HomeMy WebLinkAbout05022002 BSC Agenda Item 5 4
Building & Standards Commission
Municipal Building,Bill Watson Conference Room
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2002
MEMBERS PRESENT: David Kehn, Darryl Friday,Les Albin,and Bryant Slimp
MEMBERS ABSENT: James McDaniel, James Collier, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos, Patrick
O'Donnell, and Muddy McDaniel
COUNCIL LIASION: Mike Farley,present
STAFF PRESENT: Sallye Clark,Neslihan Tesno,Dennis Mack,and Daniel Paripovich
1. Call to Order. With a quorum,present Darryl Friday called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None.
3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None.
4. Designation of voting members. Darryl Friday stated per the alternate voting schedule that he is
the voting member for the meeting.
5. Meeting Minutes. Les Albin made a motion to approve the March 7, 2002 minutes as amended.
David Kehn seconded the motion.AYES: Darryl Friday, David Kehn, Les Albin, and Bryant Slimp.
NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. Minutes approved.
6. Independent Review of Construction Plans. Les Albin stated that he wanted to bring Mike Farley,
Council Liaison up to speed on the history of this subject matter. Les Albin told Mike Farley that he
obtained a report from the Development Services Division that showed 47 foundation permits were
issued in the last 14 months and that the permit fee is based on a percentage of the cost of work to be
done.Les stated that he believes that the cost is not being reported correctly by the contractors on the
foundation permits. Nes Tesno, Development Coordinator/Forester asked Les if he found out how
many of those 47 permits were old homes. Les Albin stated that he did not. Les Albin said his
concern is that there is no system to check whether engineering is actually being done or not and this
is happening on other plans,not only for foundations.Les stated that Jim McDaniel,Chairman asked
him to draft a proposal for residential engineering requirements. Les handed out a document to the
BSC members and staff. Les acknowledged that he believes if engineers had to register with the
City that they would know what was expected of them. At this time the engineering requirements
proposal was discussed. Mike Farley, Council Liaison asked how much the cost for this type of
review was. Les Albin stated that he did not know and he would have to find out. David Kehn
agreed that a third party review of plans is a good idea. Les stated that regulating P.E.'s is within the
realm of BSC's jurisdiction in protecting life safety. Dennis Mack stated that he had no comment at
this time. Les Albin stated that he wanted BSC to look at this proposal and make recommendations
to City Council to put procedures in effect. Les Albin made a motion to recommend to City Council
that a set of requirements be developed to govern independent structural and foundation engineering
review of residential and commercial construction in West University Place. Bryant Slimp seconded
the motion. AYES: Darryl Friday, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp NOES: None. ABSTAIN: David
Kehn. Motion passed.
� •Building and Standards CommissiioMinutes
March 7,2002 Meeting
David Kehn acknowledged that he thought BSC should provide documentation and backup to
present to City Council. David Kehn, Darryl Friday and Les Albin requested that this be an agenda
item for next month's BSC meeting. Dennis declared that he would .get with Jim Dougherty, City
Attorney and get a legal opinion from him on this matter.
7. Building Standards Questionnaire/Survey. David Kehn asked what would the BSC try to
accomplish with the survey. Les Albin said the survey is to determine where problem areas are and
the history of residents of the City on what the BSC should be addressing. David Kehn said the
survey should state what the purpose of the BSC is and then ask if the residents feel that the BSC is
addressing those items. David handed out examples of prefaces and purposes to give examples of
how a survey should begin. Mike Farley, Council Liaison confirmed that there is a random survey
out right now to residents of West University Place and there are questions about Building Standards
on it. He stated that he would get a copy of this survey from the City Manager to forward to the BSC
members. Darryl Friday and Bryant Slimp requested that this item be placed back on next months
agenda to review revisions and that they wanted a legal interpretation from the City Attorney through
Dennis Mack, Building Official. Dennis Mack affirmed that he would get International Code
Prefaces and email them to the BSC members.
8. Standard Code Schedule Amendments. Dennis Mack stated that number three of the
International Mechanical Code,2000 Edition on the Standards Code Schedule is not necessary due to
Senate Bill 5 being passed and that it is a duplication of what is already in the Code. Dennis Mack
said that the Standard Code Schedule needed to also be amended to include the Energy Conservation
Code clearly and that he would bring this back at a later time (not next months agenda) after he
completes a review with the City Attorney.
9. Liaison Reports. Les Albin reported that at last months ZPC meeting, rewording of the Light
Ordinance and light testing was done. Darryl Friday had nothing to report on drainage.
10. Staff Comments. Dennis Mack introduced Daniel Paripovich, Animal Control/Code Enforcement
11. Commission Member Comments.
Les Albin stated that 3812 Southwestern has 87% framed area and would like to know who enforces
the framed area of the Zoning Ordinance. Dennis Mack stated that Pete Solis,Plans Examiner does
David Kehn handed out example forms of variance request forms.
12. Adjournment. Les Albin made a motion to adjourn. David Kehn seconded the motion. AYES:
Darryl Friday, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp, and David Kehn. NOES: None. Motion passed. Meeting
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Attachments: Handouts given at meeting by Les Albin and David Kehn
Darryl Friday,Vice-Chairman
Sallye A. Clark,Planning and Development Assistant
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City of West University PlaceJ
Residential Engineering Requirements
General Requirements
Any Registered Professional Engineer Licensed by the State of Texas as a Structural Engineer
shall be allowed to register with the City of West University Place to do Engineering work in the City
provided a prior registration has not been revoked for reasons listed in the section Revocation of
Registration below.
At the time of registration an engineer must provide proof of current registration, proof of general
liability insurance, and sign a statement acknowledging that he has read and understands the specific
requirements of the City of West University Place regarding engineering related to residential structures.
All Plans submitted for new construction of residences or remodeling of residences where the costs
of the remodeling will be in excess of $100,000 and which will require structural modifications to the
residence shall be reviewed and approved by an engineer registered with the City of West University
Specific Requirements
Engineers shall provide a load analysis for the structure. This analysis shall show the loads from
the roof through the supporting foundation of any structure. For analysis purposes minimum gravity loads
shall be as follows:
Roof: DL=10psf Ceilings: DL=5psf Floors: DL=10psf
LL=20psf LL=10psf LL=40psf
Wind Loads shall be calculated for the following minimum conditions:
Wind Speed: 90mph Importance factor: 1 Exposure: B
The engineering firm which designed the structure shall visit the site and inspect the work during
construction to confirm that the work is done in accordance with the plans provided. The general
contractor's employees or subcontractors shall not perform this function for the engineer. At a minimum
the engineer shall inspect the work done on site during the construction of any piers or footings and during
the construction of any beams or slabs. At a minimum the engineer shall confirm the following:
- That the number and placement of any piers or other footings is correct or acceptable given
conditions encountered on site.
-That the size and depth of any piers or other footings is correct or acceptable given conditions
encountered on site.
-That any under reams are of the proper diameter and are free from any debris or caving.
i 14
-that any steel placed in the foundation is of the proper size and is located appropriately and that
it has sufficient support to prevent it from moving inappropriately when concrete is placed in the forms.
-That any concrete beams are of the proper width and depth and that the forms for such beams
are clear of any debris or caving.
-That any slab is of the appropriate thickness.
-That the weather conditions are appropriate for the placement of any concrete.
The engineer shall arrange to meet a City inspector on site to during his inspections or provide
other independent verification of his site visits.
When the engineer is satisfied that any foundation work has been completed in accordance with
the design provided a letter to that effect shall be provided to the City of West University Place.
Independent Review
The City of West University Place should contract with at least two registered professional
engineers to review structural plans submitted for permitting. The scope of this review should be to
review the load analysis and basic design for reasonableness. If the reviewing engineer has any questions
regarding the reasonableness or completeness of the load analysis or of the structural design he should
either contact the design engineer directly to resolve any questions or reject the plans with a list of
questions. The Development Services department would then contact the design engineer to resolve any
questions. If it is the opinion of the reviewing engineer that the design engineer has not displayed basic
diligence he should1 addv;ise the City of West 1 iniversity appropriately.
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Revocation of Registration
If a reviewing engineer advises the City that he does not believe a design engineer has displayed
basic competence or due diligence of if a design engineer fails to comply with the Specific Requirements
above, the design engineer should be given the option of paying a fine of$500 or having his registration
revoked. A second offence should result in a $1,000 fine or revocation of registration. A third offence
would result in a three year revocation of registration.
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Chapter 1 I I LJ ZD l
101.1 Title. These provisions shall be known as the 102.1 Applicability. The provisions of this code shall
International Fire Code,and shall be cited as such and will apply to conditions arising after the adoption thereof,
be referred to herein as"this code." conditions in existence at the adoption of this code, and
existing conditions which in the opinion of the code
101.2 Scope. This code establishes the minimum official constitute a distinct hazard to life or property.
requirements necessary to provide a reasonable level of Existing conditions not in strict compliance with this code
life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, shall be permitted to continue if they were legally in
explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing existence prior to the adoption of this code and in the
buildings,structures and premises. opinion of the code official these conditions do not
constitute a distinct hazard to life and property.
The provisions of this code shall apply to:
1. Equipment which detects, suppresses, or 102.1.1 Retroactivity.This Code applies to both new
extinguishes fire or controls any of its effects. and existing conditions. In various chapters there are
2. Equipment, facilities, and procedures for specific provisions for existing facilities that might
communicating an alarm of fire and initiating an differ from those for new facilities.
appropriate response.
3. Procedures, features, components, and assemblies 102.1.2 Safety. Every new and existing building or
installed or intended to restrict fire growth or spread. structure shall be constructed, arranged, equipped,
4. Construction, materials and features which protect maintained,and operated in accordance with this Code
structural integrity under fire conditions. so as to provide a reasonable level of life safety,
5. Measures and procedures to reduce the likelihood of property protection,and public welfare from the actual
overcrowding or panic and which facilitate timely and potential hazards created by fire, explosion, and
and effective evacuation,protection,or relocation of other hazardous conditions.
6. Procedures and safeguards for preventing ignition of 102.1.3 Standard.For existing buildings,compliance
combustible materials. with NFPA 101 shall be deemed to satisfy the
7. The storage,handling or use of substances,materials requirements of this code for matters that are addressed
or equipment. both in this code and NFPA 101.
8. Materials, conditions, or features which pose a
hazard to fire or emergency service personnel or 102.1.4 Reduction prohibited.Existing conditions that
interfere with or impede emergency operations. do not meet the requirements for new buildings, but
9. Procedures and features to facilitate safe and timely exceed the requirements for existing buildings shall not
emergency intervention by fire or emergency be diminished further.
10. The investigation of fires, explosions, hazardous 102.2 Occupancy.The occupancy of a structure shall be
materials incidents and other related emergency continued as originally permitted under and in full
incidents. compliance with the codes in force at the time of
11. Fire and life safety education. construction or alteration. The occupancy of a structure
12. The inspection of buildings, structures, premises, shall not change to another occupancy which will subject
processes, equipment, systems and other fire and the structure to any special provisions of this code or the
related life safety situations. International Building Code without approval of the code
13. The construction, alteration, moving, demolition, official.
repair, maintenance, use and occupancy of
buildings,structures and premises. 102.3 Application of building code. The design and
14. The review of construction documents. construction of new structures shall comply with the
International Building Code;and any alterations,additions
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Preface ��. Lnd CL
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The Uniform Building Code'"' is dedicated to the development of better building construction anti greater safety to the pu by
uniformity in building laws.The code is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials and new
construction systems. P i ®r \ , )
The Uniform Building Code was first enacted by the International Conference of Building Officials at the S' th An nal Bus'
Meeting held in Phoenix,Arizona,October 18-21, 1927.Revised editions of this code have been published since that time at approx-
® imate three-year intervals.New editions incorporate changes approved since the last edition.
The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with related publications to provide a complete set of documents for
regulatory use.See the publications list following this preface for a listing of the complete family of Uniform Codes and related
Code Changes.The ICBO code development process has been suspended by the Board of Directors and,because of this action,
changes to the Uniform Building Code will not be processed.For more information,write to the International Conference of Build-
. ing Officials,5360 Workman Mill Road,Whittier, California 90601-2298.An analysis of changes between editions is published in
the Analysis of Revisions to the Uniform Codes.
Marginal Markings.Solid vertical lines in the margins within the body of the code indicate a change from the requirements of the
1994 edition except where an entire chapter was revised,a new chapter was added or a change was minor.Where an entire chapter
was revised or a new chapter was added,a notation appears at the beginning of that chapter.The letter F repeating in line vertically in
the margin indicates that the provision is maintained under the code change procedures of the International Fire Code Institute.Dele-
tion indicators(0)are provided in the margin where a paragraph or item listing has been deleted if the deletion resulted in a change of
Three-Volume Set.Provisions of the Uniform Building Code have been divided into a three-volume set.Volume 1 accommodates
administrative,fire-and life-safety,and field inspection provisions. Chapters 1 through 15 and Chapters 24 through 35 are printed in
Volume 1 in their entirety.Any appendix chapters associated with these chapters are printed in their entirety at the end of Volume 1.
Excerpts of certain chapters from Volume 2 are reprinted in Volume 1 to provide greater usability.
Volume 2 accommodates structural engineering design provisions,and specifically contains Chapters 16 through 23 printed in
their entirety.Included in this volume are design standards that have been added to their respective chapters as divisions of the chap-
. tern.Any appendix chapters associated with these chapters are printed in their entirety at the end of Volume 2.Excerpts of certain
chapters from Volume 1 are reprinted in Volume 2 to provide greater usability.
Volume 3 contains material,testing and installation standards.
Metrication.The Uniform Building Code was metricated in the 1994 edition.The metric conversions are provided in parenthesis
following the English units.Where industry has made metric conversions available,the conversions conform to current industry
Formulas are also provided with metric equivalents.Metric equivalent formulas immediately follow the English formula and are
denoted by"For SI:"preceding the metric equivalent.Some formulas do not use dimensions and,thus,are not provided with a metric
equivalent.Multiplying conversion factors have been provided for formulas where metric forms were unavailable.Tables are pro-
vided with multiplying conversion factors in subheadings for each tabulated unit of measurement.
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. 0 The International Conference of Building Officials(ICBO)publishes a family of codes,each correlated with the UnifoBtii
Code' to provide jurisdictions with a complete set of building-related regulations for adoption.Some of these codes are published in '®
affiliation with other organizations such as the International Fire Code Institute(IFCI)and the International Code Council(ICC).Refer-
ence materials and related codes also are available to improve knowledge of code enforcement and administration of building inspec-
tion programs.Publications and products are continually being added,so inquiries should be directed to Conference headquarters for a
III listing of available products.Many codes and references are also available on CD-ROM or floppy disk.These are denoted by(*).The
following publications and products are available from ICBO:
CODES Uniform Mechanical Code and related codes. It contains provisions
*Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. The most widely which relate to site preparation,construction,alteration,moving, repair
adopted model building code in the United States, the performance- and use and occupancies of buildings or structures and building service
based Uniform Building Code is a proven document,meeting the needs equipment,including plumbing,electrical and mechanical regulations.
alof government units charged with the enforcement of building regula- The code is compatible with the administrative provisions of all codes
tions.Volume 1 contains administrative,fire-and life-safety and field published by the Conference.
inspection provisions;Volume 2 contains structural engineering design Uniform Building Security Code'".This code establishes mini-
provisions; and Volume 3 contains material, testing and installation mum standards to make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry. It
standards. regulates swinging doors,sliding doors,windows and hardware in con-
*Uniform Mechanical Code'".Provides a complete set of require- nection with dwelling units of apartment houses or one-and two-family
ments for the design, construction, installation and maintenance of dwellings.The code gives consideration to the concerns of police,fire
heating,ventilating,cooling and refrigeration systems;incinerators and and building officials in establishing requirements for resistance to bur-
other heat-producing appliances. glary which are compatible with fire and life safety.
International Plumbing Code'".Provides consistent and techni- Uniform Code for Building Conservation'".A building conserva-
cally advanced requirements that can be used across the country to pro- tion guideline presented in code format which will provide a comnmuni-
vide comprehensive regulations of modern plumbing systems.Setting ty with the means to preserve its existing buildings while achieving
minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of performance appropriate levels of safety.It is formatted in the same manner as the
objectives,the IPC provides for the acceptance of new and innovative Uniform Building Code, is compatible with other Uniform Codes, and
products,materials and systems. may be adopted as a code or used as a guideline.
International Private Sewage Disposal Code'".Provides flexibil- Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code'".
0 ity in the development of safety and sanitary individual sewage disposal Designed primarily for use in home building and apprentice training,
systems and includes detailed provisions for all aspects of design, this book contains requirements applicable to the construction of one-
installation and inspection of private sewage disposal systems. and two-story dwellings based on the requirements of the Uniform
International Mechanical Code'.Establishes minimum regula- Building Code.Available in English or Spanish.
tions for mechanical systems using prescriptive and performance- Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Mechanical Code'".
related provisions.It is founded on broad-based principles that make This publication is for the convenience of the homeowner or contractor
possible the use of new materials and new mechanical designs. interested in installing mechanical equipment in a one-or two-family
Uniform Zoning Code'".This code is dedicated to intelligent corn- dwelling in conformance with the Uniform Mechanical Code.
munity development and to the benefit of the public welfare by provid- Supplements to UBC and related codes.Published in the years be-
ing a means of promoting uniformity in zoning laws and enforcement. tween editions,the Supplements contain all approved changes,plus an
*Uniform Fire Code",Volumes 1 and 2.The premier model fire analysis of those changes.
code in the United States,the Uniform Fire Code sets forth provisions Uniform Building Code-1927 Edition.A special 60th anniversa-
necessary for fire prevention and fire protection. Published by the ry printing of the first published Uniform Building Code.
International Fire Code Institute,the Uniform Fire Code is endorsed by
the Western Fire Chiefs Association, the International Association of One and tes Family Dwelling Code.Promulgated by ICC, this
code eliminates
Fire Chiefs and ICBO.Volume 1 contains code provisions compatible conflicts and duplications among the model codes to
with the Uniform Building Code,and Volume 2 contains standards ref- achieve national uniformity.Covers mechanical and plumbing require-
erenced from the code provisions. ments as well as s construction annd d occupancy.
*Urban-Wildland Interface Code'. Promulgated by IFCI, this Application and Commentary on the One and Two Family
code regulates both land use and the built environment in designated ur- Dwelling Code.An interpretative commentary on the One and Two
ban-wildland interface areas. This newly developed code is the only Family Dwelling Code intended to enhance uniformity of interpretation
model code that bases construction requirements on the fire-hazard and application of the code nationwide.Developed by the three model
severity exposed to the structure. Developed under a grant from the code organizations,this document includes numerous illustrations of
Federal Emergency Management Agency,this code is the direct result code requirements and the rationale for individual provisions.
0 of hazard mitigation meetings held after devastating wildfires. Model Energy Code.This code includes minimum requirements for
Uniform Housing Code ".Provides complete requirements affect- effective use of energy in the design of new buildings and structures and
ng conservation and rehabilitation of housing.Its regulations are corn- additions to existing buildings.It is based on American Society of Heat-
ing,c ewith the Uniform Building Code. ing,Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers Standard 90A-1980
Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings"". and was originally developed jointly by ICBO,BOCA,SBCCI and the
g National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards under a
code compatible with the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform contract funded by the United States Department of Energy.The code is
Housing Code which provides equitable remedies consistent with other now maintained by ICC and is adopted by reference in the Uniform
laws for the repair,vacation or demolition of dangerous buildings. Building Code.
