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11072002 BSC Agenda Item 6
0 • III City of West University Place APPLICATION TO BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION STATE OF TEXAS ) ( TO THE HONORABLE LOT NO. W I of Lot 3 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COUNTY OF HARRIS ) ( COMMISSION BLOCK NO. 48 ADDITION West University Place Now comes Thomas H. Overstreet, Inc. appellant / owner of the herein described property, and affirms that on the 7th day of June 2002, :►.i�is e/ she applied for a -v I c cA pc c i p c-c✓ c to lJ at 3224 University Blvd. on a lot 75 feet by 150 feet, in the District, as shown to scale, with all existing structures on the attached staked survey and t e Zoning Map o the City of West University Place, and to use the same as a The ow ever as ��'' len !` ��`c,�' eme upon the following grounds: '� Inspect on done by Fire Marshall , Alvin Col Collins; this f house does not have the required smoke alarms hardwaired to electrical system with Battery back up and interconnected; this house has a low voltage fire alarm system. There, the appellant now appeals in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6, Article II, to the Building and Standards Commission to grant the heretofore requested permit, variance or exception, and to permit him to use the completed premises as a Rpsi d nJ-i al for the following reasons: To allow a low voltage system that was allowed previously when home was permited and built. Respectfully Submitt::, i 713-622-7070 M. •io ;, : IA_ t •ti_ t Telephone Number r / y 3733-1 Westheimer Rd. # 1144 �'''` , Appellant &Owner Address Thomas S. Overstreet Houston, Texas 77027 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS ) ( COUNTY OF HARRIS ) ( Thomas S. Overstreet ,being duly sworn, deposes and says: I, the app .9.,t named in this application have read the contents hereof, and all statements here containe are t e an. co, ect. Applicant / ' A'`{' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27thlay of June , 9009 ,s. nNotary Public,state of Texas Notary Public in and for Harris county Texas My Commission Expires , July 11,2005 0 DATE FILE • .r- L di,' DOCKET NO. 0C<*. 0.1/4 RECEIPT NO. i IP I ib �� 1• WEST I/2."II/2" r • :0(c.F.No.D3I3008) q'; Mi`' - 2 Nb� 75.00' ,yv� �1� 11717. z y,�vot, xl�pt G.D N M A hoc 61 ,,e A �° g �'a'U.E(wl_.Ism Pa.279_KGD.R). _ - y 15 . tiY gN BRAIN LOT CALCULATION > 47N' O 4; LOT AREA - 11,250 SQ. FT. ti, f 4se' �. e ®• IMPROVEMENTS `' HOUSE SLAB — 3376 SQ. FT. WEST I/2. k DRIVEWAY & WALK — 704 SQ. FT. f 1 • .O. •.M. .f OF.� DRAINS PATIO do PORCH — 285 SQ. FT. ;, •��:• LOT 3 yN0 Ql, tpm�A ' •,• • A LOT g 3 TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS — 4365 SQ. FT. W '4'.1 ., • N ©(Ss � LOT COVERAGE — (38.60X) Q o to 4.04.0 + 'a■I BENCHMARK USED: CITY OF HOUSTON SURVEY q MARKER 5255-1005 ELEV. xx 48.93 TWO 114' STORY \� (1973 ADJUSTMENT) 0 F.F. ELEV. - 54.67 R , s;+q yN1`►x q'y L1 N H 4p. iiir/ Q 0 tip' b • •a 4 r. . y,. _ •• I• erND M R•• �.• .. ,.y1„ .e�T•, . 7.5.00' •° ��. ., • _ • •a. • K 7 sA• TOP OF CMS o as i t / }�• 1 0• I. �� / UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD (60' R.Q.W.) NOTES: 1.) SUBJECT TO APPUCABLE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS USTED IN ITEM No. 1, SCHEDULE "B" OF TITLE COMMITMENT ISSUED BY ALAMO TITLE CO. UNDER G.F. NO. 02-40101254. 2.) SUBJECT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCES BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. —IF CONSTRUCTION UPON OR A DIVISION OF SUBJECT TRACT IS PROPOSED AND IF TRACT UES IN THE CITY OF HOUSTON OR ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION, PLATTING AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY PER CITY OF HOUSTON ORDINANCES. —ABSTRACTING BY TITLE COMPANY. —ALL BEARINGS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED PER RECORDED PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION. Q 2002. ALLTEX REALTY SE.rt 10ES,_All RI cts Reeer d. ThM original work Is protected under oopyrfght laws, 1111E 17 U.S. Code Sectbns 101 &102. M vldators.11 be prosecuted to the extent of tors low. This surrey le being provided sly for the rd of the recipkmt,and no Hoer..has been created exprm or Implied to copy the surrey except as Is necessary h conpnctIon wi h the original traneactIOn,wh(ch take place within thYty(30 days from