HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1939 , '$~cti' ; '2' " '.'~ ' . .. .." ~'" . ":~ ~>-:.~ ):" ,. ,REGULAR MEET ING , FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, , TEXAS. The regular meeting of the oouncil was held January 6, 1939 at 7: 00 p. M. in the e ouncil ohamber of the' ci ty hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretar~ Jarrard in attendance. ~ ."\:. The minutes of the special meeting of Thursday, December 22, 1938 were read, adjusted and approved. Mr. R. E. Turrentine, County Commissioner, Precinct NO.1, wrote a letter requesting the council to appoint someone to assist him to work out ways of opening up Buf~alo Speedway or some other direct route to the Lamar High ;:)chool. The Mayor suggested that sinoe F. M. Ma~oas is in charge of the street and bridge department, that he be appointed to work with Mr. Turrentine. It was agreed by the co~~il that Mr. Mainous be appointed as'suggested, and to express apprecia- tion to Mr. Turrentine for his effort in this connection. A letter from the Realty Servicing Corporation, signed by Mr. Plumb regard;ing the improvements on par,tof Lot II, and Lot 12, aloc~k6, P~mb~rton Place. He advised that tliese'1Inprov'ements were notcoI1}.pleted untllafter J~1iUa~y 193B, 'al1d 't'~:t- tl:\:e~efore, there should be no taxes OI1tl1ese improve:p1,entS!'or 'tn~ yeG.r ' " 1938. Since the, tax records are very clear tha:t 'these improve- ,ments were completed in su:ff:t..c.ient t:il:ne to be included on the' 1938 tax roll the matter was';re,f'epred :to the tax assessor and building ins:p.ector for investig~tio,n. Mr. Frank M. ~ustinof the Houston, Li~ht~ng& ~ower90mpany pre- sented a oontract for additional street lighting. A1'ter same was read by the Mayor and discussed and ' sever'al'suggestions made, Mr. Austin was instructed to re-write said contractaild refer same to the City Attorney, Mr. R. L. Sonfie~d for approval. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was secOnded by Com- missioner Allen giving authority for the purchase of 13,300' of lumber in the sum of $418.00 for the repairing 100 ,- of sewer line on Duke Street. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous'made a motion wh~ch was seconded hy Com- missioner Allen giving authority to Mr. Allen to employ a mech- anic for the repairing of the sewer pump. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Mainous and Allen. \l Nos: None. 1 - ~~-""~T~~'~-i T ' "~>' I' ';""6J." c:~il.>~ ' ", _~ :-"'F..-:', :- ~>;~~~"-:~o~.'. . Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for $112.00 for the purchas e 0,1' lumber in ctimensions of .3.xlO, 1000 lineal feet, two (2) car.s shell emulsion, six (6) cars of shell, thirty (30) gallons No. 30 lubricating oil. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner IVlainous. Voting Aye: Commissi,oners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. ,". The. following letters were rece!ved from the Columbia Company, signed by Mr. A. ~. Olson: "this is to acivis:e that we will pay $180.00 for the shelling of Coleridge Street between College Avenue and Weslayan Streets. 'Shelling to'be 18 feet wide, and we will agree to pay 1'or this work within thirty (30) days after completion.ff t1':fhis is to advise that we will pay $90.00 to- , ward the completion of shelling Marlow Street, west of College. Avenue in the 5900 block." After discussion Commissioner Mainous recommended that the ci.ty grant these requests, and that the Columbia Company arrange and pay for the hauling; and that~~. Mainou~ be auth~ orized to purchase three (3) Oars of shell to fill this re- quest. The above recommendation was accepted by a mqtion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. CommiSsioner Allen made a,motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving map and platt of the property now being developed north of the school, known as Pershing First Addition. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. There being no further business to come bef re the meeting and upon motion being duly made and seconded t e meeting was de- clared adjourned. r tJ .1"' '_ I r 1 L.J: '1' ~.~6:~~4~ , ': '..~:~, , ~ '. "C. < ,". .' , , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, .JANUARY 13, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER,. CITY HALL, WEST illfIVERS.ITY PL..4.CE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the oouncil was held Friday, Jan- uary 13, 1939 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber-of the Ci ty Hall, with May.or Fleming p,resid4ng" Commissioners Allen .and Mainous and Secretary .Jarrard in attendance. ' ,'" The minutes of the meeting 01' Friday, December 30, 1938 were read and approved, the minutes of the meeting of Friday., Jan. 6, 1939 read, adjusted and approved. The following certificate was obtained from the State Comp- trollers Department, for which there was a 50~ cert11'icate fee. Commissioner Mainous.made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen authorizing the payment of this fee in the acceptance of the certificate. It I, Geo. Jr. Sheppard, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas do hereby cer- tify t}1.at Nos. 1/200 1'or i/Ill,OOO.OO each aggre- gating $200,000.00 City of West University Place Water Revenue Bonds Series 1938, dated December 1, 1938, registered by the Comptroller December 20, 1938, in. Bond Register Vol. 43, Page 407., under Registration No. 18'757, together wi,th interest Coupon No. 1 maturing July 1, 1939, and all sub~ sequent coupons attached, were cancelled and burned this December 29, 1938; and THEREUPON, City of West University Place Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1938, dated December 15, 1938, Nos. 1/200 for ~l,OOO.Oo each agg~egating $200,000.00 were registered in lieu of said can- celled bonds 'in, Bond Register Vol 43, page 436, under Registration No. 18786, this December 29~ 1938. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and seal of office at.Austin, Texas, this .January 12, 1939. Geo. H. Sheppard . Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas.fl Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. 1.-:;' , " ~, ~1' un '_, I. 1&5 q /:.. '." .. -,---,; ~ .f"" '," , ."" It" : . ~ . Motion made by Commissioner Mainous, secmndedby Commissioner Allen, authorizing the payment amounting to $878.44 to the Hartwell Iron Works, for a claim which they filed,against the fundsdtl.e V~. F. Warfield & Co., who approved the payment to be made to the above company. Voting Aye: ~ownissioners Mainous and Allen. .Nos: Non~.. Commissioner Mainous made a~ot~on giving authority to p~y to the eity of Houston the sum of $2500.00 as full settlement for monthly. charges ,made for rendering sewerage disposal service for the past nine months, from Feb. 1, 1938 to Nov. 1, 1938; and to transfer suffioient funds from the general .fund account to the sewer general account. The above motion was duly sec- onded by Commissioner~Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. The Daily Court Review(publishers) advised that if the city would furnish them with the building and plUmbing permits they would pUblish same each day with an accumulated total weekly and also furnish, without 'cost, a copy of this ~aper daily. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the above, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye" Commissioners Allen and fuainous. lIas: None. Commissioner Mainous advised that it was necessary to increase the e!Jtpense of the Clu>istmas tree from $15.00 to a,.pproximately $25.00, as he had to employ the Bronk Electric Company to re- pair the wiring for the Ghri,stmas tree lights, the. total scum of$18.50. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the ' above and expressing appreciation to Mr. Austin 01' the Houston' Lighting & Power Company for donating the globes for this tree. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. , Commissioner Allen made amotion Which was seoonded by Com- missioner Mainous giving authority for the purchase of one (1) ,tarpaulin ,9x24, in the amolUlt of $10.80, thirty (30) gallons lubD-icating oil for the street and bridge department, twenty (20) pieces 4x6 5 ft lumber womized treated--$14.50, 130 lineal feet .of 2x6 10 ft amounting to $7.80. , " " , '~'>';'1"'~<~~ . , ' '{$'6. . . '<.< '-.: -'-:;;,- . "," 1 ," "- " :, ~< , > . -..: Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. . . Commissioner Mainous recommended that a white man be em- ployed, ,at $g5.00 per week, to drive the garbage truck. After discussion Gommissioner Allen made 'a motion giving , approval for the empm.oying of a man as per m-ecomrnenda tion, . and sugge:;J.ted that preference be made to a citizen from the City 01' West University Place. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. " Voting .Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous asked that he be permitted to emplGY two ~~} extra colored men to clean ditches and to trans1'er one 1'rom the garbage. truck, making a total 01' three (3) extra men at $16.50 per week. After discussion Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous giv- ing authority 1'or the employment of these men. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. c Commissioner Mainous m~de amotion giving authority for the purchase of 100 water meters and fittings, 50 meter boxes, one (1) wheelbarrow, .one'(l} shovel and two (2) brooms. Motion duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. . Mr. JohnC. 'Calhoun Jr, Ehgineer, presented f~nished plans and the plat of the Evanston Addition to beapprove.d. , Com- missioner Mainous made a motion that these plans be accepted and approved and that the Mayor and Secretary be authorized to, sign same. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to allow ~~. George Ashcraft 49! per mile for the use of his car in picking up dogs while the water truck is not available. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. .' " """"--~Q' I' .. r 1 , -, ...J , , ' .t~'6"-i'. ~,' ~ ~". . :t' ~ f '0< .'$.": ~. ,T :;'''<. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner MainQus giving authority ror the police department to purchase one (I) box shot gun shells, one (1) case flash light batteries, 12 pieces of metal for city limits signs- $7.80, and the lettering of these signs--$~.OO. ,Voting Aye: Commissioners Alleni';and Mainous. ". Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authori~y for the pur- chase of the following: One (1) box file, one (1) box staples ,one{-l) filing ease, l~OOO letterheads, 2500 envelopes and mis- cellaneo~s supplies, $4.60. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. ' Voting Aye: Commissi oners Allen and Mainous, No s: None. There being no further upon motion being made adjourned. .before the oouncil meeting was decla I i .~ ATTEST: ~~ 1'-" ''', ~ ~.~ ",;~~:'~;~~';' ' REGULAR MEETING FREDAY, JANUARY 20, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERS:rry PL,ACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting p f the counc il was h~ld Friday, J anua.ry " 20,,1939 at_7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the city hall, w;i. th Mayor l"leming .p:r:>es:i,.ding, COIr,lmissioner:;JAllen, and Mainous and Secreta~y Jarrard in attendance. Mr. John C. CalhOun, Jr, Engineer" delivered a letter to the council 1'rom,Mr. C. J. Mathews, offering a_proposition regard- ing permaI).ent paving in Block 20, College View 1st addition, on Poe Street baweenCollege and Weslayan streets. This matter was referred to Commissioner Mainous .with iI1;.structions to go into the matter with Mr. Mathews and repprt back to the council at a later date. Commissioner Allen recommended that the city purchase a s~werage pump, with a three phase, 60 cycle, 1/3 hors'e power, ,220 volt motor and a tank, fqr the lift plant at Kirby Drive, total cost of this unit to be il10.95 t.o.b. Houston from Chicago Pump Co. .After disoussion Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing that this purchase and installation be made which mot~on was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was give~ authority to purohase three (3), lanterns to be planed on Kirby Drive intersecting stree~s from Pemberton, by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Comw.issioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. ,Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving plans for the spao- ing of street lights as per the map showing locations of the additional lights, making a total of 53 overhead and 28 stan- , dards, and authorized the Mayor and Secretary to execute a con- tract with the Houston Lighting & Power Co., (Which copy"of contract may be found in the files under the heading of HOuston Lighting & Power Co.) The above motion ~asduly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and 1V1ainous. Nos: None. " ,} 1'"6--"9' ' ' ^, .. . - '" :: :'.:; ~ -;:,- . Mr. W. M. Lawrence, presented a petition asking the city to con- struct lateral sewer line in he easement of the block bound on the south by Bellaire Blvd, on the east by Rutgers, north by Cason. ~his 12ne to ~e approximately 430 feet. He claims that since th~ city map showed this line had originally been installed that the city ~as duty bound tolay this line at its expense. After considerable discussion Commissioner lVIa-inous made a motion a:u.thorizing the purohase of these materials which line is to be laid by the ~ater department. . The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner 'Allen, with the provision that with strict under~ , standing that dua to the information on the map being incorrect and that this will have no bearing wha~soever on 1'uture lateral lines to be constructed in other parts of the city other than main sewer lines. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. --- Attorney R. L. Sohrie~d presented a bill in the amount of $1530.00 attorney fees ineonhection with the preparation of the ordinances, af1'idavits, etc. "for the $200,000.00 water, revenue bonds. 'This amount represents ,1% of the net issue of bonas which is $200,000. . less $47;000.00 refUnding bonds. ' In as much 'as l%attorney fees is a customary charge for tl"t..isc'lasso:f work, Commissioner Al+en approved the above amount which motion was approved by Mayor ~lem- ing. Voting Aye: Commis,sioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: Commissioner Mainous. Dr. J. Herbert Page, presented a.bill several months ago in the amount 01' $~2.00 foZ' services renderd to J. W.Clarke for pasteur treatments. Since Dr. Page agreed to reduce this account from $42.00 to $30.00, Commissioner ,alIen made a motaon which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing that a check be made for the amount of this bill. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Secretary presented the Mayor and each Commissioner. with financial statements showing receipts and disbursements of the general, sewer and water accounts,for the month of December, 1938. '" There being no further business to come upon motion being made and seconded the j o'T2:Pned. re the council and Lng was declared ad- r::~~ , C ~ar:v: ' 7 / 1 ...- ---~--'-~=r 1. . -. - ----- --.,---- "" -= r-" - j""":1Jf"""" ' , h:", :;(); l .' &.;j ~: '. ;.~: , , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The ~egular meeting o~ the council was held Friday, January 27, 1939 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the city naIl, w~th Mayor F~eming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and secreta~y Jarrard in attendance. ' , The minutes of the meeting of Friday, January 13, 1939 were l'",i read, adjusted and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion seconded by Comm~ssioner Main- ous apprOVing anq. passing Ordinance No. 15~h which caption is as follows:, ' o Jill IlL^.N CE 1~1i. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF. THE CITYQ~ WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS', BY MIENDINGSEC':CION 33, BlJB~;PAR,AGRAPH (3),,)VITH REFERENOE TO NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON AMENDMENTS TO THE ORDINANCE.; BY ADDING,. SECTION 13...13 CONCERNING SQUARE FOOT, DIlVIENS IONS, OF DWELLINGS IN, TENTH SINGLE....FAMILY Dw.EELINGDISTRICT;BY ,ADDING SEC- TION 22-13 WITH REFERENCE TO TYPE OF CONSTRUC- TION OF DWELLINGS IN TENTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELL- ING DIpTRIGT:; BY AMEl'tDING SECTION 24, SW3- PARAGRAPH (1) WITH REFERENCE ID FRONT YARDS; AMEND SECTION 29, SUB-PARAGRA~ (3) WI~H RE~ FERENCE TO THE RETAIL BUSlNESS DISTRICT FRONT- ING ON KI:RBYDR,IVE; AND, PIt.QVIDING THAT THl~ ORDINANCE ,SHAJ4. TAKE EFFECT AND BE I~ FOR::;!S IMMIDIATELYF;ROM, AND AFTER ITS PAS~AGE AND APPROVAL. and also authorized the expense of adv~rtising ,this ordinance in complianoe with the state staututes. This publication is to be made through the Southwestern News. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the payment of $1~50 to E. O. Rulon re-imbursing him for the amount paid for repairing two gunhols ters, the above motion duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. t1 ....;. 'J~~': [ --:--- ~ .. ---r LJ ':{t~\~'fi,: ',' ~~J,~~.> , .' . '. "1;. CommissionersAllen made a motion a colored man at $16.50 per week meters for the month of January. ed by Commissioner Mainous. authorizing the employment or, to assist in reading water The above motion duly second- Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. NDs: None. Mayor Flemi~g requested authority to recorda release executed by the City National Bank to the City of West Univers~ty Place, or the lien and mortgage covering the w~ter works system or the city,. by reason of the issuance or $100,000.00 of water revenue bonds issued by the city in 1929, which issue was re- funded in 1936 by the issuance of refunding bond in lieu of the original bond covering the water works sys tern. in the aggregate amount of $48,750.00. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen accepting and approving of' above release. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen advised that he had made arrangm~~s'wfuth the state Laboratories to supply them with four (4) samples 01' water <each month. - It is therefore necess,ary to buy con- tainers and boxes for the shipment 01' these samples,. Com- missioner Mainous madea motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Allen givtng authority forthepnrohase 01' necess- ary supplies, and also to purchase tww (2) sho.vels and one (1) trowel. Voting Aye: Commiss.a.oners Mainous md Allen. Nos: None. " Authority was given for thepuro-hase of fo"Lli' (4) drums of gas- oline,one(l) chain for garbage truck, $1~.05, six ('6) corru.,. gated pipes, six (6}1211 corrugated pipe 12 feet long, three (3) pair rubber boots, and SJx,(6) rain coats, and four (4) pair rubber boots for the water department, by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Mainous. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr. J. A. Metcalf~ fire ch:i:ef, reported that he Was in communi- cation with the Diamond T ~~re Truck Company, also the American LaFrance Equipment Company;j: with regard to purchasing a fire engine and necessary equipment, which cost is to be appro~imately ., --I r'''' 1."'<:'7',"""""" ' " "0'" , '~'-~~ i.:" . .. A $2,000.00. Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving'author- ity to Commissioner Allen to go into the ma'l{ter with these companies and to make a full inv~stigationas to the eq~ip- ment necessary for reducing the fire tnsuranee ~ate, and to make the purchase; that the price of the entire equipment be detailed and filed tn the office. ~his motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. V~ting Aye: .'" Commissioners .IVlainous and A1Ja1. Nos: None. The owner. of Lot ,101, Fairhaven, asked that the city fi).,e suit for taxes due on the property in order to clear the title ' Auth- ori ty was given to R. L. Sonfield to 1'ile this suit 'and thee city secretary be instructed to write a letter to the owner ad~ vising that the amount of oosts in this suit is to be paid by the owners of the property and the city is in no way obligated to p ay any part 01' these expenses. The above action was taken by a motion made by Commiss ioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainou~. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: Non~. Commissioner, Allen made a motion authorizing lhgineer J. C. Calhoun to ad.vertise .for bids (in unit prices) .for tanks, towers, firs plugs, lines and valves ~or the improving the water, system in c.onnection with the $200,000.00 water works revenue bond 1.ssue. The above motion ,was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissipners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner ~ainous made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen that all plans and specifications in conn- ection with the water improvement program be filed in the office as soon as they are completed. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner MIen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further bUsiness to oorne upon motion being made and duly secon clared adjourned. ~J ,ATTEST: rtfI~1:/ fore the the meetin ,/'/, /l , - 1;rt.,~,; '>, ".- ~ '-'; .,' ",' ~.z ;;-. . >,. - ,~ _ .....r. ....,. ". . .- REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1939 CaUNC IL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, February , 3, 1939 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, . with Mayo~ Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and IVlainous, and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . The minutes of' the meeting of January 20, 1939 were read and appnov~d. 'fhe minutes of the meeting of Janua17 27, 1939 were read, adjusted and approved. Commissioner Allen made ,a motion which was seconded by Commis- sioner Mainous approving the passing of Ordinance No.~5% fixing the ,amount to be paid in wages to contractors fun the water works improvement c9ntract, which caption ,is as 1'ollows: ORDINANCE NO. 151 FINDING AND ESTABLISH ING THE PREVAILING RATE OF PER. DIEM WAGES, RATE FOR LEGAL HOLI- DAY AND 0 VER TIlVIE WORK IN THIS LOCALITY FOR EACH DRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKlVIENNNEE.DEDTO EXECUTE, THE CONTRACT FOR THE EREOTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF TWO 250,000 GALLONS ELE- VATED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFrER ITS PASSAG'E AND' APPROVAL. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Bids for two 250,000 gallons elevated water tanks were opened by the Mayor and the following, bids were received: Base Bids as ffbllows: Chicago Bridge & I!J:'cnnCo.---------___ P1ttsburg, Des Moines Steel Co.~----- A bond of $2,000.00 was enclosed witp. each bid., After dis- oussion these bids were re1'erred to .iJ.r.ngineer J. C. Calhoun, Jr to check, make ,the compa:iisons ,and report back to the council. Commissioner Mainous made a motion approving and passing a resolution authorizing the destruction of $48,750.00 in ~, '" } r - --=----===j"---- -. ~ r -. , J "~~~<,;~:' : c <~Jt-:l~~.' water revenue bonds, series 1936, and $2,000 sewer reve-, nue bonds, series 1938, due January 1, 1939 (original resolution may be fouqd in the riles under the heading of II Resolutions.. II ) The ab,ove motion was duly seconded by Commission~r Allen. Voting Aye: Gomrriissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ,.,.. , The Mayor was authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the City of West University Place with the Houston Lighti~g & Power Company for additional street lig4ting, through an ordinance No.153 which caption is as follows:, ORDmANCE NO .153 ' - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO,E)CE- CUTE, ON BEff..ALF OF TJIE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, A CONTRACT WITH THE HOUSTON LIGHTING ~ POWER COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ORNAMENTAL STAN~ DARDS, OVERHEAD BRACKETS, LAMPS AND OTHER FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT IN CONNECTION THERE- WITH FOR THE PURPOSE OF LIGHTING THE STREETS, ALLEYS, CROSSINGS AND' OTHER PUBLIC PLACES AND WAYS WITHIN THE CO RPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY, SUCH CONTRACT, TO COVER ALL SUCH IN- STALLATIONS PREVIOUSLY ~MADE AS QF THE DATE OF EACH SUCH INSTALLATION, AND TO FURTHER STIPULATE ALL CFf--AHGES, COSTS AND REGULATIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; THIS SAID ORD::(NANCE TO TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE n~MEDIATELY FROM AND A~~ER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving the passing of this ordi- nance. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Mayor recommended. the expenditure of $3.50 to repair the radio in Mr. Ashcraft's car, so that it will receive police calls and may be used in the absence. 01' xhe regu- lar police car. Commissioner Allen made a motion auth- orlz ing the above which motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. .. ~} 1'- .-=.~. '.--1. -r [ " --r-- --;-::r ; . Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the purchase of two (2) graderoblades and eight (8) cars of shell, which motion was duly second~d by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. . Commissioner Allen advised that the Chevrolet water truck. was badly'" in need of repairs and new set of .tires, and, due to the amount of this cost he recommended the purchase of a new truck. The following bids were 1\!eceived: Pollard Chevrolet 09~pany~g~~-----$625.85 Raymond Pearson-Ford-------------- 654.00 Dow Motoir> Co. "Ghevrolet-'--------- 676,.35 AlsburyBurkeCo.-Ford------------ 748.00 Jackson Motors Co.-Dodge---------- 700.00 The-above are ~et figures after deduoting allowance 1'01' the old truck. As the Pollard Chevrolet Company was the lowe,st bidder yommissioner M~inous made a motion seconded by Commissioner A+len authorizing th~ purchase of a Chevrolet trucl.c at $62~.85., , ' , Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: Non~. There being no further business to come and upon motion being made and duly c was declared adjourned. ATTEST: , ' ~~ ClT- EQRE'TARY' , v ~' 1- rn ,n ,..-- un' ~ 1 ",'.- SIIDIAL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting was held Tuesday, February 7, 1939 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber o~ the 'City Hall, Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard ~~ attendance. The cpestion of a site to erec t a tank in the south side of the city was discussed, the mayor advised that he was in gommunication with the owners of property back of the Shell l'aboratory on Bellaire Blvd., :who advised that they would sell the southwest 85xl06 feet, lot 49, and south 100xl06 feet of Lots 50 and 51, and that part of' the west 10 feet of 51 beginning'at Be1laire Blvd and extending to the property in question making a'd 10 .foot roadway for egress and ingress, the total sum of this property is to, be $1950.00, cash or terms up to five (5) years. After con- siderable discussion Commissioner Allen made a mo't:ion which was approved by Mayor Fleming giving authority to the Mayor to negotiate, purchase and execute purchase con- tract for this property, and suggested payment. 01' $250.00 cash and the balance on or before one (lQ year, at 5% interest. ~;'. .~:" Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and :firiayor Fleming. Commissioner Mainous, not voting. The legal department presented a r~~olution to the effect that the mayor be authqriz~d to withdraw the application, ,fora PWA grant or as,sistarice with' reference to the improve- ment and ex~ension to the water system, and to do all things necessary to obtain WPA assistance with refere~~e to such work, eliminating the construction of the two?tanks, in as much as this class of ,the oonstruction would not re- quire the class of labor as furnished ,by the.gqvernment. Commissioner Mainous made a motion to the effect that this besolution be passed with the understanding that the tanks and the entire program be included in the application. The motion failed to carry as there was no second. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming approving and passing the resolution of making the application to the WPA and to withdrawFthat of the PWA. (Original resolution may be fOIDLd in the file under the heading of f1Resolutions.") Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: Commissioner Mainous. ~ r - , 1 , 1 ", i' , 'rt"~ 'rff4' ,;; . :,,:<.., -:::.,-;' '=' . ."-:i. ,?,. ..... The tabulated bids on the two 250,000 gallons water tanks were presented by engineerJ. C. Calhoun, the lowest bid being $46,150.00, which bid includes the conventional type covers~ .The contract was therefore, awarded to the Pitts- burg-DesMoines Steel Company (which contract, plans and specifioations may be found in the file m~der the heading of "Water L:nprovement Program, 1938"). ,The above contract was approved and awarded to a motion made by Commissioner Allen ang. duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and i~ainous. Nos: None. The officials of the drainage Distr~ct No. 12, asked that a resolution be passed authorizing the support of the City of West University Place officials in full cooperation to the drainage district No. 12, and its officials for the maintenance work on the drainage ditch running through the city. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was second- ed by Commissioner. Allen approving and passing resolution givingitheirsupport as suggested. (Original resolution may be found in the files under the heading of "Resolutions. II),. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. I J '. Nos: None. ,Commissioner Allen made amotion which was approved by Mayor Fleming approving and passing resolution confirming the appoint- ment of John C. Calhoun, Jr., to serve as engineer on the Water Works Improvement Program (Which ;resolution, may be found in the files under the heading "Water Works Improvement Program, 1938ff ..) Commissioner Mainous refused to second this motion, stating that his failing to do so was due to his being on vacation, at the time of the appointment of Mr. Calhoun as engineer on this project. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Commissioner Mainous, not voting. There being no .further business to come before uponn motion being made and duly seconded he clared adjourned. AT~ ~ C' ' SECRETARY r C' ,-, ",' ;i;f'f1"8" " ' ". :' : '....iLY:;e~j,f REGULAR :MEETING IJ1RIDAY, FEBRUARY 10~ 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY BP..LL, Vf.EST ID{IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, Feb- ruary 10, 1939 at 7:00 P. IvI. in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor~leming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in a ttendanc e. . The minu~~s.of the regular meeting Df February 3, and spec- ial meeting of February 7 were read, adjusted and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion vmich was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous authorizing the Mayor and Secretary to execute the necessary papers to the Pittsburg-DesMoines Steel Company so that they may proceed with the work of building the two tanks as per contract signed at a previous date. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Attorney R. L. Sonfield s'Q.bmitted his .letter' of resignation as city attorney which is to become, effective on March 1, 1939. This letter was, re,ad by 1:;11,e Mayor (w4ic:Q. letter may be found in the file~ under the:he-ading of "MiscelIane,€);us. II ) After due,consideration it was decided by a motion made by Commissioner 1l11en"and sec6hdedby Commi$sioner Mainous" to accept his resignation and that Mr. Sonfield continue to handle the suits now in process to their conclusion, with an ammended motion providing'that the incoming administration in April will have the authority. to ,ma~e a change 'if they so desire. . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen an.d Mainous.. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for ~he purchase Qf sufficient amount of fertilizer and burnt rice hulls for the rose garden. The above motion dule seconded by Commissi~ner Mainous. Voting Aye: . Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Jo1m C. Calhoun, Jr., 1!..ngineer on the Water Works Project presented a statement in the amount of $1153.75 which is 2 1/2 per cent of the cost of the two tanKS which contract a~ount is $46,150.00. ~he balance of 2 1/2 per cent will be paid upon completion of'the project. COL1missioner Mainous ~} r.- ~-- r-J --=~'=i _f' " - 1 '7 i &i' "'9"':'" -. ":- ~~.'-<<.:" ;;;:, >:- ~,"~":i ~ ,:;;v ~ .:> made a motion giving authority to issue a check in the above amount which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ~h~re being no further business to come . upon motion being made and seconded the . adjourned!,... \ ,0 ,,/ _'\:';-4' .....-:. '-. --1 OT-~T r- ~ '"- -~- ..: ,.., ;~<, ~'/~~"'i-o: ,~ _ \. r :!},,'~ ,,: ~ '."' '~.,/> \:.. -:.. \-., {; j '-." ~ ,. REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 COUNCIL GHM~BER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, r.rEXAS. "0< The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, February 17, 1939 in the council chamber of the ci'ty hall at 7:00 P.M. , with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and M'allnmu,13 .and Secre~~ry Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of Friday February 10, 1939 were read and approved. City Attorney R. L. Sonfield pr~sented an ordinance No.}~71 amending Section 15 of Ordinance No.147 of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.., which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO.,*- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15 OF ORDI- NANCE 147 ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISS- IONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEEAS, ON NOVEMBER 9, 1938 to PROVIDE FOR THE RENDITION OF ANNUAL REPORTS BY SO UTH- WESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY TO THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANClES IN CON- " FLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED IN SO FAR AS CON- CEru~S SUCH CONFLICTS; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANGE SF-ALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM MiD AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. After this ordinance was read by the Mayor, Commissioner Allen made a m~tion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the passing and approving of this ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Kainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion g~v~ng authority for the purchase of two (2) boxes of cartridges, and one (1) box of flash light batteries for the police department. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: vommissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen advised that due to the condition of the main sewer line on University Boulevard it was necessary to make a survey to locate the various breakages in this line '\ " J-nP'P""'~ ' j , I I l ..fii: e?f " ~*.<J'~ and that he was unable to make the test with the present help, and will be necessary to employ three extra colored men to test these lines in order to locate the various stoppages. After discussion Commissioner Mainous made amotion which was seconded by CommissionerAllen giving authority for the employ- ment of these men. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. . No s : Non~.. Commissioner Allen advised that water bill for the month ending January 21, 1939 at 3304 Nottingham was excessive and that due to this property being vacant and that bill was conaiderably higher than previous months he recommended that same be reduced to minimum charge of ~1.00. Commissioner Allen made a motion to the effect that this bill be adjusted which motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Gowaissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Autho:vity was given for the purchase of 1000 feet of 2" cast iron pipe, 100 feet of 2" cast iron pipe~ 100 feet 2" ~alvan- ized pipe, 40 1'eet of III galvanized pipe, 40 feet of 1 copper pipe with all necessary fittings, by a motion made by Com- missioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Hos: None. Commissioner Allen was given authority to make arrangmerits to pour a concrete floor with the necessary re-inforcing, for a temporary extension to the city hall building on the west side of the fire station which building is to house the new fire truck. Thifu authority was given by a motion made by Coa~is- sioner Mainous seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners mainous and Allen. Nos: None. The, secretary presented a 'oill from the e. W. Erwin Grocery in the amount of $9.74 whic~ was for miscellaneous purchases, bEooms, mops and cleaning supplies, purchased over a period of one and one half years. Commissioner Allen r~de a motion which was seconded by Commissioner J:vlainous authorizing the payment of this bill. Voting Aye: Commiss ioners rEainous and Allen. Nos ~ None. " .'.i.'..."" ",', , , ....~ ~" , .,' :~>-. ~he secretary presented financial statements showing re- ceipts and disbursements of the GeneFal, Water and Sewer FUnds, for the month of January 1939, to the Mayor and each Commissioner. ~~ere being no further business to come . and upon !11otion being made and declared adjourned. ATTEST: v ~~~I" -n- , 1 REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY~ FEBRUARY 24, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY. HALL~ 'WEST UUIVERSITYPLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the cou~cil was held Friday, February 24, 1939 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Conlmis sioners Allen and IvIainQus . and S ecre)~ary Jarrard in a ttendanc e. ~he minutes 'of the meeting of Friday, February 17, 1939 were read and a~justed and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion seconded by gorillIllssioner Main- OUS approving and authorizing the passing of Urdinance NO. 1~ submitting to the qualified voters of the city xhe question . II shall a commission be chosen to frame a new charter, fl and also to provide for the election of a charter commission of nnt less than 15 members or more than 1 member to each 3000 inhabitants, this election to be held with the regular munici- pal election on April 4, 1939, with election officials as follows: I ) -. W. J. Aubertin----------Presiding Judge:' Thos. L. Winston--------Judge IvIrs.E. C. Schramm-'i----Clerk Mrs. E. M. Bentz--------Clerk Mrs.. H. E. Bade---------Clerk Mrs. J. M. Haller---_---Clerk Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. City Attorney R. L. Sonfleld presented an ordinance providing for the compensat.ion to be paid the election officials hold- ing the mu...nicipal election April 4, 1939, which caption is as follows: , ORDINANCE NO ;/06 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THE COltIPENSA'l'IONTO BE PAID TO THE ELECTION OFFIcrERS AT THE MUNICIPJ:\.L ELECTION AND THE ELECTION WITH REFERhl'lClE XO THF. APPOINTMENT OF A COMMISSION TO FRAME A NEW CHARTER FOR TR..E CITY OF IN.EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING TP'JiT THIS ORDIN.A..:NCE SHALL TAKE El?FECT AND BE IN FORCE IIIvIEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ~TS PASSAGE. Commissioner Mainous made a motion seconded by CowInissioner Allen approving the passing of this ordinance. ~J I~'''~~I--.. i ,~ .. --1 -----ro '. ,,~)(:i;:~:; ." :~..l>CJ !.:I:! -<-.." Voting Ay'e: Commissioners lI'fainous and Allen. Nos: None. Ordinance No.~providing for the compensation to be paid the judge of the corporation court effective after the elec- tion of April 4, 1939, which caption is ,as follows: ,~. QRDINANCE NO ./S7 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CCMPENSATION TO BE PAID A CORPORA.TION J.UDGE OF THE CITY OF WEST PNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING Vr.tiEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT; AND, PROVIDING rJ:HAT ALL OPDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE RE;.o PEALED. The above ordinance was approved and passed by a motiori made by Comrl1issioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Co~nissioners Allen ~nd Mainous. Nos: None. Er. Dave Austin appeared before the coxmc.iland advised that it was his intention to erect a bridge scross the drainage di tch at Sunset Blvd and extend this. stree.t tr1.Y'ough to Auden, which street is to be paved with cor~rate,. and requested that the city contribute~lOOO.OO to the cosx of the erection of the bridge, also to 00nta~t the property owners on lots east of this ditch. w~~re the property is not pave4, and if possible have the expense of this paving born by these property owners or that the city will guarantee the cost not to exceed ~20~.OO. After considerable discussion it was' decided that since Mr. Austin contributed a like sum on the cost of the bridge on Rice Blvd, and also that since this will be a great asset to the cite' COITuuissioner Allen made a m0tion which was duly seconded by 'omrl1issi2ner rY::ainous approving this expenditure, and auth- orizedthe Mayor and Secretary to execute a note in the amount of $1000.00 payable on or before Jan. 1, 1940 without interest. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous for the purchase of 100 water meters and fittings, 50 meter boxes, 400 feet 2" cast iron pipe and necessary fittings, 100 feet of material for the water department, and the necessary minor repairs to the InternationJPick up truck. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye Co::nmissioners l'11ainousand Allen. No s: None. " ~) . , -f~ :c.er"' .c'tfo~> - Commissioner l'IIainous advised that he had contacted the W P A officials who agreed to work with the city 'and property o\~ers to assist finaneingthe construction of sidewalks within the ' city (which cost to the property OVVTIers for a four foot sidewalk in front of a fifty foot lot will be approximately $21.00.) Commi~sioner illainous was given authority by a motion made by uommissioner Allen to enter into an agreement . with Jo~~ C. Calhoun Jr, Engineer to file the necessary forms .with refe:p..ence to receiving aid on this project. (It is under- stood ~hat the city will not bear any of the expense or aSSUK~ the liability OTh this project.) The above motion was duly secon- ded by Commissioner lli~inous~ Voting Aye~ Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Cow~issioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of four (4) No.2 scoops and fou~ (4) drums of gasoline for the street' and-hbidge department. The above mo tion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Corrrrnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. A letter addressed to the mayor from Marvin Hall of the Fire Insurance Oommission Department of Austin was read by the . Mayor in which letter he stated that he was taking this oppor- tunity1D commend the fire 'department for their effective work and advised that the city will receive a credit of 25% for' the year 1939. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was, seconded by Commissioner Allenwuthorizing the Mayor t02answer this letter and thank Mr. Hall for giving consideration in our behalf. Voting Aye: Commissioners Main9us and Allen. l~os: None. The Mayor was given authority to post notices ordering an' election to be held April 4, 1939, being the first Tuesday in April, for the pD..'Ppose of electing a Mayor, two Commis- sioners and a Judge of the Cqrporation Court. 1he follow- ing election officials are appointed to hold the election by a motion made by Commissioner kainous, seconded by Com- missioner Allen. w. J. Aubertin------------Presidin~ Judge Thos. L.vvins ton---------.:...Judge ~ Mrs. E. C. 8chraw~----~---Clerk Mrs. ~. M. Bentz----------ulerk Mrs. Hl ~. Bade-----------Clerk Mrs. J~ Mo Haller---===---Clerk <; " ] . -"-'. - -""C'~l~'~~', r'~-" ----;=r >:'i'<;"~-~"'::6"-: ' . ~. ~>>..",~. ~ " ". *~. :-'2'-~. ". " \ '. ." ~ . (. ". . . ~ '. ~.,. ~:'.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. . Attorney Bonfield presented a reolution for the paving of a certain part of Poe street which caption is as,follows: ..+... RESOLUTION ,. ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR, THEIM)?ROVEVIENT OF fA PORTION OF FOE STREET, ,VII THIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; SELECTING THE Iv'lATERIALS THEREFOR; APPOR- TIONING THE COST THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE, TIlLE AND MAlifNER OF PAYMENT OF SUCH COST; ORDER- ING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH WORK; AND, DELCARING AN EMERGENCY. Commis'oJioner Allen mad~ a motion which was seconded by Com- missi'oner Mainous authorizing the approving and passing of this resolution, Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. AT-TEST ~~ , ,", ty Secretary There being no further bus ine s s and upon motion being made and was dee&ared adjourned. ~ I I I Mayor i I I ,I ". f'r ",," REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 COm~CIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL1 WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS.. The regular meeting of the council ~as held in the council chamber of the City Hall at 7:00 p. M. with..Mayo~ Fleming presiding, Com- m~ssioners Allen aDd Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ". .. The minutes '01' the meeting of February 24, 1~39 were read, ad- justed and approved. " ,,'_ jOt) () A Resolut~on submitting to the plan commissioner certain r ecomJnenda- tions as to changes in the rest~ictions and ammenfuaents,to the zoning ordinance #111 calling ~/pUblic hearing on March 27, 1939 at 7:00 P. M. ~hanging restri<ytions on lots fronting on Ric11.mond, Road west of the drainage diYch t9 the railro~d track to 1300 square feet and to allow fr~e buildings. All other lots in this district are reduced to 100/ square feet, frame or brick. Com- missioner Allen made a "mQtion which was seconded by Co~missioner Mainous authorizing the approving and passing of this resolution and authori~ing that same be advertised in the Southwestern News first pUblicaJ-;ion to b~on March loth. h :.-!.' ;-.,,"," Voting ,Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: 'None. Resoltuion approving plans and specifications for the improvement to PoeSt:r;~et from the west line of .College st. to the east line of WesJ"ayan, was approved and passed RY a motion made by Com- missioner Mainous, secQnded by Qommissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Con~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. The Houston Lighting & Power 'Company tendered a cheqk :i;n theamount of $1165.27 to the council, and advised that this is the pro-rata parct of the earnings for the year 1938, ~fter deducting the amount of the delinquent street lighting bj"ll, which ~ccrued during the year 1932. The Mayox' advised that due to the 4% Street Rental Tax suit now pending that the acceptance of this check)vould pro- bably jeopardize our intere~t in this suit, therefore that same be referred to Attorney R. L. ~onfield, who will continue to handle this case to its conclusion. Commissioner Mainous advised thata colored man had made him a proposition to pay $15~OOper mont;h for the exclusive right of taking care of the garbage dump and removing anyt4ing of va~ue. Commissioner AI,Len .made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous authorizing that contract be drawn up and su:bmit same ,at a future council meeting. " ~~ ""> ;~-,.. "1'-- i f--~-- I I 1 fl" , _~~~:"",t ;' :-:JIl:r.., ;:-, ",,' , . -t:~ :', ;,;,~~~~~?3 :'8'}~ , -i~ ,-' . ..':.",' . X7} ":: ~:'" } Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. I I I' Nos: None. Engineer J. G. Calhoun Jr., presented platt and specifications for the opening of Sunset Blvd., from tlle':drainage ditch west to.Auden street for the approval of 'the council. COITlli1issioner Allen made a~~otion which was seconded by Commissi~ner Mainous approving these plans. Voting Aye: Cdrnnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. At the request of Olson Brothers (who oWn 50 lots in VollegeView 3rd Addition) John C. Calhoun Jr., submitted the following letter to the council: "Honorable Mayor and City Comrnis sioners, City of West University Place, Texas. Gentlemen: Olson Brothers, who own fifty lots in College View 3rd. addition wish to complete the ~anitary sewers in said addition and commence a building program. Completing the sewers require extension of sewers in the following units: Unit'I, serving blocks 2, 3, & ~ Unit 2, serving blocks 5 & 6. Unit 3, serving blocks 7 & 8. Unit 4, service blocks 9 & 10. ,Unit 5, serving block 11. Unit 6, serving block 14. Unit 7~ serving blockW& 15~ The above units require the construction o'f 13 man holes,'z, 500 feet 8" pipe, 3,000 feet 611 pipe, 8 clean outs, 120 Wyes, at a total cost of $5,600.00. Cost of sewers and manholes built in the city street, $1,100.00, Cost to to Olson Bros. $4;500.00. . Olson Brothers will pay for connections for 50 lots at $40~00 per lot ~~2,000.00 in cash.. Olson Brothers will assign me the remainder of their interest in the sewer amo;unting to $2,500.00 in payment of the-balance due. This arrangment is contingent upon the .City approving ,this proposition, contracting with me to install sewers ln the city streets in connection herewith for the sum of $1,100.00 and granting me a franchise or contract to enable and assure me of collecting $40.00 per 10t.for connections when and as made. " Re sp ec tfull y, JOHN C. CALHOUN, ''Jr. II ~, I---='"-=-"=-=I"'=~ -. t"'B"'9' . 