HomeMy WebLinkAbout02072002 BSC Agenda Item 5 • •
Bill Watson Conference Room, Municipal Building
3800 University Blvd,Houston, Texas 77005
December 6,2001
6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, James Collier, David Kehn, Les Albin,
Darryl Friday, Patrick O'Donnell, Jorge-Jimenez-Marcos
(arrived at 6:10 p.m. on agenda item #6), and Muddy
11. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bryant Slimp and Council Liaison: Bill May
III. STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack, slihan Tesno and Sallye A.Clark
Agenda Item Discussion Action
I. Call to Order. None. James McDaniel called the meeting to order at
6:05 p.m.
2. Citizens who wish to be None. None.
3 Citizens who wish to None. None.
address agenda items.
4 Designation of voting None'Ak,None' James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting
members. schedule that Muddy Mc Daniel is the voting
member for the meeting as Jorge Jimenez-
"• r Marcos is not present.
5. Approval of Minutes. I'he m`- tes of the October 4,2001 meeting. Les Albin moved to approve the minutes from
the October 4, 2001meeting as amended.
Muddy McDaniel 2nd. Ayes:James McDaniel,
James Collier, David Kehn, Les Albin, and
uddy McDaniel. Motion passed. Minutes
6. Zoning and Planning Dennis Mack-none es Nels ,Zoning and Planning Presiding
Presentation. Officer gave overview of the list of Goals
and Objectives for the Zoning and Planning
Commission for the current term. The
following are the topics in the order as they
were discussed: Lighting Ordinance, Sign
Ordinance, Drainage/site Plan, Visibility
Triangle, 80% Framed Area, City Property,
Sidewalks and curb cuts, Historical stock,
Comprehensive Plan Kirby Corridor, Chapter
20 Subdivision, Enforcement of Existing
Ordinances, Prior Non-Conforming status of
Existing Ordinances and Landscaping
Entranceways into West University Place.
Charles Nelson requested that the Building
Standards Commission look at the list of topics
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Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
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and choose some they are interested in and sign
up as liaisons of the BSC to work in
conjunction with the Zoning and Planning
Commission and attend the meetings. He
explained that the meetings that take place for
the various subcommittees for these topics are
not held the same night as the regular Zoning
and Planning Commission meeting. Charles
stated that he would get with Jim McDaniel
later to find out who would like to be on
subcommittees. He also stated that it was
acceptable for BSC members to sign up for
topics that were not overlapping topics in
conjunction with Building and Standard
Commission goals and objectives.
Jim McDaniel asked that the Building and
Standards Commission members look over the
r list and be ready to sign up for topics they have
interest in at the next regular meeting. No
action was taken.
7. Appeal Hearing. Call to Jim McDaniel called the appeal hearing to
order order @ 6:42 p.m.
,\,. AI
7. Appeal Hearing. Matters Jim McDaniel identified the parties involved and Jim McDaniel, Chairman administered the oath
Cont'd relating to an appeal hearing they are as follows: Sigmund Horvitz, 3734 to all parties involved and witnesses.
of a formal decision made Sunset, David Marks, 3737 Albans, Dennis
by the Building Official Mack, Chief Building Official and a witness,
about the swimming pool Mrs.Horvitz, 3734 Sunset.
waste water system at 3737 Mr. Sigmund Horvitz, applicant and resident at
Albans Street. 3734 Sunset gave a presentation, reading the
Adjournment. ordinance that is involved with this matter which
he stated was in Chapter 6, Buildings and
Development,Subchapter H.,Swimming Pools,
Section 6.564 Plumbing Matters(b)Wastewater
shall be discharged to a storm sewer when such
is available. If none is available, special
permission is required to discharge into the
sanitary sewer. Where space and conditions are
such that no hazard, nuisance or unsanitary
conditions may occur, swimming pool
wastewater may be used for irrigation or
subsurface spreading. In all cases, sufficient
area shall be provided on the premises for the
subsequent installation of disposal facilities. No
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Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
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other method shall be used unless specifically
approved by the Building Official. Mr.Horvitz
stated that he felt the important word was"may."
and that he has submitted documentation that he
feels shows that hazard, nuisance or unsanitary
conditions may occur,if the homeowner at 3737
Albans is permitted to continue with the
arrangements he has made for discharging his
wastewater from his swimming pool. He is
asking that the Chief Building Official's decision
to be repealed.
