HomeMy WebLinkAbout12132018 ZPC Agenda Item 3 AGENDA MEMO AGENDA OF: December 13, 2018 AGENDA ITEM: 3 PREPARED BY: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner SUBJECT: Matters related to townhome districts 1. Copy of regulations regarding townhomes ATTACHMENTS: 2. Map of single family district abutting townhomes EXPENDITURE REQUIRED: N/A AMOUNT BUDGETED: N/A ACCOUNT NO.: N/A ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED: N/A ACCOUNT NO.: N/A SUMMARY This item was last discussed at the September meeting. I have included information that staff was asked to provide for discussion based on the list below: 1.SF Buffer yard provision in table 7-2. (20 feet in PDD-TH1) 2.SF privacy protection in note 8 to Table 7-4(b) [applicable to both side and rear yards?] 3.Transition protection (8 foot fence requirement in article 8) 4. 100%framed area allowance for single family detached townhomes(a/k/a houses) 5. 3 story construction in townhome districts There was talk about how to protect the single family districts from the adjacent townhome districts and there are a few already in place to do that. General Rule: No part of any structure may be located within a part of a building site included within a yard defined, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) Table 7-2:Yards Structures may be located in yards to the extent allowed by the (or'setbacks') Projections Schedule. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3)See PDD Schedules for Planned Development Districts. (4) See additional setbacks in the PWSF Schedule. GR- GR- Item Measurement SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH C TCC 1 2 20 feet if the building site depth is 110 feet or less; 25 feet if the building site depth is more than Distance from 110 feet but not more than 125 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 10 ft. Front yard See See Note See See front street line. feet; 30 feet if the building site Note 7. 7 Note 5 Note 9 depth is more than 125 feet.See Note 5. Distance from 5 ft.See Notes 4.1 5 ft. Interior Greater of 10%of building site side property and 4.2. See Note 7 See Notes 4.1 side yard width or 5 feet.See Note 2 . line (each side). and 4.2 . Greater of Greater of 10%of 10%of Street side Distance from building site width building site See 10 ft.SeeNote7. 15 ft. yard side street line. or 5 ft.See Notes 2, width or 5 Note 9 3, 6. feet.See Notes 2, 6. Distance from 20 ft. 5 ft. 25 ft. Rear yard rear property 20 ft.See Note 1 . See 5 ft.See See See Note 7. line. Note 7. Note 1 Note 9 Distance from SF nearest part of N/A N/A N/A 20 ft.See Note 7. 10 ft. N/A Bufferyard an SF District. General Rule: No part of any structure may be located within a part of a building site included within a yard defined, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1)Structures Table 7-2,cont. may be located in yards to the extent allowed by the Projections Schedule. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3) See PDD Schedules for Planned Development Districts. (4) See additional setbacks in the PWSF Schedule. PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- Item Measurement SF1 SF2 TH1 TH2 TH4 TH5 TH7 CI 20 feet if the building site depth is 110 feet or less; 25 feet if the building site Distance from depth is more 20 ft. 5 ft. Front yard front street than 110 feet but 10 ft. See Note 7. (Mercer (Bellaire line. not more than Street) Blvd.) 125 feet;30 feet if the building site depth is more than 125 feet.See Note 5 . Distance from Greater of 10%of Interior side property building site 5 ft.See Notes 4.1 and 4.2. 20 ft. (south N/A side yard line (each width or 5 feet. See Note 7. property line) side). See Note 2. Greater of 10%of Distance from 10 ft. Street side building site See side street 10 ft.See Note 7. (Bissonnet) yard width or 5 ft.See Note 8. line. Notes 2, 6. Distance from 20 ft. 10 ft. Rear yard rear property 20 ft.See Note 1. 20 ft.See 5 ft. (west See See See Note 1. property line) Note 8. line. Note Note 1. 1. Distance from 20 ft. 10 ft. SF See See 20 ft.See See nearest part of N/A N/A Bufferyard Note Note Note 7. Note 8. an SF District 7. 