HomeMy WebLinkAbout06032004 BSC Agenda Item 5 9 o0 ' i• le00 0 0 'ilip 0 • -,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,, i c.-3 ., ,,,,,i gt gX , ,, BSC Information to be handed out at the meeting June 3rd 2004 Rev. 6-2-04 ("clean') Standard Codes Schedule Adoption. Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the following codes, including all of its published appendices and attachments, is adopted,ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure for amendments,etc. The procedure for adopting new codes,updated codes, local amendments and provisions for administration and enforcement of these codes is as follows: (1)proposal by the building official or other appropriate City official, (2)referral to the Building&Standards Commission, (3)consideration by the City Council, after giving required meeting notices, and(4)adoption and publication,as required by Article 11 of the City Charter. International Building Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council,Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505.1. 3. All foundations and structural framing for new buildings with a gross floor area 485 square feet or more must meet the following criteria,as applicable. a. Engineering. Foundations and structural framing must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed or registered professional engineer who is: (1) employed by a registered engineering firm; and (2) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance with limits of at least$500,000 per year, aggregate, ("RLPE"). The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the site of the work, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. b. Geotechnical Report. The plans and specifications for each foundation must be based on a written geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed or registered geotechnical engineer who is: (1) employed by a registered engineering firm; and (2) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance with limits of at least$500,000 per year, aggregate. The report must meet all applicable criteria in"Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Explorations and Reports"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC- 04-0, Rev#0, 11 April 2001, issued for website publishing), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. However,the minimum depth of borings is 20 feet in all cases. c. Foundation Performance Standard. Each foundation must be designed, installed and constructed to achieve a soil movement potential of one inch or less, determined by the estimated depth of the active zone in combination with at least two of the following methods: (1) Potential vertical rise(PVR) determined in accordance with Texas Department of Transportation Method 124-E, dry conditions, as publishing in and dated (2) Swell tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. (3) Suction and hydrometer swell tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. (4) linear shrinkage tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. d. Foundations, Basic Type. Each foundation must be of an approved basic type. Approved basic types are listed below. In this list, types of foundations are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document#FPA- SC-01-X, Rev#X, 1 April 2004,issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Structural slab with void space and deep foundations. (2) Structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations. (3) Stiffened structural slab with deep foundations. (4) Stiffened non-structural slab with deep foundations. (5) Grade-supported stiffened structural slab. (6) Grade-supported stiffened non-structural slab. (7) Grade-supported non-stiffened slab of uniform thickness (approved for one-story accessory buildings containing only garage or storage space). (8) Mixed-depth system for all new building construction. (9) Mixed-depth system for building additions with deep foundations. (10) Mixed-depth system for building addition with shallow foundations. (11) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). e. Foundations, Deep Support Components. Deep support components must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list,types of deep support components are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association,Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC-01-X,Rev#X, 1 April 2004, issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Drilled and underreamed concrete piers. (2) Drilled straight-shaft concrete piers. (3) Auger-cast concrete piles. (4) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). f. Foundations, reinforcement. Reinforcement for each foundation must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of reinforcement are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association,Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC-01-X,Rev#X, 1 April 2004, issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Deformed bar reinforcing. (2) Welded wire fabric reinforcing(approved for one-story accessory buildings containing only garage or storage space). (3) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). g. Foundations, Observation & Certification. Each foundation must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by a person under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (ii) include actual measurement of piers, fill, compaction, reinforcement,forms,materials,dimensions, structural elements, stressing, tendons,tensions,attachments, etc.before the work is covered or concrete is placed, (iii) be performed continuously during placement of concrete and any stressing or tensioning operations,and (iv) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official(which may include photographs). (2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the work complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official(with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations), (iii) state that the work complies with sound engineering practices, (iv) comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (v) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE,and (vi) be filed with the Building Official before framing commences atop the foundation(and before the foundation is otherwise covered). h. The BSC may issue a special exception from any requirement in subsection"a"through"g,"above, but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure (for its estimated useful life); or (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. In connection with any such special exception,the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. 4. All concrete piers, footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 5. All walls and ceilings within a R-1,R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch(15.9 mm)thick. Exception: Where this code(IBC)requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications),B (Board of Appeals)and D (Fire Districts). International Energy Conservation Code, as it existed on May 1,2001, International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees,the building official may require a written certification that a building meets or exceeds minimum requirements,if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certified inspector(as defined in Section 388.02, TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE)not employed by the city, and(ii) accompanied by an approved inspection checklist,properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. If the fees of the code-certified inspector are paid by the City,the amount shall be added to the building permit fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perform inspections and enforce this code in the City. International Fire Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The fire official shall be the fire chief or acting fire chief,who may detail other members of the fire department or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code(except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open"type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or(ii) at any time when unattended." (7) Delete: Appendices FA(Board of Appeals), FE (Hazard Categories),FF (Hazard Ranking) and FG(Cryogenic Fluids -Weight and Volume Equivalents). International Fuel Gas Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete Sections FG103, FG106 and FG10. 3. Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. 4. Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "Low pressure(not to exceed 0.5 PSI)gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of mercury for a period of time not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PSI,but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes without showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for new construction,above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10-PSI level prescribed by this sentence." 5. There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding,to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if permitted by this code,undiluted liquefied petroleum gas,or"LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. International Mechanical Code, 2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding,to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." 3. Add to Section M603: "All return air ducts must be installed within 10 inches of the finished floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." 4. Delete: Appendix MB (Recommended Permit Fee Schedule). International Plumbing Code, 2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete: Sections P103,P106 and P109 and Appendices PA(Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG(Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code(IPC), ,none of the following is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS)pipe or fittings,polyethylene pipe or fittings,Type M copper, lead-based pipe, aluminum DWV pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code(IPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exception: PVC water pipe may be used where permitted by this code (IPC),but only if: (i) it is installed underground and(ii)all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations (and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color,except on above-ground pool piping). 5. Even if permitted by this code(IPC),wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders,building storm drains,building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts,roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities." 7. Maximum water meter size,unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case, is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation system,or f- inch for a single-family dwelling. International Residential Code, as it existed on May 1,2001,International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other"International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "Residential"means having the character of a detached one-family or two- family dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i) any dwelling that has a common means of egress, such as a common hallway, or(ii)any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for accommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical,rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. 3. All amendments and deletions to the other"International Codes"adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RAF (Radon Control Methods),RAI(Private Sewage Disposal),and RAE(Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and maintenance of electrical wiring and related components. See National Electrical Code,below. (BOCA)National Building Code, 1996 Ed., Building Officials & Code Administrators International,Inc. Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television Towers)and 3109 (Radio And Television Antennas),together with any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this Code. National Electrical Code, as it existed on May 1, 2001,National Fire Protection Association, ("NEC"). 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. Standard Housing Code, 1997 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress International,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. Rev. 6-2-04 Standard Codes Schedule Adoption. Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code,each of the following codes, including all of its published appendices and attachments,is adopted, ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure for amendments,etc. The procedure for adopting new codes, updated codes,local amendments and provisions for administration and enforcement of these codes is as follows: (1)proposal by the building official or other appropriate City official, (2)referral to the Building&Standards Commission, (3)consideration by the City Council,after giving required meeting notices,and(4)adoption and publication,as required by Article II of the City Charter. International Building Code,2000 Ed., International Code Council,Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 1505.1. 3. :. '. ..' :' : :. :: ': . . • . : . • ; - - -- ; professional engineer("RPE"), and the week shall be. • I • ; _ . . lr based on a soils report from a recognized and reputable firm or agency(Exception: no gross floor area); and •• - . • . • :. .-. •• • - - - - - . :. • . - '; .- • - ••. - . i. : -.. -All foundations and structural framing for new buildings with a gross floor area 485 square feet or more must meet the following criteria,as applicable. a. Engineering. Foundations and structural framing must be constructed in accordance with complete plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed or registered professional engineer who is: (1) employed by a registered engineering firm; and (2) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance with limits of at least $500,000 per year, aggregate, ("RLPE"). The plans and specifications must be prepared specifically for the site of the work, and they must meet criteria as to scope, content and form specified by the building official. b. Geotechnical Report. The plans and specifications for each foundation must be based on a written geotechnical report prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed or registered geotechnical engineer who is: (1) employed by a registered engineering firm; and (2) covered by professional errors and omissions insurance with limits of at least $500,000 per year, aggregate. The report must meet all applicable criteria in"Recommended Practice for Geotechnical Explorations and Reports"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC-04-0, Rev#0, 11 April 2001, issued for website publishing), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. However, the minimum depth of borings is 20 feet in all cases. c. Foundation Performance Standard. Each foundation must be designed, installed and constructed to achieve a soil movement potential of one inch or less, determined by the estimated depth of the active zone in combination with at least two of the following methods: (1) Potential vertical rise(PVR) determined in accordance with Texas Deparliuent of Transportation Method 124-E, dry conditions, as publishing in and dated (2) Swell tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. (3) Suction and hydrometer swell tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. (4) linear shrinkage tests performed in accordance with [ASTM Standard/date]. d. Foundations, Basic Type. Each foundation must be of an approved basic type. Approved basic types are listed below. In this list,types of foundations are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC-01-X, Rev#X, 1 April 2004, issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Structural slab with void space and deep foundations. (2) Structural floor with crawl space and deep foundations. (3) Stiffened structural slab with deep foundations. (4) Stiffened non-structural slab with deep foundations. (5) Grade-supported stiffened structural slab. (6) Grade-supported stiffened non-structural slab. (7) Grade-supported non-stiffened slab of uniform thickness(approved for one- story accessory buildings containing only garage or storage space). (8) Mixed-depth system for all new building construction. (9) Mixed-depth system for building additions with deep foundations. (10) Mixed-depth system for building addition with shallow foundations. (11) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). e. Foundations, Deep Support Components. Deep support components must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of deep support components are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas(Document# FPA-SC-01-X, Rev#X, 1 April 2004, issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Drilled and underreamed concrete piers. (2) Drilled straight-shaft concrete piers. (3) Auger-cast concrete piles. (4) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). f. Foundations, reinforcement. Reinforcement for each foundation must be of an approved type. Approved types are listed below. In this list, types of reinforcement are defined and described in"Foundation Design Options For Residential and Other Low-Rise Buildings on Expansive Soils"published by the Structural Committee of the Foundation Performance Association, Houston, Texas (Document#FPA-SC-01-X, Rev#X, 1 April 2004, issued for FPA peer review), a copy of which is on file in the City Secretary's office. (1) Deformed bar reinforcing. (2) Welded wire fabric reinforcing(approved for one-story accessory buildings containing only garage or storage space). (3) Another type approved by special exception issued by the BSC (see below). g. Foundations. Observation & Certification. Each foundation must be professionally observed and must be certified by an RLPE, as more fully described below: (1) Observations must: (i) be performed either by the certifying RLPE or by a person under that RLPE's direct supervision and control whose professional qualifications are approved by the RLPE, (ii) include actual measurement of piers, fill,compaction,reinforcement, forms, materials,dimensions, structural elements, stressing, tendons, tensions,attachments, etc.before the work is covered or concrete is placed, (iii) be performed continuously during placement of concrete and any stressing or tensioning operations, and (iv) be documented in a form and manner approved by the building official (which may include photographs). (2) Certifications must: (i) refer to and be based upon the professional observations required by this section, (ii) state that the work complies with the plans and specifications last approved by the building official (with any field changes that are ordered by the RLPE and reported to the building official and that comply with applicable regulations), (iii) state that the work complies with sound engineering practices, (iv) comply with criteria as to form and content as may be specified by the building official, (v) be signed and sealed by the certifying RLPE, and (vi) be filed with the Building Official before framing commences atop the foundation(and before the foundation is otherwise covered). h. The BSC may issue a s l ecial exce.tion from an re s uirement in subsection"a" through"g,"above,but only upon a showing that: (1) the requirement will not affect life safety or the performance of a structure (for its estimated useful life); or (2) an alternate requirement to be imposed by the special exception will provide equal or better protection for life safety and long-term structural performance. In connection with any such special exception, the BSC may require that the applicant provide supporting engineering data and opinion, and the BSC may impose conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of applicable regulations. 4. All concrete piers, footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 5. All walls and ceilings within a R-1, R-2,R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch(15.9 mm)thick. Exception: Where this code(IBC) requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications),B (Board of Appeals) and D (Fire Districts). International Energy Conservation Code, as it existed on May 1,2001,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building official may require a written certification that a building meets or exceeds minimum requirements,if the certification is: (i)signed by a code-certified inspector(as defined in Section 388.02, TEX. HEALTH& SAFETY CODE) not employed by the city, and(ii)accompanied by an approved inspection checklist,properly completed, signed and dated by the inspector. If the fees of the code-certified inspector are paid by the City,the amount shall be added to the building permit fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a permittee may pay such fees directly to an independent inspection firm. Only code-certified inspectors may perform inspections and enforce this code in the City. International Fire Code, 2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The fire official shall be the fire chief or acting fire chief,who may detail other members of the fire department or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the fire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code(except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open"type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4(hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i) at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or(ii) at any time when unattended." (7) Delete: Appendices FA(Board of Appeals),FE(Hazard Categories), FF(Hazard Ranking) and FG(Cryogenic Fluids -Weight and Volume Equivalents). International Fuel Gas Code,2000 Ed., International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete Sections FG103, FG106 and FG10. 3. Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. 4. Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 PSI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of mercury for a period of time not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10 PSI,but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 minutes without showing a drop in pressure,but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10-PSI level prescribed by this sentence." 5. There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding,to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if permitted by this code,undiluted liquefied petroleum gas,or"LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 7. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. International Mechanical Code,2000 Ed., International Code Council,Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding,to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located." 3. Add to Section M603: "All return air ducts must be installed within 10 inches of the finished floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." 4. Delete: Appendix MB (Recommended Permit Fee Schedule). International Plumbing Code,2000 Ed., International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. Delete: Sections P103,P106 and P109 and Appendices PA(Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule) and PG(Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even if permitted by this code(IPC), ,none of the following is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene(ABS)pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, Type M copper, lead-based pipe, aluminum DWV pipe or components, or air admittance valves." 4. Even if permitted by this code(IPC), PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exception: PVC water pipe may be used where permitted by this code (IPC),but only if: (i) it is installed underground and(ii) all joints are primed and glued as required by the manufacturer's recommendations(and the primer must be purple or another distinctive color, except on above-ground pool piping). 5. Even if permitted by this code(IPC),wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders,building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts,roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities." 7. Maximum water meter size,unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case,is: 3/4ths-inch for an irrigation system,or 1-inch for a single-family dwelling. International Residential Code, as it existed on May 1,2001, International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. This code, in lieu of the other"International Codes," applies to all residential structures in the City. "Residential"means having the character of a detached one-family or two-family dwelling that is not more than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i)any dwelling that has a common means of egress, such as a common hallway,or(ii) any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for accommodation of transient guests or a structure in which medical,rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. 3. All amendments and deletions to the other"International Codes"adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RAF (Radon Control Methods), RAI(Private Sewage Disposal), and RAE (Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and maintenance of electrical wiring and related components. See National Electrical Code,below. (BOCA)National Building Code, 1996 Ed.,Building Officials & Code Administrators International,Inc. Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television Towers)and 3109 (Radio And Television Antennas),together with any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of this Code. National Electrical Code, as it existed on May 1,2001, National Fire Protection Association, ("NEC"). 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. Standard Housing Code, 1997 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress International,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. RAU:041$0,1101-400.01,41.14-2e, 2033 E:);.iye Suite 5-0 Carrollton, TX. 7500E; itirms Thq: (972) 71 3-9109 Fa (972) 71'3-917'1 ge0 Peering,ccirn April 26, 2004 Mr. joe Glass 9215 Houston, TX 77055 Re: GeotechnicaliGeophysicai Investigation Proposed Glass Residence 9221 Elizabeth Road Houston, Texas 77055 BC' Report No. 04-089 Dear Mr. Glass: Attached is our geotechnical report for the above referenced project This project was authorized by you and performed in general accordance with our or discussions. Lt has been a pleasure to perform this work for you. If during the course of this Droject we can be of further assistance, pi-ease do not hesitate to call BRYANT CONSULTANTS INC. fa -4-44.voy 4,0 ji0,,P;,iN T. BRYANT it `t.)7-9A (Is:01(1;3y '.•:0N John T. Bryant, PhD., P.G_, P.E. Win President ..; /ON! :,/,,q Gehrig, Staff Engineer Ron Kelm, P.P. FOrF. ..,;i-c Engineers, inc. . . . GEOTECHNICAL/GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION at PROPOSED GLASS RESIDENCE HOUSTON, TEXAS Prepared for Mr. Joe Glass 9215 Hilldale Houston, TX by BRYANT CONSULTANTS, INC. GEOTECHNICAL AND FORENSIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CARROLLTON, TX 75006 BCI Report No. 04-089 April 26, 2004 ir. TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT INFORMATION 1 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 1 FIELD OPERATIONS 1 LABORATORY TESTING 2 EVALUATION OF SITE INFORMATION 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVETY PROFILES 9 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 EARTHWORK GUIDELINES 22 LIMITATIONS AND REPRODUCTIONS 25 FIGURES GMMIR Profile and Boring Location Plan 1 Tree Survey 2 GIS Map of Site 3 Logs of Boring B-1 4 Logs of Boring B-2 5 Moisture Content Profile 6 Hand Penetrometer Profile 7 Total Soil Suction Profile 8 Liquidity Index Profile 9 Swell Test Results 10 GMMIR Profile R1 11 Photographic Survey of Site 12 Rainfall Data for Houston Hobby 13 E — Log P Curve 14 Boring Log Legend 15 APPENDIX 1 - GUIDELINES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTHWORK GEOTECHNICAL/GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATION for PROPOSED GLASS RESIDENCE HOUSTON, TEXAS A. PROJECT INFORMATION BCI understands the proposed residence will be located at 9221 Elizabeth Road in Houston, Texas. It is our understanding the proposed construction will consist of a multiple story, single family dwelling. Final grades for the proposed residence were unavailable for our review. However, for this report, we assume that the proposed pad will be constructed within 18 inches of the existing grades. If cuts and/or fills exceed this assumption, then BCI should be contacted in order to determine if the recommendations in this report are still valid. No specific warranty program or other standards, except acceptable industry standards, were followed in this investigation. B. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The purposes of the study are to: 1) explore the general subsurface conditions at the site, 2) evaluate the pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials, 3) perform one Geo-electrical Moisture Material Imaging and Resistivity (GMMIR) profile and two geotechnical borings at this site and 4) provide recommendations and design parameters concerning suitable types of foundation systems. C. FIELD OPERATIONS I. Geotechnical Exploration Two geotechnical borings were performed on March 17, 2004. The borings were drilled at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1 — GMMIR Profile and Boring Location Plan. A continuous flight auger drilling rig was used to advance the borings to a depth of 25 to 30 feet below grade. Undisturbed specimens of cohesive soils were obtained at intermittent intervals with nominal 3-inch diameter thin-walled, seamless tube samplers. Disturbed Proposed Glass Residence Page 2 samples were also retrieved using augering techniques. These specimens were extruded in the field, logged, sealed and packaged to help protect them from disturbance and to help maintain their in-situ moisture content during transportation to our laboratory. Figures 4 and 5 present descriptions of the soil properties and Figures 6 to 10 present a summary of the laboratory data. II. Geophysical Exploration In conjunction with the geotechnical borings, some additional information regarding the location of moisture and material differences around the perimeter of the structure was obtained using the geo-electrical moisture/material imaging method (GMMIR). Two geo-electrical (electrical resistivity) profiles were originally performed at the location of the proposed residence. However, equipment malfunction result in errant data from one of the profile and therefore will not be included in this report. Profile R1 was taken across the residential lot to characterize the conditions of the soils and the resistivity structure beneath the surface as presented on Figure 1. Measurements of the field resistivity were performed in general accordance with ASTM G-57 with modifications of the electrode configuration. Figure 11 provides a depth profile of GMMIR Profile R1 geo-electrical resistivity model. III. Benchmark Installation After drilling operations were complete in Boring B-1, BCI installed a benchmark. The bearing end of the benchmark was approximately 35 feet below grade. D. LABORATORY TESTING Samples were examined at our laboratory by the project geotechnical engineer. Selected samples were subjected to laboratory tests under the supervision of this engineer. A brief discussion of these results is provided below. The dry unit weights, moisture contents, liquid and plastic limits of the selected soil samples were measured. These tests were used to evaluate the potential BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 3 volume change of the different strata as an indication of the uniformity of the material and to aid in soil classification. To provide additional information about the swell characteristics and evaluate volume change characteristics of these soils (at their in-situ moisture conditions) total soil suction tests and absorption swell tests were performed on selected samples of the clay soils. Unconfined compression and hand penetrometer tests were also performed on selected undisturbed samples of the clay soils. These tests were performed to evaluate the strength and consistency of these materials. Consolidation properties of one soil sample were obtained by performing one- dimensional consolidation tests. A consolidation test was performed on a soil sample retrieved from Boring B-1 at a depth between six to seven feet below grade. The void ratio — pressure curve (e log p curve) for this soil sample is located in Figure 14. E, EVALUATION OF SITE INFORMATION Based on information received from Mr. Ron Kelm, P.E. with Forensic Engineers, Inc., the residential lot is approximately 115 feet wide and 330 feet long. The residential pad is approximately 80 by 80 feet. The approximate location of the residential pad with respect to the lot is reproduced in Figures 1 and 2. A rather large drainage ditch borders the south perimeter of the residential lot. The proposed foundation system is reportedly to be construction approximately 4 to 5 feet above existing ground level. I. General Soil/Geologic Conditions The property is located at 9221 Elizabeth Road in Houston, Texas. Based on the Geologic Atlas of Texas and our experience in the local vicinity, the site is situated within the Beaumont Formation. The Beaumont Formation typically consists of surficial clay and mud of low permeability, high compressibility, high to very high shrink/swell capacity, low shear strength and high plasticity. Based upon the USDA Harris County Soil Survey, this site is situated on the Addicks-Urban land complex. The following information is based upon the USDA BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 4 Harris County soil survey, and should be considered generally indicative of the type of soils and the range of engineering properties noted for this area and at this site, and should be used only as an indicator of the soil properties at this site. The surface of the Addicks-Urban land complex is plane to slightly convex with 0 to 1 percent slopes. This surface layer of the Addicks soil is friable, black loam about 11 inches thick. The next layer is friable, dark gray loam approximately 12 inches thick. Friable, dark gray loam with calcium carbonate and yellow to yellowish brown mottles is typically encountered at depth. This soil is poorly drained. Surface runoff is slow and permeability is moderate. The available water capacity is high. It is saturated with water for short periods during the year. The liquid limits and plasticity indices for this soil group ranges between 2.0-45% and 5-27%, respectively; the shrink-swell potential for the soil group, therefore, is low to moderate. II. Site Grading and Drainage Based upon visual observations and geotechnical exploration, no significant amounts of cut or fill were detected at this site at the time of our investigation. Boring B-2 encountered approximately 6 inches of fill sand. Figure 12 provides two photographs of general site information. As shown in Figure 12, the residential property is currently flat with no significant change in topography. For a more detailed description of the site grades, please refer to a limited topography map of the site performed by Godinich Surveyor's, LLC. III. Tree Survey Numerous mature trees are present within the residential lot. Figure 12 pictures the approximate size of these trees. Figure 2 -- Tree Survey provides the approximate location of the documented tree trunks within the residential lot. As shown in Figure 2, a few trees may be removed during construction of the residential structure. Figure 3 — GIS Map of Site also provides an aerial view of the residential lot and house pad. As shown in Figure 3, the tree canopies generally cover the majority of the residential lot. Also, a pre-existing structure may have been present during this aerial photograph; however, the structure was not present during our investigation. BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 5 IV. Rainfall Data Figure 13 plots the monthly rainfall totals since 1998 at the National Weather Service (NWS) Houston/Galveston station located at the Hobby Airport. Monthly rainfall averages include observation recordings at the Hobby Airport, which is south of this residential structure. Rainfall totals and averages are based on the NOAA, NWS Web Site for the Hobby Airport area. Based on Figure 13, monthly rainfall totals during 1999 and 2001 are most likely considered rainfall extremes. As shown in Figure 13, yearly rainfall totals in 1999 and 2000 were comparatively below the yearly average. The majority of 1999 was considerably dry, particularly during the late summer and fall months, as indicated in Figure 13. A considerable amount of rainfall was recorded during June 2001 and August 2001. The year 2001 recorded approximately 30 inches of rainfall above the yearly average. Monthly rainfall totals were below average in January and February 2002. However, the monthly rainfall totals of 2002 were also well above the average, particularly for the months of July, August and October. The year 2002 recorded approximately 8 inches of rainfall above the yearly average. The year 2003 recorded approximately 5 inches of rainfall below the yearly average. However, during our site investigation, the months of January and February 2004 have been above the monthly average. Therefore, BCI concludes that our geotechnical/geophysical investigation in March 2004 was conducted during a relatively wet climatic period. F. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface conditions encountered in the borings are presented in Figures 4 and 5. Descriptions of the various strata and their approximate depths and thickness are shown in the Logs of Borings. A brief summary of the general stratigraphy indicated by the borings is given below. Depth refers to depth from the ground surface existing at the time of this investigation. References to depth should be made from this datum. I. Soil Stratigraphy Based upon site observations and the geotechnical borings, BCI is of the opinion that observed soil conditions are similar to those identified in the published geologic and soil information mentioned previously. In addition, Boring B-1 BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 6 encountered sandy fill soils in the upper six inches. The following paragraph provides a brief summary of the soils encountered within the geotechnical borings. For a more detailed description of the soils encountered, refer to the attached boring logs. The geotechnical borings generally encountered olive black, dark yellowish brown, to brownish black sandy lean clay to clayey sand. Light olive gray, dark yellowish brown to brownish gray lean clay with sand to sandy lean clay typically followed. A grayish orange, pale yellowish brown to yellowish gray lean clay with sand stratum was encountered next. At approximately 13 feet below grade, yellowish gray, light gray to grayish orange sandy lean clay was encountered in both borings. Boring B-2 encountered moderate yellowish brown, yellowish gray to grayish orange sandy lean clay beginning approximately 21 feet below grade. II. Water Observations The borings were advanced using a continuous flight auger. These drilling procedures allow groundwater seepage to be observed during and after drilling. Water seepage was observed at approximately 17 and 22 feet below grade during drilling operations for Borings B-1 and B-2, respectively. The water level remained constant in Boring B-2 after drilling operations. The bore hole caved in at 17 feet after drilling operations ceased in Boring B-1. The driller's log for Boring B-1 described the soil conditions below 20 feet as "flowing sands." The water levels may fluctuate at this site due to perennial rainfall totals and/or perched water seepage. Ill. Analysis of Geotechnical Borings a. Moisture Content Moisture content is defined as the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of dry soil in a given sample volume. Moisture content values are continuously recorded for every foot of soil. Figure 6 plots the moisture content profile for each geotechnical boring. As shown in Figure 6, the moisture contents ranged between 11 and 26 percent. BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 7 b. Consistency and Strength Tests BCI performed two test methods to further evaluate the strength and consistency of the retrieved soil samples. Hand penetrometers are used to measure the resistance to penetration of a soil. Typical hand penetrometer values range between 1.0 tons per square foot (tsf) and 4.5 tsf, with 4.5 tsf being the largest value able to be recorded on instrument. Figure 7 plots the hand penetrometer values for each geotechnical boring. The other test method is the unconfined compression test. This test is a special type of unconsolidated-undrained test commonly used for clayey type soils. Unconfined compressive strength tests provide a more accurate determination of the soil strength and consistency in comparison to the hand penetrometer values. The results of both these tests are located in the boring logs. The unconfined compressive strength values ranged between 1008 pounds per square foot (psf) and 4889 psf, indicative of moderate to very stiff soils. The lowest unconfined compressive strength value (1008 psf) was recorded in Boring B-1 in the upper one foot. As shown in Figure 4, this soil stratum is classified as clayey sand. Unconfined compressive strength testing indicates the cohesive properties of soils; it does not account for the shear strength characteristics of coarse-grained soils. Therefore, unconfined compressive strength values are typically lower for soils intermixed with fine-grained (clay, silt) and course-grained (sand, gravel) particles. c. Atterberg Limit Atterberg limits describe the consistency of soils (typically fine-grained soils) with varying moisture contents. Depending on the moisture content of a particular soil, the behavior of the soil can be divided into four basic states — solid, semisolid, plastic and liquid. Atterberg limits can also be important for the classification of a soil sample. Atterberg limits generally comprise of two tests called the plastic limit and liquid limit; however, a third test named the shrinkage limit can also be performed. The moisture content at the point of transition from a semisolid to plastic state is defined as the plastic limit. The moisture content at the point of transition from a plastic state to liquid state is defined as the liquid limit. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 8 There are several indices that are derived from the Atterberg limits and/or moisture contents. Two of the more important indices are the plasticity index (PI) and liquidity index (LI). The plasticity index is the difference between the liquid and plastic limits. The plasticity index (PI) is the range over which a soil acts in a plastic state. Geotechnical studies have shown that the more plastic a soil (i.e., possessing a higher plasticity), the more compressive and expansive it will act. The PI values recorded at this site ranged from 9 to 19 percent indicative of low to moderate plastic soils. However, the moisture content of the soils relative to their plastic limits also play an important role in determining the volume change potential at various moisture states. The liquidity index scales the moisture content of a given soil relative to the Atterberg limits. If the liquidity index is negative, the soil will behave as a brittle material (solid to semisolid state) and is generally indicative of drier soil moisture conditions. If the liquidity index is between 0 and 1, the soil will behave as a plastic material and is generally indicative of wetter soil moisture conditions. If the liquidity index is greater than 1, the soil will behave as a liquid. Generally, as the liquidity index increases, the soil moisture conditions become increasingly wetter. Figure 9 plots the liquidity index (LI) for each geotechnical boring. Based on Figure 9, higher LI values were encountered in the upper three feet indicative of wetter soil moisture conditions in the upper strata. However, drier soil conditions were encountered between 3 to 7 feet based on lower LI values of -0.2 or lower. Boring B-2 encountered comparatively the highest LI values at deeper depths approaching 1.0, which corresponds to the documented water seepage at deeper depths. d. Total Soil Suction Total soil suction refers to the measurement of the free energy state of the pore- water exerted on the pore-water by the soil matrix. Where moisture content values describe how much moisture is in the soil, total soil suction describes where the moisture is going. In unsaturated soil conditions, soil moisture moves from a location of low suction to areas of high suction, otherwise stated, from a higher energy location to a lower energy location. Soil suction becomes the dominant force for soil moisture flow in unsaturated soil conditions and the gravity force component becomes comparably small. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 9 The total soil suction values recorded at this site ranged from 3.36 to 3.68 pF, which are qualitatively described as low to near equilibrium total soil suction values. Figure 8 plots the total soil suction values for each geotechnical boring. Soil moisture tends to migrate from wets soils to dry soils, or from low total soil suction to areas of high to soil suction. Based on Figure 8, the total soil suction values are near equal within the upper 15 feet. e. Free Swell Tests Absorption free swell tests were also performed on 6 selected samples to evaluate the swell potential of these soils at their in-situ moisture and suction states. The swell tests performed on the soil samples at their respective overburden pressures indicate ranges of swells of -0.29% to 0.30%. The complete results of these tests are presented in Figure 10. The average swell value was approximately -0.06 percent, which indicates the lack of soil heave with the addition of free water. G. ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY PROFILES Methods used to analyze and collect the field data, as well as interpretation of these geo-electrical moisture/material imaging resistivity (GMMIR) profiles is based upon a patented process, US Patent S/N 6,295,512. All rights reserved. Resistivity profiling is used throughout the mining, engineering and environmental fields to evaluate the moisture and material properties of rock materials. I. Geoelectrical Imaging Assumptions Two-dimensional subsurface objects are assumed in the inversion process which implies that the resistivity structure modeled is parallel to the profile and has some two-dimensional effects perpendicular to the profile. The resistivity technique allows for some limited "sight" or three-dimensional effects away from the exact profile line. The resolution of electrical resistivity methods decreases exponentially with depth. However, in the shallow subsurface, i.e., in the upper 100 feet of the earth, the resolution power of the resistivity method is good. Use of resistivity imaging BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 10 coupled with control information from borings including true resistivity measurements of the soil samples and the identification of stratigraphic boundaries and subsurface water seepage from site-specific soil borings greatly enhance the electrical resistivity tool. Electrical resistivity methods do not provide information regarding the density of the soil materials. Instead, they provide indications of the relative ease or difficulty with which electrical current passes through the soil and rock materials providing information regarding the moisture and material differences and resistivity contrasts at a site with depth. The purpose of the electrical resistivity profiling is to evaluate the variation of the subsurface and surficial expansive clay soils encountered at this site. II. Geoelectrical Computer Data Modeling Two-dimensional computer inversions were performed using a least-squares approximation to provide the "best fit" between the apparent resistivity field data and the assumed computer resistivity structure model. The electrical resistivity scale shown on the profile was truncated at 500 ohm-m to provide a uniform scale of resistivity values for comparison purposes. Actual resistivity values of the soils and/or materials in the red areas may be slightly greater than 500 ohm-m. Ill. Geophysical Exploration As shown on Figure 11, the color scales of Profile R1 range from "ice" blue to brown. The "ice" blue color represents the lowest resistivity values on the order of 1.5 ohm-m or less while the brown color represents the highest measured resistivity value on the order of 500 ohm-m. For discussion purposes of this report, BCI has outlined its terminology regarding the classification of the color scale shown on the resistivity profile: BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 11 0 to 3.0 ohm-m: extremely low 3.0 to 7.5 ohm-m: low 7.5 to 15 ohm-m: moderately low 15 to 30 ohm-m: moderate 30 to 50 ohm-m: moderately high 50 to 500 ohm-m: high to very high The following paragraphs summarize the relationship between these resistivity values (and the subsequent colors) and their respective soil types and moisture states. Resistivity values on the order of 3.0 ohm-m or less as shown by "ice" blue colors are usually indicative of wet to very wet soils with some possible associated water seepage. Based on the GMMIR profile, no extremely low resistivity values were encountered at this site. Relatively low resistivity soils (3.0 to 7.5 ohm-m) were recorded in each of the GMMIR profiles. Typically, these resistivity values are indicative of high PI clays and/or a soil regime having high moisture contents in relation to their corresponding plastic limits. Based on the soil conditions encountered, we are of the opinion that these low resistivity values are indicative of soils with their moisture contents above their respective plastic limit values. Moderately low resistivity values (7.5 to 15 ohm-m) are represented by green colors. Typically, these values represent a drier clayey soil regime having moisture contents at or lower than their corresponding plastic limits and/or lower PI clay materials with concentrations of sand, silt and/or gravel. Based on existing soil conditions encountered in Borings B-1 and B-2, moderately low resistivity values represent lower PI clay soils with sand and silt identified as sandy lean clay in the boring logs. Moderate resistivity values on the order of 15 to 24 ohm-m are represented by the yellow and orange colors. Considering the soil conditions at this site, resistivity values of this magnitude are indicative of more granular-type soils such as clayey sands. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 12 Based on Profile R1, low resistivity values were encountered between moderately low to moderate resistivity values. These conditions were reflected in the geotechnical borings. No anomalous subsurface condition(s) are readily apparent in Profile R1. The moisture and material properties of the soil samples retrieved from the geotechnical borings does not appear to significantly deviate from the house pad based on Profile R1. H. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I. Foundation System Options The active clays encountered at this site are subject to moisture related volume changes. The soils at this site were relatively dry to moist within the active zone based upon the March 17, 2004 geotechnical study. The dry state of the underlying clays could cause some upward movement with the absorption of free water. Various types of foundation systems currently are used for support of residential structures. The three most common types of foundation systems used in the Houston area are the following: • Type 1. Pier-and-beam foundations with deep drilled shafts founded below the zone of seasonal moisture variation and the with the floor system suspended above grade. • Type 2. Slab-on-grade foundation systems supported on drilled shaft extending below the zone of seasonal moisture variation. • Type 3. Slab-on-grade foundation systems that are supported in the shallow surface soils. Further, two perspectives of foundation design are inherent in these foundation systems. The first perspective, Mode "A", is the design of the slab-on-grade foundations from a soil-structure interaction standpoint to withstand excessive deflections, shear and bending moments. The second perspective, Mode `B", is the design of the interior floor systems and deep pier foundation systems in the BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 13 case for Type 1 or Type 2 to withstand these shears, moments and deflections. In each of these designs, compatibility between the interior and exterior cosmetic finishes and the foundation rigidity or flexibility must be considered. Obviously, some level of risk is associated with all types of foundation systems and a zero-risk foundation system does not exist. Further, post-construction homeowner maintenance of the foundations including, but not limited to maintenance of positive drainage around the house on all sides and the planting of vegetation no closer than its mature height to the foundation are essential for performance of all types of foundations and especially Type 2 and Type 3 foundations in Mode "A" design and in Type 1 foundations in Mode "B" design. This achievement of site equilibrium is the cornerstone of the PTI design, which assumes that the slab-on-grade foundation is affected only by climatic changes in the moisture addition and moisture subtraction in the soil and that the soils have achieved an equilibrium state with their surrounding climatic conditions. Each of above referenced systems is considered viable for various site conditions. In sites with potential near surface ground water or surface water seepage and/or sites with dry or highly expansive clays and deep fills, the surficial soils must be treated by replacement with more inert soils, injection with chemicals or water, and/or possible other drainage considerations before a Type 3 foundation system would be recommended. If these site conditions are not corrected prior to construction, then the Type 1 design is considered to be the most positive foundation option. Further, even with treatment of the soils, the Type 2 and Type 3 foundations must still be designed to withstand climatic fluctuations in moisture around the foundation and some movements are to be expected in these systems. In these situations, a Type 1 foundation will be the most positive foundation type from a geo-structural soil-structure interaction perspective (Mode "A"), and the other systems will inherently have more risk of differential movements due to soil- structure interactions. In situations were inert or low expansive soils or fills are present and concerns regarding downward movements or settlements exist, then the use of a Type 2 foundation may be most appropriate. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 14 In BCI's opinion, the selection of the most appropriate foundation system for a given site is a function of many factors including, but not limited to: 1) the soil and rock conditions, 2) the climate, 3) the presence of vegetation, 4) the drainage and site topography, 5) the economics of the market, 6) customer requirements, 7) city or government requirements, 8) warranty company and mortgage company requirements and 9) the level of risk acceptable to the owners and developers for the project. II. Type 1 Foundation System BCI understands that a Type 1 design is currently being considered for this site. In addition, BCI understands that the finish foundation floor will be approximately 4 to 5 feet above current grade elevation to improve drainage conditions and lower the risk of flooding. All depths documented hereinto in this report are in reference to the ground elevation at the time of our investigation in March 2004. From a purely geotechnical soil-structure interaction perspective or Mode "A" design, Type 1 is the least risky foundation system. However, the Type 1 foundation system is subject to post-construction movement if the drilled piers are not stable and the wood elements are subject to moisture effects, which can lead to structural floor support issues unless proper drainage is provided in and around the crawl space of this system (Mode "B"). The active soils encountered at this site are subject to some moisture related volume changes. Any shallow or near-surface type of foundation system could be subject to some differential movements. Foundations for the proposed structures that are founded below the zone of seasonal moisture variations would be the most positive means of supporting the proposed structures. The pier-and-beam foundation system provides a structurally suspended floor slab supported above grade on drilled shafts extending below the zone of seasonal moisture variation. Based upon review of the total soil suction laboratory test results and the soil suction profile (Figure 8), we are of the opinion that a constant total soil suction value of 3.5 pF at a depth of 12 feet is reasonable for this site. The depth to constant suction will terminate within a lean clay with sand stratum as described in Figures 4 and 5. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 15 a. Static Pier Analysis For a Type 1 foundation system, the following information is provided for general consideration and is accurate for the total boring depth of 35 feet which was scheduled for this site. The design parameters for proprietary piering systems and for depths below 35 feet should be further estimated and evaluated by the design structural engineer. In general, the total allowable resistance for a cast-in-place piling system is comprised of both end bearing and side resistance components. Depending upon the layering and soils present at depth, it is difficult to estimate at what pile deformation the individual components of end or side resistance will be mobilized. However, the rule is that some components of both the end bearing and the side resistance will be mobilized immediately upon loading and deformation. However, Vesic (1977) reports that it takes substantially less strain or deformation (on the order of 0.25 to 0.5 inches) to mobilize the side resistance component for piles regardless of pile size and length in contrast to the end bearing component mobilization of ultimate point resistance of a pile which requires a displacement on the order of approximately 10 percent of the pile tip diameter for driven piles and as much as 30 percent of the pile tip diameter for bored piles. Coyle and Reese (1966) indicate that in determining the load capacity of a pile, consideration should be given to the relative deformations between the soil and the pile as well as the compressibility of the soil pile system. The ultimate skin friction increments along the pile are not necessarily directly additive, nor is the ultimate end bearing additive to the ultimate skin friction or side resistance. Therefore, as a general rule, it is difficult to predict the soil-structure interaction for drilled piers or piles and a conservative approach should be taken by the design engineer with end bearing considered as a factor of safety. Based on the presence of water seepage at depths of approximately 17 to 22 feet below grade, cast-in-place piers should bear above the documented water table. Based upon the allowable bearing pressure equation for deep foundations, an allowable end bearing resistance of 3,500 pounds per square foot (psf) is calculated for piers bearing in the sandy lean clay stratum between 13 to 21 feet below grade using a factor of safety of 3. BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 16 Assuming the piers are bearing approximately 15 feet below grade with an end bearing pressure of 3,500 psf, based on the consolidation test, the primary consolidation settlement for these piers would be less than 1-inch. However, if the water table rises near the surface due to climatic conditions, the estimated primary consolidation settlement would be on the order of 1-1/4 inches. Based on soil types and loading conditions, BCI is of the opinion that some of the estimated consolidation settlement will occur during construction, or shortly thereafter. Based upon the allowable bearing pressure equation for deep foundations, an allowable side resistance of 450 psf is recommended for compressive loading and 325 psf is recommended to resist tensile uplift forces (using a factor of safety of 2) for piers bearing in the yellowish gray sandy lean clay stratum. These side resistance values should be used below the moisture and movement active zone, which in this case is estimated at 12 feet below existing grade. Depth of embedment will be reduced when considering the amount of dead load on the pier. Some caution should be used in application of dead load to reduce pier length and we recommend that the structural design engineer provide accurate estimates and bases for the dead load values used. Uplift resistance may also be derived from using an underreamed bell, which should be between 2.5 and 3 times the shaft