HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1944 c.,o MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. M. on :Monday, January 10, 1944, at the City Hall. Members prese nt were Mayor Pro Tem Harmeling presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Mayor Kerbow was absent attending O.C.D. Meeting. Minutes of the meeting of December 27,.194" were read and approved. (l' 1 A request ror a reduction in the assessed value of certain pro- perty t'ronting on the drainage ditch in the ~ffest University First Addition which was re:t'erred to Commissioner Dunnington. on Decembe.tt 13 was reported back to the Commission by Commissioner Dunnington with the recommendation that no change be made in the assessed value or the lots in quest ion. . ~~.. Motion' by Commissioner Nees, secondBd by Comndssioner Ogg, author- izing the City Engineer to pay the final bills due the Texas Gulf Con- struction Company on the Sanitary Sewer contract provided that certain amounts due the City for repairs ma~e to the pressure line on University Boulevard be deducted in the final bill. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ne~s, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, in- structing the City Attorney to prepare and sublIli--t to the Commission an amendment to the dog ordinance providing for a reduc.tion in the license and pound fees from $2.00 to $1.00 effective with the beginning of the . second year. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Har.meling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None . Commissioner Nees presented a budget which had been referred to him by the Health Department cove;ringth'e activities of the Health D~- partment for the current fiscal year ~ This matter was discussed and. postponed to a later date. Mayor Kerbow arrived at this time. Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by COmndssioner Dunnington, authorizing and instructing the City El1gi.neer to. prepare plans and speci- fications and advertise for bids for tne'construction of sanitary sewers on Fairmont Street and in Blocks. 7, 8, 9. and 10 of Col.lege CQurt Addi- tion. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Opmmissioners Harmeling, Dunriington:, Oggap.d Nees Voting Noe: None .Il.... , . \ ~ . "--J ~:' I . .- I /"' -~~ ~ 1 , r .., , --1 r I 09 ,.~. The City Treasurer presented a final bill in the amount of $1,000.00 from Masquelette and Company for audit services for the pre- ce~ing fiscal year. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by N..a.yor Kerbow, authorizing the payment of the Masquelette bill. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, order- ing all requests for refund of fines paid for violation of traffic reg- ulations on Richmond Road, Bissonnet Street and Bellaire Boulevard, to be referred to the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None Voting Woe: At this time the City Commission recessed to reconvene on Monday, January 17,1944. - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened in regular session on Monday, January 17,1944, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall, with Mayor Kerbow pre- siding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary in attendance. The City Secretary presented the annual report from the Houston Natural Gas Company, which report indicated the amount of gross earnings for the Company in the City of West University Place for the calendar year ending December 31, 1943, also the Gas Company tendered with the report a check ~overing the balance of the amount due the City under the .2 'percent gross receipts tax. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, adopt- ing an ordinance amending the budget for the current fiscal year. Voting Aye: Voting Noe : Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Commissioner Dunnington The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE A1'lENDED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UhTIVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING FOR'D:ili: AFPROPRIA TION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY ]DR USE AND EXPE]\1'J)ITURK:;; .AND PROVIDING FOR TEE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COtlFLICT HEREWITH. t1 Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, adopting an ordinance providing for the creation of the office and position of General Maintenance Superintement. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Conmissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Dunnington .30 The caption of t~is ordinance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE CREATlNG THE OFFICE AND POSITION OF GENERAL MAINTENANCE StJPERINTENDENT; PRESCRIBING:THE DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE HOLDER OF SUCH OFFICE; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT TO AND FILLING OF S,UCH POSITION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COMMISSION TO FIX AND PRESCRIB:K COMP1!!NSATION FOR THE HOLDER OF SUCH OFF! CE; AUTHOR IZ ING lJRE CITY CO:MMISSION TO REQUIRE B01TD OF SUCH OFFICER AND REFEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH1t. 'fl' :1 ' "t ~Il ,\ ~.: . f.) < ~~ : ~!: : Ji< \.,....i'. . Motion by Ceromissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, appointing J. A. Metcalf to fill the position of General Maintenance Superintendent at a base salarY:9f $275.00 ;p~r month plus increases and decreases of the escalator plan, providing that Mr. Metcalf fUr- nish Surety Bond in the amount of $2,000.00 in favor of the City and providing further that the position of Superintendent Water and Sewer Department, heretofore filled .by Mr., Metcalf, be declared vacant. Voting Aye: . . Commissioners Ogg, Nees and Harmeling Voti ng Noe: Mayor Kerbow" C.ommissi oner Dunnington The following statement was submitted by Commissioner Dunn- ington to be incorporated in the Minutes fQr tl1e purpose of explain- ing his position relative to his vote on the pre"Geding mot'ions: uFor the Record of Minutes of Recessed Meeting - January 17, 1944 Sub jects 1. Creation of Office of General Maintenance Superintendent 2. Appointment ofJ. A. Metcalf to Off tee of General Main- tenance Superintendent " 3. Revision and Adoption of Budget * * * * * * * * * 1. I am opposed to the creation of office of general main- tenance superintendent because i~ is a .direct violation of our charter (Article XVIII-Water and Sewer Department) which spe cifically states tha t the direction of said depar:t~en,t: shall be designated as under the superintendent of Water and Sew;er Department. Therefore I Vote NO. 2. I am opposed to the appointment of J. A. Metcalf to fill the position of general maintenance superintendent because he does not ..' have the required qualifications set forth by Dr. George W.' Co~, State 'QI~ "...... Health Officer, in his letter of November 30, 1942, addressedtb Com- ~;.~. missioner Kerbow. Mr. Metcalf does .not possess an A or B grade water; J operator's license as recommended by the state heal th department through ,,"j:.~ Dr. George W. Cox. Therefore Ivacte, NO. . . "~f ~.;t- " . ' .". .. . _~_ _~___~_"_~_ __~__ .. .~ _" _~.,__~~.. '__J_._~'__._<" 1 . r ~ ,_. ..'~ .'.".. ......1_ .I I ;31 .,;""'- 3. I am opposed to the revision and adoption of the budget for the specific purpose of increasing one employees salary and without consideration of other employees. I ask that the records show my vote as NO on this subject. I withdraw my vote as "Yes". Voting Aye : Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The resolution is as follows: t'WHEREAS, heretofore, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, empowered and authorized the City Treasurer of said City to acquire and purchase United States Government bonds with funds of the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund of said City; and \~EAS ten (10) United States Treasury Certificates of Indebt- edness, Series B-1944, dated April 1" 1943, due April 1, 1944, bearing seven-eights (7/8) of one per cent (110) interest and bearing serial numbers 49970 through 49979, both inclusive, each of par value of Ten Thousand Dollars ($lO,OOO.OO) were purchased from said Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund and are now owned by the City of West University Place, Texas; and -t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI-ffil CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'NEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That the City Treasurer of the said City be, and he is hereby fully empowered and authorized for West University Place to immediately sell and deliver said ten (10) United States Treasury Certifi cates of Indebtedness, Series B-1944, dated April 1" 1943, due April 1,1944, bearing numbers 49970 through 49979, both inclusive, each of the pa~ value ofTen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), aggregating One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) at not less than par and accrued interest and full premium payable on the market and deliver said bonds to any national bank in contemplation of said sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser upon receiving full consideration:therefor, as herein provided, or for the purpose of such bank delivering said bonds to the ultimate purchaser and collecting for the City the full consideration here in au- thorized to be received for the CL~;_ ~_!ld.,.. ~~~'~~',~-::, .-':\':s;::~;~:-7sGW':fj~;~~~K~iI~;iE~:~r*f:s~}llf7h~qr~f;~Wf}f~~~~~~n~9?:~:.~~1~~~1:~{~1~1f1~-~~~~:::'~T::'/'::-:-- -";.~~,T.;'<"",~~-- '" ~'''~,~-~;~_~:~--; .-' . 'l ~~;=:n sa~~~t~~'{r~I~_~.~~:;.i~~;ri.. interest, and, if poss1.ble-,. at_ap::I:'~m[L:um-;;> _.~'--"--____.....__u__ )'__'-'0 .----.. -i1 r"" ......... .. 1 rT' ..!..~ .;,J(,i.I BE IT FURTHER RESOLyE:D that all intel'est and premiums r-e- ceived from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited inapd made a part of the Sanitary Sewe.rIrn.proveme'nt Fund of the City after de- ducting and paying~rom such interest and premium all costs of trans- mitting such bonds to their ultimate destination as sold and all post- age and insurance premiums paid on such bonis in transit; and the payment of all costs of transmission, postage and insurance premiums on the bonds in transit is hereby 'authorized to be paid out of such interest and premiums that may be collected on said bonds; and BE IT FURTHER REBOL VED that the One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in prinCipal received from the sale of said bonds shall be reimlested by the C.ity Treasur-er fQrthe City in ten (lO) Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000.00) United States TreasnryCertificates of Indebtedness bearing seven-eights {7/8} of one per cent (11.) interest; and the City Treasurer is directed, empowered. and authorized to do all things necessary to accomplisl1 the 'reinvestment of the said One Hun- dred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in; such bonds and' is directed and instructed to deposit such bonds sopurcha.sed ihthe Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund of the City as a part of such fund. . PASSED AND .APPROVED this 17 vote of 5 ayes and no noes. aayof uanuary, A. D. 1944, by a a~ . . "7" no. .' . MAYOR, n yo '.' ~ University PIa ce , TeXas Secretary Mr. A, F. Barnes, Chairman of" the Board of Health, read a res~ olution which had 13een adoptedhy the Board of Health regarding proposed change in Milk CO'ntrol Ordinance. This matter will be taken up :by the. Commission at its next regular meeting, January 24.' . There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adj ourne d. '.L ~ . ..~~. MAli R, OJ. ty o"f.West U!,lJ.V';ersJ. ty Place Texa.s' . '.- '" ATTEST: ~ . City Secretary' . ." .. 1',. ~.;. " .~ . .':/V"." . . .,~".'~ -'; ~.' :_,' .. --,,~; "I r- -. ,-- '~-1 r''''-- ...... .. ..=, r 1 n'.' I . " " L :.! t., "U,. 0' ", {-.~': , .: '"to ;. ~~ ~.~ ~33 .. . Tv~n\1tJTES OF REGULAR l\'~ETlliG January 24, 1944 The City Co.mmission convened in regular session at 8 P. K. ko.nday, January 24, 1944, at the City Hall . Present 'l"lere :Eayo.r Kerbow presiding, Co.mmissio.ners Du~nington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. \"---,,,./ 1anutes o.f the meetings of January 10 and 17, 1944, were read and appraved. The matter o.f securi~~ an Auditor to. fUrnish an auditing service tc the City far the current fiscal year was dis cussed and Commissianer Oc;g made a mo.tio.n VJhich was seco.nded by COIr..missio.ner Harmeling instruct- ing the City Secretary to send out invitatio.ns for prapo.sals to the various auditing firms for furnishing auditing service to the City during the currant fisoal year. . Vo.ting ~ye: Uayor Kerbo.w, Commissioners DunnL~gto.n, Harmeling, Ogg and ]'~ees~ Vo.ting nae: None Motian by Cill~mis8ioner Bees, seco.nded by Corr~issio.ner Dunningto.n, autharizir~ construction af garage at the west end of the City Hall building for the houBi~~ of the Civilian Defsnse ambulance, the cost ~f VJhich is to. be paid out o.f the budget iterr'.. set aside far OCD. "'foting .::iye: Mayo.r Kerbow, CO.illxllissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nee s 'lot ing Nae: None Kotion by CO~Jnissioner TIees, secor~ed by COITuLissio.ner Ogg, authori zing ronerJal o.f the policy with the Co.nnecticutLife Insurance COI'cp:::ny co.vering accident insurance a n Volunteer Firemen. Vo.ting..~Y8: Layor Kerbovv, Commissioners Harrneling, Dunnington, Og~ and Nees. Voti~g Noe: None rotion by Co.rr'-'.'1lissio.ner }'IYees, secanded '0y Co.mmissianer Harmeiing, no.vinz 3do.::;ti"11 o.f an o.rdinance anending Ordinance No.. 247, kno.wn as the Li1k Crdinanceo Voting Aye: .Layor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunningto.n, Harmeling, Ogg Clnd Nees. Votinz Nae: Nane . _~ i .,~ -->~ The C3~8tion o.f this ordinance is as fo.llo.VlS: flJ.n Ol'din.ance aBe ndil1...g Ordi nan.ce 1"0.. 247 by 3.dding there- to. Section 7a; pro.viding that 3ection 7 of said o.rdinance :::::0.. 247 shall no.t be enforced until after l:"ar eh 17, 1944; and praviding far the suspension of all ardinances or parts of ardinances in conflict herewith. II ~ r ......1 .I I 34 The Tax Assessor ard. Collector submitted a recommendation to the City Commission providing for the reduction of assessment against the property of T. Morgan Biggs, 3006 Sunset Boulevard. This property has been remeasured and founq to be set up in an amount in excess of the actual size of the property. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington seconded by Commissioner Nees, author izing a reduction in the assessed valustion of the improvements of T. Morgan Biggs, 3006 Sunset Boulevsrd to conform to the actual size of the improvements. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, 'Harmel- ing, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded 'by Commissioner Nees, authorizing Superintend~nt Metcalf to attend the Texas Waterworks Short School at A. & M. College from January 31 to February 2, in- clusive; providing for the payment bf his expenses, and further pro- viding that the City Engineer also attend the school if possible. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissio ners, Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Mbtion,:;bjT Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg authorizing adoption of resolution providing for the purchase of $21,000.00 in United State~ War Bonds out of the Sanitary Sewer Bond funds. . t\' The resolution is as follows: "WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas, has in its Disposal Plant Reserve Fund Twenty-One Thousand Dollars which can- not at this time be used for the purposes for which such funds were votea., and 'it is the desire of the City that such money be invested in United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness bearing 7/8 of 110 interest to be dated F~bruary 1, 1944; . . It NOW , T:a::E:R"SFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. OF THE: CITY OF WEST U:NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that Twenty-One Thousand Dollars ($2l,000.OO) of the Disposal Plant Reserve.Fund of said City be invested in such United States Treasury Certificates of Indebted- ness bearing 7/8 of 110 interest to ~e dated February 1, 1944; and the Oity Treasurer is directed, empowered and authorized to do and ac- complish all things necessary to purchase said Certificates of In- debtedness in the total amount of Twenty-One Thousand Dollars ($21,000.00) for the City of West University Place out of the Disposal Plant Reserve Fund of the 'City ~nd is directed and instructed to de- ' posit such Certificates of Inde0tedness so purchased in th~ Disposal Plant Reserve Fund of the City a s a part of such fund. _.