Uniform Sign Code'.Dedicated to the development of better sign National Electrical Code®.The electrical code used throughout the
regulation,0 attached to its requirements pertain to all signs and sign construction United States.Published by the National Fire Protection Association.,it
is an indispensable aid to every electrician,contractor,architect,build-
Uniform Administrative Code'.This code covers administrative er,inspector and anyone who must specify or certify electrical instal la-
areas in connection with adoption of the Uniform Building Code, tions.
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•TECHNICAL REFERENCES AND EICATIONAL and financial aspects of a building department.`I is a st an id`a6°r'
MATERIALS resource for those preparing for the management module of the CABO
Analysis of Revisions to the Uniform Codes' . An analysis of Building Official Certification Examination.
changes between the previous and new editions of the Uniform Codes is Legal Aspects of Code Administration.A manual developed by the
provided.Changes between code editions are noted either at the begin- three model code organizations to inform the building official on the le-
fling of chapters or in the margins of the code text. gal aspects of the profession.The text is written in a logical sequence
*Handbook to the Uniform Building Code. The handbook is a with explanation of legal terminology. It is designed to serve as a
completely detailed and illustrated commentary on the Uniform Build- refresher for those preparing to take the legal module of the CABO
ing Code, tracing historical background and rationale of the codes Building Official Certification Examination.
through the current edition.Also included are numerous drawings and Illustrated Guide to Conventional Construction Provisions of
figures clarifying the application and intent of the code provisions.Also the UBC. This comprehensive guide and commentary provides
available in electronic format. detailed explanations of the conventional construction provisions in the
*Handbook to the Uniform Mechanical Code.An indispensable UBC, including descriptive discussions and illustrated drawings to
tool for understanding the provisions of the current UMC,the handbook convey the prescriptive provisions related to wood-frame construction.
traces the historical background and rationale behind the UMC provi- Introduction to the Uniform Building Code.A workbook that pro-
sions,includes 160 figures which clarify the intent and application of vides an overview of the basics of the UBC.
the code,and provides a chapter-by-chapter analysis of the UMC.
*Uniform Building Code Application Manual. This manual Uniform Building Code Update Workbook.This manual address-
es many of the changes to the administrative,fire-and life-safety,and
discusses sections of the Uniform Building Code with a question-and- inspection provisions appearing in the UBC.
answer format, providing a comprehensive analysis of the intent of
the code sections. Most sections include illustrative examples. The UMC Workbook. Designed for independent study or use with
manual is in loose-leaf format so that code applications published instructor-led programs based on the Uniform Mechanical Code, this
in Building Standards magazine may be inserted. Also available in comprehensive study guide consists of 16 learning sessions,with the
electronic format. first two sessions reviewing the purpose,scope,definitions and admin-
*Uniform Mechanical Code Application Manual.As a compan- ing provisions and the remaining 14 sessions progressively explos-
ion document to the Uniform Mechanical Code, this manual provides g the requirements for installing,inspecting and maintaining heating,
a comprehensive analysis of the intent of a number of code sections in ventilating,cooling and refrigeration systems.
an easy-to-use question-and-answer format.The manual is available in UBC Field Inspection Workbook.A comprehensive workbook for
a loose-leaf format and includes illustrative examples for many code studying the provisions of the UBC. Divided into 12 sessions, this
sections. workbook focuses on the UBC combustible construction requirements
*Uniform Fire Code Applications Manual.This newly developed for the inspection of wood-framed construction.
manual provides questions and answers regarding UFC provisions. Concrete Manual.A publication for individuals seeking an under-
A comprehensive analysis of the intent of numerous code sections,the standing of the fundamentals of concrete field technology and inspec-
manual is in a loose-leaf format for easy insertion of code applications tion practices.Of particular interest to concrete construction inspectors,
published in IFCI's Fire Code Journal. it will also benefit employees of concrete producers,contractors, test-
Quick-Reference Guide to the Occupancy Requirements of the ing and inspection laboratories and material suppliers.
1997 UBC. Code requirements are compiled in this publication by Reinforced Concrete Masonry Construction Inspector's Hand-
occupancy groups for quick access. These tabulations assemble book.A comprehensive information source written especially for ma-
requirements for each occupancy classification in the code.Provisions, sonry inspection covering terminology,technology,materials,quality
such as fire-resistive ratings for occupancy separations in Table 1-R control inspection and standards.Published jointly by ICBO and the
exterior wall and opening protection requirements in Table 5-A-1,and Masonry Institute of America.
fire-resistive ratings for types of construction in Table 6-A,are tabu- you Can Build It!Sponsored by ICBO in cooperation with CABO,
laced for quick reference and comparison. this booklet contains information and advice to aid"do-it-yourselfers"
Plan Review Manual.A practical text that will assist and guide both with building projects.Provides guidance in necessary procedures such
the field inspector and plan reviewer in applying the code requirements. as permit requirements,codes,plans,cost estimation,etc.
This manual covers the nonstructural and basic structural aspects of Guidelines for Manufactured Housing Installations.A guideline
plan review. in code form implementing the Uniform Building Code and its compan-
ion Inspection Manual. An important fundamental text for ion code documents to regulate the permanent installation of a man-
courses of study at the community college and trade or technical school ufactured home on a privately owned,nonrental site.A commentary is
level.It is an effective text for those studying building construction or included to explain specific provisions, and codes applying to each ill
architecture and includes sample forms and checklists for use in the component part are defined.
field. Accessibility Reference Guide.This guide is a valuable resource for
Building Department Administration.An excellent guide for im- architects,interior designers,plan reviewers and others who design and
provement of skills in departmental management and in the enforce- enforce accessibility provisions.Features include accessibility require-
ment and application of the Building Code and other regulations ments,along with detailed commentary and graphics to clarify the pro-
administered by a building inspection department.This textbook will visions;cross-references to other applicable sections of the UBC and
also be a valuable aid to instructors,students and those in related profes- the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines;a check-
sional fields. list of UBC provisions on access and usability requirements;and many
Building Department Guide to Disaster Mitigation. This new, other useful references.
expanded guide is designed to assist building departments in develop- Educational and Technical Reference Materials.The Conference
ing or updating disaster mitigation plans. Subjects covered include has been a leader in the development of texts and course material to
guidelines for damage mitigation, disaster-response management, assist in the educational process.These materials include vital informa-
immediate response, mutual aid and inspections, working with the tion necessary for the building official and subordinates in carrying out
media,repair and recovery policies,and public information bulletins. their responsibilities and have proven to be excellent references in con-
This publication is a must for those involved in preparing for and nection with community college curricula and higher-level courses in
responding to disaster. the field of building construction technology and inspection and in the
Building Official Management Manual. This manual addresses administration of building departments. Included are plan review
the unique nature of code administration and the managerial duties of checklists for structural,nonstructural,mechanical and fire-safety pro-
the building official.A supplementary insert addresses the budgetary visions and a full line of videotapes and automated products.