diameter founded below the zone of seasonal moisture variation. The pier should be continuously reinforced to resist the soil-induced uplift loads and any other structural loads influencing the structure as dictated by the structural design engineer. The actual uplift resistance of the bell due to cohesive and friction modes of shear failure should be analyzed by the project structural engineer. Additional construction and design recommendations should be provided by the proprietary piering system manufacturer and the design structural engineer. b. Estimated Soil Induced Uplift Pressures The active clay soils encountered at this site will induce some upward forces on piers/piles placed at this site. Based upon our soil property correlations, assuming that the upper 12 feet of the soils are within the moisture and movement BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 17 active zone, we estimate that the uplift forces for piers/piles placed at this site will be approximately 800 psf acting uniformly around the shaft perimeter. c. Construction Considerations Concrete used for the shafts should have a slump of six (6) inches plus or minus one (1) inch and be placed in a manner to avoid striking the reinforcing steel and walls of the shaft during placement. Complete installation of individual shafts should be accomplished with an 8-hour period in order to help prevent deterioration of bearing surfaces. The drilling of individual shafts should be excavated in a continuous operation and concrete placed as soon as practical after completion of the drilling. No shaft should be left open for more than eight hours or overnight. Water seepage was encountered at approximately 17 to 22 feet below grade. The bore hole caved in at 17 and 21 feet below grade after drilling operations ceased. BCI recommends that the end bearing of the underreamed piers should be installed above these depths, if seepage does not allow construction, but not less than 15 feet. Due to the presence of water seepage, casing of the pier hole should be anticipated. If pier depths are less than 15 feet from existing grade, then BCI should be contacted to evaluate this effect on bearing and settlement. We recommend that the project structural design engineer be retained to observe and document the drilled shaft construction. The engineer, or his representative, should document the shaft diameter, depth, cleanliness, and plumbness of the shaft and the type of bearing material immediately prior to placement of the concrete. Significant deviations from the specified or anticipated conditions should be reported to the owner's representative and to the foundation designer. The drilled shaft excavations should be observed after the bottom of the hole is leveled, cleared of any mud or extraneous material, and dewatered, if necessary and immediately before placement of concrete. The pier excavations should be free of loose soil, ponded water or debris. If the structural engineer deems necessary, a void box may be installed underneath the grade beams. Based on the PVM values calculated at this site, the void box should have a minimum depth of 4 inches. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 18 III. Type 2 Foundation System In situations were inert or low expansive soils or fills are present and concerns regarding downward movements or settlements exist, then the use of a Type 2 foundation may be most appropriate. Based on the soil conditions encountered at this site, BCI is of the opinion that a Type 2 foundation system would be a viable alternative to a Type 1 system. Type 2 foundation systems will allow upward movement but will help mitigate downward movement if the piers are designed and founded properly. Applicable design parameters for a Type 2 foundation system may be found in the sections labeled Type 1 Foundation System and Type 3 Foundation System. Inherent risks for slab-on-grade foundation systems are further discussed in the Foundation System Options section of the report. IV. Type 3 Foundation System The performance of these various systems is a function of the materials supporting them. Obviously, slab-on-grade foundations supported in the moisture active zone of the soil profile will potentially move differentially and behave differently than a completely suspend floor slab in Type 1 or by a pier supported slab as described by Type 2. Type 3 foundations are inherently subjected to more differential foundation movement; however, proper site preparation and appropriate structural design of slab-on-grade foundation systems allows their use in most circumstances. The owner should realize that a greater risk of movement is associated with a slab-on-grade foundation system, and some differential movements will occur through time. Control of these movements is a function of the maintenance of uniform moisture beneath and around the slab and proper placement of fill materials. The slab-on-grade design parameters provided in this report are based upon climatic effects only, and do not include the adverse affects of ponded water, previous or future trees, fill settlement, and utility line leaks or extreme moisture fluctuations due to capillary action of subterranean groundwater. Some differential movement of the slab should be anticipated during the life of the slab due to equilibration of moisture contents beneath the slab which prevents evapotranspiration of moisture from the ground. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 19 The effects of the trees or ponding water near the foundation may be modeled, if they are considered as higher risk possible conditions. Every effort should be made by the structural design engineer and homeowner to discuss these issues and develop appropriate remedial schemes to address them prior to construction. If these adverse effects are considered to be likely based upon the final house placement location, grading issues and tree/vegetation issues, then BCI can help model their effects, if any. Please notify us in writing if these adverse effects are to be considered in our analysis and recommendations. If the differential movements and total movements outlined in this report are not acceptable, or if concerns over external environmental effects from trees, utility line leaks, fill settlement or groundwater fluctuations are considered a large concern, then we recommend using a Type 1 or Type 2 foundation system. a. Estimated Potential Vertical Movements The soils present at this site consist predominantly of lean clays with low to moderate movement potential. In general, the clays were dry to moist at the time of the field investigation and will possibly experience volume changes with fluctuations in their moisture content. The lightly loaded interior floor slab placed on-grade will be subject to potential movement as a result of moisture induced volume changes in the surficial clays. Potential Vertical Movement (PVM) calculations for various soil profiles at the site were performed using the Texas Highway Department's Method (TxDOT) TEX 124-E, soil suction testing and our engineering judgment and are summarized in Table 1. The PVM values presented below do not include the effects of differential movements from uncontrolled water sources such as poor drainage, utility line leaks or migration of subsurface water from off site locations. These movements are total vertical movements and do not consider differential swell between any two points on the ground surface. The potential vertical movement (PVM) values provided above are based upon the soil stratigraphy found in the boring logs. If final grades are changed ± 18 inches, then BCI should be notified in writing so BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 20 that we can review the effects of these grading changes upon the PVM values and other geotechnical issues. A reinforced (conventional rebar or post-tensioned) monolithic, slab-on-grade foundation system will need proper design and construction to resist and/or tolerate the moisture induced movements of the clays without inducing unacceptable distress in the foundation or superstructure. On the basis of laboratory tests and estimates of PVM, we recommend that the potential vertical movements (PVM) as outlined in Table 1 are used for slab design calculations at this site without any soil modification considering the cut and fill operations do not differ more than ± 18 inches from the available preliminary grading plans. These movements are total vertical movements and do not consider differential swell between any two points on the ground surface. If fills of more than 18 inches are contemplated with imported fills or with fills of higher plasticity indices than on-site soils samples in Borings B-1 and B-2, then BCI should be notified in writing so we can evaluate the impact of these fills, if any. b. Post-Tensioning Slab Design Parameters Design criteria for a slab designed in accordance with the Post-Tensioning Institute's (PTI) slab-on-grade design method have been developed. The PTI computer program (VOLFLO) was used to derive the PTI differential movements (ym). We recommend that the structural engineer consider the limitations of the VOLFLO program by noting that the PTI VOLFLO algorithm provides minimum design parameters for slab-on-grade foundation system design. The structural engineer's judgment and experience should also be used to design the slab-on- grade system to account for variations in conditions affecting ym and em values including review of the final grading plans to allow for construction over deep cut and fill sections where some settlements may occur. The edge moisture variation distances (em) for center lift and edge lift conditions were derived based on an Thornthwaite Index of +15 for the project site using the criteria provided in the PTI manual and other, more conservative methodologies. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 21 The edge moisture variation distances provided below in Table 1 are based upon the PTI manual minimum guidelines. The PTI design parameters provided below are applicable if adverse site conditions have been corrected and soil moisture conditions are controlled by the climate alone (i.e., not improper drainage, unforeseen subsurface seepage, placement of uncontrolled or deep fills, vegetation influence or water leaks). The performance of slab and movement magnitudes can be significantly influenced by landscaping maintenance, water line leaks, and trees present before and after construction. The Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) method incorporates numerous design assumptions associated with the derivation of required variables needed to determine the soil design criteria. The PTI design also assumes that the site possesses positive drainage directed away from the structure and that the slab perimeter moisture regime will be uniformly maintained during the useful life-cycle of the post-tensioned slab. Table 1. Recommended PVM and PTI Slab Design Parameters Boring Center Lift Condition Edge Lift Condition PVM from Edge Moisture Estimated Edge Moisture Estimated TxDOT Variation Differential Variation Differential Dry Distance em, ft Movement ym, in Distance em, ft Movement ym, in B-1 and B-2 1-1/2* 4.6 1.5 5.2 1.0 "on the order of Exterior grade and interior stiffener beams may be proportioned using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for beams placed in undisturbed natural soils. Exterior grade and interior stiffener beams may be proportioned using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf) for beams placed in properly compacted and monitored fill. We recommend that a field quality assurance soil testing laboratory/inspector observe the grade beam excavations prior to placing concrete. The foundation BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 22 bearing area should be level or suitably benched. It should be free of loose soil, ponded water and debris prior to the inspection. The PTI design parameters provided in Table 1 are based upon climatic fluctuations in the moisture conditions around the slab. More severe conditions such as ponded water standing around the slab and/or the presence of vegetation planted near the perimeter of the foundation are not considered in the above design parameters. Movement