HomeMy WebLinkAbout05012003 BSC Agenda item 7 • Allan Edwards, Builder 1973 West Gray #5 Houston, Texas, 77019 713-529-4481 (Off) 713-529-4482(Fax) May 1, 2003 Building & Standards: I received last minute notice of some meeting perhaps concerning my house at 6447 Vanderbilt, unfortunately my daughter's pregnancy prevents me from attending. I am not sure the purpose of this meeting. If it has anything to do with 6447 Vanderbilt, let me state my position. In planning a house for a lot, builders, architects, engineers, and property owners are required to comply with City ordinances and codes. Several thousands of dollars is spent based on information given by the City and their employees to these parties relating to current ordinances. Based on this information, lots are purchased, houses are designed, engineered, marketed, sold, and loans put in place. Special order material is ordered, often requiring non-refundable deposits. This is definitely the case in this situation. Again, we are talking several thousands of dollars and a lot of time. My house plan for this address was approved for permit. Construction has started. I have built on similar lots before, and my 12 years of experience in building in West University and overall 30 years of building tells me there is nothing out of the ordinary about this house. I have not asked for special consideration regarding any code issue or ordinance, and of course the City has granted building permits on similar sized lots many times. This house was also designed so that the setbacks of a good portion of the house are greater than what the ordinances require. I realize that regarding such matters there is a continual evolution of codes and ordinances, and for the benefit of the overall community, not just the wishes of a few, such ordinances are often changed. Personally, I think the City currently has a very good set of current building ordinances. Any subsequent changes would of course have to be adhered to, but it is unthinkable to me that any changes that may be recommended by the building standards department would in any way effect this house, since it was designed based on the City's current ordinances, the permit has been issued, and the property sold based on representations made to me in writing by the City. Allan Edwards r; Chapter 6 Sec.6.409.Address numbers. (a)Required. It shall be the duty of each person who owns, occupies or controls any building or structure to post and maintain an address number on such building or structure in accordance with this section. (1)The address number must be officially assigned or approved by the building official for the building or structure. (2)The address number must be clearly visible from the street on which the number was assigned, and at least part of the number must be located within 24 inches of the principal entrance to the building or structure. If the principal entrance does not face the street on which the number was assigned, or if the principal entrance is not clearly visible from the street,then an additional address number shall also be posted on the wall or other main part of the building or structure so as to be clearly visible from the street on which the address number was assigned. If it is not obvious which entrance to a building or structure is the principal entrance,the address number shall be posted and maintained at all entrances which might be confused with the principal entrance. (3)Each address number must be: (i)permanently affixed to the building or structure; (ii)at least 2.5 inches tall; and(iii)of a color contrasting with the background. Zoning Ordinance Section 2-102. Certain terms. Line,front street. The common boundary of a building site and a street area, subject to the following: (1) In a residential district, if the building site shares a common boundary with two or more street areas, and except as provided below, the front street line is the common boundary with the street having the shortest frontage, but if all of the streets have the same frontage, the front street line is the line indicated by any principal building in existence or under construction as of the 1987 effective date. If there is no such principal building, the front street line is the line designated by the first person to construct a principal building on the site after the 1987 effective date. A front street line designated by the ZBA pursuant to Article 16 shall control over any other designation. (2) In a non-residential district, if the building site shares a common boundary with two or more streets, one of which is a major thoroughfare, the front street line is the common boundary with the major thoroughfare. If all boundary streets are major thoroughfares, the front street line is the common boundary with the thoroughfare having the longest frontage, but if all of the