'if ~ '" . _ "0.. ~ ~\> ~ ~~ ,:.}~' The city's pro-rata part of this expense amounts to ~1100.00. Due to an immediate demand Comraissioner illainous made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen that the city pay their pro-rata part for the sewer line to serve blocks one (1) to six (6) College View 3rd Addition, which cost is not 'to'exceed $500.00" and approved as outlined in letter. Voting Aye: Cow~issioners Mainous and Allen. .... Nos : Non e . Due to Sunset Blvd being paved COWJnissioner Allen recommended that .the city lay three joints of 12 to 16 foot of 12" cast iron pipe across this street before the paving is completed, wttich will eliminate a future expense. Commissioner Mainous made a motion accepting this recommendation, which was sec- onded by COITlli1issioner Allen. Voting Aye: Corr~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. r . Commissioner Alle~ made a mtoion which was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous ahthorizing Engineer J. C. Calhoun, Jr. to draw plans and prepare specifioations' for the paving of various streets in the 3rd addition of College View, which property is north of the City RaIl. Voting Aye:' Commissioners Allen and Mainous. " ' Nos: None. before the council anded the meeting There being no further business to and upon motion being mad~,,: and was declared adjourned. . y Secretary , " . ~ f , -L~ '" . I ] ~. '~'O"""'::"-'''t' , _I" - ~--r-' ~ "1"'9' 0" - : <~'", ~ <; . / ~ .,. . ~ ". . REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, MARCHIO, 1939 ~OUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UllIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday March l~, 1939 at 7:00 p. M. in the council chamber of the Oity Hall with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendnace. ..-/':-- After the drawing of names of candidates for the position en the ballots Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing the printing of the following , ballots, to be used at the general election Tuesday, April 4, 1939, The City Officials, For the Home Rule Coarter, Candidates for:,the Home Rule Charter. . Also authority to purchase six (6) ballot boxes, locks and all election suppliese Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Through advise of Attorney ~. L. Sonfield, Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving authori ty to write a letter to the hous ton Lighting and f ower Company, returning their check s~nitted recently for the city's part of the 1938 profits, advising that due to this.suit pending the city was unable to accept this check. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous asked for authority to employ Mr. J. ru. Haller to work up information for the preparation of laying side walks under the WPA program, his compensation to be ~4.00 per day. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the employment of Mr. Haller which motion was duly seconded by Comrn,issioner Main- ous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Authority was given by a motion made by COMaissioner Allen to purchase 6-1211 24' corrugated culverts, and 6- 12" 30' corruga- ted culverts, the above motion seconded by CorI1ITl.issioJ'er Mainous. " >, -, r' _I: ,J 191 Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a wotion seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving plans and specifications for the bridge at Sunset Blvd which is to be,srected by Mr. Dave Austin, and authorizingc Com- missioner Mainous to sign the original map. Voting Aye: Conrrnissioners Allen and mainous. Nos: None. There being no further business upon motion being duly made and clared adjourned. --"-1 -, 192, SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBEH, CITY HALL WEST Ul\ITVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the cO\J~cil was held Tuesday, March 14, 1939 at 7:00 p. M. in the council chamber of, the C'ity Ball, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Con~~issioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. :I.~"" The minutes of the meetings of march 3, and March 10 were read, adjusted and approved. The legal department of the City of houston wrote a letter ad- vising that, the council had agreed to accept $3,200.00 on our sewer disposal bill in the amount of $6,400.00, which is for sewer disposal service for eight months. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Com~issioner Mainous agree- ing to accept this amount as full settlement of the claim and authorizing that the, check be issued and if the ,funds were not sufficient in the sewer account, that this deficit be drawn from the general fund. Voting Aye: Cornmissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Allen that the J. A. Phillips Company, Certified rub_ lic Accountants be employed to audit the books for the year end- ing March 31, 1939, for the total sum of ~;450.00. Voting Aye: Com-~tissioners IVlainous and Allen. Nos: None. Due to an emergency existing Cormnissioner Allen recommended that a crew of men be employed for repairin[ of various mains, and that tilr. Woodworth be employed as foreman at ;ji50.00 per week, and an assistant at 50t per hour, 10 labors at 40i per hour, and also asked authority to purchase One (1) 411 Sewer Pump, 300' 411 second hand pipe, and a supply of tools and that this job start immediately, v~lich project is to be financed thro~gh the sewer and general funds. Commissioner Mainous made a motion approving this project which motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Allen. Voting Aye: Con~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ~) 'h" " f' ---='~--==r=-="'. _c- ---- -~ - 193' Commissioner IVlainous made a motion authorizing the purchase of 50 meter boxes, 20 feet of 411 suction hose, one(l) stainless steel 100' tape_. The above motion was duly seconded by Commis- sioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen~ Nos.: None. ,~- Authority was given for the purchase of four (4) d~ums of gaso- line, two (2) cars shell, one (1) car shell emulsion, repair parts for the mowing machine, by a motion made by Comraissioner Allen, duly seconded by Commis s ioner JViainous.' , Voting Aye; Commissioners 'Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. CODnnissioner Allen made a motion authorizing that the city re- imburse $27.00 to the park corrmittee for their lUmber which was used by the City and that the park cOmITlittee has approved to use this amount in the leveling nnd grading of the dirt in Colonial Park. The above motion was duly seconded by COlnmissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Cotmnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Authority was given to purchase a Bracey's Block Book for the Zoning Committe bya motion made by Commissioner Allen, duly seconded by COmL~issioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen.and Mainous. Nos: None. The Tax Collector was authorized to adjust the taxes for the years 1926 and 1928 on the following property! Lot 5, Block 2, Virginia Court, Lot 7, Block 2, Virginia Court, Lot 9, Block 2, Yirginia Court and Lot 13, Block 2, Virginia Court. Due to the vY. T. Carter Luraber & Building Company holding receipts for these years and'same were not credited on the tax rolls. These receipts were dated the year 1930. IJ:lhe above authority by a motion made by Commissioners Allen and duly seconded by Commis sioners IlIainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and !\[ainous. Nos: None. There being no fu~ther bus&ness to come motion being made and duly seconded the journed. ecretary the council and upon was declaredrad- j~~ ~r-~ ...--:--- -:r '194 REGUI...AR MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 'NEST Ul~I.VERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS'. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, March 17, 1939 in the council chamber of the city hall with Mayor Flem- ihg~,presiding, Commissioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in atten- dance. Comrfiissioner Mainous absent. The minutes of the meeting of Friday March 14, 1939 were read, adjusted and approved. C~mmissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor ~leming, that the allowance on the car driven by Mr. George Ashcraft which is beihg used in line of police duty, be in- creased from 04~ to 05~ per mile, as the amount originally allowed did not take care of the expense. c Voting Aye: COinmissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner ~llen made a motion giving authority for the pur~ chase of five (5) gallons of fraffic paint for the police de- partment, and the following materials to be used in the sand pit and dosing tanks at the sewer disposal plant: II 1l II II II If II II 10# 20d nails 10# 40d 11 3 heavy strap hinges with screws 4.,.4ftc long _4lf Soil pipe with bell spicket 3- 4 t L s Fi ttings qj)12. 50 8 bolts 3/4xlO 8 n 5/Sx4 o 5-2x12-10 2-4x4-l2 4-2x6-12 9-2xlO-12 2-2xlO-S 2-2x8-8- 2-4x4-8 2-2x4-8 5-lxlO-l2 I-ltx6-12 feet II The above motion was duly approved qy Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Comrrlissioner Allen and I/'ayor Fleming. Nos: None. Oommissioner Allen recomnended that they employ a white man at a salary of ~lOO.O~ per month to take care of the maintenance and look after the sewer disposal plant in general, to r~place the two colored men now on duty and to employ one colored man for a period of one week to clean up the plant and gro~ds. After due consideration t'Jonn:nissioner AIleI'). made a motion which was. approved by MaJor B'leming authorizing the employment of ~j r-~ ~ r r~-~ r--- u t;"9','~t." ,.; , c.";" ',' ". L.T. . ..:.. ~ '. these men. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor J:l11eming. :Nos: None. Commissioner Allen advised that he was in c'omnrunication with sev- eral purap companies with reference to purchasing a pUUlp to be used in the".repairing of the sewer as a bypass pump, and that he had obtained a price of ~745.00 for a 25 R P gas pump with trailor (Jaeger) 411 40,000 gallons per hour. After due consideration Connnissioner Allen made a motion which was approved ,by Mayor Flem- ing. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor i" leming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of five (5) firemen's c~ps for the fire departm~nt which motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. Nos: :None. There being no further business to come be ore the council and upon motion being made and seconded t' meting was declared ad- journed. ATTEST: .ft~ '~'~'~'-r' r u' . -- ~T .L1 """"'6'" ,1~9'<, . , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1939 , COU1\fCIL CRi\.MBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PL.ACE, TEX-A.S. The regular r...H3eting of the council was held l,lriday, March 24, 1939 at 7: 00 P. M. in the council chamber o'f the city hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary J{U'ral"d in atten.dance,.. The minutes of the meeting of Friday, March 17, 1939 were read and approved. Co~missioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Gom- misstoner Mainous authorizing the purchase of a screen in the amount of $21.50 to be used the sewer disposal plant. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Hlainous.. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous asked for permission to purchase 3000 blanks for making reservations for the use of the tennis cou~ts in Mon- ticello and Colonial Parks, the printing of these forms not to exceed ~~18.00. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving author- ity to have these forms printed, which motion was duly sec- onded by CODK1issioner Mainous. Voting Awe: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. No s: None. The council unanimously voted to purchase a copper tablet in the amount of $27.50 to be placed in t::onticello Park (Which, in the futl~e will be kno~n as Weir Park), this tablet will bear the inscription of ,the donors of this park, Mr. T. p. & R. W. Weir, by a motion made by GOll'L.'1lissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner lliainous. Voting Aye,: Comm,issioners Allen and lV1ainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen presented a statement in the amount of ;;plO.OO for a pair of handcuffs that he had loaned the police depart- ment, as same was taken by two negrges while under arrest, and also a bill in the amm,lll t of .jj)27. 60 as Jl.ngineering Expense, license fees for February 1938. After due con-sideration Com- missioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Commission- er Allen authorizIng the pa;yment of these bills.. Voting Aye: Gommissioners ~ainous and Allen.. Nos: Nope.. ~) .. I" .." " ,-, 1-97 Authority was given fOT' the purchase of' 700' of',2!f galvanized pipe by a motior made by Com~issioner Mainous, duly seconded by'Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: COlrrnissioners Mainous and Allen. No.s: None. .". There being no further business upon motion being made and duly ed adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ~secretarv v " Jl 1 -- --=-:=='""7.-----r=-= 1 f"--- .-=.r 1.'98 SPECIAL lVm:ETING MARaH 27, 1939, MONDAY, COUNCIL CHli.l"lBE...~, CITY tLA.LL, W:ES1' UN IVEESI TY PLACE, TEXAS. . A special meeting of' the council was held IVIonday, i\iarch 27, .1939 at ~:OO p. M. in the City Hall with Mayor Flemi~g pre- .. C'''''.. s~d~ng, omru~ssloners Allen and liiainous and Secretary Jarrard inattendance. This me~ting was held f'or the purpose of' receiving,complaints regarding the changes of part of Zoning Ordinance, being the part of' Section 7 property, west of Auden Street to the west b01mdary of the city, which restric tions nol"! require 1300 square feet, brick veneer. This meeting was held in complianc e with the request of said property owners find by 8.uthori ty of the council at t,heir meeting of March 3, 1939, aYld wl'lich changes were recommended by the Zoning Comdission. 1'h08e present vIera: Mrs. Olive Illig, jjir. Carl IlliS, Jr,_ :Mr. Stor~e, J. L. Markham, A. E. Olson, R. J. Depenbrock, llenry,Pilsner, and Mr. B. A. Blix representing the Houston Land ana. Trust Conpany. (The suggestions made by those present and other details regard- ing this meeting may be fOl,md u..l1.der the heading of "Zoning Ordinanc e. !1 ) There' beina: no further business to v and upon motion eO. adjourned. before the council the meeting V1 ATTEST: SECRET, cRY J " / _'I~ r'~~ '~"'T il 1",~"'9"-' , , .. .' '. REGUL.tl.R MEET ING FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1939 COUNCIL CR~t3ER, CITY m~LL, WEST U1\TIv EHSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held' Friday, i\larch 31, 1939 at 7:00 P. ]\II. in the council chamber'of the City Hall, .with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and ldainous .and Secre~,gry Jarrard in a ttendanc e., The minutes of the m.eeting of r,1arch 24, 1939 were read and approved. The Mayor presented a resolution appointing P. ~. Minton to serve as a clerk in the election to be held April 4, 1939, as , IVIr. J. lVl. Haller resigned. COIT'tiJlis sioner Malnous made a motion vvl1ich was seconded by COtnl'1issioner p.llen approving and passing this resolution. Voting Aye: Conmissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving a notice and order for changing election officers. ~This order may be found in the files under the heading of lfElec tion, 1939. ll) The above motion was duly seconded by COID~issioner Mainous. Vot~ng Aye: Gow~issioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Mayor presented an Ordinance Being No. 158 amen~ing para- graph,4 of the Ordinance adopted February 24, 1938 with refer- ence to the election to be held on hhe Home Rule Charter which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 158. ".\. '. AN OHDINANCE AMEND mG PARAGRAPE FOURTH OF THE OHDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF W:EST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, TEXAS, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 24, 19~39 WPI'H RE.ti'EHENCE TO THE ELECTION TO DETERlvrINE YiHETlIER OR NOT. A C01YIMISSION SHALL BE CHOSEN TO FRAME A NEW CR..ARTER AND FOR THE ELECTION 0 F A CR-ARTER COMHISS ION OF 110T LESS TIffiN F:LFTEEN lVIElvIBERS OR MORE THAN ONE ME[BER FOR EACH 3,000 INHABITANTS; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IIdVIEDIATELY FROrE AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROV- AL. Corunissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by , Commissioner Iflainous apprOVing and passing this ordinance. ~'; I~- ~ 20"Od Voting Aye: CONmissioneJ's Allen and llIainous. Nos: None,. GOITilllissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pu~chaseof the following: ' 2 bpxws sections M.- B. 333 2 boxes Rivets for sectiGns 2 guard bolts 1 do z Guards 1" 1 outside shoe, M. . 729, complete with slide 1 grass s.tick 1 handsaw ~olding Teeth rule 1 claw hammer sidewalk edger 2 hand cycles 2 ho es 4 sharp shooters 12# sledge 4 longhapdle round point shovels with holes 1 doz121f files 1 chisel 1 punch 1 ti:ee~ for street truck. The above motion was duly second:e'd by Commis.sioner IvIainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a.motion" which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous req-q.esting that Jorill. C. Calhoun, Jr. Engineer on the Sidewalk W. P. A. Pro j ec t ,f'lJ.rnish and_ 1'i1e in the office all- info~mation pertaining to the new sidewalk pro j ec t . Voting Ale: Co~nissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Eainous made a motion glvlng authority for the purchase of 100 water meters and 100 meter boxes. ~he above motion was duly seconded by Co~~issioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous I:md Allen. Nos: None. In compliance with resolution passed at previous meetings ~J .,,,.....,.,......""'- " r ,--' 2<;0,:' l' :. "'. ~ .1 ,',' . ."h;.:'._:_ ":~ \. authorizing the destruction of certain bonds and warrants, these bonds 2nd warrants were destroyed by burning on the night of March 20, 1939, and was witnessed by Commissioners, Frank M. Mainous 'and R. B. Allen, and Secretary C. G. Jarrard 5 Said bonds and warrants being described as follows: General Tax Bonds, series March 1, 192.'7 1-370 inclusive .~. General FUnding Bonds, series 1929 1-327 inclusive General Tax Bonds, third series 1931 1-261 inclusive ~ ' , Water Works revenue bonds, series J:1.ugust 1929 1-100 inclusive Engineering Warrants, dated June 9, 193Q 1-37 inclusive Funding Warrants, series H, 1929 '1-37 inclusive i I I ,j " ." ... ,.. - Refunding Warrants~September 10, .~929 1-18 inclusive, Improvement Warrants, January 15, 1929 1-9 inclusive Public Improvement Warrants, Muly, 1, 1929 11-29, inclusive Improvement Warrants, July 1, 1.929 1-25 inclusive ~' Refunding bonds, Series 1936, 1-97 inclusive Sewer Eevenue Bonds, Series 1938, \ :f\Tos. 1 and 2. Affidavits s ignedby eachvv:as made on March 31, 1939, which affidavit may be found in the files 1Lnder 'the headi~g of mis- c ellaneous . There being no fu..rther business to come befo e the council and upon motion being made and seconded the mee ing was declared adjou.rned. 1 " $ , .. ----..::..J r- ...L...l "'2' '"'0"2''' . -'. ". '. ~ ~ ~ " ,I! ~ . . . " . ~ .. , . 'REG1JIlA;Ir'MEE".fXNG ' 'FRmAY,'''AP'Rn;~-'h '1939 , , , COtJltEJ:EL.'CHAMBER, "CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meet!ng ,of the caUBe-il w_s held. Friday, April '1, 1939 at "1:00 P.M. in the courlC~il.chamber' or- the "City IiIall, with IIIayor Fleming presiding., Oommissioners Allen "and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' . The mUlutes. ,of .:themeeting of Mareh31,.1939 we;re read, adjusted . and approved. ' The tax collector was given authori;ty to remit taxes due for the year 1930,lot 4, Elock 23, West Un1ve~sity Place 1st addition. Tbese taxes were waive.d due to the !t'edera.l Regulation Act waiving taxes on property owned by estates of war veterans. The above auth- or~ty was given by ,a. motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly 's~onded.by Commissj.onerMainous. (See,letter from w. C. Chalmers, G~rdian of the estate of Bob Bates, M.C.M.), Voting Aye:CoDuniss1oners Allen and Mamous. Nos: None. The Zoning Commission..,members, Mr. R.,J., .J.Jepenbrock, P. R. Plumb, F. A. RunteI', J. A~ cDavlin~ Sam W. Levy, ~ubm1tted a letter of re- . .$'lgnation as members of this board, &:ff'ective on the date of this '1$tter which is April 5, 1939, 'sta't:mg that the members of this '"be'aI'd feel that tll.e ,newly e~ected Mayor andCo:mm.issioners should tee 1 free to select members to serYe under.tne1~ administra.tion. 'Commissioner AI1~n maq,-e a-motion which was seconded. by Commission- 'e1:'.l.1alnou.s :accepting the .resiglilatien, of the'members of th1s beard ,aUld, aavisecL that it is the -desire of each member of this council to ~~press their appreciation and thanks to each member for the splendid work and eo-operation whi:le serving in this capacity. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and 1II4ainous. Nos: None. The election returns were presented to the city council at this ope:n: meeting by"lV. J. Aubertin, Judge off the Eleotien, the re- quired oath given him. by Mayor Fleming. All records and reports We1"6 mad.ein compliance vri.'th the "revis,ed Civil 8ta tutesof the $tate of Texas. The,ei,ty council on this date.canvassed returns of the election held Apr.11 4, 1939 and, deelar,ed, the following re- suI tes: Fo:a MAYOR . F. ~J>i.. Main9Us"!!~519 FOR COMMISSIONERS JUDGE Dr. J. A...Hersc.hel--35"7 L. J. Martin--"183 Howell B. Jones-----381 We,' the city coun-eil, dec~are the following elected to serve:- FQij. MAYOR F. M.. 14~.in01.ll.fh.- ~1 FOR COMMISSDNERS Dr. J. A. Herschel HGwell ,~. Jones FOR JUDGE L. J . ,Martin f'; "' J~-~ -.-.--, . f - .,- I r A moti0n accepting and approving the above was made by 9ommis- sioner Allen and duly seeond~ed by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Ma1.nous. No.8: , None. W. J. AUbert1n, Judge of' the Election, presented records and re- port-s ,.on thequElstion "For and Against the Home IfW;e Ohapter" which e~ectj.onwas held.,April 4,~939., The. city council, on this date can:vas-sedthe- recor.dsand f'ound the f'011owing results:- FOR THE HOME RULE CHARTER 5"19 AGAIN~T TEE HOME RULE OHARTER 15'1 . Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen accepting the records and approving, the re- sults and_- declaring the majority ot 422 for the, Home, Rule CharD ter. _ ' , . Voting. Aye: ,-' Commililsioner Mahons and Allen. Nos: None-_ W~ J. Allbertm,,~, JUdge.:o:f tb.eEledtion, also presented reco;d~, of' the_elec.tien,:.hel.d (Qli.L~esde.Y, ,.April 4,:;1.939 t f'or :theeommi ttee whica'wd.1L SarY.fl., in'_framing_the Horae .Rule Charter. ,Af'terthe'" ~ council canvas s e.a the vates th~y declared the fOllGwing elee,1;ed: FOR THE HOME RULE ,CljARTER COMMISS JDN 350, 334, 336 280' 329' ' 310 33'7,. 254 242 < 24J. 24. 255 259 ,,-253 261.- I I I I '. ,. Dr. El va Wrigb. t ,Frank M. A~stin ", Gas ',G .. <;;Di ttmar ,.,6.h:a.s;: c'F. :M'athews " ":A.., :n,...~w .- ,,~ ~J.>ref{t'ello'R. ~Plu:mb "F.; A ,j:~1['Un tel? .' .Garl.,:J:1J:i:g, 'Jr F. Butchison L. Camp~ .-- , H. F. G,>>.lve:p Mrs. D. Jvl".. W~l~ Mrs. A. A. ,.e!s ter ,J,. H. BriI:J.ghuzo,s t , '" c.' J:.-e., Fa:vis _ , ..,!. . ~\; , by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly secQnded by Com- missioner'.Mainous.,~' --. ..~,.-=_ !.__.~_~ ~~--==-==r-L.~ Voting Aye: ,Commissloners Allen and Ma1nous. Nos: "None. ~ ~,~ i Each member of the COlma'il extended thei:r vote of thanks to Mr. AUbertin, and. his. assls,tants for serving .in the election and for the splendid work and efficient. efforts made by each, in perf'ornang their duties in this capacity. - , ". Jam C. Calh(!)~, Jp., pr,esented new platts and plans&n~-8unset 'l'errac'e:tob;ea.p;prov,ed b.y the co:unc il.A:f,ter dueeons+clera tion Oommdssioner Ma.inolls mac:ie' a mo'ti-on which was duly~ seeond.ed 'by Commisslo11~rAllen appro'vingqthese plans alad, giving, authority to tine" Mayor and Secretary to slgneach set of plans. Votbg Aye,: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. '. Nos: 'None. Commlssiener'. Mad.nou:s.:made a motionwhich~_was secoh-ded by O~m- missioner,' Allen. ,gi vdng-authorl ty to' Mayor Fleming'" ,to' employ Mr. Miles str~ekla.nd,' attorney, to draw a. 