HomeMy WebLinkAbout11062003 BSC Agenda Item 3 { • r a est k versity Place V of Building & Standards Commission O Recycled Paper 4 Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD /� Meeting Minutes October 2nd, 2003 MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp, and Darryl Friday and Muddy McDaniel. MEMBERS ABSENT: James T. Collier,Jorge Jimenez-Marcos and Patrick O'Donnell. COUNCIL LIASION: (None) STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga, and Dennis Mack. 1. Call to Order. With a quorum,present James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None. 4. Designation of voting members. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting schedule that Darryl Friday is the voting member for the meeting. 5. Meeting Minutes. Les Albin made a motion first to approve meeting minutes as amended from the September 4th, 2003 BSC meeting. Darryl Friday seconds the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp, and Darryl Friday. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Motion passed. Minutes approved. 6. Fences. James McDaniel asked BSC if they approved of the final draft. Les Albin stated that limiting the fence height to four feet would be unpopular. Darryl Friday stated that the fence height regulations came from the fire department. Darryl Friday added that safety was the main concern in regards to the fence height. The 4' foot fence would allow the fire department to get a ladder to the second story building. Dennis Mack stated that the 4'four foot fence height was to help with the light, ventilation and air. Dennis Mack stated that this would not generate a public hearing but BSC could request one. James McDaniel stated that the only issue at this point was to send it to council. Dennis Mack will send a letter to City Council. Darryl Friday motioned first to send it to city council with a recommendation that they adopt it. David Kehn seconds the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp and Darryl Friday. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Motion to send to City Council and recommend that they adopt it. 7. Framing Requirements. James McDaniel stated that framing has been discussed and several items have been pointed out and James McDaniel stated if BSC should codify this? Dennis Mack stated that this comes up often on residents who are doing major remodels. Les Albin added that when using double 2X4's it gives you a couple more inches to play with. Les Albin stated again that double 2X4's are equal to 2X6's. David Kehn stated that if you had support from the structural engineer and he would sign off would that qualify? Dennis Mack stated that if an engineer can convince me and prove that it is structurally sound according to code then I don't have a problem with it. Les Albin discussed stud spacing and framing drawings. Dennis Mack stated that all framing needed to signed and sealed by a professional engineer. James McDaniel summarized what BSC had discussed. 1.)All framing to be sealed. 2.)Minimum stud spacing=16" 3.) Paired 2X4's = 2x6's 4.) In line blocking 4' c/c max. Les Albin agreed with the four items listed. James 3800 University Boulevard•Houston,Texas 77005• 713/668-4441 r • • Building and Standards Commission Minutes ' October 2nd,2003 Page 2 of 3 McDaniel stated what would this entail? Dennis Mack stated that he could write this in the Standard Code Schedule and to bring it back to BSC for review. 8. Fire Rated and Rot Resistant Materials. James McDaniel stated that fire rated and rot resistant materials have been discussed for two meeting already and wanted to know if there where any additional comments or suggestions on the topic. Les Albin stated that the reason for the rot resistant material is to save the homeowner money and it would not be a great expense in the long run. Darryl Friday stated that at least six different places are affected due to possible rot. Such as window moldings, door- frames and the exterior of the building. David Kehn stated that it would be difficult to cover every item that would be considered rot resistant. Bryant Slimp agreed that he had to have his windows replaced. Treated materials where not used and caused extensive damage. Dennis Mack stated that we could add this in the Standard Code Schedule. That the city in an area that is subject to rot and they will have to comply. Dennis Mack stated that he could have the city attorney draft something up and add it to the Standard Code Schedule. 9. Staff Comments and Status Reports. None. 10. Commission Member Comments. Les Albin stated that he would like to be advised of the current changes that are going on. Especially the administrative changes. Dennis Mack did indicate that we are currently getting the contractor e-mail address and will forward any updated and new changes. 11. Adjournment. Bryant Slimp motioned first to adjourn. AYES: James McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp and Darryl Friday. NOES:None. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2003. Bryant Slimp, Chairman ATTEST: Ms.Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary