HomeMy WebLinkAboutWUSSB 05.12.16 West University Senior Service Board Minutes May 12, 2016 Call to order: 2:12pm quorum not met Roll call: Members present: George Baker, Michelle Moore, Carlos De La Torre, Selby Clark, Ruth Becker, Becky Arnold, Susan Davis Members absent: Rebecca Davis, Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner, Rebecca Dozier, Sarah Ballanfant, John Palmer, Candyce Beneke, Virginia Lootens, Council liaison Burt Ballanfant. Guests: Alida Drewes Minutes: Michelle Moore moved to approve March meeting minutes and Becky Arnol d seconded the motion. For the April meeting minutes, Carlos De La Torre suggested including an updated number for the Senior Services GNT Survey returned from 25 to 36. Michelle Moore moved to approve the April meeting minutes with the new number and Bec ky Arnold seconded the motion. Senior Services Department Activities and Previews (Toby Brooks): Toby Brooks passed around a news clipping from a local paper featuring the Senior Services chair volleyball team training for senior Olympics competing with B ellaire Life and the YMCA. There was a field trip with 14 seniors to Galveston Island to go kayaking. Toby is considering organizing camping trip in the fall to Huntsville State Park. Ruth Becker suggested organizing a field trip for grandparents and gran dchildren. Toby will write an article for the next “Hi Neighbor” Newsletter asking for seniors to contact her if they are interested in participating with their grandchildren. Also Toby is organizing a “Second Chance Musicians” jam session for those senio rs interested in participating with their instruments. There will be an article in the next City Currents. Council meeting report (Burt Ballanfant): Not present, no report APAC Report (Virginia Lootens): Not present, no report Good Neighbor Team (Bec ky Arnold): Last month the GNT met to discuss the contents for the summer delivery gift bags and the results of the surveys. Becky Arnold announced that she is stepping down as chair but will remain on the GNT. Dorothy Zink and Mary Lee Gray will be tak ing over as interim co -chairs. Carlos De La Torre suggested that the Senior Board could make use of the information gathered from the GNT survey and he distributed results to the board at the request of Susan Davis. One of the services that would most be appreciated is a (possibly) subsidized “Life Alert” type system. There was a general discussion of types of systems, how to handle the calls, whether there is need for a middle man service, and costs. Tim O’Connor and Toby Brooks will arrange for the Pol ice Department to evaluate the various options and prices for these systems and report back to the Board. The Senior Board will consider starting a pilot project with a limited number of senior participants. The GNT members will provide their best estima tion of the number of seniors who might qualify for this service. Toby Brooks also has recently received information about a new Harris County/Fort Bend 911 registration program that would be helpful for seniors as well. Parks and Recreation report (Tim O ’Connor): Colonial Park west end redevelopment dedication was on April 19 from 6 - 7 pm with refreshments underwritten by Prince's
Hamburgers. Tim O’Connor thanked George Baker as the Senior Board representative on the redevelopment task force. New Busin ess: The senior property tax exemption increase proposal was put on hold pending further research by the City Manager. The results of the research will be sent to all Board members as an attachment to the May Meeting minutes draft. Tim O’Connor suggest ed a follow up task force on this issue to include persons with opposing opinions, as well as other non -senior members from other city boards to get a good cross section of ideas. Citizen Comments: Alida Drewes provided her comments. Michelle Moore motio ned to adjourn and Becky Arnold seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 3:34 p.m.