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3'HIS MHO PRNERVAIMN* Why Preserve? * Historic Places.Community Building . Historic Travel
HISTORIC HOMEOWNER Rehabilitating a Historic Home
The Nationa
Buying and Selling Rehabilitating and restoring an old building or house is an exciting challenge. Preservation
Historic Properties Although the process can be difficult(not to mention expensive and time-
. many titles a
Rehabilitating a consuming),your hard work will be richly rewarded when you successfully houses.Just
Historic Home complete your project. "Homes and
Working with a Builder menu on the
Keep in mind that you do not have to do it all yourself.There are professionals the Preserv:
Financial Assistance home page.
to assist you during each phase of your project: architects, architectural
Protecting a Historic historians, landscape architects, contractors,suppliers,researchers, librarians,
Home and preservationists.
Great American Home
Awards Also, be sure to visit the section on Protecting a Historic Home for information
National Register about topics like paint and insurance.
How Do I Start?
Site Resources Before buying an older house,first determine the condition of the building by
thoroughly inspecting it yourself or with a trained professional, such as an
architect, structural engineer,or a building inspector with renovation experience.
Join the National Trust (A local preservation organization can probably recommend an appropriate
person). Carefully map out what you want to accomplish and budget how much
Contact the National
Trust money you can afford to spend.
Help from the National In 1989,the National Trust's Preservation Magazine published an article on
-• • _ 'What Every Restorer Should Know."Author Susan Morse included the
The National Trust in Department of the Interior's"Ten Basic Principles for Sensitive Rehabilitation,"
Your State also known as the"Do's and Don'ts for First-Timers and Veterans."
National Trust Home
Page 1. Make every effort to use the building for its original purpose.
2. Do not destroy distinctive original features.
3. Recognize all buildings as products of their own time.
4. Recognize and respect changes that have taken place over time.
5. Treat sensitively distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craft
6. Repair rather than replace worn architectural features when possible.
When replacement is necessary, new material should match the old in
design, composition, and color.
7. Clean facades using the gentlest methods possible.Avoid sandblasting
and other damaging methods.
8. Protect and preserve affected archeological resources.
9. Compatible contemporary alterations are acceptable if they do not
destroy significant historical or architectural fabric.
10. Build new additions so they can be removed without impairing the
underlying structure.
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Chapter 40.23.23 Purpose. Davis Municipal Code - City of Davis • Page 1 of 1
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this article is to promote the general welfare by providing for the identification,
enhancement, perpetuation, and use of historical resources including improvements, buildings, structures, ob.
features, sites, cultural landscapes, places, and areas within the city that reflect special elements of the city'
architectural, archaeological, cultural, or aesthetic heritage for the following reasons:
(a) To encourage public knowledge, understanding, appreciation, and use of the city's past;
(b) To foster civic pride in the beauty and character of the city and in the accomplishments of its past;
(c) To enhance the visual character of the city by encouraging new design and construction that compleme
historical buildings;
(d) To increase the economic benefits of historic preservation to the city and its inhabitants;
(e) To protect property values within the city;
(f) To identify as early as possible and resolve conflicts between the preservation of historical resources/c
alternative land uses; and
(g) To conserve valuable material and energy resources by ongoing use and maintenance of the existin
natural environment. (Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Applica1ty. Davis Municipal Code - City of DID Page 1 of 1
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.020 Applicability.
(a) The Historical Resources Management Ordinance shall be applied to the Davis Register of Historica
(Landmarks, Merit Resources, and Historic Districts), as defined and designated by this article.
(b) A property that has been designated a Historical Resource shalt continue to be subject to all zoning ordi
would apply to such property if it were not so designated or located. By designating Historical Resources the
shall not be construed to be repealing or waiving any other portion of the zoning ordinance of the city as it ap
designated property. (Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, 5 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, 5 1 (part)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Definition Davis Municipal Code - City of Dail Page 1 of 3
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.030 Definitions.
For the purpose of this article the following words shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to tl.
(a) "Alteration" means any exterior change or modification, through public or private action, of any
historical resource which involves exterior changes to or modification of a structure, its surface text
architectural details; new construction; relocation of structures onto, off of, or within a designated propert■
other changes to the property or site affecting the significant historical or architectural features of the
historical resource.
(b) "California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" means the California Public Resources Code Section 21000
its related guidelines as it may be amended.
(c) "California Historical Building Code (CHBC)" means the most recent version of the California buildinc
regulates alterations to qualified historic structures. The code provides alterative building regulatio
rehabilitation, preservation, restoration or relocation of qualified resources.
(d) "Certificate of Appropriateness" means a certificate whose issuance is approved by the Historic
Management Commission or upon appeal by the City Council and which authorizes its recipient to make sp
approved exterior alterations to a Davis Register designated historical resource.
(e) "Certified Local Government" (CLG) means a local government that has been certified by the National Pan
carry out the purposes of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 470 et seq.) a.
pursuant to Section 61 of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
(f) "Character defining-feature" means the architectural features of a building, structure, or object that help
significance of the Historical Resource and which were present during the period of significance.
!g) "Commission" me ns the H;.tr.rical Resource Management Commission established pursuant tG 'Ile pi uv is
(h) "Conservation Overlay Zoning District" Conservation overlay districts support planning policy stipulatin
development and renovation of existing buildings should respect the traditional scale and character four
defined area. Conservation Overlay Zoning Districts are designated under the Davis Zoning Code and are not
the Davis Register of Historical Resources. However, individual buildings within a Conservation Overlay Dist
designated Landmarks or Merit Resources.
(i) "Cultural Landscape" means a geographic area (including both cultural and natural resources) associated Wit
event, activity, or person or exhibiting other mutually exclusive: historic sites, historic designed landscap
vernacular landscapes, and ethnographic landscapes.
(j) "Cultural Resources Inventory" means an inventory of properties surveyed using the State of California Del
Parks and Recreation Survey forms. An inventory is an organized compilation of information about Historical RE
(k) "Davis Register of Historical Resources" means the register of designated Landmarks. Merit Resources, Histc
and District Contributors within the City of Davis. These resources meet the definition of a historical rest
CEQA. Any alteration to these resources shall comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Ti
Historic Properties.
(I) "Demolition" means for the purpose of this article, any act or failure to act that destroys, removes, or r
whole or in part a historical resource such that its historic character and significance is materially altered.
(m) "Demolition/ Relocation Certificate" means a certificate whose issuance is approved by the Historic,
Management Commission or upon appeal by the City Council and which authorizes its recipient to demolish,
relocate a designated historical resource.
(n) "Design Guidelines" for the purposes of this ordinance means a set of standards guiding appropriate trE
Historical Resources and appropriate new construction within or in the vicinity of a historic or conservation dis
(o) "District Plan" means the documentation, planing, and guiding document for a designated Historic District
by the Historical Resource Management Commission in accordance with the provisions of this article. Di
identify the district contributors and non-contributors to which these provisions apply.
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Chapter 40.23.23 Definiti.. Davis Municipal Code - City of Dale Page 2 of 3
(p) "Exterior Architectural Feature" means the architectural elements embodying style, design, general arra ng
components of all the outer surfaces of an improvement, including, but not limited to, the architectural st
arrangement, massing, texture, painted and unpainted surfaces and materials.
(q) "Historical Resource" means improvements, buildings, structures, objects, signs, features, sites, cultural
places, areas, or other improvements of scientific, aesthetic, educational, cultural, archaeological, arc hi!
historical value to citizens of the City of Davis and designated as Landmarks, Merit Resources, or Historic Dist
City Council pursuant to the provisions of this article. These designated resources comprise the Dais Register
(r) "Historic District" means a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures,
united historically or aesthetically by plan or physical development. A district derives its importance from bell
entity, even though it is often composed of a wide variety of resources. The identity of a Historic District resu
interrelationship of its resources, which can convey a visual sense of the overall historic environmen
arrangement of historically or functionally related properties. Designated Historic Districts are included
Register of Historic Resources. Historic Districts can include Historical Resources that may be individually d€
Landmarks or Merit Resources.
(s) "Historic District Boundary" means the definable geographic area that can be distinguished from surroundin!
by changes such as density, scale, type, age, style of sites„ buildings, structures, and objects, or by c
differences in patterns of historic development or associations. Historic or Conservation Overlay District boon
be based upon a shared relationship among the properties constituting the district.
(t) "Historic District Contributor" means a building, site, structure, object, or cultural landscape identified in
District Plan that possesses sufficient integrity to add to the historic architectural qualities, historic ass(
patterns for which a Historic District is significant.
(u) "Historic District Non-Contributor" means a building, site, structure, object, or cultural landscape ident
Historic District Plan that does not add to the historic architectural qualities, historic association or patterns
Historic District is significant.
(v) "Improvement" means any building, structure, place, fence, gate, landscaping, tree, wall, parking facili
art, or other object constituting a physical feature of real property or any part of such feature.
(w) "Integrity" means the ability of a historical resource to convey its significance. To be considered a historic,
a property mist not only be significant under the appropriate criteria, but it must also retain a majority of tF
aspects of integrity including location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association.
(x) "Landmark" means buildings structures, objects, signs, features, sites, places, areas, cultural landscap
improvements of the highest scientific, aesthetic, educational, cultural, archaeological, architectural, or hist
to the citizens of the City of Davis and designated as such by the City Council pursuant to the provisions of
ta(idrnaik is deemed to be so important to the historical and architectural fabric of the community that its to
deemed a major loss to the community. Once designated, Landmarks are included in the Davis Register c
Resources. Landmarks were formerly designated as "Outstanding Historical Resources." (Ord. 1784, 1995).
(y) "Merit Resource" means buildings, structures, objects, signs, features, sites, places, areas, cultural lai
other improvements with scientific, aesthetic, educational, cultural, archeological, architectural, or historic
the citizens of the City of Davis and designated as such by the City Council pursuant to the provisions of the a
designated, Merit Resources are included in the Davis Register. Merit Resources were formerly designate a!
