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R321.2.3 8323.1 • • BUILDING PLANNING
lower roof to the underside of the higher roof deck shall R321.3.1.2 Penetration firestop system. Penetrations
not have less than a 1-hour fire-resistive rating. The shall be protected by an approved penetration firestop sys-
wall shall be rated for exposure from both sides. tern installed as tested in accordance with ASTM E 814,
R321.2.3 Parapet construction. Parapets shall have the with a minimum positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch
same fire-resistance rating as that required for the supporting of water(3 Pa)and shall have an F rating of not less than
wall or walls. On any side adjacent to a roof surface, the the required fire-resistance rating of the wall or floor/ceil-
parapet shall have noncombustible faces for the uppermost ing assembly penetrated.
18 inches(457 mm),to include counterflashing and coping R321.3.2 Membrane penetrations. Membrane penetra-
materials.Where the roof slopes toward a parapet at slopes tions shall comply with Section R321.3.1.Where walls are
greater than two units vertical in 12 units horizontal required to have a minimum 1-hour fire-resistance rating,
(16.7-percent slope), the parapet shall extend to the recessed light fixtures shall be so installed such that the
same height as any portion of the roof within a distance of required fire resistance will not be reduced.
3 feet(914 mm),but in no case shall the height be less than Exceptions:
30 inches(762 mm).
1. Steel electrical boxes that do not exceed 16 square
R321.2.4 Structural independence.Each individual town- inches(0.0103 m2)in area provided the total area of
house shall be structurally independent. such openings does not exceed 100 square inches
(0.0645 m2)for any 100 square feet(9.29 m2)of wall
Exceptions: area.Outlet boxes on opposite sides of the wall shall
1. Foundations supporting exterior walls or common be separated as follows:
walls. 1.1. By a horizontal distance of not less than
2. Structural roof and wall sheathing from each unit 24 inches,or
may fasten to the common wall framing. 1.2. By a horizontal distance of not less than the
3. Nonstructural wall coverings. depth of the wall cavity when the wall cavity is
4. Flashing at termination of roof covering over filled with cellulose loose-fill or mineral fiber
common wall. insulation,or
5. Townhouses separated by a common 2-hour fire- 1.3. By molded fire blocking in accordance with
resistance-rated wall as provided in Section R321.2. Section R602.8,or
R321.3 Rated penetrations.Penetrations of wall or floor/ceil-
ing assemblies required to be fire-resistance-rated in 2. Two-hour fire-resistance-rated nonmetallic electri-
accordance with Section R321.1 or R321.2 shall be protected in cal outlet boxes shall be installed in accordance with
accordance with this section. their listings.
3. The annular space created by the penetration of a fire
R321.3.1 Through penetrations.Through penetrations of sprinkler provided it is covered by a metal escutch-
fire-resistance-rated wall or floor assemblies shall comply eon plate.
with Section R321.3.1.1 or R321.3.1.2.
Exception:Where the penetrating items are steel,ferrous SECTION R322
or copper pipes or steel conduits,the annular space shall MOISTURE VAPOR RETARDERS
be permitted to be protected as follows: R322.1 Moisture control.In all framed walls,floors and roof/
1. In concrete or masonry wall or floor assemblies ceilings comprising elements of the building thermal envelope,
where the penetrating item is a maximum 6 inches a vapor retarder shall be installed on the warm-in-winter side of
(152 mm) nominal diameter and the opening is a the insulation.
maximum 144 square inches (92 900 mm2), con-
crete, grout or mortar shall be permitted where Exceptions:
installed to the full thickness of the wall or floor 1. In construction where moisture or freezing will not
assembly or the thickness required to maintain the damage the materials.
fire-resistance rating. 2. Where the framed cavity or space is ventilated to allow
2. The material used to fill the annular space shall pre- moisture to escape.
vent the passage of flame and hot gases sufficient to 3. In counties identified with footnote a in Table Ni 101.2.
ignite cotton waste where subjected to ASTM E 119
time temperature fire conditions under a minimum
positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch of water SECTION R323
(3 Pa)at the location of the penetration for the time PROTECTION AGAINST DECAY
period equivalent to the fire resistance rating of the R323.1 Location required.In areas subject to decay damage
construction penetrated.
as established by Figure R301.2(7), the following locations
R321.3.1.1 Fire-resistance-rated assembly. Penetra- shall require the use of an approved species and grade of lum-
tions shall be installed as tested in the approved fire- ber,pressure preservatively treated in accordance with AWPA
resistance-rated assembly. Cl,C2,C3,C4,C9,C15,C18,C22,C23,C24,C28,PI,P2 and
P3,or decay-resistant heartwood.of redwood,black locust,or R323.1.4 Wood columns.Wood columns shall be approved
cedars. wood of natural decay resistance or approved pressure pre-
1. Wood joists or the bottom of a wood structural floor when servatively treated wood.
closer than 18 inches (457 mm) or wood girders when Exception:Posts or columns supported by piers or metal
closer than 12 inches (305 mm) to exposed ground in pedestals projecting 1 inch(25.4 mm)above the floor or
crawl spaces or unexcavated area located within the finish grade and are separated therefrom by an approved
periphery of the building foundation. impervious moisture barrier.
