HomeMy WebLinkAbout07052001 BSC Agenda Item 4 • • City of West University Place A Neighborhood Cis BUILDING & STANDARDS COMMISSION p4. Recycled Paper Bill Watson Conference Room 3800 University Blvd, Houston,Texas 77005 MEETING MINUTES May 24, 2001 6:00 p.m. I. MEMBERS PRESENT: James McDaniel, Bryant Slimp, Les Albin, Jim Collier, Ahmad Jan Durrani II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Roy Harper,and Steven Stelzer III. STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Mack,and Sallye A.Clark Agenda Item Discussion Action t. Call to Order. None. James McDaniel called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. Citizens who wish to be None. None. heard. 3. Citizens who wish to None None. address agenda items. 4. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the March 1,2001 meeting. Les Albin moved to approve the minutes from the February 1,2001 meeting as written.Bryant Slimp 2nd. All voted aye. Motion passed. Minutes approved. _ 5. Matters relating to the Dennis Mack stated that trying to adopt the 2000 Jim Collier moved to adopt the International Standard Codes Schedule, International Codes and then a discussion would Building, Residential, Fire, Fuel Gas, including but not limited to take place in the next agenda item for the Mechanical and Plumbing Codes,2000 Edition, the adoption of the "DRAFT"Amendments. International Code Council,Inc. No one 2nd the International Building, Les Albin stated that he was not in favor of motion. The motion died for lack of a seconded Residential, Fire, Fuel Gas, adopting the International Codes without motion. Mechanical and Plumbing amendments that were discussion from 2 years Codes, 2000 Edition, ago. International Code Council, Inc. 6. Matters relating to Les Albin moved to table agenda item number amendments to the Standard 6. Bryant Slimp 2"d the motion. All voted aye, Codes Schedule, including agenda item number 6 was tabled. but not limited to the International Building, Residential, Fire, Fuel Gas, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, 2000 Edition, International Code Council, Inc. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713.668.4441 • www.westu.org • I ,,,, sc r A, . ,4k- Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes c) Page 2 7. Matters relating to the Les Albin moved to recommend approval of the Standard Codes Schedule, In National Electrical Code, National Fire including but not limited to Protection Association,NFPA 70, 1999 Edition, the adoption of the National "National Electrical Code." Bryant S limp 2nd Electrical Code, National the motion. All voted aye,motion passed. Fire Protection Association, NFPA 70, 1999 Edition, "National Electrical Code." 8. Matters relating to the Discussion took place by the Building and None. construction of sidewalks in Standards Commission about Chapter 6,Section the City. 6.411 of the Code of Ordinances that deals with sidewalks. The Commission would like James Dougherty, City Attorney to attend a Building and Standards Commission meeting to clarify why the City is not taking over maintenance of sidewalks entirely 9. Matters relating to Drainage The Building and Standards Commission asked None. Plans of new construction staff why we do not require silt fencing. Dennis sites in the City. Mack, Chief Building Official stated that TNRCC regulates on one acre and that he would get back to them at the next meeting on wording of an amendment. 10. Staff Comments. None. None. 11. Commission Member Les Albin- Stated that the Ordinance that was None. Comments. passed on the requirement of 7.0 bels for a/c units should be re-visited. 12. Adjournment. Bryant Slimp moved to adjourn. Ahrnad Jan Durrani 2"d the motion. All voted aye, motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. I • Building Standards Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3 Akt4'41C Attachment: "DRAFT" Standard Codes Schedule from Jim Dougherty,City Attorney. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF , James W. McDaniel, Chairman ATTEST: Sallye A. Clark,Planning and Development Assistant • • • Standard Codes Schedule Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the following codes, including all of its published appendices and attachments, is adopted. ordained and made a part of the Code of Ordinances of th City and of each chapter where it is referenced, except as otherwise expressly provided International Building Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Congress International,Inc. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by th • 2. All roofs must have Class C or better tire resistance,as determined under Sec. 1505.1 3. All foundations for new buildings and foundation repairs shall he designed by a registered professional engineer("RPE"), and the work shall he: a. illustrated in complete plans and specifications signed and sealed by the RPE: h. based on a soils report from a recognized and reputable firm or agency(Exception: no soils report is required for a single-story accessory building with less than 450 sq. ft.of gross floor area):and c. inspected by an RPE who certifies proper construction,before work proceeds further. 4. All concrete footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is placed on them. 5. All walls and ceilings within an R-I,R-2,R-3 or R-4 type occupancy shall he sheathed with Type X gypsum board at least 5/8-inch (15.9 mm)thick. Exception: Where this code(IBC)requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. Delete: Appendices A(Employee Qualifications),B(Board of Appeals)and D(Fire Districts). International Residential Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All amendments and deletions to the other standard codes adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as amendments and deletions from the International Residential Code. International Mechanical Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. I. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section M306.3: "There must he a permanently installed stainyay,either fixed or folding,to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located.- 3. - Add to Section M603: "All return air ducts must he installed within 10 inches of the finished floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." 4. Delete: Appendix MB(Recommended Permit Fee Schedule). International Plumbing Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code(IBC). 2. Delete: Sections P103,P 106 and P109 and Appendices PA(Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule)and PG t Vacuum Drainage System). 3. Even if permitted by this code(IPC),none of the following is allowed for use in the City: Acn'lonitrile- Butadiene-Stirene(ABS)pipe or fittings,polyethylene pipe or fittings,Type M copper,lead-based pipe, aluminum DWV pipe or components.or air admittance valves. 4. Even if permitted by this code(IPC),PVC and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed for use in the City. Exception: PVC water pipe may he used where permitted by this code(IPC), but for underground installations only. 3. Even if permitted by this code(IPC),wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSC, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: -The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders,building storm drains, building storm sewers.exterior conductors,downspouts,roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities.- 7. Maximum water meter size.unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly demonstrate the need for a larger meter in a particular case, is: 3i 4ths inch for an irrigation system,or I-inch for a single-family dwelling. DRAFT • if • Li3kfc, tnittate4-) U c International Fuel Gas Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the 9 same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. " 2. Delete Sections FG 103, FG 1 06, and FG 109 and Appendices . 3. Even if permitted by this code,copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. 4. There must he a permanently-installed stairway,either fixed or folding, to serve attic space wher appliances or equipment are located. 5. Even if permitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleum gas,or"LPG."shall not he used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gallons or less. 6. Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves. International Fire Code,2000 Ed.,International Code Council,Inc. 1. The tire official shall be the tire chief or acing tire chief who may detail other members of the tire de- partment or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and administration of the tire code in the same manner as it applies to the building code (except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles). 2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the building code. 3. The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City limits. 4. Explosives and fireworks,as detined in Chapter 33,are prohibited within the City limits. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6(relating to service stations),"latch-open- type devices are prohibited. 6. Section_50=4.3 (hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: An incinerator shall not he used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it: (i)at any time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day:or(ii)at any time when unattended. National Electrical Code, 1996 Ed.,National Fire Protection Association("NEC"). 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings,variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC. DRAfl'