HomeMy WebLinkAbout09042003 BSC Agenda Item 5 • •
City of West University Place
A Neighborhood City
C Recycled Paper Building & Standards Commission
Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room
Meeting Minutes
August 7th, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, David Kehn (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), Les Albin (arrived
at 6:03 p.m.) Bryant Slimp, Darryl Friday, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos,
Muddy McDaniel and Patrick O'Donnell
MEMBERS ABSENT: James T. Collier D�
STAFF PRESENT: Annette Arriaga and Dennis Mack 7'
1. Call to Order. With a quorum, present James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None.
3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None.
4. Designation of voting members. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting schedule that
Muddy McDaniel, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos and Darryl Friday are the voting members for the
5. Meeting Minutes. Bryant Slimp made a motion first to approve meeting minutes as amended
from the July 1st 2003 BSC meeting. Muddy McDaniel seconds the motion. AYES: James
McDaniel, Les Albin, David Kehn, Bryant Slimp and Muddy McDaniel. NOES: None.
ABSTAIN: Motion passed minutes approved.
6. Variance Request. Paul Titterington with Mc Casey and Associates stated that he is requesting a
variance for Kevin and Sabrina Lewis at 6632 Sewanee Street. Paul Titterington stated that the
existing structure at 6632 Sewanee Street has two 2X4's studs at 16"on center and will support a
new third floor area with out additional modification. Paul Titterington also stated that he has
information from the engineer supporting this information. Dennis Mack questioned if there was
verification on the 2X4's? Les Albin questioned if 5 8's sheetrock was through out the house?
James McDaniel asked if there was a plan in place? David Kehn asked Dennis Mack if verification
can be determined on the sheetrock? Dennis Mack stated that they you could pull the sheet rock
back and find the marking on the back. Les Albin stated that if it's 5 8's then it would be type X.
Darryl Friday stated if had an exit, egress windows or any structural calculations?Les Albin stated
that to make sure first those questions would need to be addressed. Dennis Mack stated that two
2X4's joined together do not satisfy code. Dennis Mack also added that we hadn't checked for any
framed area issues. James McDaniel stated that the issues that the issues that BSC are concerned
with is 1.)two 2X4's 2.)the verification of the sheetrock 3.)third floor egress windows, safety and
protection and exit from the third floor. 4.) also, conforms to the 80% rule. Les Albin added that
double 2X4's are satisfactory. It is general common practice in Houston and Bellaire. In West
University Place it is not. Les Albin doesn't think that the code currently is reasonable. Les Albin
stated that in our code we should allow double 2X4's in lieu of 4X3's. This would apply to both
new residences and remodel. James McDaniel asked Paul Titterington, what he was asking for on
the variance?Paul Titterington stated that he is only asking for double 2X4's and not a to finish out
3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org
Building and Standards Commis.Minutes •
August 7th,2003
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a third floor. James McDaniel stated that if BSC approves the variance that it does not mean that
BSC is granting the third Odor. David Kehn stated that BSC should clear up and spell the terms out
so, it will eliminate the number of applicants coming before the board on this same particular issue.
David Kehn added that BSC need's to make an exception to the code. Dennis Mack added that as
long as we make sure that the structure is structurally sound. Patrick O'Donnell stated that we
should allow this for new residences but not for remodels. James McDaniel added that if we require
it then we should require it from both new homes and remodel homes. We would have to make it
expectable in both cases. Les Albin stated that double 2X4's are going to work. Until four years
ago, practically speaking it was expectable and it was common. Darryl Friday stated that he did not
think it was a good idea and stated that there needed to be more information and study done to
support his request. Darryl Friday also, stated that there needed to be more documentation. James
McDaniel stated that there was a motion of the floor to make a change to the code. Les Albin
moved to grant the variance to permit double 2X4's in lieu of 3X4's or 2X6's. Muddy McDaniel
second the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp and Muddy
McDaniel.NOES: None.ABSTAIN: Motion passed variance granted.
7. Variance Request. Applicant Mr. Gregory S. and Angela M. Ethier where not present. No
motion made.
8. Fences. Dennis Mack stated that he is still waiting to hear from city attorney about the final fence
draft. Jim Dougherty should be getting back with all the necessary information and he is looking
for the correct wording, and to word in such a way that it will satisfy all of the goals BSC is
looking at accomplishing. James McDaniel asked BSC again if everyone agreed with the final
fence draft. BSC agreed on the final fence draft. James McDaniel asked about the survey that BSC
would be requiring. Dennis Mack stated that he is still waiting to see what Jim Dougherty states on
the final draft. James McDaniel stated that fences would be put back on next months' agenda.
9. Rot Resistant Materials.Les Albin discussed the information that was given to BSC as a handout
regarding rot resistant materials. Les Albin indicated that this was a place to start to give everyone
a general idea. Muddy McDaniel asked for Les Albin to go over some of the items for clarification.
Les Albin stated that there isn't anything currently in our code. If rot resistant materials where used
then it would be designed to cause the home less maintenance. Patrick O'Donnell agreed that it
would build a better home but why would we require it? Darryl Friday also asked about the cost
factor. Les Albin stated that he didn't have information on the cost factor currently but he could
come up with some sort of range. James McDaniel added that maybe a general or marginal cost.
James McDaniel also stated that it would probably not be a significant increase. David Kehn added
that the IHS on rot resistant materials shows information on rot resistant materials. Typically it will
show if it is pressure treated and what is not pressure treated. Bryant Slimp stated that the AWPA
references codes on treated products such as lumber. They go threw extensive testing such as rot,
fungus, mold, termites, etc. Patrick O'Donnell stated that BSC could set up some guidelines. Les
Albin stated that you wouldn't have to change the design at all. It would be during the process of
ordering the products. Les Albin stated that the market prices are set by the market and not by the
products or the builder. Les Albin stated James McDaniel stated and agreed that it wouldn't make a
big difference.
10. Staff Comments and Status Reports. None.
11. Commission Member Comments.
• Bryant Slimp stated that he could not believe, that there is a sworn statement by an engineer,
stamped and signed on a document that he did not verify.
• Darryl Friday stated and asked,what happens when you know people who aren't ethical?
• Dennis Mack had no comment.
• James McDaniel stated that 2x4's would be put on next month's agenda for general discussion.
Building and Standards Commis*Minutes •
August 7th,2003
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12. Adjournment. Muddy McDaniel moved first to adjourn. Bryant Slimp seconds the motion.
AYES: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Les Albin, Bryant Slimp and Muddy McDaniel. NOES:
None. Motion passed.Meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
James McDaniel, Chairman
Ms. Annette R.Arriaga Development Services Secretary