the dots adJocent to the signoture line herein. LEGAL: BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: SECTION: WEST 1/2 OF LOT 3 48 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION — COUNTY: STATE: RECORDATION: SURVEY: — SCALE: 1"=30' HARRIS TEXAS VOL. 538, PG. 147, H.C.D.R. FIELD WORK: 06-11-02/PD FINAL CHECK: 06-13-02/JB PURCHASER: ALEXANDER LOPEZ—NEGRETE AND CATHERINE LOPEZ—NEGRETE KEY MAP: 532 B DRAFTING: 06-13-02/JM ADDRESS: 3224 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD `esurver�e "'c OF �A • SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN 4 A A FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION DESIGNATED FLOOD e� �° �� � ` T ® � S PERHAZA D AREA AND IS IN ZONE 'X' s GO / .to ,., PANEL 0860 K DATED: 04-20-00 °' JOSE B. BAURI ,�v� * This information is boxed on graphic ���e G 4? plotting only. We do not assume C r •. „ 5026 ,;:l.-1 ; re responsibility for exact determination. ALLTEX ,. .sc# :4. REALTY SERVICES .; ,, , • I J'.J '� ;i M OR T. CO. — _ REAL ESTATE SURVEY DIVISION .,,�;,°' TITLE CO. ALAMO TITLE CO. 9610 LONGPOINT, SUITE 150 "( . ` L Z G/.,1, Z. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77055 G.F. No. 02-40101254 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT REPRESENTS THE RESULT TEL (713) 468-7707 OF A SURVEY MADE ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON. JOB No. 02-55544 FAX: (713) 468--8815 REV. DATE — I wail '717 EPA ] = ;:j.21.1111 THOMAS H. OVERSTREET, INC. 3733-1 Westheimer #1144 713-622-7070 Houston, Texas 77027 Fax: 713-622-7089 September 12, 2002 City of West University Place 3826 Amherst West University Place, Texas 77005 RE: Variance For 3224 University Blvd. - West University Place, Houston, Texas VARIENCE REQUEST OF THE STANDARD INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE SCHEDULE, 2000 Edition, Chapter 8 of the NFPA 72. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This Home was wired with a Low Voltage Fire Protection System which has been allowed for years in West University Place. The Home was permitted, wired and passed all cover inspections. Three weeks before a final Move-In Inspection, we were informed a Hardwire Fire Protection System was required. While this is no problem, when done before cov- ering the home with sheetrock, it certainly becomes a major problem after. If required to remedy this situation, we would have to tear out ceilings in all upstairs bedrooms that are occupied. This is a $1,700,000 Home and the work would be substantial and very annoying for the Home Owners. I can see where this would have no effect on anyone other than the Home Owners, and the Builder who would have an additional $10,000.00 Cost ...in order to remedy the situation. It I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, THOMAS H. OVERSTREET, INC. x' g By %,L.,/ Thomas Stephen Overstreet (:::::1:::::: CONSTRUCTION / DEVELOPMENT / INVESTMENTS • • 0 City of W University Place L: Recy VeIbher 2, 2002 Dennis Mack Chief Building Official City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston, TX 77005 RE: 3224 University Smoke Alarm Inspection Dear Mr. Mack The house at 3224 University does not meet the smoke alarm requirements for new construction. The smoke alarms requirements are: Section R317.1 of the International Residential Code 1. Smoke alarms shall be installed in each sleeping area, outside of each separate sleeping area and on each additional story of the dwelling. 2. When more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual dwelling unit, the alarm devices shall be interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual unit. Section 317.2 Power Source In new construction, the required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial source, and when primary power is interrupted, shall receive power from a battery. It is the interpretation of the fire official that all new residential construction meet the International Residential Code. A smoke alarm field inspection was performed on or about June 18, 2002. The house at 3224 University did not meet the International Residential Code smoke alarm requirements thus failing the inspection. If additional information is needed, please contact me at 713 349 2721. Sincerely, '\`‘ Ga.j j,,.., 61, Al Collins Fire Marshal 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place,Texas 77005 • 713/668-"14'11