HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1940 L I I I I .J I , ~k . . ..,.~~.. ... ~.~T/~~.;:':- 'fhe regular meetings sched.uled" for December 25th, 1'9'" and January l$t, 1940 were postponed until a'late-r date dtieto the hoiidays. ~ .....Id~. " .' y Secretary r . "'1 ,11 r ~~ . Ma>ypr .' . .' -. .. " ;,c1:i:'9' , ~ c. ..," . .. REGULAR 'MEETING MONDAY;J.A1IDARY 8th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITl' OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS I' :. , , The regular meeting of the eouncil was held Monday, January 8th, /940 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Herschel and Jones and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' The :Minutes 01' the Meeting of Deoember 4th and 11th, 19~9 were read and approved. Regarding changing the zoning ordinance to permit the erection of an Episcopal Church on Rice Blvd. and Georgetown street, and to permit the business distriot on Bellaire Blvd. we'st of :Mercer street, at a public Hearing held, on Monday, January 6th, 1940. Se~eral property owners were present at the hearing and objected to the building of 'this church on the purposed location"and also o:b.3eotedto' amending,tl+e Zoning' Ordinanoe to permit bus~n~,ss buildings to, be erected on Bellaire Blvd. Partitions objecting ,to, both pro,jectswere presented., Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel' deClining to amend the Zoning Ordin- ance to permit the erection of the church and with refe.r~nce to the bUsiness district~ Voting Aye: Commi,ssioner Jones and Hersohel. Nos: None. CountyOf:ficials granted permission to lay water lines across Bissonnet str,eet, providing the City would repair and :r,nain- tain that part of the street where the c~ts are mad'e~,It is agreed that the City will repair and maintain cuts in this street until they are in the same condition as before. A clleck in the amount of $470.31 was received from Haden and Austin to COver the cost ,of installing three fire hydrants, ahd the setting of tees, studs and valves for two additional hydrants to be installed at a later date at their expense. These hydrants ~re to be connected to the line on Edloe Street running North from University Blvd. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seoonded by Commissioner Hersohel ratifying the action, of the Mayor in the employing of Mr. M. d. Whitehead as plumbing Inspeotor, to'make two inspeotions a day with the exceptions of Saturdays for the sum O;~, $8;.00 a montht' which became effective on December1;th" 1.9J9~ " Vat ing Aye: Commissioner Janes and Hersohe~ Nos: None. I:" :.'~ ~ ~) rl LL.J11'- -~-J. L.I "r-j .i I <, "'~ ",1 ;C:J 28-O\t. <!\. COmmissioner Jones made'a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving authority to purchase the following: TWo Blankets Tor Fire Dept. TWo Ga.llons Red 'Faint forSt. Markers Three Shell Fb.t"ks One ~ Corrugated DrainPipe , 450 Gal.#250 penetration Asphalt Oil Welding on White Truck; One Hundred Feet of RQpe , One Tarpaulin 12xl4 for Dodge Truck Five Car Loads of Shell Oil Filter for Dodge Truck Voting Aye:' Commissioner Jone s and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seoonded by Commissioner Jones authorizing the expanses for J. C. Calhoun, Jr. and Ira A. Harris to Austin with r~+ere~ce to seouring information regarding the new water works project. Voting Aye: Oommissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None . Mr. J. E. Huddleston, City Ma.rshal, advised that he was un~ble to hold his position longer as his company was transfering him out of the City, and asked that his resignation be accepted, e:ffective January'l5, 1940. Mr~ JonE!ls stated that he would like for these minutes to refleotthat Mr. Huddleston~s resignation was a~cepted witn regrets and that his services have been ve,ry satisfactory and very efficient in performing the iUire's of the City, Marshal. T~ere being nO,further business to come before the Council an~upon motion being made and seconded, the mE!lettng was declared adjourned. ~--. ' I J ~~ A~ ~4"~ ,C~ ,S'eltre'tary " rr~r : rf - -=.1 ,-, ,-;' . :", 1.~ ,';,:tait.; " '. BPECIAL)mETING MONVAY,JANUAR'Y 1.5, 1940 CITY HA~, OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY , PLACE, TEXAS I A special meeting of the Couneil was held Monda-y, January 15th, 1940, at 4:00' P. M. in the City aall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Herschel and Jones a~d Secretary Jarrard in attendanoe. ' Mr. J. C. Caihoun, Engineer, ,submitted a detailed statement dated January 4th, 1940, on Sidewalks constructed to serve Colonial Park and the City Hall property. FQurteen Hundred and forty-nine (1449) linial fe~t oriUniversityBlvd~ in front of 'private property from Kirby Driv~ to Buffalo Sp~ed- way, to replace sidewalks, which ~~re damag$~ i~ the coarse of ~~ing repairs to the sanita~y sewer system. Atter discussion 6omm1ssioner Jone~ made a motionwhioh,was secQn~ed by Commissioner 'Herschel ratifying the action of the Mayor in, authorizi~g the construotion of these sidewal~s prior to the meeting and the damaged, walks by the repairs ....oft he sewer in the amount of $69.5..52, to be lB id by the Script through Fenner & B~ane, 'and to be refunded out of the $25,000.00 Sewer Warrants issued. ' Voting Aye': Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. ' Due to the resignation of Mr. ,J. E. Huddleston as City Marshal , w hiohwas, effecti va Janllliry 1.5" 1h940, it w$.s necessary, that another City 'Marsha:l be apPQinted,. "Cqmmissioner Herschel made a motion that Mr.C. E. GalpIIlill be appointe<i to serve as City ~a.roshal, w~ieh duty is combined with ,tllE!t, of i;he office assistant. The, abOVe motion",was duly seconded' by Commissioner JPDes. " , , \", I-I Vot,iI18 J\ye: Nos: 'NQne. Ati;he time the City disposed of the water works property at All;)~n~ ~t'reet, the Cbuncil agreed to ~emove, all buildings and t6WrEfck and :fill the ooncrete resevoir.: TheF ~W. Gartner Co. sUQmitted a bid to do this work for the total sum of $865.70. D~e to this eost) Commissioner Jones IQade a motion which was seeonElea' by Commis,sioner Hers,chel giving instructions that this plot be cleared by the Water Department Laborers. Mr. Barris will be in charge and is instructed to keep a oomplete cost and make a report upon completion of this work. Oommissioner HerSChel and Jones. . .' .' - . . ~ . . Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Hersohel. Nos: None. \J " ==- , , , II ~ - -"--""""""",, =- C:-~ ,-."[ , , 'IT':rf" 1 ]' , .J L I] ? "~8~::::' ..... The Mayor advised that due to the amount of business to transact he did not deem it necessary, to hold council meetings each week, and suggest~d that there be two regularcounoil meetings each month, on the first and third Mondays with the exceptions of 'those months 'having five (5) Mondays, which are lanuary, April, JUly,S,ptember, and D.ecember. These months the meetrings will be held on the Second and'fourth Mondays arid' that any emergenctes arising that require the action'of the Council there will be a special meeting called. ~ach6omm1ssioner gave his approval of the aBove change. There being no further bu.sine.ss :to come ~efore the Counoil and u"po~ motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjoUrned~ ~~+~~ Mayor F"r" 'I " :gts.5 ' SPEOIA:L.:- ,_ BEETING MONDAY, UNITARY 29, 1940 CITY HALL, ern OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS I A special meeting of the City Council was held Monday, January 29th, 1940, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. 'The minute"S of the meeting of January 8th, 1940 were read and approved. Connnissioner Jone s reported that some of the City Equipment had been ~eft oilt during the past cold spell. 'To make room for this~quipment it will be necessary to notify Mr. Geo. Ashcraft to discontin~e using the garage for his personal oar until such time as the City can arrange for more storage space. Commissioner Jones made a motion whi ch was seconded by Commissioner Herschel issuing instructionsto notify Mr. Ashcraft of this action. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None,. Commissioner Herschel reported that we w~re badly in need of four tires :for the street andBridgetruok and advised that he had secured prices for the following: Tires Tubes Four 750 x 20 Heavy Duty Tires Central Garage #47.50 $ 7.10 Goodrich Silvertown Express 28.45 3.93 Goodrich Ten-Ply Tire 36.93 4.59 Due to the Goodrich ten-ply tire $36.93 and tube $4~99 being the best bid COmmissioner Herschel made a ~otion whid~ was seconded by Commissioner Jones giving authority'to purchase these tires, also tppurchase eight (8) suits of cover-alls, at Thirty Dollars ($30.00) Per dozen, for the Fire Department. Four (4) corrugated Water Boxes 12" x 24' for the street and Bridge Department. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Letter reoeived from Parker Brothers and Company dated January 9th, 1940 advised that they were making a special price on shell to the City for the year 1940,advising that the price would be $1.25 per yard, delivered to the desired locations in the City. I l " , ~. rl-'" ~ -- - 1 "ICI'C " "1 I ',1 , j . j .,. " I Conunissioner Jones advised that the contract bad bean let for the purchase and installation for a deep-well pum~ for the new well just completed by the Layne-Texas Company. The following competitive bids were received: Layne - Texas Company Southern Engine & Pump Co. $ 3,274.00 $ 4,ll.5.00 $ 4.,l3.5 .,00 ,~. M. N. Dannenbaum Company In as much as the Layne-Texas Company were low. bidders and upon recommendation of Mr. J. C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer the order was given to this company and the three (3J pressure pumps from the .American...Mal'sh Co.Inc. for the sum of ,$2;230.00. ( See Specifications an~ bids from file under the heading of flWater Works Improvement Project"). . . . A copy o:f the Receipts and Disbursements statements for the month of December,' 1939 for :the. General, Sewer and Water Depts.were given to the Mayor and each 'Connnissioner. . There being no further busine.ssto come before the Council, and upon motion b ei ng made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. .' ....2.84".; .' ~ Mayor . ATTEST: ~~ Ci ." secretary. . \~ ,/ ....~d.;..;- . .285 ... .;; '- .. REGULAR M:lsETING MONDAY, -n:BHUMIT 5th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIV.ii;RSITY PLACE, TEXl\S i I ~I , The regular meeting of the City C,:mncil was held Monday, February 5th, 1940, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor MainouB presiding, Commissioner ~one~ and Herschel and Secretary ~arrard in attendance. The minutes'" o:f the Meeting o:f January 26th, 1940 were reEd and approved. Commissioner ~ones made a motion Which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving the authority to purchase the :following: Four (4) drums of gasoline for the trac,tOl:', one drum of kerosene and Shift lever for White Garbage ' Truck. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jone s and Herschel. ' Nos: None. 'l'.\ At the request o:f N~. R. F. Ford, administrator of the Denton W. Cooley Estate, the Mayor and Secretary made a complete check o:f the valuation placed on the Ice Cream Plant on Kirby Drive, Which consists of a brick'building on 19/100 acres of land and found that the amount that had been carried on the tax rolls we.r.e~'very exe-estdve. Upon recommendation of the tax collector, Commissioner Jones made a motion Which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing the adjustment ,to $1000.00 on the land and $1000.00 on the buil,d:i,ng. Waiving the valuation on the machinery ~ This ad'justment is to effeci;; the year' of 1929 and 1932 to 1939 inclusive. ! ~. Voting Aye: COmmiSE ione r Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The City, Attorney presented"'an' (:)ndinance'a!b..ending:-~.Q~.r.tai,p. parts"of Traffic Ordinance No. /4~. This amendingOrdin- ance No. 10(P . Caption is as ,follows: ORillNANCE NO. / ~(, AN 'ORDINANCE AMEJ:IDING ORDINANCE NO. 145,' REGULATING ' VEHICULAR ANTI PEDESTlli\IN TRAFFIC AT CERTAIN STREJ:TAlID BOULEVARD INTERSECTIONS 1JVITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; BY .AMENDING SECTION 1; SO AS TO INCLUBE THE Il\1TERSECTION WITH BUFFALO SPEEDWAY AS A STOP STREET; BY AMENDING SECTION 2, SO AS TO PROHIBIT~~~WRND'JG RIGHT iNIJI?O CROSS, STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF U~~VERSITY BOULEVARD AND EDLOE STREET VlHEN TEE RED OR AMBER LIGHT IS DISPU~YED FACING SUCH VEHICLE; BY AMENDING SECTION 4, SO AS TO INCLUDE THE INTlf.:R- I ( !) ~ n ", ..LJ ,- :} 1 f - ) I. ~. "'-, ,......------- ----~- ~ 286 ... :- ~ SECTION WITH BELM:ONT STREET AS .A STOP STRi:!.~T; BY ADDING THE INTERSECTION OF PITTSBURGH AVENUE AND BEll,leNT STREET AS .A STOP STREET; AND PROVIDING THIS ORDI~1ANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT A1ID BE IN FORCE ~~D~ IATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. After discussion Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner dones authorizing the passing and ~>>proving of said Ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jone s. Nos: None. With reference to the case of the Houston Lighting and Power Co. vs~ The Gity of West University Place, due to the death of Judge Leddy with "Fulbright, Crooker and Freeman", who bad been assisting Att'orney R. L. Sonfield through the Supreme Court for the sum o:f $250.00. Since dudge Leddy's ..death Attorney Sonfield advised that it would not be wise to employ other attorneys at th~s time who are not :familiar with the details of this suit, and in his letter of January 26th, 1940 made a proposition for the sum of $125.00 payable now. He would handle the case to conclusion without other assistance. After due considera~ion and discussion Commissioner dones made a motion authorizing that W~. Sonfie1d be paid the requested amount as theaddi tional duties vlould take eonsiderabl.~ more of his time and his expenses would be greauer. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the ..counoil and upon motion being made and duly seconded the co~ncil'was declared adjourned. ~~....,. ./ .0 . Mayor A~ .' "''!M~AM~ Ci ,g:ecretary " : it~~"'? ,; . ~ ~_=---=-:.-~~=-=o:=>---=-----=-c- -- T -- rl.- ....1 , r U'1 " ~~~}!:i8~"" ,<.~, - . < . ('.'," . !>'" ~~ 'c. ", ~-'h .' .' ;.' " ;. '.. (.: ~~ .': ' ,,' ~;. f ~ . [, f l, ~, ~. r " ' E~ t, tr rt L, '; ',.,.. REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th,1940 CITY HALL CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLilCE, TEXAS rl I I The regular meeting o:f the City Council was held Monday, February 19th, 1940 at7:20P. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Jo~s and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. - "1 This ordinance is to become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. ~otingAye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion giving authority to pur- cba se for the Street & Bridge Departmep.t the fOllowing: One,{l) Drum of LubricatiI1..g Oil and Four (4) 750 :x: 20, 8 - Ply Heavy-Duty Tires at $31.58' each. Tires Tubes $26.72 ~ These tires to be purchased from the Arkansas Fuel Oil Company. The above motion was duly seconded by Commis- sioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion giving authority to purchase four (4) tires for the police department. NO. 600 :x: l6 Acme Tires for $8.85 and Tube $1.78 from the Arkansas Fuel Oil Comrany. The above being the lowest and best choice out of three (3) bids. I I Goodyear Tires $10.40 Goodrich ~fpy Tread 11.11 Tubes Tubes $1.85 1.77 " P' - ~ ...--"--= --==---===-=-='=;-f ~ ---------,l--=-~ - '"r'r" " .,. I r ; f I tL :~ ~j " Ii ,.,," .,," ..0> ~ ~. . . .....!t.J~ , 288 . ' The above moli ion was duly seconded by Commiss~oner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. ,', ' //The Se:cretary advised that there was an amount of $829.79 , as a suspense item in the Water Ledger, which has been accumulating over a' period o:f eight or ten years and is made,~)lp of items as has been allowed by the Council:' Over charges in accounts, adjustments and uncollectible,' items and also doubtful accounts in the amount of and recommends that these accounts be charged to a Surplu~ Adjustment Account. This lQSS is very con- servative, taking into consideration the numb~r of years over which this has accumulated compared to the percent- age to water sales. Commissioner donesmade a motion which was seconded by Co~ssionerHerschel giving author- ~i ty to the Secretary to .make the J}ecessary adjustments clearing these amounts from the water records. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. , '. Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission: a resolution made by Commissioner Hersohel calling a public hearing to be held on March 11th, 1940 for the purpose of raising the , restrictions on Lot 1 and 1;he East~Of Lot. 2" in Block 41 of West University Place Addition for the purpose bf'erecting an Episcopal Church on this property. The City Attorney was therefore authorized to publish same in the local newspaper in accordance with the provision in the original zoning ordinance. The above motion was seqonded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye :Comm1ssioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion to the e:ffect that Mr. Alton, who is operating a Real Estate Office' on University Blvd. and Buffalo Speedway" be notified that at 1;he Councils request too 1; he vacate, and move his field office from the present location within sixty (60) days. Commissioner Jones refused to second the above motion as he did not feel that we were justified in notifing one without giving the same notice to other real estaue man operating field offices within the City, and therefore made a motion that, this matter be referred to the Board of Adjustment for their recommendation as to moving all field otfices in-the City operating'contrary to our Zoning Ordinance. The above , motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ., ,-' . ,"" '289 ~. ~ . . .", Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. ,Nos: None. " I} Mr. Dave Austin presented to the Council a plot and plans as prepared by Mr. J .C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, on the following proferty:' From the South line of Rmchmond Rd. te the North 2 of Block 2, Pershing ~lace (Section 1) and from the East line' of Edloe to the West line of Auden for their approval and acceptance. After due consideration and discussion~Commissioner Jenes made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Herschel' approving these plans, which plans are no be signed by the Mayor and Secretary. Voting A~e: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None . There being no further business to come before the counoil and upon motion being made and duly seconded, tbe meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~. -"~ , ~'Y: Secreiiary ? fl' ~ Mayor " , I) t, l , ~ 1. L.J .~ rr ~ ! ,~~ I $" " , ,) 'i~(). " REGULAR MEETI NG :MGNDAY, ,NlARCH 4, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF iJilEST UI\TIVERSITY PL-A. CE, TEXAS ~, ~3 ~ " The regula~ meeting of the City Council was held Monday, March 4th, 1940 ~t the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. wi~h Mayor Mainous presiding and CommissionerJo~es and Herschel; and SeQretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the Meeting, of February 19th, 1940 were read and. approved. Commissioner Herschel made a motlon which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones that the recommendation of the planning Board to erect a f'ield office by the Bissonnet Corp. on Sunset and Auden streets and the authority is hereby given by the issuing of this building permit. When the fi,eld office has served its purpose of disposing of the twenty-four (24) lots, same is then to be used as a garage to'serve the adjoining property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. "'.' 'c Commissioner Jones, made a motion instructing the City A~torney to draw a resolution calling a hearing to be held on March 25, 1~40, lowering the restrictions on all lots in Block 11 and 12, J?:emberton Addition, facing South on Centenary street from 1400 square feet, Brick Veneer to 1250 square feet, allowing frame construction and that Mr. Carl Sharp requested this hear- ing, stand the expenses of this Publication. The~above recom- mendation was Il'lade by the Planning Board. Cownissioner Herschel second.ed the Jilotion. Voting Aye :Cemmissiorers Jones and Herschel. No,s: None. ..-,1 The Mayor presented a check #26435 dated February"29th, 1940 in the amount of $2,315.81 received f'rom the Houston Lighting and Power Company. This is the amount earned under the profit Sharing agreement f~r the year 1939. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones authorizing, .." the acceptance of this cheok providing that same will not in any eveD~ ef'fect the gross receipts tax suit, which is now pending, and-::;that same be accepted under the same conditions and agreements as the check f'or the year of 1938, and that the City Attorney prepare t he necessary agreements. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The Houston Lightirlg and Power Company issued tl:1l3ix check #26420" dated Feb. 29, 1940 in the amount of $334.86, refunding the amount due as an adjustment in the rate on the street lighting for the year of' 1939. Connniss,ioner Jones made a motion that n T1"' r; ,,', ,',,:2'91 ~: ' I" i' < t " , ~:~ I", t~~ " '-k .J" \' '. ~' . j,": ,,'- ; J l :: .' ~~~ :, .'\ ~l;; '3"-',: . ".- was seconded by Comndssioner Herschel accepting this check and authorizing that same be deposited to the General Fund. , -"...1' Voting Aye: Nos: None. Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Commissioner Jones made a mo:tionwhich was seconded by Com- mtssioner Herschel authorizing the expenses not to exceed $25.00 of R.,~.L. Sonf:i;eld,At'torney, to Austin with referenoe to the' Suit of the HOU$ton Lighting C!.nd PorNer Company vs. The City of West University Place', which is called fer March 13th, 1940. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: ,None. < . The Mayor advised that t,he City should create a General Welfare 'Safety Boo ra and recommended the fo11OVVing to serve as an -ad- Visory citizens committee to the council on this board: R. P. StJohn, P. W. Fitts, J. M. Dunnington, B. R. Albertson, and J. T. Rogers. ' Motion by Commissioner Herschel accepting the recommendation'of the Mayor in appointing the above members to constitute this board. Since we do not have the legal inforDla-: tion available as to this board being officially appointed th+,ough a resoluting or an, ordinance that the Oity Att orney investigate the 'legal form as to the ordinance or resolution neoessary, and present same at the next meeting. Voting Aye: Cormnissiener Jones and Herschel. Nos : None . Commissioner Jones made a motion giVing &uthority to purchase ons (1) ten-foot grader blade, four (4) drums o:f gasoline, one (1) gallon,of paint, and 450 gallons of Asphalt Oil. The above motion was dulyseconded.by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. No's: 'None. ~ The Planning Board recommended, that a Public Hearing he held wit,h reference tp a field office on Notti ngham tor the sale of :eorty;;,;... two".' ( 42) lot s in Suns,et Ter~ace, Second Section. Commissioner Jones made a, motion whichw8.sduly seconded by Commissioner Herschel accepting the reco~~ndation of this board and authorizing the City Attorney to draw a resolution calling a Public Hearing on March 25th, 1940 with reii'ere,nce to erecting this field office and authorizing that same" be published in the Southwestern News'of Friday, March 8th, 1940. Voting Aye:. Commissioner Jone sand Rers.ahel.' Nes: None. I ,~ .f .L I J, 1 I fl ,1 , , ~ ""[~, ~ 4 ~ ,- =---- '29{~:~<>." ,', " ,- !;.' - , ' . .. 