2. All sills or plates that rest on concrete or masonry exterior R323.2 Quality mark. Lumber and plywood required to be
walls and are less than 8 inches(203 mm)from exposed pressure preservatively treated in accordance with Section
ground. R323.1 shall bear the quality mark of an approved inspection
3. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in agency that maintains continuing supervision, testing and
direct contact with the ground unless separated from such inspection over the quality of the product and that has been
slab by an impervious moisture barrier. approved by an accreditation body that complies with the
4. The ends of wood girders entering exterior masonry or requirements of the American Lumber Standard Committee
concrete walls having clearances of less than 0.5 inch treated wood program.
(12.7 mm)on tops, sides and ends. R323.2.1 Required information. The required quality
5. Wood siding,sheathing and wall framing on the exterior mark on each piece of pressure preservatively treated lumber
of a building having a clearance of less than 6 inches or plywood shall contain the following information:
(152 mm)from the ground. 1. Identification of the treating plant.
6. Wood structural members supporting moisture- 2. Type of preservative.
permeable floors or roofs that are exposed to the weather, ,3. The minimum preservative retention.
such as concrete or masonry slabs,unless separated from 4. End use for which the product was treated.
such floors or roofs by animpervious moisture barrier. 5. Standard to which the product was treated.
7. Wood furring strips or other wood framing members 6. Identity of the approved inspection agency.
attached directly to the interior of exterior masonry walls 7. The designation"Dry,"if applicable.
or concrete walls below grade except where an approved
vapor retarder is applied between the wall and the furring Exception: Quality marks on lumber less than 1 inch
strips or framing members. (25.4 mm)nominal thickness,or lumber less than nominal
1 inch by 5 inches(25.4 mm by 127 mm)or 2 inches by
R323.1.1 Ground contact. All wood in contact with the 4 inches (51 mm by 102 mm) or lumber 36 inches
ground and that supports permanent structures intended for (914 mm)or less in length shall be applied by stamping the
human occupancy shall be approved pressure preservatively faces of exterior pieces or by end labeling not less than 25
treated wood suitable for ground contact use, except un- percent of the pieces of a bundled unit.
treated wood may be used where entirely below groundwater
level or continuously submerged in fresh water. R323.3 Fasteners. Fasteners for pressure preservative and
fire-retardant-treated wood shall be of hot-dipped galvanized
R323.1.2 Geographical areas.In geographical areas where steel,stainless steel,silicon bronze or copper.
experience has demonstrated a specific need,approved natu- Exception: One-half-inch (12.7 mm) diameter or greater
rally durable or pressure preservatively treated wood shall be steel bolts.
used for those portions of wood members that form the
structural supports of buildings,balconies,porches or simi-
lar permanent building appurtenances when such members SECTION R324
are exposed to the weather without adequate protection from PROTECTION AGAINST TERMITES
a roof,eave,overhang or other covering that would prevent
moisture or water accumulation on the surface or at joints R324.1 Subterranean termite control.In areas favorable to
between members. Depending on local experience, such termite damage as established by Table R301.2(1),methods of
members may include: protection shall be by chemical soil treatment,pressure preser-
1. Horizontal members such as girders, joists and vatively treated wood in accordance with the AWPA standards
decking. listed in Section R323.1, naturally termite-resistant wood or
physical barriers(such as metal or plastic termite shields),or
2. Vertical members such as posts,poles and columns. any combination of these methods.
3. Both horizontal and vertical members. R324.2 Chemical soil treatment.The concentration,rate of
application and treatment method of the termiticide shall be
R323.1.3 Posts,poles and columns. Posts,poles and col- consistent with and never less than the termiticide label.
