HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1936 ,~ The Ivleeting schedule for MondEl-Y January '6th, 1936, was postponed, Ul1til the next meeting date. ~/ " / , /}' ///. . // , . ..' f;:l i> uz:L.U::I~ / ty Secretary U:~ /:,-;.. ,~ /./ /> ~ /,', ",,/ }',';',;);:..,t:{~~.,;;:~€:.<t...,,,.- / Cornrnissijmer, ~~,~ ~~"tf~.'---f Commissioner i.. '=r--.-i '.-' I I t [ ! . , 78 .fl REGULAR MEETIN G; MONDAY, ,JANUARY 13, 1936, " COUN,CIL GHAlVJI3ER----------CITY ~LL, ,WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS.' The....commission convened, on the .foregoing date at 7 :00 P. M. with lV.{ayoX' Hyett presiding and CGmrnissioners Allen and S~ber, and City S~e:retary Jarrard'1::q>attend- ance. ' " , , - / , n. ~ . . .", , .. < _ ,_, ,"_. > ~.........,'~ Mr. J. ;L. Markham, who is building his,: r,esiden,ee, on Wa:ke.fQ~res't"-S:t.reetappeared before the Couneil to ask that the ci~y extend the sewer line from the opposite side of the street-on Wake for est to his residence, which would reqUir,e ,abou);50~'ft. of line. He was -advised that inas- much as he was familiar with the location of ,this line before letting his contract, the7 city could not accept the responsibility, there.fore deelined his request. Mr. Kellehar, representative of the Equitable Li.fe In- surance Company o.f Des Moines, Iowa, presented for pa-yment a matured bond #29 of the .first series. Inasmuch as this bond was one of the first to become due, Commis- sioner Allen made a motion authorizing the Secretary to issue a check .for same, Which was duly seconded by Comrnis- s ioner Surb er . Voting Aye-Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. None. Upon motion made by COilllUissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen the Council ratified the action o.f the Secretary and Mayor in the payment o.f certain accounts bonds and interest coupons, represented by the following vouchers. General Water #3045 4130 to #3100 n 4146 f 1 t J Voting Aye-Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos. None. 'It is the gener-al opinion of the Council that to eliminate the sand and discoloring of the water that the .fire plugs should be blown more often, and Mr. Harris was given in- structions to see that this was'done immediately. -, 1- r ' , 1 74 There being no furt:p.er business. to come .before the Commission, upon mation.being made and duly second- ed, the meeting was declared adjourned. ,..-. APPROVED ~)i l\lIA~ . ~ ~.,~, , COIVIl\UBSIONER ' il j \ J) ATTEST:, , . /' ~~ or SECRETARY , " I J - - 1---1 r ~ , 1 I r 75 1 REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER---~----CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS., The~~ommission convened on the foregoing date at '?:OO P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. ' Mr. Leon and W. B. Rosner advised thiatthey had purchas- ed the property located in the, Bouta. Ea~:t corner -of, University andEdl'o~ Street in South:S;id~, to -errect a building f'or busirie ss purposes, and that' it was their understanding that the city of~West University Place owned 30 :ree:tSouth:G~, the curb. They wanted to get the approval of' the Council to place the necessary sidewalks and drive ways. They were advised by the Mayor that be- fore final ac~ion~~s taken it would be necessary for them to present their plans for approval. Nos. None. There being no further business to C0me before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. rJ APPROVED ATTEST: ~p C SECRETARY ~J(#~ ~ . 'lThlISSIO:NER - .6~ COi'lIMI S lONER L I' I~'-~ r" - ,. - -1 f76 ~J'>- fJ ~The Meeting schedule for MOJ.J.day January 27th, 1936, was postponed, until the next;;;;;V ~:t'etary '. mmissi6:ner 64,~/ J~ --'Womrni ssioner ,r--"I ' , ~I i , I '\ i l j -) 1-"-":-;;-.:=-~'-=:==r-==:'''-~~ _----'-------.r r I Jr- ..'~ . ( l.. ) I- i r ! } \--"' , '~---'-- :01'-.. The'Meeting schedule 3rd, 1936, was postpond; ruary 6th. ~ i ' "ecr~tary for Monday Febru:a;yy until Thursday Feb- . ~tJ'~ . , o lSSJ.oner " .. 6.4~L ~ Comrni ss ione r r, l' '---I -1 I 1 '~7 ....'18 ,:':;:-: )'<-c REGULAR lVIEETING, ,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1936, COUNCIL CHA~IDER--------CITY HALL . , WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. n t~, . The Co~ission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. . with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber, and City Secretary Jarrard in attendande. It was suggested by engineer Mr. John C. Calhoun, that the new bridge on University Blvd. be topped with asphalt and limes~one rock. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the work to be done. Due to Commissioner Surber coming in later, this motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos. None: Mr. CalhOun reported to the Council giving details as to the progress in the cleaning out and repairing of the sewer line, also the bridge construction and water line on Mercer Street. The council author~ze Mr. CaThoun to employ two city of' Houston's bottom men to assist in concreting and laying the new sewer pipes to grade, which should be completed within about 3 days. . The council authorize the purchase of two cars of shell to be used in repairing of various streets. The Secretary presented a report showing the cost to date of the Mercer street water line, bridge and the sewer jobs. There being no further business to come before the Comraission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared -adjourned. r1 ! I i'J APPROVED v ~~~~i [ - _ 1 --Ll C> 1'9 II l. , REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, FEBRUARY lOth, 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER-------CITY HALL, WEST UNIJlERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and COrrlLl1issionerl,Allen and)iurber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Cor~-. ,- ~ . 1l:J J.. ~:~ 8 1, ,~) ~'J. el~ :_~ The Mayor advise that he had talked with County Commis- sioner Mr. Spencer, regarding the drainage along B.isso:nett Street. Heaskedpe,rmiss'ion" to connect their dr,s,:inagealong thi,sroadto certain st,Q,rnl seiNer lines in Monticello and Second Additions. Engineer G~lhoun was instructed to communicate with Mr. McClendon who is to supervise the Engineering on this proj ect, and work out something that will be of benefit to our city. 'Tfie Secretary WaS instructed to pay John Wilson, Garbage man, three d1>i.ys salary for the time he was absent on ac- count of illness. This motion was made by'Mr. Allen and 'duly seconde.dby Commissioner Surber. Voting, AY,e-gommissi<?ner~ Allen and Surber. Nos. None: There being no further business to come before the Com- mi~sion" upon motion being made and duly seconded" the meeting was deelar~d adjourned. APPROVED I I I " I r \ I f 1 I \,) t' ~"I I I 80 ~.,.~ '.~n" j , ;. <l ) E ..... ' '1' The MeetiBg schedule for Monday February 17th, 1936, was postponed, until the,next meet- ing date. APPROVED A'f.~~ ~.. .;. ~ G ' . GRE'f~Y '" n J ~~. ~"~'. 'r~~~""~~I.."'~~I~----r~~'~'<~~""'~ .....,...,-------iJ. n- r l J ~ 81 ,RE.GULARMEE'lINQ-, . MOlIDAY., FE$RllARY 24th, 1936, cowelL .ClL,AMBl!R:...---...---CI.TY H4LLi WES~ UNIVER 81 TY PIA CE, TEXAS The Commission convened on the f'oregoi:mg datEr. at 7:QO P. ~ wi thMayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard .in attend.. anee. . Mr. Preston Plumb '0t the Realty Service Corp. advised that they were going to build several houses in :felnber... ton Ad.dition, and ask that a st.reet light be turned on at Barbara Lans81ldAnnapol:isStreets..,' E}ommds.:stener > Allen Dl$de;a~motio:n '1nstrn.eting theSe'cretary' to ,write a le.t'trer..t0Housten Light and Power Compmy,' auth0t':1z- ing 'th:.J.s to be aQcDe, .which mation :wasduly,seeondedby Commissioner' $urber. . . · Voting ,Aye-Commissioners :Allen' and Surbev., v ~.,:. No~~:Ncm:e'f. ,< :.... .... . ;; ~.. ~. . . . <. ~.' " ," The Realty Service Company is at this time building a house on the COData of' University and Vanderbilt and ad.. vised that in view of the location of' the lot it was impossible tE> serve the property with telephone an'd lights as it wauld require settililg poles on private pro- perty; and ask permission, to. run &:lime dQwnUniver,sity Boulevard. It is the view of'the . Gotmcilthat ,no telephone. or 1.1gb.tpole s sh oulti-b:e place.d on University ~ B:oulevard,butllo ob'ject1ons :to wires being layed. in un- dergroUlW. circuit, subject to'the approval of Ciq Supt. Harris. . A letter received fr.om the Houston Electrie Company ad- vising that after date of that letter they would be unable ta furnish f'ree transportation to our firemen, and deputies, who in the past have been riding the street earsSnd busses 'using their badges . The .SecretEm 1',-.as instructe(i to,-pasttheeontents of this; letter onto the :fire. department and ::deputies.~~:'\.;..;;, '. TheSeeretary was instructed to make a check payable to the ,f?a,n J$.einto . frUst. GODipSLny f'o1' $300..00 1n paYment of a $610..00": Sc:r1pt,' Wb,1c1iwas,'given seve11alp1ears age for the payment of . ;freight OD. :sliell :for the - repairing of streets in Rice. (See General Ledger) A motion authoriz- ing this was made by Co1ll1'ldssioner A11en and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. . Voting Ayp-Commissioners Allen and Surber. (continued on page 82) ~~-~~~] '~l [ ~~ ~-- ..-' '-:l ~---LJ .~~ Nos None: Upon motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly second- ed by Commissioner Allen, the Council ratified the action of the Secretary and Mayer in the paym,ent of certain accounts bond~ and interest, coupons, represented by the following vouChers. , General #3100 Water 7/4146 to #3256 #4166 te Voting Aye-Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None. Mr. Harris has repc:lrtedseveral times that the well dril- le.d .by La.-yne Texas Company last year was entirely unsatisfaetox-y, as it was' not supplying the proper amount of water,. . Mr. Jensen and, Mr. Dawson representing this Company, made several investigations. and advised that the only way that they could tell accurately what the trouble is, it will be. mece.saary' to rework the well. -, CQmmi,ssiQner Surber made a motion authorizing the La:vne Texas Company to do what is necessary to make the well satisfact;ory,. which motion WaS duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Yot~g Aye- Commissioners'Surber aDd AlleIl. Nos None: ~. . '-- Tl+e, Se:eretary, pres.ented a. . report (.showing ,the' cash r~ee1'pts and disburs_ements' .Gf1;he,Generaa,.Fund and Yfater,>>epartment for the months of De,cember 1935 and January 1936. A, copy of,whiehw.as given t09aeh., MaYGr and ComisSioners. Com- missioJl.$r Allen made a motion accepting the se reports which was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye-Commissioners A~lenand Surber. Nos . ,None :' ~e Secretary pre_ented a letter dated ,February 14th, 1936, trom John K. Dozier~ 2628UniversityBoulevard,adviaing that the men wor~ on the?sewer job borrowed his garden hose and have been using same t:or approximately su weeks and aske4 tbatsame be replaeedby the city. Commissioner Allen made a mot1on. giving 'r.~. H~rris "authority to pur- chase a new h€>sesat1st:aeto~y to !vir. Dozier,' whtchmotion wasdnly seeonded by Commissioner Surber~ . Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Surber. Nos None: I t. I t.. continued on page 83 l-~~'--T ~I 'm.~ '''I I r il' ; "~ ; l 8'3 There being nQ further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. 'r J I I ' I 1 \ " ----.. APPR OVED J <.------------~- ..~_. --r :-'~~1 _I :'&4 l ~ fJ ~~- . '. '!he Meeting schedule :for Monday March 2nd~< 1936, was postponed until the nex'timeeting,date, on aceoU?~,0:f holiday. {Texas Iridepe!i(iienee) . AT'l'ES~ ~CRmJ\RY, ... - \.l. '. 1- I~~~-r~ \j,' ,-, 85 fl "REGUIAR :MEETING,' . MONDAY;;;:BEBEB.~fth,1~36. COu.N.CI.L' ClIAMB]2...-------OITY IlALL, WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, . TEXAS. . <<- ". . ' ~. .i" The Commission convened on'the foregoing date at , :00 P .]. M. Wi tih ':.ayorJlye,t t presiCi1ngand. ~In11t1ss19:p. er Ai1en and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Com- missioner Surber absent. ~, . Due, to the:bui1.d1ns"acti'\tlty. theCouncd;:l,f1nds it ..nece'ssary.:'to 'p.as.t an, erd1D.ance ~oh!bJ.t4.:p.g :$' p,ouble parking .'of. ;automob'1'](eso~ ,Diotor .vehl-e18cfiJ: OJl,. ,]3~ falo Speedw~7:,' ,Rlc(i'Boulevard~" .lJ~Ver s~1ty' -Bo~l~vtu'~: and Be 1.- ~:~i~::~:e~d:~:i :;;si:;a~:~:;:~:ti::~~:i;:~0~ice ~ 'f}.tre.et, aildals:e,preventpi.:ekiBg,:w1tl+i:n ten feet of a ~ :f~'re 'pl.ug'." This,; vdll.beOrCl?1nan'ce. I;', .'; .' . Amotion author.iz,1ngthe Im,ssa'ge of this. 'cr,dina.n~e was J1l8.de by Cemmissiol'l(ir A:llen .and duly,'sec,onded by ;Mayor. Hyett. ,S< . Voting Aye-Commissioner A1.1.en and Mayor Hyatt. Nos: Nen&.: ..> ,.. ,': '" T'.b.e: May~r:and ,Se:cretarJ': was ~n ,conffer.enee;)Jr.1thMr. Lew1is,.~"1i"gle azuL:Gl1es.of.~e Oit:y;,of^Hous,ton~ regard... illg: s.' $11,iOG~elO:n:f1:te. ~Q..$:5"gOO..,OO'eDr~EtJ;tt' s:,e'li[er b~ll~ as we have.~c.e:L:ve,d '~sever'a~' J.ett:e1lf3'jin;.;the,pa.~.t 1ilweat- ing su~ts on the note. 4fter considerab1.e discussions Mr. Hagle stated that he would recommend 'to the Oi ty Council that they accept aeheek for $4.950.00 in full settlement 'of' thes~e ace:<:nntst,e, March 1st" 19.0,6, and ' . r~ilu()e .., the' ,ftlllr6 monthly charget.o' l50Q.OO,fQ1! the ba1- ance of j;he"yea;rof 1936:., . Acnack f.or this ,wountwas given Mr. Hagle to present to the Council for their'ap- proval. Commissi,oner Allen made a ,motion approving the action taken in this ma'tter, which motion was duly second- ed 1>Y ~aY9~ H:yei;tlt ) I J Voting Aye: Commissioner Al~en'and Mayor ,Hyett. Hos . None-: TheSeeretary pr~~ented receipts and disbursements statements of the General and Water funds covering a six month periOd from August 1.st. 1935 to January 31st. 1936. General Receipts $50,289.'72 Disbursemen ts $35,544.~ Water Receipts $13,7:03.73 It $1.2,367.81 (continued on page 81 'r' ~~~-'I r' ,.~.~' , , I I "QU t A copy of 'these statements was given to the Mayor and Commissioner klreli~ ,~'::.Qommissi(,)l'ler Allen made a motiontba tthese. r&pert.s be. accepted and tiled in compliQlcewiththeSta te'status ~wh:1ch, mo tio1'1 was du17 seconded b7 Mayor Hye'tt. . "1 , . ~ ., '.. Vortf1ng . Aye-C0IDm,isioner . Allen and. Mayor Hye.tt.. ,. Nos Wone: . ~e ,Mayer advised that.heh~d anotlaer. conver,sa:tion . with thEr ,Re-alty; Service-'Oorporat1pn regarding ,tele- ph0ne and. "elec:tr6;e .11ght po1:.es < to', isupplys;er:v-.1e e touLot6B1Qck:1:'7\;~;Wes:t,'Um"Versi ~"jp~., :f."'u.st ad- di'1;ion" as .'referrl:Jd'$o. n' the pI'evi.ou8 mblu:tes. I', ,:\<.<. - . .- mhe Council ,i:txp~eeEr 1;:p.emselvesas baving no object- 1olltS,1;o ~1ng" a-,:)d;neaero&a Vailderbj;J:t: ~treet. pr&v:~~ugthe' ,owne~ ci1" Lot '9, Bloek16" . would agree . to\.;f1ave,fi,. po-le':pla-ee~onhis -property ,and another on the lot referred to above. .. .:: ~: The Mayor advised the Council that semething should be done regardmg the filing of aW. Po. A. applica- tion tor a water reserv1or, as if" we delay the mattber much> '1enger', .we. w~lli'O:&s~e theo,PPQrt1Xn.1 ty of'obtalnlhg,:J;he W. p. A..;> labsI'. " lio' dEft1J1i,te action ., waS';~aken. 'as ,GomInt's(~lener> Allemtho:agh,t 11;. best to de.:fer<<the ,nud;ter,untal.,a ,fu tUr'a, 'u:te.. . . .']fuere" being nQ further business to, come before the eotDmls~on, upol'l'_mot1onbeing made and-dl11yaeeond- " '. -ad~ the meeting was declared. adjourned. ." , ,.;- ., . ATTEST~~~ULl// ~~Y ... / . ( , I .( j , / ;. r~ ~~-~-'I~'; r .-. . . , . ,~----~---,-,- 87 'in. .1 . 1 : r . , J -'- . REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY;'/,lARGfI16th. 1936, COUNOIL <HAMBER;..-----CITHHALL, ,WESTUNI~SI~Y PLAOE, TE~'. 'rheCommiss1on ,cenvened.e>n the fcu."e.going ~ate at .7:-00 F.-.ll. with Mayor Hyett presiding and 'CommissloI)BI' Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Com- missioner Surber 'absent~ . ,- . Mr's. R..R...-ehford, Pres:1dent of the West University 'PJ;8ee.. 'Garden.: 'Clu1>and'Mrs..:Bi. Dealcola, was "present .to discuss with the Council the ,matter-o.f tP.ef'~:rorm:plant- ing of serubs and trees. Mrs. Dealcola thouaht it 'would be n$ce to plant crepft,.myrtie'. It was ,also sugge:st,ed that live oaks be planted. The Mayor advised that be would se~ure priceson:.various kinds>o.:f'trees and ~scrubs, and wou:Ld. adnse Mrs. Rachford. .'