7. Note 7. Yards In QMDS. In a QMDS, yards are only required around the perimeter of the subdivision and are designated by the subdivision plat. See definition of QMDS. Standard projections into QMDS yards are allowed per the Projections Schedule. In addition: (a) Front yard (GR-1 or GR-2 Only): A principal building with an internal access garage may project as close as 10 feet to the street area if, in the projecting part: (a)there is a first-floor porch or with at least 80 sq. ft. of floor space (open or screened)and no dimension smaller than seven feet; (b)above the porch or court, no more than half the usable floor space is enclosed (coverings and other floor space, including open or screened porches, are allowed above all the porch or court); (c)the cornice height does not exceed 27 feet; (d) there are no more than 2.5 stories; and (e)there is no garage space. (b) Front yard: Bay windows, canopies and balconies at least 18 inches above grade may project up to 24 inches beyond the principal building. Steps and handrails may project up to 30 inches beyond the principal building. (c) Rear Yard and SF Bufferyard. Buildings up to 10 feet high (measured from finished grade to top of roof plate) may project, but not closer than 10 feet to the property line. Note 8. Yards in PDD-C1. In PDD-C1, the yards and street lines are as follows, notwithstanding other provisions of this ordinance: (i)The rear yard is the area within 20 feet of the rear property line(the line farthest from Bellaire Blvd.) of any building site, and for this purpose, the said rear property line shall be not in excess of 120 feet from the north right-of-way line of Bellaire Blvd. Exception: The rear yard upon Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition (also known as the south 140 feet of Tract 9, Cambridge Place) is the area within 40 feet of the rear property line of said lot, said rear property line being located 140 north of the north right-of-way line of Bellaire Blvd. (ii)The street side yard is the area within ten feet of any side street line where the street area is 50 feet or less in width, or within five feet of any side street line where the street area is more than 50, but less than 70, feet wide. (iii)The front yard is the area within five feet of the front street line(which is the common boundary with Bellaire Boulevard). Any area outside of a building line established by ordinance or by recorded plat is considered part of the corresponding yard. General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table.("N/A" means the rule Table 7-4b: Buildings does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1)See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. Item Regulation SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C TCC Maximum One, plus one 17.5 per See Uses number per 24 per Dwelling units accessory acre.See Two table and N/A building site acre. quarters (AQ) Note 9 Art. 9 Maximum area Framed area, all as a buildings on a percentage of 80% 100%See Note 4. N/A building site building site area Length or Maximum width, any horizontal N/A 130 feet.See Note 3. N/A building dimension Exterior materials, any Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides.See building. Type N/A Section 8-104. A four-hour fire wall, or its equivalent, Separation of Fire-rated wall N/A must separate adjoining dwelling units. N/A DUs See Notes 3 and S. SF privacy See Note 8. N/A Applies. N/A protection Maximum Accessory number per buildings Three N/A building site See Article 10 regarding garage space. g 35 ft.See 25 ft. Height, 35 ft.See Notes 12 maximum Note 2. and 13. Stories, Two and one- Three. See Note 6. N/A Two maximum half. Height, 35 ft.See 35 ft.See maximum 35 feet; 25 feet in rear yard.See Note 1. Notes 12 Note 2. and 13. Principal buildings 1,400 square See Article 10 Minimum gross 1,200 sq. feet, if used for 750 sq. ft, regarding floor area ft., each 1,400 sq.ft. residential each DU garage space. DU. purposes Width, But minimum N/A 16 ft., each N/A QMDS N/A DU. Schedule. Height and screening of rooftop See Note 11 N/A Applies mechanical equipment Note 1. Antennas and Chimneys. Roof-mounted radio or television antennas on a principal building in a residential district may project up to four feet above the roof. The maximum height of chimneys attached to a principal building is the greater of 35 feet or four feet above the roof. Note 2. Height In C District. In the C District, no part of any structure (except a fence)may be higher than the horizontal distance from that part to the nearest part of an SF District. Note 3. Building Detail, TH, PDD-TH and GR Districts. To separate buildings, there must be open area at least five feet wide maintained so that firefighters with hoses could pass through. Note 4. Framed Area In QMDS. Allowed square footage for a given building site is calculated by multiplying the allowable percentage by(a)the building site's area plus (b)an allocated part of any common use areas in the same QMDS (e.g., access easements, private streets, alleys, reserves, etc. that are not part of a building site). The allocated part is proportional to the building site's area divided by the area of all building sites in the same QMDS. Note 5. Building Code. Separation requirements are in addition to other requirements of building codes and other ordinances. See Code of Ordinances. General Rule: Every structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table.