'deed ,in :favor of the ~i1;y., for a. piece of'property 126x129, nerth of Riebmond Road and the S. A. P. tJllacka, extensi.e!l of Wake forest, StEe.et~:$.nd a 15,' ,',eta,s,e..;. ment 11U1U'ling tlozrth to this property, sa.id property being g$ven 'to .the e;tty b1 Mr. D. T. Austin for the purpo'se of erectilie; an 'eJ;eII'-ated wa. ter tankjwhich prop'arty was givenrtt'h tlre, pro- . visiJ-on:.'th:at'~..::i-f.~' the. e1..ty f'a:i1s,:,:tch'us:e. satd pr~l1Elj?~ '~otL e1t1' " pur];)0sesj"it110u1.d,raV:$t',t,back to~r. ,I)~. ~.:A~1tin. (Mr.Miles StrickJiand is ,to .present a "bill,f'or, h1s-.serY:i~es: in", this cennee- tion.' ), " - , " ' Voting Aye: I Oommiss ioners' Ma.1nous, and Allen. ,,' . ': Nos: None. '~\ ~ Commissioner Mainous asi:ed. that the couneil deferbhe~action in JI,l'mnending the zoning ordinane,e in eomp-li:ance .wiiht.b.e hetilring , held recentl.y, to the new ci't.y council 8:S':J:tq.8f.1i8-.:ts .no'W not suffi- cient time to give this due' 'considera.t:ian..'!, .mm1,$s;toner Allen maG-e -. l11otion which was seconded by Comm1ssiO'1'1erM.d1iol1s, waiv- inga~ $;ion regarding the anmlt~nding of this'oIidin~e$-. . " ~ "i '. Voting A~e~ Oommissioners Allenand Mainous. No,s: NOJ;le. There being no further business upon motion being made and duly ej adjourned. Ai'1E8~~~ -'~-8 "..~- >> . .', ec.:".. ,~' . . ..-~ .' 1~' r SPECIAL MEETING T~SDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 COUNCIL CH.AM:BERj , CITY :HALL, WEST UN IVERSITY ,PLACE,TEXAS. Spe~1..1'-m.eet'ing of' the, cpuneilwas" held Thur,s day , April,13,1939 in the council chamber of the ei ty hall with Mayor Flaning pre- stding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard ' in attendan~~. The minutes of the meeting efFriday, March 31, 1939 were read, adju~ted and appreved. Mayor Fleming then asked .Mr,., Frank M. Mainous to' stand and he gave the calik of office to him. Mr. Fleming \Vished the city and. their o ff:i'c ial's adieu and good luck. , . Mayor F. M. Main9:Us ,tne!).: took the chair a.nd.presided at ,the " meeting and called for ....eal B. Jones, Dr. J. A. Herschel and L. J. Martin,., _ I!e then administered the oa>theo.f oftilee"to Mr. H. B:.~~lones:f ;;Dr'.' J. A. B;ersehel to,;serve as,C~ty C.ommis- sioners and L.,T-. Martin to serve as JUdge. Commis;sioI.l,er J:f),n.es made a motion ,that the same city employees, with, theexeeptioJl1of :a~'iis,tant oi ty- attorney, be appointed temporarily to the same positions they have held and at the same salary as set out in the budget~ The above motion was . duly seeondedby Commissioner ~erschel. Comm,issioner Herschel made a- motion that Mr. 'A. J. Lamonte ,be appointed as City Attorney, also to serve as attorney .for the Corporation Court, at the same salary provided in the budget. Commissioner Jones seconaed the above motion. '. Nos: None. , Voting Aye: Oommissioners Herschel and Jones. ~~, Mayor F. M. Mainous then called for those for appointive offices and gave theoa'i;h of of,fice to the following: ' C. G. Jarrard Ira Harris A. P. RGbb' C. E. Gammill Jl W. Clarke E'. O. Rulon Geo;r:-ge Ashcraft .F~, ;g,lt ~teher Ge()rge l1obinson Tay:+~r Wofford A. 3'. Lamonte City Secretary & Tax. ColI. Superintendent Assistant Secretary Clerk C1 ty Marshal Deputy and Elee.Inspector Deputy ..{~ Saperintendent Street & Bridge Fireman Fireman City. Attorney l~~ - 1 ~ Commissioner IGnes m.ade a. motion which was seconded by Cemmiss- ioner Herschel that theCi;ty National :Bank be disj.gnated as De- positor for all c1tH flmd'S as heretofore, and that the Mayor and City Secretary. be authorized to sign the checks. Votillg Aye: Commiss'ioners Jones and Herschel. , Nos: None. . fo- . !> :MayoJ? Ma1nolils stated that every eff'o~t possible would be made t~ giveemployment:tor,e.sidents of 'the City of We-st Urli'lfers1 'ty Place and 'to hire whit-e labor as much as possd.ble. . " . Elev:~ '~E. C. Coffman ~hen led~; 1n"<prayer~. . Mayor F. M. 1Y1ainou~ read a. t.e1 egr"ll, received from the w. p. A. ' in Washington D. C. approving ,8. grant of $30,161 for the Qui1d- ingof'..sidewalks throughout nWest University Place. There being no further business ,to come bef0re the council a1\d upon mot:i.on being made and. seconded the meeting ,Was declared, adjourned. ' ~~~ "ayer ' '.' - " ~ ,'. ATTEST: ~~< -'Ii , ' " 'i ~~~1-~ n I r - ~- -~-~ I r REGULAR MEETING APRIL l.S, 1939,'tZI~ R~M~ 'COUNCIL CHAMBER, CF.f~HALL WEST UNDlERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS. The r~gular meeting of the council was held April 17, 1939 at ?,:30 P.,M. in ~he ,City Hall, West Univers~ty Place,' with Mayor Jj. M.~ainous presiding, Commissioners Herschel and Jones and Secret'ary JArrard in a ttendanc e. The minutes of ~he meeting of April 13, 1939 were read and approved. Secretary Jarrard- :presented the Mayor with a chec'kfromthe Southwestern Bell Telephone Company wllieh is in payment of a g!'QSS receipts ta~ of' 31 f'or the year ending Decemb~:r:' 31, '1938, in the amount of' $1894.65 f'or their acceptance. Commissioner Jones made a mo~ion that this check be accepted. Motion: sec- onded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting ~ye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. I J '. ComrniS;3ioner Jones explained that the Brink's 8ervicewhich the city has been using for the past two years at a cost of $20.00 per 'month, could be discontinued and the ,city take out a cOVBP- age insurance 0~,$1900.00 eo cost $10.00 per year, thus realiz- ing ;asaving o.f. $23G.OOper year, and that the police officers or'someat1;y" eltiplG>y:ee- be authorized to take the money to'the bank~' ',,' - ' e, .: Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the Brink's Service be d1scontinue~ ef'fee:t:iveMay ~5,' 1939, mo'tio-n -aecended by G0m- missioner Jones. _ Voti~g ~~: Nos :_' N'<:>ri.e~ Commissioners a~rsehel and Jones. ". ..'~.:<'- '; ,I- . .' < aOpimfs~'i'oner ,:d\onesmade:'a motion that tne'M:ayor be authorized. to purchase a ~uPP1Y of water cards, which motion wa~ seconded by comrniis~d.,~~~~_::;~~~~~hel'. " , " ., Voting' Aye,::" <'{j~J!iIn.jj~'s:toners -Jones and Herschel. ." :) ~""'.'-", -.:"' ,\-':>,~.':'.-~ .~..' Nos: - "None' '. -',..,' - .. ""::- , J~ .;,." C~)'Inmissionei> Jones made 'a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner .Herschel giving aubhori ty f.orthe purchase of two (2) shell forks and :one (1) tow chain, for the street and bridge dEHm.rtinent., Als'o to secure bids-on a set of tires for the '" r--.' ..,'..I' r~ 'T- I r '. street truck and~ rpeport ba.ck to ,t4e coui!i.cil at the next re- gular business ~eeting. " Voting Aye: Commissioners J.ones and Herschel. Nos: Non'e. I I 'Commissioner Herschel made a mo~ion to the effect that the bonds of C: G. Jarrard, Mayor F.M. Mainous, Commissioners Herschel and ,Jones., and ,Frank quf'f ,go onreeord. The above motion duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye; Commissioners Herschel and Jones., ~os: None. Commissioner Jpnesmade a mO.tion that Frank Cuff continue to read the water meters, after wh_ichhe is to help in the office with the general office work, to collect delinquent water and sewer b~lls, to ~et as Clerk ortheCorporati~n court, and to ~erve, as 8.ecretary to the Zoning Commission, at asalry of ' $100.00 per month. Motion s,econdedby Commissioner .Herschel. Voting Aye: Comrnrnissioners Herschel andJ:oneBe ' ~ No.s;None. , CC!>mmission~r Her:s,e'helIllade a !l1o,tion,t:na"t, ,;t]:j;fj "fo"llo,V1ilng, men be apP~:Qated ~O ,s,erv.a, on the ~oning .CoIl1Ill+ss ion;, - J~ei L,._;, A.F~her', SaJll Semo, eil Geisenhoff, J. A., Davlm, and R. S. Bayles~. The above' motion duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. ~ . Vot,~g: Aye,: ',o.,~miniss;im'~rs,;iiersdp.el and J0nes~ Nos: None. Maw~~rF. M. Mainous called a meeting of the members elected to the Charter Commission, at a recent election held Ap.ri1 4, 1939, which meeting ti tabe held Tuesday April 18, 1939 at7:GO P.M. for the purpose of administering the _oath 'to them at this time. Mayor F. M. Mainous presented Cornmissiop.ElI' He:rschel wit):l a lis t of parts for the necessary repairs to the fire trucks' to be looked into and proughtup at the next r,egu,lar ,1l1.eet:ing of the council. 'me matter @fchang,es in the Zoning Ordinance affect- ing lots in College View 3rd Addition and Bissori.neto Place, ~rontingon Richmond Road and Bissonnet Street, and 10fs ad- Joip,ing. ,same., was bl1?,ought up for general discuss1on. " he 'con- census of CDpin.ion ofthos.e present favored 1000 square fe,et on insidre Iota, 1100 sq:uarefeet on corner lcuts wit~the EKception of th0.se,facing Richmond Road, whj.ch i_s1300 sq'q,are.f'ee~, all f'rames. v \~ , <, 7 - 1_ '-- ----~ 'iI I I I I I > ' '2(' IDj'- ~'~'-,: < .. '" "'~. .::X :". ~$~;.~5~.-;:.~" After discussion Commis,sioner Jones made amotion that they re- strict t~e _ inside =!-otsto lOOO squ~re feetl, corners to lIDOO square feet" and those fa.cing on Richmond l1.0a4 to l3qo square feet, all frames', which i:n~tion was duly seconded by Commission- er Herschel. Voting Aye : Commissioners Jones & Herschel.' Nos: None. The MayortkEm instruc-ted City Attorney Lamonte to draw an amend- ed ordinance on the 'above sections of the original ordinance No. L1L . .Mayor F. !d. ,Mainous then brought up before t~e council '6:1e .problem the city is faced with in housing the ,fire apparatus, and also , the inadequacy of the present office space. Ee ,presented a sketch of remodeling the pr,esen t rooms and an addi tionon to, the ,north side of :the fire station. ' After considerab'1.e discussi'on Comrnissioner Jones made a motion that tlie'WIayoranii coUbci'1. be authorized to proceed with the , arrangtl1.~j:\t~,f6r tl:rumcing same, securing bids, etc. "necessary to proc:eed_wH~1ithe work. Above mo.,tiondulyseeorlded by CGttl- missioner lIe,rs~bel. ' ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: ,Non~. The're being no fUrther business to come before the mee'ting ana upon motion' being ma~eand seconded the meeting waS. declared adj ourn ed. ~ ' , ~1lJ;~ MAXi I I I r REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1939, 7:30P.M. CITY HALL, WEST UN IVERS ITY PLACE 'TEXAS. ) I The regular meeting of the council was held Monday, April 24, 1939, at 7:30 P.M. in"the City Hall, West un~versity Pl:.ace,' with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and 'SecretaJ;'y Jarrard in, a ttendanc e. . ' ,'" The minutes of' the meeting of Mon.day, April 17, 1939wereereac1 and approve-d. Mayor'F. M. "Mainons discu~sed the subject ,with which the council isf'aced at this time," that ,of' a severe shor.tage- of'water. . The counC;'ii is end~a,vor~g to make arrallgmen:ts'ld:th'thecttt 'of" Hous- ton to hook ,up :wl't-h' thetrlmes; but in order 'to de> thisth~ State Health>>9jfUtment'w1:1l:have- to eert1.~"t'O -the c':J;ty"s water, and w1~1 als'O be necessary to put a check valve bntheline :to keep thec:Lty t s water from going in t'O the Hous 1;'OD, l~nes. May,or Mainous, Cobinlissioner Jones~::,~ra:11a:t?ris,and John C. c,al.hot#a~r~; '~ve arranged-t~ "S-a to AUstin~~esdal April2.~ to \~ake 'thea.J;'i".~ngments for., this: :,se.r.Y,i.ae-~ ',The, I~ayor alsQ sta.ted" tha.t Sou:thsideP~ide is ' at present supplying 'the city with approx~mately,~O,QbO-8allons of' water per day at 20ft per thousand; during this S'h()':rta:g'e in our wa tel' supply. ,. " CemmissionerHerschel' made a motion, which was seconde'd by Com- missioner Jones authorizing the Mayor and engineer to chenk over and tabulatE) ,the bUs received, on pi!)e tor :t1?:e ne~ water ~~stem.. " \. . -. ..' " Voting Aye: Comrlli'ssioners Herschel and Jones'. ' Nos. None. A proposal ~d plot plan was presented to the Mayor with refer- ence to opening an addition of a> eight acres north of Pres- ton Place, and west of Kirby Drive. lJ.'his was J.'!6terred to the Planning Commissioner for their consideratio~. Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursement Statements for the month of' March (tor Wat,er, General and Sewer) was pres,en ted to the Mayor and eacnGommissioner. Also Cash Receipt and .lJisbursementState- ment for the six months, period ending February 28, 1939, for the Water, GeneJ'al and Sewer" was given the Mayor and each Commission- er, by the Secretary. Commissioner Herschel made a motion there being no further busi- ness to come before the meeting, the council be adjourned. AbOve motion se90ndedby Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. 1- ATT~ -r u__ I ] ~~ r' I r , """ , REG'OLAR !JiEETING M~ND:AY, MAY l:i 1939" 'r:30 p.l\g:. C ITY ~LL, ~ vr~ST UNIVERSITY PL.ACE TEXA8. The regular meeting of the ceuncilwas ke1dlMonday, May 1, 1939 at 7:30 p. M. in ~he .colplci1 chamber of the ,pity Hall with Mayor Mai~ous presiding, Commissioners Jones and ~rschel and Secretary Jap.ard in attendance. --.", . I The minutes e~r the mee,t=':ng or April 24, 1939 were read and approved. Due to the shortageQr water it was necessary to make arrangments with the, City of Houston, to furnish water, while the water improve~ mentprogJ;'aDl,is .under way. The Mayor advis,ed that it was necessary tG purcha,se !lJ::l 8,00,0 ga~lon water tankwh,ich WaS reqllired by the City of, Houston, ,berore they wo~d a11owaCGnnectic;m 1ntb.e~ line. This tank has been installed at Albans Road and Kirby Drive. The City or Houston fl1rl1.ished a list sh,owmg the rates charged t:o:;r all connections outside of 'the Oity of Houston. These rates <Le- ~rease from BOt per thousand for the' first 100,000 gal1o~s to 9 '3/4t allover one million gallons. Co~issionerJ,Jones made a moti0~ which was seconded by ,C9mmiss~on- erHersche1 giving the Mayor a~tl?-ority to make arrangments nth the Southvrestercn La,boratories to inspect .andniae a report all pipe' , whiohcis tob~used, in improving the 1Il tep ays tem. Voting Ay';e: CommissionerS Jon~s, and llers.ch~l. N0s: None. The Mayor aavl'Sed that the d.eeision in the" case ,gf HQl1s,ton L1.g,htlng & Pewer Company vs. City of West University Place was reversed by , the CQurt .et; ,Qj.viJ. App~als. .Af12er considerable d~s,ol1ssion .:f.t.:was~ decided. by a mot~~J'1 ~,+d~ byCommi,ssien~r Herschel and seconded by ?ommissioner Jones, tMu ~r,!:A!J. LaIl1ont~, ,city Ati,torney"and Judge ,Legde, be:J,.n- s true:ted. >tQ ,app:ea;l ,tillis Eu~.~e ,tQthe next higher court. -- Vo tingAye,: No s : ;Non.,.., Mr. Sear.s t'I'om the legal department of the ~ity of Houston, <advised tb.attB6Y 'Wpu1,d be v"et!Y: glad to. cooperate and fUI'nish les;aJ: assis,t- anoe in, ,this ease as they wer~'vita11y interested; , I . " Commissioners Hers'c1+el and Jones. Commissioner J~nes made a motion giv~g authority for the purchase of two (2), graderbladesfor,th.,e street and bridge ,departmen~. .8eo.-, ended by Commissioner Her$cbel. 'V-oting Aye: C0mm.issioners ,Jones &: Hers~ohel. Nos: None. ~; -~~-----... '-_-:'~"'1~- ~-~': ~, , ~ r."W'J Warranty Deeasfor the tract of" land north of Bisso:nnet at Wa:tef'erest (which, is to be used fer ,t.ne elevited tanks) and fer the easement and right of way theret(t, ~wasprese:m.ted to the council by the Mayor. After d1scussien the deeds were refered. to ~he Oity Attorney forais appreva1. Oommissioner Herschel made a motion that Dr.S. I. Johnson be appeinted as bealth' officer of the Oi ty of Wes'tUn1versi ty Place. Oommissioner Jones failed to second this motion as his Gbjection was. that prc>p9.r investigation had not been made and he would pre- 'fer to defer this ac ti:ontoa later meetin.g~' so that the 'proper, investigation as to his qualifications may be made. Oommissioner Herschel withdrew his motion so -that proper investigation may b,e' ,maEle. , , I I , Commissioner Jones made a mE>tion giving ~uthorlity topU1"chase mis- cellaneous supplies for the fire department. This 'motion was e.uly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Jones & Herschel. , . Nos. None. ... A report was made that the main sewer line en Kirby Dr+ve and also thO,tte Gn Edloe and Univers'ity Blvd.~ recetiitlycons'truc.d by the W. 'F .Wa.rfield & Oompany Centraetors ~ we:re not a:ttheproper gratie and there were several breaks eausmg'cens1derablellDiount of smid to pass through these lines, ,thuscausingcGnsld~i1itro11ble in passing thDough the disposalpl~t. The Secretary was instructed to w:ri te a letter to Mr. ;r. C. McVea; e:b.gm'EJer'olt~t)1is jOb, a.4- Vising of this cenditionand ask him that he make an early re- pert, and to mail a copy of this letter to the b0nd1:rJ,g c<>n1pany w:b,(),J'llr1'1ish~d ,m~;intenarlce bond for >a l'eriodof E!>p:e yea.rfor all _~er'fals and 'workmanship. ' ,', "" ',. ',' ''','' ", ' >'~.J.~. AiCher, 'Chairman ,of the B1:a:nning :Beard pres'ent'etire- "~:~lrimenm;atiOin'SH '":tha 'ta' 'puli:Lio hearing~o "hel(f'a~ requ:t~eEL, w,ith "'xwesl;reetto the following amendment's and~ chahgeS'm the.onhg , ordinance: For 1;heet>ectlon andconstrtiC'iion ofa:' thr'ee 'story Catholic Church, Schcel zd Convent~ combined on a 2 1/2 aere tract ef land located: in the eightifs!riglef'amilyELwellingd.is- trict, bound on the south by University Blvd.., on the east by Weslayan~ one the West by Academy and the North by Poe St.reet, and reducing the restrictions in the southeast part Elf the Fourth Ei;istl'iic't,c :Which snaIl be knewn as North ~rest€>n Place to' 1200 s4ua:ref'eet en houses facing Tangley, 1300 square feet on' houses faeing RobiJlhood, 'S.lloiv1ngf'rame eonstruc,tion'ln the, part, of the seetion affeeted by the above. Mr. L. k. ~0ttwitz, repres,enting the R. J. Weis I Acre 'rract, north adjoing Preston Place, appeared 'be:f0:re the council and asked that adj us tmen. t of taxes' be made 10wering the value. tion on this property below t150()~O.o per a.cre, which is on the basis all ether adju stme1'lts have been made. After discussion the {l -~~J ..-- .. =~~~-l r-'~~~- ..~- -- -= ~ Mayor advised that it would net be possible to adjust these taxes only on the baais o~ which others have been made, waiving penalty on all 'years .prior to that o~ 1935. - - Tb.ere being no ~urther business to come be~ore the council and upon motiollbe1ng made by Commissioner Jones andEl.uly s econdecl by C$mmissionElI' 'Herschel the meeting cwas decla.redailjo'qrnE;ld. -- ., '" YOR' , *,+.~ I I I $. l~~r~~---------r ~--- -~ _----.-U REGVLAR MEETI.NG , MO.NDAY" MAY 8,1939, 7:3.0 :P.M. CITY O,ll' ~WEST UfHVERSITY.Pl,ACE, TEAASo r I i I The regular meeting 0'1' the c'ouncil was held.Monday lilay'8, 1939 at 7:30 yp. M. 1.n,.th-e"Gity ~al1, WestUnivers'ity' Place,,'with Mayor fi'., M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel, and Secretary Ja~~arA i~ att~ndan~e. The minutes of the meeting of May 1, 1939 were read, adjusted and approved. '. The Mayor stated that the council had agreed thatCommlss~oner Jones be chairman o:f the Water and Sewe+, Department', aD:dull matters pertaining to these departments shall be brought before the council for discussion; that Commissioner Herschel be chair- man of the Street and Bridge ~epartment, also the Fire Department, and all matters pertaining thereto 'shall be brought before the council :for discussion. / f-. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that Commissioner Jones be given authority to take up with John C. Galhoun, Jr the possi- bility of' making changes and revamping some of the water system; also to take up the matter of delinquent wat er and sewer bills and force collection of same or remove the water meter; and to notify a certain number of people in the city of West University Place~ with reference to discontinuing the ~se of septic tanks and make connec tions with the sewer; also to make an effort to . collect delinquent taxes. Commissioner Jones seconded the abo.ve mdtion. Voting Aye: Cormnissionera Herschel and Jones. , .Nos: .None., Commissioner Herschel made a motion giving the Mayor authority to purchase three (3), cars of Shell to be used for the base on Plumb street, from Wakeforest to Kirby Drive, and ~~, have the street,ready for topping by the time all payments are made by property owners. Motion duly seconded by Commissioner Jomes. Voting Aye: Co~issioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel made a motion that Mr. J. A. Metcalf be appointed electrical inspector, building inspector, fire mar- shal, fire inspector and deputy city marshall, for the City of West University Place at a salary of $150.00 per month, effect- ~} .. r .. -1 .1 J ive May 15, 1939; Mr. .oo.etcalf is to furnish his own transportation. ~he above motion seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: oormnissioners Herschel and Jones. Commissioner Jones made a motion that the Mayor be given authority for. the purchase of an 8,000 gallon storage 'tank and the cost of this tank is to be paid out of the water set up~ and as soon as the city hai3.....finished. with use of the tank, tl1at same be offered for sale.- 1:he aboye motion duly seconded by (Jornrnissioner her- schel. Voting Aye: ~ommiss ioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. . Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the City Marshal be takm out of the Police Department, and appoint Mr. J. E. Huddleston to serve as City .iV1arshal, to be paid $5.00 per month for the expense of his car. 'Ihis to become effective May 15, 1939. Seconded by Cownissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners .ll.erschel and Jones. Nos: None. m-~ ~ Commissioner Jones made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to comply wi th the contrac,t made by the old council with the Guar- ,dian Trust Company, with regard to beautifying the grounds, and building a tenant ,house at the sewer disposal plant. ~bat he be instructed to employ Mr. J. C.McVea to construct the tenant house, and to make application to the WPA for assistance on this project. ltiotion seconded 'h"J Commissioner Herschel. > Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and tlerschel. " .NO s: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion that the city council approve the privilege of firemen, both volunteer and paid, when in uniform to ride the bus free of charge. Commissioner@ Herschel seconded the above motion. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and nerschel. Nos: .None. IF Co~nissioner Jones made a motion that the city secretary be instruct- ed to make a check payable to John C. Calhoun, Jr., for $835.65 for engineering fees on the construction of the two 250,000 gallon elevated water tanks; also check to the Pittsburg-Des Moines Steel Company for $33,833.85, payment of Estimate #1 on the erection and construction of two 250,000 gallon elevated water tanks. Above checks to be payable from the Water Improvement J;I'und. Motion duly seconded by Oonrrnissioner tlerschel. } " r--- ::J -----y-' ,~-~. '~ .Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and tlerschel. 11l os: l\1one. ^ Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the secretary be lnstruct-. ed to order a boek pertaining to water supply and swwerage,' for Mr. Harris at a cost of $5.00. Seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: ~normnissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. 'J.'here being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declar- ed adj ourned. Z/m.~~ MAYOR ' ' ATTEST: ~~ ~ Secretary . , r.c',~, "'r- --~ 1-' ~-._---' - - -;'::r I ,--1 ... " J r----~ >~~,:,~,~~::,:.;?\,; < Jf'.' .;. - ,,~ ... .' ~'<~,-"" ~~<-- -:;.,~; ~ REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, WlAY 15, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALt. W~ST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Monday, ,May 15,1939 in the Cit~ Hall with Mayor F. M. lVIainous presiding,60mmissioners Jones and erschel and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutesol the meeting of :Monday, .May 8, 1939 were read ad- justed and approved. The vollll1teer fire department submitted a Ie tter to the council stating t4at if the council would appoint a chief of the depart- ment, there would be an additional 1% credit allowed in the fire rate and since Mr. J. A. Metcalf was elected by the department to serVe for a period of one year, they' recommended that The be appointed to serve in this capacity. After due consideration Commissioner nersohel recommended that Mr. Metcalf be appointed as fire chief of this department to serve until May 15, 1940. Commissioner Herschel made a motion ,authorizing the above appoint- ment which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners nerschel and Jones. Nos: .None. Commissioner Jones made a motion whi ch was duly sec01!l.ded by Commissioner !ierschel authori'zing that a check in the amount of $8.75 be made in favor of T.