HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1946 I~Uo.' I I I i I I : I I I ' "','"<,,," I Minutes of'llegular Meeting Januaryi14, 194b The Ci1iy Commission convened in regular session at 7:;0 "r ' P.M., Monday, January 14, 1946, at the City Hall. Members pre- sent were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Hancock, 1~rtin, Lee and the City Secretary. Commissioner Dunnington was absen"t due to illness. Minutes of meetings tof December 10, 24, 28 and ;1 were read and approved. Oommissioner Lee made a statement opposing the action of the Oity Oomnfission in passing ordinances on Dec- ember 31, annexing the Oities of Southside,Bellaire and other areas for the reasons that he considered the said action to be illegal, morally wrong, undemocratic and the action would delay post war planning. Commissioner Lee moved that the Oity Commis- sion of the City of West University Place repeal Ord~aances Nos. 300 to 307 inclusive, adopted December 31, 194.5, and further that the City Oommission order an election for the extension of the territorial limits of the City in accordance with the Oity's Home Rule Charter and the laws of Texas, such proposed extension to include the consolidation of the Oity of West University Place with the Cities of Southsi~e Place and Bellaire, all as provided by law. As a, part of this motioh, I move that we instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances t6 carry same into ef:fect, and that the Commission meet again, wi thin five days, at a tim.e to be :fixed by the Mayor, :for the purpose of passing or conSidering the ordinances so prepared. ' The motion died for lack of a second and'is included herein at the request of Commissioner Lee. Oommissioner Lee moved that the Oity Oommission of the City of West University Place order an election for the extension of the territorial limits of the city, in accordance with the Oity's Home Rule Oharter and the laws of ~exas, such prGposed extension to include a consolidation of the Oity of West University Place with the Cities of SouthsidePlace and Bellaire. As a part of this motion, I move that the Oommission instruct the City Attorney to request the court where the $Uit is pending over the validity of Ordinances Nos. ;00 through ~07 to continue or postpone the consideration of same until SUch election is heLd and the result determined. Also asa part of this motion, I move that the City Oommission immediately issue a public statement to the effect that, if in the election a majority of the voters in both Bellaire and West Dniversi ty Place ,do not approve of the extension or con- solidation, insofar as those two areas are concerned, that the Oommission will immediately after such election, repeal Ordinance No. :;00, passed December 31,194.5, providing for the annexation of Bellaire and that a similar statement be made with respect to the election concerning ~outhside Place and Ordinance No. 301, ]'.,----- r~---n '"'"'''""'1 n !' 209 providing for the annexation of Southside Place. Also as ~ part of this motion, I move that the Commission instruct the City Att torney to prepare the necessary ordinances to carry the above pro- posals into effect, and that the Commission meet again within five (5) days, at a time to be fixed by the Mayor for the purpose of passing or considering the ordinances so prepared. The motion died for lack of a second and is included in these minutes by request of Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Lee then presented a letter from Claude O. Boothman, Assistant in the Office of the Attorney General of the state of Texas, stating that it is the policy of the Bond~Division of the Attorney General's office to not approve city bonds where- in there is any controversy over iihe boundaries of said city. Mr. Boothman's letter states among other things that the statements contained in said letter do not constitute an official legal opin- ion of the Attorney General's Department. Commissioner Hancock presented a copy of a resolution from the West University Civic Club which had been'sent to members of the City Commission and moved that the City Secretary answer the letter of the Civic Club acknowledging reoeipt of said resolution, thanking them for their interest in civic matters and 'take excep- tion to the reference of the said resolution to secret meetings on the part of the City Commission. This 'was seconded by Commis- sioner Martin. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Martin and Hancock Commissioner Lee, who explained his vote by stating that he was advised by th~ Mayor that nothing of importance was coming up for discussion in the meeting of December 31. ' Commissioner Lee inquired as to the legal fees which might be incurred in connection with the injunction suit filed as Ii re- sult of the annexation ordinances. After some discussion Mayor Kerbow appointed a committee composed of Commissioners Lee, Hancock and Martin to confer with City Attorney Stokes on the amount of fees to be paid him on the suit. The City Engineer submitted recommendations of the Board of Electrical Examiners on the proposed Eleotrical Board for the year 1946. The motion was made by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, appointing the following men to compose the Electric Board: Joe V. Ellis, Position No. 2 E. O. Rulon, Position No. 1 E. M. Saunders, Position No. 3 w. A. Blakely, Position No.4 Jame s Waters, Posit ion No. .5 ..,-..:j~=--=~l'"'-r I r-. - ~~"""--=-=--r--:--Ll_ _ J, 210 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None ~he City Secretary presented a proposition from Weingartens relative to collecting water bills at the Weingarten Store in the Village. ~he matter was discu.ssed and passed to the next meeting. ~ ! i ; Motion by Commissio~er Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, setting February 11 for a public hearing on the recommend- ations of the Planning Board on amendments to Ordinance No. III to permit construction of a medical clinic on lots 9 and io, block B. Pemberton Addition. i '_J, Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, granting special officer' s commission to VI. A. Blakely on recommendation of the Chief of Police and provided that Mr. Blakely furnish bond at no cost to the City. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow , Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Vot ing Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, appointing E. O. Rulon Building Inspector at a salary of $2.50.00 per month. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: l~yor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, employing J. W. Clarke on a permanent basis as Superintendent of Street and Bridge and Garbage Department s at $2.50.00 per month. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissione rs Hancock, Martin and Lee None Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, employing Herbert Wintrode as water plant operator at a salary of $17.5.00 per month. Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None , J""""-- . il ',.r :-I Zil The City Engineer reported to the Commission that the gar- bage truck body ordered rrom the Grace Manuracturing Company in Dallas, had proved to be unsatisfactory and had been returned to the manufacturer. He then recommended that he be authorized to place an order with the South Texas Equipment Company for an open body to be placed on city's truck chassis at a cost of $872.00. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, authorizing the City Engineer to proceed and place order with South Texas Equipment Company ror construction and placing upon city's chassis the garbage body at a cost of $872.00. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee None The matter of a settlement of the claim of Miss Fordtran, owner of lots 1 and 2, block 1, Preston Place, ror portions of lots now in Wakeforest street right-of-way, being discussed, a mo- tion was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that in order to reach an equitable settlement, a board of apprais- ers be appointed consisting or one to be appointed by the City, one to be appointed by Miss Fordtran and one to be appointed by the first two appraisers and that the City pay to Miss Fordtran the value arrived at by the three appraisers. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. a~A PA~ ~hr-:- Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary l~=-=-~.= "I ~~--=1 ~.l.......-r. ~ . -~~~ " 212 Minutes of Regular Meeting January 28, 1946 , The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, January 28, 1946, at 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, Lee and the City Secretary. '\ r ' Minutes of meeting of January 14 were read and approved. The City Attorney, in answer to inquiry of Commissioner Hancock relative to progress in the matter of securing releases from Messrs. Harris and" Robb, reported "that the releases had been drawn but had not been executed. By general agreement the Com.- mission requested the attorney to turn the releases over." to the Ci ty Engineer and that the Oi ty Engineer make an attempt to get them executed. Commissioner Lee resubmitted and moved the adoption of his motion identified as Motion No. 2 which he presented in th.emeet- ing of January 14, 1946, relating to the annexation ordinances (see minutes of January 14 for details of motion). The motion died for want of a second. Mr. Martin Nadalmann presented a plat of the proposed sub- division of the Wiess and Maltz acreage lying between Kirby Drive and 1Arakeforest street for the approval of the City Commission. This plat had been approved by the City Planning Board. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Nartin, approving the plat as submitted with the understanding that all streets would be paved 27 feet wide with five inches of gravel concrete and installation of necessary water and sewer lines, all to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanc ock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe:' None Messrs. Reed and Yancey, developers of a tract of land lying in Houston on the north side of Richmond Road appeared before the Commission requesting permission to oonnect their sanitary sewer system to the West University Place system. The City Engineer reported to the Commission the status of negotiations with the City of Houston covering water and sewer 1-~~~- ~,.!~ ....! 1 rU.~-' C' _==:L:~____________.___ -.I' ~ service for this and other areas in the City of Houston, stating that no conclusions have been reached. The Commission reauested ;c the City Engineer to take the matter up with Mr. Nagle, City Manager of Houston, and report back to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, authorizing the establishment of a wholesale water rate of l2~ per thousand gallons for the subdivision known as Braes Heights, being'developed by H. R.Houck. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanco ck, Martin and Lee Vot ing Noe: None The recommendation from the City Planning Board was pre- sented to the Commission recommending the amendment of zoning laws to permit construction, of duplexes and four-way apartments on certain lots facing north in the 2600 block of AlbansRoad. The matter was discussed at some length and the City Engineer was requested to determine the possibility of having the applicant and others pave this portion of Albans Road. A proposal from C. P. Zimmerman to..maintain police radios at $10.00 per month per car, was referred backt'or additional information. ' There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: Mayor r:?P74P~ c y, ecretary c~. ,-- ~"_'1~'~~';<'~'_';'-- r" '"-I ;'1 , -~'-'~_'" I p I r 214 Minutes of Regular Meeting February 11, 194b The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, February 11, 1940, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, Lee' and the City Secretary. Minutes of the meeting of January 2~, 1946, were read and approved. Mr. C. D. Mehr, 2730 Sunset, appeared before the Coro~ission objecting to the constructing of duplexes in tne 2700 block of Wroxton Road, stating that this was in violation of the deed restrictions in Evanston Place, in Which addition the lots are located. After some discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, ordering building permits for the duplexes suspended and requesting the City Attorney to check into the legal aspects of the case and report to the Com- mission at its next meeting. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner :Martin, seconded by Coromissioner;,Dunn- ington, appointing W. F. Semrnelrogge Chief of the Volunteer Fire De partment. Voti ng Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None (Chief Semmelrogge was sworn in by the Mayor.) Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Cornmissioner Han- cock, designatir~ February 22 as a holiday to be observed by City Hall employees in accordance with a request of the Treasurer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, declaring an emergency in view of the epidemic of rabies and instructing the Chief of Police to pick up and dispose of all dogs and cats, running at large and to send out a notice to the citizens advising them of the state of emergency. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Zl~ Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by CowJmissioner Lee, adopting a recommendation of the City Engineer authorizing a con- nection to the sanitary sewer system to serve the property owned and being developed by Reed & Yancey north of Richmond Road, pro- viding for a fee of ? 5 cents per month per house in the sub-di vi- sion, and the drawing of a contract with the City of Houston cover- ing the corinection which shall include a cancellation clause of one year and reserve the right to change the sewer service charge. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, authori zing. a connection to the sanitary sewer system to serve 39 homesites in the subdivision being developed by David Hannah, south of Bellaire Boulevard, providing for the drawing of a contract to cover the arrangement which shall in- clude -cancellation clause of one year, right to increase sewer service charge and rights to sell water in the sub-division. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Motion by Co.mrnissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, approving bill of Troy T. Stokes, City Attorney, in the amount of $225.00 covering services rendered to date in the con- demnation proceedings instituted against Lillian G. Cunningham for swimming pool and park site. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commi ssioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, authorizing the City Attorney to appeal the condemnation suit from the decision of the Commissioners to the County Court at Law as recommended by the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner 1fu.r- tin, awarding a contract to John G.Holland on his alternate bid of $3549.00 for the repair of the sanitary sewers on Duke Street as recommended ~y the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COIr',missioner s Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None ,1'4 ,.~, L~I .~.~ _=___:.-1____________ Zl,b The City Secretary presented a certificate to the City Com- mission certifying a certain petition calling for a referendum on Ordinances Nos. 300 and 301 adopted by the Oity Oommission on December 31, 1945, said certificate certifying the sufficiency of the petition. '\ ; Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Oommissioner Lee, instructing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance provid- ing for the calling of an election on Ordinances Nos. 300 and 301 in accordance with the provisions of the Oity Oharter and to pre- sent the said ordinance to the Oommission at its next regular meet- ing., Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Mar- tin, authorizing the Oity Attorney to defend the Oity in the in- junction suit brought against the City by the Oities of Southside Place and Bellaire and others on the annexation ordinances at a fee of $500.00 in the trial court. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COMnissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Oommissioner Martin, seconded by Oomndssioner Hancock, authorizing the payment of $350.00 to Miss Myrtle Fordtran in the settlement of her claim against the Oity for portions of lots 1 and 2, block 1, Preston Place, appropriated by the City for right of way for Wakeforest street in 1939, and instructing the City Attorney to secure a deed and quitclaim of damages from the owner. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin,and Lee Vot ing Noe: None ,There being no further busine ss to come before the Com- mission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ arty Secretary Cl/~ Mayor '. "-~~=>==f=--=":-l r'~-"~'='"-'-'='="-""'==-'=~::~rl__ r ZlI Minutes of Regular Meeting February 25, 1946 r' I The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, February 25, 1946, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members pre- sent were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, . Lee and the City Secretary. Minutes of meeting of February 11, 1946 were read and approved. ' ~~. c. D. Mehr of 2730 Sunset Boulevard, and other resi- dents of this area appeared before the Commission objecting to construction of duplexes on lots in Evanston Place. The City Attorney s t~ted that in his opinion the City could take no legal action wi th'Hrespect to preventing construction of the duplexes in question. Motion bX Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ing~on, order/tti~ public hearing to be held at 7:30 P. M. on March 25, 1946 at the City Hall on a recommendation of the City Planning Board that Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit the construction of duplexes on lots 11 and 12, block 2, Evanston Place and two four-way apartments .on lots 13, 14 and 1" in block 2, Evanston Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Engineer presented the final plans, specifica- tions and contract documents which had been prepared by the Gar- rett Engineering Company on the proposed paving prol}ect covering University Boulevard, Rice Boulevard, Auden and Wesleyan Streets, and recommended their adoption by the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, adopting a resolution approving and adopting the plans and specifications for the street paving and drainage project as prepared by the Garrett Engineering Company and recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None "\ 21~ The resolution is as iollows: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS) AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET PJ~VING AND DRAINAGE FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PROJECT TEX. 41-P-11, AS PREPARED BY 'l'Hl!: GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY, ENGINEERS FOR TB:E CITY. ~1HEREAS, the City has heretofore on ~he 24th day of October, 1945, entered into a contract with the Garrett En- gineering Company, 1806 Milam Street, Houston 3, Texas, to prepare plans and specifications for paving, curb, gutters, side'\;V"alks and drainage structures and pipe on University Boulevard, Rice Boulevard, Weslayan Avenue and Auden Avenue, and WHEREAS, the said Garrett Engineering Company has pre- pared and submitted for approval detailed plans, specifications and contract documents for said project, and . . WHEREAS, said plans and specifications have been re- viewed and found to be adequate and complete and satisfactory for the construction of said improvements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:MMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI'" VERSITY PLACE} TEXAS: (1) That the plans and specifications consisting of two volumes of specifications and contract documents and one set of blue printed plans con- sisting of 59 sheets be and the same are hereby approved and adopted as the plans, specifications and contract documents for the pavement, struc- tures and drainage of the follOWing streets: University Boulevard Weslayan Street Rice Boulevard Auden street under J!WA Project No. Te.x... 41-P-ll. PASSED AND APPROVED This the day of 1946. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ATTEST: By A. L.Kerbow, Mayor City Secretary APpnOVED AS TO FOffi~: City Attorney (Seal) l':-F"C_=''''-=:-'-'OO=''''''=~IC-C-'::'~''~''';'--'"':'''~,,-r- . _ __ ~I:' _._-------~._~...~~ ZI3 (' I I ! Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, authorizing the City Secretary to write a letter to the Houston Light and Power Company authorizing the crediting on current monthly street lighting bills of credits for lights orde~ed installed but which installation has been delayed due to lack of materials, until stiCh time as the lights can -be in- stalled. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Commissioner Hancock arrived at this time. Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Mar- tin, postponing the sett,ing of the date for the referendum on Ordinances Nos. 300 and 301 to the next meeting of the City Com- mission in order to provide time in which to prepare necessary information needed for setting date for bond election on the street paving project. ..... Voting Aye: '" Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None There being no further business to come ,before the Com- mission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meet- ing was declared adjourned. 4'/~~ Mayor ATTEST: Cit~i?~ 'F'~'~~~I~:"l _ ru .,="",,==~,o""'=~===.t_ 1 (-"'----------------- I ~2U I 1 I I i Minutes of Regular Meeting March 11, 1946 l , I The City COIDnlission convened in regular session on Monday, March 11, 1946 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, Lee and the City Secretary. -,_/' Minutes of the meeting of Fehruary 25 were read and'ap- proved. :Mr. Herndon residing at 5612 Buf'fala Speedway requested the City CamIlli ssion to remit penalty and int erest on delinquent taxes for year 1945 for the reason that he did not receive a tax statement. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion. Motion by Comrnissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, adopting Ordinance No. 308 am.ending Ordinance No. 111 providing for the establishment of' a retail business district on Bellaire Boulevard. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: ffAN ORDINANCE AWiEI'IDING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF 1JVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, COJliThtl01\J'LY KN01v.N AND DESIG- NATED AS THE nZONING ORDlNANCEtf BY .A1YIENDING SECTION 29 THE..LtEOF BY. ADDING A 1TEW SUB-PARAGRAPH TO BE KNOWN AS ff4u ESTABLISHING A RETAIL BUSlh~SS DISTRICT IN A SPECIFIC PA."RT OF THE NINTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT AND A PART OF THE EIGHTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE E~'.B'J!.;CT AND BE IN FORCE Il\1iMEDTA,TELY FR01\[ .AND AFTER IT'S PASSAGE A1\TD AP- PROVAL.1t Motion by COLTInissioner Hancock seconded by COIT~issioner Dunnington, authorizing the City Engineer and the Planning Board to negotiate for right of way for relocation of Wesleyan Street through property owned by H. R. Houck and report the results, of such ne gotiations to the City Commission. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None '\ ,.,...,. -=f'.l r - _ 1 I - - - - _______~_-_____c ~~'~: ( ! Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin granting E. O. Rulon, City Inspector, a Master Electricians License at no cost as recommended by the electrical examining board. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None , Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by COIDnlissioner Hancock adopting an ordinance authorizing the issuance or $10,000 in Sanitary Sewer Warrants, Series 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COffilllissioners Du~~ington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: {fAN ORDINANCE AUTHORI ZING THE ISSUANCE OF $10,600 SANITARY SE1t\fER WllRRANTS; PRESCRIBING THE TERlVIS AND CONDITIONS THERE- OF; LEVYING TAXES FOR T:EIE: PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL A1\ll) INTEREST IJiliEREON; A11D DECLlh1iING AN EMERGENCY." Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, adopting an ordinance fixing the sewer service charge at 75 cents per month. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Vot ing Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: t1AN ORDINANCE ASS:ti:SSING M1D LEVYING A CIiI\RGE FOR EACH CON- NECTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITH THE Sli:NITARY SEVffiRS OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE RE PE..t\ LED ; PROVIDING IF AJ\1Y SECTION OR PART OF THIS ORDINANCE BE DECI"ARED ID.1CON- STITUTIONAL OR I1\1'VALID, IT SHALL NOT AFFECT OTBER PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE ON AND AFTER ~MRCH 11, A. D. 1946." The IDa tter of securing a release from Superintendent JIarris and Water Operator A. P. Robo releasing the City from liability as a result of injuries sustained by these men in 1945 was dis- cussed. The City Secretary was instructed to have these men ap- pear before the Commission in person on Friday, March 15. ~'---l=.,,,,,,,-.=.:..==!="r='''''='-:''t r~"~~~~"'o'~~""C~~"O'7"l [' 222, The COmfnission recessed to reconvene on Friday, March 15, 1946 at 7: 30 P. M. - - - - - - - - - - - / The City Commission reconvened at 7:30 P. M. on Friday, March 15, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Hancock, Martin, Lee and the City Secretary. Commissioner Dunnington was absent due to illness. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, authorizing an increase in the salary of the CbJ.ef of Police to $250.00 per month retroactive to September 1, 1945. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voti ng Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Cow~issioner Lee, authorizing payment of $200.00 toE. O. Rulon, City In- spector, for extra services performed in the Summer of 1945 during the absence of Superintendent Harris and Water Operator Robb. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cow~issioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, adopting resolution authorizing the sale of $100,000.00 in government bonds representing sanitary sewer bond funds which are now needed to meet the cost of construction of the sewage disposal plant. .~.. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissio ners Hancock, MartIn and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: /' I1WHEREAS, the C/ity of West University Place, Texas, is in the process of constructing a sewage treatment plant, and \ !tWHEREAS, within the immediate future there will be due the contractor certain sums of money as payment on the cost of construction, and 1'::'1" ,_, ,-....L._ ,~ ~-~----._.- --- _...r.... t ZZj frWlIEREA.S, most of the City's assets appropriated for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of said plant are now invested in government bonds, and 1I)'ffiER}i~AS, the City Commission desires these bonds con- verted into cash and the said cash be deposited in the City National Bahk, Houston, Texas, ftNOV{, THEREFORE, BE 1'1 RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West, University Place, Texas, in session on this 15 day of March, A. D. 1946, that the-City Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and directed to sell United states Treasury 7/8 percent Certificate of Indebtedness, Series E-1946, dated June 1, 1945 due June 1, 1946, Number 1116 in the par value amount of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars and deposit the proceeds of, the said sale of the said bond in the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, in the fund designated as liSanitary Sewer Improvement Fundtf, said fund to be used in obligations incurred in the construction of the sewage treat- ment plant. npASSED this 15 day of Marcp., A. D. 1946. (Si A. L. Kerbow . . R ATTEST: (Signed) R. B. Allen cr.tTS: S"E1JRET"Am In accordance with instructions issued at previous meet- ing Messrs. Harris and Robb met with the Commission and discussed their respective cases relative to furnishing the city with re- leases. No action was taken by the City Commission. The Commission studied and discussed the revised budget for the current fiscal year as presented by the City Treasurer, and upon reaching an agreement with respect to same, instructed the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance providing for the adoption of a revised budget at the next regular meeting of the Commission. .-.~==l~ ., r- - -,-.oo==c.== - '-__1______ ______ , ]~.-n--- __, ~L:4 I I I I I I , I I i I I I I i I I I 6_ ~.;.-r~ There being no further business, to come before the Com- mission, upon motion duly' made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATT~ST: ~~ ITY SECRETARY OL~ :MAYOR 1 " 'C:"":',:':e:~I__~"C e":'T , __ _ _______f -, ""---"~~'-:::::C""', L --r-' 1< I i _J .~\ '(I:;' '. . I~~' 'j'.. ,. "'. " . - ~_.- " Q I'" ,.t " " II :;. 1; :.1\ .1 ~ .. S"t. . g .- 111M ~ ~ ,~flf ' ,it .. r~,,~, ~'d:jlr Ii' ~ .. J:i tt t . ~ gll.t...~ Iii 'i,~1 :-, i ~J. 0 lli-!" ~'I' t:P ,. ~ f"" ,.t- i't' ~t "ei . S ~1~t'~I~ II' II ')1 f "Ill ,If. 'f!f.~ tar .i (Ii *; I!~ ~i Ii.... :I~ ~I If r~ ~ !: Sf!: t.. t'ft ~' 0_0" ' " ", "'",' ' Ii .it r to I .... f. ..... '4f,QI fll~J ! i.... i: .: I.ft" ..... lI, ". Ii i ..Ii :1 "iii .. ..., &J ,#. ' ,31 4f! It I: ,,'., 1= /,- ", 'II IL,. ,{ ie' '. · ',.', . / :t:"1 I' ~.~I if Ji I ........ ~ ~ .. : ,p."i-.- .t" ,r... '!J'f)'12 lj,~~r 1-" " , ' l ~ , i f: ~ ~ l!J i Minutes of Special Meeting April 1, 1946 ' The City Commission convened in special session on Monday, April 1, 1946, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. ' Members present were~ayorKerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, . Martin, Lee and.....the City Secretary. I r A recommendation of the City Planning Board regarding the amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the conf3truction of a church on Lot 2, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the public hearing be held upon recommendation at 7:30 P. M. on Mo~day, May 13, 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lee seconded by Commissioner Martin that the public hearing be held on the recommendation of the City Planning Board to amend zoning ordinance so as to permit the con- struction of duplexes and four-way apartments on certain lots sit- uated in the 2600 block of Albans Road at 7:30 P. M. on Monday, May <. 13, 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by CommI@sioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, adopting a resolution calling an election to submit to the electors bond issues in the total amount of $390,000 and fixing the date of such election as Saturday, May 11, 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock ,Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: "A RESOLUTION CALI.ING AN EIECTION FOR THE PORPOSE OF SUB- MITTING THE PROPOSITIONS OF THE ISSUANCE OF $210,000 STREET PAVING BOl'.1)Sl $80,000 .STORlVI SEWER, BRIDGE AND DRAINAGE STRUC- TURE BONDS, ';ui.50,000 PUBLIC PARK BOl\IDS, $10,000 FIRE FIGHTIKG EQUIPMENT ,BONDS BY THE CITY OF WEST U11IVERSITY PLACE AND THE LEVYI1iG OF TAXES IN PAYMENT THEREOF AJ\1D THE FURTHER PROPOSI- TION OF THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 MUNICIPAL S"l,fim~n;rG POOL REVE- NUE BONDS " -::;,-", U,."'::., ;1 " I ' ,1 - \ r -. '11 _~ "''''~~~~~-;''~V~~~'':';;~~~~E~~~~"te= ",~_~~~~~~:i:t<~~~,,~~;:\'~;,"~~~:'-~~-~_. :r.~'.~ ~.~ ,-_< ,. 1- =_c-,,_ ~.. -1- "........ ~ --'----~ . -..,- --:-=-= =- - i ." ; ~ j " ",3 [" , I- I I [ ( I i I I f I iJ".r , ::.! j ;: \1 t~ .~. t t \ \ I t , - :}f, \. I ,;Q,~~ . . ~ ;: . THE STATE OF TEXAS I . . COUNTY OF HARRIS I ;tile. Gi'~y' i....~o:T;f'i.:Ls,siD n o:r i~he :J it:,' Q:C .i'58 t T~~l.~i":./\ :{,. ?;~~ t..:,:' ~. J~..::~ G!:), Texas, met in called session at the City Hall within said eity- on ,,,. \I 1"-'-~~~'-'- "t ~[ . ,,-, - -. -- ----====:: 1 r~ . - -- . II Ii I 1 -~ ,.".,..,~,~:~ '.:..'I~ , ::'1 ~J9J9;' ~---,.j-. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coro~ission of the City of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That an election shall be held in and throughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 11 day of May, 1946, at which election the following propositions shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors who own taxable property within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: Pij9 POSIT 10 N NO . ONE SHALL THE CITY CUMMISSIONOF THE CITY OF '1VEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BOl\IDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT. OF $210,000 MATURING SERIALLY VITTHIN T7lENTY YEARS FROM THE:IR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING . IN'f.tt.:REST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3!1, PER AN1\IID.[, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS AIID BRIDGES WITHIN SAID CITY AI\1D TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAY~BLE PROPERTY1fJITHIN SAID CITY SUFFIOIENT TO PAY THE A1TJ\1'{JAL IJ\1TEREST ON SAID EO NDS AND PROVIDE A SI11KING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT N~TURlfi. ~O~O~lTION NO. ~9 SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST. UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE B01TDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOU!-J'T OF $80,000, MATURING SERIALLY YITTHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTER- EST .AT A RATE NOT, TO EXCEED 3!1, PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWERS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN At-ill FOR SAID CITY .AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL IJ\1TEREST ON SAID BOJ\TDS AND PROVIDE A SINKIl'-TG :FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL TI:IEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. THREE ( SHALL TflE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIJ-l.CE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BORms OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, MATURING SERI.ALLY WITHIN THIRTY YElkttS FROM THEIR DA'T.'E OR DATES, AI\TD BEARING II\1TEREST AT l[ RATE J\TOT rro EXCEED 3~1, PER ANNUM, FOR THE roRPOSE OF ACQUIRING LAND A!\m IMPROV~NG SAME AS A PUBLIO PARK FOR SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON AL"L TAXABLE PROPER'fi WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BORms A11) PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT IJ.!ATURITY . PROPOSITION NO. FOUR SHALL THE OITY comnSSION OF THE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS l BE AUTffORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID .-""'""-"==.'I~~_:_:__'::"_-- 1::": _ ~ . _. .