HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1941 ~C5 - ;~ -~ . ~.: ''''" :-~ -'.... , ~'.' ' SPECIAL :MEETING TUESDAY, JA1WARY 7TH, 1941 CITY HALL, C:rry OF WEST UNIVERSITY 'PLAC3, 1J.TEXAS A special meeting of the city council was held on Tuesday, January 7th, 1941 at 4:30 P. M. at the city hall with Mayor Mainous presiding,' Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the meetings of December 16th, and December 19th, 1940 were re~d and approved. This meeting was called for the purpose of recelvlng the plans on the Storm Sewer Project; and discussing the employing of a consult- ing engineer. Mayor Maihous presented a letter from Mr. Robert J. Cummings, Engineer, recommending ~r. Henry E. Elrod, who is a competent Engineer and is well qualified to serve in this capacity. After discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was ' duly approved by Mayor Mainous that Mr. Henry E. Elrod "be employed as consulting engineer on the Storm Sewer Project. His compensa- tion is to be 1% of the cost of the project, which is to be' paid out of the 610 total engineering fees. Commissioner Jones did not vete aye for the reason that he did not know 1i:r. Elrod's qualifi- cations. 0 Vot ing Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Nos: Commissioner Jones. ..,~ There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. , Mayor ..~~ , y Secretary , '~. .,. ., ~ -' ,.. .. ' ~ . Ii ""5 :eg' t~S:< ,e,~"'" ....<, .~ ." : '? .- ,1 ,',- ',".. , . SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City C0uncil was held on Friday; Jan- uary 17th, 1941 at 7:00 P. M. at the City H&ll, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' This meeting was called for the purpose Q!c&nvassing the returns of the electioft of the Mayor and four Commi~i0ners; and the bond electioh which was held on Tuesday, Ja,nuary 14th, 1941. The Judges, W. J. Au- bertinand H. F. Dawson presented the returns to the council. The following results were tabulated: FOR :MAYOR: L. J. Martin 'Frank M:. Mainous ~" 441 //3- 812 //!i5 // FOR COMMISSIONERS: Howell B. Jones J. A. Herschel', Jimmy Harmel ing T. W. Woodard Sidney Clarabut A. L. Kerb,ow ;BOb Casey J. M. Dunnington R. J~ Depenbrock J. A. Baxter 44,5 8,5,5, ,569 ,58,5 1,50 824 '176 726, 499 109 Commissioner Jones made a motion, whihh was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, ,declaring the following elected: For Mayor - Frank M. ' Mainous; ,For Commissioners' J. A. Herschel, ,A.,L. Kerbow, T. ''If. Woodard, and J. M. .Dunnington; ,and approving and passing an order declaring the results of, the election. Total votes cast were 1253. , . PROPOSITION NO.1. - For the issue of Bonds for the construct-ion of 'storm sewers: FOR - 807 ; AGAINST - 1.2,5., PROPOSITION NO. 2.- For the' issue of Bonds for the construction of a Community House: FOR - 5.63 ; AGAINST - '327. Tabulation of Proposition No. 1 showed a plurative vote of 682 in '. favor of the issuing of said bonds; and Proposition No. 2 showed a plurative vot13 of 236 in ~avor of issuing sai.debonds, and approving and passing a Bond Order as prepared by the City Attorney. * Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. There being no further business to co~e before the council and upon motion made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. . ATTEST:. . ~~ . ..... ' ,1}7r;j~ ,Mayor ' ' .,' ',' Ci ty %fcretary" , : 'f"I"~~r' "- '1 .-.- ""~'"'r ';', ';'If" ' ,i"<~O '.' SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY ,JAl\1UARY 23:RD, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA,S A special meeting of the City Counci~ was held on January 23rd, at 8:00 A. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, A~ L. Kerbow, J. M. Dunnington, Wesley Woodard, and Sec~etary Jarra!d in attendance., This meeting was called for the purpose of receiving applications and appointing~.a Corporation Judge and a City Attorney, and setting a regular date for future council meetings. 1941 A discussion regarding the dates of regular meetings was held and it was decided-that these meetings be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, whi ch was, duly seconded by Co~issioner Herschel authorizing the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances setting the dates for tne regular meetings of the Council on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of ,each month. ,~. Voting Aye: Commissioners J. M. Dunnington, J. A. Herschel, A. L. Kerbow, We~ley Woodard and Mayor Frank M. Mainous. Nos: None. . ',,' r. The matter of appointing; a City Attorney was discussed. OoIIlIIlissioner Herschel nominated A. J. Lamonte to serve as City Attorney at the same salary and duties as heretofore received. OommissicOner A. L. .. Kerbow nominated :Mr.W. H. Hansen. There being no <f:urtller , nominations, Commissioner Thomas W~ Woodard made ,'a.: motion 'that the nominations be closed, which motion was seconded, by,CoInnlis.sioner Kerbow. .. 'Those in Thos"e in riington, favor of Mr. W. H. Hansen, Connnis.siQuer A.L. Ker'Qow. favor of A.J. Lamonte ~ere: Thomas W .Woodard;,J' .M. Dun- J. A. Herschel, and N.ta.yor:J?]' .M. Ma!nous. . / Commissioner Kerbow moved to make the appointment of Mr. A. J. La- monte as City Attorney be unanimous. The abovemo,tion was duly second,ed by Commissioner J. A. HeJ;;"schel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel, A. L. Kerbow, ;r. M. Dunnington, and T. W. Woodard; and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Nos: None. With reference to the appointing of a Corpo~tion Judge~ the Mayor presented the following applications: Tom Bailey Nat Friedman L. Camp 'w. H. Hansen A. A. Lasiker W. J. Atlsertin B. R. Albertson ~j ";-:;i.~,,',- ---or '''~ . , "'''''''''t'~l ~"~'~s"'''', _ ~.. 'tOo(' -'> n' . '.; ~..~:: ?~<\;,~ _ T , . . -,' ~' Commissioner A. L.Kerbow nominated Mr. .w. H. Hansen to serve as CorporatiuIl Judge. Commissioner Herschel nominated N'Lr. B. R. .A.l- bertson~ Those"yoti..ng i'n:ceallor. oflrdmr.~t1fa H. Hansen were Com- missioners 'Wesley Woodard and A. L. Kerbow. Those opposed were Commissioners J. A. Herschel, J. M. Dunnington, and :Mayor F. M. Mainous." Those voting in favor of the appointing of Mr. B. R. Albertson were Cbmmissioners J. A. Herschel, J. M. Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. .~. 1'- In as much as the council is divided~ in the appointing of a Corporation Judge, and that it is neqessary that four-fifths of the approval 'of the council isnecessa:t'Y 'for the appointment,Co:mmis- sioner A. L. Kerbow made a motion to the effect tha,tMr. B.R. Albertson be appointed as Corporation Judge, effective January 23, 1941, and instructed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinances setting up this appointment. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jr.W. Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners A. L. Kerbow, T,. Vi. Woodard, J. M. Dun- nington, J. A. Herschel, and Mayor Frank M. Y'J.&inous. , Nos: None. A motion made by Commissioner A~ L. Kerbow and duly seconded by CommissionerJ. M. D'Urmington giving authori ty to ,the Mayor to purcflasel~7,OOO monthly water statements; 15,000 United states Post Cards, and 2,000 plain at a price of $41.00 for over-printing. Voting Aye: Commissioner A. L. Kerbow, J. M. Dunnington, J. A. Herschel, T. W. Woodard, and Mayor Frank M. Mainous. at Nos:Non~. Upon motion made by Commissioner J. A. Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner A. L. KerboW, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~~/ Mayor " / / -'I"'o,,*,'i.Y-' f ~ '1 <l.~c_;., I 82' REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY . PLACE, TEXAS A regular mee'Vlng of the City Council was held on Monday, J~nuary 27th, 1941 at the City Hall at a:3o P. M. with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Hersehel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard" and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the Special meeting of January 23rd, 1941 were read and approved. . ,-/'~ Under date of June 14th, 1940, Mr. E. O. Rulon was fined $1.00 in Corporation Court for Contempt of Court.. In:,a letter dated Jan- uary 21st, 1941 Judge L. J. Martin recommended to the City Council that this tine be remitted in as much as this case had been set aside. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion accepting the recommendations of the Judge, and authorized a refund to' be made to Mr. Rulon. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herfiwhel, Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Nos: None. The Mayor advised that he had worked out nth the Telephone Oompany a system, which would add another trunk line with seven phones and a switch board, for an additional cost of $7.33 per month over our present monthly charge. Sihce this system will increase the tele- phone service to a great advantage, he recommended that this system be installedeffectiveLMarch 1st, 1941. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Oommissioner Woodard, accepting the recommendation of the Mayor and authorizing him to proceed in 'making the arrangements to install the system as referred to. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, , and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Nos; None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington accepting the recommendation of Secretary and waiving the valuation for improvements on the following described properties for the year of 1940, and auth or izihg the adjustments of the Ta:IC Rolls; in as much as these improvements were not75~ completed until after January 1st, 1940. Lot 31, Block 13, Rice Court; Lot.6, Block 19, . West University Place 1st; Lot 6, Block 14, College View 3rd. (Affi- davi ts as to the date of completi on of the above improvements may be found in the files.) , Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, ~~d Mayor F. M. Mainous Nos: None. ~) -1 ~",~"" "" ~. . ,,~ ' . '-..."" ,z , " ,<', "",.',_,,' , o. f' .~ -l~"J~;:~ .. < Commissioner A. L. Kerbow ,made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, approving and passing Ordinance No. 206 appointing a City Attorney; Ordinance No. 207 , appointing.a Corporation Judge; and Ordinance No. 208, setting a date for the future regular council meetings, which captions are as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~. .AN PRDINA.NCE PRESCRIBING COMPENSATION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OFV.fEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES IN C ONNECTI ON THEREWITH; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT Al\1D BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATE-' LY FRO:!M AND, AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. ORDINANCE NO. 207 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE COMPENSATION OF THE CO BPORATI ON JUDGE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE TEXAS; PRESCRIBING TBE DUTIES IN CONNECT! ON 'mEREWITH AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER TEE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APl'ROVAL. f ~ i I. " Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbo~, Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Ma inDUs. Nos: None. Former Commissioner Howell B. JOnes wrote a letter attaching bills in the amount ~f $7.05 for bird seed, which he purchased on Oct- ober 25th, and December ,6th, 1940. He requested that he be reim- bursed for the amount of these purchases. The Mayor advised that he would not recommend the payment of these bills in as much as they were purchased without the proper authority and that no purchase order was given. Commissioner Herschel was in agreement withth~ Mayor in this respect, and also recommended that the pay- ment of these bills be refused. 8'4" Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seoonded by Commissioner Woodard designating the Southwestern News as being the official newspaper for the .year of 1941, as the Horrle Rule Charter provides that an official Newspaper be designated each year. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Commissioner ~rschel a~ authority to oil University Boulevard from Edloe to Auden Streets, which cost is not to exceed $250.00. After discussiQcu~ommissioner Woodard made a motion, whi ch was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, giving Commissioner Herschel authority to pro- ceed with the imprOVing of this street. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and :Mayor F. M. Mainous. ' Nos: None. '" Dr. A. Lee Black residing in the 5800 block on Charlotte Street wDote , a letter :oomplaining about a garage being constructeq. on Lot 3, Block 2, Preston Place, stating that due to the location on the lot, that it would be parallel with the front yards of other properties in this block; and that if this condition'were allowed to exist that it is his desire to withdraw his application and cancel the contract for the topping of the street in front of his residence. The Mayor ad- vised that he had made ~n investigation of this conq.itio:J::Land that the City A"ttloJ;.'uey rendered him an opinion that this,'bui1ding Conforms to restri<it~ons in the Zoning .Ordinanoe, howeverev~i-ything will be done to eliminate. this condition, and that furtherinvesti.gation will be ~a-e. _.'~;')"":~.~':,3;:::~:!::::'::'i "";r:'~-""-~" '~~.;..~,._h '-.."~~'.; LA ?;;C<5~:.()n tll).,l~'''.:}vJils''''L~_:_c: -:~0t,i;:j;: "'-' '-~-" . Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, approving ,the action of Com- missioner Herschel in the purchaslilhg of four ( 4) drumf3 bfgasoline . and'onedrum of kerosene. 'The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington; Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, and l'1ayor ]'. M. Mainous. Nos: None. Mayor Mainous recommended that a survey be made to determine the cost of material for a fence around the two water tQW~Si. The fence is to be of cedar posts and hog wire, with bob-wire, at the top, and constructed by city labor; and to seCUre bids for a {Cyclon type) fence around the water plant at College and Milton streets. Com- missioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving instructions to prepare a notice and advertise same in the Southwestern News on Friday, January 31st, 1941, which bids 1) ~ ~I are to be received by not later than noon on Monday" February 10th, 1941. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. NOI3: None~ Attorney R. L. Sohfie1d addressed a letter to the Mayor dated jpnuary 22nd, with reference to the Houston Lighting and Power Company Cas'e, stating too t several weeks ago it was necessary for him to file a contest in the Supreme Court of the state of Texas, toc1erify certain ]'edera1 questions, which were presented and overruled by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas; and also stated that on June 10th, 1938 the Houston Natural Gas Company filed a suit against the City attacking the validity to the 'Street Rental Urdinance. In that case it was' necessary to file quite ,a lengthy answer. (This letter maybe found in the files under the heading of the Houston Lighting and. Power Company.), and stated further that if his services were no longer desired in these suits he would present within the next feW days a statement of the fees due him in the above styled suits. After discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the Mayor to reply to this letter and advise him that his service would not be necessary further in the handling of these suits, and that in t he future these suits will be handled by the City Attorney, A. tf. Lamonte, Also instructed the City Attorney to do all things necessary in continuing the Houston Lighting and Power Company and the Houst~n Natural Gas ~ Company Suits. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Nos: No ne. Commissioner Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, ~oodard, and Mayor' F. M. Mainous. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion b~ing made by Uo~issioner'Herschel, and duly seconded by Commissioner K~rbow, the meeting was declared adjourned. !4ifJ111~~ Mayor r '1 _I ,j \CV,' 'l'!, . - ~"D~U ,SPECIAL :MEETING 'I'T.UEsDAY, .FEBRUARY 4TH, 1941 CITY HAU., CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Council was held on Tuesday, February 4th, 1941, at 4:00 P. M., with Mayor F. M. ~ainous pre- siding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called for the purpose of disposing of the matter pertaining te- the advances made uto the late F. 'E. Hatcher, and approving the surety bonds of the Mayor and Commissioners. Mayor Mainous explained to the Commission that certain advances had been made .to the late Mr. F. E. Hatcher to help cover part of his expenses during his last illness; further explaining that Mr. Hatcher had been a faithful employee of the City for more than 15 years and was then ina critical condition, practically without funds for proper madical attention and sorely in need of financial assistance. The Mayor then asked the Commission to approve the advances made to Mr. Hatcher ,in the amount of $1106.87. Commissioner A. L. Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner J. A. Herschel, approving the advances made to the late Mr. F. E. Hatcher. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Nos: Commissioners Dunnington and Woodard. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner T. W. ,Woodard approving surety bonds in the amount of $3,000.00 ~ach written by the Co+umbia Casualty Company for the Mayor, F -' M. MainoU:s; and Commis sioners, A. L~ Kerbow, J. A. Herschel, T. W. Woodard, and J. 'M. Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Mayor,F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow accepting the cancellation of the surety bonds carried on Mayor F. M. Mainous and Commissioner J. A. Herschel, whioh expires April 15th, 1941. Their bonds terminated at the end of th~ir term of office, January 21st, 1941. . Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington" and Mayor F. M. Mainous. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared ;) -1 1 ; ! .-" adjourned. ~/ ATTEST: .~ "'" ~d;1i .. . .: tI~~<~.. . ~.'~-. '\ . ~ . - _-.-..~- \ QO' "d>o. SPECIAL Mln':Tn~G THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1941. CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIA CE, TEXA.S A special meeting of the City Council was held on Thursday, February 6th, 1941 at the City Hall at 8:00 A.M. with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunn- :i.ngton, Woodard, and Secretary Jarrardin attendance. This meeting was called for the purpose of approving the $290,000.00 bonds for storm sewers and a Community House. . Commissi9ner Kerbow made a motion, which was duly seconded by Comrndssioner Herschel approving and' passing resolution for the sale of the $2009000.00 Bonds, is $182,400.00 for storm sewers and $17,600.00 for a Community Center Building. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and V~or F. M. Mainous. Nos: None. . Commi.ssioner Dunnington made a motion, which was dUly seconded by Comm.issioner Vvoodard approving and passing Ordinance No. 2o~ authorizing the issuing of $182,400.00 Storm Sewer Bonds. Caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ,1 C> 7 BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN TEE AMOUNT OF $182,400.00; FOR TEE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STORM SEWERS AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES IN AND FOR SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY, ASSESSMEJ\!T AND COLLECTION OF A SUFFICIENT AD VALOREM TAX ON THEO:NE HUNDRED DOLLARS t ASSESSED V.1U.UATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN TEE LIMI~8 OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE INTEREST AND CREATE A SI:NKING FUND FOR THE' REDEMPTION THERE- OF AT ~1ATumrTY; PRESCRI~ING TEE FORM OF THE BOJ.\;1) AND THE FORM OF INTEREST COUPONS; .AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye: Commissione~s Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, approving and passing Ordinance No. ve /~ authorizing the issuing of $17,600.00 bonds for the purpose of erecting a Civic Center Building. Caption is as follows: p r' '1 S,:~'" ," <. , " .',;',..- ' ORDINANCE NO. 2/ CJ BY THE CITY COMMISSIONER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZII'.JG TEE ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE . AMOUNT OF $17,600.00; FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A PUBLIC BUILDING TO BE USED AS A CIVIC CENTER IN AND FOR SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR TEE LEVY, ASSESS11ENT AND COL- LECTION OF A SUFFICIENT AD VALOREM TAX ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS' ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITH- IN THE LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO PAY THE II\1TEREST AND CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE REDElltPrION TBEREOF AT NlA.TURITY; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF THE EO ND ARTD TEE FORM OF INTEREST COUPONS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGE~TCY . Voting" Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor F. Iv1. Mainous. . Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~QJ;~J yor r-~'~'~' I' r t),A V.\1" REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Council,was held on Monday, February lOth, 1941 a~ the City Hall with Mayor F. M. Mainouspresiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Secretary Jarrard in a~tendance. The,minutes df the meeting of January 27th, 1941 were read and ap~ prov.ed. I.". ,.. , . The Mayor agJin called attention to the Three Hundred Dollars ($300) attorney fees! for. R. 'L. Sonfield in connection with the Houston Natural Gas.d1ompany as referred to in Mr. Sonfield's letter of re- cent date. ~fter discussion it was decided that before taking final action on this matter that same be referred to Commissioner A. L. Kerbow for investigation and recommendation. Commissioner ~oodard reported that the sanitary sewer lines on University Bo1ulevard were badly in need of repairs and as the side- walks are sinking in many places, due to the condition of these sewers, he re~ommends that the City allot $5,000.00 to mate these re- pairs. Afterl discussion Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner KerbOw, giving authority to pre- . ceed, which wbrk is to be. under the supervision of Mr. Ira A. Harris and Mr. R. B.I Allen, and gave authority to purchase the necessary tools and supplies to carryon the above work. Total e~penditures are not to expeed $5,000.00. . ~ I I Voting Aye: C1 ommissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M.' Mainous. Noes: None. I Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the payment of $2.5.00 to attorney, Al J. Lamonte to defray expenses to Austin with reference to securing ihrormation of ,the Sanitary sewer revenue bon~ issue. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunningtp~~ I ., 'C: Voting Aye: ~ommissioner Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, and and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. I Commissioner Herschel ask authority to purchase 10,000 Ibs of asphalt; two (2) cars ~he11' to reline breaks on White Truck, three (3) drums kerosene and rour (4) drums gasoline; and four (4) tires and tubes for the street and Bridge truck. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, Which was secohded ~y Commissioner Woodard, giving authority to purchase the above items; and prices on the asphalt were to be obtained from the Texas CompanyJ I Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, and IMaY9rr.F.M. Mainous Noes: None · i 1 r , .. ~, . "dl~:'~' " "~~j}; , " ; Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded py Commissioner Herschel, giving authority to made repairs and to paint the interior of the City Hall, which amount is not to exc~ed $100.00.. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. N~inous. Noes: None. Qommissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Dunnington, appointing J.W. Clarke acting Superintendent of the Street and Bridge Department; and Ira A. Harris as Superin- tendent of the Water and Sewer Departments. Appointfng a Personel Board as follows: W. J. 4ubertin, Secretary; W~ A. Rees, and B. P. Murphy, ~s Members. A Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planing Board, are as follows: Joe L. Archer, Sam Semo, J. A. Da_vlin, R.S. Bayless, Neil Geisenhoff and authorizing City Attorney A. J. Lamonte, to pre- pare the Ordinances necessary for these appoihtments. Voting Aye: Commissipners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Bids on the fence at the water works plant on College Avenue as ad- vertised in the Southwestern News on January 31st, 1941 were re- ceived and tabulated. Bids are as follows: Southwestern Fence Company, Bid of $796.00 with a check attaohed in the amount of $80.00. Coastal Fence Company, Bid of $916.57 with a certified check att,8.ched in the :wnount of $91.65. ' , Cox Fence"CompanYl Bid of $795.00 with a certified check in the amount of ,8,.00. ' Commissioner Dunnington made a motion that since the Cox Fence Company was the ,lowest bidder beingb795.00 that this contract be awarded to this oompany, and that the legal department draw the necessary contract. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ' Noes: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, and lillayor F. M. Ailainous. Commissioner J. A. Herschel stated that it is alwal~ customary for the Commissioner receiving the largest number of votes be entitled to 'the office of Mayor Pro Tem, but since Commissioner Kerbow was next in the number of votes received, he nominated him for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. Commissioner Woodard nominated Com- missioner Hersc'he1, but Commissioner Herschel refused the nomination. Commissioner DUhnington made a motion that the appointment of Com- missioner Kerbow be unanimous, which was seconded by Commissioner 1tVoodard, appo,inting COIlIDlissioner A. L. Kerbow as Mayor Pro Tem, and investing him with all the authcrity and responsibility as carried by this offi ce . 92' Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, H~rs~he1, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel :ma,de a moti.on" which was seconded li>y Com,.. missioner Woodard, giving authority to purchase a finger!print camera for the amount of $30.00, which is to ,be used by the Police Dewr:bment. Voting Aye: e'ommis,sioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. lVl8.inous. , Noes: None. There being no furt,her, bU,siness to come bef,ore the council and upon motion being made ~nd duly seconded the meeting was decl~red adjourned ~~~" Ma yor A~ .~~ <" v j' , I --------. "~;".. ,: ". J?~;"''''' .." ~~"~~"" REGULAR :MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 1941 CITY JmLL, CITY OF WEST Ul'ilIV gRSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City:Council was held on Monday, Febnu8ry 24th, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor ]'. I\ii.. Mainous presiding, Co:mmissioners Herschel" Kerbow, Woodard, and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . , The minutes of the special meeting of ]'ebruary 6th, and the regular me~ting of February 10th, 1941 were read and approved. , , The question of requiring contractors to mile a deposit to assure ~he cleaning of premises on completion of the jobs was dis- cussed. l.Jommissioner Dunnington and Commissioner Herschel were authorized to made an investiga ti on and report to the" Council at a future meeting. ".>".. . The Charter provides that there be a Board of Health composed 01' two (2) Doctors, who are members of the Harris Oounty Medi cal Society, and one(l) competent Engi~eer. Comnissioner Kerbow nominated and moved that Mr. J. H. Bringhurst be appointed as the Engineer to serve on said Board. The above motion was dUly seconded by vommissioner Herschel. .voting Aye= Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard, and Dunnington, and l\!i.ayor l!'. "M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel nominated Dr. Seale I. Johnson, and Dr. Ray Collins to serve as physicians on the Health Board. Commissioner Kerbow Ea~ed that the nominations be closed. Commissioner Woodard then made a motion to the effect tba t Dr. Johnson and'Dr. Collins be appointed. The above motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Kerbow~ Voting Aye: Commission~rs Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor If.M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow reported that the attorney fees of Three Hundred" ($300.00) Dollars for Attorney R. L. Sonf ield on the Houston Natural Gas Company Suit were excessive." That since he had only prepared the necessary briefs in this case, he thought that One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars would be a fair compensation. Commissioner Kerbow was authorized to confer with .Attorney R. L. Sonfield and report to the next meeting of the Council. A letter from the Hyde Park Funeral Home was read, whereby they o1'fered their services to this community to answer all emergency calls. After discussion, Commi ssioner Herschel made a moti on, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard giving the Hyde Park Funeral lio~e the 'exclusive permission to serve this community with ambulance emergency calls and instructed the Mayor to reply to their I I I~ _I 1 '. 'fi;~4:" D'< . letter advising them of the action of this council. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. No~s: None. , Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, giving authority to purchase five police- mens caps, at $2.,0 each. . Voting Aye: .,.. Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel gi ving the Mayor authority to purchase four' (4) tires and tubes for the Police Car, after first having received three b id's. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor advised that he had received a letter from the office of the Drainage District #12 ,suggesting that in order to maintain and keep in a sanitary condition the drainage ditch (known as the Poor Farm Drainage Ditch) that the' City of West University contribute forty (4010) per cent; the County forty (4010) per cent; and the City of Southside, twenty (2010) per cent of the total CO$t. Commissioner Kerbow suggested that the matter be referred entirely to the Mayor and Professor Ryon. Comndssioner Herschel stated that in his opinion, the citizens of West University were bearing their part of maintaining this ditch by paying a drainage tax. After further discussion it was decided to refer this matter to Commissioner Kerbciw and Dunnington to make an investigation as to. the maintenance tax rate in this district, and report back to the,couneil at a future meeting. ' Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard appointing Mr. H. E. Shipp at a salary of One Hundred, Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars per month to keep the parks, issue permits for tennis courts, and to do special police duty. This appointment effective March 1st, 1941. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Coramissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, punnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, Which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington appointing Mr. E. O. Rulon and F. Hutchinson, Chiefs of their respective shifts and Grady Smith, as head of the Finger Print Department, and increase their salaries: F. Hutchinson from $135.00 to $150.00 per month; Grady Smith fro~ $125.00 to $150.00 per month, and Geo. Ashcraft from $125.00 to $135.00 per month, ef- v 9'~" ..~. ll""'U',< fective-:March 1st, '1941. , Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel, and Mayor F. M. Nillinous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel asked authority to purchase the fol- lowing: One (1) ,24" Culvert to be used on. Case Street and Academy. Two (2) drums gerosene. Two (2) tons asphalt tar. 3~ yards Lime Rock Taper pins and gear shaft for maintainer from J.D.Adams Co . Renewal of Chauffeurs License UOmmLssioner Kerbow made a motion, Which was seconded by Com- missioner Woodard, giving Commissioner Herschel authority to ma'i(e these purchases. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioner, Kerbow ,Woodard, Dunnington,' Herschel and and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Mr. Joe L. Archer ask permission of the council to authorize expenditures in the amount of not to exceed Twanty($20.00) Dollars per month for stenographic services and supplies for the Planning, and Zonning Board of Adjustment. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, Which was dUly seconded by Commissioner Woodard~giving this authority as suggested by Mr. Archer. Noes: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, \Voodard, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that the council be recessed until 4:00 P. M., February 25th" 1941, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ' . , ~/ :Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary rfS CONTINUED !JJEETING TUESDAY, JF.EBRUARY 25TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNJVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A continued meeting of the City Council was held on Tuesday, February 25th, 1941 at 4:00 P. M. with Mayor F. M. Mai~ous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard in attenaance. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that C. E. Gammill be appointed City Treasurer at a salary of $175.00 per month effective Maryh 1st, 1941, vmich motion was duly seconded ,by Commissioner Dunning to n. ,f" Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor F. M. Mainous. ' Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion appointing Frank K. Cuf'f acting Tax Collector and AssessQr at a salary of $J:50.:O.D .per month, effective ~~rch 1st, 1941, which motion was duly'sec6nd~d~by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and M~y~ F. M. Nlainous. Noes; None. . Mayor Mainous nominated R. B. Allen as acting City S~~!etary at a salary of $175.00 per month. Commissioner Woodard made a 'motion that Mr. R. B. Allen be appointed as Acting City$ecr~tary at a salary of $175.00 per month effective March 1st, 1941, which motion was duly seconded'by Commissioner Herschel. ' Noes: None. D . Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, unll1ngton, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. Mainotls. Voting Aye: Commissioner Woodard made a motion appointing Mr. A. P. RObb, as Storekeeper and Cost Of. Construction Clerk at a salary of $145.00 per month effective March 1st, 1941, which'motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. ' . Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Miss Thelma Buescher was appointed Secretary and Stenographer to the Mayor and Commissioners at a salary of $75.00 per ,month, by a motion made by Commissioner Herschel and duly seco~ged by Comndssioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Ivlainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion appointing Mr. ,John W. Watson as bookkeeper in the water department at" a salarybf $75.00 per month, effective/March 1st, 1941, which motion was duly seconded by Qommissioner Woodard. v .~.-----1 '9" "rf''';' .,-> ~-,Y 'j1.. ~~ ~} '~; Voting 4ye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor F. M. Mainou~. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion that J~ck Anderson be transfered from the Water Construction Department to the meter reading and bookkeeping department, at a salary of $125.00 per mo:hth:::::to become effective March 1st, 1941, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. ' ',Voting Aye: Commissioners DunniJlgton, Woodard, Herschel, Kerbow .'" and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The question was presented regaralng the newly created job as bookkeeper. Mr.'C. G. Jarrard, who has been City Secretary, Tax Collector and Assessor, was of,fered the bookkeeping job at $150.00 per month. Commissioner Herschel made the motion appoint- ing Mr. Jarrard as bookkeeper, wh ich motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. . Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow,Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the. meeting was de- clared ~djourned. ~/ M yor ATTEST: Acting City Secretary . ..',' 98. REGULA R :MEEr ING MONDAY, 11ARCH 10TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIV"EJ}STrY" PLA.CE,TEXAS A regular meeti ng of the City Council was h~ld on Monday, March 10th, 1941 at the City Hall with Mayor F. M. Mainous pre- siding, Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Punnington, Woodard pre- sent, and Miss Thelma Buescher taking the minutes in the absence of 'Secretary Jarrard. ,'" The Mayor presented a letter from .Mr. T. R. Hopkins in which Mr. Hopkins ask that the penalty in the amount of $3.20, interest in the amount of $1.5 .62 and charge for ten (10) receipts at $.5.00 on Lot 9, Block 2~J College View 2nd Addition be waived prior to 193~. Total being $23.82. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that this matter be referred to the Tax Commissioner, Mr. Dunning- ton, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye : Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow and duly seconded by Commissidmer Dunnington appro vi ng and passing Ordinance No.. 211 setting out the duties and compensation of the City Sec~etary; an.d Ordinance No. 212 prescribing the du ties and compensation of the City Treasurer. ~he Captions of tnese OrdinanCB$ are as follows: '" Voting Aye: Noes: I~one . ORDI NANCK'NO. 2ll AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBIIJG THE COMPENSATION OF TEE CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF W]1;ST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING THE OOTIE3 IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDID:NDE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE Th~.iJEDLli..TELY FROM AND AFTER THE DATE 'OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. ORDINANCE NO. 2.l2 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF WEST U1TIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND .AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE A1TD APPROVAL. '" '" . .&~l!-"~ Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington~ Woodard, Herschel and .l.vJ.ayor F. M. Mainous. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion authorizing Commissioner Woodard to draw plans and specifica~ions for a new water ~~ll (2000 gals per minute.) to be constructed at the WaterW:Qr~'S;,Plant, and to advertise for bids; which motion was duly secom;l::~:d,'by' ,Oommissioner Woodard. " '~,~ . ~: f' ',. ..,' ~ ':' . '\ ., ,- 1 r' l~!t;~"" " , ',' '," ':', ' . ~ .~, -': ......".'" -~..': V ot ing Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, . and Mayor F. M. l4ainous. Noes: None. Regarding the matter of cleaning up premises of construction jobs in the City, which was referred to Commissioners Dunnington, and Herschel at the regular meeting of February 24th, Commissioner Dunnington reported to the Council that all of the good contractors will work with us' in the cleaning up of the, premises, and he therefore suggests that no releases will be made until the premises are cleaned up. Mr. Metcalf was instructed to see that vacant lots ad'jacent to"new1y constructed houses were cleaned before the people moved in. Commissioner KerboW reported that he had received three ~3) bids for an audit of the city books and records: J. A. Phillips $875.00 with bid based on specifications of the Texas Society of certified Accountants. $900.00 with no certificate. $1,250.00 with no certificate. F. G. Masquelette & Co. McQuire & Mazur Commissioner Kerbow made a mot ion that F. G. Masquelette ~ Company's' bid of $875.00 be accepted. Audit to be as of March 31st, 1941 and contract to be based on the specifications a'nd carried out to the letter. Motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Comm~ssioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and lv.l.ayor F. M.. .Mainous. . Noes: None. -,.....&).1' <# _ Commissioner Kerbow reported that Mr. John Bringhurst will not be able to accept the position as Engineer on the Health Board, due to hiss illness. Commissioner Kerbow then recommended that Travis Cash, a licensed Civil Engineer, serve in 1Y1r. Bringhurst 1 s place; and t:O~se:;,vec 3.s.eh<a:i:eman1 /vvhichLmeui 01.'1 wa.s;l~dnfuyoBe.cofilil;je~c;hwl Co:mmissi oner Herschel. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor Jf.. M. Mainous. Co:m:missioner Woodard made a motion authorizing Coromissioner Herschel to purchase two (2) carloads of shall for the street and Bridge Department, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and :Mayor F. M.. Mainous. Noes: None. ..,j Commissioner Herschel made a motion glvlng authority to the Mayor to purchase twelve (12i pair of cover-alls with lettering -----~ '100 w. U. P. on the back at'$3.28 a paif to be used by the Volunteer Fire Department, Which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner 'Kerbow. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. A letter was read from N~. C. G. Jarrard, City Secretary of th~ City of West University Place, stating his intentions to re- sign from hi6'office as Secretary-Treasurer, and Tax Collector and Assessor, effective March 31st, 1941. Mr. Jarrard stated that it was with great satisfaction that he had served the citizens of West U~iversity Place. A letter from JohnR. Burkett Post #77 of the American Legion was read, expressing thanks to the Mayor and City Council for their courtesies extended to Post #77. The letter also stated that Post #77 is ready to serve the cormnunityat any time. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made by Gommissioner Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, the meeting was~~jOU~ned. .y,@&~ Mayor . ATTEST: Acting vity Secretary . te )r-'. 1_ _1 r-- t: ',,; tai ~1" < ~, ~. "~: ~ .. '~'., .1~. .;.~. ._-~ SPECIAL 1'IEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 11TH, 1941 CITY F~LL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, . TEXAS A special meeting of the City Coun~i1 was held on Tuesday, March 11th, 1941 at the Gity Hall with Mayor F. M. Mainous pre- siding, Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, D~nnington, Woodard, and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. This meeting was called for the purpose of approving amending ordinances with reference to '200;000.00 Bond Issue and to decide as to appealing the Houston Lighting and ~ower Company Case to the Supreme, Court of the United States. Commissioner Dunnington made a ~otion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, approving and passing Ordinance No. 213 with reference to the issuing of $182,400.00 storm sewer bonds-;--- which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ .AMENDING AN ORDINANCE) HERETOFORE ADOPrED, AUTHORIZING, THE ISSUANCE OF t CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE STORM SEWER BONDS', IN,THE MlOUNT OF $182,400.00; A11D DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow and Ma yor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. , . Commissioner Dunnington made C). motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving and passing Ordinance No. 2-l4- amending Ordinance preViously passed for the iSSUing of $17,600.00 for the West University Place Civic Center Bonds, caption is as ' follows: 'ORDINANCE NO. 214 MJIENDING ORDINANCE, HERETOFORE ADOPTED, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF t CITY OF 1lfEST UNIVERSITY PLACE CIVIC CENTER BUILDING BONDS', IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,600.00; AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye:, COI!lD1issioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard" Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. "., Noes: None. By mot ion made and until 7:00 P.M. o'clock ~~~a~:~~~:::;ued Mayo r oJ ATTEST: Acting City Secretary - r---r r- ~ " --I~"")~'1 i,U'~ COl.\,'!TCENUED SEE C IAL :MEETING WEDNESDAY, ,:MARCH 12TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTTY , PLACE, TEXAS Continued from the ~ecia1 meeting o~ Tuesday, March llth,1941, held on Wednesday, March'12th, 1941 at 7~OO P. M. with Mayor .]1'. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . After a lengthy discussion with reference to the appea.l to the Supreme Court.....of the United States of the Houston Lighting and Power Company four per cent (4i) gross receipts tax case, it was decided by a motion made by Commissioner Kerbow and seconded by Commissioner Herschel, that Jltir. A. J. Lamonte, City Attorney, be instructed to file an answer and brief with the assistance of an attorney, whom he may select, for a total fee, of 1i750.00. Vot ing Aye: Commissione~ Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~) Mayor ~ ATTEST: City Secretary ~j II i I I I , I' , , I ' ,',1 "+ ,,1 . I i I i I I I , i"j r i I J I I i I I I i i , , ~ ~ i I I I j~J) ~~ '~ . -~ ~ I , ' I t f I I .:..>.-"- -..""--O;;~-_:::. .. ~..y'~:~;:t~f:'~ ,,",.. ..- .~ ~'f~; ~~..,~ ."~ ' , . <' . .-~ / . -'", ~'.i~ . . ,,' F ;,M. .MAINbUS , ,MAYOR, CCiIl,:M'ISSIONERS ' HOWeLL B. JONES J. A. (DOC) HERSCHEL CORPORATION JUDGE L. J. MARTIN CITY OFWE:STUNIVERS'rrVPLACE: 3800 UNIVERSITY 80UI..EVA,RD HOUSTON. TEXAS -' , . March 18th, 1941.;' ,~. Mr. R. B. Allen Acting Oity Secretary Oity of West University Place Houston, ~ e x a. s Dear Mr. Allen: ill I am calling a meeting of the City Co~ncilon Wednesday, M~peh 19th, 1941 at 7:00 P. M. a t the City Ball tor the purpose of designating the Bank for deposit of city funds, and :passing a resolution approving the signatures on the checks. ' Your s very truly, RMM: tmb CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY B~~~-e/ F. M. ~nol1S , Mayor Accepted: ~l .' . " 1, "(9}9" '. 'Th l:. _ ';. ~~~ ";. .~:r. ~;~~:~f:rf"CC; A, J. L;AM.P~tE ciTY ATrORNE:Y . J. A. METCALF FIRE MARSHAl,l, C. E. GAMMI~L" CITY MARSHAl,L .' "..: ~.. ." . ~, ~.: -:> . ';,- :- ~ .. . .~'.~:"" . , \ ,- F"-, IY ! 1: " ' ~ '.< " .