magnitudes approaching the PVM values in Table 1 are possible if severe drainage conditions, ponded water, or plumbing leaks are occur. As a result, the above PTI design parameters are contingent upon positive drainage and vegetation planted at least the mature height of the vegetation away from the slab perimeter and properly compacted fills placed beneath and around the slab perimeter. I. EARTHWORK GUIDELINES I. Site Grading Any future cut and fill operations should be supervised by a qualified testing laboratory. A set of general guidelines for additions! earthwork required at this site are provided in Appendix 1 — Guidelines for the Placement of Controlled Earthwork of this report. Deep fill sections, other than minor fills produced during slab leveling of less than 6 inches, that will support the grade beams, should extend a minimum of 3 feet beyond the building line and then slope to natural grade on as fiat a slope as practical or the fill section should be retained by a properly designed retaining wall. Generally, a maximum slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical is recommended. BCI should be contacted to provide additional recommendations if any slopes greater than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical or over 4 feet are planned within the project site so that slope stability analyses can be performed, if deemed necessary based upon the project specifics and upon written notification of the project structural engineer after final grading and design have been performed. If soft or compressible zones are identified during site grading and construction, or if obvious uncontrolled fill materials are noted between the boring locations within BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 23 the building pad areas, then these areas should be over-excavated and replaced with properly compacted on-site fill or select fill. II. Surface Drainage Proper consideration to surface drainage is essential to the performance of a monolithic slab-on-grade. The overall grading must provide for positive drainage away from the structure. All grades must be adjusted to provide positive drainage away from the structure. As a minimum, all grades and swales shall be constructed to meet FHA minimum standards. It is recommended that slopes of about 2 to 3 percent be maintained a reasonable distance away from the perimeter of the structures to ensure that positive drainage is provided around the structures. The drainage swales and grades should be maintained for the life of the structure by the homeowner. Water permitted to pond next to the structures can result in soil movements that exceed those indicated in this report. Roof drains should divert water well away from the structure. Sidewalks and other concrete flatwork may also be subject to movement. Flat grades should be avoided particularly adjacent to the slab-on-grade foundation. Areas around sidewalks or drives should be graded to prevent trapping and holding water adjacent to these facilities or the residential foundation systems. III. Compaction Recommendations Compaction requirements for the various material types may be summarized in Table 2. BC! Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 24 Table 2. Compaction Recommendations for Various Materials Material Type Areas for Use Compaction to Recommended ASTM D698 at (x) of Thickness Optimum Moisture (in) as required Imported Fill Building Pad 95% at (0 to +5)%* for grade modification as required for On-site Fill Outside Building 95% at (-2 to +3)% grade _ Pad modification In-situ Soil Beneath all fill 95% at (0 to +5)% 6 inches Subgrade and pavements minimum */f fill depths exceeds three feet in depth underneath the building pad, BCI recommends a minimum compaction effort of 98% of the maximum dry density according to ASTM D-698. BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 25 J. LIMITATIONS AND REPRODUCTIONS This geotechnical/geophysical Report is based on information supplied by the owner and/or others, and a visual survey of the elements exposed to Bryant Consultants, Inc. at the time of the field investigation. Bryant Consultants, Inc. will not be responsible for 1) knowledge of subsurface conditions substantially away from the borings and profiles 2) knowledge of cracks, or differential displacements that have occurred in a floor slab or flatwork without removing the floor covering and 3) any other element such as joists or beams and other structural members that are not readily visible by us. The boring and GMMIR profile locations were approximately determined by tape measurements from existing physical features. The locations and elevations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used. Geophysical inverse methods are subject to errors and interpretation away from the profile line. Environmental errors may result in in-exact data which will provide some variation in the theoretical resistivity models after inversions of the same data sets. Non-uniqueness of the inverted data also may produce similar resistivity structure models using different raw data sets. Use of resistivity coupled with control information from borings including true resistivity measurements of the soil samples, identification of stratigraphic boundaries and the presence of groundwater greatly enhance the electrical resistivity tool. The conclusions and visual observations of this report are based in part upon the data obtained in the borings and upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those observed. Any latent distress in areas not exposed cannot be anticipated without further destructive and/or intrusive testing. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by soil samples, test borings, or test pits. BCI further assumes that the conclusions drawn from this information are based in part on information gathered by others. Fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperatures, and other factors not present at the time the measurements were made. Samples obtained during the field operations will be retained 30 days after the issue date on the report. After this period, we will discard the samples unless otherwise notified by the owner in writing before the end of this period. The observations, discussions, recommendations and conclusions in this report are based solely on the geotechnical and geophysical explorations. If any additional information becomes available, then BCI reserves the right to evaluate the impact of this information on our opinions and conclusions and to revise our opinions and conclusions if necessary and warranted after review of the new information. The observed conditions are subject to change with the passage of time. This report does not constitute a guarantee or warranty as to future life, performance, need for repair or suitability for any other purpose at this site but as an evaluation only and that design and implementation of any repairs are responsibilities of others. Silence in this report regarding any environmental issues should not be a tacit assumption that the potential for environmental issues does not exist. Any environmental evaluation or investigation was beyond the scope of this report and should be performed by others, if warranted. This investigation was performed by Bryant Consultants, Inc. and the engineer in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. Unless otherwise indicated, this geotechnical report was prepared exclusively for Mr. Steve Glass. and expressly for purposes indicated by for Mr. Steve Glass. Permission for use by any other persons for any purpose, or by Mr. Steve Glass for a different purpose must be provided by Bryant Consultants, Inc. in writing. Any use made of this investigation and/or the conclusions and recommendations contained herein and any reliance thereon shall be specifically subject to the following limitation of liability: In recognition of the relative risk and benefits of the project to user and BCI, the risks have been allocated such that user agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of BCI to user for any and all claims, losses, costs, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, including attorney's fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs, so that the total aggregate liability of the BCI to user shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($2_500.00) unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing. It is intended that this limitation apply to any and all liability or causes of action however alleged or arising, unless otherwise prohibited by law. For the purpose of this provision, BCI shall include the officers, directors, shareholders, partners, agents, servants and employees of BCI. This limitation is applicable to BCI's negligence or other fault in whole or in part. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other than the owner, should indicate that this study was made for foundation design purposes only and that verification of the subsurface conditions for purposes of determining difficulty of excavation, traffic ability, etc., are responsibilities of others. Slope stability analyses are beyond BCI Project 04-089 Proposed Glass Residence Page 26 the scope of this project. These services may be performed at an additional cost upon your written request. Should you have any questions pertaining to any aspect of this report, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call on us. 801 Project 04-089 _5_ r Elizabeth Road S oi ill Lot 6 R1 1 , Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 8 0 0 B-2 i CC ,_ I C) 0 Q S S a a a S Drainage Ditch NORTH GMMIR Profile and Boring Location Plan Note: Boring and GMMIR Profile locations are approximate. SCALE. —70 Bryant Consultants,Inc. 13 2033 Chenault Dr. figure 1 Suite 150 project. 9221 Elizabeth Road Carrollton,Texas 75001 job no. 04-089 R Y A N T Ph. (972)713-9109 Houston, Texas FAX(972)713-9171 by SMA insp. 3/17/04 w lizabeth Road 0 Lots Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 7 Lot 8 0 0 0 • 0 9 • „, • • R • Drainage Ditch NORTH Tree Survey Note: Tree locations are approximate. SCALE: 1 =70' Bryant Consultants,Inc. 2033 Chenault Dr. figure 2 Suite 150 project. 9221 Elizabeth Road Carrollton,Texas 75001 job no. 04-089 R Y A N T Ph. (972)713-9109 Houston, Texas FAX(972)713-9171 by SMA insp. 5/17/04 vawidsv i I I. 1. • , = ^ - ..,.. "'1.7,h;i , •,4=, .. , . , ,.. r, , • .• • . ?'1 d ,. .,`:, .3e ... , „.. ,- ' : . • - f . ,-.`, .*. - . r-.,' " ' -,..-- .; . '' - -1-—4^.-,'• '.^_=.; 7.! ' ' • 1 11,"'' ' '-, ; 4.P. 1,1""--..".,hf''.'''';'''''''.. .4';. . :, v-. _ ...:::.. ...;.-P...• ,...:::!,. . „ .:,,,. ,.. ,- -, ,:-..- - - t,' ,,,5.4, -,, ,' , 4, ,' .-, ',-...,• . ',,- - , at. _ ... ' "c 1'1 ..4■. ,. CI .• '''' L, r.,......tr - _, lf....ft.,,,f,:z.:4' ":.S;i^: A":. ,,h '' ..' Alt ■....',,''P'..11:,5,, 41..4-t-':., i..■•• .'..'.' '‘-'4 v..,"^--- 7.. -:---::-.- — ,s,,' % 1.' ,.. i ,- , .. `—., ,- ..x.,.:-., - 444:,..^.^. .4,, :_.4. „_4..:, -.- , 4 ,,,- - -- - ' ''','-'"c.-.1 . - 44 ■ ■ '- . .:4.:'4- - , . - >, . . ,...:.,,: ,,4^^^ ^,-;;^ ..- ':".-.':'$:, il, "t, '',..=' -'1',. -'■,1 . .;••:.•:7A,t, .:••. 4 , ,, I . 4. 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''''''' ""'" tr., 0 '5 ''•" 3: P 0 E I 0 .rz q•• iii,.6 i‘< - i-- 1.1i-- - 4= 0 — 0 o A./ <-2 i Depth 8 al LI P. i-= -5 z 2> c., C : DESCRIPTION • E -,,.., r.;0 (11 .... 2 0 25 CT It a. ...____ 0 Stiff Olive Black,Brownish Black to Dusky 17 106 30 16 14 48 3,45 1.0 18,8 1008 113.P ..I- Yellowish Brown CLAYEY SAND with occasional 2 •.,..- -. ,,iron are nodules and roots. 1 2,5 18 • 108 35 16 19 78.4 17,3 3,50 225 2610 1 15.0 3 :„ii,:iit i.. Very Stiff Dark Yellowish Brown,Brownish Gray A -;,-.:,..•::::: to Dark Yellowish Brown LEAN CLAY with sand, 16 -i 3,75 12.6 ' Oitlit A occasional iron ore nodules,black inclusions and 13 30 1,8 12 146 4.5+ 5 04 kroots. 47-1 13 4,5+ 6 itit4 • Stiff to Hard Pale Yellowish Brown,Yellowish Gray 7,40.4 to Dark Yellowish Brown LEAN CLAY with sand, 17 3.36 1,25 12.2 ,„..