HomeMy WebLinkAbout04232015 ZBA DecisionI 15 4iir RP-2018-361024 0$/08/2018 RP1 $64,00 Zoning Board of Adjustment City of West University Place,Texas Docket No. 2015-03(1) DECISION TO ISSUE A SPECIAL EXCEPTION (HIGH-DENSITY OCCUPANCY,ACCESSORY USES/STRUCTURES IN A SINGLE-FAMILY DISTRICT) Addressofbuildingsite: 3826 Milton St. , West University Place, Texas 77005 Legal description of the building site: Lots 16, 17 and 18 in Block 15, College View, Third Addition, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas; see map or plat recorded in the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas, Vol. 572, Page 33. Q " Applicant: West University Baptist Church (proposed operator of the site) joined by the City of West University Place (current owner of the site) as Co-Applicant. Decision orActionRequested: Special exception to authorize a youth ministry building and adjacent parking area. Notices, etc.: The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("Board") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") has recognized and determined that: 1. Notices of the pre-application briefing were given. 2 . The pre-application briefing was held on January 29, 2015 3. Notices of the hearing were given by mail and posting on the site. 4. The parties to the hearing were the Applicant, the Co-Applicant and Mr. David Kuykendahl. All were represented by counsel, and all participated in the hearing. 4. The hearing convened on February 26, 2015 and continued on March 26, 2015 and April 23, 2015. Findings&Determinations: The Board has made all findings and determinations necessary to issue this decision, including: 1. The proposed special exception: a. will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking; b. will not cause any substantial traffic congestion; c. will not cause any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; and d. will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 2 . The requested high-density occupancy is: a. accessory to a lawful primary use (a place of worship) ; and b. reasonably compatible with nearby sites and their uses. 3. Each additional use and structure authorized by this decision is: a. accessory to a lawful primary use (a place of worship) ; and Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 1 of 13 b. compatible with nearby sites and their uses. Vote: The vote was: four for, zero opposed to,this decision. Decision(subject to all applicable administrative remedies and appeals): Under and subject to the City's Zoning Ordinance and applicable law,a special exception as specifically allowed by(identify the exactprovision) Table 7-1 (entitled "Uses") , including Notes 1 and 3 ofthe Zoning Ordinance,is issued for the site identified above,subject to the following: (1) SCOPE OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION; LIMITATIONS; AMENDMENT. The scope of the special exception is subject to the following limitations: (a) it only authorizes: (i) the structures shown on the attached sketch labeled "Exhibit A, " and (ii) the uses, occupancies and activities described in the attached narrative labeled "Exhibit B;" and (b) it only applies when the principal use of the building site and the structures is for a place of worship. No further change in the site or any structure, occupancy or activity is authorized, but the operator and owner of the site may apply for an amendment to the special exception to authorize such a change. See Section 6-101 of the Zoning Ordinance for the effect upon affirmative defenses if a limitation is not observed or fulfilled. This decision does not extend to matters covered by Section 8- 112 of the Zoning Ordinance. (2) CONDITIONS. The Board prescribes the conditions listed below. These conditions have been prescribed to the extent necessary to enable the Board to make findings or determinations necessary for the issuance of the special exception (or otherwise necessary to minimize or diminish an adverse effect of the special exception) . Therefore, these conditions are essential to the special exception. If there is non- compliance with a condition, neither "high-density occupancy" nor an accessory use or structure is authorized during the period of non-compliance. See Section 6-101 of the Zoning Ordinance for the effect upon affirmative defenses if a condition is not observed or fulfilled. (a) Required Items. Certain items shown or described in Exhibit A or Exhibit B must be provided and maintained in good condition, as follows: (i) trees and shrubbery equivalent to those on the main church property at 6218 Auden Street, (ii) planting screens along Milton Street as required by the Zoning Ordinance, (iii) pervious areas as indicated in Exhibit A, and (iv) parking, including handicapped parking. (b) Pedestrians, Bicycling and On-Street