJT Commissioner Armer that Mr. Thomas lvI. Rya.'1' s resignation as Corporation Judge of t he City of West University Place be accepted vvith regret. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass arId !U'Iller None 1\,1avor Lee submitted a letter from Mr. Norman M. West. Chairm811 of a CO~l1ittee ~ . . ~ , appointed to make recorrnnendations for appo~ntment to the Office of City Judge recomrnending that Mr. Chas. L. Cartwright be appointed Corporation Judge to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Thomas M. Ryan. n::~~--.""""'=""-'-="~~-'-::='::T":~;o.'r:'Tr__~~r-.'==-'-"'c_,,,,,'''''--- -=-::~"=-~~:~-r:-:= 'T~~ , -- - - '-';Jnl'i [T~::1I1:t]l!:IIT'cCmn iTn:::'! 18H. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner L8lltllon, that the Com- mittee t s recommendation be approved and that Mr. C1j.as. L. ,Cartwright be appointed Corporation Judge at a salar-J at' $50.00 per month. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None 'r I i ~ . Mr. H. R. HOUCk, and Mr. J. L. Williams appeared before the Council and submitted a plat for subdividing a portion of ground known as the Cunningham 12 Acres and asked that the Council approve the plat and consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction of brick duplexes instead of multiple family apartment houses as previously requested. . Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the plat for subdividing the Cunningham 12 Acres be accepted subject to approval of the Zoning and Planning Commission provided that all of Ruskin Street throught the proposed plat be paved with 511 reinforced concrete and that the plans and specifications for paving Ruskin be first approved by the City Council. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: :M.a.y.:orLee, Connnissioners Lanman, Armer, Hamlett and DouglHss None The question of amending the Zoning Ordinance in compliance with request of Mr. Houck was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that a hear- ing for consideration of amending the Zoning Ordinance be set for October 31, 1947 at 7: 30 P.M. and that notice of he aring be published in the official newspaper of the City. \ , i I i I ----J Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners L8llt1lon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett instructing the City @ecretar-J to notify by mail all persons residing within a 200t radiu~ of v the Cunningham 12 Acres that a public hearing for consideration for amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction of brick duplexes, had been set for 7:30 P.M., October 31, 1947. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass None A contract for engineering services between the City of West University Place and H. J 0 Johnson was submitted to the Council. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by eonnnissioner Armer that H. J. JolLnson be employed as Consulting Engineer, and that the following resolution authorizing the Ma"JTor and City Secretary to execute a Contract for engineering services with H. J. Johnson be approved. 1 ~ 11:..~T:::::'-~"-~'=-::::=='=I':~_--':'__.__~1 .r::_:-=O-'=-~-====""-~'~~~-l_ _ __'__-Y'~T' - ,., - "1m;'T::;'llll;]ElTII:llUr-- 1IiT:i'i ~ o ,..,..." ........ ,-.... -\..'U.... CQ <:r,; 18'1' RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TBE MAYOR. AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXEC1JTE A CJNTRACT WITH HENRY tT. JOHNSON, CONSULTING ENGINEER, OF HOUSTON, HARRIS CC1JNTY, TEXAS, FOR ENGIN- EERING SERVICES. V.J1IEREAS, the City of v1fest University Place has, at this time, certain municipal improvements to be ma.de, and '!i\fHSR...4;AS, the City COll.'1.cil considers it necessary that capable and experienced engineers be employed to design, prepare and supervise this program, and VHiEREAS, the proposal of Henry J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, of Houston, Harris County, Texas, is considered to be to the best interest of this city, :NOW THEREFORE, BE I'l' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMlvIISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLI\.CE, TEXl\,S: That the Mayor and City Secretary be and are hereby authorized and instructed to execute a Contract on behalf of this City.with Henry J. Johnson, in accordance Yv"ith the contract proposal attached hereto, marked Exhibit A and Ex.lJ.ibit B, and that a COP;)T of this contract be recorded in the minutes of this City immediately following this resolution. PASSED _l'J:m APPROVED, this the 13th day of October, 1947. J\.TTEST : (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas (Signed) :~nitt Johnson City Secretary CONTRACT EXHIBIT 1111." 3T ATE OF TEX.llS C01JNTY OF HARRIS CITY OF 'NEST UNTVERSITY PLACE THIS AGF.EEMENT, made this day between the City of West University Place, Texas, acting herein by its Mayor, Ralph B.. Lee, in accordance with a resolution hereto- fore passed, authorizing the execution of this contract, hereinafter called the "CITY" as party of the first part and HenryJ. JOIL.'1son, Consulting Engineer, of Houston, Harris County, Texas, hereinafter called IIENGINEERlI as party of the second part, WITNESSETH: 1. The said Engineer shall make such investigations a.'1d studies-, preparation of plans and contract docTh~ents, engineering reports, cost estimates, etc., as ordered by the City COlll1cil. 'lI'T1"'n"~111 'lTTITlillU i iTIT'il 188~ . ~f 2. Upon completion of the project, the Engineer shall furnish the City with complete maps of the properties as constructed or otherwise acquired. 3. The Engineer shall he paid as compensation in full for his services the "MiniIm.un Fees for Professional Engineers in Texas", as adopted by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. A verbatim copy of said "Minimum Fees for Professional Engineers in Texastl is attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B" and the SB.t'11e shall constitite a part of this contract. The basis of pa;yment for all services to be performed by the Engineer shall be in accordance with rates, terms and conditions set forth in said Exhibit IIBII. -T , I '~ In appl;ying the scale of basic minimum fees provided for in Exhibit liB" attached hereto, the "Cost of Construction" shall form the basis of the En- gineer's compensation and shall be construed to mean the aggregate cost of construction of all projects and improvements authorized. As a basis for cal- culating current P80rments, the fee of 6 1/2 % will be used and at the end of one (1) ;year's operation, the fee shall be recalculated at the percentage set forth in Exhibit "B" for the total aggregate amount of construction accomplished during the one ~rear period, and adjustments will be made by either party at that time. ' lJ'fuere the City acquired any materials, equipment or any other facilities by grant, donation or purchase at less than its reasonable market price from the United States. Government or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof, or from any 'other source, the "Cost of Construction" as set out in Exhibit "B" attached hereto insofar as the Engineer's fees are concerned, shall be based on the reasonable value of such materials, equipment or other facilities rather ] than upon the actual' cost thereof to the City. i~ The fees for all work shall be deemed to have been earned and shall be due and payable upon the performance of services as follows: (a) Upon completion of the preliminary estimate, report and approval by the City Council on each project as ordered by the City, a sum equal to Ten (10%) Percent of the minimum basic rate, ciumputed upon a reason- estimated cost of the project. (b) Upon completion and approval of detailed plans and speCifications, an additional sum equal to Fifty-five (55%) Percent of the minimum basic rate computed upon a reasonable cost estimated on suchspeci- fications and drawings, or if bids have been received, then computed upon the lowest bona fide bid or bids. The total due to the above stage shall equal Sixty-five (65%) Percent of the total Engineering fee for each project. (c) The remainder of such fee shall be paid in monthly payments based on construction estimates until the aggregate or all payments shall be a SUi'll equivalent to the basic minimum fee computed upon the final cost of the work. 4. If it becomes necessary for the City to abandon construction of arw project, the Engineer shall be paid just and equitable compensation for the work performed prior to the date on which he received written notice of such abandonment. If, after the detailed drawings and specifications have been prepared and submitted by the Engineer for any project, the City requires the omission ofa substantial amoUnt of construction work or the revision of the drawings and speCifications, the Engineer shall be entitled to receive just &'1d equitable compensation for all work performed. , i ----1 ,."" ,..,,'...- "E:-~~~-- _ .~<~_: '~-.' :E:~~ -. '1 ~ -, '~~ .'''rt\ '~..u..~ [-fc;s'l', '.....,...~ :::0 <t 1&'9' 5. The said Engineer shall have no authority to purchase cny material or contract any debts or obligations for or on behalf of the City, but all materials shall be purchased and all contracts shall be made by the governing body of the City. 6. All questions and disputes under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the choice of either party. In the event the parties hereto are unable to agree on any question arising under this contract, the City and the Engineer shall, upon 10 da~rs I written notice by the opposite party, desig- nate and appoint an arbitrator and the two persons so appointed shall elect a third person and the three persons so appointed shall constitute a Board of Arbitration, and the decision of the majority of said Board shall be binding upon both parties to this contract. The cost of arbitration ffihall be divided equally between the ];Erties to this contract. 7. The s aid Engineer agrees to carry Workmen I s Compensation and Public LiabilitJ~ Insura11.ce on all of its employees and none of .said employees shall be deemed as employees of the City. 8. This contract shall continue in effect for a period of one year frOtl1 the date hereof, subject to cancellation by either p3.rty upon thirtJi- days writ- ten notice. 9. 'l'he parties hereto agree to the full performance of this contract. EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE ORIGINALS AT CITY Of' l:VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, this 13th day of October A.D., 1947. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS (Sie:npil) P.::llrn R T,'i~.. M~rg.l' AT~'EST : (51 c:np.n) HpYH>y.J JQ);JRi9a. (Signed) Whi-tt Jopnson City Secretary V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners La.:tlt'11on, tiai11lett, Douglass and Armer None Commissioner Douglass requested the follo~~ng questions and answers to , . 1:>e included in the minutes. Q. Cominissioner Douglass - Have you terminated your partnership contract with Mr. J. L. Willi&l1S? A. Mr. Johnson - Yes. Q. Corru!1issioner Douglass - Have you filed for record your partnership dissolvement noticeJ A. ~"lr. Jol:mson - Yes. II-~~~~~oc.=~O~':~~~!T~-~~~Ll _ __~~r~~~~:="'=-=C=.'.=-~~=:-_ :~c~ 1 - '--"fmY-.'::!~:ilII~~lj;LTIlIllr :1:1 'f :~r I 1":_'--'-'---'-- 190, Mr. H. J. Jolmson, consulting Engineer submitted plans and specifications for the reconstruction of pavement on the 3000 and 3100 block on Sunset, 3000 and 3100 Block on Quinby and 2800 and 2900 block on Cason. o Motion Qy Commissioner LaTh~on, seconded by Commissione~Hamlett that the City receive bids at 7:30 P.M. October 31, 1947 for reconstruction of existing pavement on 3000 and 3100 block of Quinby, 3000 and 3100 block of Sunser, and 2800 and 2900 block on Cason in ,accordance with plans and specifications as submitted Qy H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: - Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Armer, Lanmon and Hamlett. ~M ~ Commissioner Douglass voiced objection to inclusion of 3000 and 3100 block of Sunset stating buses had destroyed other streets which should have same con- sideration as Sunset. '.