HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 04.13.17West University Senior Service Board Minutes April 13, 2017 Roll Call: Selby Clark presided and called the meeting to order at 2:03pm Present: Selby Clark, Candyce Beneke, Ruth Becker,Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner, George Baker, Carlos DeLaTorrte, Sarah Ballanfant, John Palmer, Rebecca Dozier, Susan Davis, Virginia Lootens Absent: Ann Crowley, Becky Arnold Staff: Toby Brooks Council Liaison: Burt Ballanfant Others present: Dick Yehle, Bruce Beneke, Alida Drewes A quorum was present. Minutes: motion to approve minutes was made by Rebecca and seconded by Stan. Minutes were approved.Council Meeting Report: Burt Ballanfant reported on the city council meeting. They voted on the library work which was completed and all were pleased with the latest improvements. The Council passed the comprehensive city plan prepared by the citizen committee. There was no support for any new repairs.Parks and Recreation Report: Susan submitted a written report which included:April Events and Activities:•The first concert in the classical concert series was held at Colonial Park from 7-9pm. The final two concerts are set for April 21 & 28 •The Easter Spring Festival was held April 8. There were 1500+ participants •Colonial Park Pool will open for members on April 29 & 30 JEH Park The Town Hall meeting was held on April 6 with 60 in attendance. Three designs were presented and citizen feedback is welcome and encouraged.Parks and Recreation Board Fee Subcommittee is in the process of forming a Fee Subcommittee. Ann Crowley has agreed to serve as Senior Board liaison. The goal is to have the fee recommendations to Council in preparation for the 2018 budget requests.Liberty Hill Park L andscaping improvements and the new travertine sign are completed. There are over 175 new plants and 7 new landscape beds and a new weather resistant sign. $10K was funded through the generosity of the Friends of West U Place Parks Fund and will be revisited and updated in 2028.Tennis committee is getting closer to finalizing the proposed policy changes and there will be online reservation system.May is National Water Safety Month and Lifeguards and Wally the Walrus will be on hand for the proclamation. Next year the proclamation will be Older Americans/Volunteer Month. Each year, the two will alternate.APAC: Virginia Lootens reported on the April 6 meeting which focused on the duties and responsibilities of the Houston Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council. Mrs.
Lootens serves on the Advocacy subcommittee which encourages all to support issues concerning the well-being of seniors in Harris County, such as Medicaid for Elderly People with Disabilities, which has an income limits range from $1005.00-$2010.00 for a single person. There was a mileage rate decrease from .54 to 53.5 cents per mile. There will be a Bridges Conference on May 12-13, location to be determined. The next meeting is scheduled for June.Activity Report: Toby reported:• 35 Seniors (10 from the Garden Club) went to Antique Rose Emporium • Chair Volleyball tournament with Precinct 3 - they will host in September • Selby presented on Africa and will have follow up in the fall • Theme meal New York, New York had 70 attendees and help from Judy Good Neighbor Team: Toby reported:• Team delivered 135 nifty napkins with mixed reviews and many volunteers • Next meeting is Thursday, April 20 for round table discussion with volunteers Jennie Elizabeth Huges Park Update:Several board members commented on the community discussion meeting with the architects who presented three different ideas for the park and asked for community feedback. The plans were available for everyone to review in the neighborhood newspaper and the city website. Carlos encouraged everyone to consider the money spent for improvements and the cost of maintenance is minimal compared to the price of the donated land. Judy spoke about issues with increase in traffic and there is a study ongoing about a 4-way stop. George inquired about a sunset clause on heirs to reclaim the land. Owners can always exercise their right to retake the land. Selby spoke about the issues regarding a sidewalk on both sides of the street.Old Business:Update on leaf blower sound limits and currently no regulations because they move around. City could investigate possible restrictions as New Jersey and California both have bans on machines which operate over a certain decibel level. There was a suggestion that we submit regulation example to the city council for limiting sound/decibel range. Selby suggested licensing leaf blowers.Announcements: “Up with People” cast of 100 from 20 countries is looking for housing for the cast members while the play is running in Houston.New Business:•Burt reported that the Comprehensive Master Plan will be discussed as a guidance document during the April 24 City Council meeting.Citizen Comments:Ms. Drewes commented on the candidates in the upcoming election.