HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 02 PRB AgendaNotice of Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Parks and Recreation Board and Members of the City Council will meet on:Wedne sday, February 1 , 201 7 6:30 PM WUP R ECREATION C ENTER – 4210 B ELLAIRE West University Place, Texas XI.Call to Order: Chair Kevin Boyle XII.Approval of Minutes: December 7 , 2016 XIII.Citizen ’s Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board XIV.Friends Overview: Friends Board Chair, Mark Prescott XV.201 8 PARD Fee Schedule : Kevin XVI.Board Member Updates: Park Ambassador Reports:XVII.Staff & City Council Updates:Council Update – Councilmember Mardi Turner o Director ’s Update – Susan o Big Belly Trash and Recyclables Pilot Install Update XVIII.Old Business:XIX.New Business :Susan and several of the department managers will be attending/participating in the Texas Recreation and Parks Society ’s State Institute the first week of March, 2017.  Staff would appreciate the Board considering moving the meeting date up to at least Wednesday, March 8.  XX.Adjournment Next Parks Board Meeting TBD If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting,please contact Susan White at 713.662.5367 in advance of the meeting.Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting.The West University Place Recreation Center is wheelchair accessible and specially marked parking spaces are available in the northwest parking area.Special seating will be provided in the Conference Room. ___________________________________________Jeremy Veld, Assistant Recreation Manager POSTED THIS ___ DAY OF January 201 7 AT _____ O ’CLOCK P.M.