HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1943 ~ ",J'i . ~ "~~ ....7:~=:p~: ..,.. .. r' --, , r F~~--'~~~~~~,- r--;o==,=,-;--=;====-o-- ., - ----- , r ~r~_~~~;;~~et '.v: . , , i",~~:~~ ."",""" ":~.\/ :~ \,.... / , -?/" .~<!."." , <' L- "'~'~"'--==-r-~ , , _r ~~ " ! -) . " J f I' '~f', ~ ! 'i::" ~-\\{ . .\ ;J . . 'Jr', \. ),~';';,j ~. . " -' "J:.i;l;';~ . ~.-:--~ -'< ~ r~\' "1: . I ;. ~.'__ SPEG;tA:1 MEET! NG . SATURDAy,,'.JANUARY 2, 194} CITY HALL., CITro OF 1JIJEST mU\.~RSITY PLACE', TEXAS. The mi~utes of a spegial session of the City~Commission' held at the City Hall at 4:00 ~. M. Saturday, January 2; 1943. The gpntlemen who were electe~ to the'CityGOL~ission in: the gene~al el~ction held on NoyemE~r 3, 1942 were sworn in by Judge Eyring Boyd. of the 55th District Court of Harris @ounty. ,,-#!'" : The m~mb ers of the Cornrnis sion inducted into offic.e were. a's follows: MAYOR: C OJ\J~SSI O:NER: C01TIEISSIO ~R.: COMMISSIO:NER: C Ol,;}USS IOhTER : A. L. Ke-rrlbow J. Ri Harmeling J. M. Dunnington . Jack M. Ogg .C. A. Nees . . Following the induction of officialS, Jud~e Boyd addresBed the COI1lm.ission and t);1e citizens present. . Honorable Joel H. Berry, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Houston, ex- tended his congratul3.tions and ple'dged the' cooperation of the City of Houston during the ensuing term of 9ffice. J)~r. Haygood AShburn, Public Relations Officer of the Ci ty of Houston, also addressed the. assembly. Addresses were also maee by N~yor A. L. Kerbow and the other, members of the City Commission.- Commi~sioner Ogg introduced an ordina.i1cep;t"oY~9.ing for the filing of bonds by the City Commission and various.';'heads of the . department s and moved its adoption. Commissione.t,:: Ha~-r.~~ling sec'-. anded the motion. . Voting Aye: .Co~issioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and .M-ayor Kerbow. \ Nos: None. Capti.on of the ordinanc e. is as follows: ORD IN:ANC E NO. AN ORDJ;Nih"l\ICE REQ,UIRIT:NG TFEFILING OF OFFICIAL BOl\1DS ~Y MElvffiERS OF THE CITY CO:MMISSIOl'J, POLICE CHIEF, POLICE OFFICERS, TREASURER, A}.Jl) Su-rpERIN'J!l\l:\rDENT OF WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT, OF THE CITY OF ~VEST U:rSlIVERSITY PLACE, ,TEXAS; PROVIDING mAT NO COMPENSATION BE PAID TO SUCH OFFICIALS OR OFFICERS ,UNTIL THE!R RESPEB'TIVE BCU\1])S BE FILED A1ID':' APPROVED BY THE CITY CmlMISSIOtT OF TEE CITY OF 'WEST U]'\!IVERSITY P4,Ll.rCE" TEY,.AS; PROVII:DING FaR REPEAL_ OF ALL' ORDI:r-JP..NCES, AND ];'ARTS OFOPJ)IN.ANCES,IN C01lFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING TFJ1.T IF -~!iJ:IT :t:ART" OR PARTS, OF TBIS ORDINANCE; ( .; \ ", ---- . ,\ .,,\' " '- "I"~'%1:' '~'j} ':..".~ '- I:., '.~ ~. >~~ ;~. ,"~' . ~. \ ... . , , ' . BE I~1VALID; SUCH nNALIDITY SHALL NOT EFFECT Am[ OTHER . PART HEREOF. The City Secr.etary presented bonds for tb,e Mayor and four 1-.',.1 Commissioner1? Commissio..rn:er Nees moved that .theqonds be accept-, ed and approveda~ follows: \ 'Mayor A. L.Kerbo'lfl Commissiorte~ J.R.Harmeling tI J. ,M.. Dunni ng to n 11 Jack M. Ogg 11 c~ A. Nees $3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 },ooo.oo 3,00'0.00 ,-I:>'" Commissioner Ogg seconded the motion. \[ otinfS Aye: \ Gommissiol1ler.s Harmeling, j)unning:ton, Ogg,' Nees and Mayor Kerbow. Nos: None. Commissioner Harmeling introduced and moved the adoption, of ~. , an ordinanqe providing for the approp~iation of public funds for the payment of ss.+aries ap.d various services. @ommissioner 'Nees . seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners furmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, .Neesi3,nd Mayor Kerbow~ I -l : I , ) Nos: - None. The caption of this ordinan ce is as f'ollows:' ORDINANC'E 'NO._ tAN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE .APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC . I . FtJ11DS OF TFI!:!i CIU' OF WEST Ul\lIVERSITY PL.ACE, TEXAS~ :FOR 'TEE PAYN.tENTS BY S~~ID CTTY.FOR SERVICES TO BE ~1)ERED BY ITS OFFICIALS, OFFICERS" AND IDlPLOYEES, AJ\TD TO' PAY TO THE HARRIS cotr1\TTY HE:ALTH UNIT FOR THE SERVICES OF 'TEE CITY'S HEALTH OFFICER, DURING THE YEAR 1~43; and , PHair]]) ING FOR ,TEE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES, AND PARTS OF Dffi)n~ANCES, IN COI\TFLICT, HEREWITH. .. Nos: None. "The caption of the-'Ordinance is as follows: v ---... ~~~."c . "1 r .-==- -.- - ~':'-"-1 ~I ""I ~,. r 12>5 ORDINANCE NO._ '.u'UJ ORDHJANCE ffiOVIDING FOR THE ArpOI111JJv:ENT OF A CLERK OF THE CORPOR!.cTIOJIr COURT, ~4J:,m DEUPTY CLERKS OF SUCH COURT; PRESCRIBING T:f2.li: P01.fERS A1\TD DUTIES OF SUCH CLERK AND DEpurrY CLERKS; .AND ProVIDING THAT IF :ANY PART OF THIS ORDINANCE BE II\'VALID, SUCH IlITVALIDITY SHALL NOT EFFECT A1\-ry OTHER PART OF TEiIS ORDINANCE. Commissioner Ogg placed in nomination the name of Commissioner ~. R. K1rmeling for the office of Mayor Pro Tem. Commissioner Nees seconded th~. nomination. There being no further nominations, the I,':ayor declared the nominations closed and to ok t4e vote which is as :follows: Voting Ay.e: CorMcissioners HarITBling, Dunnington, Ogg, lfues and Mayor Kerbow. Nos: None. Commissioner Harmeling placed in nomination the name of R. B. Allen :for City Secretary at no salary. Commissioner Dunning- ton seconded the nomina tion. There being no other nominati ons, the . vote "Nas taken which is as follows: ~ c Voting Aye: COIlJ[,~issioners H8rmeling, DU'nnington, Nees, Ogg and ILayor Kerbow. Nos: None. Commissioner Dunnington placed in nomination the name ofR. B. Allen for City Engineer at a salary of $250.00 per month. Com- missioner Ogg seconded the nomination. There being no other ,nomi- nations, the vote was taken which is as follows: Voting Aye: Comm.issioners Harmeling, Dunni ngton, Ogg, Nees'and Eayor Kerbow. :l'Tos: None. ., vor~~ission8r Dunni~gton placed'in nomination the name of C. E. GaIJ'l..m.ill fort he position of City Treasurer for the two year term at $2700.00 per year to be paid in twenty-four equal install- men:t s. The nomination was seconded by 8omrc.issio ner 1!ees. There being no other nominations the vote ""vas taken which "V'las as follows: Voting AY9: Cowsnssioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees, Ogg and ~[ayor Kerbow. Nos: :none. ConmissioDer Ogg placed in nomination the name of P~rvev T. Fle~ing for the position of City Attorney at a legal retainerdfee of .y1500.00 per annum, to be paid ir: twenty-four e1ual instal1rf1ents. r<nYY"~l"SQ~onCr TTormcl" ~ ' d t' "t" ~ - V~J!JljL ~.L ~,'~ :"'-<' LL~ lno se c onae De nornlDa lone There being no other nOffilnatlons, the vote was tsken which was as follows: r .,--", -'. '1 'r ., 126 V6tingAye: Gommi$sionE?rs Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees, Ogg and Mayer Kerbow. 1\1"088: 1-[or18. CODI,missioner Nees placed in nomination the name of Forest Hutchinson for the position of Chief of Police at 8. salary of $18.5.00 per mo.nth. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the nomina- tion. There being no other nominatioEs, the vote was teten which was as fol~ows: ...f>-~ Voting Aye: Comrniss ioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees, Ogg and IvIayor Ker bow. Noes: None. Cornro.issioner Neesplaced in nomination and moved the appointment of the follovdng persons as members of the Board of' Hea.l th : w. F. Kuehne ~ Chairman Dr. Ray Collins - Member Dr. Elva A. iflright - IEember Cor@llssioner Ogg seconded the motion. "'fT .. ,~ ~o"GJ..ng l-iye: ComrrIissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and ]J.;:ayor Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissi.oner I'Jees placed in nomination and moyed the appointment of ' Frank L. Bender for the position as Director of the Board of Personnel at no s:~,lary. COJj1.Jr.dssior:er Ogg se cond ed the motion. Voting Aye: COFumissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and Mavor KerbOlI>J. Noes: None. COIrilllissioner Oggplaced in nomination a nO. moved the appoint- ment of the following persons to the Personnel Board. ~. D. Hollingsworth W. A. Rees Carl Smith Commissioner Harmeli~~ seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Cormn.issiOLers Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, rIees and Kayor Kerbmv. Noes :i'Tone. %) r~~~c-'cc~c_-'~,~C_'~C_C"l .~I ----.---'-r-'--'--,.-,----,-------.,':1..._'--________ _ __-.1 ---,------ " , , .. . .. .... .-- 131= " ' " . . ~ " I . . .. . Caam1ssioD.er Dunnington plaoed' in:' nOJP,1natl01l'aD1I" mOved the appo1nt~~nt ot ,:the toll~ing ',persons to:!:lsm, 'Pla.DB:l:ng Board: .' ,1 otf"L.: :Aroher~ Bl:JBlrmari, 1:~ A. Davlin; lfe.mber',' . ~am J!. Samo, . Kember .. "L~;r ~ La~" )teat.te~', H. ,F., OU,lve.r, J(eir1)er " ~ , ' 'o~~ Co~ssioner N~es se'oond~ 'th~ motion. , . ',. , " Voting Aye: 0omm1~8ion8r8 B'a~l,ing, Dunnington'; Ogg,' We,es, and', :Mayor Kerbow. ',' , .. Noes I Hone. oO' . . o,aomDd.ss1oner BIt~liDg ~nated' To~ BaUeT tor the Position ot ludge of Corporation Oou:rt tor two., jear term. ,,-t a sa1al"1' 9t '300.00, per 7ear pe:78b1e ,in ~entY'-~our e'1:I&1 insta~nts. ,Oom- .. missio.Der . Ogg seoond~d, th~' nom1-.tion. Ther~ "being lID further' , nom1nat:Lons, the vote was t~keD"wh"eh was. as to1lows: Votiz:t8 Aje: Oom:m1:ssi01lers "Ham.e11ng, Dunnington, o~, ',Nees .aD'! Kayor Xer~. .. . . .' No~s : None. L Oommissioner Ogg iDQT8d the ,appointment 'ot 1. ,A". Xetoalt as, superintendent of ,the watEtr ~'s~er departr;ent : temporarily, at a Salar1' ot '2'0.00 per mon1;b. parable seJJ4~mopth1y, the said Xr. , lfetcalt 'bo"be uD1s~ the, supervis~oi1 ot tbe, Barris, County. H.ealth Unit. Gomroissioner Hati.melil!g seconded the motiolle .. .' . . . ' . . . 00... 00 .' . _,1 ,~oti11g Aye: ~mm1s8io.tl~,r8 ,Ha'~i~;' Ogg aneI' Nees...., . . ' Voting' No: 'CoDUBissione'r "~ngtOD a~ lfayo~,'~r~~.:' " . ,,}Or,- Xerbow' and C~is'si'oner ~ON' stat~d their :il1~ : tent10n to tile a written statement tor tIiJIe, rep-ord whi9h would :re- veal their stand on' the DB tter. ,The Ka,-or deM.ared )(r'. Ket4alt dul.y' e1eotec} by a majority 'ot'~three to two.' , , ' , - , Statement ot "7or Kerbow is as tollCM's: t, , , " 'lIJIayor !Cerbow 'gave, as 'lJ.1s reasons 'to.r 'voting. aga~nst the motion'to ap'Point Mr, l&etoalf aild asks that, 'same be spread, on re- . cord in the otticia1 Jilil1utesc " , t 1. When a 0 it1 em~Ol'ee 'is dis,charged, he should: be' ,rep~aeed ' by a better, ~11ti~d person.' ThAi Oomm1ssion,oanno~ . ju"tity, dif;Jcbarging' a water 8,uperintendent, with "a "SA' grade'water,ope~ator's license and, ~mp1oy a ~p8r1Dtend~Dt who 'bas 'no lioense of any 'grade. ' . , 2. The, apPointment, of Kr. .l&etoa'l:C' is a ~olation' ot Ar,t1c~e ," m.!, aeot'i~n' 6, ot., ''the City's 9harter wh,ich provides t.hat the Oi ty shall co opera te with the' state Board ot Health. , . . I { " I. . .___. .. ..-- ~ ..... .. .._._...--__;._.....-'- _.__~... _ ..,____.' ft" "'0,,:"-... 12.t3 .. Mr. Metcalf does not meet the reQuirements of Article XVlll, Section 1 of the City's Chartertothe effect that thE? superintendent of the water department and otherpersonnE?l shall possess certain professional qualifications reQuired by the st ate Board of Heal,th. . 4. Mr. Metcalf does not possess an IJI\.t1 grade water oper- ator's license, neither does he possess a aCft grade sewer operator's certificate as recommended by Dr. George W. Dox, State Health Officer in hIs letters addressed to me under date of November 30, 1942, and Dec. 29, 1942. 3. 5. Mr. Metcalf does not meet therequire.m.ents for even a . lfCtI grade water ope.rator's license as recommended by the ,State Board of Health in its published l~egulations and distributed widely among municipal authorities. 6. Mr. lVietcalf's name is not on the list of qualified men recommended by Dr. Cox in his letter to Jile under date of November 30, 1942, or on subsequent lists furnished by other health agencies. , r 7. The Commission has made no effort to obtain the services of a. single one of the prof'essionally trained men to sUDervise the water and'.sanitarv sewer denartments re- commended by Dr. Cox orby other health agencies; neither has the Commission attempted to employ any other person so qualified. 8. No state or county health off'icial or other administra- tive official regardless of' authority can waive the re- quiremE?nts specifioally set out in the City's Charter. The City Commission, in my opinion, cannot justify its action by agreeing to waive the require~ents of the Charter. 9. In my opinion"" Nir. Metcalf cannot serve eff'iciently as Chief of the Jj'ire Department, super intendent: of the water department, superintendent. of the sanitary sewer department, superintendent of the street and bridge de- partment, and superintendent of t.he garbage dej;)~rtment without the assistance of at least two professionally trained assistants. . 10. I trust for the sake of the 13,000 people of this city and for the sake of Mr. Ketcalf' S fami~ that he proves to be a mos~ efficient employee in his several capaci- ties. I pledge myself to cooperate with him in' every possible way. Statement of COF~nissioner Dunnington is as follows: In conferences of the past few weeks with the hew com- mission regarding the appointment of a water and sanitary sewer d~partment ~uperintendent, I have insisted that we employ a tech- nlcally-tralned man for the position. I recommend one whose ability will be in compliance with our city charter and one who \! :Can meet the requirements of the state health laws. r- --- r-' -1 " 129 This is not a political or personnel matter, but is present- ed in the inter::;st of the good health and welfare of the communi- ty. tll'3 of \T ().t~ i rIG j.~ye: 1. I object to Mr. J. A. Metcalf's appointment because he doe s not meet the requirments of our ci t'y charter. {See art.i cl e 18, Pa ge 2 5. r . - . 2. , I~pbject to Mr. J. A. Metcalf's appointment because he does not have the necessary B grade water operator's license or the necessary C grede sanitary sewer opera- tor's ~ertificate, both of which are required by the state laws. 3. In as much as Mr. J. A, Metcalf has been appointed sup- erintendent of our water and sewage departme nt tempor- arily, and is subje at (according to his appointment) t-o further trainiAg and ex&mination (which would be an ex- pense to the comrlluni ty,) I deem it pro per to. appoint a man who will already have the required qualifications at the'time of his auuointment. . .1:.1: 4. At the time of Mr. Metcalf's appointment to the water andsani tary and sewage department, he was also made . superintendent of the Street and Bridge and Garbage De~ partments, the lCj.tter two being just as important as the first. In my estimation it i-s utterly impossible for one man t,o properly superyise three such vitally important de- partment s.Whenthe ,welfare of 13,000 citizens is at stake, I feel that ~~e efficiency of all three departments would be sabotaged with one man at the head of'all three departments. I ask that my objections be filed for record with the city secretary and spread upon the mihutes as a part of this meeting held under date of January 2, 1949. C OrDJili s s io n31~ Q I 85- tt011 'of 'Jl'l'ief f..CLOVGc1 tlli.~ app.ointnlellt of D'raIlk K._ Cllff to (;lerk ofJ t,he ;.'l8.ter DG~J3. l~trfl0nt 8.t 8. S;~1_13.l~Y C;oIGI!..!..issiorler ,IIarrn.eJ~i - se.cQ'TLc.ed tlle P~~cltiorl& t5,~OO 118.r l"G.c:rrt11. , vor;LL--issidrler~. .t.L8.rr-;.eli:lf;" I.)llnn.ir12!~ton, () 1Lsyor Kurbm;. and S : T,! (:- f; c:.: ~ ::;OL~:~h'i381o_~ler ITs..rrr.:.:.:}lj_ r~l()'Isd tt:.8 ~j_T)DOi_ntmerlt of J?r.:Jnk K. Ctrff -SCJ"t po tion of Clerk of C().r'~)oI~ation. CC)(~Lrt alld I"~r,s~ 181~ g;~:ll~~:;; a~'J~e:J~;; ~~l~~'~d~~ :~~~:~~~Z~~~ {3ourt, both at no ~}'la.ry. ,.', " ;> -" Harmeling, Dunni OIl.,. Ogg, es (^.~rf -...:..' ill. '- c-' '~Le 1.l r~'c~"~",c_~='~c" '1 r ' f' :Ie","..-:: . {t~ . \< ~~,,;< ",;".' '~ .~ ,~.' -.~; . /" . .... "- l\::ayor' Ke r.b or! , placed in nominatfonand mowed the appoint- ment of tQefol101,ving persons ':to the Board of. ,Adjustment.: '- Joe L> Archer, Chairman J. A. Davlin, Membe~ S "?' IS ]1': b; am L. . emo, .,' ihem er L. J. LaRue ., Memb er E., F. Culver; Kember N \ Commissioner 'ees seconded the motion. ,.<It.- Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nee's and Jtayor Kerbow. Noes: None. /. ;'. / Commissioner Harmeling introduced and moved,' t118 adoption of' a Resolution rescinding a cert,dn; resolutIon adopted by the City. Commission on '-+>ecember 28, 1942. Commissio ner Ogg seconded the motion. , Vo-ying Aye:. Commissioners' Ogg, /Harmeling, Ne~SJ and_ Mayor Kerbow. Voting No: Commissio ner Dunnington. ) "'- ) \ , The ttesolution is as follows:, A RESOLUTION. No. 1. .WHEREAS, th$ City Commission (City Council) of' the G.ity of W~st University Place~ Texas, or three of the Gom- missloners of. the then City Commission, did on D~cember 28; 1942, at a. regular meet-ing of C:omm.assion or Council, pass and adopt a re solutio'n <;lppointin g, selecting', em- ploying, and/or contracting vii th~ Bernard Geld'ing,C;ln attornE?Y at law, '1'or the purp.ose of investigating rat~s' ' being chargeo. ci tiz,ens and businesses inj;he Gity of West' University Plaoe, Texas, by the Houston Ratural Gas Com- pany and the Houston Lighting , Powe~ Company, and em- powering the said Ber~ard' Golding to employ assistants, legal and-technic~l, and, to take legal and other actions for and- in t4e 'name of the City of West University Flape, Texas, and agre~ing to pay the said Bernard Golding and ~ll persons employed by .him reasonable comp~nsation and pay for" all services to be rendered; and, ~VI3ERlI;AS, such action by saidi'esolution was, and . is, void and of no f'orce or effect by yi-;r.tue''Of Article 1V, Sl;ilction .19, of the Home Bule Charter of th~ Oity of West Unive~sity Place, Texas; and, 'V4HEREAS, suchres~lut'ion was, and is, too ambiguous and un- certain in its terms to ascertain therefrom the duties and ' obligations of the said. Bernard 'Golding, or the pos.:;;ibl,e claims for coinpensation that he and his appointees Irlight ~ 1'-~~ 1 r--'---:-"-~" --I .':---\ j /' '-1' , ' }.' , " 'J '/ '1""11". ,. ~ h~' ,. . ,[, ,'~ : )~" ,'~~ . '-l,__ Illake against the City; and <no money 1S available or appropriated for tne,purpose of paying ~hY suchrclaims, even if SUtch resolution 'sfiould be a valid obligatio~n on the part of the City, whic~ is not 'ad~itted,! put is denied; and. WHEREAS, it is ~he )vi1l and desire of the;? CityCornmiss- ion, (City Council) of the City of West University Pla~e, Tex~s;'that said resolution be in all respects rescinded, annulled and cancelled, and that no action undertaken to b.e 'authorized th~reby be taken b,y the ~aid, Bernardi Golu- ing 'or any of his appointees, or employ,ees: ( , - THEREFORE ,BE IT RESOLVED, that sa-id resoluti-on,_ be and the" same is here'bv,in all respects rescinded,' annulled and canoelled, and tha tno action or eff0rt alleged to 'be authorized thereby shall be taken by the said Bernard Goldi~g or any of ,his employees'or ~~po~ntees, ari~, BE~T FURTHER RESOLVJ!:D, that the City Secretary of-the Oity of ,West University Plaoe, Texas, be, and he is hereby, directed to deliver ,to the said Bernard Golding a true ~opy of' this resolution, immediately' upOn',its ,passag~. , PASSED .Nl'ID APPROVED this the-L-",day of Jangary,A;. D. .1943, by the follawi~g vo~e of the members ,of t~ Oi ty Com__, mission of the C'ity o,f We.st University Place, Texas-:) Voting for the Resolution~ ayes Voting a~afunst the ~esolution-1--noes.~ , .. i ~ Commissioner Dunnipgton fi~ed the following statement with reference to his vote on the above reso~ution: "Since- the Mayor '8, nd three coqncilmenof' the new City' Couhcil have voted to rescind a resolution mad~ 'by'the old council at itB last w~eting for an investigatio~ of : the utili~y rates in the City of' West University> Pia de " I wish to place my obj~ctions herewith. / ; 1. I vote against res.cinding the resolution ,because' it is a matter ,which concerns our cit izens as a Iwbole. Ijt , is ,common knowledge that the citizens of' West University Place are not enjoying the same prIvileges of utility rates as the peopl~. of the qity of Houston. There is no reason why we. shouldn't. ' 2. I have', long {e~t tb,a't this matter should'lJe investi-' gated and I still, insist that the new city @oUlleil should. oarr:y ?ut the r~so~ution.. qertain utility: service charges are be1ng maqe 1n vrestUn1 versity Place which" are not being made in the City of Houston~ 3. To rescind a res1olution for an investigation of $Utlh serviCE charges, in my estimation,isooNtrary to the '~~~J,~~ ~.~~ - . , , wishes of the citizens, and I will have no part of~t. I ~sk that 'my objection be filed for- record with the city secretary apd be spread upon the minutes of this meeting held tlnder the qate of Jan_ 2, 1943. ,l / ~ ;~ } .' I \ Signed J.M.Duntiingto~ City 'Coinmissibner.,ff ..' . !' , i ,: Commi8"sioner Nees made a motion instructing tlle Treasurer to issul;3 a che ok in the amount, of $200.00' to-' the ~arris . County , ' Heal th Uni~t immediatelY, and to, pay $200~. 00 to the Harris 00unty Health Unit on the last of' each monthbS3ginning with -January ~1943. The sam.e to'be .in payment for servicye'~, of' the said Harris . Courl'ty Health Unit. Corpmissioner 'Ifarmeling seeDn~ted the'motioU; At this~ time Chairman of the Board of Health, Mr. W. ,F. Kuehne,' explained the service a.'Q.d facili.ties wbi ch wouldb@ avail'able to the City under the 'arrangments which h~d been made, and t,hat the Board of Health lhad appointed ~Dr.. R.. L~ Cherry to be .the City H.ealth Officer. - " / ' !', Voting Aye: Commission'ers 'E;armeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and 1iayo,r Kerbow. . \\~ (' L Noes: None.. , A gond in the amollnt of $10,000 for the Ctty Treasllrer W8;S presented'aJ?d Commissioner Dunni~gto.q made a motion, which was seconded by Commissi011Ier, Harmeliltg that the bond be a ccept- , ed and approvied. )' I _ Vo~ing Aye: Gommissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and l\IIayor Kerbow. .. / ~ ~ ", Noes: None. / ' At this time the heads of' dePartments ana various' melIlbers of the boards who had been ,appointed were swo'rn in by Mayor Kerbow': I , , There beiJ:.1g no miSSion, upon motion was adj ourned. ' / further business to come before the Com~ made, seconded and carried', the, meeting t1./~ A.L. '(,erbow, E'J:ayor ~~s ~ - . _ ". <:,;~ i. f\ H..Allen,' Ci ty Seoy. : I /' ~ . I' - i r' "1 :l :-1. , c' 1 , . REGULAR MEETING 'MONDAY, JANUARY "11, 19.43 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST U1\1TI1ERSITY " PLA-C\E', TEXAS. " ")-') 'v / The City Commission cOnvened in regular, sessionbn Monday Januarv.ll, 1943, at ,8:00 P. M. ,lEembers ~resentwere Ivlayor Ker- boW pr~siding, COill(llis si,oners Dljlrmington, '-?armelip.g, Ogg, Nee's and the City Secretary. Minut~.$ of the mEetings of Decemoer 28, 1942 and "~'anuary 2, 1943 were read and approved. , ! , Miss Laura Dorman presented a requ.est, for rental of space ' i~the Community Building, for ~he purpose of condudting a dane- ing school. Upon r~ cOIillllendation of the Mayor, Comrnis sioner F":ar-r nieling made a motion whioh was seconded by Commi~sioner Ne~s re- , ferring the request t.,o Commissioner Ogg and theCity See:retary wi th aut'hbri ty to/act upon t.he matter. , / \ ,Voting Aye: MaTeor Kerbow; C'pm...rn.issioners Dunnington, Ha,rmeJ,.ing, Ogg and Nees. I I ,) , rioe s : NO'ID.e . \' Mr:~; 'Frederking of Charles B,. vvhi.te, and (jompany, pr,esented a proJ3osi~ tion with reference to refund:i,ng oertainoutstariding warrants of ' the oity.The proposal was referre~ to the, city attorney ~or, study ,and to report to the city commission. ....... Mr. Jac'k GWlnn, Chairman of Civilian Def'ense Committee called thy commisrsion's attent ion to t,he fact that the present! building uS8'd as Civilian Defense Center and Police Depar,tment, would no ,. longer be available since tp.e owner of -:the building had requested its return. Commissioner ,J\le'es made a motion wbichw~s seconded, by Co.rn.missioner Harmeling, ?ut,horizing the use of the library room in the commu,nity house to he used for civilian defense 'cofutTol center ,and the police departm~ irt. , Voting Aye: Mayor f~rbo~"Commissioners cDu~ington, Harmeling;,Ogg and Nees.' ' Noes: None. Commissioner Nees presented letters from liJlrs.Saunders 'of the water bookkeeping d,epartment, Wherein Mrs. ,Saunders stated 'that she would'not 'beavailabie for duty for some time~, The per- sonn'el board recormnended' too t leave of', a bsenc,e, whi ch he,d been grant- ,'eti to Mrs.S:aunders be cancelled~ M:ot'lon by Commissioner Nees, ' seconded by Commissioner Ogg, cancelling'leave of absence of :r'f:rs., Saunders. Voting Aye,: :Mayor Kerbow, Com.m.i~sioners Dunnington, .Q:armeling, Ogg and Nees. ( .,: Noes: None. ? /' , 1 ',,'Ii?l~.a. :~19~...~ ( , \ " lViotion by Commissione-r Nees, seconded 'by~.mmiss'ioner Ogg authorizing employment of ,Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Br'omley,' 4038' SWarthmore, as bookkeeper in~he' tax department at a saJ..ary of. $115.00 per month ef'f'ective. January 16, 1943. . ,J Voting Aye: IvIayor Kerbow, Gom.missiqners' DunningtoI]., Harmel~ng ~gg & Nees. Noes; None. Moved,'py,C'ommiss-ioner: Ogg that,the cit'y attorney be dir- e cted to mal(e full, investigation into. all nlatters relatingr ~o pro-_ eedure necessary to ini~rate Charter ,Amendments unde~which City I :Manager form" of Government wou~d be available to thB 'City of West, Universii{y Place, and make 'report of his investigation at earliest possible time to the city COmmission. The motion was seconded oy Comm:i:ssioner Nee,S. ' Voting Aye: / Mayor Ke.r:bow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmel:in~., Ogg and Nee s. ", Noes: None. C'ommissioner 'Ogg re'ad a letter from Dr. R. L. Cherry, @ity :&? al th Officer, J;eporting upon the pragress in, t he water and s€?wer " depaptment and making: certq.lJl recom..rn.endations with respect to " needed improveme'nts. (Copy of this letter is on file with the city secretary.) , ,/ .. I , Com..rn.lssioner N~es pr esented an ordinance with reference " to res.:Griction upon sale-of beer and,al,coholicdrinks and moved it S' adopti,on. Commi~sioner' Ogg. seconded 't.he moti on. The cap:tfon .of this ordinance is as .f'oll,ows: ) ~I '\ ORDINANCE NO.~ 7. , , AN' ORDINANCE PROHIBITING.TKE SALE OF BEER BETWEElf CER~ TALN HOURS WITHIN l'HK CORP0R.4TE LDlITS OF' THE CITY OF WEST VNIVERSITY PLACE; PROHIBITING THE CONSUMPTION-OF ALCOHOLIO BEVERAGES BETWEEN CERTAIN HOURS AT CERTAIN DESIG~mTED PLACES WITHIN r.HE CORPOR~TE LTIvITTS OF THE ,CITY OF WEST U~'IVER0ITY PLACE; PROVIDING A PENALTYj PROVIDTNG FOR TF..E REVOC~7'ION OF BEER AJ:.ID/OR ALOQHOLIC BEVER.~GE LICENSES ISSUED BY THE, CITY OF T!fEST UNI\'ERSITY PLACE; 'DEFIt.J~NU TJ\R1v'S; REPE,ALnm, ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF~ORDINANCE IN GONFLICT HERmUTH TO 'liF..E EXTENT OF SlJCH CONFLICT ONLY; FIXIl\1GTEE EFFEOTJVE DATE; A]\1]) PROVIDTtU A SAVING CLAUSE. ~ Voting Aye: , Mayor Ke:rbow, Oommissioners Dunnington, H8.rm~ling, Ogg &. Nees. ~ , ( , , ( 1 I J Noe s: None.- Motion by Commissio;ner Dunnington, seconded' -by GommissJore r Harmeling that; the caption of the move ordinance be Vlilblishedin ~ r r' .. , i J .. i 1""8"'1"'; . ;"< ." "'T" -::.< .". ~~ . l~.,~ 'f. , " ,/' " , - the Southwestern News, tne or~icial newspaper of the' atty. 9- ~ . - ( yoting, Aye,7,. MayorK~rbow, Commiss10ners, DUILllington, Harmeling, \ I' Ogg a nti Nee s . " Noes :', No'ne~. / 'C9~iss~oner Nees; presented an ordinance authorizing the d.eduction of the Vicu;ory Tax froIl,l city pay rolls~ cOIl1..m.issioner ,Ha:rmelir;tg s~.corded the motion. 'The' caption e,f the ordina\nce is as follows :' ) ( , " / ORDJ:NANCE NO.ill... AN ORDINANCE A,U';rHORIZING DE:D1J:l1IONS OF 'FIVE PER CJj:NT TQ BE WAJ)E FROM .ALL VfAG~S OR SALARIES' J:AY- ABLE BY THE CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE ~ TEXAS;, AFTER JA1i'UARY L, 1943, IN' COMPLIANCE WITH, U. 'So J REVE~1JE AOT OF 1942; PROVIDING FOR ilCCUlVIDLATION OF DEDtJCTIOl\fS, DEPOSITING SAME INEEPARATE :FUND, , AJ\1]) PAy\y;:ENTS ,FROM SUCH-J!1JND; RROilIDI1\{G FOR REPORTS OE TAXB::S WITHHELD; , PRO VIDINGFOR TEmlIN.t\ TION OF " THIS ORDINANCE ; PROVIDING FOR MOI)IFICATION OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS' OR ORDINANCES INCmISISTENT HE~WITH; AnD DECLARIJ)1G AN EMERGEl\TCY.' " " l' Vo,ting Aye ~ Noe,s: None. " Mayor ' Kerbow, Commissioners Dunningi;;on, EIarmeling, Ogg and Nees. .J'~, Commissioner Harrneling presented a resolution w'hich had been prepared by the city a tt6rney designating certain official s ,and officers of the oity who aJ:'e ~mpowered to sign ohecks upon city funds. Commissioner Harre ling moved the adoption of the resolution and Conirnissioner Dunnin~~ton seconded the motion. The resolution is as follows: ~ r ' ./ , I RESOLUTION NO ~ '-- ~ lfVHEREAS, on January 2,' 1943, the Mayor and Com- missioners -of"t-heCity of West' University, Place, Tex- as, elected on November 3, 1942, took their -official oaths of off ice, and the first regular meeting of' the city cornmission-Df said eitysince the taking of such oaths ~s being held, on thi s date; and, .........._ WHEREAS, it --is the will and desire of th~ CityGom- mission of'the City that all checks drawn on any and all a,ccounts in any and all bat1ks in whi<rh the City has deposits, sho4Ld be dr.awn and signed by either the Mayor, A.-L. Kerbow, or the Mayor Pro tem~ J. R. Harm.eling,andoountersigned by the City ireasurer," C. EO' Gammill, and,the City Seoretary, R. B. ALl-en, befor$ any ,payment shall ~e made by any such bap~ on any such check; except chec!-::s drawn on pay roll a~counts which shall be drawn and signed by said City Treasurer and said, City Secreta.ry. " " , 1 --, ....-- ---"-'n ~ "' --"1 --;::::r .~ " ~', ,/ .cf" NOW THEREFORE, be it resdlve.dby the C:Lty,GoIDmission' Or THE CITY OF '!lEST U11IVERSITY pLACE, 'TEXAS, , tprat ,'thff Mayor, A. L. Ke-rbow,r ,or the, Mayor Pro ten,t, J.'RJ H~r-:- 'meling,shall have/ eXylusiv,e powe~ and authoritY~b d"raw and sign all checks on all bank accounts of, the City of West University, and that the City Treasurer C. E.'Gammi~l, and the CitySecr,etary, R. B.-AlIen" shall have exclusive power and authority to cQunter- sign such 'che-cks; except checks draw OIl pay roll> account., which shall be, dr?wn afld _ .signed by said Si,ty 'Tr~sur~r and said/,CitySeoretary; and that,.lle cheok shall ,be~valid check Of' :ttheCity, unless 'ei~h,er t.he, lv1ayor ~or the Iiflayor pro tem 'signs, the same and the City Treasurer anG. the City Secretary ounterwigns it; ,ex<;lept as provi'ded' herein in regard to s,aid pay roll' Checks, which pay roll ch,ecks shall be _,valid when drawn and sign.ed by said City\Treasurer and said qity Secretary. ' " "--'-->1 ' 'i ,,' <. ' r _ AND, . be it ' ~urther cresol ved that the Pity Secretary 'be di'reeted ,to furnish to, 8a-ch,bank with, which, the City transacts any' business a~ true copy of thi s re- ,solut ion. ,<'" I' \ PASSED A:r<.,TD,AFPROVED this the 11. day of January, A.D. 1943, by a vote of,~ ayes. L Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg; Nees anq Mayor Kerbm~ ~ , j <, Noe s: I\fone. ," In order to eliminate the possibility of question' being rain~d as to the legality of all pro pee dings and actions of t:he city, commis~ion in special, s~ssion held Janl.!ary'Z, 1943, the oQIT'illliss:i;on 1>e-enacted all of the pro,cee-dings, anq,agreed to ",<he' adoption' of resolutions, orqinances and motions 'as foJJows: ' , ;, " , , ~ Commissioner Ogg introduced an ordinqnce-providing for- the filing_of bonds by the City Commission and vaious heads' of the department s and moved its adoption. Commiss ioner Harmeling sec- oI;l.ded the mati ()n. ' Votirig Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, ~unnington, Ogg, l~ees and Nl8.yor Kerbow., Noes: l>Jone. Gs. ut ion of\ the ordinance is as 'f'ollows. ~ ('See minutes of Jan. 2, 19'43.) The City Secretary presented bonds for the W~yor and Four Commissioners. ,Commi.ss:l,.ol'lerNees moved that the bo.nds -be acc~pt- ed and approved as follows:' , . ~ ....Nl8.yor A. L,. Kerbow -$3,000.00 r '1 ......l il J , i ,\' "1i,AW~' A,~"iI]~ Oommi~sioner J: ,R. H~rmeling Commissioner' J. M. ~Dunnington Commissioner'J:ackM.Ogg Commissioner C. A. Nees I' ( , t3 ,006~" do ' 3,ODO.