~. Chief Metcalf advised he Was using cOlls1derable amount of gas in his automobile attend1:ng to city busj.ness sad:ask 'that the city allow him $4.QO per month 'to 'be applied on .h:hs>:wa'terld.:",lJ.,,'f.the' same s;Drangem.en'ts~ tas,:was inef.f:e'et 'p~1:01"~' 1#0" :thEt, aas:t:' citye-leetlon. .~1:s .'al1owane:e:tQ;~.e' e'tf'eet'i.~ve:<~oin :;&;pri:l1935~~: A. mot1eJl, '~l~lbh&r_.'ing, tb,1:s "'8.1- 'l-owaDCe,'w~S:: maCle:b,. . Commd;s s1 oner . Allen ,$.lid .duli' seconded . ~~,; eo~s:S~'OJl~:: g~ber~',. "'~',,' " '. . VotinaA"e.;.Coinm1s:s-1oners AlletIanCi. Surber-. ". ":" , 'i ".~.' :,}los}Jone:. " " , " '-., ~ ,. .: '-; ~ . . , 'Mr. IVletcalf.repor.teCtthat clean upiweekwould b,e.1nthe near future and aski,f';-the eit;yr wou~d< stand. ,the, expense of the pt'int1ng and the Q1stribution of circulars fur- nishing the neeess.ary information. The Mayor suggested the. city stand tb,is expense as he would be glad to work up the information for the circular, and the c1ty would haye.:them.'printed, and d1s,tributed. n ( . By mot1on made, by Cotnm!ssioner Allen' and duly 'seconfled by Commisslone~ Surber the board of commission re-appo~t- ed L. B. Byen, Jr. J. S.' Waters, Jr. and S.Swa1n~ to _I serve on the bctard of equalizat10n for the ,ear of 1936,. ';f... 'and inst~cted'the Secretary to draw an ordinance in eom- pI1ange'wlththe State Status, Ordinance :/I It>J' Voting Aye-Commissioners Allen a.nd sUrber~' .. , Nos. None: continued on P. sa ~, 88 Mr. C. W.Geen, on be~ilf.Qt .4.'ih.~ tJnj.v,ers1:~y Cle~ers ask the Council f~rpermi,s.s1on" .:tom,ark off a space in frQnt of their shStpfor ,loa-timg, zon6,andmark same "trucks onl"". The Mayor advised that this would be sa~tls!'actory . and tnat t116 Council ,would ~elect. t,lla space. ,"_ n .tJ Upon motien made by Commissioner Surber 'an,d o.11,ly second- ed by CC>mmissioner AIJ,en, theCoUDeil ratified the act~oi:l;ottheSeeretary and Mayor in. the ~yme;p.tpf cer- .'taiiJtacQ.Qunts bonds and int~restcoup.()ns, rJ~presented by ,.tlle.fol1.owing vouchers. aener,al #3256 #4166 . ,. ,.1;0 #3346 "#419'7 . Water ~ . Voting Aye-Commissioners Surber an.d Allen. No,s.. None: ~ Mr.$cottShamb8J!tgb., paving centractor" ,Jl~.S .'~e:;3ent and ~um1:t:teci,"pr:;i;e&s. for ,the' .p,av;tng,o"! cer!ta in,se~t1'o:til,~:>:()n ~Df',f'a10, Speeo.way, and advis~d that the )lntersee~1on:s' wb:l'eh,~ to Joe paid b~ ,the €;1ty w01;lld., b,e $2,~oQ.;0,Q $nCl. queted and price of $580.~ to~ ,completec ,,~fja.eing o~ TennisOourt in MontieelJ.o Aadition. He wasaJ.so given authority P71' j*;eC,Qunel'l.tQ;CQ.ta,,"''bf:iJ,.,J.;P1>>~:f1iIQ1QlerS on. BUffaloSpe.clway, am.dseeure their permiss10n to pave ,the 8 foot strip at a cost 50': per front foot:. lie;; ~;lso quote<i a price of $2 ~J.'10..00 to resurf'ace i with. asphaJ.t top- <ping'and:'a slxiJleb; shell': baseon13elmelltStreet, PEttween ,Bis.sonett and 'Bn1,Vi,ersi'W:' BouleV'9rd,. '!'here b-eing Be f'urthernsiness to come before the Com- mission, uperl motion being made and duly seconded, the meetmg :was declared adjourned. f' I i I I ,{ I ,-------/.' 'APPROVED, t:<.. !I> <!' -a.~~.. : ;") , "\',' _-co:' -,) _~_~ :_> ~..... __' . .~~ ~~~ ~. ~T.EST.. .' ". /....' ~M CIT . . . .' CRETARY , ,'j , . _ >'._">'~""S'.:~'-:_ j ------- '_ ._-.'L.:': ___I ,_-.1 ,~~f -'-~~-.-.~::-:-1 f' i- . I ~ ,. i r I I , r , I i Uo. .U..~..' .. .. ~~-.--~-~ 89 REGULAR MEET IN G ~ MONDfi,' MARCH 23,-----1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER-------CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Conmissioners Allen and Surber, and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance.' Mr. C. N. Franks~ contractor who is building a house at 4016 Tepyson Street appe.ared before the Council with reference to an adjustment on water 1;)il1 which he claimed was accessive. After an investigationthe"Co~cilauthorized the Secretary to makefln,~4.justment ;f'~r t:Q.e ~ st two Il1ont:p.s. 't.o the Ihdmimum eharg~ Ot~:k! gq.p~r'iin?~l:te... '}4ot1oit .~a~e/QyQ()~~sioIfer Allen and due to Cominis s ioner Surber being la t6 d th+smotioti was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. . Voting Aye-Commissioner Alien.and :rY1ayor Hyett. The Council again approved the agreement and the autporiza- t~on ofthesra~o'+~;I;ot 26 Block 13 Rice Court to the Realty Service Corperation of whieha eopy of this agreement was presented by Attorney Sonfield,signedby,'t1;ie"ayor..and See"; retary ,~d;pltteed in the files of this office. .. . Mr.Rey RoweJ.l presented a map and plot of 8 acres of land ad- joining the llort,'n)l:ine of Prestton Place and east line of Monticello~ Tlie'Council refuse to accept and approve these plans ~ as the improvements and developments waS not sufficient, and did no t conform. wi th tba t of o'tb.er additions in that sec- tion of the city. te r.~e . ,I The Secretary was ~n authorized to write a~letter to' Layne Texas Company advising that it will be satisfactory for them. to start work of cleaning' out and repairing water well~ d3:>ill- ed by' themselves abuut two years ago at College Avenue water plant. There being no further business to come before the Conmission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. Approved )....... .................I~-~..i~~.~.~~~. ......1 , r 90 ! t r:- 1 : fl, 'IJ: -t .~. Due to no pusiness to txoansact, the meeting sche- dule for Monday March' 30th, 1936, was postponed u.zitil the next meetihg date. .; APPROVED ~1M~ cr 'E~TARY . u 1 ~~ - <- ~'-'~i [ ~.~~ '~ j J 9-1 -' . I I I ,)- J \1 I I - 1'1 1/"' I I i I I , REGU~ MEETING~ MO~AY ~ APRIL 6th , .1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER----~-GITY HALL, WEST UN-IVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS.. The Commission convened on the .tor~going date at 7:0G P. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Coml1ssioner Allen ~ndCity Secretary Jarrard in attendaBce. Dhiee. J'Ji ..Ai::'14.etealf presented a bill in ~ the anJ,ount of .$:3~50f'or 6 books to be used in keeping records in the fire department. Commissioner Allen made a motion ap- proving this bill for payment Which motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye~Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None: ~ ] As per instru.ctionof the Council the Secretary wrote the Oi ty of Houston, February 24th~ calling a ttentlon to the 48 inehst6r'm: sewer installed iJ:y this eity~ emptying into a 24 incb line with that of Houston, about 300 teet west of' the Reinerman sewer~ I:n'a,r~Jjly'~fronf the city of"- Hou~'ton;'CJ.a:ted-March 2l~ they advised that the grade of the 36 inch Sewer is such that its carrying capaei t'y , due to tihe.' g1?ade, is the' same as the 48 inch storm sewer in ~W-~iaifUniversi'ty' 'Place. Due to the roof' on the City Hall leaking in several places theSeeretary~ was asked last week to obta1ned'l:fids troin' ,. :3 or 4 roof'~g con~raetors ,whieh the following bids :'NC~L"::' Pyr~~d Asbes~os Roofing company----1192.50 MC~~nzieRcibt.~g Company,-----------~- 'J..89~OO Seli.ne Shee:t'Me~al Works------------ 400.00 Coale Roofing & Disc. '00.--------- - 191.00 were presented to' the Council. After due consideration a motion Was made by Commissioner Allen to aW!3.rd the con- tract to Coale Roofing & Distributing Company~ and in- structed the Secretary to advise this .firm, and ask that work :bestaP-ted -Qn, or about 4pril 15th, 1936, which motion Was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. r I I (. "- Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos None: Sometime ago Mr. P. R. Plumb of the Service Realty Corpora- tion advised that if the city would furnish the materials they would stand the expense of the labo;t' in laying a six ineh water line down Barbara Lane in Pemberton Addition. After a considerable discussing Mayor Hyett called Mr. MaGee of the American Cast Ir'o~ Pipe Company and ask him ~ -._, < - '. :~=_..- " ,'> ~ \~ I.' , ~"'>'p{l.+"";>- , ~.~-= ~r=------"'"- :-~ --y- '92 to come before the Council at thi's meeting and submit prices on six inch cast iron water pipe. Mr. MaGee submitted e. priee on. 592 feet of pipe of 74~ per-t6ot.c Go~ss1onar Allen made a motioE. giving the. Mayorau'tl1.orl ty to place an order 'Eor this materlaltobe delivered within the next 12 days, 'which motion was' duly second- ed by Mayor Hyett.. ~ .'" Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyatt. fl" .j J l " / Nos 'None. ,', . There being no further business to come before the Comml salon, upon motion being made and' duly a econd- ed, the meeting was declared adjourned. APlR OVED ~'" . . . C'O ,.]3 .;I01fER : . ~~'-~/~~ . COMMI SSION:ER '. . . . ~.. . , ."('ti/vl~~ .... ,cr' '. CRETARY . - . ATTEST J' CI TY SECRET~ COMMIS SI OHER . 'f ~ ! " rt,-(." -"IC' '0;:1' (\1\T',:;,p liV_.._.. .l.'.' ..; ".i.J.l->> c 1..... ,. ~/ , -~~....,.-"-. 1 ,~.o~._~,- I "~~ -- l' LJ I I 1 r I 93 '~rl" ).. j . I 1 '., ~ . ,; , ." 'UGULtiL MEETIWG. f . ~ :MQNDA"Ni.J.PRi:i.U, '13'.m,1936:): '. COUNCIL CHAMBER - - GITY llALL, WEST UNIVERSI'l'Y PLACE;~XAS. . ; '> " . . ;: ~,.:. ,- ~ ," .:", . ~. ,The, Commission ,convened. :0:0: th~Ff~:r1.g~ug date aip""::DO P.M. with Mayor Hyatt presiting,. Gomm.i3s1~ners Allen aml>fhmb:fm and Cij;y Secretary Jarrard 1n attendance. . Mr. Houek,Gontraewr, at the requ~~t of secretary - appeared before the council wi.th plan's't.er,~cai :;5 apartment builting to be located on let 1, block 40, Wast lIUversity PJ.ace 1st add.. i tiOD. After cens1d:erablediseus sion the council dec14eQ that in their 01>10. this,:ciiti notmeetn th '. the building restrictiaBs ili' til11.~1:'44i'tYin';u; iiit;:'therefo~e rejected the 'plans advising Mr. Houe1t that the city could not iss-q.e a building pernd:t. ;. .;' oA.. 'rlie . jiee~e~arj'was us trueted to wr1 t8 a le1:;:ter ~ thes.e '.1n the we~t sect:1one~.~ tha..~ ty who 4o..ntt:ti~~:!' .'l!~~~-r ,JIl~:t:!,~r! and . are pa:rmg a"tlat .ra'tem-FIF'l'Y UW~~ each a: 1tl()jj;th~'ana. aQ.v~.e tha,t::~t::'l~.i:e<essar7.thi:t the e1't7' '~$:tall metersalloWhg the owners uhtl1 January ls1:;.193'7, to'P." ter meters with mon~hl,. as arranged fer with the Oi ty Se~e"$rJ'. '. . A'motien autnorizing the above was rns,.q.e by Comm:1ssioner Surber sece~ded 'by Oonmdss:1oner A.l.ltm. . .. Voting Aye: .Commissioners Allen and Surber. .. No: lIone. u For the purpose of speeding up collee~1ens on water accounts . also al~ewing a red:~etlon on wateJ.' .'bills the Gouncil authorized. an Or41i1ance granting a 'rD' (10) ,lit eENT'diseount en ement , water b1l1& provitiDg,,pa,men) 1s ..~~"and r.eee:1ved in of'f1ce en or eetere tlr1e.1Gth of month :tel~' . g ~teot bill. The secretar7 was 1Bs.~ete4'to cllarf.ge " .. tJr'esent tormor s,ta'tement so as to shew the ~oss amount ct'b13,.l~ diseo1m.:t and net amount clLue for w& ter ceD:sum.ed. Sacra-tuy' w.~ ., also1n,stril.cted . to mail ' letters .to eaeh of tn.e consumers "a4id.sing tl;lem of the advantages. Commissioner Surber matie a motion a-g,tbor1s1n.g the above which was duly secoue4 by Ceim1)1s&loner Al.l_.' . . . Voting Aye: GommissienersAll_ 8Jl.d Surber. No: None. .: ~ Theabevechan.ge' as' i1ela.tes to wa1;~:p- ~CCOl.mts was made affective as or Apr!l ls't,lS36. . Mr. O.H.:Kel1e~f6330 Belmlmt, adv+~~4 ~bat the.sewer was stopped &omewhe~e in.n3.S back yarn, and stal?eq. that S3-nee this is a new jell same having 'beem 1n.,pectf)d a,ndpa:!jsed by ourinspeetor that the 01ty was at taul,t 8Jld shouJ.d eei'reet the de!ec't. . Mr. Barnhill advi~:U!td that after an investigat1on. he found th:LS stoppage was 'Que to a drain .in the garage, which was connected atter he h.,ad inspected and pa~sed the sewer jOb that w~1nstalled by the g$neral contractor Mr. L.J . Perkins:. .IDne iiaparsta-ted 'that inas mueh as Mr.. Pe;pldJils d1.d nElt ~ve a.e1:l.cen se X! d2~!yn~i~g within thel1mits 9f Oity of--Wes1:; Univers~ti'1 f'~aee .u... e",p . I i I' I I I "r: . ~ .....-"",..;>.' ::-'] _' 'i L. . 1 ___.....L.l 94 r I I I with Plumbing Ordinance, that the seeret~7 give the necessary 1nte1'ina tioD. to City A t~lnleJ:. 'to' .fire e~ge.1:n. the Corpora tie:n C0urt~. . . ~ . There beblg no further business to come before the Commission. ' up0n met..1en being made. and duly seeondecLthe .meet.1ng'l1&sdeclared . atijourne4. ' . , . . '. . A:RPROVEI) : . . of '....:- " ..~~ '. \, \. " ,. 4-, . ;:: .. < .~ , ~. ~." ...~" ',; ". .-' . . .,",0 . ...... j'.,-;.~\~~"..~!~,:. ~:-..,-; ~'- .. ,'<y >, !-".\:" ". : ~~-~...,,~:,'" '~.>' '., ; .-:r"" ~ _.-. ... ~, '\c.. . ",: '..1.. ..:(: .. <<'". . " L?;.~ ~.;. " . -. .~, '. . \; ;""..i..' t. ." - ." ,', . . ~ '<. ~. . , ..... -t,'".,~ . . ~ h~'~ .~ . .' " ~ '-~ .C.o>;_ +. ...... tip/~ . . , , '. '18,A~O:D... . ~ ~~ JU,.A;;.LI ft+ .~.' .~~..~ .'- .."~,.",'9 '.. :""".""'" ',,_" '" ,. ",'C€>DI . IOm!lR . \ " ~:-' ~"I, .~ , , ..>.. c ~ . ~ ,', ~. ~ 'fl'" .' I . l i . / n , / I' I' .""~ 90." !. rl.. . I -\ ./, ..~.. The meeting acheduleci for Monday. April 20th,1936 was postponed until. n.ext regular DJ,eet1ng date. 'l~ APPROVEP: OODI SIONER ~~,~ ' O'MMISSIO~ER I(~l f' 1 J . I I , I '/ I i i i . ,. ........... ~ A -;--=--------==-=::-~ r--- - - --'-.=-:'_ :1 -= 96 L-~ " ~; ~-.~-~ -T~- ~ " ~~" <; . ;:".' c " - N e .- ,~;... ~...~,~- '--r-- ~--LI n I ! i J- n I I ! I l'J l' t I. ., ;-] I . l. IU ,~ .97 . ~REGtn.AR'MEE'lI:N3 . Mo&A~~APRtr, 27TH$3G. , . '. ,.... .' .. . GOmH~I~GAMBER --eITY']fALL 'wES!f ,dIVERSiTY paCE.~ ) The Ce1lU1lissione4 convened on the foregoing --date ,at- ',:00 P.M. with M"yoP'Hyett p~es1f11n:g, Commissioner ~lJ..n and City Secre- tary Jarrard preseiiii~ Gefmniss'1oner Sub~ &osent.. Mot1on .wasmade-'by . Gemm1ss1&ner . A11.en author.izing_ :the-Secretary' to pay the following hvoices:- . tH~~' ::.:....~ ...~.. II'.; :::~. ",:~ } . job). l' $ American S'te . EleetrlJe lUEtt&r a:ri.t~r j1Jmp ~or sewer _ ' . {erdered b't' MayoI' Hyett) . . :,,; . ' ...... '- T ~ . l . . ,_ l"" cOa'i'e"B.ei1hg & :Dlsv1butiftg' CO' Repairing roef'of C1ty Ha11 as par corlt.rae'i.'~ . 191.00 'lhis mot1en was duly seconde4 by .ayo~ H,.~~t., . Vot1ng:Aye: Commissioner Allen and 1Ia701' Hyatt. 1101;1n8 Ne: Nene. A1'$tt~fr,01its(;1f~7'>iJ.Hedg8'S~Pav1ng C~n.ba~1-' regar41ngthe pr:1ees ':fl:.z.-;:iftlp~~g !'tlte ''C1ilWt', :jut of -(.t~.,: ~p$;';ea:< '86'01:1011$ on Buffalo Speea-waj fI'C\lm B1srin:eif'to Be_I:la14'."B~t'ihevari, ('-r<ir the - net s.. of 'lWEITY TWO (22) cents per squuet*rd. for approx1m.ately 5.109 .quar~ ~ards . Frice quote411:J.el'\1~e. Shaping up the p;resent base, t,pping w1ll consist of oneha];f'plleq of asphalt and 1/50' cubIe yard. of limestone per square yard. Tb.e}~r ad.vls:.a'.that the matter ()f P...v~g 1Rtexaseetions as above - , des~ed bf) hel,.4 1m..abeyaaeefer the ~$.~-bf.t1.ng alse.advised that itDu~;7'bEJai.v1.sable 'to ~t a pene'hrat~~.. .11 on .11a.e unpaved sections, wh1.eh 'W$V4 .p~.yeJkt" the dust from blowing' anti this treatment would . serve i;h.' pepojei' tJ~porar117. . . . ~!.:. :~ ;:~.~~~~:~.J ,G~~~.t~:;'~: .... ., f - ,"" ~. , ') t,:;.i; ;' :.~::1.~. .. r..., " .._~ ", ~ '." .' .,~ .,....~. ....~ ~...,,", j - . . .,.. i:~_ ./ ,:.~~>J.$ .~ .<:~;::.\; (). - '""": ~ ...." (:_~~ ".,::' . -:,~"~. cf: ~~.~~;~: .,~... .,-. .w~. "". .-. >,,'" ",,'. ...: ~'"" oJ ~;"-_1,. ....,... ~ .->: . Forwarded ._. ., ......-. . . ~ ~ . i~/.r ~:: 'r, ;;:' : .~... .~ .. ~"'-~" .-.... . . 7?t.>~~~? :-7"~~~:::~7~~~'''''+~-- .:.~~ ~~~. ~.- 1 ' 1- i r--- I r "'0 "tJ.) "" ~~ \: ',' . ~ I f I , t - ~, Upon motion made by Commi.ssiOI\ler Allen and duly second- ed by Mayor Hyett", ~t~e .couneil ~a1;i:fied the action of the Secretary and Mayor 1n t~epa~~~t~,~~ certain accounts ~. bonds and interest coupons , represe.nted by the following vouchers; General ,Fund i!'~' ,li{'os" 3347 to 3475 Inc. tt~19rf to 4?17 fl Water ~ - n Vot.eing ~ye: CQrnmis~ion~r Allen and May<;>r Hy~:t;.t,. Nos. None: ... ,,':was suggested by the Mayor tha." " . ,ric V1'~-;~p" fountain be purc1ias~4 a~t~e -,.Ci ty is noYf p~y+ng "ab~o.ut $5.00'per month ~or ic~".and the,'pr~,sent coo~~er is' , v~ry unsanitary. This fountain could be placed in the entrance of the City Hall, where it ,would be of s,erY~ge: to all. . J ", . . i .'lnle Mayor and Secretary was given authority to ..~~~lWe;, prices and .information on various makes,and same'would be given flWtliler consideration., ;" ." ~ '. .--" , '. : (, !!<,i-c ~ ~ ... ',' '1'~' .." WJ;l~~~{,Q-e~:ra-g '~9 ~t1lr,t):1er _.bv.s~~61ss to :eome.,be~:o.re tn.e ,.Com- :,-~~~$;OJfh,,::upo;n II19tion b.ej.ng~':lllade a~4d~ly"s:e;~onded:.th;e 'me~.ti~g _wa~'d~cl~~edadjo~Ja~:d.., -' . . '< . .:~.:~ ' "-" -. " . .'. ',. ~~ ~ . '" 'J- '\ ~:; ..r,...;:- :~. "..: ':'.