umns supporting permanent structures that are embedded in
concrete in direct contact with the ground or embedded in R324.3 Pressure preservatively treated and naturally
concrete exposed to the weather shall be approved pressure resistant wood.Heartwood of redwood and eastern red cedar
preservatively treated wood suitable for ground contact use. shall be considered termite resistant. Pressure preservatively
R324.3.1 -8327.1.8 • • BUILDING PLANNING
treated wood and naturally termite-resistant wood shall not be movement due to structural loads and stresses from flooding
used as a physical barrier unless a barrier can be inspected for equal to the design flood elevation.
any termite shelter tubes around the inside and outside edges R327.1.2 Flood-resistant construction.All buildings and
and joints of a barrier. structures erected in areas prone to flooding shall be
R324.3.1 Field treatment. Field cut ends, notches and constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood
drilled holes of pressure preservatively treated wood shall be damage.
retreated in the field in accordance with AWPA M4. R327.1.3 Establishing the design flood elevation. The
R324.4 Foam plastic protection.In areas where the probabili- design flood elevation shall be used to define areas prone to
ty of termite infestation is"very heavy"as indicated in Figure flooding, and shall describe, at a minimum, the base flood
R301.2(6),extruded and expanded polystyrene,polyisocyanu- elevation at the depth of peak elevation of flooding(inc lud-
rate and other foam plastics shall not be installed on the exterior ing wave height)which has a 1 percent(100-year flood)or
face or under interior or exterior foundation walls or slab greater chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given
foundations located below grade.The clearance between foam year.
plastics installed above grade and exposed earth shall be at least R327.1.4 Lowest floor.The lowest floor shall be the floor of
6 inches(152 mm). the lowest enclosed area,including basement,but excluding
Exceptions: any unfinished flood-resistant enclosure that is useable
solely for vehicle parking,building access or limited storage
1. Buildings where the structural members of walls, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the
floors, ceilings and roofs are entirely of noncombus- building or structure in violation of this section.
tible materials or pressure preservatively treated wood.
2. When in addition to the requirements of R324.1, an R327.1.5 Protection of mechanical and electrical sys-
approved method of protecting the foam plastic tems.New and replacement electrical equipment,heating,
and structure from subterranean termite damage is ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing connections, and
provided. other service equipment shall be located at or above the de-
3. On the interior side of basement walls. sign flood elevation.Electrical wiring and outlets,switches,
junction boxes and panels shall be elevated to or above the
design flood elevation unless they conform to the provisions
of the electrical part of this code for location of such items in
SECTION R325 wet locations.Duct systems shall not be installed below the
SITE ADDRESS design flood elevation.
R325.1 Premises identification. Approved numbers or ad- R327.1.6 Protection of water supply and sanitary sewage
dresses shall be provided for all new buildings in such a posi- systems.New and replacement water supply systems shall
tion as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road be designed to minimize infiltration of flood waters into the
fronting the property. systems in accordance with the plumbing provisions of this
code.New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be
designed to minimize infiltration of floodwaters into sys-
SECTION R326 tems and discharges from systems into floodwaters in
ACCESSIBILITY accordance with the plumbing provisions of this code and
Chapter 3 of the International Private Sewage Disposal
R326.1 Scope. Accessible dwelling units shall comply with Code.
Chapter 11 of the International Building Code as applicable. R327.1.7 Flood-resistant materials. Building materials
used below the design flood elevation shall comply with the
SECTION R327 1. All wood,including floor sheathing,shall be pressure
FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION preservatively treated in accordance with AWPA Cl,
R327.1 General.All buildings and structures erected in areas C2,C3,C4,C9,C15,C18,C22,C23,C24,C28,P1,P2
prone to flooding as identified in Table R301.2(1)and classi and P3 or decay resistant heartwood or redwood,black
lied as either flood hazard areas(including A Zones)or coastal locust,or cedars.
high hazard areas(including V-Zones)shall be constructed and 2. Materials and installation methods used for flooring
elevated as required by the provisions contained in this section. and interior and exterior walls shall conform to the pro-
visions of FEMA/FIA-TB-2.
Exception:All buildings and structures erected in identified R327.1.8 Manufactured housing. New or replacement
floodways as established in Table R301.2(1) shall be de manufactured housing shall be elevated in accordance with
signed and constructed as stipulated in the International Section R327.2 and the anchor and tie-down requirements of
Building Code. Sections AE604 and AE605 of Appendix E shall apply.The
R327.1.1 Structural systems.All structural systems of all foundation and anchorage of manufactured housing to be
buildings and structures shall be designed, connected and located in identified flood'ways as established in Table
anchored to resist flotation, collapse or permanent lateral R301.2(1)shall be designed and constructed in accordance
BUILDING PLANNING • 4 R327.1.9-R327.3.3
with the applicable provisions in the International Building R327.2.3 Foundation design and construction. Founda-
Code. tion walls for all buildings and structures erected in flood
hazard areas shall meet the requirements of Chapter 4.