• •
Volume 1 4
- '0 Chapter 1 A 0 P f i O'
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• SECTION 101 —TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE dix Chapter 15; Appendi hapter 23; Appendix Chapter 29;
Appendix Chapter 30;Appendix Chapter 31,Division II and Divi-
sion III;Appendix Chapter 33;Appendix Chapter 34,Division I.
H Houston Building Code—General Provisions, may be cited as
such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
The Building Code of the City of Houston,Texas,collectively SECTION 102—UNSAFE BUILDINGS OR
includes this three-volume document and certain other codes, STRUCTURES
• pamphlets,specifications and documents that are adopted in or by
reference through the Adopting Ordinance, which appears in the All buildings or structures regulated by this code that are structur-
preamble of this volume. ally unsafe or not provided with adequate egress,or that constitute
. a fire hazard,or are otherwise dangerous to human life are, for the
101.2 Purpose. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum purpose of this section,unsafe.Any use of buildings or structures
standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public constituting a hazard to safety,health or public welfare by reason
welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, of inadequate maintenance,dilapidation,obsolescence,fire haz-
quality of materials,use and occupancy,location and maintenance ard, disaster,damage or abandonment is, for the purpose of this
of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction and certain section, an unsafe use. Parapet walls, cornices, spires, towers,
e uipment specifically regulated herein. tanks, statuary and other appendages or structural members that
are supported by,attached to,or a part of a building and that are in
The purpose of this code is not to create or otherwise establish or deteriorated condition or otherwise unable to sustain the design
designate any particular class or group of persons who will or loads that are specified in this code are hereby designated as un-
should be especially protected or benefited by the terms of this safe building appendages.
All such unsafe buildings, structures or appendages shall be
• 101.3 Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the abated, repaired,rehabilitated,demolished or removed in accor-
construction, alteration,moving,demolition,repair,maintenance' dance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 10, Articles VIII
and use of any building or structure within this jurisdiction,except and IX of the City Code.
work located primarily in a public way,public utility towers and
poles, mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this In matters of fire safety design and construction,including,but
code,and hydraulic flood control structures. not limited to,egress(corridors,exit numbers,stairs,fire escapes
and fire escape signs),wall and ceiling finish,enclosure of vertical
For additions, alterations, moving and maintenance of build- shafts,basement access,standpipes and occupancy separation, a
ings and structures,see Chapter 34. building shall not be deemed to be a fire hazard if it is in corn-
. pliance with the most restrictive of:
Where, in any specific case,different provisions of the Electri-
cal Code, the Mechanical Code, the Plumbing Code, the Sign I. The provisions of Appendix Chapter 34,Division 1 of this
Code and this code specify different materials, methods of I.
if applicable;and
construction or other requirements,the most restrictive shall gov-
ern.Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a 2. The building code that was applicable when the building was
H specific requirement,the specific requirement shall be applicable. constructed; and
b Where,in any specific instance,the applicable provisions of any 3. If the occupancy classification of the building or a portion
0 of the Building Code—General Provisions, the City Code, the thereof has changed since it was constructed, then the building
Electrical Code,the Mechanical Code or the Plumbing Code spec- code that was applicable when the occupancy classification was
ify different materials,methods of construction,or other require- changed.
{l ments than the Fire Code, and the building official and the fire
R marshal are unable to mutually reconcile the requirements by issu- Any building not situated within the city limits at the time of its
ing a written interpretation,then either of them may refer the mat- construction or change of occupancy classification shall be gov-
ter to the General Appeals Board created under the Building Code erred by the design and construction code and related laws appli-
which shall conduct a review of the matter and issue a written code cable in the jurisdiction in which it was constructed at the time of
interpretation based upon the apparent intent of the codes invol- its construction or change of occupancy and by the provisions of
HH ved. Notwithstanding any other provision, such interpretations Division 1 of Appendix Chapter 34 to this code.To the extent of
11 that are issued by the General Appeals Board shall not be subject any conflict among the requirements of any of the foregoing codes
H to any further appeal.Wherever in this code reference is made to that are applicable to any building,the most restrictive will apply. {
the appendix,the provisions in the appendix shall not apply unless However, compliance with the aforesaid provisions shall not be k
specifically adopted. deemed to excuse life-threatening defects of maintenance,sanita- r
•0 g Lion,repair of casualty damage,security from unauthorized entry, 1
The following appendix chapters, including any amendments structural stability,electrical systems,gas systems,plumbing sys-
+ thereto adopted by the City of Houston,are hereby adopted and tems,heating or cooling systems or other building systems. k
H shall be incorporated into and made part of this code:
11 H EXCEPTION:For a building under construction or contract at the
Appendix Chapter 3, Division I and Division II; Appendix PP time of its annexation by the city,see the Annexation OrdinancetOrdi- F
H Chapter 4,Division II;Appendix Chapter 12,Division I;Appen- nance No.78-2672),which is published in the preamble of this volume. F
• #1 01-104
tiabe- 11
Part I -
Chapter 1
, Sec. 101.These regulations shall be known as the -Uniform Building Code,"
may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as this code."
; = Purpose
,Sec. 102.The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard
life or limb,health,property and public welfare by regulating and controlling thc
design;construction,quality of materials,use and occupancy,location and nnainte-
- nance of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction and certain:equipment
specifically regulated herein.
The purpose of this code is not to create or otherwise establish or designate any
particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially protected or
• benefited by the,tenns'of this code.
4 , - -. , • ' '
Sec. 103.The provisions of this code shall apply to the;construction,alteration,
moving,demolition,repair and use of any building or structure within this jurisdic-
- tion;except work located primarily in a public way,public utility towers and poles,
ipkt mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this code,and hydraulic flood
• control structures.
Where,in any specific case,different sections of this code specify different ma-_
-..A .
tenals, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall
govern.Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific re-
quirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.
Wherever in this code reference is made to the appendix,.tbe provisions in the
appendix shall not apply,unless specifically adopted.