'j-' ~':.; < Commissioner Jones ~de'a motion that was seconded by Com- mission~r Herschel accepting the recommendation of the planning :Soard for lowering rest.rictions from 900 square feet to 800 square feet on Lots 1 to 38 in Block 36, and Lots lto 40 in Block 37 of Colonial Terrace. Lots 1 to 44 inclusive in Blook 1 of College CQurtPlace. ~he City Attorney is instructed to prepare a ,resolution and publiSh same in the Southwestern news of Friday, Maroh 8th, 1940, which hearing is to be held March 25th, 1940. .~a Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion to approve and adopt Ordinance # 168 amending Zoning Ordinance #111. Caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO .16~f AN ORDINANCE .AME NDING ORDINANCE NO. lll, OF TEE CITY OF WEST UJ\1J:VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, COMMONLY KNOWN M'D DESIGNATED AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCE", BY AMENDING SECTION 4 THEREOF BY ADDING A NEW SUB-PARAGRJl.J?H, TO BE KNOWN AS , NO.5, PERMITrING TEE ERECTION AND CONSTRUC- TION OF DUPLEXES OR APARTIvlENT HOUSES IN A" SPECIFIC PART IN THE FOURTH SINGLE-FA1[ILY' DWELLING DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AI\iD BE IN FORCE IMl\1EDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. The abQve motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos:' None. There be ing no further business to come before the oounoil,. and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~~ Mayor ~~iii; ~;; , 'z' j .' / ,- y " a9"'~' , c. './ . , " SPECIAL :MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 11TH, 1940 crr Y RlU..L, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSTY , PLACE, TEXAS I A special meeting of the City Council was held Monday, Maroh 11th, 1940 at 5: 00 P. M. at the City Hall with N.ayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. At, a previous council meeting there was an action taken re- garding the installing of a sewer system in College Court Addition, and'authoritJT was given'to lflr. J. C. Calhoun to proceed with this work' and to make his charges against each lot .owner with the understanding that the City would bear no part of this cost: Commissioner Jones made a motion to reconsider the above action'by taking under advisement for the City not to spend, not to exceed $ 2500.00 to install a lift plant to take c~re of this section, Which includes undeveloped territory, not as yet 'within the City of West Universi ty Place. Before this work is started there is to be three (3) bids submitted for the building of this lift plant, so that the City will get the benefit of the least possible cost. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. There being no further business to, come before th~ council, and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. I '~ , Mayor ' ~. . ,IM/l~ , '~ty Secretary , .,< 4 jl ! rei cr----1 L..I ''T T'" fj] J L. 1 j 1 1 "l I " ~ 294 , . :,~ ... REGULAR I\!IEETING , MONDAY, M4.RcH18th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the City Council was held Monday at 7:30 P. M. at the' City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding. Co.m~ missioner Jone s and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in a tten- dance. Commissioner Herschel made a motion approving and passing Electric Ordinance No. 169 ' which is an amendment to No.142. Caption is as follows: Y' ~ ORDINANCE NO. 169 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. l42; ADOPl'ING REGULATORY MEASURES PERTAINING TO ELECTRICAL WORK IN T:HE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; C,REATING AN ELECTRICAL BOARD; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINT.MENT OF THE MEMB:ERS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO WJASTER ELECTRICIANS AND TO MAINTENANCE ELECTRI- ClANS, AND FOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES TO ,JOURNEY-' MEN ELTWTRIGIANS AND APPRENTICES; PROVIDING FOR J!'.H;.rz;S, BONDS, THE KEEPING OF RECORDS, THE REVOCATION OF LICJ:!N"SES .AND CERTIFICATES; PROVID,ING FOR AN APPE,AL FROM 'ACTIONS OF TEE ELECTRICAL BOARD; CREATING OFFICES OF CmEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR AND ASSISTANT ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, AND' PROVIDING THE DUTIES OF SAID OFFICERS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK AND THE INSPECTION THEREOF; FIXING INSPECTION J:l'l!a!:S; PRQ1IlltirLGATrNG RULES .AND REG- UIATIONS'ID GOVERN AND BE OBSERVED IN ALL ELECTRI- CAL WIRING, CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, REPAIR, AL- TERATION, OPKllTION AND 1\IIAIN'l'l:t:NANCE OF ELECTRIC~tU. 'WIRING, APPARATUS AND FIXTURES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS,EiF ORDINANCES IN COlmLICT HEREWITH. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: ' Commissioner Herschel and Jone,s. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel ask authority to purchase a sufficient amount or 2 x 6 rough lumber to be used as forms for the ~aving of University Boulevard, which cost is not to exceed $285.00. Commissioner Jones made a motion which ~v.as seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing the purchase of the above lumber. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a .motion which was se,conded by Com- missioner Herschel to purehase for the parks one hundred (100) , 1---- [1 , - --1 Ll-- -<1rrr . . :~d1ii": :~ ;>:~t;"7 ~. .~. j':.'... ' ;:...\"'1:,"". ", .2: " ~. . . '--- feet of 3/4 inch Garden Hose and thre~ (3) sprinklers, which are to be used on t'he Wfuer and Colonial Parks.' ~1' t Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The Mayor presented an addenda to the contract made on December 7th, 1939\'Vith' the Safety Signal Qorpl, which provides the privilege of installing not more thanthiriiY (30) 8afety Signal Signs within the City and an ordinance No.L:lQ.., which capti~n is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 170 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZTI\fGTHE MAYOR TO EX- ECUTE AN ADDENDA T 6 THE EXISTING CONTRliCT A.1\ID. LEASE BY AND BET1;>\TEEN THE CITY AND. SAFETY SIGNAL CORPORATION PERMITTING TEE'INSTAL- LATION OF NOT MORE. T:JUN THIRTY NON~EtECTRIC SAFETY SIGNALS AND DEOLPJITNG AN ElliIERGEliCY . Cn~isBi6ner Hersohel made amotion whioh was seconded by Co~i,ssj;oo.l,S'rJohes app.I;'oving the addit ional contract and ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. -11 ~ ~, . \-- There being no further business to COma betorethe.council 8;nd upon motion being made and'duly sec6i1a'e.d.theme~ttng wasdecla.I;'edadj.ourned. . . ~ ~/?~ ..' / ....~~..-..,;;(~ ,. ayor '.. f t ~ rl :1.1 fL -'-J '~ ;J.. L '::2<; 9";;?~:; >, .' . <. ' . ;.~ .~' ""-::' ", ""',.'.' ,., ..{ ~.'", ' '~. SPECIAL MEETnG ' WEDNEBDAY,l$.ARbH 20th, 1940 , C.ITY HALL, CITY O;F WEST UNIVERsr IT PL.-liCE, TEXAS A special meeting of the council was held Wednesday March 20th, 1940 at .5:4.5 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. After fiue consideration and discussion and upon recommendation of the Board of Adjustment, Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the approving of an amendment to the Zoning Ordina~~~ to.permit the erection of ~t. M~rks Episcopal Church on Lot'e~:Ln Block ,#,I of' West Um..vers~ ty Place 1st Addition and u:ponapplication a. perm~t be issued with the understanding that the building will be located on the lot as per the plot plan submitted, and 'that the C~ty Attorney pre- pare the necessary forms changing the restrictions on the respective property. The above motion was dul.y seconde d by Commissioner Jones. Voting l.ye: Commissioners Herschei and Jones. Nos: None. There being no Iurther busine ss to eome before the council and, upon motion being ~ade and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. #~ W18.yor ' .;:! A~~ , ' y Secretary , \l 11 ., e: .:~Q;ti; ..... '"' ~. .~. .,<J.~.'/~" . ;:", ;., i. . ~. -',' SP~CIALMEETING . .\., . ..." , . - MOJ5IDAY,Y...ARCH 25th"1940 '. CITY FoAJ...L, CITY' OF 'fOOT UIUVERSITY PL4.CE,' TEXAS '--I' i .. .: .'t' ,i a~ A Special Meeting of the City Council was held Monday, March 25th, 1940 at 7:30 P., M. at th,e C.ity Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Th'e minutes of the regular meetings of March 4th and March 18th, 1940; . and the- special meeti'ngs of March 11th and March 20th,1940 were read and approved. The Mayor advi'sed that the W. F. A.StrElet Improvement grant had. been approved by Washington and that j.twould be necessary to employ an Engineer and contact man to wor~up the various street projects. Commissioner Herschel'recommended an9. made a motion. tha,t lff...r. R. B. Allen be~.'efn.plolfed to act in this cap- acity at $150.00 per month. He is to furnish his own car ex- pense. Effective March 27th, 1940. The apove motion was duly . seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. .Commissioner . chase of one department. Herschel. Jones made a motion g~v~ng authority for the pur- (1) barrel of kerosene for the< street and bridge The above motion was duly seconded by'"Oommissioner J. i [II I ~ ; l'i , ';i --~~ . Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. A motion was made by Commissioner Jones and seconded by Com- missioner Herschel approving and passing Ordinance No. /7 f amending Zoning Ordinance #111, Caption is as follows: ORD!NANCE NO. /~ AN ORDI~ffiNCE iUffilIDING ORDIN~roE NO. 111, OF nm CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEL4..S, CO:b:IlYWNLY' KNO'iiffi AND DESIGNATED AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCEn', BY AMENDING SECTION 4 THEREOF BY ADDING A NEW SUB-PARAGRAPH, TO BE KNOWN AS No.6, PERI\11ITTING THE ERECTION A}ID CONSTRUCTION OF A CBLuCH IN A SPECIFIED PART IN THE FIRST SINGLE-FAJJILY D~VEL- LING DISTRICT AND PROVIDING TIU\T THIS ORDINANCE SF..ALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE Al\1D APPROVAL. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. '~-l .. r A motion was made by Commissioner Herschel and seconded by Commissioner Jones approving and passing Zoning Ordinance #. .172-- f amending Zoning Ordinance #111, Caption is as ;'OlrO~\Ts,: . . _'0";;- . \-..c ._~ ~ T [I~~'~~" .1 , '>-] : "f .~" ~J~ "}, ~ ~~ 1 ~ ,---- ~J .Z9,S" ."'"- ORDINANCE NO . /71;:' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY JlJAE}.TDING SECTION 7 OONCE:RNING THE SQ.UAREFOOT' DThl:ENSIONS OF THE I,JWELL- INGS IN THES2COJ\1D SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT;,BY ~IE~vING SECTION 16 WI~H' REFERENCE TO THE TYPE OF D\^.TELLINGS IN TEE SECOND SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGpIST~ICT; Br~.A]f1ENDINGBECTION 13 WITH REFERENCE TO THE SQUARE FOO~ DIMENSIONS OF 'rEtE D\i1lELL- INGS IN 'lHE EIGHTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING TF.AT THIS ORDIN- ANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT .AI\TJ) BE IN FORCE TIvI1'IEDD\TEL Y FRO]VI ITS PASSAGE .A1\1]J APPROVAL. '.~ ~~ , .:' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the ccunci1, and upon, mot ion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ' ~~~-4/. ",' ,;; , " " 1$~ -, '~~"'- -- I - - ""'I ' r,T- - , -.-- 299. ~~ ; ;r.". ',.,.Ii ..... " ;. t.- }<. . ~. ~ . ;.' r>:=;- '.., - /. }."~.~ "- f.. r ~. . >~ . ~c .( '0' l" ~'. ~ r---~ ~-~ PuBLIC EEARlNG . MO:t.ll)AYi~ N..ARCH25th ,1940 CITY Ri\.LI~; CTTY. OF WEST UNlv:;J;RSITY PLA~E,TEXAS " olio A. public hearing was held 1:Qnday, March 25th" '1940.at the. City Hall with ~~yer Maineus presiding, Cemmissieners Jones and Herschel and Secretary. JarraFd in attBndan~e. A hearing was held regarding the reducing of square feetagefrem . 900' square feet to 8"00 squ;are feet onaJ-l lets facing east with Dhe'exception~of Lot 40, in Blocks 36 ahd 37 of Colenial Terrace and all lets with the eJ.Cception of lot 1 in Bleck 1 ef Cellege Court Addition. There being no. ebjectien tp lowering these restrictions' Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Cemmisstoner Herschel authorizing the atterney to. prepare an erdinance amending Zening Ordinance lowering the restrictions on the abeve preperty. .... Voting Aye: 00mmissieners Jones and Herschel. No.s:. None. J~ ) . A hea.+>ing was held regarding amending..thE? zonlng ordinanc~'.. l~veringrestrictions on all lot$' inPemberten Additien t~c~ng . '"' .' tl:1 on Centenary street, from 1400 square feet to. l250sq~arE?<':- !:\.~d to allowframecenstruction. As there we:re n0.dJr~t3ctlon~f . :,W9ner Jones made a motion which was se,coIided by' Q'Q~ili,:'s~io:he~, '[autherizing the at,torney to. draw an ordin~nGe~cam~i:1(liliig: .' ; ,rice #111 to permit the lowering of restrioticjns a;s;;']f~i~~.,abbve. Cemmissioners Jones and Herschel. . . ~ . I '.;.' . , /~ ..\ ':. . Mayor . . '."'.. A~~ .. ..... 6ft' - S"cretary fe,' .?f - '. . ". ,.., ~ . ~y~ .~~~ ---r----~- .- '- ~ ,'. _.~] . -~ ~ . '-~".,~ . ~ ~', . -,\ '. . ~ .t"....r \ -!,. ;l, " (~ ~-- 1>.: ,I; - r )4 ) ~ 5:L I .< ...REGULAR "MEETING' . MONDAY, APnJ;L 8tli, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, . TEXAS The' .l!egular. lheeting ,of"the6ity cOuilci,l' wa~ he~d "Monday t. ~ ApJ;'il' 8th, 1940 at 7:30P. M~" at the City liall with Mayor Matnons pre,siding,. COIl1Ii1issioners Jones and Herschel. and Secretary' d"a,r.r%rg" ~i1 attendance. . ~ .". '- 'The minut.e"s Of the special meeting 'of Ma~ch ',.25th, 1940 were read' ,~t{~:0iLpproved. . J., . OO:mDlissioner dones made a motion which was' secon,aed by Com- ,missioner Herschel giving author:\ty for .,t~e J)\lrcl~ase of the following for the street and bri~ge departmeirt: . '. ..N~w . Re.ar ,A~el. f ()~Grader Oluteh tor: tIiite.tt'ruck 8.Dioumsof'Gasoline .' 1. DrUm ofIteros~pe . 1 Drum of :r.u~e : Oil #30. . . Fuel Pump & Gas.Line,f'orFqrd . '. ..'Truck . Four ( 4) -12~ix.30~~ Wl3.t~r Boxes One Car Shell ~mulsion Voting Aye : . Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. .r{;';' .- . 7. _ i.'..:;;; ;-:::" ',\",.' Commissioner Herschel .made a motion whioh was s'eco:nded ~y ri1is~ioner Jones approving and p~ssing a resolution~<'Capt:~on. as tollows: aESOLUTIOI\T '.~'Q}!::e~IliG $.W1' . . ,LlNE., . ,(3,0 '. ;rm1J:RSE.~ '..' Iti\;,;'I'c:ifm:oJT:y.. ...... .'. \~':e 'IVE~SITY PLAC ., . .... 'TREC~INGTHE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMmrT CATEffA:mfDEt:mniING'. AN 'EMERGENCY. ' QrigiIialr.esolution may be faind in fi,le under "University Blvd.".. . . ..-..' " ~ . .n . .' . . . V9tin~f Ay~t .'Conrmissioners Jones and lierschel. Nos: N6ne;~ . '~'I. There being no :further- busiiIess to come before the counoil and upon motion being made and duly ~econded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~I~ . Mayor .' ~~',; ATTE~ m ...~ (JitY.~tar:1 . .. q " -.......,. rI ~ -~, 2, SPECIAL MEETING ' TUESDAY, 'APRIL 9th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY Of"'.WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of,the city oouncil was held Tuesday, April 9th, 1940, at 4:00 P. M. at the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Plot and plans of Tangley Terrace location, bound on the South by Preston#Place, on the West by Wakeforest, on the North by Robinhood, (Consisting ot eight acres, R. J. Weis Tract) was presented for approval and acceptance. . Commissioner Jones made a.motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving this pJ,.ot and plans, and authorizing that same be ,signed by the Mayor and Secretary. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. With referenoe to attorney fees in connection with the damage suit of Mrs. Helen Terry ET AL VS. The City of West University Place, Style #264817 , Commissioner Jones pres'ented the follovling 'letters: WOOD,MORROW,GRESHAM & MCCORQUODALE Apri19, '1940 City o:f West Univer.sity Place. Gentlemen: - >"0 ,(<. ' " At the request of Mr. Howell Jones we are pleased to advise you that we would undertake the defense of the stiitbrought asa result of the fatal accident at the drainage ditch for a fee of. $.500. ()O in the trialeourt. The case woulGl,be handled in this officebyWu-. Wal terE. Boyd, who, as Assistant Oity Attorney of Houston for a period of five years, defended a consid,erable number of suoh personal injury suits against the City of ,Houston. We feel that he is the best qualified man in this firm to handle ,such a suit. ' . ,- ~ ' . f ,!.... .'.' In the event we decide to appeal the case, we think the fee for that work could be best fixed by agreementaf~er the trial, at which time we would be in a better position to determine what a reasonable fee for such work would be. In the event'of settlement in advance of trial, a reasonable fee could be agreed upon on a basis of the amount of work done at that ,ti:rne. " Very truly yours, WOOD, MORROW, GRESHAM & MCCORQ,UODALE 16-8 . \ ! [ ) v. fl - - " 1 ."f"l ' ~>>" ':. :~~. KING, COX &: ROWE April 9, 19 40 HE: #264817 ,MRS. HELEN TERRY,ET AL VS~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, l27TH DISTRICT COURT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - .city Council, , City of West University Place. Gentlemen: This" is to advise you that I will represent you in the captioned Case upon the following basis: I will ,handle the trial of the ,case in the trial court for a cash fee of $..500.'00 payable when the case goes to trial. If t'he case is appealed, I will handle the,IDa tter of the appeal in the Court o:f Civil Appeals for a cash fee of $250.00. ? If the Case reaches the Supreme Uourt, I will represent you there for an. additional cash fee of $2..50.00. , , You. are to bear all expenses incident to the,' handling 01' the litigation.suoh as taking of dipositions, print~llgof briefs, etc. Yours very truly, CARL COX ,~ Hl.W : DW The MaY9r advised t4at ,upon the recommendation of the City Att9i'ileY,IU". Ewing\Verlein,Attorney, had been contacted to assist otlr,'City Attorney in the Terry Damage Suit. Their fees would be as" follows: , \ \ ,EWING" WERLE IN A.' ;r. LAMONTE Trial Court _ $.5,00.00 Trial Court $2.50.00 Appellate Court 2:5g"!l>.P Appellate Cour~ '~~/ Supreme, Court ~ Supreme Court ~', and that since they4~ve spent considerable time in~~~ing an investigation thus far, and they are familiar with the case it would be advantageous-to the city that they continue to handle' the case. Commissioner Herschel made a motion accepting the reoommendation o:f the Mayor and Citu Attorney to employ Mr. Ewing Werlein to assist City Attorney A. J. Lamonte in the . ';>~' . .. rI ..., Tr' -:;4- 'tt 'above damage suit. This motion was approved by Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Nos: Commissioner dones. J The City Attorney adv.1sed tha.t Mr. F. P. dones, dr. had entered suit against the City to allow him-to erect a building on Let , Block in Pemberton AdQi tion, thirty (.30) feet from the property line. '1 'he City cla'ims that this is in ~iolation to the Zoning Ordinance and that his building was not in lin~with the existing buildings in this block. After discussion and due consideration, Oommissioner Herschel made a motion which Was approved by Mayor Mainous authorizing the city Attorney to defend the City in the above suit in the trial oourt :tor tlhe amount of il.90.00. voting' Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Nos: Connnissioner dones. There being no further business to oome before the oouncil and upon motion being made and duly seconded to meeting was declared adjourned. ~ Mayor . ATI'EST: ~ i Seoretary J " " n '1 J' TT" . '-~. _ . '"Wf---<c .' ',f.,\,;' ~-~-1 SPECIAL MEETING SATURDAY, APRIL l3th,1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY PLACE, TEXAS . A special meeting of the council was heldSavttrd~y, April 13th, 1940, at 4:30 P. M. a:t the city Hall with. Mayor,Mainous pre- siding, Oommissioners dones and Herschel in<at~endance, and .Miss Thelma Buescher taking the minutes in the ,absence of Secretary Jarrard. . ,,~'" Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner dones giving approval for the purchase of one (I) General Fund Warrant Series 1936 dUe April 10th, 1946 for the sum of $l0.55.00,wllich warrant is to be placed in the City National Bank andmde a part of the Sinking .l!hnd. I,. Voting Aye: Commis sioners Jones and Herschel. No's: None. Mr. R. E. Turrentine, Commission@r of Precinct #1 Harris County ask that the City pass the :tollowingresolution: "Whereas, the Wor~s Progress Administration, commonly known as WPA, de~ires to have a specific acknpwledgement :tram this City Council recognizing the ri.ghts of ,Harris County as set out 'in the law above referred to: ' NoW the'ref'ore be it resolved and ordained by the City C01l!i~l~^Of ~,h.~ ,O;i.ty of !est Univ~is~tv I>,lact t,hat this~unici- l>alJ;~Y' ~ecq8f:qz~~, the r~gll~ of BarrJ.s Count,. to engage J.n road imprdvementwork c'n any o>>iall of the streets of this muni,oi"; pality and f~~t:ner:rreely grants, and in nowayeont.ests the rights nece~sa~y 'for 1;he County to engage in such in!provemen.:ts. Duly and regularly pa~sed by the City Co~~cil of the City of West '~niversity Place'on this 13th day of ~~r1! 1940." and Ef.dvla:edthat 'the approving of this would be,., .an ~advantage to the County in ,securing WPA funds. Commissioner dones made a motion which was,seeonded by Commissioner Herschel approving and passing on this r,esolution. . Voting Aye: Commissioners dones and Hersohel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made"a motion which was seconded by CommiSSioner Hersohel approving and passing Ordinance No. j'1t ' which Caption is as follcms': .., ORDINANCE NO. / 7 J AN ORDINANCE' AUTHORIZING AND PERMITTING JOHN C. CALHOUN,' JR. TO LAY AND CONSTRUCT SANITARY SE7fER LINES, MAN- (. rI -, I I' ~rT' 6', , , ,--- HOLES Al'ID APPURTENANCES IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH UPON AND UNDER ALL STREETS AND PUBLIC WAYS OF COLLEGE COURT PLACE; AND UPON AND UNDER ALL EASEMENTS TO LOTS LOCATED IN SUCH ADDITION; AUTHORIZING THETR COl\lNECTION TO THE SANITARYSE\VER LINES ,OF' THE CITY" OF WEST UNIVERSI:TY'PLACE; PRO;VIDING :THAT SUCH LINES,' :MANHOLES AND APPURTENANCES AFTER' COMPLETION OF , CONSTRUCTION BE MAINTAINED BYTHE'CITY OF ."" WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PROHIBITTNGTHETAPPING ON TO OR CONNECT=ON WITH SUCH LINES AND APPUR- TENANCES WITHOUT PAYMENT TO THE OiTY OF CHARGE THEREFOR, SA.ME TO BE COLLECTED BY TIm CITY AND ( PAID TOJOIDT C . CALHOUN, JR., WITH CERTAIN EX- CEPTIONS, AND TO BE IN ADl}ITION TO ANY OTHER 'CHARGE REQUIRED BY THE CITY; APPROVING THE PLANS A1\1D SPECIFICATIONS 1mR scrCH WORK; AGREE- ING~TO CONSTRUCT A LIFT STATION IN SUCH ADDITION; AUTHORIZING, THE' MAY OR TD ENTER INTO A WRIT~N CONTRACT WITH dOItN, C.CALHOUN,' 'JR.; PROVIl,)ING THAT ,IF PARTOF'1HIS ORDINANCE IS DECLARED UN- ' CONSTITUTIONAL OR INVALID IT SHAlL NOT EFFECT OTHER PARTS ,THEREOF: ~, PROVIDING THAT THIS /' ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE,,'EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFr.t'ER'ITS PASSAGE AND APPROV..u,. l \ " -1 I J and authorize the Mayor and secretary to execute a separate contract, which contract is set out in th~ 'abpy,e ordinanc,e, and that facilities be provided :C,r, at a later datef6r a l<i+~" plant to serve ,the line as 'se't out in the a bove ordi~a.n]ce'{ .'... voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and ;Herschel.. -Nos: None. The Mayor entertained a motion that the Ci::ty issue certificates :tor the linking up of sidewalks on all vaoant pr~perty at the cost of $30.00 per lot or $.60 a running foot., The Ma,YQr ana Secretary will issuethe_se certificates~' GRrmnissioner Herschel made the motion wh.iQh was duly seconded ,by, eommissionerJones. , Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and: Herschel. Nos: None. There being no :turther busire ss to co~cbefore the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~/ ~/ '~ Ci ty ,e' etary , : l \l f ,- 1 TT" rl' I f . !'it " '. .t~~ SPECIAL ,MEETING' ' TUESDAY, APRIL 23RD, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the city council was ~eld Tuesday, April 23rd, 1940 at the City Hall with Mayor Pro Tem Jones presidinK in the' absenc~ of Mayor Mainous.Commissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the meetings of April 8th, 9th, and, 13th, 1940 'were read and approved. . , ~~.. Mr. Parkinson 01' the Optimist Club advised that during the week of M~y 17th to May 22nd; 1940,the City of Houston is planning / a t1Bieycle Safety WeektJ, which is being sponsored by the Optimist Club, wl!.6 are doing extensive work in behalf of the children ridding bicycles and suggested that the City of West Universit,y Place work V!ith them in this interest a:q.d proclaim a "Bicycle Safety Weektt from May 17th' to May 22nd, 1940, being the, same as the City,01' Houstqn. 'Commissioner He-rec,hel made a motion which was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jones issuing a pro- clamation dec~aring the week of May 17th to May 22nd, 1940 as UBi cycle Safety Week", and authorizing the City Attorney to prep8;re this proclamation and present it for signature. Voting Aye: COJ;JJ.missioner,Herschel and Mayor, Pro Tem Jones. Nos,: 'None. I ConnnisSioner Herschel made a motion wl1li.ch was seconded b.y Mayor Pro Tem Jone s approving and passi.ng the paving Ordinances Nos. /7 ~ and '/7';- , for the paving of. Annapolis and Charlotte Streets, 'Captions are a$:fol.lows: , ORDINANCE NO. /74 . 'AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND OJ~DERING THAT CHARLOTrE STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIvERSITY BOULEVARD TO ,THE NORTH LINEOE PRESTO.N PLACE, IN THE " CITY-OF WES~ JJNIVERSITY PLA,q:m, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION OF CHflRLOTTE -STREET; REQ,UIRING THE ENGINEER FOR TEE CITY TO PREPARE AJ\lD FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR'TEE PROPOSED IMPROVElYIENT TO GO WITH A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE' OWNERS OF TEE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHIN TEE LIMITS NAMED; DIRECTING TEE ENGnmER FOR TEE CITY TO PREPARE AN E STIMA. TE OF TEE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, AND DE- CLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' aRDI NANCE NO. /1\f. AN ORDINANCE, DETERMINING TI.lE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING ,THAT ANNAPOLIS STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD T9 THE NORTH LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, IN THE, , CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIA DE, TEXAS,. SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING &ID PORTION OF ANNAPOLIS STREET; REQ,UIRING THE ENGINEER FOR ,THE CITY TO PREPARE AND FILE COMPLETE L.... r1 ,~ "'TI1j" " 8 SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSEDIMPROVEME~~ TO GO WITH A WRITTEN STATEMENT ,OF TI:IE ,NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABU TTI NG ON SAID STREET WITHIN THE LIMITS NAMED; DIRECTING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIM,ATE OF THE GOST OF SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS, AND DECLARING AN, EMERGENCY. The paving is to be under the W. P. A. Project. Voting Aye: ....Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tem Jones. Nos: None. For the purpose 01' securing inforroationfor the paving of various streets, City Attorney A. J. Lamonte, advised that he was in conversation with the Houston Abstract Company, who agreed to furnish us with a list showing the individual property owners at ten cents ($.lO) per each property owner. Commissioner Herschel .made a motion which was seconded by M?yor Pro Tem Jones giving authority to Mr. Lamonte to enter into an' agreement with the Houston Abstract Company to furnish the necessary lists as re- quired in making assessments against the respective properties. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tam Jones. Nos: None. '. Commissioner Herschel advised that vacations in the fire and police departments ,would begin at an early date, and,recommended that Mr. Grady Smith be employed to work extra during the vacations in tl1ese departments. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which waS seconded by Mayo1'Pro Tem Jones employing JV}r. Smith to work,duringtrhe vacations. The amount of the salary is to be withheld until the Mayor returns to the City. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tam Jom s. Nos: None. Mayor Pro TemJones made ,a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving authority to purchase twelve (12) ~ader teeth for ' the street & Bridge Department. Voting Aye: Mayor proTem Jones and Commissioner Herschel. Nos: None. Mayor Pro Tem dones made a motion which was seconded by Commission- er Herschel giving authority to Commissioner Jones to place an order with the Houston Lighting and Power Company ~or the instal- lation of pol~s and other necessary equipment to furnish tem- porary eleotric service' ~or the new water well. The cost to be approximately Five Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tem Jones. Nos: None. c, " ~-- I--="~----~-""---'---- r-~--n r"..._ -----c:::::l ".~., }"~, ~ 1 ~> .,= -"c There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was d~- clared adjourned. ~~/ . Mayor . ~; ,-- rr - '''1 I r ~T 10 SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST, 1940 CITY HALt, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting 01' the City Council washeld"Wednesday, May 1st, 1940, at 6:00 P. M'. at the City Hall with N.1S.yor Pro Tem Jones presiding, Qommissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. . '. . Commissioner Il.erschel made a motion which was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Jones' approving ,and adopting the paving ordinances Nos. J '1 &, and , J 11 l' or the pa vi ng of Anna p oli s and Char lot te Streets, Captions are as 1'ollows: ORDINANCE NO. l~~ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING' THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE ESTlMATES OF THE TOTAL COST OF THE WHOLE IMPROVEME NTS, CO ST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING- PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF.. FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOT OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO.BE ,ASSESSED AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF TOTAL COST TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE. OWNERS THEREOF, TOTAL COST TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE IMPROVEWlENT OF CHAIIDOTI'E STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, AN ADDITION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, .AND STATEMENT OF PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES OWNING, ffiOPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHIN SAID LIMITS, . NUMBER OF FR6NT FEET OWN- ED BY EACH AND DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PROPERTY;' DETERMINING AND FIXING THE PORTION. OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA-CE, TEXAS; AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND 'TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR SAID . PORTION OF SAID COSTS; ORDERING AND SETTING A HEARING AT 7:00 O'CLOCK P. M~ ON May 20th , 1940, IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER IN THE CITY HALL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING OF THE REAL f\ND TRUE OWl\1ERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND .ALL OTHERS INTERESTED IN SAID PR OPERTY OR IN SAID' PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING SAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID REARING AS REQ,UlRED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE ORDINANCE OF THE!: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FURTHER DIRECTING SAID CITY SECRETAl1Y, I:N ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS RE- Q,UlRED BY LAW, WHICH SHALL BE VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN IT- SELF, TO INCLUDE IN SAID NOTICE A LIST. OF THE PURPORTED v -I i I '- ""'. ~. ~l ~0' ~TU 1,"'c-t~' .' ~ < ;,-. ,t". ,. OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AS SET OUT IN SAID ENGINEER FOR TEE CITY'S \'VRI:r!FEN. REPORT, BUT PROVIDING THAT SAID LIST OF OWNERS SO INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE CONCLUSIVE OF THE OWNERSHIP OF SAID PROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID NOTICE TO' SUCH ONNERS NAMED, BUT SHALL BE MERELY FOR. THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN GIVING NOTICE TO'SAID PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE TJME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARl NG AND SAID NerICE SHALL NEVERTHELESS BE DI- RECTJRD TO THE REAL .AND TRUE ONNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PJROPERTY WHETHER' NAMED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY. \\ . lORDINl\.NCE NO. <'17 oJ\ AN ,ORDINANCE ~PROVING Al'ID ADOPTING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN STATEMENr AND REPORT OF THE. ESTI- MATES OF THE TOTlU. COST OF TEE WHOLE IMPROVEMENrS, COST PER ,FRONT FOOT 'PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AND'THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE COST PER FROm: FOOT, OF SAID TIVIPR OVEMEhTTS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL COST PER. FRONT FOOT TO BE ASSESSED A- GAINST SAIDABUTI'ING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, TarAL COOT Tn BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE 'fIDE OWNERS THEREOF, TO'fAL COST TO BE PAID BY TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ~I.-IS STRE-Ef:P FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO ,TEE NORTH'LlNE OF PRESTON PLAGE, AN ADDTTTpN,IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS, AND STATEMENT OF PERSONS, FIRMS" CORPORATIONS A!\1D ESTATES OWNING PROPERTY ABUTTING 'ON SAID STREET WITHIN SAID LJlVIITS, NUMBER OF FRONT' FEET OWNED BY EACH AND DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PROPERTY; DETERMINING AND FIXING [!BE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID BY SAID.'A13UTrING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF AND TEE CrTY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, .TE-fiS; AND DETERMINING TEE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESS:ME NT AGAINST SAID ABUTrING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR SAID PORTION OF SAID COSTS; ORDERING AND SETrING A 'HEARING AT 7: 00 0' CLOCK P. M. ON May 20th , 1940, IN TEE CITY COlJNCIL .cHAMBER IN THE CITY HALL OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS TEE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEAR- ING OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTI NG PRO- F.t!:RTY AND ALL arHERS IlWrERESTED IN SAID. PROPERTY OR IN SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCERNIID SAID ASSESSMENTS AND PRO- CEE.DINGS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO (}IVE NDrICE OF SAID HEARING :IS REQULttED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND TEE ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ~YEST UNlVERS1-TY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FURTHER DIRECTING SAID CITY SECRE- TARY, IN ,ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING IS RE- ~r1-.' - --. -'"1 "ft ~ 1 .. 12 Q,UIRED BY LAW, WBI CH SHALL BE VALID, AND SUF- FICIENT IN ITSELF, TO INCLUDE IN SAID NOTICE A , LIST OF THE PORPOR~D OWNERS OF SAID ABU'ITING PRO- \ PERTY AS' SET OUT IIi SAID ENGINEER Faa THE CITY'S WRITrEN REPORT, BUT PROVIDING THAT' SAID LI ST OF OWNERS SO INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE ' CONCLUSIVEOF THE OWNERSHIP OF SAID !:'ROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID NOTIOE TO:SUCH qWNERS NAMED, BUT SHllLL BE MERELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN GIVING NOTIaE TO SAID PROPERTY ONNERS OF THE TIMEi Al\lD, PLACE OF SITCH HEARING Al'ID' SAID NOTIC E SHALt NEVERTHELESS BE DIRECTED TO THE REAL AND TRUE ' OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY WHETHER NAMED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING .AN EMERGENCY. j Voting Aye: Commissioner Hersohel and Mayor Pro Tem Jones. No s ; None.' Commissioner Hersohel made a motion which was seconded by Mayor Pro'Tem Jones approving and adopting Ordinapoes No. --1 ,., g , l rr'i ' .' ,/ go , re quiring the engi neer to prepare the rolls and specifications for ~he paving of Lake, Amherst and ffordham Streets. Captions areas follows: ORDTNANCW. NO_ /7; . AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE' NECESSITY FOR AND ,ORDERING THAT LAKE STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RIOE BOOLEVARD AND FROM THE NORTH LINE OF PLUMB S$REET TO' THE NORTH LINE OF' PREST.oN PLACE, AN ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID ,PORTION OF LAKE STREET; REQ.UIRING'THE ENGINEER FOR TEE CITY TO PREPARE AND FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED IM- PROVEMENT TO GG,W-ITH A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAME S OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTrI NG ON SAID STREET WITHIN THE LIMITS NAMED; DIRECTING THE ErilGINEER FOR TEE CITY TO PREPARE AND ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVErIilENTS, AND DECL ARING AN EMERGENCY. . ORDI NANCE NO. / 7'1 . AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING TEE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT AIv.IHERST STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OJ!' WAKEFOREST STREET TO THE E,AST LI NEOF VIR- GINIA COURT, AN ADDITION, IN ,IDEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION OF MIJHERST STREET; REQ,UIR- , ING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREJ;>AREA1.TD FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONSFBR THE' PROPOSED t ", )!:j # . y~,}- ,- [\, 1 J Il'J" -tr3' -Ij' I:lYill?ROJJEMENT TO GO WITH A ?lRITrEN STATEblENT OF THE N,AMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTrING ON SAID STREET WITHIN TEE LIMITS NAMED; D;rRECTING TEE ENGINEER FOR TEE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPR OVEMENTS, AND DECLARING AN EM- ERGENCY. ORDINl\.NCE NO. / p,CJ . AN ORDINANGE DE TERM I l\1ING, THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING 'lHAT FORDHAM STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF AMHERST STREET TO TEE NORTH LINE OF PRESTO N PLACE , AN ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNrfERSITY PLACE TEXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID POItTION OF FORDHAM .sTREET; REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THEe! TY' TO PREPARE A:t-J"D FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT TO GO WITH A STATEMENT OF THE ,NAMES OF THE o~nERS OF THE PROF1i:RTY ABUTTING ON 'SAID STREET WITHIN THE LIMITS NAMED; ,DIRECTING THE ENGINJi,"ER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF' &JCR. IMPROVEMENTS,AND DECLARING AN EMERGEI'JCY. Votlng' Aye :"Cbmmis?i'oner ,Herschel and ,Mayor' Pro:' Tem'Jones. ' Nos: None'. . ' Membe~s of the Safety Committee were present. Mr. J. N. Dunn- ington, Chairman, made a report 01' the progress made in the lines 01' sa1'ety through this, committee. They advised that Mr. Pierce Brooks, who is well versed on Safety work in the State of Texa~has agreed 't~ attend a meeting at West Univer- sity Place and spea~'on_PUblic Sa1'ety, at a date which will be announced later. He re90mmended that the Mayor Pro Tem issue a, proclamation declarin~ a tfGeneral Safety Week1t for May 3rd, through May 11th, 1940. vommissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by'~myor Pro TemJones declar~ng the week of the 3rd through the 11th, as Safety Week and ordering that the proclamation be issued.' Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tem Jones. Nos: None. The Safety Co:mmittee recommended that artslow signli be placed governing traffic on Edloe Street, between University Blvd. and Amherst Street. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which, was seconded by Mawor Pro Tem Jones giving authority to contact the, Safety Signal Corporation with refe~ence to installing a '"slow signtJ marked uIO Miles Per Houru, 'through said school zone. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and-Mayor Pro Tem Jones. Nos: 'None. ~ ~: . .....- fI "', ~-1T' 14 L--- There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ,.,.. ~~ . ~ecretary ~j ..,-----,- .. - - -=r ~~/ Mayor " ' , 1 j , ~~ "'~>.'''I-- , .;; ~~, ".-.fi' . " 'A''''-~':': . ." \ ~-'<' . . ',.,. . ", REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NAY 6TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of ,the City Council was held Monday, May 6th, ,1940 at 7:30 P. M. At the city hall, 'with Mayor Mainous pre- siding. Commissioners Jones and Herschel and S,ecretary Jarrard in attendance. ''rhe HOll1e Rule Charter Commissi,oni, entered into a tentative agree- ment with fl"ttorney R.' L. Bonfield and Judge H~rison, to dr-aft in legal form the Ho~e Rule Charter, which attorneys agreed to complete this charter for the total sum of $200.00 ~ach. Com~ mission~r Jone s made a ,motion' which was seconded by eommissioner Herschel approving the employing of these attorneys as recoromend- 'ed by this commission, and; authorizing a payment of $100.00 at this time, and if any controversey arises the City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte, is to be consulted., Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Hersch~l giving authority to pay ~21.60 to d. W. Mills" District Clerk, Cou.rt costs in connection with suit that was filed in 1932 for P. A. Lec~rone, ET AL VB. The City of West University Place, Texas, which cost was assessed against the City. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Hersohel. Nos: ,None. The Garden Club extended a special invit~tion to the city officials to a Flower Festival, which is to be held at various homes begin- ning ,May' 7th, 1940. Commissione,r Jones ask that these minutes, re-, flect that the Council' except the invitation, and to extend to these clubs their appre~:dation 1'or the, splendid work .,phey are do- ing to beautifying the City. ' Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seoond~d by Com- missioner dones approving and pasSing Ordinances No. /f/ , fRV " ;>11f3 , determining the necessity for the paving of Fordham, .Amher,st,' and LaKe Streets. Captions are as follows: ORDINANCE NO. I i /' ' AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITrEN STATEMENT AWD REPORT OF THE ESTIMATES OF TEE TOTAL COST OF THE WHOLE IMPROVEMENrS, COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED ro BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTrING PROPERTY ' Arfu THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOT OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, EXCLUSIVE OFCDRBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOT.AL COST PER FRONT FOOT L... _1 ~ I:J . ,1 rmT" . 16 PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID ABUTrING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNE,RS THEREOF, TOTAL COST TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWN- ERS THEREOF, TOTAL COST 'TO BE PAID BY THE CI'I'Y OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR 'IRE IMmOVEMENT OF FORDHAM S'iVRlmT"FROM THE: NORTH-LTIIEQli' AMHERST STREET TO THE NORTH' LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, AN ,ADDI- TIoN, IN THE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND STATEMENT OF PERSONS, "FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES ''''OWNING_PROPERTY, ABUTTING ON. SAID STREET WITHIN TEE SAID LIMITS ,NUMBER OF FRONT FEE~ OWNED BY EACH AND ,DESCRIPTION OF 'IHEm PROPERTY; DETER- MI}JJ:l\fG AND FIXING' THE PORTION OF SAID COBTS TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY TRUE OWNERS THEREOF Al'ID THE: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS; AND DETERMINING THE NECESS ITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTrING PROpERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS IffiEREOF FOR SAID PORTI ON OF SAID COSTS; ORDERING AND SETrING A~RTNGAT7,'t/t:J O'CLOCK;, P. M. ON ~~ :J... f ., 1})40, IN THE CITY COUN- CITY CIDUlffiER I THE CITY HALL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~XAs, AS THE: TIME AND, PlACE FOR A HEARING OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PRO- PERTY AND .ALL GrEERS INTERE STED . IN SAID PROPERTY OR IN SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCEIDUNG SAID ASS ESSMENr S AND PROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING $ CITY SECRETARY OF THE: CITY OF "vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS,' TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQUIRED BY THIf LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE ORDINANCE OF THE or TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ AND FURIffiER DIRECTIN~ SAID CITY SECRETARY, IN ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, WHICH SHALL BE VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN ITSELF ,TO INCLUDE IN SAID NOTICE A LIST' OF THE PURPORTED O'vmERS' OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AS, SE'r OUT IN SAID ENGI NEER FQR THE CITY'S WRITrEN REPORT, BUT ,PROVIDING THAT SAID LIST OF OWNERS SO INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE, $: ALL NOT BE CON- CLUSIVE OF T;HE mv.NERSHIP OF SA;rD PROfERT[ NORLIMI'T' ;-..:, .,. SAID NOTICE TO SITCH' OWNERS NAMED, BUT SHALL BE MERELY FOR THE .PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN GIVING NOTICE TO SAID PRQPERTY OWNERS OF THE TIME AND ,PLACE OF SUCH HEAR! NG, AND SAID NOTICE SHALLLNEVERTHELESS BE, DIRECTED , TO THE REAL AND TnUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PRO- PERTY 1flHETHER N:A.1'IED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' , ORDINANCE NO. / 1 v AN ORDINANCE APPR OVING AND ADOPl'ING THE ENGI NEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE ESTIMATES OF THE ESTIMATES OF THE TOTAL COST OF THE 'WHOLE Th'lPROVEMENTS, COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROfERTY AND THE TRUE ONmRS THEREO-F FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND TEE COST PER FRONT FOOT' OF SAID IMIR OVE- MH:NTS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL i COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID fI 1.1 ITT. 1'1' , :." ..". .