-L. Winston, which is a refund on the water line, being a proportionate amount of the original payment .for a line to serve their property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: l~one. The fire departmen t recommended tha t the ci ty BEad'" two del egates to attend the annual oonvention, t:o~:~be~;;helclr:iftimeTlli4)~_-r'i.5t("atla"lJh6 at.(:;HaD'ft.9mw~m:v W:exas"iIi1ana.d,saggeB;!;ed that Mr. J .A. Metcalf and Mr. J. E. Huddleston be selected to attend this convention. Comm-- issioner Herschel made a motion authorizing the advancement of $75~OO for expenses of these gentlementt. attend the above con- vention, and upon their return to file with the city an item- ized expense report. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. ,', ~1 J -,~=~ '~I'~-~' i I -. ~~ ~ "1 II There being no .further business to come be.fore the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- ' claredadjourned. $~. ~~ . Secretary ;~. ., 'i .~~~-T..' ~~ t, -- 1 I I .. REGULAR MEETING MO~DAY, MAY 22, 1939 COUIIlCIL C HAJ.'VIBER, CITY R..ALL W1EST Ul'IJlVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEX.AS. The regular meetinl of the council was held Monday, May ,22, 1$3a at 7:30 ~.M. in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor F.. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Sec- retaryJarra;~ in.attendance. . . . The minutes of the meeting of Monday May 15, 1939 were read and approved. . "- ~ r Commissioner Jones made a motion giving the police department authority to purchase two (2) boxes of cartridges. Motion sec~ onded by Commi.ssioner 1ie):'schel. , ' ' Voting Aye: Corarnissioneps Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. Commissioner ~erschel m~de a motiop givipg authority to issue a check in .favor o.f V. R. Mata J:q, in the amount of' $95.49 .for the, hauling 0.f-173,644 pounds .o.fwater pipe for the new water works' improvement job. ~his motion was duly seconded by vommissioner Jones. Voting Ay.e,: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. ,{ Nos: Non,e. Mr. A. J. Lamonte, City Attorney, was inst~ueted to draw a re- solution appointing a Mayor Pro-Tern to act in the absenceo.f tihe Mayor, by a motion made by Commissioner Jones~ duly second- ed by Comr.llissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: 1~0ne. COITh."D.issioner Hers.chel made a motion that the secretary be aubh- orized to make a check payable to Julius G~imes for $30.00 for the grading o.fColonial Parkl , CommissioneE Jones seconded this motion. " , Voting Aye: Commissioners l:ie:Bschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by CQrnmissioner Herschel authorizing the trans.fero.f funds from the water depart- ~j .-J -- ~,.. ,ment to the general fund, for the amount disbursed ror the build- ing or the new orfice adjoa.ngng the city hall. Voting Aye: ~mmissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: l~one. Mr. John G. calhoun, Jr., Engineer on the Water;WorkslrnProvement job presented.a tabulation of bids for the laying orap,prOilti- ma.tely 1100 feet or 12 inch wat-er line from the int~rBection o^f Bissonnet and Wakeforest Street north ~to the site of the new water tower,' from P. F. Eller, W. A. McClendon, and Massengale & Sauer, w~ich tabulated ,bids are as follows.: P. F. Eller 12' Pipe 4-6' in place 1100 ft. .65 W. A. Massengale M~~lAn0on& S~~P. .65 .50 ,12' Valve Wet Connection Extra Labor Hours . 1 each 10.00 1 each 93.50 9.00 45.00 20.00 . Time 50 M.Hrs. .50 10 Days .60 .50 ~tra Excavation 1.00 e.y. ,<-,,~; .. After discussion, and since Massengale & Sauer Was the lowest md ,best bidder, Commissioner Herschel made a motion that this con- tract be let to this company~, which motion was duly seconded by Vommissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. "~ Commissioner Jones made a motion that the city attorney Mr. Lamonte be authorized to draw a resolution forholding a hearing on the matter of raising the restrict5.ons from 1250 square reet', trame or brick, to 1400 square feet, 51% brick, in the third single family dwell1ng^ district, bou!iedby YVaketoreston the east, DUke on the north, Cas'onon the so:u:bh,~dBuffal() Speedway on the west, and theseeretary be instl'ueted't0 publish'" notice in the Southwestern ~News, a paer of general Circulation, date of such hearing which is to be held JYn6 19, 1939. Motion sec?nded by Commissioner Hers- chel. . ' !; - I,:. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones' and Herschel. Nos: None. A copy of the cash receipts and cash disbursements statements for the 'General, Water and Sewer Funds.for-the month of April 1939 was given to the Mayor and each Cemmissioner. ~ ;~-'~~ r . ~ ..L.l , ' - , .2r2~S:{' 11 There being no ,further business to come be.fozte the councfl and u.pon motion being made by Commissionezt Jones~ duly seconded by Com- missioner HeTsehel the<mee~ing was deelared adjourned. '. ."< - ,'. - MAYO ' A~~ . .1;. seer~ . " ~ J' -~ ~'~I '--l-----r~- '1----- ~ A REGULAR MEETING MONDAY,MAY 29, 1939 COUNC;IL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE,. TEXAS e i-~" The regular meeting of the counc i1 was held WIonday, May 29, 1939, at 7:30 P. Me in the council chamber of the City Hall, ~ith Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes of the meeting of Monday, May 22, 1939, were read, adjusted and approved. ~J.[r. Larry L. Sisk appeared befo re the council in the int- erest of property owners ,on Lake Street be~/een Amherst Street and Rice Boulevard. It is their intention to submit a petition to obtain permanent paving, curbs and gutters on Lake Street. The council stated that they would give their cooperation to the above project. It will be necessary be- " fore any paving work begins to prepare a list of property owners on lots facing this street. ~ Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the matter regarding the construction of a three story Oatholic School, Church ,. and Convent be referred back to the Plap..ning Commission. Commissioner Jones seconded the above motion~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jonese Nos: None' The following recommendations were made regarding the type of construction for North Preston Place: All houses facing on Tangley be 1250 square feet, frame or brick and those facing Robinhood be 1300 square feet, stucco, brick veneer or 51% brick. After discussion, Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the above recomraendations be accepted and was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. !~o s: None' Commissioner Jones made a motion gi ving authority for the purchase of one Car of shell for the Street and Bridge Depart- ment, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Cow~issioner Jones' and Herschele Voting Nos: None tl 1~1 r' .~~~- _,'C, n 1 ====u ,I Commissioner Herschel advised tba t the battery now being used in the fire truck Was too small'and asked permission to exchange the small one for a larger one to be us ed in the tire truck. Commissioner Jones made a motion giving authority for the , purcb.as e of a larger' ba t tery and to exchange the small ba.ttery now in the fire truck. Commissioner Herschel seconded the above motion. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion that the following gentle- men be appointed to serve on the'EqUalization Board: Mr. L. B.Ryan, A. B. Penny and H. D. Stacy. The above motion was duly seconded by Oommissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. I~ Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a motion, whiqh was dUly seco~ded by Commissioner Jones, that an orclinance governing the Board of Equaliz&tion for the year 1939, be approved and passed, which caption is as follows: ORDINANOE /J 59 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TIME PO R THE MERI'ING OF mE mARl) ,OF EQUALIZATION OF THE CITY <F WEST UNIVERSrry PD'ACE FOR THE YEAR , 1939 AND' PROVIDING TRilT THE SAME TAKE EFFEC'T IMMEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None The hearing will be for a period of three day~ and each, appointed member of this board is to receive $7.50 per day for his services. In compliance wi th the public hearing held on :May 22, 1939, the council di sc:ussed the passing of an amendment to the ' zoning ordinance allowing the c.onstruction of a three stor'J Catholic school, church and convent on a two and one half' acre' tract of land on University Boulevard, west of the city hall. After discus sion, it was decided by a motion made ,by ~~r'" =----= =~ "'2'"'~'2"'~~''''''' :.' ,~'- '; .,~ ~t/:z.. .~: .;::..~~..{1~ ':~ ~ ;~~: ~- . Commissioner Herschel and seconded by Commission~r Jones, to refer this matter to the Zoning board of adjus tments, to view the plans and specifications and for their recommendation. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. 'No s: None'"- >(" A public hearing was held on May 19, Im39 regarding amendment to the zoning ordinance to reduce the restrictions in the 4th single Tamily dwelling district, of property adjoining Preston Place on the south to 1200 square feet and to allow frame con- struction on all lots facing Tangleyand 1300 square feet maintaining brick construction on all lots facing Robinhood. After discussion it Was decided by a motion made by Commissioner Jones and duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, adjusting these districts, approving and passing ordinance No. prepared by the city attorney, A. J. Lamonte, which caption is as,f'ollows: ,'. -There being no furth~r business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- cla~ed adjourned. ~~..:""~...,,~ Mayor ATTEST: ~ Secretary /' " ~i -:=J c. LJ I I I I ~ \ 1 '2"~'''''''' , ~ :~ .F~..'- ",~,v)", , 'y y,.. " l.T(.' .:q.. REGULA. R MEETING MONDAY JUNE 5, 1939 COUNCIL C~'[BER, CITY lIA.LL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A regt;:'lar meeting of the council was held .Monday, June 5, 1939, at 5:00 p. M. in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor F. M. Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Henschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance~ The Minutes of the meetin~ of Monday, May 22, 1939, were read andn approved. Several months ago the Mayor and Secretary were given aut.'h.ority to sign a contract with the Houston Lighting and Power Comps:n:y for additional street lights. Inasmuch as the details were not worked out, the signing of this contract was deferred toJt:ql~' 1, 1939. It is the Mayorts desire that the cause of this delay' " be r:N~f!lected in these ;Minutes. It is the opinion of eallJ'h m.ember or the council that an Electrical Examining Board should be set up to see that all electrical contractors doing business within the city is well qualified. After a discussion, Commis- sioner Jones made a motion Which was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, giving instruction to A. J. Lamonte, Cit,y Attorney, .to draW up an electrical ordinance, creating the examining board. Upon recommendation or tb. e Mayor, the followj.p.g were appointed to serve on this Board: " Chas. V. Read J. S. Waters Jr. U. R. Bronk Joe V. Ellis Inasmuch as it is necessary that an electrical engineer be present at each meeting, Mr. Swensen was also appointed to seJ.:1.ve on this Board during the absence of Mr. J. S. Waters Jr. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel !fos: None ~) Commissioner Herschel made a motion appointing Commissioner Howell B.Jones 'as Mayor Pro Tem to act and permorm all duties as that or the Mayor dUring the Mayor's a bsenc e or inability to serve, and all auth,ority given: to him in accordance. with th~ Sta~tutes of. the' state of Texas. He is also given 8.uthorJ.ty to sJ.gn cnecks, wJ.th- clrawing runds from the City Naotional Bank. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None ~ u " Commissioner Herschel was instructed to continue with the topping of the following streets: PIUL-nb, Charlotte, Fordham, Annapolis, University BlVd., West of'the City Rail, Georgetown between Belmont and Buf:falo Speedway. If, and whe, the pro- ject is worked up and gotten in proper' form, the City is to do all the gra ding and prepare the base for the topping. The total cost 0:;;'_ the topping is to be Born by the property owners facing said street. After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion giving Comraissioner Herschel, autho~ty to ,proceed with these streets and any otl+er streets where t~ :Rroperty owners desire to have tftem topped under the same condition, as the above. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. No,S: None The Street and Bridge DeRartrJ.ent was given authority by a motion 'made by Commissioner Jones and seconded by Commissioner Herschel to purchase fifty tons o:fasphalt shell. Also authority is given for ,the purcrill.se of one. Bracey's Block Book and the following corregated culverts: 12- 12 ~ 30 12 - 12 x 15 Voting aye: CommissioRers Jones and Herschel ,Nos: None The Mayor was given authQrit~ by a motion made by Commissioner Herschel to contact the Sta~e ~oard of Health at Austin to recommend or furnish to the ,oi ~~ of West University Place, an engineer of recogniz ed abil,i ty to make a survey of our Sani ta.ry Sewer lines and Disposal Plant. Also to check the water sys tem and make recommendations of any changes, bringing the sewer and w;atersystem up to meet tb.e re,quirements of the State so that th~ w~ter system may have the proper certifica tion~" The com- pensation to be paid this engineer at the rate of ~~200.00 per month and expenses. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones 1-To s: None Authority Was given for the purchase of 1000' of 2-i/'- fire hose, costing the sum. of $1050 and. 400' of l~n hose to cost the s tIm 0 f$300 ~ 00 , from the American La France & Foami te Industries, Inc. The Secretary Was ins~r0_cted to ,sign a. note for the, above hose. Motion was made by Commissioner Herschel and duly seconded by IVIr. Jones. V Voting Aye: Commission~rs Jones and Herschel. 'Nos: None '/ r I r ~~,_.._-- ~~ , , "'~~,;a~~"~;:.' ~,~i\' The annual audit as of March 31, 1939~ made by J. A. Phillips & Company~ certified public accountants, was accepted and a Resolution approved and passad releasing the City Secretary and Treasu~er and other city officials from all liability. This action was taken by a motion made 9Y Commissioner Jones and duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ,"" Voting aye: Comra1ssioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None Due to the sanitary sewer line being in bad need of repair to the extent that certain repairs must be made immediately and inasmuch as the current revenue is not sufficient' to make the necessary repairs at this time, and since an emergency exists, other financial arrangements rous t be made. It is estimated that these emergency rep~il"'s will not exceed $25,OOO.00~ T"ne f'ollowing proposition was received from Fenner an~ Beane Cor- poration: II June 5 ~ 1939 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of' West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: It is ou~ und.erst~nding that you are contemplating the issuance of' not to exceed $25,000, City of' West University Place Warrants, said Warrants to be issued f'or the purpose of'paying the cost of' improvements and extension to be made on your sewer system. In connection with ,said proposed isgue, it is our understandil1g trl8. tit is the inten ti on of the Ci ty in do the improvements and extension itself' and not under a single contract. We will there. f'ore agree to take up and ~ay f'or legally issued City of West University Place Scrip or ~arrants issued to pay for said work, on weekly approved estima tes, it being 'U.'l1.derstood tha t all of' said scrip Ehall be issued in accordance with the Bond and Warrant Law of' 1931, and under super vi sion of our a ttorneywho will pJ:'e- pare, all of the necessary legal instrLlments. It is further ~nder- stood that said warrants or scrip may be ref'unded by us at our expense into Ftmding Bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum and maturing serially over a period of' one to five years from their date. We will prepare all of' the necessary legal papers covering the issuance of the scrip, warrants, funding bonds and also all other expenses and it is understood and agreed that f'or our sex'vices in this connection we are to receive a sum equal to 2-1/2% or the par value of the issueQ ~ This proposal is subject only to the approval of' the legality of the Warrants by our attorneys, for whose opinion we will pay. Signed: FENNER & BEANE, CORPORATION Il J' --~_c ~ ",~ ~-' ~r. - -"'"'1 ',-' , ~ Commissioner Jones made a motion accepting the proposition and authorized the Mayor and Secretary to sign same, as made by Fenner and Bea~e and approved the issue' of 'emergency warrants n.ot to exceed $25,000.00, for defraying expenses in making the necessary r~'pairs and to liquidate the present indebtedness incurred during the past couple of months, dOing the repairing of sewer lines'on University and !uffalo Speedway and Buffalo Speedway and Duke Street. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissione~ Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None There being no further business to eome before the CounCil, UpOE moti6m made and duly seconded, the meeting Was declared adjourned. ~~/r~' ATTEST: ~~ ". 1 (-~ --~- ' 1 '2" ., -", . " 4~- REGUlAR 11IEETI1JG MO}IDAY, June 12, 1939 COUNCIL CF...AlVIBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PJ+4.CE~TEXAS - The ,..regular meeting of fue Cou.ncil was held Monday, June 12, 1939, at 7: 30 p-. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with Mayor Pro Tern, Howell B. Jones presiding, and Commissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in atten- dance. The Minutes of the meeting of M",nday June 5, 1939, were read and approved. I I J /. Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel, instructing the City Attorney to draw a Resolution,- giving an easement and right of way out of' part of Lot 54, Block 2, Southside Place, for a driveway to Leland Ueckert ana. wife, Willie Belle Euckert, in exchange for property in the northwest corner of' Lot 53;, Block 2, in Southside Place, for the purpose of a sidewalk. Voting Aye: Comrnis sioners Jones and Eersche 1. No s: None Commissioner Jones made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, instructing City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte to draw a sidewalk ordinance, making it mandatory for the own er or the building contrac tor, building a naw hous e, to lay proper sidewalks in accordance with the specifications as on file in the City Hall. Voting aye: Cornmis sioners Jones and Herschel . Nos: None City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte was instructed to draw an or- dinance or ordinances regulating motor scooter cars after certain hours and prohibiting them on the street at night and also prohibiting open cut outs and other unnecessaryy noises on automobiles; and to draw an ordinance or ordinances making ita penalty for reckless driving, and for disturbing the peace. It is reco~mended that these ordinances be dravln sQ that these cases may be tried in the Court of the City of , west Uni versi ty Place. The above instro.ctions were given by a motion made by Com- missioner Herschel and approved by Mayor Pro Tern Howell B. Jones. Voting Stye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones 1 Nos: None -I '.., --- ~~-"-l ;f '~~~~fri ". ~\};~~tb' _ -, 0"" . ~ "," ;. .~~. There being no further business to come before the coun- cil, a.nd upon motion being made by Commissioner Jones, duly secronded by C6mm.is sioner Herschel, the meeting was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ " %1 r--~~-~' - I r- ~ -, -,----- --TT- REGULAR MEETING MONDA Y JillIE 19, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, ClTY HALL WEST UNIVERSIIJ.Y PlACE, TEXAS ,'" The regular meeting of' the council was held Monday June 19, . 1939, in the city hall, with Mayor Pro Tern Howell B. Jones pr'esiding at the meeting, and Gommissioner Herschel and City SedretaryJarrard, in:a:hten'd8.nce. ' The minttt:es of the meeting of' June 12, 1939 were read' and approved. Ata previous meetL~g Commissioner Herschel recommended that a fire extinguisher be placed in a police carfQ~ emergencies, for extinguishing automobile fires, at which meetfng he was instructed to secure prices and inf<;>nnation as to 'the type of" ext~ngPishers .and report ,back at the next meeting. In making hi~ 'report, he advised that a certain type oftvfO quart extin- g~sher wo:uld ,be sufficient and upon ,his recpmm~ndation, Mr. Jones; mi3~de' a motion which was se,conded by Commissioner Herschel au:thdi:>izing the purchas e' of' 'the above. " , , Va.tin?! ~ye:, Commissione,rs Jon<1sa~, E;erschel Nos: None Comin.:1:ssionerJonesaQ.vis ed that it, w?-s possible to secure lots,,'$';'7'ahd 8,b10ck,18, Ob,llegeView Aadi'tion, at a 'price of '$300.00 per lot. The'se, lots are adjoining the water works 81 t~ on, M:i.lton streEtt au,d, in Vievl of thE? water works program new under way, it 'is necessary that the city purchase additional property f'o,radditional,'\ftJ,ater wells. This property is pu:rchased wi th the unders tanding f'rom the sell er that they would not be obligated to furnish abstracts or guarantee titles. .. ~ , , . ..~ G.ommis sioner Hers,chel made a motion giving authority to pur- chase this, property af'ter the city receives legal op.inion from tw'6 attorney-sas'to the abstracts and see. that the titles are clear and also that this will not conflict with th~ pre:sent zoning ordinance. ' The above motcion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners .Tones and Herschel Nos: None ~ There being no further business to upon motion being made by Commissio Commissioner Hers~el, the p~W: / " l7}{J(4fl(JM4f~v " ,', r~~'---~r~r---r~ -'~ ~ " - T --n council and Jones, du y seconded by .dj ourn~d. n,}- \.... ,... .~ ,.,.. SPECIAL MEETING JU}IE 23,1939, CITY HALL, COUNCIL CEP..MBER QITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX.llS. A: speci 8.1 meeting of' the council Was he~d Tht:l;t"sday, Jun.e 23,1939, at the City Hall, with Mayor Pro Tem Howell B. Jones pres:tding, Commissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in atten4ance. , This meeting was held for the purpose of' making a f'inal decision a,s to raising restrictions in the third family dwelling district as per hearing held under da~e of' .Tune '19, 1939. The Plapning Board again considered amen~ing this 6rdin- anc~of'raising restrictions in the above district. These recorm.i1eri.dationswere that ,these restrf(}tionsbe raised to '1400 square f'eet brick venee;t>, fr,ame construc- ti6ha:nd' othBrmateria.ls. , Af'ter due consi<lera1;ion,~ Mayor Pro Tem Jones s<tated" that inhi-s opinion these restrictions shou~d be raised to 1350 square feet and r,~st:r>ict,ed to 51% hrick, stone, OD ~,s'tuceo, and stated tha t he' over-rides and over-rules the Planning Board's recommendation, 8.Tl<lmade a motion to the effect that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, raising the restrict:i.ons as stated herein aI19. tp;;tt the City A ttomey, A.J.';t,amontei's instruc:tetl to <ij:>a::w' an amended ordinance l3.djtisting restrictions in thisdist~ict. ']he above motion was' duly,s econded, 'try Comm~s8ioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners~erschel and Jones No's: None There being no further 'busines s 'to come be.fore the council arid upon mdtion being made' by Mayor J?roTepl Jones, duly sep,Onded hy CortImi,S sioner Her'schel, the meet- ing was dec'lared adJourned.' .,' )- ~~~~I--~i--------r~~ ,-, --... 1--- --.--- I T I j I J '. I ,'" REGULli..R lYIEEr ING JUNE a6, i939, CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY pF WEST UNIVERSITY P~~CE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held: :Monday, June 26, 1939, at 7:30 p. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall; with Mayor Pro Tern Jones presiding, Commissioner Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, 1939, were read and approoved and also the Special meeting of June 23, 1939, were read and approved. After considerable discussion Commissioner Jones made a motion, authorizing city attorney A.' J. Lamonte to write a letter to those operating a business at their residence, which is in the residenti a1 section of the ci ty, notif'ying them that this is in violatkon of the Zoning Ordinance and anlo the original deed restrictions, and tha t they dis- cont'inue these operations by not later than fifteen days . from notice. The above motion was' duly seconde,d by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None Mr. Jones made a motion which Was duly seconded by Com- mis sioner Herschel. Voting Aye:, Commissioners Herschel and Jones No s; !llone I~'Lr. Jones macte a motion which W",s duly seconded by Com- missioner 'Herschel, authorizing an increase in salary of Miss<Marw Mc60nnell as stenographer and office assistant, f1'6tit ~}rt5.00 to $90.00 per month, effective June 15,1939. Vo ting Aye: Commis s:i,oners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None There being no further business to come before the council, and upon motion being made by Commissio er Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner Jones, the ill e ing was d cl red a~- jou:r>ned. ATTE~ " ", ~ ~ DTIJ:Y SECRETARY r~~~'~I-i I' '-~~' I I ~-i/t>> ~ _ h'~ j~'{\(L ~.,~~ ,V/' ,~ p. . ' REGULAR MEETING J1JIX 3, 1939, CITY HALL COUNCIL CR~MBER,GITY OF WEST mUVERSITY PLACE, TEXA$. The regular meeting of the council was held Monday July 3, 1939, at 1:30 p. M. in the council chamber oE the C1. ti Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commis- sioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes of the meeting of .June 26, 1939 were read and approved. The city attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance reg uiring building contractors to put up a bond to re- place damag.@d sidewalks apd in the cleaning up o.f, prop- erty upon completion of the buildings; also to draw an ordinance limiting house trailors being occupied, to not exc eed thir~y ~ays in one loc a tion in the c~ ty limi ts, as to parking on the street or on private propertw. Commissioner Jones made a motion giving the Mayor author- ity to enter into an agreement with Alex Brandau, who will gathe,r ,variou.s' lnfonnation pertaining toa building eod-e and'.r'o r hi s assis tance in preparing the bu~lding, elec- trical and plumbing code in connection with the Zoning Ordixlance. "TlJ,~~ beip.g w~;thout G9st to the, cit-y and upon completion, each architect and building contractor and 'those int~res,yed in- j:;he .city of-We.stU'ntver$.i t;yl>la.ce, will be supplied witp. a copy of same. His, compensatioh will be earned by advertising various business enterprises. The above motion was duly seconded by ~ommissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commis sione rs Herschel and Jones Nos: None The Mayor advis ed that he bad observed the turning: to the right at the red light a.t the corner of Edloe and Univer- sity Blvd., very closely and recommended that an ordinance be drawn requiring all tra.ffic to come to a, complete stop aRd,not allowing a ~fught turn against a red light. After due consideration, Comnissioner Jones made a 1'!lQtion and \'V8_S duly seco'nded by Commissioner Herschel, instructing city attorney A. J. Lamonte to draw an ordina.nce,amending Traffic Ordinance l{o. making the above change. Voting aye~ Commissioners Jones and Herschel . Nos: None ? J., C. Calhoun Jr., engineer on the sidewi31k pr?ject, pre- sentedthe' Mayor with a list of tools and other equipment r '1 1/ (. .t -,' ':5< .' 'o"~, -', f:Lt~:: '1:~ " " , necessary to begin this work. Commissioner Herschel made a 'motion which was du~y seconded by COnlli1issioner Jones, authorizing the purcl~se as recommended by Mr. Calhoun. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel 'and Jones No s : ,,,.None Commiss;toner Jones made a motion which Was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, approving and passing Ordinance NQ. 156, which is an amendment to Ordinance 111, changing restrict~ons in Section 8 of said Ordinance in the third single family dwelling district, v~hich caption is as follows:' ORDII:'TANCE J..6e. I j -".. AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING ORDINANCEHO!O III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PL.~dE, "TEXAS, BY .A..MIDIDING SECTION' 8, CONCERNING SQUARE FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DvVELLINGS IN THE THIRD SINGLE FAMILY DWELtING DL'3~RldT, BY,AMErIJ'DJ:NG SECTION 17, COl~CERNING' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 0 F DWELL- INGS ,IN THE THIRD Sll\fGLE FAMlLY DWELLING DIS- TRICT AND-' FROVIDINGTH,AT THIS ORDD,TANCE. SHALL TAKE EFFEJT AJID BE IN FacE IJlIITVIEDIATELY FROM AW.D AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND "APPROVAL. With the provision that every proper proof as to plans having been drawn and loan arrangements made to build on all respective lots on this location prior to the passing of t~is ordinance, that a building permit would be issued andth,a;t they will, not be' requi:red to comply with the in-' crea~e - in restric tions. ' Voting aye: Commis sioners Jones and Herschel <( .\ Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a motion giving the Mayor authority to purchase two tires for the garbage truck. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissione'r Herschel 'was given authority to purchase two cars of shell and one car of shell emulsion by a motion made by Commissioner Jones , and seconded by Commi~sioner Herschel" t, Voting aye: Co.mmis sioners Hersche 1 and Jones v Voting Nos: 1T011.e ~ l"'-~ '~I-~, t '.--.. -~-- 1 --- = , , ~, Claief::'Metcal;f:adv-ia,ed that the annual Fireman's School at A.& M. College would be held beginning July 21, lQ39, through the 25th and that since the city will re- ceive a reduction of three cents in their fire rates for having someone to attend this school each yea:r:, recommended that the city defer the expenses in send- ing a representative selected by the Volunteer Fire Department to attend this school. Commissioner Jones made a mo tion whic 11. Was duly seconded by Commiasioner Herschel, authorizing ,that a delegate of Westn~versity Place attend the school and'that the city would advance the necessary expenses in attending this meeting. Voting aye: Commi;sioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None ,'. Commissioner jon~s made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner lierschel, authorizing and approving the the passing of the Resolution 0 giving the easement for driveway on Lot No. 53, block 2, to Leland Ueckert and wife Willie Belle ~Ueckert, for driveway purposes in ex- chang'e for a right of way to place a sidewalk' on their property, which is lot 54, in block 2, Southside Place, which Resolution may be found in the files 'U.!."1.der the heading of Resolutions. Voting Aye: Cow~issioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None ~ .r Commissioner Jones made a motion which was duly seconded by Cow~issioner Herschel, authorizing the Secretary to transfer special funds out of ' the water accounts to the general funds fo r the purpos e of setting up account s for the amounts collected up to this date on the W.P.A. Sidewalk Project. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None Parker Bros., made an applic ation for water to be furnished their plant on the railroad tract north of Bissonet Street and advised that they would us e between fifty thous and and one hundeed thousand gallons of water a month. The Mayor was given authority to enter into a contract with the above company and furnish the water at the regular rate as that paid by the domestic consumers. The above authority Was given by a motion made by Commissioner Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones ~ l'Tos: None ~~ _I ,0 --1 I I 1---~"1 I ," There being no further business to come before the counc~ and upon motion being made by Cormlissioner Jones, du~y" seconded by Commissioner Herschel, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~' ATTEST: ~ CITY SEJRETARY ,~~ ~~I~i _,.c,------- -- ._, II r '"~ ~.- ,. '"". "2' :' ""'9': :'-':~k': " , , "- ~,l.0>'" ' , "~:~"~'.:~~~~.'-',: "'i ~ . " ~ .~"' .'" ,'. SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY .JULY 7, 1939 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL CITY OF VffiST UNIVERSI TY PL..4.CE, TEXAS .A special meeting of' the council of the City of West University.~-Place was held in the counc il chamber of the City Hall, on the evening of July 7j 1939, at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor Mainous presiding and Commissioners Jones and Herschel in attendance. Mr. Jarrard, City Secretary Was absent. . This meeting convened for the purpose or approving and passing" an ordinance providing for the issuance not to exceed ~25,OOO.OO in Sewer Improvement warrants. After discussion, Commissioner Jones introduced a proposed ordinance authorizing the is suance of' time warrants in the amount of' $25,000.00 and moved its a~ption, which motion wa.s duly seconded by Commissioner erschel, the caption of which ordinance is as follows: fI MT ORDINANCEll~......! 6/~ AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TIME WARR4.NTS IN TFf-E PRINCIPAL SUM OF $25,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING CLAIMS TO BE INCURRED IN IMPROVING AND EX- TENDING THE SEllVER SYSTJ!M OF SAID CITY, SUCH WORK TO BE DONE UNDE.i THE DIREJT SUPERVISION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND PAID FOR BY THE DAY AS SUCH WORK PROGRESSES, LEVYING A T1LX TO PAY 'l'HE INT EREST ON SAID WARRANTS A~1D THE PRINCIPAL THEREOF AT MA- TURITY AND DECIARING AN EVIERGENCY. And also giving the Mayor authority to complete the agree- ments and contract with Fenner and Beane on the sale of these warrants. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None .There being no further business to come before the CounCil, and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. <, ~} ~ 'MJ( OR r~-~~~~1- u ~i - ~ 1 I r ,2' i.3,.., J9;' ;:,' ., ..,. - . .: ."'_.... i:: .....'. REGUIA R lVIE ErING MONDAY, JULY 24, 1~39 COUNCIL CH.Al\1BER, CITY HALL CITY OF WEST UN'IVERSITY ,PLACE, TEJt..ilS The r~egular meeting of the council was held Monday July- 24, 1939, at 7:30 p. M. in the council chamber of the city hall, wi th Mayor ,Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and H~rschel :md Secretary Jarrard in attendance. . :- ,. The Minutes of the meeting of Monday July 3, 1939, were read arid approved. The Mayor made the suggestion that ih his opinion, Mr.J. R. Ellis shou~d be allowed to continue the construction of a store building on lot 4A, in block 44, West University Place, Second Addition, Which is the property adjoining the drainage ditch on the east side of the liquor store on University Blvd. After a discussion, the matter was referred to the city attorney for an opinion as to this affec ting the suit now pending in the higher courts. It was suggested ,that the matter also be referred to the Zoning Commission and recommended that the Zoning Ordinance be changed to make the south part of' this block f'or business purpo ses. Mr. R. J. W~is tendered his check in the amount of $1152.00 with a letter dated July 21, 1939, asking that this check be accepted in fu~l payment of all taxes including the year 1938, on eight acres of land in the eastern part of' the city. This was based on $800 per acre. It is the opinion of the council since taxes on the other acreage in this locality were settled on tlie basis of $1500 per acre, that this be rejected, and the matter was referred to the tax collector with;instructio:ns to retum same and advise that it would b~ necessary to pay the amount of taxes as per statement rendered on the da te of Commissioner Jones made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel, authorizing that the taxes on ,lots 7 and 8, in block 25, owned by the West University Place Meth- odist, be waived f'or the years that said property was owned by the Church. Voting aye: Con~issioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None The Mayor advised that due to the financial condition of the city at this time, that they accept a check from the Hous ton Power and Lighting Company, in the amount of $1,165.27, wnich check was returned to them by the f'onnel' council, due to a r- :=J r-- .-- -~ 1 ""'~;~'-'~4i':~" ;"0' ' .,,' :, .. ,. .' '~'c ~~:. ': . , '.,' ,.'\~;, .". ". I J sui t pending in the hi gher courts regarding the 4% street renta.J, tax. Since no special agreement had been made by the lIous ton Lighting and Power Company and the ci ty o~.,.. Univ"ersity Place as to the annual allowance" that the acceptance of this check would not affect the suit now pending. Commissioner Herschel made a motion tr.18. t the check be accepted" p!Dviding that we receive a writ- ten opinion from the city attorney, A. J. Lamonte that this will not in any way affect the suit. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion l.iVhich was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel" giving authority for the pur- chase of 10,000 water cards. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None ,". Comrrlissioner Herschel made a motio.n which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones, approving the action of the Mayor j.n purchasing a stenographer's, desk from Stowers Furnitiw:e Company in the amount of ~45.00. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion approving the purclillsing of one case of flash light batteries for the Police Depart- ment. The above motion WaS seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion authorizing material and labor for replacing the top on the bird~house in Monticello Park, which Was seconded by Co~issioner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None 11 Commissioner Jones made a motion which Was dv~y seconded by Commissioner Herschel, giving authority to transfer I ]' '~_--:-=J- 1 , 1 ,":J :"1' I ~. .- " 2' "'~1t;H ~ .' ;~~l~~i ':, $3,000.00 from the water fund to the general fund fo~ operating expense. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel fc~'" Nos: None A copy 0 f cash receipts and dis l)ursements for the month of' Jun-e, 1939, covering Water, Sewer and General, were given to the Mayor and el31ch Comnissioner. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned and that the next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 7, 1939. .~.,~ , , ATTEST: c~~ 1-~O~-i .-r---- ----r '. "'2'" 'tl-- ':'2'" . . .. . ". '. . .~. <~.,'.". ".: ' ,/' " /' .. sJ- '/,.J\,o/ \v l :f,\Q. ~ $- ~~7/ f REGULA R MEET! NG MON.DA Y AUGUST 7, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, TEXI\S The regular meeting of the council was held Monday, August 7~ 1939:" at 7:30 p. M. in the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel ~d Secretary Jarrard ina ttendance. The Minu~es &f the Special Meeting held on July 7, 1939, and the M~~utes of the ~inutes of the Regular Meeting of July 24, 1939, were read and approved. Commissioner do'nes advised that he bad made an agreement w'ith Mr. Alfred Williamson~ owner of a tract of land south of Bellaire Blvd., adjoining the water tank site for a eight foot easement from Bellaire Blvd., to the tank site for and in consideration of furnishing water services to his property when needed at the same water rate as tha t charged 0 ther consumers in the ci ty providing that he would install his sJiwer and water, lines to meet the require- ments of the State ealth Department. Commissioner Jones made a motion that the city accept this deed, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Comwissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion authorizing the purchase of.' four drums of gasoline for the Street & Bridge Department, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner HerSChel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos": None Commissioner Jones made a motion instructing the Mayor and Secretary to pay the final estin:ate in the amoUnt of $12,844.54 to the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company, which is the final payment on the two - 250,000 gallon water tanks, when satisfac- tory information is received as to specifications being completed as set out in the contract. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: 'None Commissioner Jones made a motion giving the Mayor authority to purchase a two to three ton white truck for the garbage department, which cost will be $1,835.00~ payable in October 1939, also authorizing the necessary expense in transferring the trailer ,to the new tru.ck and the necessp..ry repairs to the Dodge truck. ' 1-. - ~===:J------=--=-! ...-y-- -~- --~ ~ ", 2'~.'~'.'S."" . .. :,...\ k,i< ~~': . .. ~ ~. -. '" . "'. >itt.,r~, .:'S.- -.>:;t~"""; ': The abo;ve motion Was duly seconded by Commissio.ner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a nntion giving the Mayor authority to enter into a contract with the Cox Steel & Wire Company to furnish the 'necessary materials and erect a fence around Coloniftl Park, with eleven ,gage wire, at a cost of $611.00 and a fence Weir Park at a sum 0 f $599 .00 ~ also 11 gage wire. The above motion WaS duly seconded by Comnissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commis sioners Herschel and Jones No's: None Commissioner Herschel made a rrotion, which was duly seconded by Cornmissioner Jones, authorizing the purchase of two tires for the Farmall Mowing Machine., ' Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None There being no further business to come be.fore the council and upon motion being made by Commissioner Jones, duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel, the meeting was deelared adjourned. ~< lVlA1rO ATTEST': ff'~ , v J-=-=~~"~4~ I~ - ~ ~ :;~;jf,Jt <.'~'l:f~~'.~.. , . REGULAR MEETING MONDAY AUGUST 14, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST , UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS 'if The reguJ:ar meeting of the council was held ]IIonday, August 14, 1939, at 7:30 p. M. in the City Hall, with,Mayor Mainous presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and ' Secret!3-ry Jarrard in AttenClance. The Minutes of the Meeting of' Monday Augus t 7, 1939, were read and approved. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded-by Commissioner J9nes, giving authority to purchase a pump ,in the amount of $100.00 from the Sou thern Engine & Pump Company to be us ed in removing the sand. from the s:ew.:er lines and disposal plant, the payment for which is to be made out of the warrant fund. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None I- I Commissioner Jones made a motion giving authority to purchase one car of' shell emulsion, which mo:tion was duly seconded by Cqmmissioner HersQhel. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Herschel asked for authority to employ Mr. Tom Haney, County Engineer, while on his vacation to work up , information for a street topping project on a fee basis and to app'ly for W.P.A. grant, .hich is to be asphalt bituminuous. Approved by motion made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Cormnissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Jones made a motion giving authority to purchase four tires for the police car. This motion Was dUly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners HerSChel and Jones Nos: None Comm~ss~oner Herschel m~de a motion, Which was seconded by Comn1J.ss~oner Jones, giv~ng authority to employ Mr. Edward Buescher to read the water meters f'or the month of' August. Vo ting aye: CO""""" H "ul1iss~oners erschel and JO,nes ~os: None ~j 1 ,--.I '" . '2'" ,i;4' \5.:""' : ," "" *~ ''''!'';-'~' . 'C -.t-' ' ;"-::~ .~~~ " Autho~i ty' was given to p'l,U'chase a. dump body and hydraulic hoist ,in the amount of' $215.00, ~nstalled on Fora Chassfs. This was used by the :White Motor Companyf'or about 'six months.. The abo.f'e motion was made by Commissioner Herschel and seconded by Connnissioner J"ones. Voti~g aye: COnnnissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None The, Secretary presented an ordinance levying taxes for the year 1939.. Commissioner Jones made a motion, which was se- cond(ed by Commissioner Herschel, approving and passing the tabove ordinance No. lto?.. ,which ce.ption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ,~ AN ORDlNANCE LEVYING ~XESFOR THE ~iR 1939 FOR AND WIlJEIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PFDPERTYWITHIN SAID CITY FOR ALL MUJUCIP.AL PURPOSES AND PROVIDING THAT, THIS ORDINANCE ~KE EFFE.cT IMMEDIATELY. And setting the .tax ra te at $1.50 per i{J>lOO.OO valu~tion. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a motion giving au.thority to the tax collector to allow the following discount for the payment cd 1939 taxes: 3~ from September 1st to October 3rd 2% from October 4th to November 3rd 1% from November 4th to December 3rd and to purchase a rubber stamp from the Richardson Stamp & Rubber Company, which discount is to be stamped on each tax no t'iee. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None Commissioner Jones W[;S given authori ty to employ an addi-, tional crew to repair the Sanitary Sewer, which crew is to begin work on AUgust 21st. The cost of repairing the sewer sys tem is to be paid out. of the $25,000 sewer bond f''QIld. ~) ~ I' I' '" -, -1----'- --, ~';;':~"~6"""'" ", .': ''',=. .,_.J , .~. ."c-<-' .\' v :. '. The above authority Was given by a motion by Commis- sionerHerschel and duly seconded by Commissioner Jones . . Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Mr. C. F. Alton appeared before the council and asked permission to erect a tempor~ry field office at the co~er of Universit7 Blvd., and Buffalo Speedway. Nf':ter considerable discussion, 'Comni:ssioner Jones made a motion authorizing too ta permit be granted. with the understanding that if the citizenswi,th,in this location objected to a great extent, that h~ will move the office' upon the ins'tructions of the 'city council. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones No S': None- ,~ Upon motion made by Commissioner Herschel anddt1.ly seconded by Commissioner Jones, the meeting~wasdeclar,edadjour.ned and the' next regular meeting will beheld on September 11, 1939. ' ~MA~~ ATTEST: ~~ ~} '" 1- -= ^~, .... I ~. ," .~. ~<' ,'~><v:.' > " 2' _"go,.. ,~,:.. , ',-~.. " "':'". . ."" ); >.t.," .. ", _.."<, }~ __~__4 _ ;l~'" :,' ,1 REGULAR 1mETING MOIIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11" 1939 CITY HALL" G.J:TY OF V\iEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE" I]EXAS A regula,.r meeting of the council Was held, in, the City Hall, Ci~ o~ West University Place at 7;60 p. M. with Mayor Mainouspresiding and Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in a tten~nce. . The Minutes of the meeting of Monday, ,August 14, 1939, were read and app ro ved. Authori:ty was given to purchase one car of shell and necessary water boxes for University Blvd., 4 drums gasoline, brakes relined and adjusted on ,PQlice car, and approving the action of COl1lm.issioner HerfilChel in the purchasing of foul' tires for the Adams stre,et grader, by a motion made by Commissioner Jones' and seconded by Con:nnis sioner Hersche~. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: 'None Commis sioner Herschel' made a rrotion which was second,ed by Commissioner Jones, giving authority to employ a white truck driver for the Street and Bridge and Garbage Department, at asalaryof$18.qQ per week. Voting ~:~ie: Comnissioners Herschel and' Jones Nos: " ,NOne, Commissioner Herschel made a motion that the city attoJmey draw up an'agreement,with the City and Mr. ,Biggers, owner of' property adjoining drainage ditch, to allow Mr. Biggers to beautit~land adjoining his property on Sunset Blvd.,. Mr..rone.s' se.con4ed the 'mo,tion. ' Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None ~~ Mr. Jones made a motion to buy necessary fishing poles to be used .bytne Junion POlice patrol in fron of ,the schools. Commissioner Herschel seconded the motion. Voting aye: Co~~issioners Jones and HerSChel Nos: None ~j The Mayor was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner Herschel to make assessments from the property O1J'lners for the cost of constructing sidewalks on the west side and to instruct John C. Calhoun, engineer, to prepare the rolls and the costs on each piece of property so that they maybe published in a -l-'J_~ r ~r---rr.-~~-~~-'"1 ---:~ ~:h}':>d'~~:'3'8"- ':,' ..,..2."".""" . ",. '., ,'. '," . . ,-' . , newspaper in compliance with the state statutes. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None The city attorney was, instructed to draw an ordinance, making assessments against vacant property owners for the improving of Uni versi ty Blvd., and the ci ty Hall, west to Westpoint, so too t same may -be published and the public hearing held in compliance wi th the state Statutes., '. , ,r Commiss-ioner Herschel made a motion, which was dulyseyonded by Commissioner Jones, authorizing the payment of the annual fees of $10.-00 and designated Chief.' Metcalf.' to take the membership in his name. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None There ,being no further business to come bef.'ore the council and upon motion being duly made and s econded,the meeting Was declared adjourned. ~1 AT1]ES T . / .rwu , C,,' .',~ORETARY ],..- 'I #~~ . - -...,-- 1...J I \----/ ~ ' '. ,# 'i :lh Pc ~ 2l-:~~; :'a', \',' ',' .':"_~<;,,Y- ~~ .-;' .'.' r,;. .:; ~. ' REGULAR MEETIID' MONDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council WEil,~rheI<;l'Monday, , September 18, 1939, at?:30 P. M. wi~h"Mayor M'ainouspresiding, Commissioners ~ones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ,'" "'\ The Minutes of the Meeting of Monday, September 11, 1939, were read and approved. The City Att'orney was instructed to- advisel\f.<r. Warkot the Wark Plumbing Company, who res'ides at '3519 Tangley; that there has been numerous complaints regarding conducting a plmn.bi:ng business in a residential section of the city,whtch' is' in violation of Zoning Ord,inance No. Ill, and that unless he'discontinuedeperatingthis business at this Iodation, legal steps would be necessary. Upon motion made by Commissioner Jones and, seconded"by Commissioner Herschel, the Mayor wasas'ked tomke' 'an appointment with Mr. Wark, and have him to advise his intentions as to complying with the re-' quest of the legal department. Voting aye: Commissioners Jone,s and Herschel Nos :Non~ Commissioner Jones made a motion, 'which was seconded by Commissioner Hersche~, approving the 1939 tax rolls, which valuations are $5,889,9l? 00, authorizing ,the Mayor ani each Commissioner to sign same . Voting ~ye: Commi-ssioners Jones am Herschel Nos: 'No.Jle' The City Attorney was i'llStructed. to draw ,an ordinance amending Traffic Ordinance No. !...!:!:...::ii. 'to prohibit the making of a "un ,turn at the red signal"-light' at University and Edloe street. Commissioner JoneS made a motion giving authority to Commissioner Herschel -to bUy Aihe IJe cessary shell for the shelling of University Blvd.; beginning at the City Hall and extending West. Commissioner Hersohel seconded the above motion. Voting aye: Commissioners Jone s and Herschel Nos: None The Tax Collector was given authority to adjust taxes on Lot 9, _ Block 15, Collegeview Is~and 2nd Adqition, to the amount or $300 valuation for the .ye-ars or 1932 to 1936 inc., waiving penalty on 1934 and prior years. The above authority was given by a motion made by CoIrlIlli.ssioner Herschel and duly seconded by Commissioner ~ones. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and' Jones Nos: Nom J,." I -~l I -1 u ..I '~'~"'~"'~"ij" ' -"'-.~_''''.' ~ '..n ' ..- .~L' t~\~~~:J~',~.~~.~5_.~~ ~~r Commissioner Herschel made a motion authorizing a check in the , amount of $"2.5.00 to be made 'in favor 'pf 'Sue 'Banks for preparing a list f'rom the courthouse records for various lots on the west section of" 'the city for the purpose of niakingassessIDe nts f'or paving streets in that section of' the city, which :ijlotion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Hersch"el' Nos': None I ."- ',"~ ".~~t\ ?~~\ t.Jb\tJ, ' , ~:, . :,':~' ~', " . n' , " ,,'-"'-"- The Mayor wag given authority to enter into ~. conl;ir,act 'with Saf'ety Signal Corporation for installing stop si'gnals Cf:Lash;tJXeJand work out details as to the placeIi1entof same~ This installation is to be ID.C;l.de without cost, to the city. The:ra~e tb,be cOII+p13.nsatedby be,ing:aJ.lowed the priy,ilege of' soliciting various ad,vertisements to be placed on each sign. ~;'. . " C:0IDP1issioner Herschel made a- motion giving tne -above ?-uthority, which motion was duly seconded by CommisslonerJones.' , Voting aye: Co:mmissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None ,<' Commissioner Jones -made a motion, which was dUly seconded by Com- missioner Herschel, g~iving authority tor the purchase of"one grader blade and for the employment of one colored man to work in too Street and Bridge and Garbage Department, at a salary of $16..50 per we~k. ;Voting aye: COlJlQlissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None J ,- Commissioner Herschel n:adea motion giviilg t:p.e Mayor authority to enter into a contract for the installation of a light in Weir Park. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None J"" ~; . :--;!> "", . ",,, ",t' . J r- - - r -~ I I .n'l I r J. -- 1- ~ ~_..... 251, There being no further business to come" before the c,ouncil and upon Diotion being duly nade and secomed, the meeting was declared,adjourned. ,,.. ~~. , MAYOR ' ,A~TEST: ~ ' CITY SECRETARY ~- r - -I ~--~--""-"1. ------=- '" ,....... , , ,~??-' / c(x~ I' r.~f . , \ ,() d> :) fl' \'" . \ W\ ,"\ "'J {I . efJ/' /. '" REGULAR,MEETIID' MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIV- ERSITYPLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of ' the Council.washeld'Momajr, 'September 2.5, 1939,' at 7: 30 P. M. in the City Hall, ,with Mayor Mainous presiding, C,omroiss,ioners Jone s and Herschel and S~cretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes of the l,'J:eeting of Monday, Sept ember 18, 19 39 ,:~;were read and approved. The Mayor read a letter from the attorney representing N~.R. K. Wark, who has been operating a plumbing business within the' residential section, who advis ed his client; Jvtt'. R~ K. Wark, that in his opinion this was in' violation<of the Zoning Ordinance; therefore it would be to his advantage to discontfunue operating said business . ' Commissioner Jones'made a motion, Which was secomed by Com- 'missioner Herschel, giving the W.18.yorauthor:ity to execut e a c on- tract with the Safetjr BignalCo1'poration'for'a period of five years, for the installation of signal signs in various locations. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None In response to a notice inserted in the Southwestern News, in issue of September 22, 1939, for a water well, pipe and fire hy- drants, the foll,owing bids were received: WATER WELL: Del ta-Shurwel, Inc., ~ Layne"';Texas Company-Texas Water Well Supply Corporation CAST IRON American Cast Iron Pipe Company - McWane Iron Pipe PIPE: Company - National Cast Iron Pipe Company - U. s. Pipe & Foundry Company FIRE HYDRANTS & VALVES: Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co - N~d-Oontinent SUpply Company- National Cast Iron Pipe Company - R.D. Woal Company. After each bid was read,. the M'ayoradvised toot they would be passed to the engineer, Mr. John C. Calhoun Jr., for'tabulation and report for a: meeting to be held Friday, Sept ember 29, 1939. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon motion being duly made and seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~. I ~~ jJ' au! 'AT~ . "~ .. '",' " nTmv CffilnDk'ITIADV ' 1 ~~-- ::-r::::=i i'~~-~ ..,",-- --~ 253 I SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 ,CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~TEXAS ( A special meeting of the, Council of the City of West University Place was held in, the City Hall on the eVen- ingof September 29, 193~ at 7:30P. M. with Mayor Ma:inp.us presiding ani Commissioners' Jones and Herschel and Secretary Jarrard in atte:o.dance. 'The Mayor'waived -the reading of the Minutes oJ: the pxevious ~eeting. The purpose oJ: thiS 'meeting was,to receive tabulation of John C. Calhoun Jr. , engineer, Of bids for the drilling 'of a water well; cast iron pipe;' valves and hydrants. The National Cast Iron Pipe Company was low bidder oJ: Cast Iron pipe with a bid of $39,990.28. Inasmuch as this 'was the low am best bid; also low on price of each unit, Commissioner' Jones mide a motion, which was duly $econded by Commissioner Herschel, tba t the contract be awarded to this company. Voting aye:' Commissioners Jone s and Herschel Nos: None ' The Ltllllow Valve Company being the 10W'est b-idder on vaJres and fire hydrants, the ir bid being $6,732.60. Co~ssioner Herschel'made a moti on, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones, giving authority to award a con- tract to the above firm. Vot ing aye: Commissioners Jone s ani Herschel Nos: None Regarding the letting of the contract for the water well, since the specifications were not entirE}ly' clear as to gua:ranteeing the production of 'additional .500 gallons of water above the required 1000 gallons, as originally planned, tba t.this be postponed to the next. regular council meeting, which is Monday evening, October 2, 1939. There being no further business to ,corre-'before the Council, and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. .< ~~~ ; ';'I ~ :i A~ . - - ~~ETARY L r ~1 r'- ...------ -~ ,nr 2,4 '. REGULAR AIJEETING ' MONDAY OCTOBER 2, 1~39 , CITY EALL, CITY OF WEST UNIV- ERsITy PLACE, TEXAS J '~he regular meeting, of the' Council was held Monday, Oct- ober 2, 19~9, at 7:30 P. M.in the City Hall, with Mayor 11ainous presiding, Commissioners Jones a~d Herschel,andE Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes' of the regular meeting of September 25th and Special Meeting' of Friday; September 29th, were read am approved. A letter dated September 20, 1939, was received from the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, advising that it was their intentions to erect a telephone exchange building at the corner of' Academy and Bellaire Blvd." which is lots 16 and 1'7 Cambridge Place. This will greatly improve tbe tel~phone service' intbis district. The Mayor referred same to the Planning Commission for approval. Commissioner Jones mde a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, giving authority for the purchas- ing of the fOllowing it ems: Lumber to build closet for. the first aid equipme,nt 25 pieces 4 x 4 lumber for posts to be used on University Blvd., west of the city Hall 1 drum oil, 30 gallons, for Street & Garbage Department 1 car load of shell emulsion ' 12 - 2 x :12 - 12' water boxes - 2 , and bands for extension of culverts l Voting aye: Cotfimis,sioners Jane s and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones, approving the action of the N1S.yor in' the pur cha s ing of, one to 01 house in the amount of $25. on, for the Water Department and authority :m'O:B the purchase of one sewer pump from the Fairbanks Morse Company in the sum of $3l~.OO, plus -installation costs, this pump to be used at the 1 ift plant on University and Kirby Drive. The price of the above pump is to be included in the cost of the con- tract with W. F. Warfield Construction Company in the com- pleting of the Bewerage disposal project, to replace pump now in place, with ~o extra cost to the city. Voting aye: Commissioners Jane s and Herschel Nos: None .~. \I" ~I ~'T --1 255 ~, Conmissioner Jone s mde a moti on, which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, giving authority for the purcba$ing of necessary tools and equipment for the W.P.A. Water Works project in the total sum of $172.60. , Vot ing aye: Conmissioners Herschel and Jone s Nos: None' After considerable 'discussion regarding awarding the contract for the water well, it was decided that it was not advantageous to -the city to award contract to the lowest bidder as they are not prepared to drill a well with their c:wn equipment to comply with the plans and spe cifications ani also they would not comply with the required guarantee of fifteen hundred gal- lons of water per minute. It was decided to award the con- ' tract for the drilling of this well to the Layne-Texas Comp:l.ny for the total sum of $11,.500, 'which they are to guarantee a totalproduc tion of fifteen hundred gallons per minute . The city is to with-hold all payments until they comply wi th this requirement. The letting of this contract was reconmended by John C. Calhoun, Jr., engineer. The Mayor was given authority to execute a contract :wi th the Layne....Texas Company for the drilling of said well, which work is to begin inm:ediately. The above action and authority was given bya motion mde by Commissioner Jones and duiy seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: CODmlissi6ners Herschel and Jones Nos: None There being no further business to corre before the meeting and upon motion being made am duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~~ AT';rEST: ~ ' CITY SECRETARY I _ 1 " \' i 1"-'~1 ,- '''j 2.56 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,JI The regular meeting of the council was held October 9, 1939, at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall with Mayor Mainous presiding, Com- missioners Jones and Herschel ani Secretary Jarrard in atten- dance. .'" The Wdnutes of the meeting of October 2, 1939, were rea,d and approv~d. Commissioner Jones advised that he had made inquiries from the city of Houston and was informed that when they placed 'an order for material to be delivered at a future date tha t they required the seller to furnish a delivery bond and recommended that the' city require the materialmen to furnish a delivery bond on the material to be furnished on the water works job, for that due to the present conditions he ha s been advised that the pri ce of material will be increased conside~able in the near future and that requiring '8. bond as stated herein will protect the city from any increase in pri cs over the bid. 'The Mayor advised tha t inas- much as the specifications did not require a bond 'that we would not be justified at this time to handle the purchases in this manne r . 'Commissioner Jones' made a motion, which was seconded by Com- missioner Herschel, giving authority for the purchase of four drums of gasoline, 4 pie ces of lumber 8 x l~' - 8 f long for a street roller frame. One large car of shell, the painting of streamers tor the fire truck for fire prevention week. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None Authority was given by a moti on made by Co:rmnissioner Jones and 'seconded by Commissioner Herschel; to pur chase a Chevrolet pick- up truck in the amount of $748.42, for the Water De~artment. Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None The Mayor advised that he had obtained prices from the White Motor Company for a White truck No. 704, l~ to 3 tons, in the amount of $1,46.5.00 and it was his recommendation to purchase this truck to use on the W.P.A. Water Works job. Commissioner Herschel rmde a motion authorizing the Mayor to make arrangements to purchase the above truck and equipment, which motion was duly seconded by Cornmissioner Jones. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None ", v .,,,,~:...,._'- l~~~~~~r~~~r I "'1 IT ''"I 257 Commissioner donas made a motion which was seconded by Conn:n.issioner Herschel instructi:rig that 'all colored employees be given an examination' as - to theirph;vsical condit ion and that Dr.' Johnson and Dr. Hughe s be employed to examine each employee, the cost to be borne by the city, - the examination to be mde" on employees after working hours. Votin1S aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None Commissioner Herschel made a motion, which was seconded by Coinmissioner Jones, auth,orizing traveling expenses of Com- missioner Jones and Ira A. Harris to attend the WaterWorks Convention in Dallas on Monday and Tuesday, October 16th and 17th, ,1939. - Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None I _ ! c City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte, was instructed to draw a deed for a certain piece of property to be donated by Mr. Dave Austin, for the purpose of erecting a Community Building. Mr. John C . Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, is to furnish the boundary lines and to give a complete description of this property and also to communicate with the Mayor in securing certain information as to the restrictions and requirements to put in said deed. Commissioner Jones made a motion giving the tax collector authority to adjust,the 1939'taxes of C. T. Harlan, on lot South one-half of 5, block 6, West Universi~ Place lst Addition, eliminating the improvements of said property as they were not completed until after March of 1939. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: ' None The City Attorney presented an ordinance for awarding the contract to Parker Brothers and Compsny, Inc., for the con- struction of paving on University Blvd, being Drdinance No. /t ~ which capt;i on is as follows: - ORDINANCE NO. /d 4' AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TIE BID OF PARKER BROTHERS & COMPANY, INC., AS THE LOWEST SECURE BID FOR THE COIDTRUCTION OF PAVING , OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD FROM THE EAST LINE OF COLLEGE JlIEW FIRST ADDITION TO THE WEST LINE OF THE INTERSECTION OF COM- MUNITY DRIVE .AND'UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AWARDING CONTRA-CT TO PARKER BROTHRRS & COMPANY, INC., UPON ITS BID; APPROVING CONTRACT .A1TD CONSTRUC- TION BOND PREPARED BY Tllli CITY ATTORNEY AND EXECUTED BY THE ~i' 1~~~ r -- -- - - - -- ,.----- -- ~ ------r ''':1 258' '. CONTRACTOR FOR THE DOING OF SAID WORK; AUTHORIZING THE lfJrI- ,I OR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO EXECUTE SAID, CONTRACT, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ,AND DECLARIID .c\N EMERGENCY. Commissioner Herschel made a motion, 'which was duly seconded by Commissioner Jones, approving and authorizing the :gassing of the above Ordinance. Voting aye:' Commissioners Jones and Herschel Nos: None There being no further business to come 'before the council and upon motion being rrade and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ . OR ATTEST: &M~~ ~ - CITY SECRETARY ~f r" --~ _ _ -:==.t "- ~ r-~~-- 259 'i) REGULAR MEETING' MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of'the council was ,held October 16, 1939; at 7:.JO P. M. in the City'Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding, Cornmissi oner Herschel a nd Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Jones was absent due to being out of the city on busines~ pertaining to the city's interest. The Minutes of the Meeting of October 9,1939, were read and approved. The Mayor presented a check in the amount of $1165.27, from the Houston Lighting & Power Company, ,which is a proportion of the net am01nt distributable for'the year 1938, which is $1850.52, less an amount of $685.25, which amount, was de- ducted for a prior indebtedness. I , . The Mayor recommended that this check be accepted inasmuch as our city attorney rendered an opinion that this would not in any manner affect the gross receipt suit nOW pending; al- so a letter dated October 11th signed by the Mayor to the ~ffect that the acceptance of said check would not relieve the ,company of its obligations imposed upon in gross tax receipt Ordinance No.<129. Also a letter dated October 13, 1939, re- cei "'\Ted from the" Houston Lighting &; PCJVIler Company, signed by Mr. H. 0., Clark, aCknowledging that in the event the court upholds the validity of this ordinance that the amount of the above chec,k shall be applied and c..redited to the amount due for' the year of 1938 under the Ordinance or an amount set by the Court. Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was approved by Mayor Mainous. Voting' aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous Nos: None Mr. John C. Calhoun Jr., engineer, presented plans and a plat pf the acreage west of the city Hall, owned by Mrs. L. G. Cunningham, and asked that this be approved for sub-dividing. After discus sion, the matter was referred to the Planning Board for their recommendation before any definite 'action can be taken. This action was taken by a motion made by Commissioner Herschel and approved by ~~yor Ma~nous. Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Mayor Mainous Nos: None Mr. F. A. Hunter represen~lng the Monticello Company, pres- ented plans and plot of the follovfing property: ' ~ ,.. I .. I" " '-..f :~n 260 Commissioner Herschel made a motion which was approved by by Mayor Mainous approving -~he.action of the MaYo~ in the employ- ing of F.Hutchinson as policeman at a salary of $135.00 effective October 15, 1939 , Voting Aye; ,GommissionerHerscheJ and Mayor IVIainous .No.8: None. Lots facing (tuanby, Robinhood, Tangley and on Plumb, between Wakeforest and Belmont Stree,t, and stated that it was their intentions ~o improve the streets and open up this property provided the city would obtain additional :footage on Wakeforest street from the parties oWning the property fronting east on Wakeforest be",tween the above streets. The city attorney was instructed to contact the :property owners to secure th is property and advising till t it will be or a great benefit to the city and also to their advantage to cooperate and donate the required acreage. The Mayor presented estima. te in the amount of $266.90 for gas steam radiators for the heating of the offices and entrance of the City HaJ,.l, and recommenq,ed that these be purchased and paid out of the Water and General Fund. Commissioner Herschel made'a motion giving authority for the pur- chasing of these radiators, which motion was approved by Mayor Mainou.s. Voting aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous Nos: None Commissioner, Jierschel :rra.de a motion, which was approved by Mayor ]l[ainous,. giving" authority for the purcha se of' one' set of mud chains in. the aPlOunt of $22.00 for the garbage truck. Vo~i!lg aye: Commissioner Herschel and Mayor Mainous Nos: None There being no further business to come bef'ore the council and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ' ~ ATTEST: ~~. , CITY SECRETARY " 'I !.....~--'-"7=-~ I ~- '1 ~- ""I 26.1" REGULAR MEErING MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1939 '{ CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY , PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of ,'the council was held October 23 1939, at 7:30 p. M. 'in: the'''City' Hall, with Mayor' Mainous presiding, Commissioner Herschel and Jones and Secretary Jarrard i~'attendanee. ' ' The I~inutes of the Meeting of October 16, 1939 were read and approved.' ' Mr. W. S. Werner r~s!ding a t3614 University Boulevard, registered a complalilt regarding the parking of automo- biles in front of his residence. The City Attorney was given instructions to investigate this matter andrepor~ back to the eouncil as to what can be done to relieve the property owners living adjacent to the business district of this condition. -,' r The Mayor advised phathe had received a report from the physicians regarding the physical eXamination'made of' the e61oredemployees. This report shows that all passed. the examination with the exception of c>ne, who was immediate- ly discharged from ,the service. A1.e:tterfrom the City ,of'Houston, signed by Mayor Oscar F. Holcombe was receiv~d and read before thecouncdl, 'iriv:i ting the 'City of'We,sct University Plaeetomergewi'th the City of HOU:.ff'OOn. 'In, this letter it ',was pointed outseV'eral a:d- van:'tage~tothe Ci ty<ofWest Univeilsi ty Place to r>,e~ome a parti::'o'~;':~hi.s G'i ty . ,'After 'c6nsiderablediseuBsion,tl.1.e ' Mayea' a:dvis~ed,tha tat the GivicClub t s 'regularlieet:tng this matter was 'discussed' and a11 memb'ers voted:and ' expressed themselves as being opposed to anneXation. In viewe:f the acti,ontaken by the above and the general information received from numerous citizens and~property owners, Comm~ssionerHersehel made a motion which was duly see:ondeg.'bjT:<Mr.Joties authorizing the M~yor to' answer l\'[ayor H6lcombe's,letter declining this invitation at this time. " Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None The Zoning Commission recommended that a'Public Hearing be heldata date set by the council on various changes in the Zoning ordinance. The city attorney Was instructed to draw a resolution setting out the changes as recommended by thi's BoardaE.d present same at the next meeting, so' that 's.'date may be, s'et and same published. This action was taken by a mot~0n made by Commissioner Herschel and duly, seconded by Commissioner.Jcnes. ' :~J "Y ---T"~'-' ' '"- --~ -~r-----'---n ""r' 262' '-'- -- Voting aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: None. Commissioner Herschel was given authority to purchase necessaI'Y teeth for the scaI'ifier" on the street grader, which"cost will be appI'oximately $5.00; also four cover- alls for the Volunteer firemen. The above authority was given by a motion made by Com- missioner Jones and seconded by Commissioner Herschel. ,"- Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. The City Attorney, A. J. Lamonte advised that he had contacted Mr. Weise regarding property for the widening of Wakeforest street. That Mr. Weise would be 'in favor of deeding to the City the required property, but would not be willing to contribute anything towards the cost of paving this street. Due to the number of increase in accounts and the present volume of work in our Water Dep:l.rtment, it is necessary that the accounting system be revised to make it possible to prepare the water statements so that they can be mailed by the first' of each month. T~e Secretary advised that he had investigated numerous types of machines and taking into ,consideration the price and efficiency in the operation of ' each machine, recommended that we instal~ a Sunstrand Posting, and that this system be installed as of N01rember 1, 1939. After discussion, autho~ity was given to ~urchase the above machine, which cos~ is $387.00; one adding machine, $185.00; and one typewriter $120.75, fro~ the Underwood Elliott Fisher Company, by a motion made by Commissioner Jones and duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. , Voting aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. . ,. I I -T The Mayor presented a letter framFenner and Beane, which company agreed to handle the $25,000 Sewer-Repair Bond issue, advising that it would be impossible to hold tqis issue open indefinitely and asked that we set a definite amount to meet our present needs and to close this issue. After due consideration, it was decided that $10,000.00 would be sufficient to complete the amount of work necessary at this time and that as soon as the script had been issued in the amount of the above that same be exchanged into warran ts . Commissioner Jones made a motion authorizing the above amount and to notify ~he above company of this action, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Herschel. Voting Aye: Co~nissioners Jones and He~sche1. Nos; None. ", " ._~ 1--=="=~-r--~'~=-=-'"-'--~~- -'~--r----'-~- --------::r=::r <,' 263 There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ,,,. . ATTEST: ~. I i I I i , J ' ;J ~~J --- =,~~ r'~' --~~-- -~ ~ j,J ~::. i ' )"2~~\':;' ,>'" , .,. -.,.... 'REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OOT0BER 30, 1939 CITY HALL, CITYqF ~ST UNIVERSI'l'Y pT:A OE - -TEXAS ~. , ,;, The regular maeting of the council was held Oe~Qber 30th, 1939, at7:}O P. M. in the Cit1 ~ll, wi"th :Jl[ay:o.r Mainous presidi~g,COimnissioner Herschel and Jones ,and Secretary Ja.rrard in attendane,e...- . . .,.- " The Minutes of the,:Meeting of October 23, 1939 were read and approved. Commissiener Herschel presented estimates for the painting ,Qf the fire .trnck from the-:f'ollowi-ng companies: A &: B Motor Company--------$.2S,2.50 Eller &: Gripl?--~--~-;..------ 297.50 "National Baked Enamel &: Body Works-----...---,----- 132..50 Commissioner Herschel recommended the paint113gof the fire truck 'be awarded to the National Bake,d Enamel and Body Works inasmuch as they were low bid,d.ers and made a motion authQrizing the work ; be done, which motion was duly seconded by Commis'sioner Jones. i." Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None. ColQDlissioner Herschel ,made ~ motion, which was seconded by Oommissioner Jones, giving authority to purChase one half dozen y~'l.~ locks. ' Voting Ay:e:COO)Dlissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: 1\1o;11e. O,c:l~':ssioner dones made a motion which was seconded by eo.~:ssioner Herschel, authorizing the building of a bird and a,t;1*: -1 house which cost i-8 not to exceed $3.,25.00, and instructed t~~i "for to pr(jc~ed with the plans and arrange for the bUilding ot;$.~ ' , Votl!1;g Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos:"N6ne. Mr. dohn C. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, presented plans and speeifi- ",ationstorthe plotting 'of acreage west of the CitY' Hall, owned by Mrs. L. G. Cunningham to the Council Oct'ober 23rd. The ' OoUnci.l at,that time referred these plans to the Planning Com- ~~~io;ntor their approval" and reconrmE1ndation. The Planning Ct>mmiS$;Lon returned the altered plans to the Commission with the recp~e~dation that the pl~t ~,plans be approved as adjusted. ~ 11' -"n~ ;;'1.1;/ " This property is in two ,tracts, one on University Blvd. and the other on Ruskin and Riley Street. Commissioner Hersohel made a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Jones approving these plans and authoriz- ing the Mayor and Secretary to sign sante. ' Voting _: Commissioners Hersohel a"nd Jones 'Nos: None !Mr. :r6"e L. Archer, Chairman of the Planning Oommtssion, ad- vised the Council that Mr. J. F. Alton requested permission to erect two houses on Lot 60 x 100 facing BUffalo Speed- way,',lOOt from the corner,' of University Bl'YQ.. south, 'leaving 10Q, x 1001 on University and Buffalo Sp~~dway.H~ a4vised that the Planning Commission's recommendation was that he be permitted' to divide these lots providing thathemo,vehis field office from'thisloeation. Atter du'e' consideration and upon recommendation ot'the Mayor they decided that action on the above be postponed until the nextmeet~ng. copmd:~s~aner Herschel made a matton whiehwa~ se~ond:ed by CQlJ1Dli;sslonerJonesapproving the passiD;g-of'0r.d:!Itancef}16;, aut:h~~ize,d by action of the coaneil at the 'm~ifig at '- A;-~t-+ 1. 7th, Caption is a:sfol<l'~ws: " ' , ORDINANCE NO. 165", .( ;" '. , A!i, "ORDINANCE :AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE 'ClTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE, ,TEXAS, BY ADDING SECTION -12';"A C():$:CERNI~G SQUARE FOOT DIMEN$IONS OF DWELLINGS IN SINGLE FJ\.I't!:LYDW.{!jLLING DIS~aICT NO.7-A: BY ADDING SECTION 12-B, QtjlteE~~G' SQUARE FQ~7',DIMENBIONS 1N SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING , JJI$"rR~9'1?'~~NO. "'1':"Bl,~' ~y' ADDING SECTION 21-A WITH REFERENCE TO TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINGS IN SINGLE FIMILY DWELLING DIS'1'FlIClT, NO. 7-A; Mm;',PRflVLD:tNa-~THAT:''1!H1:8''~IN- ~(m, S1IAt'L -;'~~E~'f.~Alll1,13E;;:D~'Fo.1tCE DnMEDIATELYFR0M AND AFmER iTS PASSAGE- AND APPROVAL. ' , ~ ~ " ~ Secretary , ,', ~; . I----T l"~---~r- -~, ~-~- 1'- ""j' .~~i> ' UGULAR MEETING 11!ONDAY;; JrotmMBEa G~ 1939 CITY, ,HALL, "CI'TY. OF w.ESIf UNIVERSITY puel!:, 'TEXAS The regularmeet1-ng of t~e couneil was' held'MondEiY', November 6, 1939;'at 7=30 P. M. in theCi'ty Hall, with Ma10r Mainons presiding, Commissioners Jones and Herschel and Secretary ,Jarrard in a ttendanoe. The Minutes of 'the Iieeting of :Monday, Ootober 30, 1939, were read and approved. , Co_ssioner iones made a motion wb,ich was seconded by '~D~$ssione~>Herschel, giving authority to purchase one ear of sheil. Vot!ngAye: Commissionerl;l Jones and Hersohel. Nos; 'No.e A 'petitIon was presented to the council signed by seven residents Ii vingwi1lhiIl the' vicinity, of Buffalo Speedway and Un.iversityBlvd.,cQmplaining a.nd asJt,edthe removalotthe field office on the so~theast corner;Qf Butfaloand University Blvd. After cons'iderable disc~s1on,.tlrlispetition was referred to the Planning Board for llieir recomm~ndation. There being no furthe~ business'to come~efo~e the Council, upon motion being n+ad'e and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ~ "'Jf>~ :<::"'i. ~;, ~,;j , . ' \l ~-~-,--~' J ~~, r.~.~~ ._~=~ '~:' 1 , :~ 1 ,\ I L .- iI . . . . .... . ,2.67"' " REGULAR MEETING MONDAyu"'NOVElvnlER 13 19'3"9 ., " ' , ,~, CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, , TExAs The regular meeti:ngo-f., the C:ouncil,was held Monday, Nbvember 1;; 1939, at 7:'90 P. M. in' the City:Q:all, .. with Mayor Mainens presiding, Oommis'sione,rs Jones and Herschel in attendance. The, C'it y . secretary being abseAt, themin~tes of the meeting were taken by Miss The~a Buesche~. The' motion was made by CODQD.issioner Jones and seeonded by Gomnii$sioner Herschel that the at_at & Bridge Dept'. purchase a new blade, for",the grader." .' Voting Ayes: C6mmissioners Jones' and, Herschel. . Nos: None ,T~ere. b~i~" nofu:thex: ~u~iries~ ~ c91Jle ~'Co~e 'the . CooncJ.l; upon motJ.on. beJ.ng made and seeondeci, the,meetJ.ng was 'declared adjourned. '",' . ' ", ' ~~ .-S4? ',' ' ," , .,' "ay~"_ ',.' , ",' , ' -~ ~ .f ! )~~I [ ..~.__..~ ~ .. Lf :: ~ i ' The minut~s o~ the meeting ot NOi7ember 6'th, and November 13, 1939 were read 'and approv~d,. The plamiing Gommissio:n il( l:l l~tter dai;ed. NovE)mber,2Q, 1939 reeommeflded that a Public Hearing be held with t-ega.rd:' to chang- ing Zoning Ordinance No. III to perxpit '. the. erectlon of a church i~ th~ seventh'sing~e~family dwe~Iing Ql~t~~ct 9n L?ts 4A, 4B,. 5A.,5l3, 1.n Block 54, West University Place , Second Addl-tion, fronting~n Ri~e.,_.Blvd., anda4jQining :~othe drainage, ditch and Lots lA> an.d 'lB~ill 13+ock '54, West University Plaee,'~ '., Second addition, faeing Geo,tgetown' and adjoining to the drainage diteh.;: After due consideration, ComDiissioner Herschel made '. amotion, '. which was seconded by Co~ssioner 1:9nes, accepting the recommendation of the Planning Uommi'~sionand calling a Public Hearing to be held on December 18, 1939~and instructed the City Attor:oeyto pre- ' pare a Resolution calling the Hearing and have: same published in thE!) S01.ithwest'ern News in the issue Of November 25, 1'39. ' Voting Aye: Oommissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. A Public Hearing was held regarding amending Zoning Ordinance No. III ,permitting the erection ot duplexes andapartme,nts buildings on Wroxton Road between Kirby Dri'fe and Wakeforest incompliance with the legal notice advertised in the South- western News, dated November 3, 1939. Mr. A. Halla, who re- sides ne~ to this property stated that he was in favor of am~nding the ordinance to perIili t the erection ot apartments a.nc!:du.plexes. Since the,r.e was no objections, CO~$sioner Jone-s .,." . 'made a motion to the eftect that the bearing beclfl>sea and tha t the council accept the recommendation of the Planning Board 1;0 amend said ordinance, which mot ion was duly seconded by Commission.er Herschel. ' <', "A;~~ '9': "~,','c " -,";:-'. ,," 1-:' , '".'> ..; ,J,mGULAR'MEElfING " MOWAT'" NovEMBER '20 '19,%9 ,,' " ,,'" CITY HAL:J., ~ITYOF WEST U.NJ.vl!:RSITY 'PLACE, 'TEXAS r TJle regular meeting of ,the' co~,ncil was he~&NoV~mber-a(!)th,1939 at 7:,;O'P. M. in the City<Hall,with),[ayorMainous :presiding, Oommissioners Jones an~ Herschel and' ~ecretatyJarrard in attendance ~ ' ,',' ' " J,.I'-':; ,<< r 1\ k !" Voting, Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None The Public Hearing continued from ~hw!sQ.ay anq.F:riday, November 16th and 17th, 19;~;9~, ~ega'rding the paving ot Univer~i;ty Blvd., west ot the CityI1till, jto give all those intereste,d"an op- portunity to express .their views. Mr. N. C. Sears"advised I f~ I [" ;1 i' ""'1' " ,---- -, i J I - ! <~...-.. I rl 270 "c~;, , that he bad been in the real estate business for severt 'years and was :familiar' in ththe property fronting the street in 'quest-' ion and stated that in his opinion, this wou2d incre~ the value to a considerable amount more than the cost of the paving and would be an advantage to each property owne~. Mr. Read, otRead & Yaneey, Re~I Estate Company,adv~sed that he was'f'amiliar with:re<al' estate' valtiesiIl,this location and>~thatln his opinion, ,the pefvirig ,(jf"thisstreet' would increase the value or the property faoing this street'to more than .501. of its present value and would be to a great ,advaiitage to the property owners. ,; '! ~ Mr. McCabe, and Mrs. Richard Pettitfels, advised that they ,were in favor of the paving, providi~ the oi ty would,fill tlie present drainage ~itch and allow-suf'ficiel1.ttime in whioh to completetheirIByments. Therebeingnofurther dis,cussion, the City Attorney~ was, infltruct~dto 4~aw a contract and other, necessary papers 1:H) be s,1gnedan~ as,se,ssmentsmade in accordanca'withthe lagalnbtiee carried ,in the SouthwestercnNews.' 'fhi:s'author'lt,Y' 'Was given by, a motion made, by Commissioner Jones and seconded By; Commissi, o~er'HeJ;"scnel. ' " ; Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. N~s;: None. , , , In order, to, di.vel'tthe wa,ter from Univ,ers1ty<B:J,v(h , "bher" M$;1o,adyised ,tlla ~ Mr. "J .0., Calhoun,Jr.., Engineer,. i8:' at this; time workJ.ng out ~drainage sY$'tem wit'hMr.r'Da.v'6 .A,u,~t;n irith~ acreage north of the school and 1'nasmu,c'h' a,.~f, tt~ed+a.in~ge ,of t~e West se,ction, of town WO'llld tie. in ,Y,i;j,~p.~'~he plal;ls ~QW bei:Q,gdrawn by Mr. Calhoun, ''that h~" be ", employed " as, Engineer 1;0 work out the drainagesyste~~ Afterdiscnssion, Commissioner Jones made a motion, whi,qlI Wa,s seconded, 1::)1', q9~~sione:r Her'schel, aooepting'the recommendation of the Mayor in emploYing~. Galh$utlt: ,Voting4l~; . ~o~~ssiol1er I:lerscheland Jones : 'Nos: Nen,e. There, being no further business to come before the oouncil and upon mo1!iol;l,bei:Q,g,~de and secon~ed, the mee,ting was declared adjourned~ .,~ '., ,,:'; ~,~~-..-~ Mayor ' ' ' 'J . .'~ '''-;-J Afj "'~' , , , , .tr ", ."~>se:C1!e't~rY _,,' ," , .: ~,->; "'-.>-'; ~) . . "' ,ij I' r - "" J . , ~~''1'':l'', '~'.' . "--;:.' ~ 1( ,. ~< U- ~,~' RISOtrl.AR MEETING M()lmAYh NOV".l!:MBER '27" " 1939 , -, ,,- , CITYtIAIlL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ,\'t The r~~r meeting of tlle cQU,neil was A191d :November. 27,1939, at 7:3~ P.,<M. in the Oity Hall wi,th MaJo~-Ma~nous presiding, Co~ssioner Herschel and J"ones<and SetJretary Jar~ard in attendanoe. ' 'The Minut~-s of the Meeting of November 20th,' 1939 were read and'approved. , . A Public Hearing rega.rding the eonstru.ction ,of' side wa:1:ks in the.est~e.otion,ot t11e Cit1 was, he lei in aeeor.4anoe with notice inserted in theSou1ihw~ste~n News. After discussion 'and sinee there were no objections OO$issionerHe.rscbel l!JB;ae, ,a motion adoptlng _ B:res():LutioIf;,giv-ing~c,au:hbe.r.lty ,to make assesslJlents e.gaiI3$fjt:he're$pe,ctiy;eprop-erties,. The 'a.boV'emoti:ein:was duly seconded, 'by Oommissioner Jones. ' , ' VotinS Aye: OoJllJDi.ssi oner Hersche).and Jones. Nos; None The MayOr 'suggested that the City pUi'chase - twc:> (?-) 1:ots adjoining the water works 'plant at College, ,and.. ~i~t"n'~treets, w~el\ ).Qt-'~: would be needed in the . :tli,ture!'~bYi;;' ,,~!t~,ex]iansion 0.1.', tJie.~er syst~:rn.' After due. eonsid~]ia;t~, pp~~,~~1;dner ' ;.~~~s, _4~. ~ met,ion whichwa:B:~S$~onded;..~'" ",: \s:,foli~~ Herschel iiy}.;~g ~ll~ Mayo:r;'~awt;ho~ity toe$ntaett~' g'i.iI~rS: a':1'1.dt'o putt-e:~ se' same providi~,~h~ price~E)es ',.:not e~ee'ea ~h~ji:. ai1+2,~D:t,..pa,iQ, 'for Lots 7 'and 8 in Blo'O'k 18', eol1e~:e V~~VI' Tllird Add:d.ti on., ,.." " ',. "':. "'---'- "",- : ~. . -, \. ~" .. ---",,-,-;..,<.-- r \ VOti~g;A.ye:' Commissioner Jones and He~sehel. Nos; NQ-lle. Commissioner Jones gave authority tor the purchase o~ one large ear of, Mud, Shell. Which motion was duly seconded by Oommissioner Herschel. ' ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Jones and Hepschel,. Nos: ::,' ,..., :tq6ne . Comin.iss10ner Herschel made a motion that W8B,:duly seconded bY" C~iss~onerJQnes app~oving and adopting a resolutl~~ ~n rega;tdS' ttf','chAnging' the Zoni:ng restrictions on WroBjjrA :Road. east of: Wakef'orest street, to permit the erecti on f)tap,art- ments aild duplexes. Apjltblie Hearin,gwas held at the .regular oouneil meeting of' November 20, 1939,' at which time it was decid,ed by unanimous vote ,to~Il,H~nd, th~,Zoni1ig - Ordinance, ,with respect thereto and ,the City Attorney i:l1nst.rt1.cted t'o draw an o'l"dinap.ce which will be an Amendment, to t-he Zoning Ordln- anOe No. III , izi: agreement with the Public Hearing as pub- lished in the Southwestern News of Nov. 3rd, 1939. '1 :::1 . ~]~l --'""""1 j l \ I J .. , " . , . . :2'12 " . "-""0", -'~ Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: NODe., 'l'heHouston Lighting and PoWer Company- are atthis.tim$ prepar1ilg ,plans for the, e,reo~i'()Jl ofa btillding on Rich- ::~dp~rfu~~st~:tt6f ~~e~tiii~~~rt:::f:a;;~:;;~~ifri~:~d The,Mayor was' given authority by motion made by. CoimDiss~9ner;rones to ,work with the Houston Lighting and Power Company in regards to rm.kitig this /0 oJitlectionand as satisfactory chalige. The above motinn: was duly second- ed by O~ssioner Hersohel. . Vot,ing A:ye: Nos: None. Commissioner Jones and'Herschel. , ' . I Ther~"being no 1"nrther business to come be1"ore ;the counoil and upon motion being made and seoonded, the meeting was declared adjourned. . ~~..~~ , ayor, ," ' ATTEST: ~ Ci'ti" ecretary . "".w">'- 0/ .X ~~~ ]~~'~'I~T"-----ro --~, ~l'-" -- -i-::r ':"1 "'. 'Aif!J~" , -,),:. '1~~".1~. .7~' .' , , ,,: . ".' ~ <' . REGULAR' MEETING MOlilDAYDECEMBER 4t 1939 CITY HALL OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEt TEXAS I The regular meeting of the Council- was held December, 4t 1?39 at 7:30 P. Me in the City- Hall with Mayor Mainons presiding. Commissi oner Herschel and Jone s and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' The Minui;-es of .the :Meeting of November 27, 1939 we~~l ~ead and approved. ' , - . ',' The Mayor reported that he had disoussed With the, Houston Lighting and Powe,r Company a monthly charge to be ..made in the sewer oonnection serving their new building onR-ichmand Road, west af the railroad track, and that they bad reached an agreement whereby the oompany will pay $3.75 per lIlonth up to five commodes and #.7.5 for eaoh additiona.l, if and when in- stalled. ' '. Commissioner Herschel ,~de a motion whioh was seconded by Commissioner Jones authorizing the purchase of 1000 ft. ot 2 in. cast iron water pipe in the am011nt of $270.00. This pipe iste be used en Bu1'falo Speedway while the new system is' being. 1.nstalled, and-Jis soon as it has served "iys purpose at this location'it is to be used ,elsewhere. Voting Aye: Commissioner Herschel and Jones. Nos: ' None. I lJ 1lJ \" Commissioner Jones made a: motion giving authority for the purchase of two cars of Mud Shell, which' motion was second- ed by Commissiomr Herschel. ' , Voting Aye : Commissioner Jones ,and Hersche1. Naes;None. The Mayc;>r reported that 'the Cit y was badly in need of ad- ditional garage space at the wa'ter plant and suggested that there be an addition on the tront of the present garage'. Af:t.er Cliscussioll Oommissione.rHJoDe'smade..amotion which was seoonded by Oommissioner Hers'ehel giving the 'Mayor authority to make a complete survey as to the space requir- ed and as to the total construction cost and refer back to the council. \l Voting Aye: eommissioner Jones and Hersohel Nos: None. The City 'Attorney, A. J. Lamonte is instructed to draw an ordin- .ance changing the nmne of Stephenson Street to Rice Blvd. and DO work up paving assessments tor'hhe paving of Stephenson ,Street from Auden Ave. to Community"Drive and College Ave. from University Blvd. to Richmond Road. ' Ther~ being no ~rther business to come Defore the Counoil and upo,n motionbof*fig trade 'and seconded, the, meeting was declared adjOurned. ' - 1-~1~1 r-~-' " 1 --n "'I' ," " : -l--~-~ ,- ,C.I~' " ~~ IVIayor ' .... ) A~~ <lit e~ ~~~'~_.. I "'1 ' I r , "\~%I: ' "ri.:./-7 "' "-1::::': REGULAR MEEt.rIID MONDA', DEC'EMBER 11, l,p9 CITY. HALL, CIIfY'OF WEST UNIVERSITY , PLACE ,<TEXAS The l'~ar meeting of the council was held Monday, December 11th, '1939, at 7:30 P. U. in the City Hall, West University Place , with Mayor Mainous presiding. Commissioner Herschel and Jones and Secretary J'a:rrard in attendance. " The Minut~ of the Meeting of December 4, 1939 were read and approved.. . " ' Commissioner Jones advised tha.t the new water weJil being drilled by the Lyne-Texas Company had been, completed and their,oontract fulfilled, and that'^they"lilave tested this well to produce in excess of 1.500 gallons of water per minu.te. ' , C9.$sioner Jones then made 'a motion, wn1ch was seconded by Co1i'Jtd$sioner Herschel, a,uthorizing that a check be issued in the'amount of $11,4.50.00 upon, receipt of their oheek tor l500.00 for pump, motor and equipment taken from old well. , , Voting Aye: Commissi aner Herschel and Jones.. Nos: None. Cormnissionsr ;B:ersche1':nade a motion which lfaS seconded by QOIbmissioner Jones giving the'Mayor authority, to enter into , Ein agreement with R_, :J:,.S.,ni'ie:td to argue the c~se 'of th~' Hauston.Lighting and :powerColllpany through the Suprerne::"'Court fQrtpe tG!al sum of .1.50~OO attorney fees. 'Vpting4.ye:' Commissioners Herschel and Jones. Nos: . ," None~ C:ozmp,issiOlil:er Herschel made a motion which was seconded by CoIPDrlsslom.t- lones authorizing the waiving of electrical inspection fees for the moving of meters' on the west side of ,the City.. These ohanges werenecef;Jsary due to .the:&9uston Lighting and Power Company moving their lines in the ease- mentsot"'sa.:i.d property., " '" Voting AYe: Commissioners JoDeS and Herschel Nos: N0ae. There being no further business to oome :before the'Oounci1 and uponmo1?ion being maa,e arid ;seconded, the meetingwas declared ~djoUrne~. I I I ~~ . . Mayor " ~~: LA': ,,'.' ~f21~ .........~ SeorBtary " y . ] r-- -. -- "1. L-' c~, ,- 2~}~ ' (', . REGULAR ME1!lTING MONDAY, DECID~BER 18, 1939 CITY HALL, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held Mond~y, December ,18, 1939 at 7:30 P. M. ~n the City Hall, with Mayor Mainous presiding. Qommissione~ Herschel and Jones and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Jones made a motion, which wasfieconded by Commissioner Herschel, approving the budget for the general water and sewer departments -for the year be- ginning with September 1, 1939 and ending August 31, 1940, which total of proposed receipts and.disbursements are as follows: RECEIPTS'$ 60.210.63 RECEIPTS $ ,6,8,?OO~00' RECEIPTS $ 19.250.00 GENERAL DISBURSEMENTS~$ 71.328.52 WATER DISBURSE.VIENTS$ 53.762.00 S~WER DISBURSEMENTSJ_...l3'2:;1.95.OO L Detail of said budgets may be found in the financial file. Voting Aye: Commissioners Jones and Herschel. Nos: Norie~ ' Authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Jones to purcha se four drums of gasoline, one drum of SEA # 30 Lubricating Oil, one car Shell Emul~ion, two tires-750 x 20 tor the White Truck. The above motion was duly seconded bJ' Commissioner Herschel. ' , ' , Voting Aye: Commissmoners Jones and Herschel. Nos: None. s:rhe Mayor advised that ~E%~,e,WAs 'i1'~~ note in t~e amount of $1~00.00 due January 1, 1940, gff;ven to Haden arid Aus,tin , on the bridge across the drainage ditch at Sunset Blvd. ( Tbi s, amount was, agreed to by the Coune 11 during the preVious year). It was suggested that is as much as our finances wi 11 no t permit to pay the full amount of this note that we pay 50% of same at this time and extend the balance to October or November of 1940. Commissione r Herschel made a roo tion, 'which was seconded by Commissioner Jones giving authority to pay the amount as suggested and cominunicate with Mr. Austin and make arrangements to extendt~e balance as suggested~ Public Hearing, BE: Episcopal Church and Business District :on Bellaire Blvd_ See special minut~s Qf~?:is meet'irig in file under the heading of ItZoningtt. ' --, -I" [ - - --1. --~- '::" 1'_ , .. ~''; . ~t ' ~ ~:::~"'1':"' Voting Aye: Commissioners Herschel and Jones Nos: None. Commissioner Jones made a motion' which was seconded by Commissioner Herschel, givi.ng authority to ~Mr.Jolm o. Calhoun, Jr., Engineer, to construct a private sewer line in the west section of the city and to make a , . charge of $EO.OO per lot to all of those connecting to . said line.; Sketch and details as submitted by the Engineer maybe round in the .files under the heading or "Sewer Lines'. fI ,with the understanding that the ' City is to bear no vart or the expense of the laying of theSe' lines. ' Voting Aye: Nos:, Non~. ) There being meeting and meeting was Commissioner Jones and Herschel no further business to come berore the, upon motion being made and seconded, 'the declared adjourned. .~~ ayor e T <, Copy of the cash receipts and disbursement statements for the General, Water, and Sewer funds for the months of eG1:;ober, NoV'ember - r" :Iii _ Jl ~.. were given tQ;the Mayor a~~; each Commissioner~ J ~ c=-~~.~ r-~'- , ,-- T-----r~~--,~---==rr- :;'" %} ~.".~ ... '"21;8",,, The regular meetings scheduled for Deeember 25th, 1999- and January 1st, 1940 were postponed until a 'later date due to the holidays. A~ "'Id~' , ,,' y Secretary '-I~ '1 I, J ,.. T ' r - ~~ ' Ma-yor '