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 - i ( Commissioner Ogg secDri4ed the motion. Voting Aye: , Gommissioners H&rmeling.., 'Dunnington, ,Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. " l., Noes: NoD,@.. Commissioner Harmeling introduc~d and ,moV:,ed the adoption of an ordinance pr9viding for the appropriation of, public funds' for the. payment of' salaries and various services. COn;ID1issioner Nees seconded the motion! - . Voting P;ye: , , Comm:issioners "Harmelin€;,' Dunnirrg~on, Ogg, Nees and 1VIayor Kerbow. Noes: None. J ~ , ( , ~he caption of this ordinance is as follows: (See minutes of January 2 ~ 1943.) \ , , , "-' , < Co.rnmi1;:Jsioner Nees introduced and. moved the adoption of an ordinance providing for/ the aPl'lo,intment of. a clerk and deputy clerk 'of the 90rpor~tion CQurt. Commissioner Harmeling secon~ed' the motion. ' ' Vo,ting; Aye:, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg,. Nees E.nd ' MaY9r Ke rbow. - ' , \, Noes: None. , I The caution of ttlis ordfnance is as follows:' . tS-e6 minutes of January 2,1943.) , - Commissioner Ogg placed in nomination the. name of Commiss- ioner J. R. Ea~meling for the office of N~yor Prb Te~. Com-r missioner Nee$ seconded the nomination. Therebelng no ,furthe.r: nominations, the Mayor declared the nominations clased and took the vote which is as follows: ' Voting ,Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg,' Nees Euid MaYDr Kerbo~v. Noes: None. i Commissioner Harmeling place.d in'~no.niinati gn the name 9f R. B. Allen for City SJ3cretary at no salary. Commissione~ Dun- ( ningtbn seconded the nomination. There~being Bo other nominations the vote was taken which is as ~ollows: Voting Aye: COInmissioners Harmeling; ?unnington, Nees,,; Ogg and M.ayor Kerbow~ Noe s: None. I"" r ' '1 ''"I'~'''"9~' 8" ,~ "l.--' i ~. :-. , . .~ '!l" ~ , " \,"',,: ,', , ( CO[l'l..rnissioner Dunrd,ngton, placed in nominai1,ion'the name 01 R. B. Allen for City Jngineer .ata salary of $250.00 per month. Commis'sioner Ogg seconded the, nomination. There bel.ng no other' I( nominations, the vote was' taken which is as follows: Voting ./lye: COI!l.missioners Harmeling,Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. Noes: None. -:_~ , Commi~.sioner Durinington placed in nominati,on the name of C~ E. GammilLfor the position of City Treasurer f'or 'the two year term at $2700.00 per year to be paid in twepty-four equal installrnsents.' The nominations was seconded by Commissioner , Nees. ,There being no other nominations the'vote was taken which was as f'ollows: I ) i Vot~ng Aye: Commissioner,s Harmeling,~unnington, Nees, Ogg and Mayor Kerbow. Noes: None. l.",:,,., t'..:7~' Commissioner Ogg placed in nomination the name of Harvey T. Fleming for the position of City Attorhey at a _legal retainer fee of $1500~OO per annum, to be paid in twenty-four equal in- stallment s. Gomrnissioner Harmeling seconded the'nom;inat ion. There being no other'nBminatians, the vote was ta,ken which' was .as follows': ... , ! , 'v.:oting Aye:, Commi;3sioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Eees, Ogg and IViayor, Kerbow. ) / Noes: None. / I Oommissioner Nees placed fin notninatipnth,e name of ForBst Hutchinson f'or the positibnjof Chief 'of Police at a salary of, $185.00 per month. Commissioner D~nriington seconded the nom- ination. There b'e~ng no other riomlnati.ons, the vote was' taken which was as follows: , ' 1-.", "Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling; :Qunnington, Nees, Ogg and Mayor Kerbow. I Noes:' None. COfamissioner Nees placed in nomination and move/d the app.9intment of t,he f'ollowing persons as members of t he Board of Health. w. F. Kuehne - Chairman Dr. Ray'Collins - Member Dr. Elva A. Wright - Iv:Lember Commissioner Ogg seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners narmeli ng, ,Dunningtvn, Ogg,Nees and 1\;;a yor Kerbow. ? Noe s : Non e ,. I~J , ;-'] ~ , ( . '\ t" ,an" " tlv:~ '" Commissioner Nees nlaced in nomination and moved the appointment or' Frank L:kBender fo~ the pOsi,tion a51 Dire6tor Of, the Bo~rd of Personnel at ,go. salary. QQmmi?sio~er Ogg second~d,the motion. n j Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling,' Dunnington, Ogg, Neesand Mayor Kerhdw. Noes: None. I . v' I Oomnussioner Ogg placed 'in nominatiop and moved the appoint~ ment of th6- f'ollowing persons to the Personne.l Board: , ' 'v J. E. Hollingsworth \V. A. Rees' . 'Carl Smith COlI\illissioner Harmel ing seconded the motion.' L Voting Aye:, Commissioners Harmeling, Dul1..nington, Ogg, N~es and' Mayor, Kerbow. Noes: Non,e. \ Commissioner ,Dunnington placed in nomination' and moved the app6~ntmentof the following persons to the Planning Board: Joe L. Archer J. A. Davlin Sam 'F. Semo : L. J. LaRue H'~'F. Oulver Chairman Memb er' Member . M~mber Member ( '\ Oommissioner Nees seconded tile motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. NO,es: ,None. " Comm,issioner Harmeling nominated Tom Bailey for the position . of Judge of C-orporati.orr 'Court for two yearte~.m _at a sal{lry of $300.00' per year paya ble in twe'nty-f'our equal 'installment s. Com- missioner Ogg seconded the nomination. ,There ,being no further nominations, the vote was taken which was as follows: ' Voting Aye.: COIl1.missioners Ha rme ling , Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. ' . Noes: None. qommissioner Ogg moved the appointment of J". A, )l'ietcalf as superintendent of the water and sewer department temporarily at a salary of $250.00 per month payable semi-monthly, the said Mr. Metcalf to be under the supervision ofthei Harris Gounty Heal"th Unit. Commissioner Harmeling seconded the motion. '~1 ./ .i.-..'. ~, .,..----- ~ .."^.."'C~ ~~*:'; . J;~ftf~.. _,", f' ( ,I '( Voting Aye : Commissioners ,Harmeling, Ogg and pees~, , ' 1'oting No: ,Commissioner Dunl1ingi~n, and, Mayor Kerbow. ,MayorKerbow~and Comfuissioner Dutm,ington st9-ted their in- tention to file a written statement ,for the record which would reveal their stanq~on the matter. The Mayor declared Mr. Met~ calf duly ~lected by a~~ajority of three to two. St~tement of W~yor;KerbGw is as follows: ,- ....,.(See minutes,'of January 2, 1943.) ~ ' \ ,Statement 'of Commissi'oner Dunp.ington is as follows: (See rn?-l'lutes of JanuarY 2,1943.) , Commissio'ner Ogg moved the appointment of Frank K. Cuff' to the position of' Chief ,Cler,k, of'the W~t,er Department at a sala'ry of$1?5.00 per month. Commissioner Harmeling seconuedthe motion yoting Aye:' 'Commissioners Harme,ling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and ,,1V1ayor Kerbow. , ., 1 Noes: ,None. " Commissioner Harmeling moved the appointmerit of..,Frank E. Cuff to the position of 2ierk of Corp or at ton Court ~nd Mrs. Helen Clarke, as Deputy'vlerk of' Corporation-Court; ,both at no salary. Oommissioner Nees seconded the motion. ' ... , i Voting Aye: Commissio'ners Harmeling, Dunnington,' Og~, Nees and, Mayor ,Kerbow. " -Ii ,; ) , , Noes: None. / Mayor Kerbow placed in nomin1:'l,t i,on and moved the apppint~ ment of the 'following persons'to the Board of Adjustment: Joei L. Archer, Chairm~n, ;Fas. A. :Davlin, Member .. Sam F. Semo" n L. J. LaRue U H. F. Culver ft Commissioner Nees seconded" the motio n. Voting Aye: COfIill1ission~rs Harmeli ng; Dunnington,.. Ogg, 'Nee,S and NIayor Kerbow. Noes:, None. Commissioner Harmeling introduced and moved the adoption of a "'IResolution re,scinding ~a certain resolution adopted by the vity Commissionvon December 28, 1942. Commissioner Ogg seconded the ~otion. ..' j ~ . -~. / ( f , I . r-----l f'" - ~ ... .. 11 ' ! I .1.. .1 . .:.. Voting Aye: Commissioners, Ogg, ,^Harmeli ng, Nees'and ,!JJc1.yor' Ke~- bow. ,Voting No: COmmissioner Dunnington. The Resolution is as fola~is: 'J (See minutes of Jan. 2, 1943~) , \ Commissioner Dunnington: file,d t,he f'oi-lowing statement.wi th ~eferenc'B to his vote o,n tp..e l;lpove resqluti.o"n=- : . '(See minutes of Jan. 2, '1943.) ."'.... /' , Commissioner Nees made a motiqn instructing the Treasure~ to tissue a check ,in the am~unt'of $200.00 to the Harris County Health U~it immediately, and to 'pay $200.00 to the Harris ' County Health Uuit on the last of each month beginni'rig ,with 'January 194-3. The' same to be in payme,nt for, services of' the said Harris C'ount'y Ee~l th Unit. Comm":,}3s;ioner Harmeling s,ec- , onded the motion. At this time0hairfuan of the -Board ~f"Heaith, Mr.l'r.. F. Kuehne,' explained the service and facilities wJ;iich 'would~ 'be available to the, Ci ty under the, arrangnents whi ch had been ,made, aad t4~~' the Board of Healtn had appo~nted Dr. R. L.Cherry to ,be the eity Health Officer. ' Voting Aye: , \ I Gommis,Sioners Hartn.eling, Dunnington, O,gg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. Noes: 'None. ..., A bond in- the amount of $101;000.00 for the City Treasurer was presented and Commissioner Dunningtnn ~de a' motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Harmeling tha.t'- the bond be ac'cept- Bd and &pproved. ,> Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling" Dunnihgton, Ogg, , lITees and Mayor Kerbow. -, Noes: " 'None. At this t-imethe heads o-{ departm.ents and various members of the boards who had been appointed were sworn in by Mayor Kerbow. , The qity ?8cretary presented a,. bond f'or J. A. Metcalf in , the amount of $2,000.00. Moved by Qommissioner Ogg seconded by Commissioner HarmeJ-i,ng tha t the bond be accepted and approved. Voting Aye': 0omnlissioners Harmeling, Dunnington" Ogg; Nees and May or Kerb6w . Nos: None. T4ere be~ng no further buminess to upon motion made, seconded arid c~rried, the Commission was adrourne d. ~; ~~ 0~+w .~~__ '. . . I j T ..-=-\ r .. 1 111'" " , -., ., :. . > :: > -. . ~.,. , , "1);,'.,'"" . " .'1, ;: '\, , ' <1'-~-f1':>=D<' ':."~ . >, ~ < 1 '-... , I' ~R mTING - , ,',,', "." " J MONDAY ,ft..N~[t~, , ~943 ' ' " CITY HALL, CI~, ~FWES'!' UnvERSITY _. PUCE, _.TEXAS, :1 Tile City Co.iss:.ion,convened in regular sessi~on on M<lmday, January 2.5, 1943, at 8:0Q P. M. a~Jthe pity ~11. ' - i ~ Member,$ present wer'e ~yor fCerbow, presiding, Commissioners Harme1ing, Nees, 08.g and the City Secretary. /, . ' Cornmi"ssioner J)u.nnirigton was 'absent on accol:lntof -illness. . . ~' . / _, The minutes ot tihe .regular ll'teeting of'January 11, 1943r' were read and approved. ' " ,- , ,Commissioner Qgg reported for a Jeommittee ,on ,the matter of' renting the Coimnuni ty House to Miss ,Laura ltorman for tb.e purpose of c~ndt1cting'a danc:big school ',;and re,Qo!Jllllended ,'t~t, .. ~ space be rented~issDorman one a~ternoon per week at a priee 01' $l(~.O(} per week. Moved by Commis$io,nerNee~,. seeonde!il J~y Commi'ssioner llarme1ing t,hatreoommendations of-\the oommitt'ee p"e, adopted. . ,~ , \ ' Voting Aye: - 'Commissioners Harmel~ng,' ~gg, Nees and May~:r, Kerlrow. , '- Noes: None " r ; '-1 ': ,\ ... \ Wi.th, referenoe to tEe proposal otOhas. B.. White f& Com- pany t,o refund "cer~ain warrants of the 1'~>6' refunding. $eri,es:, Commissipner Harmeli:ng made a mot-iom. whioh was sec€>nded'by: Com- ~sst6ner Ogg that thematt~r ~epostponed~ ' ' . ~ . - ,. Voting Aye: Commissioners Harme11,.Ilg,'Ogg, Nees 'and Mayor ;Kerbow. Noes: None ~ , ..., , Motion by Gommissidner, Harm.eling, seconded by Commis,sioner Nees, ,instraoting the city attorney to preplilre and present to ' the Commi'sSi()hat its next regular meeting, 'a resolut~on Pro- viding for a committee to formu~ate rules and regul~tions govern~ i~g th}3 use and 'operation of the Community House. (' . ' Voti~g Aye: ~ Commissioners Har:m.eling, Ogg, ,Nees and Mayor, Kerbow. , Noes': None' /" . Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by CQmm:ission~:r Ogg, i.g.s~rueting the .purchasing agent to furnish ~upt. ,Metcalf, with an order'bo6k for the purpose of pureh~sing emergeney parts and supplies when the City :Hall is closed. ' Vot/ing Aye: ,Commissioners.' Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and Mayor I(erbow /:Noes: I None' . I. . """ :r ,~ j ~ ., v' fl J 'I"~"I"'" '. t$-- :;:. -'., , t~" ~;~. '\~' , ...,". ~-?~ , \ .J ~, \.. 'Motion by Commissioner Ogg, 'seco-nded by Commissioner,Neres, authorizing th~ purchasing agentto~ur~hase t~res,f6r garbage ,true-ks. Application tor these' tires nowwitn-- r,ationing bOard. , , Voti...ng Aye: Commissioners Harmeling~ ,€}:g~,Nees' and Mayor ,lCerbow. ~ Nees: ~o,ne ~ " r , The City Engineer repar'ted on his efforts to secure bids on. the drilling of' a water well at thedispo-sal plant. Bids have be"en ,reque,sted of several drillers but only tw:o filed bids. These are as ,fOllows-: J. C. Bland ~ dril,ling well" setting' ,casing and screen and developing wel1--' to.75 per 'ft. 11 . J. Swinehart -' (Same) - - - -, - - - - - - - '0.75 tl 1t , , , Motion ,by Commissio,ner Ogg, seconded by Commis;sioner , HarmeJ~ng that. co.ntr~et be, awardedW. J~' Swinehart on his priQe of $O.75'p~,t"f'oot. The eity-,to Purnish'easing, ,screen ai14 pump.'~', toting 'Aye: Oommissioners Hal-meling, Og'gi Nees alfd Mayor' K~rbow. ,;. Noes: ' None -i 1. Motion by Commissioner Nees, s,eccinded by Commissioner 'Ogg, ' authorizing purchase of' 25 uniform caps for 'firemen 'at $3~OO'each. , 1 Voting A.ye: Commfssione;rsHarmeling, Ogg,Neesand Mayor~~rb0W. Noes: , 'None 'i Motion by Commissioner Harme1ing, seconded by Commissioner Oggthat claim o~ Mrs. H. Zonana f'ordamages sustained by her automobile on Bissonnet--Street be denied. Vot~ng Aye: Gommissi<?ners Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow. r I Noes; NOIle ", .A proposal by Masquelette &: Co., 8.u,di tors f'or the ci:ty, offe.rip.g to' perform monthly,. quarterly and annual audit ,service, was rea.a to the Com:mission. -Commissioner IIarmeling made a motion whieh: was s,econded'by Commissioner Nees, autb..orizi:ng Commissioner Ogg"the Gity Treasurer 'and the City Secretary to wake the necessary arrangements to put the s~rv1:ce inef'f'ect. Voting Aye: Commissioners lfarmeling, Ogg~ Nees and Mayor Kerbow' Noes: .one , Moti(}Jl by Commissioner Harmeling, s~conded~, by Commissioner Nees, that '\he con-tract' 0)." franchise, o:fJohn ,C. Calhoun, .ifr. " J , for the eQ~~tru~t~on et sanitary sewers inOollege, Court be , referred -~o thec'i:I;y: attorney for stl1dyand report to the City ~ Conurlssion. ' , ./ ~-l ,.~ r-" ~~I 0., --,- '..'14"."4 ' . ",- .-;,. . - ,. ~ , , \. " , './ Vot;ing- Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, O'gg, Nees and, Mayor Kerbow' N:oe s : None il \, , The City Engineer reported to the ~Commission t:i:1at arrange- ments chad been made with Wyatt Metal and Boiler ,Works for th61in- stalla tion of a haff'le wall in th,eWater :Qepartmetlt ground storage tank' at a price of $17.5.,00', ana. requested authority to' proceed 'wi th the work" " , . . Motion by Commissioner Nees, seeondedb'y Commissioner, Harme1ing, referring the 'matter to Commissioner Ogg, the.,. ~Cit,y Engineer and the Purchasing Agent, with authority to make the necessary arrangements. ~ Voting Aye: Noes: (:lommi~sioners Harmeling" Ogg, Nees and Mayo~' Kerbow. t None (', Motion by CoIrJ.II1issioner Harmeling-,se.conded by/ e~rritnfs.sioner ,Ogg, autp.orizing ~he payment of ,#150~OO to 'Mr., A. )J.' lJ~6.nyer ' former City Attorney, 'as : final a-ndcomplete payment' of all amou~ts due for lega~ ~e~vi@es during his term of off~ce. V9ting Aye: 0aminissioners Harmeling, Ogg, N-E1es and Mayor Kerbow Noes: None Motion by Comrrdssioner Ogg, secon~ed by Oommissioner Harmeling, tba t the City Attorney, Mr,. HBrve,y, T., Fleming, ,be i,n-. s~rueted td proceed with the trial of ' the ease styled Mrs. Floyd E. Hatcher .versus City. Voting Aye: Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and Maior K~rbow ,Noes: None' The City Attorney presented a Deselution whereby the city exercises its option tosecu*,'e aS$ignment and tr~l:u~f'er of' lease , and proper,ty held under, contract by the Layne-Texas Company. ' Motion by Commissioner Barmeling, seconded by Commi~sioner Ogg, that the resolution be adopted. \ ' V.otj.ng Aye: C~Qmmissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Nees a~d Mayor Kerbow. Noes: None r -"l , , / The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION No. Whereas;, u on or about May 16, 194:1, the City ,Of' West ~niversity Place, Texa~, and Layne-Texas CQmpany,,~ Texas ,Corporation, entered into a written contract by which the sa~d Gity leased to the said Layne-Texas Ce.inpany a' tract of' lan.d, I v , ~ ., i' I I ". ~ -.-------,;- "' [-] ~ -t J J .. . I I" L \, twentY'f'S~,t -b-y 'twenty' feet 'in th~ "!lort;hwest corner' o:f .Lot, 1, inB100k IS of,' College View Th~-Bd :Addi-tiQ1J,in ~e;s~tJnivers1tY',1?lae~" fl'arri.sCountt'i ':,Texasj /,tortl3i~:",]l~~s'e- of' in-',~ , Yestigation~'p.rQ'speeting" dtiI:Ling, for and proclcneing wate:r, laying pipe. lines, bui),-ding 'tapks, lt0wer s-ta tiQns, tele:pho~e, 1illeS,' I::ln~ other stl.-uctures1;hereon,all J.n accord Wl. th , . ' , notice to contra'ctors dated March. 19 , 19,41, / . J . '1.~sued by ,said ,City and lay 'the "terms dated }4J;ch 19, 1941,'issaedby sa,id City and by \' , ttie terms of' which notice said 0i ty advertised' for bids for the drilling and' Qonstruction ' , and equipment of a water well; 'and, . Wl1ere~s, on or about' May' 16) 1941, ,theC1ty of West University' Place, Texas, and said ' , ~1ne-Te:ias, Company entered into ,awri tten ' contract" under' the terms of whi ch~said com- pany agree,d to Sell to said City, all water produced" from the well to be'drilled accord- ing to agreed plans andspecitic-atibns on said a bov'e described land, and by the, terms of which the City agreed to pay to sueh ' I Company 12,OOO.OO~withintanndays.afteit'com- \ plation of ~aid well and$li.500.00 eao11 month t:Q.ereaft'er for all water produced'from 's,tieh , well; and', ' - [" Whereas, the last mentioned contraot provided that after the Cit1hadpaid~ total 'of . $25,420.QO, (together "4th tlie sum'total spent forexttas, if any such )there, be, as provided in said advertisement f~r,bids), , together with-fiv~ pe~ eentint~rest,thereon, said company would, upon the City exercising its option to acquire title to'sa~dlease, , such pumps, fi1itings a.pd other equipment, used ," in the operat-ion of said well, assign and con- vey to, such ei ty s.aid lease" and all said property; and~ ' Whereas, the City of West ,University Place has paid to,sa~d Layne-Texas Company all amounts due, and owing under the terms of all of said contracts, and it is the desire of the City 'i Commission of the City of West University Place to exerois_e said option and secure as,signment and trans,fer of said lease and all property on said leased land from Layne-Texas Company to -i t: Now, therefore qe it resolved by the Cit~ Com- /niission of the CIty of West Univefsi ty ~laee t~at said City dOeS hereby ~~ercise its said . option, ) and that _all rights,ti'tle and, interest,s of Layne...Texas Company in ,and to said l~ase ,a;hand, ~ I I r ------'------==--===-- r-" ~-l r- 'l:~,{Ar:f!~ ~.>.~~~ ~~ :. \ \ l' ^"JU"i.tI"'716" , . ~ ~_."- -,.. , :, . '*~, ~ . ". . .".' '.,,," 1 '<-;, ./. . ' 'l. . ~ -;- "!'~. : , I, ~ ~ anti all improveme:nts~ wells, svruetures, maeh1ner-y:'a,nd ,~,quip~~ht ,thereon'; be . ". a~quiI,"e~ 'and se'(nlr~d..fromsald' company. by the' said ai ty" ~el~arof' all iri.e~branees'. '\ -, ,(' -r : / -; , , (, Passed and approved' tb.i.~ "Z5( t ~ay of', ' January;' A., D.1943 ~,., 'by a 'V:!'te of , ,'5 ' aye~. ' : '- The.r.:e being' no further Qommissiqn, ,.upon n'16tionmade, &.e'.'ti..'lilg was~' adjour:q.eo,. . business to come before' '"tine seconded and carried, the \' 12:t~~ A. L. Kerbow, Mayor " ~ J . ; . . .. ."' - ',' . C~ y' Secretary, '. ' ,I ;' " / , ' ... \.. , '/ .J J /, ,'';;, (' " '~ '-- l l _ J =='"1. l '. . -1 i1 ( u i</ J'.!,:-~, 'i;:jJ,:'~rt'.,. J:! .( t;<- , "',' \....~, ~_ . ~~~4:-::;' :'~I:}i REGULAR MEE'jIING' I MOEDAY., FEBRUARY 8 , 19,1t- 3 \,'; CITY' HALL" CITY~OF \PST:UNI~R~ITY TEXAS ? \ PLAOE, c... ~ - TheOity,Commissio~ convened 1n regular s~ssion at 8:00' p~'m. ~n Mpnday, Februa,.rY,8, 'i943, at the City, Hall. " , Members present wer..e Mayor Kerb'ow presiding, Commissioners. ';, Dunnington, Earmeling, , Ogg, Nees, and the City S~ereta~y. MiltuteJ1 of r~gular meeting ?f January 2.5, 1943, ~were read and approved. , . Mr. R. J.Depenbroakand Mr. Davidso~, representing the E:;ecqtive,Committee of the Civ~e Club, requested.' the City Com-, : mission to I take some aotion rela ti ve to, prohiei ting blir,riing o:t vacant lots. ' Motion by Commissioner Dunningt~n, seconded by Commiss1oner <Nee,s, t~at the City Attorney preparel an ordinance p~0hibiting' the burning ,of g~ass.without permissiQn of the Fire Chief or Fire marshall. " --- Voting Aye:' Mayor' Kerbow" Commiss,ioners Ha~11ng,' Dunnington, Nees, 'and Ogg. ) Nges: None i:niIr. J;t. W. McCoy, ':tormer bookkeeper for 'the city, presented a claim for salaryj,ncrease which he claimed ,had been prpfuised'him~ " , -~Motion by Commissioner- Harmeling, se(ccmded by Commis~ioner Nees, t,hat the claim be denied. Vot Ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington,. Nees~{~~~~~sioner Ggg2waS absent trom Council , ChamlJerJ' Noes: None, \ \., Mi-. F. "L.' Bender, Direotorof Bo~rd of Pe'rsonne'l, 0 presented an oral report on the activities of the Personnel Board relative to a propos,ed sehedule,_ of incr~ases in pay for 6lassi~ied 'employees. \.... /, Motion by Oommi~s'ioner Nees, seconded by,Cemr.dissioner Iiarmel$ng, ,that Personnel Board complete its schedules and pres~nt same 'in written :torm at the n~:x:t meeting of ,the Commission'. Voting ~1e.: ,:Ma,yor Kerbow, Commissioner Harmeling" DunnirigtoIl, Nee'~, a.l3ld Ogg., ' .. 'i!"" ,'; Noes: ~one ~ /. / OO~ssioner Dhnnington reported to the Commissi~n that ~he deli~quent taxes carried on t~e rolls amounted to' $33,401.00, and recommend~d that some action be taken' with 8.'view of collectiP$ same. ~ ' ' ~ ,., ~~ ~r. 1 _. 1 '~6~io" :, ~.f..ii~\:i , ~ JvP,R ," ~\'-Y~ ~ j II \f~ .~.s\~ ... (' r ! \ ,I Motion by CommissiQrier,Dunnington, 'seconded by Commissioner l1armeling; th~t ,the ,C~tyAttorn\3Y prepare 'an ordinance providing for the remission of penaltiBi and interest on all delinquent, ta~es for the y~ars1941 and prior for a 30-day pei'i€?d. i~ 1 " , / ~ Voting Aye: Mayer Kerbow, Commissioners Har.meli~g"Dunningto,n, Ness, and-Ogg., , ' /' Noe s : None .' Motion~~by COmBliss'ioneJ; N~.es,. Seoonded by Commi,ss'i6~~~;-_'.Harme- ling, that leave of ab~ence be granted Mrs. ,T. R. Everetta~ recommended by Persennel Board. , ' Voting Aye: llJr..ayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmel~ng, Dunnihgton" Nees, ana Ogg. None Noes: Motion by CoD'llQissioner Nees, second-edby Com.missioll~r'Harme- ling, autl1ori2;ing employment of' J. D. Alstott a,a engine driver and firetrllck"mec:hanic at a monthly salary of $17.9.,00, as' recommended by Pf;l):'sonnel Board. ~ - , ' , V o..t i.ng ,Aye: Mayor ~erbow, Comm,issioners Rarmeling, DUIll1IJington, Nees and Ogg. ~one Noes': Motion by Commissioner'Nees, seconded by CommissionerOgg, authorizing,emplo;1ment of Mrs. Inez Wimberly Gibault, as,recom- menq,e~ by Personnel Board., ' , ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners F...armeling, Dunningto'n, Ness, and Ogg. ~~ None Noe s : Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, accepting withdrawal'_of res'ignation by Mrs. Parks iplihdham. ! ' . " Voting Aye: , ' May-o'r Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, DUDflington, -' Nees, and ,Ogg.. ,~ Npes: None Motion by Con.wrlssioner Ogg, second~d by Commissiop.,er Ha:rmel- ing, that Supt. Metcalf be sent to' A. &: M. q,ollege Wate.r: Wor-Its " ' Short Sehool, February 1,,16 and 17, and authorizing &ctual ex- penses ,and use of ,Chevrolet" car; . ' Voting Aye; Mayor Kerbow, Com..missioners Harmeli,ng, 'D~nn.in~~on" ,Ne,es, and Og;g.' , No,ne I ( i..J Noe s : II- ,', '. ~ /..;,W('~ '1 r- , -....-. -- "' (-'1 I J , " , ...... , . ,Motion by 'CoIDlJ1;J.ss'i9ner 0gg, seoonded by Colnmis's:toner Harme- , ,ling; th~t public liability insurance policy he secured on Chevrol~t car for three day period ';while on t'rip to A. & M.' , ' , , ~ , , ( Voting Aye: . Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ~armeling, 'Dupnington, Nees, ,and Ogg. I Noes: None )' 'i ' " , \ , " Motion 'by Oommissioner Harmeling, s~oonded by Co.mmissiQner 'Nees, author,4zing purchase of 2.5 uniform caps at $3~OO each for 4uxiliary 'pOlicemen. . J , V,ot ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunniflgtpn, Nees and Ogg. Noes: ' None I Motion by Commissioner punnington, seconded by Commissioner Har~€ling, that the Pe~sonnel Board make recommendations to ,the Commission on holidays to be ob~erved by 'the City. ~ v Voting J:..ye: Mayor Kerbow, Commiss'ioners Harmeling",Dunningtob.; Nees, andOgg.. ,;.-.. " .Noe s : None !, _/ ,t Moti~n by 'Commissioner ~unnington, seCOnded by Commis~ioner Harmeling, ,ad.opting aresolutiO'n providing for a cqmmittee to ma~age the' poIiJ.rb.l1ni ty House. ' ," /' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, C'ommissioners Harm:eling, DunningtO,n, Nees and Ogg.. \) Noes: None The resolution is a's follows: , ( RESOLUTION NO. Whereas, the City Oommission of the City of West Uni- . versity Place, Texas, is de~iro~s of the largest possible'Iiumber of citizens using and enjoying the Civic Center,Build;i.ng at Auden and Rice Boulevard,and of managing the occupancy of such building in the most fair and equitable manner possible; anQ-.' ' , . J , f , Whereas, within the City there is a large n~ber of organizations, the membe-rs of which gainful,ly use ':such building, and it would 'be' proper for a u,Managing Commi t- teefl ,f9r strch build.ing to be formed from such membt?rs and .Q,it.iz,(:'l":hs1 with;t>ower ,to make and enforce ,rules' gov'erning the: Ufle thereof; . Wh~retore, be i t, resb~ved by the" Oi ty 'Commission of the Bitt of West Univers'ity Place, T.exas,that ~l Managing ". ColIlIj1i ttee, or not-more than seven members, be appO'ip.ted bY the City Commission to prepare and enforce rules governing i~- I I ~i r ,,-.. ~~-, (' ... I / ,/ , , \ ,<> / ~the use of the said Oivic.Center Building, and ,to make s'3-ch suggest~(}Ils" to' the ,(;1 "ty CC?~i~.stan ~s the members ar \suoh COmDlJ. ttee m.ay~ WJ.Sh cancernJ.ng saJ.d building. ( Y > Passed (and ,appraved this 8 day o:f'FebruarY' ,1943, ,by a vote .af 5 aye's. , A.D. . Motion by OOmDl~ssioner Nees, seconded by.Cammissioner Earme- l~ng, adapting a~res6lution designating the offiQial newspaper. ,"""~ I ,J . - ' '. ')' Voting ~ye: M?yor Kerpaw, Cammissioners Harmeling" Dunnington, 'Nees and Ogg , Noes: 'Nane The 'resplution is as fa11,Ows: ( J. RESOLUTION NO. ,/ Whereas, Article xxv:\:, Section'1.5, of the Charter of _ the ,City of West-"Vniverffity Plac~, Texas, -:-provide~. tliat~ , an offi~ia.l newspaper shall be ~amed by the City Com- mission af such City annually; and it is the desire of such City Commis~ion that theSouthwest~rn News, a newspaper of general -circulat~an in the Citt of West Unive~sityPlac~, be so designated; It is therefore resolved by the City Commission 'of-the City of West Uniyersity Place that the Southwestern ' News be,! and the same .is he'reby, named and, designated Jthe official newspa~er of said' Citt. ' Passed and approved this 8 day af Februarv A. D. 194}, by a vate of 5 ayes. J Mo.tian by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner :aarme~- ling, adopting a resolution authorizing the destruction of bertain bqnds" y I, I' I Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees, and O~g. Nae s :-' None 'The resolution is as follows: REB01.UTION NO.\ , Whereas, -.,on August 1.5, 1942 ,Wat:er R~v~nue Bonds Number 1;1 to 200, bath inclusive, of ~he City of West Univerf;lity Place, Texas, issued Decembe~ 1l)tl1. ] 9~R ' , and bearing four peroent intere,s.t~' were(refuri<ied, 'Qy 'r;efunding Wa.t~:r Revenue ~onds op 'the~1rst mentio~~d, ~ ( .J <> ( I. "ll\'. I""tll Ill' . I r ' G , I date, and it is desirable that' saidtirst .mentione~ fifty ,Revenue Bonds 'be destroyed by burning, and ctha;t; , proper record ottb,eir de$truc.tion be made and preserved; , ll1+erefore, be it -resQlved by the 'Oity, C9>mmiss~on of the , 'Oity of' Wes,t University Place, Te:x:as;that the Oity Tr'easurer'be; and he' is hereby, direected te d..e'stroy, sa,id ~ fitty'Re-venue Bonds number 151 t'o'20(l, bo:th incl'usi va, , .' . r..., . . r I by" bUl'n;uig them, ~nd that such 5l~struction be accomplished ,in thepr6Js:enca of two witneSses; and , , ,.",'. r I ,.Be it. further ~esolved that the City Treasurer be direeted to make proper written oertifi eatj3, 'signed by' hiIIl.Se~1'and! - wit-nesses, certifying that sai4, bonds' were. so fllestroyed, whiek, c~rtificate shal'r.be filed as a permanent-record of . ,--. .. . ) 4. the 01.ty. .1.' , . Passed 'and ,ap~rovea this 8, dAY of 'February J A. D. '~94~~ ~y'a vpte' of' 5 ayes. , / (Signed) A. L. Kerbow Mayor, ~ity of West University Plaoe.' (' 1\ TTEST: . / ,(Si8Jiled) R~ B.Alien , i,ty ~ecr-etary' , " / " 'I; ~. E. Gammill, City Treasqrer ef the ~City ef,West ' University Place, Texas, and the unclersigne'd witnesses, hereby certify that orl; 'the, 9th day. Q.:f February" , ..A".D_. 1943, the bond's ordered bqrned in the:r.orego~ng resolQ.tion, were destroyed by the complete burning, of the, same, and' that'theu1l1dersign~d, witnesses were personally present and witnessed such destruction ,by ,the City Treasurer.' Wi tness our hands on this 9th day of 'FAhl"11Fll"Y A. D.- 1943. ' ' Witnessesf " ,(Si~n~d) ,1. R. HarmeLling ',(Signed) R. B. Allen, (Signed) C. E. Gammill , City Treasurer ".<'i<.:, ~. Motion by Commissioner ~rmeling, seconded by Commissioner ". Nees, adopting an orainanee p+oviding for the lic6+J,sing rand oontrol of dogs. VQ:t~ng :,~ye: ~ayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ne~s and Ogg.. ~, Noe s: , '\ ~. None .. ,.. 1 '---T r-' '. '.".1'51....' . . ...--.... "" ., .J., ~. - i: .'~ '". ~.' ~:,"' .~~.~ "~ l ~. i';~~if!iD .' ;:\~~~r;,~ -: ') '\ ~ }: f' l .! Tlle captiono~,t.,h1;s;Qriinai1ce is as follows: ORDINANCE NO.,' 2',55 ' , ' " , ' I \ AN ORDINANCE PROHIBI!DG ,THE OWNER OR 'HARB,.ORER 0]' 'ANt' ANIMAL OF THE,' 'DOG:":KlJ.m;' ::Eili:}"~T1j!H;':OF' DgT"'UNImS$~J - PLAOE,,' TEXAS, FROM ,HARBOR:1NG'01t: b~Plm ANY SUG.Ri:-";r.' , TN SAID C!'.l'Y " WIlMelJT,p!nNG AN 'ANNUAL L1GENS1t';:'l'A SuCH . CITY;]?::x;r~, 1fi1it5, AMO~lNTnFaUGH~AiC' ~~' THE :D-8}r~~'~~~: :', . ( PLACE OF pA:n~]UJ~lJ?ROVmING,FOR TEEFURmBHING ,O~"TAGB , UPON P'AYME~OF' LICENSE TAX, AND ,THE DESIGNQF SUCH TAGS, ,AND MA,NNER OJr USE OF'SAID' TAGs;' PROV!DING,FOJ?f"THPJ: Muzz- LING} O:F ANIMALS OF TEE'DOG:nrID c-Al\1t> 'THE VA~0'IJJll'1t101'fi:OF \ - , .' .. " . , ~ I . C ,.' . . "'. ..t ,BAMj!: AGAIl\iST RABIES;' ~O~INGFOR;TEE IS~UJ.i:NO:m;;O''\~l$t!~I... FIGATES' OF VACCINATION/TO OWNERBOR HARBOJilERS"OO&U0!J:<' ANIMALS.' PRQVIDING FOR tSstrANCE' OFTAGSBY~VETER~iir_tANs ' " . , "" , 'TO" OWNERS 'OR HARBORERS OF SAID ANIMALS UPON VACCINATION , ~~OFBY VETERINARIANS;, '~T~ USE OFSAIDT!GS~;~; ,r,:: ' 'PRO-VIDING FOR TEE ' IMPOU~Im ,OF ANDlrAL6' OF' 'THE:' DOG -Icr-ND L~eSE, .DRAT f,ARGE';, PROVtD~NG, ,I;., RIGHT AND TDJIE., IN WHICH TO REDEEM A~g: :r:MPeUeED:-FaevIDING FOR V ACeDIATION 'OF' ' " ,..,' ''''< , " ", , " , ',,' , '. , , ' .. ' '.. RmPEJ!:MEDAmMAm; " 'paOHrrBI~:ENGTHE ~ AND euBTOBIAN~ 'tlF VICIOUS -DOGEl FROM PERMITTING\srrCH DOGS TO 'RUN AT . , '.. . '~'.' " . -.""'" ~.,>> LAR.GE; 'PROVIDING ,FOR Q.UARANTININGO;F ANY ANIMAL: ~ALL '~s OF THE D~ -KIl'ID,EXFOSED TO RMIES, )TliAt!1A6~VE " ,BIEB OR' BY.MPT_:'~U' RABIES; REQ.U;n:lING, PW:~RS" ' :<HM- , ,RS OF ,A~OJ.P,TID!: DOG I\UD~. 'iA:!\m)' ;PHAst.rn: ':' ' .:,. RINARIAN!3, TO R,E:OORTJT~ TE.E',CI,:!,Y ALX.,OABESO]f .1~ABJE6'; 'PRmIIBITING'THE-:KEEPING OF; AM ANIMAL~eF'P:e DO'S Icr~ ' '. .. - . . . . ..;. ,~, .' "'" - . ~ '{-o '~WHICRDillSmUB8''I'SPEA0E'; , :Pij9VJ]i)I.N'G..' A~~.