~. _..;-~--,-"'=~'~_ 1_~_______ 230' CITY IN THE AMOU1\lT OF $10,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITH- 11\1 THIRTY YEih"EtS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTER:GST AT fA RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3-!z1o PER ANNOM, roR ' lflHE roRPOSE OFJ?URCHASING FIRE FIGHTING EQ,UIPMEN.P FOR THE CITY FIRE DEPARTfuIE:t;rT AND TO LEVY TAXES 0 N TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIEt.1T TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FO"11D TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY . \ ' ~O~O~T~TON ~o w~ SFJ.!.J,L THE CITY COJYJMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIV.ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE RE~1\m.E BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE A1v1OUNT OF $40,000 MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY YEARS HROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, THE Iv.r.AXIMtJM 1M TURITY DATE BEING NOT LATER ;mAN DECEMBER 31, 1976, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED3~loPER A1\lNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING A :MUNICIPAL SvVIMMING POOL FOR SAID CITY, SAID BONDS TO BE SECURED IN THE M.4NNER PROVIDED BY ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED f. CIVIL STA'tES OF TEXAS, 1925, AS AMENDED, BY A PLEDGE OF THE 1'JET REVENUES FROM SA ID , SiJIDIfMING POOL AND, AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY COl~lISSION, TO BE FURTHER SE- CURED BY A MORTGAGE OI~ 11'Hl:: PROPERTIES OF SAID SWIMMIJ\1G POOL A11D A PLEDGE OF A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE SAID STfffi[- MING POOL FOR A TEJi:M OF NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY YEARS IN THE EVENT FORECLOSITRE IS l\TECESSARY, EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL 1\TEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DE.M.t.4.ND PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF .Al\lY FUNDS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION. I , I I i Section 2: That said election shall be held at the following places within the two regularly established voting precincts within the city, to-wit: t~ At the Community Hall at the corner of Rice Blvd. and Auden Street, in County Voting Precinct No. 133; At the office of the West University Place Building & Realty Company, 3202 University Blvd., in County Vot- ing Precinct No. 87. Section 3: That the following persons are hereby a~pointed presiding judges to conduct said election, to-wit: At the Community Hall: Harry F. Dawson Presiding Judge " At the West University Place Building & R~a~tyCompany: F. A. Huwieler Presiding Judge ~ . r':--r-'-' -~'~"'-TJ~'C""'-~'~"~"r- -....:..._r.-'''=-'=-c.o,'~,o=~~o"O-:='-'''':':~,__,:::::::_ ""':1.__________.___ ___ -:-:-~'~ Z31 election precincts, and at the City Hall, ~dthin said city, and by publication on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published within said ci ty; the date ofc- the first publication and the date of the post- ing to be not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. PASSED .A1\1J) APPROVED this 1st day 01' ~pril, 1946. (Signed) A. L. Kerbo~' Mayor, City of West University , Place, Texas ATTEST: (Signed) R. B. Allen City Secretary ( Seal) Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the specifications for concrete street paving to be installed provided the bond issues carry, shall include rein- forcing steel and that the type of pavement laid shall be rein- forced concrete. Voting Aye: Mayor Ke.t'bow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by CODlDlissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Lee adopting an ordinance calling an election on Ordinances No. 300 and 301 and fixing the date of the election on Saturday, May 11, 1946. '~ Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: flAN ORDINANCE ORDERING A R"H:FERE~TDUM ON o RDI NAI\1CES 300 .AND 301 IN THE CITY O;F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. U Motion by Commissioner Martin, secbnded by Commissioner Hancock, that the City Treasurer be authorized to take bids on the installation of improved lighting fixtures for the City Hall, and to submit the same to the City Commission for consideration. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None /"'"' , _r~r -,' - i 1 r -- I 6:J6 Section 4: That the ballots to be used in said election shall read substantially as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION NO. ONE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $210,000 STREET AND BRIDGE Borms AGAINST THE IS SUANCE OF $210,000 STREE'r A~ID BRIDGE BONDS PROPOSITION NO. TWO FOR TEE ISSUANCE OF $80,000 STORM S~'-ER A~m DRAINAGE ST,RUCTURE BONDS AGAINST T:[IE ISSUANCE OF $80,000 STORM SE1NER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE BOJ\IDS , , _I, PRO poSIT! ON NO.' THREE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF i50,oqo PUBLIC PARK BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $$0,000 PUBLIC PARK BO l\m3 PROPOSITION NO. FOUR FOR TrlE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPI\lfENT BONDS AdAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS PRO POSITION NO. FIVE FOR 'THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 SW'IMMING POOL REVENUE BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 SW'II\1!MING POOL REVElmE BONDS. and each voter shall strike out one of the foregoing expressions on each proposition, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on such proposition. Section 5: That only duly qualified resident electors who own taxable property within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be permitted to vote, and the manner of holding said election and making returns thereof shall be governed by the prOVisions of the City Charter of said city as modified by the laws of the State of Texas relating to elections. Section 61 That notice of said election shall be given by post- ing a substantial copy of this resolution at each of the two "\ rF'~~~c~~rT " ~~~~~il fC- i- G::S~ Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commis'sioner Lee appointing Carl Smith, W. P. Haxthausen and A. P. Boesch to constitute the Board of Equalization for the calendar year 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor, Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanco ck, 'Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Martin approving the rules, regula tions and policies outlined by the Chief of the Fire Department for the operation of' the said department. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and 'Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee authorizing the City Secretary to place an order with the Seagrave Corporation for a new engine for the Seagrave Fire Truck. VotiJmg Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: aK~ Mayor Ciat?~ ", ;"P-~~T"~O'"""~~'i"l r- -"""S'""'"=~'~'''l r' ~j~ Minutes of Regular Meeting April 8, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, April 8, 1946, at the City Hall at 7: 30 P. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow pr~siding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, Lee and the City Secretary. :M.inutes of the meetings of March 11, March 1.5, and April 1 were read and approved. The City Engineer presented a proposal for the installation of street marker posts which was referred back for further investi- gatin~and report. \.,......./:.. At the request of Mr. Brown representing the Givic Clbub, the City Engineer was instructed to prepare an estimate on .the cost of constructing a foot bridge over the drainage ditch at Tangley street. Tfre City Engineer was instructed to prepare and present to the Commission a proposal covering the ventilation of the City Hall and offices. Motion by Commissioner Hancock seconded by Commissioner Lee, that the City Co.m.ro.ission assign the various departments of the city to members of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that the departments be assigned by mutual agreement as follows: Com. Dunni-ngton Com. Hancock Com. Martin Com. Lee Mayor Kerbow - Water and Sewer Departments - Fire, Personnel am Health - street, Bridge, Garbage and Park - Tax - Fip.ance, Police, Inspection and .Legal Voting .Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Haneo ck, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Attorney with reference to a matter referred on previous occasion concerning remission of penalties.and interest on delinquent taxes due the City by Mr. Hernden of Buffalo. Speedway, stated that it would be illegal for the City to remit any penalties in this instance. : ,":_RL;~iitis(::ii:t,~_:-;~. r 1 ~i-l .- [' 2.35 A proposed relocation of Wesleyan Street at Bellaire Boule- vard was discussed and the City Attorney was requested to render an opinion to the City Commissaon with respect to the disposal of land lying in Wesleyan Street at its present location in case the street were closed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commis- sioner Hancock that Superintendent Harris and Water Operator A. P. Robb be dropped from the city payroll until such time as they sign a release releasing the city from liability in connection with injuries sustained by these men in view of the fact that the City has carried them on the payroll continuously from date of injury and paid all expenses in connection with treatment of said injuries. This motion was withdrawn and the matter referred to Com- missioner Dunnington for report at the next regular meeting. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington adopting resolution authorizing the delivery of ten warrants styled "'Sanitary Sewer Improvement Warrants, Series 1946n to John G. Holland, Contractor. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: tfA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIJ\U THE DELIVERY OF $10,000 SA~"'IT ARY SEWER WARRA~1TS. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted an ordinance on the 11th day of March, 1946, authorizing the issuance of $10,000 Sani~ tary Sewer Warrants to evidence the city's indebtedness for a por- tion of the cost of the construction of improvements, additions and extensions to the sanitary sewer system of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, John G. Holland is the contractor constructing said improvements, additions and extensions to the city's sanitary sewer system and has presented his Estimate No. 2 showing that materials and labor have been furnished and work has been done to the amount of $35,464.78 under his contract with the city for the construction of said improvements, additions and extensions and said estimate has been approved by Garrett Engineering Company, engineers for the city on said project and the said John G. Holland has in all things complied with the terms of said contract and the City of West Univer- sity Place has received the full benefits of the material, labor and work covered by said Estimate No. 2 to the extent of the claim based thereon and no person, firm, corporation, or trust estate has given notice in writing, or otherwise, to said city, or to any of- ficial thereof, of any liens for material, apparatus, fixtures, 1 ''':,!:~.,,,-,,-=,,,-=.-r='---='-'"''F"==<='<-==:~i 1 r-==--='"''''-=-=---====''' r 1 ('''------- l,.::iO machinery or labor furnished to said contractor as provided by Chapter 17, Acts of 19'25 (Arti cle 5472-a, Vernon's Texas Civil statutes) or any other law; and WHEREAS, the City of West University Place does not hold a claim of any kind or character against the said John G. Holland which might be properly charged or interposed as an off- set or counterclaim to the payment of the aforesaid claim based on Estimate NO.2; and VmEREAS, the city's contract with the said John G. Holland provides that 90~ of all approved estimates shall be paid as the work progresses and the remaining 10~ wi thheld until the contract is completed: " i -~-_/-. . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission or the Ci ty of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That the aforesaid claim and account of John G. Holland in the amount or $35,464.78, based on Estimate No.2, be, and the same is, hereby approved and allowed, and the City of West Univer- sity Place hereby acknowledges receipt of the benefits of its contract, with the said John G: Holland for the construction o:t im- provements, additions and extensions to the city's sanitary sewer system to the extent of said claim and account. Section 2. That, in accordance with said contract and the ordin- ance, authorizing the issuance of $10,000 Sanitary Sewer Warrants, Series 1946, adopted on the 11th day of MarCh, 1946, there shall be executed and delivered to the said John G. Holland, or his order, the $10,000 City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Warrants, dated March 15, 1946, bearing2~ interest per annum, in the denom- ination of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 10, both inclusive, and maturing $1,000 on December 15th in each of the years 194f} through 1956, both inClusive, and that the city's obligation to the said John G. Holland under the terms of said construction contract be credited with the SUm of $10,000. Section : That the said John G. Holland be paid the sum of 21,918.30 out of construction fund on hand for said purpose and that said sum of $3,546.48, representing 10~ of said Estimate No. 2, be vdthheld until said contract has been fully completed. PASSED and APPROVED this 1st day of April, 1946. (Sip:ned) A. L. Kerbow Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: (Oi~ned) R. B. All~ll City Secretary (Seal) A letter was read to the Commission from Fire Marshall -~>::'(~~,-:." I ["4 -- -.- 1 -. -~._--- n ~ f' 1'"1 -,---'-' - ,,------,---,,----- ---, , 237 E. o. Rulon requesting the Cit~ to appoint W. F. Semmelrogge, Fire Chief', to serve also as F~re Marshall. The matter was de- layed over to the next meeting. Motion by Commissioner Lee, seoonded by Commissioner Martin, autllOrizing employment of C\aptain Guy Walters to be in oharge of the new sewage disposal plant based on reoommendation of the City Engineer and subjeot to the approval of Coramissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanoook, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None There being no further business to oome before the Com- mission, upon motion duly made, seoonded and carried, the meeting WaS declared adjourned. a~~ Ma yor ATTEST: c~/h~ I I I 23,8 I It , I I II II . I [I '..1-' . -'1 " r~Y~~~~ro~~~~-~~-~::cr ___,_ _~L' . - - -~. ____:..:::-=:L__________._ --------- _I J')~,O~~ ~~~_ ~f Ii Minutes of Regular Meeting April 22, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, April 22, 1946, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary. Minutes ot the meeting ot April 8 were read and approved. The matter ot providing space for o1~ice tor Police Department, necessitated by removal ot present office by owner, was discussed and ref'erred to a committee composed of the Mayor, Commissioner Hancock, Chief of Police Smith and the City.Engineer. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the matter of securing release from Superintendent Harris and Water Operator Robb be referred to the City Attorney for an opinion on the legal status of the case and o~her aspects, said opinion to be furnished the City Commission at the next regular meeting. Voting Aye: 'Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock" Marti n and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lee seconded by Commissioner Hancock, instructing the City Attorney to write letters to Messrs. Robb and Harris enclosing releases and requesting the same be executed on or betore the next meeting, and in the absence of execution, to make statement as to reason of refusal. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Engineer reported to the Commission on negotiations to install concrete street markers and the matter was referred to Com- missioner Martin for study. The City Attorney rendered an opinion to the effect that should the City close a street that the property lying within the street would revert to the immediate adjoining property owners. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, authorizing payments of claims for time worked by firemen relieving each other in cases of sickness and for other reasons, in the amount of $26.32 to J. D. Alstott and $39.48 to G. E.' King, said claims T --- ,--- ,1 r- '.~~=~=~- :1' \240 I i f \ I I I I t i I i I i i I i t i I I I I I I I I I I i I I i I I i I I I l I { I I If i i i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i ! I I i Il - " ~ to be approved by the Treasurer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee V ot ing Noe: None I': ( J.. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, appointing W. F. Semmelrogge Fire Marshall with expenses of $10.00 per month effective with the month of May. , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The matter of providing back-stop or fence on school grounds at the corner of AUden and University Boulevard was referred to Commissioner Hancock and Chief of Police Smith. A proposal of Whitney Reader to furnish auditing service for, the City was discussed and referred to Mayor Kerbow for recommend- ation. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, adopting an ordinance requiring the building of sidewalks with all new construction. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, and Lee V oti ng Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING SIDEWALKS TO BE BUrnT; PROVIDIID FOR SPECIFICATIONS; PROVIDING THAT NO PREMISES MAY BE RE- LEASED FOR OCCUPANCY WITHotTT SIDEWALKS, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THE REWI THtJ . MO,ti on by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, adopting an ordinance requiring plumbers to apply and pay for water connection with all permits on plumbing on new con- structio n. . Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None \ The, caption of this ordinance is asfoliows: "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING WATER CONNECTION TO BE SEOUREDWITH PLUMBING PERMITS FOR NEW DWELLINGS, AND PROVIDING FORRE- PEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TBERE'1ITTH." ,"'.o.~I~f'=="!"H'~ 241 Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, adopting a re'solution calling an election f'or the issuance of pavihgand other bonds. Voting .Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION CAllING AN ELECTION FOR THE RJRPOSE OF SUBMITTING THE PROPOSITIONS OF THE ISSUANCE OF #230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUC'rtTRE BONDS, $50,000 PITBLIC PARK BONDS, $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Am THE LEVYING OF T.AXf:!:S IN PAY- 1TI!.:1\1T THEREOF AND THE FURTHER PROPOSITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL REVENt:JE BO lIDS. BE 1'l' RESOLVED by the City Commission of' the City of West University Place, Texas: Section l: That an election shall be held in and throughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 11th day of May, 1946, at which election the following proposition$ shall be submitted to the resident qualified electors(who own taxable property within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation,) for, their action thereupon: PROPOSITION ~TO. O~ SHAIL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY , PUCE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE .AMOUm OF $230,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING nTTER- EST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3-k1o PER A..l'qNUM, :!roR THE PITRPOSE OF 'mE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE STREETS AND BRIDGES WITHIN SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERfi WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY mE ANNUAL INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING ]uND TO PAY TIlE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. 'PRO'Po~TrpJ:n~T NO T TWO SHALL TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF \VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE:I.4.S, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, .AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3-k1o PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- SIfRtJCTING STORM SEWERS AND DRAINAGE STRUC'lURES IN AND FOR SAID CITY MID TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY.THE .ANl\1UAL INrEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING WND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. L::=:~_~_~_=:::~E::~:-.::~:~::~::~.: 1 ___ _ _ ~r:::~-:-~~':-:::-.-: _ -~__ ~_ :::--::::______-=___:1____ -' 242 PROFOSITION NO THREE SHAI.L THE CITY COMM1SSION, OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOU~"'T -OF $.50,600, tUTORING SERI.AIL Y WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING IN- TEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3~10 PER ANNUM, FOR TffE PUR- POSE OF ACQUIRING LAND AND IMPROVING SAME AS A PUBLIO PARK FOR SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PRO- PERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT 'ID PAY THE ANNUAL INTER- EST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY mE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. ]uUR SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF '!HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED ffO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE l\MOUNT OF $10,000, MATURING SERIAU,Y WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND -BEARING INTER- EST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3~10 PER ANNOM, FOR THE FtJRroSE OF PURCHASING FIRE FIGHTIJ\1G EQ,UIIMENT FOR THE CITY FIRE , DEPARTMENT Al\TD TO LEVY TA.XES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIEl\1T TO PAY THE ANNUAL TNTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FOND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT 1'IA TURITY . i ( ; L PROPOSITION NO. FIVE SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000, MATURING SERIALLY lVITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, THE MAXIMUM MATURITY DATE BEING NOT LATER T'HAN DECEMBER 31, 1970, AND BEARING IN- TEREST AT A RA'l~ NOT TO EXCEED 4~1. PER ANNUM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING A MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL FOR SAID CITY, SAID BONDS TO BE :SECURED IN THE MAl\1NER PROVIDED BY ARTICLES 1111 to 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, 192.5, AS A1IlENDED J BY A PLEDGE OF 'IRE N~T REVENUES FROM SAID SWIMMING POOL AND, AT TEE OPTION OF TEE CITY COMMISSION, TO BEFURT:BER SECURED BY A MORTGAGE ON THE PROPERTIES OF SAID SWllv1MING POOL AND it PLEDGE OF A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE SAID SWIJv'iMING POOL FOR A TERM OF NOT TO EXCEED T"iiENTY YEARS IN THEEVEN'f 1:mRECLOSURE IS NECESSARY, EACH BOND TO BE CONDITIONED THAT 'IRE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND PAYMENT O:E' SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY FlJOOS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAX- ATION. ! 1 , i I , Section 2: That said ~lection shall be held at the folloWing places within the two regularly established voting precincts within the city, to-wit: -I,J.e-' \ Jt!jJ:r..... r' ~~~~I~-'- ~ ~;'1 r - _n_,_~ ~-,. 1 - --.0_--1' ~- ~ 243 At the Community Hall at corner of Rice Blvd., and Auden Street, in County Voting Precinct No. 133; At the office of the West University Place BUilding & Realty Oompany, 3202 University Blvd., in County Voting Precinct No. 87. ' S06:tiien 3; That the following persons are hereby appointed presid- ing judges to conduct said election, to-wit: At the Community Hall: Harry F. Dawson Presiding Judge At the West University Place Building & Realty Company F. A.., Huwieler Presiding Judge Section 4: That the ballots to be used in said election shall read substantially as follows: OFFICIEL BAIL OT PROPOSITION :NO. ONE FOR THE ISStJANCE OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE B01.1DS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS PROPOSITION NO. TWO FOR TEE ISSUANCE, OF $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EO l\1DS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE STanC'I'lJRE BO l\1DS PROPOSITION NO. THREE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $,50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS AGAINST 'mE ISSUANCE OF $,50,000 tscrBLIC PARK BONDS PROPOSITION NO. roUR FOR TEE ISSUANCE OF $10 ,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIR!!: Fj:GHTING EQ,UIPMENT :ooms 1''''''''- "-"-r~"-O~~",1 r --..---~O~~~~~~~~~~l r' ~4ll I , I i ! i i I' I I PROPOSITION NO. FIVE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 SWIMMING POOL REVENUE BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANOE OF $40,000 SWIMM:ING POOL REVENUE BONDS ,"\ . I ! and each voter shall strike out one of the forego;i.ng expressions on each proposition, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on such proposition. \ ,:' ~ Section 5: That only duly qualified resident electors who own tax- able' property-within said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation shall be permitted to vote, and the manner of holdi1;ag said election and making returns thereof shall be governed by the provisions of the City Charter of said city as modified by the laws of the State of Texas relating to elections. Section 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a substantial copy of this resolution at each of the two election precincts, and at the City Hall, within said city, and by publication on the same day in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published within said city, the date of the first publication and the date of posting to be not less than fourteen (l4) days prior to the date set for said election. PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day of April, 1946. (Signed) A. L. KA~how Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: (Signed) R. B. Allen City Secretary Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Oommissioner Dunn- ington, authorizing payment of' bill to Troy T. Stokes, Oity Attorney, in the amount of $.500.00 for preparation of proceeds in the matter of issuance of $20,000 of Sanitary Sewer Improvement Warrants. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock and Martin Voting Noe: Commissioner Lee Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commis sioner HanCOCk, authorizing repairs to the paving on Wake forest and Nottingham. streets at a cost of $800.00. Voting Aye: Mayor Aerbow, Comndssioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Voting Noe: c-'==--=-..__.e~",,"::"'=l ., _~L u_...::c.l....____ n c- Z4_~ There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. a/~ MAYOR ATTEST: AITY SECRETARY :o-~'_._c~"=_'==":=":.:":-:":'...__: 1______ __ n_ ~'", 246 MINUTES OF PUBLIC REA.tUNG MAY 13 ~ 1946 Pursuant to an order of the City Commission on April 1, 1946, which was duly published in the official newspaper of " the City, a public heariBg was held at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. on,Monday, May 13, 1946, upon recommendat ion of the City Planning Commission, to amend Ordinance No. 111, commonly known as the"'Zoning Ordinance". , ~-) The recommendation is as follows: "Upon application 01' Mr. J. A. Kelly, the City Planning Board recommends that Zoning Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit con- . struction otduplexes on lots 11 and 12, block 2, Evanston Place, and the construction of' two :rour-way apartments on lots 13, 14 and 15, in block 2, Evanston Place. If Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, HanCOCk, Martin and Lee and the Assistant City Secretary. The \M9.yor asked .that proponents and opponents to this recommend- ation state their case. No one spoke for the recommendation. Mr. E. N. Smith, 2718 Albans Road, representing group of Evanston Addition adjoining property owners, asked that the City Commission ob- serve the restrictions that are on the lots at the present time. Be stated they were all home owners and would like for this area to be kept an area of' single family dwellings. Others speaking against changing the restrictions were ~tt. Elliot Fleoter, 2710 Albans, Mr. Spence Taylor, 2625 Sunset, Mr. W. A.Gorman, 2730 Albans, Mr. Martin Tucker, a710 Albans, Mr. Paul V. Lucas, 2725 Albans, Mr. B. T. Simmons, 2735 Albans and Mr. R. M. Colby, 273b Albans. The Mayor declared the public nearing adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: A~Etii~ '\ ". - ".._..-'...,=~:"~ ~ r~ --,.., ~.., .. ..-___:Ll~n_' t9rA"!7 .~~J MINtJTES OF P013LIC :Hf!:ARING May 13, 194b Pursuant to an order of the Ci~y Commission onApri1 1, 194b, which was duly published in the official newspaper of the City, a pUblic hearing w~s held at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. on Monday, May 13, 194b, upon recommendation of the City Planning.Commission to amend Ordinance No. Ill, commonly known as the"Zoning Ordinance." The recommendation is as follows: "That Ordinance No. 111 be amended in order to permit the con- st~uction of a church building by the Church of Christ on Lot 2, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition, a sub-division in the City of West University Place." Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the Assistant City Secretary. The Mayor announced that the recommendation relative to lift- ing the restriction would be taken up and asked for proponents and opponents to this recommendation to state their case. Mr. C. K. Money, 2300 Bartlett, spoke for the church and asked the City Commission to lirt the restrictions in order to construct the church at this location. There were no objections voiced With reference to this recom- mendati on. The business for which the public hearing was called having been concluded, it was declared adj ourned. ATTEST: bst~ ax~~~.r- MAYOR' rT'~~~"r"~"'~~:..l_______C--""'~-'- ',.-' .._,. L "l__ rr-n. ~ 248 I I I I I 1 I, I I I I l II I II i I I I , i I I MINUTES G:E' REGULAR MEETING lJt.t\Y 13, 1940 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, May 13, 194b, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the Asst. City Secretary. Minutes 01' the meeting oi' April 22 were read and approved. L Mr. Whitney Reader< ,appeared betore the Commission in re- gard to audit for the City. Mayor Kerbow recommended the appoint- ment of Mr. Reader as Auditor for the fiscal year beginning septem- ber 1, 1945. Motion by Oommissioner Martin, seconded by Comnlissioner Dunnington, that Mr. Whitney Reader be employed as Auditor for the City for the risca1 year beginnir~ September 1, 1945, in accordance with his proposal. made at the regular meeting 01' April 22, 194b. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cornrnissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Vot;ing Noe:. None City Attorney Troy T. Stokes reported on the matter of se- curing releases from Superintendent Harris and Water Operator Robb, stating that N~. Harris had informed him that he was still under the care of Dr. S. I. Johnson and is not in a position at the present time to sign release. Mr. Stokes read a letter from Mr. Robb in which Mr. Robb stated that he was not in position at the present time to sign release. Commissioner Lee stated that he thought Mr. Robb had had plenty of time to consider and that a release should be given the City. and Commissioner Lee Commissioner Hancock/stated that "We firmly believe that our putting Mr. Harris and Mr. Robb back to work without first obtaining a release was a gross violation of the better principles of business, and we furthermore maintain that keeping the above mentioned men on ' the payroll without receiving releases from them is continued violation of the principles of good business. If Signed Commissioner Wayland Hancock and Ralph B. Lee Motion by Commissioner :Le,e':,se,c6i.nd:ed''byi C'ommtsSf&fit3r:'Ha'nc'o;ck, th"aiLno tsa~y. Bbe: ~.1iaid: 13l1lTerintend'ent Harris or Water Operator Robb until release has been secured from each one. ,j i \ Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington to table the motion. Voting on motion to table: 249 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington and Martin Voting Noe: Commissioners Hancock and. Lee Commissioner Hancock presented a letter from Mr. E. A. Moreno, Personnel Director, regarding increases in salaries of clerical workers in the employ of the City. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin to refer Mr. Moreno's letter to the City Treasurer for recomend- ation as to how funds can be secured to meet these increases and in his recommendation to include a $25.00 raise for the Assistant City Secre- tary. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The matter of canvassing the vote for the election of May 11, 1946, was postponed. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner . Lee that all men working in the Water Deplrtment must furnish the Super- intendent with a Health Certificate under the State Health L~ws. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee ' Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, that the matter of extending Wakeforest Street at the end of the 6600 block through to Bellaire Boulevard be referred to the City Attorney for investigation and possible condemnation proceedings. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow', Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Mr. I. Q. Muller, Chairman of the Planning Board, appeared before the Commission on the relocation ot Wesleyan Street, stating that right-ot-way of 80 :x: 370 feet can be secured at a price of $2.500.00 at this time from Mr. H. R. Houck. This was referred to Commissioner Martin for investigation. (' Mayor Kerbow recommended the employment of Mr.. Shelly Blewster as contact man to get the property owners signed up for their share of the paving on streets where paving is to be done in accordance with the Bond Issue. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, that Mr. Shelly Blewster be employed to contact property owners on the four streets to be paved and get their signatures obligating them to pay their part of the paving at a salary of $250.00 per month with a car allowance of $25.00, per month, for a three month period. l~ C.~ ~. _ -:'. _ L~__~___ __r~----~--' -r--I- 250 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, lllIartin and Lee Voting Noe: None Mr. E. A. Moreno, Chairman of the Personnel Board, made a recormnendation that the escalator plan be removed from the rules and regulations in future. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Mar- tin, that the escalator plan be abandoned.' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, instructing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amend- ing Ordinance No. Ill, commonly known as the "Zoning OrdinanceVto permit construction of a church on Lot 2, Block 91, West University Place Second Addition. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Commissioner Lee requested City Attorney Troy T. Stokes to make a report on the status of the delinquent taxes. The Comruission'recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. - .- - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened in regular session on Friday, May 17, 1946, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commdssioner Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the Assistant City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunning- ton, adopting a resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the r~- suIts of the Bond Election held in the' City of West University Place, Texas, on May 11, 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanco ck, 'Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION CA~WASSI11G RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF TEE BOND ELECTION HELD IN TEE CITY OF WEST U1\TIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, , ON MAY 11, 1946. it'lHEREAS, there was held in the C1 ty of West University Place, Texas, on May 11, 1946, an election at which was submitted to the duly qualified resident electors of said city who own taxable property with- in said city and who have duly rendered the same for taxation the following propositions: , r~- ~~-'~"~" '"---~--~r r ~[ __T___ __ __ ~~- ""251 BEARING Ih1TEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 4~10 PER A},TJ:,.ilJM,FOR TEE PURPOSE OF BUILDIl\TG A MUNICIPAL SWIMlv.IING POOL FOR SAID CITY, SAID BONDS TO BE SEC1JRED IN TEE MANNER PROVIDED BY ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, 192.5, AS AMENDED, BY A PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES FROM SAID Bm'lMING POOL AND, .AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY COII/1MISSION, TO BE FURTHER SECURED BY A MORTGAGE ON THE PROPERTIES OF SAID SlNIMMING POOL AND A PLEDGE OF A FltA.NCHISE TO OPERATE SAID STNINlMING POOL FOR A T'ERM OF NOT TO EXCEED .TWE1JTI YEARS IN THE EVE1"'T FORECLOSURE IS NECESSARY ,EACH BOND TO BE CO~IDITIO}\1ED THAT THE HOLDER THEREOF SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO nIDJIA11D PADJJENT OF SAID OBLIGATION OUT OF ANY :roNDS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION: . and WHEREAS, there were case at said election 1.547 votes, of which there were case: PR0POSITION NO. ONE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF (For or Against) ~230, 000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS 12,?.4 votes 224 votes 1030 votes (" PROPOSITION NO. TWO FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEWER Af\1D DRAINAGE STRUC TITRE BO:NDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEW:$R AND DRAIl'1AGE STffiJCTURE BOI\1DS W~JQRITY FOR THE ISSUANCE,~F $60,000 STORM SEVf.ER AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE B01\.1J)S PROPOSITION NO. THREE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $.50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $.50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS N.AJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $.50,000 PUBLIC P.ARKBO:NDS 1271 votes 204 votes 1067 votes 1114 votes 371 votes 743 votes i I I I i I n __ ='-.1 ,~.l= -4Q~ PROPOSITION NO. orm SHALL THE CITY C mmVIISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOU11I' OF $230,000, NlATITRING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY YEARS FROM TtlEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3~10 PER A~1:-ru.r.1t, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVE1\lJENT OF THE STREETS AND BRIDGES WITHIN SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFIC1IT.ENT TO PAY THE M1NUAL Il\1TERI5ST ON SAID BONDS AND PROVI!)E A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRIN- CIPAIJ THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. TW'O ,~ SIDtLL TEm CITY CO~~~ISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, Tl~XAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000, MATURING SERIALI,Y WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INT1J:REST ATA R.A TE NOT TO EXCEED 3~10 PER ANN01\ii, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STORM SE\AlERS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN A1\ID FOR SAID CITY A1\1]) TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE , PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANJ\~.AL INTEREST ON SAID BOl\TDS AIID PROVIDE A SINKING mnm TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT ThLA TURITY . PROPOSITION NO. THREE SHALL THE CITY COIv'IT'.1ISSION OF THE CITY OF '!lEST UNIVERSITY PLLiCE, TEXAS. BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOU~"JT OF ~50,000, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY Y.~ARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, A1i'D BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3!10 PER AI'Th.1UM, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING LAND AND IMPROVING SMilE AS A PUBLIC PARK FOR SAID CITY AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE ANNUAL INTEREST ,ON SAID BONDS A11D PROVIDE A SINKING FIT11]) TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF Nr l,tlATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. FOUR SHALL THE CITY CO:M.MISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE B01IDS OF SAID CITY IN THE J.J~OUNT OF $10;000, . MATURINU1- SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM TEEIR DATE OR DATES, AND BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 3~10 PER ANNUM, FOR THE PUR- POSE OF PURCHASING FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY FIRE DEPART- 1\1J:E1J"T AND TO LEVY TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY VITTHIN SAID CITY SUFFI- CIE1i'T TO PAY THE Al\11\1UAL INTEREST ON SAID B01.lDS AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MATURITY. PROPOSITION NO. FIVE SHALL THE CITY cm,1IT\ITSSION OF THE CITY OF V/EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE REVENUE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN rrm-AMOUNT OF $40,000, MA'IURING SERIALLY WITHIN THIRTY YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES, TEE llIAXIMtThtI MATURITY DATE BEING NOT LATER THAN DECEMBER 31, 1976, AND Y=:'::.:~~:=r:::'_=::'~I.~r~____ r ""'. , ,>. .~f . ; . " ' [", -, . l t t f f' I I I f I , , .' I 1 I f I t I I t I I t I I I i I I " r- t ~n, BE~RING IJ\TTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED 4i1. -PER ANNOlyI, FOR TEE, PITRl?OSE OF BUILDING A 1WNICIPAL S\VI:MMING POOL FOR SAID CITY, SAID BONDS TO BE SECURED IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY ARTICLES 1111 TO 1118, BOTH INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CIVIL STATUTES OF TEXAS, 192,5, AS AMENDED, BY A PLEDGE OF THE NET REVENUES FROM SAID SWIMMING POOL AND, AT THE OPTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION, TO BE FlJRTHER .~- ~) ",' . ',~ -~.~, ~,,- :>,~ 1--=-=-~Fr""- ~'=<':=_.1 ~" _ _I" """"rJ" tC"" t: ~c '-1 I i :1 J "1 J , '.~ ,:;r{.~tlil>~.".W~,"<,.~!/~.:I'\~ ;r.:~.~,.~~,~~ .~ '':~~~~~Mr:'';~~~'l;(~Mr~~'~~r~;l.7-.',>rh''r, ....:r-..,'\'''''(~'~r(-'.t'"~:.'~ ~'. ,.~, '1," .1'<~'~",~ "'~!I'?""'~I'1'.~*t:.4i1\b~W.l:bl:,..-t,i'" I ~;'f::;,-r --.. ~~. . I.i . .., ;J" . ,.~, . .: .i~~~i~':f.C:';";f,i;-~::r~~i\'~dt~"f\~.~~l\~i.~\~~~~~!:,.~~~J~~~~1;;'~ . Zbp- PROPOSI'I'IO N NO. FOUR FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BO~1DS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING-EQ,UIPMENT BONDS MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIP.MENT BONDS PROPOSITIO N NO. FIVE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 mVll~~ING POOL REVEm BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 SWIMIVIING POOL REVE1\lUE BONDS 1140 votes 144 votes 996 votes 1083 votes 401 votes N-tAJORITY :FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000 SWIThIMING POOL REVENU~ BONDS 682 votes as shown in the official election returns heretofore submitted to this City Commission and filed with the City Secretary; therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of tneCity of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That said election was duly called and notice there- of given in accordance with law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; that said election has resulted favorably to the issuance of' the bonds described in each of' said propositions and that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election have voted in favor of the issuance of the bonds described in each of said propositions. Section 2: That the City Commission is now authorized to issue all of said bonds and to do any and all things ne cessary and con- venient in connection therewith. PASSED and APPROVED this I, day of May, 1946. ATTEST: (Si~ned) R. B. AIJ-ep. City Secretary (Si~ned 1 A. To. K'Al"nnW Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, adopting a resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the Annexation election held in the City or West University Place, Texas, on May 11, 1946. --~~---~-'---~T~~-O-----'~'T---~'~---~rl- I--~~- ""--~---'-----~="~i --r-- 256 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cow~issioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Vorin$ Noe: None The resolution is as follows~ RESOLUTION C~1\~ASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF TEE ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PL.ti.CE, TEXAS, ON 1iJAY 11, 1946.. / , . -.f I vrr~REAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on May ll_~- 1940, an election at which was submitted to the voters the following annexation ordinances. J " ORDINANCE NO. 300 AN ORDINANCE EXTE:mITNG THE CITY LIMITS OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEX- ING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND AND TERRI- TQRY, INCLUDIID IN SITCH LAND A1.1D TERRITORY THE CITY OF BELLllIRE, TEXAS; DESCRIBING THE lAND AND TERRI- TORY VmICR INCLUDES THEREIN THE CITY OF BELLAIRE, TEXAS, SO ANNEXED; AND PROVIDIl\1G WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. ORDINANCE NO. 301 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY I:.DIITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND AND TERRITORY, INCLUD- ING IN SUCH LAND.Al\1D TERRITmRY TEE C:ETY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE, TEXAS; DESCRIBIJ\TG THE LAND A~lD 'IERRITORY WHICH INCLUDES THEREIN THE CITY OF SOUmSIDE PLACE, TEXAS, SO ANNEXED; AID PROVIDING WREN THIS ORDINANCE SF..ALL BECOlm EFFECTIVE. and \~REAS, there were cast at said election 1547 votes, of which there were cast: ORDINANCE NO. 300 FOR ORDINANCE NO. 300 AGAINST ORDINANCE NO. 300 MAJORITY FOR ORDINANCE NO. 300 ORDlNA:NJE NO. 301 FOR ORDINANCE NO. 301 AGAINST ORDINANCE NO. 301 MAJORITY FOR ORDINANCE NO. 301 8,1 votes 664 votes 187 votes \ 841 vot es 619 votes 222 votes ) ---- -"-1- ~ ""11 r-- , -1 I' -,- I 25't as ,shown in the official election returns heretofore submitted to ,this City Commission and filed with the City Secretary; therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: Section I: That said election was dUly called arid held in the marmer required by law; that due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; and that a majority of the voters favored Annex- ation Ordinances Nos. 300 and 301; and said ordinances are declared passed and approved. PASSED and APPROVED this 17 day of May, 1946. ATTEST: (Signed) R. B. Allen' City Secretary (Hi .Q'nAd ) A. T._ Kerbow Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, accepting recommendation made by R. B. Allen that the City grant request for the storm sewer connection to serve Montclair Addi- tion upon condition that the City of Houston affirms its part of the agreement and assures this City that the new sewer now being con- structed on or near Kirby Drive by the City of Houston will include connections and catch basins on all intersections on the west, or West University Place side of Kirby Drive between Bissonnet and Rice. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Comndssioner Lee accepting deed to three foot strip extending from east end (dead end) of Northwestern Street out onto Auden Street, the purpose of this strip being ,to provide pedestrian way to bus line for residents on or near Northwestern, and authorizing payment of #72.00 for this strip with the City Attorney approving the deed. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, that the City Attorney draw up a contract with Ayrshire Corp- oration to furnish water and sewer in Ayrshire Place under the same terms as those entered into with Braes Heights, except that vitrified tile pipe With poured joints be installed in all sewer lines. ----r~o'~~'=i~O~~~I'T" ,~~~'~~- . I"' I ~t>~ I I I I I Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanoock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion py:;Co.mm.issioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, adopting ordinance approving budget for the fiscal year beginning J September 1, 194,. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, - Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None \- The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINA1\TCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YE1L.-q BEGIl'-J'NING SEPTEM- BER 1, 194.5 i PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBIJIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AtlD EXPENDITURES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PAcCZTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT Fi:REWITH. tI Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by COPJmissioner Martin, approving recommendation of the remaining members of the Electric Board that E. N. Saunders be removed as a member of the Electric Board for the good of the City. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Com. Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Oommissioner Han- cock, appointing Mr. Kelly Morgan, 4215 Rice Blvd., as a member of the Electric Board. - Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, instructing the City Attorney to write letters to the owner of 6426 Belmont ordering the removal of trash from the premises and that bees also be removed, in accordance with a letter from W. R. semmelrogge, Fire Mar shall. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the City Secretary write a letter to Mr. W. A. McClendon that the City Commission has authorized the purchase of approximately 2.500 feet of 211 pipe at 8, cents per foot laid in the ground in the trenches J. - .r,""""1~ .-.1 [ r~~r.~~-~~"= 1 r- !J J;;.CU w'-J';;'} north of Bissonnet under the supervision of the Water Superinten- dent. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow:; Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Cormnission recessed to reconvene at 7 P. M., Monday, May 20, 1946 . . "- ' - - - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened in regular session on Monday, May 20, 1946, at 7:15 P. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, COmmissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Han- cock, appointing Commissioner Dunnington and Superintendent Harris to take care of the damaged Lift Plant motors and make arrangements for the Lift Plants to be put 'in a condition that will prevent the reoccurrence of trouble after every heavy rain. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the ventilation of the City Hall building be turned over to a committee composed of Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Leeand Superintendent Harris. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that Change Order No.3, which includes Chlorination Unit and installation thereof in new Sewage Disposal Plant as recommended by the Engineers be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None r I , Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that a City Engineer and City Secretary be appointed immediately to assume the duties formerly taken care of by Mr. Allen, at a salary of maximum $500.00 per month. "- V oting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock and Lee Commissioners Dunnington and N~rtin '" ~~ . '!;." "~I~~n.-ln", '''r,'' 1--"- -1 ~~ 260 Commissioner Dunnington filed a statement regarding his vote as follows: "Objection - Setting Salary of City Engineer at $6,000 per annum." . it Inasm.uch as the City Treasurer has ad vised the Commission that he does not have any surplus funds to take care of any increase in salary over and above the salary paid Mr. Allen, and since the funds in the 194.5-46 budget will not take care of such; and since the City has a contract with the Garrett En- gineering Company covering supervision on all new con- struction which will be done with bond money, just recently voted by our citizens, I cannot see the feas- ibility of retaining an engineer at six thousand dollars ($b,OOO) per year to carry on wueh work as we may have. Hence1'orth, I register my Objection and ask that this be spread upon the Minutes. n (Signed) J. M. Dunnington Commissioner The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. a~J~rA~ }PlAYOR - - ____~---.__I-..:..:;-----.~~~!- ___ \'1 I [ I ~ \.........,....,:. I' I ! \- ---.-:1'. (~ I ! ,~61 .-.--:J<: ~"{'_, MINUTES OF REGULAR 11lEETI ID N1AY 27, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, May 27, 194b, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Pro-Tem Dunnington, presiding, Commissioners Hancock, Martin,. Lee and the Assistant City Secretary. _ Minutes 01' the meetings of'May 13, 17 and 20 were read and approved with the addition of statement of Commissioner Dunnington regardir~ the asking Mr. Harris and Mr. Robb to sign releases. He stated that these two men were asked to come back to work before they were able to, and if we insisted on them signing a release at this time it would be worthless as they would be signing under du- ress. Mayor Kerbow arrived at this time. Mr. Howell B. Jones, .5.512 Buffalo Speedway, representing the Coordinated Committee for Child Welfare and Guidance, appeared be- fore the Commission with reference to juvenile delinquency and its control in this area. He asked the City to finance a Supervisor at a salary of $200 per month for three months during the Summer, stating that the Houston School Board and Mr. Mills, the Business Manager for the Houston Public Schools, had agreed to the use of the school auditorium and the school grounds for this period. Mayor Kerbow appointed the fOllowing committee to work with this group and make recommendations to the CommisSion: Commission- ers Hancock, Martin and Lee. Mr. L. C. English, Chairman of the Southwestern Committee for Consolidation and Progress presented a resolution from this Com- mittee for the consideration and approval of the City Commission. This resolution is as follows: "IVHEREAS, we believe that a combination of our cities Will result in a more efficient and economical administration of our municipal af- fairs, which in turn will af'ford us many needed improvements; and ' WF~REAS, we believe that for the best interest of the area involved, long and costly litigation should, if possible, be avoided, thereby permitting the realization of our post-war improvement programs; and 'J\TflEREAS, we believe that the progress of our Southwestern section can best be accomplished by the merger of' the cities of West University Place and Bellaire, and that such may be done amiably by due consi- deration of the needs of both cities and the rights of the citizen- ship; now Therefore, the Southwestern- Committee for Consolidation; and Progress proposes ......T~'-....'.......... ~T~.~'==.I.I _~_'_ r-.<"~~~_"':'~~~~=~:=:::~LL-~----------- .I.: 1--- .262 1. To centi:mie to su.PP1.7 the C1t,. .or Bellaire an ~dequat. . amount ot _'tel', with '.8DJ' Il.O~ssarJ' engine.riDg to determ1ne needel.. . add1t10nal.11nes or. liains ot ~reased capac1ty. 'ro.oont1nue prOJD.'" ae.rvloe oonneotlou, .ttl~1eJJ.'. ._pen181on .aJJ4 .0tll8r. .actl"ltle. penlnent to 'the health a~. ._l~~e ot the .Cit,. at' . Bellaire... .' . . . . . . 2. If() : have' coD4a.o.~e4 .a. -.un.,..~ th.e .s..e~ge tac111t1e.' ei . the Oit,. ot Bellalre a8 t~e. fi~8t step toward .pplJ'1il8 proper. di.~ poaal or s"'~ag8 through' the. .n8W' dupeaaJ: ple.Jlt or ..t~ 01t7 or. .e~t . t1D!vera1t,. Plaoe, DOw at. .the .point at OQl1pletlon. . . . . . 3... ~o' aS81st. tn. e".~7 ...,.. in the oontinuat10n at 't.tu~., >>18. tor the d8'Y.l'oplll8nt .ot the 01t1 'or Bellalre, partloulaJ.-17' 'the large . paviq po~, a8. our SoutLi1l8atarn 88otion ls in.dlre need.to~' . '. W)de~n s'treets. . . Aooord1Ii8l,., .... p'opose .0 work I1aDd in haD4 with the cit1zens ot Belle,ire tA). bring about good atre..'s. sidewalks. '. . . and propu ~rainag. req,u1red b,. such a prosram. We .bel18ve 'that suoh oooperation 11'1 this South_stern Area Gan' reaul t in UDde.r- pass.s to repJ.ace sam.e .~~t1D8. sra4. oros8iDgs.. .. . . 4. To us. e",V7 et:r~rt toward seouins a centrallJ': locatea slte tor a new 01t7 B'all. 1t'poli.l1!1~e, 1n taat'..ct1oD 1DB8~1ate17 ea8t or the 01t7 or' Bellaire, !LOW ~es181Bted tor par~ .D4.reor," .:. atlonal. purposes.. . . . ,. 'lo reeommelld:.to. the .01t7 Oouncll of' 'the 011;7 of' lIea.-t UD1~. ",ers11;,. Plaoe that.a. qtia;L1tled.eDS1neer- aaa1n1st'rator be _pl0J"8d. to keep in daU,. oO.ntaet with .~e aftairs and, needs . at the eQJlb1ne4 . . ~1t1.Si and t~t his program .o~ 1IOrk shall be 4~Mloped. d1sregardins the boundarles between th~ 01 t~es of' Bella1re .and . West U D1 Y~a1 ty'. Plaoe. . '. ... \ 6. ~o urge that the:'Dame of' 'the 'o0llb1md.ar.ea be . "BeUa1r.., and to use our beat ef'fart. 1n ..curing oft101al' repreaeDta1;ion tor the 01tlzens ot Bella1re on the 01t7 Council and aU .D11l1o~pd com- . mittees or. boards. . ,. !ro advooate aDd guarantee, as tar .. possible, that .the . pro..rata share ot the taxes. of the 01 ty of BelJ.aiH aDd, ot the "terr1- torn now be1ng annexed b7 the. 01t,. of Weat 'Un1v.u81t7 Place, be re- '. .'tuned tQ the c1tlzems g.t the .01t,.' ct. Bellair. 1n the .t~. .ot' 111- .: . prov~nts ln addi tlon to those her.tot~e mantiODe4 , such as tUte- fighting equipment, reo~at~oD8l taci11t1es, poliQe pro1iecti'on, hea~th super'Yls1on,. eto. . .' .... . .: . . . . ........ . . .... . . 8. .aro a.~ure a ple4s- :rrom.the Oi1;y Oouncil ot . the 01t; Qt West UniTera1t,. Place. tbat all D.9D.-eleo:t1ve emploJ'8es ot the 01t, .:of'. B81- . la1rs, lncludlng the pre.ent ot:tlce torce. .ball be plaoea.1n lUe. . positions in ''the oo.mb1ned orgal1tzatioDII or both o1tie., paring, at '. : .lea.t :oomparable salarie.... . '.:- '. . . . ...... : . . n .'U: (-y: . )' . . i .. '. 1 .\:"' .~.. . . 9. . '!bat the Southnstell Committe. tor' .Consolidat1on'ai:d Pro~ gress go on reoord as. app'ro~1ns.'th... tor.SOiDS bJ' direoting. ~he KGb.rs. . . '. . 0"1:01" "0....:.. I' Ii' .0. _. . _ I : II t . . .. . . ' .. . .....---.. _...'1 ....... ...-r-.----- .....r.........---.- ~"'t;l'"" -.." : ~..; -.:---. ".,."--- of the Executive Committee to affix their signatures hereto and that a copy of this resolution bearing, in addition to the signa- tures above directed, the signatures of all members of the South- western COTIh~ttee for Consolidation and Progress and those of any citizens of this area concurring with this resolution, be sent to the Southwestern Times and to the officials of the cities involved. r (Signed) L. C. English, Chairman Elva W. Wright, M. D.,Co-Chairman E. M. Biggers, Vice-Ohairman Geo. M. Brown, Secretary "- Approved by Members and Southwestern Citizens (Signed) Chesley McLarty John E. Suttle E. A. Moreno I. Q,. Muller W. H. Randolph Ralph B. Lee J. L. Todd Mrs. Lorena Todd Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Com. Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Com. Lee stated that he had never opposed the mutual consol- idation 01' the three cities and endorses anything that can be done to bring this to an amicable conclusion. ,Com. Martin reported tllat he, Com. Hanc ock and Mr. I. Q,. Muller, Chairman of the Zoning Board, had looked over the site for the proposed change in Weslayan Street, and that since we have re- cei ved an adverse decision from the ,'Court on the comdemnation suit, that it might be better to get Mr. Houck to defer this matter for some time. He stated that it might endanger our position in the condemnation suit if we purchased this property for $2500 at thi s time. " I , ! Motion by Com. Hancock, seconded by Oom. Lee that Mr. J. L. ,Williams be appointed City Engineer at a salary of $500 permonth' plus $25.00 per month car allowance until September, at which time the City would furnish him a car; and that M~. Williams be appointed City Secretary without compensation~ Voting Aye: Voting Noe. Mayor Kerbow, Corrmissioners Hancock and Lee Commissioners Dunnington and Martin Mr. Martin made a statement qualifying his vote ofUNoe" as follows: r---' ,---'...'11 , ,1 --- i ,264 rtI vote "Noett until such time at this Engineer's duties shall be defined and the budget can be studied to pay his salary." Mr. Dunnington made a sta tement qualifying l'lis vote of 'tNoe rt as follows: "I do not question Mr. Williams qualifications and I will give him my full cooperation provided his duties do not conflict in any way with our Charter. II / , Motion by Com. Martin, seconded by Com. Lee, adopting an ordinance determining the necessity for and ordering the paving of University Boulevard, Rice Boulevard, Weslayan street and Auden Street. \ \J. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE DETEF&1IltiNG THE l\~CESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT UNIVERSITY BOl:JLEVARD FROM KIRBY DRIVE TO CO~IMUNITY DRIVE, WESLAYAIflf STREETFR01Vl BELL..4 IRE . BOUIJEV ARD TO HI cmvIO~T])ROlill , RICE BOULEVARD FROM KIRBY DRIVE TO BElMONT AND AUDEN STREET FROM UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO RICE BOULEVARD SHALL BE IM- PROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS; REQ,UIRING THE GARRETT ENGI:t-TEERING COMPANY, ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY , TO PREPARE AND FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIOl\1S FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVErvlENT TOGETHER WITH A WRITTEN STATE1.JIENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET 1fIITHIN THE LIMITS NMvI(ED; DIRECTING THE GARRETT ENGIl\TEERING COMPANY, ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, TO PREPARE AN ESTI11ATE OF THE COST OF SUCH llJIPROTVEMENTS, Al-ID DECLARING AN EWlERGENCY. It Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that the City Attorney draw up a resolution authorizing the sale of U. S. Treasury 7/8~o Certificate of Indebtedness, Series E 1946, /f2936,dated June 1, 1945, amount $5,000 which matures June 1, 1946, and that the funds be reinvested in govermnent bonds and held in es- crow agreement by the City National Bank as assets of the Sewer Sink- ing Fund in accordance with recommendation of the City Treasurer. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin ani Lee Voting Noe: None ~, ( : . Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that 1~. Stokes be authorized to'dismiss the condemnation suit be- fore an entry of judgment for $40,000 be entered. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None i \ '-.-J '''-''~'''---===r-r.:;~~l '1- F:~~~~~-=",",-"""",",",..o"':'''=~~f=!~1.___ ____ '--~f='~--"------'- ~V,'-J Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that bill of Troy T. Stokes, City Attorney, for $225.00 in the con- demnation suit be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Gommissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee V oti ng Noe: None A letter from N~. G. A. Fraser regarding the buildihg used by the Police Department was referred to the committee to make recommend- ation. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the resignation of l!r. R. B. Allen, as City Secretary-Engineer be accepted with regrets as of May 31, 1946. Voting .Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The matter of a contract between the City of Houston and t.he City of West University Place to furnish sewerage in areas located north of Richmond Road and west of Poor Farm Ditch,being developed by Reed and Yancey, and covering Montclair Addition west of the Reed~ Yancey development, was referred to the City .Attorney and City En- gineer for handling. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunning- ton, amending the motion appointing Mr. J. L. Williams City Secretary and City Engineer to make the motion unanimous after discussing and defining his duties. Voting .Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. az~ N1A YOR ATTEST: (": ~' ~ l"~O~'~"~~~~""~I'l r- ,-.-,,-,~ -~-:-1 --r~ r ~oo. I I I I I I I It l I I I I I I l ! I I! MINUTES OF REGULAR 1'IEETING J'tJ11E 10, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, June 10, 1946, at 8 P. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secre- tary. Minutes of the meeting of May 27 were read and approved. 'Commissioner Martin reported on the rerouting of Wesleyan street to connect with Link Road and stated that he was still work- ing with Commissioner Turrentine on this and would have a report for the next meeting. ('( , ' j , 'I, ,,: . v. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, to set aside $600 out of the Recreation Center Fund to be repaid at the beginning of the fiscal year from the General'Fund, this payment to be made to Earl M. Burkett, Chairman or the Coordinating Council of the Southwest Area, for the payment of a Supervisor of Play during the Summer months. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The question of awarding contract for making and placing of street markers was discussed and the City Engineer instructed to make a study and report on the cost of constructing these signs by city forces. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, that the building owned by G. A. Fraser be purchased at a price of $900 and relocated, if necessary, adjacent to the City Hall, and to be paid for out of recreation funds, repayable after the be- ginning of the fiscal year. Voting Aye: ,.' Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanc ock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The question of authorizing the City of Houston to connect the storm sewer from Montclair Addition to the storm sewer of the City of West University Place at Academy was referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for preparation of contract to be approved by the City Commission of the City of West University Place and submitted to the City of Houston for approval prior to entering into this agreement. /-\ f i ; The City Engineer was instructed that the two additional names of oil companies who had inquired relative to the purchase of' gaso- line be added to the present list of dealers, and that gasoline be purchased on a six months basis. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Com.missioner Hancock,' that payment to the Oo~ercial Title Company in the amount of $454..50 for the preparation of a certified list of 303 abutting pro- perty owners on the streets~to be paved under the street improvement 1 \~. /; --- - . ----------T ---c ..1"---.--~~--'j==~T1 r ---"-,. .--:-1 r :rl I i ,f\ ; \ Z,6J program be approved and paid from the General Fund to be refunded after the sale of the bonds from the street Improvement Bond Ac-, count. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Commissioner Martin reported that J. W. Clarke, street, Bridge and Garbage Department Superintendent, had resigned, and recolmnended and made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that E. o. Rulon be appointed as Superintendent of street, Bridge and Garbage Departments without salary change, and that Percy Boyett be trans- ferred from the Police Department to the Engineering Department as Building Inspector at a salary of $225.00 per month, effective im- mediately, without change in his civil service status, maintaining seniority and service rights provided under the Charter of West University Place. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Engineer was instructed to take necessary action to re- surface ~uenby Road from' Buffalo Speedway to Belmont Avenue, not to exceed $800 previously approved by the Council. The matter ot entering into a joint contract with Ayrshire Corp- oration, Braes Heights Corporation and the City of West University Place tor the sewage outfall trunk line to the City of West University Place Disposal Plant was discussed and the City Attorney and City Engineer instructed to prepare contract for consideration by the' Council. The matter of rerouting busses as proposed by the Houston Transit Company and approved by the Planning Board was referred to the com- mi ttee previously appointed ,to work with the Houston Transit Company relative to the franchise in West University Place for theirrecom- mendation. Upon recommendation of the City Engineer he was authorized to pre- pare and put into effect a central and unified system of receiving and handling of all complaints and follow-up system to be sure that all complaints were handled. The City Engineer requested information relative to the policy or the Council on procedures to be follmved in connection with paving additional streets other than those set up in the street improvement program. The following policy was established with the City Attorney and City Engineer to prepare petitions for distribution to all in- terested property owners: 1C~=,,~r-;r--'F="~.o:-=~-._'- 268 \ \ I I \ I I I II I I I I I i I i I I I l II I' I I l I That the City would, pave all connectiv~ intersections where the property owners would circulate and present a petition to pave at their expense any complete block. The City Engineer ,was instructed to take necessary action to adJust street intersection at; Rice and Buffalo in accordance with easements previously given the City of VVestUniversity Place. It was decided that the sale of ~he swimming pool bonds would be withheld pending the selection of a site for the construction of this project and that the City Secretary should notify all pros- pective bidders to this effect. Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Dunn- ington, that the City Attorney be instructed and authorized to enter suit for the collection of delinquent taxes due the City in excess of $100. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Upon recommendation of the Garrett Engineering Company, Consulting Engineers for the City, and the City Engineer, it was decided that the following escalator clause be included as a special provision to Contracts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 for improvement of streets, bridges and storm sewers in the City of West University Place: 1"-----'" 1---~-' -----:l.:l~- ______c::-_._~.:~" :::::-r......1 -.-------- -' "-'-'1.n..' '\.~..'.'..... --1 >~~~ I pf: I \ !,: \~ ~'1 ' 1 ! ,": I : \y.b' ( ~.'.~.~..':"h.-'.' :~Li\i}~ "r\' 1 1 \--. . Council could not-legally require contractors bidding on work in West University Place to have all bonds and insurance underwritten by these .Agents, but that a letter stating that it was the desire of the City Commission that all contractors doing work for the City of West University Place have their insurance and bonds underwritten by these recording agents and furnish names of same to prospective bidders to be a part of the proposals. Due to pending business in connection with the street improve- ment program, the Commission recessed subject to call of the Mayor. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened in regular session upon call of the Mayor at 8 P. M. on June 17 for the purpose of receiving bonds on the sale of $230,000 street Improvement and Drainage Bonds, $60~000 storm Sewsr Bonds, $50,000 Public Park Bonds and $10,000 Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Hancock. Two bids were received, one from a syndicate composed of Rowles & Company, B. V. Christie & Uompany, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Ind., and Walter, Woody and Heimerdinger as follows: STREET IMPROVEMENT B01.1DS $86,000 @ 2-1/2~ 1947 to 1956 inc. 144,000 @ 2-1/410 1957 to 1966 inc. STO~I SEWER B01IDS $52,000 @ 2-1/4~ 1967 to 1975 inc. 8,000 @ 1-,/410 1976 Pm3LIC PARK BONDS $43,000 @ 2-1/4~ 1967 to 1975 inc. 8,000 @ 1-3/410 1976 FIRE EQ,UIRIJENT $ 9,000 @ 2-l/4~ 1967 to 1975 inc. 1,000 @ 1-3/410 1976 (- with a premium of $87.83 j and the First of Texas Corporation, San Antonio, Texas, as follows: l Bonds maturing 1947 to 1956 inc. ~-1/21o 1957 to 1966 inc. 2-1/4~ 1967 to 1976 inc. 2-1/210 with a premium of $747.30 . t::::-_:--:~:-=~":':"'~~-~~:=:::=J=r-- __~L . "~~.__.~=, _ L' _ - - ---:r--------- - 'l:'{U The syndicate headed by Rbwles & Company bid at~erage of .02228 was considered the best bid and upon motion by Com.. Martin, seconded by Com. Dunnington, they were awarded the contract for the sale of the bonds. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock and Martin Voting Noe: None Commissioner Martin made a report on the rerouting of busses as proposed by the Houston Transit Company and made a motion that the City Council approve the proposal. The motion was seconded by Com. Dunnington. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Com. Dunnington, Hancock and Martin . Voting Noe: None The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. C(~~~ ATTEST: - l'~~C--._~- -,.-p"=.......4T - r" --,..... '] IT........ /1.:.' . r" ! V' '\ I I i I i '..J., '271 MIJ\lUTES OF REGULiL11 :MEETIJ\1G JUNE 24, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, June 24, 1946) at 7:30 Pi M. at the City Hall. Members present vvere Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary. Minutes of regular meet- ing of June 10 and recessed meeting of June 17 were read and ap- proved. Fire Chief Semmelrogge presented a letter to the Commission outlining certain recommendations and spoke in behalf of these ' recommendations before the Council. The Mayor appointed Com- missioner Hancock, City Engineer William.s and Fire Chief Semm.el- rogge to check and make recommendations to the Council at a future meeting on the reco.IT1...mendations outlined in Fire Chief Semmelroggefs letter. Commissioner Martin recommended and made a motion that this Co,mrnission go on record favoring a raise for all employees except the City Engineer, City Attorney and those employees serVing a probation period be granted a raise effective July 1 and that the City Co.mm.ission meet at a future date in executive, session and work out raises and report at the next regular meeting. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None ~IT. Mason) who purchased property at 642b Belmont, presented to the Council his side and justi:t'ication vihy he should be -permitted to replace the existing building on this property. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion the property was 70 to 80 percent nes- troyed. Mr. Hunt, a neighbor spoke in protest of this work being authorized as did Mr. Sem...rnelrogge, Fire Chief. After much dis- cussion Mr. Mason withdrew his request. Conunissioner 1furtin introduced a resolution awarding the sale of the Street Paving, Bridge, Storm Sewer, Public Park and Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds to a syndicate composed of' Rowles & Company, B. V. Christie & Company, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc., Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion' that this ,~\ resolution' be adopted, which was seconded by Commissioner Lee. Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe:None The resolution is as follows: , Z'{Z A,.',RESOLUl1ION A'JilARDING THE SALj~ OF TIrE FOLLOWING CITY OF WEST UNlVEHSITY PLACE BONDS: $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, SEHIES 1946; $60,000 STORM SE1fVER , BGrIDS, SERIES 1946; $50,000 PUBLIC PARK BO~IDS, SERIES 1946; $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS, SERIES 1946. - ~ffiER~AS, it appearing to the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that after due notice had been given, the City Cow~ission received sealed bids for its Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Storm Sewer Bonds, Public Park Bonds, and Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds; and \----- WHEREAS, the City Commission has examined all b6nds and finds that the bid submitted by R. R. Rowles, Jr. for Rowles & Co., B. V. Christie & Co., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, is the best bid submitted for ssid bonds; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comraission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the proposal of Rowles & Co., B. V. Christie & Co., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, to purchase, at the price of par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $87.83, the following described 'bonds, to wit: . $230,000 City of West University Place Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1946, dated July 15, 1946 bearing interest at the rate of 2~, 2~lo'per annum, and' maturing January 15, 1946 to 1966, inclusiye. $60,000 City of West University P lace Storm Sewer Bonus, Series 1946, dated July 15, 194b, bearing interest at the rate of 2!, 1-3/4~ per annum, and maturing January 15, 1967 to 1976, inclusive. $50,000 City of West University Place Public Park Bonds, Series 1946, dated July 15, 1946, bearing interest at the rate of 2!, 1-3/4~ per annum, and maturing January 15, 1967 to 197&, inclusive. $lU,OOO City of West University Place Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds, Series 1946, dated July 15, 1946, beaririginterest at the rate oi'2;!:, 1-3/410 per annum, and maturing January 15, 19b7to 1976, inclusive. be ahd the same is hereby accepted. Said bonds shall be delivered to the saidR. R. Rowles, Jr., for the purchasers listed above, subject to the unqualified approval as to legality by the Attorney General of Texas, and nationally recognized bond attorneys desig- nated by the purchasers at the purchasers' expense. Purchasers' bid and this sale are conditioned upon delivery 01' the bonds within sixty (60) days from June 17, 1946, as set forth in'thenotice of r.-'-~_'-__~_____:-_~.::~~~l~::'J: __~J. ",.=-:=-"""-:"""'==,,,"'~-'-".:::~'T.=::'-_:1_______ --- -- __ _r~-'------------ 273. sale. PASSED and. APPROVED this 24 day of June, 1946. (Seal) (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: (Signed) James L. Williams Secretary, City of WestUni- versity Place, Texas Comr~issioner Dunnington introduced an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $230,000 Street Paving and Bridge Bonds. Com- missioner Hancock made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lee that the ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING Th~ ISSITANCE OF $230,000 STREET PAVING At-ID BRIDGE B01\1DS, PRESCRIBING THE TII:RMS A1\1D CO~'DI:t TIONS TFIE'.REOF, AND LEVYING TAXES TO PAY TIIE PRINCIPAL AND Il\lTEm~;3T THEREON. Cornmissioner Lee introduced an ordinance authorizing the is- suance of $10,000 Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds. COmIaissioner Dunnington made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that this ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: .~'\ f t. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHT- ING EQ,LTJPlVLEt.1T BO:NDS, PRESCRIBING Trill TEIDvIS AND CONDITIONS TtiEREOF, A~ID LEV'fING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAl, A1ID INT'EREST THEREON. Con~issioner Martin introduced an ordinance authorizing the issuance of $50,000 Public Park Bonds. Co~~issioner Dunnington made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that this ord- inance be adopted. Voting Aye: ~fuyor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None f,-:c-----.~_.."... ~f . -.-.'1'-~ r ~ - -__,__"-1 ___ _r-:'~ GItf The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANOE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS, PRESCRIBING THTE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TBEREOF, AND JJ~VYING TAXES fro PAY THE PRINCIPAL ,AND INTEREST THEREON. Commissioner :Hancock introduced an ordinance authorizing the issuance of' $60,000 storm Se1i\Ter Bonds. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that this ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANC]~ AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $60,000 STORM SEVmR BONDS, PRESCRIBIlTG TIIB; T~EBMS AND COJ'IDITIONS THERE- OF, AND IJE,lYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL Al\iD Il\!T]EREST THEREON. Mr. I. Q.. Muller, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board presented a recommendation from the Board that Block 4, West Uni- versity Place First Addition, facing Bellaire Boulevard, be re- designated a Retail Business District from a Single Family ~vell- iug District. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Com- missioner Martin, that July 22 be set for a Public Hearing to amend Ordinance No. 111. Voting Aye: MaYDr Kerbow, Con~issioners Dunnington, Hancock, :Martin and Lee V oti ng Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by ,Comnussioner Dunn- ingtOn, that a resolution be adopted that all checks drawn on any and all accounts in any and all banks in which the City has deposits, should be drawn and signed by either the Mayor , A. L. Kerbow, or the Mayor Pro Tem., J. M. Dunnington, and countersigned by the City Treas- urer, C. E. Gamrrlill and the City Secretary, Jaroos L. Williams, or Assistant City Secretary, Louise L. Lucas, before any payment shall be made, by any sucp. bank. The resolution is as follows: Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COmID.issioners Dunnington, Hancock, lvlartin and Lee Voting Noe: None ( j I i WHEREAS, it is the will and desire or the City Commiss:mon . of ~he City that all checks drawn on any and all acoounts in any and all banks in whioh the City has deposits, should be drawn' and signed by either the Mayor, A. L. Kerbow, or ~he Mayor Pro tem, J. M. Dunnington, and oountersigned by the City Treasurer, C. E. Ga.mmill, and the City Secretary, James L. Williams, or Asststant City Secretary, Louise L. Lucas, before any payment shall be made by any suoh ,~nk on any suoh oheck; except checks drawn on pay roll aocounts which shall be drawn and signed by said City Treasurer and said City Secretary or Assistant City Secretary. ' NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 'that the Mayor, A. L. Ker- bow, or the Mayor pro tem, J. M. Dunnington, shall have exclusive power and authority to draw and sign all checks on all bank ac- counts or the Oity ot' West University Place, and 'that the City Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, and the City secretary, James L. Wil- liams, or Assistant City Secretary Louise L. Lucas, shall have exclusive power and authority to coun~ersign such checks; except checks drawn on p<:!:~~, account, which shall be drawn and signed by said City Trea_~ and said City Secretary, or Assistant City Secretary; and 'that no cheek shall be a valid check of the city, unless either tlle Mayor or the-Mayor pro'tem signs 'bhe same and the City Treasurer and the City Secretary or Assistant City Secre- tary countersigns it; except as provided herein in regard to l,iaid pay roll checks, which pay roll checks shall be valid when d>>awn and signed by said City Treasurer and said City Secretary or As- sistant City Secretary. ' AND, be it rurther resolved tnat the City Secretary ~e di- rected to furnish to eacn bank with which the City transacts any business a true copy,of this resolution. 75 I. , PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24 day or June, A. D. 194b, by a vote of 5 ayes. {Signed l A. 1,.. ~epbow Mayo'r ATTEST: (SiRned) James L. Williams City Secretary ," . 'll.t:-e Oi ty Council ordered that un~er ~l,OOO bond. Mrs. Louise L. Lucus be Pla~~ ----r- - ,( "' I The proposed contract between A' h' " Heights Oorporation and the City f ~rstlJe,corp?ration, Braes cussed. The City Fnul'neer ~Tas . at etS nlverslty Place was dis- 'bl' ~-o .. lns rue ed that it ld b . 1 e to lncorporate a clause stati wou e permlss- e~fect for the sewer in West Unive~g.~h~lshOUld the rates now in dlfference between the presenk r t Sl y ace be reduced that the on the purcha se of the main t~u lla ~~ an~ the reduction would apply ~ions t'o th~ City of West Unive~~it~~l IrON ~he two above sub-divi- it was per.tr.cJ.ssi ble to incorporate aJ cl ace Dlsposal Plant .,. and that ,}'p1.00 charge for sewer would be r ' ause whereby 25 cents of the' to apply on the purchase p"rice o~etfhunded,to the two corporations - ~ e malll trunk line. ! ~-:;}~ ' ," I . :::..o-__~":""-'-r-l_1 -I.. '"--'-1't ".--.- -'----- -- ---=!""'!"'~ za 0 The City Engineer TNI3.S ins'tructed to contact, l.JIr. Wilmer B. Hunt, Attorney for lvII's. Cunningham witl1 reference to the purchase 01' tIlls tract for a park also right-of-way 1'01' an extension of 'Neslayan Street. The City Engineer was authorized to p~ke an offer of $l~,OOO for tnis property. ' The City Attorney advised that ordinances in connection with the paving program would be ready in the next few days and requested that the City Commission recess and reconvene for this purpose. ; ---.." :'.! ~!..','.: ., ! The Council recessed until Friday, June 28, to go into Exec- utive Session to discuss raises of employees. The City Council 1'e convened in regular session at 7: 30 Pl M. on Friday, June 28, 1946 at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin, Lee, City Secretary WilliwfiS and City Treasurer Gammill. ~IT. Whitney Reader, Auditor for the City of West University Place submitted his report and it was accepted by the City CorM~ission. Several changes were recorrunended in procedures to be followed relative to purChases, contracts, daily report of foremen and sup- erintendents, etc. The City Engineer-Secretary was instructed to have necessary f arms printed and put these into operation as early as practicable. It was further decided that all purchase orders would be issued by Mr. C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer or JarrIDS L. Williams, City Engineer-Secretary, in order that better control may be main- tained. The list of City employees was studied and tentative raises suggested and agreed upon by all prsent subject to the ability to raise funds for this purpose. The City Engineer-Secretary and City Treasurer were instructed to work with the various Commissioners and Department Heads and prepare budget for 1946~47, together with the additional funds required to finish the current fiscal year and IT~ke reconID1endations to the Council at the earliest practicable date. The City Commission recessed at this time to reconvene on July 1, 1946, for the purpose of considering ordinances in connection with the pavir~ program. The City Commission recon~ened in regular session at 7:00 P. M., Monday, July 1, 1946 at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, COIDrQissioners Dunnihgton, Hancock, Martin, Lee and the City Secretary and City Attorney. The City Attorney recommended and presented ordinancereplac~ ing Ordinance No. 315 and recommended its approval. Motion by Com- missioner Hancock seconded by Commissioner Martin that Ordinance No. 315 be repealed. The caption of this ordinance is as tollows: See bottom of page 278 r-' -.-.--.... "---::--.___.;.:~~:::'1_____________________ -, { I , I 1 ''h-.-' 277 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, made a motion that an ordinance be adopted determining the necessity for and ordering that University Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the east line of Community Drive; and Weslayan Street from the south line of Riley Street (East of Weslayan Street) to the south line of Richmond Road; and Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and Auden Street from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Corr:un.issioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDIN.ANCE DETERn1II~"ING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT UNIV'.d:RSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE WESrr LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE EAST LINE!: OF COMliflTl\lITY DRIVE; AND VlESLAYAN STREET FROMTFIE SOUTH LINE OF RILEY STREET (EAST OF WESLAY.AN STREET) TO THE SOUTH LINE OF HICBMOND ROAD; AND RICE BOULEVARD FROIvl THE WEST LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE TO THE VYEST LTl\lE OF BELljWJ\"T STREET; AND AUDEN STREET FRaM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LIJ\~ OF RICE BOt~EVARD, IN THE CITY OF VifEST U11J:VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE UIPROVED: ADOPTING AND APPROVING PLA~m A}ID SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IM- PROVEME~:rTS; PROVIDING FOR SEGREGATION OF PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF VmrCH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE j~ND COMPIJ~TE UNIT; DIRECTING AJ\TD Rc'!:Q.,UIRING THE GARRETT ENGlNE:ERING COMPANY, ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY, TO PREPARE AN ESTI~~TE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVm,ffiNTS AND A. VffiITTEN STATElvIE!\1T OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET TO BE IM- PROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES; PROVIDING TF.J\ T A PART OF THE COST OF SAID n[lPRO~,;1ENTS SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF TIlE COST OF THE SAID 11'IPRO;TE- MEl\fTS SHALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGATNSTTHE ABUTTING PRO- PERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDEt1TAL l~IATTERS; DE- CL..4.RING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL FURTHER PROCEEDINGS RELAT- ING TO SIT eH llJPROVEM:E:t:rTS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105(b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINA.NCE WITH THE OOUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND " ~.=."'.==-~'"="I"T r.."".~"~.~~----.:::r~_________ -:-::r"-- ~"l't; AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVf!:D A!:ID FILED ~nTI-IINTfIE TTh1E PROVIDED; A1'D DECLARING AN ID/IERCcENCY. The City Attorney recommended that the tour Commissio:ners serving as ap~raisers in connection with the Cunningham 1awj suit be paid $15.00 each, and the City Secretary was instructed to see that the checks be issued in this amount. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the r;leeting was adjourned. MA(lrK~ U AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 31.5 HERETOFORE PASSED, AND READING AS FOLLOWS: n I' --- .=r~1 Tl r~- -l I I. J 279 MIrIDTES Of Regular Meeting July d, 194b The City Cor.illnission convened in regular session on Monday, July 8, 1940, 7:30 P.Lo at the City Hall. Members present vrere Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee and the City uecre- tary and City Attorney. Oom. Hancock was absent on vacation. Minutes of meetings of June 24, 28 and July 1 were read and approved. Mr. Banks of the University Taxicab Company appeared before the Ci ty Corn,missicn and requested an increase in rates to cnmorm with thuse authorized by the City of Houston which changes are as follows: First .mile 3.5 cents which is the same as the present price with an increase of .5 cents for each additional mile or fraQtion thereof. Mr. Banks stated that he had six taxicabs in operation., four of which would have meters installed within the next few days. .. ~ Motion by Comrnissioner Martin, seconded by COl'llillissioner Dunnington, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 298 to provide for this increase. Voting Aye: M,ayor Kerbow, Co.m..rnissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee. VotiD..g 1'Toe: None. The Houston Power &: Light Co.mpany advised that they would be ready to begin construction of the additional street lights wi thin thirty days and should be completed within 90 days and req,uested authority to start construction and bill the City for me 66 additional street l.ights in accordance with previous agreem.ent~ Motion by Corr~issioner Martin, 'seconded by COroDlissioner Lee that the City Secretary advise the Houston Power and Light Company th~t they may start construction and bill the City for the 66 lights when the 85 free lights are completed. Voting Aye: Mayor Lee. Voting Noe: None. KerbOW, Comruissioners Dunnington, Martin and Motion by COlllliissioner Lee seconded by Commissioner Martin that resolu- tion authorizing the ~ale of U.,S. Treasury 7/8~ Certificate of Indebt- edness, Series E, 1946, No. 2930, dated June 1, 1945 in the amount of $5,000 maturing June 1, 1946 and authorizing the reinvestment in govern- ment bonds to be held in escrow by the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, as apart of the assets of the Sewer Sir~ing Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas be adopted. .,===~'l__.. ~~_._,..;"'==,=<-~--- ~... ~ I lJQV I . I I ! Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COIT~issioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. The resolution is as follows: A RESOLU11ION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF Ul'ITTEDSTATES TREAS- URY 7/810 CERTD!"'ICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS, SERIES E, 1946, l.TUMBER 2936; D.A TED JUl\fE 1, 194.5, IN THE AMOUJ'1T OF :B'IVE THOUSAND ($.5,000.00) DOLLARS, MATURING JUNE 1, 1946; A1\1D :FUR- THER AUTHORIZING THAT THE FUNDS BE REINVESTED IN GOVERNMEIJT BONDS, AND HELD IN ESCROW AGRE:El\iIENT BY THE CITY NATIONAL BA}\f~ OF HOUSTON, ';FEXAS, AS .A PART OF THE ASSETS OF TFJI: SEWER SINIITNG FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEX.l~S . \- .- \{BEREAS, United States Treasury 7/810 Certificate of Indebt- edness, Series E, Number 3926, dated June 1, 1945, in the amount of Five Thousand ($.5,000.00) Dmllars, matured on June 1, 1946, and YffiEREAS, it is the desire of the City of West University Place, Texas to sell said certificate and reinvest the funds in gov- ernment bonds to be held in escrow agreement by the City National bank of Houstonj Texas, as a part of the assets of the sewer sir~ing fund of' the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE crn COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VfEST UNrlERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer be and hereby is authorized and di- rected to sell United states Treasury 7/810 Certificate of Indebted- ness, Series E, 1946, Number a936, dated June 1, 1945 in the amount of Five Thousand ($.5,000.00) Dollars, whicp. matured on June "I, 1946; and to reinvest the funds therefrom in government bonds to be held in escrow agreement by the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, as a part of the assets of the sewer Sinking fund of the City of West University Place, Texas. Passed and Approved this the .JL day of July, A.D. 1946. ( Ri ~nA(J ) A . T. _ T(R'l?hil1AT Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Con~issioner Martin that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to execute contract with the Ayrshire Corporation for Water and sewer in accordance with contract prepared by the City Engineer and City Attorney by adding Paragraph 12 as follows: "12. II It is speCifically understood betwe~n the parties that on any changes made by the City hereunder, including sewer charge, .. .. " ._~-." r " .. -. T---~--=YP"--- . 1-[ r---.~ -,1 r~ --- ----- ~9~ water charge and charge for installation of water meters, where. hereafter the prevailing charges of like character made to citi- , zens residing in the City shall be higher than those recited 'herein, like increases in cost shall be made to those to whom service is rendered under this contract ..It , 'I Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Comnussioners Dunnington, Martin, Lee. Voting Noe: None. Citizens from the 4000 block Tennyson appeared before the Council and presented a petition requesting that their block be paved and that cost .estimate be submitted to them on both concrete and flex- ible base with asphalt top. They were informed that bio.s, "muld be received on concrete pavement previously voted on July 19 and at that tim~ a definite cost could be given them. The Oi ty -ri~ngineer recommended that the old International truck previously used under the trailer garbage body and the old tractor mower be sold at this time and suggested that three bids be re- ceived on each and requested authority to make these sales to the highest bidder. Commissioner Martin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunning- ton, that the City ~:':ngineer received a minimum of three bids and submit them to the City Council for their approval. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. Mr. Rulon, Superintendent streets and Bridges, stated that the OCD equipment now stored in the city barn was in the way and requested disposition of this equipment. The City Secretary was instructed to contact the proper officials of OCD and request disposition. After discussing the damages being done by people to the Civic Center, Corr~issioner DUilllington, seconded by Co~~issioner Martin made a motion that the Police Depa~tment be moved to the above building and that a door and sidewalk be constructed for this pur- pose in order that the police may have closer supervision and pre- vent further damage. Voting Aye: Mayor/KerboviT, Corrmssioners Dunnington, Iv1artin and Lee. ,---. I 1 Voting Noe: None. The City Secretary the latter part of cess and reconvene reported that the budget Should be completed the week and requested that the CODIDlission re- for consideration of thi~~~ 12. .a r~n=-F-=rT - --"'-1 (~ Zt5t:::- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETI1\1G July 12, 1946 The City Commission convened in recess on Friday, July 17, 1946, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioner Dunnington, COImnissioner Martin, together with the City Secretary and Ci ty Treasurer. Cornmissioners Lee and Hancock were absent., A draft of the proposed budget was submitted by the City Secretary and City Treasurer for the year 1946-1947, which was discussed in detail covering all departments of the City Operation. No action was taken until all members of the co~ncil could be present. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ae~ N1AYOR &. """"'< ~J--- 1- - 1[""",~~i"l r-- --,-- -.--~-l [" .; !~~:. -'~1 i , i l- ~F' Zt5~ MI~1UTES OF REGUL.l'l.R lvfbETnn JUI,Y 19, 1946 The City Commission convened in special session on Friday, July 19, 1946, 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioner Dunnington, Com- missioner Martin, Commissioner Lee and Commissioner Hancock, and the City Secretary. This meeting reconvened for on Contract #1, STREET Pl~VING', ;, fl and CONTRACT 7i~3, A BRIDGE OvER SITY BOULEVARD. the purpose of receiving bids CO"\\1111R r CT .Ji2 C1T OT'n\ff STi'1,:TPR..... .1'Li.. A ?;-= _' u _ 1-&1 i!J fVi!..J.. 0; ~ , THE POOR Fil.RM DITCH ON UNIVER'- The following bids were received and read: Contract #1 L. Vernon Miller & 'Son Brow n & Root Russ Mitchell, Inc. Contract fl2 John G. Holland Gerald Mora W. A. McClendon Brown & Root Rull Mitchell, Inc. Harry Cagle Harry C. Holland Contra ct 1;~3 .John G. Holland Gerald Mora Van Construction Co. Brown & Root Russ Mitchell Harry Cagle street Paving $2.53,307.30 303,42b.4t3 320,b.51.74 storm Sewers $.52,988.00 A 50,813.60 54:,280.60 59,12.5.34 53,9t17.90 .51,627.10 54,619.10 Concrete Bridge $28,600.00 2.5,000.00 26,97b.00 24,700.00 24,800.00 31,000.00 Upon completion of the reaalng of the bids, the City Attor- ney presented following resolution: A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRO POSAL.S Fe R CONTRACT NO. 1 - STRJ~ET PAVING; COJ:-,j"TRZ\ CT NO. 2 - STORM SEWERS; co:t:J'rRACT #3 - CONCRETE BRIDGE; AND Rii:F:SRRING SAID PROPOSAI..S TO THE C ITY ENGTN1~ER AJlID GARRETT ENGIN- EERING Cm,iIPANY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOE THE CITY FOR TABULATIONS AND RECO!vIMENDATIONS. ~~mREAS, pursuant to the legally published advertisement for proposals, the City has received sealed proposals for the follow- ing improvements: r 11-- -~ 11 I ,-,- --'=c=f"1 ---c'-r~I-'- - -l- ---r I L(jq I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I [ I I I i Contract No. 1 - street Paving Contract No. 2 - Storm Sewers Contract No. 3 - One Ooncrete Bridge ~~REAS, said proposals have been publicly opened and read aloud in a public meeting. NOW, Therefore, BE IT R~~SOL VED BY TB:E CITY C01ThHSSION OF T HE CITY OF VmST U~'1:VERSITY FLA CE, TEXAS: (1) That the proposals received for the following im- provements: Contract No. 1 - street Paving Contract No. 2 - storm Sewers Contract No. 3 - One Concrete Bridge be and are hereby referred to the Oity Engineer and Garrett Engineering Com,pany, ~ngineers I'or the Oi ty, to be tabulated. (2) That upon competion of the tabulation, the Engin- eers are hereby instructed to prepare and file with the City Commission a written report containing their r~commendations. Upon motion of' Commissioner Martin and secondedoby Commissioner Lee the above resolution was adopted. Voting Aye: ~!Iayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Lee and Hancock. Voting Noe: None. '" Upon motion of Oommissioner Martin and Seconded by Oom- missioner Dunnington, the meetiD~ was adjourned. ATTi~ST : a~/~ M.4Y0R ~.'\: ' ( r. ! l'~~-'~'i I"-'-'-"~I'I r-- ,--,..~-~_. ~-~-1 1- { \ . ! i "'-. r I l ')'05 ,FJ~~JJ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING J1JLY 22, 194b The ai~y Commission convened in regular session on Monday, July 22, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. a~ the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow,presiding, Commissioners Dunningt;on, Martin, Lee and Hancock, and the City Secretapy. Minutes of the meetings ot July 8, 12 and 19.rwere read and ,approved. In line with a call or the City Commission ror a Public Hear- ing on recommendation or City Planing Board to amend Ordinance No. 111, with respect to estaolishing; a retail ousiness district on Bella1re Boulevard from Bafialo Speedway to Vanderoilt, cover- ing all lots 1, 2, ,and 4, Block 4, West University Place First Addition, the following spoke in behalf or the Change: Mr. I. ~. Muller, 3914 Case, Chairman of the City Planning Commission and Board or Adjustment, Mr. Bongie, 6/12 Vanderbilt, W~s. Devers, owner of Lot 4, Block 3 of the above addition. Opposing the change a lar~e delegation with Mr. Lindley acting as chairman spoke against this measure. Also Mr. J. F., Elliott 6637 Brompton, Mr. E. L. Williams, 6640 Buffalo Speedway, Mr. Dixon, 6626 Vanderbilt, Mr. E. G. Murphy, 6b21 Rurfalo Speedway and Mrs. W. M. Lawrence, 3220 Bellaire Boulevard. After hearing both sides, Cow~issioner Lee made a motion, secondedny Commissioner Dunnington, that the recommendation of the City Planning Board for rezoning the above area into a retail business distr1ct be disapproved. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None A~. Stubblefield, 4021 Byron, requested that the sidewalk line at 4002 Byron be cleared of obstruction, that the hedge be cleared fro" the sidewalk at 4001 Byron, and that no sidewalk had been constructed at 4004 SWarthmore. Also that the City Commission in- vestigate and take necessary action to force the University Taxi- cab Company to clean up their location at Edloe Street; also the sidewalk at Sewanee and University Boulevard waft obstructed. The City Engineer was instructed to investigate and take necessary ac- tion to have the above accomplished. Also the investigation of rates of the University Taxicab Company to be handled by the Chief of Police and the City Attorney. Commissioner Hancock requested the City Engineer to check and see if it would be practical for the Baptist Church to purchase a five foot strip of land ,off the city property adjacent to the Bap- tist Church. ~'~~C'O~~~'"T'~"'~~~I', r'~~~~~~'~-~'~'~'="',1 --or I I - .-~-"-'r' 2.86 A request from Mr. C. E. Gates for a franchise to operate bus service within the City of West University Place, express service to and from Houston, and bus service to and from Lamer High School, was received and referred to the Planning Board for their investigation and recommendation. Mr. W. E. Howard, 3810 Milton, requested the city to consider the paVing of the 3800 block on Milton. This was referred to the City Engineer for handling. Mr. George Brown requ.est~,d the construotion of a foot bridge across the poor farm drainage ditch on Tangley Street. .The City Engineer was instructed to have this foot bridge constructed as early as possible. Oommissioner Martin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, instructi~ the City Secretary to have the Consulting Engineers and the Oity Attorney prepare necessary plans and spec- ifications and legal documents in connectien with requests for ad- ditional paving not in original paving bond, and which property owners have requested. The following petitions for additional paving were received: Wesleyan from Riley to Bellaire Boulevard in its present location; 4200 block of Riley A letter was read to the commission from }fJX. W. C. Morriss, Jr., expressi,ng his appreciation for the extension of bus service on Richmond Road. The City Secretary was instruoted to aoknowledge receipt of Mr. Morriss' letter. '. Aoting upon a letter reoeived from City Treasurer C. E. Gammill, for authority to negotiate a loan of $10,000 a month until such time as receipts from the 19461,,;tax collections would meet our require- ments. Mr. Gammill stated that these funds 'could be obtained. from the U111iversi ty State Bank at 310 per annum.' The City Attorney was instructed, to prepare the necessary resolution and present it at the August 5th meeting of the Qity Commission. ~he request of the Holland Construotion Oompany ror extension of time upon the completion ot the Sewer-Disposal Plant was dis- cussed. Motion by Oommission~~ Dunnington, seconded by Oommissioner Lee that the time be extended bO days, but that every effort be made to complete thisc onstructio~ without further delay. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ~unnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Applioation from the Shell Oil Company for an easement five feet wide and approximately 106 feet in length off of the east side of the City's tract located in Traot 49, Oambridge Place Addition was received. I" .1 . n'" . i .",...-- Tl r- ---. --1 \. I ! I I ( ! I ~ . ~ l --) (' i (~ j 287 Upon motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Oommissioner Dunnington, the City Secretary and Mayor was authorized to execute the easement as requested. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners DUnnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Commissioner Lee made a motion seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the City Engineer, City Attorney and the Building Inspector prepare for $dbmission to the City Council a building code, Elec- trical code and plumbing ordinance, which will meet the require- ments of the state Fire Insurance Commission, and for the protec- tion of the inhabitants of West Uniwersity Place. ,Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, If..artin and Lee . None Upon motion of Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, the City Engineer was instructed to prepare specifications ahd necessary advertising for the purchase of a standard 750' gallon pumper with extra equipment, as agreed upon by Commissioner Hancock, Chief Semme1rogge and the City Engineer. In the case of accounts due the City of West University Place for paving which are se~eral years old, it was the concensus of opinion that these accounts should be paid, and that necessary re- pairs to these streets was a matter of maintenance, and should be accomplished in accordance with the needs. Due to pending business the mee'ting was recessed "until Mond"ay, July 2?, 1940, subject to call by the Mayor at an earlier date if necessary. - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - The Oity Commission reconvened in recessed session at 8 P. m., Monday, July 29, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock,' Martin, Lee and the City Engineer-Secretary. Mr. Vernon L. Miller appeared before the Council and su~mitted his work sheet and stated tha't he had made a 20 ~ent'::per squa.re yard error in his bid on pavement of University Boulevard, Rice Boul'evard, Auden and Wes1ayan Streets and requested the Council to make this adjustment or reject his bid. The City Attorney advised the City Council that there ~as apparently no legal way in which the Council could consider a revision in the unit price bid by Mr. Miller for concrete. Mr. Miller requested that the Council give further con- sideration to his low bid before award was made. No final action was taken. In line with a letter of request from Mr. G. D. Peyton, Patrol- man, and recommendation of the Chief of Police, a motion was made by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that Mr. Peyton' ~~r~~--l'f"'T~---=Jr--!:1 r. """'" ._r= .~= 288 be granted a leave of absence effective August 1 to January 1, 1947, due to the illness of his wire. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee' Voting Noe: None A letter from Ohief of Police Smith reporting on the activity of the Universi ty'fa:x:icab Company in connection with. the death of' N....r. & Mrs. Vernon Echols was submitted with recommendation that an ordinance be passed prohibiting the transporting of liquor by taxicab companies in the City of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the City Attorney prepare an ordinance, ir con- sidered constitutional, to prohibit taxicabs or any other firm or person rrom delivery to residents or any hard liquors. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Due to Mr. Peyton being granted a leave of absence prior to Police Chief Smith and P~t.rolman McDonald taking their vacation, a motion was made by Commissioner Lee seconded by Commissioner Mar- tin that Mr. McDonald be paid for ten day vaca'Cion period and J..u-. Smith two weeks vacation period, at the same rate of salary-provided no vacation Was taken. . !' -1 l' i J .>V Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Upon recommendation of the City Treasurer a motion.was made by C'o.mmissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the Oity National Bank be designated as depository tor the $2.30,000 Street Paving and Bridge Bond funds and the $60,000 storm sewer Bonds and the University State Bank be designated as depository tor the $50,000 Public Park Bond funds and the $10,000 Fire Fighting Equip- ment Bond funds. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Hancock seconded b:y Commissioner Martin, authorizing the City Engineer to place ~ bid or '150.00 lump sum tor the OOD equipment now on hand. Voting Aye: Mayor Ke,rbow, Commissioners Dunnington" Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None (1' ! ! 1 \ 1 ; J ~. ,... -j<""'Lo-.~R.. 1 - ~ T.:-:.. .-'::1 L__ ,__ c::L r= --~~~--- ----..-.-,-',-l,..,~TT-,--,----,--,,--,,---,-,-,.-,-'--l-- /"'\ i i ! '''--- r, i ' 2BB Motion byOommissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Mar- tin, 'that the following raises be granted to city employees retro- active to July 1, 194': From ~ Louise L. Lucas C. E. Gamm.ill D. P. Boyett Mary E. Bromley Trulah Everett Mrs. D. H. Pressly N~s. Geraldine Pryde Mrs.. Hattie Rosenberg J. D. Alstott G. E. King C. Grady Smith George Ashcraft iN. M. McDonald G. D. Peyton Ira A. Harris A. P. Robo E. O. Rulon P. T. McClain $175.00 275.00 22.5.00 175.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 214.00 207.00 200.00 275.00 17.5.00 250.00 2.50.00 $200.00 300.00 23.5.00 200.00 14.5.00 150.00 1.50.00 229.00 229.00 275.00 234*00 22'}1.00 220.00 300.00 18.5.00 275.00 27.5.00 All hourly employees to receive a 2-1/2 cents per hour raise wi'th the exception of Walter Vaughan and Manuel Stewart to receive .5 cents per~our raise. VOJing Aye: Mayor 'Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The following letter was presented by the city Secretary in connection with the budget tor the year 1940-41: July 29, 1940 "Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of' West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: RE: BUDGET 1940-4'/ In line with your recent request that a proposed budget tor the above year be submitted to you tor your consideration I have discussed with each department head the requirements for their departments and in line with my past experience submit hereWith proposed budget for 194b-4']. This budget does not fulfill the ideal requirements but is based on minimum. requirements and furnishes only the minimum. amount of equip- ment necessary to get by. r.:"===---~'-'. T~i- . ."::"'''"'''''"'-:--"T-f''TT-> r'- _._'~~~.~_."'"._._.Cl__ .1 c- -- -T------~-----~.- 290 '----- A more detailed oreakdown o~ the various accoun~ numbers and what is included in them is as follows: STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. Budget Account Nos. 31 to bO inclusive. 2/3'S of Superintendents salary 1 Motor Grade~ Operator 2 Truck Drivers 9 Laborers I l " - r: '-,.,/ 300 yards of $hell or-gravel per month with asphalt or oil in quan- tities sufficient to process. the shell. A small amoun~ has been inclUded to extend sidewalks from property lines to curo$ whieh, I am sure all or you are familiar, have no~ been constructed in the past~ .To purehase a,tractor together with a small float which ean be used in both the S~reet Department and Garoage Department with 3/~being paid out of t~e street and Bridge Department and 5/~ out of the Garbage Depar~ment, in eaeh ease payi~ 1/5 of the amount out of the current y~ars budget and issuing warrants in equal amounts for the next four ,years. The purchase 01' two new truck chassis to replace present worn out dump trucks. The purcnase of one pneumatic roller. It is recommended that in the ease of ~he tractor and roller that 1/' or the amount be paid out or current issue and warrants iSSU~d in four equal payments for 'the remainder. In ease of line 'trucks 1/3 be paid out or current levy and warrants for the next two years be issued in equal amoun-cs. - It may be possible to srfec't a small saving in labor in this de- partment during the wint.er months. POLICE DEP ARTMEI\iT. Account Nos. 71 to /:SO inclusi va. This department includes Corpora'tion Judge, Clerk and b policemen. The reduction ot one man in this department has been discussed with ,~ Police Chief Smith and he concurs. It is anticipated 'that one additional car will be purchased out of the fiscal year 1945-4b and no new equipment will be needed during the fiscal year 194b-41. INS'P~~TON D~~AR~Wf1_ Account Nos. III to III inclusive This department inclUdes three full time firemen effective sept. 1 with one additional being added OIl Iv'Iarch 1 provided the new !'ire truck has been received by this date. It also includes the purchase or 900 teet or hose in order that it will 'not be necessary at a '--:-:r~--"---- --_ --,,--,,---,-r--- . , 'F_._____"."~~.,_=!.<,-~.,.---~ -1'''1 r -- -, _<e~'-~TIO"'::l___ _ / -\ ; I I ,~/ r- ~\ ", ! ! ' ! ! \ " ,fF101. Cia "'~::-! ,~:...." future date to replace all of the hose now on hand ou~ of a single years budget. It is apparent from information on hand that it will be necessary to finance approximately $4,500 over and above the $10,000 voted ror the purchase of the new fire truck including 1200 feet or hose and other misce,llaneous equipment. It 1s recom- mended that $900 be included in this years budget with $3,bOO being issued in warrants over a period ot the next four years in equal payments. GARBAGE DEPARTMEI\1T. Account Noa. 101 to 10, inclusive. This department includes one-third or superintendents salary and 10 men. The purchase of two new truck cnassis, repairs to one or the present garbage beds and. the purenase of a tractor and 1'loa,. as out- lined in Street and Bridge Dept. Of tne estimated cost of $tl,150 it is recommended that one-third of the trucks and one-firth of the trac- tor be included in this years budget with the tractor being financed over a rive year period and the ~rucks over a tnree year period. TAX DEPARTMENT. I have discussed this department with Mr. Gammill, City Tax Collector- Assessor. This depar'tmentincludes one full time employee wi th extra help being hired during the assessing and collecting periods. GENERAL 8:; ADMINISTRATIVE. Accounts Nos. 121-15) inclusive Under this heading one-halt ot the Mayor and Commissioners Salaries are included, one-halr or Assistant Seoretary, Oi'ty Treasurer, Book- keeper, CaShier, SwitChboard Operator and ail or Fire Marsnall, but does not include any ot City Engineer-Secretary's salary tor ~nis year as ir. is recommended that ror 'the cur1;ent. year one-nalr of my- salary oe paid from the current Dona issues. Due to tne annexation suit pending we nave included 'l~OU ror o~her .Legal expense. Your attention is cal.Led to the purcnases under Fixed Asse-cs including one-half or oar, one-halr or Engineer's Transit, one-nalr Engineerts level and miscellaneous engineering supplies. It will be necessary that this equipment be purchased at an early da'te in order that necess- ary levels and other services be accomplished along With the proposed drainage improvement program. G':!;.NERfiL SUMM.ARY 0]' REQ:tJIRE};lENTS Expenses: Adm1nistra~ive Dep~. street & Bridge Garbage Dept. Police Dept. Fire Dep't. Tax Depar'tmen't Inspection Dept. Repay Bank Loan Sinking ]'und. Total $22,1'3'/.00 3t1,2b2.00 2;',0'/5.33 1)1,4)2.00 12,b8iS.00 arOOO.OO 3,400.00 10,900.00 lQl~63.6L2.~ t234,650.; J. -., ~ ~-1~1- r-- 292 Receipts: Miscellaneous local taxes including Penalty and Int ere st 210 Franchise Tax Licenses & Permits Community House Police Fines $4,200.00 10-,346.88 6,000.00 3.50.00 2,000.00 (-1 ! ' LJ' making it necessary that $211,7.53.70 be raised from Ad Valorem taxes during the 194&-47 fiscal year. GENERAL RECOMl!ENDATIONS It is recommended that if the above tentative budget is approved that the Equalization Board take necessary action to set valuations in such an amount to raise the $2ll,7.53~70 on a 9510 collection basis and that no change in tax rate be .made for the current fiscal year. That authority be granted to start advertising for the procurement of the equipment listed herein, namely one tractor, one lOWboy trailer, one roller, 4 trucks and 1 passenger car. With the above budget'and equipment'the undersigned can assure your honorable body that a decided increase in the efficiency of our operations can be effected immediately. It is recommended that the salary raises previously agreed upon at a Council meeting be placed in effect effective July 1, 1946, includ- ing all departments of the City which have been included in the bud- . get attached hereto. The budget (;'~st,:J submitted herewith is not adequate to bring the main- tenance and operation of the City up to the standard which would _be desirable, however with this budget a decided improvement can be shown and with the purohase of a small amount of equipment each year the Oi ty oan soon be equipped with modern equipmentneoewsary to operate a modern city." Respectfullysub~tted, (Signed) James L. Williams City Engineer-Secretary' Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the City Seoretary be authorized to advertise for bids on the following equipment: . . ", 1 - Traotor oomplete with overhead loader, bulldozer attachment, craw1er,type, -Caterpillar Model D4 or equal 1 - Standard 7.50 gallon Pumper complete with 1200 feet of 2-l/2u double jacket hose 1 - 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck 1 - 10 to 20 ton Lowboy Trailer, new or used 1 - 4-door Sedan 4 - 1-1/2 Ton Truck Chesses 1"'=~"--'._---c:r~,"" -~-"""9"1" _ ______ r ~~~.::::_:_=_~===',=::::L_______ --I ~c-'--- f I l-/) \. 293 Vot,ing Aye: Mayor Ke'rbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Engineer advised, that he had located a secondhand pne~tie roller which could be purchased for $750.00 but before ree,~.mmending purchase would like to make an ins-pectionof thi$ pie'~e of equipment. . .;::1 Motion by C~mmissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase this roller at a price not to exceed $7.50.00 if,in his opinion, it was a good ,buy, due to the indefinite delivery date of a new roller and the urgent need of this equipment in order to accomRlish badly needed repairs to streets. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners D'tlnnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee .. V ot ing Noe: None A petitio~/was read from property owners in the 4260 block of Tennyson requesting that their block be paved with concrete. The City Engineer was instructed to act on all such petitions in accordance with previous instrUctions. Due to urgent matters pending the City Commission recessed subject to call of the Mayor. The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at 7:30 P. M., Wednesday, August?, 1940, at the City Hall with Mayor A. L. Kerbow preSiding. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ;r. M. Dunnington, Wayland Hancock, L. J. Martin and Ralph B. Lee and City Attorney 'froy T. S'tokes. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that resolution confi~ming sale of the $230,000 street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1940; $;0,000 Public,~rk Bonds, Series 1946; $10,000 Fire Fighting Equip~nt Bonds, Series 1946; and the $60,000 Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 1946, be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Dunnington, Hanoock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None. The resolution is as follows: "A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE SALE OF CERTAIN BONDS OF TEE CI'I'Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS." BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City o~ West University Place, 'l'exas: r-.---- ~~T':--'~ 1'-1 r. . _~1_ 1'. - ------c-'.-'T.,--'i---- ---- I ,294 That the sale to R. R. Rowles, for Rowles & Co., B. V. Christie & Co., Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., and Walter, Moody & Heimer- dinger, of the following described 'bonds: $230,000 City of West University Place, Texas, street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1940; $50,000 City of West University Place, Texas, Public Park Bonds, Series 1940; $10 ,000 City of West University Place, Texas Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds, Series 1940; $60,000 City of West University Place, Texas Storm Sewer Bonds, Series 1946, upon the terms and conditions set out in a resolution awarding the sale of said bonds duly adopted by the City Commission on the 24th day of June, 194b, be and the same is hereby in all things ratified, approved and cont'irmed. PASSED and APPROVED this "/ day of August, 1940. ~igned~ A. L. Kerbow 'yor, l.'ty or weS1j university Place, Texas ATTEST: (Signed) Louise L. Lucas Assistant City Secretary, City of West University Place, Texas (Seal) The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call or the Y'.a.yor. ATTEST: a~~ Mayor I' . ,- T ~~"-~~'"i ,~".~- ~n r ,=,.~~~-=-~~~~ 1 .--= " -"'i<;-" ,J :;- ~ . ,. ,) [; U' '.,;. "---<. . -,'~.~~ 1'1.-.' \ r:: l , 1 J" . \_':"~' ".,..:.:-- ! 1'1 \ J i ' ^-==- ' >:::j-: '-' -1'"......, ....~ '..c...... ......P, """........ MIl\1UTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 1940 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, August 12, 1940, at '7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members presenb were Mayor Kerbow" presiding, Commissioners Dunningbon, Hancock, Marti.m. and Lee and the City Secretary. Minutes of meebings of July 22, 29 and Augus~ I were read and approved. The following bids were received in response to previous notice: Ivey Russell Motor Co. - 2 ton Cab over Engine bruck for immediate delivery $1963.55 <1: and f'or other vehicles requested in 11Notice II a letter was present- edbut no guaranteed prices of delivery were stated. Motionby-Cornmissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner HanCOCk, that Ivy Russell Motor 00. ,be awarded contract f'or the abeve' truck and one passenger car. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanoock, Martin and Lee. 1 I J ~ ~ .~. Voting Noe: None. The f'o~loWing bids were received f'or a trac~or tor use in the Street Department and Garbage Departmen6: Gulf Tractor & Equipment 00. a bid Of $6,408.91 plus freight estimated to be $275.00. DeliV- ery 30 to bO days. . Browning Ferris Machinery Co. $72QO and alternate bid 01' $6736.05 including treight. 90 to 100 days delivery. The purchase of the tractor was ref'erred to street & Bridge Com- missioner Martin and the City ~ngineer for recommendation. . The following bids were received tor the Fire Truck: American LaFrance $12,7!j0.00 Mack International Truck Go. 11,254.55 Seagraves 12,150.00 with additional prices for sucn equipment as had previously been determined by tne Fire Chief, Oity Engineer and Fire Commissioner, This was referred to tne above committee f'or tab.ulation a nO. re- commendation. Bids were received On Fire Hose from Mack International Truck Co., American LaFrance Foamite Company, Fioric Fire Hose Company and Eureka Fire Hose Company. These were referred to the City En- gineer, Fire Chief and FireOo.mmissioner :tor recommendation. T':'", --:--,.-::'- _:._"~':F"j"'-'-"="'=-='...lr'r , .:,:1 2 Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Dunnington tha~ recommendations of the City Planning Commission that Ordin- ance No. III be amended to permit construction of duplexes on Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Evanston Place, and rour way apartments on lots 13, 14 'and 15, Block 2, Evanston Place De rejected. Voting Aye: Mayor Keroow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. In duscussing the cutting ov vacant lots, theCity Attorney Was instructed to render a legal opinion as to metao~s wnich might be legally made and colleoted tor Charges for cutting vacant lots. In response to a letter trom the Harris County Librarian that Mrs. Allison Sanders, Branch Librarian in West University Place had been raised , cents an hour, motion by Commi$sioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the City or West University Place participate in tne raise to an amount equal to 2-1/2 cents an hour. . Voting Aye: Mayor KerboW, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seOonded by Commissioner Martin that a request from ~ev. Ray V. Mayfield tor authority to con- struct a temporary 30 x ,0 tent on the West University Baptist Church property was approved tor one year on a temporary basis due to the fact that they were unaDle to obtain building mater- ialS at tnis time to construct addition rooms badly needed tor church purposes. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COlJlI[l.issioners Dunnington, Martin, Hancock and Lee. Voting Nee: None. A letter from tne Houston Transit Company referring a petition from citizens on Robinhood Street was referred to the Planning Board tor their recommendations. ~pon motion by Commission Martin, seconded by Uommission Dunn- ington that tne Houston Power&: Light Qompanybe granted a 10 tt franchise across lot 'I, block l~, Colleg~~iew Third Addition and a , root easement located west of and adjacent to said 10 foot wide easement, in order tha~ the presen~ line serving tnis area may'oe moved for the West University Baptist Ghurcn to construct a building in its present location. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin a nd Lee. Voting Noe: None. The Mayor introduced the follOWing resolution: 1= 1 .n-=--=--=--=""-r-r-'==j"""l ~1 ==~-~-==..........~ j r --^ 'U.- ! . i ' r,'. '-1 U ~Q; ....,Q../ ,;... tv"', ~. :""Ui -.;or.!.' .......,N... ~":i ..<r~ 3 RESOLUTION ~f.EEREAS, the present income tram taxes in the Ci~y or West University Place, Texas, is insutricien~ to meet tne opera- ting requirements or said city; and, WHEREAS, the City ot West University Place, Texas, is desirous ot ontaining a loan from the University State Bank of Houston, 'l'exas;' and, Whereas, the University State Bank ot nouston, Texas has indicated its willingness to make SUCh loan in the amount of 'l'en ll'housand ($10,000.00) Dollars per month for a period 01' i'our (4) monthS at an interest rate not to exceed three (310) per cent; tIm" Th"'EREFGRE, BE 1'1' RESOLYBD by the (;ity Gommission ot tne vity of West ~niversity Place, Texas, that the 0ity Treasurer ot said city obtain a loan on the par"C of said ci~y Trom the Uni- versi~y State Bank in tne amonnt of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of August, Ten Thousand (.10,000.00) Dollars during ~ne month of September, Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) DmIlars duringGne month or October, and. Ten Thousand ('10,UOO.00) Dollars during the month or Novemoer, at an interest rate not to exceed three (310) per cent:];)er annum; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tnis entire loan of ]'orty Thousand ($40,000.00) DOllars oe paid to the University State Bahk of Houston, TeXas out or the General Fund or tne City or West University Place, Texas. 194b. Passed and Approved 'tnis the 12'th day of AUgust, .A.D. AT'fEST: ~:l~mAd A. La KAT"t'lnW A. L. Kernow, Mayor ~igB:Od dfiBiOG L. WilliaJfl:.!_ City Secre~ary SEAL Motion oy Commissioner Martin, seconded oy Commissioner Hancock approving ~ne resolu~ion as read au~h~Dizing 'the City Treasurer to norrow $10,000.00 per month for a period of four months not to exceed 310 per annum. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. The meeting.of the Mayor and CounQilman's Association meeting to be held with the City as Host, September 12, 1946, was disoussed and Commissioner Hancock was appointed on the entertainment com- mittee, further details of the program to be discussed at a later date. The Mayor informed the Council that Dr. Russ Denzler had resigned as a member of the Health Board and recommended Dr. F. M. Hughes r~","~-,,"..-x=---"'"="'l==--==l"'l ,~-~~~~~~~~"~-, (""'------- 4, as a replacement stating that he had contacted Dr. Hughes and he was willing to serve. mion by Oommissioner Hancock, seconded by Oommisioner Martin, that Dr. Hughes be appointed as":a member of the Health Board re- placing Dr. Denzler. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Dun- nington, ~~rtin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. The following recommendations were presented by Garrett Engineer- ing Company, Consulting Engineers and James L. Williams, City En~ gineer: "Hon. A. L. Kerbow, Mayor and Members of the City Com- mission, City of West University Place, 3800 University Boulevard, Houston 5, Texas. ----' Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions, we have tabulated the bids received at 7:30 P.M., July 19, 1946 for the con- struction of storm sewers, Contract No.2, and attach- ed is a certified copy of the tabulation. I ----' The bid submitted by the lowest responsible bidder is that of Gerald Mora in the total amount of $50,833.60. We recommend that the contract be awarded to Gerald Mora on the basis of the unit prices stated in his pro- posal. We estimate the total cost of constructing the storm sewers under this contract as follows: Contract - Base Bid Reserve for Oontingencies Total $50,833.60 ':5.711..81:; 54,545.45 5,454.55 Y;l6~O ,000.00 Engineering, Legal ~ Over- - head We recommend that the sum of $60,000 be appropriated from the proceeds of the storm Sewer and Drainage Bonds to pay the cost of the work performed under this con- tract and the legal, engineering and administrative ex- penses in connection therewith. Yours very truly, 1 i i _I Signed M. T.. 0~~~Att M.T.Garrett, President APPROVED: Garrett Engineering Co. Signed J. L. Wil1;~mA J. L. Williams, City Eng. " r "l"T ,.- f""-- ~~~ '_J t'r:o -"'~. f" tm.,. "~....," ~....; ~ 5; Letter #2 - Garrett Eng. Co. "Hon. A. L. Kerbow, Mayor and Members of the City Com- mission, oi ty or West University Place, 3eOo University Boulevard, Houston .5, Texas. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instruotions, we have tabulated the bids received at 7:30 P. ll., July 19,1946 for the construc- tion of a concrete bridge on University Boulevard across Poor Farm Ditch, Contract No.3, and attached is acer- tified copy of the tabulation. The bid sumitted by the lowest responsible bidder is that of Brown & Root, Inc., in the total amount of $24,7000. We recommend that the contract be awarded to Brown & Root, Inc. on the basis of the lump sum amount stated in its proposal. ' We estimate the total cost of constructing the con- crete bridge under the contract as follows: Cnntract - Base Bide Reserve for Contingencies $24,700 2,470 27,170 Engineering, Legal and over head 2,~17 $29, ..87 Total We recommend that the sum of $29,887 be appropriated from the proceeds of the Paving and Bridge Bonds to pay the cost of the work performed under tnis contract and the legal, engineering and administrative expenses in connection therewith. ) Very truly yours, Signed M...-!P-.--Getr-re'b-'b- M. T. Garrett, President Garrett Eng. Co. APPROVED: SiJmeiLJ"-. I'A \in bj l'lms J. L. Williams,ity Eng.ft Letter #3, Garrett Eng. Co. "Hon. A. L. KerbOw", Mayor and Members of the Vity Com- mission City of West University Place, 3800 University BOUlevard, Houston 5, Texas. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instructions, we have tabulated the bids 6" received at 7:3~ P.M., auly 19, 1946 for the construc- tion of street paving, Contract NO.1, and attached is a certified copy of the tabulation. The bid submitted by the lowest responsible bidder is that of L. Vernon Miller (doing business as L. Ver.non Miller &: Son) in the total amount of $253,30'7.30,. We recommend that the contract be awarded to L. Vernon Miller (doing business as L. Vernon Miller &: Son) on the basis of the unit prices stated in his proposa.l., The contract provides that a portion of the cost shall be assessed against and paid by the owners of property abutting on the streets to be paired under the "front foot rule. 11 'Ijhecontract documents contain an escala- tor clause under the terms of which the Liity agrees to pay any bona fide increase in the prices of sand,' gravel, cement, reinforcing steel and freight rates, The prices of all materials have increased during the past several months, and it is possible that they may continue to do so. For that reason, and to provide for any other contingencies which may arise during con- struction, we are including in our estimate of total project costs a reserve for contingencies of 10 per cent of the total amount of the contract. ! i "' ~ I ---', We estimate tnat the other expenses in connection with the project, including legal, engineering, admmnistra- tive, advertiSing, overhead and expenses in connection with property assessments, will amount to an additional 10 per cent. . On this basis, the total cost of the 'project is estim- ated as follows: I, I . _J Amount of Contract - Base Bi-d Plus 10~ Contingencies Plus 1010 Legal, Engr., Adminis- trative, Etc. Estimated Total Project Cost $2.53, 30'}. 30 25,330.',13 27t5,b3tl.03 2'J.ljh3.~O 30b,.50l.t53 With the exception of University Boulevard, some of the abutting property consists of lots whic~ front on the streets to be paved and the remaining abutting peoperty consists of lots wnich are situated alongside of the ' streets to be paved. Under the "front Foot rule" and the statutes with reference to paving under which this work is to be performed, the assessments are to be made on the basis of the benefits to be derived by the respective owners ot ~he abutting properties. . The statutes prOVide that the entire cost of the curbs shall be assessed against the abutting property owners. In our opinion, the benefits to be derived will oe greater to the owners of abutting prop- .! L'- '_~..c]~'r-' _ _ _~_l'::_:=-="__-=:__n~-"-"J.__H___ ~- .' '1 ;', 0.; ",..... er~y which fronts on the streets to be paved (front 'lo~s) than ~hey will be to owners or property located alongside at s~ree~sto be paved (side lots) Afte'r careful consideration, we are or the opinion that an equitable basis would be to assess the. owners of side lots for paving on the basis ot 6010 per cent of the rate assessed owners on tront lots. The follow- ing tabulation shows the footage at front lots and foot~ age ot' side lots on each side 01' the streets to be paved. Front Side Total West St. Footage Foo"ta~~ Footage 'side ,Auden 300.00 -0- 300.00 """"",, East side Auden St. 530.00 124.00 060.00 ......~J NOl"th Side Rice BlVd. 600.00 992.49 1,052.49 ~-' 060.00 _. ""''' South side Rice Blvd. 9ts3.3ts 1,043.3ts "~J.:..... -r--to:-.... North side University ....~ .....~. Boulevard '/ ,/53.50 -0- 'j , '/ , 3.50 ~. ~ South side University Boulevard 0,59'/.20 -0- 6',59'/.20 East side .Weslayan st. -0- 3,553.90 3,5;3.~0 Wes'\; sid.e Weslayan St. 755.2'1 2.'193.10 3, 54ts. 3'/ 1'/,201.9', tl . 440 . b '/ 25, '/Ots. ts4 It is our understanding that ~he City nas adopted a policy aT assessing the cost at the rirst 13~ Teet or paving in rront or eaen abutting property against the property owner plus the total cost OT the curb. On this basis, the amount to be assessed against "the own- ers or property frontin~ on s-tree"Cs to be paved (front lID~s) would De as follows: Paving per Front ffoot ~b.25 Curb per Tront Foot .7' Paving & Curb per front ft. 7.00 Based on assessing the owners of property alon~sjdA at streets to be paved 00 per cent 01' "Ghe rate assessed owners or property fronting on the streets tor paVing, the amount to be assessed'the owners of side lots would be as t'ollows: Paving per Front Foot $3.75 Curb per Front Foot ~~ Paving and Curb per Front Ft. $4~50 On this basis, the to"Gal cost to be assessed against the property owners would qe as follows: 17,2bl.9'1 L.F. Front Foot PaVing (Front Lots) @ $6.25 $107.887.32 8,44o.ts7 L.F. Front Foot Paving (Side Lots) @ 3.75 31,075.70 Total Assessments ror Paving Only 25,/Ots.ts4 L.F. Curb @ 10.75 1.3~, j03. 0'/ l~ ,2tH.bi Total Assessments - Property Owners Paving & Curb l5d,~44.70 J~' _~ . __ r~~~"-=n m~_L__ ==:0 _.1 - --- - 'i"-'T-~.'r'_--r-- 8 The estimated total projec~ cost is divided,as Tollows: Property Owners' Assessments City's part or 'llotal Cost $1.58,844.,/0 J.4't, 62".1.2 l30 . .51ill. 83 In order to provide ror any other contingencies whiCh may arise, we recommend 1ihat the sum o:t' $1.5.5,000 be appropriated rrom theprocarts of the Paving and Bridge Bonds to pay theCity's part of the cost of the work to be perrormed under this contract and the lega, engineer- ing and administrative expenses J.n connection therewith. Very trUly yours, Signed. M.T. nA'P'PP.tt M. T. Garrett, President Garrett Engineering Co. APPROVED: Signed J. L~ Williams J. L. Williams, City ~ng." The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call or the Mayor. The City Commission of the City of West University Place met in recessed meeting on Wednesday, August 1.5, 194b at the City Hall at '/:30 P. M. Members present Mayor Kerbow preSiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Hancock and Lee, City Attor- ney and City Secretary. _J b~. G. A. Small and Mr. Frank J. Core appeared. betore the council and stated. that the opinion rurnished by vhapman and Cutler, their attorneys, was not an unqualified. marketable opinion and -chat; in order for them to accept delivery of' the bonds, it would be necessary to repeal the ordinance annex- ing Southside Place, and that this was agreeable With t~. Rex Clausen and this would be accomplished by repealing only the ord~nce annexing Southside Place, and a payment of $3.500.00. After much discussion, motion was made by Cormnissioner,Martin, seconded oy Commissioner Hancock that the council meet in ex- ecutive session and discuss this matter. Later Commissioner Lee made a mo"tion, second.edby Commissioner Dunnington, that the council ,take 'the recommendation or "the ci'ty attorney, that the opinion furnished by Chapman and Cutler was an unquali- fied opinion, and that t;he City had. performed its part in 'the delivery or the bonds. Thererore the sale was considered valid. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, CommiSSioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. None. ! t i , ' , The commission recessed. subject to call of the Mayor. . f...." .... ,.. "r'=n="~=I'T' - 1'- -"--". ....,1 (,..""_.---.~----------" . ----cc-r- 'T--...- ~'r'l ............; :~'1.~ ~c~.. ; :-=::. 'l...~.~, -"""'".-~, __.