HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1938 ~ll SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1938 COUNCIL CR~MBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE{AS. \ t A special meeting of the council was held Tuesday, January 4, 19;38 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall with Mayor Flemin~.presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes 9f the meetings of Dec. 17, 20 and 28, 1937 were read, adj~sted and approved. A letter dated January 3, 1938 from the Community Sun was read by the Mayor, which letter is as follows: liTo the Honorable City Council, Ci ty Hall, City of West University Place, n lexas. Gentlemen: In compliance with your request may we submit the following rates covering legal advertising for the City of West University Place. For one issue ten (10) cents per line, one column wide. \ J For each succeeding issue eight (08) cents per line, one column wide. For your information the next issue of the Commun- ity Sun will be published Friday January 14, 1938, and every second Friday thereafter. Assuring you of our desire to be of seDvice to our communi ty a t all tim~s, we are, Sinc ere'ly THE COMMUNITY SUN Stanhope Stephehs. If Editor Commissioner Mainous made a motion which YifaS duly seconded by Commissioner Allen adopting the following resolution: f1WHEREAS, it will be necessary from time to time for the CiTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE to publish notices and other matters that may be required by ~.1 I" 1~' .- I"" I~ 1 I r ./ ,I , ;1 I ~ ! ~ ~~X~,,' law, and WHEREAS, no official newspaper has beefr heretofore designated: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place that the Community Sun, a newspaper of general circulation, be and the same ~s hereby declared the official newspaper of the City of West University Place, where all official notices and other things required to be published shall be publis~ed unti~ fUrther act~on by the Board of Commissioner~ of the C~ty of West University Place, the rate of p~W for such advertisements to be in accordance with the 'schedule now on file, in the office of the City Secretary of said City. ' PASSED M~DAPPROVED this 4th day of January, 1938. Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas. ATTEST. ~. Voting Aye: Commissioners Ma:inous and Allen. Nos: None. The COmmiSSll:1.Q,;g., unanimously adopted and passed, ()rdinance No;.{t '/, which caption is as follows: AN ORDINANCE FIXING .RENTALS TO BE PAID BY TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, AND GAS COMPANIES FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF USING WITH THEIR POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS, PIPES, AND FIX- TURES THE STREETS, ~ASEMENTS, AND ALLEYS AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS WITHIN THE CITY OF iJ11EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOIATION; AND PROVIDING AN EMERGENCY. This Ordinance was adopted by a motion.made by Commissioner Main- dus and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. The Secretary was instructed to mail a copy of this ordinance to each public ut- ility who will be affected by same. Also given authority for the paying of expenses in the advertising of city Ordinances and,any other expense that may be incurred. Voting Aye: Commissioners liiainous and Allen. Nos: None. I"''''''', r ~-, I r '~12' ./ Commissioner Mainous was given authority to purc~~se one (1) fifty-five (55) gallon drum of ~erosene to be used in the burn- ing of grass and weeds. This authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Maino us .. \ r i Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. No.s: None. ,,,. Mr. J. R. Ellis, who owns a number of lots in West University second addition asked the council to waive the usual $17.50 wa ter connection charge on the lot on which he is building his field office. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, waiving this $17.50 charge, in as much as this is a temporary connection,and to charge $22.50 for the meter. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. 'l'here being no further business to come before the cOuncil and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declar- ed adjourned. t r ~~cf~ J I } ~~ I. . \ ",.""""'""""", I ~ . ----:: ~ I j 0 t.. I~' ~,~,... II , "~'~"'g"'",.,.., ".;: - .""::. :. ~, ~ ""'. <.. 0, .. I REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JRNUARY 7, 1938 COUNCIL Cillll~BER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY Ph~CE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, January 7, 1938 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber o~ the citYchall, with Mayor Fleming presiding and Cormnissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary J~rrarliin attendance. The minutes of the meeting of January 4, 1938 were read and approved. The Mayor suggested that arrangments be madetlOJ start picking up all dogs running at large in the streets, in accordancB with I the Dog Ordinance. .Commissioner Allen made a motion which was 'duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous authorizing that notices be delivered to each residence, to the effect that beginning January 15, 1938, the dog catcher will pick up all dogs not in pens or yards. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr. Bope, Fire Chfuef,presented a letter asking that the fire department be given permission to purchase nine (9) firemen's caps at $2.35 each, total $21.15, from Sakowitz Brothers; six (6) pair of fireme,n's boots at $5.75 per pair, six (6) pairs of coveralls, at $25.00 per-dozen, and eleven ~ll) blue ribbed overalls at $16.00 per dozen, or a total of $74.09 to be pur- chased from Miller Brothers. Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving authority for these purchases, and was duly sec-'" , onded by Commissioner Allen. ' Voting Aye: Comrnissione.rs Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Due to the duplication in street names vommissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, adopt- ing Ordinance No.41{? , which caption is as follows: AN ORDIl~ANCE CHANGING THE NAMES OF CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS V'HTHIN THE CORPORATE LDlITS OF THE CI TY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND DECLARING WHEN SAID'ORDINANCE SB~LL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE. Changing the name of Ave A to Cason Street and Coronado st., to Corondo Street. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen arid Mainous. Nos: None. _----1 t ~~r----=- .: '1 , ~ , '3';"~" . - .. . . . ~\ . T / Authority was given by a motion made by uommissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen for the purchase of a case of flash light batteries for the police d~partment. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. -\ I .Nos: None. Mr. R. E. ~~rentine presented a Qill in the name of the Main- tenance and'Erection Service, in the amount of $3397.55, for the building of a bridge across the drainage ditch at Rice Blvd. and Edloe Street. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by COmll1issioner Mainous, to the effect that this bill be accepted and authorized pa:yment of same. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. 'l'here being no fUrther business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting, was de- clared adjourned. ~. ity secretar~. Attes~ 1/p WIay ~- , 1 ~~ l-"F--~'I- ,,, Jl I 1 ~ 1- [ ~ --~--'-~-~ i J. ..<d , ' REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBEH, CITY ff.ALL, WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, January 14, 1938, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 1I'U th Mayor Flem- ing presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ' The minutes,....of the meeting of January 7" 1938 were read and approved. As per instructions at a previous meeJ~~ to the City Attorney, Mr. Sonfield presented Ordinance No. " ~which is an ~enda- ment to the Zoning Ordinance No. 1// ' , as passed on June 11, 1937; the caption of said ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE:NO. OF THE CITY O}l' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, COMMONLY Kl'\fOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCEfT BY CHANGING SECTION 13, TO PROVIDE THAT THE DllKENSIONS OF THE MAIN BUILDING IN THE EIGHTH S D1GLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT HEREAFTER ERECTED SHALL NOT BE LESS T~~N 900 SQUARE FEET; BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SEC- TION 13A, ~ROVI~IN& FOR THE GREATION OF THE NINTH SINGLE FAMILY DVillLLING DISTRICT AND PRESCRIBING THE SQUARE FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS mHEREIN; ADDING THERETO SECTION 22A, PROVIDING FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINGS IN THE NINTH SINGLE FAMILY. DWELLING DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 23 BY PROVIDING THAT THE. MAIN BUILDING S.ti..Ll..LL BE CONSTRUCT.. ED FRONTING ON THE STREET ON WHICH THE LOT AS ORIG- fINALLY DEDICATED FRONTS; AMENDING SECTION 24, PARA- GRAPH (1) BY OMITTING THE LAST SENTENCE THEREOF AND CHANGING PARAGRAPH (3) OF SAID SECTION TO PROVIDE DISTANCE FROM PROPERTY LINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION c AND ERE0l'IDN ::_0 [V~:B JJIfDDClLNGS?,A.ND 0 THER S TRUC TURES ; ~~ENDING SECTION 29, BY THE IftSERTION OF PAfu\GRAPH (3),THEREIN, PROVIDING FOR THE DEPTH OF THE RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICT FRONTING ON KIRBY DRIVE AND FRONT- ING ALONG BISSONNET STREET AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; MAENDING SECTION 33 BY CHANGING PARAGRAPH (3) WITH REFERENCE TO PUBLICATION OF NOT- ICE OF HEARING ON CHANGES AND AM:ENDMENTS TO PROVIDE TB.AT AT LEAST FIFTEEN DAYS' - NOTICE OF THE TIME AND. PLACE OF SUCH HEARING SR4.LL BE PUBLISHED IN AN OFF- ICIAL PAPER OR A PAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN SUCH MUNICIPALITY; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS SAID ORDINAJlCE SHALL TAKE EFFEC'r AND BE II\! FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROIvI_ AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. After a discussion Mr. Mainous made a motion which was duly sec- onded by COID~issioner Allen, approving and passing this ordinance. ~J I ,.t';o1'='"" , u r .. ~r~l r~~~-~'11 J t ; f I ! I l f ! '. ' i i Vdting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Mr. Garrett, of the Ga.rrett Engineerin?i Gompany-, wa.s present in the interest of_selling the City's ~100,000.00 Sewer He- venue Bonds, a.nd presented a contra.ct to be approved Oy the COUR- cil., Since the contra.ct did not meet witlL'their approval, Comm- issioner Mainous made a motion giving authority to the Mayor, City Secret~ry and Attorney, to work out a satisfactory contract with Mr. Garrett and execute same so that it will not d~lay the sale of these bonds. This motion was duly seconded by COllMiss- ioner All-en. ' , Voting Aye: Cormnissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Instruction was given to Mr. Sonfield, City Attorney to co~nun- icate with Mrs. Weiss who owns five (5) Acress in the north east section of the city and advise her that, the city will be willing to accept the payment of taxes on this property on the basis ,of $1200.00 per acre, waiving penalty on all years prior to 1935, and charging interest and cost on all"years. The Mayor advised that a legal representative should attend the corporation court each week and suggested that Mr. Miles Strick- land be appointed as attorney in the corporation court, who agreea on a salary of $10.00 per month. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the Mayor to employ Mr. S~rickland, atsalary stated, which motion was duly seconded by liommissioner Mainous. ' , I I ~ r Voting Aye: Corrrrnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. A check in the amount of $1000.00 and a letter from Mr. u. T. Austin was referred to the council by the S~cretary. In this letter, Mr. Austin advised that this check was for a donation on the cost of a bridge at Rice Blvd., acress drainage ditch. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen accepting fuis check and ;issued instructions that a letter be written Mr. Austin, thanking him for this dona- tion. Voting Aye: 0ommissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: l\lOne. The Secretary was given authority to purchase at the lowest possible prices, the following: ' Eight thousand (8000) Rendition Blanks, Five hundred (500) daily dog reports, ~) One thousand (1000) pound receipts, Supply of plumbing application blanks, Legal statement paper. ,.~' '\~,.~" , " : . " .. : ~ \~} '-i'i''':~'' ' ",; , ~ .~. ~ - ,",,",--c, _.: - ~-"'''''.;:. _ ~1; ..:. " Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the above purchases. Voting Aye: COmL1issioners hllen and Mainous. Nos :' .None. ,h Commissioner Ma.inous was given authority to purchase Four l4) Shovels, by a motion made by vommissioner Allen and seconded by Commissiuner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Uowais- sioner Malnous giving authority for the purchase of: Two (2) Pillows, One (1) Mattress, One (1) Spring, One (1) Bed, , i J for the watchman's room at the city barn. This motion was duly seconded by vormnissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Corrnnissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr. George Ashcraft applied to the Mayor for a position of Deputy City Marshall. The Mayor advised that he had satisfied himself that Mr. Ashcraf,t was qualified t,o fill the position and requested that he be employed. After several questions ,had been asked him by the Commissioners, Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Co~nissioner Allen, that Mr. Ashcraft be employed as Deputy City Iv1arshall," and any other duties that may be assigned to him, at a salary of $60.00 per month. He is to begin work on Saturday, January 15, 1938. Voting Aye: Uommissipners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. The following letter was received from Mr. J. R. ~llis, re- questing the Board to reconsider his application for building permit filedMay 20, 1937: !tHon. Mayor & City Commissioners, City of West University Place, Tex. 19?;~"""'-" iI' ] - r ' . 1 :~'(f)" t?)" (]" ",.' l ,t I ,{ l ' / I f , ! Gentlemen: On May 20, 1937, I made application for a building perrait to erect a one-story brick store building on Lot 4A, Block 44, West University Place Second Addi- tion, but issuance of the permit was held up by you on account of the impression that my lot was restrict- ed to residential use. I bought the lot without any such restrictions on it and made application for the pe~~it some weeks before your ,zoning ordinance was passed. You failed to give me the permit before pass- age of this ordinance, so the delay resulted in my having to postpone the project till now. This lot lies on the east side of the drainage ditch and north side of University Blvd., between a liquor store and a beau~y parlor. It is certainly unfit for other than commercial use. The building I pr-opose to ,erect on it will be attractive and a credit to the community center, as you will see by referring to the plans I have submitted, and for the reasons stated 'I trust you will issue me a permit for its construction. ) , Yours very truly, J. R. Ellis.n I I After a discussion, it was decided that due to the fact that this had been discussed at several previous meetimgs and a re- quest for a permit Qn this building was rejected, that the Mayor be authorized to write Mr. Ellis a reply to this letter and advise him that it would be necessary to make a new appli- cation as the former application had been definitely disposed of. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving the Mayor this authority, this motion being duly seconded by Commissioner Iv'iainous . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. 1n~re be~ng no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly <:;; econded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. , ~ y Secretary. ~j I 1, "'*"'~ r _J _f ~1 ---r- " I REGlJLAR MEETING FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLAe.~, TEXAS. ~he regular meeting of the council was held Friday, January 21, 1938 i~ the Council Chamber at the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioner Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Co~~issioner Allen absent. The minutes of the meeting of January 14, 1938 were approved. ,Commisslon~r Mainous made a motion giving authority to the Mayor to have the telephone installed in the offlce" of the new city garage., This motion was approved by the Mayor. Voting Aye: CO~1illissioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. No s: None. Commissioner Mainous advised that he had an opportunity to purchase forty (40) trees at $1.25 each, and suggested that he be given authority to purchase same and place them around the City Hall and Colonial and W$~r Parks.' This authority was approved by the Mayor. Voting Aye: COI,1missioner Mainous joined by Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the meeting and upon motion being made ahd duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. c~~ Att~ ~1 .,ayor ~'l 1',< 'f~o\\'''Wil , I J' ~, ~[ mil " \ \ :10 " , 'I"'"'U)'~ ,'e"' . 2f &t ,~ .: L,,- ':; , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JAi\lUAHY 28, 1938 COUNOILGHA}IBER, OITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE, TEXAS. --'j I I The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, January 28, 1938 at '7:00 P. M. in the Oouncil Ohamber of the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and COIT@issioners Allen and Mainous an~'Secretary Jarrard in attendance. The Minutes of the meeting of Friday January 21, 1938 were read and approved., Mayor Fleming recommended that the resignations of U. R. Bronk and O. F. Hirschfield, Electrical inspectors, be acc- epted, and asked that Mr. E. 01 Rulon be appointed to make all electrical inspections. This is in addition to his duties as assistant Oity Marshal. The Mayor also advised that he had made a thorough in~~stigation and had satis~llied himself that Mr. Rulon was, qualified to make these ins.;pec- tions. Commissioner Allen made a motion accepting the Mayor's recommendation Which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: CO~uissioners Allen and.Mainous. Nos": None. Oo~nissioner Allen asked that he be given authority to pur- chase the following: Four (4) 3/4 X 1211 Bolts, no nuts, Three (3) sacks cement, 1i'ifty (50) Meters, Fifty (50) Saddles and ,(Jlamp' 2" , Fifty (50) ex lead washers, Fifty (50) Curb cut offs H-l0203, J:i'ifty (50) Oor.p. cut offs H-l0003; Fifty (50) 3/4 X 2 Nipples, Fifty (50) 1 X 3/4 ells, Twenty~four (24) 1 X 3/4 reducers, Thirty-six (36) 3/4 ells, . Two hundred (200) feet 1 1/211 pipe, two hundred (200) feet 2!1 pipe. Oommissioner Mainous made a motion approving the purchase of this material which motion was duly seconded by COL~iss- ioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Maino~and Allen. Nos: None. Cash receipts December 193'7 sioner. and disbursement statements for the month of was presented to the Mayor and each Commls- "" J'it <l~""'il 'I - l~~r'---=--T'---_._....- .:~ --------r ~'"l''' , ': t; ,,' . ." ~~,,:"1~r.::"~." ,II/Ir. John C. CalhoLLn, Jr., presented bills in the amouxlt of $400.69, which is the amount due him as Engineer's services rendered for the repairing of the sewers on University Blvd., in the amount of 1/i199.33, and the balance due in the amount of $150.00 for making a detailed map showing all sanitary sewer lines, future lines and elevations; the preparing of this map' was authorized by the former afuainistration. And $51.36 for engineering services on the cons tructi0U:"of, 520 feet of sani- tary sewer line between Poe and Milton Streets, which Job was co~pleted s~yeral months ago.Cow~issionerMainous made a mo- tion authorizing the secretary to pay the above bills when O\Ok.ld,-by~ :the respective department heaB.. This motion was duly seconded by Connnissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Authority for the purchase of three (3) drums of gasoline, one (1) drum of kerosene, two (2) cases of lubricating oil, one (1) pair pruning shears, and one (1) sack of cotton seed meal; as given by a motion made by COIT@issioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. , I I ) - Nos: 'None. ~here being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ~ C' Secretary .. J ;'"'>-,.,:F"'~. . _r ;,{ID .~.~ I I~-"Ij THE STATE OF TEXAS CO UNTY OF HP,--RRIS CITY OP WEST mUVERSITY PLACE The City Commission~of the City of West University Place, Texas, conv'Emed in special session on this ,the 2.../) day of January, A. D., 1938, with the following members present, t'o-wi t: .:""'" ~ Harvey T. Fleming, Mayor R. B. Allen Commissioners Frank B.IVIainous C. G. Jarrard, City Secretary with the following absent: None, constituting a quorum, at which time the following among other business was transacted, wo-wit: Commissioner Allen introduced a proposed ordinance. The ord- inance was read in full. COli~nissioner Mainous made a motion that the rule requiring ordinances to be read at mo~e than one meeting be suspend~d. The motion was seconded by Corr@issioner Allen. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Commisstoners Al1enand-Mainous and Mayor Fleming. NOS: None. I I. I , Co~missioner Mainous made a motion that the ordinance be passed finally. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Allen and Mainousand Mayor Fleming. NOS: None. The Mayor announced that the ordinance had been finally passed. The caption of ordinance is as follows: No;;... /3Z ,- t! AUTHORIZING 'fHE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SEWER SYSTm~ REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1938, AGGREGATING $100,000.00, BR~RING 4i% INTEREST, TO SECURE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING, IMPROV- ING, ENLARGING, EX'l'ENDING AlifD REPAIRING THE SEWER SYSTEl'/l IN AND .F'OR SAID CITY, PRESCRIBING THE J?OlTh1 OF BOND, PLEDGING PRE REVENUES OF SAID SYS'l'ElVI TO 'l'RE ' PAfl~ENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDS AFTER PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENSE OF OPEFLl:;.TING SAID SYSTEM, MAKING CERTAIN COVEl\iANTS OF THE CITY IN REFERENOE '1'0 r:-- -- I 1 , 1 , .;j I ":1 I - THE BOND, FUND,: FliOM JllIiICBJS!ID. ERINCIRAL, AND, INTEREST AR~ TO BE PAID; FnOVIDINa THAT TnE HOLDER OR HOLDERS, OF SAID BONDS SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEIWAND PAYMENT 01<' SAID OBLIGA... TIOl\lS OUT OF ANY FU1~DS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION~ REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES 11\1 CO~FLICT HEREWITH, AND DECLARIN G AN EMERGENCY. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting"'was declared adJourned. 7 , ~ -I 1'-:-1 ~' ~'~"> ," ~ - 0>' . - .:::. ';':.~... ',- " . 1 , "'.l';j; ..~\~~... REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY BALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting ?f the council was held Frid~y, February 4, 1938 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber of ~the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous al1d Assistant Secretary RObb in attendance. The minutes ~f the meeting of Friday, January 28, 1938 were read and approved. A communiyation from th~'Navigation and J:illood Control (;ommi tt~e of Harris vounty and signed by H. L. Washburn was read by Mayor Fleming. A reply to same was also read by Mayor Fleming, and on motion by Commissioner Mainous and seconded by vommissioner Allen, that said reply be approved and adopted by this council. Voting Aye: Comm~ssioners Mainous and Allen. .Nos: None. '. .;1- The Mayor was given authority by a motion made by wommissioner Allen to redeem eleven (11) bonds maturing as follows: Bond No. 759, maturing April 10, 1969, BondsNo. 791 to 800 inclusive, maturing April 10, 1970; these bonds to be purchased at discount of 10%, or $9,900.00, plus accrued interest to February 7, 1938, ora total sum of $10,007.25. The money for the purchase of these bonds shall be drawn from the sinking fund and said bonds are to consti- tute a part of the sinking fund, and held by the'City National Bank. In the future the city shall have a right at any time, to sell one or more of said bonds; the money received there- from to constitute a part of and be deposited in the sinking fund. If such bonds are sold it will be necessary that the city pass a resolution authorizing the sale. Copy of said resolution certified to by the City Secretary and be deliver- ed to the bank, as authority for permitting' the sale. This 'illotion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. l~ - ''':J;:'(.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Maino~s. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous reported that the street in front of the school had b~Qscaraf~ed and would be re-surfaced with oil by Mr. hedges, at a, cost of approximately ~200.00, on motion Commissioner Allen;. seconded by Comrniss ioner Mainous resur- facing be approved. Vo~ing Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. \) 1 ,,,1= '"' r - --=-::--r..---- _ r ,='- -=-=-...,--~ , jl~~ ~~Jj!;!'"" , , '. - , .. ,. ,.': ~. ~ :;:-. ....., COlnmissioner Allen presented a request from the Fire Dept. that the firemen be ,provided with the following: Eight (8) ,Raincoats lined with fire-proff felt, Two (2) Cloth rain hats, Two (2) pair hip boots, One (1) face shield with shatter proof and non-fog goggles, , Two (2) Rubber bunker coats, Two (2) Badges--@ $2.45 each, ~~o (2) Helmets--@ $5.25 each. The Motion was made b:y,:)Commissioner Mainous, and seconded by Cpmmissioper Allen, that the request be granted. Voting Aye: Corr@issioner Mainous a~d Allen. Nos: None. The motion was made by Commissioner Allen ~d seconded by Comm- issioner Mainous that the counci~ accept from Mr.R. B. Trow, $29.00 cash re-adjustment of aocounts. Voting Aye: vommissionernAllen and Mainous. ,Nos: None. ; , ! ~! Moved by COL~issioner Allen, seconded by vommissioner Mainous that the Heights star Press be paid ~22.50 for the printing of two-hundred fifty (250) copies of the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and fuainous. Nos,: .Dione. On motion of Commissioner Mainous, seconded by CommissionerAllen that Mr. J. C. Calhoun bl;l instructed to make a new Zoning Map, covering the entire city. Vo ting; Awe : Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: ])lone. On motion of Commissioner Mainous, seconded by Comrnissioner Allen that the Police Dept. be provided with two (2) boxes of cartridges. Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen approving the action of the Mayor in the issuing of a check in the amount of ~191.50, dated February~, 1938, to n. L. Sonfield 9 ",i' ''':'-~1<:;'-' _ J' -~~I'"' r ' - ~ 1 ---:-:r "LI"~ '~\!I." which is the balance due as per statement rendered. Voting Aye: UOlnmissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. 'llher.ebeing no further business to come before the council and up.on motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- clared adjou~ned. ~ ."", ," ../' ," \' . I ,',..~.. " 'I ,~""-'-- ',1 1 r , ", 't~~~, :~' " SPEC IAL MEETING' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY,PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the council of the City of West University Place was held in the council chamber of the City Hall, on the evening of February 8, 1938 at 7:10 p. M. with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous in attendance, also assisi1,ant Ci ty Secretary A. p., RObb presen t. ' A letter addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council and signed by Commissioner R. B. Allen was 'read by the Mayor and reported. that specifications for a five hundred (500) gallon per minute water well had been compiled and submitted to water well drilling con trac tors for bidSi-s on such a well wi th the following results: The Southern Engine & Pump Co. Straight well, $6,664.00 Layne Texas Company, Gravel wall well, 6,429.00 the latter proposition namely, the Layne Texas Company well; was recommended to meet the city requirements. After du~ con- sideration on motion by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Com_ missioner .illiotllS, that the mayor be authorized to execute contract wi th the Layne Texas Company, covering the drilling I of the well according to the specifications and conditions ret ;! " forth in the contract, and to paid 'for as follows: One thousand ($1000.00) on completion of ~6ntr.act, and,;when ap:proved:iand:~acceptedl'bw:,601nmissioner H. ~. Allen, the bal- ance to be paiq. in twelve (12) equal installments covering a period of twelve (12) months namely; $452.41 per month. (See quatatllinn and bids in file under ~ater Well, 2/8/38.) Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous, authorizing the payment of $100.00 to Atty'R. L. Sonfield, as ,attorney fees to apply on J. R. Ellis Zoning Ordinance case, O~ Lot 4A, Block 44, W~st University Place 2nd. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. ". Nos: None. '.1:here being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. ~~- I i" I' r' , , ,1 "'4'~' REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARYll, 1938 COU1'TCIL C Hfl.MBER, CITY ff-ALL, W~SI] UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the city council was held Friday, February 11, 1938 in the cOQncil chamber of the city hall, at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Comraissioners Allen and Ma~nous and, S~cretary Jarrard in attendance. ' The'minutes of~ the meeting of Friday February 4, and a special meeting Tuesday, February 8, 1938 were read and approved. Comrnission~r Mainous was given authority to purchase the following: Three (3) No.2 Scoops, Two (2) round shovels, Four (4) shapp shooters, T~o 02) oil cans, O~e (1) gas can, by a motion made by Comrrlissioner Allen and duly seconded by Cor~m_ issioner Mainous. Voting Aye: CowInissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Comrnissioner Allen'made a mO~lon which was duly seconded by COTIL'nissioner h!ainous, gi. ving authlDTi ty for t1}.e purchase of one car shell (which is tQ b $ paid .for with money collected from the property owners and developers.) Voting Aye: Comi1issioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. " '" Corirrnissioner Allen W0S given authority to purchase fifty 0 (56) meter boxes, by a motion made by Cornmissioner Mainous an~ duly seconded by COmITlissioner Allen. - Voting Aye: Commissioners lliainous and Allen. Nos: None. Upon recol~~edation of the Tax Collector, Comrnissioner Mainous made a motion ~uthorizing an adjustment on the valuation ,on im- provements on Lot 23, block 9, College Court addition, owner M. M. Stinson. Several months ago a permit was taken out for' the building of a house on this lot, which construction of this house was never started. This reduction is from 1p15l5.00 to itP565.00. \1 r~-- __0, I , ~"-;-l f ! . 4I;d'-~J <~" , . ~ ~ -. .. , . ", .. .~.~~.~:_:...:.: This motion was duly seconded by COTI1ffiissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Co~~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. .~'f<r~$"" i~--- '.'T r '-'~ "-1 -, ----. 't)' "'11' . -: -:.2 . :"~, . . SPECIAL MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1938 COUNCIL CHMlffiER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TRXAS A special meeting of the city cOQncil was held Monday, Feb. 14, 1938 at 7:30 b. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with fuayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Due to an ~mergency existing, the Mayor presented an ordi- nance regulating the laying of public utility lines, which caption of Ordinance is as follows: ote7J INq"ft"& No_ /.J!J- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING Al\JD RESTRICTING TH,:E ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF POLES, PIERS, ABUTMENTS, PIPES, WIRES, LINES AND OTHER DEVICES, ARPillNGMENTS, APPURT~~ANCES, FIXTURES OR APPLIANCES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT; POWER, TELEPHONE OR 'rELEGRAP,H PURPOSES ALONG OR ACROSS ANY OF THE STREETS, ALLEYS,' AVE!.\fUES, SQ,UARES, EASNvIEl\j TS OR ELSEWHERE WITHIN THE CO RPORA.TE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF VVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: REQUIRING , FERMITTHER~FOR}.-;REG1JLATING AND,.RESTRIGTING THE,LOCA- TION THEREOF: PROVIDING FOR THE CHANGE IN LOCATION OR ALTERATION; PROVIDING FOR CHANGE IN THE HEIGHT OF POLES AND APEURTENANCES THERETO: PROVIDING THAT IF ANY PART OF THIS ORDINANCE IS DECLARED INVALID I'l' SHALL NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS THEREOF NOT SO DECLARED; AND, PROVID~ ING THAT IT SF~L TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATE- LY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, approving 'and authorizing the passing of this ordinance. Voting Aye: Comrnissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. , Cash rece~pts and disbu~sement statements ror month of Jan- uary 1938 was presented to the Mayor and each Commissioner. There being no further bus iness to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjouvned. tJ I j~,~~""'~ll" r ~ r ~~- -"'1"------- ~- ''''~' ,~ . ~'f!.\ ~J: ';j.-. .: (~~ -?;- . ~~A J ' Due to the Mayor being absent from the city the council meetings previously scheduled for February 18 and February 25, 1938, were postponad until a later date. ~ ~; I' j~~;,..t1 r' -, 1'1 ,,'t!;a ':fjL, '. III I' BEG-ULAn MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1938 aOIDlCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST, ImIVERS,ITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regu1ar.,maeting__ o..f, .the, CD-1mCll.., washe1j Friday MaJ'"h 4~ '193kl a~, '7:0.0 :P..M,~ in ,the.. Gouncll.eh8.1liber"Qr the City Hall. . (1Wmmis.sione.l'.. All,en,pre.:ddeaa:t-.t):ds:.':mslI:t$ug 'wi1m Cemmiss- . i.oner k~Qus,.and."Sear,e..tary.J.arr.ar.d..._:in .attendance. Mayor Flemin.g.. was, no.:t; pre.s.entd:ue ,1;0 abs,encef'rom irhe e i ty. AD ordinance regulating the payment for sanitary sewer ser- Kle~wasprBsentedhy Cit~Attorney ~ L. Bonfield, WhiCA eapt.ion is as reil1ows: I ORDIlfANCE NO.134. -, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE MONTHLY CHARGE FOR EACH CONNECTION WITH THE SANITARY SEWERS OF THE CITY OF WEST DIVERSITY PLACE SHALL BE PAY- ABLE EACH MONTH. AS A PART OF THE CHARGE FOR USE OF WATER..WJ:THIILSAID..C rlY;,PROVIDIlIG ~AT S'QOH CHARGE :BE RENDERED.. o.N THE WATEf{ STATEMIDfl; PRO- V:mIN.G, FOR DISGf:>lftlEUn01LOF..WATERO;a SABITARY SEWERS lJPONFAILlJRE '~', PAY Sl1CJI.SBYVERGIiAR8E; PROVIDING THAT_ALLORDDIAllCES.,. OR PAR,fS'OF OlIDI- lfAlIOES, mCONFLICT HEREWITH ARE RElD.LED IN SO fAR AS COl{OEl~~LS1JCH, CONFLIGTS; AND, PROVIDING TlfAT THIS "f),BDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN ~RG~, ~.~_.Y. FROM.. Am) , AnER ITS PASSAGE ' A1U) APPROVAL'1 - '\- , J Att,er d1s.euas1.Q.n,Commi.ssj.oner A11en..madea motion .d9pt~ and. paas,ing. th1s, ,G.l!d1na.nce, .h1nh.mo,:tion,~!1s duly s e~c)i1.d~Q by.~emm:n+ssionel' _inous,. ' Voting.. Ayel, Commissioners A11en and M&inous. Nos: }foiEle. ' Bids f'0r the ~.)bu1ldhg of' the sanitary sewer disposal p1ut ~', were opened.bJ' Comm1ss1on,er Allen, wh1chbids are as tollows: w. R. West"Contraetor,. Houston #121,270.50 w1 t.h Bond of $6QOO.00. De110ne Con.s. t. Co. Dallas with Bond of' $5800.00. 122,,594.30 w,. F. Warfield, Contractor Houston with Bond of $6QOO.OO. 117,386.30 Cepy of eorrected minutes received from J. C. McVea, March 18, 1938, may be fom~d on file at the City Hall. p '<>1"'" .."", r- -r"_<>-~r ~ ~' 'i" '< ", -. -<' ~. ' .:: "":~. k.:" " The detaU.,ot .thtS$~,.eDe 'X',~.~~'bl';C~mmlss1oner Allen arter which ea.eh....was ,,1'-,e-:ferr~tL tfLEagineer J. C.' McVea :fQr tabulat10n and,1nstru.etions,',t.e, ,r,e.port,.baek, to the Council at a later meeting. Ie,e't1ng centinued"to, Malleiay March 7, ~" .. ~~" : s~retarl'" " i I ! . ,,', , {J j ~~~~~ -, I "" I 1 ".-,... hI.' f!.1';~ 'SPE'rrA'L JlEEfiNG' ' MQ4{D.lY,'1lARCH "1,"Ul3B C0UN.OI:L OH,AIlBER~ CITY HALL;' ,WES-.rOlVERSJ:TY PLACE.. TEXAS. . A spee1almeeting of the ~ouneil_was held Monday March' 1938 h the council ,chamber oftheG~.tyHall , with Mayorilem- hg presL"-ing, and Co~iss1.onersAl1en...,and 'lla.inous and Secre- . tary.,Jarr~d in at:tendance! . ,,""'" . . '- .. .... ., . This me,et1ngwas hela fQr, the" purpose of receiving a report froDL.Engineer,J. c. McVeaon,~the ,aanit.ary sewer disposal plaIl~ ,billa.. andpf'or, .thepawarding,Of'-1ih1's J:ontract~" , ' The follewing l"esolution was adopted by '.8.. motion made by Com- m1s~ioner Allen and duly seconded-by Commissioner Mainous: , . WHEREAS.. notice was duly glv.en _ afL required. for bids for th.e,cons.:tructiQn or, a .aewag.e,.~sp0sal plant f'or the,. Cat'J'. of_West .University_ Plac:.e~..'Texas.. and other extens.1ona. an.d.-1mpro:vementst.o.thes ewer s ys tan "of' sdd .City. the...n.Cirtic,ereei t1.ng.that bids were to be Qpened~a:t..'1:.QO,.o'elo.ek__P.:B4 March 4.. 1938.. at the 011;y Hal~ of the City, and WHEREAS_.. such, b1.ds., JSl'S s(Lopene,d and it appearing that..the, h1.u..of_.W.. F.. War..f'ie~d.~ Company was the lowest and. best bid received; , THEREFORE.. be it_resalVe~bb the Board 0f Commiss- iGners_of.tb.e City of'_Wes.t nivera,1ty Place, Texas, _~.th" :the. bid.of.W. li'.'WARFIELD, & <<OMPANY be aceep,t- ed.. with the pl"ovision..., however, tba,t payment for the labol" and material set forth therein is to be prtlvided from the $lOG...OOO.OQ sewer revenue bond issue voted for such purpose and the contract price shall 'no t exeeed, s ~11 sum. Passed and approved thia the 7th day of Mal"ch A.D. 1938. !, Harvey T. Fleming , MAIDR ATTEST: CIn SECRETARY Voting Aye,:. Commissione,rsAllen and MaiBous. Nos: ' Noae. 0rdinanc.e. Ne. 13,5 was, paase.d by a..mo.tion. made by Commissioner :; I'-"""Ii , r \ '. I'~ I 'i 1 i I i, J' '-. ,~~~ " . v,.' , , Maiilous and duly seconded by Cemmis:s.1.o,ner,lllel1 whicheaption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 135. All ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'fHE MA'mR 'fO EXECUTE " . -A aON'fRAC'fWITHW.F. WARFIELD &OOMPAN'y FOI{ THE CONS'fRUCTION OF A SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT" FOR THE <CITY OF WESTlJNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ...Am> OTHER ;EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDDIANCE ,TAKE EFFECT AND BE :IN ,FORCE' IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Voting Aye: CommIssioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. j;)p.e to tm emer,gency exist,ing, ,Ordinance No. 133 was passed at a meeting he1d Monda.y. February 14, Which w:as ,la tel' f'oun.d that a part ,of this, ordinance :pre:v:en:'ted the Ii'ight Bompu,- f'rom'givmg promp,t'H s_er.,vic.'e for ~n.ew" ,e,omieetIdn.s. UIitilfurther arrangmen. ta are, madeH Commissioner Mainous. was given authOr~ ity .to, work wIth the :HouatDn...L:tght1n.g ,8Jild, Pewer Co., and re- lieve ,thesLJa,f the liability when the setting of Ilew poles will eonf"1iet w:tth .this.,o.r.tinanee.. This authority was g1 ven by a motionmade,.byCommis.sioner, Allen~and Seconded by Commissioner Mamous. : , Vot1m.g Aye: Gommissi.oner.s 'Allen and Mainous. Hos: NODe. Commissioner Mainous, advised that he had been approached by members' of the Garden and Civic Olubsto build a f"ra11llbuild- ing on the city property back of the City Hall, and asked if the city would assist in the .financing of. this building.' May- or Fleming advised that before any final action could be taken 1 t would be neeesaary that the details be worked out as to the size and ~ost of this building, and Commiss ioner lVIainous was authorized to go into this ma tter with the members of these clubs and report back to the council at a~"later meeting. Comm- issioner Allen made a motion giving the above authority which motion, was seconded ,by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr. Austin~ of the. ~ouston Lighting & Power Co., presented a statement of the past du.e balance of' our street lighting account showings.. crad1 t of $1, 518,.70" for our proportion of the anwun.t earned during the year 1937, and in view of the fact that the Ci~yo~West University Place had no contract ~J , " ::"5"""S":" . . -. . - . . .......,., -{ 4i " _:- ,-,' durin.g 1:h.eyear Of ~~3'7,~ ,and. in regar,d. t.o the HG>uston ~1ght- ing & Power Co.' having tendered $1,518.70 as a profit shar- ing arrangment and that we accept .this crad! t the Secretary was instructed to ~ite 9: lett,er,to .the Houston Lighting & Power Co. and advise them of the acceptance of this credit. C0mmissioner Mainousmade a motion appr 0 viE.g the above action which motion we..~,dul.yseconded,_bl',~omm1ss ioner Allen. ~ot1ng Aye: C~mmissionersMa1nous and Allen. lios: None;'" A motion was made,..by Commissioner Mainous and duly ~conded by Commissioner Allen authorizing the purcb~se of two (2) b@xes of forty-five (45) cartridges for the police depart- men t. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being1l1ofu.rther business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded the eetingwas declared adj olWned. - ATTEST: -~~ ~ !"",T<~" Il_,~ r . ~ 1~-=',1 , ~ ~"(!1<' " ~~t;;'" REGULAR MEFl!ING ~A.Y,. . MAReR ;llf 1938 COUNCIL ,CHAMBER, CITY HALL1 WEST UNIVERSITy PLACE" TEXAS. The regular me,eting of the c,ouncil w.as held Friday, March 116 1938 at 7:00 p. M. in the eounc11....chamber of the City Hall with Mayor Fleming, presiding, aad Commissioners Allen and lVlainous and Secretary Jarrard in aUBndanee. .. ..... ~ ~ Minutes of,c,!!hemeetings"..of March 4 and March 7, 1938 were read and app:roved., " ,c_,", Commissioner Mainous advised,,~hat the, Garden Club was going to hold a contest" for, .:the, :b.es,tkep,t ,yarii!s,:.an:dasked that D' . the interest 0fthe city"they contribute $7.50 towards the prizes that will be awar,ded. , Commis:sioner ,Allen m~de.a motion approving the expenditur,e ,o:fthis.amount as suggested by CommissionfU" Mainous.. Motion Was, ,duly, sse:ended, by Comnissioner Mainous. < , Voting Aye:, Commis,suners Allen and Maineus. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to, CJommiss- ioner Ma1.nous:for, the* purchase of, one Jl) ca:r, , shell 'a t, $1. fil) pe;r:yard ,del.iyered.'l'his mo~tion. wasHc!ulyaeeended by Cemmis- sio~er Mainous. ' i I I J .~ . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. o Commissioner Mainous made a motion g1vingauthority to Com- missioner. All.en to purchase the f'o11o,wing, sewer cut-out equip- men t : 1 Stan~d City Set ,I;)07,fee.t Ad.d. rods & C PIgs 1-6' 'sand cup 1-8' It It 3-10 t It II 3-12' " It 1-61 Au.p:er 1-8' if' 1-6 point reel 1 assembly tool 1 pull o'tit tool 1 bar handle 1 power drive To tal $1,137.25 terms of piyments as f'ol1.ows: one-fourth to be paid 30 days after delivery, one-fourth July 31st, and the balance on Nov. y- _ r 1- Lf' , ;"1 ,.1 ks.'W ftJ} i;;j 30th. Conmiissioner~ Al~enseeonded"the above motion. ~ . Voting Aye~ ~ Commiss1.oners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner, Mainous, made amotion approving the action of Commissioner Allen in the purohas,ing",of two hunElred, (200) feet of 6" pipe at $'70.00, and one (1) 4' coupling at $9.00. This was pl1;l'chased several days ago to be used in the by- pass in the sewerage department. This motion was dUly lJec- ended by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Gommmissioners Mairleus and Allen. Nos: None. A ,letter, from Mr. J. H. Bringhurs t,. was read. by ,the Mayor. In this letter he registered a complaint regarding the eondition of the sewer system# offering 'several suggestions. One is that we refuse to make any fur,ther conneetionsuntil the lines are repaired to give properserviee. ~e Mayor advised that his request eannot be eomplied with at this time as it would cause too much adverse publicity. In as much as Commissioner Allen is: i13. :char.ge of this, ,dep,ar.tment he was instructed to answer~ M:r .., BzdBghurst's, ~et.ter and" :adY.i.a6.him of thecu>U1lcils . aetionalldthank,him"for_ .the..int,er,est t.aken in this' me. tter. This authority was given by Q,,,motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Mainous. , Voting Aye: Commissioners:Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. There being J!lo,turther bus,iness to conie 'b.eferethe .council and upon mo tion being made and duly se oncil.ed the meeting declared adjourned. ./ Minutes of Special Meeting, March l~, 1938# See Page 62. \' i' ~I ~"- 11 I f ~l~,' .~itf!,~ REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the city couneil';'1was held Friday March 18, 1938 at 7:00 P~M. in the coune1.L chamber of the City Hall, . with Mayor Fleming, presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Main- . ous and ~~cretary Jarrard in aattendance. The minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1938 were read and' approved. . . Oommissioner Mainoua made a motion giving authority for the purchase of 750 feet of 2" g~lvanized iron pipe with all nec- essaryflttings.. ,This motion was duly aeconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: ljone. A letter from the Southland Mortgage' Company calling. at ten- tion to an error in placing the value for improvements in ,. the amount or$180n.OOon Lot, ll.~.,W.., 17' Lot 12, Block 5, Monticello Addit.1on, on 1937 Tax Roll, and that these im- provements were no,t st.arted until, March o~ 1937. Upon r~- commendation of the Tax Assess,Qr, Commissioner Allen made a . motion which was duly seconded,.,by Commiss~,oner Mainous, auth- orizing the waiving of taxes on the improvemm ts for the year 1937; and that since tl+ese taxes were paid .theybe reimbursed for thealnount oV.erpaid. ' Voting "Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. An ordinan,ce-No./sf giving authority to the Mayor to enter into a contract wi, h 'We F. War~ield & Company for the sale of the $100,000.00 sewer revenue bonds, which caption.is as follows: ' ORDINANCE No./~~ ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF W. F" WARFJ;ELD & COMPANY TO PURCHASE THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1938, AGGREGATING $100,000.00 AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST TO DATE OF DELIVERY; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF SAID CITY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SAID COMPANY WITH REFERENCE THER~ TO AND ID DELIVER THE BONDS, OR ANY PART THJ!1REOF, ON COMPLIANCE WITH SUCH CONTRACT; PROVIDllTG 'lHAT SAID ORDI- NANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY AND THAT, ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES, IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH ARE REPEALED. t , ~':' '1'o.-~.. --=--~ . ",~}~~ .\:1\\9" . Commissioner Mainons made a motion authorizing the passing of this ordinance which motion was duly seconded by Com- missioner Allen. ' Vot~ng Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos- None. ~~$h,receipts and disbursement statement, for the month of Feb- -'ruary 1935'" was presented the Mayor and each Commissioner. AttorneY,..?onfield presented a contract between the City or West University Place and the property owners from whom we are to purchase, the land on which the sewage disposal plant ,is to be erected and all neces.sary easements. This contract was read by the Mayor. He was then given authority to ex- ecute same by a,motion,made by Commissioner Mainons and dnly seconded by Commissioner Allen. r Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Mrs. J. S. Waters appeared before the council and presented plans of the proposed recreation hall to be placed on the city property back of the city hall. These plans were re- ferred to Commissioner Mainous with instru~:ti-o,ns to inves- tigate all details and nefer smne back t~e~ouncil at a later meeting. , It is the desire of the council to hav-e the following in- vi ta tionmade a part of the minutes: J-- "Tuesday evening March 22~1938, has been desig- , ,"" nated as "CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY NIGHT" by the West Universit~ Baptist Church which is partici- pating in .the EQuston City-Wi,de Baptist Revival. AIL memhers of the Fire D.epartmen t, City Council and other City employees are invited and urged to attend and sit in a body at the ,e,vening services on that date. Servi,ces begin at.Vi3G P.M. with Rev. Gregory.of Aliee~Texas, preaching. n , There being no further Business to come before the meeting and upon motion being ,made and seconded the meeting was de- ~ared adjourned. ~~ r-===---E" [ ...--"-----~ --~1 ~---- L-I. ~'1"" .:{tI~ -.'~ f. J Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing the passing of this ordinance which motion was approved by Mayor Flem- ing. Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. There b.eing <no furtherbusmess" to come and upon motion being made ciared adjourned. . ATTEST:,. CW~~ I . ., -! ~ _ J~'-~~I' f ' J 1 , I , 'R'"" "U'~~ SPECIAL MEETING~ MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1938 COUNCILGHAMBER, CITY BALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS A special meeting was held Monday, March 14, 1938 at 7:00 p. M. in the eounc 11 chamber of the Clhty Hall with' Mayor Fleming pre- siding~ Commissioners Allen and Malnous and Secretary Jarrard in . at tendanc tj},.. The minutes of the meeting of Friday, March 11, 1938 were read and approved. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to make necessary , arrangments, for the rep,airing and re-surf'acing of Wakeforest St., from University Blvd. to Jarrard St., with gravel topping and asphalt treatment, which is to be paid far by the city. This auth- ority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye:, C'ommissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Authority was given by a motion made ~by Oommissioner,;'[Vlainous fur the purchase_of the following: II 1- 3 X 36 nipple 1- 3 X 6" Dresser coupling 1- 4X"all" " ~ 2~ 3...X 4" Swedge "nipples _~.<. " 2- 8 gaskets 16- 3/4 X 3/4 bolts 1-8lJblindflange n 1- 8 sleeve C. I. 1- 3 X 3 cross screw ,1- 3 X 2 bushing 1- 3 X 8" nipple 2- 4 X 6" " This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting' Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. . lios: None. Authority for the purchase of , Five (5) gallon traffic paint ?ne ~l)~of 12 gauge shot gun shells .. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Vot&ng Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. ;;Nos: None. -I u, [" :;r" :fi': :~,:" ", "., _\- ,.i.", '. ~ ~:':. 6 \ :!..f:', ~' Financial report showing cash receipts' and disbursements from,' September 1, 1937 to February 28, i938, was presented to the council and same was posted in compliance with state statutes.' 'Commissioner Ma1nous made a motion' giving the Mayor authority. to sign a release of j~dgment,on :tax ,sni.tf(i)r Mrs. W. C. Weiss, on Lot lO~ Block 3, Preston Place. ~is motion Was dulysee~ onded:by vommissioner Allen. Vo~ing Aye: Oommissioners Mainous and Allen'. Nos: None.' ,~" There being no further business to come before the counc iland , upon motion being made and duly seconded, the me ing wasFdeelar- ed adjourned. . s,.. .s-- AT~ C ' ecretary I 1 - -.- 1- ~~tl):;" ,"' ''''~?(':t~.. ' ",' , ' " ' ,"- ~ ,. '" ,', ,'," 1,-- \ REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY,M~CH 25, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TExAS I' The reguJar meeting of the council wascheld Friday, Maroh 25, at 7:00 P.1YI. in the council chSmber of the_City Hall, with M9.yor Fleming presiding, and qommissioner Mainousand Secre- tary Jarrar~ln attendance. vommissioner Allen absent. The minutes of the meetings of Maroh 18 and 23 were read and approved. Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing the purchase or Four (4) pick bmldles, which motion was appraved by the Mayor. Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion Slthorizing the purch.ase of two thousand (2000) electrical permit applications, twenty (20) books of electrical permits, and twenty (20) books of plumbing permits. 