--", City Attorney J. D. Kelley, advised the Council that in his op~mon, Criminal rather than Civil action should be taken against Mr. Joe Cathriner for violation of Zoning Ordinance No. 122. Motion by Cormnissioner Douglass, seconded by Commission~r Armer instructing the City Attorney to fj.Th.e CriI/unal complaints against Mr. Joe Cathriner for alleged violation of Building Code and Zoning Ordinance and that necessary action be taken to secure removal'of signs and removal of addition to building located on Lot 4, Block 48, West University Place, second addition being the prope~tY o~ned by Mr. T. H. Rogers. o Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass, Armer, Lamnon and Hamlett. None H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, submitted an estimate of cost for con- struction of storm sewer extension on Rice Blvd. from Westpoint to Community Drive and on Westpoint from Milton to Amherst, advising that it would be neces- sary to install stOJJ'ID. sewers before these streets could be paved.'~ Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Armer instructing H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, to prepare plans and specification for con- struction of storm sewers on Rice Blvd. from Westpoint to Comrmmity Drive and on Westpoint from Milton to Amherst. :g:gtiR~ ~-g~ i Mafi2r Lee, Commissione rs Douglass, Armer, Lanmon and Hamlett. 1. F. Barnes, 8hairman of the Board of Health, submitted recommendation for employment of Chas. D.Reed, for the position of City Sanitarian and requested the Council's approval. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the Board of Health's recommendation for employing Chas. D. Reed for the position of City Sa.D.itaria.l1, be approved in accordance "';nth their letter dated October 3, 1947. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Douglass", Armer, Lanmonanct.. Hamlett. None The City Secretary advised that a main line Water MeLer was needed to register all water pumped by the City :J n<"'O"~C~~~"~r'~.~mn r- """='''''''T --ro- WI: TI"]):nl1T1mi' ITI''iT n ~ -- \---; ,-,..., ...~,- l!:J Xl ~ 1.91 Motion by Co~~issioner Ar~er, seconded by Commissioner Hffinlett instructing the City Secreta~J to advertise for bids for one main line water meter ,~th necessary fittings. V otJing Aye: Voting Noe: :Mayor Lee, Commissione rs Lanmon, l-Iarnlett, Armer and Douglass None City Attorney, J. D. Kelley, advised that additional Counsel was needed to assist him in tr'Jing the D. Gullo, et al, case. Motion by Commissioner H&1l1ett, seconded by COllhllissioner Armer authorizing the City Attorney to employ additional Counsel to assist him in tr:yi.ng the D. Gullo, et al case. V otinr; Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lallillon, H8.!11lett, Armer and Douglass None There being no further business to come before the CoUl1cil, the meeting was adjourned. ~\.TTEST : -~~ ~i ..-.-. '"TT~~~i1 r-- 1'....., r" 'im'~lTillT1TImTillm 19:2 ~ITNUTES OF REGULAR 1~ETING OCTOBER 27, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., J Oct. 27, 1947. Those present ""re IIayor Lee, presiding; Commissioners Lanmon, , Hamlett, Douglass and Armer. Also present were the City Secretary and the City Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of October 13, were read and approved as corrected. Mr. John M. Jamison, Attorney representing Mrs.' Sunmer Harris, 4002 Byron, presented a request for permission to erect on Lots 11, 12, 13 & E.t of 14, Blk. 32, College View 4th Addition, a small accessor,y building and permission to operate a home kindergarten at this location. Mr. Jamison advised that the Zoning Board in regular meeting October 23, 1947, had denied permission for erection of the acessory building and operation of a kindergarten at 4002 Byron Street. Mr. 8c Mrs. Geo. Stubblefield, 4021 Byron Street, opposed the application as requested by Mrs. Sumner Harris, stating that in their opinion the operation of a kindergarten was not a home occupation and that regular teache;us were employed and that the operation of a kindergarten created excessive noise and traffic which is a detriment to surrounding property and neighborhood, and was not in any sense an asset. After discussing both sides of the application, the Council agreed to discuss the matter of operating home kindergartens with the Zoning and Planning Board, and in the mean time Mrs. Harris would be permitted to continue operation of her kindergarten with present facilities. Other Zoning matters were discussed;I1lamely, a reque st from Mr. J. A . Kelly, 1 5408 Kirby Drive, of the Village Lumber Company for pe~mission to construct a I.,.J semi-fireproof warehouse en Lot 16, Block 2, Evanston Addition, the Zoning Board. having approved Mr. Kelly's request on October 23, 1947, provided no part of the building extend more than 160 Ft. west of Kirby 1Jrive and the front set-back be at le ast 30 Ft., incompliance with Zoning Ordinance restrictions. Motion by Commissione r Larunon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the application of Mr. Kelly of Village Lumber Company for construction of a semi.. fireproof warehouse \'lith wooden rafters be withheld until such time as he submitted application, in strict compH ance with the Zoning Ordinance. Voting .Aye: Voting Noe: Mayo:i:';3Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and, Armer None Mr. W. A. Reed, Vice-President of Coastal Lumber Company, 4815 Bellaire Blvd., submitted a request to lease, for. parking and light storage, the North 120 Ft. of the 60 Ft. drainage ditch easement abutting Bellaire Blvd. for consideration of $5.00 per year with automatic 1 year optional renewal clause. The Council rejected the lease proposal aubmitted by 1v1r. Reed due to his low rental offer, and instructed the City Secretary to notify Mr. Reed accordingly. Mr. Chas. L. Cartwright, Chairman of the Swi.'1lming Pool Committee appeared be- fore the Council and submitted recommendation that Mr. E. Kelly Gaffney, Architect, be employed to prepare plans and specifications for construction of a bath house to be used in connection with the proposed swimming pool. Mr. Cartwright advised that i:'",J.1 Mr. Gaffney had agreed to prepare plans and specifications for construction of a . bath house for a fee of 3% of the cost of the structure. li'="='~9'r='=C"'TT~----r' . ;""1 ---rn--.----' 'lnF'i'TlIFI1'IWnl111i ---. \TIfT~- 193 Motion by Commissioner Larunon, seconded by C01Th.'1lissioner Armer that Mr. E. Kelly Gaffney be employed as the architect to prepare plans and specifications for construction of a bath house on a fee basis of 3% of construction of a bath house on a fee basis of 3% of construction cost in accordance -wi.th recommendation submitted by the Swimming Pool COIlunittee in their letter dated October 27, 1947, V:oting . A"Jre ; Voting :Nae: Mayor Lee, Commissioner LaTh'1lon, Douglass, Armer and Hamlett. None ~r City Attorney John D. Kelley and Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, submitted a proposed Ordinance providing for the seizure and impounding of automobiles and other motor vehicles which are operated in a wreckless manner or driven in a de- fect,ive condition, or is being operated by a person not poo:&'e>sing a drivers license, e.nd recoIlli'1lended that such Ordinance be adopted by the Council. After reviewing and discussing the Ordinance, motion was made by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Comillissioner Armer that the proposed Ordinance be forwarded to the Judiciary Committee for reco~'1lendation. ~~ ...,......... ........., :c:' <:t~ Voting Aye: Voting Noe': Mayor Lee, Cormnissioner Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and Hamlett. None C. E. Ganu.-nill, City Treasurer, subm:i_tted a revised and completed budget for the fiscal year beginning Sept. 1, 1947, and an Ordinance approving the budget as au1:>m5.tted. , Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by COIlli-nissioner Armer, that the fo11ow:L.l'1g captioned Ordinance adopting the budget for the fiscal year 1947-1948 be approved. "AN OEDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOE THE CITY OF 'NEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING SEPl'EMBER I, 1947; PROVIDING FOE THE APPROPRIA.;;.;. TIQiN OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FaR USE AJ>ID EXPEJ:-IDITURES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL OJF..DINANCES OJRPAETS OF ORDINANCES IN CO~1FLICT HEREWITH." Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Cormnissioner Lcnmon, Douglass, Armer and Ha.,llett None City Treasurer, C. E. Gam.-ni1l advised the Council it would be necessary to pass an Ordinance authorizing the borrowing of $20,000 from the City National Ba!1..k of Houston for current operating expenses as heretofore approved by resolu- tion and submi~ted an Ordincnce authorizing the borrmving of the said $20,000. Motion by Gormnissioner lDoug1ass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the follovving captioned Ordinance authorizing the borro~dng of $20,000 from the City National Bank of Houston for current operating expenses be passed. "ANJRDINANCE AL1THO'RIZING THE BORRCWHNG OF $20,000 TO PAY lJECES~)ARY CURP.ENT OiPERA.TINGEXPENSES AND 'EO' CArmY ON ESSENTIKL FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT; AUTHOR- IZING THE EXECUTION OF TJIE HCJTES OF THE CITY TO' EVIDENCE SltID QiBLIGATIOJN; AND lciIAKING PROiIJISION FOR THE PAYMENT OF SA.ID NOTES. 1I Voting Aye: 'Toting Noe: Mayor Lee J Commissioner Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and H&11lett None Jr"'"'=-..-' 1-' '.i 1 r ~~ i '11 ~---r~crnrninilr1Timrmlr ---~- "'--"iiITTITl t94 City Attorney John D. Kelley, submitted an O:rdinance regulating the Operation of, and issuance of permits to, Taxi cab companies to be operated in the City. Motion by Cormnissioner Hamlett, seconded by COlThilissioner Lanmon that the following captioned Ordinance be adopted and that the caption be published in the official news~Japer of of the City as prescribed by law. i] fI AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS T01 TAXICABS TO BE OPERATED IN THE CITY; FIXING THE LICENSE FEE FOR PERMITS; PRESCRIBING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A PERMIT; REGULATING THE lIJ.AXIM1JM FARES T()) BE CHARGED; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE USE AND OPERATION O)F TA.TIMETERS; FIXING THE LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY, SURETY BOND OR SECURITIES INCIDENT TO OPERATING TAXICABS IN THE CITY; DESIGNATING TAXICAB STANDS TO BE LOCATED IN THE CITY; FIXING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR VIOLATION HEREOJF AND REVOCATION OF LICENSE AT CITY IS OPrIOJN; PRCWIDING A SEVERABITJITY CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. fI Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanmon None Members of the Zoning & Planning Board, having adjourned. a special meeting, met with the City Council for discussion of Zoning matters and presented Mr. Woodrow '\tV. Finley, 3521 Amherst and recommended he be appointed to fill a vacancy on the Zoning & Planning Board created by resignation of Mr. Vh Roy.Letbetter. Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that Mr. !-1 Woodrow W. Finley be appointed as the fifth member of the Zoning & Planning Board I in the place formerly occupied by Mr. W. R<iy Letbettero_J Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanman None Mayor Lee administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Finley as a member of the Zoning & PI arming Board. cormnissionJrfr~J1ommended that the City assist the Civic Club in their program to promote the erection of street markers throughout the City and suggested that a portion of the unappropriated $1.4,443 of the 1947-1948 budget be allocated for the purpose of creating a fund for purchasing st~eet markers and requested Mayor Lee to appoint a Cormnittee from the City Council to work with the Civic Club Com- mitteeto formulate plans and means of financing the street marker program. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hai1llett that Mayor Lee appoint one or more members of the Council to meet with the Civic Club to work out finaneial plans for erection of street markers and report their findings to the Council at a later date. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Corrunissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Douglass and Armer None Mayor Lee appointed Cormnissioner Lanmon and Armer to meet>:with the Civic l,c,.J". , Club in connection with the street marker program. '. i Tr=~.