~ .~-- ---~.---~.-.~ -.,... r .--",--..=-=-==~ I I U' ;j ~i ,,'.' '1 ' .",. . ~ :.i! :~: ) , ; "'"ii. ~." 0,',' . ( ,.. . .:,. ~ '. ~!] J ;.: ; .~',' ';j :i:l\t " '1 .r 'i':f " ..' 'f I; . .._; ,.. -r:,~0":,..t'--'rr 35 -- ~;_-J):~, pi:i,smw AND .,,\PPROVll;D this 24 day of January, A. D. 1944, by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. If r:imf1~ . l1A OR, City of West University Place, Texas i':i. ..t... :::>ecrevary Motion. by COlY'.luissL)ner Nees, seconded by Comrr.tissioner Harmel- ing, adopting resolution authorizing purchase of $5,000.00 in United States War Bonds out of the ;3ewer Sinking fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees \Tot iilg Noe: None The resolution is as follows: UVV'.EIE:REAS, the City of West University Place, Texas has in its Sewer Sinking Fund Five T'.aou;3and Dollars ($5,000.00) which it desires to be invested in United State s Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness bearing 7/8 of l~ interest to be dated February 1, 1944; NOVl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLv.8D BY TEm CITY C01V[vIISSION OF THE CITY OF 7mST UNIV.2~:qSITY PT':"C:I:, T:J:XAS, that Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) of the Sewer Sirucing Fund of said City be invested in such United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness bearing 7/8 of 110 interest to be dated Februar:'! 1, 1944; and the City Treasurer is di- rected, empowered and aL1.thor:Lzed to do and accomplish all things necessary to Durchase said Certificate:3 of' Indebtedness in the total amount of Fiv~ Thousand Dollars (:$5,001).00) for the City of West University Place out of the Sewer SirL.l(ing Fuml of tlle City ane, is directed and instructed to deposit such Certificates of Indebtedness so purchased in the Sewer Sinking Fund of the City as a part of such fund. P),SBED .Alill .:l..PPROiTED this 24 day of January, .A. D. 1944 by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes,. ?l,X:~ ~lAYOR, City or West University Place, Texas Se cretary Motion by Commissi\)ner Nees, seconded by Co.mm.1.ssioner Rar- meling adopting resolution authorizing purchase of $5,000.05 in United States 'Fiar Bonds out .of the IPax Revenue Sinking Fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COFilldssioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Vot ing Noe: None r-'"'~. .- .i . ..", f'~'--" ._-~"',,~~.L______ . .1' I 36 The resolution is as follows: ^- wNHEREAS, the City of West UniversityPlac~, Te~as, has in its Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Five Thousand Dollars t$S,OOO.OO) which it desires to be invested in United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness bearing 7/8 of 110 interest to be dated February 1, 1944; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COJllJMISSIO N OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS that Fi ve Thousand Dollars" ($5,OOO.OO) of the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund.of. said City be invested in such United States TreasurY Certificates of Indebtedness bearing 7/8 of 110 interest to be dated February 1, 1944; and the City Treas- urer is directed, empowered and authorized to do and accomplish all things necessary to purchase said Certificates of Indebtedness in the total sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for the City of West University Place. out of the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of the City and is directed and instructed to deposit such Certificates of Indebtedness so purchased in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of the City and is di- rected and instructed to deposit such' Certificates of Indebtedness so purchased in the Tax Revenue. Sinking Fund of the City as a part of such fund. PASSEP AND PJ!.PROVED this 24 day of January, A. D~ 1944 by a vote of 5 ayes and no noes. ./ af~ MAYOR, City of Wont Uni70rsity Place, Texas Secretary There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. a.f:~ WillYOR, City of West University Place, Texas Attest: ~~ _._..~r.::.1_"'---:_1~~ . =-~ ..~ ~- ,-, O. . ~ .~~; . " "'. J ~ l~;' fJ-. < - ~ . --. r Minutes of Regular Meeting February 14, 1944 .3:71 , I I I I I I I I ;' ----"" The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, February 14, 1944 at 8 P. 1!. at the City Hall. Present were Mayor :Ero-Tem J. R. Harmeli.ng, presiding, Commissioners Dunn- ington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Mayor Kerbow was absent due to other important business engagement. The minutes of the meeting of January 24, 1944, were read and approved. Commissioner Dunnington reported on the request of Rev. Gillespie, owner of property in Virginia Court for remission of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes. Since penal tie s and interest Gan not be remitted on one piece of property, no action was taken with regard. to Mr. Gillespie's request, and the City Secretary was instructed to advise him accordingly. . \ Commissioner Ogg reported on activities of the Community House Managing Committee to secure donations for the purpose of purchasing shrubs and beautifying the Community House grounds. Among the donors mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. Sabom who donated $25.00 in shrubbery, the American. Legion Women's Auxiliary $25.00 in cash, and Maneill Allen Nursery a numbeFof tallow trees. The City Attorney presented an ordinance prOViding for the reduction of license and pound fees and amending the Dog Con- trol Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Conmission- er Ogg, adopting the ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem Harmeling, Commissioners Ogg, . Nees and Dunnington V ot ing Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: / \ ! I "AN ORDINANCE AMENDI m ARTICLE 1 and ARTICLE 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 255; PROHIBITING THE OWNER OR HAR~ BO:a;ER OF ANY ANTIJIAL OF THE DOG KIND IN THE CrfY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, FROM HARBORING OR KEEPING ANY SO CHANIMAL IN SAID CITY WITHOUT PAYING AN ANNUAL LICENSE TAX TO SAID CITY; FIXING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH TAX AND THE: DATES AND PLACE OF P!1MENT; PROVIDING A RIGHT TO REDEEM ANnffALS EM- POUllIDED UPON PA'YMEN'l' OF FIXED FEES; ANDPROVIDI:NG FOR THE: REPEAL OF ALL ORDINAIDES OR PARTS OF ORD::. INANCES IN CONF.L IeT HEREWITH." The City Attorna,y presented an ordinanoe prOViding for the remission of penal ties and interest on taxes on property owned by persons serving in the armed foroes. Motion by Commissioner Dutjnington, seconded by Oommissioner Neesadopting the ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-Tem Harmeling, Commissio~ers Ogg Nees and Dunnington Voting Noe: None r~ ...-. '" " ~_r .. "'1 . I I 38 The caption 01' thfs"Ordinan-ce is as f'ollows: "AN ORDINANCE RELEASING 'TOTHEMEVrBERS OF 'THE" .ARl\1lED FORCES OF. THE' U:N.lTED .STATES OF AMERICA 'ANDIJREIR AU:ULIARJXS 'ALl;; '~Ii'If.P~iS~~AEf)PENAtnES AOORUING.SITB- . SEQ,u::mN'r ~Or.p~:rR':j5N!1'RY INTO SUCH ',8E~VICE,' OE.:ADVALtmEM TAXES AC~RUING ON .P;aOPERTY LISTE]) ON THE 'fAX RO:LLSG1: TIm CITY eF"WE.sT l1~RSIT~ PUCE, 'fEXA~, IN ~ NA:ME OF SUCH MmBERS' OF 'fRH: ARMED FORCES OR mEIR AUXILIARIES' OR TEE ARM]:l>FORCES R-ESElVE OR THEIR AUXILIARIE"S' QN . ACTIVE DUfii PRIO'RTO THE TIME THEY JOl;NED $ITCH ARMED FORCES OR SUCH AUXILIARIES; PROVIDING THAT THE RELEASE OF SITCH INTEREST AE>> PEN.A,L'l'I;If:$ SlIAI,;4. 'EXTEW) AND BE EFFEC'J;'IVE FOIt.~ 'illJR,Arr'I(JttQj' WO~D. w~: II, .~ PR0-. - VIDING THAT ~. ,'WilSJ?E:GTIVE i.MID:U~ERS-OJr SUGHARMED -:IDRCES AND STJCHAUXILIARLES $HALL~:BEAy';QnD i PERIOD NOT' rro EXCEED SIX {b 1 M0NT~<',~TER ~HE.CESSAT:+ON o~ HOSTLLI$S IN WHJ;CH TO 'PAY WITH-OUT INTEREST 'ANDRB':NAIlrY AND. DE- . LINQ,UENT TAXES 'D1ill BY THEM; PROVIDING 'FOR THE SUSPENSION OF ALl:. LAWS AlW !?ARTS:;OF,~AWS IN. CONF.L~eT HEREWITH, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.',' . Motion by Ce~s~io~;t'.,Dunnil1gton,. seconded ..by Oomnl.i~- sioner Ogg., authorizing and o.rde,r:i.ng P\tbi.ie~tion of the eaptionof, the ordinance amending the DQg ControlOrdinanoe in the official-- newspaper. .t\,., .~~.~ . V ot ing Ay.e: Voting Noe: Ma.y'e.r,.Pro'-;~_dHarmeling, Commissioners Ogg, Ne.e's and Dunnington None The City. S~e'eretar.y read -a: letter froIl1 the IG:,ng's DaUgh- ters Hospital in Temple, 'I'exas;,~ "rei'lytin-g to an inquiry for certain inf'ormation relative to Police. Officer AshGraft~ wlio"weJs;; eonfinetl to that hospital Th-e King's -DaUghters Hospital declined to furnisa the information reque-st,ed without, written authorizatiQn o:fPolice Officer Ash craft. A request f:rom uASff',1h~ J~hief- of' ~0:lice H. E. Shi"pp for military leave of absence'.WaS re:aEi to theOommission'by the Oity Secretary and a motion/waS'!llBiiEe 'tl$: COmmiss.ioner'nurmfn:gton Whieh was seconded by Commissitfher 'Nees, aa$l1orizing milit:aryl:e'av,~,tor Ass't. Chief of Poliee :Shipp" p.r6viding :t!tiit' the sametalt'-e- e:ffe.~$i-the date the Ass.'t. ehief is called into servi~e and,leav:e$"'the'-,vice ef tb.~ City. .... . , . ., . .' Vot ing . Aye: Voting Noe: Mayo.rPro-Tem.. Harmel,ing, \':GJIUDis'sioners O~, NeaS,'a>1l,d Dumdngton. None ~he ,City :H:ngi..,na&~ l?ep~r't'e~d ~() t~e: COlimlission, tna-the had received several ~pplieationsf,or .~~uild:i~,;Permi ts fQr; th~ COllst~uo- tionof servants quar,ter.s~~ . Tb,e'se .11E?qtte~t's" ha.dQeen~i;t"efe.l:"re,d to,'t,he Zoning Commission for reeomme ndatio.n as to the grart ing. . r '..~:~ . ~;:: ~ ~~..' ! I . ~ ,'~ ~"~--~r 1 I _f "U~O""-l . " J" !- ! . , 1 \ - .n! ..' , I tJ' ; .~:;jJ - Mr. Frank Austin of the Houston Lighting and Power Company presented a check covering the ~ount due the City for the y~ar 1943 under the 2~ gross receipts charge levied against Public Utilities. 'fhe amount of this check was $2,983.39. . He also pre- sented a check in the amount of $2,473.00 which was a refund to the City of approximately 2,10 on power and light bills paid during the calendar year 1943. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Com- missioner Ogg, that the check for $2,473.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: :Mayor Pro-Tem Harmeling, Commissioners Ogg, Nees and Dunnington None There being no further business to com.e before the Commission, upon motion duly made , seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. MAYOR PRO-TEM, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ATTEST: /~J~ CSECRETARY . 1 \ ! '-r I' , .""'"'t"". r- " [" ,." "=-~"~'1 [,- 40 MINtJTES .OF REGULAR MEETING' FEBRUARY 28, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular. session at 8 P. M., Monday, February 28, 1944, at the City Hall. :Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, CommissiOIlersDunningt,on, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of the meeting of February 14 were read anq. approved. . . , Col. Saxton of Ell ington Field and Captain E. A. l\1foreno of 3501 Cason Street spoke, to the Comm1ssionregarding the acute housing shortage in this area and made' :particular reference to a garage apart- ment on Fordham Street which could be us~d for living quarters if same had gas and electric oonnections. This garage apartment had been re- fused permits for connections to the ut'ilities due to the fact that it was in violation of the zoning ordinance. Both Colonel Saxton and Captain Moreno urged the City Commission to take some action relative to rescinding or easing its restrictions with regard to the cOJ?,S'tiraction or conversion of garage apartments in order to assis.t in relieving the housing shortage. After some discussion of the matter by the members of the City Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington which was seconded by Commissioner Ogg that the City Commission recommends to the Board of Adjustment that due consideration be given to the existence of an aou.te housing shortage in'tlUs area due to the conditions arising from the war and that the Board of Adjustment study the problem and make recommendations to the City Commission providing for amendments to the City Ordinances which will assist in relieVing the shortage insofar as it is possible for the durat ion of' the war. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and .Nees Voting Noe: None . A request of the Kranzler Focd Market on Bissonnet for reduc- tion in assessments on stock and fixtUres was referred to Commissioner Dunnington for investigation and re commendation to the Commission. Commissioner Harmeling read two letters from Mr. Verne R. Lane of 3114 A1bans' Street commending Commissioner Harmeling and Superintendent Metcalf for their efforts with regard to maintenance of' city streets. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing an increase in the portion of the salary of Mrs. Sanders, Librarian, borne by the City, which increase amounted to a raise in the hourly rate from 40 cents to to 'cents. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Har- me1ing, Ogg and Nee s Voting Noe: None ( ,-----.-:r-"-~ ., '" _ , ~r ---=:r---.----=~.,.,.._:1. ~ I rl ! t" U'. :0" ,., l.. . ,-. J << . ,~ ; . . ""'. ;!:;.." 41 Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing renewal of Time Certificate in the amount of $.5066.32 with the City National Bank. The. said Time Certificate being a part of the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nee s Voting Noe: None The City Secretary made a report to the City Commission on the matter of securing proposals for the furnishing of auditing services for the current fiscal year. Invitations for proposals were mailed to eight reputable auditing concerns in the City and two replies were re- ceived. F. G. Masquelette & Company offered to furnish services on the same basis as heretofore furnished and Glenn Y. Davidson & Company of- fered to furnish auditing service for the sum of $1400.00; The City Commission ordered the matter referred to Mr. C. E. Gammill, Treasurer, with instructions that he consult with the two comp3.nies which made of- fers and report back to the Commission his recommendations which shall include scope of audit, procedure, approximate date of completion and delivery of report and maximum remuneration. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees that tne City Attorney be instructed and authorized to proceed with all things necessary in connection with the .litigation now involved in the case styled tJHouston Annexation Case". Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Upon motion being duly made, seconded. and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: rzL~ . MAY R, CITY OF WEST Ul\TIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~~~ ITY .l:!;CRETARY r"~~'~~'" ....... ,.... ....1 ~ r""~'~"""'~~=" '1.. 1 I---------------n -..,~~c' -, - .42 MINUTES OFREGULA.R MEETING 1JiARCH 13, 1944 The City Commission convened in, regular session on Monday, March 13, 1944, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. . Members present were Mayor Kerbow presidi ng, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Harmel ing, Nees and the City Secretary. The Minutes of the me.eting 'o.f February 28 were read and, ap- prov,ed. The City Engineer ,reported to the City Commission or an in- stance where an q.nlicensed plumber had installed 'plumbing fixtures and gas pipe in a ga~ag~ a]t.8rtment at 3919 Arno.ld Street' in violation of the Plumbing Ordinance. This plumber not only was unlicensed but the work performed at the location failed to. meet plumbing require- ments in several respects. Th~ City Engfneer. stated efforts were being made to locate this plumber ,andflle charges against him. for violation of the plumbing erdinance. The City Commission urged that this action be taken. The Mayer reported to. the City Commission that efforts were being made to sell the Mercury' police car and acquire a new Ford qar from the Treasury Department in Fort Werth. He advised the Cemmission that it appeared that the Mercuryc~r would be sold for an amount in excess of'the cost of the new Ford. . He stated that if there was no obje cti on on the part of the Commission the Police Department would proceed with the details ef the sale or the old car and acquisition of the new car. Several other matters were discussed, however no action being taken and no further business coming before the Commission, upon mo- tion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was declared ad- journed. ATTEST: ?