<"~\-,~~ . I J ' ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OiNNERS THEREOF, TOTAL COST TO BE JAID BY SAID ABUTrING PROPERTY AND THE-' TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, 'roT AL COB T TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF WES~ UNIVEBSITY PALCE , TEXAS, FOR TEE IM- PROVEME:NT OF AMHERST STREET FROM TEE EAST LINE OF WAKEFOREST STRE~T TO THE' J!;EST LINE OF VIRGINIA COURT, AN ADDITI.ON, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSJ.1I1Y PLACE, TEXAS, AND STATEhr'lENT OF PERSONS; FIRMS, COR- PORATIONS AND ESTATES OWNING PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID ST~EET WITHIN SAID LIMITS, :NUMBER OF FRONT' FEET OWNED BY EAJm AND DESCRIPTION OF TEEIR PROPERTY; DE'lrEHMINING AND ,FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID .BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND, THE TRUE OWN- -ERS :~HEREBF ADm TEE CITY OF WEST. U:NLVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ,AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABtJTrING PROPERTY AND TEE . , ' REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR SAlD ,:PORTION OF SU;D COSTS; ORDERING AND SETTI'NG A HEAtq~ AT 7.' &0 O'CLOCKP. M. ON ~ e28~ " JL~40, IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER IN T CITY HALL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,. AS THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARIN.<* OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND ALL OTHERS INTERESTED' IN SAID PROPERTY OR IN SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING SAID ASSESSMENTS AND PIWQEED- INGS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY OF ,THE CITY OF , WEST UNIVERS;cTY PLA9E ,TEXAS, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEAR! NG AS ,REQ.UIRED BY, THE LAWS OF TEE STATE OF TEXAS " AND TEEORIDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, " TEXAS ~ AND FURTHER DIRECTING SAID cr TY SECRETARY, IN ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQ.UlRED BY LAW, WHICH SHALL BE VALID {!.ND. SUFFICIENT IN ITSELF, TO IN- CLUDE IN SAID NaTICEA LIST OF TEE PURPORTED OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING. PROPERTY AS SET OUT IN SAll> ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN REPORT, BUT PROVIDING THAT SAID LIST OF OWNERS SO..INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHALL Nor BE' CON- CLUSIVE OF TEE OWNERSHIP OF SAID !ROPERrrY NOR LIMIT SAID NOTICE TO SUCH ,OWNERS N~MED, BUT SHALL BE 'MERELY FOR THE, PURPOSE OF ASSIS,TING AND GIVING NOTICE TO SAID OVV1\TERS OF THE' T DlIEiAND PLACE OF SIT CH HEARING AND SA! D NorICE SHALL NEVERTHELESS BE DIRECTED, TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY WHETHER NAMED THEREIN' OR NO-r; ~ND DEClARING AN EMERGENCY. ORJ)INANCE NO. / ~ .q AN ORDINANCE APPRO,VING AND ADOPTING THE ENGINEER FOR TEE . CITY'S WRITTEN STAm.dENT AND REPORT OF THE ESTIMATES OF TEE TorAL COST OF THE imom IMPROVEMEl\TT, CPST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABU'rTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GU'ITERS, AND THE COST PER :rRONT FOOT OF SAID IM'PROVEMENrS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL COST PER FROljT FOOT 1 I , '-;;.. i rI '1 ....j' J8 L-. ^ (' PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAITD ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF, TOTAL COOT TO BE PAID BY THE CITY ~: OF wEST UNIVERSITY PIA OE , TEXAS, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT' OF T.A 'f<"w.RTww.W.1f1 FROM TEE NOR'llL LINE DF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO TEE SOUTH LINE OF RICE BOULEVARD AND FROM THE NORTH LINE OF PLUMB STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF PRESIJ."O N PIA CE " AN ADD ITI 0 N, IN THE 01 TY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PLAOE,TEXAS, AND STATEMENT OF PERSONS, Fllnf~_, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES ONNING PIWPERTY ABUT'I'ING ON SAID STREET WITHIN SAID LIMITS, NUMBER OF FRONT FEET OVV.N.ED BY EACH AND DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PROPERTY; - DETERMINING AND FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID BY SAID ABFITING ' PROPERTY AND TEE TRUE OlJllNERS THEREOF AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,TEXAS,: A1.1D DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS FOR' SAID PORTI ON OF; SAID COSTS; ORDERING '(jj 3f:?ING A EEARING AT 7,~o O'CLOCK P. M.ON _ _ , 1940, IN TEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER IN T ,CITY HAlL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS T TIME AND PIACE FOR A HEARING OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING SAID ASSESSMENrS AND PROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING THE CITY, SECRETA;:ay OF THE CITY OF..,WESTUNIVERSITY PUGE,TEns, TO GIVE NOTIOE OF SAID HEARING AS REQ,UIRED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS ANE THE ORDINANCE QFTBE CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS "AND FDR':lEER DlRECT~G ,SAID CITY SECRETARY, IN AUDITION TO' NeTICEOF SAID HEARING AS REQ,UIRED BY LAW, wEICH SHALL BE -VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN ITSELF, TO INCLUDE, IN .8AID NO,TICE A'LIST OF ,THE PURP~TED OWNE:RSOF SAID'ABUTJ'lNG PRO- PERTY AS SET OUT IN SAID ENGINEER FOR THE CITY~S WRITrEN REPGRT, BUT PROVIDING, THAT SAID' LIST OF 'OWNERS SO INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE CONCLUSIVE OF TEE, OWNERSHIP OF SAID PROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID 'NOTICE TO SUCH OWNERS NAMED,' BUT SHALL BE :MERELY FOR TEE PURPOSE OF ASSr-STING IN GIVING NOTICE TO SAID PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE TIlVlE AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING AND SAID ,NOTICE SHALL NEVER- TEE LESS BE DIRECTED TO THE REAL AND TRUE OVVNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY WHETHER NAMED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. and adopting a legal notice which is to ge'published in the Southwestern News beginning Nay 10th, 1940,calli.p.g a Publie Hearing to be held May 28th, '1940, which is in compliance with the State Statutes.' , VOTING Aye: Commissioners Herschel and dones. Nos: None. " ~J 1'0.(;j\ .1~ . '-". - Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was approved by Commissioner Jones giving authority for entering into a' contract to demolish ~nd move the resovoir on the Water Works Site at Albans and Kirby Drive for the total sum of Three Hundred, and Twenty-Five Dollars ($325.00), which the City'is to pay: ,501. of this contract and, the balance is to be paid by W~. J. E..Evans. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. . Nos: No~_. . Commissioner Herschel made a motionwhieh was seconded by Commissioner Jones to install a street light at Community Drive and University Boulevard and instructed the City Secretary to notify the Light Company of this action and place an order for same. Voting Aye: Commissiop.ers Jones and JIerschel. Nos: None. '. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving authority to purchase three(3) water boxes, 12ux30', and necessary parts for the mowing machine, at the approximate cost of $2~.OO. Voting Aye,: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: NB.ne. Commissioner Jonesmaqe a motion which was duly seconded by Commissio~er Herschel continuing this meeting until Tuesday, May 7th, 1940 at 8:00 O'clock P. M. ' , CONTINUED ~lEET:ENG TUESDAY, WlAY 7TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS A continued meeting was 1940, at, the City Hall, the proposed sewer Lift College Court Addition. read: held at 8:00 P. M. Tuesday, May 7th, for the purpose of reoeiving bids on Plant to be constructed to service The following bids were received and John G. Holland, Contractor, Base Bid: $ 2,8,50.00 Alternate Bid: Two Feet :~xtra Depth Four Feet Extra Depth 200.00 ,500.00 L...... rr-:'= - Y ""'"-=--'-.- 1 , 1 "lO' ~ " P. F. Eller, Contractor, Base Bid: Al term te Bid: Two Feet Extra Depth Four Feet E+tra Depth $ 3,87.5.00 7,50.00 1,6,50.00 . After discussien Commissioner Joms made the following -motion: ~hat the bids be tabulated and referred same to Mr. Harris to check and ;make a recommendation. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. There being no further business to c~me befQre the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ' . y Secretary ~j r II .. 1 ~~ Mayor ' t ,,[ WI !<~:I"~ ' 7 ~~ _..-,;- .~..~'. . -....' ','\. , " SPECIAL ].fIEETING MONDAY, MAY 27TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A Special Meeting of the City Council was held Monday, May 27th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous :presiding, Commiss:i,.oners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' The mi~utes 01' the special tneetilhgs of April 23rd and May 1st, 1946 , and regular meeti;ng of May 6th, 1940 were read and approved. Fenner and Beane, Bond Dealers, advised that they were in possession of five (,5) City of West University Place Re- funding Bonds dated 4-10-36, and IQaturing 4-10-69 which they would sell 1'or One Hund~ed and Six Dollars (tl06.o0) net. Due to the City having a surplus reserve in the Sink- ing Fund, Which surplus was accumulated as required by the, state statutes c>to meet 1'uture maturities, and inasmuch as these funds do not draw interest, it was decided that it will be good business to purchase these bonds; therefor, Commissioner dones made a motion which was deconded by Commissioner Herschel giving the Secretary authority to purchase these bonds and place same in the Sinking Fund which may be ~sed in the future, i~ necessary, to pay principal on maturing bonds. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: , None. Commissioner Jones made a motion giving authority to purchase one car of shell emulsion, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners dones and Herschel. Nos: None. A motion was ~de0by Commissioner Herschel and dUly seconded by Commissioner Jone s approving and passing Ordinance No I!f! closing the hearing on the paving 01' Annapolis and Charlotte Streets. Captions is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. I J' ~ AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON .AJ.\1NAPOLIS STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, AN ADDITION IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: AND, CHARLOTTE STREET FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TO THE NORTH LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, i rI l..l UT' 2,,'~ .~ L, AN ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS TO SPECIAL' BENEFITS TO ACCRUE ',:, TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OR THE IMPROVEl\ffiNT OF SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LllJIITS DEFINED, AND AS TO ANY ERRORS, INVALIDITIES, OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCE'lDINGS OR CONTRACT'TBEREFOR, OVERRULING AND DENYING ALL PROTE'ST AND OBJEC- TIONS .oFFERED; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT Ji;,A.CH AND EVERY PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS WITHIN'THE LIMITS DEFI:NED WILL BE SPECIALLY BENEFI'ITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVE.MlHNTSPROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED ' AGAINST SAID PROPERTIES AND LEVYING AN ASSESS- MENT FOR TEE PADlrENT OF A PQRTION OF THE COST OF IMPROVIJ\TG SAID STREETS WITHIN SAID LIMITS, FIll NG A CHUm.E AND LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS AND THE TRUE OW~R OR OWNER:;> THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES UPON THE COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID WORK, THE MANNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT AND PROVIDlNG FOR THE MANNER AND lffiTHOD OF COLLECTION BF SAID ASSESSMENTS AND CERTIFICATES, AND DECLARING .AN EMERGENCY . -I I J Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None. Copy of the water and general fund receipts and disbursements 1'or the month of April, 1940, were given to the Mayor and each commissioner. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjo~ned. ~ ~ ' ~r PUBLIC HEARING MONDAY, W~Y~~~, '1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A public hearing was held at the City Hall, monday, May 27th, 1940, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and ~j ft3~ Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance, continuing the public hearing of May 20th, 1940 on the paving of Charlotte and Annapolis streets. Ordinance No. closing this hearing was approved and passed. ~/ ". I I <"~ [J - - --1 1-' 2;4+ r---~ SPECIAL ]lIEETING TUESpAY, NiliY 28TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLI\.CE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Council was held Tuesday, May 28th, 1940, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Jones and Herschel, and Secretary darrard in attendance. At the request of the Mayor, Mr. J. C. Calhoun, dr., Engineer, prepared a ''list of the purchases and the estimated cost to complete the water works system new in process. Lists of these purchases amounted to approximately $3,000.00. After dis- cussion it, was decided that the project be continued to com- pletion and there1'or, Commissioner dones made a motion that these purchases be made and that the project as outlined be continued, (See Supplement under Water Works File), which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Due to the depletion of the Water Improvement Fund, the Secretary advised that it would be necessary to trans1'er from the Water General Fu~d to, that of the Water Improvement Fund $,5,000.00 at this time~ and suggested that the Cmty Attorney, A. J.Lamonte~ give us a legal written opinion as to this being in compliance with the state laws. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving instructions to the Secretary to transfer this amount ~pon the advise of the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motipn which was seconded by COmmissioner dones appointing the following to serve as a ioard of Equilization 1'or the year of 1940: li Proffessor L. B. yon, Jr. Mr. W. S. Bigler Mr. D. B. Autrey and approved and passed an ordinance setting up the Board of Equalization for the year of 1940, fixing the compensation of those serving and the time for the Public Hearings. Cap- ti~ncis as follows: ORDINAI\1CE NO. / l' J AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TIME JfOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF KQUALIZATION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIV- ERSITY FLACE FOR TEE YEAR 1940 AND PROVIDING THAT THE S,A1VIE TAKE EFFECT IM- lY1EDIATELY UPON PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. ' " i;l [I""'" - 1 L.C 'lIlTe' ) r----- - . - .. - , , '1\ ~'i~~"' ' . .' '-" .~.- ", '. ''i"'':'O;' ", . .... Voting Aye~ Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones contributing $100.00 to the Volunteer. Fireman for expenses for the convent ion, which will be held in Houst~n, week ending ~~ dune 13th, 1940. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: N6ne . There, being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made arid duly s,econded, the meeting , was declared adjourned. ~~ yor, ' I r1~~~~~- ~ "f1T" , 0;6:" .EJ. .~~ <, , >> ? SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 3RD, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY , PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Council was held Monday, June 3rd, 1940 at the Oity naIl, with Mayor Mainous preSiding, Commissioner Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Jl4inutes of ~he meetings of Monday, May 27th, and Tuesday, May 28th, 1940 were read and approved. ' ' Commissioner Herschel made a motion instructing the City Attorney A. J. Lamonte to institute condemnation suit against R. J. Weis tor certain properties running parallel with Wakeforest Street bordering the west part of the eight (8) a'cre','traet which pro- perty is necessary for the opening and improving of Wakeforest Street between these points. A1'ter discussion and:'fun as much as this motion failed to carry a second the Mayor requested that same be postponed until a' later date. ' Commi-ssi'o-nerdones made a motion whioh was seconded by: Commis- sioner Herschel approving and' pa'ssing Ordinance No. Jlh olos- ing the hearing on .Amherst, Lake and Fordham Streets, which oaption is as follows: ORDINANC.$',.,NO. /36 A1:J ORDINANCE CLOSING Il':HE HEARJ:NG GIVEN TO TEE REAL AiID IrRUE OWN~RS OF TEE PROPERTY ABt:JT'l'ING ON LAKE STREET FROM I'HE NOR'I'H LINE O1!', UrHV,];RSI~ B01JLEVARD TO THE SOUTH LINE 0]' RrCE BOULEVARD AND FROM TEE NORTH LINE 'OF PLUMB STREET TO 'liRE NOR'l'R LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, AN ADDITION IN' 'l'RE CITY OF WEBiI' UNIV.h:RSITY PLACE,' TEXAS, AND AMHERSlJ:1 STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF WAKEFORE S 'I' STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF VIRGlIqIA COURT, AN ADDITION IN TEE CITY OF WES~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FORDHAM STREET FROM THE NORTH LI:NEOF AAffiERST STREET TO ,THE NORTH LINE OF PRESTON PLACE, AN ADDITION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS TO SPECIAL $NEFITS TO, ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND, THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, AND AS TO ANY ERRORS, IN- VALIDITIE$, OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OR CONTRACT T}i..EREFOR, OVERRULING AND DEl'ilYING ALL PRO- TESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND EVERY PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREET WITHIN THE LDf.iITS DEFINED WILL BE SPECIAL- . LY BENEFITTED AND ,ENHANCED IN V.!LUE IN EXCESS OF THE .', AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEMEETS PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTIES AIDJJ~LEVYING AN ASSESS- ~) r------~' -~~ I ' I fl'~~--"-'~~-- ---------r -n' 27' . ~ :! ~ : . ~~.: ., . . '. MENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST , OF IMPROVING SAID STREET WITHIN TEE LThUTS, FIllNG A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST TEE PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID LIMITS, Jq:XING A CHARGE AND LIEN , AGAINST THE PROPERTY ABUTTI NG UPON SAID STREETS AND THE TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF" PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES UPON THE COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID WORK, THE ' MANNER AND TI:ME OF PA"ThIJENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE ' MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SIA ASSESSMENTS AND CERTIFICATES, AND DEC~RING AN EMERGENCY. " Voting Aye: Commissioner ~ones and Herschel. Nos:' None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seoonded, the meeting was deolared adjourned. ~ Mayor ' PUBLIC IlliARI NG MONDAY, JUNE 3RD, 1940 ~ITY HALL, CrEY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A pi;1blichearing was held at the City Hall, Monday, dune 3rd, 1940 with M&yor :Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel, and-Secretary Jarrard~in attendanoe. Continued hearing from ;/28/40 'on.Amherst, 'Lake and Fordham Streets, with twenty-two (22) people be;_ng pre-s'ent, living on these streets. Mr. W. A. Reed, Real Estate dealer was requested togiv~ expert testimony in regard to the amount the paving of these streets , would enhanoe the value, for residence and loan value. Mr. A~ d~Lamonte questiori.edMr. Reed if this in his opinion, to what amount the paving of these streets would inorease the value of the property, and Mr. Heed stated this would increase the value of each lot to the e~tent of not less than $100.00 to $1;0.00. This amount would be inoreased under the above values for the F .R.A. ~ Mr. Guy Mitchell at 6101 Lake street expressed himself as being in 1'avor of the paving and wanted to know when the paving would start and how much it would cost. r rI -TrT' 28 Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones passing an ordinance closing the hearing on Amherst, Lake and Fordham streets. ~~~ ayor ' " ' ,,~. ATTEST: < ~~ C. Secretary " v r--- I r rr- <11r 'I '~""~""'" ~ -$ ~~ . >'~:'It ,;': SPECIAL :MEETING WEDNESDAY, dUNE .51'H, 1940 CITY .- OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX. A specia~ meeting of the city council was held Wednesday, June .5th, ~940 at 6:30 P. M., at, the Cit~ Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners dones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ! John C; Calh,oun, Jr., J:!:ngineer, submitted a statement and 'plans showi.ng expenditures of $ to complete the laying of 14,000 feet of six inch mains, (whioh includes pipe blocks and valves for revising VI.P.A. proJe,ct ,13783), on the following stre'ets : Annapolis, Belmont, West che'st er ,andAuden. Cominissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel aubhorizing the ~ngineer, J. C. valhoun, Jr., to proceed with this project. Voting Ate: Commissioner dones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the Secretary to make an audit of the funds of the W.P.A. Wate~ Improvement Project and furnish a detailed statement showing the present condition and estimate as near as possible the amount that it will require to complete the original W.P.A. Project. #1978:3'. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner 1f,ones~.;-~ . Voting Aye.: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Bi&s for the building of a sewerage lift plant in volonial Ter~ race wererecei ved from the following contractors: PHIL ELLER GEO. CHAMBERS dORN G. HOLLAND After the tabulating of the bids and in as much as Mr. John G. Holland was the lowest'and best bidder, Commissioner Jones made ~ motion which was seconded'by Commissioner Herschel awarding the contract to this contractor. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos : None . There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. JP>>;,~~ Mayor '1 fI - _U~'l TT .. 3..'6)" ~. .- ~ ';. . SPECIAL MEi!:TING MONDAY, jUNE 24TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY fL.!\. C E , TEL.A.S A special meeting of the city council was held Monday, June 24th, 1940 at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M.., ~.th Mayor Mainous presid-ing, Commissioner,\He:rschel and Secretary cJarrard in attendance. . Commissionerdones was absent dJ,le to being out ,of, the City. Minutes of the Meeting of June ,5th, 1940 ~e~e r~ad and approved. .". Mr. E. O. Rulon, Polioeman, presented a letter calling the councils attenti,on to the fact that he was fined the amou'nt of $1.00 in Corporati on Court being 'ch~r'ged' for, Comtempt ot: Court, stating t'hat he 'ttvas not fined at the time the charge wal;l made by the Judge, but Spe~ial Court was, held ~he following night and was advised that the procedu~e was not in compliance with the State Statutes. ~he mayor recommended,and was approved by the Council that same be refer.red to the Gity Attorney, A. d. Lamonte, for an opinion and reco:mmendati on. . Comndssioner Herschel made a motion authorizing a check in the amount of $,549.00 to be made to' the Southwestern ~ews for the advertising of bids for 8ewer Lift Plant in volonial Terrace, and giving notice of paving of ]'ordham., Lake ,Amherst, Charlotte, and Annapolis Streets. ~h~ above motion was-duly approved by Mayor MainoU$. Voting Aye: Gomm,issioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Nos: None. Oommissionernerschel made a motion whioh was approved .by Mayor Mainous authorizing ,the purchase of the1'o+lowing: Repairs 't,o Grader 4 drums Gasoline 1 drum Kerosene 24 yas. shell for the street and fire department. Voting Aye: Commissioner B.erschel and lviayor N.i.ainous. Nos: None. .. 