~~'cr"T"'~'~' 'I I r , I 'CT', --r~~-------T.rrr;:r:';ll1ml1rr;mr"'. mrr::i1" 1:9'5 Motion by Commissioner Hai111ett, seconded b;y- Commissioner Armer that the sale of the fol1oV'ring numbered junked water maters to Pittsburgh Equitable :Meter Co. , at ~~1.50 each as a trade in allowance on purchase of new water meters be authorized and that the sale of 2400 Ibs. of junk iron for ~~9. 60 be also authorized. 1455053 1617107 1957123 2006333 2174561 1503457 1738983 1969955 2144422 2174564 1550550 1757607 1969960 2174133 2187125 lr:'C:OC:51 18L~7220 1969963 2174143 2187128 /./ ./ 1559991 1879636 2006314 2174555 2181106 1581047 1943133 2006318 2174560 2187131 Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Corfu~ssioners Lanmon, Armer, Hamlett and Douglass , Voting Noe: None The City Secretary advised that in order to maintain an equitable sala!"J level of certain key persor...nel of the City, it was necessary and justifiable to increase their salary and submitted the following schedule of salary increase and recommended sawB for approval: FIRE DEN.R'i'lIlEI'J'l' Ed. King J. D. Al1stott $229.00 per month 229.00 II II $10.00 increase 10.00 II 'HATER DEPARTMENT Morris Lucario Sam S. Lucario Oscar Suttle Henry Hall JoJ:>.rmy Price Qoliver Jackson James Tovmes 175.00 per month 175.00 II 11 175.00 11 II 175.00 II II 170.00 fI fl 170.00 II II 175.00 II II to 200.00 fl 200.00 II 200.00 II 10.00 increase fl 10.00 II II 10.00 fl fl 10.00 II STF.EET AND BRIDGE DEPART:MENT Leon Cooper 175.00 per month 5.00 increase SEWER DEPARTMEl'.!'T L E. L;yles 35.00 per month (for use of personal car on temporary basis until such - time as City can secure transportation for this work.) Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the salary schedule increase as recommended by the City Secret8X"J be approved. Voting Aye: Votin~ Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and Ha..11lett None n ~-~-~'-'~'-r"--'~"~i'T~ r' 'C~~-'cT'l '--r'---'<--- . ,rr ::r:'llnr:nrmm I1liTHrn 190. Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp, recommended through the City Secretary that the City purchase six guns and provide them for use of the Police Department, and stated that six new 38 caliber pistols could be purchased from ,Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas at $20.00 each. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, authoriz- ing the purchase of six 38 caliber pistols for use of the Police Department from Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas and that the serial number and proper ident- ification be recorded before the pistols are :Lssued to the Police Department. 1 I , i --' V oting Aye:: Voting Noe: M~or Lee, Co~~issioners Hamlett, Lanmon, Armer and Douglass None City Attorney, J. D. Kelley, requested that the Council employ Attorney Paul Strong to assist him in trJing the D. Gullo case and stated that Mr. strong had agreed to assist him in trying the case for a $750 maximum fee. ~ ~: Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Douglass, authorizing City Attorney J. D. Kelley to employ Attorney Paul S'trong to assist him int~Jing the D. Gullo case on basis of $350 as first payment and a maximum of $750 to assist in carrying the case through Supreme Court if necessary. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lcnmon, Armer and Douglass None There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Friday, Oct. 31, 1947. ! I ' ' ,; I i~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Council convened in recessed sess;ion at the City Hall at 7 :30 P.M. i October 31, 1947. Those present were Mayor Pro, Tem Lanmon, presiding; Commissiore r Armer, Douglass, Hamlett, and the City Secretary. Mayor Lee was absent. The City Secretary upon question of Mayor Pro Tem Lanmon, announced that the meeting had been called for consideration of a.nJ,ending Zoning Ordinance No. Ill, as requested by Mr. H. R. Houck. Mr.J. L. Williams, Engineer, representing Houck Realty Company presented a plat which had he:r,etofore been accepted by the Council showing a resubdivision ofa.Lportion of the (.;unningham tract into six separate blocks. Mr. Williams stated that Houck Realty yompany desired the Zoning Ordin,ance amended to permit construction of masonry duplex dwellings on Lots 18-31 inclusive in Block I and on Lots 1-12 inclusive in Block 3, stating that on lots 1-17 inclu- sive in Block 1, there was no request for Zoning change and restrictions for 900 Sq. Ft. minimum single family dwelling units would remain. Mr. Paul Clark, 4004 Riley, Mr. Olan Reese, 6602 Weslayan; :Mr. M. E. Ratliff, 3812 Southwestern; Mr. Jim O. Davlin, 3926 Riley; and Mrs. Allen Banks, 4003 Ruskin and others appeared before the Council in opposition to the request for changes in the Zoning Ordinance as presented by' H. R. Houck. Mr. Paul Clark stated that a petition which had previously been presented to the Council, had been reactivated and that all persons who had signed the petition, living in the vicinity of the Cunningham twelve Acres, still objected to the Zoning change. ~i {~ f"r'"; -- -k ........' tV--. ........ ~ 1;97 Commissioner Douglass asked if the L:.oning Board had approved the request for zoning change in its present form. Mr. H. E. T~H!~, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Board wa.s contacted by telephone and assured the Council that the Zoning Board had approved the change as requested by :Mr. Houck. Mr. Jim O. Davlin, opposing the application stated that if the Council a;;proved the application in its present form that injunction could be instituted at;ainst the City if restrictions are lifted. Commissioner Douglass stated that it was the re- sponsibility of the Council to uphold the laws of the City of West University Place to the best of j_ts ability, and that he, as one member of the Council would not render a decision against the proposition menely because of certain threats. Commissioner ,Hamlett and Commissioner Armer stated that inasmuch as Citizens living adjacent to the property involved objected to the Zoning changes and con- sidered duplex dwellings undesirable i..Yl a residential district, they were opposed to the application.' Mayor Pro Tem Larunon stated that in his opinion he comddered the application as sound zoning and advantageous to the future developement of the City and adjoining residential district and in view of the fact the Zoning Board had approved the application he favored the request as submitted. After having heard both the proponents and opponents of the request for changes in the Zoning Ordinance, Mayor Pro Tern Lanmon closed the hearing and asked of the Council if they desired to render a decision. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Connnissioner Armer that the appli- cation ofH. R. Houck for amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit constructiono of masonI"J duplex dwellings on a certain portion of the Cunninghalil 12 Acres as set forth in a plat previously accepted by the Council be redected. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Gorrrmissioner Armer, Douglass, and Hmnlett l'dayor Pro Tern La.n:mon Bids received for reconstruction of existing pavement on 2800 & 2900 block of Cason, 3000 & 3100 blocks of Quinby, and 3000 & 3100 blocks of Sunset were opened and the following result.s were announced: Southwestern Paving Co., 3202 Vfueeler." St. Houston, Texas W~ E. Worthen, 7722 Ave. E., Houston, Texas $10,960.40 11,968.65 Commissioner Douglass ql1estioned the advisability of accepting bids for reconstruction of 3000 & 3100 blocks on Sunset stating there were no prior com- mitments to rework the 3000'& 3100 blocks on Sunset and that the Houston Transit Company had operated buses over ot:b..er streets that had been damaged under the same condition as the two blocks on Sunset and stated it was his opinion that unless bids '!\fere submitted as separate units and not as a group that the bids should not be accepted a'ld the, City should readvertise only for reconstruction of 3000 Sf. 3100 blocks on ::;)Uinby and 2800 & 2900 blocks on Cason. The City Attorney was questioned for his opinion and stated that he could see no reason for dela,ying the awarding of the bi,ds if they be routed through regular ch~~1els for tabulations. IL____=-~~~~~r~l=EI -- - - -- -- mn~;'1 -- L".:~:='-'""'''=-=== .-'_. :-.c..c-.l_ --'--"r ~;-.-T------~---- --------~ --'mT~" .:::I'~:lll:I :~:JU:el'I~n1J r- 1~'8 Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that all bids received fir reconstruction of certain blocks on Cason, Quinby and Sunset be re- ferred to H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Vat i.7lg Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro Tem Lanmon, Commissioners Douglass, Armer and Hamlett None There being no further business to come before the Council at this' time, the meeting was adjourned. ~d;k-, ATTEST: /d~ " City Secret , ;rT'Trn~nTII1TT1l1l1i u IJ, I ililTH1' - 177' 1IT1\T(JTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1(9, 1~47 1_ I The City Coun.cil convened in regular session a~ the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. November 10, 1947. Those present were Mayor Lee, p~siding; Cormnissioners Lanmon Douglass, and Armer and the City Secretary. Commis~ioner Hamlett was absent. i Minutes of the meetings of Oct. 27 and 31, wer~ read and approved as corrected. The following bids received in compliance withlNotice to Bidders for the clean- ing a.Yld painting of two 250,000 Gallon elevated watdr tanks and towers were opened and the following results announced: I i iJ1Tater Tank Service Co, 3810 Swarthmore, Houstort, Texas Knoblauch & Smith, 3015 st. Bernard, Houston, ~exas Versatile Maintenance Co., 2522 Oakdale St., Hquston, Texas Mason Brothers Cons. Co., 9000 Hempstead Rgw., !Houston, Texas I i Bids were referred to the City Engineer for taqulation and recorrunendation. i i C]:1..ief of Police, H. E. Shipp appeared before the Council and requested I authority to employ an additional man for the PolicE$ Department. Council instructed the Chief of Police and the City Secretary to rearrange working schedules and analyze various personnel of the Police Dept. and then submit recommendation reference employing an additional policeman. $4,187.00 4,227.50 6,190.00 11,240.00 Mr. A. F. Barnes, Chairman of the Board of Health, submitted a letter recom- mending the appointment of Mr. Parker J. Davidson aJ City Sanitarian at a salary of $250 per month to be increased at a later date i* accordance with salary allow- a..'lce as set forth in the 1947-48 health budget. i ' i Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Co~ssioner Armer, the reco~~en- dation of the Health Board to appoint Mr. P'arker J . I Davidson as City Sanitarian at a starting salary of $250 per month to be increa~ed at a later date as provided for in the 1947-48 health budget, be approved in ac~ordance with letter submitted I from the He al th Board. i V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, ~ouglass and Armer None I ' i Mr. Charles L. Cartwright submitted by letter ~is resignation as Chairman of the Board of Adjustment. ' i Motion by Commiss.ioner Anner, seconded by Cormnissioner Lanmon that in view of Mr. Charilies L. Cartwright's being appointed CityiJudge that his resignation as Chairman of the Board of Adjustment be accepted .ydth regret. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Douglass and Armer I Voting Noe: None i i ! The City Secretary advised that the County Library Board had recommended that the salary paid by the City to Mrs. Allison Sa.b.ders be increased to match that paid by Harris County Library Board which woul~ amount to an increase of $2.02 per month. i n~'c~'="'=FI''"'''"Tl r' , , , - '>"""1 r~' -~-- ~--- -----mrr,I!"":F'n;:rIlTTIlUr --.--.-.------- ------l1iri"~T-- fj. DO Motion by Commissioner Lanmon) seconded by Commissioner Armer that the ",'J- '., salary paid by the City to Mrs. Allison Sanders as Librarian be increas:ed to " o $,22.00pe'h ,month to match that of Harris County Library Board in accordance with request's,ubmitted. Voting Aye : Voting Noe: . Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanman, Douglass and Armer None, A letter was submitted!'rQmEdl'linM., Smith, Advert:i.sing Manager of, the Southwest Gitiz.en asking conSide.rati()n be given to appointment of the. SouthW€3,st Citizen as the official newspaper of the City of YVestUniv:ersityPiac,e fort1:le year 1948. o The Council deferred action oil tAe reques;t until a later date and :requested th,e City Attorney to advise o,r. Charter provisioO:, ref'erenc,e de::rign(1.ti.on, of an o(ficial Newspaper for the City. ' , In compliance with Notice to Bidders to, furnish one, Main Line Water Meter with necessary fittings, the following and only bid received was opened and the following results announce~; , , , , , , Maintenan"ce Engineering Cprp..; )6;1.1 Clinton Drive, HoustoIl, Tex. - $968.00 Moti0n by Commissioner Lanmonj 'sec()n~d by 00:Imnissioner Armer that; the bid of Maintenance Engineering Corp., 3611 Clinton Drive, Houston, 'Texas, in the amount of $968.00 to furnish one Main Line,master.met~r w:ii;h ned~ssoa.ry, to'ittings, be accepted. ' " Voting Aye::M~o:r:' Lee, Co~ssioners L~on,Doug1ass and. Armer Voting Noe: None :l , ~--.-J' .." .". Mr. Ervin H. Brai.tkIn~,)5ditor,ari~publisherof the Sou"t!p,~stern Times appeared before the Council a:ndpr~se;ntedtheCity }'lith,~ bound vo11Jllle.ofthe, Southwestern Times pubJ;.ishedq.u,rlp.gtb.e dates ofSept,ember '26,. 1946 through September 18, 1947. Mayor Lee expressed appreciation of. City off;tcialsjio ,Mr., Brackman for the valued gift and also for> his cooperation 'With theCH,y. .. . . - . - . Mr. H. R. Houck, Mr. M.W. Godbold, and Mr. J. L. Wi:U,iam.spres,ented a new plat of the Cunningham 12 Acres and ask the Council to g:!:,ant tempora,riapproval of plat in order that theymigh1ipro~e~!i 'With. plansf'o,r, dev~lopment~ No Zoning changes beingirwolved. " " , The Council gave consent for aw:!:,ov.a;Lof the plat subg,ect t9 HouckB.ealty Co. meeting conditions specif:Ledby the City, subject. to being,pu:t; into writing and only after the ~oning Board' having first approved the plat., Mayor Lee advised that Mr. Hol,land Page, Cont:raetorfor, p~vi.ng of University Blvd and Auden Street had submitted by long distance, a plan to speedup the pav- ing program by employing a fle~t of trucks to deliver sand and gravel to the materialyaZtli and that thede~iv~i:y of s;andand' gravel bytl;lisme~thodwould cost ;J' $.ho per cubic yard overand.ahove raib.+road freight., Mr. Pagl3 agreed topa.Y 50% of the additional cost of transp~)l~,ting the material by truc.k:Providedth~City ! would agree to pay the remaining 50% or $.20 per cllbic yard f'o:r ?llsand aIlg. gravel that could be delivered by truck to the material yard With a guarantee 11'-,,-::-=-.....,.- ':T.~1---'1'.- ,~~ _r --=~~. ~~y -~--'--r ' :El r~ ~: ~."llr':Jrr~nrellll ~ 1'111':1 201 that the excess cost to the City would not exceed ;53,000. After reviewinG :Mr. Page 's proposition, the Coundl agreed to pay the additional ~~.20 per cubic yard for delivery of SB.t'1d and gravel b;y truck to the :naterial yard vIi th Mr. Page's guarantee that the excess cost would not exceed $3,OOO.OO~rovided tl~ bringing in of sand &'1d gravel bJr 'truck would speed up progress of the pa:ring prOc;ra111 on University and Auden Street. llr. Page suggested that in view of the critical shortage of railroad cars that the City Commission request Governor Beauford Jester to declare a state of emergency in the matter of tEansportation of construction materials and request him to raise the load liIuit of trucks traveling over State Highways to pennit transportation of loads in excess of present State Highway requirements. ~' , -, '-" CO Motion by Commissioner Lan_TIlon, seconded by COlmnissioner An:ner the follmving resolu- c!J tion requesting Governor Beauford Jester to raise truck load limits fortransporta- CQ tion of construction materi?.J.s be adopted: <: RESGLli''!'In:N W1IEFEAS, it has come to the Attention of the City Commission of the City of West University Place that there is a critical shortage of proper railroad cars to be used for the transportation of construction materials of various kinds, resulting in a serious dela;)T in the paving program of tre City, and \VHEREAS, the dela;~/ in the paving program has greatly inconvenienced the citizens of West University Place, and pnrticularly the school children of the City who are required to travel over muddy and torn-up streets to the detriment of their health and welfare, and WHEREAS, the City Comm"_ssion of the City of West Uni versi ty Place believes that the shorta.ge of construct:iLon materials could be greatly alleviated through the use of heavy trucks transporting said materials, but due to the present load limit of trucks used for carrying construction materials, it is difficult for the City's Contractor to secure sufficient trucks to carrJthe material for completion of the paving prograr'n, and vftffiREAS, the sane or similar conditions of delay in paving work eY,--l.sts in other municipalities in the State of Texas, NOlJ\f THEREFOFE, BE IT RESOL'\lED, that the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versi ty Place hereby request the Governor of the State of Texas to declare that a state of emergency ey..istsin the matter of tral"J.sportation of construction mater- ials, and that he be requested to raise the load limit of truc,ks traveling on the highway during the state of emergency to allow the transportation of loads in ex- cess of the present requirements of the State Highway Department, and BE IT FUHTHER RESOLV.s'D THAT the Governor of the state of Texas be furnished with a copy of this resolution. (signed) Whitt Johnson City Secretar-.f ft.F",,-~_ir,;;:'''' JL~~~: n11,t::-:=LU , [ - 'Ji. .-;Jl__ L,--_n-_--_----, lWlT'TITIllf1TIlTITIm,- ----------iillTiiT----- 202 Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Corrrrnissione rs Al'lIler ,Douglass and Lanmon None H. J. Jor~son, Consulting Engineer, presented tabulation of bids submitted Oct. 31, 1947 on repaving the 3000 & 3100 blocks of Sunset, 3000 & 3100 blo~ks of Quinby, 2800 & 2900 blocks of Cason, and stated that the bids received were higher than estimated, but if the Council desired to complete the work at this time, he recommended the low bid submitted by Southwest Paving Company in the amount of $10,960.40 be accepted.. J The Council discussed advisability of including the 3000 & 3100 block of Sunset Street since there -were no prior committments on this block and that funds received from the Houston Transit Company had not necessarily been allo- cated to rework these particular blocks on Sunset. :"'::- Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that due to the fact that bids received were higher than anticipated for the work pro- posed that all bids be rejected and that Consulting Engineer H. J. Johnson, be in- structed to prepare new specifications and readvertise. V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor IJee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon None H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer submitted a proposed plan for stopping erosion which now exLsts at the disposal plant on a labor, material, and equip- ment rental basis. Mr. Johnson estimated the project could be accomplished by the City purchasing all material, furnishing labor supervision at an approxi- mate cost of $4,000. Motion by COIlh1lissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the project for correcting the erosion at the disposal plant as submitted by H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer be approved and the project be performed by renting the necessary equipment, purchasing necessary materials, and employing labor, and accomplished under City Supervision. j Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Armer, Douglass and Lanmon None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meet- ing was adjourned. ~..d ~j ATTEST: /~ .. ~'~ ~secret J I~~"--~-" 1---'1 1 rc~ "- -"=-~'~=~ c~ ,1 r" ~ -------WIT IT';IIF1~11TT1l111rn----_-- - mrmrn .. MTNlJTES aF REGULA.R MEETING NOVEfuffiER 24, 1947 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M., November 24, 1947, vd_th the following members present: Ii/Layor Lee, presiding; CorrJ"nissioner Lanman, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present 'were the City ~.JeGretar-'y and the City. Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of November 10, were read and approved. ~1 C CC r' .... -, ....~ ......... <(' The City Commission reviewed ruinlltes of the regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Nov~mber 20, 1947, and acted on the follOiring requests as recomm.ended by -She Zoning Board: Mr. R. H. Schneider, 4121 Judson Street advised that he had obtained a bulld- lEg permit for construction of a house on Lot '7:i Block 24, West University Place, 1st Addition, 2,nd after construction had been started on the house he was advised by the City Building Inspector, J. A. Metcalf, that he had violated the Zoning Ordinance in that he had not followed correct set back lines. Mr. Schneider ex- plained that he had presented the matter to the Zoni.ng Board upon suggestion of Mr. Eetcalf and that the Zoning Board had approved his request to continue con- struction of the house as the foundation is now laid subject to approval of the City Council. Motion b:{ Commissioner Douglass J seconded by COlrnnissioner Armer that Mr. Schneider's request for permission to continue construction of his house on Lot 7 Block 24, West University Place, 1st Addition be granted and that the decision of the Zoning Board be upheld in that there was no conflict \,;1. th the Zoning laws "vi thing the City. Voting Aye: Voting Hoe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners LarlTIlOn, Armer, Douglass and Ha.'1l1ett None Mrs. D. Merrill, 3772 Rice, requested permission to construct a. ga.rage apart- ment to be used for rental purposes at her home address J 3772 Rice. It was brought out that the Zoning Board had previously denied Mrs. Merrill's request.. In view of the fact the request was in violation of the Zoning urdinance and had previousl;)r been denied by the Zoning Board, the Council likewise rejected the request of Mrs. Merrill. Dr. Gene Shulze, Schulenberg, Texas, presented a request for change of Zoning restrictions to perwit construction of multiple apartment units on lots 2,3,4,5,6,7 Cambridge Place, located at the corner of Bellai.!"'8 Blvd. and the G.H. & S.A. Rail- road tracks. Dr. Schulze presented a plan shovving tJrpe and location 0.1' apartments which he proposed to construct and advised that the Zoning Board had approved his plan and had taken action to recommend to the City Council that Zoning Ordinance No. Ill, be amended to permit construction of multiple famil;)T dwelling units on a pOl~ion of Cambr~dge Place subject to no deed restrictions being violated~ Dr. Shulze asked the Cit~r Council to consider amending Zoning Ordinance No. 111, as recoIlli'Tlended by the Zoning Board. '~ Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by COIlli'Tlissioner Hamlett that a hearing for consideration of amending Zoning Ordinance 111, to permit CC)llstruction of mul- tiple f~lilY,dwelling units on Lots 2j3,4,5,6,7 C&'Tlbridge Place, be set for 7:30 P.M. December 22, 1947 ~Dd that legal notice of the Council's intention be published in the official neVJspai)er of the City. .- - , Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Douglass and Lanman Voting Noe: None _J Dr. Russell Winston, Chairman of the Communit;)T Hall Committee came before the Council and presented a letter recommending certain charges to be made for use of the Community Hall and stated the income derived therefrom would not cover:g1ore' than janitor service and maintenance and that the Committee planned to make' a 'recommendation in the future for certai n desired major improvements, rules and regulations for care of the building. Motion by Commissioner Lannon, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the rec- ommendation of the Community Hall Committee setting forth the following rental charges for use of the Community Hall be accepted and that they become effective December 1, 1947: '.