Resources." (Ord. 1784, 1995)>
(z) "Minor Improvement Permit" means an over-the-counter- approval for Ordinary Maintenance and Repair
features at or on Davis Register Resources.
(aa) "Object" means those constructions that are distinguished from building and structures that are primaril
nature or are relatively small in scale and simply constructed. Although they may be, by nature or desigr
objects are associated with a specific setting or environment.
(bb) "Ordinary maintenance and repair" means any work, for which a building permit is not required by law
purpose and effect of such work is to correct any deterioration of or damage to the exterior feature of any
property or any part thereof and to restore the same, as nearly as may be practicable, to is condition E
occurrence of such deterioration or damage.
(cc) "Period of Significance" means the length of time that a property was associated with important events, a
persons, or attained the characteristics that qualify it for designation.
(dd) "Relocation" means the removal of a Historical Resource from its original site to a new site.
(ee) "Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with guidelines fro
rehabilitating, restoring and reconstruction historic buildings, as they may be amended," means the standards
by the National Park Service and the Secretary of the Interior that guide treatment of historic properties (36
July 1995 Federal Register Vol. 60 No. 133).
(ff) "State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) survey forms" means the current offic
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Chapter 40.23.23 Definiti. Davis Municipal Code - City of Dave Page 3 of 3
California corms completed by either the Historic Preservation Commission or other interested individuals ti-
information about a Historical Resource.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1314, § 1; Ord. No. 1784, 5 1 (part)_)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Historicitesources Management Commission. likis Municipal Code ... Page 1 or2
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.040 Historical Resources Management Commission.
A historical resources management commission of the city is hereby established.
Membership of Commission.
The members of the commission shall include persons who have demonstrated special interest, competence,
or knowledge in historic preservation, American studies, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, or of
preservation-related discipline. Members may also include persons with professional qualifications in suc
architecture, history, architectural history, prehistoric and historic archaeology, urban planning, law, r
folklore, museum curation, conservation and landscape architecture or related disciplines, to the e
professionals are available in the community. All members must have demonstrated interest in and knowlf
cultural heritage of the city and shall be residents of the city.
Appointments of Members.
The membership of the Historical Resources Management Commission shall consist of seven regular memb(
alternate member appointed by the City Council. All such appointments shall be by vote of not less than tf
members. The alternate member of the Historical Resources Management Commission shall vote only upon onE
the following conditions:
(1) Absence of one or more of the regular members of the Commission; or
(2) Disqualification of a regular member of the Commission because of an expressed conflict of interest.
Term of Office of Members.
Standards for terms of office of all members shall be as provided for in Section 2.16.020 of the Davi Municipal
member shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. I'
including alternate, shall serve more than eight successive years.
Vacancies on the Commission, from whatever cause, shall be filled by the City Council by vote of not less
council members. Time served to fill an unexpired portion of a term shalt not be included in the eight-year lit
forth in section 2.16.010 (d)
Automatic Termination of Appointment.
The appointment of any member of the commission who has been absent from three consecutive regular
meetings, without the prior approval of the Commission chairperson, shall automatically terminate.
Chairperson of the Commission.
The commission shall elect a chairperson from its members, who shall hold office for one year, or until
successor is elected, unless his or her term as a member of the commission expires sooner. The chairpers
elected at the first meeting of the Commission after July 1st of each year.
Meetings of the Commission.
The Commission shall establish a regular time and place of meeting and shall hold at least one regular meeting
months. Special meetings of the commission may be called at any time by the chairperson, or by not more
than three members of the Commission, upon personal notice being given to all members of the Commission.
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Chapter 40.23.23 Historical esources Management Commission. is Municipal Code ... Page 2 of 2
notice cannot be given, written notice must be mailed to all members at least twenty-four hours prior to sa
unless said notice requirement is waived in writing by said member prior to the meeting or by being pre
meeting. Meetings of the commission shall be held, and notice given, in conformance with California Goverr
sections 54951.1--54961 (the Ralph M. Brown Act).
Organization and Procedure.
The Commission may make and alter all rules and regulations governing its organization and procedure not
with this article, the laws of the state of California, or any other ordinance of the city. Four of the seven me
constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting is required i
action. The commission shall keep an accurate record of its proceedings and transactions and shall submi.
report to the City Council.
Professional Staff to the Historical Resources Management Commission
. The Planning and Building Director shall appoint an officer or employee of the city who shall act as se,
professional staff to the Commission
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 2107, Amended 3/12/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. NI
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Chapter 40.23.23 Powers aeduties. Davis Municipal Code - City Ilkavis Page 1 of 2
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40.23.050 Powers and duties.
