HomeMy WebLinkAbout11042004 BSC Agenda Item 2 4112iz': v� uity of We s West U Place t A Neighborhood city Foundation Workshop 64 y Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission Public Works Building,Public Works Conference Room 46A0 3826 Amherst Street, West University Place, TX. 77005 Meeting Minutes September 27th, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp and John Ayres. MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, Dr. Peter Benjamin, J. Denis Powers, and Darryl Friday, Muddy McDaniel,Kevin McMahon and Brian Hoogendam. COUNCIL LIASION: (Absent). STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack, Jim Dougherty and Pete Solis. GUESTS PRESENT: Robert Riquelmy, Stan Rosen, Daniel Gay, Elias Fayez Hourani, Allen Edwards, Dan Schaffer, Mike Evenson, John Mortieff, Charles Koch-and Les Albin. [Call to Order.] With a quorum,present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 1. Foundations. Bryant Slimp discussed briefly what BSC was proposing on the foundation code changes. Bryant Slimp referred to the latest version of the draft amendment of the Standard Code Schedule regarding foundations, revised document dated 8-27-04. The group that attended went over the foundation draft and made comments regarding the proposed code changes. ED Daniel Gay with-Loudermilk & Associates was first to make comments in reference to requirements on the soils reports and the potential vertical rise. He did indicate that he liked the new requirements for the Error's and Omissions insurance. Bryant Slimp talked about the transfer of responsibility from the city to the structural engineer and of requiring the structural engineer to carry 0&E insurance. ❑ Bryant Slimp stated the specific foundation types that would be allowed and the foundation types that are in the acceptable risk category. Stan Rosen questioned the committee on not having post tension slabs as one of the acceptable foundations. Bryant Slimp stated the difference between low, medium and high-risk foundations in the draft amendment. He explained that the post tension slab foundations were considered in this draft amendment to be in the higher risk category, especially when done on West U soils and since the quality of workmanship could not be regulated. ❑ Stan Rosen gave his viewpoint and his personal opinion on post tension slabs. He continued to add that he would like to attend the next BSC meeting and bring the experts on post tension slabs to talk to the BSC. Bryant Slimp indicated that the draft amendment is not banning post tension slabs. He stated that a builder would have to go before the BSC for approval and that it considered on a case-by-case basis. Bryant Slimp stated that Mr. Rosen would be given time on the October 7, 2004 BSC agenda under Foundations to discuss post tension slabs. ❑ Dennis Mack added that, everyone is focused on the engineering aspect of this draft amendment but just as important, there are the design-criteria to reduce the risks of foundation problems. Under the proposed foundation draft,the City of West University will have the structural engineers refer to the soils report data and the location of trees from various site visits as an important input information when designing a foundation. •,800 **_.:..c_sity 8Ou'._-..._d �. est rL_L.__sit_. 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Jim Dougherty stated a written certification would be required of the structural engineer that o All of the criteria for the foundation design were met, o All foundation work was done in adherence to all of the approved plans and specifications, o The foundation work, cement placement and cement finishing were professional observed, o The work and design complies with sound engineering, and o The work complies with the criteria specified by the CBO. This certification and all documents required by the. CBO must be filed with and acknowledged by the CBO prior to the start of the frame construction on the house. ❑ Dennis Mack stated that there would be two public hearings that would be held within the next couple of weeks in regards to the foundation draft amendments. He stated that all contractors, engineers and geotechnical professionals who were on`the Development Services contractor distribution list and other email list would receive notice of these hearings. [Adjournment.] The workshop meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2004. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary Cit y of West University Place A Neighborhood Cibi,ld Stock Housing Workshop ® Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission Meeting Located at 2515 South Loop West,Houston, TX. 77054. Meeting Minutes °RAF October 21st, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bryant Slimp and Brian Hoogendam. MEMBERS ABSENT: David Flame, John Ayres, Dr. Peter Benjamin, J. Denis Powers, Darryl Friday,Muddy McDaniel and Kevin McMahon. COUNCIL LIASION: (Absent). STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga,Dennis Mack and Nes Tesno. GUESTS PRESENT: None. [Call to Order.] With a quorum, present Bryant Slimp called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. 1. Old Stock Housing. Brian Hoogendam asked Dennis Mack if he noticed any particular type of construction trends going on in West University Place? Dennis Mack stated that he is noticing a lot of remodeling projects.Nes Tesno stated that there is a considerable amount of interior renovations, additions, swimming pools and new garages. ❑ Brian Hoogendam had recommended in the past that he wants to encourage residents to remodel older homes and how the residents need assistance from the city. He knows that residents are having problems with adding on to their homes because of the set back requirements. If they add on to their existing homes, then they are currently required to meet the 20 ft set back. Nes Tesno discussed the setback rules and requirements and how ZPC looks at the setback regulations. Nes Tesno stated that you could always apply for a "special exception" based on the fact that remodeling an older home could be defined as a hardship. Dennis Mack stated that when you remodel you still have to follow the standard building codes and energy conservation regulations. Dennis then stated that you could put in a list of specific conditions and limitations, and set minimum standards that could define "special exemptions". A general discussion of items that could be used to define "special exemptions" included: ❑ Original structure built before 1960. ❑ Original structure cannot exceed more than one story. ❑ The structure, not to exceed certain amount of square footage.Number not specified. ❑ List limits and conditions. Brian Hoogendam would come up with a definition for OSH and come up with a specific criteria for Old Stock Housing. Brian Hoogendam would make recommendations to ZPC and hopefully come up with some progress on the issue or any potential relief Brian will keep the BSC updated on his progress with the ZPC. [Adjournment.] Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2004. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: 3800 TTni"Trcity Rnlu1.e"arri • West University Place, Texas 77Q05-2899 • 713.6668.4441 • www.westu org