8 y~s. shell emulsion 2 grader blades, bridge department, and two (2) caps for the A report was received from ~r. Frank Sharp, who is inoharge of the United States Census Bureau for the year 19.46 in the City of Houston, which report shows that the total populatio~ of the City of West University Place for the year of 1940 at 9128, com- pared with the year of 1930. at 1922. ~he Mayor advised that the City Officials had received an invi- tation from the City of Weatherford, Texas, to visit their light plant, which has been recently completed. This invitation was sent by vommissioner Sadler. It is the desire of the Mayor that this invitation be 'achnowledged. .. ~ ~ T1'" r~- r . . 4J1'~1' < i:\' ," ~-f ", . A copy of the cash receipts for the month 01' May, 1940 for the General,Water, and Sewer iunds were presented to the Mayor and Commissioner. Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the Secretary to transfer ~.5,OOO.OO from the Water-LTeneral,]'und to the Water . Improvement Fund to take up part of the deficit in the finances ~f the W.P.A. Water Improyement Project. The above motion was approved by. Mayor Mainous. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel" and Mayor Mainous. Nos: None. There being 'no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the, meeting was declared adjourned. ~~~y A~Eg~~ City Se' etary,. . '- f" " ~-"''''-~-=== j [I n-'=-l-' --~-_.. ----"'-"-T ,.1 Ii"']" 9 ~;t}' ~l;i SPiOL4L IV1&TING MON'DAY, 'JULY IST, 1940 CITY RitIJ.., Orr-I OF WEST UNIVERSIl'Y PLAG]!;, TEXAS A special meeting of the city counoil was held Monday, July 1st, ~940 at 7:30 at the City Ball with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners dones and Herschel and Secretary darrard in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of dune 24th, 1940 were read and approved. .". A petition was presented by Mr. Kenneth W. Shumate which petition was 'signed by ten(lO) residents in Pemberton Addition who com- plained regarding the parking of oil 1'ield trucks in front of the property of 2620 Fenwood Road owned by Mr. Curtis D. Kell:y'. After discussion it was the Mayors request that this petition and letter be referred to the City City Attorney ,A. :r . Lamonte, aJad instructing him to write a letter to Mr~ Kelly advising that this was in violation of the restricti~ns and that if he is operating the trucks as charg- ed, the City will have to insist that this be discontinued. Commissioner Jo,nes made a motion which was seconded by Comnissioner Herschel giving authority to purchase one 2-ton Diamond T Truck for the ~argage d~partment 1'0':: the 1'~llo~ing :p,r,ices::, .J 9 If! ~~, ,truck and chasJ.s less tJ.rE;3s. Goodrlch SDo.,;19 TJ.res $231.4.5. ' Makl:nga total of .$ t I 'f~ tj,j whiCh is to be financed through the City National Bank, and the ~yor and Gity Secretary be authorized to execute note. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner dones made a motion approving and passing a ?esolution determining the necessity and opening 01' Wakeforest Street(which resolution may be found in the filed under the heading of resolutions), and instructed the city attorney to proceed with the 00 ndemantion suit to obtain the necessary' property for the right of way, wh~ch 'property is ovmed by Mr. Paul E.'Weis. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners dones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motibnwhich was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones approving a bill in ~he amount of $2.5.00 ~rom Arthur A. Nicoll 1'or investigation made He: Bernard C. Terry,(Dectd) VS. The City of West University Place. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and dones. Nos: None. There being no further business to came~ Before the council and upon motion being made and du1.y seconded the meeting was de- ,., ~) rI '~ 1 I r Ti' r-- -~ I clared adg:ourned. ~v~/. ,ayor ' ' " '1 n --en' '1 I r 'g--'4' .- '" ~ .'~~ ~, : -Vc '..~ .' REGULAR :MEETING MONDAY, JULY 8th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the city council was held Monday, July 8th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor MaifiouB presiding, Commissioner, Jones and Herschel and The~a Buescher taking the minutes in the absence of Seoretary Jarrard, who was on vacation. The'minutes of the previous meetings were postponed in the absence of M:r. Jarrard"; , :Mr. Dunnington representing the Safety Coutllcil advised that they had observed that many people were running stop signs and that after discussion that they would write a letter recommending a minimum fine of $.5.00 and that at a later date make further recommendations with reference to the above. Mr. Jones presented'the oouncil with a bill from Mr. J. G. Holland in the amount 'of $2,40,5.00 for the construction of the Sewer Li1't Plant. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that we pay the bill, which motion was duly:::seconded by Co:mmissioner J.ones~,:~,:~_. Votin.g Aye:' Commissioners Herschel & Jone s ' Nos: None. The- Mayor recommended that the City charge off the $14.00 Sewer bill against Mr. Maher as she was under the impression that she ' did not have to pay the bill, and that it had been paid. Commis- sioner J:anes:,ma.de a motion that the bill be charged off the books, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: COlnmissi oner dones and Herschel. Nos i None. , , , Upon recommendation of the Mayor, Commissioner Jones made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commissioner ~erschel giving authority, to place an order with the Merchants Prifiting Company for 6,000 tax receipt s for 1940. Voting Aye:CommUssioners'dones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that Commissioner dones instruct Mr. Harris to build a fence around the pump house transformers, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the :t!ouncil and upon motion being mde and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. _ ~~ Mayor - ',9.~' i?~~ ,', .>- , REGULAR MEE TING MO:N.DAY, JULY 22ND, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA CE, TEXAS ,A regular meeting of the city council WaS held on Monday, July 22nd, 1940 at the city hall, at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The -minutes of the meeting of duly 1st, 1940 were read and approved. .". Mr. 'Robt. E. Lanier, residing at 1826 Wroxton presented the police department with a no. .300 high powered rifle, and addressed a lette,r to the Mayor' asking: tha1i,-this be ~:x:ce.pted with the following provisions: 'I'ba t Mr .Al Halla have the priviledge of borrowing the gun at any time he desires, and that should the City of WestUniversit-y Place go into the City of 1!ouston, that same to given to Mr. Hall'a. It is the request of the Mayor that this refle be excepted and it is the opinion of the council that same be kept in the 1'ire station and used by the police department only and incase of extreme emergency. 8ommissioner Herschel made a motion which ,was seconded by , ommJ.ssJ.oner Jones allowing the expenses inthe'aIi1ount oT $1.5.00 for Mr. A. E. Nichols, 1''ireman, to attend the annual fireman's school at A. & M. College, which is to convene duly 29th, }Oth, and 31st, 1940. . Copissioner Jones -made a motion approving the purchase of, one (1 ) car of shel1emulsi'on and 1'or making necessary repairS to the Formal mowing maohine. The above -motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Upon the recOlE'endation,of the Engineer, JYIr. d. C. Calhou.n, 'Commissioner ersche1 made amotion giving authority to~~ss.moner dones, the water commissioner.) to purchase" 600 feet 01' '6u pipe at .76~ per foot, or for the total sum of $456.38, which pipe is to ~ be used in making various connections to complete the W.P.A. Water 'Project. The above 'motion was duly seoonded by Oommissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. '-<:t_ -;;,' A oopy of the cash receipts and disbursements for the 'month of dune, 1940 showing the conditio}? of the General, Water ana. Sewe:t' departments, were given to the J)JJ..ayor and each commissioner~ , TherebeiI;lg no t'urDlier business to come befcDe the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared ad- journed. ;-: Jl!?!!;,~ 'ayor ' ,if:; " ,---------- - ATTEST: ' Oitv~ T - ~ ~ _~~~ I [1 ~==-~"-= '~l L.J~ 'Ulj" 'f. 36 SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY,. JULY 29TH, 1940 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PAl.QE, TEXAS ~' A special meeting of the City Council was held Monday, duly 27th, - 1940 at the city h,all. at 7-:30 P.M. with Mayor Mainous presiding m~mmissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary darrard in attend- ande. The minutes of the meetings of July 8th and July 22nd were read arid approved". Commissioner dones made a motion that the Mayor and City Secr,etary be authorized to complete and sign:the one $10,000.00 Sewer Repair Warrant as per agreement with the bonding company (Fenner & Beane), and passing an Ordinance. #. /€7 , which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. / /7 . 11 AmU'l'ING AND ALLOWING. CLAIMS FOR INDEBTEDNESS INCURRED IN IMPROVING AND EXTENDING TEE SEWER .SYS[1EM OF SAID CITY, AUTHORIZING THE DELIVERY OF 'WETY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEWER IMPROVE- :MENT WARRANTS' TO EVIDENCE SAID INDEBTEDNESS; AND DECLARING, AN EMERGENCY. 11 MotiQB Was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Oommissioner Jones made a motion that the City Attorney ,.,A.J. Lamonte, be authorized to draw up ~he necessary ordinances to the present sidewalk ordinances, s().;~that the CitYIl1aY;~G)mplete linking up 01' sidewalks under the Wi.P.A. . Project #13244" WhiQh motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ' . ..- u:\. Voting Aye: Nos: : None . Commissioners Jones and-Herschel. amend the There being no 1'urther busine ss to come before the QQunciland upon. motio'n be'ing made and duly seconded, the meeting ws.s.a:ec1.ar'ed ad- journed. ' . ~~\:. ) ~;/0,"//~ ~iayor . I . .' \l ~ '~r f1-~ , 1 --------r:::r un' .. PUBLIC HEARING MONDAY, JULY '2J1TIf~ 1940 CITY :HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS- A Public Hearing was held Monday ~ July 2'1t'h, 1940 at the City Hall at 8:15 P. M~ with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and .Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendanc'e, for the purpose of amending the zoning ordinance to permit the erection o~ an Episcopal Church on the corner of College Ave. and Bellaire Blvd. on lots 28 and 29 of Cambridge Place. . .- - Mrs. W. E. 'Forbes 01' 1301 West Bell, the owner 01' Lot 27, stated that she was not in favor of the church, as she thoughtthat the churchwoula ,decrease its value as a homesite, but however if the restrict.ions were amended on herc:'property also, that she might come to terms. , , Mr. W. E. Forbes, her husband, stated that he was in favor of the church, and that he signed the petition over the objections 01' his wife. Mr,. Menefee said that he did not have any objections to the church, and that he would be willing to consent to the church, if he knew thay the restrictions on his lot could be amended also, providing that the property would'nt be used for a cold drink stand or dance hall. He stated that if Mrs. Forbes would consent on the basis that the restrictions would be amended on her property, that he would also. There being no 1'urther session to pass on the objections, the council was ordered back in buiM1ng=~~ . . 'Mayor CONTI1i'UED MEETING MONDAY, JULY 2'TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Council was ,called at 8:4.5 P. M. Monday, duly 2'1th, 1940 to vote on the amending 01' the zoning restriotions $0 permit the erection 01' an Episcopal Church on Lots 28 and 29 of Cambridge Place. ' " -It" Commissioner' ionesmade a motion that the zoning ordinance be amended and;ldlD all things necessary so as to permit the erection of/an Episcopal Church on Lots 28 and 29 of Cambridge Place, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. . '. - r---- r1~~~~"1 "'T' g,B '!". L_ " . ~; Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Rev. Plumbly then thanked the, council for all "their kindness and helpfulness and for the patience that we had afforded . them. ' There beingno further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seco.p.ded the meeting was de- clared a~journed. ~~ Mayor ' ~ ,.~. Ci. . ecretary " .~ . I"I"CC', li ~ _~ .._ . "",. .- . . . . . -~.:~:~:~~;., ': ' REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 19TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEMS I i I A regular meeting ,of the City Council was held Monday, Aug. l~th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M~ at the City Hall with Mayor ProTem Jones presiding in the absence of Mayor Mainous, Commissioner,' Rerschel and Secretary darrard in attendance. '. A committee of property owners in the vacinity of Rice And . Fordh~ S~reets registered complaints regarding a traffic hazard on the corner of Rice and Fordham, stating that the shrubbery effected the view of traffic on Rice and that since there has been two accidents at this corner, they ask that something be done iimnediately to relieve this eondi tion. Mayor ProTem Jones stated tba the would instruct the police department to~ontact the property owner at this address and servenatice, on them that this shrubbery would have to be removed by Wednesday or it would be necessary that the City remove same without further notice. ' Mayor ProTem Jones made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel giving authority to purchase one car of shall emulsion 1'or the street and bridge department. Voting Aye: Mayor ProTem Jones and Commissioner Herschel. Nos: None. There be:m.ng no further blisiness to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. 4ia1r~ '" A~~ City. ~~ L..... fl- . '." . ...r" "1m'" 4t) @PECIAL IIli'l1:1?,TING' M01TDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting 01' the council was held on August 26th, 15140 at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Maincus presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. . . The.Minutes or the Bpecial Meeting 01' July 29th and the minuDes of ,the Regular Meeting of August 19th, 1940 were read and approved. Bids for the purchase ofa new police car were received from the following: . ALSBURY-ROUSSELL JACK ROACH Price $ 970.00 Price $ 970.00 Allowance 492.00 Allowa.nce 526'.00 Di1'ference $ 478.20 Difference $ 444.00 RAYI\!10ND PEA..f.WON Price Allow'Emce $ 97-0.00 S ::> h' ~ I) 0 - Di1'ference $ 443..50 Due to Raymond Pearson being the lowest and best bidder, Commissioner Jones made a motion that was duly seconded by Oommissioner Herschel ,giving authority to purchase the ear from the above company. Voting Aye'!, Commissioners Jones and Her:s:chel. Nos: None. Plans and a plat of Sunset, Terrace Section #.5 for the opening of Plur.a.b Street from the drainage ditch to Auden Street was approved and the Mayor and Secretary authorized to sign same, by motion made by Commissioner Jones and duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye; Commissioners Jones and Hersb,hel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel advised that he had made an exchange with the Becker Lawn Mower Service Compa.ny for a large power lawn mower for a smmller one, which he feels will be more economical and advantagsmus to the City. Commissioner Jones made a motion approving aotion of ' Commissioner Herschel, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. 1) - r~~~ [I" ,,-~, ,"1 ---;-:r nl::i" "I'~i1;;~i~::}~ -" " <. ". ._~ }..0," , .'~ '.~. ',~~.t~? ': Comraissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel authorizing Mr. R~ B. Allen to purchase a drafting table and equipment with price not to exceed $62.50. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. qomm~ssioner Jones made a motion whmch was duly seoonded by Commission~r Herschel authorizing that a check ,in the amount of i50.00 be made to N~. R. B. Allen to compensate him tor extra duties assumed in the water department caRsed by 'Mr. Ira Harris being absent due to illmess. ~oting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos; None. Meating Continued to August 30th, 1940. Co~tinued from Special Meeting of August 30th, a meeting of the city co~cil wa~ held Friday, August 30th, 1940 at 4:30 P. M. at the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissi9ner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschelglving authority to enter into a contract with the Garre'tt +Engineer:t'ng Company to make a complete survey of the Sanit:ary Sewer System for tb.e total sum ,of $l,~OOO.OO, who. is after t~e sUTvey has been ,completed ~o 1'urni~h a detailed report. In the event that they -are given acdntract to m.akp the repatrs as, con- tain~d' in tb'eZr .se.J,.~ry, the $1,000.00 is to be deducted from the ' amount and is m~de a part of the fees charged for the plans and supervision and engineering of the project. The City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte; is h~reby instr~ct8d to driw a cont~act authorizing this company ,to proceed with the survey and the Mayor and Sec.re- tary are hereby author ized. to execute this co~ntract. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was _second,ed by Com- missioner Jones approving and passing an ordinance se5ting up the tax levies for the year of 1940, which caption is as follows: , , , .,,"- ORDINANCE NO. I 9 g AN ORDINANCE LEVYIRG TAX~S FOR rYrlE YEAR 1940 FOR AIID WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNTVEr:C ITY PL:i.CE, T}1;YJ1S, AGA Tl\Tqrr All. TAL":.BLE PHOPEHTY WITh~N SAID CITY FOR ALL lmNICIPAL PURPOSES AND PHOVIDING T 'AT TIllS CnDINANCE TAKE EFFECT DfiMEDIATELY. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None ~. [I-~~~'~~~'-- IiI]' _ . ".. ,~A '~--;""2" . , ">- '. ,.~..-;:::- .. fJOiImlissioiIer He'rs:eh1?af;ina&e:~'a fu6tioi1: whic1i:'w-as:}3~co'~t;lea b!t,c . . P9~nnU;s:s,i Ol1~1', J~~e.s:l. 'gi vi ng i:.ns'tJ'uc,t;iO:lls;alj:owing~L tll€\"-ceilo\VingiJ <d:i~SC,OUIltsc' OJ!l~ l:9<40-:rt'a~es: 3~ to October 3rd, 1940 2% to November 3rd, 1940 l~ to December 3rd, 1940 and giving notice of said discounts to tax payers by notice stamped on t,.he tax notice', which will be mailed September '1st. Voting Aye: Oomraissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ' ~~ Mayor ~ Cit ecretary .- t} c:===:-- -- ~'!~==--. -," -==y ,..... '- .~ '- ;' ",'" REGULAR willETING MOIIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1940 crry IDlLL, CITY OF WEST UNIVT>;RSITY PlJ,lC"J:, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, september' 9th, 1940, at the City Hall at 7: 30 P.M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard ,in attendance. 'COIUTllissioner Jones advised that since the new water system is co~pleted,~we would have no further nee~ for the water pressure tank which has been in, use for several years, and stated he had received an offer of $100.00 1'rom C. M. J:i'rost and Dincans Wreck- ing Com~ny for $150.90. Since the Dincans Wrecking Co. is the best o1'fer Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was second- ed by Commissioner Jones awarding the tank to this company. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Jones gi ving authority to purchase fifty (50) yards of rubber running at .97~ per yard to be placed at the,p~p house. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. The City AttoJ;:'ney, a. J. Lamonte, presented the contract for the Garrett Engineering Company to make a survey of the Sanitary Sewer System. COIDIaisstoner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Co~~issioner Herschel authorizing that the Mayor and Secretary execute, the cont1'\act. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. 80mmissioner Jones made a motion, which was seconde4 by Commission- erHerschel, apprOVing and passing an amendment to 'the Sewer Ordinance. 1/126, which Capti on is a s follows:' . ORDTIUlNGE NO. 1 sIr, AN ORDINANpE AMENDING ,QRDINAl\ICE no. 12 G B,:r TIIE ADDITION TTTIRETO' OF SECTIo.N la, DEFINING AND DETERMINING WHAT CONSTITUTES -;;;~~'jI~ C01TEC~I01: OF PRIVATE PROPERTY WITH THE SANITARY SEWERS OF THE CIfTT"J' OF lJ!Li' QT UlJI'.[E''):Q Imy 'pi ,c, ('~:' fTl'i'XAr\ S "'.TTrruI"T T'D"H' . ~J... \l:VnJ..,J.:". D.Ll.U.....+ "J....J.LJ..v..._, J....:..J , vi-L-l...l..i.LlJ l.~ ]J.[E1ffiING OF THE ORDlNA.NCE; PROY:IDING TEL~:"T ALL " ORDINl\~CES Al~DPJUiTS OF ORDINA~CES IN COl~LICT HEHEWJ:TH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING TI:AT THIS ORDIN- Al'~CE SEALL TiUCE: EB'll'.t:CT' AND BE IN FORCE lliITvIEDIATELY FROM AND 'AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND AIJFROVAL. A survey is to be made as to the additional connections to be - 1 rl " 1 ~ 4~4 made. These charges to be effective of October 1st, 1940, and authorizing same to be published in the douthwestern News of Friday, September 13th, 1940. Voting Aye: CommissioLers Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The following resolution, which Caption is as follows: ~~A RESOLUTION llliSOLUTION CREATING AND ESTABLISHING A PARK BOARD' OF TEIE CITY OF VmST UNTVERSITY PLACE, TEiffi.S; PROVIDING FOR THE :NUMBER OF ]);iElIEBERS OF SAID BO.ARD; PROVIDING HOW SAID 1lEMBERS SHALL BE APPOINlrED, THEIR DUTIES AND THE LENGTH OF IrIM~S EACH Si:.ALL SERVE. setting up a Park Board was passed by rG:otion made by Comrnissione:r Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. The members to constitute the Board to be members of the Civic Club, Garden Clubs, and the American Legion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Mr. John C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, advised that the total cost , of $3iOo.Oo with the cos~ of pipe and fittings to complete the water Ilne on West Point from Judson to Tennyson and on Belmont, 1'rom Nottingham to Bissonnet. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by ComrnissionerJonesggiving authority to place an order 1'or the necessary materials not to exceed $3100.00 to complete the above lines. Voting Aye: . Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner J one s authorizing that the wa t~er bill be :cancelled for water used by t~e American Red Cross at the Red Oross Building on Kirby Drive, since this is temporary there mill be no further charges on water to ,be made. Voting Aye!' Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being r~de and duly seconded the meeting was declared adj ourned. ~//?;~ Mayor . ~ rI '11'T ' 4b"S . h ~ , f~ .~.,\>: '. -' .