The historical resources management commission shall have the following powers and duties under this artic
(a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to historical resources;
(b) Maintain a local Cultural Resources Inventory of historical resources within the city; publicize
periodically the inventory;
(c) Work with city Historical Resources management Commission staff and the State Historic Preservatic
administer the Certified Local Governemnt program;
(d) Recommend the designation of all types of historical resources, as hereinafter provided:
(e) Recommend standards to be adopted by the City Council, to be used by the Commission in the
applications for certificate of appropriateness;
(f) Hear and render judgment on applications for certificate of appropriateness, as hereinafter provided;
deny issuance of certificate of appropriateness;
(g) Hear and render judgment on applications for demolition certificate, as hereinafter provided; apprc
issuance of demolition certificate;
(h) Reveiw new construction, significant exterior renovations, and demolitions within the boundaries of
Historic Districts;
(i) Perform advisory reveiw of new construction, significant renovation projects, and demolitions within
designated individual landmarks and merit resources;
(j) Perform advisory reveiw of new construction, significant renovation projects, and demolitions with
conservation overlay districts.
(k) Work with Commission staff and outside consultants as needed to develop policy documents for h
conservation districts;
(I) Investigate and report: to the City Council on the use of various federal, state, local, or private fungi
incentives and other mechanisms available to promote historical P reservation in the city;
(m) Reveiw and comment on the decisions and documents including environmental assess
g assessments under th
Quality Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, Section 106 of the National Historic Preset
environmental impact reports, and environmental impact statements of other public
agencies and
P rivate pr(
such decisions or documents may affect any type of designated historical resources or potential historical reso
(n) Cooperate with local, county, state, and federal governments in the pursuit of the objectives
preservation and request and recieve any appropriate information from any city departments or commissions;
(o) Participate in, promote, and conduct public information, educational, and interpretive programs pertz
types of historical resources;
(p) Render advice and guidance upon the request of the property owner or occupant, on the restoration,
decoration, landscaping, or maintenance of any designated historical resource;
(q) Provide for adequate public participation in local historic preservation programs, including the
recommending properties for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and the California
Historical Resources;
(r) the Historical Resources Management Commission is hereby given the authority to delegate certain minor
the Commission staff for any advisory reveiw and for Certificate of Appropriateness reveiw and approval for
Historical Resource Management Commission shall establish guidelines for such projects to be reveiwed by
staff. Appeals of Commission staff decisions shall follow the procedures established in Article 40.39.0 of this ct
(s) Perform and other functions that may be designated by resolution or motion of the City Council.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Davis Roister of Historical Resources designatieriteria. Davis Muni... Page 1 of 2
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.060 Davis Register of Historical Resources designation criteria.
(a) Landmarks. Upon the recommendation of the Historical Resource Management Commission and apps
City Council a Historical Resource may be designated a Landmark if the resource meets any of the following I
at the local, state, or national level of significance and retains a high level of historic integrity as defined by tI
(1) Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns in the histoi
California, or the Nation; or
(2) Associated with the lives of significant persons in the history of Davis, California, or the Nation; or
(3) Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, architectural style or method of construct
represent the work of a master designer; or that possess high artistic values; or that represents a sigr
distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
(4) Has yielded or may likely yield archaeological or anthropological information important in the study
prehistory, or human culture.
(b) Landmark factors to be considered. In determining whether to designate a resource a Landmark, th
factors should be considered, if applicable:
(1) A resource moved from its original location may be designated a Landmark if it is significant prim.
architectural value or it is one of the most important surviving structures associated with an important persor
(2) A birthplace or grave may be designated a Landmark if it is that of a historical figure of outstanding
within the history of Davis, the state or the nation and there are no there appropriate sites or resoun
associated with his or her life or achievements.
(3) A reconstructed building may be designated a Landmark if the reconstruction is historically accurate and
sounds historical documentation, is executed in a suitable environment, and if no other o;•iginal structure si
has the same historical association.
(4) A resource achieving significance within the past fifty (50) years may be designated a landmark if the re
exceptional importance within the history of Davis, the state or the nation.
(c) Merit Resources. Upon the recommendation of the Historical Resource Management Commission and app
City Council a Historical Resource may be designated a Merit Resource if the resource meets one of the fol
criteria at the local level of significance and possesses historic integrity as defined under this article:
(1) Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patters in the history of Da
(2) Associated with the lives of significant persons in the history of Davis; or
(3) Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, architectural style or method of constructs
represent the work of a master designer; or that possess high artistic values; or that represents a sigr
distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
(4) Has yielded or may likely yield archaeological or anthropological information important in the study
prehistory, or human culture.
(d) Merit Resources factors to be considered. In determining whether to designate a resource a Merit Re
following factors should be considered, if applicable:
(1) A resource moved from its original location may be designated a Merit Resource if it is signific
architectural value or it an understanding of the associated important person or historic event has not been
the relocation.
(2) A birthplace or grave may be designated a Merit Resource if it is that of a historical figure of
importance within the history of Davis and there are no other appropriate sites or resources directly associal
or her life or achievements.
(3) A reconstructed building may be designated a Merit Resource if the reconstruction is historically acct
based on sound historical documentation, is executed in a suitable environment, and if no other origin
survives that has the same historical association.
(4) A resource achieving significance within the past fifty (50) years may be designated a Merit Resourc
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Chapter 40.23.23 Davis Re+ster of Historical Resources designati•riteria. Davis Muni... Page 2 of 2
exceptional importance within the history of Davis.