('f~- MAYOR '.. . ;/ --,'/"; 'J'/? /2 _ , ~> Jr-~f~~~/--- , -~ ~--- ~=-=._---~ r-- ~ -, '---~"1 1 r '0" -~; ,: ., , , . J '0: ;, . ~ :~ ~ .~.-' JI~,.1 ~~ I I I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 21, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, March 27, 1944 at 8 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor A. L. Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and the City Secretary in attendance. Minutes of the meeting of March 13 were read and approved. Commissioner Nees was absent. Commissioner Harmeling read a petition from citizens residing in the vicinity of the 4100 block on Byron Street complaining of drainage and other conditions in that neighborhood. Several residents were present regarding the petition. The matter was referred to the Street and Brid.ge Department for study and correction. A letter from the Zoning Commission was read to the City Commis- sion wherein the Zoning Oommission stated that if the garage apartment located at 5804 Fordham Street which has been the subject of some dis- cussion in previous .rreetings complied with the zoning laws that it would be in order to issue the necessary pel,"mits which would permit the con- nection of utilities to this building and make same liveable. The Com- mission also stated that it was working out a policy on the matter of servants quarters and expected in the near future to adopt a recommend- ation to the City (}emtIlission providing for maximum square feet of ser- vants quarters permissible on each single family dwelling site. The City Treasurer reported to the Commission on the matter of selection of an Auditor for the current fiscal year. He recommended in view of the bids received that the contract be awarded to the MasqueletteCompany. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seoonded by Commissioner Ogg, that the proposal of F. G. Masqlle1ette &; Company to furnish audit service for the current fiscal year be aocepted. Voting Aye: JJI..ayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harme1ing and Ogg Voting Noe: None The Mayor rep9rted to the City Commission that a n.ew police car had been acquired from the U. S.Treasury Department at a cost of $1062.21 plus expenses incurred in going to Fort Worth and bringing 'the car back. He stated that the Mercury car l1.ad been sold to the Snelling Company for $1200.00 . I I i I \ I I I I I Motion by Commissioner Harmelihg, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing award of gasoline purchase contraot to the Shell Oil Company for the six months period beginning April 15, 1944. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners DunningtonJ, Harmeling a.nd O~ Voting Noe: None t" . .,"k~"~"'" .-.', l~-- , . ~ -. -,', ..~ . _.~.~ 44 Motion by Commissioner Ogg,. s.eeonded byC.ommissioner Harmeling authorizing the filing Gfbid's wf;'th the tJ. S.' Treasury Department in Fort Worth, Texas on' twe International Medel. 1)-40 second hand army trucks to be used in the Garbage- Department. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbew, OommissionerEt DU@ington, Harmeling, and Ogg Voting Noe: . None . A numBer of stat~ents of de:\.i~q,ent. taX~1\JQn wb,+.e~ terx:eswere' due f or as faT ba ck as' 1925 were' referred' to the' "01 ty' .Att arney fo r such action as might be necessary to ef~ect the coll~ction of the taxes. . Oommissioner Ogg discuss~d the necessit;yofm:~Jdng immt3.<;iiate . repairs to Sanitary SewerSyste~ at'sev~ralloeatiol'ls. Tlie$6 repairs. are to. be begun im.edj:ately. '. . . A dis cl1ssion o;f a reco~da:tion .at . tlle.J, City Planning .Co_i,ssion was had on the matter of cons.t.I"tie.~io~ :of'si4,e-w:a.lks 'in various par,ts'of the Oity. The various phases" o~ ':t~i's m~t.~e:z.- we~disc'uss6d and; t-1+~ matter re.ferred to the Clt.,y. At:t~lf$t;fe,r'.~e~ommeDdation ,as to :the_st practical met.liod ofgettiIlgtlrep:rojier~y:: 19wners to. pay for the walks in front of'their property~' . .." . There being nQ .furtherb~s~ne:ss t() co.me,befar,e theConWds,siol;l, upon motion ,Elm y made,.' s'eeonded> ;and:. ea:~,ried the me~_ting< 'was deelared. adjourned:. . ',-. ' '.' ATTEST: , ~ ." a.r:~ ,"jiYOR' .' ..' ." ~ 1-~'-- =~. '1 f I ., r -- ' 1 '<t-"~f . '.,ni' J . 7. I >1:.. . _. I ;~' ~. .; :') F~ 'u' .' ~~ -: .: '0'" -:. 'J ":.. "'I . . f.' . "1 :i} ~! .' 'i-', '.-. .' "":l- . < " , . . ~ ,. ~ , ~.( I _~' I;.. '( "--....-/ The regular meeting scheduled for Monday April 10, 1944, was not held due to members of City Commission attending Waterworks and Sewage Short Course conducted by W....r. W.A. Bandy, Itinerant Instructor of A & M College, at the Community House. ~~ ty Secretary " ""'i"'1r'""" 1'~""~"='~'~'~~><'1 f -r' """"'r --~ 1 .~. .44-,4 '. .', I' l ~.j'>i~/ . J I ~. . I , . [: ,- 1':- . "" ''1':' . , ~ .";' . ,..1. ~. ,.... ~ . : '" ""'L:" ,:,f;:'.,~,: ',,,,,,,,,,.~.i;:" , :.~", _~~~_~.:._~~__~___ _'__~n..___._~-:'?~~~ 'j\t~, ,:1. "~~! "_ .! J . , .' ~ " J:'~i!.:,>. ~ .... (: \..~,~,.. ~ L__ _. __-' .__. . _ ,. .~_, .___.t::b~;=.,';'.dJ:.L."t,t.~-lL::l>;" .J:;~ ~~~.....!_ _ ~7,",,--,':_ - - - .. ',:."?-., ~ ,:. 1.~ ,": If ,{jJj ~ .I}.i.- ~'. Ot'" .- =I~ a~.~.~... . \100 ',. ' > Q .~I' ii ,*(..:. 'I '. I' .'; ',,' :>'::..'~ ~~l.' . ~ ~ . . if *tf ~'lIi a: ! - i -~,( !d ~.a.. 'l t 1 I ,I ~ . I I'. . . ~. I c- "; I, ., r /. \, . <~., . -.- '-..-'-.-..... . -.:' ;'.(,\ i'l ~. :~if' I = .,' ...\.~.,. :I~~ _ 0: p. r~ei ,. t:: ..r,:i,;l:; ~ : !ij . '1' '. "I'''''o'~..., . .'SI"'L. . !fi.:~141' ~. 1::" fS:' .' 0: . ,I: .. .. . ~i ",~ " ;. '.: . 'll':: " \..--.- ; 4p.. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING ltpril 17, 1944 The City Commission convened in special sessien pursuant to a call of the Mayor at 8 P.M. ,Monday, ,.,April 17, 1944, at the City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to take up matters pertaining to the Police Department and finance. Members present were M~yor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmel ing, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. The Mayor read a letter from Chief Hutchinson tendering his resignation as Chief of POlice, effective April 15, 1944. . Motion by Commissioner Hanmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, aeeepting the resignation of Chief Hutchinson asChie;f of the Police De partme nt. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harm.eling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. V ot ing Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Du.nn ingt on, seconded by Commissioner Nees authorizing payment 01' two weeks vacation pay to Chief Hutchinson. Voting Aye: :Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nee s. Voting Noe: None The Mayor recommended the appointment of H. E. Shipp as Chief of the Police Depart.rnent to take the place vacated by Mr. Hutchinson. Metion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Nees, appointing H. E. Shipp to the position of Chief of the Police Department effective April 16, 1944. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, egg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Moti on by Commissioner Harmeling, se conded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing the salary to be paid Chief of Police to be the same as heretOfore, namely $234~OO per month. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling', Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing the appointment orD. P. Boyett as Police Officer subject to the approval of the Personnel Beard. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, . Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None -_."'--'-'! .- 1 I r ~ ,,~cC'~~"-~~-'~"'l rT' . .. 46 :Motion by Commis~ioner Harmeli.t;tg, seconded by CO_ss~oD.er Ogg, accepting verbal resi~nation' tend~~eC!.-l)Y: D. P. Boyett as Police Officer. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Co.rnmissioners Harm.eling, Nees ani Ogg. Mayor Ker~ew, Commissioner Dunnington. Motion by Commissioner. Ogg, .s~~fZ)n.aed by. Commissioner Harmeling rescinding motion acoepting verbalr!Zs.igna,tionof n,. ~. Beyett as Police Officer. Voting Aye: ~Yo.r Kerbow, Commif;Jsione~s'Du.lUlington, ~.r.mel~l1.g, Ogg and Wees.-:.. ' Voting Noe: Non.e'," Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing fixin.g thesa)..ary ':0f }?~lieeO:t'fieerBGyett at a1>ase: o:f $150.00 per month, pll;lS$25~,QO'ine.:r8'asea11oted fer ine.;~aseq: wo.rking hours, plus increases and dec'reasesof the escalator plan.' ~. Vot,i ngAye: MayorKerbE>w,',QtE;illl'm1issd..oners ~nni.I3g1:io.n, :aa,rmel ing, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None M0tion oy. Co~i~s,io.~e:.r ~a.~$.ldi.P,g.i;-.:s~e~~ed.'byo.ommis'si1Q!ner Ogg that the requ.il"'8ment-to se~~re.J'rttte'lil ap')r'ovaL.ofthe Bersonnel 'Beard with reference to the ,employment of' Mr. D. P. Boyett be omitted from the motion authori~ing' e.p10mentof "'M.r. Boyett. . . , Voting Aye: Mayer ,Kerbow, Commissioners:J'~anington, E:arm:eling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Nee: NQne . . Motion by CommissikQ:ner.Qgg;,. seoond'6'ii. by Oemmi$s,1f)-~rN~e>$;,att- thor izi ng and orderi Dg: ili.o-reas~; G't. $:5'O{)~"Of1-inbi4d~e:t, it~m ent,i.~led < . "Legal Expense" under General Administl"ation and 3500.00 ,inc~:~as.e" to' budget. item "LegalExpense~ in the Water Departm.ent. - Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling,_ Dunnington, Og.g and Nees. Voting Noe: None - ," .. Upon l"eeo11lD1sndationofthe; ,qii,ty Au,i-ito;t"s ani. the City ~:.J:',@aJt~er, a moti on was made by. Commissioner Og-g.~. .lU.ehv wa.~~s,e.~;ond~a.( ~1 e0_is~i()ner Harmeling, ordering the Water Department to piy to the General Fund the sum at 143,306,.61 fQ;r; ~lkt~ E)f~t':*~'~e sP~6e:in.: t11.e . City,' :Hall. t,0~ the period beginning 1928 and ending August, ~L, 19\44,tbeQ said trans:fer . of funds to be in the nature of a 'book entry to 1i~.quidat,e an item now carried in the Water Department balance sheet. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerb.eYN.,O~$:sioners ,>>annington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees.. Veting Noe: None . ... . ~----=-_.-=,,-- =--=-1 r ;'""r =" - -~_. ~ .1 I 'u' ! .. ! .: :. '.' O. I .; ~ >~. \ ; \ ' < ,f' - L_ 4.'f /" Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the charging off of certain amounts set up as pav ing liens on property abutting the 5800 block of Charlotte~ Amapolis, Fordham and, Lake streets in Preston Place Addit ion. These charges were for paving which was never installed. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None The City Engineer reported to the Cammission that an application for water service to_serve a number of houses to be constructed by Mrs. Atwood on a tract located north of Old Richmond Road, had been made. The matter was referred to a committee composed of Commissioner Ogg, Attorney Fleming and the City Engineer for study and recommendation. Mr. Sam Levy, Chairman of the Committee which has been set u.p to draft proposed amendments to the 'City Charter, made a report to the Commission on the progress made by the. committee to date, and submitted a draft of the amendment covering the provision for City Manager. The business for which the meeting was called being concluded, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. a/~~~ MAYOR A TTEBT: ~ .. . 1 . r"- -----,..-. ~- - --~ -.. "' r I ,(-'---") "I' .." , ,.......-.Lo:......-.......c.. . ~9 MIJ\1UTES OF REGULAR :MEETING APRIL 24, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session Monday, April 24, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presid~ng, Commissioners' Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Commissioner Dunnington was absent due to illness. ' Minutes of' regular meeting of March 27 and special meeting of April 17 were read and approved. Mr~ Malear with the R.W. Henderson Company appeared before the Commission requesting remission of penalties and interest on delinquent' taxes due on three lots in College Court Addition. He was advised t~at tAe ~ity Commission could not remit penalties and interest on individual property and that it was not contemplated at this time that any remission of penalties and interest would be allowed this year. The City Engineer presented sealed bids on the construction of sanitary sewers to serve Blocks. 7, 8, ~ and 10 in College Court Addition. There were five bids received which were opened and found to be as follows: Gayle Brothers W.A. McClendon Tellepsen Construction Co. John Holland Henry Nodland $.5,.527.50 4,347.50 7,217.4.5 4,656.50 .5,(>79.0() Motion by Commissioner Ogg seconded by Commissioner Harme1- ing that contract be awarded to W.A. McClendon for the construc- tion of the sanitary sewers to serve blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Col- lege Court Addition on his low bid of $4,347..50. Voting Aye: :Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Barmelins, Ogg an.d Haas Voting Noe: Bone The City Secretary presented a recommendation from Commission- er Dunnington relating to claim for reduction in assessed valuation of stock and fixtures of the Krenzler Food Market on Bissonnet. The matter was referred to the Equalization Board for their approval. The City Secretary presented letters from Kayser, Liddeil, Ben- bow and Austin requesting reduction in assessed valuation on certain lots located in West University Place First Addition facing the drainage ditch. This matter was also referred to the Equalization Board for review and recommendation. Commissioner Nees read a report on an inspection of water and sewer departments made by himself, Commissioner Ogg, certain members of the Health Board and d.A~ Metcalf. This report is appended to the minutes of this meeting. Commissioner Nees also read a report from the Harris County Health Unit on the number of complaints ....,"'-_",''''''".~'''.7__'''~'_~=.===~."'C"''''',,. __._ ~r=-==~="!"~"'===~- -~-----_._"_.__._- -- -,,'-~------ 50 handled and corrected in the CitY,d~ing the period beginning Jan- uary 1, 1944 and ending MarchIO; 1944. This report was order.ed filed in the records'. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissiqner Ogg approving expense account in the amount of $2b.4l incurred by F.L. Bender, member' of the Charter Amend.ment C.ommittee 01). his trip to Dallas, to attend meeting of Texas City Managers Association. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None J' { I ,"j i-" ~ ~ '-: , . " A letter from City Treasurer was read to the Commission re- questing that he be relieved of c,ertain items aggre,gating $11.08 expended in connection with the Scrap Drive. The City Secretary was instructed to write Mr. W.F. SeDlIllelrogge, Chairman of the Scrap Drive, requesting that he turn over to The City Trea,surer the amounts received by him in connection with the 'Drive. . Uponrecomm.emiation of' the City Auditors and. the City Tr.e.as- urer, a motion Was made by Conimissioner Ogg, which was sec.ond:ed by Commissioner Harmeling, 'ordering the accounts of the water and sewer departments to be consolidated. .... .. Voting Noe: Mayo~ $erbow, Commissioners Harmelipg, Oggand Nees C' . None .; Voting Aye: The City Engineer'reported ~o the Commission that the City of 1 Houston was making arrangements to install an aerial on the. RiCh-! mond Road water tank for the ,Pll!.ppse of receivlng ..r'?:dio messages . .11, from police carsbperating in this area. < The installation of this aerial involves the. l8.1iIig.<>f a cable <f~o~ Bissonne,t Street. nor,th to the water tank in an easement now owned by the City. Motion I by Commissioner. Harmeling, . s:econg.t?d l>Y.. Cmnmiss,to::Q.er. Nees ~P'Proving I the arrangement and authorizing . the use of thE?, City properties for 1 the installation of the cable and other equipm.~,n$ provided toot the City Attorney examine city'S title to the easement and approve the use of the easement by the City of, Eoustan. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cpmmissione,rs Harm.eling, Ogg and, Nees. Vot ing Noe: None . ' Upon recomme~atiqnof Chie;!:'. of Poli-c e Shipp a, motion was mad.e by Gommissio;ner N~es which ,was s'eeQnaed:by. ComiD.