HomeMy WebLinkAbout12132018 ZPC Agenda Item 4 AGENDA MEMO AGENDA OF: December 13, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: 4 PREPARED BY: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner SUBJECT: Matter related to pervious area requirements and pervious materials for driveways in the front yard areas. 1. Pervious Are Section of the Zoning Regulations ATTACHMENTS: 2. Letter from resident requesting a review of the ordinance. 3. Drawing illustrating the front yard and pervious areas. EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: N/A AMOUNT BUDGETED: N/A ACCOUNT NO.: N/A ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED: N/A ACCOUNT NO.: N/A SUMMARY We received a request through Administration to review the section of the ordinance regarding pervious area and limiting concrete driveways in the front yard setback. Currently, the ordinance requires a minimum of 50% of the front yard to be pervious and 24% of the entire site to be pervious. I have attached a diagram that illustrates the areas. The request was for the ZPC to look at requiring those lots at the maximum pervious area to utilize pervious pavement or pervious materials in order to minimize the concrete area in the front yard. Original Message From: Len Slusser[mailto:lenslusser @mac.com] Sent:Thursday,July 19, 2018 1:07 PM To: M. Christopher Peifer Subject: Permeable ground I enjoyed meeting with you recently. You had asked me to email you with my concern about our new builds not leaving enough permeable ground. I hope we as a city can alleviate all of the concrete in West U. Thank you for your time. Len Slusser Sent from my iPad General Rule: Every building site must have the minimum open and pervious areas shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does Table 7-3:Open & Pervious not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See PDD Schedules for planned Areas development districts. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3)See the Projections Schedule for details about calculating open and pervious areas. Item Measurement SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C TCC Front yard, Open minimum 60%. N/A 40% N/A area percentage. Rear yard, minimum 60%.See Note 1. N/A N/A N/A percentage.See Note 6. Entire building site, minimum 40% 25% 25% 15% percentage. Front yard, Pervious minimum 50% 50%See Note 2. 50%See Note 2. N/A area percentage Entire building site, minimum 24% 15% 15% 15% 10% percentage. Landscaping Required, except for SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq.ft. or more. strips See Notes 3 and 5. For SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more, Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinance must be located within a contiguous and reasonably Qualified trees compact pervious area containing at least 25 sq. ft. However, additional or better pervious area may be required to comply with Chapter 82. Pervious In a QMDS only, pervious pavement is allowed to be used for all vehicular II III pavement areas, and part of it may count as pervious area.See Note 4. Each parking area containing 21 or more parking spaces must Parking areas, contain interior pervious areas in "island" or"peninsula" N/A interior configurations aggregating in area at least two square feet for each parking space. Note 1. Rear Yard Adjacent to Non-SF. The ZBA may issue a special exception to reduce the requirement for open area in a rear yard in a SF District to not less than 40%, if the rear yard abuts a non-SF District. Note 2. Pervious Area in QMDS. Front yard minimum pervious area requirement in a QMDS is 40%., or 30%for a front yard in a QMDS "low-impact motor court." Note 3. Landscaping Strips . Vegetated pervious areas required as follows: (a) minimum five feet wide adjacent to each street area (or 3.5 ft. if located in front of a fence or wall at least 3.5 feet high), and (b) minimum 18 inches wide to separate each paved vehicular area from a fence or subdivision or replat boundary. Exception: Strips are not required along alleys or where they must be crossed by sidewalks or driveways. Strips along street areas must have live, evergreen shrubs (maximum spacing is 3.5 ft.)and live qualified trees under Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinances (maximum spacing is 20 ft.). The administrative official may approve different spacing for shrubs or trees, upon a showing that(i)the spacing is allowed by standard urban forestry criteria for the particular species and location and (ii)the spacing will comply with Chapter 82. The ZBA may issue a special exception to allow a landscaping strip to be located in whole or in part within a street area, if the ZBA finds that the particular landscaping will, in all probability, be allowed to remain intact for at least 50 years and that it can be maintained and will function as well as a strip located completely on private property. General Rule: Every building site must have the minimum open and pervious areas shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does Table 7-3,cont. not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1)See PDD Schedules for planned development districts. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3)See the Projections Schedule for details about calculating open and pervious areas. PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- Item Measurement PDD-C1 SF1 SF2 TH1 TH2 TH4 TH5 TH7 Front yard, Open minimum 60%. N/A N/A area percentage. Rear yard, minimum 60%.See Note 1. N/A N/A percentage.See Note 6. Entire building site, minimum 40% 25% N/A percentage. Front yard, Pervious minimum 50% 50%See Note 2. N/A area percentage Entire building site, minimum 24% 15% N/A percentage Landscaping Required, except for SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq.ft. or more. strips See Notes 3 and 5. For SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq.ft. or more,there must be at least one qualified tree in the front yard or in the adjacent street area. For all other uses, each qualified tree required by this ordinance or Chapter 82 Qualified trees of the Code of Ordinance must be located within a contiguous and reasonably compact pervious area containing at least 25 sq. ft. However, additional or better pervious area may be required to comply with Chapter 82. Pervious In a QMDS only, pervious pavement is allowed to be used for all vehicular pavement areas, and part of it may count as pervious area.See Note 4. Each parking area containing 21 or more parking spaces must contain Parking areas, interior pervious areas in "island" or"peninsula" configurations aggregating interior in area at least two square feet for each parking space. Note 4. Pervious Pavement. In a QMDS, the area of the holes or gaps (if actually pervious)counts toward pervious area requirements(but no more than 30% out of any area with pervious pavement may count). Note 5. Visual Buffer Zone. In TCC, along the east edge of each property a landscaped buffer zone shall be established consisting of trees, shrubs, and other durable vegetation adequate to minimize the transmittal of light and provide a visual buffer between a use in TCC and adjacent SF district properties. Evergreen shrubs shall be planted to form a continuous hedge with no gaps. Shrubs shall be hardy species that will withstand freezing temperatures. The plants shall be at least 18 inches in height as measured from the surrounding soil line and shall have a maximum 18 inch width at the widest portion when planted. Shrubs shall be capable of growth to not less than 48 inches in height when measured from the surrounding soil line and shall form a continuous hedge within three annual growing seasons. Shrubs shall be maintained at a height that does not interfere with overhead utility lines. Trees planted in the buffer zone shall not interfere with overhead utility lines. Note 6. Old Stock Housing. The ZBA may issue a special exception to reduce the open area requirement in the rear yard, if the ZBA determines: (i)the reduction is reasonably necessary to preserve or protect old stock housing as it then exists or as it may be proposed to be remodeled or expanded (up to a total gross floor area, for all buildings on the site, that does not exceed the greater of 3,400 square feet or 200% of the gross floor area of all the buildings on the site when the principal building was built, before 1980); and (ii)there will be no substantial adverse impact upon nearby properties. �'ay,14.Lfli-tle14.4,2011TMXCVR40F11606409 W.- /S 4410 wt7 .41.t„,,,,..„„„ -e-- wOI reu r6,u r01t coNGaT� n ,6,q tell•wtkMC.o1/61.707 IL•IMMO UM no•roues d U.•URITT 2.60.Ie.1 It•10U.I+.MTOLea II"*WN W .A OM 0%wanwamt -0 .MOO MC& 2-OMCOIN ®Cte411e0 .9.4:9999:99 MI°.°t ee•Meat WWM PP•MM.Met n.•/lbl?Pt 8...1.6,1 O...6,...." ---0-.ow.w SS*Me MITA <7 CMU -oy-n..rlw.aa .7.H roe.1NM1.M.n41ee ""AO1 RV ./C.lasoa+.VIR re 1 Q 101440 (b�e4r7..T.rr.a. ©lime.tr.4011 >7 YICTIIn 101 •4F 2112 M7te1M4T See.•M•144rt.RI AVM*ew..OU P V a..OtwurlCNO..01.M . 1 itaEnto 3UIf:1•-56, r Vewi+rs.Anma-+.GfFubs ! 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