(e) Historic Districts. Upon the recommendation of the Historical Resource Management Commission and app
City Council a group of historical resources may be designated y g ated a Historic District if the district meets any of tl
significance criteria:
(1) Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns in the histoi
California of the Nation; or
(2) Associated with the lives of significant persons in the history of Davis, California or the Nation; or
(3) Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, architectural style or method of constructs
represent the work of a master designer; or that possess high artistic values; or that represents a sigr
distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
(4) Has yielded or may likely yield archaeological or anthropological information important in the study
prehistory, or human culture.
(f) Historic District factors to be considered. In determining whether to designate a group of resources a
District, the following factors should be considered, if applicable:
(1) To be designated a historic District a grouping of historical resources must meet one of the above four cri
local, state, or national level of significance and the majority of the Historic District contributors must ret
integrity. The collective value of the district contributors may be greater than the individual resources within
(2) A Historic District Plan shall be developed and reviewed by the Historical Resources Management
simultaneously with designation. The Historic District Plan shall provide standards for review within tha
district to ensure that new development, renovation, and rehabilitation are compatible and complemen
prevalent character-defining features, architectural style, historic context, and design elements within t
(3) The Historic District contributors are identified in the designation materials and the District Plan includin
sites, structures, objects, or cultural landscapes that add to the historic architectural qualities, historic ass
patterns for which a Historic District is significant and that are located within the district boundaries;
(4) The Historic District non-contributors are identified in the designation materials and the District Plz
buildings, sites, structures, objects and landscapes within the district boundaries that do not add to i
architectural qualities, historic association or patterns for which the Historic District is significant;
(5) The Historic District boundaries and period of significance are identified in the designation materi,
District Plan
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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40.23.070 Designation Process.
Historical resources, outstanding historical resources, and historic districts shall be designated by the City C
the recommendation of the Historical Resources Management Commission in the following manner:
Initiation of Designation Landmarks and Merit Resources.
Designation of Landmarks and Merit Resources may be initiated by the Historical Resource Management Corr
any resident of Davis, or by the owner of the property that is proposed for designation. All applicatic
accompanied by adequate historical and architectural information such that the Commission can render
recommendation concerning the application. All applications for Landmarks and Merit Resources should inclur
recent version of the appropriate State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 A-L series
completed according to the State's instructions for recording historical resources; current and historical pho
available, of the resource(s); and current owner and parcel number.
Initiation of Designation of Historic Districts.
Designation of Historic Districts may be initiated by the Historical Resource Management Commission, by any
Davis, or by any property owner proposed for designation. All applications must be accompanied by adequal
and architectural information such that the Commission can render an informed recommendation cons
application All application should include the most recent version of the appropriate State of California Del
Parks and Recreation (DPR) survey forms completed according to the State's instructions for recordin
resources; current and historical photographs, if available, of the resource(s); current owner and parcel nur
property within the district; a list of proposed contributors and non-contributors as well as a map identi
resources and the acCribed boundary; and a district management plan developed in re"r t±nrtion with i`r;rrsa
with public input.
Public Hearing.
The Commission shall schedule a public hearing on all proposed designations, whether origination with the Col
with another party. The public hearing shall be held within forty-five days of the Planning and Building Direct
of a complete application, except in the case of designations being considered for potential historical r
provided for in Section 40.23.120 B of this article, in which case the hearing shall be held within thirty days o
state law and city ordinance. Failure of owners to receive notice of such hearing shall in no way affect the vat
action taken.
Designation List.
The Commission shall ub
p lish and transmit to all interested parties a list of proposed designations, and shall
any relevant public information concerning the potential historical resources contained therein.
Stay of Work.
While the Commission's public hearing on designation or the City Council's decision on an appeal of a de
pending a stay of work shall be automatically in place. During the stay of work moratorium, any work that we
a Certificate of Appropriateness or a Demolition Certificate if the improvement were already designated
resource or if it were already located in a historic or conservation overlay district shall not be carried out.
work will end upon the earlier of the Commission's decision to deny the proposed designation if no appeal i
City Council's decision to introduce an ordinance to approve in whole, in part or deny in its entirety th
designation, or 90 calendar days from the date of commencement of the stay of work.
Landmark and Merit Resource Designation Notice of Public Hearing.
Notice of such hearing shall be given as required by state law and city ordinance. Failure of owners to recei■
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such hearing shall in no way affect the validity of any action taken. The Commission and City Council may also
notice as they may deem desirable and practicable.
Historic District Notice.
Notice of such hearing shall be given as required by state law and city ordinance. Failure of owners to recei)
such hearing shall in no way affect the validity of any action taken. Notices of the public hearing shall be F
least five highly visible locations within the Historic District boundaries.
Commission Recommendations.
The Commission shall recommend approval in whole or in part or disapproval of the application for designatio
to the City Council, setting forth the reasons for the decision. The recommendation will be submitted to
after the public hearing, but in no event more than forty-five days of the Planning and Building Director's i
complete application, except in the case of designations being considered for potential historical resources
for in Section 40.23.120 B of this article, in which case the recommendation shall be submitted within th
receipt of a complete application.