Parking. Certain items to encourage pedestrian and bicycle access to the site (as recommended on page 22 of the report by Traffic Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 2 of 13 Engineers, Inc. ; see attached "Exhibit C") must be provided and maintained in good condition, as follows: (i) new sidewalk at least six feet wide, except that it may be narrower as required to preserve the existing on- street, head-in parking on College Street adjacent to the building site, (ii) pedestrian benches, (iii) pedestrian-scale lighting, (iv) shade trees equivalent to those along the east side of Auden Street adjacent to the baseball fields, and (v) bicycle racks. In addition, the six on-street, head-end parking spaces on College Street adjacent to the building site must be maintained, but this does not prevent the City from requesting an amendment to this condition to allow a change in those spaces, if necessary for safety or other compelling public purposes. (c) Screening Wall & Trees: Along the entire north property line of the building site there must be an opaque fence or wall at least eight feet high with screening trees planted with spacings optimized to create a visual screen, as recommended by the City' s forester, taking into account the types and species of trees proposed by the Applicant (as operator of the youth facility) . The Applicant is urged to discuss the design and materials with the neighbors to further mitigate any adverse impact. (d) Circulation Plan: The operator of the youth facility must prepare a written plan for pedestrian and vehicle circulation during peak occupancy times, e.g. , Sunday morning, Wednesday evening. The operator must obtain the approval of the administrative official and take effective steps to enforce the approved plan. The plan may be amended, if approved by the administrative official. (e) Required Use of Off-Street Parking: The operator of the youth facility must take reasonable steps to cause persons visiting, occupying, dropping off passengers at or retrieving passengers from the facility (or other nearby facilities controlled by the operator) to refrain from parking motor vehicles on public streets (other than the 6200 block of Auden Street) unless they first determine that there is no available off-street parking accessible from Auden (6200 block) , Amherst, College or Milton Street. The reasonable measures must include giving notices of the requirements of this paragraph and instructing violators to stop violating. The notices must be given: (i) at least once each calendar month in the operator' s newsletter, bulletin or special mailings; (ii) at all times on the operator' s main website, in a prominent position; and (iii) on clearly-legible signs Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 3 of 13 posted at each driveway entrance to the parking area adjoining the youth facility and at each outer doorway of the youth facility. Such signs are approved as accessory structures. (f) SF privacy protection. From the youth facility there may not be a direct sight line from any elevated viewpoint to any point in an "SF privacy zone. " An "elevated viewpoint" is any viewpoint on an upper floor at or below eye level (six feet) . An "upper floor" is any floored area (indoors or outdoors) where the floor is eight feet or higher. The "SF privacy zone" includes every point: (i) within 100 feet of any elevated viewpoint, (ii) on a building site used for residential purposes in an SF District, and (iii) below 20 feet in height. Refer to Figure SFP of the Zoning Ordinance for assistance in applying this condition (except that the floor height shall be eight feet or higher instead of 18 feet or higher) . (g) Off-Street Parking In Study Area. Based upon the report by Traffic Engineers, Inc. (see, especially, excerpt from pages 20-21 including Table 5, in attached Exhibit C) , a minimum of 197 off-street parking spaces must be provided in the Study Area and made available to persons occupying or visiting the youth facility. (The "Study Area" is the area bounded by Rice Boulevard, Auden Street, University Boulevard and College Street. ) Shared spaces count toward the 197 spaces, if persons occupying or visiting the youth facility are allowed to use the shared spaces during peak occupancy times of the youth facility, e.g. , Sunday morning, Wednesday evening. If the operator of the youth facility adds the education building mentioned below Table 5 on page 21 of the report by Traffic Engineers, Inc. (or makes another change in the Study Area which, under the Zoning Ordinance, requires more off-street parking) , the number of spaces required by this condition increases by the number of off-street parking spaces the Zoning Ordinance requires to be added because of the change. If the operator of the youth facility makes a change which, under the Zoning Ordinance, requires fewer off-street parking spaces, the operator may apply for an amendment of this condition to reduce the number of spaces required. (3) SIGNATURE BY CO-APPLICANT. This decision does not take effect until the application is signed by an appropriate official of the Co-Applicant or, in the alternative, the requirement for a signature by the Co-Applicant is waived by the administrative official. Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 4 of 13 (4) ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL; SUBMISSIONS TO BOARD. The administrative official is requested to keep the Board informed about compliance with this decision. Should there be non-compliance with any term or condition, the administrative official is requested to take appropriate action and submit the matter to the Board for further consideration and action. Other Provisions: THIS DECISION SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE HARRIS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY RECORDS,AND THE COST MUST BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS DECISION,ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR THE WORK CONTEMPLATED BY THIS DECISION MUST BE APPLIED FOR ON OR BEFORE THE 180-TH DAY FOLLOWING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS DECISION,AND SUCH WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUCH PERMITS (AND ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS)ON OR BEFORE THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF SUCH DATE. NO EXTENSION OF ANY PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD IN THIS DECISION MAY BE GRANTED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THIS BOARD,EXCEPT THAT THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL MAY EXTEND THE TIME TO APPLY FOR PERMITS FOR ONE ADDITIONAL 180- DAY PERIOD. NEITHER ADDITIONAL NOTICE NOR HEARING IS REQUIRED FOR GRANTING A TIME EXTENSION. IF ANY WORK OR CONDITION IS NOT DONE WITHIN A PRESCRIBED TIME PERIOD--AND NO TIME EXTENSION IS GRANTED--THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT,BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO REVERSAL OR MODIFICATION BY THE BOARD WITHOUT ADDITIONAL NOTICE OR HEARING. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISION(S) IDENTIFIED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO OR AFFECT: (A)OTHER REQUIREMENTS (SUCH AS,FOR EXAMPLE,REGULATION OF SITES,BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES UNDER THE CODE OF ORDINANCES,OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE),OR(B)PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CITY OR OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES (INCLUDING,FOR EXAMPLE,CITY PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS). THE APPLICANT MUST SEPARATELY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE APPROPRIATE PERMISSIONS FROM THE BUILDING& STANDARDS COMMISSION,THE CITY COUNCIL OR OTHER BODIES THAT MAY HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT ON SUCH REQUIREMENTS. THIS DECISION APPLIES ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC ITEMS DEFINED ABOVE. IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ASPECT,USE OR PART OF THE SITE OR STRUCTURE IN QUESTION, NOR DOES IT APPLY TO ANY OTHER ACTIVITY, SITE OR STRUCTURE. TO OBTAIN A RULING FOR ANY OTHER ITEM REQUIRES SEPARATE APPLICATION, NOTICE,HEARING,PROOF AND BOARD FINDINGS. NOTHING IN THIS DECISION IMPLIES THAT ANY SUCH FINDINGS WOULD OR WOULD NOT BE MADE BY THE BOARD. THIS DECISION REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD,UNLESS A TEMPORARY OR FIXED PERIOD IS INDICATED ABOVE. THIS DECISION REMAINS SUBJECT TO THE REGULATORY JURISDICTION OF THE CITY. IT MAY BE AMENDED OR REVOKED. THIS DECISION GRANTS NO PROPERTY RIGHT OR VESTED RIGHT OF ANY KIND. Effective Date,Administrative Remedies&Appeals: Subject to applicable administrative remedies and Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 5 of 13 appeals,this decision takes effect on the date it is signed and filed in the Board's office(c/o Secretary of the Zoning Board of Adjustment,3826 Amherst,West University Place,Texas 77005),unless otherwise indicated above. Any re-hearing of this decision is governed by the rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Any appeals of this decision are subject to and governed by applicable ordinances and laws, including: the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 211,Tex. Local Government Code. Under Chapter 211, petitions for judicial review must be presented within 10 days after the date this decision is filed in the Board's office. Other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance allow remedies in certain circumstances. See, for example, Sections 8-112 and 14-100. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS B : Z S 4 amantha Brantley,Presiding Officer, JOSIE M. HAYES Zoning Board of Adjustment ` ( My Commission Expires June 22, 2017 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on Ma);n, x015 by Samantha Brantley as Presiding Officer of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of West University Place, Texas. (SEAL) V'� ao`�/� My commission expires: ` n )(� 11 \• �� '�J Notary Public This instrument was signed and filed in the Board's office on May g , 2015. By.. !i / I , Debbie Scarcella, Secretary,Zoning Board of Adjustment On May 8 , 2015, true copies of this instrument were e-mailed to:Roger Patterson(for Applicant), Arthur Howard(for Applicant),David Kuykendall(Additional Party), Brennan Reilly(for Additional Party), Reid Wilson(for Co-Applicant), at their respective email addresses most recently filed among the records of this Docket. By: • I I' Debbie Scarcella, Secretary,Zoning Board of Adjustment After recording return to: Secretary,Zoning Board of Adjustment jj (Phone#: 713-662-5843) City of West University Place 3826 Amherst Street Houston,Texas 77005 Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 6 of 13 Exhibit A I I- i 3Xj ...._._..v I i e 1 1 i iii 1 Z . ! � f 'ei g I [1:1[ i c I C cta I ; / ' ' la 1 i t; .._._.e to K s sus Ii a j 1 i t 00 1 1 _- a; 1 ; s I ‘343 __ .__. ._ _.� a y� /jr I.L. .,, 14's'� 1 .�„ r tx.3, . ,,m” ' Q., ! 1 f 1 ti._ I z r. LtJ I r i i' .1 a 0 e �V i ; „; , Ju d 4)-4 -5 1 It 09 1 i1F 1 ' t ` t t' I '_ 3j t I C .. ) L., ,i,:i> yy �� .:,t; aT s2h45S-{.{----.sf..3� +4c A ' a i 4, t� i , I 1 ' ; r r..a a Ct 6 g lki:/_al gig I 1 ti.A Exhibit A, continued Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 7 of 13 The following is an enlargement of a part of the sketch on the preceding page: Building Site 1 i------„,_ _..._ .-- --------'-'-' -'-- 1 4 N 89' '7'00" E 166.92' nit). 3/ • ow- !OTAt.51%APIA 1%,‘9 t 5 r imm 7 CreN AktA *Ct..0t.d Y4AD 36 5 F 100%or .>GO%At 002,10 ,'... .-.44' ,MA .,,7") OFE.14 /A FM*APO 3336 5 F .9 i 5%OFEN>‘0%rzootto ,li 0 oroi AREA,.t NM!!51Te 40 t 9 sr.COV9R.r0 4,75 9%(MTN>40%RFC) e.. 9t12,410135 AA MONT YAM) ,677 sr. -502%,>50%1;fGOARr0 I- Ftt4V1005 MLA COMM 5n.5756 5 F -34 5%>24%RCOURED 5 5.? FACC5 0 9,.45 \ . 4 14) * El i,X, 81DO. 4 __..... _ I 11 C SFACC , 111111111111111#AL .... 8 t 1 _ , .......„ - op r•! it 24 i 4v C 5PACt 4^ , /4' . . I # :11 st g ottE 151,140 - J 9 1 kAlke tn i '''' j) • . 1.' Ipremot,5 MCA f'..41.mit,or -1 m&TWIN C'AND PAR,KING 5PAr.l 5 12'A90Vt GRAD? ,e,-°V. 104G In ——— - i5 2'F'145T Cl.g16 N 1 i ■ N r-. * '- I '.1:5".• A',/, i•41....,... 444, „..,,,A • 24 2' 1.i 4.'•---.-- t NM,C K.*:CJT ; 0. AND 1 XWA.P. , .....:=11 A",....1.,,,,,,., .....r.,..t.t....=11,,.......,.W.......... Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 8 of 13 Exhibit B Special Exception Request#1 —West University Baptist Church 3826 Milton; Zone SF-3 Zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception_ Appendix A, Section 7-101; Table 7-1 —Notes 1 and 3 Note 1. High-density occupancies in SF District. High-density occupancies are allowed in SF Districts only to the extent authorized by a special exception.The ZBA may issue such a special exception if it finds and determines that the occupancy is a use that is(i)accessory to a lawful primary use and (ii)reasonably compatible with, nearby sites and their uses(in addition to any other findings and determinations required for a special exception). Note:A previously-issued special exception that authorized a use with a high-density occupancy is sufficient to comply with this note. Note 3. Accessory Uses and Structures. In the indicated districts, the ZBA may issue a special exception to authorize additional uses and structures, if the ZBA finds and determines that each additional use and structure is: (i)accessory to a lawful primary use and (ii) compatible with nearby sites and their uses.The special exception may include a site plan identifying and limiting such uses and structures. Exact wording of special exception requested: WUBC requests an exception to construct a Youth Ministry Building and adjacent parking lot, on the three lots at the northeast corner of College Avenue and Milton Street. West University Baptist Church believes the new Youth Ministry Building meets the requirements for a special exception, since the lot is accessory to a lawful primary use, and compatible with nearby sites and their uses— specifically, the new building is visually compatible with the adjacent residential structures, and the Church parking lots. The new building will be "residential-style" in appearance--utilizing brick masonry and cement plaster; however, the building will include commercial features such as steel structure, fire-sprinkler system, accessibility for the physically-impaired, and energy-efficiency/water efficiency/material enhancements that will enable submission for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design —U. S. Green Building Council) certification. The grounds will be fully landscaped with a high-efficiency water sprinkler system. The building and adjacent parking lot will be solid-fenced at adjacent residential properties (north side), and buffered with trees and Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 9 of 13 Exhibit B, continued shrubbery. Requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding planting- screens along Milton Street will be complied with. Reduction in the impervious cover(removal of large areas of concrete paving)will improve the site water-holding capabilities, and, in conjunc with high-efficiency plumbing fixtures,will reduce impact on the City storm-sewer system, and create minimal impact on the City water and sanitary-sewer systems. Parking has been provided in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinanc arid,when combined with parking enhancements planned for the existin1 (and adjacent) Church parking lots, will enable parking for the new facil as well as enhanced parking for the Church—especially considering that most of the children accompany their parents to church, and middle-schc early high-school children do not drive their own vehicles. However, a traffic study was commissioned to determine the full impact of the new facility. Use of the Youth Ministry Building is limited to middle-school children senior-high children—consequently,the building will contain a"catering kitchen" with no heat-producing appliances,and church policy strictly forbids smoking(inside or outside), drinking alcohol, and use of controlll substances. Many of the children(approximately 140) are already attend services and Bible study in the 3rd floor"Youth-education" wing; howevc the Church anticipates growth in the ministry by providing for 240 studer in assembly within the new building (2nd level classrooms will not be occupied during assembly). The new Youth Ministry Building will be a "sister" facility to the new Youth Ministry Building being planned for Crosspoint Church(West University Baptist's "sister-church")in Bellaire The hours of operation for the facility will be (generally) Sunday morning (during Church services— 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.), and Wednesday even (during Church services—5 p.m. to 9 p.m.). Of course, special events are always possible—such as Cub and Boy Scout meetings. City of West University employees/visitors, attendees of ball-games, library visitors, and senior-services facilities-users will have full use of the parking—which will be connected,to the adjacent existing church parking along Milton Street. Exhibit B, continued Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 10 of 13 Special attention will be given to alternative paving types, such as pervious paving— especially adjacent to tree islands. Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 11 of 13 • Exhibit C Excerpt from pages 20-21 of the report by Traffic Engineers, Inc.: The increase in parking demand is estimated to be 1% per year to mirror the projected increase in the WUBC congregation. The analysis also assumes all parking demand within the study area is associated with WUBC congregation and will grow annually by 1%, This is a conservative estimate because in reality some parking within the study area may be occupied by drivers visiting other activity centers within the study area, Table 5 includes the parking demand and occupancy analysis conducted for the 2017 short term analysis, The 42%increase in off street parking increases the capacity of the study area parking and allows for an occupancy rate of approximately 25% on a typical weekday and an occupancy rate of approximately 94%for a typical Sunday morning. The proposed expansion to the City Hall parking lot and the reconfiguration of the exiting WUBC campus parking lots will decrease occupancy to a level that removes vehicles on a typical Sunday from parking within the primarily single-family streets outside the study area. Table Projected 2017 Parking Derrood nod 0(c oporm 2017 2017 2015 2017 Location Typical Day Sunday Morning Capacity Capacity Demand Occupancy Demand Occupancy Study Area Off Street Par, g 139 197 68 35% 197 100% On Street Parking 1 278 272 67 25% 272 100% University Boulevard Spillover2 61 61 0% 31 51% Outside Study Area On Street 0% 0% Parking Study Area Total 478 530 135 25% 500 94% =Sum of on-street parallel spaces and on-street head-in spates =Head-in spaces along Lin Nersitp Boulevard at West university Elementary School includes university Boulevard Spillover