~'.: ~.1 .'. ,'. . .~., ,..' c. ,. v nn VEP ~.- -~. : ..r;:'J.\ ~._. ',': _ .' .,:A..P ,~. .0 .....' : :'j ~,-. . <,,1 .' "_i ,~ . . J $ _ ~ ,.~ J ,<~~J:,: ~~:-. ;'~..:"'1 , ~ Y'~ ,,- ~ ,~ . .. ~> . " ...~ ~ <.,-. ,<' l.. ~" _ .. . \;" ~ - ~ " , A'XTEST: v ". ..{.f-.1 ~ I r Emi?) 1 l \.J " I }' I U ! If]" J " .. r- I i 1 I \'~J I I I I .. 1 . , ,h :99. The meeting scheduled for :Monday :May 4th, 19'36 wa.s postponed until next regular meeting cia tee :. " < ~, . , ,.;. "'. -:::^~: \.:.. '"j-' , ~ . . . ":"". '"'. :. . . . " ,.;oc, 1--. r . - ~ ..--.----=-==--~ """"~ APPROVED: ~ .. _~ ..~_ ........-k.. _ 1rOD ! I I i \l . f t l' . b" .,.,.""""x,~,..;;,'"_.,,, 1<";;1',:;,.0"0.""--""'" J REGULAR MEETIN~, . MONADY,MAYllth, t935, COUNCIL CHAMBER-------TCITy,HALL, WEST UNIVERBI TY PLACE, TEXAS. ~, , ", . I The eommission convened on the f'oregoing date at 7:00 p. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding miLd Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attend- ance~ 'j " " I. . Mr.B. A. Griesenbeck and Mr. Roy Powell was present to again discuss the detaj.l~j.n the s,]w-dividing a small tract ot -ac;reage in the SOuth WestJ corner adjoining " :rreseto~.'Plae.', e on the South and Mo~tieello, on the West. This wa$, Qis cussed a t a pr evious mfreting and the coUn- cil re"~edto acoept the plans and plat as tl1.e1iu;nprov- meIits'1f~~e""~~frlim1ted and the layout did note'onf'orm with tb.atfi.)f' other additions in tb,ls ~i tyGr:~Join1ng this ,p~'.perty. ,The - Coune-il'agaih ,~ejeetell1::b,.e'se'plta.ns . ~~:=l~:~~~~~t_~:~m~~:i: ti::. di~e I ::: ,:::a~i;~ ::reet ." answer "~'@S, 't€;,ta.l1GiYing him to conneqt with our Water and '~ew~J:I:'~I'!l!i'j:r~5was asked by the mayor to complete his plans a$la revise the plat and the 00unci 1 would give same f'urther~nsiderat1on. 'l' j " , i-~ I ' .l . ". j Mr.G. T. Grubbs, representing DavId Hannah or Boulevard L$;n.d COll1PatlY, withref'erence to an ladjustment in their . taxes. 0~ property 10cated in Cambridge Place. A motion 'was znaae by comm1ssioner Allen autJdoriz~g the ,Secretary t~make a s-patement of these taxes If'or the past year s' . - and reduce' the values, and f'1~e "tihem: on the basis $1,"150. . per acre and alsodll:educethe PeDal~y t04~ and Interest . tQ 3$.' The abovemot10n WaSdul,Y"Sjec.?nded by Commissioner Sur'ber. ,,,I' '. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. NOne: n l J . ,,~ Due tQ so many complaints regar~ng cows being staked on vacant lots 'next to homes and c~eaiting nUisances and si:nce' the Council ha::ff'ound manyol these complaints just- ified, . the~ find ~t.neeessary to t:;ke s()me jaction to correct this cond:Lt:LGn. It was suggested by .the Mayor that the city Pa'ss an ordinance linliting one cow to a f'amily. The Beeretary Was instructed to refer to the City of Houston Ordmance and report sante to the Council at their regular meeting. ] Fire Chief J. A. Metcalf' was prese t and stated that there was g6i~.:O be a s:ate Maet~:~~~::J::::~:n t: .b~O::;d in ]-- ]~i ~_L::O~~,'=:"'"==-:~_C~:'~~ _ ~______i---.l-- 'f ~] } i ., \ t,_ & i < { i ! ! ( ,~ // / 'b )j P;;~ .~. 101 Ft. Worth on June 9th" lOth and 11th, d asked if' the city would stand thete.xpense of six est University Place Firemen to attend as, ~. tea' . d ~asSured that the expense woulanot ~eeed $106.:6,. Also,cstated that he f'elt the Fire Marshall shoul. ,.lso atten'd, for the period of' this meeting. Commissio er Allen made a motion author- izi:ng-tha Seeretaryt~iss. e a cheek'in the amount of' $10,O.OO'f'or" thispurpos a; whiehmotio:n was duly seconded by C0mm1ssioner SUrber. .' . Voting Aye-Cc5n:lll1issioner Allen and Surber. . . ~ Nos. None. . .' Commissioner SUrber made a motion instructing Ira.Harris to seetha t.th.e debris -of'the building' on tne 'West.section of"University Bouleirard'be~removed- or burned, to eliminate a hazard alid - for the pm-pcs e of' safety; 1JVhiehrllotion was q.uly seconded by Commissioner Alleni. . . .; .. t~ J) flvJ ..., f'(jJ ," ~ . . ~ Commiss 10ner Allen made a motion authorizing Joe '~ke 'bo' ;1'ita...,e :.thEvwindshie'1danddo'or' g1.asses replaced. Mr. Surber .adv1!sed: that. since lie 'wElsinthe,au'Gomobilebusiness he(c@U1:&"ge-'b s,",specia1' price.. Theabo've 'liiot~onwas -duly se~ondt&~>b-, .Mr..' Sur~er.' " {_~~~.y ":"," T.: ,-~i ~~.' ,.; ~ . . Vot~il1g-A:y~-Comm1s8iner$ Surber ;and Allen~ Nos. None. Q'omm1ss'ioner,Sm"'ber mace a - moti0n :giv1D:g ~. Mayorauthori-' ~r'~to:p;areha.;se';one car ',6f' shell and secu1?&nj;.lticeson grave1. . This. sna1:1 tooe, 'US$Q inthepat~ng;6f hol~s in ,var$ous streets, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner 'Allen. Voting Aye-ColllllDss-ioner Surber and Allen. Nos. None. 'There being no further' business to come bef'ore the CemInis';' s.ion, up0nmot16n 'being made and duly ,seconded the m~eting waS a.e'leared adj0umed. -, APPROVED . .. .~ c Sm.: ONER . ~4~ . OMMIB50NER ~~~'l -. 1-~---- -. --r .102 I I I ! i r ~ REGULAR l\fEETING, MONDAX, MAY :18. th, 1936, COU~CI'L CH~B~-----~-CI~HALL, WE~T YIjI VERSITY PIA CE ,TEXi\S. I ~o,.r ) b'.. -1;,-....-. Q. .f] :J . ~I' ~~ 1 : h.- '. .The Co_ss'-on convened. ~ntJ;lE:)f':or~going'a.ate at 7:00 r. M.wi th,'M~,J:~:r Hyett. ])re~iGl1Ilg a.t}.d qomniissioner~' A11~n and Surber and City Secretary Jart~d in attendanoe. D~ Fred M. Hugh~s appeared before ,tl;l.e Gounc~lw.:i tha se1;; of planK tor his residence to be errected on the back of Lot 6, Bllr. ;#4,\.West University P1ace,2~~. adQ.i.tj,~n,: facing Merc'er street, and advised that the City had re- fused to ;1.~Sl1e a '1;)ellmit for. this bui1€U,ng,asitdidnQ;t ~('Il1ply~ th:thebui.la,ing4'~e$t;LrG.tioJ:ls.' 'rlle, cQ;\I1; of this hoUse' ,is. tn.; eX~~ss.' - Qf $4'OO,.~O ~. and the amount req~~ed ~o:c pv.1lQ.j..ng~o~ +ot~ ;,;f'~cingUni versi ty Bjjt~ley:ardi~- . $5000.00. Oomm:iss:ro:t}.e:l:'Al,le:o., Wtas.~n, f,avo~ of issuing this permi t as the house is to face Mer cer Street on the North 50 by .1001't. - o~,th:l.s.. ;J:.~t" ,_~ll~peb:V: .making a .~ ".is~o~ ~Il this proper];,.. The Mayor adv:ised Dr. Hughes that they would discuss the matter further and advisea h:\rtn. w:1;t:q.1n the next c9uple days as to their deCision. ~ ~. :, r -' , A le'tteJ::.t~0111 the',~4Y-4rm~d .CotnP~ny, ~4vi@.i~g~,i{~t Iii. . .~O$~;ett1eme:nt .~~:rul~p$;yrg.ent cr1' ,tAeiI' .olQ.~lJ:~~p,te.dnes,Q W01l1d.be ~'eQ;~~ta~,1~, wl;LiQh :l.a..in the am OWl t Qt.$~~9.66, was presented to the Council to be a.ctedul;)on.. CQmmiss,j.o1:l~r A'llen S,ta te~ thats ince we have settled debts, made prior to 4Wi.l l.&;~hc\'\ l~l o~$r c:r~eQ;1t'l)rs: G~ thj,sbas1s he .Woulq.make , a ,:~o1s~o;tl i":~v.:tporiz.,lng '~:Q,e ~$cl'et~ry 'tQis:sueuacheck, tor' this ,.s,m.~t,'~,!hj.ehmotion,w:a~ 'Q.)lly ~econded by :CoJDIIl1s~()nerSur- ~-. - Voting Ai1.-1:Jomm~ ss j,oner ..A.lleIl' .and Surber. , Nos None. ,- 'Tb..~ CoUtl.cil ,gate the: Mayorautbor,i ty tQpurc}la.sea CB;i;' of gr.r;~el wh:l.eb i~ ,to be place,d at the Qi ty l)-arns anq. ~o1;Je us'ed. for 'tne repairing of the skln~f"in th;e.. pav:Lng 'in, the first addition. A motion was made 'by Commission Allen and duly seconded by Commission Surber. Voting Aye-Oommissioners Allen and Surber. Nos ~one. (1 'lJI l . Joe Clarke, ". policeman asked for permission to take a months vacation, beginning with June 5th. He was advised that it would be satisfactory, but he would only be paid for the. usual time, 15 days~. 11 ~ <! ",.~ ....:1- n ' 10~r There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion"; upon mot~oll 'geing made and duly seconded the'meE3ting w~s declared ~d'j o'Urri~d. AFPROVED ~ ~ ...........u...f.........:.......... 1 . .I , '. ) -- - 1 ; I r -- '--', , r IV't FRIDAY MAY lath, 1936. '~J" - ~ . , . . . .\- . The P.ia.yo~". and Secretary reported on a meeting called by the bond 'holders and held at 10 o'clock in Mr. J. R. Phillips's o~~ice in the Esperson~Building. The ~ollow- ing bond representatives were present: Mr. L~ J. Kelleher, representing the Equitable Li:te Insurance Com- pany of Iow~" Mr. D. E. Dunne, representing Durme Israel Company o~Wichita, Kansas, Mr. Rans,em of Ransom Davison Company o~ Wi chi ta, Kansas, Mr. J. R. Cravens o~ Se.curi ty Trust Company o~ Austin, Texas, Mr. J. R. Phillips with J. R.Phillips & Company of this city. This meeting was held ~or the purpose of discussing a system of refWlG:ing the city of West University Place Gen- . eral Ftmd 'Bonds' and Warrants, and also the water works-bonds. The Secretary furnished th~.BRc~~~r~ f~~~y~1 reports. After a very lengthy discusSiOn;;.,:a,..tnt1.~l made by Mr. Kelleher which was accepted by the bond holders, and they were instructed 'by the Mayor to reduce same in wri t- ing as an agreement and contract so that it may be present- ed to the Council of City of West University Place for approval and acceptance. The Mayor called an emergency meeting for convenience of the Council at 2 o'clock on this date at the Rice Hotel. All members were pr:exent. This meeting was held for the purpose of discussing and approving the contract agreement submitted by the bond holders. The agreement was read and various details argued. After consideration, same was accepted and a motion made by Com- missioner Surber that this agreement be ac~epted and executed, which motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. All Voting Aye-and signing agreement-Commissioner Surber, Mayor Hyettand Commissioner Allen. Nos. None. rJ' '-~ . ." ! '. ; . j \. ,:" M e~a~journed.. .~~ I I \' I f l~ r r- ""1 : ! f. i J 105 r] :. i .3 l R~GU~R ~J,SETING, !dONDAY, ..'MAX., 25tJl, 1936; COUNCIL CHAlVIBER-----CITY HALL ~ ".... ... .: . . ~ WEST UNIVERSI TY PLACE, TEXAS. . . The cOmmi.ssiemconve1l6d" 0:0. the foregoing .date ,at 7 :00 P. M;.. with.)JIayor Hyettpresiding andCQmmissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance~ Commissioner S~ber absent. -{ .',' Mr. ;j. A.. Metcalf" Fi~e, Ch1~ ,.appe~r.et!~b'ef'0r~ ~J;1e,c6~- ciland as~ perm1.ss10n to' pUI,"chase' 2 pa~rs"of'bop,ts.,.~nd 3 s:J.,1..eke~s.:for't~,e' f~e. dei>artm,~t.. : ~ofi9nJ)YGo~ts~lp,n;" er Allen that the secretary issue an order, f.orthe];)1lrchase of'the 8.b6v~,. SecoI,lded by tJIayof . Hyett. .. ..' .: Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. .(:; . ( Nos. None. :- , I j . , Mr. D. R. Hollis cOmplained about the condltion of the Sanitary Sewerage in f'ront of' his residence on University Boulevard, stating that the y:o:Ci.n:ir is ver!-y off'ensive, ana. un~~n+.tary. . He wanted to know a~ to what .th,e city w~s . doing .to rush the.. comp:tetionof this jo.b. He was' advised by :t~e Mayor thattp.e city was doing everything. p6~S:ibl.e'. to complet:6 the repairing of this line., and if. weatherpe;r- . mitted, he felt . sure 'that they would' start backffl11ngwfth- in 2-or 3 days. . Mr. Harris was' given instructions to do what is naces,sary to repair the roof' on the' city garage, as it leaks in several places. . There being no f'UI'ther. business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded bl1e meeting was de~lared.a4j9~ned. (I .tJ A~FROVED , I ! ATTEST.: ..~~ . . ~--- CO I SDNER .~~ ..~~ 1 , I' '1 (~~H" "1 1/ rI\{U REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, .JUNE 1st, .1936, COUNCIL CHjMB]R-, _.."';';---CITY HALL . , WEST' UNIVERS): TY' ~ CE, TEXAS. . r'J' i . .J -" \ . Tpe Commi.ssion convened on the foregoing date at?:OO P. . M. with Ma-y-or Hyett presiding and Commiss :loners' Allen and Surber and,~it~ Secretary Jarrard in attena~nce. ,. Mr. C. T. Grubbs, representing The Boulevard~Land Company app~ar,ed before tl1e council ap.d asked for a r~duction in Taxes on' the HOx390 ft, beginning Lot, ~ Blo'ek "35 and. Lot 2, Blf>~k 34' Colon'i~'l Terrace ':Addition, 'sta,ting ,that there wa'$ about. 4 year's~:.:ta.xes' due; arid if the' valuations were rceduced they'would'pay the't'otal ampunt. The Mayor suggest- ed a total valuation of, $2',OOO~ f'or the 4, lots. . Commissioner Allen made amotion authorizing the Secretary to adjust the value to $2,,000. for 1935 and all prior years. Seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting.-A,ye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. None: .,' , Upon motion'made by.tJommissionerAllen and duly. Seconded by Comrlliss'ioner Surber,. the council ratified the action of . the Se'cretary and Mayor inthe payment of certain accounts, bonds and interest c-couponsrepr'es.ented by the following: !!> ...... Vouchers '. Genera.l Fund Ji~ter n .. ' No~ 34?5 To ,No. 4217 To 359? Inclusive 4241' tt Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen & Surber. N<os. None: The Secretary was instructed to advise Iir. Ha~r.is to see' that all streets Are properly graded after rains, if they have to work Saturday afternoons, and allow the men to take time' off the following week. Commissioner Surber made a motion to accept an easement pre- sented by Mrs. F. J. or Ollie E. Illig on certain lots in Biss.onett.Place,for the servicing of Sewer, Water and all publiC utilities lines. (See instrument in File) Motion was duly seconded b,y Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. 1 : l' ,.. Nos. None.: ~I Mrs. F. J. Illig advised that she had spent $180.50 for the construction of a sanitary sewer line to service lots in ' t continued on P.I07 ~~~ -'-1-'-- ._~ 1 ---~_____r { 1 '" , , .\ J. ( 1 : , I '\, j 107 Bissonett Place from southeast end of lot 10 and the north- east end of lot II, to the southwest end of lit 6 and the northwest end lot l5,. 'in B).ock 6, anp.presented an agree- ment for yhe .ci ty to execute ,making , the.,ci ty responsible for the collection of ,the a.bove amount with 6,& interest from those who will connect to same in the future. Commissioner Allen made a ,mo:t1onto. a.eceptsame; which motion was.dlu1y seconded. by ,Gommis,s,ioner, Surher. .y ..~. ,;). : Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. . None: : ~ t ~~' -;: . ,.' . -. > ,.. "t '..,. , ':Chere being nofur.ther~,busiiles.st to" ,come . befo~e the Gonnnis-.' sion, upon mot~6nbeing made -and d'u1.y,s.econded,~ ,:the,: meeting '., was' . dec.lared adjourned. ~ . APPROVED r;JJ;fi J8 .. ~.... 6'~~.,~ COMMISS, 0N~~~. ',>,~ . " -' > . I - --- I r-- . > _ ---LJ .1VO REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY,..JUNE 8th, 193.6, COUNCILCHAMBER~r-----CITY ~LL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS. (~I , J ~. THi .Commis si on convened on the foregoing date at 7:00P.. .M. with Mayor Hyett presdding ;and: Connnis's1.oner Allen 'and. 'Surber.' &,ecretary . Jarrard absent~. Sometime ago the Mayor was given authority to employ Fullbright, Crooker & Freeman, Attorneys to repres.ent the city in. the case of' Ralph Pleasant, versa the city of' West University Place, in the connection with a $10,000. Eri- gineer:i.Wtil;rrants issued for engineering fees for service rendered in the $520;000. p'a~ing contract in the 'west sec- t1e1!l'.of'.the city. The;attorn:eys to as'sist our City Attorney, Mr.. 'Senf'i ald.. . Com. 'Surli,>er. made a motion to pa'st an erdi- nance No.' providing f'or the emplowment of'these attorneys and. fixing their renumerations', which motion was duly seconded by Co.iss.i'Oner Allen.. Voting Aye-Commissio~ers Surber and Allen. No~,. None: ~.~ Se~r.etary.~sins~r:u.cted to pay certain interest coupons as presented.to the City National Bank, f'rom the Security. Trust Company, at ~ustin, Texas on Bonds of' the seco:p.d and third j~~s~. . :~.:is,~;st.o b'e paiAin accordance wi ththe agree- ment :Bmc'entItL, madEf with the bond holders;which meeting is .recorded in the minutes at an early date. ~he Mayor was given authority to purchase one car of' wash gravel, 3/4 inch,from the Texas Construction Material Com- pany, at a price of' $1.80 per ton, less 20~ per ton, provid- ing the payment is made with 10 days. There being no further business to come before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting w~s declared adjourned. APPROVED 1 I i. [ ) ATTEST: . / ~/VIAVJ#/ I . ECRETARY r. ,. .._;'.;>i " ~-1' -.. --- -~~ I r f09 .( I j .j 'j i J ., "' \ ,.,.. " Due to the Mayor and Secretary attending a law . su~tin the FederalCo,urt, .themeeting 'scheduled for Monday, . Jun:e,~15th, 1.936,'waspostponed.until theuext regula,r meeting d,ate,.. .c APPROVED ~.~ . . ~ A~ - . .~ .j~ '. ..~ . - . . CO~Iv1ISSI.ONER " " ~ ( I I ~j ! J !l" I~====L~l [ ~~~~ - .. ~-- 1.J [.110 I t I I I I I I, I 1 I j I L.- REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER--------CITY HALL, WEST UNIVER~ITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. .M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioner Allen and .Surber an~eCity Secretary Jarrard in attendance. A motion made by Commdssioner Surber authorizing the Sec- retary to issue a ch~ck in f'a VOl' of J.W . Mills ,Clerk of District Court, Harris Oo~ty, in the amount of' $132.35, which is tota:J; court cost in ,connection with the water work bonds suit, No. 217865.. ElvaWright,. et a1 versa City of West University Place. This motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. (~l I Voting Aye: Commissioner Surber and Allen. Nos. N.one: Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing the Secreta-ry , to issu~a chec~ln the amount of' $194.00tO-W.W~.' Short, Frigidaire Dealer, fo~ a water cooler, which cooler was in- stalled in the entrance of'. the City Hall. This mcvtion was duly s~condedby~ayor Hyett. . Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Mr. Harris was given instructions to do what is necessary to repair the roof' on the building occupied by Mr. Hatcher. Also be allowed the sum of' $50. 00 or$6e~OO for the instal- lation of' 'a bath tub. The motion authorizing. the above was made by Commissioner Allen and duJ,y seconded. by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Surber. Nos. None: -T The Council approved the engineering fees for Mr. John Calhoun, Jr. Engineer 'for vRriouswork performed in the past year, total $1,5l7.40. A motion accepting same was made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye-Commissioner Surber and Allen. Nos. None: Mr. Calhoun, Engineer, also presented a bill f'or$340.00 for' the use of his truck and trailer for" a period of 4 months, which was used in repairing of the sanitary sewer on Uni- versity B~umevard. The Council ref'use~ to accept this (continued on P.lll) r /', :j 'j 'j i ,/ \ J j , 1,., 111 statement as they felt ~ the amount was in access of' what it should be, and instru.cted the SecI'e~a?y to a~'i'i::3e Mr. Calhoun and ask f'or,' fur.ther. de.tails; astothe< amount of this account. The Secr~rtarypre'sented a let,ter from the ~~n Jacinto. Trust Comp~yc.a111ng our attention to. a pa.st d~ not~ on ,'the water. work property at College anQ,Mi,1-'!:;6n Street~;., The S~cretary was instructed to issue So check for the amount of'r$300.00, together with interest. This motion was made by COnimissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye-GommissionerSurber and Allen. Nos. None: The Secretary was given permission to purchase a map of' the City of West University Place and South Side # showing all details of' a;llproyerty within this territory. A Irl:otion authorizing this purchase was made b.Y Commissioner Allen and. duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye-Commissio~ers Allen & Surber. Nos. None: The City is at this time withholding payments of' approXimate- ly $1,500.00 f'or the'reworking and drilling of tne water well on the College Street Plant, whicn work was performed by the Water Well Corporation, f'or a reason that this company was' not properly incorporated, also on account of" claims f'iled by vari,ous creditors against the amount owingthls company. At the time this well was reworked the city was assure'd that when completed, it would produce not less than 400 gallons" of' water per minute. Since the supply has decreased to ap- proxima tely 100 gals per minute, " the Secretary was instructed to notif'y each creditor, that it would be necessary to spend a considerably sum of money to increase the production of this well, and therefore be necessary that we deduct the ex- pense of this work, from the amount now owing the Water Well Corporation. After this is completed we will then distributed the remainder in proportion to amount of the claim of each' cr edi tor. Mr. Dawson, representing the La:yne Texas Company, was present to discuss the condition of both wells and increase'the pro~ duction of our water supply,as.the present supply is not suf"f'ici,ent to meet our demands. Af'ter a very lengthy discus- sion, he advised that he felt sure if' the city would allow him to install a larger pump and motor and lower the Impeller Shaft to a depth of 150 f'eet, it would increase the produc- tion to approximately 350 gals.per minute. The cost of this installation approximately $1,oaq.Oo. He expressed himself ( continued Qn P. 112) J-: - '1 ,.1 11~ I I I as being confident that this well woulo. produce this amount of water. CommissioneI> Allen suggested that before we take any d,.efi- nit~ action, we get in connnunication with the SouthernFump and Engine Company, and have them investigate our ;trQuble and al~o make us a proposal and bid as to'their cost of in- . creasing our pumping capaci:t,. The Mayor suggested that .inasmuch a;s this is an emergency that we meet Tuesday or Wednesday"to take 'final action. ~ 9 ~l '", ' , . There being no further busines s to cOplsbefore ~the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ~' . I2./v7LJ~LL/ . G 'SECRETARY . ,,-:"<"~ " ,. ~/ ~ '11 L., 1 l..-l j 1 l.J. I, I I ~ jl lJ ''''"- 113 REGULAR MEET DiG, MOlIDAY, .rtnm 29, 1936, COUNCIL OHAMBER --------- 0 Ift HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7 P.M. with MaY9:r, Jlyett pr~sid~ng and. CommisfJioners Allt;)n and Surber. aJJ,d C ity SeCf~~~Y Jarrard in attendanc~~ I-~'" ;"~ ' ~/ r ~_;' :.:. ~. . . .'.; ~; . """ , <...~,,;. ~.,~:_ - : L Mr. S." E,..~ RcE?ie~~h.,~~~,d~.1?~'t~r,~' ~ . qo~*~l,4.~j~~ ~y~. ~tether there wa&:..an'l objectJ.on to .h~. bjiildine; a ,log residenoe on'seStreet in College V~ew Addition. He stated,tbilt tneeost of cOnStruotion would be. in exoess 'ot '$'41,000. Hewa:s~assured that this would be satisfactory and that permit would be issued as soon as he made appli- oation. .,' The Seoretary presented a statement of' reoeipts and dis- bursements for the'water"and generalfun~'ac0oRn~s -tor the month of' April, 1936. These~r~"were approved. upon motion made by Commissioner Allelland du.ly seoonded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: .Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos: None. Upon motion made by Commissioner S't1.I"ber and duly seconded by CommiSJsioner AlleR- the Secretary Was given instructions to issue a cheek for .20.00 to the Leape af Texas 'Munioipalities f'or membership in this organization from July' 1, 1956, to JUJl8 30, 193'. Vet ing Aye: Commiss loners Surber and Allen. Nos: lion,e. . 'fhere being no further business to oome before the Connnissiom., upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was (ieolared adjourned. APffi OVEn MA~/;dI- ~ '~~~ c~,'" ""~SIO' ' A~ ~. Ui' ~~ ~ -~ -~;,. ~~-l r' n. ". ._~ -~- 1 1.1 114 x The regular meeting of July 6, 1936, Wallf post- ponet\:unt11 t~ next regtllar meeting-date du.e to thr_ ,~e.l9r ~ ~~~~ ~!~,!~'c ~~~~i~, l:i;~p'~~~ee.i,e~tle , B,fffeliG'J~~~~;Q.l!.!3;W~!$ ,~:~i.l}.j;()", J.~~i!:,t~s.ome ~ up at that', time. " "'. ,'" . flIIIfr>>i. ". ;c~--~~ " " >/ ~ - "I.-..'-_.=-- -;-l~''"=-==~ _ _r ,--, _ _"'"T _ (] I '{ : '-../ .1 \'~T I ,J lJJi",&:o\;,/:~,u,!Y~.I...l.a\:!" J.:ll".I:IV.ru.;}.I.J'kli.t., iTtILY 9, 1936, 313 SEG OIm NATIONAL BANK BUIIDI:N:G, HOUSTON, RXAS. 1i5 The Commission C01W~~!:.:~ry~~~I~re~~~~'0!-t;,~iJ15 . :;,~ s~;~r lIl:i:r c~~t~~;t~~~~:t~t~lell ': " . . . . ~ - . Proper ~o-j;ioe 'Of tAis mee,tingwa~ given. to the members of the City Commission, copy of whiohnotiee is as ) . ~ ..' . follows,: , .<-- ltN0T:(CE PESPECnL MEETING I , , , , , , ' _~ . : -' ,-'. r' . , .,' To, the Me.mb."sof th.e"c~ty CQ~iss1ono; the , . City QfWest l1p.iversity ~lac~: ,', 'NofJCE is hereby given' ;t~t ~ specia~ iiJee-ting of the City Cemmission. o~ t-he City of West '," .' University Plaee will be held at Room 313, Second N~tiol1~::t .l~ankBl11ldi~, ;8.t12:15. O',!Ilook .f.JJI,..Aon the,.9t~,~ayof July 1936, f~or the pur:p()seQfpa~fl,- ing ordinanoes authorizing,t:p.eisBusnoe, of J~e:fu.1:l.ding Bonds' and Warrants of" tM City 01: West University Plaoe. Dated thi~, 9,th day of Jl1ly,' 19~6. " , , {signeci} R .'G~nyett Mayor, Ci:t;y of West l1niv~rBity " 'Plaee, TeXas. CONSENT TO MEETING ' , We, the undersignel members of" the 'city" Commission of" the Gityot Wes;tl1niversit,y,P.ata.ce, hereby aooept service of'the ':roregoing no.ioe, , waiVing any and a.llirregul~1,.t1es in sueh servioe an. sU,~h,~o:hj,C}e, and 'cori.s~n.tand agree ct)lat said." C1:t,y O~~~SC~E)n snaIl 'meet: att~e,t1.me', ana p1age: there:tanamea; am~f.~r\ ,t~p'~p;~~e,s. 'tl1ereiLn ~stat,e.d. n. B~ A~.leIl\ '(::~ Jl. a~b&r " , commlssioners. tI o;ithis~ the '9th day of, truly, 111~'6, th.e City Oommission or tp.e e,ityo:r. West U'niverSitYl'laee.,'f'exas., . convened in SpecialS.ession at, 313 Second Nat'iona); B$tik. Btlild!ng, Houston, Texas" all 1Uember.s thereof be~ng ,prefien1;;, ,'to- wit: R. G,. Hyett, Mayor" R. B. Allen., GODlm'ispioner, C. C. Surber, Com,rnissioner, at whioh time tne following among other1.:m.siness was transaoted, towit,:: , . Commissioner R. B. Allen introduoed a prQPosed opdinance and moved its adoption. The motion was 'seconded by , ,Commis'sianer C. C. Smaber. . ,The motion, earrying with it. t~ adppt~on of said 01'- dinam:oe, prevailed by the fOllowing vote: Ayes: Commissioners Allen and $urber 'Noe-s: None. The ordinance is asr0l1o~s: r ~ -~r~-- . _r--o---- - -.<'"]. . 1 -116 "AN ORDINANCE , BY._,~ 'il'Y;/9~M~~~:rqP)1f1 ,t~,GITY~f WE~T JJNIV,~~SITY PrACE A.l:P.f1IPR-IZ~(f~;Tn;;;r~s.UA;N~E OF Q'IT'! OF ,WEST UNIVERS lTY PLACE' .WATERW()tdts'RE~IN,G",.'BQ)fuS~ ' !GQ~G^T;:Q1G ,'1;JtE 'SuM ,:OF $4S/-"50.00,FOR 'TBE~'PURPO:8E' 'OF' REFUNDING $6S,9't)O.O_O CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, PLACE WATERWORKS BONDS, DATED AUGUST 26, 1929; ,PRESCRIBING THE ~0'!llJI OF l3OlJlID, PIBDGING..TBE :1 ' REVENtlESoF, SAIDSYS~ !f'OTBE PAlM$N'T (}FPfLI.NGIPA~ AlQ) ~ INTEREST OF SA IDBOliDs" AFTER; PROVIDnld FOR' TIrE Ex:PENSE "I',J, ,; OF OPERATING SAID SYSTEM, JIAKJNG CERTADi C.OVEN:EftS' OF THE c.i'l'Y D1 REFEREN~ _~O !f~BQl1D.B l\~~D THE BOND FUND FROM WRIDH $AID PRIlffJIPAL .AD ,INTEREST ,ARE TO BE PAID; PROVI:DnG ':f!~T '.fEE HQJl>~e6R, H;O:r.D~JJ~,OFSAmBONDS SHALL NEVE1l HAVE 'i;pIfE"'RIG1Pf 'l"OmlAlID 'PAm1f.f OF SAID OBLIGATIONS OTJT OF ANY F01fD~ ~I_~ OR TP' BE RAXsBP, BYTAXA'fI61i; AlID DE(HARIlIG ,ANEDRGENOY~'". ' , ,',)" CGmmi~s1.oner R.1S. ,:A"llen 1t.n'tr,odn,ee,o. ,a proposed ordinanoe l11'ld>,moved its adoption. Tliemotion was seconded :by C6m.missionerC. C. Svbe:r. .' , . ", .. . , , 'The motion, carrying wit.h ,it the a~option of- said or- dinance, preva':l;led 0'1 t.hefollowing vote: , , " Ayes; Comin1.ssione~s A,l<len and Surber Noes: No,ne The' ordinanoe is as follows : t " , ' "Alr~R:9niA::NCE' BY'TB';EC r.t'YC~ISS:rOJf- otTRECITY OF, WE,ST UIVl,5nSITY PIACE ,,'" " '" ,., '.', - , ' .. , ' ,,' I 'fEU$, AlJi1I011,IZING_TJm :l:S$WANQE' OF RE;Fm(DING, BONDS IN ~BE ' . AGGmGATE'AM6~ ',0.t '.aoa~a7'~,78i ' FOO 'TEE' PlJRPOSE OF P.f!.YING OFF, CANCELIN(}; Am:r I~' IiIEU 'OF A LIRE AMOUwr OF THE rEGALLY ISSu:EJ} AND OtTTe~A1i.PI~G "DTDEBTEDIm8S0F SAm CrfY, SAID OUT- STANDIN'G' .nU)EB~~DN$S8 ..bEIliG AS FOLIDiI'lS: CITY OF WEST W-LVERSITY P'IACE~I!'1!l!Ul\1;l'JG:~:'f,)B$.J DADlDMA.R~': 1, :l927, CITY OF WEST' UNlVERSItfI1PtACB FtT':N~ING 'B0DS,SERIES a; DATED JANWARY 1, lt929, C},ITYOF WE'ST UN':tVER~ITY P:LACE' FtlIIDING BOlIDS, SERJES OF 1931, ,DATED OO[10BER 1e, 1931" AlIDPROVIDrNG FOR TEE mn, ASSESSJ1fEN'f AIm CO'LIEG,TI€>N OF A:TAX ON ~' $100.00 VAUTA'fION OF ALL TAXABm m'OPERTY ,WITJiIN. T:HE -LNxrrS. OF SAID OITY TO PAY THE INTEREST ON ,SAID BG}!NDS AlID~6REA~A SDlKING FUND FOR THE REDEMPTION THEREOF, PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF , -. "'" BOED, AllD DECLARING ANEMERGEl~GY. '. . * ' (~ I 1 I 1: , I .j l- I ) v Commissioner G. C. Surber intr.odueed a.proposed ordinanoe and m~ved its adop~ion. 'The motion was seconded by CORl:rr.dssionerR-., B., AIJ.en. ' The motion, c'ar:ryingwithit the adoption of' ,said ordinance prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioners Allen and Surber Noes: Notte ' The ordinanoe is&s follows: 1 __:J_ _1 ,..,,. '1 ,j 117 11' , 1, "AN Otll)JllA:NCE , . BY THE OITY COMM~sr:O}f.O]\',THE -CITY' OF ,WEST IDJ~SI!Y P/DA.CE, ~S, Au~liORIZI:NG TIm I'SSUAECE, ,OF WARRAETS FOR THE,PRINGIPAL sw OF$86.t)OO.~$, FOR THE ?UR?OSE OF PA;YING OFF "OANCELING AlID IN LIEU' OF 'A 'LIKE< AM0'Uft OF ' , .. " " , , . ., , THE IEGALLY'J!SSmm'AlIDOmaSTANDING WARRANTS ,~F. '~"ID ClU, SAID OUTSTAEDING WARRANTS BEING AS li'0LLOWS: CITY OF WES1' UllIVERSI'I'Y PLACE IMPROVEMEft WARRAftS, 'SERms G, DA2ED J'AN:UARY 15, 1929, GIn QF WEST IDT:IVERSI1'Y PLACE F'01IDI'lfG ;WARRANTS, SERIE~ H,"DAfiID MAY 25, 1929,.' CIU OF WEST lfl{IVERS r,ry >,PUGE .p~€JVEM]gm WARRA bll'S#.smH~S: I, DATED J'l.TLY 1~1929,. CITY' OF WEST UNIVERSITY' ,PLAiCE 'PUBLIC lMPROVEMEmt. WARRANT-8 'OF 1~~9 ,~; DATED JULY 1, 19S~,;0.ITY OF' WEST' Ulf~8:n?Y '.p QOE '.FUNDING WARRAWfS, .:OF 1929, DATED~EPTEMBER <LO, 1929, 9ITY OF WEST lJNIVERSITYPLACE ENG 11f.EER-Il(G W:ARRA:mI'S'I'DATEJ)'J'UNE' 9, 19~O l AIIDPROVlDING FORTBELEVY, ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OFATAX WITHIN THE Lmrrs OF SAID CITY ''fO PAY TEE 'INIf'ERESTON AND CREATE A SINKING FUlID FOR THE REDEI\fPTION THEREOF"" AND' PRESClRIBIEG TEE FORM OF J:30~~ ANP DECLARING .AN EMERGENCY." A -letter r~oeived trQ1l1 Mr. L. J':. Kell~her: of .tbe, Equitable Life Insuranoe Go.mpany of Iowa stating that th~y bad up to this ,date pai<iout andoontraotedfor about $2500~O() in ex- penses in oonnection with the refundit\g.,o;fitJae bonds as, ap- praved and autJ:1orized to be refunded. at this meeting. Sinee it was ,an un.d.er~t~nding b.Y.the COUIl<:iJ,that :the O:1.t.,. would bear the .,expe:'nseo-t 're,;fUnding these, ,bqncls,. the:total of " whiola was 'sst-imat,ed to :be appro.4:imately$4,OOO.,OO.. ,The '8eeret~a.rywa,s i11f1,t!'Uo,ted ,to, mail :~,., Kel1.e-h~:r:a :q~eck for $2500.00 as per this letter and draw SaIne 0Ut of' the sink- ing fund,' City National Bank. Mr. Pat Daugher~y;: attorney for the b9.ndla.6,lders,.".a.nd M~.. R.,L. Jile-nfie].p'),'O'j,-sj";- Ilttorney, instructed thai; this,' check, be ~drawn.' out of" the s1nk1.ng funds. A m.otion authorizing the issuanoe of' this oheck was made by Qommissioner' Allen and duly sec~nded by Mayor Ryett~ ' . -< '" . Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Sl;lroer. Noes: None f I iJ t, There being no further business to come before the Comm.ission, upon motion being made and duly seconded the meeting was de- o lared adjomoned.. APPROVED AT~~ 01 C~TARY , ,118 G, RE(}lJ~,.T.1o MONDAY, J ~ 3, .36, , OOpGIL GH4.~" C lTY HALL WES~ tmIVERS11fYPIACE,IfEXAS , .~ . 1 :~~ , ~he. G:ommission "onv~ie4' on' the' f'orego1ng d~te at 7.:00 P.M. with. Mayor Hyett presiding and Gommissie>nE(r Allen 11 and Cit:r Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner ~:,':!,' , Surber ~as absent. ' , . , 'j , Tne Ma'yor,a~vised that Iir., Wiet> of' t}ae 14ont~oeiloCompany , l ) bad disoussed with him. regarding a one course rook asphalt topping to' be placed on' Robinho~d,. Tangle,. and Wroxton Road" w~1cJl exPe.nse:.~oul$i 'li>,~' borne by their Company. and a.:1sC[), ~advi8edtbat tb4lJ'lfouldaj;aaG. Wieirpro' rata of the expense in preparil1gthe base and~too with a one oourse rook asphalt. top on ,~e1niQnt 'Street.-Mr. F.A., :Hunter or the Montioello COn1p~ny was' preseht' and a.dvi~edalso that this Company would bear their part of' resurfacing of' this street.. By mot ion made by Oommis s10tter Al1.~n and ciu.ly atlQoaded 'by Mayer Ryett,the Mayo.r lWoS given authority topurohase one ear of' shell 'and one .oar ot gravel which is to be uSeG."in the repairing of streets in Westl1nivers ity Place FiI'st Addit1oa. ' Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by.Mayor ,Hyatt, the Council ratif'ied the 8.otiol1 of' the Se6>retary ~and Mayor 'in the' payment of' certain accounts,- bonds andinteres.t o9upons reppesented by.thef'ollowing: Vouehers Ganer,al Fund Water tt' No. ..359'7 .To 3780, Ine Ius ive No. 4241. To 4275tt Upon mom ion made by C ommiss ioner Allen and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett the Secretary was given instructions to pay Stovall and Tarver, attarneys, $650.00 as per their statement,'whieh is the balaut're:d.ue"in the suit filed con- testing the ,legality of' the $65,000. water works bonds. Voting'Aye: Allen and Hyett Noes: None Mr. F.A. Hunter presented a petition beari~g :several '1' signatures requesting that the City give imn1ediate at- ,), tep:~ion to' th~ pav~ng or retopping sf Belmont Street from ~ Rice Blvd., and Bissonnett, and also stating that this streetVfas in ave,*"y bad oondition. The Mayor' advised , Mr. Hunter that the City Counoil had disoussed ~he oon- dition of' this street several times and was' making prep- aration to repair ~nd top same immediately. I I I I I i ,. ~C' J.