~<-i ~,,"- 9 The City Commissiontof the City of West University Plaoe met in reoessed meeting on Friday, August Ib, 194b at theUity Hall at 'I: 30 p.M. Memoers present Mayor Ke_rbow presiding, Com- missioners Dunnington, Martin, Hancook and Lee and City Seore- tary. Mr. Rossner and Mr. Forbes, property owners with property rac- in on Weslayan between ~iley street and Bellaire Blvd., appear- ed before the counoil in the interest of having this seotion of Weslayan paved with concrete. These oitizens were informed that their petition ror this paving had Deen received, and would De handled along with otner petitions for additional paving, but that it would be impossible to handle this seo- ,tton along with the paving now under contraot unless it was a cash transaotion. Commissioner Martin and City Engineer Williams presented a letter of recommendations and tabulation of bids to the ooun- oil, on bids received for tractor on August 12, and reoommended the low bid or "the Gulf Tractor and Equipment Company, be aocepted. . Motion by Commissioner Martin, seo':nded by Commissioner Hancook that the reoommendations of the street and bridge oommissioner and city engineer be acoepted, and the Gulf Traotor And Equip- ment Company Oe awarded this oontraot; in the amounti or $6b83.,U. Voting Aye: Mayor Keroow, CommiSSioners Dunnington, Mar"tin, Hanoook and Lee. Voting Noe: None. Tabulations ot "tne bids on the fire truck reoeived August 12, were presented oy commit"tee composed oT the Fire Chier, Fire 'Commissioner Hanoock and the City Engineer with recommenda~ tions that the order not be placed until delivery or ~he bonds. It was further postponed until a later da~e due to the de~ivery da"te or ~he fire ~ruck. The following treasureri s receipts were received t'roro. the City Treasurer, Ew. C. E. Gammill, and read to the Oommission: TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE TO THE HONORABLE :MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ,WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Lawrully authorized Street and Bridge Bonds in tne amoun"t of $230,000 have been heretofore sold and oeing now in prooess of delivery; prooeeds from wnioh, app~ioaole "to payment or the contract; and ooliga~ion of' the city ror street improvements as hereina1'ter men"tioned, are to oe paid in~o the City Treasury prior to the maturity thereor. I do hereby certiry in aocordance with "the provision of the charter of the 0ity Of West University Place, Texas, that as provided in said Charter there is in the Treasury of the City of West University Place "to "the oredi~ of the street Improvement ~und the sum or $15,,000.00 for paying the City'S part of the cost of paVing and improving: ~_.~-J,-. .._.~~:~__ _~.._,I...1. rO~'--.- 1.0 University Boulevard trom the west line 01" Kirby Dri ve to the east line at Communi 'ty Drive; a:'l. nd Weslayan Street trom the south line 01" Hiley Stree't (east 01' 'Neslayan Street) toche sou1ih line oX Rich- mond Road; and Rice Boulevard rrom 't.hewes't line or Kiroy Drive to the west line or .Be~mont Street; and Auden Street from the north line 01' University Boule- vard to the north line or Rice Boulevard, I \ I I '~ in the City of West University Place and whicn fund has not been appropriated for any other purpose; said sum 01" $15~,OOO is now available for appropreationbY tIle Oity Oommission :t'or the puppose stated. DA1~D this loth day ot August, 1~4b. Bigned C. E. Gammill City Treasurer of the Oity of West University Place, Texas. TR~ASURERtS CERtIFICATE TO 'I'...l{E HONORABVE :MAYOR AND Cr'LIY CO:MMISSlm:r Olf' 'flBE CITY OF VfEST UIJTVERSITY PLACE, 'rEx..~S: I ~I Law-tully aucGhorized storm Sewer Oonstruction Bonds in tne amount or $60,000.00 naving been neretor-ore sold and being now in process or delivery; proceeds Trom vnlicn, appli- caole to payment of 'Gne contract and ooligatlon of tne 0i ty for storm sewers as hereinaf'cer mem:;ioned, are to be paid into the eity 'l'reasuryprior to the maturity there or , I do hereby certify in accordance With the provisions OrGhe Charter aI' the City of Nes-c University Place, '.l'exas, that as provided in said Charter there is in the 'l'reasu.ry of ~ne 0ity or Wes~ Universi~y Place to ~he credi~ or the storm Sewer Construction ~und the sum or $bU,OOO.OOror paying the cos-c or tne cons~ruction or Storm Sewers (Oon- tract NO.2, Geco Proje.ct No. (04) in the 0i ty aT West Uni- versity Place and which fund has not oeen appropria~ed for any o~ner purpose; said sum of $oO,OOO.UO is now available for appropriation by the City Commission for the purpose stated. DATED this 16th day of August, 1946. Signed C. E. Gammill City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. 1':-_"''''~''=-~=''-=''=r~=;;,'''=O'='=l~ ____ f" _-=--~.~:::::-O:~=-::!==~___________ r-.=-'---- ~ ...-..; '- .-,...., '~. C-? ......,-, -""" -< It TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE TO THE HONORABLE l~YOR A1~ CITY C01~lISSION OF THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, rr.Exp.s: Lawfully authorized street and Bridge Bonds in the amount of $2.30,000.00 having been heretofore sold and being now in process o~ delivery; proceeds from which, applicable to pay- ment of the contract and obligation of the City for concrete bridge as hereinafter mentioned, are to be paid into the City Treasury prior to the maturity thereof, I do hereby certify in acoordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of West' University Plaoe, Texas, that as provided in said Charter there is in theTreasury of the City of West University Place to the credit of Street Paving and Bridge Fund the sum of $29,887 for paying the cost of the construction of a Concrete Bridge on University Boulevard over Poor Farm Ditch (Contract No.3, Geco Project No.3' in the City o,f West University Place and which :fund has not been appropriated for any other purpose; said sum of $29,887 is now available for appropriation by theCity Commission for the pur- pose stated. Dated this ~ day of August, 1946. Signed, c- R. f!ammill City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Martin that the recommendations of Garrett E~gineering Company, engineers for the City of West University Place, Texas, on the bids received July 19, 1946, for the paving and improving of: University Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the east line of Commanity Drive; and Weslayan Street from the south line of Riley street (east of Vleslayan Street) to the south line of Richmond Road; and Rice Boulevard from the west line of Kirby Drive to the west line of Belmont Street; and Auden street from the north line of University Boulevard to the north line of Rice Boulevard; be adopted and that an ordinance be prepared awarding the con- tract for such improvements to L. Vernon Miller doing business as L. Vernon Miller & Son on his low unit price bid and total- ing $253,307.30. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hancock. 1....... ..-...'.I..~'........~.I'T r......~._..~~=...-..~.~. -1 f' 1:2' :.1. _ Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Han- cock and Lee. Voting Noe: None. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington that the recommendation of Garrett Engineering Company, Bngineers for the Oity of West University Place, Texas, on the bids received.,~Ju1y 19, 1946, for the construction of storm sewers for the Vity of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, be adopted and that an ordinance be pre- pared awarding the contract for such improvements to Gerald Mora on his low unit price bid and totaling $50,833.60. Motion sec- onded by Commissioner Lee. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Lee and Hancock. Voting Noe: None. Motion by Commissioner Hancock that the recommendations of Garrett Engineering Company, engineers for the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, on the bid~ received July 19, 1946, for the construction of a concrete bridge on University Boulevard over Poor Farm Ditoh be adopted and that an ordinanoe be pre- pared awarding the contraot for such improvements to Brown & Root, Inc., on its low lump sum bid and totaling $24,700~OO. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: : Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Lee and Hanoock. Voting Noe: None. The City seoretary was instructed to notify the successful bidders in aooordance with the three above motions. A letter dated August 16, 194b, from Mr. C. E. Gammill, Treas- urer, advised the council that he had obtained a $10,000.00 loan at 310 per annum, in aocordanoe with the resolution passed at the regular session of the council, August 12, 1946. Due to the emergenoy of bond matters pending, the commission re- cessed SUbject to call of the Mayor. ------~--~------------- The City Oommission of the City of West University Place met in recessed meeting on Monday, August 19, 1946, at the City Hall at 7;30 P. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Com- missioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Sec- retary. Mr. Healy and Mr. Sheaffer appeared before the Council and re- quested that necessary action be taken to retard to a minim~ the number of negroes prowling within West University Place. They also objected to, the number of negroes residing in West University Place. ]lr. Healy and Mr. Sheaffer were assured that necessary aotion would be taken to control this within the laws and regula- tions of this city. Mr. Rowles and Mr. Frank J. Core, representing the syndicate 'I' ~-'IT r ~ ~----- -~"-"-1 -----I' 1i:3' who purchased the recent bonds, appeared before the Commission and presented a letter as follows: "Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, West University Place, Texas ' Gentlemen: As you know, the dead line for the delivery of your bonds to us expired August 16th and our cashier's check in the amount ot $7,000.00 is due us. This is in keeping with the terms of our Purchase ~gree- mente '<::j"'l <;(: In an endeavor to serve your City by furnishing the funds to pay for your much needed improvements, we respectfully submit to you the following and final proposal, which is only good until 10:00 A.M. tomorrow, August 20th. -- , , -. '~''''~', '-~ ,~ ......"",! ...ot.\......,- ~,J Provided that, by formal action by your City Admin- istration, you make it possible for us to secure a non-litigation certificate pertaining to your bonds which will permit Chapman & Cutler to assue us a marketable and usual opinion acceptable to us, we agree to pay you par plus accrued interest for your $350,600.00 Bonds maturing 194" through 197b, pre- vided you agree to pay us for services rendered a fee of' 2% of the par amount; of the bonds. Said t'ea would be due and paya~le simultaneously at the time we take up and pay for said bonds. Further provided that the City purchase trom us With available funds at a price of 98~ the $16,000 of said bonds maturing in the year 19'76. This snaIl also be done simultan- eously with the delivery of said 'bonds. Yours very truly, Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger Rowles & Company, B. V. Christie & Co. By Frank J. Core. Ma~ger Municipal Department. After considerable discussion and upon recommendation or the City Attorney it vvas decided that "the City should notify this firm in writing that unless these bonds were taken up prior to 8:00 P.M. August 2b, that the City would consider them for- feiting their good faith check and ~Quld act accordingly. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare this letter. " The City Secretary and City Treasurer presented the l'ollowing recommendations to the City Commission: A. That building permits be raised tram 3 mills per sq. tt. to a minimum 01' $5.00 based on our minimum. size house. of 800 sq. ft., with a 5 mill per square foot charge in excess of 800 I' T.......=.=r'~~...~I"T r.~'~>~~~~;1 i . 14 sq. ft., and a $2.00 minimum for repair jobs with the same per square foot applying except minimum.. This should return approximately $2,000.00 in revenue per year. B. The land values Lor 1945 were improvements utilities stock & fixtures Total $3,4'/5,04.5 ,,4.50,.520 394,310 37,~3.5 9,3.5'l.I:HO In a letter received tram Mr. Carl S..Smith, dated Augus~ 9, 194b, he estimated tha~ the Equalization Board will be able to raise approximately $300.000 in values l'rom commer- cial property and u~ilities. At ~1.b7 tax rate and a valuation 01'$9, b.5'j , cSlO based on <).5 per cent tax collection vlill return $1.53,219,33 leavimg a balance ~o be raised in order to oalance the budget of $.56,534. j'j which will require additional value of $3, ,'/<:5 ,124. A 40 percent blanket increase exclusive or the above increase on commerCial and utilities or a bb percent on improvements alone. or this alternate it is recommended that the 40 percent blanket increase be approved and that the Tax Collector & Assessor and Board or Equalization be instructed to take necessary action and provide notice as required to the end of providing ~hese increases within the minimma time possi~ ble in order that the tax rate for l)l4b-4'/ and -cheoudge-c for this same period may be adopted hereby reducing the amount of money necessary to he borrowed upon which we will have to pay imterest. Yours very truly, oigned James i.. Williams C. E. Gammill Motion oy vommissiorter Lee seconded by Commissioner Hancock that the Board of E~ua1ization and Tax Collector-Assessor De instructed that the tentative reauirement from taxation for the fiscal year l)i4o was $234,b.50..5~ of whicn approximately $22,896.00 would be received from mlscellaneous source~, leaving a Dalance of $211,753.10 to De raised from ad valorem tax; that the Uity Secretary notify these agencies to take neo- essary aotion to raise valuations on a blanket oasis sufficient .' to meet these requirements and suggested that approK1mately $300,000 could be raised tram oommercial property and utilities and approximately 40 percent blanket; that necessary additional personnel De employed to expedite getting out of notices in order that collection of taxes might oe accomplished at ~he earlies practicaole date. Voting Aye: N~yor Kerbow, Commissioners ~unnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Voting Noe: None. Upon motion of Commissioner Hancock, seoended by CommiSSioner Lee the meeting recessed suoject to call of the Mayor. f'" '~'~""'-r-'-"""'="IT r-'-'~'~' ,. ',"' --r- -----~-~i--- --, ~ --. '-' ~.~.... ~"'- " '"" "":0.'1'.' Xi <:C 15~ The City Commission of the Gity 01' Vilest University Place me'C in recessed meeting on Saturday, August 24, 1~4b at 'Che City Hall at ts:Oo. .A. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, pre- siding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee, the City Secretary and tne City Attorney. Mr. RoWles, representing ~he syndica'Ce who purcnased 'Cne bonds was present, together with Mr. Rex Clausen, Attorney representing a group or citizens in the suit protesting the issuance or the bonds. The City Commission met in executive session, was later called into recessed session by the Mayor. The purpose of this meeting was ~o consider tne proposal of Mr. ROWles, with reterence to delivery at bonds. Mr. Rowles proposed that alloT the ordinances annexing additional pro- perty including Bellaire andSouthside Place, would have to be repealed, thereby removing all risk in the bond attorney's opinion, toge'bner with the payment of $6,000.00 to the bond ' company before he could accept de11v~7yor the bonds. After discussing 'this matter and each memoer expressing their - views, a motion was made by Gofmnissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the Uity Attorney notify the purchasers or the bond 'through 1ft. Rowles, tna t they had- made a legal tender or 'the bonds in accordance with the contract 'and requested that the acceptance thereof be made not later thants:OO P. M. Monday, August 26, 1~4b; the failure thereOf to be considered a for1'eit or their good faith or bidders bond. Voting Aye: :Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, and Martin. Voting Noe: Co.Dllhissioners Hancoe-k and Lee. Commissioner Lee requested permission to submit to city sec- retary a written statement to be incorporatmd in the minutes. The statement is as follows: "Since the minutes 01' the liomrnission do not otherwise re- flectthe nego'Ciations Which have been carried on siaae ~ugus"G l.5'Ch, I desire to make the follOWing statement and have same incorporated in 'Che minutes. On ~hursday, August 15, 194b, at a recessed meeting of the council, the council for the firs-I; time was advised that ;:_ di1'ficul ty was tHi1:hS encountered in having the purChasing bond companies approve the bonds because of the pending annexa'tion litigation. The conds were required to oe de- livered on or before August lb, 194b, the next day. Mr. Frank Core, representing the bond companies, stated that he thought if the vommission repealed the ~outhside Place Annexation Ordinance and paid to him and his associates the sum or $3.500.00 for services rendered tha't the 'bond money \ would be made available. The council refused to take any action upon Mr. Corefsproposi.tion atter the City Attorney r~-~----I-.O" - --Tl '"',1 r~----- -- -1-, r -- 16 stated that in his op~n~on the bond companies were blurting. The bonds were delivered to "Cne bond companies on Frida;y August lbth, and on Saturday August 17th, the companies, in writing, refused to accep'C delivery because they wer~ unable to get non-litigation cer'Cificat;es. The council met; again on Monday, Augus't 19'tu at; vIhicn time Mr. Rowles was present, as well as Mr. 00re and they presented in writing tnree d.emands 'Cobeperf'ormedbY 'Che City betore 10:00 A. M. the neoct morning: (1 ) (2) <:3 ) That the ~outhside Annexation Ordinance be repealed and that the suit a'ttacking the validity Or" the bonds be dismissed. That the City pay the bonding companies $7,000.00 for services rendered. That the City bUY back from the bonding companies $16,000.00 worth or the Donds a'C a discount. The council at that time voted to write the bond companies a letter giving them until 8:00 P. M. Monday Augus'C 2btn, to deliver the money to the city. The council met at various times and places on Wednesday, Thnrsday, Friday and Sa'Curday of 'the same week. During these mee"Cings the bond companies agreed to take $6,000 for services rendered iT the litigation was disposed or immedia'tely. During tne Thursday mee'Cing lir. Hex Clausen attorney, represen"Cing the Plaintifrs in the suit; attacking the bonds, was called in and he stated that his clients would not dismiss the suit unless the entire annexation program Was disposed 01' immediately. . On Saturday morning the counoil 'by a vote which has been recorded in the minutes, voted to stand upon the previous delivery of 'Che bonds and in ef':t'ect refused to dispose of the annexation litigation. After this Uoting, the bonding oompanies stated that they would not purchase the bonds. I voted agains'C "Che mo'tion passed on Sa"Curday, Augus"C 24th, because it meant that the Uity would not get the bond money at this time Which would result in the following: (1) ~he streets 01' the Uity Which the people had voted to pave by a vote of more tnan 1'i ve to one would in all liklehood not Oe paved this year. (2) The costs "Co the Ui"Cy in not accep"Cing the bond money at this time is likely to be between $50,000.00 and '100,000.00 and this is explained as follows: (a) Vernon Miller & ::Sons, whose bid for the paving was law by approximately $50,000.00, and Who had been awarded the contract for ~he paving stated ~o "Cne council at a previous meeting that they had made a $14,000.00 error in their bid and would like to withdraw from it. --:'F'~--~-~~~~IEf". __._~:r;:':":,:-::"c-;,:"",,, ,_.,.",u =--=-!'___.",.,..."-___________..__.__ ~ '...,.-' ....rw\ '-cl.r' r ~~ .~.,/ ,.-,-., -- < 17 .In view oT line i'act tna"C they were low by ~P.5u,UOO.OO, on any other bid they would probably increase "Cheir bid an~vhere beliween $14,000.00 and $50,000.00, certainly it would be ali leasli $14,000.00 more than their prior bid in view OT the error. The City, of course, cannoli hold them liO lihe conliraCt bid inderinitely. (0) The bond market has fallen off, interest rates are rising, and, according to competent bond men, if we offered our bonds on the market today, tney would cost lihe City from $1.5 ,000.00 liO ~'o, 000.00 more than 'Ghe low bid on the issue which has been rejected by a three to 'CWO vote of the council. (c) ~he money Which has been spent by tne viliy on tne present bond issue and wnicn may amou~~ to oetween $5,000 and $10,000.00 has been thrown away." Upon motion of vommissioner Hancock, seconded oy Uommissioner Lee, the me e iJing was adJ otmrned.. (i/~.<J- MAYR .ATTEST: ~4 . .., ECRET~ /-..,.- - r.==~~~:"T:.::.:-:_:n:l:r . __1:_~''::::::-:___:_~____________ ____~::::.1__ ------:-:r" ~- 18: MINUTES OF REGULAR M!!:ETING AUGUST 26, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, August 26, 194b, :at7:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present '''..iTere Mayor Pro Tem Dunnington, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee, the City Attorney and City EngineerTSecretary. Minutes of the meetings of August 12, 15, 19 were read and approved. '.,:' Idr. Simpson, Attorney for Vernon L. Miller, appeared before the Council and read the following letter: August 23 , 1946 Geeo Project No. 604 Contract No.1 Street Paving West University Place, Texas Hon. A. L. Kerbow, Mayor and "Members of the City Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston 5, Texas Gentlemen: On last Saturday, August 17, 1946, I received verbal notice that the City of West University Place was accepting my bid on and awarding to me, Contract No. One on Geeo prooect No. 604. On the same day a written notice to like effect was dispatched to me by the City. At the time of such notice the paving bonds to finance this construction work and contract were yet unsold and, of course, the proceeds of the sale of such bonds were not on hand. The high bidders for purchase of these bonds have advised you that the contract for their purchase of these bonds is novY' off, by reason of your inability to get approval thereof by bond attorneys as a result of the pendency, in the District Court of Harris County, of the suit by Joe C. Eason, et aI, attacking the legality of this bond issUe. ThUS, the bonds remain undelivered and unsold and the City continues to be without funds from this issue. The C:i:tyf s failure to sell these bonds and have on hand the proceeds therefrom has thus legally incapacitated it from executing vlith .me this contract. I have at all times been, and am noW', ready and willing to execute this contract with the City, and furnish tJ;le necessary 'performance bond, but have been, and continue to be, pre- vented from doing so by reason of the legal disability of the City to execute the contract with me. I hereby give you notice-that dur- ing the remainder of the ten (10) day ~eriod from August, l7~l949 " . ;r---- ~! ,-. ----.: ,..t""\ .~.....- ~. 4:., \~. ....."........ \,...';".j ~ l~l I will continue to be ready and willing to furnish the aforesaid bond and. to execute this contract vliththe City, at such place and time as you may request, upon the City having on hand the full amount of money from a completed and valid sale of these bonds and becoming in all respects legally capacitated to execute a valid and mutually binding and enforceable contract with me. If the failure of these essential requirements continue for the balance of the ten-day period following August 17, 1946, I hereby notify you of my withdrawal of my bid and request that you promptly thereupon return to me the bid bond submitted to you with my bid on this contract. Very truly yours, L. VERNON :MILLER & SON (Signed) L. Vernon Miller Owner Commissioners Dunriington, Hancock, Lee and Martin 'spoke to the group w'ho were before the Council in behalf of the improvement pro- gram. Mr. Cecil Gill, N..r. Cartwright and several others spoke in favor of repealing the annexation ordinances. Several citizens requested lights be placed at their street corners. They we~e informed that this would be accomplished if at all possible. The Council was informed that Mr. Haxthausen had resigned as a member of the Eaua1ization Board. Commissioner Lee made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martin that Mr. W. K. Clark be appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mr. Haxthausen. Voting Aye: :Mayor Pro-Tem Dunnington, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None CominissionerslvTartin and Lee and City Engineer Williams were authorized to contact the HoustqnTransit Company and arrange routes for school Children. Commissioner Hancock was designated to arrange place for meet- ing of Mayors and Councilmen's Association to be sponsored by this City September 12, 1946. There being no further business the meeting was recessed sub- ject to call of the Wla.yor~ MaYor ATTEST: c~. J r 1 .,1 Tl r" -1--"-i-O- 20 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTillKBER 9, 1946 The City Com.rnission convened in regular session on September 9, 1946, at 7: 30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Com- missioners Durmington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary-Engineer and City Attorney. Minutes of meeting of August 26 wereread and approved. A delegation of approximately 100 citizens appeared before the Council in connection with the 40 percent tax raise. The City Secretary-Engineer explained in detail the proposed budget as did Commissioner Lee and there was considerable discussion "With reference to various methods whereby the amount of funds re- quired to meet the budget for 1946-47 could be raised but no definite action was taken at this meeting. A committee was appointed by the group present com- posed of W. F. Ghiselin, Chairman, A. L. Shumate, Lindley, Herb, Marvin Cole, and L. B. Bricker to make an investigation and report back with recommendations to the City Council at a future meeting. ~ A letter from the West University Place Parent Teacher Association "with reference to additional policemen being used in connection with the school was read and Mayor Kerbow and Commissioner Hancock were delegated authority to work with Cfu.ief Smith and take such action as they: deemed necessary. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Co~~ssioner Hancock, that statement of the C<.'tpital National Bank with reference to transfer of bonds to Houston was approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Cornmissiofl..er Hancock, seconded by CO~ilissioner Martin that the following resolution be adopted: "WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has voted bonds for the purposes of street paving, bridge construction and storm sewer installations; and I'VVEEREAS, the City is in process of marketing and selling said bonds for said purposes; and W'rIEREAS, the City is anxious to begin said program. at the earliest pos- sible date; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that Mayor Pro-Tem Dunnington and J. L. Williams be and are hereby authorized and directed to enter negotiations 'With some bcmk or hanks of the City of Houston toward the end of borrowing sufficient monies to begin the oonstruction of street paving, bridge construction and the installation of storm sewers; said monies to be repaid by the City out of the sale of the bonds voted by the City. ~O:::'1,7.=~:;;""''::='=''!''''''''=''''''_-_-''::-=rcr + -, '--, ~~C: c.: 'j"". '---o!. <t 21 PASSED and APPROVED this th~ 9th day of September, A. D. 1946. (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mcy or ATTEST: (Signed) James L. Williams City Secretary (S E A L) Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin an d Lee Voting Noe: None Upon motion by Commissioner. Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, the meeting was recessed subject to call of the Mayor. RECESSED MEETING SEPI'EMBER 16, 1946 The City Commission reconvened in recessed meeting on September 16, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Pro~Tem Dunnington presiding, COlIunissioners HanCOCk, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary-Engineer and City Attorney. Mayor Pro-Tern Dunnington opened the meeting and introduced Mr. W. F. Ghiselin, Chairrnan of the Citizens Committee, who would present the reconnnendations of the committee appointed September 9, 1946. The committee recoIImlendations were as fol- lovvs : HECOlVIMENDATION '1'0 '\'VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE COUNCIL BY CITIZENS COMMITTEE AGAINST INCREASED PROPERTY VALUATIONS September 16, 1946 The cormni ttee, appointed by the citizens present at the last Council meeting who objected to a raise in the assessed valuations, to reco~~end some other means of raising the money required to cover.. our deficit, submits, the following plan: Charge each "vater connection $1.00 per month. as a charge for garbage collection. The money thus fund and can be used to defray the garbage expense, This assessment to be known collected will be in the general or any other general fund expense. This $1.00 garbage charge 1rdll be put on the ,"Jater bilJ,. each month for one year, and at the end of a year thts charge will be abolished. We f1L~her recommend that the Council submit a charter amendment at the November ~lection, to increase the tax l~~it to $2.00 on the $100.00 valuation. This increase. in the tax limit .'Vill eliminate any further consideration of increased property valu- ations. It will also compensate for the loss of revenue previously derived. from the $1.00 per month garbage fee. r-:c" ".',L' ----'T;'-----=r:- --,. ',-- -'_"'-~:1 -:L- 22., In order to ascertain the desire of the citizens in this matter, the Committee "rlll send out a double post card with a return card asking for a vote as to whether the people 'Want to pay on increased valuations, or a $1.00 per month garbage charge. The Council must agree to abide by the result of this straw vote as -we do not want to incur the expense of getting this vote unless they do so. The Chairmen of this Committee 'Will guara..'1tee the expense of sending out the post cards provided the City will address them. Your decision on this matter must be made immediately because it is im- perati ve that the tax bills be sent out at once. :'.~, (Signed) W. F. Ghiselin Chairman Comm.issioner Martin, seconded bY Co:m.1lissioner Lee, made a motion adopting the recow.mendations of the Committee to take a straw vote between the 40 percent increase in valuation and a $1.00 per month garbage charge plus 8 cents raise in tax valuations for the year 1946-4~ and that the Conunission would be governed by 'Ghe results of the straw vote. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem. Dunnington, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe~: None Mayor Kerbow arrived at this time. There ~as considerable discussion with reference to the expense incurred in submitting the straw vote to the tax payers of this Cit;y. Upon recommendat;j.on of a group of citizens present Commissioner Martin made a motion, seconded bY . Commissioner Lee that the City pay this expense which was estimated to be approx- imately $120.00. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Commission recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. ATTEST: aT)~ M9-yor -'~'~~~"-~'-l"~-~r- ='-'---""=-""OT:==:o.,,--=~~.O-O=lr:;r , --- ", -'~-r'~----"- i-Tn. ~l C' ~L~' , ..., t~.:" ct..:; ~ 2,3: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 23, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, September 23, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners DLUlnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Engineer-Secretar,y. Minutes of meetings of September 9 and 16 were read and approved. Mr. CharlesE. Kamp, 3606 Tangley, appeared before the Council and requested that the Southampton bus route now being operated over Mercer and Tangley Streets be rerouted over Edloe, Rice and Belmont due to the type of construction of the above streets. Citizens on Mercer and Tangley, represented by Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- berry and Mr. Jack Duray presented three petitions signed by a considerable number of property owners requesting that the busses be moved was presented to the Council. Upon motion by Commissioner HanCOCk, seconded by Commissioner Martin, the present bus committee composed of Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee and J. L. Vifilliams, ij'li'Sre instructed and authorized to contact the Houston Transit Company in connection with the rerouting of bus lines in West University Place, also to ex- pedi~e the franchise agreement. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow', Commissioners Dunnington, HanCOCk, Martin and Lee None Mayor Kerbow requested Mr. Charles E. Kamp, Mr. Jack Duray and Mr. and Mrs. Thornberry and any other interested citizen to appear before the Houston Transit Company lIU th the commit tee. Upon the recommendation of Police Chief Smith a motion was made by Commis- sioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the request of Major E. C. Whiteside for appointment as a Special Officer for the purpose of carryihg a weapon be approved with the provision that bond be furnished by Major Whiteside. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M.r-rYor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, HanCOCk, Martin and Lee None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee that the"$7,000 posted by the s;yndicate composed of Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc., Walter, Woody & Hei,lleTdinger, Rowles & Company and B. V. Christie & Company in connection with the purchase of the $350,000 in bonds be returned to the above ~ndicate due to the inability of the City to deliver these bonds "With a clear cut opinion. Motion bf' Connnissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the above motion be tabled until Thursday, September 26 due to the absence of the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington and Martin COTh~ssioners Hancock and Lee Commissioner Hancock stated that he would file his objection and requested they be made part of the Minutes. 1tIr. Rowles, Mr. Core and Mr. Dodd, representing the bond purchasers sub- mitted the following letter to the Commission:, Ii '~-T~~~C-~-I - r=c~-~='<l "<="'CC"~~rr "i-- 24 September 23, 1946 Hon. Mayor &: City Commissioners City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: On August 26, 1946, we formally requested that your City return our good faith check in the amount of $7 ,000.00 which~vas deposited with the City at the t~~e we contracted to purchase your $350,000.00 Bonds; which you were unable to deliver to us 'tnth an acceptable market attorneys opimon. All the members of our account feel that we have been most patient in this respect and I regret to inform you that it is my duty to hereby notify your City that if said check is not returned to us on or before October 1, 1946, we will be forced to take what ever legal steps necessary to recover said check. ",U", ';"" ,~~ . ;...~.. '-.!-::-' Yours very truly, STIFEL, N1fCOLAUS & COMPANY, INC. WALTER, WOODY & HElIvlERDINGER RaWLES .