$TrrFG:R' ~ ' 'V~OUTION, OF.., T:EIIS, O~~:E; , ~ovmI'1'JtlFOR~BE~ J;Utn~1-f ;0'1' ''ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS {)J' 0QTNANCES I'N CONFLT6T-' \ HERl5YlITH;.... PRO,vIDING FOR :AN EFmCTI#ID DATEJAND~,.A~AV!NGS 'r ~(}:LAUSE.' , ' ..", ' /' .., The>Mayor rec,0nnnended 'tl;lat ,~ c:ommi ttee, composed of the Com- missioner in charge ot Hea'lth, theOhiet o,t Police and the- Tr'ea- surer be instructed to go into t~e mattero~ dog cQntrol and repor!; to the Commissi.on- on enf'or"cement of, ~he ordinance". ' Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, secolided by Commi~sioner. , Ogg, au~horizing publication of the caption ot, thedogordiilance 'in't-he official newspaper,. . , , , I , ,,, Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow,) Commissioners Harmeling, I)unnington, Ne,es and Ogg. ' Noes: 'None . ( <! ' - The Oity Engineer presented the ,final e'stimateof the Texa-s Gulf, C~.tlst:t-~eti(ln CompanyJ on, t~e stoPrrl sewe:r projeet. Aft:er::'iis':' cussion a motion was made by Commissioner Ogg, which was s~conded . by Co.mmissio~~r Dunnington appr,oving ,the final estimate and authoriz~ng p?yJ#ent of same. I 1- J ? --~.,--- I r- \ r I " "11'bting, Aye: Ma,.yor R;erbow,: Co.mmi-~J3ioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Nees,< and Ogg , ] NC;)e s : None I Motion by Commissioner Bees; seeondedby Co~ssioner Ogg, authorizi~g payment of final bill of Garret Engineering Company for engineering'" services 'on the BtormSewer.Projeet~, Voting, Aye~ Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, ....Nees and, Ogg " Noe s : None Mqtion by Co:mmi~sione,r'~armeling, sec.onded ,by Commissioner Ogg, ',aut~orizing' payment of all amounts- due JohnS." Hollanq on " his fiIia,l estimate' on the Disposal Plant contract less amount {. -r", '. ...-- . olaimed f0r(antioJ.patea. profJ.ts on nnperfermed work. , 1 , ' ' , . r' Voting ~ye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, DUnnington, Nees,andOgg. ' "., .' Noe s : None A request from Miss Reba Anderson, Harris CountyLibrari~n, forassistanoe iR setting up a branch library in Reed & Yancey .Field office was referred to Commissioner Ogg and the Chief of ", Pdl'i"ce ~ ' '- 1 J, ' , Metion by Oommissioner Iiarmeling, se~onded by Commissioner Du.ti:nington~ authQrizingpayment of annual dues to the Harr:i,s County May~r andCounoilmen' s Assogia, tion. , ' / Voting Aye:~ Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, I Nees, and Ogg Noes: , None ,The~e peing,no further business to come before 'the Com- mission, upo.Q.Inotion duly made, seoonded and carried, the meet- ing was. declared adjourned. '~ j/', C . Cl~ A. L. Kerbow, Mayor ~~~ R. B. Allen, City Secretary ~~~' ----, laZl , i, J 7 '\ "1"5" '4 ,', ~ '", '> ~~~: '~':.o ~~ " , , , ../ / JREGULAR.:MEETING MONDAY; FEERUARY22, 1943 ,CITY' OF WEST:UNIVERSITY PLAOE, TEXAS '\. !' ("., ,-I -'} ,The City Commission convened in r.egular session at 8:00'P.M". on, M6,nday, ,February 22,' 1943, 'at, the City) Hall. . ., " , :' 1, , . .. Memb\3rs present were MayoJ;'Kerbow', presiding,; PoIpDi~~'~l~ner:s' HarII;leling, ,Ogg, Nees ana the Oity Secr-.etary'.Commissioner Dun..., nfpgton wa~ absent <\ue to illne~s. ' c , .t-- Minutes of the regular me~ting "of. February 8, 1943, we~e read ,and approv~d. . " The: l?\3rsonnel ,Board prese~ted the, :J;"ecQmmendations ',~!lrJ~olida.Ys to be observed by the c;tty.Co~issioner N:ees made a m~,#:ipp., yi~i~h was sscended by Cemmissione,r fiar,meling,' instr-uet;i.pg t:p.~,JJj.J\Y.r!t~~Jrney to draw up an ordinance .01' resoluti,on designa.,ting the h(91:1idi:}Y~: t(>,. be observed by the City; Hall, said' holidays to he the same as those Qbserved by, the. Oi ty of Hou:ston, ..and furpher.proviq.ing f0'~;..p<ti~: ...:' holidays for colored day labor,as tollows: June: 19, Tha.nk:sgiving, Christ1Dfl~ ,and New ~ears. ' . I I , ".. .. Voting Aye: ~yor Kerbow, Commission~r's Harmeling,Ogg and Nees. Noe s : " ' NO~Fl <>, J . , The~ersonnel Board presented a schedule of proposed~~~rea$eS in. pay' for '{certain cl'assified employees of, the city and recommended its adoption. Motion by C6mmissioner Nl?~s, seconded"by ,C,o!J:Ifl,i ssiorier _ Ogg, aecep,ting the, report pf. the }?ersonnE3l Beard and, authpJ"izi.tlg, ' the adoption 'of the incr~ases set forth in Column 1, said ln~,re~ses.. to be effective Januarrl, 1943, as recommended by the Personnel Board. ~ '., , ' Voting Aye: Ma,yor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeiing, Ogg and Nees. Noes: None I I . , Commissioner Nees reported on, arrangemen:t~: .to I put" lnt.o ~+tect th~ enforcement of the dog or;dina nce an$i, made' a mo~ion which was seconded by Commissioner Earmeling, instructing the City Attorney to prepare a resolutionautho,rizing payment of $0.25 to persons des'ignated as cow-penSation fo.:r tb.ec011ection of the tax provided by the' ordinaD:c~.' ' , Voting Aye: ' 'Maror Kerbow~ Commissioners Harmeling, Oggal'l2-, ~ees. Noes: lfun'e Superintendent Met~alf filed a written report and made an oral statement reporting on his trip to A.&M. College attending !the Water Works and Sewage Short,School on Februar~15, 16 and 17. ~~ 0, r 1-~' ..".,~ ----:-r fl ~!I ' 4 J .-...... ,~ >' , ""'Gl"'" " ..~B"""'" ~..~~t::~s;. ,. .... '....,.J >,~~ J , -,,' ) , ' Mr., Herbert Allen,df the' Garrett ~ngineering COp1pany-, presented>" three sets., each of the' plans of tlieSt,orm Sewer lines constructed under the ~ecentJ?rogram, three' sets' each of ,the Sanita.ry SeWyt' lines and~mprovements" two cplored, maps framed of'.. the storm and . . . .(~ . , "- sanitary sewer systems an:d two sets of three prints each o~ the pl:an sheet. of the storm apd sanitary sewer 's,ystem; 'all of wh~ch cons,ti~ tuted the plans to be f'ur~ished the C~ty of,th~ completed work as provided for~in cdntra.ot between the City and the Garret~ Enginerrimg ComJiany. ' , > I i ,[ -- < , , , , . The Ci,tyAttorney presentsQ, a resolution authorizing, the des- truction of 'certain water, and sewer cashier eo~pons on file and- stored i~ the City Hall. Motion by Commissio~erHarmeling, seconded '/ by Cdmm,tss;ioner Nees, ado.pting,the resolution. I' V Qt ing AYj!): Mayor KerboW, Commis~ioners ~rmeling, Ogg and Nees. ... ' . Noes: .' None,. " , , \ ,The resolution is as follows: 'RESOl.UTION NP; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIn COMMISSION OF TEE CTTY 9F 'WES~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS':" , ' , ) / , , WHEREAS the \'fateI' and, sews!" ~a.sliier ,coupons on' file and stored in the Cit~y Hall of the City covering .the years ~940 )andp~ior thereto are .filling ,Sind consuming a- large amount, of ,storage space nee..,ded and. necessa~y for other uses and purposes by the City; ,and , , 'WHEREAS the auditor for the Ci ty/ has rec,ommended ~the ,destruction of all' such coupons for the. years 1940 and priorJ thereto,; ~, ~ 1 _ ., < 1 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of-the City of West U.Jliversity Place that all water an~sewer cashier coupons for the years 1940 and prior thereto, constituting reoords of the City, b~, and the same ate hereby, ordered destr9yed bY' the qity Treasurer _or under his' supervision. ./ \ Passed and approved this A. D. 1943 by a ,v0te of ~? dAY Qf Fe,bruary, 5 ,ayes. ), ' The Treasurer accountse missioner City Attorney presented a resolution authorizing the. to 'charge( pff a nuinber, of delfnqueont water and sewer Mot~onbyCommissioner H~rmeling, seconded by Oom- Nees~a.dopting the' res0lution. ' ' " , Voting Aye: > Mayor 1Cerbow, Commissioner Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. r' -Noes: ,Nenie ~ I' I. -, r' '....., , '..~!1~',' ' , ::DUU' ..' '... ~" I , . The resolution is asfdllows: I RESOLUTION NO. ' ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF. THE _C~TY OF WEST' UNIVERSITY PLACE', TExAs: . , WHEREAS tlie 01 ty Treasurer of the -ca ty has f'ur... nished to the" qi ty 'Co1mnission as 1 t~mi zed Ii st of delinquent ,water and sewer acooants with ,.the recQmmendation that such accounts be cha*ged~ff 'ort-the books and records of the City and a. c,opy' 9fsuo~ li~t .1s att'aohed- tq this, 'Resolut-ion, : , : mark~ E:th;t-b;l.t "AU and made a' part llereof for all purpo"ses; ,and ' ( WIIEREAS theCityJs auditor has likewise recommended the ,charging off" of all, such 'delinquent water and sewer a 0 counts ; and . I " r " WImREAS it is the will ,and desire~of the 'City Gom- ~ission to fol19w the reoommendation of the City's auditor and the City 'Treasurer regarding the' charg- ing off'. of suoh ~coounts; \ ' I, . _, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci'ty Commission , ,that the City TXSlGlSUrer...shall be, and h~ ,iis hereby, directed an~ authorized to ch~rge off. of the boo~s ' and r.ecords all . such water and sewer aocounts set out 1n attached Exhibit t,lA". - / , " Passed and approv-ed tp.ts . ?? A. D. 1943. ' ihlY of ;February, Th.e City Attorney prl?sented a resolution authoriZing the ;Mmyor to execute a co'ntraot with the" City of Houston regarding' the emer,ge~ey communications relating to radio stations in the metropolitan ,Houst(;m are'a. Motion by' Commissioner Harm,eling~ seoonded by Commissioner 'Ogg~ adopting the reso,lu1;ton., " Noes: Voting Aye: Mayor, Kerpow, qO_sf31oners....Harmeli~-, "Ogg and Nees. , ~ i 11, ~, 11'1" . 1\ If 11 I d! \ i - - None The resolution is as follows: , RESOLUTION\ NO. ' , " BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOMMISSION OF ,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS: , . /' ' < I 1lffiEREAS the Oity .of Houston, T~xas has ,r~quested , that the City of West University Place, Texas enter inte a. contraot with it, .regarding emerg~ncy communications relating ~o r~dio stations in the War Emergency Radio Service in the area ~nown as the Metropolitan Houston Area aooording to the terms of a contract'submitted by the said Oity of ... '1 r I " il ( --I' I, f: . . I . I' ',E!.~ ~. . :~CI:I}r' ~-I Houston, a' copy of whi~b. ,is a,ttached hereto, marked Exhibit "Aft and made a part hereof for all, purposes; and _ WHEREAS it ,is the\will and d-asire of the City COIJl.... , mission of the ,City ,pf Wes~'p'niversity Place;, Texas that the Mayor of this City be aut~orizeda~d em- powered.to execute 'such contract inb-ehalf:Qf,the City of West University Place; THEREFORE, BEt'IT ,RESOLVED, 'that Hon. A. L. Ke~t>()w, Mayor of the City qf West University Place"be'l'and he is hereby, fully authorized and empowered to execute and deliver such coritractas'the act and' ,deed of the City of West University Place, Texas. P~ssed and approved this 22, dav of :February, ,A. 'D. ' 1943 by a vote of 5 ayes. (' ( ---. The City Attorney, in complIance wi th instructions of the ,City Commission, presented an,ordinanee prohibiting the dumping of , trash, garbage, etcetra, within the city. Motion 'by Com- tnissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Rameling, ad-opting the I ~ ..... .. ,Dlrd4.nanee i" ' I I 'Voting,Aye: Mayor, Kerbow, Commissioners H~rmeling, Ogg and Nees.' Noe s : None , o!~ ), The capt~on of this ordinance is asfollows: ORDINANCE'NO. 256 .J , AN ~ORDINANCE RECOGNIZI'NG AN ~RGENCY 'CAUSED BY DUMPING OF CANS, GARBAGE, CUTTINGS, TRASH, ETC. 'ON'V,ACANT PROPERTY;. PROHIBITING THE DUMPING OF ,CANS, 'GARBAGE, CUTTINOS, TRASH,' E TO . ON VACANT PROPERTY IN THE CITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION HEREOF .AND, AN, EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING I A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCE~~J;C'I' HERE'vVITH. , Motion by Cm:pmiss.ioner Harmeliilg ,'''seconded by 6Qmnlissioner ?gg, aU!lho:i~ing, the printing of the eapt~n of the prdinl:ince / . 1.n the off1.c1.al newspaper. " Voting Aye: :nzrayor Kerhow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Noe s : None The \'City Attorne'y prese+1t,yd an ordinance pro~ibiting the setting of~ grass fi..res within the, city. Motion 'Wy,Qomrnissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, adopt~ng~he ordinance. ./ , Votin~ Aye ,: Mayor ;Kerb-ow, 'CoI!ID1issione~s Harmeling, , Ogg and Nees. '\l Noe s : .. None ",.... 'Ji""'8"" : "I'D" "~; - <. ," ~- .;'> , ..\:", " " <, ~ /" , ..' ., /' The caption of this ordinance. is as follows: -- . , r, ORDlNANCE ,NO. 25t / AN ORD~~CE RffiOOGNIZiX'l"G,AN ,EMEfWENCY IN REGA~D TO THE STARTINq, OF.. l!IRES; PROHIBITING THE ST.8,RT!NG OR LIGHTING' OF ANY:FIREINAN'r OPEN SPACE OR VACANT' , L9T; 'MAKING THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE TO'~RIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTIES; PROVIDING A\ SA'VINGS CL4.USE ANP A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION'HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL. OF ALL ORDINANCES OR, PARTS OF ORDINANCES nfCONFLICT HEREWITH AND ESTABLISlIIING .AN EFFECTIVE, , I ' ,DATE. :1. ,r Motion by Commis,sioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing th~' 'pub~lca:tion of the caption of the 'ordi- . ' , nance in t.he of'fic1.C1l ,newsp~per. " , Vat ing Aye,: ~ ;Mayor Kerbow,Commiss~oners Harmeling;' Ogg alld, Ness. Noes: "None ''-.. \. < With,respact to the ,burning of'grass on vacant lots a~d" ,trac.ts lof land, Commissioner Nee,S' made a. motion, whJohwasse.conded 'by Co.ssioner Harmeling, whereby the :H:ire Department, is r'e- / quested to burn off the gr~ss and adthorizing the-paymentby the City of the sum or $2;.00 into the Fire Department.Treasury. , \ '. ' ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Coinmissioners Harmeling, ~Oggand' Nees. ---I I / Npes: None Th~ C~ty Attorney presented a resolution wherein the City accepts the mat~rials furnished and the w{>l\k performed by the Texas,Gulf Construction Company on Contraot fl.1 of' the Sa.:qitary Sewer Projeot, ])PW' Docket Tex 41-240.' Wotton byCo~ssi:onei" Ogg, seconded qy Commissioner Harmeling, a~9.p~ing the resolution. , " '/' . ' Voting \Ay~:"" Mayor Kerbow, Commissio~er Harmeli.ng, Ogg and Nees. Noe s : None The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. /" A RESQLUTION ACCEPTING THE MATERIALS FURNISHED "L-~ ' AND WORK PERFORMED BY THE: TEXAS GULF CONSTRUCTION' , COMPANY, C01.1TRACT NO.,l, DPW DOCKET TEX.' 41-240," AS BEING SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED AND APPROVING FINAL ESTllIIATE AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREOF LESS TEE SUM OF t7,500. I Whereas, the Texas Gulf Construction Company ha,s com,plet:ed all work under Contract No. :L, Bl?W Docket Tex. 41-240 except the installation of five pumps ,j ~ _f" . [- 1, , ! / '-' J 1- ,. 'If, and motor~, piping andelec~rioal work in the five sewage lift st'ations, and Whereas~ said Contractor has submitted its fina:t estimate in the amount of $179,910.42 less 'previous J " payments of $149,330.13, le~ving Ei balance due of , '30,580.29, and ",' Whereas;'G~rrett Engineering Company, Engineers for the Gity'h~ve filed with the City'Secre~ar~ a certi-, ficate of completionwnd reco~ended that said pro- ,je.e.t be aocepted as ^sU'bstantially complete and c fUrther recommendedth~t the, City withhold theJsum,' / 'of $7,500 untill all,work,i~ connection with the five se1wage lift stations have beenj~inally completed, ~nd Whereas all of said work has 'been insp~cted and approved by the City's :mngine~r. i }\lOW,THEREF0RE: BE IT, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMM;[SSIO!Sf OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS: ' '1. ~That the materials'rurnished arid work performed by the 'Texas Gulf Go~structioh Company unaer Con- tract No.1, DEW Docket Tex. 41-240, be and the same 1.s,herebyaoeepted as substantially' oomplete SUbject to the cQ~pletion of the five sewage,11ft !sta~ions. . '2. That the final estimate of the Texas , Gulf Oon- structiony'ompany; in the total amount of $179,910.42 1E1ss-preV'iouspaYIr+ents of' $149,^-33G.13, leaving, a. " balance due of $.50',580.'29 be aJld the' same is her~by apprbv:ed and. the, Mayor and City Secretary be authori- zes to ~ke payment of the sum of $30,580.29 in two vO}:lehers as follows: ,: Clr #23,o8th28, (2) $7,500.00. The Ci~y Secretary is authorized to deliver to the' Contraetor a voucher in the amount of $23,'080.28 and, is ord,ered and directed to hold the voucher for the sum. of $7,500 until all work in " connection with the fi~e' sewage lift stations has ,been fully and finl:l:lly completed, ins,pected, .tes-ted, app~ov~d and acceptfid by the~Garrett Engineering Company, Engineers for the City at which time said voucher for $7,500.00 shall be delivered t,othe Con- tractor as full and final payment of all work per- formed under said contract. PASSED AND APPROVED This, the....,g,L day of February' A. D., 1943. Motion by qommissioner Har~elin~, seconded,by Commisioner Nees, authorizing the payment of ;t):le l.Iity Attorney's ,bill in the amount of $150.00, for/iegal services due on the trial of tl,J,e ' case styled Ellis vs. City. v T~' -~ , __r~~- l , 1 ";111l: ,J ' / , \' 1'" :":8" "1)'7- .'" ,,"' "; , ~' ,'.". ;',: ".' - : .. ..... -. , \ ',"- l.':':--:-i\ " . /: VO-ting Aye: JJrayor Ke~bow, C'0mmiflsionersHarmeling, Ogg and Nees. Noe s : , None , / :1' ( ,The, City T"reasurer advised the City Oommissipn 'that th~, . Time Deposit covering $5000~OO in s~nking~funds'inth~:Merchants & Employes, Indus tr:La 1 Bank would mature in tlie near futUre, ' that the'bank has refUsed to renew same, and requested in- structions as to the disposition' of't'hese tunAS. Motion by Commissioner 9gg, seconded by Commissiener Harmeling, a1l,thori- , z~ng ,the transfer o:f these funds to the City',Jratioria+ Bank wher~ the balance'of the sinking funds,a~e on d~posit~ ' Voting Aye:, Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Harmeling,'Ogg and Nees. I ' INoes: '\ None .,,' Mo~ion by CommissionerHa~l~ng; seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the installation Qf a pollce radidreeeiver,in Supt. Metcalf's car. ( , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbqw,toInmissioners Harmeliltg and Nees. Noes,l oJ iSS:::s:::n::P:::d that the ,Bl'anehLibl'~rYOf'the Harris,C~nty Library i.\.ssobiation has been moved~to the field ~, office orme'd by Reed & Yancey, loca;ted, on the northwest corner ' " , of Rice and Auden, that arr,angement~ ha~ been completed, to have ... .:the li"!3~ary open'fo the p,tiblic on the afternoon of Monday, - Wednesday, and Fr1daY1 and that Mrs. Sanders had been desig- ; nated Librarian', in charge of, the branch. ~otion by Commissioner' Ogg~, 'seicondedby GOmnlissicmer, Harmelihg, authorizing t.he payment or: ,one'-half' g...t: :the cost ,ofmaintaintn,g th~ libra'ry tor the curre:nt~:year, said amount not to, .exce-ed $'12.5 .00. , ' Voting Aye:, Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling~ Ogg and Nees. -I I I Noes: None / , Motion 'by Commissione'r Ogg, seoonded by Commissioner Harme 1 il1g, authorizing the Oi ty Engineer, the Harris County Sanitary Engineer and ~h~ Superintendent of the Water and , Sewage Dep~rtment to purchase rock for the a~ro-filter at the Dispos,al Plant.,' "f' , , j , Voting' Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees~ , Noes:' 'None , .At this time the Commission recessed to reconvene at 7:30P. M. on -:Friday, February 26, 194j. \ I __------1 , ~ I ] -.--;. "'* " I 1 I J I I ~ 1/ \ , The City Commission reconvened at, 7:30 P.M., FridaY;, " Fegru?try d"26, 1943, at the Q,itj-f Hall after ha:ving recessed :on ,,' Monday, .February, 22,~ 1943. Membe-rs present were Mayor :Ker' bow", Commissioners ~armeli,ng, Ogg, Nees and the~~~~y' Secretari. -r ,', The City Commission reviewed the~propbsed r&vise~ bUdget for the balance of t_he fiscal year as pre'sented by the' 'City' , , T.reasurer. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling,' se~'onded 'by , ,Comm:issioner Ogg, adopting ths revised'buaget and adopting an ; ,arnending,ordinance enacting the revised budget.' , , Voting AyeJ :~Mayor' :Ke'rbow" Commissioners Ha.r:me1ing, , Ogg and Ne~. r Noe s : None i < I The, caption~_ 01' this ordinance is as f'ollows: ORDINANCE NO., ~ ' '\ AN -O,RDINANCE APP.ROVI~JG THE AMENDED BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF1^lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ; PROVIDING FOR TEE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC 'FIDIDS OF TEE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURE; AND PROVIbI~G FOR TEE REPEAL 0Ji' ALL, ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF OR-, .' ' DlNANCEB IN CONFLICT HEREWITH Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Oommissioner , Rarmeling, appointing Ot1'iaer H. E. Shipp ,Assistant Ohief of Police at a salary of #165.0Q per month. / , . , " ". \ Voting Aye: Mayor ~rbow, .commissioners Har.m.eling, Ogg, am Nees. ~ Noes: None \ , j'~~~'1 ..~-~, "', -( " I Motion by Commissioner Nees:, seconded by' Commissio'ner Ogg, withdrawing and deleti~ from the revised budget the :$1.5.00 'ller month increase in salary granted ~he Chi.ef ,ot )'olioe. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbo~" eonnniss~ners liarlJJllling,Og,g and NeE\s. Noes:. None ,~ I' . " --....~ Motion by Commiss;~one~ Ogg, seconded by~Bogooissioner Harmelingf authori2;ing the g;ranting of increase ih".pay to u,n- classified employ~es as set forth in the schedule pr~~ented'by the Personnel Board and appended thereto as a suggestion, the same- being $18.00 per man per month and e1'fective ~anuary 1, ) 1943, as set torth in the recommendations of the 'Personnel Board. This' increase- applies to the followi"ng unelas,sif'ied, J?osi tions': 0ity Engineer, Superintendent of Water and, Sewer DepartlIlent; City Treasurer, Chief of Police and Assistant, Chief ,of Poliee. , " ' Voting Aye: Noe s~: , / Mayor kf'bow" Commissioners Harmel~ng,Ogg and Nees. ""," No me 1I f' '.' I L......... '" , "'." rlfA~":'~.',::' ,,~ ' \" ~ / r ' Moti.on by CbmD;dssioi1~r Harmeling, seoondec'!; by Co..mmissioner Neea, instruoting the Gity Attorney to prepare'and to .pres~nt tq the O,i ty Commi,ssion an ordinaxwe provfdingfor the' :pa,~ent of a reward'ror the apprehension and conviD~ion of persons 0 , guil,ty bf @.r~o'n. (\" . , ) . Vot ing Aye: Mayor Kerb'ow', CoIDDii~~i6ners Harm.eling, Ogg .and' Nees. 'NQe s : None ,/ \. ' . There 'being no further business t'ocome lIDefore the:CoIIl- ' mission, upon) motion made, 'seconded, and carried, the meeting waw declared a!tjourned. c" ~J~ . A. 1.. Kerbow, Ma or . I . /' ~. I' ~,'J ; . R.' B. Allen,< fhty Seoretary '\ ,.. \ ' - " ( ~, il , 1 !l~ t,J' IT i J I i I ,~I n I 1 ' , " ... u L r -J REGULAR J!iillETING MOt~AY 1~RCH 8, 1943 CITY OF vVEST\U1~VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ../ " The City Commission convened in regular sessiort at 8 :'00 P. M. on Monday, March' 8, 1943, at the City-Hall.' ~4embers present were Mayor... K~rbow, \pre-siding, Commissioners bunriingt..on, Harmeli;ng, 'Ogg;' Nees7ans the City Secretary. Minutes of' the regular meeting" held on February .22 ,-and re- ces-sed ,meeti.tl'g of Fe'bruary 26, 1~43, were read and approved. ).. ," , The City Attorney presented' a reso:Luti9nacc'ep.ti:i1g~the;; materials furnished and the.. work performed by John G. H9lland, Con~! tra ctor' on,' Con~ra'ct #2, DP\'V Vocke t Te:x:' Al;-240, Dlspos'al Plan1;i. Motio,t1 ,1DyOom,mi:;isioner Harmeling, seconded py,Commissioner Nees, adopting the .re!solu,t~on. . ( I , VotJing Aye :W..ayor Kerbow, Commissioners' Harmeling, Dunnington, . Ogg and 'Ne es Noes: None .. ' 'i The resolt,ltion is as' follows: \ ~- ) , RESOLUTION NO. .. , A ,RESOLUTION ACCEPr~NG THE N~TERIALS ~NISHED '., , AND WORK PERFOIDJI..ED BY JOEN G. HOVrJiND, CON}:'RACTOR, CO}1TRACT NO. 2 DRAT DOCKET TEX. 41-240, ADDITIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT AS BEING FULLY AND FINALLY COMPLETED A]\1]) A?PROVING THE FINAL ESTIMATE WITB EXCEprIONS. ' " " ' "'" / -..... VmEREAS, Jo~nG. Hqll~nd, 'Contractor, Contract No. -2, has completed all work possible unq.er Contract , ,"No.2, DPW"Docke,t Tex. 41'-240" and r-- ~f.BEREAS, said Contractor has submitted his final estimate on all work completed in the amount of $3.5,073.19 less previous payment ,of $2, ,217.. 34, leaving a balance of $9,, and the City, since receipt of sa~d final~timate, has paid to John,~G. Holl~nd *4,06'0.67; a..~ . I, '.............., vVHEREAS, .Ga~rett'Engineering Company~~gineers for the City, have filed with^t~e City Secre~ary a certificata of{o~pletion and reoommended that said project be aocepted as fully 'and finally com- pletedand f'urther reoomme.l1.ded that the City withhol,d the sum of' $.5 ,'79.5..18 until the 'item of ".510 charge",""" canqellation of contractU in the amount of ".5,79.5.18 is formally approved by the City Commi~sion, and J / ' \1 ..... ~-~-.,-- -- 1 [ , l '''J. L.I '~, t' :_"."'.'1,"1; r ,~ ~~. ., . ^ ~. ) .> "".. ~.,..~? r' ~ ( "'51'" "'I' ,'''',> '" '-~< 'ji; ~ l~ "'~'" ~. '. :':;-.:?=':':'~o-";p;'~->' . ~:~;, '. '.-:: W~,;, :';:"F"" ; ..- j , . :~'~(~Vi~:" ~ \ :"'./..!,:' J, t^1HEREAS, all of 'said work ha"$,bee;tl inspeotesl an~ '. ,,' " approved, by, the City' s\,EngiJie'er;' NOW., THEREFORE', BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C,OlV~J:S- SION OF TEE, d ITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE~': .-:,:~' ~~ ", -1 ,1. That the rnaterial~ farniShed, and\~{9P:k, p~r~6r~ed by the Contractor, Jolin, . Holla'nd, under Contract " No. c2, DPWDock~t Tex. 41-240 be" and the same is hereby accepted as fully and fanally completesl. , "'_, ' , . , , I 2., That tfiefinal estimate of john G. 'Holland, Qontractor, Contract No.2, in the total amount of #3.5,.073.19 less' preyious payment~ of $2'.5,217.34 and 'i ',$4,060.67, excepti the., .510,- charge for canceJ-lation , > or for pr0fits, b~, and the same is h,9.reby, app1:'(:)ved; and the paYI!lent Br the, Ci ty to' Johh 9-. Holland in' ' thesllI;U at $4~,o60.67 as full and f~.rial payment on such contract is he~~py ratified and, approved.~:, 3. That the claim 'of the, Contractor,' John G. ,Hol- land, listed in said ,fin.al eS,timate, "51. charge - cancellation of contractU, amounting to '$5,795.18, be, and the same is'hereby, denied as a valid obliga~ion of the aity and that no payment of' such $.5,79.5 .18 or any part there of., be made.' I PASSED AND APPROVED f:His! ,the A.D~ 1943. ' 8 dav of' March, I " A resolution was presented by the City Attorney in response to ~he request of the City Gommi~s~on d,es'~gnating th~ o~ficial , hol1days/ t,o be observ,eEl by the 01 ty. Mot1on, by Comm1ss1,oner Dun- nington, seconded by-,Commi,ssioner Ogg, adopting the resolution. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmelin~, punni ng ton, Ogg and Nees Noes: , None The resolution is 'as follows: I ) .... RESOL1]TION,NO. BE IT RESOLVED BYTBE CITY C011J)/IISSION OF THE ' CITY OF nST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX-AS': I WHERKAS, it, is th,e intention and desire of" the CJ..tyCornniission to designate. and set apart cer"" ,taih recognized .holidays to be observed by the 'City employees; ',and ' 1 J " \" 1-' -- ~- ;- , ~ -'~--l f =-l~-' _.~ 1 T ~ I ;1 , \ I] ~~ , ; . .~~~^:, , 'l'iI"~" "-I' ," . . . . ~." 4[- " .' ,,' ~;,~~ '"J '." ," .;... '. .J .\ , ) , , WH.E:REAS, the Pel'sqnnel BoardOf' the 9ity has , mad~ its re'commendat~ons ann the City qommission ' 1n1' d~si.re~to tollow S~Ch recomm~ndations; , , THEREF,ORE, 'BE IT RESOLVED the. t , the, fOllowi,ng , 'holidays to be observe4 by, all the City employees employed 'and wpr; k::ing , th" the.-' 9i t y Hall; to wit: .,' )' "'"' . January I.," New Years' Day April 21, San Jacinto Day l~ly 4~, lride,pen<ience Day , Th~ first Monday in eachSept~mbe:r,Labor Day Noy.ember l1,~ Armistice Day The last Thursday in each November, Thanksgiv- . _ \J . :Lng d~y /..\ - Af'ternoon of December 24, Christmas Eve . December 25, Chris'J;mas .Pay; ~ --------.---- J. , , ARD BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the followlng ~olidaYS/be :o~serve~ by the 'colored laborers employeJd by the Gity, to wi/tr' Ja.q.uary i" Neyv Xearsf Day June 1.9\; Emmancipatio~ Day , The last Thursd;.ay in eaoh Novembef,' Thanks'gi~"", , ing Day ~ I?ecemb~r25 .,Christmas Day; , ) I - . ~ ."... ~:" i ... -, /_<,,' . AlsIDBE: IT FtiRTBER RESOLVED, that al It'y employeez, whether 'emplpyed in 't~e Oit.y Ball or emplo~ed as labore'rs, be pa,id, for. each of' the above listed , b,olidaysobserved without reporting for wo',rk on any s,~ch ho-l'iday;. PASSED AND APPROVED this R (l~y of' Marich, A. D. 1943 by a vote of ~, aye~. , ~he City Attorney p~esented a resoiliution providing for the ' paYlrie:nt,of the sum of $0.25 to des,ig~ated persons for sel.:!.ing and collecting dog 'li,cen.ses. Motio.nby Commissioner Harmeling" " , /seconded by Oommissioner 'Ogg, 'adopting the r,e,solution. ',' " '-' ::. Voting Aye: Mayor K.e,rbow, ,.commissioners Barmeling, Dunnington, Og,g and, Nees ) it' r " '- Noe s: \ -< None The .iesolutionis as follows: ,/' RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:MMISSION ~~F THE CITY OF VV~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ~ '~ ;j ,.'~V~l - ',- J-~~- '1':0"'''1'''' .. i ' , ~':~ /' v~ "'.:. . 1" " r Vf.BEREAS, it is the wis~ and desire of t,he City Commission that City Co~issioner,~. A~ Ne'ss and Cl:}iefof' POlice :F. J . Hutchinson, or either o~ them; shall be authorized ahd empowered to employ such person or persons as .to them, or either of them, may seem ex- pedient to so1'icit the sale of and'sell dog licenses and dog li~ense tags to citizens of th~,,_ Ci,ty of' West/ University Place, subjec1; to'all of the terms and conditi'ons of all , ordinances of the' 9i ty regulating ~and pres- cr'ibing the sale of su~h licenses and tags; and that any and all persons ~o employed by Commissioner- Nees and70r Chief Hutchinson ~hall receive as com~ensation :f'or al~ services rendered the sum of '0.2.5 f\or each lJ,cense ' sold and tag ~ssu~d, to be paid out of the general funds of theCi ty; , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Commissioner C. A. Nees and Police ChiefF.,J. .Hutchinson be, and they are hereby;', authorized a,nd em- powered, jointly and severally, to employ such person or ,persons as t6them may seem ~xpediept to solicit the sale of 'and sell dog licenses ~ndr tags, sUbject-to all pro- visions ,of' all qrdinances of' the City regu- lating such matters and tha tany anti all perso..ns ,so employed shall receive <the, sum of $0.2.5 out of the general funds of,the Oity for each Ifcense sold and tag ,issued, as herein authorized. .. ' 1 , , PASSED AND APPROVED this A. D. 1943 by a vote of' e day of March, 5 ayes. . ~" ' The C'ity Attorney presented an' ordina~oe'whiohhaij been requested by the City Commission,p~viding f'orthe remission of penalties i3-nd interest on delinquent ta~es during the month of' May. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded gy Com- missioner O~g, approving ado^pting the ordinance. ' - Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees~. , NOES: None The/ caption of this'o.rd'inance is as follows~: A.J:~ ORDINANCE PROV~DJNG FOR THE RE1nSSION OF ALL PENALTIES AND INTEREST ON TAnS DUE" THE CITY . FOR THE YEARS 19~1 AND PRIOR THERETO: PROVIDIJ\U THAT SUCH TAXES ~iIAY BE PAID BET'NEEN Mav 1. 194? ANDMav- ?l. ^ 194? WITHOUT PAYMENT OF ANY PENALTY OR INTEREST: AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC.TIVE DATE. .' I I , ' I :J ~ I t:=: f' "'1 ,..1 (. n J ..r v ._, '" ~' With resp.ect to: the' contract, or franchise, :held by JJohn C~. 'OalhoulJ..t, ,Jr., ,covering the constructio.r;t of ,sa'n,i tary s~w.ers in College ,vourt. The, ,'City Attorney rendered an oral' opinion 'to the Cd. ty Commission to the' effect that: thecpntract, .or fi'anchise,doe.s nat canvey,an exclusive 'rigb,t and ~hat theCi.ty could extend the sewers 'in thi~ area,withcut c~nflicting with the terms of the contract.' ' L ' ~ ~ The. matter .of cert~in notes illeld by the City representing the ca~taf installtng sidewalks under the sidewalk pragram ' ha~ing been referred to the City Attorney for review and reCQm- me pqa ti an, tne Attorney reported that in his' opi?ion'the City should have the n.o~es renewed in,ou:-der to permit the City tc ha,ye sufficient time' in which to carry cut the .agreemen-tmade witl1 trie property owners regarding the conn~cting up of the ~idWWalks on the west side- of the city. " . . ,r' , In order to a va.id co~fusion and to l?xpedi te' the matter '01' the is~uance .of licep,s$ a-nd pound f'ees authorized un.der the dog ordinanc~, COIDmlssioner Nees recommended that the collection of the fee'S' be handled/by the Polic~ pepartment~ \ The Health/"Departme~t'pre'sented health 'permits fot'the f.ollQwi):lg establishments in th~,City for the signature .of t];le Mayor and City ,Secretary: , '" No.1. No.2. No.3. No.4. No. 5 ~ Castle Inn University Pastry Shop Ben Law's Pharmacy Kre~ler lee and Food 1~1arket HUffingto~'s Grocery , r / "I I , .' Motion ,by Commissi,oner Nees, seoonded by ".commissioner Ogg, . authorizing the Mayor 'and City Secretary to affix their signatures to 'the permits presented, the same be,ing the first permits issued' under the/new health program initiated,the first of th,e year. Vbting Aye: Mayor Kerbow~ COmnlissioners Harmeli:p.g, Dunnington" O,gg and Nees Noes: None Motion,by Commissioner Nees, s~oonded by Commissifrner Harmeling, authorizing the appointment of Wayland R. Hancoak as Clerk of the Corporation Court, at no salary. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Coinmissioners Harmeling,Dunningt'on, Ogg and Nees Noes: None Inord'er to prov<iCle funds for the construction of a walk ,in front of the city property occupied by t.,he Community House, a motion was made by Commissioner Harmel~ng,~which was' seconded oy Commissione-r Nees, "authorz.ing, transfer of ;6.5.00 from: funds ~l L_'-- "...I - , 1 '- --~----y l 'C, ~ "''iff' !~~Jf i ' " I '. " . '_ - . ."'~..<: ~ <,. ~;T (( '. -.!--,2 ": :~ ,) . .' . ~. ~ budgeted to the, Garbage 'Dump :to the ,Civic Center budget _and- ',$7.5.00, O\lt of the Wate1r Depar:t1men~ Improyement /Fu:nd to the'Civic, Center ~,: Budget. ' , \): ( Voting Aye,: Mayor Kerbow" GQmr1lif?siop.ers I\armeling', Dunnington, Ogg and Nees.' Noes: None / , , Motion by COmrn.1s$ionerl Harmeling, seconded by Commissionei- Ogg, authori~ing the QhJef 'of Police ,Forest Hutchinson' and Assis- " tant, Chief of Polj,.ce Shipp to attend ,an ,F. B. :I,., po:Licesq-hoolat Hemp~tead, the expenses of the trip to be borne by the City". ',' - Voting Aye.: Wlayor Kerbow, Commissioners ~armeling, Dunnlngton, Ogg a~d' Nees. , Noes :- None' The,re beirigno f'urth~r,busine'ss td come bef,ore the Com.,. mission, upon motion~dj.lly ~de, seconded and carried, the meeting W?S decla~ed) adjourned. , ~,,./ ~' . ' , , t1~ .~~ A. L., Kerbow,~ Mayor" ~~ ASl. lien; City Secretary ,"< ( ~ -......,....- 7 ~,o,_,~~.. "1 -----r r'='r~-'l ,] . .'\--\ 1 I ( i I '_J' n 1-1,' . -.<' J , '~I'.""."" :_'.'~"" " ',' ~;, ~ ~:~ c ," "".'". - '. ~.- i ~ ,REGULAR~~ETING , . :MONDAY MARCH 22, 1943 CITY ,9F ,~BT ,UNIVERSITY, PLAel!: ,\ 'TEXAS' : -\ . The, e;~, ColUIJ]j,ssi0n convened':'ili regular session ~at the, City Hall on Monday,Mar;oh'.22,~1943, with~the ,f"~llowiI;lg members pre- sep.t: Mayor Kerbow',pr~siding, ,Gommi$si?ners Dunn~ngt6n," Har.m,eli)1.g, Ogg, and Nees and )th~ GJ:ty Seoreta~y. lhnl,ltes crt the .regular me,et- ' ing of March 8 were read, and .app1!o~d. , ' ,'..","; Commissioner Ogg present~(l 'a letter from Wilbur Refs$; of Charles ;8. WMte and C011;lpany regarding the r.e,t'.u~ding 'of "dertain QP.,t$t~:m.di,ng ;~~rants of the 1936 refunding'issue. The platter ,Was -d'iSeu:sse,dand referred ..to ~he City Attorney. for reply.' . . .1.. .' ( ..,,:.,...... I' -. 'Commissioner Ogg reported, to the City Commission that Re' ,ha:fL~ee'napproae~~dby representatiyesof the, Hl1\uston Nat.ural Gals Oompany rel\ative to adju~tment o~elimination;of certain sert\rice Qharges being made,in tn~ City. C6~ssioner Ogg~as instructed by. tJ:1e 0i ty Oo~SS~oD, tf) arrange ~?o~:t'erel!ee betweell\ ~he >Jnemb~rs of theOJty ,OOD1J;IlJ.SS1.0D; and "the o ff'1. oJ.als of the Houston Natural Gas Oompan~ '.t,~'-c,on$.ider' the1Dti;tter. ' " '\. \ ',' -' ....,.... .' ~ r ". h ' . _ r ,," ~,~:~:"Jf.. M,., AustinjVige President 'of the Houston Lighting-and _ PoWer::C,QlItiipy, presen.ted.& ;te;tter in replytba l,e:tt~,r wJi1i.eh ha,d been ~'Wri~t""en by the C.tty .see~e~ary to the, Light,Oompanyre'{J.tlesti~: certain information rela'!iive t9. amount paid the Gity :u,nder,tht? 270 , gro:ssJ;'.ep~:L.li~, oharge., ,The let-tel' was read t0the Commis:sion and;, disetfssed'.' -Motion by Commissiol1erHarmeling, second~d by Com... missioller Ogg,.Jitho,rizing aoceptance' of the check for the annual - payment froin the-Houston Lighting and Power'Company. -Voting Ay:e: ; I .. None ' } /, , " Mot~on by CoIllIllissioner 'Har~eling, 'seconded by Commissioner Neea,&utho:rizing ;purchase of ",lfountain pen type tear g<;s guns at,.t;pj.'p,(l,,~ae}i ,for' ~~e Pol ic'e, Department. ' , Vo~i~g ~:ye.: ,~.yo.r Kerbow, Comm;issioners Harmeling" Dunnington, and Nees , Noes: - ~~~ ~'. . Noe s : Bq~1~sionerOgg' I ,Motion 'by Commissioner Dunnington, ~ec6ndeq.by 'Oommissioner Nees, in~tructing the CitySec~etary to write a letter to the Houston Electric Oompany" re)questing exp~anation of the absenee of & bus'stop sign on BelYaire'ffoulevard at Westchester Gtreet, where- as' allotb.~~ streets entering Bel-laire Boulevard between Kirby Dri"iie' and 't'he 'Poor' Farm Drai.nage DitCh have bus ~top sign. , ' / foting Aye: MEi-yor Kerb"Q.w; Commissioners Harmeling, D.unni,pgton, O~gand Nees Noe s : None \1 7'~,"' i.~~)i J~i 'it.':, \ . .' '",'j} " if .. ... ~ -{ .~:. !<-' ,"'.~ '. , , "..J ",-.J I " /' ') Mayor lrerbol" repommended to the" CdBissio'n that the following' ladies and ,gentlemen ,be appointed o-n,the ~naging Committee 'of the , COmI!1unity 'House \ ~s authorized' by ,'r:esolution adopted a.t a recent , Commission me,eting,: 6ommissioner,Ogg"Ohairm,an Mr. W~ H. Davidson ' ' Mr. /B~ R. Alber'ts"on Mrs. J .8. :Watt ' , :Mrs. H. R. 'l'unk ' Mrs .O~ ' A. , Babom l , ' > ,,"'~ / Motion by~ Commissioner He as , ,sec'and,ed bY' Commt$sio~er:Harmel~ ing', appr,oviIil.g the' 'appointment, oi' the above-named six perso-nsto -' 'the Managing Oommittee of the Gommlll'lity House. " '",', , ~ ."" . \l , ^' Voting ~:ye,: Mayor Ke~bow, 'ColllDlissioner,s Harme:j..ing, Duim,irrgtoll, Ogg ,Elnd 'NeE}s " 'I "" '" / v" Noes: None -, ~ , i , A proposal, from, F. G.Masqnele-t9'e and Company to tur~igii ", " , t;luditingservices to the( C~-:ty -for the balaripe -'9,f the fiscal Jpar , was read to the Commi-ssion~ ,J\;fterdis.cussio~ a. mot$an \!,s,:S, ~de:~R,Y: " Commis~i?ner egg, which wasseoome'~ ,byComm~~s~oner ~a~~(~~'~g" ,,' " authol'::tzJ;ngaoceptance of -;J;h-e proposal. ',' .. ", ' / " - . ..;. Voting Aye: ,/ , Mayor ~~rbow,. Commissioners ;Harm.eJ;in~,Dun'ningi'on{"':," Og'g"and 'Ne'es," , " , , . .',' , '0/;,",1' "'\'I J l Noes: None ' i , The C-ity Becretary reported to ,the Oi ty Commission: 'his 1ind- !ngsrelative to a bill whioh ha4 been rendered the City bt former . city attorney A. J. Lamonte. The matter )Vas referred to-:Mayor KerbowJ, Attorney 'Fleming and the City S'ecretary for reply. " , 'r '! , , ,',', . -'The City Attorneyindlsoussing eertain eases pend'irt.g "i~ 'the, Distr'iet Courts recommended t.o the Commission tli.at- tne ~se'sty~ed \ City vs., SDlaIl.l, a test ease 'on garage apartments, be' dismissect :foX", the reason that in his opinion the City cduldnot e:x:pect to win the case. .MOtion by Commissioner~rme:!-ing, seconded by :crommiss'ioner i Ogg, authorizing the 8ity Attorney to take the necessary steps to " ' disn+issthe ease and' payment of cO,urt. costs incurr\9d, . NOes: Mayor Kerbow~ Commissioners H~rmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nasa. 'None Voting Aye: , I The meeting was receEj~ed to reconvene at 8:00 p. m., Friday, ]lIar ch 2.6, '194.3. I " r ? r' .'J ] J. _I ~ i' 1""1' ~ . '; .' <.-'. :;. i 1." <'I.: ,~~. . -;~ ,,' '-. ~-, ," , ..'lleOi ty Commission r~cJn).vened in r~gu.lar sess,ipn at ,8 :'00 p~. M..:~n"Friday, l~arch 2b-;" 1943, at the "City Hall after having reoessed'on Monday, "March 22, ,"1943. ' ' " \ , , j T1:ie fOllowing, ,members, were present: Mayor Kerbow,. prelsid'ing, CQmm.issio,ners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg,Nees and the Pity Secre- tary., ' , \ Dr. Elva ~right and M~. w. F.Kuehn~ o~ .theCity BQard Qf Health and Mr. Joe B/ Winston of the !Iarris Couflty Health Unit were pr~sent. "". .. , " 'Mr. Kuehneintorme,d the dommission that <Dr~ Ch~r.ryj City:J 'HeGllth Of,ftcer had accepted a commission in the~.rp1~d' forces., Mr. Kuehne also announced that he ,was going into the,:Iifavy and offered, .hi.s res1gna ti?n a!sengi'ne~r membe.r: of, the Beard o-f ,Heal th~, Motion by aommi~..sioner Nees, :seeoIldecl byOommissio'ner ,Ogg, ,t11at the resigna- tion-of"Mr.'.cltt1:ehne as ,engineer" membero:f''the' 'Board of Health be .. accepte~.Before the que~tion was put~ the M~yo~ and'Co~ission expressed their regret, on l;osingthe services ,of Mr. JCuehne. C', /. . , , Vot,ing' A~ye: ,Mayor Kerbow, :...commissionersDunniIlgtOh, ~1)1g', Ogg and ,Nees.' -~, . " ' ~" .J , p Noe g: Nolie Mot~onby 'Commissio~e~ >D~nnington, seconded by. Commissfener j Ha):,-meling, that Mr. J"ohn :a.;. Bringhurst, be ~p'pointed as e,n~ineer mem.ber of' the Board of Health, suaoeeding Mr. Kuehne. Votine; Aye: MaY9_D': Kerbow ~ Co.m.rni~~'ioners Dunnington, ~rmelin:g, Q~g;(:,'~'*d Nee s , ... : ":-~'; l',\ ~-;"'~ Noes: - : N0'nEr" , ti~},. ,',' > '~~'!&a.,i.Jme'Dt1~~~Vba'b;':,:ti:bElHarri~ G~)Unty - . .....:.~.:: ;;l'.. ," ". "..,;...", .' J . '. ,'. '. i,.'" 1, __.~. \ I ,Commi$S~OneN' 'l1rt Jlad appointed, D:r. ,Olapkson of Pasadena to su.ee~d D~~ 'Charity as hea4 of the Harris.. County 'Health, Unit and, that ,the C:ountyUhit'''Rlould maintain't'he sam.eservice in West Uni- , v,ersi ty un<i'e-;r-"Dr. Clar.k:sonas had, i'be~n furnished 'under, Dr,: Cherry. Aq.iseussio.n was had regarding the recomme~dat.ions of ..~h.e Hbuse Appr<>priations ;Committee r.educing the appropriation for the State 1fE!alth Dep~rtme.tit which! would necessitate a curtailment of , Sta'te :He:il:lthDepartment aci;'ivi ties. As a 'restll t 'of thediseus?ion, a moti,on was mde by Commissioner Nees,whiehwas seeond~d by' Comrni$sioner O:gg, instructing the Mayor and Cpm:miss:ipnerHarm.e,~ing to c~\f'e,t",witb:Mr. Stanley of the Rous"toil Cliamber of Commerce' with ,a v.iaw,of filing a protest 'with the Appropriations ComiDittee and ,others 'regarding the reduction of 'funds al--lotted for Health work in Texas. ' VQting;' A'1l,e :- Mayor Kerbow, Co~ssione.rs Dunnington, Harmel'i,,:ng, Ogg and Nee s. Noes: None iJ .. I r '1 ,.1 ~tllsr':" ~.!..t..~ -- .. ,~.p:e( Se'0retary read a let'ter::rrb.m, tb,e l'reasu~et re,aolnm~tl.diftt\ a' re~uotion in, asses~edvaf.u~ of im.l>r()ve~entsonLOr 2'~J,'.$)~j~~k.l~6, Mon.t~e.eJ.lo" owned: by J. A. Ll.ndsey'!. ,~otJ.onby Oomnussl.ol1~r",Dul'll"'" ~' nington, seconded byeo~issioner ~rmeling, t~t the reduction be . 'granted. , ", ' ' , . " . _ f . J \ "., . .'; Voting Aye: - Mayor Kerbow, eOlPll1issionersDunningt~n, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Noes: None ,The Oononission re,oessed to reoonvene -on Wednesday, ~tc~' 31" 1943, at,8:00'P.., , /' .~. .~ '" f ..,. The City Co~s:sion reconvened 'in J.?eJ&ular,; s~ssienat ;,$;;0,0 P~M., a t the City: HaIi em Wedne,sday, Marah 31, 194:3, wi th Y..ayor ,Kerbo.w ' presiding,' C:Ommissloners' Dunn,ington" lIarmetd.ng, Ogg,., :N,ees,a:ndthe Qi,:t;y,'Seeretarypres.ent. ' I ' , , Mot'~on by 'Co~i,ssioner Ogg, 's'econdedbyComm.is~ioner Nees, that ,the G.ity ~11 remain open,.on Saturday, April 3, 1943,. theq;ay~ of the School Board 'ele otion. ' ' Votiilg Aye: "Ma'-YOr Kerbow, Commissioners Harme1ing,Ogg and Nees , Noes: I 'None : >; , , , ,", , , ", ' \ Commissioner Nees l>rese];1ted the f6110wing resolution: . . I . . ,... 'A'~SOLUT,ION i i i I i , ' I ' , Be it hereby resol~ed, that we, the Oity Commission ofWes,t Uni:v~rstty,P1aee.;do' hereby recognize, the ,'valuegfthe service r.endered to: ourei~y by Mr. W. F.. Kuehne as Oha.'irmai\l' ,of :the Heail:t'h-~Commit.tee. Yle€iffer our h,eartt,elt,pi'~i~e and thank~for h~s etf'ort$inb~half of the ei tizenshil' and the" w8,,11 'being of' as' all," intestijaony wherecpf we her~with 'attach ou,.r signat.ur.es. and b~fi himG6d~:peed,'Bs he,:" fthters the servi~e of 'our country in the capacity of Lieutenant S,enior Grade in tneUni te~ States Naval Foroes. ' / i ' I ' Motion by CODimissioner Harm?ling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, adopting the resOlution as "read. ' I , , Voting A-y~':Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Harmeling, ,Og~ and, Ne~~s:. ' 'Noes: \ ' None . \ l [ :: [ 'W~tl'1 regard to, the ~cl1edul\e of pay inere:ase,s adopted by the ,OommissftHll on February 22~.1943, OO:Jmllissloner Nees madea'm~tion, wb,ieh"was seconded by Commissioner'6gg, ~do:pting^the plan recom- mende'd by-the P~rsonne1' Board which pPG,'i~es for inereases and, reduction in rates of pay' -of, c1ass-ifie~ ~"loyes co;rresponding'to the rlu~t~atio.ns of theco~j O't living a~'determined by, the u. 6.. ~ r ~ .-- "I" .. . - 1 / fl ! 'l j r ;. ~1 ,,", tl. J L ( " 'J' ~" "';"I~' '':'' , ,;FJ'': ,,, ."", " r. .' '" '~, 1< I", ~ ,:Dep~.r:tm~nt @~iab~r,BU:l"e'a.u;.~f Labor St~tistics, and in$'tru9:ting tlle,!P.reas.~.rer totake'~ogniz~nceota~vices releEiSed bY' the U. S.' ~epartment of 'Labor" Bu~eau b~ Labo~ ~tati8tics, andtro put into effect 'such pay' increases and'decreases aocording ,to the, formula, set forth in the plan. ~ Voting' Aye: ':Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harm\eling', Ogg alld Nee,s. " ,; No~ 8 : .None , , (Commissl-onerDunnington arrived). Moti~n by CommiSE;io,ner Nees" seco.nded by Commissioner Dun-;'" ning1ion, accepting the fol~owingreoominendations of Pe,rsonnel' :Board:'" u J ' ( . ,? \ . "', , , ,"1. ;, )lco'eptanee :of resignation of F>>ank K. Cuff 1 Chief , ' Clerk of Water' DSj;lartment-,effectiye: ~r,ch 1, 19~3: 2. -3;" '..' . ~ Transfer otW. R. I4tilooc~, police officer, from: 'folice Department to 'position of ChiefClerk, Water 'I}ep~~tment; at ,13ase,1'8.Y of 4175..00 per .month. , . f , 3. \ , Aocepta,nce, ofresigna-tion of Mrs. Trulah Rebecca :-. Everett"e,ffectiv6u,March ,6, 1943. ' . , ~ \ 4. E~p1oyment'of )lr8 .Cynt~ta Cotton Boehm at base pay r.,ate of $100.,00 p,er month. ' " - ,/ ...j" , .5. , " Employmen~ of She~man Richardson aS1'o1ioe officer at b13.S8 pay rate of .$150,.00 per month. < ! Voting::,Aye: Mayor, Kerbow, Oommissione.fs lfarmeling, ,Dunnington, Ogg and, Nees. I None Noes: - The Personnel' Board reported to the Commission that since , the employ.nle:p.tpf Mr:~ Hancoo'k as Chi~f' Clerk in the' Water- Depart~ 'ment, .he has notifie,d the Board that he would be 'unable to continue in -t!J,e employ of tlJ.a-'City~' The Board further advised that an _' arrangel1l;ent had been worked out Whereby Mr. Haneookwould work from 12: 3.0 I>...}4. to :;:OQ-P.},/[; daily exoept SaturdaY'8;t a ,fixed -sal'~ry of 1100.0'0 per.month, and "provided further' that llie would b~ subject to the rU;~es ,and regulations of the Civil'Service e:xcept th;atno vacation lyil~ b:e allowed ana. his salary will not" be sUbjeotto ad- justment under tpe 80-oal1ed escalator plan, and reoomm.ended that the' arrangement beautb.orized.' , " , " Metlaznby,Conunissioner,Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmel- ing, adopting recQmmendatipns of the Co:mmission. " , Voting Aye: ~yor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, 'Haxmeling, Og.g and ,Nees. Noes: (, None ~ n ] -J- P r~ ( _.c;REGU~R MEETING M0~AY APRIL 12194A , , "./ CJ:TY OF WEST UNmRSITY PLAGE TEnS , ) t , J <.... 'The 'ity ColmIlj.sfion conve~~d in regtilar se~si~n' ,at the City Hall at 8:001>. M. on Monday, April 12, '1943, w~thlVIayorPro~TeI!l- Harmeling",presiding,:, Commissioners,,_Dunningtonj O-gg, Ness, Mayor Kerbow and the CitySeereta,ry in attendartce.,:(Mayor' Kerbow ' ar.fived late, havingf;lttended the!inaugu-ration of city officials inl .Bella ire h". Minutes of ,regular :'D;ieeting of~roh22 f:lndJ,.re- " , oes'sed m~etirigs ~f ~reh 26 and 31 were 'read a!1d a'pp.rov€d~ Cominissioner Ogg .rf?ported on negotiationS' tg})1,l~chase a lot adjaee~t to the ~ity water plant ~nd garage. The matter was referred, to the Mayor and Goinm.. Ogg to continue negotiations and 'report r,estil ts to the COrrm1i.ssion,ii ';:,,, ' , I', J ~, . ."'>, . ,: ) , . eGmmis'~;one'r O~g read a le'tte.l" ,from ~he City; Engineer, with reference to<'acquisiti'on of' m.eter):~,esting eqaipment for the:Water Depart~nt and' made a inotibn, which was seconded by 'Mayor, Kerbow, ordering the purphase of testing equipmen~ from the Neptune Meter Co., a)t a p~ice of $'1.50.00.. ,"', ' , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, ConimissionersHarmeling,; Dunnington, Ogg and Nees / ' . / I, " I "] - - We st None, , ; Commissioner Ogg read a letter from the I,p,te,rnational City Managers Association,' relative to the\matter'of city manager f'orm of government .ttpon wliiah the Commis,sion had requested ~n qpinion ' frpm the aity'~1;torri.ey sometime ago. The City Kttorney was re- quwsted to report' his findings to the C,o.trimissioIi~ Commissioner Nees advised, the Commission tha tOr. Olarkson had been&IH>9inted full time_'Director' of" the Harris County Health Unit.) alse15hatMr. Bring~urst would b-e<tl,Jliable to s~rve on the ' local<B;ealth'13oa,fd. " ,,"', . Motion. by Commissioner Nees, :se,conue.q",J:>y CommissionerOgg, that Mr. A. F. ~a+nes,of 301.5 Jarrard St. be appointed engineer member qf t ~e Boa rd of Real th ~o serv.(.d~, plaee of~t~'KuehJ:le, who is ~beirig granted military leave of absence. ' ": I / .'., - ~, . Voting Aye: Mayor lCerbow, Commissioners ,Harmeling, -Dunnil:rgton, Ogg anQ. Nees Noes: None , 'A report by Commi$sfoner Neeson the cost of enforcing the' dog contr,ol ordinance showed:repeiI5ts of $377.,0 and disbursements of $18;5,..,.67 as of Aprdl 1, 1943. ' ,": ;" ,,:.~p. . " , . Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconaed by~myor Kerbow, ~uthori- 'Zing printing of the blrie.f in the case of Ell,is vs. City now em ,appeal. ~ " 7 ~ r~ ,'l>I:'",'i:, ,~ ." ~', :.~ ;: -. . .~ I -i\ ", ..., \ } '~'1.'"rn6' .'>.' ~ ',; ~. '.;.; .!Vr~" ,\~.: . ~l. -1 ,'" /, , , ,/ i Voting Aye: Mayor Ke~bow, Cominissioners liarmeling, Dunnington, , Ogg' and Nee,S 'Noes: , I ' None /, - , " D / I )' , I Mayor Kerbow brought l,lP ,the su:bje,et of the i,nv1estmeJl:t ot idle ,c,ODStruc,tion fums i.o.- war bonds. :rh,e :mat.ter yias. di~cllSS~A " and re~f~red to theMay,or~ Go~;' {)gg and the~Ci:ty Atto~ney. Motion bY' Oommissioner,~ees, selaomed by Comm~ Dunni'~gt;en, au-ehori~ing subs'eripti<:lH ibIS 1943 HOuston City Direet-ory._ ' " ' . , . ".../!.... . J Voting Aye': Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nee s Noes: , 'None ' : ' ( , (, - ' , - -. " ,. ). ~ " '. ~~ ~ ":.' . ) Commissioner ,Ogg presented a ,letter from M:: ,R. d.... Depenbroek, . Executive Secretary of the Civilia~pefense'Commit,teE:)'; r~~&~~~ng I~t-he. diseontinu~nce of: guaTds a,:t; the water tanks. , The .let;~e1'~'s ord~red spr,ead upon ~he minutes and i {3 <;is fo1lews~:"-' ' 4p+"i1" 11" 194:3 . . ~ "- ", -.. . \ , City of West University.Place ei~y'Counctl: . (I ; , , ~Gentlemen: Attention Mayor A.. L. Kerbow '\ ] ," , ~ As YQu know the city-aasarmed guards at its water towers and, central plant, which has, been the ,practice sinee Deeembe.F, , f \. , '. . 1941. ~he 'question of disoontinuing the guards ~s ~ee~diseussed , verbally with the Defense C0uncil of West Unive..rsi!iY :Place. . . -. Members of our DefenseOpunoil, at their meeting, ,ApJ:!~l 8, " 1,943, authorize~ 1;;he exeoutivesecretary to inforI!l:' the q~ty,' , ., loun~il' that i thas no'ol>jecti<?n to :ishe di/seontinlJ.anGeofti~i~, '>pra,ctiee, since the,se water tow~r pJ."ope.rties have 'I+owbeen '\ 'fenced, and wil.l be, properly policed "your lecalPollee, pepa~t.;. ment or by the ~ity, in som~ ma1).ner. ' We recommend that :our centr~l water pla'nt maintain a guard, on d~ty twenty~four hours, daily~ since it' is the v~ry artery of QUI' local system. Yours v ery truly, R. J. Depenbrock Exeeuti've Se~~etary \ " RdD/RJ"D k.~~ :; , - ~ '.,\.. i' " 'i r' -(' " ~'l ,{ J n J ',..-!. . j"m'''' . \.'-'", ~ . '-....- :'":'h'. . ,'"c '1 ,4. .. . r. ! ~ j ",.' ~ ,Motj.on ' by ,COmnliissione:p~,Crgg,$e'conded.' by 'Commissioner Nee-s, that the Treasurer 'b~e' authopi!zed t9ch~rge off accumulated ba;l... ances in the water aoc=0unts 'amounting to #47.64 and $28.32 in th~ sewer ,accounts, as 'reC'qmrnended by the_ auditors. '~ ' ' 'Voting .Aye: lJIayor Kerbow, Commissioners Uarmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees \ 'I No€! s :' None' . On recommendation of the' Cl,ty Engineer, a m-otJon was made by Commissioher Ogg" which was seconded by Oo,mmiss'ioner Dunnington, authorizing the 'ate~ Department to install' tempo~aryme,ters for ' Viotory Gardens at a charge of $5.00. ' "_ I " ( ,r Voting Aye: ~aY:Qr Kerbow.;Comni:i.~sioners Harme~iE.g, Dunnington, Ogg and Nee s ' No.n:e , " Noes: L T'fte City 8~cre;tarireadaletter f.J."bm attorney J. H. Painter",~ regarding ,a cl~iin against ,the ,0 i tyin the amo~nt of $250 . 00 made ' byOaldwe:ll and RaymoJld 'o:t',New York City tor s\ervic~s alleged 't,Q ha\1'e been perfo.pmed 'in 1930 in connection with a Water" Works" Bond issue. Tae matter was re,ferred. to th-e City Secrett;l.r:Y for investi-' _ gation.' , t , , Motion by Commi,s;ioner Dun:hingto~, st1eondedby Commis~ioner ,Ogg, that t'he ChieI' of Police be instruct,ed ,not to carry anyone , in the pbiioe' cars exoept in ease of ,emergenoy' or persons ,on official city business. Voting Aye:, Mayor,Ke-rbow, Commissioners Harmeling,-D~riningto1i, Qgg and Nees '1 Noe s : None Motion by Commiss'io.ner Du.nnington,se,oonded by Commissioner Ogg, autho)r.izing'the purchase of ga~olineatthe city garage from the Arkansas Fuel, Oil Co. tor,the next six months. Vo.ting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, _Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg 'and Nees. ) . ' " None Noe's: -, ' The meeting was recessed to reoonven$'\lpon call of the Mayor. ( , ' i The Commissionreconveneci at the City Hall at 7:5,0 P. ~. on , , Monday, April 26, ,],94,3, with Mayor Kerbow,' CommissiQners 'Dunnington; Harmel ing , Ogg, N:~$S, and- the City '$ecretary-in ~tt~ndanee. ' l' I""r .. : ;j~iF,V"tJ,,\ ",' ::L€"~~~: " ,'-.. ~, Mot!on by ,Qommissioner Harmel:i,Ilg,2eeondedby Co:mmiss';toner Neestoadjou~n~ ' " \.'" ' ), ' ,,' .,', ., ... ~ . ~~ ,\~ \ \ ""~ ;~ Voting Aye: Ml1lyor Kerbow, Oommissioners :Harmeling, Dunnington, , Ogg and Nees " Noe s ~ / )irone ./ C?,y!~ A. L. Kerbow, Mayor . -...,'. )- ~, ,.. ,\ /-"" r T ~ '1 ; ",1 , " '{ .1 l' I i ...J 179 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1943 aITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE " TExAs The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, April 26, 1943, at 8:00 p. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling ( Ogg, Nees, and the City Secretary. Minutes'of regular meeting ot April 12 were read and approved. c' , A discussion was had on the subject of investment of con- struction funds in war bonds. Commissioner Harmeling made a~motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the committee h~retotor~ appointed, composed of the Mayor, Commissioner Ogg and the City Attorney, to proceed with the investment of the unused con- struction f'unds and sinking fund. ' Voting Aye: N~yor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunn~ngton, Ogg and Nees Noes: None -' Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, that County Sanitary Engineer ~oe Winston, Commissioner Ogg, Superintendent Metcalf and the City Engineer be authorized to ' negotiate with the City of Houston on their proposal tq purchase water trom this ci tyduring the summer months. ' , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Noes: None Commissioner Nees reported to the City Commission on efforts to enforce the dog control ordinance and stated that it would prob- ,ably be necessary to employ the services of a regular dog oatcher. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, that Commissioner Nees arid the Chief otPolice be authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to bring about the enforcement of the' dog oontrol ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and, Nees Noes: Norie Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing and ins~ructing Commissioner Nees, Director of Personnel Bender, and the City Treasurer to formulate a schedule of 'vacations tor the farces employed in the City Hall. Voting Aye: l~yor Kerbow, Commissioners Harilleling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Noe s: None ~ .. ~~'~"I" 1""1'" 180 '. .... Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded ,by Commissioner Harmel- ing, authorizing the payment of $10.00 to the Chief of Police for membership and registration tees in the State Police and Sheriff's' School and Convention held in Houston on April 27 and 28. j Noe s : Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None Voting Aye:. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded .by Commissioner Ogg, authori~ing Commissioner Nees, Superintendent Metoalf and the City Engineer to investigate the matter6f obtaining insurance policies on fire equipment and to take such action as may bedeemed/ advisable. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, ,Dunnington, Ogg, and Nees Noes: None The matter of rules and regulations governing the city labor was discussed, particularly with reference to rate of pay for days off duty account of illness, ~tc. and the matter was referred 'to Commissioner ,Harmeling, Ogg and Superintendent Metcalf for handling. Commissioner Ogg brought up the subject of preparation of 'city, ordinance authorizing charging of deposits on water service con- nections, and he was instructed to take the matter up with the City' Attorney. After some discussion it was decided that the Mayor, Commis~ )~doner Harmeling and the City Secretary draf~-a letter to Con~ress- man Albert Thomas with a view of' seeking and 'obtaining information on the Federal Government's plans for post-war pUblic works projects. Motion..by CommissionerF.fa.rmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, appointing ~rs. Ernest, Blaok to membership on the Community House Management Committee. Voting Aye: , Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Ne es Noes: None Mr. Reed, of the Dow Chemical Company, appeared before the Com- mission and discussed the matter of treatment of street surfaces with calcium chloride for dust prevention. IJr. Joe Winston, Harris County Sanitary Engineer, reported on the progress of the Harris County Health Unit with reference to the inspection of dairies supplying milk to West University Place. He stated that i~ was the plans of' the Health Unit to begin work on 'the rodent eradioation as soon as the Unit had completed inspection of the dairies. ltil Tl1erebeingno further busine/ss ,to come before the Com- missJ.on, upon motion being duly made, sec0nded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ' ' , .. 'aL~ , A. L. Kerbow! 1fuyor ~~ R~ .6. Al en,,~.City Secretary ~,..r- /"./',. ./ //-:1 ' / 1(.\ , ,! r ~. ,~ X~ ~/:~i.\V 'fH ",l \ .I '!' \t i L-, ,,~\ I, U \ \ L.,/ \ -- ~-'''._.l -:1 __ _ _,----1 ----~ 'l'8.."e . ~ < . . ..<'i"f "', .... " 'p '.1' .' ~ ":" '!-. I. k~ ~. ,'2 REG:U~AR, l}EETING ~"r-'ID 'Y ,,', Y 10 19 A3 Id..;J\ it, l'.l.il ,,"I- , CITY OF '.'JEST- Ul-TI'IERSITY PLACE ~ , TEXAS , ;' The C~tyCommission convened in regular session at 8:00 r. M.' on Monday, May 10, 1943, at the City Hall. ~em~ers present were, Mayor,Kerbow,1>res'iding, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, 'Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of regular meeting of April 26 were read ,and approved~ ' . A group of,' cit izens appE{ared before the Cornmis s i-on 'with re-., gard to the bpe~ation of a pre-school kindergarten at 4146 South- western. },;lx. and, Mrs. P. A. McConnell and ~J.:rs. V..E. Carson voiced their objections to the ~peration of this school for the reason thE!-t it was in violation' of the provisipns of t_he ,zoning l-aw relative to establishment and maintenance of institutiops qf a 'commercial nature rin a restricted resJldential zone. Mr. Jack JvIcGrew,and Mr. Wa,lter ~1fuitson made ,a 'p+ea" in favor of the ope;I'a- tion qf the school a.q.d ci~ed that the school constituted ,a pari{ of, a program to provide' n.un$,'ing homes and' day schools' for children whose p,arents were ,engaged' in ~~ar industry.,WiI'. Whitson r,epre- sents the Family Service Bureau working under and in conjunction 'with the State Welfare Department. Mrs. George Forbes, the operator of the school in question was also present and explained itsstatus'and operation. The'CoIrimi'ssion heard both sides of the quest~on and referred the matter'tothe 'Zoning Commission f'or study and recommendation to the Coromiss,ion. \' , ' Mr. A. A.'Meiste~ called the Commission's attention to, the ... fact that taxic'abs operating' out of' the City" of' Houston were charging a rate of $1.50 for "carrying ,~_assengers into th~City of West University Place and-stated that this rate was both ,ex- cessive and dispriminatory. The Commission referred the matt'er to 'the City Attorney for investigation. Rev. Kenneth E. Hiner, of the Baptist Church, spoke to the CDmmissio~ on the matter of the proposed sale of land owned by the Baptist Church in Mil~on Street to the City. Thismatter was di~oussed and referred to a cOmID~ittee oomposed of Commissioner Harmeling, City Attorney ,Fleming, and the May?r. The C~ty Secretary sometime ago having been instructed to Uwesti:gate rates charged 'by the Houston newspapers for the pu'91i- cation of legal notices reported 'tD, tIle Commission on the rates charged -by the Houston Chronicle, Houston Post and Houston Press, the rate charged by the Houston Press being the lowest. Mot,ion by Commissioner Harmeling; seconded by qomnli~sioner Nees, that the Ho~ston Press be designated the official newspaper~f' the City' of 11est University Place. ' Voting Aye: 1tIayor :Kerbow, Coromissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, . Ogg and Nees Noe s : None ~ f .. l ~ L,' .', I .! J ; ! i . i J .IJ. ~-] 1 .. 'V , 1 _...J . }' riJB" ': '~,'''\ - \ . ".. ".' '- 'Oommissioner Nees brought up the matteT of carrying insurance on fire trucks ~ After'di?cq.ssion a motfoil was ~,de 'by 'Commissioner Ogg, which was seconded by'Commissioner'Earmeling, that it ~s the determina tion of the 09mmi~'si~n tha t no insurance, will be oarried on tire equipment. ' ; I Voting Aye':' Mayor Kerbow, CQmmissioners' Harmeling, Dunningtqn'and O~ '/ ~ No.e s : Commissioner Nees f,~'" \ - , ' " ~ ,The City Attorney Presented an ordinanoe providing tor a de- posit of $5..06 on new water ,services. Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeli'ng, that t:qe ordinance be adopt-ed. , 'I Vot:tng Aye: Mayo~ Kerb~"Y' Commissioners Harmeli-ng,' Dupriington, ()gg and Nees. Noes: :Dfone \ The caption of the o~dinanoe is as follows: , AN ORDI'NANCEREQ,UIRING THAT ALL )?URCHASNRS AND,PRBS-. ' FEOTIVE FO'RCRA8ERS OF' WATE-R'FROM THE CITY Sli4.LLMAKE DEPOSIT 'j . '. 'WITH TEE CITY' BEFORE RECEIVING .FROM THE CITy- ANYW.ATER' CON- ,.' .. l\JEJCTION 9RWATER; PROVIDING TB"AT,UPON REQ,UEST, \fATER CON-. SOMERS lJIAY \ HAVE RElmNDED SUCH DEPOSIT AFTER' SIJ CJi DEPOsITS IRA VE BEEN HELD BY .';r-HE-C ITY MORE THAN FIFTEEN MONTHS , PRO- VIDED NO DELINQUENCY HAS J dCC~D IN TEE WATER, OR SE\VER AqCOUNT OF ,SU~ ,APPLIQ,ANT D1JRING SUOH FIFTEENMONTB; PERIOD. , ' - l ,Moti-on l;>yCommissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeli~g,' aut:Q.ori~ing i;heappointment of' Geo1'ge Peyton ,to be humane offioer in'the Pol,i;ee Department at a 'Ease salary ra:te of $1.50.00 per month, , maximum:o:e...'~'l 1'.5..00, subject to' increases and decreases'reslJ,tli,ng from the fluctuation of the cos ts of ll.ving a~ heret'ofo+,e adopted: in theescala-tor plane' I Voting Aye: MaY'or Kerbow, Cornmissione.rJs ,Harmeling, Dunnington, Oggand Nees None . Noe s : The, matter' of' ob)taining Ilf3.ter:ialsfor the pur'po-se of settling and preventing of dl;l.st on shell st'reets being'd.iscus,sed, a motion waf3 made by Commissioner Nees, Which was seco'nded by Commissioner Ogg~ auttiorizing the .purohase of a 6000 gallon tank'car of Gulf Oil.'Company Bani-Boil-Set to, be used on the streets on the west' side~ of th~ city. '; Voting Aye : Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeli!ng, 'Dunni.ngton, , , ( .Ogg and Nees " Noes: None \1 J " T ~- r i ..- ,-~-- "\I~""'~";" <Y~ "%"':. .':: v \ - '. " . . ',,? .