{E.1" I "'1,;(')'4" '. ' '\:1::' : ~~ REGULAR MEETING :MOND:AY, MARCH 24TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIA CE, TEXAS The regular mee,ting of the City Council was held on :Monday, March 24th, 1941 at. 7:30 P.:M. at the City Hall with Mayor 1!'. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Aeting City Secretary Allen in attendance. Commissioner Dun- nington was.~bsent due to illness. The minutes of the regUlar meeting of ..I!'ebruary 24th, Contin- ued meeting of February 2;th, regular meeting of March 10th, Special Meeting of March 11th, continued special meeting of March l,2th, and special meetii1g of March 19th, 1941 were read and approved. . Commissioner Hersohel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the payment of the fee of $1.00 for membership in the Harris County Water Consuraers' Associa- tion. , , Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel ,Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. " Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that the interest and' penalty in the amount of 11;.62 on Mr: T. R. Hopkinsl property, Lot 9, Block 29, college, View 2nd, 'be adjusted as per recommen- dation of Commissioner Dunnington, which motion was duly seconded by Commissi oner Woodard. ' " Vot ing Aye: Commissione rs Kerbow, 'Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commi~sioner Herschel made a motion passing and approving Ordinance No. 2 /6 appointing a Personnel Director, setting forth his Quties and compens-ation, Which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, Caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1 / S- AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THl:1: COMPENSATION OF THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR OF THE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY "~ ~) . '.. ..' . 18fj' . '" ,,'. . - _-J:' ::;>"<>'+'. ~'-..~ ~ ,,~-...."":, .', .... ,." PLACE, TEXAS ; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES IN. CON1\lEOTTON "THEREWI'TH 'AND 'PH OVIDING "THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- . FLICT REHEl-AJITH BE REPEALED;, PROVIDnG THAT .THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE :AND APPROVAL. Voting Ay~:' Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous . " ,", Noes: , . it ~,,!"" None. THENCE northwardly wi th the east right of way to itsiptersection with the south right of way , line of. Richmond Road for corner; THENCE in a north northe~sterly direction with the' south right of way line of Richmond Road to its, ,intersection with the east boundary line of. College Yiew Third Addition for corner; THENCE in a southerly direction with the east line of College View Third, Second and First Additions and continuing with the Southerly pro- jection of,said line to the place of BEGINNING, and inclu'1ng Lots 1 to 31 inclusive, Cambridge Place, all of Fair Haven Addition, Colonial Terrace Addition', College View First, Second and Third Additions and two acreage tracts belonging to Mrs. J. W. Cunningham. , 'f{)13 :+1'1 ~ID; C;(Iry OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA'CE, TEXAS:' REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CI'IX..~rrQ.~,PREPARE AND :FILE COMPLETE SPECIFIOATIONS FOR THE PRO- POSED IMPOVEMENTS TO GO 'WITH A STATEI.1E:NT SHOW- ING EACH STREET INCLUDED WI'l'HIN THE LIMITS DE- ]'IliED A.L1Iffi THE PROPERTY ABUTTING THEREON; DIRECT- ING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO ,PREPARE AN ESTDiIATE OF THE COST OF SITCH IMPROVEMENTS ON EACH STREET WITHIN SAID LIMITS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Noe s': None. Mr. Joe L.Archer, ChairIilan of the Z.oning Board of Adjust- ment ask if this Council was in favor of filing the suit against garage apartments, and that since this case had been, passed on by the former council, he would like to get the approval of the new council before the suit is filed in court. Commissioner Hersohel made a motion that the Case be carried through as per the former councils agreement, whioh motion was duly seconded by Corilmissioner Woodard. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor , Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. J. T. Rogers, Secretary for the Safety Council, pre- sented and read to the Cou~cil a Resolution of the Safety Council, outlining the plans of the Safety Council and request- ing the cooperation of the citizens and the city council. The Mayor presented the following bids on a one-half ton truck to be used by the city forces: Earl Ni8Millan, Inc'. Jackson Moters New Truck $775.00 Allowance '711.oQ Net $584.60 New Truck $755.00 Allowance 170.00 Net - $58.5.00 New Truck $790.00 Allowance '50";00 Net $640.00 New Truck $775.00 Allowance 22.5.00 Net - $.530.00 Alsbury - Russell Raymond Pearson i' 1__[' ~ '1"' a.,.~. . ~:.;.wtt~.. Commissioner K~rboW made a motion t~t ~e purchase the o~e-half ton truck f'ro:ql Raymond Pearson for a net prIce of Five Hundred Thirty ($530.00) Dollars, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, 'V{oodard, Herschel and Mayor Mai nous . Noes: None. The.Mayor stated that due to:the resignation of M.r:'. C. G. Jarrard ,we were in need of a bookkeeper. He recommended that Mr. P. W. McCoy be employed as bookkeeper at a salary of One Hundred Fifty ( $150.00) D04.1ars per month. COmmiss,ioner Herschel made a. motion t.hat Mr. McCoy be employed at a salary of $150.00 per month, which motion was duly seconded by, Commissioner Kerbow. ,', Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainons . Noes: None. CGmmissioner Herschel stated that for seme time the City has been pla~ing on putting in~ gasoline pump and underground tank at the pump house and city garage. The Mayo~ recommended that the gas pump be installed, using labor furn~shed by the City Laborers. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that since Commissioner Woodard and Herschel had oharge of the S~eet and Bridge and Water Depart- ments, respeotively, that the matter be referred to them for their arrangements and recommendations, whioh motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, .Herschel and Mayor Ma inous . Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard made a motion giVing Commissioner Herschel authority to purchase' the fOllowing: Four One' Six Two ~4) drums of gaSOline (~) drum of kerosene (6) water boxes (2) ear loads of shell which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, and Mayor Mainous . Noes: None. The Mayor stated that the profit sharing check from the Houston Lighting & ~ower Company for the year of 1940 was ready. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that we accept this check with the provision that this cheek will not interfere with the suit now in court (City of West University Place ~S. The Houston Lighting and Power Company), which motion was duly seconded by L _4....",,~_W -, j . .1 , r " I'llS ~~)! / '~ eommissioh~r Kerbow. A. J. Lamonte,' City Att orney ,was instructed to, prep1re the necessary papers for the Mayor and Commissioners to sign bef'ore rec,e:lving this oheok. I , Voting AY6-: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor presented ,the Oouncil with a Copy of the Building Code. Cemmissioner Herschel made a motion that the City adopt this Building Code, 'which mot~onwas duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Attorney, A. J. Lamonte was'authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance adopting this Building Code Book. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel; Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. There being no f'tirther business to come bef'ore the council and upon a motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjOUrned~ . II ayor ATTEST: ~y p ,- r l:J:j;Cj' ': ~(J.~;] SPl!:CIAL MJ:J:ETING MONDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY Off WESr UNIVERS ITY PlACE, TEXA,S A special "meeting of the City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, April 7th, 1941 at 7:00. P. M. with Mayo~ F. M. Maineus presiding, Commissioners Kerbow, Her'schel, Dunn~ngton, Woodard and Secretary Allen in attendance. f."'- This meeting was called for the purpose of adopting an Ordinance approving and. adopting the engineers statement and report of the estimate of the cost p'er front foot to be assessed for the construction of sidewalks in the West part of the City. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington approving and' "passing . Ordinance No. 217 . Caption is as follows: ORDINA:N"CE NO. 21 7 AN ORDINANCE JllPPROVING AND ADOPI'INGTHE ENGINEER FOR TEE qITY'S WRITrEN STAT:HMENT AND REPORT OF TEE ESTIMATES OF, THE COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE .ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE O\\'NERS THEREOF. FOR THE IMPROVIDitENr OF CETAIN STREETS BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDErNALKS ON SAID STREETS, IN FRONT OF, OR ADJACENT TO, ALL ABJTTING PROPER.TY ON EACH SIDE OF EACH STREET WHERE THERE IS NO SIDEWALK WITHIN THE FOLLONING AREA: BEGINNING at a point'in the north line o~ Bellaire Boulevard at the'iilterseotion of the West line of Gity of SouthSid~ Place; .. THENC'E westwardly with the eEl-st right of way to its intersection with the south,right of way line of Riohmond Road for corner; . THENCE in a north northeasterly direction with the south right of way line of Richmond Road to its intersection wi th the east boundary line of College View Third Addition for corner; THENCE in a souther+y direction with the east line of Colle,ge View Third, Second and First Additions and continuing with the southerly projection of said line to the place of BEGINNING, and including . Lots 1 to 31 inclusive, Cambridge Place, all of Fairhaven Addition, Colonial Terrace Addition, College View First, Section ~nd Third Additions and two acreage tracts belonging to Mrs. J. W. Cunningham, "., '1'10 IN THE CITY OF WEST UEIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; DETERMINING AND FIXING THE SAID 'COST TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROlE RTY AND THE TRUE OWNER TEE REOF; AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF IE VYING AN, ASSESS- , MENT AGAINST SAID ABUTl'ING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER 'lHEREOFFOR SAID COSTS; ORDERING.AND SETTING A HEARING AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. ON THE 5TH DAY OF -MAY ,1941, IN. THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER , IN THE CITY OF WEsr UNIVERSITY PLACE, AS A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING 'OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNER OJ!' THE SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND IN SAID PROGEEI;>INGS CONCERNING SAID ASS1!;S~NT AND PROCEEDINGS DIRECTING 'fEE CITY SECRETARY OF THE OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS RE(Q.UIRED BY THE LAWS O'F THE STATE OF TEXAS, AND THE ORDINANCES' OF "r,HE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLAOE, TEXAS .AND FUR'l"HER DIRECTING SAID CITY SECRETAliY, IN ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEMlING AS REQ,UIRED BY LAW, WH'ICH SHALL :BE VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN ITSELF TO INCLUOJ!: IN SAID NO'rICE A LI$T OF EACH OF THE STREETS WITHIN TEE AREA DEFINED AS SET- OUT IN SAID ENGINEER FOR THECITY'S WRITTEN REPORT; SAID NOTICE' SHALL. NEVERTHELESS BE' DIRE'OTED TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID' ABUTTING PROP:jmTY, WHETHER NAMED, OR NOT" AND, DEOL~ING AN EMERGENCY. Notioe of same to be published in the Southwestern News. Voting Aye: Noes: lone.' Commissioners Herschel, DUDnington, Woodard, and Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Tb,.er.e 'being no further business to come before the council and upon. motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared ~djourned. ~~ Mayor ATTEST,,: ~ Ac ng vity Secretary " v .~- 1. r : ~ 1"'1,"'j!il; N ~."' $- ~. . .' ,,'" .: . ~ _ ~ _: 0:\0.. REGULAR :MEETI NG MONDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1941 CITf HALL, CIT'fOli' WEST UNlVERSIfJ.'Y PL..t\ CE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, April 14th, 1941 at tthe City Hall at'7:30 P. M. wi th ~ayor .fl'. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Acting City Secretary Allen in attendance. County Commissioner Robt. Turrentine addressed th~ Council and those present, stating that the Commis si~ners Court had called an election to be held on May 3rd for" the purpose of voting on a 'bond issue for the impr ovement of roads in Harri~ County. Commissioner Turrentine stated that Precinct No. 1 had been allocated '1,400,000.00 of,the issue and that $400,000.00 of this amount was to be spent in paving with concrete: Bissonnet and Rich@ond Road and the South side of Bellaire Boulevard and that $24,000.00 was to be contributed to the City of West University Plac~ for the purpose of providing storm. sewers to drai.n Bissonnet. Commissioner Turrentine urged that everyone should render their property, so that they may be able to vote in this election. ~he City Council expressed itself as being very much in favor of the Bond Issue. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that a Resolution be drawn expressing the Uouncils approval of the Bond Issue, whi ch motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, Copy of this Resolution is to be sent to each daily newspaper and to the County Commissioners' Court. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor .if. lVl. Mainous. Noes: None. The minutes of the Regular i\lleeting of Monday, Ma.rch 24th, 1941, and the Special Meeting of April 7th, 1941 were read and approved. C,oInJ:p.i.ssioner Kerbow made a motion authori zing Liommissioner Herschel to purchase th~ following: Tires and tubes on li'orma11 weed cutting machine: Two (2) tires @ $ 9~31 ' each Two (2) tubes @ $ 1.75 each Repairs on the Maintainer not to exceed $30.00. Air Compressor repaired at an approximate cost of '20.00. 'lwo (2) Carloads of Shell. ' which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor ff. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Cormnissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Oommissioner Kerbow, ~aiving the penalty on taxes prior to 1935 on ,- 1 112 ",,"I '/1 / ~ Lot '1. Block 4 , Preston Place Addition. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor Jr. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard was authorized to secure three bids on the,water proofing of the walls on the inside and outside of the Pump House, tQ. be passed on by the Council at a later date. Commissioner 'Kerbow stated that several weeks ago Mr. J. C. Calhoun, Jr. Engineer, presented the City with a bill in the amount of $7,500.00 for additional fees alleged to be due on the con- struction of the water works system. ~ommi~sioner Kerbow made a motion that this bill be refused, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Noes: None Commissioners Kerbow, Hersche 1, Dunnington, Woodard and ;Mayor ]1. lVl. Mainmus. >,/ I A letter and bill from Wade and Wade, attorneys for Mrs. F. E. Hatdher, was read. The bill in the amount of $763.6.5. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that the bill be, turned down due to the fact that the City denied any liability and was therefore without, authority to pay the bill. The motion was duly secon~ed by Oom- missioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and W.18.yor F; M. Mainous. . Noes: None. Commissioner;,::Herschel made a motion that Mayor Mainous be authori~ed to purchase two stop signs at $10.00 each, which motion was duly seconded by Comndssioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, and :Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The N~yor stated that he had received bids on the lighting of the office in the <City Hall: ~ro Floresent Fixtures, 4 lamps One. Fixtur e 2 lamps .... Lights ,for Telej)hone Operator " $ 49.60 1.5.90 17.13 $ 82.63 TOTAL PRICE to be purchased from Lighting, Incorporated. Commissioner Herxchel made a motion that N'layor MaIDous be authorized to purchase these lights, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, wi th the provision that ]fl!". Mainous get -addit.iona1 bids, however, after being informed that Mr. Mainous had received more than one p 1'1'1"3".'" . . L '" . ", ;;-' . bid, . Commi ssioner Dunnington seconded the mot ion. Voting Aye: CoIDID.issioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. . Noes: None. Dr. Ray Collins, Dr. Seale I. Johnson and Mr. Travis Cash, members of the Board of Health and Sanitation; li1r. W. J. Aubertin ahd Rev. B.,....P. Murphy, members of the Personnel Board were given their oaths of office. Mr., W. A. Rees, a member of the Personnel Board, was unable to be pr~sent. Mr. 1~ino~s recommended that Mr. J. A. M~tcalf serve the, City for 1941 and 1942 as Fire Chief, Fire Marshall, and Chief Inspector of the City bf West University Place. .. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that Mr. Metcalf be appointed as Fire Chief; Fire Marshall, and Chief Inspector, whieh motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Noes: None. The Mayor made the recommendation that Mr. E. O. Rulon be .@:ppointed as assistant to Mr. J. A. Metcalf, iIJ, the event that Mr! Metcalf is ill, on vacation, or out of the City. . Commissioner ~~rschel made the motion that Mr. Rulon be 8!ppointed to assist ' Mr. Metcalf, Which ~otionwas duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. - ~- .... Commissioners Kerbow, .Dunnington, HerBchel;- Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Voting Aye: ComInissioners H~rschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. ,~ The Mayor also IlJa<1e the recommendation of Mr. .M. 'J.Whitehead, a licensed journeyman plumber to make inspections on ground and cover-ups in the Plumbing Inspection Department. Commissioner . Woodard made the motion, which was, seeonded by -Commissioner Herschel making the appointment. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor . F. M. Mainous. Noes: Commissioner Ker,bow, Commissioner Kerbow voted UNo" due to the fact that he believed it did not take a licensed journey- mCln plumber to make these insp8 ctions, and that Mr. Metcalf , would be capable of, taking care of this work. The :Mayor recommended that Mr. Grady Smith be appointed as Chief of Police. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow appointing :Mr. Grady Smith as Chief of the Police Dep atim1ent. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Ke~bow, Dunnington, Woodard, and 11 " ~I .........- '1',14 Mayor F. M. Mainou$. Noes: None. Due to the installation o:f a switchboard in the City Hall, it will be necessary to install anothe~ line to the Fire Department ' and a loud bell at the City Water P~ant. The additi ona:l cost to the City will be $2.30 per month. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, whioh was, seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing that; these changes be made. ,~.. VotingAye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard . and Mayor F. M. N~inous. Noes: None. .coIIlIl1issioner :Herschel made a motion, giving Mr. C. E. Gammill full charge of the office and its employees, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, .Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Due to the fact that t here is no one in the City Hall that has the authority to sign police documents in the absence of N~. Frank K. Cuff, Clerk of t,he Court, the Judge ask tlB t someone be appointed to assist him. Commission-er Kerbow made a ,mo,tion that was seconded. by Commissioner Woodard appointing Miss Thelma ,Buescher as Assistant Clerk of the Corporation Court. Vat ing Aye: Gormnissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunn,ington, and , Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: . None~ The following rames were submitted by the Electrical ,Inspector, Mr. J. A. Metcalf, and recommended by Mayor F. M. Mainous, to form the Electrical Board for the year of 1941-42. IvIr. J. A. Metcalf, Chairman Mr. Joe V. Ellis Mr. Jimmie Waters Mr. W. H. Delany Mr. Harry Clark Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that these me n be designated to serve on thms Electri cal Examining Board. Motion seconded by Comndssioner Herschel. Noes: None. Commissioners Kerqow, Hersch'el, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Wia.inous. Voting Aye: Bids for the construction of a 2000 gal. per minute water well were opened. The Layne-Texas Company benng the o~y bidder. Their !'I " ,- 1 -- -~ .' 1,1 ~i; bid 'was in the amount of '25,420.00. Commissioner Herschel stated that since this was the only bid received, he recommended and made the mot ion that we accept the:i.r bid in the amount of $25,420.00. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissi,oners Hers chel, Woodard, Dunningto n, Kerbow, and :Mayor F. M. Mainous. . Noes: None. Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen requested authority uf the Council for the lVlayor to execute release of paving liens against Lot 6, Block 15, College View Third Addition, and Lot 7, Block 10, Virginia Court. Conmiss ioner Kerbow made a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute the releases. The motion was seconded by E'ommissi oner Herschel. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, :Woodard and Dunnington and Nlayor F. M. Mainous. . Noes: None. Mr. J. Turner Rogers, Secret~ry Safety Council, presented to the City Cou-?cil aIWrdinance on. control of bicycl~s, which the Safety Counc11 recommends that 1t be adopted. Th1s proposed ordinance was refereed to Commissioner Kerbow and City Attorney, A. J. Lamont e, for investigati on and recommendation. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjournad. ~~ Mayor, ATTEST: AC~ ~-1 ,- ~ '1'16 SPECIAL IVIEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 22:ND, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEsrUNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor Pro Tem, a spe cial meeting of the City Commission was held at 6:00 P. M. Tuesday, April 22nd, 1941 at the City Hall.. The meeting was convened with Mayor Pro Tem A. L. Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Herschel,. Dunnington and Woodard, and Acting City Sec~etary Allen in attendance. ~ ~+-~ The purpose of the meeting was to consider the matter of the employment of additiohal counsel in the legal department, and for such action as the Commission may deem advisabihe with reference thereto in accordance with its anthority as set forth in Section No.4, Article XII, of the City 0harter, in order to protect the Citys interest in the suit to collect penalties set forth in Ordinance No. 129. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington tba t the City Commission employ additional counsel to assist the City Attorney in the defense of the' plea'in abatement entered by the Houston Lighting and Power Company;,~ at a minimum fee of' $50.00. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel~ Noes: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel" Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. The business for Which the meeting was @alled being con- eluded, upon motion being made and seco~\eb the meeting was ad jour redo a ~.~ WiAYOR PRO TEM ATTEST: ~~. Ac ng City Secretary r OFFICiALS: F. M. MAINOUS . MAYOR J COM~NERS: .J. A. HERS~ STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. ;1.. L. KERBOW DE;PT', OF FINANCE '. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD j WATER AND SEWER DEPT. ! MA VOR PRO TEM: I ~~ , A. L. KERBOW IOFFIC,ERS: \A.,J. LAM.ONTE , CITY ATTY. I !B.R.ALBERTSON 1 CORP, JUDGII i I c. E. GAMMILL TREASURER ! R. B. ALLEN CiTY ENGR, F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND caLL. .J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF' IRA A. HARRIS SUPT~ WATER AND SEWE;R .J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND BR. I. "'. I JOE L. ARCHER I CITY PI.ANNING AND %ONING I W. .J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL. TRAVIS.J. CASH DFPT. OF HEALTH ". .. C";jl?, n.>- "",c-:-.." _ ~~....;t~ri~'-'T;;:t~~~ :.' ~~, ,,", /?il'J 0/ Weill C il,! 0/ ,JJome:J . . . .. Univer,Jil'J Place 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON; TEX,AS April 19th, 1941 Mr. R. B. Allen, Acting City Secretary City of West University Plac~ Houston, T e x a s Dear Mr. Allen: You are hereby instructed to call a Special m~eting of the City Commission to be held at the City Hall at 6:00 P. M. on TueSday, April 22nd, 1941. The purpose of the meeting is to eonsider~ the mtter of the employment of additiona.l counsel inth~ "'- legal deIartmentand' for Sllch action as the Commission may. d.eemaq,vlsable wi th .reference thereto in aeeordailoe with its au~h:().r:ity as set forth in Section 4,lU'tic1e .... XII of the ,City Charter. ' Yours very truly, CITY OJ" WEST UNIVERSITY B~ ~ctt;;~ " .. ayor' Pro Tem _~l ./ ~ " t \ \ ' S-; \ \ \ i 1- '~ ,"".- ~ ~ 1"~"1' , .. -. . ". ,'~ ~'-. ,.< ~ : e' ~. ..i" ' ....~-. .;'.;: ,,< REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APR{[;L 28TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST lThTIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS )"'k The regular meeting of' the City Council 1f{as held on Monday, April 28th, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. with ~~ayor F.TM. M~inous pres~ding! Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnlngton, Wooda~d, and Actlng Clty . Secretary Allen in attendance. . ~~ . The minutes of the regular meeting of April 14th, and Special Meeting of April 22nd, 1941 were read and approved. The Mayor Wished that the minutes reflect that the storm Sewer Bonds and the Civic Center Bonds have been signed with the proper of'ficials signatures and are on the way to Austin to be signed by the State Comptroller; and that a Copy of each series is on the way to Chicago to have the bond attorneys final reading and approval. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Kerbow and Commissioner Dunnington to see tbatthe newspapers gave us some gpod publicity on the Harris County Bona. Election toot is to be held on May 3rd, 194i for the improvement of Harris County roads. The purpose of this publicity is to acquaint the citizens of West University Place with the benefits which are to be derived by this area from the bond issue and to urge all citizens to vote. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington adopting the following Legal Holidays to be officially observ~d asLe~al Holidays by the City: January, 1st, New Years Da~ Vg'ashingtonT s Birthday Texas Independ~nce Day San Jacinto Day Decoration Day July 4th , Labor Day Columbus Day- Armistice Day Thanksgiving Day ~ day Xrna sEve Christmas Day Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor F. M,. Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor stated that during the summer vacation period it will be necessary to transfer Jack Anderson to the Fire & Police Depart- ment to relieve Firemen and Policemen, and that due to this fact, it is necessary to employ a meter reader and bookkeeper in the Water Department. Commissioner Hersc~el made a motion that Henry C. Herndon be employed to do this work at $75.00 per month,' employment to be retroactive to ~l 7th. The motion was duly ,seconded by Commissioner Kerbow · (f Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, ~erschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Mainous. ~ Noes: Non,e. ----r' 118 Commissioners Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, ratifying the, contract entered into in 193tl, with the Worthington-Gamon Meter Company, for purchase of water meters. ' , Voting Aye: Comndssioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, ,Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. . Commissioner Woodard made a motion that we ratify the ~ontract with the National Cast Iron Pipe Company, since the material pur- chased under this contract was ordered under prior adminmstration and only now is being delivered. This Jiotion was duly seconded by Cormnissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. N~inous. Noes: None. The Mayo.r presented a bill for $175.00 ,from A. J. Lamonte, City 'Attorney, being his fee for filing and prosecution of the suit to determine status of Garage Apartments under the Zoning Ordinance. . Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that we pay him $50.00 in advance, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. " '. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington and IV1ayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None.' The Mayor presented a bi~l from the South Main Chevrolet Co. in the amount of $111.70 for repairs to the Chevrolet Coupa used by Mr. Ira Harris in the Water Department. The repairs were necessary due to an accident in the City of Houston, while Mr. Harris was engaged in city business. Since the ,Houston Courts held Mr. Harris blameless and dismissed the case against him, and due to the fact " that he was on City business, Commissioner Herschel made a motion, - which was duly seconded by'6ommissioner Woodard, authorizing that this bill be paid. . Vot ing Aye: Commis~ioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, and ]ilayor F. M. Main ous. Nee s: None Commissioner Woodard made a motion that Co~issioner Herschel be authorized to purchase the following: One car load of shell emulsion and, to retread tires on maintainer at a cost of $123.90. Motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noe s : None. n ~} ----'---T , ' 1"'l"'~"" " . '. ,-<- '-. ,~", .~ . . , . -'. <;~ f~' "".:..' '.' , -' -., ..".,.. , , ' j i Commissioner Herschel stated that the lire Department was in need of some fire hose, due to the fact that bd... 1_ L 1:1 \!J the water department had been using theirs, and ask authority to pur- chase four hundred (400) feet of fire hose. The N~yor referred the matter to Commiss.ioner Herschel and Kerbow to check on couplings, for which we receive a credit and to get the exact price, and re- ,port at the next regular council meeting On May 12th, 1941. The Mayor presented to the Council the pl~ns and specifications of the Community Building (Civic Center). After due consideration and discussion Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Comrrdssioner Dunnington, accepting the plans and specifications of the Cormnunity Building and authorizing the City Attorney to prepare ~ legal notice advertising for bids, said notice to be published in the official newspaper when the Civic Center Bonds are delivered to the Bond Company and the money is depasj.ted to the City's account. Voting Aye; Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Upon request of the Treasurer, N~. C. E. Gammill, the Mayor stated that some policy should be adopted governing payment of salaries and w~ges to employees who were off duty due to illness or to injuries received in line of duty. After discussion, the matter was referred to Comnassioners Herschel an4 Kerbow for study and re- uommendati on. , '. There being no fur ther business to come before the council and upon motion being made and $econded the meetings were declared adJourned. ~~~./ Mayor ATTEST: A~~ r --I 1'20 ~ SPECIAL :MEETING FRIDAY, IVfAY 2ND, 1941 " CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTTY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special meeting of the City, Commission was convened at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Friday, May 2nd, 1941 at the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Her?chel , Kerbow" Dunnington, Woodard and Acting Cit y Secretary Allen in attendance. . ~~ The Meeting was called for the purpose of: 1. To cons~der matters pertaining to the Legal Department, and to take such action thereto as, may be necessary. 2. To discuss City drainage program, revision of drainage plans, adoption of definite plans, and such other action in regard to drainage matters as may be deemed necessary. 3. To take up the matter of adoption of tax accounting system. 4. To authorize the Mayer and City Secretary to execute contract covering the drilling of water well for water department. The first matter taken up for consideration was the Bond Issue for the drainage program. Mr. Wilbur Hess representing Ranson-Davidson and Chas. B. w~ite &: Company; :Mr. Harland Mayes of Maroney &: Company, and Mr. W. J. Showall of Fenner and Beane were present in regard to the purchase of the bonds. Mr. Hess, spokesman of the group, stated that he and his associates who had contracted to purchase the issue at par plus accrued interest plus $5.00 premium, provided the bonds were de- livered to them by the City on or before March ~st, 1941, were now under no legal obligation to accept the bonds due to inability on the part of the City to deliver the issue within the time specified. It was stated that inability to make delivery was in no wise due to 'a lack of diligence or fault of the City, but was an unforseen cir- cumstance due to the National Bond Attorneys, Chapman &: Cutler, going into the matter of all the proceedings having to do with the election of the Charter eOF~ission, adoption of the Charter and the election of the City Officials under the Charter, that the change in the City's form of Government brought about the delay. Mr. ,Hess stated further that in the interim the bond market has suffered a decline due to acute international conditions and that he and his associates have suffered lossessin trading in the West Uni- versity Issue, which they were in no position to assume, when they had no legal obligation. ~; I I ' I lCIALS: ' t' i:O:'NOlJS \~MISSIONERS: I \, HERSCHEL. i JTREET AND BR1DG&' DEpT. \ I KERBOW lEPT. OF FINANC::. I ' i ! :,.~~~~INGTON j i I ESLEY WDODARD I 'lATER AND SEWER" DEPT. ,yOR PRO TEM: I i..KERIlOW I . ;.,FICERS: I ~. LAM6NTE CITY ATTY.. I' ! ~. ALBERTSON 1 CORP. JUDGE .d.,;:. GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. F.K.C:UFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLI.. :..J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEP i I IRA A. HARRIS I sUPT. WATER AND SEWER , i .J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR.. l.JOE L. ARCHER i CITY PLANNING AND ZONING , ! w. .J. AUBERTIN I J)EPT. OF PERSONNEL iiTRAYIS.J. CASH 't. OItPT. OF HEALTH I I I I { I I. 1< ! ~ ,. : Oil,! of We:J1 1/nivel'"il,!. Place Lllg 0/ JJome6 3800' UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON. TEXAS May 1st, 1941 10:00 A. M. ," Mayo~ F:- M. Mainous eomnu SSl-onera: J'. A. Herschel A. L. Kerbow ;r. M. Dunnington T. W. Woodard #~ Gentlemen: Pursuant to instructions of the Mayor, I am calling a meeting of the City Commission to be held at the City Hall on Friday, May 2nd, 1941 at 7:00 o'clock P. M. The purpose of the meeting is as follows: 1. To consider matters pertaining to the Legal Depa~'t1li~nt" and to take such action thereto as may be neees~arY. 2. To discuss City drainage program,revisi$n of drainage plans, adoption of de~inite plans, and such other action in regard to drainage matters as may be deemed necessary. 3. To take up matter of adoption of tax accounting system. 4. To authori ze the Mayor and Oity Secretary 'to execute contract cQvering the drillilDlg of water well for water , department. Yours very truly, , CITY OF WEST Ul'fiVERSITY BY~ /~17 REA: tmb ~~"a, -, / ,"it j.... 'j / OFFI,CIALS: F. M. MAINOUS i ....--MA YOR IC~MMISSIONERS: .l.A.HERSCHEL STREET AND BRIDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEP.T. OF' fl'JHANCR I.l. M. DUNNINGTON I TAX ~EP.T. T. WESLEY WOODARD WA'T-ER. AND SEWER DKPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW . 9'?FICERS: '.l. LAMONTE CITY ATTY. ;R. ALBERTSON : CORP. .JUDGE E. GAMMILL . TREASURER JIi.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. '. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. .l. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER' .l. W. CLARKE: I SUPT. ST. AND SR. jl.lOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W..l. AUBERTIN ! DEPT. OF PERSONNBL. TRAVIS.l. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH {. , IJ U'I ' '" " .: 'i. ' ~7~f,,' '},: ' " etlu If;k~'' ',..," V,'rl, , ':', (J., ~'1 ',', ~';<.1 .. . ilg 0/ .JJ~med t.-f:-. Mr. R. B. Allen Acting Oity Secretary City of West University Houston, T e x a s Dear Mr. Allen: U,. " , 'nivel'oi.t " {f -~ . 3800' UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON,TEXAS !!lilY 1st, 1941 ~ You are hereby directed to call a special meeting of the Oity Commission to be held at the City Hall on Friday, May 2nd, 1941, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. 'The purpose or the meeting is as f'ollows: l~ '1'0 consider :rnt;ltters pertaining to the Legal Depar'tment, and to take such action thereto as may be necessary. 2. To discuss Oity drainage program, revision of drain~ge plans, adoptien of definite plans, and such other, action in regard to drainage matters as may be deemed. ne ce ssary . 3. To take up matter of adoption of tax accounting system. 4. To authorize the Mayor and City secretary to execute contract covering the drilling of water well for water d,epartme nt. FMM: tmb Yours very truly, CITY OF, WEST UNIVERSITY, ,BY~~-z_sr~ , Mayor -i :,(;;il'1','l,' ~L~-~~~-. ~f:. Mr. Hess then stated that his Dond house felt a moral obligation to the City, since they had handled most of the West University Issues, and that he was authorized to offer to accept the bonds on the basis, of par plus accrued interest lboMarchlst, 1941, plus $5.00premrum~ provided the City would pay th~ losses incurred by the buyers amounting to approximately l~~ of the issue or $2,957.69. , After discussion at length, a motion was made by Commissioner Hersch$l which was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow accepting the proposal of the bond buyers and authorizing the Treasurer to deliver the bonds, since it was not deemed to be to the best in- terest of the City to attempt to sell the bonds on the open market in the face of declining prices, and also for the fact the City had obt~ined the advantage of a low interest rate. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, KerboW, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. In connection with the drainage program bond issue, Mr. A. J. Lamonte, City Attorney, presented the following bills for services: For handling proceedings in connection with Bond Issue ca1cula ted at 3/4 of lio of the Issue $ 1,500.00 For addTl services due to furnishing Chapman & Cutler proceedings ,in connection vdth Home Rule Charter From Steck & Co. for printing bonds From Gibson & Gibson for additional services in regard to proceedings in c,onnect ion with Home Rule Charter 200.00 140.82 191.60 Since the minutes do not reflect the previous action of the council with reference to fixing the fee to be paid the attorney, the Mayor stated that the Council had authorized the payment of 3/4 of 110 of the issue but that the action was not recorded and that he would prepare a certified statement to that effect and file same with the Council. Co:tnmissioner Herschel concurred in this state- ment and stated that he also would make a similar statement. It was stated that Mr. Lamonte was to bear the expense of the opinions of Chapman & Cutler and Gibson and Gibson, out of his fee, insofar as bond proceedings are concerned. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel that the bill of Mr. La- monte in amount 01'$1500.00 be paid, provided the Mayor and Com- missioner Herschel file statements certifying that the Council has fixed the fee at 3/4 of l~ and that the Director of Finance approve the bill. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Duunington, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. ~f Noes: None. 'j '[ 1'2'2 A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the bills of the Steck Company in the amount of ~140.82 and of Gibson and Gibson in the amount of $191.60 be paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor ]'. M. Mai no us . Woe s: None. .,":",' . . Commissioner Woodard reported that arrangements to finance the new wa'l;efo' well were expected to be completed in the next few days and requested that the Mayor, or Mayo~ Pro Tem be authori~ed to execute contract and necessary documents. , A motion was made by Gommissioner Herschel, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the ~~yor, or the Mayor Pro Tem, in the absense fuf the Mayor, and the City Secretary be authorized to execute the contract with the Layne-Texas Company and such other documents as may be necessary. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and lV~ayor Ji'. M. Mainous. Noes: None. .. Masquellette and Co. ~iled a report with the Council stating . that the condi tion of the delinquent' tax rolls were such as to necessitate reworking and recommended that the Oity take the necessary steps to correct the condition. Commissioner Dunnington in charge of the tax department strongly urged that the recommenda- "tions be adopted and that the records be brought up to date and a ,.ne,^1 system be installed to eliminate possibili,ty of errors and to facilitate recording ~~ tax accounts. , Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard that Commissioner Dunnington be authorized to purchase the necessary equipment and stationary to install the ' new system and that he, be authorized to employ the necessary labor to correct the delinquent' rolls. ' .,. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunningtoh, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. /]; I'll /'1' ' In connection with the audit of city records by Masquelette CO", the Mayor st~ted that it was his, desire to change the system of ' accounting in the City Hall in order that the records at all times would reflect the true condition of the city finances. N~. Hanley of Masquelette and Co. described various discrepancies existing in the'records. After discussion the Council requested Mr.. Hanley to have his company submit a written proposal on installing a new system of accounts an,d for a monthly audit service. ' ~' ,', i , " 'If ,i l-. r ' '~ '1 , r '----r " ~:;:~3,"", ~_.~ - The Mayor submitted to the Council several checks togethe~ wi th a letter which had been sent the City by the Houston ' Lighting and Power Company. These checks were as follows: if 27290 $ 2,717.67 ?l.27274 .514.64 i 22862 1,367.59 #,_g;?860 867.13 , If 25861 1,013.88 (,;~~ $ 6,480~91 TOTAL These checks represented amounts due the city under the 410 charge ~ade under Ordinance #129. The letter and tabulation showing basis of calculation'is filed in the city files under Public utili- ties - Houston Lighting and P~{er Company. Council acknowledges receipt of the checks and turned them over to the Treasurer. At this time the Nmyor reported to the Council on the status of the Storm Sewer Project. He stated that the Council had in 1937, vmile he was a Commissioner, authorized him to take,steps to im- prove and correct the drainage conditions in West University Place. That since that time he had been constantly working on the project, had conferred with the City of Houston, Dave Austin, Rice Institute, Mr. Malone of Guardian Trust Co, the Sweeney Estate, the Drainage District and others relative to numerous plans, routes and partici- pation. He stated that the Sweeney Estate and others south of Bellaire Boulevard wanted drainage and that much time had been spent in an effort to co-'o,pdzrnate the requirements of this area with those of,' " West University Place ,and the City of Houston; but, that 'negotiations' on this plan had fallen thru, due to Houston not having sufficient fundS to pay their part of the cost. In reference to the ditch, which the county dug off of Richmond Road in the vicinity of, Marlowe Street, about three years ago; that he finally, after receiving no assistance from county authorities, filled it up and provided new ditches. The Mayor stated that after two or three years of planning the "City's financial condition became much improved and that he consider- ed in 1940 the time had arrived'when additional bonds could be voted andsold.T~t prior to the submission of the bond issue, plans had been prepared?which were adopted by the Council with the understanding the new Council~ich was to take office in January 1941 was to have the right to revise, reroute or otherwise change the plans as it saw fit. ..if" He stated that he was aware of the possibility that all the sewers needed could. not be built with the funds available, but that it was his plan to build the trunk lines at this time to provide the City with immediate relief from flood conditions and to construct laterals at a later date. _\ ~~ ~"" - '.