HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 07 PRB MinutesWUP Parks and Recreation Board MINUTES JULY 18, 2017 6:30PM REC CENTER – CONFERENCE ROOM TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting CHAIR Kevin Boyle SECRETARY David DeAnda ATTENDEES Kevin Boyle, Melissa Pifko, David De Anda, Sherry Harber, Donna Petrone, and Mark Prescott. Staff: Susan White Council Member: Mardi Turner VISITORS Alida Drewes, Paula Phillips and Doug Friedman I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6 pm by Chair Kevin Boyle. II. Approval of May 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes : DeAnda stated that the minutes needed to be amended to reflect that Melissa Pifko attended the May 3 rd meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Mark Presco tt with a second from Donna Petrone. Motion passed unanimously. III. Public Comments : Comments made by Alida Drewes. Expressed concerns regarding use of Colonial Park. Stated its use is minimal when there is no scheduled event. She believes that it would be utilized more if fencing was removed and residents could use the green space surrounding the pool area withou t paying for admission to the pool. Alida also expressed concern regarding fee sche dule and burden from such on the elderly, disabled and those on fixed income. Additional comments we re made by Paula Friedman and Doug Phillips. They reside in a house that is adjacent to Hughes Park. They expressed their concerns regarding th e proposed fencing for the park. They advocated for a masonry wall as they were concerned with the quality, life-span and maintenance required of wood fencing and not ed problems with the Huffington Park wood fence. Also stated that for the reduction of noise, a masonry wall was far superior. They were of the opinion that any cost savings ac hieved from a wood fence would not be worth the lower maintenance costs and future replacement costs that were lessened by a masonry wall. IV. Friends Overview : Comments made by Mark Presco tt. He stated that the group was recessed for the summer but that it would meet in August to discuss the funding for Hughes Park. Stated that the group will review budget on a macro-level (not a line by line analysis, would leave that to Council). V. Hughes Park : Susan stated that there is an email group of inte rested citizen that is receiving updates. The concept that was agreed to was Concept A with a focus on green space. Susan passed out a proposed plan and bud get. Noted that a fence is contemplated however it would likely not be as tall as fences in other parks. There is a dry stream bed that needs to be activated in order for it to have water. There does not appear to be a
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2 consensus with regard to what would compri ses a “quiet park” so Susan noted that the executor of the Hughes estate has approved the co ncept. She discussed the items that have changed (added a water fountain and table art tree and brick on side walk). Stated that a new plan will be circulated to incorporate certain changes/additions. The task force approved the concept at the last meeting. Next step would be for Friends to review and make a commitment for funding. At this point we are in schematic design stage. Sherry Harber suggested that we consider putting out design costs to bid, that budget that was circulated seems high. Kevin suggested that we not focu s on line items. Melissa, moved to approve the concept along with these estimated costs but to take into consideration that such budget is subject to further scrutiny. Mark seconded the motion. Motion passed. Melissa did state that at the Task Force it was understood that number was an estimate and subject to further scrutiny. Mardi, stated it was the role of the city to determine what is a proper budget. Kevin stated that our job is to just approve the concept and not be focused on each line item. Also, per Susan, each li ne item has a 20% contingency built in that is often not dipped into. This will now to go Council, and at that time, issues brought up here can be addressed then. Sherry continued to express her concerns with the budget and they were noted. VI. Board Member Updates . Kevin asked the Board for any relevant updates. Mark stated that the concrete retaining wall installed at Weir Park to protect the Live Oak looked good. Donna stated that she had attended concerts during the Park concert series and that they went well and she had enjoyed them. Stephen agreed. VII. Board Member Term Expirations . Councilmember Turner stated that Park’s Board member terms are up on August 31. Mardi stated that Board members needed to decide whether they wanted to reapply. Mardi asked that we complete applications and also provide CVs. Interview are only 10 minutes. Encouraged all to apply. Applications should be out right now. Susan stated that deadline to apply is August 11 and that information went out to all Board members via email. V III. Council Update . Report made by Councilmember Turner. Stated the new City Council is starting off slowly. To start with boar d appointments and will th en tackle the budget. Director’s Update . No immediate need to address fee schedule. Does not make sense to be done as Board terms are expiring. This will be tabled until 2018. Big Belly project has been tabled indefinitely due to the high cost. Councilmember Turner asked Susan whether she had discussed options with zoo. Councilme mber Turner stated that the zoo has trash containers made from old milk containers. Susan also stated that online tennis reservation system is still being tested. Ready to roll out proposed policy. Under current system, to make a reservation you need to be a resident and have to be a recreation center member to make online reservation. Under new pol icy, non-recreation center members who are residents will be able to make online reserv ations. Stephen asked whether a net partition could be still be considered to keep balls sepa rate from neighboring courts. Susan stated that it has been discussed for tennis courts at Colonial. IX. Adjournment . Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Donna and seconded by David. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting convened at 6:53 pm.