-";<" - ,/ ~ / r . J , ~'p,roposal f,rom Mr~ Ben R'einicke withret~rence to the city acquiring land owned by Mrs! McCurdy for, the purpose. of ,()p~ning Wakeforest' and Werleiill Street was discussed and referred to' ' ,Co~lissibner'Har~~ling and the City Eng~neer. ' " ' Commissioner 'Dunn'ington, ' in cha.J;'ge of the Ta"x Department, presented a resolution autb.ori~ing the employment, of app-raiJ3al ' 1,- engineers to inV'entory and appraise the tlhysical, property of the several public utili~ies in the Qityof WestUni~ersity Place ( anp. moved it;'s adoption. Co.rorn.'issioner Dunnington stated that this procedure' 'Was 'necessary in order to conforIr). with the city pharter and 'furthe~that an investigation of the assessed values' of 'the publi'c util:i:tie.s in the ,city ,b,ad rev.eaJ-ed ce,rtain. ineCL\!,a'1itie s whioh neyessitated ,?dju~':4ment. The City Attorney volunteered t,he statement ,that the City ,:Commission already had the autho;rit,y whlch, the resolution intended to convey and that therefor,e the adoption of the resolutio'n was unnecessary. Therebel.ng no secon,dto Gqm- missioner Dunnington's motion to a'dopt the 'resolution, Commissioner:' Dunning~o1\' s ~otiondi~d. , ' ,I . \ ~ . \ After, some discussion the City' Seoret,ary was instruc.ted to write to various' re.putal:;lle a'PP~aisalfirms and inviteth~m to f'ile proposals, w~th thel ci'tY C?n the appraisal of the p~operti,es of the utilities.,' ' i \ ' , Motion by'~ommissioner Nees, seconded by Co~issioner Harmel- ~ing,.that \ t,hE;l prop0sal of the Layne-Texas Company on the ,0ve.rhaul- r ing of~the 500 g~p~m. well, known as Well No.' 3, Ire accepted" and author,izing the work to proceed.' ~" / '" ' V ot,ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissione~s Harmeling,.Dunnington, Ogg and N~es , None I I \ Noes': . , Commissioner Qgg read a lett~r to thei Commiss~onf'romM+. ~oe B. Winston, Ha.rris County Sa;nitary Eggineer" calling attention to the fact that there were two' areas, in the 6i ty not heingserV'~d' by the sanitary sewer system, namel~; a part of, College Court and t,he !Kren...zler property at Kirby' Prive and Bissonnet,._ The Gity Engineer reported to t~e Commissi~n that he had conducted an in~ ,vestigation of the two ,'areas and reported on ,the number ot' residences and commercial establishments in 'the areas and the estima~ed cost of- constructing sanitary sewers to eliminate, septic tanks now, ,being u$~d for disposal purposes. The matter, was discussed and referred to Comm~ssionE(r Ogg,Mr. Winston, Superintendent Metca:!-f,' and the City Engineer.'. ' ,_" :MotJon by Commissioner Harmeli~g, seconded by, .commistBioner Ogg, authorizing the payment of attorney f'ees to the c.ity attorney in .the amoun:t"of$200.00 each in tb,e two cases styled 'Hatcher vs. City ,and Ellis vs. City ',' ", ' , ( -.J '-' - v o~Ang Aye: ) ~lt;lyor KerbOW, Conrrnissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees ,None Noes: ~1 ._~-~~~-1 r ,. ~, .- -, , :'--1. , , LI /, II . ). \ ' A resolution h;eretofore adopted( by the ,Boa~d "oi'Health was presented to the CityCommisf?ion. ,This resolution was di,rected , to the Houston InQ.ependeni:; ,Botrool District andrecommen<isthat alL school teachers and ether persoI;ls who dbme ipcontact ~vith 'the, ' pupils attending the schools of WestUIliversity Place be, required t.o undergo pl;1ysioal examinati:ons. Motion by Co.ssioner Nees, seconded byOommissione~uarmeling~ that t~e resQlu~ion be ' approved, and that the signature of the members of the City Com- mission be affi;x:ed thereto. '. ", . ~ , , Voting ,Aye: ,,,.Mayor Kerbow, COlIUIlissioners, HarmE31,ing, Dunnin~ton" , Ogg and Nees r Noe s : None . The ;City Tr,eas.u~er presented ,a recommenda,tion !le'retofore 'made .in, 1941 by the city auditors relative'to the appointment of the ~ Oi ty Natic;mal Bank as f,isc&l agent f,qr the payment' of prirrcip~l_ and' interest on the f'unded debt of tb~ city~ Moti9n by'Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg" 'appointing thE;t City National ,Bank as fiscal agent and authorizi.o.g the City ,Treasurer to make necessary arrangements for the carrying out of t:hE3 re'com- mendationp "of t)J.eauditors. \ 'Voting Aye: Mayor KerbOW, GoIllIJ1issioners Ha.tmeling, Dunnington; Qgg and Nees Noe s : None ,/ <, , There being no further bU$iness to come, before the Commission, upon motion being duly made, ~econded and carr~ed, the 'meeting was' de.clared 'ag.jOurned. ' ~\ t./~. . , 0_'_~ ..A.-.'_~': A. L. erbow, 'yor' ',~... ~~'~b?~ '-'j..,:.:", (7' ....~:.: /' 0- R. B. Allen" City Secretary /--\ ~ t~\ ( J II ~ I\v\:),I I' '1\\1 ~1'\-\\ I \'\~U \' " ./ \ ' \ '-. _/' ;) / I I ,,1', \ ' ;, ~~: I : . ..., . ~, .. "E~'<'8' , 6' '." "'. . >. ":".": .ct},-,-:,. .:" 'REGULA R' Th'IEETIISG MO~IDAY1 ~~y 24,'1943 C~TY OF WEST U1ITVERSITY PLACE TEUS : ] The City, Commission' convened .in regula.r session at the:Oi ty , Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Monday" May 24, 1943. ,Present were r,lfayor Pro~Tem~a~meling presiding, Oommissioners ~unnington, Ogg, Nees, and the City Secretary. Mayor ,Kerbow was ~bsent due to theneces- sity, of att'ending the graduationexercis8s at the Houston Uu?--, versity. The-minutes of regular meeting of May 10 were T~ad and 'app-roved." ' /ColWllissioner Dunnington ~dmiriatedJ. A. Davlin, Joe L,. Archer, :and R.' C. ~Patte!'son to 'compose the E)qualization Bo~rd for the current year. Commissioner, Ogg nominated Yl. F. Semmelrdgge.' T,here being only' three positions to be filled and f'our ,nom:l,rnat~ons, a vote \~as ta-ken on each individual nominee. Commissioner Dun-" ' , nington moved the appoi-ntme.q.t of J. ,.1:\. Davlin, which motion Was' se'conded by 'Commissioner, Nees~ ", ' Vot ing Aye:, I'ilayor, Pro-T(;:m Harmeling, CommIssioners Dunningt,ont Ogg and Nees :!'10e s: None / , Motion by ,Commissioner Dunnington., seconded by Commi'ssloner Ogg" moving the appointment of Joe L. ~li...rcher. I .voting 'Aye: Mayor Pro Tem Harmeling, C.olpID.issioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Noe s: I None ! - Motion by Commissi-oner Dunnington moving the a ppointment of R. C. Patterson. Thery being nQsecond, tJ:lis motio,n' died. J\iotion by Commissioner' Ogg, sec9ncled by Cormnissioner Nees)" moving the, appointment ,of ,-Y. F: Sermnelrbgge. Voting '::"ye: kayor Pro Tem'Harme~ing, C ommissioners Ogg and TIees Hoe s : Conl~issi~ner Dunrington. Of ~V1iereupon the !,zayor Pro Tem deolared J. .A. Davlin, Joe I,. Archer and W. F. Semmelrogge duly appointed to the ~oardof Equali- zation -'for. the year 1943. t ' Commissioner Dunnington stated that he was ready to begin the revaluation of improvem.ents 'in .connection with ,whi0h it will be necessary ,to em.ploy two m.en to make a field survey.' He made a motion authorizing ~he employment of on~ man at $6.30 per day'and one n1an at $4..... GO :per'day to perform the work which is estimated to' require about two or three WGBks ti~e. Commissioner Nees ~econded the m.ot ion. \ I J \l L~ _r .. .-- -~ .r :11 ' , , 'I] 1 ' 1_,- J I ' 1'==_ I " ' \. '. Votf,ng.cl.ye,: l~:.ayor PIlO Tem F...arnieling" Co.ruraissio,ners 9gg~,-, Ne~s ~,' and Dunnington', lToE1S: ,.I :/;'ro ne J Mot,ion 'l:!y, CbrrJIn.issi oner Ogg" seconded by Co.tllm:issiQn~r Nee's, authorizi.q.g" the purchase and installation of 'electriQal:;cbnt~bl equipment, cqsting $171.00, neGessary tb ,permit auto~atic opera- tion of the pumps in the water Ptant. ,,\Vat ing Aye: l~yor Pro Tem. Harmeling, Cmnmissioners Dq,rUlington, ''''Ogg and Nees, " . ) - , No~s: None M:btion by Commi~sioner Nee's, seconded by GornrfliEl~ione~ Dgg, accepting resignation of iiaY:Land R. Hanco.ck as, clerk i-n the Water Department and Clerfc ofth8 Corporation' Court. , , ',' Voting Aye: ( Mayor ,ProTem Harmel~ng, Co~issioners Dunnipgton, Oge and Nees Noe s : F Nqne 1:otion by Commissioner Ne,es, seconded by Commissioner Ogg,- autho~izi-ng the employment of Ivlrs. Lelia Bentley as clerk in the Wate.r Department at a base salary of $100.00 per month, subject-' to fncreases ana. decreases of the 'escalator pl.a,1;l:~. ' Y J , Voting .Aye: Itayor Pro Tern Harmeling, Commissiorlers Dunningtop,; Ogg and Nees No€? s : None ~I:otion -by Commissioner Ness, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, appointing Dr. A. 1l. Clarkson to be City Health Offi..cer. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro T~m Harmeling, Co~issioners Dunnington, Ogg and J:Jee.s \... ..... Noes: NOIfe The City Treasurer presented a lis't, of' delinQuent taxes' on ' stock and fixtures-of various business establishments that are no long in existence, which taxes are uncollectable. lvlotion 'by, Commissioner JJunnington, seoonded by Commissioner Ogg, that these taxes be ' cb,arged off from the rol1-s'as uncollectable. Votiri~ Aye: :!t.i.8.yor Pro Tem Harmeling, ,Commis s ione,rs Dunningto n, Ugg and Nees ,) / I Noe s :, None , Mr?:' Joe L. Archer, Chairman of' the Board of Adjustment pre-, " sentad a letter set,ting'forth the rules and regulations- a,dopt'ed by the Board relating 'to the _e~tablishment of kindergartens, or , nursing homes in areas restricted to resi<lences. This was in com- .', ~y 'I 1 . ,- '[ 1 "1 .' .f. t'" ~ ,,- i , ~ 'j " ....;., 'OJ 1 :1"'~"~';'8" ~ : "'. ~ ... . -, : ' '".. ~ , .'. 15lianoe ,with. the" reque,st of ;the' ~~ty Comm,:Lssion made on May 10 , , 1943, at which. time the" question of' the legaility of' the operation of! a kindergarten dn Southv~estern Street was discussed. l ,,' Since this matter comes under the jurisdiction of the Board of Afi~ustment, no action was nec~ssary on the' part of the City, Commission. At thls time the'M~yor Pro Tem recessed the rooeting,until 8:00 P. M. Monday, ,May 31, 1943. ..~~ --------'-r The City Commission reconvened in 'regular session on Monday, May 31, 1943, wi-th the following members present : <M:ayor Ke.ubow:, presiding,< Commissioners Dunnirigton, I Harmeling, Ogg, Nee,s and the City Seor,etar,Y. ' ., i . Motion by 'Commisf)1.oner Nees, seconded~,hy Commi,ssioner Dun- nington, appointing Narvin Cole to be Clexk" of the Corporation, Court effeotive June 7, 19~3, at $2.50 per ~,eek. Voting Aye: :M:ayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, egg and Nees Noaa , ' , Noe'$: il ; . ,I , Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner ,Nees" ~~,~i)~t ii:1g ~U',s. rne z Gi baul t to be ,d el'u ty derk'of ,the corpora ti,on :' ""I , , Voting .Aye: Mayor; Kerbq1."J, Commis~ioners ~rmeling" Dunnington, Ogg and Nees 'Noes: None :Motion by Co.mrnissioner Dunnington, seconded by: O'Ornrnis sloner Harmeling, adqpting an ordinance creating the positIon of Acting Tax Assessor --and Coli ector. Voting Aye: Ivlayor Kerbow, COI11p1issioners F-armeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nee s Noe s : None j' The oaption of this ordinance is as follows: h AN ORDINANCE J::;REATING THE OFFICE OF ACTING TAX: ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF 1frEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXA.S; DEFINING SUCH OFFICERf~ DUTIES ANIJOBLIGATIONS; Rl'ID PROVIDING FOR PAnm:NT OF h"IS C OlJPENSATION: , Motion by Commission~r Ogg, seconded by nington, appointing C., E. Gammill Acting Tax leotor at no salary. ' Co~nissioner Dun- Assessor 'and Co1"- ,~ I " J ~, l'>>~"'~' , ~~'bj y . The Chief ~f Police s~ggested in order tobr~ngabout a more ,effective ,ent'orcement ,of ,the dog cO',ritrol ordinance and' to acquaint , '-I the peo~le with the ~existence oftheord,inance tba t noti,cesbe 1 mailed out'to the 'citize~s. This-matter was r~ferred to'the,Mayor, ! COInrll:i$sioner Nees "I?-nd ,the Chief of, PQ};ic,e with authority to draft a notice arid: mail same to the, residents. -:', , , 'Therebeing'rlo _further busine-ss to COme befor.e, the Co_asion, QPon'motion being duly made~ seconded, and carried, the meeting ,was 'declared adjourned,. , 'L, " " , 4' ' I t .' I ) $~~ . ,=""'-::, .., ' Ci'l;Y~ lI'.ayoJ:' A. L. Karbow \..;', .. ) c ,..:,. ~ ." \, \, ( " I i (~' i Jt ' ' I . ;,t 'i~/~) -, ~ \"\ \!I \" i\ ", .~/ '-,,' ' --, -- 'J ~4 ,.' '"\-:..~, ",.' 'lH~~l i _r----.- r~-- -.' .-- . ':l. ----::r "1'90 .", . ~'.' '- ',: r.'" ...... . '}." {'. . -. ' . ~- . ~ . ..t .: "" r' - r ;:'\"t' 1"" , ,-:I ~ /" RE~ MEE'TING '. :MONDAY, dUNE 14" 194.3 CIT,Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS f ..-] Th~ Oity Commission convened in regu~a,r session at tl1e, ,City' Hall at 8:00 1. ~. on }.!oI+da.Y~' ~une ~4, !~4{'; Members present., were Mayor A. ):... Kerbow pres~d~ng, vommiss1oners J. R. ,Hal,'me~tl.ng, J,. M. Dunnington, -J'ao~ M. Ogg, C.' A. Neys, and the City ::;,eci-~ct8.rY. , Minutes ,of regular mee~ing of lviay 24 and recessel}. meeting of'May, .31 we~e read and appro-v~d. " " ' , ~~~ ! Commissioner Ogg read, a letter tib the Oommission which -had " been wzlitten ~o t'ne Mayor by Dr./ Cox" State Health Officer, ad- . vising of the approval of the water system by the, State Heal1;h ' Department'., Motion by Commissioner Ogg, sec9na~d py 'Co.tmhi..~ioner , 'Nees, that the, letter be accepted and expressing the ~atifieation of the City Commission upon the approval by the State,Real~h De- partment of' the water system aJil. further ordering that the 'letter' frgm. Dr. Cox be spread,uJ?on'the minutes of the City Commission. 'V ot lng Aye: Mayor llerbow, Oommissioners Harmeling, Durinington., Ogg a.ndNee s Noes: None The lett,er is as>follows: ( /' , ....,. TEXAS STATE BOAlU> OF HEALTH Geo~ W. Cox, M. D., State Health Officer 'Austin -I .1 ,/" - June 4, 1'43 Ron. A. 1.. Kerbow Mayor ~ West University Place, Houston, Texas Dear Mr. Kerbow: c , It is~with a great deal of pleasure tha~ we are able to advise you that your municipal water supply has ,received an A or excellent rating. This has been due largely to the i~provements which you ' have af1'ected, and represents a greater incr6'ft'e in the factor of 'saf~ty\ of your, municipal supply. Therefore,~' testimony of th ls 'sati,sfactory condition, 'we are 'willing to au > ri~e tl;le 'ereet:j.on and maintenance, on all public high,ways lead~" 'into the city, of a permanent marker notifying the citizens of'7~ur ci~y, as ~ll as the c tr~veling public_, that lour muni,cipal wate-~su'pp':L,Y ha~ 1"e- eeived the approval t;>f the Texas State' Department o:lli.eal~)1, I p~?v;de'4 you si~n the ~ ttached agreem.~nt blanks, Wh~QP.:W;~'iA'1~ ~b- mt,t~ng to you ,In dupl1.cate, Eind returll them t? ~~ ,tg,~'f~f ~arl~- est convenience., '/' - , I ,J ? 'I "I' II r- I 'il ' " "'--J i : , '~ J :.. ....#1 .,..~ J _ ,~'Th~13,cpublic ltPproval is'a-dist:tnet b:onor for'y!?,ur water'supply syst~gt, and~has bee,n awardedtoonlt a 'small/ numbei; o~ ,Supplies wi th;J.n the State, at the precselIt,tilne.' Any' public announcement too tyou may oare to,make eoneerning this 'oompliment' which is be- ing paj,.d to you will me-~twi1;h our: approval~. " " . "', , , ' ". , , _ "Ifr~'~~g~rd ,to ,'the" ereotio~ 01' s~g~~" weare ,attEl,~hiklg herewi,th a phC?to'~ta~,J.ccoPY; of the type .of f?J.gns to, be e,rected." We" feel ' t~t yeur local', sign makercS will be' able to, .prepar~! this .material for , r(J~;. , 6 I .~., Very truly yours, (Signed)'ckc:;;jr~ Oox, M.D. " state Heal th0f'fieel" CHB:BC . cc: :Mr. J. A. Metcalf' , Harris C9unty Health Department ,EngineerH. M. Bohn ) , ' '~','- . ,~ . -, \..1 "e~i, 'ne* Pggadvisea. th$,Comnussion\that ,:pur,suanji ,to, ' , ' at1thnritt<~ ,v', ,(l,:~ the Gity , Golifuliss:1ona t' a previ,ousmee,ti~, he and 9r1;y~:AttDt.tl~,.r-J.:'$mi~i;1~d:i1egbtiated wi tl1 the representa ti va,s . of' th~; 'eftY.':;6t"R~nstpn"'ater 'Depar'tinent. and re8!ched, an agreement, relat;ingto the conditions under which the 'city will sell water to' tp.e City of Houston and, the rates iio~be charged therefor. This a,greemegt was emb~diyd in a let,ter which had, be~:n: signeld by WJ.S.yor, Kerbow 'anclforward'ed 1;'6 the eityof Houston for presentatioll' to . , the Gity, Council of, Houston. - Commissioner Oggread thelat~er a~ee~' m.ent ,and. moved that same beapl>roved and ratified by the City Corn- mi~sio~~ This ,motion was seconded by Commissioner Harmeling. - ., ~ :~i~ .,..,.:~~ Voti ,',' '. r' <-.0 : 'Mayor KerbOW, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, , , Ogg and ,Nees ' , -i~ . ) Noes', ',. ". :- , ,', ~ol1e "qpnimiJ~'st<1>l1er Og~! i:-eported' to the COm$ission ,tha~ the eom- mittee:'rece~tly aPl'o1nted to m.an~ge the Community House had met 'on Fri;d-ay; June 11, fJ,nd adopted ,oertain rules am regula tions " tQ ,gC?ve:rn'tJ;te use of thl;3 Community.House, a,nd in addition thereto had ma.de9J~ii'taii1 reeommendati:ons to the City Commission, among , which W{3.~:'t4a:t ,the city employ aeustodian to look af'ter' the' bq1ldi:4€;,.,'~ssi~n~r ,9gg, reque,stediiJ,le Dl6J11bers of the COInmis- sibhtctak,e thisst1ggestion under, adV:ts~nt with a view of ' ' t~lCing. some actio~ oj the matter no~ later tha.n the beg~nning 01' ' " _ t~~ ne~t fisca~ year. -"'1-, . ~ Commissioner Har.meling ~ead a ,letter to the' City Commission from Mr. R. Victor Landig, of the Ryde ParkrFuneral Home, where-in Mr~ Landig stated that the/ambulance which he had donated to the Qivil;tan Defense Organfz'ation lIaS an ou.-'liright gift. Motion.by Commiss'ioner Ogg, seoonded by Commis~ioner Nees, authorizing the ac,ceptance of the ambulance as a gift and ord'ering~ that an ' ltlppropriate letter' be written to NI'...r. Landig expressing'the appre- 'ci&tion and thanks of the ~city tor ;hts generosity. "I <, -1'fl',I' 'II "I' '~'V"~~D"" '!< . ,. -"', .~ ',;'il :"" .-~...... ',,- .j. , ) , I ~: , ' i I .1-:. Voting Aye: "Mayor Keftbow, \Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, " " Ogg and Nees ' r Noes: None fl i I ~-..... '- j) ,,"\ eo.mmiss;i.on~r~Harm.eling also read/ a letter from Mr.K. P. Gwinn, of 'the Civilian Defense Gouncfl,requestj.ng tha,t ~,~e\ ' a<ttioD. betaken re"la'tive to :providill{S gar~ge ~:paee for ;t;ij.lif hellS""; i~Q:r the ~bulance in order, to keep it bu~ of' thewe~t:!1er~. " ", . Commissio,ner Dunnington reported to the Commission on "the progress of ~e survey work being carried .on in connection with revaluing ee'r'tialn improvements 'f 01" tax purposes, and in Cenne ction therewith IDad~ a motion that the city allow Mr. R. H. Booker 12.00 per week to reimburse him for gasoline used in his personal car while. cond'llc-tfng the' survey. Motion was s econ:led by Commis- , sioner} Neesh Voting A!e:, > Mayor 'Kerbow, Commis~ioners Harmeling, 'Dunnipgton,' Ogg and Nees ' ,,' ~", '-, ' Noes: ' None r' Motion by CQ~ssioner Dunningto~,. s~conded byCo~~~~~~ner H~rniel~ng" ,inst.ru~t,ing tne,U1ty, ~ttorn~y t,o,W.f;t~!f;~/~;JJ~~,'t.:~"i\~p> th,~; e':1.ty at'tO:I'ney Of '.I:eJea:rkana, Texas, mak~ng iliqll:1.ry ,,'ft''$' ,to ,'the, ' ' , S'e\tftJ.e.meiit made by that city with the Federa.lWorks Agency"on its' g.ra>nt~''''received in connection with certa~nDpre projects in that-, , aity., ~ J - , " --r __I , '.-q .ft~. VQ:tingA1fJ : .' . ~. - ;.~ \, Mayor ~Kerbow ,eorrnnissioners Ha:rrtleling,D~nnip~'ton, Ogg and .Nees , " N~s: :No ne , Commissioner Harme~~ng ~epor~ed to'the 9~ty Co~~si9.~that the Board of Trustees of the Bapt1st Church'~au accepted ttte propo- sition oftlle City whereby the City will deed"Lot 9;Bla~k 18, ' 'Gollegeview 3rd Addition aI;ld pay # in cash eto,the West Uni- versi~yBaptist Church i.Q. return ,for the~Churohdeeditig $oth,e'o.ity a tract of land 6Qx15.5', lying in what would be the .ex\~'. ",.Gf 'Milton stre~t and be~ween the west line of Au.den St:r~:~t_j'"" ~.:tll~e e$.st I1ne, ,01: Collrg~view 3.;od 1 ~ddition. Commis.~~n~:r .ya;l1.rn~l~1f~: ' presented -aresolut:1.on author1zing the, tral1sf~.,r of \tJ.,tl~, ;;0. ,~Ae, ,land',~d the payment of the $. to the' Ohur:ch it re'\iti;J;"tf'tor', ., tI1e'adquisitionofthe l~nd inJJlilton Street. . He moved :tihE1' ' ,'<: adopti,o,n of the resolution and instruc1;ed the' oi ty, atto.tJney t~ ' ','i-; -; draw 'the necessary 'deed. ~Ais motion was seeonded 'by (lo~,;Lss;i..onei':) , "', Nees:~'~ ',' , , ,',.~" ' Voting Aye: Ma~or ,.Kerbow, Co.mmissioners marmeriDrg, D\1nnington, 6gg and Nees " Noes: None .~ - " _J "..:.:. {>.. The r$solution is a~~follows: :~: '....; 0/ +9'3 , , , 'RESQ:tUTIONNO.~-=- .~. , ''. ,: 1 I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITYCONJ~ISSION OF THE' CITY OF . WESr:P UNIV'l:HSITY PLACE, 'TEXAS: Vf.HEREAS, the City of west University Place has heretofqre taken possession of sufficie.p.t of the property belonging , the West University Baptist Vhurch, adjoining Auden Street to the west, to open and extend Milton Street into Auden Street immediately north of the ~1est University Baptist. Church; and an agreement has been reached between the off'i6ials of such Church and the City regarding a fair consideration to be paid for such property; and TNF.;EREliS, by such agreement between the parties, the prop- erty in question, to wit: Begin~ing at a point on the ,west line of the Haden & Austin 103 acre tract, said point being the South;.. west corner of a tract heretofore conveyed to the City 6f~est University Place by Haden & Austin, , said point being also the Northwest corner of' the tract herein described;, T4en~ easterly along the south line of the tract heretofore conveyed to the City of 3est University Place by Haden & ~~ustin, a distanoe of 155 feet to a pofunt in the '~'ie st line of /mden Street; said point a18,o being the northeast corner of the trac.t herein described; 'rhel1c~, souther-1Y alor>..g the West line of ",\.uden 3treet 3. c1isto.nce of 60 feet to a Doint in the 'vest line of .:.uden Street, said point being the southeast corner of the tract herein described; ':.chence westerly and parallel vvitl1 the north line of this tract a distance of 155 feet to a point in the ,jest line of the,Haden & ~>iustin 103 acre tract, said point being also the southvvest corner of the t:'aet herein described; Up'::lce llorth3rly alon2 the '!,18st line of Haden &: Austin 103 acre tract ,'1 distEt'nce of 60 feet to the place of the 'beginning. ,.or"" The above constj:t;uting ;::; 601 by 1.55 t tract of land out of a lll.l! by 155' tract convevect by i1. D. He,den and D. To .:::.ustiL. to the ,iest University Baptist Church by deed dated December 18, 1940, ' I . .;:. is to be coneyed to the City of ,Test "('niversity Place clear of all encumberances in consideration for the City convey- ing to the said Dhur ell Lot 1':0.. 9, in :alack No 0 18 of Colleaeview Third Addition, Harris Countv, Texas, and the deliv6'rv bv the City to said Church of its one certain pr~missory" note in the principal sum of $500.00, due and ,194 payable onSepte:mber 1, 1943, without interest, provided tbe cQnveyanceof such lot by the City to the Churoh shall oontain covenants running with the land prohibiting the use of said lot for residential purposes of any nature; and provided further that no sanitary sewer line shall ever Qe placed on the said property which shall be nearer than fifty feet to any water well that may be situated on any adjoining property belonging to suoh City; and provided further that any and all sanitary sewer line or lines that may be placed on such property shall ,be constructed of cast iron pipe with tightly leaded joints, and in all other resneNts in full accordance with all City ordinances then in effect. ... flliER-:!iFOB.J~, BE IT R~SOLVED B'I TBJ:' >OITY COW\::ISSICN OF T.E:IE CITY OF, ~v~ST llNIVERSIT"'Y PL~CE, that upon receipt of a property ex- ecuted and acknowledged general warranty deed from the West University Baptist Church, executed in f'avor'Df the City of West University Place, Texas, conveying the said 60' by 1.5.5' out of' the said Haden & Austin 103 acre tract, free of all encumberances, that the :Mayor and City Secretary are hereby fully authorized and empowered to execute, acknowledge and deliver to the said Church a general warranty deed conveying to said Church Lot No.9, in Block No. 18, Collegeview Third Addition, subject to the co~enants and restrictions herein- above set out; and that the said Mayor is further authorized and empowered to, execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, at such time, 'the City's note, payable to the order of West University Baptist Ohurch in the principal sumo! $500.00, due on September 1, 1943, without interest. PASSED ArID APPROVED, this 14 day of June , A. D. 1943, by a vote of---2--ayes and no noes-"r/./ / " a~~~ }~~YOR, Uity of West University Place . .' ~ . ATTEST: City Secretary The City Secretary reported to the Commission on the matter of the claim of' Caldwell and Raymond of' New York City, whioh had been filed by Painter and Painter. The City Secretary was instruoted to make further search of the reoords, particularly the minutes with reference of this claim and report back 'to the Commission. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being duly made, seconded, ,', and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. a/~ ~~ vit ecretary lVIayor ~\(~~~{~ ~ -\ ,~ " j , 195' 'REGULAR MEETING MOl'IDJi,Y ,JUNE 28, 1943 CITY OF "JEST UNIVERSITY PlACE TEXAS The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, June 28, 1943. Present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. The minutes of regular meeting of June 14 were read and approved. Mr. Byr611 Russell called the Commission's attention to heavy traffic conditions at the intersection of Amherst and Wakeforest and recommended that stop signs be installed to reduce possibility of accidents. Mr. Russell also called attention to the necessity for a high school in this community and urged strongly that some action be taken looking toward the erection of a high school for this area. The Commission and the ci tizens present discussed the matter,at some length and a motion was made by Commissioner Ogg, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington authorizing the appointment of a committee to initiate plans and to contact the proper authori.ties with a view of getting a high school located in this~territory as soon as possible. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and l~ees Noes: None Commissioner Nees stated that arrangement s had been completed f'or the meeting of the Harris County Mayor's and Councilmen's Association to be held at th~ Community House on Tuesday, July 13. Oommissioner Nees reported to the Comm.ission that the of:(icials of the Houston Natural Gas Co. had stated that a reduction in the gas rate for the City ot~,West University Place, amounting to 50 per 1000 cu. ft., became effective on June 26. This reduction in rates will amount to a saving of approximately $11,000 to $12,000 per year to the citizens bf this city. Commissioner Ness stated that the humane officer had advised him that several dog license tags had been lost and that no pro- vision had been made for ,the furniShing of replacement tags. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authori- zing the furniShing of new tags to replace lost tags for a fee of 25(t per tag. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, COIJlll1..is sioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Noes: None Commissioner Nees stated that Fireman G. E. King had painted seyeral signs for the \f{ater Department and painted signs on all the Oity's trucks and automobiles. In order to compensate Fireman King for this extra work, Commissioner Nees moved that he be paig, $10.00. This motion was ~geonded by Commissioner Harmeling. 196 No~s: Mayor I\:erbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees 'Commissioner Dunnington, who stated that he objected to the payment of additional money to City employees for work performed during the hours of their regular jobs. Voting Aye: Commissioner Dunnington reported on the revaluation of the improvements for Tax purposes and stat~d that with reference to the property of the public utilities, proposals had been received from t~ee engineering firms. These firms proposed to charge the city fees varying'''from $1800 to $4000. Commissioner Dunnington stated that due to the 180:)( of funds on the part of the city and the ; shortage of time in which to make the proper survey of the utilities propertie~, he. therefore could not recommend eo~side):"ation of the proposals rece~ved. He stated that T. Morgan B~ggs/of 3006 Sunset had volunteered his services to revalue the property of the utilities without cost to. the city. Commissioner Dunnington moved that the' City Commission employ Mr. Morgan T. Biggs for the sum. of, $L.Ooto fix the value for tax purposes of the property of the various public utilities in this city. Commissioner Ogg seconded the motion., Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington" Harmeling,' Ogg and Nees Noes: None The Mayor instructed the City Seoretary to notii'y Mr. Biggs and the Houston newspapers of the action of' the City Commission with .f.!espect to the emploYment of Mr. Biggs to 'revalue the pUblic utilities. ' Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing the destruction by cremation of 139 bonds and war- rants that have been paid off and are now held in the city vault, providing that a complete record of all bonds ordered dest~~yed be made and incorporated in the minute book. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow; Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Noes: None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seoonded by Commissioner , Harmeling, that an appropriate affadavit be secured from fr<<.ll!lml.8r.:.ei'ty Secretary C. G. Jarrard covering the destruction of Bonds No.1 and No. 2 of the Sewer Revenue Bonds Series of 1938. , Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harm.eling, Ogg and Nees Noe s : None Mayor Kerbow announced to the City Commission that the Supreme Court of the State of Texas had granted the City of Houston a writ j, 19'1' I of erro~ on its appeal in the annexation case. The City Attqrney stated ,that i"t would probably be in the latter partof'this year before the Supreme Court would hear the case and hand down a decision. :Mayor Kerbow requested all Department heads to begin prep- arationof budget figures for the coming fiscal year 1943-44 be- ginning September 1. Commissioner Harmeling read an article clipped frpm the Houston Chronicle on June 26, ,relative to the straw vote being con~ duated on th~_ city manager plan and pointed out several errors in the article.' ' \. ) A discussion foll'bwed in which Commissioner Dunnington drew attention to the articles carried by Houston daily papers relative to the approving of the city water system by the State Health De- partment and stated that he desired the minutes to refleot that he had been in favor of 'and advocated the health program for the past two or three years and that the 'City Council had gone on record about two years ago as being in favor of securing the services of the Harris County Health Unit in connection with the local health program, and ,it was understood at that time that all the cities in Har~is County would cooperate and pay a pro rata part of the cost of the'operation of the Harris County Health Unit. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adj ourned. , yt? C7Q{~~, :Mayor C~t ~t ~ 1.yuecre,ary . ~ 11 1\ \1 'tY: A /iif-n <, Cfyj' 'v \' . f" . '\ i I i~ ......t ) U l\, "'I ' . . iJ" ;. ~ I ~ 1 <. 1 , I 198 .,.. ~\.. .- .;'" -"".. I, C. E. Gammill, Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas, and the undersigned witnesses hereby certify that on the 8 Aay of July, 1943, A. D., the bonds and war- rants ordered burned by the City Commission by motion duly passed in regular session on June 28, 1943, were destroyed by the complete burning of same, and that the undersigned witnesses were personally present and witnessed such destruction by the City Treasurer. The bonds and warrants destroyed a,re enumerated and des- cribed as follows: DESCRIPTION: .,. Funding Bond, Series 1931 Refunding'Bond, Series 1936 ff n n " ff >> 11 n << >> n << n n n >> n ff n n Refunding Warrant, Series 1936 It ft n << tl U n tf n n n tf n n If n u tf t1 Sewer Revenue, Series 1938 ff << >> u II fl n " If II n 11 Water Revenue, Series 1938 u n 11 fI " t1 11 ff fl ff If ff NO. 31 It 1 2-9 10-20 21~36 37-53 54-70 1-2 3-6 7-10 11-14 15-18 19-22 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-15 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 Sewer Impr. Warrant, Series 1939 9~1CL It ff fl n tI 11-12 <<ff ff n u 16-18 Civic Center Bond, 1941 Storm Sewer Bond, 1941 II 11 n If n It fl It 1 1 2 3-6 Witness our hands this 8th -VVITJ:.,j11:SSES: -,...--..,-------, ~ -- DE NOMI- !MTION 1000.00 877.78 1000.00 ,1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00' 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 600.00 1000.00 400.00 1000.00 DUE 4/10/41 4/10/38 4/10/38 4/10/39 4/10/40 4/10/41 4/10/42 4/10/38 4/10/39 4/10/40 4/10/41 4/10/42 4/10/43 1/1/40 1/1/41 1/1/42 1/1/43 '12/15/39 12/15/40 12/15/41 12/15/42 6/1/41 6/1/42 6/1/43 1/15/42 1/15/42 1/15/42 1/15/43 NO. BOlIDS 1 1 8 11 16 17 ' 17 2 4 4 4 4 4 'f"', 3 3 3 4 4 5 .5 5 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 day of July, A. D. 1943. , 1 C1 t'\T 'I'reasurer v .. I l COMMISSIONERS . +,R. HARMELING MAYOR PRO-rEM J. M. DUNNINGTON JACK M.OGG C. A. NEES 'I I ) 11 "'ll lr?"<~~~~:c<Y " , ,~:l ,,( "::, :, ';'" .:it: Ii- ;-'."''-' -;.,. .~\... , CITY'EN,9INEER,' \ r TELEPHONE 'MAI!)IEi~N ,:i~:ac..~_ :./t......~1. ~-', CITY OF WEST UmVERSITY: PLAcjr~' A. L. ,KERBOW. MAYOR 3800 UNIV.ERSiTY. B6LJL&VJ~J~D HOUSTON, TEXAS , ~,; S.,id.. lf1~ stv_ __ dQl1~ ~ - of, 'ooplM_reof '-0 tilt' ~O. ,dA {,~,o1~ l!dt,... ~ '~OWt ta ~. ~ 11._ 4_ ....~. , - bt 'Ii ~" ~iD8 "Jt .' ct., ,a~lca of ". Oit,- t4 ',~~ UI4~l,. 1~~.t~. wUl - he14 _ ~~.z1llV' '..19.,.-8 "'~.l!