& COMPANY B. V. CHRISTIE & COMPA1TI (Signed) By Frank J. Core, Manager , Municipal Department Mr. C. E. GaJlli~ill reported that the Health Department had a c ash balance of $400.26 at the end of the fiscal year, August 31, 1946, and recorr..m.ended that this amount be carried over in the Health Department rather than tran,sferred to the General Fund as authorized in Section 7, Page 5 of the City Charter. Motion by COill11ussioner Lee seconded by Commiss ioner Dunnington that the City Treasurer t s recommendation be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None A letter from City Treasurer C. E. Gammill advised the Council that the second $10,000 loan had been made from the University State Bank at 3 percent per anmm payable on demand. A letter from the City Treasurer listing certai n bills previously approved in connection with the processing of the bonds was read requesting a decision as to what account these should be paid from. It was unanimously decided that these accounts should be paid from the General Account and charged to the Bond account to be repaid upon the sale of the bonds. The resignations of Mr. D. P. Boyett and Mr. E. O. Rulon were presented to the Council, and upon motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dillh~ngton, the resignations, effective October 1, were accepted ~dth regret. Voting Aye: MBtY'or Kerbow, Comi'nissioners Dunnington, ,Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None ~ --. :.....1 ~.::: :'~~ ~},-... i-~"i ~ 25 In cOTh."1ect.ion with the two vacancies created by the resignation of Messrs. Boyett and Rulon the following recorrnnendations were made by the City Engineer: September 20, 1946 Honorable City- COlTlil1ission City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: BE: VACANCIES lU-JD ~ORGANTZA'T'TON This is to advise you that the following personnel have notified the under- signed of their intent to resign their present positions effective October 1, 1946: D. P. Boyett, Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspector E. O. Rulon, Superintendent Streets, Bridges and Garbage In connection with these vacancies and the filling thereof the follovdng recoMuendations are made: A. That the garbage operations, parks, public buildings and groilllds, the mowing of vacant lots be placed under our present Sanitarian (Mr. McClain) at present salary. B. That the water and sewer system be consolidated under Mr. Harris with a chemist employed part time to make analysis when our new disposal plant is placed in operation. C. Tha t Captain Wal-ters be made Superintendent of streets and bridges and handle building inspections, drafting, etc. That Captain Walters be raised from his present salary of $225.00 per month to $275.00. D. That a clerk-stenographer be employed at $130.00 per month to handle records of Sanitarian, building inspections, complaints and general clerical and stenographic work thereby relieving Mrs. Lucas to handle the more important office functions making it possible that I spend more time in the outside operations. By making these consolidations it will result in a net saving of $3960.00 annually and it is believed will increase our efficiency. Yours very truly, (Signed) James L. Williams City Engineer-Secretary The City Commission expressed their approval of the above recommendations provided the Health Department had no objections to assigning Mr. McClain additional duties and the City Engineer was instructed to contact the Health Department in this connection and report to the City Co,1llTl.ission as early as possible. . Upon motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Corrnnissioner Martin, the City Secretary was instructed to notify the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance changing the present rates charged for building permits as follows: I::':-=T:_~.:::-=-=-=:="....:~~! _ _1'::"-'--.--- r::-~:-_~~=_'='~::':"=::~~::L_~~_________ 26 llIiI1imum, for any complete new residence to be as follows: $10.00 for the first 800 square feet and 1/2 cent per square foot for all :Ln excess of 800 square feet. For repair jobs a minimum of $5.00 with an allowance of 400 square feet vdth 1/2 cent per square foot in eoccess. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Co:mmissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Treasurer C. E.Ga.1h"Ilill, submitted a report in accordance with Section 7, Page 25 of the City Charter as follows: September 16, 1946 . .....;:-,. Honorable Mayor & Commissioners Gentlemen: At close of fiscal year August 31, 1946, cash in bank to credit of tIe Health Department was $400.26. I rec0rlJmend cash be retained in Health fund and not transferred to General Fund as provided in Section 7, page 25 of Charter, so that $275.00 may be applied on Sanitarian IS SalarJ for September and $125.26 on salary for October; the balance of his salary $149.74 for October to be paid out of Gen- eral fund and continue to pay salary out of General fund until tax collections are sufficient to meet requirements of Health Department and reimburse General fund. 'j Yours tI1J.ly, (Signed) C. E. Ga.1llllill Treasurer The annual report of the Sanitarian was read and approved by the Council. The meeting was recesseC). to reconvene at 7: 30 P. M., Thursday, September 26, 1946. The City COll'illlission convened in recessed session on Thursday, September 26, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present 1J'Sre Mayor Kerbow presiding, Com- missioners Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Engineer-3ecretary. The Mayor called upon Mr. W. F. Ghiselin to make a report on the straw vote. :Mr. Ghiselin reported the following tabulation: For a 40 percent valuation increase 136 For a $1.00 per month garbage charge plus 8 cent increase in tax rate 1710 Ballots "Vi'1.ich were returned but could not be courlted for either 42 A total of 1888 cards being returned. reT"---- , -~n r~'~-"~~~--_.,-- "~1 ~'~ ~- - t"""......' (:t~, c..t! C'.::i <.t 21 Upon motion by CO.lmnissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the Commission rescind its previous action instructing the Board of Equalization and Tax Collector to take necessar,r action to perfect the 40 percent increase in valuations: Voting Aye: VotLYlg' Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Corrmrl.ssioners Hancock, Martin aYld Lee None Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner lViartin, that t..1.e City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing $1. 00 garbage charge for each family unit and $2.00 for each business establishment with the City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Co~~issioners Hancock, Martin and Lee None 'Motion by Comrnissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution and notice ldth reference to submi tting to the voters the following amendments to the City Charter at the November 5 election: A. Amending .Article 21, Section 1 to p3rmit a $2.00 tax ra~e on each $100 valuation in lieu of the present $1. 75. B. That the fiscal year be changed from September 1 to August 31 to January 1 to December 31 of each year. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor KerbOW, Con1!~issioners Hancock, Martin and Lee None The bus committee reported results of their meeting ,Y.ith the Houston Transit Company and t:e City Engineer was instructed to notify the Houston Transit Company that it was the desire of the City Commission that the four school busses now being, operated be continued. A letter of recommendation from Wm. Yfhitney Reader, City Auditor, was read with reference to certaiIl changes in records pertaini:ng to the' Corporation Court. The City Engineer and City Treasurer were instructed to assist the Corporation Judge and Auditor in setting up the necessary records. Commissioner Hancock requested that the motion pertaining to the refund of ~n ,000 posted by the syndicate purchasing the $350,000 in bonds be brought up for further consideration. The motion is as follows: Motion by Co~~issioner HanCOCk, seconded by Co~~issioner Lee that the $7,000 posted by the syndicate composed of Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. , Walter, Woody & Heimerdinger, Rowles 6: Company and B. V. Christie & Company in connection with the purchase of the $350,000 in bonds be returned to the above syndicate due to the inability of the City to deliver these bonds with a clear cut opinionl. Each member of the Council present discussed their vieY~oint in this connec- tion before calling for a vote. The vote on this subject is as follows: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: T==~~T M~Jor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock and Lee Commissioner Martin r--- --'~~~"~~~l r~- --- ~-- ----I 'r~ ---- 2'8 Mr. Furler questioned the Council at length' with reference to previous expenditures. .After much discussion he was informed that any records of the City l1uth reference to expenditures could be obtained from the City Secretary or City Treasurer. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, t?at the resignation of W. F .Semmelrogge as Fire Marshall be accepted and that 1V1r. Grady Smith be appointed Fire Marshall without compensation and Mr. Karl Woodard, Assistant to fillthe above vacancy. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None ! ,I :~l,>".r The Co~~ssion recessed at this time to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. The City COIThllission reconvened in recessed meeting at 8 P. M., Monday, September 30, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Engineer-Secretary. "', The City Secretary presented the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~1HEREAS, Article VII, Section 6 of the HOome Rule Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, requires that thirty dalfs notice ,of regular city elections shall be given, and such Charter, by SectioI13 of said Article, pro- vides that a regular city election shall be held on the first Tuesday after tl;le first Monday of every other year, being this year November 5, 1946, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that said election be held as required by said Charter and that notice of the holding of such election shall be made by the posting of this resolution in three public places within the City, one of lmich shall be at the City Hall, and by publishing legal notice thereof signed by the Mayor of the City, in one issue of the Southwestern Times. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOL'lTED that the City COITh'Uission shall appoint the pre- siding offi~ers and judges as required by said Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED on this 30th day of September, A. D. 1946, by a vote of 5 ayes and No Noes. (Signed) A. L. Kerbow M~or ATTEST: Ja.lles L. Willialls City Secretary ~ '---. _.-~... ' '-0."-" " ,=, '. .i '>le.-"4> ,...'~, ........ o:::t r" " 29 Motion by Co~~issioner Martin, seconded by Co~~ssioner Dunnington, that the resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: .Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Co~~issioner Lee, that the following election judges be appointed with authority to employ two addi- tional clerks to assist in holding the city election November 5, 1946: F. A. Huwieler, Precinct No. 87 Har~ F.Dawson, Precinct No. 133 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbo'w', Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None' .-....,/ Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner. Lee, thattbe followL'lg ordinance be approved: AN ORDINANCE LE.'VYING A ONE ($1.00) OOLLAR PER MONTH GA..11.BAGE CHARGE FOR EACH FAMILY UNIT WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDRIES OF THE CITY OF NEST UNrifERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND A TWO ($2.00) roLLAR PER MONTH G.ffiBAGE CHARGE FOR EVERY BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT LOCATED VHTHIN THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDRIES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS. SECTION I. That the Assessor and Collector of Taxes in and for the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, is hereby ORDERED A1~DIRECTED to assess and collect a garbage charge of One ($1.00) Dollar per month for each fawily unit within the territorial boundries of th~City of West University Place,Texas, and also a garbage charge of Two ($2.00) Dollars per month for every business establishment "Within the terri- torial boundries of the City of West University Place, Texas. SECTION II All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed insofar as such conflict exists only. SECTION III This ordinance shall become effective on this the 30th day of September, A. D. 1946. Passed and ordained by the City of West University Place, Tex~s, on this the 30th day of September, A.D. 1946. ATTEST: (Signed~ A. L. Kerbow Mayor, City of -v'\[est University Place, Texas James L. Williams City Secretary ( SEAL}! L:::J~ Ll __ _~L_ ____=_~~_L1 _.I.. ---~- -.----~~crc-T'n-'~.cc-c~~--- 30 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: Commissioner Hancock The City Engineer recommended that a definite policy be established with reference to the collection of the. garbage charge in order that the total amount estimated to be received from this source would be ascertained. I t was decided that the Commission would think this over and adopt a definite policy at the next meeting of the Council. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that upon recommendation of Mr. Joe V. Ellis, Chainnan of the Electrical Board, Captain Guy Walters, present building inspector, be appointed to the Electric Board in place of Mr. Percy Boyette, resigned, also Co1. James S. Waters be appointed to replace Mr. Kelly Morg&i, resigned. .1f:.> ~ 'l~' ;.-. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Corn,'n.issioner's Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commis'sioner Hancock, seconded by Comil1issioner Martin, that the City Attorney be instructed to file a suit against the parties who are a part of the Joe Eason case for d8.tllages in the amount of $100,000. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock and Martin Commissioner Lee Commissioner Lee made a statement qualifying his vote as follows: ItI voted against the motion to file the $100,000 damage suit against the residents of this :are.a for the following reasons: 1. In my opinion the City could not win such a suit and there is no legal way the Oi ty can recover d8.tllages. 2. It will cost the City thousands of dollars to prosecute such a suit, which money would be spent uselessly and for a fruitless cause." (Signed) Ralph B. Lee At the request of ,Mrs. Sanders, Harris County Librarian, the City Commission decided that no one would be permitted to use the rooms in the Community Center which are occupiedc.lY the Harris County Library for any other purpose. There being no further business the meeting recessed. t1J~ Mayor ATTEST: T=r~~~O~=-=-~'~~I~.l n..r--' U'~~'u --YO"- .~ .- '.,-) .....'. \~. ~. t-r '.~_i ct: < 31, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, October 14, 1946, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, COlThl1issioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary. Minutes of meetings of September 23, 26 and 30 were read and approved. Mr. 1N. B. Grove, replt"esenting St. Marks Episcopal Church, appeared before the Council and submitted a letter outlining the desires of the Church to con- struct several readycut houses for use as class rooms. Motion by COlTh~ssioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner HanCOCk, authorizing the City Engineer to approve the erection of these buildings for one year. Voting Aye: Ma.yor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Commissioner Martin, Chairman of the Bus Committee, reportl3d that the Houston Transit Company had agreed to give the City $5,000 for the current year and $3,000 for the next year for the privilege of operating over streets in this city. Motion by Comi''l1issioner Martin, seconded by Conunissioner Dunnington, that the City COID~ission accept the proposal of the Houston Transit Company for the year 1946-47 in the a.'1lount of $5,000. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None :Motion by COlThllissioner Marlin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that tthe following route be adopted for the Auden, Southampton and Shut, tIe busses: Southampton - Out Sunset to Auden, Auden to Nottingham, Nottingham to Ed1oe, Edloe to Sunset and return to City of Houston. ituden - Out Rice Boulevard to Auden, Aud.en to Georgeto1J'l!1, George- toWIl"to Edloe, Edloe to Rice Boulevard and return to City of Houston. Shuttle - Beginning at the Houston Power & Light Company plant on 'RIchmond Road, Richmond to Auden, Aud.en to Sunset, Sunset to Buffalo Speedway, Buffalo Speedway to Cason, turn arouIld at this point and return on Buffalo Speedway to University Boalevard, University Boulevard to Auden, Auden to Ricl1J.llond Road, Ricl1J.llond Road to point of beginning. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None . The matter of selling the $17,000 in refunding bonds now held by the Inter- est and Sinking Funds was discussed and the City Secretary stated that he had con- tacted most of the Bond Companies located in Houston and had received written bid from Charles B. YHlite & Company. Mr. Sniall or Rowles & Company was present and the City Secretary asked hLll if he had a. bid, verbal or vvritten, that he would like to 32 submit. After he declined to submit a bid, the bid of Charles B. Vfuite & Company was opened and read aloud. Their bid was as follows: $17,265.10 plus accrued interest to date of delivery ~or the $17,000 in bonds. After the opening of the bids, Mr. Small, of Rowles & Company, stated that he would like to make a bid provided he could have exclusive option on the bonds for 24 hours. When this was refused he sub.lli tted a verbal bid of $20 per thousand premium plus accrued interest, and later withdrew this proposal. The Mayor submitted the follo'wing resolution awarding sale to Charles B. 1J'lhite & Company, and upon motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, the resolution accepting the bid of Charles B. W'hite & Company was approved. , ~/:.: Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Durmington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: "A RESOLUTION ANARDING SALE OF $17,000 REFUNDING BONDS OUT OF THE INTEREST ArID SINKING FUNDS OF THE CITY OF vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS." Texas: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, i 1 I ~i That the proposal of Charles B. lNhite & Company for the purchase of $16,000 City of West University Place Refunding Bonds, Series 1945, 3%, dated JanUaF.f 10, 1945, and maturing $5,000 on January 10, 1961, and $11,000 on January 10, 1962; a.,"'ld $1,000 City of West University Place Refunding Bonds, Series 1945, 2!%, dated January 10, 1945, and maturing on January 10, 1949, at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $265.10, be and the same is hereby ac- cepted and s aid bonds shall be delivered to tbe purchaser upon receipt of the purchase price. PASSED p..l\fD APPROVED this 14th day of October, 1946. (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor, City of West University Place,Texas ATTEST: (Signed) James L. WIlliams Ci ty Secretary ~Seal) The City Secretary submitted the following resolution: A RESOLUTION AUTIiORIZING 'fEE INVESTMENT OF APPROXIMATELY $17,000 IN THE INTEREST A1\iD SINKING FUNDS OF THE CITY OF TffGST UNIVERSITY PLA.CE, TEXAS, IN CERTAIN BONDS OF SAID CITY. ~ .. '-'T"",,-~~~~~C---l"="'_-'r,,-=-::,c'-":c.,__:'-"_,c...cI"~""__C""_ "_p_.! .-.-.,_._~I' _-, _..-...,..o-~_'-"C_",__--,-,~,,-,,,,,,,,;,,,,,~,,,.,~,,.,!: ,33, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of\i1[est University Place, Texas: That there shall be purchased as an investment for the benefit of the in- terest and sinking funds of the City ofvV'est University' Place, Texas, Bonds Nos. 214 to 230, both inclusive, of the 9ity of West University Place Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1946, 2!%, dated July 15, 1946, in the denomination of ~~l,OOO each, aggregating $17,000 and that .the City of West University Place pay for said bonds a SUIll equal to par and accrued interest.. ~'l -". '-i ~~ r ~1: ,.~,.,." PASSED and APPROVED this 14th day of October, 1946. (Signed) A. 1. Kerbow Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: CC) -<1~ (Sig.."led) Ja.-nes L. Williams City Secretary (Seal ) Motion bJ Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by COIIlinis sioner Lee, that the above resolution authorizing the investment of $17,000, from the interest and sinking fund in Street' Paving and Bridge Bonds, be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Co~nissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None i A letter from the Holland Construction Com::any requ~.sting extension of time was read and COlTh."1lissioner Dunnington made amotion, seconded by ComnJissioner Martin, that the tilne be extended to November 30, 1946. Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None "" The City Secretary submitted the following resolution: WHE.REAS, the present income from taxes in the City of West University Place, Texas, is insufficient to meet the operating requirements of saidicity; and Vv1:lEREAS, the Cxty of West Univer.sity Place, Texas, is desirous of obtaining a loan froIT; the City National Bank of Hous ton, Texas; and WlIEREAS, the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, has indicated iirs )...ill- ingness to make such lo&"l in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars per month for a period of three (3) months at an interest rate nOt to exceed two (2%) per cent: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of' West University Place, Texas, that the Ci~r Treasurer of said city obtain a loan on the part of said city from the City National Bank in the amount of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of October, Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dol- lars during the month of November and Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars during the month of December, at an interest rate not to exceed t\I'ID (2%) per cen,t per annum; 1=='~~':~~-=-::,oc:~"':~[r--'----=L=:~',,=="':=-_:-"~"=:'==C.-.-----=:::r::-c--.-- 'I '.)4" .) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this entire loan of Thirty Thousand ($30,000) Dollars be paid to the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, out of the General Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED and APPROVED this the 14th day of October, 1946, A. D. (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor ATTEST: (Signed) Ja~es L. Williams City Secretary 't ~ ',..~ (S E A L) Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, CODlillissionera Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None In line 'l'n.th previous request, the City Secretary submitted the follow- ing resolution: "VfrlEREAS, the garbage charge has recently been placed in effect in the City of West University Place, Texas; and, WHEREAS, the Gi ty of West University Place, Texas, has not established a definite pol:i,cy in the collection of garbage service; and WlJEREAS, the present policy in connection VIIi. th the collection of water and sewer service is not clear and in order to be fair and~qual to all cus- tomers there exists a need for such a policy, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Nest University Place, Texas, that the following policy be, and is hereby established, and enforcement thereof be in effect upon its passage withLTesponsibility fixed as follows: The Clity Treasurer is responsible for mailing of notices as follows: A. Regular current bill be maile d not later than the 2nd of each month. B. That a reminder be mailed to each customer whose account has not been paid by the 15th of the mont};:I. C. That the unpaid balance be so designated on the next regular water bill. D. That a final notice be mailed not later than the l'5th of the second month notifying the customer that service will be discontinued not later than the 25th if account has not been paid. E. In case of current delinquent accounts as of this date customers will be required to pay each month the current bill plus one-half the amount of the current bill to apply on their delinquent account. I - .-m~c'~> L'L-=_~ J~n:=:U '." ->-~..~"'r- __-:-:::TLL_ L -"~,-,,---,-,------,,--',----- i I ~r -, '--, '!"'\ ...... , ""', ,-' ~:c; <:[' 3S A list should be furnished the following personnel of all accounts which are in arrears and who have not complied "With the above policy on the 26th of each month for discontinuance of service: The City Engineer Upon receipt of the above list as outlined in paragraph liE" above, it vvi.ll be the responsibility of the City Engineer or his authorized representative, to contact either b;>T telephone or in person the respective customers and advise them that service will be discontinued as of the 26th if accounts are not paid as pre- scribed above, and if not paid to discontinue service. PASSED and APPROVED this 14 day of October, A. D. 1946. ATTEST: (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor (Signed) JClJ.lleS L.Williams City Secretary (3 E A L) Motion by COtihllissioner DunningtIDn, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that the resolution be adopted to become effective at once. Voting Aye: mayor Kerbow, Co~llissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin ~~d Lee Voting Noe; None A letter from the Texas League of Municipalities 'with reference to the coming convention to be held in Harlingen, Texas, December 2, 3 and 4 was read and Commis- sioner Hancock made a motion, seconded by Mr. Martin, that the City Engineer-Secretary be sent to this convention to represent the City of vVest University Place at city expense. Voting Aye: Mayo~ Kerbow, Comrrrissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None COJTh.irissioner Lee asked City Attorney Stokes ",'hat his fees were on all cases handled by him which have not baen paid to date. Attorney Stokes verbally sub- mitted the following: Appeal of the annexation suit between Southside Place, City of Bellaire VB City of 'Nest University Place - handling this case in appeal court $1,000. If taken to the Supreme Court an additional $500.00. For handling Eason Case No.1 - $350.00 For handling Eason Case No. 2 - $350.00 For filing $100,000 law suit against the clients in the Ea~on case - $500 plus $100 per day for each day in court. For handling the $390,000 bond issue complete, 3/4 of 1%. , Jj]~.;~~J:;'::~>~ r'---'------ iT-, .u_.....T~.~.c.." ';', r- ._.~ -- -- - r- 36 Commissioner Martin made a motion, seconded by Cormnissioner Durmington, that the above fees be approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Comlllissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin &'1.d Lee Voting Noe: None . A letter from the Eureka Fire Hose Company was read stating that the quo- tations submitted to the City would be good until October 24. It was agreed that the City would not purchase any fire hose at this time. ' The City Secretary arlvised the City that there had been $2751.00 collected for garbage through October 14. The City COThllission recessed to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. ~;'.: -!;~ ~ ..~... - The City Co~nission convened in recessed session on October 21, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present iVere Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee, and the City Engineer-Secretary. The Mayor opened the meeting and stated that a bond firm composed of Jalles C. Tucker ~ Company and Ernest L. Brown, Jr., would like to submit a firm bid for the purchase of the $350,000 bonds. Mr. Brown submitted the bid which was read by the City Secre taT\J a.nd is as follows: Honorable lVlayor & City Council City of "West University Place West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: For your $350,000 General Obligation street Improvement, Storm Sewer, Public Park and Fire Equipment Bonds, dated October 1, 1946, and due serially on November 1st each year as follows: Amount Year ft..mount, Year $6,000 1947 $17,000 1962 6,000 1948 13,000 1963 8,000 1949 1.5,000 1964 8,000 19.50 16,000 196.5 8,000 1951 18,000 1966 9.,000 1952 8,000 1967 10,000 19.53 1,000 1968 10,000 19.54 10,000 1969 10,000 19.5.5 11,000 1970 11,000 19.56 12,000 1971 12,000 19.57 14,000 1972 12,000 1958 16,000 1973 12,000 1959 16,000 1974 13,000 1960 16,000 1975 16,000 1961 16,000 1976 said Bonds to be in the denomination of $1,000 each and to be optional for pre- paYlllent at par plus accrued interest on November 1, 1956, and any interest pay- ment date thereafter, we will pay par plus accrued interest from the date of the ., '--'~~~t:f:~--." r', ...-.-.. .-., -I"'~'~~" ','i .., -"[ r ,,1 ~ -~ \_r' . " ,.,-, ....~, l,oM "'Wl...-,o' X ...-:t: 37 Bonds to the date of delivery, said Bonds are to bear interest at the rate of 3% for Bonds maturing from 1947 to 1971, inclusive, a.,.'1d at the rate of 2 3/4% for Bonds maturing from 1972 to 1976, inclusive. The average interest cost to the City on the Bonds sold at this price is 2.90'%. It is li..1'lderstood that these Bonds will be delivered to us at the .American National Bank in Austin, 'rexas, by November 20, 1946, or should the City be unable to make delivery of the,se Bonds by this date, then we shall have the privilege of extending this agreement for an additional sixty (60') days. It is further understood that when the Bonds are delivered, they shall be accompanied by the approving legal opinion of \Tinson, Elkins, Weems ~ Francis, Houston, Texas, Chapman & Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, and the Attorney General of the State of 'rexas. We unDErstand that said legal opinions will mention that there is litigation pending but vve will accept the Bonds v"lith such legal opinions, subject to such legal opinions being substantially the same as were previously rendered by these approving attorneys. We hereby agree to pa;y for the legal opinion o,f Messrs. Chapman & Cutler, Chicago, Illinois. Respectfully submitted JA,.\1ES C. TUCKER & COMPANY By: (Signed) R. E.~nitlock ERNEST L. BRQ'WJ\T, JR. By: (Signed) Ernest L. Bro\~, Jr. Motion by COIfu"11issionerMartin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the bid be accepted yd. th the purchasers posting a certified or cashier I s check in the amOlL1'lt of $7,0'0'0' as a good faith check and a guarantee that purchasers ydll accept bonds in accordar~e with the terms of the contract. Com:rnissioners Dunnington, 1;ilartin and Lee made talks in connection )'lith the sale of the bo~ds. Motion by Corrnnissioner Lee that we offer bonds for sale any day this week as set by the :Mayor and that he had reason to believe that the bids 'WOuld be bet"lveen 2.60' and 2.70 % provided all litigation in connection with the bonds could be elimin- ated. Commissioner Lee I s motion failed to receive a second and the lVlayor called for a vote on Co~;missioner MartinIs motion ~mich is as follows: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ,Dunnington, Martin and Lee None The agreement 'In th reference to the po sting of bond is as folloy,s: Honorable Mayor & City Council, City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: I~-- -- r' --~~---------T---"~------" IT r '1 3",.r\oJ t:), In connect.ion iliJ-ith our cont.ract. dated October 21, 1946, pertaining to the purchase of ~n50,000 City of West University Place,Texas, General Obligation Sw.reet Improvement, Storm SeVier, Public Park and Fire EquilJment Bonds, we hereby agree to deposit ,vith the City not later than October 23, 1946, a Cashier's Check in the amount of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000), this check to be held by the City uncashed until vre have complied with the terms of this contract, or should we fail or' refuse to comply with the terms of this contract then this check shall 'be:' cashed by the City as full and complete liquidated daiTiages. Respectfully submitted JAMES C. TUCKER & COMP.llJJY By (Signed) R. E. Whitlock " ',' ERIJES T L. BRD'iV1IJ, JR . By (Signed) Ernest L. Brown, Jr. ACCEP'I'ED by a vote of the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, this 21 day of October, 1946.~ (Sizned) A. L. Kerbow Mayor Ii.TTI~ST : (Signed) Ja.lles L. \iVilliams Secretary The City Secretary submitted a resolution aYyarding the sale of the bonds. as follows: A RESOLUTION AV'J"ARDING THE SALE OF THE FOLLONING CITY OF WE~:;T TJNIVERSITY PLACE BONDS: $230,000 STP..EET PAVING I\.ND BRIDGE BONDS, SERIES 1946; $60,000 STORM ~;EWER BONDS, SERIES 1946; $50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS, SERIES 1946; $10,000 FIRE FImiTING EQUIPlifJENT BONDS, SERIES 1946. ~~~EREAS, it appearing to the City Co~~ission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that art,er due notice had been given, t]ae City CO~llission received bids for its Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Storm Sewer Bonds, Public Park Bonds, and Fire Fighting EQllipment Bonds; and WHEREAS, the City COnh1lission has examined all bids and finds that, the bid submitted by James C. Tucker & Company and. Ernest L. Erai'm, Jr., is the best bid submitted for said bonds; therefore, EE IT RESOLVED by tr~ City CO~llission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the proposal of James C. Tucker & Company and Ernest 1. Brown, Jr., to purchase, at the price of par and accrued interest, the following described bonds, to-wit: $230,000 City of West University Place Street Paving and Bridge Bonds, Series 1946, dated November 1, 1946, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annrun, and maturing 1947 to 1966, inclusive. ,- ;.':m~';:W*-B!'] i'l '---^,~"..- "~-"F"'''==--=nl1 ''., ,-r::~'-"- C;"")i."EE C ~ 'j i-' r~-' 3H $60,000 City of West University Place Storm Sewer Bonds,_Series 1946, dated November 1, 1946, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annUiil for bonds maturing from 1947 to 1971 inclusive, and at the rate of 2 3/4% per annTh'Tl for bonds maturing from 1972 to 1976 inclusive. $50,000 City of West University Place Public Park Bonds, Series 1946, dated November 1, 1946, bearing interest at the rate of 3;6 per annllill for bonc'1.S maturing from 1947 to 1971, inclusive, and at the rate of 2 3/4% per annTh1i for bonds maturing from 1972 to 1976 inclusive. -, --' "("'>. "-bP' .' .... ~fIIo". ;.c -< ;r~lO,OoO Gi ty of l,Vest University Place Fire Fighting Equipment Bonds, Series 1946, dated ~ovember 1, 1946, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annum for bonds maturing from 1941 to 1971 inclusive, and at the rate of 2 3/4% per annum for bonds maturing from 1972 to 1976 inclusive, " ~ be and the same is hereby accepted. Said bonds shall be delivered to the said James C. Tucker & Compa...llY and Ernest L. Brown, Jr. It is understood that when the bonds are delivered they shall be accepted with the approving legal opinion of Vinson, Elkins ,V1Jeems & Francis, Houston, 'rexas, Chapman Ii,; Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, and the Attorney General of the state of Texas, and that the legal opinions Will mention that there is litigation pending but the purchasers will accept the bonds with such legal opinion subject to the legal opinion being substantially the same as that previously rendered by these attorneys and within thirty da;y-s from October 21, 1946. The expense of Chapman & Cutler's opinion to be borne by the purchasers. PliliSED AND APPROVED this 21 day of October, 1946. .ATTEST: (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor Cit;y- of 'Nest University Place, Texas (Si,;ned) James L.dilliarns Ci ty- Secretary (S'E A L) Motion by Commissioner fiiartin, seconded by Conunissioner Lee, that the resolu- tion be adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee None Motion by CODmissioner Martin, seconded by COI:!.l11issioner Dunnington, that the Mayor a:.