HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 11 PRB MinutesWUP Parks and Recreation Board MINUTES NOVEMBER 1 , 201 7 7 PM REC CENTER – CONFERENCE ROOM TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting CHAIR Peter Billipp SECRETARY Nina Pilson ATTENDEES Members: Peter Billipp, Brett Bingham, Jeffrey Chen, Maryann Lio Grahmann, Tracy Larson, A. Scooter Lerner, Spyros Maragos, Mary McCulloch, and Nina Pilson Staff: Susan White Council Member: Mardi Turner VISITORS A lida D r ewes I. Call to Order : T he mee ting was called to order at 7 pm by C hair Peter Billipp . II. Approval of October 4 , 2017 Meeting Minutes : Motion to approve the m in utes was made by Peter Billipp with a second from Scooter Lerner . Motion passed unanimously. III. Public Comments : Comments by Alida Drewes. Stated that she visited Friends and Colonial Parks and never finds anyone there . Compared them to jail with fencing up and doesn’t understand the need for gates in every park. Compared the parks to Levy Park which has much better security roaming through the park daily , golf, games and many other activities f or children to do. Finds our parks overall substandard. IV. Friends Overview : Mark Presco tt not present so passed on his update. V. Board Member Updates: Prior to the board meeting, the board spent two hours touring all 8 of parks and understanding issues at each park. Mardi wanted ground cover at each park re -looked out by grounds crew and Susan agreed and will have the maintenance crews visit each park a lthough she feels upcoming winter season may contribute to this issue. Peter asked the board to send emails on any small issues we hear or see at each park even if considered too minor so we can get a scope of what is a priority. VI. Staff & City Council Upd ates: Council Update – Mardi Turner: Mardi thanked Susan for her efforts in moving the JEH Park concept forward considering several obstacles encountered at last city council mtg. Staff Update : Susan White 1. JEH Park: Susan explained that she is working on scheduling the demolition of Hughes house and exploring the option of recycling the JEH house building materials to an organization. 2. 2018 Budget and Fees Approved 3. Special Events Calendar – Susan walked the board thr ough the calendar that was handed out to each board member. Susan stated Brittany Bakes was leading efforts to add new events to the calendar if anyone had ideas.
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2 VII. By Laws Discussion: Peter Billipp Each board member was handed out original and revised by laws to review and make changes to before next mtg. Spyros pointed out an issue with one by law being removed (clause on accepting remuneration from any board member in connecti on with board services). Discussion amongst all members began and Mardi pointed out that several clauses were confusing. It was decided that ev eryone review th e by -laws and make notes to discuss at next board mtg. VIII. New Business No new business IX. Adjournment . M eeting adjourned a t 7 :12 pm .