Approval of Commission's Recommendations.
The City Council, within forty-five days of receipt of the Commission's recommendations in whole or in part,
motion disapprove them in their entirety, except in the case of designations being considered for potenti,
resources as provided for in Section 40/23/120 B of this article, in which case the City COuncil shall have th
introduce an ordinance to approve in whole or in part or by motion disapprove in its entirety. If the City Counp
a proposed designation, notice of the City COuncil's decision shall be sent to applicants and owners of a
property. Notice shall also be sent to the building official and to the Commission staff.
Appeals process.
Any failure by the Historical Resources Management Commission to recommend a designation, either by action
of action, may be appealed to the City Council following the procedures established in Chapter 40, article 40.]
Amendment or Rescission.
The Commission and the City Council may amend or rescind the designation of Landmarks, Merit Resourc
Districts, list of Historic District Contributors and other elements Historic District Plans as deemed neces
Commission and in the same manner and procedure as are followed for designation.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Certificaof Appropriateness. Davis Municipal Ille - City of Davis Page 1 of 1
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40.23.080 Certificate of Appropriateness.
(a) No exterior alterations shall be made by any person to any type of historical resource, including Landn
Resources, and Historic District Contributors without a Certificate of Appropriateness approved by the Historic
Management Commission or on appeal by the City Council, nor shall the building official or Planning Commissic
permit to carry out such work on any type of designated historical resource without the prior issuance of a C(
(b) The Historial Resource Management Commission is hereby given the authority to delegate certain mir
involving Davis Register resources to the Commission staff for reveiw and approval or denial. The Historica
Management Commission shall establish guidelines for such projects to be reviewed by Commission staff. Apr
staff decisions shall follow the procedures established in chapter 40, article 40.37.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1375, § 1; Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part)_)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Certificat,_of Appropriateness Standards of Revi•Davis Municipal C... Page 1 of 2
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40.23.090 Certificate of Appropriateness Standards of Review.
(a) The Historical Resource Management Commission shall promulgate and publish such standards as are r
supplement the provisions of this article to inform property owners, tenants and the general public of those s
review by which applications for Certificates of Appropriateness are to be judged. Any such standards shall L
by the City Council. In evaluation applications for Certificates of Appropriateness, the Commission or the
upon appeal shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, massing, texture, painted one
surfaces, materials, and any other factors. The proposed work shall not adversely impact character-defining fe
date to the resource's period of significance.
The Commission or the City Council upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriater
proposed work to a Landmark if it finds:
(A) the proposed work does not result in substantial adverse change in the significance of the resource or
character-defining features, and
(B) the proposed project complies with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment
Properties, and
(C) the proposed work, if proposed for an individual Landmark located within the boundaries of a designates
Conservation Overlay District, shall be consistent with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the adop
Merit Resources.
The Commission or the City Council upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriater
pi opused wc;k to a Merit Resource if it fins:
(A) The proposed work does not result in substantial adverse change in the significance of the resource c
exterior character-defining features; and
(B) The proposed project generally complies with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment
Properties, and
(C) The proposed work, if proposed for an individual Merit Resource located within the boundaries of a
Historic or Conservation Overlay District, shall be consistent with, and supportive of the goals and policies of 1
District Plan.
Historic Districts.
The Commission or the City Council upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriater
proposed work to a Historic District Contributor if it finds:
(A) The proposed work does not result in a substantial adverse change on the significance of the resource
exterior character defining features, nor a substantial adverse change on the character or historical, archi
aesthetic interest or value of the Historic District as a whole; and
(B) The proposed project generally complies with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment
Properties; and
(C) the proposed project is consistent with, and supportive of the goals and policies of the adopted District F
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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40.23.100 Certificate of Appropriateness procedures.
Filing of Application.
Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness for work to be performed on Landmarks, Merit Resources,
District Contributors shall be filed with the Commission staff to the Commission for processing. Applications sl
but not be limited to, photographs, plans, elevations, sections, renderings, materials information, and specif
necessary to illustrate both the current or existing conditions and the proposed exterior alterations. Where
the Commission, applications shall also show the relationship of the proposed work to the environs. In the c
construction in Historic Districts or on parcels containing designated Historic Resources, the new structure's
to the surrounding established context shall be conveyed in the application including, but not limited to, he
massing, set back, and materials. The application shall be accompanied by any other information that the
determines is required for them to make an informed judgement of the proposed work according to the s
review in section 40.23.090.
Administrative Approvals.
The purpose of the administrative approval process is to allow efficient processing of routine or non-
applications while providing sufficient opportunities for public review.
The administrative approval process shall be applied when the Commission staff is authorized to approve an
such as for minor modifications or site plan and architectural approval. The Commission staff shall determin
the meritc of the proposal, whether an application shall be approved administratively or scheduled for a pui
before Historical Resources Management Commission.
Public Notice.
Prior to taking action on an Administrative Approval, the Commission staff shall provide notice through a in
owners of real property as shown on current property tax roles within a minimum of 300 feet of the subject l
the discretion of the Commission staff, based on public interest in the project, the scope of notice, includi
owner radius, may be expanded.
Comment period.
The Commission staff shall provide a comment period of no less than ten calendar days prior to taking a,
Administrative Approval, beginning on the date the public notices are mailed. The purpose of the comment
enable the public to bring comments or questions to the attention of the Commission staff. If the Comrr
receives substantive comments or information that establishes that the application should not be
administratively, the Commission staff shall either deny the application or, if requested by the applican
submittal of the applicable fee, schedule a public hearing before the Historical Resources Management Cor
consider the application.
Appeals to historical Resources Management Commission.
Any determination of the Commission staff with respect to an Administrative Approval application may be app(
Historical Resources Management Commission upon submittal to the city of an appeal application, accompa
fee established by resolution of the City Council. In the absence of an appeal application being filed within tel
the determination of the Commission staff, such determination is final.
Public Hearing.
The staff to the Commission or the Historical Resource Management Commission shall set a public hearing to
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Certificate of Appropriateness application for all applications not eligible for Administrative review, or
Commission staff or appealed in accordance with Administrative Review procedures as described above.
hearing is scheduled before the Commission, it shall be held not more than sixty days from the date
application has been received by the staff to the Commission. Notice of such hearing shall be given as requir
law and city ordinance. Failure of owners to receive notice of such hearing shall in no way affect the vat
action taken. The Commission and City Council may also give other notice as they may deem desirable and pra
Action by Commission.
Within sixty days of the filing of a complete application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, or thirty days of
hearing, whichever is later, the Historical Resource Management Commission shall complete its review
decision. In reaching its decision, the Commission may hold joint meetings or joint public hearings with
commissions and may seek technical advice from outside its own members. The decision, the Commission shz
upon the standards of review in section 40.23.090 and any additional standards recommended by the Corn'
approved by the City Council. The Commission shall approve and application, disapprove it, or approve it
conditions, specified changes, or additions. Failure of the Commission to act upon any complete application
days of its filing, or thirty days after public hearing, whichever applies, shall be deemed to be appri
application. The applicant requesting approval of proposed work shall be notified in writing in advance of t
and notified of the action taken.The decision shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the deci
decision is to approve the application, with or without conditions, changes, or additions, the Cei
Appropriateness shall be issued to the applicant by the Commission staff, and a copy shall be sent to the bui Id
The Certificate of Appropriateness shall not become effective until then days after the decision of the Con
order to prohibit work beginning during the period in which an appeal may be filed.
(Ord. No.2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1314, § 2; Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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40.23.110 Ordinary maintenance and repair.
Nothing in this article shalt be constructed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterio
any structure or property covered by this article, so long as such maintenance and repair does not involve
exterior design, material, or appearance. Commission staff is authorized to develop and implement a proced
over-the-counter Minor Improvement Permits for all exterior ordinary maintenance and repair meeting
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part); Ord. No. 1890, § 1.)
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Chapter 40.23.23 Demolition Certificate Davis Municipal Code - lip of Davis Page 1 of 1
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.120 Demolition Certificate
(a) A Demolition Certificate is required for the demolition, removal, or relocation of Davis Register re
cultural landscapes designated as Landmarks, Merit Resources, and Historic District contributors under this ar
city determines further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act is necessary t
conducted independently of the designation review under this ordinance.
(1) No demolition, removal, or relocation of a historical resource shall be made by any person to any type of
Davis Register resources, without a Demolition Certificate approved by the Historical Resource Management
or on appeal by the City Council, nor shall the City Building Official or City Planning Commission grant any pen
out such action on any type of designated historical resource without the prior issuance of a Demolition Certifi
(2) Relocation as alternative to demolition. Relocating a Merit Resource or Historic District Contributor
acceptable alternative to demolition if the Commission can find that the relocation is compatible with
character and use of the Historical Resource. The resource should retain its historic character-defining fe
project should be in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards, and that the receivin
appropriately zoned and sized for the resource.
(3) A Site Management Plan as defined under the Chapter 8 of the City of Davis Municipal Code ar
Commission approval of the replacement project at the site of the demolished, relocated, or removed resour
issued prior to issuance of the Demolition Certificate by the Historical Resource Management Commission.
(4) The Commission shall take steps within the scope of its powers and duties as it determines are neces:
preservation of both designated and non-designated resources. Such steps may include, but shall not be
consultation with civic groups, public agencies, and interested citizens; recommendations for acquisition of
potential historical resources. (b) The demolition of potential historical resources, those not previously d
historical resources but identified in accordance with Section 8.18 of Chapter 8 (building), shall not oc,
review :;;y _cmm s.iun staff, utilizing expert resources as necessary, snail evaluate the resource for its poterl
criteria for historic significance as defined in this article and by the California Environmental Quality Act. If
staff determines that further review by the Historical Resource Management Commission is warranted
Commission staff shall provide the appropriate State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) s
completed according to the State's instructions for recording historical resources; current and historical pho
the resource(s) (if available); and the current owner and parcel number. The Commission will then consider tP
significance of the structure using the criteria for designation of historical resources as defined by this article.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, § 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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Chapter 40 ZONING*
40.23.120 Demolition Certificate
(a) A Demolition Certificate is required for the demolition, removal, or relocation of Davis Register rep
cultural landscapes designated as Landmarks, Merit Resources, and Historic District contributors under this ar
city determines further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act is necessary t
conducted independently of the designation review under this ordinance.