~-~. =-==J _ ~r ~_"'-'.I__- ~'[---~~~ 119 .(1 The Secretary presented a statement reoeived from the SouthernEngine atld PUmp Company' in the amount of $180.00 for the jetting oat,Q:f': j.n~,nd ,and lovt~:ring th'6'suotiel1pwnp bow]' ,1nt~~w~tertwel]'-1n~.Col~ege AvenueR:tant knowaas' the Walling "ell., ' CommisaionerAllen made a motiotlq'au-nliorizing the Seeret~ry to pay this: 'billwhi4h mot.ionwas :dult seoonded by'Mayor Hyatt; ,- Ayes: Allen and Ryett. .~.. Noes: None. ~he Seoretary presented a letter reoeivedfrom the San Jaointo '!'riiSt Company written by Mr. Smi'th stating tlaat they were ready to pay all past years taxes on several lots in College Vi.ew an4P~e~rton p:la~e, pt'ov,io.ing:tl:l.at ;theCity would a(j.just valu.es ot all. ,past _year,s toth~'t o:f" 1935. The total amount of' t8x~son thi~ prope:I.''\;Y woual.d amount 'to ap- proximately $1490.00. -The Mayer suggested that the Council ma~e these adjustments. The, Secretary was then given in- struotion to accept these taxes on the basis as suggested in their letter. b,. motion made by Commissio'n.er A.llen and daly 'seoonded'bylfator' ,Jl,.e'tt.' ' Voting Aye~Oommlssioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. ~1 , '~l~~~~~ r -j' I I Noe s: N(;)ne~ , TheC,ou.nc1~ ~.tj,;C-ied:the act ioni,n the, is S.l1~ll~~",~;r; $2590.00 ohecit"to the~Equitable Life Insurano6'Coll1pany of Des Moines, Iowa, for ~aJll1ent.o:f the expenses J.n,the refundingef our 'bon.~s wAJ.oh aetJ.on was taken at the speoial meeting held at 31:5 Second National :Bank Building, July 9, 1936. Chief Metaalf appeared 'before the Council to ~sk that 'they urebase 500 feet'of fire hose as in his opinJ.on they)lad ~everal.lOO feet in the hose raoks that were a.ppro.xima~e1y seven years old and bad been used by the street and BrJ.dge Department in tl:le cleaning out of sewers and sprinkling of streets ete., aBd. th.e:t if used at a :fire would ~ro'bably result in the loss of a house. Mr. Harris !as gJ.ven. in-, struotion -b-y the Oounoil to make a tesl O~ak~~e t1i~~et~~~ seoure information as to thMe :(>r~s~ur!f' ~d-vised that the 'from the City o:f lIouston.r~ eee. , requ.ired pressure was 250 1bs. ~'~., ~>.. i' ~..' -.' r-.--='=~- r . r "~~~~'1 l.-f 1.20 TheSeel,"etary was 'g1 van' instruction ,to draw:ari Qrd;inanoe setting up' the tax levies for the tear of ~1986:eixing the required ,amount to take eave of' the pa~~nts" of interest, bond prinoipal and Oity. operating , expenses. This ordinanoeis t09b:e made as required by state law. . Motion'authorizing this ordinanoeand the passage of sarue was made by Commissioner Allen and duly. seoonded by Mayor Hyett. (\1' j , ',J J There being nof'urth-er business 'to come bef'ore the Commission, upon '~otion being made and duly seconded, the illeeting was deu~ared adjourned.' APPROVED ., ..' ~r ,~ . '.,' SEC~J:RY , , , " ' <. IO~ ~-' G).' .: .r.'. . ' t " .t . ("I',' ! 'i I l J " ~. I t. , .. , -l-~I ""1 I f t" , ! (~ , 1 1'. j J,; I ~ i f) I iJ I i I, ! l~ '121 ifhe it~lar meeting of, .Tuly 2fr,1.93oJl ~a:s post':' ' JRonea.' until'b~e'~ext~' regular ine~~1;'iIJ.gd.a,te' due to the, ' 'May'orand, :See.~etart '13eing. u,1iablet9" att~nd, 'as they' were e'nsaged, 'in other Ci-ti business;. ,.., ,:_ ' ' . .~ I . : ~ . . . ~ ,. - > :,' ~' ... . ,. ,. ". . , ~'.. -. .... , ' -~~. A~ ' ~ ~,.~y , p " " l' ,-~ "" =,- -LJ , ,,109 , ~.... REGULAR MEETING ldOWAY, JULY 27, 1936, COUNCIL Cm.MJiER , CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.ld. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Seoretary Jarrard in attendance. ' ' Mr. R. R.' Bauck,c9utraotor,appeared be~ore the Counoil, seek- , iog infermation and perm is,S:i!-> n to pl~Ge approximately 300 feet o'f sanitary ,sewer liJ+~ .o,uth ,'o~ Commu.n~ty I>x-ive to supp;ly ser- vice to a hou.se he is now er~oting.', The C()uncil aEivised that ' it would be satisfaotoryand that they-would give their eon- sent providing that Mr. Harris would make'an inspeotion and O.K. same as to grade and requirements. This aotion was taken: by mot'ion maaebyCOlJ1D1issioner Allen and duly seeonded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: CGHmissio~ers Allen and Surber. Voting Ne: None The Seoretary was advised to iutruot Mr.' Ilateher to build a oulvert at the extreme west end of Villinova Street. 'Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen. and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett6 the Council ratiTiedthe aotion'of ~e secretary 'and Mayor in the papilent of certain aeoounts, bonds and in- terest coupons represente~ by the following:, ' Vouchers Gene:ra1Fund Water Fund -1 No ~ 5'Se'f:o~,:;;;38"2 Inc+usi ve No. 427S 'fo 4295 " Commi.ss;ioner Allen made a motion instruoting the Seoretary to cancel the unissued,waterworks bonds now'held by the City N~tional Bank and to reinaot the ordinanoe previously oan- oeled providing fer the cancelation of these bonds, whioh motion was duly seconded by Cammissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Oommissioners Allen and SlU'ber. ,./ Noes: None. I i 1 j Commissioner Allen made a motion instructing the Secretary to pay J . W. Olarke $25.00 extra compensatiQu for PQlioe duty while working in the fire. department during the absence of' Mr. George Robinson who was on vacation. This motion was duly seoonded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber. Noes: None. .,' 1.J -----r~-~ ,I" r ,."c_~~~ l' r [, '} 'I I IJ I t 123 The~I1IIayor was given authority to write a' letter to Mr. George H.Sheppard, Comptroller of Pu1:)liaAecou;tlts,Austin, Texas, advis ip;g him ths;t .at the -regucILar C~ity',Co:!1nc4.J.me:et~n.g ,heJ.d ,on thi.s~, t,iatetlle' t'ollowing:tn:str~etiQns were"giye~l;l,"Ji1mf,:reg~~di~ t:Q:erefa,ading . o:t\ our~ bO'Eld,sand. war;r:ants, -whieh,let:~er~ is' as f'ollows: ' , , ' , , , _ ttJ.uly 28" 19'36,. , , " ~. ,George H., Sheppard~, Coxnptrol1er . Sta,te "of' 'Jlexas, , 'Austin, T~as. Dear Sir: ~ > ...... '~ ., ' ~ 1be. Gity Council at a regular meeting last evening authorized the follo~1~g '~n$t~uat~ons~nq9rpQ~~t~q ~n its minutes of meet'ing concerning re~unding bonds and l'ef'unding warrants now inyotm. hands and. to be exohaIfged f'or, existing bonds and warrants. , AJ.:i~~fup.dX~wap~~~'f;:~l3.ss~e~ Qy:,the J;;ity,:ot" Vi~st University Place have been delivered to theQ'!lP~~,eJ.i " , National Bank of' Austin to be exchanged on authority' and through Attorney C. F.. Gibson, % -'Se.aurity Trust Ca. All refundi,ng bonds now in your possession are to be exe:hanged;6n:ttl'struo:t1o~~:o~O. F. Gibson, Attorney,of' r Austin, and tbrough the Oapitol National Bank, who will redeem. interest (le~pons 'ana interest now due on existing bohds. ' I oertify tl:;e above. !to be the action of the City CounCil in :n'reetit:tg'~Gf':J'ut'1i'2.'7th and copy of' these in- struction~ ordered filed with the Comptro'ller' o:f'th~ state of Texas and with the Oapitol National Bank of' Austin, as ofJ'uly 28th, 1936. R. G. Hyett Mayor City of West University Place ~exas I, G. G. Jarrard, do hereby certify that the above and fore~oing isa true and oorrect oopy o~ a letter au.thorized to be wri,tten by the City CounoJ.1 of the City of' West University Place at a regular meeting held. on the 2,th day of July, 1936, as the same appears of record in the Minutes of said City Gouneil.' Witness my hand and the seal of the City of West University P~aee, this the 27th day of' July, 1936. City Seoretary · City of' West University Place,Texas. T~~" '''~I~i ---r- 1...1 1:24 Seoretary Jarrard Was instruCtted.' t(j> make' a trip to Au.stin on Tuesday; July 28th, and gi venaU:thority 'to make arra~ement$ with the Capitol National Ba:Wt of Austit'l'to exohangeom>>;bonds and warrants and their expense of handling same, and arrange with the Bank .to pay all due and'past due interest on bonds ( ~ reoeived .by them to be exehanged, and a-ll details oonnected therewith; and also given i>liftl>uatiol1s 1;0' transfer- funds from ( I . val' ions Bank aocounts to meet the required amou.nts to transfer .( I .to the Cap'.1tol National Bank, Austin. ",-/1- The foregoing aotion was approved by motion mad~ by Co~issioner Surber and duly see9nd~d by Commissioner Allen. ,.~ ." Voting Aye: Conimissfoners Allen and Surber. Noes: None There being no furth:er business to oom.e before the Commiss ion , upon mot:ion be-ing made,alid dttly seconded, the ,'meetirigwas dec lared adjom-necl. " APPROVED ~tUtf/ C:' SECRETARY', ~.. r~- "':I~'r ~'1 ----t:::r [ f , I ,( ) , "-"/ I l f lj j 1 j I J, J '-...,J \ I~_,_- I , 125 The regular meetfng of August a, 1936, was postponed . due t,o Commissioner Allen. being on vacation, and Com- tmissiener :-B,urberbeing unable to attend." ,Due to vaoa- tions; the next regular ,flounoi1 meeting will be held gr{ August 24, 1936. (JJ(r#;'H, (} 'y;. ~ . , " 't:U0cvza/ e1f..~ -126 l " t 1 i [ \:t- i';";~"""'F'~~';---; .....:,'~ REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1936 COUNCIL CH,~,lVI13ER, CITY HALL \mS,T UNI~81[1,Y PIA CE, TEXAS. ',,1(, >~j\' .oj 1 'I . "-....../ ~ ',.," " -. The C0mmi~ssi-on convened)'On <thef'oregoing ,date a:t7 :30 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding ana. Oorinriis's ionerSurber aJ1.d 4:. P. Robb, Acting f'or City Secretary, present. Gtirlttniss1.onerAllen absent. . , .. _~~ ' Secretary was instructed to write owner of' Lot next to Mr. Franks, on Wakef'orest, with reference to cutting of' wee9-s. A verbal complaint was made by P. R. Plumb, Jr. relative to plumbing inspections made by W. T.Barnhilla.mJruggest- ing that the Inspectorf'rom Rous ton be employed to inspect out here. No action was taken by the Council. There, being no further business to come b'Slfore the Commiss ion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPR OVED ATTEST: Hil/I C:rry SEORETARY 'I \ I j fii r ~___~c-----.:_~__...:=~~::~~_____ -- ~":_1 __--L 11 1 I. " ) 1 I I I" j 1.27 'REGULAR MEETING MONDAY" AUGUST '17th, 1936,._ COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNI VERSITYPIACE., TEXAS The qommission co:p.veIied.on the f'orego1ngdateat?:OO p. M. with Mayor Hyett presiding ,and Commissioners Allen and Surber and A. ...F. Robb, Acti~g, Secretary; also Ira Harris, J .8. Waters", U. R. Bronk, J,. V. Ellis. The -r4~:YOI' ;annoUnced ,that ~.. 'Guy Fisk 'had res;i.gned ,as a mem- ber . of .the, El~c1w~cal Examining Board. His .resignation was accepted the following ammendment to Article 1, Section 11. Moved 'by Gommissioners Surber and seconded by Commissioners Allen~ . ' ,V.oting Aye ,: Commi,ss ionersSurber 'and ~llen. " Nos. None. Namely Article I to read: There is here created a board of' Electrical Examiners of' the City of West University Place, which shall consist of' four meiilbers who .aha II be appointed by the Mayor 'by and with, th~ consent of' the eoard o~ Commissioners of' which the Electrical Inspector shall const~tute a:member. Membez.;s other-than Inspector shall possess' 'such qua-lif'ications as. would 'enable/l;~oeo1i;verse intelliRgerit'lyon matters,' consider- ed under this ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Surber and seconded by Commissioner Allen, that the f'ollowing'me~ compromise the board of Electri- cal Examiners. Namely: J. M. Oopeland, U. R. Bronk, Inspector, J. S. Water and J. V. Ellis. Voting Aye-Commissioners Allen and Surber. Nos. None. Shortly afterward and in the presence of the said Board of Commissioners of those assembled, the newly appointed members of said board of' Electrical Examiners namely: J. S. Waters I 1>"-''''" r f" " ~1 .128 and J. V. Ellis were duly ,sworn in. The oath of of'fice being read'by Mayor R. G. Hyett and repated by said a.ppointees. A letter from West University Place Volunteer Fire department was passed 8.P6U!lEl among the Board of' Com- ~, missioners it contained requests for new equipment, as Tires f'ortheFire 'Truck', not'less.than 500 f'eet. of 'New H9~_e and one new sbiff suction. Also repai~s .for loading Valve of: the BO'os'ter Tank, Tail Fipe and MUf- fler and Painting of' Truck. Bids and prices on the above are to be obtained ,thi's week" and" reported back to , Council next Monda:y night August 24th-for action. It was also agreed that prices for~ Venetian Blinds for the City Hall be obtained and reported to Council.' ~ere being no f'urther business to come bef'ore the Com- missionep, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED v I'" , I ~~'i f ,~~ .. ~ -"'1--- --~_.. '-' -', (J' .i ! . ; .' . ] ..... 129 REGULAR MEETInG, MONDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TEXAS. I ! < j , ~ . The Commission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Hy.ett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absenj;.. The Secretary was given instructions to purchase five Venetian blinds frqm the National Venetian Blind Company to be.placed in the of'fice of' the City Hall, by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Ma~or Hyett. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and M~or'Hyett. Nos. None. At a previous Council Meeting instructions were given to s~cure prices on a stiff suction hose f'or the fire ~uck. A price was submitted by Texas Rubber Specialty Company and inas,much as his price was reasonable the Secretary was given instructions to issue ail order to the above Company f'or the purchaxe of this hose, by a motion made by Commis- sioner Allen and dulysecond~d by Mayor Hyatt. Voti~g Aye- Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos. None. Plumbing Inspector Barnhill presented an Ordinance passed by the City of Hous~~ on May 2?th, 1936 requiring the in- stallation on hot~~eaeers to be installed in the f'uture. temperature controll valves set so it will shutoff' all gas to the burner if' the temperature goes 'above 200 degrees of heat. Commissioner Allen made a motion that we make an ammendent to our plumbing Ordinance No. Section x . Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hy~tt. .~ 1 ) ~ .-/" A ~otion by ,Allen approving an Ordinance, allowing a discount on 1936 taxes of 3% on all taxes if paid on or before Octobe;r> ..../ 5th, 1936, and 2% if' paid on or before November 5th, 1936. ~ This is to be Ordinance No. 117 .. The above motion was duly seconded by Mayor Hyett. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos. None. /- - 1~'-', r' , - ~ ...._~ 1 --r 13U Commissioner Allen made a motion approving Ordinance Ho./of set~ing the tax .levy for the yea.r 1936 pro-rating the - amount to be collected on 1936 taxes and setting the te.x rate. Voting Aye-Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyatt. Nos. None. .'" ~ t!her.e being no further. business to oome before the Commis- sion, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ATTEST: ~~ 01, ,SECRETARY '" . ~/ '~I'- ~; f"~"" ~'~l ..., r-, j i ,j I :1 \ -l,~ j ,1 I i j .. . J I t ), . ?---..-~ f r IJ ( i I I '\,) t.:<_:,~~._ . .J':~ Meeting schedule for August 31st , 19{,6 was. po~tponed and due to the regular meeting date of' Sept. 7th being 'a legal holiday, the next meeting will 1?e held on Monday'Sept. 14th. ' APPROVED~~~ .~ ~~,~ ~ / COMM'ISSIONER '.,' . - 1 I r i ___nH__~_1 ,- i r ' 131 '132 r I I f ! he, . REGULAR MEE'rING, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL - WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ! ] The Commission C(onvened on the foregoing date at 7:00P. M. with Mayor H~ett presiding and Commissioner Allen and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Commissioner Surber absent. Mr. G. A.Oorn;ttiu~, of' 3220 Georgetown ~ppeared before the C'ounciltorender .il, complaint re,;ar~ng piegons, cp.icke:p.s, and duc.ks owned by Mr. Ii ,. Freeman, 3a16 Georgetc:>;wn, s ta ting , that the noise f'rom the ducks was dis~u,fb1ngthein ~l:I.' times during the day and night, thereby c"reatirlg a. nuisa.nce. Mr. AGV y: waspresen~ in the interest of' Mr. Freeman and presented a letter written by Mr. Bonfield to Mr. Freeman advising that the above condition created a nuisance and did not comply with the health laws of' the State and re- quested that it is necessary to e::t.iminate this condition on orbef'ore8eptember 16;t;h, or he would take action through our cqrpora tio1'1c6urt. ''Mr.' inquired as to 'the ' authority given Mr. Sonf'ieldin the writing of' this letter. The Mayor advised that he would look into the matter and ,see what could be "done to satisfy the complaint. Upon motion made by Commissioner Allen and dUly seconded by Mayor llyett, the Council ratified the action' of' the Secretary and Mayor in the plymeIlt of certain accounts, bonds a.nd in- terest coupons represented by thef'ollowing: Vouchers Genera.l Fund Water tI No.3872 No. 42,95 To 4894 Inclusive To 4330 II ,Mr. Metcalf' advised that the hose raCk used f'or drying the fire hose was badly in need of repair, and asked that the Council give consideration as to the building of a new rack, and suggested that the work could be done by Mr. .Wofford. Th:rou~h a motion made byl~r. Allen and duly seconded by Mayor Hyett, the Secretary was instructed to have Mr.. llarris make up a material bill and instruct Mr. Woff'ord to build a new rack and give consideration to plans as will be suggested by Mr. Metcalf. I I j Voting Aye: Commissioner Allen and Mayor Hyett. Nos. None: ,2:; " ___._.._.,","~,-,_~",,-,,_". _ __ __ .