~ t. ,_ , ' ~.(}. f:Il ~1rc . ~$~ of '.$ ,M.... 4WI ~a .. -..... Pfti~~ ft_. . Mal ... ... ~fto:b\1 .-1 . .. ot\7 c4 ,,_ 'OJd.-d'" aft_,~"($ thiJ ~" ' ' . JiI 11m,. 11, t &9' f:II ~tUG. .~~ 4 'I' v.~ ,;-\".4;,*,~lil'>iml .iI,....",.""". ,.. 'iY t"lio,._...".iI...~_ . .~~~ f1...~;;~.-.~~~~~. ~ 1.~.BQ~)$l1~ ~ ,JQck t:.c~. ' '~ ' g itA"". ~1. .A_O~F Ihney T..l:}l~nlns '~~-~"'l :. ...;'1...... ..i? '~.d . '~. .;\'L jj . i . I; 1 ~ '\,1' ~~ , I~ , , , '..... , , , , . , ~, - ~ ' , . ~ <. ' , , ~ - -' '~ ~ ,~" , . ~. ;-- 199~ I .1 SPECIAL Th1EETING TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1943 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the }hiyor, a Special Meeting of the City Commission was convened at the City lfull at 8:00 P. M. on Tuesday, July 6, 1943. Present were W~yor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. The purpose of the meeting as stated in the call was to can- vass the returns of the referendum on the City Manager pro~osition. The City Commission had heretofore decided to take an informal vote of the citizens to determine their attitude and desire with respect to amending the City Charter to provide for city manager ~orm of government. Return postal cards were mailed to all citizens whose names appeared on the poll tax list for the current year, , there being 2294 in number. A locked ballot box was placed in the City Hall and as the return cards were received they were placed in .the box. A period of ten days was allowed for-return of the cards. The cards were mailed out on June 24. I Mr. Nelson Sears, Mr. J. C. King, ~~. Frank Be~der and Mr. G. P. Tully were appointed to compose a committee to ppen the ballot box and count the votes. The committee opened the box, counted the votes and declared the results to be as follows: For the submission of City Manager Amendments------ 270 , Against f. It n n u ______ Jd,Q. Total votes cast- - - 440 The Commission accepted the report of the committee. The business for which the meeting was called having been con- oluded, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. . a / fi.. ...~,-- '. . Mayor CitY~~. J ~~Jij I. 7.1 ~ .,j ,,'" " {1 ",j!" I C" 1 v Ii ': ' . ! ! I II I i' '1 1'--- -- '200 REGULAR MEETING MO~'DAY, JULY 12, 1943 CITY OF ,"^~ST UNIVERSITY PL.4.CE TEXAS -I The City Commission convened in regul~r session on Monday, duly 12, 1943 at 8:00 P. M. at the City Hall. Present were N~yor Kerbow presiding, Commissioner~ Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees,' and the. City Secretary. The minutes of regula~ meeting of dune 28 and ,special m,eeting of duly 6 were read and approved. 'Mr. Har~y~Dawson, Commander of American Legion-Post No. 77, advised the vity Commission that the band of .the Texas Defense Guard Area headed by Lt. ,L. C. Cooksey was a vaila'ls-le for weekly concert's in the city parks. He suggested that the city t~ke advantage of the avai~ability of this band and invite Lt. Cooksey to hold weekly con- ceri;s. The matter was discussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Harmel~ng, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, that the Mayor be authorized ~o write a letter to Lt. Cooksey inviting the band to give weekly con- certs in the city parks. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nee s Noes: None Mr. Nelson Sears stated that he had made an inspeotion of the parks and playgrounds at the request of' Commissioner Harmeling and vnshed to report that he had found nothing of a dangerous nature but that the ;parks needed additional playground equipment. He recommended tha t the. ci ty should lay plans f or expansion of it s park system after the war, pointing out the need for additional and larger parks, that some thought should be given to the ac- quisition of land, urging that if possible land should be acquired at this time ahd its purchase price be financed over a period of years. This matter was a subject for general discussion and Com- missioner Dunnington called attention to the undeveloped tracts of land north and south of the oity and suggested that a committee be ' appointed, headed by Mr. Sears, to contaot the property owners and make plans 8enerally for the acquisition of new parl:cs. Mr. Sears' s~eka'a@ain on the subject and urged that a committee be ap~o1nted to lay plans for general improvements under post-war construction programs. Aft~r some discussion, Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing the appointment of a committee, on post-war planning, said committee to be apprpved by the City Commission. Voting Aye: . ~ayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Noe s : None Whe City Attorney presented an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 255, which proposed ordinance provides for the replacem~nt of lost dog tags. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commis- sioner Dunnington, moving the adoption of the ordinance. ~. II ' Hob"! I' r<~' T" ~ " fl. Voting Aye: / Mayor Kerbow, Cbmissioner.s Dunningtpn, Harmeling, Ogg and'1jees ' " None . n. Noes: i-I 1,--_ '4 I J' ~- ,; r~.' Tlfe 8apti on of this o.t4)>ilance its 8'f;f f9l-loW$: " .AN ORDINANCE SUP~l-TTINGORDINANOE ,NO. 255. THE CITY OF wEST, UNIVERi3ITY, PLACE, TEXA~; :PROVIDING]'OR ISSUANCE o~ REPLA0EME-NT OR ~BSTITUTE DOG TAGS IN TIm EVENT- OF ) . L01JS 'OR,.,.DESTIIDCTION ,OF .A:NY' ORIG1NAL DOG TAG' ISSUED BY, liTHE CIT~; P;ROVIDIl-JG:FOR':THE RE;pEAL OF ALL 'ORDINANCEB'OR PARTS' OF ORDlNANCE8IN CONFLICT. ; " " ' The City .Attorneypresentea an ordinance, authbrizints' the.oity Treasurer to deduct the 2010 tax'i:orthe Federal Goveri::1inent from the, salaries of c,ity otf'icialsan,d emP.lP0yee~., ~otion by, GOJ!imi~si9)ner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Harnieling,adop:ting the or4i- nance. -, Voting .Aye: :Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Ne~s Noels: ..j' None The' ci3.p~i.on of this ordinance fs as follows: r ." \, " , ; AN ORDINANCE A~HORIZING DEDUCTIONS (TO BE MADE' FROM ALL WAGES OR SALARIES PAYABLE' BY THE fJIIfY OF WES: UNIV'ERsITY , P~CE, TEXAS, AFTER JULY 1, 1943, IN GOMPLIA!\rCE wrriI u. S. CURRENT PA'YM.ENT AOT OF 19'43 ; PROVIDING FfilR ACOm1lULATION QF ,PEDP9,'l'IONS, DE}1OSITI~~:;,J:~ ' ~; AND ?4l~~T~ FRO~'{ SUCH, MIND; " " , [ . ',,' . ",' ,.!J:'S OF ,TAXES _ ''WJT~W; PROVIDING FOR TERMINATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; , PROvIrtING FOR' MODIFICATJ;ON OF ALL ORDIl\1ANCES OR PARTS , Of PJiD~NANcES INOO}TSISTENT 'HEREWITH;' AND DECLARING.All ' l!lMERGE.NCY. " \ The Ci ty At'tQ~ney presented an ordinaIl~ce providing for the appqiIltment by the City Commission of special police officers. ' Motion, by CommiSSioner Harmeling" seconded by Comm.i~sioner Ogg, ,adopting the ordinanee~ Vo"ting,~ye: 'dMayor' Kerbo~ , ,Commissioners Dunnington, Harm,eling, Ogg and .Nees Noe's: None ; . <~,~,., ~ The 'caption of ;ihisoidi1ia1'1:~t,;~:/l;S , follows: . . '\ -. . .. . ~ AN ORDIl'IANGE, CREATING THE OFFICE OF SPE,CIAL' POLICE OFFICERS , IN TIm CITY OF W'ESTUNlVERSITt,.:~LACE" TEXAS;' PROVIDI~FOR ". AP~OI~Nr OF A Sl?ECIFIED~:t..WBER' OF' roCR OFFICER8 BY 'tfHE.'c:rTYCmijITS$IO~; PR<;JYIDING FO~ THE L]jNGTH OF TERMS OF 'StJCH SPECIAL: 0FFlOERS. PROVIDING F'OR THE 'RECALL AND CAN- PELU~ION OF ALL OUTSTAr-IDINOSPECIAL POI, ICE CQ:MMISSIONS NOIM 'OUTSTAND!NG, OR HEREAFTER ISSUED, IN SAID CITY. PRO- VIDING THAT ~~~D OFFICERS SHALL ,RECEIVE NO COMPENSATION; , II I lfll".~ .11 1 i - r '-',-' ~~-~ I,'; " , '! ~ ,-- I \ \ J' .:: ::-... ..-.., .. , l , r "02 ' Ai ,., ':, - , Mil :.. .~ ~ "- ,,/ .' . PR9VIDINGTHE DUTIE~LAND OBLIGATTQNS OF SUGIt OFFICER$; ~, A!--rp PROVIDINq. ,FOR THE RE,PEAL ,OF ALL ORDI~,OES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLleT- HEREWITH.' ) ' . " , , , Motion l;>y Oommiss~ion~.r Harmeling,' seconded byCommissio:ner Ogg, that the, following fi+teen 'men, be app,ointed as spee~al ,polipe. in accordance with the terms of' the ordinance: v' (, . l -. Byron'Rus$ell' . ~~cwge Rob1nspn ' , Wm~Semmelrogge ',...,. ' G.H., Woodard G. L. Jackson Marvin, Cole \ F., Nl.Wallace M.' D.' Patterson . Gus Bar~ow Allen Slater C. A .Bo~so,n Don Harding W.R. Hancock Jim Davlin ' J'~ Turner Roge.t"s (.\ " -' . , i...; Voting Aye: ,.. Mayor,Kerbew, Commissioners Dunningto,p., Harmeling, . / ' Ogg and Nee s . Noe s: , ,None '-, ) Commissioner D,unnington'read a letter fro~ Olson Brothers requesting refund ,of penalty and interest paid on delinquent ta+es., Commissioner ,Dunnington' r.ecommeJ;l.ded €;ndmoved that the ,reques-t be denied. Motion ~econded b,Y .CoIDI;Ilissiane,r Harmeling. Voting Aye: ~:yor KerbOw, Comrnissioner.s Dunningt~)!l; Harmeling, Ogg and Nees '( , i I ..,~ . :' ... Noes: None ", Commissione~ m~aslnga~l~~le~tar from City Treasure*iGammill, a~dr~ssed to the Ci~y COlDJ!liSsio~, 'reooInIilend,ing the appointment of Mrs. M. E.Bromle~ as. Assistant to the Ci~y'Treasu.rer,,-in oharge of water and sewel? accounts: Commissioner Nees rec,ommended and mov:ed tl1a:t Mrs.'~romley be appointed Head Bookkeeper- and Office Manager at' a~a$3salary of '$140.00 per month plus increases and decrease~ under the eacalator plan. Commissioner Rarmeling seconded the motion. , < Af'ter some discussion of the subject, C01!lIllissioner"Nees amended his mdtionto read asv:follows: that !<Irs. Bromley be' , appointyd Head Bookkeeper at abbase s<;llaf:Y of $l40.00 per month / plus in~reases and decreases o~the escalator plan., The motion w,as seconded bY Commis-sione,r Dunnington. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and N'ee s None Noe s : . ..? " 'Commissioner Nees presented ,a letter signed ~y the Treasurer reQommending a change in~the off~ce hours ~f the City Hall e~~ ployee's so as to provide 'time off ~n Satu.r~a.ys. Motion b,y n~m- missioner Nees, seconded by, Commissioner Dunn:i:ngton,. authorizing the revision of .office hours of City Hall employees as r.eco~ended ~ I I . Llt.:!l'..~.:."ll' _I :l I I J ;l. , \ ( J I ' .. J, , ~ , -' ,,, the same to be wo!ked out tp the best interest o~ the city. " \ Voting Aye:, Mayor Kerb9w~ Commissioners Dunnington, Harfl1eling, J Ogg'?-nd Nees' /' Noe s : None : < " ,~o'tiQn,by _Commissioner ,Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmel'ing, that the:f,ollowing be appoil;1t~d to Qonstitute a cOnnnit,tee to draw' ame~dments to the City Charter providi~g 'for the 'city manager~orm of ~'gov;ernme:rr!;.; F. L. Bend,er, R. F. Culver, SamW. Levy, W. H. ' Da;vid~on, . Jr., HUl?h Dunlap, ,Mrs:' Carl Illig, I Sr" Nelson c. Seca~s, , J. 'C'~ FarJ..s,and Dr.~lva A. WrJ..ght; alternates, Jack"W., Doran and Michael Davis. Voting Aye: Mayor' -K,erbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmelirig, Ogg and Nees (' Noe s,: None , Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded ,by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing Charging of:f:'ofadjustments in taxes, as 'listed~ and certified'by the City Treasurer and the City Auditor. ' . . \ - I Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cp.mrilrssioners Punni~ngton, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Non,e Noes: - .J. ~1:iere being no fUrth~r busines-s to come before the) Commission, upon 'motion being duly made~ seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. cP' I cL<>\_J0Akr- : Mayor , , ~d#/? - - Cit~'Sec etary ~' , jJ '11I'..r rill '-1' ~, r' , , "'2' :0' ,'\~'jl . " .' '.~ ~ <>. ." < ; .' ,~ . "l~~ ! ) .r J ) .J '\ J '~ c ') r'04 / REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, -JUDY 26, 1943' , CITY' OF \'VEST UNIVERSITY PL,AC~ TEXAS ' ] \.. . The City Commission co~vened in regular se$sion a~ 8:00 P. M. en Mnnda.y, July 26, 1943, at, tl;le Oity Hall., Merr,Lbers prese.g;t were Jlirayor Ker,powp:-esidin?, Commiss~oner,s Dunning11on, Harl!lelirJ;~,'O.gg, , . Nees and the CJ.ty Sec+,etary. :b.hnutes of regular meetJ.ng of July 12 wers read ~and, !~pproved. -' ~ '; /. ',,' . The Ci:cy Attorney presented a reso'lution auth'oriziIig tlJe .Mayor and the City 'Secretary to execute a Qontract with the City of". · . Houstpn cov~ring the sale of water'to the City, of Houston. Moti'on by ,commissiol1er Ogg, seconded by GOJ'!lIriissi,oner Ha.rmeling, m9ving t}:le adoption of the resolution. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, ,Commissioners Harmel~ng, Dunnington, Ogg and Ne~s [ . '- Nqes: I 'None Th,eresolution is as follows:' , ( ~I. <0' - RESOLUTION NO. ~REAS thE!. City' of" West University :Place haS' ,heretofore' authorizedi ts '1\f.l8.yor' to execute and deliver to the City 01' Houston a letter contraetda,teQ. June, 9, 1943, by, the ,terms cif' jWhieh the City of 'W~st Ut:tiirersity Plaee w.as to :se-l1 wa'f;erto the .city, of ,Houston; and ' .' WHEREAS the contr~ct attaohed hereto and marked Exhibit UAJl' contai~s the .terms, conditions and /provisions set f'orth in s;aid letter; and it is'tb.e des:i,re of the City of Houston tha t such contraot' be entered into between the two ci tie,s; and ~tisthe desire of the'City of West UniversityP~ace that its officers be authorized to execute such cont'ract; '~I j, - - THEREFORE, BE IT, RESOLVED by the City Commission of the . City of West Up.iversity Pla'ce, Texas, ,that the contract," a 'coPY;A::if which is attached' hereto and marked Exhibit flAfl, be executed by the Mayor and City Secretary of th~ City of West University ,1'lace, ~Texas, in duplicate ,originals, and that one of such original executed copies be riled with the City SecretaTY of the City ofllestUniversity Place after the same has been executed' by the proper officers of the City of Houston. 'ASBEll AND APPROVED, this the ,26th day of JUly" A. P~:;Ll943 by a vote of 5 ayes am no~sV~ M.llYOR,,_ City' of l esttfB~tliversi ty Place, ,Texas ATTEST: .~~ City ,secretary IIln"'l III rr I~ - ------:." r r------~r fl J ~~ r-- ,'fT!"'Ir.!!"""",,,..~ . \ , , J"tJ"'i' ~.: , . '-~ : ':: /..) .~~ " -.., ," Ii EXHI,BIT t1 A Hi , , J TBESEPRESENTSevidenoethe, terms of an agreement be- tween,:-e:it-t .of, We'st Uni versi,ty P~ace Efnd Oi ty of Hou ston, both municipal c'orpora"j;ionsin JHf1r~is County, Texas,' 'act- ing through their officers hereunto respeqtively du~y authorized for, the purchas'e by Cit,y of HQu:ste:n 'from City of West University Place of certain sUI'Plus:,water, of the latter city, to-wit: r. v .... r' All necessary meters, valves, fittings and oonnections between the two water systems shall be furnished and installed at the .cost :and' e+pehs'8 of the City'of Houston in a manner sati$factory to I the City, of iVest Uni-versi ty , Place; and all water pa$singfromthe/line of. the City' efWest Uni!ersity Place into, the l~nes' ,oftha- City of . .~H6uston shall pass through and be ~eyer~d by a'first~lass water mete~ ,in good mechanical condition,. whi~h meter shall be subj act to inspecti on and ch~ck at all time,s by the City of West University Place. ' 2. The City of 'Houston shalL.pay to the City ~of West University ,PlaCe f9r all water passing from the lines of the Ci "ty, of ' West University Place~intQ or through ~eter or meters at . the junctionnoint of the two cit y f s lines at a rate of twelve cents 1!2~) for each one thousand gallons so pass- ing.The meters shall ,be read on or abotl;tjthe last 'day of each ~alendar m0nth and a bill for all wat'er shmvp. to' have ,been used shall be indicated on a bill or statement to be furnished to the City of Houstdntollowing such meter ,Feading, ~and, ,the City ~f Hptiston shall pay to the City of West University Place on or, before,. ten days following the date of eaoh'statement for all wdter used during the period cov~red by such statement., If payment is made 'within such ten' day p~riod, a five p~r cent cash discount shall be de- ducted and reduced fr9m the total amount of each such statement, and such discounted sum ,shall be considered full payment of each statement. ^ 3. The City of Houston is under no obligation ~6 purchase any water from the City of West University Place b~t it may, p~~suant to the terms hereinabove set forth, ,pu~chase such water as it needs and desires and which the City of West University Place may b~ able to sell. Conversely the City bf We~t U.nive;rs:tt:y- Place, is under no obligqti-on ~o sell the C1ty of Houston any water but such water'as 1t may sell to the City of Houston, so 10ng,~s this agreerr~rit remains in effe,ct, shall be at the price and upon the terms and conditions hereinabove set forth. This agreement- may be te.rminated and the sale and purchase herein provided for discontinued by either party ,with or "':g"oR. ;~:~ ~~." il~: ~ -. ._\.. . . ~ . . . . . , , '.. 1= '\ I without cau,se and ,wi thout any previous 'not~ce ~{3.nd shall...? ~ ri1 any event, t.ermfnate ;JUIY,lst, 1948 unless tb,eretofor rtenev,dvedt' hort' e~ttl ~lndtedh' in wri tfngt, bbutfit ilslex:PtreS~lYt'Udnder- -,1," S 00 ,a ' UJ;l 1 . ,lS ~gJ;'eeml?n '~e orma , y er.na,na ' e or modified by rwri:tter;l agreement 'upon othe r terms, ~on- ditions, etc. any water purchased by City of Housto~'from City of \if-estUniversity Place shall be deemed and co;q"si<;tered to have b~en purchased upon the prices and terms herein contained. , Upon any 'termination of this agreement City of Houston (shall'nave the' right to remove its met,er or meters, valves, fittings, et,c. installed "pursuant to n'QlUbered Paragraph 1 above within a .reasnaabletime aftel?such terminati9n. .IN T.ESTn~fO}rr OF ~~n:-ICH this instrument has on this the '\. ' , .. q,ay of " , (1943 been execut ad on behalf, 0:1;' the two cities hereinabove n8;med by its officers thereunte, duly authorized, and here signing fOr,them r,espectively~ A TTE$T: - ,.' . CITY OF WE~T U1':ITV:$R$I'rY, PL1\CE BY Mayor of the Oi ty of' Vfest University Place. (' City Secretary of' City of We~t University Place. l ,CITY OF HOUSTON, 'ATTEST: ,]3Jr , Gity Manager of City'of: Hpuston' J City Secretary of City of , Rquston C'OU:NTERSIGNED: , 0 City'Controll~r of City of'. Houston The ,City Attorney recommended to the 0i ty Commission that the resoili.ution adopted last year authorizing po.stpQnement of Contract lIo. 2 coveri.ng the construction of the Disposal Plant undel;' the , Sanitary Sewer Project DP}l DOQkE)t Tex 41~240 be amended. The;matter was disous.sed and a Ip.otlon was wEde by, Commissioner 1;Iarme ling, ,whioh was seconded by Commissioner Ogg, instructing the (City Attorney to draw a resolution amending the originai r!3so1u:tlon authorizing post.;.. pbBement of ,.contract Eo. 2. ' ~ Ii f'..L '1! r ..~J" . .n i --1 IJ' , " I "I I , ," lJ L....' 'J' .' ''''j f" ; ,,' 'D' ;if:~ { , , ',' ,. " ,".. . ... t, .... . '. , ,~~~%~7! ' . '. '. -... ....,:.>.J. "''.<:::' ';" " Voting Aye: ,~yo~, KerboW'; , C9~~S~~iC?ners Hi3-rm(3;l:i;ng, D.p.nnin~t-on,( . vgg and Nee s~;" ,', , " ..>,~, Noes: None " ,", , '" . -':"" . ~".;" ," ....~~~\i;~ :'};~';, ~ ,.,':'O~',$-sioner Nees re~pr:te:dto the Commission that the total oo),:lectj,;qn'i:ht;o ~ate:for'd:p,g'Ti.eenses and :po\u~d fees ha(l (amounteo $+~p,1.~5Qi",b~~~,t that the,~~Vendi:tures ;30 far,amounted' to $780~69~ :"'" "~.<;'~:~~.~>I..~,i}:,: ,'- " .,-.:>:~'~~~>~,>;.::<~.~:". ,\ " -.~ .:. :' \,<,i\[oti(}~~).'fCP.t~~4.Q!ie,r:N:ee,s, seconded by Cormn:is'sioner Ogg, "inst~li1ctingi'*,~ Q~,t~\;:fl't~pr~ey to draw ~n ordinance, 3..imiting ,the , nUmber of fowls that If!~'V"l;>,e kept on one lot .50xlQO ft., to, a total gf 2.5~ ' , "to' ,.' '\...", .... ,Voting Aye:' Mayor Kerbow, Comrnis~ioners Harmeling', Dunnington, Ogg a:nq.N~e s \ C", , , , Noes: None, '\' {, ' -', Co.mniissionerNees read a l,etter from.Mrs. Cynthia Boehmre- .-' questing a six~months leav~ of absence and stated that the Pe~son- nel Board had recommended thattne leave be granted." Motion :by- ;I , Comm:i$sioner Nees.,' second.ed ~y 'Commissioner parmeling, apptoving , , the granti'ng of,the E!l:i months ~e-a,ve of absence, beginning July 28, , 19{43J. ' ' " " " ,Voting Aye: 1JIayor\Ke~bow, (fo~ssiobe.n3J)unp.ington,Harmeling, Ogg and Nees r ' "/ \ ' Noes: None ~CommissionerNeesread a 'letter from t~e city; Treasurer reoom- mending the employn1eht,'of' :Mr.s.Saunders ,as bookkeeper in the.tfater Depart.ment to ti;l.~ i?<~e ,P9si tion vacated by :Mrs~ Boehm. Motio;n by Comm:issione-r ,Nees; seconded by Commissio.p,er 'I1armel ing, approving the temporary employment of 1!rs. Saunders as bookkeeper in the Water D.epartment at a base salary of'$lOO.OO per month plus in- creases 'and deyreases of i:;he esca~tor plan. J , / Voting Aye: May'or Ke,rbow, Commissioners Harmelirig, Dunningtori, Ogg and Nees Noe s : ,None _ " i' Motion by pOmIn,iss:ioner, O€?g,~s~cQnded by Commiss:I.oner, Harmeling , author1;zi,q,gthe payment of ,'_expenses ,Df Superintendent Metcalf pn' a trip t.Q,q.ttend a m,eeting pI', tp'e:;Gapitol:~Area 'lVater'W9rks Assooiation " in. Austin on Thursday,July 2:9.' , '0',., ' , , ' ) ,,' " Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners HarllEJ.,.j.ng,' Dupn-ington, o gg and' Ne e.s / Noes: None I' ' , J:I6ti0Xl by CPlDIllissionerIl&;rmeling, se'Conded by .CoIllIfl.issioner DU!JllingtoJ;l,tnat the' proposal of theAIlferi can ltegid,tJ.;, made by'Mr. ~arry Dawson, to use t:Q.eO,omrllUnitYj'House a~a'dormitory forsel'vice '11;1...r,111 J- '" I r" "1 ,.1 '~m'> 'g ".5 " . t" :...' , ".., ~' .~ 0 " ,.,. ;:". ~-<..' ~ :.' . .~.. . . ';'; : ~ ,'- ( .; men\on',Saturday nights"be refe~red to the Comm.uni~yHouse ljJlanage- , ment Committee headed by Commissioner Ogg. I Vot~~gA:ye : Mayor +Cerrow, Commissioners Harmelipg, Dunnington', , Qgg and Nees ' None 'Noes: I J \ c", , ~otioh by Commissioner Nees, seconded by, Commissioner Dunning... ' ton, authorizing,the purchase of 10' Qlan~ts at $4.,50 each for the medf.cal' section- of' the OCD,..-wi th the umerstand:j.ng that the cost 'of thes'e, bla'nketS""is to be refunded to the oi ty at '~ ,la~er dat(3hy: the MD. . \ V ot ing Aoze: Mayor Kerbow, Oommissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ot%g and/ lie.as ; . ~ .. '-. ~l - / , Noes: , \ None " r A le.tter from:'thEl,OCD relative to 'providing a building "for the housing of the ambulan..ce' was referred .to the N.ayor for the purpo,S? of wOrking out details/with the OCD'aounci~. , ~ \ 't'l _, :.J The Ci'ty,Secretary presented, a lett~r to the City 'Coniirdssion~: from the, City Treasurer recommending the transf.er. of fands from the ,Sa.nitary Sewer, Improvement ,Fund to the General Fund tp reimburse the' General Fund for the cost of fire hose u~ed in the construction of the ~anitarY' Sewer System. ' Motion by Commissioner Harme;I.ing,sec- onded by/ Commissioner Nees, authorizing the Treasurer to tra'nsfer , $274.00 ,from the' Sanitary ,Sewer Improveme'nt FU,l1d tot,he Ge,neral' Fund to reimburse the Genera+ Fund for a portion ,of the ~alary of Super- L:tntend1e,nt Metcalf. , ./ " Voting Aye: Mayor, Kerbqw, Commissioners' Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg' and ,N~'es / -1 :J {\ L' No~s : None .A letter froJfl the City Treas'!lrer referring to ins'urane'e policies now ca~ried,on volunteer 'firemen- and poltcemen and recom- mending an investigat,ion oi'same was referred torsuperinten:d~l1t lvletcalf as Chief of the Fire Department. , I , , Moti(on by Commissioner Harmeling; seconded by Co~issioner, DunniugtQn, authorizing the payment of the balance of' the amounts due the Texas Gulf Const;-uction Go. on its san'itary sewer contract , provided\ that all amo~l1ts paid out and\ to be paid out by the city , for making repairs to defective, sewers he deducted and withheld. . '. ~ ' , , V:Qti ng ~liye: , Mayor ~~rbow, Commissioners Harmelingl Dunn~ngton, Ogg and r~ees ~ , Noe s : , / ilone I Mr. HenrY,Bacarisse, who re~ides at;,4~2,,)J1il ton Street, appeared before the Ci'ty Commission and complained:,~~Q~c;()ndi tionsarising from the Keeping of! poultry by residents in his;'~e;lghbol.'hood., " ~ l .' , ,~ 1 1 ,.1 -~ -' ~J '1 ... : [] , u ~ ' f, -""." . ,..<..... '2" MV'-"'" " .:'~~'~'I~: . . fi.J ~ ,_~ \ ", , , '.... , \ " \. ~ , 'J~. " '. I . '. .' -. Mrs ~ George, Stubblefield' of 4021' Byron and ~1lrS,. ~ay Erickson', of' 4019 B~ron ,voiced- obje'ctions -:--to .. the methodS" q:.t enfo;,cing the dog centrol ordinance., .. ~" , < "\ .,.J - ; \" .' , 'o'Comm~ssioner Qgg read a' 'copy 'of a lett.e:rwritten- bY, the, City Engin~er to the Harris 'County Drainage District No. r 1..2.;, requ.e$ting' that some action be tak~n relative to,~he cleaning of' the Poor farm ,Ditch th,ru. the city. Since no reply has peehrsqsived from ,the Drainag~: Distl'Ict, the City EIlgineer;was instructed ,to follow up~ lihe.:matrterwi th- the view of .()b:bain~ng some 'de,finite in:formation ,as , io "Ui.e':' :p1.~11~ at. the Jj.l'atnage, ~ist~~ct ,rdgarding the cl...eaning ,Of, the oor Earm ,D~ tch... "," ' . - / . T.here~ being no' further business to eome be..fore the 'Commission', upon 'm.~t~on',bE1-ing duly made, secG.Ilded, and carried" the meeting 'was ,decl,c..ea "iiJotU'ne<l. , . " a;:(: ~ ., ..;' :Mayor ," " ' Oity~hA.d. .~ \ ' . ,,~,- ,~:.. : .~ ~ -co- I , ~ '- ~~ :i:..;'" '. c- '\'(,- i' I (, . J Cf I ' ~. .' ., .-.:l (' l I ' I ..., ) {'. :. ~~ .. " II [' ,--- 210 ,REGULAR MEETING , MONDAY, AUGUST 9,-1943 CITY OF, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS '!'heC'i.t.y9.ommiss10'n ..o,o:nvened in regular session at 8:00 P.M. on ,:!~Ionday, Allgus:1;", 194;3', at the Oi ty Hall.. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, GommissionersDunnington, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. OommissiQner -Harmeling was' absent c'n vaoation.. The minute.s of, regular meet.ing of July a6, 1943, WEtre read and ap- proved. I Commissioner Nees read a proposal' from t:p.e Occidental Life Insurance Company 'of'California raferrillg,te.,graup lite insaranoe tor .Oi ty Firerp.en, Polieemen and employees. The propQsC\l was, ref~Jrred to Commissioners Nees and Ogg for,s1iudy and reoommenda1iion to the ' City Commission. , Commissioner Neesmade a. " mot ion which was, seconded by , ' Commissioner Ogg, au thorizi:ng the taking out of insuran~~'PQlici$s, oove~,ng" fire protection on 'Ci ty 'garbage ,trucks. . , Voting Aye: Mayor '.Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg am Nees. Voting Noe: None The;(~i tyAttorney pres.ented an ord"-nanoe limiting the n~ber Gf fowlS"which may be ,kept on one tra'ctof land in "the oi ty. J Motion by CoI!1lIliasion~r Nees, seconded by Comm,issioner Dunnington, moving the adoption'of,theordinance. "Vot'ing Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees,. ' None ' The caption 'of this ord:insllee isas.tollow's: "Whereas, the City Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place; Texas, ,ha'shea~d many complaints regarding the' raising of fowls w:i.thintll~, eity' limits trom the neighbors of the raisers of such fowls and has referred'the complaints to the City Health Depart- ment and its Health 0tficer; and llherE;JaSl" after careful and thorough investlgitlon,both by the City Commission and the City IIealthDepartment, under the direction of the Gity Health Officer, it has been deter.mined by the City Com- mission that a necessity exists for the. regulation of fowls within the city limits; a~ Whe'reas,' the keeping of more fowls than is provided herein constitutes a pUblic,nuisanee, whichnulsance in each instance should be abated and prohibited;" Motion by 001lUi1issiener, Nees, ,seeoBded by Oommissioner Ogg authorizin.g the publioation 'Of the caption of the ordinanc,H3 in the official newspaper and the mailing of copy of the ordinanoe to each resident 'in the Oity.' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees None i L-'-~, -:t. 211, Mo'tion. by Commis.~~,oner Ogg" seoonded by' Commi~sionerNees, ,authorizing the 'Ohief of PQllce to attend the Wartime Conf'erenee of the Texas Division I~A. I. a$ Austin on August 23 and 24, 194,3, and, authorizing the 'payment of e'Xpen~es. . Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motionoy Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, moving the' ~ad().ption of the following res'plution: uTb.a t the Mayor of' the Oi ty, Hon. A.L. Kerbow, 'be ,and he is hereby, fully empowered ap.d authorized to borrow from the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, on behalf' of the City, any sum. not to exceed Five Thousand 1)011a,rs ('1:.5,(;)00.00); and' that the said Mayor , of the City be; and he' is, hereby,-.empowe..red and authorized i to sign and deliver to the said Bank on behalf of ,the Ci.ty, note 'or not'es repx'ese nt'ing the amount or amounts so bo.rrowed by the Oi ty and 'paya ble uponsueh terms. as may be agreed to by the said Bank and the Mayor of the City; and ~;. ';," /, Be it further Resolved that the Mayor of this City is ~ he'reby authori~edtoexecute and delIver on behalf of the City ,any and all extenSi01'l or renewal notes that may be agreed upon by the Ba...nk" a1'ld the Mayor' which may renew am extend all or any part of the original loan made by the Bank to tile City; and ' ' 'Be it further resolved tba t the power and authority her ain granted to 'the Mayor- to make ani negotiate the original loan herein authorized shall be.,iexercised, not later th3.TI August 20; 1943; but suCh time limit ,sha11not apply'to any renewal or extension notes that are herein authorized.to bee:x:eouted by the Qity. Passed and approved on the 9th day of AugUst, ~. D. 1943, by a vote of 4 ayes and no noes'; ATTEST: R. B. Allen, City Secretary' Voting Aye: MaYior Ke,rbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None A. L. Kerbow Mayor A nUDer of oitizens were present object'ing to the methods employed by the Equali~ation Boa~d in revaluipg and equalizing im- provements apj;)earmJ;lg ,o~ the tax, r.Dlls. The, Mtl:yor informed those " present that the E'qualiz:atiGn Board had, not eompl-eted its work, and ~hat as soon as it had made its report to the City Commission the matter would be given consideration and study. , A ~etter from Mr. Ferd. Rieger, residing on Brompton Road was read to the Commissi on. Mr. Rieger's letter called the Commissioners atteniion to the condition of Brompton Road resulting from the oon- . ::." L... ., I ~ f -~ , 1 ' 212, struoti on of' sanitary sew,eron this Street. .'I'he matter was re- ferred to the City Engine,er . an:lthe Superintendent of the Street and Bridge Department. I The meeting was recessed '00 reoonvene at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, AU&1st 18, 19~c3. . Tae Oity Commission reconvened at 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, AugUst 18, 1943, ,at the City Hall. The members present Vlere Mayor Kerbow presiding, .Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. The City Secretary being on vacation, Miss Thelma Buescher recorded the Minutes. , Tl;te City Attorney presented the following ,resolution waiv- ing liquidated damages against the Texas Gulf Construction Company for failure to complete work on :Sanitary Sewer Contract within the time" specif'ied in contract: RESOLU~.ION NO. ,.'.That the City recognize the fact that delays in delivery Qf Iilaterials and equipment made i t i~ ossi ble for Texas Gulf Con- ' structi9 n CompaJtry, the' contractor umer Contract No. 1 f'orc'onstruc- tion of additions to the' sanitary sewer sye:l:iem under FWA Dooket Tex. 41-240, to complete all work under such oontract wi ~hin the time speo- ified therein; and the City hereby waives any and all claims'for liquida ted damages against said Texas Gulf Construction Company for failure to complete the work within the time specified in the said contract.. - by a PASSED AND APPROVED, this 18th day of August, A. D.' 1943, vot;e.of -..LAyes and .no Noes_. ~~~ MAYO', i Y of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary Motion by Oomm~ssioner Harmeling, seconded by Oommissioner Dunnington adopting the resolution. / , Voting Aye: -Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Th~ City At~or~e7 presented the fo~lowing resolution amending a resolution adoiH~d.})ythe City Conmission September 14, 1942, postp oning constru-ctJ.lh 0'-1 t~ Disposal Plant ullcrer Docket Texas 41-240 NA: ' I .. ~~1 ,2;1(3 RESOLUTION' NO. WHEREAS, on Septe.mber, 14, 1942, the City Oommission o-r the Cit:yo-r West University Place, '1'exas, by; numberea paragraphs l(b} and led) of ,a resolution of that date, p~ovided: . ~ neb) That the'Fecleral Govern.ment be requested to pay the cos~ of all work done on ,the sewagedi g- posal plant and for all materials delivered at the site-of the,projeet. . ~1'---. II (d) That the eontrib-utJ.ono-r the Federal Govern- ment' in connection with the construction o-r the sewer li,nes be in the same proportion as was agreed on when thed original project was approved. fl AND WHEREAS, it is the will and desire o:f' the present Oity' Oommission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the total grant made to the City o:f West University Place, Texas, ,bt.F.