~ssioner Ogg, ap- pointing George E~ AS1l9I.'aft ,Assistant. ChiefofPolic~at the same rate of pay as heretofore paidAssista~t Ohiefof Police, said ap- pointment to be effective this aate~ April 24, 1944. Voting .Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Co~~sioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None 'J' . : ~ . "\ " ",,:.' _'I . j 'j '1 - .-~-.o..<-, ~ I ---~-. .~. ~ ;C---'.~.. 1 . ~ I ::>1 Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees authorizing the appointment 6f' the fol.iowing men as Special Officers: J.H. Woodard, Jr. L.G. Schaeffer John Sutton J.A. Metcalf Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmel ing, Ogg and Nees Voting Hoe: None City Attorney Fleming presented a resolution relative to matters in connection with the appeal of the Houston Annexation Case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Motion by Commis- sioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg adopting the resolution. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting !\Toe: None The resolution is as follows: ~ffiEREAS, the City of West University Place has appealed the case of City of Houston et al v. State of Texas ex reI City of West University Place et al from the Supreme Court of Texas to the Supreme Court of the United States; and . lj'\lHEREAS, it was advantageous and proper that the State of Texas be made an obligor on the appeal bond in such cas~ as well as th~ City of West University Place, and the <!Attorney General's office agreed to and approv- ed the making of the State of Texas as such obligor with the understanding that the City of West University Place would pay all court costs and that the State of Texas would pay no costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISil. SIGN OF THE CITY OF llfEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby, fully au- thorized to sign and deliver to the Attorney General of the State of Texas the original of a letter advising the State of Texas that the City will pay all such costs as agreed, a copy of which letter is attached to this re- 'solution and marked Exhibit "Aft. PASSED AND.APPROVED this -2!-day of April, A.D. 1944 by a vote of--4-ayes and-na-noes. A.I.a Kerbow :Mayor R.B. Allen City Secretary r._.....~.~~~~~'-~~'c,.~". . i r--'.~".,~,c.'=.--'~l r~-'-----._--~~-.'-"'T 52 E:x:lb.moi.t flA" is as follows: April 24, 1944 ., Hon. Grover Sellers, Attorney General Austin, . Texas Dear Sir: For reasons discussed by Mr. Everett Looney and Harvey T. Fleming, attorneys for the City of West University Flace, with your Mr. Blackburn, the state of Texas was made a party to the appeal bond in the case of City of Houston et al v. state of Texas ex rel City of West University Place et aI, ap- pealed by our City to the Supreme Court of the 'Uni- ted States. Pursuant to the agreement of our attorneys, the City of \'Vest University Place a~ees to pay all Court costs accrued ahd to.accru.e iii-such case, and, further agrees that the St-ateofTexas shall in no manner be responsible fO.rany c9sts in such suit. Yours very.truly, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PL.ACE B'{ 'A.L. Kerbow Mayor Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing ~ppointment of a committee t'o c onter with County Judge and others on matters pertaining to the control and use of waters' of the San Jacinto River. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None There being no further business to come before the CommissIon, upon motion duly made, seconded and 'carried, the meeting was de- clared adjour~ed. a/~ MAYOR ATTEST: ~ r-" '. .. ---, ~~.- -~ - i r I r- ~~'~'~~'"1 ., " :J'" , , , 'j .fJ' . 'j .; . , . ,1 : i ' ! . 1 ,03- f '.,.' April 10, 1944 Mayor and Commissioners, City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard . West University Place, Texas Gentiemen: On April 5, 1944, in company with Mr. A.F. Barnes, Chairmaft of the West University Place Public Health Committee, Dr. Elva Wright, Committee Member, Commissioner of Water and Sewer, N~. Jack M. Ogg, a member of the Harris County Health Unit and General Maintenance Superintendent, Mr. J.A. Metcalf, an inspection tour of the water and sewage disposal plants was made to d'etermine the efficiency and conditions of sanitation relative to the operations of the aforementioned plants. Each and every member, making this tour, was high in his praise of the efficiency of operation o~ these plants and in the sanitation. It was suggested by one member that each and every citizen should be given an opportunity to visit these plants and see for himself where and how the tax dollar is being used and how his interest and health is held uppermost in the minds of the governing body oct' this city. It was, however, generally agreed that the capacity of the sewage disposal plant should be increased as soon as is it ad- viseable to resume construction and obtain material and labor. This is submitted to the council as a report and to be an appendage of the minutes of the regular council meeting of April 10, 1944. Yours very truly, C.A. Ne6s C.A. Nees Commissioner of Public Health City of West University Place . ~'=--=~-"=~-=~~=:""""'-~~~~ _~. r- 51'1 ~ '~ .m:~^'OF'~R~lfME~- .... . ... .",<0 , Ma,. ::8: J} 1944 The City Commission convened. in regular sess.ion on Monday, May Bth, 1944 at ~heo P.M. at the City Hall. Pre-sent were Mayor Kerb€JW, presiding, Commi-ssioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees and the City Seereta-ry. Minutes of regular meeting of. April 24th, 1944 were r~ad and ap- . proved. . Mr.- Sam- Levy, chairman of the eo11m1it.teeo~ qharter Amendment$ submitted final repo.rt and draft of oompleted proposed amendment$ 'to the City -C~rter. . After some, discl;1ssion aDist ion was made by Gommls'siene:r DUnning- ton which 'Was seeomed by' 00mm19&1'01161' Ogg, e:x:pressingthe thanks. and apprecia:tion on the part ot th&Commi~sion for the work ot the c0mmittee and fur'ther that the report andammemments' be accep1;i:ei for study ani adoption at the earlie-st-da'te. . ", Vot-ing aye-~-MaY'or Ker'beN, Comntissioners Ogg, DUlUlington, H~rmeling , and Nees . Voting noe--None Commi-ss-ioner. Nees aDnOUneeti that; the. State C~mv-ention of the'V0lun- teer Fi.r-e1DS:~~ A$s;Jf.twil;t:'b~ hel:~l in Waco.~:m. June 1), 14,. and l?th'iand that it was D:1S reeemm.endatl.'On "that the' Cl.ty au.thorizethesendJ.ng of ti ve men to the' Cenven~ien. Moti;9n by Cemni$-s,iene-r.' Nees,.,sec'Gnde<< by,(}emmis:si:0B.6-r-- - Harme-l~1l1g<) authorizing tiv'e}~embers of the""V.olum:teer Fire Depa;11'~me-nt to ~O;"t0, the conventi~n at W~o-~'~~n~ 13, 14, nand 15th and appropri~~ing $200 out of 'the F-J.re De~me#Bt1ti-ga't .t(vde.t.ray 'the expenses. Voting aye---Ma"ar 1\6rb_, COlmllissio-pers Ogg., Danningtoll, HarlJl,eling -. . . . and Nee s V oti ng nee--...None.. . .' Commiss:tener Nees&-:lf;p1almd: te the Connnissian that the. Oity sl'f~ld . file wi'tcR the W:~ Man:;pow~1' C$mmis-sioll a,s,ehedule of the empleyees< of the City. Thi:s is 'tn ce..m:neet:i-oll-with the dete~mi:mtioE. of t:heess-en- tial employees a!)d the e~igibi11ty for def-ermellts.He reeomnended that this matt'erbe hanl!lied by the Pe-1"sonnel Board. -Mo"tion by Oemmiss.i$.-ner Harmel ing,. se-011u!laed by Oemmissi.oner Nees' . authorizing the referring of deferments of ein:p~o;reesand the filing of schedules with' t.he ,W:~.r ~npowe-r 0ommission to the Personnel 'Board. Voting a;ye--";.Mayor. Kerbow, Coll'Ulli:ssi.oners Ogg, . Dunnington., Harm,eling . and Nees - -. . V oti ll(S ra._ "';..,Jl.. ., ~"";FI' '="" ~" r'~'-'" _._,,-~ " -'[ r I L.....:....c.I" ~ --'~~.. 1 (l'l i ; I .," j -~ . iJ1. 0, -' ~ :~ ! - ',' " ,.. ,. i ':', The City Secretary presented a resolution authorizing the City At- torney to file suit on ce'rtain delinquent taxes and fixing the fee to be paid the City Attorney' for 'his ser1Tices.d Motion by Commissioner Dunnington seconded by Commissioner Harme1- . ing, adopting the re.solution. -,-Voting a'ye: MayorcKerbow, Commissioners Ogg, Dunnington, Harmeling and Nees . Voting noe: None The resolution was as follows: WHEREAS, there are a large number of persons who own .prop- erty within the City of West Univers-ity Place, Texas, who owe delinqu.ent ad valorem taxes. and it is the will and desire, of . the City that tax suits be filed aga,irs t suoh owners in all c~- ses where the' OWller or owners of such. property owe delinquent taxes for any year or years prior to 1940, and it hasinstruote4. the Tax .Asf?es'sor.andColleotor to deliver to the City Attorn-ey all requi"site statem&ntsand information necessary to the filing of tax suits-; and WHEREAS, it is the will and desire ct the City at West Uni- versity Place, Texas that the 0-1ty Attorney be pa.id a sum equal to 1.5~ of all taxes, interest and penalties collected .on prop- ertie s upon which ',suit , is" file-d; 'l'EEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the City pay to Har- vey T. Fleming,. City Attorney, a sum equal to15~ of all taxes', interest and penalties c01leeted on all properties upon which tax suit is filed or tax sui t.sare filed by the' said Attorney, such money to be paid as and when the same is oolleoted by the City for such taxes, int'erestandpemlties, whether collee.ted before jud gment or after ta.x sale; 'and, in the event any prop- erty goes. to tax sale. and is purelaased by the City or any other governmental taxing unit , then, in such event, such at- torney's fee shall be payable in cash by the City upon any such pur chase,; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall oon- stitute a contract between the City and its Attorney and that the City Secretary furnish a certified copy of the same to the City Attorney fornis files;. PASSED ANDAPFROVED this 8th day of May, A.D. 1944 by a vote of 5 ayes qand no noes. R.B. Allen City Secretary A.L. Kerbow Mayor ( SEAL ) "..........1 > I~..F-.~-=-__'_ '--r~~~- ~'J..~ __ I I , I ~ I 1 I I I I I I I I \ I i I 56 At this time the Of3~issiQJ3,;r~,e'~s.~e~:l<~e r:eeenvel'J,~. QIl;,MO'Jiday, .ay 15th, 1944'1if't 8:00 P.lvf~ '. " -. ." : ~,.., ----~----~~--.~~-~--~---~-~~----~~-~--~--~~--.~~-.~~~--~~~---~--~ . . . - The City Comm.ission reOOIlV.en.eEt'at 8:00 :r.J4.,on".Monday, May l.5'bh, 1944 a.tthe City Hali. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, CommissiQnersDt1nningto~, Harl!leling, Ogg and !'fees and. the City Secre- tary. The- chairman and several members ot the comnittee on Charter Amendments were,pre-s,~ntand a general di.setlSS~0l'f-WaS held on thee vari";' ous provis ions of the proposed amendmen.ts as submitted by the committee on May 8th. . . " . . . Motion 0Y Co.niss1olie,r. Ogg,seeo~d.etibY ,'QG~~'ss10ner N~es, that the a.w.endmel1ts 'as presentea ttY ~~eee_itt~, ~f;:~ppJ;"~~~a .;as Sl1b_tt$d subject to the 'approval.' o:f'the'Git..y A:\it{)~~~'~a8>.t.:,~"'ctUile.pr.~.ti'u.'. ' Voting aye: Voting )loa: '.; l' > ..,- COmm!ssj;0n.e~s ~(l.:g:g, -cN~e.S."H~~m.elin,g'_:an~;M:~Yo~ ,Kere6w. Oo_is~'ien~:l' "1}UJl!.illlf&o.~ ' . -' . Mot-ion by Com.missiolller Harm.el..ing;. see.ondea by Cemm.iss.i-ener ,e&&,. authorizing aRd ,.11il$~I't1eti,~tl:1e ; (li-t-.y :-At~ol'J1e,yt'o Pl"~edr:iWi1f1i.t\e' print- ing of the a,memple.nt,s in e~der..,1t~t-, tb,ey;,.:_ig-ij.:\1\b~.mailed:)()~,tke :'VQ'b,ers within ..the 'prescribed ..t:k~andfur.'t'~""Q ,,,p~~~re;~nQ..pl,":~$e~'t sJ.1eh'reso-- lution a'nd erdinanees as may be neeessar.Y' J~erd.er to 'call an ,1eo1;ion for the presenting of th'e amendments tEFthe electorate. V0ting aye: Voting Noe: Cemmissiener Ogg, "Ne~s!"Harm.e!li!lg'.!~4' Ma.yor Ker'beYi CO~SSiOR?r Dunni~g~&n . . ',' It is. sta1led 'here tor the ,reoQrd: tJaa.tthe,1D1embe-x.s >o:f ,the~eemm.i~tJ$ee on Charter' &nend~nt's'ser-v~wit.lae,ut-:pa,w alii ~~tila:ti'a-E).-me~i&p, f7f:~tll'. ctt:E>m- mi ttee . is empleyed by th~Ci.:t:,yalad, ~~. i$'~D. .;~-.y C1tt,h.E:l'l!',-:m~~"~lr ,i.}!),t,&r~s1i.ed financially in t~e, affairs of' the qtty.,~oi;h.e;r,t~a'l1 thal0t,a:aO:r(U:~,a:~ citizen. .. . ,". '...' . . Mot io n by Gommiss:i ORe? ~~i~.: .se~~:l:ll:le-d'b~,-CQ_~fit~if)~~c.tr, 'Ji~r.me.l;.i>J$" authorizing temporary emplGymellt of' Joseph Glenn stirl~~ ra,.s. Jl.~.,.,Of- fiGer at a salary oftli; pel" month effeeti~e May 1&""19,44,. ." .c , '. . ".I .'~ ... . - . . '"' -, -... . MO""ioB6'y C~ll1mi:s~-i.oD.e~ :O~x SEt\~'~~~ '~f~$~_1 $S,t~'!%l?\ ;Harme;l~<n€lf" ' to tabl~ the' motioB unu'il r.e.po.f:~ -ics 'M:~~i~v~. i't,:J';~ t;-a~.,.t-c:1t~~ --T~~~Q1t:r: on funds available- for the payment of the sa-.~a~YI:' .Qt ',"&l(e.,t~U_lie-..,e~~i-e.... . Voting. aye: qo.i ~'SicGne~,g. \D1i,n:rv'\tlIl?gt,~.;; II,~;~~,:,:a~d~~ayer . Voting noe; Commissioner NellJfS-p Connn1-S$1,t~t!:e~':1fef.fej- ~81i!:.G:-eQthe Oomniftsioii of a. ree.fjli~ti~i-~ by the Post-War Cemmit1;ee on He~;tthud Sa&1tation that a eo.~.e eEl, appointed to eonstjlt wi;th thee~gineerf'ol'Dratnage Dis~riet Ho.. '120 the ma. tter of imprOVing Poor F~p. n.i-tch in order to eliminate' n1l1sa1l0es and Bealth hazards~ . I, I 1J'. ! ',., . ) ., "'U\ L ;,.j ....,. '.:1 . ." ~\ ~,' t .:; 'J -,\ 57 Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seoonded by Commis sioner Harmeling, that the W~yor be authorized to appoint a committee to consult with the engineer for Drainage District No. 12 on ways and means of improving Poor Farm Ditch. . .' 1 Voting aye: Mayor' Kerbow, Conmissioners Ogg, Dunnington, Harmeling and Nee s Voting noe: None The Mayor appointed the following to compose the committee: Mrs. J.S. Watt, Ch,airman., Commissioner C.A. Nees, Commissioner J"lM. Ogg, A.F. Barnes and R.B. AIlea. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Har.mel- ing, that J.A. Davlin, Joe L. Archer and W.F. Semmelrogge be appointed to compose the Equalization Boord for year 1944 providing that the Board shall meet and hold hearings not 'in excess of five days'. Voting aye: Mayor 'KerbOlN", Conunissioners Ogg, Dunnington, Harmeling and Nee s Voting noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commis~ioner Harmel~ ing, that the recommendation' or the Equalization Board on the assess- ments of stock and fixtures of the Krenzler Food Market be accepteq. 'and approved. . Voting .aye: Mayor KerbOW', Commissioners Ogg, Dunnington, Harmeling and Nees Voting noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, that thereeommendation of the Equalization Board on assessments en lots in W.U.P. First Addition facing the drainage ditoh whioh are without ingress or egress be aee~p~ed and' approved. . Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Ogg, Dunnington, Harmeling~ and Ness Voting noe: Nene A letter addressed to' May-or Kerbow' and the City Commission :from Mr. W.A. Bandy, I"ti:a.erant Instructor of A. &: M. College wherein Mr. Ban- dy reported that ;r .A. Met'ealf, A.P. Robb, Bert Shannan, Sherman Riel1ard- son, Commissioner'Ogg and R.B. Al1en had attended "the District Short Course on \fater Works au Sewera.ge reeently held. He conmended. the' " City on theIl_mer of men~.Bttendingtb.e classes and that these men at- 1 tended the school on their own time in order to train themselves tor more efficient performance of duties. ~ City Attorney Fleming reported filing of motions with the Supreme ---' Court on the appeal of the Houston Annexation Case. . . There being no further busine ss to come before the Com.zpission, a.nd upon motion duly made, seconded, and. c~rried, t~e meeting w;~s.:d~.g::t~~~q, adjourned. . . t2/A4~~ A.L. Kerbow, Mayor :~PT _____ --------I- "1__ I I . , . , ''... , .', :'.<' --.'-;..---..;-:- ," :'-;"- - - --- ,.,. .,' -....-_,.-.u' -,'_ _,_--.' '. . '.. . 3800l.J"""IYE:~$ITY BOU~VARD 1I:@;'US:TeJN, TEXAS .. -May :Ul, 194'4 /l :.+ , , . .. I' .....~J' ' ., '..Iembers of. the City Commission. .~' ~;\ 0{ .. ,;- Gentlemen: 10 2. 3. You, and each of you, are hereby notified bY.the delivery of copies of this ll;otice, that pursuant, to a calld.111y issued by the Mayor,' there will be a special meeting of the City Com~.: '. mission at 7:00 P.M. ,at the City Hall on Thtll,.S4ay, May 18, 1944, 'The following matters wi"ll be presented for discussion ,., and such action as may be deemed necessary: Employment of Eumane Officer Matters pertaining to office personnel Fina~ce .. and budge,tmatters '~~1' '.~'" :, '$-" ..t.,."_. . .;;;~~J~~'-:jf "- Witness my hand and seal on this the 17th day of May, 1944':~'::~t:1 " it.~..~ . RBA:s f, . ::X;Ui . " ,"- :-..- -. ~~>. .1;': 1.