__._".__=~"',.c~_,F-"_ r -- - --------------- I r r' n 'J i \ ) r, ;f I j I I I 1 J l.~~' ,-, ,', 133 There being no further business to come before the Com- mission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. APPROVED ATT~.sT: , ", ~ ,134 Meeting scheduled for Mbnday, September 21st. 1936 ;as postponed until the next regular meeting date. ~l Ulffm . /""' ' ; I , I , ) I I, v 1 1 L I' r ~~~~=r T " '1 -~._~ ,135 (J REGULAR lYIEETIllG MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1936 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ! . ,,- The Commission convened on the f'oregoing date at 7:00 P.M., with Mayor Hyatt presiding and Commissione~s Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendanoe.: The Secretary was gi ven au thori ty to adjus t the tax va lue on acreage in the ,}4'orth East corner ,of' the City, being"between Kirby Drive and Bissonette Street, figured'on basis of $1500.00 per" acre f'orinside tract and $1800.00 fer larid~, .front- . ingon Kirby Drive arid Bissonette. ,', Thi~ is in accordance with the proposition made by the Maltz Bros.; oWners of' approxi- , IDately f'if'teen acres of' land in this section. The records show several years delinquent taxes on thiS property. Mr. E. B.<Smith, 6606 cana Street, appeared before the Council and asked for permission to sell vegetables from a truck with- in the city limits. He~~dvisedthat it would be satisfactory, providing he would comply with all health requirements and state laws pertaining thereto. Permission was given by a'mo- tion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Corr~is- siGner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos. None I] The Secretary presented a letter received from L. F. Fuqua, Engineer, asking for the sum of $50.,00 for services rendered ,in connection with testifying in Federal' Court in the suit of' Ralph Pieasant VS. City of West University Place. Commissioner Allen made a motion authorizing this bill to be paid, provid- ing that Mr. Fuqua f'urnish us with the data collected f'rom the City of Houston, as ref'erred to in his 'letter. For this in- formation he is making a charge of' $30.00. The above motion was duly seconded by Commissioner ~urber. Voting Aye: Commi:;lsioners Allen and ,Surber. Nos. None Attorney Sonf'ield asked the Mayor for payment to apply on the attorney fees due him f'<::lr' past services and that he would pre- sent a bill wi th~ the next few days for the total amount due him. This is to,be made in two checks; one for $150.00 and the other in the amount sufficient to pay the total amount of taxes due on his home and also his water and sewer bill up to September 1st. 1936. ~~~ r" I ~-' r ~- .~-- '-~1 I r '136 I I I ,I ~ The Secretary was instructed to issue these checks by a mo- tion made by Commissioner Surber, duly seconded by Connnis - sioner Allen. l ! i' I ): Vpting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen N9;3., NOlle'''' Mr. W. T. Barnhill, , Plumbing Inspector" appeared before the council 9:nd advised that he was having to make extra inspec- t:i.ons on plumbing jobs, taking 'tlP a considerable amount of his tiIlle.He a;Lso ~dvised that'i;he qity of' H9ustoll was allpwiIlg four inspectipns to each j~"b anti any addit:l.onal inspections, , t};p.~y were ghar>giIlg all.,f:1.(id:i. tional .$1.00' per trip. TheptIa.y,o,.., I3.ta1;e>d t~thewaf:3' ini,l~vCl:rof.ch~ging theaq.ditipnal amolJIlt. It is also understood, that tl,lis be handled en th.e $ame basis ,as our regular 1:errnits, fi-llowi:n.g 50% of' this, ~01lnt.. The Sec- . retary was g~ven instructions by a motion ..made 'by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by' Commissioner Surber, to write a letter advising plumbers of' this additional yharge. !' ,yot;il1$ Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber ,Nqs . None The :Mayor and Secretary was given authority to,eJtecute,ar<?-' lease of' judgement ai~tnst' the Gulf' Lumber and Building Com- pany on Lot Southl!2qf'i€), 131QQlr 9f:l, of Wef?t University place First Addition, which tax suit is No. 202,460, which said jUdgement appears in the minutes of' the 55th. Judicial Dis - tl?ict Court of' Harris County, Vol. 33, Page 620 thereof. "! . <:> " Wl1~jJE}Reingno further b.\lsiness to come bef'ore iJl:le Commif:3sion, 'tlpoIl~otion being made and duly seconded,' the meeting was de- elar~d adjo~rned. APPROVED ATTE$T: ~~ C ... SECRETARY. (JJJI[i;flI, ~ ~ CO ,-~ ~~ ~-~.~~ COMMISS I -mR . ~j j m_'~~' ~~"::J:::_~:l ~_ [ :~l . Ll 137 Il' ! I ) REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th. 1936, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY ' PUCE, , ~EXAS The ~ommission convened on the foregoing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and CommissiG>liers Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr~ W. T. Sutter & Son, Plumbers, were present at the request of Plumber ,Inspector, lVIr.,Barnhill, regarding charges made a- gainst them for thetransf'erring of their license or taking outs; permit for Mr. Barnard, who:; does not have a license to operate within this city. After questioning Mr. Sutter by the Mayor and' Mr. Barnhill, it was learned' that this wark w'as" sub- let to Mr. Sutter and that he did not violate the plumbing or- dinance. Af'ter discussing the matter thoroughly"he was ad- vised that the Council appreciated his attitude in this, matter, also the cooperation given. Engineer Calhoun stated that there was approximately 1lOO f't.' of 41f Cast Iron water pipe laid along University Blvd, West of' Buffalo Speedway, and advised that the City of Bellville was in need'o:t' pipe of this size and exprelilsed their willing- ness to pay 25rt per f'oot. The, City will sts:nd t;he,expense of remoying same from.t?e ground. " Mr. Fitzgerald, representing the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- pany, ~a,~ pr.eseni:; "ip. ~esponse to req:est of' Chief' Metcalf, to submit prices'. and explain their various grades of f'ire hose. He was advised by the Mayor to submit samples to the Secretary and same would be given due consideration before order is placed. J The Secretary advised that there was not suff'icient f'unds in the General accounts to meet expenses which should be taken care of immediately and was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber to transfer the needed amount f'rom the Water Fund to the Gen- eralFund account. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos. None The Mayor was given authority by a motion made by Commissioner ' Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen, to purchase the following bridge materials: 15 pieces 3xlOx18 ft. 5 fl 3xlOx20 f't.. 14 II of Decking ;138 I I ! I Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos. None " Prior to this meeting the Mliyor was in converse. tion with the members of' the Board of'~qualization iIi regards to having another hearing on the 1936 tax values, claiming they were not. properly....,equa,lized and instructed to adjust the value on all improvements. . Mr. J. S. Waters and W. W. Burr, members of' this Board ten- dered their resignation,to, take.e:rf'~Gt immediately, ~dv+s- i~g that it wasimpossib;,Le'forthetn, to, serve at this time. Th,eir resignation WllS accept&dby the 'Council and the Mayor immediately suggested that this meeting.be cont~ued until WEi}qnesday, Octobet' 7tb.., at whiGh time they would discuss ~PPQintment of' two members to f'ill tp,e vacanC:L~S made by t~e above resignations. Meeting continued to Wednesday, October 7th. 6:30 P.IvI. " APPROVED A.TTEST: c~~ COldMISSIONER ~f{"~.~ COMMISSIONER , .- ~; I' i ' ' :-T -- n !,'::==:=~~:,"'L~ ~,_,' __ [ :-._-:-'-==,..,,="'''''--:''-=-,...=-=---.--- :"':.1. r {'J.. A',. ",,,-,, . u II l_~__ ______l~'__-'_-~' 139 CONTINUED MEETING WEDNESDAY, 0 orOBER7, 1936 COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS This me~ting is continu~d from Octob~r 5th. with Mayor Hyatt and d6mmissioners Allen and Surber and Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mayor Hyett commented on a le~ter written ~o each member of' the Board by Commissioner Allen, wherein he expressed his views and rendering a protest on the ch.anging of any 1936 values f'rom the value approved by the Board of Equalization a t their regular meeting in July of this year, als,o advi;3 ed that he was under the personal opinion that another hearing would beilleg~l, as the Board had completed their work at the first meeting. A copy of' this letter may be found in the files under heading of Board of Eqpalization,meeting, Year 1936. The Mayor asked that two new members be appointed to the Board of' Equalization to f'ill the vacancies as made by the resigna- tion of the other two members. Commissioner Allen immediately made a motiQIJ. that the values as shown on the tax records at this time remain ?-sthey are wi tJ:J.ou t fj.nychange,a-s of'this g.ate, in so far as the City Council has author,i.ty ~n regards to such values. . Mayor Hyett immediately made a motion that J. A. Kelley and Joe Catherina be appointed toconiplete the wo:rk of' th~ Equalizfj.tion 130 ar>d on the 1936 tax va lues. This motion f'ailed to receives. second. / Commili?sioner Surber then advised that in view of' the circum- stances, he was in favor of Gottll:Ilissione:r' Allen's motion, and therefore made' a second that it be passed and f3.dopteo.. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos:' Mayor R. (}.. ~yett The Mayor gave his reasons that in as much as the Council has no authority to set the values, but that the report of' the Board of' Equalization has not been received. Due to delay in mailing out the 1936 tax statements on improved property awaiting action of the Board of Equalization and.!:n as m:ueha~ the COUXlc;iJ; has decided no't to appoint new members of the Board and accept the v~ues as set as set at the previous Board meeting, the Council unanimously agreed to extend the 3% discount on all 1936 taxes from October 5th. to NovE?mber 5th. ".f.., l"~'~~~I~-~'i' , r .. "'....'1 f .. 'i'fU and cancel the 2% as set out in the ordinanc e. At g:15 Commissioner Allen advised that he had another appointment and would have to retire from this meeting. I 1 ,',...~'.,j,.,',', l' .~ ,'. ,] " -j . "-.<,' Commissioner Surber made a motion giving authority to C4ief Metcalf to p)J.rcharsa ne\v innertubes andf'laps for the 'f'ire trucks as M~'. Metcalf' stated he was advised by an expert tire man thatthi s would be satisf'actory and that. new tires were not n~cessB.ryat xhis time. This motion was duly second- ed by Mayor Hyett. V",t;:ang Aye: Commissioner Sui-bel' and Mayor Hy~tt J:Tos. None Mayor was given authority to purchase a car'of washgrB.vel by a' motion made by' Commissioner Surher andsec cmded by Mayor. Hyett. Votin.g~Aye: Commissioner SUI'ber and Mayor Hyett. '''Nos. : None It was decided that all future purchases should be made through B.regular purchase order given through tt.d.s office and signed by theSecretary, or, by Mr. Robb during the absence of' the Sec- retary, and, approved upon hi's return. These'instructions were' gi"en'bya motion made by Commissioner Surher and seccnded by Mayor Hyett. ' . Vot.ingAye: Commissioner Surber and Mayor Hyatt Nos. : None It was' the consensus of' the Council that water and sewer service be discontinued to those whose accounts are three mOBths in arrears, or unless conditionsjustif'ies the extension in the pa3IDent of' the B.cc.ount. There being no further business to/cone bef'ore the Commission, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the-meeting was de- clared adjourned. " APPROVED ( I' ,! ; ,.'"i :,".. ] . ,;J ) j , t~} ','"TT,:SS, : .~,.., ,M/t ' , ", '". ",. ,SEeRllmARY I~ J I I l l 1 ':' ~ ",~,,,,<~--. - 'J~ r" -, co , ,.., , r 141 'l. " , ' " ) ' / . REGULAR MEETING' MODAY,; OCT,OBER ,1.9 ;1.936 ' " . , , COUNan ,ORAV:BER, ,Clre'Y' HALL ~w;EST UN:rVER$I~Y, PLACE;, TEXAS ~e Gommi'ssioaconvened'on. the forErgoing ,date 'at '7:0GP.M. with Mayor-~H1et't pr es'iding and Commissioners Allen' an'd .Surber and, City Secretary Jarrar.d in a,ttendance., . -',' " ..>#"o.> Mr.-A..C., ,W'tilde, :l?'ave Aus't1nalid JoeCatherina..appeared before the Co~e11 ,arid ':advIs eca t-nerEf'was a deal' pending, ',:CQr ,'the - :p'lircha;se of c'eri?ain prbperby :~~.~"'the ,'Dave . Mst:tn 95 aer&,~1J:r.a'e:t I .rtin,n:tng, 'North beginning at tb,eJ'erth 11:ne of - tQ,Ef L. H~, 'Sa~nes: pp~pep'tywhere th,e ()QmDlUJ:li~y ~~~~~~i:i( ~o~"lb~ated;~en~e 1{o~~~e Blvc1-. bgrder- iniL;~yt :ti~'<:I, W~t! t!b1 ~d,:J,A1~";,:&'ti~ft1v'ai\d East '1):ttihe'~'Gounty .dra.1nage "dj;~)f~- 'on wliieli is' '~o'l;Y&~~e(f~ed/a-',D~fEI~t!!"~:"~nd,.6''1ght " Eftores '~o- Vi__t tha~ '~h~e . Ci.ty" Eir" y{fs't;-oUn:l~er:s~f.J'i~ ~Pla'ee;wilil:,' CoGpe'r:&..t~';Wi th them: by, $.t'~diJig'tli'eir prora'ta - 'a1ri tFid :expens'~>11i,~p~:v1ng,,'cur:e1I(g, ~t"t'~tos'~~'drainagEt ,o:t:':::;Ea+0e:~~fireet , 9iia7aI:Si(lth$, ,D~ing ~of two br'ldges<-:aer.s:s 'th'e' ",ora'inage '(j:t;:,EaIoe."-$._~::-'a~;:;~Rleli\JB1"'d.,arid Am- h\tti:s~'S1ir'tlfe;~s.; ," '~Kr ~3. A.'liliti'fn '~dv1~$e'd,,'tmtt '9.: :~;fve 'd.neh co'nere'te" 'base wlth':lt'1neli' As'Pba'1"t'2'tqpp1ngwou1.d 'be' slit~lc1ent1n thepaviug of the street. Af'ter considerable disCUssion. Oo_issioner8lUJb~r made a motion that the ql:liy'give thEd~~- eooperat:ton and bear their part of the expense 'in ',:thcFpav4i1.g,-: :turn:ishing.'stii table drIi1E.~ge ,and cooperate in the building of bridges as referred to. This m~tion was duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Votin:g AYe,: '00~~:$$i'~n&rS ,SUrber anQ. ,Allen , , Nos. None' '1'he~~io~"pp~s-ented an: op;1nlon '1'endeped':by sto~ai1. & Tarver , At'bG~ney~', as;>t0;whe~he:r orn~t the'eit1 could ,'J,T even tthe erec- ti'on. :01 a <,auplex .,011 "c'&P't'aln'JiQts "sitb,tea within the corporate liJ:tj;:t~S:,.'':Sa;$-a c'oplJiie~ ,:mat::be.'E'oQQ.'iif the:tilesunder heading of "Re'&'I't-rj,'cti'chis'. If " '~' charge 'of'-,~$10. 00 ws:s~,iiiadel:ec::W,-th:i.:S ,opinion. Commissioner Al1{m,:,made 'a'mot'loiC au.thaM'z:Ln~r:th~Secretary to issue check fer this a.mount; which motion was duly seconded by Coupni'ssi:oll,er'cSurbe1'.' " ' u Votin~' A:y.e:' .1.1en,anp; Surber' .. ~-$~ i 'P Nos'.. ,'None Mr. Werner~ livingat"Univet'sity"Blvd'~'a.nd Mal'cer Street, ad- vised that there was'. 'beau'ty 'parlor'1j~ii1goperatedin the 3500 Block on University Blvd.~'statihg the'restrictions in West Univ- ersity Place 2nd. Addition~-is restricted~to residences only and asked' if'- thEf" 6i ty would assist in iilf'ore1ng the restriction in this instance. The Ma.yor ealledMr.~Bronk~ the Electrical In- spector, regarding the electrical inspection at this house. .142 After advice ,tha:t therehaq. pee~ :no ,1tU:n;)6cifd.on ~ade~he was instructed by, the Mayor to malte _the,~~ves~1'ga1i16n 1imi1e4iate1y and report to the CounCil ,at' their';nextmeet:1ng. Mr. Werner was adv1.sed that the CltY'eou1d not inf'orce'theserestrictlons ,but . t~t the property owners wwld have.to '1.nj0j.~th,4~Dt ~~pn1 further eperat16n and the expense wo'Q.1d have to be born by tlie individuals. . ."''''' f'-j-' , .: .... ~ : ~ I,twll.S deeided"by,th,e ~ayortha.t,1n 'tl'l~, f'~tlI.t'e .th~;,C~ty bc~~not r,e,Qhel1 or, ma1Jl,taj.J1 ,~tre,et~ ,:-+n "var:ious, . aqa+~,~~ns ',', wi thili, thfi)" ;lJiLtyl"imits ~ un~ess ',~~~weJ:'e,~rig~llallytoppe<1l: "wi th not ,less tlJ,8.ll 6inQlles Qt ~hel:l;.. . , " ',' " , . '. -. . ' '. fl : .' ~.' A". ". > ~,. > ..' ~ ..,.,.",,~, . ,. ..: ',~:~:.'