<1d City Secretary be authorized to execute Contract No.1 with L. Vernon 'Miller for street paving, contract No. 2 with Gerald Mora for storm sewers and Contract No. J with Brown & Root for the construction of bridge over Poor Farm Ditch on University Boulevard and that 'Nork Orders be issued starting work at the earliest possible date e Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, COmL~issioners Dunnir~ton, Martin and Lee None The Mayor recormnended that the City's Consulting Engineer (Garrett Engineering Company) and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare plans aDd specifications and necessary legal work to 'eX'}}edite the paving on streets where petitions have been re- ceived in accordance with previous agreement of the Council. "'2"~1f-"r-< r=r=T-"'ii T " ---------'---1 -- 4 ill '!. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded 'oy Co.rrU11issioner Martin, that the recomiGendation of the Mayor 8e accepted and the City Secretary be instructed to notify the Consulting Engineer and the City Attorney to expedite this .,fork as much as possible. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Iv'Iayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee None .~ The following letter from the Houston Tr'8....YJ.si t Company was read by the City Seccetary- : October 19, 1946 Mr. James L.Williallls City EngLYJ.eer-Secretary City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston ,), Texas ::~~;~ Dear Mr .Williallls: Tilis Vvi.ll aCknowledge ;}four letter of October 16 "With reference to , rerouting the South8xnpton and Auden lines and establishing a shuttle route in W-est. University Place. Also the matter of tax payment covering the use of your city streets. Enclosed please find check for ~~5,ooo for the year S$ptember 1, 1946 through August 31, 1947, representing the first year's payment under our tv~o- year agreement. It is understood that the a.l1l0unt for the second year livi.ll be ~~3,OOO for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1948. Yours very truly, (Signed) E.~. Cooley Vice President The Council exoressed satisfaction on receipt of the $5,000 and the terms of the agreement irrithC the Houston Trarisit Company. Tile City Engineer submitted proposed contract as follows betYffien the City of ';Yest Jniversity Place and the City 'of Houston for sewer service in the Reed- Yancey development and. Montclair, Addition. STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF EA-REIS ~ City of Houston and City of Viest Un;i.versity Place, each a municipal corpor- ation of Harris County, Texas, acting through its officers hereUt"lto authorized by its governing body, contract and agree as follows, to-~Q0: ~WHEREAS, there has been or is about to be constructed. a system of sanitary .,", , sewers designed to serve a certain area within the corporate limits of the City of Houston, located north of Richmond hoad, south of S. A. & A. P.Railroad, and west of the Poor Farm Ditch; and ., Jc'cr"'~~--.n--~~n~.c-._-Cl--T. . r--"- .,." ...'_______c___="" ~-1 .-'----T-- - .- ~ .;';";'" :~ .,..,-c::, \-d~' [~~ X < 41 1!V}J3REAS, such system illay not at this time conveniently be connected into the sanitary sewer system of the City of Houston but is so situated that it may conveniently be connected to the sanitary sewer system of the City' of West Univer- sity Flace., wbich is 'willing upon the terms an~ considerations herein set forth to permit such connection aDd to receive into its sanitary sewer system the sewage discharged into it by the system so constructed or about to be constructed to serve the area hereinabove referred to; NOW, TREHEFORE, I City of West University Place agrees to permit such connection to its system at points designated aDd approved by the City Engineer of livest University Place, such connection, including lift station changes, if aDY are to be made, -without cost or ex-pense to Ci t-y of West University Place aIld in manner satisfactory to its City Engineer. II City of Houston will pay to the City of West University Place quarterly the sum of Seventy-Five' Cents (7'~) per month for each connection by which premises are connected to such system of sewers serving the area aforesaid, for the discharge thereinto of sewage from such premises. The City of Houston upon final. plumbing inspection on a given building in this area, will notify the City of West University Place the date fincU inspection is made and the occupancy is accomplished. Note: Bill for such service based upon the number of premises so connected' and the number of months elapsed since such cormection will be rendered by City of West University Place to City of Houston between the 1st and 10th of January, AprU, July and October of each year covering the three months period theretofore just elapsed and such bills will be paid by the City of Houston within fifteen days after receipt thereof. . III City of West University Place reserves the right, however, to adjust such priee if necessary in order 1:.0 avoid such Oity finding itself in the position of charging a lesser rate for this service to persons residing outside of the City of West. Universi1:.y Place than that charged by it to its own citizens within its city limits, giving consideration, however, to the fact that the foregoing seventy- five cent (75;) per month charge does not include or involve any maintenance*1ball be without cost or expense to the City of West University Place. IV Either party to this contract may terminate it upon .one years written notice to the other party; provided further, that at such time, if ever, as the City of Houston may have lines of its own to which it may cormect the system serv- ing the area aforesaid, and may desire to effect such connection, City of Houston may terminate this contract upon ninety days notice to City of West University Place. It is agreed, however, that should the Oity of Houston exercise the above option, the equipment. installed within the limits of the City of West University Place will become the property of the City of West University Place. This contract m~, of course, be terminated or modified by mutual agreement at any time: Executed in duplicate. originals this day of A. D. 1946. **Of the sewer lines within the are,a covered by this contract, which maintenance I~ I I~T=C~""'"'''''''-''''~.I''1 r~'~~~~'~~~~~'--l 42. CITY OF HOUSTON By Acting City Manager ATTEST: City Secretary, City of Houston ATTEST: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSiTY PLACE By A. L. Kerbow (Signed) Mayor i!'.~tt~,_ '-I'$t., James L. Williams (Si~ed) Cmty Secretary, City 0 West University Place COUNTERSIGNED: APPROVED (jity Controller, City ofliouston Assistant City Attorne,y City of Houston APPROVED: CityAttorney City of West University Place Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the contract be approved ,as submitted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None A letter was read from the Texas League of Municipalities 'With reference to a meeting of City Planning Engineers to be held in Austin, Texas, on November 4, 1946. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that Mr. Ie Q. Muller, Chairman of the. City Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment and Mr. J. L. Williams, City Engineer, be authorized to attend this meeting as representatives of the City of West University Place. -'<>>'.-..., , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None j ''''~r' =="'='==-'-~-=l-",.,,,,....,,.'T="'--::T'i""i I- . r-.-- '-"~'=--'="-==--'=-O-""=='-'T=r'-l r- -,:~'" .-- ,0- '-.k ~;~.. <t Motion b.1 Commissioner Lee that the City Commission recess subject to call of the M~or. ATTEST: af~ MAYOR ~-~~!"-'l~"=~-:':~""'I-~";'~C--'_:"-,''=' ..~ 43, 1'4' . ~ 8. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOB~R 28, 1946 The City Commission met in regular meeting at 7:30 P. M., Monday, October, 28, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were M~or Kerbow, presiding, Com- missioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee. Minutes of October 14 and 21 were read and approved. Mr. Floyd Christian appeared before the Council and requested that be be permitted to purchase the 50 foot street right-of-wq at the dead end of Marquette Street, west of Community Drive. This matter was referred to the City Engineer for recommendation. _l--:;~"'-. :.u. :> .~ -'I>' -. . - ~~ ~. ;,. ........ ". :"" '. ~.. Commissioner Lee introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Commis- sioner Martin moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hancock. Voting Aye: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Mayor declared that the ordinance had been finally adopted. The cap- tion of this ordinance is as follows: , ! !tAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS, $50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS, $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS, AND $60,000 STORM SEWER BONDS, AUTHORIZING THE CAN- CELLATION OF THE REClISTRATION CERTIFICATES OF THE: COMPTROLLER OF PUB- LIC ACCOUNTS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CERTIFICATES OF APPROVAL OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AND REPEALING THE ORD- INANCES AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ALL OF SAID BONDS, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID ORDINANCES WHICH LEVY TAXES." Commissioner Martin introdUced an ordinance which was read in full. Com- missioner Dunnington moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Hancock.' Voting Aye: Mqor Kerbow~ Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The M~or declared that. the ordinance had been finally adopted. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN QRDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF $60,000 STORM SEWER BONDS DATED JULY 15, 1946, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $60~ooo STORM SEWER BONDS DATED NOVEMBER ~ 1946, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, LEVYING TAXE$ TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON, AND REPEALING THOSE PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. It Commissioner Dunnington introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Commissioner Martin moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Hancock. 1.:T'r---'_'-'_.':-:-.:-:-::-:::T;~m'-" r-' '-.-'- -""=-'='=--'--';;-=-~:T~.:'r~~___~~.._ . I -~- - ~ - ,;""J ':,;0 c;J CQ .~ 4,5 Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunningt(m, Hancoc~, Martin and Lee V o1:iing Noe: None The Ma.vor decih~(i the ordinance had been finally adop1:ied. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: flAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF $230,000 STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BONDS DATED JULY 15; 1946, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUAN'CE OF $230,000 STREET PAVINGAND BBIDGE.BONnS DATED NOmJIBER 1, 1946, PRE- SCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON, AND REPEALING THOSE PORTIONS OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH." Commissioner Hancock introduced an ordinance 'Which was read in full. Com- missioner Martin moved that it beacbpted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lee. Voting Aye: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Mayor declared the ordinance had. been adopted. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF $50,000 PUBLIC PARK OONDS DATED JULY 15, 1946, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $50,000 PUBLIC PARK BONDS DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1946, PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, LEVYING TAXES TO PAY. THE PBINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON, AND REPEALING THOSE PORTIONS OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. It Commissione. r Dunnington introduced an ordinance which was read in full. . Com..- missioner Hancock moved that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lee and carried by 1:ihe following vote: Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Mayor declared tha1:i 1:ihe ordinance had been finally adopted. The cap- tion of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BONDS DATED JULY 15, 1946, AUTHORIZING. THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT BOIm3 DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1946, PRE- SCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON :I AND REPEALING THOSE PORTIONS OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREbUTli." A letter from John G. Holland requesting permission to final Sewage Disposal Plant contract without the installation of lot water boiler was read. The City Engineer was instructed to investigate this matter and retain out of final estimate sufficient monies to purchase and install this boiler to insure that the contractor would pay for it and install it upon delivery. The meeting was recessed at this time. ---------------- J~"J~_=_~:::__:::..~.:'":""~"~Tr ___1. - _c:n . _I-~ - -"-----.-------.-----.- 46 The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at 7:30 P. M., October 30, 1946, at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commis- sioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Secretary. A large delegation from Nottingham Street and College Court Addition ap- peared before the Commission in protest of the busses being routed over Notting- ham and the Auden-University bus being removed from Richmond Road. The Mayon added the folloWing members to the Bus Committee to work on the rerouting of busses in West University Place: Mr. W. C. MOITis, 4227 Syracuse, R. C. Van Tifflin, 3158 Nottingham, Jack Ra.y~er, 3730 Notting, E. J. Holland, 3165 Notting, B. V. Crawford, 4149 Coleridge, Miss Norris Arnold, Madison 2-3212, Miss Sears, Madison 2-1183, Mr. Willison, 3101 Sunset and Mr. J. V. Ellis. ~.~~'tl , . ~.', The City Secretary requested that before another routing of the busses be attempted that a mass meeting of the citizens of West University Place should be ea1.~ed to di..scuss this matter in view of 'the objec'tions which 'the present members of the Bus Committee have experienced in the past six months. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Connnissioner Martin, that the bus route remain as it is now and that tb3 City Secreta.ry notify the Houston Transit Comparv. Vot.ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Mr. L. H. Hurst and Mr. C.D. Jessup, Jr., appeared before the Council as representatives of Brown & Root, Inc., who has the contract With the City for the construction of a concrete bridge over the Poor Farm. Ditch. Also Mr. C. H. Haferman, representing Gerald Mora, who has a contract. lVith the City for installing storm sewers. Mr. Jessup explained to the CouncU that due to changes, and condi- tions and strikes that his Company would be unable to proceed 'With the construction of the bridge, however, they had contacted Gerald Mora and he was agreeable to ac- cepting the assignment of this contract at the same price bid by Brown & Root. Upon motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, the as- signment from Brown & Root. to Gerald Mora was approved. Voting Aye: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Hoe: None The City Secretary submitt.ed for final approval the 1946-41 budget. as follows: Tax Sinking Fund General & Administ.rative St.reet & Bridge Department Police Department. Inspection Department Fire Department. Garbage Department Tax Department Health Department Wat.er Department. Sewer Department $100,41.1.00 22,131.00 43,042.00 19,452.00 3,400.00 12,688.00 25,014.00 2,008.46 ),649.26 103,096.01 29~810.10 1. 'ic===,-- '-"~'O''''TT --- ~1 -T=- 1- --r ~j' -, '...,...' :-("". ........ ''''''1 -- co ~ 47 TOTAL $365,434.49 Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that the bud- get be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The City Secretary submitted an ordinance adopting a tax rate of $1.78 per $100 valuation for the year 1946-47. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Lee, that the ordinance be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: M~or Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: NoDe The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1946, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLmCTIOJN THEREOF." ' There being no further business the neeting 'WaS recessed to reconvene upon call of the M<vor. ---------------- The City Commission reconvened in recessed session on November 8, 1946, at 6:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present 'Were M<vor Kerbow, presiding, Commis- sioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and Commissioners Elect Douglass, Lanmon, Armer and Hamlett and the City Engineer-Secretary. . The meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the elec- tion for city officials held November 5, 1946. Motion by Commissioner HanCOCk, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the resolution canvassing the returns of the election held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on November 5, 1946, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Com- missioners be adopted. Voting Aye: M~or Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, HanCOCk, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: "RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON NOVEMBER 5, 1946, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EmCTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS." WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on November 5, 1946, a general city electioh for the purpose of electing a Ma;yor and four Commissioners, and at such election the follOwing votes were cast for the can- l~==~==-==::.:_,......::_..::..::.=~I:"T 48 didat~s for such offices as follows, to-wit: NAME CANDIDATE FOR VOTES CAST:'iIN PRECINCTS NO. 133 No. 87 TOTAL RaJ. ph B. Lee A. L. Kerbow Frank W. Jessen W. A. Hamlett Lindsey C . English Geo. H. Stevenson L. M. Armer C. P. Lanmon L. J. Martin :M. A. Douglass Norman Atkinson,Jr. Mayor Mayor , Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner 1826 381 210 1736 443 475 1698 1665 413 1643 497 WHEREAS, as a result of such election, the said Ralph B. Lee was elected Mayor and W. A. Hamlett, L. M. Armer, C. P. Lanmon and M. A. Douglass were elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; NOW, THEBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the official results of such election be formally declared, pursuant to canvas of the returns of such election by the City Commission, to be that the said Ralph B. Lee was elected Mayor and the said W. A. Hamlett, L. M. Armer, c. P. Lanmon and M. A. Douglass were elected Commissioners at the said elec- tion. ' PASSED AND APPRORD this 8th day of November, A. D. 1946, 'by a vote of 5 Ayes and No Noes. ATTEST: (Signed) James L. Williams CITY SECRETARY (S E A L) (Signed) A. L. Kerbow MAYOR The City. Seeretary was instructed to inform Mrs. Edna Newsom Carraway that the City would be unable to pay for the books picked up by garbage employees due to them being placed on the garbage rack, the place normally used for garbage and trash only. There being no further business to oome before the CommiSSion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. uf~ ATTEST: ~~- {j' cm SECRET/iliY . -, CJ T-c:-::cr-:-::c::----.-----..-- .._:c.l""c..ooO:;':=-'--''':;l'''r~ . __ r=:OOOO"OC"=~"""'-=-"'-=C:=__ MAYOR --,~-- -4g: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 11, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, November 11, 1946, at 1:30 P. M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and Commissioners Elect Lanmon, Douglass, Armer and Hamlett and the City Engineer-Secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were not read and approved as the City Secretary did not have them prepared due to holiday. ,~l .......... ~~,; ;--("\ ~ t..=> o:J ~ A letter from Mr. C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer, requesting the desires of the City Commission with reference to investing $5,000 water reserve funds and $1,500 sewer reserve funds in the Houston First Federal Savings and Loan Association at 2 percent per annum. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the City Treasurer be instructed to make this investment for a period of six months. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None - Bills from Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Francis in the amount of $31.89 were approved. A petition from Mr. B. V. Crawferd, 4lh9 Coleridge and Mr. W. C. Morris, Jr., with 336 signatures of residents 6f the northwest section was presented to the Coun- cil. This petition requested that the present schedule of the University-Auden bus line be continued. The plans and specifications of the Garrett Engineering Company for the con- struction of a swimming pool were discussed and the City Engineer made the following recommendations: A. That depth of diving pool be increased two feet. B. That the small separate wading -WOl be eliminated, and the shallow end of main pool depth be reduced to 1 foot on one end. to 2'6" at the other. C. That ladders be made removable and protected so that swimmers could not ron into them. D. That the distance from the walk to the scum gutters be reduced from 18 inches to 8 or 10 inches. E. That the walks around pool be constructed to drain the back side of the pool in lieu of to the pool and that a drain be provided at this point and connected to the drain used f0r draining the scum gutters. F. That the central wall between the diving pool and the plCW pool be eliminated. - G. That only threedi ving -boards be const11ucted at each end. H. That life guard stations be placed One(iWl each side near the separation of waders and swimmers, a double guard, one facingeach way between the diving pool and swimming pool and one-, in the center of the opposite . side of the diving pool. - / _ IC'F""~:..::.::.::..:::=~LL _____L::___:..::..:::__:..:====::::L__________ _ _ -:r~- 5iO I. That all radius's adjacent to the pool be reduced from 3/4 to 1/2" radius. J. That the plans be forwarded to the Department of Health for "their approval and final changes made to such suggestions as they maj1 recommend. The City Commission recessed at this time to reconvene upon call of the Mayor. a~ Mayor ATTEST: . - .:.:z~. , ...- .. r~I~~~=~~~"Tl r",,",,--,"'o'"'~"""~TI"""l T ~ --- '-' ;:0 ,.,.., .'~0ia;r;1 at) ~ 51. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 1946 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, November 25, 1946, at 1:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present l16re Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunni.'ngton, Hancock, Martin and Lee, Commissioners-Elect Lanmon, Douglass, Hamlett and Armer and the City Engineer-Secretar,y. Minutes of meetings of October 28, 30, November 5 and 11 were read and appreved. A letter from Mr. Ernest L. Brown, Jr., and James C. Tucker & CompB.l\Y' extend- ing their 60 days option was rea<t:by the Secretary. The extension of time was agreeable. Mayor Kerbow advised the Council that when the new storm sewer trunk line was installe d on Kirby Dti ve that the ou.tlets should be enlarged at Kirby and Rice. Mayor-Elect Lee asked the Council if it would be satisfactor,y for an ,auditing firm to start an au.dit of the city records prior to December 31 in order that it may be completed shortly after. the new administration takes office due to all auditing firms being engaged in income tax work after the first of the' year and audit would not be abl t to be made until after March 15 if not accomplished prior to Januazy 1. This was agreeable to all members of the present Council and Mr. Lee was assured that all departments would cooperate in accomplishing this audit. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting re- ~essed subject to call of the .Mayor. CK~ Mayor ATTEST: .-"') ~.~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1946 The City Commission eonvened in regular session on Monday, December 9, 1946, at 7:)0 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and the City Seeretary-Engineer. Also present were Council-Eleet Armer, Hamlett, Lanmon and Douglass. The letters of resignation from Mr. I. Q. Muller and Mr. Leo J. LARue of the City Plarming Commission and Board of Adjustment were read. The City Seere1;iary further advised the Couneil that Mr. Muller, Chairman of this Board had advised that Mr. H. F. Culver and Mr. R. C. Hall desired to resign. Com- missioner Martin made a motion, seeonded by Commissioner Lee, that due to the urgency of applications to come before the zoning board that their resignations be aeeepted and that the Couneil-Elect reeommend a new board who would be ap- pointed by the present Couneil in order that these matters may be eleared up without delay. , " t - Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Haneoek, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Haneoek, seeonded by Commissioner Dunnington, .1 that the City Secretary write a letter of thanks to the above members of the ' planning and zoning board eXpressing the appreciation of the Couneil for their work in the past and expressing regret for their resignation. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Haneoek, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None It was agreed by all that a reeessed meeting would be held Wednesday night at 7 P. M. at which time the Couneil-Elect would have reeommendations for the new members of the Planning and Zoning Board. The City Seeretary advised the Couneil. of the meeting of Harris County Mayors and Couneilmen's Assoeiation at Goose Creek and a vote was taken on how many could attend in order that the host city might be notified. The City Engineer-Secretary presented letters to the present Council and the Council Elect which were forwarded to them November 26, 1946, of his desire to resign Deeember 15, 1946, and enter the Consulting Engineering bus- iness for himself. Motion by Commissioner Hancoek, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the resignation of James L. Williams, City Engineer-Seeretary be accepted 'With regret effective January 1, 1947. Mr. Williams advised the Couneil that he would eontinue in the employment of the City until January 1, 1947, but it would be necessary that he spend. some time in the organi.ation of his own business between December 15 and January 1 and, that it ;was his desire that neither he nor the Couneil be subjeeted to eritieism on this matter and would like. for it to be understood to this effeet. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington' Hancoek, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None _ . [,~t~~~'~~-=~~:~::~=-~-':~~:::J~t _L:~~_~~=>'O--" -~-----~~~~~:.1 --:r.. ~: -- '-; :L:~' " ,,", <~:..' ee. ~: 1________ n 5a Mr. Ira Harris, Water and Sewer Superintendent, appeared before the Coun- cil and stated that he had two weeks vacation plus sick leave due him and would either like to resign December 15 or be assured of two weeks vacation pay after January 1, 1941. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that Mr. Harris should remain on the job until December 31 due to the amount of work under way at this time and be paid two weeks vacation at that time. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None The Mayor informed the Commission that the Civil Court of Appeals had sus- tained the ruling of the District Court in connection with the annexation of South- side, Bellaire and adjacent territory. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the City Attorney be instructed to :file notice :for rehearing with the Court o:f Civil Appeals. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanco ck, Martin and Lee Voting Noe: None A delegation o:f citizens on Uni versi ty Boulevard appeared be:fore the Com- mission Wlilth reference to the construction or remodeling of 3311 University Boule- vard and expressed their objection to a medical clinic being operated at this location. Past action and conditions upon 'Which this pennit was granted were ex- plained to this delegation and both Commissions assured them that if Dr. Tucker did not make his residence at this location he woUld not be able to operate a clinic. A letter was read from the Southwest Area Coordinating Council expressing their appreciation for the use of the city auditorium. The City Engineer stated he had a proposal from Water Tank Service Company for necessarY repairs and painting of the water tanks and stated that this should be taken up in the near future Qut would require the advertising for bids. No action was taken. There being. no further business the meeting was recessed to reconvene December 11, 1946. The City Commission reconvened in recessed session at 7 P. M., December 11, 1946. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington and Lee and Commissioner-Elect Lanmon and the City Engineer-Secretary. Commissioner Lee submitted the following names and made a motion that they be appointed to fill the vacancies resulting from the resignation of the present zoning board members: rr~~'.."~'~""'~'ll r'..-----~..-.--.-.--.--"-m~ 1 -r T 5'4 w. Roy Letbetter Charles D. Mehr Mrs. W. E. Eberling H. E. Terry The motion was seconded by CormnissionerDunnington. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Ma;yor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington and Lee None There being no further business the meeting was recessed. ; ~i. ATTEST: ;/1.r?~ -~ MAYOR " ~ --IT r~'~ r ,- ~~-----c~c~rc--T ~" .-... '..-' :~) .~~., c..:~ en <C ,55, Minutes of Regular Meeting December 23, 1946 , The City Commission convened in regular session at 7:40 P. M., December 23, 1946, at theCity Hall. Members present 'Were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee and Commissioners-Elect Lanmon, Armer and Ham- lett and the City Engineer-Secretary. The Minutes of meetings of December 9 and 11 were read and approved. A group of citizens in the vicinity of 3311 Unive~sity Boulevard were present and protested the operation of a clinic by Dr. Tucker at this location. Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that permit be cancelled at 3311 University Boulevard and that the Chief of Police be infom.ed to prevent fur- ther improvements at this location. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, ,Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Dr. Kerbow read a letter from citizens in the neighborhood of the garbage dump expressing their appreciation for the City's action in connection therewith. Mr. Nadalmann, developer of Quenby Courts, appeared before the Commission and requested permission to not construct sidewalks in Quenby Courts but particularly on Quenby Roa~ The present Commission informed Mr. Nadalmann that they were po- werless to rescind the present ordinance requiring sidewalk and the Council-Elect informed Mr. Nadalmann that he might ap:t:ear at a future date before their group after they were in office but that they were of the opinion at this time that no exception of this ordinance should be made. No action was taken and the policy of the City Engineer to require 35 cents per square foot as a guarantee that the side- walk would be built was satisfactory to the Council. Motion by Commissioner HanCOCk, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that amend- ed plans for the street paving as submitted by Mr.Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Company be approved subject to the approval of the City Engineer and recommendation of the Council-Elect. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Motion by Commissioner Hancock, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that plans ,~for concrete paving contract No.4 as submitted by Mr. Garrett of the Garrett En- gineering Company be approved subject to the approval of the City Engineer.' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, CormnissionersDunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Mot:hm by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that the City Secretary make the necessary advertising and "Notice to Bidders" on the paving pro- gram January 16, 1947 at 7:30 P. m. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None r: ~' \J\.J. A letter from Mr. Woodrow W. Finley expressing appreciation for the use of the City Auditorium by the Cri:t.erion Class of the West University Place Methodist Church was read. Motion by Commissioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, that the Tax Roll as submitted by the Tax Collector-Assessor in the amount of $9,925,823.00 valuation be approved.. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None An invoice from Troy T. Stokes and Edgar TO'WIles, Jr., in the amount of $350.00 for legal work in connection with paving proceedings was submitted. Motion by Com- missioner Lee, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that this invoice be approved but , that the City Secretary should contact Mr. Tovm.es relative to him completing this work. . '>0. -.- ~,. " Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mqor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hancock, Martin and Lee None Statement in the amount of $150 from Troy T. Stokes, City Attorney, for filing motionJJflor rehearing before the Court of Civil App3als, Galveston, on the annexation. suit was presented. After considerable discussion on the points of whether the filing and rehearing was a part of the tllalveston case or Supreme Court proceedings, no action was taken. Invoices from Chapman & Cutler to Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Franeis in the a- mount of $101.48 for legal services in connection with the recent bond proceedings was presented. In discussing this invoice it was brought out that the purchasers of the bonds were to pay for any opinion they desired other than those furnished by the City vtlich Vinson, Elkins, Weems and Francis and included in the legal pro- ceedings. The City Attorney was instructed to return this invoice with the above explanation. . The City SecretaIj'" read a letter from the Seagraves Corporation with reference to the purchase of a new Continental Typ9 R-22 motor for the Seagraves Fire Truck. It was explained that on July 16, 1946, this order was cancelled but that the Sea- graves Corporation stated that at that time they were of the opinion that the Con- tinental Motor was in the process of being manufactured and could not be cancelled. The City Secretary was instructed to write the Seagraves Corporation and insist on the cancellation'of this order, however, if it could not be accomplished the city would be obligated to receive this IlKltor in view of the 'previous order issued. Upon motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Hancock; the meeting adjourned. ,Mayor om.. ATTEST: ~/' "\ ;. ~-J?~) ~ ity Secretary .. ----- -;;;;J " -J ~* -~et .______~r:::_____~__.:.._______:...__.:_...:'.:I__ __--1::