HomeMy WebLinkAbout02062003 BSC Agenda Item 5 City o f West University Place A NeighborBuiYding & Standards Commission ® Recycled Paper 1� Municipal Building, Bill Watson Conference Room O 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD Meeting Minutes 4 January 16, 2003 ,► MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, David Kehn, Patrick O'Donnell, Darryl Friday, Jorge Jimenez-Marcos,Muddy McDaniel(arrived late at 6:10 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: James T. Collier,Les Albin,Bryant Slimp COUNCIL LIASION: Marilyn Griffin,present(arrived at 6:10 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack,Annette Arriaga, Dick Yehle and Stephen Pohl(ZPC members present) 1. Call to Order. With a quorum,present James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. 2. Citizens who wish to be heard. None. 3. Citizens who wish to address agenda items. None. 4. Designation of voting members. James McDaniel stated per the alternate voting schedule that Patrick O'Donnell is the voting member for the meeting. 5. Meeting Minutes. David Kehn made a motion to approve meeting minutes as amended from the December 5, 2002 meeting. AYES: James McDaniel, Patrick O'Donnell, David Kehn, NOES: None. ABSTAIN: Motion passed. Minutes approved. 6. Fences. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos indicated there are several items that he wanted to point out. First, of all,he indicated there are a lot of expensive homes in West University. Several of the fences that are viewed from the street are in terrible condition. Jorge Jimenez pointed out showing several visual photos of West University homes and their fences viewed from the street. Several of the photos shown, displayed the fences in its current state. Poor and in bad condition. Jorge Jimenez- Marcos pointed out that the fence height should be regulated before fences are being built. Residents should be some type of agreement between neighbors. To eliminate any possible civil matters. Dennis Mack added, that asking a neighbors and having to get permission, on what, you can and can not do. This might propose a problem. City Attorney,advices the building inspectors to be only concerned with fence heights. Darryl Friday, stated that there should be more regulations on people who want to build a fence. Especially when they are constructing fences on other peoples property. Darryl Friday added that, it is not a cheap process when legal matters are involved. There should be an agreement between neighbors before the construction of a new fence. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos added that there should be special care when a tear down or construction of a new fence is installed. There should be a demo permit for the tear down. To protect trees and tree roots, either on the exiting property or any neighboring properties. James McDaniel indicated that adding to our current ordinances, making sure that the person who constructs a fence certifies that they are placing the fence on the property line. Dennis Mack agreed, and added that it could be a possibility in the future. The builder will have to provide a `post survey,"before construction. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org Building and Standards Commis.Minutes • January 16th,2003 Meeting h. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos referred back to his visual presentation. Jorge Jimenez-Marcos continued to discuss and point out the exterior fences and retaining walls of several of the homes in West University Place. Residents should be concerned with the fences that face the street. The homes in West University Place are very expensive. Fences should be kept up and maintained, especially the fences that face the street. Residents should have a concern when it comes to how the fences should look. Darryl Friday added that on the 3700 block of Bissonnet is an eye sore. The fences a mess and looked really bad. Patrick O'Donnell agreed that the fences in general should be maintained and repaired. It is referenced in the City Ordinance. Chapter 6 Subchapter I. Fences Sec.6.593 Maintenance. James McDaniel indicated that this might become a matter of taste. BSC traditionally, looks at the ordinances. When Wayne Perry was the building official for West University, Perry definitely implemented the issues of fences facing in and facing out. Fences under Sec.6.588. Facing of Fences. Fences viewable from the street including post and runners shall not face the street. This provision shall apply to such portions of a fence that face the street on which the lot faces as well as a side street. The fence, viewable from the street should show the good side. David Kehn didn't like the fact that fences 6 foot or 8 foot fences being constructed 3 feet from some ones window. BSC has dealt with that issue before. Patrick O'Donnell spoke of common fences. Dennis Mack referenced that common fences is an agreement between neighbors when fences are right on the property line and the fence is going to be shared between neighbors. Common fences may be constructed along the property line, if written consent of the owners of both properties. Dennis Mack also mentioned that we currently do not measure fence height from the base elevation. It wouldn't be a bad idea to take measurements prior to construction. Undisturbed soil. Take the best elevations out of the eight. A survey is required in new construction. However, we can also make it include and show the elevations. Patrick O'Donnell indicated that we should require a survey for a new or replacement of a fence. James McDaniel stated that we should have a base elevation survey that is clear and current. David Kehn stated that if the city requires a survey before they install a fence that it would be very costly and expensive for someone who is just adding or replacing a fence. When taken in consideration the materials that are used and if a survey will be required showing those elevations. Stephen Pohl from