HomeMy WebLinkAbout10072004 BSC Agenda Item 4 F t �,iF : 41 r .rwf - �- " ` " R0.' .{9'.P .-,..ate-r' k-� l ' ..i...: .' +''�i ''e `Y S. a .4,�,� .r. a t:.:. ;4 " yt y a
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City of West University Place•Texas
To: Dennis Mack, Chief Building Official
Building& Standard Commission
From: Neslihan Bilir Tesno, City Planner
Date: September 30,2004
Re: 6615 Westchester,Variance request for reduction in tree replacement.
The applicant of Docket 04-12, 6615 Westchester, is requesting a variance to Chapter 22 of
the Code of Ordinances,Urban Forest Preservation&Enhancement. The request for variance
is to decrease the amount of required replacement inches.
The applicant applied for a permit to remove two large pecans(28"and 32"diameter)from
the rear yard. Upon inspection,the trees were evaluated and replacement was calculated at
45"diameter of qualified trees. The applicant also has the option of donating to the West
University Tree Trust at$100 per inch. The trees were found to be mature pecan trees in good
health,with some side pruning by the power company. Mature pecan trees do lose limbs
more often than most other hardwood trees.
Chapter 22 states that healthy trees must be evaluated and replacement required. Trees are
evaluated based on ten different characteristics: species, size,age,#of adjacent trees,
condition,aesthetics,energy conservation(shade), safety,water quality protection and wildlife
habitat. This site is not eligible for a reduction in the replacement inches as set forth in the
ordinance since the majority of the remaining trees are less than 6"diameter.
The ordinance states that"the Commission when considering an application for variance(i)
shall take into account efforts to avoid or mitigate removal of and damage to trees,particularly
trees highly evaluated under the criteria manual and(ii)may take into account the financial
cost of compliance with this chapter,particularly as it compares to the cost of other work the
applicant may be proposing." The cost for removal is reported as$5000,the replacement
would be$4500.
The applicant states that the request to remove the trees is an effort to create a more secure
environment for their special needs child.
Staff agrees that the Commission can grant this variance request to reduce the amount of
inches to 25"or$2500 due to circumstances mentioned above.
City of West Universit y Place
Now comes Doucl‘QS , Kor})/StAziannt.
knY‘app e llant / owner Oof the herein described
property,and affirms that on the d 3 rot day of Sep -e he 2
d e/she applied for a
permit to re move (`a) +wc, h-ncx+w- rc r -1'fNr' 1
ha Cl , s
c n
at to o I5 Nips+ehe.s+e R. on a lot S() feet by 150 feet,in the
District,as shown to scale, with all existing structures on the attached staked survey and the Zoning Map of the
City of West University Place, and to use the same as a
The permit, however was
denied upon the following grounds: pe c M i+ torxS � We. uma t►nl
rz a Q S i TD n G �21C —�T } I n Mrs q cR TNS�
Fee Fac perm)0:7l
DG 'cr e"s.1 -b-k l l i 3 41.1 pi 1)/)))
There, the appellant now appeals in accordance with the provisions of Chapter �ter 6, la SECTION 6.to the
Building and Standards Commission to grant the heretofore requested permit,variance or exception,and to permit
him to use the completed premises as a
for the following reasons:
WP (lc�prl_�D CP�ti�„o I dLOO l 1�„_
hCanc'heS late SCa ri,ar iir "aria l t�Prl.Si' ('�tt`lot.
i-taehee) w;it 6t fa II rie 15 f)c e,vooe j nod
Moe (Awl_44 r his iMcoci 1('n t e -rr1+,h4) ) _Welk SU(�,
Respectfully Submitted, l
(1-13) (s2Gy- Os4y
Telephone Number
1,0615 Wes+ches-4cr-
I Address ` `�� ��� ,Appellant&Owner
I IOUS-kM- ,TX -1-/005
C-411 - 5911 f'a X #
ot.13 lCLS C . k och ,being duly sworn,deposes and says: I,the applicant named in this
application have read the contents hereof,and all statements here contained are true and correct.