capacity Note Does not include aralyus of parking for Christmas,Easter,sporting events or special school events Long term plans for the WUBC campus include an addition to the existing WUBC education building to allow for more space for Sunday school and other educational programs. Current plans for the new building include a parking lot with 49 parking spaces. Therefore,off-street parking within the study area will increase by 77%in 2025, Table 6 includes the parking demand and occupancy analysis conducted for the 2025 long term analysis. The 77%increase in off street parking increases the parking capacity of the study area and results in an occupancy rate of approximately 31%on a typical weekday and approximately 93%on a typical Sunday Morning. Tate 6:Projected 2015 Porktog Derrood nod Occupomy 2025 2025 2015 2025 Location Typical Day Sunday Morning Capacity Capacity Demand Oc:..iancy Demand Occ.ipancy Study Area Off Street Parking 139 246 74 31% 246 100% On Street Parking 1 278 272 72 26% 272 100% University Boulevard Spillover' 61 61 0% 22 36% Outside Study Area On Street 0% 0% Parking Study Area Total a 478 579 146 31% 540 93% :sumo-on-street parallel spaces and on-street head-in spaces ntead-in spaces along university Boulevard at West iversity Elementary School 'includes university Boulevard Spillover capacity Noce:Does not triclude analysis of parking'for Christmas,Eager,sporting everts or special school events Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 12 of 13 Exhibit C, continued Excerpt from page Z2oF the report 6w7roffic Engineers, /mc: PEDESTRIANS A0D8|[Y[L\S1S Many WUBC congregation members live within the City. While a few members of the congregation walk to services and activities on the campus,many nearby residents still drive, Encouraging nearby residents to walk or bicycle to the WIJBC campus will reduce the parking demand within the study area, In addition the youth ministry building will be catering to middle school and high school students. The majority of these students will not be of driving age. Providing strong and safe bicycle connections will encourage students to access the proposed building by walking or bicycling. The two holes within the study area sidewalk network are near the proposed youth ministry building,as seen in Figure 5.The construction of the youth ministry building provides an opportunity to complete the sidewalk network, It is recommended that the new sidewalk be a minimum o15 feet wide. The study area is a major activity center within the City. On any given day, there are people walking to and from the variety of destinations within and adjacent to the study area. A 6 foot or wider sidewalk will provide for a comfortable and safe walking environment. In addition, pedestrian amenities should be encouraged where apprwp,|nte. Benches can improve the feet of a pedestrian environment and also provide a safety buffer from vehicles. Pedestrian scale lighting can create an illuminated and comfortable pedestrian environment in the evening, mnd,capVnm, specifically shade trees, not only improve the aesthetics of the pedestrian realm,butalso create a more comfortable walking experience during the hot Texas summers. The east side of Auden Street,adjacent to the baseball fields, has set an example that should be followed for all roadways within the study area and within the commercial core of the City, An improved pedestrian environment, especially the addition of shade trees,should encourage walking from the neighborhood residences to the study area, More pedestrian walking to the study area will reduce the parking demand within the study area. The roadways within the study area are low speed and low volume roads, which provide a safe environment for bicyclists, The proposed youth ministry building will be providing bicycle racks. It is recommended that additional bicycle racks be added within both proposed parking lots, RECORDER'S MEMORANDUM: At the time of recordatiOn, this instrument was found to be inadequate for the best photographic reproduction becauso of illegibility, carbon or photo copy,discolored paper,etc.All blockouts, additions and changes were present at the time the instrument was filed and recorded. Decision To Issue A Special Exception, Page 13 of 13 FILED FOR RECORD 9:52:42 AM Wednesday, August 8, 2018 .57/70-0.44.07e- COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ANY PROVISION HEREIN WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL,OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED in File Number Sequence on the date and at the time stamped hereon by me;and was duly RECORDED; in the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County Texas Wednesday, August 8, 2018 k ' COUNTY CLERK HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS