HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1942 '. "" . Janu.ary J~ 1942 OFFI.c:IA~S: F. M. r,fAiI'!-~tJS MAYOR<~- . . ." . "COMMIS~1I0NERS: " ".J. A; HERSCHEV STR'~.ET_AND BRIDGE DEPT.' J i A. L...KERBOW .', DEPT~ OF P'lNA~CI! .J. M. DUNNINGTON' TAX'CEP"'. . T. WESLEY WOODARD" . WATER AND SEWER DBPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A; L. .KERBOW OFFICERS: A. .J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. .... eo R. ALBERTSON CORp. JUDGE ..,.... '. , R.B.ALLEN CITY EN GR. Mayor F. M. Mainaus Commissioner J. A. Herschel .. A. 1.-. Kerbow ~ ;[. M. Dt.mn11igton ~ '1' . VI. Woodard' " .-" - " ,,' C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER F. K..CUFF ",. AX ASSESS. AND COLL. ..1. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF .,' C '" . . . . IRA A. HARRIS .J.:~:~:::RANDSEWER Pursuant tG a....call of the Mayer, , tll~j~"clld:~q: 'be,';:' SUPT. ST. AND BR. a sK~J~:al meeting of the Oe>mmiSSiQIl. 0laMonday, Ja-maary.;,_> .JOE L. ARCHER . at. P. M. to 't'ake up the l' ollowl.ng ma. tters :, . " . . CITY PLANNING AND ZONING 7 ~ I/. J ~ W. .J. AUBERTIN 1 A o. 0 10 n.p DEPT. DF PERSDNNEL .. v.~ vJ. ~an oU'e.l. ep.s.e. . :. ..., TRAVIS.J. CASH 2.~ ~lectioriof officers:.. Judge.sand clerks<~()ji. DEPT. OF HEALTH bond. elee;ti 011 on J an~ry 24. . ....... .... 3. Bond. maturities. ,Pre-e~eet,:t6n bids- so as to . . determine interstrat, ete. . 4. Plans fer presenting inf'or.mation' to the:ci,tizens < . on the bond election, such as maps,' etc. and~y:: ..... and all metters :peetaining to both ~anita1;'Y .an,d'.' storm ~ewers. ' ~entlemen: 'fhere will be conference be:rorethe,mee~ing. at 7:00 P. M.. for the purpose of going into these matters ' be:rore the regular executive session. yours very. truly, CITY . OF . w:I!:S!J! UNIVERSI':fY .~.... B .... . , ~' . Acing ,Oty, acre-tar", REA: tmb f 7"' '\" I' T~- ., 1 10 SPECIAL MEETING :MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1942 CITY HALL , CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Commission was convened at the City-Hall at_7:45 P. M. on Monday, January 5,1942 pursuant to a call of the Mayor: The fOllowing members were present: . . Mayor F.lVl. Mainous, presiding, Commissioners J .A. .J:ierschel, A. L. Kerbow, J. ~. Dunnington, T. Wesley Woodard and Acting City Secretary Allen The 'purpose of the meeting was as follows: 1. Civilian Defense. 2. Election of Ufficers: Judges' and Olerks for bond Elec- tion on January 24. 3. Bond maturities. Pre-eleetion bids so as to o,etermine interst;r.-at, etc. 4. Plans for presenting information tothe citizens on the bond election, such as maps, etc. and any a~d all matters pertaining to bQth sanitary and storm sewers. The Mayor l,'ead a letter from Colonel Ike Ashburn, Civilian Defense Director of the City 6fHouston, requesting that he be designatedCliaiJ:iJrian of'_JlQmmitt:ee;~.o..n' <i.'.:i). 'f1Jr City of West Uniy.er- sity Place in order to co-ordinate all defense activities and effect a uniform organization and plan for all of the Harris County municipalities. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, designating Colonel Ike Ashburn as Ohairman of the Oommittee for Civilian Vefense for the City of West Univer- sity Place. Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Woodal;"d, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Voting ,Aye: With reference to the bond election called for ~anuary 24, Commissioner Kerbow made a :Q}.otion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel, appointing the following men to be judges and assistant judges at-the election: Precinct #87: Precinet_#l~~: F. A. liuwieler, .i:'residing Judge H. C. Brandt; Assistant Judge H. F. Dawson, Presidin.g Judge W. F. Semmelrogge, Assistant Judge _ Voting 11ye: Commissioners Herschel, ~erbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. I . I ~_J -, 1'. '. Due to thefaet that the members of the Commission desired to attend a meeting of the Civic Club, the balance of the matters to be discussed were postponed. Upon motion made by Commissioner Woodard, which was duly seconded by 00mmissioner Herschel and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~ Mayor AT'rEST: ~<~ Act. ng Git.ySecretary f.-l:-A 1....1 1,-'<0;,.".',',.-."' ,"~,', '-~'~"o<, r _~ r~----C~- ."1 I 1 ~ I ", j I , OFFICIALS: F. M. MAINOUS MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: oJ. A. HERSCHEL< STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCe: oJ. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT.. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A. oJ: LAMONTE 1.-1>. CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CORP..JUDGE C. E., GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. F.K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL.. <oJ. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .1. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND BR. ./OE L. ARCHER I CITY PLANNING AND ZONING ; \, W. oJ. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL ,. TRAVIS oJ. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH I I \\~ 1\ I \ , \ i \ I , I II r ~. ....', ..~..;, c; 1.:E:t1J~iver6itg placJ"'~ 3800' UNIVERSITY BUULEVARD HOUSTON. TEXAS January 6 , 1942 NolT. R. B. Ailen, acti'ng City Beefy Vity of West Unive~sity Dear Mr. Allen: //YE INVES/:>/t r "".". It is necessary that ,a,spe ial meeting of the Commission be called for ., "<' t " t.jevening, Jan '1, 1942 at 7:30 P. M. to take up the following matters: 1. Bond Maturiti€;ls. Pre-eleetionbi9;ssqasto determine interstrat, etc. . ,..0.. '. 2. .Plans for presenting intormati on to thel citizens on the bond eleetion, such as maps, etc. and any and all matters ,pertaining to both sanitary and stbrmsewers. . 3. Possibility of vacancy in the Police Dept. 4. TO'approve a tempor~ry office for Civilian .iJe~ense. I should like to ask that the Uommission be present at the Uity Hall at 7:30 for a conference; the executive session to begin approximately at 8:45 P. M. Yours very truly, CI~ B . Y , Mayo .. r-- .--1 1'2, SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1942 ClIff HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the sale of the bonds be deferred until after election date and that bonds be offered at, public sale after the election if same are authorized. Voting Aye~ Commissione~s tlerschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard a.u.d tv:i.ayor Ivlainous.. ' Noes: None. The lvlayor reported that due to necessi ty for office space during the emergency war conditions arrangements had been made whereby Fields-Shepherd Lumber Company had donated the use of a field office. 'I'his office has been moved to the Uity Hall grounds by the Westheimer 'Rigging and B.eavyHauling 00mpany free of charge. ~he Rouse Lmnber Company has donated sufficient wall board to ceil the building. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving the arrangements regarding the emergency Civilian Defense office. Voting;Ay,e: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and mayor N~inous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington moved that a resolution in proper form be prepared expressing appreciation and gratitude on the part ,; ~1CC""~C~""".,"." ~ 1 f--- 1~ of the City for the donations made by the various companies in setting up the uivilian Uefense Urfice and that copies of the Resolution be sent each of the donors. Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, .h.erbow, 1Junningtmn, W'oodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ~~. The Mayor reported on the plans for the test blackout tenta- tively set for 8:00 to 8!30 P. M. J-anuary 12. He requested that Commissioner Kerbow serve with ,a Committee composed of Messrs. Schumacher" Griffin, and lJepenbrock Which will observe the effective- ness of the blackout, that Commissioner Dunnington and Herschel serve with ,uhief Metcalf on the ~'ire vontrol Activities, that Commissioner Woodard and Supt. 1iarrisbe stationed at the City Water Plaht.. The City lSngineer was assigned to the Uity Hall in general capacity. Publicity and educational program for the bond issues was dis- cusse€1. A motion was made by voromissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Uommissioner lJunnington authorizing the Uity Engineer to prepare a map of the City 'showing the propamed storm sewers and their sizes shown thereon in red, said map to be distributed to the citizens to acquaint them with the program. Voting Aye: Commissioners lierschel,b.erbow, Dunnington, woodard and MaY-fur l\!lainous. Noes: None.' With reference to the \.I6mrni ttee of ]'ifteen, which was authorized at a previous meeting, the following citizens were appointed; By Mayor ~~inous: J.. R. McClain Joe Archer Sam Levy H. E. 'rerry V'l. M. .Lawrence - A.C. Davis By Commissioner Dunnington: By Commissioner nerschel: Harry Hobbs ... .8.. li. Gripp A. A. Meister By Commissioner Kerbow: Frank Culver W.F.Semmelrogge- By Commissioner Woodard: .l?:J::4' RobiWlOO,Q;; 2'9'j'Z Mar.quet't)e 6.,3-44 W~ke;f'ore st 3020 Lafayette 3220 Bellaire Blvd. 4145 Byron 2634 uason 3000 Bellaire Blvd. 3123 Uni vers ity 2639 Pemberton 3933 Amherst 1.. P. Agnew 4011 Villanova T. G. Price 3001 Albans Hoad Baldwin Williford- 6622 Buffalo Spdwy Due to the fact that vfficerRulon is expecting to take a'leave of absence which will cause a vacancy in the .Police Department, a I" 14 motion was made by Oommissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Oommissioner vunnington, authorizing the transfer of Jack Anderson from the Water 'Vepartment office to the ~olice Department a; a salary of ~140.00 per month for three (3) months and ~150.00 a month thereafter, the transfer being contingent on taking of leave by Ufficer Hulon. Voting Aye: Commissioners .l:1erschel, Kerbow, . Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor J.VJ.ainous. Noes: None. .../:~ Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner nerschel that in the event of the taking of leave by Officer Rulon and the transfer of Jack Anderson to the Flice Dept. that Shelly Blewster be employed as Clerk in the Water Department at a salary of $140.00 per month. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor .M.ainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Oommission, upon motion duly made and seconded and carried the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~~_ ~~$~ Mayor. ' ATTEST: ~ Acti gCitySecretary ~) ~ - 1 -''-1. -" I I - REGULAR MEETING , " MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY O.Jt WEB'll 'Ql'UVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Regular meeting of the City Uommission scheduled for Monday, January 12, 1942 was post;.; 'poned, due toa county-wide black-out on this date. .#-- AT'rEST : ~p~"" .' cti g vi ty ecretary \ I ( l'..~~l f~' --"--.'1 ~~ Mayor _ --...U 1...1 't REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1942 GI'I1! HALL, CITY O..ii' WEST UNIVERSI'Ity PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting o~ the Gity vommission Was held at the City Hall, Uity ofW'est University Place on Monday, January?6,.1942 at 7:30 .P. M. with Mayor ~'. ,M. .M.ainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel Kerbow, Dunnington, WoodaDd and Acting vity Secretary Allen in attendance. The minutes of the meetings of December' 9, 11, 15,17,26, and 30, 19~1 and January 5 and 7 were read and approved. "'+.-. Secretary R. B. Allen gave the following results on the bond election held on Saturday,January 24, 1942, the returns are as follows: For t'he issuance of $27.5,000.00 sanitary sewer bonds: Voting For Voting Against 392 113 For the issuance of $184,000.00 storm sewer bonds: Voting ~or. 384 Voting Against 125 Commissioner Herschel introduced and moved the adoption of a Resolution entitled: If A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE BOND ELECTION. HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON JAl\1UARY 24, 1942.11 The motion was seconded' by OommissionerDunnington and carried by the following votes: AYES: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. NOES: None Commissione;I' Herschel ma.de a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Aerbow that the judges and clerks that worked in the bond election on January 24 be compensated the same as they have in the past ele ction; ie: $10.00 each for judges and :jji7. 50 each for clerks. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of a resolution with reference to securing rights-of-way south of Bellaire Boulevard entitled: A RESOLUTION DETEm~INING TEE EXPEDIENCY AND ~~CESSITY OF CONDEIv1NING PRIDVATE PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC USE OUTSIDE THE T~' .., -- '1 r . . . 'P"< .. .. .. 1 1 J- 16 CORPORAT~ LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNr I ITY PLACE, TEXAS, IN HARRIS COUNTY, FOR THE CONdTRU~f~N OF A STORM SEWER OR DRAINAGE DITCH. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hersehel. Voting Aye: . Noes: None. 4~~ Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Ma. inoUs . Due to a rev~s~on in D.P.W. rules relative to minimum wage rates it was necessary for the Commission to adopt a ~evised resolutiqn complying with the revised rules. Commissioner Ker- bow moved the adoption of the resolution which is entitled: tlRESOLDTION FIXING MINIl.\[(ThI' WAGERATEsn Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, uunnington, Woodard, Mayor Mainous. Hoes: None. Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel, .Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard 'and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington stated he was in lC'eceipt of letters .inwhich Mr. Snyder of 6711 Brompton Road and N~. R. R. Rawlings, 2826 Robinhood, ask that t~e taxes for the year 1941 be waived on the improvements, and stated that the letters from the Chief Inspector's Office showed that the houses were over 75'70 completed on January 1, 1941 and theref.ore recommended that the taxes.nnot be waived on the improvements for the year 1941~ Commissioner Dunnington made the motion seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he was also in receipt of a letter from Mr. H. R. Davis, 3835 Amherst, Lot 1, Block 18, College View' 1st Addition, in which he ask that the improvements ~_ -1".::-___ 1'~ be waived on his property for the year 1941. Commissioner Dun- nington made made a motion that the improvements be waived pro- viding that the Inspector's report verifies l\ILr. Davies' statement, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commiss~oner Herschel made a motion instructing the vity Attorney to d~aw an ordinance prohibit;ng the sale and use of fireworks in the vity of West University Place, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and lVlayor lVlainous. Noes: None. The City Attorney presented a dog ordinance restricting the running loose of dogs and providing for the penalties for offenses, etc. The passage of this ordinance was referred to a later meeting, in order to give the Commission time to study the ordinance. Mr. W. J. Aubertin, Director of Personnel, presented the He- ~ised Heport of the Personnel Hoard to the Commission. Commissioner ~erbow made a motion that the Report be studied and taken up at the ~ext meeting of the CounCil, seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Chief Uf Police, Urady cimith, gave a report on his trip to Da!las, at wh~ch time he visited their vity to observe the trial black-out. Re stated that their set-up was similar to ours, and that they were already organized on the conservation of tires on Uity owned cars. Commissioners Herschel,. Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Wlainous. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, that the expenses for Grady Smith to Vallas be paid, which amQunt was approximately '21.00. The motion was seconded by GommissionerKerbow. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, KeRbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor IViainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that the Uommission issue a work order on the Storm Sewer Project to the Texas #ulf Construction vompany. Voting Aye: 00mmissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ~~ ./- r 1 -'.....1 18 .. The matter of securing W.P.A. assistance on the Storm Sewer Project was discussed. . Commissioner Herschel made a motion $nstructing the 0ity ~ngineer and Blair Stewart of the Garrett Engineering vompany to confer with W.P.A. authorities on the matter. The motion was seconded by commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Uommissioners nerschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, woodard and Mayor Mainous. No~s: None. A motion. was made by liommissioner Herschel, which was seconded by 6ommissioner Aerbow instructing the Uity ~ngineer to prepare application to W.P.A. for labor to pave the following streets. University Boulevard, ~dloe to Auden Auden Avenue, Riqe Blvd. to University Blvd. Hice Boulevard, Auden to vollege Avenue 5800 block on all streets in ~angley Terrace and Preston Place. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Rerschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing The City Treasurer Mr. C. E. Gammill and Tax CollectorFrar~ K. Cuff td' apply for notary ~ublic Co~~ssion8, the cost to be borne by the City. Voting Aye: Commissioners nerschel, ~erbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Ma ino us ., Noes: None. With reference to the loaning of chairs belonging to the City to citizens; after discussion uommissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by 00mrrdssioner Woodard ordering that the old folding chairs at ' the City Hall are to be loaned only to citizens who shall send after and return them, and that the new chairs at the Community House are not to be loaned under any cir- cumstances. voting Aye: Commissioners tlerschel, ~erbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Nee s: None. There being no further business to come before the Uommission,, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad- ' , journed. ~~~.~-/ ayor . ATT~ST: ~~ Acting City Secretary . ' j - r ~~~'~-- '1 , 1 J II ic_ 1 ,I . I ~ I .1. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEViER, DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A..1. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. ,#-- B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CI'TY ~NGR. F. K. CUFF . TAX ASSESS. "NO COLL. ..1. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS S.uPT. WATE~ AND SEWER .1. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. .JOE L. ARCHER . CITY PLANNING AND ZeNING W. .1. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL TRAVIS.1. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH "i ".ifii .i"'?!:;,. 1 Ji.:;;~,. ..... .....' t;' :~.IUe#!4I .," · 'H iitJs:jUN. T:E.XAS,:' . . - ..- ,,,\<.,,~. . . . - ", : - . ,. . J anu~ry. 31 ,:L~;~2 , .....'e; Mayor F.M. Mainous Commissioner d. A. Herschel 'It 'A. :t.. Kerbow ! a-. M~ Dunnington ~ T. W. Woodard Gentlemen: Pursuant to a call of the May:q~,J a Speci?-l Meeting of' the City ()o:n$l:i,.~~'~~",{ Febraary 3" 1942 at 8:00 J? M..~fQr~}j1~pu:r]fQ'..c' ,.,'<t, eei ving bids on theSa.ni tary, ,Sewer, Bb!)1as. i!1.:ttli:~',~Gttt~1l';~ of, $275,000.00 and o.Q,the Std.t'~ $€j~$~ Bonds' ;tiitrre, '. ~., amount of $184,000.00 and to' tEj.k~ wliat,action'i:s ., >: necessary on either acceptingQr rejecting the bids:~" .... ;" Y~urs very truly, . .. ~, CITY OF WEST Ulfl1TJi."'RSI'l'Y BY~~i . RBA:tmb .' : - 1 19 SPECIAL N.LEETING TUESDAY, :FEBRUARY 3, CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST PLACE, TEXAS 1942 UNIVERSITY 'J The City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, met in special session at the Uity Hall within said vity ~t 8:00 ..P. M. on Tuesday, .Jfebruary 3, 1942 pursuant to a call of the lv1ayor duly served on each Commissioner as required by the City iJharterwit.h the fallowing members, present , to wit: A. ~. Kerbow, Mayor ~ro Tem, presiding J. A. Merschal, Commissioner J. M. DUIlllington, Cormnissionep T. Wesley Woodard, Uommissioner constituting a quorum. Mayorlv1ainous was absent due to the death of his mother in Kentucky. The meeting was called for the following purpose: u__ for the purpose of receiving bids on the Sanitary Sewer Bonds in the amount of '275,000 and on the Storm Sewer Bonds in the amount of '184,000 and to take what action is necessary on e,i~her accepting or regecting the bid s. 'It ' The IVlayor .l:'ro 'l'em opened the meeting and announced the tiommission was ready to receive bids. 'i'he following proposals were received: U 1. For $459,000 storm and Sanitary Sewer Bonds, par and accrued interest to date of delivery, plus premium of ~785.20, 3~ interest on the t65,OOO in bonds maturing 1943 to 1952 both inclusive and 3 ~/4~ interest on bonds maturing 1953 to 1972. Signed: Stifel Nicoiaus & Co., Stranahan, Harris & Co., B. V. Christie & Co., by Walter ~odd. Check in amount of ~22,950.00 attached. 2. A proposal to act as fiscal agent and seek a buyer for the city's bonds at a price not exceeding par and accrued in- terest, 3~ interest rate on 1943-1952 maturities, 3k~ on 1953 - 1962 maturities and 33/4~ on 1962-1972 maturities, ,and fixing a f'J3e of' 1;0 as fiscal agents 1'ee. . Signed by: Moroney Beissner & Co. Houston Mahan, Ditmar & Co. Houston Geo. V. Rotan Co. Houston Columbian Securities Co. San Antonio McRoberts Thomasma Co. San Antonio stanley Gates & Co. St. Faul By H. Beissner, Jr. Check attached in amount of ~4,590.00. 20 3. A propos6Ll offering $97.5.00 for each of the $275,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds at 3~~ interest for first ten year maturities and 3 3/410 interest for all other maturities, with an option on same terms for the ~184,OOO Sewer Bonds, and offering to deposit a check in amount of ~1,,750.00 within 48 hours fuf pffer is accepted. Signed by: Robert McIntyre. ' .~ The Oommission went into executive session with the members who were present of the vommittee of fifteen. The proposafs were discussed and N1r. Victor W. Jjouldin, special counsel for the 0ity advised the uommission that only one proposal had confo~med to the notice of sale. ' Commissioner Herschel introduced and moved the adoption of a Resolution a.warding~sale of bonds to Stifel Nicolaus, Stranahan, Harris and B. V. Christie. UA RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE BEST BID .AND .AWARDING CONTRACT OF SALE OF $275,000 SANITARY SEviER BONDS AND $184,000 STORM SElTlER BONDS. n The resolution was read in full. Oommissioner Woodard seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. . NOES: ' None. The business for which the meeting Was called 'having been concluded upon motion duly made, seconded and ca ried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ Acti g City Secretary T"=~""'"~~~'="';'""'"O.- "I ~r=-.- . .~ ':-:.1 "" '. ~--p ...... "1$";' " I.,}'>; ~.:"~,- "'~ ~.3, -S~: ,) 'i/ J t, ,'~!I tt.. . .' ,:A -,' NQf,ICE~. '?~!i:' (-r:j ~,,~- ~~, It. <, -',"- " "';Jjl<:' <: riL, .~. :;:,' \; ~,{ .;;....~, '.0: ,~ I, ~!'t'. :-' .,,'. .'" ' , 1 ". .':", '. ~ . ~." ,~~.. :r~"i:t"'f ., i' . . ..~. ,. ~} '. ~'~',' :~';i~!.flY . OJf .l:iARRIS - t I I ~~~'"'~~~ . ~ '- " L r:~, '.: " ~ -,' -:';;~':', ~JF:HE STA'i'E OF T'EUS ;;,." " j "L .' I. ' -,~:,',,::, ;,,>;~ To th~ members of the City Oommis.~ion Of the 'OitY,of I,.. .(;'i.:"", West Uni i{:.~rsi ty Place, Harris Oounty~,~' 'fe:ms.j '.', ,~;,,'~- .;h .~ " ,'. '.":', ". Notice is hereby given that a special meeting o:f: 1>11e . .:""<r,,,Q;i ty Commission of the City of West University Pll3.ce willh~,J~.elc1 I' .'.. "c.in the, City Hall at 3800 University :s.oulevard at 9:30 0' cloe1t:P.~IL -, . ,""";','-on the 4th day of February 1942 for the purpose of'.lR ssingt'he.. . , ,'::":',~'-"following Aor\iitlsm:ces,: _ " .' , _ ' , I~. ", '<;~';",;v1Sanitary sew;;' B~cl~r~~::~~~~'t~~r~~;n~h:h;a~::~~n~~~;i!~Z~~~~~nd:" ,'"",.., 'interest t,>>~~~on1:>y the levying of ad valorem taxes. .'. .' J ,~.: " r ..~ ,',' I ; I 1 I I ""', ":~):~:,: $t~;m Sevve17.' ~~f1f+~~~a~'~i~if:~h~~l~:~tt;~~~~f?ile~r;~~I:~i~;~^4~%~Q '" . ',' .!.l.'#lt~rest tJi~r,~.on1:>y" the l~vYJi.ng, o.LC!-d :vaJ..o~e:rn; ;ta~~,so. '-. ,;<, J' , , -. '.' , < :. -' " ~' "j ~ - ,<,,' "\' '. . ," ^ .' " '<, '. ' ".;-' ";, . :'D" :"",',' '. ".~.~~t$d i1J.i~. 3~d;d~i~:~t, ]'~1?r~aJ..Y~::.~~4'2~ ,,- "':, ";'~':(.,; ':;:': . "'- ~,','~ , ;\ ", ~' ~~" . .. 1 i I. I I ( We the .undersigped, being all m~mbe~sq1 ~^~e 0i ty Commission of: the Uity of West Universi tyPla~~:, Texas ~ hereby accept .service of the foregoingJ4,ot,i9,#3, waiYlng ,.ap,y ,and a.11 ir.e-egulari ties in such servi oe and,;:stich,n.Q:l;i~ic~,,;and:@G;ns;€!nt and agree that said City Commission shall meet at' the'tinie and pla.ce.therein ' named and for tne purposes therein stated. a, t~ M!,.:or Pro Tem ~ .. 51--4'. d~. ' Commissioner 0", ' , ' ommi s sione: ;ommissi~n~ , . .." " I; ! : , 1 ; l g i ; f i i I i I i " ~ -1 1 . .1 21 SPECIAL MEETING WEDN,H:SDAY, :IDEBRUARY 4, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OJJ' WEST UNIVEHSI'I'Y PLACE, TEXAS The' 0ity Commission convened in special session at the 0ity Hall at 9:30 ~. M. on Wednesday, ~ebruary 4, 19J2 pursuant to a call made by the Mayor Fro Tem duly served on each member of the Co.mmissioli as required by the Gi ty Harter wi ththe following members p~esent, to wit: . A. L. .Kerbow, M.ayor Pro Tem, presiding J. A.Herschel, vommissioner J. M. Dunnington, 00mmissioner T. Wesley Woodard, vommissioner constituting a quorum. Mayor Mainous Was absent due to the death of his mother in Kentucky. Commissioner Vunnington introduced and moved the adoption of an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 23~ "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $275,000 SANITARY SEWER BONDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYIifJ1:N'l' OJ:f' PRINCIPAL AND TI\!TEREST THEREON BY THE LEVYING OF AN V~4.LOREM TAXES'. The ordinance was read in full. Commissioner Woodard seconded I the motion which carried by the following vote: Herschel, Dunnington and Woodard and Mayor Pro NOES: None. ~e Mayor .Pro Tem announced that finally passed. Commissioner Woodard introduced and moved the adoption of an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO .2.35 "AN OHDINANCE AUTHORIZING ~rlE ISSUAI~CE OF $184,000 STom~ SEWER BOl\1DS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AlID INTEREST THEREON BY THE: LEVYING OlP AD VALOREM TAXES". AY~S: Commissioners Tein A.erbow. the ordinance had been The ordinance was read in full. Comraissioner Herschel seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: OOnh~issioners Herschel, Dunnington and Woodard and N~yor Pro Tem Kerbow. NOES: None. The Mayor Pro Tem declared that the ordinance had been finally adopted. The business for which the meeting was called having been con- cluded, upon motiOn duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ V a0~d~ Mayor Pr'o Tem ATTEST: .c~a~ Acti City ecretary r- r '--, I r 22 REGULAR :MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1942 CITy HALL, CITY OF WEST UNTVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ~he matter of accepting the Personnel Board's Recommendations on Classification, RUles and Regulations of Employees was psot- goned until the next meettfug, due to the illness of Commissioner .Kerbow. . Commissioner Dunnington made a motion instructing the vity Engineer to prepare the ~ngineer roll of property owners and to take such action as may be necessary in order to initiate the., paving of the extra width and curb in connection with the paving of Bissonnet Street. Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor, Mainous. J.\Joes: None. Commissioner Kerbow introduced and moved the adoption of an ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO.2 37 AN ORDIKL\tWE AMENDING ".AN ORDI.ANCE AUTHORIZING Th"E ISSUANCE _~_ r~-- 2~ OF ia75,000 SANITARY SEViER BO!iJ'DS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAThLENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST TtrEREONBY THE LEVYING OF AD VALOREM TAXESff so AS TO :MAKE SAID BONDS REGISTERABLE AS fro PRINCIPAL, APPOINTING A REGISTRAR AND PRESCRIBIl\G THE M.Al;rNER AND MEANS OF REGIS~~TJi)N;.~ The ordinance was read in full. Commissioner Herschel seeonded thw motion which carried by the follOWing vote: AYES: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. 'NOES: None. The Mayor announced that the ordiance had been finally passed. .... Commissioner Woodard introduced and moved the adoption of an ordinance entitled: 4i.z 3t:f AN ORDIl'iAJIDE .A1JIEl\TDIhU "AN ORD~ AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $184,000 STO~i SEWER BONDS ~u PROVIDING FOR THE PAY~ MENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON BY 'l'RE LEVYING OF AD VALOR1:!.~l 'r.AXESft SO AS TO MAKE SAID BONDS REGISTERABLE AS TO PRINCIPAL, APPOINTING A REGISTRAR AI\1J) PRESCRIBING TIm MANNER .AND l~ANS OF REGISTRATION. The ord,ina~e was read in full. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion, which carried by the follwwing vote: Ayes: aommissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. NOES: NOne .:',;r'he Mayor declared that the ordinance had been finally adopted. Commissio~er Dunnington made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing the salary of Harvey G. Brown, a watchman ~t the Water Plant who replaced Maurice Hyett, at $80.00 per month. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington,. Woodard and Mayor IV:ainous. :Noe s: None. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ Mayor ATTl!:ST: . ~~ Acti g City, Secretary Wi .'1 T .~ ~~ -c-, I I I , J \ J -. ~I I i . I Ii, ~- J " .' "..' ". '., ',' '", ..' , . ." . . REGULAR' MEETING ... MONDAY, FEB.RU.ARY Z3RD, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF VVEStr UNIVErtsITY . PLACE, TEXAS The Regular Meeting of the, City Commission scheduled for Monday, February,23rd, 1942 was post- poned due to the observance of a legal holiday. ,.",.... ~ ~...~ ayo . ATTEST: ~{p/''(?~ ~ Ae ng Gi y Secretary --~~- - ~-O'~_. i - r- " ~ ---1 /.. :,'~ r':~ . . . OFFICIALS: , , ,F. :td. ,M",INOUS I ,,'~AY_OR, . COMMISSI()NERS:, J.A.. HER{;CHE1. STREET .,AND-BRII;-~E .D.EP.T. 1 A.. 1.. KERBOW DEPT. OF FtNAN.CE .1. M; DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT.. T. WES1.EY,WOODA.~' WATER AND SE.WER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFF}CERS: A...1. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. A.L,BER1'SON CORP.~UQGE C. E. GAMtdlLL . TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND eaL..... .1. A. METCALf' FIRE. CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .J. W. CI-AR,KE SUPT.. ST.. .AND SIl. .JOE L. ARCHER CITY PI.:,AN.KING AND ZONING W. .J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PItRSONNEI. TRAVIS.1. CASH DEPT. o-p HEALTH v ':I!'eb~:t1ary ....May'or F. M. Mainous COmmQssioners ~. A. Herschel uA. L. Kel'bQw ~ 1.M. Dunnington ! T. ilV. Woodard Gentlemen: Pur,suantto a call of ,the :M:ayorther:e'w:tll meeting of: the city commission at the c:ltyJlaTJ.;" February 25, 1942 at 7=30 P. M. The meeting is c fOllowing 'purposes: '1. 2~ 3. :5'. 6,. 1. 8. 9. 10. RBA:tIllb 4. S~nitarY' "Sewer Pro.ject. , . '. Aui;hor1ze, Engineer ,to take bidson'l$~r~:i:(~, .... ......,..'. ,', .Authorize the City Attorney to proce~~l}Wtfth~>:eonEi:e~,>,,", on lots and rights:-of ways. ." ';",,/,,::;:".:~~: Construction o:f baffle-walls, and cleaning and :pa:fti~~iij . inside of water tank. . . ", .,;-; ..P. A.. matters on storm sewers. " " Miseellarieous bills,.- ];xpeuses of Ii'S. Harris to A. & lVI.College. Pu~el;tas~ Q:t:' Mi.m.eogra.ph' Macl;line. Sto~ Sewer Inspeetions. >>atters pertaining to eonservation'o:fgasolitie .~~' tires, Leaves of Absence. .... ...' Report of -Rules and Regulationstt by PersoD.1iel~Boa~Cl.' To discuss,.Gase of Calhoun VB. The City lJor set~~~in.e:n'b~ Police Equipment , p~rehases"., etc." ~uilding Code, adoption of. 11. 12. 23. 14. 15. Yours very truly, CITY (JF<.USi' .tmIVERS:tTY '. . \', Erc~k(~ r -_. 24 SPECIAL rv1EETING ImNNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor a Special Meeting of the Gity Commission was convened at the City Hall at 7:30 ~. M. on Wed- nesday, Jtebruary 25, 1942. The following members of the Commission were present. Mayor l!'. '''M,. Iv:ainous presiding, lJoramissioners J. A. Herschel, A. L. Kerbow, J. M. Dunnington, T. w. Woodard and the Acting ~ity Secretary. ~he purposes for which the meeting was called are listed in the call in the ~ecretaryTs file. The Mayor reported on the status of the banitary Sewer plans and specifications. He stated that the plans for the lines would be ready to present to the L.:ornmIhssion for approval on March 9. A resolution was presented by the Gity Attorney authorizing the initiaffiton of condemnation proceedings in connection with obtaining sites for lifts plants for the proposed sanitary sewer system. vo:mmissioner Kerbow made a motion which was seconded byUommissioner Herschel adopting the resolution. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Caption of the Hesolution is as follows: RESOLUTION ORDERING Al~D PROVIDING FOR TRE CONSTRUCTION OF ,A LIFT PLANT OR Pmv~ING STATION FOR THE CITY'S SANITARY SEVL.RAG.ri:SYSTill/I OR OTHER PUBLIC PURPOSES, ON LOT 14, BLOCK 14, HICE COURT ADDITION, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; APPROVING OF TEE CITY ENGI1.1EER'S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF SUCH LIFT PLANT OR pm~p- ING STATION; ORDERING ,AND IN3TdU0TINt~ 'rHE CITY AT'fOHNEY TO NEGorrIATE FOR THE PURBHASE 0]' SAID LOT 14, BLOCK 14-, HICE COURT ADDITION, AND IF UN8UCCESSFD~ TO BRING NECESSARY CONDE~nfATION PROCEEDINGS TO ACQUIRE SAME; AND PROVIDING 'If HAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL ~[lAE,E EFFECT MID BE IN, FORCE IhiTI\1EDIATELY FROM AND .AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. The rules and regulations of the Personnel Bonrdwhich had been presented to the Co:mmission at a previous meeting was discussed. No action was taken and the matter was postponed until lJ'riday, Feb. 27th. The matter of authorization of the construction of a baffle wall in the ground storage tank at the water p~ant and the cleaning --~-'.-':-- , ,CO""", r' '0' 1 , r "r" r .' .c . .:.It ... ..... and palntiDg Qt .the iDli4e o~ 'th~ 88J1le. tank 1I8.s' p08t~D8d until auGh ,time as the 0c-.1ss1Qn'. oan .~ef'iew and ad'3ust .the. budpt. . . The JlaJor' reoommended that 'W. 1': A. assistaD~e shoUld be : applied' t.or 011. construotion ot lateral storm seWers'.. : A:r'ter some disoussion. a motion was made by uamm1ssiOb8r' Hersohel that Garrett Engine~riD8 UOUlP8D7 be ilJSt.ructed to prepare and tile a W.P.A. application 'on--8to~ sewer ~aterals immediately. ~e,.' motion Was seooncled bJ' UOllllll1ssioner .l.er~CIf.~ . :. V'Otin8'.qe: 00mm1~sioner8 Herschel, Kerbow, 'Dum1ingto~, an4l1Q'er' ,. M8.inous..... . ':Noes: D--.18s~0~r Wood~d.. . . ::OOJllDi,sioner JJunn1ngton .:mad-e a motion . that the'. -'1Dee~ on the'::' Storm 1:Jewe.r Pro3eot: be authorized to' issue a work . order to 'the' ,. .oontraotor,., !rexas Gul~ c~~truotion .oompini, . t~ the ~l38truotioJi.. . ot the 1~~ ma1ne .on Aoa48JQ' aDd. Buttalo' f5peed_7. 'fhe, motion was , seooDled. by Uom1ssioner '.l;l8~s.oh~l. .' Voting .A78: OarmDl:ssioners ..i1ersob81, ~rbow, ~ngt'~n,'. Wooc1&r4 aDd Kayar' Ka1J:lOllS. . . lI08S: .0De. ~ A 'motion 1ftl8 'made b7 UOa.1ss10ner .t:Lersche1. which was 8eoo111e4' . by 'UOJIIId.ssioner .Dunnington' a.p.pro"f'ing the expense' aooaint o't. SuPt... lJarris incurred wh11~ attenc1iDg Water Works Sohool .at A. .& M. ' College. . .... . Votins Ate.: O~8sioiier8 . Hereohe1, JS.e.rbow, DwliLington, Woodard and Mayor llainc;ns. " . '. '. ' :m08So: .Boile-.. . . . . . .. - A motion ~s made' bJ" U~ssloner Herschel 1Ihi~ :was s.OODded . bJ" QOlIIIII1,ss1oD8r .l\.er~ow' 8:UthQ~iz1Dg' the p~ohase ~t a. m1JaeQSraph' . machine tor the cn-:r:ice at a pri~e ~t '12;~OO.. . ': u ". '. . . . . Vatii1g qe: C0JllllL18sioners' J:S8rechel, .llerbow,. Dwmi~on, '~oOdard and ~J'Ol'! Kainous. B~s: ' Bone. The'liqor sta:t.,ct tbat the' Oity had been requested 'bJ' th8 ottioe ot :01'9'ilian Detense' to "install a 8'tralgb.t line ..telephone to the ~i villan Detem e uttioe .to.r the. purpose' ot tren81ll1 ~~iDg . air;".rai~ warniDSs.' " .. . . . .. . . .t. .. . . .. . .. . . eClDllissioner Woo4aJ:d moved that the Uity au.thorize installation ot the. ~one. . ~1II'm~t~o~ was 's~COnded by CCBl1_si~ner .tier.sOhel. Voting .A.7et . COJllll1ission.,r J:l.ers~liel, .lerbOlJ, ])nnn~.Dg:ton, Wooc1aied and llaJor MainoU8.' :. . ' Noes: Bone. . QOIIIII1s8ioner Ber88hel 'announced that. ill Qrder to eoonom1ze be- glnn1.ns l&aroh 2nd. the' UBrbage. Department wOuld make tWG piCk-Ups ot g~bage .per week instead' ',ot three. - .. . . . ~ t r . .. .'-. I I 2'fl With respect to the building code which was published in book form last year, a motion was made by Oommissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Mayor Mainous, that the Building Code Ordinance be adopte~. Voting 1tye: 0ommissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. , 'llhere being 110 further b\1siness to comet:~before the Commission, upon. motion ma~e, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~, Mayor .A'JJTESTl ~~ .Acting fty Secretary '7 hT~- -'---'C'~~'~'7~" , , -1 I f -, " ~orw_ ~JI. ~., t$1,* . .. , .' 'I ..... ~.~, , , ' "./':40" ~OI" "t Jl. ~.. OomatS1QI1U r. A. ~~~ ~ ~~~. .. ,.~~. . .. ."" 1'. w. ~l_.u !fm~ :to'. eell ot the ..~e .... '. UeBiilNj of the .~J' U~fjl\ . . 4.00 P.. 11. lrJiAa,y" .~ "11 .1 'tor .. ~.e ctt 1. M l'tU€i)$ &l'A ~~a ... - .~. ~ ..:: . " . ' " \., ~- i. - . f",- .;." . ~ . ~ <c, l~ v~ ~, :~ .~._". .;" .' . " ',. ~ . . . . . ~. Im;\t. 2' SPECIAL IiEETING .H'RIDAYYl!:BRUARY 27'l~ 1942 " , CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVEHSTTY PLA CE , 'rl!::xJ.lS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor a special meeting of the City Commission was convened at the 0ity Hall on Jfriday, l!'ebruary 27, 1942 at 4:00 .p. he. for the purpose of either .accepting or rejecting the tlules and Hegulations presented by the ~ersonnel Boa~d. .... The members present were as follows: ~ayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Uommissioners J. A. Hersch~1, A. L. Kerbow, J. M. 'D~nnington, r. Wesley Woodard and Acting uity becretary. The Rules of the Department of Personnel were presented and read by Uommissioner ~erbow, A general discussion followed and each section of the rules were considered. At the conclusion of the discussion a motion was made by uommissioner Dunnington, whi ch was seconde d by Cornmis sioner Kerbow that the rules be accepted and appr~ved. Voting Aye: uommissioners herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and, ,l.V1ayor KLainous. Noes: None. The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . ~~ ~ Actf g City Secretary " " , '. ., ---. .- _..._~ ,---, 28 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 9th, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Oity Commission met in regular session on Monday, March 9th at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with. Mayor ~inous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Herschel was ab~ent due to illness. The ,minutes of regular meeting of February 9th and special meetingsof F&bruary 25th and 27~hwere read and approved. The City Treasurer presented the mtee.r; of expenses for the account of Civilian Defense. Commissioner Aerbowmade amotion, which was seoonded by Commissioner Dunnington, that the TreFlsurer be authorized to expend for pivilian Defense matters the amount of $4,700.00 for the current fiscal year" same being retroactive to December 1st, 1941. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Wit~ reference to employment of guards at ~ater tahks, Com- missioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, ratifying and approving the employment ofL. Camp, A. M. Shannon and W. L. Choice as guards for the w,ater tanks at salaries of $80.00 per month each, on a month to month basis. Voti~gAye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington presented an application which has been filed by B. M. Boysen requesting the remission of taxes-on improvem~nts 'on property owned by Mr. Boysen on Charlotte street. Uponi,nt"or.mation furnished Mr.' Dunnington b y the Tax Depart- ment, amotidnw~s made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that the petition be denied. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A petition for refund of taxes collected in error from W. T. Hoffman, owner Of property in Sunset Terrace Section #1, was pre- sented by Commissioner Dunnington, who made a motion that in view of the error having been confirmed, the refund be authorized. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. , Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington" and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. .,_.. 'I I r 2'.( to Mayor Mainous read a letter from the Fire Insurance Division of the Texas Insuranoe Commission, in which it was stated that the City had been granted an additional reduction in its Key Rate of 2i. The letter further outlined the bases for the existing ,key rate together with suggestions for changes and improvements which would result in a further reduction in the key rate. ' Mayor Mainous reported ,that the tires on the. automobile us~d by Chief Metoalf had been inspected by an official inspector of the Harris County Rationing Board and condemned. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion,whi.e~h was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, authorizing theB~~ensurer to secure bids and purchase the set of new tires. Voting .A3re: Commissioners.l:\.erbww, Dunningi:!on, Woodard and Mayo'r Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor announced that the Harris County Mayor's andC.ouncil- men's As.sociation had assessed $5.00 against each member City for the purpose of raiSing funds to defray its operating e~enses, Commissioner 'Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the payment of the assessment. Voting Aye: /' Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Amotion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard ~uthorizing the use of the Com- muni ty House by the E-oy Scouts, who will hold a Court of Honor, on March 27th and to the River' Oaks Lion's Club, who will hold a de- fense mmeting oh April 1st. VotiIlg Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. . A motion was made byCommissionerWoodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow mOVing the payment of expense account presented by .Act~ng City Secretary; for expenses incurred in going to Austin, in connection with the bond issue. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. # Noes: None. , Mr. M. T. GaDrett and Mr. Blair stuart of the Garrett Engineer- ing Company were present and presented plans and specifications on the S~nitary Sewer lines and lift station. The plans were discussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by - Commissioner Kerbow, approving the plans and specifications and in- strueting Garrett Engineering Compan;}i'to present same to the DPW authorities at Fort Worth for their approval. Voting Aye: Oommissioner Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor .Ma inou s. Noes: None. - ~-~~--.==.=-~"".-=-'-===-i r ., .." i f ~.I.O.' iJ ~ . There being no further business to come before the meeting upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ded1ared adjoW'ned. ~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ . .~ . Act ng .. ity Secretary ~~. 'i~.7..."' C'..~~<<.~~.~.T r.~.TI..=.'''<<~'. '" ------,- 31 REGULAR :MEETING MOI\1DAY, MARCH 23, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Commission was held on Mom ay, March 23 at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington and'YVoodard and Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Herschel was absent due to illness. The minutes of the meeting of March 9th were read and approved. -.~... Commis,sioner Kerbow discussed the matter of the j!'ederal Works Reserve, which is a Federal Progr~m for the planning of pUblic works over a s~x-yearperiod. It was recommended that the City Engineer, the Park Department, S~perintendent of the Street and Bridge Depart- ment and the Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Departments pre- pare a list of projects to be incorporated in the Federal 'forks Reserve Program. With reference to the securing of the Cityts deposits in the City N~tional Bank, the ba1!Lk proposes to place sufficient securities in escrow With the Manufactureres Trust Company of New YD~k. The Treasurer recommended that the proposition be accepted. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the City Treasurer and Gity Attorney work out the arrangements with the Bank Officials. Voting Aye: Commiss,ioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. NelsonC. Sears presented a letter requesting the lowering of restrictions relative to square foot area of residences in College Court Addition. The Comraission referred the letter to the Planing and Zoning Oommission. The Mayor announced that a Civilian Defense School was being conducted at A. & M. College and that he recommended that the City send the Fire Chief and Police Chief to A. & M. College to take a course having to do with training of auxiliary police and fire- . men. The cost of the courses being $21.00 each for a two weeks period. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington which Was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow authorizing the two men to go to A. & M. To take the course at the city's expense provided the city~s finances will permit.!Whief Metcalf to go on. April 20th and Chief Smith on May 4th. Voting Aye: Commissioners KerbOW, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor N18.inous. ' Noes: None. The Mayor stated that an arrangement had been worked out whereby the City would ~urchase a supply of 38 eal. revolvers for 'J'_":O:=-.""_-:-_=.=:."""=~:=-==---=:';'''_~ _ j 1 ~_ r --"rc:.'.'~r-'-- ~~-- - . i , > 32 ./ r , With reference to the securing of rights-of-ways South of Beala~re Boulevard, in the vicinity of Buffalo Speedway. The City ~ngineer reported that it would be, necessary to secure the services of a private surveyor to locate certain land lines. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, whiehwas seconded by Com- missioner Dunnington that the City Engineeribe authorized to em- ploy Howe & Wise to make the necessary survey. Vhting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard & Mayor Mainous. ' Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow int~oduced a proposed resolution accept- ing the offer of the Federal Works Agency on the Sanitary Sewer Project and moved its adoption. The Resolution was read in full. Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. mha motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Mainous, Commissioner KerbOW, Dunnington and Woodard. NOES:, NONE The Mayor announced that the ,Resolution had been finally passed and thereupon signed said resolution in approval thereof, and said resolution was attested by the 0ity Secretary. The Caption of the Resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION .ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF TEE UNITED srrATES OF AMERICA Mr. Joe Hepler, a resident on Gharlotte Street in Virginia Court, appeared before the Uommission with reference to the paving of Charlotte Street, which was done last year. He stated that the Street had developed several holes or spots and that he wished to ascertain the intention of the City wath reference to repairing the ~treet. The matter was discussed at length by the Commission and it was decided that the members of the Commission would inspect the . 1 r ..~~ .'-1 - --I 3~ street and would take necessary measures to correct the conditions complained of. There being no further business, Tuesday, I~rch 24th, at 8:00 P. M. .A'I'TEST : .~/~ , '" the meeting was recessed until ~~ :Mayor 34 CONTINUED MEETING NIDEBD:lq', NiliRCH 23, 19.42 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Regular Ifmeeting"continued to Tuesday, l\ilarch 24 after being recessed on Monday, March 23rd. The first matter for discussion was the proposed paving of AudenStreet and University Boulevard. The' City Engineer re- po~;e~ on the cost to the City of doing this work and since no method of f~~ance could be worked out or anticipated in the near future, it was decided to postpone action with respect to the Project. The matter of vacations for City Employees cqming up before the Commission and being discussed, Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that all city employees be granted two-weeks vacation, with the exception of fireman who will receive fifteen days; and the laborers in the street, bridge, garbage, water and sewer department, one week. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard & Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The City Engineer reported on the efforts on the part of the City to collect sewer service charge.. from residents in Braewwood connected to West University Sewage System. It was decided to write letters to the individual owners over the City Attorney's signature in an effort to collect these delinquent accounts. With respect to the storm sewer project now under construction: The Mayor discussed the inspection on this work and suggested to the Commission that Mr. Harris devote p3.rt of his time to inspection of the sewers being eonstructed. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing and ;i..rustructing Mr. Harri s to assist.. the City Engineer in the inspection of these lines. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard & Mayor N18.inous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission; upon motKon being made, seconded and carried the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~.~ ayor . ATTEST: ~~~ C-~~':'~""':-'-l r=c-''''-',- -':'~'----=---=-c=='''--==.oor ~-== ~ i \ \ \ \ .J "q-, T ~ ~> '~;:;:. t.~-::r. f-~"'~ -;.." ~~J"P.D "' >\tii.':( '~~>!-""::'''';<'.~.1' l,'-',' . M"A";."- l~ ~~~t1- -t$.:~~";: pi~;. ,I!>..;r.:tti~~.....;" !-.*"~ '::5F'~~J."";; i;;{:f~;; .;-" ..!-i.." ;..,~ Mnh?,t'i'::: .' ?~. ':'.,,\- -r~t. L., p, .J.:..~ vl::.I!;!.~~Br.~~"'h . .....:.;, ;-'-. .~;,JD:3'l': "'~ i'-i;,t"-G~V 6, -H'.-H Wf~iill.iit to 9 a" oM Ofthe_"$'1;li~LI~~;t,':; ,', :~":'~~:_:;,';~' ~',Q CQ~I:r~~~~i~,t!.~ ~t~~~~ggp~fM~h.:. t O~1~'~,~!;i~:~:,:~;~~~:,,:I~f~i~f".::" '-')"'--<LU..-.ntt"7 iRn.: :f.' h . t t . -d +-.-. - ,I, I :f!.:.4rpOSe O. . e,." ~gc~t~;,-,~E;-lfifif?,J:'fr~~'-,~~_!;~lJi:1f2':R ci~;"~~: o~:: "~.ltoOdj;~,~;~A~~'i~;:~[~;~:;;;i~I~~~~j!1~}~~0! . ,', ::.";tm:w.~,G'~~"~-''''" -i':'''b:ri~'rtbF~'~1tEfST~UN!~Sf~i;~~15~>: , :.;,~.': ',;". 'J? :;--~t ;~}-v. ~~..,. .~ :; ~f "'i I i...;.~ :..n..~".,;;;:~'?' i!;;f::R .:',,' ,~~~ .>r.':....;~..:i.. l F,,{~.,.. ..!.' fR. II ,[ I ,> , "J~: ?T, 0.1'" c;...;.j.~~: \}::'-~h<t;.., "~~~,.-...'.lt-lt ~}" ~~;...:~.:." ~-K': ,", .',;-.,. ;'<.<;:~~t' ~~. >-~:.,K; 8'~ ..t~:;:; ! ~?:jp ;,~ :~ ,.\"", . .u.. ~RBA"~l~~>' J~' ..r ,"- .~, -,. ~'-;, ~'3 s~ .:'l; r,.t:;,~;,{ ~~ ')~.. '<--~;' ,~) -': ~f" ",,' -~ ,; .- >~.~: ,,) '-- '~l.:'~' .~'. ,. .: " T. WESLEY' WOODARD WA'!ER AND.S'E'!VI!R"OEPT. MA'COR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A., .I.,LAMONTE CITY ATTY. 'B. R. ALBERTSON . C'CRP. ..fUDGE G'R:e.:DY SMITH C:MIEF" OF P.Dl.lCE C. E., GAMMILL TREASU~ER R. B.ALLEN, CITY ENGR. roo' K.. CUFr TAX ~~SESS. A~D, CD.LL. .I. A., METCALF . FIR'E CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS , SUPT.'WATER AND SEWER ""'W. CLARKE . ~U-PT. ST~ AND B~. r .lO'E L. ARCHER . CITY PLAN'NING AND ZONING W. .I. AUBERTIN DEPT. DF PERSDNNEL TRAVIS .I. CASH DE~T. DF HEALTH . "'1 '. - . u NWER~ It~: l~!J~EV~RD " H~lI'-S'Tb;~.;::TEX~S , · _ '",' ~". ".... ...-It... :March 30th, 194:8' -,~ '-...-"':..., I _. . As !.iayor, it is my duty tp. call a: speoiale meeting of the Comm.ission~ ,0 Tdesir~ tooaJ,.1. a ", ' , special meeting tomarrow night, Tuesday, March 31st;" at 7: 30 p. M. Please,' advise the Comm.:ission, and the Engineers on this projec.t to be 'present. Yours very truly, CITY of WEST UNIVEHSITY BY~ - . ". :lnous, "-aYOr ... . . EMI'.'l: tmb a -<,,-, 7~', . '/. l >-t.-6L.<.,$d~~;1 " e . f..~ K~ r/{~u;"t-42.~-rJ.~, ",1';:1 V4--/J...<..~A.-I// I'~v-dd~~~.,l;' ';~ r }J '/ /' (J fJ~~~eP / ~ ~ . ;, . 14" ,//,1 // /'/f':' 7: ,,' '/2 r ~~r ~h:! :n!~7-'k-r~,/L~-1Al...t? j/ Jtf~/I ~4~----t.9-40':./'",,'(7 .-'::.;:-.:.' L.-e..~. . -;J ^ . ~ ' y' / /~' /. 4J ~ d..-f ~f ..:::'-~1'\.; .;0 Sa SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the N~yor, a special meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, March 31,1942 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Herschel was absent due to illness. ' The pu~pose of the meeting was to hear residents living in the neighborhood of Rutgers and University, who deisired to protest the proposed ~ocation of a Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station on Rutgers street. The fallowing citizens appeared and voiced their objections: J. M. ~awrence, 3301 University C. M. ~vilson, 3207 Amherst i.. G. Schaeffe-r, 3302 University J. C. Hinds, 6120 Buffalo Spdwy ~. D. Templeton, 3302 Amherst Frank Gaskey, Buffalo Spdwy Paul .A McGregor, 3320 Amherst These c~tizans objected to the lift plant on the ground that it would create a,nuisance, that unhealthy odors would be preseny, that the noise created by operation of the pumps would be a nuisance and th~t for these reasons the value of property in the vicinity would be seriously effected. They advised the Council that they would seek relief in the Court i~ necessary to eliminte the location of the lift plant at this place. Roy Demme, 6118 Bufflo Sp. C. F. Healy, 3301 Amherst ~Q !. Sharits, 6122 Buffalo C. A;~ Turner, 3306 Amherst R. e. Ridley, 3315 Amherst The Commission advised those present that the matter would be taken up with the Engineers, Garrett Engineering Co and ways and mea~s of changing the plans studied with a view of eliminating or changing location of the plant. There ~ng nofurth~r business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ':4~ Ma or , ATTEST: ~~ =-- r==-_===-- . - ......--......---....- ----- 36 SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, APRmL,I.1D~, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST tTNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall at 7:30P. M. Friday, April 10, 1942 Present were Mayor N~inous,presiding, Commissioners Dunnington and-Woodard and the Acting City Secretary. Commissioners Herschel and ,Kerbow wepe absent. The purpose of the meeting was to receive bids on the Sanitary Sewer lines and lift p~ants and to transact other business listed in the the call. . Two bids were received. They are as follows: Tellepsen ConstruetienCo. Base Bid $ 370,719.05 Less Alternates 249,8G7.l5 Base Bid $ 34~, 794. 90 Less Alternates 236,346.53 Texas Gulf Construction Co. - . A motion waif! made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by \.iommissioner ~voodard that the bids be referred to Garrett Engin- eering Co. for tabulation, study and reco:mmendation. Voting Aye: Co~ssioner Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. An agreement was presented appoi13.ting the Manufacturer's Trust Co. of New Yor~ as escrow agent to hold securities to secure the City's deposits in the City,National Bank of Houston. Commissioner Dunnington moved that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to execute the agreement on the part of the Qity. Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. ~Qttmg Aye: Commissioner Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Anumqer of citizens were present opposing the plan to co~struct lift stations at Rutgers and Belmont Streets. The following voiced jheir objections: Mr. Bertelsen, Hni versi ty Blvd., Norman Fisher, 6317 Belmont Mr. & Mrs.Vf. Bernbaum, 2927 University Mrs. M. R. Scholl C. ]'. Healy,Amh,e~,st St. Mr. W. H. Miller, 3001 University Major Templeton, Amherst J. S. Bleeker, 6310 Belmont H. B. Bolton, 2916 University Mrs. Bertran J. M. Lawrence, 3301 University O. A.Abrams, 2927 Amherst Roy Demme L. C. Ownes, 2928 University C. A. TUrner Jack Crabtree, 2923 Amherst Mrs. G. M. Wilson R. G. Ridley L-___ I" -_...~. .. - .-- ~ __ ._______--L-i 87 Mr. Healy presented a petition bearing the names of thirty- three (33) citizens opposing the location of the li~t on Ru&gers Street. Mr. J. M. Lawrence stated that an attorney had b~en employed tm protect the rights of the citizens. . The ]Jiayor and Commissioners advised the citizens present that the ~tter would be given careful study and that nothing would be done without giving those interested further notice and an opportunity to be heard. The business for which the eeting was called having been concluded upon motion, made, seconded arid carried the meeting was aeclared adjourned. .~~.' // -'-////~:;;;' ~ ATTEST: ~ Actingity Secretary ---; --------r ., u . . ~ T. ~~~;:;YA:~2~~::..ociEPi:. ' MAY~tJRP~tJ'TE:M':' A.L. KER~d~, r [JFF'ICI;:~S: '.'. A. .... LAMONJ'E, CITY- ATTY. e. R' AUilER:TSDN .. CO'R-P. oJ1J"DGE: ".' .'., . . '. C. 'E. --I3AM'M 11.l;. __ I'REAaURER'- . II ' '. '.' '" <, -',. R. ,B. :'ALL"EN' . 'CIT'(. EJ"H3R~' Fe. K:CU,=,Fe<.~' TAX'-AS'~ESS.."AND CDLL. o ~, . . d. ':1';i:i:~~~~~: ' IRA,Ao'HA:RRIS'.' . S-UP~~ ~ATE'.R A~.r:> S"EWER .... W:'Cl;ARKE'. '. "', 'stip:r~ ~T.'..~~D q~. > ", ....Q E: L:~ >~R.i::,~ER.' : .C~~ PLAN'NI~(~ AND, ZDNING" W. .....AUB.ERTIN .DE~T': 'CF'l...r:'ERSDNNEL 'TRAVIS ..... CASH.. DEPT. DF' HEALTH " 7 I~- - ,- Mr. R~ :B~Allen, , Aci;i~, City 5e'ore ta.ry ,(li:i;y' of West 'UJiiversity Houston,T e 'x a s Dear' Mr. .A1le n: '/ . . lam calling a speoial meeting or,:t.h:ec~: Oi ty COIDJ1fission for Monday, Maroh 30,. at 'T:fjO J?>,].lJ'~ at i;'he' OityHallfor tite. f'ollow:ingl??rpQse'~t. . ""'\'<~~ forL~ke, Alin;:po!is~l!f~r~~~.~e;~t:~::'~~h~~~~~~e;"j:: ,~,,,"~ Streets and the East 'End Of the City~ " .Als 0 for a oonference withl\1t.r~ 'Ras'::: '. .......,',., ,", mussen to go over matters pertainfngtoa,19ng~r~nge ,. publio works program under the Pttblfe"~forksResel'V~&,,,.::_: ',< " '.', Yours very' t:r\lly,; , .. . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY By ,', ]' . ' M. ,l\[ainou~," May'or' ) FMM:tmb' 38- SPECIAL Ivill~TING MOI~AY, ~lliROH 30, 1942 CITY K~LL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Ball on Monday, March 30th, 1942 ati 7: 00 P. lVI. Those present were :Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbww, Dunnington and Woodard and Acting Oity Secretary. Commissioner Herschel was absent due to illness. The meeting was called for the following purposes: ~~~. llTo go into the 'ii.P.A. Street Program for Lake, Annapolis, Fordham, Aruherst and Charlotte Streets and the East End of the City. Also for a conference with Mr. Rasmussen to go over matters pertaining to a long range public works program under the Public \Vorks Reserve.n tThe Oi ty Commission assembleQ at the Oi ty Hall and in company with Messrs. Harry Hedges, Jr; Barry hedges, Sr.and LawrenceJ:i'Fu.qua, preceded to Virginia Vourt where a general inspection was n:tql.de of the st,reets, which were topped in the VI. ,P .A. Proj ect. After inspection of the streets the Commission returned to the Oity Hall and discusses the v~rious angles of the Project with respect to repairing sections of the streets which showed failure. A motion was made by Cor~ai8sioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Uommissioner Woodard, instructing the City ~ngineer to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible. Voting .dye: Commissioners Dunnington, ilvoodard, Kerbow &; Mayor Mainous. NOe s : None. With reference to the amounts owing material men for material furnished, the City 'l'reasurer was instructed to prepare a statement' of the amount due and the City Attornev was instructed to draw and submit to the Vity Comraissfon a aesolution acknowledging the claims of the Eaterial men involved. Mr. Rasmussen, who was to be present and explain to the city Commission the long range pUblic works program, known as ltpublic Work's Reserve!', was unable to be present and this matter was post- poned urrtil a later date. The purposes for which the meeting was called having been completed, upon motion made, seconded and c:arried the meeting was adjourned. .$j;, ~./?7(~ ILa yor Attest: A~tf#~ .. '2.::....'.r --~-;-_.--o'.-o-,,-c-==-c.,.-----c-c '.1 r---------- f.'M:t:.tAII.iOUS MAYQ'R. ~. 1 Ii r I. . ~.~:~:;';~~J;~1,:~~DE~T' A.' 'L~:~~~;:~~;:~,~~'~J< : ... M.,DUNNI!'iBj:ON' T"AX. DEPT~. < . ":." >', T~ WESL~f,wi:{[j[;~RO W~TER A~~ S:E~ER DEPT. . it.- . ">.,'. MAV[1R)"ROTEiv! : . A. L; KE:~B~.lN . .. ". , OFFICERS:, '. . . ,.,. A. ... LAM.~,N.TE ciTY .ATTY. , ". - . . . . . e.. R: .ALBERTS.O.N. CORP.. .,JUDGE . \' " . G'RAD'Y'" SMITH' . C:HiEF ~F'- POLII?E" C';',E~ .GAMMILL .TREAsU.RE-A: Mr.. R~. .~,.A:L:len, A.~tt~g: City _Secretary... ..'.... ~1~yOf West Untve~sity ",' ","t.,' . R. .e..ALl..E.N" CITY ,ENI3R." Dear Mr.: ltllen: . . ," --. ,".. . .., K..'CUF-F' . ",TAX. 'A.S:SE.S~.. A"ND CDLL.. ');A.~M:ETCALF' _' ~l~E; ,C-HI"E;F IRA A;' HARRIS. SUPT..:'WATER AND SEWER . , . . - . ~=f;:~fn~t~i~r~~t~: il:B~:&~' l'04l')...... '. 7: -.c..... .q . n" , . . . '.-. ..'. w>'t;'t.:ARKE 'SUPT..:ST.. AND HR. ......JDIE=.;L..AR,t;HER: " ,...., ",__' ", . W.':;::e::;::mAND ZDNINB 'T~~' meetingi:~ eal1~dto.t; '-the::e,~~'~;~i1J.g:., DEPT..D" PERSDNNEL purposes:. . ',,' '<, . TRAViS:'... CASH i:t"EP.T.. DF' HEALTH of Sani'tar~. se~:~~ir~~~ 'in~ ~r;r~~a:~~~:t;:':~~6~:~s~~;~glI~1f, 240 BPi. ' ~;~~/~:::t~~~!~~~:J:~!~ii~,"~i~~i~:;~!S~~~~~~ Storm Sewer, across BissQnnet ~ ~,.."" ' " , '- . '. . .." . , . . . ~~~f~~~~;~li~1~~::E;a:r~j6;~~~~:~::!~t::;: Y cm,t's '. v:ery;. t,ru.ly,. ;r '.'/ JJlay.o~:~ ~ ~. . - - , DJ.lM:-tmb :~ ~ . 'f .1 " i - '-i 3~ REGULAR ILEJi;TING MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1942 GITY R4LL, CITY OF {{EST Ul\fITERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the 6ity Commission was held at the City Hall on Monday, April 13, 194? with Mayor lVlainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, ~Yoodara. and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Herschel was absent due to illness. The ~inutes of ,regular meeting of March 23, continued re- gular meeting of March 24, special meetings of March 31 and April 11 were read and approved. The Mayor presented and read aj,letter from Mr. Kelly, an Engineer, residing in West University, relative to lack of rein- forcing stell in m.onolithic concrete storm sewer now being con- structed on Buffalo Speedway. The City Engineer explained that the design used was City of Houston standard. The letter was referred to the City's Engineers. The: Federal Works Reserve Program was discussed and Com- missioner, ;BEenb0w~.in.a.de':a::'faotion,which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington,that the City approve the program and authorize the ~iling of'projects with the proper authorities. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dur1nington, Kerbow, Woodard and N~yor Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor announced that arrangements had been made to pro- vide a target range for~egular and auxiliary police at the Wake- forest tank on Richmond Road. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which Was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, approving the arrangement. Voting Aye: Corrrrnissione~s Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None., ,A request for a six months leave-of-absence from Geo. Robinson, a City Fireman, was read to the Commission. Commissioner Kerbow moved that a leave-of-absence be granted Geo Robinson effective April 1.5,,1942.' Commissioner, Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, vVoodari' &; l/layor 1Lainous. Noes: None. . The City Secretary was instructed to request the Personnel Board to furnish to the Commission the name or names of applicants or candidates fO,r the position. With.referegce to the acknowledgement of indebtedness of the Ci ty to the bouth l!;nd Building Materials Company, a Resolution was 1 '401 presented by the City Attorney. Cormnissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of the Resolution. COfllITlissionerW'oodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Cornmissioners Kerbow, Woo'dard Dunnin.cJ'ton &; l'iiayor , . C) Mainous. Noes: None. A RESOLUTION ". s. A RESOLUTION RECEIVING .A~ID AGCEPfING THE REPORT AND AUDIT 'MADE BY rrEE CITY TREA,8URER .OF THE CLAIM OF ."THE SOUTH E11J BUILDING MATERIALS COMPA:r:.JY FOR IV'.tl\TERIALS FURNISHED TOrrE]': 01 TY OF WEST mnVERSITM PLACE IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY-SIX HUNDRED TWENTY- FOUR DOLLARS AND FORTY-FIVE CENTS ($3624.4;;) AT VARIOUS TDllES AND ACKNUWLEDGING SAID CLAIM OF SAID COMPANY IN A JUST AND L..tlWFUL DEBT OF THE CITY OF ~VEST UNIVERSITY PLl\.CE AJ\TD ORDERING SAID CLAIM TO BE PAID. A motion was made by GOnh~ssioner Kerbow,which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, instructing and authorizing the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance changing the time of meetings of the Uity Commission from 7:30 p. M.Uentral Standard time to 8:00 P. M. Central War Time. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard &; Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The City Attorney presented an ordinance amending the ordinance providing for street rental charge against the South- western Bell Telephone Company. COLillliissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of the ordinance. 60mmissioner Woodard seconded the mot ion. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington & ~ayor 11fIainous. The Caption of the Ordinance is as follows: . ORDINANCE NO. /3 i . AN ORDINANCE ~ill}mING SECTION 10 OF ORDIN~~CE NO. 147 ,WHEREBY THE CITY OF'iJiJEST U:NT'lERSITY PLACE AND THE SOUTEfifl.ESTERN BELL TELEPHOrJE COMPANY AGREED UPON TErrI: TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WlIICH SAID COMPANY SFLt~LL CONTIl\;1ffi: TO ERECT ITS POLES, VHREi.:3, -}t"'IXT"lJRES, ETC., IN THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY; PHOVIDING ANl\JUAL CASH CONSIDERATION TO BE PAID BY THE SOUTHWEST:r::RN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 'l1ffEREFOR; PRO- VIDING Tal\.T ALL ORDI1mNCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN COI\fFLICT HEREWITH lhCffi REPEALED; AND PROVIDING THA.T THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAY:3 EFFEDT AND BE IN FORGE 'I' . "...-:--:---- , --------. i ,- --r April IMlif;];DIATELY FROM AIID AFT'i:R THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE, APPROVJl..L AN1) ACCEPTANCE BY TEE SOUTH- VIfESTERN Bl'JLL TELEPHONE COMPANY. The meeting was recessed until Tuesday evening, 14, 1942 at 8:00 p. M.~__ ,~_ . .. .__ ~ ATTEST: ~~~ . A~~ -_/ l' r----- - 41 I 42 CONTINUED MEETING rruESDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY 0]' W'EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA.S, A continued meeting or the City COlmmission was held at the City Hall on 'tuesday, April 14th, 1942 after having recessed on Monday, April 13th, 1942. The Personnel, Director W. J. Aubertin presented a list of three (3) apvlicants for the position of paid firer~n. In view of the ,fact-that George Hobinson was granted a six (6) months leave- of-absence, it was',:decided to notify each applicant of the cir- cumstances in order to give them an opportunity to either vnthdraw or affirm their applications with the understanding that the po- sition n~y last only six (6) months. A discussion ~ms had on the matter of fire hose purchased during the present fiscal year and particularly with reference to bills for same. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, instructing the Fire GhiefJ. A. Metcalf and City Engineer R. B. Allen to inventory all fire hose on hand. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor M,ainous. Noes: None. J. W. Clarke presented a bill covering the supplies~or the decontamination squad. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, WhiCh was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the payment of the bill. ' Voting Aye: COIlliJlissioners Aerbow, Dunnington, Woodard & Mayor Ma inous . Noes: None. The City Attorney, ,A. J. Lamonte presented a bill in the amount of i508.70 for his services in securing rights-of-ways for the storm sewer project and for recording fees. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by 00mmissioner Dunnington, authorizing the payment of the bill. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard oc Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. With reference to the police department, l'iLayor IVlainous recomraended that Officer Shipp be promoted to Sergeant, filling the position formerly held by Officer Rulon and that Officer Anderson take the position occupied by Officer Shipp; both men to receive the salary paid the respective positions. .,[ , --, ---- 1'''' 4~ Commissioner Kerbow made a motion authorizing the arrange- ments to be put into effect. (Jormnissioner Dunnington sect>nded:~thec:: motion. Voting .f."iye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, MJoodard ! Mayor 11/l8. inous . Noes: None. A discussion was had upon the revised 'budget for the current f-iscal year. Cora.rnissioner Kerbow, .lfinance Director, recommended tke adoptio~ of the revised budget, vmich he presented to the Commission. A motion was made by Cormnissi:mer Woodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington adopting the revised budget for the current fiscal year. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard & lV.l.ayor' Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made" seconded and carried the meetip..g was de- clared adjourned. ~ (/?r~ ~iaYOr ATTEST: A~~ - , 1 ,..; WESLEYWOODARo" . WATE'~ AN-?:):iE~ER :Q~.PT. ;; . . "'., MAYOR .pRO, TEM:' A. L. ~.~ERB~.'V':': OFFICERS,: , -A. .J. LAMO.NTE '. CITY AriY.. . B. R.,ALBERTSO'N, CtlRP. .JUDGE . . . . - . . .' -. ," ~ .' - GRADY',SMITH ." cH'iE~' C"F. 'POLI"dE c. E.GAM~i'LL . ." TR'EASU"E~" , ' , ", ~..~e::...~l:-;;~~. F','IC;'CUFF' , .1A~ A~S'ES.S. A,ND COLL. J....A;~;Z'&~~~Ei.:~ 'IRA A:;:H~RRIS, SUPT..~WATER AND SEWER . ' oJ:V;:~-~~:T~~ND BR. )i " f I I I , , oJOE'L.,,,!-RCHER' , ..' . C1!V P~NNI~G AND.ZDNING W. .J~,AUaERTlN " D.EPT;. O~\PER~'DNNEL TRAVis oJ. CASH DEPT~ CI"F' HEALTH r--- ,.--:- . "oh'" , . 'I ", :.. ," .J;o..~. :", loc~t ion~, sahitary 2. Have.,Gaxrett Engine,er:tngCompiany,the\" designing engineers, to be present at. t:n.is'Il1e~tirig ..... and explain in detail to thecitizeIIs;the.li,:et . . . stations up and down Uiiiverl3ity:aouie~v:al'd; 'and..' oi tizens to be notitied.of this meeting.. .' Yours very truly, .~' ,{)F WEST UNIVERSITY .:, "~' .", : . ..... .... .' '. . " ~ - - - . . . . . . . . . .. . - .: M. a'~tj~Ms.YOll ..... .,. FMlv.i : tmb :"'. ". '~ ,. ~44 SPECIAL NlEETING ~lURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 UITY HALL, CITY OF 'flEST UHlVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the ~~yor, a special meeting of the City Commission was convened at the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Thursday, April 23, 1942 wi th ~v~ayor llilainous pr~siding and Com- missioner Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and the Acting City Sec- retary in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was as follows: 1. To further discuss sanitary sewer lines, locations, lift plant andgll matters p&rtaining to sanitary sewers. 2. The Garrett Engineering Company will be present at this meeting to explain in detail to the citizens, the li:f.t stations up ~nd dmvn University Houlevard, and citizens are notified of this meeting. Mr. M. T. Garrett of the Garrett Engineer~ng ~ompany was present and stated that since bids had been received on the Sanitary Sewer lines it had become necessary to revise and alter the plans in order to bring the scope and cost of the work to be done within the limits of funds available. He recoIDnlendedthe comtruction of a cast iron pressure main from Wesleyan Street to Brompton Road and a 3611 monolithic concrete sewer from University and Brompton to the disposal plant. The revised plan also calls for the construction of five small underground pumping stations instead of the two large lift stations originally planned. Mr. Garrett presented a letter of recommendation to the COmL1ission outlining the changes and re- oommending awarding of the contract on these conditions to the low bidder. Several citizens were present desiring to determine the ci ty' s intention with respec't to the lift stations and stating their Objection thereto. After discussion of the various details it was decided to postpone action and vororn,issioner Dunnington moved that the city's engineer and the city attorney prepare the contract documents for submission to the Commission at is next meeting. vommissioner KerboW seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner lJunninf.::ton, Kerbow ,Woodard &lYiayor l\i~ainous. Noes: None. ~he business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion,made, seconded and carried the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~--- Mayor r~1f'~?~~~~~'~ '.':. " -l'-'-':''''''~ :"-'?':'Ml ~-____-_n_--iC , A~ t~ IiEGULAR MEETING . MONDAY, APHIL 27TH, 1942 (jITY HALL, (jITY O:B' (lESI' UNI'JERSrry PLLi CE, TEXAS The regular meeting o~ the City Commission was held at the City Hall, on Monday, April 27, 1942 at 8:DO P. M. with ~ayor Mainous presiding],. Co.m.missioners .Kerbow, Dunnington and Vioodard and .Acting 0ity Secretary in a'~tendance. The Mayor arillounced that since the last regular meeting of the City Commission, J. A.. Herschel, (jornm.issioner, had passed away. Mayor Mainous then introduced the follm',Ting resolution: RASOV~TfrlO~~ vnillREAS, God; in his infinite wisdom, has permitted the sudden and unexpected with-drawal of a valued and distinguished member of the City Commission, Honorable J. A. Herschel, from earthly labor to the final resting place, and vVHEREAS, Honorable COITillissioner J. A. Herschel, has been a faithful member among us and that we are nowccalled upon to give him up, theref9re, be it RESOLVED that we, the members of the City Commission of the City of West nniversity Place, do, meekly bow in submission to the Father's will and extend to the heart broken family our sincere sympathies and commend them to Him who is abundently able to bind up broken hearts, and be it further RESOLVED, that we cherish the memory of him who through life exemplified the noble principles of a true fellow American and ad- vocate ~f the principles of the American Way of Life. HESOLVED, that a page in our records be set apart ,to his memory and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the grief stricken family; a copy to the newspapers for ,publication. . ******** Commissioner Kerbow made a motion moving the adoption of the Resolution, with the provision that the same be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission. Commissioner Vloodard seconded ,the motion. Voting Aye: Conwissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, & ~ayor Mainous. Noes: None. -, Mayor Mainous stated that COlwussionerHerschel had purchased a ~lag to be presented to the City, that the flag had been delivered since Commissioner Herschel had passed away and in order to carry out the wishes of Commissioner Hersc.hel, he thought it fitting and ?~',~~wrr;~--c W -----~ ~~~-- ----1- ",' '",~,,"c"'IJ I ,~~ ,~-~ I 46 proper that the glag be presented at thi9, time. A color guard of John R. Burkett American Legion Post r77 came fonvard and presented the colors. Mr. Guthrie, Cashier of the new University State Bank was present and announced the opening of the new bank for busiilless and invited the City to avail itself of the facil,ities of the bank. .. ,Mayor )L~inous recommended the payment of the remaining monthly sal~ry of 0o~ssioner Herschel to be paid to Mrs. Herschel. Corn.missioner ifioodard made a motion, which was seconded by Oom- missioner Dunnington, authorizing the payment of the one half months salary to Mrs. Herschel. ' , v Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow & Mayor Ma inous . Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington read a letter he had received from the Purdy Estate relative to the remission of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes. He also read a letter from City Attorney Lamonte with respect to the request and moved that the request be denied. Commissioner Kerbow seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Co~nissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard & Mayor . Mainous. Noes: None. CO!DIIlissioner Kerbow stated that at a recent meeting of the City Corn.mission a resolution 'was ado;t;;ted acknowledging the claim of the South End Building Materials 00rapany for materials fur- nished the city and moved that similar yesolutions be prepared to cover (::laims of Parker Brothers and Hedges and Smith. Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner~ Kerbow" Woodard, DU11llington & ~ayor Mainous. Noes: None. Cill~lissioner Kerbow stated that since it had been six months since the furnishing of gasoline had been awarded the Gulf Refin- ingCompany, he therefore made a motion that the purchase of gasoline be awarded to the Humble Company for the next six months period, and that the contract be rotated among all oil companies repre- sented in West University Place every six months. COITilllissioner Woodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Noes: None. ('l .. ;-,.'-.., UOrnIrllSSlOners .L'BrDOW, Woodard,Dunnington & ~ayor Mainous. The City Attorney presented an ordinance changj_ng the time of meetings of the City Cammission from 7: 30 p. ];I. to 8: 00 P. 11'1. Central WarTime. Cm~llissioner Woodard moved the adoption of the "-<".~jU~:Z.:,,,,_'c:-:.:<<"' '-='-:.:-:_-!.."",~....,"".--...-- _...~-,~~. .~'1'-----------' - ------- --. 41 Ordinance, CormQissioner Kerbow seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners ~Joodard, Kerbow, Dunninton, and Mayor Ma inous . Noe s: IJone. The Caption of the Ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2~o , AN ORDINANCE AlIfu~I\1DING ORDINANCE NO. 208 PROVIDING FOR THE D.ATE:S .#.ND TllVIE O:E' REGULAR MEETINGS OF rrEE CITY C01v]}!.[ISSION OF T:H:E CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE b'HALL BE HELD: PROVIDING TH1~T ALL ORDIl~~NCES ArID PARTS OF ORDIr~NCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED: PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDIll~NCE SHALL TAI{E EFFECT A}JD BE TN FORCE n~tlEDIATELY FROM AND AFTlm THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. 1he Garrett Engineering Company presented a letter or re- cor~lendation with regard to the sanitary sewer contract. The recomraendation provides for the use of cast iron pipe, from the Wesleyan Street lift station to the intersection of Brompton and University Boulevard; the construction pf 36'1 monolithic concrete out-fall sewer from that point to the disposal plant and the construction of five (5) small under ground pumping plants. Mr. Garrett explained the proposed plan and described in qetail the plan of the lift stations and their operation. The IJity Commission committed itself to the construction of the lift plants, but the plan and location of same shall be su bmi tted to the City ConmUssion wnen complete for final approval. . The following citizens TNere present who reside in the vicinity of the proposed lift stations: J. C. Hinds, 6120 Buffalo Spdvvy Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Healy, 3301 nmherst Mrs. Templeton, 3302 Amherst . C. E. Sharits, 6122 Buffalo Spdwy C. 1'Ji. Wilson, 3207 Amherst C. A. Turner, 3306 Amherst Mr. Sharits spoke for the citizens that had formerly signed a petition and presented to the Conmrlssion, objecting to the lift stations. After hearing the complaints from these Clvlzens present and further discussion by Mr. Allen and Mr. Garrett and members of the Comluission, Mayor Mainous offered the suggestion of locating the lift" stations; the dr~ well being placed in the street or street intersection and the purap being placed directly in the eorner of the inteEsection next to the curb. The Mayor ask Mr. Garrett if this arrangment would work as good engineering. He stated that it would. Mr. Rogers, who is employed by ~r. Garrett and as a citizen of West Uhiversity, stated that it would work and would save the city som.e $500.00 for each location. :;?'~~~~'~~ 'IrJ r-..~-- -- - -~--.-c~="~~"",""cC"'l.",_,:,o"h'''.''<_"i'~;,,,,'''~.M!'r;.c;,j1 -- 48 After further discussiop by the committee of citizens ana In view of the pencil sketches, Mr. Hinds, on behalf of the cittzens, stated that if the stations would be installed as outlined by the Mayor that he would be willing to withdraw his objections. All of the citizens present agreed with ~~. Rings. .A Resolution was presented awarding the contract for the construction of the sani~ary sewer lines and ,lift stations to the Texas Gulf Construction \Jompany, the lowest bidder. Commissioner Woodard moved the adoption of the Resolution, COnIDlissioner Dun- nington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow & Mayor JYlainous. Noes: None-. Caption of the Resolution as as follows: A RESOLUTION LISTING BIDS RECEIVED, EETEIDlaI\TJ:NG THE LOW"EST MID BEST BID AND AWARDING COJ\1TRACT, DOCKET TEXAS 41-240. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion made, seconded and carried 'the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ Mayor ATTEST: ' ~~ ;:"'~ ;~~ ';-01\";;' 'If r. 1" , "'. C::C:'f I I ~ Ii' . J' _~; . .. i ~ .. , ' I, F. M. Mainous,.. May'or oftheCity" '. and Rl B. Allen, Acting City 'Sec'retary of the . Up.iversity Place, af.ter checking over the minutes and that ;the oath of off'ice was administered, we f'ound that no minutes of the meeting of January 21, 1941 in Whichth.1.~~;; Record of the Oaths of' Office varifies the f'act tl:l.liit> pIa ce. . ."-. . ,.,' , , January 21st, 1941 the present City Commission went into6:e'+:t~'~r~ ' .' ," ' ..... :;;~','~..." ~:: "-;.:~ There being no record of the minutes on this, this stateme-nt~~'$;"~";::,,:f!; made to be inserted into the minute bOOk.". 1 . .... 'J!,:~:}~\;:~E~ ~~. l' .... .<;;;,~ ~///r;/6~~~~;<~~ ' '. .. . Mayor ....... .."')t;\(}'B~ .: '.'~<'::'~~..:'~~;;:;~~iv~~:~ ATTEST ," . '- .:.. ~. City Secretary -~. . "" ,", 6:, ,.. ~-->.:...- OFFICIALS: F. 'M. MAINIJUS MAY~~ COMMISSIONERS,: Ja A. HERS"C"HEL STREET AND BRIDGE .DE~T. : "A. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCE J. M. DUNNINGTON I TAX DEPT. ,T. WESLEY WOODARD 'WATER: AND SEWER DEPT, MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L~ fKERBDW. f.of':~ I ,OFFICERS:, \ A. J'. LAMONTE , CITY ATTY. II' B. R. ~LBERT~ON l' CDR~._.JU~riE ~ , BRADY SMITH . ." CHIEF DF POLICE . C. E. "GAMMI"LL TREASUR.ER R. B.'ALL.:EN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUF.F TAX ASSESS. AND COLL.- J. A.. METCAL~ ."F"IRE c.HrEF- IRA A. HARRIS SUP-To WATER AND ~EWER J. W. CLARKE ~UPT~ ST. AND BR. JOE L. ARCHER, CITY PLANNINI3 A~Q ZDNING W. J. AUBERTlN DEf:lT. DF PERSDNNEL TRAVIS J. ,CASH DEPT. DF' t:tEALTH \ .. ---"" \ I , , , , /?ilgO/We:JI. 1jnive"6if'JPlac~.. L.ll'J,oIJJom~6 3800 U N IVER!:nTV:,~,D!lLGVARD , H'OLJ"STDN'TEX-AS. ' ' . "- ' , . . May,2, 1942' Mayor F. IvI. ~ainous, CommissJoner A. L. Kerbow Commissioner J. 1[. Dunnington Commissioner' T. iN. Woodard Gentlemen: Pursuant' to a "c~tl of the Mayor there will be . a special ineeting of jihe City Commiss'ionat the Gi:ty, .' Hall on Monday, }.[ay4th,1942 at 8:oop. M~ for the following purposes:' , , , To- fill the vacancy on the Ci ty do~ission~' 2. To fill th~ vacanoy of an Engineer on the Board of Eealth. 1. 3. Question of water lines on 'Bissonnet' S.t. - .4. Sewer lines on Bissonnet st., and the necessity of removing and lowering of these lines. Yours very truly, CI~ By: '. .' . Actng ity. ~cretary .,' REA: tmb 4t1 SPECIAL lVlEETING MOrIDAY, lVillY 4th, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEY~S A special meeting of the City Commission was convened at the Oity Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, May 4, 1942. The following members were present: Mayor F.M. Mainous, presiding; Gommi'ssioners A. L. Kerbow, u. M. Dunnington and T. Wesley Woodard and Acting Oity Secretary R. B. .Allen-. The purpose of the meeting was as follows: 1. To fill the vacancy on the Gity Commission. 2. To fill the vacancy of an ~ngineer on the Board of health. 3. Question of wat~r lines on Bissonnet Street. 4. Sewer lines on Dissonnet Street and the necessi~y of re-' moving and lowering of these lines. The City Engineer reported that it was necessary to lower a water liae and sanitary sewer line, both of which cross Richmond Road at Academy, due to the paving of Richmond Road and lowering of culverts along said road by Harris County. The cost of this work was estimated to be $300.00 of which only about one half will be, out of pocket cash due to employment of City maintenance forces on the jOb. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, wfuii.,bJh'vms:'seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, authorizing the work to be done. Voting Aye: Commissioners.Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Action with respect tQ the appointment of an Hngineer to fill a vacancy on the Hoard of .Health was postponed. ' COID~issioner Dunnington addressed the Commission And placed in nomination for City Commissioner the name of L. J. ~artin to fill the unexpired term of J. A. Herschel, deceased. Commissioner Woodard seconded the nomination. There being no other names placed in nomination, Commissioner Kerbow moved the nominations be closed, which motion was seconded by ConwXLssioner Woodard. . The question being called the Mayor took the vote on the appointment of L. J. Mar~in to fill the vacancy in the Commission. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor IVla inou s . Noes: None. ,~ ~L '"0 O--~C=-~='.~c='"~'OO'o."7.O-~==--==", , I ,-,.-,c,.-". .,- -. 0--,-0_=-" "'"'==c":-'-='~,",~~':"'1_._ -"--" 50 Mr. L. J. Martin: was declare dUly appointed and was sworn in by Mayor Mainous. The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion made, seconded and carried the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ ~' ..~ Ac lng ity Secretary j r. " ,., I I 51 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 1.LTH, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission convened in regular session on Mond~, May 11th, 1942 at 8,:00 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor: Mainous presiding, 'Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, :Martin and City Seoretary Allen in attenqaace. . The minutes of' the 'meetfngs of March 30, April Ill" '23,,27 aBd May 4 were read and approved. .... The Mayor read a letter from Travis F. Cash, Engineer, Member and 'Chairman on the Board of Health, stating that he had removed from the City and consequently could no longer serve on this Board. .A. motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconde~ by Commissioner Dunnington, accepting the resignation of Mr. Cash from the Board of Health. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous.' A letter was read to the Commission from the Free Park Movies Service, requesting permission to show free movies in the ~ity parks d~ing the summer. This matter was discussed and a moyion was' made by Commissioner' Kerbow that the request be denied, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, ~artin , and Mayor Mainous. Noes: 'None. - 17 ~/~ /~ ~r$;2-3-S-7 ~~ IO/3o/y::z- ~, The Mayor announced that the fire department had on hand in it's \.-::' Firemen's ~Bnsion and Retirement Fund the sum of $1476.43 and that ~' ~ the Fire Department had v,oted to invest ttis money in war bonds. He ,~ ' recommended that the City advance the Fire Department Pension and ~' Retiremeny fund $23.57, in order to make the fund equal $1500.00, ~ ~ ~ the $23..!..j7 to be returned to the City when the same has accumulated -=-' in the J!'iremen t s Fund. Oommissioner Dunnington ma,de a motion, '!lhich ~ was seelbhded by Commissioner Martin authori zing the advance of $23.57 ,;~ to the "Firemen's Fund. ~ < Voting Aye: Commissioners Aerbow, Dunnington, Martin, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. , Commissioner Martin recommended the purchase of helmets, coats and vover-alls amounting to approximately $110.00, which equipment was needed by the fire department. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the purchase of the additional equipment. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous Noes: None j 1 52 'Commissioner Martin presented the matter of purchase of...- uniforms for the colored employees in the Street and Bridge and Gar9age Departments, the uniforms to be pur~hased at a price of $1~.50 per dozen for trousers and $ per dozen for shirts and recommended their purchase. Commissioner Dunningten made a motion, which was seconded by CommissiO'ner WQodan~~oauth'o~tzing the purchase bf the uniforms. Voting Aye: , Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor '1\Ila.inous . Noes: None. ,,,. Commissioner Martin stated to the Qommission that due to increased cost of living, also ,payment of higher wages by the various industries in the Houston area, that it would be necessary to, raise the wages of the laboreres in the Street and Bridge and Garbage Departments. He recommended an increase of $1.50 per week for all_men now receiving $1?50 per week. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the increase. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard4~ Kerbow, ~artin and Mayor ,l\i1ainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Martin reported that the soft suction hose o~ the fire truck had blown out ahdthat it would be necessary to pur-J chaseoa new one. The matter was discussed particularly with re- ference to prices of hose" and ComBdssioner N~rtin was instructed to purchase the hose using his own 'discretion with reference to prices and quality. Witl1 reference to ~he annual firemen's training school at A. & M. College1 Commdssioner Martin requested authorityfQr the expenditure 'of $25.00 to defray-the expenses of Percy Boyette, a volunteer firemen, to attend the school. Moved by Commissioner Kerbowmand seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the expenditure be authorized.' ..' Voting Aye:Co.mmissiop.ers Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Martin . and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard recommended the purchase of uniforms for seven (?) laborers in the water and sewer department, at the same price as quoted for uniforms in the other departments; also increase in wages for all laborers in the water and sewer departments. The matter of wage increase was discussed generally as applied to all the laborers on the city payrollS. The motion was made by Commissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the increase in pay of $1.50 per week for all laborers in all departments. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, ~artinand Mayor lIiiainous. Noes: None. . . . - 0.. 1 -----:=r 53 A discussion was had on the matter of fixing a policy.and schedule with reference to wage scales, overtime and holiday pay. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissio~erKerbow, instructing the heads of departments to confer and present recommendations to the City Commission was re- gard to the subject. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, KerbOw, Martin, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. . Noes: None. ,"- The adjUstment of water bill~ where leaKS in lines have caused excessive charges was discussed and it was decid~d that, the water commissioner and treasurer recommend a policy governing the adjustment of water bills to the Commission for action. The City Attorney presented an opinion 410 the City Commission withreferenca to legality of expending city funds for the entertainment of the HarrtsCounty Mayor's and Councilmen's Assoc., wbich association will meretiin West University on May 12th. The City Att.orney held that the City Commission had authority to make such expenditures. A motion was ~ade by Commissioner Kerbow and seconded by Commissioner Martin, authorizing the expending of the amount n~t to exceed $48.00 for the dinner to be served at the association meeti~g. Voting Aye: Commissioners ,Kerbow) Martin, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow announced that the City had been awarded judgement in it's favor in the suit against the City of Houston, attaChing the validity of oertain Houston ordinances annexing territory adjoining West University Place. Mayor Mainous stated that the Police Car was in need of new tires and recommended the purchase of same. Commissioner Dun- nington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Martin, authorizing the filing of application to the 'fire Rationing Board, taking of bids and the purchase of a new set of tires. Voting Aye: Co~issioners Dunnington, Martin, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. An application for refund for building permits paid by Con- tractor constructing school buildings was presented to the . Commission and discussed. The Commission expressed itself as petgg mpposed to making a refund and the. matter wa~ referred to the ~yor for further handling. Matter was dlscussed wlth Houston School District business office who stated Contractor was supposed to pay for permits. L ~ .---~-J. I J 54~ Mr. Frank Qaskey appeared before the Commission requesting that the city construct a sanitary sewer line to serve Lot 1, in Block 17 of Colonial Terrace, where he is now building a home, The matter was discussed at length and it was decided that the City would pay for the construction of the line to the East line ob Block 1? and that Mr. Gaskey would have to pay for the extension of the'line to re~ch his property. A motion was made by , Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded, by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing this arrangement. ' yoting Aye: ~Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Maino us. Noes: None. The City Treasurer prel}ented the matter of shortages in the cash accounts amounting to $3.12 and recommended that authority be granted to charge the same off in ord'er to relieve his accounts. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Com~ ~~ssioner Kerbow authorizing the Charging off of the p~ortages. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunningto~, Mart~, and Mayor Mainous.. Noes: None. The meeting was recessed to Monday, May 18th. ' ~~~J ,. ayo ATTEST- ~ ~ ---.-- ..-~ .- , - < --i-------r - - .- ,- ~;' 1 ~' 55 ,;~- Meeting sehedue~d for May 18th, 1942, Monday" was not held.' Mayor A~~ Actiil .', ity Secretary , , , L _u\ '~'---i::l _ ~_-..1...l ~--------' ,-- I } . l TRAVIS .1. CASH DEP". OF HEALTH :tmportant'Illat;ters mssion are:" before ... . .. ,1. Extensions ' on.storIll' (:lewers v~'i~h :a j.obt>> drainage betviTeen Harris County" and allmtters'1H~'r~ ' t.aining 'the.reto~" '".-> - -, , .. 2. Sanitary lift sta.tions::astooostanif-alr> matters ,pertaining' thereto. ',' ",~' < ' . , 3. The YllaMjer of' a Chief Inspectqr" J:::>I'~ . .., ele ctrical and all mmt)Gers pertaining' to . ins~E}'enion?~-: department. , .~~ ~.~ ::.~ > 'f 5)' . :...' : 4. fro hear the comniittee from the VolUJ;lte~r'" Fire Department, that' has a' IDB:t.ter to bring to ,the': COIDr.o.issionwi th IDa tters pertaining to VoJ.-unteer. Fire Uepartment and,the d.epartment as .a Whole. " Yours very trUlY,.,' FMM:tmb Copies of the a bove call delivered. to each member oft he' COlrJuission by the Police Department.. F..Jil.M. " r 5'6 SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City'Commission was held at the City Hall on Monday, June 1,1942 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. The pur,po.ses of the meeting are as follows: 1. Extansions' on storm sewers wi tha joint drainage between Harris County, and all matters pertaining thereto. 2. Sanitary lift stations: As to cost and all matters per- taining,thereto. 3. The matter of a Chief Inspector, or Electrical: and all matters ,pertaining to inspection department. 4. To hear the committee from the Volunteer Fire Depart- ment that has a matter to bring to the Commission with matters pertaining to Volunteer Fire Department and the department as a whole. The City Engineer requested permission of the City Commission to file a bid on the storm sewer which will be constructed by Harris County on Buffalo Speedway from Sunset to Richmond Road. This section of line is part of the system now under contract to the Texas Gulf Construction Company. The City Engineer recom- mended filing of a bid for the reason that due to unsettled con- di tions and other factors it was doubtful whether a bi,d would be received from other sources, which would be within the funds available. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, authorizing the City's Engineer to file a bid on the Buffalo Speedway sewer, to furnish bidder's check, and authorize. the Mayor and City Secretary to execute a contract with Harris County, in the event the City is awarded the Contract. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A request was presented on the part of ,the West Securities Co. for the setting aside of certain areas South of Bellaire Boule- vard for Commercial purposes. The request was referred to the Planning Board. Mr. M. T. Garrett of Garrett Engineering Company presented a change-order autrlori zing the Texas Gulf Construction Company, Contractor, on the Sanitary Sewer Project, to construct five (5) lift plants. Discussion was had on the matter and in view of the inability to obtain bids f~om other Contractors in line of the amount 6! estimated in the change-order, a motiov was made by Commissioner Woodard and seconded by Commissioner Kerbow a~thorizing execution L___ - .. I [- :1 __L.1 5'1 Noe S: Nnne. Mr. GarBett presented the plans of the disposal plant and r~- ~ qu~sted the approval of the Commission. The plans were explained \) in.detail and discussed, Mr. Garrett stating that :the Commissions approvalwouid have to be secured before the plans could be for- warded to the F. W. A. Office in Fort Worth. The motion was made f by Commissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, approving ~he plans of the Disposal Plant as presented by Mr. Garrett. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and 'Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A Committee headed by Mr. Daniel appeared 6efore the Com- missi on on. behalf of' the ]'ire Department. , l1he Committee through it t s spokesman, Mr. Daniel requested r.econsideration of the Commissioners action relative to Mr. Metcalf at a recent .meeting, Mr. Metcalf's status as bu Iding inspector and Fire Chief was discussed at length and Mr. Daniel stated that Mr. Metcalf was willing to a~cept the position now vacant in the fire department, since all applications for the position were withdrawn in,his favor. The matters also of building inspections, electrical ordinance and fire insurance.rates were discussed,. however there no action taken with respect to any of the matters relative to Mr. Metcalf, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting declaredadjourned~ being was -Wi?l~ Mayor ATTEST: A~ '~~~-~~-""'---'I-~'---r~'"" ...""~, ..."......;....1 i f 58. REGULAR MEETIID MONDAY, Iv1AY 25TH, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS !he Cit~ Commission 'convened in regular session on Nmy 25, 1942 at the Uity Hall at 8:00P.M. with Mayor 1~ainous presiding, Oommissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting Oity Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Kerbow was" / absent due to required attendance at the commencem.ent exercises I"for' the Houston University. .. .." t ~~4 The minutes of the meet;lng of May 11th we!e rea~ and approved. ,Mr. G. S. Vorhees, 3811 Amherst, appeared ~e~re the City Commission 'and entered a complaint with reference to sewage,. which is apparently entering the drainage ditch along side of his propertycaus.ing odors and unhealthy conditions; also with re- ference to Cohtractors'Field uffice and equipment, both on City .Property and lots facing Amherst Street. These complain:ts were; discussed by the Commission and., the matter of sewage was referred to Super1~tendent of the Water Vepartm~nt and Oity ~ngineer to correct. The matter of clearing up City property was referred to a .committee composed of Commissioners Martin, Woodard and Gity ~ngineer to make a survey and recommendations to the Council in order to @Orrect the conditions existing. < ,Commissioner Dunnington read a letter from Commissioner KerbBwwith reference to settlement of the litigation referred to as J. C. Calhoun, Jr. VS The City Of West University Place, in- volving a11edged Claims of J. v. valhoun for fees due on design of storm sewer sys1;em. Commi~$ioner Kerbow's lett er, which was placed in the files of the Cit~ Secretary, stated that a settlement has been agreed upon between the attor~eys for both side~ and himself, who had been approved by the City Co.mmissi on to act in the ro,atter, and recommend the payment of :jj>3,2~O.00 in complete and full settlement of all claims of John C. Calhoun, Jr., and further pro- ,viding that the suit in 00urt would be dismissed. Commissioner Dunnington moved the acceptance of the settlement as outlined, pro- viding for the payment of '3,250.00. Commissioner l\ilartin seconded the motion. Votin g Aye: CommiSSioners Dunnington, lVlartin, Woodard and 'Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. At this time, Mr. D. P. Boyette, resident in Uollege Court, questioned the City Commission with respect to the sanitary sewers being constructed in College vourt by John G. Calhoun, Jr. Mr. Calhoun's contract or franchise was discussed and a motion was made by Uommissioner Dunnington, which Was seoonded by Commissioner Martin, approving a committee composed of the Mayor, city ~ngineer and the Commissioner in charge of the sewer department to check into Mr. Galhouni s contract and other Contrac;ts with regard to the sanitary sewers in College Court and report their findings to the 01 ty Commis,sion. a,S Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, wood~rd & M~yor lli1ainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington presented and read a letter from ITornmissioner l<..erbow on subject of engineering fees due John C. Oalhoun, Jr. on supplement water works projec;t. vommi~sioner.li.erbow' s letter, which is in the City Secre- tary's files, recommended the payment of the sum of $233.00 in full and complete p~yment for all fees due W~. Galhou, less amount owed the City bfJohn!J. Calhoun, Jr. for certaih pipe and fittings loaned to Mr. Calhoun for use in Mathews Place Addition., Commissioner Dunnington'made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the acceptance of the proposal and the payment of the sum of $233.00 in complete payment of this account. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, ~artin ,& Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The 1myor stated in connection vdth the fees ,claimed by Mr. Calhoun that all the last units of theW.P.A. Water Works Pro je ~t J the fees were ba,sed on a. fiX, ed amount m'ilstead of the usual 670 due to w.p .A. having adopted this new method of aal- culating engineering fees~ Commissioner Dunnington presented a letter from Oommissioner Kerbow with reference to settlement' of amount due :Mr. John C. Calhoun, Jr. for engineering fees c'il the sidwalk project.Com- missioner Kerbowfsletter outlined the amount of sidewalks built~ amount paid Mr. Calho':1n. to date and the amount now due, and re- . , commended payment of $1.538100 in complete settlementof this account. This matter was diwcussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, Which was seconded by C9mmissioner Martin that the settlement of thts account be postponed to a late,r 'date and requested that all records with reference to sidewalk prgject be presented to the Oommission for full consideratioIU Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, woodard, Martin &; Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissi oner Dunnington moved the appointment of the Equalization Board for the year 1942 to consist of the followiD~ name 8: J. A. Davlin R. C. Patterson W. F. Semmelrogge The pay of the members of the Board to be $7..50 per day. The dates and hours of the hearingsto be fixed at a later date. Com- missioner Woodard seconded the motion. r 'T f.'" --.,1 , r 60' Voting Aye: C:iommissioners Woodard, DU;fnington, Martin &; Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner punnington moved the appointing of a committee composed of ~~s. Robt. Bonfield, F. A. Hunter, F. A. Huweiler to serve as a committee onland-scaping and beautifying of the ' Communi'l!y House grounds. This;comrnittee to draw up plans and .specifioations eoordinating arid giving-consideration to the . id eas of the vari OliS garden clubs and groups and submit such 'plans to the City Gommissionto be approved. N..ayor Mainous offered an alternative recommendation that a committee composed of one member from each of the ten garden clubs and groups be appointed for the purpose of land-scaping the community house grounds,; that said committee would divide the grounds into, spaces and assign a space to each cl.ub and group accprding to land~scap design and that this committee cODrdinate the plans and ideas of all the garden clubs and groups. Commissioner Martin seconded 6pmmissioner DU?llington's motion. ~o~IDEgBA~aer Commissio~ers Martin, Dunnington, Woodard & Mayor Niainous. Noes: None,. , Commissioner Dunnington presented the matter of an appli- cation from Mrs. H. B.Williamson for the remission of taxes on imrI'Olle.IT provementson Lot 3, Block 1, Kent Addition. Mr. Dunnington stated- that after investigating this, he moved the denial of the appli- cation, Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Dunnington, Woodard, Martin &; Mayor Mainous. Noes:' None. Commissioner Woodard nominated Mr. J. D. HOllingsworth of 3012 Tangley Road, wh.o is the Ass't .Office MaD,gger of the Housto~ Milling Company, to the position on the Personnel Board vacated by Mr. T. ~. Moore who has moved to Illinois. Com- missioner Martin seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. Votin;g Aye:, Commissioners Woodard, Martin,' Dunnington &; Mayor Mai nous . Noe s : None. Commissioner Martin nominated Mr. W. F. Kuehne for the position of Engineer, member and Chairman of the Board of Healthto occupy the position vacated by Mr. Travis F. Cash.Commissioner Woodard seconded themominatio~ There were no other norrlnations. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Mart..,in ~ Mayor Mainous. 'Noes: Nene.;. " (Amotion was made by Commissioner Martin to transfer Ivl.r. J. A. Metcalf from position of Building Inspector to that of Engine Drive~. This motion died. All reference to same i '-i ,- 1 , 61 del.eued from minutes, seeJ minutes of June 8, 1942. Secretary) At this time Mr. MetiB'a.lf addressed the Commission and stated that he would releive them of the necessity of making the transfer and offered his resignation. -. 0:'Ommissioner Martin moved the acceptanoe of the resigna- tion, ef['Mr~~Me t:e:al;f{ a.s-!:,1)tt,i Id i~'Hin.;S1i>ea tarARtr:'er~ oir! ea! cd ihspeetor:~ff€etive immediately. Commissioner Woodard seconded the moti on. ' Voting AY~: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodar4, Martin. , Noe s : Mayor Nl8.i nous. Commissioner Martin moved that the car which has been used by Mr. Metcalf be assigned to the Chief of Police. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: CommiSSioner Dunnington, Wood,ard, Ma7tin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. <1. ~. ~mmons ,Who had filed an application for the . vacancy in the fire depart~ent appeared before the commission stating that due to the action of theCity Commission with reference to Mr. Metcalf, he wished to withdraw his application for the position of paid firemen in the fire department. ./ Mayor Mainous read a letter from Leon Henderson of the O.P.A. on the subject of tires for Volunteer Firemen. Mr. Henderson reviewed the situation with respect to the shortage of rubber and stated that due to war conditions and the possibility of securing additional rubber stock, that it would be impossible at the present time to offer any relief for volunteer firemen in the way of allowing them tires. , Mayor Mainous read a letter from City Treasurer Gammill on yhe subject of collection of water bills and recommending the adoption of deposits to be put up fro f'uture applicants for water service. The matter was discussed and referred to Commissioner Woodard for study and recommendation to the Oommission. Mayor Mainous read a letter from Hudson ~ngineeringCompany requesting the installation of a fire plug in the neighborhood of its plant on the Old Ricbmmnd Road. The letter was ref~rred to 60mmissioner Woodard for recommendation to the Commission. Commissioner Dunnington nominated Superintendent Ira Harri~, as custodian of the community house. Mayor Mainous nominated Mr. J. W. Clarke for the Same position. After discussion in which the Commi,ssion reached. no unanimous decision, upon motion by Commissioner Martin the matter was tabled. Mayor Mainous told Joe Clarke to care for the building until further notice. ./ r- -- r--' - --, -, , r 62 There being no further business to COIDe bef'ore the Com- mission, upon motion :made, secOnded, .and carried that ,the IDeeting be adjourned. ' , . Mayor , ATTEST: ~ \~ / ..--_,,=-=--,-,-,-~,",~,====-o- . , r-- ------==""-=.';--1 , r- 63 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, dUNE 8,1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST U.NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS '\ Aregu1ar meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall on Monday, Jun~ 8, 1942at,8:00 1:'. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding and liommissioners.uunnington,W-oodard, Martin and the . i.oting Oi ty secretary in attendanoe. CommissJonerKerbow, absent when the Oommission oonvened due- to required attendance upon registration at the University of Houston arrived at 9:00 P. M. The minutes of special meeting of June Land regular meeting s of May 11 and 25 were read. - Commissioner Martin moved the approv?l of the minutes pro- vided that the motion accepting resignation of J. A. Metcalf recorded in minutes of May 25 be amended to read Bmoved the aoceptance of the resignation of Mr. Metcalf as building 3.n-speteor and electrical inspector effective immediately". Commissioner woodard seconded the motion. Voti:Q€; J:l:ye: Commissioners Dunnington, liioodard and Martin. Noes: Mayor Mainous. lommissioner Martin moved that the motion in minutes of regular meeting of :May 25 proposing to transfer Mr. Metcalf to ]'ire Depart- ment as engine driver be stricken from the minutes since there was no vote or action upon the saifr motion. Commissioner woodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Duhnington, woodard and. Martin. Voting lio: None (Mayor Mainous not voting.) The Oity Engineer presented the following bids on clearing right-of-way for outfall ditch ~outh of Bellaire BOulevard:- Paul .Bybee W. E. Worthen Carl Ourrie , 400.00 per acre 460.00 :u 350.00 u and recommended awarding contract to Carl Currie. Commissioner Dunnington made a. motion, whi ch was seconded by Commissioner Martin, awarding the Contract for clearing and grUbbing the right-of-way to Carl Currie and authorizing the Mayor and city Secretary to execute the Oontract. ~oting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Ma~trn & Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. 6"4 The mayor announced there would be a meeting of all Civilian .Lt::-CL':' Defense groups on the school grounds Thursday evening, June 11, for the purpose of awarding certificates and credentials. Commissioner Martin made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard approving the meeting and instructing the City l!;ngineer to ma:are the necessary arrangements. Voting Aye: .:t> ' CommissionersVunriington, Woodard, Martin & Mayor Mainous. Noe s : None. ."- The Mayor read a letter from H. J. Vepenbrook, secretary to the Council of vivilian ~efense requesting authorization of the Oity Commission to purchase four ladders for the Auxiliary Firemen. Commissioner .IJunnington made a motion, whioh was seconded by Commissioner Martin authorizing the purchase of the ladders. Voting .aye: Commissioners .uunnington, Woodard, .Martin & Mayor lVlainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Martin stated that in order to clarify the record he moved that J. .A. :M.etcalf be recognized by the 0ity , Commission as the ffire uhief on a non-salary basis. o ommissioner Woodard seconded the motion. . Voting Aye: Voting No.: 00mmissioners Dunnington, Woodard and Martin. :Mayor Main6us. The question of paying the .!fire Uhief a salary was discussed and Oommissioner Martin offered the folla~ing amended motion: That the vity vommission recogni,ze Mr. Metcalf as Fire Chief since it is the desire of the Volunteer Eire Department that he serve as their Chief, provided, however, if there is a salary of $25.00 per month set up in the budgej for this year, that he be paid such salary, prowided further, that the Oity Attorney furnishes an opinion that such payment can be made legally. Commissioner Woodard seconded the moti~n. Voting Aye: vommissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None.' Oommissioner Marjim made a motion authorizing the employment of Jack Hogue as Engine Driver in the Fire Department, which motion was seconded by 0ommissioner Woodard. Voting aye: vommissioners Dunnington, Wooda~d, Martin & Mayor l\Jla.inous . Noes: None. -.~---=----- -""'1"= 1 65 , lrhe Mayor read a letter from Mr. Metcalf requesting the Commission to reconsider his case asking for a public hearing. No action was taken with respect to this request. Uommissioner Dunningmnn made a motion ~uthorizing employment of L.ack Partin as guard at the Wakeforest water tank:. Commissioner Martin seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Gommissio~rs Aerbowt Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainousl No'es: None ...... made With reference to a proposalland recommended my the Mayor to raise the salary of the four men employed to guard the water works property a motion was made by Commissioner Uunnington, which was seconded by uommissioner Woodard referring the matter to the Director of .i!'inance and authorizing increase in salary of from 1P8o.oo per month to wlOO.OO per month if the funds are available. . Voting Aye: uommissioners Jierbow, .uunnington, Woodard, Martin &: Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mayor )~inous read' a letter from the Girl Scouts, with reference to establishment of a S~out House. The matter was referred tp a Committee oomposed of the Mayor and 0ommissioners Jierbow &: Dunning- ton. The Mayor read a letter relative tD new arrangements pertaining to maintenane;e of the Branch of Harris Uounty Library in the Com- munity House, wherein it is proposed to move several hundred boo~s from the school to the Uommunity House and maintain library hours thrity\30J hours per week. Commissioner Aerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Uunnington, approving the arrangement. Voting' .n.ye: Commissioners Aerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martinand Mayor Maino!.:i. s. Noes: None. Uommissioner Aerbow prew8nted an agreement relative to the settlement of outstanding olaims of Jo~n u. Calhoun, Jr fDr engineering fees on the sidewalk project. After some discussion a motion was made by Commissioner ~'V'oodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the payment of ,1538.00 to John C. Calhoun, Jr in full and complete settlement of all fees olaimed for services mn the sidewalk project. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, lJunnington, Woodard &: Martin. Noes: .Mayor Mainous. The N~yor read a letter from Ransom-uavidson offering to sell to the uity six \6) of the 1936 refunding warrants. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by uommissmner Martin referring the matter to the City Treasurer. f--- I 1 6"'6" I " . ~ Voting Aye: vommisSioneTS Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, martin & Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. 'fhere geing no further business to come before the vom- missiun~rupon motion made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned. ;.~~ ~~~ .Mayor a'll'rl!.ijj'l' : ~ AC ng Uity Secret~ry -1 I . -:. Fmm:-tmb ,', " . .,:- <-'~< I I I II l, !1. \\',,- '. 8'1' SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS , Pursuant to a call of the Mayor a special meeting' of, the City Commission was convened at 7:30 P. M. on Saturday, June 13 1942.at the uity Hall with Mayor Mainous presdding, Uommissioners Kerbow and N~rtin and the Acting Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Dunnington and Woodard were absent. i~'" The purpose of the meeting was as follows: ".Hecei ving bids on sanitary sewer disposal plant and to dis- cuss any matters on sanitary lines and right of ways. .any and all matters pertaining to storm sewers, sub-let Buffalo BtormSewer to Texas Gulf Vonstruetion Vompany, or that portion as a joint project between the Uity and Harris Vounty." The Mayor called the meeting to order and received bids on Contract 12 of the sanitary sewer project. The following bids were Presented and opened: Bid by ,John G. HOll~nd, bid by Eian-Ness-Larsen and a bid by Texas Gulf Vonstruction Vompany. additional bids were received from .A.merican Well works and the Lakeside Engineering Company on patents and licenses. The bids were read and recorded and a motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, w~1ich was see:onded by Commissioner Martin're- ferring the bids to Garrett ~ngineering Company for tabulation, study and recommendation. Voting 4ye: Uommissioners Kerbow, Martin and IDayor Mainous. Noe s: l~one. The matter of the storm sewer to be const~ucted on Buffalo Speedway from Sunset Boulevard to Richmond Road was discussed and a motion was madeyby Commisioner Kerbow authorizing the Mayor and UitySecretary to execute an agreement with Harris Uounty re- lative to t~e contraot, ownership and maintenance of the storm sewer to be constructed by Harris eounty and a contract with Harris County covering the construdtion of the sewer by the Oity of West University Place, as Contractor. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Martin. Voting fty'e: l..Iommissioners Kerbow, Martin and lV'layor Mainous. Noes: None. The Mapor stated that the Texas Gulf Uonstruction tJompany had begun work on laterals on the storm sewer system and that no work order had been issued to the vontraf'tor covering this phase of the work. After discussion a motion was made by uommissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by vommissioner Martin, authorizing the uity'.s Engineer, Garrett Engineering Uompany to issue a work order to the Texas Gulf vonstruction Vompany covering all laterals included in the entire program. -'^~~~~I r-~--- -- --....----.---T..r-- , I 68' ~ } Voting Aye: Uommissioners .li.erbow, Martin & Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The plans for the disposal plant to be constructed under Contract 12 was discussed particularly with reference to seouring approval of ~ame by the Texas state Board of Health. A motion was made by voljunissioner'.li.erbow, Whioh was seconded by Commissioner Martin authorizi~ the Mayor to take the plans to austin at the expense of the vity and present same to the orficials of the Health Department for their consideration and approval. Voting aye: Commissioners .n.erbow, .1V.Lartin and Nlayor llIiainous. Noes: None. The business for which the meeting was called having been completed, upon motion being made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned. aTT1:!:ST: ~~~ Act. City Secretary ~/ L--__ OFFICIALS: F.. M. MAINDUS MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: .J. A. HERSCHEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCE .J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WDODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW i r I I Ii !I II " I Ii II II II II II 'I I :1 'I 'I :1 '1 ~ ! I OFFICERS: A. .J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. ..IU.:)t3E GRADY SMITH CHIEF' DF PDLICE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K.. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. .... A. METCALF' FIR. CHIEF /?il'l 0/ Wedl Univel'dil'l Place Lilt! 0/ JJomelJ 3BOO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS Jrune ~.5, 1942 A. M. Mayor F .M.Mainous I l\fommi.ssioner A. L. Kerbow Commissioner ;r. M. Dunnington Co:mmissioner '1,1.. W. Woodard ' Commissioner L. ;r. Martin IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER Gentlemen: J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. .JOE L. ARt;HER Parsuant to a call of the Mayor there will be CITY PLANNINa AND ZDNI't/f special meeti.ng o:f the City CommiSsion held at the w. -:"E~~BDEFR;~~SDNNEL City Hall on Tuesday, ;rune lbtn at 7:30 P. M. TRAVIS .J. CASH DEPT. DF HEALTH i i 'I purpose: The meeting ~sscalled for the following To award oontract on disposal plant and to issue a work order for the clearing of the site~ contract subject to the approval of the D.P.W. and the Texas State Health Department. Yours very truly, RBA:tm.b "C-= CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY BY/~ Acting GitySecretary J L.I 6,9 I::>PJ:l.:OI.lL :MEETIDiNG TUESDAY,' JUNE 16, 1942 CIfiEHALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS , Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a spe cial meeting of; the 'Liity 00mrnission was convened at the tiity Hall at,7:30 P. M.on Tuesday, June 16, 1942. Members of the vity uommission present were Mayor Mainous presiding, vommissioners Aerbow, ilunnington and Martin ~~d the actin& vity oecretary in attendance. vom- missioner floodard was absent. ' 'llhe purpose of the meeting ,was as follows: . ' uTo award contract on disposal plant and to issue a work order for the clearing of the site, contract subject to the approval of the v.P.w. ~nd the Texas ~tate Health Department.u Mr. Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Vompany presented the tabulation of bids received June 13th on 1I0ntract 1f2 of the sani- tar~ sewer project, which are as follows: John G. Holland ~ian-Ness-Larsen Texas Gulf iJonst. Go. base bi d base bid base bid il' 159,843.00 oJIl 182,001.00 oJIl 170,402.00 John Holland being the lowest and best b~dder,Mr. Garrett recommended the contract be awarded to John tit. Holland subject to the approval of contract change reducing the scope of the project within the 'limits of the available funds. Various matters in connection with the proposed plans and contract were discussed and a Resolution was presented awarding the contract to John G. Holland. The Vaption of the Resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE LOWEST AND BEST BID AND AWARDING ,CONTRACT, DPW DOCKET TEX. 41-240, CONTRACT NO.2, aDDITIONS TO SEWAGE DIS- POSAL PLANT. Oommissioner Kerbow made a motion adopting the Resolution' which motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting aye: vommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martin and lVlayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Resolution was declared carried. ~-'.----~----r_c-==-~"-C-O-=--- . " I r 10 The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. 4~~ yor ' . ATTEST: ~. ~~ 11 REGULAR MEETING' MONDAY, JU:r..i''E 22, ~ CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS The City Commission convened in regular session on Momay, June 22, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. at the City'Hall. Present: Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Acting City Secretary Allen. The minutes of the regular meeting of ~une S-and spe~ial meetings of qune 13 and 16 were read and approved. A letter from the'EqualizationBoard relative to assessment of property owned by E. M. :giggers was read andm-eferred to Oommissioner Dunnington. Letters from the Equalization Buard relative to assessment of property in Bradford Place and College Court were read and appr0V- ed. A l~tter of recommendation from the Planning Board on the zoning of the area located south of Beilllaire Boulevard :between Kirby Drive and the drainage ditch was read. Commissioner Kerbow moved that the report be accepted. Commissioner Dunnington seconded. the motio'n. . Voting Aye: GommissionersKerbbw, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and },i1a.yor Ma inous . Noe s: None - COIhmissioner Dunnington made a motion approving the employment of W. J. MaDonald as temporary police officer. Oommissioner Martin seeonded the motion. Vot ing Aye: Oommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. , Cbmmissipner Dunnington made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner ~oodard apprOVing the payment of $4.00 for secretarial work incurred by the equalization board. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and , Mayor I~inous. Noe s: None Mr. M. T. Garrett of Garrett Engineering Company presented a lVDBk order authorizing the Texas Gulf Construction Company to begin work on the five lift plants to ,. be constructed in the sani- tary sewer project, DPW Docket Texas 41-240. Commissioner Woodard moved that the Mayor and ~ity Secretary be authorized to'execute the work order. Commissioner Dunnington secoruied the motion. , ..r._U- 72 Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow" Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. R. B. Melanson of 3116 Jarrard appeared before the Com- mission complaining of dogs rUrining at large and barking in the vicinity of his home. He was advised to file a complaint in the corporation court against the owner of the offending dogs. ;Mr. Baccarrise petitioned the Commission requesting the Commission. to ;r.ent the Community House to the Church of Christ, which is now holding services in the school. The natter was re- ferred to a committee composed of Mayor Mainous, Commissioner ,Dunnington and the City Secretary. Commissioner Woodard made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner ~erbow approving the employment of John Leach in the Water Department at a salary of $90.00 per month. . . Voting Aye: OommissionersKerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and ~myor Mainous. . Noes: None Commissioner Martin made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow approving the employment of A. F. Benfield as temporary police officer. Voting Aye: COIlll'Jiissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and l\If..a.yor Mainous. '. Noes: ]$j;one. The City Attorney presented an anti-noise ordinance. The city secretary was instructed to furnish e aeh member of the COJ1lilIllission wit~ a copyrof the proposed ordinance for study. The Mayor reported to the Commission on his trip to Austin in the interest of securing approval of plans and specifications of the disposal plant by the State Board of Health. He stated that the Board needed additional information and that Garrett Engineering Company has been instructed to furnish same. A proposal was presented the City Commission by.Mr~ M. J. Shawell of the Ranson-Davidson (}ompany to refund $.50,000 of water works revenue bonds. The matter'was referred to a com- mittee composed of GommissionerKerbow, Treasurer C. E. Gammill, City Attorney Lamonte and p. W. .McCoy for che cking and recommenda- tions. The Mayor recommended that':the proposal;:be accepted. Wit~ reference to the Contract between City of West University and Harris County for the co nstruction of the st orm . sewer on Buffalo, Speedway, a motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow which was seconded by Commissioner Martin authorizing the filing of a . perfformance bond as required by the county auditor. " ',.'; ~ -'--" 13 Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to'come before the Commission upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. r ~ A~ Acting City Secretary ~.. . ~ . - _l ""': 1 .____c..l / L_.. o FFI C; IALS: F'. M. MAINDUS MAYOR ,~~ /?ifg 0/ We6t Unit/e1';jil'l Place L iff! 0/ .JJome6 C;OMMISSIONERS: &.I. A. HERSCHEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. ~. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCE 3BOO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS ,J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT.. T. WESL.EY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER OEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L.. KERBOW . June 2~, 1942 OFFIC;ERS: A. ,J., LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. AL.BERTSON CDRP. .JUDGE- GRADY SMITH CHIEF OF PDLICE Wlr. J:{. B. .allen .ae.ting Oity Secretary , Ci ty of west Uni versi ty Houston, Texas C. E. GAMMIL.L. TREASURER R. B. AL.L.EN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND CaLL.. Dear oir: ,J. A. METCAL.F' FIRE CHIEF , By virtue of.. authori ty. vested in me as IRA A. HARRIS SUPT.WATERANDS'EWER Mayor Pro Tem of the City of livest University .place, J. w. CLARKE I hereby direct you to call a special meeting of IO::~:::~:::SR. the Gity Gommission to be held at 8:30 P. M. Friday, CITY PLANNINB AND %DN'NB June 26, 1942 at the Ui ty Hall for the purpose of I.,J. AUBERTIN considering, and ente,ring into, an agreement wi tl1 DEPT. DF PERSDNNEL RAVis ,J. CASH the Ranson-lJavidson IJompany authorizing the re- DEPT. OF' HEALTH funding of 4li.50 ,000 of water Revenue Bonds. Yours very truly, em OF ~ WllVERBITY BYC(, .d~ Mayor l'ro Tem ALK r .1 /\ I \ I \ J I CONSENT TO :rvmTING We, the undersigned, being all the members of the City uommission of the Uity of west University Place, Texas, hereby accept service of the notice of special meeting no be held on Friday, June 26, 1942, waiVing any and all irregularities in such service and such notice, ~nd consent and agree that said Gity Commission shall meet at the time and place therein named and for the purposes therein stated. Mayor Pro Tem Oommissioner ommissioner Commissioner 13 , "'l~ We will immediately undertake to purchase said $50,000 bonds, Nos. 151-200, described above, from their present holders at a price not to exceed the'par value there- of and accrued interest plus a premium of $35.00 per $1,000.00 bond (being the price at .which'saidbonds may be redeemed by the City on or after January 1; 1943) and, will surrender them to the City on or after July 1, 1942 in exchange for . $50'.;-000 CITY OF vYEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ...21... Waterworks Revenue Refund ing Bonds Dated: July 1st, 1942 Maturing as follows: $4;000 July 1st; 1943 5;000 July 1st; 194J 5,000 July 1st, 1945' 6;000.July 1st, 1946 5,000,July 1st, 1947 5;000 July 1st, 1948 5;000 July 1st, 1949 5~000 July 1st, 1950 5,000 July 1st, 1951 5,000 July 1st, 1952 2. We will direct and have our attorneys prepare the necessary ordinances, certificates and other legal proceedings pertaining to the authorization and issuance of the Refunding Bonds, attend to the subm~ssion of the Refunding Bond transeript to the Attorney General of the State of Texas for examinatio~~ furnish the printed bond forms for execution by thecity officials~ attend to the delivery of the Refunding Bonds to the Attorney lieneral for approval and to the State Comptroller of Public Accounts for registration and issuance in exchange for the original bonds, and secure the opinion of recognized market bond attorneys approving the legality of the Refunding Bonds. The City agrees to promptly pass such ordinances and proceedings and furnish such certificates required by said attorneys to evidence legal issuance of the bonds. The City further agrees 'tIdf re~ quested by us, to call said bonds for payment under the option caause in the bond contract. 3. The City agrees to pay us when and as the original bonds are exchanged for Refunding Bonds, the amount of premium we are .required to pay to acquire the original bonds (not to exceed .$35.00 per bond) and also the interest we will be required to pay. 4. Should we fail to acquire said outstanding bonds and exchange same for Refunding Bonds, you sba.ll not be liable to us for any expense or compensation in connection wi th this undertaking and we shall not be liable to you for our failure. Respectfully submitted, T1lIE RANSON-DAllInSON COMPAI\i'Y By W. J. Shawell _ r .OC=='"oC_", .~-"-=.,",-","=-'.."",,.o--'""'''~-.1 '16 ACCEPTANCE: Accepted by' the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, this ~e 2,th ayof June, 1942. /j (/ . l /' t'"..". erhow, .JlJIayor Pro- em ATTEST: ,,-f,. R.B.Allen,Acting City Sec'Y If There being no further upon motion made, seconded ATTEST: ~- Ae:ting r ity Secretary' ~__ _______p=~_~~~:~_________l n___ __~_L=- _-.1 __ o FFI C IALS: F. M. MAINOUS MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: oJ. A. HERSCHEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCE J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW ,,"-- OFFICERS: A. J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. , B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. .JUDGE 'G_OY SMITH C-HIEF' OF' PDLICE C."E. GAMMILL 'TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F'. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF' IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .I. _We CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. JOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF' PERSDNNEL TRAVIS J. CASH DEPT. OF' HEALTH /?, il,'l 0/ Wedt, Uniuel'tJil'l Place Lilfl 0/ JJome6 3BDD UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS July 6, 1942 Mr. R. B. Allen City of ' West University Place Houston, Texas. Mr. Allen: It is necessary for a Special Meeting of the CityCommissibn on July 7th, 1942, at S :00 P.M., to take up matters of temporary drainage throughout the Sity of West University Place. FMM:ag Yours tr1llY, ~~~ Mayor F. Jr., Mainous 77 SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST U1\TIVERSITY iaLACE, TEllS A special meeting of the City Commission was conv~ned .at the aity RaIl at 8:oo'p. 'M. on Tuesday, July 7, 1942 with WiB.yor Wminous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunningtoh, Woodard, Martin and Acting City Sscrstary Allen in attenaance. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and take such action as may be determined necessary with respect to 'temporary drainage in the (Jity. The Mayor stated that with the construction of the storm sewers in the western part of the ity it would be necessary to adopt a plan to reroute all surface ditches to the new catch basins and recommended the commission take some action with re- ference to the matter. The matter was discussed and a report was made to the commission by the City Engineer on the progress of construction of the storm sewers and the draining of water from the City during the nine inches of rainfall Which fell Jufuy 4 to the 6th. Commissioner Kerbow stated thatthe rerouting of ditches should be handled by the street and bridge commissioner and superintendent and the City Engineer and that if any additional funds ware needed same should be requested of the Commission, but that this m3. tte,r would ~, have to await the completion of ,the lines and catch basins, including cleani~g up of the work by the Contractor in order that the extent of work to be done could be determined. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he wished to go' on record as favoring the rerouting of the ditches when the proper time had arrived for the work to be done. Commissioners Woodard and Martin concurred in this view as expressed by vommissioner Dunnington. The City Engineer was instructed to survey the western part of the Gity and make a report to the Cor,~ission on thw work to be done and the estimated cost thereof. TheJee being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion made, sedonded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . .~~ . ]Jl8.yor ATTEST: ' A~~ry ! ~.:-:..~._~--" -:-.-':"- ._~: ---====..:~... - -- -- -- ---------- ,78 REOOLAR :MEETING :MOl\1DAY, 'J]JLY 13, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission convened iI} regular session on Monday, July 131ih, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. with,IVlayor F. l~i. Mainouspresiding, Co~issioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. The minutes of th~ meetings of June 22, 26 and July i were read'~nd approved. ~~... A motion wa~made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard approving the arrangITe nts whereby the City would move the field office donated by Mr. G. A. Fraser to the City Hall grounds'for the, new location of the Red Cross Center. This building being donated for the duration of the War. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Martin and W18yor ]..lTainous. The City Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Fraser thanking him for the use of the building. A motion was made by CommisSioner Woodard which was seconded by Commissioner Marpin that Bert Shannon, guard at Wakeforest tahk;be transferred to the Sewerage Disposal Plant at a salary of $12,.00 per month. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Wood!R!!d, J!iIartin, Kerbow, DUnhington and ~!ayor Mainous._ With refference to the guards, and especiallY Mr. Brown at the water plant, a motion was made by Commissioner iVoodard which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that Mr. Brown be ~laced under the supervision of Chief of Police, the same as the other guards. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: !~one. A Committee report was made by Commissioner Kerbow on the matter of pay raises for water department guards. He stated thatthe funds were available in the budget under the amount set up for Civilian Defense and moved that the salary of all guards be raised from $80.00 to $100.00 a month effective July 1st, 1942. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, W~rtin and Mayor lv1ainous. r.-='--7_.-"'=""C~"~'-"""='=_=7.=----=",,,o,c.r ,~"~~CC~~~~"~""'"r- ----r . j <- ANTI-NOISE ORDINANCE .AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING UNNECESSARY AND DISTURBI!qG . . -. NOISES WITHIN THE CITY ,LOOTS OF THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: REQUIRING A PERMIT TO BE OBTAI1TED BEFO~ LOUD SPEAKING EQUIPMENT MAY BE USED IN AliPLIFYING VOICES, MUSIC AND NOISES ; FROVIDI NG FOR REVOCATION OF PERMTIS AND PROVIDING FUR~R THAT ELI. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES BE R,g;PEALED: PROVIDING A SA VINGi:3 CLAUSE; FIXING A PBiNALTY AND DECLARING .AN IDi1ERGE NCY . -~j r - , " 19 An ordinance, known as the,Anti-Noise Ordinance, which was presented at a previous meeting, was brough up for consideration. Commissioner Kerbow Irlade a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner 1~rtin, adopting the ordinance with the understanding that it be enforeed in it's entirety without deviation; and authorizing its publicatioIDlo Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Martin, Dunnington, Woodard and .'" Mayor Mainous. Voting A.ye: Commissioners Woodard, Martin, Dunnington, Kerbow and JJIayor Ma inous . Noes: ];fone. The Mayor reported on his trip to Austin and San Antonio in the interest of the Disposal Plant Contract. He stated that he had collected information from the Rarris County Board of Hea1th~ State Board of Health and the State Fish, Game and Oyster Com- mission and presented same'to members of the War Deparnmant Board in San Antonio. Restated that he would file a written report with respect to his conferences and brip. . C;ommi!?sionerKerbowmade a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner VVoodard, expressing- approval of the M<1,-yorf s effoi:rts:3,ailld authorizing the payment of his expenses to San antonio. Itemized statement of expenses is on file in the bookkeeping dep artment. Voting Aye: Commissiibners Kerbow, Woodard, Martin, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Mone Commissioner Kerbow made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, instrueting the City Engineer to go to Fort Worth and confer with the Federal Works Agency Officials with a view of obtaining a work order to start the Disposal plant. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Martin and , Mayor lVlainous. Noe s: None. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Dunnington moving the adoption of a Resolution to be presented to the Federal Works Agency with regard to the emergency now existing concerning the beginning of construction of the Dis- posal plant. Voting Aye: Commi~sioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Maytin' and IVlayor Mainous. Noes: None. r... -- " ., , r -.. 86 A Committee composed of Mayor Mainous, Commissioner Dunnington and City Engineer Allen, reported to the Commission on the matter of renting the Community House to the Chursch of Christ for the purpose of holding church services, and recommended that the church be (granted the privilege of using the building. A motion was made by CODJI.;. Commissioner ~unnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, that the Church of Christ be allowed to use the Community Building for chur c,hurch on Sunday morning and Sunday nights at a price of $20.00 per month prowided that they may be required to cease us'e of the building upon thir~y days notice. ,,-!'e- Voting Aye: Commission~rs Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Nl8.rtin'and Mayor ~liainous. Eioes: None. A motion was made by CoromissionerWoodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow instructing the City Attorney to draw the necessary ordinances or amendments to ordinances providing for the collection of $5.00 deposit from all water customers. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbmv, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: jNone. iA motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was secDnded by' Commissioner Dunnington, moving the adoption of a Resolution with reference to /defining the rights of the West Securities Company in its negotiations with this Oityon rights-of-way and zoning South of Bellaire Boulevard. 'Eoting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, KerboN, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Mainous. . .. An agreement was presented by the City Attorney whereby the Ransom-Davidson Company agreed to refinance $50,000 of the Water Works Revenue Bonds maturing in 1958. A motion was made by'Com~ missioner Kerbow, which was sec'onded byCormnissioner Martin, authori- . zing the Mayor and City Secretary to execute the agreement. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow,lrJl.artin, Dunnington, lNoodard and fvIayor Mainous. Noes: 1\T Hone. There being no further business, upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was d'oclaredadjourned. ~~ fl'i8yor AT~EST: ~ Act ng vity Secretary r-~' . " i r 8'1 REGDLARMEETING MOmDAY, JULY 27, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall at 8:00 p. M. on Monday, duly 27 with Mayor Mai,nous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Martin and Aeting City Secretary in attendance. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 13, 1942 were read and approved. Commissioner Martin reporting for a committee appointed to make recommendations as to cleaning up tne storage yard at the ci ty water works and garage, stated that some of the materials had been removed from the yard and recommended that the proposed improvements be postponed for the duration of the war. Commissioner Martin referring to a claim made by Mr. Hatch living at the corner of Byron.and Academy, stated that the -elaim J:mdebeen referred to the Insurance Company for adjustment. ~yor Mainous announced that beginning with the current week the , pick up of tin cans would be started. The arrangements and details of the collection and disposal of tin cans ,was referred to Com- missioner Martin, the City Engine'er and the Street and Bridge Super- intendent. I, Commissioner Dunnington stated that he had a request for adjust- men~of taxes on property owned by the Estate of Mary G Tod. He stated that due to the circumstances he could recommend no adjust- ment or remission of penalty and interest. No action was taken by the Commission. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion which Was seconded by C:ommisSioner Martin autborlzing the adjustment of taxes on Lot 18, Block 10, Pemberton Place, in the amount of $2.46 which adjustment is necessitated by error in acoounts. Voting Aye: fJommissioners Dunnington, Martin, Kerbow, Woodard and N.L8.yor Mainoo.s. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington presented a request for a reduction in assessed value of improvements due to same not being jomplete as of January 1, 1942, from Mr. E. M. Biggers residing on Sunset Boulevard and made a motion that the improvements on the Biggers property be "assessed at $1500.00 for the current year. Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. ... Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor M'ainous. Noes: None. .... ,...., -,.... " .. - --------- ,-r- i~82 A.. ~ fj .'. , ~ J.- 2:J v I~ I )993;4 f~\ " , 1/ 3 D G\ 1--\ ~ 1"..--- . Upon the, r...eq,uest.of Mr._ Forbes for. adjustm~nt of taxes in amount of If ic>J." , . on property owned J.n OambrJ.dge Place. .. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that a refund be 1IR de to Mr. Forbes for taxes paid in error. The motion was seoon~ed by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye; Cemm.issioners Kerbow, Woodara, Dunnington, Martin and :Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Cit-y Engineer reported to the City Commission on his trip to Fort Worth on July 16 and 17 and statea that in company with Mr. M. T. Garrett of Garrett Engineering Company, he 'C~Jltaeted and conferred wi ththe various engineers and offica.~l1s ,of tl1e F. W. A. in Fort Worth in the interest of the city's di,sposal plant. The Oity Secretary read an opinion' furnished by theGit,r Attorney pursuant to a request of the City Commissiolll relative to the investment of city's sinking funds in warrants. The Oity Attorney ruled that due to provisions in theOity Charter it would not be legal to invest any of the 'sinking funds in warrants. This opinion is ~led in the ~ity Secretary's file entitled "Legal Departmentfl. The Oity Engineer presented ,an expense account in the amount fo $42.00 oovering. theexJ.'2nses incurred on his recent trip to Fort Worth in the interes~ of the disposal plant. Commissioner Woodard made a motion which was seconded by Oommissioner Dunnington authori zing the payment of the expense ac count. Voting Aye: Commissioners WOOdard, Dunnington, Kerbow, Martin and' Mayor Maino1;lS. Noes: . !lOBe. There being no further business to come before ,the meeting upon motion being ,made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adj ourned. ~~~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ Act ng City ,~ecretary r~==--'=~===="'i-~"'-==--'-''''---~''"----'=''=-'''===-o-=~''-~~ i r- o FFI C IALS: F. M. MAINDUEi MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: .... A. HER5CMEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. CFFINANCE .... M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: ,A. L. KERBOW t''''~ OFFICERS: A. .... LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CDRP. .JUDGE GRADY SMITH CHIEf" OF PDLICE , C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND CDLL. .... A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .... W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. "'OE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. .... AUBERTIN DEPT. OF' PERSDNNEL TRAVIB .... CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH ~il'l 0/ WtkllUnivel'6U,/ place Litfl' ojJlome6 . 3BDD UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HDUSTON, TEXA.s August 1, j.942 Mr. R. B. Allen Acting 6ity Secretary City of'West University Place Houston, Texas Dear Mr. Allen: It is necessary that a special meeting of the City Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place be held at the City Hall on Monday, August 3, 1942 at 8:00 P.,M. for the following purpsses: 1. Checking and approving the budgeD. 2. Adoption of a tax rate. FiVlIiI ': tmb Yours very truly, CTTY O:W WEST UNIVERSITY 8'3 SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Qommission was convened at the 6ity Hall' on Monday, AUgus't 3, 1942 at 8 :00 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commiss loners Kerbcw, Woodard and Martin and the Acting Oi ty Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Dunnington was absent. The purpose of the meeting was as follows: 1. Checking and approving the budget. 2. 'Adoption of a tax rate. The preliminary budget for the fiscal year 1942-43 beginning September 1st was Beeei ved from the Treasurer ani a fter some dis- cussion was referred to the members of the Commission for study and recommendation. The Mayor stated that it was necessary for the Commission to get the budget in shape for adoption at an early date and for the tax rate to be set in order that the tax bills can be mailed out. Commissio~er Kerbow maved that ~he tax rate be set at $1.65 for general purposes and 5ct for the eal th Department making a total of $1.70 per hundred and that the City Attorney be instrBcted to prepare the. necessary ordinanc e for presentation to the Com-' mission. CoIlllTllilssioner Woodard s~conded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Ke~bow, WOOdard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. There e:eing no further business to come before the meeting upon motion being made, seconded am carried the meeting was de- ~lared adjourned. .'~~ Mayor . ATTEST:~ ~~/ Aeti . ity . ecreta.ry . , " 84 'liEGULA,R MEETING, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission met in regu.1ar session on Monday, August 10, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Acting City Secretary in attendanoe. . The minutes of the meetings of July 27 and August 3 were read and' approved. .... A discussion was had on the subject of tin cans collec~ion and a suggestion which has been made regarding the constructing of bin~~" at four(4} locations in the oity ~as placed before the Commission. . Moved by Oommissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the tV bins be constructed at the following locations. . COLLEGE AND MIL'IDN UNIVERsm BLVD. AT KIRBY DRIVE SUNSET BLVD. AT WIER PARK WEST POINT AT COLONIAL PARK Voting Aye: Noes: · None Commissioners Ke1"bOV1, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. The City Attorney presented an ordinance providing for the refUnding of $;0,000 of water works revenue bOnds. The refunding of which washer~tofore awarded by the City Commission to Ransom- Davidson Company. The CaptioI!- o'f this ordinance is as foll'ows: ORDINANCE NO. ,2 4 Z, ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUAJ:.TCE OF $ .50,000 CITY OF WEST U:NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WATER SYS'l'lQ\!I REVEl\1JE REFUJ\lING BONDS, AIID PROv:o:r.rNG FOR THE PAThrENT' THEREOF OUT OF Th"'E REVENUES OF THE CI TY t S WATER SYSTEM. MOved by Commissioner Kerbow, seconded by Commissioner Dunning- ton that the Ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Moved by Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and pre- sent to the City Commission an ordinance changing the sewer service charge from 75~ to 25~ per month. [ -- .-.. '1 , 1 85 Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor Mai nOllS '. Noes: None. With regard to installation of telephone in aed Cross Center Building located on ci t;y hall grounds, it. was moved by Commissioner Martin, ,seconded @y Commissioner Kerbow, that one of the telephones in the Oity Hall be transferred to the Red ,Cross Building. . Voting Aye :,,,, Commissioners Kerbov\T, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ;,~, A resolution was presented declaring an emerg~ncy ,with regard to the Disposal Plant situation and ordering John Holland, who had previously been awarded contract for the constructionhof improvements to the Disposal ilant, to being construction. The Caption of this Resolution is as ~ollows: ->- A RESOLUTION ".-, AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING l'OD. G-. HOLLAND, CONTRACTOR, IDIDER COMMeT NO. 2 DPW DOCKET TEX. 41-240 TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXTENSIONS TO THE SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT AND DECLARING- AN EMERGE NCY. . Moved by Commissioner Kerbow, seconded byCo.mmissionerWoodard that the Resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissi oners lrerbow, Woodard, Dtmnington, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow stated that an offer had been made the City by the Merchats Employees Bank to accept a deposit of $.5 ,000 in sinking funds, of the' City a t 2~10 interest rate. After discus sion, a motion was made by Commissi oner CK.erbow, which Was seconded by Commissioner Dv,nnington that the 'it.y Attorney draw the necessary resolution designating the Merchants and Employees Bank as depository for city's funds. Voting Aye: Noes: None ~ , Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. There bei-ng no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made, seconded and carried, the mee ting was declared adjourned. 4~~' Mayor ATTEST: /-7;f)S~ e1ty Ee~re.ary ___~_=___J. _ J ..._--'~'-.-=,'l ,.-1 \, \\ \1 OFFICIALS: F. M. MAINCUS MAYO R COMMISSIONERS: aJ. A. HERSCHEL STR~ET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. C1P FINANCE .J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A. .J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CDRP. JUOGE GRADY SMITH CMII:;F DF PDl.ICE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUF'F TAX ASSESS. AND ceLL. .J. A. METCALF' FIRE CHIEF /?il'J.. 0/ Wedl Unillel'6il'J place L ifg. 0/ JJome6 3BOO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS August 1.5, 1942 Mayor F. M. lIB.inous/ Commissioner A. L. Kerbow Commissioner.J. M. DUnnington Commissioner T.W. Woodard Commissioner L. J. Martin Gentlem.en: IRA A. HARRIS ' Pursuant to a call ot the Mayor there will be SUPT. WATER AND SEWER a special meeting of the Oi ty Oommission ot the Oi ty .J. ~'U~~:T~:"ND SR. Of West Uni var si tyPlace , Monday, August 17 ~ 1942 .JOE L. ARCHER at 8 :OOP. M. at the City Hall tor the purpose ot~ a CITY PLANNING AND zDNIN"Pub1ie hearing and adoption ot the budget for the w. .J. AUBERTIN ar'" inni. S t b 1 1942 d a. A t DEPT. DF PERSDNNEL ya ueg. ng. ep em. er, an en J.ng :ugus TRAVI.S .J. CASH 31, 1943. DEPT. DF HEALTH ,I " " I 'I, ! ' , I ;\ Yours very truly, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~de~- R. B. Allen, City Seare~ary RBA :tmb 86, SPEOIAL MEETING :MQNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commissiqn Diet in ~~~taft.2session on Monday, August 17th at the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, 'Dul1I1ington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting Oity Secretary in attendance. , " The purpose of th~ meeting was'to hold a pul1J.i~ hearing on the adoption Of the budget for the fiscal year beghnning Septem- ber 1, 1942 and ending :August 31, 1943. .. The City Treasurer presented copies of the proposed budget together with a letter ,'of transmittal to the Commission. \ .1 Various matters in connection with the budget were discussed ~ by the COmmission. Th~re were seceral citizens present but no ~ comments were made relative to the budget by them. ~ Moved by Commissioner Kerbow, seconded by Commissioner Martin, ~ that the budget for th~ fiscal year beginning September 1, 1942 and ending August 31, ~943 be approved as presented by the Treasurer" and that the City Atto.r.,ney be instructed to prep.arEWrdinance and present Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and . Mayor'Mainous. Noes: None. . The business for which the meeting was called being concluded, the meeting was declared adjourned. . ...~~ ~a?~~" ; Cit Secretary * 87, REGULAR MEE'l'ING MOlIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1942 CITY BLL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, TEns The City Commission convened in regular session on MOnday, August 24, 1942 at the city hall. Members of the city commissi on present. were : Mayor Mainous presidi.Ilg, Commissioners Martin, Woodard, Dunnington and the Acting Ci ty.J3eeretary. CalDDlissioner Kerbow, was absent. Mr. :M. T. Garrett of Garrett Engineering Company discussed a telegram which had been received from the Federal Works Agency advising,the city that the contraot awarded to 'John Holland by the City for construction of a dis'posal plant had not been approved, and that the War Review Board had recommended elimination of the disposal plant from the Projeet~ Docket Tex. 41-240. The matter was discussed by the Commission and a motion was made by Comn'I.issionerWoodard that Mr. Garrett be instructed to go to Fort Worth andWashingtoh, if necessary, at the oity's expense in order to discuss the disposal plant oontract with the Federal ' Works Agenoy with a view of obtaining permission 00 proceed'with the work. Commissiollllar Martin seconded the motion. Noes: }fone. , " Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: f! The Teeastlrer presented bdlls aggregating $225.35 covering ~ repairs and remodeling of the building to be used as a Red Cross Cen,ter. Commissioner Martin moved that the bills be approved and instructed the Treasurer to p,ay the same. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. , , . Voting Aye: Noes: None. , Commissioners DunningtoI!-, Woodard, Martin and :Mayor Ma. inous,. The City Attorney presented an ordinance providing for reduction in sewer service charge'trom 75~ to 25~'per month effective September 1,1942. Moved by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Woodard, that the ordinance be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. , Caption of the Ordinance is as 'follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~J 3 AN ORDINANCE AMElilDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 126, ASSESSING AND LEVYING A CHARGE FOR EACH CONNECTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF. THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~OE, TEXAS, V1ITH THE 88 SANITARY SEWERS OF SAID CITY;. PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF' ORDINANCES IN CON- ELIOT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED;PROVIDING IF ANY SECTION OR PART OF THIS ORDINANCE BE DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR INVALID, IT SHALL NOT AFm;;~f OTHER PARTS THEREOF; PROVID~NG THAT THIS ~NANCE SHALL TAKE;EFFECT.AND: BE IN FORCE ON AND .AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 1942. \ " mhe City Attor~~y presented a Resolution, the Caption of which is as . follows: A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE MERCHAETS AND EMPLOYES INDUSTRIAL BANK AS A CITY DEP OSITORY. . 'Moved by Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the Resolution be adopted. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard and Martin and Mayor P.1ain01is. Noes:. None.. . The Ci1;y Attorney presented an ordinanee levying taxes for year 1942. The Caption of the ordinance is as. follows: ORDINANCE. ]fO. ~ I-~ AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1942 FOR AND WITHIN THE 'CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T],1XAS ,AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES; AND LEVYING A SPECIAL TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTENANCE AND UPKEEP OF THE DEPARTMEm OF HEALTH AND SANITATION. AND PROVIDI}'TG. TP'~T THIS ORDINANCE $mLL, TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE niM'EDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ,TmS DATE OF PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. the .. . Moved by Oommissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin that th~ 'Ordinance be adopted. Vi>ting Aye: Oommissioners Dunnington, WoOdard, Martin a1I.td Mayor l . Mainons. Noes: None.' The City Treasurer requested authority to charge off $4.10 being accumulated shortages developed in the accounts of Frank K. Cuff and Shelly Blewster~ Moved by Commis sioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the amounts be charged off · Voting aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noe,s: None. :~ ,-- . -"'-T-" 89 ) The City Engineer requested the authority to purchase the Sanborn Map of West' Uni ve.rsi ty :PIa ce ,the - cost of which is '$100.00. The Commission had previously authorized purchase of this map at an expense to the city of $6;.00 under an arrangement whereby the United Gas Company was to pay an equal amount and take a portion of the map for their use. Since the original arrangements ehad been m&de, a change was made in the map reSUlting in it being of no value to the United Gas Company an~ the Change in the total price of the map from $130;00 to $100.00.i'he CityfEngineer stated that t'he map wOUld be of' considerable value to the City and reoommended the purchase o. same at'a cost of~$lOO.O&' Moved by Commission~r Martin, seoonQed by Commissioner Dunnington that the purchase of the map be authorized. V oti ng Aye.: Noes: None. The Mayor announced that he had reoeived a verbal request from T. J. Wofford, engine driver in the fire department, for a six- months leave of absence. In the absence of the written request the ,matter was nQt a~ted upon by the Oity Commission. Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayo-r Mainous. There being no fUrther business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made, seconded and duly oarried,the meeting was declared adjourned. . B?~i/;:?:7'~ yor ' , I ! I J. ATTEST: ~ City eretary 90 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY; SEPTEMBER 14, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS The Citymcommission met in regular session on Momday, September 14, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. with Mayor Mainouspresiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner, Kerbow was not present when the meeting convened but arrived at 8:45 P. M. I I ! . - , The minutes of-the meetings of August 10, 17 ahd 24 were read and approved. ,'"' The Mayor presented 8 statement from the Treasurer Showing the balances carried on tax rolls consisting of dupli.eations, adjustments and errors accumulated between the years 1925 and 1941and requested authority to oharge off the acoumulated balances amounting to $3,728.74 in o~~~ ~o bring'the tax rolls 'up to date and inbalanoe with the contrbt ~ee.j)!lnts. This statement was prepared in oonjunction with Masquelette & Company, auditors, and certified as to oorreotness. . Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Martin, authorizing the Charging off of the balanoe shown on the state- ment. ' Voting Aye: Noes: None. ~ssioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor , Mainous. (Commissioner Kerbow was absent) Moved by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by COimnissioner Martin, that the application of T. J. Woffond for leave of absence be referred to the Personnel Board for recommendation. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, WOOdard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. (Commissioner Kerbow was absent.) Moved by Commissioner Woodard,! seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the application of Frank K. Ourf for leave of absence for the, duration of the war, due,to'his joining the United States Navy, be granted. Noes: None. Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. (Commissioner Kerbow was absent.) Voting Aye: Moved by Mayor Mainous, seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that Shelly Blewster be appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court to take the place of Frank K. Cuff. Noes: None. Commissioners Kerbow, Dunniagton, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mai!lous. Voti ng Aye: 91 j, , Moved by Commissioner Martin, 'secondea. by Oo:rmnissioner Dunnington, that the Poliee Officer, Forest Hutchinson, be trans- :ferred :from the Police Department to 'the Fire Department to take the place of T. J. Wo:ff"rd on a temporary basis. Vo_ing Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and ~yo1' Mainous. Noes: None. (Commissioner Kerbow was absent.) MOved by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the arrangements for a special school bus be approved. The routing of this bus to be as :follows: Beginning on Bellaire Blvd. ahd Weslayan, thence to University Boulevard, to Auden, thence up Auden to Suns.at" Sunset to Wakeforest, Wakeforest to University Bavd., University Roulevard to Buff~lo Speedway, Buffalo Speedway to Bellaire Boulevard, thence to St. Vincent dePaul school. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington,' -Woodard, Martin,! and Mayor .. Mainous. Noes: None. (Commissioner Kerbow was absent.) A'report was read by Mayor Mainous from the County Librarian of Harris County on the number of books leaned during the past several months at the branch library in, the Oommunity Building. Moved by ComDdssioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the City Secretary be instructea to write a letter to the County Librarian expressing appreciation on the part of the ,City.. Commission for the,serviees rendered the community in maintaining the library in the Ge1Q.unity'Hoase. . Voti;ng Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Ne.ne. (Commissioner 'Kerbow was absent.) The Treasurer'submitted billS inthe'amount of J22.00 cover- ing repair~ to a typewriter and electrical Wiring touthe Airplane Observation Tower and requested approval of same. Moved by Com- missioner Dunnington, seconded by ,Commissioner Martifi that the bills be approved and paid. Voting Aye: Noe,s: :IIone. Commissioners Dunnington, Woadard, Martin and Mayor Mainou.s. (Commissioner Kerbow ~as absent.) Commissioner Kerbow announoed that Mr. Means, a member of the Personnel Board, had been indueted into the Armed Services leaVing a vacancy on the Board, and nominated Carl S. Smith of 3833 Rice Boulevard to fill the vacancy. There were no other nominat~ons. Commissioner Martin seconded the nomination of Carl Smith. Voting Aye: Noes: None v Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and ~ Mayor Mainous. f ' '~, -, 92 The City Secretary advised the Commis~ion that 1ir. Neil Geisenhoff had entered the Armed Services leaving'a vaenancyon the Planning Board. No action was taken relative to filling this position. The Mayor presented a letter from Chief Grady Smith requesting the City Commission to employ a police officer to take the place of Forest "Hutchinson and submit three appJ.aeahts.s.who had been certified by the Personnel Board, namely, Gilbert S. Weaver, W. H~ McDonald, and Wayland R. Hancock. Aft<.?r some disucssion this matter was passed to th~ next meeti'Dg of the City Commission. , , Commissioner Martin submitted a request for the purchase of ad- ditional e~uipment,for the Volunteer Fire Department in the total amount of f212.90and moved that the purchase be authorized. The motion was se,conded by Commissioner Woodard.' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Woodard, Kerbow and Mayor , Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Martin reoommended the appropriation of .700.00 to employ labop.:to.dig and clean ditches to improve' drainage in con- neetionwith the stor~ sewer project. Commissioner Kerbow seconded ' , the ation. ' Noe s : N0ne . C.ommlssione.r.sMartin, Kerbow, Dunnington, \foodard and Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: .' Gom..missi,ene.r'~rtiI,l. submitted a recommemati on on oiling of street~a~nd ~,equested app~opriation of $700.00, to defrayeexpenses. ~ ~de a motj.n that the appropriation be authorized to qil portions of V(e$lay?-:u, College,We.st Point and Community Drke and sueh' other str.eets ~s :may be deem~d. necessary by the street and bridge Oo_issioner ~d St,r..e~<t and Bridge. Superintendent t Cammissioner Woodard. seoo nued the ,.. ,~^ <' JP.oti<l';l1. .. . and the 13ity E~ineer. Voting Aye: Oemmissioners Martin, WOOdard, Kerbow, Dutj.nington and Mayor tiinous. Noes; None. 'Mov'$dby Commissioner Dunnington, s~.cDild.ed 'b:vOommission,er.rtin, toot the Ordinance providing for discount on ta.x payments< for the year 1941 lle adopted. The Caption of this ordinance is aIJ follows: ORDINANCE NO. :/46'" <_ .AN ORDINAWE PROVIDING FOR -DISCOUNT ON TAXES PAID IN ADVANCE AND ON OR Bl5FORE SPECIFIC DATES; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE WITH, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS OlIDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFElJm' AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE' AND APPROV AI.. 93 Voting Aye: ComIllIhssion.ers Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. v The Mayor presented a check from St. Marks Episcopal Church tendered in payment of use of the Community House for church benefit and moved that the same be refunded. Commissioner Dun- nington seconded the motion. Voting Aye,;, Oommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None . Mr.M. T. Garrett of,the Garrett Engineering Company reported to the City Oommission on his conferences in Fort 1Vorth with the Federal Works Adminis.traticn reJ-at'i ve. to com truetion of the Disposal Plant and advised the City Commission that d'Q.e to the critical condition of the material situation and for other reasons that the ' Federal Works Agency had recommended discontinuance of this projeet. This report concurred in by Mayor Mainous, who accompanied Mr. Gar- rett on his visit to the F. W. A. offices in Fort Worth, In view of the circumstaneesand 00 nditions rendering it impossible to continue the work, a resolution was presented accepting the reeommenda tions of the Federal \Yorks Administration and ordering the dis co.ntinuance , of the project.' Oommissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of the ' Resolution. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Martin, and Mayor Mainous. NO.es : None. For the records the letter outlining the agreement between the F.W.A. and the City is hereby ine;orporated in the min~tes. The Caption of the Resolution is as follows: :1; A HE SOLUTI ON AUTHORIZING POSTPO:NEMEN.r OF TEE COmRACT FOR THE ADDITIONS AND EXTENSIONS TO THE SKvlAGE DIS- POSAL PLANT, DPW DOCKET TEX. 41-240 ,FOR THE DURATION OF THE WAR AS RECOMMENDED BY WAR CON- VERSION REVIEW BOARD IN ORDER TO OONSERVE THE USE OF ORITICAL MAT1!:RIALS Nl!:EDED TN TIffiWAR EJfltuRT. The letter is as follows: 94 FEDERAL WORKBAGENOY 'Fort Worth, Texas Office of the Admini~t~ator September 9, 1942 The Honorable F. M. Mainous Mayor, CitY0f,West University Place , 3800 University Boulevard . Houston, Texas My dear Mwor Mainous: _'-'.l..\ / On September 8 a meeting was held in,JIlY Qffiee to oon-' . sider your project Texas 41-240. Those attendiDgtthismee:t.. ing were yourSelf and Mr.' M. T. Garrett, your E~ineer; Mr. li.F. Sloan, Jr., Regional Engineer of' the Federal Works Agency and myself. 'During the discussion it appeared that the following con... ditions exist in oonnection withtne .sewer portion of your project. Your ,sewer system cannot ,be made servj;ceable with- out the construction of five. lift stations ~overed in a pro.. posed Change Order No.. 2. Mr. Sloan and. I agseed to approve the construction of these stations and'to aid in. every war in secl!lring priorities for the necessary materials and equipment. We discover~d a differen,t situation in connection with your sew~ge disposal plant, which is a part of th~.project. A 'small amount of construction work has been done; certain materials have been obtained and are on the site; the special equipment ;fer the plant has been ordered, but it appears tJ1a:t delivery 'will be extremely slow or impossible unless higher ' priority ratings are obtained. In this oonnection, the Federal Works Agenoy has agreed with the War Production Board that we will aid in the oonstruction of no sewage disposal plant unless the added pollution in' the stream receiving the effluent would seriously affect the water supply obtained downstream from the point where the effluent is discharged.' In other words, we can- not aid you in securing priorities t'orlJlaterials or eqt11pmati to use in completing your plant. As a matter of 'aet" it is my belief that the War Produotion Boord would not entertain any such request. While it'is true t:Qat'you ~ight be able to ob- tain the necessary equipment over a period of time, it was your and our belief that this was hardly appropriate at a time when every availahle ounoe Of oritical material and labor is needed to produce mill tary and naval transports and weapons of war. In this connection, I recounted. instanoes in this- state where similar situations have existed and where public bodies have voluntarily abandoned desirable projects that can wait until the war is over'. _,__-1:- 95:; As a resolu-t of our discussion, it seemed appropriate to all of us at the meeting to stop work on the sewage disposal plant. As I told you, I do not propose-to issue an ,order to that effect. On the other hand, I do feel that the oonstruction of the plant oan well be postponed until after the war. As pointed out to you, we can~ot guarantee that the Federal Gpvern- ment will resume 00 nstruction after the war; however, we feel very certain that in the vast pUblio works program that seems certain When We are readjusting ourselves' to peace, any project ,would be most favorablv considered, particularly since with your .plans and ."specifications already drawn you would be in a position to construct without delay. , As to the financial obligations of your City and of our agency,. I am prepared to recommend that the Federal Government . pay for the cost of all work done on the sewage disposal plant and'fora~l materials delivered and that the contribution of the Federal Goyernment in conneotion with the eonstructi:on of the sewer lines be in the satile proportion as was agreed on when the original project \~S approved. All of the above is contingent upon the adoption of a resolution by your council approving this course. , I , . m ~ould like to say that I greatly appreciated the ness of both'you and Mr. Garrett during our discussion. our opinion that we could win this war in a hurry if all took the same attitude that you and he did. Yours very truly, framk- It is of uS sf James W. Bradner,. Jr. Regional Director Southwestern Region There being no further business to come before the commission, upon motion being made, seconded and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ yor. " 'ATTEST: ~ Cit Secretary - --r- '-.1 96 REGULAR MEETI NG MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Gity Commission oonvened in re gular session, on Monday, 'September 28 at .8: GO P. M. with Mayor lltIainous presiding, Com- missioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Acting City Seefetary in attendance. - . The minut'es of theirmeeting of September 14th were read and approved. The Treasurer requesting transfer of the balance rema~n~ng in the Health Department Bud'get for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1942, Commissioner Kerbow moved that the balance of $2784.00 remaining in the Health Department Fund be transferred to the General Fund. Commissioner Martin seconded the motion. . Voting Aye: Comtnissioners Kerbow, Martin, Dunnington and Woodard. Noes: Mayor :Mainous. The City Secretary advised the Commission that authevtty had been received from the rationing Board to purchase a new police ear. The Mayor recommended the purchase of the new Qar and the trading in of the two police cars now in service ,and the use of the water department coupe,for stand-by polioe service. The Mayorffiadea . motion that the Oity Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids on a standard two-door passenger ear. Commissioner Kerbow seconded the mot ion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, WOOdard, Martin and , Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Treasurer requested authority to repair typewriter in use in civilian defense office. The same to cost $17.;0. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Kerbow approving repairs to the typewriter in the amount of $17.;0. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, ~oodard, Nl8.rtin and 1viayor Mainous. Noles: None. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by CommiSSioner Woodard; that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to execute an ease- m~nt deed in favor of the Houston Lighting and Power Company covering a ten-foot right of way ,for pole line across the Eix~y-foot strip of land purchased from the Hannah Estate, south of Bellaire Boulevard. Noes: None. Commissioners KerbOW, Dunnington, WOOdard, Martin and' Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: r==-= f ,,"=.==O'~_.=~--~=-="'=-C==""'-l j .J 91, Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, Seconded by Commissioner Woodard adopting an ordinance calling an election for the purpose of electing city officials to be held on November 3, 1942. Voting Aye: Noes: Hone. , Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martinand , Mayor Mainous. The Caption u~ the Ordinance is as follows: ORDINfu'qCE NO. c:?/~, .~, AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN AND FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ONTRE FIRST TUESDAY FOLLOWING TEE FmST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1942, THE SAME BEING THE THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1942, FOR THE PURPPSEOF ELECTING A ]Jr.AYOR AND FOUR CO:MMISSIONERS 'ID SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT SUCCEEDING GENERAL ELECTION ON THE FIRST TUESDAY FOLLOWING TBEFIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, A. D. 1944, AND DECLARING .AN EMERGENCY. Moved by Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Martin that the pay for election judges should be $12.00, Assistant Judges $10.00 and clerks $10.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor llainous. Noes: None. Moved by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Dunni)1gton, . that Mr. Leo i. LaRue of 2822 Nottingham' be appointed a member of the Planning oard to fill the vanancy caused by the resignation of Neil Geisenhoff. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor called the' Commissions attention to provisions of the Robbery Policy now carried on City Bank Messengers, which requires that employees carrying bank deposits should be designated as police officers. Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that Shelly Blewster and John W. Watson be designated and sworn in as pOlice officers. Voting Aye: Commiss ioners Kerbow, Dunnington', Woodard, Martin and" Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Kerbow seconded by Commission Dunning- ton approving the employment of Mrs. Parks Windham for one month at,$75.00. Noes: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and MayoD Mainous. ,~ 98 :.~ Motion ,by Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, authorizingC the temporary employment of Mrs. J. R. Saunders in the water bookkeepingdepartmeht. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Maineus. Noes: None Mr. Frederking of Chas. B. White and Company stated to the Commission that he would like to present a plan for the re- . financing of,,,,$68, 000. 00 in refunding warrants now outstanding of an original ,issue of $86,000.00. The matter was referred to a committee composed of the Treasurer, .Commissioner Kerbow and Mayor Mainous, for study and report. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion made, seconded and earried,the meeting was declared adjourned. 4lJ![~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ AQtingity'Secretary At the conclusion of the meeting the Mayor swore in Carl Smith, a member of the Personnel Board and Leo J. LaRue, a member of the Planning Board. 'I r L-l OFFICIALS: F. M. MAINOUS MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: .J. A. HERSCHEL STREET ..'ND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBDW DEPT.. OF FINANCE ..I. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT.. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. .L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A. .J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CDRP. .JUDGE GRADY SMITH CHIEF DF' POLICE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. a. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ABSESS. AND ceLL. .J. A. METCALF . FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND BR. .JOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. .J. AUBERTIN DEPT. DF PERSONNEL TRAVIS .J. CASH DEPT. DF ~EALTH C~; ofJl:l 1Jniver~ilg Place 3BOO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS October 3, 1942 Mr. R. B. Allen, Acting Gity Secretary Oity of West University Place Houston, Texas Dear Sir: There will be a speoial meeting of the City Commission on Monday J Ootober 5 at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P. M. (1) To take up matters pertaining to the Poliee Department. ( 2) To authorize' the Mayor andClty Seeretary to execute easement deed to Harris County' across certain City owned land located South of Bellai're Boulevard. Yours very truly, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~.?n~ F. M. Mainous J :Mayor FMM: tmb ~, '~1 " 99 SPECIAL :MEETING MO~~AY, OCTOBER 5, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting af the City Comraission was c04vened at . 8:00 P. M. at the City Hall onOctaber 5, 1949 with fu?yor l~ihous presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, ~oodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary in attendance. ' The ~~rpose of the meeting was as follows: (1 ) ( 2) easement South of To take up matters pertaining to the Police Department. To authorize the Mayor and City Secretary to execute deed to Harris ,County across certain City owned land Bellaire Boulevard. The Mayor read a letter from Grady Smith requesting military leave of absence as Chief of Police and stated that he was entering the United States Navy. The Mayor then recommended tha~ Officer H. E. Shipp be appointed to fill the vacancy. Commissioner l\l1artin nominated Officer Forest H~tchinson. Mayor Mainous presented in nomination the name of Officer H. E.SHipp. Commissioner DunLi.ugton seconded the nomination of Officer Hutchinson. Vo'ting for the appointment ~f Forst Hutc.hinson: Commissioners Martin, Kerbow, Dunnington Woodard and ~ayor ~hinous. Noes: None. , Moved by C0111D1issioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin that Chief Grady Smith be granted a military leave of absence tor the duration of the -vvar. Voting Aye: Gomrnissioners Kerbow', Dunnington, Vvoodard, Martin and Mayor l\i..:ainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Kerbow seconded by Commissioner Martin that ~he Mayor,CoLwUssioner Dunnington and the C~ty Secretary compose a Committee~ to draft an approprate resolution expressing the appreciation of the City Commission for the untiring efforts and splendid work of Grady Smith during his tenure of office as Chief of Police and in c'ivilia,If defense. The said resolution to be spread upon the minutes of the Vity and a copy sent to Mr. Smith. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. All of the members of the City Commission individually ex- pressed their; appreciation to W~. Smith for the fine work he has done while Chief of Police. r~-~~"~~~~~~~"~""l ----r -- 100 The Mayor read letters from the Chief of Police Grady Smith and District Attorney regarding the apprehension and con- viction of Willie Willingham found guilty of arson committed in the City of West University Place. Motion by Co~ssioner Kerbow, xeconded ~y Commissioner Woodard, authorizing the payment of $100.00 reward to Chief Smith as provided for by City Ordinance covering the amount of reward for the arrent and conviction, of persons found guilty of committing arson within the City. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, llunnington, Woodard, Mar1#illl1H and ,~' :Mayor Ma inous Noes: None. Motion bW Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissi'oner Martin that'W. M. McDonald of 2719 Pittsburg be employed as City Police' Officer at $150.00 per month. . V oti ng Aye: CoIDIUissioners Kerbow, Dujnington, Woodard, ;Martin and Mayor :K.fu inous . ~~,\ -~~ Noes: None. Upon recommendation of Chief Hutchinson Commissioner D.unnigton made a motion \vhich was seconded by Commissioner Martin that Officer H. E. Shipp be designated Assistant Chief of ~oliee'. Voting Aye: Commissioners Ker'bow, Dunruhngton, Woodard, Martin and WlayorMainous . Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to execute an easement deed granting Harris. ounty the right to com truct and maintain a drainage dit~ on the 60 foot strip of land purchased by the City from the Hannah Estate, Lamar Fleming, Trustee and the League Estate, all being located South of Eellaire Bouleva:'d near the Southern Pacif'io right of way. The.rbusiness for which the meeting was oalled having bean concluded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ' ~~ yor . . Attest. /~~. Acti · ity Seeretary r---=--c~--c=="'===~~"'.::--~_-,. --=",_-=<"-,,""=--=='_"-"=-C==.or _, , I 101: REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, October 12th at 8:00 P. M. with. Mayor Mainous presiding, Com- missioners Kerbow, Dunnington, VV'oodard and :Martin and the Acting City Seoretary in attendanoe. The minliltes of the regular meeting of' September 28 and special meeting of October .5 were read and l:!P proved. A letter from Mr. W. T. Ba,yd was read relative to claim for penalties- and interest on delinquent taxes. This letter was r e- farred toCommissi oner" Dunningtom. A letter was read from Grady Smith 'relative to oheck,of $100.00 reward jor apprehension of arsonist previously authorized by City Commicasion.lt was explained that the reward was helj up pending receipt Qf an opinion from theity Attorney relative to other olaimants of the'reward. The matter was referred to )he City Treasurer. , .A letter was reeei vad from an attorney represa-nting Mr. Healy. who resides at the corner of Amherst and Rutgers Street, regarding oomplaints relative to seWer construction work along Mr. Healy's Pl"operty. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, whioh was seoonded by OommissionerMartin that the matter be referred to City Engineeri~ Garrett Engineering Company. ,Voting Aye: Commissioners. Dunnington, Kerbow, Martin, Woodard and Mayor F. M. :Mainous. Noes: None. The City Seoretary announoed that bids on the purohase of a Dew police car had been received as follows: Harris County Motor 'Company, Pasadena, Texas Tu-Dor 'Ford V 8 Less: Trade illIion old 'Ford Rey $ 1173.33 185.00 $ 988.33 ~ - Raymond Pearson TlW.-dor Mercury Less: Trade in on old FOD8 Net $ 13.53.63 200.00 $ 11.53.63 Abbott-Stansell Motor 00. Ta-Dor P1ymu.th Less: Trade in on old Ford $ 11;8.00 2b8.oo Net $ 870.00 ---, ,''-''-- 102 The City Secretary stated that these bids were Bade on a day to day basis as dealers were unwilling to hold ears for any lenth Of time. Motion ~y Oommissioner Kerbow, seconded by Mayor Mainous that the bid of Harris Gounty Motor Company on tl1e Ford be aocepted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow', Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and. Mayor Mainous. ' Noes: None. .-. Motion bY. Commissioner Dunningtont seconded by Commissioner Martin that if the Ford is. not available the bid of Raymond ,Pearson on the Mercury should'be aocepted. Votfng Aye:Oommissioners Kerbow., Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Oommissioner Woodard, authorizilig the employment of G. E. King as engine driver in the Fire Department. Voting Aye: CoJJJm1ssioners Kerbow , Dunnington, Woodard , Ma.rtin.~d Jla.yor Mainons. Noes: None. A discussion was had on the matter ofemp1oying an addi,tioDa-1 policeman. It was moved by Commissione-r, -,Kerbow, seconded by CO~ missioner Martin that the matter be referred to Commissi~ner Kerbow, Mayor Maiaous and Chief. of Police." The meeting was recessed to 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, October 14, 1942. ~~ _ . ayor AT'l'EST: ~~ ,.., , r- 103 CONT'D MEETING } , .. Meeting of October 12th having been recessed. was reconvene! at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, OGtober'14 with the fOllowing present: Mayor Malnous , Commissi oners Kerbow, Woodard, Martin and the 'sating Oi ty Se'cretary.. Commissioner Kerbow presented a Resolution and moved its adoption designating the University State Bank as an official depository for city tunds. The motion was seconded/ by Com- missioner Woodard. The Caption of the Rese1ution is as tollows: A RESOLUTION A!>7RESOLUTION DESIGNATI:naG THE UNIVERSITY STATE BANK AS A CITY DEPOSITORY. Voting kye: Oommissioners' Kerbow; Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. , The Oity Se9retary prese'nted a bill from the City Attorney for' $150.00 due on the Ellis, Case. The City Seoretary was instructed to investigate the records and turnishastatementto the Oommission on the amounts paid on'bh'is' ea'se to date. Motian by Commissioner Kerbow seconded by Commissioner Martin that 'the .ity accept the bid of Raymond Pearson on the Mercury police car. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Martin. Noes: Mayor Mainous. Representatives of the Chas. .B. White and Company was present and presented' a proposal to the CltyCommi,ss-ioD on the refunding of oertain outstanding warrants Of the refunding issue of 1936. After some discussion, Commissioner Kerbow recommended that an opinion on the matter be ba'd frG~attorney Victor Bouldin before any action be taken. c'Q.m.missioner Dunnington arrived at this time. The Treasurer, C. E. Gammill, re,commended toot action, on the matter be delayed until afte;!" January 1, 1943. Motion by Oommissioner Kerbow that the matter of refunding of warrants be postponed tem- ' porarily., seconded'by Oo1BJll1Ei.ssioner Martin. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainou s. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion being made, seconded and carried, the meeting was .,---- -~~----=-=----- , r ~ r I 104 deelared adjourned; ATTEST": " ~~~.c?e'o-/~ -Git, " eereta.ry i."====---=~"~~ -- . _~'~--,_~-_,c--_-_ T ~ ' , ,'" A , ' , . 'ayor " ~ " '--;'" -I~ REGUL..4.R MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, ~. CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCl!l, TE:K..4.S. 105 The City Commission met in regular session at the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, October 26, 1942. Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Mart.1nand the Acting City Secretary in attenda~oe. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 12 and recessed meeting of October 14 w~~~ read and approved. ~/!:. Mr. W. F. Semmelrogge, President of the Civic Club, presented a Resolution adopted by the Civic Club addressed to the' City / Council calling attention to OityEmployees participating in political affairs. Motion by Comtnissioner Martin seconded by Oommissioner Kerbow that the Resolution be accepted and filed with the City Secretary for investigation. . Voting Aye: '. Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard', Martin and Mayor Mainous Noes: None. A letter relative to taxes from W~. F. A. .Hannah was read and referred to Oommissioner Dunnington. , Motion by Commissioner Kerbow seconded by CommiSSioner Dun- nington authorizing the payment of $70.00 annual dues to tne Texas League of Municipalities. Voting Aye: Commission~rs, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by CommiSSioner Dunnington seconded by Commissioner Martin thaD the 1942 tax roll as presented by the City Treasurer be approved, Voting Aye: Commissiom rs Kerbow, Dunnington, WOOdard, Martin and M~or Mainous. Noes: N ne. e Commissione~ Dunnington called attention to the faot that due to the tax statements being delayed in mailing that many tax payers were unable to avail themselves of the discounts as nrovidmd for in City Ordinance. J; Motion bWyCommissioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the Ordinance providing for discounts on taxes be amended to extend the time thirty days on each discount date. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerhow, . Dunnington, Woodard, Martinaand Mayor Wlainous. Noes: None. r-=~:~~~-.::::::::.:::::::::~:~::=-~:._::=~1 I - ~-O'O-':"'--'~__-':"'cc..__~, "'_ 1 ...i '1"--' 106 Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner nun- nington that the appropriation for purchase of oil for oiling streets previo'q.sly set by the Commission at $700.00 be increased to $1400.00 Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. . Commissioner Dunnington moved the appointment of a .,.Committee ' composed of <'the :M:ayor, the Treasurer, Commissioner of ]inance and the City Secretary to invest the surplus remainingiri tile Sanitary Sewer Improvement Funds in United States War Bonds. Motion was secon~ed by Commissioner Martin. Voting Aye:"~Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, WOOdard, Martina and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A letter from the Board of Health was read by Mayor W~inous re- commending the appointment of a Sanitary Inspeetot;. The ]flayor stated that arrangements were being made whereby '%rri's Ccunty Board of Health would' station an inspector in West University to serve the City as well as the surrounding area of the County. The letter was referred back'to the Board of Health with the under- stand~g that the matter would be taken up '~th the County Board. A letter was read from the Board of Health recommending all City Employees be rea-uired to undergo physical examination. After some discussion the ity Secretary was instructed to furnish copies of the letter to each member-of the City Commission for study. A letter was read from the Board of Health recommending the adoption of an ordinance providing for Uniform grading and control of milk. The said ordinance to be the same as the City of Houston. Motion by Commissioner Martin seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the City Attorney be inst~Ucted to prepare the ordinance and present same to the City Commission. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woogard; IYIartin and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissio.ner Martin authorizing the installations of a straight line telephone to the air plane observation tower. Noes: None. Commissioners Woodard, Martin, Kerbow, Dunnington and . Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: ,-- i -"~=-=~'",==O---=---=._=====---===I.._--'-----l~--""'~-~~~~a- -------------- I [ ,'-- 107 There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion being mad,e, seconded and carried the lJl€)etiI;lg was de- clared adjourned. ~~/ Mayor . ATTEST: ~~~ tJity. e .et~ ,. . .-'-.; r-' .. 1 I f I OFFICIALS: F. M. MAINOUS MAYOR e.. .. it'! 0/ Wed! Univel'6it'! place ifg 0/ -IJome6 COMMISSIONERS: ..I. A. HERSCHEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW , DEPT. OF FINANCE 3BOO UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HDUSTON. TEXAS ..I. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. November 4, 1942 MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L.'KERBOW OFFICERS: A. ..I. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. .JUDGE Mayer F. M. Malnous "0.umllssi oner A. L. Kerb_ Commissioner i. M. Dunnington. Commie siGner T. W. 1FoDiuci Commissis:mer Xa. ;r. .art!. a-R'ADY SMITH CHIEr OF PDLICE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K' CUFF~ntlemen: TAX ASSESS. AND ceLL. ..I. A. METCALF PurSU.8J.l'G taa:eal1'of the.,' yer theJ:'e will be FIRE CHIEf"' A a a special ealleGlmeeting' of the v1ty \lommission IRA A. HARRIS ,,", SUPT. WATER AND SEWE't)]!l Thursaay,N'ovember ;, 1942 at Jhoo.p. M. at the ..I. w. CLARKE 01 ty Hall. SUPT. ST. AND SR. .JOE L.~CHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING ne purpose etthe meeting is' to canvass returns w. .J' AUBERTIN of the election held on Noveml>er %rd. DEPT. OF PERSONNEL :it' TRAVIS ..I. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH You.rs very truly, CITY OF nS~UNIVERSITY ~~~ Acting City Secretary RBA: tmb r."O'''=.''