("N/A" means the rule does Table 7-4b,cont. not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. PDD- PDD- PDD- PDD- POD- PDD- Item Regulation PDD-TH2 PDD-C1 SF1 SF2 TH1 TH4 TH5 TH7 Maximum One, plus One plus Dwelling units number per one AQ 17.5 per acre.See Note 9. one AQ building site Maximum 100%for all Framed area, area as a 100%. dwelling types all buildings percentage of 80% See other than TH; 100%.See Note 4. N/A on a building building site Note 4. 125%for TH. site area See Note 4. Length or Maximum width, any horizontal N/A 130 feet.See Note 3. N/A building dimension Exterior Must be of equal grade and quality, all sides.See Section materials, any Type N/A 8-104. building. A four-hour firewall, or its equivalent, must separate Separation of Fire-rated N/A adjoining dwelling units.See Notes 3 and 5. See also Note DU's wall 10(PDD-TH7 only) SF privacy Applies.See Note 8. See also Note 10(PDD-TH7 See Note 8. N/A N/A protection only) Maximum Accessory number per N/A 3 N/A buildings building site See Article 10 regarding 35 ft. Height, garage space. 25 ft. See Note maximum 2. Stories, 2 and one- maximum half 3 N/A Height, 35, 25 in maximum, in rear yard. 35.See Notes 1 and 7. 35 Principal feet See Note 1 buildings Minimum gross floor 1,400 each 1,600 1,200 each DU each 1,300 area, square DU DU feet Width, feet (min,), N/A 16, each DU N/A outside to outside Height and screening of rooftop See Note 11. N/A Applies mechanical equipment Note 6. Height in GR-1, GR-2. Principal buildings in GR-1 or GR-2 Districts may be three stories high, but subject to the lower height limits prescribed for projecting spaces. See Table 7-2, Note 7. Note 7. Certain Projecting Buildings. Special height rules apply to buildings projecting into yards. See Tables 7-2 and 7-6. Note 8. SF privacy protection . On a building site where this applies, there may not be a direct sight line from any"third-floor viewpoint"to any point in an "SF privacy zone."A"third-floor viewpoint" is any viewpoint on a "third-floor area"at eye level (six feet)or lower. A"third-floor area" is any floored area (indoors or outdoors)where the floor is 18 feet or higher. The "SF privacy zone" includes every point: (i)within 100 feet of the third floor viewpoint in question, (ii)on a building site in an SF District, and (iii) below 20 feet in height. See Figure SFP. Section 8-103.-Transition features. (a) When Required . Each building site must have the transition features required by this section if it lies directly across the street from, or within 20 feet of, another building site restricted by this ordinance to a use less intensive than the actual use of the first building site. Intensities of uses are ranked in the following order, beginning with the least intensive use: (1) Single-family(detached) use; (2) Single-family(attached) use; (3) Other residential use; (4) Any other use. (b) Fence or Wall . If the building site lies within 20 feet of the less-intensive use, there must be an opaque fence or wall eight feet in height separating the more-intensive activities on the building site from the less-intensive use. The side of the fence or wall facing the less-intensive use must be finished. Exception: In PDD-C1, the fence or wall must be at least six, but not more than seven, feet high. (c) Across-Street Requirement . If the building site lies directly across the street from the less intensive use, there must be the greatest practicable amount of pervious area within the ten feet of the building site closest to the less-intensive use. _,...._ - ::' '',... .;:*'• .• % rl va • •.:: ,...,„iii,.•:.;„ .. , •:•• ..,,,,,,, .„; ,;„,f,,,, ), , •' . '.. '.,..,,,,., •44;,'4 ''4 :' ' ',•'''' '''.; 1,..; ' ',',4'4' .', ffao.,'S Pt e 131-1 ' .,..,. ,,. t _ .. .k a* ......', ' • ••.. 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