-'~ " Church of Christ - $100.00 per month for two meetings on Sund~, one meeting Wednesday night, (all in Audi toriurn) and one meeting"on Thursday morning to ~ be held in the Kitchen. Any additional meetings will be the same as regular charge for other similar groups. " ',' Church Groups - Groups of 50 or less, $10.00. Groups of more than 50, $15.00. (Night) DaY, time meetings- Charge of $5.00 (Garden Club Flower Show,$15.00) Not later that 6:00 P.M. nor more than 4 hours. - Regular business meetings $10.00. Social meetings $15.00 J Civic Club Teen Age Canteen - Charge of $10.00 Miscellaneous or Private Groups - Charge of $15.00 (Includes use of Kitchen) Boy Scout Groups - Mon,thly night meetings $5.00 Girl Scout Groups- No charge for regular d~ time meetings. (Residents of West University Only) Voting Aye: Voting Noe: ~~or Lee, Commissioners Armer, Lanmon, Douglass, arid Hamlett None Mro Charles L. Cartwright, Chairman of the Swomming Pool Committee submitted completed plans and specifications .for the construction of a proposed swimming pool, stating the plans a.'1.d specifications had been approved by H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer and by the state Health Department and by various other Engineers interested, in the project and asked that the plans and specifications be approved and accepted by the Council and advertised ~@r bids. Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Armer, that the I,,',.,'J-" completed plans and specifications for construction of a swimming pool as recom- , mended by the swimming pool Committee be approved and accepted and that the City accept bids for construction o~ the pool on Dec. 11, 1947, at 7:30 P.M., and legal notice be ingerted in the official newspaper of the City. lr"""'-~--"~~_ -l"J-=-- i .Fr_____~__~r:~:: "..-- ","'~'''~~ ------c.... ' crrr~"",Ic:11H]~I~]:ElIU: -- --Imr:~r'--T'-"-C---~-- ~ o C!:> 1~~ \",fol..J CQ ~ 205: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lan'110n, Hamlett, Douglass 2nd Armer None IL J. Jot>..nson, Consulting Engineer, presented a~ letter from Mr. H. R. Houck, President of the Houck Realty Company requesting that a plat previously submitted and approved by the City Council for subdividing the 12 Acre: Cunningham Tract and to resubdivide Lots 23,24,25 of Ca.llbridge Place Adcii..- tion be returned and no recording of said plat accomplished. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the plat previously approved and accepted b;)T the City for resubdividing the 12 Acre Cun- ningham tract and resubdividing lots 23,24,25 Cambridge Place Addition be returned and not officially recorded. Voting Aye: Votine Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Ha.-n1ett, Douglass and Armer None ,/ V H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer, then submitted a new plat subdividing the 12 Acre Cunningham tract and resubdividing Lots 23,24,25 of Cambridge Place Addition. The new plat to be knol'm as the Cunningham Terrace Addition. In this connection, EnGineers Johnson and Williams subrni tted the following letter out- lining certain dedications for public use in accordance with the plat submitted and agreeing to pave the 3800 & 3900 blocks of Ruskin, West College, and East College Streets according to City' Specifications and to construct necessar,r storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water lines and installation of one 6" Fire Hydrant in a.ccordance illJi. th pla.YJ.s and specifica.tions to be approved by the City of West Uni- versity Place: Nov. 17, 1947 Honorable City Commission City of 'Nest University' Place, Texas Sub: Request for Approval of Curmingham Terrace Gentlemen: In accordance with the requirements of your City, we submit herewith a plat subdividing the 12 Acre Curmingham Tract and resubdivision of Lots 23, 24, 25 of Ca.llbridge Place Addition, located within" the City of West Univer- si ty Place, Texas, to be knovm as Cunningham Terrace. The following dedications are made for public use in accordance with the plat subrni tted herewith: (a) A strip 13.6 feet vdde off of the north boundary of the Cunningham 12 Acre Tract, mating Riley Street 50 feet 'wide. (b) 50 foot right-of-way for Ruskin Street, West College Street, and. East College street (c) 10 foot easements for all utility right-of...,.ways. (d), 55 foot right-of-way for Stella Link H.oad. In submitting this plat, we agree to accomplish the following construction without. cost to the City: li~'~"~'''e"~'~~n __-'--- L~~'""~"-~~'=='~j:"":fl - --1m:' Ti"']IIEEI1lTIIlH, liilIII! r~~' 2t)6 (a) To pave the following streets wi thin this addition;, Ruskin street, West College street, and East College Street. Paving to be 27' wide 5n thick with the same specifications now being used by your City on Tennyson Street, unless, a delay in procuring gravel, then in that event, we would prefer to pave with 5" shell concrete in accordance wi. th the' City of Houston Specifications for 5 sack shell concrete. 1 .-..-J (b) To construct necessary storm servers, sanitary sewers, and water lines including 1-6n fire hydrant located at or near the intersection of Ruskin and Vvest College. Plans and Specifications for all construction to be submitted to the City Engineer for approval prior to beginntng of construction. The above plat has previously been submitted to the City of West University Place Planning and Zoning Board and their approval is attached hereto. t: Yours very truly, HOUCK REALTY COMPANY (signed) H. R. Houck, President It was advised that the Zoning Board in special session Nov. 13, 1947, had approved the Cunninghaill Terrace plot and recommended its adoption by the City Council. Motion by 00romissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the new plat for subdividing the 12 Acre Cunningham tract and resubdi vision of lots 23, - \ 24,25 of Cambridge Place Addition into a subdivision known as Cunningham Terrace ! be adopted as an official plat and that the conditions for improving Cunningham i~ Terrace as outlined in Mr. H. R. Houck's letter of Nov. 17, 1947, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Douglass, Armer and Lanmon None It was then requested that Right-of-way deeds be signed to re-eonvey to Houck Realty Company the manor change on right-of-way between the plat previously recorded and the most recent plat approved by the City Council. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Haillett that the following resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to take necessary action to clear title to lang.s previously dedicated for street purposes. by the Houck Realty Company in the Gunningham tract be agopted. REgQL-uTID"N // A RESOLUTION AUTHO'RIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY TO TAKE THE 'NECESSARY ACTION TO CLEAR TITLE TO MNDS PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED FOR STREET PURPQ6ES BY THE HOUCK REALTY COMPANY IN CUNNINGHAM TRACT. lJiJHEREAS, the Houck Realty Company has previously deeded and/or decticated to this City certain right-of-way connecting Weslayan with the Stel:l;a Link Road, aIld WHEREAS, this City accepted said dedication and/or deed, and J n~'''=="~~='''~l"T r"~O-=.---_. .-------==~-.-~--~~ , '-r'~---~---"- -ii:T'iT'111'1TiTIiT:ilU, ~1 ,.-, '--' co rR '-..:....~. cC c:r; 201, If'[HEREAS, additional right-of-way has been dedicated in accordance with plat approved this date, and VifHEREAS, part of the right-of-way previously de_dicated is no longer needed for street purposes and has not been used as such, l\fow, Therefore, BE IT "RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Secretary are hereby instructed and authorized to execute such deeds as are necessary to clear the title to those pa.rts of land not shO\I'ffi on the Cunningham Terrace plat, approved by this Council on the 17th day of November, 19h7. PASSED AND APPPJ)VED this the 24th day of November, 1947. .flTTEST: (s) Ralph B. Lee, Mayor (8) Tni tt Johnson, City Secretary Voting Ayt=.: Mayor Lee, Cormnissioners Armer, Douglass, Larnnon and Halnlett Voting Noe: None The H.ight-of -way Deeds are as folloil/S: DEED THE STATE "):B' TEXAS ) C 'JUNTY OF HARRIS) I{I'JOiN 1\1L t'IEN 3Y TIIESE Plf.ESE1JTS: Ttu\.T THE CITY OiEi' WEST UNIVERSI'rY PLACE, a municipal corporation org~nized and existing u...Ylder and by virtue of the laws of the state of Texas al1d domiciled in Harris County, Texas, acting llerein by and through its duly authorized officers, for and i::l consideration of the sum of TEN MID NO/lOa DOlT-,L.A.RS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations cash to it in hand paid by HOUCK REA,LTY COMPAt;'Y, a Texrts corporation, the receipt ~~d sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has GRANTED, H1\:RG.A.INED, SOLD aDd CONVEYED, and by these presents does GIi.A.N'l', BARGAIN, SEI"L and COJ\iVEY, unto the said HOUCK REALTY COMPMIY, a cor- poration, of Harris County, Texas, all of its right, title and interest in and to all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Harris J State of Texas, and being a part of that certain twelve-acre tract off of the South end of Lot Ho. Three (3) of the A. T. Morse Subdivision of the A.T. l'ilorse Subdivision of the A. C. Reynolds League, and being a portion of the same property conveyed to I"illian G. Cunningham by J. IV. Cunninghail1 in the deed dated the 30th day of June, 1913, which is of record in Voluine 336, Page 212 of the Deed Hecords of Harris County, Texas, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the South line of the Cunningham 12-acre 'l'ract in the City of West University Place, from which an l-inch iron pipe, the Southeast corner Block 22 of College View First A.ddition, bears North 89 degrees 5e' 'Nest 203.1.!-7 feet and South <) degrees 09' 'Nest 389.10 feet; THENCE in a Northwesterly direction along a 401.26 Ft. radius curve to the left, 111.59 feet to a point of tangency; TllliNGE, along a 456.26 ft. radius curve to the right, 143.44 ft. to its intersection vdth the East line of Wes1ayan Aven1lli; '~n~=:"'=-c=-",_C"""l?'E",,="=~r"'r~' 2(98 TJ-rENCE North o 'degrees 09' East along the East line of said 1Jveslayan Avenue, 217.20 feet to a point from which 3/4 inch iron pipe, the North- east corner of Block 24 of College View First Addition, bears North 89 degrees 51' West 55.0 ft.; .. ' 1 I -.J THENCE, in a Southerly direction along a 401. 26 ft. radius curve to the left, 314.61 ft. to a point of tangency; THENCE, to the right along a 456.26 ft. radius curve 175.61 ft. to the South line of said Cunningham 12-acre Trac~; THENCE, North 89 degrees 58' West along the South line of said Cunningham 12-acre Tract, 61.39 ft. to the Place of Beginning and containing .4059 acres of land, more or less, and being the same property conveyed by Mrs. Lillian G. Cunningham, a widow, to the City of West University Place by deed dated March 8, 1947. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the sai d HOUCK REALTY COMPANY, a corporation, its successors and assigns forever. EXECUTED this 15th day of November, A.D. 1947. THE: CITY OF "VilEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: BY Ralph B. Lee, Mayor (signed) 1 I i ;-.J (signed) Whitt Johnson Secretary DEED THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS KNOW ALL wIEN BY THESE PRESENTS::' That THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, a municipal corporation organized and ex.isting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Texas and domiciled in Harris County, Texas, acting herein by and through its duly authorized offi;... cers, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOjlOO DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations cash to it in hand paUl by HOUCK REALTY COMPANY, a Texas corooration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed, has GRANTED, BARGAINED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents does GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY, unto the said HOUCK REALTY COMPANY, a corporation, of Harris County, Texas, all of its right, title and interest in and to all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Harris, State of Texas, described as follows, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land in the Resubdivision of Lots Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25) of CM'i1BRIDGE PLACE ADDITION to the City of West University Place, in Harris: County, 'rexas, according to the map of said resubdivision filed for record under County Clerk's File No. 