~"';"" -, '-~<' SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER l7TH,1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS , A special meeting of the City Council was held at the city hall on Tuesday, at 4:30 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and ~erschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The City Attorney is instructed ~o draw all necessary ordinances ,in connection with the W.P.A. Sidewalk Project, so as to issue certificat~s and make assessments against various propert~es, and property owners, and that a contract be drawn entering an agreement vrlth the material company who is to furnish all materials to the effect that they will accept said certificates Qr money for the payment .01' material and payments are to be made lor if col.lected by the City they will reQeive their proportionate part as co~lections are made, and necessary expenses distributed. The above action was taken by the motion made by COmmiss,ioner Herschel and seconded by COLTItlssioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving and passing a resolution which Caption is as follows: RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE iJlIIDEJ\TJ:NG elf WA:ffEFOmmSIf STREET ALONG THE PAUL E. WEIS TR..4.CT OF LAND, LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATED LllJIITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERSI TY PLACE; APPROVING THE REPORTS OF TEE CITY'S ENGINEER DESCRIBING THE WIDTH AND THE LINE A~~~GRADE OF SUCH STREET; ORDERING AND INSTRUCT- ING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE FOR THE NECESSARY RIGHT OF WAY JL1\ID IF UNSUCCESSFUL TO BRING NECESSARY CONDElvm.ATION PROCEEDING; AND PROVIDINg THAT THIS RE- SOLUTION SI1ALL TAKE EFFECT A1~ BE IN FORCE n{~lliDIATE- LY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL; setting out the changes and descriptions of property on Wakeforest Street. Voting Aye:, Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: '~one. Commissioner Herschel made a motion glvlng authority to purchase one letter size file cabinet for the office, Which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. ) r---------- .. 1 rI .' , ~~.,---- ---, "["1" 'A"'Le ..~U ,-------- Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones approving and passing a resolution calling for a public hearing to be held on October 7th, 1940 with reference to amending the Zoning Ordin&nce restricting certain properties in'Sunset Terrace. (Copy of Resolution may be 1'ound in file under the heading of "Resolutions't.) V.oting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None'..___ Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving the tax rolls for the year 1940 showing the totaililvaluation of $6,819,939.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Hershhel. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~, Mayor ' ~M/VUV Cit, 'ecretary ~) -1 rl .- "l. 4'"~' " ~.}, ~ ~ t . . -i..~ f~, . ~ REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLlWE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday,__ ' September 23rd, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones, and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. \ ' The minutes of the meetings 01' August 26th, the Continued meeting \ - of Friday.;- August 30th,1940, Regular meeting 01' September -9th, , and the Special Meeting of Tuesday, September 17th~were read and approved. Coromis~ioner Jones made a motion glvlng authority for the purchase of Dne tray and roller stand to be used for the ledger sheets in the water department, which cost is $45~86. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Hersbhel made a motion which was duly seconded IDY Commissioner Jones adopting and passing the Sidewalk Ordinance #. X,tJ , making the assessments against the various properties west'o1' the City Hall, which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 190~ AN ORDINANCE DETERMTNING THE 1TECESSTIITY FOR A11) ORDERING THE IMPROVEIvIENT OF CERTAIN STREETS, BY THE CONSTRUCTI ON OF SIDKiJALKS ON SAID STREETS, IN FRONT OF, OR ADJ"ACENT TO, .ALL ABUTTING PROP- ERTY ON EACH SIDE OF EACH STREET, WHERE THERE IS NO STDEWALK,WITHIN THE FOLLOWING AREA: ]'or description of said property see or:t.ginal ordinance on 1'ile. IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIV~RSITY PLACE, TEXAS; REQ,UIRING TEE EI'JGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PHEPARE ArID FILE CmJPLETE SPECrFIC.ATlm~S FOR 'l\HJ:!: PRO- POSED Th~PROVEME]\TTS TO GO WITH A' STATEMENT SHOVv- ING EACH STREET INCLUDED WITHIN THE LIMITS DE~ FI1'ED AND THE PROPERTY A13UTTINGTHEREON; DIRECT- ING Tfill ENGI~mER FOR TIiE CITY TO PR~PARE AN ESTDliATE OF THE COST OF SUCH -r:rllIPROVEJ:hENTS ON EACH STREET WITHIN SAID L~~ITS, riND DECLARING AN El,fE RG3NCY . Voting 'Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. After discussion regarding garage apartments as to violation of our Zoning Ordinance, Commissioner Jones made a ~otion which was duly seconded by Commissi<Jner Herschel accepting the recommen- dation of the Planning Board, who ask to make a test case as to the legality 01' granting permits and, accept ing aPIJlications for ["1 , ~ L.J "un" "48 't' servants quarters, and using them as rental property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. No's: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion to purchase: One Car of Shell One Car of Shell Emulsion Axel fo~. grader Four {4} Water Boxes for College Court Addition. 300 1'eet lumber to be used 1'or walkways to the school. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Nerschel. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos; None. Commissioner Jones made a motion whioh was duly seconded by Commissi ner Herschel giving authority to issue a check in the amount of $40.87 for labor and painting the City Garage. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones giving instructions to postpone the making of a charge of .7.5yt on garage apartimerit as per ordinance #. /!1 , until such time as the Garrett Engineering Company completes their Sanitary Sewer Survey and renders their report. Voting Aye:' Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos (: There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared ad- journed. ' ~~ Mayor , ' ' ", ::{ -i ."1 fI , 1 ll~- <nlT~ =~ REGULAR IvIEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1940 CITy R~LL, CITY OF WEST U~~T~RSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the city council was held on Monday, October 7th, 1940 at 7:30 1'. Id. at theGity Hall with Mayor Mainous ,presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~he minutes of the meeting of September 23rd, 1940 were read and a.pproved. " A Public Hearing with reference to placing restrictions on the property fronting on Rice Blvd.,.1'rom the drainage ditch to Auden, with the exception to that 'on the S~uthwest corner of EdlO~ 3nd Rice, was held. (Details of hearing may be found in files ' under l1Zoningll). After the hearing and discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones instructing the City Attorney to prepare an amendmen~to the Zoning OrdimJ.nce #111 placing restrictions on the above propert;v. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. ~ , J.--' 4" L- \~ The City Attorney ~ A. J. Lamonte wrote a let ;~er advi sing" of a suit RE: Ernest J. Sfums VS. the City of West University Place, Texas, Cause No. D-269, 441, 80th Judicial District Court., and stated that an answer to this suit must be filed in the District Court by Mond~y, October 21st, 1940, and it would be necessary to employ }IT. Henry ,E. Elrod, Civil Engineer, as an expert witness to testify as to the rate of speed 01' sa~d automobile, at $50.00 per day; and~ that the Attorney fees of Mr. ~ving Werlein and A. J. Lamonte would be an additmonal $400.00 to the Terry Case, which would make the ~ total of the two (2) cases, the total sum of $1150.00 through the District Court. After discussion, Commissioner Jones stated thc:tt he felt the attorney fees in this case were excessive. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was approved by Mayor Mainous author- izing the above: attorneys to proceed and 1'ile the answer to the above styled suit. \",., ", "";"'1.. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous. Nos: Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Jones advised that due to the increase in the flow of sewerage that it is necessary to construct another sewerage sludge drying bed. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly.,. seconded by Cammissioner Jones giving instructions to the Legal Department to prepare a legal notice and publish same in the Southwestern News of Friday, October 18th, 1940. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. '-... Commissiorer Herschel made a motion Which was approved by Mayor Mainous accepting the plans and preliminary reports vdth reference to the General Stor.roDrainage Project, as submitted by }~. J. C. Calho'un, Jr., Engineer", and" instruct him to negotiate with the .- Rice Institute Estate 'and the Harris County Drainage District No. 12, or other interested parties, for the purpose of working out a complete drainage project ~1thin the City that will connect and be in line with the Harris County Floo~d Contral Program now in process, which is a General Harris County Flood Control Program. , " ,: ,; A~ Cit ecretary , i / / 4 4" c ,1, ~ rl "'4. "1'Jl''!'' . .:-- 'Itl:'~,' \s'~ ' , . - '. " ,.' . "" " ..' ., _.' '( ",<.' .' ~ ," "" . "'"_"t-'" _". ! 1\ REGULAR MEETING MO~~AY, OCTOBER 21st, 1940 CITl HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~.regular meeting ,01' the city council was held on Monday, Oct- ,ober 21st, 1940 at '7~30 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschwl"~,,ti1 a,ttendance, and Mi'ssThelma Buescher taking the minutes in the absence of Mr.C.G. Jarrard. , C0mmissione~ Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones instructing the City Attorney to prepare a legal notice to be placed in the Southwestern News in the issue of October 25th, 1940, calling for bids for the construction of a ' fence around the w~ter plant on College Avenue and Milton Streets, Which,.bids are to be submitted by not later than November 6th,1940. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. .-.-~ Commissioner Jones made a motion \mieh was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel giving authority to purchase two (2) air re-lease valves and two (2) water injectors, and authority was given to enter into an agreement vrith the Houston Lighting and Power Company to furnish the necessary fuabor and material to install two (2) Beacon Signal Lights on the ele~ated water tanks, 'Nonth,of Bissohnet and South of Bellaire Blvd.; the cost to be ~vo hundred & Nineteen Fifty ($219..50 each, which is tentative , cost submitted by the Houston Lighting and Power Company. 'Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. 1. ' Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the following be purchased 1'or the 1fv. P. A. Street Improvement Project; 500 L. Feet 2 x 10 ~# 2 Three (3 ) Hand Saws .500 L. Feet 2-x 6 ' One Carpenter Square 600 L. ,Feet 2 x 4 Three (3) Bull Points .500 L. Feet 1 x 6 'Two (2) Holders Tongs 200 L. Feet 1 x 4 Two, (2) 12# Sledges Four (4) Hanks Chalk Line Two ( 2 ) Axes :t- One (1) Hatchet Which motion was duly seconded by,Coramissioner Jones. :~. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel~and Jones. Nos: None. With the beginning 01' the new street Improvement Program, the City is in need of another truck. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that we accept the bid from Raymond Pearson in the amount of $1254.00 for $300.00 cash and the balance on a monthly basis for a y~ar, whi~h motion was seconded by C01~1issioner Jones. Other companies were ask to submit bids on this truck, who' advised that they were unable to make delivery at a specified time. , ~ r---- I' r1 ~-- '. " ------r Tn" 5,i'~'"'' ',' .. t .c.. '." '1." .,.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Mrl Mainous in making a survey of the City Hall found it badly in need of repairs, which include outside repairs, repairs ih the fire station, posting boards on the outside, shelves in safe, and partition in office, a t the approximate' cost of $4.5.00 for material. Commissioner Jones made a motion that the material be purchased, and that the City employees do as much of the work as possible, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Comuissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte, presented the council with three initiating ordinances for the paving of College Avenue, from Richmond Road to Riley street; Poe street,1'rom Auden Avenue to College Avenue; and Rice Boulevard, from College Avenue to Auden Avenue. Oommissioner Herschel, made a motion that these Ordinances /f= ..J~I , If/y ,&;; '11/5' , be approved and that notice be publis ed in the Southwestern News, , Captions are,as follows: ORDINANCE NO. I '11 --\ AN ORDINANCE DETEm.UNING THE :t-'ECESSITY FOR AND ORDER- ING TH..4T COLLEGE AVENl:JE FROM THE SOUTE LINE OF RILEY STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHl\;lOND ROAD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC'iJ.;, TEXfI.s, SJiALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION, OF COLLEGE AVEI\1UE,;, REQUIRING TEE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AND FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICltTIONS FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMEl'fT TO GO 1}fIT.H A WRITTEN ST/~TE~riJ:NT OF THE NAlv"iES OF THE OWNEHS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHIN THE LThIITB ' NA1VIED; DIRECTING THE EN GI11EER FOr? THE CITY TO' PREPARE AN ESTI~lliTE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVE1~~~S, AND DE- CLARING AN EwlliRGENCY. ORDINA1\ICE NO. I q v AN ORDINANCE DE1%RI\ilIl'I'1:NG THE NECESSITY FOR !l}\..1D ORDER- II~n',,'THAT POE STREET FROM THE \i\l'EST LINE OF AUDEN AVENUE TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF WESr.r UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ,SR4.LL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION OF POE STREET; REQUIRING THE ENGI- NEER FOR TI-m CITY TO PREPARE AJ:.ID FILE CON'-PLETE SPECI- FICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED DlPROVEl1J!:NT TO GO iITTH J1 , WRITTEN ST.ATElVIENT OF WE NAMES @E THE .1?ROPE:mm& itBUT:UJdg~ ON SAID STREET WITHIN TEE LIMITS, NAIvIED; DIRECTING' THE v rI 'Ti" 53 ..~~"'~ . ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTI1iIATE OF T:EE~;COST, OF SUCH IMl'ROVEl\iIEI'JTS, AND DECL&.tUNG AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. J if tJ. \, AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NEGESSITY FOR AJ\1I) ORDERING ~IAT RICE BOULEVARD FROM TIili WEST LIN~ OF AUDEN AVENuE TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE 1!:VEN1JE, IN THE CITY OF l]{[l;ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TKXAS, SHi';..LL BE llAPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION OF RICE BOULEVARD; REQ,UIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE PROPOSED niIPROVEl~:B:;1i'T TO GO WITH A WRITTEN STATEl\;Ji:ll'T OF THE NAMES OF T:>1E OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WrmIN THE LIMITS NAM\ED; DIRECTING THE, ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TO PREPARJi: AN ESTllvIA.TE OF THE COST OF SUCH Il\iIPROVEl\iIENTS, A1T]) DECLARING AN EMERGENCn The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Mr. E. L. Keyser, owner of East 14' of Lot 6, Block 9, in Monticello and the West 44' of Lot 7, in Block 9, Monticello, wrote a letter attaching his check stating that his valuation had been increased $190.00 over the am6untas rendered, and ask that these taxes be adjusted ~or the year 1940 as he did not receive proper notic~ of this change. Due to legal advise from the City Attorney, Commissioner Jon es made a motion that we accept the check as submi~ted by Mr. Kiser, and to adjust our tax roibls to agree with the rendition. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commi,ssioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. ~ I '. Due to the improvement on Lot East 45' of lot 20 in Block 17, Monticello, not being over.501o completed by January 1st, 1940, the tax collector recommended that the Tax Roll be adjusted; eliminating the improvements in the amount of $1500.00 valuation for the year of 1940. - Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones giving authority to, adjust, the Tax Rolls and to eliminate the above_ improvements on the above -property~ V.oting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Due to the improvement on'Lot. 1, Block I, of 'Sunset Terrace (3777 Sunset) not being over 5010 completed by January lst,1940, the tax colleotor recommended thst the Tax Roll be' adjusted eliminating the improvements in the amount of $1.500.00 yaluation for the year of 1940. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which f1" "-' "11T ,." '4' ~"-"" .. .., .. <., < was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones g~v~ng authority to adjust the tax rolls and,to eliminate the above improvement on the above property. Voting Aye: Nos: None. Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Commissioner COmmi(1~er -I/. No .tr. , 01' the ity, Herschel made a motion which was, seconded by Jones passing and approving the Sidewalk Ordinance for the assessing 01' properties in the west section Gaption is as 1'ollows: ORDINANCE' NO: /?4 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING T1-IE ENGIl\JEER FOR TIiE CITY~S' WRITTEN STATEMENT ~l\D REPORT OF THE, ESTll\llATES OF THE COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY A!-..1D THE TR1JE OWNE:::CS THEROF FOR THE DAPROVEIvIE1\'TS OF CERTAIN STREETS BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS ON SAID STR~TS, IN FROl'JT OF OR ADJACENT TO, JiLL ABUTTING PROPERTY ON EACH SIDE WHERE THERE IS NO SIDEWALK WITHIN THE FOLLOWING AREA: ' ~escription 01' property and original ordinance ' in file under heading of Street Improvements. and the City Attorney is instructed to prepare the necessary legal notice to be published in the Southwestern News. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. .) Commissioner Jones made a motion tpat Commissioner Herschel be authorized to purchase a street roller not to exceed the cost of $8.5.00, not including tires, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion that Commissioner Herschel be authorized to purchase 22.5 yds. of shell for use on University Blvd., ~h~fnont of the school, which motion was duly seconded b) Commissioner Herschel. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. '.cX>m:nfissione.r _:1ones:,made~ a:motion~ approving and accepting'a,,~ $3';;:(;)00.00 Surety Bond covering Mr. J. A. Metcalf for duties perfQrmed as eleetrm- cal Inspector. This Bond is rendered by the AmeFican Employers Insur- ance Company. The above motion was duly'seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Vpting Aye: Commissioners dones and Herschel. Nos: None. --------r .. -- -1 [I ~~-, '1"1' ~,~~ ~~..' The Mayor suggested an adjustment in the water rate as follows: 25~ to .5000 gallons ~oJ~o~ from 5000 gallons to 10,000 gals. 1.5~ over 10,000 gallons. 1010 discount if paid \rlthin ao days of the date of th~ bill. After due consideration and discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones that the water rates be adjusted effective of November 1st, 1940, which w~ll appear on the water statements as of November readings. ,'" Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. "-- Effective" 1'rom this date, Commissioner Jones and Ira A. Harris will be responsible for the eollections 01' delinquent water and sewer accounts. Mr. W"hite living on Poe Street presented a petition to the council stating that they would like to have the name of Poe street, changed to Amherst. The Mayor instructed the City ~ttorney to "prepare the necessary legal procedure for complying with the request of the, property owners on this street. There being no further business to come be1'ore the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ . MaiTor ~ " / r---~---~~ r 1 w .1 '-n" ~,;';6',II;i 'U> SPECIAL Jl,1EETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 28Th,1940 CITY H..4LL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the council was held on Monday, October 28th, 1940, at the City Hall at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and tlerschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The purpose of this meeting was to open b~ds and award the contract 1'or the cons~ruction 01' a sludge drying bed at the Sewerage Disposal Plant, which legal notice was advertised in the Southwestern News of October 11th, 1940. The following bids were tabulated: P. F. Eller Company $ 1,97.5.00 L. Camp John G. Holland $ 1,6'20.00 $ 1,36.5.00 Since Mr. L. Camp was the lowest bidder, Commissio'ner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones awarding the contract to Mr. Camp, who is to 1'urnish a completion bond before starting the work. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. A copy 01' the receipts and disbursements for the month of September, 1940 showing the condition ~1' the General, Water and Sewer Departments, were given to t4e ~ayor and each Commissioner. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared ad- journed. ~--~ - . 9jr , Mayor ATTEST:~~ a~retary ~ rI >~-, '~l "f"'l,e, 5;-:'~-", . "'- .,' . ~ . .<~ :!. =-:;:, " REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY, OF WEST U:NIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regular meeting of the council was held on Monday, November 4th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones_and Herschel and Becretary Jarrard in attend- ance. The Minutes of the Regular meeting of October 7th, and the Special meeting of .~ctober 21st, and Special meeting of October 28th,1940 were read and approved. The fol~awing bids were received 1'or the constructing of a fence around the water plant on College Avenue: Cyclon ,1i'ence Company Southwestern Fence Go. Cox Fence Company Coastal Fence Company $ 861.8; 886.00 882.00 1,097.00 with certified check for ~141.00 ft n <<u 89.00 >> << n<< 90.00 no Check at-tached. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion, Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel 'awarding the contract to the Cyclon ffence Company, since they were the lowest and best bidder. Be1'ore the contract is drawn, Commissioner Jones and Mr. Harris are to work out certain details and alterations which are not provided for in the specifications, subject to the approv~l 01' Superintendent Harris. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Mr. J. C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, presented a list of materials for the completion of laying of water lines-on West Point Drive, from Tennyson to Vniversity Boulevard under the W. P. A. Project. The total of sailiLmaterials ,amount to $1,872.30. The Construction 01' these lin$s to begin December 1st, 1940. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioners Jones made a motion authorizing the purchase of the following: Boots and slickers for the Street & Bridge, and Garbage Departments. Four (4) Drums of Gasoline. Cable for the Garbage TrUCk. Six (6) Shovels Two (2) Car Loads Shell. which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye_: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None,. L 5'8> Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel instructing the Vity Attorney, A. J. Lamonte to prepare the necessary ordinance and 1'orms with reference to the Home Rule Uharter election, which is called for December 17th,1940. Voting"Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: l'4one. Commissioner Herschel read a resolution with reference to approving the Home RulG-- Charter and recommending its adoption. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the above resolution be adopted, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye-: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None.. Conmrissioner Herschel made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones adopting the following budgets for the period from September 1st, 1940 to\August 31st, 1941; General Receipts and Disbursem.ents; W:ater.:~',rec,eipi;;:s'/a.nd:d:i s.burs,~me.Iits;; ';~Sewer ,re.ceipts and Disbursements ;and approving the 1'ollowi'ng adjustments in salaries: Thelma Buescher J. W. Watson Geo. Ashcraft , J. A., Metcalf R. B. Allen $1.5.00 per month 10.00 per month 2.5.00 per month , , Car Allowance increase $10.00 per mohth. Car Allowance $2.5.00 per month. . Ii J Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded,by COIDnlissioner Herschel giving authority to build a tennis court 40 x 80 feet in College Court, at a total cost of $252.90. Mr. N. C. Sears, Contractor, will furnish the ~terialand build the back-stops. ' Voting ,Aye: COIDnlissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos : .r:~one. Commissioner Jones mad~ a motion giving authority to purchase a generator 1'or the pOl,ice car in the amount of $40.00, th~ above motion was dtlly seconded by Cormnissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Due t6 an emergency, authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Jones toe.mploy eleven (11) colored ESnfrom the Texas State Unempl'oyment Agency at 30i per hour for a period of one week to clean out the drainage ditches west of the city hall. The above motion was duly seconded by Pommissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel! Nos: None. \l 1 .-.. , I CI- '--, L..I rrri"' '" _.-),./....- I i~ .,~ ". ~>< Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by , Commissioner Herschel approving an additional $.50.00, and authority to issue a check in the amount of $125.00 to the University Press 1'or the publishing of a Garden School Book. The Council previously authorized the contribution in the amount of $7.5.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners done s and Herschel. Nos: None. .A.motion was made by Comraissioner Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioher Jones gi~ing authority to ~he City.Attorney A. J. Lamonte and the Counc1.1 to confer and d1.sQl ss w1.th the Houston Lighting and Power Company with reference to the penalties and final ~e~tlement on the 4~ gross receipts t~x suit. (The Houston Lighting and Povver Company VB. The City of vVest University Place.) Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: Nene. Mr. Joe L. Archer, Chairman 01' the Board of Adjustment, presented Permit #2718 issued to Mr. J. W. Small 1'or a two-story frame "garage and Servants Quarters of 11.52 square feet, advising that the owner has never occupied the property. They also advised that the,Board 01' Adjustment recommended that a suit be filed against the owner of the above property making a test case as to granting permits in the future for Garage Servants Quarters being used as rented property and Garage Apartments. Authority was given to 1'ilB a suit at a previous meeting. Cpmmissioner Herschel made a motion that tne City Secretary be authorized to pay the sum.of $5.00 for laborron the construction 01' a dog pen on the back of the pick-up truck, and to purchase a stenographers chair, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: 'None. ~he Home Rule Charters were mailed to each qualified voter on November 13th, 1940 at 4:00 P. M. Receipt; from the Post Office is in file. There being no further business to oome before the council and upon motion being n~de and duly se~onded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~ ,I ~on/~~ Amy or ' I""'" "11r n -, I I 6-(J' ..\.- "" :', fl. ,------- - SPECIAL :MEETING THURSDAY, NOVE])JIBER I~TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ special meeting of the city council was held on Thursd~y, ~ovember 14th, 1940 at 7:00 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioner Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard' in attendance. This meeting was held for the purpose of a~cepting and approving thB necessar.w legal ordinance and notice calling an eleotion on ' December 17th, 1946 1'or the purpose of adopting a Home Rule Charter. Commissioner Jones made a mat ion which was duly secqnded by Com- missioner Herschel approving and passing ordinance #. If..r-, which caption is as 1'ollows: ' ORDINAi'IJCE NO. /9/ AN ORDINANCE PROVTDI;I:iIIK FOR AND CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING THE HmiIE-RULE OHARTER PREPARED AND COMPLETED BY THE CHARTER COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIAC~; PRESCRIHLNG REGUIATIONS FOR SUCH ELECTION; DESIGNATING THE ELECTION OFFICERS AND THEIR COMPENSATION; PROVIDING THAT IF ANY PART OF SUCH ORDINANCE IS DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL IT SHALL NOT EFFECT OTHER PARTS THEREOF; AND, PROVIDING 'E:.J:AT THE ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT IMl\.tIEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER' IT S PASSAGE AND l\.PPR OVAL. The question to be determined by the qualified voters of the' City of West University Pla'ce at, this ele ction 'is the follow- ing: SHALL THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PDA.CE ADOfT THE PROPOSED CHARTER FQR SAID CITY PREPARED BY THE CHARTER COMMISSIOfL])F THE CITY OF WEST ' UNIVERSITY PLACE, COI\,I1POSED OF FIFTEEN CITIZENS' ELECTED BY THE ~EmPLE AT THE CITY ELECTION HELD IN APRIL, 1939, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE ORIGINAL' DRAFT OF WHI OR CHARTER IS ON FILE ?HTR THE CITY SECRETARY, AND' A PRINTED COPY OF WHICH HAS BEEN HERETOFORE MAILED TO THE VOTERS OF SAID CITY FOR THE AEOPTION OF SAID CHARTER. AGAINST THE ADOPTION 0 F SAID CHARTER. and authorized that a notice of this election be published in the Southwestern News and a copy of said notice be pos~ed in three (3) places winfufun the corporate limits of the City in compliance with the state statunes. ~~ i~~~'~ 1-~-~~' ~--'- "'1l' I r J Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. There being no 1'urther business to come before the council and upon mot,ion being made and duly seconded, the meetingj,was de- clared adjourned.' ,~. I:::=-:- ~- ,- -----r' ~~ Mayor ' it'}" .f)'.~ REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The r~gular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, Novemberl8th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M.at the City Hall with Mayor ~~inous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel andSecre~ tary aerrard in at~endance. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 4th and the Sp~cial Meeting of November 14th, ,1940 were read and approved. ~~. . " A letter was received from' the Kuhn Paint and Varnish Company advising that they would pay .02~ per pound for the Talla Beans from the Chinese Talla Trees. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel givi:ng authority to the Mayor to advise this company that it would be satisfactory with.the City providing permission was given by the property owners where the trees are in front of their property. Voting Aye: ,Nos: None. Commissioner donea' made a mo-tion which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel approving an insurance premium of $21.00, which policy covers aWe P. A. Street Improvement Truck. Commissioners Jones and Hersohel. , / Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. .~ Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a' motion a.pproving the purchase of the following: One 72 x l.5t Water Box One 30 x 1.5' Water Box Three (3), Car Loads of Shell One Car Load of Shell Emulsion The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Jones approving and passing ordinance #196, Changing the mme of Poe Street to that of Amherst Street, from Auden to ,the West of the Railroad Tracks, which caption is as follows: OBpI~CEr No. 196~ AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF POE STREET TO AMHERST STREET, WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES, AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFF}I~CT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. ~j rT . "1. ,..J: .I:'J' {;~><3'~ . ..... '0 . .~. ,.' . ~~ '. 'l~ -' : Voting Aye: Commissioners JOlle's and HerscheL" Nos: None ~ . . JJ. 11 .JJ.1'8" .:I JJ.':h'hl'rt ~',' ''''';,4 -- ,.. ' ., .. r" .", ~ ".,~ "'". ".. '.,:' OrdinaneE:L'1I"l:9'1 ;:>'1/".9 <;',,;litn~ 1!'.i:t7,'JoaJl.&.J.ng f'l;)r $::::pubq.:r;o liear~n.g for December ~~l,:I.',,>i9.4Q tin theLipav:.ingj)ei":'P.(;}e street ,,:()ollege- Avenue, and Rice Blvd. under theW. P. A. Captions are as follows~ ORDINANCE NO. ,197 , AN ORDINANCE APPROVI NG AND ADOPTING THE ENGINEER FOR '!HE CITY'S WRITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE ESTIMATES OF THE TOTAL COBT OF THE -WHOLE IMPROVEMENT, COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, A1\1D THE COST PER FRONT. FOOT OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID ABUTTING ,PRO~RTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS 'I'HEREOlf, TOTAL eOST TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- BI'irJ PLACE, TEXAS FOR TEE IMPROVEMENT OF FOE STREET-AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND STATU NT OF PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES OWNING PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHIN SAID LIMI'I!S, NUMBER OF FRONT FEET OWNED BY EACH AND DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PROPERTY; DE- ,TERl\UNING AND FIXING THE PORTION OF SAIn COSTS TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND TEE TRUE OWNERST.HEREOF AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: AND DETEm.~I:NING 'nIE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AlID'TRUE OWNERS 'lHEREOF FOR SAID PORTION OF SAID COSTS; ORDERING.AND SETTING A, HEARING AT . ri: 00 Of CLOCK P. M., ON ~ M'~ /?'-z;.{' t 1940, IN 11: CI'I'Y COUNCIL CHAMBER IN T ~. Y " '~~eF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE , TEXAS, AS THE TIME AND' PLACE' FOR A HEARING OF THE REAL AND TRUE, .OWNERS OF SAID :ABUTTIN:G PROPERTY AND ALL OTHERS INTERESTED IN SAID PROPERTY OR IN SAID' PR00EEDINGS CONCERNING SAID ASSESSAlJENT8 AND PROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING THE C1TYSECRETARY OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~:xAS, TO GIVE_ NarICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQUIRED BY THE LA1fS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND'THE ORDINANCE OF ,THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ,AND FURTHER DIRECTING 84-ID CITY SECRETARY, IN ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID BEARING AS REQUIRED BY LAVI, WHICH SHALL BE VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN ITS]I,F, TO INCLUDE IN SAID NOTICE A LIST OF TEE PROPORTED OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AS SET OUT IN . SiUD ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN REPORT, BUT PROVIDING THAT SAID LIST OF OVlNERS SQINCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHAIL NOT BE CONCLUSIVE OF ,TEE OWNERSHIP OF SAID PROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID_TmqE "I'D SliCE: '~ns 'NAMED, BUT BEIALLBE MERELY FOR 'THE' PURPOSE OF ASSISTING..IN GIVING NarICE TO SAID PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH HEARING AND SAID NOTICE SHALL NEVERTHELESS BE DIRECTED TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY JlHETHER NAMED. THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. .198 M:r ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPrINC THE ENG lNEERFOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN STATENiENT AND REPORT OF TIrE ESTIN-LATES OF THE TOTAL COST OF THE WHOLE IMPROVEMENT, COST PER FRONT :!rOOT j , f1 ~l ,1 'U:T" ~^.jfv. tJ~'~. PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPER AND TEE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOT OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, EXCLUSIVE OF CORBS AND GUTTERS, . AND THE TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOrrPROPOSED TO ,BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID ABUTTING 'PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS 'THEREOF, TOTAL COST TO BE PAID BY THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE IMPROVEllilENT OF COLLEGE AVE~ FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF ,RILEY STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVE SITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND STATEMENT OF, PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES OWNING PROPERTY AIDTTING ON SAID STREET .WIT"rUN SAID LIMITS, NUMBER OF FRONT FEET OWl\1ED BY EACH AND .DESCRI:BTIQ.N OF THEIR PROPERTY; DETERMINING AND FIXE NG THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS '1'0 BE PAID BY saD ABUTTI NG PROPERTY AND THE ]ffiUE OWNERS THEREOF AND THE. OITY OF'vVWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: AND DETERMINING THE NECESSI TY OF, LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE REAL AND TRUEo\VNIDRS '!HEREOF FOR S~D. PORTI ON ,OF S~ID . COSTS; ORDER;ulG, AND ~TTING A HEARING AT . - 1. 00 ~CLOCK P.,M. ON CJJ~~ ~d ,1940, IN THE OITY COUNCIL CHAMBER IN THE CIT HALL OFST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS THE TIME AND PDA,CE FOR A HEARING OF THE REAL AND TRITE OWNERS ,OF SAID ABUTTINGPR OPERTY AND ALL OTHERSIN~ TERESTED IN SAID PROPERTY OR IN SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING sAID ASSESSMENTS MID. PROCEEDINGS ; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY. ,OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQUmED BY TIm LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FURTHER DIRECTING SAID CITYSECP~TRRY, IN ADPITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQ,UIRED BY LAW, WHICH SHALL BE VALID AND SUFFICIENT IN ITSELF, TO INC roDE IN SAID NOTICE A LIST OF '!HE PROPORTED OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AS SET OUT IN SAID ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S WRITTEN REPORT t BUT PR<mllIEIIUJGG'THAT SAID LIST OF OWNERS SO INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHAlL 'NOT BE CONCLUSIVE OF THE OWNERSHIP OF SAID' PROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID NOTICE TO SUCH OWNERS NAMED, BUT SHALL BE MERELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF aSSISTING IN GIVING NOTICE OF SA In PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE TIME' AND PLACE OF SITCH HEARING AND SAID NOTICE SHALL :NEVERTHELESS BE DIREGTEIilDTO THE REAL, AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY _ WHETHER NAMED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. 199 'AN ORDIN.ANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING'THE ENGI$ER FOR THE CITY'S . WRITTEN STATEMENT AND REPORT OF THE ESTIMATES OF TEE TOTAL COST OF THE WHOLE IMPROVEM"ENT, COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE AS:t: SESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND THE COST PER FRONT FOOT' OF SAID IMPROVE- MENrS, EXCLUSIVE OF CURBS ,AND GUTTERS, AND THE TOTAL COST PER FRONT FOOT PROPOSED TO BE ASSESS:reD AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPER- TY AND THE TRUE apNERS THEREOF, TOTAL COST IDO BE'PAID BY TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE n.I.[PROVEMENT OF RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN AVENUE TO TEE_ EAST LINE OF 1 COLLEGE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND STATEMI!:NT OF PERSONS, FIRMS, CORPORATIONS AND ESTATES OWNING PROPERTYAABUTTING. ON SA-ID STREET WITHIN SAID LUUTS,' NT.JMBER OF FRONT FEET ON NED BY EACH AND DESCRIPTION "OF THEIR PROPERTY; . '. .; ~.... l' ,~ "'~ --,.'.' _u _ -,--_ ~ I (I .. , .< -~ -~~1 ------r '1"1 '&'5-- *' "y --:;" ..,..J.>: '^ ['" j: -; r- DETERNfINING AliID FIXING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE PAID BY SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNE;RS THEREOF AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, , TEXAS: AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY OF LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT AGAINST SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY AND TEE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR SAID PORTION OF SAID COSTS; OR """RING AND SETTING ~ )IEARINGAT - J', . t?CJ O'CLOCK P. M. ON ''.bU- ,1940, IN THE CITY, COUNCIL C ' ER IN frEE CITY HALL OF I ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARIN? OF THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTI NG PROPERTY AND" ALL OTHERS INTERESTED IN ,'SAID PROPERTY OR IN SAID PROCEEDINGS CONCERNING SAID ASSESS- MENTS AND .~ROCEEDINGS; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO GIVE NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS REQ.UIRED BY THE LAWS OF' THE STATE, OF TEXAS AND THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS, AND FITRTHER .DEJREOT- ING SAID CITY SECRETARY, IN ADDITION TO NOTICE OF SAID HEARING AS .RE Q,UIRED BY LAW, WHICH SHALL BE VALID, Al'ID SUFFICEIENT IN ITSELF, TO INCLUDE IN SAID NOTICE A LIST OF THE PROPORTED OWNERS OF SAID ABUTTING PROPER'fi AS SET OUT IN SAID ENGINEER FOR THE CITY'S ,mITTEN REPeRT, BUT PROVIDING THAT SAID LIST OF ~NNERS so INCLUDED IN SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE CONCLUSIVE OF"THE OWNERSHIP OF SAID PROPERTY NOR LIMIT SAID lWTICE TO SUCH OWNERS NAMED ,BITT SHALL BE MERELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF, ASSISTING IN 'GTiING NOTICE TO SAID PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH ,HEARING AND SAID NOT I OE SHALL NEVERTHELESS BE DIRECTED TO "THE REAL AND TRUE ~VNERS OF' SAID ABUTTING PROPERTY ?ffiETHER NAMED THEREIN OR NOT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The above ordinances were passed and approved by motion made by Commissioner dones and duly seconded, by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners dones and Herschel. Nos: None. A group of citizens from Preston Place were present objecting to a Garage being built by c. V. Read at 5916 Lake Street stating that this' is in violation to the Zoning Ordinan,ce and detrimental to adjoining propertys. Commissioner doneg made a motion, which was duly seconded by Commi~sioner Hersohel instructing the City Ettorney, A. J~ Lamonte, to file suit, if necessary, to make this building' conI'er1}l,to the Zongng Ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioners dones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner dones made a motion giving authority to adjust the 1940 , Tax Rolls eliminating the improvements on Lot 12, Block 11, College View 3rd Addition or 3810 Tennyson street. These improvements were not completed until March of 1940. The above motion was duly seco~d~d by Commissioner Herschel. , There being no further business, the meeting was continued until November 2.5th, 1940. '-f/JJ7;I0;~ Mayor ' ATTEST: ~itY f!i~ L..-......~~ 6~'C!' , .lJ... SHaUL :MEETING COJ:lJT.d..,!'YOJtJj1, FROM MONDAY, NOVEM:BER 18Th,1940 , CITY, HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A continued meeting' of the oity council was held on Monday, November 2.5th, 1940, at 4:1.5 P. M. at the Oity Hall, w~th Mayor Maino'uspresiding, Commissioners J'ones' and Herschel and Thelma Bue~cher taking the mmnutes in the absence 0,1' Secretary darrard, were in attendanoe. ' , . Mayor Mainou~.advised that the Hauston Lighting and Power Company had appealed the case to the SUpreme Court, and"ask that Mr. Son- field be allowed to continue the case. 'Cammissioner Jones made a motion that Mr. Bonfield be allowed to file the'answer to, this through the Supreme Court for the sum'of $7.5.00~ but in the event that he has to go to Austin, he must pay his own expenses, which motion was duly seconded by Commissio'ner Herschel. ' Voting&ye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a mation that the Mayar and City , Secretary be autharized to, secure bids in the amount of $200,000.00 contemplated Storm Sewer Band Issue, which is to Qe voted on at a later date, and also' that natice 01' same be prepared and published in the local newspapera, which mat ion was duly seconded by Com- missianer Jones~ ~ - Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: 'None. Commissioner Herschel ~made a 'motion that the Janes Case be, carried to the Appellate Court, and that the City Attorney, , A. J. Lamopt e, be allowed #1.50.00 fees) which motion was seconded by Mayor Mainous. Voting Aye: CommissiO,ner tterschel and Mayar Ma~no~s. Na,s: Commissioner Jones.," There being no, fUrther upa,n motian being made adjaurned. business to, come before the council and and duly seco'nded. the .meiJ:t'ing was declared. ~~~~/ Mayor "', ~ r _~ r:r' -- -- "- ~l .1 -'''n~:j''. . .. ~ ' . '. tit'", r,f"" , ~~f:, -" ',>.~..' .: ~'.r~~l .:!~~~ :- Rr1GULAR :MEETING MONDAY, DECE1V~BER 2ND, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ' A regular meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, December 2nd, 1940 at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. .> T~e minutes of the meetings of November 18th were read ~nd,approved. .". ') TheyMayor advised that theVV.P.-li., Water .L:.ntension Project; vvhich was set to begin on December 2nd, 1940 had been postponed until January 27th, 19~1, and that this request was made to the W.P.A. 01'1'ice. Commissioner Jones made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, authorizing the purchase of Red Cross Seals in the amount 01' $2.5.00 for the benefit of the Anti-Tuberculosis League. Co~~issioners Jones and Herschel. Voting Aye: Nos: None., j ',.. 8q.... v The Mayor reportedtha t he was in conference "'vi th the officials ofe.o; J the Houston Electric Company regarding a contract and the amount to //; be paid each year as a franchise on street expense, which they agreed to pay the sum of ~500.00 per year for three years beginning with September 1st, 1939, and $750.00 per year 1'or the years30f 1943-44. Commissioner Herschel made a motion to the e~~ect that the . 'above amounts be accepted and approving a five (.5) year contract with the Houston Electric Company ~eginning with Sept. 1st, 1939. The above motion was duly seconded by.yommissioner Jones. ~ j i Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. A public hearing was held at 8:2.5 P. M. vdth re~erence to making assessments for the construction of sidewalks in compliance with an ordinance and notices' passed at the meetings of September 23rd, 1940 and October 28th, 1940. Details of this hearing may be 1'ound in the files under heading of W.P.A. Sidewalk Project. The following bond dealors submitted proposals 1'or the purchase of $200,000.00 in Storm Sewer Bonds, which it is the councils intention to call an election on January 14th, 1941. Chas. V. White & Co. R. K. Dunbar Milton,R. Underwood Gregory,Eddleman & Abercrombie However before the sealed bids were opened, it was agreed that no further bids would be accepted and that the city reserved the right to reject any and all bids. Upon motion made by Commissioner Herschel and seconded by Commissioner, fI L..J: lr:]~ 68 I-~- Jones this meeting was continued to Tuesday, December 3rd, 1940. P>>i~~,J Mayor ATTEST: ~~ ~J T~~'~ 'I' [I L.l <, '" "" 'j"j:J' 6:)9:--; "l ~, . . ,'~'. i - C01~INUED MEETING TUESDAY, DECm~BER 3RD, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA,s A continued meeting of the crity council w~s held on December 3rd, 1940 at 4:20 P. M. at the city hall with ~ayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. , Bids 1'or the'1'urnishing 01' material and labor 1'or the painting of the exterior of the City Hall were submitted by the following: G. P. Tully ~Jlster Howard $ 8.5.00 96.00 d. L. Golden $ 94.00 Since Mr. G. P. Tully was the lowest and best bidder, Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones awarding the contract to him. Voting Aye: Commissi,oner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. .. The bids on the $200,000.00 proposed storm sewer project were tab- ulated and results are, as follows: Milton R. Underwood Gregofy, Eddleman & Abercrombie R. K. Dunbar Chas. V. White & Co. Yiib.ld of' J Yield of Yield 01' Yield of ' 84,187..50 84,191..56 90,432..50 91,800..50 A1'ter discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motionwhioh was seconded by Commissioner dones ~gecting all bids. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos : None . Commissioner dones made a motion which was seoonded by Commissioner Herschel, adjusting taxes on,~ot 6, Block 2, in Rice Court, elimin- 'ating the improvements f'or"the year of 1940, as this building was not completed un~i~ after March l.5th, 1940. Af'f'~davit to this effect may be f'ound in the letter files. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: ,None. Commissioner Jones made a motion authorizing Commissioner Herschel to purchase the following: Three (3) or Four (4) Water Boxes Two (2) Loads of Shell ~ and $ 40.00 1'or a ladder in the Fire Department. c::=----- ,- "!"-=-~.-~ ~~r~--Yr.r~'--- , , 70~ ~- Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos : None . There being no further business to nomA hAf'nT"A t. hE=! ~nllnej 1 and upon motion being made and duly ~:fe--g6raecI themeetin'gwas' de- clared ad j ourned. ' ~~ Ma;or ' ' , .~. . ii n" ===---,. 1 .r- c, "IT~:1 " '7t .. .' .r. ...'... ... ~. .; .~' . 0 SPECIAL lIIEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A speci~l meeting of the Gity Council was held on Monday, December 9th, 1940 at 4:20 P. M. with ~ayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners dones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Bids 1'or a $200,000.00 Storm Sewer Project'were received from the following: Co~bined bids. from: Milton R. Underwood & Co. Gregory, Eddleman & Abercrobmie R. K. Dunbar and Co. . 21~' 3~ d 31~ Rates 01' 1nterest, '270, /0, an "4/0. Total Cost $88,123.50. Combined bids 1'rom: Maroney & Company Fenner & Beane Ranson-Davidson Co. Uhas. V. White & Co. Interest rate 2 3/4~, 3~, and 2 3/4~. Total cost $83,883_.50. , I, i , i "'.,. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Jones. awarding the contract to the latter bidders, with the provision that these bonds are approved at an election to be held on January 14th, 1941, and instructing the Uity Attorney to draw all ordinances and necessary notices calling the election for this date. Voting Aye: Cmmmissioners Herschel and Jones. ios : None. The meeting adjourned until 7:30 P., M. of this date. ---------------------------- A special meeting of the City Council continued at.Ij:30 P. M. this date with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Mayor presented.a check in the amount of $500.00 received from the Houston Electric Company ~o apply on the Bus Co. contract for the year oeginning September 1st, 1939. Commissioners Herschel made a motiop accepting this check and authorizing that same be deposited in the General Fund. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Hersohel giving authority to purchase a spot light and relining the, ~-- -~ - j ~- '::"'--'~T [I'~-~-._~'.' 1 :c:r 'j'::r ~"t~ brakes on the police car. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which:~was ~econded by Commissioner Herschel instructing the City Secretary to burn the ba.llots which were used in the General Election on April, 19J9, in compliance vnth the states Statutes. Burning of these ballots are to be witnessed b~ Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Vo'ting Aye: ''''Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. , , ' A lengthy discussion was held with reference to the settlement 01' the .tlouston Lighting and Po~ver Company gross' receipts tax suit. It was decided by a motion ~de by Cormnissioner Herschel, and seconded by Commissioner Jones that a final deci~ion be reached at the next council meeting on December 16th, 1940, the 1'ollowing committ,ee was appointed to study the agreement as submitted by the Houston Lighting and Power Company. Ben Albertson Joe Archer Fred Rieger Howard Kiatta H. H. Johnson This committee is to meet December 11th, 1940 to annalyze the ' contract and report to council on December 16th, 1940. -------------------------------- Next order of business was a public hearing on the construction of sidewalks, which meeting was. continued from December 2nd, 1940. After, discussion Commissioner Jones made a motion, whi oh was seconded by CO$I1issioner Herschel approving and passing ,the Sidewalk Ordinance t/...1} &J CJ , which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ 00 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE BEARING, GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF TEE PROPERTY ABfJTTING UPON EACH SIDE OF EACH STREET WITHIN THE FOLLOWING LIMlTS: For description of said property see original ordinance on file under heading of UStreet ImprovementstJ. AS TO SPECIAL BEJ.\1EFITS TO AOCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND TEE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEJLENT OF 'SAID . STRZETS 'HTTHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, AND AS TO A.Nt ERRORS, INVALIEITES, OR IRREGULARITIES in any OF THE PROCEEDINGS, OR CmNTRACT THEREFOR, OVERRULING AND DEJ.\iYING ,ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED; FINDING AND DETERl~~INING THAT EACH AND EVERY PARCE:L OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS " ~';i J~ '11"r rr~ " r' , >:~~' L~"'~ ,>, , .,' ~~:~ ":. .... ~""i(J:..." , ~ ) WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED WILL BE SPECIALLY BENEFITED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID IMPROVEThmNTS PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTIES AND LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE PATIvtLNT OF ALL OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STREETS 'WITHIN SAID LIMITS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE, PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS AND THE TRUE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSURANCE OF AS- SIGNABLE CERTIFICATES UPON THE COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID WORK, THl:; MANNER AND TD/iE OF PAYMENT AND PROVID- ING FOR .~THE ~r.LANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID AS- SESSNiENTS Mi"D CERTIFI CATES, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Vot ing Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: . None. Details of this hearing may be 1'ound in the 1'iles under the heading 01' flSidewalks". ' -~-~~~--------------------- r A Public Hearing with reference to thepiving 01' Poe, College Avenue and Rice Boulevard was held at the oity hall on December 9th, 1940 with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones approving and passing Ordinance No. LCJ/ Caption is as follows: , ORDINANCE NO. ~ {} / AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE Rl1AL AND TRITE OVf.NERS OF THE PROPER TY ABUTTING ON FOR 8rrRw.w.rr FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE; RICE BOULEVARD FROM THE WEST LINE OF AUDEN STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE AVENUE; AND (!OI,lEG-F AVEl\JJ:.TE FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF RILEY STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD; ALL IN THE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, T}!;XAS, AS TO SPECIAL Bli;NEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND TIrE TRUE mVNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVEriENT OF SAID STREETS WI THIN THE LIMITS DEFINED, AND AS TO ANY ERRORS, INVALIDlTES, OR IRREGULARITIES IN ANY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OR CONTRACT THERE- FOR, OVERRULING AND DE:N-YING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OF- , FERED; FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND EVERY PARCEL OF PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS WITHIN THE LIMITS DEFINED WILL BE SPECIALLY ~NEFlTED AND ENHANCED IN VALUE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE COST OF SAID INiPROVEMENTS PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST SAID PROPERTIES AND LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAy}~NT OF A PORTION OF THE COST OF IMPROVING SAID STREETS WITHIN SAID LIMITS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID STREETS AND THE TRUE 01JNER OR OWNERS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSURAN'CE OR ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES UPON THE COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID WORK, n - -"]. ,1 --''TT:'T'. '~J~>iJ,;,' , t,",t:t THE MA.NNER AND TIME OF PAYMENT AND PROVINIDMf FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID ASSESSME}~S AND CERTIFICATES, AND DECLARING AN EMH:RGENCY. Closing the public hearing on the above streets and ordering that assessments be made against the abutting property on these streets, Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos : None. ,'" Details or this hearing may be 1'ound in the files under t he heading of W.P. A. Street Improvement Project. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared ad- journed. ~' '/ Mayor' ~ ~: ,~ OJ. SecBetary' '\ ... r -1 rl , ,-, . r :~l .. r7'5V J' ,''l 1,'''-', ,c,_: SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, DEC. 12th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF 'WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A ~pecial meeting of the city council w~s held on TliUHSGay, December 12th, 1940 at the city hall at 4:4.5 P. M.,-lIil}the absence of Mayor N~inous, Mayor Pro Tem Jones presiding. Commissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance,. This meeting was called for the purpose of passing an ordinanoe and giving n0tice of an election to be held on the 2nd Tuesday in January, being the 14th day of the year 1941. Commissioner HerEhhdl made a,motion,which was duly seconded by Mayor yro Tem Jones, approving and adopting Ordinance No. -2~~. Caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. .L 0 L .A.tT ORDINANCE ORDERING AM ELECTION TO BE :a:r~LD IN AN']) FOR TIm CITY OF ~VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON THE SECOND TtJ.rI:SDAY IN JANUARY 1941 THE3.Um , " BEING THE 14TH DAY OF JAl\1UARY; 1941, FOR THE PHR- POSE OF ELECTING A IvJI,YOR AJ:-J'D FOUR COMlv1ISSIOl\IERS TO SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT S1JCCEEDING GEI\iTERAL ELECTI ON ON Tfill FIRST TUESDAY FOLLO"NING THE FIRST MONDAY IN NOVENIBERIN THE YEAR A. D. , 1942, AND DECLARING AN :EI\!iliRGENCY. and approving an election notice, and authorizing that same be published in the Southwestern News on Friday, December 13th,1940,' and posting this note at three (3) places in the Corporate limits within'the city, which is i~ c~mpliance with the state Statutes. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Pro Tem Jones. Nos: None. Mayor Pro Tem Jones made a motion, ~nlich was duly seconded by CODilllissioner Herschel giving authority to rent a catapillar tractor and other expense, which'cost is not to exceed $20.00. This is to be used at the garbage dump to prepare same so as to conserve the garbage truck tires, and also authority was given to install a spot light at the rear of the city hall. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro T,em Jones and Commissioner Herschel. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was ~eclared adjourn- ed. ~ ' ~/nJ,~~~ , Mayor ecretary ,.._......,,~--"""~-=---="'...--. i I fI~-'"~ -" "1 ---------, '"""[' r,:o SPECIAL IvIEETING 'sATURDAY, DECEMBER 21st,1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UJ\TIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the oity counoil was held on Saturday, December 21st, 1940 at the city hall with Mayor Mainous pre- siding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' Pursuant to provisions of Section 6, Article IV of, the Home Rule Charter, a s~6cialmeeting, after notice by the Secretary being served'upon the Mayor and the COL~issioners at the time prescribed. A speoial meeting was',h~ld in ,the Oi ty Hall in the City of \tVest University Place, at "8':'00 A. M: " on the ?1 !=It OFlY of Dec- ember. , 1940, for the purpose of anne xing the territory here- inafter referred to: After discussion Coramissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones approving and passing anne.xattp~ ordinance No. .;? 0-3 . A certain tract of land bounded on the north by the North of Bellaire Boulevard, on the east by thw West line of Kirby Drive, which Caption is as follows: , ORDINANCE NO. 20.3 AN ORDINA1WE EXTEl\TDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNrJERSITY PLACE, 'I'EXAS, BY AlfNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND AND TERRITORY; DESCRIBING THE LA:t-Jl) AND TERRI- TORY SO ANNEXED; AND, PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. Voting Aye; Commissioners Hersch~l, Jones and Mayor Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion approving and passing annexation ordinance No. ~ 04 ' annexing property bound on the north by the north right-o;f-way of the -8. A. & A. P. Railroad Company; on the East by the City Limits line 01' the city of HoustQn; on the South by the City Limit line of the Oity of West University PlaS~,e; on the West by the right-of-way of the T. N. N. O. Railroad Company. Caption is as 1'ollows: ... ORDINANCE NO. .2 tJ 1 ,AN ORDD.lli.NCE E:xTENDING THE CITY LTIHTS OF THE CITY OF1tJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY Al~1EXI:r:n' ill TEE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL L\ND AI\TD TERRITORY; DESCRIB- ING T".tfE LA,ND AND TERRITORY SO ANJ\TEXED; AND, PROVIDING WWN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECCI\~ EFFECTIVE. The above motion was duly seconded by COillll1issioner Herschel~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones, Herschel, and Ivmyor Mainous Nos: Nt;Jne. ~? I -, - T [I ~~--~-' "'I -----r "1i'1 e ~"7"'''' '-< ~~. <". '," ~,',.. ' Commissioner Jones made a motion, which was se'conded by Commissioner Herschel approving and passing annexation ordinance No. ~a-, annexing property bounded on the North by Cambridge Place Addition, and Bellaire Boulevard; on the east by a line parralitel to'and 4670 feet west of 'Kirby Drive, measured along a line parrallel to the North line of Bellaire Boulevard; on the South by Brays Bayou; and on the West by the City of Bellaire. Caption is as 1'ollo\^ls: ORDINANCE NO. 2./JS- AN 6RDINANCE ETIENDING THE CITY'LllJIITS OF THE CITY OF vilEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY ANNEXING TO THE CITY CERTAIN ADDITIONAL LAND iLT\JD TERRITORY; DES- CRIBING THE lAND AND TERRITORY SO lH1NEXED; and, PRO- VIDING WHEN THIS ORDIN.t1.NCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones, Herschel, and Mayor Mainous Nos: ' None. DISCUSSION: Ordinances were presented by the attorney, annexing property to West Alabama. It was the Mayors recommendation that the Ordinances be passed taking in only the property to the T. N. N. O. Railroad Tract and that these ordinances take effect on and a1'ter January 2nd, 1941, and not immediately. It was COIl1..missioner;:; Jones' recomruendation that these ordinances be passed taking effect immed ia tely . Commissioner Herschel agreed that since the first of the year was only a matter of a few days, that he was in faVor of making these ordinances become effective on January 2nd, 1941, which is in his opinion, is only fair to the property owners in this territory. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared ad- journed. ~/J?1~/ layor ".: i-- -r rI "- 1 ---, T1' REGULAR MEETING :MONDAY, DECEMBER 16Th, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrry , PLACE, TEXAS 7g'~. A regular meeting of the Oi ty council was held on ~ilonday,. Dec- ember 16th, 1940, at 7:00 P. M.at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners dones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 2nd, the continued ~eeting of December 7rd, and the, Special meeting 'of December 'th, and the Spe'cial meeting (){f December l2th,1940 were read and approved. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was sem nded by Commissioner Jones approving a contract to be :rra de with the Underwood Elliott Fisher Company for the maintenance of the bookkeeping machine for a period of one year beginning with November 27th, 1940. This contract in the amount ,of $22.80. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos : Nro~. .,. I ( ( Commis sioner Hersohel ask authori ty to use a sufficient amount of sh ell for a parking lot in the rear of the City Hall, which will eliminate traffic conjestion on University Boulevard.. This ' a.utll'tsrii'ywas given by a motion made by Corinnissioner dones and duly secOnded by.'C ommis sioner HerscheL. Authority was also given to contribute $100.00 to the benefit of the Volunteer Fire Depart- ment as prizes. Voting Aye: Commissioners, Herschel and Jones. NosF None. 'I , , . - . . CommiSg~~~er Jones made a motion approving and passing an ordinance cal1ingltiri election for January 14th, 1941 for the purpose of voti'lig at;t.' a $200,000.00 in bonds to be used for the following: $182,400.00 for construction of storm sewers. $ 17,600.00 to construct a public building to be used as a Civic. Center. ''1/ '". ~ t; Also approved, and. passed an order and notices calling the election as referred to above and ordering that same be published in the Southwestern News, and post same in compliance, with the State Statutes. ,', '];he above n;Lotion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel.' Voting Aye; Commissi oners Jore s and Herschel Nos:NQl1e Commissioner dones made a motion, which wa,s duly seconded by 'j Commissioner Herschel authorizing the purchase of four (4) chairs at $lO..OO,E?ach, same, to be used in the o1'fice. I, I ,( [' ~, ''[':'1' "'~" ,\\f,I Voting Aye: Commissi oner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Mr. R. B. Allen acting as engineer under the W. P. A. Street Improvement Program recently attended the Fir~t Annual Con- ference of Municipal Engineers, held at A. & M. College on December 4th, ~nd .5th, read his report tq the council, which report may be found in the files under the ,heading 01' Miscella- neous Reports. He rendered an expense statement in the amount of $12.00 covering his expenses l' or attending this meeting. ~~A I I ' " After a very lengthy discussion with re1'erence to the agreement as recently submitted by the Houston Lighting and Power Company compromiSing and setting the 4toGross ,Receipt Tax Suit, which has been carried through the Supreme Court of Texas, and decision rendered in favor of the City of West University Place. The Commit.tee appointed at a previous meeting t.o ana~yze this agree- ment submitted by the Houston Lighting and Power Company be re- Jected and a sui~ filed immediately to continue the penalty of '100.00 per day which the 2-year statute of limitat~on expired on October 28th, 1940. Following the recommendation 01' the Board, Commissioner Jore s made a motion to be effect t'ba.t a suit be filed immediately against the Houston Lighting and Power Company on Ordinance No. 129, for the collection of the penalties ' as set out in this ordinance. Commissioner Herschel seconded the , above motion providing that t.he City Attorney, A. J: Lamonte, be instruc~ed to file the suit. Voting Aye: COJJ)missioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. 1 ! r A discussion with reference to the bids received 1'or the con- struction of a fence around the water plal1t. on which the following bids were received: Cox Fence Company Cyclon Fence Co~pany Southwestern Fence Company Continental Wire and $ence Co. $ 882.00 8 '72 . 8.5 886.00 1,097.00 with certified check att. tt 1'1 fI tt " fl " tt no certified check att. It was decided that the Cyclone lJ'ence Compa,ny being the lowest bidder as their speci1'ications did not meet requirements, and that this contract be postponed until after the newly elected officials take office after, the election on January 14th, 1941, and the Secretary is instructed to return the checks of these bidders, aRd advise them of the action of the council taken,at this meeting. ' There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seuondedthe meeting was'declared adjourned. ' '" ~1lJ) MaY:- ATTEST: t: ~1 r'" , '" ----r ".'1 /' N'"c'~ " , ..', '?': " . '--.': ~< ~~~:':.v SPECIAL MEETING ,THORBDAY, DECEMBER 19TH, 1940 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting of the City Council was held on Thur,sday, December 19th, 1940 at 4:00 P. M. at the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ,Commissioner dones made a motion approving the payment of $80.00 .to the Jud.ges and clerks for their services working in the Home Rule Charter election held on December 17th, 1940. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Comrrdssioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones giving authority to pay Haden and Austin $.500.00 balance due on $1,000.00 note which was given in 1939 on the Sunset Bridge. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a moti-on Which was dUly seconded by Commission.r Herschel approving an invoice in the amount of $126.38 1'or 2-inch Cast Iron Pipe purchased from the Plumb Real ty Co. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made, a motion approving a $1000.00 Surety Bond for Grady Smith and authorizing the payment of $.5.00 for the premium. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing a oheck to be made in the amount 01' ~200.00 to the City Attorney, A. J.~amonte, to ' apply on Attorney fees with reference to the $200,000.00 Bond Issue to be, voted on January 14th,. 1941. The above motion was duly second~d by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. 'i Mr. R.F. Dawson and Mr. W. J. Aubertin presented the Home Rule Charter election returns to the council, which were opened and the results given by the Mayor. In canvassing the results of said election the following votes were ca$t: ". ~::; .' ",,,,-" .. " .\ >.," .. . . -t- "., -~-l -1 rr'~ - I f '~iT ^,~J 4t r---~' - Number of vetes cast 202 For the adoption of said Charter 188 Against the adoption of said Charter 14 This showing a majority or 174 votes for the adoption of said Charter. Co~issioner Jones made a motion, which was seconded by Corowissioner Herschel approving the order declaring the results 01' said election and ordering the adoption 01' said Charter. ~oting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None~"'- ", There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared a'djourned. J:}//J;~ Mayor, ' f ~. , n~~"l-----'