David Marks, 3737 Albans stated that he faxed
over to Ms.Clark today a memo that out Ines the
facts. The plans were approved by , City in
1996, passed all inspections, a cate of
Occupancy was issued in Magic , an has
been operating it as a disch for backwa g
the filter. It spreads the wafer on t. ground,and
irrigates the foundation.Mr. Marks assumes the
system was set up that vv as it was the
requirements of the City. Ile did not design or
build the sys and e only instance that he
was ever et ce 1,4d wa" uring Tropical Storm
Allison.Mr.Ma'. swas,, •ncernedthattherewas
no more holding capacity in the pool so he ran
anent an inch of water out of the pool so that it
would not overflow. The water flowed towards
Sunset, down the side of his yard and Mr.
Ho ' riveway due to the ground being so
saturated from the rain. Any other time the
water is discharged, it is saturated into the
ground. Mr. Marks stated he spent
approximately fifty dollars buying fittings and
flexible pipe so that when the backwash is done
it will distribute the water over a wider area in
his own yard.
Dennis Mack,Chief Building Official passed out
a copy of the "Management Practices for the
disposal of chlorinated water from swimming
pools and hot tubs." Mr.Mack stated that he had
an inspector to investigate the property in
question by the request of Sigmund Horvitz who
filed a formal complaint. After the investigation,
Dennis Mack completed a formal decision that
the waste water system installed at 3737 Albans
was in accordance and compliance with Chapter
6, Section 6.564 and was approved. Mrs.
Horvitz,at 3734 stated that she was a witness to
the day of the storm that the water was
discharged and it was a tremendous gush of
water into the side of her garage as high as the
garage. She would like to see that something be
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attached to this pipe so that it can be directed to
discharge towards Albans and not in her yard.
Mr. Horvitz gave a final statement that he was
told by an inspector that the City approved a
swale that ran around the pool house and that
over time the swale has filled in and no longer
performs it's functions. Mr. Horvitz feels that
the swale should be redone,but does not feel that
it will help with the flooding of his yard due to
the water coming out with such force.
Jim McDaniel called the evidentiary portion of
the hearing closed at 7:10 p.m. It was decided
by the Commission that deliberation wo Id take
place now and decide what to do. s Albin
tried to make clear that the curr dition,
that there is an attachment and. se th used
to direct the flow of water • o the prope t
3737 Albans where the p.41 ted and not
that of the neighbors prope 1) 734 Sunset. In
addition,it was stated by Patric O'Donnell that
Mr. Marks has agted t c the valve
manually to the flow of water into his own
yard and this complies with the Building Official
requirements. Les Albin stated that if Mr.Marks
fa i I s to do what he has agreed to do that he could
be subject to a lwsuit by his neighbor,but that
Civil matter and the City has no involvement
in' � t •t 7:25 p.m. after deliberation by the
Builr andards Commission,Jim McDaniel
stated that no motion was made to repeal the
decision of the Building Official, therefore
deliberation was closed and the Commission
moved on to the next agenda item.
8. Matters relating to the Dennis Mack, Chief Building Official gave a
review and discussion of brief overview of Senate Bill 5 and asked the
Senate Bill 5 and how it Building and Standards Commission if they are
could affect the City of interested in doing an energy audit and to make a
West University Place recommendation to City Council of City Owned
facilities. Jim McDaniel suggested that the BSC
members take the information home and to talk
to Dennis Mack about and come back at a later
meeting with a decision.
9. Matters relating to the Dennis Mack, Chief Building Official gave a Les Albin moved to approve the proposed
review and possible brief overview of the proposed amendment if amendment as proposed by the Building
proposed amendment to passed would automatically adopt the Official. David Kehn 2nd. Ayes: James
Section RN101.2.1 International Energy Conservation Code. McDaniel, James Collier, David Kehn, Les
"Residential buildings, Albin,and Muddy McDaniel.Motion passed.
Type A-1 of the
International Residential
Code as it relates to Senate
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Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
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Bill 5, Texas Emissions
Reduction Plan.
10. Staff Comments. None None.
1 1. Commission Member Jorge Jimenez- Marcos stated that he sent an None.
Comments email to the National Pool Association about
setbacks and would be glad to show the response
he got back to any one if they would to see
Darryl Friday requested to formi, bcot#inittee
to look at swimming Noir drainage'
discharge problems and d' ssio. f swimming
Jim McDaniel ask— x anyon-- 4.d a desire to
Vice-Chair. Darryl $ at he would
like to volu - . ° �� c . iel stated that
Darryl Fr' A uld s- appointed the Vice
Chair ":,
12. Adjournment. a. Les Albin moved to adjourn. David Kehn
seconded the motion. Ayes: James McDaniel,
James Collier, David Kehn, Les Albin, and
Muddy McDaniel. Motion passed. Meeting
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
James W. McDaniel,Chairman
Sallye A. Clark,Planning and Development Assistant
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Bill Watson Conference Room, Municipal Building
3800 University Blvd, Houston,Texas 77005
January 3,2002
6:00 p.m.
1. MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, Bryant Slimp, Les Albin, Darryl Friday
(voting),Patrick O'Donnell(voting),and Muddy McDaniel
Council Liaison:Bill May
II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jorge-Jimenez-Marcos,James Collier,David Kehn
III. STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack and Sallye A. Clark
Agenda Item Discussion Action
Call to Order. None. James McDaniel called the meeting to order at
6A5 p.m.
2. Citizens who wish to be None. None.
3. Citizens who wish to None None.
address agenda items.
4. Designation of Voting None. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting
members schedule that Patrick O'Donnell and Darryl
Friday are the voting members for the meeting
as Jorge Jimenez-Marcos is not present.
5. Approval of Minutes I he m tes of the December 6,2001meeting. Bryant Slimp moved to table the minutes until
the next regular meeting.Les Albin 2nd. Ayes:
Albin, McDaniel, Slimp, O'Donnell (voting)
and Friday (voting). Motion passed. Minutes
6. Matters relating to the None. Les Albin made a motion to nominate Darryl
election of a Vice-Chair Friday,alternate member as Vice-Chair of the
for the Building and Building Standards Commission. Bryant Slimp
Standards Commission for 2nd. Ayes: Albin,McDaniel,Slimp,O'Donnell
the current term. (voting). Abstain: Friday (voting). Motion
passed. Darryl Friday is the Vice Chair for the
Building Standards Commission.
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7. Matters relating to the Mr. Horvitz stated that his neighbor called him No action was taken on this agenda item.
request for Rehearing of an before the meeting and would like to work
Appeal by Sigmund something out Mr. Horvitz; therefore, Mr.
Horvitz, in reference to the Horvitz would like to withdraw his request for a
pool wastewater system at rehearing at this time.
3737 Albans.
8. Matters relating to Jim McDaniel gave an overview of the proposed Bryant Slimp made a motion to accept the
amendments to the Building amendments to the Rules of Procedures. Article amendments to the Rules of Procedures as
and Standards Commission II, update to Tenth Edition; Articl I, add written. Les Albin 2"d. Ayes:Albin,McDaniel,
Rules of Procedures. deadline dates for applicants an versal of Slimp,O'Donnell(voting)and Friday(voting).
order of agenda. Questions wer s d and Motion passed.
staff stated that they would g examp" m••y
of the administration of e o to all e
Commission members at th meeting.
9. Matters relating to possible Dennis Mack read his recommendation memo. No action was taken on this item.
amendments to the Code of After discussion,it was a consensus that Dennis
Ordinances, Chapter 6, Mack would research the item and bring it back
Section 6.563 relating to to next month's meeting with a recommendation
setbacks and location. of the minnuuin access width around the pool.
Presentation by Dennis Dennis ill have Jim Dougherty,City Attorney
Mack, Chief Building draft an amendment with the additional
Official. information.:
10. Matters relating to goals and After discussion,Les Albin volunteered to be a No action was taken on this item.
objectives of the Building liaison with the Zoning and Planning
and Standards Commission Commission for the High Output Lighting and
members and the Darryl Friday volunteered to be the liaison to the
assignment of priorities. Drainage subcommittee. Jim McDaniel
requested that both members bring feedback to
the Building and Standards Commission
meetings and that Sallye Clark add an agenda
item to the monthly agenda for liaison reports.
Jim also stated that he would be following up
with Charles Nelson, Chair of the Zoning and
Planning Commission on the Enforcement
Jim McDaniel gave history and overview of the
Construction Standards that was a previous issue
brought up four years ago. Jim McDaniel
requested that this item be put on next month's
agenda and he will get the backup material
together to give to Sallye Clark to put in the
packets so that the Building and Standards
Commission can look at and discuss briefly and
decide if there is a need to move forward with
any certain important items.
Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes
Page 3
Jim McDaniel requested that Bill May,Council
liaison to go back to City Council and ask for a
concrete reason that they would like the
Historical stock of the City to be looked at.
11. Staff Comments (Non Dennis Mack,Building Official stated that City None.
Action Items) Council approved a Code Enforcement/Animal
Control Officer in the budget. He also stated
that he would be attending an Energy Code
Seminar and will come back to the C fission
with feedback.
12. Commission Member None. None.
Comments. (Non Action
13. Adjournment. None. Bryant Slimp moved to adjourn. Les Albin
444, if seconded the motion. Albin,McDaniel,Slimp,
O'Donnell (voting) and Friday (voting).
Motion passed.Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
James W.McDaniel,Chair
Sallye A. Clark,Planning and Development Assistant