'J-' 422762, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: . rJ',,,-,::~.:"'~:::c:~~::-,~c'::l"':e~~~=~r:.:t:l r ,,-- ,.--~--O':~~C7.~T- _._--,':'--r-- :ITe"-'Tr.'~ll:;]rl:I'I~l ~ :lll'f'Tr-- ~1 "" (::) t't""I ........,0-. ~ co <:t "t-"1'-~~r->f':"'_:' 2,09 BEGINNING at a point on the East line of Weslcwan street, which point is the Southwest corner of the Lillian G. CUlminghalll 12 acre tract as described in the deed recorded in Vol. 336, Page 212 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas; THENCE in' an Easterly direction along the South line of sain Cunningh&"TI tract and the North line of said resubd.:i.vision, a dista'1ce of 148.47 feet to the place of beginning of the tract hereby conveyed; THENCE in a Southerly' direction along a curve to the right a distance of approximately 300 feet to a point located North 0 degrees 09' East a distance of 200 feet from the South line of. said resubdivision; THENCE North 0 degrees 09' East a distance of 189.80 feet to a point on the South line of said ClL'1I1ingha.'11 tract and the North line of said resub- division; T:HENCE in a Westerly direction along the South line of said Cunningham tract and the North line of said resubdivision a distance of 48.13 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of the tract hereby conveyed. TO RAVE lL'\JD TO; HOLD the above described property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in aYlJrwise belonging, unto the sai d HOUCK PEALTY COMPAJ'iJY, a corporation, its successors and assigns forever. EXE:ClJTED this 15th day of November, A.D. 1947. THE CITY OF VffiST UNIVBRSITY PLACE ATTEST: (By) Ralph B. Lee, Mayor (signed) (signed) 1{fnitt Joh.'1.son Secretary Mr. E. E. 'l'mvnes, Jr, City Paving Attorney, discussed the city's liability reference replacing dYlveways on the south side of the 3700 block of University Blvd. adjoining property ovmed by residents of Southside Pla.ce, occasioned by lowerj,.ng of paving grade some 18 inches lower than normal driveway grade. Mr. 'l'ovmes advised that the City could be held accou-Yltable forchaJlge of grade but the City was not liable for rebuilding the property Olfmers driveways, that the people were given due legal notice by Ordinance and newspaper publication, but there had been an omission from the contract and specifications as to whether the Contractor or City of West University Place would replace the d&~aged drive- ways and at whose expense. :Mr. Tovmes further stated that the Council could legally expend City monies to replace the driveways and in his opinion it would be just and equitable to assist in rebuilding said driveways. It was brought out that some of the drivel"Tays were constructed of shell concrete and were in poor condition and probably needed rebuilding before grade was changed. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Co~~issioner Lanmon that the City pay for 6 ft. of drivel'ray to match vvidth of pre-existing driveways on 3700 block University Blvd. at a price of ~po 75 per sq. ft. submitted by contractor Holland Page and that in connection therewith, the following resolution be adopted: Te>~-.:~:~~>-_ L:.'~-:~1:1 , ilffT1r--.---' , L-- -,,1 ---r:--:- - '-------~~.mrrl!E'jlilrn;orjjllln -- 21(1 RESOiLUTION WHEREAS, in bringing Urliversity Boulevard to proper grade in constructing the improvements on said street as provided in the April 3, 1947 contract with Holland Page, contractor, it has been necessary to lower tr~ grade of said street in the 3700 Block thereon; and the existing driveway entrances therefrom to properties abutting thereon are substantially above the new proper street level; and 'VHERElIB, the property owners affected, each of whom have heretofore cooperated wi th the City paving program and have executed mechanic's lien contracts to permit and to provide for the improvement of s aid street in front of their respective properties, have requested that the City give them some assistance in the reconstruction or partial reconstruction of their respective driveways entering off of University Boule~ard, if the City could do so: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. The Engineer for the City is hereby authorized and directed to issue to the contractor, authorization for the reconstruction of driveways entering off the south side of University Boulevard and in the 37t;)O Block thereof, under the following terms and provisions: {a) Such driveways shall be reconstructed of gravel aggregate concrete four and one-half (h!) inches thick on specifications approved by the Engine~r; (b) Such driveways to be of the saxne width as the existing driveways, un- less the property owners request and pay in cash for an additional width; u (c) The City will pay to the contractor the cost of reconstruction such driveways to the extent of a distance of si~ (6) feet from the back side of the curb; the cost to be on the basis of seventy five ($.75) cents per square foot. Cd) In the event the property mmers desire their driveways constructed for a distance of more than six (6) feet from the backside of the curb, the work may be done, but if done, shall be at the sole cost and expense of property oll'merswho shall make their own arrangements with the Contractor therefor. 2. That, as the existing driveways referred to are of only four-inch thick ness and shell aggregate conerete, and are in bad condition, the authorization herein granted and the payment by the City as hereinabove provided, shall be conditioned on the property ovmers releasing the City from any and all possible claims for damages in connection with, arising out of; or by virtue of, the im- provement of said University Boulevard and the construction of said driveways. 3. 'l'hat the City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to advise the respective property owners of this offer by the City and the conditions thereof; and to issue the above authorization to the contractor only after acceptance of) this offer by the property 01mers. PA'S'SID.)YAiJ'\Tf)',U?PROVED THIS 2hth day of November, 1947 (Signed) Ralph B. Lee Mayor ;-1 U . W~'~C'~'~<'"~"'~rc'- --i1 ( ,,-0'"T""T1 --~-r'- ieT IT";II1"li"r1H1l1l1i liIiTTi 21!1. Voting Aye: Votlng Noe: Mayor ]~ee, Corl1lnissioners Hamlett, Armer, l,a'1lllon and Douglass None Cit.y Secretary, Whitt Johnson and Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp submitted recormnendation that. an additional policeman be employed to increase the efficiency of the Police Department. ~fotion by COlmnissioner Ha'TIlett, seconded b;T COlThllissioner Armer that one addi- tional policeman be employed to increase efficiency of the Police Department as recolThl1ended by the City Secretar"J and the Chief of Police effective Dec. 1, 19).+7, at the regular starting salary of i~205 .00 per month. ~\ij C Vot.ing Aye: Voting I'Joe: Mayor Lee" Commissioners Hamlett, l\rmer, l,amnon and Douglass Non~ ~-=) c..~ l?ev.Hay V. Mayfield, Pastor of the West University Baptist Church, submitted ~ a request to use City property between the West University Baptist Church and the ~~ ~ater Plant for parking purposes. l\'lotion by Camm. BallIett, seconded by Commissioner LaThllOn that theViest Uni- versity Baptist Church be leased the unused portion of land mmeEl by the City adjacent to the Ba9tist church for parking purposes for consideration of ~l.OO per year yuth thirty day cancellation clause. V 0 ti ng ?~ye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lan,l1on and Douglass None Cc:nl'1L1.SS1.0ner Armer stated tl1..3.t A COllli'1l!."Gtee from the Civic Club, headed by Iilr. '1alph Browning had presented several local matters in a most efficient man.'1.er to the Houston Independa..'1t School Board and it was his reconnnendation that the COlThlll.,ttee headed by Mr. Ralph Browning be appointed as the off"i.c::Lal Committee to re9re8ent West University Place area in all school board matters and submitted the follovdng resolution for adoption: RESOVJTION Texas c , ''3E IT RJ~00LVEIl by the City Commission of the Yity of 'Nest University l)lace, Go on record as approving the Committee headed by Ralph Browning as the official Committee to represent the City of.iest University Place in all School Board meetings::md further suggest that all requests or suggestions 'wi th ref- erence to school llla-t;..tersbe~clearedthrough this group. (s) Ralph B. Lee, Mayor Motion by Commissioner l"i.rmer, seconded by Cnmmissioner Hamlett that the resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, COThllissioners Hamlett, Armer, Lanmon and Douglass None 212" The Clty Secretary submi.tted a letter from the University State Bank signed by L. Goldston, Executive Vice President, stating that the $17,000," upon payment of 1 years intefr;@Jlstat2%amountingto$340.00providingtheCity'will place on iJ'.- deposit in the University State Bank the $50,000 bond fund which was withdrawn i the latter part of June, 1947. Motion by COlThll~.ssioner Hamlett, seconded by Commissioner Larunon, that the proposal of the University State Bank reference redemption of $17,000, 2% Sewer Fund warrants held by said bank be rejected. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lanmon, Douglass and Armer None The City Secretary recoIT'lmended that the low bid of the Water Tank Service Company of *~4,187 for repainting and cleaning two 250,000 gallon elevated water starage tanks be accepted and work order issued in the near future depending upon weather conditions. Motion by Commissioner HaInlett, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the low bid of the Water Tank Service Company in the 8.illount of $4,187.00 for clean- ingand repainting two 250,000 Gallons elevated wuter storage tanks and towers be accepted and that a work order he issued at the discretion of the City Sec- retary. Voting Aye; Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Lt:lnmon;' " Do'uglass and Armer None Mayor Lee, submitted the follo.wing letter of resignation from J. D. KelJ.,ey City Attorney; November 21, 1947 Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: It ls vvi th a great deal of regret that I must tender my resignation as Cit.y Attorney of the City of West University Place. My private practiue is de- ma.'1.ding so much of my time, that I find it impossible to devote sufficient time to my work as City Attorney, to handle the job as I feel it should be handled. I also find that my practice is suffering as a result of spending as much time as I have at activities for the City. I assure you that I have given this matter a great deal of thought and hoped that I would be able to continue until the end of my term. I feel, however, that I must ask to be relieved of my duties as soon as someone can be secured to take my place, but in any event, by January 1, 1948. Yours very truly, (s) Jo~ D. Kelley rr;--:"?-~-:-.'.~ ----:~.-_:j~~=:=;i_l L--'-:~"""'-'---,-:'---' _-'_ "".1. r:-'. - -- .----, -'TiITIT""i":r:~n]l::Ef~!T'1mJ.-r------ . ~...l' -) I ., I 1-.1 F1 L .-- -1;Jn~~:T--"-'-'-"- ~, o i.s;? r ~\ - CC; ~: t4~""';1!'!;~';'- '2Jj3 The Mayor a.'ld COi1Lmissioners expressed regret in receiving Mr. Kelley's resignation, and felt that he had conscientiously rendered the City every ser- vice pos::1ible. Motion by Commissioner Armer, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett tha.t the resignation of J. D. Kelley as City Attorney be accepted vvith regret. Voting /1ye: \1 at ing 1~ oe : Mayor Lee, COm~issioners Armer, Ha~lett, Larunon and Douglass None 'iVith no further business to come before the Council at tl1..is time, the meeting was adjourned. lf~4? ~~ ATTE~:iT : Ci~~ ][':'- ---. :L_:::1"TI _______-"-.=_~:',.L ~llifl"']jn'jIII']jjlJmIllJr - -------liTIT1:r--- --- ,---, ,L""-,,1 L 2..t4 MINUTES OF REGUL.l'\,R MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1947 The City Council met in regular session at the City Hall on December 8,1947, at 7; 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Connnissioner Larunon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. 