~,.'i~, Wi1~i8imsonl'. Q~er ,P+':a.: 'tract,:~Qr'lancil or: tbiAc' '$.llilb,- , Wtt~;t,~or~er ',Qf' ,W:e,-t'UI\1~v:;ers~ty;,3,.st.,,"Ad4itioniJ asked tor 8.ppro- v~Ji~ot ',&1>la; ,;of ,;,t~;s p1';9peJ:':l;y(whicA will be knq>wn,~s !tent 4ti1~i,t1,0n) .(Le1ft~r and Plat Ii1~y b~ ;Co;tmd inthE),::r,l,les Qf, the C.1ty Ht:ill.)' ,After, go'-ng ,ove,r this very t:b.()rou.~ly~, CQPimj.s.- t~ $i1~c:;,n~r., .~~.1i 'tniil(te,'. a tnitlo~ ~ t~t : ''\ihis p~at anc.i, sp~cit;ic~~l,Gns , be ',a,p~:rQVedi prot-l,d,1u.'S' ,that~8.Ip..b,e;~~le.crti}t,th~ :,Qq~~',:~~~s,e In'H.~rris C()unty.'fAi.~ mo'tl~n w;as, d,~,.,jsec,onde.d l>Y Q.onm,d.ssioner '",',S;1i\I?be.r,... ',.., : ,.'U'..,,") "'~.." .' .' .- u, . 'Jho1i1ong,Aye: ,C0mmissi,Qn~s 4llen: 'and' Surber, l.. ~, Nos: None Mr. Harris was given p~rmiss1,on ~o 'Q,qy, :tl}.e,n.e,~essa~y p~'ts and repair the compressor and' PUmp at' tIle 'K1r.bIDr1ve Water Plant, providing the expense Would not exceed ,SO.QO. . The8ecre'ta.ry presen'ted a letter i'romtb,e ~anJ~~1;~t~cT~''lUit ,.,GOmP~Y ~ ad~is,1n g of a pas t .q.ue' J;iot e in:. t'l:\~~SIn.()~ t qt ,(~QO.OO whieb ;18 se,~ured;lty CQ11egf;)':Av~i!),lJ;e~ w:-~t~rtor~s:;,Pl!6P.~J'1>y. Com- millt$:i'oner ,:S~bermade,a JiiQti:~ii,,,auf;~or,i~i:ljl,g ,tl.1e':;S$;~~etar.Y ~o .mAikELa, payment or, $2aO~;eO'pl~s.;;'1tif;~rest:Q~~-:4liis .no:~,e, ,which mc.1ti,Qn ;w;a.~'...duly cseccID:de,Q. by, Co~i:~~io~,~l.'. 4~~e~f. '* , . . > '. . . . ~. 'y . 'Commission.er AllEm mad.e a motion tiuthoPiZ~I1:g,s~cre~ary~~,t),~y out of the Water Fund, '(as there is~ not sufricient amount in General Fund) $1,000'.00. ton Fulbri.gh~J:'CroQk~r&,~FreE$.~n, ,~~1.eh ' 1s part of' attorney fees 1n'tneease,Qf"Ralph' Pleasarit VS. City of West University Place~ which motion was duly seco~ded by Commission er Surber. ~, j " ' Vot~'1lg Aye; CQmmis si on ~ S,A.llen and Surber ;~l , J Nos. None ~j l'__~1 -,:r 143 r~1 J. A report of th~ Board,of"Equa1ization for year 1936 was presented to the Council by the Secretary for 'theiraceep,tanee and approvaJ.,. This report showed a't6tal valuatiQn'of $4,26'7,901.00. ~his was accepted by a motion made by Commissio~er Allen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: 'Commissioners Allen and Surber. ~.('o~' Nos. None ,..., Mr. L. J. Kelleher, representing the Equa~tible ,Life InsUl'anee Company of Des Moities,' Iowa~' h6lder~ of: $350,ooo.bOof' our Gen- eral Fund Bonds, and' Mr. Dunn" of' the' J. R." Ph:1J.lips Inv~stment Company' 0f this Oi ty ~ were-Present 1.n'the i:hterestof' their company. Theeontra.'etas" ent'ered into:bet1v:een' the Bond hold- ers ,~q. j~:tl~q~'ty,:;~f !,~~:t,'~nlversi ty Place ,at' the time the ~ollds wereref\1nded,' waff' d!seussed~ "They"were~advisad,,'t~t 'the City was mak~ng eve-ry '&ffijr't,to live up 'to 'thiS contract, but that , duet()...~:~:fe~at.l;... ;~~~genei~SJ in the'last' few"months it ha.s' peen , impossible t,O de~sit;<ln the Sinking FUiid - the required amount for the pl!l,ments of the iriterestand pr1.ncipal on the bonds. :l;t i~t~,e, cpp~e~~~~ i?~: tine Council' that in, the future, the pro- per a.mount oftaxe:ssnoU1d be 'pro rated as' P3r the bond hoJ.dei's agreement and tbattheCity live, within itff budgeted amount,. ' The Secretary was 'given ihstriilitiohs to prorate the tax coJ.lec- tions as set. uj) in the' agreement and to make ~eposi ts 'to the respective accounts each month. The OOUl,\cil gave a veta of thanks" to Mr. Kelleher tor his co.operatio~in the 'ref'unding:'of' 'our bonds' ahd warrants, who has personally supervised the detail' and "the, reftmd1ilg of these .' bonds and has held the expenses'inv?lved,.at ayery low figure. ~e ,Se"c~etar.y,wa.sgiyeI}:",utht?r"~y jlo'mak~" payzn,e~~s f'or in.terest due October loth~' on'Water"WQ:rlCs' ~f.)ftQ;~..'~ii.~nt.s t,o~e ,~ade as coupons are ~preseri ted~ - 'Also; tQ' Issue ti' cheek to'" thE" Ui ty ot: ' Beaumont for the accUmulated 'interest' on our Bond 'No. 21:, 'j.n S$rie-s of 1928~' This 'Bona was redeemed' November 19, 1935, but i~~~est accumuLated tbereonwas om~tted! 'fheSecretary was given authority to make' a payment of $100.00 on note due the Oity Na:tlonaJ. Bank which was given for the fi- nancing of' the poliee a.utomobile. It.;: u ~ l~ -j'-- 1 , ~ .Ll 1144 There being no further business to cane before the - Q~mmis~()n, UPClil'motion be:t:ng made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. ' n 1 I 1 , i I t ) AFPROVED ATTEST: ' .~ ,......;. ,"..'"' T' ki~ . , , .". '. ...',," .-, . _ .,<-,' . '< . -~. '" ..,. . - . " "COMM ,& ' . , '~ j, , , .Ze.l'<< . ? ,. ..,.. ,_.'T' ..' ". .~_ , Meet!ng"'schedtiJ:ed--,f'oi> ~j)i,!;idl~ 12th. "1936 wa.s pastponed until 'the-next ::~egula.r,' meet ing' day. ~, :-~ ~. l (I' i I ! , i j \~ I I I 1 t. I f l '," ~ f/ -, ) '--~-I ~1 r~' - "~ 'r-------------n 'i'1 ,j ) ,J 145 ~e meeting schedUled for October 26th. 1936 was postponed ~til the next regular mee,tip.g, day., . ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ . awfr~ '" ~ ' \ Lv J ~ - _ -- =--J-===----c-! 1.46 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVDIBER' 2nd. 1936 COUNCIL O.HAMBER, CITY HALL' WEST UNIVERSIT.Y PLACE, TEXAS. ... ...": 'I' > (~ ,1 [' I (, 1 ! ThebQmmissioE. convened on the foregoing date at 7:00P.M. with Maj:orKyett pr<rsidih€l; aria Oommissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary ,c1'a~:J.':a.r~ ,~~,..a1?tend~~~__ "":,,., , " ' , ,", Mr; 'R6jriafuewafi" 'present t6 :submi t' 'details aria' 'the"amoiliit . of. pre- ~ium 'on "group insurance' policy for the volunteer fi:itemen. The 'tQ tal- premium jl8r month on' the 'number now ~n its organize. tion a- 'mounted~ to' approxifuately $55.00. In as much as thE) premi'Wli 'with the p1'esent company amounts to only approximately $32.00, t1:i~'-UOUiicil,~did~not-~I'ee'l that 'the'difference in coverage 0P ad- vatltages'wo:Uldjustify this change. !he Mayor' asked 1?hat this ,i1iatter'be referred to the'orgailization by Chie:f'Metcalf and that a"re'serve'1\1hd'bEf 'created~- which funds' would be used in case ot acc'iaent-to" firemen 'lh- line of duty or any other cause that they ~ay agree upon ~d that"the City would place to' the . deposit of th'-AJ tuna thedif'f'erence between 'these two p61i~ies.' Aftfer " they have worked out the details :1.n connection with this emer- geney fund they should again submit their plans to the Council for final action.. ~'. J. R. Daniel of 3027' Geergetoma .advised the Council tha t Geers~tewn8treet between Beltnon t and Buff'alo Speedway is 'in 'ie~\1l)~d com1tion and asked if'the City wquld repair this street wI-etr s1}el1 eDiulsion'and al$o stated that it this street is f'ixed iimm,edia:tely"lt would only take six or eight y'ards of,matepial~ .lfe -.wits 'advised-by' thE) Mayor' tJiat we would look into the Ilia ttep ~~d 'give it due eonsideIi'ation.. . , , !r; n. R. BrQU, Electrical 'Inspector, 'presented a 'letter advis- i,ng that he had inspected the wiring at the resideneeof' Miss ~$a<Piper"iii the' 3000'Bloek' of West University 'Blvd. and had'" "f'iii~d', 't.lia tthi s viII' in~f was' very ufisa tisf'aetoi'y; -ih hi's opinion was"""im.safe as there was a beauty parlor being operated in this D\iilaiiig.' n ~em.ae1ilnes' ne(res~sary' fo!" this bu.siness -demand' a~ sejiiarate circuit for each machine. He was given instr,ucti:ons by the Council to have the electrical service' at this lOJ.}ation d1s- continued' u.n.-til proper wiring be installed. This ac,t1onwas taken b}f a-motion made by Oommissioner Surber and duly seconded by Com- m~ssion&r Allen.. 'I I , I I ' , ) V~~ing Aye: Commissioners ~urber and Allen. !fos: None I L " :v , I f~ ~ -"" -] ,., "'1 Ll 1 \ I, I' ) j'~ .- r ,~ I I' 1 I \ ) , ,~~---_. 0147 'Commissioner. A~leli.~:a.gaj,lfbrougb.t 'up the:sub.jee:& of""arese:rvolr to'~pe' pUi.ced,en tbe",:ecillege Avenue. 'praper,ty and .suggested, that they'give"considerabion to' a 20Q"OQO',gaIlGn~'it,~,e.:L"t~kjwbielil in his" opinion'waild be'mnch' beliter' tha:il concrete' aDd would also Be' 'less ' expensive; ':'A:t''b~:rmueh discussion,' it was sugg~~;teci ;1)1' the May6r tbatprices' be' obtained on: 125,000' gal1onconerete t~k, !~also eOInP~tat1ve 'iP~iQe on a steel,~:tank;. ,M~.Harr1s,w~$ given ~il)JiftpujJ:t~onsto:'.wq1"lr,out th~ ,plans and spec:if'i:cat;toi18c' :i1~e- ' es'~ar;j<:roreae.h of t~-$ete.nks and'secure three p,1d,s a.ndreport same, tQCouncila ta.' f'ut1ll"e meeting. " COmmissioner Allen made,s. motion to the, ,efte;c'~",:ti1at th~ Cit:y,r,e- pAlif and' shell Coronado Street in the 'Kent addition from Sewanee Street to Mercer, as requested by Mrs. H. B. Wil11amson~ pr.ovld- 1ng that she would deposit with the City Secretary a check cove%"- ' 1ligJ;he epst of' shel~ pl.~: ~O%~,$.nd. $25.QOfor ,expens.e o'i' the '. ' grader. ThifJ motionwa's duly. seconded ,p,yCommi,ssio:Q.~r8urber;e' , . Vot.ing Aye :aomm~ssionersAllen and,Su.:vbell', No.s: None .+. ~ . ' Mrs'. 'R. E. Turen:tine~ Presi~nt ,o:Cthe, f'arentTeaeher' s Aasoe'ia- t10n.,' advised the Mayor that she was confident she' could gat Unival's! ty Blvd" plved or topped .In frentof the schoo~ prt)p~i;y, between Edloeand AudenStreets~ providing the City of West Uriiv- ersJ.tywo\11d 'con.'tr:U.;)ut:e their part to this expense. ':' I.1:;,'was.:a~~" greed-by" eachmember"of "the Co-u:usl1that this wctlI.d -be' of6til' ~d- v~~ge~ ',~,o" 'CoIib;ipi1t~:,~(lhl~:':th1:,rd;of:,thl.$:'ani,()un't,";whi(e:h ,eGsji, 'w~s estima,;t$'d ',tQbe,,~p~o~iin;.t.,1::t .$2,>,.4Q(bOO./, ,Secr,etary waa"~1"Ve1'1 1n~$r:u.e~1on/.iJ"towr~1;e ~, let'~.Jl! ,to Mrs;:. Tur,eniiine>adv1sihig:tha''& tri~'S~~y"a~~~(k.~t,o. ,s,tan.d ~()ne 'thi~40t. 'the ~~t'or,~tbi:s ;pavi<I:l.g~; p~!>,~i~p.g i;~e: Gicty ~rSp~,tb. a~~e,w~d in$taJ.~!$:t'6mn:,seW&r:B ',s;tlff'i- cieJi,t',f;p,take~are< 'ofw:.,te~ coming from tb~1;r' :c,itYinto this" , s1;~eet.., ' 1 ;:" ;Or ,"" ~ < - Representative from.' the.Ala~:r1.can,La FranceF,ire>Hose Company"was preseti't at" the'reques't' or- the Council" to ' submit 'pri cas and terms for"tlfe purcha$eGf~Q'~ft. of tir~_ho~.',It was"dec1ded by. a,mo- tion 'imidifbt Commisslon:er'Allen t1l.at the City pur,chase500 ft'. of 400 Ib~;tes:1;.ea firehose'at$1~.05'per ft. with terms of25~"eash a.i:i.d t,eli'm<J)hths on the balance at 6,% interest and gave author 1 ty , t()"1VIa.iT.o~~~~d~S~c:p~t~ri':tjfexeetite"an order ,for the purehas'eot this 'hpse,which mo't1onwas dulyseeonded by Commissione-r Surber. / ' ' Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos. None I' ..~ , 1 I r 148 Commissioner Surber made a mot~on giving authority to Mayor to' ptirenasetwo cars of shell t,o be' unloaded, at theei;ty:barnJihieh is~ to 'be used forgeneralmalntenanee.: 'ThismotioE. _sdul,. seconded by CommissionarAllen. V0t~g Aye: Cemmissioners S'\irber and Allen. ~ Nos'f'None " Commissioner -Surber ma~e a motion authorizing the Secretany to ,,'make a cheek iaa favor or Geo. Robin'Son~, ,fireman, fop, $25,.00 :t:er extra service rendered in rep9;:tping t. pumps: on the f'ire truck,. ~e .motion was dul-y.. secona:edby OoftltnissionerAllen. ,<Vtrt1n:g Ave: fhDlmlasioners Surber and Allen. 'l ) , ,/ '. ~Nos : , None In ,the interestofbettw cooperation in the fire department 1:t\C:was"dec1.ded by amotionmadeb'1, CQmmiS'sioner Surber and'du- ~tseeonded'by COmmissioner Allen, ,that Mr. Harris be given ftUl authority to 's1.tperitise the' 'managmgoftheF1.r& ':Depapt- ' , melitin general~ giviiig' all' 6rdersto the paid firemen and jl'E:'Jtting out their duties etc. In case of' abs.ence o:rthe Fire Chief'and bis Assistant when the truck is making a call, Mr. ~,:Elwr;its' iSftoae't in their'. eapacity:,. " ';~(l):t~n;g Aye:' . Commissioners Surber and Allen N0$.:, None ~ " " ' Mi'~ ']1. ,J.. 'WOf'f'ard..,was,ciiscl1arged by the Mayor", ef'feet.ive' Oet- G0,~ffa~' pls't.", TIds;;a;etion':w~s-t$.lbln' f"'er - the'reasGntba.t Mr'.' ., Wi)t'tar~-'dia not' f',ollow ins:<'truoctitons' as issned"by the' C0UnCj;~ .. '-pr;evioliLsme'etmgs'.'Atter -...ry lengthy'diseU#J'sion, a mot:ton ',m~e':"\)y;G0m1tli~s1.o~€r $.b'e1!,',that Mr. Wof'f'ard. be'reemployed ", -' -~vji~~1,t,iihr:t~,!::~islri:e~,ea0ID.,,~rireman t:aa~: there-must l)e~';- more , armoiiy'ina"'-cooperatroii"'m~'this department or it wouJ.d' be iie_cessarytbat theon,e'respoIiSible be succeeded. This motion ,.;was ,duly seeonEled by CommissJ.oner::Allen. V otmgAye: ,Comtnissio:aers Surber anGl, Allen ~ 'it- Nos : ,None i 'I , , , , i \) U}!)onmet1on made by Commissioner Allen and dtily"seeonded by Cam- ~ :mms:siorY8>r Surbep" ,tlaeCotmcil ratified the ac'tion' of'tlieSecretary and Mayor iil the payment of' certain' accounts, bonds and interest c?upon,s.. represented by the fo,llow1ng:" . Vouchers I i t I I II~ Gene;ralFund Water Fund No. 4895 No. 4331 to to 5055 Inclusive 4384' It " " , i. 1 ) " , I ! I , ,j I I L I Ii . 14~ Vot:ing .Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos. None , . Eaeh member'o!' the Counci;Lwas presented.with fl pepy of R,- celjptlJ and Disbursements Statements .f'or the "months of' August ~d S~ptember and the Annual report covering period from September 1935 to August 31. 1936 and also given a copy of Operating'Budget covering period from September 1, 1936 to AUgust 31, 1937 ~ These reports were given them to be studied so that f'inal action can be taken' on tl1e Buq,get" and approval of the stat~ents at the next regu.l.a!~eetin$:. " There being no f'tlrther business to come bef'ore the Commission, upoiiinotlon 'tieing made and duly seconded, the meeting was de- clared adjourned. AP PR arED: ATTEST: ~~ J' .-J r _===r-,.-""__ - . - ==r- 150 , i Regular Council Meeting scheduled f'or November. 9th. was postponed until the next regular meeting dat~~ November ~6th. 1936. ." ~cretarY ~; 1- ~~-~'l I'''' .. ~,~ ~ dl!!~J$ ,.J ( I ,.,! ",: <I . .~i 1 , ", ( , ,i I I 1 ! j i ',.. J, 151 'I: 1 \ J , REGULA.R rmETInG MONDAY, NOVEMBER l6'th. 1936 COUNCIL CIiAMBER, OITY HALL WEST UNIVERSITYPLACE~, TEXAS. ) I I ; ) The Commi~si0n canven~d,on the foregqing date at 7:00 P.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and Commi.ssion ~sAllen and Surber and ~ity Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. J. D. Langham and H. R.Heuck advised the council that it was their intention to build several houses in Celonial Terrace in'the extreme Western section, pI'ov~ding the city would fur- nish an eig):lt inch sanitary sewer line and a six inch water main to supply lots rUIUling along"Wes't Point and Academy Streets, which would be approrlmately 1100 f'eet. Due to the cost of' these im- provementsthey were advised that the city was not in a financial , :pO~l:~:J.,_Q O~kLt t00..tc<B,1pl.ete t~;~e.l~ne~ at, ~i,S"""t,ime, but would extend s~~~e bloek23 in C.o,lop.~al,.Te~~ce,wh\ch would be approx- inia>tfely~260 feet, ~j'14 would. ex:l:ien~;thefJ~l~es. as soon as the city's :finances woUld permit and thec requirements necessary. The above action ~!:i~- taken by a motion m~e by Commissioner Surber and duly secondedb1': O~missioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen. Nos: None The Mayor presented a.. letter received from the Attorney General's off'iee;, adv:tsingth~~bad been inf0rmed that the City a:fWest Un-1v~P.st-t~>Fl~0e~~-6;,~ailed 'to provide suff'ic1:ent funds ,out of the tG:x cd 11ect:i€ftfB~ to pay inte-rest and principal on, bonds and that sa:td tax eolleetiGns had beeri',;used :for operating expense, and,AJ.;$0- adv:!~ed.'t~t the State. ,was the Owner of several of our bonds and:f ortp.at reasoI,l. demanded that the proper amount be de- posited in the 8~k1ng F~d as provided in our tax levies. Com- missioIlat' Surber made a moti,on that the Sinking Fund be brought up to date to the amoUJ!.t as agreed to in the agreement as signed at the time bonds we~6' refunded, which was May 1st. 1936~ and the necessary amount be transferred f'rom the Water Department. ~e Mayor was given, permission to SBwer the above letter and advise tba t deposits have been made bringing this account up to the re- , quired amount. . This, motion wasdu,ly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commifision ErS Surber and Allen.' Nos: None '" It 1s the con census of the Council that Mr. Bronk, Electrical h~1>ectm"', write a letter to Miss OSB. Piper, who resides itl the 3600 Bloek, Universi tyBlvd., giving fifteen days notice in which to have the wiring in the a.bove residence corrected to meet the requirements or our Electrieal Ordinance, or instruc- tions would be given to the Houston Lighting & Power Company --~ -- .