MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2000
7:30 P.M.
The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building Council
Chambers on June 12, 2000, with the following members present: Mayor Lewis
presiding, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May. The City Manager,
City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Parks and
Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Building Official were also present.
The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551, on the 9h day of June 2000 at 5:00 p.m.
Citizen Comments.
Mayor Lewis invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as
their names were called.
Jim Schell, 6520 Wakeforest, spoke regarding the process of tree removal during
Home Place Celebration Payment.
Matters related to a payment of $19,000 from the Home Place Celebration to the West
University Place Elementary School PTA.
Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the Home Place was a series of
events held during the month of May. Sponsor donations netted $18,450 and food and
ticket sales raised $5,017.09. Funding in the amount of $25,000 was appropriated for the
celebration but actual expenditures were $8,514.59.
A motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member May, to
make a payment of $19,000 from the Home Place Celebration revenues to the West
University Place Elementary School PTA for playground renovations.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye:
Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay:
City Council Regular S, June 12, 2000
Bike Helmet Ordinance.
Matters related to the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1646.
Mayor Lewis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1646 as follows:
An ordinance relating to bike helmets; amending the code of ordinances of the City of
West University Place, Texas; and containing findings and provisions relating to the
Copies of Ordinance No. 1646, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the
Council Chambers.
Police Chief Kevin Begley reported that the staff has reviewed state law and local city
ordinances and believes that it is in the best interest of the community to enact an
ordinance requiring the use of helmets for those under the age of 18.
A motion was made by Council Member May, seconded by Council Member Grubb, to
adopt Ordinance No. 1646 on the second and final reading.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Ordinance relating to flood damage prevention.
(a) Public hearing on adoption of revised floodplain regulations.
(b) Matters related to the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 1647.
Mayor Lewis called the public hearing to order on the revised floodplain regulations.
There being no persons wishing to speak regarding the regulations, Mayor Lewis closed
the public hearing.
Mayor Lewis-read the caption of Ordinance No. 1647 as follows:
An ordinance relating to flood damage prevention and floodplain management; amending
the code of ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas; containing findings
and provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency
-� 0 City Council Regular Sess:ah, June 12, 2000
Copies of Ordinance No. 1647, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the
Council Chambers.
Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that Ordinance No. 1647 was a requirement
of F.E.M.A. for all cities who want to participate in the flood insurance program and
must be passed in order for residents living within those jurisdictions to take advantage of
the insurance provisions of that code. Ordinance No. 1647 adopts state promulgated
flood damage prevention regulations.
A motion was made by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member May, to
adopt Ordinance No. 1647 with the suggested amendments as presented in Special
Session by the City Attorney.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Resolution appointing members to a Charter Review Committee.
Matters related to Resolution No. 2000 -06.
Mayor Lewis read the caption of Resolution No. 2000 -06 as follows:
A resolution appointing a charter review committee for the City of West University
Place, Texas; providing for a term of office and containing findings and provisions
relating to the subject
Resolution No. 2000 -06 appoints the following persons to the Charter Review
John Neighbors
Position 1 /Chair
Neil Cahian
Position 2
Carolyn Galfione
Position 3
Whitt Johnson
Position 4
Jeann Howse
Position 5
David McDaniel
Position 6
Bob Kelly
Position 7
David Marks
Alternate A
Bill Boyd
Alternate B
Barbara Sklar
Alternate C
A motion was made by Council Member Ballanfant, seconded by Council Member May, to adopt
Resolution No. 2000 -06 appointing a charter review committee.
n JCity Council Regular Sessym, June 12, 2000
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Resolution for participation in coalition of cities in Reliant Energy/HL &P UCOS.
Matters related to Resolution No. 2000 -07.
Mayor Lewis read the caption of Resolution No. 2000 -07 as follows:
A resolution authorizing the City of West University Place, Texas, to join in a coalition to
intervene in proceedings relating to the application of Reliant Energy, Inc. for approval of
unbundled cost of service; authorizing the City Attorney to represent the city and to take
appropriate actions relating to such proceedings; and making certain findings related
City Attorney Jim Dougherty reported that the local power company has applied for a
rate change. This was brought about by the change in the law about unbundling cost and
having competition in the electric business and they are required to file these rate cases.
The City of Houston has taken the lead on examining these new rates and intervening
before the Public Utility Commission to participate in the case. They have asked that all
cities in the jurisdiction join with them in forming a coalition, which makes for a better
A motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member May, to
adopt Resolution No. 2000 -07.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfam, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
City Council minutes.
Matters related to the minutes of the Special and Regular Sessions conducted on May 22,
A motion was made by Council Member May, seconded by Council Member Grubb, to
approve the minutes as presented.
City Council Regular Session, June 12, 2000
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb
and May
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Staff report.
City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that Court Clerk Iola Pickul had been awarded the
Municipal Court Clerk of the Year award by her organization.
Council comments.
Council Member Grubb commented that Janet Wilson, owner of the Edloe Deli, was
possibly buying the JMH market.
Council Member May commented that it was his one year anniversary.
Council Member Bertini commented that the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction
Board was meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made
by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member May, to adjourn. The Regular
Session adjourned at 7:47 p.m.