~''C'.''_7''-''''.~:''::=-'--'.~_-===~=-''-.~. :1. ; _1--1-- 108 Special Meeting November 5, 1942 The City Commissionoonvened in speoial sessiom on Thursday, November 5, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. at the City Hall for the purpose of canvassing election returns for city offioials held on Novem- ber 3rd. Present were Mayor Mainous, Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard a.ndMartin. ..- Absent:' Commiss io ner Dunnington. ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION There came on to be oonsidered in opencounoil meeting the returns of an eleotion held in the 'City of 'West University Place, Texas,'on November 3,1942, for'the purpose of electing a, Mayor and f'our (4) Commissioners, as provided by law and the Home Rule Charter of said Oity, adopted as a result of an election held on December 17, 1940, and '!'.here came on'to be oonsidered the results of said election held in said city, the city commission of the City of West University Place, resolved itself into a committee of the wh&le for the purpose of eanvassing the returns in said election and declaring the results thereof, and IT APPEARING TO THE OITY OOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST U:NIV'ERSITY PLACE, that said elecrtion was duly, l~gg&1y and regularly ordered and thatnotioe thereof was. duly, legally and regularly given for the time and in the manner provided bylaw and the Charter of said City, and that said election was duly, l.~gglly and re gularly held and re,turns thereof duly, legally and regularly made to this City Commission in all respeets, as pro- vided by law and the Charter of said City, and IT FURTffER APPEARING, TO '1R'.E CITY COMMISSION OF 'IRE, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE that therew6re cast at said election a total of121l votes, of whioh there were east: FOR MAYOR "FOR - A. L. KERBOW FOR - F. M. MAINO US ' FOR COMMISSIONERS flFOR - JACK M. OGG 855 492 VOTES 'VOTES FOR - JIMIIaE HARMELING 884 905 VOTES VOTES ~, , , ------ -- -------- __ ,I. ,'e'"",,~__,~,__-_', =:1 _ LFI 109 "FOR - J. M. (JIM) DUNNINGTON 703 VOTES FOR - c. A.. r..IEES 779 VOTES FOR ... L. J. :MARTIN 652 VOTES FOR - WESLEY WOODARD 620 VOTES FOR ... A.. P. BOESCH 573 VOTES FOR ... w. F.. Semmelrogge 2 VOTES IT IS, THEREFOR, RESOLVED, FOUND AND ORDERED that A. La Kerbow and Jack M. Ogg, J"immie Harmeling, J .M.Dunnington and C. A. Nees are eleetedMayorand Commissioners respectively by a majority of the qua11fiedvoters of said Cit!jthat said A. L. Kerbow and Jack M. Ogg, Jimmie Harmening, J. M.. Dunnington and C. A. Nees, Mayor and Commissioners respectively, are approved by a majority of the Qualified voters voting in said election; and, that said A.. L. Kerbow and Jack M. Ogg, Jimmie Harmeling, J". M. Dunnington and a.. A. Nees are here'Uy declared to be the N.I.8.yor and Commissioners respectively, of the Oity ot West University Place, Texas, as the result of said ele otion. It was moved by Gommissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the foregoing resolution be adopted, which was carried by the following vot es: Ayes: Commissioners A. L. Kerbow, L.. J". Martin and Wesley Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Oommissioner Dunnington a bsen't. Noes: None. ***************** The Mayor and the Oommissioners congratulated the successful candidates uPon their election and extended invitations to attep~ all meetings-of the City Commiss ion until the end of the term and offered to be of assistance in any Ea'nner possible. N~. C. A. Nees, Jack Ogg and Jimmie Harmeling expressed their appreciation of the invitation and expressed a desire to cooperate to the fullest extenC. The business tor which the meeting was called having been con- cluded, the meeting was declared adjourned. 'W~&p-~<-~_/ - M yor ' ATTEST: ~~- City cretary r' "C'~~'~~~~oo~~",- ---;-<''''1- - 110 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOV. 9, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission met in regular session on MOnday, November 9, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Iv1ainou$ presiding, Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Kerbow and Acting City Secretary in attendance. . Commissi~ner Woodard was absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 26 and snecia1 meeting of November .5 were read and approved. - The City Attorney presented an ordinance gofferning the control of milk which had been previously discussed by the CityCammission. Moved by Commissioner Kerbow secondedJby Commissioner Dunnington .that the ordinance be adopted and authorizing publication. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martino'and Mayor 1,1ainous. Noes: None. The City Engineer reported that arrangements. had been completed for the purchase of right of way from T. V. Overton for extension of storm sewer from the property .of' the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Churchtto the city's main already constructed across the Overton tract. Cost of, the right of way is $7.5.00. Motion by Comrni.ssioner Martin, seconded by Cormp.issioner Kerbow authorizing the purchase of the right of way for the construction of the sewer which will be paid for by the Church. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martin and 1i~ayor Mainous. Noes: None. With reference to the recent order of the War Producrtion Board relatiVe to collection of tin cans, Commissioner Martin announced that the pick up of tin cans would begin on Saturday, November 14. The matter of purchase of a new garbage truck was discussed and was referred to a commi t,tee composed of. the city engineer, superin- tendent of Garbage department, Commissioner l~rtin and the three commissioners elect. Chief,;df Police Hutchinson stated that considerable difficulty was being exnerienced in connection with control of traffic on Be11aire~Bouievard at the St. Vincent de Paul School. He recomIaended the employment of an additional policeman to police Bellaire Boulevard in front of the school during the opening and closing of the school and to assist the regular policeman the balance of the day. Con~~issioner Kerbow suggested that the budget be revised in order to provide necessary funds for the employment of an additional police 111,i officer. Coimnissioner Dunnington agreed to transfer ,sufficient funds out of the Tax Department Budget to pay. the salary of' a policeman for the balance of the year, one and a half months. Motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by CommisSioner Kerbow authorizing the employraent of an additional policeman at $1;0.00 per month. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Mainous. N;oes: N'~)ne. The Cify Commission acknowledged receipt of and ordered filed a copy of the final change-order compiled by Garrett . Engineering Company covering the improvements constructed to date by ~ohn HOlland at the Sewerage Disposal Plant. The original of this change-order has b3en filed with the F.W.A. in Fort Worth. " . Wi~h reference to the proposal of Chas. B~ White & Company to refund certain outstanding warrants, it was decided t6 hold a conference between the members of the COmmission, representa- tives of the Chas.B.Whie &: Co., the City Attorney, City Treasurer and special counsel, Victor Bouldin on Monday, November 16 at 7:30 P. M. There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion made, seconded and carried the meeting was deolared adjourned. ~~~~.ez~ Mayor JtTTEE3T: ~ ~ity ecretary 112, REGULAR N1EET!NG M01~AY, NOV. 23, 1942 DfrTY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXl\.S A regular meeting of the City Commission was convened at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, November 23, 1942 at the City Hall. Memhers present were: Mayor Mainous, ,presiding, Commissioners Ker~ow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary. MinuteE of meeting of November 9 were read and approved. Commissioner Martin recommended an increase of $3.~0 per week in the wages of all laborers in the street and bridge department, garbage department, and water and sewer deparrom.e.i1t. Commissioner Dunnington stated that in order to furnish the necessary funds for the proposed increases, he would allocate a portion of funds budgeted to tax department for revaluation purposes to the various departments affec.t~d by the increase. He stated arrangements had been made whereby Harris County would furnish the City 'trlth tax data f,rt a cost of $400.00. He made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Martin authorizing the Treasurer to pro- ceed with arrangements with Harris County at a cost not to exceed $400.00 . \. Noes: None. tl l ,I >j ,j I Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Martin, Woo"dard and Mayor Mainous. , Mowed 1hw Commissioner ~rti.m; seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing increasesof $3.00 per week in wages of all city laborers effective week beginning Nov. 23, 1942. Voting .Aye: CommisSioners Martin, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. ! "t Noes: None. Representatives of Chas. B. White & Co. presented proposal to refund certain outstanding city warrants. Action was postponed to Monday night, Nov. 28, 1942. A request for adjustment of taxes from V. D. Griffin, 3752 Arnold, was presented and referred to Corrmdssioner Dunnington. Request from the Surgical Division of the Red Cross for space in the Community House was discussed. No action taken. There being no further business to come before the Cowmis- sion, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad- journed. . ~. . I,~ Mayor AnE~~,~ ,". / ~A PvCity. Secretary ___ r---'-"'o"_-'-.'-" ~-l . ""-1-' ,_. T.;"'S: ,:Jilg c/ Wed! 1Jniuel'di!g Place LilV 0/ Jlome6 /)INDUS ," .ISSIONERS: ' ~RSCHEL :E:T AND JaRIDGE DEPT. "RBOW iT. OF" FINANCE UNNINI3TON \)EPT. 3 BOD UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON, TEXAS iL.EY WOODARD ;"ER AND SEWER DEPT. R PRO 'rEM: ;:RBOW ' November 28, 1942 ERS: '''MONTE J ATTY. LBERT9rJN 'P. JUDGE Mayor F. M. Mainous Oommissioner A. L. Kerbow Commissioner J". M. Dunnington Commissioner T. W. Woodard Commi ssioner L. ;r. Mt;lrtin SMITH ~F Of' PDLICE ,3AMMILL ::ASU'RER \.LLE~ 'Y ENGR. UF'F' "AS5E$S. AND caLL. Gentlemen!. ETCALF' : CHI~F' Pursuant to a call o~ the Mayor there ~ll iiAR~IS c. WATf''' AND S&:WE" be a special: call of the City Commission on l.;:T':-~ND B". Monday, November 30 at the C'ity Hall at 8:00 P.M. '~RCHj;;R ~or th~ollowing :purposes: ~f.;F':;~;:D:N:E:DNINm wvio /Matters pertaining to Heal th F~nd and l~cAsH Health epartment, Oity of West University. , j DF' HEALTH . Refunciling of Water Revenue Warrents. ! . To pass ~n the request from the Surgical .t, Divisio of the Red Cross for space in the Com- munit uildingo 4. Mrs. Hatoher and attorney wish to appear before the Commission and present their claim. Yours very truly, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY / .:?;;/~~ R. B( Allen. :ctetip.grCi ty SE)o' Y RBA:tmb ~'~==--=="'.'"""--==----====T r .."="'-"~===-~~' " - ------:-T~-I---- 113 SPECIAL llfEETING MOThi'DAY, NOV.. 30, 1942 CITY HAIL, CITY OF V1EST U:NlVERSITY , PLACE, TEXAS A special session of the ,city Commission was convened at the City Hall on Monday, November 30, 1942 at 8:00 P. M. Members present were: Mayor Mainous, presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martin and the Acting Ci:tySecretary. Commissioner Woodard was absent. Mr. Roland Bradley a1?peared,representing Mrs. Hatcher and presented claims totaling il14,5. 00 alleged to be due his client. The basis of the claim was a letter signed by a Dr. McHenry stating that the death of Mr. Hatcher was caused by injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of Oity in 1937. Mr. Bradley requested prompt settlement of the claim due to 1imita.tion running .against same this month and stated that if claim was not settled he would file suit for his client in order to prevent same from being outlawed by limitation. Mayor'Mainous recommended that the olaim be paid. After same ,discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Martin which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow referr~ng the matter to the City Attorney for study and instruoting him to furnish the Commission with a written opinion at the next regular session. Voting Aye~ Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Ma. inous. Noes: None. Mr. Kuehne, Chairman of the Board of Health presented a copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Health on November 23,1942 wherein the Board of Health appointed Dr. R. L. Cherry, Director of the Harris County Health Unit, to be City Health Offioer of West University Place, and requesting the City Oommission to appreve the expenditure of $200.00 per month out of the Health Department funds to pay for Dr. Cherry's services. The matter was discussed at some length and Commissioner Martin pointed out that the City Commission was pr0hibited byr;the Charter from entering into agreements of this nature and reoom- mended that the matter be postponed until after January 1, 1943- Motion by Commissioner Martin, s eoonded by Commissioner Dunnington that aotion on the resolution be. passed to the new City Qommission. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Martin and Mayor N1ainous. Noes: None. Mr. Frederking and Mr. White of Coos. B. White and Company were present with reference to the proposed refunding of certain city warrants. 114 Mr. C. A. Nees, Commissioner elect, stated that the matter had been under investigation by the three oommissioners eleot and that they had had the proposal investigated 'by Mr. Frank Culver who had rendered a favorable report. It was pointed out that in- asmuch as the council could not enter into a formal co~tract' o~ the refunding, any agreement entered into at this time would have to be in the naDJ'1re of a gentlemens agreement between the incoming oommissioneani Chas. B.White & Company. ' Commissioner Kerbow stated that since the proposal met the approval of the' three commissioners elect that any arrangements worked out between them and attorneys Lamonte and Victor Bouldin would be approved by him. On the request of the Surgioal Division of the Red Orossfor spaoe in the Community House, Commissioner Martin moved that the gentlemen oomposing the new City Oommission be appointed as a Committee to look into the advisability of granting the Red Cross use of the library in the Community House and that the Oommittee confer with the County Librarian on the matter of moving the library to the school. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and Martin Noes: Mayor Mainous. The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion made, seconded and oarried, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ I ~~~p-~~/ Mayor ATTEST: ~~#~ ...,"..~ ' C' .. Se.. l'et;ary _ r-- ~ _::-1 ,----I'-'j----- 115 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEr..[BER 14, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNDTERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission met in regular session at, the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on Monday, December 14, 1942. Members present: Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Dun- nington, Woodard, Martin and Acting City Secretary. ColTI1Ili.ss ioner Kerbow' was absent when the meeting convened but arrived before adjour~ntt. ~ne minutes of November 23 and November 30 were read a~~ approved. . Mr. Frank Cuff, who had been granted a military leave of absence, presented an application to be reinstated due to the fact that he:had been discharged from the Navy. Motion by ~ommissioner Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Martin that fur. Frank Cuff be re-employed. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Martin, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A request from the ,civilian Volunteer Transport Committee, ' of which Jack W. Doran is Chairman, was presented to the Commission for an appropriation of $30.00 to purChase supplies. Commissioner Martin pointed out that this program had already been worked out by thelarge~ employers in the City of Houston. Commissioner Dunnington stated that the-program appeared to be a duplication of effort. After some discussion the request was referred to the civilian defense committee. An ordinance exten,ding the time for payment of taxes without penalty and interest was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by C,ommissioner Martin tl~t the ordinance be adopted. The Captiom is as follows: ORD INANGE NO. AN ORDINANCE REJ!.IITTI'ING BmALTIES AJ\1D INTEREST ON AD VALORillL TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1942, IF PAID NOT LATI~R T.;:I{AN JA1TUARY 31, 1943; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCE IN COJ:.1FLICT HEREWITH. r---- ,r 1- 116 Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, martin, Woodard and :Mayor Ma~nous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner ~furtin, seconded by Commissioner Woodard approving payment of $10.00 annual dues to the National Fire Prevention Association. Voting Aye: Commissioners :Martin, W'oodard, Dunnington and W.l8.yor Mainous. , Noes: None Mr. V. D. Griffin'appeared before the Commission requesting a reduction in the taxes on his property. The City Engineer was requested to. measure the improvements on the proper"l;y and report to the Commission. Mr. E. o. Cox, residing at 3733' Plumb Street made a similar reauest for reduction of taxes. This matter was also referred to "'City Engineer., Mr. Roland Bradley, attorney for Mrs. F. E. HatCher, stated to tne CommisSion that'with respect to thec~aim made against the City at a previous ~olIllhission meeting, he was instructed to withdraw the offer to settle Mrs. Hatcher's claims in the amount Of.114.5.40 if same were not accepted at this meeting. The Mayor advised the City Commission that he had been served with a citatioil of suit which Mrs. Hatcher had filed against the City. Mr;(.'Rolgnd Bradley stated that it was necessary to file this suit in order to prevent limitation from outlawing his client's claim against the City. In answer to a question by Comraissioner Martin, City Attorney Lamonte stated that he would not express an opinion on the case since suit had been filed . Moved by COlr.missioner :Nlartin, seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the matter be post- poned to December 21. Voting Aye: Commissioners Martin, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner N~rtin se~onded by Commissioner Dunnington authorizing the payment of $100.00 out of the Oity Treasury to the Vm1unteer Fire Department for the purpose of paying annual prizes to the ~olunteer firemen. Noes : None. Commissioners Martin, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor I'vlainous. Voting Aye: Mr. F. n. Hannah, reSiding at 3021 Albans Road, notified the City that he had rendered his property and that subsequent there- to the Equalization Board raised the values without notifying him or giving him the opportunity to protest according to lawe The r-. n~. __'":1 ,~l-,' 117 City Treasurer recommended that Mr. Hannah's taxes be adjusted to the amounts shown on his rendition. Motion by Co~issioner Dunnington, seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the recornmendation of theCi ty Treasurer be carried out. Voting Aye: COD1JJlissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, M,artinand Mayor IVla inous . Noes: None. , At this time the City Commission was recessed until Monday, December 21st. " **************** Th,e City Commission having recessed on December 14 reconvened at 8:00 P. M. on December 21 with all members present except Commissioner ~unnington,who was absent on account of illness. The first matter to be considered with the suit of Mrs. F'. E. Hatcher versus the City. Commissioner Marpin stated that since he was not familiar with the case and due to the fact that the present term of office was about to exp~re, he recommended that the case be passed to . the new City Commission which will take office on January 2. Moved by Commissioner -:Martin,second.ed by Commissioner Woodard, that the matter be referred to the new City Commission. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Martin and Mayor Mainous. }.Joes: None. Moved by Commissioner Kerbow seconded by Commissioner Woodard ~uthorizing the payment of $10.00 in assessments and dues to the harris County Mayor's and Councilmen's Association. Voting Aye: Commissioner's Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, N~rti~ and Mayor, :Mainous. Noes: None. Motion by Commissioner Kerbow, seconded by Commissioner'Martin, adopting the ordinance providing for the appropriation of 'funds and the adoption of a budget for the operation of the various depart- ments of the City for the fiscal year beginning September 1,-1942 and endingr'August 31, 1943. . Caption of ordinance is as follows: ORDINJillCE NO. AN ORDINANCE :MAKIl'1G iJ,N APPROPRIATION FOR THE SlJPPORT OF THE CITY (':J)VERN.NLENT Fa R THE FTSC1ll. YEAR BEGIl'ffiING ON frm ]'IRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1942, Ar.ill CLOSING TEE LAST DAY OF AUGUST, 1943, INCLUDING TFE I'ATIv1ENT O:F' THE Ifrri~REST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE BOND}~D DEBT OF T:F1E CITY OF 7\fEST "L'NI'JE'1SITY PLACE, SlJP~ORT AND MAINTENANCE OF I:CALTH DEPAI&."E~1T, A~ID VAREmUS 1,18 DEPAR'llv1ENTS OF THE CITY GOVERN!:,:ENT; CREATING A SPECIAL BUnGET FOR TIE WATER AND SEWER DEPAP.TI'1MENT OF THE CITY AND PROVIDIl\iCi- nmv TEE CURRENT EXPENSES AND INTSRE3T AND PRINCIPAL OF THE BO:NDED INDEBTIDl\fESS OF THE ~,clATEH AIm SEWER DEPART1VJEJ\1T SHALL BE }iJET,CONTING::SFT Al\1J) OTHER PUR- POSES, AI\J1) DECLARING AN E!.ffiRGENCY. I Voting Aye: Commissioners :Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Martin and Mayor Nl8.inous. Noes: None. .~- ~otion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Woodard, authorizing the charging off of shortages in cash accounts ara.ount ing to ,$2.80. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, ~~rtin and l[ayor Ivlainous. Noes: None. Regarding the investment of unused conntruction funds in United states Treasurv seeurities: Commissiorer Kerbow, Director of Fina.nce, stated th;;t it was his opinion ths,t t he investment of t3,l'3se funds should be approved by City Commission. ~e recommenced that $90,000.00 of the Sanitary Sewer Construction ]unds be inyested in what is k~own as 90 day Treasury bills bearing .37 of 110 interest and that $10,000.00 of the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund be invested in Tax Saving Bonds, Series C which bears .60 of 110 for the first six months and increases thereafter. It was explafned that the construction funds were unused due to the Federal Government stopping construction on the disposal plant. There being some uncertainty as to the form of action nec,essary on the part of the City Commissio n, the matter was passed until an opinion could be had' on the subject. There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: /~ ity ~ecreta~y , ~r-C--'--=- ---- - --~ I I 119 REGULAR :MEETJENG MONDAY, DECENIBER28, 1942 CITY F..ALL, CITY OF VlfESTUNIV'~RSITY 'PLACE, TEL~S. The City Commission convened in regular session at 8:00 P.M. at the city Hall on Monday, December 28, 1942. Members nresent were: Mayor Mainous"presiding, Commissioners D\lnnir.rgton,':Toodard, Martin and the Acting City Secretary. CommiisioD$r Kerbow was absent due to illness. Minutes of the meetings of December 14 and 21 were read and approved ., Commissioner Martin introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1 A RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THF.:; CITY COUNCIL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TR..!\.T BER1\fARD GOI,DING, AN ATTORN'EY AT J..AVT, BE AND HE IS HEREBY , AUTHORIZED AND INSTRUCTED TO THOROUGHLY Il'fJ"ESTIGATE, TEE RATES BEING CHARGED THE CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF. VmST UI\TJ:VERSITY, TEXAS, BY HOUSTON NATtJRl\L GAS COMPANY A1ID HOUSTON' LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY, THE Si1.11E BEI1TG, AND IT IS HER,!;BY DECLARED, A PUBLIC El\:ERGENCY, AT THIS TTIlLE. HE IS AUTHORIZED TO EMPLOY A UTILITY ACCOUNTANT AND OTHER ASSISTANCE BOTH LEGAL AND TECHNICAL IN HIS Il\fiTESTIGATION. HE IS TO PROC,EED DllMEDIATELY ~ITTIi TrlIS IN1ESTIGA:.. TION ,AJ'.1D TO 1JL4.KE HIS R.'1;PORTS TO T"rlE CITY COUNCIL 'fl[ ITH REASONABLE DISPATCH. HE IS AUTHORIZED .TO 'riUmSUCH LEGAL AND ,0JIDIli.:R ACTIONS FOR AN IN THE NAIVE OF TIE CITY OF WEST U:l\TIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS HE IvTAY Dl!;~lVI PROPER A]\'l) l'')ECESSARY TO THE AUTHORIZED INVESTIGA- TION. THE CO:MPENSATION TO BE PAID BY TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEL~S, TO BERN'ARD GOLDING AND THE PERSONS HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EMPLOY SHALL BE A REASONABLE COMPENSATION FOR SIMILAR SERVICES. < Commissioner Woodard seconded the motion. Mayor Mainous refused to entertain the motion and refused to poll the commission. Corr..missioner Martin called for the vote which was as follows: Voting Aye: COID~issionersDunnington, Woodard, and W~rtin. Voting No: None - Mayor Mainous did not vote. e~..A-. ~~t..v ~J _--~--'--_. Motion by Commission Martin, seconded by Conunissioner Woodard, that the City Secretary is instructed to notify Mr. Bernard Golding of the adoption of the resolution and to furnish him with a certified eopy. of said resolution immediatelv. '.- The Ai1ayor refused to entertain the motiol1:l2. Commissioner I'i1artin called for the vote which was as follows: r=---'--==- r_""",=='-7==C~,-,C-=~"=7_CC'--"_"'--- ,~~<.. 1 r- I 120 ,,,,- .~, -"<>:..4- .~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard , Iv.Iartin. Noes: None - Mayor Mainous did not vote. The City Secretary read a letter ca,lling the Commissions attention to the faet that although the Oommission had granted him an increase in salary of $25.00 per month in October, 1941, the increase had not been paid except for a period of ome and one half months and requesting compensation. , .. Motion by Commissioner VVoodard, seconded by COffMssioner Martin, tha~_ the unpaid amount of the increase be paid to R. B. Affi1en. ' The Thmyor refused to entertain the motion. Commissioner VVoodard called for the vote which was as follows: Voting Aye : Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, and Marti,n. Noes: None - Mayor Mainous did not vote. A letter from JohnW. Watson tendering his resignation as clerk in the Water Department was read to the Commission. A proposal from Wmsquelette & Company was read to the Commission. / Motion by Commissioner Dunnington, seconded by COmmission- er Martin, authorizing Masquelette & Company to proceed with an . audit of the City records as of close of business December 31, 19~2. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Martin a nd Mayor Mainous. Noes:, None. Th~ Mayor read a letter from the Fields-Shepherd Lumber Co. .derranding return of field office building loaned to the City for Civilian Defense Con"l;rol, Center. The matter was re.ferred to Commissioner Kerbow. Mr. D# P. Boyett appeared as spokesman for the Volunteer Fire Department and expressed appreciation for the Fire Department toward the City Commission for its support dur:in'g the past two years and pledged the departments cooperation to the new commiss- ion. The :Mayor and each member of the Commission replied to Mr. Boyett stating that it had been a pleasure to work with the Fire Department and wisned the department continued success in its good record. Members of the Commission-elect also voiced their apprecia- tion for the work of' the Fire Deplrtment and assured the Fireman present of their desire to cooperate with them during their term of office which begins January 2, 1943. t~ ..,......" I r-I-- 1 , ,"fI/I:!iI,::;,,,:,,'#< . ~~*'~ ~,""""" / There being no further business to come before the Oom- mission, upon motiollmade, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ,"'- 'Mayor ATTEST: ~ Cit Secretary r il I r I ., , ". 12,1.. ) q.