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Cit f West UnUniversity Place
Building & Standards Commission
L. Recycled Paper Municipal Building,Bill Watson Conference Room
Meeting Minutes V 1:
February 6th, 2003
MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Les Albin, Patrick O'Donnell, Darryl
Friday,Jorge Jimenez-Marcos,
Muddy McDaniel(arrived late at 6:10 p.m.)
MEMBERS ABSENT: James T. Collier,Bryant Slimp
COUNCIL LIASION: Danny Jackson, absent
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack,Annette Arriaga,Daniel Paripovich
1. Call to Order. With a quorum,present James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None.
3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None.
4. Designation of voting members. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting schedule that
Jorge Jimenez-Marcos and Muddy McDaniel are the voting members for the meeting.
5. Meeting Minutes. David Kehn made a motion to approve meeting minutes as written from the
January 16, 2003 BSC meeting. David Kehn motioned first to approve. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos
second the motion. AYES: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Les Albin, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos.
NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Motion passed.Minutes approved.
6. Emergency Authorization. Daniel Paripovich, the code enforcement officer for the City of West
University Place stated that he has tried numerous times to contact the owner of the property
located at 6428 Community Drive but was unsuccessful. Mr. Leonard C. Harris's name appears on
documentation but after several numerous attempts, Daniel Paripovich still had not established
contact with the owner of the property. Daniel Paripovich provided BSC with several photos,
showing several examples of the house in an unsafe and hazardous condition. The roof is caving in
and the windows are open to any animals or curious children. Sheet rock, and installation are
shown all over the inside of the house. Debris from the ceiling and the walls is found through out
the house in the middle of the all the rooms. This structure poses as an accident waiting to happen.
Daniel Paripovich would like to request that the house be boarded up temporarily until the City has
time to take care of all the initial paper work and go through all the proper legal channels. Les
Albin asked if the City had looked up old utilities bills to try and find the owner and to see how
long the house has been unoccupied. Daniel Paripovich stated that he has tried looking up the
documentation and found that the account had been un-active since 1995. Daniel Paripovich and
Dennis Mack feel that the house posses a risk since it is in such poor condition. They don't see any
other alternative and recommend that the house boarded up as soon as possible. David Kehn
suggested putting up a fence to keep the area closed in. Dennis Mack stated that the house still
needs to be boarded up for safety purposes. Les Albin moved to board the house up. David Kehn
second the motioned. AYES: Les Albin, David Kehn, James McDaniel, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos.
NOES: None.ABSTAIN: Motion passed. Request granted.
3800 University Boulevard•Houston,Texas 77005• 713/668-4441
Building and Standards Commission•
Minutes I
February 6`h,2003
Page 2 of 4
7. Fences. James McDaniel indicated that fences will be discussed and to some point they will have
to come to a halt and will pick up where they left off at the next BSC meeting. Jorge Jimenez-
Marcos passed out a handout on his revised summary handout of Subchapter I. Fences. Jorge
Jimenez-Marcos started off with Section.6.5 81.Maximum height limits.
Dennis Mack added tha\t ZPC would address 3/7's setbacks. Dennis.Mack suggested that a
maximum fence height be set between buildings. Dennis Mack made another suggestion and added
that no fences should be in the side yards period. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos said that no fences should
higher than 4 feet. Dennis Mack indicated that ZPC is looking into fence is because there have been
several problems in the past.
James McDaniel added that Residential V's Commercial or Institutional Buildings,that there are
cases with side yards.Les Albin asked what the maximum height of a commercial fence is?Dennis
Mack added that 8 foot is the maximum height for a commercial fence.
Dennis Mack indicated that for safety reasons, to allow a new resident to put up an 8-foot fence
now, still we are putting up a fence that is unsafe. If the owner sells it, that is offers a potential
hazard. James McDaniel added that the only way, would be to regulate it. That fences between
properties can be taken down. For example the fire department can take down normal cast iron,
cedar, brick fences can be taken down with normal tools. David Kehn mentioned that it is the time
it takes the fire department to have to take down the fence and having to get to the fire. That is
would just take too much time. David Kehn mentioned that what if the fire department had access
through the driveway. Patrick O'Donnell also questioned if the fire department could have access
through the neighbors driveway. Dennis Mack added that if residences want a fence in the side
yard that they can put up an 8-foot fence but they will also have to add a sprinkler system.
Dennis Mack added that there must be an aggregate between structures. It is a fire issue at this
point, 3 1/2 to 4 feet if less than an 8 foot aggregate.You must allow light,air and ventilation.
Dennis Mack also added that there are a lot of reasons why they should not allow fences in the side
yards and how they cause all other types of problems.Not to mention safety.
Muddy McDaniel wondered if ZPC was contemplating recommendation of eliminating fences in
side yards completely, considering the amount of feet per structures. David Kehn stated that there
would have to be a consensus.
Fence heights for new construction, Dennis Mack added they we measure prior to construction.
David Kehn agreed. David Kehn added that just by changing out a few boards that you can have
different problems. It can be too high or too low. James McDaniel indicated that for new
construction and a fence may not be uniform, it will be different. Dennis Mack stated that you give
an existing elevation and you follow the contour of the existing grade. New construction goes off
the existing elevations of the property line before they match existing. (Adding flowerbeds, back
Les Albin demonstrated a few examples on the white-board referring to lots that were in question
and double lots that referred to fence and drainage elevations.