Applicant - ( o
S 's ' �''%° •dm/ ,tkm s - day of
41111101111M VA
My Comm.Exp.g-26-4005 Notary Public an leir H. 's count exas
(,) 9
September 20, 2004
Dear Building and Standards Commission,
We are scheduled to meet with you regarding a variance of price for our permit on (2)
two pecan trees located in the rear yard of our address: 6615 Westchester, Houston,
Texas 77005. When our family moved to this address 11 months ago, we did not even
give much thought to the pecan trees. We moved to West University for the elementary
school and for a yard, our townhouse in the South Hampton area only had a porch. Our
son needed outdoor play space. Since moving, our son will not play out in the rear yard
due to excessive dropping of pecans and branches. Our son is five years old and was
born with a rare disorder called Moebius Syndrome, basically he has facial paralysis, loss
of his right pectorals muscle, limited vision, his eyes are paralyzed and we still do not
know if he has peripheral vision. Because of his vision limitations he is not able to
quickly look around to see is something is falling to hit him so he can move. He is still
trying to develop this behavior, but it takes years. Fortunately, he is doing well, but that
is because of numerous therapies since 3 months old and have many more years left.
Enclosed are copies of some pamphlets so everyone can read about Moebius Syndrome.
Our son consistently tells us he is too scared to play in the yard. We would like to
remove the trees so he will feel safe.
We have hired Arbor Care to remove the trees. They have $2 million policy for any
potential damage and are charging $5,000 for both trees. We have chosen Arbor Care
because they have the experience to provide the safest removal with the least disturbance
to our neighbors. If we could please ask the board members to reconsider the $5000 fee
to the Tree Fund we would appreciate it immensely. As an alternative plan,would the
Board consider$2,500 to the tree fund instead of the $5,000?
,_74//)-)7 /4elf e,s,L.....1m c/1-1
Suzanne Koch Douglas Koch
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PHONE: 713-662-5833 FAX: 713-349-2704
Project Address: ;'y (P 15- WeA IC;, io 'Q
Owner Name: iptOtioq d , 9a/Y fNCeA)
Address: 5 CZ/?n-u
City, State & Zip: H(/Cz'- 7 JQ
Phone: - • C
Name: ite A i _ P__.)
Address 3 36o fn°. PC;A io/d
City, State & Zip: 4-12-1 u , A/ -7.76 (7)
Phone: 7.) (0 91 - 2 u
Is the tree(s) dead, dying or diseased? nQ
If no, then state reason for having tree removed: , `I DS �JC� 'pl f c!iz /
Type of Tree(s)? /- ei'e/17J jeta e /1 f./CFBc afet, GCk' ay ./x.//ir t,
Location of tree(s) Check one: ✓� (N� /
_ Front Yard tear Yard _ Side Yard Other:
If in rear yard, is there access: 'Yes 0 No
Prior to inspection is notification required: %Yes _ No
Lot Size: 50 X 150
, 'cd2� fi o y
Signature of owner or contractor Date
3826 Amherst • Houston, Texas 77005 • 713-662-5833
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Elehotlau sheet based on FEW Refr.nc. Worker No. 1104. El.votfon - *4422' (19117 odpetme nt)
Ely graphic Pletttng only. Rare flood EI...Uen . ea9d
Lot eubleat to a scnttory ether •oeernr,t (tn. .4MInq the South and Eatt portion of.ub)eot treat m rebooted by'sated mop doted
4/27/80 More the City of Wert Unheroty.
Lot .ub)wt to any and M unrecorded easements clamed, asserted or used by or through the City of Wad Untarelty. or ony utltty
company by o{p•..rn..l vfth or pertni..lon of the Cily of Wart Unlyer-lty.
Lot subject to the Zoning Ordinances by the City of Wart Ueh+r'.ky.
Stacy Fine Custom Homes of Texas, lnc.
at 8615 ifestohestor StLpet
City of Meet Vnly,reity Flocs. T . I hereby certify that the abort*
The South one-half of lot 8. in Block 39, plat correctly represents the r,...,� OF 'Amended Plat of West University Place facts found at the time of the Volume 444, Page 580 of the Deed Records of survey mode on the ground •Hexria County, Tel ae. Y ••••: �1T
_ under my supervision, and •" 4
Scale: 00' a 4"ft v
there ae no apparent qe 4.1...1-
Date: 8/15/02 Revi.ed: 8/7/03 encroachments at the time of l�'7, '
this survey, unless shown Or
rate PrW.•ty nos11 No edttke Ia. d••dc•eted 100 7•.*neOQ Dlata noted otherwise.
Pastel No. 480418 0853 K .
Zone: _. _ Date: 4/20/00
Loset.e by graphic dear.,.Jy, net reepan.al. her.tour i.tr,Thetbn,
Ilde re►ny vim pries* in e.ea6deeo. relit eamoitmue Rptstred Professional Land Stir*W
Provd by: Fi4f1lty National Title Company of Tam No 4885
ay4 ---- ' Asa i8a7� (4/1i/pxl bb o M-4"
i -d 1I8SL2ZEIL 4n07) d6E:ai b0 ea daS