~-~---_._-~~--- .. 1 :J52 to discontinue,serviee at "this location. Commissiener Allen made-aP1G'biengiving instructions to Secretary to have Mr.. Harr:ts'diseontinuesewer Ser- vieeto those Who have allowea their' aceQl;lnttobe- eanadelinquent,whiehmotio:n ws's,dttly"se,eond.ed by Com- missioneP'Surber. ,(I ! I .1 I' i _._f ,.f':~ VotmgAye: Commiss ioners Allen and Surber. No&: None There being no :fUrther biJ,siness toe O11e bef'ore the , Commi:ss!on;, upenmotionbein.g made and. dj.ly seeona.ed, ,the meeting was declarecl' adjourned. APPR OVEn: MP/r-tYi - ~~-~~~ ~~ · O' ./10:NllR .... I I l j "', I I I I I i,< .'., -..]'" · \4 ~) I . I ~ I -1 r'..'-...,' --~'~~~"'1 i f"-- '1'53 II 1 I l I I !, /.. REGU~~~TI.NG~ , . MONDAY:': 'NO:vEMBER'23r~ :1.936, ,'..' ,.'e , ' '" " .. .. ' ,..".-. . ' .. ..'", COUNCl:14 CHAMBER..'" CJ;,fi HA'LJ" " ',,- ,." .. - WEBre UNJ:YJmSI,TY 'fLACE,i T~~ The CGmmission eQny~~q. on the fo;r.E:lgo~g date at 7:QO P.M. with iYIayoi> ~ieiit:, pr~'~lQ#~s.p.a :P;Q~i~~ipp.e:rs ,.4\llen a,nd ,SUrber and City Secretary"Jarrard in ~ti1~p,~nc:6. :p-.'. ,", < .-;::".- ',.-" ? R,egarding, the.. ,~ll~lJ..ing ,of' (J;o.pni.ty pr~xe~d Po~ st~e~t~by ~." J~;~.;'L~gt~' ~~H;. ~~,'J;;~!1ck;~I1 C(j~t~~eCot1~t; Add1t~;~n, tli~'-aYQf ~d~~!JjI: t~,t'heJ!~~',in"conyer~a't:l_Oll.,with Mr.. Houck ,'s8n;ie ~ :ti~ ,,~;g~>,:;~:"~aY~si:rligvt~'jr t'~le, ,~ity' '~'P:~~~ ,ilQt,~ip.t,~in a;p.Y " stl"e'~t:JlpJ.:e'8,~;"it ii~s,t'~rs:~"shelle~b~,'tll~',6wn~~, ~:o 'th~Wid~, or, 12:f~"'.~: and not"'1;'es-s"'fhan 6 i:n.of'sq,1.1., ,Ij; W~s' not done in th~" sfle1.1ing' of" a' dert~".p: P9r~"erl;:: bf;"~()~' $'t~eet. , 'Sec,re-, taIiy ,ltas: hist~et'e4) '& 0: '1'l~ ita l~tte;r :J~9J!{r '~.: :r;,9.Ilgh~', ari,tl,;s ~nd. eop., to "Mfi~'H.o~~lF~Q:visrng of :the:t~ faflure ~tC coriiplywi th these ins:bructlons andtbat the streets Would ,ba,ve to:be re- shelled bf;f'ore 'the city ~U1d "Oe'iliider" 6bllgflt:(oil'to > maintain such streets.' , The 'Mayor w:a;;' J~,"ven a~hori~y"by ~qtioJ;l> ~g.E!) by Commis,s1oner" kl~_&B'andd~yse~c>f1d~~ by Ck.nIll+s.s,:t9'~~r~ut1)~t~tQ ,~ke, ~:tna'l .' "s:prangemen'&afWitlt-the'Mayor of. ':'Be~+a~re; t9' l;iav-e:Qur.pol~eem~n, ]iatr,dl:th~1Tstreets'.'f'our<:h'ours eacnda:f tor ,thetotal'sunl,' " ~~~ '~t>O.:00"'~~:'~9n:~." . " ,', ", ' Voting Aye: Cemm1ssioners "A1:leri and BUrbet> Nos: None The Secretary was giveninstruetions by Council to increase the ~ire insu.r8:~ce :QIl ~he CityHall:f~m $3~~OQ,.,OQ t,~_,$5".PO~.O() and, 'decreas(:vtii~TQln1a'do . or WinQ. In:s~~~ tl' fnom. $.3,,'150. 00: to $~j'()Oo.,oe. '. :,:' , .' , ,', ,c, '.' " , .. ... There being no ,further bus~ness to POnl,~ befoJ'e" the, COnunissio+J.c, i.lpeD. motion being made ahddulyseeondea~' the meeting' wB.sde'';' , clared adjourned. APPR OVED: , " I,' I ~ . ,>- >- "<'''''' '<~' , .. -~~ -, "'T I 1 1-54 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NCTVEMBER30th. 1936, GOUNOlL CHAMBER' CITY HALL WEST UNIVERSFY P~CE, TEXAS The Oonnnission convened o1'}.the, f'qr:>egoing date at '1.:00 'P.M. with' A~ayor. Hyett pr esiding and COl11missioners Allen and Su.rber and City Secretary Jarrar~ in attendance. ~ ~""a . mhecouncil ~g~in discussed the e~te~si.?n of' water, tina.. se~er<lines in;Colonial Terrace ~d,f'ina1'ly deci:aed that due, to the financial condi tion< of ,the ci ~ ~t cannot extend theseline'~ at this time beyond block 23, Colc)n~al Terrace, but will. be willing to con _ stroot and sUPervise at the developers expense. The city will a- 'gree to reimburse him as the'ariiounts are collecte~ frQm the pro- perty owner/?;. Oorinnissioner Surber made a mot:ion approving the a- bove proposit~en wbiehwas duly seconded by Comrnissic::>ner Allen. Voting .lye: Canmissioflers Surber and Allen Nos: None , j ! Comrnissioner,Allen made a motion to the ef'f'eet that the city lay a two inch water 'main at ~he city's expense :fr9D1 University Blvd. down.. West Point Street to serve property t€l and in,elllding Block 23, Colonial Terrace, Which is' esth1ated at ,ap.:prorlmatel:v.520 f't. to be la:id at a depth not less than 18 :inches. This motion was duly seconded by Canlllissioner Surber. Voting .4ye: Ganmissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Oommiss1.bne.r AI_ made a motion that tbecity seaurebitis f'€>r appro ximately '520 ft. of 12 inch =;lewei' line to be lai'd donIl, Wept Ppint Street to serve Block 23, Colonial Terrace. This line was esti- mated by Eng1Iieer Calhoun to cost approximately $700.00. Commis- sioner Surber seconded the above motion. Voting Aye: COll1missioners Allen and Surber Nos: None ( Mr. Allen 10anEld the city an engineers level borrowed from the Southern Pacif'ic Railroad, advising that it would be satisf'actory for the city to use until owner was in need of' same. It was es- timated that approximately $15.00 in repairs was necessary before this could be used. Commissioner Surber made a motion authorizing I I ! ' I T ~ -,~ -~l'-~, r ~~ , ,-'" , r-- -~---. "lD~ I., , ! .,. [ i ; < Mr. Harris to spend approxtma tely this amount on said repairs, which motion'w8:s drily seconded'by'Commis:sioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: None Lett~.r receiv~d frenl. B. P. Panas, Contractor, ,en a job at 3.008 University Blvd. complaining, regarding the plumbing"inspe~tion on this job. Af'ter investiga,tion we found that plumb:ing work ,had not been complet'~dand Secretary was therefore instructed to wr.ite Mr. Panas advising tha.t as soon as this had oeen com- pleted by-his plumbePj .we -would 'be ver'y glad to have an in - spection made, but until this if:! done, the City has no responsi- bility waatso ~ver,inthis connection. ' The ,j,'o1:1oWing letter was reeeived f'rom Mrs. R. E. Turrentine,' Jr., Pre,siaent of 'the West University ~Place F. T. A.;' regarding~e p:l.:ving,'of"University Blvd. in front'o'f' the's'ehool from"Edloe to AudenStreet. : ' UTo the Mayov &. Council of West University Place: I I" Gen tl emen : o i I am. q;L ot+ngbelow exerpt o'f' letter I received f'rom' the City of'Bouthside Place. "Umf~' the peculiar cir~umsta:nces in 'this ma tter, I, have ad- ,_vU~dil ~ _"~Q_ci ~that:cge.Jfera]{ reVienu~eS ,'.oiL thee G'fty oannot "be u$~" , '", ,:t'o~Pli1~E;8'.,;tl$it;s4:t\eet. At :the:'S~Q 'time".~thein~berS 'e~~'~~<lj;;:Ji inCtl:ViauaI':Ly . arEf :des1~r(iu's 'Gf fu.v:in;g "th$'s~~~s:treet tocp~. ;aniltheiy,fna..e'!-s%ll..'lred::t4ha i;<the'Y' will ;head.'a'><$ullser~pt1on 'list eto.ra:'iSie"a,',su.1'fleient'amOtuito.1' 'maney.in South 814-e' P,lace to' pay o.n...of'o~th., of' tlh~" eo-st 'of .toppingthe"s tree"t/ 'provid:'ed that :a :si1:tf.'lcient ;amoutit;; of mon.ey'is ra~ised' from other 'so~ees to take care' of the balane,eof :the cost, aIid~ f"tIPtherprov3;'ded: that eith~r the West University Place P.T.A. or the llouston In- dependent School, Di.strict have 'c0ll1-plete charge of' letting' the contracts for the improvements and disburs'ements of all 'funds in connection therewith. The members 0.1' the ,couneilindivi - dually Will guarantee that a sufficient, amount of money will be rai sed in South Side P,lace to Ji)ay the above proportion of' the eos t of' such impr ovements." ' I i . ! ' ) I have shown all cOrrespo~Cl~~e to Mr. E. L. Mills, Business M~ager of the Houston Schools, and he has guaranteed that theS~hoolBqard will ;Pay half of the cost, but that the City of South Side and the City of West University will have to present proo f tba t the money is in the ba.nk~ He also s ug- gested that since this is a peculiar situation that He let Judge R. H. Spencer, CountyCOnnhissioner, let the contract and. handle the paving or topping of' the stree:t. ; -. ~---~.~_.~~~ ~-=--J- -;-\~- " I r '1'56 If you are willing to give me a letter to the School Bo~.d. giving sufficient proof the money is on d.ep0s:i.,1:;-~p.d +fyou are willing f'er Judge, Spenc er to handle the mat ter please let me hear from you. If you would prefer we could have a committee composed of members f'rom SwthSide, West Universi1;;y and the West Uni ver si ty p. T. A. to work out the aetails. ' 1 ~1 t. ( i , J ...' ' We are very anxious to do something about this as the matter 'has be~ 1?-anging fire .for soxp.e time. Please let me hear f'r 0IIl you.. ',Yours very truly ~ {Si'gned:Mrs. R. ,E. Turrentine, J:r. West !lniversity' Place p. T. A. ,II ~e Se~retarl w~s ;nstr~cted to,~eply to this letter adviSing that ,the city of Wef!t t!niv:er~ity woulc:i'Qear their partQf' tlle expense orth~,s Job prov~di:ng that" it be 4a:q.dled under their supervision aridf':inal inspection'made, by Mr. J. M. Nagle, Cii;.yof' -Houston Engi- neer. This will be done in compliance with request made by Mr. Mills of' the Houstan Independent, School District. Commis,sioner Allen made a motion authorizing the above" which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. V()ting 4ye: Commissioners Allen a:p.d Surber Nos: None Mr.J. C. Calhoun, Engineer, ad".is,ed that theci ty w~\s badly in neep. :o.:f ,a det~j,.l map~llowingthe J2res~mt locatiQn Qt sewer lines talid~).so proP9sed extension,S to s~rveparts of' the,ci,ty that are wj,.~hout ~tllV,erage, an9. when new e~ten.~ion~are ma,de: theyw'il;L h:~ye:, ~p.~ J)I>9per grades to con~QnnJVi,th, the present~ines'. For t;ll~'s~rvi.cehf)asked the suP1~f $300.00 oompensatio;n. It was d~crd.ed that due to thef'inancial conditions at this time they Vi~~~lpe~tpcme :this to a f'Ut1ilX8 date. ' ' ~erebeing no. further business to come before the Commis.sion, uPQnlllotiori being~de am duly seconded~ th e meeting was de- eJ.aredadjo.:urned. ' ,c APPR OVEn : ATT;EST -, ~. <, MAYOR, ' , r ~~ ~~.~ CO MMISSr01mR ;J i' - I" - 1 I r 157 Regular Council Meeting scheduled f'or Monday, December 7th. was postponed until the next regular meeting date. '(-1 .< ~ "j 1- ': i i . ~ 1 ) . ,/ ." .. .. aflii~ YOR ~ ! j , I l '--- - -, '-C"l=-' r . - --.,--~ _LJ 15~ REGULAR MEETING" MONDA.Y,. ,DECEVIBER l4'th., 1937 COUNCIL CHAMBER ,CITY' HALL WES~ UNIV:BRSITY PLACE, TEXAS , 1 J ,~... The Commission convened on the f'oregoing date at 7:00 P,.M. with Mayor Hyett presiding and CGmmissioners Allen and Surber and G~ty Secretary Jarrard in attendance. .A letter rece:Lved from Mr.. Lewis Wood, Attorne:y, advising that the City was indebted to him iIi'the amount of"~6.00 f'or the handling of three tax suits several months ago. Commissioner Surber made a motion authoria1ngSecretary to issue a cheek for this amount, Which motion was duly seconded by Comm.,-ssioner Allen. " Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: NOlle Mr. J. A. 00x,.3l23 Sunset Blvd. wrote a letter to the Council' advising of excessive water bills f'or the :past two months and 'in as much as the Council felt that his 'complaint 'wasjus'!;if'ied, , they authorized the Secretar~r to make an investigation and allow wha.t he deemed neces'sary and' also make, an adjustment to the 'minimum amount on the account of' J. B. Hills ~ 3304 Nott1.ng- hB.nl.. . This authorization was given through a motion.,made by OommissionerAllen and duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voting Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None I I r J I I I l A letter from Mr. J. A. Davlin advising of' his inability to meet the payments on his sewer bill' at this time, was re.f'erred to " the Council and' Secretary was' given inst.ructions' to accept a' , " note,-payable monthly; in amounts satisf'actory to Mr. Davlin, a.m ' the City. ' " U. R. Bronk, Electrical Inspector, was advised' by' the Council that it would be satisfactory to make the electrical in ... stallation at the residence ~fMiss Osa Piper in the 3600 Block Unive.rsi ty Blvd., which will s'ervice beauty parlor equipment and will eliminate f'ire hazard at this address. TheSeoretary was given instructions to :Ussue a prmi t f'or this installation.. There being no f'urther business to come bef'ore the Commission upon motion beiilg maae and duly seconded, the meeting was de.' olared adjourned. ::::~M1~ r 'I' '.',':"-".\:', ' : i; ~. i.l' f ~J:~ AP-PRO VED:. .., ~.;. ~-""-'. - , .'<' ~~ C:M. . .,' .. ~ .. , , T~- r~' - -]' r ~~ ". I I 159 Due to h9l~<1ay~aand.,nQ b~~iJ!).e.s'Sto transact, the regular meetingseneduledfor Monday, December 2lst.wa.s~postpone to the nextregu- lar meeting date. 'f" i-/'!"- L....______~_______~--:!_-L--~~___ I r r- ~~~T n '~~---~--~~r---- ~4t · '}II ua., ,,', 160 i I I ~ REGUL~ MEETING MONDAY, ~ DEC.EMBER, as,th.,1936 .' C UUNCIL CHAMBER;' qITY, ;BALL . WEST UNIVERSITy PLACE, 'TEJ4lS ' The Oommission convened on the f'oregoing date at 7:00 P.M. wi th Mayor Hyett presiding and Commissioners Allen and Surber and City Secretary Jarrard in attendance. Mr. E. E. 'Kerr, representing Mr. A. O. Hargis, owner of 101; S of' Block 38, Wes't University Place First' Ad(ti:t:io:n, advising the Cauncil that there were several years back taxes on this proprty and asked that an adjustment be made. After discussion it was decided tbat'all prior years ''be Pit1donthe ,basis of' 1935 whieh1;s ':$l2(}a;.:eo 'vBl u.a'tion~' plus 'penalty and interest. A motion authoriz ing this reduction was made by Commissioner Allen. 'In as much as' CeminissionerSui"ber was late at this meeting, this motion was duly seconded by MaJOrH",-tt. VQting Aye - Commiss ioner3 Allen and MayorJIyett Nos: None Dr. Henry C. Haden was present in regard to an adjustment in thev2luation on fifty one lots "in 'Bissonet Place on which' there have been no taxes Iaiq.since 1931 and advised tha,;t he hadtbe money in the bank to pay' the tilxes up to date, prQ- viding the city wculd 'make' a satisf'actory redUction. The, Mayor U ata ted that' in view of the court decision on the ta:xl suit on various lots in College Court Addition rendered) in favor of the Home Mortgage' cOmpany, 'he waild reccommend too t the taxes be paid on the 'valuation ()f~ $15,000.00 on the f'if'ty on,e lots, wai viiig 'all penalty arid 'interest. 'Secretary~ was given instrUctions to ac'ceptthe'amount of $1,'125~OO for ,total amount due and give clearrecelpts f'or :Y6ars 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936, by a motion made by Commissioner Surber and duly seconded by Commissioner Allen. Voting Aye: Commissioners Surber and Allen Nos: None F. N. Mainous advised the Council that there had been a West University Place Oivic Club ,organized and stated there wou1:1 be a meeting held in the auditorium of" the school on Monday, January 4th. and extena:ed a special inn tation to the officials to attem' this nie'etirig' and becom'e a' member, ' a ls'o statIng this wa:s a nOI1-politic~l organizat'ion' and was organized for the purpose of cooperating with the, city of,ficials and bring to their atten tionfrom time to t me, improvements which would be of'benef'it to the city. " '-i , , (-1 .' t , 1 .~ ]" " f, t I '- I>, \ ! " \ ' , , '" \ " \ J 1'61 "P-<- ... y Commissione.r Allen made -a motion Euxthoriz;i.ng the Secretary Tax. 'Oo~llector to' e*:tendtheda.t~ f9f:';,p,~Ynr~ntof:.t93o_tax.es . trOJnpe~etnber 31" 1'936 to Janu.ari~4';;"193?;<~ 'wfi!'ch: .taxes " ' can' be paid to this date withoutpe.naltyqr inter.est,. This ,.. motion- was duly seconded by, qommissioner" Surber. " / ' ~ 4 TO ~- ~.,.. , ' . '. . , . , VotmgAye:Commis'sioners Alleh and ,Surb~r Nos::, N()ne.:, ' Mr. John C. Calhoun, Engineer, advised that there were approxi- mat~ly),.pO f':t,- ~~;n ,tf~ line sewer,op Univ;ersi,;ty :Blvd. be.., , :lJtNeep: Varip.~:~J)~:i,lk 'an~ R~tgers.; two 'man h;QJ;es,ip. thi.s, line, . and also a lateral line on Duke St. between Vanderbilt and J3uf':ea~o ~ipe~vtf.lYQlc~:tij w(~f3.:,badlY,in: ~eed 'of, r~pair qn 'whic:n jobs' :woWlq f.equi.r.ea~Qxi:~ata~y ,troJI,l l2 ,QOOto, l4r~QOO ft..~-of lumber. The :Mayor advised tba t due to the condition of' these,lJ.nes-he, reccommendsthat the city purchase this lumber aild make necessary repairs. Corirrnissioner Allen made a motion approving the repairs and authorized the Mayor'to place an order f'or the necessary lumber ~hieh motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Surber. Voti!lB,Aye: Commissioners Allen and Surber Nos: None Th~.Co\tD;cil rat~f'ied the.action of the Secretary and Mayor in pay:- in~'paynrE)nt 'of tue f'ollow~ng warrants: ' General Fund No ~ 5055 to 5202 Inclusive \!~"Vr. _,F~~~ ,,;~Q 1t~384 to, 45141nclusive There being no further business to come before the Commission"r, upon motion being made and duly seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned. ':103. (.', '> APPROVED; ~JJ>>- , N~ilLf~ ~bNER . t,~.~~ COMMISSIONiJIi ' - ~ , ~