Zoning and Planning Committee addressed BSC and stated that the fence issue has come up in ZPC and they wanted to come up with some sort of concept of fence provisions. ZPC has taken into consideration, several factors and brainstormed several possibilities. They examined the 3' 7's setback issues and several safety factors. ZPC has asked, "How safe is safe." Stephen Pohl noted that fences are used primarily for privacy, security, light and for animals. ZPC is trying to eliminate fences in side yards. No fences would extend back. ZPC wanted to get with BSC and ask for their expertise on the matter and to take into consideration all elements. They did not want to duplicate any tasks. Dick Yehle stated that the language is still being developed. James McDaniel agreed that the issues needed to be dealt with paragraph-by-paragraph and agreed to deal with the issues as they come up. Section by section in addition to topics not addressed such as security, light, notification and enforcement. Darryl Friday added that it would be a good idea for both BSC and ZPC to work in conjunction and to form a sub-committee. Delegated to re-write all of the sections in Chapter 6 Subchapter I.Fences. James McDaniel stated that fences would be put on next months agenda starting with Section 6.581. through as many sections that can be discussed in a reasonable amount of time. BSC will discuss and work through any overlays and will look through and identify those areas of concern. BSC will address areas as they appear and recommend those changes. 1 r Y Building and Standards Commit Minutes January le,2003 Meeting Darryl Friday requested that Dennis Mack get with Jim Dougherthy, City Attorney, and request a 1 I draft some information on the legal realm regulating fences. James McDaniel requested that this information be prepared for the next BSC meeting on February 6, 2003. BSC will readdress the issue and see why the city might be liable and to see what Jim Dougherthy might suggest or advise. AYES: James McDaniel, David Kelm, Patrick O'Donnell. NOES: None. No motion made. Item tabled until next months meeting. 7. Foundation Design. Dennis Mack handed out information pertaining to the foundation design criteria to BSC. There had been several discussions on the foundation design and who would be responsible to verify the engineering. Dennis Mack strongly believes that the city should hire an engineer to check all the foundation designs. Add amendments to the current ordinance dealing with foundations so that this will tighten out existing ordinances. James McDaniel mentioned that Dennis Mack has put the foundation procedure together so that the city can put some force behind the city's accountability. Dennis Mack stated that all foundations and structural framing for new buildings greater than 450 square feet should be designed by a licensed professional engineer. All original documentation should be stamped and signed by the licensed professional engineer. Dennis Mack also mentioned, at the completion of all the requirements of the plans and specifications, the engineer of record shall certify by letter to the city, the construction of the foundation and structural framing was in conformance. • In conformance with the engineer's plans and specifications including any modifications or alterations authorized. • That fill conditions were satisfied in accordance with the plans and specifications. • Piers were observed for proper placement and depth. • Observation of all foundation elements, including reinforcement, immediately before concrete placement. • Observation of concrete during placement. • Observation during stressing to document the elongation and stressing load of each tendon. James McDaniel indicated that this item was for discussion only. David Kehn motioned to table until the next meeting. Patrick O'Donnell second the motion. AYES: James McDaniel,David Kehn Patrick O'Donnell.NOES:None. Item tabled until the next BSC meeting,February 6,2003. 8. Staff Comments and Status Reports. a.)Dennis Mack provided a hand out to BSC on Fire Resistance Rating and Fire Tests. Les Albin had asked for this information from Dennis Mack previously. Dennis Mack mentioned that the information indicates the fire resistance rating of buildings. It also includes the exceptions of fire resistance ratings and what is determined in accordance with these exceptions. BSC reviewed the information.James McDaniel stated for everyone to take the information home for review. It will be discussed at the next meeting.No motion made. Item tabled until the next BSC meeting, February 6,2003. b.)James McDaniel indicated that Staff did advise him that City Counsel adopt Ordinance No. 1725. February 2,2003. PVC Piping. Kay Holloway still needs to get all required signatures before the Ordinance information can be distributed to all appropriate parties. 1 Building and Standards Commis•Minutes • January 16th,2003 Meeting 9. Commission Member Comments. a.)Darryl Friday, briefly mentioned ACE DuraFlo pipe restoration.Darryl Friday showed BSC a brochure and mentioned if anyone was interested in attending a meeting about piping alternatives,February 5,2003.Darryl Friday mentioned, DuraFlo pipe is a modern approached that helps corrosion in piping systems. This is also significant for older pipes. Staff is to send information out by e-mail to BSC members. In case, anyone would like to attend. b.)David Kehn wanted to discuss at the next scheduled BSC meeting on February 6,2003, the normal, scheduled BSC date for Thursday,July 3,2003. The July date is right before a holiday and would like to have open discussion,of a possible date change. 10. Adjournment. James McDaniel made a motion adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Patrick O'Donnell second the motion. AYES: James McDaniel,Patrick O'Donnell,David Kehn. NOES: None. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2003. James McDaniel, Chairman ATTEST: Ms.Annette R.Arriaga Development Services Secretary I