'This motion was approved by the Mayor. Voting Aye:' Commissioner Matnous and Mayor FlEming. Nos: None. I Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing the payment of ilPIOOO.OO to the Layne-Texas Go.., for the payment on the 'water well, which is in accordance with the oontract. The well is to be approved at a later meeting by Commissioner Allen who is in charge of this department. This motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissione:r Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: lone. ,There being no fu.I>ther buiiness to eome and upon motion being made elared adjourned. ~~ / ecretary, ~J t "'r**'fWil!'V'~ II "=r== 1 ~ ~[. , ) "'\ i; I' Ii j' " I. k ; 1 "7..t*"7 . II SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER~ CITY HALL, WEST UNIYERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. THE STATE 0 F TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS .CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE . . . . . . < The City commission of' the City of' West Univers.1ty Place, Texas, , convened in special assion at the regular meeting place at 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 30, 1938, with the following members pres- ent, to-wit: Harvey T. Fleming, R. B. Allen, Frank M. Mainous, C. G. Jarrard, Mayor Commissioner Commissioner City Secretary, wi th the following absent; None, those present constituting a quorum, when, among other proceed- ings_had was the following: Mayor Fleming introduced a resolution which had been-previously prepared by the City Attorney and duly executed by W. F. War-, field & Company. The resolution was read in full by the C1 ty ,'Secretary. Commissioner Mainous made a motion that the resolution be adopt- ed. Tohe motion was s~conded by Commissioner Allen. . / ' The,,,1i1otion prevailed by the, following vote: Ayes: Mayor Fleming and Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Thereupon the Mayor declared the resolution finally adopted. The resolution is as follows: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF W. F. WARFIEW &: COMPANY TO PURCHASE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SE\lVER S YSTEVl RE- VENUE BONDS, SERIES 1938, AGGREGATING $100,000000 AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST TO DATE OF DELIVERY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the proposal of W. F. Warfield & Company to purchase City of West University Place Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series , I , -=:=J ' l'n'_~ rr- ,1 -- :', :i~;f#;"," " 'i''''~''~' ,,' . -.... iii! ~ ..,., .t' o . ~ . : ~. '~:b> .9"~J. ." 1938, being bond~ numbered 1 to 100, both inclusive, or the denomination of @1,000.00 each, dated January 1, 1938, bear- ing interest at the rate of 4~ per cent per annum and mat... uring serially as set forth i~ the ordinance authorizing the issuance,of sai~ bonds and to pay for same in cash at par and accrued interest to date of delivery, be and the same is hereby accepted; it being understood that said pro- posal is conditioned upon the City's furnishing, without cost to the buye~i the unconditional and unqualified approv- .ing opinion of Chapman and Cutler, bond attorneys, Chicago, .Illinois. .~_ ' 2, That said bonds may be purchased and taken up all at , one time orin installments from time t~ time as mutually agreed between the City and the purchaser, but it is under~ stood that all of said bonds shall be purchased and paid for in cash on or before July 1, 1938.' e - 3. That the purchaser, W. F. Warfield & Company, by its signature hereto agrees to all of the. te~s and conditions hereof and agrees to purc~ase said bonds according to the terms he:reof. (3 E A L) ATTEST: , (~gd.) A. W. Fabra Secre:!:iary 4. That tbi,s resolution shall constitute a- valid and bind- ing contract be~een the parties hereto. W. F. WARFIEID & CO MP ANY B~Sgd.)W. F. Warfield President. "r I I ' I I I II 5. That~ any and all ordinances and resolutions in cOnf'lict herewith are hereby expressly repealed in so .far as they con- .fliet herewith. P A3SED AND APPROVED this the 30th day of March, 'A.D., 1938. (3 E A L) (Sgd.) Harvey T. Flem~ng Mayor I ," ATTEST: (Sgd) C. G. Jarr~rd City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: (3gd) Robt L. Son.field Ci ty Attorney. WHEREUPON the resolution was duly approved by the Mayor and attested by the city Secretary. ~) There being no f ,.., I ~ ~ --...jo/,ltt - II r - I - r --, hm II ) . " \ \ \ ) I, !;1'""1~ 'G< "1<" ' it:~' ,~~ .. ~?...'. :-.. REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY:I APRIL 1:1 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regul,ar meeting of ,the city council was held' Friday, April 1, at 7 :00 P. M. in the counciL chamber of the City Hall, with . Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and }l[ainous . and Seerexary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of tqe meeting of March 25 were read and approved. Mr. H. .0. Clarke, Jr, of the Houston Lighting and ~ower Com- pany was present, and advised that due to the system of the lines in West Uni versi ty Place, it is impossible for them to comply wi th our Ordinance No. 133, and at the same time give proper service to our ci tiz.ens; a,nd also discussed in detail several objections in thisordi~ance. He advised that his company would c90perate in every way possible. After due consideration Commissioner Mainous made a motion that Ordi- nance No. 133 be repealed in its entirety. Attorney Son- field then dre~>>~o~~~~~~ same ... C~..i~~loner Mainons made am51rr"o~l'f~pea'Ii'i'ig -~jd:rn~nce-to...- ~d adopt... ing Ordinance No. 134 which caption is as fo 11ows: . ORDINANCE NO. 138. - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1.33, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Voting Aye: Commiss~oners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving autlaordty to Commissioner Allen to purchase the following: ' (50) Meters (50) Meter Boxes (50) 2n saddle & Clamp ( 6) 1.1.11 nn II (6) II" " " " C4 Fifty (50) orp. Stop H-I0003 Fifty (50) Curb n H_I0203 , Thirty-six (36) 1 x 3/4 Ells Twenty-four (24) 1 x 3/4 Reducer Fifty (50) 3/4 x 2 Nipples Twenty-four ~24) 3/4 x 3 Nipples Fifty (50) 3/4 Ells 100' 2" Pipe 350' 2ft ft 100' 3/4" Pipe.. Fifty Fifty Fifty Six Six \';, ]' I -- ~ ~c--- - ---:""""1 , 9"$""" "., . "'&'~. ,,-'> ,'''' '~.: ~ l This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commiss~oners Mainous and Allen. Nos:, None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur,chase of four (4) drums of' gasoline and' one. (1-) drum of kerosene,' This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Main- cus. .+_ ,Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Mayor was given authority ,to enter into a contract with an auditing firm to make a general audit of the books and records for the year endi.ng March 31, 1938. This contract is to be let to the lowest and be~t bidder. The above authority was given by a mmt10n mad& by vommissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commi&sioners Allen and M~inous. Nos: None. There being noi'further busin&ss upon motion being made and duly clared adjourned. ATTE~ ~1tyseC.retarY ~ " ~) , :- "/' ~ Ii ~--l ~r' " "> '~lf} ~il. REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 193e COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, April 8, .1938 at ?:OO P.M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with .Mayor Fle~ing ,presiding, and Cow~issioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary J~rrard in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1938 were read and approv- ed" . Commissioner Allen made a motion giving the Mayor authority to sign a contract with T. B. Sims and J. F. Sims fbr the patent rights on the sewage disposal plant. A copy of this contract may be found in the files jSn the heading of ltSewageDisposal Plant. It The above motion was seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Mr~ Mainousasked that a definite decision be reached regard- ing the building of the proposed,Civic Club Bu.ilding, estim- ated to cost $4?OO.OO.After discussion Commissioner Allen made a motion which Was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous instructing him to report back to the various clubs interested in the building of same, and advise them that the city is not in a financial condition at this time to assist in whole or in part, during the current fiscal year, which ends A~gust 31, 1938, but that the city will do everything possible to inc1ude ,an amolIDt in the next budget which will be prepared and" adgpted after September 1st this year. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to Commiss- ioner Mainous to enter into a contract for the building of a Tennis Court in Colonial Park. It is understood that the pay- ment for materials and equipement is to be extended to after September 15, 1938. ' This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. .VotLng Aye: GOlnmissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Corr~issioner P~len made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving a contribution of ~25.00 for the erection of a Boy Scout ij.lilo.ing for Troup No.5, which ~ i -: <jt<<'...- I f' ~-I [ -- n ,J , 'f'-;'~> """A-' '." :o,.:.~ ~ ( 4; building is to be placed on the property in Colonial Terrace, west section of the City. VotLDg Aye: Commissioners: Alleh and Mainous. Nos: None. .The presig.~mt of the Garden Club asked that the City furnish display racks in the school for the 1938 Flower Show. After discussion COL1missioner Allen made a motion which was duly .seconded by Commissioner Mainous ~iving authority for the pur~ chase o;r lumber in the amount of' ~14.55, and instructed Mr. Harris to see tt~t their request is complied with. After this lumber has served its purpose it is to be stored at the City Water plant to be used in the future for similar occasions. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainoua. Nos: None. '. Cow~issioner Mainous made a motion g~v1ng authority to the Mayor to enter into a contract with the Southern Engine & Pump Company for the purchase of a 500 gallon per minute pump, which pump is to be used in the new water well just com- pleted by the Layne~Texas Go. See contract on file Q~der the heading of UWater Well, February 19~8. '1 Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. ,; ,.; ~ . Nos: None. T " i 'here be ng upon motion adjourned.. no further business to come being made and seconded ...; ATTEST: ' ~~ v 1 .':;' 3~-.- II l-=~'~l I ,--~- '----r~--~-- 11 . ~ . -: ~; ,'''-'' . ",,~<<~~,'" , ........ -,. -. !~~.. ~,' , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY~ "APRIL 15, 1938 COUNCIL 'CHAMBER, CITY ID\LL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the cou-~cil was held Friday, April 15, 1,938 at 7 :00 P.M. in the COimeil Chamber of the C1 ty Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Com_missioners Allen and Mamone and Secreta~y Jarrard in attend~~ce. "I J < The minutes of the meeting of Friday, April 8, 1938 were read and apprqved. An application for a bU~lding permit for a chur~h to be built on Lot 8, Blgck,25, W. . p. 1st Addition, was refused by the office and same ref-erred the matter to the BeB.xodi:o.f.':Ad4llstment. In a letter signed by Mr. R. J. Depenbx'ock, Chairman of 1his commission they recorr~ended that they be allowed to build a church on this property. Also stated that they had referred the matter to the city attorney and that the attorney advised that to comply with the Zoning Ordinance a public hearing be held. In view of the recommendation of this boardl Commission- er Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commission- er Allen approving the issuingof' this permit (wi th,out charge.) The Mayor advised that he was heartily in favor of the build- ing of this chi.U"ch, but since our legal department ,had rU~ed that a, public hearing be hel~ to comply with a single family dwelling clause in this ordulance, that he was in favor of following the recommendation of our city attorney. 'fl '" Voting Aye: Conwissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: 'None. I<IIr. J. G. McVea, El1ginee:r, presented sewer estimate #1 for en- gineer's fees in the ~10unt of $1917.84. Cor~lissioner Main- ous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen authorizing ,that this estimate be paid out of the sewer fund which is a part of the ~lOOIOOOeOO sewer bond. Voting Aye: Corr~issioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ' Co~~issioner Allen made a motion authorizing attorney fees of one per cent (1%) to be paid,R. L. Sonfield on the'~lOO,OOO.OO sewer bond issue for services in connection' with the bond issue, of which amount $500.00 is to be paid in cash, and ~500.00 upon completion of the 1ec-:al work in this connection. - ~ Voting Aye: Corami ss ioners Allen and Ivlainous. Nos: None. l' r' l-:I. .!,,'!,~'l,1!r&'- -, 1 '; ....~ ~" .' r l Financj.al\. statements for the month of March 1938 was given the Mayor and each co~nissioner. mhere being no further business to come before the council and upon motion being made and seconded he meeting was de- clared adjourned. .~. '. ATTEST" / ~. "Secretary. ' ~) , ~ 'r~~ {1'. r 'I 1 I r , " 'f'i' l~ f I' ~ f t , '1'3" , . . ,,- ......, . -;>" ,".- , <)'~;: ,', REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, .~RIL 22, 1938 EOUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, April 22, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of' the city hal,l, With ~ayor Fleming presiding, ,and Commissioner Allen,and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Mainous absent. . .../>- The minutes of the meeting of April 15 were read and approved. CommissiQner Allen made a motion giving authority to ~nter into a contract for the installation ofdectric switch boxes and other necessary electrical work in connecti~g up new pump and motors.. This motion was approved hy Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. ,~ Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming authorizing the purchase of fifteen (15) gallons 'of motor oil for the electric motors and pumps in the water de- partment. I, Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. J . Nos: None. Authority was given for tuning the motor and making necessary repairs on the police car. This authority was given bF a mo- tion made py Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor lewing. '- Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Flemi~~. Nos: None. ~e following Hesolution was passed and adoMted by a motion made by Commissioner Aller:. and approved by ayor Fleming: !::. RRROr.1FPTON. V'mERR!l..S, on March 18, 1938 at a regular meeting of the Board of Corrtlnissioners of the City of West University Place, the Mayor was given authority to execute a contract presented at that time, between the property O~TIers south of Bellaire Blvd., on which property the proposed sewer plant and easement leadlng to plant is to be located, WHEREAS, several changes in the contract have been requet:}ted by the Sweeney Estate and other property owners, 1-- '-~I I I I I r ';C' ' '[y ".0:11' '~, .:,~,:,.:~~~t.:~~~.\ , . -- . ."$.' it' - r ' }' ! : t l) It is 'therefore ordered that the Mayor and Secretary of the QitJ'-be authorized to execute such contract or contracts with the,ownqrs of property on which the sewer plant and easements leading to sewer plant as may be approved by Mayor and City Attorney_. Motion was made by Commissioner 'AlleB and approved b~ Mayor Flem.ing. +' V~ting Aye: ,""Commissj.oner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Ther.e being no further business to come upon motion being made and seconded the adjourned.. .~~ . " Secretar y .. - t1 --n- 1~~'---1 i I~~'~-~i~ REGULAR MEETIN G' FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER" CITY HALL, vVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. , tJ I, , i'l" r \... ' ' " , ',. 'i";a'" " ,'~ '. . . ~,' ~ ~ .', " . The regular meeting of' the council was held Friday April 29, 1938 at 7:00P.M. in the council chamber of the city ha~l, with Mayor E~eming presiding, Co~~issioner Allen and Secretary Jar- rard in attendance. Commissioner Mainous absent. 'J?he minutef}..of the meeting of April 22, 1938 were read and apprQ- ved. A group of citizens living on Sunset Blvd. presented a petition registering a protest against the routing of busses on Sun~et Blvd., between Kirby Drive and Buffalo Spdy. The Mayor ~dvised that the council had nothing planned at this time regarding the re-routing of' the bus and a~sured them that ba@pre any definite action is taken in this matter, that they would give the protest due considera~ion. A letter from G. E. Holtmeyer advised that he was building a house at 4267 Purdue St., and asked that the city extend the sewer mains to serve p art of' ColI ege Court Addition. This matter was referred to Commissioner Allen with instructions to investigate ~d see if plans could be worked out to extend the sewer line. I. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the purcl1ase of One (1) box flash light batteries, one-half ll/2) dozen globes, end two (2) boxes .45 cartridges. This motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. . Voting Awe: .'" Commissioner Allen and Mayor J;ileming. .Nos: l'Ione. Mayor Fleming presented, bills as follows: Henry M. Dudley J. W. Mi11-s, H E Amer. . R. xp.Co. $7. 50--r~~o 4in~. .s~I'...3-!eed and ~trac t, 2.50--5 ~~~... .62--Exp ess on sewer onds. In as much as the Mayor paid for these personally, Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming, that he be reimbursed for this amount. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: .None. The Mayor advised that it is necessary that Attorney Sonfield make a trip to Austin next Tuesday evening in connection with the Martin In~unction suit, and upon his re~urn he is to fur- ~---~I 1 ~~"~'''I-'-- I r ~'_. -~-ll 'I~ '9'~ , .,- . . "~~. ", . " ,"!~; t l nish a~ iiemized statement of his expenses which amount will be paid'"h;im by the city. Commissioner Allen made a motion ~pproving th~ above;which motion was approved by Mayor Flem- ~ng. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor j;i1lemir:jg. Nos: .None. Commission~r Allen ~ade a motion giving authority for an add- itional payment of ~1000.00 which is to be taken out of th~ II Sewer General Fund", to the Sweeney and .Lioering Estates, for propesed easements i~ connection with sewage disposal plant, and in consideration for granting t4e shortest right-of-way to the plant, there,by effecting a saving of approximately,; $2000.00 to the city in the trunk ~ lines. The above motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. ' Voting Aye: Uornmissioner Allen and Mayor l"leming. Nos: None. Uornmissioner Allen made a motion giving Mayor Pleming author- ity to enter into a contract with the Uuardian Trust Company for furnishing with s ewer service uner the same arrangmen ts aa made with others owning property outside the cit~ limits, south of Bellaire Blvd. Voting Aye: Gornmissi.oner Allen ap.d Mayor Flemi.ng. 1\Ios: None. Mr. H. p. Pope presented a"bill in the amount of ill55.00 for annual state dues for the Volunteer Fire Dept. anA asked that this be approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the issuing of a check for tPis amount to the State Firemen's Association, which motion was approved by May- or Bleming. Voting Aye: Uommissioner Allen and ~1ayor 1I1eming. Nos: .None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor 'Ylerning giving authority for the purchase of the following: 1000' , 40' One 100' Two 2f1 pipe and fittings, Chain, . (1) dozen hack saw blades, 3/4" galvanized pipe, (2) rollers for pipe cutter. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor il'leming. Nos: None. " " ~-I-;---- 'I - - J -'---1 r' '~--~ 11 ---r r r'ji;f 1" '.: ::" ~.;< ".~. commissioner Allen made ,a motion which was approved by_~ayor Fleming giving the Secretary aunhority to purchase the follow- ing: 20,000 water cards, 1,500 building permits, 2,500 Board of Equalization'notices, 1 quart ink, 1 letter file. ,,". V.oting Aye: 1J0mm;issioner Allen and Mayor ,li'leming. Nos: .None. ... 'l'he ing COlinC il approved the action of the Tax Collector in adjus t- val ues on the following property: Lot 8 Block 1.7 W. U. P. 1st, N.l!2 If 5 fI 36 tI N.l!2 II 8 If 36 II E.l/2 II 7 II 4 fI It 9 II 9 Preston Place " 8 II 7 Virginia Court to that of the year 1935, waiving penalty an 1934 and prior years, and charging interest and cost on all years. This was approved by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Mayor It'1eming. . Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. There being no further business to come upon motion being mada and seconded th adj ourned. ATTEST: ~~. ( '-', lof ."', i' I' n I r ]5,C)" " REGULAR MEETIN G FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1938 COUNCIL ClIAMBER, CITY WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, BALL TEXAS. The regular council meeting was ,held Friday May ,6, 1938 at 7 : 00 r. Iv!. in the COlinC i1 chamber :wi th l..layor FIe min g pr es id- ing,ColMlissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~- The minutes of the meeting of April 29, 1938 were read, adjust- ed and approved~ Mr. N. ~llison appeared before the council and asked that he be allowed to build a house on Lot 19, Block 26, Colonial Terrace '!;vi thin 20 feet of the front property line, and also asked that the city extend the sewer main to serve his property. ne was advised that the question regarding the location of the house will be referred to xhe z~ning board, and that Conwissioner Allen who is in charge of the sewer system, will ~vestiga~e the laying of this sewer, and that he will be advised within the next few days. Commissioner Allen advis'ed that during the storm one <b~:fcthe electric motors in the water works plant burned out~ and asked authori ty to have same repaired. Uom1nissioner IVlainous made a motion which w~s duly seconded by COllwissioner Allen giving authority to have the necessary repairs made. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainousand Allen. Nos: None. . , Commissioner Iv1ainous made a motion giving authority for the pur- chasing of 300 feet of 2" galvanized pipe wi th ne:cessary fittings, motion duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye:; Connniss ioners 1'lainous and Allen. Nos: None. Cow~issionerMainous was given authority to purchase the follow- ing, by a motion made by Uormnissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous: ~'wo (2) 5 t Grader Blades, One-half (1/2) dozen 14lt files, ~hree (3) drUL1S gasoline, , One (1) drmn kerosene, One (I) car crushed Eock, Four (4) tires for the Dodge Garbage Truck. 'i I , l r ,~'~--~~- rl '---IT ":i""'~'"'''>''''''' '..- '" ~, , . ..: ~ 'j ..... --:.~. ~)~;- ~3; -: Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Ma~ous. :Nos: None. , As per the request of the council, Attorney Bonfield .pr.esented an itemized statement of his expenses for the trip to Austin on May 3 and 4, to attend Supreme Court in .the case of City of West Unive;sity Place vs. J. Henry Martin. Con~issioner ~llen made a motion approving t:b.is bill which m6tion~'Was duly second- ed by Cownissioner Mainous. Voting Aye:' Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: I{one. Commisioner Allen made a motionwmich was d~ly seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving authority for the purchase ofeone (I) water proof ,flash light, for the fire dept. Voting Aye: Uommissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: .None. ATTEST: ~ There being no further business to come upon motion being made and seconded h adjourned. 'I ]-~~'~- f~-----==----=------ ~~. , .I " "~";;; '.'€)~-"; : :,'", <'<.;: .: . '.' .... .'. , .~. . REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, brAY 13, 1938 eOUN(JIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held Friday May 13, ,1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council ch~mber with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Com- missioner Mainous absent. ' The minutes C;'f the. meeting of May 6, 1938 were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion approving payment of ~250.00 to be paid to Attorney R. .L.Sonfield a,s, 50% of the balance due him for legal work under the sewage disposal contract. Mr. Son- field advised that the legal work in this project was ~ractically complete. The above motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: ~ommissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner ~llen made a motion which was approved by Mayor , F1leming authorizing the expenditure, not to exceed $15.0.00, for opening a drainage ditgh on the west side of Kirby Drive from Albans Road to Rice Blvd:. Voting Aye: Comrnmissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Dr. F. ,IvI. Hughes presented a statement in the amount of 'll'4.00 for professional services given Charlie Cunningham for burns received by hot tar in patching the streets. ~ommissioner, Allfln made a motion autho:rizing paymen t of this bill whieh moti6n 'was approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by the Mayor authorizing the purchase of the following materials: Fifty (50) meters and fittings, Supply of miscellaneous fittings. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: !'lone. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming approving the payment of ;R;25.00 to the Southern Engine & Pump Company for an electric starter't~~t was removed from v L-~'" '~'-:-"'r r" ,,,-- ,--, I~r- 1 1 . the equipment traded in on the pump purchased last month. This will be taken into consideration and.the exchange and cr?dit made when returned. Voting Aye: vomm,issioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. // '~/ .Nos: ,.None. Mre J. E~ lfu~dleston appeared before the council and asked that they assist in the financing of a. base ball diamond in Oolonial Park. _ The city agreed to furnish the wire and other necessary material for the baok stop. In as much as Commissioner Mainous, who is in .charge of the streets and park, is in favor of fur- nishing the above material, Commissioner Allen made a motion approv- ing the purchase of same, which motion was approved by Mayor Flem- ing. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor F:t.eming. Nos: None. W. F. Warfield & Co., Uontractors, presented an itemized state- ment of the work completed on the sanitary 'sewer disposal plant which is Estimate #1, in the amount of $19,807.57. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved~y Mayor Fleming author- iz ing that a check be issued for this amount and drawn out of the sewerage escrow account, Cit~z'ents State Bank. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: l'ione. ~here being-no further business to come befor the council and upon motion being made and seconded the meet. g Was de~lared adjourned. ~ ATTEST: G~~ '., 1--[ "'F<,. 1 -------: r 1-1 11 , '<"''''rI"*'~~: ' . ..<, ~.,'_ ht n~ . . :', ,:,., "t'~ ~'.:< ~:"-' REGULAR l\iEETING FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST U1fIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the cou.ncilwas held Friday l\ilay 20, 1938 in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor Fleming pre- siding and Commissioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance. CommiJlsioner M:ainous absent. The minutes of the meeting of May 13, 1938 read and approved. c Commissioner Allen made a motion approving action of the Secre- tary in the ordering of Addressograph plates in the arllount of' $33.15, also authorizing the purchase of 2500 plain envelopes, and 5000 window envelopes. The above motion was approved by IVIayor Fleming. " ' , Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion g~v~ng authority to enter into a contract-for the installation and replacement of the main line switches in the Oollege Ave. water plant, which contract ~s not to exceed $193.00. The above motion was approved by Mayor Flem- ing. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by~Iayor Fleming approving the action of Commissioner Allen in having the brakes relined ~nd adjusted on the wa~r truck, and also the action of Mayor Fleming in the replacing of brake's on the police car. Voting A ye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Authority was given to place a sewer man hole at the beginning of the easement east of Charlotte St., or south end Block 7, Virginia Court. This action was taken by a motion made by Com- missioner Alleh and approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. ;J j. 'F_ ~~h. 11 i 1 r I r ~~!-'~ .(J~ti)>: ' . .~ P:':. .-:> Mr. Metcalf, Fire Chief, appeared before the council and stated that the State Volunteer Firemen's Converlion would be held in Amarillo on June 14th, and stated that it would be an advantage to the city to send.a representative from West University Place, to attend this convention, and advised that fur. J. E. Huddleston had been selected by the Fire Dept. to make this trip. After discuss,ion Comr:qissionerAllen made a motion to the ef:Gect that the City furnish the amount of $50.00 for his expenses, which motion was approveq.. by Jvlayor Fleming. Voting Aye: CommissLoner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: .None. A group of about fifty citizens from Pemberton addition attend- ed the cqUllcil in a body and complained regarding the drainage in that section of the city. Mr. p. R. Plumb acted as speaker for this group; he made sev~ral suggestions and advised that in order to provide adequate drainage for this addition the cost would not exceed $6000.00 or ~7000.00. One ladW stated that her entir& lot had been flooded five times since last November. After several co~nents the Mayor advised that he and other members of the council were at this time working out a drainage program that would take care of all sections of the ci ty, and that he had referred t<?.6,1t,Ut> PWA and RFC for finan- cial assistance; and also discus~~rre proposition with the City of Houston, and property own~rs south of Bellaire Blvd., and was' sure tha.t something definite would be worked out wi th- in the next six months; also stated that it would not be an ad- vantage at this time to work out a drainage system for ~ember- 'ton~ ' Cash receipts and disbursemB:ats stat~ment. for the month of April 1938 were given .the Mayor and each Commissioner. There being no further business to come upon motion being made and seconded h journed. p~~ ~ ecretary. ~; "I J'. ~l efore the council and meeting was deared ad- '~.'~' REGUL.A.R MEETING FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY :HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. , , The regula~ meeting of the co~cil was held Friday May 27, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the 'City Hall, vdth May- .or Fleming presiding and Commiss~oner Allen and Secretary Jar- rard in atty.ndance. Commissioner M~inous absent. The minutes of ~hemeeting of Friday May 20, 1938 read and approved. J. We Clarke, pol~ceman, advised that he had used his car doing police duty from November 20 to December 4, 1937, as the police car was badly in need of repairs, and that he had driven 917 miles. Commissioner Allen m~de a motion that he be paid three and one-half (3 1/2 ~) pents pe~ mile. This motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. ... or. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and IVJ:ayor .b'leming. Nos: None. Upon motion being made and duly seconded the Mayor and City Attorney was authorized to take the, necessary steps to coll- ect all penalties from the Houston Lighting & Pow~r Company for failure to render reports as required by law. ~his ac- tion was approved by a Motion made by Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming. ' Voting Aye: Comrrdssioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made ,a motion authorizing the passing and approving of urdinance No. ~~~'_, which caption is as follows: ORDI.NA1'\l CE NO. lS9. J ') ~ An ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, OR A~INENANCE OF ANY FENCE, WALL, HEDGE, STRUCTURE, OR ANY CHARACTER OF OBSTRUCTIO.N OVER, ON OR ACROSS ANY PUBLIC PROPERTY, PUBLIC WAY; PUBLIC STREET, PUBLIC ALLEY, PUBLIC PARK, OR BETWEEN THE PROPERTY LINE OF ANY LOT AND THE PUB- LIC STREET OR ALLEY LINE, OR OvER, ON, OR ACROSS ANY SIDEWALK WITHIN TM CORPOFJ\.TE LIMITS OF THE GITY OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- MOVAL AND ABATEMENT OF ANY SUCH OBSTRUCTION; FOR mE \j I "1 I~ '::1" . 1 --~- _ =--~=Y=-"'~- : ~l -= ':-"-"'l~ , ~ :$,,:., .; ~ '!:'~'!~lt " :. " ~.. - . ~ .' s METHOD OF PROCEDURE; PROVIDING 1'HAT IF A.NY PART OF THIS ORDINANCE IS DECLARED INVALID OR VOID IT SF~LL NOT AFFECT OTHER PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES, AND PARTS THEREOF, I.N CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE ARE REPEALED IK SO FAR AS CONCERN SUCH. CONFLICT; PROVIDING A pm~ALTY; AND~ DECLARING AN ,El'vlERGENCY. Mayor Flem~ng approved the above motion. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. An ordinance regulating the building of sidewalks was passed which caption is as follows: I ) . ORDINANCE NO.~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDI:NG FUB .[1;rm CONSTRUCTION, IlECON- STRUCTION, REPAIR, OR BRINGING TO GRADE OF SIDEWALKS AT THE EXPENSE OF ADJACENT AND ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS; PROVIDING THE PROCEDURE WITH REFERENCE THERE-. TO; PROVIDING THAT THE COST THEREOF SHALL CONSTITUTE A PERSONAL LIABILITY AGAll\rST SUCH OW1\fER AND A LIEN ON SUCH PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTITUTION OF SUIT, FOR ,ATTORNEYS' FEES AND OTHER EXPENSES; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCE IN CONFLTCT iJVI'.rH THIS ORDINANCE ARE REPEALED; PROVIDING THAT IF ,. PARTS OF THIS ORDII~ANCE ARE HELD TO BE VOID OR IDlCOI~~ STITUTIONAL IT SHALL NOT AFFECT OTHER PA RTS OF TI1:::E OR- DINANCE; AND, DECLARING AN m~ERGENCY. The above ordinance was approved and passed by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Fleming, and auth- orized to post same as required by law. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming giving authority for the purchase of 500' of 211 gal- vanized pipe and all necessary fittings, and one drum of gas- oline for the stree~ and bridge departmenn. Voting Aye: COmLnissioner Allen and Mayor fflemihg. Nos: None. Authority was given to place a man hole at the city's expense on the west side of Weslayan Street opposite easement, in I'.',..' 1~>_' '[I l~~=~ I I' ,-_._~- n Block 16, College View 3rd, and a line from the easement runn- ing across Weslayan connecting to this manhole. This author- ity was given by a motion made by Conunissioner Allen and qproved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. L'fos: None. Commissioner Al~en made- a motion authorizing payment of $250.00 to Attorney R~ L. Sonfield, which is the balance due him for legal serviees rendered on the sanitaY~ sewer disposal job. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: .None. There being no further business to come upon mo tion being made and s E$cpnded he adjourned. < " ~~~ C' Secretary the council and was declared ~ 1~;"'-~--;-" II" i 1 ,- ,- '-~~,- ",",' e'i"1!~:::> ".'~1.11/-'.~^"" "~'., , ",{ -t". !; ". .~ REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1938 COUNCIL CHMnBER, CITY HALL WEST, u~IVERSI~Y Ph ACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the co~cil was held Friday, June 3, 1938 at 7 :00 P.M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with ~ayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioner Allen and . Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Mainous ab- sent. .~- ~he minutes of the meeting of May 27, were read, adjusted and approved. Ypon m~tion being made by Comraissioner All~n and approved by Mayor .Bleming, the Mayor was given authority to make appli- cation to the Houstonp Lighting & Poviler Company for ~ectric service for the sewer' disposal plant, wi th the understanding that the city is to pay ~500.00 of the estimated cost of ' $1572.00 towards the construction of the power lines, and give the right to use the city easements in construction of these lines and operating same. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming appointing Mr~ R. J. Depenbrock, Mr. C. W. Heath and Mr. J. S. ~aters to serve on the Board of Equalization for t~YBar 1938 which meeting will start on June 16. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor .B'1eming-. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen ma~e a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming approving the passing of Ordinance No,. 141 , which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TIME FOR THE MEETINJ OF THE BOARD OF EQ,UALIZATIOI~ OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE FOR THE YEAR 1938 AND PROVIDING TI-IAT THE SAME TAKE Eli'FECT IIViI'iIEDIATELY UPON PASSAGE AND APPE OVAL. , Voting Aye: ComrD.is sioner Allen and Mayor FlEming. Nos: None., Authority was given to draw a check in favor of W. F. Warfield & Co., contractor on the sewer disposal job, which is Estimate ffo. 2, in the amount of ;$13,607.38, to be drawn through th~ Citizens state Bank out of the sewer escrow account. {See ~s- !.- . ~ 1- ~r "c"';""""~"'"'''' ,..,~...'"<" . ~:'" "'",'f- -1i~~ - < : . :",'-:;: ';.~.f' ",. tima te on file under the heading n Sewer Disposal Plant, 1938a II ) The above authority was given by a motion made by COlnmissioner Allen and approved by Mayor Flemi~. Vo ting Aye: Commis'sioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: Hone. Commissi9per Allen made a motion authorizing the payment in the amount of $37q.52 to Mr. 3. C. McVea, which is estimate No.3. This amount to be paid through the City ~ational Bank out of the Sewer General Fund. The above motion was approved by MaJor Fleming. Voting Aye: Cornmissioner Allen andMayor Fleming. Nos: None. Autnority was given for the purchase of bridge department. . by a motion made by Commissioner Allen "DNO (2) drums gasoline for the street ani This motion was approved by Mayor J:l'lEming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. . t Mr. Harris advised that/is very inconvenient to transport the sewer purnp from place to place and. al,so adxised that he had talked to a party who agreed to make a trailer on whi~h to mount this pump, which CGst would be approximately $35.00. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was approved' by Mayor Fleming authorizing the purchase of this trailer which amount is not to exceed $40.00. Vot ing Aye: Commissioner A.llen and Mayor Flening. Nos: None. I I . I There being no further business to come and upon motion being made and seconded clared adjourned. efore the coucil . the meeting was de- AT'J:EST: , '~~ 1 u Secretary. v 1 -'r~W--- ,~. I - ------==::'J_l _ _ r-. c: -0-71. , .1 ~!fliJ' 1\ " .. ~>"" ....-. ~t 'S>.~~. ~ " ;. ',' ...". REGULAR MEETIN G FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1938 COU~CIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regulgr meeting of the council Was held ~riday, June 10, 1938 at 9:00 p. M. in the council chamber of th~ 6ity Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Mainous absent. .~- The minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1938 were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motion~ving authority to enter into an agreement with Harry H.' Hedges for the topping of the inter- sections of the following streets: west part of'Sunset Blvd. and Buffalo Speedway, which half of the expense is to be paid by the property owners; west section of RObinhoo,d and Buffalo Spdwy, which is also half to be paid for the property owners; and the west and east side of Rice Blvd on Buffalo Spdwy whicn is to be paid in full by the ~1ty. The above motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. ~ Voting Aye: vommissioner Allen and I~Iayor Fleming. 1\10S: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the purchase of one car shell which a part of this shell is to be used in preparing Annapolis Street from University Blvd to Amherst, between Anna- polis and bordham, which seytion of this street will be oiled at the expense of the property owners. This motion was approved by IVhayor Fleming.' ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: .None. Cot1illissioner Allen made a motion which was approved by 'Mayor Fleming, approving and passing Ordinance .No. 142, which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO.142. AN ORDINANCE PROVIIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF MASTER ELECTRICIANS AND CONTRACTn~G ELECTRICIANS WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING THE PROCEDURE WITH REFERENCE THERETO; PROVIDING RE~utA~ TIONS FOR SUCH M~STER ELECTRICIANS AND CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS AND FOR SUCH WORK; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE OR ANY OTrtLR ORDI- NANCE, RULE OR REGULATION OF THE CITY OF WEST m~I- VERSITY PLACE WITH REFBRENCE THERETO; PROVIDING TFiliT AI1L ORDn~ANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES II~ CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REWALED AND FOR TEE SPECIFIC REPEAL OF .:,.:... , I ' r -~~- -1- r <, "-~ ~-'l :~},~11)'~'~(t~' {, " -.0<: . . 0.<: ~":)J "J' . ~ ..;::......; ~" .>:" f: ~ .~ ORDINANCE NO. 95; PROVIDING THAT IF PART OF THIS ORDINANCE IS DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL OR INVALID IT SHALL lWT AFFECT' OTHER PARTS ~B:EREOP; AND, PRO- VIDING ll~T THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE I~nJEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION AS REQUIRED BY LAW. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor F'leming. < Nos: None.,.. Cormnissioner Allen made a motion approving action of the Mayor in the purchasing of one (1) 45 Colt Revolver,in the amount of $22.50, and a pair of handcuffs amount~ng to ~4.50 for the po- lice department. This motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. < Voting Aye: Cormnissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Authori ty was given for the purcht-tse of' the ,following supplies: Fifty (50) Meters, One-hundred (IOO) corporation cocks, One-hundred (IOO) curb stops, Twenty-fi ve (25) saddles and Glar.<1ps, Two-hundred (200) miscellaneous fittings. '. The above authority was given by a motion made by Cor~<1issioner Allen{,and approved by Mayor Fleming. ! ' Votirig Aye: It' Commissioner Allen and Mayor laming. Nos:' None. I " ' I There )being no further business to come upon .5'motion being made and seconded the adjourned. ATTEST: ~ C. Secretary ,', v j i, ,., 1-- ===I~-Y m' ,; ~'1': ~::~, <,:',;,' ~~ "~' ~.'. '. .':' ti;; ~;.:'. '.~~ REGULAR MEE~HNG FRIDAY" JUNE 17, 1938 CO'm~CIL CHAMBER, CITY ~~LL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, June 17, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of'the City Hall, with 'Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commi~sioners Allen and Mainous and flecretary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes' of the meeting of June 10, 1938 were read and approved. illr. J. R.'Ellis,owner of se~eral lots in West University ~lace 2nd Addition, moved his field office out of the city and asked that the city refund the amount he paid for the water meter supplying this property. Commissioner Alien made a motion which was duly seconded by Comm~ssioner Mainous authorizing issuing of a check in the illTIount of $12~5e covering the acuual cost of the meter and fittings. 'Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The Mayor was given authori ty ~o make demands on the Houston Light- ing and Power Company and thetiouston Natural Gas Company for pen- alties for failing to comply with the state statutes, regarding . the filing of annual financial statements showing the cost of oper- ating within the City of Wes~ University Place each year. The above authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Comraissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Corrmissioner Allen made a motion autbDrizing the purchase of two' (2) drwns gasoline and thirty (30) gallons lubricating oil for the street and bridge department. The above motion was duly sec- onded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye~ Comrrlissioners Allen and Mainons ~ Nos: 'None. During the absence of Commissioner Mainous and due to an emer- gency, the MaY9r authorized certain repairs to b~ made to the street grader, namely, the replacing of clutch, also pepairs to old tractor. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was approved by Commissioner Allen approving the action of the Mayor in authorizing the above repairs. ~j I' -1"<""""",,'""""",.%>""11 , F ':--1 -, ,-" :', ,:~,~lit,'i'S ~-< . ~<.:~tJ~:~:.~ . "... 1 .""''7' Voting Aye: Oomnl~ssionernMainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to come be~ore the council and upon motion be made and duly seconded the eeting was dec ared adj ourned. ,-- ATTEST: ~~ ~} j ~ ~_ i ~r' "1 1 .r i"~' . ~ ;..-., ," . "':,: i'~ :.~' .-<1' '.'," EEGUU1E IVIEETIl\G FRIDAY, Jl~E 24, 1938 COUNCIL CHi~flm:ER, CIlflY I-lA.LL F/"p'sm TUNI'v' T.;'''''' Im-'U "QT i' (' 11' TTi'V L' c:: ~.,.w J... .!..< .l..:.ll1.u.J,..l. 1: l..J.L:l."..J..w, .l2..i~...l.u" The regular L-,6\.:'tinS of the COD.l1cdl was held Frid?;t, June 24, 1938 at 7:00 p.1,. in the coun,cil chamber of the City Hall Y,rJ.th ~i~ayor' Fleming presiding, and Commissionel's Allen al~d I'!: ai11.ou8 EU'lG. Sec- retary Jarrar'd in attenda..l."lce. ..~~ '1'he minutes of the meetir..g of June 17, 1938 read 8,no. 1:11'proved. IVlr.'8onfield, City ",I;..ttorney, was requested to take up wi th the legal depa~t~ent of the Houston Lighting and Power COe, the matter of failine to render report as required by law, and to report back to the council with reference to same. {Letter 1'e- ceivecL from the Eouator, Lighting &. Power Co., witb reference to this matter was given to Attorney SonfieJ.d.. 0 A motion was made "os Comrnissioner lYlainous and duly seconded by Co~~issioner Allen giving authority to purchase the ~ollowing supplies for the police department: One-half (1/2) dozen globes, Five (5) gallons traffic paint, One-hundred (100) .45 cartridges. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Xes: Honee 1Irs.. H. b. Williamson presented a map and platt of the second, s.ection of Kent Place to be approved by the co "Lmd.l" After dis- cussion Commissioner Allen made 8. motion which was s econdedby Commissioner Naino11s accepting this plat and autbDrizing Siline to be filed by the MayoI', OOl11..LLis sioners and Secretary. Voting Aye: Cornmiss:i,oners Allen and 1;'a1.nou3.. Nos: None. Commissioner 1'.llen rat'.de a mo tion authorIzing paJ'lllerl t to the Oi ty o'f Eouston, tbe sun of '~)13.80 for an iY!voice dated U~ay 13, 19-36, -- for water fUJ'nished the city of 'i,est UniversitJ- Place" The City heretofor6, has had no notice of this ir~voice. 'rr~is mo tion was duly seconded. by Commis sioner lY1ainous.. Voting Aye: GO~0IJissj_oner Allen ane. L;ailJcus. }Tos; None. Gorn.lli:Ls sioner iillen lli.ade a motion whicY was duly seconded. by Com- j "'r ~-rr ,I "....~;~.. :.~, . -... i3;~7.L:- :' ,". ~l-:" ~ ~.)_~ "_ missioner 11ainou8 authorizing the purchase of the follovvi:r:g for the street and ~ridge dept: Bridge Lw1ber; PILMb & Kirby, 2-6x6 16ft lO-3x8 9 ft .~" 25-3x10 12ft, corrugated paper, Four (4) corrugat6d water pipes, 15'=24. ft long, One (1) corrugate~ water pipe, 26 and 28ft long, for Academy, at University Blvd., Vo tir~g fl.ye: Comm~s sioners Allen and LIainous.. Wo s: None. Commissioner Mainou8 was in conversation with lllr. Campbell of the Weir Lumber Co., to agree to fU.n1ish labor to take out soft 'clay on Broxton Road, providing .that the c~ty furniilll the necessary materials for the filling 1n of same. Cowmissioner Mainous was given authority to have this work done by a motion made by Com- miss'loner Allen and dulJ seconded by COE]missioner 1V1a1nou5. Vo tir~g Aye: Uommissfoners Allen aJ:l"d !\'lainous. Nos: NOEe. The Board of Cormnissioners a"oproved the action of Com.miss"ioner Allen in selling the water t~nk taken from the Alb~ns Street plant for the sum of ~lOO.OO. This action was taken by a motion made by Commissioner Alfen and duly seconded by Commissioner ~!Iainous.. Voting Aye: Oommissioner Allen and 1,1ainou8. Nos: None" Au thori t-,y was given by a motion Glade by Commissioner ri:ainous for . the purchase of bvo batteries in the amolmt of $24.50 for the fire truck and also sufficient supply' of rear end motor grease (Mob- ilwoil.) The above motion was duly seco~ded by Corr~issioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioner kainous and Allen. Nos. :None. Authority was given by a motion made by Commissioner Allen to pay to R. L. 00nfield, Attorney, tile Sltrl of ~300.00, which amount is to apply on legal fees. This moti.on was duly seconded. by Commissioner: h~ain- ous. Vo ting Aye ~ Commis sioners 1-~llen and Eainou s. l\ios: 1'Tone. ~ I I" . I~'~~~ ro~~ ~. 01", TOO S)" ~i'l ' ~ I~ " ".< :>~~~~:. ". Author:tty was given for the purchase of 100 f of 3f! rflanilla rop~ and three (3) dozen gaskets ($2.70) to be used in the fire dept. ~ above authority was given by a motion made by C00~issioner Allen and ,seconded by Commissioner Mainous. VA ting Aye: CorcmlissioDers AileD and Eainous'. . No s: None. ^" On rilarch 31, 1937, the City Secretary Was authorized by the council to deposit the sum of $50.00 in the Citizens S'tate Bank to the account of-the Volunteer Firem~n's Relief Fund, with an understa~dipg that this money would not be use'a for 8. period of one y~r. 'l'his was a contribution from the 1:'~merican LaFrance Fire Hos'e Compan~l. The Mayor and Secretary, is authorized to draw a check for this anount in favor of the vol1-mteer firemen's associati.on and authorit:,{ is here- by given for the proper signatures to be left "vi th this bank for the wi thdrawal of this fund. This action was taken by a~ motion made by Commissioner Allen and dul;y seconded by Commissioner Kainous. Votine Aye: COllMissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. A RTi'SOLTl'11IOfl. WI~EEAS, authority has been giyen bJ the Board of Commissioners here- tofore for theoauthority to enter into c9ntracts with the fpllowing for the purcha~e of a tract 01' land, cont~ini~g four (4) acres, more or less, a ten (10) foot easement for power lines, and a tWftnty (20) foot easement for laying sewer lines: 'l'he J:iouston Land and llrust Co., the rtice Institute Estate, estates of, J._J. Sweeney and lliary Anne Sweeney, decea~ed, Doehring Estate and Guardian Trust Company. < r , vTIIEREAS, all such contrac~s have been ~ntered into and cons~ated; all consideration has been paid by the city for this property and easementil. INASMUCH as the property owners request final action py the Board of Commissioners ~pproving all action, therefor be it resolved that the Board of Gormnissioner~ do hereby approve all actions heretofore tak- en on all contracts entered into and for the pa~nents for said prop- er ty . Voting Aye: Gommissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: Nonee There being no further business to motion being made and s~conded the ATTEST: . V-l~t~- f j~ r- '.1..1 'i/,~~..; ",.,.:>~':~~. " , lffiEGULAR ,MEET Hi G FRIDAd, JULY 1, 1938 COUNCIL C:H.illfiBER, CITY F.J>.LL WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regu1&r meeting of the council was held Friday July, ~, 1938 at ~~OO P.M. in the council chamber of the City ,Hall with fuayor Fleming presig,ing, and Cormnissioners l>'llen a..'i.d liiainous and Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of FI'iday June 24,,1938 were read and 2_pproved. CorJIYllSSJ.oner Hainous made a motion 1,nihich was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, allowing VI. F. Viarfield & Go., contractors on the seVier disposal job, ten days extens:'Lon of time over the contractj this was due to rainy weather and same being recommended by Engin- ' eer J. C. ILc V ey" Voting Aye: Commisc:ioners IVlainous and. Allen.' Nos: NOY'..e~ Commissioner Allen who is in charge of the water departrrient re- ceived the followinG bids for the contract for the purchase of 300 water meters for the next 12 months: <;. Meter 1. Neptune 1IIl~ter Co. New York Trident $9. 67i' 2. ' Hershey Mfg. Co. Boston Hershey 9.67'2 3. Wo rthington- Ga rnon Meter Co. Watchdog 9.27 4. Badger Meter Mfg.Co .Kansas C i t~y Badger 8.60 6. Naticnal keter Co. Brookl;~rfl L.R.Nash 8.60 6. Pittsburg 11eter, Co. 8,,60 After due consideration Comciissio:"1er lVlainous made a motion" .auth- " orizing Mr. Allen to en tel' in to a contract 'In th the Iiiorthington- GamonI{ie13er Co., at the price of $9.27, with 2% discount if paJIllent is made on or before ten day~ from receipt of invoice. The above motion was duly seconded by Uommissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners J'iTainous and Allen. Nos: None. Au tr:.ori ty was giver: by a roo tioD made by Comrnls s ioner All en" and , dul;y- second.ed by Cor:lmissioner ~Ilainous for the purchase of 1000 feet of 2" galvanized pipe and 450' of 1 1/4" galvanized pipe.wi th all necessary fittings. Voting A'JTe: Co::unissioners l\lainous and Allen" Nos: None. !~ ~l' , ~I"" r- "1 .I~ ,J ~' "'("'" $ ,tt ''f ~ .. . Jllr. J. C.IVIcVey, engineer on the sewer disposal job presented the following estimates: hstimate No. 3, 0.F.~arfield & Cae Estimate No.4, J.C.McVey, Enginee~ Fees iW22,832.20 580012 CO]]1,missioner' Allen made a motion allthorizine that chec~rs be issued for these estifiates which motion wasdul;r seconded by vOJJl.rnissioner rtIainous. Voting l'''ye:. Commissioners Allen and Eainous. No s: 1\Tone.. l\Ciss Catherine, Cusr..rnan advi~ed the counc:tl that several years ago they paid the Houston West .b1nd Realt;y Company 1'01'" 300' of pipe serving these Ipts.. She also presented receipts showing the pay- ment of same. The city recent~y made a charge of $35.00 for a conn~ ection on one of these lots. In view of the circu~stances Corr~is- sj.oner Allen made a motion which was seconded bJ. omrnissioner' rlCainous e:uthol'izing that a check be issued in favo!' of ~,ass Cush- rr,an in the amount of ~70.00, and the city will make the usual collections when ott,er connections are made. Voting Aye: Commissioners lVJainous me. AlleE. Nos: None. CorMlissioner Mainous advised that in order to speed up the garbage collection it would be necessary to employ another negro. F.fter discussion Commissioner Allen made a m0~ion giving authority for tt.e employrnen t of a man to work on the garbage truck. This motion was duly seconded by COGmis::oicner rllainous. Vo ting Aye: Corf1I1Jiss ioners .i1.11en 2nd ~,aino1].s. };cs: NOlle. Authori tv was g:iven b"y a motioE made by COElIniss ioner .hllen fer " '-' the purchase of four (4) electr'ic liGht globes fOl~'the city hall grounds and for an electrician to run a, string of 1i~1 ts on tl~6 cit~T hall grounds for a meeting given by the Civic Club. Also for the purchase of tV'ielve (12) yards of shell emulsion 8.nd to have the chevrolet street truck overhalued. This motion Vias duly seconded bJ? COr:llniss- j,oner Nlairlous. '\7 t. i yo lrq:: ,;..'