><7"~->;,!jl ~f:2'4 He reported that at the present stage the boundary lines o~ drainage areas lying on the Houston-West University Place city limit line had been fixed thru negot~ations with Houston, and that a tentative proposal had been made by Harris County to provide ditches south of Bellaire Bo~levard in the neighborhood of Link Road in case the City was ,prohibited from putting any more water in the drainage ditch. v ; . The Mayor stated that Mr. Calhoun had been employed by a former counc~l, that Mr. Calhoun had completed certain plans and negotiations with the City of Houston and others relative to the drainage plans. He stated that in view of the circumstances that Mr. Calhoun be instructed to proceed with the completion of the plans and. to prepare W.P.A. apP'lication, that this would save time d th Mr. Ca houn be paid to ~o hi service?, that lk10 be allocated to the City Engineering Deva~tmen 0 build and super- vise construction. Thereby saving 1'210 to be used in construction of .laterals. At this time the ]\f18.yor requested :Mr. Calhoun to 'f3tate what he had done in regard to the project. Mr. Calhoun stated that in 1938 he had began a comprehensive study of the drainage problems in West University Place. He outlined the various steps and negotiations which had been made toward co-ordinating all the ideas, requirements, etc. up to the present time. He stated that he had spent much money collect.ing data, and that he. considered it practical from engineering and economic standpoint to connect the storm sewers to the drainage ' ditch, that he had considered routing the sewers on the west side of to~n southward toward Brays Bayou, but due to the in- , 'f~dequacy of,lllunds on the citys part he had changed the route to (~t~the drainage ditch. That he' had completed the design of the ""Rf~ ;~nt line, but due to county participation this line would have ::-)~ redesigned. He stated further that he had apP;r0-a~hed iff.P.A. " au:thorities, and they had expressed their approval cifthe,; plans and willingness to expedite a proposal when same was submitted. He stated he had all the ,basic data available and only waited for action of the council. In answer to a question NIT. Calhoun stated that he had had approximately an average of four (4) men assigned to the p~bject continuously since 1938 and that in 1938, he had: employed two field parties for several months. " r.,. t I ~) , ,if ! ' Commissioner Kerbow asked if it were not a fact that':he, Mr. Calhoun had stated the previous week that no plans had been ma.de and that it would take six weeks toprepar.e t::t:iem. ; Mr. Calhoun explained tha t final plans had not -been made, but the basic design work had been done, that the Belmont line would have to be redesigned, which would require about one week, that it would take six (6) weeks to write a W.P.A. application and another six (1)) weeks to get it thru to approval stage.' f' Co:mmissioner Kerbow stated that Mr. Mainous was due credit for vvhat he bad done but that the time .had come when it was ne cessary to get the work under way and stop further delay. The Mayor stated that, he was only interested in carrying out the project with the least possible delay, at the least" expense and for the henefit of the most people, and that he could ob~ain ~ release from Mr. Calhoun of all the claims he had against the City on previou~_ projects. At this time, Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that Mr. John C. Calhou;J., 'Jr. be instructed to turn over to the City all of his plans and specificatio~s w~threference to the storm Sewer Project for checking and that Mr. ualhoun be paid for the work he had done provided the plans are approved, on a ,basis of services performed t~ward earning a 510 engineering fee 'on the funds available. The motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ' Voti ng,',Aye : Commis sioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, and 'V'foodard. , Noes: ~ ~'?yt:'r#4/I1~dS If'J;t; ~ssioner Kerbow moved that Mr. Allen and Mr. Harris be authorized to enter into negotiations with the Garrett Engineering Co. with reference to furnishing engineering services on the storm Sewer Pro je.ct. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard~ ' Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, and WoodarGl,"r~' Noes: Mayor Nlainous. The meeting was recess'ed at 12:.50 A. M. May ;,3rd, 1941 to be recoIlyened at 7:30 P. M. May 3rd, 1941. \ i Mayor ~. '<-~#/7" ~ Acting City Secretary -r - i r~ 1%"5" . _~.it, ~_ -'.:. : .; .,.... '. . :";" .~~ . :'"\ :t.? , ~-.,. 4,1 , lii . . 5<- .>- , .' , , 1'"'2"'6" " ~ ~ CONTINUED SPECIAL IVrEETING SATURDAY, MAY 3RD, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Special Meeting called for 7:00 p. m. May 2nd, 1941 having been recessed at 12:50 A. M. May 3rd, was reconvened at 7:30 P. M. May 3rd, 1941 with the folloWing present: Mayor Mainous, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, a~d Acting City Secretary Aklen. There also were present the following ~itizens: , iffirank Austin E. L.. Leonard 'Joe Huffington Chas. Mathews M. T. Garrett A. J.'LamoJ:.1te, m~.B. Howse, The Southwestern Rev. B. P. Murphy :Gus Barkow Bert Feiber , Ira A. Harris City Attorney News The Mayor advised that the storm sewer and Civic Center Bonds had been delivered to the buyers and the money received had been deposited to the city's account in the City National Bank. In this connection the Nmyor read a letter from the City National Bank where- in the bank stated that pursuant to conversation . between the Mayor and. one of the bank officials it was ready to place as security a sufficient amount of bonds to secure the city deposits. ~ motion was made by Commissioner Herschel which was duly -$ seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the C,ouncil desi'gnate Mr. C. E. Gamnlill and Mr. R. B. Allen to represent the City in handling the bonds placed as security. Voting Aye: Cow~issioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard /?nd Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. In connection with t4e bond issue the Mayor advised that it would be necessary to have twelve (12) sets of specifications and blue prints' of the Civic Center Building plans prepared so that the same may be available to bidders. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Oommissioner Kerbow, authorizing the preparation of the necessary plans and specifications. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, and ~~yor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Mayor read a news ,letter from the League of Municipalities relative to the enactment by Texas Legislature of a law limiting the amount of gross receipts charges levied by municipalities against public utilities to 2~. A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which was duly , seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the matter be referred to the ~ ----r . '. . 1""2~'7t'.... ' ~.~;;. -i '..,.} . .' .' ~ .' . '< -'--" City Attorney for study/ and recommendation. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Statements of Mayor Mainous and Commissioner Herschel relative to action of the Council in fixing the fee to be paid the City 'Attorney for handling the proceedings with reference to the Bond 'Issue were. presented to the Council. These statements being the same as referred to in minutes of this meeting which began May 2nd, 1941. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, that these statements be accepted and spread upon the minutes of the Council. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noe s : None. The stateme nts are as follows: No. 1 May 3rd, 1941 Attention City Secretary and City Commission: I, F. M. Mainous, Mayor., of the City of 'llestUniversity Place, hereby certify to you that on December 9th, 1940 a speci-al meeting of the Council 'was held, at :which time the committments for our bond issue were received and bids awarded to the lowest bidders: Chas. B. W....n.i te & Oompany, Maroney and Co., and J!'enner and Beane. At this meeting the ,question of legal procedure was brought up by me. After discussion, a motion was made and carrie~ that all bond proceedings would be handled by our Oity Attorney, A. J. La- monte; and he in return would employ Gibson and. Gibson of Austin, Texas; and Chapman &: Uutler, National Bond Attorneys of Chicago, Illinois, The consideration to Mr. Lamonte at a cost not to exceed ,three-fourths of one per cent for these proceedings. After coming back into the minutes, I find that this portion of the minutes are absent, This being a true and correct statement of facts, it is my desire to certify to you the above being true and accurate to the best of my ability. Commissioner Herschel will make a statement also on,this subject, and at least ~o of the gentlemen present will varify this to be a true and accurate stat;ement. Signed by F. M. Mainou / F; M. Mainous, Mayor of t e of West Universi ty Place., Subscribed and SW~rn to before me, the undersigned authority ity, , ~I ' , . on ",'..,,',' , , ~ -------,. ",1>;-~'8", ~, , thi s the day of May A. D. >' 1941. 3rd Signed "P W 1\lr~c():v Notary Public in and for Harris County, Texas. No.2 ... I, Dr: J. A. Herschel, City Commissioner of the 'City of West University Place, hereby certify that I was a duly elected, qualified and acting as Ci~y Commissioner of the City of West University Place, Texas on December ,9, 1940, at which time committ- ments for our bond issue were reeeived and sale of the bonds awarded to the best bidders, they being Charl~s B. White and Vompany, Maroney & Comrany, and lfenner (IE Beane; that at this meeting and after the awarding of the sale of the bonds, the question of legal proceedings was brought up, and after discussion a motion was made and carried that all of the proceedings' pertaining to the bond issue would be handled by our City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte, and that he was to be paid three-fourths of l~ of the issue for his fee in doing so; that the minutes of said meeting as here re- lated were read and approved at a subsequent ,council meeting on the 19th day of December, 1940. This the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1941. Signed Dr. J. A. HAl'"~nl1 A1 The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Painter, Attorney for Harris County Drainage District No. 12, requesting that no plans be made for connecting any storm sewers to Drainage District No. 12, Poor Farm Ditch or to Brays Bayou, until the Drainage District and the Harris County Flood Control had approved such plans and been conferred with on the subject. Mayor Mainous, at this time, stated relative to the Councils aetion in regard to Mr. Calhoun; that the plans' upon which the bond issue had been based, had been presented to the penple in' various meetings and their approval secured and that he thought the matter should be resubmitted to the people if any changes are made. The Mayor reiterated his stand on the whole proposition t\J statIDng , too t he thought it the sensi ble thing to,> do to retain Mr. Calhoun and that if this was not done Mr. Calhoun would institute suits against the City. '. Commissioner Kerbow stated that there was no basis or pro- vision in the City Charter which would require resubmission, that the Council was vested with discretionary powers and had been elected to represent the people, 'that he did not appreciate the efforts of outsiders to put pressure on the Council,. ~) , 1 ,../ j"2"9 " ,^~ :}: -": . -...". . ". .~,: '..:. . ,,". Commissioner Hersch~l stated that the action of the Council was no reflection on the Mayor, that the people had voted ~D~ drainage and not the Engineer. He also reviewed experiences the CitYL- had had with Mr., Calhoun on the Water Project. Mr. Frank Austin spoke briefly stating, in effect, that he favored the Mayorsstand relative to resubmitting the proposition. . Mr. M. T. Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Co. stated that he' wanted the,hminutes to refle ct t hat he had not solicited any engin- eering work in ~V'est University Place and that he was present upon invi tation. Mro HUffington stated that he was present to advocate drainage and suggested that final decision be delayed for more deliberation. The Mayor stated that he desired'a committee composed of citizens on the West side of the City, namely: Joe Huffington Joe L. Archer Mr. Jancik Mr. Jim Davlin Commissioner Woodard This committee is to go into the matter :of drainage on the West ~ide, presumably to see that the interests of the people are protected and all drainage problems taken care of. He also suggested a committee for the east side of the City composed of the following: " Frank CuI ver A. I. Sellers Commissioner Kerbow Commissioner Dunnington Commissioner Kerbow stated that the ,Chamber of Commerce had a committee assigned t9 the study of drainage. ]f'~ A. HundJiE;lr Mr. Carson Mr. FranK Austin There being no action on the part of the Council with re- ference to rescinding or' changing any prior action, the Mayor stated that'he wanted the minutes to reflect that since he had worked on' a basis ,of paying only 3~ for plans, specifications and W.P.A. appli-V' cation that in the employment of any engineer he would be opposed to paying more than 3~to any engineer, this amount to cover the cost of plans, specifications and W.P.A. application and approval. 'There being no further action taken, upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned at l2:00P. M. May 3rd, 1941. 4~~< ATTEST: ~~ Acti, City Secretary , 13'0 - .' ~:~ ~~ ~ . . . -. SPECIAL MEETING MONDAX', 1/..AY 5TH, 1941 CITY HALL" CITY OF WEST ,U1TIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS A special meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, May 5th, 1941 at 7:30 P. M;. at the City Hall with Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow presiding, COIDrftlssioners Herschel, Dunnington; Woodard, . and Acting City Secretary A1len in attendance. The purpose of this meeting was "To hold a Special Hearing on'the Sidewalk Ordinance". Mr. Bill Semmelrogge stated that he was very much in favor of sidewalks, but not until the the walks and streets were put to grade. That if sidewalks were installed now, the walks would be lower than the streets. Mr. Allen assured NJX. Semmelrogge that the walks would not be put in until the streets were put to grade, and that all engineer- ing matters would be consider,ed in connection wi th grades, etc. 'Mr. joe' D. Ashford at 4126 Coleridge ask if' the property on ,Academy would be assessed for sidewalks, and ask if there was any requirement governing the placing of sidewalks on this property. He stated that this Was merely f'or a matter of inf'ormation' on :his part. Mr, Sidney Olarabut ask if this was the same project that 4 was started some time ago, or if it was a new project; and ~tated that the council had promised to have all the walks con- ne,cted by April 1st, 1940.. Mr. Paul Young stated that he was in the same position as that of Ar'Ir. Semmelrogge. ' Mr. H. R. Fields, living on Coleridge, stated,that he also was interested in getting sidewalks on Academy Street and ask how long it would be ::before the project would start. Mr. Cookenboo at 3901 Villanova stated that he was compelled by the City to put in sidewalks before he could occupy his ,home, and asked if there were two different propositions on the con- structionof sidewalks. :Mr. J-. T~ Rogers explained A'r'I'EST : ~ AClng ity Secretary " v r"-'- -- II ' \,OFF(CIALS': 'i F. M,'MAINOUS , )1 M~YP.R Ii COMMISSIONERS: if .J. A.~HERSCHEL ! STREET AND "BRIDGE DEPT. I ; A. L. KERBOW ! DEPT. OF PINANCB t .J. M. DUNNINGTON ! TAX 'DEPT. I ' I T. WW~;:: ~~~~~:~ DEPT. 1m' . , - . -." .', . ~ ,'.. . . " ,". ".'. C~;JJo:~1 MI\. VOR PRO TEM: A)L. KERBOW . o IICER~: I, LAMONTE , ICITY ATTY. .- I R. ALBERTSON CORP..JUDGB Mayor F. M. Ma inous CemmdssionBr,s: Dr. A. L. Kerbow Dr. J'. A. Her;sehel Mr. 1 . M. Dunnington Mr. If.. W. Woodard TREASURER CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. ANO COLL. .J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF Gent leme ll: IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .J. W. CLARKE: SUPT. ST. AND BRIO I I .JOE L. ARCHER "- I . CITY PLANNING AND ZONING i I W..J. AUBERTIN !I DEPT. OF PERSONNEL. )1 TRAVIS.J. CASH ; DEPT. OF HEAL.TH ..1, I' II Ii II d 'f I 'i :] ! I 'i ,I RBA:tmb :~q/: " , .' ":. " '.. . 1Jniv(!!'6il"PI",ce 3 600 UNIVERSITY BOULEVAR.D HOUSTON. TEXAS . ":-- lIIay "I'd, 1941 "\" , ,,,,~ " ). ;~~ Yours very truly, Clfi OF WESTmITVERSI'l'Y By /f? Lf:: ~ ' , " ",' Aeting"ity 'seeret~ I I' I -' ,;;. ;j I' i _I '1,,) i:J J f.~~1?R~~~o'W. -<;:1?~~,;. ~,. 0" j . ~E-:". OF. PINANC;:II . . .".' < . - , . .J, iii:. D~HNIN,"TON ' T#tX~b'EPT~ T. WESLEY WOODARD ~ATE'R AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L.'KERBOW' OFFICERS: A. .J. LAl'IIONTE CITY AT"tY. B, R.,ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGIl c. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CiTY ENGR. F.K.CUFF TAX ASSESS. ANI) COL!... .J. A. METCALF FIRE CH'EV , IRA A. HARRIS 1 SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND BR. JOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONIHa W. .J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OP peRsONNEl. TRAVIS.J. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH ~ I ~~ <, " :. ~ , ~ .r; '1~~::1';~ , , ~8"""'~~~, " ..:;'..... '^" " ~~. ~.' , ' . .." . . . .".". . . ", ". ,"': .'.' -, JIUJfl UNIVERSITY B[)ULEV,A.Iltf' " . ~ ,": ' .. "'.'.. . :.~ .' .- ." J HIlUSTDN. TRXAS . ~~~~, ,...y<. ~,~t.~ ..c=-.::~ ::; ~-,:_"'~~="~J!-'0~;r.o~~. o.,.:,~ie ~ L.;<.-';< ~-,"'" '-.-', , " ":~:::}'?t; ;:~~ "Kf'"'" . , ~t;;o: May 3rd, 1941 4~'~ Mr. R. B.- Allen Acting City Seoretary City of West Uni versi ty Houston, If e x a s Dear Mr. Allen: I am calling a special meeting of the city council to be held on Monday, May 5th at the City Hall at j:~O P. M. The purpose of this meeting is as follows: To hold a special hearing on the Sidewalk Ordinanoe. HI :~ '~ :j --~~ , , Yours very truly, CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSI'fi , , " B"$:J;!/~ ~~~~~ ~\:'.'~\' ~or ~,~4~ FMM:tmb . '"' ~ . J~;&.. 1 ~ l' '~' "j!" . ~:,.~ .~.. . .". , " t ':, ;,' REG1JIAR 'MEETING MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Council was held on MOnday, May 12th, 1941 at the eityHall at 1,:30 P. M. with Mayor Pro Tam A. L. Kerbow~presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington; Woodard and Acting City Secretary H.' B. Allen in attendance. ~ayor F. M. Mainous was not present, due to his absence from the C.ity. .~. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 28th, 1941 were read and corrected and approved. ' The'minutes of the Special Meetings of May 2nd, MaY3rd, and May 5th, 1941' were read and approved. The Oity is attempting to set up a new Financial Accounting System in the City Hall. A proposal was submitted from Masquelette and Oompany, which quotation was referred to Oommissioner Dunnington for his recommendation at a future mee~ipg. Mr. R. B. Allen, Acting Oity Secretary, reported that $275,000.00 in bonds had been placed in the First National Bank: to secure the City funds in the City National Bank. ' . ~ "I __. , Bids on the water we-llha11te ,tal\en and the Layne-Te:x;as ,bid. of $25,4~O~'OO:'accepted. It Is to','bepaid for .on an installment basis; $2,000.00 cash and $1,.500.00 per month. It is neces:sary that a Resolution be drawn authoFiz~ng the drawing of a c9ntract and lease and sett ing, p,ut the terms. of the contract. Commisslon.er :Herschel made a mottoii~which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard that t4t R!3so1ut1onbe adopteg.. ',' . .,.' Voting Aye: Commissl one~s Herschel, -WOOdard, Dunnington, aIld Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. :.,~.!.t" ..' t~ ;,-".'.", Noes: None. The Resolution is 'aA:! follows: f' . . +^- RE~OUPl'I 011 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR MAYOR PRO- TEM TO' EXECUTE A LEASE CONTRACT 1n:TH THE LAYNE-TEnS COMPANY t FOR AND ON BEHALF Olf. 'mE, CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DRILLING A WATER WELL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTIONJL. That the Mayor or Mayor Pro-Tem, be and is hereby ~uthorized to execute a lease contract wit~ the LAYNE-TEXAS OOMPANY at~,nisn County, Texas, leasing I I 1,'J.2 .." t:>~ . to said LATIJE-TEXAS CO~P.ANY a certai n part of Lot One (1) Block Eighteen (181. of COllege View Third Addition, owned by said Cit'y, for the purpose of drilling a water well, as fully set forth in said contract, 'a copy of whi'ch being att ached hereto and mad~ a. part hereof. SECTION II. That the CitY' Secretary be instructed to spread said contract upon the minutes immediately fOllowing this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED rpHT~ 1 '+'11 DAY OF May .A. D. , 1941. , . Signed ,-PL Too KA,..how, Mayor Pro' Tem ATTEST: Signed R. B. Allen Acting vity Secretary Commissioner d. M. Du~ington made a mqtion appointing the Board of Equalization as fqllows: Mr. L. B. J:tyon, Chairman, Mr. R. J. Depenbro ck,' and lIilr.J . ft. Davlin, to serve as a member oft,his Board ':f"J?-r- the year of 1941; and that Mr. Frank K. Cuff, Ta1C ~olle ctor and Asse-ss,or 'set in" at 'each of the meetings. Said meetings to be held from 7:00 P. M. in the evening until 10:00 p.m., This motion- was 'duly seconded by Cominissioner Woodard. Mr. Depenbrock declined the appointmen~ statihg that he would not have time to devote to the activities of the Board. V oti:ng Aye: Commis sioners Dunnington, Woodard, Hers,ehel, and Mayor Pro Tam Kerbow. Noes: None. Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow recommended that Mr. C. E. Gammill, Treasurer, and Nu-., R. ,B. Alle-n, Acting City Secretary, b~ authorized to check into the .matter of ,the sinking fund time deposit at the Citizens State Bank, and to find out if same can be renewed,and to report back to the council. Commissioner Herschel ask authority to purcha~e 400 feet of Fire Hose for 'the ~'ire Department at $1.10 per foot. Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow recommended that Gommissioner Herschel and Dunnington receive bids and report back to the Council. The meeting recessed @al1 of the Mayor. reconvened upon ATTEST: il~~ Acti g ~ty ecre ary ,. "'.: . . ." :..f~'~~~', _l1t"tqJ , ,,;, ;"0' ~::~!lu:a-'J~ARIN~?:;".".,~: 'lJI, ~Y:.."MAY I2m;,; J~"9~ CI'I'YHALL, OITY OF WEi:3Tul'UVJ:!;I:(tll'!'Y , PLAUl!;, TEXllli .A. Pu. bli,c."E:ea.:tt"i?Qg',:'.wl th:;:re.f'er~ nC':e; :e~Q 11me. ' co~~Qi;.i on:'o:t', ~: t .:' ~ ~ sidewalks in the "West Section Ot.:;"tlHt:O-ttywas held at the City '0'..1;""1 "'Mr' d~' '..1I11'_ ~1i,.,tl,;- "lO'if'!l . t 10.O'O"''f.'1 'T",.~ ,""",., ,f,' , ,,"1 _,., ~.L:, on mon, aY--t, :,cJlIJi;J.}f. ,..LL ll, , . ;?'+'. a' " ~.:'" ',;& .,~;.W.:e, ~"J ,.';. '., " " ....r .' _'._ ('1.-,,',...,..., ""',-"-,-11"'.7 ..~.!" ',"",.." '"",J.,,.., - '':',:.''1 ,~.r1..t'h Mayo,>:> .. TO Tam i. T Ker-' ...,".. .>. -"_... ...,',.....' .......$..---"--.;;. --...." ..........1".<0 ........~"~.j ~-/ i.J.....,,.. 'f' ..s.;... ,.~...L.t. bow pre.sicding;", Cammissione:rs Herschel, Dunnington" Woodard and . Acting 0ity. Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance.. . j,"''' Mr. Wohn stated that he was in favor of sidewalks in that it will greatly improveethe value of him home and property, that it would b~ foolish fora project of this naut e not to carry. ' O. T. Wilson at 3926 Swarthmore, stated that his street had sidewalks, but that he would like to 'see the whole City have sidewalks. E. A. Blankenship stated that we are all civic minded citizens and working people, that this is a residential area ,ani that we should have pride enough to place sidewalks in front and on the side of our pro'perty, even if we don't use them ourselves. Mr. N. C. Sears, a Gontractt'liand BUilder, engaged in the construction of homes in the City of West Univers~ty Place testified that he has been building homes in the City of West University Place for some several years and he is familiar with t,he plaluations of the property in said City. In his opinion the placement of side- walks in the front of and along side of, in case of corner lots, would increase the value of such lots ,greatly in excess of the cost of sidevRhlks. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the hearing be closed and that we approve and pa.ss the sidewalk ordinance No. 218 for the construction of sidewalks. Caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2-3:-&- AN ORDINANCE CL~NG THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE: READ AND TRUE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUrrTING UPON EACH sr DE OF EACH STREET WITHIN THE FOLLOWING LIMITS: BEGINNING at a point in the north line of Bellaire Boulevard at the intersection ~~ the' West line of City of Sou thside Place; THENCE westwardly with the North line of Bellaire ~oulevard to its intersection with the east .right of way line of the Humble Pipe Line Company ri ght of way for corner; THENCE northward~y with the east right of way to its intersection with the south right of way line of Richmond Road for corner; I' '1 ~I ,1'3~4 THENCE in a north northeasterly direction wi th the south right of way line of Richmond Road to its intersection wi ththe east boundary line of College View Third Addition.,for corner; ." TBENCEin a southernJ,.y direction with the .1 'east line of College View Third, Second and First Additions and cop.tinuing with the ,,... southerly projection of said line to the place of BEGlt-1NINJ., and including Lots 1 to 31 inclusive, Cambridge Place, all of FairHavenAddition, Colonial Terrace Addition, COllege View First, Se,cond and Third Additions and two acreage tracts belonging to Mrs. J. W. Ounningham, in the City of West University Plaoe, Texas. AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE. OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTtJE OF THE IMIR OVEMENr OF SAID STR;Jl:ETS WITHIN THE LIMrl;S DEFINED, AND AS TO ANY ERRORS, I1j'V ALIDITIES, OR IRREG1JLARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OR CONTRACT THEREFOR, OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED; FINDING AND DETERMINGING THAT EACH AND EVERY PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTI NG UPON SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LDJlTIS DEFINED \ULL BE SPECIALLY BENEFI TED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPRlWKMENTBPROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTIES MID LEVYING AN ASSESSMENr FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL OF THE COST OF IMPR OVING SAID. STREETS WITHIN SAID LIMTTS; 1IXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY mroTTJUNGXlrrPONIIDtTB;STJm:EijpS AND THE TRUE Om"EROR OWNERS THEREO;l1'; PROVIDING FOR ;THE ISSUANOE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES Upm\f TJ!E CO!JIPLETI ON AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID VVORK, THE MANNER AND s:v.rME OF PAYMENT AND m OVIDING FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID ASSESffi.E ms AND CERTIFICATES, AND' DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. whioh motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. ~} , 1 --r There being no furtherbusihess to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. i,~~ ,a~'V:~ ", "MaYOr~~. ATTEST: ~ I , l' ~l'f~r:t.' ~~'~U'.' ~"~'a' ~ .~.~.~'u< . CONTINUED~AR MEETING TtJESDAT~ 'MAY 13Th,194l CITY HALL, CITY OF WESI' UNIVERS:rry , PLACE, TEXAS , I A continued meeti~g of the city councB. was held at the City Hall at 6:30 P. 'M. on Tuesday, May 13th, 1941 continued from the regular-meeting of Mp~a::r,~May 12th, 1941, with Mayor Pro Tem Ke!"b()V' presiding, COmm!ssionersHerwc.1J.d;..,. rrunnington, Woodard and acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. .~- The na tter ibf the employment of an engineer to furnish engineering services, on the Storm Sewer Project being under discussioh, a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel" which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard, that a Resolution be adopted authorizing the Mayor Pro Tam and the Acting City Secretary to execute a contract with the Garrett Engineering Company to perform certain engineering services in connection with the Storm Sewer Project; provided, said contract co~ld be negotiated satisfactorily as to terms, including payment of 3~ for such services, that all plans, maps, basic date and re- ports would ~e delivered to the Gity, that the engineer would assist in securing all land, rights of way and easements necessary and agree to time l1mi t provision. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Noes: None. The Resolution is as fo,llows: A RESOLUTI ON AUTHORIZING TEE MAYOR OR MAYOR ill 0 TEM TO .EXEC,UTE A CONTRACT WITH THE GARRETT ENGI NJ:!,'E RING COMPANY .l:t'OR AND ON BEHALF OF TID: CITY. :a~ IT R.l!:SOLVji;D BY 'rID; CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, TEXAS: 1. That the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem be and hereby is authorized to execute a cont:ract with the Garrett Engineering Company, Consulting Engineers, Houston, Texas, for 'the perfor- mance of certai,n Engineering services, more fully se,t forth in said contract, a copy of whi,ch is attached hereto and marked Exhibit lIAu. 2. That the City Secretary be instructed to file a copy of said ,contract in the Minutes immediately following this Resolution. ~} ~. 1"'3:' ] ..,,.. '.'.. . . ". ,. .' . ,--. . ~'~.~ ( . PASSED AND 11P .pROVED thi~ 12th 1, of May. 1941. C;Z. ~ . . aji5r -ro -em- ATT".B;ST: ~~arY .'" The }layor Pro Tem discussed certain cne.cks from the Houston Lighting and ~ower Company which had been tendered'the C~ty,re- ference to same having been made' lin 1ilinutes of Special Meeting of May 2, 1941. The Council r~ested the City Attorney to ren(i~r a written opinion as to the effect, if any, of thecash~ng oftl:1~se checks, upon the matte~s now in litigation with the HOuston ' ' Lighting and P~ler Company. ' A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, whi ch was dUJ-y seconded by Conmissioner Dunnington Dunnington that.. the salary of Mrs. Agnes Graham, PBX Operator be raised to $75.00 per month effective as of May 1st, 1941. Voting Aye: Commi~sioners Herschel, Dunnington-, 'WQodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None i The Treasurer requested the Council to establish a policy relative to payment of salaries or wages to employees oft duty due to illness or injuries r~ceived in l~ne of duty. The Mayor Pro Tem turned this IDa. tter over to the Personnel Board for study and recommendation. There being no further upon motion being duly made clared adjourned. bus iness to c'ome before the Cou+tc~l, andaf x::: de- Mayor Pr9 Tam. i> Attest: ~t~~~ ,~ Actig v+y Secretary -. 1'38 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 26TH, 1941 OITY HALL, CITY OFWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, May 26th, 1941 at 7:30 P.M. with .LV.Layor J!'. M. ' Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, K~rbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acuing City Secretary in attendance. ' , . , The minutes of the regular meeting of M@:y 12th, 1941 and the continued meeting of May 12th on May 13th, 1941 were read and approved._ A petition was presented to the,Oouncil from the. residents living in the west section of the City, living adjacent or near to the City Dog Pound. They requested that' the Pound be moved to a more suitable place. This matter was referred to Commissioner Herschel, Dunnington and Woodard to decide as to the proper location for the City Dog Pound and report back to the Council at an early date. The, Mayor stated too t the deeds and p:lpers were ready to sign for the purchase of Lot 9, Block 18, College View 3rd Addition, adjoining the Water Plant, for the sum of $425~OO. Commissioner Woodard made a motion which was dUly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the Mayor to sign the necessary papers and cOIl1plete the purchase of thi slot. ' - Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow and Mayor F.. M. Mai nous . Noes: None. Ira Harris, Water Superintendent, stated that the Water lines and pipe being put in on University Boulevard, were not getting the proper supervision and inspection. Commissioner Woodard was authorized 'by the Council to see that the l,ines were properly superv ised and inspected. . ' Inasmuch as Mr. R. J. Depenbrock was unable to serve on the Equalization Board for 1941, Co~ssioner Dunnington recommended and made a- motion that Mr. John LT. Holland be appointed to serve on this Board. The comp~nsation to be ~7.50 per night for each person serving on this Board. The Doard will meet for a three ' day period f:;.:__, '~:.~G from the,16th of June, thruthe 19th. An extra day will be allowed, if necessary. Commissioner Herschel .seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commiss'ioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. ~) r----- - 1 -"-'r' ~ 1'~9"'" : It-J ~ ... . The matter of the Financial Accounting System P~oposal that had been referred to Commissioner Dunnington at the meeting of May 12th was referred to Mr. C. E. Gammill, Treasurer. The proposal from F. G. Masquelette & Company contemplates the installation of a new system. Commissioner Kerbow made a, mot ion, whi,ch was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, givi~ Commissioner Herschel authority f-or the following: ; .~. To employ three (3) men to clean out ditches at .35~ per hour. To maintain Robert Wiley on the payroll, to pay doctor and medicine bills. (This is due to the fact that Robert Wiley is suffering from a broken arm received when he fell from a dump, truck, while on duty for the City. He is putting in a full days work, even though his arm is broken.) Eight tires on the Street and Bridge and Garbage Trucks need repairing. Four of the tires will be retreaded at a cost of $14.60 each. Purchase four new tires, with a refund of $11.00 on the :Acme Tim-Sil. For the Fire Department, for new members in need of equip~ent: Seven (?) helmets, seven ('7) sli.ckers,and seven(?) pair boots. Voting Aye: ' Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. cT. A.. Metcalf, 'whO.does all of the banking for the City, has always had to pay for parking space when he goes to town. rrhe Mayor recommended that the City nake some arrangements with a parking lot near the renk, wherein Mr. Metcalf may park his car at the City's expense. Commissioner Dunnington made amotion instrue4i- ing the Mayor to ~ke the necessary arrangements on a monthly basisj. which motion was, duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, and Mayor F. M.Ma.inous. Noe s: None. .., . . , In regard to the Case of the City of West University Place VB The Houston Lighti.ng ahd Power Company, the Mayor stated that he was in favor of making some agreement wi th them after, the litigation now in court is completed. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he was bf the same opinion. Commissioner Kerbow then made a motion that this matter be tabled until a later date, Which motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. " . ',' Votirg Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard" and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. -1 T- 1_40' The following bids were received for the construction of the Civic Center Building (Community House): H. R. Wilkerson - Bid of $18,460.00 Alternate No. 1 $365.00 Alterm te No. 2 375.00 John G. Holland Bid of $15~600.00 Alternate o. 1 $350.00 ~~- Alternate No. 2 400.00 Chas. W~ Burkhart - Bid of $14,996.00 AlternateNb. 1 $248.,00 Alternate No. 2 359.00 ' A. T. Hingle - Bid of $15,716.00 Altermte No.' 1 $400.00 Alternate No. 2 160.00 The Mayor instrueted Mr. Allen and Mr. J. A. Metaalf to serve on a committee with the N-ayor and Commission to check these bids and to report at a future meeting. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourne~. ~. ATTEST: ~~ 'Act ng i ty Se-onetary lme, t....RIDGE DEPT. ~'IN;:=E ODARD SEWER'DEPT. TEM: ON E . I Is. AND COLL.. L f r AND SEWER LND B~. ~ IHG AND ZCNIN<I IN RSONNEI. H loTIi 'f C~ j.Jf:t Univep4ilrJ Place 3 B DO' UNIVERSITY BIlUi.EV ARD , HIlUSTON. TEXAS May 28th, 1941 ,~. Mayor F. M. Mainous Comm. A. L. Kerbow CQmm. J. A. Herschel Com. d. M. Dunnington Comm. T. W. Woodard .. :1 Dear Sirs: Pursuanii to a call of the Mayor, I am calling:,'l' a special council meeting to be held at the City' '. Hall on Friday, May 30th, 1941 at 4~OO P. M. for the purpose of': No. 1 Approving and exeeu.ting a, contract between the Houston Lighting and Power Company and' 'the City of' West University Place. No. 2 1];10 officially award the contract on the Oivic Center Building (Community House) ~ Yours very trUly, CIT[ OF WEST -uNIVERSITY llY~~;;tarY RBA:~b I PS: Trese tv/o matters will be disposed 01' in a short! time"then there will be a business conference fOllovn~,' the meeti ng. '~ 1 i ~ ~ ~ 'I :1 'I ,I 11 \~ i "\! j~ ACCEPTED- , c::11? oI~ g~~ J'J7lN)~~~ 'l~ ,', It \~ ~i; -1~ 15 " ;) ,\ ,'1 , ~1 ------. :1' 'j: r I ODARD . SEWER DEPT. 1 [EM' j i f" I j \ ,. AND COLL. I I t AND SEWER , tND DR. I it I:G ANO ZONING ~RSONNEL ! r '-LTH 1 I 1 I I i ! i i ~ ':.... " it'!',.' mO=~T==->-~-j HOUSTON. TEXAS " ",1 May 28th, 1 9 4 1 J I I ~. , Mr. R. B.Al1en, Acting City Secty , City of West University Place, Houston, i' e :x: a s Dear Mr. .A.1.len: I , i : : I am calling a special council meeting to be held in the City Hall on Friday, 1-1ay 30th, 1941, at 4:00 P. M. for the purpose of: No. 1 Approving and executing a contract between the Houston Lighting and Power 'Company and the City of West University Place. No. 2 To officially award the contract on the Ci vie Cent er Buildi ng (Community House). J Yours very truly, f I ] PS: These two matters will be disposed of in a short, I; time, then there will be a business conference following i the mee t.:iing. i 1 ! I I '! ! i " ,1 ! 'I . .j "j " r i ,; , "I :1 i '~'1 i CITY ~VERSITY / B, ~,~ ~.. - - Oa-i:OUS' Mayor F.MliI: tmb F.MM , . , -'-,- - 1 r - 1"4~Y :..::;:;*....... SPECIAL MEETING' FRIDAY, MAY 30TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI 'l':{ .PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting was convened at 4:00 P. M. On J:!'riday, . May 30th, 1941 at the City Hall to cohsiderthe following matters for which the meeting was called: 'No. 1 Approving and executing a contract between the Houston Lighting and Power Company and the City of llfest University Place. No. 2 To officially award the contract on the Civic Center Build- ing (Corrmunit y House). The fOllOwing were present: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor 11'. 1vl. Mainous; City Attorney A. ;r. Lamonte, Attorney W. H. Hansen and Acting City Secretary Allen. The first matter for consideration being the Contract for construction of the Civic Center Building, a resolution was pre- sented by the vity Attorney providing for the awarding of the contract and authorizing the Mayor and City Secretary to execute said contract~ After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the resolution be adopted. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and MayorF. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Resolution, is' 'as follows: - Rw.~nrrTT~ION A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTEUCT~ON OF THE CIVIC CENTER BUILD- INGTO TEE LOWEST BIDDER AND DIRECTING THAT SAID CONTRACT BE EXECUTED BY THE W.AYOR FOR AI\1D ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C01fMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIYERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the bid of the lowest bidder, in ac- cordance with the plans and specifications, for the construction of the Civic Center Building for the City of'West University Place, Texas, be and the same is hereby accepted. "---~---~ i r ~ 142 SECTION II. That the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract, for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, \rlth the said lowest bidder and dire~ting that said con- tract also set forth the schedule of the prevailing wage rates to be maintained by s!;id contractor. SECTION III. That the City Attorney be directed to pre- pare contract, in accordance with plans and specification~, to be exeouted by and between the City of West University Place, Texas, by its Mayor, ."and the successful bidder. PASSED A1'ID .APPROVED th~S t~~941. S1.gne , '. . ., , Mayor ATTEST: B.igned R. B. Allen City Secretary On the matter of the Houston Lighting and Power Company con- tract; a conference having been ,held between the members of the City CounCil, attorneysA.J. Lamonte and W., H. Hansen and Mr. Frank Austin of the Houston Lighting and Pow~r Company,. The following Resolution was pre~ented by the City Attorney: <;- 'RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TIIE WJAYOR TO EXECUTE FOR .AND 'ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, THE 'WRITTEN PROPOSAL OF THE HOUSTON LIGHT- INt;} .M1D POWER COMPANY; SETTLING ALL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SAID COMPANY AND SAID CITY; AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO ENTER OR CAUSE TO BE ENTERED APPRO- PRIATE COURT DECREES TERMINATING PRE- SE1TT LITIGATION filTH SAID COMPANY. \f.HEREAS, in January 1941, the City of West University Place, Texas, filed suit,ag~inst the Houston Lighting and Power Company for penalties alleged due under Ordinance No. 129; said Ordinance having been held valid by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas; the petition for a writ of certiorari filed by the Houston Lighting and Power Company in the Supreme Court of the United State having subsequently been denied, and vVHEREAS, the Honorable 11th Judioial District Court of Harris County, Texas sustained the Houston Lighting and Power Company's Plea in'Abatement \vith respect to said penalty suit, holding that the City cannot impose or collect penalties growing out of Ordinance No. 129 during the time said Ordinance was being contested in the Courts, and v 1~~43' WHEREAS, the proposal of the Houston Lighting and Power Company is contingent upon the settlement of all matters in controversy between said City and said Company and it appear- ing to the City Commission" that the proposal made by the Houston Lighting and Power Company would result in a benefit to the City and that it would be to the best interest of the City to accept the same, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY comrrSSION OF THH: CITY OF . WEST UNIvERsITY PLACE, TEns: SECTION 1. That the written proposal ,of the Houston tightiI.l;g and Power Company be accepted and the .oo.ayor be and is hereby authorized touexecute said acceptance for and on behalf of the City of West niversity Place, Texas. SECTION II. That all differences between the Houston Lighting and POW'er Comp;l.nyand the City of West University Place, Texas be and are hereby settled and compromised. SECTION III.' That the City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and is hereb,y instructed to enter or cause to be entered necessary and appropriate decrees in accordance with the proposal of the said Company as accepted by said City terminating the present litigation. : SECTION IV. That th8' City Secretary be iilstructed to s~read said proppsal upon the Minutes immediately following this resolution, a copy of which is attached hereto. . PASSED AND APPROVED th.is the Signed 30th day Of'~.M~, F. :M. Mal.n ' Mayor ' Attest: Signed R. B.Allen .Gity Secretary After due discussion a motion was made by Commissioner KerboW, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the resolution be adopted. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. An additional resolution providing for the acceptance and execution of a separate contract with the Houston Lighting and Power Company covering rates to be charged for' municipal water and sewer pumping was pr esent ed. Upon moti on made by Commissioner Woodard, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, the r' "i~44 motion was adopted. Vot ing Aye: Commissione~s Wooftard, Dunnington, Hersqhel, Kerbow and Mayor 'F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION ."- A RESOLUTION ACCEPrING, AND AUTHORIZING THE M,AYO'R FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO EXE- CUTE, AN AGRE:FlvmNr FOR ELECTRICAL SER- VICES FOR MUNICIPAL WATERWQRKS, ,PUMPING AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL. ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COWJ1ISSION"'OFo'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1 SECTION I. That the cont~act and agreement of the Houston Ligh ting and FCJNer Company to furnish the Oity electrical services for municipal water works, pumping and sewage disposal at a charge of One ($.01) Oent per kilowatt hour, dated May 1, 1941, and running ~or a period of ten (10) Years thereafter, all as fully set out in said agreement, be and the same is .hereby accepted. SECTION II. That the Mayor of the City of West' University Plac'e, ,Texas be and is hereby authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of West University Pla ce, Texas. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this the SigJled ATTEST: Signed R. B. Allen City i:iecretary 30th daY~of May A.,D. ;1941. F. M. Maino~ Ma yor ' It is herein recorded that the resolutions, the contraots and all proceedings in connection with the settlement of the differences between the City and the Houston Lighting and Power Company were approved by the Gity Attorney A. J. Lamonte and Attorney W. H. Hansen. . The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ~ 4; --r- 1,45 REGULAR MEETIID MOJ.'iIDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIA CE , TEXAS The regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, June 9th, 1941 at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Pro!"T'em Kerbow presiding, CoIQIJJissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting Cit,y Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The 11},.;i.nutes of the regular meeting of' May 26th, and the spec~al meeting of May 30th, 1941 were read and app~oved. Mr. Hugo Zapp, County Engineer appeared before the Council and pre.sented an ownership map of the property abutting Bissonnet, which street is to be paved under the County Road Improvement Program. Mr.Zapp requested the cooperation of the City in pass- ing the necessary ordinances and contacting the owners looking toward the paving at' the street to street section with curb! Mr. C. B. Stussey presented a petition signed by citizens residing in the neighborhood of the 4000 block of Browning street requesting reli~f from condi t~ons arising from the keeping of poultry by certain residen ts of the neighborhood. The Mayor Pro Tern referred the matter to the Chief of Police, the Chairman of the Board of Health and the City Attorhey for investigation and recommendation. AlD. Joe Archer, Ohairman of the Planning "Board requested the Council to consider the matter of amending the Zoning law so as to provide for addi tioml protection to residents adjacent to certain corne,r J.,ots and fO'r other changes recommended by the Planning Board. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion that a resolution be dravm calling for a publ ic hearing to ,be held to amend the Zoning Ordinance, which motion 'was duly seconded by Corom~ssioner Hers~hel. ' Noes: None. Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard, and , Nm.yor Pro Tem Kerbow. i Voting Aye: Commissioner Woodard stated that it was going to be necessary to employ a county suveyor to establish the lines of our property , at the Bellaire Boulevard water tank. CommissionersDdnnington '" made a motion that ol,lr City Engineer, Mr. R. B. All en, be au thori zed to employ Mr. Stimson, County Suveyor, at a cost not to exceed $.50.00 to make .the necessary survey, whi ch moti on was duly second.ed by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commis~3ioners Dunnington, Herschel, Wocdard, and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow" ~ Noes: None.' r - 1 ...---, '1"46 Commissioner Hers:6hel made a motfuon, which was duly seconded by l:jommissioner Woodard, adoptj.ng, by resolution the new Tax Act, set"'up by the Texas Lagislature, providing for remittance of penalties and interest on delinquent taxes. ' Voting Aye: Commis si oners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and :Mayor .'" Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. The Caption of the Resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION A IlliSOLUTION EVIDffiCING THE FLNDING OF FACT THAT UNUSUAL AND EXCESSIVE DEFAULT HAS OU0uJ(ED IN PAYMENT OF DELINQ,UE NT AD VALOREM TAXES I>UE THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, AND THAT-AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE PA'YMf!.NT THEREOF WILL PROMOTE AND ACCELERATE THE COLIECTION THEREOF ORDER:J:NG SAID lIT ~1)ING OF FACTS RECORDED AND THAT THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ADOPr THE 'PROVISION OF THE RECENr IE GI SLATrlIVE ACT RELEASING INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON DELINQ,UEN'I! _ AD VliLOREI\ll: TA>>ES, AND DECLARING AN E1'IERGENC:Y. Commissioner Dunnington stated that it is mandatory under the City Charter to set up a sy stem of ac'counting in' the City Hall and made a motion that we accept "the proposal from F. G. :Masquelette and Company for the installation of a new system, ,mich motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Said system having been recommended by the Mayor. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel .stated that since Henry Herndon has left the employ of the City, that it was necessary to employ ,someone to take his place. Comrrdssioners Herschel made a motion that James Davlin be employed at a salary of $60.00 per month, which motion was duly seconded by Oo:mmi ssioner Woodard. Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel, and Niayor, Pro Tem Kerbow. ,Voting Aye: GoIIDllissioners ,Her"Schel, Woodard, Duhnington, and Mayor Pro Tern Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel requested the Council to allot six or seven hundred dollars to match the peoples money for the oiling of College Avenue, Weslayan, West Point, and Academy Streets. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by " y 1'4'1. ". ., ".'J.. ;'; 1,. "'- ~'.' <. : Dunnington, giving vommissioner Herschel authority to appropriate this money for the oiling of said streets. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, and Mayor Fro Tem KerbON. Noes: None. 90mmissioner Dunnington reported that'the dog pound would 'be moved from the City Garage to the water tank on l:3ellai.re Blvd. just as soon as the land is surveyed and a fence erected. Commis sioner Herschel moved 'the adoption of an initiating ordinance for the paving of a 6! foot strip on Biss0nnet and also monolith~c curb, Which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare said or dinanc e . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Pro Tern. Kerbow. Noes: None. A mot.ion was made by Commissioner Dt+nnington and seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the lif;ayor and \iity Secretary be authorized to negotiate ,and acquire the right-of-way to carry out the storm sewer project. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Pro Tern. Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion ailocating $75.00 to thee, }j'ire Department to send fou.r (4) roen to the annual A &M FiremenYs Training School at College Station, Texas, which motion was duly~ seen nded by Commissioner Woodard. ' Voting Aye: Commissi:Jners Herschel., Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Fro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel~. authorizing that ~125,000.00 of storm sewer funds be placed on time deposit for the purpose of drawing interest at 11> per annum, as arranged by the Mayor. Vot ing Aye: Co:rnm.issioners Dunnington, Hers:Chel, Woodard, and !Viayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the rental of a Safety Deposit Box at the City National Bank. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. -r 1'48 Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, w~ich was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing the purchase of sixteen (16) filing cabinets at '2.95 each. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard ,and :Mayor :Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. Commiss~oner Herschel made a mption, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the transfer of $5,075.00 of the Sinking Fund on deposit in the Citizen's State Bank to the City Nat ional Bank. Voting Aye: Commissioner~ Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor Pro 'rem .Kerbow. Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard made a motion authorizing $352.50 be paid to Ewing Werlein tor services rendered in the Terry and Sims Cases, in keeping with the agreement at the time that he was employed, Which motion was duly seconded by vommissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: Nom. CommissioneE Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Go:imni ssioner i/foodard, authorizing the, purchase for the Water Department of :pipe and fittings in the amount of $1,021.00. This p~pe is to be used to replace' pipe sold by the water department to 'Mathews Place in the amount of $871.00 and the balance placed in stock. Voting .Aye: Commissioners Hersch'el, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noe s : None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Comm~~si.onerif{oodard, authorizing that two old pumps and old switch bOKes now on ba nd in the water'deparmenttbe sold to the Layne-Texas vompany for $100.00, since this equipment is obsolete and of no fu:hther use to the City. Voting Aye: Co:m:missioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. Upon mot ion duly made and seconded the meeting was recessed to be reconvened at 6:00 P. M. on Tuesday June 10, 1941. Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: ~ar.Y l_~r 149 COl~INU~DMEETING TUESDAY, JtrnE 10TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF rlEST UNIVERS ITY PLA CE TEEAS , The council reconvened in session 'at i: 00 P. lvl,. on Tue sday, June lOth, 1941 arter having been recessed on Monday, June 9th,194l, with the foll~ving present, Commissioners Hershhel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Secretary H. B. Allen and A. L. Kerbow, Mayor Pro Tem presiding. A bill"'from Wir. 1:ienry l!:. Elrod in the amount of $200.00 for serviees rendered in connection with the Sims and ~erry Cases was submitted to the Commission. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which waB duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the ,bill be paid and tba t Proffessor James Hutchinson, of the Houst,on University" v\uo ass~ted Mr. Elrod, be paid $50.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard ,and :Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. The Oity Attorney presented a bill from ArthurA. Nicoll in the amount of $#0.40 for services rendered in connection with the Sims and Terry Oases. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodard, which was duly seconded by Uomm.issioner Herschel that the bill be paid.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, an~ N~yor :ero Tem Ker bow. Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard presented to the Uommission the matter of ob~aining necessary electrical equipment to connect the motor on the new well. After due consideration, a 'motion was made by Commissioner , Dunningtin, whi ch was duly seconded by Oommissioner Woodard, that the ,City Engineer be authorized to prepare necessary plans and specifications and advertise for bids for the furnishing and in- stallation of the electrical controls. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel, ,and Mayor Pro 'I'em Kerbow. Noes: None. The Secretary presented bills in the amount of $40.93 covering furnishings for the firemen's room. A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel that the bills be pa ide The motion was seconded by Com- mi ssi oner W 00:1 ar d . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and 1uyor ;Pro Tem Kerbow. Nee s: None. The matter of the settlement of the amounts due the Oity by the Houston Natural Gas Company under Ordinance #129, being under dis- cussion, it was reported that the ,Qas Oompapy has offered the Oity -r 150 sum of $10,210.00 in settlement of all amounts due under the ordinanee. The offer was discussed it appearing that the Council , favored the acceptance of the offer. A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor, or Mayor Pro Tem, and the C~ty Secretary to enter into an agreement with the Houston Natural Gas Company terminating the litigation now pending in the courts and accepting their offer of $10,210.00 in full settleme nt of all amounts due the City by the, Gas Company, under the 4~ Gross Receipts' Ordinance; provided the Mayor, who was absent, would ~gree to the same. The motion was seconde<<-by Commissioner Woodard. Upon vote the Hesolution was adopted. ' Voting Ay~: Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Du~ington, and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Due to the desire of the co:rnmission to await the return of the Mayor to the Uity before reaching a decision upon other matters of importance, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting , was recessed until Wednesday; June 18th, at 6:00 ~. M. Mayor .Pro Tem A'l'T~ST : ~ ting City Secretary ~r) .,.-- 1, '5"'1'::" . ,,"-.' . ~ '" -~, . ."t- ..~ CUNTINtJ1!:D M.ii:ETING ViEDNESDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1941 t;I'l'Y BALL, CITY OJ:!' WES'11 UNIVERSITY !'LA. OJ!:, TE}~S The commission reconvened in session at 7:00 P. M. on Wed- nesday, June 18th, 1941 after having been recessed on Tuesday, June 10th, 1941. The follovving were present: Co:mmissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Act~ng City Secretary Allen, City Attorney A; J. Lamonte and Mayor ]'. M. Mainous pre- siding. ' ..,... The Mayor announced the necessity of repairs to the ~olice Car. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, authorizing the repairs to be made at a Ruoted price of $47.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor F. M. :Mainous. Noe s: None. " The Treasurer, Mr. ,C. E. Gammill, advised the Oommission that there were fifteen (15) unissued Sanitary Sewer Improvement Warrants on hand, which, according to original agreement were to be destroyed. Commissioner Dunning~on made a motion authorizing the adop~iop of a Resolution authorizing the ~reasurer and the City Secretary to destroy the warrants. The motion was seconded by Uommissioner V~oodard. " Voting Aye: COIIlIU,issioners Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel, Kerbow and mayor lJ'. '!:a.. 1viai nou s . Noes: None. Pursuant to advertising for bids in the Southwestern ~ews for el ectri cal equipment. for the new well, a bid 'was received f.vDm::.the Industrial Equip~ent Company~ for the furnishing of all equipment and material in the amount Of $2,274.72. 'I'he bid was accompanied by bidders certified check in the amount 01"227.47. This being the ohly bid received and in view of the necessity to expedite the in- stallationof this equipment, amotion was-n~de by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard that the bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the Industrial i:quppment Company. Voting Aye: Commissioners Keroow, Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Cornmissiore r Woodard. made a motion, whi ch was seconded by COlILrniasioner Herschel that the water department be authori'zed to in- stall the necessary wiring and controls for the new well at an estimated cost of $200.00. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Noe s: None _f 'f5'2 The matter of the settlement of the Houston Natural Gas Company Case being under discussion, reference being made her~in to action of the council on June loth, the Mayor desi~ed the minutes to reflect that he had had a conference with certain officials of the company~ but that Mr. Smith, the President, was out of the City and that as soon as Mr. Smith returns a conference will be held at which time the settlement will be dis- cussed further with a view of obtaining terms more advantagedms to the City than those previously offered. ' , The Mayor called the commissions attention to a letter from R. L. Sonfield relative to certain claims made by John C. CalhouJ;l,Jr. The letter was referred to Commissioner Kerbow, ,the, City Attorney, and the Acting City Secretary for study::"and reply. The follovving bills were presented to the Council: w. H. Hansen $ 500.00 attys. tee in Ho. L. & P. Co.Case A. J. Lamonte 375.00 tt n " n " fl tt A. J. Lamonte 175.00 " ff fI C. VS. R€(ad' It A. J. Lamonte 250.00 n tt n Roy Shaefer n A. J. Lamonte 175.00 tt 'ft tt J. W. Small If A. J'. Lamonte 35.75 for Examination of Title. J. w. Mills 33.90 Court Cos ts in Sims & Terry Cases A. C. Fridge 44.60 Court Reporter for de~9sition in Sims and Terr y Case s A. C. Buckner 150.00 Balance of settlement in Sims Case With regard to bills subniitted by Mr. Lamonte, Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which Was seconded'byCommissioner Dunning- ton, that the follo~ing amounts be paid: ' On the tI 11 It n tt tI Read Case Schaefer 'Case Small Case H.L.& P.Co. $ 75.00 125:.'00 37.50 375.00 Voti ng Aye: Corr.mlissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard, and M~yor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. , A motion was made that W. H. Hansen be paid $325.00 as full payment for services rendered in connection vnth the Houston Lighting and Power Complny Case. 'The mot ion was wecollded by Commissioner Woodar d. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, and Herschel. Noes: Mayor Mainous, who stated that he thought the bill was excessi ve and t bat he was out of the City when the council employed l~. Hansen. A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, whi ch was seconded by Commissioner Herschel that all bills due in final settlement of' the Sims ard TeITY Cases, as listed abov~, be paid. ~; ~-~'1 UT lS~3 Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Hersch el, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noe s : ,None. Commissioner Dunnington stated that the Boy Scouts in the City were handicapped due to not having a place to meet and that it ~as his recommendation that the Scouts be permitted to construct a Scout House on the rear of the lot recently purchased by the City, adjacent to.- the Water Works. Mayor l\f.18.inous expressed his ap proval of the plan and made a motion, will ch was seconded by Commissioner 'Dunnington that the Scouts be permitted to errect the building on City Property and that authority be granted to enter into such agreement s as may be necessary with the National Boy Scout Authorities to accomplish the desired end. V ot ing .Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, 'Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. There being no further IDS iness to oomeeb.efore the Commission, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared ad- journed. ~~ " Mayor ATTEST: A~rY 15';4> REGULA.R MEEr ING MO:NTIAY, ,JUNE 23RD, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIA CE, TEXAS The regular meeting of ' the City Council was held on Monday, June 23rd, at the City Hall, at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor F. M. > Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, ,Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. > The miflutes of the Regular meeti ng of Monday June 9th, the continued regular meeting of Ju:p.e 10th and June 18th, 1941 were read and approved. Mr.'Travis Cash, Chairman of the Board of Health and Sani- tation, presented to the commission a Sanitary Code on behalf of the Board' of Health and recommended its adoption. After some discussion the Council accepted the Code and extended its thanks to N.t.r. Cash and the Board for their labors. The Mayor referred the Code to the Council for study and recommendation. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the' Planning and Zoning Commission serve also as the Board of Adjustment, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dullnington, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Nee s: None. Mr. W. J. AUbertin, Chairman of the Personnel Board, re- ported on the activitie s of, the Board and stated that si nce Mr. B. p. Murphy had left the City, he woul~ like if'or the Com- mission to appoiht someone to serve on the oard with Mr. Rees and himself. The matter was referred to the Council for in- vestigation and nomination of a new member to fill the vacancy. Commissioner Herschel stated that he wanted authority to purchase the required number of signs statmng ltDead End Street, StopU to be placed on the streets ending at the Drainage ditch. Also to place flNo Parking" signs at the Baptist Church, Methodist Church, and the Episcopal Church, which will take about twelve signs. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that Com- missioner Herschel and IVlayor Mainous work out the number of signs too t will be needed and the cost, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington" Herschel and Ma yo r Mai nous . Noes: None. .' ~) l' "","",,-:, , '~j'll""1i ' :V )"tJ... CoIDlIli ssioner Herschel stated that the 0ity needed add it ional street lights in certain sections and recalled the fact that the Houston Lighting and Power Company had agreed to install additional lights free of charge to the extent of one neW light for every two now in service. The :M~yor instructed the Committee, composed of Commissioner J. A. Herschel, Mr. E. O. Rulon, and Mr. Weaver, to ,resurvey the City and recommend the changes to be made. Commissioner Herschel reported that the City was badly in need of a new P9lice Car, and that if prices are going up, it would be wise to bUy a new car at this 'time. This matter was referred to the next council meeting. There veingno further business the meeting was recessed 8: 00 P. M., June 24th, 1941. " ATTEST: ~. Act~ g i ty Secretary r _! , 'f'56 COIiJTI1.TDED :MEETING TUESDAY ~ J1JIiJE 24TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UN[ ~1ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of June 23rd, having been rece~sed, v11B.S reconvened at 8:15 P. 11. Tuesday, June 24th, 1941 with Nlayor Mainous pre siding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and , Woodard and Secretary Allen in attendance. 'the Ma'if"or announced that the business before the Commission for consideration was the question of settlement of the annexation matter. He stated th9. t in order to avo'id litigation, which would jeopardize the city's plans for the fi nancing of sanitary sewer improvements, which i mproveme nt s were needed in order to safeguard the health of the cit izens of the Cmilmluni ty, he would recommend to the Commission that the City accept the City of Houston's offer to compromise by establishing the City Limit line one block scuth of Bellaire Boulevard. He stated further that the owners or certain property North of Richmond Road were .amdbus fbr~-,t:ne_ec:tt'ysto cone to an agreement with the City of Houston in order that they might proceed with the development of their property. _ ' Commissioner Herschelrrade a motion, which was seconded by Mayor lJIainous, that the' Qity accept the City of Houston TS proposition, that is the City o~West University Place to retain all territory annexed North of is sonnet and Ricbmoni Road, and to re-establish the line South of Ballaire Boulevard to a line one block South of and parallel to Bellaire Boulevard. Voting Aye: Corrmissioners 4erschel and 1~yor Mainous. Noes: Cornmissi oners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. The Mayor reported on ligislation before the ,Senate in Washington having to do with the appropriation of funds to aid cities in defense areas. After discussion of the matter, a motion was'made by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, that the Mayor call a meeting of the l~yors of 'the various cities and tovms in Harris County for the purpose of formulating plans and discussiog ~ays0and means of (1) having Harris County designated a National Defense Area, and (2) making pla'nsto obtain funds for making needed improVEments as con- templated to be provided in the act before Congress. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard and :Mayor IVIainous. Noes: None. A report was submitted by the Gity Engineer shOWing the expense of repairing the Sanitary SewerB to be $5,200.00 for this year. The City Engineer was instructed to negotiate with the Moretrench Corporation for the purchase of the Well Point System now being rented. ~) 1 --r / There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made and secorded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~. AC~~~ ~-~?L~) Mayo r 1"m,c"7'-' .', .,,-,'" - 1, , ~'''''. 1'5'8 SPECIAL MEETING MOl-IDAY, J1JNE 30TH, 1941 CI TY HliLL, CITY OF WE ST UNI VERB:rry PIACE, TEXAS A special meeting of, the City Commission /was held on Monday, June ,JOth, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. at the,Oity Hall, with Mayor F. M. Ivlainouspresiding, Commis sioner, HerB'cp.el, Kerbow, Dunnington, Wocxlard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendan ce. A.-t-~ . The meeting was called for t he following purposes: 1. 2. Annexation. Approving Police 15 shirts 10 pant s Uniforms : @ $, 2.50 @ 7.50 Total $37.50 711-00 $112.50 3. Sanitary Sewers, and 4. Settlement with the Gas Company. On the matter of the Sanitary Sewers, the Mayor reportedtbe status of the plans being prepared by the Garrett Engineering ~o., and also reported on the meeting of the ~~yorts and City Officials of Harris County, which was held for the purpose of formulating plans for having Harris County designated as a National Defense ' Area and to secure government aid. He also read a letter from the state Fish and Game Commissiore r complaining of polution of Brays Bayou by the improperly treated sewage, which it was allec1ged was entering the bayou at tne West Universi ty Disposal Plant. The Mayor futher stated that as quickly as complete plans and estimates of the cost or the proposed changes in the Sanitary Sewer System were finished, that he would call a conference of the commission for the purpfl)se p1' discussing the same. In regard to the question of the territory annexed South of Bellaire Boulevard, Mr. Robert Sonfield, who was present aSL'a private citizen, stated to the commission that it was his opinion that it would be impossible to dis-annex the territory South of Bellaire Boulevard or any part thereof, without a vote of the people, and that in his opinion, this matter was clearly deffuaed by the State Statutes. Inasmuch as no agreeme nt could be reached by the Council in the settlement of the que stion, a mot ion was made byCommissione r Kerbow, which was seconded by Commissioner Dun- nington, postponing action on the annexation question until a decision could be reached. Voting Aye: Conrmissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Iviliinous. Noes: None. ~) -, ~ 1~1IBo(<9" <'~'" ' . -.... - ~ .' '''''<~ The Mayor presented the proposition of purchasing uniforms for the Police Department to the City Counc il. He submitted prices on fifteen shirts and ten pair pants ,total ing $112.50. .After _discussion, Commi.s\3~on Herschel made a motion, vmich was seconded by Oommissioner woodard, authorizing the . purchase of these uni~orms out of the General Fund. . Voting .Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Mainous. " The matter of the settlement with the Houston, Natural Gas Dornpany coming up for discussion, the Mayor recountered the conferences which 'he had with Mr. Sniith, president of the Houston Natural Gas Company; and stated that he was opposed to the settlemeht of the claims against the said company for the sum of $10,210.00. He stated ,tbat he was out of the City when the negotiations were handled, wherein the sum was'arrived at and tbat he wished the records to indicate: Fmrst, as to how the sum was determined; second, as to who made the proposition; that is, whether the proposition was the cityts or the gas comp~nyls. He stated that he put this question to Mr. Smith and that Mr. Smith stated that the proposition was made by the Cit y, and that the Gas Company had offered to pay 210. The Mayor entertained a motion to the effect that' the reoords be made to reflect the names of the Councilmen who had agreed to accept the amount of $10,210.00 in full settlement of the claims against the Gas Company. The motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, and seconded by Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Commissioner Dunnington stated, in explaining his vote, that he thought that inasmuch as a suit is now pending in the courts on the Case that it might involve litigation extending over a long period of time, at much expense to the City; that he considered the amount of $10,210.00 as a good settlement since the difference betwee~ the sum and the total amount due at 4~ is approximately .. ' 1P1900.00. Commissioner Kerhow concurred in this statement. A motion was then made by Coro:missioner Woodard, which was seconded by Commissiorer Kerbow; authorizing the IV1ayor and the City Secretary to enter into an agreement with the Gas Company terminating present litigation and accepting the sum of $10,210.00 in full settle.Ire nt of all amounts due the city under ordinance No. 129, provided that the Gas Company pay the court costs, which have been incurred and that the terms of the contract are satis- factory to the City; r~ T 160, Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, and Woodard. Noes: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Commissioner Herschel stated that he wished to withdraw his original ,motion of June lOth and tba t he was opposed to the acceptance of the settlement for the reason that the Gas Company had never paid the City anything except the $10.00 per year franchise fee, and that since the Houston Lighting and Power Co:rnpany had paid the full 410 he believed that the Gas Company should also :Q~y 410. " Mayor Niainous stated that the Oi ty had spa nt considerable money proving the validity of Ordirn. nee No. 129, and that any settlement. for less than 410 would be d iscrimina tory; and further stated that he believed in abiding by the decision handed down by the United States Supreme Court. The ~urpose for which this meeting was called being concluded, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjoqrned. Mayor ATTEST: A ting City Secretary v r--- -, ---T i I I I i i I ! I -~ I I i I ! ! I i ! I ! , f: , I ~ , I ! I I ! i t I Ii i: I I i i i i I I .iG i , I I I ! , I I f I I I i r i , , , , I i : I I I i i I i ! . '~ U r I ij I' I: I' Ii r I: I' -'-----j ~il,! 0/. We61 Univer6il'!place L ilg 0/ JJome6 ] 800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON,TEXAS .... July 8th, 194~ Mr. R. B. Allen, Aeting Oity See'y City of West University Place, Houston, 'f fa :x: a s Dear :Mr. Allen: I am calling a special meeting of the Counci to be held. on Wednesday, duly 9th, at 7:00p. m., The purpo.s. of' this meeting is to act upon the annexation ~estion. Please notif'y the oommissioners to be on time. Yours very truly, eI'I'Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY BY~~ F. Ii!. 'ainous, Mayor FMM:tb -,- -, 't 'J , I J 1\1 \j II III It"" >,-. . · I I I ! I I 1 I ! ! I I . , ,,-,,::"-,. ~ -:" :....~ -~,.-.,.,~~~ ' ':".i , ; .. ~..- ."-,iIimB [ r I i I l ; I I I . t I a~'_I."',__. '~..,.""...,;,<.~,..-;,.." . .. . . '-, .IH:."'~" ~' . -."' ". . , ' , , ----r " 1 , '"1''' I , 'I " I ! ; 1 I j i I j 1 I , i I ! j I ! I I I I 1 I , \ . i I J 1 I 1 I 1 , I I 1 j I , '1 j j j~t):t,~ , SPECIAL IvIEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 9TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEnS Pursuant to a call of the ]"'Iayor, a special meeting of the City Council was convened at 7:00 P. M., Ju.]."y 9th, 1941 wi. th Mayor F. M. IV1ainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel', Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and City Secretary'R. B. Allen in attendance. The,,,.purpose of the meeting was to take up the question of settlement of the annexation ma.tter. The meeti ng was opened by the :Mayor, who read a copy of a letter, which he had addresseg to the City Attorney li. J. Lamonte, ;t requesting him to advise the (ji ty Council",in writing); mether he needed addit ional help in the matter of preparing the brief or other legal matters in connection with the annex~tion question; and if so, for the Oity Attorney to make his recommendations in accordance with the City Charter to the City Council. He then read a letter from the City Attorney, addressed to the Wlayor and City Commissioners, stating in reply to the Mayor's inquiry that, fiAt the present time there was nei tber n6cessi ty nor justification for the employment of additional legal assistance." He further stated that "the Oouncil may rest ass,ured that whenever the occasion arose that he, in accordance with t~e provisions of the City Charter, and as Cit y Attorney and Chief .Legal Cou.nsfl:ll;':!JDr the'U.aty, would request such additional help as he may require. tf Commissioner Kerbow moved'lthe adoption of aResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Oi ty Secretary to',enter into an agreement 'with JUdge Ray'Scruggs andW. H. Hansen,}.vherein these two named attorreys are to brief ,the law in connection with the anne xation cpestion at a fee 01'111150.00 each.Co:mniissi oner Dunnington seconded the adopti on 'of the Resolution} DISOUSSION:: TheMayor read th~ following statslrent: nT~e people of this Ci:w- voted the ~ome Rule Charter, vvhich is the Constitution of the ~ity of West University Place, and ele cted the members of the liommis sion to carry out the pro vis ions o~ ~he Home Rule Charter and expect them to carry out t~ose pro- ~J.sJ.ons; therefore, any acti on taken by members of the vouncil or the Council as a Whole, in employing or attempting to employ out- side legal counsel and ignore the City Attorney is violative of Article XII of the Charter and is illegal and void. Therefore I, as Mayor of the City of West University Place, will not approve or sign either the minutes, ordinance or resolution which violates any of the provisions of our Charter. Ij'urthermore, I will and do hereby notify Mr. C. E. Gammill, City Treasurer, that any minutes, Ordinance or Resolution pre- viding for the employing of an outside counsel ignoring the City ) , _f 1 't"6~" . :';. . '-... dO. Attorney is illegal aild void, and I call upon him i,nthe performance of his dutie s :under subsecti on 2, of Section 3, of Article :av, of our Home Rule Oharter., to refuse to honor qr approve bills ,for such services or payout any moneY'f'or such services."' The City Attorney requested that the Council sta;te its r~asons for employment of the additional legal assistance and stated that 1he procedure was in violation of the City,Charter. Mr. Nat Friedman, an attorney residing at 2732 C~rolina Way, who was present, reviewed the action of the original Charter Commission-relative to the dravnng of the City Uhart~r and particularly to references therein regarding the powers and authority of the City Attorney and stated that since n,o evidence had been submitted to show necessity for additional legal counsEl and due to the provision of the 6ity Charter, he urged reconsideration of the matter and stated that in his opinion, the City Attorney should be assigned the duty of briefing the law on the annexation questiqn. ' " Mr. Joe L. Archer, Chairman of the Zoning lJommission,. stated that he was not in favor of the Extension of the City Limits; how-' ever inasmuch as the limits had been extended, he thought that the council should avail itself of the best legal talent available. Mayor lViainous stated that he had had conferences with the officials of the 0itY,Of Houston in attempting to a.r;raive'at an equitable solution of' the problem and tba t the 6ity"':bi' JIous ton had agreed ~6~nthdraw their claims to territory north ,of Richmond Road and Bissonnet, provided, the City of West Univer- sity would relinquish its claims to all the territorY90uth of Bellaire BOUlevard, with the ~xception of a strip one block in width; and that it was his recommendation that in Order to bri~g about the eoc~editing of ~he plan to reconstruct and improve the Sanitqry Sewer System in West University Place, he was willitlg to make some sacrifice. He also called the councils attention to the fact that representatives of the S~ate Board of Health had called upon him in the last two or three days complaining of the unsanitary conditions in the City. Commissioner Duhnington stated that he did not wish to be , misunderstood in the matter, but tba tit was his opinion that the terri tory south of Bellair e Boulevard could not be legally dis- annexed without a vote of the people, or a court order, and that he has been so advised by certa.in attorneys. He stated that the City Council" has fUll author,ity and right under the City Charter to employ and sele~t such additional counsel as it may deem ~ecessary; ~~d t~t it was not his desire to supplapt or l.gnore the C1.ty Autorney; but that the matters at issue were of great importance and that it was his opinion that the City Council shOUld avail itself of the best legal talent obtainable. ;) I ' r" -. I , I ) ~ ~J ';~6':' "~', . ' ~:> f. ",..:;. .il .~:O~ ," ~;~. :~ roo. ~~. . " ..' The ~uestion being put: Voting ,Aye:' Uommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and 'floodard. Noes: UO~Jnissioners Herschel and N~yor Mainous. ;, . / ,'.-1 Commissioner Herschel then submitt.ed the following state- ments: ), i } ...... "Under the proV1S10n$ of Article XII of our Homes Rule 'Charter, r think it is very clear that the vommission is with- our power or authority to employ legal council ignoring our City Attorney and such action would be and is illegal and utterly void. I shall not be a party or have any part in violating &ny part of our Home Rule Charter. Therefore, I vote no, and request that my reasons be sp~ead upon the Mintes.u l~yor N~inous moved the adoption of a resolution authorizing the City Attorney to colaborate with the legal dep3.rtment of the City of Houston for the purpose of briefing without doubt the folloWing question: (1) on dis-annexing the territory legally and accepting the compromise proposal of the 0ity of Houston, and {2 Jon the question of the law relative to the City of West University Place, holding all the territory annexed, and fixing the compansation paid the City Attorney for his services in ccinnection with these special duties at $150.00 ' The I..1ayor recommended passage of the Resolution for the reason that he desired 'to expedite the solution of the Sanitary Sewer Problem. Commissioner Herschel seconded the adoption of the tiesolution. (Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and :M.ayor ,:rtJB.inous. Noes: Commissioners Kerbow, Uunnington and Woodard. . ~~;; " , I The business for which the meeting was called being eoncfunded, the meeting was declared adjourned. / ,-~' . ~vlayor"''''; --' , ' ".~ ATTEST: ~~ Ac ng City Secretary .I: , , .. "1"'~'€i'4" ~, .. . ..'- , , ,~ , .' '. .< ~ SPECIAL NlEETll\fG MONDAY, JULY. 14th, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, the meeting was convened at 7:45 A. M. July 14th, 1941 at the City Hall with ~ayor F. M. ]1ainous presidin~, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dun- nington, Woodard, and ity Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. ,.., , The meeting 'was called l' or the purpose of passing the necessary res'olutions inregp,rd to expediting certain applications for Federal .Aid in connection with the storm Sewer Proje:6t. The City Attorney presented a Resoluti on authorizing the Mayor to file an application with the Federal Works Agency, Public Works Administration~ for a grant of Federal Funds to be used to construct the Storm Sewer System in the City of West University Place. The Resolution is as follows: mJDOLU'I'ION , AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, F. M. Jli'IAI NOG 8, TO FILE AN APPLICA'l'ION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TF...ROUGH TEE PUBLIGWORKS ADMINISTRATION OF THE F~DERAL V'I CR KS AGENCY ll'OR A GRANT TO AID' IN :f1TNANCING THE CONSTRUCTION @F ADDITIONS TO STOR1\JI SEWERS, AND DESIGNA IT NG F. M. MAINOUS,.. MAYOR; A. J. LAMUNTE, CITY ATTORNEY, .AN"D GDRETT ENGINEERING COMPAl\TY, ENGII\f~RS, TO FURNISH SUCH INll'OR1'ViATION AS THE GOVERi"%1E NT ~';IAY REQUEST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' CO:MN1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST mUVERSI'IT PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That,F. M. Mainous, Mayor, be and he is hereby author ized to execute and file an application on behalf of the Oity of West University Place, Texas, to the United States of America for a grant to aid in financing the comtlltlction of Additions to Storm Sewers. Section 2. That F. M. Kainous, Mayor; A. J. Lamonte, City Attorney, and Garrett Engineering Company, Engineers, be and they are hereby author'ized and directed to furnish such in- formation as the United States of America through the Public Works Administration of the ~ederal Works Agency may reasonable request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. A. D. 1941. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 1 At.}, (jR~r of ~ Si;:;ned ATTEST: ~Signed R. B. Allen Acting Gity Secretary !~ :f ' " ' i: OFI>ICIAL;S: II F. M; MAINQLi~ j MAYOR,' I I COMMISSIOJIIE!iS':, i J.. A~T~~~~CA~;""SRJDGE DEPT. A. L. KERBOW DEPT. OF PINANCE .J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MA VOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW t' I OFFICERS: A. .J. LAMONTE: <-CITY ATTY. I B. R. ALBERTSON I CORP. .JUDGE , C. E. GAMMILL I I TREASURER I R. B. ALLEN J CITY ENGR. IF. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND caLL. .J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF I - . lIRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER f.J. W. CLARKE ! SUPT. ST. AND 8R. I.JOE C~~:~~:~NG AND ZONING ! i W..J. AUBERTIN 1 DEPT. OF PERSONNEL I TRAVIS.J. CASH 1 DEPT. OF HEALTH I ! i~'" ~- ,;. .." , , , , .. , ~""~",,, .,"" iit'!'" '01,' '/;;UAt ::' "~ :'.", .' '. '.:<.. ," :."~. t.:. ,';iI'. ", . . .. .. ( ... [tv 4 JJ~me6 '[J,' ",.." ',' ','..,' A":"~' ,I" . . :" . .' ". ",".' ," " '.' "'. .' ,,'., , " .. ,"" ,', " ',nt,tJePtJtlg!:"'-:a~l?' 3 aon UNIVERSITY BUiJl.EYARn HousT[jN~. TEXAS duly 12th, 1941 Mr. R. B. Allen, Acting City Beefy Gity of West University Place Houston, T e'x a s Dear Mr. Allen:' I am calling a speoial meeting of the city o oIlimis si 011 to be held on Monday morning at the city hall at i :45 A. M., July 14th, 1941 This mee,tirigis oalled for the purpose of passingneoessaryresolutions in regard yO ex- ,pediting ~ertain applications for storm sewers. 'Yours very truly, CITY OF WESTUNIVER3ITY B3'~.,J , . '. i nous , yo r ' FMM.:tmb, -, :1 "'1 " "I' . ; '~. ,', "'.1 I I I I i J j .. 'I' i f I ":1 ',' " I' I I I l ii f I Ii r " r " I! f i I .iJ f .~ .. ! i I I i t I: I. I 1 I , I, i, t I I I , l , I t I € ., ij ,1 I ! .: .... . "~ ',' !,' ; , Tig DEPf. I 1 T. WESLEY WOOD^=~D WATER AND SEWER a_PT. .-.~_-><:.,.~,. n .' "-,,~,,",:-.--,:.~.~!~~""ilj}:.,..,.L ~., . <"~~. ;;', ,.~ ," . ,.'~: ," ,';~>'~~~~~r.~}1t~l, ,2'~~~~~'g?";;;i~._: : -':,-': 300'0 UNIVEBSlTYB:OULEVAllW' ",'.'. '; " ' IiDUS!IJN~ TEXAs ,', j ~~- July 12th, 1941. CITY ATTY. , , : B. R. ALBERTSON CORP..JUDGE Co' E. GAMMILL TREASURER !l.B.ALLEN CITyaNGR. Mayor F. M. Mainous Commissioner J. A. Herschel · A. L. Kerbow ! ;r. M. Dunnington , T. W. Woodard I F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COL!--_ : .J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER ; .I. w. CLARKE i' SUPT. ST. AND 8R. Gentlemen: , .JOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W..J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL Pursuant to a call of' the Mayor there 'Will be a spaoial meeting of' the city commission at the City Hall at 7:45 A. M. on Monday morning, July 14th, 1941. This meeting is called tor the purpose of passing ~eeessary resolutions in regard to ex- pediting certain applications for storm sewers. Yours very truly, 01Ift OF ngf UNIVJmS1'fY BY~ilry " ".. " t TRAVIS..I. CASH DEPT. OF HEA1.TH RBA:tmb ~c-r;:.ep.Jed: 'it: ~E'!5 ~;~y~ .~, A motion was made by Commissioner .Kerbow, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, moving the adoption of the Resolution. Voti ng Aye: Noes: None. Commissioner.t3 Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Yfoodard and Mayor ~ainous. Mr. ~. T. Garrett of the Garrett Engineering Company, stated that in compliance..with p. W. A. requirements, it would be ne cessary for the vity to enter into a new contract vri th the Garrett Engineering Company and that a copy of the contract would have to be fi led with the p.W. A. Off ice. A resolution was presented authorizing the 1~yor and the City Secretary to execute a contra.,ct with. the Garrett Engineering Oompany for and on behalf of thervity. ~, The motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded. by Commissioner Hersche~, that the Resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainou s. Noes: None. The Resolution is as follows: Rfi:ROT.TT'rrr ()1\T AUTHORIZING THE M.~YOR TO EJillGU'l'Ji: A CONTRACT. wrrrr THE GAIlli.ETI' ENGINEERnrG COIv':PPl\fY :I!"()R .AJ.\fD ON BEHALF OF THE CI TI . BE IT REEDLVED BY IEEE artY COUNCILjCOIvTI\i.:ISSION OF THE CITY_ OF VfES'l' UNIv'1m:=1rmr PIA. (l ;1' 1TI1 '"' ,. (\ Q . J..:J . >.....J..L1.. . V..L...., .l..l~~1.)...J. 1. That the ~~yor be and hereby is authorized to execute a contract with the Garrett Engineering Company, Con- sulting Engineers, Houston, T e x a s, for the performance of certain Engineering services, more fully act forth in said contract, a copy of w ich is attached heretb and marked Exhibit ttAfI. 2. That the Vity Secretary be instructed to file a copy Of said contract in the minutes immediately following this Resolution. ~1' .6'~6" -, ''-" . ~ .5 . 1941 . PASSED AND .APPROVED this the 11th day of July, A.D. Signed~~ Mayor AT.TEST : Signed R.~. Allen City Secretary In cQnnection wi th the filing of certain statements with bhe P. W. A. relative to the bo~d money now on band in the City Depository, the City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte reminded the Council of his bill which he had presented to the City some- time ago in the amount of $200.00 ~or additional legal services incurred by him in connection ,with the $200,000.00 bond issue, said additional services have been necessitated due to National Bond Attorneys, Chapman and Cuttler inquiring into the Election of the Charter Commission and the subsequent adoption o~ the ' Oi ty Charter. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Mayor Mainous, authorizing the payment of the bill in the amount of $200.00 to the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and I~yor Mainous. Noes: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. The purpose for vlliich the council was called having been concluded, the meeting was ~ , ay~ ATTEST: ~ ity ectetary v r _r -- r t: "G\'a1\? ';;..; :,;}" .-.t"f" _" ~ :, ~ ~< ~fi REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JULY 14th, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of theCity Co~ncil was held on MOnday, July 14th, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. wi,th 1Iilayor F.M. Mainous Rresiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, .uunnington, Woodard and Vity ~ecretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The mi'fiutes of the Regular meeting of Monday, June 23rd ; continued regular meeting of June 24th, and the Special meeting of Junet'l0th~ 1941 were read and approved. Mr. :Bill Keyser residing at 2907 Sunset was present and pre- sented to the Counc il a pei ti tion requesting tJ;at the bJ:lS be re- routed over! some other street, other than Nottlngham. e stated that the, noise, dust, odors, the danger to the children, and the conjection of the traffic on the street were ob jectionabJhe to the citizens and that they had bough their homes with the understanding that the bus would not go down Nottingham. Other citizens spoke for and against the 'operation of the bus. The Mayor referred the matter to the Council for study. Commissioner Dunnington reported that he had been advised by Mr. Fra~ K. Cuff, Tax Collector and Assessor, that an error existed in the taxes of the University Cleaner~ for the years of 1933 to 1936 and the year 1938, in the amount of $36.00. Commissioner Dunnington recommended and made a motion that the error be corrected and the adjustment be m~de. The motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Herschel. Voting Aye: COTIIDlissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and 1V~ayo'+ Mainous. ' Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel requested authority to purchase the following: Weed cutting r~chine for the park dept. Three extra k~ives and two extra belts' for the rra chine. $325.00 Two new tires and tubes 900 x 40 for the Ji'ormallV1eedCuttlng Machine Four Hundred (400) feet of Fire Hose for the Fire Department, $141.76 $440.00 Commissioner Kerbow made a wotion, authorizir~ Commissioner Herschel to make these purchases, which motion was duly seconded by COmITlissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: ' Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor Mairious. Noes: None. ., --:J 1'68, The Mayor read a letter from the Chief of Police, Grady Smith, asking for leave of absence from the 15th uf July to the 1st of August, to take his annual vacation. Oommissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Com- rrlssioner Woodard, granting Mr. Smith his leave of absence. Mr. E. O. Rulon will act as Chief, In Mr. Smith's absence. '{oting Aye: ,</':& Commissio~ers ~erschel, WOOdard, Ke~bow, Dunnington, and Mayor Mainous. The Secretary read a letter :from Corporat ion Judge Albertson relative to a case in Corporation Court wherein John Aydam was fined $10.00 for reckless drivir~. Judge Albertson stated that since he' had assess~d the fine and the fine had been colle cted he had come in possession of additional evidence of a mitigating nature and recommended to the cOIDrtission that the defendant be allowed to work out the fine and the $10.00 be remitted. Com- missioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner KerbOW, authorizing remission of the fine. Voting Aye: Commission~rs Herschel, Kerbow; Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. A letter was read from the Board of nealthand Sanitation, stating that a meeting had been held in regard to the Code and that it was now ready for,the Commission's approval. The Mayor recommended that an ordinance be drawn providing for the adoption of the Code. The motion was made by eommissioner Kerbow, and seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: No~s: None. Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Due to the emergency created by excessive rainfall and amount of work in the. st,:t1eet and bridge department, Commissioner Herschel stated that a few of the men were williD-€; to relinquish their vacations in order to receive an extra weeks compensation. ? These men are :Riley Johnson, Leon Cooper, Vfm. Vaughn, bTorris Mitchell, and Dudley Mitchell. Due to the emergency these men will receive an extra weeks pay for relinqUiShing their vacations. The arragge- ment for this year only. Commissioner Kerbow made a mot ion allowing eommissioner Herschel to carry out the,se arrangements in p,is department, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Vi oodard. . Vot ing Aye: Commissipner Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington and ~ayor Mainous. Noe s: None. Commissi oner Herschel made a motion, which',NiTas duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow authorizing the expenses to be paid for Mr. J. A. Metcalf, Chief of the Fire Department, to attend the A. & M. College for the annual Fireman's Training School to be 'J 1 ' r- held on July 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Voting ,Aye: Noes:: ",None. Commissi.oners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, W'oodarQ. and ~ayor Maincus. The :Mayor recommended tba t the Commission pass a Resolution endorsing the Civilian }btional Defense Program, and notify the '. governmental officials of our endorsement by Resolution and assure thglli of our coo~eration. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing that the Resolution be drawn. Voting Aye: Nee s:' None. Commissioners KerboN, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. The question of p~rchasing a new police car ~as presented. The Mayor stated that he thought it best to purchase a new car and retain the old one, as it could be used in case of emergency in the Police Department, in the -Inspe ction Depar:tmeht, and as a car to pick up stray cats and _dogs. Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing that a legal notice be published requesting bids, and specifications be prepared, for the purchase of a new police car, which motion was duly seconded by Comrrrissioner WOOdard. Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Mayor Mainous~ Noes: None. Copy ,of an Anti-Noise Ordinanc e and a copy of a dog ordinance' were presented to the Council for their consideration and adontion at a la~er meeting. ~ The City ~ecretary submitted a bill to the CounCil, which ~ad,been rendered the Oity by E. L. Overstreet, in the amount of $449.00 for Architects fees on the Community House. The Mayor . stated that since the minu~es did not reflect the action of the previous council in employing Mr. Overstreet, he would enter 'for the record the arrangements whifih had been made. STATEIvIfil{T : ItSome two or thr~e years ago when the Community House plan first came> before the Council, the members of the Council authorized the Mayor and Mr. Metcalf to have plans prepared. Mr. Overstreet was contacted and requested to develop plans along the ideas projected at that time. Several plans were drawn and various civic bodies d~$cussed the same. Various changes were suggested and made and ways, and- means of finance discussed. In 1940 Mr. Overstreet prepared a W.P.A. application, but due to scarcity of skilled labor on W.P.A. rolls this apn~ication was not , -~ .. 1'"'0 .' :--:'-~I'~' ..: filed. In 1940 when it was decided to call a, bond issue to finance construction, Mr. Overstreet prepared final plans-and specifications and secured"the assistance of Mr. Harry R. Guiberson, Engineer and Architect. It was agreed byflOiUmer council that Mr. Overstreet was employed on contingent basis and that when the building was constructed the fee would be . pa id . 60mm~ssioner Herschel, a member of the former council concurred in this state ent and made a motion, whmDh was seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the p;l.yment of the fe,e which was based on 310 of the base contract pnce and covers all services rendered by ltr. Overstreet and Mr. Guiberson for all designs, plans, specifications and supervision. Voting Aye: Comnissioners Herschel, 'Woodard, Kerbow,Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. CoJjJmissioner Kerbow IDa de a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, giving authority for renewal of the Certificate of Deposit at the San Jacinto National ~ank. By previous council action the money on deposit at the San Jacinto National Bank is willing to allow 'us a l~ per cent interest rate, the Treasurer recommended that the Certificate of Deposit be renewed. V ot ing .Aye: Commissigners Kerbow, Woodard, Hersnhel, Dunnington, and ~ayor Mainous. Noes: None. Comm:issioner HerSChel made a motion, which wa~ duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, authorizing employment of Mrs. Helen Cl~rke in the General Office during the vacation period at ,j; :jji4.00 per day. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, -Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mayor Mainous reported that he and Mr. Metcalf had gone to Austin on Thursday and Friday, July 10th, and 11th, to attend to matters pertaining to city affair~. ,Mayor ~~inous presented an itemized statement in the amount of $17.70 covering his and lJir. J. A. Metcalf's elitpenses for the t~vo day period. Com- missioner Woodard made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing that the exnenses to Austin in the amount of $17.70 be pa'id. ~ Voting Aye: Commissi onersWoaiard.", Herschel, Durmington, . Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ti . _r-" no. '.,,; . 1,' ;,-~, tl}.. t' . '.." -:0;- it"... -.~",: ,.c:'."." _""'- . , '" '~. . Mr. J. A. Metcalf, Fire Chiefr reported on hiS trip to Austin, stated that he had spent 32 hours in the Fire Commissioners office, discussing the fire department and key rates in the City of West University. They stated that the two things that woul'd lower our key rate would be (I) the construction of an eight (8) inch water line in front of the school, arid ('2) , the city to employ two additional paid fireman for regular duty, , making a total of four (4) regular man on duty. They also stated ,that every.thing the city was doing in the way of National Defense Work, was agreeable to them, and had the approval of the Insuran,ce Deparmment. Th.e :Mayorreported th.a:t while' int;;Austin he'cOriferred. ' with Dr. Cox of the State Health Department and presented to him the plans regarding the proposed Heal th Program of' the' City, as well as the plan of participation by Harris County Municipalities in the County Wide Program. He stated that the budget for the County Program was being prepared and that West Unive~sity would benefit in this program to -the extent of receiving benefit of the trained personnel and perhaps the location of .a unit in our city. There being no further business to come before the CounCil, upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was declared" adjourned. ' ! '.. ~. 'layor ATTEST: ~C. ~ ,1 Y ecre ary l 1 -- ,"'7 f;t:'2 " REOOLAR 1,IfEETI:NG MOIIDAY, JULY 28TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVEi{SITY PLACE, TEnS ~~ 1 j The regular ~eeting of the City Commisslon was held at the City Hall on Monday, July '28th, 1941 at-E/;:30 P. M.with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City SecretafY R. B. Allen in attendance. Representatives of the Houston Natural Gas Company WD~e present to complete the arrangements relative t,o terminating litigation and execut ion of new agreement wl th said Gas Company covering gross receipts charge. , The City Attorney presented an Ordinance No.~ repealing Ordinance No. 129. The Caption is as ,follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2.l2. " .AN ORDINAL'\fCE REPEALING, REVOKING AND CAl'WELLING ORDINtJ:1CE NO. 129 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSI TY PLACE, VffiIC II FIXES REiIJ"'TALS TO BE PAID BY TELEGRAPH, TELEPHO~~, ELECTRIC PJ:ID GAS! CO:MPANl.l!;S, AJ\TD PROVIDING TI.r.AT SAID ORDINL1\fCE SE-HiLL BE VOID, AND RELEASING ALLCLAIM:S AGAINST SUCH COMPANIES INCIDENT TFIERETO, AND PROVIDING 'AN E.VillRGENCY. Comnnssioner Dunningt9n moved the adoption of the ordinance which motion was seconded by COnIDlissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Co~missioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. The City Attorney next presented a new ordinance No. 220 fixing rentals to be paid by Gas Companies. The caption of this ordinance is as follows: ORD IN2. NeE NO. 2.2..0.. AN ORDII\1ANCE EJtB'ECTIVE AUGUS.T 1ST, 1941 FIXING RENT~cu..S TO BE PAID BY GAS OOMPANIES, OR OTHER PERSONS, Nm'l OR HEREAB''YER DISTRI- BUTING, SELLING OR DELIVERING Nll:1'URAL GAS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS O}' THE OITY OF ~VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, P.tAlz..qI3 COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF USI:NG A~"D OCCUPYING WI TH Tb--:EIR POLES, WIRES, COl'IDUITS, PIPES, :WIXTURES, lWU OTHER STRUCTURES AND EQ,UIPl~ENT, THE STREETS, EASE?::E:tlTS, ALLEYS, PARKS, Arm arHER PUBLIC ',ClAYS AJ:\iD PLA,CES WIlli IN SAID OITY, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA'J:1ION OF THIS ORDINAI\l'CE AND PROVIDING nr EME RGENBY. ~) ~ t-:' 7ic'g' -, - . t,"". 'it' ". ~~.. f~. :.~. A motion was made by Comraissioner Dunnihgton, which was seconded byCoF~issioner Hers~hel, that the ordinance be adopted. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. . The City Attorney then presented an Ordinance No. 2Zl .authorizing the Mayor to execute' an agreement with the I:Iou$ton Natural Gis Company. The Caption of this ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 22J. AN ORDIRA.NCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TEE MAYOR OF THE C:ITY 0]' YVEST UJ\'!JVERSITY PLACE OR THE IiiAYOR PRO TEM fJ;O ENTER I:N~O jlJ\1D EXECU TE AJ\TD DELIVER A CONTRACT OF SETTLEME NT , BET\'lEEN TEIE CITY OFYNEST U~'IVERSITY PLACE AND THE HOUSTON NAYuRAL GAS CORPORATION SETTLING THE CONTROVERSY THAT EXISTS BETWEEN HOUSTON NATURAL GAS CORPORATION AN}) ITS PREDEC,ESSOR, HOUSTON NATURAL GAS COJVJPANY, WITH THE CITY, FOR THE: SUM OF $10, 210.00, A-1'ifD RELEASING .ALL CLAllvIS, EXCEPT AD VALOREM TAXI!:S AND $10.00 ANNUAL FRANCHISE FEE, .A 1m AGREEING TO PASS ANOTHER ORDINANCE FIXING A TWO PER CENT GROSS RECEIPTS CHARGE FOR A TEN YEiill FlllRIOD, AND DECL4.RING AN EMERGENCY. A motion, to adopt the- ordinance was made by Commissioner Dunnington. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Noes: :None. Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. The minutes of a special meeting of Wednesday, July 9th, special meeting of Monday, July 14th, and the regular meeting of July 14th, 1941 were read and approved. Mr. Henry Schneider, 'Nho resides at 3836 Coleridge, was present and presented the COmIaission with a petition requesting that Coleridge, Arnold, Keats,an~ Northwestern Streets, in the 3800 blocks, be opened onto Auden Avenue. Action on this matter was deferred to a later D@uncil meeting. Mr. G. A. Fras~r presented to the Commission a uetition to change the name of Aeats street to Sunset Boulevard.~ Coro~tssioner Herschel made a mo'tion, vlhich was seconded by Commissioner Woodard, changing tlle OOJ.'1l8 of Y~ats to Sunsi3t, and authorizing the City, Attorney to draw an ordinance making this change. ~' .I 1'-74 Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, D~nningtcn and Mayor F. :M. l.Jiainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington stated that the taxes for the years of 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1940 on the improvements on the property of F. L. Elkins at 2911 Wroxton, Lot 4 and E'l,5' Lot 3, Block 3, of Mo~ticelloAddition, had ,been excessive, the value being placed at, $32.00.00. T~ Board of Equalization recomme nded the improvements be reduced to $1,735.00 including the previous years. UBon the re- commendation of the Board of Equalization, Commissioner unnington recommended that the valuation be reduced and that Mr. mlkkns be refunded $87.91. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, authori zing the $87.91 be paid to Mr. J1'. L. Elkins as a refund on taxes. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Fire Chief d. A. Metcalf reported to the Council on the Fire- men's Training School which he attended at A & M College. Chief }/Ietcalf stated that the latest me-thods of fire fighting were taught and demonstrated a~d that the school had a large attendance. Mayor MB::L~()us acknowledged receipt of the Five Hundred ($500.00) IJollar maintenance check from the Houston J:!:lectric Company for the current year. ' Relative to complaints of citizens regarding bus routes, the W~yor stated that the bus routing was a function of the Planning and Zoning Commission, therefore the re-routing of the buses had been turned over to the Planning Commission for investigation and' recommendations. The Mayor presented a bill from the League of Texas Munici- palities in the amount of $70.00 for annual ,membership fee for the year 1942. The'matter was referred to the Commission for further action. The City Engineer presented a bid in the amount of $309.00 from the Cox Fence Gompany for the construction of bc;.ck stops and steel wire net, fo~ the tennis Gourt in the College Gourt ?ark. The Coastal Fence vo. and the Southwestern Fence Company were ask to submit bids, but had failed to do so. 'Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which Was duly seconded by COLmnissioner Woodard, that two (2) more quotations be recei ved and the job gi ven to the lowest bidder. Voting Aye: Coramissioners Herschel, Woodard,'Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. \l ~~ ,~, -'. <..... ",': -.-. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was duly s~conded by Commissioner Hersohel adopting the Health Ordinance, creating q Health and Sanitary Code for the City of West Univer- si.t;y Place. Votihg Aye: Gommissioner?. Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow,' Woodard and llJIayor .J:!'. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Caption of t his ordinance is as follows: 4~A ORDINAl\fCE NO. ~ AN ORDIJ:.rA}}'CE CREA'l'ING AND ADOPTING A HEALTH AND SANITARY CQDE FOR THE CITY OF 1JEST UI~IVERSI'llY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THE DUTIES AND ]JUNCTIONS OJ!' '~tl}fl BOARD OF f:EALTH, REALTH DEPARmI\ffENT A1m lliALTE OFFICERS TBElb---UNDER; PROVIDING R1JJ.E SAND R C:::GtJLA'IT ONS G07~RI'ITNG HEALTH A.11\JD SANITARY 1lJEASURES; PROVIDING FOR AN APFEAL FROM THE ACTIONS' OF 'THE HEALTH BOARD OH J:,~BERS rIH~RE- OF; PROVIDING FOR RUI.ES AND REGULATIONS PER'I'AINING TO 'FElli EIir.B'OREEMENT 'EEREOF; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VI OL:"'I'ION O:b~ THIS' ORDINANCE OR ANY RULE OR REGlJLATIOl'-r OF TF.cE Crpy OF WEsT'tn\IrrERSITY PLA.CE, TEY.AS, VJITH RE:BjtREHCE 'l'HERETO; PHOVIDING THAT .ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDll\IAl\'CEIJ IN CONFLICT llEREWTTH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDIKG 'll-TAT IIi' Al'JY PART 0]' THIS ORDINANCE IS DE- CLAPillDUl~ONSTITUTIONAL oR I1YfALID ~T SFJ~L NOT E]~'~CT ANY C'TIISl1 PARTS :BEREOF; AND ffir.J.J'mIFfG'TlfRA.T 11'HIS ORDINANCE SEL4.LL T l.J<:E EFFECT .A:t:Jv Bl:; In FORCE TItlIf.GDIA TEI,y FROI\i A1'1D AFTSR :IT S PASSAGE, APFHOV P..L AND F'UBLICA'l'IOE, AS REQ,UlRED BY LAW. ' The Chief of Police Grady Smit h recommended the following as Bpe cial Police: Kembers of the safety board: Louis B}rnden Turner rlogers Bert Feiber w. B. Ruth John B. Hawse Bill Semrnelrogge Jack Doran Also: L. Carn p VI. J. Aubertin Geo. Hobinson T. J. Wofford Gus Barkow B. R. Albertson Harry,Dawson N. C. Sears Bryan Russell H. H.. Brown Cor.amissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, that these men be given Qomnissions as Special Police. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor $. M. Nminous. Noe s: None],. ~ -:r 'f~7'6 Commissioner Woodard stated that he desireEi permission to erect a fence around the water well at the City Water Works. COlTJIllissioner Herschel rm de a motion authorizing construction of the fence, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Bids for the construction of this fence were taken at a prior date. They are as follows: The Cox Fence Company Coastal Fence Company Squthwestern Fence Company I' 179.00 , 201.00 211.00 The lowest bid was accepted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor F. ~. Mainous. " Noe s: None. On the proposition of appointing a member oft the Personnel Board to fill the vacancy, caused by B. P. Murphy leaving tGwn. Commission..er Herschel nominated H. E. Terry. Commissioner Kerbow nominated C. W. Read. Commissioner Woodard nominated d. E. Means of 3515 RObinhood !vIr. Terry's name being submitted for vot e first: Voting Aye: Comrrdssioner Herschel and %~yor ~~inous. Noes: Con~ssioners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. Due to the fact that Commissioner Kerbow's nomination of C. W. Read failed to carry~ Comw~ssioner Kerbow made a, motion that the Commission elect ~r. Means by ~cclamation. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Kerbow, Dunnington, ~10odara^, Herschel and lEayor Ivlainous. Noe s: None. ", Commissioner VJoodard made a mot ion, which was seconded by ~ommissioner Herschel giving authority to pur~hase two (2) gas er smoke masks at $38.00 each, for the fire department. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel ask authbrity to purchase 440 feet of fire hose at $1.10 per foot and 'one carload of shell asphalt. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Woodard giving Commissioner Herschel authority to make these purcllases. V ot ing Aye: Commissioners KerbOW", Woodard, Dunnington, Hersche 1 and Mayor Mainous. Noes: N nee o v 1:r'1!'C~.;., , ,. i','.', 4 , . <~-. .~~-"' Jr. Upon consideration and considerable investigayion, Com- missioner Herschel recommended that we not purchase the signs f!Dom the Safety Signal Corporation and that they be n:otif;i.ed of the councils act ion. " .' ',i,: ' " There being no further busire 88- to come beforet he cm:mmission 'upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting~as declared ad- 'journed. ,... ~~/ Mayor ... ATTEST: ~ I" --"~,- j " -1'18 -~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~... SPEQIAL MEET'ING' '1J.'HURSDAY, . JULY",;lST, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE ,TEXAS On this tihe,;l$t -~ t)f July, ,"the, 01 ty Cemmission of the, Oi ty' OfutJY!:'.()fiWlIlsbfUtlw&is;i'tvyoPlifeet,eG.B:ven ed.ill special session pursuant to a notice duly issued by the Mayor Pro Tem at the City Hall at 7:00 otelockP. M. with the following members present, to-wit: City Secretary Witll the following members absent, to-wit: Mayor F. M. Mainous (Absent from the City). ' .+- A. L. Kerbow, J. A. Hersohel . . J. M. Dunnington . . T. w. Woodard . . R. B. Alle n, Mayor Pro Tem Commissioners at which time the folloWing among other business was transacted. Commi ssioner lleQdard introduoed a resolution whi oh was read in fuli by the City Seoretary. After the resolu.tion was disoussed by the members of the City Commission a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel that the resolution be adopted as read. The motion was secpnded by Commissioner Woodard and was adopted by the folloWing vote: AnS: Oommissioners J. A. Herschel, J. M. Dunningtan and T.W. Woodard, and Mayor Pro Tem A. L. Kerbow.: NOES: None. Thereupon the ltayor Pro 1J.iem declared the resolution duly and finally passed. The resolution follows: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE RECOMMENDATI ONS AND PLANS SUBMITTED BY THE GARRETT ENGINEERIN!' OOMPANY FOR ADDITIONS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM AND SEnGE DISPOSAL PLANT. WHEREAS, the Garrett ~neering Company, Consul-ting Engineers, pursuant to instructions fcom the City Commission have heretofore made an extensive investigatioh and stud~ of the sanitary sewer system and sewage disposal plant and based upon resoluts of said investigation and study have filed with the City Commission for its consideration and approval plans and reoommendations for certain additions, extensions and improvements to the Sanitary Sewer 'System and Sewage Disposal Plan)', and " " r , ) "_'"J"; A;'l..:,iKERBOW ''-D::E:PT. OF FiNANC;1E "..;<:', ",-<:.'(":> "\.>".:'.- ':-->~~-, .-- "--" - ."' Cc::l;~MIl:lSIOJIIE9.S: .J ,/<""'HERSCHEL :.~TREET--ANE;J -BRI.DGE DEPT. .J. rlf.,DUNNINGTON TAX: DEPT. _ 3 BOI]' UNIVERSITY BOU~EVARn HOUSTON, TriM T. WESLEY WOODARD . ~ATER AND SEWER" DEPT. MA ""OR PRO TEM: A. a KERI!lOW it -:. July 29th, 1941 OFF,ICERS: ,-of- ", A. J. LAMONTE CITY ATTY.. , \ ,( CORP. .JUDGE C1' E. GAMMILL . '. TREASURER ~'.,~ ~~ )8.6 ALLEN CITY ENGR. B. R. ALBERTSON TAX ASSESS. AND COL1.. :&ir. R.B.. Alle:i1 ActingGi ty Secreiary " -01 ty o:f West University -.,; .J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF Dear Sir: t i: ! F.. K. CUFF 1 , 'IRA A., HARRIS SUPT.. WATER AND SEWER I I i '.JOE L., ARCHER i CITY.PLANNING AND ZONING SUPT. ST. AND BR. You are b.ereby, directed to call a special meeting of the City Commission to be held at 7:00 P. M. on Thursday, July 31st, 1941 :for the follow- ing purposes: 'I ! '.J. W. CLARKE W. .J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL 1. 2. 3. >.4. 5. 6. '7. 1 i Approving 1941 T~xRoll. 'r Adopt an njl)rdina~@e le11Ying taxes :for 1941. , Takenp the mat~rof Case enti tIed John C. ' Calhoun, dr. 'Va' the City of West University. C!c>nsider matte}'s in connection with annexation, question. , Employment ib:f Ie gal counsel."1 Approving attorneys fees~ Take up sanitary sewer project and services in connection'with same. TRAVIS.J. CASH DEPT. Of' HEALTH Yours very truly~ 1 ! engineeringt , CITY OF Z UNIVl!<lSITY BYtZ ~ Mayor ro Tem 'I: 1 I ,1\ I 11 ~ II !i I! ~ j ',' ; l ! 'I ., ! t f, I' ii .v 1; ALK ~-----r T ---~ ] ~ ;. ., ." , , ~"" ,.."">' ftU7' ", "", '. , : ~ . .' , '. . T . """'. . _. ." . - -t' ".~, .,,>. ~~:"'~~ ~;~ --: -.,' "'. .'. 'V -1 " 1:: ~. , , { ..' ,. . . WHEREAS' s~i(fpia.ns and reeoj!lne'nda,t:ions have be~n're;vie\Ved by the- C1t1C()~~~le:aa,i1d t'ou;nd, ,\~<bJ~satistaeto~Y~'an<1 the improvem~nts setfol'th thereii1 'a:r~ n~ee.ssary to the' pUbiic health a,nd we,lfar,e of theei tizeris of the City; and. ''''>' WHEREAS, it is (teemed ~9 b~ to the be!3t' ~nt~l.",~~t ,:t~)' th~ ,City ot West University Place tJiat said, pl,ans and reeomnien~ations be .approved and adopted: NOW, THEREFORE, ,"" BE IT 'RESOLVED BY fJ;EE OITY OOmUSS!ON OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSITY PLAOE, TEXAS: 1. '. That the plans and recomnBndations tor ~dditions and extensions to the Sanitary Sewer System and Sewage Disposal Plant s~bmit~ed by the Garrett, Engineering Company be and ~he same ase here by ,adopted and approved. 2. That tl\e Garrett Engineering bom~ny, Engineers, are here- by instructed to prepare detailed working drawings, plans and spe'e~tiea-eions 'neeessary for the construction of ,t,he work as set, 'forth in the plaM .an~ reC?mmenda;tions herei.l':l PJ'l>reli:ed. PASSED AND APPROVED 1ih:ls the 31s-t day af July A. D., 1941. Siined A. L. Kerbow , , , A. 1.. Kerbow, May,or ,Pro Tam ATTEST: Signed R. B. Allen ,,01 ty Seoretary Commissioner Her'sehel introduced a resolution and moved its ad.option. The Resolution and the Engine,ering Oontraet attached theretoa~d, marked, "EXhibit AU was read in full by the City Seoretary and discUssed' by the CityCcnDm:issi()n. C01,!'1ll1issioner Hersehelplade a'motion that the resolution be adopted. The m.otion was' seeonded by COllmlissioner Woodard and adopted by the, followi~ 'Vote: AYES: Commissioners J. A~ Hersehel, J. M. DunniXJgton and T. W. Woodard, a.ndMayerPro Tem A. L. Kerbow. .NOES; None. - , ... . . . . T~re~pGn the Mayor Pro Tam declared the resolution duly and finally I:R saed. The resolut ion follows: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A. L.' KERBOW, MAYOR PRO ~M, TO EXECUTE, A CONTRACT WITH THE GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY FOR AND ON BEHALF OF TI:rE CI'ft'. BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I'Im OI TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS: 180 1. ,That A. L. Kerbow, Mayor Pro Tem, be and hereby is authorized to execute a cou:traet wi,th the GarI,"ett Engine ering Company-, Cons u.lt i-llg l5'~gineers,l:ratist6,h,"'Texas', for the pe1"- formanoe of olfrtaill Epgilleeripg services, more, tully set forth in said oontract, a oopY of whi all is a ttae,hedhereto arid narked Exhibit "AU. 2. That said contract shall sUpercede that oertain oontract dated September 9, 1940, bet\Y"l1 the City of WesttJniversityPlaee, Tex~s, and the Garrett :Angineering Company forenginBering services in connection 'Wi th the Sani,*a,ry Sewer System and Sewage Disposal Plant, and shall cancel the obligation of the Oity of West Uni- versity Place to pay to the Garrett Engineering Gompany the sum of $l,GOO.OO as set forth in said engineering contract dated September 9~ 1940. 3. That' the Oity Secretary be instrueted to file a oopy of said contract in the Minutes immediately following this resolution. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 31st day of JulY, A.D., 1941. Signed ,A. L. Kerbow A.L. ' Kerbow, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Signed - R. B. Allen C.ity t)ecretary An ordinance was presented levying taxes for the year 1941. The Caption of this ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~ '1 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1941 FOR AND WITHIN THE 01 TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXAS,' A.GAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY wrmIN SAID CJ:fY FOll .ALL MUNICIPAL PtJRPOSES; AND LEVYING A SPECIAL T~'X~4GAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF TEE MAINTDiANCE AND UPKEE P OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND- PROVIDING' '!HAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT DIMI!: DI.A TEL Y UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion adopting the ordinance which motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow Noes: None The approving of the 1941 tax roll was passed due to the rolls being imcomplete. ~] [' ~t -------r---.-- '1 l'~.,;:-f <: 'J1LI": ~. -: . Commissioner Dunnington made a by Commissioner Woodard authar iziI:lg Scruggs i;oassist _the ," O~ty Atto!':Q.ey styled lohn C~Ca.lhou:v., 1r. VB. '1'h-e Place. motion, which was seoonded tl:1eemployment ,91' W. )lay in: ' the" defenSe (r)t' ''the' suit City of West"'JJ!li~ersity . .' ~. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, WOddardand Mayor Pro Tem Kerbt'W. Noes: ' l\Cne. Upoll'lIlotion duly made and seconded, the meeting ~s recessed, to be r:econvened at 7: 00 P.M. -us't 4~ 1941. ATTEST:, ' A~~ _1 -,- ~ 182 OO1ft'TDSPEOIAL'MEETING MONDAY, :AUGUST 4TH, 1941 CITY,HALL, Q;rTY',QF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS , .' 'The special meeting of the City Oommi$Il;~on called fDr July .31, 1941, baving 'been recessed, vas reco.p.v,ened insessio~ at 7:00 P. It. Monday August 4th; 1941 wit'h the fOllowing , present: Mayor Pro !em Kerbow, Commissioners Herschel, DUn- nington, Woodard and Ac:ting City Secret,l;1.ry Allen. The Mayor be.ing abSent. ' , Commissioner Dunnington pre,sented the following resolution in lieu of the mot ion adopted On July 31st relative to eJqlloying W. Ray Scruggs, in, the CalhQ~,nqase ~nd moved its a<doption: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION EMPLOYINGW.RAY SCRUGGS AS ADDITIONAL LEGAL COUNSEL IN THE DEFENSE OF Ei.USE NO~ E-2766.58, JOHN C. CALHOUN, JR., VB CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ET AL, AND FIX- ING TEE TERMS AND COliff)I'fIONS OF, SAID ])MPL6Y- ME NT . BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE C rry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVEBSITY PIACE: ' , Section 1. Whereas John 8-.: Calhoun, Jr., has brought suit against the City of West University Place and certain City Officials thereof, being Casse No. E-276658 entitled John C. Calhoun, Jr. VS City of West University at aI, pending in the District Court O'f Harris County, Texas, and whereas, it is deemed necessary and advisable to employ additional legal counsel under Article XII, Section 4 of the City Charter in the defense of said suit, and whereas, it ,is desired to employ W. Ray Scruggs, a practicing attorney of the Harris County :Bar, for the purpose aforesaid, and whereas, an agreement has been reached with the said W. ~ayScruggsas to his compensation, it is therefore ordered that the said W~ Ray Scruggs be and he is hereby employed under Article XII, Section 4 of the City Charter as additional legal counsel in the defense of the law suit aforesaid. ' Section 2. The cbm~.1lSa};j.,on of saidW. Ray Scruggs is Seven Hundred and Fifty (t,.5QCOO ) Dollars for his services in the District Court pr oceedings and in the event an , appeal is taken from the judgement of the District Court an additional fee of Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be paid, which said additional fee shall ihelude the Court of Civil Appeals and shall also indlude the appeal, if any, to the Supreme Court of Tex-as. ~) -i.r 0",9;.' .1::_ (]J..,,~-. ~,1ibe ti:'''alf~. ,bt Seve~;a;und;re-dandJ1if:GY: (;$',750.00) Dpllars,,", ,;.one jua:l:f th'e~eof",: or:, ~e,e,: ,B:undred:' ~aJld__ ;~e!~;Jlty- ,t~\re'lt31'5'. 'O'(!t~polli$1~ J, i$p1_Y~:Ple;i~tant~ra~d:tb:e, ,Pity :Tre,f;ls,ti!-er,,' ~p:~~JJge~'trseere:t~.ry ':,- af:,lcf t~~~yor'dP;i:9 ,Te:rn J~:&~~'~Y,9,t a~~this ti$a; bei:11;glilb~e,~t, rrom-the' 01 ~y t~re " her. il1S~rul?ted'to is_sue ,check to 't..o.esai:d W,_ ~y _~cruggs at _O~(f-e for :saidT"b.reeRuMred ;lnd Seventy-fiv~ (ll75,!tOO) Doll.atihT1ie' balane,eot 'the trial fee shall be" paid: when the, case -is tried. butiil no event to be pi idu later than Feb.IiUah: 1, 1942, and the C,ity Treasurer, AetlngGity ~tej;~#~;J and the.yor are instructed to. issue 's~id , &i_J..\,io~l. check when -the same beeomes,due and pay~ple under the 'p~ovlsi6ns of this 1.'eso1ut ion. ' , - - .-. --- -- . ~ - .- 'Ths':app,el1ate fee'ot 'rWo Hundred and --Fifty ($250,.00) Dol1ar$ sba!lbe-- Ia~~1e-:whe'n the '~p:pealis' per:feetJiHt in the (:burtof Qi.vil, ApP&~JP7,anY":Party to the suit ami't-~e.re- npQ!,l the Oity T,reasarar,' Actt-ng- City,Seeretary, anQ.the Mayor are instructed to'issue che ok to the ~ai~W '" Ray'Scruggs for i3~chadditional sum of Two Hundred and Fifty (t250.00) olla,rlJ. ]rassed this 4th day' of August, 194J..' ~pp~aved this 4th day of ~Bt, 1941. Signed ' A_ T.", ~bQW" .1IUay~r Pro 1Iam _ At'f'l!TTIi'~Jfl~ ~~~ Sigmd R. B. Allen Acting City Secretary , Conmdssiotler 'Wooi,arciJ. seeonfieqtbe motiontoadoj}-:t .the resolution. -~ Vot ing Ate: Commiss!oners HeJr.~~hel.,; DuniliingtOllt;'W'ooaard, and " ,'" . '14a:roor,.:.h'o' ~em" Ker'bow. · ' Noe's: ' 1Vane. ' <roriUn!'ssioner Dunnington, then offered the to11aNingresolution andm,Qit~d it's adoption: ." REso~m;ION- . ~ ~tJ'fION mJ?:LOYING. Wt. RAY,SCRUOOa AS- ADDITI:{fNAL';tEGAL'::e,OUNSELTO, PROSEGUTE SUIT, AQ-llm'l" mE 01TY:OF aaOO8iJ:'ON::mCOm$CTION: WITIt BOmIDAR.Y nIsPuT1!:~<'Am} EJ:X!NG" THE -TEmvIf.fAND" CONDrl"I()1\JS'0F SAID 'EMJ?LOM~~: ' .",. , . BE IT RESOLVED BY TH;E CITY COwnSS-IO-lq OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIl:VERSITY PLACE'; ~ -------.--- - , -itQ4' : . ~ ~ . ,section 1. Tha tWhereas the City pf Houston did' . pass an ordinaneeatteJ:rwtin:g to e::lCt€nd' ,its- bounclaries, said ordimnce -passing'its ,finalrea4ing,' January 1.5,1941, and whereas" the- Ci tyof, West U-ni verai ty Pla-ce,has passed an or<lim,neeextending itsb oundari as overlappillgwith and confl-icting with' the said ordinance of' the Oi ty of Houston-, and whe-reas, ,it is deEmed ne-cessary to employ additional legal counsel in the p-rosef'ution of suit against theOityofHouston arising out of said two conflic'Eing ordinances, and whereas, the, City Commission of' the Oi ty of West University Place is desirous of employiqW. Ray Serugg,s, an attorney of the' Harris Cwnty bar, .as such additional -legal counsel in the dispute and con- troversy aforesaid, and, whereas, ~n agreement- has been , reach with the said 'W. Ray Scruggs for the employment of his, services a.s such additional legal counsel in the pro- secutionand handltiilg of said ~a.se" against -'the City of HOuston, the saidW. Ray Se~gg$ is hereby so employed Under Artiole XII, Section 4 of the Charter of the Oity of 'West 'University. Place. , ' , Section 2. ,The com~iisation of said W. Ra.y-scruggs is Seven Hundred and Fifty ($7.50.00) Dollars for his services in the Pistriet Court prooeedings and in the event an appeal is taken from the judgement of the District Oourt an, additional fee of: ~0 Hundred and :.Fifty {$2.50.00) Dollars sbaJ,l b,e ];8id, which said additional fee shall 1nclude' the C~rt QfCiv,il ApP'als and shall also include the appeal, if any, to the Supreme Court of Texas. . , Of the trial fee of Seven Hundred and Fifty ($7.50.00) Dollars, one half thereof, or Three Hundred and Seventy-five ($37.5.00) Dollars, is payable ~stanter and the City Treasurer, Acting Oity Sec:l:7etary-, and the Mayor-Pro Tam (the Mayor at this time ,being absent from the City) 'are hereby instrueted to',issue cheek to t~e said W.', Ra:rScrugl$s at once for said !.bree Hundred and Seventy-Five(i37.5.00} Dollars. The balance of. the trial fee shall be;--paid When the case is tried but in no event to be paiti 1aterthan February 1, 1942, and the Oity Treasurer~ Acting City Secretary,. and the Mayor are instructed to issue said additmonal cheek when the same becomes due and payable under the provisions of this re- solut ion. The appellate fee of 'lMo Hundred and Fifty ($2.50.00) Dollars shall be payable when t-he appeal is perfected in the Court of Civill Appeals by any party to 'IIhe suit and there upon the City Treasurer, Acting City Secretary, and the Mayor are instl"tlc-ted to issue check to the said W. Ray Scru.gg~ for such additional sum of Two Hundred and Fifty ($2.50.~O) Dollars~ ' ~i _r 1 je'ffl")''''''l, " C" <>J' ' . .i~"t. ~~. : ." The fees h$reinprovided"':for -are in addition to the fee of One Hundred an'd. Fifty (fl.50.90) Dollars for briefing heretofore agreed to be paid tJiesaid W. Ray Soruggs. Passed this ~th day of August 19~I. Approved this 41ih day of: August, -19'41:. , - , , , ,,;j;>. Signed A. L. Kerbow' .'May-or-~em AT'fEST: Si~ned R. B. Allen ,Acting Oi ty Secretary Coinmissioner Woodard seconded the, motion to adopt the resolution. ' Voting Aye: Noes _: None. ~. ATTEST: ~ Act ng ity Secretary 1 r ~ i J8'6' ~REGl.TLARlvIEETING, , MONDAY; 4'UGUST'I~~, ,1941 CITY, HALL~Crfi GERST" UEIVERSITY PLACE 'TEXAS , , , The regular meeting of the"City Commission was held on :Monday, August l1;th, '19,41 at 7:30 p. M.at, 'the City Hall with Mayor Pro Tem A.L. Ker'bow presiding,. Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington all;d, City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. "MaY0,1"~.F. M. 'Mainous and Oommissioner T. W. Woodard were not present due to their absence from the Oity. Ohief ,of Police Smith appeared before the Council and stated in eonnection with the purchase of t~e ~ew police car, that it was his recommendation that a new'radio,re-d ceiving set be purchased for the new ear, and the old ,recieving set'be left in the old car.' Chief Smith stated that the new set coul4 be purphase at a price of $;6.99, plus installation .charges, from Moore, Bros. . Oommissioner Herschel plade'a motion whi.ch,was seconded by Commissioner DUnnington ~uthori~ing thepurehase. Votin8 Aye. Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow, Commissioners Hersohel and Dunningto n.. Noes: None. Chief Grady Smith also reported that the City could purchase a red and green overhead flasher sign for the corner of Buffalo Speedway and University Boulevard at aprioeof approximately $99 .~OO. The ,price of placing; flashe,1" stop s'igbs dwould run about, 160.00 eaoh.. Commissioner, Dunnington recom- mended. 'that this matter and also the propssition of the placing of other signs within the City of West University be referred to the Safety Council for their recommendation. " '.fhe minutes of the ,regular meeting of Monday, July 28, 1941 were read and apptoved. Commissioner Herschel stated that Mr. Rulon, Mr. Weaver and himself had been appointed on a commtt'tee som.e time ago to make a survey on the street lights within the City and to make their reoommendatioh to the CoUlicil. He reported that the survey had been ~de,and that the committae recommended plaoing of additional street lights in the ei ty ,a. ~ist of these locations was submitted and same is filed ,in the Publio Utility file, Houston Lighting & PCJlier, Co.., street lighting contract. ' ' Commissi oner Dunnington made a motion whioh was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing the installation of the lights at the locations recommended. Voting Aye: Commissioners Hersohel, Dunnington and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. ,,' ~J 1: 8'r-r{, ?" .c. 7.:>}. '., >>- ."; .~ ~--. . ...,. .." It is uDderstoodthat, these lights are to be installed under the street lighting oontraet with the Houston Lighting ~nd Power Co.., wherein the light oompanyagreed to~ i-natall one additional streetl"l'gb.-t- ,free of 'cost t.o the city 1'-61" each two lights now in service, .providing ligh~s are 250 candl~ power. , In regard to the propositi on of t,h~ opening of, li'orthwestern, 'KeatsCc;.reridge and Browning Streets in the 3800 blocks opening onto Auden Street, C~mm.issioner Herschel stated that Col~ridge' Street Via's the only street that eould be opened. The lots . abutting ,onto the ot,her streets being' air eady bui.lt up.' ,', _eEl &: Yancey Realty Co., of'fereed to sell the City 'the lot for. Eight Hundred and Fifty ($850.00) Dollars. Commil3sioner Herschel re- commended.that we take an option on the lotl"~:two we~ks, until the return,.of Mayor:Ma:inous and Commissioner Woodard." Council decided to lay the ma~~9ver until the Mayor returned. A letter was read from Mrs. John B. Howse asking ,that the Mayor or Mayor Pro' Tem, give her a letter of recommendation for the approaching of C'ontractors ~nd Sub-CojJ.tractors on the CoIDml1nityBuillifngfor the purpose of, puplishing a s~cial edition, celebrating and an.nouncing the opening or completing of the Civic Center BUilding. Receipt of, the letter'was acknowledged by the Commission and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow stated that he would prepare a ~etter of reeO:mm3 ndatton for Mrs. Howse. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. C. E.Ga.mmill in Which Mr. Gammill recommended that the taxes on the impr()vements on Lot 21, Block 10, Monticello Addition, 3110 Q,uenby, in the mme of John C. Harris, ,Jr., be eliminated for the year 1941, due to the fact that the house was not 60~ completed by January 1st, 1940. After discussion, Com- missioner DUnnington made a motion that a further eheckbe made by Building Inspector, ,J~ A. Metcalf, and that if he found that' the house was not completed by January 1, 1940, that the im- provements be e limina tea from the tax roll for the yea;r:a 1941. The mot ion was ,seconded byCommissionar Herschel. Voting Aye.: , Noes: None Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Oommissioner Herschel" requested authority to purchase twenty- ,four ,(~4) ',stop signs at $13.00 each to. be placed at numerd)us places over the City. OOmmission.er Du.nnington made a mot i'On authorizing Coimnissioner Herschel to purchase these signs. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: ' Comm1ssiomrs Dannington; Herschel, and Ma,yor Pro Tem A. L. Kerbow. , Noe s: None. I l - -- " " "l ~ , ' 18~8 The fOl,lowing bids for the :purohase Of a ~ew police car were opened, and tabulations are asf'ollaws: , I I , I Deluxe , ' Su.perDel~e Merm,lryMotdr $859~6a $ 884.00 895.00 903.00 928.00 Hargis Motor Co. ..$ - 8,3:S.. 00 Ivy'~Russell Motor 00 850.00 RaYlllond Pears.2n 860.00 .Oommissi oner Dannington made a motion that' the Forior Super Deluxe 1941 Ford -be :pureha-sed from the Hargis Motor Co., on. their low bid o~<$859.QO, which motion was seconded by Oommissioner ' Hers chel. ' > Voting Aye:.' Oommission,ers Dunnington, Hers,chel, and Mayor Pro Tem 'Kerbow. Nee s: None. The proposi tioD. af the~sG~nt rate to be allowed on taxes for the yea!;" 1941was braa_to the attention of the, Council. After diselilssion this' l.Ilat~r was referred to the next regular council meeting on Au~&t 25th., ' A resolution was presented desi~nating and giving authority to certain city officials'tosign checks; separate t'he s:t;orm ' sewer-civic center fund, making two 'separate accounts; and authorizing the keeping of a ,Safety 'Deposit Box at the City National Bank~ Commissioner Herschel made a mot'ion, ~wh1ch was seconded by CommiSSioner .....~b.nington, adopting this resolutHm. The Caption of the resolu-tion is as follows: ,A <RESOLUTION . A RESOLUTION SEPARATING THE STORM SEWER- CIVIC GENTER FUND AND ESTABLISHING TWO SEPARATE BANK ACCOUNTS DESIGNATING STOW SEWER GONSTRUO'l'IO:l FUND AND CIVIC CENl"ER FUND; CHANQ-ING A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT TO STOm SEWER OONSTHUCTION:E'UlID, ESTABLISH- ING A NEW AOOOum DESIGNATED PAYROLL AOOO'Ulil, AND DESIGNATING OFFICERS WHO ARE AUTHORIZED TO SrGN CHECKS AND ' HAVE ~CCESS TO SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX. - Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington and Mayor Pro Tam Kerbow. Noes:' None. There being no further business to come before the comnission ~ '. ,- '1. =r upon mot/ion duly made and adjourned. . ATTEST: ~ Ac ng i ty secretary l' -, secomed" the meeting was declared ~~~~~-C t90: ~-' PlmLIC HEARING MONDAY, AUGUST' 11m, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS A PlTBL!'e' ':sEARIm AMEND!NG ZONING ORDINANCE A Public hearing was held at the City Hall at 9: De p.Jl\~ on Monday, .August 11th, 1941 wi tlJ Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow pres4'ding, Commissioner Herschel, Dunnington and Sec,retary 1(. B.. Al1.e~in attendance. The hearing was held in regard to (1) the lowerin8 and raising of square footage area facing on Auden street; (2) the including of 1/2 of the screened porch, on houses of 1100 sq.ft. . or over; <a> that garages be placed on a proper set baok, so as to conf~ with the alignment of houses on lots in the rear thereof;. and {4} to amend Section 33 of the Zoning Ordinance by substituting Planning Board in the place or "Oity Plan Commission." Question No.1 being submitted: M~. Jessup living at 6403 Buffalo Spdwy. object to the lowering of restrictions in any part of the 01ty,. Q,uestion No. 2 being presented: Mr. William Hurst, 6445 Brompton stated that he objected to the including of kef the screened porch in the dimensions of the house. Q.uestion No. 3 was presented: Mr. Karl Woodard 'expres~ed himself as being very much in favor of the amending of the ~oning Ordinance in regard to the placing of garages on corner lots. ' Q,uestion No. 4 being presented, there was no objection. Upen motion bei ng clared adjourned. made and seconded, the hearing was de- ~t~~ ATTEST: ~arY ~j 1\ ;! , - '".L-:_~,:~~ Mr. R. B. ,.Allen, Acting City Secretary, City of West University Place, City Hall. , Dea:r:~. Si.].'.: You are 'hereby directeQ to call a spee:ial meeting of the City 'Commission-roi' the City ;ot West University Place, at 6:30 P.M. Monday, Aug. 18, 1941 to take up the following matters: 1. Purchase of lot to open Coleridge street into Auden street. 2. Proposed improvement of the pro- perty and material yard. 3. Application to PWA for grant to aid in construction'of an incinerator. 4. Purchase of truck for Water Department. 5. Purchase of filing equipment for City Hall. 6. Adopting resolution authorizing adding of excess collections to budget. 7. Resolution aQopting the 1940-1941 budget as temporary for the fiscal year 1941-1942. 8. Adopting a resolution authorizing the Treasurer and the City Secretary to nego- tiatea loan in the amount of $859.00 to pay for new police car. 9. Authorizing an inarease in the amount appro- priated for repairs to sanitary sewers. , .. · ',} " ; t . . ':'l' , :. J . I' " i f I I I I t ! i ! , , I 1 I L !' t t , '.~ ...] I J " ~ ..- . ".,...,. ... -....... .... ,.. t.. . . ,!",-.,. \ ~~ '-YJ~J-,d'.... :<,r ;- ".' . -'" ---:<If . . ~I ' '"h" 'Iu,_.u ~" ... " ftt ' "',d_ '."".. ,~~ ",~ ,', .. '- ....It: .. ~_._" ~,~ ~'flthl."tG ~'_~_~~, ':':1__~.:""'."" "", ,.~~ _~:f"__ ,tJt .. _,._ ~ -~1 ~:ti ~'~'e:r~- .. - ~ - ~ ,it. ,~_1!;.._ ' ,~...