~th.e Federal Works Agency, menti6ned and re:terred to in the said resolu1!ion ,o-r september 14, 1942, sheuld in all justness and -rairness be paid by such, Agency to the City of Wes't University Place -ror the reasons that.: 1. '1'here was no limitation or provision in such grant made by, the Federal Works Agency and accepted by the Cit:ywbi eh has not been fUlly and completely complied with and consummated as of tbis date; 2. The law authorizing Sllch grant V'fJry probably' will become ine-r,fec'tive prior to the end of' the present World War at a time when the ac-, tual construction of the sewa.ge disposal plant cannot be completed; and there:tore, it is imperative that the City collect such grant at the earliest possi,ble time ; and 3. The Fed~ra1 Works Agency has declined and 'failed to accept the offer made by the City in such resolu"tion o-r September 14, 1942; AND WHEREAS, it is now thedesire~nd intention of the City tow! thdraw, and in every manne"r annul every offer o-r the 'Oi ty to eompromi.se the -above rete,rpei tomatt~s With the Federal 'Works Agency;~pd' it is thedesir~and intentlgn of tp.e 'Oity to demand full payment,of'the -rull 'balanee'daeonnhe 0~e Hundred Tw~nty'-'s'even , rrhousaIid Five Hundred DoUar ("1;27,.500.00) grant made to the City by the Federal Wprks Agene'-i' and, that, such complete balance be -collected in full as qUickly as'1 ea'n he done; , , THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City COlPIllission of the City of West University Place, Texas, ,that the above referred to and quoted paragraphs l(b) and l'(:d)of the r,e,solution '01" September 14, 1942, each be, and the same'1,s hereby, in all respects wit'hdrawn, cancellea" annulled and declared bo be ine,ft'ective f'or all purposes. ",~~~._~., -~ r 214 AND'BEIT"FORTHEIrRESOL'VED"that the Federal Works Agency be ttlrni:'shed' with a true copy ;of ,this res.oln;;'ion and. that t:ne sa.id I' FederalcWorks Agency, be requeste'daIid' urged to immediately pay and. deliver to the Gity. of Wes.'tlJ.n1"1'&rsj,ty. Plsee...the..f'11l1. ba1anes due .on ~. the One Hundred 'lWenty-sevenmJiotlsand Five' Htfu.dred Dollars: (.1.27,500.00) grant made by suoh Federal Works Agerioy to the City~n ~o_eotion wi 1ih its sanitary ,.sewer, program, whioh balance is in the swn' ot ' avot e P4~D AW APPRO~D, this..lJLday ofAugust,A. D. 1943, by of.....;.2.... Aye s and ---l!Q. noe s .' . . a(~ :MAYOR, City of " est University PIa oe, Texa s ATTEST: City Seoretary Mot2on by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees mOVing t,headoptionof.'the Resolution. - Votj.'ng Aye: MayorfKerbow, Comm.issionersHarmeling, Dunnington, Ogg anq. Nees Voting Noe: None Motion by Commi.g.s1oner Nee~, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, appointing Miss, Thelma Buescner as Deputy Olerk of the 'Corporation Court with..out, salary. f Voting Aye: 'Mayor Kerbow, Comnissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None At this time the Commission adjourned and went to the . Community House where a number of citizens had gathered to discuss the matter of the equalization and revaluation of improveme'nts on the. tax rolls. Mayor Kerbow read a report f.rom the Eqtmlization Board, ex~ plaining the methods "u,sed in revaluing and eqnali~ing t~~ improvements. This ,report shoINed that, there had been ,approxima t~ly 90Q> de,c+eases DlB...gein valuations On improvements andtb.attl1~ asses-sment,,remained the '~.~ on approxi,aaiteh" 400 valnations,.He, explained th&;t not.~~es ot inc~~aseshad been sent to,all taxpayers appearing on the ten~ered rolls and the taxpayers appearing on the unrendered rolls who'i,1~d be,en gi1T,en an increase o~ '300.00 or. more, and that it,was cq~~,em- plated that a reduction J.n taxes wou~d be passed on to tb.~ ta~p~~ers in the torm of a decreased tax. rate. '~', " , I Among those present at the meetingw,{}1",e Mr. R. ;r. Depenbroek, Ilfrey, Ghieslin, Mainons, Bender, ,Goldl>>t, Watt .and Parish. ~... 1lICII::.'C:iI.'r:::::: ! r 1 ",'j , I I 1. 215 Atter a l,engthy'd1s.c.llssi.on of the ,revaluationma,tter, the Oommission submitted to those present ,an alternate plan which would reduce the valuation of all improveme~ts approximately twelve per- cent. After some dlsc~$ion the meeting was adjou~ned. ax~ :MAYOR ~~ 'OJ:TY SECRETARY' .' I I j, ) ; I ;('lIf)'-;- \\ Y'\ \Y rfN\,1J i\v\~ em \\"\ \ -~Gv ,\t \ ". \. ~ !. J ~--r 216 REGULAR MEETING. MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1943 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS . . -or; ) ~ . . The,City.".:Commisslon convened in regular session at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, Au:gust 23, 194:3, at the City Hall. -I";.. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees, and the City Secretary. ." The minutes of regular meeting of August 9, 1943, were read and approved. ' The City Engineer presented bids on painting of the two elevated water storage tanks as follows: G. P. Tully W. R. Reynolds & Son Ace Service Company, $1.500.00 1900.00 1798.00 Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling awarding the contract for the painting of the two tanks to the lowest bidder. Voting Aye: .Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Ogg, Harmeling and Nees Voting NO,e: None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded bY' Commis~ioner Ogg, authorizing the purchase of one second-hand motorcycle and sidecar, at a price of' $30,0.00 to be pa'id at'ter September 1, said motorcycle to be used by the Humane Officer of the Police Department. Provided that the motorcycle, be checked by competent mechanic to ascertain that ,same is in good mechanical condition. ' V ot ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner s Dunnington, Ogg, Harmeling, and Nees 'Woting, Noe: None The Mayor read poptions of' the report of' the Equalization Board wherein the said Board reported tha t it had completed its work and recommended approval by the City Commission of the tax rolls.. The Board further recommended that in order to offset any increase appear- ing on the tax rolls in assessed Valuations of improvements, that a straight-line reduction of l2-1/2~ be made in the assessed values ,of all improvements appeaJ::'ing upon the rolls. The Board further stated that while it had completed its work, it felt that the Board should not be dissolved but should be retained i'or the purpose 01' meeting from time to time to adjust valuations and handle other matters re- lating to taxes as the occasion may arise. The Mayor recommended to the commission that the report and recommendations of the Equaliza- tion Board be adopted. After some discussion the mation was made by Commissioner Ne~s which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that in order to return , , 1 r" 21'1: 'J r I 'to the owners of improvements appearing on the tax raIls the excess amount accumulated in thereva~uation, a fifteen peroent reduction be 'mad~in as~essments, of all improvements provided that this reduotion dq~g not reduce the total of the improvements below the amount appear- ing on the 1942 rolls. . ,;",.~ Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Commissioners Dunnington and Nees ; Mayor,Kerbow, Commissioners,Ogg andE:armeling . Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by' Commdssioner Dunnington adopting the r,eport of the Board of Equalization together with the recommendations contained ti;lerein. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Hanneling, and Ogg Vot ing Noe: Commissioner Nees ; The meeting was recessed subjeot to the oal1 of th~ Mayor. The City Commission reconvened on Tuesday, August 31, 1943, at 8P. M. at the City Hall after having recessed on Monday, August ;23, 1943. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dun- nington, Harmeling, Ogg, and Neesand the City Seoretary. I L Mot;on tby C2mmisSiOdnerthHaCr~te1isng, SteeOndted by comnu.t . sSionter Otgg, authoriz~ng he .l\!la'yor an 'e ~ y' ecre, ary 0 execu e aeon rae, with Contractor G. p. Tully covering the painting of the two elevat~d , water storage tanks in the water department. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harme1ing, Ogg and Nees Noes: None The City Treasurer presented the budget for the fiscal year be- ginning September 1, 1943 and ending August 31,1944. The City Attorney presented the bUdget enacting ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harme1ing, adopting the 'bUdget ordinance. Vo,ting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington,Harme1ing, Ogg and Nees Noe s : None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: 1. , , ,"AN ORDINANCE APPROVING 11 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'FEXAS FOR THE .FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING SEPT:filJIBER 1, 1943; PROVIDING FOR TEE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC JroNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURE; AND PROVIDING FOR TBEREPEAL' OF ALL ORDI- NANCES QR, BARTSXOF mIDINANOES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. tt 2?lB , The City Attorney presented an amendment to the Dog Control Ordinance No. 255 providing for the definition of the term "running at large". Motion by Commissioner Nees,seoonded by Commissioner Dunning- ton adopting the ordinance. , Voting Aye: N18.yor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees 'Voting No&{ None The oaption of this ordinanoe is as follows: f'AN ORDINANCE SUFPLEJIIlENTING ORDINANCE NO. 255; DEFINING-THE TERM "TO RUN AT LARGE"; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF .ALL ,ORDINANCES AID PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT EEREWITHu. 1 Motion by Oommissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing and ordering the publioation of the above ordinanoes in the official newspaper. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Cllmimissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Vb'tmng Noe: ,None Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seoonded by Commissioner Harmeling, adopting an ordinance providing for the allowance of dis- counts on tax bills if paid before certain dates. ':"'~I' I' V oti-ng Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, CoIllItissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: flAN ORDINANCE GIVING AND ALLOWING A DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT ON , ALL 1943 TAXES PAID ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 10, 1943; AND A DIS- COUNT OF ONE PER CENT ON ALL 1943 TAXES PAID ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 10, 1943.11 Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling accepting the resignations of Mrs. Etta Belle Windham as PBX Operator effective August 31, 1943, and ,of ~s. Lelia Bentley as Cashier, effective August 31, 1943. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None Motion by Commis~io~r Nees, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, Eui.thoriziD.6 employment of Mrs. Hattie Rosenburg as Cashier at a ,base salary of '100.00 per month plus increases,and decreases of the escalator plan, August 30, 1943. ~, r- - -- ---= 'j ./ . ~ '~. J,. # 'J I " 219( Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners ,Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None 1 Woting Noe: .. Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner,Ogg, authorizing employment of Mrs. Lucille Pressley as PBX Operator at a base salary of $10U.00 per month plus inoreases and decrease& or the escalator plan, effective August 28,' 1943. ' " Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, .". ,Ogg and Nee s Voting Noe: None ~otion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dun- nington, adopting ordinance amending Ordinanoe No. 26, provihding for the maximum number of fowls which may be kept on one 50' x 100' tract 01' land. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The oaption of this ordinance is as follows: " ~u AN ORDINANCE AMENDING N01iBEREDPARAGRAPH I OF ORDINANCE NO. 265 AND LIMITING THE NUMBER OF 'FO~'VLS THAT ANY RESIDENT OJ!' WEST UNIV~RSITY PLACE NlAY HAVE OR KEEP ON SUCH RESIDE11T'S PROPERTY." .Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, autnorizingpayment of $47.,50 as e.mmplet;e settlement of all a:p1ounts olaimed to be due by Ira Harris for injuries alleged to have been sus"eained by him on or about June 30, 1943, at the corner of' University Blvd.and,Sewanee Street, provided that a full and complete release is secured from Mr. Harris. r Vot ing Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and Nees None There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ ..p a /J. :I{~...r- Mayor ' ~~ City Se retary 'f -/ ~'~~'----""""""'-, " l' , , /. ~ t, !lZ i J I r' \ I Ii t/>~ 't:jl~ 1 hi .....r'\.i,. Ji ~ f.~ t. U'!',,'-' 'l' ..;, v, 1 .j nB ~~1J" l; ~. \ I: " J \{ 1 ' \ \! '\,<1 'f' I \ 1/ \ \ \... , '1' , I' ~1 ----. f 1 r' " , -,.- ., ,t "'}ir-J" ,~!j ,'; Jd j ~ft f .'" ''<:~- ,- . I' I I I I ;~ltJ~ ; ,~ ~~ .;:{ < ~ :~ :." .,- , I :' " ,..' ,']~ ..... ) .~ I [ i' I I , I I , \ ' l.: , t.: f ~.,-- , ,;,~~ .~~ MINUTES OF REGlJLA,R Ml!:.ETING Septenihez:'l3" ,;1943 ' r' _'IDte:.City Oenmiission eonvene~ inre~lar'ses.s~Cln on"MfJ.@ay" Sep.t9ber 13;' 1943, at 8 o'clockP. M. at the Ci'ty'Hall'. Mem'b8t:s pre~,"" ,;W~l,"~L~y~r Kerb,<?wpresiding,Comm.ls~iQ~~rs:Punni,ngton, ',f)gg, Har~ '~g" ~e}es."and tp;eeity Se.'cretary. The ml.g,u~e~ of t'b,e 're~J,.ar meet" ',' ~~" " ~~t 23 and reces'sed regular'mee~ing of Arugu~t 51 ~~r~' ,read ,~~~~,,'?:'P,{P ,'_ ed. " . ,'.'~, '.' , ,," : , ':M~tion by Commissioner Harmeling seconded by'Dommis's'ioner Ogg a~,.o~1:~~g~4, ,ord,e~ing t~e t~anefer of. $2047.02 Surp~~$in Health' ' FU:rtaat"~lle erase ot" the fl.scal year ending August 31, 1943, to:: 'J;he Gener..al ':FJ.'l')llLd. ' " V0ting Aye: ,May,or,..4{erbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogts' Nees, and Dunnington Voting Noe: None Commissioner Harmeling called the aommi~si()ne,rs" att,.ent.ion to' the f~~t that the present gasoline, purchase contraetwlth,:tl.le.,--4flCa,nsas Fuel eompa~y will e~pire OctOber 1;. Motion by Commissioner B8rmeli~, s~_co,n~~d\jy :C,oDlDlissioner D\UUlington, author.izi.ng awa~d of, gasoline PQ,r- cha~,e:"eon~aetto The Tems Company for the :;Sl:'i"lttontns period. b~gj;nnlng Octo'~erl" 1943. " .:' ", "J, Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor 'Ke,rbow, 'Commissioners Harmec1ing, Ogg, Nees, and Dunnington :None " Motion by Oommissioner Hanneling, seconded by OOItUiJ;issiG-ner Ogg, ' adopt1~g r~solution authorizing the Mayor to borrow fundsf~r the oper- atton of.'tne -Qit'y tromthe, (Ji,t~National Bank. ,;' . ., J , '. .". Voting'Ay'€:.Mayor<:Kerbow, ,Commissioners Harmeling, Og~, Nee:s and Dunnington ^ Voti,ng Noe: None Th.e res,oiut'ion is as follows: , "B:m 1;1' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST . UNlVERSFl'Y"l'LAOE '<TEXAS: ,," " '~':" ,,' "c" ,",: .,', ," : ' .,qtha.,t th~ Mayor of the City, Hon. A.' L. Kerbow. be',;~hd 'he 1s h~;reb:v. :f.i!lllY~~l'd~;e?ed and authorized to borro" f"~Qm. the ,Ci'tiy National , '~nk 'e.fl!(jtl:is:t'on'; Ti3xas, on be~l.f of th~ ,C1 ty i ~nl 'S\Ul not to exeee~, , lfJl:U'iee 'I'hOu;sand Dollars ($3,OOO.OO); andtilat ~e ~<~~Mayor of the City be, and he is hereby, eml'owered and authorized to '~lg):tand deliver to the --r'---'- , ~i~ -----.---~ ""'~:1 ,:r ~2 , ' said Bank on behalf of' th~, City note or notes representltlg \~~ov..!J;tor amotl)lts so bar.rowed by the City and payable" upon such' terms '~s ~!:lY;:'Jl"fl agreed to by thesaid,Banka:nd theMayorof'the City; 'and" ;., , BE IT FURTH:m ,R:n:SOLVEDlfIRATthe Mayor of thi$ Ci'by :.Jii;s, lH~repy authorized to execute' and eeltver o.d'~'behalf of the CitY' any.aJ;i:d:'" all, ex- tensio!lo,t renellJal not,es that may be agreed upon by "the Bank.anf} th~" Mayor.wl1ich -.yrenew and e:x:t~nd ,aJ.l, or ,any part of the or:Lg,il1al loaa mad'~':l)t the, B8:nkto",the"'CltY;; a~d" ' " ,. ' .. - . . BE I~'l!iuRTBER ,RESOLVED nIAT,TijE power and a~t'hp:r;ityk.ei.1i'~ti1":i gr~nted ;to tile NIayor to, In,{ike .and negotiate the original'loanill~ie-i~ ~'. author~z~edf!h,:ll be exercised, not later than Septemb,e~~~:" rS"4~;1 :b\1jt, ,stich t~me a.,~DP- t <shall net apply to any renewal or extens~on :not~s . t~~ ,~reJiere.inau.:thorize4tol).e. executed. by iihe.Ci.t y. ,," , PA,S$ED.AN>> APPROVED on the,,'!3th,day o:t S~ptemb:e~ A~D. 1.9f3/ by a vote 'of-i.-Ayes a.nd~Noes. II' , ' 'I ":f A..L. JmR~W lSismed,t :' "MAYR '. ATTEST: .?_. . J . R.'.B~,.AL.iI' fSi~ned) " ' SEeR! ~ . , 'C ,",~ r,,:Moti0nbY Commissioner'Ogg,s.eeQnded by o'anm~ss,j.pn~r ,~~~l.ing ""i:';a~$~:Qr1zing employment of C. Oliver Hoopes, Landseap~.A*~1ii.t;eet~~,~$9 ' prepare and turnish the Citr with a landscape plan of the aQmmu~ity House gt',Qunds ,tor' a fee of'. 150,.00. " , ' .-' Voting Aye: Mayor '~erbcw,. Commissioners HarmeJ,l;ij:g" Ogg, Neas, and Dunnington , " Vot;ing Noe: None Motion by Commi.ssioner Harme-ling, s~c'03Si:~-ed:,'by Co.li.~s~9ier-' Dunnington, authorizing the' City Engineer to advertise for'tiida'on ,;tilH~' topping o,f Brompton RQae;l,f'ron,J. University ,B,oule,vard tp Be,llaire ":6ou:levard. . , ' . ' Voting Aye: ,Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Har.meling, Ogg, Hees, and Dunningt.on Voting Hoe: None' ,. Motion by Commissioner Neas, seconded by Commis.s:ioner ~rmeJ.- ing, authorizing the City Secretary to place City Hall insurance with Joe H. Dannenbaumof S., He, Kottw! tz &- Co~pany.. . . , '. . (]'~" ':, ~.*: : " 'l..f ~ .' l- VotiD:g Aye: V ot ing ;Noe: Mayor <Kerbow, C,omnis,sioners Harmeling., Og~.., N!il)es a;n<1lJ)unninlston N6n,$, " . "', , l , I .. r---'- -- T r': I' J!~rl~L ,',' ~I';'~ ~~. ~ " :. ,," Xl;~: .....": J;~i " , :~ '; >>".~' . ';. ~:' -I '()"""";';" ~, . , , " y t.i.. ii ~ '~\ .'" . - "~'~ - :.. [ i i I t , "~ .~ ) I' ! ,; :Motion by Commissione,r'Ha'rme11'ng, seoonded by Commissioner Ne~tf that the olaimof Caldwell&,Rayznond' otNew York City for certain feelS alleged to be due for servioes re'udered:in. 1930 be denied. .~. Vo-tin€?: Aye: :Mayor,'Ker-bow, CQnuhissioners Hal."meling, Ogg, NeelS, " ,'~nd Du:nhin€?ton .' ' , , . ~~ , ; V"oting Noe: "None ' " " . "~~'. . ',' . "! > ~ : . . .~ . . Fir@ Chief Me'toalf' stated th&tthe:week ot"Oet~ber' 3' t$ 9'h$d been set asid~.forFire Prevention 'Week and that a ea$paign, had'!'be~n plEtnned <tor the 'observance of. same': in<thisSi ty; .~i oh ,qwilJ,.: :lri.:c.r+ude showing, of moti'on pic:ture at the Village Theater a.Rdexhibitiiig'J's'iglisJ no.tifying the citj,.,zens of th~ oampaign.M<?tio~ by Con:un:issioner llee~t se;conded. 'P1. ueoinin:tssione~r' Har:r,neling;' 'thatqthe"M~y,(jr'~issae ,a, prOe1l!!-l'JatiQU setti~gaside the week ofO~t()ber';; to 'as Fire Prevention cwe"et'and " authQrizing~nappropriation of $.50.00 'to defra;ythe expense of ' the campaign. ,'.: ,.,' '. . ,. " " : ' ',', ' " Voting Aye :M.ayor <"'Kerbow, Oommissioners Ha.rmeling, Ogg, ' N~es aIld Dunnington' V6tingNoe :-None" ,,' " :,:' Mr,. Joe L. ~cp.er, 0hairmanof ,the City PlanningJ3oar'd,' app~~re,d b'~~ore' the'a~issioi1~~g: ~alled atten~i~n "to, qerta~~;~e,eded imp~oyeme~~s,a~~ng,whi;~h ,was p~vi'n~,of;the uniml>r9ved;s'e~tl~~"~> ,'cP, WaJ,teforestStree't' and instal;la~tonq't..sidewalks.Re al~d'ag'lJ::e~ "a.t.oi.~ tention to the existenee of'hedges,shrtibs and fences loea:ted'in3suon' 'manne~'at, street inter.seetions a.s 'to constitute traffic hazards~ . ".- > ~ '; . . '. . . .~ :' ., . -, ~:. . ,,". . .' ~. #~.' ., ,:.'" 'Other oi ttzensap1>earing bef()re the CoJIi.m!'s~lo'n on var!0ti~ , mat 1i'er s were Mrs.' Krause of 3027 Carnegie~JIrs ~Stiibbiefiel;t!~;,!,e'$'Xd:tni on Byron and :Mr. House, representing the owner of the ,Varie't:yS~0re ",,\, locatedadjaeent t"O the drainage d~tch on 'University Boulevard.; The~e being no further business to come before the'Co~ission , upon motion' duly made, seeonded and carried, ,the meeting was delSlareq, adjourned.. " ~~ C ,SECRET4~ ' . . < ~ a:(~.. ':MAYOR". ' """ 1 [" '1 . .' Pursuant ~o aaa~l'duly ~ssuedbythe Mayor, the Cilt'v c'Qm- mJ.ssJ.on convened J.n spe-cJ.al sessJ.on on Monday ,Se ptember 20 ,'19:zf:3, at 8 P. M. Members pr,esent were Mayor 'Kerbow;, ,presidi41g,C,ommi- ssioners Dunnington, Harme1ing, Nees and the~ity Seoretary. Com- missioner,Ogg :w:~s absent due to oillneSfl. Thep\lrpose ,of tuis meet.... l~>Vlas', to conter with the representatives, of: tne Fede.ral'Works ' A-gsn.,eyon,theiffa:tter of eoncludingthe sariitarysewer project Docket Ti:}xas ,41...a40. ," . , ' , " , " :Mr. M. '1'. Garrett of the Garrett ~p.gin~erin.g Co~J>.,~y;. reviewed the:ei.neUitiia'l arran;gements between the Oi ty and the :F~deral,Works !~~g~n~~~:r~:~i::r;h:e~:~e~~~j:~~~~fAf~~7:5~~~o~deIri~~~~:w~~~~:e history of the projeet, Mr. Garrett explained that Contract No. '1'; , C'overingt'he lines in the Oi ty, the lift plants and the outfall sewer had been eomp'let'ed and that under an agreement between -eb:e"C'i,ty and Mr. Bradn,e'r o'f the Federal Works Agency the work on the dispc>sal plant had b~en,~stoRPeil. He called attention to the agreement entered into betwe'en"Mr. B:n~d~e:r and former mayor Main0us which was"rati:e':Led by re,t;Jo~~ti()n b~,~he CitY' C.olfJIIliss,ion wherein~he Federal ~ov,er~en1;~l~reed to pay.- ,the 'entJ.r~ .am'ount q:f cost of wo~k done "on the dJ.,sposalp,la.n~ ' an9:to,::gr~rate Contract No.1, on the b~~is of the~atio of the.,()ri~- i~l :gra~t to the total cost of the prOJect.. ' , > Mr. Singleton of the Federal Works Agency stated that it was his w~pose in cOJllingto Houston anc;jl '?oDf~rring, with ,the City: Commis- s4..PJjl~Jio, ,'.~ ose ,out "the ,pro j ec't ,. a.ud settl e wi th "tilie' Q it Y on ,the am~)l'nt qr~~;jra,D~c to be paid >t<? t];ie City. M~. Si,ngletoll 's,tat,ed ,-chat!6,~th respect '13-0 tue City's cla:lm for the entJ.re amount ,of ~grant thatth~ Fe'deral ~Wor~ Agency could' not under its authori t1 pay the entire'" ~unt&t ,tQ@ ,grant but would be lim! ted t,o the 'amo~nt agreed upon (i~,~b,ell;gree~nt reached by Mr . Bradner and l'ormerllayor 'Ma inous a~d la~ji ratified by the City C~mmission. He stated that the Fe4eral ~orks 4g~ii:ay !lad no legal obligation to pay the entire amount of the grant -Sf~ce the improvements proposed to be constructed under the origim),l proje.C't had not been constructed and that in effect the project had been abandoned. The amount of the grant proposed to be paid to the City as outlined by- Mr. Singleton would amount to appro:X:~J[latelY $93,000.00. ' The City Commission discussed the matter at length and advised 'Q' Mr. Singleton that it would take the matter under advisement and in- I form him and tile Federal Works Agency of its decision at an early 4ate. - Tile Commission referred a proposal made by Mr. Singleton to th"~',,; City Attorney and the City Engineer and Mr. Garrett of the Garrett ,*' Engirieering Company for further st udy and report to the City Commission. ~'~- "~ .! ,. " MlNU'FES 0]', J1JEE'fING Sentember'20, 1~41 Too meeting was recessed to be ~nve~ the Mayor. ~~ , Mayor' ' ! 1 I L_ ~ II Ci Y secretary , '~:.- .' . ~'t", ",. ..:i"J 'i~ : _:.~ .'i) . \ ~~. I " ~. _.. i r' ~ ' r~ .J:, j: I t, ~ . . " j '. I I I I ! ' } " r>', /', I' i I ! I i .of.. ,~:. '-'" :~ r ... , ,; i ) ,,,. CI'fi' COMMISSIO N: ,,' NOet,iee is he.rebUgivenby thedelive-ryof c0;p~e.s'hereof to thepersc>ns ana offi:cials indieated be1.0w,~ iJ;lpursua~ee to .r.equ~st duly made, that aspecial',itJ.ee-ti,ng; '<1>f the; City Commis'sion of the Oity ofW;est.University, ' .Jtace',Tejtis, will be he,ld on ,Monday , Septemrrer 20, 19'49, ,a.ta P"Mo. tor th.'e pu.r1!'~$e otmeeting with.r€l']>resentatlv~s (l)f the' Fe€l;eral Works Aebt1tE.cy in regard to the Sanit.a:.ry , 8ewer Project, Docket Te~as 41-240, and taking such 'ae~i~n witn respect thereto as may be d~emed necessaryo . . . . Witness my hand and the $ff'icia.l seat Gf' _the 'City o:fWest Univers,ityPlace, Texas, on this the lf3 day ~ 0 f SEa>p"Oti)mb,er, 1943 . r, ~' ,~ad~. '" eikSe'~re'ta1"Y, tJitT" sf '~estU1-1ivers1ty Plaoe ,'rexas " ~ . ~ - -~ ~ . - Mayor A. L. Kerbow eom. :r. M. l)u11i.nington ' C@1n. J. R. Harmeli:ng 'earn.. Jack M.Ogg t1om. C. ,A. Ness CO: C-ity ,4,ttorney Harvey T. Fleming ':'. .-- > : ~~. :"," " _0"- :.......'-r 1'" ~-~'-'--'_..-J: ,,:;';6, ,- ~:~. . " f. I I l !. L" REGULAR MEETING September 27, 1943 "l t The Regu.lar Meeting of the City Commission scheduled for Monday, September 27, 194" was not . held due to the illness of Oom:nissionersJaek M. Ogg andd-. R., Harmeling. . "'1 U' .,.","",, ~~ , , , -~ \ 1. > l" '" ~ R . t i I, . '4..:-- .- . .:," J / C--' , L ::o~~ :j t;i:~: .~ "-; ~ ~~ ~, , ., .~j , , ~~r' ;, _, ~.~ ~ ;;;'~~<" ~ "..>~ ~~"~'7"'-k""'" "'- ',-1s.-.~~ I-'",",:;"'~-_. - :P. , ; I ~ i ,.r y" '\.., ., . ""t ""8 .; . g,-. . ~ ,c .' Minutes of Speomal Meeting October 4, 1943 lUrsuant tp a call of the Mayor, the City Oommission eonvenedin special 'session on Monday, October 4, 1943, at 8'-P.M. at the City Hall. Members present wepe Mayor Kerbow presiding, Com- misstoners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary~ ,- -. #-- Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commis'!"" sioner Nees, authorizing the payment of $300.00 to former City Atto.xrney - A,. J". La: Monte as full and oomplete payment for all fees due for ser- vices rendered during his tenure of affice and providing that Mr. La. Monte execute a release to be prepared by c-City Attorney Fleming. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow , Oommissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Ness and Dunnington Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing an increase of 5 cents in the hourly rate of pay to all laborers, truck drivers and mechanics in the Garbage, street and Bridge, Water and Sewer Departments. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees . Voting Noe: Commissioner Dunnington Commissioner Dunnington called the Commissions attention to the arrest and subsequent conviction in Corporation Court of Mr. Albert J. Gonsoulin of 4134 Coleridge Street, and stated that there was a question in his mind as to the fact of whether Mr. Gonsoulin actually exceeded the speed limit on Richmond Road as Charged, that Riohmond Road and Bissonnetare in territory disputed with the City of Houston; that the ticket given to Mr. Gonsoulin read speeding from Richmond to Belmont which description was incorrect and impossible of interpretation; that a comparison of the speedometer of the police car and that of Mr. ,Gonsoulins car showed the speedometer on the police ear to register faster speeds, and also that Mr. Gonsoulin was a good citizen taking an _active part in oeD acti vi ties, and in view of these facts he recommended ~nd moved that Mr. Gonsoulin's fine be remitted. The motion died for want of second. Commissioner Dunnington desired the minutes to reflect his recommendation. Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Nees~, instructing the Police Department to patrol and enforce traffic laws on Richmond Road, Bisso-nnetand Beih"laire Blvd. since these streets were in- cluded in the City Limits in the annexati on ordinances adopted in December 1940. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and Mayor Kerbow Voting Noe: Commissioner Dunnington . :.T~ D"{ . I 1 - I ~ I , '" f]": ., "i ,~ j , '< 4" "'". " I ' ~ I 1011\'111 II 'i [ . I r .. ;u~;~~';;~ .. ,~. '!::.!. . <!:!"' " ,- .<< 'of ,'< . >.:>: '.~-~ ~~i.~ _" ~ .. -~ ,':< ! I , I- ~t L I' ' I I 1< i I ! ~. [ " City Attorney Fleming reported to the Commission on his confer~nce with the officials of ~he Federal Works Agency in Fort 'Worth on Friday~ October 1, 1943. Mr. Fleming conf~rred with the FWA on the matte.r 'of settlement of the *127,.500.00 grant made on the Sanitary Sewer project. Mr. Fleming reported that it 0 appeared that the City had "two alternatives in the matter, first, that of accepting the eom- promise offer in the amount of approximately $93,000.00 as final and complete settlement, or second, to fil,e a. claim in the Court of Cla,ims in Washington for the en tire amount of the grant. Since the settle- ment of this grant had been referred to a,Committee composed of Attorney Fleming, Engineer M. T~ Garrett and R. B. Allen, the City Commission instructed the Committee to make its recommendation to the" Commission regarding the settlement. The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion duly made, seconded, carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~arY a)(~ Mayor .. -\ --~".-~ I r , ~ 1 ,.". 'f 'II r< -i ,: ,~ t> " ;, t F I: If ~! ;.", t:";, ." ~~ .~ - .~, -- ~~...-'"..<"~"--,::;' ._--~--- -=rr::~'~. 380.0 UNIVERstrY ~QULEVARD HOUST()~~cTEXAS ~~t~~ 'i 1'~4 ~ ,:g:..fP v....-"'T ,-t-.. r*'t'tl~$ :1~~~~)bi ~,;lv'i'$n by ~1$ }~()l.l't'3t7 fr)f ~~!"1~Ji~ ~~~~...f ~:;' tbf~ ~~~df;l$ (i!i,~' {-C~~"1~t~15 l11Jtf1i~~~~ ~jll_, lrl 7~&~~'li1.1~~ t1~" ~~*lt~l)st, (lbllv jf~i!~~ it ti}t~t ~. .$~0141M~U!lg tAt th~ t':1 ~~ ~~:j.~$i~Hl {2t 't:t,,~ ~llt.!f e'tL.." tr'5.d,:f~~~l~y _. - 'r~1iUh _1.1 ~ ~141 4:'}!.:1. ~~.$', (:~tt;~~ 13*1,4.)l 1Ii't 6tJG, '!"".r~+ t~ .~~(r-~1l~::~lli/'t\t~Q~~.s.~ . ,~m ~J;,b~f,~ $UQl;$ ft~~"(Jn ~~a ~{ 00 '~$d '~~e($8~Y ~Jl:~,;~.in.6 rry:ll{~ln(~ $\lbJ,~t$~ . ./ 1._ ~~(t'!;, t:~:e th~ 'rl~t)~l ~;ll1~~ l'it,,;.,"14:4 1t* I'ti~:p"t:t~l.~~~tf~~. ']': . ,; f'~l:t,;~' i,~~,,~rt~~it t ..t ';;fl"tl}~~~ !21! n.~t'Ji.:l t ,'d) {"sf~"i~*~le~~l fdft. ~~.'b['" ~t4!.~~i i"0"'i$> ";,.>t",,~ '*1;,\!il 'f",...th'''~''1!?\:t~<!",,t-\\.. '.:r"""~M!;;r,o:,,,, ~':,~ t;'.l:~';"; "'lIMJ,~1! -""'.~~,? ..-& .~~~ '\-~,....~\l't'1":.J'~.~"~,",~, 'f''-'~~%'''''"i1 "'"'$~~", 4Jj~~. ~~*i. " tt~{l1 ~; ~. (}t{$fxnr~ 1~4.#~ ,~t;" J~fi ~j4J ff'tl~ .~A.-'li;:,: . :-0 -"""i ';'''~M\ii<"".~ ,~t~.... ".-P;;;"~;.A}.~;tf~~~"r~J~ ~ .~~~~' v. r1J:"l v,0:r~1 t1 >It'H;il~ ~ <r})~~.. : -~ ,. .) ~:~~~~~'r ~~i> :~~ O,~tr~~~)U $l{}~~~%'rl~ 'l..ffli"~ '" ~~:J;~~~.j,"" ,.;J~~ ~d /\'~\;:~t~ "fi' ," .. "Y "" :~: ;~;;;~~I~~~l1 !,t~- 7~ ,: .'" ~1'. <ll' .i 'r~~ ';;:r~ f,,1i < "} '; (^> l~ ~., I ' " ~ . " ' (ul ~ ...' ~ .. ,,( I ."U' ( .'<;4 i >:. ~ . tj Minutes of Special Meeting Ootober 8, 1943 Pursuant to a call duly issued by the Mayor, a speoial se'ssion of the City Commission was oonvened on Friday) Ootober 8, 1943 at 6:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presid~ng, Commissioners Dunnington, Barmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Seoretary. The purpose of' the meeting was to consider and take suohaction as tl1e Oommission deemed necessary regarding the following subjeots: 1. . Budget fortne. fiscal year 1943-44 2. Finanoial mat~~rs 3. Police DepaJ;"tmerit Motion by C.ommissioner Harmeling" s.eoonde.d o,y Commissioner Ogg, adopting resolution aut~or.izing the Mayor to negotiate a loan of $7,000.00 from the City Nati.bnal Bank, same to .be used f0r theoper- ation of the City until tax collections became 'available. ' Voting Aye: Voting Noe: M&yorKerbow,Co.lIiJnissioners Harmeling, qgg, N~es anc:l Dunnington ' ~one . The Resolution is as follows: ftBE IT RESOLVED BY THE GITYCOMMISSrON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P~CE, . TEXAS: . THAT the Mayor sf the City, Hon. A. L. Kerbow, be, and he- is hereby fullY,eDlPowered ,~n.d authorized to borrow from the City National Bank of'Houston, Texas, on behalf of the City, any sum not to exoeed ' Seven T.housand Dollars t#7,OOO.OO); and that the said Mayor of th~ City be, and he is hereby.empowered and author'ized to sign and deliver to the said Bank on behalf of the City, note or notes representing the amount or ameunts so borrowed by the City and payable upon stich terms as may be agreed to by the said Bank and the Mayor of the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Mayor of this Oi ty .1,s here- by authorized to execute and deliver on bebalf of the City any and all extension or renewal notes that may be agreed upon by the Bank an4 the Mayor which may re~w and extend all or any part of the original loan' made by the Bank to the City; and BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED THAT the power and aJ.l thori ty here in granted to the Mayor to make and negotiate the original lean herein authorized shall be exercised not later than October 30, 1943; but such time limit shall not apply to any renewal or extension notes that are herein authorized to be executed by the City. ,/ , , t ~~' " . "1 r" ":I"L ~'i;d . .