-).ye: Commiss ion ers Allell and r:'aincus e Nos: None. 1 . J ~ r---=r- r 1 ~~ ',', 'lJC -~., '..;: ~ . ' '''. Mr. J. E. Huddleston slfumittec a reDort of the state Volunteer Firemen's Associatlon Convent:l.on held in Amax'illo G'nr:tng the month of Jw;.e" Conmis:ioner I'.:lainous made a motion which was seconded by \JoIrlmts sloneI' Aller; that thj.s report be accepted and flled, Etnd also the Council, vr.i.shes to trill.nk t:r. Huddleston fc!' representing the city at tl2.is convention. Yo tine; l~ye; l.Tos~ None. T' ere beiY!~ n . -- '0 upon motion adjourned. .,. GOrGEli s s loners 1.= 0..1 nc us 8]1 d All en. no further business being made and duly ~ I'C~"'~' -" 'T~ ~~-'-'-T1 to come before the COUI1Cil a::-:d seconded. the rn.eeting was declared Attest: ---, y,~, ,~,," D'~" "-~,'..- - c " ~ ::':~;:.:.: REG ULAh 1:1 E~T lJAG FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 r<OTT1,trfIT 'C1'2" '1\:'p= CTTY"IT':' T T l."J U .L. V 1...J ...:...l.Cllu. .........'.J;..L L, .,.1" ~.!-I..loLJ.w V!EST Dl'nVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~he regular meeting Qf the council of the City of West Univer- sitJ~ Place was held on Friday J-"LIJ-' 8, 1939 at 7:00 P.M. I>ilayor r m Fl' . O' C .. jj II 1";1, I'l,..... eEllLg preslulng, 0F1L1lSSl0~~ers R 1-1. ~er.l 'raIIB: I'iIainous, Ass't Secretary J'.. P. Robb and City i\.ttorneJT R~ J.l. 30nfie16_ in .~. S attendance. " ecretary Jarrard absent. The minutes of the previous meetin[ held July 1, 1938 were re2.d an,d approyed. On motion of Commissioner ~llen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous that a battery for.the Street & Bridge 'Dept. truck costing ~6.00 be purchased. 'l'hat four (4) dru""'8 of gasoline be purchased for tJ2e street and bridge department. T~at a cODplete overhauling of the engine of the street grader and the grader itself be made, at a cost of $65.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and ~,-ainous. Nos: None. C ,\ On motion of 'opnuis8ioner hllen, seconded by vODilllissioner Kain- ODS, that COrlmissioner l:'lainous be authorized to Dlalre a contract for the digGing of a drainage di tch on \ivest side of Kirb:)T Drive from one-half (1/ 2) 'j;)lock north 0 f Arbuckle St., to Dell aire Blvd., ane'. that five \ 5) culverts made of corr.ue;ated galvanized iron pipe, 4_1511 fend 1-2811 in diameter X 24ft long for the five (5) ptreet intersections in that distance. Voting AJ-e: COlTIr1isSlOl'lerS Allen and I',!ainous. Nos: Nor:e. t~r. Harrj.s reported that in la'yine a water line in front 01'4123 1Jnl versi tJ" 31 vd. they had to dig a ditch und.er a cone rete driveway and that tpe he8.v~y ra ins recently set tled the dirt sllpport and the concrete setttled dorm. Upon IYJotio:e: of COI'Hniss ioner Allen, second- ed by Commissioner ~:ainous, IV1r. Harris instruct h:r. Calholm to make the necessary repairs. Voting Aye: GOFicj.s8J.oners AlleI:, [~Jld rtainous. Nos: None. OL l'notlon of Cormnissioner li'ainous, seconded by COLfcissictmer ;).lle11 J:~,_~:.t the old lI1.9.in lir'e switc~L and the :3 P.P.. sj,ngle phase electric y ;"{i;~.. 1 ~..- ."C~ -"'~I'- .-.\ T~ 'I :J Motor be sold for tIOO.OO. 'rhat 6o[;1Iflissioner .b.lleD be authorized to purchase six (6) 2l! gaT.€: v~lv6s at a cost of $6,,40 each for the water dep~rtment. Votir.g Aye: Commiss ion"'rs La1nous aYld Lllen.. lifos: NOES. I"oV"ed b'J7 Conl~;l5s;io~cr Allen cand seconded b'J7 Corumissioner J'ilainou8 ths.t Lr. I\'~. YJo.H:er be pEcid -:,;5.00 for J. ds.ys 'work with the grader. Vo tinE: i;.ye: Commis,s :to:r.,ers Allen- and I;~aino,.1S.. ;~ cash receipts and cash disburser':"~ent st2J.tement far: the month of June WE~S gi veD. the J',1ayor and each comrni's s ioner.. There being no PurtQsr business to COlle sotion being tnEcde and duly seco,:,',ded the journed. beP-ore the council and upon ting was declared ad-' j~TTEST : .. " " r i r I I -'iT t ~ tl I ,1 .~ REJ-UL.AR l:rEETIl'TG FRIDAY, JULY 15, 192.8 COTflfCIL CHB~BER, CITY HALL 1i~'"QC:;T Fl'TT\T'V;'S'TTv DT L\CE' fj117'Tr- C( .._.1"-.... ..1..'_'" ~-'_ -<- -'- .L .:....Jo!._ ,r ......L'..l..~r....u. The regular meeting of the cOlL~cil of the city of ~est University f;lac6 was held on Frida~y, July 15, 1938 at 7:45 p. hi. in the '1 1 1 . f' t' r. ., :::r., 1 T." F m Hl'" . d' C01Jl1C1._ C:lam,Jer o~ ne -,l1J~{ ~.aJ.. , iifiaJ~o:r ~. ..t. ~4t;em1.nG presl J.ng, Commissioners Allen and I'b.ainous, Ass't Secy L. J.. Robb, _.Cit;; ,At.t~~ SonfielJl and Ira Harris in attendaIlce. SecretLry Jarrard Absent. I fly-, ,.I.._,le and minutes of the previous meeting held July approved. 8, 1938 ~ere read . t. " , C .., J l' ,,Co d d h G . . lV_a J.OY' was mane .c:y ommlSSlOEer .ri..!_-,_en apQ ueeon e' ~y omrnSSJ.oner ]"ainous that one (1) C1:.ir of st.ell lJe order'ed for use on the streets in ~.:ves tend. Votinft Ave: Commissioners All~)n and lviainous. '-' oJ Nos: None. ";oved by Commissioner I:ainous, seconded b'J' Comrcissioner ;',.llen that the purchase of one-half (1/2) dozen suits of coveralls for the fire department be approved and bill paid. Va ting l......ye. Commissioners lVlainou2 and Allen. Nos: None. r'~otion made by Commissioner 1'aino1..1.3 ;:me. seconded by Commissioner )"llen that two men, Lorenzo ~nd Lorence Haeying reprwsentigg the Fire D~pt.., of City of ("lest University Place, be sent to the state .l:"irernan' s training school at College Station, 8nd that ~~20.00 each be given thew for expenses. Voting Aye: Gomuissioners l~ainous '<;'end AlleE.. Nos: None" ',""_:nvC'"r; 'hy Cor"'m,Js"doner Paiy:<IYlJ.">' <1f-k'011dp.<'1 bv Gry"-,,:1'is"'1n"j,:on-. .i':,.llFT.!. _v_......... 'J ':"L...___ h,I......~.... __ -........ ..\-" .....-....;............_--'-J-.....-.u vJ........~""______......._..~~ ..l-..J....__ that the city p';,lrcb.2_se fift;;, \50) 1::l&t6rs froE1 the k'or\:;L1T~gto;~= GarcCl:C MEiter,Co., at ~;9..27 each" Voti:lg Aye: Cornr:Lis sioner Ii &inullS and l.l.llen.. t!os: rTorle. ~,~otion viEts r~l:::l.j.e b~T Corn.lllissj.011er Iv2airlO1.:LSj ':]]'x1 86co~6..0(11JY sioLer !-llleIl thEtt (ir~35.00 be p~~iicl to t}'ll3 Ste-~7B..rlt .t).ostl")act [01') abstract il1forrr.8..tion on utility eB.Sel?-811t~S& \j ~ , Voting Aye: miH,;dssioners j',:ainous find ."l::L:'-3L. };os: }Torle. ~; I I~"'~' r- i "I rq 11 C GDl.t:L.~ Gee C 0n'.l.vUrl""y ~ " . "'i,~cO';'~~tl> ". ',.,~" 1:.' ' -c', i~: t.;;.\. r; ...... hl<~ 1 ~ . r~ f J J.~ 1.1otior: Vias rl1o..de by CODlllliss:to:'1.er I..lleD and ser;ollcLe:=l by l\~B.J()r l"laYlirg that the J. h. Ellis case, !fr'e lot Llil, Dlock 44, "'. D. Po 2fld;'~~O(;~lte:l ill 3~OO bJJ?c1c UnivexisitJ'i' BGU16Val'lclH the'.de= W;Q;O'h 'of t'h,:' Gourt uf uiv.il l:"T'or.,.,,'ls Virpq a'jveY'sEl'Y +0 thp C;tv ',l,I~u_,-~ _....' =: --,-"" __ .t-'..L.- VC.-\,.~ :o~..'".'-' - _ "'4 U .'w...." ..... r.J of '~~~est Uni'\,Torsj..tv PIC12.6Q Eind tllat tl!-e t5::l.se b"e apIJealecL to tl~e t ~ . c,I ., ..I.. SL1pI~erlle lJC;)~..:ct 0 f Te1:.s,ts. ~ . , \l0till.C i:;.J e;~~~ G()~'~ll.~i,:)3:to:;.erJ ...~llGn. s~xld hie..yu..c' Flemi11g. Nos: i-..i,orrl[D.i3;Ji0~~.3r 1~~aiLou3. l~~o tiaYi. f):)f C (J:Gl1nis s iorl er lViaino'i.1S, s ecortc~ed_ b"JT Co~~r~.lis.3 tqIle}? ...t-.-ller!. +:1;:-,+: .r<; ~::::,,~t: o-f' f'''''11r"'} (<L/~ C.;1i"v....(l "'yp..-..:r ccqRl"'l!r~ :~1'")rl ~nl'l~r t'lJ.nAc-' 1-")1~' "Ul""-- ""'-....-.....-...... --"'" - -..v......__ .,:.. .... _... -.J_l.. _<<oJ lo-___,_.... ~J._..t.......... Ai- ._~.'...... _f...I./oJ W'o.~ '.... _ chase d for tlle I)cJ_ice car frolll t:'lC Eis~onn,e.t Ser;.vice Stcttion.~ for ;jli6Li. 00. Votlr.f"J' g\TC,'. ...,... .- L.... ".v v Co~:~rills~i0rl.e1"~S r~alr.ou_s artd. Allen. 1'Tos: :Hone.. i ~ ' > <i ' ,', '~,~ .-." 't! < L:ovetl b~~ Corn.L.'1is<3ioller ~~11e11, secoYl(J_tJd b:;-;- COI:.l.rl1issioYl.el"4 h;laill.utlS tl'J.[~t tIle irlterest OJ'} 1':0 to llelct b"JT tl~e GuaI~(liaTl Trus t COG:Pallj fOl") ~1094.00 at 6% fro~ 8/0/37 to 7/1/38 amow~ting to ~59.81 be paid. Va 4-i Y1 ",' f,.... '" , , u_.....:..l G .4:l..;j IV. Gopr1rG.is3iorlE:l:S ..{~110?l and. ILail1.0US 0 ! ' -. !~o s : rJO:'lG. T,:oved by Commissioner Allen; s econc.ed by COE'!luisSiVl1EH" ]'1:ail1ouG that the printinc of 6000 sheets of tax statement 2~'ld recei.pts be awarded to the J\'Ionarch Printinc COl.::1pamy for the surn of ~f55. 00,. -.' Vo'tl'T' ,,- L v~. < "}S U,}V. (;Qlnraj_ssiorl.ers ...L1.11en and Llainous It ~.' . r-J 0 S : ~J on ~. TneI-"-~?.l Y.'lnir,;.:'" ~J.O ......,f'u...l.ttert 1:u.sinAs3 to COD18 ...- '-' '-'V_--o '<""--.< upon motlon ~eing made and seconded the journed. " _~TS:ZJ11 : \' I .~V.<l~~ _ < II '" ~=.""~ '. _ -.:.u.:........r "-~. ." " :1~ih'~9a" \,. ~~~.'..~". f i t FRRIDE?yULA RJULMyEET2-2ING1938 -1 , ..<;\. , , COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL 11VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEUS. . .;\ The regula:r meeting of the council of thed'City of West Uni- ,versity Place was held in the Council Chamber of the City ;Hall, at 7: QO P. JIll., on the 22nd day ()f Jla.1y, 1938. MaYGlr H. T~ Fleming presiding, Commissioners Mainous and Allen and assistant secretarf'A.'P. Robb, City Attorney R. L. Sonfield and Ira Harris in attendance. ~e minutes of the last meeting held July 15, 1938 were read and with slight change in wording were approved. . :~~ T Moved by Corr@issioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen that the water,and sewer account at 3919 Villanova be cancelled and a charg~ of ,p22.50 be made for re-installing the meter. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and .Allen. Nos: None. Moved by Commissioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen that Mr. All'en be authorized to purchase 140 feet of 211 galvan- ized iron pipe and 240 feet 3/411 galvanized pipe for use in the water depa~~ement. Voting Aye: Commiss ioners, Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Moved by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Mainous that university Boulevard from west of the city hall to,We~t- point Drive be prepared and oiled surface at a cost of $125.00. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and IvIainous. '\ No s: None. On motion of COlmnissioner Mainous, seconded by Commissioner Allen that the bill representing replacements made to curb- ing at corner of Annapolis and University Blvd in the state- men t from Engineer J. C. Calhoun, be paid. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. After considering the bids presented for the printin~ of complaint forms for use in the corporation court, the Monarch rinting Co., was awarded the job to print one thousand (1000) complain~ forms, to be put in pads of one hundred (100) each at a cost of $7.00. <', , Voting Aye: gOlrunissioners Allen and Ma1nous. Nos: None. I "" h'~".- . I ~. _ _C --~-~11. .. ..);'....'u: ..tJ~'~ .. 'v~'" ~'~ .:?~'- ," ".' ,,~~,..., , . ,<' . Authority Was given to the Mayor to sign a contract with the City of Houston to the effect that the Cit3 of West University Place would not install a radio broadcasting system in the police department until after January 1, 1939. . . ~he Mayor and Secretary was given authority to sign a contract wi th W. T. ...~acy of, Ft. Worth, Texas, to make _ an .. appraisal of the valuation of the, easements of the H.ouston Lighting & Power Company, for the sum of $500.00. (Contract maybe found in the file under. the heading of uMiscellaneous Contracts.ll) This in- formatiQn to be used in the law suit of the Houston Lighting & Power Company vs. Cit,r of West University Place, ere-four per cent (4%) gross receipts tax. The!'e being no f'lU.'ther business to come upon motion being made and seconded, h adjourned. fore the council and meeting was ATTEST: ~aw~ Ci ecretary. li ~J r r'"'i.,tt-!>-~, r~~~~~] , r ---- -n ,I,",. ~I'~" ' .~"Q,,~.'" ". ", '" I.-/'>. " " The'regular meeting scheduled, or July 29, 1938 was po~oned due to the ayor being ;absent .from the city. Attest: ~~~ I' 1':'!""~"'1 11 i' '6' :,::' : ~6;i :' ,:r .. '. ~'. 'r<"" _ _'. '. ~~\ ~, ,,".:. ".J' S" :"., I. 1;~~1I. SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST,4, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UnIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting of the council was held Thursday after noon at 4:00P.M. in the council chamber of the 'City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioner Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in.~.attendance. Commissioner Allen absent. The minutes of the meeting of July 22, were read and approved. Commiss.ioner Mainous made a motion which was approved by Mayor Fleming, giving authority for the payment of', $250.00 to Attorney R. L. Sdnf'ield to apply as a part payment for legal fees as perstaternent rendered. ' Voting Aye: Commiss ioner fuainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Mr. Ira S. Taylor account~nt, was employed as an accountant to assist in the case of Houston Lighting & Power Gompany vs. Gi ty of West University Place for an agreed amount of $75.00. Commiss ioner Mainous made a motion authori.zing pa~ent of this amount which motion was approNed by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commis sioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motio:q .approving Sewer Disposal Estimate No.4, in the amount of' $12,725~00 to' w. F. Warfield & Go., and Enginee~s est~l!late No. 5Jn thearnoJJnt of $451.75 to J. C.; McVey. The above motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. ioting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor Fianing. Nos: None. Engineer J. C. McVey presented a statement showing variouJj changes in the construction of the sanitary sewer disposal plant, which is change No. 2. Th~se' various changes will add an additional cost in the sum of $114.00. ttA detailed report of this order may be found in the files under the heading of 'Sewer Disposal Plant.') Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing the approving of these changes. Above motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. ' Voting Aye: COll~1issioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. 4~ ~1 F --, - ,.~~,~......- ~. Commissioner Mainous made a motion approving the purchase of' one (1) ice box, in the amount of' $5.00, to be used in the watchman's room at the city garage, which motion was approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Com..rnissioner Mainous and Mayor :lJ'1eming. , Nos: None. . Commission(}.r Mainous made an investigation and inquired as to the cost of the purchase price and ~nsta+lation of a signal light to be placed at University Blyd andEdloe st., and re- ported that the light suitable for this location which he would recommend would cost approx.imately $157.25, plus *50.00 for installation, and night signal l~ght an additiGnal i3.82, and recommended that he be given author'1ty to purchase same so as to have the installation made bef'ore school begins in September. After discussion Oommissioner Mainous made a mo- tion which was duly approved by Mayor Fleming to given an ,order for the purChase of this light with instructions to deliver on or about September loth and arrangments to be made to make the payment on or about October 1, 1938. -. " Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor It'leming. Nos: None. 1 Upon motion of ~ommissioner Mainous an~ duly approved by Mayor Fleming, Resolution~captions of which are as follows, was unanimously passed and approved. RESO LUTION 17 P' Resolution ordering and providing :Cor the improvement of a portion of Rice Boulevard, in the City of West University Place; select- ing the ma teri,al.s therefor; appDrtioning the cost thereof; providing for the time sndmanner of payment of such cost; ordering plans and specif.ications for such work; and, declaring an emergency. RESOLUTION Resolution approving plans and specifications for improving Rice Boulevard, or a part thereof, awarding contract to John O. Calhoun for making said improvements and ordering the Oi ty' s em- gineer to prepare a statement or roll showing description of property, names of ovmers, estim- atedcost of making such improvements, mnd es- timated amounts to be assessed against abutting pr0perty and the owners thereof, and declaring an emergency. ", ~J f g;1~'l'-1. il T'~-"~I~ . - . J 1. r' - . ',' ).:fI;t: '----.....,. , , 'l:~ g"(1" ". -~ -< ;:~-:..' ,~ '- " :, ,". <...~~ ~; \.-". ~ , . . . RESOLUTION Resolution approv1ng engineer's statement or roll of propertyPabutting on Rice Blvd in the City of West University Place, o names of" owners, estimated cost of making improve- ments on said street, and estimated amounts to be assessed against abutting property and OVIDers thereof, fixing time and place for a hearing to be given to owners of such prop- erty and all others interested the~ein, and providing for notice of said hearing and de- claring an emergency. Tne secretary was instructid to sign an official notice to all property owners on Rice Boulevard, and publish s~ne in three (3) issue~ of the Houston Press, being August 5, 9, and [l~, 1938. (Original resolutions and notices may be found in the files under the 'heading of 'Rice Boulevard paving. ' ) , ' Voting Aye: Commissioner lViainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None; ,/ A Motion was made by Commissioner Mainous and duly approved by Mayor Fleming giving the secretary autnority to increase the~amount paid for typist in the office from $3.00 to $4.00 per day.' Voting Aye: Commissioner lvlainous end Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. There being no further business to come and upon motion being made clared adjourned. ' " i l'i"H'", 1~~'''~~~I~' "~Il I " v I > , He'" " r~--' , --'~"==T' ....'e.;,~' . ~~{t~~0'-' c ,.t f' .~. ~''''-~ ~he regula.r meeting seh~duled fo~ Au was postponed due to the Mayor bein the City. ATTEST: ~ , ' . l r -'~~~ll , '''1':' :;'~: :,~"[)' 0 t. .. ' . - ":d f:. ' - . ~ - 1 ,~" \ . ~ .' . REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, V\lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday August 12, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the city hall with Mayor It'leming .presiding, and Commissioner Mainous and Secretary Jarrard .in attend8;Dce. Commissioner Allen absent. The minutes of the meeting of August 4, 1938 were read and approved. Oommissioner M!inous made a m9tion giving the Mayor and Sec- retary authority to transfer :rP5000.00 whi~h is now on deposit in the savings account with the Citizens 'state Bank, into a time deposit account for a period of' o.ne year, which amount is to draw interest at the rate of li%, and to transfer the amount of $91.86 which is interest accrued on the deposit that is now in the savings account, to the Sinking Fund ACCOl,mt in the City National Bank, and also to transfer W99.59 which is now on deposit in the Tax Collectors Account in the Citizens State Bank to the City National bank. The above motion was dUly approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and lVIayor Fleming. '. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly approved by lt1ayor Fleming, adopting resolutions and Ordinance ordering and providing for the improvements of a portion of Charlotte, AnnapOlis, Fordham and Lake streets. Resoluti-on awarding con- tract to John C. Calhoun, Jr; resolution ordering preparation ' of a statement of rolls showing description of property, names of owners and estimated cost, which captions are as follow~: RESOLUTION. REsolution ordering and providing for the ~provements of a portion of Charlotte, Ann~polis Street, Fordham Street and Lake Street, in the City of west University Place; selecting the materials therefor; apportion- ing the cost thereof; providing for the time and manner of payment of such cost; ordering plans and specifications for such work; and, providing that this resolution take effect and be in force immediately after its pass- age and approval. f I 1- W!-<f_ J'~ :----r- ..f,'i:'-1'~ ' .J2.~~. _'_'~ ...... ORDJ1!A"N CE NO. An Ordinance awarding contract to John C.' Calhoun, Jr., for the ma.king of certain im- provements to portions of Charlotte Street, Anna.polis Street, Fordham St~eet, and Lake Street, in the City of West Un~versity Place, ,in Harris County, Texas; approving the form ~! 'such contract and authorizing its eXe- cution; providing for the issuance of warra~ts of said City for the purpose of paying the Cityfs share of the cost of' such improvements, levying a tax to pay the interest on said warrants when qUe andt6 create a sinking.fUnd with which to pay the principal thereof as it matures; and, providing that said ordinance take effect and be in force immediately from and after its pass- age and approval. RESOLUTION. I I .1 ,:., Resolution ordering preparation of a state- ment or roll ,showing description of property names o~ owners, estimated ,cost of making such improvements and estimated amounts to be assessed against abutting property and the uw.ners thereof, and providing that this reso- iutiontake effect ~d be in force immediately from and after its passage and approval. RESOLUTION. ~ Resolution approving statement ,or roll, showing a deser~ption of propertY,abutting on portions of Gharlotte Street, Annapolis Street, Fordham Street, ~~d Lake Street, within the oorporate limits of the City of West Universi'ty Place, in Harris County, Texas, showing names of owners, estimated cost of making'lmprovements on ,said streets, and the estimated amounts to be assessed against abutting property and owners thereof, fixing the time and place for a hearing given to owners of such property and alk others interested therein, and providing for notice of said hearing, and p..roviding ,'tha t this resolution shall take :effec t and be in force immediately on and after its passage and approval. Also' f.ixing time of hearing and publish the notice of such hearing in the Houston .t'ress. This hearing to be held in the City Hall on Friday at 7:00 P.M., August 26, 1938. I I:,' ,1""""'_=' Ii !~~ .--- I [=~' I 1 ,'\;),~" '~;;iij;~r~~:;, , .~~.~~ );7iL~:.~ ,1" , . Voting Aye: Commissioner.Mainous and Mayor li'leming. Nos: None.. Commissioner Mainous made a motion g1V~g authority to Mayor Fleming to negotiate or enter into ~n agreement with tne paving c9ntractor who has the contrac~t with the City of ,Houston for University Boulevard east of .Kirby Drive, to connect a fimall strip of paving on the west ,line of Kirby Drive and giving Commissioner Mainous authority to proceed with the levelling o~,University Boulevard to the grade of the pavement east'of ll.irby J)rive, and to .move the catch basin that is located on the southeast intersection of Kirby and Univer,si ty Boulevard. The above motion .was dul:y approv- ed by Mayor Fleming.' Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. lios: None. , . Commissioner Mainous made a motion ~iving approval for the emplo:vment; of two (2) negro men at ;w14.5,Q per week to work in the Street &: Bridge :Dept., to begin work Monday,August 15, 1938. ~he above motion was duly approved by ~ayor Flem- ing. Voting Aye: Corrrrnissioner Mainous and Mayorlt'leming. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving authority for the purchase of the following tools and supplies for the street and bridge deIl,artment, which motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. One (1) potato fork, One (1) Pitch fork, Two (2) grass hooks, One (1) 2 gal oil can Two (2) rolls brick layers twine One (1) 2# hronmer :.rwo ,(2) long ,handl,e shovels ~hree (3) drums gas ~hirty (30) gal oil. Voting.A.Y~: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor j;t'laning. Nos: None. Commissioner14ainous presented a proposal made by Parker Bros., shell company ~o furnish shell for the next twelve months at a price of <lPl.15 ~ess lot per yard on bills paid within 30 days. After due consideration Commissioner Main~ ous made a motion authorizing the acceptance of this price " ~ l.i 11.H. II J~~'-'~ -"-r~~~ I r.... I 1 ~/ ,/ , '1i'~" '-. :-~ . \ ~~: ,~ and giving authority ta sign this,~letter and return same. This motion was duly approved by Mayor Flaning. Voting AY,e: Commissioner Mainous and lVlayor :&'leming. Nos: None. .Commissioner Mainous madf3 a motion giving authority to have. -the necess,,ary repairs .made to the police car. This motion was duly approved ,by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and MayorcFleming. Nos: None. Qommissioner Mainous made a motion giving au thori ty to pay ~. u. Rulon $35.00 for makin~ electrical inspections for two weeks ~uring his-vacation. he above motion was approved by' Mayor .J:lleming. Voting Aye: Oommissioner Mainons and Mayor Flaning. Nos: None. 1 I' I I I The water department was-given a~thority to employ an extra man (negro) for a period of two weeks to work in the water de- partment. This ~authority was given by a motion made by Com-, missioner Mainous and duly approved by Mayor Fl&aing. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Mainous and Mayor Fleming. Nos : None. A cash receipts and disburseI!1.'6.Irets sta t,emen t f or the month of July 1938 was given the Mayor and each Commissioner. There being no furi;;her business to come bef'or. the "council and upon roo tion being made ng was declared adjourned. Attest: ~ ecretary / r'~"'.tM' ' r ~I -;J <"-"~:"~[~""'4' ," . . , -"" : . ." ""...., <. . .. -. " ~ ,". . . , " '-,"; ~.~ ::~~ ;...~. .' '. .", REGULAR MEErING FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday~August 19, 1938 in the council chamber of the Ci.ty Hall at '7: 00 . P.M. with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and .Mainous ~~ Secr~tary Jarrard in attdadance. The minutes of the meetin of ltrida.y Augus t ' 12, 1938 were read and ~pproved. Commissioner Mainous wade a motion giving authority for the purchase of 600' of 2 galvanized pipe with all necessary fittings. ' This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous end Allen. C Nos: None. Commissio~er Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving authority for the purc~ase of twelve (12) stop signs, 24.:x24 with 44 7/8n reflector buttons, c- at a price not to exceed ~lO.OO each. Vo.ting Aye: Nos: None. Commisioner Allen made a motion giving authority jbr the pur~ chase of two (2) boxes of 45 cartridges for the po~ice depart- ment. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Conwissioners Allen and Mainous. Voting Ay~: Commissioners Allen and lYlainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority l>w::,.a motion made by Commissioner Allen to purchase one car of 1/4 to I" e:rushed gravel to b~ used for patching the streets in various parts of the city. ~his gravel to cost ~2.40 per yard. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos-: l~one. Commiss ioner alIen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous giving authority for the purchase of two (2) heavy duty tires and tubes for the street grader, size 32x6, at a price of $3'7.50 each for the tires and ~4.80 for the tubes; one (1) tire 32x6 standard at a price of ~28.50 ~J l,~~~-"'Il '" ~r..T -j, 4 "5' ",,'t, , Ji ~: < ,,~ ". ' for the street truck; one (1) grader blade; six (6) 3/4 rain coats I ' and four (4) pair rubber boots to be used in the garbage depar~lent. I Voting Aye: " . C.ommissbners lVlainous and Allen. No s : None. Co~issioner~a~ousmade a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missmoner AI1~n allowing the following discounts for th~ pa~~nt of 1938 taxes; 1% to September 30th, 3/4% to October 31st, 1/2% to November loth, and approving Ordinance, No. /1"43 which caption is as follows: - ORDINANCE NO. 143 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A DISCOUNT ON CITY TAXES IF PAID mHIN.THE TIME DESIGNATED: AND ProVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE .. .. -> - -, .~ EFFECT AND BE IN liORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER THE DATE OF ITS PASSAGE AND ,APPROVAL. Also instructed the secretary ~o order a rubber stamp to be used on the tax notices notifying t~ payers of these discounts. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. I I ' OrdinanceN'o .,144 which caption is as follows was passed and approved by a motion made by .commissioner Mainous and seconded by Commissioner Allen. ORDINANCE NO. 144 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1938 FOR .AND WITHIN THE CITY OF WES'J:i UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AGAINST ALL TAX- ABLJE PROP ERTY WITHIN SAID CITY 00 R ALL MUNICIPAL, PURPOSES AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT D1MEDIATELY. Votiri.g Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Mayor Fleming was instructed to write a letter to the city coun- cil of Souths ide Place to ask for financial assistance for the construction and maintenance of the traflfic light to be placed at University Boulevard and Edloe Street, and to assist in the pplieingof traffic in front of schools. There being no further business to come before motion being made and seconded the meeting wa ;;ATTEST: . ' ~~ G:I: cretary, 1. . "j-} ,"-:-I r ".'1" {r.";tj: )r6:~': . , '.'<"X ? ' '.." 'i','"'; .:t. '.': PUBLIC. HEARING AUGUST 19, 1938. B.!Q! :00 TJLE\' A.IID . The Board of Commissioners of the City of Wes't Univ~rsity Place met at the city ahIl of said City at 7:00 o'clock p. M., on Aug- ust.19, 1938,~~or the~~aring of protests with reference to the paving of the.' following: , ~ BOULEVARD From the' concrete abutment header of' the present bridge on the east side of the ditch 0 f drainage dis tric t NO~ 12, east to the east property line of lot 4-a, Block 54, and lot I-a, Block 53, West university Place, second addition, a subdivision or addition located within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place. Lot 4-a is located on the north of Rice Boule- . vard and lot I-a on the south of said boule- vard. (A report of the above hearing may be found i the files the heading of 'Rice Boulevard and Edloe str et paving.' . " , \; ~ , , ~) j' -I -;-r- " , ' l I I I " " ,q" " . " i""l':"1;"': " , ""'-";:'. . '-'".." ' '. . t' ..' . ;.>,,~ ;:., to f;' REGULAR MEETING ' FRIDAY, AUGUSrp 26, 1938 COYNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, August 26, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the city hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Secretary Jarrard'and Commissioner Mainous absent. The ~inute:'of the meeting of Friday, August 19, 1938 were read and approved. Hearing of protests' wi th reference to the paving of liharlotte, Annapolis, ~ordham and Lake Streets was held in compliance with the state ,law, which proposal was adve;rtised in three (3) issues of the Houston Press., Those attending the meeting were as follows: R. J. Lehan, Judge W. H. Ward, Dr. A Lee Blaok Joe L Heppler Louis Schilling C S Newberry 5D .H B Hebert S W Blewster H C Brandt ' C H Gossens T J Gread~ ' Mr & M;rs A B 'Smith Henry J Haury F 0 Stenzel (Lots 8 & 9, Elk 1, .R C Kincaid p F Benson Dill' --& lvII'S A Sachs Mr & Mrs W C Welz C J Buchwald lVII'S Paul Bury. 5713 0harlotte, 5905 Charlotte, 5912 l}.nnapolis, 5918 AnnapOlis 5915 Annapolis 5816 Charlotte 5821 8harlotte" 5~03 Charlotte 508 Harvard 2721 Rice Blvd 6006 Lake 2904 White Oak Dr Vir. Ct.) 5907 Lake 1506 'Indiana 5902 Lake 5910 Lake 6017 Lake 6021 Lake Mr. Frank Gaskey, Building Contractor, was swum in by the Mayor as a witness to testify as to whether or not the cost of the proposed improvements would increase the value of the property to the estimated required cost. Mr. Gaskey testifi6d that due to lack of heavy traffic on these streets, that in his opinion ~ther less expensive types of topping would increase the value of this property in the same propoBtion; the Mayor stated that any ~ne was privileged to ask Mr. Gaskey any questions. JudgeW. H. Ward asked :Mr. Gaskey that Itdue to the Value of this property, in your opinion would some other ~orm or type of topping be of the same benefit to the resid.ents on these streets?f1 Mr. Gaskey adv~sed that any topping with a sufficient base would " " i~JI'!' I 1'" "'Y"-' r-'~='~ 'j!~e;,I::>}?;'i1~! ~ , 1 :t"g-' " :,. ..'. r. . . ~ ':. )~-~~ '~..;' , , , be\,:Gf' a. great benefit. All of the above property O'WlmrS with the exception' of M~.H. I? Hebert, 5918 Annapolis, were opposed to the concrete str~et and curbs. Judge Ward called a meeting of the property owners who were present in thie meeting to decide on the tJPe of street improvements. After this meeting Judge Ward advised 'the council that they d~d not reach a decision but would seuure the names anct ~ddresses f'rom the City Secretary and call another mee~~ng at a later date. . The JY1ayor, ,~vised that Idr. .Mainous who is in charge of the street department is out of the city at this tiWe, but he assured them that it is the council's desire ~o furnish the type of' street improvement that the majority of' the people w~t. :Mr. Frank Gaskey advised that he was build;tng a house at the west end of Nottingham Street next to the drainage ditch, and that the drainage was very poor due to the embankment, and ad- vised that he would lay an 8" drain pipe f'ro~ tl1e street to the ditch providing the city would allow him ~he sum of $5.00 to apply on t:Q.e total cost of this job. Oommissiqner Allen made a motion authorizing payment of this amount which motion was duly appro~ed by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and IYlayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commiss,ioner Allen made' a mo tioD' which was duly approved by Mayor ~leming authorizing the payment of $5.00 to,~r. G. E. King for painting two (2) signs to be placed ~front of the school. Voting Aye: Uommissloner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motio~ a~thorizing the payment of $100.00 to be made to Attorney R. ti~ ~onfield which amount is to apply on his account for legal expenses. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: NOne. The Mayor advised that _it was necessary fO.r cityat%o:nney R. L. Sonfield to go to Ft. Worth and Au,~,tin, Texas, wi th reference to the F~deral Grant in the Water v'orks Improvement Program. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by Mayor' Fleming authorzing Mr. Sonfield ,to make this tr,.ip ,at the city's ,expense. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and IVl.ayor Fleming. Nos: None. ti ;!1I!IIlIlIII!littlli i I ~ 1r;;V~1'f~Jf;~ ...:j~'1I~I IH""'~';r-~--..~"~~'(,,,~ r ..:'1".. ..~..':' ""!),'..; ',' c'/"" .~~~ ~ <o>-~. ; ~.~:~, ~~~. ~,i',;,> The secretary pr~senteq the ,1938 Tax Roll showing the valuation of $5,189,000.00,.. for their approval and signature. Commissioner Allen made a mo~ion approving this roll. and au thorizing that they be signed in compliance wit4 the State Statutes. This motion was duly approved by Mayor .Bleming. ' Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. . Nos: None. ~:i:'''' Commissioner Allen made a motion autbDDizing the mayor to sign a PWA application for the proposed Water Works ~mprovements, and the passing of a Resolution No. ~, which caption is as follows: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO FILE AN APPLIC:4.TION TO THE UNITED STATES bF .AMERICA THROUGH THE FEDERAL H.1ERGmCY AmtINISTRATION IDE: PUBLIC WORKS FOR A GRANT TO AID IN FIN- ANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SYSTEYI IM- PROv"EVrnNTS AND DESIGNATING JOHN C. CALHOUN, JR., TO FURNISH SUCH INFORMATION A S THE OOVERNMENT MAY R'EQ,UEST. The above motion was duly approved by Mayor .F1leming. Voting Aye: Commiss ioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by Mayor Fleming giving authority to employ Ulysses Brooksl.. extra laborer in the water department, an additional two (2) vVeeks. Voting Aye:CommissJion~r Allen and 1V1ayor Fle:ning. Nos: None. There being no f'urther business to come bef ._ e the council and upon motion being made and seconded the mee ing was declare adjourned. " A~ ~ C~t ecretary ,.ffililllBlltlltJl ! ! 1- ~r 19?~j~~,,>t;~J -- It..~. .~~~*~'tYi!~~''>-' .c_ J' ',' 4Y~1X' }"." .:~,~iC~~~u: REGULft..R MEE'TING FRIDAY~' SEPTEVIBER2, 1938. COUNC ILGHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was" held Friday, ~eptember 2, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the City Hall with Mayor Flem~ng presiding, Commissioner Allen and Secre- tary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Mainous absent. ,+" The minutes of the meeting of Friday, August 26th, 1938 were read and approved. Commissioner Allen made a motiun giving authority to the Mayor to execute a contract dated August 5, 1938, which is an amendment of the contract and easement deed to the Sewer Dispo"sal Plant, to the City of West University Placeby~"the Sweeney Est., Mary E. Giles, Carl F. Doering, P. O. Doe~ing Jr., Marion Britton, J. L. Britton, and the Guardian Trust Co., and the above motion was duly.;approved by lliayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Oommi'ssioner Allen made a motion which was duly approv~d by Mayor Fleming' giving authority to Commiss,ioner Allen to enter into nn agreement with 't."le Layne Texas 0,0." tore-wind and re- pair the electric motor connecting the water pump on the Layne Texas Co., well No.1. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and 1Viayor .B1leming" Nos: None. h. L. ~onfield~ City Attorney, presented an itemized state- ment of his expenses to,Ft. Worth and Austin, Texas, Showing the amount of $39.70. This trip was made with reference to the $200,000.00 water works bond proposal. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by Mayor Fleming approv- ing and authorizing the payment of same. Voting Aye: 'Commissioner Allen and Mayor .i"1eming. Nos: None. There being no further business upon mo tion be:iing made and duly clared adjourned. ore the counc il e meeting w ~ 't1\11iB'!:11I:, ,- i J" ~- ;:'- "1#>:rtUfJ:~,~1 1" '" \(~"'::~ '('fwl"~~'-"- -.- I" , .'_."i;~lf SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPil'EMBER 6, 1938 COUNCIL CHA1vIB:ER, CITY F..ALL, WEST UNIVEHSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Board of Commissioners of the City of west University Place Texas, convened in special meeting, held pursuant to call there- fqr by the Mayor as provided by law, at the regular meeting pl~ce in th~.city qall, with the following members present: Harvey T. Fleming C. G. Jarrard R. B. Allen -Mayor -City Secr~tary -Commissioner with the following absent: F. M. Mainoy.s -Cornmiss ioner those present constituting a quorum, when among other proceed- ings had was the following: Commissioner Allen introd;q.ced a resolution ordering an eaeeM.;6u:; and moved its adoption. !he motion was approved and accepted by Mayor Fleming; The motion carried with it the adoption of the resolution prevailed by the following vote: Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. The caption of the resolution is as follows: RESOJ.U'T'TON BY THE BOARD OF COMI'ilISS lONERS OF THE CITOY OF WEST lJNIVERSITY PLACE, TEKAS, CALLING AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF THE ISSUANCE OF $200,000.00 OF REVENUE BONDS FOR THEPURPOSE OF IMPROVING, EN- LARGING, EXTNfDING AND REPAIRING THE WATER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSJEB:Y ?LACE, TEXAS. Original resolution may be found in the files under the heading IlWater Works Revenue Bonds. II Co~~issioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by Mayor Fleming giving the secretary instructions to have the legal notices of the $200J-OOO.OO Water Works Revenue Bond election. to be held on the 24th day of September, 1938 and published in the Houston Press; also giving authority to pur- ,. " flk:lltm1!'~' tlli1 ~ i ~ --.---- J '!~" ,-."""'",,,,--...../ ;t~'~~ ~~'-' - -~_.; ". s " , . ,,'"'9, .. . .' .,. " ..,' ", chase the necessary election supplies and the printing of the ballo ts . Voting Aye: Oommissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None. Authority was given to- purchase one case of'flash light bat- ter~es for the police depar~nent by a motion made by Commiss_ io.ner Allen },md duly approved by Mayor Fleming. There being no further business to come b ore the council and upon motion being made and duly seco .,ad was declared adjourned. ATTEST: ~ (Ommitted by error in copying of minutes.) The Mayor was given authority to purchase and make the fin- ancial arrangements for a tractor mowing machine by a ~otion made by Commissioner Allen and duly approved by Mayor Fle~ing. '--'" , . . . Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen No's,: None. - <.... f J1~_11UI' , ! i ,- I 1'-, !i'~ 'JI I REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1938. CO 'ONCIL CHAMFER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY POCE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, September 9, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber,of the city hall, wi th li'layor :ft'leming presiding, Commissioner Allen and Secretary Jarrard in a ttendance. Commissioner Mainous' abs'ent. . The minutes ~f the meetings of September 2 and special meeting of September 6, 1938 were read and approved. A. RESiiL1jTIO:N. Commissioner Allen made a motXon wh~ch w~s duly approved by Mayor Fleming to the effect that the council approve and accept the audit just completed by'F. tl. Masquellette Co., Certified PuThlic Accountants, which audit covers ~ period from April 15, 1937 to Mnrch 31, 1938, and re1i~ves C. G. Jarrard, treasurer, from any and all liabilities for the period as covered in this audit; and also approving the surety bonds of Mr. C. G. Jarrard, Ira a. Harris, and C. E. ~amrnill for the ensuing year,ending April 15, 1939. (Copy of original resolution may be found in file.) Voting Aye: 'I Cormnissioner Allen and Mayor ~leming. Nos: None. i I I .' Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by II'Iayor l"laning author'i.zing pa~ent of $2.50 to Mayor Flaning reimbursing him for the amount paid for filing a contract of easement to the Sewer Disposal plant. _ Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. Nos: None.. Commissioner Allen made a motionID the effect that the city council accept the resignation of Mr. W. T. Barnhill, Plumb- ing Inspector, effective September 15, 1938, and do hereby appoint Merrill Whitehead as city plumbing inspector to begin Thursday, September 15, 1938, at a salary of ~75.00 per month and one-half of the inspection fees on all extra inspections for which will be an extra charge made in the_.amount of' $1..00 each. The above motion was duly approved by Mayor Fleming. Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Fleming. No s: None. There being no further business to come bef re the co~cil and upon motion being made, mld duly secon" d the meeting w s declared adjourned. ATTEST: i~ , 't'~liin:!1l [ -., T-r - i~ , I~i,~r l' ' "l~4 . REGULAR llilEETING FRIDAY, SEPTEVIBER 16, 1938 comrcIL CHAlVlBER, CITY HALL" llVEST UJ~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, September 16, 1938 at7:00 P.M. in the council chambet'- of the Oity hall wi th Mayor .J:I1leming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Main- ous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~he minutes of the meeting or Friday September 9, 1938 were read and approved. ~he council approved the action of the Mayor in the ordering of five (5) gallons of traffic paint during the past week, ,by a motion made by-Commissioner Allen and duly approved by Com_ missioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving the action of the Mayor in auth- orizing the expense of mailing notices to residents calling attention to the iP200,000.00 water works bond election to be held Saturday, September 24, 1938. Voting Aye: Oommissioneps Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority to order four (4) drums gasoline and t~rtygallons lubricating oil by a motion made by Commissioner~llen and duly seconded by Oommissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Gowmissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: l\lone. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Allen giving authority for the purchase of 1700 feet of B M Lumber and one (1) keg or 16d nails to be used in the building of the sewer manhole on Weslayan street; also for four (4) pair rubber boots. Voting Aye: Commissioners IYIainous and Allen. Nos; None. I'lIr. J~ C~ McVey, .engineer on the sewer disposal plant job ad- vised that the reservoir lift No. 3 was insufficient in size to meet the requirements, and ask permission to purchase and install a steel auxiliary reservoir lift tank (concrete), the cost of this tank to be approximately ~500.00. After discus- sion, Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly approved by Connnissioner Mainous giving authority to purchase and in- stall the above tank. V.oting Aye: 0ommissioners Allen and Mainous. ..... Nos: l~one" The Mayor advised that he had received a letter from the legal department of the City of .Houston regarding the amount due for sewerage disposal service from January__l, 1938 to AUgust 31, 1938. It was decided that in view of tlouston railing to pump the sewage according to an agreement, that the Ivlayorbe auth- orized to answer this letter and ask that they settle the en- tire bill, which was $6400.00, for the ~ount of ~2500.00, and berore rinal action is taken the Mayor is to report back to the council. The above action was taken by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by vommissioner'Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: l'ione. There being no further'business upon mo tion being made and duly elared adjourned. the meeting and eeting was de- ATTEST: c~ '" ~" "e~~ ',fYIIltifll' r - ~ r . , '~"', 'iJ\ilFJI -.i<",t~ l:~~Iij REGULAR MEETING FRIDA'Y, SEPTEMBER'23, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, ~~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ~he regul~r meeting of the council was held Friday, September 23, 1938 at 7:00 ~.M. in the councillchamber of the city pall with Mayor ltJleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and lViain- QUS and, Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ~ ,,>11.. ~ The minutes.of the meeting of September 16, 1938 were read, ad- justed and approved. The Mayor presented a letter that he had written to the Houston Electric Company regarding a request for improved bus service, and also asking for cooperation in working out a franchise'on the basis of gross receipts. (60py of the above letter may be found in the files under the heading of 'Houston ~lectric Co.') Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving approval for the above letter to be mailed which motion was duly aeconded by Commissioner Allen. ,< Voting Aye: Gornmissioner Mainous and Allen. . Nos: l~one. As per previous instructions, Attorney R. L. Sonfield present- ed a resolution ordering and providing for the construction of sidewalks in certain sections of the west side of the city. Gaption of the Resolution is as follows: . RW.~O T.TTrr TO N RESO LUTION ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR TIrE CONSTRUC- TION OF SIDEWALKS IN FRONT OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LO- CATED WITHIN THE. CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'lIY PLACE; APPROVIl'JG THE REPORT OF ':[IRE CITY'S ENGIl'JEER PRESCRIBING THE WIDTH, KIND~ CHAR- ACTER AND TYPE OF 11IA'fERIALS TO BE USED, SPECIFICA- TIONS AND THE LINE AND GRADE OF SUCH SIDEWALKS; PRE- SCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR SUCH WORK; ORDERING NOTICE TO SUCH PROPERTY OWNERS; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN lt~RCE TIdMED- IA'llELY AFTER ~TS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. (Copy of the above resolution may be found in the file under the heading 'Sidewalks. 1) Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly approved by Commissioner Allen to the effect that this resolution be approved and p~~sed. ", ~ 1JJDIIttli I'r '1- I 1!l'1"sf."r")!t~I~ l...,~.....",,:,."?-,ql;*@':"~ I t. +~ni."", ill;~~;:.;( .' Voting Aye: Commi?sioners Mainous and Allen. NOJ3: None. Mr. Metcalf, .J:"ire 9hfuelf", advised that the ,fire department was in need of first aid supplies and stated that the amount of ~13.00 would be sut!icient'for these purchases. 001nmissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to Mr'. Metcalf' to purchase xhe supplies which he deems necessary. ". Voting Aye: CommissionersAllen and lV.lainous. No s: l\lone. Mr. Metc'alf advised that he was in conversation with the .to'ire Chief in the City of Houston, who agreed to furn.ish all necessary labor without charge, to overhaul the fire truck, providing the city would furnish the necessary parts. Liomrnissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly aeconded by COli1illissioner Allen giving authority to purchase the necessary parts for the over- hauling of this, truck, and to extend the counc il t S appreciation to the lious ton li'ire Chief for his coopera tioD in this connec- tion. Voting Aye: Commissioners rV.iainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen was given authority to order 100 water meters and 50 meter boxes, by a motion made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion approving the action of Commissioner Allen in employing three negro laborers on the sewer manhole repair job on Weslayan St. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner fillen and duly seconded by Con~issioner Mainous, to employ a man to operate the weed cutting machine for the balance of the weed cutting seasmn. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nns: None. ''11liilli1!ftlt' ~ ,r ~ 'r~-"~ <"R!f.' . r - il - ~t"r' ~C." f, ~f~l , ,,".,; ~.,<J!it&. - ',' l';l;ii:fU' ~ '. ," t Commissioner Mainous was giveQ,authority to purchase ten (10) cars of shell to be used in the various sections of ~he city, by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous~ Nos: None. ~. There being no further business to come before the c~uncil and upon motion being made and seconded the eeting was declare~ adjourned. SECRETA~Y 'f...-f> ,-, ~) ,181m', I' , , [ '-I ii ,/' -, ,;~1"11 l' 'c-;2"-~m'" c..:",' . : -':"'~' :. %'~.': . <;',..,..-".;:.,;; ...l:>. '- . ~;$ ~'1~,'~~~i. ',:\" \ REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, SEPTEViBER 30, 1938 COUNCIL CHAIYIBER, CITY HALL, .. WEST m\fIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday September 30, 1938 at 7:00 p. fu. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous end Secretary Jarrard; in attendance. The minut~s~' of the meeting of Fr iday, September 23, 1938 were read and approved. Order de~laring result of election. (Refer to Resolution No. which is attached.) Commissioner Allen made a motion Which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous accepting the resignation of Mr. I. Wnitehead as PlUmbing Inspector, effective September 30, 1938 ,and employ- ing M. V. Shively as plumbing in~pector at a salary of iJp75.00 ,+-. per mmnth, effective October 1," 1938. . Voting Aye: Commiss ioners Allen and ljiainous. , Nos: Non e . Motion by Commissioner Mainous, seconded by Commissioner Allen, adopting Resolution changing the name from Communi ty Sun to Southwestern News. (See Sonfield for Resolution.) Voting Aye: Commissioners 'I>lIainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Comm~ssioner Mainous authorizing the calling of a hearing in regard to the cp~nges in the Zoning Ordinance, which hearing is to bee held on October 21, 1938 at 7:00 p. M., ahdcapP~9v.ings and passmngoot:>>6solution setting out proposed changes. (Orig- inal resolution may be found in the files under the heading of (Zoning Ordinance.,lI) Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous" Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to make a check in favor of the Clerk of the District Court, Dallas County, in -the sum of $600.00, and charge to account of vv. 1". Warfield & Company, as a Part of the amOUl1. t due him on the Sewer Disposal Plant job. This ~ount is due by W. F. Warfield & Co., and due to the Lakeside Engineering Gorporation. (A 'h~w'lw, r~----; ~~l-"'- -<'-k'f~'J>'~,4~3l1 '~O"'" '. J ',., ... , {co'" ~.~ .' ;'. '<, ,~ , ," letter from contractor autho~izing this payment may be found in the files under the heading of IlSewer Disposal Plant. II ) The above motion vvas duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commiss ioners Allen and 1V1ainous. Nos: None. .Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly s~9onded by Commission~r Allen approving and passing Ordinance No. 145, re- gulating traffic which caption is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. ]4fi. --' AN ORDINANCE REGULATING VEHICU~R AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AT CERTAIN STREET AND BOULEVARD INTERSEC- TIOnS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE C JTY OF WES.T UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND, PROVIDING THAT'THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE INF(!IR(}E nnVIEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITSPASSAGK, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION. Voting Aye: Commi.ssioners M.ainous and Allen. Nos: None. '. Read's PhaJ;'macy presented an itemized statement showing the amount of :J\i1S.90 due for miscellaneous purchases. Commission- er Allen made a motion which was duly seconderl by Commissioner Mainous authorizing that payment be made for the above account. Voting Aye: Com~missioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a [notion giving Couimissioner Mainous authority to purchase the necessary materials to re-deck the bridge on Universi~y Boulevard at the business ~ection. The above m~tion was duly seconded by Cormnissioner ~ainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen andri1ainous._ Nos: None. Authority was given by a motion made by Comrrlissione~ Mainous and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen for the purchase of the following materials. " f 42-3xI0-6' 14-2xlO-12' 172' Reinforcing steel r~ yards concrete 6 sacks cement 1isacks Sand 2 joints 611 sewer pipe 5 II 811 It 11 4 l"i ttings, . 106 clamps 100 cunb stops Pi ttings for 100 water meters, .,1 sponge, 1 chamois, 1 broom for Fire Dept. 1 chamois, 1 sponge for ,police dept. e '~,~~mll; I ~r-- ,- I > -.1lm~r I ' .'~ ,-t.. and to employ brick layer for the construction of sewer manhole job on Weslayan st. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. .Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of s~x (6) 'stop signs which motion Was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen ~nd Mainous. Nos: None. Authority was given to publish' the Traffic' Ordinance No. 145 in the Southwestern News, by a motion made by Commiss ioner' Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen arid IViainous. Nos: None. There being no further business upon motion being duly made and clared adjourned.' b rore the meeting and meeting was de- A~ CIT ECRETARY " " ;\l1!:lllmlllt.fE I ' r~~T~~.... _I l' ,', . ""'," .1 t2\\ ,- ..,-,' . ~ ~~- . REGULP.R MEET ING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HP...LL WEST 1J"N IYERSI TY PLACE, T ]:!;.KAS The regular meeting of the council was held Friday October 7, 1938 at 7: 90 p. M. in the council chambe~ of the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, and Commissioners Allen and Main- 'cus and Secretary Jarrard in fa ttendance. ".t:... The minutes of the meeting of September 30, 1938 were read and approved. Mr. George .House, Jr", advised the council that he had tbrough error paid his 1931 taxes twice on N 1/2 of E 1/2 of Lot 3, , Block 19, W. U.-p. 1st Additiqn. On April 10, 19~3 he holds an official receipt from this office in the amount of ~20.l0 and receipt dated April 11, 1933 paid' to Attorney R. L. Son- field, who was" at that time collecting delinquent taxes. It is evident from these receipts that the taxes were paid twice and that Mr. Rouse is entitled to a refQnd in the amount of $20.10. Co[~nissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly approved by Oommissioner. Allen authorizing that 1\'11'.' House be reimbursed for the amount of the overpa-yment. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving attorney R. L. ~on- field authority to employ Mr. Wilder to check the Court House Hecords and ascertain as to th~ present owners of certain properties west of the city hall for the purpose of collecting and making assessments for sidewalks on University Blvd., the charges to be 25t for each piece of property, plus the nec- essary expense in connection therewith. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: COL~issioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Cow~issioner Mainouspresented a check in the amount of ~lij4.00 for 80 cubic yards gravel with receipt from Harry H. Hedges. :rf is Corr~issioner 11ainous desire that this be made a part of these minutes. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pv~- chase of two (2) cars of mud shell and authorizing Commissioner Mainous to work up the cost and to make arrangments to collect from property owners for the project of oiling of College ~~ r~;:}I' i ~ "~~~~~I~' - \ r , '1 Avenue from University Blvd to Richmond noad, the Ci ty to pay the difference that is uncollected from the propertYcowners. T~e above motion was duly seconded by COllnnissioner Ma1nous. Voting Aye: Gonwissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner.Mainous made a motion which was seconded byCom~ missioner Allen giving authority for the purchase of: 750' ell pipe, 100' 3/411 pipe and fi ttings, 9ne (1) cubic yard of sand, ~ix (6) sacks cement, E~fty(50) ~eter boxes, One (1) broom, mop, bucket, soap; rags, oil can, shove~, hoe, rake and two (2) squirt cans. , Voting Aye: 1I0rrunissioners 1Viainous and Allen. , Nos: None. Oommissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for 'the pur~ <;.hase of ~arts_ and repairing the weed cutter in the amount of ~18.50. he above motion was seconded by COiNuissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners fuainous and Allen. No s: None. In the meeting of September 30, 1938 a Resolution Was passed authorizing public hearing in regard to changes in the z oning or~ dinance to be held Oct. 21, 1938 ffi d due to this hearing not being properly advertised in accordance with the statutes, this hearing was postponed fr.om Uctober 21, 1938 to October 28, 1938 at 7:00 P. M., and authority ,given to the secret0ry to publish same in three issues of the Southwestern News. this action was taken by a motion made by Commissioner iliainous and duly seconded by Cowmissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of 10,000 water cards, two (2) ink wells, one (1) dozen pencils, one (1) quart ink, one, (1) bottle stamp pa~d ink, pen points, etc. Also for three (3) Binders for the water ledgers and one (1) minute book for P~solutions. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. , '1:? " ")'.--~' Voting Aye: C6r~lissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos': None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen approving Sewer Disposal Job Estimate No.5, to W. F. Warfield & Co., Contractors, as per instruc- tions IDf our legal departmeJllittthe check to be made pfiyable .to VIr. F. Warfield & ,Co., Lakeside rillgineering Corp." and \tli. Buckley. ~his estimate is in the amount of ~4362.98 less $600.00 paid to the District Clerk of Dallas Countw for the account of Lakeside Engineering Corp. The manner in which this accoupt is paid was agreed to by all parties. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and allen. Nos: None. There being no further bus mess upon motion being made and duly clared adj ourned. < ATTEST ~ SECRETARY ~) i_~r--- . ~ -"1 , " .. --f~, tJ. -t"'". , --H ,Lt~I)i .. ' -", " ..,- , REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY I OCTOBER 14, 1938 COUNCIL C:HAl'vlBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, Uctobe~ 14, 1938 at 7:00 P. M. in the council chamber of the City Hall with Mayor Fleming presioing, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Sec~etary Jarrard in attendance. ,-h. The minutes of the meeting of Friday, October 7, 1938 were read and approved. .~.rT A group of residents appeared before the council with refer- ence to ordinance regulating the keeping of dogs. Mr. H. R. Grobe presented a petition asking that the council consider ammending the present ordina;."1ce so that it }fdll not be' so stringent on dog owners, Rnd made a very lengthy talk on var- ious points as to the presen t ordinance making it iIJitpossible :for anyone to:'own, a dog within the city and asked that the coun- cil consider repealing the present ordinance and substitute one as recommended by several dog owners. The following registered their complaint and was in favor of anwther ordinance being pas s ed wh~ch would not he so severe on <, th e dog ovvn er: lVIr. & Mrs. G. H. IvIurray, 1ilr. Gus Dittniar, 1i1r. Henry Haury, Mrs. p. W. Briggs, ~' Mr. H. I. Cog~well, Mrs. W. S. Evans, Mrs. H.' Douglas, Miss Wilson, Mrs. R. Q. Petit:fils. I I 1,', Mrs . Horning who has handled the desk for four years for the S.p. C. A. advised that she was ,in favor of compulsory license law governing s:br,ay dogs, and. also advised that her e~perience has been that these dogs caused all the trouble and not the ones owned by dog lovers, and that it is not satisfactory to keep a dog on a chain, and in her opinion the majority of the people moving to West University Place did so for the privilege of keep- ing their pets. She made several suggestions for an ordinance that would be satisfactory to all. Mr. R. J. Depenbrock, Mr. F. L. Bender and HII'. v\. it' Ghiselin advised that the present ordinance had done agreat.thing for the protection of th&children and that they felt that it was very satisfactory as it is now written. Commissioner Allen suggested that since the council has heard the expressions from various ones they take the matter under advisement and study the various comments :ami give same due con- sideration. ~he Mayor then stated that this hearing be closed and assu~ed all that he appreciated those expressing their views and that the council would give their suggestions dueconsidera- tion. Cowaissioner Mainous made a motion giving authority for the pur- cha'se of' the :following: '1 J~l roo 1 , ''1:M~1.:' .:/i':h;,u,. 500' 2, 2 2 4 4 2fJ Galvanized iron pipe, 211 Valves 4x4-14 Creo. lumber 2x4-14 II II 2xlO-14 II fl cans HTH 70 Th~ above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. ~~. Voting Aye: Commissioners ~ainous and Allen. Nos: Non?_ A cash r.eceipts and cash disbursements statement for Water ~ General Fund for the month of September.. was given the Mayor and each Commissioner. There being no further business to come upon motion being made and seconded t e journed. " .....:""'-~">l",... ; J ~ ..,- ...'=I.~-. r- '~1 --~ REGULAR MEETING B'RIDAY, OCTOBER 21,1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY Pu\CE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday, October 21, 1938 at 7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the City Hall, with Mayor J:'1eming presidL'lg, Commissioners Allen' and Iviainous and Sec- retary Jarrard in attendance. ..~- Tke minutes of the meeting of Prida~., October 14, 1938 were read and approved. Gom.mission.er J:ilainous advised that since the city purchased the lai>ge mowing machine that they had no further need for the one purchased from the St~ndard Mfg. & Sales Corp., and that he had corresponded with this company who agreed to accept an addition- al $50.00, making the total sun of ~100.06 paid as rental, and w:j.ll accept the return of this ll1,achine and cancel the former agree- ment. Commissioner iillen made a motion authorizing that a check in the sum of w50.00 be mailed which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner ll'lainous. Voting Aye: Com,missioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. qeneral, Water snd Swwer Budgets for the year beginning September 1, 1938 and ending October 1, 1939, were presented to the council by the Mayor for approval and adoption. '(Copies of these budgets may be found in the files under the heading nFinanclal Reports. n ) After discussion and due consideration COTIwissioner Allen made a motion that these budgets be approved and adopted, which motion was duJ_y seconded by ComrfJissioner lVlainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: Non e . Since the budget became effective September 1, 1938, the Kayor suggested that the salaries as set up in the 1939 budget, be ad- justed rectroractive to this date. All weekly wage adjustments are to become effective October 17, 1938. Corr~issioner Mainous made a motion to the effect that the salaries andmge adjustments be approved as suggested by the Nlayor, which motion was duly sec- onded by Corn,missioner Allen. Voting Aye: COlT1Jllissioners lUainous and Allen. No s: None. J. ~. Mills, District Clerk, of Harris Gounty, presented a state- ment showing suits on various properties, in the swn of 'ip134.65. T ~_.~ ~he Mayor advi~ed that he had discussed this with the City Attorney who recommended that the city pay this account. Com- missioner Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Allen authorizing check to be made covering, the amount of this statement. . Voting Aye: ~or~1issioners kainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner fuainous giving authority for the city ~o purchase two (2) kegs nails at. Jjji2.00 per keg .fror:nlv~r. E. J. l"oster, and authori ty to build back stop .for tennis co urts in Colonial and Weir Parks, and also authorLty to purchase three (3;:). wire tennis court nets, .four (4) drun1s gasoline, eighteen (18) yards shell emulsion. Voting Aye: COmlllissioners Allen and Mainous. Hos: None. Commissioner Allen advised that he had two (2) negro watcmnen at the sewer disposal plant working seven days per week each, and that the day man be paid the sum of i;Ji21.50, the night man $19.25 per week. COlmnissioner I';~ainous made a motion 'which was duly approved by Gon~issioner Allen approving the above salaries. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. There being no further business to,come upon motion made an duly s.econded the ~} l""'~""'.~ ~ I - _r- --- 1 1"'3, \i9~ ::... ;.:, k . . ,.. REG m"':"A R Xvi }~ET IN G FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1938 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY RA.LL, , WEST Dl'JIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday October 28, 1938 rat 7:00 P. Me' in the council chamber of, the city hall, with Mayor li'leming presiding, and Cor:J.missioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. ..~~ J '1'00 minutes of the meeting of October 21, 19q8 were read and approved. Commissioner Allen advised that he had entered into an agreement "tro employ T. B. Sims three (3) dtl-ys _at $5.00 per day at the sewer disposal plant. Also asked pe~ission to purchase the following_ supplies: One hundred (100) mete~ boxes, Five hundred Sixty (560) feet of li" Galv. Pipe, of pWIlp packiJ}g, rakes for the sewer di-sposal plant, electric fuse. .;) . upply 'l\vo ( 2 ) One (1) Commissioner Mainous made a motion approving the employment of Mr. Sims mid purchasing of the above s~plies, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Votlllg Aye: Gorr~nissioners mainous and Allen. No s: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to Commissioner iVlainous to enter into a contract to remove and replace curb at the southwest intersection of University bOUlevard, and to make necessary repairs to the street. Above motion duly seconde~ by Cor~~issioner lliainous. Voting Ay~: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous giving authority to purchase one (1) case of flash light batteries, and one-half (1/2) dozen globes for the police department, also lumber in the amount of w22.50 to be used by the Garden Club in givLng their carnival to raise funds for the building of a comDunity house. Voting Aye: \"orn-rlissioners Allen and r,lainous. Nos: None. I' ~~~~.~,. to 1 1-- ~r ~~~ y- . " ,'. . ~' : :;,74' <;0' ,;': ,,1l~ ' , '. ~'. x~;' :.- . ':.' Mr. C. W. Erwin appeared berore the council to regls~er a com- plaint regarding the noise being made by the lift plant pump in the easement back of his property on Kirby Drive. ~he Mayor advised that he and Mr. Allen had gone into this matter and agreed that his complaint is justified and assured him that this matter would be 'adjusted if they had to replace tree'motol? in the ppmp. . In .compliance~_wit11 the previous proposition tl;1e council met with the zoning Board and had a hearing regarding ~~ changes in the zoning Ordnance, as'set out in Original Resolution. (Copy of which may be found' in the files under the heading of II Zoning Ordinanc e . ~l ) The following were present: Mr. F. ~. Bender, Mr. R. J. Depenbrock, Dr. Elva v~right, Mr. Sam Levy, Mr W.R. homine, and 1'1'11'. Davis. All' those present were in favor of changing the ordinance requiring one publication on proposed changes instead of three which is now re- quired. On Proposition No. 1 and No. 2 making the necessary changes in thezoniAg requirements on property facing Bellaire Boulevard south of 80uthside Place to the r~ailroad track. Proposition No.3, no comments. Proposition No.4, the majority of those present were not in favor of permitting garage apartments to be built and occupied by anyone other than the servants working on the premises. There being upon motion adj ourned. . no further business to come b fore the council and being made and seconded, t e meeting ~a dec ared /l ( ATTEST. ~ " ~; L T ~---'~ " r ~ ~ 1 .. I I, J 'e '1 h , I'''~''''''''"'>-l. .h The regular meeting scheduled for November 4, 1938 was postpone.d Cormni s s ioner s . ess of two ~. i Secretary" - :--1 . , :.' :...... ,'~ L '. ~ I::":~~]>': .i~~~}'!' / ~ .. . -',c':t-,..:..~~-,<c""2"" .. ,-- , ,-.,.-" -,J-" -'" ::'. ~~: :.~ ~~;,:Z, ~,'.~". ~ ::~ ~ SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, N"OVEMBER 9, 1938 COUlWIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UlJIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. A special meeting o~the council was held Wednesday, November 9, .1938 at '7:00 P.M. in the council chamber of the city hall with Mayor Fl;J}ming presiding_. Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to have the brakes on, the police car repaired and adjus ted. ~his motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye : Commissioners ,Allen and Ma1D.ous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Commission- er Mainous approving and passing an elec_trical Ordinance lIo. 146, whieh caption 1s as ~ollows: O'RTYWA W('!li! '46. ADOPTING M'EASURES PERTAIWDfG TO THE mSTALLATION, nISPEGTION AND MAINTElfUCE OF ELECTRIOAL APPARA- TUS, DlTERIOR, AID EXTERIOR WIRDlG, FIXTURES, APP- LIA)(CE$, PJ.WIClSS,EQVIPMEH, OVERHEAD AJ'DUNDER- GROUlD WIRIIfG SYSTEMS, WITHIIf THE CITY OF WEST VNIVE;RSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CREATING THEOFF~G15 OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; Pl\OVID!lfG FUR THE Al'PQIJT- MENT OF ASSISTAJ'TS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIOJlERS; PROVIDIKG TEE THE COLLECTION OF FEES FOR I.SPEC. '1'10:1 AND PERMIT; ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS TO OOVERiI ELECTRICAL WIRING; P-ROVIDINGA SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES II CONFLIC.T HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDI- NANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN ]0 RCE ~IATELY A.F!ER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and lYJ.a1nous. Nos: None., Enginaer J. C. MoVey, presented final estimate on the sewer d1s- poaal"plant for W. F., Warf1eld &: Co. After diseu~s1onit was de- cided that th1s estimate be held upfQr the time being due to pa.rt o~ the lift plant at Kirby Drive being located on certain priva.te property. Attorney R. L. Bonfield was instructed 1:Q writaaletter, to W. F. Warfield &: Co., advising~:hem o~ this fact and also to a.dvise them that the motor attnis station 1s i_. ~~ j-,~~4f- !" r . --..--- --- f-- " 4f~i"f~tc ~~"~'~f' . ent1rely too noisy and that these d1ff'1cultes m-q,st be remedied before payment of the .final estimate can be made. The above action was taken by a moti€ln made by Commissioner Mainous and duly seconaed,by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners I1IIainous and Allen. .-t-~ :No s: None. Atiiotmey R. L. Sonrie1d presented an Ordinance with reference to certain rentals that are to be paid by the Southwestern Bell , Telephone Compa.ny~ being QrdinanceNo., 147 whicheaptian 1s as .fo11ews: ~ )i '0 Arter discussion Oommissioner Mainous made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Allen approving and authorizing the passing of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1~7,. .A1f ORDIWAlfCE WHEREBY !IIN'E CITY OF WEaT tmIVEBSllfY !?LAC:E~ TEXAS ,'.A:NDTBE " SO<UTIiWESTEBltlimm, ,TELEPRO:HE COMPilY AGREE TIfAT THE TELEPHONE COlvlPAWY SHALL . CONTIIfUE TO EltECT AND MADlTAIN ITS POLES? WmES, ANCHORS, CABLES~,MDB:OLES ~CONDUITg~ AND 'OTBR PLANT CONSTRUCTION AND APPURTENAWCES ALONG, ACROSS, Olf, OVER~ THROUGIi~ AB.OVE AND UNDER ALL PUBLIC STREE'rS, A V>>lUFS, ALLEYS" PUBLIC GROUNDS AND ' PLACESDT ,SAIl), CITY, UlDER,REGU'LATIGNS AND :BES'rRIC- T IO}lS~,AN D' . TFIA.T '. TIm, CU:TY ,SHALL REOEIVEAlf ANNUAL PADElTAN'pTI:IE'RIGliT:'TOU8E (lS!:R'rAIN ,FACILIT.IES ,QFT~.. TELEPJIOlf,ECOl\tPAllY, ALL ASlIEREDT' PROVIDED. Voting Aye: Commissioners Ma'inous and Allen. Nos: None. Atterney R. L. Sonfie1d presented a resolution being NG. . lIluthoris.D.g the dli.estroying or various paid and cancelled bonds, whichb&n(il~',a.r,e a.a fellows: Gen~ra1 Tax Bonds,~s.eries,MarCb..l, 19~7 1-3,"'(0 mcllls i va -, - G,eneral Funding 'Bonds, series 1929 1-32'1 inclusive / General Tax Bonds, third series 1931 1-261 inclusive . ._, "-.< I 1- _I '. II ;"<, 't;' ~4" ''''4':;' >' .'. ',", . """. > ':' " . ~ "'. .' " '.. '. W Water Works Revenue Bonds, Series Aug. 1929 1~lOO inclusive EngineeringWarranta, dated June 9, 1930 1-'1 inclusive Funding Warants, series H, 1929 1-3~~ inclusive Refunding Warrants, Sept. 10, 1929 1-18,. inclusive Improvement Warrants"" J anua.ry16, 1929 1-9 inclusive Public ImPzo,ovement warrants, July 1,1929 11-29, inclusive Improvement Warrants, July 1, 1929 1....25 inclusive.. Commissioner Mainous made a mQtion which ,was seconded by Com- missioner Allen approving andauthorizlrig the ,passing otAhis resolution. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen ,and Ma!nOllS. '" , Wos : Bone. Commis sio:Q,erMainous aSked permissiQn ~o,Grderti va (5)" car- loadS of shell and to' plac.e backst:oJ,st QIl';tlte,'termis ~eoTlir1is in Colonial and,', We:1r ,Papke" whi.ehco;s t "1a:'lQ. bfikll$~'t.al.y $'100.00. ~Col1in'liss ioner, 'AI1en made' ~a lUf)'t1o:ng.l~ms;;'&1'l$lICtricv for the,C)rderl,ng of this .~11 ana the bl1.ild.1ng of these back stops, which motion was duly seconded.,hy Commissioner Mamons. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None.. There being no f"nrther business to come be ore the meeting and upon motion being made and duly seeonde he meeting was elared adjourned. A~~ retary ') ~J l"'4'::~f--<-'f't i -. . - -I r- - --~1 J,' .,. .'. . . '. " . '1>::;(}'~F " , , ~,U1<t 'REGULAR Ml!:..I5'EING FRIDAY,NQYEMBER18, 1938 COUNCI,L,CHAMBER, CITY HALL, West University Place, Texas. The re~~r ltIte~tj,ngot the council was held Friday, November 18, 1938 at , =€)O~. M. in the' counc,il c~ber of the City Ball wi th Mayor Fl.mtngpr$s:1ding, and Commissioners Allen and Main- OlUJ and a.ssistant~ecretary A. p. Robb pnesent. . . ~- ~ Mr., Hughes and Mr. McDaniel representing the interest of the W. F. Warfield &: Comp~y:" general coIt:tPact.ors on ~he Sewer Dis- pas'al Plant, were pzresant. Af.ter hearing. Mr... Hughes and Mr. Mc- Danie'l pre.ent'their:ca,seand some dis'cussionre" the claims of sUb-coritt>act.or, ,it was moved by Comm1frsionerAlleli and: seconded by Commissioner Mainous tha.t .claim be p.aid in accordance with suggest'ionmade b,y,letter, to Mayor Fleming; Voting Aye: Comm:iss1.oners Allen and Mainous. Nos: ~ lIone. A resolut:ionsetting out the terma of the ,settlanent in the D.ontr.act wlth..W. F. W~tield &:Company for the sewer disposal plant was presented by the city attorney which copy ,of this resolution may be found in the files under the heading o~ uRe_ solutions" Io. . Commissioner Allen made a mo~ion that the above reso':Lution be accepted, approved and'passed; which motion was duly s,eeonded ,-byC~nuni ssaoner Main~us. Votirig Aye: Comm.1ss1oners< J,\.llenand Malnous.. Nos: None. Fire Chief Metcalf report.ed some needs of the fire c'8partment namely,l.ens for the red light on truck, gear for speedometer" two ('2}sa~va-ge'c,0vera, 1.2xl:4"cesting' $1~h40 each"l1ght bulbs 30 amps 12' voJ.t,bulbs',- four, (4lof'f1.cer caps and, two .(2) black caps, for menj&verage eo,st $2.60 each,' greas'e gut),s' and parts f,or siren on tower, ~ lumber -, required cost of rebuilding-. platf'Qrm on rear. end of' truck., Motion made by Comnii$s~ner AllEn, duly sec- onded by. Commissioner MainQusthat these be provided. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. The minutes of the meeting of lfovember 9, 1938 were read and approved. Motion made ,by Commissioner Malnous ,seconded ~y Commissioner Allen that the effer _made by Jerf J. Allen" representing the Alsbury-Burke Motor Co., that the old polle,e car and $32~.00 be given in excbangefor a 1939 Ford v-a including the high speed rear azle, be accepted and that radio be installed in new car at' a (lost of approximately $3.00. '. ' ' ~ >,~\""_'.o';I:\__, I~ 14'6 Voting Aye.: Commiss~oners Mainous and Allen. !fes: None. Commissioner Allen made a motion duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous that the f'ellowing .be obtained for :theGbg pound: 50 f'eet.of' Wo. $ Wlre~Guage Mesh, 4,feet wide, pne (1) box of cartridges. VGDting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Metionbe.oQmmilirsionerMainous that ~UIlderReso~l1tlQn )foe ~.thorlzin,g the,..ls.suanCt8of a Gen'eral Warorant.y .De~ed .hom-aii Oity c'f -,Wes:t, Un1;ver.sl~'P1aoe -to J. 'E.~vans "foriihe sume!' $400.00 cash, and the open1ng:and 'paving w:tt'h'D'einf'orced con- crete of' $unset Blvd f);-om Walcef'orest to Kirby Dr1ve, be approv- ed. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner A11en. Voting Aye; CommissloneI's Mainous and Allen. Wos: None. Moti-on made by Commissioner Allen and .secended bY,C0~18siGner Main:ousthat bil pr.BBBnted. byD.r.. F. M. Hughes &mounting '00 $14..,00 for prof'essional services to hand and back of Charlie Cunningham..injur,ed lI'hiJ..e in,lineof duty, .be paid. ' Voting Aye: Commis,aloners Allen and Mainous. Nos; None. Moved_ by .Commis,sioner Allen.and seeondedby Commissioner Main- ous tbat.Qemmis.s:i.oner lYtainous. be authQrized t~ Grder1m.11er for garbage truck, as perplarrs an.dspecitica:tlons on <filelmder the heading ,O.:f." , !tAut.o.lf Tbe cost of the body to be $'1'70.00, 30 days net f'rom date of' December 15, 1938. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Ma,1nous. Nos: Mone. . Motion made by Commissioner A11en, seconded.by CQmmissdoner Main- ous that four" drums of' kerosene be purchased ..for.s.treet and bridge department'. VGting Aye: Commiss.:i.oners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Motion made, cby Commissioner Mainons and du.,ly seconded by Com- missioner Allen that the f~llo\Ving be ,purchased for water dept: " ,. t",~$'~" r -'-~~~~'~I"-~' 'I . ,~. c r ~., .., '~1 ------r 1i"'~' "g" ,", ".'t .'". . ',', .':' ".:. .~~~,_.~~~',.;~.