11 U Minutes of the, meeting of Nov. 24, 1947 Viere read and approved as corrected. Mr. Edward Farrington, representing Committee from the Kiwanis Club from south side Houston, appeared before the Council and officially presented to the City an ornai11ental fence recently erected to enclose the lwvvTI at the Community House. Mayor Lee expressed sincere appreciation to the Kiwanis Club for donation of the fence to the Co:rrununity House grounds and for the fine work r.d the Kiwanis Club had been doing llvith the youth of the Wity of West University Place to make of them better citizens for the future. Mr. Floyd G. Reitz, requested permission to lower the 12.50 Sq.' building re- quirements on Lot 6, Blk. 3, West University Place 1st Addition to permit erection of a home containing 1100 Sq.'. Mr. Reitz advised that the Zoning Board in :r.:egular meeting Nov. 20, 1947 had denied his request. It was brought out that the Zoning Board had given Mr. Reitz proper hearing and consideration and that exception would have to be made in his case to permit construction of 1100 Sq.' home. Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Comwissioner Hamlett that the re- quest of Mr. Floyd G. Reitz for permission to constYQct a home on Lot 6, Blk. 3, j'fest University Place, 1st Addition on a 1100 Sq.' basis instead of 1250 Sq. I basis be rejected in view of the fact that the request had been denied by the Zoning Board and that the Zoning Ordi...'1.ance would have to be amended to permit conatruction of a house less than 12.50 Sq. I. J ^, V oting Aye; Voting Noe: Mayor Lee,Connnissioner, Larunon, Armer, Douglass and Ha.1l1ett None Minutes of the Plumbing and Electrical Board meeting of Dec. 4, 1947, were read and discussed by the Council. The Electrical Board requested the Council to grant special Commission to the Electrical and Plumbing Inspector for the sole purpose of investigating installation of any and all electrical and plumbing fixtures or equip- ment when the inspector was in doubt of the contractor having previously obtained a City permit. The Council questioned advisability of granting special Police commission to the Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors for reason that a commission would not give them any additional authority which they did not now possess. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded qy Co~~ssioner Lalmon that the recom- mendation of the Electrical and Plumbing Boards for granting of special Police Com- mission to the respective inspectors be referred to the City Attorney for recormnenda- tion. Voting p.;ye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Connnissioner Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Ha.1l1ett. None f,J'- ~ [ " 1T~="~~'l::~, ,Ll _~L ~~'::l r~T------ "'iDT'Ti:jliEllTIIJIT]!l]]r- liilliT-'-. ~l -- i...-i (..,.C') ~~ ~~, ~~ -< ~ loJ ~~ Upon recommendation of the City Secretary and City 'freasurer, the Council authorized Dec. 31 payroll released to City employees on Dec. 23, for reason that employees could enjoy the Christmas season. Mr. H. J. Johnson, Consulting Engineer advised that five catch basins located on Riley aIld 1JiIeslayan, and Riley and College would have to be relocated before the 3800 and 3900 block on Riley and East &. West ColJe ge Street in tne Cunningham Ter- race Addition could be paved. The Council requested Mr. JOIL'1S0n to obtain estimated costs for relocating - these five catch basins and report at next regular meeting. 'l'here being no further business to come before the Council at this ti.'lle, the meeting was recessed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Council convened in recessed session on Dec. 11, 1947, at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. with the follmung members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Com- missioner Hamlett, Douglass, Armer and Lan.l1on. Also present were the. City Attorney and the City Secretary. The Mayor announced that the recessed meeting had been called to receive bids in compliance with legal notice of advertisement for bids for construction of a proposed s1u:m.lling pool. The folloy,ing and only bids were opened and the results were announced: John G. Holland Construction Company, Houston, Texas Paddock Engineering Company, Dallas, Texas $66,760 62,479 Motion by Co~llissioner Lanmon, seconded by COIThl1issioner Douglass that the bids received for construction for the proposed SVdmtl1ing pool be referred to Consulting Engineer for tabulation and report at the next meeting of the Council. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Hamlett, Douglass, Armer and Lanmon None Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Douglass that the meeting be adjourned and the Council convene in recessed session 7:30 P.M. Dec. 16, 1947, for final decision of a;-~,arcLi.ng contract for construction of the-'proposed swimming pool. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hamlett, Armer and Douglass None - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Council reconvened in recessed session at the City Hall on December 16, 1947 wi. th the follo'wing members present: Mayor Lee, presiding; Commissioner Hamlett, Douglass, Armer and Lw.mon. Also present was the City SecretarJ. Tr"~~~'~~--~CI~":=i.l r ~'"""''"'''=~~.rT'--- r~ " ilW'Ti:1II1':1I1im;r;1l111 ilIiTTI- ~/~ ~, Mayor Lee announced that the recessed session had been called f9r the purpose of consideration of' awarding a contract for the construction of the proposed sYd.mm.ing pool. Mr. Chas.L. Cartwright, Chainnan of the SWimming Pool Committee, submitted a letter recommending that the low bid of $62,479.00 submitted by Paddock Engineering Company of Dallas for construction of the proposed sw:iJnming pool "be accepted by the Gouncil. Mr. H. J. Johns~n, Consulting Engineer stated that he had checked the bids of John G. Holland Construction Company of Houston, Texas in the amount of $66,760 and the.bid of Paddock Engineering Company, Dallas, Texas, in the amount of$6a,479.00 for the constru'Ction of the proposed swimIning pool and that if the Council decided to construct the swimining pool at this time he' would recommend that the low bid of Paddock Engineering . Company be accepted, and that the bid was in line ,'lith present day co sts. : 1 . i ---1 It being detennined that funds were not available for construction of the proposed swirmn..i.ng pool and bath house, at an estimated total cost of $90,000 since $40,000 S"WiImning pool revenue Bonds had not been sold and fUIids had been previously borrowed from the public parkl:.fund, the Council discussed means of financing the proposed construction and took the following action: ,. ..-. '. ~ Motion by Commissioner Lanman, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that the recreational fund balance of $1,794.B3 be transferred to the Public Pad fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lamon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None J v Motion by Comm. Lanmon, seconded by Comm. Douglass that '13,000 be borrowed from the General iIunm.ofor use to supplement the Public Park fund wi th the understanding that after the sale of a like amount of swimming pool revenue Bonds, this amount be returned to the General Fund from such pro- ceeds, such sale and repayment to be made not later than May 1, 1948. J Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Lee, Comm. Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett None Motion by Commissd.oner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett, that Mayor Ralph B. Lee, in behalf of the City be authorized to execute a contract wi th Paddock Engineering Company for construction of the swimming pool at their low bid of $62,479 UPOn receipt from the City Treasurer of a certifi- cate of availability of funds. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe:. None In response to a request from the Gi ty Council that the Judiciary Committee make recommendation for appointment of a City Attorney to fill the vacanc;y created by the resignation of Mr. J. D. Kelley, the JudiciaI"J Committee recommended by letter that the salary of $12.5 per month presently being paid for ,services rendered by the City Attorney be increased to $2.50 to $300 per month, stating it was a near impossibility to obtain a competent attorney at a salary of $12.5.00 per month. u Motion by Commissioner Lanmon, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that the Judiciary Committee attempt to s eCUl'e the serviees of a City Attorney at , . a salary of $200 per month and that proper accounting procedure be set up for W......,.. =r=.n r-' " ~"'~'"""""""'7' ~.'. 1 '---r~---- --- ' -;m""c'--TT~~~F1ml'lllT1IU r --- i:iITiTU ~ I( ~ payment of services of a City Attorney on that basis Clnd that the Judicia~ Committee proceed ~vith selection or recommendation for suitable. candidate for position of City Attorney. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, COmill. Armer, Hamlett and Lanman Vo.ting Noe: , Comm. Douglass ~ COHhll. -Douglass stated that he had voted noe for reason that he had considered the facts presented and the interest of the Citizens of the City in placing the Council in office to operate the City as economical as possible and in a business like manner, and that the amount presently set as a salary of the Ci ty Attorney was not considered for services of a full time man and that all those considered as officials of the City should serve the City in the manner in which he believed it was intended, in full understanding that the time spent in work would be in the light of COImmmity pride.. ~t~. < Motion by Comm. Lanmon, seconded by Connn. Armer that the letter of the Judiciary Committee dated Dec. 12, 1947, reconnnending salar.y of the City Attorney be increased from $125 per month to 4li250 to $300 per month be typed :in, and become a part of, the minutes. .....,......,. ;....0....01- .- ~. Voting Aye: MaY0r Lee, Connn. Larunon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett Voting Noe: None ^ Hon~ RalphB~eLee,: Mayor City of West University Place Shell Building Houston, Tex. December 12, 1947 Dear Sir: . This is in response to the letter of Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, to the Judicia~J Committee, dated December 3, 1947, in which this Co:rnm.i. ttee was requested to make a recommendation of some s,uitable lawyer for appointment to the office of City Attorney. It was further stated in the letter of l\11r. Johnson that the salary for this office is $125 per month. TI~ short tenure of office by those who have heretofore been appoipted to this office tends to emphasize the difficulty of obtaining and keeping a capable lawyer for the current salary. For this reason, it was the thought of this connnittee that, before mating a:rry definite recommendation, we should suggest that you and the' Commissioners determine whether it is practicable at this time to raise the salary of the City Attorney. It is assumed to be evident that the performance of the duties of the City Attorne-.f of the City of West University Place requires a considerable portion of the time of a lawyer. Th~ size of the city and the number and complexity of the problems are such as to demand the services of a seasoned la1j~er. We doubt that such a lawyer can, without financial sacrifice, satisfactorily discharge the duties of the office for the current salary. It is hardly to be expected that a lawyer having the requisite qualifica- tions can ve retained for a considerable length of time on a salary of $125. lJi'T"'Tii'illl'lTII1TTilll1i - Although it is not for us to suggest a suitable salary" it may be mentioned that some of the members of this committee thought that in view of the population and as,sessed .prqperly valuation of the city and the current inflationary conditions and the required services, a salary of $250 to $300 per month would be conservative. ] It is our purpose in making the foregoing suggestions to focus the attention of the governing body of our city upon what appears to us to be an obstacle to obtaining efficiency and stability in the office 'of City Attorney. The suggestions are made in the spirit of attempting to be of aid in furthering the welfare of our good city" andwe trust that those suggestions will be received in the spirit which prompts them. Upon receipt of a reply from you, we "Will use our best efforts to recommend for appointment the very best available lawyer, who will signify his "Willingness to accept the appointment if it ,should be offered him. Yours ve ry truly, . (signed) Nonnan lJ.. West Chm.:i:rman of Judiciary Co#lJIIlittee With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. -\ r I iJ .