Application to Existing Buildings and Structures -,
Sec. 104.(a) General.Buildings and structures to which additions,alterations
or repairs are made shall comply with all the requirements of this code for new faci-
lities except as specifically provided in..this section. See Section 1210 for provi-
sions requiring installation of smoke detectors in existing Group,R, Division 3
Occupancies. '
,1,7! (b)Additions,Alterations or Repairs.Additions,alterations or repairs may be
made to any building or structure without requiring the existing building or struc-
ture ture to comply with all the requirements of this.requiring provided the addition,alter-
,‘1.4 - .411::t` 4 DI*111411P,445,F-11-igiterrnf,
.441, • 'trt'i• °J-ka
., f
�! y 104 • 1 91 .ORM BUILDING COD l N.
,,"':r7i,',t".3''Z t'-'3-*5 Oar(--)d (p..1)._
i� � ation or repair conforms to that required for a new building or structure.Add otfs' -----
r or alterations shall not be made to an existing building or structure which will cause
�, the existing building or structure to be in violation of any of the provisions of this
r Irk ; code nor shall such additions or alterations cause the existing building or structure
ar 6 k' to become unsafe.An unsafe condition shall be deemed to have been created if an
0.,,, ,:W AWL'' addition or alteration will cause the existing building or structure to become struc-
turally unsafe or overloaded;will not provide adequate egress in compliance with
g " ", : the provisions of this code or will obstruct existing exits; will create a fire hazard;
`� will reduce required fire resistance or will otherwise create conditions dangerous
N ,, , to human life.Any building so altered,which involves a change in use or occupan-
,, , cy,shall not exceed the height,number of stories and area permitted for new build-
ings. Any building plus new additions shall not exceed the height, number of
1t stories and area specified for new buildings. Additions or alterations shall not be
3" VIO made to an existing building or structure when such existing building or structure is
Fp not in full compliance with the provisions of this code except when such addition or
;1.6 •k " alteration will result in the existing building or structure being no more hazardous
;z �;i"4 . based on life safety,fire safety and sanitation,than before such additions or alter-
ations are undertaken. [See also Section 911 (c)for Group H,Division 6 Occupan-
-,-..,,,_,-, 14, Alterations or repairs to an existing building or structure which are nonstructural
t . and do not adversely affect any structural member or any part of the building or
c,-i structure having required fire resistance may be made with the same materials of
which the building or structure is constructed. The installation or replacement of
ai,Ax4 glass shall be as required for new installations.a.
,r-k' -x = (c)Existing Installations.Buildings in existence at the time of the adoption of
n=a,� this code may have their existing use or occupancy continued,if such use or occu-
- pancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this code,provided such continued
use is not dangerous to life.
Any change in the use or occupancy of any existing building or structure shall
l"t fi-
`^� comply with the provisions of Sections 308 and 502 of this code.
a1, For existing buildings, see Appendix Chapter 1.
�`P��* (d) Maintenance. All buildings and structures, both existing and new and all
.. i `` parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or
X ,04' #�1 = safeguards which are required by this code shall be maintained in conformance
a with the code edition under which installed.The owner or the owner's designated
1 44� _ agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures.To de-
_ f ,.t termine compliance with this subsection, the building official may cause a struc-
;t ture to be reinspected.
. ti ,N , (e) Moved Buildings and Temporary Buildings. Buildings or structures
��^ ;{ moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code
for new buildings or structures.
21,94 : .. ' .: Temporary structures such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous struc-
tures,sheds,canopies or fences used for the protection of the public around and in
e u' conjunction with construction work may be erected by special permit from the
xr building official for a limited period of time Such buildings or structures need not
t� x 1
L 2
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comply with the type of c st ;•tion.or resi time periods• quired bythis
} .' code.Temporary buildings or structures shall becompletely-removed upon the ex
piration of the time limit stated in the permit.
(f)Historic Buildings.Repairs,alterations and additions necessaryfor'the pres-
ervation,restoration,rehabilitation or continued use of a building or structure may
be made without conformance to all the requirements of this code when authorized
by the building official,provided:
i 1.The building or structure has been designated by official action of the legally
':*,4,- constituted constituted authority of this jurisdiction as having special historical or architectur-
` al significance.
2. Any unsafe conditions as described in this code are corrected.
-, 4 �. I The restored building or structure will be no more hazardous based on life
3 safety,fire safety and sanitation than the existing building.
Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction
Sec. 105.The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the use of any
r; material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code,pro-
vided any alternate has been approved and its use authorized by the building offi-
The building official may approve any such alternate,provided the building offi-
• x cial finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this code and that the material,method or work offered is,for the purpose in-
- ..z.tr tended,at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in suitability,strength,
effectiveness,fire resistance,durability, safety and sanitation.
: The building official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted
to substantiate any claims that may made regarding its use.The details of any
M action granting approval of an alternate shall be recorded and entered in the files of
4y = the code enforcement agency.
` Sec. 106.When there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provi-
sions of this code, the building official may grant modifications for individual
cases. The building official shall first find that a special individual reason makes
it n
. the strict letter of this Code impractical and that the modification is in conformance
with the intent and purpose of this code and that such modification does not lessen
any fire-protection requirements or any degree of structural integrity.The details
. of any action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered in the files of
the code enforcement agency.
Sec. 107.Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with any of the
provisions of this code or evidence that any material or construction does not con-
,• form to the requirements of this code, the building official may require tests as
- proof of compliance to be made at no expense to this jurisdiction.
Test methods shall be a spec i by is code or by otli€ recognized tests n-
dards.If there are no recognized and accepted test methods for the proposed alter-
nate, the building official shall determine test procedures.
All tests shall be made by an approved agency.Reports of such tests shall be re-
tained by the building official for the period required for the retention of public re-
UCIU. t es I
ed test s r
q' a' 0 I
Ltan •- r, : . • ter. . (0,
vosed alter-
S shall be re-
of public re-
Creation of Enforcement Agency
Sec.201. There is hereby established in this jurisdiction a code enforcement
agency,.which shall be under the,administrative and operational control of the
building official.
- _
Powers and Duties of Building Official
Seek 202 (a)Gener4.1.The building official is hereby authorized and directed to
• enforce all the provisions of this code For such purposes,the building official shall
have the powers of a law enforcement officer
The building official shall have the power to render of this code
' • and to adopt and enforce rules and supplemental regulations in order to clarify the
application of its proyisions.Such interpretations,rules and regulations shall,be in
conformance with the intent and purpose of this code.
(b)Deputies.In accordance with prescribed procedures and with the approval
of the appointing authority,the building official may appoint such number of tech-
nical officers and inspectors and other employees as.shall be authorized from time
to tinie.The building official may deputize such inspectors or employees as may be
_ .
necessary to cany.out the functions of the code enforcement agency.
(c)Right of Entry.When it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce the
• provisions of this code,or when the building official has reasonable cause to be-
lieve that there exists in a building or upon a premises a condition which is contrary
to or in violation of this code which makes the.building or premises unsafe,danger-
. . ous or hazardous,the building official may enter the building or premises at reason-
able times to inspect or to perform the duties imposed by this cOde,provided that if
such building or premises be occupied that credentials be presented to the occupant
and entry requested If such building or premises be unoccupied,the building offi-
cial Shall first make a reasonable effOrt to locate the owneror other person-having
charge or control of the building or premises and request entry.lf entry is refused,
the building official shall have recourse to the remedies provided by law to secure
entry. • ,
• .(d)Stop Orders.Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions of
this code,or other pertinent laws or ordinances implemented through the enforce- i1
ment of this Code,the building official may Order the work stopped by notice in
writing served on any persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be
done,and any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the
building.official to proceed with the work.„
(e) Occupancy Violations.Whenever any building or structure or equipment
therein regulated by-this code is being used contrary to the provisions of this code,
the building official may order such use discontinued and the structure,or portion
, . thereof,:vacated by notice.served on any person causing such use tobe continued.
Such person shall discontinue the use within.the_timeprescribed.by the building
OP'WOIAWAttMATM.iAAKttt& qr"',■41tAVAiWg't :irt4dri,7,.! *14.04M4 4;4: c ',750•;i:Vic;460p1144
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It t 0 � 202-� 1 JNIFORM BUILDING CODE;..1
t.t 1
=.; ; official after receipt
Reale ' maw Li-of suc notice to make the ru ure,of9rtion t re: , omp y
with the requirements of this code. a f 7
t ;E (f) Liability.The building official charged with the enforcement of thi of e,
1 ' ':' acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the duties required by
`' this code or other pertinent law or ordinance shall not thereby be rendered person-
ally liablefor damages that may accrue to persons or property as a result of an actor
by reason of an act or omission in the discharge of such duties. A suit brought
` against the building official or employee because of such act or omission per
'•. formed by the building official or employee in the enforcement of any provision of
such codes or other pertinent laws or ordinances implemented through the enforce=
ment of this code or enforced by the code enforcement agency shall be defended by
+ this jurisdiction until final termination of such proceedings,and any judgment re-
i:i> salting therefrom shall be assumed by this jurisdiction.
This code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of
any person owning,operating or controlling any building or structure for any dam-
I' , ages to persons or property caused by defects, nor shall the code enforcement
agency or its parent jurisdiction be held as assuming any such liability by reason of
I the inspections authorized by this code or any permits or certificates issued under
this code.
gi (g)Cooperation of Other Officials and Officers.The building official may re-
quest,and shall receive,the assistance and cooperation of other officials of this ju-
risdiction so far as is required in the discharge of the duties required by this code or
� n other pertinent law or ordinance.
Unsafe Buildings or Structures
I Sec. 203.All buildings or structures regulated by this code which are structurally
unsafe or not provided with adequate egress,or which constitute a fire hazard,or
are otherwise dangerous to human life are,for the purpose of this section,unsafe.
Any use of buildings or structures constituting a hazard to safety,health or public
welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance,dilapidation,obsolescence,fire haz-
ard,disaster,damage or abandonment is,for the purpose of this section,an unsafe
use. Parapet walls,cornices,spires,towers,tanks,statuary and other appendages
or structural members which are supported by,attached to,or a part of a building
and which are in deteriorated condition or otherwise unable to sustain the design
loads which are specified in this code are hereby designated as unsafe building ap-
i, pendages.
Il? All such unsafe buildings, structures or appendages are hereby declared to be
public nuisances and shall be abated by repair,rehabilitation,demolition orremov-
al in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Dangerous Buildings Code or
I such alternate procedures as may have been or as may be adopted by this jurisdic-
tion. As an alternative,the building official, or other employee or official of this
jurisdiction as designated by the governing body,may institute any other appropri-
ate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation.
A', el 14-205
- Oak I id Kdtrt_ , .
pp h 0 LLo FIL
of,comply Boad of A eals D ' •
Sec. 204.(a) General.In order to hear and'deci.-`appe l� rders, decisions
f this code, or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and inter-
requiredvby pretation of this code,there shall be and is hereby created a board of appeals con
red person= sisting of members who are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters
tof an gct"or pertaining to building construction and who are not employees of the jurisdiction.
ut hrottlgh'1' The building official shall be an ex officio member of and shall act as secretary to
g �3'
ussiortAper� said board but shall have no vote on any matter before the board.The board of ap-
rrovtsion Q
he e ee4 peals shall be appointed by the governing body and shall hold office at its pleasure.
iefei deSy The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business,and shall ren-
der all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy.to
r€tasri the building official.
msrbihty_of (b)Limitations of Authority.The board of appeals shall have no authority rela-
tive`to interpretation •of the administrative provisions of this code nor shall the
or any dam- . =' board be empowered to waive requirements of this code.
)y reason Violations
3sued under
trot of tsz,,, Sec.'205.It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or corporation to erect,con-
. ion f_,, struct,enlarge,alter,repair,move,improve,remove,convert or demolish,equip,
Gr ma re
�r Y, use,occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the same to be
Qf plus u' done in violation of this.code.
is cyode o1
tlimiS I
, f `t:3
e hazard,,or.
lth or public t
ice,fire haz
ri the design
building• -
in orremov=
ngs:Code or
f cial of=this
er>appropri- I
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' =l-°`f 1 � `Cr )l t-i oil 's �)L',� ,.._.. .. FS&E Procedure No. 1
iik e 6 IP
c3 r RE, SAFETY and ENVIRONMENTAL Variance Request Date December 21, 1993
I Pape 1 of 1
Date: CESM No.:
Originator: FS&E Engineering Standard No.:
A. Briefly describe Variance Requested
(paragraph no(s). in the FS&E standard must be referenced and a copy attached)
B. Specify impact on project (schedule, fire, safety and environmental; use as many pages as
1) If variance is granted
2) If variance is rejected
El Approved Signature Title Date
❑ Disapproved
0 _........._
FS&E Procedure No. s'
Revi 9 or New
SAFETY and ENVIRONMENTAL S andard Date December 21, 1993
VIC Page 1 of 1
s °Dovlc Kehn harded
Pa_se_ 0C i °Lt-i-CCD April 4) &03 BSC
Date: CESM No.
Originator: FS&E Engineering Standard No.:
Revision: New.
A. Reason for Request
(For Revision - paragraph no.(s) in the FS&E standard must be referenced and a copy attached)
B. Proposed Revision or Subject of New FS&E Engineering Standard
, d 74' g - r BOARDS OF REVIEW
t' ) ��> ALBANY,NEW YORK 12231 No.
. 41 ' � riv1-3 P (Office use only)
1. Petitioner or Representative name, address and telephone number:
2. Relationship to the property in question: Engineer for Owner
3. Provide the following for the property in question:
A. Street Address B. County in which located:
4700 Buffalo Avenue Niagara
C. City, Village,Town(if outside village) D. Property name,if any:
City of Niagara Falls
110 4. State the name of the real party in interest,the person or firm aggrieved: —
5. Tax map number of the property in question: 160.18
6. Provide the names,addresses and telephone as indicated below. Attach additional sheets as necessary. See
instructions for further clarification.
A Property Owner R Architect or Engineer(if any)
Occidental Chemical Corporation
I 01011.11111..11.1111111111411
C. Code Enforcement Agency and Contact Person D. Fire Inspector or Fire Marshall;and
City of Niagara Falls Dept. of Inspections Nicholas Vilardo(Chief of Fire Prevention)
Lou Fontana(Chief Bldg. Inspector) 3115 Walnut Ave.
City Hall-Niagara Falls,NY 14301 Niagara Falls,NY 14302 •
(716)286-4450 (716)286-4728
E. Fire Department and Contact Person F. Other Persons or Organizations with an interest in the petitio
Paul Shanks(Fire Chief) N/A
3115 Walnut Ave.
Niagara Falls,NY 14302
• (716)286-4725
Check here if additional sheets are attached to this item. (Transmittal Letter dated March 31, 1998)
( ipftdQi
7. Project Description(Che•nd compl tements f w
hich apply): •
thA. VI1 g ci _ 6
ri 14, 2 6C'rnta
Work in Progress started on: 12/15/97 (foundations)
• Work completed on: / /
• Does not involve construction,alteration or repair
B. Building Description (Refer to the listed parts of the Uniform Code):
Occupancy classification(Part 701): Group C3 -Industrial
Building Use(Part 703): C3.2 Moderate Hazard -(3)Chemical Manufacturers
Construction Type(Part 704): Type 2a
No. of Stories: 4 levels Max Height: 70-feet
Area of floor with largest area: 5,200 ft2(less stairwells)
Gross Floor area of the entire building: 20,800 ft2(less stairwells)
C. Fire Limits (Refer to Part 706 of the Uniform Code):
II) Within Fire Limits or Outside Fire Limits
8. Permit/compliance Status(Check and/or complete all Statements which apply).
A. Building Permit:
A permit was applied for on_/ /_,and a copy is attached as exhibit no._
A permit application was denied on_/_/ ,and a copy of the denial is attached as exhibit no.
A permit was issued on / /_,and a copy is attached.
No formal determination has been received on the application for a permit.
No permit has been applied for.
B. Certificate of Occupancy or compliance(C.O.):
A C.O.was applied for on / / ,and a copy is attached as exhibit no.
A C.O.was denied on / / ,and a copy is attached as exhibit no.
A C.O.was issued on_//,and a copy is attached as exhibit no.
No formal determination has been received to the application for a C. O. •
No C.O.was applied for.
C. Orders or Citations or Denials(Check and complete)
1. A notice,appearance ticket,order or other citation has been issued alleging a violation of the Uniform
Code at the property in question. A copy is attached as exhibit no.
'' 2. There is no official allegation of a violation of the Uniform code involving the property in question,but
it appears to the petitioner that there is or may be a violation which is further described below.
IT-c-le LULL
Dood Katie 1
• 9. Indicate if the petition ill appeal and/or a request for variance. • ;C ctr. Ct
(Check one or both as appropriate. See instructions for definitions.) Q ( L
Appeal Variance
10. Indicate the Specific code sections which are the subject of the appeal or variance request ��
Section 704.3,Table III-704 (See attached letter, dated March 23, 1998)
11. Variance. (If applying for a variance,check and complete all statements which apply. If not seeking a variance go
to Item 12).
A Variance from the sections described in Item 10 would entail practical difficulties,unnecessary hardship,or •
would otherwise be unwarranted because strict compliance(check the statements which apply):
• 1. Would create an excessive and unreasonable economic burden for the reasons stated in exhibit no. A .
2. Would not achieve its intended objective for the reasons stated in exhibit no.
• 3. Would inhibit achievement of some other important policy for the reasons stated in exhibit no. B&C
4. Would be physically or legally impracticable for the reasons stated in exhibit no.
• 5. Would be unnecessary in light of alternatives which achieve the intended objective more efficiently,effectively,
or economically,alternatives which are described in exhibit no. D .
6. Would entail a change so slight as to produce a negligible additional benefit consonant with the purpose of the
code for the reasons stated in exhibit
12. Appeal. (Complete this item if making an appeal. If not making an appeal,go to Item 13.)
A. The following described order or determination, or failure to timely make the following described order or
determination,or the failure to timely issue the following described permit,authorization or other
uva,uaucat is appcatcxt=
A copy of the order or determination is attached as exhibit no.
B. The order or determination should be reversed or modified or other relief fashioned so as to do justice
between the parties for the reasons stated in the exhibit no.
13. Documents: (Please note Item 13 of Petition Instructions)
Exhibit No. : Additional information described as follows:
14. If a site plan or building plan are included, are they the same as ones which have been submitted to the code
enforcement agency?
v No-If no,explain below.
A formal submittal to the code enforcement agency will be made after resolution of this Variance request
15. Previous Action.
Has any previous application for relief related to the subject property been de to this or another .-
administrative agency or officer, or court.'
• oct„ulq
Yes. -If yes, describe the proceeding and include a copy of any determination issued. it'ACi=> Out
No. C (4d ( c
16. Enclose the appropriate fee as P y �C
per instructions and indicate amount below. Checks should be made a ab e'to e
New York State Department of State.
Amount: $500(Check No. 615160)
I, the petitioner in this proceeding make this application pursuant to 19NYCRR 450 and affirm under pe•. R o -I �_ t
that the information furnished by me in support of this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature' /.00 . Date:
Seven copies of the petition form and supporting documentation must be submitted. Mail the material to the Codes
Division,New York State Department of State, 41 State Street, Albany,NY 12231. Also, mail one copy to Buffalo Office,
Room 202, 65 Court Street,Buffalo,NY 14202-3471