__ ~ ~~ ~"""~.-"""'"' ~~~ ~ ~~~'~',~, , ~Ji;~ ,J.~ .,t"ll,18s -___ ,.. __. W1. . -'. ,~.,.~. ~.~- ~~__ ~ lit ..... fjOllw~ ..' __... , '1 ' ~1' ' .. "~..e_ "',.,'. ~ --~~.4_a~.Jr!ldal. ~~ := __t'" .. to}lq _ _ ~ fA ~~ '~~~$~~_~~x-. ~~,~:~,,'~';;!!1il'~c "ij<,~*,,*~4h~,~,_~_,., " ", ,',:" ". . " . '"". . , . ".....' . . .~ -~r' - --1 ~I .I .':.. .....:....... .,;.........:-:. ,. , . .' <:;~". ~ "'J'-,': . "... I j , j ] I j 1 J j I i " j .i , , , i , I j I SPEC!'AAI.t'UEfiEG " MONDAY, AT!GUS'f:(tTa, 19'41 CITY' HAIJ.,~CITY' OF'nST'UNIVERS1TY , PtAQE, TEXAS Pursuant to the call of the Mayor Fro ,Tem, a special meeting was convened at the City Hall on Monday a't 6: 30 P. M. AUgust 18th, '1941, with MayorProTem A. L. Kerbow presiding, Commdssioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and the Acting City SeeretaI"Y in ~ttendance. The purpose of the :rj.ee,ting was to t'ake ap thefel... lowing matters: , ,'- 1. Purebase of lot to open Coleridge Street into Auden Street. 2. Proposed improvement of the, property and material yard. 3. Application to P.W.A. for grant to aid in construction of an incinerator. ' 4~ Purchase af truck for Water Department. 5. Purchase, ot: tiling equipment for City Hall. 6.,i44op~ing resolutio!l"autherizing adding of excess collections to budge,t. " , 1. Reselution adopting the 1940-1941 budget as temporary for the fiscal year 1941-1942. 8. Adopting a resolution authorizing the Treasurer and the City Secretary to negotiate a loan in the amount of 1859.00 to "pay for new police car. ' 9. Authorizing an increase in the amount appropriated for repairs to sanitary sewers. ' The proposal to purchase the lot on Auden Street was discussed and passed. to the next ~egualr meeti ng. The natter of constn'eting racks, and improven:e.nts. on the city material yard was passed to next meetiIg. On the applic'at';ion for P.W~A. grant to aid 'iR constru.ction or an incinerator, it was decided to' await the return of the Mayor be- fore taking any action on the matter. COmJ'jissio,ner Woodard moved that the appropriation of .5000.0& for repairs to' sanitary sewer system be' increased to'$'10oo.eo. This motion was Seoonded,' by CommiesionerHersehel. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Du-.nniE&-t..a>f:l and" 'lIayor Pro Tam Ker'bow. ' Nee s: None. ,-.. ..,--..~.. ~..,,\ "'1'9'2 The ,matter of the need 'for a, new pick-up truck in the water department coming up for disoussion, it was stated, that this truck is to be used by meter repair man and for general wo rk relieving the present one and on~-half ton truck for heavy hauli~g and construction work in both the water and'sewer (lep~rtments. Commissione:tDurmington made a" motioJ;l, whieh. was ,duly seoomed by CommissionerB:ersohel, instl'1l\Ct~~gthe City Engineer to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for a new" piok-up truek. ' , ' Voting Aye: ,Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and MaYE)r Pro 1'em Kerbow. Noes: ,None. Commissioner Herschel made 'a'mot'~on, whioh was seconded by Oommissioner Woodard, authorizing the purchase of the following filing EH)~lipme:q.t for the City Hall: "0' One (,1) four-drawer legal size filing cabinet for, Engineer's Office. One (1) filing cabinet for Mayor and Co~issi~~er~. Twelve (12) steel boxes fQr tiling old reeor~s. V:oting Aye: Commissioner~Herscha1, Woodard, 'Dwmingtol;l and Mayor P.t:o Tem Kerbow. " ' Noes: ,liona. A resolution was presented authorizing, the adding 'of all ineome,recei ved for ,the fifieal year 3,940-1941 in ,excess of the anticipated incomet 0 the budgetf'tbr ,the fisoal year 1940-1941. Commiss:L.onerWoodard ,moved that the resolution be adopted. Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. ' Voting Aye: Commissione~s Woolard, Herschel, Dunnington and. MaYOD Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. A resolution was 'presented adopting the budget for the fiscal year 1940-1941 as thet~mp'orary, budget for the fiscal year 1941-1942. Commissioner Herschel' moved the adoption of the resolution. '. Commissioner Dunnington seeonded the motion. vat ilig Aye: lilommis.sioners Herschel, Dunnington,Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. ~ r 1.9:3:, '. A resolution was pr~sented authorizing the Treasurer and the City Seereta,rS" to negotiate a loan in the amount of $859.00 for a period of 90 (lays at the City National Bank, the proe~eds of which loan is to be used for pu.rchase of the new poliee car. Commissioner Woodard moved the adoption of the resolution. Commissipner Dunnington seconded the motion. ' .... Voting Aye: Commissioner Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. ' Noe s: None. The business for whioh the meeting was called having been concluded,~pon motion dUly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjonrmd. . /7 ~ j ~, ~r em .ATTEST: .~ ~ _I 1 =r 1'94 ' "."! - ." .~ ~ > . ~ ' '.~ \' .. "'-c.' , ..' ", SPECIAL MEH:TING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVEl1SITY , PLACE, TEXAS " A special mee~ing of the Qity Commission wf the City of West University Place, Texas, was held, pursuant toa call of the Mayor Pro~Tem, at the City Hall at 6:30 P. M. On Wednesday, August 20th, 1941 with Mayor Pro Tero Kerbow presiding, Commissioners Dunnington and.Woodard and Acting. City 'Secretary Allen in attendance. . .,.. Mayor F. M.., Mainous and Commissi,oner Herschel W'ereabsent, the Mayor bei ng out of the City. The purpose of t he meeting yvas as follows: , .. , , ' 1. To authorize payment of attorneyT,s fees. 2. To appropriate funds necessary to partit!ipate ,in Harris County Health Unit Program. A Resolution was presented, the Caption of which is as follows: A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OO}\ilITRMING THE EMPLOTIllEl\1T OFW. H. HANSON ,AND. W. RAY. SCRUGGS AS ADDITIONAL LEGAL COUNSEL FOR BRIEFING THE LEGAL Q,UESTIONS II~lOLVED IN ANNEXATION DISPUTE WITH THE ClTY OF HOUSTON AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSATIDN. Commissioner Dunnington moved the adoption of the resolution. COnilllissioner Woodard seconded the motion. Voting Aye: CmMuissioners Dunnfungton, and Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. ,Commissioner Woodard made a motion authorH,ijj:ng the payment of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars for legal fees to the City Attorney and the payment of the balance due on fee for services in connection with the case of the City of West University Place vs. Chas. ~. Read prQvided that all r~tters complained of have been correct to complywwith the Zoning Ordinance and the suit ban be dismissed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Mayor Pro Te~ Kerbow. Noes: None r---/-- A motion was made by Corarnissioner Dunningto~, which was seconded I by Commissiorer Woodard adopting a resolution authorizing the fayment 1 of the City of 11Jest UniversIty- Place pro rata share of the cost : of setting up and J:l1_.::l intainin8, the Harris County Health Department, \ I j ~ ,- \ \ ' {\ I I J' . v -~-- r ,."!".. August 19, 1941 }JIr. R. B. Allen,' , Actxng City Secretary, City of West Univ~rsity Place. , ,Dear 'Sir: , , You 'are' hereby< instructed to call a meeting of the City Commission of, the,Olty of West 1Jnhrer~ityPlace',a:t the Ci tyHall at 6:30 P.M. Wednesday, August 20th, 1941, for the f'ollowing :purposes,: , , . - .. 1.' TO',&'tt~,horize payment of attorney's' fees:' " 2. To approp~iate f1IDds n,ecessaryto participate in Harris County Health Unit program. Yours very truly, a, ~J(;~ MayorPro-tem~ ~ I ~- ," - , '~: \ I j ~. I ! I _.J which amount to be borne by the City is $2,046.22 being ca+cula ted on a basis of 3 cents per hundred of the 1946 assessed valuation. Voting Aye: Co~ssioners Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem Kerbow. Noes: None. , . ' 11"9:~"5- ,~~: '. . :..'" ~ :'A': "f-Q.,1i; 1'(, '.".. \ " \ I The business for which the meetir~ was called having,been concluded, the meeting upon motion dulmade and seconded was declared a&j ourned. ATTEST: ~~ Acti City ~ecretary j., r--- , f":'~"9"6" -'- .' > -,," : . <.,; - ~ , "l(' ~ REGULAR MEET! NG :MONDAY, AUGUST 25TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Commissionwas held at the City Hall on Monday, August 25th, 1941 with Mayo~ F. M. Mainons pre- siding, Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, WoodarCl. a~d Aoting Oity Secretary R.B. Allen in attendance. The- min;tes of the Special Meeting of July 31, continued special meeting of August 4th, regular meeting of August 11th, special meeting of August 18th, 1941 were read and approved. The proposition of opening COleridge Street was presented to the Oouncil by Coinmissioner Herschel, the matter having been discussed at a previous meeting. Commissi oner Herschel made a motion tba t the City purchase the lot f rom Reed & Yancey at a price of $850.00 payable in sixty (60) days, which ~otion was duly seconded by Gommi ssioner Kerbow'. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Herschel" Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. :M. Mainous. " Noes: None. The proposition of reWiring and building a platfor.m on the fire siren was discussed and postponed until a later date, due to the fact that the City is contemplating on installing a hew system. The matter was tabled until Chief Metcalf's return from his vacation. The Oity Engineer was instructed to compile the cost of the paving of Auden and Rice and report to the Oouncil at a later date. Commissioner Woodard made a motion authmrizing Commissioner Herschel to proceed with the opening of Academy Str et from Riley to Bellaire Boulevard. This street is to be graded and shelled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Noes: None. :Mr. R. B. Allen, the Oity Engineer, was instructed to check into the cost of the construction of an up to date and improved bridge on University Boulevard over the drainage ditch. , Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which wa~ seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that each City employee using a City car or truck, be required to register at the City Hall before he leaves the City to go to town or elsewhere. ' Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow and Mayor F. :M. Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, KerboW, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. " f 1:~' <~.., , ' . "> '\ ". . . .'~ .~~, ,:-~. '. Commissioner Dunnington recommendedtha t the discount on taxes tor the year,of194l be as tollows: DISCOUNTS WILL BE ALLOWED IF PAID ON OR BEFORE THE FOLLOWING DATES 3t TO OCT~ 3RD 21- TO NOV. 3RD 11. TO DEC'. 3RD ,~- Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel adopting an ordinanoe providing tor dis- counts -on 1941- taxes. The Caption of the ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ 2. // AN ORDINANCE PROVm:ENG FOR D:tSCU:NTS ON TAXES PAID IN ADV4WCE AND ON OR BEFORE SPECIFIC DATES; AND, REPEALING ALL ORDINANOES INCONF~ICT THEllli"""WITR, AND PROVIDING.THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE DMEDIATELY FROM Am:) AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. . Voting Aye: Nee s: None. The action on the wne nding of the Zoning O~dinance to change the square footage area on Auden Street ; to. include one halt 01' screened porches on areas 01' over 1100 square teet; of the setting back of garages on corner lots, and the Changing of the name City Plan C.ommissiontoPlanBoo.rd, having been deferred until all the Council members were pr,esent, was presented to the Oommission. The Public Hearing ,being held on August 11th, 1941. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, that the City Attorney ,draw an ordinance approving and setting out these cbanges in the Zoning Ordinance, which motion was seconded by C01llll1issione.r Herschel. CommisSioners Woodard , Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor F. M. Mai nous. Voting Aye: Commissi oners.", Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor .t!. M.. Mai noU$ ~ Noes: None. Connnissioner, Kerbow mde a motion that the City issue a check in the amount of $70.00 annual dues to the League of Texas Municipalitie s, with the provision that each C'ommissionea and the City Attorney will receive a copy of the letters and literature that the League sends out regularly. The motion was seconded by Commissi oner Hersch'el. ' , Voting Alls: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor J!'. M. Mainous. Noes: None. "1 198 I I 1- The Mayor stated that the Community House wa,s nearing completion and that the yard Was in need of grading and that the street needed to be cut back and graded up. Commissioner Hersche:). made the motion that the May-or be authorized to go ahead with the plans to' have this work done, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow. . Voting Aye: ',Noe s : NOne. .~. Commissicmers Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor 1!.... M. Mainous. After some discussion on the propositiono:f the City constructing an incinerator, City Engineer R. B.Allen, was instruc~ed to prepare estimates of the cost, etc., and report at a future me.sting. Qommissioner Herschml made the motion, which was seconded by l.iommissloner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Herschel, Dupingto:n, Kerbow, Woodard ana Mayor. F. M. Mainou s. . Noes: None. A "motion was made by Commissioner Woodard, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Dunnington authorizing the payment of $10.00 per month effective July 1st, 1941, to the City Engineer as allowance :for gasoline in his personal automobile used on City business. Voting Aye: COmmissioners WOOdatid, Punnington, Herschel, Kerbow and ayor F. M. "ainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come betore thecomm.ission upon motion bei ng made and duly seconded the meeti ng was declared adjourned. ~~ ATTEST: ./~~ A-6ting it y' eoretary ,. ~) 1- 1'. .;9''''9.- .. oj ",,~-'ii -;' ~ .iv' ", ",'. .", \ \ I ; REGULAR :MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1941 CITY mLL, CITY OF WEST UNIVEP3ITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meetin,g of the City .Commission was..held at 7: 30 P. M. on Monday, September 8th, 1941 at the City tiall with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Oommissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, and Acting~eeretary R. B. Allen in attendance. ,Commissioner Kerbow was ab~t. ~- The minutes of the regular meeting of August 25th, 1941 were read and approved. ~. An.Orginance was presented changing the name of Keats Street to Sunset Doulevard. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seoonded by Commissioner Dunnington passing and approving this ordinanc e. The Caption is as follows: GRDINPJ:iJ CE NO. 22.5 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF KEATS STREET TO SUNSET ,BOUIEVARD, WITIUN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF VmST UNIVEIDITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDI- NANCES IN C011FLICTffiREWITH ARE REPEALED; PROVID- ING TH...1i.T 1"'rlIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT Al-ID BE IN FORCE D/I1JIEDI.u~TELY FIDM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. .. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor F. -M. lv1ainous. Noes: None. An ordinance was presented m~ending certain sections of Qrdinance No. 111, kn~ln as the Zoning Ordinance. The Captio~ is ~s fo 110ws : ORDINi.;NCE NO. 226 AN ORDINANCE AIVlENDING ORDINANCE NO. Ill, OJP THE CITY OF \VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, COMMONLY KN"01NN AND DESIG:NArrED AS THE tfZONING ORD~.GEtJ, BY AMENDING SECTION 12 THEREOF, CONCERNING THE SQUARE FOOT DThl."ENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN THE SEVENTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWEIJ..ING DISTRICT; BY AMENDING SECTION 1.3 THEREOF, CONCERNING TJ-lli SQUARE FOOT DTI\IlENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN THE EIGHTH SINGLE- FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY AI'v'lENDING SECTION 1, SUB-PARAGRAPH f 11), CONCElliT\JING INCLUSIDN OF SCREENED PORCHES IN GROSS FLOOR JAREA . .AJ\1D SUB- PARc-\GRAPH (.30) CONCERNING INCLUSION OF. SCREENED PORCIDTIS IN COMPUTING SQUARE FOOT DTMENSIONS; BY AMENDING SECTI ON .3.3, SUB-PARAGRAPH (2) AND SUB- PARAGRAPH (4), ELIMINATING TRE CITY PLAN COMJ~JIIS- SION AND .ADDI+C PLANNING BOARD, BY ADDING AN EX- CEPTION IN SUB-PARAGRAPH ~3) SECTION 24, PRO- . i -- . . - -----,- :'~':~2';'~ '~~:;';":-...;CJ::,,'~,,:, , . ~ ~ "~ "!:. . , " ~ , , , VIDING FOR SET-BACK DISTANCE OF GARAGES ON CORNER LOTS; iurn PROVIDIID THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFF'ECT A:[\Jl) B1J; IN FORCE D/ThtIEDIATELY FROM ITS PASSAGE MTD APPROVAL. Goromi ss i oner Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded by Herschel passing' and approving this ordinance. , C~mmissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor jf. ]Jr. Mai nous . Voting Aye: Noes: None Upon advise and recommendation of M. T. Garrett, Engineer on the Storm. .and Sa,nitary Sewer Projects', that the Mayor go to' Washington to confer with P.W.A. authorities and Congrewsman Albert Thomas for the purpose of obtaining approval of these proje cts,. COmnUssioner Dunnington made a motion authorizing Mayor Main9us to go to Washington on the proposed Vi.P.A. grant for the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Projects and authorizing his expenses to be paid. The 'motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: CommiSSioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor F. !JI. Ma inous . Noes: None. Mayor Mainous presented three pids for the purchase of a set of seat covers for the Police Car. The prices were $7.95, $9.00 and $10.70 installed. Commissioner Woodard,made a motion to accept the price of -#7.95 installed from the Goodrich Tire and Supply Co., , Which motion was seconded by COlnmissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. Due to the fact that Mr. Beckman will be unable to serve on the Park Board, there will be a vacancy on the Board. The Mayor nominated Mrs. A. A. Meister to ,serve on this B9ard. There being no other nominations, Commissioner ,Herschel made a motion that Mrs. A. A. Meister serve on this Board, which motion was seconded by C9mmissioner Woodard. Voti ng Aye: Coinmissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous . Noes: l..'ione. COTronissioner Woodard stated t4at he deemed it advisable that the City purchase the equipment from the Moretrench Corponation for the Water Department. The amount due on this equipment being about $1492.00. Commissioner Woodard made a motion authorizing the pu~chase of this equipment and authorized the City Secretary to complete the preparations for the purchase of same. The motion was seconded by 11 -1 r I '2'9~' . . ~~.. . , .. . "' . ;:; .:~ . ." ~ ~d~. -:~.'~ ~::: Co:mrnissioner Herschel. . Voting Aye: 6ommissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and Mayor Mainou s . Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel stated that he had contacted Cormnis sioner Robert Turrentine of. Harris County on the proposition of improving the road to the City Garbage Dump and t~t he had stated the City's share woul~.be about $1000.00. Commissioner Herschel stated that in the absence of the Mayor certain negotiations had been made relative to purchasing the lot on AudenStreet, which would permit the opening of Coleridge, but that the matter had been delayed until the Mayor returned, and made a motion that Mayor fuainous be authorized to made these negotiations. Mayor Mainousamended the mot ion and r'eco:mm.e nded that the City' Secretary be authorized to work this proposition out vuth vommissioner Kerbow. Commissioner Herschel made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissione~s Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, and Mayor 11'. M. fiilainous. Noe s: None. I i ;4 Commissioner Herschel ask authority to purchase a number of stop signs at a price of $14.47 each. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he thought it wo~ld be better if we checked into this matter further and compared the two types of signs under consideration. COmmissioner Herschel, Commissioner Dunnington, and Kayor Mainous were instructed to investiga~e this proposition. Mr. Joe L,. ~~cher presented the follovving list of' proposed changes in the Doning Ordinance and stated that the Planning Board recommended their adoption: '. 1. On asbestos siding homes, beam foundati<ns must be specified in areas restricted to'5l~ brick, stone or stucco. 2. Amend Sub-Section 4 of Section 4 regarding council vote and providing that' two-thirds vote be chElnged to three-' fourths vote. The City Attorney was authorized to prepare notice of Public Hearing to be held on'Monday, October 6th, 1941. G'OJilIDl:1SS:} Oller Dul1'Q:'i ngto J:li;J:hade.";,a~~:m.oti; op.I'WptC'h was ':-dulys ecoi1ded by.Commissioner Woodard. Noes: None. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Wood~rd, Herschel and l~yor F. M. Mainous. -, ~' '0'2' '-'. ~"C ,'" .~ .~' ,"7: '. . . . ','-<- ,. .' - ". . .' . 'c Bids for a pick-up truck in the Water Department were received on Saturday, September 6th, 1941~ The following bids were received: RAymond 'PAArson Ce~tified check for $ 73:30 Bid on 1941 Ford Pick-Up $733.00 Downtown Chevrolet Co. Certified check for $ 67.00 Bid on 1941 Chevrolet Pick-up $666.00 Jack Roach ,Certifi ed check for $73.71 ' Bid on 1941 Ford P~ck-Up $737.16 , Commissioner Wooda,rd ID;3-de a motion that the City purchase the 1941 Chevrolet pick-up truck from the Downtown Chevrolet Company on their low bid in the amount of $666.00. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Comrnissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel and Mayor F. M.. Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjcurned. ~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~ Act ng it y Se cretary " Ii -' r--- GlF,FI,C:!A~si ", F. lI'I."1\'IAINOUS MAYOR COMMISSIONERS: J. A. HERSCHEL, STREET AND ~RIDGE D"'E:PT._ I , i : I i i A. L. K"RBOW DEPT. OF FINANCE J. M. DUNNINGTON T~X DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER" DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A. J: ,LAMONTE CITY ATTY. .~. B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGE C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COl.,L,. J. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER I : I I , I J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. JOE L. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL. TRAVIS J. CASH . DEPT. OF HEALTH ; I" r :/ \l --~T . - ", . . "'. ',".,.. "'.' ;,.' . . . ". .' . . . ..." . ", .~;t.'t_at1J1~t/lJnive"6itvPtaf;e L fig of :Rome:l ' " 3 BOIl' UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD I HOUSTDN,TEXAS September +7th, 1941 Mr. R. B. All en Acting Cit,r Secretary West 'University Place Dear Mr. Allen: You are hereby directed to call a speoia1 meeting or theOity Commission to be held at the City Hall on Thursday, September" 18th" 1941 at ' 7:00 P. M. for the following purposes: 1. To adop"t a resolution accepting the well recently d.rilled :for the water departnent by the Layne-Texas Company. 2. To arrange for the financing of City operations. Yours very truly, By ',- "1 o';a~',' ~.:ur,~~~ < SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1941 CITY HALL, CllY OF "VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEx..4.S Pursuant to call of the Mayor Pro Tem, a special meeting of the City Commission was held at the City Hall at 7:00 P. M. on Thursday, September 18th, 1941 with Mavor Pro Tem A. L. Kerbow , presiding and Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington and Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was as follo~s: 1. To adopt a r eso1ution accepting the well recently drilled for the Water Department by the Layne-Texas Company. 2. To arrange for the financing ,of Oity Operations. The City Engineer presented a written report stating that the well had been completed in accordance with the specifications, that the well had been tested for production and giving pertinent facts relative to the depth, size of casing, length of screen, pump and motor. A motion was mane by Commissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Commis sioner lIeDschel, that the engineers report be accepted. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tem A. L. Kerbow. A resolution was presented providing for the acceptance of the water well drilled f6r the water departm.ent by the Layne- Texas Company. The Caption of this resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTI ON PERTAINIl\G TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF Th'EWATER VffiLL A1in TIrE: PRODUCTION THERE- FROM UlIDER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF VlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEJC.4S AND THE LAYNE- TEXAS COMPANY. A motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington, wbi ch was seconded hy CoIl11Jlissioner Herschel that the resolution be adopted. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor Pro Tern. A. .L. Kerbow. Noe s : None. The matter of financing City operations was postponed to the next meeting. The business 'fOr which the meeting was called having been concluded ulJon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was r------' r [ , "1 ----::J '2u14' declared adjourned. , Attest: ~~ Act ng lty Secretary v r "~ ;; a"~~ J!Jla Yc? ro ""T6Iii ,~ ~~'~' , i~8t.'" -''',';,\..A'L ' 'REGULAR MEETING DONDA~,SEPTEMBER !2nd,1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERS IT'{ PLACE, TEXAS .\'. The re'g1lllar meeting of the Oity Co~ssion was held on monday, September 22nd, 1941 at 7:00 p. M. at the City Hall . with Ma.yor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, . Kerbow,D.tlnnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The N~yor reported on his trip to Washington, 'D. C. in the interest of the applications for grants in connection with the storm sewer and sanitary sewer projects. H~ stated that the projects as originally submitted had, been disapproved and that it was necessary for him with the assi~tance of 60ngra~~man Albert Thomas and Engineer M. T. Barrett to ~evise the project and have the same placed in line for reconsideration by the Federal Works Administration. He reported that Congressman Thomas had devoted considerable amount of his tim~ and efforts toward having these 'projects placed in line for approval and that ,since Congressman Thomas is a member of the Appropriation 3ommittee, he is in a posi tion to render effective aid. TIle :Mayor stated that he also conferred wi th Colonel M. IE. Gilmore, 'head of the projects and tha t several conferences were headdwith the various governmental agencies. pe stated that it was now necessary to solicite the support and assistance of Dr. K. E. Miller of the United States Public Health Department, now attached to the Staff of General Donovan at Fort Sam Houston and that a conference had been arranged with Dr. Mi]),er and Mr. V. M. Ehlers at the State Health Department on Tuesday, j;jeptember23rd, 1941 for the purpose of obtaining from these gentlemen favorable reports and recommendations on the projects. ' Commissioner Kerbow made a motion th at Mr. M. T. Garrett and Mayor Mainous, be conmended for their services and efforts' on behalf of the City wnile in Washington, which motion was seconded by Commissoner Dur~ington. Voting Aye: Commissioners KerbOW, Dunn~ngton, Herschel, Woodard and lflayor F .M. Mainous. Noes: None. C01~ssioner Kerbow made a motion that Mayor Mainous be instructed to go to Austin at the expense of the City to confer with V. M. Ehlers and Dr. K. E. Miller on the P.W.A. Sanitary Sewer Project application. The motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Woodard. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners KerbOW, W.oodard, Herschel, Du.rmington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ."":a ~, 0'0' 11 .~. '. ti~ -- ~ .... A letter and resolution was read from the Houston Independent School District stating that sidewalks should be laid, so as to connect up the walks and to have the grass cut off the sidewa~ks on vacant lots, in order to improve walking conditions for school children. The City Secretary was in- structed to write them a letter explaining that this mituation was being taken care of and that our City had always made it a policy to cooperate in these matters and will continue to do so. A 1ett"er was read from J. A. Metcalf" Chief of the West University Place Volunteer Fire Department asking permission for the use of the Community BUilding and f-orthe closing of Rice Boulevard at the 3700 block for the monthly 'convention meeting o:f the Gulf Coast Firemen's Association on October 17th, 1941. COImnissioner Herg~~made a motion, which was seoonded by , Commissioner Kerbow, allowing the Fire Department to use the building on this date, and to close Rice Boulevard at the designated place. Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodnard and MayorF. M. Mainous Voting Aye: Commi~sioner Herschel,reported, in connection with proposed paving of Wakeforest Street, that due to the f'act that there are two vacant lots fronting on WakeforestStreet belonging to residents of San Antonia, who are refusing to pay their part f'o2 the paving of said street, the City Attornew was instructed to write to them requesting that they pay for their share of the paving. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, a~thorizing Commissioner Herschel to purchase tires for Garbage Departments,' after securing his three bids, and work out with Mr. Allen the lowest and best price. Voting Aye: Commission'ers Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, , and Mayor F. M. Mainous. ,~ Noes: None. There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion being duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ ]lIa yor ' ATTEST: ~tt~ " " , ~r 1 :r- J 1 j 4 L I ~J \, \~\\\ , '. , \ i '\\ , ,'...J ~, , , ' , 3600'" U NIVERSITYB UULE'VARD HOUSTON. TEXAS September 27, 1941 ,,~... Mr. R. B., Allen" eity Secretary In accordance with Arti cle IV,' ~ectiQn 6 Of.. the Henne :atJJeCha~ter ',you ar~'l1ex:~bj,dlre~t~d ~,~ 'ls,~*e t,heeffieia1:cr(llfot" aspee~al:~meeting of t11e :eity GH)1amf.sioD't~r leaatiy, 'Septiember 29, ,,1941, at','tt0c)'" p. m. o'elec~,a~ .liichtime~a place 'the following matteras will be takeDlIp: " .." ," " ' , , ,l~ (~.) .doptl~ an 'orticial~()rcier ofJ$usiness ,fQr,ceJidu.ettas'tl1e !Ilei~ing$,.{)f th$~'~;i~y, eQ~- " , m1ss~e~'" ai1a(bJA<i~ptliag :aolJertt sRUl$S()I" CRDERas the' Commission's offici'a! guide in . all,' p~rliamentary preQeduresi ' ' .i , ':j .] 'I j , 1 ,..1 " , 'l - .... , ~",;~ 1 ,.:" -! ..: .j . .. . g.AnYl:Uld all matters; pertaining tot11e Police Department, and specifically the personnel, salari~~, prpmotions" and management of the departmeri:t. f; , 3. The management, control, direction, and fiscal pOlicies.f, the ~a vic Center Building located at B.ice Se1ilevard and Auaen Street;' 4- Assigning er reassigning the several departments among the five Commissioners and defining or re4deflni'fl8 their duties andresponsibilitles; 5. Ca) Pr~viding fora Purchasing Department, (b) previding fer a Purchasing Agent and 'an Assist- ant. Purchasing Agent. and (c) setting out the duties of the Purchasing Agent and the'Assistant Purchasing Agent; Ii Ii H 'i !l Ii 11 I] u 1 11 11 f ~ i )1 'i' H {: 1'1 " , i "]i # ,oj; i 1. ii :{' " ! , ,1 j i: J 6- Adopting a motion to recess from day to day until sl1ch time as the abave matters shall have 'been di'sposea of. . .' .' , , , . ' , ' THE .AB0~ JIEETIIGGALLED UPON THE,AUTHORITY OF J~~ JL~~ ~.JJ~ ; , "J"1 i... j" '1 -:-T SPECIAL IvIEETING MONDAY, SEPI'EMBER 29th, 1941 CITY lmLL, CITY OF WEST UNIV'Ji::~SITY PLACE, TEX:'S . ,.... A suecial meeting of the City Council was held at the City Hall at 7:00 P. Iv:. on September 29t,h, 1941 pursuant to a call of Co.mrnis sioners A. L. Aerbow, 'J. M. Dunnington, and . T. W. Wood a rd ~ .~. Those Qeing present were Mayor F. M. N~tnous presiding, Commissioners Hersghel, Kerbow, Dunnington, woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The meeting was called for the following purposes: 1. (a) Adopting an official Order of Busine$s for con- ductir~ the meetings of the City COITilllission, and (b) Adopting RObert's RULES OF ORDER as the Commission's official guide in all parliamentary @arliamentary procedvxes; 2. Any and all matters pertaining to the Police Department and specifically the personnel, salaries, promotions, and :m.anageme nt of the department; 3. ~he management, control, direction, and fiscal policiep of the Civic Center Building located at Rice Boulevard and Auden street; 4. Assignip~ or re~ssignir~ the several departments among the five Coramissioners ancI defining or re-defining their duties and responsibilitites; , ). (a)Prov~din8 for a Purchasing Department, (b) Providing for a Purchasing Agent and an .Assistant, Purchasing Agent, and (c) setting out the duties of the Pu~chasi4:, Agent and Assistant Purchasing Agent; 6. Adotping a motion to recess from day to day until such time as the above matters shall have been disposed of. The Jiayor ask Commissio:oe r Kerbow to present Q,uestion No.1: Coramissioner Kerbow presented an Ordinance adopting an order of bus,iness f'or council meeting sand ado:pying Robert's Hules of Order as a gUQde for parliamentary procedu~e. The ordin~nce proposed amendments to Robert's Rules of Order to provide a three fifths majority vote of the Commission in order to eliminate confliction with the City Charter. COmIQissioner Kerbow stated that this rr~tter had been proposed to the Cormnission and discussed several months ago and that jt was his opinion that in order to conduct and expedite the rr~etings and business of the Cmmuission in an efficient rr~nner, the proposed ordinance should be adopted. r- T ,- --, '.'2",","~cf'". "Pl:~. ".: ". ~'.;~~\1t~ He pointed out that one of the first actions of the Harris Cciul1ty M!:lYor'S and Councilmen's Ass'n. vms to ?dopt rules of order and an,order of business. Commissioner Aerbo'H moved the adoption of the ordinance. The NIayor brought up the question as to why to adopt the rules of order now, that it has wlways been,the procedure of the present council and the councils of prior administrations to use the Robert Rules of Order. ~/:-~ Former Mayor rl. G.Hyett stated that when :he was Mayor, the Council used the RObert's Rules of Order and that that procedure had been handed down to hLffi. T. p. Camp state his opinion. He stated that during the time he was City Secretary, he had ne'ver known any rules, other than the Robert's Rules of O~der, and that he was surprized and thought it w~s undemocratic to propose any deviation and that the rules were strictly above bfuard and to his liking. Mr. Davlin ask about the change in the voting, and the vote if only four (4) members were present. Dr. Kerbow stated that they were speaking of a full commission, 3/5 of five (5) members. Bert Feiber ask CO~TIissioner Kerbow what the real intent of this ordinance was and if its intent was to centralize the Council to only tl~ee (3) members. Commissioner Kerbow said that this was incorrect. R. G. Hyett stated that their ordinance was exactly opposite to the Charter and read the section from: the Charter relating to; the majority of the vote rules. Sam Levy, also stated that the tvlO conflicted that the 3/5 vote mentioned in the ordinance should be changed to a majority vote as the Charter states. Dr.. Kerbow consented to this change in the worddng of the ordinane5'J ,and stated that that was the intent of the ordina1ce. W. A. Rees stated that no rules of order wer? needed at all, due to the 'fact that they were already following the Charter and that the clause regarding voting should be left out of the ordinance. N. C. dears ask what was the motive in Changing the Charter. What was the purpose of the ordinance after it took ~ifteen months to create a Charter? Dr. Kerbow stated that there was no thought of changing the Charter, that there was no order of business or parliamflntary rules set up in the Charter. Mr. Rees 'stated all meetings are conducted by Robt. Rules of Order. Mr. Camp stated that 9510 6f all organ~zations use Robt lules of Order. 'l\i.i:r. Eooen s ta ted there was no deviati on from. the Hobt. Rules of Order and ~at they controvene the Homes Rule Charter and proposed to let the Vity Attorney check into this matter. Comraissioner Woodard ask to table the matter. Commissioner Dunnington stated that this ordinance would pro- , vide a general routine order of business. Neil Geisenhoff ask if this had not been set...up before. Commissioner Dunhington stated he didn't know whether it had or not. Mr. Geisenhoff stated again that the Robt. Rules had always been followed, and wished to know why any change was proposed. Mayor Ivlainous stated that he had been out of the City on City business, that he had nON been back in the Gity for more than a week and t hat there was no em.ergency for pass ing, such an ordinance and for calling a, meeting on the Sabbeth Day, by three (3) Oormnissioners, without his knowledge of such a call, until he received his notice at 4:00 P. M. Sunday. Cornrnissioner Kerbow stated that he wished to withdraw the rrotion since there seemed to be somuch controversy over the procedure. Commissioner Herschel made -a motion, which was seconded by C.ommissioner Kerbow, that the matter be turned over ,to the City Attorney for his checking and recommendations and to report back to the Council. ' .v oting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners He~schel, Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington and , Ivlayor F. M. Mainous. Mr. N. C. Ssars stated that it was his opinion that the Commission should settle its differences and apply itself to more important matters, such as the drainage question; that the money is on hand in the bank and that something should be done to alleviate the drainage conditions. He proposed that ditches be cleaned, that gates be installed on outfall sewers in the drainage d.itch to prevent backflow onto the streets and that the Buffalo Speedway pitfall be cleaned out. "'l.__[ -,- '"1 -(~ 0'" ~;'L"'<..' Commissioner Dunnington stated that they were not here to discuss trivial matters but that they were elected by the people to the business of the Gity to the best mf their ability. The Council is ful~ aware of the conditions that exist in West University Place. The money voted by bond issue is in the bank drmrlng interest and that the conditions could not be corrected for that amouht, that it would take at least'$465,OOO.OO. If we ,don't get the government grant we will have to get together and. make plan~ as to the best procedure and that we will have to vote another 'bond issue to complete the syttem. The sec0~d matter concerning the police department was presented to the council. . Mayor ]~inous read a letter addressed to City Secretary R.B. Allen, which transferred Jack Anderson back to the Water Department . and putting the police force back on a five-man schedule, with a provision for the employment of an elderly man to police the school. Commission Woodard stated that this matter had been discussed vvi th the Commission in conference at i.{he ti ':~e the purchase of unifor.ms~ was discussed and that the vommission had agreed to main- tain a six-man force, retaining Mr. Anderson. He stated that this arrangement has been agreed to by the entire commission and that he could not understand why it was proposed to change the arrangement. He further stated that he was in charge of the water and sewer departments and that if the majority of the people did not want him he would resign. The Mayor stated that they couli not afford to have a six man police force this year, as the budget had to be cut down and there- fore he was not in favor of it. Commissioner Dunnington stated 'hhat we had definitely decided to purchase uniforms for six policeman. Commissioner Herschel stated that he did not agree to a six-. man police forge and that the majority had voted ag~inst it. Commissioner Herschel was ask to state in what denartment had Mr. Anderson worked. ~ nHe stated that when Mr.' Anderson first came to work it was in the Garbage Department as a Driver. Later 1Vir. Harris ask tOL: use him in t.he Water Depar.ltment as a welder. Later he was trans- ferred in the office in the Water Department, and for the vacation period had worked in the fire and police departments." Mr. ltmden stated that five (5) children bad been knocked down by autbmobiles sinrre the school season opened and that Mr. Rulon had been a victim himself. That they were going to need the help of' the five-man force a nd the .s chool policeman. " ('.....- ~) ~ r..~~~. 1 Mayor Mainous entertained a motion that thisma,tt,e,l'. be referred to the Personnel Board. The motion was made by Commissi oner ~locx:lard and duly seconded by Oornmiss ion~~ Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Her~ch~l, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor J!'. M. .l\tlain"us'. . Noes: None. Cow~issroner Kerbow stated in reference to the cont~oversial nature or the meeting that he had'not expected to come to council and see so many people present. ' J. A. 'Davlin stated to Dr. Kerbow that he left him with the impression that the public wasn't wanted. Thatthree members of the Council did not wish ~or the pUblic to know what they were aroing and that from now on, he would come to council every chance he got. , COlumissi oner Kerbow stated that such was not the case, that the meetings ware all open to the public and made a motion that the other matters fer which t he meeting was called be postponed until regular meeting on October 13th; 1941, which motion was seconied by Comndssioner Dunnington, ' Voting Aye :., Commissioners Kerb9w, Woodard and Dunnington Noes: Mayor lVlainous and CorrunissionerHerschel.,. . Mr. Thompson stated that we had the best police chief of any of the surrounding suburbs and. that we were indeed fortunate to ba ve the services of such a oonnendable person." ITimmie Harmeling stated that he had seen no notice mn the papers regarding the raise in taxes and wanted to know when it had gone into effect. ' , Mr. Sam Levy stated that he bad not been attending the Council meetings regularly but that he intended to do so ;in the future and urged the members to work together for the gpod of the City. Mrs. Merritt wanted to know about wnat plans had been made on drainage and about the P.W.A. grant. lIi.r. Davidson announced that the Civic Club was' having a meeting on 'J.'uesday and that the 1Y:ayor and Commission are'"invited to attend, as they will hold a discussion on drainage. The meeting was agjcurned at 10:00 ~. M. until Monday, Oct.13th, 1941. ATTEST: ~~/~ " Acting City ~ecretary # Mayor , " -[ 1 SPECIAL NLEETING, TUESDAY, SEPTEMB:E.'R 30TH, 1941 CITY IDILL,CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special meeting was convened at the City Hall at 7:00 'P. M. on Tuesday, Sept- ember 30th, 1,941 with Mayor F. M. Mainou,s presiding,Commis- sioners Herschel, Ker~ow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting , City Secretary R. B. Allen; City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte; City, Trelitsurer, C. E. Ganunill, and ~'iater Superintendent, , Ira A. ~rris, Were present. The Meeting was called for the following purposes: 1. To take up and approve the ma tter of' budgets and city finances for 1941-1942. 2. To take up and approve the branch of the Harri$ County Library at the Community Duilding, and also the matter of the City being ask to furnish furniture and purchase of chairs for the auditoriura. 3. To take up the proposition of paving of Auden Street and University Boulevard in fron~ of the school, and the placing of sidewalks. Plans and specifications are ready and will be submitted to the Comrr~ssion. Relative to the COmITlunity HOUS6i the Mayor reported that he had contacted the persons at the ead of the Harris County Library, with a view of' 4aving a branc"h library installed in the CorMuunity Hohse. He stated that the basis of the arrange- ment would bo for the City 'GO furnis~ space. "in tll'e. .1:fuj,lding, lights, heating, and the ne cessRry furni tu.re-~ ip.cluding -', shelves for the books; and the llarris County Library will furnish the books. At this time the library is unable to fur- nish a librarian, but will be able to do so at a later date. He recomrnended th2t the City Commi~sion authorize the setting up of a branch library in the Community House and the purchase of necessary furnitu~e. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that the arrangement whereby the/liarris County Library is to install a branch library in the Community House, be approved and authorized; and further that the necessary furniture, consisting of a reading table, desk and shelving be purchased. Shelving $145.00~ two tables $ , <jp45.00. Vot ing Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnin2ton and Mavor F. M. Mainous. '-' u , The }J:ayor reported that the Garden Clubs have on hand 2;1200.00 of which they ex:pec~to spend $900.00 for a stage curtin, window drapes, and other furnishings. ~ ~' = ;{11; if'3~~) :j" ,; ~,," "'1,}- ;,' ; . ,~" "..f-:~':;"~~ .,- In regard to obtaining chairs f'or the auditorium, a dis- cussion was had on the subject and the Mayor, with the consent of the council, appointed a conwittee compased of Mr. Dunnington Allen and himself to secure samp;Les and prices for submiss.icDll to the council. Plans and estimates bn the paving of Auden Street, from Universit~ Boulevaxd to R~ce Boulevard, were submitted and dis- cussed. tHe City Engineer was instructed to take the same to Mr. H. L. Mills, Bfisiness Manager of the Houston Independent School District, with the view of securing their approval of the pla~ and to discuss the finances. A motion was made by Cownissioner Woodard, which was seconded by Co~umissioner Dunnington, authorizir~ the City Engineer to prepare specificatiotlli for the project and to advertise for bids. Voting Aye: 00mmissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, and Mayor F. M. Mainous. Noes: None. The Council took up the budget for the fiscal year 1941-1942 and the discussion' of same not being completed ~t 10: 00 P. M., the meeting was recessed until 7;00 P. M. Wednesday, October 1st, 1941. ~4~~Ji~ Mayor AT'I'EST: A~~~j' - ~} 1- , --'-I _I 1 " ~ ~i:i';4' ',,' . .j;"., x. ..:: " .