~ ,,"J ;,"",' by a vote PASSED AND APPROVE!) ON THE 8th day of October, A. D. of 5 Ayes allil no lIbes. 4/ ~ MAYOR 1943, .0/':. (J . "J : ~ ~ ,t.. ATTEST: GIn SECRETARY Mayor Kerbow announced that Humane Office~ Peyton had requested Military L~ave of Absence' in order to enlist in the U. S. Navy. Comniissioner Nees sta.ted that the Personnel Board approved the granting of the leave. M'ot1onby Oommissioner Nees " seconded by Commissioner Harmeling granting Mili tary" Leave of Absence to Humane Officer George D. Peyton effecttve October 15, 194.3. Vqting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Nee$ and Dunnington Voting Noe:None Mr. Read.er of Ma..squelette& Company, Audito)?-.s for the City presented balance sheet shbwi:.ogfinancial COndition if the City as of August 31, 1943, and a suggested budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1943, and ending August 31, 1944. The Commission dis- cussed these matters with Mr. Reader and Mr. G~ll, the City Treasurer. 'The purpose for which the meeting was c~l.-led ,paving been fulfilled, upon motion duly made, second~d and' earrieli,.the 1n.eeting was declared adjourned. ..~~ a!J(~ Mayor . / 'J' ,I .', J ':-- ' ~:i I I 11 ; - - - i -'" 13 ~~nu~e$.af. Regular Meeting CoiSlct~ob~~i.llt:" 1943 ' The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, October 11, 1943, at 8 P. M. at the City Hall. Members present were Mayor Kerbow presiding,OoIllIllissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg and the City Seoretary. Commissioner Nees was absent on account of ill- ness. The minutes of meetings of September 13, September 20, October 4 and October 8_ were read and approved. . The City Attorney and the City Engineer reporting to the Com- mission on the committee heretofore appointed to make recommendations on the settlement of the federal grant with the FWA on the Sanitary Sewer project, recommended to the Commission that the City accept the offer of the FflA to pay to the City the entire amount of the cost in- curred on Contract No. 2 at the Disposal Plant and to prorate the grant on Contract No. 1 covering the sewer lines and lift plants, making a total of approximately $93,000. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the' compromise offer of the FNA be accepted. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissione,rs Harmeling, Dun- nington, and Ogg Voting Noe: None For the purposes of the record it is stated here that the committee report as stated previously in minutes of the Commission offered two alternates to the City in the settlement of the grant. First the filing of a claim with the Court of Claims for the entire amount of the grant; or, secondly, acceptance of the Government offer of approximately $93,.000.00. Since the filing of a claim with the Court of Claims would involve a delay of considerable time, probably several years, in closing this project, and since it is problematical as to the outcome of such litigation, and further for the reason that it might be prejudtcial to the City's interest, the committee recommended that the offer of the FWA be accepted. , The City Attorney presented an ordinance fixing the tax rate for the year 1943. ,Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, moving adoption of the ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunn.ington, and Ogg Voting Noe: None The caption of this ord.inance is as follows: "AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1943, AI\TD PROVID-ING lWOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. 11 r- ~.-. I F~~~~-- - - I ~- 14 ~~,. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, instructing the Cit~ Engineer to advertise for bids for the furnishing of 1,000 cu. yds. of Oyster Shell for the Street and Bridge Department for the current fiscal year. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington and Ogg V ot ing Noe: None The City Secretary read a letter from LD. Deloss Miller of Company "A" of the Texas State Guard expressing the appreciation of the members of Company "A" for the use of the Community House, while on a bivouac. , The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance providing f'or "Stop Signs" on Rice Boulevard at Edloe and Auden Streets. The City Attorney reported to the Commission that the Ellis Case would be heard by the Supreme Court in Austin on October 27, 1943. He also reported that the Houston annexation case would be set 'down for hearing on approximately the same da~e as the Ellis case. The Commission instructed the City Attorney to work with Judge Ray Scruggs on the Houston annexation case and to proceed with these cases to the end that the City's interest would be safeguarded to the fullest extent. It was agreed that the Mayor and City Attorney Fleming would go to San Antonio:.on Vfednesday October 20 to attend the con- vention of the Texas League of Munioipalities. There being no further business to come bef'ore the Com- mission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, th~ meeting was adjourned. ~*~ City Secretary af~ Mayor (~ I . \,) (\ I (~1 iI LJ 1'5 ... ~ Minutes of Regular Meeting October 25. 194? The City Corr~ission convened in regular session at 8 P. M. on Monday, October 25, 1943, at the City Hall! Present were Mayor Kerbow,presidihg, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. The minutes of the meeting of October 11 were read and ap- proved. Tue members of the committee appointed by the City Cowmission to pre pare amendment s to the City Charter providing for a Ci ty ~~anager were present at the request of the C,i ty COIrunission. The Mayor read a letter to the committee outlining the purpose for which the committee was appointed and their duties. After some discussion the committee retired and proceeded to organize for the purpose of carrying out its duties. Motion by Commissioner Ogg seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, authorizing the payment of 5 cents per mile or a, total of $20.00 to the Mayor to defray his automobile expenses incurred on his trip to the con- vention of the Texas League of Municipalities at San Antonio, He was also accompanied by the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None. Claims for adjustment of taxes presented by Mr. Kuester, residing at 6636 Vanderbilt and Jack Benson residing on Albans Road were referred to the Equalization Board for handling. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, appro~ing the 1943 tax rolls as submitted by the Tax Assessor and Collector. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None The City Attorney presented an ordinance prOViding for the creation of the Office of Instructor of Police Personnel. Motien by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg adopting the ord- inance. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees; Voting Noe: None "".=~,C~'T f~-. ., 1 L.1 -- - -- 16 The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "An ordinance creating the Office of Instructor of Police Personnel in the City of West University Place, Texas; prescribing the duties of such instructor~pro- viding compensation to be paid to the holder of such. office; fixil~ an effective date; and repealing all ordinances of the City in conflict herewith.1f Motion by Commissioner Ha~eling, seconded by Corr~issioner Ogg appointing Mr. Tom Bailey to fill the position of Instructor of Police Personnel at a salary of $50.00 per month, effective November 1, 1943. (1 I ; I:. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Vot ing Noe: None. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, ordering the discontinuance of the salary of $2.5.00 per month heretofore paid the Judge of the Corporation Court as of October 31, and that the Judge serve thereafter without compensation. Vot ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Com.missionersHarmeling, Dunning- ton, Ogg and ~ees. Voting Noe: None- The City Attorney presented an ordinance providing that all traffic come to a stop on Rice Boulevard before proceeding at the Inter- section of Rice with AudenStreet. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington adopting the ordinance. Voting Aye: W~yor Kerbow, Commissioners liarmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "An ordinance prohibiting all persons operating vehicles approaching the intersection of Rice Boulevard and Auden Street, either from the West or from the East, oh Rice " Boulevard from entering the intersection of said Rice Boulevard and AudenStreet without first bringing said vehicle to a complete stop; prescF.Ji:lbfuilg, 'aip~nal ty for violation of this ordinance; re~ealingall ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflJ.ct herewith; and fixing the time of the effectiveness.t1 i l'.'........ .?, j The City Attorney presented an ordinance providing that all traffic on Rice Boulevard come to a stop before proceeding across the intersection of Rice and Ed10e Streets. Moti.on....by 'Commissioner' Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington adopting the ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, DUnn- ington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None. ~~'f:,~",;::.:"oc;-:;:-",==,~-=~-_. .-. _.__._-:"'t=~-- r' . ... 1 L1 r~ , \ i I \"-./ ( '\ I j I "---- ..,;,~ ~'f; .>1 ;!:. ,!,,~':_-=.' The caption of this ordinance is as follows: uAn ordinance prohibiting all persons operati!1..g vehicles approaching the intersection of Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street, either from the West or from the East, on Rice Boulevard from entering ,the intersection of said,Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street without first bringing said vehicle to a complete stop; prescribing a penalty for violation of this ordinahhe; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and fixing the time of the effectiveness. fl Motion by Commissioner Harmeling seconded by Commissioner Nees, ordering the publication of the caption of these two ordinances in the official newsDaper. Voting Ayej: Mayor Kerbow, GOn1.'11issioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ogg seconded by Commissioner Nees, author- izing an increase in the salary of the Corporation Court Clerk from $10.00 to $25.00 per month effective November 1, 1943. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Nees seconded by Commissioner Harme1ing, authorizing an increase in the salary of Miss Thelma Buescher, Deputy Corporation Clerk in the amount of $10.00 per month effective November 1, 1943. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Commissioner Dunnington A letter from the law firm Alpha and Brunson relating to the proDosal of ~~s. McCurdy to sell to the City certain land for the exten- sion of Wakeforest Street from Cason to Bellaire Boulevard, was referred to the EQualization Board for study and recommendation to the City Com- mission as to the value of this land. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. a/~ WJAYOR ' I. __..J: '~=====C:=C:-'="'':'"-''':':=,r~=---" J._::~--::~~--- --~-, -""1.___ 18 MINUT'~S OF REGULAR T\TEETTl\JG - -" November 8, i943 -, The City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. M. on.. Monday, November 8, 1943, at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Kerbow, Rresiding, Corr~missioners Harmelin~, Oggl Nees and the City Secretarv. vomrllissioner Dunnington was absenl:J due 'ljO illness. . v ~\' i i Minutes of the meeting of October 25 were read and approved. The Mayor and the City Attorney reported to the Coraaission on. 'theil1 triD to the convention of the Texas League of Municinalities held iE San Antonio recently. . ~ ; r ~, The City Engineer presented bids 'which had been received on the l.'etopping of J3romlJton Road. The bids were as follows: \Yal tel' ..oi.. Srai th Tonning with Limestohe $3955.60 Topping with Crushed Gravel 3955.60 Harry Hedges & Son Topping with Limestone $3159.30 Topping with Crushed Gravel 3021. 30 rv:otion by COJl1~l11issioner Harmeling; seconded by Co.r:::missioner Lees, authorizing the award of contract to Harry Hedges and Son for the paving of Brom;ton Road with Crushed Limestone. Voting "",ye: I,;:ayor Kerbov,r, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The City Engineer presented bids which had been received from shell :producers for the furnishing of 1,000 cubic yards of shell to the City for the current fiscal year. Bids were as follows: Delivered to City Material Yard Delivered in Cars, F.O.B. Kirbv Drive Horton and Horton <N. D. Haden Company Parke.I' Brother's & Company John Young Oompany No bid .1'1 40 'if' · 1.60 1.65 $1.20 1.10 1.10 1. 20 I\:otion by Cornmis.sioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing award of contract for the furnishing of 1,000 cubic y::uds of shell to the W. D. Haden COlD.pany. Voting Aye: :1\Iayor Kerbow, Cornmissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None L__ ... -- - --- ^ .----~. -r-'~-u._......=C""=~. -.- -1. ..--.1 - 1S MIJ'-.IcrTES OF REGULAR MEETI:NG No~embel' 8, 1943 The City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. M. on ,. Monday; :November 8, 1943, at the City Hall. Present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Rarmeling., Ogg; Nees and the Ci ty Secretary. Coro..ro.issioner Dunnington was absent due 'GO illness. Minutes of the meeting o:rbctober 25 were read and approved. The Mayor and the Cltty Attorney reported to the Commission on their trip to the convention of the Texas League of Municipalities held in San Antonio recently. The City Engineer presented bids which had been received on the retopping of Brompton Road. The bids were as follows: Walter A. Smith Topping with Limestone $3955.60 Topping with Crushed Gravel 3955.60 Harry Hedges & Son Topping with Limestone $3159.30 Topping with Crushed Gravel 3021.30 Motion by Commissioner Harmeling: seconded by COlnmissioner Nees, authorizing the award of contract to Harry Hedges and Son for the paving of Brompton Road with Crushed Limestone. . Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None The City Engineer presented bids which had been received from shell producers for the furnishing of 1,000 cubic yards of Shell to the City for the current fiscal year., Bids were as follows: Horton and Horton W. D. Haden Company Parker Brothers & Company John Young Company Delivered to City Material Yard No bid $1.40 1.60 1.65 Delivered in Cars, F.O.B. Kirbv Drive $1.20 1.10 1.10' 1.20 .. , Ivlotion by Commis.siDner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing award of contract for the furnishing of 1,000 cubic yardS of shell to the W. D. Haden Company. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners F..armeling, Ogg and Neres Voting Noe: None 1- . 'I . 1 . 1 .rJ......... \': J': 1 . ;?if' i .;,-,_ , -.'!-j-;: : . ~1~ '............~...:.:. ':" .Jt~: ~1 19 1'1 ,. TT 1 ' d '. '-'-1 r< '1 -'-h vorr~lSSloner narffie~lng a Vlsea v18 vounCl v~at although gasoline purchase contract for the ensuing six months eriod had been aWal~ded to The Texas Compar:.y at a recent meeting of the City Co.rnrnission, The 'I1exas Company was unable to guarantee deliveries of gasoline ordered by the Gi ty. He recorrJillended that contract VJith The Texas COIllDanv be cancelled; and the purchase contract be awarded tc the Shell Oil <I Corn.pany or the HOLLston Oil CO.C:lpany" the select ion to be made by the drawing of rla,mes. :Llotion by Co,mmissioner Harmeling, se conded by Commissioner Nees, aut.horizing cancellEction of gasoline nurchase contract wi th The Texas ('< ,~< ... VOJLLpany. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None At this time the names of the Houston Oil Company and the Shell Oil Company were Dlaced in a hat and the representative of the Shell Oil Company; by mutual agreement of all liresent, drew a name from the hat. The name drawn was the Houston Oil Company, Ivlotion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by COIDnlissioner Ogg, authorizing the award of gasoline purchase contract for the ensuing six months period to the Houst on Oil Company. Vol. ing Aye: Nlayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Nees, seconded by COlliaissioner Harmeling, ordering and authorizing change in schedule of work.hours of the Police Department fron" ei&?J.t hours t.o ten hours per day for each member of the foroe and that the $175.00 per month included in the budget for the sixth D~n be divided equally between the five men now on the police force and the two firemen, making a $25.00 per month increase in pay for each of the seven men, effective November 15, 1943. Voting l-\ye : :Mayor Nees Voting Noe: None Kerbow, Co~~issioners Harmeling, Ogg and For the nuruoses of the record, it is herein stated that the twenty-four hour~service heretofore furnished by volunteer workers at the Comrnunity House on the air-raid telephone is discontinued and the calls hereafter will be handled by the fireman on duty in the Fire Sta- tion. Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, secon~ed by Commissioner Ogg, authorizing the payment of an amount not exceed~ng $12.09 per month automobile expense to the City Engineer for the use of hlS personal oar on city business. Voting Aye: Vot~ng Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Ne e s . None f ~ r'- r"~~"-"- . - 1 . r 20 Motion by Oommissioner Harmeling, seconded by Oommissioner ?gg, that a personal liability and property damage insurance P91icy In the amount of 10 to 20,000 dollars be taken out on the personal automobile of the City Engineer in order to protect the City from damages which might be incurred by wreck or collision. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe:. None Motion by Commissioner Ogg, seconded by Commissioner Harmel- ing, that the salary of $225.00 per month heretofore paid -the City Treasurer be discontinued as of January 1, 1943, and that the City Treasurer serve hereafter at no pay. (\ , \" , < u Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. None Motion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Ogg, ordering that the Acting Tax Assessor and Collector be paid a salary of $225.00 per month subject to the increases and decreases of the escalator plan effective January 1, 1943. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Oggand. Nees Voting Noe: None ~otion by Commissioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the issuance of Special Police Commissions to the two City paid firemen. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow , Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None At this time the Mayor recessed the meeting to reconvene at 7 P. M., Friday, November 12,1943. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The City Commission reconvened at 7 P. M., on Friday, November 12, 1943, in regular session. Present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, .' Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Ness and the City Secretary. commiSSionerI]" Dunnington was absent due to illness. ~'i ~.. The City Treasurer pres~nted ~he propose~ b~dget for the cur- .~ ~; rent fiscal year. After some dlscuss~on. the motlon was ,made by Com- : J~' missioner Harmeling, seconded by CommlssJ.oner Nees, movlng the adop- tion of the budget as presented' for the fiscal year ending August ,1, 1944. <or Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioner,s Harro.eling, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None ---------=Y' l"-,~.",,--~.-'1 I \. ( ~\ I \ j t1: ~ Motion by CoromissLmer Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing the payment of bill rendered by the City Attorney for fees and expenses covering the prosecution of the Ellis and Houston .Annex- ation cases before the Su~,reme Court in Austin. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor F.erbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. None There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declareq ad j ourned. a.~~ '< a3~ CJ SECRETARY 'i!t r .- --- ._.-~ _..L__ __.._-.1-- 22 IGNUTES OF REGULA R MEETHD N9vAmber ?Co 1942 The City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. M., at the City RaIl, on ~ironday, November 22, 1943. 1fembers present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and the City Secretary. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 1943, were :read and ap proved. On the recommendation of ConMissioner Ogg and on behalf of the COD'.J1.1unity House managing committee, a motion was made by CO~dllissioner Nees, which was seconded by CillMaissioner Harmeling, authorizing Commissioner Ogg to proceed with ithe purchase of shrubs for hedge around the Con~unity House site. Voting Aye : Mayor Kerbmv, Commissioners Harmeling, Dunnington, Ogg and Nees Voting Noe: None ' The Ci ty COI!ltllissi on call eO. a m.ee ting of the Post-Vial' Planning Committees to be held in the Community House' on Friday Night, December 3. At this time the City Commission recessed to reconvene' upon ca 11 0 f the Hayor. * * * * * * * * * The City Commission reconvened in regular session at 7:30 P. 1\1., Vfednesday, December 8, 1943. The following members were pre- sent, Eayor Kerbo'w, presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Harmeling, Ogg, ~ees and the CitySecreta~J' The City Attorney reported to the Commission on the sta tus of the Houston Annexation case on which the City received an adverse decision in the SUJ?reme Court. In accordance 'with authority pre.,.. viously vested in him as City Attorney, 1\1!r. Fleming advised the Com- mission that he is proceeding with the preparation of the motion for rehearing before the Supreme Court and recommended the employment of Wx. Everett L. Looney of Austin as Special Counsel to assist him in the r.1l'epartion of the proceedings. After some discussion, the motion vvas made by Commissioner Rameling, seconded by COlnmissioner Ogg, adopting a resolution authorizing the employment of 1~. Looney and fixing the compensation to be paid for his services. Voti ug Mayor Kerbow, COIT~issioners Rarmeling, Dun!1ington, Ogg and Nees. None _S,\70. _ J..j \...~ .. Voting r~oe : the re s::Jlution is as follows: r-..--- .~. -, - -- r'" , , ,~-,. . .~ ~~'l_ - -~- - _L.l r) I I Ie I - i 'U - ""~~:C~5, during the Immad1ate past several dsY's, p.arvey T. 'l1'lel.1ing, .'}ity :\ttorn91 ot t!te City of "7est ""niversit-:- Plaoe, has '!J6!.n 9'1;.J3.ead iI'. oC'r.:~:"orsatlons ?11th the Hon. '"l:Vdratt L. Looney, Attorney , !It !,:l~ of thoJ \ust in, Texas :9ar, ~iith the viet.! ot EIIJ !;lloying ?lPr. r_oon~ I .:.$ ~l)ioi')l cou.asel to !ls~lst.ln the proseoution and final disposition ,,= ~autle !ro. 813~ styled City of "gouston at al v. 9tate ot ~eX8.s ex ~..~l ==i t, ot ".o!::t trn1versitY' :pJ.aoe ~t al, now peDding batera the Surreme ~\:.ut't of 'J'9X'lS, ~.Ild in whioh the Su,reme Oourt or Tems did, on Deoember 1, 194), render its judgulent adve':se to the 01'ty at Y!es't University Place; ::lnd '11R~~9, said City .Attorney has repo~ted his oonversaticn clno discussions...'/1 tl" Y"l". Lo~nr:l! to the ~itr ::os.issiC'n ot the ~ity cf ...ast UtJ.v~s1ty 'Pl~ce, Texas, and it is ths dss1r13 ar the Oity to em- ::.,101 th" :F.on. ~vgrett !.. Looney a, speoial counsel in said cause; !~.1, ':'"'..~"1.:::!'(I1:l"!:, ~~ ilTl !r~scprm by the 01:ty of West Uni ve.r- sitj. ~1ao~, Tems, t:~.:1t the ~on. ~ve.rett t. LooneY' ba, and he is hereby ~JU:ployed as SIlOci'il oounsel in Cause :t:-o. 8138, enti'tled Oi't1' of Hopston at ::\1 v. :t'l1.3 or l'dDs ex rel CitY' or :'lest ~n1versit~p '!"laoe et al, mw ::q.:..;~!oe in tho ~u~.::"ei:.1.e Court ot 'l'tl:ms, with :t'ull Dower an" authority 'to :ot 4!'.~ funotio'" :\e c:!1!o!: S":'8oial cotll'.8e1 ~.n said oausa in collaboMtion "1.t'~" "1-1", ",L....,- .ttn.....'..". .~_:i . ., _ .., _ J .." ... ... _.JAJ"" ......iJLL '. :C IX :1tT."-t~..zR ~q:LV3) tbat as coo.I'ensation for servioes l"di:.Cdr3d &,~U to be reI\,iere<! bY'r"r. Looney, the Oity ot 7:est University Place JC"::.tracts and agrees 1x> pay hilil th~ sum. of Five B:unClred Dollars in ".i:J:~. &nd tho furth.::r SUIr.ot One Thousalld ~llars (~l.OOO.OO) it d!ld when :f'i:lcJ.. 3udgment sba11 be rendered in favor of the O1t1 of ~Iest Unive~aitY' ~.;"ce ~d d.6:nmt the Oity of EQuaton, voiding Houston's .Annexation Ord- iusno3 ~nd validating ~est University Piaoe's Annexation Ordinanoes; ..1lld thIs resolution is passed and ap,roved upon the oondition that ~. LO;Jnay shall perto.rt'.. all servioes necessary and expedient. bath ih the 3uprdlaltl Court of l'exas and in the Supreme Oourt of the Un! ted States, in behalf' of t~e Oity at ":'test University Plaoe. Passed and approved this ,8th day of Deoem.~er, .al. D., 1943. . by Q vota of .5 .Ayes and a vote of No Noea. n ~tion by Commissiomr Harm.eliDg, sacoDled by Commissioner 1:.:,a3, o.:.--deri:og the 'transfer at ~50:).OO se't u!> in the Budge't tor Post .:l:1r ::rum. to Dudget iteJl' deaignated ''Legal 'Expense". Voting Aye: l.ia,yor Xe.rbow. Oommissioners Dunninston. Har.ueling, Ogg an4 ~ees Vot i.ng !ioe: Nons -', \ I i \... . Xotion by COJIU!lissioner Ness, seconded bY' Oo.mmlssione.r egg. ' authorizing the City Attorney to prooeed with. the printing ot the J!IO- tiol:. for rahe~ ing vmiab. is to be tiled with the Su)re1l!.8 Court. Voting Aye: Kayor Xerbow, Co.Cll.l!dss10ners DunniI8ton. Barm.eling,. Ogg and :Kees. "1atil!g l{oe: None There bei.ns no furtber business to 0011.=8 betore the Com- o1ssic.n, upon motion duly .made, SeOOnded~an~C iad. the ~etins was de~Ola~O ned~ _~ __~ II' ~" ."..tmt NUJ" . or . ~ .....-... ......... -- I .; 24 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING De:eember l3~ 1943 The City Commission convened in regular session at 8 P. :M. at the City Hall on Mon4ay;' December 13, 194,. Members present w~~~ Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Harmeling, Oggt. Nees and the city Seoretary. Commissioner Dunnington was absent due to illness. The ~Minutes of reguhirmee1;ing of November 22 and continued meeting of Deoember 8 were ~ead and approved. . Mr. A. F. Barnes, Chairman of 'the Boa.rd otHealth, recom- mended to the Oity Oommission that the City pay Superintendent Metcalf $25.00 per month for services performed in conneotion with the ac- tivities of the Harris C,ounty Health Unit. Motion by Oemmissioner' Nees, seconded 9Y Commissioner HarEaeling author izing and ordering the payment of $2.5.00 per month out of the Health Depirtment budget to Superintendent Metcalf :for services rendered the Harris Oounty Health Unit on City Health matters effective with the beginning of the current :fiscal year, September 1, 1943. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Harmeling,~ Nees andOgg Voting Noe: ltfayeF Kerbow . The !fity Engineer presented a resolution a,ecepting the offer of the Federal Works Agency in final settlement of the grant on the Sanitary Sewer project. If'he am,ount of the grant as finally agreed upon between the Federal Works Agency and the 01 t1 being $92',988.13 of which amount $72,0(1H).,00 has been reeeivedto date. Mo- tion'by Commissioner Rarmeling, aeeonded by Commissioner Ogg, author- izing adoption or the resolution. . . Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeming, Ogg, and N'ees. Voting Noe: None (1 \~ , U' . . ( The resolution is as f:~UC)ws: UTNHEREAS4 there has been.. filed with the.Federal Works Agency for and in behalf of the City of West Uni\rersity Place, Texaa, (here- in called the uOwnertt), an application for Feaeral' assistance under the Defense Public Works program, and the United States of .erica:, acting by~nd through the Federal Works Administrator, has Irans- '. mitted to the Owner an Offer of' Federal assistance in connection with the public works referred to in said application and described in said Offer; and fl,' Jr " , . :,~ . .~,. WHEREAS, said Offer has been duly read in open meeting and had been fully considered in every respect in accordance with the per- tinent rules of procedure and legalrequir'ements; and ----?-..--.------= ,-----J-,,----------- 25 WHEREAS, said O~fer has been made a part of the public re- cords of the Owner; and 1943. WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and in the public interest that said Offer be accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Commission of the C1 ty of West University Place, Texas, tha t the said Offer of the Uni- ted States of America, a true and correct oopy of whi chis hereto attached, be and the same hereby is accepted without reservation or qualification. ' Passed by the City Oommission on the 13 day of December, ClL~ \ (SEAL) CITY. SECRETARY Motion by CommissionerOgg, seconded by Commissioner Nees, authorizing adoption of an ordinance approving the budget for the current fiscal year ending <August 31,1944. Voting Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling ,Nees and Ogg Voting Noe: None The caption of this ordinance is as follows: "An ordinance approving the amended budget for the City of' West Universi ty Place, providing for the appropriation of public funds of the City for use and expenditure; and providing for the repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with. t1 The City Secretary was instructed to write these gentlemen informing them of the proposition and requesting their opinion as to the value of the property. A letter from certain owners of property facing ~he drainage 2.6 ditch requesting a reduction in tax values was referred to Commis- sioner Dunnington for review and repor~to the Commission. Motion by Commis~ioner Harmeling, seconded by Commissioner Nees, appointing a COmmittee compOsed of M. T. Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Company, Commissioner daok Ogg and the city Engineer, R. B. Allen, to reach a final decision and close out the account of The Texas Gulf Construction Company on the Sanitary Sewer contract., Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling,Ogg and Nees. None Mr. Geo?ge Murray, residing in the 4000 block on University Boulevard, appeared before 'the C9mmission requesting. relief from bad drainage conditions ~xisting on the north side of University Boulevara in the blook in whioh he resides. The matter is being handled by' Commissioner Harmeli:ng, St1-pa;rd;nt'ernd--ent Metcalf and the Oi ty Engineer. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion duly IDB,de, seconded and. carried, the meetirig was declared adjourned. . . . ~ ?7 'SECRETARY,' , a ;;f,~ MA.YOR " ~ ~1-<h------ r- '1 I [ fl'" << ' ;: I t t U..' (J'<.;<" ~: ) : .. ..-~ - . <. . I'. 2:7 :MIJ\1UTES OF REGULAR :MEETIJ\U December 27, ~943 The 'Oi ty Oommission convened in regular session on Monday, December 27, 1943, at 8 o'clock P. M. at the City Hall'. Members present were Mayor Kerbow, presiding, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg, Nees and- the City Secretary. Commissioner Dunnington was absent due to illness. The Minutes of the regular IDeeting of December 13 were read and approved. Motion by Oommissioner Nees, seconded by Commissioner Harmeling, rescinding motion of December 13 relative to payment of $25.00 per month to Superintendent Metcalf out of the Health Department budget. Vot ing Aye: Mayor Kerbow, Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Voting Noe: None Motion by Commissioner Ogg" seconded by Commissioner Nees authorizing an increase in the salary of Superintendent Metcalf in the amount of $25.00 per month, one half of same to be borne by the Water Department and one half to be borne by the General Fund, pro- viding that the budget be revised to provide the necessary appropri- ation. Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Commissioners Harmeling, Ogg and Nees. Mayor Kerbow Statement filed by Mayor Kerbow for inclusion in record: Mayor Kerbow oPl?osed the motion to increase :fu1r. Metcalf's salary to the extent of '25.00 a month retroactive to September 1, 1943, for these reasons, to-wit: 1. That in his opinion, the motion is in violation of the Charter, specifically Article V, Section 7; 2. That it is unfair to increase the salary of' one employee however worthy without giving the same consi- deration to all other worthy employees; 3. That the problem of increases in salaries for em- ployees should be postponed until the middle of January, 1944, after ad valorem taxes for the current year shall have been paid, and 4. That the motion is contrary to sound public policy. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ Ci Y Se cretary . . atC/~~_ Mayor . Attest: T ~~~~~ I - I r-- - - -