David Kehn stated that you can never get correct elevations. Dennis Mack stated that we would
measure prior to construction. David Kehn agreed. David Kehn also added that even if you change
out a few boards, you may have different problems. It could be too high or too low. James
McDaniel stated that during new construction if the builder builds a fence, it might not be in
uniform. It would be different.
Buildin g and Standards Commission•
Minutes •
February 6t',2003
Page 3 of 4
Dennis Mack indicated that there would be height limitations.
Dennis Mack also stated that they would have to provide us with an existing elevation or come up
with an elevation.They would have to follow the contour of the existing grade.
New construction: Fence height will go off the existing elevations of the property before flower-
beds,fill or a pool are added.
Dennis Mack stated that the city would require a survey before the builders disturb the soil. Dennis
Mack stated that the City can word this in our ordinances in such a way that it will lock in the
existing elevations. The City is currently scanning all documents and base certifications
documentations. We can look back at these for the last five years. We can lock it to that property
address and set the time and date. So,that know one could come in and change it.
Jorge Jimenez-Marcos added that we do in fact need to require a survey of the property before a
fence is to be constructed.
Dennis Mack added that requiring a survey just for a fence that the cost would be add at least 200
plus dollars.
Jorge Jimenez-Marcos added that this would save you a dispute from your neighbors.
James McDaniel asked that Sec.6.581. to be edited and modified with the suggested changes for
review at the next meeting. A draft is to be presented to show the current agreed changes of
Subchapter I. Fences. BSC will continue discussion of this item on next month's meeting. Jorge
Jimenez-Marcos moved that we adopt the proposed changes now. AYES: Les Albin, Jorge
Jimenez-Marcos. NOES: James McDaniel,David Kehn,Muddy McDaniel.
Subchapter I.Fences
Sec.6.581. Maximum height limits.
(a) Eight foot limit. No fence higher than eight feet may be constructed improved or
structurally altered on any private property.
(b) Six-foot limit. No fence higher than six foot may be constructed:
(1) Closer than six feet from a wall of an existing principal building used as a
single-family residence on any adjacent building site.
(2) Between buildings on separate buildings sites where the eaves are less than
two feet apart.
(c)Height Measurements. Between buildings on separate building sites where the eaves
are less than two feet apart. Fence heights will be measured off the existing elevations of
the building site. (Maximum of four feet)
Building and Standards Commission Minutes
February 6`h,2003
Page 4 of 4
8. Foundation Design.David Kehn mentioned that the foundation design criteria documentation that
Dennis Mack had previously provided looked great. It addressed the specific concerns and it
indicated good calculation and engineering. Les Albin questioned how we could get this
information over to the engineers and how could it be regulated? Dennis Mack response that it
would be in our City Ordinances and it would be up to the engineers to read, abide by and comply.
Eventually, plans that have been rejected numerous times, contractors will have to re-pay plan
checking fees, as a penalty. This will get the builders attention. Les Albin indicated that builders
would not like to take on the additional responsibility. Dennis Mack indicated that, engineers
would have to do real engineering. We would make sure that the calculations match the design. If
for any reason we are in doubt we would have the engineers come in and talk to us and if we had
any further questions we would contact the state. James McDaniel wondered how long it would
take to implement this, if the foundation design criteria passed. Dennis Mack stated that it would
probably take two months and we would give the builders at least a sixty-day grace period and
make sure the builders were updated with the information. Les Albin did indicate that most
engineers do not look or observe the pour and very few other engineers will stay until the truck
goes away. Dennis Mack stated that the engineers have the option to verify the pour themselves or
hire someone who is a qualified delegate to confirm that everything was correct. Les Albin did
indicate that this would be a great improvement.
Dennis Mack will work with Jim Dougherty to make necessary corrections and bring back to BSC
on the next scheduled meeting date,Thursday, March 6,2003.No action was taken on this item.
9. Staff Comments and Status Reports. None.
10. Commission Member Comments.
• James McDaniel stated that BSC would formally discuss and determine when BSC will meet in the
month of July since it is a holiday week. It will be taken in advisement.
• Les Albin requested that Dennis Mack find some information on rock resistance and bring to the
next BSC meeting.
• David Kehn handed out a handout to all BSC members on Fire Resistance Ratings-ANSI/UL 263.
The information was a guide for fire resistance ratings. Showing design information and a
numbering system for fire rated assemblies. BSC members looked at the information and David
Kehn discussed briefly on the information and just wanted to point how this information is helpful.
• Darryl Friday updated BSC on the Ace DuraFlow seminar and explained how it helps older homes
with old pipes. The solution stresses the old pipes and it will blow out the old pipe. It will determine
where the pipes are weak. They dry it out over night and then they put a cleaner in it and then they
put a heavy solution that seals the inner lining of the pipes. This new technology with Ace Dura
Flow provides a cleaner and safer technique to homes that have older pipes and who cannot afford
to have the old pipes replaced.
11. Adjournment. David Kehn moved to adjourn Les Albin seconded the motion. AYES: David
Kehn, Les Albin, James McDaniel, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos. NOES: None. Motion passed meeting
adjourned at 8:11 P.M.
Building and Standards Commission Minutes
ti February 6th,2003
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James McDaniel, Chairman
Ms. Annette R. Arriaga Development Services Secretary