R327.1.9 As-built elevation certifications.A licensed land
surveyor or registered design professional shall certify that Exception: Unless designed in accordance with Section
the building or structure is in compliance with the elevation 404:
requirements of Section R327.2 or R327.3. 1. The unsupported height of 6 inches(152 mm)plain
masonry walls shall be no greater than 3 feet
R327.2 Flood hazard areas (including A Zones).All areas (914 mm).
that have been determined to be prone to flooding but not sub 2. The unsupported height of 8 inches(203 mm)plain
ject to high velocity wave action shall be designated as flood masonry walls shall be• no greater than 4 feet
hazard areas.All buildings and structures erected in flood haz- (1219 mm).
and areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with
Sections R327.2.1 through R327.2.3. 3. The unsupported height of 8 inches(203 mm) rein-
forced masonry walls shall be no greater than 8 feet
R327.2.1 Elevation requirements. (2438 mm).
1. Buildings and structures shall have the lowest floors For the purpose of this exception, unsupported
elevated to or above the design flood elevation. height is the distance from the finished grade of the
2. In areas of shallow flooding(AO Zones),buildings and under floor space and the top of the wall.
structures shall have the lowest floor(including base- R327.3 Coastal high hazard areas (including V Zones).
ment)elevated at least as high above the highest adja- Areas that have been determined to be subject to wave heights
cent grade as the depth number specified in feet(mm) in excess of 3 feet(914 mm)or subject to high velocity wave
on the FIRM,or at least 2 feet(51 mm)if a depth num- action or wave-induced erosion shall be designated as coastal
ber is not specified. high hazard areas.All buildings and structures erected in coast-
3. Basement floors that are below grade on all sides shall al high hazard areas shall be designed and constructed in
be elevated to or above the design flood elevation. accordance with Sections R327.3.1 through R327.3.5.
Exception:Enclosed areas below the design flood eleva-
R327.3.1 Elevation requirements.
tion, including basements whose floors are not below 1. All buildings and structures erected within coastal high
grade on all sides,shall meet the requirements of Section hazard areas shall be elevated so that the lowest portion
R327.2.2. of all structural members supporting the lowest floor,
with the exception of mat or raft foundations, piling,
R327.2.2 Enclosed area below design flood elevation. pile caps,columns,grade beams and bracing,is located
Enclosed areas, including crawl spaces, that are below the at or above the design flood elevation.
design flood elevation shall: 2. Basement floors that are below grade on all sides are
1. Be used solely for parking of vehicles,building access prohibited.
or storage. 3. The use of fill for structural support is prohibited.
2. Be provided with flood openings which shall meet the 4. The placement of fill beneath buildings and structures
following criteria: is prohibited.
2.1. There shall be a minimum of two openings on dif- Exception: Walls and partitions enclosing areas below
ferent sides of each enclosed area; if a building the design flood elevation shall meet the requirements of
has more than one enclosed area below the design Sections R327.3.3 and R327.3.4.
flood elevation,each area shall have openings on
exterior walls. R327.3.2 Foundations.All buildings and structures erected
in coastal high hazard areas shall be supported on pilings or
2.2. The total net area of all openings shall be at least
1 square inch for each square foot(275 mm for columns and shall be adequately anchored to such pilings or
each square meter)of enclosed area. columns.Piling shall have adequate soil penetrations to re-
sist the combined wave and wind loads(lateral and uplift).
2.3. The bottom of each opening shall be 1 foot Water loading values used shall be those associated with the
(305 mm) or less above the adjacent ground design flood.Wind loading values shall be those required by
level. this code.Pile embedment shall include consideration of de-
2.4. Openings shall be at least 3 inches (76 mm) in creased resistance capacity caused by scour of soil strata sur-
diameter. rounding the piling. Pile systems design and installation
2.5. Any louvers, screens or other opening covers shall be certified in accordance with Section R327.3.5.Mat,
shall allow the automatic flow of floodwaters into raft or other foundations that support columns shall not be
and out of the enclosed area. permitted where soil investigations that are required in
2.6. Openings installed in doors and windows, that accordance with Section R401.4 indicate that soil material
meet requirements 2.1 through 2.5, are accept- under the mat,raft or other foundation is subject scour or
able; however, doors and windows without erosion from wave velocity flow conditions.
installed openings do not meet the requirements R327.3.3 Walls below design flood elevation. Walls and
of this section. partitions are permitted below the elevated floor,provided