•-.4.ifg occasional to few calcareous&iron ore nodules 20 1101 1,25 1943 15,0 8' 10 and black inclusions. itli*l 18 29 16 13 74.0 18,1 3,50 2.5 9.6 9 i taiit 21 1.0 I1 12:r/ h. 13'77/1 Hard Yellowish Gray,Pinkish Gray to Grayish . .,, i • 1417 mg Orange SANDY LEAN CLAY occasional iron ore 15 118 33 16 17 88.8 18.8 3451 4.5+ 12.6 3992 15.0 t /5---,•,- i Wit nodules and iron staining. ' I / Ii $ 16 y , A ▪; '17-,./ ' i Pr I ' -7,-; ,i 1 1 18 64 1,s. ' t, .4 n• 19 .0.16i,t iiis ,t.c? 20 141 .11.11 " 16 115 , 1 i 168 43+ 10,7 1689 10.8 Driller log described stratum as Flowmg Sand . I 1 • 1 Recovery of soil sample not possible. il .4-1 --i 22- I 1 1 I til 1 , i I 1 24 s ,,___,,I i - I 1*N=13 - X11 i I i,i .>5_../ ...–...... .=P -- -1 1 ! 21-'- 1 "X T-1 ol. ,..., "I 29--f I .:....i 30 la 31-1 if 1" '2.--i a: '- i 0 33-1 1 1 ! I 1 i 1 i s-- —4 •-..----,-----..--..---,-- — I I . !;-.. -I Borino Scneduled to and 1 erminated at 35 Feet. . 36---1 Note:Water seepage encountered at 17 feet dunno 371 drilling operations. Bore hole caved 10 at 17 feet Figure 4 I : ---. _ .................... ___...... .„- —..........,...„ ,.....,..... . — -, ....„... .1 Bryant Consultants, Inc. LOG OF BORING B-2 i Dallas, TX I, 1 i . ..._ Residerice at + Date Drilled ,3/1712904 •N.Stamford Penetration Test 9221 Elizabeth Road Ground Eievation ,Existing Grade -I.Modifier.,Cone Penetration Test L. Houston,Texas 77055 riesng To NA I i BC1-04.089 Driiiing method Cont.Flight Auger I Joe Glass i r I I i 1 -,,r, 0 re I 2".` g c„ 0 0 --c," 01 - 3:',,.,,,,,,,, "6 t. .:,s, ,4 i 0 0 .,..j et 1 t.' . g. 73 DESCRIPTION R zs--' ::::1 —I :.— c:A an i '0 'L'.. 0- 12 m co o o I Lo co .'-';'. L.J-0 I L o.. 2 _ 0,.. i- — o) u_ . 5 a I °Li..1 0_ 1 1,-•:, ' Grayish Orange SAND(FILL). 1,75 1750 Very Stiff Dark Yellowish Brown,Brownish Gray 21: 1(14 32 1 15 17 68 48 3, 2.5 11.8 2- iiii to Dark Yellowish Brown SANDY LEAN CLAY with 3 ,4 . \occasional iron ore nodules and rootlets, Stiff Light Olive Gray.Yellowish 15 Very Stiff to Hard Mohr Olive ray.Yellowish Gray 15 115 2.75 34 18 18 66.5 18.0 3,46 4.5+ 12.9 3459 6.0 ,to Pale Yellowish Brown SANDY LEAN CLAY with 11 1 ,4.25 ;r0 occasional iron ore nodules and black inclusions. if 12 25 i 15 10 69,3 16.4 3,4914,5+ g , 6.k•' ' '410,„ Stiff to Hard Yellowish Gray,Light Olive Gray to 14 1175 16.6 " 7 ;,,Af..:- Grayish Orange SANDY LEAN CLAY with I ' ,411 -Orange 1 ° , 8 Xit.-1 tOccasional to few ca careous&iron ore nodules 17 3,47 3.0 land black inclusions. / 18 114 1 779 19.7 2.25 107 2879 14.9 Very Stiff Grayish Orange,Light Gray to Dark 17 34 17 17 3A61 2.5 1 Yellowish Orange LEAN CLAY with sand, I 1 ti 11_ ,,,t,-;,,,, 1 occasional iron ore nodules and iron staining. ,/ :21 12 , ! 1 i 1 1 i i t.I "/ Stiff I 1 Stiff to Very Stiff Yellowish Gray,Light Gray to 1 I 1 -4-i 1 4 y 1111 1 Grayish Orange SANDY LEAN CLAY with 19 114 1 1348 1.5 7,9 1199 14.9 t i 15--i t 11111. 'occasional iron ore nodules and iron staining. I , 1 i , 1 $ 7 /1 is 1 --t,.., 3 1 I 1 , , 1 /71 th 18---v 1 E 19-4 ;mai / i i 1 19 112 28 17 I 11 54, 3434.251 11.7 3297 1 9,5 at V 16 - ii '7 -:-.?„.,„.-,.-' ---- I I 1 1 , a` Moderate Yellowish Brown,Yellowish Gray to A 1 Grayish Orange SANDY LEAN CLAY with i I I, Occasional iron ore nodules arid iron staining 1 i egir,t. f\---71, ..,,_,,.., `---P!.. it i , IN—,.-U 26 28 19 1 9 63 I gi25 ',- ' ' ' 2 6 and _ Boring Scheduled to and Terminated at 25 reet, I 27 1 .,-....-I i Note:- Seepage water encountered at 22 feet during drilling_ Water level was approximately 22 feet after 2 hours arid boring caved at 21 feet at „ i _-_- i ,--- completion. 711 V . ,c4 i -1 ....4.1 ,r)__ 5 .-,.. -J .. 33-1 ',,1 II 41 35-' ;7 i 36---' F.igiare 5 i • • F.....„. ...�........-..... «. ...-..- .�.. ..�. - Q , co J co i N 1 — co N ga a N cn j N (J N 0 1 4.__ 0 — Q L N a C CO 2 C 0 L N- N t CO CC1 Q o o f - -- - -- — n 1 CO - N 2 L I A . ._ i a) I i N I 1 I Q Q Lf) O in Q In Q CO N N , N- % luewoo aanispoAi 1 • i I 00 N I 9 i CO 1 N N I N N CO CD O Li= 1 N C- m m _� - CO I � I 1 a c N 1 O c LL � € I t CO A 2 4 - N I __ I I - 1 O O In O If) O O O to O In C) L6 4 't7' CO CO N N e--- O O 1S4 `aa1.OWO,i4eUOd pueH i M ICO N 1 s Co N N _ N N co O N N I____ cis 0:5µ- i IN Ili 2 N CO gr- c 1 f 1 IIM 1 O 1.1 , .4_ I F i I iii,,H) _ co I I , 1pppr cc, I t j - N i - t I O O d) co N- co 10 co N r O d' Cl) CO CO Cl i c- CO CO Cl) Cl) Cl) Ad `uo!1anS I!0S Ielol i C w CC N 1 I co iN P N I 1111111h. N N1 EWE N N 1 O 11 I CO I T- a. i C a., 1: : >.% 1 Q .- I-- 'MI ,, o _I 1 — — N r 1.1). L___ 0) 1 11- - CO I 110 - CC) ; joiiiiiko I Orj.° - N f i I 1 I I , I I 1 O O CO CO 'ct N O N d" (0 CO O e- O O O O O O O O O �- I I I I I XapuI ATIP!nb!1 FIGURE 10. SWELL TEST RESULTS BCI Project Number 04-089 PRE-SWELL FINAL PERCENT BORING DEPTH ATTERBERG LIMITS MOISTURE MOISTURE LOAD VERTICAL NUMBER _ (ft) LL PL f PI CONTENT CONTENT (psf) SWELL B-1 4.-5 30 18 12 12.9 13.7 562.5 0.10 B-1 8.-9 29 16 13 17.2 17.7 1062.5 -0.29 B-1 14-15 33 16 17 15.1 16.0 1812.5 -0.15 B-2 3.-4 34 _ 18 16 14.9 15.9 437.5 0.30 B-2 5.-6 25 15 10 11.7 12.5 687.5 -0.20 B-2 9.-10 34 17 17 16.9 17.4 1187.5 -0.10 Average -0.06 Min -0.29 Max 0.30 Std. Dev. 0.22 PROCEDURE 1. SAMPLE PLACED IN CONFINING RING, DESIGN LOAD (INCLUDING OVERBURDEN) APPLIED, FREE WATER WITE SURFACTANT MADE AVAILABLE, AND SAMPLE ALLOWED TO SWELL COMPLETELY. 2. LOAD REMOVED AND FINAL MOISTURE CONTENT DETERMINED. I ! ii i Figure 11. GMMIR Profiles, Proposed Glass Residence DGI Project 04-089 Survey Date: 3/17/04 500.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 '2 50.0 39.0 `® � Y i 1— 33.0 -2— ��' _ 30.0 Id -3 _ '27.0 Z' . .�24.0 Q c] 5_ ! i j 1 8.0 it ti i i 15.0 -6-- — 12.0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 9.0 a> Profile R1. East to West direction across the Lot. 7.5 w 6.0 4.5 3.0 2.3 1.5 0.0 Notes: 1. Data at lower corners is interpolated. 2. Structure,Boring and Vegetation positions are approximate. 3. Patent Process,All Rights Reserved. US Patent S/N 6,295,512. L 1 . • Y ... ,...., „, ,...4'. . . ',, .#7'- ,,,,y. 1,l � li t i r 9 • ee d ,°t Ftf It v s ` z t, r , '1 h A 1t Y � „, ' t ,�4 r-;..ry i y ] t S 1 ., �- 6 4 1 d 8 Ctt ,y3 1'. „ t•,j 'I0, 4;- jk 0.` ti 7 ;tV-2,..,":,-;: L . :-• 4 4 i 1 1 ,� C.. Nth !/.r �ti,° � '•:•.:•.. 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Figure 12: Photographic Survey of Proposed Glass Residence CD CD d CO N r c 0 CO 000000) 6) Cl.) r,-._____ ERWIMI 00 Q oo00000) > ..: N N N N N r- Q 11 : i AON ! o 1.00 L a i 1 Ides _ 6ny O - N , o I - , i as +r 1 k - aunt CU CI it / - ic e w re 1 Ws , adV M N L s (s;,,; = aeW a) gad uer o LO o LCD o N N r- T- (u!) lleju!ej O O 1 r— I 1 I I II ti I O 1 I ■ CD I , • ICD L. 4—0 £� U) 0 pi-.1,..4s r r a �vp � e€rte 1 c� i z a Q I 0 Oz ,t W 4 l , , j S / hem I t • 0 i L , i 1 , , 1 ° oO ° O° ° ° O p ,1- V co � 10 p Lo O p (NJ N O p O O O 01re�j P!0A APPENDIX 1 - GUIDELINES FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTHWORK at GLASS RESIDENCE HOUSTON, TEXAS PREPARATION OF SITE This item shall consist of guidelines for the preparation of the site for construction operations by the removal and disposal of all obstructions that would impede the steady and continual progression of work at this site as described in the following paragraphs. Such obstructions shall be considered to include all abandoned structures, foundations, water wells, septic tanks, fences and all other trash and debris that have been placed on the site. It is the intent of this guideline to provide for the removal and disposal of all obstructions not specifically provided for elsewhere by the plans and guidelines. CLEARING OF AREAS TO BE FILLED All trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, rubbish and other objectionable matter shall be removed and acceptably disposed of. Any depressions or low areas resulting from the removal of the above items or any soft spots encountered during the site preparation should be backfilled with approved material and compacted in accordance with the grading recommendations given below. All these roots of the removed trees should be removed in the building pad are to a depth of at least 2 feet below final beam depth. All vegetation shall be stripped from proposed fill areas and exposed soil surfaces shall be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches. If fill must be constructed where the slope of the existing ground exceeds 4H:1 V, the existing ground surface should be benched with a series of horizontal terraces prior to fill placement. The benches should extend through any uncontrolled fills, or loose surface materials into hard natural ground. The fill should be placed and compacted with the compaction equipment working perpendicular to the fall line of the slope. Filling should start at the lowest portion of the slope and progress upward. Appendix I Page 2 It is the intent of this guideline to provide a loose surface with no uneven features which would tend to prevent or impend uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. COMPACTING AREAS TO BE FILLED After the foundation subgrade for the fill has been cleared and scarified, it shall be disked or bladed until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content, and compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry density according to ASTM D-698 and as specified for on-site fill in Table 2. FILL MATERIALS Materials for fill shall consist of soils confined with the limits of the proposed development area, or imported soil similar to those present in the area. The soil shall be free from vegetation, roots, trash and other deleterious matter. Any imported fill materials should have a liquid limit less than 35%, plasticity index less than 18%, and percent clay less than 30%. Where fill materials contain rock fragments, the maximum size acceptable shall be four (4) inches. No rocks will be permitted within twelve (12) inches of the finished grade. It is the intent of this guideline that the rock fragments be mixed with sufficient soil binder and smaller rock fragments to allow for proper compaction and to prevent voids in the fill. If off-site borrow materials are used, we recommend that these materials are similar to those present in this area. DEPTH AND MIXING OF FILL LAYERS The fill materials should be placed in level, uniform layers which, when compacted, shall have a moisture and density conforming to the stipulations called for herein. Each layer shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to insure the uniformity of each layer. The normal compacted layer thickness shall not exceed nine (9) inches. MOISTURE CONTENT Prior to and in conjunction with the compaction operations, the moisture content of each layer and the subgrade shall be adjusted to be not less than the optimum determined by ASTM D-698. Where significant rock size particles (4 inch Appendix I Page 3 maximum size) exist in the fill, some deviation from the recommended moisture contents may be allowed by the field quality assurance soil testing laboratory/inspector. The graded building pads should be kept moist and not allowed to dry below the optimum moisture according to ASTM D 698 during the intervening period between the completion of the pad and the construction of the concrete slabs-on- grades. AMOUNT OF COMPACTION After each lift (layer) has been properly placed, mixed and spread, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-698. In any area where fill heights exceed three (3) feet, compaction of layers below this depth shall be to a minimum density of ninety-five (98) percent of maximum dry Proctor density as determined by ASTM D-698. COMPACTION OF FILL LAYERS Compaction equipment shall be of such design it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Compaction of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area. SUPERVISION AND DENSITY TESTS All fill shall be placed under the supervision of qualified technicians working under the direction of the project geotechnical engineer. Field density and moisture content determinations shall be made on each lift of fill with the number of tests on each lift to be determined by the field technician and the field quality assurance soil testing laboratory/inspector. Low fills, less than three (3) feet, may be controlled with periodic visits to the site to perform tests on each lift of fill. Deeper fill sections will require full time supervision. Appendix I Page 4 REPORT Upon completion of the various fill sections, the project soils engineer shall provide copies of all field tests and a statement that the fill was placed in general agreement with the guidelines.