~. il 'I ~'l -T r "2"'-:~!1j: ~a:'< '. " ~ i& ',.- ," ." '.:. "'~''<''..-::.::'~~ '~'~?;' '.~' REGULAR MEltTING ' MONDAY, OCTOBER 13TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the City Commission was held on Monday, October 13th, 1941 at the City Hall with Mayor Jj'. M. Mainous preSiding, Uommissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Du~nington, Woodard and City Becretary H. B. Allen in attendance. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 8th, Special Meeting of September 18th, regular meeting of September 22nd, Special meeting of ~eptember 29th, and special meeting of Sept. 30th were read and approved. The Uity Secretary read a letter from the otate Board .of Health which advised the Uity of the fact that certain health reports from the City had not been rendered. The Uity Secretary was instructed to prepare the reports and :file same with the ~oard. The Secretary read a letter fram Jf. G. Masquelette & Company, audi tars, in which they agreed to make a monthly audit and a quarterly a~d~~ with a statement of the quarterly audit .; ~" Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herwchel, accepting t<he o:f:fer of Masquelett~e and Company to make a quarterly audit of the oity books. Vating Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainaus. Noes: None. Commissioner HersQhel reported that the dag pound was to have been moved ta theOouthside Ij{ater tank, but due to the fact that the property had not been staked off and property lin~s established, the paund had hot been moved. He stat~d that at j;hi~im.e he planned to move the pound to the Bissonnet water tank and would report .on the cost at the next meeting. ' Commissioner Dunnington presented an ordinance creating the position of Director of Public Wellfare, his assistant and his duties and compensationca.fid movedJ. :ii..ts adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner vioodard. The ~ayor referred the ordinance to the legal department for a written opinion. Commissioner Dunnington said this was not necessary and that this ordinance would not change the Charter. Mayor Mainaus stated relative to turning all departments over to the Director of Public Welfare, that on January 28th, 1941, when the Commissian selected their positions, they had the privilege of selecting the departments they desired to wark with and lef~ him to loak after all of the remaining departments, which included police, drainage, inspections, personnel, etc. y "I -.' I , \ 1 Comndssioner Dunnington made a motion accepting the ordinance setting up a Public Welfare Director, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. The Caption of the ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. .2 ..27 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR (1) A DEPARTliIlENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE; (2) A DIR$CTOR OF PUBLIC WELFARE AND HIS ASSISTANTS; ,( J) DEFINING HIS DUTIES, AND (4) REPEALING CONFLIGTINGORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, Al'.1J) MOTIONS. . Voting Aye:' ~ommissioners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. Noes: Commissioners Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by ,Cbmmissioner Woodard assigning the duties 'of Public Welfare Director to Mr. R. B. Allen, the present Acting City Secretary. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, and Dunnington. Noes: Comraissioner Herschel and Mayor Nminous. Commissioner Dunnington presented an ordinance setting up a . Purchasing Department and a Purchasing Agent. The Mayor referred this ordinance to the Legal Department for a written opinion. Commissioner Dunnington ~ade a motion passing and approving this ordinance which motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. The Caption of the Ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~;Z 5" AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR (1) THE CREATION OF A PURCHASING DEPARTMENT; (2) A PURCHASING AGENT AND NECESSARY CLERICAL ASSISTANTS; (3) DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE PURCHASING AGENT, AND (4) REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS IN CON- FLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. Voting Aye: Commissioners .Kerbow, Woodard and Dunnington. Noes: Commissioner Herwcgel and Mayor Mainous. Commissioner Dunnington, at this time, presented his third ordinance, which set up a Board of Oontrol for the Community Building, specifting the duties the members are to perform and specifying the nine organizations to serve 'on this Board. The Board to consist of: (a) A City Commissioner - To serve as Chairman (b) Member of Personnel - To serve as Secretary (c) A member of American Legion ~) -~ " ,', -' -, -'. ~ .- . -,'.- , , '2.~c,;.;>~&~-:,,'j, ' ", .WT_ !!";.'- .~. .' v .... I. .. .~... ~ ~ (d) Aniember of Chamber of ~o:mm.erce (e) " oft Civic Club ..... (f) ft tt Garden Club of West University ( g) n " Garden Studay Club (h) " 1. Monticello Club (i) tt n Parent Teachers Association and specifying the names of the members to serve on this 'Board, they are as follows: (a) Chairman - Exoffieio ,- 0Qmmisstnner J. M. Dunnington (b) Secretary - Exofficio ~ City Sec'Y R. B. Allen (c)- American Legion - H. F. Dawson (d) Chamber of Commerce - C. W. Read (e) West University Garden Club,- Mrs. Rqbt L. Bonfield (f) Garden Study Club - Mrs. F. A. Huweiler (g) Civic Club - W. H. Davidson '(b.) Monticello Garden Club - Mrs. F. A. Hunter (i~ Parent's Teachers Club - Mrs. F. H. Catlow The Mayor ~e:ferred this ordinance to the Legal Department fo~ ~: a written opinio~. ' He also stated,that he was opposed to the '~~~rdinance; that he had hoped everyone would work in peace and \~~armony, but none had prevailed. ' Since the ordinance gave a numer of organizations a member of ~his Board, hewould recommend inclusing all organizations in the ity, as some were left out, and also that there were really only five organizations that were exclusively in West University. Commissioner Dunnington withdrew the ordinance and presented it in amended fo.;om to add three organizations, namely; Red Cross, Ladies Auxilary American Legion and the Volunteer Fire Department. The Mayor suggested that the City be divided into five (,5) equal parts, with a member to represent each division. Commissioner Herschel stated that the ~~yor and some of the ladies of the City had wDrked on the Community Building for ' three years and that the:/Mayor should be aJ.lowed to select the Board to govern the building. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Woodard accepting the ordinance as read. The Caption of the Ordinance is as follows: ORDIN.NNCE NO.:2 ~/' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 'FOR (1) A IOl1tRD ' OF TWELVE PERSONS WHO SHALL NiANAGE A~"'D OTHERWISE HAVE CONTROL OF THE CIVIC CENTER BUILDING: (2) SETTING OUT THE DUTIES OF SAID BOARD; (3) THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR ME]liIBERSHIP ON SAID BOARD, .AND (4) THE MANNER OF THE APPOINTMENT OF SAID BOARD. 1 r '21:g~: Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Noes: Mayor Mainous and Commissioner Herschel. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Woodard appointing the designated persons to serve on this Board~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Duu.nington ~nd 'Noodard. Noes: Mayor Mainous and Commissioner Herschel. . . . Mayor Ma-inous made a :Q!otion that the five (5) sections of , town be represented on this BQ~rd, which motion was seconded by Commissioper Herschel." , Voting ~ye: '~ommissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. The Mayor entertained a motion that all of the meetihgs of the Commission be held in the City Hall and not elseWhere in secret places. Commisgioner Kerbow made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye:. Commissioners Herschel , Kerbow, Dutimington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous.. Noes: None. The Mayor stated . - a petition of recall for Commissioners Woodard, Kerbow, and Dunnington. -The City Secretary read the Affidavit of Recall. There being ne other bus~ness to come >>efore the Commission, the meeting was recessed until Wednesday evening, October 15th, 1941 at 7:00 P. M. ~ ' ?f'~r ' ATTEST: ~ \ ;) r----~--~i ---r r~">t";:'r9f" ',""jIi ~ -~;::;...... .~~~ . .;f~: ~~ '_':,~ ~~. ,-..." CONT'D REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1941 , CITY OF WES1J.' tJNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission reoonvened at 7:00 P. M. Wednesday, October 15th, 1941 after having recessed the regular meeting on October 13th, with Mayor Mainous pres-iding, Commissioners Herschel~ Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Acting City , Secretary Allen in attendance. .~. The budget for the fiseal year 1941-1942 was discussed Mr. :ij. A. Fei ber presented a letter to theCornmission in which he stated that the ordinances passed on Monday night October 15th, 1941 were illegal and called upon the Commission to rescind the action. ' A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow which was seconded by Commissioners Dunnington that the salary of the Director of Public Welfare be fixed at $250.00 per month effective October 16th, 1941. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Noes: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Commissioner Kerbow stated that he wished to go on record that the ordinances in question are in effect, that the will of the majority of the Commission shall prevail ~nd that all City employees shall be governed accordingly. Mayor Mainous stated that he will not recognize the ordinances that he will not sign them until they have been approved by the legal department, and that he would not relin- quish his rights and aU~lority granted him by law. City At~orney Lamonte called the OODliaissions attention to his bill of $200.00 for fees in connection with work done on the $200,000 storm Sewer and Civic Center bond issue. No action was taken and the City Attorney reiterated his claim for the amount billed the City. Commissioner Dunnington IDQved the adoption of a resolution fixing the fee to be paid the ~ity Attorney in the Calhoun Case. Commissioner Herschel seconded'the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners ,Dunnington, Kerbow, Herschel, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Caption of the Resolution is as follows: \. A RESOLUTION FIXING THE CITY ATTORNEY'S FEE , IN THE DEFENSE OF CAUSE NO. #-276658, Jom'J C. CALHOUN JR., VB. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEc, ET AL, AND FIXING TEE TIME OF PAThIfENT OF SAID FEE. I-~~ - T ~~ --r '.'~..'~.~"O'" < . .i4J~1~.', '. ,,:'''' !" .v~~ ~ I~ Commissioner Herschel moved the adoution of a resolution instructing the City Attorney to prosecute a suit against ~he City of Houston in connection with the settlement of boundary dispute. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. ' Noe's : None. ,../'-& The Caption of the Resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO, A1'D INSTRUCTING TEE CITY ATTORNEY TO, PROSECUTE SUIT AGAINST TEE CITY OF HOUSTON IN CONNECTION VITTH BOUNDARY DISPUT AND SETTING THE FEE OF SAID CITY ATTORN~Y. There being nG further busine'ss to come before the commission, upon motion duly malil:e and seconded the meeting was adjourned. Mayor ATTEST: ~~rY \.~ , ~---- I ~----------r . ~ ' ", . :,~ 2 H~." :i,:~.<.;' '~1~~O: " '"". " "'.,~~' , ] SPECIAL:M.EETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21ST ,1941 ., CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ' A special meeting of the Cito Commission was held at t~e City Hall at 4:30 P. M. Tuesday, ctober 21st, 1941 with Mayor Mainous' presiding,' Commissioners,' Herschel" Kerbow, Dunnington" Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The purpose of the meeting vms as follows: "To meet at the City Hall and proceed to the Community Buiiliding at Rice and Auden Streets to make final investigation, receive report from the committee and accept the building."' The Council convened at the City Hall and proceeded to the new Community Building on a tour of inspection. usmn completion of the inspection, the Commission returned to the ity Hall and discussed the details with reference to accepting of the Building \ J ~ Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the build~1tg,be accepted with the provision that all monor details be' completed, to the satisfaction of the Committee composed Of the Mayor, Building Inspector and the City Engineer. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow" Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. ' Noes: None. . "',."," 0:.-' ,. ."', <,.r,,:,-; ''f/.>..,:...<~~. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington extending thanks and expressing a"ppreciation to the Committee for their work in connection with the erection of the building. Voting Aye: Noes: None. A motion was made by CommJssioner Herschel, which was seconded by CommissJoner Dunnington awarding the insurE!no~ on the Community House to w. B. Rut4 and Company with the provision that thefollo"W,ing companie,s participate -in the premium: Gene E. Young and Co., Gebhard & McGabe, Wm. T. Browne, F. A. Hunter Ins.Agency. Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor N~i~ous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor W~inous. Noes: None. There being motion duly made no further busine ss to ,come,;be:tlure thf? meeting, upon and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~ Mayor ATTEST: , AO~~~ I 1 --- -----r " ;':t;~~ .2, ' .'~~~~L.. . -, ~ .._',.~ '~ ' ~~ . '~.' .~: ~~ --~ SPECIAL'MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22rid,1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF 'JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS I A special meeting of the City Commdssion was held at the City Hall on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1941 at, 7:00 P.~. with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dun- nington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. 'B. Allen in attend- anc~. ' The purpose of the meeting as follows: 1. To/bring before the Commission the budget and all fi~ancial requirements of the City. 2. To appoint one (1) member on the Personnel Board. 3. To appoint a vacancy on the Health Board. 4. To finally approve or disapprove the Auden Street paving. ,Wl!'. Jack Mj.ller residing ,at 3725 Tangley Road appeared before the ~ouncil in connection with a proposal to collect all de- ' 'linquent taxes due the City. Mr. Miller outlined his methods and proposal, which proposal was taken under advisement by the council for future action. The Mayor advised that Dr. Seale I. Johnson had tendered his verbal resignation from the Board of Health and advised the City Commission that nominations were in order tor the vacancy. After some discussion o:f the matter, the Commission agreed to postpone the appointment until the regular council meeting on October 27th,1941. The matter of filling the-vacancy on the Personnel' Board being under consideration, the following men were nominated: Edison Lutz, P. R. Harris, Jerqme L. Howell, and T. R. Moore. After voting upon the names submitted, Mr. T. R. Moore was elected unanimously. ,j"-" Voting Aye: Commissioners 'HersChel, KerboW, Dunnington, iVoodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Relative to the proposed pavirg of Auden and University Boulevard in front of the s~hobl: The City Engineer presented plans and estimates on the cost of the work'and reported that the e$timated cost 'to the City for the entire project would be approximately $14,000.00. He stated that the arrangements to st~rt the work could be completed as soon as the City adopted measures to,finance its part of the work. The City Commission expressed its desire to expedite thi~ project and instructed the Engineer to contact the bond buyers in the City o:f Houston with a view of arranging the sale of the necessary warrants to pay for the Cit,yf s share. r 1 I j I ! ' 2"Of~<' .'-"#1/~l~:: '" A motion wa~, made, by Commiss ioner Herschel, which was seconded by Commissioner ~erbow, authorizing the advertising for bids on the project, same to be advertised in the Southwestern News of October 24th, and bids to be received not later than 12:00 o'cfuock noon on Novemb~ 10th, 1941. Voting Aye: Commissioners He~sche1, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Noue. There being no further business to come be:fore the meeting, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ Acting ity Secretary ----r '1 r' ~~ Mayor "~" ':;'~~'" '4" ,', ", .',.'~ -;.:.- ,,,',." . '~~ ~:,.'.'",," ~ .,' .~'" .~' "."~ ' . . . , '. REGULAR WlEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF \/fEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the City Co~ssion was held at the City Hall at 7:30 P.'M. with Mayor ~. M. Mainous p~e- siding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary R. B. Allen in attendance. The ~ayor entertained a motion that the City advertise for bids on Storm Sewers for the East and West Sectiqns of the Cit,y. Commissioner Herschel made a motiQu authorizing the City Secretary to advertise for bids on the ~torm Sewers in the Southwestern News o:f October 31st, 1941. 'Bids to be received on November 11th, 1941, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner ~erbow. ' , Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Maino us . 1, I I . I i Noes: None. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnfungton autgorizing a Resolution to be drawn setting up the prevailing wage, scale for the storm sewer pro- j e ct . Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None.' The Mayor stated that at a recent meeting of the Board of Health, Dr. Seale I. Johnson, offered his oral resignation. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion accepting Dr. Johnson's resignation from this Board, and ask that he file a written resignation with the City Secretary, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, ?unnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None; MaKor Mainous nominated Ir. Fred M. Hughes to fill the vacancy on the ealth Board. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that Dr. Hughes ,be appointed by acclamation, which motion wassecorided by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Corr~issioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The II/layor announced that he had conferred with the Garrett Engineering Company in connection with the engineering fees on the storm sewer project and that the Garrett Engineering Company p -" ..---- , , fl"2"::i' ",,.; , , ., "', ,; ",~, ; : . - . ~ "'- .~ .' -. ",~i;'.Y<-.' . .'.~}~~. ;.'-':",", <'\ . ..~-,., had agreed to remit 1~ of the fees to city. This would be used to defray the city's engineering and im pection expenses. The Mayor read a letter from the Chamber' of Commerce of Temple, Texas inviting the Commission to a~tend the Convention of the Texas League of Municipalities and ask that as many as possible attend the convention at Temple on November 4, 5, 6, and 7th. . Commissioner Dunnington stated that ~tt. J. W. Hazard, owner of Lot 78, '1n Fai.:chaven, had ask, for a reduction in taxes, Commissioner Dunnington recommended that this reduction be denied, for the reason 'that the assessments were the same for the entire area. Commissioner Dunnington recommended that the taxes' on improvements on Lot 4, Block 15, COllege View 3rd Addition, be waived for the year of 1941, as the improvements were not com- pletea by January 1st, 1941. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herschel, waiving the taxes on the improvements for 1941 on the' said property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington stated that he was in receipt of a letter and affidavit from Robert ~olley, in which he requested that the improvement on Lot 1, Block 90, West University Place 2nd Addition, being 3315 Bissonnet, 3325 Bissonnet, and 5306 Westchester, be waived for the year 1941, for the reason that the improven~nts were not completed until ~~rch of 1941. ' . Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, waiving the , taxes on the improvemehts on this property. Voting !Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None Commissioner Dunnington reported he was in receipt of a letter from Frank T. Browne in which he, stated that he had been charged in error with Personal Property Tax in the amount of $2.10 for the years 1938, 1939, and 1940, and ask the City refund $6.30 for ~he three year period. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Woodard authorizing the refund in the amount of $6.30 on these taxes. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. ---1-- _f 'r- 1:~2:\:"2:' '6".'" . '. ' , ' '': ~-. . . Commissioner HerschBl made a motion, seconded by COrrmUssioner Dunnington authorizing the taxes be paid to the county and school district on the lot purchased to open Coleridge Street. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard, Kerbow, and Mayor N~inous. Nnes: None. , Commissioner Woodard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Herschel authop~zing the moving of the dog pound to the Bissonnet Water Tank property. Voting Aye: Commissio~ers Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbww, and Mayor ~~inous. Noes: None. Gommissioner Woodard made a motion, seconded by COmnUssioner Herschel, authorizing the purchase of 450 feet of lk fire hose. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Mr. J. E. Means submitted a report from JfJX. W. J. Aubertin, Director of Personnel, setting up a scale for payment _of wages, classification and other recommendations from the Personnel Board. The report was taken under advisement for actioh at a later date. "' There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was re- cessed until 7:00 P. M. o'clock Wedn~ber29th' 1941. .~. Mayor . ATTEST: ~~ 1\.c ng 'i~y Secretary ~, .--........... ;; ~....:.. r---T 1 'O:Ufr1'/': " ..w~~<.~~~' CONTINUED MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY 01!' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The' City Commission reconvened at 7: 30 P. M. Wednesday, October 29th, 1941 after having been recessed on Monday, October 27th, 1941 with Mayor ff. M. Mainous ~residing, and Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting , City Secretary Allen in attendance. A letter was read from Mr. Miller relative to collection of delinquent taxes. The matter was taken under advisement for' later a.ction. A petition was presented to the Commission signed by certain residents on Rutgers street complaining of disturbing noises. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Anti-Noise Ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None " A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by vommissioner Herschel, that the tentative report and classifi- cation, which had been presented to the Commission by the Personnel Board, be referred back to bhe Board for completion and incorporation in final report. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington Woodard and W~yor Mainous. Noes: None. A discussion Was held on the matter of collection of delin- quent taxes and water bills. Mr. Gammill was instructed to file a report on the matter of delinquent taxes. A mot~on was made by Commissioner Dunnington, Whi ch was seconded by u,o:m:missioner Kerbow, that the City Attorney and, Treasurer make a report and re- commendation to the Commission on Water 60nsumers Contract, de- posits, and methods of collection of water bills. Voting Aye: Commissiont:3rs Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A report fDom the Health Board was read. A motion was made insturcting the City Attorney to draw an Qrdinance creating the position, and fixing the salary of, City Health Officer. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Iv';'ayor 1<Iainous. Noes: None. E:" 1 r 2':28,: The Oity Treasurer presented the matter of paym~nt of delin- quent taxes by Frank Breaker. A motion was made-by Commissioner Dunnington, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel that the recommendation qf ~he Treasur.er ,be accepted and approved. Voting Aye: Commissi0ners Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous: Noes: None. "A motion was made by Oomrrdssioner Woodard, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the following organizations be per- mitted to use the Community House: Civic Olub on Tuesday, November 4th ,Red Crosson Wed nesday, November 12th Business & Proffessional Women's Club Dance for Ellington Field Men on Saturday, November 15th. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow, Herschel, and Mayor Ma!nous. 1.1, Noes: None. The Mayor recommended that the Sanitary Sewer Project be taken up for consideration and ~ays and means of financing be studied. After discussion the City Secretary was inst~ucted to invite Mr. McRobebts, who represents the Sanitary Sewer Bond holders, to come to West University to 4iscuss the matter with the City Commissioner. "- There being no further business to oome before the Commission, upon motion duly made and seeonded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~4J~ Mayor ' ATTEST: ~~ --:1 2:~"""g""'" - ".. . .... :~: "'~ J: :.. , ~', -<>'t:", CONTINtfii:D MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31ST, 1941 CITY- HALL, CITY OF ",\iEST UJ\TJVEHSITY PLACE TEXAS , ' , The Commission reconvened at 4:15 P. M. Friday, October 31st after having recessed Wednesday, Rctober 29th, 1941 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners erschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary'-'R. B. A.llen in attendance. A motion 'Itlas made by Comissioner Herschel,which was seconded 'by Commiss'ioner Kerbow granting the use of the \,;ommuni i,;y House to the Monticello Garden Club on November 5th and to the American Legion on November 11th. Voting Aye: Commissioners HerSChel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous Noe s : None I , "" } The Mayor presented the matter of heating facilities for the kitchen, lobby and library of the Community House. The matter was referred to the Committee composed of the Mayor, Commissioner Dunnington and Secretary Allen. Mr. McCrory representing Frank Breaker appeared before the Commission requesting a reduction in taxes on certain lots on Riley and Ruskin streets. The Commission presented a proposal to Mr. McCrory who stated that he would present the same to Mr. Breaker for approval. This proposal is on file with the City Treasurer. The budget for the fiscal year 1941-42 being under discussion 'it was agreed by the Commission that the old police car be assigned to the inspection department vrlth the understanding that it also can be used by the Engineering and Police Department when,necessary. Commissioner, Dunningto~ offered and moved the adoption of a Resolution instructing the 0i ty Attorney and 'vi. Ray Scruggs to' render a joint opinion on the legality of three certain ordinances dated October 13th, 1941 and upon the question of the sUbficiency of grounds stated in certain affidavits filed with the City Secretary requesting recall petitions. Commissioner Kerbow seconded the motion to adopt the resolution. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. \.I Noes: None " The Caption of the resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION t'A resolution authorizing the City Attorney and W. Ray Scruggs to render a joint opinion pertaining to the legality of three certain ordinances dated October 13th, 1941 and as to the SUfficiency of ground alleged in r - ~,~ - 1 I - , -'I j .....2:30. '. < - 'i,~ .~:,,,,,,", various affidavits filed with the City Secretary requesting recall petitions; such opinions to be rendered without charge to the City. U . There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made a~d seconded, the meeting was adjourn8 . ,~' ATTEST: ~~ Ul II II i I I 1 I ] i I I ! I " OFFICIALS: . F,-M.: MAINOUS . ~'.t& yci~ ;~ it,"::... .' 1 ~t.'1ipP .0' COMMISSlIONeRS-: ':~ J..;". 'HERSCHilIi. . S-TREET.'~~D-f3RiD~~ DEP'I'. A: L. KERBOW DEPT~ OF "FINANeiE J. M. 'DUNNINGTON TAX OS;PT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATeR AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L. KERBOW OFFICERS: A. J. LAMONTE: CITY AT"rY. ,~. S. R. ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGE -1:. E. GAMMILL . TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY )tHOR. F. K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COL..,l... ~. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEP' IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST.. AND BR. ~OE L. ARCHER ~ITY ,.LANNING.AND ZONING W. J. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL. TRAVIS J. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH i, I P ~ I / .:;: ,-<;,\ .(:J?~f":. .' . . l'm' . . . .' . .. < . . . . . . - . ~,(. ::-ituo,':.. .1!lJ1 . . ~ '. , .'. . ilgol ..JIOme6 Utdv(?"aj) 3 BOO' UN1VER51l'Y :a.DULEV AnD . , HOUSTON. TEXAS ....1 j I , ! j i i , i i , November 1st, 1941 R.B. Allen, Acting ~ity Secretary City of Wesil Universi ty Place Houston, . e x a s .t. Dear Mr. Allen: I am calling a special meeting of the council for Monday, November 3rd, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall, for the followi ng purposes: 1. Completing the hearing and adopting the budget for the year 1941-1942. I I I l I I j .~ 2. To dispose of over and under shortage in the office - petty cash. 3. ~o discuss Firemen's Retirement and Pension Fund. Yours very truly, ClTY OF WEST UNIVE:~SITY B~ ~/?t~ F. 1:. ~ainous, Ma yor ]M!:.J::tmb 2S~'" ,- ,.,. ~< . '-~~-~~:~.~;~ i" . ";. .:r <~,-~ SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A spe cliR.a meeting of the wi ty Commission _was held at lIli~e ~ity Hall on Monday, November 3rd, 1941 with Mayor Mainous pre- siding and Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnihgton, Woodard, and Acting City Secretary Allen in attendance. The p~rpose of the meeting was as follows: 1. Completing the hearing and adopting the budget for the year 1941-42. 2. . To dispose of over and under shortage in the o:ffice, petty cash. 3. To discuss Firemen's Retirement and Pension Fund. The Firemen's Pension fund was discussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow which was seconded by Commissioner Wooda:bd that the matter be referred'\;.to the City .Ettorney and the legiSlative Committee of the Volunteer Fire Department for st~y and recommendations. Voting Aye: Commissioners Ae rb ow , Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, and ~~yorMainous. 1 I J " Noes: None Wit~ reference to the matter presented to the Commission by the City Treasurer rel~tive to various shortages in cash accounts amounting to $13.55, Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing the drawing of a check in the amount of $13.55 in favor of the Treasurer and the charging off of the amount on the books. Voting Aye: Commission~rs Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington, Kurgow and J)J1ayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Treasurer reported that the proposed budget for the fiscal lear 1941-42 had been balanced. After due discussion, Commissioner .Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the budget be adopted subject to adjustment as of the first meeting of the Commission in Janua+y, 1942. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and Ma yor Ma inous. Noes: None. The business for which the meeting was called having been r' , , , 3 : '12" '-..;'g',"Y2'" ,,' l/II', ~:' , < " .; ".' ~:;. ~ concluded, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meet- ing was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ A ing i ty Secretary ~j T 4~ '1 , 3 ." ~ . , ' t;~t~?~'O Ai~"U., ' :-1 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEM:BER10, 1941 , CITY HAI..L, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY PLACE, TEXAS The Regular meeting of the City Council was held at th~ City Hall on Monday, November loth, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners He.r~chel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting Secretary Allen in at~endance. The mi~utes of the regular meeting of October 27th, 1941 and the recessed regular meeting of October 29th were read and approved. The~Mayor reported that he had attended the Annual Con- vention of the Texas League of Municipalities at Temple. He stated that-subject of vitaL interest ,were discussed and that much information of interest was obtained. Commissioner Kerbow rua.de a motion instructing the City Attorney A. ~. Lamonte to submit an opinion as to the legality of the publication of the Health Code in the Southwestern News. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. Votihg Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel, Dunnington and Mayor Ma inous . Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington read a letter from A. A. Tilden liVing at 291.5 Carnegie Street, in which he requested that his taxes be lowered to correspond to t4e surrounding property, and stated that his taxes had been raised due to an addition to his garage. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion, which was seconded b:y Commissioner Herschel adjusting these taxes from $.50.76 to '42.08 as recommended by the Treasurer~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Hersohel, Kerbowlf Woodard and Mayor Mainousl Noes: None. The proposition of purchasing a pump to be used in the Sewer Department was submitted. The City Engineer,recommended that the City advertise for bids on the pumping unit. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing ~he City Engineer to prepare specifications and advertise for bids. Voting Aye: Commissioners Woodard, Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Tax Rolls for the year of 1941 were presented to the Council for their official approval and adoption. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion approving the tax rolls, which motion was seconded by Gommissmoner Woodard. r -,- -.- '2"3<4 .' ."~' .... .' ~,' . .... >. Voting aye: Oommissioners Dunnington, Woodard, Herschel, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None.. There being no further business to come before the Comndssion, upon motion being made an~ duly seconded, the meeting was recessed until Monday, November 17th, 1941 ~ . ~~ .~. ATTEST: ~~ Act' ng ity Secretary -;-} j- .- .,-- ..........,- '~i'5"r', . - - . . .-. >.!l . ~. , . ,. ';.;;. ~,~.... o I..'.! '~~'" , CONTINUED MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A continued meeting of the City Commission, recessed from Monday, November 10th, was held at the City Hall at 7 :30 P. M. Monday, November 17th, 1941 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, 'Woodard and Acting City Secretary Allen in attendance. Bids ;~ the Storm Sewer Project were opened and tabulated. Bids received were as follows: Tel1ensen Constructi on CompAny J?!id Bond Base Bid ~ 5,000.00 154,440.50 Texas SuIt Construction CompAny Bid Bond Base Bid t 5,000.00 131,600.00 No action was taken on the bids. The Garrett Engineering Company was instructed to tabulate the bids and make recommendations to the Com:::~ission. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 13th, oontinued meeting of October 15th, special meeting of October 21st, con~inued megular meeting meeting of October 31st, special meeting of October 22nd and special meeting of November 3rd were read and approved. Bids for the purchase o:f chairs for the community building were opened and tabulated. The following bids were reeeived: Abbott Chair CQmnAnv Style #185 tf #..195 n 1/:235 $ 3.75 each 3.15, 11 2.45 ff ~jnger FU'l"nitll'l"A ComiPlAny Style #646 $ 2.65 each 10~ extra for rubber tips P'l"A nt.,i nA 1 D'I"AWi ng Cqp~;lI.ljV Bidders check for $77.50 - 1010 of proposal I~ -- . 1 I ' H:1 T ," ",,', 6"/' 2,3> Sty1e~lOOl 11 ffF39.5 t 3~10 each 2.4.5 tt , 2.50 Bickley Bros. Bidders check for $7.5.00 Style #..F39.5 Style tt33.5 Styl~ #803-5 ~tyle #23.5 Acme , I $ 2.39'each 1)99 tt 2.7.5 11 2.44 1t The bids were referred to the Committee composed of the Mayor, Commissioner. Dunnington and City Secretary for stud~ and recommen- dation. The Secretary read & letter from the Soldiers Service Bureau expressing their thanks for the use of the Community Building on the eveningof Saturday, November 15th, 1941. The City Secretary read a~opinion from City Attorney A. J. Lmonte, and the joint opinion of ~ttorneys W. Ray Scruggs and A. J. Lamonte, on the legality of certain ordia~nces dated October 13th,. 1941. These opinions stated in effect that the ordinances were null and void in accordance with Article #9, Section #7, of the Home Rule Charter, which requireG,the signature of the Mayor on all ordinances. The Mayor stated that the Community Building was badly in need of heaters in the labbYl ~itchen and library and that they could be purchased from the vlow Gasteam Heater Company for $220,00. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that the heaters be purchased out of the building fund, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschel, Woodard and !ilayor Mai nous . Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, a~thorizing the publication, in book form,of,200 copies of the Health Code at a quoted price of $35.00 by the Oouthwestern News. Voting Aye: Commissi~ners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Moes: None. , After some discussion a.s to the purchase of gasoline by the City, Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard that a contract be executed with the Gulf Company to serve the City with gasoline at the City Garage for the next six (6) months. 1) ~ 2'"'B?1" .... . .. '" ~',;.> . ...'--<'<i:~ ;:~J" ;f- ~ , ..<... , - ~ ._~'. .!;-"'-;:.. . . VotIng Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodare, Kerbow; Dunnington, and Mayor ~~inous. Noes: None. The Mayor stated that with the permission of the Council, the' date of December 7th, 194~ at 3:~0 P. M. would be set for the laying of the corners~one at the OommunityBuilding. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissi oner ,Dunnington, instru.eting the Mayor to work out the program and' .submit oo~the Council at a later meeting. . Voting Aye: Commissioner~. Herschel, Dunnington,' Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: .None. The Secretary read a letter ~rom ~r. W. J. Aubertin, Personnel Director, in which the Personnel Board outlined the minimum and maximum salaries and classification of personnel as agreed to by the Commission and the Personnel Board in joint meeting with" the request that same be spread upon the minutes. Commissioner Kerbow made amotion that the matter be tabled, the motion Was seconded by Commissioner Woodard. ' Voting Aye: COlIlIllissioners KerboW, Dunnington, Woodard. Noe s : Commiss ioner Herschel and Ma.yor- Mainous. There being no further business to come before the meeting, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~ ATTEST: ~/~ Actin ity Secretary . :- '1 I '2~ -:3. '~8- " . ... --4 -,- SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th,194l CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T;EXAS, A special meeting of t~e Gity Council was convened at , 7:00 P. M. o~ ~ednesday November 19th, ~194l with Mayor Mainous presiding and Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow,'Dunnington, Woodard and,the Acting City Secretary in attendance. The purp~;e of the meeting was to discuss negotiaionw with Mr. J. J. McRobert,s who represents holders of sewer revenue bonds. < Mr. J., J. McRoberts of the firIfr~of:~'McRoberts and. Thomasma of San Antonio was present and the matter of issuing additional sewer bonds was discussed. Mr. ~cRoberts stated that it was his opinion that it would be mQre advantageous to the City to issue tax bonds than sewer revenue bonds. Various means of finance, the tax structure and adjustment of sewer service charge was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, Which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that :M.r. McROberts be requested to contact the Owne~s of the present outstanding bonds and submit a proposal to the Go~ission. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and "Mayor IliIainous. ' Noes: None. The Bustfuass for which the meeting was called having been concluded, the meeting was adjOUr~ "~ aYDr ' ATTEST: ~~ ./ ., -~ ~~~...- I ,~ . I I .) J v , ;) ! ' ; "., " "J" ,i ~ (" .!': . ~<0' . :, . . QFFICIALS: F; M.',MAINclus : Mi<f~R, ' le:~~::~~!i~RSf'" ' ~I ~ 'S~RitET' A~E{BRjtiGE DE'~T.. orA. i..KEftBOW . i DE:PT~ .tU? FINANCE I J.I. M;!DU~~INGTON I' TA~ DEPT,' , .1 ,T. W~SLE.Y.W,60DARD . WATER AND'SEW~R DEPT. ,'MAYOR'PRO 'rEM: A. L. KERBOW f . .OFFICERS; ; /. A. J. cA.MONTE \ i j' 1 '~ .~- CITY ATTY. B.R,!'oLBE.RTSON . CORP. .,JUDGE C. ,'E.G'AMMILL ; TREASURER ':' R. B. ALLEN CITY KNOR. i \ \ J' \ I J' \ i I 1 I J r ".~,:!=l!FF 'TAX ASSESS. AND COI.L. .I., A; J,;iETc:ALF FIRE CHIEF I'RA A; HARRI!! SUpT. WATER AND SEW.R .I. w. -a.ARKE SUPT" ST. AND 8R. JOE L. ARCHER CITY Pl.ANNING AND ZONING w. .I"AU'BERTIN DEfaT.' OF PERSONNEl.. TRAVIS .I, 'ClASH DEPT~ OF HEALTH i I I I, / I 3BOO UNIVERSITY BUULEYJ\.UD " HOUSTON. TEXAS I I .J :<.. :i ;I' Mdvember 18th, 1941 ."or F. M~ Mainous OGmmissioner J.. A. Herschel U A. L. Kerbow' ,11, ;r. M..l)umu.Dgton U T. W. Wooclard Dear Sirs: Pursuant to a call of the Ma.yor, there will be a sp$oial eounci1m.~eti.ng JaelGl~t "the ej.ty haJ.l on: Novem.ber 1,th,W'ed;ne sday, a't 7: 00 1>. M. 'for 'the f'o~11owing purpose: DiscusSing negotiations with Mr. :McRobert,s~ holder o:f sewer boms. Yours very truly" c~ - . "'. .. :B ',,'. ," , . ' ..' ",en, 'Act~ng, . ' ,City $ecret~y - REA: t.m.iO -I '1 -1 REGULAR MEETING iiONDAY ,NOVEMBER 24TH;,' ,1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST tJr.TIVERSITY , PLACE, TEXAS . The regu~ar meeting Of t~e City COmmission w~s he1d.at ,the City Hall on MOnday, November 24th, 1941 at 7:30 . M.^w1~h ' Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Vunnington , Woodard, and Actin1b City Secretary Allen in attendance.. The minutes of the continued regular meeting o:f .November 17th and special meeting of Wednesday l~ovember 19th were read and approved. The, Secretary read a letter, presented by Commissioner Dun- nington, in which the Tax Collector stated, that there was a request, for the 'waiving of taxes on the improvements on Lot ,19, BlockS, Colonial Terrace Addition, 4229 Byron; which house was not sixty percent completed by January 1st, 1941. Commissioner Dunnington made a motion authorizing the waiving of 1940 taxes on the above ~roperty. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Co:rn;missioners DUIl,nington, tlersche1, Kerbow, Woodard and .Mayor 1Vla.inous. Noes: None. Qommdssioner Dunnington, Commissioner Kerbow and Building Inspector Metcalf were~ppointed to constitute a Committee to formulate rules governing. the assessment of improvements under construetiona~ of January 1st of each year. The Committee appointed to .select chairs for the Community Building, reported that the bids had, been tabulated and checked. They recommendee the purchase of 3.50 St:Vle 1fF33.5 at '1..99 each from the J:lickley t3chool and Church l!'urniture Company. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, Which was seconded by Commissioner ~erbow, authorizing the purchase of these chairs :from the Bickley Company a~ the bid price of '1.99 each. Noes: None.. Voting Aye: Cowmissioners Woodard, Kerbow, Dunnington, Herschal and , Mayor Mainous. The City Engineer reported that the ~ity was in need of maps ShOWing water lines, sewer lines, improvements, fire plugs, etc. and that we could purchase such a map from the Sanborn Map Company for $l3.5.00. The map is made in sections and covers the territory bounded by Brays Bayou on the Southaand Garden uaks on the ~orth. The Houston ~atural lias Company, has agreed to take the portion of the map covering territory outside of the City and to pay half the ... -' cost, making the net cost to the City $6'7..50. ,', <I :, .~ T '. 1 ':", ,'c"~-,'-t"c', 2i\r/c " ,'-~~7f~' -:' " ' . " - .. . .,<; .. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the City 'purchase the maps, since the Houston Natural Gas Company will pay half .the price, which motion was seeopded by Commissioner Woodard. Voting Aye: Commissioners n~rschel, woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None., The ~futy Secretary reported that the Morrison-Fourmy Directory Gompany was now taking subscriptions for the next edition of the 0ity Directory at a cost of 125.00 for the edition. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, seconded by uommissioner Dun- nington authoxizing' the purchase of the directory at a price of $25.00. Voting Aye: Commissione~s Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel, Kerbow and Mayor l~inous. Noes: None. o The Mayor announced that the branch of the Harris County Library in the Community ~uilding was open on week days from 3:00 to 5:00 F., M. on ;Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. The Mayor presented an-ordinance creating the !osition of Citytlealth Officer, his duties and compensation. Commissioner Kerbow stated that as yet he had not received the opinion of the Gity Attorney on the legality of the publishing of the tiealth Code in the Southwestern News, and ,therefor wished that the ordinance be resubmitted at a later date. There being no further'business, the meeting was recessed to Tuesday, November 25th, 1941. ~47~ Mayor " , ATTEST: ~~ Act' g ity Secretary I) r--- , - i i I ',--- ---, eoN'!' fn REGULARMEETINQ , TtJESDAY, . NOVEMBER '25TH," 194.1 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commissi..on<::;reeonvened at 7':00 p~ M. Tuesday, November 25th, 1941 after having recessed Mpnday, November 24th, 1941 with Mayor Ma inous presiding, 'Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, WoodarEl and Acting Gity Secretary in attendance. .