HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Cell Phone PolicyI. Definitions CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Policy & Procedure Effect i ve Date · 0 3/04 12008 R ev1Sed D a t e-01/0 1 /2017 Wireless Communication Devices Wireless Communication Devices include: • Basic Phones -Used for voice calls and texting only. No data services (i.e. e-mail, Internet, apps) • Smartphones -In addition to voice and text, these devices require a data plan fore- mail, Internet, apps. • Tablets -Some tablets offer a cellular data connection, in addition to Wi-Fi. • Data-Connection -These are cellular data devices, which provide internet connectivity to other mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets. An example is a personal Wi-Fi hotspot, however many Smartphones have built-in Wi-Fi Hotspot capabilities as well. II. Policy The City may authorize a wireless communication device to a city employee who 's Department Director justifies eligibility and that the use of such device is required and necessary for the performance of the employee's job duties. Authorized devices will be city-owned, or with City Manager approval, a personally-owned device will be compensated through a stipend plan . The city will maintain a single service provider from authorized state, local or federal cooperative contracts that provide the best value for the city and used to establish the basis of the stipend plan. Ill. Procedure a. Eligibility. For an individual to be authorized a city-owned wireless device, one or more of the following justifications must be relevant to their job duties or operational requirements : (1) involves frequent travel and/or routinely take others into the field to do business , {2} presents a need for constant and immediate communications during the day or for after hours and/or a significant portion of their job duties is in support or otherwise responsible for programs, services or systems , (3) requires an employee to be designated as on-call, or for emergency or business-related contact on a 24/7 basis, (4) deemed that there are no other practical alternatives for cost effective and timely communications using landlines or other communications methods, or (S) designated by the City Manager . Note that simple convenie nc e may not serve as a justification. Additionally, supervisors must ensure that requirements for hourly employees to check e-mail or be available after normal working hours are clearly understood and explained to employees and that such requirements are in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Please reference Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook ; Section VII -Assignment and Authorization for Overtime . b. Requests. Supervisors must submit a completed Supervisors Request Form to IT , and additionally, an approved Supervisor's Request Form shall accompany the Personnel A c ti o n Form (PAF) to HR . The request form must include what is being requested, the justification (see above -section Ill. a. ) and the signature of the requesting supervisor and the ( P &P)Wi reles sCom mun ication Devices -IT -Pol icy( 2017) .doc x Page 1of5 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Policy & Procedure Eff ectiv e D ate · 03/04/2008 Rev1Sed D ate 01/01/2017 department head. Additionally, the receiving employee must sign the Employee Acknowledgment section. See attached Supervisor Request Form. c . Compatibility. The device must be compatible with the city's network and e-mail system. The city will provide, and retain rights and ownership to the Client Access License (CAL), i f required, that allows the device to connect to the city e-mail system. From time to time, system updates and modifications may be necessary. To install these updates, the city may call for the device, or may "push" updates remotely to the device without notice to the employee. d. Security. The employee must utilize reasonable physical security measures toward securing devices at all times (do not leave in a car or otherwise unattended) and require a password or passcode to unlock the device. The City reserves the right to load city supplied software that will assist in maintaining network security and integrity, including , but not lim i ted to , antivirus and device management products. The city retains the right to "remote wipe " the device which erases all data, apps, and resets the device to original factory defaults. e. Ownership and Support i. City-Owned Devices. These are fully funded by the city , supported through the IT department and assigned to a specific employee; OR assigned under an arrangement involving multiple individuals sharing one device . The necessary software will be provided along with guidelines for maintaining and protecting data on the device. Thi s may include restrictions on user credentials , certain classes of data , apps, and other functional aspects of the device. In some cases, these restrictions will limit use compared to that of a personally-owned device . Any use of city-owned devices is limited to official city business only and it is not permitted to setup personal account s on the device or altering the device operating system. The employee is responsible for taking precautions against unauthorized use or damage outside of normal wear and tear. The employee must notify IT immediately if their assigned device is lost or stolen. Upon termination , the employee must return the device and all accessories (chargers , case) to their department head or IT . 