< Mayor A".L. Kerbo:w' Commissioner JoM. Dunnington Commissioner J.R. Harmeling Commissioner Jack M. Ogg Commissioner C.A. !fees' ~~ '.. ril~;" ,/~;:..~I~~~,-. <oj.",: "- cc--Harvey T. F~~Eg i " ..;~ " ~l _1 MI:NUTES OF SPEOIAL MEETING May 18, 1944 Th.e City Commission convened' in special se'ssion u.pon call of' the Mayor, q.uly iS$ueti,at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, May 18th, 1944 at the City Hall~ Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Harmeling, Nees, and Ogg and the City Secretary. Commissioner Dunning- ton was absen1r. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Hees, authorizing the transf"er or funds as/ follows: $ 200 from Street and Bridge Budget 100 f'rom Gar~ge Budget 100 from Fire Department Budget, All totaling $400 to be transferred to the Police Department Budget to defray the expenses and salary of Humane Officer, as re00m- mended by the ''l'reasure::r:.' Voting aye: . Commissioners Harmeling, Nees am Ogg Voting noe: Mayor Kerbow,' Motion by Commiss,ioner HeEts" secoBded by Cemnissicmer Harmeling, authorizing temporaryemploY'B.lent of Jos"ph Glen.n Stirling as Humane. Officer at a base salary of $150 monthly plus $25 per month for work- ing extra hours in accordance with arrangement with the Police Depa.rt- m.ent. Voting aye: Cemmissioner Harmeling, Neas and Ogg Voting noe: . M~yorKerbew There being no farther business to come betore the Commission, upon motion duly'~de; seconded, and carried, 'the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: . c~ I""'""'~~~O'C"~"~O """"; t"'''' '~",,~"c,"" - ""'1 .(2 ;(?~ __."r"- layor IT" O~I I I I I I i I i I I I I I I ! i ! i I i I I I I I i I I I I I I i I i \ i ; I I I I I I I I i i \ ..60 .) MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETIID . May, 22, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, May 22, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioner?, Dunnington, Harm.eling, N~e:s and Ogg and the City Secretary. Minutes of meetings of May 8th, May 15th and May 18th. were read and approved. The City Attorney pre sent ed a resolut ion providing for the pu- blicition of a notice in the official newspape!,'of the submission of amendments to the City Charter. . Motion by Commissioner Har.meling, seconded' by Commissioner egg, adopting the resolution. '. , Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harme1ing, Dunnington, Nees and Ogg 'r1: . i t i \J,.'1 - . '1 Voting noe: None The resolution ~s as follows: itiTHEREAS, ,the City Commi~sio'n of the, City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, has heretofore 8.ppointed a committee of citizens to, prepare and submit to the City ComInission aniendments to t:reHome Rule Charter of the City, and the recommendations regarding such amendments have been submitted to the City Commis~ion by, such comm.;i.ttee;. ap.d . . WHEREAS, it is the d:esire and intention of the City Commission to qdopt and Pass an ordinance ~allip.g.an;~leeti()n,Gf the qua1ifi~d voters of the Oity on July 22, 1944,1'01' the purpos~of submit1ii:ag to such voters such proposed amendments; NOW, Tf<:EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OITY 'COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that notice bearing the signature of the Mayor of 'the C'ity'b'e published in the Houston Press, the of'ficia1 . newspaper of the City, as follows, to wit: "Notice is hereby given in accordance with Art1ele' 1171 of the Te~s Revised Civil Statutes that on June 16, 1944, the City Commission of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, intends to pass and adopt an ordi~ llance submitting to a vote of the qualified voters of . the City of West University Place, amendments to the Citytts' Home Rule Charter, amending Sections 1, 2, 6, 13, 15, 16 and 19 of Article IV; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Article IV a; Sections 5 and 7 of Article V; Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article ,vn; Sections 9 and 10 of Article VIII; Sections 1, 2, 4, .5 and 8 of Article XIV. Section 7 of Article XVIII; Section 14 of Attic1e III; S~ction 2 of Article IX; Section 1 of Article XII; Sections 4 and 8 of Article XIII; Section 6 of Article XV and Section af of Article XXVI." tY '01"\ J; '.\".. , "I j fJ . :::) , .} "I I '\; j \ .1 I ~-====---==-==.=.. 61 ...'.0':" AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Secretary secure from the publisher of The Houston Press his affidavit showing due publica- tion of suph notice as required by said Statute, and that such affi- davi t be made a part of the permanent records of the City in this re- gard. AND BE IT FO"RT:HER RESOLVED that an offi cial copy of such amendments as suggested by the said Committee be signed by ~he Mayor and attested to by the Secretary and filed with the City Secretary as a permanent and official copy of such amendments to be submitted. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 22nd day of May, A.D. 1944, by a vote of ..5 ayes and no noes. NlAYOR A.L. Kerbow R.B. Allen Secretary Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, adopting an ordinance providing for the amending of the Milk Control Ordinance #247. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees and Ogg Voting noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMEJ'IDING ORDINANCE NO. 247 BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 7a; PROVIDING THAT SECTION 7 OF SAID ORDIN.1i.NCE NO. 247 SHALL NOT BE E1\FORCED ,()l\rrIL AFTER JULY 22, 1944; AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUSPENSION OF ALL ORDI~L~CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH: The City Engineer recommended to the City Commission that a sani- tary sewer line located in the easement of the block bounded by Plumb, Rice, Fordham and Annapolis Streets be reconstructed ln order to eli- minate complaints of property owners in this block. Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Nees., authori- zing and ordering the reconstruction of the sanitary sewer as recommend- ed. Voting aye: Vo~ing noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees and Ogg None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, apppint- lng the following men to compose the Examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers: R. K. . Wark A.F. Barnes Merrill Whitehead R.B. Allen '_______' I'O'~O~~~-:-:~ ,1 _~r----===-- ..____.u__. -~'-'.l ._ '-1- ..62 Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Go~issioners Harmeling~ Dunning~Qn, Ness and. Ugg . Voting noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing the appointment of the following men to compose tp.e 1j1ectrical Board: . ~ .. J.V. 'Ellis E.N. Saunders W.W. Kiel George Schlee R.B. Allen ~ CIT'Yl SECRETARY . ," -~~~~~-,~..~ . ---r r' ~, 1 r I 'J"" I:;":l 1 .'(;~. 1 : !:'~ 1 " 'i:,~]' ! rl I ,,~, "'j I .' '~." .:': '. ':::'1 ~J' ': ,~j .j ""j , . t ;!.-: "j -f! ., ';"'1 .\ .. ~~1 - . 1 :j i ,<t R~ JvIIJ\!UTES OF REGUJ-JAR MEETING June 12, 1944 The City CODWlission convened ~n regular session at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, June 12, 1944 at the City Hall. Members pre sent were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dun- nington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of regular meeting of May 22nd were read aln approved. Mr. H.S. Jones, residing at 3125 Quenby requested the CityCommis- sion to take action relative to the repairing of Q,uenby Street where storm sewer was installed, also called the Commission's attention to the fact that rough places in the paving on Buffalo Speedway caused vi- brations in the houses when busses passed along the street. IVlr. Jones stated that some of the citizerm in the locality complained that the vibrations set up by busses passing over the rough places in the paving were damaging the hou_~es. Mr. Jones also requested the City to install a ce.tch basin on the North side of Quenby in the middle of the block between Belmont arfl Buffalo Speedway in order to drain off storm water .which usually stands in the gutter. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees, instructing the City Engineer and the l\'Iaintenance Superintendant to take imITLediate steps to repair Q,uenby St. Voting aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Nees and Ogg Voting noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing entering into an agreement with the Shell Oil Co., whereby the City will deed to the Shell Oil Co. a portion of its drive-way en- tering the City storage tank site South of Bellaire Blvd., and the Oil Co. will move the City,;fs water main to a new right of way to be provided by the Oil Co. and further that the said Oil Co. shall furnish and main- tain a shell roadway for the use and.benefit of the City Extending from Bellaire Blvd. to the tar~ site; provided further that arrangements be approved by the City Engineer and the City Attorney. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners DU!l..nington, IIarmeling, Nees, and Ogg Voting noe: Non$ Mr. Henry Parks and Mr. J.B. Chimene acting for Binz J. Settegast, Trustee, presented a proposed ordinance providing for the granting of a franchise for the purpose of distributing and selling natural gas vnthin the City. Copies of the proposed ordinance were furnished each member of the City Commission f or the purpose of studying same and taking such action with reference thereto as may be determined at a future meeting. """T"'~i"'" (C"'""~~~C~~"~" r' ---;'"~~OC"~~'--~l reT ,64 Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing an increase in pay for Bert Sha~~on, employed at the Water Plant, in the amount of $25 per month, e~fective May Ib, 1944. Voti ng aye: Kayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harme1ing, Nees and Ogg Voting noe: None Commissioner Nees read a raport to the Commission from the Health Department on its activities for the period April 1st to May 15th. . , 'J" '. ~ . ,'r " ; .~'. . n j --~ , " ." !t._ , Motion by .Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmel ing, approving changes in office personnel as recommended by the City Trea- sure~ as follows: 1. Transfer of Mrs. Rebecca Saunders from Bookkeeping Machine Operator in the Water Department to Secretary at same rate of pay. 2. Employment of Mrs. Trulah Everett as Bookkeeping Machine Operator in the T[fater Department at a base pay of $100 per month plus increases and decreases of the escalator' plan. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Nees and Ogg Voting noe: None Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing the destruction by burning of 46 bonds and warrants paid off during the current fiscal year as recommended by the City Treasurer. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Nees and t)gg Voting noe: None The City Engineer reported to the City Commission that Mr. W.W. Kiel, appointed at a previous meeting of the City Commission to the Elec- trical Board, could not accept the appointment and that Mr. Joe V. Ellis recommended that .the City Commission appoint Mr. R.H. Britain to take the place Qf Mr. Kielon the Electrical Board. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner N~es, appointing Mr. R.H. Britain to membership on the Electrical Board. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, . Nees and Ogg Voting noe: Nope At this.t~ the City Commission recessed to reconvene at 7:~0 P.!Vl. 'rJ"" :~~:~::. :~~~.:~: . ::~~: ~ . . · . .. · .. · .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . · . . . . . . . .. . . . ~. . .. .ii : 1: ~ ~i~~ ; The City Commission reconvened' in regular session at 7:30 P.M. on \ L Friday, June 16, 1944 at the Oity Hall. "" ~iIembers present were :Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dun- nington, Harmeling, egg and Nees and the City Secretary. . ~~~""~q,,' '.'" . . I 65' Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded' by Commissioner Ogg, adopt- ing an ordinance calling an election on July 22, 1944 for the purpose 01' submitting to the voters certain proposed amendments to the City Charter. . . On discussion of the motion, Comnissioner Dunnington stated that he opposed the submission of the proposed Charter Amendmerrts for the folloWing reasons: 1. There are many residents of this City now in the armed services and could not vote upon the amendments, and that the submis- sion of the amendments should be postponed until after the War. 2. That he was opposed to the procedure adopted and the man- ner in which the amendments were drawn up. 3. That he opposed the adoption of the ordinance for the reason that the public had no opportunity to discuss and take part in the drawing up of the amendments. 4. That the interest shown by the voters in the straw vote taken la st ye ar on the IDa tter of submitting the Oi ty Manager Plan was insufficient due to the small number of votes cast. \foting aye: Vot ing noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners' Ogg, Harmeling a nd N~es COmIT~issioner Du~nington The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "An ordinance calling a spe cial city election to be held in the regular voting places in the City of West University Place, Texas, on Ju,ly 22, 1944, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City the question of amending Sections 1,2,6,13,15,16 and 19 of Article IV; Sections 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of Article IVa; Sections 5 and 7 of Article V; Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article VII; Sections 9 and 10 of Article VIII; Sections 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 of Article XIV; and Section 7 of A.rticle AvTII; and for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the City at such election the question of amending Section 14 of Arti- cle III; Section 2 of Article IX; .Section 1 of Article XII; Sections 4 and 8 of Article XIII; Section 6 of Article rJ; Section 1 of Article X:'KVI, and amending Article ttIXU on page 27 of' the pri nted Home Rule Charter of the City bearing the title "Department of Personnel It to be l'.rticle tfXIX", thereby correcting a typographical error appearing in such printed charter; providing for the publication hereof; requiring the City Secretary to mail a copy of the proposed amendments to every qualified voter in the City as appears from the ~ax Collector's rolls for the year end.ing January; 31, 1944; and providing that if any part or parts of this ordinance be invalid, the invalidity of' such part or ./ parts shall not in any manner ef'tect any other part or parts hereof. ti Acting upon request of the City Treasurer a motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington which was seconded by Commissioner Nees, in- structing the City Treasurer to mail notices to all tax payers receiving an increase of $300 or more on assessed valuation on their property as determined by the Equalization Board, whether such property owner had rendered his property or not. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners DUll.l.'1ington, Harmel ing, Voting noe; None Nees and Ogg There being no further business to come before t~evCommission, upon mQt~~d carried, the meeting _.. declared adjourned. SECRETARY . NillYOR 'C__'~-,.",.="'''''_'-<-=-_.''=_~''' - - 1 B'. "'_"',_. r r=~=~-=~'~L~~.______. r I . ;",,-\, { ~ '. .,; ~ . ~~~, -" .~\ '" ." \~ ::, ~;~ , 'r.""... I, C. E. Garn.mill, Treasurer of the City of "dest University Place, Harris County, Texas, and the unde.Bsigned witnesses hereby oertify that on the 20th day of June, 1944, A.D., the bonds and war- rants ordered blITned by the City Commission by motion duly passed in regular session on June 12, 1944, were destroyed by the oomplete burning of same, aIm that the undersigned witnesses were .personally present and witnessed such destruction by the City Treasurer. 'llp.e bonds and vlarrants destroyed are enwn.ernteo. and desoribed as f~o 11 OVJS: c,Vitness our hands this 20th day of June, A.D. 1944. C. E. GMjJru: ILL City Treasurer WITNESSES: R. B. ",\LLEN ~I ~'~'l " I ~~-=--- ..~- -."