thoroughfares have equal frontage, the front street line is the line designated by the first person to construct a principal building on the site. If none of the boundary streets is a major thoroughfare, the front street line is the common boundary with the street having the shortest frontage, but if all of the streets have equal frontage, the front street is the line indicated by any principal building in existence or under construction as of the 1987 effective date; if there is no such principal building, the front street is the line designated by the first person to construct a principal building on the site after the 1987 effective date. Rotated corner building site. A corner building site in the SE-1 District which has been "rotated" from one street to the other, such that it has a front street line lying along a street that is different from the street along which the front street line of the original corner lot would lie. The original corner lot is the single subdivided lot on the same corner, as created by the plan recorded in Volume 444, Page 563 of the Deed. Records of Harris County, Texas, entitled "Map Showing West University Place, A Part Of The A.C. Reynolds Survey, Harris County, Texas." In the SF-1 District, most rotated corner building sites will be • oriented north-south, because most of the original corner lots were oriented east-west (except for lots along University Boulevard or Cason Street). . • 5255D1 • • SPEEDWAY 10000 11 .,, • 100,_. . , .7. 1 . -0 .. , 10. i 1 , .. , Is ,-• I r- I tv : , 8 1 g.:2 bc9 ,--.3 1 6ch I 60) t.3 50 . 50 1 5o i, 50 50 ' 50 ' ■---I la' " )-' ' '-' ' i co ' Co ' > 1 i 001 . Oco - 6545 1 1 1-- rs'2 0 Cci, 1 31, 00 _, 8 -0021 "§1 i i . :4,. 0 ■ Om P f.c.a • . 1 ,_... 00 4, 1 ocn bcr) ' z bi 1 . Om • ' 001 00 1 0 • 0 ' : .••• 1 100 :• cbg, I .-, I : 62,,,,,09 'c4",..) All, , I (so, : ..,a); 00 , t 1 ao i eono 1 t ---lw ° 100 • oa) , , oa), r,.., i . ,...,I .8 co_, 8, too 1 1 oco i oo) I con.)t m-4 :t. 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'ri* ''�ts, t .1 , + +t ?' ,RS y g v,+ 3,,.c :<:Ye M '��e s Y,, `N. ;.,7;41,,,,,4*.,6 4 ;?� ,�a 'R- i�53ut .e`srw` £ R..`t .„ .r ,.rd nt'.. l ... rc�',+ +af"^:m, `,p;. N' : `r 5_ ,rte : v .,7 ,:. ",. ,.» g.« a.m.;!'s„ : .�.4?.aP'i d + ,� 4.: 3� 15(:, k „...t� :� " xs; � yam, ,+,-n u o ., � y.' , u: `' , t4„ � :r:. ��� a��� ft'�x!r+tr'w� ,� 4G..u,,a r" are ,}', a, . `? ;��, i< '.�xx;'�,' , � �� _� .br..�� c. -, .,k:.ti��..dt.,rt;.d5,:t.r°.�� . ...,.max. ...��'Fau �Pi?v�, .YA.,. ,��r�m$ ,t r.::x. �,.�t? .�"�r ti.,,.. C....k.. a 3?_... u t .;n`('^;,'.�`ayr .,s. b (� f i'f-4 a1( • i(Y1o■L T r 11 0 I '� � r City of West University Place Ise rsda vevinereetA a. APPLICATION TO BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION ('''rules (bat i4 f . STATE OF TEXAS ) ( TO THE HONORABLE BUILDING AND STANDARDS COUNTY OF HARRIS.)( COMMISSION lig",e0 VI ise- 17-y mom 14- Applicant name: Ot Vvt © 4 / (Pe e ` (� eac Pi M I C�`I I,C l: 'f.5 3030 �rA1^ Ui` �e i (, " 11 Mailing Address: to` , 1 4 Site Address: 36 Z c-‘ ?Ai-s6/41-1, 5-4- _ Site Owner: Tr (2.13 E 1 k- 13 Phone number: `1 I 3 Loso tNoo r� Fax number: ( 0 01 TR I 1 ) (4.9.es� A p U e rsl-t Dar( A ppeal Requested 71 7L c Sec__ Please hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision, determination or interpretation made by the City's Building Official,as follows below. Ie the action in writing? ( i YES, copy.attached ( O, but the dction appealed is as follows: 0 r .`i. ' v1 Q A e4 r T- -( c--e o V X V1 de 0(� • r , '1' c.) Jo z5-1 ail r .r' 4 • 1 'e • c/ OA 6 30 • 411'go S1 s r `• ` r ♦ �: ' / rw / . lAe r r�o o/C-- a , lip wi . , ", ,24Op bloc • t>< v .e •i' e r ( 41 is ►s c� Whwn w • en. (wt0K-I— [ % i rt.'fir/ - `-'= - rQ Ea eO( `-(Or o-er f o-r /?v Note: Appeals , must, be filed within a reasonable timeG.. Please explain any Blot 0 of ti r ac at°cr Slaw► p 5,-c, on /9.3 f delay: /q f-' h 4 ri^ ` 044 ' el • cleC1 .e. /5/ ..' Exact Ordinance Provi is on itf9oZd:5; 7 pj �Q F-e 31 2 -3Z ko-4.-t. i ( (0`23, 6'?l) , ii 1 Grounds for appeal: I ` ea \;'vlc `` t,p e S-c k,) Pi,s rote pt-I- £' -2 0 l -/ O h s ; s o. rcrkfec 4 c o r v\ e r ia-{- nal- ok a kick_ IOctsed o4 61 pd OA r U omA.e - (-1- . dof fe // Signature of Applicant: , , „ ( I Date: ' - 2 ,c "-' cox LAy LLIC L't-( AFFlii AVIT l STATE OF TEXAS ) �_ COUNTY OF HARRIS) ( le being duly sworn, deposes and says: I,the applicant named in this application have read the contents hereof, and all statements here contained are true and correct. r Applicant ',.-_____.--,,-- ,'i/ _ .;f , Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,A,, 115 �- day of V ,t CO -- ;-., JOSIE MARIE OROSCO S. ��� MY COMMISSION EXPIRES S „^ )a ,, -!. JUNE 22,2005 To 5)a �� Notary Public in and for Harris County Texas DATE FILED 1 c)-,-2 Oft DOCKET NO. .-'1wk -LM RECEIPT NO. )a_ l'.. 1