~ " ,100 f't 314" pipe. QOO 'ft ,1*" pipe, .150 t't Ji}1r pipe; and necessa.ry f'itt1ngs. Voting Aye: Commiss loners Ma1nouB a.nd Allen,. Nos: None. Motion made by Oommissioner Mainous. and seconded by OOmmissioner Allen, that action af l\1Iayor in .ell1pl,oying Mr. F. C. Cuff to read meter's be approved. ' Voting Aye: COmmissioners Mainous and Allen. Jlos: None. There being no turthe-r bus mess to come before upon mot1.on being made end duly seconded 'bl1 m adj ourneci. ATTEST:" , ~';etary .. : "-~~'l<'. L, :- r" ~=r- '1 "'~,t'~)lQ: :,".i~~~ci' REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, NOViMBER 25, 1938,': COUICIL CH.A.MBER, CITY. HALL, , WES'l: UNIVERSITY ,PLACE, TEKAS. The regular meeting of' .Friday, November 25, ,',19.38 "was held i,n the eouncil chamber of' the city hall with Mayor Flaning pre- siding" Commi'ssioners Allen ,and Mainous and Secretary JaJ:rard in a ttendanc E!... lVIiti:lltes of the meetingofJ'ovemberl'8,1938 were, read ,andapprov- ed. . , Resolution determining .theneceJJsi~y._'1'or theo~dering of tl),e con- struction of si4.ewalks in front of' cert~in. lots, on property west of the City Hall, and whichcaptiQn is as follows: "RE5(}~UIOJ[ Bo. --.,~ '. :.."- ~...; RESOLUTION ORDERING AlID P IDVIDIllG WR TD 0 ONSTRUG~ 'lION OF 8IJ)gA&KS Df FRCET 0 F OERTAm PROPERTY LO- OATED WITIWl ~liIE P<?RPORATE LIMITS' OF THE ,OITY OF WEST UNIVER.S:ITY.PLAGE; APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY'S ElfGDfEER .PR~ORIBDG THE WIJ)TJi, KIND, CHAR- AOTER AND TYPE ,OF MATERIALS TO BE USED,~BECIFICA- TIOIS AWD THE LlNE AND GRADE OF SUOR S mPALKS,; PRES.. ORIBING REGULATION,S FORSUOH WORlC;9~~:tWG IfQ1';I:q~ TO SUOH PROPERTY OWNERS; AND, PROVIDING THAT 'lti:t8,'RE..; SOLtJTIOlf S HALL 'TAKE EFFEGT AND BE IN FORCE IMMED- IATELY AF,TERITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. After discussion OommissioneF Allen made'a motion which was seCOnded byOommissioner Mainous'approv1ng and adopting the above resolution. ' Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen and Mainoll-s. Bos: ~one. Oommissioner Allen made a motion g1ving au. thoHty f'or the pur- chase Gfone car of' shell emulsion to be used in patching streets in varioussectlons of' the city. The above motion was duly sec- onded by Comm+ssioner Mainous., Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainou.s. Ios: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion which Was duly seconded by Bommissioner Allen giving authority 1'or the purchase of' rubber floor covering to be used in the office, at a c9st of $1.40 per yard and one (I) sten:graphers chair. ' Voting Aye: Oammissioners Mainous and Allen. jos: None. r --', 1 If 1A.) , L&Vf)! {I Motion made by cemmlSs~,o' 'M~Ol1s:and seconded by Commissioner Allen, to retain Jlldge" 1;e 8.ss:1tt the city attorney in the case.ot' :the.City of",~West' ivers'ity Place va., Rous ton Lighting &, Pewer Company'( on the street rental tax} which case has been appealed.. to the SllPreme Court ,in the State of Texas, the com~ pensat1o.n "to be the sum <ot'f$250.00. . Voting Aye. Commissioners Mainous and AllEll. ~ .~. Bos: 'None. The tax collector was given authopitytolssue & ,tax statement remi tting the taxes due for the year 1931 on Lot 2, bloek_48, W. U. P.2nd..' Tb.es.8 ,taxes 'are waived due te,the Federal :Re~ 1a tion .Actwa1Ving ..taxes for 'the ,year 19,31 en' property owned by estate's .'Q.f:war' veterans. '" The.bovea\1th~ritywasglv.nby a motion made b7 C&mm1ssioner Mainous..and seoond:edbyCemmiss10ner Allen. ' - Voting Aye: ' Commissionar;s Maino11S and Allen. llos: None. ~re bei<ng'I1e.:hrth.er b-usiness to comebe~- e1he C0;lm.cll ':and - up0nmot8nbe1ng:'madeand~s.eonded ~tht1ng was d:eelared ad... I journed~ i ~ , J -.~ ~,' r-----I r=-~~- , ---I 1'~'~9.'" '" -.' i" -.~~ 1 ~... . ,~~ '" .~:- l' :: 'SPJIDTAL MENi'IlfG MOWDAY:;',:V1;\'lT&V:t:n:;'1-a ,'2~",' "l/:9'ZS ' , " '., ." ,:,p~,!I,.l:AJJ;;O~.l,l- ' "~" v.' t;n~'lfNCI:L.q~ER, U:XWY' ~L~ . Ji~ST.. .UNIVE1:i&:I:TY PLACE,. TEXAS. ."~ , A special meet+ng.as held in t~e counc.1Lcl),arp.ber ottheCity . liall on Monday, November 28, ;.193~ a1;,_7:Q2 ,P..14. lftthM,ayor .Flem- ing pres1ding, Comias.ioners Allen"and Ma'inous anci' Secretary Jarrard in attendance.~ ., This meeting 'was held for the purpose of meeting w1th th~repres- entat1.ves of Fenner&.,.Be,ane and. Chas. B. White & Company, re sale ~f,Wa:terWorlcsBe,v'~lIe:aonWiJ. Commis..~q~~V .Ail;~n ' mag.e ~..<< w.Q;ticul. g1V'ing,."'~b.Ql'd.ty~::~,- . ~~:MaJ'or _ and S ec:r.c;rt.ar.yt(). .eltee.u te,..~ (.c'Qntn."c::t 1Jd;th:; .QAAfih J;}. )'~>1le, ,:,a: ~~Oo . to, a.c:t.a;s:,:tu~aJ..;a:geri1';!~01: .,'t'hta~,ej;t7i:1tt. tll~ 'lJI~e:a.t ',$20QsD0.0.00 Wa. 'tar', Wens.~Jl:&:v:el1,l1ed;~<:1~.. " Th.ey ,are,,;tQ: r,ee;e.~'yeJtb.e.'..~~ Qi". $490Q.OO.forth1saervice.. {(Executed c,oPY o-f sai'Q. contract Ulf\-Y betound in the .files under the heading of "$200;000,.00 Water Works, Revenue ,Bonds, la~8."l) ,And:also<authQr.1:zed .~tne' MayGr and Secretary to execute, on behalf of the eity, a coht~act with ' Fenner & Beane for the sale of $200,000.00 Water Works RE}v,ell)te Bonds at par and accrued interest. (Executed copy of this con- trac t ~:m&W' j,b e, ,foJmd ;.j:n:t1l!.e;:~i];,e$<un4e~, gt.-b:,tJ,: ~.e~dr1ns;,,~.( ( '! ~OJhQQ,O .00 Water .WCllB.s.:Re:'jl,euue Bondslj"1~,3a.'!;)) fh~ ~abo~~e J.G-t1f).~.;.as :"AP~roved by Mayor Fleming. ' , Voting Aye: Commissioner A.-l~e!l and Mayor Fleming. Nes: ,Wone. Commlllsioner Mainous made a motion to the effect that since $50.000.00 af th1.s issue 1s set up as a balloon mrt.ea'ttl+e end of the 'twenty years, tl;+a.t he was not in favbr''''er':~:~a:l;\llg ,but $150.000..00,bonds at th1st1me, and asked that ~'. John C.' Calhoun Jr, Ene;ineeron this project, be instrllcted to present , the plans and sp,eci.f1eations to the council to consider making alterations so that the project will not exceed the sum of $150,000.00, taking intocons1derti.tion $47,000.00 outstanding bonds, and provide any plans and specifications to ~ke exten- aiol'ls in the system, to supply serviee:tethe,adjo1ning cOIDmliIllties when needed. Our :financial s,et lip at this time 1s not sufficient to meet theexpense,j,a pa.ying.1nterest .on the $50,000.00 an(i at the same t1.m,e 'ta.ke care of, the necessary maintenance and up keep in,' the vater system ever a period of'Htwenty years. The above motion - failed to carry in as much as there was no second. There being no further business to come bef,re the meeting upon motion being made and duly seconded t meeting was d adjourned. ATTEST: J' , @h#/Wt;w , Oi, 'Secretary t,._., , . \. r~~'~I--'~"-i r ." -1 -~------r - - , "i~' ~~:~,:~ ~:".. _,'i_ -,-t ~:-".. " ~ '~"'~~'". . '- -: . l" I I I REGULAR MgTING FRIDAY, l)EOEMBER~" 1938 CaUNC IL ,CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WE8~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~EXAS I: I J -. The regularlaeeting of .the counc,iL was held Friday 'December 2, 1938, a.t 7:~OO P.M. in the council" ehambe~ of the City Hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners AlLen and Mainous md Secretary ,arrard in attendance. The mibu:tes of the meetings of November 25 and specdal meeting of November 28, 1938 were read and approved. CGmmlss1o~er Allen made a,motion giving authority for the pur- chase of, 15 o orrugated . culverts, f,o'1J.r . drums gas. This motion was ,dUly seconded,'by yemmlssioner Mainous.. ' Vet.ilig, Aye:., CO:tnmissioners All,en and Mainous. Nes : None. M0tion made by CQmmissioner Allen giving authority to Commis- sioner Mainou13..,,_to emp,~J anengciIle~,,1!hen.. neee,ssary to make sUl"veysgiving..grades on ~treets, sld1l'alks andsewer-11nes. This instructienwas given duetoemergene1es existing. The abov~d:tiotion was seconded by Commissioner Kunous. ' .' .. Vot.+,P:~LA;y:~: ; 09rmtii,s.~~ori.ers Allen. and" Mainou-s. Nes:~~~on~~:.. . Commissioner Mamous was given auth0:rity to preceed with the, topping of Lake Stree,:t;.bet'fieen Ric~,Bpulevard ,and Plumb Street, if and when all lplt'llpeiity'oWners have pai.d their pro-rata 'part of the cost of this work, by a. motion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner Mainous. ' , Voting A.,~: Op~ssiom~rs_Allen and l>>'1ainous. N0S: :None~ C0m~ssioner Mainous made mot1o~ which was seconded by Com- mi&a~~er Allen g~ving approval for the ordering of 50 water metEm:po~e~, 6 Dayt~p Qouplings, 200' l~ft galvanized pipe., '500' 2:"galva:nizeq~pipe With, a.ll necessary fittings" 6 2u valves ~p.' one brQ'f)~;.~'" , ", VGting:~le: Conuni(lsioners Mainous, $.tld Allen. Nos;No~e. There being no further business to come before the meetb..l.g and upon m0,tiQ~ b~ing made and duly seconded the eeting was Ei$!'!'" clared adj~~n~d. ""=--~----=:--- - 1 A~: "",,~ .'~~ . _ . '..~ . a."...,l:.B-F:.~A~-Y ~. r r- REG:ULAR' 'MEETING FRIDAY, PECEMBER 9, 1938 , COUNCIL' CHAMJ3ER, 'Clr,rY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held Friday Deeember 9, 1938 at '1 :00 P. M., with Mayor Fleming presi<t;tIl'g~' Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Secretary Jar~d in at'tendance. ' , - ." . -. The minutes eff the meeting of Friday December 2, were read and approved. ,Mr. Dave T. Austin appeared before -the council and advised that he was con~emplating opening Rice Blvd from the ditch east of Edlos street' to Att~~n street and asked thecounc,ilto "apprOve pavement th:1rty (3~l feet wide' with five (p}'ineh'she1:1' conc,rete re-inforced with steel.F After discussion Oommissionetl'Mainous made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen giv- ing authority for him to let a contract for the paving of this street, with the provision that he submit plans and specifica- tions of the newly developed property which platt can be checked and approved at a later date. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Maiilons and Allen'. Nos: Non13.. Oommissioner Allen made a motion giving authDr.ity 'fpr the pur- chase of 500' of 2!n~f1re hose from the Amerfican'LaFranc~-Foa- mite Oorporation at $1.05 per. foot, and one inch line nozzle, also one red light for the fire truck. The above motioilwas duly seconded by Co~i,ssionefMainous. .. ' , , Voting Aye: Cornmisslo~ers Allen and Mainol1;s'. Nos: None. The SQuthwestern Bell Telephone Oompany/under date of December '7, 1938, signed and filed with this' city's.n acceptance of QUI' Ordinance No. 14'7. After this acceptance was read by the Mayor the council accepted and instructed same to be filed. <(See orig- inal acceptance on file under l}.ea9-ing of f1Southwestern Bell Tele- - , II ) , , phone pc>. , ' , ," , ,,' ~e Mayor a<ivised, that ,for the purpose o,f making application to take out a home rule charter, it is necessary to, take'an actual eensus before January 1, 1939, and recommended that a resolution be passed. Oommissioner Mainous ma<le a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen approving and passing Resolution which caption is as follows: ' Resolution No. :~ _&.' r I I r '" -- 'H 1 I. BY THE BOARD OF COl11MISSIONERS OF- THE CITY OF WEST UNrvERSTTY PLAa1!:~ TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THAT' AN OFFTCTAL C'ENSUS OF. TEE POPULATION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS,ITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE TAKEN AND THAT THE MAYOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EM- PLOY PERSONS TO TAKE SUCH CENSUS AND PAY THE 1; NEC"ESSARY COMPENSATION THEREFOR. Voting Aye: ' Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. .~. There being no further business to comeUetore the meeting and upon motion being duly made and seconded th meeting was de- elaredadjourned. ATTEST: ~ C . SECRETARY _C' ." . \. 't" .':~" "3'" :'; " ',~ , >~. ,;;: . , '''~.'1',: f::, ~:t. ?,(::;,>'k;~:'~~, ,< ,<<&'a1<~"d, "~~:~>af\~~!ft.~, > REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY, DECEME'ER 16, 1938 ,COUNCIL CRAMB:ER, CITY HALL; WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting of the council was held'F.riday~ December le, 1938, in the council chamber of the city hall 'with Mayor Fleming presJ.d.ing, Commissioners Allenuand Ivlainous and Secre- tary Jarrard in attendance. The minutes of the meeting of Friday, December 9, 1938 were read anadapproved. A check in the amount of $400.00 was received from Mr. J. E. Evans which is payment for the sale of the property on which the water plant was located, in Monticello Addition. (See deed on file, dated ..) The Secretary was instructed te deposit this check in iZI:e City' National Bank in the water fund. 'Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving approval for the con- struction of a 60 foot sewer line, amounting to app~oxim~tely $125.00, en Rice Boulevard between Charlotte and Annapolis Streets which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Alleni ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. .The City Atterney R. L. :Bonfield presented bond ordinance to b,e passed authorizinguthe issuing of $200,000.00 water works re- venue bonds which caption is as follows: O~ANCE NO. 148. , AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WATER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES' 1938, AGGREGATING $200,000.00, BEARING 4% INTEREST, TO SECURE FUNDS FOR THEPURPOSE OFIMHOVING, ENLARG- ING, EXTENDING AND REPAIRING THE WATER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVE~SITY PLACE, TEXAS, PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BOND, PLEDGING THE REVENUES OF SAIDSYS- T,EM TO THE PAYMENT OF, SAID PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDS AFTER, PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENSE OF OP ER- ATING SAID SYSTEM, MAKING CERTAIN COVEKENTS OF THE CITY IN REFERENCE TO THE BOND FUND FROM WHICH SAID PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ARE TO BE PAID; PROVIDING THAT SAID BONDS MAY BE CALLED BY THE CITY; PROVIDING TEAT THE HOLDER 0 R HOLDERS 0 F SAID BONDS S HALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DllMAND PAYMENT OF SAID OBLIGATIONS OUT OF ANY FUNDS RAISED OR TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~} .~~ j. .. -, 1- '1 .f ' .1';1' '5" ~~,.:,~.<-;'; ,; :-~:-~ - , ,-<> " ,,,,-<C-' ~ ~. '< ~- . . >""'-.. ':-\~ f After same had been read and discussed generally by the council, Commissioner Allen made a motion Which was duly seconded by Com- missioner Mainous authorizing the adoption and passing of said ordinance which is NO. 148. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and MainouS. Nos : None . .~_ Commissioner Mainous recommended that.the city, at its expense, enter i,nto a ec:mtract for ,oiling of Westpoint Stireet from Rieh- mcind Road.to Bellaire Boulevard which cost is to be $426.65. Commissioner Allen made a motion giving authority to enter into a eontract for the oiling of said street, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous., Nos': None. Commissioner Allen made a moti0n giving authority for the purchase of one (1 ) gallon o:f 0., D . asphalt paint f'or. marking the tennis courts, and two (2) pair rubber boots. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners A?llen and Mai:,nous. Nos: None. fi1omrnissionerAllenmade a metion giving authorityfo.rthe purchase of o~e ~~,e,~d a half _(l~) tQn t~bort cbassis with cab, from the. Ra.ym~>nd Pearson. Motor Company .. who agreed to allow $200. 00. credit on the old chevrolet street truck:, ne:t' cost to be the total sum of' $ . The ,abovemot'ion was ,duly seconded by Commissioner Main_ eus. ~ Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: ,None. Commissioner Mainous made amotion which was seconded by Commiss- ioner AI~en giving authority for the purchase of one, (l) wench to cost'$147.75 from the Tulsa Wench Mfg. Co., of Tulsa, Okla. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous asked for permission to enter into a contract with Kranzler Service Station to,purchase gas and oil, fer the street truck, garbage trucks and the tractor, and also to have them greased and serviced there, as it is very inconvenient and ~ - - 1 expensive to take these trucks to the Bissonnet Service Station d~ to their location. Commissioner Allen Plade a motion giving his approval ,to make this change, which motion was duly secend- ed by Commissioner Mainous. ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. No.8: None. - . Commissioner'Mainous made a motion giving approval for the ex- penditure, not to exceed $15.00, for Xmas tree deeorations fo!' a tree' to be p1ae ed on the city hall gro'lmds fer a community gathering?tope held Thursday, December 22,1938. The above 'motion was duly,seconded by COmmissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners MainousandA1len. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion authorizing CommissiQner Allen to purchase one starter and to repair mot~r at a cos,t of $110.50, and fcQrsame, to be installed at, the sewer liftplant on University Boulevard and Wes1ayan Stl",eet., and to purchase one (l) set of wrenches for the s,ewer. disposalpl:ant. The above motion was duly seconded by C'ommissioner .Allen. Voting Aye} Commissioners MainoRs and Allen. Nos: None. R. L. Sonfield, city attorney, presented a sta:ternent in the amount $5.25, for fi.ve (5) certified copie,s of nonl'itigation certificates etal Dr. Elva Wright,vs City, re-Water WOJ?ks BOnds. ' Commissioner Allen, made a motion ,seconded by Comntissioner Mainous ~J?P:ro:v~g, and authorizing the pa~ent of thi,s amolmt. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainousl Nos: None. There being no further business upon motion beihg made and duly a'<i'j QurneQ;. , , before the council and d themeetingw declared ATTEST: tijanIJ/UU C ,Secretary v F>;~~~<'}. I L I _\ 1 - "1 11 I I '. SPECI4J;, MEETDIG THURSDAY;f(,DEO,iMBER22" 1938 GOUNC IL b~~~.CITY HALL, W~ST UNIVERSt~YPLACEI''l'EXAS. A spec1almeeting of the cpuncil was held Thursday evemmng Dec- ember 22, 1938 at 1'l:00 P. M. in the counc,il 'chamber of .the city hall, with Mayor Fleming presiding and Commissioners Allen and Ma.i.nous and .Secretary Jarrarj'~. attendance. Due to an error in the maturity,dates on the $200,,000.00 Water Revenue Bonds, it was neeess.ary .to pass an ordinance authoriz- ing. the re-i.ssuingof these series or bonds which caption ,is as follows: ORDINANCE NO'.~. AN ORDINANCE AMMENDING AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMl\HSSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAGE,TEXAS" DEC:E)IBER 16, 1938: AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ELAQE, TEXAS, WATER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1938, AGGRE- GATING $200,000, BEARING 4% INTEREST, TO SECURE FlJ:NDS li'OR THE PURPCBp: OF IMPROVING, ENLARGING, EXTENDING AND REP AIRING THE WATER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACEi TEXAS, PRESCRIBING -THE -FORM OF BOND, PLEDING THE REVENUES "OF SAID:SY8TEM TO T REP AY- MENT OF SAID PRINCIPAL: AND INTEREST OF THE 'BONDS; AJifi'ER PROVIDING FOR THE ,EX.PEN SE OF OP:ERAmING ,SAID SYSTEM, MAKING ;CERTAIN COVENANTS ,QFTHE'CITY IN REFERENCE ,'!'OT,]!E BOND FUND FROM WHICH SAID llRINCIP,AL AND INTEREST ARE TO BE PAID; PROVIDING THAT SAID 'BONI{S JIJ;A;Y ,BE :CALL]!!D, ,BY TEE, ,GIT~; PF: OVIDING THAT THE HOLDER OR HOLDERS OF SAID BONDS SHALL NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND P AYMmT OF SAID OBLIGATIONS OUT QF', Alif'Y FUNDS, RAIS:EJ) QR~O HE ,RAISED BY mAXA2'ION;1tEPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. PROVIDING' FOR THE PAYMENT OF SEMI-ANNUAL INTER- EST ON SUCH BONDS, THE DATES OF PAYMENT, THE RATE OF INTEREST AND OTHER THINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; PROVIDTIiG FOR THE MATURITIES OF S UJE BONDS; PROVIDING THE FORM OF S UGH BONDS AND COUPONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLARING ,AN EMiERG"ENCY. ~) Commissioner Allen made a motion approving the passing of this ..... .. ~ . l' ~I 1 - . -- -.--- --=-...... . 1 - ordinance which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos:' 'None. . Camm.issione~.,..Allen made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of 24 uniform suits for all negro city employees and two for Mr.. Hatcher., ,The city is to ,advance thepaym.en:tfor same, the e.mployees te pay the city in ,eight weekly paymenta,payments are to start the firs~ Saturdayfromdate,Qf delivery. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner ,Mainous. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen~nd Mainous. Nos: None. .~ , " Commissioner ' Mainous made a motio,n which was seconded by Com- missioner Allen giving authority for the ordering of 250 dog license tags for the year 1939, and 24 tags bearing the name of the City of West University P,.lace, with even numbers on each tag. ' Vot~ng Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. .,. ". Comm.issioner.~llen made a m~tiongiving approval for a letter to be mailed to the Hous,ton Lighting & Power Company for the installation of' lights in various 'locations. These ~ights will be in:iuded in the contract to be made ,8;, a later date with the above company. (Copy of .letter in file' Under heading Houston Lighting & Power Co. n) The above motion was duly seconded by , Commissioner Mainous. Voting Aye: CormnissionersAllen and Mainous. Nos: None. There being no further business to come be ore the council and upon motion being made and seconded the m tingwasdeclared adjo~ned. Secretary ~ Jli;: 1- :-:J r , '1 I .I REGULAR MEETING FRIDA~7 DECliMBER 30,; 1958 GOUNa ILCHAMBER, ,CITY HALL, ' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The regular meeting o~'the,oouncil was held Friday, December 30, 1938 at '7:00 P. M. in ,the council chamber o~the City Hall, with, Mayor Fleming presiding, Commissioners Allen and Mainous and Sec- retary Jarr~f.d in attendance. The minutes'Qf the meeting of December 16, 1939 were read and approved. Since the school acquiredadd~tional property which inc'ludes AmherstStl!eet from Edioe .:be Auden Street"it was agreed that the City deed back, to :theHouston,Inde~,endant SChOCil District the dedicated street. A~ter discussion Commissioner M~nous made a motion which was secondedbyCommissiener Al:1en approv- ing and passing Ordinance No.~ which caption is as ~ollows: ORDINANCE NO.1&Q. I. . ~ < O:E,OSING THAT"P ART"OF AMHER,aT STREET IN THEcClTYOF WEST: WIVERSITY PLACE1 TEXAS, LYING.' BmWEEN ,'. Tf!E" EAST LINE QF, AUDEN STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF EnLOE STREET IN SAID CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE, 'EXECUT ION OF A QUITCLADJI DEED FROM THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY, PLACE TO' HOUSTON, INDEPENDENT, SCHOOL D.I8~1JRIC',r OF'THAT PORTIQN OF SUCH STREET SO CLOSED ANDD.ECLARING ,AN EM ERG EN C Y. Voting Aye: Commissi:oners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. . Commissioner Allen made a motion which was seconded by Com- missioner Mainous giving authority for the purchase o~ twelve (12) city maps, two (2) '.flaSihlights and five (5) cells,(for the police department.) - \ r '. VotingAy~: .Commiss:19ners ~llen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase of :five (5) gallons of ,lubricating oil, and one bell for the fire department; material for' sanitary sewer including. seven ('7) sacks cement, 15' of pipe and seven ('7) fittings. The above motion was duly seconded by Gommissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous'and'Allen. Nos: None. <- '~ I r , - 1 --;-r , , , , , ~" 'I' "9"'-"'"' , , ,." .$"'''-.. ~"''- , - _, ' ~~~-t,~~~ ~~>".; '.' 'f"'-t)"tJ" " ",~-", ". . . .,: ":'. ~ " . .: Commissioner Mainous made a motion giving authority for the pur- chase or 1000' of 2" cast ,iron pipe and necessary fittings, and the following ,tools: ' One (I) tapping machine and parts. The above motion was duly second~d by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: None. ,,,., Authority was given for the purchase of two 12) drums of gaso- line ror the water department; four (4) drums gasoline fOD the street and bridge department, five (5) cars shell, also a cable for the garbage truek, and for the repairi.g8 of a tarpaulin and an additional yardage to cover the new tru~ki byamotion made by Commissioner Allen and seconded by Commissioner MRinOUS. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Mainous. Nos: None. Commissioner Allen made ~ motion which was seconded by Commissioner Mainous approving and passing resolution giving authority to the Mayor to make the necessary arrangments for takihg the census of the City of West University Plac~,whlch caption as as follows: ~ ..BY , Bo.ARD o.Feo ISSIONERS THE CITY , ~ ,. F . UNIVERSITYP. .il" TJEUS, UTHo.RIZING, .', .. ~r' THAT E. o.FFICIAL eENS ,;eF'TDPO ULATIO.N ~f\y ~1)1: o.F THE, TY o.F WEST UNI ,J;TY PLA ' i TEXAS, ,\) BE TAKEN ,ND THAT THE MA ' BE AmImO IZED' .. , ' TO. EViPLo.y" ,o.NS TO. TAKE '. CR c>>rsus'<':", ' PAY THE NEe SARY COMPENSATI THEREFO' Voting Aye: '.. ous. Nos : None. A letter received rrom J. A. Kelly regarding .improvements on Lot 2A Block 70., WUP 2nd addition, advising that there should be no improvements on this property ror the year 1938. upon investigation by the tax collector and upon his recommenda- tion Commissioner Allen made a motion which was duly seconded by Commissioner Mainous instructing the tax collector to,ad- just the tax rolls on this property in thevaluatieu of $1500 and to accept payment ,for the year 1938 only on the 'lm1:rnproved property. Voting Aye: Commissioners Mainous and Allen. Nos: IYone. Mr. J. A. lY1etcalf, , Fire Chief, advised that it was necessary v '1'1 r ',.7~~ ", -.- I ". ,~'l?",~-~ ' , ",""'~'<": -i~; "Co< ' ~~. ~Hj~;: ' for him to use 'his automobile tluitefrequently and asked that the council give considerat~on to alloWing him so much per week for gas and oil. After due co~sideration~ Commissioner Mainous made a motion whichowas seconded by Commissioner Allen approving and allowing $5.00 per month, effective December 1, 1938. Voting Aye: ,Commissioners Mainous and, Allen. Nos: None. ,,,. There Qeing no furt~er business to' come befo e the council and upon mGtion being made and s~conded ,ing was < declared adjourned.. ATTEST: ~ IT ,SECR~ARY , l Co_1.~~$r.4nen m.ad~,amotlon 'whlch..w&s s.eeonded by CQmmissiOner M~~,:J.p___.~udpassingresolutlon'deelarin.gthe 'results of ta1Wi€f,~~ e~a~,.as,altthori;ze41n ,the meeting of De~ember 9, 1938, whi.eh:~~:Ii1.oi:t .t",l';eso:lu:t~:on '1s~s tollows: - .' ~~1~~. ,jy THE BOAlID'QF COBISS[ ONERS OF, THE Cm OF W"8.TUJi;rVERS,ll:Y ,Pl:,ACE, '.eEXAS CANVASSING RE- " StitT OF ,k ,CBltSU.8 'QF TKlE POPULATION OF THE C:tTy UtJ))~NG TREREs'ULTAND 'THE OFFICIAL POi?UL1\TIO}f'WITHIIf-, THE CI~Y OF WEST UlU:VERSITY r~q~,' "-':FJcAS., ' ' . ~ ' yotiD:g Aye:q~..ifpJioners Allen an4 MalnQ~~. Nos: ~ . " ltoJte'.' , ' !<; " }, , , ..-- -""1