-' 1 c .. r 60 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETIID June 26,1944 The City Commission convened in'regular session at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, Jane 26th at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissi'oners Dtfnnington, Harmelin,g, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of meetings of June 12th and 16th were read and approved. . . Commissioner O~g reported that the relocation of the water line form- erly in Bissonett street had been' completed and the Water Dept. began delivering water to Houston at 6:30 P.M. on this date. , Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Du~- nington instructing the City Secretary to place an advertisement in the official newspaper offering one of the White garbage trucks for sale. Voting aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Nees and Ogg. Voting noe: None . The reIlEiwal of the contract with the Houston Electric Co. cover- ing use of the City streets was discussed and the City Secretary was instructed. to arrange for.. a conference between the City Commission and the officials of the Housto n Ele ctric Co. to' discuss the matter.. There being no further busirie ss to come before the Commission, the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was declared adjourned. avf~ MAYOR . ~~ ~ r' ~~7_~' '~~I r 1 ."..a1 .t-" T-" J"" , C'-.- ; ;; ~~": 1 -~). , . ;l'f. . ; .:}~' ~ . : ..,i~ .~. Q\fc -.?\ ~- REGULAR 1YlEETING July 10, 1944 The regular meeting scheduled for July 10, 1944, was not held due to illness of two of the members of the Commission. ~~ CI'. SECRETARY . r""~ rTd- . . r '1 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS / " (, I ! I U I luly l;i, 1944 .;" 'l,j. ~:. , I 011;y Commissiell Gentlemea: ...'ff': Noti-e:e 1s li1er~by .giveR by thede~iveryef e0pte-s hereof te tl1e }lEBo-SOlis. -anao:r1'i:tJial$i1ldi~a.:t'8dM};ew. in p:urSll1a~lilee t'G r-etlTiJ:es-1td.a.lYJ,oa-<<-e, that. a~peeia.1 .m:ee:ii..... illg of' the e1t:yg~s1e-.t;'&r tfl.e" eity ot:'Wefi-U1!l:ive~- si tYPlaee, 'fexas ,wiUbe held em. M01lday, .luly 1'7 J 1944.: a1# 7>:30 p.m. ffJ-r 'tile purp~S'6' efappoi1'lting jl1ciges to pre- side at the electiOD.9n.tne O:l1arterAm.eaQlents to be 11e1<<- on Sa'ttirday, ;fuly 22~. ~:~44. . Witness m1--B.a,.1l<1 and tche ot'f'teialsea1 of' :the 61t7 or West ~ni~erslty Place, Texas, on this the 15th 4ay of 1uly 1944. ~::p- ~~: .' . (,~Jie:eil- . U'niT..ersi'ty Pla~0e, Texas. . ~f- ...' l~~yor A.L. Kerbow Comr.n.issiolle.r j ~...]}umri.ngtoil :/ " ~r.lit." -&rmelifig n, Jack M. Ogg tI C'*A. Nees ee--City Attorney Harvey 'f. Jf;J.em1ng U !' ~-. , I-"i Jr ! ~~" d ~' . ,} ~....:r..e'"~ - .;\f'~,' '- ----j ;':P;~ MINITTES OF SPECIAL :M:EETING July 17, 1944 " Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special session of the City Commission was convened at. the City Hall at 8:30 P.M. on Monday, July 17, 1944. ~ Present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunning- ton, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, appointing F.A. Huweiler presiding judge of Precinct 87 and H.F. Dawson presiding judge of Precinct 133 in the election on the Charter Amendments to be held July 22, 1944. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: :Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ,Dunnington, Harmeling, 'Ogg and Nees. None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington seconded by Mayor Kerbow, authorizing the judges of respective precincts to select such as- sistan~ and clerks as may be necessary. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg ani Nee s. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dun- nington approving the payment or $10 for each or four clerks and $12 to the judge in each precinct making a total of $;2.00 to be paid for each precinct. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None The business for which the meeting was called having been con- cluded, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. WAY OR gg~ CITY CRETARY. . 1 ,-~ r- , '1 f I -70 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING July 24, 1944 The City Commission conve~€ld. in regular session on Monday, July (I 24,.1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the Cit'y Hall. . Members present .were Mayor Kerbow ;p.residing, Commis.sioners Dan..,u.. nington, Harmeling,-bgg~ Nees and the citjt Secretary.:Minutes of.' re- gular meeting of June2bth and special meeting of.Tuly 17th were read and approved. "Ehe City Secretary presented ther~p()rts of the ~lection juC\.ges on the election on Charter ~1l.Irlendments. held July 22, 1944. The retUrns were canvassed and upon motion;by Commissioner, Nees which was seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, a resolution was adopted declaring the re- sults of said election. . Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Gommissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting !\roe: None The resolution is as fol:LOV'lS: lt1"ffiEREAS, there was held in the City of' West University Place, Texas, on July 22., 1944, a special city election for the purpose of .voting up- on the following questions or propositions, to wit: Shall the City of West University Place, Texas, amend Sections 1, 2,6, 13, 1.5, 16 apd 19 of Article Dr; ;?e.ctions 1,2, 3,44-5, b, 7, 8 and 9 of Artiele IVa; Sections-.5-and.':~of' Article Vi Sections. 2, 3 and 4 of Article VII; Sections 9 and 10 of Article. VIII; Sections 1,2, 4, 5 and 8 of Article XIV; and Section 7 of Article XVIII as shown by pro- p0sed a.mendments contained in bffi6 ial copy of Sueh suggested amendments on file in-the 0ity Hall, a copy of which propose(i amendments bas been mailed to the voters. of the city? . . Shall the City of West-University Place, Texas, an;i.~nd section 14 of' Article III; Section 2 of Article IX; Section lof.A~tiGle XI!:; Sec- tions 4 and 8 of Article XIII; Section b of ArticleXV;~eetion 1 of Ar- ticle x:x:vr; and cha nge Article "!XU on Page 27 of the printed Home Rule . Charter of the city bearing the ~itle UDepartment of Personnel" to Arti- cle t1XIX" I'or the pur1P9Se of correcting a typographical error in the num- beringof such article, all as shown by proposed amendments contained in official copy of such suggested am.endments on file in the City Hall, a copy of which proposed amengments bas been mailed to the voters of the city? and {'J.. '.... , . \ _.,'if V~REAS, at such election there were cast in Precinct 133: In favor of such first proposition Against such first proposition 283 votes 680 votes f~O~~'-~~="-~"'.T- r. ~:-~-=-,-,.,-,., .....1 -,TU_U 'Jt'1 In favor of such second proposition Against such second propos i tion And there were cast in Precinct 87: 324 votes 586 votes .In favor of such first propo.sition Against such first proposition In favor of such second proposition Against such second proposition 340 votes 640 votes 351 votes .546 votes And the election judges of each a!' the voting precincts of' the cit;y- have ..made due return of the results of such election; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of West Universi ty Place, _Texas, that the official results of such elec- tion be formally declared to be that the majority of the votes of the citi- zens of West University Place were cast in such electiop against each of such propositions or questions and that such proposition be declared to have lost in such election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of July, A.D., 1944. ATTEST: R.B. Allen Secretary ( sianed ) ~.L K8r90~ (oi~nod) Mayor Mr. C.G. Jarrard, residing at 3001 Carnegie, made a protest to the City CO.IllD1..i.ssion on the valuation being placed by the Equalization Board. on certain lots which had been subdivided. The Commission advised Mr. Jarrard that it would go into the matter before approving the Tax ROlls. 1';11". R.H. Doss of 3934 Tennyson, appealed to the City Commission from a decision by the Corporation Court wherein he was assessed' a $.5.00 fine for violation of the Dog Ordinance. On Commissioner Dunnington's recommen_ dation, the matter was referred tfo Commj.ssioner Nees for investigation and report to the City Commission. Motion by Cow~issioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, au- thorizing purchase of a mowing machine at a cost of $1,132.94 to be paid in three equal installments in the months of September, October and Hovem- bel" providing, however, that priority for the mowing machine can be secured from the War Production Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authoriz- ing payment of Oourt Oost as reflected by bill submitted by the clerk of the Supreme Oourt of the State of Texas, on the Houston Annexation Case. Votill..g Aye: Mayor KerboVl, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg Voting NOe: None and Nees There being no further business to come before the Cow~ission, upon motion du~y made, seconded~and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ t?/~~., CI~EC~~ M1\ YOR I~C'~C. :-:-:-::-_1. ____._-'-~_r~_-~-~-==-:==--==-=-~~'"""' '1______.________ I -T- ..72 MIlNM!~g~'nmmJR'l~~~~." Augu.st 14, 1944 The City Commission convened. in regular session at 8:00 P.M. p Monday, August 14, 1944 at the City~ffid:l., Members present were Mayor Kerbpw presiding, Commissioners Dun- nington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nee-ssndthe.City. See:r'8-tal"Y. . Minu.tes of regular m~eting 01'. Jaly 24, 1944 were read and ap:prov'ed:. Mr. George Lacy or the. ::Ente-r-na,tienal Asseciation of Indent-ifieatlon -Officers appea:red befprethe. Commiss.ion and presented Qhecks in the.amon-nt 'Of $100 ea-eh to the Police and Fi-re Depa"rtments. Thes-e cheeks, war,a: pre- sented in appreciation of' eooperationextend.ed by this eity in entertain- ing the members' of t4e' Ident.ifieationAss' n during the convention - reeent~ ly held at Houston. .. Commissioner Nees presente4a letter to the Oity COm$ission which he had written to Mr. R.H. Des,s'of }'J4 Tennyson regarding complaint .tnade 'b7 Mr. Doss on action of' the Pelie~ Ueurt~th-rererence to a violation of the Dog Ordinance. This matter had be~n pre!.lously referredto~.:Nees for handling. . Motion.by.Commissioner Dunnington seconded by.Commissioner Harms1"'! ing approving the action of the (jl1ief of Police in discharging Humane Of- ficer Sterling. Voting Aye: Mayor <Kerbow, Commissioner:;s Dunnington, Harmeling, 'Ogg and Nees Voting No'e: None Motion by Commissioner Harm.eling"seeended by'Commis.siQner,;Ogg,-au- t:a~riziD.g' an increase af 2~1. par heu.i1'in the wages sf coloped'lal3orers, tr~~k driv~rs and mechanics in the Wat.er, Street, Bridge and Garbage,De- partments, effective:' Alig. l~, 19411h.... - ';. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harme1ing., Ogg and Nees Voting Noe-: None Motion by Cammissioner Neess&eonded 'by Commissioner Harmeling, a'11- thorizing payment of court 008"& in~ur~ed in _tfieHoU'Stlon Annexatlo~-C~se as reflected by statemen'tYs'renG&red-the"elty by't-11eDistr10kCle.rk.' Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Cemmissioners Dunning-ten, Harm.eling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Harmeling ,seconded by CommissiQD.er .Ne~s, au- thorizing renewal of certificate of deposit in the amount 01' $5,117.01 _ T ,_J'~"~' 1 _ 11 .1 v' ~. ~ "0" J . . :.~ ~ :'. -, ~ . t . _ ;_1 ., - :-: ! "/f6 with tne City Na~ional Bank due September 13, 1944, the same being part or the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, E.armeling, Ogg and Nees . Voting Noe; None A letter rrom Mr. J.P. Gwin, Chairman of the Civilian Def"an:s;6ii"- Council was-read to the Conunission wherein the Commission wasre;~. quested to permit the Civilian Defense Organization to retainthe";.ci office spaceoeeupied by the Civilian Defense in the Co~unit1 Ho~ until the Civilian DefenseOrganizatlon is dis'bandedby Federal €JrdEJie".... '!'here being no fu.rther business t~ eome before the Commission and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. a/~ '. MAYOR 'L.I~ e~ . .r' r~'~~C--'"'''''' '~'O'''~~'i r' .'c.......,........~...'.'..'l --r-r' ~4" . I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETIID i. The City Commission convened in regularses,~ion. on Monday, Aug~ 28th, 19~4, at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hal1-. -' -: . . Members present were Mayor Pro-tem Hal'me1ing presiding, Commissioners ( l :: Dunningt<:n, Ogg and Nees and the City Secretary. Mayor Kerbow w8;s absent :U':' on vacat~on. ' i '1 Minutes of regular meeting of' Augus,t l4.th. were read and approved. '-, : s: The City Engineer reported to tlle Commission that the construction of Sanitary 8.ewers to serve. blocks 7, 8"9 and 10 in, College Court: had been completed and accepted. The cost, of ,the lines installed by. Con- tractor McClendon was $4,003.40 as reflected by final estimate. Motion by Commissioner Ness, secpnded by, Co~issioner- Ogg, passing and approving ordinance' adopting the budget for thef'i~cal year begin- ning Sept. 1, 1944 and ending Aug. 31, 1945.' " . Vot ing Aye: Mayor Pro~tem Harmeling, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees ..1 , Vot ing Noe: .' None The caption of this ordinancesis as follows: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BtJDGET FOR THE' CITY OF WEST UNIVTRSITY PLACE , TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEG-TWING SEPTEMBER' 1, 1:94f ;P;ROV]E)TNG FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF TEE CI TY FOR USE AND EXPENDITlJRES;; AND PROVIDING FOR TEE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERENITH:" Motion by COmroissionerBunnington, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, autho~izij rizing purchase of a inhalator and resusitator at a cost of $386.80, $100 . of cost of which was contributed by Identification Officers Association. Voting Aye: Mayor f!ro-tem Harmeling, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing placing on time deposit. at l~ per annum with the City Nation- al E~nk, $;,000 of the Water Replacement Fund and $1,500 of the Sanitary Sewer Replacement Fund. . Voting Aye: Mayor Pro-tem Harmeling, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg. and Nees. O. :...., r .il~: . ; ",:~:, 1 \ .' '"" ~. -,..\ _ ~'1 , . .: -}..; " . - ~1~- 1 Voting Noe: None There being no further business to come before the COmmission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~. ~ a trl~ MAYOR, PRO-TEM 75 MINUTES. OF REGULAR :MEETING September 11, 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session at 8:00 P.M. Monday, Sept. 11, 1944 at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, pre- siding, UommissionersDunnington, Harmeling, Ugg, Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of regular meeting or August 28th were read and approved. The City Attorney reported to the Commission on his trip to Austin to attend a meeting of legal committee of the Texas League of Municipalities. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, author- izing payment of expenses incurred by the City Attorney on his trip to Austin. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, autnorizing charging oft' 01' certain amounts carried on the. tax rolls repre- senting adjustments and errors as recommended by the Treasurer and the City Auditor. The total amount of these adjustments being $984.86. Vat ing Aye: Voting Noe: , Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing transfer of remaining f'unds in the Health Dept.lfund at the close of fiscal year 1943-1944, to the General ]'und. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None Motion by Oommissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, passing and approving the r,esolation authorizing,; Mayor K.erbow to borrow such sums as may be necessary bUT not in excess of $15,000 from City depositories. Such money as may be borrowed to be used for meeting the City's general expenses betwee n the date of the' beginning or the fi scal year and tax collection period Voting Aye: Mayor K.erbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The resolut ion is as follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlli OlTY COMlvtISSION OF THE CITY OF V'rEST U1\l1VERSITY PLACE, TELI\.S: TF..AT the Mayor of the City, Hon. A .L. Kerbow, be am he is hereby fully , empowered and authorized. to borrow from banks heretofore officially designated a,s depositories of city funds, on behalf of the City, any sum not to exoeed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00); and that the said Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby empowered and authorized to sign' and deliver to the said Bank or banks, on behalf of the City, note or notes representing the amount or amounts so borrowed by the City and payable upon such terms as may be agreed to by the said Bank, or banks, and the .Nlayor of the City; and ,-- - ~, ,-,,-."".......