~464... MA: ',' '-"" ATTEST: ~/ '~,"""'.~ ~ Secret . J IT"~~=I~~~~"'I r~~~~,'--'~ rr~__mn - , n - it:j'''Til'III1::m:I'ITIiiIl11! iilli''!1 ~/?' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DEC. 22, 1947 ~ The City Council met. in regular session at t.he City Hall. on Dec. 22, 1947, at 7':i30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor~1ee, presiding; Comm. Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Also present were the City Attorney and the City Secretary. , Minutes of the meetings of December 8, 11 & 16 were ~ad and approved as corrected. Mayor Lee announcedtb.at theCouncU would hear the application of Dr. Gene Shulze for request that Zoning Ordinance No. III be amended to permit construction of multiple apartment unit.s on Lots 2-7 inclusive of Cambridge Place located at the comer of Bellaire Blvd. and the G.H. & S.A. Railroad tracks. Dr. Shulze and his architect Mr. Griggs, presented a plat showing the proposed construction of the multiple apartmntunits stating they would be constructed according to F .H.A. specifications, of masonry semi-fireproof construction, that the structures would be two stories in height, would be attractive in appearance, that the entire units , would house a total of 82 families, and if the application was granted it would greatly increase the revenue and taxable valuations of the City. The following persons living in the vicinity of Cambridge Place appeared be- fore the Council and voiced opposition to the application submitted by Dr~ Shulze: F. H. Herron, 4231 Ruskin; George Small, 4207 RUSkin; Ralph Mann, 4126 Ri~y.:l ,'. . J. H. Brownlee, 6646 Community; Mark Hanna, 4229 Riley; G. W. Reid, 4220.Ruskin; C. V. Tamborello, 4230 Ruskin; R. E. Duncan, 4232 Ruskin; Robert A. Ladeen, 4236 Ruskin; Mrs. T. A. Kirby, 4217 Ruskin; P. H. Clark, 4204 Bellaire; Fred Miller; Harold English, 6232 Community; W. D. Harlow, 4201 Ruskin; Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr., 4144 Ruskin. The p.ersons objecting stated that the construction of multiple apartment, units in Cambridge Place would cause congestion, detract from value of adjacent property, and result in improper garbage disposal and would create' a traffic hazard for those entering Bellaire Blvd. and create 'juvenile problems. After both sides having had ample opportunity to present their side of the matter, the Council dis- cussed the advisability of amending the Zoning Ordinance after considering all facts presented. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Armer that the application of Dr. Gene Shulze for amendment to Zoning @rdinance No. III to permit construction of multiple apartment units on Lots 2-7 inclusive in Cambridge Place instead of 1300 Sq. t single family units be denied. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and Hamlett. Voting Noe: None Mr. Walter Rapp, 6612 Rutgers, requested of the Commission to build a garage apartment on property at this address to be used by his brother and family. Mr. Rapp advised that the Zoning Board had denied his request and stated that in his opinion, the Zoning Board had not been advised of all facts concerning the case. The Council agreed to discuss the matter with the Zoning Board and advisee Mr. Rapp later. ~::lO City Secretary, Whitt John~en, stated. there was an urgent need for a re- cording gauge to indicate the water level on the two elevated storage tanks and J.::,',~, -. , a recording .guage t.omeas~ f~et 'of wat.erin, the100,OOOgal1on reserve w~t.er ", tank at thewateT plant. . Motion by Commissioner Hamlett, seconded by Oommissioner Douglass; author- izing the City Secretazy to advertise for bids for necessary ga.uges and equip- ' ment to iIldi.cate the water ,~vel~:tw.o e+e!~i;e,<i st.orage,\t,~ksand the .100)000 gallon reserve water tank at the water plant. . ilotingAye: Mayo]:" Lee, ColJllld,;~~i9~rsHamle.tt, ,Dougla~s,Armer and La1lllOn Vot~gNoe: None ' '. " CitySec~tary, Whitt Jo.~s()~, r;equestE!d.authoIi.ty ~or,expenditure of $300 , for labor .and cc;>st of necess:aryDl8~rla1.tQlo..r and. ,change thedil!Dleterof the ov~~lQw pipes 0n the tWQ. 'el~a:~edwa""er ,tan1.cs. " . '. . Motion by Oo.ssioner H~~~t, ". see~;H~qe~ by G~)lnm,s~:i.oner DouglasEl au.tl\1orlzfng the e~nditure of $300 for+~1;l~r ~d nece~~a~:mater;al1;oW~te]:";T8.nksernee ~o. to change overflQwpipeson."th,~ct.~<~l,e:vated,w.ater:.st(i)r..age... t~s ., . " Voting Aye: Mayor ~e,Co~;.\ss.i.():ners :H~tt,..DougJ,.,ClSS:, A;nneran<i Larunon Vq.tingNoe: None ..,. .', Mr. T. E, lCeME!rq, ~ttoI;n,ey,:.()~ ~];ades,C~l~s ".:)(~P;';8o'& Kemn~l:"4, A't.to~~i for .the Houston l,ilatural Gas.co:rpQ:rat~o~; re~ue~tedbY: :leit;ter ;'permS$i.onfl)? tile ' " Houst~:n Natur8:LGa.s Corp~ '~op~'.~~i:~~ro~sj~;~eipt:~e~\~ie~~ 'o~ or befQr~, I.';~- ] ~arch 1,1948, Y4:t.h,~~.,pel1~~Y"; ;:!0,r ~l1e.clirrE!nt.y~ar.~ t1>\lS-1P~SS ,and ;tha~ Sectioll.' 2 of Ordinance No~:;~~cbe amended to suutitute date of:M~eh'i, for Janu~,15" U as the final date to pay their gross receipt rental Chargewitllout penaiti~ ' " , . ." . . . Motion by Coinmissioner,~o~gJ,~s.~ ".sey~~de4 :'bl G:~~;)i'si~l1.erA:rBl~rth~the Houston Natural $as Corporat4(l,nl:?e..~lt8!lte.;~.;~'300 'ciay:'ext~Ii.fi~o~_;t~~paY1lle~t~f, gross receipt tax. and ti1at the C.t~yA~~' , ",9,8 J.llst,.1"t.'l,c:'t1e;d 't,op~pareari"~~,:,,, ance amending s~~tton 2ofO~~ce:~9L ,.' ~bstJ;;tut;li1.g:tl1ecl8.te of March. 1", for January lS,,',as final d.atefo.~P~e~~.of:'~.sa;d;t~to the City. ' ".;, Voting Aye: Mayor Lee, GOmnU,ssioners Hamlett, Dougl.ass, Armer and LaIllllon " . Voting Noe: None ' Commissioner 1)ougi8.4l~ ,~d ,',' t~Clt:~. S,~cr;et~17;presenio.ed'~Ylf,9r11Ul_tion tl1eyba~ obtained in regard to emplo~n~Jori;,~1a1i~tor fortbe fi.seal.,year1'947: ':'" 1948. , Motion byCommis::;i~~~,..nc)~~~fl, ~~C9.n~~byeo_ss1~ller~ett that the City employ the 'finn of Haner &. DQs$eY>Hc):l1$t():n~Texas~ to~rroJ;'Dl.,,;'an,au~t of the City books, records and accounts for ~:t1e' fiscal ~ar of '1947~l9'48 su'bjeq,tf to a contract prepared and apprC)ved;"t.~ ^qi~7 4tt~1;J,ey ~d'Sl!-l?i,ctto~t~enstate- ~ent QT Haner & Dossey. tba,1;' t~ w.Q~i ~~~c;i~ :c()~ect,!G:l'l with, making the}i~tyaudit would be performed by Cert~ie.d>c~b~1;;~;~~~t~t~.,.or1f' Jr.aecountantsareused "!they wau1dbeunder .i.liim.e~ate ,slllperV;is,~ .o:t..~ . Dossey. ' "..' . . '. ,,".' ". . Voting Aye :G'emmissioners Douglass,. Hamlett and ,Armer Voting N'oe: Mayor Lee, Commissioner Lanmon u r[=-'-'-=- =--"1=1'.==-4":r'""t r- ---. -=; _"',!~~L..._"""!,' 1 '~l ....... ,-J ,~::::: :..!;} .-.....0,;, :-'"ol ~ '> _ ~"~~":'.f:"m_~".c-: 221 Mr. John D. Kelley stated that he had reconsidered resignation as City Attor- ney and would like to 'Withdraw his letter of resignation and would accept the position and continue as City Attorney under present conditions for one year. Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Commissioner Hamlett that Mr. J.D. Kelley be permitted to withdraw his letter of resignation as City Attorney and that he be conttnu~'d\..~. in that capacity at a salary of $175.00 per month. Voting Aye:' MBN"or Lee, Commissioners Lanmon, Hanlett, Armer and Douglass Voting Noe: None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, the meeting was recessed until Jan. 6, 1948. ------------- The City Council met in recessed session on Tuesday January 6, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following member~ rresent: Mayor Pro-Texn C. P. Lanmon, presiding; Commissioners Douglass, Armer and the City Secretary. Mayor Lee and Commissioner Hamlett were absent. Mr. Chas. L. Cartwright, Chairman of the Swimming Pool & Park Committee, presented completed plans and specifications prepared by Woestemeyer & Gaffney, Architects, for coIistruction of a bath house to be used in conjunction 'With the swimming pool. Mr. Cartwright stated the Committee had approved the plans and specifications and recommends that they be advertised for bids. After carefully reviewing the plans and specifications of the proposed bath house, motion was made by Commissioner Armer, seconded by "Oommissioner Douglass that the plans and specifications prepared by Architects Woestemeyer & Gaffney for construction of a bath house to be used in conjunction 'With the swi....mming pool be approved and accepted as recommended by the swimming pool Committee, and the City Secretary be mstructed to advertise for bids on January 15, 1948 to be opened in public meeting January 29, 1948. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M.qor Pro...Tem. " None ." 1'.:aalIon, jIAIIlJlI\iU, Armer and Douglass The Swimming Pool Comm:i.ttee having recommended that the finn of WoesteIDeyer & Gaffney, Architect, be employed to supervise the construction of the bathhouse for an additional fee of 3%. Motion by Commissioner Anner,second.ed by Commissioner Douglass that the firm of Woestemeyer & Gaffney be employed to supervise construction of the bath- house on the basis of 3% of the contract price making a total of 6% for the prepa- ration of plans and specifications and supervision of construction., Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Pro.,.Tem. None ',-..j Lanmon, Armer, Douglass and ~ II "- ' '.' '-r"--"C"J'l "~'1 1--"--- " - ~1!:IT""'T:iT!llmnrrnmm 1iIITTr 22-2 i Mr. J. L. Williams, Engineer, presented plans I and specifications ana contract form for paving of 3800 & 3900 block of Riley Stre~t stating they w8rethe same plans and specificat.ions for residential street. pa~ing as" those used on Tennyson. and Coleridge Streets. I i I Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by qommissioner Armer that. plans and specifications and contract form for paving 3800 & 3900 block Riley Street -'be accepted provided they were the same as those us,ed I on Tennyson & Coleridge Streets as identified by Williams & Johnson, C?n~ulting Enlfineers, ~ymboi. P-95, 'f?r resi- dential street paVing and further pronding that &rfY exceptJ.ons and d.eletJ.ons be approved by the City Attorney and City Secretar.r. ! . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: I lIl...,r P "'., '. L 'iIt 'i :I!i:lriD 1 d' A --vor.ro':!".I.em, .~~;.n'_'_":'; ,~';i anmoB,1 JIM... , oug ass ail mer None I i It was brought to the attention of the Counci~ that all property owners whoae property face the 3800 & 3900 bloc~s on Riley stre~t had agreed to pave wit.h ex- ception of the o"WIlersof Lot 17 ~ 18, Block 5, Co1fegeview 1st Addition and Lot. 15, Block 6, Collegeview 1st Addition. . I I : Motion by Commissioner Douglass, seconded by Gommissioner Armer that the matt.er of paving in front of lots not signed by coIj\tract in 3800 and 3900 block of Eiley be turned over to the City Attorney to be I paved by assessment. if: necessary. i ! Voting P;ye: Voting Nee: Mayor P,lt!'QTTe1Q.iij,;;'.,;;.~,<.;;~'t') Lanman, 1~,Douglass and Armer None ' I .". i , I The City Secretar.r advised that plans' and spe~. iifications for drilling a new water well were now being prepared and requested M or Pro-tem Lanmont.o appoint one member of theCouncU to assist :him in select' ga location fora well'Sl.te. MBlVor Pro-tem L.anmon appointed Commissioner VI. A. amlett to assist the, City Secretary in selection of a new location for a wel~ site. I The City Secretary advised that the sewer De~. was experiencing considerable diff,iCul ty in cleaning out main line sewer stopage, bec.ause of inadequate tools and equipment and recommended that the City pureha e 321 Ft. of new sewer cleaning rods and cleaning tools. ,.. i i Motion by COmmiSSi@nerArmer,seCOndedbyCory:i'sionerDOUglaSsauthoriZing the City Secretary to purchase 321 Ft. of flexible se-wer cleaning rods andnecessa:zy sewer cleaning 'tools.' , I .~ Voting Aye: Mayor ~-Tem Lanmon, ~;O~asioBEiIt'sADouglass and Armer Voting Noe: None " ,,1. i , With no further business to come before the Co!nncilat this time, the meet~g was adjourned. : ATTEST: ~" , " '" d' .....~.. ~/ ~ /,/ , d'~. .o~. /' ' , i 1 , i !-.J ;. ',- ,J 11"".'. -. .-.--.- '----"-'"1'"--.-- "~~'I-T ::L] ~ 1i:E'T!nll]TICJI'l]lGllllr--'~~-------mIT:iT---~