(1) No demolition, removal, or relocation of a historical resource shall be made by any person to any type of
Davis Register resources, without a Demolition Certificate approved by the Historical Resource Management
or on appeal by the City Council, nor shall the City Building Official or City Planning Commission grant any pen
out such action on any type of designated historical resource without the prior issuance of a Demolition Certifi
(2) Relocation as alternative to demolition. Relocating a Merit Resource or Historic.District Contributor
acceptable alternative to demolition if the Commission can find that the relocation s compatible with
character and use of the Historical Resource. The resource should retain its historic character-defining fe
project should be in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards, and that the receivin
appropriately zoned and sized for the resource.
(3) A Site Management Plan as defined under the Chapter 8 of the City of Davis Municipal Code ar
Commission approval of the replacement project at the site of the demolished, relocated, or removed resour,
issued prior to issuance of the Demolition Certificate by the Historical Resource Management Commission.
(4) The Commission shall take steps within the scope of its powers and duties as Al determines are neces.
preservation of both designated and non-designated resources. Such steps may incude, but shall not be
consultation with civic groups, public agencies, and interested citizens; recommendations for acquisition of
potential historical resources. (b) The demolition of potential historical resources, those not previously d
historical resources but identified in accordance with Section 8.18 of Chapter 8 (building), shall not oc
review by Corn )ision staff, utilizing expert resources as necessary, shall evaluate the resource for its potent
criteria for historic significance as defined in this article and by the California Environmental Quality Act. If
staff determines that further review by the Historical Resource Management Commission is warranted
Commission staff shall provide the appropriate State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) s
completed according to the State's instructions for recording historical resources; current and historical pho
the resource(s) (if available); and the current owner and parcel number. The Commission will then consider tl-
significance of the structure using the criteria for designation of historical resources as defined by this article.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, 5 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, 5 1 (part).)
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40.23.130 Demolition Certificate Findings
(a) The Historical Resource Management Commission shall review and make findings regarding the approp
the demolition, relocation, or removal of all Davis Register historical resources. In all cases, demolition, re
removal of historical resources shall be ties to a proposed project or site development as defined under Chap
Cii:y of Davis Municipal Code. Wherever applicable, the relocation, or removal with such measures as arch
photographs or measured drawings prior to these actions.
The Commission or the City Council upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Demolition Certificate for a
Landmark if it finds that any of the following conditions exist:
(A) Unsafe or dangerous conditions in accordance with Section 40.23.170 of this article; or
(B) Issues relating to hardship in accordance with Section 40.23.190 of this article; and
(C) In the case where either condition (a) or (b) above has been found to exist, that the replacemen
consistent with and supportive of identified goals and policies of the General Plan or applicable or specific ar
that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the goals and purposes of this article or the pote
is outweighed by significant benefits of the proposed replacement project;
Merit Resources.
The Commission or the City COuncil upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Demolition Certificate for a
Merit Resource if it finds that any of the following conditions exist:
(A) Unsafe or dangerous conditions in accordance with Section 40.23.170 of this article;
(B) Issues relating to hardship in accordance with Section 40.23.190 of this . tic(P:
(C) That in the case of relocating a designate Merit Resource the historic and architectural integrity and sig
the resource would not be significantly impaired or its significance altered once relocated; or
(D) That the replacement project is consistent with and supportive of identified goals and policies of the C
or applicable or specific area plans and that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the
purposes of this article or the potential effect is outweighed by significant benefits of the proposed replaceme
Historic District Contributors.
The Commission or the City COuncil upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Demolition Certificate for a
District Contributors if it finds any of the following conditions exist:
(A) Unsafe or dangerous conditions in accordance with Section 40.23.170 of this article;
(B) Issues relating to hardship in accordance with Section 40.23.190 of this article;
(C) That in the case of relocating a designated District Contributor the historic and architectural in
significance of both the contributor and the entire district would not be significantly impaired; or
(D) That the replacement project is consistent with and supportive of identified goals and policies of the G
or applicable or specific area plans including the adopted District Plan and that the proposed action will
significant effect on the goals and purposes of this article or the potential effect is outweighed by significant
the proposed project;
Historic District Non-Contributors.
The Commission or the City Council upon appeal shall approve the issuance of a Demolition Certifical
contributors if it finds:
(A) That the replacement project is consistent with and supportive of identified goals and policies of the C
or applicable or specific area plans including the adopted District Plan.
(Ord. No. 2124 Amended 05/21/2003; Ord. No. 1270, 5 2 (part); Ord. No. 1784, § 1 (part).)
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