1 . Costs and Billing . The authorizing department is responsible for the first year service plan costs, as well as for all startup costs related to hardware and accessories , including any subsequent replacements. See attached Pricing Schedule . After the fir s t year , the annually recurring service plan cost will be budgeted by IT. Departments should carefully review monthly billing statements to ensure service plans are meeting business needs and request any justified changes to IT . Departments must ensure that all overages due to non-business use are reimbursed by the employee assigned to the device . f . Stipend Plan (Personally-Owned Devices). As an alternative to a city -owned w i rele ss communication device, the City Manager may authorize a monthly stipend . It is intended to compensate for city related costs incurred on personal accounts and eliminate th e n e ed to carry and maintain a separate dev ice for city business . If a s tipend (P&P)WirelessCommunicationDevices -IT -Policy(2017).docx Page 2 of 5 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Policy & Procedure Effect i ve Date 03/04/2008 Rev i sed Date 01/0 1 /2017 is authorized, the employee is responsible for purchasing a device and establishing a contract with a service provider of their choice. The service provider and level of service must satisfactorily fulfil the eliqibilitv criteria on which the device was justified. The contract is in the name of the employee, who is solely responsible for all payments to the service provider. The employee purchases service and equipment; determines plan choices, service levels , calling areas, service and device features, upgrades and accepts termination clauses and payment responsibility. The employee may use the device for both business and personal purposes, as needed. The employee may, at their own expense, add extra services or equipment, as desired. If there are problems with the service, the employee is expected to work directly with their service provider for resolution. Accessories such as protective cases, chargers, battery packs, headphones, etc. will not be provided by the city. These shall not be expensed to any departmental budget. An employee receiving a stipend must be able to show, if requested by their supervisor, a copy of the monthly service charges and business related use to determine if the amount of city compensation is appropriate. If the employee terminates the service contract at any point, they must notify their supervisor within S business days to terminate their stipend. 1. Compensation . The stipend amount is determined by the cost of identical or similar services, as !E it was procured from the city's existing cooperative service contract, plus applicable payroll taxes and benefits. See attached Pricing Schedule. 2. Liability . The city does not accept any liability for claims, charges or disputes between the service provider and the employee. Use of the device in any manner contrary to local, state, or federal laws will constitute misuse and result in immediate termination of the stipend. Devices covered by this policy are used in part to conduct city business and/or to create, receive, send, or store city data and/or records. As a result, information contained on these devices is also subject to records retention requirements, as we ll as all city policies, including those pertaining to data security, acceptable use, and email. IV. Exceptions. Special circumstances regarding an employee's job position and/or duties may justify exceptions to this policy. Such exceptions must be approved by the City Manager or his designee. APPROVALS INITIATING DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT HEAD: CITY MANAGER: ( P&P )Wire le ss Com mun icatio n Devices-IT-Pol icy(2 017) .docx Page 3 of 5 Department: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Policy & Procedure E ffective Dat e · 03104 12 00 8 R e vis e d D ate · 0 1 /01/201 7 Supervisor's Request Form Requesting Supervisor: ---------------------- I am requesting authorization for: Employee Name: City Issued Device (check all that apply) _ Basic Phone -Voice and text only . No data plan (i.e. no e -mail, Internet, apps) _ Smartphone -Voice and text , includes a data plan for e-mail, Internet, apps _ Tablet -Wi-Fi with a data plan (iPad) Data -Connection Device -Wi-Fi hotspot with a data plan for Internet connection (i.e. non - Apple products) Stipend Plan (Personally-Owned Device) (c he c k all that apply) Smartphone -Voice and text, including a data plan for e-mail , Internet, app s Tablet -Wi -Fi with a data plan (iPad) Data -Connection Device -Wi -Fi hot s pot with Internet connectivity for other mobile devi c e s (i.e . non-Apple products) Justification : {See Eli g ibilit y se ct i on o f t h e Wi r e l ess Co m m u n icatio n D ev i ce s Polic y ) Supervisor Signature : Date: ___ _ Department Head Signature : -----------------~ Date : ___ _ EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I , hav e r e ceived a copy of the Wireless Communication Device Poli c y and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the procedures contained within it , including any future revisions . Employee Signature : ___________________ Date : ___ _ (P&P)Wirele s sCommunicationDevices -IT -Policy(2017).docx Page 4 of 5 CITY OF WEST UN I VERSITY PLACE Policy & Procedure P ri c i ng Schedule Effective Date 03/0412008 Re vised D at e 01 /01 /2017 2016 Verizon D I R Contract Pricing {DIR-TS0-3415} D evice Device Model Pl an Device• /mo• Basic Phone Ruggedized Flip Phone $32.00 included Smartphone Apple iPhone Gs 64GB $70.00 $199 .00 Tablet Apple i Pad Air2 Wi-Fi +Cellular $10.00 $790.00 64GB Data-Jetpack 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot $40 .00 include d Connection •rounded •r ounded up up Notes: Voic e Data pooled n/a unlimited unlim i ted n/a pooled n/a un l imited T e xt Accessories pooled in box unlimited in box+ AppleCare pooled in box+ AppleCare n/a in box • Pricing app l ies to all city -i ssued devices and NEW stipend plans authorized after 09/01 /2 016 • All stipend plan a ll owances that EXIST prior to 09/01/2016 are grandfathered at their existing compensation amount . • Techno l ogy r efreshes or accessories are no l onger reimbursable for ANY stipend plan use r {P&P)Wire l essCo m mun i cationDevices-I T-Po l icy{2017).docx Page 5 of 5