-,' ......'-~_.. ~~~~~--~~-- r-------------.-'---.--7--,.-----.----~-T-,-'''-------.-~----------,- 16'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Mayor of this City is hereby authorized to execute and deliver on behalr of the City, any and all extension or re- newal notes that may be agreed upon by the Bank, or banks, and the Mayor which may renew and extend all or any part of the original loan made by the Ba~,< or b.anks, to the Oity; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED .THAT th~-power and authority herein granted to the :r:.~ayor to make and negotia te the original loan herein authorized shall I 'l'. be exercised not later than Dec. 1.5, 1944, buit such time limit shall not ett apply to any renewal or extension notes that are herein authorized to be ; executed by the City. :J PASSED AJ\lD APPROVED ON THE 11th day of September, A.D., 1944 by a vote of 5 ayes and nono-es. ATTEST: (signed) R.B. Allen (signed) A.L. Kerbow Motion by Commissioner Nees" seconded by Commissioner Ogg, approv- ing and authorizing increases in th@ pay of certain office personnel effective Sept. 1st, 1944. V otine Noe: None Voting Aye: Mayor Aerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington,' Ogg and Nees The increases authorized are as From 163.04 119.20 , 119.20 l19.2@; 11~n20-- '119.~O 119.20 Mrs. M.E. Bromley Mrs. Lucile Pressly l~s. Rebecca Saunders Miss Thelma Buescher Miss Bonnie. Schramm Mrs. H. Rosenberg Mrs. W.E. Everett follows: To 17.5.00 130.00 130 .00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 The Mayor requested 'the City Attorney tQ draw the necessary ordinan- ces providing for the calling of an election of City officials to be.. held Nov. 7, 1944 and present same at the next regular meeting of the City Commiss.ion. There being no further business t,o ceme befCDre the Commissicm and upon mot ion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. . . , .'. .u:X:~ MAYOR . . . . . ~~ C;ITY S REARY .... . "1.............1""'. - 1'~""~'--'~~-' .... ~I" ._" ,,~~~,-~'._~ "1 I I ].... ( ._~. . , .t ~ , J' .. ~ . ~ .:":" "/,Cl MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Se~tember 25t 1944 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, Sept. 25, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, "Ogg, Nees and the City, Secretary. Minutes of the meeting of Sept. 11, 1944 were read and approved. Mr. B.C. Mayers of the West University Baptist Churcn, stated that the Boy Scouts sponsored by the church, wish to pur- chase the rear of the lot now occupied by the water well and ad- joining the church property.' The Scouts desire to acquire this property and errect a Scout House. The matter was referred to a committee composed of Commissioner Ogg, City Attorney Fleming and the City Engineer for study an!1....J?ecommendation too the Commis- sion. Motion by Comm.issionerNees, seconded by Commiss:Loner Ogg, approving the sale of the motoreycle belonging to the Police Dept. for the sum of $250. Voting 'Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: Commissioner Dunnington Commissioner Nees submitted a report of the activities of the Health Department for the months of Ju~y and August, 1944. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, adopting a resolution calling an election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners on Nov. 7, 1944. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow; G'omniissioners Dunnington, Harm.el- ing,a6gg and Ness Vot ing Noe: None The resolution is as follows: ~VHEREAS, Article VII, Section 6 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of West University Place; Texas, requests that thirty days notice of regular city elections shall be given, and such Charter, by Section 3 of said Abticle, provides that a regular city election shall be held on November 7, 1944, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; NO,", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that said election be held as required 'by said Charter and that notice of the holding of such election shall be made by the posting of this resolution in three public places within the City, one of which T- O'-"--''''~--~-.''l r~' 'CC~"~l r I 18 shall be at the City Hall, and by publishing legal notice thereof signed by the Mayor of the City, in one issue of the Houston Press. ' (si~ned) A..L. XerlSow MAYOR . (signed) R.B. Allen CITY SECRETARY' The City Se.eretary read a letter form the law. firm of Painter and Painter ~4.ue sting that 11-he City take action regard- ing the elimina tion of raw and improperly t-reated sewage alleged to be discharging into B~ays Bayou. The City Engineer was in';" structed to reply to the letter stating the City's attempts and plans to build a sewage treatment plant. o City Attorn~y Fleiming and. Commissioner Nees were instruoted to draw an appropriateresolut ien1tegarding the death of Joe L. Aroher, late Chairman of the Planning Board. . .. .A letter was read from ]J.[r. J .P.Gwin, Chairman of the Civilian Defense Council requesting that the ambulance be placed in the ga- rage prov'ided:' for same at the City Hall. . . ib, v The O-mmmission issued i:nstru.q:tio.ns that the wishes of the De- fense Council 'bequasniag otm'i tl1e-''''~' '.,~ '.'" ,...-"., The~e b~i.ng n9 further busilless to oome before the Co:mmission, and upon motion duly me'de, Se.COlleran.: an.d carried, the meeting wa~i_ ,; declared adjourned. ....C;(~ MAYtfi'. . ~~. ~ =-=~-===-~ ~~ - ,_._--~ --.. t i '. i ,J. !"l:" ! , i i --.J, Minutes of RegUlar Meeting October 9,1944 79\ I I I I \ i I I I \ I The City Commission convened in regular session on M/;:>nday, Oct. 9, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were }Aayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Nees, Ogg and the Ci ty Secretary. Commissioner Rarmeling was absent due to illness. Minutes of regula.r meeting held Sept. 25th were read and approved. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, appointing F.A. Huwieler and R.F. Dawson as election judges in Pre- cinct 87 and 133 respectively in the election to be held on Nov. 7, 1944. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Nees and Ogg. None Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the election jUdges to employ two additional clerks each to assist in holding the election,. Vot ing Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Nees and Ogg. None The Committee composed .of Commissioner Ogg, City Attorney Fleming and the Oi ty Engineerwhioh had been appointed on Sept. 11th to make' recommendations relative to proposed sale of a portion of a lot owned by the City adjoining the W.U.P. Baptist Church, recommended that the South one-palf of the lot be sold to the W.U.P. Baptist Church for the purpose of erecting thereon a Boy Scout House, at a price of $100. Motion by CoImnissioner Ogg, seconded by Commiss,ioner Nees, adopt- ing an ordinanee authorizing the sale of a portion of the lot described as the South one-half of lot 8, block 18, College Viewk3rd Addition, to the W.U.P. Baptist Church to be used as the site for a Boy Scout House, and further authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to execute a deed in the name of the City to the W.U.P. Baptist Church, incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Nees and Ogg Vot ing Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows:. "AN ORDINANCE EMPOWERING AND AUTHORIZING THE ];1AYOR OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNTVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS" TO EXECUTE .A~i}) DELIVER TO WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE '" BAPrIST CHURCH GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TO TEE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF LOT NUMBER EIGHT IN BLOCK NU:M:BER EIGHTEEN, COLLEGE VIEW THIRD ADDITION, FOR A CON- SIDERATION OF ONE BUNDRED DOLLARS." ,-...-=..-______-=-==~:_~___;._~.;.;:..;:..:_:_L ..L_~~~__________ __-1~--- ~O" Commissioner Nees presented a resolution in respect to the late Joe L. Archer., Chairman of the Planning Commission. MotionbyCommis- sioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, adopting the resolution. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow~ 'Comnussioners Dunnington, Nees and Ogg. None The .resolution is as follows.\: ; -l - I I :0 VfH:IilREAS, Joe L.. Archer ,f'ormer chairman of the Zoning and Planing' Sommi~sion and member of .the Tax Equalization Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, passed from this ,life on Monday, Septenlber 18, 1944; and WHEREAS, Joe was a capable, conscientious-and :Loyal .member of the aforementioned Boards; and " WHEREAS, his devo~ion and sacrifice for his city was for the benefit of'all; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this City Commission that they acknowledge: these' things and these truths and extend their sympathy to the family by spread- ing this Resolution on the Mimlte.s of the 'meetiE.g of this City Commission this the 9th day of October ,1944, and by sending a copy hereof tohisi'amily. .. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of October, 1944. (signed) a.B. ,Alle:ta City Secretary . ( ~; g.TlAA ). A . J,., Kerbow MAYOR '." (::sigE;ed) .' C. A. . Nees (.si.~).. Ja,{}k M. ~g., _ ATTEST: . J~i.I2;ned} Jimmie' Herrmeling . Corl:~~::~~~';~~ ~' :~...: -~ ~ 3. . .' ~ "(si~ned) J.M~ DUnIli~ton .~omm~ssi<oners" . The City Attorney presented an ordana:tlee providing for the chang- ing ofrthe name of Childress ~treet to Community Drive. Motion by Commissioner Nees, 'seconded by Commissioner Ogg, adopt- ing the ordinanee. Voting Ayre: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnt~o~~~~a~~an~EOgg None 1"]" \ . , . I . , . \, .-".: -r '1 J. [' ~.1 The caption of this ordinance is as follows: ,r 1tAN ORDINANCE GHANGING TEE NAME OF CHILDRESS STREET TO COW.llUNITY DRIVE AJ:.ID PROVIDING THA T AFTER THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE, CHILDRESS STREET SF..ALL BE KNOWN AS C01JJ1IDNITY DRIVE. n A letter from J.F. Melcher, 2821 Quenby Street, requesting installation of a street light on Wakeforest Street at the intersection with Quenby, was read t9 the Commission. . This matter was referred to Commissioner Harmeling and the Cit..y Engineer for handling. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees, accepting and ordering filing a report of the Equalization Board for the year 1944. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ~unnington, 'Nees and Ogg None The Mayor announced that a pUblic hearing of the budget for the fiscal year 1944-1945 would be held at the time of the regular meeting of the City Commission on Oct. 23rd, at 8:90 P.M. There being no further business to come before the CommissioIl and . upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. aT~ MAYOR ATTEST: G~ T~~ .=".~= 1 r"~-'~~I I I 82. Minutes of' Regular4'lItleeting . October 23, 194' . 'fhe City Commission eo..nvened i,n regular segs-ian .on Monday:, Getober 2.3rd, 1944, at tl:OO P.M. at the. Ci~:r Hall. Members presentwere.Mafor Kerbow, presiding, Conmiisslone:.rs Dtumington, Ogg and Nees.anaot'ke.:~eJ.'tJdl:' Se(lu>etar:y,. ~Y~om1liti:!;fs$el1e"r:Ra'p,meli1'1g was ab.sent dae to il1ness~ ~inutes or the meeting of Oct. 9th, 1944 Were read and approved. A pUblic hearingbn the budget ror the fiscal year beginning Sep-c. 1, 1944 and ending August 31;.,. .J::94.5.was held.Tp.e bUdge't .as, 'pre- sented oy the T.r'easu1"er~, was '.read to. t':heOommission am citiz-ans" 'presen't. Af-cer a discussion ot" various f'ea'tures or 1ihe t:mdge"C., a moti on Was niade by Commissioner Nees whioh was seeonded by C6~~~toner Dunnington, aC1op"Ci:ng tne bUdge.'t ordinanc'e.' ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nee.s. Voting Noe,: None ", . 'fl"" , J ' '\J~ The caption or this ordinance is as follOWS: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUl?GET FeR THE CJ['l'Y OF 1AIEflT.tJNU"ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR. BEGtNNING SEPTEMBER '1, . 194~>;";PROVID:ENG- FOR TEE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF TEE., CITY FO R USE. AND EXPE!\1DITURES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RENAL OF.ALL ORDINANCES OR PAR':[lS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. ; '. , Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authoriz- ing the employment of S.M. Cqx &8 Police ,Officer, at a base salary of $150.00 pe~ month plus increases and decreases of the escalator plan. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: . . Mayor Kerbow ,coIDiiiissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, author- izing payment of expenses of R.B. Allen incurred on a t.rip to Austint,o attend convention of the American Water Association ?nd to Fort Worth to confer with the Federal Works Agency on Post-war matte~s, which expenses amounted to $28.56. Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners- Dunningtean,.Ogg and Ne.e's. Voting Noe: None. come before the Commission, carried, the meeting was deolared a tc!G~ MAYOR . 'J'1:J~; : ~i~~. . ! ,,'. l ."" I', \ t;h\ . ..; . '>. <-~ ., There being no further business to and upon motion duly made, seconded and adjourned. -_! ..-..._.~ -eM""" ,.,;&.,.. ;, ,.~ ~ ~. . SPECIAL lJIEETING, NOVEIVlBER 10, 1944 For the purposes of the record, pursuant to a call of the Nmyor a special meeting was called for 8:15 P.M., Friday, Nov. 10, 1944 for the purpose of canva~s~ng the returns and dee~aring the results of the election held on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1944. Jfuyor A.L. Kerbow, Commissioner J.M. Dunnington and the City Secretary were present at the City Hall at the time stated in the call. However, due to failure to have a quorum, no business could be transacted and the meeting was not convened. ~~'~ TY GARY . k . "'.;... ..... ,.~r ,~..=---=~-==r-_"", ___ r --' -,?; Ol~' ~ ;r;, , -- , ;~- f; '" [l" " l ,.... .., 'J .. ~ ,.j ) ,'.. : :'-'1-,.' ,. , ' t 'l!' Minutes of Regular Meeting Nov. 13, 1944 :851 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, Nov. 13, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Members present were May.or Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Commissioner Harme1ing was absent due to illness. Mr. F.A. Huwieler and Mr. R.F. Dawson, judges of the election held on Nov. 7, 1944 for City Officials in Precinct 87 and 133.~res- pectively, presented the sealed returns of the election. The vO.ITl..mis- sion proceeded to canvass the returns and upon motion made by Commis- sioner Nees, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, a resolu- tion was adopted declaring the results. Voting Aye: Vot ing Noe: Jvlayor Kerbow, Comm.issioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None The resolution is as follows: It'WI:IE:REAS, there was held in the City of' 'Nest University Place, Texas, on November 7, 1944, a general city election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners, and at such election the following votes were cast for the candidates f'or such offices as fol- lows, to wit: ITlilvT.E CANDIDATE FOR Mayor Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner COIr..mis sione r Com.rnissioner Corr.J.ffiissioner C oITLrni s s i 0 ne r Commissioner No. 133 1016 /';; 750.1.' 928 \ \ 899 406 1023 643 882 887 741 941 VOTES CAST IN PRECINCTS I~ . L qI lCERBOYv J ll!TIVIIE T'L4.R1V]!;L ING V\Tl1 :1LiliD R. T11\JJCOCK -:ti. Ii. RANDOLPH' EGlffiY CARROLL SCOGGINS J.M. (JIM) DUNNINGTON FERD REIGER c . .,A,. l'JEES t; I~. J. r'IARTIN L . F. HIl;Y{ J Ii Ole ];1. O(j.G No. 87 869 /(, 7l2/t{(> 726" i~' 713 276 801 624 691 763 627 861 TOTAL {~ 1885 7~ 14 '7n"7' ~^.\--- 1654, 1612 682 1824 1267 1573 Ib50 1368 1802 r'!I-IB::RJ~AS, as a result of such election, the said A.L. Kerbow was elected Kayor and ~ayland R. Hancock, J.M. (Jim) Dunnington, L.J. Kartin and Jack M. Ogg were elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas; NON, TlT':::REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE CITY Cm.'JMISSION OF THE CITY OF VillSTU}DrJERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the official results of such election be formally declared, pursuant tb canvas of the returns of ':.o;"-\~t';y' I' IT --- - .. __"'_C=,,~_=_ i . _______1 '~_~~~~~_.c "}, ,----" , ! 