~. Mr. J. J. McRoberts, of Mctlobertsand Thomasma of San Antonio, Mr., ueo. V. Hotan, , Judge ~essup and Mr. Hutcher of t>te-ck and 00. were present to discuss the proposition of issuance of bonds for finanoing sanitary sewer, system improvements. :Wlr. Mc~oberts submitted a proposal wherein he offered to act as fiscal agent and handle the proceedings in connection with the proposed issue. The details of the proposal were discussed a~ length and a'ction on the same was postponed until suoh .time as the members of the Commission had had time to make a decision. The meeting was recessed until 7:30 P. M. Friday night, ~ovember 28th, 1941. ~ ' , yor ' ATTEST: , ~ Actin vity Secretary " ~j r "1 ----. CONT'D REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28~H, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission l1eo6nv,ened in s.E:}ss_ion ..lfriday, at 1:30 P.M. November 28th, 1941 after having ~ece$sed Tuesday, .Nobembe,r 2~th with Mayor Mainous presiding and 1I0mmiss,ioner Kerbow; Punnington, Woodard, and the Aoting vity Seoretary in attendanoe. Commissioner He.r.sche1 was ,Jlot present. Mr. S. L. Oampbel1 of the Monticello Oompany appeared,be~ore the Uommission relative' to a tax statement for delinquent taxes for the year 192.5 on certain acreage now a part of Virginia Court. Mr. Campbell stated that the taxes had been paid and the matter was referred' to the tax department for inv.:stigat ion. The City Engineer was instruoted to initieate proceedings toward the paving of the unpaved strip of Wakeforest Street ad- jacent to acreage north of Tangley ~errace~ ~he Mayor announoed that with the approval of the vommission the Hiver Oaks Lions Club would hold ~ meeting in the Community House to start its annual Wishing Well Charity Fund Drive on the night of December 10th. ' A motion was made by uommissioner Kerbow,whioh was seconded by Commissioner Uunnington approving *he arrangement and granting the use of the eommunity House for the meeting. i -", Voting Aye: Commissioners' Aerbow, ~unnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. ' ' Noes: None. It was moved by Commissioner .Berbow and seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that a committee composed of thirteen (13) representative0 citizens be appointed to set up a calendar of meetings and to other- wise man~ge the UivioCenter Building located at Auden Street and Rioe l;oulevard, subject to the approval of the Uity Oommission. The Mayor refused to entertain the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Kerbow, Dunnington and 'VVoodard Noes: None (Mayor Mainous not voting.) It was moved by vommissioner Aerbow and seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that the following representative citizens be appointed to serve as a committee to set up the calendar of meetings and to otherwise manage the Civic Center Building located at Auden stree~ and H.ioe .Jjoulevard, subject to the approval of the Ci_ty Commission: J. M. Dunnington, Chairman- representing the Uity Upmmission, and the several doout orgallizations. R. .Jj. Allen, Secretary and custodian. " '-.'; i '~';"':\4' '''ai, .. . "'-,. --". ....., '. ::.... ,." .- .: ," 1 H. J!'. Dawson, the American Legion. 0. W. Reed, the W.U.F. Chamber of ~ommerce. Mrs. R. 1... donfield, the W.U.~. Garden 1.i1ub. Mrs. ff. A. Hunter, the Montioello Garden Ulub. .../':.-.,. I, Mrs. .Ifrank Huweiler, the Garden Study Glub. Mrs. E. H. Gatlow, the W.U.P. Parent-Teachers Assoc. ,w. .ti. Davidson, the W.U.P. Civic 01ub. N~s. Ernest Bla~k, the Red Cross and Community ~layers. Mrs. W. .fl'. Semmelrogge, the ..I!'ire Dept. vVomen's Auxiliary Mrs. H. o. ~nglebrecht, Legion Auxiliary. The Mayor refused to entertain the motion~ Votin~ Aye: Commissioner Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Noes: None. (:Mayor Mainous not voting.) It was move~ by Commissioner Aerbow and seconded by Commissionr Woodard that the 0ity Secretary officially inform the Committee hertofore appointed to set up the calendar of meeting ahd to otherwise'manage the ~ivic Center Building located at Auden Street and Hice Boulevard or their appointment by letter not later than ~ecember 1st, 1941 The -ayor refused to entertain this motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Aerbow, Dunnington and Vloodard. Noes: None. (Mayor Mainous not voting.) The vity Attorney wished the minutes to reflect that in his o~inion the motions were illegal and in conflict with the Charter. It was moved by 0ommissioner ~erbow and seconded by Commissioner Dunnington that uha irman J. M. Munnington shall oall the first meeting of the committee heretofore appointed to set up the calendar of meetings and to otherwise manage the Givic venter Buiiliding not later than December 3rd, 1941. 'the lV1ayor refused to entertain this motion. Voting Aye'f Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington, and Woodard. Noes: None. (Mayor ~~inous not voting.) 'f r- ~ ." ,u ;TfJ 4;: '4, ;~, " Commissioner Kerbow moved that the salaries of Police officers Rulon, Hutchinson, Ashoraft and Bhipp be increased f5.00 per month each, effective September 1st, 1941 and that the ~reasurer revise the budget accordingly. The motion was seconded c,y Commissioner Woodard. ' Voting Aye: '~ommissioner Aerbow, Dunnington, woodard ~nd .t\iayor Mainous Noes: None. ..~... The Commission instructed the Secretary to advise the State ffire Insurance Gommission that the automobile now used by Chief Metcalf is assigned to him as'Uhie:f's Car and that tne said car is equipped as such in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State. ' " , Mr. Garrett of Garrett ~ngine8ring vompany was present and presented plans and estimates on the proposed storm sewer project~ ~o action was taken relative to the project. ~he meeting was recessed until 7:30 p. M.Tuesday, December 2nd, 1941. Mayor AT'rES'l' . ',,' ~~ Ac ing Gfty Seoretary " >0 --r ~; 4' ~:i; " . , ~>"'-"~' . . . - . . .~~'.~ '"" '. "'. ",' ........;: ~\ '<,55:;' .... l CONT'D REGULAR MEETlXiG TUESDAY DECElV1B~R 2nd 1941 ," , " " CITY HALL CITY OF WES'!' UNIV]!;1i::siTY , , , , , " " PLACE, '.rlii~tAt> " The City Commission reconvened in session at 7:30 P. M.''Decri ember 2nd, 1941 after having recessed November 28th, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, ~erbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting Uity Secretary in attendance. The Mayor read a wire from P. W. A. authorities stating grant of $127,500.00 on the Sanitary Sewer Project had been approwed and requesting confirmation o:f acceptanoe on the part of the City. The M~yor stated that he had replied and advised P. W. A. of the City's acceptanc~_ ' The Sanitary Sewer Project was dis-eussedwith Mr. Garrett and Mr. Ste1{art ot'1;he Garrett E.ngineering' Company who' were instructed jo stibmi t recommendations rela ti ve to provi:sion of an outfall line from proposed lift plant on University to the disposal plant. The Mayor stated in reference to the sto~m sewer project that' he was investigating possibility of obtaining W P A labor on the genatruction of some of the smaller lines and after a discusaion or the financial.arra~.J1t:s relative to the Sanitary Sewer Project, 6oIll1hfuS'sm:tlelPrIfeiilfe~S:tllgquested t9 confer with the City Attorney on the ~tter of servicing a proposed bOnd issue. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the s~ssion was adjourned. ." .,;J:"!. ~, , .. <<" 'Ie ~ , , "=~ ;','i<> .'-;, ,",",:.; . .. ~::-;~-1~~ -'~.'N1~~~~:~~ -~ , ATTEST: A~l>Anp~:'Apl' ?tf " ' , '-.' . ""'~.J',~~:.'~.'::' Q'?f'6', ..~ . REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, D~CEMBER 8TH, 1 941 CrTY HALL,., CJUTYOF \mST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The re~lar meeting of t~e City Commission was held a~ the City Hall on Monday December 8th, 1941 at 7,:30 P. ~. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, W06dard and Acting City Secretary Allen in attendance. ,~. The minutes of the 'meetings of November 24th;, 25th, 28th and December 2nd, were read and approved. ' " 'Commissioner Dunnington made a motion authorizing the waiving of interest and penalty on taxes for 'the year 1941 to January 3lst; '1942 ,and instruoting the' ,Ci ty Attorney to prepare an ordinance extending this date. The motion was seeondeq. ~y Commissioner Kerbow. Vot ing Aye: 'Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington report,ed that due to an o:versight on the part ,of the Tax Departmer.L.;t" }i,heta?C.~sbn33.44..;,f:i,~.;re,s, now Virginia Court Addition, had"been'left delinquei1t for the year 1925, and that the Tax Department had been under the impression that the taxes had been' paid and,' tba t tax certmficates had ,been issued on various lots. He therefore recommended that if the Owner paid these taxes, ~hat the penalty and interest be waived on same. Commissioner Kerbow, made a motion that the penalty and interest be waived on delinquent taxes for 1925, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Dunnington, Kerbow, Woodard, Herschel and'Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Due to the emergency caused by the declaring of waF, Com- missioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missionerXBrbow authorizing the installation of flood lights to illumina~e the Bellaire Water Tank an~ the Wakeforest Water Tank. Voting Aye: Noes: None. Commissioners Woodard, Kerbmv, Dunnington, Herschel 'and Mayor Mainous. Due to the emergency the defense authorities have recommended that a man be stationed at the main plant at all hours of ~he day and night. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, authorizing the employment of Maurice Hyett in the Water Department at a salary of $125.00 per month for guard duty at'~the main water plant during the nigbt hours'. :1> ~) ~ , 1 - ,J ~ . ..~. .......4..".tl...,~..., :.. . (. "'. ' .~. ~~~.'-;(" .... ~~..., .....~ > .. Voting Aye: . .Commissioners Woodard, Dunnington, Herschml,Kerbow, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: Nohe. The Mayor outlined the civilian defense program and organizaidoll. He. also extended his thanks to the Volunteer Fire Department and the other residents of West University that volunteered and served on ppliee duty at the Water Plant and water tanks in the emergenoy. CommissionerW'ood ard'stated that he appreciated the assistance of the Volunteers who were worki~g during the emergency. Co~issioner Herschel made a motion authorizing special police commissions to Wm E. Fitzgerald and Austin, who will soon be- come members of the Volunteer Fire department. The motion was seconded by Commi sioner Kerbow. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Herschel stated that the Street and Bridge Depart- ment was in need of another dump truck, as one of the trucks had broken down and would cost about four hundred dollars to be re- paired and that it would be cheaper to purchase anew one. This matter was referred to the Finanoe Department and the City Secretary was instruoted to advertise :for bids on the purchase of a new truck. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare and present to the Commission a Dog Ordinance,. the same to conform wi th that of the City ot Houston. , The City Attorney w~s also instructed to prepare and present the Anti-Noise Ordinance_.Commissioner Kerbow made a motion that these ordinances be drawn, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunningt'on, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noe s: None . Fire Chief J. A. Metcalf reported that he had just attended the Fire Chief's Meeting in Frank Mann's Office in the'City of Houston and reported tnat he had been appointed on th~ Advisory Board representing the County Fire Departmenus in the line of defense work. Commissioner Herschel made a motion endorsing the appointment of Chief Metcalf on this Defense Board, which motion was seco~ded hy Commissioner Kerbow. ." j Voting. Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Ma inous. Noes: None. ~ r - ..",-, ., I '1 J '. ';. .." ""2"4' 8'; . ~. of ". , , '" ~here being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was recessed to Tuesday, Decmeber 9th, at 7:00 P. M. ~d_', , ./ ~/{{{:://~ " ATTEST: ' '~fr?'-f~-;;r~ -- ~J r- 'r--u r-- 'r,' 24ft'A' -1 CONT' DREGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, , 1942 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST Ul'lIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA$ The City Gommissiqn reconvened in regular session at Othe City Hall at 7:30 F. M. on ~uesday, December 9, 1941 after having re- cessed on fuonday night, December 8., ' The following members of the Commission were present: Mayor F~ M. Mainous, presiding, Commissioners tlerschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, '!/'loodard and .~Acting Secretary Allen. , A letter f.rcIDm James Davlin, em.ployee in the Water Departrent office was read wherein he requeste4 leave of absence for the duration of the war for the purpose of enter!,ng the Armed Service. A motion was made by Commissioner,Herschel, which Was seconded by Gommissioner Dunnington, granting James Davlin leave of , absence vor the duration of the war. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, '(i\Toodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. A motion was made by voromissioner Herschel which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow instructing the City Engineer to advertise for bids.3for a d urnp trunk for the ;5treet and Bridge Department. Voting Aye : Commissioners Herschel , Kerbow, 1Junnington, vVoodard and Mayor Iv~ai no us. Noes: None. M. '1'. Garrett and discussed with the Banitary Sewer for which ~127,500 following. of the Garrett ~ngineering Company was present the Commission the proposed plans for improving ~vstems and Disposal ~lant. The proposed project in Federal, Aid bas been approved consists of the 1. New lift plant at Belmont and Uni~ersity noulevard. 2. Replacement' of line on University from Wesleyan lift to Kirby Drive ' 3. Replacement of iine from Wesleyan lift to Richmond Hoad lift in College Court. , 4. Ehlargement of uisposal Plant to provide facilities to treat sewage for 25,000 populatio~. 5. Construction of new outfall from new lift at Belmont and UniverSity Blvd. to Disposal Plant. The cost of these improvements is estimated by Garrett Engineering Company to be $402,500, which after deducting the Federal D P W grant of $127,500 leaves a balance of $275,000 to be raised by the City. ' A motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow, which was seconded by Comraissioner Herschel that proceedings be initiated to call an election 24SB' to submit to the voters a bond issue in the amount of ~275,OOe for improvements and extensions to the sanitary sewer system and dis- posal plant, and instructing theUi ty Attorney to draw the necessary II,r,A~) ordinances. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. N~es : None. 'Mr. R. L. Sonfieilid presented a copy of an ordinance creating a . department of Mu-nicipal Defense. 'l'his ordim nce is similar to one passed by the City of Houston and Mr. Sonfield urged that in view of the present emerge~cy the ordin~nce should be adopted by the Commission of the vity of West University place. After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Dunnington which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow adopting the ordinance as presented. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The Caption of the ordinance is as follows~ ORDINANCE NO. 23G AN ORDINANCE CREATING A DEPARTME1j'T OF :MUNICIPAL DEFENSE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX.llS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMEI\1T OF A . C01\i:f\1iITTEE FOR DEJ!'ENSE, PROVID ING FOR THE APPOINTl\aEl\J"T OF THE PERSONNEL OF EI'UeH CO])l!l.\UTTEE, FOR INVITATIONS TO AND INCLUDING OF COU1j'TY JUDGE AND COMMISSIONERSt COURT, THE NAVIGATION BOARD, T:H:&, COUNTY SHERIFF AND OTHER OFFICIALS THEREIN; PROVIDING 'THE APPOINT.MENT OF A CHAIR:!; MAN OF SAID COMMITTEE; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE. COIvIMITTEE AND THE CHAIRMAN AJ\ID THE I\1IAYOR IN CONNECTION THEREWITH," PROVIDING TtIAT THE CITY Sr~LL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OFFICE SPACE FOR .PHOPEH JfUN\..iTIUNING OF TEE OOM1HTTEE, PROVIDING THl~1f ALL FlEES, RECORDS AIW ,Il\fFORNillTION OF THE CmJJMITTEE SHALL BE DEEMED CGNFIDE1J"TIAL AND FOR THEIR CUSTODXYAND CONTROL, PROVIDING FOR MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE, PROVIDING THAT FAILURE OF A Iv'lE1':I3ER OF THE COlIilMITTEE TO FUNCTION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL THEREFROM, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF RULES FOR ITS PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR THE: APPOINTMEl\IT OF A FULL:ETII\lli -SECRETA.cCZY OF THE COMlviITTEE, PRESCRIB- ING HIS DUTIES AND COMPENSATION; PROVIDING FOR THE CrTY TO FURNISH SUCH STENOGRAPHERS AS MAY BE :N--.ECESSARY FOR 'rRE PROJ}ER :FUNCTIONING OF SUCH COMMITTEE, PRESCRIBING 'J:11iliIR DUTIES AND COMPENSATION; PRO- VIDING FOR TIm CRbATION OM' TWO (2) POSITIONS OF INSPEGTOR OF THE co~n~ITTEE, PRESCRIBING THEIR COMPENSATION A:NvDUTIES; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF THE POSITION OF RECORD CLERK, PRESCRIBING THE SALARY AND DUTIES THEREOF; PROVIDING 'l'HAT EACH }::ElVi,BER OlI' Tfm C01vlMIT1'EE .Al\lD trEE EMPLOYED PERSON1,TEL TAKE THE PRESCEIBED OATH B3FORE ENTERING UP ON THEIR RESPEC'fIVE DUrflES; PROVIDING FOR TllE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES AI\D PARTS Ol' ORDINANCES IN CO~iLICT H~REWITH AS CONCER1~S SUCH CON- F'LICT. PROVIDING TPJtT I1:!' ANY SECTION, PARP...GRAPH SUBDIVISION, CL<iUSE, , . PHRASE OR PROVISION OF THE OHDINANCE IS JUDGED IWIT ALID OR HELD UN CONSrrITUTIOl\fAL rr SF...ALL NOT EFFECT OTHER PARTS OR PROVISICNS OF THE ') _I ~ ~ .'" . I -- , ] : 1 ~ ~~. ,.,-~ J .248C~it; ",,: ORDINANCE; A1J"'D) D:BiCLARING ANEMERG.tia\JCY. Commissioner l\.arbow m.oved the appointment of Major Chas'. Weeks as Chairman of the Defense Vommit~ee as provided for in the ordinance. The motion Was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington. ~ Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, , and Iv1a.yor Mainous. .... Noes: None. The meeting was recessed until Thursday, December 11th, 1941 at 7:00 A. M. .~~ ATTEST: , ~~ Actingity Secretary ~ - 1 -I '0'- "~~,, .::>:=-:.'>:'-.- ~ ,cJ/f::~' , , ....~ COI\JTtD ,REGULAR M"EE':rDrG TE.tJR~DAY'DEDE1\f~:r;Hll ,194l , CITY H~I/Ctl'Y Q)lt Wli:,ST 'UNIVERSITY '. .dE';<'1'E.xA.S " ,'" ,.,., ~";'~ , :If,':, - ' , TheCi tyto:rnmission reconvened in regular session at 7: 00 A.M. ~ 'l'hursday December 11, 1941 after ,having recesse,d Ttfesday night December 9, 1941 with Mayor N~inous presiding and vommissloners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington and the Acting Gi ty Secretary. in attendance. Commissioner Woodard was absent. . Nlr. M. T .....Garrett and tllair Stewart of the Garrett Engineering Gompany were present and presented plans relative to the drainage program. A plan was submitted, styled plan 12, calling tor the expenditure of a total amount of $385,480.97. Mr. Garrett stated that deducting from the total the funds on hand and the funds to be contributed by Harris County resulted in a balance of $183,480.97, or approximately '184,000.00 which would have to be raised by a bond issue. Financial arrangements were discussed and the Mayor stated that it would be possible to service a bond issue in the approxir.~te amount of $184,000 from increased tax revenues next year and re- cormnended that no increase in the tax rate be r~de for financing of this issue. He stated that with regard to finanCing a proposed bond, issue for Sanitary Sewer ~mprovffinents he proposed that an increase of .15 per $100 in tax rate be rrade and the sewer service charge be reduced to approximately .25~ per month. Commissioner Aerbow moved that the vomraission approve the plan as presented by Mr. Garrett. Gornnissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Aerbow, herschel, Dunnington, & Mayor Iv:ainous. Noes: None kayor Nainous discussed the advisability of securing W.E.A. assistance on the smaller lines in the proposed storm sewer system and recomITlended that an application be filed with W.E.A. Commissioner KerboW made a motion vvhich was seconded by Com- missioner tlerschel that Uity Attorney A. J. Lamonte and 'Victor Bouldin, a bond attorney, resident in Watt University be employed jointly to prepare and handle all proceedings ralative to calling a bQnd election and issuance and sale of bonds at a fee of (1/2 of 1/~J one half of one percent 'Nhich is to incl'ude r~atior:al Bond Attorneys fee, the paym.ent of the feos beine contingent on the final sale of bonds. Voting Aye: Gom.mis si oners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington 0;; lhayor ,La1hnous. Noes: None. ~he meeting was recessed until Monday night at 7:30 P.K.Dec. 15, 1941. ~~ '--r -q".... :.~: . -.f".. :. " - ,-, ~ :.' ~~~i)p.~~~' ;,: '. . . . .-.-' , . ~t:;;~~~S "~'C"" .,.... .'itu..' .....0... p..... ..'JJ1!t:t'.:;::~.'~~.~fU..'.,'niver:Jitu ,COMMjSSlO~ERS: . (J l' (J '.1. A. HEilsCHEL I jJ, -~ ~.S~REI!\ AND'BRIDGE DEP~. L A. L,KERBOW . '. it,! 0,' ome6 . 'DEPT~ OF FINANCE. .I.' M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT,' . T; WESLEY WOODARD . WATE~ AND SEWER DEPT. MAYORPROTEM: A, L.' KERBOW OFFICERS: A, .I.' LAMONTE CITY ATTY. B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGE: C, E. GAMMILL TREASURER R.B.ALLEN CITV ENGR. F, .K. CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. . .J.'A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER ..1. W. CLARKE . SUPT'" ST. AND DR. JOE: L. ARCHER . ',CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. 'j. AUBERTIN DEPT. OF PERSONNEL i,", V. . TRAVIS .I. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH ~ , t t'- ~:,-- . "" ~ , ,..-' --:-- ---~-~. -It'''--- , n::'~ . ) 3BDD UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD HOUSTON,TEXAS ,~. December 13th, 1941 R. B. Allen Acting City Secretary City of West University Dear Mr. Allen: You are hereby instructed to eall a special meeting of the City Gommission for 8:30 P. M. Monday, December 13th, 1941 for the following purpose: To adopt a resolution accepting the offer of Federal assistance under the Def€)u~ Public Works .:1( Prpgr~ on the Sanitary Sewer Project of the City of West University Place. Yours very truly, B FIVlM: tmb ~i T / V1ayor -"i:~ ~.<- .,:,~, ...: ,,', ',;0, '-,"P'5!--f'~ ~ :' f,~" ' ':' ...~ .' . ..: " .~ ,,' X. ",-, ::.,.." "':;'; ",' l '" ~j<.,~~"" , ''-,_''- .', '~',." ,~ .... ': ):~~fi~.. .... ."t . . d,~:~1rp~.~u_ mr ~Am .,. ~,~.13;:Y:~~:~ W". ~. ~~:':~'>.. .'. '. .1 ::'.~~.: ....., . . lAtUS I , '. < .~ :,,:' .............. " .. (I'" ~....._ ...., iii ,*_ ......d. ;: ] 1 . : 1 . - . P-..',.... ,'" .'1..1. ..",..ftS .. . .,.tIal ..,s.., of .. fl. ........... .t... II.," W..' Val...", PlMt. ,... ,,"1 ,.. U1..... nn~L~ ~''*'~i~~L~~.' t~:~~.'.l. f~11.~. ,. "\.,~<J;-- . _"'tI', ~1. I... ... ~ ., ..~ .. tao ., ... tldl.' etah, .of"'." 61_\1 war ..~ a__' .ft......... ._dftAt.., ..... .,..&:11'S. l.--Ute .......,* ., __.. 1.a ... "'hI .. M8ol_1ea ~... ........... ... ~ tit ... .,.. ..... tbl.I'l~ .,.f __. _1. If :, . . I '. ~,., .' .~., "..' - .::...... J ~ .1.. .1 .J-l,. ,LJ 1 ,. . . __ 10 .... .-. tile 11M;eva'._. ~ aU ......... Id. .. ....-....... flf .. .ft., .,-., w....t., ,~. '--. __ ~ ..... ., 1M . . '-..1-. -ll_..)falft... .. .. .u. _-'-".'M .. ...... ..._ .. .1IR't.fIh ut*_. ad _.- ....... tW 8844101. ____ ~1 .... ... .. .. L ~ l' ! . '-, ...$ '" 4 _ 'Ii> _'I'lW ~"... ~~.';~,~ .' 24.9.... . " . '":( .'. ' (~r--. SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER l.5TH, 1941 cm'n HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City Commission of the City of Wes~ University Place,Texas, convened in special session, at the regular meeting place this l.5jh day of December, 1941, with the following members present, to wit: (The member~'named constitute all the members of said City CDmmission.) F. M. Mainous, ~ayor J. A. Herschel, Commissioner 'R. B. Allen, City Secretary A. L. Kerb~w, Commissioner J. M. Dunning on , Commissioner Wesley Woodard, Commissioner wit:p. the following absent: NONE, com tituting a quorum, at which time the following, among 'other business, was transacted, to wit: Commissioner Kerbow introduced a proposed resolution and moved its adoption. The resolution. was read in full. Commissioner Dunnington seconded the motion. The motion was carried by the following vote: ] J '. "Yt AYES: Commissioners Herschel Commissioner Dunnington Commissioner Kerbow Commissioner Woodard .:~ o ". . l~'1 ~yor M.ainous NOES: NONE. The Mayor announced that the resolution had been finally passed and thereupon signed said reSolution in approval thereof, and said resolution was attested by the City Secretary. ~ The Resolution is as follows: '"' RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE U:NlTED STATES OF AMERICA i1.HEREAS, there has been filed with the Federal Works Agency for and in behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, (herein called the nOwnertf) ,aIle.application for Federal assistance under the. Defense Public Works program, and the United States of America, acting by and through the Federal Works Administrator, has transmittBd to the Owner an Offer of Federal assistance in connection with the public works referred to in said application and deseeibed in said Offer; and WHEREAS, said Of:fer has been duly read in open meeting and has been :fully oonsidered in every respect in accordance with the pertinent rules of procedure and legal requirements; and --- :) ,- "-~'~!O" " .-~'U :-# .~ ri '" , ~ WHEREAS, said Offer has been made a part of the publio records of the Owner; and WHEREAS, It is deemed atvisable and in the public interest that said Of'fer be accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Vity Commission of ,the City of West University Place, Texas that the said, Off'er of the United States of America, a true ahd correct copy o:f which is hereto attached, be and the same hereby is accepted without reservation or qua1ifi- oat"ioh. ~ . 1 Passed by the Wity Commission on the 15th day of December, 1941. F. M. MainQus Mayor R. B. Allen Acting City Secretary After transaction of other business, the meeting was, on motion made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote, adjouraed. ~ ~ Ac ing 'City Secretary r---- ~,-----:c -~~-_ 1 ! C ONT T D REGULAR l'/lEETI lirG l\"01\TD,"~'T D"'0."01\"""DTOR 1.5 1 4t ~ ~ ~L, ~v~L~~ ., 9 - - CITY HALL, Crrry OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE1CAS The City Commission reconv~ned in regular session at 7:30 P. M. IVlonday, December 1.5, 1941 after having recessed on Thursday December 11, 1941. ',' The following members of the Commission were present: ~~'" Mayor Mainous preSiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary Allen. The'~ayor reported that as president of the Harris County Mayor's and Councilmen's Assoc. he had tendered the support and cooperation of that organization to the President of the United States and that a letter acknowledging the offer and expressing the appreciation of the l'resident had been received from Stephen ~ ~"'K" Early. The Mayor also stated that J.\~r. J. p. Gwin had been named loekl head of Civilian Defense activities to serve under, Mayor Weeks. The N~yor read a report on recolilluendations relative to pre- cautions to be taken :i.n the Wat-er Department against sabotage. This' report was formulated by the local defense cOTIunittee. After dis- cussion a motion Was made by Commissioner Herschel, which was seconded by Commissioner Woodard adopting the recoDIDlendations. . Voting Ayei COmmissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow introducted a resolution and moved its adoption relative to the employment of attorneys to handle pro- ceedings with reference to the proposed bond elec~ion. Uommissioner Hershhel seconded the motion. ' Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Herschel, llunnington, Kerbow, Woodard and Mayor Uainous. Noes: None. The Caption of the resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION EMPLOYTIJG THE CITY ATTORNEY ill'ill VICTOR W. BOULDIN TO HANDLE ALL LEGAL PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING TO $184,000.00 STORIvT SKNER BOND, ISSUE Arm $27.5,000.00 SAN~TARY SEVlliR BOND ISSUE AND PRESCRIBING THE FEES TO BE PAID A. J. LAMONTE ANn VICTORW. BOULDIN THEREFOR. ... ",: There being no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made and seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned.. , ' Mayor>' ~~~ Acti gvi y becretary ~-~ ~---T"-::;-::;-:---=- ---=::~,_o,~O~-:l ___ I'OOC---=.-= --.-=- --.------ -- __']. __-I 2 SPECIAL MEETING \VEDNESDAY, DEC. 17,1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meetir~ of the City Commission was convened at the City Hall at 7:00 P., M. Wednesday, December 17, 1941 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Comrnissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Woodard and Acting City Secretary in attendance. Commissioner Dunnington was. absent. The meeting was called for the following purpose: 1. Taking up the Contract and such other n~ttersthat may be necessary in connection vnth the Sanitary Sewer Project and the Stor~sewer Proje~t. 2. Taking up the matter of the purchase of a truc~ for the street and Bridge Department. A general discussion was had on the advisability of awarding the contract on the 0t orm Sewers and the possibility of securing W.:P.A. assistance on same of the smaller lines. At the conclusion of the discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel, which waG! duly seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, adopting a resolution awarding the contract for construction of additions to the Storm Sewer System to the low bidder. Voting Aye: Uommi ssioners Herschel ~ Kerbow, Woodard' and lV1ayor Ma inous . Noes: None. 'rhe Resolution is as follows: ,A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONS rl'O STOIDiI SEV1ER SY53TEM) GEeO PROJECT NO. 533, TO TEY~S GULF CONSTRUOTION COMPAL~, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE 01 TY OF VvEST 'Ul\lIVERSITY PLACE. VlHEREAS, the City has heretofore received bids for the con- struction of additions to its storm sewer system pursuant to legal advertismment for bids duly published as required by law, said bids being received until 7: 30 P. M. November 17th" 1941, then publicly opened, read aloud and referred to the engineers for the City ~or tabulation and recommendation, and vVHEREAS, the Garrett Engineering Company, engineers for the City have filed a tabulation of bids and recommended that the contract be awarded to ~exas Gulf Construction Company, the low bidder ,and WI-I.E;REAS, the City Commission finds that the bids submitted by the said Texas Gulf Construction vompany is the lowest and best bid~ and I=---~- -T-~' ., ["u. '_,1. ,.r 'J I' OFFICIALS:, -",' ~ F. M. MAlNOUS - MAYOR' COMMISSIbNER~: .1. A. H.E~S.~.HEL -::'" '" .: STREE,. AND BRII:)GE.DSPT. A. L,'KERBOW ~ DEPT. OF FINANCE J. M. DUNNINGTON TAX DEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND SEWER DEPT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L, KERBOW OFFICERS: A. J. LAMONTE ,~. CITY ATTY. B.R.ALBERTSON CORP. .JUDGS C. E. GAMMILL TREASURER R. B. ALLEN CITY ENGR. F.K.CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. J. A,. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS I" SUPT, WATER ANI) SEWER J. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND SR. . JOE L.. ARCHER CITY PLANNING AND ZONING W. .1-. AUBERTIN DEpT.. GP' PERSONNEL i I ! I : I ri I TRAVIS oJ. CASH DEPT. OF HEALTH ;) 1. Taking up the contraet and sueh other matters that may be necessary in connection with the Sanitary Sewer Project and the Storm Sewer Projee:t. ,'~ a~. : ...er /1 , f '. f r ,] J ,: f I i " i } 'I t , - on" 0/ W~t.S 1]nivel':Jit" Place Lifg.o!.JJome6)* :iBOD UNIV:~1l5ITY BOULEVAiUJ . , ....,-',. ". . '. . . . ~ 11tHi' 5 TO N . TEXl\.Sj.//- /,' ' "~~. Dec~mber 16th, 1941 Mr. R. B. Allen, Acting City Secfy 6ity or West University Houston, T e x a s Dear Mr. Allen: I am calling a special meeting af the City Commission to be held on Wednesday, December 17th at the City Hall at 7:00 P. M. :for the following purposes: ' , truck 2. tor Taking up the matter of the purchase of the Street and Bridge ~epartment. Yours very truly, CITY OF WEST Ul'ITVERSITY BYc.9fY?r, m~ F. M. :Mainous, Mayor FM]Jf: tmb 1 '. '..; 1 . . '" .'~ "~ o ,I c "1 '~i .,. ~lt ,', ';: "'- '" .,,'. ; :....... ""c _ , " i ! I I I, f i I 1 ! l. 1 , ' , .J] z 1, .000..," i. "j: 3 ~~EREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that said Contract be awarded to said low bidder, NOW, TilliREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:Ml\ilISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Contract for the construction of the additions to the City's storm sewer system be and hereby. is awarded to the Texas Gulf Construction Company, Houston, Texas, on the basis of the unit price s set forth in the wri t15en proposal su bmi t ted by said 'llexas Gulf Com trtfetion Goillpany, November 17th, 1941. 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to execute the construction contract in accordance with the plans and specifications and Contract documents heretofore prepared by Garrett ~ngineering Company, ~ngineers for the City, after said contract has been duly and properly executed by the Contractor and after the Contractor has duly filed with the City aperformance bond in the principal sum of $165,000, duly executed by a Surety Uompany authorized to do business in the state of Teocas. ' PASSEDA11D APPRU1lED THIS 17th day ~ Ii". M.. lVIainou ]'. ]]I. Mainous, l\;layor City of West University Place, T e x a s ATTEST: R. B. Allen R. B. Allen, City Secretary, lest University Place, Texas.' There being no further business to come before the Commission upon motion made and duly seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~. Mayor ATTEST: ~~~ A tin 'it Secretar 4 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 22;q+9J~J2 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS , " The Oity Commission Oonvened in regular session at 7:}OP. Mon Monday, December 22nd, 1941. The following ~ambers of the Commissiop were'present: N~yor Mainous presiding, Comm~ssioners Herschel, ~erbow, Dunning- to~, Woodard and Acting City Secretary illen . 4~"" Commissioner .hersche1 brought up.the subject of re- quiring contractors to put up a deposit of ~10.00 to guarantee cleanup 0+ premises around new buildings, also straightening up of ditches. ,After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Herschel which was seconded by Uommissioner Woodard requesting the City Attorney to prepare andsubmi t to the Commission an ordinance requiring a deposit' of' iPlO.OO be put up with the City when permits are taken out for the purpose of guaranteeing olean- up of' the premises. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow~ Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor N.l8. inous. Noes: None. A motion wasnmade by Commissioner Dunnington, which . was seconded by Commissioner Woodard granting Mr. G. H. Dreaper permission to use the Community House on December 27 for purpose of giving a dance for the Junior Council. " Voting Aye: Uo:mrn.issioners HerSChel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard, and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner H~rschel presented and moved the adoption of a .resolution relating to settlement of differences between the members of' the Commission and, requesting affiants to wi'thdraw, petitions for eecal1. Mayor ~~inous seoondedthe motion. Voting Aye; Commissioner Herschel and ~~yor Mainous. Noes: Commissioners Kerbow, Dunnington and Woodard. I ' Commissioner Kerbow made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Dunnington, the matters referred to in the resolution be postponed until Friday night December 26, at which time the issues involved would be discussed and a settlement reached. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and May or Mainous. NOes: None. -_=.~,c~,----"---,--=.=_",,,.~_-.c_ -",C---l J r .- "::1......- ~------ 5 The Oommission aoknowledged reoeipt of a report from the Auditors, Masquelette & Company, covering City financial oper- ations fDr the peri~dbeginning Apr,il 1 and ending Aug. 31, 1941. Mr. Garrett of Garrett Engineering Company was present and presented several resolutions in regard to the Sanitary Sewer Project. Oommissioner Herschel moved the adoption of a Resolution entitled: ffRESOLUTION NOMINATING ENGINEER.tt ..+.-" Commissioner Kerbow seconded the motion. Voting, Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of a Re$olution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNING OF ENGINEERS CONTRACT.ff Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Dunnington moved the adoption of a resolution entitled as follows: ttA RESOLUTION ORDERING AND DIRECTING GARRETT ENGINEERING COMPANY TO PREPARE CO:MPLETE PLANS .AND SIECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONS TO SA1\JITARY SEtHER SYSTEM AND SEWAGE DIS- POSAL PLANT, DPW DOCK.ET TEXAS 41-240. tt Commissioner Woodard seconded the m~tion. Voting Aye: ftoe s : None. Comrrdssioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. ,.., Commissioner Kerbow moved the adoption of a tiesolution entitled: f'A .RESOLUTI,ON llTllNG MINIMti'J\/I WAGE R..t\.1'ES.11 Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. I . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and l\iiaJor Mainous. Noes: None. The meeting was recessed to reconvene on Friday, December 26,. 1941 at 7:00 P. M. ~/ May or ' A~ ..~~ Acti g ity Becretary T.~~~' ..'\' _r ., 1 ,.j" 6. CONTI:NUED MEETING FRIDAY, DEcEmBER 26, 1942 CITY HALL, CITY ()]' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The City G~~ssion reconved in regular session at the 0ity Hall on Friday, December 26, 1941 at 7:30 P. M. after having re- cessed on Monday, December 22; 1941. The following members of the Commission were present: .'~ Mayor Mainotis presiding, Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dun- nington, Woodard and Acting City Secretary Allen. The matter df the adoption of an ordinance creating the position of City health Officer was discussed but TIQ action was taken ,due to the fact that the uommission was awaiting an opinion of the city Attorney on the legality of the publication of the Health and Sanitation Code. ' The recall petitions were discussed and a motion was made by Commissioner Kerbow that with reference to an attempt being made to reach a settl~ment, that the matter be referredto the affiants and their committees :for arbitration and that they be given ~~venty- two hours to make a report. The motion was seconded by C.ommissioner Dunnington. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. There being no further husiness to cema::;before the Commission, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~. .) .-/M~;:/"/~ ATTl:!:ST: ~ i .., I I I. GFFic:IALS: .' w-_~ ~ 1 I .F; M'. 'MAI~OUS "MAYOR ! COMMISS10NERS; , .J~ A. HERSCHEL. . \~ .' i . 'STREET AND BRIDGE,DEPT. II ..0. II A~ 1.. KERBOW DEPT. OF FINANCB .J.'M. DUNNINGTON. TAX OEPT. T. WESLEY WOODARD WATER AND"SE:WER-gI:PT. MAYOR PRO TEM: A. L, KERBOW OFFICERS: A, .1. '!-AMONTE ...",~ CITY ATTY. .B. R. ALBERTSON CORP. JUDGE 'C. E, GAMMILL TREASURER' R.B.ALLEN CITY ENGR. F. K..CUFF TAX ASSESS. AND COLL. .1. A. METCALF FIRE CHIEF IRA A. HARRIS SUPT. WATER AND SEWER .1. W. CLARKE SUPT. ST. AND 8R. .JOE L. ARCHER CITY Pl.,ANNING AND ZONING W..J. AUBERTIN , DEPT. OF PERSONNEl. ! 1 TRAVIS.J. CASH i DEPT. <;)F HEALTH j ~ i \ \ \ \ \ , I ; \ i I ! i I ., 1 .1 ;J '("W' u....'... . A....~."..:..,.. . . " . .-. . . .. ,", . I "~....ao> :'!j' .~. '.: ", . ..... " C1:; JJom:1 .] ftwer6~1'l . ace .. . ," . . .. - .' .. . 3UDO UNIVEltS,f:r,y BDUil:V~1l~<. ". llltuSTDN. TEXAS:'.. ." lleee~ber 29i?b..~194.1 Mayor F.. M. liainotls Commissioner J. A. a€?rsehel . A. t. Ke~oow .~ J. M. Du.nnington ~ T. W. Woodard Gentlemen: ':'-. . . .." ," . < . . Parsuant to' a call of theJBay:~~>~:.there v4J:l'~~'. . a special. In,e,eting of the - Cityeomm.iss'f()i1heliali,it~~.", City Hall on !uesday, December _?0th.at 7:00 P. ].(-;~". .... iiatters of importance at this time':w~~:r,a:ntthe 'e_~q,SLJ~g;~~;(; of a spe eial council meeting for the followi ng":pUrpo'tle,s.~: mY.~ BY.~' -. .... .' Actn.g ,ity '. cretary. RBA:tmb 1\ ( ,. I \ \ I \ \ \ \ i\ i-- '1 7 SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY ~ DECElviBER 30, 1941 CITY HALL, CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Pursuant to a call of the Mayor, a special meeting of the City Commission was convened at 7:00 P. M. on Tuesday, December 30, 1941 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners, Herschel, Kerboww Dun- ningtort~ Woodard and Acting City Secretary Allen in attendance. , ' The meeting was called to adopt defense ordinances, matter of recall petitions, bond election and to adopt ordinance creating position of City Health Officer. The Mayor presented an ordinance providing for organization and control during blackouts. He reviewed the Civilian Defense organiza- tion and plans and announced that the local committee would consist of Major Chas. R. Weeks, Jack Gwinn, the' Mayor and two others. The proposed ordinance, it was stated, is the same as will be adopted and put into effect in all munioipalities in the Eighth Corp Area. Commissioner Kerbow moved the adoptiom of the Ordinance, Commissioner Herschel seoonded the motion. Voting Aye: Noes: None. The Caption of the Ordinance is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING BLACK;;';OUTS AND AIR RAID PROTECTION; CONTAINING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORIZED WARNING ' SIGNALS; PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CON- DUCT OF PERSONS DURING AIR RAID PERIODS AND EMERGENCY; PRO- HIBITING DISPLAY OF LIGHTS DURING BLACK-OUTS; PROHIBITING LIGHTING DURING EMERGENCY; DECLARING UNLAVOOL LIGHTS .4- NUISANCE AND PROVIDING FOR ABATIDilENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION OF VEHICLES DURING AIR RAID PERIODS; PROVIDING UNAUTHORIZED INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC DURING AIR RAID PERIODS; PROVIDING FOR TRIAL BLACK-OUTS; PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE AND THE ENFOROE1iENT HEREOF IS AN EXERCISE BY THE CITY OF ITS GOVERNlV'.ENTAL FUNCTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF AND DECLARING SAID ORDINANCE TO BE SEVERABLE; PROVIDING TP1AT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMIViEDIATELY .FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE A1'D A")PROVAL AND PUBLICATION AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. The 0ity Attorney stated that due to penal provisions of the ordinance it would be necessary to publish it in the official news- pape r . A motion was made by 0o~issioner Herschel, which was seconded by Commissioner, Woodard author izing the publication of the 1fBLACK - OUTIf ORDINANCE in the Southwestern News. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Woodard, Dunnington, Kerbow and Ma yor Mainous. Noes: None. ----~l , 1 8' The Mayor presented an or~inance creating the position, and fixing the compensation of Gity Health Officer. After discussion Commissioner Aerbbw made a motion that the ordinance be adopted. 'I'hemotion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herwchel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. The Mayor presented the matter of the proposed bond issues to finanace' improvements to the Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems. Commissioner Kerbow introduced and moved the adoption' of a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION IN THE CITY OF \'VEST _ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SU~1ITTING THE PROPOSITIONS , OF THE ISSUANCE OF $275,000' S~TITARY SEWER BONDS AND $184,000 STORM SEWER AND DRAINAGE BO!-l1>S, AND PRESCRIBING THE, TIME 1 M~JTNER AND METHOD OF HOLDING SAID ELECTION. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel and carried by the following vote: Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow moved that a Committee composed of fifteen citizens be appointed, three to be appointed by each member of the Commission to adviSe the Commission on the sale of the proposed bond issue and on such other IDa tters in connection therewith as may develop or be necessary. The motion was seconded by Goramissioner ilYoodard. Voting Aye: Commissioner Kerbow, Woodard, Dunnington, Herschel ~ Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. Commissioner Kerbow moved that a committee composed of five \)certified Public Accountants, one committeeman to be appointed by 1'''0 ::;="o"'c=--=:===---===---=~=-'-'.-r r -co- ""1 '----' - 9 each member of the City Commission, be appointed to work with the City Treasurer and Secretary on the financing of the bond issue particularly with reference to the cost of tax payers and the resultant saving due to reduction in sewer servioe ,oharge. The Committee ,is to collaborate with the Committee of fifteen and City Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Kerbow, Herschel, Dunnington, Woodard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. With reference to the matter of recall petitions, Commissioner Herschel made a motion, ,which was seconded by Commissioner Kerbow, that the recall petitions together with all proceedings in connection therewith ,be referred to the City Attorney for examination and report to the City Commission. , ' ,.~... Voting Aye: Commissioners'Herschel, Kerbow, Dunnington, Wo~dard and Mayor Mainous. Noes: None. The business for which the meeting was called having been concluded, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ . ayor ATTEST: ~ Acti . itySecretary '"-~~'~r'c'=~:=' '""'" \i r=~o=~~~"""l '-----,-r----