'Bo. I -.' such election by the City Commission, to be that the said A.L. Kerbow. was elected Mayor and the ~aidWayland R. Hancock, J.M. (Jim) Dunnington, IJ.J. J:.lIartin and Jack M. Ogg were elected Commissioners at the said election. PASSED A1~ APPROVED this 13th day of November, A.D., 1944, by a vote of 4 ayes and no noes.r! (signed) A.L. Kerbow NJAYOR l' '.J': ~ ._:~.~ ATTEST: R.B. Allen SECRETARY Nix. Wallace Reed presented a proposed plan for the sub-division of the remaining acreage in the Hayden and Austin Poor Farm Tract. T1!1~ Commission referred the plan to the City Plan Commission for study ahd recommendations. Motion by Commissioner Ogg seconded by Commissioner Nees, adopting a resolution authorizing the sale of $131,000.00 of U.S. Treasury Certi- ficates of Indebtedne ss and further'providing for the purchase of $131,000 of new Certificates of Indebtedness 'on Dec. 1, 1944. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Votil1..g Noe: None The resolution is as follows: WIfB:EREAS, heretofore, the City Commission IBf the City of ,.f.Jest University Place, Texas, empowered,and authorized the City Treasurer of said City to acquire and purchase United States Govern.ment bonds with funds of the Sanitary Se"'ler Improvement Fund, Disposal Plant Reserve Fund, Sewer Sinking Fund and Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of said City; and VffiEREAS, one United states Treasury Certificate of Indebtedness, Series A, dated February 1, 1944, bearing Serial No.38B in the' sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars U~$lOO, 000) was purchased from said Sani- tary Sewer Improvement Fund; three United States Treasury Certif'icates of Indebtedness, Series A, dated Febru~ry 1, 1944, bearing Serial Num- bers 4046, 4047 and 7461 in the amountso;f Ten Thousand DO,llars ($10,000), Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) and One Thousand Dollars (:~+,OOO) ,- res- pectively, were purchased from said Disposal Plant Reserv$Fund; one United state,s ,Treasury Certificate of Indebtedness, Series-A, dated ........../J ......... February 1, 1944, bearing S,er:ia1 No. 97770 in the amount of;Fi ve Thousand' -- Dollars ($5,000) was purchasedfroll1 said Sewer Sin~ing Fund; and one United States Treasury Certificate of Iftdebtedness,$eries A, dated February 1, 1944, bearing Serial No. 678 in the amount of Five Thousand I" Dollars ($5,000) was purChased from said Ta~,Revenue $i.nking Fund; and all of said securities bear int@rest at the I.'ate of seven-eights (7/8) of one per cent (l1o) per annum. and are now owned by the City o:f West University Place, Texas; and . -. ;-;~'~~'.'-"": '-'-",'>r;_~J!!"M;c;->'" 1"~~-----'--~"~' I '-'''' ...".,,,,,,,; ~'=-~"=~~':1._,_______": f I' 87 WHEREAS, it is the will and desire of the City to sell said Certificates for not less than par and accrued interest, and, if pos- sible, at a premium; NOVIJ, THEPJ:g;FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; That the City Treasurer of the said City be, and he is hereby fully empowered and authorized for West University Place to i~nedia- tely sell and deliver said six (6) United states Treasu~y Certificates of Indebtedness, Series A, dated February 1, 1944, bearing Serial Num- bers 388, 4046, 4047, 7461, 6777 and 678 of the total principal value of One Hundred Thirty One Thousand Dollars ($131,000) at not less than par and accrued interest and 'full premium payable on the market and deliver said bonds to any national bank in contemplation of said sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser upon receiving full considera- tion therefor, as herein provided, or for the purpose of such bank delivering said bonds to the ultimate purchaser and collecting for the Oi ty the full consideration herein authorized to be received for the City; and BE IT ~~mTI~R RESOLvED that all interest and nremiums received from the sale of said bonds shall be denosited in and made a part of said Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund, Disposal Plant Reserve Fund, Sewer Sinking Fund and Tax Revenue Sinking Fund of the City in propor- tion to the said original amounts invested in each of said funds as above stated, after deducting and paying from such interest and pre- mium all costs of transmitting such bonds to their ultimate destina- tion as sold and all postage and insurance premiums paid on such bonds in transit; and the payment of all costs of transmission postage and insurance premiums on the bonds in transit is hereby authorized to be paid. out of such interest and premiums that IDay be collected on said bonds; and BE IT FURTIfER RESOL V,'i:D that the One Hundred Thirty-One 'rhousand Dollars ($13l,OOO) in principal received from the sale of said Certi- ficates shall be reinvested by the City Treasurer for the City in United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness bearing seven- eights t7/8) of one per cent (1~) interest; and the City Treasurer is directed, empowered and authorized to do all things necessary to accomplish the reinvestment of the said One Hundred Thirty-One Thousand Dollars ($131,000) in such Certificates and is directed and instructed to deposit such bonds so purchased in said Funds of the City from which they were originally used as a part of such respective funds. PASSED A}ID APPROVED this 13th day of November, A.D. 1944, by a vote of 4 ayes and no noes. J sigu.ed) A.L. Kerbow 1TAlOH ATTTCST: ~signed) R.B. Allen becretary II 88 I \ I I I \ \ i I Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the approval of the Tax Roll for the year 1944 as sub- mitted by the Tax Assessor and Collector. Voting Aye: Voting Hoe: Mayor Kerbow, Co.m.rr..issioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees N.one A resolution adopted by the Board of Health urging the State Senator and Repnesentatives from this district to advocate and enact legislation looking to the imp!Dovement of the sanitary laws of this state was' read to the City Commission. 'l' .. . \ \~. Motion by Co.rm:nis sioner Nees, se conded by Commiss ioner Ogg, appro... ving and endorsing the resolution. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None There being no further business to come before the Commission and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~8~ vITY . Ji,CRETARY ..' . . ,_ r" =-"-~c=~_ .. ~':-1_~__ t?/~ JjIJAY OR . I~-- ..'1' , I \; l~ '0 F.; :.. .~. :!!~t;T~S \~ . . . TELE;PHoNE MADISON 2-4441 COMMISSION"ERS J, R, HARMELING . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE MAYOR PRO-TEM J, M, DUNNINGTON A. L, KERElOW, MAYOR 3800 UNIVERSITY BOUL.EVARD HOUSTON 5, TEXAS , JACK M, OGG C. A, NEES . (", r I it' '. , I. ~. " ' 'Ie'<--.,. November 9, 1944 ;. The Honorable City Commission: Gentlemen: OFFICE OF: . -"N [1 ~j 1 I I R,B.ALLEN CITY SECRETARY CITY. ENGINEER I I i II Notice is hereby given by the delivery of copies hereof to the persons and officials indicated below, in pursuance to request duly made, that a special meeting of the City Com- mission of the City of West University Place, Texas, will be held on Friday, November 10, 1944 at 8:15 P.M. at the City Hall f'or the purpose of canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the election held on Tuesday, .Nove~ber 7, 1944. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of West University Place, Texas, on this the 16th day of November, 1944. Cit~est University Place, Texas. Mayor li..L. Kerbow Commissioner J.M. Dunnington Commissioner J.R. Harmeling Commissioner Jack M. Ogg Commissioner C'.A. Nees cc--Ci ty Attorney Harvey T. Fleming H.F. Dawson, Election Judge Precinct 133 F.li. Huwie1er, Election Judge Precinct 87 , , - ii ! , '\---' , . RBA:s 1--"'"~~' '~~l ~I 1 __ .. ! r --:: t89 ~~..: - '... MinuteR .of. RA,Q'111 PI.,. T\ifA At: i np.: mentA ~'l7. 1 q4.~ The City COIDJfiission convened in r~gular session on Monday, November 27, 1944 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall. :Members pre sent were lV:ayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees and the City Secretary. COlliIaissioner Harmeling was absent due to illness. Eimutes of meeting of Nov. 13, 1944 were read and approved. Motion by COllh~issioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the Lane-Texas Co. of Houston to pull and overhaul the pump in Well #5 and to perfor~ such other services as may be necessary for a consideration of ?p8.50 per hour for a driller and two helpers, and $3.50 per hour for any hauling which may be necessary. Voting Aye: IvIayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Nees and Ogg Voting Hoe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Nees, passing and approving an ordinance fixing the tax rate for the year 1944. Votir~ Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COlliIfiissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is 'as follows: It AN ORD I NAN CE LE1YI.NG_A1ID.._lliSE.SSINrLAD_-1U.LOBEM-;I1.AX-OU-Aj;,,];.......!ll-.A,XAg~ PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF 'NEST u:rSJrlERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE lTEAR 1944, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF". A letter was read to the Commission from Mr. E.H. Barziza, adjutant of the John R. Burkett American Legion Post #77, extend- ing an invitation to the City Officials to attend a meeting of the Post to be held on Thursday, Dec. 7, 1944 at the Community House. " There being no further business to come before the Commission and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. . A T'r:GST -,.'1''' "'f""',,;- - - -~,~,~ "1 ~ r ,-, -- --'......L 1 r-- ~.u .:. - MlNU'l'.ES OF. ImtlUL.AR DE'I'Im Deeember 12, 1944 . . .' The City Oommission conveBed in regular-. session on ~onday, December 12, 1'44, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. Mem'ers prese'nt were Mayor Kerbow",: presiding, Commissioners Ggg, Nee-s and- the City Seere- tary. Commissioners Harme1ing and Dunnington were absent on acequnt of illness. The minutes of the. meeting of November 27 were, read and approved. Mr. Wiley Harris and Charles B. White of the Charles B. White- and Company, presented a proposal to .the City Commissionpreviding for the refund of $15;,000 of the 1936 ref~nding bonds. The proposal was taken unae-r advisem&nt by the CiV Commission. Motion by Commissioner Ogg seconded by Oommissioner Nee-s) au-, thorizing payBlentof bill of MOl'iareh Printing Company in the amount of $8.00 for the printing of 2500 hand eil1s used by the War Bond - drive cemmi ttee.. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Ogg and Nees Voting .06': None Moti011 by Commissioners Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, ap- p~6'm~.i1g,~granting of leave of absenee 'to Mrs. Trullah. Everett for a period of six weeks €m aecount of illness. Voting A~e: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Ogg and Naas Voting No-e:Nona Mr. Wallaee Reed presented a proposed plan providing fo-r the subaivision of the remaining undeveloped acreage in the Poor Farm tract between Sunset Boulevard and Richmond Road. The plan was ac- cepted for stQdy and action at a later date. There being no further business to oome before the cOmmission, upon motion daly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. t44~~ - -MA~OR . . ATTEST: ~~~ {lRETARY '. - I I I I I ~,--,-'" r-'-O - \ .- 1 r 1 r 'l"':. ' .- ; .~- :": . , · !'C"i' 'U'.~ 0", : :' , " : ...... ; ',: TELEPHONE MADISON 2-4441 COMMISSIONERS .I, R, HARMELING MAYOR PRO-TEM J, M, DUNNINGTON , JACK M. OGG C, A. NEES CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE A,~,KERBOVV.MAYOR 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS >~. J'" \ i ( ..~\ , ,}, , "\"",1;,<' 'i1f; December 16~ 1944 J\'Ir. R.B. Allen City Secretary Dear J:,,~r. Allen: You are hereby directed to issue a call for a special meeting of the City Commission to be held at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, December 18, 1944 at the City Hall for the purpose of considering the follow- ing matters and taking such action with respect thereto as may be deemed necessary: 1. Approval of plat for sub-division of remaining acreage in Haden & Austin Poor Farm Tract 2. Appointment of Commissioner to fill vacancy on the City Cow~ission 3. Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem 4. Proposed refund of certain bonds of the 1936 Refunding Issue. Yours truly, ~ 1\' s~ ,., , ! 'i ,~.; .~. ~; 1'l4YOR .iiLK: s ( I , '.- ."~' ~~~=1 l~~'-~~ ~--1 /. &.( ~ f -~,.. ." .' \ '.,,' '.' ;'- ,". . ~ ~~i~ . TELEPHONE MADISON 2-4441 COM..ISSIONERS CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE OFFICE OF: J, R', HARMELING R, B..ALLEN. MAYOR PRO-TEM A. L,KERBOVV. MAYOR CITY SECRETARY CITY ENGINEER J. M, 'DUNNINGTON JACK M. OGG C, A, NEES 3800 UNIVE.RSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS ;,~ .<. -.. ... } ;Lj /" i '~ I i December 16~ 1944 .......- j I , . ) The Honorable Oity Commission: Gentlemen: j I 1 .I I j l. I I ,. I i i I I j Notice 'is hereby given by the delivery of copies hereof to the persons and officials indicated below, in pursuance to request duly made, that a special meeting of the City Com- mission of the ~ity of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, w-ill be held on l?Ionday, December l~, 1944, at 8:00 PoI\1. at the City Hall for .the purpose of considering the following ~tters and taking such action with respect thereto as may be deemed necessary: . 10 Approval of plat for sub-di~ision of remaining acreage in Haden & Aust~n Poor Farm Tract 20 Appointment of Gommissioner to fill vacancy on the City Commission 30 Appointment of M:ayor Pro-Tem 4. Proposed refund of certain bonds' of the 1936 Refunding :X:ssue. WitnesB my hand and West University Place on the official seal of the City of this ~~r,. 194~. ~l If RB.A:$ Mayor A.Lo Kerbow Commissioner J.M. Dunnington Comrai~sioner Jack M. Ogg Comrn.:i!ssioner C..A. Nees- City Attorney Harvey T. Fleming \' rOo ! ~. ~' ~J ~. ~, , ~~--"., _"--'---.~~ _,~-.l~. 4_..'~~:' . _ ~ '1 I I :~91 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING December 18, 1944 Pursuant to.'.a call duly issued by the Mayor, the City Commission convened in special session on Monday, December- 18, ':1,.944, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Com- missiohers Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington appointing Mrs. Blanche K. Harmeling City Commissioner to fill the un- expired term of Commissioner J. R. Harme1ing, deceased. Voting Aye: MayOr Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. V oti ng Noe: None f I Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Nees, ap- pointing Commissioner Dunnington, Mayor Pro-~em to fill the unexpirec term of Mayor Pro Tem Harmeling, deceased,. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Ogg,Nees and Harmeling. None Motion by Commissioner Nees., seconded by Commissioner Ogg, ac- cepting proposal of CharlesB.White &.: Company to refund $1.57,000 of 4 and 4-1/2 percent 193' refunding bonds into 2-1/2 and 3 percent bonds. Seventeen of. the said 157 bonds now held in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund to be returned to said fund after refunding and further authorizing drawing of necessary ord'inances and initiation of proce-edings. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Nee.s and Harmeling. Vot ing Noe: None The Mayor appointed Commissioner Jack M. Ogg to act as chairman of a committee to draw appropriate resolutions expressing the sentiments of the Commission relative to the recent death of Commissioner James R. Harme1ing. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington authorizing City Attorney Fleming to handle the legal proceedings for .the City in connection with the refunding of $157,000 of 1936 Refunding Bonds. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and Harmeling ---........, Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington seconded by Commissioner Nees appointing the Mayor to be chairman of a committee authorized to locate space in the community house for the Library, also to locate space for the storage of o. C. D. equipment. Voting Aye: Mayor Ker'bow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Nea:it- and Harneling Voting Noe: None ['-' r--" .... . .-........1 r I' -- ---~~'-.,-T'.."'~,-_"_., ,92 : ~ The business for whica the meeting was called having been con- cluded, upon m.otion duly ma,de" seeoi1.ded a.nd carried, the meetixl,g ,.was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ OITY SEORETARY a~~ MAYOR . , .' '''1-' 1 _ I ;: , 1-. . I ,- \~~i -1 ., " ("\ ',i l J it-